Re: NOW: Unicode Font Testing WAS: ayar font and several burmese font issues.

From: Philippe Verdy (
Date: Thu Mar 24 2011 - 12:30:51 CST

  • Next message: Doug Ewell: "RE: NOW: Unicode Font Testing WAS: ayar font and several burmese font issues."

    2011/3/24 Ed <>:
    > Web font technology via the CSS @font-face rules now enjoys broad
    > support among browsers.  Using CSS @font-face and well-considered
    > Javascript on the front end --along with tools such as those described
    > above on a server backend-- would make it now possible to create a
    > very comprehensive font testing service as a web application that
    > would be quite useful to designers and users alike. However funding
    > and support from the Unicode Consortium or from one or more commercial
    > members of the Unicode Consortium or other interested vendors might be
    > required to make such a service a reality.

    support of CSS @font-face is not needed here, at least not to see if a
    tested font complies to the expected ordering and supports the
    necessary syllclusters

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