On Sun, 29 Apr 2012, Asmus Freytag wrote:
> So, one of the most useful things that could come of the current
> discussion, would be a thorough documentation of the glyph variations
> needed to support both English and German for the same quotation mark
> characters.
Actually, the case is quite simple.
A problem exists *only* with these four typefaces:
Courier (New), Comic Sans MS, Tahoma, Verdana
All, *All*, *ALL* other typefaces agree that
-- U+2018 is a rotated apostrophe U+2019
-- U+201B is a mirrored apostrophe U+2019
Only the above four typefaces have wrong glyphs at position U+2018,
namely glyphs that actually belong into U+201B.
Note that Trebuchet MS had the same problem in Windows 2000.
However Trebuchet MS was fixed in Windows XP.
Received on Mon Apr 30 2012 - 10:05:30 CDT
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