From: Doug Ewell (
Date: Tue Aug 17 2010 - 15:01:24 CDT
Kenneth Whistler <kenw at sybase dot com> wrote:
> The UTC discussion essentially concluded that "Deprecated" had
> been used too imprecisely, and should be limited to only those
> characters which had serious *architectural* problems for their
> use -- not merely characters that amounted to duplicates or
> ones that various people felt should be discouraged from use for
> one reason or another.
So that means the ability to embed Plane 14 tag characters in text to
identify language was deemed a "serious architectural problem"?
Now MLSF — the UTF-8 hack that Plane 14 characters were invented to
forestall — would have been a serious architectural problem in my
-- Doug Ewell | Thornton, Colorado, USA | RFC 5645, 4645, UTN #14 | ietf-languages @ is dot gd slash 2kf0s
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