Re: Emoji: emoticons vs. literacy

Date: Sun Jan 11 2009 - 07:01:00 CST

  • Next message: Trond Trosterud: "Cost of transition to UTF-8 for central census authorities"

    Quoting "Michael Everson" <>:

    > On 10 Jan 2009, at 21:40, wrote:
    >> Quoting "Peter Constable" <>:
    >>> From:
    >>> [] On Behalf Of
    >>>> I am certain it would be almost impossible to find a person who was
    >>>> from a country not included in the 10 "flags/localisation symbols" who
    >>>> would agree the 10 are sufficient.
    >>> Well, I have not gone to see which countries are included in the
    >>> ten and found that my country (Canada) is not included, nor are
    >>> two other countries in which I have at some time resided (Thailand
    >>> and Mexico). Nonetheless, I see no need to encode additional flags
    >>> in the UCS.
    >>> So, your certainly is clearly not well founded.
    >> Now I know of one exception.
    >> Accepted my words were not the most accurate they could be.
    > John, I bet you CAD 10 that I can find a Canadian NOT employed by a
    > major computer company who would not have the same view that Peter
    > has.

    I'm afraid I must decline, I never back a losing horse.


    BTW my point was that if the 10 flags are encoded then most people
    will wish to have there own flag encoded.

    > Michael Everson *

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