On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 05:51:09PM -0700, Leo Broukhis wrote:
> Hi All,
> Attached is a part of page 36 of Henry Alford's *The Queen's English: a
> manual of idiom and usage (1888)* [
> http://archive.org/details/queensenglishman00alfo]
> Is the way to indicate alternative s/z spellings used there plain text
> (arguably, if it can be done with a typewriter, it is plain text)
I see a typeset book not an output of a typewriter.
> or rich text (ignoring the font size of letters s and z)?
> If it's the latter, what's the markup to achieve it?
Using TeX:
\def\s{${}^{\rm s}_{\rm z}$}
49. How are we to decide between {\it s} and {\it z} in such words as
anathemati\s{}e, cauteri\s{}e, criti\-ci\s{}e, deodori\s{}e, dogmati\s{}e,
fraterni\s{}e, and the rest? Many of these are derived from Greek
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