Re: Braille, CJK and unicode

From: Samuel Thibault (
Date: Mon Feb 02 2009 - 18:03:21 CST

  • Next message: John H. Jenkins: "Re: Braille, CJK and unicode"

    John H. Jenkins, le Mon 02 Feb 2009 16:41:11 -0700, a écrit :
    > So in practice, if you are dealing with any kind of transcription of
    > Chinese into non-ideographic form, you'll be dealing with multiple-
    > character chunks, which will almost always supply enough context for
    > the user to tell what characters are meant. And if for some reason
    > you *do* need to clarify what ideograph a single character is,

    Well, if the user asked for the feature, I guess that's because he does
    have the need :)

    > the simplest way would be to simply use a common two-character word or
    > phrase containing it.



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