Re: Emoji and Search Engines

From: Asmus Freytag (
Date: Mon Jan 05 2009 - 19:22:11 CST

  • Next message: John W Kennedy: "Re: Emoji: emoticons vs. literacy"

    On 1/5/2009 4:52 PM, André Szabolcs Szelp wrote:
    > I have understood the argument of the UTC why they want these emoji in
    > Unicode ("they are currently handled by operators as characters in a
    > particular encoding scheme"), but I have not heard answers how they
    > wish to proceed in future if someone wants to have arbitrary
    > characters accepted based on the same argument/precedent. ("something
    > handled in some context as characters in a particular encoding
    > scheme")
    > I would be grateful if UTC could sketch an anticipated procedure.
    This kind of thing is properly a case-by-case decision that weighs the
    nature of the characters, their usage, and their impact on existing
    Unicode-based implementations. Trying to anticipate all possible
    situations, or worse, setting hard and fast rules is not helpful. If
    rule-based character encoding were possible, we would not have character
    encoding committees but a rule-book and a registrar.


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