On 19 Aug 2011, at 17:35, Mark Davis ☕ wrote:
> All of the property assignments to PUA characters (except the GC) are purely informative. The property assignments that are there are simply based on the likelyhood of property assignment, and can be freely overridden by implementations.
How? Please take the following into consideration:
On 19 Aug 2011, at 16:38, Mark E. Shoulson wrote:
> It's pretty disingenuous to say "Well, if you want a private-use RTL script, you should be prepared to write an engine that can render it," ignoring the fact that LTR people can get by with just a font. Why should it be so much harder to write RTL?
Michael Everson * http://www.evertype.com/
Received on Fri Aug 19 2011 - 11:46:06 CDT
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