April 3rd, missed by a few days ☺
My assumption is the page uses JS to get the dates? Since my user locale happened to be set to Klingon, that’s what it displayed. But it was not the first place I expected to see Klingon
From: verdyp_at_gmail.com [mailto:verdyp_at_gmail.com] On Behalf Of Philippe Verdy
Sent: Tuesday, April 3, 2012 9:40 AM
To: Shawn Steele
Cc: unicode_at_unicode.org
Subject: Re: Klingon on Unicode site?
When was that published on the Unicode website ? On April 1st ?
Le 3 avril 2012 18:03, Shawn Steele <Shawn.Steele_at_microsoft.com<mailto:Shawn.Steele_at_microsoft.com>> a écrit :
I was amused to see Klingon on the http://www.unicode.org/versions/Unicode6.1.0/ page ;-)
Yes, I realize it’s primarily me and maybe a few other geeks, but I still smiled.
- Shawn
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