Processed Feedback on PRI #389

This page contains feedback on this PRI which has already been reviewed and processed, and for which some definite disposition has been made. For other accumulated feedback which has been received, but for which disposition may still be pending, see Accumulated Feedback.

Date/Time: Sun Oct 21 04:36:39 CDT 2018
Name: Liisa Chi
Report Type: Error Report
Opt Subject: heading error in the Ethiopic Extended

(Note: this was also sent to the editors already.)

Currently U+2DA0..U+2DDE are listed under the heading “Syllables for
Sebatbeit,” both in the code chart (U2D80.pdf) and in NamesList.txt.

However U+2DA0..U+2DBF are not for Sebatbeit, but for Bench.

This is clearly written in the original proposal n1846.  Also in the
Appendix B/E of n2747, one may see that these glyphs were used in Bench, and
not in Sebatbeit.

Date/Time: Fri Nov 9 13:36:48 CST 2018
Name: Eduardo Marín Silva
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: Feedback on Unicode 12 beta charts
Disposition: 2018/12/05 - Remanded to the editors for appropriate disposition in NamesList.txt for the 12.0 release.

SHOCKED FACE WITH EXPLODING HEAD: Add the informative alias "mind-blown".
Sinological letters: Simplify the header above AB66 to just say "Phonetic notation letters used for Sinology and Tibetology"
Svasti signs: Add this to the header above 0FD5 "The use of these symbols is not limited to a particular script".
Old italic: Add a header for the whole block stating "This block is used to represent several ancient alphabets used to write various languages of the Italic branch (including Etruscan) that predate the invention of modern Latin".
OCTAGONAL SIGN: Place another informative note saying "Unlike 2BC3 this character is meant to have a red color with a white border".
IDEOGRAPHIC FULL STOP: Add a reference for FF0E (FULLWIDTH FULL STOP) to this character.
COMBINING BINDU BELOW: Add an informative note stating "Also used in the Tamil script"
TAMIL SIGN KUZHI: Add the metric equivalent for 11 feet (3.35 meters) to the informative note.
TAMIL FRACTION ONE TWENTIETH: Add a reference for character 0BAA (TAMIL LETTER PA) and disambiguate when each character is supposed to be used.
Cuneiform: Add a header for the whole block stating "This block along with "Early Dynastic Cuneiform" and  is meant to be used for representing Summero-Akkadian cuneiform, as opposed to other scripts like Old Persian and Ugaritic that are written with Cuneiform like glyphs but are in fact distinct". 
NKO: Add a header for the whole block stating "The name for this script is written "N'Ko" however Unicode character names cannot include an apostrophe".

Date/Time: Tue Nov 13 10:42:15 CST 2018
Name: Otto Stolz
Report Type: Other Question, Problem, or Feedback
Opt Subject:
Disposition: 2018/12/05 - Remanded to the editors, who decided not to make this change for 12.0.

In the Character list, after »26CE ⛎ OPHIUCHUS«, please add the cross-reference: »→ 2114 ℔ L B BAR SYMBOL«.

Date/Time: Mon Nov 19 06:37:15 CST 2018
Name: Eiso Chan
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: U+2DE17 issue in Draft Unicode, 12.0.0
Disposition: 2018/12/05 - Remanded to the editors, who have already corrected in glyph in the fonts for the 12.0 release.

Jaemin Chung pointed out U+2DE17 is the duplicate with U+247EC in IRGN2237. 
Henry Chan provided his feedback. 
ROK submitted their response and requested to modify the glyph. 

IRG discussed this issue in IRG #50 in Beijing and had accepted to modify this glyph, 
but there was no record in the editorial report. 

I request UTC to discuss if it's necessary to modify the glyph. If yes, ROK should do 
that before releasing Unicode, 12.0.0; if not, I request to add this pair to Annex P. 

Date/Time: Sun Dec 2 08:52:38 CST 2018
Name: Marc Lodewijck
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: (PRI #389) Comment on spelling of 11FD8 character name
Disposition: 2018/12/05 - Remanded to the editors, who do not recommend this change. However, see also L2/18-336, submitted by the author for consideration by the UTC.

The Unicode Technical Committee may have to consider adding an alias for the name 
of U+11FD8; the following name shows up:


The Tamil word for 11FD8 is uḻakku/uzhakku, and thus the name for U+11FD8 should read: 

    TAMIL SIGN UZHAKKU      (no extra A)

The spelling of the following two character names should not be changed:



(A documented report will be sent by email. )

Date/Time: Sun Jan 6 07:25:33 CST 2019
Name: Andrew West
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: Error in Unicode 12 Beta XML
Disposition: 2019/01/08 - Missing entries have been added to TangutSources.txt.

the entries for 187F2..187F7 are put in a single range element, and are 
missing the kRSTUnicode and kTGT_MergedSrc attributes. 187F2..187F7 should 
be listed separately with kRSTUnicode and kTGT_MergedSrc attributes as is 
the case for all other Tangut ideographs.