Re: Rendering Raised FULL STOP between Digits

From: Stephan Stiller <>
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2013 06:30:48 -0700

> However, for fully correct math layout, to require "math mode" (i.e.
> global markup selecting math layout) is an appropriate restriction and
> some minor infidelities in pure "plain text" rendering of math are
> therefore tolerable.
I don't think the mere existence of a raised dot used as a decimal point
should really force us to regard the context as "math mode", to use TeX
lingo. Decimal fraction notation is everywhere. In any case, I'm
wondering whether half-M or half-x height is the prescriptive default
(fwiw) or whether there is free variation or underspecification.

Received on Sun Mar 10 2013 - 08:32:34 CDT

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