Re: [OT] Flag coding (was: Re: Tags and future new technologies [...])

From: Philippe Verdy <>
Date: Sat, 2 Jun 2012 19:28:25 +0200

2012/6/2 Asmus Freytag <>:
> While those things might be nice, the fact that this whole infrastructure
> doesn't exist is the clearest indication that none of these are anywhere
> close to being ready for encoding as characters, let alone being considered
> in an encoding *standard*.
> They continue to be solutions in search of a problem.

That's your opinion, most solutions already exist, for a problem that
does not need to be "searched"... How could there be some existing
solutions (though not interoperable), if there was no such problem?

In that case I can retuen the argument about the existing language
tags that were encoded without any need for including them, as they
were designed clearly at the wrong level.

The main problem to solve here is the interoperabiity of the various
solutions adopted (and where this nightmare should find an end,
preserving the intended semantics)

So I really won't support your argument, which I find in fact abusive
and irrespectful.
Received on Sat Jun 02 2012 - 12:32:52 CDT

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