
From: samuel gilman (samuelgilman@gmail.com)
Date: Thu Jan 06 2011 - 17:09:17 CST

  • Next message: Magnus Bodin: "Re: Unihan"

    Hope there are some people still on this list!

    I'm trying to separate out the traditional and simplified Chinese characters
    within the Unihan database.
    In the *Unihan_Variants.txt* it seems to show when the characters vary but
    it's unclear to me.

    U+3469 kTraditionalVariant U+5138
    U+346E kSimplifiedVariant U+2B748
    U+346F kSimplifiedVariant U+3454
    U+346F kTraditionalVariant U+3454
    U+3473 kSimplifiedVariant U+3447
    U+3473 kTraditionalVariant U+3447

    I took this straight out of *Unihan_Varients.txt.*
    Can someone explain what this means?

    *All I need from this is to figure out which variant traditional and which
    form is simplified.*


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