Re: Latin chi and stretched x

From: David Starner <>
Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2012 12:41:34 -0700

On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 11:39 AM, Denis Jacquerye <> wrote:
> Are you sure it's not the opposite? Dorsey had a typewriter that
> didn't have his turned letters, so he used crossed lines below to
> indicate what letters should be turned when printed.

I don't have a source to refer to, but two things make me find my
memory more likely here. One, this work was done in 1881 and there
were no field-portable typewriters then; IIRC, typewriters as a whole
were rare and he probably sent in his work handwritten. leads me to
think that Dorsey may never have used a typewriter. Secondly,
linguists are always more ambitious about scripts then printers; a
linguist could certainly come up with a better script then this, and I
find it much more likely it was pounded into shape by the printers.

Kie ekzistas vivo, ekzistas espero.
Received on Fri Jun 08 2012 - 14:42:57 CDT

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