From: André Szabolcs Szelp (
Date: Thu Jun 18 2009 - 13:22:10 CDT
"There's also the issue that some foreign terms may not have a single
settled form of usage for an extended period"
That seems to be exactly the case in the debated issue.
Actually, a representative survey among IT pros (i.e. the actual user
community of the word; Unicode *is* a terminus technicus) could bring
clarification for that, but the supposed benefit of this endavour is
by no means in relation with the ressources needed to conduct it. It
could be of interest for a small university project, maybe students
could do this as an assignment or thesis. Though I've got the
impression, that they tend to prefer small, non-representative samples
2009/6/18 Asmus Freytag <>:
> On 6/18/2009 10:32 AM, Hans Aberg wrote:
>>> ..., each language has its own style of dealing with loan words, and each
>>> loan word follows its own trajectory in that process. Arguing about supposed
>>> inconsistencies isn't going to help, what matters is how the locals go about
>>> using that term.
>> I think those that discuss the translation should try to agree on
>> something, rather trying to figure out what the "correct" form is -
>> otherwise, the translator decides.
>> Otherwise, "Unicode" could be anything in any other language.
> Right, it could. The choice needs to be based on what is right for the
> language. There's also the issue that some foreign terms may not have a
> single settled form of usage for an extended period, which makes any choice
> somewhat arbitrary.
> A./
-- Szelp, André Szabolcs +43 (650) 79 22 400
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