L2 Doc № |
WG2 Doc № |
Other Doc № |
Title |
Source |
Date |
L2/03-450 |
IRG N999 |
China's Old Hanzi Encoding Proposal [关于中国古汉字进入国际标准字符集的提案] |
China |
2003-11-16 |
L2/03-452 |
N2684 |
IRG N1014 |
Draft Agreement on Old Hanzi Encoding |
Li Guoying, Tom BISHOP |
2003-11-19 |
L2/04-204 |
N2782R |
IRG N1055 |
Resolution from the Old Hanzi Interest Group |
Old Hanzi Interest Group |
2004-05-26 |
《說文解字 ‧ 電子版》 [Shuō Wén Jiě Zì — Diànzǐ Bǎn], Digital Recension of the Eastern Hàn Chinese Grammaticon |
Richard Cook |
2009-12 [2003-05] |
L2/14-242 |
N4634 |
Proposal to encode Small Seal Script in UCS [small sample] |
TCA and China |
2014-09-30 |
L2/15-281 |
N4688 |
Proposal to encode Small Seal Script in UCS [full proposal - 89MB] |
TCA and China |
2015-10-20 |
L2/16-092 |
N4716 |
Proposal to Apply source-Based Variation Selector in Shuowen Small Seal Encoding |
SUZUKI Toshiya |
2016-04-28 |
N4755 |
TCA Feedback on N4716 |
2016-09-22 |
N4761 |
Feedback on WG2 N4755 |
suzuki tohiya |
2016-09-26 |
L2/17-250 |
N4834 |
Shuowen Seal Encoding Design Issues |
suzuki toshiya, Richard Cook |
2017-06-18 |
N4835 |
SC2 N4535 |
Logistic Information and Draft Agenda for ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2/WG 2 Small Seal Script Ad Hoc Meeting [in Taipei] |
2017-07-05 |
L2/17-317 |
N4852 |
Shuowen Seal Encoding Design Issues++ |
Richard Cook |
2017-08-24 |
N4844 |
Comments on encoding Shuowen Small Seal |
Selena Wei, Eiso Chan |
2017-08-25 |
N4843 |
Response to WG2n4834 |
TCA and China |
2017-08-26 |
L2/17-318 |
N4853 |
Shuowen Seal Ad Hoc Meeting Resolutions |
Cook (曲理查), Suzuki (鈴⽊俊哉), Wang (王曉明), Wei (魏林梅), et al. |
2017-09-01 |
N4855 |
Comments on Encoding of Small Seal Script Characters |
The Chinese Character Database Program (China) |
2017-09-08 |
L2/17-371 |
N4909 |
Seal Script Naming Considerations |
Richard Cook, Rick McGowan, Ken Whistler |
2017-10-05 |
N4973 |
Comments on encoding Shuowen Small Seal |
TCA and China |
2018-06-12 |
N4992 |
Comments on WG2 N4973 |
suzuki toshiya |
2018-06-17 |
N4996 |
Response to WG2 N4992 |
Selena Wei |
2018-06-20 |
N5034 |
Report of Discussion on Small Seal Script during WG2 #67 |
suzuki toshiya |
2018-12-17 |
N5089 |
Shuowen Seal Informal Meeting Report |
Wang Ning (王寧), Wang Liun (王立軍), Hsueh-Jen, HSU (許學仁), Selena Wei (魏林梅), Toshiya
SUZUKI (鈴木俊哉), Chen Zhuang (陳壯), Wang Xiaoming (王曉明), Hu Jiajia (胡佳佳) |
2019-06-01 |
L2/19-228 charts |
N5105 charts |
Proposal to encode Small Seal Script in UCS |
TCA and China |
2019-06-20 |
L2/19-245 |
N5108 |
report of Seal Script discussion in WG2 #68 |
suzuki toshiya |
2019-06-19 |
L2/19-246 |
N5109 |
Logistical Information, Small seal script ad hoc meeting, 30th September th[r]ough 1st October 2019 Taipei, Taiwan |
2019-06 |
N5117 |
Shuowen Seal Encoding Report |
2019-09-27 |
N5118 |
About the future extension of Shuowen Seal |
Selena Wei, Yenling Tseng |
2019-09-27 |
N5119 |
2019 Shuowen Seal Ad Hoc Meeting Report |
Shuowen Seal Ad Hoc |
2019-10-01 |
N5123 |
Comments on several criteria to distinguish Shuowen Seal Glyphs (Feedback to WG2 N5118) |
suzuki toshiya |
2019-12-01 |
N5133 |
The pairs in N5105 glyphs versus CCZ glyphs to be discussed |
suzuki toshiya |
2020-04-01 |
N5133d |
Data for N5133 (zip file) |
suzuki toshiya |
2020-04-01 |
N5143 |
Feedback to WG2 N5133, and request to extend the review period |
suzuki toshiya |
2020-10-01 |
L2/22-139 |
N5187 |
TCA and China Feedback on WG2 N5133 |
Shuowen Seal Experts from China and TCA |
2022-06-20 |
L2/22-140 |
N5188 |
About the future extension of other versions of Shuowen Seal |
2022-06-17 |
L2/22-141 |
N5189 |
THX Seal glyph Correction Principles |
Selena |
2022-06-17 |
L2/22-142 |
N5190 |
THX correction glyph summary table |
TCA and China |
2022-02-20 |
L2/22-143 |
(Excel) |
THX Shuowen Properties Table 藤本《說文》小篆字表 [14.5 MB pdf; separate Excel format provided] |
TCA and China |
2022-06-20 |
L2/22-128 |
Recommendations to UTC #172 July 2022 on Script Proposals [See Section 15 "Seal"] |
Deborah Anderson, Ken Whistler, Roozbeh Pournader,
Peter Constable |
2022-07-20 |
L2/22-279 |
UCS Seal Script Source Mapping Data |
Richard Cook |
2022-11-08 |
N5209 |
Considerations concerning the Small Seal encoding initiative |
Michel Suignard |
2023-03-07 |
N5211 |
14-Column Seal Script Glyph Comparison Chart - Documentation |
Suzuki Toshiya, Richard Cook |
2023-04-03 |
N5211d |
14-Column Seal Script Glyph Comparison Chart [420 MB] [Archival document dated 2017] |
Suzuki Toshiya |
2017-12-06 |
N5219 |
Comment to WG2 N5187, N5189, and N5190 |
suzuki toshiya |
2023-06-03 |
N5230 |
Feedback to N5209 [Includes printed copy of Annex2] |
2023-06-16 |
N5230A |
Annex 2- Updated Corresponding Modern Characters [Separate Excel mapping table provided] |
2023-06-16 |
N5231 |
Feedback to N5219 |
TCA and China |
2023-06-16 |
N5232 |
Preliminary Draft of Mapping Table for Shuowen Seal: from CCZ to N5191 |
suzuki toshiya |
2023-06-16 |
N5232d |
Data for N5232 [zip file containing CCZ2THX_2023050616-1130.xlxs and THX2CCZ-20230616-1130_tbd+dup-3up.pdf] |
suzuki toshiya |
2023-06-16 |
L2/23-166 |
Glyph Image Chart to Review L2/22-279 Mapping [79 MB] |
Suzuki Toshiya |
2023-07-08 |
N5272 |
Response to WG2 N5232 |
2024-06-06 |
N5273 |
Response to WG2 N5209 |
TCA and China |
2024-06-06 |
N5293 |
TTF Font for 49 entries from K and D version |
TCA and China |
2024-12-06 |
L2/25-049R |
N5294R3 |
Considerations concerning the Small Seal encoding initiative |
Michel Suignard |
2025-01-26 |