On Sat, Jun 02, 2012 at 11:22:12AM +0200, Philippe Verdy wrote:
> 2012/6/2 William_J_G Overington <wjgo_10009_at_btinternet.com>:
> > An interesting spin-off could be that the introduction of such an encoding could lead to the introduction of chromatic font technology by industry.
> I've been waiting for long for fonts embedding colorful glyphs (that
> also contain enough information for rendering the embedded colors with
> monochromatic patterns, also encoded in the font as a property of its
> internal colormap).
> Such thing is still not in OpenType, but it DOES exist in other font
> technologies (e.g. in SVG fonts, even though this is still an
> unfinished standard that does not meet the technical quality observed
> in OpentType, but that DOES use a much simpler and coherent design
> than the many incoherent tricks and deprecated items found in the
> OpenType family, including for such basic things such as metrics data
> which are a nightmare to make compatible).
Received on Sat Jun 02 2012 - 10:41:38 CDT
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