Re: [indic] Re: Lack of Complex script rendering support on Android

From: <>
Date: Mon, 07 Nov 2011 03:34:39 -0500

Hi! Unicode List

Code2000 supports most BMP code points of Unicode 5.2. It is open sourced
from September:



On Mon, 7 Nov 2011 13:45:47 +0600, Christopher Fynn
<> wrote:
> Hard to keep track of these things - but shouldn't affect the fact
> that one can safely implement OpenType rendering without a "licence"
> from Adobe or Microsoft.
> On 7 November 2011 13:21, Philippe Verdy <> wrote:
>> 2011/11/7 Christopher Fynn <>:
>>> I'm sure people like RedHat, Debian, and Sun/Oracle (who use it in
>>> OpenOffice) - have satisfied themselves that the open type rendering
>>> they use is unencumbered.
>> Actually now, this (OpenOffice) should no longer be Sun/Oracle but
>> Apache. Oracle has donated OpenOffice to Apache that accepted it.
>> Since the ecqusiation of Sun by Oracle, some OpenOffice developers
>> were unhappy with Oracle and splitted the project in LibreOffice; not
>> sure that both projects will merge again now that OpenOffice goes to
>> Apache, but Apache has stated that both projects could live now (there
>> are some differences in the GUI, but many developers are already
>> trying to make modules that works on both projects). For now
>> OpenOffice is still branced by Oracle in the current distribution,
>> this may change in the next major relase showing the Apache branch,
>> once all IPR issues are solved between Oracle and Apache.
Received on Mon Nov 07 2011 - 09:21:25 CST

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