Unicode is not architected for code pages. As John said, if you want to use
code pages—reusing the same bytes for different purposes—then ISO 2022 would
probably be your tool of choice.
Within Unicode, you are free to use PUA codes for whatever purpose you want.
If you get enough people together who want to assign code pages in PUA
space, go for it. You might also look at
*— Il meglio è l’inimico del bene —*
2011/8/19 srivas sinnathurai <sisrivas_at_blueyonder.co.uk>
> We are keeping the Unicode as it is and asking it to support code
> pages within say 25% of the allocations. That is entirely different to
> making all Unicode as code page switchable.
> We will have plenty of time inour hand to avoid any disasters, as we are
> not touching the primary purpose while adding unlimited!!! support.
> Sinnathurai
> On 19 August 2011 16:25, John H. Jenkins <jenkins_at_apple.com> wrote:
>> I think you want ISO 2022.
>> In any event, this will never happen in Unicode, because this is the exact
>> opposite of what Unicode is all about, unless I misunderstand you.
>> Unicode's goal is for every code unit to have a fixed interpretation. So
>> far as many people involved in the original design of Unicode, code pages
>> were a disaster.
>> srivas sinnathurai 於 2011年8月19日 上午7:14 寫道:
>> PUA is not structured and not officially programmable to accommodate
>> numerous code pages.
>> Take the ISO 8859-1, 2, 3, and so on .....
>> These are now allocating the same code points to many languages and for
>> other purposes.
>> Similarly, a structured and official allocations to any many requirements
>> can be done using the same codes, say 16,000 of them.
>> Sinnathurai
>> On 19 August 2011 13:53, Doug Ewell <doug_at_ewellic.org> wrote:
>>> In what way is this not what the PUA is all about?
>>> --
>>> Doug Ewell | Thornton, Colorado, USA | RFC 5645, 4645, UTN #14
>>> www.ewellic.org | www.facebook.com/doug.ewell | @DougEwell
>>> *From:* srivas sinnathurai <sisrivas_at_blueyonder.co.uk>
>>> *Sent:* Friday, August 19, 2011 5:13
>>> *To:* Michael Everson <everson_at_evertype.com>
>>> *Cc:* unicode Unicode Discussion <unicode_at_unicode.org> ; unicore UnicoRe
>>> Discussion <unicore_at_unicode.org>
>>> *Subject:* Re: Endangered Alphabets
>>> This is about time we allocate a significant space withi the Unicode
>>> code space to work in the old fashion code page provisioning mode.
>>> I'm not calling for any change to existing major aloocations. However,
>>> this is about time we allocate (not PUA) large number of codes to a code
>>> page based sub codes so that not only all 7000+ languages can Freely use it
>>> without INTERFERENCE from Unicode and have the freedom to carry out research
>>> works, like we were doing with the legacy 8bit codes.
>>> All those in favour of creating code pages, please say yes, and others
>>> please say why not.
>>> Kind Regards
>>> Sinnathurai Srivas
>>> On 19 August 2011 10:55, Michael Everson <everson_at_evertype.com> wrote:
>>>> I'd like to invite everyone to support this worthwhile project:
>>>> http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1496420787/the-endangered-alphabets-project/
>>>> Michael Everson * http://www.evertype.com/
>> =====
>> 井作恆
>> John H. Jenkins
>> jenkins_at_apple.com
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