From: James Cloos (
Date: Tue Oct 26 2010 - 15:40:53 CDT
>>>>> "DE" == Doug Ewell <> writes:
DE> There are so many different versions and configurations of Windows, and
DE> so many available fonts and applications, that it's practically
DE> meaningless to say that any character does or does not display
DE> adequately "on Windows." I suspect the same is true for Mac and Linux.
It very much is.
I checked a few fonts. W/in families such as DejaVu, Liberation or
Droid and using pango for rendering, some of the faces get the NFD
version correct but most fail with the NFC version (it seems the OTF
attachment point for ė is the same as for e in most of the faces;
that causes the macron and dot to overlap).
I was able to test some CFF fonts; The NFC and NFD versions of all of
the Adobe fonts I was able to test have different dots for ė vs ė and
therefore for ė̄ and ė̄.
The version of Arial Unicode I was able to test has the same bug as
most of the libre fonts in that the macron and dot overlap when
rendering the NFC sequence.
Even fonts which generate readable renderings for both NFC and NFD put
the macron at different height about the baseline for each.
NFD in general is still very much hit or miss.
-- James Cloos <> OpenPGP: 1024D/ED7DAEA6
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