VS: Szekler Hungarian Rovas (or: Old Hungarian Runes)

From: Erkki I. Kolehmainen (eik@iki.fi)
Date: Sat Nov 01 2008 - 12:42:06 CST

  • Next message: Michael Everson: "Re: VS: Szekler Hungarian Rovas (or: Old Hungarian Runes)"

    The tone of this discussion has turned to be increasingly non-constructive.

    In the last SC2/WG2 meeting in Hong Kong on 2008-10-13/17, we hoped to be
    able to have a meaningful discussion at the next WG2 meeting to be held in
    April 2009 in Dublin. In light of the recent exchange of messages, this
    seems highly unlikely, thouigh. Consequently, I'd propose that a cooling-off
    period be imposed till at least the Tokushima meeting in October 2009. This
    should convince the feuding parties that they'd better find a way to work
    together towards a reasonable solution. The WG2 and UTC meetings are not the
    right battle fields for this.


    Erkki I. Kolehmainen
    Tilkankatu 12 A 3, FI-00300 Helsinki, Finland
    Puh. (09) 4368 2643, 0400 825 943; Tel. +358 9 4368 2643, +358 400 825 943

    -----Alkuperinen viesti-----
    Lhettj: unicode-bounce@unicode.org [mailto:unicode-bounce@unicode.org]
    Puolesta Jo dm
    Lhetetty: 1. marraskuuta 2008 19:19
    Vastaanottaja: Andr Szabolcs Szelp
    Kopio: Unicode Mailing List
    Aihe: Re: Szekler Hungarian Rovas (or: Old Hungarian Runes)

    > They have neither deep knowledge about rovs, nor about Unicode or
    > encoding. I'm sure that not one read the 106 pages document of HG.

    Which is, to be added, monolingual, nevertheless one of his main arguments
    against us was that Old Hungarian must be discussed in Hungarian.

    Did they read our (bilingual) proposal? Do they know the alternative? I
    would doubt that Hossz Gbor had show them. And I can only hope that he
    hadn't "tell" them what it contains, considering his regular practice of, at
    least, liberally interpret and present its contents to wide audiences

    However, you can bet on that most, probably no one of them had ever heard of
    the UCS before, most of them neither use Old Hungarian. Encoding is not a
    business which belongs to fobb, incompetent congresses.

    Interestingly, neither of us were invited, to participate in these events,
    having the chance to defend our standpoint, explain our proposal. How


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