Re: [OT] New character request

From: philip chastney (
Date: Thu Dec 10 2009 - 13:42:13 CST

  • Next message: Shawn Steele: "RE: Quick! Someone write up the proposal!"

    I used to see that a lot in Luxembourg, on all forms of signage

    and it makes sense when you see how they form a hand-written lower case 'n'

    the pen starts at the top of the lefthand stem, comes down to the baseline, then moves more or less diagonally up and right, before coming down the righthand stem  --  very much like the mirror image of a smallcap sans serif N

    it's a curious thing but, if you take an uppercase N from almost any serif font, and flip it, the "flow" of the character feels wrong  --  the serifs need moving, and that knee could perhaps do with a little rounding, but that's just my opinion

    maybe not a candidate for inclusion in Unicode, but any well appointed font ought to include it as an alternative version


    --- On Fri, 11/12/09, Christopher Key <> wrote:

    From: Christopher Key <>
    Subject: [OT] New character request
    Date: Friday, 11 December, 2009, 1:53 AM

    Is [1] sufficient example of usage of a character to merit its inclusion
    in Unicode?



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