Re: Latin-script keyboard layout (was RE: Quick Question About Korean Input Methods)

From: Robert Abel (
Date: Thu Jan 07 2010 - 16:24:24 CST

  • Next message: Robert Abel: "Re: Latin-script keyboard layout (was RE: Quick Question About Korean Input Methods)"

    2010/01/07 19:35, verdy_p:
    > My notebook (a new one as well as all the past ones I have used) could
    > not fit any symbol on the front of keys.
    > Doing that would make the keyboard too thick, and with the current development of notebooks to reduce their weight,
    > there's simply no space available to put anything on the front of keys, all labels must fit on top of keys, meaning
    > that there cannot be a third row of labels, unless the labels have a ridiculously small and hardly readable size.
    > Do you really describe a notebook?

    Now what's the argument about? How to fit the little labels on the key
    can hardly be of any concern for keyboard layout creators, after all
    these are supposed to work with many different keyboards (concerning
    number of keys and size of keys anyway).
    On a side note, I have seen notebook keyboards that used the side space
    of keys to fit function key (fn) labels on there, so it certainly is

    > May be yours was sold 10 years ago when they were much heavier& thicker. All the notebooks I can see today use very
    > thin keys and can't fit any label on the front of keys (unless you reduce the surface of the top to make the front
    > visible, making it rectangular instead of square (but this will not increase the surface for fitting labels, and it
    > will be more difficult to type on smaller keys which will also be less rigid and more fragile).

    Actually, I do own a quite recent notebook/laptop (from 2008) that even
    features a standard width numeric block. And as widescreen laptops
    become more and more common you do have vertical space for that. So it's
    not like keytops would get too crowded with two groups of two levels. I
    also have seen at least one notebook that did not have numeric block
    labels at all. It used different-colored keys to mark the respective
    keytops, so that would always be an option for keyboard vendors if there
    ever was no space left on a key for numeric blocks overlapping the
    regular keyboard.

    I wonder whether it should be of any concern to keyboard layout creators
    how big or small keys can get. Right now two groups á two levels works
    just fiine in my opinion.
    On my Japanese keyboard all number keys have four labels printend on
    them. One row for kana keyboard layout, the other for regular Roman
    keyboard layout. I don't find that crowded at all. However, having one
    layout have more than two labels might be somewhat confusing, but alas
    it's not needed for Japanese, because you can type most foreign stuff in
    an IME anyway.



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