From: Andrew West (
Date: Fri Jan 16 2009 - 04:57:18 CST
2009/1/16 Christopher Fynn <>:
>>> According to the information I have (extracting from UAX31 and UTF39
>>> plus some heuristics on Unicode subheaders), the following are
>>> archaic/obsolete characters (that is, not in customary modern use).
There is a big difference between "archaic" and "obsolete". Archaic
scripts and characters may be in common and widespread usage within
certain user communities (e.g. many of the characters listed are in
customary modern use by medievalists), whereas obsolete characters are
characters which are no longer normally used by any user community
because they have been deprecated or replaced (e.g. the Zhuang tone
letters, although only dating back to the 1950s, are obsolete because
a new orthography has superceded the original orthography).
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