Re: CSUR Tonal

From: Kenneth Whistler (
Date: Tue Aug 17 2010 - 14:09:41 CDT

  • Next message: Doug Ewell: "RE: Deprecated characters in Unicode 5.1 vs Unicode 5.2"

    > could you please simply give your opinion/decision on this matter
    > so people can begin using Tonal numbers in documents without risking a change
    > to the standardized PUA usage?

    I have no opinion about the details of your proposed CSUR
    registration, but in a Unicode context it would be best
    not to be talking about "standardized" PUA usage.

    Specified, o.k.

    Agreed upon, o.k.

    But in a Unicode context, the single salient aspect of PUA
    usage is that it is *not* standardized, but is instead open
    to user agreement for non-standard usage.


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