Unicode Mail List Archive by subject
- [unicode] Unihan database
- A new character to encode from the Onion? :)
- Cantilation Fathatan, dammatan and kasratan
- Cantilation marks in Quranic Arabic
- ece
- Encoding of Numbers Composed of Decimal Digits (General Category of Nd)
- Encoding Standard (mostly complete)
- Hangul: Middle Korean
- Joining Arabic Letters
- Kaktovik Inupiaq numerals
- Key Curry : Attempting to make it easy to type world languages and orthographies on the web
- Key Curry : Correction about MSKLC
- Klingon on Unicode site?
- Multiple encoding used with Unihan database
- Origins of w
- Origins of ẘ
- right-to-left reading direction
- Support for non-BMP characters
- SV: Klingon on Unicode site?
- Three character canonical decompositions in version 2 releases
- U+2018 is not RIGHT HIGH 6
- Unicode CLDR Survey Tool now open for data submissions
- Unicode Version 6.1 - Complete Text of Core Specification Published
- Unicode, SMS and year 2012
- Unicode, SMS and year 2012 - SQU, not UQU
- Unihan database
- vertical writing mode of modern Yi?
- vertical writing mode of modern Yi?)
- Writing Babylonian Numbers in Unicode
- Last message date: Mon Apr 30 2012 - 21:53:28 CDT
- Archived on: Mon Apr 30 2012 - 21:53:38 CDT