Re: Emoji and Search Engines

From: André Szabolcs Szelp (
Date: Mon Jan 05 2009 - 18:52:27 CST

  • Next message: David Starner: "Re: Emoji and Search Engines"

    2009/1/6 Kenneth Whistler <>:
    > The "proper solution" envisioned here would *obsolete* the need to
    > resort to character-based, non-extensible hacks for transmitting
    > pictographic symbols in the way the wireless carriers in Japan now
    > are doing -- but it would not solve the *present problem* of
    > dealing with the de facto existing characters *as* characters,
    > which is what we are up against here.

    So are Ewellic, Verdurian, Røzhxh etc., etc. characters existing *as*
    characters. And any future ad-hoc code-point assignment to any
    possible ad-hoc entities, be them signs, letters, characters, sound
    files, whatever.

    I have understood the argument of the UTC why they want these emoji in
    Unicode ("they are currently handled by operators as characters in a
    particular encoding scheme"), but I have not heard answers how they
    wish to proceed in future if someone wants to have arbitrary
    characters accepted based on the same argument/precedent. ("something
    handled in some context as characters in a particular encoding

    I would be grateful if UTC could sketch an anticipated procedure.


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