On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 10:54 PM, David Starner <prosfilaes_at_gmail.com> wrote:
> http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:BAE-Siouan_Alphabet.png . It
> has caused some whimpering among those trying to transcribe the text.
> (It's not Dorsey's fault; apparently he used a unique handwriting
> alphabet to transcribe the language, but the editors and printers
> choose this transcription.)
Are you sure it's not the opposite? Dorsey had a typewriter that
didn't have his turned letters, so he used crossed lines below to
indicate what letters should be turned when printed.
The first report of the Bureau of American Ethnology has an article
suggesting using turned characters. Dorsey used turned s, t, k, p, m,
c as well as their capitals, and also a turned c-cedilla.
According to Wiesinger's article about the history of the Teuthonista
transcription in Zeitschrift für Mundartenforschung (1964),
Kräuter's transcription also used turned s-cedilla (or what looks
like it).
-- Denis Moyogo Jacquerye
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