Re: Adding RAINBOW FLAG to Unicode

From: Doug Ewell <>
Date: Thu, 02 Jul 2015 11:59:52 -0700

Leo Broukhis <leob at mailcom dot com> wrote:

> With extensible self-delimited regional indicator sequences the
> carriers will be able to come to an agreement and to petition Unicode
> to register them as named character sequences symbolizing flags not
> encoded by an ISO entity, like various rainbow flags, making sure that
> the format of such sequences is guaranteed not to clash with any
> existing ISO 3166 format.

There are already plenty of ways for companies and groups and
individuals to request new emoji. This way would have the disadvantage
of conflating non-regional flags with a coding system for regions, which
doesn't seem like a good idea.

> Also, ISO 3166-2 can have 2 or 3 letters

or 1, or digits or a combination

> after the dash; it makes sense to have the letters after the dash
> self-delimited, if/when REGIONAL INDICATOR DASH is added to
> facilitate encoding of ISO 3166-2 codes.

I don't understand the significance of this part.

Doug Ewell | | Thornton, CO 🇺🇸
Received on Thu Jul 02 2015 - 14:01:03 CDT

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