RE: Rendering Raised FULL STOP between Digits

From: Michel Suignard <>
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2013 17:56:57 +0000

> I think it would be useful to actually write down an overview of the recommended
> implementation approach for handling ALL the different uses for middle dot and to
> make sure that what is recommended is not only theoretically possible, but
> acceptable and accepted(!) as best practice by implementers, users, and font
> designers alike.
> If such a document were to successfully cover all (widely-)known cases, it would
> make fine material for adding to the character description. If there are holes
> (things that can't be done - see the question) then it would form a basis on which
> UTC could make some decisions on how to improve the standard.

Needless to say, the project editor for 10646 who has been pushing the can down the road for EVER concerning the proposed 'A78F LATIN LETTER MIDDLE DOT' would appreciate such production. As RichardW has shown before it is just an additional use case along many other middle dots scenario. It does not seem wise to finalize decision concerning the encoding of another middle dot unless clarification is brought concerning the de facto unification of middle dot, ano telia, and the British decimal point. If some dis-unification is considered all these aspects should be taken into account.

Received on Wed Mar 27 2013 - 13:03:22 CDT

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