From: Magnus Bodin (
Date: Thu Jan 06 2011 - 17:26:19 CST
2011/1/7 samuel gilman <>:
> Hope there are some people still on this list!
> I'm trying to separate out the traditional and simplified Chinese characters
> within the Unihan database.
> In the Unihan_Variants.txt it seems to show when the characters vary but
> it's unclear to me.
> U+3469 kTraditionalVariant U+5138
> U+346E kSimplifiedVariant U+2B748
> U+346F kSimplifiedVariant U+3454
> U+346F kTraditionalVariant U+3454
> U+3473 kSimplifiedVariant U+3447
> U+3473 kTraditionalVariant U+3447
> I took this straight out of Unihan_Varients.txt.
> Can someone explain what this means?
> All I need from this is to figure out which variant traditional and which
> form is simplified.
I'll quote an answer I got to a similar question from August 2008:
"Please see the description for field kSimplifiedVariant in [1]:
Note that a character can be *both* a traditional Chinese character in its
own right *and* the simplified variant for other characters (e.g., U+53F0).
In such case, the character is listed as its own simplified variant and one
of its own traditional variants. This distinguishes this from the case where
the character is not the simplified form for any character (e.g., U+4E95).
-- magnus
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