Re: CJK Ideograph Fragments

From: John H. Jenkins (
Date: Fri May 14 2010 - 11:59:25 CDT

  • Next message: Andrew West: "Re: CJK Ideograph Fragments"

    You mean like the CJK strokes? Yes. *However* the UTC will want to see evidence of actual use (e.g., in an implementation of the PUA).

    The IRG does not have IDSs for characters already encoded. They tend to use existing projects provided by other people, such as Kawabata-san's at

    在 May 14, 2010 10:54 AM 時, Uriah Eisenstein 寫到:

    > Thanks again. I wonder if there is any precedent of adding character parts or fragments into Unicode which weren't defined in an existing standard... As for IDSs, I supposed the IRG may have IDSs for characters already encoded (in order to quick-check whether new proposed characters could be identical to existing ones), but I haven't found such when searching through their site either.
    > Regards,
    > Uriah
    > 2010/5/10 John H. Jenkins <>
    > 在 May 10, 2010 6:32 AM 時, Uriah Eisenstein 寫到:
    > > Thank you for the detailed answer, Mr. Freytag, I will consider then submitting at least an initial proposal (will probably take a few weeks). I'll try to contact participants in some projects which make use of character decompositions; although, I need to think if such character fragments would be useful in themselves for exchange of information, rather than functioning as convenient building components for other characters.
    > > Is there anywhere I could find the justifications for adding the CJK Radical Supplement characters, or were these incorporated into Unicode as part of previously-existing standards?
    > The original motivation was round-trip compatibility with CNS 11643-1992, which includes all but two of the KangXi radicals. The additional two were added to round out the set, and the CJK Radicals were then added largely to facilitate using these characters to print radical-stroke indices.
    > > Also, are the IDSs used internally by the IRG available anywhere public? I know these are not an official part of the Unicode standard, but they would make a nice use case :)
    > >
    > Well, first of all, the IRG has only recently started using IDSs. None were required for submissions prior to what is now Extension E, and so none are available anywhere for anything earlier.
    > The original submissions for the various extensions are IRG documents and are likely available on the IRG's Web site,, although none of them popped up when I did a cursory search just now.
    > =====
    > John H. Jenkins

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