From: John Hudson (
Date: Fri Jan 16 2009 - 12:37:44 CST
Mark Davis wrote:
> For example, if I picked up the Greek equivalent of the NY Times, or the
> Economist, (and so on) would I find a Ϙ or Ϡ in it, for example? Or
> would such usage be exceedingly rare, similar to the incidence of uses
> of archaic English characters for Anglo-Saxon words in such
> publications, like "Se Romanisc Senatus giefþ tō Gaius Octavius þone
> tītule Augustus."
>> <>| ( ϟ )
This character, the numeric koppa, is regularly used in legal documents
in Greece.
-- Tiro Typeworks Gulf Islands, BC The Lord entered her to become a servant. The Word entered her to keep silence in her womb. The thunder entered her to be quiet. -- St Ephrem the Syrian
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