On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 21:09, Ken Whistler <kenw_at_sybase.com> wrote:
> I would suggest that the folks working on Ada 2012 (presumably a new
> edition of ISO/IEC 8652:1995) get themselves an
> updated copy of 10646, and specifically ISO/IEC 10646:2011:
> I know it takes awhile for implementations to catch up with standards, but it
> would be a shame if a 2012 revision of the Ada *standard* ends up referring
> to a 9-year old and outdated version of 10646 to get its definitions of
> UTF-8 and UTF-16.
The Ada 2012 effort, and the AIs mentioned in the ARM, predate
10646:2011. At this point everything's already settled, I think.
Received on Wed Apr 25 2012 - 17:42:32 CDT
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