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Locale Data Summary for Welsh [cy]


Root [root] > Welsh [cy]

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1Core DataAlphabetic InformationCharacters in UseMain Letters[a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z] [aáàâä b c {ch} d {dd} eéèêë f {ff} g {ng} h iíìîï j l {ll} m n oóòôö p {ph} r {rh} s t {th} uúùûü wẃẁŵẅ yýỳŷÿ]
2Core DataAlphabetic InformationCharacters in UseOthers: auxiliary[áàăâåäãā æ ç éèĕêëē íìĭîïī ñ óòŏôöøō œ úùŭûüū ÿ] [ăåãā æ ç ĕē ĭī k ñ ŏøō œ q ŭū v x z]
3Core DataAlphabetic InformationCharacters in UseOthers: index[A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z] [A B C {CH} D {DD} E F {FF} G {NG} H I J K L {LL} M N O P {PH} Q R {RH} S T {TH} U V W X Y Z]
4Core DataAlphabetic InformationCharacters in UseOthers: numbers= [\- ‑ , . % ‰ + 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
5Core DataAlphabetic InformationCharacters in UseOthers: punctuation= [\- ‐‑ – — , ; \: ! ? . … '‘’ "“” ( ) \[ \] § @ * / \& # † ‡ ′ ″]
6Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsedate-lenient(-)= [\- ‑ . /]
7Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsedate-lenient(:)= [\::﹕︓ ∶]
8Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsegeneral-lenient(.)= [..․﹒ 。。︒]
9Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsegeneral-lenient(’)= [''’ ՚ ᾽᾿ ʼ]
10Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsegeneral-lenient(%)= [%%﹪ ٪]
11Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsegeneral-lenient(‰)= [‰ ؉]
12Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsegeneral-lenient($)= [\$$﹩]
13Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsegeneral-lenient(£)= [££ ₤]
14Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsegeneral-lenient(¥)= [¥¥]
15Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsegeneral-lenient(₩)= [₩₩]
16Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsegeneral-lenient(₹)= [₹ {Rp} {Rs}₨]
17Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsenumber-lenient(-)= [\--﹣ ‐‑ ‒ – −⁻₋ ➖]
18Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsenumber-lenient(,)= [,,﹐︐ ⹁ ، ٫ 、﹑、︑]
19Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsenumber-lenient(+)= [++﬩﹢⁺₊ ➕]
20Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsenumber-stricter(,)= [,,﹐︐ ⹁ ٫]
21Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsenumber-stricter(.)= [..․﹒ 。]
22Core DataAlphabetic InformationEllipsisfinal= {0}…
23Core DataAlphabetic InformationEllipsisinitial= …{0}
24Core DataAlphabetic InformationEllipsismedial= {0}…{1}
25Core DataAlphabetic InformationEllipsisword-final= {0} …
26Core DataAlphabetic InformationEllipsisword-initial= … {0}
27Core DataAlphabetic InformationEllipsisword-medial= {0} … {1}
28Core DataAlphabetic InformationQuotation MarksEnd=
29Core DataAlphabetic InformationQuotation MarksStart=
30Core DataAlphabetic InformationQuotation Marksembedded-End=
31Core DataAlphabetic InformationQuotation Marksembedded-Start=
32Core DataAlphabetic InformationSymbolsMore Information= ?
33Core DataAlphabetic InformationYes and Noposix-nono:n na:n
34Core DataAlphabetic InformationYes and Noposix-yesyes:y ie:i
35Core DataNumbering SystemsNumbering Systemdefault= latn
36Core DataNumbering SystemsNumbering Systemnative= latn
37Locale Display NamesLocale Name PatternsLocale FormattinglocalePattern= {0} ({1})
38Locale Display NamesLocale Name PatternsLocale FormattinglocaleSeparator= {0}, {1}
39Locale Display NamesLocale Name PatternsLocale FormattinglocaleKeyTypePattern= {0}: {1}
40Locale Display NamesLocale Name PatternsLocale Field FallbackslanguageLanguage: {0} Iaith: {0}
41Locale Display NamesLocale Name PatternsLocale Field FallbacksscriptScript: {0} Sgript: {0}
42Locale Display NamesLocale Name PatternsLocale Field FallbacksterritoryRegion: {0} Rhanbarth: {0}
43Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAbkhazian ► abAbkhazian Abchaseg
44Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAcehnese ► aceAcehnese Acehneg
45Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAcoli ► ach= Acoli
46Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAdangme ► adaAdangme Adangmeg
47Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAdyghe ► adyAdyghe Circaseg Gorllewinol
48Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAfar ► aaAfar Affareg
49Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAfrihili ► afhAfrihili Affrihili
50Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAfrikaans ► afAfrikaans Affricaneg
51Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAghem ► agqAghem Aghemeg
52Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAinu ► ainAinu Ainŵeg
53Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAkan ► akAkan Acaneg
54Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAkkadian ► akkAkkadian Acadeg
55Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAkoose ► bssAkoose Acwseg
56Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAlabama ► akzAlabama Alabamäeg
57Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAlbanian ► sqAlbanian Albaneg
58Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAleut ► aleAleut Alewteg
59Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAlgerian Arabic ► arqAlgerian Arabic Arabeg Algeria
60Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAmerican Sign Language ► aseAmerican Sign Language Iaith Arwyddion America
61Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAmharic ► amAmharic Amhareg
62Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAncient Egyptian ► egyAncient Egyptian Hen Eiffteg
63Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAncient Greek ► grcAncient Greek Hen Roeg
64Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAngika ► anp= Angika
65Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAnii ► blo= Anii
66Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAo Naga ► njo= Ao Naga
67Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AArabic ► arArabic Arabeg
68Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AArabic ► ar_001Modern Standard Arabic Arabeg Modern Safonol
69Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAragonese ► anAragonese Aragoneg
70Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAramaic ► arcAramaic Aramaeg
71Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAraona ► aroAraona Araonaeg
72Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AArapaho ► arp= Arapaho
73Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AArawak ► arwArawak Arawaceg
74Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AArmenian ► hyArmenian Armeneg
75Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAromanian ► rupAromanian Aromaneg
76Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AArpitan ► frpArpitan Arpitaneg
77Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAssamese ► asAssamese Asameg
78Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAsturian ► astAsturian Astwrianeg
79Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAsu ► asaAsu Asw
80Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAtikamekw ► atj= Atikamekw
81Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAtsam ► cchAtsam Atsameg
82Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAvaric ► avAvaric Afareg
83Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAvestan ► aeAvestan Afestaneg
84Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAwadhi ► awa= Awadhi
85Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAymara ► ayAymara Aymareg
86Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAzerbaijani ► azAzerbaijani Aserbaijaneg
87Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAzerbaijani ► az_ArabAzerbaijani (Arabic) Aserbaijaneg Deheuol
88Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBadaga ► bfq= Badaga
89Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBafia ► ksfBafia Baffia
90Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBafut ► bfdBafut Baffwteg
91Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBalinese ► banBalinese Balïeg
92Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBaluchi ► balBaluchi Balwtsi
93Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBambara ► bmBambara Bambareg
94Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBamun ► baxBamun Bamwmeg
95Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBangla ► bnBangla Bengaleg
96Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBasaa ► basBasaa Basâeg
97Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBashkir ► baBashkir Bashcorteg
98Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBasque ► euBasque Basgeg
99Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBeja ► bejBeja Bejäeg
100Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBelarusian ► beBelarusian Belarwseg
101Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBemba ► bemBemba Bembeg
102Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBena ► bez= Bena
103Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBetawi ► bewBetawi bew
104Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBhojpuri ► bho= Bhojpuri
105Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBini ► bin= Bini
106Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBislama ► bi= Bislama
107Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBlin ► byn= Blin
108Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBlissymbols ► zblBlissymbols Blisssymbols
109Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBodo ► brx= Bodo
110Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBosnian ► bsBosnian Bosnieg
111Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBrahui ► brh= Brahui
112Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBreton ► brBreton Llydaweg
113Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBuginese ► bugBuginese Bwginaeg
114Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBulgarian ► bgBulgarian Bwlgareg
115Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBulu ► bumBulu Bwlw
116Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBuriat ► buaBuriat Bwriateg
117Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBurmese ► myBurmese Byrmaneg
118Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCaddo ► cadCaddo Cado
119Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCajun French ► frcCajun French Ffrangeg Cajwn
120Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCantonese ► yueCantonese Cantoneeg
121Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCantonese ► yue-menuChinese, Cantonese Tsieinëeg, Cantoneg
122Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCarib ► carCarib Caribeg
123Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCarolina Algonquian ► crr= Carolina Algonquian
124Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCatalan ► caCatalan Catalaneg
125Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCayuga ► cay= Cayuga
126Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCebuano ► ceb= Cebuano
127Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCentral Atlas Tamazight ► tzmCentral Atlas Tamazight Tamazight Canol yr Atlas
128Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCentral Kurdish ► ckbCentral Kurdish Cwrdeg Sorani
129Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCentral Ojibwa ► ojcCentral Ojibwa Ojibwa Canolog
130Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChadian Arabic ► shuChadian Arabic Arabeg Chad
131Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChakma ► ccpChakma Tsiacma
132Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChamorro ► chChamorro Tsiamorro
133Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChechen ► ceChechen Tsietsieneg
134Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCherokee ► chrCherokee Tsierocî
135Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCheyenne ► chy= Cheyenne
136Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChickasaw ► cicChickasaw cic
137Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChiga ► cggChiga Tsiga
138Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChilcotin ► clc= Chilcotin
139Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChinese ► zhChinese Tsieinëeg
140Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChinese ► zh_HansSimplified Chinese Tsieinëeg Symledig
141Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChinese ► zh_Hans-longSimplified Mandarin Chinese Tsieinëeg Mandarin Symledig
142Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChinese ► zh_HantTraditional Chinese Tsieinëeg Traddodiadol
143Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChinese ► zh_Hant-longTraditional Mandarin Chinese Tsieinëeg Mandarin Traddodiadol
144Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChinese ► zh-menuChinese, Mandarin Tsieinëeg, Mandarin
145Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChipewyan ► chp= Chipewyan
146Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChoctaw ► choChoctaw Siocto
147Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChurch Slavic ► cuChurch Slavic Hen Slafoneg
148Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChuukese ► chkChuukese Chuukaeg
149Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChuvash ► cvChuvash Tshwfasheg
150Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CClassical Newari ► nwcClassical Newari Hen Newari
151Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CClassical Syriac ► sycClassical Syriac Hen Syrieg
152Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CColognian ► kshColognian Cwleneg
153Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CComorian ► swbComorian Comoreg
154Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCoptic ► copCoptic Copteg
155Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCornish ► kwCornish Cernyweg
156Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCorsican ► coCorsican Corseg
157Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCree ► crCree Cri
158Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCrimean Tatar ► crhCrimean Tatar Tyrceg y Crimea
159Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCroatian ► hrCroatian Croateg
160Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCzech ► csCzech Tsieceg
161Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDakota ► dakDakota Dacotaeg
162Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDanish ► daDanish Daneg
163Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDargwa ► dar= Dargwa
164Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDazaga ► dzg= Dazaga
165Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDinka ► dinDinka Dinca
166Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDivehi ► dvDivehi Difehi
167Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDogri ► doi= Dogri
168Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDogrib ► dgr= Dogrib
169Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDuala ► duaDuala Diwaleg
170Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDutch ► nlDutch Iseldireg
171Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDutch ► nl_BEFlemish Fflemeg
172Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDzongkha ► dz= Dzongkha
173Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEastern Frisian ► frsEastern Frisian Ffriseg y Dwyrain
174Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEfik ► efi= Efik
175Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEgyptian Arabic ► arzEgyptian Arabic Arabeg yr Aifft
176Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEkajuk ► eka= Ekajuk
177Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EElamite ► elxElamite Elameg
178Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEmbu ► ebuEmbu Embw
179Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEnglish ► enEnglish Saesneg
180Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEnglish ► en_AUAustralian English Saesneg Awstralia
181Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEnglish ► en_CACanadian English Saesneg Canada
182Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEnglish ► en_GBBritish English Saesneg Prydain
183Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEnglish ► en_GB-shortUK English Saesneg (DU)
184Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEnglish ► en_USAmerican English Saesneg America
185Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEnglish ► en_US-shortUS English Saesneg (UDA)
186Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EErzya ► myv= Erzya
187Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEsperanto ► eo= Esperanto
188Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEstonian ► etEstonian Estoneg
189Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEwe ► ee= Ewe
190Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEwondo ► ewo= Ewondo
191Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EExtremaduran ► extExtremaduran Extremadureg
192Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)FFanti ► fatFanti Ffanti
193Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)FFaroese ► foFaroese Ffaröeg
194Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)FFijian ► fjFijian Ffijïeg
195Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)FFilipino ► filFilipino Ffilipineg
196Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)FFinnish ► fiFinnish Ffinneg
197Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)FFon ► fon= Fon
198Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)FFrench ► frFrench Ffrangeg
199Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)FFrench ► fr_CACanadian French Ffrangeg Canada
200Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)FFrench ► fr_CHSwiss French Ffrangeg y Swistir
201Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)FFriulian ► furFriulian Ffriwleg
202Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)FFula ► ffFula Ffwla
203Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGa ► gaa= Ga
204Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGagauz ► gag= Gagauz
205Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGalician ► glGalician Galisieg
206Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGanda ► lg= Ganda
207Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGayo ► gayGayo Gaio
208Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGbaya ► gbaGbaya Gbaia
209Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGeez ► gez= Geez
210Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGeorgian ► kaGeorgian Georgeg
211Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGerman ► deGerman Almaeneg
212Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGerman ► de_ATAustrian German Almaeneg Awstria
213Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGerman ► de_CHSwiss High German Almaeneg Safonol y Swistir
214Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGheg Albanian ► alnGheg Albanian Ghegeg Albania
215Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGilbertese ► gilGilbertese Gilberteg
216Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGorontalo ► gor= Gorontalo
217Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGothic ► gotGothic Gotheg
218Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGreek ► elGreek Groeg
219Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGuarani ► gnGuarani Guaraní
220Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGujarati ► guGujarati Gwjarati
221Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGusii ► guz= Gusii
222Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGwichʼin ► gwi= Gwichʼin
223Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHaida ► hai= Haida
224Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHaitian Creole ► htHaitian Creole Creol Haiti
225Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHalkomelem ► hur= Halkomelem
226Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHaryanvi ► bgc= Haryanvi
227Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHausa ► haHausa Hawsa
228Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHawaiian ► hawHawaiian Hawäieg
229Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHebrew ► heHebrew Hebraeg
230Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHerero ► hz= Herero
231Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHiligaynon ► hil= Hiligaynon
232Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHindi ► hi= Hindi
233Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHindi ► hi_Latn-variant= Hinglish
234Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHittite ► hitHittite Hetheg
235Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHmong ► hmnHmong Hmongeg
236Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHmong Njua ► hnjHmong Njua hnj
237Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHungarian ► huHungarian Hwngareg
238Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHupa ► hup= Hupa
239Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IIban ► ibaIban Ibaneg
240Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IIbibio ► ibb= Ibibio
241Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IIcelandic ► isIcelandic Islandeg
242Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IIdo ► io= Ido
243Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IIgbo ► ig= Igbo
244Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IIloko ► iloIloko Ilocaneg
245Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IInari Sami ► smn= Inari Sami
246Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IIndonesian ► idIndonesian Indoneseg
247Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IIngush ► inhIngush Ingwsieg
248Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IInnu-aimun ► moe= Innu-aimun
249Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IInterlingua ► ia= Interlingua
250Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IInterlingue ► ie= Interlingue
251Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IInuktitut ► iuInuktitut Inwctitwt
252Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IInupiaq ► ikInupiaq Inwpiaceg
253Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IIrish ► gaIrish Gwyddeleg
254Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IItalian ► itItalian Eidaleg
255Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)JJapanese ► jaJapanese Japaneeg
256Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)JJavanese ► jvJavanese Jafanaeg
257Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)JJju ► kaj= Jju
258Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)JJola-Fonyi ► dyo= Jola-Fonyi
259Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)JJudeo-Arabic ► jrbJudeo-Arabic Iddew-Arabeg
260Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)JJudeo-Persian ► jprJudeo-Persian Iddew-Bersieg
261Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKabardian ► kbdKabardian Cabardieg
262Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKabuverdianu ► keaKabuverdianu Caboferdianeg
263Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKabyle ► kabKabyle Cabileg
264Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKachin ► kac= Kachin
265Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKaingang ► kgp= Kaingang
266Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKako ► kkj= Kako
267Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKalaallisut ► kl= Kalaallisut
268Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKalenjin ► kln= Kalenjin
269Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKalmyk ► xalKalmyk Calmyceg
270Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKamba ► kamKamba Camba
271Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKangri ► xnr= Kangri
272Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKannada ► kn= Kannada
273Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKanuri ► krKanuri Canwri
274Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKara-Kalpak ► kaaKara-Kalpak Cara-Calpaceg
275Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKarachay-Balkar ► krc= Karachay-Balkar
276Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKarelian ► krlKarelian Careleg
277Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKashmiri ► ksKashmiri Cashmireg
278Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKazakh ► kkKazakh Casacheg
279Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKenyang ► kenKenyang ken
280Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKhasi ► khaKhasi Càseg
281Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKhmer ► kmKhmer Chmereg
282Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKhowar ► khwKhowar Chowareg
283Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKikuyu ► ki= Kikuyu
284Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKimbundu ► kmb= Kimbundu
285Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKinyarwanda ► rwKinyarwanda Ciniarŵandeg
286Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKlingon ► tlh= Klingon
287Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKom ► bkmKom Comeg
288Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKomi ► kvKomi Comi
289Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKomi-Permyak ► koi= Komi-Permyak
290Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKongo ► kgKongo Congo
291Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKonkani ► kokKonkani Concani
292Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKorean ► koKorean Coreeg
293Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKoro ► kfo= Koro
294Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKoyra Chiini ► khq= Koyra Chiini
295Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKoyraboro Senni ► ses= Koyraboro Senni
296Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKpelle ► kpe= Kpelle
297Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKuanyama ► kj= Kuanyama
298Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKumyk ► kumKumyk Cwmiceg
299Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKurdish ► kuKurdish Cwrdeg
300Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKurukh ► kru= Kurukh
301Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKuvi ► kxv= Kuvi
302Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKwakʼwala ► kwk= Kwakʼwala
303Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKwasio ► nmg= Kwasio
304Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKyrgyz ► kyKyrgyz Cirgiseg
305Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKʼicheʼ ► qucKʼicheʼ K’iche’
306Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLadin ► lld= lld
307Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLadino ► ladLadino Iddew-Sbaeneg
308Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLakota ► lkt= Lakota
309Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLamba ► lam= Lamba
310Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLangi ► lag= Langi
311Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLao ► loLao Laoeg
312Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLatgalian ► ltgLatgalian Latgaleg
313Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLatin ► laLatin Lladin
314Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLatvian ► lvLatvian Latfieg
315Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLevantine Arabic ► apc= apc
316Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLezghian ► lezLezghian Lezgheg
317Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLigurian ► lijLigurian Ligwreg
318Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLillooet ► lil= Lillooet
319Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLimburgish ► liLimburgish Limbwrgeg
320Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLingala ► ln= Lingala
321Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLithuanian ► ltLithuanian Lithwaneg
322Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLojban ► jbo= Lojban
323Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLombard ► lmoLombard Lombardeg
324Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLouisiana Creole ► lou= Louisiana Creole
325Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLow German ► ndsLow German Almaeneg Isel
326Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLow German ► nds_NLLow Saxon Sacsoneg Isel
327Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLower Silesian ► sliLower Silesian Is-silesieg
328Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLower Sorbian ► dsbLower Sorbian Sorbeg Isaf
329Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLozi ► loz= Lozi
330Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLuba-Katanga ► lu= Luba-Katanga
331Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLuba-Lulua ► lua= Luba-Lulua
332Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLule Sami ► smjLule Sami Sami Lwle
333Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLunda ► lunLunda Lwnda
334Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLuo ► luoLuo Lŵo
335Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLuxembourgish ► lbLuxembourgish Lwcsembwrgeg
336Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLuyia ► luyLuyia Lwyia
337Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMacedonian ► mkMacedonian Macedoneg
338Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMachame ► jmcMachame Matsiame
339Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMadurese ► madMadurese Madwreg
340Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMagahi ► mag= Magahi
341Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMaithili ► mai= Maithili
342Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMakasar ► makMakasar Macasareg
343Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMakhuwa ► vmwMakhuwa Macua
344Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMakhuwa-Meetto ► mgh= Makhuwa-Meetto
345Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMakonde ► kdeMakonde Macondeg
346Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMalagasy ► mgMalagasy Malagaseg
347Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMalay ► msMalay Maleieg
348Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMalayalam ► ml= Malayalam
349Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMaliseet-Passamaquoddy ► pqm= Maliseet-Passamaquoddy
350Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMaltese ► mtMaltese Malteg
351Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MManchu ► mncManchu Manshw
352Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMandar ► mdrMandar Mandareg
353Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMandingo ► man= Mandingo
354Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MManipuri ► mniManipuri Manipwri
355Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MManx ► gvManx Manaweg
356Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMāori ► mi= Māori
357Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMapuche ► arnMapuche Arawcaneg
358Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMarathi ► mr= Marathi
359Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMari ► chmMari Marieg
360Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMarshallese ► mhMarshallese Marsialeg
361Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMarwari ► mwr= Marwari
362Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMasai ► mas= Masai
363Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMazanderani ► mznMazanderani Masanderani
364Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMende ► menMende Mendeg
365Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMeru ► merMeru Mêrw
366Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMetaʼ ► mgoMetaʼ Meta
367Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMi'kmaw ► micMi'kmaw Micmaceg
368Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMichif ► crg= Michif
369Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMiddle Dutch ► dumMiddle Dutch Iseldireg Canol
370Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMiddle English ► enmMiddle English Saesneg Canol
371Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMiddle French ► frmMiddle French Ffrangeg Canol
372Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMiddle High German ► gmhMiddle High German Almaeneg Uchel Canol
373Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMiddle Irish ► mgaMiddle Irish Gwyddeleg Canol
374Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMinangkabau ► min= Minangkabau
375Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMirandese ► mwlMirandese Mirandeg
376Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMizo ► lusMizo Lwshaieg
377Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMócheno ► mhn= mhn
378Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMohawk ► mohMohawk Mohoceg
379Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMoksha ► mdfMoksha Mocsia
380Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMongo ► lol= Mongo
381Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMongolian ► mnMongolian Mongoleg
382Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMoose Cree ► crm= Moose Cree
383Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMorisyen ► mfe= Morisyen
384Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMoroccan Arabic ► aryMoroccan Arabic Arabeg Moroco
385Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMossi ► mosMossi Mosi
386Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMultiple languages ► mulMultiple languages Mwy nag un iaith
387Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMundang ► mua= Mundang
388Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMuscogee ► musMuscogee Creek
389Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NN’Ko ► nqo= N’Ko
390Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNajdi Arabic ► arsNajdi Arabic Arabeg Najdi
391Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNama ► naq= Nama
392Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNauru ► naNauru Nawrŵeg
393Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNavajo ► nvNavajo Nafaho
394Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNdonga ► ng= Ndonga
395Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNeapolitan ► napNeapolitan Naplieg
396Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNepali ► neNepali Nepaleg
397Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNewari ► newNewari Newaeg
398Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNgambay ► sbaNgambay Ngambeieg
399Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNgiemboon ► nnh= Ngiemboon
400Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNgomba ► jgo= Ngomba
401Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNheengatu ► yrl= Nheengatu
402Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNias ► nia= Nias
403Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNigerian Pidgin ► pcmNigerian Pidgin Pidgin Nigeria
404Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNiuean ► niu= Niuean
405Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNo linguistic content ► zxxNo linguistic content Dim cynnwys ieithyddol
406Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNogai ► nog= Nogai
407Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNorth Ndebele ► ndNorth Ndebele Ndebele Gogleddol
408Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNorthern East Cree ► crlNorthern East Cree Gogledd Dwyrain Cree
409Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNorthern Frisian ► frrNorthern Frisian Ffriseg Gogleddol
410Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNorthern Luri ► lrcNorthern Luri Luri Gogleddol
411Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNorthern Sami ► seNorthern Sami Sami Gogleddol
412Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNorthern Sotho ► nsoNorthern Sotho Sotho Gogleddol
413Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNorthern Tutchone ► ttmNorthern Tutchone Tutchone gogleddol
414Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNorthwestern Ojibwa ► ojbNorthwestern Ojibwa Ojibwa gogledd-orllewin
415Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNorwegian ► noNorwegian Norwyeg
416Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNorwegian Bokmål ► nbNorwegian Bokmål Norwyeg Bokmål
417Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNorwegian Nynorsk ► nnNorwegian Nynorsk Norwyeg Nynorsk
418Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNuer ► nusNuer Nŵereg
419Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNyamwezi ► nymNyamwezi Niamwezi
420Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNyanja ► nyNyanja Nianja
421Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNyankole ► nynNyankole Niancole
422Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNyoro ► nyoNyoro Nioro
423Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNzima ► nziNzima Nzimeg
424Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OObolo ► ann= Obolo
425Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOccitan ► ocOccitan Ocsitaneg
426Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOdia ► or= Odia
427Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOji-Cree ► ojs= Oji-Cree
428Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOjibwa ► oj= Ojibwa
429Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOkanagan ► oka= Okanagan
430Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOld English ► angOld English Hen Saesneg
431Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOld French ► froOld French Hen Ffrangeg
432Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOld High German ► gohOld High German Hen Almaeneg Uchel
433Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOld Irish ► sgaOld Irish Hen Wyddeleg
434Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOld Norse ► nonOld Norse Hen Norseg
435Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOld Persian ► peoOld Persian Hen Bersieg
436Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOld Provençal ► proOld Provençal Hen Brofensaleg
437Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOromo ► om= Oromo
438Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOsage ► osaOsage Osageg
439Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOssetic ► osOssetic Oseteg
440Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOttoman Turkish ► otaOttoman Turkish Tyrceg Otoman
441Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPahlavi ► palPahlavi Pahlafi
442Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPalatine German ► pflPalatine German Almaeneg Palatin
443Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPalauan ► pauPalauan Palawan
444Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPali ► pi= Pali
445Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPampanga ► pam= Pampanga
446Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPangasinan ► pagPangasinan Pangasineg
447Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPapiamento ► pap= Papiamento
448Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPashto ► ps= Pashto
449Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPennsylvania German ► pdcPennsylvania German Almaeneg Pensylfania
450Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPersian ► faPersian Perseg
451Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPersian ► fa_AF= Dari
452Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPhoenician ► phnPhoenician Phoeniceg
453Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPicard ► pcdPicard Picardeg
454Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPiedmontese ► pmsPiedmontese Piedmonteg
455Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPijin ► pis= Pijin
456Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPlains Cree ► crk= Plains Cree
457Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPohnpeian ► ponPohnpeian Pohnpeianeg
458Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPolish ► plPolish Pwyleg
459Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPontic ► pntPontic Ponteg
460Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPortuguese ► ptPortuguese Portiwgaleg
461Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPortuguese ► pt_BRBrazilian Portuguese Portiwgaleg Brasil
462Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPortuguese ► pt_PTEuropean Portuguese Portiwgaleg Ewrop
463Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPrussian ► prgPrussian Prwseg
464Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPunjabi ► paPunjabi Pwnjabeg
465Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)QQuechua ► qu= Quechua
466Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRajasthani ► rajRajasthani Rajasthaneg
467Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRapanui ► rapRapanui Rapanŵi
468Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRarotongan ► rarRarotongan Raratongeg
469Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRiffian ► rifRiffian rif
470Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRohingya ► rhg= Rohingya
471Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRomanian ► roRomanian Rwmaneg
472Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRomanian ► ro_MDMoldavian Moldofeg
473Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRomansh ► rmRomansh Románsh
474Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRomany ► romRomany Romani
475Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRombo ► rof= Rombo
476Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRotuman ► rtmRotuman Rotumaneg
477Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRundi ► rnRundi Rwndi
478Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRussian ► ruRussian Rwseg
479Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRwa ► rwk= Rwa
480Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSaamia ► lsm= Saamia
481Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSaho ► ssy= Saho
482Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSamaritan Aramaic ► samSamaritan Aramaic Aramaeg Samaria
483Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSamburu ► saqSamburu Sambŵrw
484Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSamoan ► smSamoan Samöeg
485Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSamogitian ► sgsSamogitian Samogiteg
486Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSandawe ► sadSandawe Sandäweg
487Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSango ► sg= Sango
488Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSangu ► sbpSangu Sangw
489Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSanskrit ► saSanskrit Sansgrit
490Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSantali ► sat= Santali
491Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSaraiki ► skr= skr
492Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSardinian ► scSardinian Sardeg
493Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSasak ► sasSasak Sasaceg
494Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSassarese Sardinian ► sdcSassarese Sardinian Sasareseg Sardinia
495Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSaterland Frisian ► stqSaterland Frisian Ffriseg Saterland
496Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SScots ► scoScots Sgoteg
497Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SScottish Gaelic ► gdScottish Gaelic Gaeleg yr Alban
498Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSelkup ► selSelkup Selcypeg
499Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSena ► seh= Sena
500Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSeneca ► see= Seneca
501Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSerbian ► srSerbian Serbeg
502Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSerbo-Croatian ► shSerbo-Croatian Serbo-Croateg
503Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSerer ► srrSerer Serereg
504Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSeri ► sei= Seri
505Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSeselwa Creole French ► crsSeselwa Creole French Ffrangeg Seselwa Creole
506Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SShambala ► ksb= Shambala
507Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SShan ► shn= Shan
508Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SShona ► sn= Shona
509Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSichuan Yi ► iiSichuan Yi Nwosw
510Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSicilian ► scnSicilian Sisileg
511Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSidamo ► sid= Sidamo
512Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSiksiká ► blaSiksiká Siksika
513Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSilesian ► szlSilesian Silesieg
514Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSindhi ► sd= Sindhi
515Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSinhala ► siSinhala Sinhaleg
516Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSkolt Sami ► smsSkolt Sami Sami Scolt
517Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSlovak ► skSlovak Slofaceg
518Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSlovenian ► slSlovenian Slofeneg
519Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSoga ► xog= Soga
520Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSogdien ► sogSogdien Sogdeg
521Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSomali ► soSomali Somaleg
522Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSoninke ► snkSoninke Soninceg
523Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSouth Ndebele ► nrSouth Ndebele Ndebele Deheuol
524Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSouthern Altai ► altSouthern Altai Altäeg Deheuol
525Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSouthern East Cree ► crjSouthern East Cree Cree De Ddwyrain
526Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSouthern Haida ► haxSouthern Haida Haida Deheuol
527Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSouthern Kurdish ► sdhSouthern Kurdish Cwrdeg Deheuol
528Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSouthern Lushootseed ► slhSouthern Lushootseed Lushootseed Deheuol
529Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSouthern Sami ► smaSouthern Sami Sami Deheuol
530Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSouthern Sotho ► stSouthern Sotho Sesotheg Deheuol
531Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSouthern Tutchone ► tceSouthern Tutchone Tutchone Deheuol
532Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSpanish ► esSpanish Sbaeneg
533Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSpanish ► es_419Latin American Spanish Sbaeneg America Ladin
534Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSpanish ► es_ESEuropean Spanish Sbaeneg Ewrop
535Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSpanish ► es_MXMexican Spanish Sbaeneg Mecsico
536Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSranan Tongo ► srn= Sranan Tongo
537Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SStandard Moroccan Tamazight ► zghStandard Moroccan Tamazight Tamaseit Moroco Safonol
538Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SStraits Salish ► str= Straits Salish
539Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSukuma ► sukSukuma Swcwma
540Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSumerian ► suxSumerian Swmereg
541Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSundanese ► suSundanese Swndaneg
542Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSusu ► susSusu Swsŵeg
543Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSwahili ► sw= Swahili
544Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSwahili ► sw_CDCongo Swahili Swahili’r Congo
545Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSwampy Cree ► csw= Swampy Cree
546Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSwati ► ss= Swati
547Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSwedish ► svSwedish Swedeg
548Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSwiss German ► gswSwiss German Almaeneg y Swistir
549Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSyriac ► syrSyriac Syrieg
550Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTachelhit ► shi= Tachelhit
551Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTagalog ► tl= Tagalog
552Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTagish ► tgx= Tagish
553Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTahitian ► tyTahitian Tahitïeg
554Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTahltan ► tht= Tahltan
555Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTai Dam ► bltTai Dam blt
556Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTaita ► dav= Taita
557Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTajik ► tgTajik Tajiceg
558Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTalysh ► tlyTalysh Talysheg
559Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTamashek ► tmhTamashek Tamasheceg
560Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTamil ► taTamil Tamileg
561Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTaroko ► trv= Taroko
562Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTasawaq ► twq= Tasawaq
563Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTatar ► ttTatar Tatareg
564Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTelugu ► te= Telugu
565Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTereno ► terTereno Terena
566Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTeso ► teo= Teso
567Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTetum ► tetTetum Tetumeg
568Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TThai ► th= Thai
569Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTibetan ► boTibetan Tibeteg
570Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTigre ► tigTigre Tigreg
571Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTigrinya ► ti= Tigrinya
572Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTimne ► temTimne Timneg
573Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTiv ► tivTiv Tifeg
574Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTlingit ► tli= Tlingit
575Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTok Pisin ► tpi= Tok Pisin
576Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTokelau ► tklTokelau Tocelaweg
577Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TToki Pona ► tok= Toki Pona
578Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTongan ► toTongan Tongeg
579Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTornedalen Finnish ► fitTornedalen Finnish Ffinneg Tornedal
580Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTorwali ► trwTorwali trw
581Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTsakhur ► tkrTsakhur Tsakhureg
582Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTsakonian ► tsdTsakonian Tsaconeg
583Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTsonga ► tsTsonga Tsongaeg
584Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTswana ► tn= Tswana
585Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTulu ► tcy= Tulu
586Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTumbuka ► tumTumbuka Twmbwca
587Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTunisian Arabic ► aebTunisian Arabic Arabeg Tunisia
588Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTurkish ► trTurkish Tyrceg
589Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTurkmen ► tkTurkmen Tyrcmeneg
590Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTuvalu ► tvlTuvalu Twfalweg
591Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTuvinian ► tyvTuvinian Twfwnieg
592Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTwi ► tw= Twi
593Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTyap ► kcgTyap Tyapeg
594Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)UUdmurt ► udmUdmurt Fotiaceg
595Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)UUgaritic ► ugaUgaritic Wgariteg
596Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)UUkrainian ► ukUkrainian Wcreineg
597Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)UUmbundu ► umb= Umbundu
598Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)UUnknown language ► undUnknown language Iaith anhysbys
599Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)UUpper Sorbian ► hsbUpper Sorbian Sorbeg Uchaf
600Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)UUrdu ► urUrdu Wrdw
601Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)UUyghur ► ugUyghur Uighur
602Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)UUzbek ► uzUzbek Wsbeceg
603Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)VVai ► vaiVai Faieg
604Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)VVenda ► veVenda Fendeg
605Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)VVenetian ► vecVenetian Feniseg
606Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)VVeps ► vepVeps Feps
607Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)VVietnamese ► viVietnamese Fietnameg
608Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)VVolapük ► voVolapük Folapük
609Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)VVotic ► votVotic Foteg
610Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)VVunjo ► vunVunjo Funjo
611Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWalloon ► waWalloon Walwneg
612Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWalser ► waeWalser Walsereg
613Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWaray ► warWaray Winarayeg
614Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWarlpiri ► wbp= Warlpiri
615Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWasho ► was= Washo
616Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWelsh ► cyWelsh Cymraeg
617Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWest Flemish ► vlsWest Flemish Fflemeg Gorllewinol
618Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWestern Balochi ► bgnWestern Balochi Balochi Gorllewinol
619Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWestern Canadian Inuktitut ► iktWestern Canadian Inuktitut Inuktitut Canadaidd Gorllewinol
620Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWestern Frisian ► fyWestern Frisian Ffriseg y Gorllewin
621Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWestern Mari ► mrjWestern Mari Mari Gorllewinol
622Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWestern Ojibwa ► ojwWestern Ojibwa Ojibwa Gorllewinol
623Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWestern Panjabi ► lahWestern Panjabi Lahnda
624Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWolaytta ► walWolaytta Walamo
625Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWolof ► woWolof Woloff
626Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWu Chinese ► wuuWu Chinese Wu Tsieineaidd
627Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)XXhosa ► xh= Xhosa
628Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)YYakut ► sahYakut Sakha
629Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)YYangben ► yavYangben Iangben
630Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)YYemba ► ybbYemba Iembaeg
631Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)YYiddish ► yiYiddish Iddew-Almaeneg
632Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)YYoruba ► yoYoruba Iorwba
633Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)ZZapotec ► zapZapotec Zapoteceg
634Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)ZZarma ► djeZarma Sarmaeg
635Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)ZZaza ► zzaZaza Sasäeg
636Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)ZZeelandic ► zeaZeelandic Zêlandeg
637Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)ZZhuang ► za= Zhuang
638Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)ZZoroastrian Dari ► gbzZoroastrian Dari Dareg y Zoroastriaid
639Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)ZZulu ► zuZulu Swlw
640Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)ZZuni ► zunZuni Swni
641Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseArabArabic Arabaidd
642Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseArmnArmenian Armenaidd
643Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseBeng= Bangla
644Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseBopo= Bopomofo
645Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseCyrlCyrillic Cyrilig
646Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseDeva= Devanagari
647Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseEthiEthiopic Ethiopig
648Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseGeorGeorgian Georgaidd
649Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseGrekGreek Groegaidd
650Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseGujrGujarati Gwjarataidd
651Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseGuruGurmukhi Gwrmwci
652Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseHanbHan with Bopomofo Han gyda Bopomofo
653Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseHang= Hangul
654Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseHani= Han
655Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseHansSimplified Symledig
656Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseHans-stand-aloneSimplified Han Han symledig
657Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseHantTraditional Traddodiadol
658Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseHant-stand-aloneTraditional Han Han traddodiadol
659Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseHebrHebrew Hebreig
660Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseHira= Hiragana
661Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseJamo= Jamo
662Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseJpanJapanese Japaneaidd
663Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseKanaKatakana Catacana
664Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseKhmrKhmer Chmeraidd
665Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseKndaKannada Canaraidd
666Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseKoreKorean Coreaidd
667Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseLaooLao Laoaidd
668Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseLatnLatin Lladin
669Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseMlymMalayalam Malayalamaidd
670Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseMymrMyanmar Myanmaraidd
671Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseOryaOdia Orïaidd
672Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseSinhSinhala Sinhanaidd
673Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseTamlTamil Tamilaidd
674Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseTelu= Telugu
675Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseThaa= Thaana
676Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseThaiThai Tai
677Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseTibtTibetan Tibetaidd
678Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseZinhInherited Zinh
679Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseZyyyCommon Cyffredin
680Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseAdlm= Adlam
681Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseBaliBalinese Bali
682Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseBamuBamum Bamu
683Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseBatkBatak Batk
684Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseCakm= Chakma
685Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseCansUnified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Meysydd Llafur Cynfrodorol Unedig Canada
686Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseCham= Cham
687Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseCher= Cherokee
688Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseGongGunjala Gondi Gong
689Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseHmnpNyiakeng Puachue Hmong Hmnp
690Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseJavaJavanese Java
691Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseKaliKayah Li Kali
692Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseLanaLanna Lana
693Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseLepcLepcha Lepc
694Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseLimbLimbu Limb
695Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseLisuFraser Lisu
696Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseMandMandaean Mand
697Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseMtei= Meitei Mayek
698Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseNewa= Newa
699Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseNkoo= N’Ko
700Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseOlck= Ol Chiki
701Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseOsgeOsage Osge
702Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UsePlrdPollard Phonetic Plrd
703Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseRohg= Hanifi
704Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseSaurSaurashtra Saur
705Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseSundSundanese Swndaneg
706Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseSyloSyloti Nagri Sylo
707Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseSyrcSyriac Syrieg
708Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseTaleTai Le Tale
709Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseTaluNew Tai Lue Talu
710Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseTavtTai Viet Tavt
711Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseTfng= Tifinagh
712Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseVaii= Vai
713Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseWchoWancho Wcho
714Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseYiii= Yi
715Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricAghbCaucasian Albanian Aghb
716Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricAhom= Ahom
717Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricArmiImperial Aramaic Armi
718Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricAvstAvestan Avst
719Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricBassBassa Vah Bass
720Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricBhksBhaiksuki Bhks
721Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricBrahBrahmi Brah
722Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricBugiBuginese Bugi
723Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricBuhdBuhid Buhd
724Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricCariCarian Cari
725Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricChrsChorasmian Chrs
726Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricCoptCoptic Copt
727Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricCpmnCypro-Minoan Cpmn
728Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricCprtCypriot Cprt
729Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricDiakDives Akuru Diak
730Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricDogrDogra Dogr
731Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricDsrtDeseret Dsrt
732Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricDuplDuployan shorthand Dupl
733Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricEgypEgyptian hieroglyphs Egyp
734Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricElbaElbasan Elba
735Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricElymElymaic Elym
736Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricGaraGaray Gara
737Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricGlagGlagolitic Glag
738Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricGonmMasaram Gondi Gonm
739Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricGothGothic Goth
740Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricGranGrantha Gran
741Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricGukhGurung Khema Gukh
742Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricHanoHanunoo Hano
743Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricHatrHatran Hatr
744Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricHluwAnatolian Hieroglyphs Hluw
745Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricHmngPahawh Hmong Hmng
746Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricHungOld Hungarian Hung
747Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricItalOld Italic Ital
748Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricKawi= Kawi
749Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricKharKharoshthi Khar
750Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricKhojKhojki Khoj
751Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricKitsKhitan small script Kits
752Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricKraiKirat Rai Krai
753Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricKthiKaithi Kthi
754Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricLinaLinear A Lina
755Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricLinbLinear B Linb
756Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricLyciLycian Lyci
757Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricLydiLydian Lydi
758Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricMahjMahajani Mahj
759Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricMakaMakasar Maka
760Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricManiManichaean Mani
761Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricMarcMarchen Marc
762Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricMedfMedefaidrin Medf
763Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricMendMende Mend
764Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricMercMeroitic Cursive Merc
765Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricMeroMeroitic Mero
766Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricModi= Modi
767Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricMongMongolian Mongolaidd
768Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricMrooMro Mroo
769Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricMultMultani Mult
770Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricNagmNag Mundari Nagm
771Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricNandNandinagari Nand
772Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricNarbOld North Arabian Narb
773Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricNbatNabataean Nbat
774Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricNshuNüshu Nshu
775Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricOgamOgham Ogam
776Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricOnaoOl Onal Onao
777Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricOrkhOrkhon Orkh
778Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricOsmaOsmanya Osma
779Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricOugrOld Uyghur Ougr
780Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricPalmPalmyrene Palm
781Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricPaucPau Cin Hau Pauc
782Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricPermOld Permic Perm
783Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricPhagPhags-pa Phag
784Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricPhliInscriptional Pahlavi Phli
785Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricPhlpPsalter Pahlavi Phlp
786Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricPhnxPhoenician Phnx
787Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricPrtiInscriptional Parthian Prti
788Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricRjngRejang Rjng
789Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricRunrRunic Runr
790Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricSamrSamaritan Samr
791Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricSarbOld South Arabian Sarb
792Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricSgnwSignWriting Sgnw
793Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricShawShavian Shaw
794Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricShrdSharada Shrd
795Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricSiddSiddham Sidd
796Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricSindKhudawadi Sind
797Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricSogdSogdian Sogd
798Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricSogoOld Sogdian Sogo
799Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricSoraSora Sompeng Sora
800Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricSoyoSoyombo Soyo
801Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricSunuSunuwar Sunu
802Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricTagbTagbanwa Tagb
803Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricTakrTakri Takr
804Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricTangTangut Tang
805Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricTglgTagalog Tglg
806Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricTirhTirhuta Tirh
807Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricTnsaTangsa Tnsa
808Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricTodrTodhri Todr
809Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricToto= Toto
810Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricTutgTulu-Tigalari Tutg
811Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricUgarUgaritic Ugar
812Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricVithVithkuqi Vith
813Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricWaraVarang Kshiti Wara
814Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricXpeoOld Persian Xpeo
815Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricXsuxSumero-Akkadian Cuneiform Xsux
816Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricYeziYezidi Yezi
817Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricZanbZanabazar Square Zanb
818Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherAran= Nastaliq
819Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherBrai= Braille
820Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherCyrsOld Church Slavonic Cyrillic Cyrs
821Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherHrktJapanese syllabaries Syllwyddor Japaneaidd
822Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherLatfFraktur Latin Latf
823Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherLatgGaelic Latin Latg
824Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQaagZawgyi Qaag
825Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherSyreEstrangelo Syriac Syre
826Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherSyrjWestern Syriac Syrj
827Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherSyrnEastern Syriac Syrn
828Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherZmthMathematical Notation Nodiant Mathemategol
829Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherZsye= Emoji
830Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherZsymSymbols Symbolau
831Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherZxxxUnwritten Anysgrifenedig
832Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherZzzzUnknown Script Sgript anhysbys
833Locale Display NamesGeographic Regionsworld001world Y Byd
834Locale Display NamesGeographic Regionsworld019Americas Yr Amerig
835Locale Display NamesGeographic Regionsworld002Africa Affrica
836Locale Display NamesGeographic Regionsworld150Europe Ewrop
837Locale Display NamesGeographic Regionsworld142= Asia
838Locale Display NamesGeographic Regionsworld009= Oceania
839Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsworldEUEuropean Union Yr Undeb Ewropeaidd
840Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsworldEZEurozone Ardal yr Ewro
841Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsworldUNUnited Nations Y Cenhedloedd Unedig
842Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsworldUN-shortUN CU
843Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAmericas003North America Gogledd America
844Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAmericas021Northern America America i’r Gogledd o Fecsico
845Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAmericas013Central America Canolbarth America
846Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAmericas029Caribbean Y Caribî
847Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAmericas005South America De America
848Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAmericas419Latin America America Ladin
849Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAfrica015Northern Africa Gogledd Affrica
850Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAfrica011Western Africa Gorllewin Affrica
851Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAfrica017Middle Africa Canol Affrica
852Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAfrica014Eastern Africa Dwyrain Affrica
853Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAfrica018Southern Africa Deheudir Affrica
854Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAfrica202Sub-Saharan Africa Affrica Is-Sahara
855Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsEurope154Northern Europe Gogledd Ewrop
856Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsEurope155Western Europe Gorllewin Ewrop
857Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsEurope151Eastern Europe Dwyrain Ewrop
858Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsEurope039Southern Europe De Ewrop
859Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAsia145Western Asia Gorllewin Asia
860Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAsia143Central Asia Canol Asia
861Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAsia030Eastern Asia Dwyrain Asia
862Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAsia034Southern Asia De Asia
863Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAsia035Southeast Asia De-Ddwyrain Asia
864Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsOceania053Australasia Awstralasia
865Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsOceania054= Melanesia
866Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsOceania057Micronesian Region Rhanbarth Micronesia
867Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsOceania061= Polynesia
868Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsOceaniaQOOutlying Oceania Oceania Bellennig
869Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsUnknown RegionXAPseudo-Accents Acenion Ffug
870Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsUnknown RegionXBPseudo-Bidi Bidi Ffug
871Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsUnknown RegionZZUnknown Region Rhanbarth Anhysbys
872Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Northern AmericaBM= Bermuda
873Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Northern AmericaCA= Canada
874Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Northern AmericaGLGreenland Yr Ynys Las
875Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Northern AmericaPMSt. Pierre & Miquelon Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon
876Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Northern AmericaUSUnited States Yr Unol Daleithiau
877Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Northern AmericaUS-shortUS UDA
878Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Central AmericaBZ= Belize
879Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Central AmericaCR= Costa Rica
880Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Central AmericaGT= Guatemala
881Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Central AmericaHN= Honduras
882Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Central AmericaMXMexico Mecsico
883Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Central AmericaNI= Nicaragua
884Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Central AmericaPA= Panama
885Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Central AmericaSV= El Salvador
886Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanAGAntigua & Barbuda Antigua a Barbuda
887Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanAI= Anguilla
888Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanAW= Aruba
889Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanBB= Barbados
890Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanBLSt. Barthélemy Saint Barthélemy
891Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanBQCaribbean Netherlands Antilles yr Iseldiroedd
892Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanBSBahamas Y Bahamas
893Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanCUCuba Ciwba
894Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanCW= Curaçao
895Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanDM= Dominica
896Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanDODominican Republic Gweriniaeth Dominica
897Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanGD= Grenada
898Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanGP= Guadeloupe
899Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanHT= Haiti
900Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanJM= Jamaica
901Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanKNSt. Kitts & Nevis Saint Kitts a Nevis
902Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanKYCayman Islands Ynysoedd Cayman
903Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanLCSt. Lucia Saint Lucia
904Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanMFSt. Martin Saint Martin
905Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanMQ= Martinique
906Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanMS= Montserrat
907Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanPR= Puerto Rico
908Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanSX= Sint Maarten
909Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanTCTurks & Caicos Islands Ynysoedd Turks a Caicos
910Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanTTTrinidad & Tobago Trinidad a Tobago
911Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanVCSt. Vincent & Grenadines Saint Vincent a’r Grenadines
912Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanVGBritish Virgin Islands Ynysoedd Gwyryf Prydain
913Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanVIU.S. Virgin Islands Ynysoedd Gwyryf yr Unol Daleithiau
914Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaARArgentina Yr Ariannin
915Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaBOBolivia Bolifia
916Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaBRBrazil Brasil
917Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaBVBouvet Island Ynys Bouvet
918Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaCL= Chile
919Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaCO= Colombia
920Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaEC= Ecuador
921Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaFKFalkland Islands Ynysoedd y Falkland/Malvinas
922Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaFK-variantFalkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) Ynysoedd y Falkland (Ynysoedd y Malfinas)
923Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaGFFrench Guiana Guyane Ffrengig
924Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaGSSouth Georgia & South Sandwich Islands De Georgia ac Ynysoedd Sandwich y De
925Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaGY= Guyana
926Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaPEPeru Periw
927Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaPY= Paraguay
928Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaSR= Suriname
929Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaUY= Uruguay
930Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaVE= Venezuela
931Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Northern AfricaDZ= Algeria
932Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Northern AfricaEGEgypt Yr Aifft
933Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Northern AfricaEHWestern Sahara Gorllewin Sahara
934Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Northern AfricaLY= Libya
935Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Northern AfricaMAMorocco Moroco
936Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Northern AfricaSDSudan Swdan
937Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Northern AfricaTNTunisia Tiwnisia
938Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Northern AfricaEACeuta & Melilla Ceuta a Melilla
939Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Northern AfricaICCanary Islands Yr Ynysoedd Dedwydd
940Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaBF= Burkina Faso
941Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaBJ= Benin
942Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaCI= Côte d’Ivoire
943Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaCI-variantIvory Coast Arfordir Ifori
944Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaCVCape Verde Cabo Verde
945Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaGH= Ghana
946Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaGM= Gambia
947Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaGNGuinea Gini
948Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaGWGuinea-Bissau Guiné-Bissau
949Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaLR= Liberia
950Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaML= Mali
951Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaMR= Mauritania
952Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaNE= Niger
953Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaNG= Nigeria
954Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaSHSt. Helena Saint Helena
955Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaSL= Sierra Leone
956Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaSN= Senegal
957Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaTG= Togo
958Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Middle AfricaAO= Angola
959Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Middle AfricaCDCongo - Kinshasa Y Congo - Kinshasa
960Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Middle AfricaCD-variantCongo (DRC) Y Congo (G.Dd.C.)
961Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Middle AfricaCFCentral African Republic Gweriniaeth Canolbarth Affrica
962Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Middle AfricaCGCongo - Brazzaville Y Congo - Brazzaville
963Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Middle AfricaCG-variantCongo (Republic) Y Congo (Gweriniaeth)
964Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Middle AfricaCMCameroon Camerŵn
965Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Middle AfricaGA= Gabon
966Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Middle AfricaGQEquatorial Guinea Gini Gyhydeddol
967Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Middle AfricaSTSão Tomé & Príncipe São Tomé a Príncipe
968Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Middle AfricaTDChad Tsiad
969Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaBI= Burundi
970Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaDJ= Djibouti
971Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaER= Eritrea
972Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaET= Ethiopia
973Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaIOBritish Indian Ocean Territory Tiriogaeth Brydeinig Cefnfor India
974Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaIO-chagosChagos Archipelago Ynysfor Chagos
975Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaKE= Kenya
976Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaKM= Comoros
977Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaMG= Madagascar
978Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaMU= Mauritius
979Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaMW= Malawi
980Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaMZ= Mozambique
981Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaRE= Réunion
982Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaRW= Rwanda
983Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaSC= Seychelles
984Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaSO= Somalia
985Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaSSSouth Sudan De Swdan
986Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaTFFrench Southern Territories Tiroedd Deheuol ac Antarctig Ffrainc
987Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaTZ= Tanzania
988Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaUG= Uganda
989Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaYT= Mayotte
990Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaZM= Zambia
991Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaZW= Zimbabwe
992Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Southern AfricaBW= Botswana
993Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Southern AfricaLS= Lesotho
994Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Southern AfricaNA= Namibia
995Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Southern AfricaSZ= Eswatini
996Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Southern AfricaSZ-variantSwaziland Gwlad Swazi
997Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Southern AfricaZASouth Africa De Affrica
998Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeGGGuernsey Ynys y Garn
999Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeIMIsle of Man Ynys Manaw
1000Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeJE= Jersey
1001Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeAXÅland Islands Ynysoedd Åland
1002Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeDKDenmark Denmarc
1003Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeEE= Estonia
1004Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeFIFinland Y Ffindir
1005Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeFOFaroe Islands Ynysoedd Ffaro
1006Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeGBUnited Kingdom Y Deyrnas Unedig
1007Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeGB-shortUK DU
1008Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern Europe-SubdivisionsgbengEngland Lloegr
1009Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern Europe-SubdivisionsgbsctScotland Yr Alban
1010Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern Europe-SubdivisionsgbwlsWales Cymru
1011Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeIEIreland Iwerddon
1012Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeISIceland Gwlad yr Iâ
1013Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeLTLithuania Lithwania
1014Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeLVLatvia Latfia
1015Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeNONorway Norwy
1016Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeSE= Sweden
1017Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeSJSvalbard & Jan Mayen Svalbard a Jan Mayen
1018Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeCQSark CQ
1019Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Western EuropeATAustria Awstria
1020Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Western EuropeBEBelgium Gwlad Belg
1021Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Western EuropeCHSwitzerland Y Swistir
1022Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Western EuropeDEGermany Yr Almaen
1023Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Western EuropeFRFrance Ffrainc
1024Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Western EuropeLI= Liechtenstein
1025Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Western EuropeLULuxembourg Lwcsembwrg
1026Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Western EuropeMC= Monaco
1027Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Western EuropeNLNetherlands Yr Iseldiroedd
1028Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Eastern EuropeBGBulgaria Bwlgaria
1029Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Eastern EuropeBYBelarus Belarws
1030Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Eastern EuropeCZCzechia Tsiecia
1031Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Eastern EuropeCZ-variantCzech Republic Gweriniaeth Tsiec
1032Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Eastern EuropeHUHungary Hwngari
1033Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Eastern EuropeMDMoldova Moldofa
1034Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Eastern EuropePLPoland Gwlad Pwyl
1035Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Eastern EuropeRORomania Rwmania
1036Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Eastern EuropeRURussia Rwsia
1037Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Eastern EuropeSKSlovakia Slofacia
1038Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Eastern EuropeUAUkraine Wcráin
1039Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeAD= Andorra
1040Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeAL= Albania
1041Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeBABosnia & Herzegovina Bosnia a Herzegovina
1042Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeESSpain Sbaen
1043Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeGI= Gibraltar
1044Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeGRGreece Gwlad Groeg
1045Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeHR= Croatia
1046Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeITItaly Yr Eidal
1047Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeME= Montenegro
1048Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeMKNorth Macedonia Gogledd Macedonia
1049Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeMT= Malta
1050Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeRS= Serbia
1051Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropePTPortugal Portiwgal
1052Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeSISlovenia Slofenia
1053Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeSM= San Marino
1054Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeVAVatican City Y Fatican
1055Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeXK= Kosovo
1056Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaAEUnited Arab Emirates Emiradau Arabaidd Unedig
1057Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaAM= Armenia
1058Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaAZAzerbaijan Aserbaijan
1059Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaBH= Bahrain
1060Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaCY= Cyprus
1061Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaGE= Georgia
1062Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaIL= Israel
1063Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaIQIraq Irac
1064Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaJOJordan Gwlad Iorddonen
1065Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaKW= Kuwait
1066Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaLBLebanon Libanus
1067Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaOM= Oman
1068Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaPSPalestinian Territories Tiriogaethau Palesteinaidd
1069Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaPS-shortPalestine Palesteina
1070Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaQA= Qatar
1071Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaSA= Saudi Arabia
1072Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaSY= Syria
1073Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaTRTürkiye Twrci
1074Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaTR-variantTurkey Türkiye
1075Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaYE= Yemen
1076Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Central AsiaTMTurkmenistan Tyrcmenistan
1077Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Central AsiaTJTajikistan Tajicistan
1078Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Central AsiaKG= Kyrgyzstan
1079Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Central AsiaKZ= Kazakhstan
1080Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Central AsiaUZ= Uzbekistan
1081Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Eastern AsiaCNChina Tsieina
1082Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Eastern AsiaHKHong Kong SAR China Hong Kong SAR Tsieina
1083Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Eastern AsiaHK-short= Hong Kong
1084Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Eastern AsiaJP= Japan
1085Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Eastern AsiaKPNorth Korea Gogledd Corea
1086Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Eastern AsiaKRSouth Korea De Corea
1087Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Eastern AsiaMN= Mongolia
1088Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Eastern AsiaMOMacao SAR China Macau SAR Tsieina
1089Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Eastern AsiaMO-shortMacao Macau
1090Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Eastern AsiaTW= Taiwan
1091Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southern AsiaAF= Afghanistan
1092Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southern AsiaBD= Bangladesh
1093Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southern AsiaBT= Bhutan
1094Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southern AsiaIN= India
1095Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southern AsiaIR= Iran
1096Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southern AsiaLK= Sri Lanka
1097Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southern AsiaMVMaldives Y Maldives
1098Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southern AsiaNP= Nepal
1099Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southern AsiaPK= Pakistan
1100Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southeast AsiaBN= Brunei
1101Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southeast AsiaID= Indonesia
1102Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southeast AsiaKH= Cambodia
1103Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southeast AsiaLA= Laos
1104Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southeast AsiaMM= Myanmar (Burma)
1105Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southeast AsiaMY= Malaysia
1106Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southeast AsiaPHPhilippines Y Philipinau
1107Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southeast AsiaSG= Singapore
1108Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southeast AsiaTHThailand Gwlad Thai
1109Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southeast AsiaTL= Timor-Leste
1110Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southeast AsiaTL-variantEast Timor Dwyrain Timor
1111Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southeast AsiaVNVietnam Fietnam
1112Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)AustralasiaAUAustralia Awstralia
1113Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)AustralasiaCCCocos (Keeling) Islands Ynysoedd Cocos (Keeling)
1114Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)AustralasiaCXChristmas Island Ynys y Nadolig
1115Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)AustralasiaHMHeard & McDonald Islands Ynys Heard ac Ynysoedd McDonald
1116Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)AustralasiaNFNorfolk Island Ynys Norfolk
1117Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)AustralasiaNZNew Zealand Seland Newydd
1118Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)AustralasiaNZ-variantAotearoa New Zealand Aotearoa Seland Newydd
1119Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)MelanesiaFJ= Fiji
1120Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)MelanesiaNCNew Caledonia Caledonia Newydd
1121Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)MelanesiaPGPapua New Guinea Papua Guinea Newydd
1122Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)MelanesiaSBSolomon Islands Ynysoedd Solomon
1123Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)MelanesiaVU= Vanuatu
1124Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Micronesian RegionFM= Micronesia
1125Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Micronesian RegionGU= Guam
1126Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Micronesian RegionKI= Kiribati
1127Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Micronesian RegionMHMarshall Islands Ynysoedd Marshall
1128Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Micronesian RegionMPNorthern Mariana Islands Ynysoedd Gogledd Mariana
1129Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Micronesian RegionNR= Nauru
1130Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Micronesian RegionPW= Palau
1131Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Micronesian RegionUMU.S. Outlying Islands Ynysoedd Pellennig UDA
1132Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)PolynesiaASAmerican Samoa Samoa America
1133Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)PolynesiaCKCook Islands Ynysoedd Cook
1134Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)PolynesiaNU= Niue
1135Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)PolynesiaPFFrench Polynesia Polynesia Ffrengig
1136Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)PolynesiaPNPitcairn Islands Ynysoedd Pitcairn
1137Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)PolynesiaTK= Tokelau
1138Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)PolynesiaTO= Tonga
1139Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)PolynesiaTV= Tuvalu
1140Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)PolynesiaWFWallis & Futuna Wallis a Futuna
1141Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)PolynesiaWS= Samoa
1142Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Outlying OceaniaAQ= Antarctica
1143Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Outlying OceaniaACAscension Island Ynys Ascension
1144Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Outlying OceaniaCPClipperton Island Ynys Clipperton
1145Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Outlying OceaniaDG= Diego Garcia
1146Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Outlying OceaniaTA= Tristan da Cunha
1147Locale Display NamesLocale Variantsnull1606NICTLate Middle French to 1606 Ffrangeg Canol Diweddar hyd at 1606
1148Locale Display NamesLocale Variantsnull1694ACADEarly Modern French Ffrangeg Modern Cynnar
1149Locale Display NamesLocale Variantsnull1901Traditional German orthography orgraff draddodiadol yr Almaeneg
1150Locale Display NamesLocale Variantsnull1959ACADAcademic Academig
1151Locale Display NamesLocale Variantsnull1994Standardized Resian orthography 1994
1152Locale Display NamesLocale Variantsnull1996German orthography of 1996 1996
1153Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullABL1943Orthographic formulation of 1943 ABL1943
1154Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullAKUAPEM= AKUAPEM
1155Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullALALC97ALA-LC Romanization, 1997 edition ALALC97
1156Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullALUKUAluku dialect tafodiaith Aluku
1157Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullANPEZO= ANPEZO
1158Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullAO1990Portuguese Language Orthographic Agreement of 1990 AO1990
1159Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullARANES= ARANES
1160Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullAREVELAEastern Armenian Armeneg Dwyreiniol
1161Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullAREVMDAWestern Armenian Armeneg Gorllewinol
1162Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullARKAIKA= ARKAIKA
1163Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullASANTE= ASANTE
1164Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullAUVERN= AUVERN
1165Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBAKU1926Unified Turkic Latin Alphabet BAKU1926
1166Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBALANKABalanka dialect of Anii BALANKA
1167Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBARLABarlavento dialect group of Kabuverdianu BARLA
1168Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBASICENG= BASICENG
1169Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBAUDDHA= BAUDDHA
1170Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBCIAV= BCIAV
1171Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBCIZBL= BCIZBL
1172Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBISCAYAN= BISCAYAN
1173Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBISKESan Giorgio/Bila dialect BISKE
1174Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBLASL= BLASL
1175Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBOHORICBohorič alphabet Gwyddor Bohorič
1176Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBOONTBoontling BOONT
1177Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBORNHOLM= BORNHOLM
1178Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullCISAUP= CISAUP
1179Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullCOLB1945Portuguese-Brazilian Orthographic Convention of 1945 COLB1945
1180Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullCORNU= CORNU
1181Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullCREISS= CREISS
1182Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullDAJNKODajnko alphabet gwyddor Dajnko
1183Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullEKAVSKSerbian with Ekavian pronunciation EKAVSK
1184Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullEMODENGEarly Modern English Saesneg Modern Cynnar
1185Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullFASCIA= FASCIA
1186Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullFODOM= FODOM
1187Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullFONIPAIPA Phonetics Seineg IPA
1188Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullFONKIRSH= FONKIRSH
1189Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullFONNAPA= FONNAPA
1190Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullFONUPAUPA Phonetics Seineg UPA
1191Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullFONXSAMP= FONXSAMP
1192Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullGALLO= GALLO
1193Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullGASCON= GASCON
1194Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullGHERD= GHERD
1195Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullGRCLASS= GRCLASS
1196Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullGRITAL= GRITAL
1197Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullGRMISTR= GRMISTR
1198Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullHEPBURNHepburn romanization HEPBURN
1199Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullHOGNORSK= HOGNORSK
1200Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullHSISTEMO= HSISTEMO
1201Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullIJEKAVSKSerbian with Ijekavian pronunciation IJEKAVSK
1202Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullITIHASA= ITIHASA
1203Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullIVANCHOV= IVANCHOV
1204Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullJAUER= JAUER
1205Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullJYUTPING= JYUTPING
1206Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullKKCORCommon Orthography yr Orgraff Gyffredin
1207Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullKOCIEWIE= KOCIEWIE
1208Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullKSCORStandard Orthography yr Orgraff Safonol
1209Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullLEMOSIN= LEMOSIN
1210Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullLENGADOC= LENGADOC
1211Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullLIPAWThe Lipovaz dialect of Resian LIPAW
1212Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullLTG1929= LTG1929
1213Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullLTG2007= LTG2007
1214Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullLUNA1918= LUNA1918
1215Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullMETELKOMetelko alphabet gwyddor Metelko
1216Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullMONOTONMonotonic MONOTON
1217Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullNDYUKANdyuka dialect tafodiaith Ndyuka
1218Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullNEDISNatisone dialect tafodiaith Natisone
1219Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullNEWFOUND= NEWFOUND
1220Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullNICARD= NICARD
1221Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullNJIVAGniva/Njiva dialect tafodiaith Gniva/Njiva
1222Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullNULIKModern Volapük NULIK
1223Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullOSOJSOseacco/Osojane dialect tafodiaith Oseacco/Osojane
1224Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullOXENDICTOxford English Dictionary spelling OXENDICT
1225Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPAHAWH2= PAHAWH2
1226Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPAHAWH3= PAHAWH3
1227Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPAHAWH4= PAHAWH4
1228Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPAMAKAPamaka dialect tafodiaith Pamaka
1229Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPEANO= PEANO
1230Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPEHOEJI= PEHOEJI
1231Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPETR1708= PETR1708
1232Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPINYINPinyin Romanization PINYIN
1233Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPOLYTONPolytonic POLYTON
1234Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPOSIXComputer Cyfrifiadur
1235Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPROVENC= PROVENC
1236Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPUTER= PUTER
1237Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullREVISEDRevised Orthography REVISED
1238Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullRIGIKClassic Volapük RIGIK
1239Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullROZAJResian ROZAJ
1240Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullRUMGR= RUMGR
1241Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSAAHOSaho SAAHO
1242Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSCOTLANDScottish Standard English Saesneg Safonol yr Alban
1243Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSCOUSEScouse SCOUSE
1244Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSIMPLE= SIMPLE
1245Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSOLBAStolvizza/Solbica dialect SOLBA
1246Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSOTAVSotavento dialect group of Kabuverdianu SOTAV
1247Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSPANGLIS= SPANGLIS
1248Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSURMIRAN= SURMIRAN
1249Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSURSILV= SURSILV
1250Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSUTSILV= SUTSILV
1251Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSYNNEJYL= SYNNEJYL
1252Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullTAILO= TAILO
1253Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullTARASKTaraskievica orthography TARASK
1254Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullTONGYONG= TONGYONG
1255Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullTUNUMIIT= TUNUMIIT
1256Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullUCCORUnified Orthography UCCOR
1257Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullUCRCORUnified Revised Orthography UCRCOR
1258Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullULSTER= ULSTER
1259Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullUNIFONUnifon phonetic alphabet UNIFON
1260Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullVALBADIA= VALBADIA
1261Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullVALENCIAValencian VALENCIA
1262Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullVALLADER= VALLADER
1263Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullVECDRUKA= VECDRUKA
1264Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullVIVARAUP= VIVARAUP
1265Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullWADEGILEWade-Giles Romanization WADEGILE
1266Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullXSISTEMO= XSISTEMO
1267Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendarCalendar Calendr
1268Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-buddhistBuddhist Calendar Calendr Bwdaidd
1269Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-chineseChinese Calendar Calendr Tseina
1270Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-copticCoptic Calendar Calendr y Coptiaid
1271Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-dangiDangi Calendar Calendr Dangi
1272Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-ethiopicEthiopic Calendar Calendr Ethiopia
1273Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-ethiopic-amete-alemEthiopic Amete Alem Calendar Calendr Amete Alem Ethiopia
1274Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-gregorianGregorian Calendar Calendr Gregori
1275Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-hebrewHebrew Calendar Calendr Hebreaidd
1276Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-indianIndian National Calendar Calendr Cenedlaethol India
1277Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-islamicHijri Calendar Calendr Hijri
1278Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-islamic-civilHijri Calendar (tabular, civil epoch) Calendr Hijri (tabl, cyfnod sifil)
1279Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-islamic-rgsaHijri Calendar (Saudi Arabia, sighting) islamic-rgsa
1280Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-islamic-tblaHijri Calendar (tabular, astronomical epoch) islamic-tbla
1281Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-islamic-umalquraHijri Calendar (Umm al-Qura) Calendr Hijri (Umm al-Qura)
1282Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-iso8601ISO-8601 Calendar Calendr ISO-8601
1283Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-japaneseJapanese Calendar Calendr Japan
1284Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-persianPersian Calendar Calendr Persia
1285Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-rocMinguo Calendar Calendr Gweriniaeth Tseina
1286Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollationSort Order Trefn
1287Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-big5hanTraditional Chinese Sort Order - Big5 Trefn Traddodiadol Tsieina - Big5
1288Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-compatPrevious Sort Order, for compatibility compat
1289Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-dictionaryDictionary Sort Order Trefn Geiriadur
1290Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-ducetDefault Unicode Sort Order Trefn Rhagosodedig Unicode
1291Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-emojiEmoji Sort Order emoji
1292Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-eorEuropean Ordering Rules Rheolau trefnu Ewropeaidd
1293Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-gb2312hanSimplified Chinese Sort Order - GB2312 Trefn Symledig Tsieina - GB2312
1294Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-phonebookPhonebook Sort Order Trefn Llyfr Ffôn
1295Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-pinyinPinyin Sort Order Trefn Pinyin
1296Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-searchGeneral-Purpose Search Chwilio at Ddibenion Cyffredinol
1297Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-searchjlSearch By Hangul Initial Consonant searchjl
1298Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-standardStandard Sort Order Trefn Safonol
1299Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-strokeStroke Sort Order stroke
1300Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-traditionalTraditional Sort Order Trefn Traddodiadol
1301Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-unihanRadical-Stroke Sort Order unihan
1302Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-zhuyinZhuyin Sort Order Trefn Zhuyin
1303Locale Display NamesKeyscurrencycurrencyCurrency Math o Arian
1304Locale Display NamesKeysCurrency FormatcfCurrency Format Fformat Arian
1305Locale Display NamesKeysCurrency Formatcf-accountAccounting Currency Format Fformat Arian Cyfrifeg
1306Locale Display NamesKeysCurrency Formatcf-standardStandard Currency Format Fformat Arian Safonol
1307Locale Display NamesKeysHour CyclehcHour Cycle (12 vs 24) Cylched Awr (12 vs 24)
1308Locale Display NamesKeysHour Cyclehc-h1112 Hour System (0–11) System 12 Awr (0–11)
1309Locale Display NamesKeysHour Cyclehc-h1212 Hour System (1–12) System 12 Awr (1–12)
1310Locale Display NamesKeysHour Cyclehc-h2324 Hour System (0–23) System 24 Awr (0–23)
1311Locale Display NamesKeysHour Cyclehc-h2424 Hour System (1–24) System 24 Awr (1–24)
1312Locale Display NamesKeysLine BreaklbLine Break Style Arddull Toriad Llinell
1313Locale Display NamesKeysLine Breaklb-looseLoose Line Break Style Arddull Toriad Llinell Rhydd
1314Locale Display NamesKeysLine Breaklb-normalNormal Line Break Style Arddull Toriad Llinell Arferol
1315Locale Display NamesKeysLine Breaklb-strictStrict Line Break Style Arddull Torriad Llinell Caeth
1316Locale Display NamesKeysMeasurement SystemmsMeasurement System System Fesur
1317Locale Display NamesKeysMeasurement Systemms-metricMetric System System Fetrig
1318Locale Display NamesKeysMeasurement Systemms-uksystemImperial Measurement System System Fesur Imperialaidd
1319Locale Display NamesKeysMeasurement Systemms-ussystemUS Measurement System System Fesur UDA
1320Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbersNumbers Rhifau
1321Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-ahomAhom Digits ahom
1322Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-arabArabic-Indic Digits Digidau Arabig-Indig
1323Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-arabextExtended Arabic-Indic Digits Digidau Arabig-Indig Estynedig
1324Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-armnArmenian Numerals Rhifolion Armenaidd
1325Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-armnlowArmenian Lowercase Numerals Rhifolion Armenaidd mewn Llythrennau Bychain
1326Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-baliBalinese Digits bali
1327Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-bengBangla Digits Digidau Bengalaidd
1328Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-brahBrahmi Digits brah
1329Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-cakmChakma Digits Digidau Chakma
1330Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-chamCham Digits cham
1331Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-cyrlCyrillic Numerals cyrl
1332Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-devaDevanagari Digits Digidau Devanagarig
1333Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-diakDives Akuru Digits diak
1334Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-ethiEthiopic Numerals Rhifolion Ethiopig
1335Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-fullwideFull-Width Digits Digidau Lled Llawn
1336Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-garaGaray Digits gara
1337Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-georGeorgian Numerals Rhifolion Georgaidd
1338Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-gongGunjala Gondi digits gong
1339Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-gonmMasaram Gondi digits gonm
1340Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-grekGreek Numerals Rhifolion Groegaidd
1341Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-greklowGreek Lowercase Numerals Rhifolion Groegaidd mewn Llythrennau Bychain
1342Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-gujrGujarati Digits Digidau Gwjarataidd
1343Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-gukhGurung Khema Digits gukh
1344Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-guruGurmukhi Digits Digidau Gwrmwcaidd
1345Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-hanidecChinese Decimal Numerals Rhifolion Degol Tsieineaidd
1346Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-hansSimplified Chinese Numerals Rhifolion Tsieineaidd Symledig
1347Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-hansfinSimplified Chinese Financial Numerals Rhifolion Ariannol Tsieineaidd Symledig
1348Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-hantTraditional Chinese Numerals Rhifolion Tsieineaidd Traddodiadol
1349Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-hantfinTraditional Chinese Financial Numerals Rhifolion Ariannol Tsieineaidd Traddodiadol
1350Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-hebrHebrew Numerals Rhifolion Hebreig
1351Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-hmngPahawh Hmong Digits hmng
1352Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-hmnpNyiakeng Puachue Hmong Digits hmnp
1353Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-javaJavanese Digits Digidau Jafanaidd
1354Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-jpanJapanese Numerals Rhifolion Japaneaidd
1355Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-jpanfinJapanese Financial Numerals Rhifolion Ariannol Japaneaidd
1356Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-kaliKayah Li Digits kali
1357Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-kawiKawi Digits kawi
1358Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-khmrKhmer Digits Digidau Chmeraidd
1359Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-kndaKannada Digits Digidau Kannaraidd
1360Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-kraiKirat Rai Digits krai
1361Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-lanaTai Tham Hora Digits lana
1362Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-lanathamTai Tham Tham Digits lanatham
1363Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-laooLao Digits Digidau Laoaidd
1364Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-latnWestern Digits Digidau Gorllewinol
1365Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-lepcLepcha Digits lepc
1366Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-limbLimbu Digits limb
1367Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mathboldMathematical Bold Digits mathbold
1368Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mathdblMathematical Double-Struck Digits mathdbl
1369Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mathmonoMathematical Monospace Digits mathmono
1370Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mathsanbMathematical Sans-Serif Bold Digits mathsanb
1371Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mathsansMathematical Sans-Serif Digits mathsans
1372Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mlymMalayalam Digits Digidau Malayalamaidd
1373Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-modiModi Digits modi
1374Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mongMongolian Digits Digidau Mongolia
1375Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mrooMro Digits mroo
1376Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mteiMeetei Mayek Digits Digidau Meetei Mayek
1377Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mymrMyanmar Digits Digidau Myanmar
1378Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mymrepkaMyanmar Eastern Pwo Karen Digits mymrepka
1379Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mymrpaoMyanmar Pao Digits mymrpao
1380Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mymrshanMyanmar Shan Digits mymrshan
1381Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mymrtlngMyanmar Tai Laing Digits mymrtlng
1382Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-nagmNag Mundari Digits nagm
1383Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-nkooN’Ko Digits nkoo
1384Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-olckOl Chiki Digits Ol Chiki Digidau
1385Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-onaoOl Onal Digits onao
1386Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-oryaOdia Digits Digidau Orïaidd
1387Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-osmaOsmanya Digits osma
1388Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-outlinedOutlined Digits outlined
1389Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-rohgHanifi Rohingya digits rohg
1390Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-romanRoman Numerals Rhifolion Rhufeinig
1391Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-romanlowRoman Lowercase Numerals Rhifolion Rhufeinig mewn Llythrennau Bychain
1392Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-saurSaurashtra Digits saur
1393Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-shrdSharada Digits shrd
1394Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-sindKhudawadi Digits sind
1395Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-sinhSinhala Lith Digits sinh
1396Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-soraSora Sompeng Digits sora
1397Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-sundSundanese Digits sund
1398Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-sunuSunuwar Digits sunu
1399Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-takrTakri Digits Digidau Takri
1400Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-taluNew Tai Lue Digits talu
1401Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-tamlTraditional Tamil Numerals Rhifolion Tamilaidd Traddodiadol
1402Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-tamldecTamil Digits Digidau Tamilaidd
1403Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-teluTelugu Digits Digidau Telugu
1404Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-thaiThai Digits Digidau Thai
1405Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-tibtTibetan Digits Digidau Tibetaidd
1406Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-tirhTirhuta Digits tirh
1407Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-tnsaTangsa Digits tnsa
1408Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-vaiiVai Digits Digidau Vai
1409Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-waraWarang Citi Digits wara
1410Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-wchoWancho Digits wcho
1411Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldseraera oes
1412Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsyearyear blwyddyn
1413Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsyear-shortyr. bl.
1414Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsquarterquarter chwarter
1415Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsquarter-shortqtr. chw.
1416Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsmonthmonth mis
1417Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsweekweek wythnos
1418Date & TimeFieldsDate FieldsweekOfMonthweek of month rhif wythnos yn y mis
1419Date & TimeFieldsDate FieldsweekOfMonth-shortwk. of mo. wythnos y mis
1420Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsdayday diwrnod
1421Date & TimeFieldsDate FieldsdayOfYearday of year rhif y dydd yn y flwyddyn
1422Date & TimeFieldsDate FieldsdayOfYear-shortday of yr. rhif y dydd yn y fl.
1423Date & TimeFieldsDate FieldsdayOfYear-narrowday of yr. dydd y fl.
1424Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsweekdayday of the week diwrnod o’r wythnos
1425Date & TimeFieldsDate FieldsweekdayOfMonthweekday of the month diwrnod yn y mis
1426Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsdayperiod= AM/PM
1427Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldszonetime zone cylchfa amser
1428Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldszone-narrowzone cylchfa
1429Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldshourhour awr
1430Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsminuteminute munud
1431Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsminute-shortmin. mun.
1432Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldssecondsecond eiliad
1433Date & TimeRelativeRelative Year-1last year llynedd
1434Date & TimeRelativeRelative Year0this year eleni
1435Date & TimeRelativeRelative Year1next year blwyddyn nesaf
1436Date & TimeRelativeRelative Yearfuture-zeroin {0} years ymhen {0} o flynyddoedd
1437Date & TimeRelativeRelative Yearfuture-onein {0} year ymhen blwyddyn
1438Date & TimeRelativeRelative Yearfuture-twoin {0} years ymhen {0} flynedd
1439Date & TimeRelativeRelative Yearfuture-fewin {0} years ymhen {0} blynedd
1440Date & TimeRelativeRelative Yearfuture-manyin {0} years ymhen {0} blynedd
1441Date & TimeRelativeRelative Yearfuture-otherin {0} years ymhen {0} mlynedd
1442Date & TimeRelativeRelative Yearpast-one{0} year ago blwyddyn yn ôl
1443Date & TimeRelativeRelative Yearpast-two{0} years ago {0} flynedd yn ôl
1444Date & TimeRelativeRelative Yearpast-other{0} years ago {0} o flynyddoedd yn ôl
1445Date & TimeRelativeRelative Year Shortfuture-zeroin {0} years ymhen {0} o flynyddoedd
1446Date & TimeRelativeRelative Year Shortfuture-otherin {0} yr. ymhen {0} o flynyddoedd
1447Date & TimeRelativeRelative Year Shortpast-one{0} yr. ago {0} bl. yn ôl
1448Date & TimeRelativeRelative Year Narrow1next yr. bl. nesaf
1449Date & TimeRelativeRelative Year Narrowfuture-zeroin {0} years ymhen {0} o flynyddoedd
1450Date & TimeRelativeRelative Year Narrowfuture-onein {0}y ymhen bl.
1451Date & TimeRelativeRelative Year Narrowpast-one{0}y ago blwyddyn yn ôl
1452Date & TimeRelativeRelative Quarter-1last quarter chwarter olaf
1453Date & TimeRelativeRelative Quarter0this quarter chwarter hwn
1454Date & TimeRelativeRelative Quarter1next quarter chwarter nesaf
1455Date & TimeRelativeRelative Quarterfuture-otherin {0} quarters ymhen {0} chwarter
1456Date & TimeRelativeRelative Quarterpast-one{0} quarter ago {0} chwarter yn ôl
1457Date & TimeRelativeRelative Quarterpast-two{0} quarters ago {0} chwarter yn ôl
1458Date & TimeRelativeRelative Quarterpast-few{0} quarters ago {0} chwarter yn ôl
1459Date & TimeRelativeRelative Quarterpast-many{0} quarters ago {0} chwarter yn ôl
1460Date & TimeRelativeRelative Quarterpast-other{0} quarters ago {0} o chwarteri yn ôl
1461Date & TimeRelativeRelative Quarter Shortfuture-onein {0} qtr. ymhen {0} chw.
1462Date & TimeRelativeRelative Quarter Shortfuture-otherin {0} qtrs. ymhen {0} chw.
1463Date & TimeRelativeRelative Quarter Shortpast-one{0} qtr. ago {0} chw. yn ôl
1464Date & TimeRelativeRelative Quarter Shortpast-other{0} qtrs. ago {0} chw. yn ôl
1465Date & TimeRelativeRelative Month-1last month mis diwethaf
1466Date & TimeRelativeRelative Month0this month y mis hwn
1467Date & TimeRelativeRelative Month1next month mis nesaf
1468Date & TimeRelativeRelative Monthfuture-onein {0} month ymhen mis
1469Date & TimeRelativeRelative Monthfuture-twoin {0} months ymhen deufis
1470Date & TimeRelativeRelative Monthfuture-otherin {0} months ymhen {0} mis
1471Date & TimeRelativeRelative Monthpast-two{0} months ago {0} fis yn ôl
1472Date & TimeRelativeRelative Monthpast-other{0} months ago {0} mis yn ôl
1473Date & TimeRelativeRelative Month Shortpast-two{0} months ago deufis yn ôl
1474Date & TimeRelativeRelative Month Narrowpast-two{0} months ago {0} fis yn ôl
1475Date & TimeRelativeRelative Week-1last week wythnos ddiwethaf
1476Date & TimeRelativeRelative Week0this week yr wythnos hon
1477Date & TimeRelativeRelative Week1next week wythnos nesaf
1478Date & TimeRelativeRelative Weekfuture-onein {0} week ymhen wythnos
1479Date & TimeRelativeRelative Weekfuture-twoin {0} weeks ymhen pythefnos
1480Date & TimeRelativeRelative Weekfuture-otherin {0} weeks ymhen {0} wythnos
1481Date & TimeRelativeRelative Weekpast-other{0} weeks ago {0} wythnos yn ôl
1482Date & TimeRelativeRelative WeekPeriodthe week of {0} wythnos {0}
1483Date & TimeRelativeRelative Week Short-1last wk. ws. ddiwethaf
1484Date & TimeRelativeRelative Week Short0this wk. yr ws. hon
1485Date & TimeRelativeRelative Week Short1next wk. ws. nesaf
1486Date & TimeRelativeRelative Week Shortfuture-onein {0} wk. ymhen ws.
1487Date & TimeRelativeRelative Week Shortfuture-otherin {0} wk. ymhen {0} ws.
1488Date & TimeRelativeRelative Week Shortpast-one{0} wk. ago {0} ws. yn ôl
1489Date & TimeRelativeRelative Week Shortpast-two{0} weeks ago pythefnos yn ôl
1490Date & TimeRelativeRelative Week Shortpast-other{0} wk. ago {0} ws yn ôl.
1491Date & TimeRelativeRelative Week Narrowfuture-onein {0}w ymhen {0} ws.
1492Date & TimeRelativeRelative Week Narrowfuture-twoin {0} weeks ymhen {0} wythnos
1493Date & TimeRelativeRelative Week Narrowpast-other{0}w ago {0} ws. yn ôl
1494Date & TimeRelativeRelative Day-2n/a echdoe
1495Date & TimeRelativeRelative Day-1yesterday ddoe
1496Date & TimeRelativeRelative Day0today heddiw
1497Date & TimeRelativeRelative Day1tomorrow yfory
1498Date & TimeRelativeRelative Day2n/a drennydd
1499Date & TimeRelativeRelative Dayfuture-onein {0} day ymhen diwrnod
1500Date & TimeRelativeRelative Dayfuture-twoin {0} days ymhen deuddydd
1501Date & TimeRelativeRelative Dayfuture-otherin {0} days ymhen {0} diwrnod
1502Date & TimeRelativeRelative Daypast-two{0} days ago {0} ddiwrnod yn ôl
1503Date & TimeRelativeRelative Daypast-other{0} days ago {0} diwrnod yn ôl
1504Date & TimeRelativeRelative Day Narrowfuture-onein {0}d ymhen {0} diwrnod
1505Date & TimeRelativeRelative Day Narrowfuture-twoin {0} days ymhen {0} diwrnod
1506Date & TimeRelativeRelative Hour0this hour yr awr hon
1507Date & TimeRelativeRelative Hourfuture-onein {0} hour ymhen awr
1508Date & TimeRelativeRelative Hourfuture-otherin {0} hours ymhen {0} awr
1509Date & TimeRelativeRelative Hourpast-other{0} hours ago {0} awr yn ôl
1510Date & TimeRelativeRelative Hour Shortpast-one{0} hr. ago awr yn ôl
1511Date & TimeRelativeRelative Hour Narrowfuture-onein {0}h ymhen {0} awr
1512Date & TimeRelativeRelative Hour Narrowpast-one{0}h ago {0} awr yn ôl
1513Date & TimeRelativeRelative Minute0this minute y funud hon
1514Date & TimeRelativeRelative Minutefuture-otherin {0} minutes ymhen {0} munud
1515Date & TimeRelativeRelative Minutepast-other{0} minutes ago {0} munud yn ôl
1516Date & TimeRelativeRelative Minute Shortfuture-onein {0} min. ymhen {0} mun.
1517Date & TimeRelativeRelative Minute Shortfuture-twoin {0} minutes ymhen {0} fun.
1518Date & TimeRelativeRelative Minute Shortfuture-otherin {0} min. ymhen {0} mun.
1519Date & TimeRelativeRelative Minute Shortpast-one{0} min. ago {0} mun. yn ôl
1520Date & TimeRelativeRelative Minute Shortpast-two{0} minutes ago {0} funud yn ôl
1521Date & TimeRelativeRelative Minute Shortpast-other{0} min. ago {0} mun. yn ôl
1522Date & TimeRelativeRelative Minute Narrowfuture-twoin {0} minutes ymhen {0} mun.
1523Date & TimeRelativeRelative Minute Narrowpast-two{0} minutes ago {0} mun. yn ôl
1524Date & TimeRelativeRelative Minute Narrowpast-few{0} minutes ago {0} mun. yn ôl
1525Date & TimeRelativeRelative Second0now nawr
1526Date & TimeRelativeRelative Secondfuture-otherin {0} seconds ymhen {0} eiliad
1527Date & TimeRelativeRelative Secondpast-other{0} seconds ago {0} eiliad yn ôl
1528Date & TimeRelativeRelative Second Shortfuture-onein {0} sec. ymhen {0} eil.
1529Date & TimeRelativeRelative Second Shortfuture-otherin {0} sec. ymhen {0} eil.
1530Date & TimeRelativeRelative Second Shortpast-one{0} sec. ago {0} eil. yn ôl
1531Date & TimeRelativeRelative Second Shortpast-other{0} sec. ago {0} eil. yn ôl
1532Date & TimeRelativeRelative Second Narrowfuture-onein {0}s ymhen {0} eiliad
1533Date & TimeRelativeRelative Second Narrowfuture-otherin {0}s ymhen {0} eiliad
1534Date & TimeRelativeRelative Second Narrowpast-one{0}s ago {0} eiliad yn ôl
1535Date & TimeRelativeRelative Second Narrowpast-other{0}s ago {0} eiliad yn ôl
1536Date & TimeRelativeRelative Sunday-1last Sunday dydd Sul diwethaf
1537Date & TimeRelativeRelative Sunday0this Sunday dydd Sul yma
1538Date & TimeRelativeRelative Sunday1next Sunday dydd Sul nesaf
1539Date & TimeRelativeRelative Sundayfuture-otherin {0} Sundays ymhen {0} Dydd Sul
1540Date & TimeRelativeRelative Sundaypast-other{0} Sundays ago {0} Dydd Sul yn ôl
1541Date & TimeRelativeRelative Sunday Short-1last Sun. Sul diwethaf
1542Date & TimeRelativeRelative Sunday Short0this Sun. Sul yma
1543Date & TimeRelativeRelative Sunday Short1next Sun. Sul nesaf
1544Date & TimeRelativeRelative Sunday Shortfuture-onein {0} Sun. ymhen {0} Sul
1545Date & TimeRelativeRelative Sunday Shortfuture-fewin {0} Sundays ymhen {0} dydd Sul
1546Date & TimeRelativeRelative Sunday Shortfuture-otherin {0} Sun. ymhen {0} Sul
1547Date & TimeRelativeRelative Sunday Shortpast-one{0} Sun. ago {0} Sul yn ôl
1548Date & TimeRelativeRelative Sunday Shortpast-few{0} Sundays ago {0} dydd Sul yn ôl
1549Date & TimeRelativeRelative Sunday Shortpast-other{0} Sun. ago {0} Sul yn ôl
1550Date & TimeRelativeRelative Sunday Narrowfuture-zeroin {0} Sundays ymhen {0} dydd Sul
1551Date & TimeRelativeRelative Monday-1last Monday dydd Llun diwethaf
1552Date & TimeRelativeRelative Monday0this Monday dydd Llun yma
1553Date & TimeRelativeRelative Monday1next Monday dydd Llun nesaf
1554Date & TimeRelativeRelative Mondayfuture-otherin {0} Mondays ymhen {0} Dydd Llun
1555Date & TimeRelativeRelative Mondaypast-other{0} Mondays ago {0} dydd Llun yn ôl
1556Date & TimeRelativeRelative Monday Short-1last Mon. Llun diwethaf
1557Date & TimeRelativeRelative Monday Short0this Mon. Llun yma
1558Date & TimeRelativeRelative Monday Short1next Mon. Llun nesaf
1559Date & TimeRelativeRelative Monday Shortfuture-onein {0} Mon. ymhen {0} Llun
1560Date & TimeRelativeRelative Monday Shortfuture-fewin {0} Mondays ymhen {0} dydd Llun
1561Date & TimeRelativeRelative Monday Shortfuture-otherin {0} Mon. ymhen {0} Llun
1562Date & TimeRelativeRelative Monday Shortpast-one{0} Mon. ago {0} Llun yn ôl
1563Date & TimeRelativeRelative Monday Shortpast-other{0} Mon. ago {0} Llun yn ôl
1564Date & TimeRelativeRelative Monday Narrow-1last M Ll diwethaf
1565Date & TimeRelativeRelative Monday Narrow0this M Ll yma
1566Date & TimeRelativeRelative Monday Narrow1next M Ll nesaf
1567Date & TimeRelativeRelative Monday Narrowfuture-onein {0} M ymhen {0} Ll
1568Date & TimeRelativeRelative Monday Narrowfuture-otherin {0} M ymhen {0} Ll
1569Date & TimeRelativeRelative Monday Narrowpast-one{0} M ago {0} Ll yn ôl
1570Date & TimeRelativeRelative Monday Narrowpast-other{0} M ago {0} Ll yn ôl
1571Date & TimeRelativeRelative Tuesday-1last Tuesday dydd Mawrth diwethaf
1572Date & TimeRelativeRelative Tuesday0this Tuesday dydd Mawrth yma
1573Date & TimeRelativeRelative Tuesday1next Tuesday dydd Mawrth nesaf
1574Date & TimeRelativeRelative Tuesdayfuture-otherin {0} Tuesdays ymhen {0} dydd Mawrth
1575Date & TimeRelativeRelative Tuesdaypast-other{0} Tuesdays ago {0} dydd Mawrth yn ôl
1576Date & TimeRelativeRelative Tuesday Short-1last Tue. Maw. diwethaf
1577Date & TimeRelativeRelative Tuesday Short0this Tue. Maw. yma
1578Date & TimeRelativeRelative Tuesday Short1next Tue. Maw. nesaf
1579Date & TimeRelativeRelative Tuesday Shortfuture-onein {0} Tue. ymhen {0} Maw.
1580Date & TimeRelativeRelative Tuesday Shortfuture-otherin {0} Tue. ymhen {0} Maw.
1581Date & TimeRelativeRelative Tuesday Shortpast-one{0} Tue. ago {0} Maw. yn ôl
1582Date & TimeRelativeRelative Tuesday Shortpast-other{0} Tue. ago {0} Maw. yn ôl
1583Date & TimeRelativeRelative Wednesday-1last Wednesday dydd Mercher diwethaf
1584Date & TimeRelativeRelative Wednesday0this Wednesday dydd Mercher yma
1585Date & TimeRelativeRelative Wednesday1next Wednesday dydd Mercher nesaf
1586Date & TimeRelativeRelative Wednesdayfuture-otherin {0} Wednesdays ymhen {0} dydd Mercher
1587Date & TimeRelativeRelative Wednesdaypast-other{0} Wednesdays ago {0} dydd Mercher yn ôl
1588Date & TimeRelativeRelative Wednesday Short-1last Wed. Mer. diwethaf
1589Date & TimeRelativeRelative Wednesday Short0this Wed. Mer. yma
1590Date & TimeRelativeRelative Wednesday Short1next Wed. Mer. nesaf
1591Date & TimeRelativeRelative Wednesday Shortfuture-onein {0} Wed. ymhen {0} Mer.
1592Date & TimeRelativeRelative Wednesday Shortfuture-otherin {0} Wed. ymhen {0} Mer.
1593Date & TimeRelativeRelative Wednesday Shortpast-one{0} Wed. ago {0} Mer. yn ôl
1594Date & TimeRelativeRelative Wednesday Shortpast-other{0} Wed. ago {0} Mer. yn ôl
1595Date & TimeRelativeRelative Wednesday Narrow-1last W Me. diwethaf
1596Date & TimeRelativeRelative Wednesday Narrow0this W Me. yma
1597Date & TimeRelativeRelative Wednesday Narrow1next W Me. nesaf
1598Date & TimeRelativeRelative Wednesday Narrowfuture-onein {0} W ymhen {0} Me.
1599Date & TimeRelativeRelative Wednesday Narrowfuture-otherin {0} W ymhen {0} Me.
1600Date & TimeRelativeRelative Wednesday Narrowpast-one{0} W ago {0} Me. yn ôl
1601Date & TimeRelativeRelative Wednesday Narrowpast-other{0} W ago {0} Me. yn ôl
1602Date & TimeRelativeRelative Thursday-1last Thursday dydd Iau diwethaf
1603Date & TimeRelativeRelative Thursday0this Thursday dydd Iau yma
1604Date & TimeRelativeRelative Thursday1next Thursday dydd Iau nesaf
1605Date & TimeRelativeRelative Thursdayfuture-otherin {0} Thursdays ymhen {0} dydd Iau
1606Date & TimeRelativeRelative Thursdaypast-other{0} Thursdays ago {0} dydd Iau yn ôl
1607Date & TimeRelativeRelative Thursday Short-1last Thu. Iau diwethaf
1608Date & TimeRelativeRelative Thursday Short0this Thu. Iau yma
1609Date & TimeRelativeRelative Thursday Short1next Thu. Iau nesaf
1610Date & TimeRelativeRelative Thursday Shortfuture-onein {0} Thu. ymhen {0} Iau
1611Date & TimeRelativeRelative Thursday Shortfuture-otherin {0} Thu. ymhen {0} Iau
1612Date & TimeRelativeRelative Thursday Shortpast-one{0} Thu. ago {0} Iau yn ôl
1613Date & TimeRelativeRelative Thursday Shortpast-other{0} Thu. ago {0} Iau yn ôl
1614Date & TimeRelativeRelative Thursday Narrow-1last Th I diwethaf
1615Date & TimeRelativeRelative Thursday Narrow0this Th I yma
1616Date & TimeRelativeRelative Thursday Narrow1next Th I nesaf
1617Date & TimeRelativeRelative Friday-1last Friday dydd Gwener diwethaf
1618Date & TimeRelativeRelative Friday0this Friday dydd Gwener yma
1619Date & TimeRelativeRelative Friday1next Friday dydd Gwener nesaf
1620Date & TimeRelativeRelative Fridayfuture-otherin {0} Fridays ymhen {0} dydd Gwener
1621Date & TimeRelativeRelative Fridaypast-other{0} Fridays ago {0} dydd Gwener yn ôl
1622Date & TimeRelativeRelative Friday Short-1last Fri. Gwener diwethaf
1623Date & TimeRelativeRelative Friday Short0this Fri. Gwen. yma
1624Date & TimeRelativeRelative Friday Short1next Fri. Gwen. nesaf
1625Date & TimeRelativeRelative Friday Shortfuture-onein {0} Fri. ymhen {0} Gwen.
1626Date & TimeRelativeRelative Friday Shortfuture-otherin {0} Fri. ymhen {0} Gwen
1627Date & TimeRelativeRelative Friday Shortpast-one{0} Fri. ago {0} Gwen. yn ôl
1628Date & TimeRelativeRelative Friday Shortpast-other{0} Fri. ago {0} Gwen. yn ôl
1629Date & TimeRelativeRelative Friday Narrow-1last F G diwethaf
1630Date & TimeRelativeRelative Friday Narrow0this F G yma
1631Date & TimeRelativeRelative Friday Narrow1next F G nesaf
1632Date & TimeRelativeRelative Friday Narrowfuture-onein {0} F ymhen {0} G
1633Date & TimeRelativeRelative Friday Narrowfuture-otherin {0} F ymhen {0} G
1634Date & TimeRelativeRelative Friday Narrowpast-one{0} F ago {0} G yn ôl
1635Date & TimeRelativeRelative Friday Narrowpast-other{0} F ago {0} G yn ôl
1636Date & TimeRelativeRelative Saturday-1last Saturday dydd Sadwrn diwethaf
1637Date & TimeRelativeRelative Saturday0this Saturday dydd Sadwrn yma
1638Date & TimeRelativeRelative Saturday1next Saturday dydd Sadwrn nesaf
1639Date & TimeRelativeRelative Saturdayfuture-otherin {0} Saturdays ymhen {0} dydd Sadwrn
1640Date & TimeRelativeRelative Saturdaypast-other{0} Saturdays ago {0} dydd Sadwrn yn ôl
1641Date & TimeRelativeRelative Saturday Short-1last Sat. Sad. diwethaf
1642Date & TimeRelativeRelative Saturday Short0this Sat. Sad. yma
1643Date & TimeRelativeRelative Saturday Short1next Sat. Sad. nesaf
1644Date & TimeRelativeRelative Saturday Shortfuture-onein {0} Sat. ymhen {0} Sad.
1645Date & TimeRelativeRelative Saturday Shortfuture-otherin {0} Sat. ymhen {0} Sad.
1646Date & TimeRelativeRelative Saturday Shortpast-one{0} Sat. ago {0} Sad. yn ôl
1647Date & TimeRelativeRelative Saturday Shortpast-other{0} Sat. ago {0} Sad. yn ôl
1648Date & TimeGregorianEras - wide0Before Christ Cyn Crist
1649Date & TimeGregorianEras - wide0-variantBefore Common Era Cyn Cyfnod Cyffredin
1650Date & TimeGregorianEras - wide1Anno Domini Oed Crist
1651Date & TimeGregorianEras - wide1-variantCommon Era Cyfnod Cyffredin
1652Date & TimeGregorianEras - abbreviated0BC CC
1653Date & TimeGregorianEras - abbreviated0-variantBCE CCC
1654Date & TimeGregorianEras - abbreviated1AD OC
1655Date & TimeGregorianEras - abbreviated1-variantCE CYCY
1656Date & TimeGregorianEras - narrow0B C
1657Date & TimeGregorianEras - narrow1A O
1658Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - wide - Formatting11st quarter chwarter 1af
1659Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - wide - Formatting22nd quarter 2il chwarter
1660Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - wide - Formatting33rd quarter 3ydd chwarter
1661Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - wide - Formatting44th quarter 4ydd chwarter
1662Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - abbreviated - Formatting1Q1 Ch1
1663Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - abbreviated - Formatting2Q2 Ch2
1664Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - abbreviated - Formatting3Q3 Ch3
1665Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - abbreviated - Formatting4Q4 Ch4
1666Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - narrow - Standalone1= 1
1667Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - narrow - Standalone2= 2
1668Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - narrow - Standalone3= 3
1669Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - narrow - Standalone4= 4
1670Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - FormattingJanJanuary Ionawr
1671Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - FormattingFebFebruary Chwefror
1672Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - FormattingMarMarch Mawrth
1673Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - FormattingAprApril Ebrill
1674Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - FormattingMayMay Mai
1675Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - FormattingJunJune Mehefin
1676Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - FormattingJulJuly Gorffennaf
1677Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - FormattingAugAugust Awst
1678Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - FormattingSepSeptember Medi
1679Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - FormattingOctOctober Hydref
1680Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - FormattingNovNovember Tachwedd
1681Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - FormattingDecDecember Rhagfyr
1682Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJanJan Ion
1683Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingFebFeb Chwef
1684Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingMarMar Maw
1685Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingAprApr Ebr
1686Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJunJun Meh
1687Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJulJul Gorff
1688Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingOctOct Hyd
1689Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingNovNov Tach
1690Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingDecDec Rhag
1691Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneFebFeb Chw
1692Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneJulJul Gor
1693Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - StandaloneJanJ I
1694Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - StandaloneFebF Ch
1695Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - StandaloneMar= M
1696Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - StandaloneAprA E
1697Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - StandaloneMay= M
1698Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - StandaloneJunJ M
1699Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - StandaloneJulJ G
1700Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - StandaloneAug= A
1701Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - StandaloneSepS M
1702Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - StandaloneOctO H
1703Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - StandaloneNovN T
1704Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - StandaloneDecD Rh
1705Date & TimeGregorianDays - wide - FormattingsunSunday Dydd Sul
1706Date & TimeGregorianDays - wide - FormattingmonMonday Dydd Llun
1707Date & TimeGregorianDays - wide - FormattingtueTuesday Dydd Mawrth
1708Date & TimeGregorianDays - wide - FormattingwedWednesday Dydd Mercher
1709Date & TimeGregorianDays - wide - FormattingthuThursday Dydd Iau
1710Date & TimeGregorianDays - wide - FormattingfriFriday Dydd Gwener
1711Date & TimeGregorianDays - wide - FormattingsatSaturday Dydd Sadwrn
1712Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - FormattingsunSun Sul
1713Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - FormattingmonMon Llun
1714Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - FormattingtueTue Maw
1715Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - FormattingwedWed Mer
1716Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - FormattingthuThu Iau
1717Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - FormattingfriFri Gwen
1718Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - FormattingsatSat Sad
1719Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - StandalonefriFri Gwe
1720Date & TimeGregorianDays - short - Formattingsun= Su
1721Date & TimeGregorianDays - short - FormattingmonMo Ll
1722Date & TimeGregorianDays - short - FormattingtueTu Ma
1723Date & TimeGregorianDays - short - FormattingwedWe Me
1724Date & TimeGregorianDays - short - FormattingthuTh Ia
1725Date & TimeGregorianDays - short - FormattingfriFr Gw
1726Date & TimeGregorianDays - short - Formattingsat= Sa
1727Date & TimeGregorianDays - narrow - Standalonesun= S
1728Date & TimeGregorianDays - narrow - StandalonemonM Ll
1729Date & TimeGregorianDays - narrow - StandalonetueT M
1730Date & TimeGregorianDays - narrow - StandalonewedW M
1731Date & TimeGregorianDays - narrow - StandalonethuT I
1732Date & TimeGregorianDays - narrow - StandalonefriF G
1733Date & TimeGregorianDays - narrow - Standalonesat= S
1734Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - wide - FormattingamAM yb
1735Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - wide - FormattingpmPM yh
1736Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - wide - Standalonemorning1morning y bore
1737Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - wide - Standaloneafternoon1afternoon y prynhawn
1738Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - abbreviated - Formattingam= AM
1739Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - abbreviated - Formattingpm= PM
1740Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - abbreviated - Formattingmidnightmidnight canol nos
1741Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - abbreviated - Formattingnoonnoon canol dydd
1742Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - abbreviated - Formattingmorning1in the morning y bore
1743Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - abbreviated - Formattingafternoon1in the afternoon y prynhawn
1744Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - abbreviated - Formattingevening1in the evening yr hwyr
1745Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - abbreviated - Standalonemorning1morning bore
1746Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - abbreviated - Standaloneafternoon1afternoon prynhawn
1747Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - narrow - Formattingama b
1748Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - narrow - Formattingpmp h
1749Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - narrow - Formattingmorning1in the morning yn y bore
1750Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - narrow - Formattingafternoon1in the afternoon yn y prynhawn
1751Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - narrow - Formattingevening1in the evening min nos
1752Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - narrow - Standaloneevening1evening min nos
1753Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Date FormatsfullEEEE, MMMM d, y EEEE, d MMMM y
1754Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Date FormatslongMMMM d, y d MMMM y
1755Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Date FormatsmediumMMM d, y d MMM y
1756Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Date FormatsshortM/d/yy dd/MM/yy
1757Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Time Formatsfullh:mm:ss a zzzz HH:mm:ss zzzz
1758Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Time Formatslongh:mm:ss a z HH:mm:ss z
1759Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Time Formatsmediumh:mm:ss a HH:mm:ss
1760Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Time Formatsshorth:mm a HH:mm
1761Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsfull= {1}, {0}
1762Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatslong= {1}, {0}
1763Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsmedium{1}, {0} {1} {0}
1764Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsshort{1}, {0} {1} {0}
1765Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsfull-atTime{1} 'at' {0} {1} 'am' {0}
1766Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatslong-atTime{1} 'at' {0} {1} 'am' {0}
1767Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsmedium-atTime= {1}, {0}
1768Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsshort-atTime= {1}, {0}
1769Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMMW-other'week' W 'of' MMMM 'wythnos' W 'o' MMMM
1770Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsyw-other'week' w 'of' Y 'wythnos' w 'o' Y
1771Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsd= d
1772Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsE= ccc
1773Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsEdd E d, E
1774Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGy= y G
1775Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMdM/d/y G M/d/y GGGGG
1776Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMM= MMM y G
1777Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMdMMM d, y G d MMM y G
1778Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMEdE, MMM d, y G E, d MMM y G
1779Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsM= L
1780Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMdM/d d/M
1781Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMEdE, M/d E, d/M
1782Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMM= LLL
1783Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMdMMM d d MMM
1784Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMEdE, MMM d E, d MMM
1785Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMMd= MMMM d
1786Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsy= y
1787Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyM= M/y
1788Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyMdM/d/y d/M/y
1789Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyMEdE, M/d/y E, d/M/y
1790Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyMMM= MMM y
1791Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyMMMdMMM d, y d MMM y
1792Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyMMMEdE, MMM d, y E, d MMM y
1793Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyMMMM= MMMM y
1794Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyQn/a Q y
1795Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyQQQ= QQQ y
1796Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyQQQQ= QQQQ y
1797Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsBh= h B
1798Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsBhm= h:mm B
1799Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsBhms= h:mm:ss B
1800Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsEBhm= E h:mm B
1801Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsEBhms= E h:mm:ss B
1802Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsEhmE h:mm a E, h:mm a
1803Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsEhmsE h:mm:ss a E, h:mm:ss a
1804Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatsh= h a
1805Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatshm= h:mm a
1806Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatshms= h:mm:ss a
1807Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatshmsv= h:mm:ss a v
1808Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatshmv= h:mm a v
1809Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsEHmE HH:mm E, HH:mm
1810Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsEHmsE HH:mm:ss E, HH:mm:ss
1811Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsH= HH
1812Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsHm= HH:mm
1813Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsHms= HH:mm:ss
1814Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsHmsv= HH:mm:ss v
1815Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsHmv= HH:mm v
1816Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formatsms= mm:ss
1817Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - AppendTimezone= {0} {1}
1818Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBh/B= h B – h B
1819Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBh/hh – h B h–h B
1820Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBhm/B= h:mm B – h:mm B
1821Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBhm/hh:mm – h:mm B h:mm–h:mm B
1822Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBhm/mh:mm – h:mm B h:mm–h:mm B
1823Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsd/dd – d d–d
1824Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGy/Gy G – y G G y – G y
1825Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGy/yy – y G G y–y
1826Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyM/GM/y G – M/y G GGGGG y-MM – GGGGG y-MM
1827Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyM/MM/y – M/y G GGGGG y-MM – y-MM
1828Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyM/yM/y – M/y G GGGGG y-MM – y-MM
1829Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMd/dM/d/y – M/d/y G GGGGG y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd
1830Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMd/GM/d/y G – M/d/y G GGGGG y-MM-dd – GGGGG y-MM-dd
1831Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMd/MM/d/y – M/d/y G GGGGG y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd
1832Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMd/yM/d/y – M/d/y G GGGGG y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd
1833Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMEd/dE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y G GGGGG y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E
1834Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMEd/GE, M/d/y G – E, M/d/y G GGGGG y-MM-dd, E – GGGGG y-MM-dd, E
1835Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMEd/ME, M/d/y – E, M/d/y G GGGGG y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E
1836Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMEd/yE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y G GGGGG y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E
1837Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMM/GMMM y G – MMM y G G y MMM – G y MMM
1838Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMM/MMMM – MMM y G G y MMM–MMM
1839Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMM/yMMM y – MMM y G G y MMM – y MMM
1840Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMd/dMMM d – d, y G G y MMM d–d
1841Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMd/GMMM d, y G – MMM d, y G G y MMM d – G y MMM d
1842Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMd/MMMM d – MMM d, y G G y MMM d – MMM d
1843Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMd/yMMM d, y – MMM d, y G G y MMM d – y MMM d
1844Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMEd/dE, MMM d – E, MMM d, y G G y MMM d, E – MMM d, E
1845Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMEd/GE, MMM d, y G – E, MMM d, y G G y MMM d, E – G y MMM d, E
1846Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMEd/ME, MMM d – E, MMM d, y G G y MMM d, E – MMM d, E
1847Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMEd/yE, MMM d, y – E, MMM d, y G G y MMM d, E – y MMM d, E
1848Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsM/MM – M M–M
1849Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMd/dM/d – M/d d/M – d/M
1850Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMd/MM/d – M/d d/M – d/M
1851Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMEd/dE, M/d – E, M/d E, d/M – E, d/M
1852Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMEd/ME, M/d – E, M/d E, d/M – E, d/M
1853Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMM/MMMM – MMM MMM–MMM
1854Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMd/dMMM d – d d – d MMM
1855Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMd/MMMM d – MMM d d MMM – d MMM
1856Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMEd/dE, MMM d – E, MMM d E, d MMM – E, d MMM
1857Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMEd/ME, MMM d – E, MMM d E, d MMM – E, d MMM
1858Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMM/Mn/a LLLL–LLLL
1859Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsy/yy – y y–y
1860Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyM/M= M/y – M/y
1861Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyM/y= M/y – M/y
1862Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/dM/d/y – M/d/y d/M/y – d/M/y
1863Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/MM/d/y – M/d/y d/M/y – d/M/y
1864Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/yM/d/y – M/d/y d/M/y – d/M/y
1865Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/dE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y E, d/M/y – E, d/M/y
1866Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/ME, M/d/y – E, M/d/y E, d/M/y – E, d/M/y
1867Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/yE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y E, d/M/y – E, d/M/y
1868Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMM/M= MMM – MMM y
1869Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMM/y= MMM y – MMM y
1870Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/dMMM d – d, y d–d MMM y
1871Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/MMMM d – MMM d, y d MMM – d MMM y
1872Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/yMMM d, y – MMM d, y d MMM, y – d MMM y
1873Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/dE, MMM d – E, MMM d, y E, d MMM – E, d MMM y
1874Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/ME, MMM d – E, MMM d, y E, d MMM – E, d MMM y
1875Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/yE, MMM d, y – E, MMM d, y E, d MMM y – E, d MMM y
1876Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMM/M= MMMM – MMMM y
1877Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMM/y= MMMM y – MMMM y
1878Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formatsh/a= h a – h a
1879Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formatsh/h= h – h a
1880Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formatshm/a= h:mm a – h:mm a
1881Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formatshm/hh:mm – h:mm a h:mm h:mm a
1882Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formatshm/m= h:mm – h:mm a
1883Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formatshmv/a= h:mm a – h:mm a v
1884Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formatshmv/h= h:mm – h:mm a v
1885Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formatshmv/m= h:mm – h:mm a v
1886Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formatshv/a= h a – h a v
1887Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formatshv/h= h – h a v
1888Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 24 Hour Time FormatsH/H= HH – HH
1889Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 24 Hour Time FormatsHm/H= HH:mm – HH:mm
1890Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 24 Hour Time FormatsHm/m= HH:mm – HH:mm
1891Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 24 Hour Time FormatsHmv/H= HH:mm – HH:mm v
1892Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 24 Hour Time FormatsHmv/m= HH:mm – HH:mm v
1893Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 24 Hour Time FormatsHv/H= HH – HH v
1894Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - FallbackFallback= {0} – {1}
1895Date & TimeISO 8601Formats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMMW-other= MMMM 'week' W
1896Date & TimeISO 8601Formats - Flexible - Date Formatsyw-other= Y 'week' w
1897Date & TimeISO 8601Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsBh= h B
1898Date & TimeISO 8601Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsBhm= h:mm B
1899Date & TimeISO 8601Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsBhms= h:mm:ss B
1900Date & TimeISO 8601Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsEBhm= E h:mm B
1901Date & TimeISO 8601Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsEBhms= E h:mm:ss B
1902Date & TimeISO 8601Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsEhm= E h:mm a
1903Date & TimeISO 8601Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsEhms= E h:mm:ss a
1904Date & TimeISO 8601Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatsh= h a
1905Date & TimeISO 8601Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatshm= h:mm a
1906Date & TimeISO 8601Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatshms= h:mm:ss a
1907Date & TimeISO 8601Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatshmsv= h:mm:ss a v
1908Date & TimeISO 8601Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatshmv= h:mm a v
1909Date & TimeISO 8601Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsEHm= E HH:mm
1910Date & TimeISO 8601Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsEHms= E HH:mm:ss
1911Date & TimeISO 8601Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsH= HH
1912Date & TimeISO 8601Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsHm= HH:mm
1913Date & TimeISO 8601Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsHms= HH:mm:ss
1914Date & TimeISO 8601Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsHmsv= HH:mm:ss v
1915Date & TimeISO 8601Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsHmv= HH:mm v
1916Date & TimeISO 8601Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formatsms= mm:ss
1917Date & TimeGenericFormats - Standard - Date FormatsfullEEEE, MMMM d, y G EEEE, d MMMM y G
1918Date & TimeGenericFormats - Standard - Date FormatslongMMMM d, y G d MMMM y G
1919Date & TimeGenericFormats - Standard - Date FormatsmediumMMM d, y G d MMM y G
1920Date & TimeGenericFormats - Standard - Date FormatsshortM/d/y GGGGG dd/MM/y GGGGG
1921Date & TimeGenericFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsfull= {1}, {0}
1922Date & TimeGenericFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatslong= {1}, {0}
1923Date & TimeGenericFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsmedium= {1}, {0}
1924Date & TimeGenericFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsshort= {1}, {0}
1925Date & TimeGenericFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsfull-atTime{1} 'at' {0} {1} 'am' {0}
1926Date & TimeGenericFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatslong-atTime{1} 'at' {0} {1} 'am' {0}
1927Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsd= d
1928Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsE= ccc
1929Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsEdd E E, d
1930Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGy= y G
1931Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMd= M/d/y GGGGG
1932Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMM= MMM y G
1933Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMdMMM d, y G d MMM y G
1934Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMEdE, MMM d, y G E, d MMM y G
1935Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsM= L
1936Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMdM/d d/M
1937Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMEdE, M/d E, d/M
1938Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMM= LLL
1939Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMdMMM d d MMM
1940Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMEdE, MMM d E, d MMM
1941Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMMdMMMM d d MMMM
1942Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsy= y G
1943Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsyyyy= y G
1944Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMM/y GGGGG GGGGG y-MM
1945Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMdM/d/y GGGGG GGGGG y-MM-dd
1946Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMEdE, M/d/y GGGGG GGGGG y-MM-dd, E
1947Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMM= MMM y G
1948Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMdMMM d, y G d MMM y G
1949Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMEdE, MMM d, y G E, d MMM y G
1950Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMMMMMM y G G y MMMM
1951Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyQQQ= QQQ y G
1952Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyQQQQ= QQQQ y G
1953Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsBh= h B
1954Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsBhm= h:mm B
1955Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsBhms= h:mm:ss B
1956Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsEBhm= E h:mm B
1957Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsEBhms= E h:mm:ss B
1958Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsEhm= E h:mm a
1959Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsEhms= E h:mm:ss a
1960Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatsh= h a
1961Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatshm= h:mm a
1962Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatshms= h:mm:ss a
1963Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsEHm= E HH:mm
1964Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsEHms= E HH:mm:ss
1965Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsH= HH
1966Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsHm= HH:mm
1967Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsHms= HH:mm:ss
1968Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formatsms= mm:ss
1969Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBh/B= h B – h B
1970Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBh/hh – h B h–h B
1971Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBhm/B= h:mm B – h:mm B
1972Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBhm/hh:mm – h:mm B h:mm–h:mm B
1973Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBhm/mh:mm – h:mm B h:mm–h:mm B
1974Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsd/d= d – d
1975Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGy/Gy G – y G G y – G y
1976Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGy/yy – y G G y–y
1977Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyM/GM/y GGGGG – M/y GGGGG GGGGG y-MM – GGGGG y-MM
1978Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyM/MM/y – M/y GGGGG GGGGG y-MM – y-MM
1979Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyM/yM/y – M/y GGGGG GGGGG y-MM – y-MM
1980Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMd/dM/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG GGGGG y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd
1981Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMd/GM/d/y GGGGG – M/d/y GGGGG GGGGG y-MM-dd – GGGGG y-MM-dd
1982Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMd/MM/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG GGGGG y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd
1983Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMd/yM/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG GGGGG y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd
1984Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMEd/dE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG GGGGG y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E
1985Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMEd/GE, M/d/y GGGGG – E, M/d/y GGGGG GGGGG y-MM-dd, E – GGGGG y-MM-dd, E
1986Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMEd/ME, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG GGGGG y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E
1987Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMEd/yE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG GGGGG y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E
1988Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMM/GMMM y G – MMM y G G y MMM – G y MMM
1989Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMM/MMMM – MMM y G G y MMM–MMM
1990Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMM/yMMM y – MMM y G G y MMM – y MMM
1991Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMd/dMMM d – d, y G G y MMM d–d
1992Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMd/GMMM d, y G – MMM d, y G G y MMM d – G y MMM d
1993Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMd/MMMM d – MMM d, y G G y MMM d – MMM d
1994Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMd/yMMM d, y – MMM d, y G G y MMM d – y MMM d
1995Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMEd/dE, MMM d – E, MMM d, y G G y MMM d, E – MMM d, E
1996Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMEd/GE, MMM d, y G – E, MMM d, y G G y MMM d, E – G y MMM d, E
1997Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMEd/ME, MMM d – E, MMM d, y G G y MMM d, E – MMM d, E
1998Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMEd/yE, MMM d, y – E, MMM d, y G G y MMM d, E – y MMM d, E
1999Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsh/a= h a – h a
2000Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsh/h= h – h a
2001Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsH/H= HH – HH
2002Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshm/a= h:mm a – h:mm a
2003Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshm/h= h:mm – h:mm a
2004Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHm/H= HH:mm – HH:mm
2005Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshm/m= h:mm – h:mm a
2006Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHm/m= HH:mm – HH:mm
2007Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshmv/a= h:mm a – h:mm a v
2008Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshmv/h= h:mm – h:mm a v
2009Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHmv/H= HH:mm – HH:mm v
2010Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshmv/m= h:mm – h:mm a v
2011Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHmv/m= HH:mm – HH:mm v
2012Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshv/a= h a – h a v
2013Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshv/h= h – h a v
2014Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHv/H= HH – HH v
2015Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsM/M= M – M
2016Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMd/dM/d – M/d d/M – d/M
2017Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMd/MM/d – M/d d/M – d/M
2018Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMEd/dE, M/d – E, M/d E, d/M – E, d/M
2019Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMEd/ME, M/d – E, M/d E, d/M – E, d/M
2020Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMM/M= MMM – MMM
2021Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMd/dMMM d – d d – d MMM
2022Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMd/MMMM d – MMM d d MMM – d MMM
2023Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMEd/dE, MMM d – E, MMM d E, d MMM – E, d MMM
2024Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMEd/ME, MMM d – E, MMM d E, d MMM – E, d MMM
2025Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMM/Mn/a LLLL–LLLL
2026Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsy/yy – y G y–y G
2027Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyM/M= M/y – M/y GGGGG
2028Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyM/y= M/y – M/y GGGGG
2029Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/dM/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG d/M/y – d/M/y GGGGG
2030Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/MM/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG d/M/y – d/M/y GGGGG
2031Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/yM/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG d/M/y – d/M/y GGGGG
2032Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/dE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG E, d/M/y – E, d/M/y GGGGG
2033Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/ME, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG E, d/M/y – E, d/M/y GGGGG
2034Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/yE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG E, d/M/y – E, d/M/y GGGGG
2035Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMM/M= MMM – MMM y G
2036Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMM/y= MMM y – MMM y G
2037Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/dMMM d – d, y G d–d MMM y G
2038Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/MMMM d – MMM d, y G d MMM – d MMM y G
2039Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/yMMM d, y – MMM d, y G d MMM y – d MMM y G
2040Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/dE, MMM d – E, MMM d, y G E, d MMM – E, d MMM y G
2041Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/ME, MMM d – E, MMM d, y G E, d MMM – E, d MMM y G
2042Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/yE, MMM d, y – E, MMM d, y G E, d MMM, y – E, d MMM y G
2043Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMM/MMMMM – MMMM y G MMMM–MMMM y G
2044Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMM/y= MMMM y – MMMM y G
2045Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - FallbackFallback= {0} – {1}
2046Date & TimeBuddhistEras - abbreviated0= BE
2047Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-1= zi
2048Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-2= chou
2049Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-3= yin
2050Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-4= mao
2051Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-5= chen
2052Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-6= si
2053Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-7= wu
2054Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-8= wei
2055Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-9= shen
2056Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-10= you
2057Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-11= xu
2058Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-12= hai
2059Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-1= spring begins
2060Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-2= rain water
2061Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-3= insects awaken
2062Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-4= spring equinox
2063Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-5= bright and clear
2064Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-6= grain rain
2065Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-7= summer begins
2066Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-8= grain full
2067Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-9= grain in ear
2068Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-10= summer solstice
2069Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-11= minor heat
2070Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-12= major heat
2071Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-13= autumn begins
2072Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-14= end of heat
2073Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-15= white dew
2074Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-16= autumn equinox
2075Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-17= cold dew
2076Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-18= frost descends
2077Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-19= winter begins
2078Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-20= minor snow
2079Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-21= major snow
2080Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-22= winter solstice
2081Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-23= minor cold
2082Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-24= major cold
2083Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-1= jia-zi
2084Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-2= yi-chou
2085Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-3= bing-yin
2086Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-4= ding-mao
2087Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-5= wu-chen
2088Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-6= ji-si
2089Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-7= geng-wu
2090Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-8= xin-wei
2091Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-9= ren-shen
2092Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-10= gui-you
2093Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-11= jia-xu
2094Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-12= yi-hai
2095Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-13= bing-zi
2096Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-14= ding-chou
2097Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-15= wu-yin
2098Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-16= ji-mao
2099Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-17= geng-chen
2100Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-18= xin-si
2101Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-19= ren-wu
2102Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-20= gui-wei
2103Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-21= jia-shen
2104Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-22= yi-you
2105Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-23= bing-xu
2106Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-24= ding-hai
2107Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-25= wu-zi
2108Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-26= ji-chou
2109Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-27= geng-yin
2110Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-28= xin-mao
2111Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-29= ren-chen
2112Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-30= gui-si
2113Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-31= jia-wu
2114Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-32= yi-wei
2115Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-33= bing-shen
2116Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-34= ding-you
2117Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-35= wu-xu
2118Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-36= ji-hai
2119Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-37= geng-zi
2120Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-38= xin-chou
2121Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-39= ren-yin
2122Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-40= gui-mao
2123Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-41= jia-chen
2124Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-42= yi-si
2125Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-43= bing-wu
2126Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-44= ding-wei
2127Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-45= wu-shen
2128Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-46= ji-you
2129Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-47= geng-xu
2130Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-48= xin-hai
2131Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-49= ren-zi
2132Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-50= gui-chou
2133Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-51= jia-yin
2134Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-52= yi-mao
2135Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-53= bing-chen
2136Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-54= ding-si
2137Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-55= wu-wu
2138Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-56= ji-wei
2139Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-57= geng-shen
2140Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-58= xin-you
2141Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-59= ren-xu
2142Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-60= gui-hai
2143Date & TimeChinesemonthPatternsmonthPattern-format-wide-leap= {0}bis
2144Date & TimeChinesemonthPatternsmonthPattern-numeric-all-leap= {0}bis
2145Date & TimeChinesemonthPatternsmonthPattern-stand-alone-narrow-leap= {0}b
2146Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - FormattingM1First Month M01
2147Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - FormattingM2Second Month M02
2148Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - FormattingM3Third Month M03
2149Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - FormattingM4Fourth Month M04
2150Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - FormattingM5Fifth Month M05
2151Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - FormattingM6Sixth Month M06
2152Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - FormattingM7Seventh Month M07
2153Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - FormattingM8Eighth Month M08
2154Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - FormattingM9Ninth Month M09
2155Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - FormattingM10Tenth Month M10
2156Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - FormattingM11Eleventh Month M11
2157Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - FormattingM12Twelfth Month M12
2158Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - StandaloneM1= 1
2159Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - StandaloneM2= 2
2160Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - StandaloneM3= 3
2161Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - StandaloneM4= 4
2162Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - StandaloneM5= 5
2163Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - StandaloneM6= 6
2164Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - StandaloneM7= 7
2165Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - StandaloneM8= 8
2166Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - StandaloneM9= 9
2167Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - StandaloneM10= 10
2168Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - StandaloneM11= 11
2169Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - StandaloneM12= 12
2170Date & TimeChineseFormats - Standard - Date FormatsfullEEEE, MMMM d, r(U) r(U) MMMM d, EEEE
2171Date & TimeChineseFormats - Standard - Date FormatslongMMMM d, r(U) r(U) MMMM d
2172Date & TimeChineseFormats - Standard - Date FormatsmediumMMM d, r r MMM d
2173Date & TimeChineseFormats - Standard - Date FormatsshortM/d/r r-MM-dd
2174Date & TimeChineseFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsfull{1}, {0} {1} {0}
2175Date & TimeChineseFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatslong{1}, {0} {1} {0}
2176Date & TimeChineseFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsmedium{1}, {0} {1} {0}
2177Date & TimeChineseFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsshort{1}, {0} {1} {0}
2178Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsd= d
2179Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsE= ccc
2180Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsEdd E d, E
2181Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyr(U) r U
2182Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMMMM r r MMM
2183Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMdMMM d, r r MMM d
2184Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMEdE, MMM d, r r MMM d, E
2185Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMMMMMM r(U) r(U) MMMM
2186Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMMdMMMM d, r(U) r(U) MMMM d
2187Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMMEdE, MMMM d, r(U) r(U) MMMM d, E
2188Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsM= L
2189Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMdM/d MM-dd
2190Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMEdE, M/d MM-dd, E
2191Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMM= LLL
2192Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMd= MMM d
2193Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMEdE, MMM d MMM d, E
2194Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMMd= MMMM d
2195Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsUMM/U U MM
2196Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsUMdM/d/U U MM-d
2197Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsUMMMMMM U U MMM
2198Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsUMMMdMMM d, U U MMM d
2199Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsy= r(U)
2200Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsyyyy= r(U)
2201Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMM/r r-MM
2202Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMdM/d/r r-MM-dd
2203Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMEdE, M/d/r r-MM-dd, E
2204Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMMMM r r MMM
2205Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMdMMM d, r r MMM d
2206Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMEdE, MMM d, r r MMM d, E
2207Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMMMMMM r(U) r(U) MMMM
2208Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMMdMMMM d, r(U) r(U) MMMM d
2209Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMMEdE, MMMM d, r(U) r(U) MMMM d, E
2210Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyQQQQQQ r(U) r(U) QQQ
2211Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyQQQQQQQQ r(U) r(U) QQQQ
2212Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsBh= h B
2213Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsBhm= h:mm B
2214Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsBhms= h:mm:ss B
2215Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsEBhm= E h:mm B
2216Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsEBhms= E h:mm:ss B
2217Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatshh a h a
2218Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatshmh:mm a h:mm a
2219Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatshmsh:mm:ss a h:mm:ss a
2220Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsH= HH
2221Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsHm= HH:mm
2222Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsHms= HH:mm:ss
2223Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formatsms= mm:ss
2224Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBh/B= h B – h B
2225Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBh/hh – h B h–h B
2226Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBhm/B= h:mm B – h:mm B
2227Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBhm/hh:mm – h:mm B h:mm–h:mm B
2228Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBhm/mh:mm – h:mm B h:mm–h:mm B
2229Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsd/dd – d d–d
2230Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsh/a= h a – h a
2231Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsh/hh – h a h–h a
2232Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsH/HHH – HH HH–HH
2233Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshm/ah:mm a – h:mm a h:mm a – h:mm a
2234Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshm/hh:mm – h:mm a h:mm–h:mm a
2235Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHm/HHH:mm – HH:mm HH:mm–HH:mm
2236Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshm/mh:mm – h:mm a h:mm–h:mm a
2237Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHm/mHH:mm – HH:mm HH:mm–HH:mm
2238Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshmv/ah:mm a – h:mm a v h:mm a – h:mm a v
2239Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshmv/hh:mm – h:mm a v h:mm–h:mm a v
2240Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHmv/HHH:mm – HH:mm v HH:mm–HH:mm v
2241Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshmv/mh:mm – h:mm a v h:mm–h:mm a v
2242Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHmv/mHH:mm – HH:mm v HH:mm–HH:mm v
2243Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshv/a= h a – h a v
2244Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshv/hh – h a v h–h a v
2245Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHv/HHH – HH v HH–HH v
2246Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsM/MM – M MM–MM
2247Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMd/dM/d – M/d MM-dd – MM-dd
2248Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMd/MM/d – M/d MM-dd – MM-dd
2249Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMEd/dE, M/d – E, M/d MM-dd, E – MM-dd, E
2250Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMEd/ME, M/d – E, M/d MM-dd, E – MM-dd, E
2251Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMM/MMMM – MMM LLL–LLL
2252Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMd/dMMM d – d MMM d–d
2253Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMd/M= MMM d – MMM d
2254Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMEd/dE, MMM d – E, MMM d MMM d, E – MMM d, E
2255Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMEd/ME, MMM d – E, MMM d MMM d, E – MMM d, E
2256Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsy/yU – U U–U
2257Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyM/MM/y – M/y y-MM – y-MM
2258Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyM/yM/y – M/y y-MM – y-MM
2259Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/dM/d/y – M/d/y y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd
2260Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/MM/d/y – M/d/y y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd
2261Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/yM/d/y – M/d/y y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd
2262Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/dE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E
2263Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/ME, M/d/y – E, M/d/y y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E
2264Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/yE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E
2265Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMM/MMMM – MMM U U MMM–MMM
2266Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMM/yMMM U – MMM U U MMM – U MMM
2267Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/dMMM d – d, U U MMM d–d
2268Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/MMMM d – MMM d, U U MMM d – MMM d
2269Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/yMMM d, U – MMM d, U U MMM d – U MMM d
2270Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/dE, MMM d – E, MMM d, U U MMM d, E – MMM d, E
2271Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/ME, MMM d – E, MMM d, U U MMM d, E – MMM d, E
2272Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/yE, MMM d, U – E, MMM d, U U MMM d, E – U MMM d, E
2273Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMM/MMMMM – MMMM U U MMMM–MMMM
2274Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMM/yMMMM U – MMMM U U MMMM – U MMMM
2275Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - FallbackFallback= {0} – {1}
2276Date & TimeCopticEras - abbreviated0= ERA0
2277Date & TimeCopticEras - abbreviated1= ERA1
2278Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingM1= Tout
2279Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingM2= Baba
2280Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingM3= Hator
2281Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingM4= Kiahk
2282Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingM5= Toba
2283Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingM6= Amshir
2284Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingM7= Baramhat
2285Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingM8= Baramouda
2286Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingM9= Bashans
2287Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingM10= Paona
2288Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingM11= Epep
2289Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingM12= Mesra
2290Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingM13= Nasie
2291Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneM1= 1
2292Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneM2= 2
2293Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneM3= 3
2294Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneM4= 4
2295Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneM5= 5
2296Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneM6= 6
2297Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneM7= 7
2298Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneM8= 8
2299Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneM9= 9
2300Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneM10= 10
2301Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneM11= 11
2302Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneM12= 12
2303Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneM13= 13
2304Date & TimeEthiopicEras - abbreviated0= ERA0
2305Date & TimeEthiopicEras - abbreviated1= ERA1
2306Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingM1= Meskerem
2307Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingM2= Tekemt
2308Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingM3= Hedar
2309Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingM4= Tahsas
2310Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingM5= Ter
2311Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingM6= Yekatit
2312Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingM7= Megabit
2313Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingM8= Miazia
2314Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingM9= Genbot
2315Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingM10= Sene
2316Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingM11= Hamle
2317Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingM12= Nehasse
2318Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingM13= Pagumen
2319Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM1= 1
2320Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM2= 2
2321Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM3= 3
2322Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM4= 4
2323Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM5= 5
2324Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM6= 6
2325Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM7= 7
2326Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM8= 8
2327Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM9= 9
2328Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM10= 10
2329Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM11= 11
2330Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM12= 12
2331Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM13= 13
2332Date & TimeEthiopic-Amete-AlemEras - abbreviated0= ERA0
2333Date & TimeHebrewEras - abbreviated0= AM
2334Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingM7 (leap)= Adar II
2335Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingM1= Tishri
2336Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingM2= Heshvan
2337Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingM3= Kislev
2338Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingM4= Tevet
2339Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingM5= Shevat
2340Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingM6= Adar I
2341Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingM7= Adar
2342Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingM8= Nisan
2343Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingM9= Iyar
2344Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingM10= Sivan
2345Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingM11= Tamuz
2346Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingM12= Av
2347Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingM13= Elul
2348Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneM7 (leap)= 7
2349Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneM1= 1
2350Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneM2= 2
2351Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneM3= 3
2352Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneM4= 4
2353Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneM5= 5
2354Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneM6= 6
2355Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneM7= 7
2356Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneM8= 8
2357Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneM9= 9
2358Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneM10= 10
2359Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneM11= 11
2360Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneM12= 12
2361Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneM13= 13
2362Date & TimeIndianEras - abbreviated0= Saka
2363Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - FormattingM1= Chaitra
2364Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - FormattingM2= Vaisakha
2365Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - FormattingM3= Jyaistha
2366Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - FormattingM4= Asadha
2367Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - FormattingM5= Sravana
2368Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - FormattingM6= Bhadra
2369Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - FormattingM7= Asvina
2370Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - FormattingM8= Kartika
2371Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - FormattingM9= Agrahayana
2372Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - FormattingM10= Pausa
2373Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - FormattingM11= Magha
2374Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - FormattingM12= Phalguna
2375Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - StandaloneM1= 1
2376Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - StandaloneM2= 2
2377Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - StandaloneM3= 3
2378Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - StandaloneM4= 4
2379Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - StandaloneM5= 5
2380Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - StandaloneM6= 6
2381Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - StandaloneM7= 7
2382Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - StandaloneM8= 8
2383Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - StandaloneM9= 9
2384Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - StandaloneM10= 10
2385Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - StandaloneM11= 11
2386Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - StandaloneM12= 12
2387Date & TimeIslamicEras - abbreviated0= AH
2388Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - FormattingM1= Muharram
2389Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - FormattingM2= Safar
2390Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - FormattingM3= Rabiʻ I
2391Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - FormattingM4= Rabiʻ II
2392Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - FormattingM5= Jumada I
2393Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - FormattingM6= Jumada II
2394Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - FormattingM7= Rajab
2395Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - FormattingM8= Shaʻban
2396Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - FormattingM9= Ramadan
2397Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - FormattingM10= Shawwal
2398Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - FormattingM11= Dhuʻl-Qiʻdah
2399Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - FormattingM12= Dhuʻl-Hijjah
2400Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingM1= Muh.
2401Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingM2= Saf.
2402Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingM3= Rab. I
2403Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingM4= Rab. II
2404Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingM5= Jum. I
2405Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingM6= Jum. II
2406Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingM7= Raj.
2407Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingM8= Sha.
2408Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingM9= Ram.
2409Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingM10= Shaw.
2410Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingM11= Dhuʻl-Q.
2411Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingM12= Dhuʻl-H.
2412Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM1= 1
2413Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM2= 2
2414Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM3= 3
2415Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM4= 4
2416Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM5= 5
2417Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM6= 6
2418Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM7= 7
2419Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM8= 8
2420Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM9= 9
2421Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM10= 10
2422Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM11= 11
2423Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM12= 12
2424Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated0= Taika (645–650)
2425Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated1= Hakuchi (650–671)
2426Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated2= Hakuhō (672–686)
2427Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated3= Shuchō (686–701)
2428Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated4= Taihō (701–704)
2429Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated5= Keiun (704–708)
2430Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated6= Wadō (708–715)
2431Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated7= Reiki (715–717)
2432Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated8= Yōrō (717–724)
2433Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated9= Jinki (724–729)
2434Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated10= Tenpyō (729–749)
2435Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated11= Tenpyō-kampō (749–749)
2436Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated12= Tenpyō-shōhō (749–757)
2437Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated13= Tenpyō-hōji (757–765)
2438Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated14= Tenpyō-jingo (765–767)
2439Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated15= Jingo-keiun (767–770)
2440Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated16= Hōki (770–780)
2441Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated17= Ten-ō (781–782)
2442Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated18= Enryaku (782–806)
2443Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated19= Daidō (806–810)
2444Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated20= Kōnin (810–824)
2445Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated21= Tenchō (824–834)
2446Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated22= Jōwa (834–848)
2447Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated23= Kajō (848–851)
2448Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated24= Ninju (851–854)
2449Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated25= Saikō (854–857)
2450Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated26= Ten-an (857–859)
2451Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated27= Jōgan (859–877)
2452Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated28= Gangyō (877–885)
2453Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated29= Ninna (885–889)
2454Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated30= Kanpyō (889–898)
2455Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated31= Shōtai (898–901)
2456Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated32= Engi (901–923)
2457Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated33= Enchō (923–931)
2458Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated34= Jōhei (931–938)
2459Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated35= Tengyō (938–947)
2460Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated36= Tenryaku (947–957)
2461Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated37= Tentoku (957–961)
2462Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated38= Ōwa (961–964)
2463Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated39= Kōhō (964–968)
2464Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated40= Anna (968–970)
2465Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated41= Tenroku (970–973)
2466Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated42= Ten’en (973–976)
2467Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated43= Jōgen (976–978)
2468Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated44= Tengen (978–983)
2469Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated45= Eikan (983–985)
2470Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated46= Kanna (985–987)
2471Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated47= Eien (987–989)
2472Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated48= Eiso (989–990)
2473Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated49= Shōryaku (990–995)
2474Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated50= Chōtoku (995–999)
2475Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated51= Chōhō (999–1004)
2476Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated52= Kankō (1004–1012)
2477Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated53= Chōwa (1012–1017)
2478Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated54= Kannin (1017–1021)
2479Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated55= Jian (1021–1024)
2480Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated56= Manju (1024–1028)
2481Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated57= Chōgen (1028–1037)
2482Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated58= Chōryaku (1037–1040)
2483Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated59= Chōkyū (1040–1044)
2484Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated60= Kantoku (1044–1046)
2485Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated61= Eishō (1046–1053)
2486Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated62= Tengi (1053–1058)
2487Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated63= Kōhei (1058–1065)
2488Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated64= Jiryaku (1065–1069)
2489Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated65= Enkyū (1069–1074)
2490Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated66= Shōho (1074–1077)
2491Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated67= Shōryaku (1077–1081)
2492Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated68= Eihō (1081–1084)
2493Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated69= Ōtoku (1084–1087)
2494Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated70= Kanji (1087–1094)
2495Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated71= Kahō (1094–1096)
2496Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated72= Eichō (1096–1097)
2497Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated73= Jōtoku (1097–1099)
2498Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated74= Kōwa (1099–1104)
2499Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated75= Chōji (1104–1106)
2500Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated76= Kashō (1106–1108)
2501Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated77= Tennin (1108–1110)
2502Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated78= Ten-ei (1110–1113)
2503Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated79= Eikyū (1113–1118)
2504Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated80= Gen’ei (1118–1120)
2505Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated81= Hōan (1120–1124)
2506Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated82= Tenji (1124–1126)
2507Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated83= Daiji (1126–1131)
2508Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated84= Tenshō (1131–1132)
2509Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated85= Chōshō (1132–1135)
2510Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated86= Hōen (1135–1141)
2511Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated87= Eiji (1141–1142)
2512Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated88= Kōji (1142–1144)
2513Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated89= Ten’yō (1144–1145)
2514Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated90= Kyūan (1145–1151)
2515Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated91= Ninpei (1151–1154)
2516Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated92= Kyūju (1154–1156)
2517Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated93= Hōgen (1156–1159)
2518Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated94= Heiji (1159–1160)
2519Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated95= Eiryaku (1160–1161)
2520Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated96= Ōho (1161–1163)
2521Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated97= Chōkan (1163–1165)
2522Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated98= Eiman (1165–1166)
2523Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated99= Nin’an (1166–1169)
2524Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated100= Kaō (1169–1171)
2525Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated101= Shōan (1171–1175)
2526Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated102= Angen (1175–1177)
2527Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated103= Jishō (1177–1181)
2528Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated104= Yōwa (1181–1182)
2529Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated105= Juei (1182–1184)
2530Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated106= Genryaku (1184–1185)
2531Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated107= Bunji (1185–1190)
2532Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated108= Kenkyū (1190–1199)
2533Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated109= Shōji (1199–1201)
2534Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated110= Kennin (1201–1204)
2535Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated111= Genkyū (1204–1206)
2536Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated112= Ken’ei (1206–1207)
2537Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated113= Jōgen (1207–1211)
2538Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated114= Kenryaku (1211–1213)
2539Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated115= Kenpō (1213–1219)
2540Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated116= Jōkyū (1219–1222)
2541Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated117= Jōō (1222–1224)
2542Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated118= Gennin (1224–1225)
2543Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated119= Karoku (1225–1227)
2544Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated120= Antei (1227–1229)
2545Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated121= Kanki (1229–1232)
2546Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated122= Jōei (1232–1233)
2547Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated123= Tenpuku (1233–1234)
2548Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated124= Bunryaku (1234–1235)
2549Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated125= Katei (1235–1238)
2550Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated126= Ryakunin (1238–1239)
2551Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated127= En’ō (1239–1240)
2552Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated128= Ninji (1240–1243)
2553Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated129= Kangen (1243–1247)
2554Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated130= Hōji (1247–1249)
2555Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated131= Kenchō (1249–1256)
2556Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated132= Kōgen (1256–1257)
2557Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated133= Shōka (1257–1259)
2558Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated134= Shōgen (1259–1260)
2559Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated135= Bun’ō (1260–1261)
2560Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated136= Kōchō (1261–1264)
2561Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated137= Bun’ei (1264–1275)
2562Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated138= Kenji (1275–1278)
2563Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated139= Kōan (1278–1288)
2564Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated140= Shōō (1288–1293)
2565Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated141= Einin (1293–1299)
2566Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated142= Shōan (1299–1302)
2567Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated143= Kengen (1302–1303)
2568Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated144= Kagen (1303–1306)
2569Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated145= Tokuji (1306–1308)
2570Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated146= Enkyō (1308–1311)
2571Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated147= Ōchō (1311–1312)
2572Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated148= Shōwa (1312–1317)
2573Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated149= Bunpō (1317–1319)
2574Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated150= Genō (1319–1321)
2575Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated151= Genkō (1321–1324)
2576Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated152= Shōchū (1324–1326)
2577Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated153= Karyaku (1326–1329)
2578Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated154= Gentoku (1329–1331)
2579Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated155= Genkō (1331–1334)
2580Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated156= Kenmu (1334–1336)
2581Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated157= Engen (1336–1340)
2582Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated158= Kōkoku (1340–1346)
2583Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated159= Shōhei (1346–1370)
2584Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated160= Kentoku (1370–1372)
2585Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated161= Bunchū (1372–1375)
2586Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated162= Tenju (1375–1379)
2587Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated163= Kōryaku (1379–1381)
2588Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated164= Kōwa (1381–1384)
2589Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated165= Genchū (1384–1392)
2590Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated166= Meitoku (1384–1387)
2591Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated167= Kakei (1387–1389)
2592Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated168= Kōō (1389–1390)
2593Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated169= Meitoku (1390–1394)
2594Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated170= Ōei (1394–1428)
2595Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated171= Shōchō (1428–1429)
2596Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated172= Eikyō (1429–1441)
2597Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated173= Kakitsu (1441–1444)
2598Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated174= Bun’an (1444–1449)
2599Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated175= Hōtoku (1449–1452)
2600Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated176= Kyōtoku (1452–1455)
2601Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated177= Kōshō (1455–1457)
2602Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated178= Chōroku (1457–1460)
2603Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated179= Kanshō (1460–1466)
2604Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated180= Bunshō (1466–1467)
2605Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated181= Ōnin (1467–1469)
2606Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated182= Bunmei (1469–1487)
2607Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated183= Chōkyō (1487–1489)
2608Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated184= Entoku (1489–1492)
2609Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated185= Meiō (1492–1501)
2610Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated186= Bunki (1501–1504)
2611Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated187= Eishō (1504–1521)
2612Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated188= Taiei (1521–1528)
2613Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated189= Kyōroku (1528–1532)
2614Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated190= Tenbun (1532–1555)
2615Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated191= Kōji (1555–1558)
2616Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated192= Eiroku (1558–1570)
2617Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated193= Genki (1570–1573)
2618Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated194= Tenshō (1573–1592)
2619Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated195= Bunroku (1592–1596)
2620Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated196= Keichō (1596–1615)
2621Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated197= Genna (1615–1624)
2622Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated198= Kan’ei (1624–1644)
2623Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated199= Shōho (1644–1648)
2624Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated200= Keian (1648–1652)
2625Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated201= Jōō (1652–1655)
2626Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated202= Meireki (1655–1658)
2627Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated203= Manji (1658–1661)
2628Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated204= Kanbun (1661–1673)
2629Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated205= Enpō (1673–1681)
2630Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated206= Tenna (1681–1684)
2631Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated207= Jōkyō (1684–1688)
2632Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated208= Genroku (1688–1704)
2633Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated209= Hōei (1704–1711)
2634Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated210= Shōtoku (1711–1716)
2635Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated211= Kyōhō (1716–1736)
2636Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated212= Genbun (1736–1741)
2637Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated213= Kanpō (1741–1744)
2638Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated214= Enkyō (1744–1748)
2639Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated215= Kan’en (1748–1751)
2640Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated216= Hōreki (1751–1764)
2641Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated217= Meiwa (1764–1772)
2642Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated218= An’ei (1772–1781)
2643Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated219= Tenmei (1781–1789)
2644Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated220= Kansei (1789–1801)
2645Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated221= Kyōwa (1801–1804)
2646Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated222= Bunka (1804–1818)
2647Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated223= Bunsei (1818–1830)
2648Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated224= Tenpō (1830–1844)
2649Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated225= Kōka (1844–1848)
2650Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated226= Kaei (1848–1854)
2651Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated227= Ansei (1854–1860)
2652Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated228= Man’en (1860–1861)
2653Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated229= Bunkyū (1861–1864)
2654Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated230= Genji (1864–1865)
2655Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated231= Keiō (1865–1868)
2656Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated232= Meiji
2657Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated233= Taishō
2658Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated234= Shōwa
2659Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated235= Heisei
2660Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated236= Reiwa
2661Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow0= Taika (645–650)
2662Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow1= Hakuchi (650–671)
2663Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow2= Hakuhō (672–686)
2664Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow3= Shuchō (686–701)
2665Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow4= Taihō (701–704)
2666Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow5= Keiun (704–708)
2667Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow6= Wadō (708–715)
2668Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow7= Reiki (715–717)
2669Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow8= Yōrō (717–724)
2670Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow9= Jinki (724–729)
2671Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow10= Tenpyō (729–749)
2672Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow11= Tenpyō-kampō (749–749)
2673Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow12= Tenpyō-shōhō (749–757)
2674Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow13= Tenpyō-hōji (757–765)
2675Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow14= Tenpyō-jingo (765–767)
2676Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow15= Jingo-keiun (767–770)
2677Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow16= Hōki (770–780)
2678Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow17= Ten-ō (781–782)
2679Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow18= Enryaku (782–806)
2680Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow19= Daidō (806–810)
2681Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow20= Kōnin (810–824)
2682Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow21= Tenchō (824–834)
2683Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow22= Jōwa (834–848)
2684Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow23= Kajō (848–851)
2685Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow24= Ninju (851–854)
2686Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow25= Saikō (854–857)
2687Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow26= Ten-an (857–859)
2688Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow27= Jōgan (859–877)
2689Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow28= Gangyō (877–885)
2690Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow29= Ninna (885–889)
2691Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow30= Kanpyō (889–898)
2692Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow31= Shōtai (898–901)
2693Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow32= Engi (901–923)
2694Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow33= Enchō (923–931)
2695Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow34= Jōhei (931–938)
2696Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow35= Tengyō (938–947)
2697Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow36= Tenryaku (947–957)
2698Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow37= Tentoku (957–961)
2699Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow38= Ōwa (961–964)
2700Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow39= Kōhō (964–968)
2701Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow40= Anna (968–970)
2702Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow41= Tenroku (970–973)
2703Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow42= Ten’en (973–976)
2704Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow43= Jōgen (976–978)
2705Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow44= Tengen (978–983)
2706Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow45= Eikan (983–985)
2707Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow46= Kanna (985–987)
2708Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow47= Eien (987–989)
2709Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow48= Eiso (989–990)
2710Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow49= Shōryaku (990–995)
2711Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow50= Chōtoku (995–999)
2712Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow51= Chōhō (999–1004)
2713Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow52= Kankō (1004–1012)
2714Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow53= Chōwa (1012–1017)
2715Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow54= Kannin (1017–1021)
2716Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow55= Jian (1021–1024)
2717Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow56= Manju (1024–1028)
2718Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow57= Chōgen (1028–1037)
2719Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow58= Chōryaku (1037–1040)
2720Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow59= Chōkyū (1040–1044)
2721Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow60= Kantoku (1044–1046)
2722Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow61= Eishō (1046–1053)
2723Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow62= Tengi (1053–1058)
2724Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow63= Kōhei (1058–1065)
2725Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow64= Jiryaku (1065–1069)
2726Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow65= Enkyū (1069–1074)
2727Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow66= Shōho (1074–1077)
2728Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow67= Shōryaku (1077–1081)
2729Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow68= Eihō (1081–1084)
2730Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow69= Ōtoku (1084–1087)
2731Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow70= Kanji (1087–1094)
2732Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow71= Kahō (1094–1096)
2733Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow72= Eichō (1096–1097)
2734Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow73= Jōtoku (1097–1099)
2735Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow74= Kōwa (1099–1104)
2736Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow75= Chōji (1104–1106)
2737Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow76= Kashō (1106–1108)
2738Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow77= Tennin (1108–1110)
2739Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow78= Ten-ei (1110–1113)
2740Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow79= Eikyū (1113–1118)
2741Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow80= Gen’ei (1118–1120)
2742Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow81= Hōan (1120–1124)
2743Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow82= Tenji (1124–1126)
2744Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow83= Daiji (1126–1131)
2745Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow84= Tenshō (1131–1132)
2746Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow85= Chōshō (1132–1135)
2747Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow86= Hōen (1135–1141)
2748Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow87= Eiji (1141–1142)
2749Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow88= Kōji (1142–1144)
2750Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow89= Ten’yō (1144–1145)
2751Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow90= Kyūan (1145–1151)
2752Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow91= Ninpei (1151–1154)
2753Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow92= Kyūju (1154–1156)
2754Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow93= Hōgen (1156–1159)
2755Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow94= Heiji (1159–1160)
2756Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow95= Eiryaku (1160–1161)
2757Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow96= Ōho (1161–1163)
2758Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow97= Chōkan (1163–1165)
2759Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow98= Eiman (1165–1166)
2760Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow99= Nin’an (1166–1169)
2761Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow100= Kaō (1169–1171)
2762Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow101= Shōan (1171–1175)
2763Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow102= Angen (1175–1177)
2764Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow103= Jishō (1177–1181)
2765Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow104= Yōwa (1181–1182)
2766Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow105= Juei (1182–1184)
2767Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow106= Genryaku (1184–1185)
2768Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow107= Bunji (1185–1190)
2769Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow108= Kenkyū (1190–1199)
2770Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow109= Shōji (1199–1201)
2771Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow110= Kennin (1201–1204)
2772Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow111= Genkyū (1204–1206)
2773Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow112= Ken’ei (1206–1207)
2774Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow113= Jōgen (1207–1211)
2775Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow114= Kenryaku (1211–1213)
2776Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow115= Kenpō (1213–1219)
2777Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow116= Jōkyū (1219–1222)
2778Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow117= Jōō (1222–1224)
2779Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow118= Gennin (1224–1225)
2780Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow119= Karoku (1225–1227)
2781Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow120= Antei (1227–1229)
2782Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow121= Kanki (1229–1232)
2783Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow122= Jōei (1232–1233)
2784Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow123= Tenpuku (1233–1234)
2785Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow124= Bunryaku (1234–1235)
2786Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow125= Katei (1235–1238)
2787Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow126= Ryakunin (1238–1239)
2788Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow127= En’ō (1239–1240)
2789Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow128= Ninji (1240–1243)
2790Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow129= Kangen (1243–1247)
2791Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow130= Hōji (1247–1249)
2792Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow131= Kenchō (1249–1256)
2793Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow132= Kōgen (1256–1257)
2794Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow133= Shōka (1257–1259)
2795Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow134= Shōgen (1259–1260)
2796Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow135= Bun’ō (1260–1261)
2797Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow136= Kōchō (1261–1264)
2798Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow137= Bun’ei (1264–1275)
2799Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow138= Kenji (1275–1278)
2800Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow139= Kōan (1278–1288)
2801Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow140= Shōō (1288–1293)
2802Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow141= Einin (1293–1299)
2803Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow142= Shōan (1299–1302)
2804Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow143= Kengen (1302–1303)
2805Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow144= Kagen (1303–1306)
2806Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow145= Tokuji (1306–1308)
2807Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow146= Enkyō (1308–1311)
2808Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow147= Ōchō (1311–1312)
2809Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow148= Shōwa (1312–1317)
2810Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow149= Bunpō (1317–1319)
2811Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow150= Genō (1319–1321)
2812Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow151= Genkō (1321–1324)
2813Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow152= Shōchū (1324–1326)
2814Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow153= Karyaku (1326–1329)
2815Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow154= Gentoku (1329–1331)
2816Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow155= Genkō (1331–1334)
2817Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow156= Kenmu (1334–1336)
2818Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow157= Engen (1336–1340)
2819Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow158= Kōkoku (1340–1346)
2820Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow159= Shōhei (1346–1370)
2821Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow160= Kentoku (1370–1372)
2822Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow161= Bunchū (1372–1375)
2823Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow162= Tenju (1375–1379)
2824Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow163= Kōryaku (1379–1381)
2825Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow164= Kōwa (1381–1384)
2826Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow165= Genchū (1384–1392)
2827Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow166= Meitoku (1384–1387)
2828Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow167= Kakei (1387–1389)
2829Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow168= Kōō (1389–1390)
2830Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow169= Meitoku (1390–1394)
2831Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow170= Ōei (1394–1428)
2832Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow171= Shōchō (1428–1429)
2833Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow172= Eikyō (1429–1441)
2834Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow173= Kakitsu (1441–1444)
2835Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow174= Bun’an (1444–1449)
2836Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow175= Hōtoku (1449–1452)
2837Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow176= Kyōtoku (1452–1455)
2838Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow177= Kōshō (1455–1457)
2839Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow178= Chōroku (1457–1460)
2840Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow179= Kanshō (1460–1466)
2841Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow180= Bunshō (1466–1467)
2842Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow181= Ōnin (1467–1469)
2843Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow182= Bunmei (1469–1487)
2844Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow183= Chōkyō (1487–1489)
2845Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow184= Entoku (1489–1492)
2846Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow185= Meiō (1492–1501)
2847Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow186= Bunki (1501–1504)
2848Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow187= Eishō (1504–1521)
2849Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow188= Taiei (1521–1528)
2850Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow189= Kyōroku (1528–1532)
2851Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow190= Tenbun (1532–1555)
2852Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow191= Kōji (1555–1558)
2853Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow192= Eiroku (1558–1570)
2854Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow193= Genki (1570–1573)
2855Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow194= Tenshō (1573–1592)
2856Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow195= Bunroku (1592–1596)
2857Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow196= Keichō (1596–1615)
2858Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow197= Genna (1615–1624)
2859Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow198= Kan’ei (1624–1644)
2860Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow199= Shōho (1644–1648)
2861Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow200= Keian (1648–1652)
2862Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow201= Jōō (1652–1655)
2863Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow202= Meireki (1655–1658)
2864Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow203= Manji (1658–1661)
2865Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow204= Kanbun (1661–1673)
2866Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow205= Enpō (1673–1681)
2867Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow206= Tenna (1681–1684)
2868Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow207= Jōkyō (1684–1688)
2869Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow208= Genroku (1688–1704)
2870Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow209= Hōei (1704–1711)
2871Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow210= Shōtoku (1711–1716)
2872Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow211= Kyōhō (1716–1736)
2873Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow212= Genbun (1736–1741)
2874Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow213= Kanpō (1741–1744)
2875Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow214= Enkyō (1744–1748)
2876Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow215= Kan’en (1748–1751)
2877Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow216= Hōreki (1751–1764)
2878Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow217= Meiwa (1764–1772)
2879Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow218= An’ei (1772–1781)
2880Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow219= Tenmei (1781–1789)
2881Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow220= Kansei (1789–1801)
2882Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow221= Kyōwa (1801–1804)
2883Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow222= Bunka (1804–1818)
2884Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow223= Bunsei (1818–1830)
2885Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow224= Tenpō (1830–1844)
2886Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow225= Kōka (1844–1848)
2887Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow226= Kaei (1848–1854)
2888Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow227= Ansei (1854–1860)
2889Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow228= Man’en (1860–1861)
2890Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow229= Bunkyū (1861–1864)
2891Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow230= Genji (1864–1865)
2892Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow231= Keiō (1865–1868)
2893Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow232= M
2894Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow233= T
2895Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow234= S
2896Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow235= H
2897Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow236= R
2898Date & TimePersianEras - abbreviated0= AP
2899Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - FormattingM1= Farvardin
2900Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - FormattingM2= Ordibehesht
2901Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - FormattingM3= Khordad
2902Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - FormattingM4= Tir
2903Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - FormattingM5= Mordad
2904Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - FormattingM6= Shahrivar
2905Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - FormattingM7= Mehr
2906Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - FormattingM8= Aban
2907Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - FormattingM9= Azar
2908Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - FormattingM10= Dey
2909Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - FormattingM11= Bahman
2910Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - FormattingM12= Esfand
2911Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - StandaloneM1= 1
2912Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - StandaloneM2= 2
2913Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - StandaloneM3= 3
2914Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - StandaloneM4= 4
2915Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - StandaloneM5= 5
2916Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - StandaloneM6= 6
2917Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - StandaloneM7= 7
2918Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - StandaloneM8= 8
2919Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - StandaloneM9= 9
2920Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - StandaloneM10= 10
2921Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - StandaloneM11= 11
2922Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - StandaloneM12= 12
2923Date & TimeMinguoEras - abbreviated0B.R.O.C. Before R.O.C.
2924Date & TimeMinguoEras - abbreviated1Minguo R.O.C.
2925TimezonesTimezone Display PatternsnullRegion Format - Generic{0} Time Amser {0}
2926TimezonesTimezone Display PatternsnullRegion Format - Standard{0} Standard Time Amser Safonol {0}
2927TimezonesTimezone Display PatternsnullRegion Format - Daylight{0} Daylight Time Amser Haf {0}
2928TimezonesTimezone Display PatternsnullGMT Format= GMT{0}
2929TimezonesTimezone Display PatternsnullGMT Hours/Minutes Format= +HH:mm;-HH:mm
2930TimezonesTimezone Display PatternsnullGMT Zero Format= GMT
2931TimezonesTimezone Display PatternsnullLocation Fallback Format= {1} ({0})
2932TimezonesNorth AmericaAlaskageneric-longAlaska Time Amser Alaska
2933TimezonesNorth AmericaAlaskastandard-longAlaska Standard Time Amser Safonol Alaska
2934TimezonesNorth AmericaAlaskadaylight-longAlaska Daylight Time Amser Haf Alaska
2935TimezonesNorth AmericaAmerica_Centralgeneric-longCentral Time Amser Canolbarth Gogledd America
2936TimezonesNorth AmericaAmerica_Centralstandard-longCentral Standard Time Amser Safonol Canolbarth Gogledd America
2937TimezonesNorth AmericaAmerica_Centraldaylight-longCentral Daylight Time Amser Haf Canolbarth Gogledd America
2938TimezonesNorth AmericaAmerica_Easterngeneric-longEastern Time Amser Dwyrain Gogledd America
2939TimezonesNorth AmericaAmerica_Easternstandard-longEastern Standard Time Amser Safonol Dwyrain Gogledd America
2940TimezonesNorth AmericaAmerica_Easterndaylight-longEastern Daylight Time Amser Haf Dwyrain Gogledd America
2941TimezonesNorth AmericaAmerica_Mountaingeneric-longMountain Time Amser Mynyddoedd Gogledd America
2942TimezonesNorth AmericaAmerica_Mountainstandard-longMountain Standard Time Amser Safonol Mynyddoedd Gogledd America
2943TimezonesNorth AmericaAmerica_Mountaindaylight-longMountain Daylight Time Amser Haf Mynyddoedd Gogledd America
2944TimezonesNorth AmericaAmerica_Pacificgeneric-longPacific Time Amser Cefnfor Tawel Gogledd America
2945TimezonesNorth AmericaAmerica_Pacificstandard-longPacific Standard Time Amser Safonol Cefnfor Tawel Gogledd America
2946TimezonesNorth AmericaAmerica_Pacificdaylight-longPacific Daylight Time Amser Haf Cefnfor Tawel Gogledd America
2947TimezonesNorth AmericaAtlanticgeneric-longAtlantic Time Amser Cefnfor yr Iwerydd
2948TimezonesNorth AmericaAtlanticstandard-longAtlantic Standard Time Amser Safonol Cefnfor yr Iwerydd
2949TimezonesNorth AmericaAtlanticdaylight-longAtlantic Daylight Time Amser Haf Cefnfor yr Iwerydd
2950TimezonesNorth AmericaCubageneric-longCuba Time Amser Ciwba
2951TimezonesNorth AmericaCubastandard-longCuba Standard Time Amser Safonol Ciwba
2952TimezonesNorth AmericaCubadaylight-longCuba Daylight Time Amser Haf Ciwa
2953TimezonesNorth AmericaGreenland_Easterngeneric-longEast Greenland Time Amser Dwyrain yr Ynys Las
2954TimezonesNorth AmericaGreenland_Easternstandard-longEast Greenland Standard Time Amser Safonol Dwyrain yr Ynys Las
2955TimezonesNorth AmericaGreenland_Easterndaylight-longEast Greenland Summer Time Amser Haf Dwyrain yr Ynys Las
2956TimezonesNorth AmericaGreenland_Westerngeneric-longWest Greenland Time Amser Gorllewin yr Ynys Las
2957TimezonesNorth AmericaGreenland_Westernstandard-longWest Greenland Standard Time Amser Safonol Gorllewin yr Ynys Las
2958TimezonesNorth AmericaGreenland_Westerndaylight-longWest Greenland Summer Time Amser Haf Gorllewin yr Ynys Las
2959TimezonesNorth AmericaHawaii_Aleutiangeneric-longHawaii-Aleutian Time Amser Hawaii-Aleutian
2960TimezonesNorth AmericaHawaii_Aleutianstandard-longHawaii-Aleutian Standard Time Amser Safonol Hawaii-Aleutian
2961TimezonesNorth AmericaHawaii_Aleutiandaylight-longHawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time Amser Haf Hawaii-Aleutian
2962TimezonesNorth AmericaMexico_Pacificgeneric-longMexican Pacific Time Amser Pasiffig Mecsico
2963TimezonesNorth AmericaMexico_Pacificstandard-longMexican Pacific Standard Time Amser Safonol Pasiffig Mecsico
2964TimezonesNorth AmericaMexico_Pacificdaylight-longMexican Pacific Daylight Time Amser Haf Pasiffig Mecsico
2965TimezonesNorth AmericaNewfoundlandgeneric-longNewfoundland Time Amser Newfoundland
2966TimezonesNorth AmericaNewfoundlandstandard-longNewfoundland Standard Time Amser Safonol Newfoundland
2967TimezonesNorth AmericaNewfoundlanddaylight-longNewfoundland Daylight Time Amser Haf Newfoundland
2968TimezonesNorth AmericaPierre_Miquelongeneric-longSt. Pierre & Miquelon Time Amser Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon
2969TimezonesNorth AmericaPierre_Miquelonstandard-longSt. Pierre & Miquelon Standard Time Amser Safonol Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon
2970TimezonesNorth AmericaPierre_Miquelondaylight-longSt. Pierre & Miquelon Daylight Time Amser Haf Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon
2971TimezonesNorth AmericaYukonstandard-longYukon Time Amser Yukon
2972TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsAdak= Adak
2973TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsAnchorage= Anchorage
2974TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsAnguilla= Anguilla
2975TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsAntigua= Antigua
2976TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsAruba= Aruba
2977TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsBahia_BanderasBahía de Banderas Bae Banderas
2978TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsBarbados= Barbados
2979TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsBelize= Belize
2980TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsBermuda= Bermuda
2981TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsBlanc-Sablon= Blanc-Sablon
2982TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsBoise= Boise
2983TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsCambridge_BayCambridge Bay Bae Cambridge
2984TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsCancun= Cancún
2985TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsCayman= Cayman
2986TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsChicago= Chicago
2987TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsChihuahua= Chihuahua
2988TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsCiudad_Juarez= Ciudad Juárez
2989TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsCoral_Harbour= Atikokan
2990TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsCosta_Rica= Costa Rica
2991TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsCreston= Creston
2992TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsCuracao= Curaçao
2993TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsDanmarkshavn= Danmarkshavn
2994TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsDawson= Dawson
2995TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsDawson_Creek= Dawson Creek
2996TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsDenver= Denver
2997TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsDetroit= Detroit
2998TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsDominica= Dominica
2999TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsEdmonton= Edmonton
3000TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsEl_Salvador= El Salvador
3001TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsFort_Nelson= Fort Nelson
3002TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsGlace_Bay= Glace Bay
3003TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsGodthab= Nuuk
3004TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsGoose_Bay= Goose Bay
3005TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsGrand_Turk= Grand Turk
3006TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsGrenada= Grenada
3007TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsGuadeloupe= Guadeloupe
3008TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsGuatemala= Guatemala
3009TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsHalifax= Halifax
3010TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsHavana= Havana
3011TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsHermosillo= Hermosillo
3012TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsHonolulun/a Honolulu
3013TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsIndiana/Knox= Knox, Indiana
3014TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsIndiana/Marengo= Marengo, Indiana
3015TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsIndiana/Petersburg= Petersburg, Indiana
3016TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsIndiana/Tell_CityTell City, Indiana Dinas Tell, Indiana
3017TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsIndiana/Vevay= Vevay, Indiana
3018TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsIndiana/Vincennes= Vincennes, Indiana
3019TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsIndiana/Winamac= Winamac, Indiana
3020TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsIndianapolis= Indianapolis
3021TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsInuvik= Inuvik
3022TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsIqaluit= Iqaluit
3023TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsJamaica= Jamaica
3024TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsJuneau= Juneau
3025TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsKentucky/Monticello= Monticello, Kentucky
3026TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsKralendijk= Kralendijk
3027TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsLos_Angeles= Los Angeles
3028TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsLouisville= Louisville
3029TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsLower_Princes= Lower Prince’s Quarter
3030TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsManagua= Managua
3031TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsMarigot= Marigot
3032TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsMartinique= Martinique
3033TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsMatamoros= Matamoros
3034TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsMazatlan= Mazatlan
3035TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsMenominee= Menominee
3036TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsMeridaMérida Merida
3037TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsMetlakatla= Metlakatla
3038TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsMexico_CityMexico City Dinas Mecsico
3039TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsMiquelon= Miquelon
3040TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsMoncton= Moncton
3041TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsMonterrey= Monterrey
3042TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsMontserrat= Montserrat
3043TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsNassau= Nassau
3044TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsNew_YorkNew York Efrog Newydd
3045TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsNome= Nome
3046TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsNorth_Dakota/BeulahBeulah, North Dakota Beulah, Gogledd Dakota
3047TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsNorth_Dakota/CenterCenter, North Dakota Center, Gogledd Dakota
3048TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsNorth_Dakota/New_SalemNew Salem, North Dakota New Salem, Gogledd Dakota
3049TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsOjinaga= Ojinaga
3050TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsPanama= Panama
3051TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsPhoenix= Phoenix
3052TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsPort_of_Spain= Port of Spain
3053TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsPort-au-Prince= Port-au-Prince
3054TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsPuerto_Rico= Puerto Rico
3055TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsRankin_Inlet= Rankin Inlet
3056TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsRegina= Regina
3057TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsResolute= Resolute
3058TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsSanto_Domingo= Santo Domingo
3059TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsScoresbysund= Ittoqqortoormiit
3060TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsSitka= Sitka
3061TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsSt_Barthelemy= St. Barthélemy
3062TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsSt_Johns= St. John’s
3063TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsSt_Kitts= St. Kitts
3064TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsSt_Lucia= St. Lucia
3065TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsSt_Thomas= St. Thomas
3066TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsSt_Vincent= St. Vincent
3067TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsSwift_Current= Swift Current
3068TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsTegucigalpa= Tegucigalpa
3069TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsThule= Thule
3070TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsTijuana= Tijuana
3071TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsToronto= Toronto
3072TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsTortola= Tortola
3073TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsVancouver= Vancouver
3074TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsWhitehorse= Whitehorse
3075TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsWinnipeg= Winnipeg
3076TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsYakutat= Yakutat
3077TimezonesSouth AmericaAmazongeneric-longAmazon Time Amser Amazonas
3078TimezonesSouth AmericaAmazonstandard-longAmazon Standard Time Amser Safonol Amazonas
3079TimezonesSouth AmericaAmazondaylight-longAmazon Summer Time Amser Haf Amazonas
3080TimezonesSouth AmericaArgentinageneric-longArgentina Time Amser yr Ariannin
3081TimezonesSouth AmericaArgentinastandard-longArgentina Standard Time Amser Safonol Ariannin
3082TimezonesSouth AmericaArgentinadaylight-longArgentina Summer Time Amser Haf Ariannin
3083TimezonesSouth AmericaArgentina_Westerngeneric-longWestern Argentina Time Amser Gorllewin Ariannin
3084TimezonesSouth AmericaArgentina_Westernstandard-longWestern Argentina Standard Time Amser Safonol Gorllewin Ariannin
3085TimezonesSouth AmericaArgentina_Westerndaylight-longWestern Argentina Summer Time Amser Haf Gorllewin Ariannin
3086TimezonesSouth AmericaBoliviastandard-longBolivia Time Amser Bolifia
3087TimezonesSouth AmericaBrasiliageneric-longBrasilia Time Amser Brasília
3088TimezonesSouth AmericaBrasiliastandard-longBrasilia Standard Time Amser Safonol Brasília
3089TimezonesSouth AmericaBrasiliadaylight-longBrasilia Summer Time Amser Haf Brasília
3090TimezonesSouth AmericaChilegeneric-longChile Time Amser Chile
3091TimezonesSouth AmericaChilestandard-longChile Standard Time Amser Safonol Chile
3092TimezonesSouth AmericaChiledaylight-longChile Summer Time Amser Haf Chile
3093TimezonesSouth AmericaColombiageneric-longColombia Time Amser Colombia
3094TimezonesSouth AmericaColombiastandard-longColombia Standard Time Amser Safonol Colombia
3095TimezonesSouth AmericaColombiadaylight-longColombia Summer Time Amser Haf Colombia
3096TimezonesSouth AmericaEastergeneric-longEaster Island Time Amser Ynys y Pasg
3097TimezonesSouth AmericaEasterstandard-longEaster Island Standard Time Amser Safonol Ynys y Pasg
3098TimezonesSouth AmericaEasterdaylight-longEaster Island Summer Time Amser Haf Ynys y Pasg
3099TimezonesSouth AmericaEcuadorstandard-longEcuador Time Amser Ecuador
3100TimezonesSouth AmericaFalklandgeneric-longFalkland Islands Time Amser Ynysoedd Falklands/Malvinas
3101TimezonesSouth AmericaFalklandstandard-longFalkland Islands Standard Time Amser Safonol Ynysoedd Falklands/Malvinas
3102TimezonesSouth AmericaFalklanddaylight-longFalkland Islands Summer Time Amser Haf Ynysoedd Falklands/Malvinas
3103TimezonesSouth AmericaFrench_Guianastandard-longFrench Guiana Time Amser Guyane Ffrengig
3104TimezonesSouth AmericaGalapagosstandard-longGalapagos Time Amser Galapagos
3105TimezonesSouth AmericaGuyanastandard-longGuyana Time Amser Guyana
3106TimezonesSouth AmericaNoronhageneric-longFernando de Noronha Time Amser Fernando de Noronha
3107TimezonesSouth AmericaNoronhastandard-longFernando de Noronha Standard Time Amser Safonol Fernando de Noronha
3108TimezonesSouth AmericaNoronhadaylight-longFernando de Noronha Summer Time Amser Haf Fernando de Noronha
3109TimezonesSouth AmericaParaguaygeneric-longParaguay Time Amser Paraguay
3110TimezonesSouth AmericaParaguaystandard-longParaguay Standard Time Amser Safonol Paraguay
3111TimezonesSouth AmericaParaguaydaylight-longParaguay Summer Time Amser Haf Paraguay
3112TimezonesSouth AmericaPerugeneric-longPeru Time Amser Periw
3113TimezonesSouth AmericaPerustandard-longPeru Standard Time Amser Safonol Periw
3114TimezonesSouth AmericaPerudaylight-longPeru Summer Time Amser Haf Periw
3115TimezonesSouth AmericaSouth_Georgiastandard-longSouth Georgia Time Amser De Georgia
3116TimezonesSouth AmericaSurinamestandard-longSuriname Time Amser Suriname
3117TimezonesSouth AmericaUruguaygeneric-longUruguay Time Amser Uruguay
3118TimezonesSouth AmericaUruguaystandard-longUruguay Standard Time Amser Safonol Uruguay
3119TimezonesSouth AmericaUruguaydaylight-longUruguay Summer Time Amser Haf Uruguay
3120TimezonesSouth AmericaVenezuelastandard-longVenezuela Time Amser Venezuela
3121TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsAraguaina= Araguaina
3122TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsArgentina/La_Rioja= La Rioja
3123TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsArgentina/Rio_Gallegos= Rio Gallegos
3124TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsArgentina/Salta= Salta
3125TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsArgentina/San_Juan= San Juan
3126TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsArgentina/San_Luis= San Luis
3127TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsArgentina/TucumanTucuman Tucumán
3128TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsArgentina/Ushuaia= Ushuaia
3129TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsAsuncion= Asunción
3130TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsBahia= Bahia
3131TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsBelemBelem Belém
3132TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsBoa_Vista= Boa Vista
3133TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsBogotaBogota Bogotá
3134TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsBuenos_Aires= Buenos Aires
3135TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsCampo_Grande= Campo Grande
3136TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsCaracas= Caracas
3137TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsCatamarca= Catamarca
3138TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsCayenne= Cayenne
3139TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsCordoba= Cordoba
3140TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsCuiabaCuiaba Cuiabá
3141TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsEasterEaster Ynys y Pasg
3142TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsEirunepeEirunepe Eirunepé
3143TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsFortaleza= Fortaleza
3144TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsGalapagos= Galapagos
3145TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsGuayaquil= Guayaquil
3146TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsGuyana= Guyana
3147TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsJujuy= Jujuy
3148TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsLa_Paz= La Paz
3149TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsLima= Lima
3150TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsMaceio= Maceio
3151TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsManaus= Manaus
3152TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsMendoza= Mendoza
3153TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsMontevideo= Montevideo
3154TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsNoronha= Noronha
3155TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsParamaribo= Paramaribo
3156TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsPorto_Velho= Porto Velho
3157TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsPunta_Arenas= Punta Arenas
3158TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsRecife= Recife
3159TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsRio_Branco= Rio Branco
3160TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsSantarem= Santarem
3161TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsSantiago= Santiago
3162TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsSao_Paulo= Sao Paulo
3163TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsSouth_GeorgiaSouth Georgia De Georgia
3164TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsStanley= Stanley
3165TimezonesAfricaAfrica_Centralstandard-longCentral Africa Time Amser Canolbarth Affrica
3166TimezonesAfricaAfrica_Easternstandard-longEast Africa Time Amser Dwyrain Affrica
3167TimezonesAfricaAfrica_Southernstandard-longSouth Africa Standard Time Amser Safonol De Affrica
3168TimezonesAfricaAfrica_Westerngeneric-longWest Africa Time Amser Gorllewin Affrica
3169TimezonesAfricaAfrica_Westernstandard-longWest Africa Standard Time Amser Safonol Gorllewin Affrica
3170TimezonesAfricaAfrica_Westerndaylight-longWest Africa Summer Time Amser Haf Gorllewin Affrica
3171TimezonesAfricaCape_Verdegeneric-longCape Verde Time Amser Cabo Verde
3172TimezonesAfricaCape_Verdestandard-longCape Verde Standard Time Amser Safonol Cabo Verde
3173TimezonesAfricaCape_Verdedaylight-longCape Verde Summer Time Amser Haf Cabo Verde
3174TimezonesAfricaFrench_Southernstandard-longFrench Southern & Antarctic Time Amser Tiroedd Ffrainc yn y De a’r Antarctig
3175TimezonesAfricaIndian_Oceanstandard-longIndian Ocean Time Amser Cefnfor India
3176TimezonesAfricaMauritiusgeneric-longMauritius Time Amser Mauritius
3177TimezonesAfricaMauritiusstandard-longMauritius Standard Time Amser Safonol Mauritius
3178TimezonesAfricaMauritiusdaylight-longMauritius Summer Time Amser Haf Mauritius
3179TimezonesAfricaReunionstandard-longRéunion Time Amser Réunion
3180TimezonesAfricaSeychellesstandard-longSeychelles Time Amser Seychelles
3181TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsAbidjan= Abidjan
3182TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsAccra= Accra
3183TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsAddis_Ababa= Addis Ababa
3184TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsAlgiersAlgiers Alger
3185TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsAntananarivo= Antananarivo
3186TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsAsmera= Asmara
3187TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsBamako= Bamako
3188TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsBangui= Bangui
3189TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsBanjul= Banjul
3190TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsBissau= Bissau
3191TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsBlantyre= Blantyre
3192TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsBrazzaville= Brazzaville
3193TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsBujumbura= Bujumbura
3194TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsCairo= Cairo
3195TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsCape_Verde= Cape Verde
3196TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsCasablanca= Casablanca
3197TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsChagos= Chagos
3198TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsComoro= Comoro
3199TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsConakry= Conakry
3200TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsDakar= Dakar
3201TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsDar_es_Salaam= Dar es Salaam
3202TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsDjibouti= Djibouti
3203TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsDouala= Douala
3204TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsEl_Aaiun= El Aaiun
3205TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsFreetown= Freetown
3206TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsGaborone= Gaborone
3207TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsHarare= Harare
3208TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsJohannesburg= Johannesburg
3209TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsJuba= Juba
3210TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsKampala= Kampala
3211TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsKerguelen= Kerguelen
3212TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsKhartoum= Khartoum
3213TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsKigali= Kigali
3214TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsKinshasa= Kinshasa
3215TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsLagos= Lagos
3216TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsLibreville= Libreville
3217TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsLome= Lome
3218TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsLuanda= Luanda
3219TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsLubumbashi= Lubumbashi
3220TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsLusaka= Lusaka
3221TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsMahe= Mahe
3222TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsMalabo= Malabo
3223TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsMaputo= Maputo
3224TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsMaseru= Maseru
3225TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsMauritius= Mauritius
3226TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsMayotte= Mayotte
3227TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsMbabane= Mbabane
3228TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsMogadishu= Mogadishu
3229TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsMonrovia= Monrovia
3230TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsNairobi= Nairobi
3231TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsNdjamena= Ndjamena
3232TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsNiamey= Niamey
3233TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsNouakchott= Nouakchott
3234TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsOuagadougou= Ouagadougou
3235TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsPorto-Novo= Porto-Novo
3236TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsReunion= Réunion
3237TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsSao_Tome= São Tomé
3238TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsSt_Helena= St. Helena
3239TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsTripoli= Tripoli
3240TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsTunis= Tunis
3241TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsWindhoek= Windhoek
3242TimezonesEuropeAzoresgeneric-longAzores Time Amser yr Azores
3243TimezonesEuropeAzoresstandard-longAzores Standard Time Amser Safonol yr Azores
3244TimezonesEuropeAzoresdaylight-longAzores Summer Time Amser Haf yr Azores
3245TimezonesEuropeEurope_Centralgeneric-longCentral European Time Amser Canolbarth Ewrop
3246TimezonesEuropeEurope_Centralgeneric-shortn/a CET
3247TimezonesEuropeEurope_Centralstandard-longCentral European Standard Time Amser Safonol Canolbarth Ewrop
3248TimezonesEuropeEurope_Centralstandard-shortn/a CET
3249TimezonesEuropeEurope_Centraldaylight-longCentral European Summer Time Amser Haf Canolbarth Ewrop
3250TimezonesEuropeEurope_Centraldaylight-shortn/a CEST
3251TimezonesEuropeEurope_Easterngeneric-longEastern European Time Amser Dwyrain Ewrop
3252TimezonesEuropeEurope_Easterngeneric-shortn/a EET
3253TimezonesEuropeEurope_Easternstandard-longEastern European Standard Time Amser Safonol Dwyrain Ewrop
3254TimezonesEuropeEurope_Easternstandard-shortn/a EET
3255TimezonesEuropeEurope_Easterndaylight-longEastern European Summer Time Amser Haf Dwyrain Ewrop
3256TimezonesEuropeEurope_Easterndaylight-shortn/a EEST
3257TimezonesEuropeEurope_Further_Easternstandard-longFurther-eastern European Time Amser Dwyrain Pell Ewrop
3258TimezonesEuropeEurope_Westerngeneric-longWestern European Time Amser Gorllewin Ewrop
3259TimezonesEuropeEurope_Westerngeneric-shortn/a WET
3260TimezonesEuropeEurope_Westernstandard-longWestern European Standard Time Amser Safonol Gorllewin Ewrop
3261TimezonesEuropeEurope_Westernstandard-shortn/a WET
3262TimezonesEuropeEurope_Westerndaylight-longWestern European Summer Time Amser Haf Gorllewin Ewrop
3263TimezonesEuropeEurope_Westerndaylight-shortn/a WEST
3264TimezonesEuropeGMTstandard-longGreenwich Mean Time Amser Safonol Greenwich
3265TimezonesEuropeGMTstandard-short= GMT
3266TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsAmsterdam= Amsterdam
3267TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsAndorra= Andorra
3268TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsAthens= Athens
3269TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsAzores= Azores
3270TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsBelgrade= Belgrade
3271TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsBerlin= Berlin
3272TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsBratislava= Bratislava
3273TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsBrusselsBrussels Brwsel
3274TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsBucharestBucharest Bwcarést
3275TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsBudapest= Budapest
3276TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsBusingen= Busingen
3277TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsCanaryCanary Yr Ynysoedd Dedwydd
3278TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsCeuta= Ceuta
3279TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsChisinau= Chisinau
3280TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsCopenhagen= Copenhagen
3281TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsDublinDublin Dulyn
3282TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsFaeroeFaroe Ffaro
3283TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsGibraltar= Gibraltar
3284TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsGuernseyGuernsey Ynys y Garn
3285TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsHelsinki= Helsinki
3286TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsIsle_of_ManIsle of Man Ynys Manaw
3287TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsJersey= Jersey
3288TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsKievKyiv Kiev
3289TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsLisbon= Lisbon
3290TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsLjubljana= Ljubljana
3291TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsLondonLondon Llundain
3292TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsLongyearbyen= Longyearbyen
3293TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsLuxembourgLuxembourg Lwcsembwrg
3294TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsMadeira= Madeira
3295TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsMadrid= Madrid
3296TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsMalta= Malta
3297TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsMariehamn= Mariehamn
3298TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsMinsk= Minsk
3299TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsMonaco= Monaco
3300TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsOslo= Oslo
3301TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsParis= Paris
3302TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsPodgorica= Podgorica
3303TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsPraguePrague Prag
3304TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsReykjavikReykjavik Reykjavík
3305TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsRiga= Riga
3306TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsRomeRome Rhufain
3307TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsSan_Marino= San Marino
3308TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsSarajevo= Sarajevo
3309TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsSimferopol= Simferopol
3310TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsSkopje= Skopje
3311TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsSofia= Sofia
3312TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsStockholm= Stockholm
3313TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsTallinn= Tallinn
3314TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsTirane= Tirane
3315TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsVaduz= Vaduz
3316TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsVaticanVatican Y Fatican
3317TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsViennaVienna Fienna
3318TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsVilnius= Vilnius
3319TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsWarsaw= Warsaw
3320TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsZagreb= Zagreb
3321TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsZurich= Zurich
3322TimezonesRussiaIrkutskgeneric-longIrkutsk Time Amser Irkutsk
3323TimezonesRussiaIrkutskstandard-longIrkutsk Standard Time Amser Safonol Irkutsk
3324TimezonesRussiaIrkutskdaylight-longIrkutsk Summer Time Amser Haf Irkutsk
3325TimezonesRussiaKrasnoyarskgeneric-longKrasnoyarsk Time Amser Krasnoyarsk
3326TimezonesRussiaKrasnoyarskstandard-longKrasnoyarsk Standard Time Amser Safonol Krasnoyarsk
3327TimezonesRussiaKrasnoyarskdaylight-longKrasnoyarsk Summer Time Amser Haf Krasnoyarsk
3328TimezonesRussiaMagadangeneric-longMagadan Time Amser Magadan
3329TimezonesRussiaMagadanstandard-longMagadan Standard Time Amser Safonol Magadan
3330TimezonesRussiaMagadandaylight-longMagadan Summer Time Amser Haf Magadan
3331TimezonesRussiaMoscowgeneric-longMoscow Time Amser Moscfa
3332TimezonesRussiaMoscowstandard-longMoscow Standard Time Amser Safonol Moscfa
3333TimezonesRussiaMoscowdaylight-longMoscow Summer Time Amser Haf Moscfa
3334TimezonesRussiaNovosibirskgeneric-longNovosibirsk Time Amser Novosibirsk
3335TimezonesRussiaNovosibirskstandard-longNovosibirsk Standard Time Amser Safonol Novosibirsk
3336TimezonesRussiaNovosibirskdaylight-longNovosibirsk Summer Time Amser Haf Novosibirsk
3337TimezonesRussiaOmskgeneric-longOmsk Time Amser Omsk
3338TimezonesRussiaOmskstandard-longOmsk Standard Time Amser Safonol Omsk
3339TimezonesRussiaOmskdaylight-longOmsk Summer Time Amser Haf Omsk
3340TimezonesRussiaSakhalingeneric-longSakhalin Time Amser Sakhalin
3341TimezonesRussiaSakhalinstandard-longSakhalin Standard Time Amser Safonol Sakhalin
3342TimezonesRussiaSakhalindaylight-longSakhalin Summer Time Amser Haf Sakhalin
3343TimezonesRussiaSamarageneric-longSamara Time Amser Samara
3344TimezonesRussiaSamarastandard-longSamara Standard Time Amser Safonol Samara
3345TimezonesRussiaSamaradaylight-longSamara Summer Time Amser Haf Samara
3346TimezonesRussiaVladivostokgeneric-longVladivostok Time Amser Vladivostok
3347TimezonesRussiaVladivostokstandard-longVladivostok Standard Time Amser Safonol Vladivostok
3348TimezonesRussiaVladivostokdaylight-longVladivostok Summer Time Amser Haf Vladivostok
3349TimezonesRussiaVolgogradgeneric-longVolgograd Time Amser Volgograd
3350TimezonesRussiaVolgogradstandard-longVolgograd Standard Time Amser Safonol Volgograd
3351TimezonesRussiaVolgograddaylight-longVolgograd Summer Time Amser Haf Volgograd
3352TimezonesRussiaYakutskgeneric-longYakutsk Time Amser Yakutsk
3353TimezonesRussiaYakutskstandard-longYakutsk Standard Time Amser Safonol Yakutsk
3354TimezonesRussiaYakutskdaylight-longYakutsk Summer Time Amser Haf Yakutsk
3355TimezonesRussiaYekaterinburggeneric-longYekaterinburg Time Amser Yekaterinburg
3356TimezonesRussiaYekaterinburgstandard-longYekaterinburg Standard Time Amser Safonol Yekaterinburg
3357TimezonesRussiaYekaterinburgdaylight-longYekaterinburg Summer Time Amser Haf Yekaterinburg
3358TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsAnadyr= Anadyr
3359TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsAstrakhan= Astrakhan
3360TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsBarnaul= Barnaul
3361TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsChita= Chita
3362TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsIrkutsk= Irkutsk
3363TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsKaliningrad= Kaliningrad
3364TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsKamchatka= Kamchatka
3365TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsKhandyga= Khandyga
3366TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsKirov= Kirov
3367TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsKrasnoyarsk= Krasnoyarsk
3368TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsMagadan= Magadan
3369TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsMoscow= Moscow
3370TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsNovokuznetsk= Novokuznetsk
3371TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsNovosibirsk= Novosibirsk
3372TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsOmsk= Omsk
3373TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsSakhalin= Sakhalin
3374TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsSamara= Samara
3375TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsSaratov= Saratov
3376TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsSrednekolymsk= Srednekolymsk
3377TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsTomsk= Tomsk
3378TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsUlyanovsk= Ulyanovsk
3379TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsUst-Nera= Ust-Nera
3380TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsVladivostok= Vladivostok
3381TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsVolgograd= Volgograd
3382TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsYakutsk= Yakutsk
3383TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsYekaterinburg= Yekaterinburg
3384TimezonesWestern AsiaArabiangeneric-longArabian Time Amser Arabaidd
3385TimezonesWestern AsiaArabianstandard-longArabian Standard Time Amser Safonol Arabaidd
3386TimezonesWestern AsiaArabiandaylight-longArabian Daylight Time Amser Haf Arabaidd
3387TimezonesWestern AsiaArmeniageneric-longArmenia Time Amser Armenia
3388TimezonesWestern AsiaArmeniastandard-longArmenia Standard Time Amser Safonol Armenia
3389TimezonesWestern AsiaArmeniadaylight-longArmenia Summer Time Amser Haf Armenia
3390TimezonesWestern AsiaAzerbaijangeneric-longAzerbaijan Time Amser Aserbaijan
3391TimezonesWestern AsiaAzerbaijanstandard-longAzerbaijan Standard Time Amser Safonol Aserbaijan
3392TimezonesWestern AsiaAzerbaijandaylight-longAzerbaijan Summer Time Amser Haf Aserbaijan
3393TimezonesWestern AsiaGeorgiageneric-longGeorgia Time Amser Georgia
3394TimezonesWestern AsiaGeorgiastandard-longGeorgia Standard Time Amser Safonol Georgia
3395TimezonesWestern AsiaGeorgiadaylight-longGeorgia Summer Time Amser Haf Georgia
3396TimezonesWestern AsiaGulfstandard-longGulf Standard Time Amser Safonol y Gwlff
3397TimezonesWestern AsiaIsraelgeneric-longIsrael Time Amser Israel
3398TimezonesWestern AsiaIsraelstandard-longIsrael Standard Time Amser Safonol Israel
3399TimezonesWestern AsiaIsraeldaylight-longIsrael Daylight Time Amser Haf Israel
3400TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsAden= Aden
3401TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsAmman= Amman
3402TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsBaghdad= Baghdad
3403TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsBahrain= Bahrain
3404TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsBaku= Baku
3405TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsBeirut= Beirut
3406TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsDamascus= Damascus
3407TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsDubai= Dubai
3408TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsFamagusta= Famagusta
3409TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsGazaGaza Gasa
3410TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsHebron= Hebron
3411TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsIstanbulIstanbul Caergystennin
3412TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsJerusalemJerusalem Jerwsalem
3413TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsKuwait= Kuwait
3414TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsMuscat= Muscat
3415TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsNicosia= Nicosia
3416TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsQatar= Qatar
3417TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsRiyadh= Riyadh
3418TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsTbilisiTbilisi Tiflis
3419TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsYerevan= Yerevan
3420TimezonesCentral AsiaKazakhstanstandard-longKazakhstan Time Amser Kazakhstan
3421TimezonesCentral AsiaKazakhstan_Easternstandard-longEast Kazakhstan Time Amser Dwyrain Kazakhstan
3422TimezonesCentral AsiaKazakhstan_Westernstandard-longWest Kazakhstan Time Amser Gorllewin Kazakhstan
3423TimezonesCentral AsiaKyrgystanstandard-longKyrgyzstan Time Amser Kyrgyzstan
3424TimezonesCentral AsiaTajikistanstandard-longTajikistan Time Amser Tajicistan
3425TimezonesCentral AsiaTurkmenistangeneric-longTurkmenistan Time Amser Tyrcmenistan
3426TimezonesCentral AsiaTurkmenistanstandard-longTurkmenistan Standard Time Amser Safonol Tyrcmenistan
3427TimezonesCentral AsiaTurkmenistandaylight-longTurkmenistan Summer Time Amser Haf Tyrcmenistan
3428TimezonesCentral AsiaUzbekistangeneric-longUzbekistan Time Amser Uzbekistan
3429TimezonesCentral AsiaUzbekistanstandard-longUzbekistan Standard Time Amser Safonol Uzbekistan
3430TimezonesCentral AsiaUzbekistandaylight-longUzbekistan Summer Time Amser Haf Uzbekistan
3431TimezonesCentral AsiaCities and RegionsAlmaty= Almaty
3432TimezonesCentral AsiaCities and RegionsAqtau= Aqtau
3433TimezonesCentral AsiaCities and RegionsAqtobe= Aqtobe
3434TimezonesCentral AsiaCities and RegionsAshgabat= Ashgabat
3435TimezonesCentral AsiaCities and RegionsAtyrau= Atyrau
3436TimezonesCentral AsiaCities and RegionsBishkek= Bishkek
3437TimezonesCentral AsiaCities and RegionsDushanbe= Dushanbe
3438TimezonesCentral AsiaCities and RegionsOral= Oral
3439TimezonesCentral AsiaCities and RegionsQostanay= Kostanay
3440TimezonesCentral AsiaCities and RegionsQyzylorda= Qyzylorda
3441TimezonesCentral AsiaCities and RegionsSamarkand= Samarkand
3442TimezonesCentral AsiaCities and RegionsTashkent= Tashkent
3443TimezonesEastern AsiaChinageneric-longChina Time Amser Tsieina
3444TimezonesEastern AsiaChinastandard-longChina Standard Time Amser Safonol Tsieina
3445TimezonesEastern AsiaChinadaylight-longChina Daylight Time Amser Haf Tsieina
3446TimezonesEastern AsiaHong_Konggeneric-longHong Kong Time Amser Hong Kong
3447TimezonesEastern AsiaHong_Kongstandard-longHong Kong Standard Time Amser Safonol Hong Kong
3448TimezonesEastern AsiaHong_Kongdaylight-longHong Kong Summer Time Amser Haf Hong Kong
3449TimezonesEastern AsiaHovdgeneric-longHovd Time Amser Hovd
3450TimezonesEastern AsiaHovdstandard-longHovd Standard Time Amser Safonol Hovd
3451TimezonesEastern AsiaHovddaylight-longHovd Summer Time Amser Haf Hovd
3452TimezonesEastern AsiaJapangeneric-longJapan Time Amser Japan
3453TimezonesEastern AsiaJapanstandard-longJapan Standard Time Amser Safonol Japan
3454TimezonesEastern AsiaJapandaylight-longJapan Daylight Time Amser Haf Japan
3455TimezonesEastern AsiaKoreageneric-longKorean Time Amser Corea
3456TimezonesEastern AsiaKoreastandard-longKorean Standard Time Amser Safonol Corea
3457TimezonesEastern AsiaKoreadaylight-longKorean Daylight Time Amser Haf Corea
3458TimezonesEastern AsiaMongoliageneric-longUlaanbaatar Time Amser Ulan Bator
3459TimezonesEastern AsiaMongoliastandard-longUlaanbaatar Standard Time Amser Safonol Ulan Bator
3460TimezonesEastern AsiaMongoliadaylight-longUlaanbaatar Summer Time Amser Haf Ulan Bator
3461TimezonesEastern AsiaPyongyangstandard-longPyongyang Time Amser Pyongyang
3462TimezonesEastern AsiaTaipeigeneric-longTaipei Time Amser Taipei
3463TimezonesEastern AsiaTaipeistandard-longTaipei Standard Time Amser Safonol Taipei
3464TimezonesEastern AsiaTaipeidaylight-longTaipei Daylight Time Amser Haf Taipei
3465TimezonesEastern AsiaCities and RegionsHong_Kong= Hong Kong
3466TimezonesEastern AsiaCities and RegionsHovd= Hovd
3467TimezonesEastern AsiaCities and RegionsMacauMacao Macau
3468TimezonesEastern AsiaCities and RegionsPyongyang= Pyongyang
3469TimezonesEastern AsiaCities and RegionsSeoul= Seoul
3470TimezonesEastern AsiaCities and RegionsShanghai= Shanghai
3471TimezonesEastern AsiaCities and RegionsTaipei= Taipei
3472TimezonesEastern AsiaCities and RegionsTokyo= Tokyo
3473TimezonesEastern AsiaCities and RegionsUlaanbaatarUlaanbaatar Ulan Bator
3474TimezonesEastern AsiaCities and RegionsUrumqi= Urumqi
3475TimezonesSouthern AsiaAfghanistanstandard-longAfghanistan Time Amser Afghanistan
3476TimezonesSouthern AsiaBangladeshgeneric-longBangladesh Time Amser Bangladesh
3477TimezonesSouthern AsiaBangladeshstandard-longBangladesh Standard Time Amser Safonol Bangladesh
3478TimezonesSouthern AsiaBangladeshdaylight-longBangladesh Summer Time Amser Haf Bangladesh
3479TimezonesSouthern AsiaBhutanstandard-longBhutan Time Amser Bhutan
3480TimezonesSouthern AsiaIndiastandard-longIndia Standard Time Amser India
3481TimezonesSouthern AsiaIrangeneric-longIran Time Amser Iran
3482TimezonesSouthern AsiaIranstandard-longIran Standard Time Amser Safonol Iran
3483TimezonesSouthern AsiaIrandaylight-longIran Daylight Time Amser Haf Iran
3484TimezonesSouthern AsiaMaldivesstandard-longMaldives Time Amser Y Maldives
3485TimezonesSouthern AsiaNepalstandard-longNepal Time Amser Nepal
3486TimezonesSouthern AsiaPakistangeneric-longPakistan Time Amser Pakistan
3487TimezonesSouthern AsiaPakistanstandard-longPakistan Standard Time Amser Safonol Pakistan
3488TimezonesSouthern AsiaPakistandaylight-longPakistan Summer Time Amser Haf Pakistan
3489TimezonesSouthern AsiaCities and RegionsCalcutta= Kolkata
3490TimezonesSouthern AsiaCities and RegionsColombo= Colombo
3491TimezonesSouthern AsiaCities and RegionsDhaka= Dhaka
3492TimezonesSouthern AsiaCities and RegionsKabul= Kabul
3493TimezonesSouthern AsiaCities and RegionsKarachi= Karachi
3494TimezonesSouthern AsiaCities and RegionsKatmandu= Kathmandu
3495TimezonesSouthern AsiaCities and RegionsMaldives= Maldives
3496TimezonesSouthern AsiaCities and RegionsTehran= Tehran
3497TimezonesSouthern AsiaCities and RegionsThimphu= Thimphu
3498TimezonesSoutheast AsiaBruneistandard-longBrunei Darussalam Time Amser Brunei Darussalam
3499TimezonesSoutheast AsiaEast_Timorstandard-longEast Timor Time Amser Dwyrain Timor
3500TimezonesSoutheast AsiaIndochinastandard-longIndochina Time Amser Indo-Tsieina
3501TimezonesSoutheast AsiaIndonesia_Centralstandard-longCentral Indonesia Time Amser Canolbarth Indonesia
3502TimezonesSoutheast AsiaIndonesia_Easternstandard-longEastern Indonesia Time Amser Dwyrain Indonesia
3503TimezonesSoutheast AsiaIndonesia_Westernstandard-longWestern Indonesia Time Amser Gorllewin Indonesia
3504TimezonesSoutheast AsiaMalaysiastandard-longMalaysia Time Amser Malaysia
3505TimezonesSoutheast AsiaMyanmarstandard-longMyanmar Time Amser Myanmar
3506TimezonesSoutheast AsiaPhilippinesgeneric-longPhilippine Time Amser Pilipinas
3507TimezonesSoutheast AsiaPhilippinesstandard-longPhilippine Standard Time Amser Safonol Pilipinas
3508TimezonesSoutheast AsiaPhilippinesdaylight-longPhilippine Summer Time Amser Haf Pilipinas
3509TimezonesSoutheast AsiaSingaporestandard-longSingapore Standard Time Amser Singapore
3510TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsBangkok= Bangkok
3511TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsBrunei= Brunei
3512TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsDili= Dili
3513TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsJakarta= Jakarta
3514TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsJayapura= Jayapura
3515TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsKuala_Lumpur= Kuala Lumpur
3516TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsKuching= Kuching
3517TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsMakassar= Makassar
3518TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsManila= Manila
3519TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsPhnom_Penh= Phnom Penh
3520TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsPontianak= Pontianak
3521TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsRangoon= Yangon
3522TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsSaigonHo Chi Minh City Dinas Hô Chi Minh
3523TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsSingapore= Singapore
3524TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsVientiane= Vientiane
3525TimezonesAustralasiaAustralia_Centralgeneric-longCentral Australia Time Amser Canolbarth Awstralia
3526TimezonesAustralasiaAustralia_Centralstandard-longAustralian Central Standard Time Amser Safonol Canolbarth Awstralia
3527TimezonesAustralasiaAustralia_Centraldaylight-longAustralian Central Daylight Time Amser Haf Canolbarth Awstralia
3528TimezonesAustralasiaAustralia_CentralWesterngeneric-longAustralian Central Western Time Amser Canolbarth Gorllewin Awstralia
3529TimezonesAustralasiaAustralia_CentralWesternstandard-longAustralian Central Western Standard Time Amser Safonol Canolbarth Gorllewin Awstralia
3530TimezonesAustralasiaAustralia_CentralWesterndaylight-longAustralian Central Western Daylight Time Amser Haf Canolbarth Gorllewin Awstralia
3531TimezonesAustralasiaAustralia_Easterngeneric-longEastern Australia Time Amser Dwyrain Awstralia
3532TimezonesAustralasiaAustralia_Easternstandard-longAustralian Eastern Standard Time Amser Safonol Dwyrain Awstralia
3533TimezonesAustralasiaAustralia_Easterndaylight-longAustralian Eastern Daylight Time Amser Haf Dwyrain Awstralia
3534TimezonesAustralasiaAustralia_Westerngeneric-longWestern Australia Time Amser Gorllewin Awstralia
3535TimezonesAustralasiaAustralia_Westernstandard-longAustralian Western Standard Time Amser Safonol Gorllewin Awstralia
3536TimezonesAustralasiaAustralia_Westerndaylight-longAustralian Western Daylight Time Amser Haf Gorllewin Awstralia
3537TimezonesAustralasiaChathamgeneric-longChatham Time Amser Chatham
3538TimezonesAustralasiaChathamstandard-longChatham Standard Time Amser Safonol Chatham
3539TimezonesAustralasiaChathamdaylight-longChatham Daylight Time Amser Haf Chatham
3540TimezonesAustralasiaChristmasstandard-longChristmas Island Time Amser Ynys Y Nadolig
3541TimezonesAustralasiaCocosstandard-longCocos Islands Time Amser Ynysoedd Cocos
3542TimezonesAustralasiaLord_Howegeneric-longLord Howe Time Amser yr Arglwydd Howe
3543TimezonesAustralasiaLord_Howestandard-longLord Howe Standard Time Amser Safonol yr Arglwydd Howe
3544TimezonesAustralasiaLord_Howedaylight-longLord Howe Daylight Time Amser Haf yr Arglwydd Howe
3545TimezonesAustralasiaNew_Zealandgeneric-longNew Zealand Time Amser Seland Newydd
3546TimezonesAustralasiaNew_Zealandstandard-longNew Zealand Standard Time Amser Safonol Seland Newydd
3547TimezonesAustralasiaNew_Zealanddaylight-longNew Zealand Daylight Time Amser Haf Seland Newydd
3548TimezonesAustralasiaNorfolkgeneric-longNorfolk Island Time Amser Ynys Norfolk
3549TimezonesAustralasiaNorfolkstandard-longNorfolk Island Standard Time Amser Safonol Ynys Norfolk
3550TimezonesAustralasiaNorfolkdaylight-longNorfolk Island Daylight Time Amser Haf Ynys Norfolk
3551TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsAdelaide= Adelaide
3552TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsAuckland= Auckland
3553TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsBrisbane= Brisbane
3554TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsBroken_Hill= Broken Hill
3555TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsChatham= Chatham
3556TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsChristmasChristmas Ynys y Nadolig
3557TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsCocos= Cocos
3558TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsDarwin= Darwin
3559TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsEucla= Eucla
3560TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsHobart= Hobart
3561TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsLindeman= Lindeman
3562TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsLord_Howe= Lord Howe
3563TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsMacquarie= Macquarie
3564TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsMelbourne= Melbourne
3565TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsNorfolk= Norfolk
3566TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsPerth= Perth
3567TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsSydney= Sydney
3568TimezonesAntarcticaDavisstandard-longDavis Time Amser Davis
3569TimezonesAntarcticaDumontDUrvillestandard-longDumont-d’Urville Time Amser Dumont-d’Urville
3570TimezonesAntarcticaMawsonstandard-longMawson Time Amser Mawson
3571TimezonesAntarcticaRotherastandard-longRothera Time Amser Rothera
3572TimezonesAntarcticaSyowastandard-longSyowa Time Amser Syowa
3573TimezonesAntarcticaVostokstandard-longVostok Time Amser Vostok
3574TimezonesAntarcticaCities and RegionsCasey= Casey
3575TimezonesAntarcticaCities and RegionsDavis= Davis
3576TimezonesAntarcticaCities and RegionsDumontDUrville= Dumont d’Urville
3577TimezonesAntarcticaCities and RegionsMawson= Mawson
3578TimezonesAntarcticaCities and RegionsMcMurdo= McMurdo
3579TimezonesAntarcticaCities and RegionsPalmer= Palmer
3580TimezonesAntarcticaCities and RegionsRothera= Rothera
3581TimezonesAntarcticaCities and RegionsSyowa= Syowa
3582TimezonesAntarcticaCities and RegionsTroll= Troll
3583TimezonesAntarcticaCities and RegionsVostok= Vostok
3584TimezonesOceaniaApiageneric-longApia Time Amser Apia
3585TimezonesOceaniaApiastandard-longApia Standard Time Amser Safonol Apia
3586TimezonesOceaniaApiadaylight-longApia Daylight Time Amser Haf Apia
3587TimezonesOceaniaChamorrostandard-longChamorro Standard Time Amser Chamorro
3588TimezonesOceaniaCookgeneric-longCook Islands Time Amser Ynysoedd Cook
3589TimezonesOceaniaCookstandard-longCook Islands Standard Time Amser Safonol Ynysoedd Cook
3590TimezonesOceaniaCookdaylight-longCook Islands Half Summer Time Amser Hanner Haf Ynysoedd Cook
3591TimezonesOceaniaFijigeneric-longFiji Time Amser Fiji
3592TimezonesOceaniaFijistandard-longFiji Standard Time Amser Safonol Fiji
3593TimezonesOceaniaFijidaylight-longFiji Summer Time Amser Haf Fiji
3594TimezonesOceaniaGambierstandard-longGambier Time Amser Gambier
3595TimezonesOceaniaGilbert_Islandsstandard-longGilbert Islands Time Amser Ynysoedd Gilbert
3596TimezonesOceaniaKosraestandard-longKosrae Time Amser Kosrae
3597TimezonesOceaniaLine_Islandsstandard-longLine Islands Time Amser Ynysoedd Line
3598TimezonesOceaniaMarquesasstandard-longMarquesas Time Amser Marquises
3599TimezonesOceaniaMarshall_Islandsstandard-longMarshall Islands Time Amser Ynysoedd Marshall
3600TimezonesOceaniaNaurustandard-longNauru Time Amser Nauru
3601TimezonesOceaniaNew_Caledoniageneric-longNew Caledonia Time Amser Caledonia Newydd
3602TimezonesOceaniaNew_Caledoniastandard-longNew Caledonia Standard Time Amser Safonol Caledonia Newydd
3603TimezonesOceaniaNew_Caledoniadaylight-longNew Caledonia Summer Time Amser Haf Caledonia Newydd
3604TimezonesOceaniaNiuestandard-longNiue Time Amser Niue
3605TimezonesOceaniaPalaustandard-longPalau Time Amser Palau
3606TimezonesOceaniaPapua_New_Guineastandard-longPapua New Guinea Time Amser Papua Guinea Newydd
3607TimezonesOceaniaPhoenix_Islandsstandard-longPhoenix Islands Time Amser Ynysoedd Phoenix
3608TimezonesOceaniaPitcairnstandard-longPitcairn Time Amser Pitcairn
3609TimezonesOceaniaPonapestandard-longPonape Time Amser Pohnpei
3610TimezonesOceaniaSamoageneric-longSamoa Time Amser Samoa
3611TimezonesOceaniaSamoastandard-longSamoa Standard Time Amser Safonol Samoa
3612TimezonesOceaniaSamoadaylight-longSamoa Daylight Time Amser Haf Samoa
3613TimezonesOceaniaSolomonstandard-longSolomon Islands Time Amser Ynysoedd Solomon
3614TimezonesOceaniaTahitistandard-longTahiti Time Amser Tahiti
3615TimezonesOceaniaTokelaustandard-longTokelau Time Amser Tokelau
3616TimezonesOceaniaTongageneric-longTonga Time Amser Tonga
3617TimezonesOceaniaTongastandard-longTonga Standard Time Amser Safonol Tonga
3618TimezonesOceaniaTongadaylight-longTonga Summer Time Amser Haf Tonga
3619TimezonesOceaniaTrukstandard-longChuuk Time Amser Chuuk
3620TimezonesOceaniaTuvalustandard-longTuvalu Time Amser Tuvalu
3621TimezonesOceaniaVanuatugeneric-longVanuatu Time Amser Vanuatu
3622TimezonesOceaniaVanuatustandard-longVanuatu Standard Time Amser Safonol Vanuatu
3623TimezonesOceaniaVanuatudaylight-longVanuatu Summer Time Amser Haf Vanuatu
3624TimezonesOceaniaWakestandard-longWake Island Time Amser Ynys Wake
3625TimezonesOceaniaWallisstandard-longWallis & Futuna Time Amser Wallis a Futuna
3626TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsApia= Apia
3627TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsBougainville= Bougainville
3628TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsEfate= Efate
3629TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsEnderburyn/a Enderbury
3630TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsFakaofo= Fakaofo
3631TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsFiji= Fiji
3632TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsFunafuti= Funafuti
3633TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsGambier= Gambier
3634TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsGuadalcanal= Guadalcanal
3635TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsGuam= Guam
3636TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsKanton= Kanton
3637TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsKiritimati= Kiritimati
3638TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsKosrae= Kosrae
3639TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsKwajalein= Kwajalein
3640TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsMajuro= Majuro
3641TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsMarquesas= Marquesas
3642TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsMidway= Midway
3643TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsNauru= Nauru
3644TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsNiue= Niue
3645TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsNoumea= Noumea
3646TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsPago_Pago= Pago Pago
3647TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsPalau= Palau
3648TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsPitcairn= Pitcairn
3649TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsPonape= Pohnpei
3650TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsPort_Moresby= Port Moresby
3651TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsRarotonga= Rarotonga
3652TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsSaipan= Saipan
3653TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsTahiti= Tahiti
3654TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsTarawa= Tarawa
3655TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsTongatapu= Tongatapu
3656TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsTruk= Chuuk
3657TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsWake= Wake
3658TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsWallis= Wallis
3659TimezonesUnknown RegionCities and RegionsUnknownUnknown City Dinas Anhysbys
3660TimezonesOverridesEtc/UTCstandard-longCoordinated Universal Time Amser Cyffredniol Cydlynol
3661TimezonesOverridesEtc/UTCstandard-short= UTC
3662TimezonesOverridesEurope/Dublindaylight-longIrish Standard Time Amser Safonol Iwerddon
3663TimezonesOverridesEurope/Londondaylight-longBritish Summer Time Amser Haf Prydain
3664NumbersSymbolsGrouping ControlMinimum Grouping Digits= 1
3665NumbersSymbolsTime Symbols Time Separator= :
3666NumbersSymbolsTime Symbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)Time Separator= :
3667NumbersSymbolsTime Symbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)Time Separator= ٫
3668NumbersSymbolsSymbols decimal= .
3669NumbersSymbolsSymbols group= ,
3670NumbersSymbolsSymbols plusSign= +
3671NumbersSymbolsSymbols minusSign= -
3672NumbersSymbolsSymbols approximatelySign= ~
3673NumbersSymbolsSymbols percentSign= %
3674NumbersSymbolsSymbols perMille=
3675NumbersSymbolsSymbols exponential= E
3676NumbersSymbolsSymbols superscriptingExponent= ×
3677NumbersSymbolsSymbols infinity=
3678NumbersSymbolsSymbols nan= NaN
3679NumbersSymbolsSymbols list= ;
3680NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)decimal= ٫
3681NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)group= ٬
3682NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)plusSign= ؜+
3683NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)minusSign= ؜-
3684NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)approximatelySign= ~
3685NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)percentSign= ٪؜
3686NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)perMille= ؉
3687NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)exponential= اس
3688NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)superscriptingExponent= ×
3689NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)infinity=
3690NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)nan= NaN
3691NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)list= ؛
3692NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)decimal= ٫
3693NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)group= ٬
3694NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)plusSign= ‎+‎
3695NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)minusSign= ‎-‎
3696NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)approximatelySign= ~
3697NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)percentSign= ٪
3698NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)perMille= ؉
3699NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)exponential= ×۱۰^
3700NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)superscriptingExponent= ×
3701NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)infinity=
3702NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)nan= NaN
3703NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)list= ؛
3704NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns standard-decimal= #,##0.###
3705NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns standard-currency= ¤#,##0.00
3706NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns standard-currency-alphaNextToNumber= ¤ #,##0.00
3707NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns standard-currency-noCurrency= #,##0.00
3708NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns standard-percent= #,##0%
3709NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns standard-scientific= #E0
3710NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns accounting-currency= ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
3711NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns accounting-currency-alphaNextToNumber= ¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00)
3712NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns accounting-currency-noCurrency= #,##0.00;(#,##0.00)
3713NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)standard-currency= #,##0.00 ¤
3714NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)standard-currency-noCurrency= #,##0.00
3715NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)standard-percent= #,##0%
3716NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsAppend-ISO-Code Pattern appendISOCode= {0} ¤¤
3717NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsCurrency Unit Patterns currencies-other= {0} {1}
3718NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns approximately= ~{0}
3719NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns atLeast= {0}+
3720NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns atMost= ≤{0}
3721NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns range= {0}–{1}
3722NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 4-digits-short-zero-alphaNextToNumber¤0K ¤ 0K
3723NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 4-digits-short-one-alphaNextToNumber= ¤ 0K
3724NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 4-digits-short-two-alphaNextToNumber¤0K ¤ 0K
3725NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 4-digits-short-few-alphaNextToNumber¤0K ¤ 0K
3726NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 4-digits-short-many-alphaNextToNumber¤0K ¤ 0K
3727NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 4-digits-short-other= ¤0K
3728NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 4-digits-short-other-alphaNextToNumber= ¤ 0K
3729NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 5-digits-short-zero-alphaNextToNumber¤00K ¤ 00K
3730NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 5-digits-short-one-alphaNextToNumber= ¤ 00K
3731NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 5-digits-short-two-alphaNextToNumber¤00K ¤ 00K
3732NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 5-digits-short-few-alphaNextToNumber¤00K ¤ 00K
3733NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 5-digits-short-many-alphaNextToNumber¤00K ¤ 00K
3734NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 5-digits-short-other= ¤00K
3735NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 5-digits-short-other-alphaNextToNumber= ¤ 00K
3736NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 6-digits-short-zero-alphaNextToNumber¤000K ¤ 000K
3737NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 6-digits-short-one-alphaNextToNumber= ¤ 000K
3738NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 6-digits-short-two-alphaNextToNumber¤000K ¤ 000K
3739NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 6-digits-short-few-alphaNextToNumber¤000K ¤ 000K
3740NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 6-digits-short-many-alphaNextToNumber¤000K ¤ 000K
3741NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 6-digits-short-other= ¤000K
3742NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 6-digits-short-other-alphaNextToNumber= ¤ 000K
3743NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 7-digits-short-zero-alphaNextToNumber¤0M ¤ 0M
3744NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 7-digits-short-one-alphaNextToNumber= ¤ 0M
3745NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 7-digits-short-two-alphaNextToNumber¤0M ¤ 0M
3746NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 7-digits-short-few-alphaNextToNumber¤0M ¤ 0M
3747NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 7-digits-short-many-alphaNextToNumber¤0M ¤ 0M
3748NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 7-digits-short-other= ¤0M
3749NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 7-digits-short-other-alphaNextToNumber= ¤ 0M
3750NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 8-digits-short-zero-alphaNextToNumber¤00M ¤ 00M
3751NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 8-digits-short-one-alphaNextToNumber= ¤ 00M
3752NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 8-digits-short-two-alphaNextToNumber¤00M ¤ 00M
3753NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 8-digits-short-few-alphaNextToNumber¤00M ¤ 00M
3754NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 8-digits-short-many-alphaNextToNumber¤00M ¤ 00M
3755NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 8-digits-short-other= ¤00M
3756NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 8-digits-short-other-alphaNextToNumber= ¤ 00M
3757NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 9-digits-short-zero-alphaNextToNumber¤000M ¤ 000M
3758NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 9-digits-short-one-alphaNextToNumber= ¤ 000M
3759NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 9-digits-short-two-alphaNextToNumber¤000M ¤ 000M
3760NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 9-digits-short-few-alphaNextToNumber¤000M ¤ 000M
3761NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 9-digits-short-many-alphaNextToNumber¤000M ¤ 000M
3762NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 9-digits-short-other= ¤000M
3763NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 9-digits-short-other-alphaNextToNumber= ¤ 000M
3764NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 10-digits-short-zero-alphaNextToNumber¤0B ¤ 0B
3765NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 10-digits-short-one-alphaNextToNumber= ¤ 0B
3766NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 10-digits-short-two-alphaNextToNumber¤0B ¤ 0B
3767NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 10-digits-short-few-alphaNextToNumber¤0B ¤ 0B
3768NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 10-digits-short-many-alphaNextToNumber¤0B ¤ 0B
3769NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 10-digits-short-other= ¤0B
3770NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 10-digits-short-other-alphaNextToNumber= ¤ 0B
3771NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 11-digits-short-zero-alphaNextToNumber¤00B ¤ 00B
3772NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 11-digits-short-one-alphaNextToNumber= ¤ 00B
3773NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 11-digits-short-two-alphaNextToNumber¤00B ¤ 00B
3774NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 11-digits-short-few-alphaNextToNumber¤00B ¤ 00B
3775NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 11-digits-short-many-alphaNextToNumber¤00B ¤ 00B
3776NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 11-digits-short-other= ¤00B
3777NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 11-digits-short-other-alphaNextToNumber= ¤ 00B
3778NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 12-digits-short-zero-alphaNextToNumber¤000B ¤ 000B
3779NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 12-digits-short-one-alphaNextToNumber= ¤ 000B
3780NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 12-digits-short-two-alphaNextToNumber¤000B ¤ 000B
3781NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 12-digits-short-few-alphaNextToNumber¤000B ¤ 000B
3782NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 12-digits-short-many-alphaNextToNumber¤000B ¤ 000B
3783NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 12-digits-short-other= ¤000B
3784NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 12-digits-short-other-alphaNextToNumber= ¤ 000B
3785NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 13-digits-short-zero-alphaNextToNumber¤0T ¤ 0T
3786NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 13-digits-short-one-alphaNextToNumber= ¤ 0T
3787NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 13-digits-short-two-alphaNextToNumber¤0T ¤ 0T
3788NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 13-digits-short-few-alphaNextToNumber¤0T ¤ 0T
3789NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 13-digits-short-many-alphaNextToNumber¤0T ¤ 0T
3790NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 13-digits-short-other= ¤0T
3791NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 13-digits-short-other-alphaNextToNumber= ¤ 0T
3792NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 14-digits-short-zero-alphaNextToNumber¤00T ¤ 00T
3793NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 14-digits-short-one-alphaNextToNumber= ¤ 00T
3794NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 14-digits-short-two-alphaNextToNumber¤00T ¤ 00T
3795NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 14-digits-short-few-alphaNextToNumber¤00T ¤ 00T
3796NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 14-digits-short-many-alphaNextToNumber¤00T ¤ 00T
3797NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 14-digits-short-other= ¤00T
3798NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 14-digits-short-other-alphaNextToNumber= ¤ 00T
3799NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 15-digits-short-zero-alphaNextToNumber¤000T ¤ 000T
3800NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 15-digits-short-one-alphaNextToNumber= ¤ 000T
3801NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 15-digits-short-two-alphaNextToNumber¤000T ¤ 000T
3802NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 15-digits-short-few-alphaNextToNumber¤000T ¤ 000T
3803NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 15-digits-short-many-alphaNextToNumber¤000T ¤ 000T
3804NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 15-digits-short-other= ¤000T
3805NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 15-digits-short-other-alphaNextToNumber= ¤ 000T
3806NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 4-digits-long-zero0K 0 mil
3807NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 4-digits-long-one0 thousand 0 mil
3808NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 4-digits-long-other0 thousand 0 mil
3809NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 5-digits-long-one00 thousand 00 mil
3810NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 5-digits-long-other00 thousand 00 mil
3811NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 6-digits-long-one000 thousand 000 mil
3812NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 6-digits-long-other000 thousand 000 mil
3813NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 7-digits-long-one0 million 0 miliwn
3814NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 7-digits-long-other0 million 0 miliwn
3815NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 8-digits-long-one00 million 00 miliwn
3816NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 8-digits-long-other00 million 00 miliwn
3817NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 9-digits-long-one000 million 000 miliwn
3818NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 9-digits-long-other000 million 000 miliwn
3819NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 10-digits-long-one0 billion 0 biliwn
3820NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 10-digits-long-other0 billion 0 biliwn
3821NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 11-digits-long-one00 billion 00 biliwn
3822NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 11-digits-long-other00 billion 00 biliwn
3823NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 12-digits-long-one000 billion 000 biliwn
3824NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 12-digits-long-other000 billion 000 biliwn
3825NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 13-digits-long-one0 trillion 0 triliwn
3826NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 13-digits-long-other0 trillion 0 triliwn
3827NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 14-digits-long-one00 trillion 00 triliwn
3828NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 14-digits-long-other00 trillion 00 triliwn
3829NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 15-digits-long-other000 trillion 000 triliwn
3830NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 4-digits-short-other= 0K
3831NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 5-digits-short-other= 00K
3832NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 6-digits-short-other= 000K
3833NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 7-digits-short-other= 0M
3834NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 8-digits-short-other= 00M
3835NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 9-digits-short-other= 000M
3836NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 10-digits-short-other= 0B
3837NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 11-digits-short-other= 00B
3838NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 12-digits-short-other= 000B
3839NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 13-digits-short-other= 0T
3840NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 14-digits-short-other= 00T
3841NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 15-digits-short-other= 000T
3842CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: BermudaBMD-name-twoBermudan dollars ddoler Bermuda
3843CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: BermudaBMD-name-otherBermudan dollars doler Bermuda
3844CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: BermudaBMD-nameBermudan Dollar Doler Bermuda
3845CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: BermudaBMD-symbol= BMD
3846CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: BermudaBMD-symbol-narrow= $
3847CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: CanadaCAD-name-otherCanadian dollars doler Canada
3848CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: CanadaCAD-nameCanadian Dollar Doler Canada
3849CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: CanadaCAD-symbol= CA$
3850CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: CanadaCAD-symbol-narrow= $
3851CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United StatesUSD-name-twoUS dollars ddoler UDA
3852CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United StatesUSD-name-otherUS dollars doler UDA
3853CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United StatesUSD-nameUS Dollar Doler UDA
3854CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United StatesUSD-symbol$ US$
3855CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United StatesUSD-symbol-narrow= $
3856CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United States: USN (fund)USN-name-oneUS dollar (next day) ddoler UDA (y diwrnod nesaf)
3857CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United States: USN (fund)USN-name-twoUS dollars (next day) ddoler UDA (y diwrnod nesaf)
3858CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United States: USN (fund)USN-name-otherUS dollars (next day) doler UDA (y diwrnod nesaf)
3859CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United States: USN (fund)USN-nameUS Dollar (Next day) Doler UDA (y diwrnod nesaf)
3860CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United States: USN (fund)USN-symbol= USN
3861CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United States: USS (fund)USS-name-oneUS dollar (same day) ddoler UDA (yr un diwrnod)
3862CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United States: USS (fund)USS-name-twoUS dollars (same day) ddoler UDA (yr un diwrnod)
3863CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United States: USS (fund)USS-name-otherUS dollars (same day) doler UDA (yr un diwrnod)
3864CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United States: USS (fund)USS-nameUS Dollar (Same day) Doler UDA (yr un diwrnod)
3865CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United States: USS (fund)USS-symbol= USS
3866CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: BelizeBZD-name-twoBelize dollars ddoler Belize
3867CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: BelizeBZD-name-otherBelize dollars doler Belize
3868CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: BelizeBZD-nameBelize Dollar Doler Belize
3869CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: BelizeBZD-symbol= BZD
3870CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: BelizeBZD-symbol-narrow= $
3871CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Costa RicaCRC-name-otherCosta Rican colóns colón Costa Rica
3872CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Costa RicaCRC-nameCosta Rican Colón Colón Costa Rica
3873CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Costa RicaCRC-symbol= CRC
3874CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Costa RicaCRC-symbol-narrow=
3875CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: GuatemalaGTQ-name-otherGuatemalan quetzals quetzal Guatemala
3876CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: GuatemalaGTQ-nameGuatemalan Quetzal Quetzal Guatemala
3877CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: GuatemalaGTQ-symbol= GTQ
3878CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: GuatemalaGTQ-symbol-narrow= Q
3879CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: HondurasHNL-name-otherHonduran lempiras lempira Honduras
3880CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: HondurasHNL-nameHonduran Lempira Lempira Honduras
3881CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: HondurasHNL-symbol= HNL
3882CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: HondurasHNL-symbol-narrow= L
3883CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: MexicoMXN-name-otherMexican pesos peso Mecsico
3884CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: MexicoMXN-nameMexican Peso Peso Mecsico
3885CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: MexicoMXN-symbol= MX$
3886CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: MexicoMXN-symbol-narrow= $
3887CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Mexico: MXP (old)MXP-name-otherMexican silver pesos (1861–1992) peso arian México (1861–1992)
3888CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Mexico: MXP (old)MXP-nameMexican Silver Peso (1861–1992) Peso Arian México (1861–1992)
3889CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Mexico: MXP (old)MXP-symbol= MXP
3890CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Mexico: MXV (fund)MXV-name-otherMexican investment units uned fuddsoddi México
3891CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Mexico: MXV (fund)MXV-nameMexican Investment Unit Uned Fuddsoddi México
3892CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Mexico: MXV (fund)MXV-symbol= MXV
3893CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: NicaraguaNIO-name-otherNicaraguan córdobas cordoba Nicaragwa
3894CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: NicaraguaNIO-nameNicaraguan Córdoba Cordoba Nicaragwa
3895CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: NicaraguaNIO-symbol= NIO
3896CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: NicaraguaNIO-symbol-narrow= C$
3897CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Nicaragua: NIC (old)NIC-name-otherNicaraguan córdobas (1988–1991) córdoba Nicaragua (1988–1991)
3898CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Nicaragua: NIC (old)NIC-nameNicaraguan Córdoba (1988–1991) Córdoba Nicaragua (1988–1991)
3899CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Nicaragua: NIC (old)NIC-symbol= NIC
3900CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: PanamaPAB-name-otherPanamanian balboas balboa Panama
3901CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: PanamaPAB-namePanamanian Balboa Balboa Panama
3902CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: PanamaPAB-symbol= PAB
3903CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: El Salvador: SVC (old)SVC-name-otherSalvadoran colones colón El Salvador
3904CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: El Salvador: SVC (old)SVC-nameSalvadoran Colón Colón El Salvador
3905CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: El Salvador: SVC (old)SVC-symbol= SVC
3906CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: ArubaAWG-name-otherAruban florin fflorin Aruba
3907CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: ArubaAWG-nameAruban Florin Fflorin Aruba
3908CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: ArubaAWG-symbol= AWG
3909CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: BarbadosBBD-name-oneBarbadian dollar ddoler Barbados
3910CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: BarbadosBBD-name-twoBarbadian dollars ddoler Barbados
3911CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: BarbadosBBD-name-otherBarbadian dollars doler Barbados
3912CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: BarbadosBBD-nameBarbadian Dollar Doler Barbados
3913CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: BarbadosBBD-symbol= BBD
3914CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: BarbadosBBD-symbol-narrow= $
3915CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: BahamasBSD-name-twoBahamian dollars ddoler y Bahamas
3916CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: BahamasBSD-name-otherBahamian dollars doler y Bahamas
3917CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: BahamasBSD-nameBahamian Dollar Doler y Bahamas
3918CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: BahamasBSD-symbol= BSD
3919CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: BahamasBSD-symbol-narrow= $
3920CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CubaCUP-name-otherCuban pesos peso Ciwba
3921CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CubaCUP-nameCuban Peso Peso Ciwba
3922CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CubaCUP-symbol= CUP
3923CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CubaCUP-symbol-narrow= $
3924CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Cuba: CUC (old)CUC-name-otherCuban convertible pesos peso trosadwy Ciwba
3925CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Cuba: CUC (old)CUC-nameCuban Convertible Peso Peso Trosadwy Ciwba
3926CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Cuba: CUC (old)CUC-symbol= CUC
3927CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Cuba: CUC (old)CUC-symbol-narrow= $
3928CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CuraçaoANG-name-otherNetherlands Antillean guilders guilder Antilles yr Iseldiroedd
3929CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CuraçaoANG-nameNetherlands Antillean Guilder Guilder Antilles yr Iseldiroedd
3930CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CuraçaoANG-symbol= ANG
3931CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Dominican RepublicDOP-name-otherDominican pesos peso Gweriniaeth Dominica
3932CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Dominican RepublicDOP-nameDominican Peso Peso Gweriniaeth Dominica
3933CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Dominican RepublicDOP-symbol= DOP
3934CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Dominican RepublicDOP-symbol-narrow= $
3935CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: HaitiHTG-name-otherHaitian gourdes gourde Haiti
3936CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: HaitiHTG-nameHaitian Gourde Gourde Haiti
3937CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: HaitiHTG-symbol= HTG
3938CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: JamaicaJMD-name-twoJamaican dollars ddoler Jamaica
3939CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: JamaicaJMD-name-otherJamaican dollars doler Jamaica
3940CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: JamaicaJMD-nameJamaican Dollar Doler Jamaica
3941CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: JamaicaJMD-symbol= JMD
3942CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: JamaicaJMD-symbol-narrow= $
3943CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Cayman IslandsKYD-name-twoCayman Islands dollars ddoler Ynysoedd Cayman
3944CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Cayman IslandsKYD-name-otherCayman Islands dollars doler Ynysoedd Cayman
3945CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Cayman IslandsKYD-nameCayman Islands Dollar Doler Ynysoedd Cayman
3946CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Cayman IslandsKYD-symbol= KYD
3947CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Cayman IslandsKYD-symbol-narrow= $
3948CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: St. LuciaXCD-name-twoEast Caribbean dollars ddoler Dwyrain y Caribî
3949CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: St. LuciaXCD-name-otherEast Caribbean dollars doler Dwyrain y Caribî
3950CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: St. LuciaXCD-nameEast Caribbean Dollar Doler Dwyrain y Caribî
3951CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: St. LuciaXCD-symbol= EC$
3952CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: St. LuciaXCD-symbol-narrow= $
3953CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Trinidad & TobagoTTD-name-twoTrinidad & Tobago dollars ddoler Trinidad a Tobago
3954CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Trinidad & TobagoTTD-name-otherTrinidad & Tobago dollars doler Trinidad a Tobago
3955CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Trinidad & TobagoTTD-nameTrinidad & Tobago Dollar Doler Trinidad a Tobago
3956CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Trinidad & TobagoTTD-symbol= TTD
3957CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Trinidad & TobagoTTD-symbol-narrow= $
3958CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ArgentinaARS-name-otherArgentine pesos peso yr Ariannin
3959CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ArgentinaARS-nameArgentine Peso Peso yr Ariannin
3960CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ArgentinaARS-symbol= ARS
3961CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ArgentinaARS-symbol-narrow= $
3962CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARA (old)ARA-name-otherArgentine australs austral yr Ariannin
3963CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARA (old)ARA-nameArgentine Austral Austral yr Ariannin
3964CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARA (old)ARA-symbol= ARA
3965CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARL (old)ARL-name-otherArgentine pesos ley (1970–1983) peso ley yr Ariannin (1970–1983)
3966CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARL (old)ARL-nameArgentine Peso Ley (1970–1983) Peso Ley yr Ariannin (1970–1983)
3967CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARL (old)ARL-symbol= ARL
3968CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARM (old)ARM-name-otherArgentine pesos (1881–1970) peso yr Ariannin (1881–1970)
3969CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARM (old)ARM-nameArgentine Peso (1881–1970) Peso yr Ariannin (1881–1970)
3970CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARM (old)ARM-symbol= ARM
3971CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARP (old)ARP-name-otherArgentine pesos (1983–1985) peso yr Ariannin (1983–1985)
3972CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARP (old)ARP-nameArgentine Peso (1983–1985) Peso yr Ariannin (1983–1985)
3973CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARP (old)ARP-symbol= ARP
3974CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: BoliviaBOB-name-otherBolivian bolivianos boliviano Bolifia
3975CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: BoliviaBOB-nameBolivian Boliviano Boliviano Bolifia
3976CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: BoliviaBOB-symbol= BOB
3977CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: BoliviaBOB-symbol-narrow= Bs
3978CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Bolivia: BOL (old)BOL-name-otherBolivian bolivianos (1863–1963) boliviano Bolifia (1863–1963)
3979CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Bolivia: BOL (old)BOL-nameBolivian Boliviano (1863–1963) Boliviano Bolifia (1863–1963)
3980CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Bolivia: BOL (old)BOL-symbol= BOL
3981CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Bolivia: BOP (old)BOP-name-otherBolivian pesos peso Bolifia
3982CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Bolivia: BOP (old)BOP-nameBolivian Peso Peso Bolifia
3983CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Bolivia: BOP (old)BOP-symbol= BOP
3984CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Bolivia: BOV (old)BOV-name-otherBolivian mvdols mvdol Bolifia
3985CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Bolivia: BOV (old)BOV-nameBolivian Mvdol Mvdol Bolifia
3986CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Bolivia: BOV (old)BOV-symbol= BOV
3987CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: BrazilBRL-name-otherBrazilian reals real Brasil
3988CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: BrazilBRL-nameBrazilian Real Real Brasil
3989CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: BrazilBRL-symbol= R$
3990CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: BrazilBRL-symbol-narrow= R$
3991CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRB (old)BRB-name-otherBrazilian new cruzeiros (1967–1986) cruzeiro newydd Brasil (1967–1986)
3992CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRB (old)BRB-nameBrazilian New Cruzeiro (1967–1986) Cruzeiro Newydd Brasil (1967–1986)
3993CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRB (old)BRB-symbol= BRB
3994CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRC (old)BRC-name-otherBrazilian cruzados (1986–1989) cruzado Brasil (1986–1989)
3995CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRC (old)BRC-nameBrazilian Cruzado (1986–1989) Cruzado Brasil (1986–1989)
3996CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRC (old)BRC-symbol= BRC
3997CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRE (old)BRE-name-otherBrazilian cruzeiros (1990–1993) cruzeiro Brasil (1990–1993)
3998CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRE (old)BRE-nameBrazilian Cruzeiro (1990–1993) Cruzeiro Brasil (1990–1993)
3999CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRE (old)BRE-symbol= BRE
4000CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRN (old)BRN-name-otherBrazilian new cruzados (1989–1990) cruzado newydd Brasil (1989–1990)
4001CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRN (old)BRN-nameBrazilian New Cruzado (1989–1990) Cruzado Newydd Brasil (1989–1990)
4002CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRN (old)BRN-symbol= BRN
4003CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRR (old)BRR-name-otherBrazilian cruzeiros (1993–1994) cruzeiro Brasil (1993–1994)
4004CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRR (old)BRR-nameBrazilian Cruzeiro (1993–1994) Cruzeiro Brasil (1993–1994)
4005CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRR (old)BRR-symbol= BRR
4006CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRZ (old)BRZ-name-otherBrazilian cruzeiros (1942–1967) cruzeiro Brasil (1942–1967)
4007CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRZ (old)BRZ-nameBrazilian Cruzeiro (1942–1967) Cruzeiro Brasil (1942–1967)
4008CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRZ (old)BRZ-symbol= BRZ
4009CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ChileCLP-name-otherChilean pesos peso Chile
4010CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ChileCLP-nameChilean Peso Peso Chile
4011CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ChileCLP-symbol= CLP
4012CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ChileCLP-symbol-narrow= $
4013CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Chile: CLE (old)CLE-name-otherChilean escudos escudo Chile
4014CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Chile: CLE (old)CLE-nameChilean Escudo Escudo Chile
4015CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Chile: CLE (old)CLE-symbol= CLE
4016CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Chile: CLF (fund)CLF-name-otherChilean units of account (UF) uned cyfrifo Chile (UF)
4017CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Chile: CLF (fund)CLF-nameChilean Unit of Account (UF) Uned Cyfrifo Chile (UF)
4018CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Chile: CLF (fund)CLF-symbol= CLF
4019CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ColombiaCOP-name-otherColombian pesos peso Colombia
4020CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ColombiaCOP-nameColombian Peso Peso Colombia
4021CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ColombiaCOP-symbol= COP
4022CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ColombiaCOP-symbol-narrow= $
4023CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Colombia: COU (fund)COU-name-otherColombian real value units uned gwir werth Colombia
4024CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Colombia: COU (fund)COU-nameColombian Real Value Unit Uned Gwir Werth Colombia
4025CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Colombia: COU (fund)COU-symbol= COU
4026CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Ecuador: ECS (old)ECS-name-otherEcuadorian sucres sucre Ecuador
4027CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Ecuador: ECS (old)ECS-nameEcuadorian Sucre Sucre Ecuador
4028CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Ecuador: ECS (old)ECS-symbol= ECS
4029CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Ecuador: ECV (fund)ECV-name-otherEcuadorian units of constant value uned gwerth gyson Ecuador
4030CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Ecuador: ECV (fund)ECV-nameEcuadorian Unit of Constant Value Uned Gwerth Gyson Ecuador
4031CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Ecuador: ECV (fund)ECV-symbol= ECV
4032CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Falkland IslandsFKP-name-twoFalkland Islands pounds bunt Ynysoedd Falkland/Malvinas
4033CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Falkland IslandsFKP-name-otherFalkland Islands pounds punt Ynysoedd Falkland/Malvinas
4034CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Falkland IslandsFKP-nameFalkland Islands Pound Punt Ynysoedd Falkland/Malvinas
4035CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Falkland IslandsFKP-symbol= FKP
4036CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Falkland IslandsFKP-symbol-narrow= £
4037CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: GuyanaGYD-name-twoGuyanaese dollars ddoler Guyana
4038CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: GuyanaGYD-name-otherGuyanaese dollars doler Guyana
4039CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: GuyanaGYD-nameGuyanaese Dollar Doler Guyana
4040CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: GuyanaGYD-symbol= GYD
4041CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: GuyanaGYD-symbol-narrow= $
4042CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: PeruPEN-name-otherPeruvian soles sol Periw
4043CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: PeruPEN-namePeruvian Sol Sol Periw
4044CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: PeruPEN-symbol= PEN
4045CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Peru: PEI (old)PEI-name-otherPeruvian intis inti Periw
4046CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Peru: PEI (old)PEI-namePeruvian Inti Inti Periw
4047CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Peru: PEI (old)PEI-symbol= PEI
4048CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Peru: PES (old)PES-name-otherPeruvian soles (1863–1965) sol Periw (1863–1965)
4049CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Peru: PES (old)PES-namePeruvian Sol (1863–1965) Sol Periw (1863–1965)
4050CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Peru: PES (old)PES-symbol= PES
4051CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ParaguayPYG-name-otherParaguayan guaranis guarani Paraguay
4052CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ParaguayPYG-nameParaguayan Guarani Guarani Paraguay
4053CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ParaguayPYG-symbol= PYG
4054CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ParaguayPYG-symbol-narrow=
4055CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: SurinameSRD-name-twoSurinamese dollars ddoler Surinam
4056CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: SurinameSRD-name-otherSurinamese dollars doler Surinam
4057CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: SurinameSRD-nameSurinamese Dollar Doler Surinam
4058CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: SurinameSRD-symbol= SRD
4059CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: SurinameSRD-symbol-narrow= $
4060CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Suriname: SRG (old)SRG-name-otherSurinamese guilders guilder Surinam
4061CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Suriname: SRG (old)SRG-nameSurinamese Guilder Guilder Surinam
4062CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Suriname: SRG (old)SRG-symbol= SRG
4063CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: UruguayUYU-name-otherUruguayan pesos peso Uruguay
4064CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: UruguayUYU-nameUruguayan Peso Peso Uruguay
4065CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: UruguayUYU-symbol= UYU
4066CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: UruguayUYU-symbol-narrow= $
4067CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Uruguay: UYI (fund)UYI-nameUruguayan Peso (Indexed Units) UYI
4068CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Uruguay: UYI (fund)UYI-symbol= UYI
4069CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Uruguay: UYP (old)UYP-name-otherUruguayan pesos (1975–1993) peso Uruguay (1975–1993)
4070CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Uruguay: UYP (old)UYP-nameUruguayan Peso (1975–1993) Peso Uruguay (1975–1993)
4071CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Uruguay: UYP (old)UYP-symbol= UYP
4072CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Uruguay: UYW (old)UYW-nameUruguayan Nominal Wage Index Unit UYW
4073CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Uruguay: UYW (old)UYW-symbol= UYW
4074CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: VenezuelaVES-name-otherVenezuelan bolívars bolívar Venezuela
4075CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: VenezuelaVES-nameVenezuelan Bolívar Bolívar Venezuela
4076CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: VenezuelaVES-symbol= VES
4077CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Venezuela: VEB (old)VEB-name-otherVenezuelan bolívars (1871–2008) bolívar Venezuela (1871–2008)
4078CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Venezuela: VEB (old)VEB-nameVenezuelan Bolívar (1871–2008) Bolívar Venezuela (1871–2008)
4079CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Venezuela: VEB (old)VEB-symbol= VEB
4080CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Venezuela: VED (old)VED-nameBolívar Soberano VED
4081CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Venezuela: VED (old)VED-symbol= VED
4082CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Venezuela: VEF (old)VEF-name-otherVenezuelan bolívars (2008–2018) bolívar Venezuela (2008–2018)
4083CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Venezuela: VEF (old)VEF-nameVenezuelan Bolívar (2008–2018) Bolívar Venezuela (2008–2018)
4084CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Venezuela: VEF (old)VEF-symbol= VEF
4085CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Venezuela: VEF (old)VEF-symbol-narrow= Bs
4086CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: DenmarkDKK-name-otherDanish kroner krone Denmarc
4087CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: DenmarkDKK-nameDanish Krone Krone Denmarc
4088CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: DenmarkDKK-symbol= DKK
4089CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: DenmarkDKK-symbol-narrow= kr
4090CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Estonia: EEK (old)EEK-name-otherEstonian kroons kroon Estonia
4091CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Estonia: EEK (old)EEK-nameEstonian Kroon Kroon Estonia
4092CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Estonia: EEK (old)EEK-symbol= EEK
4093CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Finland: FIM (old)FIM-name-otherFinnish markkas markka’r Ffindir
4094CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Finland: FIM (old)FIM-nameFinnish Markka Markka’r Ffindir
4095CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Finland: FIM (old)FIM-symbol= FIM
4096CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: United KingdomGBP-name-oneBritish pound bunt Prydain
4097CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: United KingdomGBP-name-twoBritish pounds bunt Prydain
4098CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: United KingdomGBP-name-otherBritish pounds punt Prydain
4099CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: United KingdomGBP-nameBritish Pound Punt Prydain
4100CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: United KingdomGBP-symbol= £
4101CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: United KingdomGBP-symbol-narrow= £
4102CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Ireland: IEP (old)IEP-name-oneIrish pound bunt Iwerddon
4103CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Ireland: IEP (old)IEP-name-twoIrish pounds bunt Iwerddon
4104CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Ireland: IEP (old)IEP-name-manyIrish pounds phunt Iwerddon
4105CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Ireland: IEP (old)IEP-name-otherIrish pounds punt Iwerddon
4106CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Ireland: IEP (old)IEP-nameIrish Pound Punt Iwerddon
4107CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Ireland: IEP (old)IEP-symbol= IEP
4108CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: IcelandISK-name-otherIcelandic krónur króna Gwlad yr Iâ
4109CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: IcelandISK-nameIcelandic Króna Króna Gwlad yr Iâ
4110CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: IcelandISK-symbol= ISK
4111CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: IcelandISK-symbol-narrow= kr
4112CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Iceland: ISJ (old)ISJ-name-otherIcelandic krónur (1918–1981) króna Gwlad yr Iâ (1918 – 1981)
4113CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Iceland: ISJ (old)ISJ-nameIcelandic Króna (1918–1981) Króna Gwlad yr Iâ (1918 – 1981)
4114CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Iceland: ISJ (old)ISJ-symbol= ISJ
4115CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Lithuania: LTL (old)LTL-name-otherLithuanian litai litas Lithwania
4116CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Lithuania: LTL (old)LTL-nameLithuanian Litas Litas Lithwania
4117CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Lithuania: LTL (old)LTL-symbol= LTL
4118CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Lithuania: LTL (old)LTL-symbol-narrow= Lt
4119CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Lithuania: LTT (old)LTT-name-otherLithuanian talonases talonas Lithwania
4120CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Lithuania: LTT (old)LTT-nameLithuanian Talonas Talonas Lithwania
4121CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Lithuania: LTT (old)LTT-symbol= LTT
4122CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Latvia: LVL (old)LVL-name-otherLatvian lati lats Latfia
4123CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Latvia: LVL (old)LVL-nameLatvian Lats Lats Latfia
4124CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Latvia: LVL (old)LVL-symbol= LVL
4125CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Latvia: LVL (old)LVL-symbol-narrow= Ls
4126CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Latvia: LVR (old)LVR-name-otherLatvian rubles rwbl Latfia
4127CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Latvia: LVR (old)LVR-nameLatvian Ruble Rwbl Latfia
4128CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Latvia: LVR (old)LVR-symbol= LVR
4129CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: NorwayNOK-name-otherNorwegian kroner krone Norwy
4130CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: NorwayNOK-nameNorwegian Krone Krone Norwy
4131CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: NorwayNOK-symbol= NOK
4132CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: NorwayNOK-symbol-narrow= kr
4133CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: SwedenSEK-name-otherSwedish kronor krona Sweden
4134CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: SwedenSEK-nameSwedish Krona Krona Sweden
4135CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: SwedenSEK-symbol= SEK
4136CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: SwedenSEK-symbol-narrow= kr
4137CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Austria: ATS (old)ATS-name-otherAustrian schillings swllt Awstria
4138CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Austria: ATS (old)ATS-nameAustrian Schilling Swllt Awstria
4139CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Austria: ATS (old)ATS-symbol= ATS
4140CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Belgium: BEC (old)BEC-name-otherBelgian francs (convertible) ffranc Gwlad Belg (arnewidiol)
4141CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Belgium: BEC (old)BEC-nameBelgian Franc (convertible) Ffranc Gwlad Belg (arnewidiol)
4142CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Belgium: BEC (old)BEC-symbol= BEC
4143CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Belgium: BEF (old)BEF-name-otherBelgian francs ffranc Gwlad Belg
4144CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Belgium: BEF (old)BEF-nameBelgian Franc Ffranc Gwlad Belg
4145CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Belgium: BEF (old)BEF-symbol= BEF
4146CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Belgium: BEL (old)BEL-name-otherBelgian francs (financial) ffranc Gwlad Belg (ariannol)
4147CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Belgium: BEL (old)BEL-nameBelgian Franc (financial) Ffranc Gwlad Belg (ariannol)
4148CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Belgium: BEL (old)BEL-symbol= BEL
4149CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: SwitzerlandCHF-name-otherSwiss francs ffranc y Swistir
4150CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: SwitzerlandCHF-nameSwiss Franc Ffranc y Swistir
4151CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: SwitzerlandCHF-symbol= CHF
4152CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Switzerland: CHE (fund)CHE-name-otherWIR euros ewro WIR
4153CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Switzerland: CHE (fund)CHE-nameWIR Euro Ewro WIR
4154CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Switzerland: CHE (fund)CHE-symbol= CHE
4155CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Switzerland: CHW (fund)CHW-name-otherWIR francs ffranc WIR
4156CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Switzerland: CHW (fund)CHW-nameWIR Franc Ffranc WIR
4157CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Switzerland: CHW (fund)CHW-symbol= CHW
4158CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Germany: DDM (old)DDM-name-otherEast German marks marc Dwyrain yr Almaen
4159CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Germany: DDM (old)DDM-nameEast German Mark Marc Dwyrain yr Almaen
4160CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Germany: DDM (old)DDM-symbol= DDM
4161CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Germany: DEM (old)DEM-name-otherGerman marks marc yr Almaen
4162CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Germany: DEM (old)DEM-nameGerman Mark Marc yr Almaen
4163CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Germany: DEM (old)DEM-symbol= DEM
4164CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: France: FRF (old)FRF-name-otherFrench francs ffranc Ffrainc
4165CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: France: FRF (old)FRF-nameFrench Franc Ffranc Ffrainc
4166CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: France: FRF (old)FRF-symbol= FRF
4167CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Luxembourg: LUC (old)LUC-nameLuxembourgian Convertible Franc LUC
4168CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Luxembourg: LUC (old)LUC-symbol= LUC
4169CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Luxembourg: LUF (old)LUF-name-otherLuxembourgian francs ffranc Lwcsembwrg
4170CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Luxembourg: LUF (old)LUF-nameLuxembourgian Franc Ffranc Lwcsembwrg
4171CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Luxembourg: LUF (old)LUF-symbol= LUF
4172CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Luxembourg: LUL (old)LUL-nameLuxembourg Financial Franc LUL
4173CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Luxembourg: LUL (old)LUL-symbol= LUL
4174CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Monaco: MCF (old)MCF-name-otherMonegasque francs ffranc Monaco
4175CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Monaco: MCF (old)MCF-nameMonegasque Franc Ffranc Monaco
4176CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Monaco: MCF (old)MCF-symbol= MCF
4177CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Netherlands: NLG (old)NLG-name-otherDutch guilders guilder yr Iseldiroedd
4178CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Netherlands: NLG (old)NLG-nameDutch Guilder Guilder yr Iseldiroedd
4179CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Netherlands: NLG (old)NLG-symbol= NLG
4180CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: BulgariaBGN-name-otherBulgarian leva lev Bwlgaria
4181CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: BulgariaBGN-nameBulgarian Lev Lev Bwlgaria
4182CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: BulgariaBGN-symbol= BGN
4183CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Bulgaria: BGL (old)BGL-nameBulgarian Hard Lev BGL
4184CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Bulgaria: BGL (old)BGL-symbol= BGL
4185CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Bulgaria: BGM (old)BGM-name-otherBulgarian socialist leva lev sosialaidd Bwlgaria
4186CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Bulgaria: BGM (old)BGM-nameBulgarian Socialist Lev Lev Sosialaidd Bwlgaria
4187CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Bulgaria: BGM (old)BGM-symbol= BGM
4188CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Bulgaria: BGO (old)BGO-name-otherBulgarian leva (1879–1952) lev Bwlgaria (1879 – 1952)
4189CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Bulgaria: BGO (old)BGO-nameBulgarian Lev (1879–1952) Lev Bwlgaria (1879–1952)
4190CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Bulgaria: BGO (old)BGO-symbol= BGO
4191CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: BelarusBYN-name-otherBelarusian rubles rwbl Belarws
4192CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: BelarusBYN-nameBelarusian Ruble Rwbl Belarws
4193CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: BelarusBYN-symbol= BYN
4194CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: BelarusBYN-symbol-narrowBYN р.
4195CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Belarus: BYB (old)BYB-nameBelarusian Ruble (1994–1999) BYB
4196CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Belarus: BYB (old)BYB-symbol= BYB
4197CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Belarus: BYR (old)BYR-name-otherBelarusian rubles (2000–2016) rwbl Belarws (2000–2016)
4198CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Belarus: BYR (old)BYR-nameBelarusian Ruble (2000–2016) Rwbl Belarws (2000–2016)
4199CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Belarus: BYR (old)BYR-symbol= BYR
4200CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: CzechiaCZK-name-otherCzech korunas koruna’r Weriniaeth Tsiec
4201CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: CzechiaCZK-nameCzech Koruna Koruna’r Weriniaeth Tsiec
4202CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: CzechiaCZK-symbol= CZK
4203CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: CzechiaCZK-symbol-narrow=
4204CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Czechia: CSK (old)CSK-nameCzechoslovak Hard Koruna CSK
4205CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Czechia: CSK (old)CSK-symbol= CSK
4206CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: HungaryHUF-name-otherHungarian forints fforint Hwngari
4207CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: HungaryHUF-nameHungarian Forint Fforint Hwngari
4208CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: HungaryHUF-symbol= HUF
4209CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: HungaryHUF-symbol-narrow= Ft
4210CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: MoldovaMDL-name-otherMoldovan lei leu Moldofa
4211CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: MoldovaMDL-nameMoldovan Leu Leu Moldofa
4212CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: MoldovaMDL-symbol= MDL
4213CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Moldova: MDC (old)MDC-nameMoldovan Cupon MDC
4214CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Moldova: MDC (old)MDC-symbol= MDC
4215CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: PolandPLN-name-otherPolish zlotys zloty Gwlad Pwyl
4216CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: PolandPLN-namePolish Zloty Zloty Gwlad Pwyl
4217CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: PolandPLN-symbol= PLN
4218CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: PolandPLN-symbol-narrow=
4219CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Poland: PLZ (old)PLZ-namePolish Zloty (1950–1995) PLZ
4220CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Poland: PLZ (old)PLZ-symbol= PLZ
4221CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: RomaniaRON-name-otherRomanian lei leu Rwmania
4222CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: RomaniaRON-nameRomanian Leu Leu Rwmania
4223CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: RomaniaRON-symbol= RON
4224CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: RomaniaRON-symbol-narrow= lei
4225CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Romania: ROL (old)ROL-nameRomanian Leu (1952–2006) ROL
4226CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Romania: ROL (old)ROL-symbol= ROL
4227CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: RussiaRUB-name-otherRussian rubles rwbl Rwsia
4228CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: RussiaRUB-nameRussian Ruble Rwbl Rwsia
4229CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: RussiaRUB-symbol= RUB
4230CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: RussiaRUB-symbol-narrow=
4231CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Russia: RUR (old)RUR-nameRussian Ruble (1991–1998) RUR
4232CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Russia: RUR (old)RUR-symbol= RUR
4233CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Russia: SUR (old)SUR-nameSoviet Rouble SUR
4234CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Russia: SUR (old)SUR-symbol= SUR
4235CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Slovakia: SKK (old)SKK-nameSlovak Koruna SKK
4236CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Slovakia: SKK (old)SKK-symbol= SKK
4237CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: UkraineUAH-name-otherUkrainian hryvnias hryvnia Wcráin
4238CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: UkraineUAH-nameUkrainian Hryvnia Hryvnia Wcráin
4239CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: UkraineUAH-symbol= UAH
4240CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: UkraineUAH-symbol-narrow=
4241CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Ukraine: UAK (old)UAK-nameUkrainian Karbovanets UAK
4242CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Ukraine: UAK (old)UAK-symbol= UAK
4243CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Andorra: ADP (old)ADP-nameAndorran Peseta ADP
4244CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Andorra: ADP (old)ADP-symbol= ADP
4245CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: AlbaniaALL-name-otherAlbanian lekë lek Albania
4246CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: AlbaniaALL-nameAlbanian Lek Lek Albania
4247CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: AlbaniaALL-symbol= ALL
4248CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Albania: ALK (old)ALK-nameAlbanian Lek (1946–1965) ALK
4249CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Albania: ALK (old)ALK-symbol= ALK
4250CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Bosnia & HerzegovinaBAM-name-twoBosnia-Herzegovina convertible marks farc trosiadwy Bosnia a Hercegovina
4251CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Bosnia & HerzegovinaBAM-name-otherBosnia-Herzegovina convertible marks marc trosadwy Bosnia a Hercegovina
4252CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Bosnia & HerzegovinaBAM-nameBosnia-Herzegovina Convertible Mark Marc Trosadwy Bosnia a Hercegovina
4253CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Bosnia & HerzegovinaBAM-symbol= BAM
4254CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Bosnia & HerzegovinaBAM-symbol-narrow= KM
4255CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Bosnia & Herzegovina: BAD (old)BAD-nameBosnia-Herzegovina Dinar (1992–1994) BAD
4256CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Bosnia & Herzegovina: BAD (old)BAD-symbol= BAD
4257CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Bosnia & Herzegovina: BAN (old)BAN-nameBosnia-Herzegovina New Dinar (1994–1997) BAN
4258CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Bosnia & Herzegovina: BAN (old)BAN-symbol= BAN
4259CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Spain: ESA (old)ESA-nameSpanish Peseta (A account) ESA
4260CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Spain: ESA (old)ESA-symbol= ESA
4261CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Spain: ESB (old)ESB-nameSpanish Peseta (convertible account) ESB
4262CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Spain: ESB (old)ESB-symbol= ESB
4263CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Spain: ESP (old)ESP-nameSpanish Peseta ESP
4264CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Spain: ESP (old)ESP-symbol= ESP
4265CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Spain: ESP (old)ESP-symbol-narrow=
4266CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: GibraltarGIP-name-twoGibraltar pounds bunt Gibraltar
4267CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: GibraltarGIP-name-otherGibraltar pounds punt Gibraltar
4268CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: GibraltarGIP-nameGibraltar Pound Punt Gibraltar
4269CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: GibraltarGIP-symbol= GIP
4270CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: GibraltarGIP-symbol-narrow= £
4271CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Greece: GRD (old)GRD-nameGreek Drachma GRD
4272CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Greece: GRD (old)GRD-symbol= GRD
4273CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Croatia: HRD (old)HRD-nameCroatian Dinar HRD
4274CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Croatia: HRD (old)HRD-symbol= HRD
4275CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Croatia: HRK (old)HRK-name-otherCroatian kunas kuna Croatia
4276CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Croatia: HRK (old)HRK-nameCroatian Kuna Kuna Croatia
4277CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Croatia: HRK (old)HRK-symbol= HRK
4278CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Croatia: HRK (old)HRK-symbol-narrow= kn
4279CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Italy: ITL (old)ITL-nameItalian Lira ITL
4280CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Italy: ITL (old)ITL-symbol= ITL
4281CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: North MacedoniaMKD-name-otherMacedonian denari denar Macedonia
4282CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: North MacedoniaMKD-nameMacedonian Denar Denar Macedonia
4283CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: North MacedoniaMKD-symbol= MKD
4284CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: North Macedonia: MKN (old)MKN-nameMacedonian Denar (1992–1993) MKN
4285CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: North Macedonia: MKN (old)MKN-symbol= MKN
4286CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Malta: MTL (old)MTL-nameMaltese Lira MTL
4287CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Malta: MTL (old)MTL-symbol= MTL
4288CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Malta: MTP (old)MTP-nameMaltese Pound MTP
4289CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Malta: MTP (old)MTP-symbol= MTP
4290CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: SerbiaRSD-name-otherSerbian dinars dinar Serbia
4291CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: SerbiaRSD-nameSerbian Dinar Dinar Serbia
4292CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: SerbiaRSD-symbol= RSD
4293CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: CSD (old)CSD-nameSerbian Dinar (2002–2006) CSD
4294CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: CSD (old)CSD-symbol= CSD
4295CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: YUD (old)YUD-nameYugoslavian Hard Dinar (1966–1990) YUD
4296CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: YUD (old)YUD-symbol= YUD
4297CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: YUM (old)YUM-nameYugoslavian New Dinar (1994–2002) YUM
4298CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: YUM (old)YUM-symbol= YUM
4299CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: YUN (old)YUN-nameYugoslavian Convertible Dinar (1990–1992) YUN
4300CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: YUN (old)YUN-symbol= YUN
4301CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: YUR (old)YUR-nameYugoslavian Reformed Dinar (1992–1993) YUR
4302CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: YUR (old)YUR-symbol= YUR
4303CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Portugal: PTE (old)PTE-namePortuguese Escudo PTE
4304CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Portugal: PTE (old)PTE-symbol= PTE
4305CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Slovenia: SIT (old)SIT-nameSlovenian Tolar SIT
4306CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Slovenia: SIT (old)SIT-symbol= SIT
4307CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: AlgeriaDZD-name-otherAlgerian dinars dinar Algeria
4308CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: AlgeriaDZD-nameAlgerian Dinar Dinar Algeria
4309CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: AlgeriaDZD-symbol= DZD
4310CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: EgyptEGP-name-twoEgyptian pounds bunt yr Aifft
4311CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: EgyptEGP-name-otherEgyptian pounds punt yr Aifft
4312CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: EgyptEGP-nameEgyptian Pound Punt Yr Aifft
4313CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: EgyptEGP-symbol= EGP
4314CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: EgyptEGP-symbol-narrow=
4315CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: LibyaLYD-name-otherLibyan dinars dinar Libya
4316CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: LibyaLYD-nameLibyan Dinar Dinar Libya
4317CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: LibyaLYD-symbol= LYD
4318CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: MoroccoMAD-name-otherMoroccan dirhams dirham Moroco
4319CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: MoroccoMAD-nameMoroccan Dirham Dirham Moroco
4320CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: MoroccoMAD-symbol= MAD
4321CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: Morocco: MAF (old)MAF-name-otherMoroccan francs ffranc Moroco
4322CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: Morocco: MAF (old)MAF-nameMoroccan Franc Ffranc Moroco
4323CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: Morocco: MAF (old)MAF-symbol= MAF
4324CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: SudanSDG-name-twoSudanese pounds bunt Sudan
4325CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: SudanSDG-name-otherSudanese pounds punt Sudan
4326CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: SudanSDG-nameSudanese Pound Punt Sudan
4327CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: SudanSDG-symbol= SDG
4328CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: Sudan: SDD (old)SDD-name-otherSudanese dinars (1992–2007) dinar Sudan (1992–2007)
4329CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: Sudan: SDD (old)SDD-nameSudanese Dinar (1992–2007) Dinar Sudan (1992–2007)
4330CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: Sudan: SDD (old)SDD-symbol= SDD
4331CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: Sudan: SDP (old)SDP-name-oneSudanese pound (1957–1998) bunt Sudan (1957–1998)
4332CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: Sudan: SDP (old)SDP-name-twoSudanese pounds (1957–1998) bunt Sudan (1957–1998)
4333CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: Sudan: SDP (old)SDP-name-manySudanese pounds (1957–1998) phunt Sudan (1957–1998)
4334CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: Sudan: SDP (old)SDP-name-otherSudanese pounds (1957–1998) punt Sudan (1957–1998)
4335CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: Sudan: SDP (old)SDP-nameSudanese Pound (1957–1998) Punt Sudan (1957–1998)
4336CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: Sudan: SDP (old)SDP-symbol= SDP
4337CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: TunisiaTND-name-otherTunisian dinars dinar Tunisia
4338CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: TunisiaTND-nameTunisian Dinar Dinar Tunisia
4339CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: TunisiaTND-symbol= TND
4340CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Côte d’IvoireXOF-name-otherWest African CFA francs ffranc CFA Gorllewin Affrica
4341CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Côte d’IvoireXOF-nameWest African CFA Franc Ffranc CFA Gorllewin Affrica
4342CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Côte d’IvoireXOF-symbol= F CFA
4343CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Cape VerdeCVE-name-otherCape Verdean escudos esgwdo Cabo Verde
4344CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Cape VerdeCVE-nameCape Verdean Escudo Esgwdo Cabo Verde
4345CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Cape VerdeCVE-symbol= CVE
4346CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GhanaGHS-name-otherGhanaian cedis cedi Ghana
4347CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GhanaGHS-nameGhanaian Cedi Cedi Ghana
4348CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GhanaGHS-symbol= GHS
4349CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GhanaGHS-symbol-narrow= GH₵
4350CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Ghana: GHC (old)GHC-name-otherGhanaian cedis (1979–2007) cedi Ghana (1979–2007)
4351CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Ghana: GHC (old)GHC-nameGhanaian Cedi (1979–2007) Cedi Ghana (1979–2007)
4352CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Ghana: GHC (old)GHC-symbol= GHC
4353CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GambiaGMD-name-otherGambian dalasis dalasi Gambia
4354CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GambiaGMD-nameGambian Dalasi Dalasi Gambia
4355CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GambiaGMD-symbol= GMD
4356CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GuineaGNF-name-otherGuinean francs ffranc Guinée
4357CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GuineaGNF-nameGuinean Franc Ffranc Guinée
4358CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GuineaGNF-symbol= GNF
4359CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GuineaGNF-symbol-narrow= FG
4360CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Guinea: GNS (old)GNS-name-otherGuinean sylis syli Guinée
4361CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Guinea: GNS (old)GNS-nameGuinean Syli Syli Guinée
4362CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Guinea: GNS (old)GNS-symbol= GNS
4363CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Guinea-Bissau: GWE (old)GWE-namePortuguese Guinea Escudo GWE
4364CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Guinea-Bissau: GWE (old)GWE-symbol= GWE
4365CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Guinea-Bissau: GWP (old)GWP-name-otherGuinea-Bissau pesos peso Guiné-Bissau
4366CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Guinea-Bissau: GWP (old)GWP-nameGuinea-Bissau Peso Peso Guiné-Bissau
4367CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Guinea-Bissau: GWP (old)GWP-symbol= GWP
4368CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: LiberiaLRD-name-oneLiberian dollar ddoler Liberia
4369CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: LiberiaLRD-name-twoLiberian dollars ddoler Liberia
4370CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: LiberiaLRD-name-otherLiberian dollars doler Liberia
4371CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: LiberiaLRD-nameLiberian Dollar Doler Liberia
4372CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: LiberiaLRD-symbol= LRD
4373CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: LiberiaLRD-symbol-narrow= $
4374CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Mali: MLF (old)MLF-name-otherMalian francs ffranc Mali
4375CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Mali: MLF (old)MLF-nameMalian Franc Ffranc Mali
4376CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Mali: MLF (old)MLF-symbol= MLF
4377CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: MauritaniaMRU-name-otherMauritanian ouguiyas ouguiya Mauritania
4378CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: MauritaniaMRU-nameMauritanian Ouguiya Ouguiya Mauritania
4379CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: MauritaniaMRU-symbol= MRU
4380CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Mauritania: MRO (old)MRO-name-otherMauritanian ouguiyas (1973–2017) ouguiya Mauritania (1973–2017)
4381CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Mauritania: MRO (old)MRO-nameMauritanian Ouguiya (1973–2017) Ouguiya Mauritania (1973–2017)
4382CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Mauritania: MRO (old)MRO-symbol= MRO
4383CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: NigeriaNGN-name-otherNigerian nairas naira Nigeria
4384CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: NigeriaNGN-nameNigerian Naira Naira Nigeria
4385CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: NigeriaNGN-symbol= NGN
4386CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: NigeriaNGN-symbol-narrow=
4387CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: St. HelenaSHP-name-twoSt. Helena pounds bunt St. Helena
4388CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: St. HelenaSHP-name-otherSt. Helena pounds punt St. Helena
4389CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: St. HelenaSHP-nameSt. Helena Pound Punt St Helena
4390CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: St. HelenaSHP-symbol= SHP
4391CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: St. HelenaSHP-symbol-narrow= £
4392CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Sierra LeoneSLE-name-otherSierra Leonean leones leone Sierra Leone
4393CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Sierra LeoneSLE-nameSierra Leonean Leone Leone Sierra Leone
4394CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Sierra LeoneSLE-symbol= SLE
4395CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Sierra Leone: SLL (old)SLL-name-otherSierra Leonean leones (1964—2022) leone Sierra Leone (1964—2022)
4396CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Sierra Leone: SLL (old)SLL-nameSierra Leonean Leone (1964—2022) Leone Sierra Leone (1964—2022)
4397CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Sierra Leone: SLL (old)SLL-symbol= SLL
4398CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: AngolaAOA-name-otherAngolan kwanzas kwanza Angola
4399CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: AngolaAOA-nameAngolan Kwanza Kwanza Angola
4400CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: AngolaAOA-symbol= AOA
4401CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: AngolaAOA-symbol-narrow= Kz
4402CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Angola: AOK (old)AOK-name-otherAngolan kwanzas (1977–1991) kwanza Angola (1977 – 1991)
4403CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Angola: AOK (old)AOK-nameAngolan Kwanza (1977–1991) Kwanza Angola (1977–1991)
4404CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Angola: AOK (old)AOK-symbol= AOK
4405CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Angola: AON (old)AON-name-otherAngolan new kwanzas (1990–2000) kwanza newydd Angola (1999 – 2000)
4406CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Angola: AON (old)AON-nameAngolan New Kwanza (1990–2000) Kwanza Newydd Angola (1990–2000)
4407CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Angola: AON (old)AON-symbol= AON
4408CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Angola: AOR (old)AOR-name-otherAngolan readjusted kwanzas (1995–1999) kwanza ailgymhwysedig Angola (1995 – 1999)
4409CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Angola: AOR (old)AOR-nameAngolan Readjusted Kwanza (1995–1999) Kwanza Ailgymhwysedig Angola (1995–1999)
4410CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Angola: AOR (old)AOR-symbol= AOR
4411CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Congo - KinshasaCDF-name-otherCongolese francs ffranc Congo
4412CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Congo - KinshasaCDF-nameCongolese Franc Ffranc Congo
4413CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Congo - KinshasaCDF-symbol= CDF
4414CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Congo - Kinshasa: ZRN (old)ZRN-name-otherZairean new zaires (1993–1998) zaire newydd Zaire (1993 – 1998)
4415CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Congo - Kinshasa: ZRN (old)ZRN-nameZairean New Zaire (1993–1998) Zaire Newydd Zaire (1993–1998)
4416CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Congo - Kinshasa: ZRN (old)ZRN-symbol= ZRN
4417CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Congo - Kinshasa: ZRZ (old)ZRZ-name-otherZairean zaires (1971–1993) zaire Zaire (1971 – 1993)
4418CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Congo - Kinshasa: ZRZ (old)ZRZ-nameZairean Zaire (1971–1993) Zaire Zaire (1971–1993)
4419CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Congo - Kinshasa: ZRZ (old)ZRZ-symbol= ZRZ
4420CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: CameroonXAF-name-otherCentral African CFA francs ffranc CFA Canol Affrica
4421CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: CameroonXAF-nameCentral African CFA Franc Ffranc CFA Canol Affrica
4422CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: CameroonXAF-symbol= FCFA
4423CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Equatorial Guinea: GQE (old)GQE-name-otherEquatorial Guinean ekwele ekwele Guinea Gyhydeddol
4424CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Equatorial Guinea: GQE (old)GQE-nameEquatorial Guinean Ekwele Ekwele Guinea Gyhydeddol
4425CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Equatorial Guinea: GQE (old)GQE-symbol= GQE
4426CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: São Tomé & PríncipeSTN-name-otherSão Tomé & Príncipe dobras dobra São Tomé a Príncipe
4427CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: São Tomé & PríncipeSTN-nameSão Tomé & Príncipe Dobra Dobra São Tomé a Príncipe
4428CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: São Tomé & PríncipeSTN-symbol= STN
4429CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: São Tomé & PríncipeSTN-symbol-narrow= Db
4430CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: São Tomé & Príncipe: STD (old)STD-name-otherSão Tomé & Príncipe dobras (1977–2017) dobra São Tomé a Príncipe (1977–2017)
4431CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: São Tomé & Príncipe: STD (old)STD-nameSão Tomé & Príncipe Dobra (1977–2017) Dobra São Tomé a Príncipe (1977–2017)
4432CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: São Tomé & Príncipe: STD (old)STD-symbol= STD
4433CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: BurundiBIF-name-otherBurundian francs ffranc Burundi
4434CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: BurundiBIF-nameBurundian Franc Ffranc Burundi
4435CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: BurundiBIF-symbol= BIF
4436CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: DjiboutiDJF-name-otherDjiboutian francs ffranc Djibouti
4437CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: DjiboutiDJF-nameDjiboutian Franc Ffranc Djibouti
4438CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: DjiboutiDJF-symbol= DJF
4439CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: EritreaERN-name-otherEritrean nakfas nakfa Eritrea
4440CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: EritreaERN-nameEritrean Nakfa Nakfa Eritrea
4441CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: EritreaERN-symbol= ERN
4442CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: EthiopiaETB-name-otherEthiopian birrs birr Ethiopia
4443CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: EthiopiaETB-nameEthiopian Birr Birr Ethiopia
4444CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: EthiopiaETB-symbol= ETB
4445CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: KenyaKES-name-otherKenyan shillings swllt Kenya
4446CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: KenyaKES-nameKenyan Shilling Swllt Kenya
4447CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: KenyaKES-symbol= KES
4448CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: ComorosKMF-name-otherComorian francs ffranc Comoros
4449CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: ComorosKMF-nameComorian Franc Ffranc Comoros
4450CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: ComorosKMF-symbol= KMF
4451CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: ComorosKMF-symbol-narrow= CF
4452CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MadagascarMGA-name-otherMalagasy ariaries ariary Madagascar
4453CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MadagascarMGA-nameMalagasy Ariary Ariary Madagascar
4454CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MadagascarMGA-symbol= MGA
4455CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MadagascarMGA-symbol-narrow= Ar
4456CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Madagascar: MGF (old)MGF-name-otherMalagasy francs ffranc Madagascar
4457CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Madagascar: MGF (old)MGF-nameMalagasy Franc Ffranc Madagascar
4458CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Madagascar: MGF (old)MGF-symbol= MGF
4459CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MauritiusMUR-name-otherMauritian rupees rwpî Mauritius
4460CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MauritiusMUR-nameMauritian Rupee Rwpî Mauritius
4461CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MauritiusMUR-symbol= MUR
4462CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MauritiusMUR-symbol-narrow= Rs
4463CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MalawiMWK-name-otherMalawian kwachas kwacha Malawi
4464CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MalawiMWK-nameMalawian Kwacha Kwacha Malawi
4465CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MalawiMWK-symbol= MWK
4466CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MozambiqueMZN-name-otherMozambican meticals metical Mozambique
4467CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MozambiqueMZN-nameMozambican Metical Metical Mozambique
4468CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MozambiqueMZN-symbol= MZN
4469CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Mozambique: MZE (old)MZE-name-otherMozambican escudos escudo Mozambique
4470CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Mozambique: MZE (old)MZE-nameMozambican Escudo Escudo Mozambique
4471CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Mozambique: MZE (old)MZE-symbol= MZE
4472CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Mozambique: MZM (old)MZM-name-otherMozambican meticals (1980–2006) metical Mozambique (1980–2006)
4473CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Mozambique: MZM (old)MZM-nameMozambican Metical (1980–2006) Metical Mozambique (1980–2006)
4474CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Mozambique: MZM (old)MZM-symbol= MZM
4475CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: RwandaRWF-name-otherRwandan francs ffranc Rwanda
4476CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: RwandaRWF-nameRwandan Franc Ffranc Rwanda
4477CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: RwandaRWF-symbol= RWF
4478CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: RwandaRWF-symbol-narrow= RF
4479CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: SeychellesSCR-name-otherSeychellois rupees rwpî Seychelles
4480CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: SeychellesSCR-nameSeychellois Rupee Rwpî Seychelles
4481CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: SeychellesSCR-symbol= SCR
4482CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: SomaliaSOS-name-otherSomali shillings swllt Somalia
4483CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: SomaliaSOS-nameSomali Shilling Swllt Somalia
4484CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: SomaliaSOS-symbol= SOS
4485CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: South SudanSSP-name-twoSouth Sudanese pounds bunt De Sudan
4486CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: South SudanSSP-name-otherSouth Sudanese pounds punt De Sudan
4487CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: South SudanSSP-nameSouth Sudanese Pound Punt De Sudan
4488CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: South SudanSSP-symbol= SSP
4489CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: South SudanSSP-symbol-narrow= £
4490CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: TanzaniaTZS-name-otherTanzanian shillings swllt Tanzania
4491CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: TanzaniaTZS-nameTanzanian Shilling Swllt Tanzania
4492CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: TanzaniaTZS-symbol= TZS
4493CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: UgandaUGX-name-otherUgandan shillings swllt Uganda
4494CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: UgandaUGX-nameUgandan Shilling Swllt Uganda
4495CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: UgandaUGX-symbol= UGX
4496CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Uganda: UGS (old)UGS-name-otherUgandan shillings (1966–1987) swllt Uganda (1966–1987)
4497CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Uganda: UGS (old)UGS-nameUgandan Shilling (1966–1987) Swllt Uganda (1966–1987)
4498CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Uganda: UGS (old)UGS-symbol= UGS
4499CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: ZambiaZMW-name-otherZambian kwachas kwacha Zambia
4500CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: ZambiaZMW-nameZambian Kwacha Kwacha Zambia
4501CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: ZambiaZMW-symbol= ZMW
4502CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: ZambiaZMW-symbol-narrowZK ZMW
4503CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zambia: ZMK (old)ZMK-name-otherZambian kwachas (1968–2012) kwacha Zambia (1968–2012)
4504CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zambia: ZMK (old)ZMK-nameZambian Kwacha (1968–2012) Kwacha Zambia (1968–2012)
4505CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zambia: ZMK (old)ZMK-symbol= ZMK
4506CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: ZimbabweZWG-nameZimbabwean Gold ZWG
4507CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: ZimbabweZWG-symbol= ZWG
4508CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: RHD (old)RHD-name-oneRhodesian dollar ddoler Rhodesia
4509CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: RHD (old)RHD-name-twoRhodesian dollars ddoler Rhodesia
4510CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: RHD (old)RHD-name-otherRhodesian dollars doler Rhodesia
4511CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: RHD (old)RHD-nameRhodesian Dollar Doler Rhodesia
4512CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: RHD (old)RHD-symbol= RHD
4513CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWD (old)ZWD-name-oneZimbabwean dollar (1980–2008) ddoler Zimbabwe (1980–2008)
4514CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWD (old)ZWD-name-twoZimbabwean dollars (1980–2008) ddoler Zimbabwe (1980–2008)
4515CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWD (old)ZWD-name-otherZimbabwean dollars (1980–2008) doler Zimbabwe (1980–2008)
4516CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWD (old)ZWD-nameZimbabwean Dollar (1980–2008) Doler Zimbabwe (1980–2008)
4517CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWD (old)ZWD-symbol= ZWD
4518CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWL (old)ZWL-name-oneZimbabwean dollar (2009–2024) ddoler Zimbabwe (2009)
4519CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWL (old)ZWL-name-twoZimbabwean dollars (2009–2024) ddoler Zimbabwe (2009)
4520CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWL (old)ZWL-name-otherZimbabwean dollars (2009–2024) doler Zimbabwe (2009)
4521CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWL (old)ZWL-nameZimbabwean Dollar (2009–2024) Doler Zimbabwe (2009)
4522CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWL (old)ZWL-symbol= ZWL
4523CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWR (old)ZWR-name-oneZimbabwean dollar (2008) ddoler Zimbabwe (2008)
4524CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWR (old)ZWR-name-twoZimbabwean dollars (2008) ddoler Zimbabwe (2008)
4525CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWR (old)ZWR-name-otherZimbabwean dollars (2008) doler Zimbabwe (2008)
4526CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWR (old)ZWR-nameZimbabwean Dollar (2008) Doler Zimbabwe (2008)
4527CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWR (old)ZWR-symbol= ZWR
4528CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: BotswanaBWP-name-otherBotswanan pulas pula Botswana
4529CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: BotswanaBWP-nameBotswanan Pula Pula Botswana
4530CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: BotswanaBWP-symbol= BWP
4531CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: BotswanaBWP-symbol-narrowP BWP
4532CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: LesothoLSL-name-otherLesotho lotis loti Lesotho
4533CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: LesothoLSL-nameLesotho Loti Loti Lesotho
4534CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: LesothoLSL-symbol= LSL
4535CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: NamibiaNAD-name-twoNamibian dollars ddoler Namibia
4536CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: NamibiaNAD-name-otherNamibian dollars doler Namibia
4537CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: NamibiaNAD-nameNamibian Dollar Doler Namibia
4538CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: NamibiaNAD-symbol= NAD
4539CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: NamibiaNAD-symbol-narrow= $
4540CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: EswatiniSZL-name-otherSwazi emalangeni lilangeni Gwlad Swazi
4541CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: EswatiniSZL-nameSwazi Lilangeni Lilangeni Gwlad Swazi
4542CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: EswatiniSZL-symbol= SZL
4543CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: South AfricaZAR-name-otherSouth African rand rand De Affrica
4544CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: South AfricaZAR-nameSouth African Rand Rand De Affrica
4545CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: South AfricaZAR-symbol= ZAR
4546CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: South AfricaZAR-symbol-narrowR ZAR
4547CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: South Africa: ZAL (fund)ZAL-name-otherSouth African rands (financial) rand (ariannol) De Affrica
4548CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: South Africa: ZAL (fund)ZAL-nameSouth African Rand (financial) Rand (ariannol) De Affrica
4549CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: South Africa: ZAL (fund)ZAL-symbol= ZAL
4550CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: United Arab EmiratesAED-name-otherUAE dirhams dirham yr Emiradau Arabaidd Unedig
4551CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: United Arab EmiratesAED-nameUnited Arab Emirates Dirham Dirham Yr Emiradau Arabaidd Unedig
4552CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: United Arab EmiratesAED-symbol= AED
4553CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: ArmeniaAMD-name-otherArmenian drams dram Armenia
4554CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: ArmeniaAMD-nameArmenian Dram Dram Armenia
4555CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: ArmeniaAMD-symbol= AMD
4556CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: ArmeniaAMD-symbol-narrow= ֏
4557CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: AzerbaijanAZN-name-otherAzerbaijani manats manat Azerbaijan
4558CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: AzerbaijanAZN-nameAzerbaijani Manat Manat Azerbaijan
4559CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: AzerbaijanAZN-symbol= AZN
4560CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: AzerbaijanAZN-symbol-narrow=
4561CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Azerbaijan: AZM (old)AZM-name-otherAzerbaijani manats (1993–2006) manat Azerbaijan (1993–2006)
4562CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Azerbaijan: AZM (old)AZM-nameAzerbaijani Manat (1993–2006) Manat Azerbaijan (1993–2006)
4563CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Azerbaijan: AZM (old)AZM-symbol= AZM
4564CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: BahrainBHD-name-otherBahraini dinars dinar Bahrain
4565CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: BahrainBHD-nameBahraini Dinar Dinar Bahrain
4566CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: BahrainBHD-symbol= BHD
4567CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Cyprus: CYP (old)CYP-name-oneCypriot pound bunt Cyprus
4568CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Cyprus: CYP (old)CYP-name-twoCypriot pounds bunt Cyprus
4569CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Cyprus: CYP (old)CYP-name-otherCypriot pounds punt Cyprus
4570CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Cyprus: CYP (old)CYP-nameCypriot Pound Punt Cyprus
4571CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Cyprus: CYP (old)CYP-symbol= CYP
4572CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: GeorgiaGEL-name-otherGeorgian laris lari Georgia
4573CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: GeorgiaGEL-nameGeorgian Lari Lari Georgia
4574CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: GeorgiaGEL-symbol= GEL
4575CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: GeorgiaGEL-symbol-narrow=
4576CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Georgia: GEK (old)GEK-name-otherGeorgian kupon larits kupon larit Georgia
4577CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Georgia: GEK (old)GEK-nameGeorgian Kupon Larit Kupon Larit Georgia
4578CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Georgia: GEK (old)GEK-symbol= GEK
4579CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: IsraelILS-name-otherIsraeli new shekels shegel newydd Israel
4580CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: IsraelILS-nameIsraeli New Shekel Shegel Newydd Israel
4581CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: IsraelILS-symbol=
4582CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: IsraelILS-symbol-narrow=
4583CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Israel: ILP (old)ILP-name-oneIsraeli pound bunt Israel
4584CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Israel: ILP (old)ILP-name-twoIsraeli pounds bunt Israel
4585CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Israel: ILP (old)ILP-name-manyIsraeli pounds phunt Israel
4586CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Israel: ILP (old)ILP-name-otherIsraeli pounds punt Israel
4587CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Israel: ILP (old)ILP-nameIsraeli Pound Punt Israel
4588CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Israel: ILP (old)ILP-symbol= ILP
4589CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Israel: ILR (old)ILR-name-otherIsraeli shekels (1980–1985) shegel Israel (1980–1985)
4590CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Israel: ILR (old)ILR-nameIsraeli Shekel (1980–1985) Shegel Israel (1980–1985)
4591CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Israel: ILR (old)ILR-symbol= ILR
4592CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: IraqIQD-name-otherIraqi dinars dinar Irac
4593CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: IraqIQD-nameIraqi Dinar Dinar Irac
4594CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: IraqIQD-symbol= IQD
4595CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: JordanJOD-name-otherJordanian dinars dinar Gwlad yr Iorddonen
4596CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: JordanJOD-nameJordanian Dinar Dinar Gwlad yr Iorddonen
4597CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: JordanJOD-symbol= JOD
4598CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: KuwaitKWD-name-otherKuwaiti dinars dinar Kuwait
4599CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: KuwaitKWD-nameKuwaiti Dinar Dinar Kuwait
4600CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: KuwaitKWD-symbol= KWD
4601CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: LebanonLBP-name-twoLebanese pounds bunt Libanus
4602CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: LebanonLBP-name-otherLebanese pounds punt Libanus
4603CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: LebanonLBP-nameLebanese Pound Punt Libanus
4604CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: LebanonLBP-symbol= LBP
4605CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: LebanonLBP-symbol-narrow=
4606CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: OmanOMR-name-otherOmani rials rial Oman
4607CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: OmanOMR-nameOmani Rial Rial Oman
4608CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: OmanOMR-symbol= OMR
4609CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: QatarQAR-name-otherQatari riyals rial Qatar
4610CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: QatarQAR-nameQatari Riyal Rial Qatar
4611CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: QatarQAR-symbol= QAR
4612CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Saudi ArabiaSAR-name-otherSaudi riyals riyal Saudi Arabia
4613CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Saudi ArabiaSAR-nameSaudi Riyal Riyal Saudi Arabia
4614CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Saudi ArabiaSAR-symbol= SAR
4615CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: SyriaSYP-name-twoSyrian pounds bunt Syria
4616CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: SyriaSYP-name-otherSyrian pounds punt Syria
4617CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: SyriaSYP-nameSyrian Pound Punt Syria
4618CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: SyriaSYP-symbol= SYP
4619CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: SyriaSYP-symbol-narrow= £
4620CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: TürkiyeTRY-name-otherTurkish Lira lira Twrci
4621CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: TürkiyeTRY-nameTurkish Lira Lira Twrci
4622CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: TürkiyeTRY-symbol= TRY
4623CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: TürkiyeTRY-symbol-variant= TL
4624CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: TürkiyeTRY-symbol-narrow=
4625CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Türkiye: TRL (old)TRL-name-otherTurkish Lira (1922–2005) lira Twrci (1922–2005)
4626CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Türkiye: TRL (old)TRL-nameTurkish Lira (1922–2005) Lira Twrci (1922–2005)
4627CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Türkiye: TRL (old)TRL-symbol= TRL
4628CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: YemenYER-name-otherYemeni rials rial Yemen
4629CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: YemenYER-nameYemeni Rial Rial Yemen
4630CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: YemenYER-symbol= YER
4631CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Yemen: YDD (old)YDD-name-otherYemeni dinars dinar Yemen
4632CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Yemen: YDD (old)YDD-nameYemeni Dinar Dinar Yemen
4633CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Yemen: YDD (old)YDD-symbol= YDD
4634CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: TurkmenistanTMT-name-otherTurkmenistani manat manat Turkmenistan
4635CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: TurkmenistanTMT-nameTurkmenistani Manat Manat Turkmenistan
4636CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: TurkmenistanTMT-symbol= TMT
4637CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: Turkmenistan: TMM (old)TMM-name-otherTurkmenistani manat (1993–2009) manat Turkmenistan (1993–2009)
4638CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: Turkmenistan: TMM (old)TMM-nameTurkmenistani Manat (1993–2009) Manat Turkmenistan (1993–2009)
4639CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: Turkmenistan: TMM (old)TMM-symbol= TMM
4640CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: TajikistanTJS-name-otherTajikistani somonis somoni Tajikstan
4641CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: TajikistanTJS-nameTajikistani Somoni Somoni Tajikistan
4642CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: TajikistanTJS-symbol= TJS
4643CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: Tajikistan: TJR (old)TJR-name-otherTajikistani rubles rwbl Tajikistan
4644CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: Tajikistan: TJR (old)TJR-nameTajikistani Ruble Rwbl Tajikistan
4645CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: Tajikistan: TJR (old)TJR-symbol= TJR
4646CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: KyrgyzstanKGS-name-otherKyrgystani soms som Kyrgyzstan
4647CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: KyrgyzstanKGS-nameKyrgystani Som Som Kyrgyzstan
4648CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: KyrgyzstanKGS-symbol= KGS
4649CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: KyrgyzstanKGS-symbol-narrow=
4650CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: KazakhstanKZT-name-otherKazakhstani tenges tenge Kazakstan
4651CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: KazakhstanKZT-nameKazakhstani Tenge Tenge Kazakstan
4652CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: KazakhstanKZT-symbol= KZT
4653CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: KazakhstanKZT-symbol-narrow=
4654CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: UzbekistanUZS-name-otherUzbekistani som som Uzbekistan
4655CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: UzbekistanUZS-nameUzbekistani Som Som Uzbekistan
4656CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: UzbekistanUZS-symbol= UZS
4657CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: ChinaCNY-name-otherChinese yuan yuan Tsieina
4658CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: ChinaCNY-nameChinese Yuan Yuan Tsieina
4659CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: ChinaCNY-symbol= CN¥
4660CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: ChinaCNY-symbol-narrow= ¥
4661CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: China: CNH (offshore)CNH-name-otherChinese yuan (offshore) yuan Tsieina (ar y môr)
4662CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: China: CNH (offshore)CNH-nameChinese Yuan (offshore) Yuan Tsieina (ar y môr)
4663CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: China: CNH (offshore)CNH-symbol= CNH
4664CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: China: CNX (old)CNX-name-oneChinese People’s Bank dollar ddoler Banc Pobl Tsieina
4665CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: China: CNX (old)CNX-name-twoChinese People’s Bank dollars ddoler Banc Pobl Tsieina
4666CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: China: CNX (old)CNX-name-otherChinese People’s Bank dollars doler Banc Pobl Tsieina
4667CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: China: CNX (old)CNX-nameChinese People’s Bank Dollar Doler Banc Pobl Tsieina
4668CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: China: CNX (old)CNX-symbol= CNX
4669CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: Hong Kong SAR ChinaHKD-name-twoHong Kong dollars ddoler Hong Kong
4670CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: Hong Kong SAR ChinaHKD-name-otherHong Kong dollars doler Hong Kong
4671CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: Hong Kong SAR ChinaHKD-nameHong Kong Dollar Doler Hong Kong
4672CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: Hong Kong SAR ChinaHKD-symbol= HK$
4673CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: Hong Kong SAR ChinaHKD-symbol-narrow$ HK$
4674CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: JapanJPY-name-otherJapanese yen yen Japan
4675CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: JapanJPY-nameJapanese Yen Yen Japan
4676CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: JapanJPY-symbol¥ JP¥
4677CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: JapanJPY-symbol-narrow= ¥
4678CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: North KoreaKPW-name-otherNorth Korean won won Gogledd Corea
4679CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: North KoreaKPW-nameNorth Korean Won Won Gogledd Corea
4680CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: North KoreaKPW-symbol= KPW
4681CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: North KoreaKPW-symbol-narrow=
4682CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: South KoreaKRW-name-otherSouth Korean won won De Corea
4683CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: South KoreaKRW-nameSouth Korean Won Won De Corea
4684CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: South KoreaKRW-symbol KRW
4685CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: South KoreaKRW-symbol-narrow=
4686CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: South Korea: KRH (old)KRH-name-otherSouth Korean hwan (1953–1962) hwan De Corea (1953–1962)
4687CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: South Korea: KRH (old)KRH-nameSouth Korean Hwan (1953–1962) Hwan De Corea (1953–1962)
4688CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: South Korea: KRH (old)KRH-symbol= KRH
4689CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: South Korea: KRO (old)KRO-name-otherSouth Korean won (1945–1953) won De Corea (1945–1953)
4690CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: South Korea: KRO (old)KRO-nameSouth Korean Won (1945–1953) Won De Corea (1945–1953)
4691CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: South Korea: KRO (old)KRO-symbol= KRO
4692CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: MongoliaMNT-name-otherMongolian tugriks tugrik Mongolia
4693CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: MongoliaMNT-nameMongolian Tugrik Tugrik Mongolia
4694CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: MongoliaMNT-symbol= MNT
4695CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: MongoliaMNT-symbol-narrow=
4696CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: Macao SAR ChinaMOP-nameMacanese Pataca pataca Macau
4697CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: Macao SAR ChinaMOP-symbol= MOP
4698CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: TaiwanTWD-name-twoNew Taiwan dollars ddoler newydd Taiwan
4699CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: TaiwanTWD-name-otherNew Taiwan dollars doler newydd Taiwan
4700CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: TaiwanTWD-nameNew Taiwan Dollar Doler Newydd Taiwan
4701CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: TaiwanTWD-symbol= NT$
4702CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: TaiwanTWD-symbol-narrow$ NT$
4703CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: AfghanistanAFN-name-otherAfghan Afghanis afghani Afghanistan
4704CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: AfghanistanAFN-nameAfghan Afghani Afghani Afghanistan
4705CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: AfghanistanAFN-symbol= AFN
4706CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: AfghanistanAFN-symbol-narrow= ؋
4707CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: Afghanistan: AFA (old)AFA-name-otherAfghan afghanis (1927–2002) afghani Afghanistan (1927–2002)
4708CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: Afghanistan: AFA (old)AFA-nameAfghan Afghani (1927–2002) Afghani Afghanistan (1927–2002)
4709CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: Afghanistan: AFA (old)AFA-symbol= AFA
4710CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: BangladeshBDT-name-otherBangladeshi takas taka Bangladesh
4711CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: BangladeshBDT-nameBangladeshi Taka Taka Bangladesh
4712CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: BangladeshBDT-symbol= BDT
4713CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: BangladeshBDT-symbol-narrow TK
4714CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: BhutanBTN-name-otherBhutanese ngultrums ngultrum Bhutan
4715CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: BhutanBTN-nameBhutanese Ngultrum Ngultrum Bhutan
4716CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: BhutanBTN-symbol= BTN
4717CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: IndiaINR-name-otherIndian rupees rwpî India
4718CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: IndiaINR-nameIndian Rupee Rwpî India
4719CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: IndiaINR-symbol=
4720CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: IndiaINR-symbol-narrow=
4721CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: IranIRR-name-otherIranian rials rial Iran
4722CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: IranIRR-nameIranian Rial Rial Iran
4723CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: IranIRR-symbol= IRR
4724CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: Sri LankaLKR-name-otherSri Lankan rupees rwpî Sri Lanka
4725CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: Sri LankaLKR-nameSri Lankan Rupee Rwpî Sri Lanka
4726CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: Sri LankaLKR-symbol= LKR
4727CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: Sri LankaLKR-symbol-narrow= Rs
4728CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: MaldivesMVR-name-otherMaldivian rufiyaas rufiyaa’r Maldives
4729CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: MaldivesMVR-nameMaldivian Rufiyaa Rufiyaa’r Maldives
4730CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: MaldivesMVR-symbol= MVR
4731CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: Maldives: MVP (old)MVP-name-otherMaldivian rupees (1947–1981) rwpî’r Maldives (1947–1981)
4732CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: Maldives: MVP (old)MVP-nameMaldivian Rupee (1947–1981) Rwpî’r Maldives (1947–1981)
4733CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: Maldives: MVP (old)MVP-symbol= MVP
4734CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: NepalNPR-name-otherNepalese rupees rwpî Nepal
4735CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: NepalNPR-nameNepalese Rupee Rwpî Nepal
4736CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: NepalNPR-symbol= NPR
4737CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: NepalNPR-symbol-narrow= Rs
4738CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: PakistanPKR-name-otherPakistani rupees rwpî Pacistan
4739CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: PakistanPKR-namePakistani Rupee Rwpî Pacistan
4740CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: PakistanPKR-symbol= PKR
4741CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: PakistanPKR-symbol-narrow= Rs
4742CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: BruneiBND-name-twoBrunei dollars ddoler Brunei
4743CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: BruneiBND-name-otherBrunei dollars doler Brunei
4744CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: BruneiBND-nameBrunei Dollar Doler Brunei
4745CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: BruneiBND-symbol= BND
4746CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: BruneiBND-symbol-narrow= $
4747CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: IndonesiaIDR-name-otherIndonesian rupiahs rupiah Indonesia
4748CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: IndonesiaIDR-nameIndonesian Rupiah Rupiah Indonesia
4749CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: IndonesiaIDR-symbol= IDR
4750CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: IndonesiaIDR-symbol-narrow= Rp
4751CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: CambodiaKHR-name-otherCambodian riels riel Cambodia
4752CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: CambodiaKHR-nameCambodian Riel Riel Cambodia
4753CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: CambodiaKHR-symbol= KHR
4754CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: CambodiaKHR-symbol-narrow=
4755CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: LaosLAK-name-otherLaotian kips kip Laos
4756CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: LaosLAK-nameLaotian Kip Kip Laos
4757CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: LaosLAK-symbol= LAK
4758CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: LaosLAK-symbol-narrow=
4759CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: Myanmar (Burma)MMK-name-otherMyanmar kyats kyat Myanmar
4760CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: Myanmar (Burma)MMK-nameMyanmar Kyat Kyat Myanmar
4761CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: Myanmar (Burma)MMK-symbol= MMK
4762CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: Myanmar (Burma)MMK-symbol-narrow= K
4763CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: Myanmar (Burma): BUK (old)BUK-name-otherBurmese kyats kyat Byrma
4764CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: Myanmar (Burma): BUK (old)BUK-nameBurmese Kyat Kyat Byrma
4765CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: Myanmar (Burma): BUK (old)BUK-symbol= BUK
4766CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: MalaysiaMYR-name-otherMalaysian ringgits ringgit Malaysia
4767CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: MalaysiaMYR-nameMalaysian Ringgit Ringgit Malaysia
4768CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: MalaysiaMYR-symbol= MYR
4769CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: MalaysiaMYR-symbol-narrow= RM
4770CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: PhilippinesPHP-name-otherPhilippine pesos peso Philipinas
4771CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: PhilippinesPHP-namePhilippine Peso Peso Philipinas
4772CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: PhilippinesPHP-symbol PHP
4773CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: PhilippinesPHP-symbol-narrow=
4774CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: SingaporeSGD-name-twoSingapore dollars ddoler Singapore
4775CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: SingaporeSGD-name-otherSingapore dollars doler Singapore
4776CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: SingaporeSGD-nameSingapore Dollar Doler Singapore
4777CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: SingaporeSGD-symbol= SGD
4778CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: SingaporeSGD-symbol-narrow= $
4779CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: ThailandTHB-name-otherThai baht baht Gwlad Thai
4780CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: ThailandTHB-nameThai Baht Baht Gwlad Thai
4781CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: ThailandTHB-symbolTHB ฿
4782CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: ThailandTHB-symbol-narrow= ฿
4783CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: Timor-Leste: TPE (old)TPE-name-otherTimorese escudos escudo Timor
4784CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: Timor-Leste: TPE (old)TPE-nameTimorese Escudo Escudo Timor
4785CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: Timor-Leste: TPE (old)TPE-symbol= TPE
4786CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: VietnamVND-name-otherVietnamese dong dong Fietnam
4787CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: VietnamVND-nameVietnamese Dong Dong Fietnam
4788CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: VietnamVND-symbol=
4789CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: VietnamVND-symbol-narrow=
4790CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: Vietnam: VNN (old)VNN-name-otherVietnamese dong (1978–1985) dong Fietnam (1978–1985)
4791CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: Vietnam: VNN (old)VNN-nameVietnamese Dong (1978–1985) Dong Fietnam (1978–1985)
4792CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: Vietnam: VNN (old)VNN-symbol= VNN
4793CurrenciesOceania (C)Australasia: AustraliaAUD-name-twoAustralian dollars ddoler Awstralia
4794CurrenciesOceania (C)Australasia: AustraliaAUD-name-otherAustralian dollars doler Awstralia
4795CurrenciesOceania (C)Australasia: AustraliaAUD-nameAustralian Dollar Doler Awstralia
4796CurrenciesOceania (C)Australasia: AustraliaAUD-symbol= A$
4797CurrenciesOceania (C)Australasia: AustraliaAUD-symbol-narrow= $
4798CurrenciesOceania (C)Australasia: New ZealandNZD-name-twoNew Zealand dollars ddoler Seland Newydd
4799CurrenciesOceania (C)Australasia: New ZealandNZD-name-otherNew Zealand dollars doler Seland Newydd
4800CurrenciesOceania (C)Australasia: New ZealandNZD-nameNew Zealand Dollar Doler Seland Newydd
4801CurrenciesOceania (C)Australasia: New ZealandNZD-symbol= NZ$
4802CurrenciesOceania (C)Australasia: New ZealandNZD-symbol-narrow= $
4803CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: FijiFJD-name-twoFijian dollars ddoler Ffiji
4804CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: FijiFJD-name-otherFijian dollars doler Ffiji
4805CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: FijiFJD-nameFijian Dollar Doler Ffiji
4806CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: FijiFJD-symbol= FJD
4807CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: FijiFJD-symbol-narrow= $
4808CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: New CaledoniaXPF-name-otherCFP francs ffranc CPF
4809CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: New CaledoniaXPF-nameCFP Franc Ffranc CFP
4810CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: New CaledoniaXPF-symbol= CFPF
4811CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: Papua New GuineaPGK-name-otherPapua New Guinean kina kina Papua Guinea Newydd
4812CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: Papua New GuineaPGK-namePapua New Guinean Kina Kina Papua Guinea Newydd
4813CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: Papua New GuineaPGK-symbol= PGK
4814CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: Solomon IslandsSBD-name-twoSolomon Islands dollars ddoler Ynysoedd Solomon
4815CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: Solomon IslandsSBD-name-otherSolomon Islands dollars doler Ynysoedd Solomon
4816CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: Solomon IslandsSBD-nameSolomon Islands Dollar Doler Ynysoedd Solomon
4817CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: Solomon IslandsSBD-symbol= SBD
4818CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: Solomon IslandsSBD-symbol-narrow= $
4819CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: VanuatuVUV-name-otherVanuatu vatus vatu Vanuatu
4820CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: VanuatuVUV-nameVanuatu Vatu Vatu Vanuatu
4821CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: VanuatuVUV-symbol= VUV
4822CurrenciesOceania (C)Polynesia: TongaTOP-name-otherTongan paʻanga paʻanga Tonga
4823CurrenciesOceania (C)Polynesia: TongaTOP-nameTongan Paʻanga Paʻanga Tonga
4824CurrenciesOceania (C)Polynesia: TongaTOP-symbol= TOP
4825CurrenciesOceania (C)Polynesia: TongaTOP-symbol-narrow= T$
4826CurrenciesOceania (C)Polynesia: SamoaWST-name-otherSamoan tala tala Samoa
4827CurrenciesOceania (C)Polynesia: SamoaWST-nameSamoan Tala Tala Samoa
4828CurrenciesOceania (C)Polynesia: SamoaWST-symbol= WST
4829CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: null: XCG (old)XCG-nameCaribbean guilder XCG
4830CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: null: XCG (old)XCG-symbol= Cg.
4831CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: EUREUR-name-othereuros ewro
4832CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: EUREUR-nameEuro Ewro
4833CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: EUREUR-symbol=
4834CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: EUREUR-symbol-narrow=
4835CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XAGXAG-nameSilver Arian
4836CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XAGXAG-symbol= XAG
4837CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XAUXAU-nameGold Aur
4838CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XAUXAU-symbol= XAU
4839CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XBAXBA-name-otherEuropean composite units uned cyfansawdd Ewropeaidd
4840CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XBAXBA-nameEuropean Composite Unit Uned Cyfansawdd Ewropeaidd
4841CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XBAXBA-symbol= XBA
4842CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XBBXBB-name-otherEuropean monetary units uned ariannol Ewropeaidd
4843CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XBBXBB-nameEuropean Monetary Unit Uned Ariannol Ewropeaidd
4844CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XBBXBB-symbol= XBB
4845CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XBCXBC-nameEuropean Unit of Account (XBC) XBC
4846CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XBCXBC-symbol= XBC
4847CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XBDXBD-nameEuropean Unit of Account (XBD) XBD
4848CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XBDXBD-symbol= XBD
4849CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XDRXDR-nameSpecial Drawing Rights XDR
4850CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XDRXDR-symbol= XDR
4851CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XEUXEU-name-otherEuropean currency units uned arian cyfred Ewropeaidd
4852CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XEUXEU-nameEuropean Currency Unit Uned Arian Cyfred Ewropeaidd
4853CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XEUXEU-symbol= XEU
4854CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XFOXFO-nameFrench Gold Franc XFO
4855CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XFOXFO-symbol= XFO
4856CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XFUXFU-nameFrench UIC-Franc XFU
4857CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XFUXFU-symbol= XFU
4858CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XPDXPD-namePalladium Paladiwm
4859CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XPDXPD-symbol= XPD
4860CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XPTXPT-namePlatinum Platinwm
4861CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XPTXPT-symbol= XPT
4862CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XREXRE-nameRINET Funds XRE
4863CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XREXRE-symbol= XRE
4864CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XSUXSU-name-otherSucres sucre
4865CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XSUXSU-name= Sucre
4866CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XSUXSU-symbol= XSU
4867CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XTSXTS-nameTesting Currency Code XTS
4868CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XTSXTS-symbol= XTS
4869CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XUAXUA-nameADB Unit of Account XUA
4870CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XUAXUA-symbol= XUA
4871CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XXXXXX-name-other(unknown currency) (arian cyfred anhysbys)
4872CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XXXXXX-nameUnknown Currency Arian Cyfred Anhysbys
4873CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XXXXXX-symbol¤ XXX
4874UnitsMeasurement SystemsnullmetricMetric Metrig
4875UnitsMeasurement SystemsnullUKUK DU
4876UnitsMeasurement SystemsnullUSUS UDA
4877UnitsDurationdecadelong-displayNamedecades degawdau
4878UnitsDurationdecadeshort-displayNamedec deg
4879UnitsDurationdecadelong-zero-nominative{0} dec {0} degawd
4880UnitsDurationdecadelong-one-nominative{0} decade {0} degawd
4881UnitsDurationdecadelong-few-nominative{0} dec {0} degawd
4882UnitsDurationdecadelong-many-nominative{0} dec {0} degawd
4883UnitsDurationdecadelong-other-nominative{0} decades {0} degawd
4884UnitsDurationdecadeshort-two-nominative{0} dec {0} degawd
4885UnitsDurationdecadeshort-other-nominative{0} dec {0} deg
4886UnitsDurationnightlong-displayNamenights nosau
4887UnitsDurationnightshort-displayNamenights nosau
4888UnitsDurationnightnarrow-displayNamenights nosau
4889UnitsDurationnightlong-per{0} per night {0}/noson
4890UnitsDurationnightshort-per{0}/night {0}/noson
4891UnitsDurationnightnarrow-per{0}/night {0}/noson
4892UnitsDurationnightlong-zero-nominative{0} nights {0} noson
4893UnitsDurationnightlong-one-nominative{0} night {0} noson
4894UnitsDurationnightlong-two-nominative{0} nights {0} noson
4895UnitsDurationnightlong-few-nominative{0} nights {0} noson
4896UnitsDurationnightlong-many-nominative{0} nights {0} noson
4897UnitsDurationnightlong-other-nominative{0} nights {0} noson
4898UnitsDurationnightshort-zero-nominative{0} nights {0} noson
4899UnitsDurationnightshort-one-nominative{0} night {0} noson
4900UnitsDurationnightshort-two-nominative{0} nights {0} noson
4901UnitsDurationnightshort-few-nominative{0} nights {0} noson
4902UnitsDurationnightshort-many-nominative{0} nights {0} noson
4903UnitsDurationnightshort-other-nominative{0} nights {0} noson
4904UnitsDurationnightnarrow-zero-nominative{0} nights {0} noson
4905UnitsDurationnightnarrow-one-nominative{0}night {0}noson
4906UnitsDurationnightnarrow-two-nominative{0} nights {0}noson
4907UnitsDurationnightnarrow-few-nominative{0} nights {0}noson
4908UnitsDurationnightnarrow-many-nominative{0} nights {0}noson
4909UnitsDurationnightnarrow-other-nominative{0}nights {0}noson
4910UnitsDurationcenturylong-displayNamecenturies canrifoedd
4911UnitsDurationcenturyshort-displayName= c
4912UnitsDurationcenturylong-zero-nominative{0} c {0} canrif
4913UnitsDurationcenturylong-one-nominative{0} century {0} canrif
4914UnitsDurationcenturylong-two-nominative{0} c {0} ganrif
4915UnitsDurationcenturylong-few-nominative{0} c {0} canrif
4916UnitsDurationcenturylong-many-nominative{0} c {0} canrif
4917UnitsDurationcenturylong-other-nominative{0} centuries {0} canrif
4918UnitsDurationcenturyshort-other-nominative= {0} c
4919UnitsDurationcenturynarrow-zero-nominative{0} c {0}c
4920UnitsDurationcenturynarrow-one-nominative= {0}c
4921UnitsDurationcenturynarrow-two-nominative{0} c {0}c
4922UnitsDurationcenturynarrow-few-nominative{0} c {0}c
4923UnitsDurationcenturynarrow-many-nominative{0} c {0}c
4924UnitsDurationcenturynarrow-other-nominative= {0}c
4925UnitsDurationyearshort-displayNameyears blynyddoedd
4926UnitsDurationyearnarrow-displayNameyr bl
4927UnitsDurationyearlong-per{0} per year {0} y flwyddyn
4928UnitsDurationyearshort-per{0}/y {0}/bl
4929UnitsDurationyearlong-zero-nominative{0} yrs {0} mlynedd
4930UnitsDurationyearlong-one-nominative{0} year {0} flwyddyn
4931UnitsDurationyearlong-two-nominative{0} yrs {0} flynedd
4932UnitsDurationyearlong-few-nominative{0} yrs {0} blynedd
4933UnitsDurationyearlong-many-nominative{0} yrs {0} blynedd
4934UnitsDurationyearlong-other-nominative{0} years {0} mlynedd
4935UnitsDurationyearshort-other-nominative{0} yrs {0} bl
4936UnitsDurationyearnarrow-zero-nominative{0} yrs {0}bl
4937UnitsDurationyearnarrow-one-nominative{0}y {0}bl
4938UnitsDurationyearnarrow-two-nominative{0} yrs {0}bl
4939UnitsDurationyearnarrow-few-nominative{0} yrs {0}bl
4940UnitsDurationyearnarrow-many-nominative{0} yrs {0}bl
4941UnitsDurationyearnarrow-other-nominative{0}y {0}bl
4942UnitsDurationquarterlong-displayNamequarters chwarteri
4943UnitsDurationquartershort-displayNameqtr chw
4944UnitsDurationquartershort-per{0}/q {0}/chw
4945UnitsDurationquarterlong-one-nominative{0} quarter {0} chwateri
4946UnitsDurationquarterlong-other-nominative{0} quarters {0} chwater
4947UnitsDurationquartershort-other-nominative{0} qtrs {0} chw
4948UnitsDurationquarternarrow-one-nominative{0}q {0}chw
4949UnitsDurationmonthshort-displayNamemonths misoedd
4950UnitsDurationmonthnarrow-displayNamemonth mis
4951UnitsDurationmonthlong-per{0} per month {0} y mis
4952UnitsDurationmonthshort-per{0}/m {0}/mis
4953UnitsDurationmonthnarrow-per= {0}/m
4954UnitsDurationmonthshort-two-nominative{0} mths {0} fis
4955UnitsDurationmonthshort-other-nominative{0} mths {0} mis
4956UnitsDurationmonthnarrow-zero-nominative{0} mths {0}m
4957UnitsDurationmonthnarrow-one-nominative= {0}m
4958UnitsDurationmonthnarrow-two-nominative{0} mths {0}m
4959UnitsDurationmonthnarrow-few-nominative{0} mths {0}m
4960UnitsDurationmonthnarrow-many-nominative{0} mths {0}m
4961UnitsDurationmonthnarrow-other-nominative= {0}m
4962UnitsDurationweekshort-displayNameweeks wythnosau
4963UnitsDurationweeknarrow-displayNamewk ws
4964UnitsDurationweeklong-per{0} per week {0} yr wythnos
4965UnitsDurationweekshort-per{0}/w {0}/ws
4966UnitsDurationweeknarrow-per= {0}/w
4967UnitsDurationweeklong-zero-nominative{0} wks {0} wythnos
4968UnitsDurationweeklong-one-nominative{0} week {0} wythnos
4969UnitsDurationweeklong-two-nominative{0} wks {0} wythnos
4970UnitsDurationweeklong-few-nominative{0} wks {0} wythnos
4971UnitsDurationweeklong-many-nominative{0} wks {0} wythnos
4972UnitsDurationweeklong-other-nominative{0} weeks {0} wythnos
4973UnitsDurationweekshort-other-nominative{0} wks {0} ws
4974UnitsDurationweeknarrow-one-nominative= {0}w
4975UnitsDurationweeknarrow-other-nominative= {0}w
4976UnitsDurationdayshort-displayNamedays diwrnodau
4977UnitsDurationdaynarrow-displayNameday d
4978UnitsDurationdaylong-per{0} per day {0} y diwrnod
4979UnitsDurationdayshort-per= {0}/d
4980UnitsDurationdayshort-two-nominative{0} days {0} ddiwrnod
4981UnitsDurationdayshort-other-nominative{0} days {0} diwrnod
4982UnitsDurationdaynarrow-zero-nominative{0} days {0}d
4983UnitsDurationdaynarrow-one-nominative= {0}d
4984UnitsDurationdaynarrow-two-nominative{0} days {0}d
4985UnitsDurationdaynarrow-few-nominative{0} days {0}d
4986UnitsDurationdaynarrow-many-nominative{0} days {0}d
4987UnitsDurationdaynarrow-other-nominative= {0}d
4988UnitsDurationhourshort-displayNamehours oriau
4989UnitsDurationhournarrow-displayNamehour awr
4990UnitsDurationhourlong-per{0} per hour {0} yr awr
4991UnitsDurationhourshort-per{0}/h {0}/a
4992UnitsDurationhourshort-other-nominative{0} hr {0} awr
4993UnitsDurationminutelong-displayNameminutes munudau
4994UnitsDurationminuteshort-displayNamemins mun
4995UnitsDurationminutelong-per{0} per minute {0} y munud
4996UnitsDurationminuteshort-per{0}/min {0}/mun
4997UnitsDurationminutelong-zero-nominative{0} min {0} munud
4998UnitsDurationminutelong-one-nominative{0} minute {0} munud
4999UnitsDurationminutelong-two-nominative{0} min {0} funud
5000UnitsDurationminutelong-few-nominative{0} min {0} munud
5001UnitsDurationminutelong-many-nominative{0} min {0} munud
5002UnitsDurationminutelong-other-nominative{0} minutes {0} munud
5003UnitsDurationminuteshort-other-nominative{0} min {0} mun
5004UnitsDurationminutenarrow-zero-nominative{0} min {0}mun
5005UnitsDurationminutenarrow-one-nominative{0}m {0}mun
5006UnitsDurationminutenarrow-two-nominative{0} min {0}mun
5007UnitsDurationminutenarrow-few-nominative{0} min {0}mun
5008UnitsDurationminutenarrow-many-nominative{0} min {0}mun
5009UnitsDurationminutenarrow-other-nominative{0}m {0}mun
5010UnitsDurationsecondshort-displayNamesecs eiliadau
5011UnitsDurationsecondnarrow-displayNamesec eil
5012UnitsDurationsecondlong-per{0} per second {0} yr eiliad
5013UnitsDurationsecondshort-per{0}/s {0}/eil
5014UnitsDurationsecondnarrow-per{0}/s {0}/e
5015UnitsDurationsecondlong-zero-nominative{0} sec {0} eiliad
5016UnitsDurationsecondlong-one-nominative{0} second {0} eiliad
5017UnitsDurationsecondlong-two-nominative{0} sec {0} eiliad
5018UnitsDurationsecondlong-few-nominative{0} sec {0} eiliad
5019UnitsDurationsecondlong-many-nominative{0} sec {0} eiliad
5020UnitsDurationsecondlong-other-nominative{0} seconds {0} eiliad
5021UnitsDurationsecondshort-other-nominative{0} sec {0} eil
5022UnitsDurationmillisecondshort-displayNamemillisecs milieiliadau
5023UnitsDurationmillisecondnarrow-displayNamemsec milieiliad
5024UnitsDurationmillisecondlong-zero-nominative{0} ms {0} milieiliad
5025UnitsDurationmillisecondlong-one-nominative{0} millisecond {0} milieiliad
5026UnitsDurationmillisecondlong-two-nominative{0} ms {0} filieiliad
5027UnitsDurationmillisecondlong-few-nominative{0} ms {0} milieiliad
5028UnitsDurationmillisecondlong-many-nominative{0} ms {0} milieiliad
5029UnitsDurationmillisecondlong-other-nominative{0} milliseconds {0} milieiliad
5030UnitsDurationmillisecondshort-zero-nominative{0} ms {0} milieil
5031UnitsDurationmillisecondshort-other-nominative= {0} ms
5032UnitsDurationmillisecondnarrow-zero-nominative{0} ms {0}ms
5033UnitsDurationmillisecondnarrow-one-nominative= {0}ms
5034UnitsDurationmillisecondnarrow-two-nominative{0} ms {0}ms
5035UnitsDurationmillisecondnarrow-few-nominative{0} ms {0}ms
5036UnitsDurationmillisecondnarrow-many-nominative{0} ms {0}ms
5037UnitsDurationmillisecondnarrow-other-nominative= {0}ms
5038UnitsDurationmicrosecondlong-displayNamemicroseconds microeiliadau
5039UnitsDurationmicrosecondshort-displayNameμsecs μs
5040UnitsDurationmicrosecondlong-zero-nominative{0} μs {0} microeiliadau
5041UnitsDurationmicrosecondlong-one-nominative{0} microsecond {0} microeiliadau
5042UnitsDurationmicrosecondlong-two-nominative{0} μs {0} microeiliadau
5043UnitsDurationmicrosecondlong-few-nominative{0} μs {0} microeiliadau
5044UnitsDurationmicrosecondlong-many-nominative{0} μs {0} microeiliadau
5045UnitsDurationmicrosecondlong-other-nominative{0} microseconds {0} microeiliadau
5046UnitsDurationmicrosecondshort-other-nominative= {0} μs
5047UnitsDurationnanosecondlong-displayNamenanoseconds nanoeiliadau
5048UnitsDurationnanosecondshort-displayNamenanosecs ns
5049UnitsDurationnanosecondlong-zero-nominative{0} ns {0} nanoeiliadau
5050UnitsDurationnanosecondlong-one-nominative{0} nanosecond {0} nanoeiliadau
5051UnitsDurationnanosecondlong-two-nominative{0} ns {0} nanoeiliadau
5052UnitsDurationnanosecondlong-few-nominative{0} ns {0} nanoeiliadau
5053UnitsDurationnanosecondlong-many-nominative{0} ns {0} nanoeiliadau
5054UnitsDurationnanosecondlong-other-nominative{0} nanoseconds {0} nanoeiliadau
5055UnitsDurationnanosecondshort-other-nominative= {0} ns
5056UnitsDurationDuration Patternshm= h:mm
5057UnitsDurationDuration Patternshms= h:mm:ss
5058UnitsDurationDuration Patternsms= m:ss
5059UnitsGraphicsdotshort-displayNamedots dotiau
5060UnitsGraphicsdotnarrow-displayName= dot
5061UnitsGraphicsdotshort-one-nominative= {0} dot
5062UnitsGraphicsdotshort-other-nominative{0} dots {0} dot
5063UnitsGraphicsdot-per-centimeterlong-displayNamedots per centimeter dotiau mewn centimedr
5064UnitsGraphicsdot-per-centimetershort-displayName= dpcm
5065UnitsGraphicsdot-per-centimeterlong-one-nominative{0} dot per centimeter {0} dot mewn centimedr
5066UnitsGraphicsdot-per-centimeterlong-other-nominative{0} dots per centimeter {0} dot mewn centimedr
5067UnitsGraphicsdot-per-centimetershort-one-nominative= {0} dpcm
5068UnitsGraphicsdot-per-inchlong-displayNamedots per inch dotiau mewn modfedd
5069UnitsGraphicsdot-per-inchshort-displayName= dpi
5070UnitsGraphicsdot-per-inchlong-one-nominative{0} dot per inch {0} dot mewn modfedd
5071UnitsGraphicsdot-per-inchlong-other-nominative{0} dots per inch {0} dot mewn modfedd
5072UnitsGraphicsemlong-displayNametypographic ems em argraffyddol
5073UnitsGraphicsemshort-displayName= em
5074UnitsGraphicsemshort-other-nominative= {0} em
5075UnitsGraphicsmegapixelshort-displayNamemegapixels megapicseli
5076UnitsGraphicsmegapixellong-one-nominative{0} megapixel {0} megapicsel
5077UnitsGraphicsmegapixellong-other-nominative{0} megapixels {0} megapicsel
5078UnitsGraphicsmegapixelshort-other-nominative= {0} MP
5079UnitsGraphicspixelshort-displayNamepixels picseli
5080UnitsGraphicspixellong-one-nominative{0} pixel {0} picsel
5081UnitsGraphicspixellong-other-nominative{0} pixels {0} picsel
5082UnitsGraphicspixelshort-other-nominative= {0} px
5083UnitsGraphicspixel-per-centimeterlong-displayNamepixels per centimeter picseli mewn centimedr
5084UnitsGraphicspixel-per-centimetershort-displayName= ppcm
5085UnitsGraphicspixel-per-centimeterlong-one-nominative{0} pixel per centimeter {0} picsel mewn centimedr
5086UnitsGraphicspixel-per-centimeterlong-other-nominative{0} pixels per centimeter {0} picsel mewn centimedr
5087UnitsGraphicspixel-per-centimetershort-other-nominative= {0} ppcm
5088UnitsGraphicspixel-per-inchlong-displayNamepixels per inch picseli mewn modfedd
5089UnitsGraphicspixel-per-inchshort-displayName= ppi
5090UnitsGraphicspixel-per-inchlong-one-nominative{0} pixel per inch {0} picsel mewn modfedd
5091UnitsGraphicspixel-per-inchlong-other-nominative{0} pixels per inch {0} picsel mewn modfedd
5092UnitsGraphicspixel-per-inchshort-other-nominative= {0} ppi
5093UnitsLength Metrickilometerlong-displayNamekilometers cilometrau
5094UnitsLength Metrickilometershort-displayName= km
5095UnitsLength Metrickilometerlong-per{0} per kilometer {0} y cilometr
5096UnitsLength Metrickilometershort-per= {0}/km
5097UnitsLength Metrickilometerlong-one-nominative{0} kilometer {0} cilometr
5098UnitsLength Metrickilometerlong-other-nominative{0} kilometers {0} cilometr
5099UnitsLength Metrickilometershort-other-nominative= {0} km
5100UnitsLength Metrickilometernarrow-zero-nominative{0} km {0}km
5101UnitsLength Metrickilometernarrow-one-nominative= {0}km
5102UnitsLength Metrickilometernarrow-two-nominative{0} km {0}km
5103UnitsLength Metrickilometernarrow-few-nominative{0} km {0}km
5104UnitsLength Metrickilometernarrow-many-nominative{0} km {0}km
5105UnitsLength Metrickilometernarrow-other-nominative= {0}km
5106UnitsLength Metricmeterlong-displayNamemeters metrau
5107UnitsLength Metricmetershort-displayName= m
5108UnitsLength Metricmeterlong-per{0} per meter {0} y metr
5109UnitsLength Metricmetershort-per= {0}/m
5110UnitsLength Metricmeterlong-one-nominative{0} meter {0} metr
5111UnitsLength Metricmeterlong-other-nominative{0} meters {0} metr
5112UnitsLength Metricmetershort-other-nominative= {0} m
5113UnitsLength Metricmeternarrow-zero-nominative{0} m {0}m
5114UnitsLength Metricmeternarrow-one-nominative= {0}m
5115UnitsLength Metricmeternarrow-two-nominative{0} m {0}m
5116UnitsLength Metricmeternarrow-few-nominative{0} m {0}m
5117UnitsLength Metricmeternarrow-many-nominative{0} m {0}m
5118UnitsLength Metricmeternarrow-other-nominative= {0}m
5119UnitsLength Metricdecimeterlong-displayNamedecimeters decimetrau
5120UnitsLength Metricdecimetershort-displayName= dm
5121UnitsLength Metricdecimeterlong-one-nominative{0} decimeter {0} decimetr
5122UnitsLength Metricdecimeterlong-other-nominative{0} decimeters {0} decimetr
5123UnitsLength Metricdecimetershort-other-nominative= {0} dm
5124UnitsLength Metricdecimeternarrow-zero-nominative{0} dm {0}dm
5125UnitsLength Metricdecimeternarrow-one-nominative= {0}dm
5126UnitsLength Metricdecimeternarrow-two-nominative{0} dm {0}dm
5127UnitsLength Metricdecimeternarrow-few-nominative{0} dm {0}dm
5128UnitsLength Metricdecimeternarrow-many-nominative{0} dm {0}dm
5129UnitsLength Metricdecimeternarrow-other-nominative= {0}dm
5130UnitsLength Metriccentimeterlong-displayNamecentimeters centimetrau
5131UnitsLength Metriccentimetershort-displayName= cm
5132UnitsLength Metriccentimeterlong-per{0} per centimeter {0} y centimetr
5133UnitsLength Metriccentimetershort-per= {0}/cm
5134UnitsLength Metriccentimeterlong-one-nominative{0} centimeter {0} centimetr
5135UnitsLength Metriccentimeterlong-other-nominative{0} centimeters {0} centimetr
5136UnitsLength Metriccentimetershort-other-nominative= {0} cm
5137UnitsLength Metriccentimeternarrow-zero-nominative{0} cm {0}cm
5138UnitsLength Metriccentimeternarrow-one-nominative= {0}cm
5139UnitsLength Metriccentimeternarrow-two-nominative{0} cm {0}cm
5140UnitsLength Metriccentimeternarrow-few-nominative{0} cm {0}cm
5141UnitsLength Metriccentimeternarrow-many-nominative{0} cm {0}cm
5142UnitsLength Metriccentimeternarrow-other-nominative= {0}cm
5143UnitsLength Metricmillimeterlong-displayNamemillimeters milimetrau
5144UnitsLength Metricmillimetershort-displayName= mm
5145UnitsLength Metricmillimeterlong-one-nominative{0} millimeter {0} milimetr
5146UnitsLength Metricmillimeterlong-two-nominative{0} mm {0} filimetr
5147UnitsLength Metricmillimeterlong-other-nominative{0} millimeters {0} milimetr
5148UnitsLength Metricmillimetershort-other-nominative= {0} mm
5149UnitsLength Metricmillimeternarrow-zero-nominative{0} mm {0}mm
5150UnitsLength Metricmillimeternarrow-one-nominative= {0}mm
5151UnitsLength Metricmillimeternarrow-two-nominative{0} mm {0}mm
5152UnitsLength Metricmillimeternarrow-few-nominative{0} mm {0}mm
5153UnitsLength Metricmillimeternarrow-many-nominative{0} mm {0}mm
5154UnitsLength Metricmillimeternarrow-other-nominative= {0}mm
5155UnitsLength Metricmicrometerlong-displayNamemicrometers micrometrau
5156UnitsLength Metricmicrometershort-displayNameμmeters μmetrau
5157UnitsLength Metricmicrometernarrow-displayName= μm
5158UnitsLength Metricmicrometerlong-one-nominative{0} micrometer {0} micrometr
5159UnitsLength Metricmicrometerlong-other-nominative{0} micrometers {0} micrometr
5160UnitsLength Metricmicrometershort-other-nominative= {0} μm
5161UnitsLength Metricmicrometernarrow-zero-nominative{0} μm {0}μm
5162UnitsLength Metricmicrometernarrow-one-nominative= {0}μm
5163UnitsLength Metricmicrometernarrow-two-nominative{0} μm {0}μm
5164UnitsLength Metricmicrometernarrow-few-nominative{0} μm {0}μm
5165UnitsLength Metricmicrometernarrow-many-nominative{0} μm {0}μm
5166UnitsLength Metricmicrometernarrow-other-nominative= {0}μm
5167UnitsLength Metricnanometerlong-displayNamenanometers nanometrau
5168UnitsLength Metricnanometershort-displayName= nm
5169UnitsLength Metricnanometerlong-one-nominative{0} nanometer {0} nanometr
5170UnitsLength Metricnanometerlong-other-nominative{0} nanometers {0} nanometr
5171UnitsLength Metricnanometershort-other-nominative= {0} nm
5172UnitsLength Metricnanometernarrow-zero-nominative{0} nm {0}nm
5173UnitsLength Metricnanometernarrow-one-nominative= {0}nm
5174UnitsLength Metricnanometernarrow-two-nominative{0} nm {0}nm
5175UnitsLength Metricnanometernarrow-few-nominative{0} nm {0}nm
5176UnitsLength Metricnanometernarrow-many-nominative{0} nm {0}nm
5177UnitsLength Metricnanometernarrow-other-nominative= {0}nm
5178UnitsLength Metricpicometerlong-displayNamepicometers picometrau
5179UnitsLength Metricpicometershort-displayName= pm
5180UnitsLength Metricpicometerlong-one-nominative{0} picometer {0} picometr
5181UnitsLength Metricpicometerlong-other-nominative{0} picometers {0} picometr
5182UnitsLength Metricpicometershort-other-nominative= {0} pm
5183UnitsLength Metricpicometernarrow-zero-nominative{0} pm {0}pm
5184UnitsLength Metricpicometernarrow-one-nominative= {0}pm
5185UnitsLength Metricpicometernarrow-two-nominative{0} pm {0}pm
5186UnitsLength Metricpicometernarrow-few-nominative{0} pm {0}pm
5187UnitsLength Metricpicometernarrow-many-nominative{0} pm {0}pm
5188UnitsLength Metricpicometernarrow-other-nominative= {0}pm
5189UnitsLength Metricmile-scandinavianlong-displayNamemiles-scandinavian milltiroedd Sgandinafia
5190UnitsLength Metricmile-scandinavianshort-displayNamesmi mi Sgand.
5191UnitsLength Metricmile-scandinaviannarrow-displayName= smi
5192UnitsLength Metricmile-scandinavianlong-zero-nominative{0} smi {0} milltir Sgandinafia
5193UnitsLength Metricmile-scandinavianlong-one-nominative{0} mile-scandinavian {0} filltir Sgandinafia
5194UnitsLength Metricmile-scandinavianlong-two-nominative{0} smi {0} filltir Sgandinafia
5195UnitsLength Metricmile-scandinavianlong-few-nominative{0} smi {0} milltir Sgandinafia
5196UnitsLength Metricmile-scandinavianlong-many-nominative{0} smi {0} milltir Sgandinafia
5197UnitsLength Metricmile-scandinavianlong-other-nominative{0} miles-scandinavian {0} milltir Sgandinafia
5198UnitsLength Metricmile-scandinavianshort-other-nominative{0} smi {0} mi Sgand.
5199UnitsLength Metricmile-scandinaviannarrow-zero-nominative= {0} smi
5200UnitsLength Metricmile-scandinaviannarrow-one-nominative= {0}smi
5201UnitsLength Metricmile-scandinaviannarrow-two-nominative= {0} smi
5202UnitsLength Metricmile-scandinaviannarrow-few-nominative= {0} smi
5203UnitsLength Metricmile-scandinaviannarrow-many-nominative= {0} smi
5204UnitsLength Metricmile-scandinaviannarrow-other-nominative= {0}smi
5205UnitsLength Metricpointlong-displayNamepoints pwyntiau
5206UnitsLength Metricpointshort-displayNamepoints pt
5207UnitsLength Metricpointlong-zero-nominative{0} pt {0} pwynt
5208UnitsLength Metricpointlong-one-nominative{0} point {0} pwynt
5209UnitsLength Metricpointlong-two-nominative{0} pt {0} bwynt
5210UnitsLength Metricpointlong-other-nominative{0} points {0} pwynt
5211UnitsLength Metricpointshort-other-nominative= {0} pt
5212UnitsLength Metricpointnarrow-one-nominative= {0}pt
5213UnitsLength Metricpointnarrow-other-nominative= {0}pt
5214UnitsLength Otherearth-radiuslong-displayNameearth radius radiws y Ddaear
5215UnitsLength Otherearth-radiusshort-displayNameearth radius R⊕
5216UnitsLength Otherearth-radiuslong-one-nominative{0} earth radius {0} radiws y Ddaear
5217UnitsLength Otherearth-radiuslong-other-nominative{0} earth radius {0} radiws y Ddaear
5218UnitsLength Otherearth-radiusshort-other-nominative= {0} R⊕
5219UnitsLength Othermileshort-displayNamemiles milltiroedd
5220UnitsLength Othermilenarrow-displayName= mi
5221UnitsLength Othermilelong-one-nominative{0} mile {0} filltir
5222UnitsLength Othermilelong-two-nominative{0} mi {0} filltir
5223UnitsLength Othermilelong-few-nominative{0} mi {0} milltir
5224UnitsLength Othermilelong-many-nominative{0} mi {0} milltir
5225UnitsLength Othermilelong-other-nominative{0} miles {0} milltir
5226UnitsLength Othermileshort-other-nominative= {0} mi
5227UnitsLength Othermilenarrow-zero-nominative{0} mi {0}mi
5228UnitsLength Othermilenarrow-one-nominative= {0}mi
5229UnitsLength Othermilenarrow-two-nominative{0} mi {0}mi
5230UnitsLength Othermilenarrow-few-nominative{0} mi {0}mi
5231UnitsLength Othermilenarrow-many-nominative{0} mi {0}mi
5232UnitsLength Othermilenarrow-other-nominative= {0}mi
5233UnitsLength Otheryardshort-displayNameyards llathenni
5234UnitsLength Otheryardnarrow-displayNameyd llath
5235UnitsLength Otheryardshort-two-nominative{0} yd {0} lath
5236UnitsLength Otheryardshort-other-nominative{0} yd {0} llath
5237UnitsLength Otheryardnarrow-zero-nominative{0} yd {0}llath
5238UnitsLength Otheryardnarrow-one-nominative{0}yd {0}llath
5239UnitsLength Otheryardnarrow-two-nominative{0} yd {0}lath
5240UnitsLength Otheryardnarrow-few-nominative{0} yd {0}llath
5241UnitsLength Otheryardnarrow-many-nominative{0} yd {0}llath
5242UnitsLength Otheryardnarrow-other-nominative{0}yd {0}llath
5243UnitsLength Otherfootshort-displayNamefeet troedfeddi
5244UnitsLength Otherfootnarrow-displayNameft troedfedd
5245UnitsLength Otherfootlong-per{0} per foot {0} y droedfedd
5246UnitsLength Otherfootshort-per{0}/ft {0}/troedfedd
5247UnitsLength Otherfootnarrow-per= {0}/ft
5248UnitsLength Otherfootlong-zero-nominative{0} ft {0} troedfedd
5249UnitsLength Otherfootlong-one-nominative{0} foot {0} droedfedd
5250UnitsLength Otherfootlong-two-nominative{0} ft {0} droedfedd
5251UnitsLength Otherfootlong-few-nominative{0} ft {0} troedfedd
5252UnitsLength Otherfootlong-many-nominative{0} ft {0} throedfedd
5253UnitsLength Otherfootlong-other-nominative{0} feet {0} troedfedd
5254UnitsLength Otherfootshort-other-nominative{0} ft {0}′
5255UnitsLength Otherinchshort-displayNameinches modfeddi
5256UnitsLength Otherinchnarrow-displayNamein modfedd
5257UnitsLength Otherinchlong-per{0} per inch {0} y fodfedd
5258UnitsLength Otherinchshort-per{0}/in {0}/fodfedd
5259UnitsLength Otherinchnarrow-per{0}/in {0}/mod
5260UnitsLength Otherinchshort-one-nominative{0} in {0} fodfedd
5261UnitsLength Otherinchshort-two-nominative{0} in {0} fodfedd
5262UnitsLength Otherinchshort-other-nominative{0} in {0} modfedd
5263UnitsLength Otherinchnarrow-zero-nominative{0} in {0}″
5264UnitsLength Otherinchnarrow-one-nominative= {0}″
5265UnitsLength Otherinchnarrow-two-nominative{0} in {0}″
5266UnitsLength Otherinchnarrow-few-nominative{0} in {0}″
5267UnitsLength Otherinchnarrow-many-nominative{0} in {0}″
5268UnitsLength Otherinchnarrow-other-nominative= {0}″
5269UnitsLength Otherparsecshort-displayNameparsecs parsecau
5270UnitsLength Otherparsecnarrow-displayNameparsec pc
5271UnitsLength Otherparseclong-zero-nominative{0} pc {0} parsec
5272UnitsLength Otherparseclong-one-nominative= {0} parsec
5273UnitsLength Otherparseclong-other-nominative{0} parsecs {0} parsec
5274UnitsLength Otherparsecshort-other-nominative= {0} pc
5275UnitsLength Otherparsecnarrow-zero-nominative{0} pc {0}pc
5276UnitsLength Otherparsecnarrow-one-nominative= {0}pc
5277UnitsLength Otherparsecnarrow-two-nominative{0} pc {0}pc
5278UnitsLength Otherparsecnarrow-few-nominative{0} pc {0}pc
5279UnitsLength Otherparsecnarrow-many-nominative{0} pc {0}pc
5280UnitsLength Otherparsecnarrow-other-nominative= {0}pc
5281UnitsLength Otherlight-yearlong-displayNamelight years blynyddoedd golau
5282UnitsLength Otherlight-yearshort-displayNamelight yrs bl golau
5283UnitsLength Otherlight-yearnarrow-displayName= ly
5284UnitsLength Otherlight-yearlong-zero-nominative{0} ly {0} blwyddyn golau
5285UnitsLength Otherlight-yearlong-one-nominative{0} light year {0} flwyddyn golau
5286UnitsLength Otherlight-yearlong-two-nominative{0} ly {0} flwyddyn golau
5287UnitsLength Otherlight-yearlong-few-nominative{0} ly {0} blwyddyn golau
5288UnitsLength Otherlight-yearlong-many-nominative{0} ly {0} blwyddyn golau
5289UnitsLength Otherlight-yearlong-other-nominative{0} light years {0} blwyddyn golau
5290UnitsLength Otherlight-yearshort-other-nominative{0} ly {0} bg
5291UnitsLength Otherlight-yearnarrow-zero-nominative{0} ly {0}ly
5292UnitsLength Otherlight-yearnarrow-one-nominative= {0}ly
5293UnitsLength Otherlight-yearnarrow-two-nominative{0} ly {0}ly
5294UnitsLength Otherlight-yearnarrow-few-nominative{0} ly {0}ly
5295UnitsLength Otherlight-yearnarrow-many-nominative{0} ly {0}ly
5296UnitsLength Otherlight-yearnarrow-other-nominative= {0}ly
5297UnitsLength Otherastronomical-unitlong-displayNameastronomical units unedau seryddol
5298UnitsLength Otherastronomical-unitshort-displayNameau u.s.
5299UnitsLength Otherastronomical-unitlong-zero-nominative{0} au {0} uned seryddol
5300UnitsLength Otherastronomical-unitlong-one-nominative{0} astronomical unit {0} uned seryddol
5301UnitsLength Otherastronomical-unitlong-two-nominative{0} au {0} uned seryddol
5302UnitsLength Otherastronomical-unitlong-few-nominative{0} au {0} uned seryddol
5303UnitsLength Otherastronomical-unitlong-many-nominative{0} au {0} uned seryddol
5304UnitsLength Otherastronomical-unitlong-other-nominative{0} astronomical units {0} uned seryddol
5305UnitsLength Otherastronomical-unitshort-other-nominative{0} au {0} u.s.
5306UnitsLength Otherastronomical-unitnarrow-zero-nominative{0} au {0}u.s.
5307UnitsLength Otherastronomical-unitnarrow-one-nominative{0}au {0}u.s.
5308UnitsLength Otherastronomical-unitnarrow-two-nominative{0} au {0}u.s.
5309UnitsLength Otherastronomical-unitnarrow-few-nominative{0} au {0}u.s.
5310UnitsLength Otherastronomical-unitnarrow-many-nominative{0} au {0}u.s.
5311UnitsLength Otherastronomical-unitnarrow-other-nominative{0}au {0}u.s.
5312UnitsLength Otherfurlongshort-displayNamefurlongs ystadenni
5313UnitsLength Otherfurlonglong-zero-nominative{0} fur {0} ystaden
5314UnitsLength Otherfurlonglong-one-nominative{0} furlong {0} ystaden
5315UnitsLength Otherfurlonglong-two-nominative{0} fur {0} ystaden
5316UnitsLength Otherfurlonglong-few-nominative{0} fur {0} ystaden
5317UnitsLength Otherfurlonglong-many-nominative{0} fur {0} ystaden
5318UnitsLength Otherfurlonglong-other-nominative{0} furlongs {0} ystaden
5319UnitsLength Otherfurlongshort-other-nominative{0} fur {0} yst
5320UnitsLength Otherfathomshort-displayNamefathoms gwrhydau
5321UnitsLength Otherfathomshort-two-nominative{0} fth {0} wryd
5322UnitsLength Otherfathomshort-other-nominative{0} fth {0} gwryd
5323UnitsLength Otherfathomnarrow-zero-nominative{0} fth {0}fth
5324UnitsLength Otherfathomnarrow-one-nominative= {0}fth
5325UnitsLength Otherfathomnarrow-two-nominative{0} fth {0}fth
5326UnitsLength Otherfathomnarrow-few-nominative{0} fth {0}fth
5327UnitsLength Otherfathomnarrow-many-nominative{0} fth {0}fth
5328UnitsLength Otherfathomnarrow-other-nominative= {0}fth
5329UnitsLength Othernautical-milelong-displayNamenautical miles milltiroedd môr
5330UnitsLength Othernautical-mileshort-displayNamenmi mi fôr
5331UnitsLength Othernautical-milenarrow-displayName= nmi
5332UnitsLength Othernautical-milelong-zero-nominative{0} nmi {0} milltir fôr
5333UnitsLength Othernautical-milelong-one-nominative{0} nautical mile {0} filltir fôr
5334UnitsLength Othernautical-milelong-two-nominative{0} nmi {0} filltir fôr
5335UnitsLength Othernautical-milelong-few-nominative{0} nmi {0} milltir fôr
5336UnitsLength Othernautical-milelong-many-nominative{0} nmi {0} milltir fôr
5337UnitsLength Othernautical-milelong-other-nominative{0} nautical miles {0} milltir fôr
5338UnitsLength Othernautical-mileshort-other-nominative{0} nmi {0} mi fôr
5339UnitsLength Othernautical-milenarrow-zero-nominative= {0} nmi
5340UnitsLength Othernautical-milenarrow-one-nominative= {0}nmi
5341UnitsLength Othernautical-milenarrow-two-nominative= {0} nmi
5342UnitsLength Othernautical-milenarrow-few-nominative= {0} nmi
5343UnitsLength Othernautical-milenarrow-many-nominative= {0} nmi
5344UnitsLength Othernautical-milenarrow-other-nominative= {0}nmi
5345UnitsLength Othersolar-radiusshort-displayNamesolar radii radiysau solar
5346UnitsLength Othersolar-radiusnarrow-displayName= R☉
5347UnitsLength Othersolar-radiuslong-one-nominative{0} solar radius {0} radiws solar
5348UnitsLength Othersolar-radiuslong-other-nominative{0} solar radii {0} radiws solar
5349UnitsLength Othersolar-radiusshort-other-nominative= {0} R☉
5350UnitsLength Othersolar-radiusnarrow-one-nominative= {0}R☉
5351UnitsLength Othersolar-radiusnarrow-other-nominative= {0}R☉
5352UnitsAreasquare-kilometerlong-displayNamesquare kilometers cilometrau sgwâr
5353UnitsAreasquare-kilometershort-displayName= km²
5354UnitsAreasquare-kilometerlong-per{0} per square kilometer {0} y cilometr sgwâr
5355UnitsAreasquare-kilometershort-per= {0}/km²
5356UnitsAreasquare-kilometerlong-other-nominative{0} square kilometers {0} cilometr sgwâr
5357UnitsAreasquare-kilometershort-other-nominative= {0} km²
5358UnitsAreasquare-kilometernarrow-zero-nominative{0} km² {0}km²
5359UnitsAreasquare-kilometernarrow-one-nominative= {0}km²
5360UnitsAreasquare-kilometernarrow-two-nominative{0} km² {0}km²
5361UnitsAreasquare-kilometernarrow-few-nominative{0} km² {0}km²
5362UnitsAreasquare-kilometernarrow-many-nominative{0} km² {0}km²
5363UnitsAreasquare-kilometernarrow-other-nominative= {0}km²
5364UnitsAreahectareshort-displayNamehectares hectarau
5365UnitsAreahectarenarrow-displayNamehectare hectar
5366UnitsAreahectarelong-one-nominative{0} hectare {0} hectar
5367UnitsAreahectarelong-other-nominative{0} hectares {0} hectar
5368UnitsAreahectareshort-other-nominative= {0} ha
5369UnitsAreahectarenarrow-zero-nominative{0} ha {0}ha
5370UnitsAreahectarenarrow-one-nominative= {0}ha
5371UnitsAreahectarenarrow-two-nominative{0} ha {0}ha
5372UnitsAreahectarenarrow-few-nominative{0} ha {0}ha
5373UnitsAreahectarenarrow-many-nominative{0} ha {0}ha
5374UnitsAreahectarenarrow-other-nominative= {0}ha
5375UnitsAreasquare-meterlong-displayNamesquare meters metrau sgwâr
5377UnitsAreasquare-meternarrow-displayNamemeters² metrau²
5378UnitsAreasquare-meterlong-per{0} per square meter {0} y metr sgwâr
5379UnitsAreasquare-metershort-per{0}/m² {0} y m²
5380UnitsAreasquare-meternarrow-per= {0}/m²
5381UnitsAreasquare-meterlong-one-nominative{0} square meter {0} metr sgwâr
5382UnitsAreasquare-meterlong-other-nominative{0} square meters {0} metr sgwâr
5383UnitsAreasquare-metershort-other-nominative= {0} m²
5384UnitsAreasquare-meternarrow-zero-nominative{0} m² {0}m²
5385UnitsAreasquare-meternarrow-one-nominative= {0}m²
5386UnitsAreasquare-meternarrow-two-nominative{0} m² {0}m²
5387UnitsAreasquare-meternarrow-few-nominative{0} m² {0}m²
5388UnitsAreasquare-meternarrow-many-nominative{0} m² {0}m²
5389UnitsAreasquare-meternarrow-other-nominative= {0}m²
5390UnitsAreasquare-centimeterlong-displayNamesquare centimeters centimetrau sgwâr
5391UnitsAreasquare-centimetershort-displayName= cm²
5392UnitsAreasquare-centimeterlong-per{0} per square centimeter {0} y centimetr sgwâr
5393UnitsAreasquare-centimetershort-per{0}/cm² {0} y cm²
5394UnitsAreasquare-centimeternarrow-per= {0}/cm²
5395UnitsAreasquare-centimeterlong-one-nominative{0} square centimeter {0} centimetr sgwâr
5396UnitsAreasquare-centimeterlong-other-nominative{0} square centimeters {0} centimetr sgwâr
5397UnitsAreasquare-centimetershort-other-nominative= {0} cm²
5398UnitsAreasquare-centimeternarrow-zero-nominative{0} cm² {0}cm²
5399UnitsAreasquare-centimeternarrow-one-nominative= {0}cm²
5400UnitsAreasquare-centimeternarrow-two-nominative{0} cm² {0}cm²
5401UnitsAreasquare-centimeternarrow-few-nominative{0} cm² {0}cm²
5402UnitsAreasquare-centimeternarrow-many-nominative{0} cm² {0}cm²
5403UnitsAreasquare-centimeternarrow-other-nominative= {0}cm²
5404UnitsAreasquare-milelong-displayNamesquare miles milltiroedd sgwâr
5405UnitsAreasquare-mileshort-displayNamesq miles mi²
5406UnitsAreasquare-mileshort-per= {0}/mi²
5407UnitsAreasquare-milelong-zero-nominative{0} sq mi {0} milltir sgwâr
5408UnitsAreasquare-milelong-one-nominative{0} square mile {0} filltir sgwâr
5409UnitsAreasquare-milelong-two-nominative{0} sq mi {0} filltir sgwâr
5410UnitsAreasquare-milelong-few-nominative{0} sq mi {0} milltir sgwâr
5411UnitsAreasquare-milelong-many-nominative{0} sq mi {0} milltir sgwâr
5412UnitsAreasquare-milelong-other-nominative{0} square miles {0} milltir sgwâr
5413UnitsAreasquare-mileshort-other-nominative{0} sq mi {0} mi²
5414UnitsAreasquare-milenarrow-zero-nominative{0} sq mi {0}mi²
5415UnitsAreasquare-milenarrow-one-nominative= {0}mi²
5416UnitsAreasquare-milenarrow-two-nominative{0} sq mi {0}mi²
5417UnitsAreasquare-milenarrow-few-nominative{0} sq mi {0}mi²
5418UnitsAreasquare-milenarrow-many-nominative{0} sq mi {0}mi²
5419UnitsAreasquare-milenarrow-other-nominative= {0}mi²
5420UnitsAreaacreshort-displayNameacres erw
5421UnitsAreaacreshort-other-nominative{0} ac {0} erw
5422UnitsAreaacrenarrow-zero-nominative{0} ac {0}erw
5423UnitsAreaacrenarrow-one-nominative{0}ac {0}erw
5424UnitsAreaacrenarrow-two-nominative{0} ac {0}erw
5425UnitsAreaacrenarrow-few-nominative{0} ac {0}erw
5426UnitsAreaacrenarrow-many-nominative{0} ac {0}erw
5427UnitsAreaacrenarrow-other-nominative{0}ac {0}erw
5428UnitsAreasquare-yardlong-displayNamesquare yards llathenni sgwâr
5429UnitsAreasquare-yardshort-displayNameyards² llath²
5430UnitsAreasquare-yardlong-zero-nominative{0} yd² {0} llath sgwâr
5431UnitsAreasquare-yardlong-one-nominative{0} square yard {0} llath sgwâr
5432UnitsAreasquare-yardlong-two-nominative{0} yd² {0} lath sgwâr
5433UnitsAreasquare-yardlong-few-nominative{0} yd² {0} llath sgwâr
5434UnitsAreasquare-yardlong-many-nominative{0} yd² {0} llath sgwâr
5435UnitsAreasquare-yardlong-other-nominative{0} square yards {0} llath sgwâr
5436UnitsAreasquare-yardshort-other-nominative{0} yd² {0} llath²
5437UnitsAreasquare-footlong-displayNamesquare feet troedfeddi sgwâr
5438UnitsAreasquare-footshort-displayNamesq feet troedfedd²
5439UnitsAreasquare-footlong-zero-nominative{0} sq ft {0} troedfedd sgwâr
5440UnitsAreasquare-footlong-one-nominative{0} square foot {0} droedfedd sgwâr
5441UnitsAreasquare-footlong-two-nominative{0} sq ft {0} droedfedd sgwâr
5442UnitsAreasquare-footlong-few-nominative{0} sq ft {0} troedfedd sgwâr
5443UnitsAreasquare-footlong-many-nominative{0} sq ft {0} throedfedd sgwâr
5444UnitsAreasquare-footlong-other-nominative{0} square feet {0} troedfedd sgwâr
5445UnitsAreasquare-footshort-other-nominative{0} sq ft {0} tr²
5446UnitsAreasquare-footnarrow-zero-nominative{0} sq ft {0}ft²
5447UnitsAreasquare-footnarrow-one-nominative= {0}ft²
5448UnitsAreasquare-footnarrow-two-nominative{0} sq ft {0}ft²
5449UnitsAreasquare-footnarrow-few-nominative{0} sq ft {0}ft²
5450UnitsAreasquare-footnarrow-many-nominative{0} sq ft {0}ft²
5451UnitsAreasquare-footnarrow-other-nominative= {0}ft²
5452UnitsAreasquare-inchlong-displayNamesquare inches modfeddi sgwâr
5453UnitsAreasquare-inchshort-displayNameinches² modfedd²
5454UnitsAreasquare-inchlong-per{0} per square inch {0} y modfedd sgwâr
5455UnitsAreasquare-inchshort-per{0}/in² {0} y mod²
5456UnitsAreasquare-inchlong-zero-nominative{0} in² {0} modfedd sgwâr
5457UnitsAreasquare-inchlong-one-nominative{0} square inch {0} modfedd sgwâr
5458UnitsAreasquare-inchlong-two-nominative{0} in² {0} fodfedd sgwâr
5459UnitsAreasquare-inchlong-few-nominative{0} in² {0} modfedd sgwâr
5460UnitsAreasquare-inchlong-many-nominative{0} in² {0} modfedd sgwâr
5461UnitsAreasquare-inchlong-other-nominative{0} square inches {0} modfedd sgwâr
5462UnitsAreasquare-inchshort-other-nominative{0} in² {0} mod²
5463UnitsAreadunamshort-displayNamedunams dunamau
5464UnitsAreadunamnarrow-displayName= dunam
5465UnitsAreadunamshort-two-nominative{0} dunam {0} ddunam
5466UnitsAreadunamshort-other-nominative= {0} dunam
5467UnitsVolume Metriccubic-kilometerlong-displayNamecubic kilometers cilometrau ciwbig
5468UnitsVolume Metriccubic-kilometershort-displayName= km³
5469UnitsVolume Metriccubic-kilometerlong-one-nominative{0} cubic kilometer {0} cilometr ciwbig
5470UnitsVolume Metriccubic-kilometerlong-other-nominative{0} cubic kilometers {0} cilometr ciwbig
5471UnitsVolume Metriccubic-kilometershort-other-nominative= {0} km³
5472UnitsVolume Metriccubic-kilometernarrow-zero-nominative{0} km³ {0}km³
5473UnitsVolume Metriccubic-kilometernarrow-one-nominative= {0}km³
5474UnitsVolume Metriccubic-kilometernarrow-two-nominative{0} km³ {0}km³
5475UnitsVolume Metriccubic-kilometernarrow-few-nominative{0} km³ {0}km³
5476UnitsVolume Metriccubic-kilometernarrow-many-nominative{0} km³ {0}km³
5477UnitsVolume Metriccubic-kilometernarrow-other-nominative= {0}km³
5478UnitsVolume Metriccubic-meterlong-displayNamecubic meters metrau ciwbig
5479UnitsVolume Metriccubic-metershort-displayName=
5480UnitsVolume Metriccubic-meterlong-per{0} per cubic meter {0} y metr ciwbig
5481UnitsVolume Metriccubic-metershort-per= {0}/m³
5482UnitsVolume Metriccubic-meterlong-one-nominative{0} cubic meter {0} metr ciwbig
5483UnitsVolume Metriccubic-meterlong-other-nominative{0} cubic meters {0} metr ciwbig
5484UnitsVolume Metriccubic-metershort-other-nominative= {0} m³
5485UnitsVolume Metriccubic-meternarrow-zero-nominative{0} m³ {0}m³
5486UnitsVolume Metriccubic-meternarrow-one-nominative= {0}m³
5487UnitsVolume Metriccubic-meternarrow-two-nominative{0} m³ {0}m³
5488UnitsVolume Metriccubic-meternarrow-few-nominative{0} m³ {0}m³
5489UnitsVolume Metriccubic-meternarrow-many-nominative{0} m³ {0}m³
5490UnitsVolume Metriccubic-meternarrow-other-nominative= {0}m³
5491UnitsVolume Metriccubic-centimeterlong-displayNamecubic centimeters centimetrau ciwbig
5492UnitsVolume Metriccubic-centimetershort-displayName= cm³
5493UnitsVolume Metriccubic-centimeterlong-per{0} per cubic centimeter {0} y centimetr ciwbig
5494UnitsVolume Metriccubic-centimetershort-per= {0}/cm³
5495UnitsVolume Metriccubic-centimeterlong-one-nominative{0} cubic centimeter {0} centimetr ciwbig
5496UnitsVolume Metriccubic-centimeterlong-other-nominative{0} cubic centimeters {0} chentimetr ciwbig
5497UnitsVolume Metriccubic-centimetershort-other-nominative= {0} cm³
5498UnitsVolume Metriccubic-centimeternarrow-zero-nominative{0} cm³ {0}cm³
5499UnitsVolume Metriccubic-centimeternarrow-one-nominative= {0}cm³
5500UnitsVolume Metriccubic-centimeternarrow-two-nominative{0} cm³ {0}cm³
5501UnitsVolume Metriccubic-centimeternarrow-few-nominative{0} cm³ {0}cm³
5502UnitsVolume Metriccubic-centimeternarrow-many-nominative{0} cm³ {0}cm³
5503UnitsVolume Metriccubic-centimeternarrow-other-nominative= {0}cm³
5504UnitsVolume Metricmegaliterlong-displayNamemegaliters megalitrau
5505UnitsVolume Metricmegalitershort-displayName= ML
5506UnitsVolume Metricmegaliterlong-one-nominative{0} megaliter {0} megalitr
5507UnitsVolume Metricmegaliterlong-other-nominative{0} megaliters {0} megalitr
5508UnitsVolume Metricmegalitershort-other-nominative= {0} ML
5509UnitsVolume Metricmegaliternarrow-zero-nominative{0} ML {0}ML
5510UnitsVolume Metricmegaliternarrow-one-nominative= {0}ML
5511UnitsVolume Metricmegaliternarrow-two-nominative{0} ML {0}ML
5512UnitsVolume Metricmegaliternarrow-few-nominative{0} ML {0}ML
5513UnitsVolume Metricmegaliternarrow-many-nominative{0} ML {0}ML
5514UnitsVolume Metricmegaliternarrow-other-nominative= {0}ML
5515UnitsVolume Metrichectoliterlong-displayNamehectoliters hectolitrau
5516UnitsVolume Metrichectolitershort-displayName= hL
5517UnitsVolume Metrichectoliterlong-one-nominative{0} hectoliter {0} hectolitr
5518UnitsVolume Metrichectoliterlong-other-nominative{0} hectoliters {0} hectolitr
5519UnitsVolume Metrichectolitershort-other-nominative= {0} hL
5520UnitsVolume Metrichectoliternarrow-zero-nominative{0} hL {0}hL
5521UnitsVolume Metrichectoliternarrow-one-nominative= {0}hL
5522UnitsVolume Metrichectoliternarrow-two-nominative{0} hL {0}hL
5523UnitsVolume Metrichectoliternarrow-few-nominative{0} hL {0}hL
5524UnitsVolume Metrichectoliternarrow-many-nominative{0} hL {0}hL
5525UnitsVolume Metrichectoliternarrow-other-nominative= {0}hL
5526UnitsVolume Metriclitershort-displayNameliters litrau
5527UnitsVolume Metricliternarrow-displayNameliter litr
5528UnitsVolume Metricliterlong-per{0} per liter {0} y litr
5529UnitsVolume Metriclitershort-per= {0}/L
5530UnitsVolume Metricliterlong-zero-nominative{0} L {0} litr
5531UnitsVolume Metricliterlong-one-nominative{0} liter {0} litr
5532UnitsVolume Metricliterlong-two-nominative{0} L {0} litr
5533UnitsVolume Metricliterlong-other-nominative{0} liters {0} litr
5534UnitsVolume Metriclitershort-other-nominative= {0} L
5535UnitsVolume Metricdeciliterlong-displayNamedeciliters decilitrau
5536UnitsVolume Metricdecilitershort-displayName= dL
5537UnitsVolume Metricdeciliterlong-one-nominative{0} deciliter {0} decilitr
5538UnitsVolume Metricdeciliterlong-other-nominative{0} deciliters {0} decilitr
5539UnitsVolume Metricdecilitershort-other-nominative= {0} dL
5540UnitsVolume Metricdeciliternarrow-zero-nominative{0} dL {0}dL
5541UnitsVolume Metricdeciliternarrow-one-nominative= {0}dL
5542UnitsVolume Metricdeciliternarrow-two-nominative{0} dL {0}dL
5543UnitsVolume Metricdeciliternarrow-few-nominative{0} dL {0}dL
5544UnitsVolume Metricdeciliternarrow-many-nominative{0} dL {0}dL
5545UnitsVolume Metricdeciliternarrow-other-nominative= {0}dL
5546UnitsVolume Metriccentiliterlong-displayNamecentiliters centilitrau
5547UnitsVolume Metriccentilitershort-displayName= cL
5548UnitsVolume Metriccentiliterlong-one-nominative{0} centiliter {0} centilitr
5549UnitsVolume Metriccentiliterlong-two-nominative{0} cL {0} gentilitr
5550UnitsVolume Metriccentiliterlong-other-nominative{0} centiliters {0} centilitr
5551UnitsVolume Metriccentilitershort-other-nominative= {0} cL
5552UnitsVolume Metriccentiliternarrow-zero-nominative{0} cL {0}cL
5553UnitsVolume Metriccentiliternarrow-one-nominative= {0}cL
5554UnitsVolume Metriccentiliternarrow-two-nominative{0} cL {0}cL
5555UnitsVolume Metriccentiliternarrow-few-nominative{0} cL {0}cL
5556UnitsVolume Metriccentiliternarrow-many-nominative{0} cL {0}cL
5557UnitsVolume Metriccentiliternarrow-other-nominative= {0}cL
5558UnitsVolume Metricmilliliterlong-displayNamemilliliters mililitrau
5559UnitsVolume Metricmillilitershort-displayName= mL
5560UnitsVolume Metricmilliliterlong-one-nominative{0} milliliter {0} mililitr
5561UnitsVolume Metricmilliliterlong-other-nominative{0} milliliters {0} mililitr
5562UnitsVolume Metricmillilitershort-other-nominative= {0} mL
5563UnitsVolume Metricmilliliternarrow-zero-nominative{0} mL {0}mL
5564UnitsVolume Metricmilliliternarrow-one-nominative= {0}mL
5565UnitsVolume Metricmilliliternarrow-two-nominative{0} mL {0}mL
5566UnitsVolume Metricmilliliternarrow-few-nominative{0} mL {0}mL
5567UnitsVolume Metricmilliliternarrow-many-nominative{0} mL {0}mL
5568UnitsVolume Metricmilliliternarrow-other-nominative= {0}mL
5569UnitsVolume Metricpint-metriclong-displayNamemetric pints peintiau metrig
5570UnitsVolume Metricpint-metricshort-displayName= mpt
5571UnitsVolume Metricpint-metriclong-one-nominative{0} metric pint {0} peint metrig
5572UnitsVolume Metricpint-metriclong-other-nominative{0} metric pints {0} peint metrig
5573UnitsVolume Metricpint-metricshort-other-nominative= {0} mpt
5574UnitsVolume Metriccup-metriclong-displayNamemetric cups cwpaneidiau metrig
5575UnitsVolume Metriccup-metricshort-displayNamemcup cwpanaid metrig
5576UnitsVolume Metriccup-metriclong-one-nominative{0} metric cup {0} cwpanaid metrig
5577UnitsVolume Metriccup-metriclong-other-nominative{0} metric cups {0} cwpanaid metrig
5578UnitsVolume Metriccup-metricshort-other-nominative= {0} mc
5579UnitsVolume UScubic-milelong-displayNamecubic miles milltiroedd ciwbig
5580UnitsVolume UScubic-mileshort-displayName= mi³
5581UnitsVolume UScubic-milelong-zero-nominative{0} mi³ {0} milltir giwbig
5582UnitsVolume UScubic-milelong-one-nominative{0} cubic mile {0} filltir giwbig
5583UnitsVolume UScubic-milelong-other-nominative{0} cubic miles {0} milltir giwbig
5584UnitsVolume UScubic-mileshort-other-nominative= {0} mi³
5585UnitsVolume UScubic-milenarrow-zero-nominative{0} mi³ {0}mi³
5586UnitsVolume UScubic-milenarrow-one-nominative= {0}mi³
5587UnitsVolume UScubic-milenarrow-two-nominative{0} mi³ {0}mi³
5588UnitsVolume UScubic-milenarrow-few-nominative{0} mi³ {0}mi³
5589UnitsVolume UScubic-milenarrow-many-nominative{0} mi³ {0}mi³
5590UnitsVolume UScubic-milenarrow-other-nominative= {0}mi³
5591UnitsVolume UScubic-yardlong-displayNamecubic yards llathenni ciwbig
5592UnitsVolume UScubic-yardshort-displayNameyards³ llathenni³
5593UnitsVolume UScubic-yardlong-one-nominative{0} cubic yard {0} llathen giwbig
5594UnitsVolume UScubic-yardlong-other-nominative{0} cubic yards {0} llath giwbig
5595UnitsVolume UScubic-yardshort-one-nominative{0} yd³ {0} llathen³
5596UnitsVolume UScubic-yardshort-two-nominative{0} yd³ {0} lath³
5597UnitsVolume UScubic-yardshort-other-nominative{0} yd³ {0} llath³
5598UnitsVolume UScubic-footlong-displayNamecubic feet troedfeddi ciwbig
5599UnitsVolume UScubic-footshort-displayNamefeet³ troedfedd³
5600UnitsVolume UScubic-footlong-one-nominative{0} cubic foot {0} droedfedd giwbig
5601UnitsVolume UScubic-footlong-other-nominative{0} cubic feet {0} troedfedd giwbig
5602UnitsVolume UScubic-footshort-other-nominative{0} ft³ {0} tr³
5603UnitsVolume UScubic-inchlong-displayNamecubic inches modfeddi ciwbig
5604UnitsVolume UScubic-inchshort-displayNameinches³ modfeddi³
5605UnitsVolume UScubic-inchnarrow-displayName= in³
5606UnitsVolume UScubic-inchlong-one-nominative{0} cubic inch {0} fodfedd giwbig
5607UnitsVolume UScubic-inchlong-other-nominative{0} cubic inches {0} modfedd giwbig
5608UnitsVolume UScubic-inchshort-other-nominative= {0} in³
5609UnitsVolume UScubic-inchnarrow-one-nominative= {0}in³
5610UnitsVolume UScubic-inchnarrow-other-nominative= {0}in³
5611UnitsVolume USacre-footlong-displayNameacre-feet erw-droedfeddi
5612UnitsVolume USacre-footshort-displayNameacre ft erw tr
5613UnitsVolume USacre-footlong-zero-nominative{0} ac ft {0} erw-droedfedd
5614UnitsVolume USacre-footlong-one-nominative{0} acre-foot {0} erw-droedfedd
5615UnitsVolume USacre-footlong-two-nominative{0} ac ft {0} erw-droedfedd
5616UnitsVolume USacre-footlong-few-nominative{0} ac ft {0} erw-droedfedd
5617UnitsVolume USacre-footlong-many-nominative{0} ac ft {0} erw-droedfedd
5618UnitsVolume USacre-footlong-other-nominative{0} acre-feet {0} erw-droedfedd
5619UnitsVolume USacre-footshort-other-nominative{0} ac ft {0} erw tr
5620UnitsVolume USbushelshort-displayNamebushels bwsielau
5621UnitsVolume USbushellong-one-nominative{0} bushel {0} bwsiel
5622UnitsVolume USbushellong-other-nominative{0} bushels {0} bwsiel
5623UnitsVolume USbushelshort-other-nominative{0} bu {0} bw
5624UnitsVolume USgallonlong-displayNamegallons galwyni
5625UnitsVolume USgallonshort-displayName= gal
5626UnitsVolume USgallonlong-per{0} per gallon {0} y galwyn
5627UnitsVolume USgallonshort-per{0}/gal US {0}/gal
5628UnitsVolume USgallonlong-zero-nominative{0} gal {0} galwyn
5629UnitsVolume USgallonlong-one-nominative{0} gallon {0} galwyn
5630UnitsVolume USgallonlong-two-nominative{0} gal {0} alwyn
5631UnitsVolume USgallonlong-few-nominative{0} gal {0} galwyn
5632UnitsVolume USgallonlong-many-nominative{0} gal {0} galwyn
5633UnitsVolume USgallonlong-other-nominative{0} gallons {0} galwyn
5634UnitsVolume USgallonshort-other-nominative= {0} gal
5635UnitsVolume USgallonnarrow-zero-nominative{0} gal {0}gal
5636UnitsVolume USgallonnarrow-one-nominative= {0}gal
5637UnitsVolume USgallonnarrow-two-nominative{0} gal {0}gal
5638UnitsVolume USgallonnarrow-few-nominative{0} gal {0}gal
5639UnitsVolume USgallonnarrow-many-nominative{0} gal {0}gal
5640UnitsVolume USgallonnarrow-other-nominative= {0}gal
5641UnitsVolume USquartlong-displayNamequarts chwartiau
5642UnitsVolume USquartshort-displayNameqts qt
5643UnitsVolume USquartlong-zero-nominative{0} qt {0} chwart
5644UnitsVolume USquartlong-one-nominative{0} quart {0} chwart
5645UnitsVolume USquartlong-two-nominative{0} qt {0} gwart
5646UnitsVolume USquartlong-few-nominative{0} qt {0} chwart
5647UnitsVolume USquartlong-many-nominative{0} qt {0} chwart
5648UnitsVolume USquartlong-other-nominative{0} quarts {0} chwart
5649UnitsVolume USquartshort-other-nominative= {0} qt
5650UnitsVolume USquartnarrow-one-nominative= {0}qt
5651UnitsVolume USquartnarrow-other-nominative= {0}qt
5652UnitsVolume USpintshort-displayNamepints peintiau
5653UnitsVolume USpintnarrow-displayName= pt
5654UnitsVolume USpintlong-zero-nominative{0} pt {0} peint
5655UnitsVolume USpintlong-one-nominative{0} pint {0} peint
5656UnitsVolume USpintlong-two-nominative{0} pt {0} beint
5657UnitsVolume USpintlong-few-nominative{0} pt {0} pheint
5658UnitsVolume USpintlong-many-nominative{0} pt {0} pheint
5659UnitsVolume USpintlong-other-nominative{0} pints {0} peint
5660UnitsVolume USpintshort-other-nominative= {0} pt
5661UnitsVolume USpintnarrow-one-nominative= {0}pt
5662UnitsVolume USpintnarrow-other-nominative= {0}pt
5663UnitsVolume UScupshort-displayNamecups cwpaneidiau
5664UnitsVolume UScupnarrow-displayNamecup cwpan
5665UnitsVolume UScuplong-zero-nominative{0} c {0} cwpanaid
5666UnitsVolume UScuplong-one-nominative{0} cup {0} cwpanaid
5667UnitsVolume UScuplong-two-nominative{0} c {0} gwpanaid
5668UnitsVolume UScuplong-few-nominative{0} c {0} cwpanaid
5669UnitsVolume UScuplong-many-nominative{0} c {0} cwpanaid
5670UnitsVolume UScuplong-other-nominative{0} cups {0} cwpanaid
5671UnitsVolume UScupshort-other-nominative= {0} c
5672UnitsVolume UScupnarrow-one-nominative= {0}c
5673UnitsVolume UScupnarrow-other-nominative= {0}c
5674UnitsVolume USfluid-ouncelong-displayNamefluid ounces ownsiau hylifol
5675UnitsVolume USfluid-ounceshort-displayName= fl oz
5676UnitsVolume USfluid-ouncelong-zero-nominative{0} fl oz {0} owns hylifol
5677UnitsVolume USfluid-ouncelong-one-nominative{0} fluid ounce {0} owns hylifol
5678UnitsVolume USfluid-ouncelong-two-nominative{0} fl oz {0} owns hylifol
5679UnitsVolume USfluid-ouncelong-few-nominative{0} fl oz {0} owns hylifol
5680UnitsVolume USfluid-ouncelong-many-nominative{0} fl oz {0} owns hylifol
5681UnitsVolume USfluid-ouncelong-other-nominative{0} fluid ounces {0} owns hylifol
5682UnitsVolume USfluid-ounceshort-other-nominative= {0} fl oz
5683UnitsVolume UStablespoonlong-displayNametablespoons llond llwy fwrdd
5684UnitsVolume UStablespoonshort-displayName= tbsp
5685UnitsVolume UStablespoonlong-zero-nominative{0} tbsp {0} llond llwy fwrdd
5686UnitsVolume UStablespoonlong-one-nominative{0} tablespoon {0} llond llwy fwrdd
5687UnitsVolume UStablespoonlong-two-nominative{0} tbsp {0} lond llwy fwrdd
5688UnitsVolume UStablespoonlong-few-nominative{0} tbsp {0} llond llwy fwrdd
5689UnitsVolume UStablespoonlong-many-nominative{0} tbsp {0} llond llwy fwrdd
5690UnitsVolume UStablespoonlong-other-nominative{0} tablespoons {0} llond llwy fwrdd
5691UnitsVolume UStablespoonshort-other-nominative= {0} tbsp
5692UnitsVolume UStablespoonnarrow-one-nominative= {0}tbsp
5693UnitsVolume UStablespoonnarrow-other-nominative= {0}tbsp
5694UnitsVolume USteaspoonlong-displayNameteaspoons llond llwy de
5695UnitsVolume USteaspoonshort-displayName= tsp
5696UnitsVolume USteaspoonlong-zero-nominative{0} tsp {0} llond llwy de
5697UnitsVolume USteaspoonlong-one-nominative{0} teaspoon {0} llond llwy de
5698UnitsVolume USteaspoonlong-two-nominative{0} tsp {0} lond llwy de
5699UnitsVolume USteaspoonlong-few-nominative{0} tsp {0} llond llwy de
5700UnitsVolume USteaspoonlong-many-nominative{0} tsp {0} llond llwy de
5701UnitsVolume USteaspoonlong-other-nominative{0} teaspoons {0} llond llwy de
5702UnitsVolume USteaspoonshort-other-nominative= {0} tsp
5703UnitsVolume USbarrellong-displayNamebarrels bareli
5704UnitsVolume USbarrelshort-displayNamebarrel barel
5705UnitsVolume USbarrellong-one-nominative{0} barrel {0} barel
5706UnitsVolume USbarrellong-other-nominative{0} barrels {0} barel
5707UnitsVolume USbarrelshort-other-nominative= {0} bbl
5708UnitsVolume USdessert-spoonlong-displayNamedessert spoons llond llwy bwdin
5709UnitsVolume USdessert-spoonshort-displayNamedessert spoons dstspn
5710UnitsVolume USdessert-spoonlong-one-nominative{0} dessert spoon {0} llond llwy bwdin
5711UnitsVolume USdessert-spoonlong-other-nominative{0} dessert spoons {0} llond llwy bwdin
5712UnitsVolume USdessert-spoonshort-other-nominative{0} dsp {0} dstspn
5713UnitsVolume USdropshort-displayNamedrops diferyn
5714UnitsVolume USdropnarrow-displayName= dr
5715UnitsVolume USdropshort-two-nominative{0} drdrops {0} ddiferyn
5716UnitsVolume USdropshort-other-nominative{0} drdrops {0} diferyn
5717UnitsVolume USdropnarrow-one-nominative= {0}dr
5718UnitsVolume USdropnarrow-two-nominative{0} drdrops {0} diferyn
5719UnitsVolume USdropnarrow-other-nominative= {0}dr
5720UnitsVolume USdramshort-displayNamedrams dracmon hylifol
5721UnitsVolume USdramnarrow-displayName= fl.dr.
5722UnitsVolume USdramshort-two-nominative{0} drams {0} ddracmon hy
5723UnitsVolume USdramshort-other-nominative{0} drams {0} dracmon hy
5724UnitsVolume USdramnarrow-zero-nominative{0} drams {0} dram fl
5725UnitsVolume USdramnarrow-one-nominative= {0}fl.dr.
5726UnitsVolume USdramnarrow-two-nominative{0} drams {0} dram fl
5727UnitsVolume USdramnarrow-few-nominative{0} drams {0} dram fl
5728UnitsVolume USdramnarrow-many-nominative{0} drams {0} dram fl
5729UnitsVolume USdramnarrow-other-nominative= {0}fl.dr.
5730UnitsVolume USjiggershort-displayNamejiggers joch
5731UnitsVolume USjiggershort-other-nominative{0} jiggers {0} joch
5732UnitsVolume USjiggernarrow-one-nominative{0}jigger {0}joch
5733UnitsVolume USjiggernarrow-other-nominative{0}jigger {0}joch
5734UnitsVolume USpinchshort-displayNamepinches pinsiad
5735UnitsVolume USpinchshort-two-nominative{0} pn {0} binsiad
5736UnitsVolume USpinchshort-few-nominative{0} pn {0} phinsiad
5737UnitsVolume USpinchshort-other-nominative{0} pn {0} pinsiad
5738UnitsVolume USpinchnarrow-one-nominative= {0}pn
5739UnitsVolume USpinchnarrow-other-nominative= {0}pn
5740UnitsVolume Othergallon-imperiallong-displayNameImp. gallons Galwyni Imp.
5741UnitsVolume Othergallon-imperialshort-displayNameImp. gal Gal Imp.
5742UnitsVolume Othergallon-imperialnarrow-displayName= Imp gal
5743UnitsVolume Othergallon-imperiallong-per{0} per Imp. gallon {0} y galwyn Imp.
5744UnitsVolume Othergallon-imperialshort-per{0}/galImp {0}/gal Imp.
5745UnitsVolume Othergallon-imperialnarrow-per= {0}/galIm
5746UnitsVolume Othergallon-imperiallong-zero-nominative{0} gal Imp. {0} galwyn Imp.
5747UnitsVolume Othergallon-imperiallong-one-nominative{0} Imp. gallon {0} galwyn Imp.
5748UnitsVolume Othergallon-imperiallong-two-nominative{0} gal Imp. {0} galwyn Imp.
5749UnitsVolume Othergallon-imperiallong-few-nominative{0} gal Imp. {0} galwyn Imp.
5750UnitsVolume Othergallon-imperiallong-many-nominative{0} gal Imp. {0} galwyn Imp.
5751UnitsVolume Othergallon-imperiallong-other-nominative{0} Imp. gallons {0} galwyn Imp.
5752UnitsVolume Othergallon-imperialshort-other-nominative= {0} gal Imp.
5753UnitsVolume Othergallon-imperialnarrow-one-nominative= {0}galIm
5754UnitsVolume Othergallon-imperialnarrow-other-nominative= {0}galIm
5755UnitsVolume Otherfluid-ounce-imperiallong-displayNameImp. fluid ounces Ownsiau hylifol Imp.
5756UnitsVolume Otherfluid-ounce-imperialshort-displayName= Imp. fl oz
5757UnitsVolume Otherfluid-ounce-imperiallong-one-nominative{0} Imp. fluid ounce {0} owns hylifol Imp.
5758UnitsVolume Otherfluid-ounce-imperiallong-other-nominative{0} Imp. fluid ounces {0} owns hylifol Imp.
5759UnitsVolume Otherfluid-ounce-imperialshort-other-nominative= {0} fl oz Imp.
5760UnitsVolume Otherfluid-ounce-imperialnarrow-one-nominative= {0}fl oz Im
5761UnitsVolume Otherfluid-ounce-imperialnarrow-other-nominative= {0}fl oz Im
5762UnitsVolume Otherdessert-spoon-imperiallong-displayNameImp. dessert spoons llond llwy bwdin imp.
5763UnitsVolume Otherdessert-spoon-imperialshort-displayNameImp. dessert spoons dstspn Imp
5764UnitsVolume Otherdessert-spoon-imperialnarrow-displayName= dsp Imp
5765UnitsVolume Otherdessert-spoon-imperiallong-one-nominative{0} Imp. dessert spoon {0} llond llwy bwdin imp.
5766UnitsVolume Otherdessert-spoon-imperiallong-other-nominative{0} Imp. dessert spoons {0} llond llwy bwdin imp.
5767UnitsVolume Otherdessert-spoon-imperialshort-other-nominative{0} dsp-Imp. {0} dstspn Imp
5768UnitsVolume Otherdessert-spoon-imperialnarrow-one-nominative= {0}dsp-Imp
5769UnitsVolume Otherdessert-spoon-imperialnarrow-other-nominative= {0}dsp-Imp
5770UnitsVolume Otherquart-imperiallong-displayNameImp. quarts chwart Imp
5771UnitsVolume Otherquart-imperialshort-displayNameImp. quarts cht Imp.
5772UnitsVolume Otherquart-imperialnarrow-displayName= qt Imp
5773UnitsVolume Otherquart-imperialshort-other-nominative{0} qt-Imp. {0} cht Imp.
5774UnitsVolume Otherquart-imperialnarrow-zero-nominative{0} qt-Imp. {0} qt Imp.
5775UnitsVolume Otherquart-imperialnarrow-one-nominative= {0}qt-Imp.
5776UnitsVolume Otherquart-imperialnarrow-two-nominative{0} qt-Imp. {0} qt Imp.
5777UnitsVolume Otherquart-imperialnarrow-few-nominative{0} qt-Imp. {0} qt Imp.
5778UnitsVolume Otherquart-imperialnarrow-many-nominative{0} qt-Imp. {0} qt Imp.
5779UnitsVolume Otherquart-imperialnarrow-other-nominative= {0}qt-Imp.
5780UnitsSpeed and Accelerationg-forceshort-displayNameg-force grym disgyrchedd
5781UnitsSpeed and Accelerationg-forcelong-one-nominative{0} g-force {0} grym disgyrchedd
5782UnitsSpeed and Accelerationg-forcelong-other-nominative{0} g-force {0} grym disgyrchedd
5783UnitsSpeed and Accelerationg-forceshort-other-nominative= {0} G
5784UnitsSpeed and Accelerationg-forcenarrow-zero-nominative{0} G {0}G
5785UnitsSpeed and Accelerationg-forcenarrow-one-nominative= {0}G
5786UnitsSpeed and Accelerationg-forcenarrow-two-nominative{0} G {0}G
5787UnitsSpeed and Accelerationg-forcenarrow-few-nominative{0} G {0}G
5788UnitsSpeed and Accelerationg-forcenarrow-many-nominative{0} G {0}G
5789UnitsSpeed and Accelerationg-forcenarrow-other-nominative{0}Gs {0}G
5790UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-square-secondlong-displayNamemeters per second squared metrau yr eiliad sgwâr
5791UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-square-secondshort-displayNamemeters/sec² metrau/eil²
5792UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-square-secondlong-one-nominative{0} meter per second squared {0} metr yr eiliad sgwâr
5793UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-square-secondlong-other-nominative{0} meters per second squared {0} metr yr eiliad sgwâr
5794UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-square-secondshort-other-nominative{0} m/s² {0} m/eil²
5795UnitsSpeed and Accelerationkilometer-per-hourlong-displayNamekilometers per hour cilometrau yr awr
5796UnitsSpeed and Accelerationkilometer-per-hourshort-displayNamekm/hour km/h
5797UnitsSpeed and Accelerationkilometer-per-hourlong-zero-nominative{0} km/h {0} cilometr yr awr
5798UnitsSpeed and Accelerationkilometer-per-hourlong-one-nominative{0} kilometer per hour {0} cilometr yr awr
5799UnitsSpeed and Accelerationkilometer-per-hourlong-two-nominative{0} km/h {0} gilometr yr awr
5800UnitsSpeed and Accelerationkilometer-per-hourlong-few-nominative{0} km/h {0} chilometr yr awr
5801UnitsSpeed and Accelerationkilometer-per-hourlong-many-nominative{0} km/h {0} chilometr yr awr
5802UnitsSpeed and Accelerationkilometer-per-hourlong-other-nominative{0} kilometers per hour {0} cilometr yr awr
5803UnitsSpeed and Accelerationkilometer-per-hourshort-other-nominative= {0} km/h
5804UnitsSpeed and Accelerationkilometer-per-hournarrow-zero-nominative{0} km/h {0}km/h
5805UnitsSpeed and Accelerationkilometer-per-hournarrow-one-nominative= {0}km/h
5806UnitsSpeed and Accelerationkilometer-per-hournarrow-two-nominative{0} km/h {0}km/h
5807UnitsSpeed and Accelerationkilometer-per-hournarrow-few-nominative{0} km/h {0}km/h
5808UnitsSpeed and Accelerationkilometer-per-hournarrow-many-nominative{0} km/h {0}km/h
5809UnitsSpeed and Accelerationkilometer-per-hournarrow-other-nominative= {0}km/h
5810UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-secondlong-displayNamemeters per second metrau yr eiliad
5811UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-secondshort-displayNamemeters/sec metrau/eil
5812UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-secondnarrow-displayName= m/s
5813UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-secondlong-zero-nominative{0} m/s {0} metr yr eiliad
5814UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-secondlong-one-nominative{0} meter per second {0} metr yr eiliad
5815UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-secondlong-two-nominative{0} m/s {0} fetr yr eiliad
5816UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-secondlong-few-nominative{0} m/s {0} metr yr eiliad
5817UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-secondlong-many-nominative{0} m/s {0} metr yr eiliad
5818UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-secondlong-other-nominative{0} meters per second {0} metr yr eiliad
5819UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-secondshort-other-nominative= {0} m/s
5820UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-secondnarrow-zero-nominative{0} m/s {0}m/s
5821UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-secondnarrow-one-nominative= {0}m/s
5822UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-secondnarrow-two-nominative{0} m/s {0}m/s
5823UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-secondnarrow-few-nominative{0} m/s {0}m/s
5824UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-secondnarrow-many-nominative{0} m/s {0}m/s
5825UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-secondnarrow-other-nominative= {0}m/s
5826UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmile-per-hourlong-displayNamemiles per hour milltiroedd yr awr
5827UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmile-per-hourshort-displayNamemiles/hour milltir/awr
5828UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmile-per-hournarrow-displayNamemi/hr m.y.a.
5829UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmile-per-hourlong-zero-nominative{0} mph {0} milltir yr awr
5830UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmile-per-hourlong-one-nominative{0} mile per hour {0} filltir yr awr
5831UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmile-per-hourlong-two-nominative{0} mph {0} filltir yr awr
5832UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmile-per-hourlong-few-nominative{0} mph {0} milltir yr awr
5833UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmile-per-hourlong-many-nominative{0} mph {0} milltir yr awr
5834UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmile-per-hourlong-other-nominative{0} miles per hour {0} milltir yr awr
5835UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmile-per-hourshort-other-nominative{0} mph {0} m.y.a.
5836UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmile-per-hournarrow-zero-nominative{0} mph {0}m.y.a.
5837UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmile-per-hournarrow-one-nominative{0}mph {0}m.y.a.
5838UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmile-per-hournarrow-two-nominative{0} mph {0}m.y.a.
5839UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmile-per-hournarrow-few-nominative{0} mph {0}m.y.a.
5840UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmile-per-hournarrow-many-nominative{0} mph {0}m.y.a.
5841UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmile-per-hournarrow-other-nominative{0}mph {0}m.y.a.
5842UnitsSpeed and Accelerationknotshort-displayNamekn notiau
5843UnitsSpeed and Accelerationknotnarrow-displayNamekn not
5844UnitsSpeed and Accelerationknotshort-other-nominative{0} kn {0} not
5845UnitsSpeed and Accelerationknotnarrow-zero-nominative{0} kn {0}not
5846UnitsSpeed and Accelerationknotnarrow-one-nominative{0}kn {0}not
5847UnitsSpeed and Accelerationknotnarrow-two-nominative{0} kn {0}not
5848UnitsSpeed and Accelerationknotnarrow-few-nominative{0} kn {0}not
5849UnitsSpeed and Accelerationknotnarrow-many-nominative{0} kn {0}not
5850UnitsSpeed and Accelerationknotnarrow-other-nominative{0}kn {0}not
5851UnitsSpeed and Accelerationbeaufortlong-displayName= Beaufort
5852UnitsSpeed and Accelerationbeaufortshort-displayName= Bft
5853UnitsSpeed and Accelerationbeaufortlong-one-nominative= Beaufort {0}
5854UnitsSpeed and Accelerationbeaufortlong-other-nominative= Beaufort {0}
5855UnitsSpeed and Accelerationbeaufortshort-other-nominative= B {0}
5856UnitsSpeed and Accelerationbeaufortnarrow-one-nominative= B{0}
5857UnitsSpeed and Accelerationbeaufortnarrow-other-nominative= B{0}
5858UnitsSpeed and Accelerationlight-speedlong-displayNamelight golau
5859UnitsSpeed and Accelerationlight-speedshort-displayNamelight golau
5860UnitsSpeed and Accelerationlight-speednarrow-displayNamelight golau
5861UnitsSpeed and Accelerationlight-speedlong-zero-nominative{0} light golau
5862UnitsSpeed and Accelerationlight-speedlong-one-nominative{0} light golau
5863UnitsSpeed and Accelerationlight-speedlong-two-nominative{0} light golau
5864UnitsSpeed and Accelerationlight-speedlong-few-nominative{0} light golau
5865UnitsSpeed and Accelerationlight-speedlong-many-nominative{0} light golau
5866UnitsSpeed and Accelerationlight-speedlong-other-nominative{0} light {0} golau
5867UnitsSpeed and Accelerationlight-speedshort-zero-nominative{0} light golau
5868UnitsSpeed and Accelerationlight-speedshort-one-nominative{0} light {0} golau
5869UnitsSpeed and Accelerationlight-speedshort-two-nominative{0} light {0} golau
5870UnitsSpeed and Accelerationlight-speedshort-few-nominative{0} light {0} golau
5871UnitsSpeed and Accelerationlight-speedshort-many-nominative{0} light {0} golau
5872UnitsSpeed and Accelerationlight-speedshort-other-nominative{0} light {0} golau
5873UnitsSpeed and Accelerationlight-speednarrow-zero-nominative{0} light {0} golau
5874UnitsSpeed and Accelerationlight-speednarrow-one-nominative{0}light {0} golau
5875UnitsSpeed and Accelerationlight-speednarrow-two-nominative{0} light {0} golau
5876UnitsSpeed and Accelerationlight-speednarrow-few-nominative{0} light {0} golau
5877UnitsSpeed and Accelerationlight-speednarrow-many-nominative{0} light {0} golau
5878UnitsSpeed and Accelerationlight-speednarrow-other-nominative{0}light {0} golau
5879UnitsMass and Weighttonnelong-displayNamemetric tons tunelli metrig
5880UnitsMass and Weighttonneshort-displayName= t
5881UnitsMass and Weighttonnelong-one-nominative{0} metric ton {0} dunnell fetrig
5882UnitsMass and Weighttonnelong-other-nominative{0} metric tons {0} tunnell fetrig
5883UnitsMass and Weighttonneshort-other-nominative= {0} t
5884UnitsMass and Weighttonnenarrow-zero-nominative{0} t {0}t
5885UnitsMass and Weighttonnenarrow-one-nominative= {0}t
5886UnitsMass and Weighttonnenarrow-two-nominative{0} t {0}t
5887UnitsMass and Weighttonnenarrow-few-nominative{0} t {0}t
5888UnitsMass and Weighttonnenarrow-many-nominative{0} t {0}t
5889UnitsMass and Weighttonnenarrow-other-nominative= {0}t
5890UnitsMass and Weightkilogramlong-displayNamekilograms cilogramau
5891UnitsMass and Weightkilogramshort-displayName= kg
5892UnitsMass and Weightkilogramlong-per{0} per kilogram {0} y cilogram
5893UnitsMass and Weightkilogramshort-per= {0}/kg
5894UnitsMass and Weightkilogramlong-one-nominative{0} kilogram {0} cilogram
5895UnitsMass and Weightkilogramlong-other-nominative{0} kilograms {0} cilogram
5896UnitsMass and Weightkilogramshort-other-nominative= {0} kg
5897UnitsMass and Weightkilogramnarrow-other-nominative= {0}kg
5898UnitsMass and Weightgramshort-displayNamegrams gramau
5899UnitsMass and Weightgramnarrow-displayName= gram
5900UnitsMass and Weightgramlong-per{0} per gram {0} y gram
5901UnitsMass and Weightgramshort-per= {0}/g
5902UnitsMass and Weightgramlong-one-nominative= {0} gram
5903UnitsMass and Weightgramlong-other-nominative{0} grams {0} gram
5904UnitsMass and Weightgramshort-other-nominative= {0} g
5905UnitsMass and Weightgramnarrow-zero-nominative{0} g {0}g
5906UnitsMass and Weightgramnarrow-one-nominative= {0}g
5907UnitsMass and Weightgramnarrow-two-nominative{0} g {0}g
5908UnitsMass and Weightgramnarrow-few-nominative{0} g {0}g
5909UnitsMass and Weightgramnarrow-many-nominative{0} g {0}g
5910UnitsMass and Weightgramnarrow-other-nominative= {0}g
5911UnitsMass and Weightmilligramlong-displayNamemilligrams miligramau
5912UnitsMass and Weightmilligramshort-displayName= mg
5913UnitsMass and Weightmilligramlong-zero-nominative{0} mg {0} miligram
5914UnitsMass and Weightmilligramlong-one-nominative{0} milligram {0} miligram
5915UnitsMass and Weightmilligramlong-two-nominative{0} mg {0} filigram
5916UnitsMass and Weightmilligramlong-other-nominative{0} milligrams {0} miligram
5917UnitsMass and Weightmilligramshort-other-nominative= {0} mg
5918UnitsMass and Weightmilligramnarrow-zero-nominative{0} mg {0}mg
5919UnitsMass and Weightmilligramnarrow-one-nominative= {0}mg
5920UnitsMass and Weightmilligramnarrow-two-nominative{0} mg {0}mg
5921UnitsMass and Weightmilligramnarrow-few-nominative{0} mg {0}mg
5922UnitsMass and Weightmilligramnarrow-many-nominative{0} mg {0}mg
5923UnitsMass and Weightmilligramnarrow-other-nominative= {0}mg
5924UnitsMass and Weightmicrogramlong-displayNamemicrograms microgramau
5925UnitsMass and Weightmicrogramshort-displayName= μg
5926UnitsMass and Weightmicrogramlong-one-nominative= {0} microgram
5927UnitsMass and Weightmicrogramlong-other-nominative{0} micrograms {0} microgram
5928UnitsMass and Weightmicrogramshort-other-nominative= {0} μg
5929UnitsMass and Weightmicrogramnarrow-zero-nominative{0} μg {0}μg
5930UnitsMass and Weightmicrogramnarrow-one-nominative= {0}μg
5931UnitsMass and Weightmicrogramnarrow-two-nominative{0} μg {0}μg
5932UnitsMass and Weightmicrogramnarrow-few-nominative{0} μg {0}μg
5933UnitsMass and Weightmicrogramnarrow-many-nominative{0} μg {0}μg
5934UnitsMass and Weightmicrogramnarrow-other-nominative= {0}μg
5935UnitsMass and Weighttonlong-displayNametons tunelli
5936UnitsMass and Weighttonshort-displayNametons tn
5937UnitsMass and Weighttonlong-one-nominative{0} ton {0} dunnell
5938UnitsMass and Weighttonlong-two-nominative{0} tn {0} dunnell
5939UnitsMass and Weighttonlong-few-nominative{0} tn {0} tunnell
5940UnitsMass and Weighttonlong-many-nominative{0} tn {0} tunnell
5941UnitsMass and Weighttonlong-other-nominative{0} tons {0} tunnell
5942UnitsMass and Weighttonshort-other-nominative= {0} tn
5943UnitsMass and Weightstoneshort-displayNamestones stonau
5944UnitsMass and Weightstonenarrow-displayNamestone stôn
5945UnitsMass and Weightstonelong-zero-nominative{0} st {0} stôn
5946UnitsMass and Weightstonelong-one-nominative{0} stone {0} stôn
5947UnitsMass and Weightstonelong-two-nominative{0} st {0} stôn
5948UnitsMass and Weightstonelong-few-nominative{0} st {0} stôn
5949UnitsMass and Weightstonelong-many-nominative{0} st {0} stôn
5950UnitsMass and Weightstonelong-other-nominative{0} stones {0} stôn
5951UnitsMass and Weightstoneshort-other-nominative= {0} st
5952UnitsMass and Weightstonenarrow-zero-nominative{0} st {0}st
5953UnitsMass and Weightstonenarrow-one-nominative= {0}st
5954UnitsMass and Weightstonenarrow-two-nominative{0} st {0}st
5955UnitsMass and Weightstonenarrow-few-nominative{0} st {0}st
5956UnitsMass and Weightstonenarrow-many-nominative{0} st {0}st
5957UnitsMass and Weightstonenarrow-other-nominative= {0}st
5958UnitsMass and Weightpoundshort-displayNamepounds pwysi
5959UnitsMass and Weightpoundnarrow-displayNamelb pwys
5960UnitsMass and Weightpoundlong-per{0} per pound {0} y pwys
5961UnitsMass and Weightpoundshort-per{0}/lb {0}/pwys
5962UnitsMass and Weightpoundshort-two-nominative{0} lb {0} bwys
5963UnitsMass and Weightpoundshort-few-nominative{0} lb {0} phwys
5964UnitsMass and Weightpoundshort-many-nominative{0} lb {0} phwys
5965UnitsMass and Weightpoundshort-other-nominative{0} lb {0} pwys
5966UnitsMass and Weightpoundnarrow-zero-nominative{0} lb {0}pwys
5967UnitsMass and Weightpoundnarrow-one-nominative{0}# {0}pwys
5968UnitsMass and Weightpoundnarrow-two-nominative{0} lb {0}bwys
5969UnitsMass and Weightpoundnarrow-few-nominative{0} lb {0}phwys
5970UnitsMass and Weightpoundnarrow-many-nominative{0} lb {0}phwys
5971UnitsMass and Weightpoundnarrow-other-nominative{0}# {0}pwys
5972UnitsMass and Weightouncelong-displayNameounces ownsys
5973UnitsMass and Weightounceshort-displayNameoz owns
5974UnitsMass and Weightouncelong-per{0} per ounce {0} yr owns
5975UnitsMass and Weightounceshort-per{0}/oz {0}/owns
5976UnitsMass and Weightounceshort-other-nominative{0} oz {0} owns
5977UnitsMass and Weightouncenarrow-zero-nominative{0} oz {0}owns
5978UnitsMass and Weightouncenarrow-one-nominative{0}oz {0}owns
5979UnitsMass and Weightouncenarrow-two-nominative{0} oz {0}owns
5980UnitsMass and Weightouncenarrow-few-nominative{0} oz {0}owns
5981UnitsMass and Weightouncenarrow-many-nominative{0} oz {0}owns
5982UnitsMass and Weightouncenarrow-other-nominative{0}oz {0}owns
5983UnitsMass and Weightounce-troylong-displayNametroy ounces ownsiau pwysau aur
5984UnitsMass and Weightounce-troyshort-displayNameoz troy oz t
5985UnitsMass and Weightounce-troylong-zero-nominative{0} oz t {0} owns pwysau aur
5986UnitsMass and Weightounce-troylong-one-nominative{0} troy ounce {0} owns pwysau aur
5987UnitsMass and Weightounce-troylong-two-nominative{0} oz t {0} owns pwysau aur
5988UnitsMass and Weightounce-troylong-few-nominative{0} oz t {0} owns pwysau aur
5989UnitsMass and Weightounce-troylong-many-nominative{0} oz t {0} owns pwysau aur
5990UnitsMass and Weightounce-troylong-other-nominative{0} troy ounces {0} owns pwysau aur
5991UnitsMass and Weightounce-troyshort-other-nominative= {0} oz t
5992UnitsMass and Weightcaratshort-displayNamecarats caratau
5993UnitsMass and Weightcaratnarrow-displayName= carat
5994UnitsMass and Weightcaratlong-zero-nominative{0} CD {0} carat
5995UnitsMass and Weightcaratlong-one-nominative= {0} carat
5996UnitsMass and Weightcaratlong-other-nominative{0} carats {0} carat
5997UnitsMass and Weightcaratshort-other-nominative= {0} CD
5998UnitsMass and Weightcaratnarrow-zero-nominative{0} CD {0}CD
5999UnitsMass and Weightcaratnarrow-one-nominative= {0}CD
6000UnitsMass and Weightcaratnarrow-two-nominative{0} CD {0}CD
6001UnitsMass and Weightcaratnarrow-few-nominative{0} CD {0}CD
6002UnitsMass and Weightcaratnarrow-many-nominative{0} CD {0}CD
6003UnitsMass and Weightcaratnarrow-other-nominative= {0}CD
6004UnitsMass and Weightdaltonshort-displayNamedaltons daltonau
6005UnitsMass and Weightdaltonlong-one-nominative= {0} dalton
6006UnitsMass and Weightdaltonlong-other-nominative{0} daltons {0} dalton
6007UnitsMass and Weightdaltonshort-other-nominative= {0} Da
6008UnitsMass and Weightearth-massshort-displayNameEarth masses masau ddaear
6009UnitsMass and Weightearth-masslong-one-nominative{0} Earth mass {0} más ddaear
6010UnitsMass and Weightearth-masslong-other-nominative{0} Earth masses {0} más ddaear
6011UnitsMass and Weightearth-massshort-other-nominative= {0} M⊕
6012UnitsMass and Weightsolar-massshort-displayNamesolar masses masau solar
6013UnitsMass and Weightsolar-masslong-one-nominative{0} solar mass {0} más solar
6014UnitsMass and Weightsolar-masslong-other-nominative{0} solar masses {0} más solar
6015UnitsMass and Weightsolar-massshort-other-nominative= {0} M☉
6016UnitsMass and Weightgrainshort-displayNamegrains graen
6017UnitsMass and Weightgrainshort-two-nominative{0} gr {0} raen
6018UnitsMass and Weightgrainshort-other-nominative{0} gr {0} graen
6019UnitsEnergy and Powerkilocalorielong-displayNamekilocalories cilocalorïau
6020UnitsEnergy and Powerkilocalorieshort-displayName= kcal
6021UnitsEnergy and Powerkilocalorielong-one-nominative{0} kilocalorie {0} cilocalori
6022UnitsEnergy and Powerkilocalorielong-other-nominative{0} kilocalories {0} cilocalori
6023UnitsEnergy and Powerkilocalorieshort-other-nominative= {0} kcal
6024UnitsEnergy and Powerkilocalorienarrow-zero-nominative{0} kcal {0}kcal
6025UnitsEnergy and Powerkilocalorienarrow-one-nominative= {0}kcal
6026UnitsEnergy and Powerkilocalorienarrow-two-nominative{0} kcal {0}kcal
6027UnitsEnergy and Powerkilocalorienarrow-few-nominative{0} kcal {0}kcal
6028UnitsEnergy and Powerkilocalorienarrow-many-nominative{0} kcal {0}kcal
6029UnitsEnergy and Powerkilocalorienarrow-other-nominative= {0}kcal
6030UnitsEnergy and Powercalorielong-displayNamecalories calorïau
6031UnitsEnergy and Powercalorieshort-displayName= cal
6032UnitsEnergy and Powercalorielong-one-nominative{0} calorie {0} calori
6033UnitsEnergy and Powercalorielong-other-nominative{0} calories {0} calori
6034UnitsEnergy and Powercalorieshort-other-nominative= {0} cal
6035UnitsEnergy and Powercalorienarrow-zero-nominative{0} cal {0}cal
6036UnitsEnergy and Powercalorienarrow-one-nominative= {0}cal
6037UnitsEnergy and Powercalorienarrow-two-nominative{0} cal {0}cal
6038UnitsEnergy and Powercalorienarrow-few-nominative{0} cal {0}cal
6039UnitsEnergy and Powercalorienarrow-many-nominative{0} cal {0}cal
6040UnitsEnergy and Powercalorienarrow-other-nominative= {0}cal
6041UnitsEnergy and Powerfoodcalorielong-displayNameCalories Calorïau
6042UnitsEnergy and Powerfoodcalorieshort-displayName= Cal
6043UnitsEnergy and Powerfoodcalorielong-one-nominative{0} Calorie {0} Calori
6044UnitsEnergy and Powerfoodcalorielong-other-nominative{0} Calories {0} Calori
6045UnitsEnergy and Powerfoodcalorieshort-one-nominative= {0} Cal
6046UnitsEnergy and Powerfoodcalorieshort-other-nominative= {0} Cal
6047UnitsEnergy and Powerfoodcalorienarrow-one-nominative= {0}Cal
6048UnitsEnergy and Powerfoodcalorienarrow-other-nominative= {0}Cal
6049UnitsEnergy and Powerkilojouleshort-displayNamekilojoule cilojouleau
6050UnitsEnergy and Powerkilojoulenarrow-displayName= kJ
6051UnitsEnergy and Powerkilojoulelong-one-nominative{0} kilojoule {0} cilojoule
6052UnitsEnergy and Powerkilojoulelong-other-nominative{0} kilojoules {0} cilojoule
6053UnitsEnergy and Powerkilojouleshort-other-nominative= {0} kJ
6054UnitsEnergy and Powerkilojoulenarrow-zero-nominative{0} kJ {0}kj
6055UnitsEnergy and Powerkilojoulenarrow-one-nominative{0}kJ {0}kj
6056UnitsEnergy and Powerkilojoulenarrow-two-nominative{0} kJ {0}kj
6057UnitsEnergy and Powerkilojoulenarrow-few-nominative{0} kJ {0}kj
6058UnitsEnergy and Powerkilojoulenarrow-many-nominative{0} kJ {0}kj
6059UnitsEnergy and Powerkilojoulenarrow-other-nominative{0}kJ {0}kj
6060UnitsEnergy and Powerjouleshort-displayNamejoules jouleau
6061UnitsEnergy and Powerjoulenarrow-displayName= joule
6062UnitsEnergy and Powerjoulelong-one-nominative= {0} joule
6063UnitsEnergy and Powerjoulelong-other-nominative{0} joules {0} joule
6064UnitsEnergy and Powerjouleshort-other-nominative= {0} J
6065UnitsEnergy and Powerjoulenarrow-zero-nominative{0} J {0}J
6066UnitsEnergy and Powerjoulenarrow-one-nominative= {0}J
6067UnitsEnergy and Powerjoulenarrow-two-nominative{0} J {0}J
6068UnitsEnergy and Powerjoulenarrow-few-nominative{0} J {0}J
6069UnitsEnergy and Powerjoulenarrow-many-nominative{0} J {0}J
6070UnitsEnergy and Powerjoulenarrow-other-nominative= {0}J
6071UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowatt-hourlong-displayNamekilowatt-hours cilowat oriau
6072UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowatt-hourshort-displayNamekW-hour kW-awr
6073UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowatt-hourlong-one-nominative{0} kilowatt hour {0} cilowat awr
6074UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowatt-hourlong-other-nominative{0} kilowatt-hours {0} cilowat awr
6075UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowatt-hourshort-other-nominative{0} kWh {0} kW-awr
6076UnitsEnergy and Powerelectronvoltlong-displayNameelectronvolts electronfoltiau
6077UnitsEnergy and Powerelectronvoltshort-displayNameelectronvolt electronfolt
6078UnitsEnergy and Powerelectronvoltlong-one-nominative{0} electronvolt {0} electronfolt
6079UnitsEnergy and Powerelectronvoltlong-other-nominative{0} electronvolts {0} electronfolt
6080UnitsEnergy and Powerelectronvoltshort-other-nominative= {0} eV
6081UnitsEnergy and Powerbritish-thermal-unitlong-displayNameBritish thermal units unedau thermol Prydain
6082UnitsEnergy and Powerbritish-thermal-unitshort-displayName= BTU
6083UnitsEnergy and Powerbritish-thermal-unitlong-one-nominative{0} British thermal unit {0} uned thermol Prydain
6084UnitsEnergy and Powerbritish-thermal-unitlong-other-nominative{0} British thermal units {0} uned thermol Prydain
6085UnitsEnergy and Powerbritish-thermal-unitshort-other-nominative= {0} Btu
6086UnitsEnergy and Powertherm-usshort-displayName= US therm
6087UnitsEnergy and Powertherm-usshort-other-nominative{0} US therms {0} US therm
6088UnitsEnergy and Powergigawattlong-displayNamegigawatts gigawatiau
6089UnitsEnergy and Powergigawattshort-displayName= GW
6090UnitsEnergy and Powergigawattlong-zero-nominative{0} GW {0} gigawat
6091UnitsEnergy and Powergigawattlong-one-nominative{0} gigawatt {0} gigawat
6092UnitsEnergy and Powergigawattlong-two-nominative{0} GW {0} gigawat
6093UnitsEnergy and Powergigawattlong-few-nominative{0} GW {0} gigawat
6094UnitsEnergy and Powergigawattlong-many-nominative{0} GW {0} gigawat
6095UnitsEnergy and Powergigawattlong-other-nominative{0} gigawatts {0} gigawat
6096UnitsEnergy and Powergigawattshort-other-nominative= {0} GW
6097UnitsEnergy and Powergigawattnarrow-zero-nominative{0} GW {0}GW
6098UnitsEnergy and Powergigawattnarrow-one-nominative= {0}GW
6099UnitsEnergy and Powergigawattnarrow-two-nominative{0} GW {0}GW
6100UnitsEnergy and Powergigawattnarrow-few-nominative{0} GW {0}GW
6101UnitsEnergy and Powergigawattnarrow-many-nominative{0} GW {0}GW
6102UnitsEnergy and Powergigawattnarrow-other-nominative= {0}GW
6103UnitsEnergy and Powermegawattlong-displayNamemegawatts megawatiau
6104UnitsEnergy and Powermegawattshort-displayName= MW
6105UnitsEnergy and Powermegawattlong-zero-nominative{0} MW {0} megawat
6106UnitsEnergy and Powermegawattlong-one-nominative{0} megawatt {0} megawat
6107UnitsEnergy and Powermegawattlong-two-nominative{0} MW {0} fegawat
6108UnitsEnergy and Powermegawattlong-other-nominative{0} megawatts {0} megawat
6109UnitsEnergy and Powermegawattshort-other-nominative= {0} MW
6110UnitsEnergy and Powermegawattnarrow-zero-nominative{0} MW {0}MW
6111UnitsEnergy and Powermegawattnarrow-one-nominative= {0}MW
6112UnitsEnergy and Powermegawattnarrow-two-nominative{0} MW {0}MW
6113UnitsEnergy and Powermegawattnarrow-few-nominative{0} MW {0}MW
6114UnitsEnergy and Powermegawattnarrow-many-nominative{0} MW {0}MW
6115UnitsEnergy and Powermegawattnarrow-other-nominative= {0}MW
6116UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowattlong-displayNamekilowatts cilowatiau
6117UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowattshort-displayName= kW
6118UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowattlong-one-nominative{0} kilowatt {0} cilowat
6119UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowattlong-other-nominative{0} kilowatts {0} cilowat
6120UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowattshort-other-nominative= {0} kW
6121UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowattnarrow-zero-nominative{0} kW {0}kW
6122UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowattnarrow-one-nominative= {0}kW
6123UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowattnarrow-two-nominative{0} kW {0}kW
6124UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowattnarrow-few-nominative{0} kW {0}kW
6125UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowattnarrow-many-nominative{0} kW {0}kW
6126UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowattnarrow-other-nominative= {0}kW
6127UnitsEnergy and Powerwattshort-displayNamewatts watiau
6128UnitsEnergy and Powerwattnarrow-displayNamewatt wat
6129UnitsEnergy and Powerwattlong-zero-nominative{0} W {0} wat
6130UnitsEnergy and Powerwattlong-one-nominative{0} watt {0} wat
6131UnitsEnergy and Powerwattlong-two-nominative{0} W {0} wat
6132UnitsEnergy and Powerwattlong-few-nominative{0} W {0} wat
6133UnitsEnergy and Powerwattlong-many-nominative{0} W {0} wat
6134UnitsEnergy and Powerwattlong-other-nominative{0} watts {0} wat
6135UnitsEnergy and Powerwattshort-other-nominative= {0} W
6136UnitsEnergy and Powerwattnarrow-zero-nominative{0} W {0}W
6137UnitsEnergy and Powerwattnarrow-one-nominative= {0}W
6138UnitsEnergy and Powerwattnarrow-two-nominative{0} W {0}W
6139UnitsEnergy and Powerwattnarrow-few-nominative{0} W {0}W
6140UnitsEnergy and Powerwattnarrow-many-nominative{0} W {0}W
6141UnitsEnergy and Powerwattnarrow-other-nominative= {0}W
6142UnitsEnergy and Powermilliwattlong-displayNamemilliwatts miliwatiau
6143UnitsEnergy and Powermilliwattshort-displayName= mW
6144UnitsEnergy and Powermilliwattlong-one-nominative{0} milliwatt {0} miliwat
6145UnitsEnergy and Powermilliwattlong-other-nominative{0} milliwatts {0} miliwat
6146UnitsEnergy and Powermilliwattshort-other-nominative= {0} mW
6147UnitsEnergy and Powermilliwattnarrow-zero-nominative{0} mW {0}mW
6148UnitsEnergy and Powermilliwattnarrow-one-nominative= {0}mW
6149UnitsEnergy and Powermilliwattnarrow-two-nominative{0} mW {0}mW
6150UnitsEnergy and Powermilliwattnarrow-few-nominative{0} mW {0}mW
6151UnitsEnergy and Powermilliwattnarrow-many-nominative{0} mW {0}mW
6152UnitsEnergy and Powermilliwattnarrow-other-nominative= {0}mW
6153UnitsEnergy and Powerhorsepowerlong-displayNamehorsepower marchnerth
6154UnitsEnergy and Powerhorsepowershort-displayName= hp
6155UnitsEnergy and Powerhorsepowerlong-one-nominative{0} horsepower {0} marchnerth
6156UnitsEnergy and Powerhorsepowerlong-other-nominative{0} horsepower {0} marchnerth
6157UnitsEnergy and Powerhorsepowershort-other-nominative= {0} hp
6158UnitsEnergy and Powerhorsepowernarrow-zero-nominative{0} hp {0}hp
6159UnitsEnergy and Powerhorsepowernarrow-one-nominative= {0}hp
6160UnitsEnergy and Powerhorsepowernarrow-two-nominative{0} hp {0}hp
6161UnitsEnergy and Powerhorsepowernarrow-few-nominative{0} hp {0}hp
6162UnitsEnergy and Powerhorsepowernarrow-many-nominative{0} hp {0}hp
6163UnitsEnergy and Powerhorsepowernarrow-other-nominative= {0}hp
6164UnitsElectrical and Frequencyamperelong-displayNameamperes amperau
6165UnitsElectrical and Frequencyampereshort-displayNameamps ampau
6166UnitsElectrical and Frequencyamperenarrow-displayName= amp
6167UnitsElectrical and Frequencyamperelong-one-nominative{0} ampere {0} amper
6168UnitsElectrical and Frequencyamperelong-other-nominative{0} amperes {0} amper
6169UnitsElectrical and Frequencyampereshort-other-nominative= {0} A
6170UnitsElectrical and Frequencyamperenarrow-zero-nominative{0} A {0}A
6171UnitsElectrical and Frequencyamperenarrow-one-nominative= {0}A
6172UnitsElectrical and Frequencyamperenarrow-two-nominative{0} A {0}A
6173UnitsElectrical and Frequencyamperenarrow-few-nominative{0} A {0}A
6174UnitsElectrical and Frequencyamperenarrow-many-nominative{0} A {0}A
6175UnitsElectrical and Frequencyamperenarrow-other-nominative= {0}A
6176UnitsElectrical and Frequencymilliamperelong-displayNamemilliamperes miliamperau
6177UnitsElectrical and Frequencymilliampereshort-displayNamemilliamps miliampau
6178UnitsElectrical and Frequencymilliamperenarrow-displayName= mA
6179UnitsElectrical and Frequencymilliamperelong-one-nominative{0} milliampere {0} miliamper
6180UnitsElectrical and Frequencymilliamperelong-other-nominative{0} milliamperes {0} miliamper
6181UnitsElectrical and Frequencymilliampereshort-other-nominative= {0} mA
6182UnitsElectrical and Frequencymilliamperenarrow-zero-nominative{0} mA {0}mA
6183UnitsElectrical and Frequencymilliamperenarrow-one-nominative= {0}mA
6184UnitsElectrical and Frequencymilliamperenarrow-two-nominative{0} mA {0}mA
6185UnitsElectrical and Frequencymilliamperenarrow-few-nominative{0} mA {0}mA
6186UnitsElectrical and Frequencymilliamperenarrow-many-nominative{0} mA {0}mA
6187UnitsElectrical and Frequencymilliamperenarrow-other-nominative= {0}mA
6188UnitsElectrical and Frequencyohmshort-displayNameohms ohmau
6189UnitsElectrical and Frequencyohmnarrow-displayName= ohm
6190UnitsElectrical and Frequencyohmlong-one-nominative= {0} ohm
6191UnitsElectrical and Frequencyohmlong-other-nominative{0} ohms {0} ohm
6192UnitsElectrical and Frequencyohmshort-other-nominative= {0} Ω
6193UnitsElectrical and Frequencyohmnarrow-zero-nominative{0} Ω {0}Ω
6194UnitsElectrical and Frequencyohmnarrow-one-nominative= {0}Ω
6195UnitsElectrical and Frequencyohmnarrow-two-nominative{0} Ω {0}Ω
6196UnitsElectrical and Frequencyohmnarrow-few-nominative{0} Ω {0}Ω
6197UnitsElectrical and Frequencyohmnarrow-many-nominative{0} Ω {0}Ω
6198UnitsElectrical and Frequencyohmnarrow-other-nominative= {0}Ω
6199UnitsElectrical and Frequencyvoltshort-displayNamevolts foltiau
6200UnitsElectrical and Frequencyvoltnarrow-displayNamevolt folt
6201UnitsElectrical and Frequencyvoltlong-one-nominative{0} volt {0} folt
6202UnitsElectrical and Frequencyvoltlong-other-nominative{0} volts {0} folt
6203UnitsElectrical and Frequencyvoltshort-other-nominative= {0} V
6204UnitsElectrical and Frequencyvoltnarrow-zero-nominative{0} V {0}V
6205UnitsElectrical and Frequencyvoltnarrow-one-nominative= {0}V
6206UnitsElectrical and Frequencyvoltnarrow-two-nominative{0} V {0}V
6207UnitsElectrical and Frequencyvoltnarrow-few-nominative{0} V {0}V
6208UnitsElectrical and Frequencyvoltnarrow-many-nominative{0} V {0}V
6209UnitsElectrical and Frequencyvoltnarrow-other-nominative= {0}V
6210UnitsElectrical and Frequencygigahertzlong-displayNamegigahertz gigaherts
6211UnitsElectrical and Frequencygigahertzshort-displayName= GHz
6212UnitsElectrical and Frequencygigahertzlong-one-nominative{0} gigahertz {0} gigaherts
6213UnitsElectrical and Frequencygigahertzlong-other-nominative{0} gigahertz {0} gigaherts
6214UnitsElectrical and Frequencygigahertzshort-other-nominative= {0} GHz
6215UnitsElectrical and Frequencygigahertznarrow-zero-nominative{0} GHz {0}GHz
6216UnitsElectrical and Frequencygigahertznarrow-one-nominative= {0}GHz
6217UnitsElectrical and Frequencygigahertznarrow-two-nominative{0} GHz {0}GHz
6218UnitsElectrical and Frequencygigahertznarrow-few-nominative{0} GHz {0}GHz
6219UnitsElectrical and Frequencygigahertznarrow-many-nominative{0} GHz {0}GHz
6220UnitsElectrical and Frequencygigahertznarrow-other-nominative= {0}GHz
6221UnitsElectrical and Frequencymegahertzlong-displayNamemegahertz megaherts
6222UnitsElectrical and Frequencymegahertzshort-displayName= MHz
6223UnitsElectrical and Frequencymegahertzlong-zero-nominative{0} MHz {0} megaherts
6224UnitsElectrical and Frequencymegahertzlong-one-nominative{0} megahertz {0} megaherts
6225UnitsElectrical and Frequencymegahertzlong-other-nominative{0} megahertz {0} megaherts
6226UnitsElectrical and Frequencymegahertzshort-other-nominative= {0} MHz
6227UnitsElectrical and Frequencymegahertznarrow-zero-nominative{0} MHz {0}MHz
6228UnitsElectrical and Frequencymegahertznarrow-one-nominative= {0}MHz
6229UnitsElectrical and Frequencymegahertznarrow-two-nominative{0} MHz {0}MHz
6230UnitsElectrical and Frequencymegahertznarrow-few-nominative{0} MHz {0}MHz
6231UnitsElectrical and Frequencymegahertznarrow-many-nominative{0} MHz {0}MHz
6232UnitsElectrical and Frequencymegahertznarrow-other-nominative= {0}MHz
6233UnitsElectrical and Frequencykilohertzlong-displayNamekilohertz ciloherts
6234UnitsElectrical and Frequencykilohertzshort-displayName= kHz
6235UnitsElectrical and Frequencykilohertzlong-one-nominative{0} kilohertz {0} ciloherts
6236UnitsElectrical and Frequencykilohertzlong-other-nominative{0} kilohertz {0} ciloherts
6237UnitsElectrical and Frequencykilohertzshort-other-nominative= {0} kHz
6238UnitsElectrical and Frequencykilohertznarrow-zero-nominative{0} kHz {0}kHz
6239UnitsElectrical and Frequencykilohertznarrow-one-nominative= {0}kHz
6240UnitsElectrical and Frequencykilohertznarrow-two-nominative{0} kHz {0}kHz
6241UnitsElectrical and Frequencykilohertznarrow-few-nominative{0} kHz {0}kHz
6242UnitsElectrical and Frequencykilohertznarrow-many-nominative{0} kHz {0}kHz
6243UnitsElectrical and Frequencykilohertznarrow-other-nominative= {0}kHz
6244UnitsElectrical and Frequencyhertzlong-displayNamehertz herts
6245UnitsElectrical and Frequencyhertzshort-displayName= Hz
6246UnitsElectrical and Frequencyhertzlong-one-nominative{0} hertz {0} herts
6247UnitsElectrical and Frequencyhertzlong-other-nominative{0} hertz {0} herts
6248UnitsElectrical and Frequencyhertzshort-other-nominative= {0} Hz
6249UnitsElectrical and Frequencyhertznarrow-zero-nominative{0} Hz {0}Hz
6250UnitsElectrical and Frequencyhertznarrow-one-nominative= {0}Hz
6251UnitsElectrical and Frequencyhertznarrow-two-nominative{0} Hz {0}Hz
6252UnitsElectrical and Frequencyhertznarrow-few-nominative{0} Hz {0}Hz
6253UnitsElectrical and Frequencyhertznarrow-many-nominative{0} Hz {0}Hz
6254UnitsElectrical and Frequencyhertznarrow-other-nominative= {0}Hz
6255UnitsWeathermillimeter-ofhglong-displayNamemillimeters of mercury milimetrau o fercwri
6256UnitsWeathermillimeter-ofhgshort-displayName= mmHg
6257UnitsWeathermillimeter-ofhglong-one-nominative{0} millimeter of mercury {0} milimetr o fercwri
6258UnitsWeathermillimeter-ofhglong-other-nominative{0} millimeters of mercury {0} milimetr o fercwri
6259UnitsWeathermillimeter-ofhgshort-other-nominative= {0} mmHg
6260UnitsWeathermillimeter-ofhgnarrow-zero-nominative{0} mmHg {0}mmHg
6261UnitsWeathermillimeter-ofhgnarrow-one-nominative= {0}mmHg
6262UnitsWeathermillimeter-ofhgnarrow-two-nominative{0} mmHg {0}mmHg
6263UnitsWeathermillimeter-ofhgnarrow-few-nominative{0} mmHg {0}mmHg
6264UnitsWeathermillimeter-ofhgnarrow-many-nominative{0} mmHg {0}mmHg
6265UnitsWeathermillimeter-ofhgnarrow-other-nominative= {0}mmHg
6266UnitsWeatherpound-force-per-square-inchlong-displayNamepounds-force per square inch pwysau y fodfedd sgwar
6267UnitsWeatherpound-force-per-square-inchshort-displayName= psi
6268UnitsWeatherpound-force-per-square-inchlong-one-nominative{0} pound-force per square inch {0} pwys y fodfedd sgwar
6269UnitsWeatherpound-force-per-square-inchlong-other-nominative{0} pounds-force per square inch {0} pwys y fodfedd sgwar
6270UnitsWeatherpound-force-per-square-inchshort-other-nominative= {0} psi
6271UnitsWeatherpound-force-per-square-inchnarrow-zero-nominative{0} psi {0}psi
6272UnitsWeatherpound-force-per-square-inchnarrow-one-nominative= {0}psi
6273UnitsWeatherpound-force-per-square-inchnarrow-two-nominative{0} psi {0}psi
6274UnitsWeatherpound-force-per-square-inchnarrow-few-nominative{0} psi {0}psi
6275UnitsWeatherpound-force-per-square-inchnarrow-many-nominative{0} psi {0}psi
6276UnitsWeatherpound-force-per-square-inchnarrow-other-nominative= {0}psi
6277UnitsWeatherinch-ofhglong-displayNameinches of mercury modfeddi o fercwri
6278UnitsWeatherinch-ofhgshort-displayName= inHg
6279UnitsWeatherinch-ofhgnarrow-displayName= ″ Hg
6280UnitsWeatherinch-ofhglong-one-nominative{0} inch of mercury {0} fodfedd o fercwri
6281UnitsWeatherinch-ofhglong-other-nominative{0} inches of mercury {0} modfedd o fercwri
6282UnitsWeatherinch-ofhgshort-other-nominative= {0} inHg
6283UnitsWeatherinch-ofhgnarrow-zero-nominative{0} inHg {0}" Hg
6284UnitsWeatherinch-ofhgnarrow-one-nominative{0}″ Hg {0}" Hg
6285UnitsWeatherinch-ofhgnarrow-two-nominative{0} inHg {0}" Hg
6286UnitsWeatherinch-ofhgnarrow-few-nominative{0} inHg {0}" Hg
6287UnitsWeatherinch-ofhgnarrow-many-nominative{0} inHg {0}" Hg
6288UnitsWeatherinch-ofhgnarrow-other-nominative{0}″ Hg {0}" Hg
6289UnitsWeatherbarshort-displayName= bar
6290UnitsWeatherbarshort-other-nominative= {0} bar
6291UnitsWeathermillibarlong-displayNamemillibars milibarau
6292UnitsWeathermillibarshort-displayName= mbar
6293UnitsWeathermillibarlong-one-nominative{0} millibar {0} milibar
6294UnitsWeathermillibarlong-two-nominative{0} mbar {0} filibar
6295UnitsWeathermillibarlong-few-nominative{0} mbar {0} milibar
6296UnitsWeathermillibarlong-other-nominative{0} millibars {0} milibar
6297UnitsWeathermillibarshort-other-nominative= {0} mbar
6298UnitsWeathermillibarnarrow-zero-nominative{0} mbar {0}mb
6299UnitsWeathermillibarnarrow-one-nominative= {0}mb
6300UnitsWeathermillibarnarrow-two-nominative{0} mbar {0}mb
6301UnitsWeathermillibarnarrow-few-nominative{0} mbar {0}mb
6302UnitsWeathermillibarnarrow-many-nominative{0} mbar {0}mb
6303UnitsWeathermillibarnarrow-other-nominative= {0}mb
6304UnitsWeatheratmospherelong-displayNameatmospheres atmosfferau
6305UnitsWeatheratmosphereshort-displayName= atm
6306UnitsWeatheratmospherelong-one-nominative{0} atmosphere {0} atmosffer
6307UnitsWeatheratmospherelong-other-nominative{0} atmospheres {0} atmosffer
6308UnitsWeatheratmosphereshort-other-nominative= {0} atm
6309UnitsWeatheratmospherenarrow-one-nominative= {0}atm
6310UnitsWeatheratmospherenarrow-other-nominative= {0}atm
6311UnitsWeatherpascallong-displayNamepascals pascalau
6312UnitsWeatherpascalshort-displayName= Pa
6313UnitsWeatherpascallong-one-nominative= {0} pascal
6314UnitsWeatherpascallong-other-nominative{0} pascals {0} pascal
6315UnitsWeatherpascalshort-other-nominative= {0} Pa
6316UnitsWeatherpascalnarrow-one-nominative= {0}Pa
6317UnitsWeatherpascalnarrow-other-nominative= {0}Pa
6318UnitsWeatherhectopascallong-displayNamehectopascals hectopascalau
6319UnitsWeatherhectopascalshort-displayName= hPa
6320UnitsWeatherhectopascallong-one-nominative= {0} hectopascal
6321UnitsWeatherhectopascallong-other-nominative{0} hectopascals {0} hectopascal
6322UnitsWeatherhectopascalshort-other-nominative= {0} hPa
6323UnitsWeatherhectopascalnarrow-zero-nominative{0} hPa {0}hPa
6324UnitsWeatherhectopascalnarrow-one-nominative= {0}hPa
6325UnitsWeatherhectopascalnarrow-two-nominative{0} hPa {0}hPa
6326UnitsWeatherhectopascalnarrow-few-nominative{0} hPa {0}hPa
6327UnitsWeatherhectopascalnarrow-many-nominative{0} hPa {0}hPa
6328UnitsWeatherhectopascalnarrow-other-nominative= {0}hPa
6329UnitsWeatherkilopascallong-displayNamekilopascals cilopascalau
6330UnitsWeatherkilopascalshort-displayName= kPa
6331UnitsWeatherkilopascallong-one-nominative{0} kilopascal {0} cilopascal
6332UnitsWeatherkilopascallong-other-nominative{0} kilopascals {0} cilopascalau
6333UnitsWeatherkilopascalshort-other-nominative= {0} kPa
6334UnitsWeathermegapascallong-displayNamemegapascals megapascalau
6335UnitsWeathermegapascalshort-displayName= MPa
6336UnitsWeathermegapascallong-one-nominative= {0} megapascal
6337UnitsWeathermegapascallong-other-nominative{0} megapascals {0} megapascalau
6338UnitsWeathermegapascalshort-other-nominative= {0} MPa
6339UnitsWeathergenericshort-displayNamedeg. temp. °
6340UnitsWeathergenericshort-other-nominative= {0}°
6341UnitsWeathercelsiuslong-displayNamedegrees Celsius graddau Celsius
6342UnitsWeathercelsiusshort-displayNamedeg. C gradd C
6343UnitsWeathercelsiusnarrow-displayName= °C
6344UnitsWeathercelsiuslong-zero-nominative{0}°C {0} gradd Celsius
6345UnitsWeathercelsiuslong-one-nominative{0} degree Celsius {0} radd Celsius
6346UnitsWeathercelsiuslong-other-nominative{0} degrees Celsius {0} gradd Celsius
6347UnitsWeathercelsiusshort-other-nominative= {0}°C
6348UnitsWeathercelsiusnarrow-zero-nominative{0}°C {0}°
6349UnitsWeatherfahrenheitlong-displayNamedegrees Fahrenheit gradd Fahrenheit
6350UnitsWeatherfahrenheitshort-displayNamedeg. F gradd F
6351UnitsWeatherfahrenheitnarrow-displayName= °F
6352UnitsWeatherfahrenheitlong-one-nominative{0} degree Fahrenheit {0} radd Fahrenheit
6353UnitsWeatherfahrenheitlong-other-nominative{0} degrees Fahrenheit {0} gradd Fahrenheit
6354UnitsWeatherfahrenheitshort-other-nominative= {0}°F
6355UnitsWeatherkelvinlong-displayNamekelvins celfinau
6356UnitsWeatherkelvinshort-displayName= K
6357UnitsWeatherkelvinlong-one-nominative{0} kelvin {0} celfin
6358UnitsWeatherkelvinlong-other-nominative{0} kelvins {0} celfin
6359UnitsWeatherkelvinshort-other-nominative= {0} K
6360UnitsWeatherkelvinnarrow-zero-nominative{0} K {0}K
6361UnitsWeatherkelvinnarrow-one-nominative= {0}K
6362UnitsWeatherkelvinnarrow-two-nominative{0} K {0}K
6363UnitsWeatherkelvinnarrow-few-nominative{0} K {0}K
6364UnitsWeatherkelvinnarrow-many-nominative{0} K {0}K
6365UnitsWeatherkelvinnarrow-other-nominative= {0}K
6366UnitsDigitalpetabytelong-displayNamepetabytes petabyte
6367UnitsDigitalpetabyteshort-displayName= PByte
6368UnitsDigitalpetabytelong-one-nominative= {0} petabyte
6369UnitsDigitalpetabytelong-other-nominative{0} petabytes {0} petabyte
6370UnitsDigitalpetabyteshort-other-nominative= {0} PB
6371UnitsDigitalterabytelong-displayNameterabytes terabeitiau
6372UnitsDigitalterabyteshort-displayNameTByte TBeit
6373UnitsDigitalterabytelong-one-nominative{0} terabyte {0} terabeit
6374UnitsDigitalterabytelong-other-nominative{0} terabytes {0} terabeit
6375UnitsDigitalterabyteshort-other-nominative= {0} TB
6376UnitsDigitalterabytenarrow-zero-nominative{0} TB {0}TB
6377UnitsDigitalterabytenarrow-one-nominative= {0}TB
6378UnitsDigitalterabytenarrow-two-nominative{0} TB {0}TB
6379UnitsDigitalterabytenarrow-few-nominative{0} TB {0}TB
6380UnitsDigitalterabytenarrow-many-nominative{0} TB {0}TB
6381UnitsDigitalterabytenarrow-other-nominative= {0}TB
6382UnitsDigitalterabitlong-displayNameterabits teradidau
6383UnitsDigitalterabitshort-displayNameTbit Tb
6384UnitsDigitalterabitlong-one-nominative{0} terabit {0} teradid
6385UnitsDigitalterabitlong-other-nominative{0} terabits {0} teradid
6386UnitsDigitalterabitshort-other-nominative= {0} Tb
6387UnitsDigitalgigabytelong-displayNamegigabytes gigabeitiau
6388UnitsDigitalgigabyteshort-displayNameGByte GBeit
6389UnitsDigitalgigabytelong-one-nominative{0} gigabyte {0} gigabeit
6390UnitsDigitalgigabytelong-other-nominative{0} gigabytes {0} gigabeit
6391UnitsDigitalgigabyteshort-other-nominative= {0} GB
6392UnitsDigitalgigabytenarrow-zero-nominative{0} GB {0}GB
6393UnitsDigitalgigabytenarrow-one-nominative= {0}GB
6394UnitsDigitalgigabytenarrow-two-nominative{0} GB {0}GB
6395UnitsDigitalgigabytenarrow-few-nominative{0} GB {0}GB
6396UnitsDigitalgigabytenarrow-many-nominative{0} GB {0}GB
6397UnitsDigitalgigabytenarrow-other-nominative= {0}GB
6398UnitsDigitalgigabitlong-displayNamegigabits gigadidau
6399UnitsDigitalgigabitshort-displayName= Gbit
6400UnitsDigitalgigabitnarrow-displayName= Gb
6401UnitsDigitalgigabitlong-one-nominative{0} gigabit {0} gigadid
6402UnitsDigitalgigabitlong-other-nominative{0} gigabits {0} gigadid
6403UnitsDigitalgigabitshort-other-nominative= {0} Gb
6404UnitsDigitalgigabitnarrow-zero-nominative{0} Gb {0}Gb
6405UnitsDigitalgigabitnarrow-one-nominative= {0}Gb
6406UnitsDigitalgigabitnarrow-two-nominative{0} Gb {0}Gb
6407UnitsDigitalgigabitnarrow-few-nominative{0} Gb {0}Gb
6408UnitsDigitalgigabitnarrow-many-nominative{0} Gb {0}Gb
6409UnitsDigitalgigabitnarrow-other-nominative= {0}Gb
6410UnitsDigitalmegabytelong-displayNamemegabytes megabeitiau
6411UnitsDigitalmegabyteshort-displayNameMByte MBeit
6412UnitsDigitalmegabytenarrow-displayName= MB
6413UnitsDigitalmegabytelong-one-nominative{0} megabyte {0} megabeit
6414UnitsDigitalmegabytelong-other-nominative{0} megabytes {0} megabeit
6415UnitsDigitalmegabyteshort-other-nominative= {0} MB
6416UnitsDigitalmegabytenarrow-one-nominative= {0}MB
6417UnitsDigitalmegabytenarrow-other-nominative= {0}MB
6418UnitsDigitalmegabitlong-displayNamemegabits megadidau
6419UnitsDigitalmegabitshort-displayName= Mbit
6420UnitsDigitalmegabitlong-one-nominative{0} megabit {0} megadid
6421UnitsDigitalmegabitlong-other-nominative{0} megabits {0} megadid
6422UnitsDigitalmegabitshort-other-nominative= {0} Mb
6423UnitsDigitalkilobytelong-displayNamekilobytes cilobeitiau
6424UnitsDigitalkilobyteshort-displayNamekByte kBeit
6425UnitsDigitalkilobytelong-one-nominative{0} kilobyte {0} cilobeit
6426UnitsDigitalkilobytelong-other-nominative{0} kilobytes {0} cilobeit
6427UnitsDigitalkilobyteshort-other-nominative= {0} kB
6428UnitsDigitalkilobytenarrow-one-nominative= {0}kB
6429UnitsDigitalkilobytenarrow-other-nominative= {0}kB
6430UnitsDigitalkilobitlong-displayNamekilobits cilodidau
6431UnitsDigitalkilobitshort-displayName= kbit
6432UnitsDigitalkilobitnarrow-displayName= kb
6433UnitsDigitalkilobitlong-one-nominative{0} kilobit {0} cilodid
6434UnitsDigitalkilobitlong-other-nominative{0} kilobits {0} cilodid
6435UnitsDigitalkilobitshort-other-nominative= {0} kb
6436UnitsDigitalkilobitnarrow-one-nominative= {0}kb
6437UnitsDigitalkilobitnarrow-other-nominative= {0}kb
6438UnitsDigitalbytelong-displayNamebytes beitiau
6439UnitsDigitalbyteshort-displayNamebyte beit
6440UnitsDigitalbytenarrow-displayName= B
6441UnitsDigitalbyteshort-two-nominative{0} byte {0} feit
6442UnitsDigitalbyteshort-other-nominative{0} byte {0} beit
6443UnitsDigitalbytenarrow-one-nominative= {0}B
6444UnitsDigitalbytenarrow-other-nominative= {0}B
6445UnitsDigitalbitlong-displayNamebits didau
6446UnitsDigitalbitshort-displayNamebit did
6447UnitsDigitalbitshort-other-nominative{0} bit {0} did
6448UnitsDigitalbitnarrow-zero-nominative{0} bit {0}did
6449UnitsDigitalbitnarrow-one-nominative{0}bit {0}did
6450UnitsDigitalbitnarrow-two-nominative{0} bit {0}ddid
6451UnitsDigitalbitnarrow-few-nominative{0} bit {0}did
6452UnitsDigitalbitnarrow-many-nominative{0} bit {0}did
6453UnitsDigitalbitnarrow-other-nominative{0}bit {0}did
6454UnitsCoordinateseastlong{0} east {0} i’r dwyrain
6455UnitsCoordinateseastnarrow{0}E {0}dn
6456UnitsCoordinateseastshort{0} E {0} dn
6457UnitsCoordinatesnorthlong{0} north {0} i’r gogledd
6458UnitsCoordinatesnorthnarrow{0}N {0}g
6459UnitsCoordinatesnorthshort{0} N {0} g
6460UnitsCoordinatessouthlong{0} south {0} i’r de
6461UnitsCoordinatessouthnarrow{0}S {0}d
6462UnitsCoordinatessouthshort{0} S {0} d
6463UnitsCoordinateswestlong{0} west {0} i’r gorllewin
6464UnitsCoordinateswestnarrow{0}W {0}gn
6465UnitsCoordinateswestshort{0} W {0} gn
6466UnitsCoordinatesalllong-displayNamecardinal direction cyfeiriad cardinal
6467UnitsCoordinatesallshort-displayNamedirection cyfeiriad
6468UnitsOther Units Metricrevolutionlong-displayNamerevolutions cylchdroeon
6469UnitsOther Units Metricrevolutionshort-displayNamerev cylchdro
6470UnitsOther Units Metricrevolutionnarrow-displayName= rev
6471UnitsOther Units Metricrevolutionlong-few-nominative{0} rev {0} cylchdro
6472UnitsOther Units Metricrevolutionshort-two-nominative{0} rev {0} gylchdro
6473UnitsOther Units Metricrevolutionshort-few-nominative{0} rev {0} chylchdro
6474UnitsOther Units Metricrevolutionshort-other-nominative{0} rev {0} cylchdro
6475UnitsOther Units Metricrevolutionnarrow-zero-nominative= {0} rev
6476UnitsOther Units Metricrevolutionnarrow-one-nominative= {0}rev
6477UnitsOther Units Metricrevolutionnarrow-two-nominative= {0} rev
6478UnitsOther Units Metricrevolutionnarrow-few-nominative= {0} rev
6479UnitsOther Units Metricrevolutionnarrow-many-nominative= {0} rev
6480UnitsOther Units Metricrevolutionnarrow-other-nominative= {0}rev
6481UnitsOther Units Metricradianshort-displayNameradians radianau
6482UnitsOther Units Metricradiannarrow-displayName= rad
6483UnitsOther Units Metricradianlong-one-nominative= {0} radian
6484UnitsOther Units Metricradianlong-two-nominative{0} rad {0} radian
6485UnitsOther Units Metricradianlong-few-nominative{0} rad {0} radian
6486UnitsOther Units Metricradianlong-other-nominative{0} radians {0} radian
6487UnitsOther Units Metricradianshort-other-nominative= {0} rad
6488UnitsOther Units Metricradiannarrow-one-nominative= {0}rad
6489UnitsOther Units Metricradiannarrow-other-nominative= {0}rad
6490UnitsOther Units Metricdegreelong-displayNamedegrees graddau
6491UnitsOther Units Metricdegreeshort-displayNamedegrees gradd
6492UnitsOther Units Metricdegreelong-zero-nominative{0} deg {0} gradd
6493UnitsOther Units Metricdegreelong-one-nominative{0} degree {0} radd
6494UnitsOther Units Metricdegreelong-two-nominative{0} deg {0} radd
6495UnitsOther Units Metricdegreelong-few-nominative{0} deg {0} gradd
6496UnitsOther Units Metricdegreelong-many-nominative{0} deg {0} gradd
6497UnitsOther Units Metricdegreelong-other-nominative{0} degrees {0} gradd
6498UnitsOther Units Metricdegreeshort-other-nominative{0} deg {0}°
6499UnitsOther Units Metricdegreenarrow-zero-nominative{0} deg {0} gradd
6500UnitsOther Units Metricdegreenarrow-two-nominative{0} deg {0} radd
6501UnitsOther Units Metricdegreenarrow-few-nominative{0} deg {0} gradd
6502UnitsOther Units Metricdegreenarrow-many-nominative{0} deg {0} gradd
6503UnitsOther Units Metricarc-minuteshort-displayNamearcmins archfunudau
6504UnitsOther Units Metricarc-minutelong-zero-nominative{0} arcmins {0} archfunud
6505UnitsOther Units Metricarc-minutelong-one-nominative{0} arcminute {0} archfunud
6506UnitsOther Units Metricarc-minutelong-two-nominative{0} arcmins {0} archfunud
6507UnitsOther Units Metricarc-minutelong-few-nominative{0} arcmins {0} archfunud
6508UnitsOther Units Metricarc-minutelong-many-nominative{0} arcmins {0} archfunud
6509UnitsOther Units Metricarc-minutelong-other-nominative{0} arcminutes {0} archfunud
6510UnitsOther Units Metricarc-minuteshort-other-nominative{0} arcmins {0} archfun
6511UnitsOther Units Metricarc-minutenarrow-one-nominative= {0}′
6512UnitsOther Units Metricarc-minutenarrow-other-nominative= {0}′
6513UnitsOther Units Metricarc-secondshort-displayNamearcsecs archeiliadau
6514UnitsOther Units Metricarc-secondnarrow-displayNamearcsec archeiliad
6515UnitsOther Units Metricarc-secondshort-other-nominative{0} arcsecs {0} archeiliad
6516UnitsOther Units Metricarc-secondnarrow-zero-nominative{0} arcsecs {0}″
6517UnitsOther Units Metricarc-secondnarrow-one-nominative= {0}″
6518UnitsOther Units Metricarc-secondnarrow-two-nominative{0} arcsecs {0}″
6519UnitsOther Units Metricarc-secondnarrow-few-nominative{0} arcsecs {0}″
6520UnitsOther Units Metricarc-secondnarrow-many-nominative{0} arcsecs {0}″
6521UnitsOther Units Metricarc-secondnarrow-other-nominative= {0}″
6522UnitsOther Units Metrickaratshort-displayNamekarats karatau
6523UnitsOther Units Metrickaratnarrow-displayNamekarat carat
6524UnitsOther Units Metrickaratlong-zero-nominative{0} kt {0} karat
6525UnitsOther Units Metrickaratlong-one-nominative= {0} karat
6526UnitsOther Units Metrickaratlong-other-nominative{0} karats {0} karat
6527UnitsOther Units Metrickaratshort-other-nominative= {0} kt
6528UnitsOther Units Metrickaratnarrow-one-nominative= {0}kt
6529UnitsOther Units Metrickaratnarrow-other-nominative= {0}kt
6530UnitsOther Units Metricitemshort-displayNameitem eitem
6531UnitsOther Units Metricitemshort-other-nominative{0} items {0} eitem
6532UnitsOther Units Metricmolelong-displayNamemoles molau
6533UnitsOther Units Metricmoleshort-displayNamemole môl
6534UnitsOther Units Metricmoleshort-other-nominative{0} mol {0} môl
6535UnitsOther Units Metricnewtonlong-displayNamenewtons newtonau
6536UnitsOther Units Metricnewtonshort-displayName= newton
6537UnitsOther Units Metricnewtonnarrow-displayName= N
6538UnitsOther Units Metricnewtonlong-one-nominative= {0} newton
6539UnitsOther Units Metricnewtonlong-other-nominative{0} newtons {0} newton
6540UnitsOther Units Metricnewtonshort-other-nominative= {0} N
6541UnitsOther Units Metricluxshort-displayNamelux lycsau
6542UnitsOther Units Metricluxnarrow-displayNamelux lwcs
6543UnitsOther Units Metricluxlong-zero-nominative{0} lx {0} lwcs
6544UnitsOther Units Metricluxlong-one-nominative{0} lux {0} lwcs
6545UnitsOther Units Metricluxlong-other-nominative{0} lux {0} lwcs
6546UnitsOther Units Metricluxshort-other-nominative= {0} lx
6547UnitsOther Units Metricluxnarrow-zero-nominative{0} lx {0}lx
6548UnitsOther Units Metricluxnarrow-one-nominative= {0}lx
6549UnitsOther Units Metricluxnarrow-two-nominative{0} lx {0}lx
6550UnitsOther Units Metricluxnarrow-few-nominative{0} lx {0}lx
6551UnitsOther Units Metricluxnarrow-many-nominative{0} lx {0}lx
6552UnitsOther Units Metricluxnarrow-other-nominative= {0}lx
6553UnitsOther Units Metriccandelalong-displayName= candela
6554UnitsOther Units Metriccandelashort-displayNamecandela cd
6555UnitsOther Units Metriccandelashort-other-nominative= {0} cd
6556UnitsOther Units Metriccandelanarrow-one-nominative= {0}cd
6557UnitsOther Units Metriccandelanarrow-other-nominative= {0}cd
6558UnitsOther Units Metriclumenlong-displayNamelumen lwmen
6559UnitsOther Units Metriclumenshort-displayNamelumen lm
6560UnitsOther Units Metriclumenshort-other-nominative= {0} lm
6561UnitsOther Units Metriclumennarrow-one-nominative= {0}lm
6562UnitsOther Units Metriclumennarrow-other-nominative= {0}lm
6563UnitsOther Units Metricnewton-meterlong-displayNamenewton-meters newton-metrau
6564UnitsOther Units Metricnewton-metershort-displayName= N⋅m
6565UnitsOther Units Metricnewton-meterlong-one-nominative{0} newton-meter {0} newton-metr
6566UnitsOther Units Metricnewton-meterlong-other-nominative{0} newton-meters {0} newton-metrau
6567UnitsOther Units Metricnewton-metershort-other-nominative= {0} N⋅m
6568UnitsOther Units Metricnewton-meternarrow-one-nominative= {0}N⋅m
6569UnitsOther Units Metricnewton-meternarrow-other-nominative= {0}N⋅m
6570UnitsOther Units Metric Permilligram-ofglucose-per-deciliterlong-displayNamemilligrams per deciliter miligramau y declilitr
6571UnitsOther Units Metric Permilligram-ofglucose-per-decilitershort-displayName= mg/dL
6572UnitsOther Units Metric Permilligram-ofglucose-per-deciliterlong-one-nominative{0} milligram per deciliter {0} miligram y decilitr
6573UnitsOther Units Metric Permilligram-ofglucose-per-deciliterlong-other-nominative{0} milligrams per deciliter {0} miligram y decilitr
6574UnitsOther Units Metric Permilligram-ofglucose-per-decilitershort-other-nominative= {0} mg/dL
6575UnitsOther Units Metric Permillimole-per-literlong-displayNamemillimoles per liter milimolau y litr
6576UnitsOther Units Metric Permillimole-per-litershort-displayNamemillimol/liter milimôl/litr
6577UnitsOther Units Metric Permillimole-per-literlong-one-nominative{0} millimole per liter {0} milimôl y litr
6578UnitsOther Units Metric Permillimole-per-literlong-other-nominative{0} millimoles per liter {0} milimôl y litr
6579UnitsOther Units Metric Permillimole-per-litershort-other-nominative= {0} mmol/L
6580UnitsOther Units Metric Perpermillionlong-displayNameparts per million rhannau pob miliwn
6581UnitsOther Units Metric Perpermillionshort-displayNameparts/million rhan/miliwn
6582UnitsOther Units Metric Perpermillionlong-zero-nominative{0} ppm {0} rhan pob miliwn
6583UnitsOther Units Metric Perpermillionlong-one-nominative{0} part per million {0} rhan pob miliwn
6584UnitsOther Units Metric Perpermillionlong-two-nominative{0} ppm {0} ran pob miliwn
6585UnitsOther Units Metric Perpermillionlong-few-nominative{0} ppm {0} rhan pob miliwn
6586UnitsOther Units Metric Perpermillionlong-many-nominative{0} ppm {0} rhan pob miliwn
6587UnitsOther Units Metric Perpermillionlong-other-nominative{0} parts per million {0} rhan pob miliwn
6588UnitsOther Units Metric Perpermillionshort-other-nominative= {0} ppm
6589UnitsOther Units Metric Perpercentshort-displayNamepercent y cant
6590UnitsOther Units Metric Perpercentnarrow-displayName= %
6591UnitsOther Units Metric Perpercentlong-one-nominative{0} percent {0} y cant
6592UnitsOther Units Metric Perpercentlong-other-nominative{0} percent {0} y cant
6593UnitsOther Units Metric Perpercentshort-other-nominative= {0}%
6594UnitsOther Units Metric Perpermilleshort-displayName= permille
6595UnitsOther Units Metric Perpermillelong-one-nominative= {0} permille
6596UnitsOther Units Metric Perpermillelong-other-nominative= {0} permille
6597UnitsOther Units Metric Perpermilleshort-other-nominative= {0}‰
6598UnitsOther Units Metric Perpermyriadshort-displayName= permyriad
6599UnitsOther Units Metric Perpermyriadlong-one-nominative= {0} permyriad
6600UnitsOther Units Metric Perpermyriadlong-other-nominative= {0} permyriad
6601UnitsOther Units Metric Perpermyriadshort-other-nominative= {0}‱
6602UnitsOther Units Metric Perliter-per-kilometerlong-displayNameliters per kilometer litrau y cilometr
6603UnitsOther Units Metric Perliter-per-kilometershort-displayNameliters/km litrau/km
6604UnitsOther Units Metric Perliter-per-kilometernarrow-displayName= L/km
6605UnitsOther Units Metric Perliter-per-kilometerlong-one-nominative{0} liter per kilometer {0} litr y cilometr
6606UnitsOther Units Metric Perliter-per-kilometerlong-other-nominative{0} liters per kilometer {0} litr y cilometr
6607UnitsOther Units Metric Perliter-per-kilometershort-other-nominative= {0} L/km
6608UnitsOther Units Metric Perliter-per-kilometernarrow-zero-nominative{0} L/km {0}L/km
6609UnitsOther Units Metric Perliter-per-kilometernarrow-one-nominative= {0}L/km
6610UnitsOther Units Metric Perliter-per-kilometernarrow-two-nominative{0} L/km {0}L/km
6611UnitsOther Units Metric Perliter-per-kilometernarrow-few-nominative{0} L/km {0}L/km
6612UnitsOther Units Metric Perliter-per-kilometernarrow-many-nominative{0} L/km {0}L/km
6613UnitsOther Units Metric Perliter-per-kilometernarrow-other-nominative= {0}L/km
6614UnitsOther Units Metric Perliter-per-100-kilometerlong-displayNameliters per 100 kilometers litrau y 100 cilometr
6615UnitsOther Units Metric Perliter-per-100-kilometershort-displayNameL/100 km L/100km
6616UnitsOther Units Metric Perliter-per-100-kilometerlong-one-nominative{0} liter per 100 kilometers {0} litr y 100 cilometr
6617UnitsOther Units Metric Perliter-per-100-kilometerlong-other-nominative{0} liters per 100 kilometers {0} litr y 100 cilometr
6618UnitsOther Units Metric Perliter-per-100-kilometershort-other-nominative{0} L/100 km {0} L/100km
6619UnitsOther Units Metric Perliter-per-100-kilometernarrow-zero-nominative{0} L/100 km {0}L/100km
6620UnitsOther Units Metric Perliter-per-100-kilometernarrow-one-nominative= {0}L/100km
6621UnitsOther Units Metric Perliter-per-100-kilometernarrow-two-nominative{0} L/100 km {0}L/100km
6622UnitsOther Units Metric Perliter-per-100-kilometernarrow-few-nominative{0} L/100 km {0}L/100km
6623UnitsOther Units Metric Perliter-per-100-kilometernarrow-many-nominative{0} L/100 km {0}L/100km
6624UnitsOther Units Metric Perliter-per-100-kilometernarrow-other-nominative= {0}L/100km
6625UnitsOther Units Metric Perkilowatt-hour-per-100-kilometerlong-displayNamekilowatt-hours per 100 kilometers cilowat-awr fesul 100 cilomedr
6626UnitsOther Units Metric Perkilowatt-hour-per-100-kilometershort-displayName= kWh/100km
6627UnitsOther Units Metric Perkilowatt-hour-per-100-kilometerlong-one-nominative{0} kilowatt-hour per 100 kilometers {0} cilowat-awr fesul 100 cilomedr
6628UnitsOther Units Metric Perkilowatt-hour-per-100-kilometerlong-other-nominative{0} kilowatt-hours per 100 kilometers {0} cilowat-awr fesul 100 cilomedr
6629UnitsOther Units Metric Perkilowatt-hour-per-100-kilometershort-other-nominative= {0} kWh/100km
6630UnitsOther Units Metric Perkilowatt-hour-per-100-kilometernarrow-one-nominative= {0}kWh/100km
6631UnitsOther Units Metric Perkilowatt-hour-per-100-kilometernarrow-other-nominative= {0}kWh/100km
6632UnitsOther Units Metric Perportion-per-1e9long-displayNameparts per billion rhannau fesul biliwn
6633UnitsOther Units Metric Perportion-per-1e9short-displayNameparts/billion rhannau/biliwn
6634UnitsOther Units Metric Perportion-per-1e9long-zero-nominative{0} ppb ppb
6635UnitsOther Units Metric Perportion-per-1e9long-one-nominative{0} part per billion {0} rhan fesul biliwn
6636UnitsOther Units Metric Perportion-per-1e9long-two-nominative{0} ppb {0} rhan fesul biliwn
6637UnitsOther Units Metric Perportion-per-1e9long-few-nominative{0} ppb {0} rhan fesul biliwn
6638UnitsOther Units Metric Perportion-per-1e9long-many-nominative{0} ppb {0} rhan fesul biliwn
6639UnitsOther Units Metric Perportion-per-1e9long-other-nominative{0} parts per billion {0} rhan fesul biliwn
6640UnitsOther Units Metric Perportion-per-1e9short-other-nominative= {0} ppb
6641UnitsOther Units Metric Perportion-per-1e9narrow-one-nominative= {0}ppb
6642UnitsOther Units Metric Perportion-per-1e9narrow-other-nominative= {0}ppb
6643UnitsOther Units USmile-per-gallonlong-displayNamemiles per gallon milltiroedd y galwyn
6644UnitsOther Units USmile-per-gallonshort-displayNamemiles/gal mpg
6645UnitsOther Units USmile-per-gallonlong-one-nominative{0} mile per gallon {0} filltir y galwyn
6646UnitsOther Units USmile-per-gallonlong-other-nominative{0} miles per gallon {0} milltir y galwyn
6647UnitsOther Units USmile-per-gallonshort-other-nominative= {0} mpg
6648UnitsOther Units USpound-forcelong-displayNamepounds of force pwysau o rym
6649UnitsOther Units USpound-forceshort-displayNamepound-force pwys-grym
6650UnitsOther Units USpound-forcenarrow-displayName= lbf
6651UnitsOther Units USpound-forcelong-one-nominative{0} pound of force {0} pwys o rym
6652UnitsOther Units USpound-forcelong-other-nominative{0} pounds of force {0} pwysau o rym
6653UnitsOther Units USpound-forceshort-other-nominative= {0} lbf
6654UnitsOther Units USpound-forcenarrow-one-nominative= {0}lbf
6655UnitsOther Units USpound-forcenarrow-other-nominative= {0}lbf
6656UnitsOther Units USpound-force-footlong-displayNamepound-force-feet pwys-troedfeddi
6657UnitsOther Units USpound-force-footshort-displayName= lbf⋅ft
6658UnitsOther Units USpound-force-footlong-one-nominative{0} pound-force-foot {0} pwys o rym⋅droedfedd
6659UnitsOther Units USpound-force-footlong-other-nominative{0} pound-force-feet {0} pwys-troedfeddi
6660UnitsOther Units USpound-force-footshort-other-nominative= {0} lbf⋅ft
6661UnitsOther Units USpound-force-footnarrow-one-nominative= {0}lbf⋅ft
6662UnitsOther Units USpound-force-footnarrow-other-nominative= {0}lbf⋅ft
6663UnitsOther Unitsmile-per-gallon-imperiallong-displayNamemiles per Imp. gallon milltiroedd y galwyn Imp.
6664UnitsOther Unitsmile-per-gallon-imperialshort-displayNamemiles/gal Imp. milltir/gal Imp.
6665UnitsOther Unitsmile-per-gallon-imperiallong-one-nominative{0} mile per Imp. gallon {0} milltir y galwyn Imp.
6666UnitsOther Unitsmile-per-gallon-imperiallong-other-nominative{0} miles per Imp. gallon {0} milltir y galwyn Imp.
6667UnitsOther Unitsmile-per-gallon-imperialshort-other-nominative= {0} mpg Imp.
6668UnitsOther Unitsmile-per-gallon-imperialnarrow-one-nominative= {0}m/gUK
6669UnitsOther Unitsmile-per-gallon-imperialnarrow-other-nominative= {0}m/gUK
6670UnitsOther Unitssolar-luminosityshort-displayNamesolar luminosities goleueddau solar
6671UnitsOther Unitssolar-luminositynarrow-displayName= L☉
6672UnitsOther Unitssolar-luminositylong-one-nominative{0} solar luminosity {0} goleuedd solar
6673UnitsOther Unitssolar-luminositylong-other-nominative{0} solar luminosities {0} goleueddau solar
6674UnitsOther Unitssolar-luminosityshort-other-nominative= {0} L☉
6675UnitsOther Unitssolar-luminositynarrow-one-nominative= {0}L☉
6676UnitsOther Unitssolar-luminositynarrow-other-nominative= {0}L☉
6677UnitsCompound Units10p-1longdeci{0} desi{0}
6678UnitsCompound Units10p-1short= d{0}
6679UnitsCompound Units10p-2long= centi{0}
6680UnitsCompound Units10p-2short= c{0}
6681UnitsCompound Units10p-3longmilli{0} mili{0}
6682UnitsCompound Units10p-3short= m{0}
6683UnitsCompound Units10p-6long= micro{0}
6684UnitsCompound Units10p-6short= μ{0}
6685UnitsCompound Units10p-9long= nano{0}
6686UnitsCompound Units10p-9short= n{0}
6687UnitsCompound Units10p-12long= pico{0}
6688UnitsCompound Units10p-12short= p{0}
6689UnitsCompound Units10p-15longfemto{0} ffemto{0}
6690UnitsCompound Units10p-15short= f{0}
6691UnitsCompound Units10p-18longatto{0} ato{0}
6692UnitsCompound Units10p-18short= a{0}
6693UnitsCompound Units10p-21long= zepto{0}
6694UnitsCompound Units10p-21short= z{0}
6695UnitsCompound Units10p-24long= yocto{0}
6696UnitsCompound Units10p-24short= y{0}
6697UnitsCompound Units10p-27long= ronto{0}
6698UnitsCompound Units10p-27short= r{0}
6699UnitsCompound Units10p-30long= quecto{0}
6700UnitsCompound Units10p-30short= q{0}
6701UnitsCompound Units10p1longdeka{0} deca{0}
6702UnitsCompound Units10p1short= da{0}
6703UnitsCompound Units10p2long= hecto{0}
6704UnitsCompound Units10p2short= h{0}
6705UnitsCompound Units10p3longkilo{0} cilo{0}
6706UnitsCompound Units10p3short= k{0}
6707UnitsCompound Units10p6long= mega{0}
6708UnitsCompound Units10p6short= M{0}
6709UnitsCompound Units10p9long= giga{0}
6710UnitsCompound Units10p9short= G{0}
6711UnitsCompound Units10p12long= tera{0}
6712UnitsCompound Units10p12short= T{0}
6713UnitsCompound Units10p15long= peta{0}
6714UnitsCompound Units10p15short= P{0}
6715UnitsCompound Units10p18long= exa{0}
6716UnitsCompound Units10p18short= E{0}
6717UnitsCompound Units10p21long= zetta{0}
6718UnitsCompound Units10p21short= Z{0}
6719UnitsCompound Units10p24long= yotta{0}
6720UnitsCompound Units10p24short= Y{0}
6721UnitsCompound Units10p27long= ronna{0}
6722UnitsCompound Units10p27short= R{0}
6723UnitsCompound Units10p30long= quetta{0}
6724UnitsCompound Units10p30short= Q{0}
6725UnitsCompound Units1024p1long= kibi{0}
6726UnitsCompound Units1024p1short= Ki{0}
6727UnitsCompound Units1024p2long= mebi{0}
6728UnitsCompound Units1024p2short= Mi{0}
6729UnitsCompound Units1024p3long= gibi{0}
6730UnitsCompound Units1024p3short= Gi{0}
6731UnitsCompound Units1024p4long= tebi{0}
6732UnitsCompound Units1024p4short= Ti{0}
6733UnitsCompound Units1024p5long= pebi{0}
6734UnitsCompound Units1024p5short= Pi{0}
6735UnitsCompound Units1024p6long= exbi{0}
6736UnitsCompound Units1024p6short= Ei{0}
6737UnitsCompound Units1024p7long= zebi{0}
6738UnitsCompound Units1024p7short= Zi{0}
6739UnitsCompound Units1024p8longyobi{0} yobe{0}
6740UnitsCompound Units1024p8short= Yi{0}
6741UnitsCompound Unitspershort= {0}/{1}
6742UnitsCompound Unitspower2long-zero-nominative-dgender{0}² {0} sgwâr
6743UnitsCompound Unitspower2long-one-nominative-dgendersquare {0} {0} sgwâr
6744UnitsCompound Unitspower2long-two-nominative-dgender{0}² {0} sgwâr
6745UnitsCompound Unitspower2long-few-nominative-dgender{0}² {0} sgwâr
6746UnitsCompound Unitspower2long-many-nominative-dgender{0}² {0} sgwâr
6747UnitsCompound Unitspower2long-other-nominative-dgendersquare {0} {0} sgwâr
6748UnitsCompound Unitspower2short-other-nominative-dgender= {0}²
6749UnitsCompound Unitspower3long-zero-nominative-dgender{0}³ {0} ciwbig
6750UnitsCompound Unitspower3long-one-nominative-dgendercubic {0} {0} ciwbig
6751UnitsCompound Unitspower3long-two-nominative-dgender{0}³ {0} ciwbig
6752UnitsCompound Unitspower3long-few-nominative-dgender{0}³ {0} ciwbig
6753UnitsCompound Unitspower3long-many-nominative-dgender{0}³ {0} ciwbig
6754UnitsCompound Unitspower3long-other-nominative-dgendercubic {0} {0} ciwbig
6755UnitsCompound Unitspower3short-other-nominative-dgender= {0}³
6756UnitsCompound Unitstimesshort= {0}⋅{1}
6757CharactersCategoryPatternstrokes-other{0} strokes {0} strôc
6758CharactersCategoryPatternall{0} — all {0} — y cwbl
6759CharactersCategoryPatterncategory-list= {0}: {1}
6760CharactersCategoryPatterncompatibility{0} — compatibility {0} — cydweddoldeb
6761CharactersCategoryPatternenclosed{0} — enclosed {0} — amgaeedig
6762CharactersCategoryPatternextended{0} — extended {0} — estynedig
6763CharactersCategoryPatternfacing-left{0} facing left {0} wynebu i’r chwith
6764CharactersCategoryPatternfacing-right{0} facing right {0} wynebu i’r dde
6765CharactersCategoryPatternhistoric{0} — historic {0} — hanesyddol
6766CharactersCategoryPatternmiscellaneous{0} — miscellaneous {0} — amrywiol
6767CharactersCategoryPatternother{0} — other {0} — arall
6768CharactersCategoryPatternscriptsscripts — {0} sgriptiau — {0}
6769CharactersCategoryPatternsubscriptsubscript {0} is-sgript {0}
6770CharactersCategoryPatternsuperscriptsuperscript {0} uwch-sgript {0}
6771CharactersCategoryLabelactivitiesactivity gweithgaredd
6772CharactersCategoryLabelafrican_scriptsAfrican script sgript Affricanaidd
6773CharactersCategoryLabelamerican_scriptsAmerican script sgript Americanaidd
6774CharactersCategoryLabelanimalanimal anifail
6775CharactersCategoryLabelanimals_natureanimal or nature anifail neu natur
6776CharactersCategoryLabelarrowsarrow saeth
6777CharactersCategoryLabelbodybody corff
6778CharactersCategoryLabelbox_drawingbox drawing dylunio bocs
6779CharactersCategoryLabelbraille= braille
6780CharactersCategoryLabelbuildingbuilding adeilad
6781CharactersCategoryLabelbullets_starsbullet or star bwled neu seren
6782CharactersCategoryLabelconsonantal_jamoconsonantal jamo jamo cytseiniol
6783CharactersCategoryLabelcurrency_symbolscurrency symbol symbol arian
6784CharactersCategoryLabeldash_connectordash or connector llinell doriad neu gysylltydd
6785CharactersCategoryLabeldigitsdigit digid
6786CharactersCategoryLabeldingbats= dingbat
6787CharactersCategoryLabeldivination_symbolsdivination symbol symbol darogan
6788CharactersCategoryLabeldownwards_arrowsdownwards arrow saeth i lawr
6789CharactersCategoryLabeldownwards_upwards_arrowsdownwards upwards arrow saeth i fyny ac i lawr
6790CharactersCategoryLabeleast_asian_scriptsEast Asian script sgript asia dwyreiniol
6791CharactersCategoryLabelemoji= emoji
6792CharactersCategoryLabeleuropean_scriptsEuropean script sgript Ewropeaidd
6793CharactersCategoryLabelfemalefemale benywaidd
6794CharactersCategoryLabelflagflag baner
6795CharactersCategoryLabelflagsflags baneri
6796CharactersCategoryLabelfood_drinkfood & drink bwyd a diod
6797CharactersCategoryLabelformatformat fformat
6798CharactersCategoryLabelformat_whitespaceformat & whitespace fformat a bwlch gwyn
6799CharactersCategoryLabelfull_width_form_variantfull-width variant amryw ffurf lled llawn
6800CharactersCategoryLabelgeometric_shapesgeometric shape siâp geometrig
6801CharactersCategoryLabelhalf_width_form_varianthalf-width variant amryw ffurf hanner lled
6802CharactersCategoryLabelhan_charactersHan character llythyren Han
6803CharactersCategoryLabelhan_radicalsHan radical gwreiddyn Han
6804CharactersCategoryLabelhanja= hanja
6805CharactersCategoryLabelhanzi_simplifiedHanzi (simplified) Hanzi (symledig)
6806CharactersCategoryLabelhanzi_traditionalHanzi (traditional) Hanzi (traddodiadol)
6807CharactersCategoryLabelheartheart calon
6808CharactersCategoryLabelhistoric_scriptshistoric script sgript hanesyddol
6809CharactersCategoryLabelideographic_desc_charactersideographic desc. character llythyren disg. ideograffeg
6810CharactersCategoryLabeljapanese_kanaJapanese kana kana Japaneaidd
6811CharactersCategoryLabelkanbun= kanbun
6812CharactersCategoryLabelkanji= kanji
6813CharactersCategoryLabelkeycapkeycap gorchudd bysell
6814CharactersCategoryLabelleftwards_arrowsleftwards arrow saeth i’r chwith
6815CharactersCategoryLabelleftwards_rightwards_arrowsleftwards rightwards arrow saeth i’r chwith ac i’r dde
6816CharactersCategoryLabelletterlike_symbolsletterlike symbol symbol math llythyren
6817CharactersCategoryLabellimited_uselimited-use Defnydd Cyfyngedig
6818CharactersCategoryLabelmalemale gwrywaidd
6819CharactersCategoryLabelmath_symbolsmath symbol symbol mathemategol
6820CharactersCategoryLabelmiddle_eastern_scriptsMiddle Eastern script sgript y Dwyrain Canol
6821CharactersCategoryLabelmiscellaneousmiscellaneous amrywiol
6822CharactersCategoryLabelmodern_scriptsmodern script sgript modern
6823CharactersCategoryLabelmodifiermodifier addasydd
6824CharactersCategoryLabelmusical_symbolsmusical symbol symbol cerddorol
6825CharactersCategoryLabelnaturenature natur
6826CharactersCategoryLabelnonspacingnonspacing heb fylchau
6827CharactersCategoryLabelnumbersnumbers rhifau
6828CharactersCategoryLabelobjectsobject gwrthrych
6829CharactersCategoryLabelotherother arall
6830CharactersCategoryLabelpairedpaired paredig
6831CharactersCategoryLabelperson= person
6832CharactersCategoryLabelphonetic_alphabetphonetic alphabet y wyddor seinegol
6833CharactersCategoryLabelpictographspictograph pictograff
6834CharactersCategoryLabelplaceplace lle
6835CharactersCategoryLabelplantplant planhigyn
6836CharactersCategoryLabelpunctuationpunctuation atalnodi
6837CharactersCategoryLabelrightwards_arrowsrightwards arrow saeth i’r dde
6838CharactersCategoryLabelsign_standard_symbolssign or symbol arwydd neu symbol
6839CharactersCategoryLabelsmall_form_variantsmall variants amryw ffurf fach
6840CharactersCategoryLabelsmileysmiley gwên
6841CharactersCategoryLabelsmileys_peoplesmiley or person gwenoglun neu berson
6842CharactersCategoryLabelsouth_asian_scriptsSouth Asian script sgript Asia Deheuol
6843CharactersCategoryLabelsoutheast_asian_scriptsSoutheast Asian script sgript De-Ddwyrain Asia
6844CharactersCategoryLabelspacingspacing bylchu
6845CharactersCategoryLabelsportsport chwaraeon
6846CharactersCategoryLabelsymbols= symbol
6847CharactersCategoryLabeltechnical_symbolstechnical symbol symbol technegol
6848CharactersCategoryLabeltone_markstone mark marc tôn
6849CharactersCategoryLabeltraveltravel teithio
6850CharactersCategoryLabeltravel_placestravel or place teithio neu le
6851CharactersCategoryLabelupwards_arrowsupwards arrows Saethau i Fyny
6852CharactersCategoryLabelvariant_formsvariant Ffurfiau Amrywiol
6853CharactersCategoryLabelvocalic_jamovocalic jamo jamo llafarog
6854CharactersCategoryLabelweatherweather tywydd
6855CharactersCategoryLabelwestern_asian_scriptsWestern Asian script sgript Asia Gorllewinol
6856CharactersCategoryLabelwhitespacewhitespace bwlch gwyn
6857CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😀 -namegrinning face wyneb yn gwenu â cheg agored
6858CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😀 –keywordscheerful | cheery | face | grin | grinning | happy | laugh | nice | smile | smiling | teeth lledwenu | wyneb | wyneb yn gwenu â cheg agored
6859CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😃 -namegrinning face with big eyes wyneb yn gwenu â cheg agored a llygaid mawr
6860CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😃 –keywordsawesome | big | eyes | face | grin | grinning | happy | mouth | open | smile | smiling | teeth | yay agored | ceg | gwenu | wyneb | wyneb yn gwenu â cheg agored a llygaid mawr
6861CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😄 -namegrinning face with smiling eyes wyneb yn gwenu â cheg agored a gwên yn y llygaid
6862CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😄 –keywordseye | eyes | face | grin | grinning | happy | laugh | lol | mouth | open | smile | smiling ceg | gwenu | llygad | wyneb | wyneb yn gwenu â cheg agored a gwên yn y llygaid
6863CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😁 -namebeaming face with smiling eyes wyneb yn lledwenu â gwên yn y llygaid
6864CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😁 –keywordsbeaming | eye | eyes | face | grin | grinning | happy | nice | smile | smiling | teeth gwenu | lledwenu | llygaid | wyneb | wyneb yn lledwenu â gwên yn y llygaid
6865CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😆 -namegrinning squinting face wyneb yn gwenu â cheg agored a llygaid ynghau
6866CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😆 –keywordsclosed | eyes | face | grinning | haha | hahaha | happy | laugh | lol | mouth | open | rofl | smile | smiling | squinting bodlon | ceg | chwerthin | wyneb | wyneb yn gwenu â cheg agored a llygaid ynghau
6867CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😅 -namegrinning face with sweat wyneb yn gwenu â cheg agored a chwys
6868CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😅 –keywordscold | dejected | excited | face | grinning | mouth | nervous | open | smile | smiling | stress | stressed | sweat chwys | gofid | gwenu | wyneb | wyneb yn gwenu â cheg agored a chwys
6869CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling🤣 -namerolling on the floor laughing rholio ar y llawr yn chwerthin
6870CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling🤣 –keywordscrying | face | floor | funny | haha | happy | hehe | hilarious | joy | laugh | lmao | lol | rofl | roflmao | rolling | tear chwerthin | llawr | rholio | rholio ar y llawr yn chwerthin | wyneb
6871CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😂 -nameface with tears of joy wyneb â dagrau hapusrwydd
6872CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😂 –keywordscrying | face | feels | funny | haha | happy | hehe | hilarious | joy | laugh | lmao | lol | rofl | roflmao | tear chwerthin | dagrau | hapusrwydd | wyneb | wyneb â dagrau hapusrwydd
6873CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling🙂 -nameslightly smiling face wyneb ag ychydig o wên arni
6874CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling🙂 –keywordsface | happy | slightly | smile | smiling gwenu | gwyneb | wyneb ag ychydig o wên arni
6875CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling🙃 -nameupside-down face wyneb â’i ben i waered
6876CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling🙃 –keywordsface | hehe | smile | upside-down ben i waered | wyneb | wyneb â’i ben i waered
6877CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling🫠 -namemelting face wyneb toddi
6878CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling🫠 –keywordsdisappear | dissolve | embarrassed | face | haha | heat | hot | liquid | lol | melt | melting | sarcasm | sarcastic diflannu | hydoddi | hylif | toddi | wyneb toddi
6879CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😉 -namewinking face llygaid yn wincio
6880CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😉 –keywordsface | flirt | heartbreaker | sexy | slide | tease | wink | winking | winks llygaid yn wincio | winc | wyneb
6881CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😊 -namesmiling face with smiling eyes wyneb yn gwenu â gwên yn y llygaid
6882CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😊 –keywordsblush | eye | eyes | face | glad | satisfied | smile | smiling cochi | gwenu | llygad | wyneb | wyneb yn gwenu â gwên yn y llygaid
6883CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😇 -namesmiling face with halo wyneb yn gwenu ag eurgylch
6884CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😇 –keywordsangel | angelic | angels | blessed | face | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | halo | happy | innocent | peaceful | smile | smiling | spirit | tale angel | diniwed | eurgylch | wyneb | wyneb yn gwenu ag eurgylch
6885CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection🥰 -namesmiling face with hearts wyneb yn gwenu â thair calon
6886CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection🥰 –keywords3 | adore | crush | face | heart | hearts | ily | love | romance | smile | smiling | you dwli | gwirioni | mewn cariad | wyneb yn gwenu â thair calon
6887CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection😍 -namesmiling face with heart-eyes wyneb yn gwenu â chalonnau yn y llygaid
6888CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection😍 –keywords143 | bae | eye | face | feels | heart-eyes | hearts | ily | kisses | love | romance | romantic | smile | xoxo calon | cariad | gwên | wyneb | wyneb yn gwenu â chalonnau yn y llygaid
6889CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection🤩 -namestar-struck wyneb â ser yn y llygaid
6890CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection🤩 –keywordsexcited | eyes | face | grinning | smile | star | star-struck | starry-eyed | wow llygaid | seren | wyneb | wyneb â ser yn y llygaid | yn wên o glust i glust
6891CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection😘 -nameface blowing a kiss wyneb yn chwythu cusan
6892CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection😘 –keywordsadorbs | bae | blowing | face | flirt | heart | ily | kiss | love | lover | miss | muah | romantic | smooch | xoxo | you calon | cusan | wyneb | wyneb yn chwythu cusan
6893CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection😗 -namekissing face wyneb yn rhoi cusan
6894CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection😗 –keywords143 | date | dating | face | flirt | ily | kiss | love | smooch | smooches | xoxo | you cusan | wyneb | wyneb yn rhoi cusan
6895CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection☺ -namesmiling face wyneb yn gwenu
6896CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection☺ –keywordsface | happy | outlined | relaxed | smile | smiling amlinelliad | gwên | wyneb | wyneb yn gwenu | ymlacio
6897CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection😚 -namekissing face with closed eyes wyneb yn rhoi cusan â llygaid ynghau
6898CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection😚 –keywords143 | bae | blush | closed | date | dating | eye | eyes | face | flirt | ily | kisses | kissing | smooches | xoxo caeedig | cusan | llygad | wyneb | wyneb yn rhoi cusan â llygaid ynghau
6899CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection😙 -namekissing face with smiling eyes wyneb yn rhoi cusan â gwên yn y llygaid
6900CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection😙 –keywords143 | closed | date | dating | eye | eyes | face | flirt | ily | kiss | kisses | kissing | love | night | smile | smiling cusan | gwên | llygad | wyneb | wyneb yn rhoi cusan â gwên yn y llygaid
6901CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection🥲 -namesmiling face with tear wyneb yn gwenu gyda deugryn
6902CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection🥲 –keywordsface | glad | grateful | happy | joy | pain | proud | relieved | smile | smiley | smiling | tear | touched balch | cyffwrdd | deugryn | diolchgar | gwenu | rhyddhad | wyneb yn gwenu gyda deugryn
6903CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-tongue😋 -nameface savoring food wyneb yn blasu bwyd blasus
6904CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-tongue😋 –keywordsdelicious | eat | face | food | full | hungry | savor | smile | smiling | tasty | um | yum | yummy blasu | blasus | gwenu | wyneb | wyneb yn blasu bwyd blasus
6905CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-tongue😛 -nameface with tongue wyneb â thafod yng ngolwg
6906CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-tongue😛 –keywordsawesome | cool | face | nice | party | stuck-out | sweet | tongue tafod | wyneb | wyneb â thafod yng ngolwg
6907CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-tongue😜 -namewinking face with tongue wyneb â thafod yng ngolwg a llygaid yn wincio
6908CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-tongue😜 –keywordscrazy | epic | eye | face | funny | joke | loopy | nutty | party | stuck-out | tongue | wacky | weirdo | wink | winking | yolo jôc | tafod | winc | wyneb | wyneb â thafod yng ngolwg a llygaid yn wincio
6909CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-tongue🤪 -namezany face wyneb penwan
6910CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-tongue🤪 –keywordscrazy | eye | eyes | face | goofy | large | small | zany bach | llygad | mawr | wyneb penwan
6911CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-tongue😝 -namesquinting face with tongue wyneb â thafod yng ngolwg a llygaid ynghau
6912CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-tongue😝 –keywordsclosed | eye | eyes | face | gross | horrible | omg | squinting | stuck-out | taste | tongue | whatever | yolo afiach | blasu | tafod | wyneb | wyneb â thafod yng ngolwg a llygaid ynghau
6913CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-tongue🤑 -namemoney-mouth face wyneb symbol arian
6914CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-tongue🤑 –keywordsface | money | money-mouth | mouth | paid arian | ceg | wyneb | wyneb symbol arian
6915CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hand🤗 -namesmiling face with open hands wyneb yn rhoi cwtsh
6916CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hand🤗 –keywordsface | hands | hug | hugging | open | smiling cwtsh | wyneb | wyneb yn rhoi cwtsh
6917CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hand🤭 -nameface with hand over mouth wyneb gyda llaw dros y geg
6918CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hand🤭 –keywordsface | giggle | giggling | hand | mouth | oops | realization | secret | shock | sudden | surprise | whoops wps | wyneb gyda llaw dros y geg
6919CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hand🫢 -nameface with open eyes and hand over mouth wyneb gyda llygaid agored a llaw dros geg
6920CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hand🫢 –keywordsamazement | awe | disbelief | embarrass | eyes | face | gasp | hand | mouth | omg | open | over | quiet | scared | shock | surprise anghrediniaeth | arswyd | embaras | ofnus | syndod | wyneb gyda llygaid agored a llaw dros geg
6921CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hand🫣 -nameface with peeking eye wyneb gyda llygad sy’n sbïo
6922CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hand🫣 –keywordscaptivated | embarrass | eye | face | hide | hiding | peek | peeking | peep | scared | shy | stare sbïo | swynol | syllu | wyneb gyda llygad sy’n sbïo
6923CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hand🤫 -nameshushing face wyneb hisht
6924CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hand🤫 –keywordsface | quiet | shh | shush | shushing hisht | tawelwch | wyneb hisht
6925CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hand🤔 -namethinking face wyneb yn meddwl
6926CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hand🤔 –keywordschin | consider | face | hmm | ponder | pondering | thinking | wondering meddwl | wyneb | wyneb yn meddwl
6927CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hand🫡 -namesaluting face wyneb saliwt
6928CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hand🫡 –keywordsface | good | luck | ma’am | OK | respect | salute | saluting | sir | troops | yes heulog | iawn | ie | milwyr | saliwt | wyneb saliwt
6929CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical🤐 -namezipper-mouth face wyneb â sip dros y geg
6930CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical🤐 –keywordsface | keep | mouth | quiet | secret | shut | zip | zipper | zipper-mouth caeedig | ceg | sip | wyneb | wyneb â sip dros y geg
6931CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical🤨 -nameface with raised eyebrow wyneb gydag ael wedi codi
6932CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical🤨 –keywordsdisapproval | disbelief | distrust | emoji | eyebrow | face | hmm | mild | raised | skeptic | skeptical | skepticism | surprise | what amheuaeth | sgeptig | wyneb gydag ael wedi codi
6933CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😐 -nameneutral face wyneb niwtral
6934CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😐 –keywordsawkward | blank | deadpan | expressionless | face | fine | jealous | meh | neutral | oh | shade | straight | unamused | unhappy | unimpressed | whatever niwtral | wyneb
6935CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😑 -nameexpressionless face wyneb difynegiant
6936CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😑 –keywordsawkward | dead | expressionless | face | fine | inexpressive | jealous | meh | not | oh | omg | straight | uh | unhappy | unimpressed | whatever ddifynegiant | dring | wyneb | wyneb difynegiant
6937CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😶 -nameface without mouth wyneb heb geg
6938CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😶 –keywordsawkward | blank | expressionless | face | mouth | mouthless | mute | quiet | secret | silence | silent | speechless ceg | distaw | wyneb | wyneb heb geg
6939CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical🫥 -namedotted line face wyneb llinell dotiog
6940CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical🫥 –keywordsdepressed | disappear | dotted | face | hidden | hide | introvert | invisible | line | meh | whatever | wtv anweledig | cuddio | diflannu | digalon | isel | mewnblyg | wyneb llinell dotiog
6941CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😶‍🌫 -nameface in clouds wyneb mewn cymylau
6942CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😶‍🌫 –keywordsabsentminded | clouds | face | fog | head anghofus | pen mewn cymylau | wyneb mewn cymylau | wyneb yn y niwl
6943CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😏 -namesmirking face wyneb yn cilwenu
6944CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😏 –keywordsboss | dapper | face | flirt | homie | kidding | leer | shade | slick | sly | smirk | smug | snicker | suave | suspicious | swag cilwen | wyneb | wyneb yn cilwenu
6945CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😒 -nameunamused face wyneb ddi-ddifyr
6946CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😒 –keywords... | bored | face | fine | jealous | jel | jelly | pissed | smh | ugh | uhh | unamused | unhappy | weird | whatever anhapus | di-ddifyr | wyneb | wyneb ddi-ddifyr
6947CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical🙄 -nameface with rolling eyes wyneb â llygaid yn rholio
6948CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical🙄 –keywordseyeroll | eyes | face | rolling | shade | ugh | whatever llygaid | rolio | wyneb | wyneb â llygaid yn rholio
6949CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😬 -namegrimacing face wyneb ag ystum
6950CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😬 –keywordsawk | awkward | dentist | face | grimace | grimacing | grinning | smile | smiling wyneb | wyneb ag ystum | ystum
6951CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😮‍💨 -nameface exhaling wyneb anadlu allan
6952CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😮‍💨 –keywordsblow | blowing | exhale | exhaling | exhausted | face | gasp | groan | relief | sigh | smiley | smoke | whisper | whistle anadlu allan | chwiban | ebychu | griddfan | rhyddhad | sibrwd | wyneb anadlu allan
6953CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical🤥 -namelying face wyneb celwydd
6954CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical🤥 –keywordsface | liar | lie | lying | pinocchio celwydd | pinocchio | wyneb
6955CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical🫨 -nameshaking face wyneb sydd ysgwyd
6956CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical🫨 –keywordscrazy | daze | earthquake | face | omg | panic | shaking | shock | surprise | vibrate | whoa | wow daeargryn | dirgrynu | sioc | wyneb | wyneb sydd ysgwyd | ysgwyd
6957CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical🙂‍↔ -namehead shaking horizontally pen yn ysgwyd o ochr i ochr
6958CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical🙂‍↔ –keywordshead | horizontally | no | shake | shaking na | pen yn ysgwyd o ochr i ochr | ysgwyd
6959CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical🙂‍↕ -namehead shaking vertically pen yn ysgwyd i fyny ac i lawr
6960CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical🙂‍↕ –keywordshead | nod | shaking | vertically | yes ie | nodio | pen yn ysgwyd i fyny ac i lawr
6961CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-sleepy😌 -namerelieved face wyneb o ryddhad
6962CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-sleepy😌 –keywordscalm | face | peace | relief | relieved | zen rhyddhad | wyneb | wyneb o ryddhad
6963CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-sleepy😔 -namepensive face wyneb synfyfyriol
6964CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-sleepy😔 –keywordsawful | bored | dejected | died | disappointed | face | losing | lost | pensive | sad | sucks digalon | synfyfyriol | wyneb
6965CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-sleepy😪 -namesleepy face wyneb cysglyd
6966CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-sleepy😪 –keywordscrying | face | good | night | sad | sleep | sleeping | sleepy | tired cysgu | wyneb | wyneb cysglyd
6967CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-sleepy🤤 -namedrooling face wyneb glafoerio
6968CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-sleepy🤤 –keywordsdrooling | face glafoerio | wyneb
6969CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-sleepy😴 -namesleeping face wyneb yn cysgu
6970CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-sleepy😴 –keywordsbed | bedtime | face | good | goodnight | nap | night | sleep | sleeping | tired | whatever | yawn | zzz cysgu | wyneb | wyneb yn cysgu | zzz
6971CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-sleepy🫩 -nameface with bags under eyes wyneb gyda bagiau dan y llygaid
6972CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-sleepy🫩 –keywordsbags | bored | exhausted | eyes | face | fatigued | late | sleepy | tired | weary cysglyd | wedi blino | wedi ymlâdd | wyneb gyda bagiau dan y llygaid
6973CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell😷 -nameface with medical mask wyneb â mwgwd meddygol
6974CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell😷 –keywordscold | dentist | dermatologist | doctor | dr | face | germs | mask | medical | medicine | sick annwyd | doctor | masg | sâl | wyneb â mwgwd meddygol
6975CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🤒 -nameface with thermometer wyneb â thermomedr
6976CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🤒 –keywordsface | ill | sick | thermometer sâl | thermomedr | wyneb | wyneb â thermomedr
6977CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🤕 -nameface with head-bandage wyneb â rhwymyn i’r pen
6978CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🤕 –keywordsbandage | face | head-bandage | hurt | injury | ouch dolur | niwed | rhwymyn | wyneb | wyneb â rhwymyn i’r pen
6979CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🤢 -namenauseated face wyneb chwydlyd
6980CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🤢 –keywordsface | gross | nasty | nauseated | sick | vomit chwydlyd | chwydu | wyneb
6981CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🤮 -nameface vomiting wyneb yn chwydu
6982CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🤮 –keywordsbarf | ew | face | gross | puke | sick | spew | throw | up | vomit | vomiting chwyd | sic | wyneb yn chwydu
6983CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🤧 -namesneezing face wyneb tisian
6984CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🤧 –keywordsface | fever | flu | gesundheit | sick | sneeze | sneezing gesundheit | tisian | wyneb
6985CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🥵 -namehot face wyneb poeth
6986CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🥵 –keywordsdying | face | feverish | heat | hot | panting | red-faced | stroke | sweating | tongue chwysu | llawn twymyn | poeth | trawiad gwres | wyneb poeth
6987CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🥶 -namecold face wyneb oer
6988CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🥶 –keywordsblue | blue-faced | cold | face | freezing | frostbite | icicles | subzero | teeth clychau iâ | ewinrhew | oer | rhewi | wyneb las | wyneb oer
6989CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🥴 -namewoozy face wyneb meddw
6990CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🥴 –keywordsdizzy | drunk | eyes | face | intoxicated | mouth | tipsy | uneven | wavy | woozy ceg tonnog | lled feddw | llygaid anghyson | meddw | pendro | wyneb meddw
6991CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell😵 -nameface with crossed-out eyes wyneb wedi llorio
6992CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell😵 –keywordscrossed-out | dead | dizzy | eyes | face | feels | knocked | out | sick | tired marw | wedi llorio | wyneb | wyneb wedi llorio
6993CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell😵‍💫 -nameface with spiral eyes wyneb â llygaid troellog
6994CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell😵‍💫 –keywordsconfused | dizzy | eyes | face | hypnotized | omg | smiley | spiral | trouble | whoa | woah | woozy helbul | hypnoteiddio | penysgafn | troellog | whoa | wyneb â llygaid troellog
6995CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🤯 -nameexploding head pen yn ffrwydro
6996CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🤯 –keywordsblown | explode | exploding | head | mind | mindblown | no | shocked | way pen yn ffrwydro | syn
6997CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hat🤠 -namecowboy hat face wyneb het cowboi
6998CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hat🤠 –keywordscowboy | cowgirl | face | hat cowboi | cowmones | het | wyneb
6999CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hat🥳 -namepartying face wyneb yn partïo
7000CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hat🥳 –keywordsbday | birthday | celebrate | celebration | excited | face | happy | hat | hooray | horn | party | partying corn | dathliad | het | parti | wyneb yn partïo
7001CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hat🥸 -namedisguised face wyneb mewn cuddwisg
7002CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hat🥸 –keywordsdisguise | eyebrow | face | glasses | incognito | moustache | mustache | nose | person | spy | tache | tash cuddwisg | incognito | sbectol | trwyn | wyneb | wyneb mewn cuddwisg
7003CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-glasses😎 -namesmiling face with sunglasses wyneb yn gwenu â sbectol haul
7004CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-glasses😎 –keywordsawesome | beach | bright | bro | chilling | cool | face | rad | relaxed | shades | slay | smile | style | sunglasses | swag | win gwên | llygad | sbectol haul | wyneb | wyneb yn gwenu â sbectol haul
7005CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-glasses🤓 -namenerd face wyneb clyfar
7006CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-glasses🤓 –keywordsbrainy | clever | expert | face | geek | gifted | glasses | intelligent | nerd | smart clyfar | wyneb
7007CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-glasses🧐 -nameface with monocle wyneb gyda monocl
7008CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-glasses🧐 –keywordsclassy | face | fancy | monocle | rich | stuffy | wealthy clòs | wyneb gyda monocl
7009CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😕 -nameconfused face wyneb cymysglyd
7010CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😕 –keywordsbefuddled | confused | confusing | dunno | face | frown | hm | meh | not | sad | sorry | sure cymysglyd | wyneb
7011CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned🫤 -nameface with diagonal mouth wyneb â cheg letraws
7012CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned🫤 –keywordsconfused | confusion | diagonal | disappointed | doubt | doubtful | face | frustrated | frustration | meh | mouth | skeptical | unsure | whatever | wtv amheugar | ansicr | meh | siomedig | wyneb â cheg letraws
7013CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😟 -nameworried face wyneb gofidio
7014CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😟 –keywordsanxious | butterflies | face | nerves | nervous | sad | stress | stressed | surprised | worried | worry gofid | wyneb | wyneb gofidio
7015CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned🙁 -nameslightly frowning face wyneb â pheth gwg arni
7016CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned🙁 –keywordsface | frown | frowning | sad | slightly cuchio | gwg | wyneb | wyneb â pheth gwg arni
7017CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned☹ -namefrowning face wyneb gwgus
7018CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned☹ –keywordsface | frown | frowning | sad cuchio | gwg | wyneb | wyneb gwgus
7019CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😮 -nameface with open mouth wyneb â cheg agored
7020CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😮 –keywordsbelieve | face | forgot | mouth | omg | open | shocked | surprised | sympathy | unbelievable | unreal | whoa | wow | you agored | ceg | cydymdeimlad | wyneb | wyneb â cheg agored
7021CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😯 -namehushed face wyneb distewi
7022CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😯 –keywordsepic | face | hushed | omg | stunned | surprised | whoa | woah distewi | syfrdanu | wyneb
7023CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😲 -nameastonished face wyneb wedi rhyfeddu
7024CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😲 –keywordsastonished | cost | face | no | omg | shocked | totally | way hollol | rhyfeddu | syfrdanu | wyneb | wyneb wedi rhyfeddu
7025CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😳 -nameflushed face wyneb yn gwrido
7026CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😳 –keywordsamazed | awkward | crazy | dazed | dead | disbelief | embarrassed | face | flushed | geez | heat | hot | impressed | jeez | what | wow cochi | gwrido | synnu | wyneb | wyneb yn gwrido
7027CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned🥺 -namepleading face wyneb yn pledio
7028CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned🥺 –keywordsbegging | big | eyes | face | mercy | not | pleading | please | pretty | puppy | sad | why crefu | llygaid ci bach | trugaredd | wyneb yn pledio
7029CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned🥹 -nameface holding back tears wyneb yn dal dagrau yn ôl
7030CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned🥹 –keywordsadmiration | aww | back | cry | embarrassed | face | feelings | grateful | gratitude | holding | joy | please | proud | resist | sad | tears balch | crio | gwrthsefyll | trist | wyneb yn dal dagrau yn ôl | yn ddig
7031CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😦 -namefrowning face with open mouth wyneb gwgus â cheg agored
7032CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😦 –keywordscaught | face | frown | frowning | guard | mouth | open | scared | scary | surprise | what | wow agored | ceg | gwg | wyneb | wyneb gwgus â cheg agored
7033CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😧 -nameanguished face wyneb dirboen
7034CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😧 –keywordsanguished | face | forgot | scared | scary | stressed | surprise | unhappy | what | wow dirboen | ing | wyneb
7035CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😨 -namefearful face wyneb ofnus
7036CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😨 –keywordsafraid | anxious | blame | face | fear | fearful | scared | worried ofn | ofnus | wyneb
7037CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😰 -nameanxious face with sweat wyneb â cheg agored a chwys o ofid
7038CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😰 –keywordsanxious | blue | cold | eek | face | mouth | nervous | open | rushed | scared | sweat | yikes agored | ceg | chwys | gofid | wyneb â cheg agored a chwys o ofid
7039CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😥 -namesad but relieved face wyneb siomedig ond â rhyddhad
7040CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😥 –keywordsanxious | call | close | complicated | disappointed | face | not | relieved | sad | sweat | time | whew rhyddhad | siomedig | wyneb | wyneb siomedig ond â rhyddhad
7041CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😢 -namecrying face wyneb yn crio
7042CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😢 –keywordsawful | cry | crying | face | feels | miss | sad | tear | triste | unhappy crio | deigryn | trist | wyneb | wyneb yn crio
7043CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😭 -nameloudly crying face wyneb yn beichio crio
7044CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😭 –keywordsbawling | cry | crying | face | loudly | sad | sob | tear | tears | unhappy crio | deigryn | trist | wyneb | wyneb yn beichio crio
7045CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😱 -nameface screaming in fear wyneb yn sgrechian ag ofn
7046CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😱 –keywordsepic | face | fear | fearful | munch | scared | scream | screamer | screaming | shocked | surprised | woah arswyd | braw | ofn | wyneb | wyneb yn sgrechian ag ofn
7047CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😖 -nameconfounded face wyneb dryslyd
7048CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😖 –keywordsannoyed | confounded | confused | cringe | distraught | face | feels | frustrated | mad | sad dryslyd | wyneb
7049CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😣 -namepersevering face wyneb dyfal
7050CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😣 –keywordsconcentrate | concentration | face | focus | headache | persevere | persevering dyfal | wyneb
7051CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😞 -namedisappointed face wyneb siomedig
7052CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😞 –keywordsawful | blame | dejected | disappointed | face | fail | losing | sad | unhappy siomedig | wyneb
7053CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😓 -namedowncast face with sweat wyneb yn chwysu o ofid
7054CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😓 –keywordsclose | cold | downcast | face | feels | headache | nervous | sad | scared | sweat | yikes chwys | gofid | wyneb | wyneb yn chwysu o ofid
7055CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😩 -nameweary face wyneb lluddedig
7056CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😩 –keywordscrying | face | fail | feels | hungry | mad | nooo | sad | sleepy | tired | unhappy | weary blinedig | lluddedig | wyneb
7057CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😫 -nametired face wyneb blinedig
7058CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😫 –keywordscost | face | feels | nap | sad | sneeze | tired blinedig | blino | wyneb
7059CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned🥱 -nameyawning face wyneb yn dylyfu gên
7060CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned🥱 –keywordsbedtime | bored | face | goodnight | nap | night | sleep | sleepy | tired | whatever | yawn | yawning | zzz blino | diflasu | dylyfu gên | wyneb yn dylyfu gên
7061CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative😤 -nameface with steam from nose wyneb â stêm yn dod o’r trwyn
7062CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative😤 –keywordsanger | angry | face | feels | fume | fuming | furious | fury | mad | nose | steam | triumph | unhappy | won buddugoliaeth | ennill | wyneb | wyneb â stêm yn dod o’r trwyn
7063CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative😡 -nameenraged face wyneb pwdu
7064CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative😡 –keywordsanger | angry | enraged | face | feels | mad | maddening | pouting | rage | red | shade | unhappy | upset coch | dig | pwdu | wyneb
7065CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative😠 -nameangry face wyneb dig
7066CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative😠 –keywordsanger | angry | blame | face | feels | frustrated | mad | maddening | rage | shade | unhappy | upset dig | gwallgof | wyneb
7067CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative🤬 -nameface with symbols on mouth wyneb â symbolau dros y ceg
7068CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative🤬 –keywordscensor | cursing | cussing | face | mad | mouth | pissed | swearing | symbols rhegi | wyneb â symbolau dros y ceg
7069CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative😈 -namesmiling face with horns wyneb yn gwenu â chyrn
7070CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative😈 –keywordsdemon | devil | evil | face | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | horns | purple | shade | smile | smiling | tale cyrn | ffantasi | gwên | wyneb | wyneb yn gwenu â chyrn
7071CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative👿 -nameangry face with horns wyneb dig â chyrn
7072CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative👿 –keywordsangry | demon | devil | evil | face | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | horns | imp | mischievous | purple | shade | tale diafol | ffantasi | wyneb | wyneb dig â chyrn
7073CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative💀 -nameskull penglog
7074CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative💀 –keywordsbody | dead | death | face | fairy | fairytale | i’m | lmao | monster | skull | tale | yolo anghenfil | corff | marwolaeth | penglog | wyneb
7075CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative☠ -nameskull and crossbones penglog ac esgyrn croes
7076CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative☠ –keywordsbone | crossbones | dead | death | face | monster | skull corff | esgyrn croes | marwolaeth | penglog | penglog ac esgyrn croes
7077CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume💩 -namepile of poo pentwr o faw
7078CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume💩 –keywordsbs | comic | doo | dung | face | fml | monster | pile | poo | poop | smelly | smh | stink | stinks | stinky | turd anghenfil | baw | cachu | pentwr o faw | wyneb
7079CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume🤡 -nameclown face wyneb clown
7080CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume🤡 –keywordsclown | face clown | wyneb
7081CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume👹 -nameogre anghenfil
7082CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume👹 –keywordscreature | devil | face | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | mask | monster | ogre | scary | tale anghenfil | creadur | ffantasi | stori dylwyth teg | wyneb
7083CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume👺 -namegoblin bwgan
7084CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume👺 –keywordsangry | creature | face | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | goblin | mask | mean | monster | tale anghenfil | bwgan | creadur | ffantasi | stori dylwyth teg | wyneb
7085CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume👻 -nameghost ysbryd
7086CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume👻 –keywordsboo | creature | excited | face | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | ghost | halloween | haunting | monster | scary | silly | tale anghenfil | creadur | ffantasi | wyneb | ysbryd
7087CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume👽 -namealien estron
7088CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume👽 –keywordsalien | creature | extraterrestrial | face | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | monster | space | tale | ufo allfydol | creadur | estron | fantasi | peth hedegog anhysbys | wyneb
7089CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume👾 -namealien monster anghenfil estron
7090CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume👾 –keywordsalien | creature | extraterrestrial | face | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | game | gamer | games | monster | pixelated | space | tale | ufo allfydol | anghenfil | creadur | estron | gofod | peth hedegog anhysbys
7091CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume🤖 -namerobot wyneb robot
7092CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume🤖 –keywordsface | monster | robot anghenfil | robot | wyneb
7093CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😺 -namegrinning cat wyneb cath yn gwenu â cheg agored
7094CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😺 –keywordsanimal | cat | face | grinning | mouth | open | smile | smiling agored | cath | ceg | gwên | wyneb cath yn gwenu â cheg agored
7095CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😸 -namegrinning cat with smiling eyes wyneb cath yn gwenu â cheg agored a gwên yn y llygaid
7096CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😸 –keywordsanimal | cat | eye | eyes | face | grin | grinning | smile | smiling cath | gwenu | lledwenu | llygaid | wyneb cath yn gwenu â cheg agored a gwên yn y llygaid
7097CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😹 -namecat with tears of joy wyneb cath â dagrau o hapusrwydd
7098CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😹 –keywordsanimal | cat | face | joy | laugh | laughing | lol | tear | tears cath | deigryn | hapusrwydd | wyneb | wyneb cath â dagrau o hapusrwydd
7099CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😻 -namesmiling cat with heart-eyes cath yn gwenu â chalonnau yn y llygaid
7100CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😻 –keywordsanimal | cat | eye | face | heart | heart-eyes | love | smile | smiling calonnau | cariad | cath | cath yn gwenu â chalonnau yn y llygaid | llygaid | wyneb cath yn gwenu â chalonnau yn y llygaid
7101CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😼 -namecat with wry smile wyneb cath â gwên ar gam
7102CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😼 –keywordsanimal | cat | face | ironic | smile | wry ar gam | cath | eironig | gwên | wyneb cath â gwên ar gam
7103CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😽 -namekissing cat wyneb cath yn cusanu â llygaid ynghau
7104CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😽 –keywordsanimal | cat | closed | eye | eyes | face | kiss | kissing cath | cusan | llygad | wyneb | wyneb cath yn cusanu â llygaid ynghau
7105CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face🙀 -nameweary cat wyneb cath luddedig
7106CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face🙀 –keywordsanimal | cat | face | oh | surprised | weary cath | lluddedig | syfrdanol | wyneb | wyneb cath luddedig
7107CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😿 -namecrying cat wyneb cath yn crio
7108CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😿 –keywordsanimal | cat | cry | crying | face | sad | tear cath | crio | deigryn | trist | wyneb cath yn crio
7109CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😾 -namepouting cat wyneb cath yn pwdu
7110CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😾 –keywordsanimal | cat | face | pouting cath | pwdu | wyneb | wyneb cath yn pwdu
7111CharactersSmileys & Emotionmonkey-face🙈 -namesee-no-evil monkey mwnci gweld dim drwg
7112CharactersSmileys & Emotionmonkey-face🙈 –keywordsembarrassed | evil | face | forbidden | forgot | gesture | hide | monkey | no | omg | prohibited | scared | secret | smh | watch drwg | gwaharddedig | gweld | gweld dim drwg | mwnci | mwnci gweld dim drwg | wyneb
7113CharactersSmileys & Emotionmonkey-face🙉 -namehear-no-evil monkey clywed dim drwg
7114CharactersSmileys & Emotionmonkey-face🙉 –keywordsanimal | ears | evil | face | forbidden | gesture | hear | listen | monkey | no | not | prohibited | secret | shh | tmi clywed | clywed dim drwg | drwg | gwaharddedig | mwnci | wyneb
7115CharactersSmileys & Emotionmonkey-face🙊 -namespeak-no-evil monkey siarad dim drwg
7116CharactersSmileys & Emotionmonkey-face🙊 –keywordsanimal | evil | face | forbidden | gesture | monkey | no | not | oops | prohibited | quiet | secret | speak | stealth drwg | gwaharddedig | mwnci | siarad | siarad dim drwg | wyneb
7117CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💌 -namelove letter llythyr caru
7118CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💌 –keywordsheart | letter | love | mail | romance | valentine calon | cariad | llythyr | llythyr caru | post
7119CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💘 -nameheart with arrow calon â saeth trwyddi
7120CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💘 –keywords143 | adorbs | arrow | cupid | date | emotion | heart | ily | love | romance | valentine calon | calon â saeth trwyddi | saeth
7121CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💝 -nameheart with ribbon calon â rhuban
7122CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💝 –keywords143 | anniversary | emotion | heart | ily | kisses | ribbon | valentine | xoxo calon | calon â rhuban | ffolant | rhuban
7123CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💖 -namesparkling heart calon yn disgleirio
7124CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💖 –keywords143 | emotion | excited | good | heart | ily | kisses | morning | night | sparkle | sparkling | xoxo calon | calon yn disgleirio | cynhyrfu | disgleirio
7125CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💗 -namegrowing heart calon yn tyfu
7126CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💗 –keywords143 | emotion | excited | growing | heart | heartpulse | ily | kisses | muah | nervous | pulse | xoxo calon | calon yn tyfu | cynhyrfu | nerfus | tyfu
7127CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💓 -namebeating heart calon yn curo
7128CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💓 –keywords143 | beating | cardio | emotion | heart | heartbeat | ily | love | pulsating | pulse calon | calon yn curo | curo
7129CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💞 -namerevolving hearts calonnau yn troelli
7130CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💞 –keywords143 | adorbs | anniversary | emotion | heart | hearts | revolving calon | calonnau yn troelli | troelli
7131CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💕 -nametwo hearts dwy galon
7132CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💕 –keywords143 | anniversary | date | dating | emotion | heart | hearts | ily | kisses | love | loving | two | xoxo calon | cariad | dwy galon
7133CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💟 -nameheart decoration addurn calon
7134CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💟 –keywords143 | decoration | emotion | heart | hearth | purple | white addurn calon | calon
7135CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart❣ -nameheart exclamation ebychiad trwm galon
7136CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart❣ –keywordsexclamation | heart | heavy | mark | punctuation atalnodiad | calon | ebychiad | ebychiad trwm galon | marc
7137CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💔 -namebroken heart calon wedi torri
7138CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💔 –keywordsbreak | broken | crushed | emotion | heart | heartbroken | lonely | sad calon | calon wedi torri | torri
7139CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart❤‍🔥 -nameheart on fire calon ar dân
7140CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart❤‍🔥 –keywordsburn | fire | heart | love | lust | sacred calon | calon ar dân | calon gysegredig | cariad | chwant | llosgi
7141CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart❤‍🩹 -namemending heart trwsio calon
7142CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart❤‍🩹 –keywordshealthier | heart | improving | mending | recovering | recuperating | well gwella | iach | iachach | trwsio | trwsio calon
7143CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart❤ -namered heart calon goch
7144CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart❤ –keywordsemotion | heart | love | red calon | calon goch
7145CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart🩷 -namepink heart calon binc
7146CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart🩷 –keywords143 | adorable | cute | emotion | heart | ily | like | love | pink | special | sweet 143 | arbennig | calon | calon binc | caru | ciwt | emosiwn | hoffi | melys | pert | pinc
7147CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart🧡 -nameorange heart calon oren
7148CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart🧡 –keywords143 | heart | orange calon oren | oren
7149CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💛 -nameyellow heart calon felen
7150CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💛 –keywords143 | cardiac | emotion | heart | ily | love | yellow calon | calon felen | melyn
7151CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💚 -namegreen heart calon werdd
7152CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💚 –keywords143 | emotion | green | heart | ily | love | romantic calon | calon werdd | gwyrdd
7153CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💙 -nameblue heart calon las
7154CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💙 –keywords143 | blue | emotion | heart | ily | love | romance calon | calon las | glas
7155CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart🩵 -namelight blue heart calon las golau
7156CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart🩵 –keywords143 | blue | cute | cyan | emotion | heart | ily | light | like | love | sky | special | teal 143 | arbennig | calon | calon las golau | caru | ciwt | emosiwn | glas golau | gwyrddlas | hoffi
7157CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💜 -namepurple heart calon borffor
7158CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💜 –keywords143 | bestest | emotion | heart | ily | love | purple calon | calon borffor | porffor
7159CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart🤎 -namebrown heart calon frown
7160CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart🤎 –keywords143 | brown | heart brown | calon | calon frown
7161CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart🖤 -nameblack heart calon ddu
7162CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart🖤 –keywordsblack | evil | heart | wicked calon ddu | drwg | du | maleisus
7163CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart🩶 -namegrey heart calon lwyd
7164CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart🩶 –keywords143 | emotion | gray | grey | heart | ily | love | silver | slate | special 143 | arbennig | arian | calon | calon lwyd | emosiwn | llechi | llwyd
7165CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart🤍 -namewhite heart calon wen
7166CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart🤍 –keywords143 | heart | white calon | calon wen | gwyn
7167CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💋 -namekiss mark ôl cusan
7168CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💋 –keywordsdating | emotion | heart | kiss | kissing | lips | mark | romance | sexy cusan | gwefusau | ôl cusan
7169CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💯 -namehundred points cant o bwyntiau
7170CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💯 –keywords100 | a+ | agree | clearly | definitely | faithful | fleek | full | hundred | keep | perfect | point | score | TRUE | truth | yup 100 | cant | cant o bwyntiau | llawn | sgôr
7171CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💢 -nameanger symbol symbol dicter
7172CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💢 –keywordsanger | angry | comic | mad | symbol | upset comig | dig | gwallgof | symbol dicter
7173CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💥 -namecollision trawiad
7174CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💥 –keywordsbomb | boom | collide | collision | comic | explode comig | trawiad | trwst
7175CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💫 -namedizzy penysgafn
7176CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💫 –keywordscomic | dizzy | shining | shooting | star | stars comig | penysgafn | seren
7177CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💦 -namesweat droplets defnynnau chwys
7178CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💦 –keywordscomic | drip | droplet | droplets | drops | splashing | squirt | sweat | water | wet | work | workout chwys | comig | defnynnau chwys | splash
7179CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💨 -namedashing away rhuthro
7180CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💨 –keywordsaway | cloud | comic | dash | dashing | fart | fast | go | gone | gotta | running | smoke comig | rhedeg | rhuthro
7181CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion🕳 -namehole twll
7182CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion🕳 –keywordshole twll
7183CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💬 -namespeech balloon balŵn deialog
7184CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💬 –keywordsballoon | bubble | comic | dialog | message | sms | speech | talk | text | typing balŵn | comig | deialog | swigen
7185CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion👁‍🗨 -nameeye in speech bubble llygad mewn cwmwl
7186CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion👁‍🗨 –keywordsballoon | bubble | eye | speech | witness llygad | llygad mewn cwmwl | mewn cwmwl | tyst
7187CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion🗨 -nameleft speech bubble swigen siarad i’r chwith
7188CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion🗨 –keywordsballoon | bubble | dialog | left | speech deialog | siarad | swigen siarad i’r chwith
7189CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion🗯 -nameright anger bubble swigen ddig i’r dde
7190CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion🗯 –keywordsanger | angry | balloon | bubble | mad | right balŵn | dig | swigen | swigen ddig i’r dde
7191CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💭 -namethought balloon cwmwl meddwl
7192CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💭 –keywordsballoon | bubble | cartoon | cloud | comic | daydream | decisions | dream | idea | invent | invention | realize | think | thoughts | wonder balŵn | comig | cwmwl meddwl | swigen
7193CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💤 -nameZZZ zzz
7194CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💤 –keywordscomic | good | goodnight | night | sleep | sleeping | sleepy | tired | zzz comig | cysgu | zzz
7195CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open👋 -namewaving hand llaw yn chwifio
7196CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open👋 –keywordsbye | cya | g2g | greetings | gtg | hand | hello | hey | hi | later | outtie | ttfn | ttyl | wave | yo | you chwifio | llaw | llaw yn chwifio
7197CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open🤚 -nameraised back of hand cefn llaw wedi’i chodi
7198CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open🤚 –keywordsback | backhand | hand | raised cefn llaw | cefn llaw wedi’i chodi | wedi’i chodi
7199CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open🖐 -namehand with fingers splayed llaw wedi ei chodi â bysedd wedi eu lledu
7200CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open🖐 –keywordsfinger | fingers | hand | raised | splayed | stop bys | corff | llaw | llaw wedi ei chodi â bysedd wedi eu lledu | wedi lledu
7201CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open✋ -nameraised hand llaw wedi codi
7202CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open✋ –keywords5 | five | hand | high | raised | stop corff | llaw | llaw wedi codi
7203CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open🖖 -namevulcan salute saliwt fulcanaidd
7204CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open🖖 –keywordsfinger | hand | hands | salute | Vulcan bys | corff | llaw | saliwt fulcanaidd | spock
7205CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open🫱 -namerightwards hand llaw i’r dde
7206CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open🫱 –keywordshand | handshake | hold | reach | right | rightward | rightwards | shake de | i’r dde | llaw | llaw i’r dde
7207CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open🫲 -nameleftwards hand llaw i’r chwith
7208CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open🫲 –keywordshand | handshake | hold | left | leftward | leftwards | reach | shake chwith | i’r chwith | llaw | llaw i’r chwith
7209CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open🫳 -namepalm down hand llaw palmwydd i lawr
7210CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open🫳 –keywordsdismiss | down | drop | dropped | hand | palm | pick | shoo | up anfon | gollwng | llaw palmwydd i lawr | sîw
7211CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open🫴 -namepalm up hand llaw palmwydd i fyny
7212CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open🫴 –keywordsbeckon | catch | come | hand | hold | know | lift | me | offer | palm | tell cynnig | dal | dod | galw | llaw palmwydd i fyny
7213CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open🫷 -nameleftwards pushing hand llaw yn gwthio i’r chwith
7214CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open🫷 –keywordsblock | five | halt | hand | high | hold | leftward | leftwards | pause | push | pushing | refuse | slap | stop | wait aros | chwith | gwrthod | gwthio | llaw yn gwthio i’r chwith | pump uchel | rhwystro | seibio | stopio
7215CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open🫸 -namerightwards pushing hand llaw yn gwthio i’r dde
7216CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open🫸 –keywordsblock | five | halt | hand | high | hold | pause | push | pushing | refuse | rightward | rightwards | slap | stop | wait aros | gwrthod | gwthio | i’r dde | llaw yn gwthio i’r dde | pump uchel | rhwystro | seibio | stopio
7217CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial👌 -nameOK hand llaw ocê
7218CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial👌 –keywordsawesome | bet | dope | fleek | fosho | got | gotcha | hand | legit | OK | okay | pinch | rad | sure | sweet | three corff | llaw | llaw ocê | ok
7219CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🤌 -namepinched fingers bysedd wedi’u pinsio
7220CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🤌 –keywordsfingers | gesture | hand | hold | huh | interrogation | patience | pinched | relax | sarcastic | ugh | what | zip arwydd â llaw | bysedd | bysedd wedi’u pinsio | holi | sarcastig | wedi pinsio
7221CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🤏 -namepinching hand bysedd yn pinshio
7222CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🤏 –keywordsamount | bit | fingers | hand | little | pinching | small | sort bach iawn | bysedd yn pinshio
7223CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial✌ -namevictory hand llaw fuddugol
7224CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial✌ –keywordshand | peace | v | victory buddugoliaeth | corff | llaw | llaw fuddugol | v
7225CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🤞 -namecrossed fingers bysedd wedi’u croesi
7226CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🤞 –keywordscross | crossed | finger | fingers | hand | luck bys | bysedd wedi’u croesi | croesi | llaw | lwc
7227CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🫰 -namehand with index finger and thumb crossed llaw gyda bys mynegai a bawd wedi’u croesi
7228CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🫰 –keywords<3 | crossed | expensive | finger | hand | heart | index | love | money | snap | thumb arian | calon | cariad | clecian | drud | llaw gyda bys mynegai a bawd wedi’i chroesi
7229CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🤟 -namelove-you gesture arwydd caru ti
7230CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🤟 –keywordsfingers | gesture | hand | ILY | love | love-you | three | you arwydd caru ti | caru ti | llaw
7231CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🤘 -namesign of the horns arwydd y cyrn
7232CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🤘 –keywordsfinger | hand | horns | rock-on | sign arwydd y cyrn | bys | corff | cyrn | llaw
7233CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🤙 -namecall me hand llaw ffonia fi
7234CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🤙 –keywordscall | hand | hang | loose | me | Shaka ffonio | llaw | llaw ffonia fi
7235CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger👈 -namebackhand index pointing left mynegfys yr wrthlaw yn pwyntio i’r chwith
7236CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger👈 –keywordsbackhand | finger | hand | index | left | point | pointing bys | corff | gwrthlaw | llaw | mynegfys yr wrthlaw yn pwyntio i’r chwith
7237CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger👉 -namebackhand index pointing right mynegfys yr wrthlaw yn pwyntio i’r dde
7238CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger👉 –keywordsbackhand | finger | hand | index | point | pointing | right bys | corff | gwrthlaw | llaw | mynegfys yr wrthlaw yn pwyntio i’r dde
7239CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger👆 -namebackhand index pointing up mynegfys yr wrthlaw yn pwyntio i fyny
7240CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger👆 –keywordsbackhand | finger | hand | index | point | pointing | up bys | corff | gwrthlaw | mynegfys | mynegfys yr wrthlaw yn pwyntio i fyny
7241CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger🖕 -namemiddle finger bys canol
7242CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger🖕 –keywordsfinger | hand | middle bys | bys canol | corff | llaw
7243CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger👇 -namebackhand index pointing down mynegfys yr wrthlaw yn pwyntio i lawr
7244CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger👇 –keywordsbackhand | down | finger | hand | index | point | pointing bys | corff | gwrthlaw | mynegfys | mynegfys yr wrthlaw yn pwyntio i lawr
7245CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger☝ -nameindex pointing up mynegfys yn pwyntio i fyny
7246CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger☝ –keywordsfinger | hand | index | point | pointing | this | up corff | i fyny | mynegfys | mynegfys yn pwyntio i fyny | pwyntio
7247CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger🫵 -nameindex pointing at the viewer bys mynegai yn pwyntio at y gwyliwr
7248CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger🫵 –keywordsat | finger | hand | index | pointing | poke | viewer | you bys mynegai yn pwyntio at y gwyliwr | chi | pwynt | ti
7249CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-closed👍 -namethumbs up bys bawd i fyny
7250CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-closed👍 –keywords+1 | good | hand | like | thumb | up | yes bys bawd | bys bawd i fyny | corff | ok
7251CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-closed👎 -namethumbs down bys bawd i lawr
7252CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-closed👎 –keywords-1 | bad | dislike | down | good | hand | no | nope | thumb | thumbs bys bawd | bys bawd i lawr | corff | i lawr | llaw
7253CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-closed✊ -nameraised fist dwrn wedi codi
7254CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-closed✊ –keywordsclenched | fist | hand | punch | raised | solidarity cau | corff | dwrn | dwrn wedi codi | llaw
7255CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-closed👊 -nameoncoming fist dwrn yn agosáu
7256CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-closed👊 –keywordsabsolutely | agree | boom | bro | bruh | bump | clenched | correct | fist | hand | knuckle | oncoming | pound | punch | rock | ttyl cau | corff | dwrn | dwrn yn agosáu | llaw
7257CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-closed🤛 -nameleft-facing fist dwrn tua’r chwith
7258CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-closed🤛 –keywordsfist | left-facing | leftwards dwrn | dwrn tua’r chwith | tua’r chwith
7259CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-closed🤜 -nameright-facing fist dwrn tua’r dde
7260CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-closed🤜 –keywordsfist | right-facing | rightwards dwrn | dwrn tua’r dde | tua’r dde
7261CharactersPeople & Bodyhands👏 -nameclapping hands dwylo yn curo
7262CharactersPeople & Bodyhands👏 –keywordsapplause | approval | awesome | clap | congrats | congratulations | excited | good | great | hand | homie | job | nice | prayed | well | yay corff | curo | dwylo yn curo | llaw
7263CharactersPeople & Bodyhands🙌 -nameraising hands person yn codi dwylo
7264CharactersPeople & Bodyhands🙌 –keywordscelebration | gesture | hand | hands | hooray | praise | raised | raising corff | dathliad | llaw | person yn codi dwylo | ystum
7265CharactersPeople & Bodyhands🫶 -nameheart hands dwylo calon
7266CharactersPeople & Bodyhands🫶 –keywords<3 | hands | heart | love | you cariad | dwylo calon
7267CharactersPeople & Bodyhands👐 -nameopen hands dwylo agored
7268CharactersPeople & Bodyhands👐 –keywordshand | hands | hug | jazz | open | swerve agored | corff | dwylo agored | llaw
7269CharactersPeople & Bodyhands🤲 -namepalms up together cledrau dwylo yn yr awyr gyda’u gilydd
7270CharactersPeople & Bodyhands🤲 –keywordscupped | dua | hands | palms | pray | prayer | together | up | wish cledrau dwylo yn yr awyr gyda’u gilydd | gweddïo
7271CharactersPeople & Bodyhands🤝 -namehandshake ysgwyd dwylo
7272CharactersPeople & Bodyhands🤝 –keywordsagreement | deal | hand | handshake | meeting | shake cyfarfod | cytuno | llaw | ysgwyd | ysgwyd dwylo
7273CharactersPeople & Bodyhands🙏 -namefolded hands dwylo wedi plygu
7274CharactersPeople & Bodyhands🙏 –keywordsappreciate | ask | beg | blessed | bow | cmon | five | folded | gesture | hand | high | please | pray | thanks | thx corff | dwylo wedi plygu | gweddi | plygu | ystum
7275CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-prop✍ -namewriting hand dwylo yn ysgrifennu
7276CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-prop✍ –keywordshand | write | writing corff | dwylo yn ysgrifennu | llaw | ysgrifennu
7277CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-prop💅 -namenail polish farnais ewinedd
7278CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-prop💅 –keywordsbored | care | cosmetics | done | makeup | manicure | nail | polish | whatever corff | ewyn | farnais ewinedd | gofal | triniaeth
7279CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-prop🤳 -nameselfie hunlun
7280CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-prop🤳 –keywordscamera | phone | selfie camera | ffôn | hunlun
7281CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts💪 -nameflexed biceps cyhyrau deuben wedi eu hystwytho
7282CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts💪 –keywordsarm | beast | bench | biceps | bodybuilder | bro | curls | flex | gains | gym | jacked | muscle | press | ripped | strong | weightlift corff | cyhyrau | cyhyrau deuben wedi eu hystwytho | ystwytho
7283CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦾 -namemechanical arm braich fecanyddol
7284CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦾 –keywordsaccessibility | arm | mechanical | prosthetic braich fecanyddol | hygyrchedd | prosthetig
7285CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦿 -namemechanical leg coes fecanyddol
7286CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦿 –keywordsaccessibility | leg | mechanical | prosthetic coes fecanyddol | hygyrchedd | prosthetig
7287CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦵 -nameleg coes
7288CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦵 –keywordsbent | foot | kick | knee | leg | limb cicio | coes
7289CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦶 -namefoot troed
7290CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦶 –keywordsankle | feet | foot | kick | stomp cic | stomp | troed
7291CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts👂 -nameear clust
7292CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts👂 –keywordsbody | ear | ears | hear | hearing | listen | listening | sound clust | corff
7293CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦻 -nameear with hearing aid clust gyda chymorth clyw
7294CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦻 –keywordsaccessibility | aid | ear | hard | hearing clust gyda chymorth clyw | hygyrchedd | trwm eu clyw
7295CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts👃 -namenose trwyn
7296CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts👃 –keywordsbody | nose | noses | nosey | odor | smell | smells corff | trwyn
7297CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🧠 -namebrain ymennydd
7298CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🧠 –keywordsbrain | intelligent | smart deallus | ymennydd
7299CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🫀 -nameanatomical heart Y galon
7300CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🫀 –keywordsanatomical | beat | cardiology | heart | heartbeat | organ | pulse | real | red canol | cardioleg | curiad y galon | organ | pwlse | Y galon
7301CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🫁 -namelungs Yr ysgyfaint
7302CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🫁 –keywordsbreath | breathe | exhalation | inhalation | lung | lungs | organ | respiration allanadliad | anadl | anadlu | mewnanadliad | organ | Yr ysgyfaint
7303CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦷 -nametooth dant
7304CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦷 –keywordsdentist | pearly | teeth | tooth | white dant | deintydd
7305CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦴 -namebone asgwrn
7306CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦴 –keywordsbone | bones | dog | skeleton | wishbone asgwrn | ysgerbwd
7307CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts👀 -nameeyes llygaid
7308CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts👀 –keywordsbody | eye | eyes | face | googly | look | looking | omg | peep | see | seeing corff | llygad | llygaid | wyneb
7309CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts👁 -nameeye llygad
7310CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts👁 –keywords1 | body | eye | one corff | llygad
7311CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts👅 -nametongue tafod
7312CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts👅 –keywordsbody | lick | slurp | tongue corff | tafod
7313CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts👄 -namemouth ceg
7314CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts👄 –keywordsbeauty | body | kiss | kissing | lips | lipstick | mouth ceg | corff | gwefusau
7315CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🫦 -namebiting lip brathu gwefus
7316CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🫦 –keywordsanxious | bite | biting | fear | flirt | flirting | kiss | lip | lipstick | nervous | sexy | uncomfortable | worried | worry anghyfforddus | brathu gwefus | fflyrtio | nerfus | ofn | poeni | pryderus
7317CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👶 -namebaby babi
7318CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👶 –keywordsbabies | baby | children | goo | infant | newborn | pregnant | young babi | ifanc
7319CharactersPeople & Bodyperson🧒 -namechild plentyn
7320CharactersPeople & Bodyperson🧒 –keywordsbright-eyed | child | grandchild | kid | young | younger ifanc | niwtral o ran rhyw | plentyn
7321CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👦 -nameboy bachgen
7322CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👦 –keywordsboy | bright-eyed | child | grandson | kid | son | young | younger bachgen | gwrywaidd
7323CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👧 -namegirl merch
7324CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👧 –keywordsbright-eyed | child | daughter | girl | granddaughter | kid | Virgo | young | younger | zodiac benywaidd | ifanc | merch | y Forwyn
7325CharactersPeople & Bodyperson🧑 -name= person
7326CharactersPeople & Bodyperson🧑 –keywordsadult | person niwtral o ran rhywedd | oedolyn | person
7327CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👱 -nameperson: blond hair person â gwallt golau
7328CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👱 –keywordsblond | blond-haired | human | person gwallt golau | person â gwallt golau
7329CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👨 -nameman dyn
7330CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👨 –keywordsadult | bro | man dyn | oedolyn
7331CharactersPeople & Bodyperson🧔 -nameperson: beard person: barf
7332CharactersPeople & Bodyperson🧔 –keywordsbeard | bearded | person | whiskers barf | dyn â barf | person barfog | person: barf
7333CharactersPeople & Bodyperson🧔‍♂ -nameman: beard dyn: barf
7334CharactersPeople & Bodyperson🧔‍♂ –keywordsbeard | bearded | man | whiskers barf | dyn | dyn: barf
7335CharactersPeople & Bodyperson🧔‍♀ -namewoman: beard menyw: barf
7336CharactersPeople & Bodyperson🧔‍♀ –keywordsbeard | bearded | whiskers | woman barf | fenyw | menyw: barf
7337CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👩 -namewoman menyw
7338CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👩 –keywordsadult | lady | woman menyw | oedolyn
7339CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👱‍♀ -namewoman: blond hair menyw â gwallt golau
7340CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👱‍♀ –keywordsblond | blond-haired | blonde | hair | woman blonde | gwallt golau | menyw | menyw â gwallt golau
7341CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👱‍♂ -nameman: blond hair dyn â gwallt golau
7342CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👱‍♂ –keywordsblond | blond-haired | hair | man blond | dyn | dyn â gwallt golau | gwallt golau
7343CharactersPeople & Bodyperson🧓 -nameolder person oedolyn oedranus
7344CharactersPeople & Bodyperson🧓 –keywordsadult | elderly | grandparent | old | person | wise hen | niwtral o ran rhyw | oedolyn oedranus
7345CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👴 -nameold man hen ddyn
7346CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👴 –keywordsadult | bald | elderly | gramps | grandfather | grandpa | man | old | wise dyn | gwrywaidd | hen | hen ddyn
7347CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👵 -nameold woman hen fenyw
7348CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👵 –keywordsadult | elderly | grandma | grandmother | granny | lady | old | wise | woman benywaidd | hen | hen fenyw | menyw
7349CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙍 -nameperson frowning person yn gwgu
7350CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙍 –keywordsannoyed | disappointed | disgruntled | disturbed | frown | frowning | frustrated | gesture | irritated | person | upset gwg | person yn gwgu | ystum
7351CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙍‍♂ -nameman frowning dyn yn gwgu
7352CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙍‍♂ –keywordsannoyed | disappointed | disgruntled | disturbed | frown | frowning | frustrated | gesture | irritated | man | upset dyn | dyn yn gwgu | gwgu | ystum
7353CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙍‍♀ -namewoman frowning menyw yn gwgu
7354CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙍‍♀ –keywordsannoyed | disappointed | disgruntled | disturbed | frown | frowning | frustrated | gesture | irritated | upset | woman gwgu | menyw | menyw yn gwgu | ystum
7355CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙎 -nameperson pouting person yn pwdu
7356CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙎 –keywordsdisappointed | downtrodden | frown | grimace | person | pouting | scowl | sulk | upset | whine person yn pwdu | pwdu | ystum
7357CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙎‍♂ -nameman pouting dyn yn pwdu
7358CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙎‍♂ –keywordsdisappointed | downtrodden | frown | grimace | man | pouting | scowl | sulk | upset | whine dyn | dyn yn pwdu | pwdu | ystum
7359CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙎‍♀ -namewoman pouting menyw yn pwdu
7360CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙎‍♀ –keywordsdisappointed | downtrodden | frown | grimace | pouting | scowl | sulk | upset | whine | woman menyw | menyw yn pwdu | pwdu | ystum
7361CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙅 -nameperson gesturing NO person yn ystumio nad yw’n iawn
7362CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙅 –keywordsforbidden | gesture | hand | NO | not | person | prohibit gwaharddedig | llaw | na | person yn ystumio nad yw’n iawn | ystum
7363CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙅‍♂ -nameman gesturing NO dyn yn ystumio nad yw’n iawn
7364CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙅‍♂ –keywordsforbidden | gesture | hand | man | NO | not | prohibit dyn | dyn yn ystumio nad yw’n iawn | gwaharddedig | na | ystum
7365CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙅‍♀ -namewoman gesturing NO menyw yn ystumio nad yw’n iawn
7366CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙅‍♀ –keywordsforbidden | gesture | hand | NO | not | prohibit | woman gwaharddedig | menyw | menyw yn ystumio nad yw’n iawn | na | ystum
7367CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙆 -nameperson gesturing OK person yn ystumio iawn
7368CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙆 –keywordsexercise | gesture | gesturing | hand | OK | omg | person iawn | llaw | ok | person yn ystumio iawn | ystum
7369CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙆‍♂ -nameman gesturing OK dyn yn ystumio iawn
7370CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙆‍♂ –keywordsexercise | gesture | gesturing | hand | man | OK | omg dyn | dyn yn ystumio iawn | iawn | ok | ystum
7371CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙆‍♀ -namewoman gesturing OK menyw yn ystumio iawn
7372CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙆‍♀ –keywordsexercise | gesture | gesturing | hand | OK | omg | woman iawn | menyw | menyw yn ystumio iawn | ok | ystum
7373CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture💁 -nameperson tipping hand person yn gwyro llaw
7374CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture💁 –keywordsfetch | flick | flip | gossip | hand | person | sarcasm | sarcastic | sassy | seriously | tipping | whatever gwybodaeth | help | llaw | person yn gwyro llaw | tipio
7375CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture💁‍♂ -nameman tipping hand dyn yn gwyro ei law
7376CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture💁‍♂ –keywordsfetch | flick | flip | gossip | hand | man | sarcasm | sarcastic | sassy | seriously | tipping | whatever dyn | dyn yn gwyro ei law | gwybodaeth | llaw | tipio
7377CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture💁‍♀ -namewoman tipping hand menyw yn gwyro ei llaw
7378CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture💁‍♀ –keywordsfetch | flick | flip | gossip | hand | sarcasm | sarcastic | sassy | seriously | tipping | whatever | woman gwybodaeth | llaw | menyw | menyw yn gwyro ei llaw | tipio
7379CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙋 -nameperson raising hand person yn codi llaw
7380CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙋 –keywordsgesture | hand | here | know | me | person | pick | question | raise | raising hapus | llaw | person yn codi llaw | ystum
7381CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙋‍♂ -nameman raising hand dyn yn codi ei law
7382CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙋‍♂ –keywordsgesture | hand | here | know | man | me | pick | question | raise | raising dyn | dyn yn codi ei law | hapus | llaw | ystum
7383CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙋‍♀ -namewoman raising hand menyw yn codi ei llaw
7384CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙋‍♀ –keywordsgesture | hand | here | know | me | pick | question | raise | raising | woman hapus | llaw | menyw | menyw yn codi ei llaw | ystum
7385CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🧏 -namedeaf person person byddar
7386CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🧏 –keywordsaccessibility | deaf | ear | gesture | hear | person byddar | clust | clywed | hygyrchedd | person byddar
7387CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🧏‍♂ -namedeaf man dyn byddar
7388CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🧏‍♂ –keywordsaccessibility | deaf | ear | gesture | hear | man byddar | dyn
7389CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🧏‍♀ -namedeaf woman menyw fyddar
7390CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🧏‍♀ –keywordsaccessibility | deaf | ear | gesture | hear | woman byddar | menyw | menyw fyddar
7391CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙇 -nameperson bowing person yn ymgrymu
7392CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙇 –keywordsapology | ask | beg | bow | bowing | favor | forgive | gesture | meditate | meditation | person | pity | regret | sorry person yn ymgrymu | sori | ymddiheuriad | ymgrymiad | ystum
7393CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙇‍♂ -nameman bowing dyn yn ymgrymu’n isel
7394CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙇‍♂ –keywordsapology | ask | beg | bow | bowing | favor | forgive | gesture | man | meditate | meditation | pity | regret | sorry dyn | dyn yn ymgrymu’n isel | ffafr | ymddiheuriad | ymgrymiad
7395CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙇‍♀ -namewoman bowing menyw yn ymgrymu’n isel
7396CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙇‍♀ –keywordsapology | ask | beg | bow | bowing | favor | forgive | gesture | meditate | meditation | pity | regret | sorry | woman ffafr | menyw | menyw yn ymgrymu’n isel | ymddiheuriad | ymgrymiad
7397CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🤦 -nameperson facepalming cledr i’r wyneb
7398CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🤦 –keywordsagain | bewilder | disbelief | exasperation | facepalm | no | not | oh | omg | person | shock | smh anghrediniaeth | cledr | cledr i’r wyneb | cythrudd | wyneb
7399CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🤦‍♂ -nameman facepalming dyn yn codi cledr i’w wyneb
7400CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🤦‍♂ –keywordsagain | bewilder | disbelief | exasperation | facepalm | man | no | not | oh | omg | shock | smh anghoel | cledr | cythrudd | dyn | dyn yn codi cledr i’w wyneb
7401CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🤦‍♀ -namewoman facepalming menyw yn codi cledr i’w wyneb
7402CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🤦‍♀ –keywordsagain | bewilder | disbelief | exasperation | facepalm | no | not | oh | omg | shock | smh | woman anghoel | cledr | cythrudd | menyw | menyw yn codi cledr i’w wyneb
7403CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🤷 -nameperson shrugging codi gwar
7404CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🤷 –keywordsdoubt | dunno | guess | idk | ignorance | indifference | knows | maybe | person | shrug | shrugging | whatever | who amheuaeth | anwybodaeth | codi gwar | difaterwch
7405CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🤷‍♂ -nameman shrugging dyn yn codi gwar
7406CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🤷‍♂ –keywordsdoubt | dunno | guess | idk | ignorance | indifference | knows | man | maybe | shrug | shrugging | whatever | who amheuaeth | anwybodaeth | codi gwar | dyn | dyn yn codi gwar
7407CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🤷‍♀ -namewoman shrugging menyw yn codi gwar
7408CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🤷‍♀ –keywordsdoubt | dunno | guess | idk | ignorance | indifference | knows | maybe | shrug | shrugging | whatever | who | woman amheuaeth | anwybodaeth | codi gwar | menyw | menyw yn codi gwar
7409CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍⚕ -namehealth worker gweithiwr iechyd
7410CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍⚕ –keywordsdoctor | health | healthcare | nurse | therapist | worker gofal iechyd | gweithiwr iechyd | meddyg | nyrs | therapydd
7411CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍⚕ -nameman health worker gweithiwr iechyd gwrywaidd
7412CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍⚕ –keywordsdoctor | health | healthcare | man | nurse | therapist | worker gofal iechyd | gweithiwr iechyd gwrywaidd | gwrywaidd | meddyg | nyrs
7413CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍⚕ -namewoman health worker gweithiwr iechyd benywaidd
7414CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍⚕ –keywordsdoctor | health | healthcare | nurse | therapist | woman | worker benywaidd | gofal iechyd | gweithiwr iechyd benywaidd | meddyg | nyrs
7415CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🎓 -namestudent person sy’n astudio
7416CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🎓 –keywordsgraduate | student myfyriwr | person sy’n astudio | wedi graddio
7417CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🎓 -nameman student myfyriwr
7418CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🎓 –keywordsgraduate | man | student dyn | graddio | gwrywaidd | myfyriwr
7419CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🎓 -namewoman student myfyrwraig
7420CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🎓 –keywordsgraduate | student | woman benywaidd | graddio | menyw | myfyrwraig
7421CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🏫 -nameteacher person sy’n addysgu
7422CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🏫 –keywordsinstructor | lecturer | professor | teacher atho | athrawes | hyfforddwr | person sy’n addysgu
7423CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🏫 -nameman teacher athro
7424CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🏫 –keywordsinstructor | lecturer | man | professor | teacher athro | dyn | gwrywaidd | hyfforddwr
7425CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🏫 -namewoman teacher athrawes
7426CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🏫 –keywordsinstructor | lecturer | professor | teacher | woman athrawes | benywaidd | hyfforddwraig | menyw
7427CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍⚖ -namejudge person sy’n barnu
7428CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍⚖ –keywordsjudge | justice | law | scales barnwr | clorian | person sy’n barnu
7429CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍⚖ -nameman judge barnwr
7430CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍⚖ –keywordsjudge | justice | law | man | scales barnwr | clorian | cyfiawnder | dyn | gwrywaidd
7431CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍⚖ -namewoman judge barnwres
7432CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍⚖ –keywordsjudge | justice | law | scales | woman barnwres | benywaidd | clorian | cyfiawnder | menyw
7433CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🌾 -namefarmer person sy’n ffermio
7434CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🌾 –keywordsfarmer | gardener | rancher ffarmwr | garddwr | person sy’n ffermio | ranshwr
7435CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🌾 -nameman farmer ffermwr
7436CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🌾 –keywordsfarmer | gardener | man | rancher dyn | ffermwr | garddwr | gwrywaidd
7437CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🌾 -namewoman farmer ffarmwraig
7438CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🌾 –keywordsfarmer | gardener | rancher | woman benywaidd | ffarmwraig | ffermio | garddio | menyw
7439CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🍳 -namecook person sy’n coginio
7440CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🍳 –keywordschef | cook cogydd | person sy’n coginio | sieff
7441CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🍳 -nameman cook cogydd
7442CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🍳 –keywordschef | cook | man coginio | cogydd | dyn | gwrywaidd
7443CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🍳 -namewoman cook cogyddes
7444CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🍳 –keywordschef | cook | woman benywaidd | coginio | cogydd | cogyddes | menyw
7445CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🔧 -namemechanic mecanig
7446CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🔧 –keywordselectrician | mechanic | plumber | tradesperson crefftwr | mecanig | plymer | trydanwr
7447CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🔧 -nameman mechanic peiriannydd gwrywaidd
7448CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🔧 –keywordselectrician | man | mechanic | plumber | tradesperson dyn | peiriannydd | peiriannydd gwrywaidd | plymwr | trydanwr
7449CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🔧 -namewoman mechanic peiriannydd benywaidd
7450CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🔧 –keywordselectrician | mechanic | plumber | tradesperson | woman benywaidd | peiriannydd | plymio | trydanwr
7451CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🏭 -namefactory worker person sy’n gweithio mewn ffatri
7452CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🏭 –keywordsassembly | factory | industrial | worker diwydiannol | ffatri | gweithiwr | person sy’n gweithio mewn ffatri | rhes gydosod
7453CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🏭 -nameman factory worker gweithiwr ffatri
7454CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🏭 –keywordsassembly | factory | industrial | man | worker cydosod | diwydiant | dyn | ffatri | gweithiwr ffatri
7455CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🏭 -namewoman factory worker gweithwraig ffatri
7456CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🏭 –keywordsassembly | factory | industrial | woman | worker benyw | cydosod | diwydiant | ffatri | gweithwraig ffatri
7457CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍💼 -nameoffice worker gweithiwr swyddfa
7458CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍💼 –keywordsarchitect | business | manager | office | white-collar | worker busnes | coler wen | gweithiwr swyddfa | pensaer | rheolwr
7459CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍💼 -nameman office worker gweithiwr swyddfa gwrywaidd
7460CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍💼 –keywordsarchitect | business | man | manager | office | white-collar | worker busnes | dyn | gweithiwr swyddfa gwrywaidd | pensaer | swyddfa
7461CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍💼 -namewoman office worker gweithiwr swyddfa benywaidd
7462CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍💼 –keywordsarchitect | business | manager | office | white-collar | woman | worker busnes | gweithiwr swyddfa benywaidd | menyw | pensaer | swyddfa
7463CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🔬 -namescientist person sy’n ymwneud â gwyddoniaeth
7464CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🔬 –keywordsbiologist | chemist | engineer | mathematician | physicist | scientist biolegydd | cemegydd | ffisegydd | gwyddonydd | peiriannydd | person sy’n ymwneud â gwyddoniaeth
7465CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🔬 -nameman scientist gwyddonydd
7466CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🔬 –keywordsbiologist | chemist | engineer | man | mathematician | physicist | scientist biolegydd | cemegydd | dyn | gwyddonydd
7467CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🔬 -namewoman scientist gwyddonwraig
7468CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🔬 –keywordsbiologist | chemist | engineer | mathematician | physicist | scientist | woman biolegydd | cemegydd | gwyddonwraig | menyw
7469CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍💻 -nametechnologist technolegydd
7470CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍💻 –keywordscoder | computer | developer | inventor | software | technologist codiwr | datblygydd | dyfeisiwr | meddalwedd | technolegydd
7471CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍💻 -nameman technologist technolegwr
7472CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍💻 –keywordscoder | computer | developer | inventor | man | software | technologist codydd | datblygydd | dyfeisio | dyn | technolegwr
7473CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍💻 -namewoman technologist technolegwraig
7474CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍💻 –keywordscoder | computer | developer | inventor | software | technologist | woman codydd | datblygydd | dyfeisio | menyw | technolegwraig
7475CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🎤 -namesinger person sy’n canu
7476CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🎤 –keywordsactor | entertainer | rock | rockstar | singer | star actor | cantor | diddanwr | person sy’n canu | roc | seren
7477CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🎤 -nameman singer cantor
7478CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🎤 –keywordsactor | entertainer | man | rock | rockstar | singer | star actor | adlonni | cantor | dyn
7479CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🎤 -namewoman singer cantores
7480CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🎤 –keywordsactor | entertainer | rock | rockstar | singer | star | woman actor | adlonni | cantores | menyw
7481CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🎨 -name= artist
7482CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🎨 –keywordsartist | palette artist | palet
7483CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🎨 -nameman artist arlunydd
7484CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🎨 –keywordsartist | man | palette arlunydd | dyn | palet
7485CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🎨 -namewoman artist arlunwraig
7486CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🎨 –keywordsartist | palette | woman arlunwraig | benyw | palet
7487CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍✈ -namepilot peilot
7488CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍✈ –keywordspilot | plane awyren | peilot
7489CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍✈ -nameman pilot peilot gwrywaidd
7490CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍✈ –keywordsman | pilot | plane awyren | dyn | gwrywaidd | peilot
7491CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍✈ -namewoman pilot peilot benywaidd
7492CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍✈ –keywordspilot | plane | woman awyren | benywaidd | menyw | peilot
7493CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🚀 -nameastronaut gofod-deithiwr
7494CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🚀 –keywordsastronaut | rocket | space gofod-deithiwr | gofodwr | roced
7495CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🚀 -nameman astronaut gofodwr
7496CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🚀 –keywordsastronaut | man | rocket | space dyn | gofod | gofodwr | roced
7497CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🚀 -namewoman astronaut gofodwraig
7498CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🚀 –keywordsastronaut | rocket | space | woman gofod | gofodwraig | menyw | roced
7499CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🚒 -namefirefighter diffoddwr tân
7500CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🚒 –keywordsfire | firefighter | firetruck diffoddwr tân | injan dân
7501CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🚒 -nameman firefighter dyn tân
7502CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🚒 –keywordsfire | firefighter | firetruck | man dyn | dyn tân | lori tân
7503CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🚒 -namewoman firefighter menyw tân
7504CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🚒 –keywordsfire | firefighter | firetruck | woman lori tân | menyw | menyw tân
7505CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👮 -namepolice officer heddwas
7506CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👮 –keywordsapprehend | arrest | citation | cop | law | officer | over | police | pulled | undercover heddlu | heddwas | plismon | swyddog
7507CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👮‍♂ -nameman police officer swyddog heddlu gwrywaidd
7508CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👮‍♂ –keywordsapprehend | arrest | citation | cop | law | man | officer | over | police | pulled | undercover gwrywaidd | heddlu | plismon | swyddog
7509CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👮‍♀ -namewoman police officer swyddog heddlu benywaidd
7510CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👮‍♀ –keywordsapprehend | arrest | citation | cop | law | officer | over | police | pulled | undercover | woman benywaidd | heddlu | plismon | swyddog
7511CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🕵 -namedetective ditectif
7512CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🕵 –keywordsdetective | sleuth | spy ditectif | ysbïwr
7513CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🕵‍♂ -nameman detective ditectif gwrywaidd
7514CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🕵‍♂ –keywordsdetective | man | sleuth | spy ditectif | dyn | gwrywaidd | ysbïwr
7515CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🕵‍♀ -namewoman detective ditectif benywaidd
7516CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🕵‍♀ –keywordsdetective | sleuth | spy | woman benywaidd | ditectif | menyw | ysbiwraig
7517CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role💂 -nameguard gwarchodfilwr
7518CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role💂 –keywordsbuckingham | guard | helmet | london | palace gwarchod | gwarchodfilwr
7519CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role💂‍♂ -nameman guard gwarchodydd gwrywaidd
7520CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role💂‍♂ –keywordsbuckingham | guard | helmet | london | man | palace dyn | gwarchod | gwarchodydd gwrywaidd | gwrywaidd
7521CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role💂‍♀ -namewoman guard gwarchodydd benywaidd
7522CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role💂‍♀ –keywordsbuckingham | guard | helmet | london | palace | woman benywaidd | gwarchod | gwarchodydd benywaidd | menyw
7523CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🥷 -name= ninja
7524CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🥷 –keywordsassassin | fight | fighter | hidden | ninja | person | secret | skills | sly | soldier | stealth | war cudd | cuddio | ninja | ymladdwr
7525CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👷 -nameconstruction worker adeiladwr
7526CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👷 –keywordsbuild | construction | fix | hardhat | hat | man | person | rebuild | remodel | repair | work | worker adeiladu | adeiladwr | gweithiwr | het
7527CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👷‍♂ -nameman construction worker gweithiwr adeiladu gwrywaidd
7528CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👷‍♂ –keywordsbuild | construction | fix | hardhat | hat | man | rebuild | remodel | repair | work | worker adeiladu | dyn | gweithiwr | gwrywaidd
7529CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👷‍♀ -namewoman construction worker gweithiwr adeiladu benywaidd
7530CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👷‍♀ –keywordsbuild | construction | fix | hardhat | hat | man | rebuild | remodel | repair | woman | work | worker adeiladu | benywaidd | gweithiwr adeiladu benywaidd | gweithwraig | menyw
7531CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🫅 -nameperson with crown person â choron
7532CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🫅 –keywordscrown | monarch | noble | person | regal | royal | royalty bonheddig | breindal | brenhinol | brenin | person â choron
7533CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🤴 -nameprince tywysog
7534CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🤴 –keywordscrown | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | king | prince | royal | royalty | tale tywysog
7535CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👸 -nameprincess tywysoges
7536CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👸 –keywordscrown | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | princess | queen | royal | royalty | tale ffantasi | tywysoges
7537CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👳 -nameperson wearing turban person yn gwisgo twrban
7538CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👳 –keywordsperson | turban | wearing person yn gwisgo twrban | twrban
7539CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👳‍♂ -nameman wearing turban dyn â thwrban
7540CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👳‍♂ –keywordsman | turban | wearing dyn | dyn â thwrban | gwrywaidd | twrban
7541CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👳‍♀ -namewoman wearing turban menyw â thwrban
7542CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👳‍♀ –keywordsturban | wearing | woman benywaidd | menyw | menyw â thwrban | twrban
7543CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👲 -nameperson with skullcap dyn â chap Tsieineaidd
7544CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👲 –keywordscap | Chinese | gua | guapi | hat | mao | person | pi | skullcap dyn | dyn â chap Tsieineaidd | gua pi mao | het
7545CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧕 -namewoman with headscarf menyw â phensgarff
7546CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧕 –keywordsbandana | head | headscarf | hijab | kerchief | mantilla | tichel | woman hijab | mantilla | menyw â phensgarff | pensgarff | tichel
7547CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🤵 -nameperson in tuxedo person mewn siaced ginio
7548CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🤵 –keywordsformal | person | tuxedo | wedding person | person mewn siaced ginio | priodfab | siaced ginio
7549CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🤵‍♂ -nameman in tuxedo dyn mewn siaced ginio
7550CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🤵‍♂ –keywordsformal | groom | man | tuxedo | wedding dyn | dyn mewn siaced ginio | siaced ginio
7551CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🤵‍♀ -namewoman in tuxedo menyw mewn siaced ginio
7552CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🤵‍♀ –keywordsformal | tuxedo | wedding | woman menyw | menyw mewn siaced ginio | siaced ginio
7553CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👰 -nameperson with veil person yn gwisgo llen
7554CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👰 –keywordsperson | veil | wedding llen | person yn gwisgo llen | priodas | priodferch
7555CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👰‍♂ -nameman with veil dyn yn gwisgo llen
7556CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👰‍♂ –keywordsman | veil | wedding dyn | dyn yn gwisgo llen | llen
7557CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👰‍♀ -namewoman with veil menyw yn gwisgo llen
7558CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👰‍♀ –keywordsbride | veil | wedding | woman llen | menyw | menyw yn gwisgo llen
7559CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🤰 -namepregnant woman menyw feichiog
7560CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🤰 –keywordspregnant | woman beichiog | menyw | menyw feichiog
7561CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🫃 -namepregnant man dyn beichiog
7562CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🫃 –keywordsbelly | bloated | full | man | overeat | pregnant beichiog | bol | chwyddedig | dyn beichiog | llawn
7563CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🫄 -namepregnant person person beichiog
7564CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🫄 –keywordsbelly | bloated | full | overeat | person | pregnant | stuffed beichiog | bol | chwyddedig | llawn | person beichiog
7565CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🤱 -namebreast-feeding bwydo o’r fron
7566CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🤱 –keywordsbaby | breast | breast-feeding | feeding | mom | mother | nursing | woman babi | bron | bwydo o’r fron | nyrsio
7567CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🍼 -namewoman feeding baby menyw yn bwydo babi
7568CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🍼 –keywordsbaby | feed | feeding | mom | mother | nanny | newborn | nursing | woman babi | bwydo | maethu | menyw | menyw yn bwydo babi
7569CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🍼 -nameman feeding baby dyn yn bwydo babi
7570CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🍼 –keywordsbaby | dad | father | feed | feeding | man | nanny | newborn | nursing babi | bwydo | dyn | dyn yn bwydo babi | maethu
7571CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🍼 -nameperson feeding baby person yn bwydo babi
7572CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🍼 –keywordsbaby | feed | feeding | nanny | newborn | nursing | parent babi | bwydo | maethu | person | person yn bwydo babi
7573CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy👼 -namebaby angel babi angel
7574CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy👼 –keywordsangel | baby | church | face | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | tale angel | babi | ffantasi | wyneb
7575CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🎅 -nameSanta Claus Siôn Corn
7576CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🎅 –keywordscelebration | Christmas | claus | fairy | fantasy | father | holiday | merry | santa | tale | xmas dathliad | Nadolig | santa | Siôn Corn
7577CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🤶 -nameMrs. Claus Siân Corn
7578CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🤶 –keywordscelebration | Christmas | claus | fairy | fantasy | holiday | merry | mother | Mrs | santa | tale | xmas mam | Siân Corn | y Nadolig
7579CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧑‍🎄 -nameMx Claus mx claus
7580CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧑‍🎄 –keywordscelebration | Christmas | claus | fairy | fantasy | holiday | merry | Mx | santa | tale | xmas Claus | gwyliau | het | mx claus | nadolig | nadolig llawen | person | sion corn
7581CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🦸 -namesuperhero archarwr
7582CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🦸 –keywordsgood | hero | superhero | superpower archarwr | archbŵer | arwr | arwres | da
7583CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🦸‍♂ -nameman superhero archarwr gwrywaidd
7584CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🦸‍♂ –keywordsgood | hero | man | superhero | superpower archarwr gwrywaidd | archbŵer | arwr | da | dyn
7585CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🦸‍♀ -namewoman superhero archarwr benywaidd
7586CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🦸‍♀ –keywordsgood | hero | heroine | superhero | superpower | woman archarwr benywaidd | archbŵer | arwr | arwres | da | menyw
7587CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🦹 -namesupervillain archleidr
7588CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🦹 –keywordsbad | criminal | evil | superpower | supervillain | villain archbŵer | archleidr | drwg | dyn drwg | troseddwr
7589CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🦹‍♂ -nameman supervillain archleidr gwrywaidd
7590CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🦹‍♂ –keywordsbad | criminal | evil | man | superpower | supervillain | villain archbŵer | archleidr gwrywaidd | drwg | dyn | troseddwr
7591CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🦹‍♀ -namewoman supervillain archleidr benywaidd
7592CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🦹‍♀ –keywordsbad | criminal | evil | superpower | supervillain | villain | woman archbŵer | archleidr benywaidd | drwg | dyn drwg | menyw | troseddwr
7593CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧙 -namemage dewin
7594CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧙 –keywordsfantasy | mage | magic | play | sorcerer | sorceress | sorcery | spell | summon | witch | wizard dewin | gwrach | swynwr | swynwraig
7595CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧙‍♂ -nameman mage dewin gwrywaidd
7596CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧙‍♂ –keywordsfantasy | mage | magic | man | play | sorcerer | sorceress | sorcery | spell | summon | witch | wizard dewin | dewin gwrywaidd | swynwr
7597CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧙‍♀ -namewoman mage dewin benywaidd
7598CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧙‍♀ –keywordsfantasy | mage | magic | play | sorcerer | sorceress | sorcery | spell | summon | witch | wizard | woman dewin benywaidd | dewines | gwrach | swynwraig
7599CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧚 -namefairy tylwyth teg
7600CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧚 –keywordsfairy | fairytale | fantasy | myth | person | pixie | tale | wings Oberon | Puck | Titania | tylwyth teg
7601CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧚‍♂ -nameman fairy tylwythen teg
7602CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧚‍♂ –keywordsfairy | fairytale | fantasy | man | myth | Oberon | person | pixie | Puck | tale | wings Oberon | Puck | tylwythen teg
7603CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧚‍♀ -namewoman fairy tylwythen deg
7604CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧚‍♀ –keywordsfairy | fairytale | fantasy | myth | person | pixie | tale | Titania | wings | woman Titania | tylwythen deg
7605CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧛 -namevampire fampir
7606CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧛 –keywordsblood | Dracula | fangs | halloween | scary | supernatural | teeth | undead | vampire Draciwla | fampir | meirw byw
7607CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧛‍♂ -nameman vampire fampir gwrywaidd
7608CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧛‍♂ –keywordsblood | fangs | halloween | man | scary | supernatural | teeth | undead | vampire Draciwla | fampir gwrywaidd | meirw byw
7609CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧛‍♀ -namewoman vampire fampir benywaidd
7610CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧛‍♀ –keywordsblood | fangs | halloween | scary | supernatural | teeth | undead | vampire | woman fampir benywaidd | meirw byw
7611CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧜 -namemerperson môrberson
7612CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧜 –keywordscreature | fairytale | folklore | merperson | ocean | sea | siren | trident môr-fenyw | môr-forwyn | môrberson | morwas
7613CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧜‍♂ -namemerman morwas
7614CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧜‍♂ –keywordscreature | fairytale | folklore | merman | Neptune | ocean | Poseidon | sea | siren | trident | Triton morwas | Triton
7615CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧜‍♀ -namemermaid môr-forwyn
7616CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧜‍♀ –keywordscreature | fairytale | folklore | mermaid | merwoman | ocean | sea | siren | trident môr-fenyw | môr-forwyn
7617CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧝 -nameelf coblyn
7618CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧝 –keywordself | elves | enchantment | fantasy | folklore | magic | magical | myth coblyn | hudol
7619CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧝‍♂ -nameman elf coblyn gwrwywaidd
7620CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧝‍♂ –keywordself | elves | enchantment | fantasy | folklore | magic | magical | man | myth coblyn gwrwywaidd | hudol
7621CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧝‍♀ -namewoman elf coblyn benywaidd
7622CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧝‍♀ –keywordself | elves | enchantment | fantasy | folklore | magic | magical | myth | woman coblyn benywaidd | hudol
7623CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧞 -name= genie
7624CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧞 –keywordsdjinn | fantasy | genie | jinn | lamp | myth | rub | wishes djinn | genie
7625CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧞‍♂ -nameman genie genie gwrywaidd
7626CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧞‍♂ –keywordsdjinn | fantasy | genie | jinn | lamp | man | myth | rub | wishes djinn | genie gwrywaidd
7627CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧞‍♀ -namewoman genie genie benywaidd
7628CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧞‍♀ –keywordsdjinn | fantasy | genie | jinn | lamp | myth | rub | wishes | woman djinn | genie benywaidd
7629CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧟 -namezombie sombi
7630CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧟 –keywordsapocalypse | dead | halloween | horror | scary | undead | walking | zombie meirw ar droed | meirw byw | sombi
7631CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧟‍♂ -nameman zombie sombi gwrywaidd
7632CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧟‍♂ –keywordsapocalypse | dead | halloween | horror | man | scary | undead | walking | zombie meirw ar droed | meirw byw | sombi gwrywaidd
7633CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧟‍♀ -namewoman zombie sombi benywaidd
7634CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧟‍♀ –keywordsapocalypse | dead | halloween | horror | scary | undead | walking | woman | zombie meirw ar droed | meirw byw | sombi benywaidd
7635CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧌 -nametroll ellyll
7636CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧌 –keywordsfairy | fantasy | monster | tale | troll | trolling anghenfil | ellyll | ffantasi | stori dylwyth teg
7637CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity💆 -nameperson getting massage person yn derbyn tyluniad
7638CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity💆 –keywordsface | getting | headache | massage | person | relax | relaxing | salon | soothe | spa | tension | therapy | treatment person yn derbyn tyluniad | salon | tyluniad | wyneb
7639CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity💆‍♂ -nameman getting massage dyn yn derbyn tyluniad i’w wyneb
7640CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity💆‍♂ –keywordsface | getting | headache | man | massage | relax | relaxing | salon | soothe | spa | tension | therapy | treatment dyn | dyn yn derbyn tyluniad i’w wyneb | tyluniad | wyneb
7641CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity💆‍♀ -namewoman getting massage menyw yn derbyn tyluniad i’w wyneb
7642CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity💆‍♀ –keywordsface | getting | headache | massage | relax | relaxing | salon | soothe | spa | tension | therapy | treatment | woman menyw | menyw yn derbyn tyluniad i’w wyneb | tyluniad | wyneb
7643CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity💇 -nameperson getting haircut person yn cael ei wallt wedi’u torri
7644CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity💇 –keywordsbarber | beauty | chop | cosmetology | cut | groom | hair | haircut | parlor | person | shears | style barbwr | gwallt | harddwch | person yn cael ei wallt wedi’u torri | torri
7645CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity💇‍♂ -nameman getting haircut dyn yn cael ei wallt wedi’u torri
7646CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity💇‍♂ –keywordsbarber | beauty | chop | cosmetology | cut | groom | hair | haircut | man | parlor | person | shears | style dyn | dyn yn cael ei wallt wedi’u torri | gwallt | torri
7647CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity💇‍♀ -namewoman getting haircut menyw yn cael ei gwallt wedi’u torri
7648CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity💇‍♀ –keywordsbarber | beauty | chop | cosmetology | cut | groom | hair | haircut | parlor | person | shears | style | woman gwallt | menyw | menyw yn cael ei gwallt wedi’u torri | torri
7649CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🚶 -nameperson walking person yn cerdded
7650CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🚶 –keywordsamble | gait | hike | man | pace | pedestrian | person | stride | stroll | walk | walking cerdded | heicio | person yn cerdded
7651CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🚶‍♂ -nameman walking dyn yn cerdded
7652CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🚶‍♂ –keywordsamble | gait | hike | man | pace | pedestrian | stride | stroll | walk | walking cerdded | dyn | dyn yn cerdded | heicio
7653CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🚶‍♀ -namewoman walking menyw yn cerdded
7654CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🚶‍♀ –keywordsamble | gait | hike | man | pace | pedestrian | stride | stroll | walk | walking | woman cerdded | heicio | menyw | menyw yn cerdded
7655CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧍 -nameperson standing person yn sefyll
7656CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧍 –keywordsperson | stand | standing dwy droed | person yn sefyll | sefyll
7657CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧍‍♂ -nameman standing dyn yn sefyll
7658CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧍‍♂ –keywordsman | stand | standing dyn | dyn yn sefyll | sefyll
7659CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧍‍♀ -namewoman standing menyw yn sefyll
7660CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧍‍♀ –keywordsstand | standing | woman menyw | menyw yn sefyll | sefyll
7661CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧎 -nameperson kneeling person yn penlinio
7662CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧎 –keywordskneel | kneeling | knees | person penlinio | person yn penlinio
7663CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧎‍♂ -nameman kneeling dyn yn penlinio
7664CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧎‍♂ –keywordskneel | kneeling | knees | man dyn | dyn yn penlinio | penlinio
7665CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧎‍♀ -namewoman kneeling menyw yn penlinio
7666CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧎‍♀ –keywordskneel | kneeling | knees | woman menyw / penlinio | menyw yn penlinio
7667CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧑‍🦯 -nameperson with white cane person â ffon gerdded
7668CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧑‍🦯 –keywordsaccessibility | blind | cane | person | probing | white dall | hygyrchedd | person â ffon gerdded
7669CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity👨‍🦯 -nameman with white cane dyn â ffon wen
7670CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity👨‍🦯 –keywordsaccessibility | blind | cane | man | probing | white dall | dyn | dyn â ffon wen | hygyrchedd
7671CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity👩‍🦯 -namewoman with white cane menyw â ffon wen
7672CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity👩‍🦯 –keywordsaccessibility | blind | cane | probing | white | woman dall | hygyrchedd | menyw | menyw â ffon wen
7673CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧑‍🦼 -nameperson in motorized wheelchair person mewn cadair olwyn drydan
7674CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧑‍🦼 –keywordsaccessibility | motorized | person | wheelchair cadair olwyn | hygyrchedd | person mewn cadair olwyn drydan
7675CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity👨‍🦼 -nameman in motorized wheelchair dyn mewn cadair olwyn fodur
7676CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity👨‍🦼 –keywordsaccessibility | man | motorized | wheelchair cadair olwyn | dyn | dyn mewn cadair olwyn fodur | hygyrchedd
7677CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity👩‍🦼 -namewoman in motorized wheelchair menyw mewn cadair olwyn fodur
7678CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity👩‍🦼 –keywordsaccessibility | motorized | wheelchair | woman cadair olwyn | hygyrchedd | menyw | menyw mewn cadair olwyn fodur
7679CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧑‍🦽 -nameperson in manual wheelchair person mewn cadair olwyn â llaw
7680CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧑‍🦽 –keywordsaccessibility | manual | person | wheelchair cadair olwyn | hygyrchedd | person mewn cadair olwyn â llaw
7681CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity👨‍🦽 -nameman in manual wheelchair dyn mewn cadair olwyn
7682CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity👨‍🦽 –keywordsaccessibility | man | manual | wheelchair cadair olwyn | dyn | dyn mewn cadair olwyn | hygyrchedd
7683CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity👩‍🦽 -namewoman in manual wheelchair menyw mewn cadair olwyn
7684CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity👩‍🦽 –keywordsaccessibility | manual | wheelchair | woman cadair olwyn | hygyrchedd | menyw | menyw mewn cadair olwyn
7685CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🏃 -nameperson running person yn rhedeg
7686CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🏃 –keywordsfast | hurry | marathon | move | person | quick | race | racing | run | rush | speed marathon | person yn rhedeg | rhedeg
7687CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🏃‍♂ -nameman running dyn yn rhedeg
7688CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🏃‍♂ –keywordsfast | hurry | man | marathon | move | quick | race | racing | run | rush | speed dyn | dyn yn rhedeg | marathon | ras | rhedeg
7689CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🏃‍♀ -namewoman running menyw yn rhedeg
7690CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🏃‍♀ –keywordsfast | hurry | marathon | move | quick | race | racing | run | rush | speed | woman marathon | menyw | menyw yn rhedeg | ras | rhedeg
7691CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity💃 -namewoman dancing menyw yn dawnsio
7692CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity💃 –keywordsdance | dancer | dancing | elegant | festive | flair | flamenco | groove | let’s | salsa | tango | woman dawnsio | menyw | menyw yn dawnsio
7693CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🕺 -nameman dancing dyn yn dawnsio
7694CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🕺 –keywordsdance | dancer | dancing | elegant | festive | flair | flamenco | groove | let’s | man | salsa | tango dawnsio | dyn | dyn yn dawnsio
7695CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🕴 -nameperson in suit levitating dyn mewn gwisg fusnes yn ymddyrchafu
7696CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🕴 –keywordsbusiness | levitating | person | suit busnes | dyn | dyn mewn gwisg fusnes yn ymddyrchafu | gwisg
7697CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity👯 -namepeople with bunny ears pobl mewn parti
7698CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity👯 –keywordsbestie | bff | bunny | counterpart | dancer | double | ear | identical | pair | party | partying | people | soulmate | twin | twinsies clust | dawnsiwr | menyw | merch | pobl mewn parti
7699CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity👯‍♂ -namemen with bunny ears dyn mewn parti
7700CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity👯‍♂ –keywordsbestie | bff | bunny | counterpart | dancer | double | ear | identical | men | pair | party | partying | people | soulmate | twin | twinsies dawnsiwr | dyn | dyn mewn parti | dynion | parti
7701CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity👯‍♀ -namewomen with bunny ears menyw mewn parti
7702CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity👯‍♀ –keywordsbestie | bff | bunny | counterpart | dancer | double | ear | identical | pair | party | partying | people | soulmate | twin | twinsies | women dawnsiwr | menyw | menyw mewn parti | menywod | parti
7703CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧖 -nameperson in steamy room person mewn ystafell llawn stêm
7704CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧖 –keywordsday | luxurious | pamper | person | relax | room | sauna | spa | steam | steambath | unwind person mewn ystafell llawn stêm | sawna | ystafell stêm
7705CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧖‍♂ -nameman in steamy room dyn mewn ystafell llawn stêm
7706CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧖‍♂ –keywordsday | luxurious | man | pamper | relax | room | sauna | spa | steam | steambath | unwind dyn mewn ystafell llawn stêm | sawna | ystafell stêm
7707CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧖‍♀ -namewoman in steamy room menyw mewn ystafell llawn stêm
7708CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧖‍♀ –keywordsday | luxurious | pamper | relax | room | sauna | spa | steam | steambath | unwind | woman menyw mewn ystafell llawn stêm | sawna | ystafell stêm
7709CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧗 -nameperson climbing person yn dringo
7710CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧗 –keywordsclimb | climber | climbing | mountain | person | rock | scale | up dringwr | person yn dringo
7711CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧗‍♂ -nameman climbing dyn yn dringo
7712CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧗‍♂ –keywordsclimb | climber | climbing | man | mountain | rock | scale | up dringwr | dyn yn dringo
7713CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧗‍♀ -namewoman climbing menyw yn dringo
7714CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧗‍♀ –keywordsclimb | climber | climbing | mountain | rock | scale | up | woman dringwr | menyw yn dringo
7715CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤺 -nameperson fencing ffensiwr
7716CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤺 –keywordsfencer | fencing | person | sword chwaraeon | cleddyf | ffensio | ffensiwr | person
7717CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏇 -namehorse racing rasio ceffylau
7718CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏇 –keywordshorse | jockey | racehorse | racing | riding | sport ceffyl | joci | rasio | rasio ceffylau
7719CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport⛷ -nameskier sgïwr
7720CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport⛷ –keywordsski | skier | snow eira | sgi | sgïwr
7721CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏂 -namesnowboarder eirafyrddiwr
7722CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏂 –keywordsski | snow | snowboard | snowboarder | sport eira | eirafyrddio | eirafyrddiwr | sgi
7723CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏌 -nameperson golfing person yn chwarae golff
7724CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏌 –keywordsball | birdie | caddy | driving | golf | golfing | green | person | pga | putt | range | tee golff | pêl | person yn chwarae golff
7725CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏌‍♂ -nameman golfing dyn yn chwarae golff
7726CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏌‍♂ –keywordsball | birdie | caddy | driving | golf | golfing | green | man | pga | putt | range | tee dyn | dyn yn chwarae golff | golff
7727CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏌‍♀ -namewoman golfing menyw yn chwarae golff
7728CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏌‍♀ –keywordsball | birdie | caddy | driving | golf | golfing | green | pga | putt | range | tee | woman golff | menyw | menyw yn chwarae golff
7729CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏄 -nameperson surfing person yn syrffio
7730CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏄 –keywordsbeach | ocean | person | sport | surf | surfer | surfing | swell | waves person yn syrffio | syrffio
7731CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏄‍♂ -nameman surfing dyn yn syrffio
7732CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏄‍♂ –keywordsbeach | man | ocean | sport | surf | surfer | surfing | swell | waves dyn | dyn yn syrffio | syrffio
7733CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏄‍♀ -namewoman surfing menyw yn syrffio
7734CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏄‍♀ –keywordsbeach | ocean | person | sport | surf | surfer | surfing | swell | waves menyw | menyw yn syrffio | syrffio
7735CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🚣 -nameperson rowing boat person yn rhwyfo cwch
7736CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🚣 –keywordsboat | canoe | cruise | fishing | lake | oar | paddle | person | raft | river | row | rowboat | rowing cwch | person yn rhwyfo cwch | rhwyfo
7737CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🚣‍♂ -nameman rowing boat dyn yn rhwyfo cwch
7738CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🚣‍♂ –keywordsboat | canoe | cruise | fishing | lake | man | oar | paddle | raft | river | row | rowboat | rowing cwch | dyn | dyn yn rhwyfo cwch | rhwyfo
7739CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🚣‍♀ -namewoman rowing boat menyw yn rhwyfo cwch
7740CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🚣‍♀ –keywordsboat | canoe | cruise | fishing | lake | oar | paddle | raft | river | row | rowboat | rowing | woman cwch | menyw | menyw yn rhwyfo cwch | rhwyfo
7741CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏊 -nameperson swimming person yn nofio
7742CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏊 –keywordsfreestyle | person | sport | swim | swimmer | swimming | triathlon nofio | person yn nofio
7743CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏊‍♂ -nameman swimming dyn yn nofio
7744CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏊‍♂ –keywordsfreestyle | man | sport | swim | swimmer | swimming | triathlon dyn | dyn yn nofio | nofio
7745CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏊‍♀ -namewoman swimming menyw yn nofio
7746CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏊‍♀ –keywordsfreestyle | man | sport | swim | swimmer | swimming | triathlon menyw | menyw yn nofio | nofio
7747CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport⛹ -nameperson bouncing ball person â phêl
7748CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport⛹ –keywordsathletic | ball | basketball | bouncing | championship | dribble | net | person | player | throw pêl | person â phêl
7749CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport⛹‍♂ -nameman bouncing ball dyn â phêl
7750CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport⛹‍♂ –keywordsathletic | ball | basketball | bouncing | championship | dribble | man | net | player | throw dyn | dyn â phêl | pêl
7751CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport⛹‍♀ -namewoman bouncing ball menyw â phêl
7752CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport⛹‍♀ –keywordsathletic | ball | basketball | bouncing | championship | dribble | net | player | throw | woman menyw | menyw â phêl | pêl
7753CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏋 -nameperson lifting weights person yn codi pwysau
7754CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏋 –keywordsbarbell | bodybuilder | deadlift | lifter | lifting | person | powerlifting | weight | weightlifter | weights | workout codwr | person yn codi pwysau | pwysau
7755CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏋‍♂ -nameman lifting weights dyn yn codi pwysau
7756CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏋‍♂ –keywordsbarbell | bodybuilder | deadlift | lifter | lifting | man | powerlifting | weight | weightlifter | weights | workout codi | dyn | dyn yn codi pwysau | pwysau
7757CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏋‍♀ -namewoman lifting weights menyw yn codi pwysau
7758CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏋‍♀ –keywordsbarbell | bodybuilder | deadlift | lifter | lifting | powerlifting | weight | weightlifter | weights | woman | workout codi | menyw | menyw yn codi pwysau | pwysau
7759CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🚴 -nameperson biking person yn beicio
7760CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🚴 –keywordsbicycle | bicyclist | bike | biking | cycle | cyclist | person | riding | sport beic | beicio | person yn beicio
7761CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🚴‍♂ -nameman biking dyn yn beicio
7762CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🚴‍♂ –keywordsbicycle | bicyclist | bike | biking | cycle | cyclist | man | riding | sport beic | beicio | dyn | dyn yn beicio
7763CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🚴‍♀ -namewoman biking menyw yn beicio
7764CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🚴‍♀ –keywordsbicycle | bicyclist | bike | biking | cycle | cyclist | riding | sport | woman beic | beicio | menyw | menyw yn beicio
7765CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🚵 -nameperson mountain biking person yn beicio mynydd
7766CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🚵 –keywordsbicycle | bicyclist | bike | biking | cycle | cyclist | mountain | person | riding | sport beic | beicio | mynydd | person yn beicio mynydd
7767CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🚵‍♂ -nameman mountain biking dyn yn beicio mynydd
7768CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🚵‍♂ –keywordsbicycle | bicyclist | bike | biking | cycle | cyclist | man | mountain | riding | sport beic | beicio | dyn | dyn yn beicio mynydd | mynydd
7769CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🚵‍♀ -namewoman mountain biking menyw yn beicio mynydd
7770CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🚵‍♀ –keywordsbicycle | bicyclist | bike | biking | cycle | cyclist | mountain | riding | sport | woman beic | beicio | menyw | menyw yn beicio mynydd | mynydd
7771CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤸 -nameperson cartwheeling olwyn droi
7772CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤸 –keywordsactive | cartwheel | cartwheeling | excited | flip | gymnastics | happy | person | somersault chwaraeon | gymnasteg | olwyn droi | person
7773CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤸‍♂ -nameman cartwheeling dyn yn gwneud olwyn dro
7774CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤸‍♂ –keywordsactive | cartwheel | cartwheeling | excited | flip | gymnastics | happy | man | somersault chwaraeon | dyn | dyn yn gwneud olwyn dro | gymnasteg | olwyn dro
7775CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤸‍♀ -namewoman cartwheeling menyw yn gwneud olwyn dro
7776CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤸‍♀ –keywordsactive | cartwheel | cartwheeling | excited | flip | gymnastics | happy | somersault | woman chwaraeon | gymnasteg | menyw | menyw yn gwneud olwyn dro | olwyn dro
7777CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤼 -namepeople wrestling taflwyr codwm
7778CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤼 –keywordscombat | duel | grapple | people | ring | tournament | wrestle | wrestling chwaraeon | person | taflu codwm | taflwr codwm | taflwyr codwm
7779CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤼‍♂ -namemen wrestling dynion yn reslo
7780CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤼‍♂ –keywordscombat | duel | grapple | men | ring | tournament | wrestle | wrestling chwaraeon | dyn | dynion yn reslo | reslo
7781CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤼‍♀ -namewomen wrestling menywod yn reslo
7782CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤼‍♀ –keywordscombat | duel | grapple | ring | tournament | women | wrestle | wrestling chwaraeon | menyw | menywod yn reslo | reslo
7783CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤽 -nameperson playing water polo polo dŵr
7784CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤽 –keywordsperson | playing | polo | sport | swimming | water | waterpolo chwaraeon | dŵr | person | polo
7785CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤽‍♂ -nameman playing water polo dyn yn chwarae polo dŵr
7786CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤽‍♂ –keywordsman | playing | polo | sport | swimming | water | waterpolo chwaraeon | dŵr | dyn | dyn yn chwarae polo dŵr | polo
7787CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤽‍♀ -namewoman playing water polo menyw yn chwarae polo dŵr
7788CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤽‍♀ –keywordsplaying | polo | sport | swimming | water | waterpolo | woman chwaraeon | dŵr | menyw | menyw yn chwarae polo dŵr | polo
7789CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤾 -nameperson playing handball pêl-law
7790CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤾 –keywordsathletics | ball | catch | chuck | handball | hurl | lob | person | pitch | playing | sport | throw | toss chwaraeon | pêl | pêl-law | person
7791CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤾‍♂ -nameman playing handball dyn yn chwarae pêl law
7792CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤾‍♂ –keywordsathletics | ball | catch | chuck | handball | hurl | lob | man | pitch | playing | sport | throw | toss chwaraeon | dyn | dyn yn chwarae pêl law | pêl-law
7793CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤾‍♀ -namewoman playing handball menyw yn chwarae pêl law
7794CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤾‍♀ –keywordsathletics | ball | catch | chuck | handball | hurl | lob | pitch | playing | sport | throw | toss | woman chwaraeon | menyw | menyw yn chwarae pêl law | pêl-law
7795CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤹 -nameperson juggling jyglo
7796CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤹 –keywordsact | balance | balancing | handle | juggle | juggling | manage | multitask | person | skill amldasgio | cydbwyso | jyglo | sgil
7797CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤹‍♂ -nameman juggling dyn yn jyglo
7798CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤹‍♂ –keywordsact | balance | balancing | handle | juggle | juggling | man | manage | multitask | skill amldasgio | dyn | dyn yn jyglo | jyglo
7799CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤹‍♀ -namewoman juggling menyw yn jyglo
7800CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤹‍♀ –keywordsact | balance | balancing | handle | juggle | juggling | manage | multitask | skill | woman amldasgio | jyglo | menyw | menyw yn jyglo
7801CharactersPeople & Body 2person-resting🧘 -nameperson in lotus position person mewn ystum lingroes
7802CharactersPeople & Body 2person-resting🧘 –keywordscross | legged | legs | lotus | meditation | peace | person | position | relax | serenity | yoga | yogi | zen myfyrdod | person mewn ystum lingroes | yoga
7803CharactersPeople & Body 2person-resting🧘‍♂ -nameman in lotus position dyn mewn ystum lingroes
7804CharactersPeople & Body 2person-resting🧘‍♂ –keywordscross | legged | legs | lotus | man | meditation | peace | position | relax | serenity | yoga | yogi | zen dyn mewn ystum lingroes | myfyrdod | yoga
7805CharactersPeople & Body 2person-resting🧘‍♀ -namewoman in lotus position menyw mewn ystum lingroes
7806CharactersPeople & Body 2person-resting🧘‍♀ –keywordscross | legged | legs | lotus | meditation | peace | position | relax | serenity | woman | yoga | yogi | zen menyw mewn ystum lingroes | myfyrdod | yoga
7807CharactersPeople & Body 2person-resting🛀 -nameperson taking bath person mewn bath
7808CharactersPeople & Body 2person-resting🛀 –keywordsbath | bathtub | person | taking | tub bath | person mewn bath | twba
7809CharactersPeople & Body 2person-resting🛌 -nameperson in bed person mewn gwely
7810CharactersPeople & Body 2person-resting🛌 –keywordsbed | bedtime | good | goodnight | hotel | nap | night | person | sleep | tired | zzz cysgu | gwesty | person mewn gwely
7811CharactersPeople & Body 2family🧑‍🤝‍🧑 -namepeople holding hands pobl yn dal dwylo
7812CharactersPeople & Body 2family🧑‍🤝‍🧑 –keywordsbae | bestie | bff | couple | dating | flirt | friends | hand | hold | people | twins cwpl | dal | dal dwylo | llaw | person | pobl yn dal dwylo
7813CharactersPeople & Body 2family👭 -namewomen holding hands dwy fenyw yn dal dwylo
7814CharactersPeople & Body 2family👭 –keywordsbae | bestie | bff | couple | dating | flirt | friends | girls | hand | hold | sisters | twins | women dal dwylo | dwy fenyw yn dal dwylo | dwylo | menyw | pâr
7815CharactersPeople & Body 2family👫 -namewoman and man holding hands dyn a menyw yn dal dwylo
7816CharactersPeople & Body 2family👫 –keywordsbae | bestie | bff | couple | dating | flirt | friends | hand | hold | man | twins | woman dal | dwylo | dyn a menyw yn dal dwylo | pâr
7817CharactersPeople & Body 2family👬 -namemen holding hands dau ddyn yn dal dwylo
7818CharactersPeople & Body 2family👬 –keywordsbae | bestie | bff | boys | brothers | couple | dating | flirt | friends | hand | hold | men | twins dal | dau ddyn yn dal dwylo | dwylo | dyn | dynion | pâr | sidydd | yr Efeilliaid
7819CharactersPeople & Body 2family💏 -namekiss cusan
7820CharactersPeople & Body 2family💏 –keywordsanniversary | babe | bae | couple | date | dating | heart | kiss | love | mwah | person | romance | together | xoxo cusan | pâr
7821CharactersPeople & Body 2family💑 -namecouple with heart pâr a chalon
7822CharactersPeople & Body 2family💑 –keywordsanniversary | babe | bae | couple | dating | heart | kiss | love | person | relationship | romance | together | you calon | cariad | pâr | pâr a chalon
7823CharactersPeople & Body 2person-symbol🗣 -namespeaking head pen yn siarad
7824CharactersPeople & Body 2person-symbol🗣 –keywordsface | head | silhouette | speak | speaking pen | pen yn siarad | siarad | silwét | wyneb
7825CharactersPeople & Body 2person-symbol👤 -namebust in silhouette penddelw mewn silwét
7826CharactersPeople & Body 2person-symbol👤 –keywordsbust | mysterious | shadow | silhouette penddelw | penddelw mewn silwét | silwét
7827CharactersPeople & Body 2person-symbol👥 -namebusts in silhouette penddelwau mewn silwét
7828CharactersPeople & Body 2person-symbol👥 –keywordsbff | bust | busts | everyone | friend | friends | people | silhouette penddelw | penddelwau mewn silwét | silwét
7829CharactersPeople & Body 2person-symbol🫂 -namepeople hugging pobl yn cofleidio
7830CharactersPeople & Body 2person-symbol🫂 –keywordscomfort | embrace | farewell | friendship | goodbye | hello | hug | hugging | love | people | thanks cwtsh | diolch | helo | hwyl fawr | pobl yn cofleidio
7831CharactersPeople & Body 2person-symbol👪 -namefamily teulu
7832CharactersPeople & Body 2person-symbol👪 –keywordschild | family mam | plentyn | tad | teulu
7833CharactersPeople & Body 2person-symbol🧑‍🧑‍🧒 -namefamily: adult, adult, child teulu: oedolyn, oedolyn, plentyn
7834CharactersPeople & Body 2person-symbol🧑‍🧑‍🧒 –keywordsadult | child | family oedolyn | plentyn | teulu: oedolyn | teulu: oedolyn, oedolyn, plentyn
7835CharactersPeople & Body 2person-symbol🧑‍🧑‍🧒‍🧒 -namefamily: adult, adult, child, child teulu: oedolyn, oedolyn, plentyn, plentyn
7836CharactersPeople & Body 2person-symbol🧑‍🧑‍🧒‍🧒 –keywordsadult | child | family oedolyn | plentyn | teulu: oedolyn | teulu: oedolyn, oedolyn, plentyn, plentyn
7837CharactersPeople & Body 2person-symbol🧑‍🧒 -namefamily: adult, child teulu: oedolyn, plentyn
7838CharactersPeople & Body 2person-symbol🧑‍🧒 –keywordsadult | child | family plentyn | teulu: oedolyn | teulu: oedolyn, plentyn
7839CharactersPeople & Body 2person-symbol🧑‍🧒‍🧒 -namefamily: adult, child, child teulu: oedolyn, plentyn, plentyn
7840CharactersPeople & Body 2person-symbol🧑‍🧒‍🧒 –keywordsadult | child | family plentyn | teulu: oedolyn | teulu: oedolyn, plentyn, plentyn
7841CharactersPeople & Body 2person-symbol👣 -namefootprints olion traed
7842CharactersPeople & Body 2person-symbol👣 –keywordsbarefoot | clothing | footprint | footprints | omw | print | walk corff | dilledyn | olion traed
7843CharactersPeople & Body 2person-symbol🫆 -namefingerprint ôl bys
7844CharactersPeople & Body 2person-symbol🫆 –keywordsclue | crime | detective | fingerprint | forensics | identity | mystery | print | safety | trace diogelwch | fforenseg | hunaniaeth | ôl bys
7845CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐵 -namemonkey face wyneb mwnci
7846CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐵 –keywordsanimal | banana | face | monkey mwnci | wyneb
7847CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐒 -namemonkey mwnci
7848CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐒 –keywordsanimal | banana | monkey mwnci
7849CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦍 -namegorilla gorila
7850CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦍 –keywordsanimal | gorilla gorila
7851CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦧 -nameorangutan orangwtan
7852CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦧 –keywordsanimal | ape | monkey | orangutan epa | orangwtan
7853CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐶 -namedog face wyneb ci
7854CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐶 –keywordsadorbs | animal | dog | face | pet | puppies | puppy anifail anwes | ci | wyneb
7855CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐕 -namedog ci
7856CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐕 –keywordsanimal | animals | dog | dogs | pet anifail anwes | ci
7857CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦮 -nameguide dog ci tywys
7858CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦮 –keywordsaccessibility | animal | blind | dog | guide ci tywys | dall | hygyrchedd | tywys
7859CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐕‍🦺 -nameservice dog ci cymorth
7860CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐕‍🦺 –keywordsaccessibility | animal | assistance | dog | service ci | cymorth | gwasanaeth | hygyrchedd
7861CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐩 -namepoodle pwdl
7862CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐩 –keywordsanimal | dog | fluffy | poodle ci | pwdl
7863CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐺 -namewolf blaidd
7864CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐺 –keywordsanimal | face | wolf blaidd | wyneb
7865CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦊 -namefox llwynog
7866CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦊 –keywordsanimal | face | fox llwynog | wyneb
7867CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦝 -nameraccoon racŵn
7868CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦝 –keywordsanimal | curious | raccoon | sly chwilfrydig | racŵn | slei
7869CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐱 -namecat face wyneb cath
7870CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐱 –keywordsanimal | cat | face | kitten | kitty | pet anifail anwes | cath | wyneb
7871CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐈 -namecat cath
7872CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐈 –keywordsanimal | animals | cat | cats | kitten | pet anifail anwes | cath
7873CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐈‍⬛ -nameblack cat cath ddu
7874CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐈‍⬛ –keywordsanimal | black | cat | feline | halloween | meow | unlucky anifail | anlwcus | Calan Gaeaf | cath | cath ddu | du
7875CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦁 -namelion wyneb llew
7876CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦁 –keywordsalpha | animal | face | Leo | lion | mane | order | rawr | roar | safari | strong | zodiac llew | wyneb
7877CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐯 -nametiger face wyneb teigr
7878CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐯 –keywordsanimal | big | cat | face | predator | tiger teigr | wyneb
7879CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐅 -nametiger teigr
7880CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐅 –keywordsanimal | big | cat | predator | tiger | zoo teigr
7881CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐆 -nameleopard llewpard
7882CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐆 –keywordsanimal | big | cat | leopard | predator | zoo llewpard
7883CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐴 -namehorse face wyneb ceffyl
7884CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐴 –keywordsanimal | dressage | equine | face | farm | horse | horses ceffyl | wyneb
7885CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🫎 -namemoose elc
7886CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🫎 –keywordsalces | animal | antlers | elk | mammal | moose anifail | cyrn | elc | mamal
7887CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🫏 -namedonkey asyn
7888CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🫏 –keywordsanimal | ass | burro | donkey | hinny | mammal | mule | stubborn anifail | asyn | burro | mamal | mul | styfnig
7889CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐎 -namehorse ceffyl
7890CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐎 –keywordsanimal | equestrian | farm | horse | racehorse | racing ceffyl | marchogaeth | rasio
7891CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦄 -nameunicorn wyneb uncorn
7892CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦄 –keywordsface | unicorn uncorn | wyneb
7893CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦓 -namezebra sebra
7894CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦓 –keywordsanimal | stripe | zebra sebra | streipen
7895CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦌 -namedeer carw
7896CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦌 –keywordsanimal | deer carw
7897CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦬 -namebison bual
7898CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦬 –keywordsanimal | bison | buffalo | herd | wisent bual | byfflo | haid | ych gwyllt
7899CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐮 -namecow face wyneb buwch
7900CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐮 –keywordsanimal | cow | face | farm | milk | moo buwch | wyneb
7901CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐂 -nameox ych
7902CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐂 –keywordsanimal | animals | bull | farm | ox | Taurus | zodiac Sidydd | tarw | y Tarw | ych
7903CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐃 -namewater buffalo byfflo dwr
7904CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐃 –keywordsanimal | buffalo | water | zoo byfflo | byfflo dwr | dŵr
7905CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐄 -namecow buwch
7906CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐄 –keywordsanimal | animals | cow | farm | milk | moo buwch
7907CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐷 -namepig face wyneb mochyn
7908CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐷 –keywordsanimal | bacon | face | farm | pig | pork mochyn | wyneb
7909CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐖 -namepig mochyn
7910CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐖 –keywordsanimal | bacon | farm | pig | pork | sow hwch | mochyn
7911CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐗 -nameboar baedd
7912CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐗 –keywordsanimal | boar | pig baedd | mochyn
7913CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐽 -namepig nose trwyn mochyn
7914CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐽 –keywordsanimal | face | farm | nose | pig | smell | snout mochyn | trwyn | wyneb
7915CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐏 -nameram hwrdd
7916CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐏 –keywordsanimal | Aries | horns | male | ram | sheep | zodiac | zoo defaid | gwryw | hwrdd | Sidydd | yr Hwrdd
7917CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐑 -nameewe dafad
7918CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐑 –keywordsanimal | baa | ewe | farm | female | fluffy | lamb | sheep | wool benyw | dafad
7919CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐐 -namegoat gafr
7920CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐐 –keywordsanimal | Capricorn | farm | goat | milk | zodiac gafr | Sidydd | yr Afr
7921CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐪 -name= camel
7922CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐪 –keywordsanimal | camel | desert | dromedary | hump | one camel | dromedari | twmpath
7923CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐫 -nametwo-hump camel camel dau dwmpath
7924CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐫 –keywordsanimal | bactrian | camel | desert | hump | two | two-hump bactriaidd | camel | camel dau dwmpath | twmpath
7925CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦙 -namellama lama
7926CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦙 –keywordsalpaca | animal | guanaco | llama | vicuña | wool alpaca | guanaco | gwlân | lama | vicuña
7927CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦒 -namegiraffe jiráff
7928CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦒 –keywordsanimal | giraffe | spots jiráff | smotiau
7929CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐘 -nameelephant eliffant
7930CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐘 –keywordsanimal | elephant eliffant
7931CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦣 -namemammoth mamoth
7932CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦣 –keywordsanimal | extinction | large | mammoth | tusk | wooly diflannu | gwlanog | mamoth | mawr | ysgwthr
7933CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦏 -namerhinoceros rhinoseros
7934CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦏 –keywordsanimal | rhinoceros anifail | rhinoseros
7935CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦛 -namehippopotamus afonfarch
7936CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦛 –keywordsanimal | hippo | hippopotamus afonfarch | hipo
7937CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐭 -namemouse face wyneb llygoden
7938CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐭 –keywordsanimal | face | mouse llygoden | wyneb
7939CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐁 -namemouse llygoden
7940CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐁 –keywordsanimal | animals | mouse llygoden
7941CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐀 -namerat llygoden fawr
7942CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐀 –keywordsanimal | rat llygoden fawr
7943CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐹 -namehamster wyneb bochdew
7944CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐹 –keywordsanimal | face | hamster | pet anifail anwes | bochdew | wyneb
7945CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐰 -namerabbit face wyneb cwningen
7946CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐰 –keywordsanimal | bunny | face | pet | rabbit anifail anwes | bwni | cwningen | wyneb
7947CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐇 -namerabbit cwningen
7948CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐇 –keywordsanimal | bunny | pet | rabbit anifail anwes | bwni | cwningen
7949CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐿 -namechipmunk gwiwer resog
7950CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐿 –keywordsanimal | chipmunk | squirrel gwiwer | gwiwer resog
7951CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦫 -namebeaver afanc
7952CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦫 –keywordsanimal | beaver | dam | teeth afanc | argae
7953CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦔 -namehedgehog draenog
7954CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦔 –keywordsanimal | hedgehog | spiny draenog | pigog
7955CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦇 -namebat ystlum
7956CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦇 –keywordsanimal | bat | vampire fampir | ystlum
7957CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐻 -namebear wyneb arth
7958CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐻 –keywordsanimal | bear | face | grizzly | growl | honey arth | wyneb
7959CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐻‍❄ -namepolar bear arth wen
7960CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐻‍❄ –keywordsanimal | arctic | bear | polar | white arctig | arth | arth wen | gwyn
7961CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐨 -namekoala coala
7962CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐨 –keywordsanimal | australia | bear | down | face | koala | marsupial | under arth | coala
7963CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐼 -namepanda wyneb panda
7964CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐼 –keywordsanimal | bamboo | face | panda panda | wyneb
7965CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦥 -namesloth diogyn
7966CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦥 –keywordslazy | sloth | slow araf | diog | diogyn
7967CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦦 -nameotter dyfrgi
7968CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦦 –keywordsanimal | fishing | otter | playful chwareus | dyfrgi | pysgota
7969CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦨 -nameskunk drewgi
7970CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦨 –keywordsanimal | skunk | stink drewdod | drewgi
7971CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦘 -namekangaroo cangarŵ
7972CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦘 –keywordsanimal | joey | jump | kangaroo | marsupial Awstralia | bolgodog | cangarŵ | joey | neidio
7973CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦡 -namebadger mochyn daear
7974CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦡 –keywordsanimal | badger | honey | pester moch daear mêl | mochyn daear | poeni
7975CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐾 -namepaw prints olion pawen
7976CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐾 –keywordsfeet | paw | paws | print | prints olion | pawen | traed
7977CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦃 -nameturkey twrci
7978CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦃 –keywordsbird | gobble | thanksgiving | turkey aderyn | twrci
7979CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐔 -namechicken iâr
7980CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐔 –keywordsanimal | bird | chicken | ornithology aderyn | iâr
7981CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐓 -namerooster ceiliog
7982CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐓 –keywordsanimal | bird | ornithology | rooster aderyn | ceiliog
7983CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐣 -namehatching chick deoriad cywion
7984CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐣 –keywordsanimal | baby | bird | chick | egg | hatching babi | cyw | deor | deoriad cywion
7985CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐤 -namebaby chick cyw bach
7986CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐤 –keywordsanimal | baby | bird | chick | ornithology babi | cyw | cyw bach
7987CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐥 -namefront-facing baby chick cyw iâr yn blaen-wynebu
7988CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐥 –keywordsanimal | baby | bird | chick | front-facing | newborn | ornithology babi | cyw | cyw iâr yn blaen-wynebu
7989CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐦 -namebird aderyn
7990CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐦 –keywordsanimal | bird | ornithology aderyn
7991CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐧 -namepenguin pengwin
7992CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐧 –keywordsanimal | antarctica | bird | ornithology | penguin aderyn | pengwin
7993CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🕊 -namedove colomen
7994CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🕊 –keywordsbird | dove | fly | ornithology | peace aderyn | colomen | heddwch | hedfan
7995CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦅 -nameeagle eryr
7996CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦅 –keywordsanimal | bird | eagle | ornithology aderyn | eryr
7997CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦆 -nameduck hwyaden
7998CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦆 –keywordsanimal | bird | duck | ornithology aderyn | hwyaden
7999CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦢 -nameswan alarch
8000CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦢 –keywordsanimal | bird | cygnet | duckling | ornithology | swan | ugly aderyn | alarch | cyw alarch | hwyaden fach hyll
8001CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦉 -nameowl tylluan
8002CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦉 –keywordsanimal | bird | ornithology | owl | wise aderyn | doeth | tylluan
8003CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦤 -name= dodo
8004CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦤 –keywordsanimal | bird | dodo | extinction | large | ornithology diflanedig | dodo | mawr | Mawrisiws
8005CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🪶 -namefeather pluen
8006CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🪶 –keywordsbird | feather | flight | light | plumage aderyn | hediad | plu | pluen | ysgafn
8007CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦩 -nameflamingo fflamingo
8008CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦩 –keywordsanimal | bird | flamboyant | flamingo | ornithology | tropical cyhydeddol | fflamingo | llachar
8009CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦚 -namepeacock paun
8010CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦚 –keywordsanimal | bird | colorful | ornithology | ostentatious | peacock | peahen | pretty | proud aderyn | balch | paun | peunes | trawiadol
8011CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦜 -nameparrot parot
8012CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦜 –keywordsanimal | bird | ornithology | parrot | pirate | talk aderyn | môr-leidr | parot | siarad
8013CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🪽 -namewing adain
8014CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🪽 –keywordsangelic | ascend | aviation | bird | fly | flying | heavenly | mythology | soar | wing adain | aderyn | angylaidd | hedfan | mytholeg
8015CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐦‍⬛ -nameblack bird aderyn du
8016CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐦‍⬛ –keywordsanimal | beak | bird | black | caw | corvid | crow | ornithology | raven | rook aderyn | bran | cigfran | du | ydfran
8017CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🪿 -namegoose gwydd
8018CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🪿 –keywordsanimal | bird | duck | flock | fowl | gaggle | gander | geese | goose | honk | ornithology | silly aderyn | ffowls | gwirion | gwydd | honc
8019CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐦‍🔥 -namephoenix ffenics
8020CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐦‍🔥 –keywordsascend | ascension | emerge | fantasy | firebird | glory | immortal | phoenix | rebirth | reincarnation | reinvent | renewal | revival | revive | rise | transform aderyn tân | aileni | ailymgnawdoliad | ffantasi | ffenics
8021CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-amphibian🐸 -namefrog broga
8022CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-amphibian🐸 –keywordsanimal | face | frog broga | wyneb
8023CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🐊 -namecrocodile crocodeil
8024CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🐊 –keywordsanimal | crocodile | zoo crocodeil
8025CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🐢 -nameturtle crwban y môr
8026CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🐢 –keywordsanimal | terrapin | tortoise | turtle crwban | crwban y môr | terapin
8027CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🦎 -namelizard madfall
8028CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🦎 –keywordsanimal | lizard | reptile madfall | ymlusgiad
8029CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🐍 -namesnake neidr
8030CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🐍 –keywordsanimal | bearer | Ophiuchus | serpent | snake | zodiac neidr | ophiuchus | sidydd
8031CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🐲 -namedragon face wyneb draig
8032CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🐲 –keywordsanimal | dragon | face | fairy | fairytale | tale draig | stori dylwyth teg | wyneb
8033CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🐉 -namedragon draig
8034CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🐉 –keywordsanimal | dragon | fairy | fairytale | knights | tale draig | stori dylwyth teg
8035CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🦕 -namesauropod sawropod
8036CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🦕 –keywordsbrachiosaurus | brontosaurus | dinosaur | diplodocus | sauropod braciosor | brontosor | diplodocws | sawropod
8037CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🦖 -name= T-Rex
8038CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🦖 –keywordsdinosaur | Rex | T | T-Rex | Tyrannosaurus T-Rex | Tyranosor Rex
8039CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐳 -namespouting whale morfil yn chwythu dŵr
8040CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐳 –keywordsanimal | beach | face | ocean | spouting | whale dŵr | morfil | morfil yn chwythu dŵr | wyneb
8041CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐋 -namewhale morfil
8042CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐋 –keywordsanimal | beach | ocean | whale morfil
8043CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐬 -namedolphin dolffin
8044CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐬 –keywordsanimal | beach | dolphin | flipper | ocean dolffin | flipper
8045CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🦭 -nameseal morlo
8046CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🦭 –keywordsanimal | lion | ocean | sea | seal morlew | morlo
8047CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐟 -namefish pysgodyn
8048CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐟 –keywordsanimal | dinner | fish | fishes | fishing | Pisces | zodiac pysgod | pysgodyn | Sidydd | y Pysgod
8049CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐠 -nametropical fish pysgod trofannol
8050CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐠 –keywordsanimal | fish | fishes | tropical pysgod trofannol | pysgodyn | trofannol
8051CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐡 -nameblowfish chwydd bysgodyn
8052CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐡 –keywordsanimal | blowfish | fish chwydd bysgodyn | pysgod
8053CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🦈 -nameshark siarc
8054CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🦈 –keywordsanimal | fish | shark pysgodyn | siarc
8055CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐙 -nameoctopus octopws
8056CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐙 –keywordsanimal | creature | ocean | octopus octopws
8057CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐚 -namespiral shell cragen droellog
8058CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐚 –keywordsanimal | beach | conch | sea | shell | spiral cragen | cragen droellog | troellog
8059CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🪸 -namecoral cwrel
8060CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🪸 –keywordschange | climate | coral | ocean | reef | sea cefnfor | cwrel | riff
8061CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🪼 -namejellyfish slefren fôr
8062CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🪼 –keywordsanimal | aquarium | burn | invertebrate | jelly | jellyfish | life | marine | ocean | ouch | plankton | sea | sting | stinger | tentacles anifail | aw | infertebrat | jeli | llosgi | môr | morol | pigo | pigyn | plancton | slefren fôr
8063CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🦀 -namecrab cranc
8064CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🦀 –keywordsCancer | crab | zodiac cranc
8065CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🦞 -namelobster cimwch
8066CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🦞 –keywordsanimal | bisque | claws | lobster | seafood bisg | bwyd môr | cimwch | crafangau
8067CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🦐 -nameshrimp berdysyn
8068CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🦐 –keywordsfood | shellfish | shrimp | small bach | berdysyn | bwyd | pysgodyn cragen
8069CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🦑 -namesquid ystifflog
8070CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🦑 –keywordsanimal | food | mollusk | squid bwyd | molwsg | ystifflog
8071CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🦪 -nameoyster wystrys
8072CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🦪 –keywordsdiving | oyster | pearl cragen | perl | wystrys
8073CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🐌 -namesnail malwoden
8074CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🐌 –keywordsanimal | escargot | garden | nature | slug | snail malwoden
8075CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🦋 -namebutterfly pili-pala
8076CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🦋 –keywordsbutterfly | insect | pretty pert | pili-pala | pryfyn
8077CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🐛 -namebug pryf
8078CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🐛 –keywordsanimal | bug | garden | insect chwilen | pryf
8079CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🐜 -nameant morgrugyn
8080CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🐜 –keywordsanimal | ant | garden | insect chwilen | morgrugyn
8081CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🐝 -namehoneybee gwenynen
8082CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🐝 –keywordsanimal | bee | bumblebee | honey | honeybee | insect | nature | spring chwilen | gwenynen
8083CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🪲 -namebeetle chwilen
8084CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🪲 –keywordsanimal | beetle | bug | insect chwilen | cleren | pryfyn
8085CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🐞 -namelady beetle chwilen y wraig
8086CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🐞 –keywordsanimal | beetle | garden | insect | lady | ladybird | ladybug | nature chwilen | chwilen y wraig
8087CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🦗 -namecricket criciedyn
8088CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🦗 –keywordsanimal | bug | cricket | grasshopper | insect | Orthoptera ceiliog rhedyn | criciedyn
8089CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🪳 -namecockroach chwilen ddu
8090CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🪳 –keywordsanimal | cockroach | insect | pest | roach chwilen ddu | cochiad | pla | pryfyn
8091CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🕷 -namespider pry copyn
8092CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🕷 –keywordsanimal | insect | spider chwilen | pry copyn
8093CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🕸 -namespider web gwe pry cop
8094CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🕸 –keywordsspider | web gwe | gwe pry cop | pry copyn
8095CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🦂 -namescorpion sgorpion
8096CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🦂 –keywordsScorpio | scorpion | Scorpius | zodiac sgorpio | sgorpion | Sidydd | y Sgorpion
8097CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🦟 -namemosquito mosgito
8098CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🦟 –keywordsbite | disease | fever | insect | malaria | mosquito | pest | virus clefyd | feirws | malaria | mosgito | pryfyn | twymyn
8099CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🪰 -namefly pry
8100CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🪰 –keywordsanimal | disease | fly | insect | maggot | pest | rotting clefyd | cynrhonyn | pla | pry | wedi pydru
8101CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🪱 -nameworm mwydyn
8102CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🪱 –keywordsanimal | annelid | earthworm | parasite | worm anelid | arfilyn | mwydyn | pryf genwair
8103CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🦠 -namemicrobe microb
8104CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🦠 –keywordsamoeba | bacteria | microbe | science | virus ameba | bacteria | feirws | microb
8105CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower💐 -namebouquet tusw
8106CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower💐 –keywordsanniversary | birthday | bouquet | date | flower | love | plant | romance blodyn | planhigyn | tusw
8107CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🌸 -namecherry blossom blodeuyn ceirios
8108CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🌸 –keywordsblossom | cherry | flower | plant | spring | springtime blodeuyn | blodyn | ceirios | planhigyn
8109CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower💮 -namewhite flower blodyn gwyn
8110CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower💮 –keywordsflower | white blodyn | blodyn gwyn
8111CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🪷 -namelotus lotws
8112CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🪷 –keywordsbeauty | Buddhism | calm | flower | Hinduism | lotus | peace | purity | serenity blodyn | Bwdhaeth | Fietnam | Hindŵaeth | India | lotws | purdeb
8113CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🏵 -namerosette rhosglwm
8114CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🏵 –keywordsplant | rosette planhigyn | rhosglwm
8115CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🌹 -namerose rhosyn
8116CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🌹 –keywordsbeauty | elegant | flower | love | plant | red | rose | valentine blodyn | rhosyn
8117CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🥀 -namewilted flower blodyn wedi gwiwo
8118CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🥀 –keywordsdying | flower | wilted blodyn | blodyn wedi gwiwo | wedi gwiwo
8119CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🌺 -namehibiscus hibisgws
8120CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🌺 –keywordsflower | hibiscus | plant blodyn | hibisgws | planhigyn
8121CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🌻 -namesunflower blodyn haul
8122CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🌻 –keywordsflower | outdoors | plant | sun | sunflower blodyn | blodyn yr haul | haul
8123CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🌼 -nameblossom blodeuyn
8124CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🌼 –keywordsblossom | buttercup | dandelion | flower | plant blodeuyn | blodyn
8125CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🌷 -nametulip tiwlip
8126CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🌷 –keywordsblossom | flower | growth | plant | tulip blodyn | tiwlip
8127CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🪻 -namehyacinth hiasinth
8128CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🪻 –keywordsbloom | bluebonnet | flower | hyacinth | indigo | lavender | lilac | lupine | plant | purple | shrub | snapdragon | spring | violet blodeuo | blodeuyn | bluebonnet | bysedd y blaidd | gwanwyn | hiasinth | indigo | lafant | llwyn | planhigyn | proffor | safn y llew
8129CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌱 -nameseedling eginblanhigyn
8130CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌱 –keywordsplant | sapling | seedling | sprout | young blodyn | eginblanhigyn | ifanc
8131CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🪴 -namepotted plant planhigyn mewn pot
8132CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🪴 –keywordsdecor | grow | house | nurturing | plant | pot | potted diddefnydd | diflas | meithrin | planhigyn | planhigyn mewn pot | tŷ | tyfu
8133CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌲 -nameevergreen tree bythwyrdd
8134CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌲 –keywordschristmas | evergreen | forest | pine | tree bythwyrdd | coeden | planhigyn
8135CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌳 -namedeciduous tree coeden gollddail
8136CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌳 –keywordsdeciduous | forest | green | habitat | shedding | tree coeden | coeden gollddail | collddail | planhigyn
8137CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌴 -namepalm tree palmwydden
8138CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌴 –keywordsbeach | palm | plant | tree | tropical coeden | palmwydden | planhigyn
8139CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌵 -namecactus cactws
8140CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌵 –keywordscactus | desert | drought | nature | plant cactws | planhigyn
8141CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌾 -namesheaf of rice ysgub o reis
8142CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌾 –keywordsear | grain | grains | plant | rice | sheaf gronyn | planhigyn | reis | ysgub o reis
8143CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌿 -nameherb llysieuyn
8144CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌿 –keywordsherb | leaf | plant deilen | llysieuyn | planhigyn
8145CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other☘ -nameshamrock samrog
8146CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other☘ –keywordsirish | plant | shamrock planhigyn | samrog
8147CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🍀 -namefour leaf clover meillionen pedair deilen
8148CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🍀 –keywords4 | clover | four | four-leaf | irish | leaf | lucky | plant 4 | deilen | meillionen | meillionen pedair deilen | pedwar
8149CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🍁 -namemaple leaf deilen masarnen
8150CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🍁 –keywordsfalling | leaf | maple cwympo | deilen | masarnen
8151CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🍂 -namefallen leaf deilen yn cwympo
8152CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🍂 –keywordsautumn | fall | fallen | falling | leaf cwympo | deilen | deilen yn cwympo | planhigyn
8153CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🍃 -nameleaf fluttering in wind deilen yn crynu yn y gwynt
8154CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🍃 –keywordsblow | flutter | fluttering | leaf | wind chwythu | crynu | deilen | deilen yn crynu yn y gwynt | planhigyn
8155CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🪹 -nameempty nest nyth gwag
8156CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🪹 –keywordsbranch | empty | home | nest | nesting nyth gwag | nythu
8157CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🪺 -namenest with eggs nythu gydag wyau
8158CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🪺 –keywordsbird | branch | egg | eggs | nest | nesting nythu | nythu gydag wyau
8159CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🍄 -namemushroom madarch
8160CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🍄 –keywordsfungus | mushroom | toadstool madarch | planhigyn
8161CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🪾 -nameleafless tree coeden heb ddail
8162CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🪾 –keywordsbare | barren | branches | dead | drought | leafless | tree | trunk | winter | wood anffrwythlon | coeden heb ddail | gaeaf | sychder
8163CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍇 -namegrapes grawnwin
8164CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍇 –keywordsDionysus | fruit | grape | grapes ffrwyth | grawnwin | planhigyn
8165CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍈 -name= melon
8166CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍈 –keywordscantaloupe | fruit | melon ffrwyth | melon | planhigyn
8167CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍉 -namewatermelon melon dŵr
8168CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍉 –keywordsfruit | watermelon ffrwyth | melon dŵr | planhigyn
8169CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍊 -nametangerine tanjerin
8170CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍊 –keywordsc | citrus | fruit | nectarine | orange | tangerine | vitamin ffrwyth | oren | planhigyn | tanjerin
8171CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍋 -namelemon lemwn
8172CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍋 –keywordscitrus | fruit | lemon | sour ffrwyth | lemwn | sitrws
8173CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍋‍🟩 -namelime leim
8174CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍋‍🟩 –keywordsacidity | citrus | cocktail | fruit | garnish | key | lime | margarita | mojito | refreshing | salsa | sour | tangy | tequila | tropical | zest adfywiol | asidedd | calch | coctel | croen | croen trofannol | ffrwyth | garnais | gwyrdd | margarita | mojito | pastai leim | salsa | sitrws | sudd | sur | tequila
8175CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍌 -name= banana
8176CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍌 –keywordsbanana | fruit | potassium banana | ffrwyth | planhigyn
8177CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍍 -namepineapple pinafal
8178CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍍 –keywordscolada | fruit | pina | pineapple | tropical ffrwyth | pinafal | planhigyn
8179CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🥭 -name= mango
8180CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🥭 –keywordsfood | fruit | mango | tropical ffrwyth | mango | trofannol
8181CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍎 -namered apple afal coch
8182CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍎 –keywordsapple | diet | food | fruit | health | red | ripe afal | coch | ffrwyth
8183CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍏 -namegreen apple afal gwyrdd
8184CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍏 –keywordsapple | fruit | green afal | ffrwyth | gwyrdd
8185CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍐 -namepear peren
8186CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍐 –keywordsfruit | pear ffrwyth | peren
8187CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍑 -namepeach eirinen wlanog
8188CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍑 –keywordsfruit | peach eirinen wlanog | ffrwyth
8189CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍒 -namecherries ceirios
8190CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍒 –keywordsberries | cherries | cherry | fruit | red aeron | ceirios | coch | ffrwyth
8191CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍓 -namestrawberry mefus
8192CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍓 –keywordsberry | fruit | strawberry aeronen | ffrwyth | mefus
8193CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🫐 -nameblueberries llus
8194CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🫐 –keywordsberries | berry | bilberry | blue | blueberries | blueberry | food | fruit glas | llus | llusen | llusi duon bach | mwyar
8195CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🥝 -namekiwi fruit ffrwyth ciwi
8196CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🥝 –keywordsfood | fruit | kiwi bwyd | ciwi | ffrwyth
8197CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍅 -name= tomato
8198CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍅 –keywordsfood | fruit | tomato | vegetable ffrwyth | llysieuyn | tomato
8199CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🫒 -nameolive olewydd
8200CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🫒 –keywordsfood | olive bwyd | olewydd | olif
8201CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🥥 -namecoconut cneuen goco
8202CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🥥 –keywordscoconut | colada | palm | piña cneuen goco | palmwydden | piña colada
8203CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥑 -nameavocado afocado
8204CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥑 –keywordsavocado | food | fruit afocado | bwyd | ffrwyth
8205CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🍆 -nameeggplant ŵylyst
8206CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🍆 –keywordsaubergine | eggplant | vegetable llysieuyn | ŵylyst
8207CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥔 -namepotato taten
8208CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥔 –keywordsfood | potato | vegetable bwyd | llysieuyn | taten
8209CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥕 -namecarrot moron
8210CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥕 –keywordscarrot | food | vegetable bwyd | llysieuyn | moron
8211CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🌽 -nameear of corn tywysen o gorn
8212CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🌽 –keywordscorn | crops | ear | farm | maize | maze corn | tywysen | tywysen o gorn
8213CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🌶 -namehot pepper pupur twym
8214CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🌶 –keywordshot | pepper planhigyn | pupur | twym
8215CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🫑 -namebell pepper pupryn
8216CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🫑 –keywordsbell | capsicum | food | pepper | vegetable llysieuyn | pupryn
8217CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥒 -namecucumber ciwcymber
8218CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥒 –keywordscucumber | food | pickle | vegetable bwyd | ciwcymber | llysieuyn | piclen
8219CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥬 -nameleafy green gwyrdd deiliog
8220CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥬 –keywordsbok | burgers | cabbage | choy | green | kale | leafy | lettuce | salad bok choy | cêl | gwyrdd deiliog | kale | letys
8221CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥦 -namebroccoli brocoli
8222CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥦 –keywordsbroccoli | cabbage | wild bresych gwyllt | brocoli
8223CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🧄 -namegarlic garlleg
8224CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🧄 –keywordsflavoring | garlic cyflas | garlleg
8225CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🧅 -nameonion winwns
8226CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🧅 –keywordsflavoring | onion cyflas | winwns
8227CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥜 -namepeanuts cnai ddaear
8228CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥜 –keywordsfood | nut | peanut | peanuts | vegetable bwyd | cnai ddaear | cneuen | cneuen ddaear | llysieuyn
8229CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🫘 -namebeans ffa
8230CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🫘 –keywordsbeans | food | kidney | legume | small aren | bwyd | codlys | ffa
8231CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🌰 -namechestnut castan
8232CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🌰 –keywordsalmond | chestnut | plant castan | planhigyn
8233CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🫚 -nameginger root gwraidd sinsir
8234CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🫚 –keywordsbeer | ginger | health | herb | natural | root | spice cwrw | gwraidd | iechyd | llysieuyn | naturiol | sbeis | sinsir
8235CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🫛 -namepea pod pod pys
8236CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🫛 –keywordsbeans | beanstalk | edamame | legume | pea | pod | soybean | vegetable | veggie codlysiau | edamame | ffa | llysieuyn | pod | pys
8237CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🍄‍🟫 -namebrown mushroom madarch brown
8238CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🍄‍🟫 –keywordsfood | fungi | fungus | mushroom | nature | pizza | portobello | shiitake | shroom | spore | sprout | toppings | truffle | vegetable | vegetarian | veggie bwyd | cloronen | egin | ffwng | ffyngau | llysieuol | llysieuyn | madarch | madarch brown | natur | pitsa | portobello | sbôr | shiitake | topins
8239CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🫜 -nameroot vegetable gwreiddlysieuyn
8240CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🫜 –keywordsbeet | food | garden | radish | root | salad | turnip | vegetable | vegetarian betys | erfinen | gardd | gwreiddyn | llysieuyn | meipen
8241CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍞 -namebread bara
8242CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍞 –keywordsbread | carbs | food | grain | loaf | restaurant | toast | wheat bara | torth
8243CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥐 -name= croissant
8244CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥐 –keywordsbread | breakfast | crescent | croissant | food | french | roll bara | brecwast | bwyd | croissant | ffrengig | rhôl cilgant
8245CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥖 -namebaguette bread ffon fara
8246CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥖 –keywordsbaguette | bread | food | french bara | bwyd | ffon fara | ffrengig
8247CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🫓 -nameflatbread Bara fflat
8248CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🫓 –keywordsarepa | bread | flatbread | food | gordita | lavash | naan | pita arepa | bara | bara fflat | bwyd | gordita | lafash | naan | pita
8249CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥨 -namepretzel pretsel
8250CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥨 –keywordsconvoluted | pretzel | twisted pretsel | troellog
8251CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥯 -name= bagel
8252CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥯 –keywordsbagel | bakery | bread | breakfast | schmear bagel | brecwast | pâst | siop fara
8253CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥞 -namepancakes crempogau
8254CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥞 –keywordsbreakfast | crêpe | food | hotcake | pancake | pancakes bwyd | cacennau poeth | crempog | crempogau | crêpe
8255CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🧇 -namewaffle woffl
8256CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🧇 –keywordsbreakfast | indecisive | iron | waffle ansicr | brecwast | haearn | waffl | woffl
8257CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🧀 -namecheese wedge darn o gaws
8258CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🧀 –keywordscheese | wedge caws | darn o gaws
8259CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍖 -namemeat on bone cig ar yr asgwrn
8260CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍖 –keywordsbone | meat asgwrn | cig | cig ar yr asgwrn
8261CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍗 -namepoultry leg coes o ffowls
8262CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍗 –keywordsbone | chicken | drumstick | hungry | leg | poultry | turkey asgwrn | coes | coes o ffowls | cyw iâr | ffowls
8263CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥩 -namecut of meat toriad o gig
8264CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥩 –keywordschop | cut | lambchop | meat | porkchop | red | steak golwyth | golwyth cig oen | golwyth porc | stecen | toriad o gig
8265CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥓 -namebacon bacwn
8266CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥓 –keywordsbacon | breakfast | food | meat bacwn | bwyd | cig
8267CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍔 -namehamburger hambyrgyr
8268CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍔 –keywordsburger | eat | fast | food | hamburger | hungry byrgyr | hambyrgyr
8269CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍟 -namefrench fries sglodion
8270CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍟 –keywordsfast | food | french | fries sglodion
8271CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍕 -namepizza pitsa
8272CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍕 –keywordscheese | food | hungry | pepperoni | pizza | slice caws | darn | pitsa
8273CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🌭 -namehot dog selsigen mewn bynen
8274CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🌭 –keywordsdog | frankfurter | hot | hotdog | sausage frankfurter | selsigen | selsigen mewn bynen
8275CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥪 -namesandwich brechdan
8276CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥪 –keywordsbread | sandwich bara | brechdan
8277CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🌮 -name= taco
8278CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🌮 –keywordsmexican | taco mecsicanaidd | taco
8279CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🌯 -name= burrito
8280CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🌯 –keywordsburrito | mexican | wrap burrito | mecsicanaidd
8281CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🫔 -name= tamale
8282CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🫔 –keywordsfood | mexican | pamonha | tamale | wrapped mecsicanaidd | tamale | wedi ei lapio
8283CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥙 -namestuffed flatbread bara gwastad wedi’i stwffio
8284CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥙 –keywordsfalafel | flatbread | food | gyro | kebab | stuffed bara gwastad | bara gwastad wedi’i stwffio | bwyd | cebab | ffalaffel | gyro | wedi stwffio
8285CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🧆 -namefalafel ffalaffel
8286CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🧆 –keywordschickpea | falafel | meatball ffalaffel | gwygbysen | peli cig
8287CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥚 -nameegg wy
8288CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥚 –keywordsbreakfast | egg | food brecwast | bwyd | wy
8289CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍳 -namecooking coginio
8290CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍳 –keywordsbreakfast | cooking | easy | egg | fry | frying | over | pan | restaurant | side | sunny | up coginio | ffrio | padell | wy
8291CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥘 -nameshallow pan of food padell fas o fwyd
8292CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥘 –keywordscasserole | food | paella | pan | shallow bas | bwyd | casserol | padell | padell fas o fwyd | paella
8293CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍲 -namepot of food llestr o fwyd
8294CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍲 –keywordsfood | pot | soup | stew llestr | llestr o fwyd | stiw
8295CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🫕 -name= fondue
8296CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🫕 –keywordscheese | chocolate | fondue | food | melted | pot | ski caws | fondue | pot | siocled | Swisaidd | wedi toddi
8297CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥣 -namebowl with spoon bowlen â llwy
8298CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥣 –keywordsbowl | breakfast | cereal | congee | oatmeal | porridge | spoon bowlen â llwy | brecwast | congee | grawnfwyd
8299CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥗 -namegreen salad salad gwyrdd
8300CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥗 –keywordsfood | green | salad bwyd | gwyrdd | salad
8301CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍿 -namepopcorn popgorn
8302CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍿 –keywordscorn | movie | pop | popcorn popgorn
8303CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🧈 -namebutter menyn
8304CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🧈 –keywordsbutter | dairy cynnyrch llaeth | menyn
8305CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🧂 -namesalt halen
8306CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🧂 –keywordscondiment | flavor | mad | salt | salty | shaker | taste | upset condiment | halen | siglwr
8307CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥫 -namecanned food bwyd tun
8308CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥫 –keywordscan | canned | food bwyd tun | tun
8309CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍱 -namebento box bocs bento
8310CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍱 –keywordsbento | box | food bento | bocs
8311CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍘 -namerice cracker cracer reis
8312CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍘 –keywordscracker | food | rice cracer | reis
8313CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍙 -namerice ball pêl reis
8314CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍙 –keywordsball | food | Japanese | rice Japaneaidd | pêl | reis
8315CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍚 -namecooked rice reis wedi’i goginio
8316CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍚 –keywordscooked | food | rice reis | reis wedi’i goginio
8317CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍛 -namecurry rice reis cyrri
8318CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍛 –keywordscurry | food | rice cyrri | reis
8319CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍜 -namesteaming bowl bowlen yn stemio
8320CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍜 –keywordsbowl | chopsticks | food | noodle | pho | ramen | soup | steaming bowl | bowlen yn stemio | nwdl | ramen | stêm
8321CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍝 -namespaghetti sbageti
8322CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍝 –keywordsfood | meatballs | pasta | restaurant | spaghetti pasta | sbageti
8323CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍠 -nameroasted sweet potato taten felys wedi’i rostio
8324CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍠 –keywordsfood | potato | roasted | sweet melys | rostio | taten felys wedi’i rostio | tato
8325CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍢 -name= oden
8326CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍢 –keywordsfood | kebab | oden | restaurant | seafood | skewer | stick bwyd môr | cebab | oden | sgiwer
8327CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍣 -namesushi swshi
8328CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍣 –keywordsfood | sushi swshi
8329CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍤 -namefried shrimp berdysyn wedi’i ffrio
8330CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍤 –keywordsfried | prawn | shrimp | tempura berdysyn | berdysyn wedi’i ffrio | corgimwch
8331CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍥 -namefish cake with swirl cacen bysgod gyda chwyrlïad
8332CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍥 –keywordscake | fish | food | pastry | restaurant | swirl cacen | cacen bysgod gyda chwyrlïad | pysgodyn | toes
8333CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🥮 -namemoon cake cacen lleuad
8334CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🥮 –keywordsautumn | cake | festival | moon | yuèbǐng cacen lleuad | gŵyl | hydref | yuèbǐng
8335CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍡 -name= dango
8336CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍡 –keywordsdango | dessert | Japanese | skewer | stick | sweet dango | Japaneaidd | melys | pwdin | sgiwer
8337CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🥟 -namedumpling twmplen
8338CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🥟 –keywordsdumpling | empanada | gyōza | jiaozi | pierogi | potsticker empanada | gyōza | jiaozi | pierogi | potsticker | twmplen
8339CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🥠 -namefortune cookie bisgeden lwcus
8340CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🥠 –keywordscookie | fortune | prophecy bisgeden lwcus | proffwydoliaeth
8341CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🥡 -nametakeout box bocs prydau parod
8342CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🥡 –keywordsbox | chopsticks | delivery | food | oyster | pail | takeout bocs prydau parod | bwced wystrys
8343CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍦 -namesoft ice cream hufen iâ meddal
8344CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍦 –keywordscream | dessert | food | ice | icecream | restaurant | serve | soft | sweet hufen | iâ | meddal | melys | pwdin
8345CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍧 -nameshaved ice iâ wedi’i siafio
8346CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍧 –keywordsdessert | ice | restaurant | shaved | sweet hufen | iâ | iâ wedi’i siafio | melys | pwdin
8347CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍨 -nameice cream hufen iâ
8348CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍨 –keywordscream | dessert | food | ice | restaurant | sweet hufen | iâ | melys | pwdin
8349CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍩 -namedoughnut toesen
8350CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍩 –keywordsbreakfast | dessert | donut | doughnut | food | sweet melys | pwdin | toesen
8351CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍪 -namecookie bisgeden
8352CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍪 –keywordschip | chocolate | cookie | dessert | sweet bisgeden | melys | pwdin
8353CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🎂 -namebirthday cake cacen pen-blwydd
8354CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🎂 –keywordsbday | birthday | cake | celebration | dessert | happy | pastry | sweet cacen | dathliad | parti | pen-blwydd
8355CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍰 -nameshortcake cacen fer
8356CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍰 –keywordscake | dessert | pastry | shortcake | slice | sweet cacen | cacen fer | melys | pwdin
8357CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🧁 -namecupcake cacen cwpan
8358CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🧁 –keywordsbakery | cupcake | dessert | sprinkles | sugar | sweet | treat becws | cacen cwpan | melys
8359CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🥧 -namepie pei
8360CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🥧 –keywordsapple | filling | fruit | meat | pastry | pie | pumpkin | slice llenwad | pei | toes
8361CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍫 -namechocolate bar bar o siocled
8362CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍫 –keywordsbar | candy | chocolate | dessert | halloween | sweet | tooth bar | bar o siocled | melys | siocled
8363CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍬 -namecandy losin
8364CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍬 –keywordscandy | cavities | dessert | halloween | restaurant | sweet | tooth | wrapper losin | melys | pwdin
8365CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍭 -namelollipop lolipop
8366CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍭 –keywordscandy | dessert | food | lollipop | restaurant | sweet lolipop | losin | melys | pwdin
8367CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍮 -namecustard cwstard
8368CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍮 –keywordscustard | dessert | pudding | sweet cwstard | melys | pwdin
8369CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍯 -namehoney pot pot mêl
8370CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍯 –keywordsbarrel | bear | food | honey | honeypot | jar | pot | sweet mêl | melys | pot mêl
8371CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍼 -namebaby bottle botel babi
8372CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍼 –keywordsbabies | baby | birth | born | bottle | drink | infant | milk | newborn babi | botel | diod | llaeth
8373CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🥛 -nameglass of milk gwydraid o laeth
8374CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🥛 –keywordsdrink | glass | milk diod | gwydraid | gwydraid o laeth | llaeth
8375CharactersFood & Drinkdrink☕ -namehot beverage diod boeth
8376CharactersFood & Drinkdrink☕ –keywordsbeverage | cafe | caffeine | chai | coffee | drink | hot | morning | steaming | tea coffi | diod | diod boeth | te | twym
8377CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🫖 -nameteapot tebot
8378CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🫖 –keywordsbrew | drink | food | pot | tea | teapot diod | pot | te | tebot
8379CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍵 -nameteacup without handle cwpan te heb ddolen
8380CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍵 –keywordsbeverage | cup | drink | handle | oolong | tea | teacup cwpan | cwpan te heb ddolen | diod | te
8381CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍶 -name= sake
8382CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍶 –keywordsbar | beverage | bottle | cup | drink | restaurant | sake bar | botel | cwpan | diod | sake
8383CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍾 -namebottle with popping cork potel gyda chorcyn yn popian
8384CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍾 –keywordsbar | bottle | cork | drink | popping bar | botel | corcyn | diod | potel gyda chorcyn yn popian
8385CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍷 -namewine glass gwydr gwin
8386CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍷 –keywordsalcohol | bar | beverage | booze | club | drink | drinking | drinks | glass | restaurant | wine bar | diod | gwin | gwydr
8387CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍸 -namecocktail glass gwydr coctel
8388CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍸 –keywordsalcohol | bar | booze | club | cocktail | drink | drinking | drinks | glass | mad | martini | men bar | coctel | diod | gwydr
8389CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍹 -nametropical drink diod drofannol
8390CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍹 –keywordsalcohol | bar | booze | club | cocktail | drink | drinking | drinks | drunk | mai | party | tai | tropical | tropics bar | diod | diod drofannol | trofannol
8391CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍺 -namebeer mug mwg cwrw
8392CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍺 –keywordsalcohol | ale | bar | beer | booze | drink | drinking | drinks | mug | octoberfest | oktoberfest | pint | stein | summer bar | cwrw | diod | mwg
8393CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍻 -nameclinking beer mugs mygiau cwrw yn clincian
8394CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍻 –keywordsalcohol | bar | beer | booze | bottoms | cheers | clink | clinking | drinking | drinks | mugs bar | cwrw | diod | mygiau cwrw yn clincian
8395CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🥂 -nameclinking glasses gwydrau yn tincian
8396CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🥂 –keywordscelebrate | clink | clinking | drink | glass | glasses clinc | dathlu | diod | gwydr | gwydrau yn tincian
8397CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🥃 -nametumbler glass tymbler
8398CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🥃 –keywordsglass | liquor | scotch | shot | tumbler | whiskey | whisky gwirod | gwydraid | shot | tymbler | whisgi
8399CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🫗 -namepouring liquid arllwys hylif
8400CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🫗 –keywordsaccident | drink | empty | glass | liquid | oops | pour | pouring | spill | water arllwys hylif | arllwysiad | diod | gwag | gwydr
8401CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🥤 -namecup with straw cwpan â gwellt yfed
8402CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🥤 –keywordscup | drink | juice | malt | soda | soft | straw | water cwpan â gwellt yfed | soda | sudd
8403CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🧋 -namebubble tea te swigod
8404CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🧋 –keywordsboba | bubble | food | milk | pearl | tea llaeth | perl | swigod | te
8405CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🧃 -namebeverage box blwch diodydd
8406CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🧃 –keywordsbeverage | box | juice | straw | sweet blwch diodydd | blwch sudd ffrwythau
8407CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🧉 -namemate maté
8408CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🧉 –keywordsdrink | mate diod | maté
8409CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🧊 -nameice ciwb iâ
8410CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🧊 –keywordscold | cube | ice | iceberg ciwb iâ | iâ | mynydd iâ | oer
8411CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🥢 -namechopsticks gweill bwyta
8412CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🥢 –keywordschopsticks | hashi | jeotgarak | kuaizi gweill bwyta
8413CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🍽 -namefork and knife with plate fforc a chyllell gyda phlât
8414CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🍽 –keywordscooking | dinner | eat | fork | knife | plate coginio | cyllell | fforc | fforc a chyllell gyda phlât | plât
8415CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🍴 -namefork and knife fforc a chyllell
8416CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🍴 –keywordsbreakfast | breaky | cooking | cutlery | delicious | dinner | eat | feed | food | fork | hungry | knife | lunch | restaurant | yum | yummy coginio | cyllell | fforc | fforc a chyllell
8417CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🥄 -namespoon llwy
8418CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🥄 –keywordseat | spoon | tableware llestri bwrdd | llwy
8419CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🔪 -namekitchen knife cyllell cegin
8420CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🔪 –keywordschef | cooking | hocho | kitchen | knife | tool | weapon cegin | coginio | cyllell
8421CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🫙 -name= jar
8422CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🫙 –keywordscondiment | container | empty | jar | nothing | sauce | store cynhwysydd | gwag | jar | saws | storfa
8423CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🏺 -nameamphora llestri
8424CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🏺 –keywordsamphora | Aquarius | cooking | drink | jug | tool | weapon | zodiac coginio | diod | jwg | llestri | sidydd | y Dyfrwr
8425CharactersTravel & Placesplace-map🌍 -nameglobe showing Europe-Africa glôb yn dangos Ewrop-Affrica
8426CharactersTravel & Placesplace-map🌍 –keywordsAfrica | earth | Europe | Europe-Africa | globe | showing | world Affrica | byd | Ewrop | glôb yn dangos Ewrop-Affrica | y ddaear
8427CharactersTravel & Placesplace-map🌎 -nameglobe showing Americas glôb yn dangos yr Americas
8428CharactersTravel & Placesplace-map🌎 –keywordsAmericas | earth | globe | showing | world Americas | byd | glôb yn dangos yr Americas | y ddaear
8429CharactersTravel & Placesplace-map🌏 -nameglobe showing Asia-Australia glôb yn dangos Asia-Awstralia
8430CharactersTravel & Placesplace-map🌏 –keywordsAsia | Asia-Australia | Australia | earth | globe | showing | world Asia | Awstralia | byd | glôb yn dangos Asia-Awstralia | y ddaear
8431CharactersTravel & Placesplace-map🌐 -nameglobe with meridians glôb gyda meridianau
8432CharactersTravel & Placesplace-map🌐 –keywordsearth | globe | internet | meridians | web | world | worldwide byd | glôb gyda meridianau | y ddaear
8433CharactersTravel & Placesplace-map🗺 -nameworld map map o’r byd
8434CharactersTravel & Placesplace-map🗺 –keywordsmap | world byd | map | map o’r byd
8435CharactersTravel & Placesplace-map🗾 -namemap of Japan map o Japan
8436CharactersTravel & Placesplace-map🗾 –keywordsJapan | map Japan | map | map o Japan
8437CharactersTravel & Placesplace-map🧭 -namecompass cwmpawd
8438CharactersTravel & Placesplace-map🧭 –keywordscompass | direction | magnetic | navigation | orienteering cwmpawd | cyfeiriadu | llywio | magnetig
8439CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🏔 -namesnow-capped mountain mynydd wedi’i orchuddio mewn eira
8440CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🏔 –keywordscold | mountain | snow | snow-capped eira | mynydd | mynydd wedi’i orchuddio mewn eira | oer
8441CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic⛰ -namemountain mynydd
8442CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic⛰ –keywordsmountain mynydd
8443CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🌋 -namevolcano llosgfynydd
8444CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🌋 –keywordseruption | mountain | nature | volcano echdoriad | llosgfynydd | mynydd | tywydd
8445CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🗻 -namemount fuji mynydd Fuji
8446CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🗻 –keywordsfuji | mount | mountain | nature fuji | mynydd
8447CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🏕 -namecamping gwersyllu
8448CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🏕 –keywordscamping gwersylla | gwersyllu
8449CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🏖 -namebeach with umbrella traeth ag ymbarél
8450CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🏖 –keywordsbeach | umbrella traeth | traeth ag ymbarél | ymbarél
8451CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🏜 -namedesert anialwch
8452CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🏜 –keywordsdesert anialwch
8453CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🏝 -namedesert island ynys anghyfannedd
8454CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🏝 –keywordsdesert | island anghyfannedd | ynys
8455CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🏞 -namenational park parc cenedlaethol
8456CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🏞 –keywordsnational | park parc | parc cenedlaethol
8457CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏟 -namestadium stadiwm
8458CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏟 –keywordsstadium stadiwm
8459CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏛 -nameclassical building adeilad clasurol
8460CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏛 –keywordsbuilding | classical adeilad | clasurol
8461CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏗 -namebuilding construction adeiladwaith adeilad
8462CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏗 –keywordsbuilding | construction | crane adeilad | adeiladwaith
8463CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🧱 -namebrick bricsen
8464CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🧱 –keywordsbrick | bricks | clay | mortar | wall briciau | bricsen | clai | morter | wal
8465CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🪨 -namerock carreg
8466CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🪨 –keywordsboulder | heavy | rock | solid | stone | tough cadarn | carreg | carreg fawr | maen | trwm
8467CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🪵 -namewood pren
8468CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🪵 –keywordslog | lumber | timber | wood boncyff | coed cadw | coedwydd | pren
8469CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🛖 -namehut cwt
8470CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🛖 –keywordshome | house | hut | roundhouse | shelter | yurt cwt | iwrt | tŷ | tŷ crwn
8471CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏘 -namehouses tai
8472CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏘 –keywordshouse | houses adeiladu | tai | tŷ
8473CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏚 -namederelict house tŷ gwag
8474CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏚 –keywordsderelict | home | house adeilad | gwag | tŷ
8475CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏠 -namehouse
8476CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏠 –keywordsbuilding | country | heart | home | house | ranch | settle | simple | suburban | suburbia | where adeilad | cartref | tŷ
8477CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏡 -namehouse with garden tŷ gyda gardd
8478CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏡 –keywordsbuilding | country | garden | heart | home | house | ranch | settle | simple | suburban | suburbia | where adeilad | cartref | gardd | tŷ gyda gardd
8479CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏢 -nameoffice building adeilad o swyddfa
8480CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏢 –keywordsbuilding | city | cubical | job | office adeilad | adeilad o swyddfa
8481CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏣 -nameJapanese post office swyddfa bost Japaneaidd
8482CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏣 –keywordsbuilding | Japanese | office | post adeilad | Japaneaidd | post | swyddfa bost Japaneaidd
8483CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏤 -namepost office swyddfa bost
8484CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏤 –keywordsbuilding | European | office | post adeilad | Ewropeaidd | post | swyddfa bost
8485CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏥 -namehospital ysbyty
8486CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏥 –keywordsbuilding | doctor | hospital | medicine adeilad | meddyg | ysbyty
8487CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏦 -namebank banc
8488CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏦 –keywordsbank | building adeilad | banc
8489CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏨 -namehotel gwesty
8490CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏨 –keywordsbuilding | hotel adeilad | gwesty
8491CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏩 -namelove hotel gwesty cariad
8492CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏩 –keywordsbuilding | hotel | love adeilad | cariad | gwesty
8493CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏪 -nameconvenience store siop gyfleus
8494CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏪 –keywords24 | building | convenience | hours | store adeilad | cyfleus | siop | siop gyfleus
8495CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏫 -nameschool ysgol
8496CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏫 –keywordsbuilding | school adeilad | ysgol
8497CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏬 -namedepartment store siop adrannol
8498CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏬 –keywordsbuilding | department | store adeilad | adran | siop | siop adrannol
8499CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏭 -namefactory ffatri
8500CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏭 –keywordsbuilding | factory adeilad | ffatri
8501CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏯 -nameJapanese castle castell Japaneaidd
8502CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏯 –keywordsbuilding | castle | Japanese adeilad | castell | Japaneaidd
8503CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏰 -namecastle castell
8504CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏰 –keywordsbuilding | castle | European adeilad | castell | Ewropeaidd
8505CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building💒 -namewedding priodas
8506CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building💒 –keywordschapel | hitched | nuptials | romance | wedding capel | priodas | rhamant
8507CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🗼 -nameTokyo tower tŵr Tokyo
8508CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🗼 –keywordsTokyo | tower Tokyo | tŵr
8509CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🗽 -nameStatue of Liberty Cerflun Rhyddid
8510CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🗽 –keywordsliberty | Liberty | new | ny | nyc | statue | Statue | york cerflun | rhyddid
8511CharactersTravel & Placesplace-religious⛪ -namechurch eglwys
8512CharactersTravel & Placesplace-religious⛪ –keywordsbless | chapel | Christian | church | cross | religion adeilad | crefydd | cristnogol | croes | eglwys
8513CharactersTravel & Placesplace-religious🕌 -namemosque mosg
8514CharactersTravel & Placesplace-religious🕌 –keywordsislam | masjid | mosque | Muslim | religion crefydd | islam | mosg | mwslim
8515CharactersTravel & Placesplace-religious🛕 -namehindu temple teml hindwaidd
8516CharactersTravel & Placesplace-religious🛕 –keywordshindu | temple hindw | teml | teml hindwaidd
8517CharactersTravel & Placesplace-religious🕍 -namesynagogue synagog
8518CharactersTravel & Placesplace-religious🕍 –keywordsJew | Jewish | judaism | religion | synagogue | temple crefydd | iddew | iddewig | synagog | teml
8519CharactersTravel & Placesplace-religious⛩ -nameshinto shrine cysegrfa shinto
8520CharactersTravel & Placesplace-religious⛩ –keywordsreligion | shinto | shrine crefydd | cysegrfa | shinto
8521CharactersTravel & Placesplace-religious🕋 -name= kaaba
8522CharactersTravel & Placesplace-religious🕋 –keywordshajj | islam | kaaba | Muslim | religion | umrah crefydd | islam | kaaba | Mwslim
8523CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other⛲ -namefountain ffynnon
8524CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other⛲ –keywordsfountain ffynnon
8525CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other⛺ -nametent pabell
8526CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other⛺ –keywordscamping | tent gwersylla | pabell
8527CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌁 -namefoggy niwlog
8528CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌁 –keywordsfog | foggy niwl | niwlog
8529CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌃 -namenight with stars noson â sêr
8530CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌃 –keywordsnight | star | stars nos | noson â sêr | seren
8531CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🏙 -namecityscape dinaslun
8532CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🏙 –keywordscity | cityscape dinas | dinaslun
8533CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌄 -namesunrise over mountains codiad haul dros fynyddoedd
8534CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌄 –keywordsmorning | mountains | over | sun | sunrise bore | codiad | codiad haul dros fynyddoedd | haul | mynydd
8535CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌅 -namesunrise codiad haul
8536CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌅 –keywordsmorning | nature | sun | sunrise bore | codiad haul | haul
8537CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌆 -namecityscape at dusk dinaslun cyfnos
8538CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌆 –keywordsat | building | city | cityscape | dusk | evening | landscape | sun | sunset cyfnos | dinas | dinaslun cyfnos | machlud haul | tirwedd
8539CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌇 -namesunset machlud haul
8540CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌇 –keywordsbuilding | dusk | sun | sunset cyfnos | dinas | machlud haul
8541CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌉 -namebridge at night pont gyda’r nos
8542CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌉 –keywordsat | bridge | night nos | pont | pont gyda’r nos | tywydd
8543CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other♨ -namehot springs tarddelli poeth
8544CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other♨ –keywordshot | hotsprings | springs | steaming poeth | stêm | tarddelli
8545CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🎠 -namecarousel horse ceffyl carwsél
8546CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🎠 –keywordscarousel | entertainment | horse carwsél | ceffyl
8547CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🛝 -nameplayground slide sleid maes chwarae
8548CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🛝 –keywordsamusement | park | play | playground | playing | slide | sliding | theme chwarae | parc difyrion | sleid maes chwarae
8549CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🎡 -nameferris wheel olwyn fawr
8550CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🎡 –keywordsamusement | ferris | park | theme | wheel olwyn | olwyn fawr | parc diddanu
8551CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🎢 -nameroller coaster cert sglefrio
8552CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🎢 –keywordsamusement | coaster | park | roller | theme cert | parc diddanu | sglefrio
8553CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other💈 -namebarber pole polyn barbwr
8554CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other💈 –keywordsbarber | cut | fresh | haircut | pole | shave barbwr | polyn | toriad gwallt
8555CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🎪 -namecircus tent tent syrcas
8556CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🎪 –keywordscircus | tent syrcas | tent
8557CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚂 -namelocomotive locomotif
8558CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚂 –keywordscaboose | engine | locomotive | railway | steam | train | trains | travel locomotif | peiriant | rheilffordd | stêm | trên
8559CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚃 -namerailway car car rheilffordd
8560CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚃 –keywordscar | electric | railway | train | tram | travel | trolleybus car | rheilffordd | trên | trydan
8561CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚄 -namehigh-speed train trên tra chyflym
8562CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚄 –keywordshigh-speed | railway | shinkansen | speed | train cyflymder | rheilffordd | shinkansen | trên | trên tra chyflym
8563CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚅 -namebullet train trên tra chyflym gyda thrwyn fel bwled
8564CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚅 –keywordsbullet | high-speed | nose | railway | shinkansen | speed | train | travel bwled | cyflymder | rheilffordd | trên | trên tra chyflym gyda thrwyn fel bwled
8565CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚆 -nametrain trên
8566CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚆 –keywordsarrived | choo | railway | train cerbyd | rheilffordd | trên
8567CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚇 -name= metro
8568CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚇 –keywordsmetro | subway | travel metro | tanlwybr
8569CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚈 -namelight rail rheilffordd ysgafn
8570CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚈 –keywordsarrived | light | monorail | rail | railway rheilffordd | rheilffordd ysgafn
8571CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚉 -namestation gorsaf
8572CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚉 –keywordsrailway | station | train gorsaf | rheilffordd | trên
8573CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚊 -name= tram
8574CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚊 –keywordstram | trolleybus bysys trydan | tram
8575CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚝 -namemonorail trên un gledren
8576CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚝 –keywordsmonorail | vehicle cerbyd | trên un gledren
8577CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚞 -namemountain railway rheilffordd fynydd
8578CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚞 –keywordscar | mountain | railway | trip car | mynydd | rheilffordd | rheilffordd fynydd
8579CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚋 -nametram car car tram
8580CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚋 –keywordsbus | car | tram | trolley | trolleybus bysys trydan | car | tram
8581CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚌 -namebus bws
8582CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚌 –keywordsbus | school | vehicle bws | cerbyd
8583CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚍 -nameoncoming bus bws yn dod i’ch cwrdd
8584CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚍 –keywordsbus | cars | oncoming bws | bws yn dod i’ch cwrdd
8585CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚎 -nametrolleybus bws trydan
8586CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚎 –keywordsbus | tram | trolley | trolleybus bws | bws trydan | cerbyd | tram | troli
8587CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚐 -nameminibus bws mini
8588CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚐 –keywordsbus | drive | minibus | van | vehicle bws | bws mini
8589CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚑 -nameambulance ambiwlans
8590CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚑 –keywordsambulance | emergency | vehicle ambiwlans | cerbyd
8591CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚒 -namefire engine peiriant tân
8592CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚒 –keywordsengine | fire | truck cerbyd | peiriant | tân
8593CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚓 -namepolice car car yr heddlu
8594CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚓 –keywords5–0 | car | cops | patrol | police car | car yr heddlu | cerbyd | heddlu | patrôl
8595CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚔 -nameoncoming police car car heddlu sy’n dod i’ch cwrdd
8596CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚔 –keywordscar | oncoming | police car | car heddlu sy’n dod i’ch cwrdd | dod i’ch cwrdd | heddlu
8597CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚕 -nametaxi tacsi
8598CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚕 –keywordscab | cabbie | car | drive | taxi | vehicle | yellow cerbyd | tacsi
8599CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚖 -nameoncoming taxi tacsi sy’n dod i’ch cwrdd
8600CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚖 –keywordscab | cabbie | cars | drove | hail | oncoming | taxi | yellow dod i’ch cwrdd | tacsi | tacsi sy’n dod i’ch cwrdd
8601CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚗 -nameautomobile modur
8602CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚗 –keywordsautomobile | car | driving | vehicle car | modur
8603CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚘 -nameoncoming automobile modur sy’n dod i’ch cwrdd
8604CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚘 –keywordsautomobile | car | cars | drove | oncoming | vehicle car | dod i’ch cwrdd | modur | modur sy’n dod i’ch cwrdd
8605CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚙 -namesport utility vehicle cerbyd hamdden
8606CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚙 –keywordscar | drive | recreational | sport | sportutility | utility | vehicle cerbyd | hamdden
8607CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🛻 -namepickup truck lori pickup
8608CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🛻 –keywordsautomobile | car | flatbed | pick-up | pickup | transportation | truck lori pickup | pick-up | pickup | tryc
8609CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚚 -namedelivery truck lori dosbarthu
8610CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚚 –keywordscar | delivery | drive | truck | vehicle cerbyd | dosbarthu | lori
8611CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚛 -namearticulated lorry lori gymalog
8612CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚛 –keywordsarticulated | car | drive | lorry | move | semi | truck | vehicle cerbyd | lori | lori gymalog | rhannol
8613CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚜 -name= tractor
8614CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚜 –keywordstractor | vehicle cerbyd | tractor
8615CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🏎 -nameracing car car rasio
8616CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🏎 –keywordscar | racing | zoom car | rasio
8617CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🏍 -namemotorcycle beic modur
8618CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🏍 –keywordsmotorcycle | racing beic modur | rasio
8619CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🛵 -namemotor scooter sgwter modur
8620CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🛵 –keywordsmotor | scooter modur | sgwter
8621CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🦽 -namemanual wheelchair cadair olwyn heb beiriant
8622CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🦽 –keywordsaccessibility | manual | wheelchair cadair olwyn heb beiriant | hygyrchedd
8623CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🦼 -namemotorized wheelchair cadair olwyn â pheiriant
8624CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🦼 –keywordsaccessibility | motorized | wheelchair cadair olwyn â pheiriant | hygyrchedd
8625CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🛺 -nameauto rickshaw ricshio â pheiriant
8626CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🛺 –keywordsauto | rickshaw | tuk ricshio â pheiriant | twc twc
8627CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚲 -namebicycle beic
8628CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚲 –keywordsbicycle | bike | class | cycle | cycling | cyclist | gang | ride | spin | spinning beic
8629CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🛴 -namekick scooter sgwter cicio
8630CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🛴 –keywordskick | scooter cicio | sgwter
8631CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🛹 -nameskateboard sgrialfwrdd
8632CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🛹 –keywordsboard | skate | skateboard | skater | wheels bwrdd | sgrialfwrdd
8633CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🛼 -nameroller skate esgid sglefrio
8634CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🛼 –keywordsblades | roller | skate | skates | sport esgid | sglefrio
8635CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚏 -namebus stop arhosfan bws
8636CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚏 –keywordsbus | busstop | stop arhosfan | bws | stop
8637CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🛣 -namemotorway traffordd
8638CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🛣 –keywordshighway | motorway | road heol | traffordd
8639CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🛤 -namerailway track trac rheilffordd
8640CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🛤 –keywordsrailway | track | train rheilffordd | trac rheilffordd | trên
8641CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🛢 -nameoil drum drwm olew
8642CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🛢 –keywordsdrum | oil drwm | olew
8643CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground⛽ -namefuel pump pwmp tanwydd
8644CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground⛽ –keywordsdiesel | fuel | fuelpump | gas | gasoline | pump | station disel | gorsaf | nwy | pwmp | tanwydd
8645CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🛞 -namewheel olwyn
8646CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🛞 –keywordscar | circle | tire | turn | vehicle | wheel cylch | olwyn | teiar | troi
8647CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚨 -namepolice car light golau car yr heddlu
8648CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚨 –keywordsalarm | alert | beacon | car | emergency | light | police | revolving | siren car | golau | golau car yr heddlu | heddlu
8649CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚥 -namehorizontal traffic light golau traffig llorweddol
8650CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚥 –keywordshorizontal | intersection | light | signal | stop | stoplight | traffic arwydd | golau | golau traffig llorweddol | traffig
8651CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚦 -namevertical traffic light golau traffig fertigol
8652CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚦 –keywordsdrove | intersection | light | signal | stop | stoplight | traffic | vertical arwydd | golau | golau traffig fertigol | traffig
8653CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🛑 -namestop sign arwydd stop
8654CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🛑 –keywordsoctagonal | sign | stop arwydd | stop | wythonglog
8655CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚧 -nameconstruction adeiladwaith
8656CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚧 –keywordsbarrier | construction adeiladwaith | rhwystr
8657CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-water⚓ -nameanchor angor
8658CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-water⚓ –keywordsanchor | ship | tool angor | llong | offer
8659CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-water🛟 -namering buoy bwi cylch
8660CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-water🛟 –keywordsbuoy | float | life | lifesaver | preserver | rescue | ring | safety | save | saver | swim achub | achubwr bywyd | arnofio | bwi cylch | diogelwch | diogelwr bywyd
8661CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-water⛵ -namesailboat cwch hwylio
8662CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-water⛵ –keywordsboat | resort | sailboat | sailing | sea | yacht cwch | cwch hwylio | cyrchfan | môr
8663CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-water🛶 -namecanoe canŵ
8664CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-water🛶 –keywordsboat | canoe canŵ | cwch
8665CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-water🚤 -namespeedboat cwch gwib
8666CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-water🚤 –keywordsbillionaire | boat | lake | luxury | millionaire | speedboat | summer | travel cerbyd | cwch | cwch gwib
8667CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-water🛳 -namepassenger ship llong deithwyr
8668CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-water🛳 –keywordspassenger | ship llong | llong deithwyr | teithiwr
8669CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-water⛴ -nameferry fferi
8670CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-water⛴ –keywordsboat | ferry | passenger cwch | fferi | teithiwr
8671CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-water🛥 -namemotor boat cwch modur
8672CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-water🛥 –keywordsboat | motor | motorboat cerbyd | cwch | cwch modur
8673CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-water🚢 -nameship llong
8674CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-water🚢 –keywordsboat | passenger | ship | travel cwch | llong | teithiwr
8675CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air✈ -nameairplane awyren
8676CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air✈ –keywordsaeroplane | airplane | fly | flying | jet | plane | travel awyren
8677CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air🛩 -namesmall airplane awyren fach
8678CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air🛩 –keywordsaeroplane | airplane | plane | small awyren | awyren fach
8679CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air🛫 -nameairplane departure ymadawiad awyren
8680CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air🛫 –keywordsaeroplane | airplane | check-in | departure | departures | plane awyren | mewngofnodi | ymadawiad | ymadawiadau
8681CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air🛬 -nameairplane arrival dyfodiad awyren
8682CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air🛬 –keywordsaeroplane | airplane | arrival | arrivals | arriving | landing | plane awyren | dyfodiad awyren | dyfodiadau | glanio
8683CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air🪂 -nameparachute parasiwt
8684CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air🪂 –keywordshang-glide | parachute | parasail | skydive barcuta | neidio o awyren | parasiwt
8685CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air💺 -nameseat sedd
8686CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air💺 –keywordschair | seat cadair | sedd
8687CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air🚁 -namehelicopter hofrennydd
8688CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air🚁 –keywordscopter | helicopter | roflcopter | travel | vehicle cerbyd | hofrennydd
8689CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air🚟 -namesuspension railway rheilffordd grog
8690CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air🚟 –keywordsrailway | suspension cerbyd | crogiant | rheilffordd | rheilffordd grog
8691CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air🚠 -namemountain cableway rhaffbont fynydd
8692CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air🚠 –keywordscable | cableway | gondola | lift | mountain | ski cebl | gondola | mynydd | rhaffbont fynydd
8693CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air🚡 -nameaerial tramway tramffordd awyrol
8694CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air🚡 –keywordsaerial | cable | car | gondola | ropeway | tramway awyrol | car | cebl | gondola | tramffordd awyrol
8695CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air🛰 -namesatellite lloeren
8696CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air🛰 –keywordssatellite | space cerbyd | gofod | lloeren
8697CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air🚀 -namerocket roced
8698CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air🚀 –keywordslaunch | rocket | rockets | space | travel cerbyd | gofod | roced
8699CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air🛸 -nameflying saucer soser hedegog
8700CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air🛸 –keywordsaliens | extra | flying | saucer | terrestrial | UFO peth hedegog anhysbys | soser hedegog
8701CharactersTravel & Places 2hotel🛎 -namebellhop bell porthor
8702CharactersTravel & Places 2hotel🛎 –keywordsbell | bellhop | hotel cloch | gwesty | porthor
8703CharactersTravel & Places 2hotel🧳 -nameluggage bagiau
8704CharactersTravel & Places 2hotel🧳 –keywordsbag | luggage | packing | roller | suitcase | travel bagiau | pacio | teithio
8705CharactersTravel & Places 2time⌛ -namehourglass done awrwydr
8706CharactersTravel & Places 2time⌛ –keywordsdone | hourglass | sand | time | timer amserydd | awrwydr | tywod
8707CharactersTravel & Places 2time⏳ -namehourglass not done awrwydr gyda thywod yn llifo
8708CharactersTravel & Places 2time⏳ –keywordsdone | flowing | hourglass | hours | not | sand | timer | waiting | yolo amserydd | awrwydr | awrwydr gyda thywod yn llifo | tywod
8709CharactersTravel & Places 2time⌚ -namewatch oriawr
8710CharactersTravel & Places 2time⌚ –keywordsclock | time | watch cloc | oriawr
8711CharactersTravel & Places 2time⏰ -namealarm clock cloc larwm
8712CharactersTravel & Places 2time⏰ –keywordsalarm | clock | hours | hrs | late | time | waiting cloc | larwm
8713CharactersTravel & Places 2time⏱ -namestopwatch stop wats
8714CharactersTravel & Places 2time⏱ –keywordsclock | stopwatch | time cloc | stop wats
8715CharactersTravel & Places 2time⏲ -nametimer clock cloc ag amserydd
8716CharactersTravel & Places 2time⏲ –keywordsclock | timer amserydd | cloc | cloc ag amserydd
8717CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕰 -namemantelpiece clock cloc silff ben tân
8718CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕰 –keywordsclock | mantelpiece | time cloc | cloc silff ben tân
8719CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕛 -nametwelve o’clock deuddeg o’r gloch
8720CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕛 –keywords12 | 12:00 | clock | o’clock | time | twelve 00 | 12 | 12:00 | cloc | deuddeg o’r gloch
8721CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕧 -nametwelve-thirty hanner awr wedi deuddeg
8722CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕧 –keywords12 | 12:30 | 30 | clock | thirty | time | twelve | twelve-thirty 12 | 12:30 | 30 | cloc | hanner awr wedi deuddeg
8723CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕐 -nameone o’clock un o’r gloch
8724CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕐 –keywords1 | 1:00 | clock | o’clock | one | time 00 | 1 | 1:00 | cloc | un o’r gloch
8725CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕜 -nameone-thirty hanner awr wedi un
8726CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕜 –keywords1 | 1:30 | 30 | clock | one | one-thirty | thirty | time 1 | 1:30 | 30 | cloc | hanner awr wedi un
8727CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕑 -nametwo o’clock dau o’r gloch
8728CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕑 –keywords2 | 2:00 | clock | o’clock | time | two 00 | 2 | 2:00 | cloc | dau o’r gloch
8729CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕝 -nametwo-thirty hanner awr wedi dau
8730CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕝 –keywords2 | 2:30 | 30 | clock | thirty | time | two | two-thirty 2 | 2:30 | 30 | cloc | hanner awr wedi dau
8731CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕒 -namethree o’clock tri o’r gloch
8732CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕒 –keywords3 | 3:00 | clock | o’clock | three | time 00 | 3 | 3:00 | cloc | tri o’r gloch
8733CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕞 -namethree-thirty hanner awr wedi tri
8734CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕞 –keywords3 | 3:30 | 30 | clock | thirty | three | three-thirty | time 3 | 3:30 | 30 | cloc | hanner awr wedi tri
8735CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕓 -namefour o’clock pedwar o’r gloch
8736CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕓 –keywords4 | 4:00 | clock | four | o’clock | time 00 | 4 | 4:00 | cloc | pedwar o’r gloch
8737CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕟 -namefour-thirty hanner awr wedi pedwar
8738CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕟 –keywords30 | 4 | 4:30 | clock | four | four-thirty | thirty | time 30 | 4 | 4:30 | cloc | hanner awr wedi pedwar
8739CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕔 -namefive o’clock pump o’r gloch
8740CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕔 –keywords5 | 5:00 | clock | five | o’clock | time 00 | 5 | 5:00 | cloc | pump o’r gloch
8741CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕠 -namefive-thirty hanner awr wedi pump
8742CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕠 –keywords30 | 5 | 5:30 | clock | five | five-thirty | thirty | time 30 | 5 | 5:30 | cloc | hanner awr wedi pump
8743CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕕 -namesix o’clock chwech o’r gloch
8744CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕕 –keywords6 | 6:00 | clock | o’clock | six | time 00 | 6 | 6:00 | chwech o’r gloch | cloc
8745CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕡 -namesix-thirty hanner awr wedi chwech
8746CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕡 –keywords30 | 6 | 6:30 | clock | six | six-thirty | thirty 30 | 6 | 6:30 | cloc | hanner awr wedi chwech
8747CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕖 -nameseven o’clock saith o’r gloch
8748CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕖 –keywords0 | 7 | 7:00 | clock | o’clock | seven 00 | 7 | 7:00 | cloc | saith o’r gloch
8749CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕢 -nameseven-thirty hanner awr wedi saith
8750CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕢 –keywords30 | 7 | 7:30 | clock | seven | seven-thirty | thirty 30 | 7 | 7:30 | cloc | hanner awr wedi saith
8751CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕗 -nameeight o’clock wyth o’r gloch
8752CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕗 –keywords8 | 8:00 | clock | eight | o’clock | time 00 | 8 | 8:00 | cloc | wyth o’r gloch
8753CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕣 -nameeight-thirty hanner awr wedi wyth
8754CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕣 –keywords30 | 8 | 8:30 | clock | eight | eight-thirty | thirty | time 30 | 8 | 8:30 | cloc | hanner awr wedi wyth
8755CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕘 -namenine o’clock naw o’r gloch
8756CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕘 –keywords9 | 9:00 | clock | nine | o’clock | time 00 | 9 | 9:00 | cloc | naw o’r gloch
8757CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕤 -namenine-thirty hanner awr wedi naw
8758CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕤 –keywords30 | 9 | 9:30 | clock | nine | nine-thirty | thirty | time 30 | 9 | 9:30 | cloc | hanner awr wedi naw
8759CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕙 -nameten o’clock deg o’r gloch
8760CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕙 –keywords0 | 10 | 10:00 | clock | o’clock | ten 00 | 10 | 10:00 | cloc | deg o’r gloch
8761CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕥 -nameten-thirty hanner awr wedi deg
8762CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕥 –keywords10 | 10:30 | 30 | clock | ten | ten-thirty | thirty | time 10 | 10:30 | 30 | cloc | hanner awr wedi deg
8763CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕚 -nameeleven o’clock un ar ddeg o’r gloch
8764CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕚 –keywords11 | 11:00 | clock | eleven | o’clock | time 00 | 11 | 11:00 | cloc | un ar ddeg o’r gloch
8765CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕦 -nameeleven-thirty hanner awr wedi un ar ddeg
8766CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕦 –keywords11 | 11:30 | 30 | clock | eleven | eleven-thirty | thirty | time 11 | 11:30 | 30 | cloc | hanner awr wedi un ar ddeg
8767CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌑 -namenew moon lleuad newydd
8768CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌑 –keywordsdark | moon | new | space gofod | lleuad | lleuad newydd | tywydd | tywyllwch
8769CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌒 -namewaxing crescent moon lleuad gilgant ar ei chynnydd
8770CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌒 –keywordscrescent | dreams | moon | space | waxing cilgant | cwyro | gofod | lleuad | lleuad gilgant ar ei chynnydd | lleuad gilgant ar ei mesurydd | tywydd
8771CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌓 -namefirst quarter moon lleuad chwarter cyntaf
8772CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌓 –keywordsfirst | moon | quarter | space cilgant | gofod | lleuad | lleuad chwarter cyntaf
8773CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌔 -namewaxing gibbous moon lleuad amgrwm ar ei chynnydd
8774CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌔 –keywordsgibbous | moon | space | waxing chwarter | gofod | lleuad | lleuad amgrwm ar ei chynnydd
8775CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌕 -namefull moon lleuad lawn
8776CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌕 –keywordsfull | moon | space amgrwm | gofod | lleuad | lleuad lawn
8777CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌖 -namewaning gibbous moon lleuad amgrwm ar ei chil
8778CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌖 –keywordsgibbous | moon | space | waning gofod | llawn | lleuad | lleuad amgrwm ar ei chil
8779CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌗 -namelast quarter moon lleuad chwarter olaf
8780CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌗 –keywordslast | moon | quarter | space amgrwm | gofod | lleuad | lleuad chwarter olaf
8781CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌘 -namewaning crescent moon lleuad cilgant ar ei chil
8782CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌘 –keywordscrescent | moon | space | waning chwarter | gofod | lleuad | lleuad cilgant ar ei chil
8783CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌙 -namecrescent moon lleuad gilgant
8784CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌙 –keywordscrescent | moon | ramadan | space cilgant | gofod | lleuad | lleuad gilgant
8785CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌚 -namenew moon face wyneb lleuad newydd
8786CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌚 –keywordsface | moon | new | space cilgant | gofod | lleuad | wyneb lleuad newydd
8787CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌛 -namefirst quarter moon face lleuad chwarter cyntaf gydag wyneb
8788CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌛 –keywordsface | first | moon | quarter | space chwarter | gofod | lleuad | lleuad chwarter cyntaf gydag wyneb | wyneb
8789CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌜 -namelast quarter moon face lleuad chwarter olaf gydag wyneb
8790CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌜 –keywordsdreams | face | last | moon | quarter chwarter | gofod | lleuad | lleuad chwarter olaf gydag wyneb | wyneb
8791CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌡 -namethermometer thermomedr
8792CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌡 –keywordsthermometer | weather thermomedr | tywydd
8793CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather☀ -namesun haul
8794CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather☀ –keywordsbright | rays | space | sun | sunny | weather golau | haul | heulog | pelydrau | tywydd
8795CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌝 -namefull moon face lleuad lawn gydag wyneb
8796CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌝 –keywordsbright | face | full | moon llachar | llawn | lleuad | lleuad lawn gydag wyneb | wyneb
8797CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌞 -namesun with face lleuad ag wyneb
8798CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌞 –keywordsbeach | bright | day | face | heat | shine | sun | sunny | sunshine | weather haul | llachar | lleuad ag wyneb | tywydd | wyneb
8799CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🪐 -nameringed planet planed cylchog
8800CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🪐 –keywordsplanet | ringed | saturn | saturnine planed | planed cylchog | sadwrn
8801CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather⭐ -namestar seren ganolig wen
8802CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather⭐ –keywordsastronomy | medium | star | stars | white seren | seren ganolig wen
8803CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌟 -nameglowing star seren yn tywynnu
8804CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌟 –keywordsglittery | glow | glowing | night | shining | sparkle | star | win disgleirio | pelydru | seren yn tywynnu | tywynnu
8805CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌠 -nameshooting star seren wib
8806CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌠 –keywordsfalling | night | shooting | space | star gofod | gwibio | seren wib | syrthio
8807CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌌 -namemilky way y llwybr llaethog
8808CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌌 –keywordsmilky | space | way gofod | tywydd | y llwybr llaethog
8809CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather☁ -namecloud cwmwl
8810CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather☁ –keywordscloud | weather cwmwl | tywydd
8811CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather⛅ -namesun behind cloud haul tu ôl i gwmwl
8812CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather⛅ –keywordsbehind | cloud | cloudy | sun | weather cwmwl | haul | haul tu ôl i gwmwl | tywydd
8813CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather⛈ -namecloud with lightning and rain cwmwl â mellt a glaw
8814CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather⛈ –keywordscloud | lightning | rain | thunder | thunderstorm cwmwl | cwmwl â mellt a glaw | glau | storm | tywydd
8815CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌤 -namesun behind small cloud haul tu ôl i gwmwl bach
8816CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌤 –keywordsbehind | cloud | sun | weather cwmwl | haul | haul tu ôl i gwmwl bach | tywydd
8817CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌥 -namesun behind large cloud haul tu ôl i gwmwl mawr
8818CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌥 –keywordsbehind | cloud | sun | weather cwmwl | haul | haul tu ôl i gwmwl mawr | tywydd
8819CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌦 -namesun behind rain cloud haul tu ôl i gwmwl gyda glaw
8820CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌦 –keywordsbehind | cloud | rain | sun | weather cwmwl | glaw | haul | haul tu ôl i gwmwl gyda glaw | tywydd
8821CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌧 -namecloud with rain cwmwl gyda glaw
8822CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌧 –keywordscloud | rain | weather cwmwl | cwmwl gyda glaw | glaw | tywydd
8823CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌨 -namecloud with snow cwmwl gydag eira
8824CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌨 –keywordscloud | cold | snow | weather cwmwl | cwmwl gydag eira | eira | oer | tywydd
8825CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌩 -namecloud with lightning cwmwl gyda mellt
8826CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌩 –keywordscloud | lightning | weather cwmwl | cwmwl gyda mellt | mellt | tywydd
8827CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌪 -nametornado corwynt
8828CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌪 –keywordscloud | tornado | weather | whirlwind chwyrlwynt | corwynt | cwmwl | tywydd
8829CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌫 -namefog niwl
8830CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌫 –keywordscloud | fog | weather cwmwl | niwl
8831CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌬 -namewind face wyneb gwyntog
8832CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌬 –keywordsblow | cloud | face | wind chwythu | cwmwl | wyneb | wyneb gwyntog
8833CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌀 -namecyclone seiclon
8834CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌀 –keywordscyclone | dizzy | hurricane | twister | typhoon | weather corwynt | penysgafn | seiclon | twister | typhoon
8835CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌈 -namerainbow enfys
8836CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌈 –keywordsgay | genderqueer | glbt | glbtq | lesbian | lgbt | lgbtq | lgbtqia | nature | pride | queer | rain | rainbow | trans | transgender | weather enfys | glaw | tywydd
8837CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌂 -nameclosed umbrella ymbarél ar gau
8838CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌂 –keywordsclosed | clothing | rain | umbrella dillad | glaw | tywydd | ymbarél | ymbarél ar gau
8839CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather☂ -nameumbrella ymbarél
8840CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather☂ –keywordsclothing | rain | umbrella dillad | glaw | tywydd | ymbarél
8841CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather☔ -nameumbrella with rain drops ymbarél gyda glaw
8842CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather☔ –keywordsclothing | drop | drops | rain | umbrella | weather diferyn | dillad | glaw | tywydd | ymbarél gyda glaw
8843CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather⛱ -nameumbrella on ground ymbarél ar lawr
8844CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather⛱ –keywordsground | rain | sun | umbrella glaw | haul | tywydd | ymbarél | ymbarél ar lawr
8845CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather⚡ -namehigh voltage foltedd uchel
8846CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather⚡ –keywordsdanger | electric | electricity | high | lightning | nature | thunder | thunderbolt | voltage | zap foltedd | foltedd uchel | perygl | trydan
8847CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather❄ -namesnowflake pluen eira
8848CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather❄ –keywordscold | snow | snowflake | weather eira | oer | pluen eira | tywydd
8849CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather☃ -namesnowman dyn eira
8850CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather☃ –keywordscold | man | snow | snowman dyn eira | eira | oerfel | tywydd
8851CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather⛄ -namesnowman without snow dyn eira heb eira
8852CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather⛄ –keywordscold | man | snow | snowman dyn eira | dyn eira heb eira | eira | oer | tywydd
8853CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather☄ -namecomet comed
8854CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather☄ –keywordscomet | space comed | gofod
8855CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🔥 -namefire tân
8856CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🔥 –keywordsaf | burn | fire | flame | hot | lit | litaf | tool fflam | offer | tân
8857CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather💧 -namedroplet defnyn
8858CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather💧 –keywordscold | comic | drop | droplet | nature | sad | sweat | tear | water | weather chwys | comig | defnyn | diferyn | oer
8859CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌊 -namewater wave ton ddŵr
8860CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌊 –keywordsnature | ocean | surf | surfer | surfing | water | wave cefnfor | dŵr | ton | ton ddŵr | tywydd
8861CharactersActivitiesevent🎃 -name= jack-o-lantern
8862CharactersActivitiesevent🎃 –keywordscelebration | halloween | jack | jack-o-lantern | lantern | pumpkin calan gaeaf | dathliad | jack-o-lantern | llusern | pwmpen
8863CharactersActivitiesevent🎄 -nameChristmas tree coeden nadolig
8864CharactersActivitiesevent🎄 –keywordscelebration | Christmas | tree coeden | dathliad | nadolig
8865CharactersActivitiesevent🎆 -namefireworks tân gwyllt
8866CharactersActivitiesevent🎆 –keywordsboom | celebration | entertainment | fireworks | yolo dathliad | tân gwyllt
8867CharactersActivitiesevent🎇 -namesparkler ffon wreichion
8868CharactersActivitiesevent🎇 –keywordsboom | celebration | fireworks | sparkle | sparkler dathliad | ffon wreichion | gwreichion | tân gwyllt
8869CharactersActivitiesevent🧨 -namefirecracker gwialen tân
8870CharactersActivitiesevent🧨 –keywordsdynamite | explosive | fire | firecracker | fireworks | light | pop | popping | spark dynameit | ffrwydrol | gwialen tân | tân gwyllt
8871CharactersActivitiesevent✨ -namesparkles gwreichion
8872CharactersActivitiesevent✨ –keywords* | magic | sparkle | sparkles | star gwreichion | seren
8873CharactersActivitiesevent🎈 -nameballoon balŵn
8874CharactersActivitiesevent🎈 –keywordsballoon | birthday | celebrate | celebration balŵn | dathliad
8875CharactersActivitiesevent🎉 -nameparty popper popiwr parti
8876CharactersActivitiesevent🎉 –keywordsawesome | birthday | celebrate | celebration | excited | hooray | party | popper | tada | woohoo dathliad | parti | popiwr | tada
8877CharactersActivitiesevent🎊 -nameconfetti ball pelen gonffeti
8878CharactersActivitiesevent🎊 –keywordsball | celebrate | celebration | confetti | party | woohoo conffeti | dathliad | pêl | pelen gonffeti
8879CharactersActivitiesevent🎋 -nametanabata tree coeden tanabata
8880CharactersActivitiesevent🎋 –keywordsbanner | celebration | Japanese | tanabata | tree baner | coeden | coeden tanabata | dathliad | Japaneaidd
8881CharactersActivitiesevent🎍 -namepine decoration addurn pinwydden
8882CharactersActivitiesevent🎍 –keywordsbamboo | celebration | decoration | Japanese | pine | plant addurn pinwydden | bambŵ | dathliad | pinwydden | planhigyn
8883CharactersActivitiesevent🎎 -nameJapanese dolls doliau Japaneaidd
8884CharactersActivitiesevent🎎 –keywordscelebration | doll | dolls | festival | Japanese dathliad | doli | doliau Japaneaidd | Japaneaidd
8885CharactersActivitiesevent🎏 -namecarp streamer baner y carp
8886CharactersActivitiesevent🎏 –keywordscarp | celebration | streamer baner | baner y carp | carp | dathliad
8887CharactersActivitiesevent🎐 -namewind chime clychsain wynt
8888CharactersActivitiesevent🎐 –keywordsbell | celebration | chime | wind cloch | clychsain | clychsain wynt | dathliad | gwynt
8889CharactersActivitiesevent🎑 -namemoon viewing ceremony seremoni’r lleuad
8890CharactersActivitiesevent🎑 –keywordscelebration | ceremony | moon | viewing dathliad | lleuad | seremoni | seremoni’r lleuad
8891CharactersActivitiesevent🧧 -namered envelope amlen goch
8892CharactersActivitiesevent🧧 –keywordsenvelope | gift | good | hóngbāo | lai | luck | money | red | see amlen goch | anrheg | arian | hóngbāo | lai see | pob lwc
8893CharactersActivitiesevent🎀 -nameribbon rhuban
8894CharactersActivitiesevent🎀 –keywordscelebration | ribbon dathliad | rhuban
8895CharactersActivitiesevent🎁 -namewrapped gift anrheg wedi’i lapio
8896CharactersActivitiesevent🎁 –keywordsbirthday | bow | box | celebration | christmas | gift | present | surprise | wrapped anrheg | anrheg wedi’i lapio | bocs | dathliad
8897CharactersActivitiesevent🎗 -namereminder ribbon rhuban atgoffa
8898CharactersActivitiesevent🎗 –keywordscelebration | reminder | ribbon atgoffa | dathliad | rhuban
8899CharactersActivitiesevent🎟 -nameadmission tickets tocynnau mynediad
8900CharactersActivitiesevent🎟 –keywordsadmission | ticket | tickets mynediad | tocyn | tocynnau mynediad
8901CharactersActivitiesevent🎫 -nameticket tocyn
8902CharactersActivitiesevent🎫 –keywordsadmission | stub | ticket mynediad | tocyn
8903CharactersActivitiesaward-medal🎖 -namemilitary medal medal filwrol
8904CharactersActivitiesaward-medal🎖 –keywordsaward | celebration | medal | military dathliad | medal | medal filwrol | milwrol
8905CharactersActivitiesaward-medal🏆 -nametrophy tlws
8906CharactersActivitiesaward-medal🏆 –keywordschampion | champs | prize | slay | sport | trophy | victory | win | winning gwobr | tlws
8907CharactersActivitiesaward-medal🏅 -namesports medal medal chwaraeon
8908CharactersActivitiesaward-medal🏅 –keywordsaward | gold | medal | sports | winner medal | medal chwaraeon
8909CharactersActivitiesaward-medal🥇 -name1st place medal medal aur
8910CharactersActivitiesaward-medal🥇 –keywords1st | first | gold | medal | place aur | cyntaf | medal
8911CharactersActivitiesaward-medal🥈 -name2nd place medal medal arian
8912CharactersActivitiesaward-medal🥈 –keywords2nd | medal | place | second | silver ail | arian | medal
8913CharactersActivitiesaward-medal🥉 -name3rd place medal medal efydd
8914CharactersActivitiesaward-medal🥉 –keywords3rd | bronze | medal | place | third efydd | medal | trydydd
8915CharactersActivitiessport⚽ -namesoccer ball pêl droed
8916CharactersActivitiessport⚽ –keywordsball | football | futbol | soccer | sport pêl | pêl droed
8917CharactersActivitiessport⚾ -namebaseball pêl fas
8918CharactersActivitiessport⚾ –keywordsball | baseball | sport pêl | pêl fas
8919CharactersActivitiessport🥎 -namesoftball pêl feddal
8920CharactersActivitiessport🥎 –keywordsball | glove | softball | sports | underarm dan braich | maneg | pêl | pêl feddal
8921CharactersActivitiessport🏀 -namebasketball pêl fasged
8922CharactersActivitiessport🏀 –keywordsball | basketball | hoop | sport cylch | pêl | pêl fasged
8923CharactersActivitiessport🏐 -namevolleyball pêl-foli
8924CharactersActivitiessport🏐 –keywordsball | game | volleyball gêm | pêl | pêl-foli
8925CharactersActivitiessport🏈 -nameamerican football pêl droed Americanaidd
8926CharactersActivitiessport🏈 –keywordsamerican | ball | bowl | football | sport | super americanaidd | pêl | pêl droed | pêl droed Americanaidd
8927CharactersActivitiessport🏉 -namerugby football pêl rygbi
8928CharactersActivitiessport🏉 –keywordsball | football | rugby | sport pêl | pêl droed | rygbi
8929CharactersActivitiessport🎾 -nametennis tenis
8930CharactersActivitiessport🎾 –keywordsball | racquet | sport | tennis pêl | raced | tenis
8931CharactersActivitiessport🥏 -nameflying disc disg hedfan
8932CharactersActivitiessport🥏 –keywordsdisc | flying | ultimate disg hedfan | yn y pen draw
8933CharactersActivitiessport🎳 -namebowling bowlio
8934CharactersActivitiessport🎳 –keywordsball | bowling | game | sport | strike bowlio | gêm | pêl
8935CharactersActivitiessport🏏 -namecricket game criced
8936CharactersActivitiessport🏏 –keywordsball | bat | cricket | game bat | criced | gêm | pêl
8937CharactersActivitiessport🏑 -namefield hockey hoci cae
8938CharactersActivitiessport🏑 –keywordsball | field | game | hockey | stick cae | chwarae | hoci | pêl
8939CharactersActivitiessport🏒 -nameice hockey cnap a ffon hoci iâ
8940CharactersActivitiessport🏒 –keywordsgame | hockey | ice | puck | stick cnap a ffon hoci iâ | ffon | gêm | hoci | iâ
8941CharactersActivitiessport🥍 -namelacrosse lacrós
8942CharactersActivitiessport🥍 –keywordsball | goal | lacrosse | sports | stick ffon | gôl | lacrós | pêl
8943CharactersActivitiessport🏓 -nameping pong ping-pong
8944CharactersActivitiessport🏓 –keywordsball | bat | game | paddle | ping | pingpong | pong | table | tennis bat | gêm | pêl | ping-pong | tenis
8945CharactersActivitiessport🏸 -name= badminton
8946CharactersActivitiessport🏸 –keywordsbadminton | birdie | game | racquet | shuttlecock badminton | gêm | raced
8947CharactersActivitiessport🥊 -nameboxing glove maneg bocsio
8948CharactersActivitiessport🥊 –keywordsboxing | glove bocsio | chwaraeon | maneg
8949CharactersActivitiessport🥋 -namemartial arts uniform gwisg y crefftau ymladd
8950CharactersActivitiessport🥋 –keywordsarts | judo | karate | martial | taekwondo | uniform chwaraeon | gwisg | gwisg y crefftau ymladd | jiwdo | karate | taekwondo | y crefftau ymladd
8951CharactersActivitiessport🥅 -namegoal net rhwyd gôl
8952CharactersActivitiessport🥅 –keywordsgoal | net chwaraeon | gôl | rhwyd
8953CharactersActivitiessport⛳ -nameflag in hole baner mewn twll
8954CharactersActivitiessport⛳ –keywordsflag | golf | hole | sport baner mewn twll | golff | twll
8955CharactersActivitiessport⛸ -nameice skate sglefrio iâ
8956CharactersActivitiessport⛸ –keywordsice | skate | skating iâ | sglefrio
8957CharactersActivitiessport🎣 -namefishing pole polyn pysgota
8958CharactersActivitiessport🎣 –keywordsentertainment | fish | fishing | pole | sport polyn | polyn pysgota | pysgodyn
8959CharactersActivitiessport🤿 -namediving mask masg deifio
8960CharactersActivitiessport🤿 –keywordsdiving | mask | scuba | snorkeling deifio | deifio sgwba | masg deifio | snorcel
8961CharactersActivitiessport🎽 -namerunning shirt crys rhedeg
8962CharactersActivitiessport🎽 –keywordsathletics | running | sash | shirt crys | rhedeg | sash
8963CharactersActivitiessport🎿 -nameskis sgîs
8964CharactersActivitiessport🎿 –keywordsski | skis | snow | sport eira | sgi | sgîs
8965CharactersActivitiessport🛷 -name= sled
8966CharactersActivitiessport🛷 –keywordsluge | sled | sledge | sleigh | snow | toboggan car llusg | sled
8967CharactersActivitiessport🥌 -namecurling stone carreg cyrlio
8968CharactersActivitiessport🥌 –keywordscurling | game | rock | stone carreg cyrlio | craig | gêm
8969CharactersActivitiesgame🎯 -namebullseye ergyd uniongyrchol
8970CharactersActivitiesgame🎯 –keywordsbull | bullseye | dart | direct | entertainment | game | hit | target ergyd uniongyrchol | gêm | llygad | targed | tarw
8971CharactersActivitiesgame🪀 -nameyo-yo io-io
8972CharactersActivitiesgame🪀 –keywordsfluctuate | toy | yo-yo fyny ac i lawr | io-io | tegan
8973CharactersActivitiesgame🪁 -namekite barcud
8974CharactersActivitiesgame🪁 –keywordsfly | kite | soar barcud | esgyn | hedfan
8975CharactersActivitiesgame🔫 -namewater pistol pistol dŵr
8976CharactersActivitiesgame🔫 –keywordsgun | handgun | pistol | revolver | tool | water | weapon arf | dryll | llawddryll | pistol | pistol dŵr | rifolfer
8977CharactersActivitiesgame🎱 -namepool 8 ball biliards
8978CharactersActivitiesgame🎱 –keywords8 | 8ball | ball | billiard | eight | game | pool biliards | gêm | wyth
8979CharactersActivitiesgame🔮 -namecrystal ball pêl grisial
8980CharactersActivitiesgame🔮 –keywordsball | crystal | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | fortune | future | magic | tale | tool crisial | ffantasi | pêl | pêl grisial | tylwyth teg
8981CharactersActivitiesgame🪄 -namemagic wand ffon hud
8982CharactersActivitiesgame🪄 –keywordsmagic | magician | wand | witch | wizard dewin | dewines | ffon hud | hud
8983CharactersActivitiesgame🎮 -namevideo game gêm fideo
8984CharactersActivitiesgame🎮 –keywordscontroller | entertainment | game | video gêm | gêm fideo | rheolydd
8985CharactersActivitiesgame🕹 -namejoystick ffon reoli
8986CharactersActivitiesgame🕹 –keywordsgame | joystick | video | videogame ffon reoli | fideo | gêm
8987CharactersActivitiesgame🎰 -nameslot machine peiriant slot
8988CharactersActivitiesgame🎰 –keywordscasino | gamble | gambling | game | machine | slot | slots gêm | peiriant slot | slot
8989CharactersActivitiesgame🎲 -namegame die dis
8990CharactersActivitiesgame🎲 –keywordsdice | die | entertainment | game dis | gêm
8991CharactersActivitiesgame🧩 -namepuzzle piece jig-so
8992CharactersActivitiesgame🧩 –keywordsclue | interlocking | jigsaw | piece | puzzle cliw | cydgloi | darn | jig-so | pos
8993CharactersActivitiesgame🧸 -nameteddy bear tedi bêr
8994CharactersActivitiesgame🧸 –keywordsbear | plaything | plush | stuffed | teddy | toy moethus | tedi bêr | tegan | wedi’i stwffio
8995CharactersActivitiesgame🪅 -name= piñata
8996CharactersActivitiesgame🪅 –keywordscandy | celebrate | celebration | cinco | de | festive | mayo | party | pinada | pinata | piñata dathliad | parti | piñata
8997CharactersActivitiesgame🪩 -namemirror ball pêl ddrych
8998CharactersActivitiesgame🪩 –keywordsball | dance | disco | glitter | mirror | party dawns | disgo | llewych | parti | pêl ddrych
8999CharactersActivitiesgame🪆 -namenesting dolls doliau sy’n nythu
9000CharactersActivitiesgame🪆 –keywordsbabooshka | baboushka | babushka | doll | dolls | matryoshka | nesting | russia dol | doliau sy’n nythu | nythu | rwsia
9001CharactersActivitiesgame♠ -namespade suit siwt rhofiau
9002CharactersActivitiesgame♠ –keywordscard | game | spade | suit cardiau | gêm | rhofiau | siwt
9003CharactersActivitiesgame♥ -nameheart suit siwt calonnau
9004CharactersActivitiesgame♥ –keywordscard | emotion | game | heart | hearts | suit calonnau | cardiau | gêm | siwt
9005CharactersActivitiesgame♦ -namediamond suit siwt diemwntau
9006CharactersActivitiesgame♦ –keywordscard | diamond | game | suit cardiau | diemwntau | gêm | siwt
9007CharactersActivitiesgame♣ -nameclub suit siwt clybiau
9008CharactersActivitiesgame♣ –keywordscard | club | clubs | game | suit cardiau | clybiau | gêm | siwt
9009CharactersActivitiesgame♟ -namechess pawn gwerinwr gwyddbwyll
9010CharactersActivitiesgame♟ –keywordschess | dupe | expendable | pawn gwariadwy | gwerinwr gwyddbwyll | gwyddbwyll | twyllo
9011CharactersActivitiesgame🃏 -namejoker cellweiriwr
9012CharactersActivitiesgame🃏 –keywordscard | game | joker | wildcard cardiau | cellweiriwr | chwarae | gêm
9013CharactersActivitiesgame🀄 -namemahjong red dragon draig goch mahjong
9014CharactersActivitiesgame🀄 –keywordsdragon | game | mahjong | red coch | draig goch mahjong | gêm | mahjong
9015CharactersActivitiesgame🎴 -nameflower playing cards cardiau chwarae blodau
9016CharactersActivitiesgame🎴 –keywordscard | cards | flower | game | Japanese | playing blodyn | cardiau | cardiau chwarae blodau | Japaneaidd
9017CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🎭 -nameperforming arts celfyddydau perfformiadol
9018CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🎭 –keywordsactor | actress | art | arts | entertainment | mask | performing | theater | theatre | thespian celf | celfyddydau perfformiadol | mwgwd | perfformiadol | theatr
9019CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🖼 -nameframed picture ffrâm gyda llun
9020CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🖼 –keywordsart | frame | framed | museum | painting | picture amgueddfa | celf | ffrâm | ffrâm gyda llun
9021CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🎨 -nameartist palette palet arlunydd
9022CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🎨 –keywordsart | artist | artsy | arty | colorful | creative | entertainment | museum | painter | painting | palette amgueddfa | celf | paentiad | palet arlunydd
9023CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🧵 -namethread edafedd
9024CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🧵 –keywordsneedle | sewing | spool | string | thread edafedd | gwnïo | llinyn | nodwydd | rîl
9025CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🪡 -namesewing needle nodwydd wnïo
9026CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🪡 –keywordsembroidery | needle | sew | sewing | stitches | sutures | tailoring | thread brodwaith | edeifion | gwnïo | nodwydd | nodwydd wnïo | pwythau | teilwra
9027CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🧶 -nameyarn edau
9028CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🧶 –keywordsball | crochet | knit | yarn crosio | edau | gwau | pêl
9029CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🪢 -nameknot cwlwm
9030CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🪢 –keywordscord | knot | rope | tangled | tie | twine | twist clymog | clymu | cwlwm | plethu | rhaff | troi
9031CharactersObjectsclothing👓 -nameglasses sbectol
9032CharactersObjectsclothing👓 –keywordsclothing | eye | eyeglasses | eyewear | glasses dillad | llygad | sbectol
9033CharactersObjectsclothing🕶 -namesunglasses sbectol haul
9034CharactersObjectsclothing🕶 –keywordsdark | eye | eyewear | glasses | sunglasses llygad | sbectol | sbectol haul | tywyll
9035CharactersObjectsclothing🥽 -namegoggles gogls
9036CharactersObjectsclothing🥽 –keywordsdive | eye | goggles | protection | scuba | swimming | welding amddiffyn llygad | gogls | nofio | weldio
9037CharactersObjectsclothing🥼 -namelab coat cot lab
9038CharactersObjectsclothing🥼 –keywordsclothes | coat | doctor | dr | experiment | jacket | lab | scientist | white arbrawf | cot lab | gwyddonydd | meddyg
9039CharactersObjectsclothing🦺 -namesafety vest siaced ddiogelwch
9040CharactersObjectsclothing🦺 –keywordsemergency | safety | vest argyfwng | diogelwch | siaced | siaced ddiogelwch
9041CharactersObjectsclothing👔 -namenecktie tei
9042CharactersObjectsclothing👔 –keywordsclothing | employed | necktie | serious | shirt | tie dillad | tei
9043CharactersObjectsclothing👕 -namet-shirt crys T
9044CharactersObjectsclothing👕 –keywordsblue | casual | clothes | clothing | collar | dressed | shirt | shopping | t-shirt | tshirt | weekend crys | crys T | dillad
9045CharactersObjectsclothing👖 -namejeans jîns
9046CharactersObjectsclothing👖 –keywordsblue | casual | clothes | clothing | denim | dressed | jeans | pants | shopping | trousers | weekend dillad | jîns | trwser
9047CharactersObjectsclothing🧣 -namescarf scarff
9048CharactersObjectsclothing🧣 –keywordsbundle | cold | neck | scarf | up gwddf | scarff
9049CharactersObjectsclothing🧤 -namegloves menyg
9050CharactersObjectsclothing🧤 –keywordsgloves | hand llaw | menyg
9051CharactersObjectsclothing🧥 -namecoat côt
9052CharactersObjectsclothing🧥 –keywordsbrr | bundle | coat | cold | jacket | up côt | siaced
9053CharactersObjectsclothing🧦 -namesocks sanau
9054CharactersObjectsclothing🧦 –keywordssocks | stocking hosan | sanau
9055CharactersObjectsclothing👗 -namedress ffrog
9056CharactersObjectsclothing👗 –keywordsclothes | clothing | dress | dressed | fancy | shopping dillad | ffrog
9057CharactersObjectsclothing👘 -namekimono cimono
9058CharactersObjectsclothing👘 –keywordsclothing | comfortable | kimono cimono | dillad
9059CharactersObjectsclothing🥻 -name= sari
9060CharactersObjectsclothing🥻 –keywordsclothing | dress | sari dillad | gwisg | sari
9061CharactersObjectsclothing🩱 -nameone-piece swimsuit siwt nofio
9062CharactersObjectsclothing🩱 –keywordsbathing | one-piece | suit | swimsuit gwisg nofio | siwt nofio
9063CharactersObjectsclothing🩲 -namebriefs trôns
9064CharactersObjectsclothing🩲 –keywordsbathing | briefs | one-piece | suit | swimsuit | underwear gwisg nofio | siwt nofio | trôns
9065CharactersObjectsclothing🩳 -nameshorts siorts
9066CharactersObjectsclothing🩳 –keywordsbathing | pants | shorts | suit | swimsuit | underwear dillad isa | siorts | siwt nofio | trôns
9067CharactersObjectsclothing👙 -namebikini bicini
9068CharactersObjectsclothing👙 –keywordsbathing | beach | bikini | clothing | pool | suit | swim bicini | dillad | nofio
9069CharactersObjectsclothing👚 -namewoman’s clothes dillad menywod
9070CharactersObjectsclothing👚 –keywordsblouse | clothes | clothing | collar | dress | dressed | lady | shirt | shopping | woman | woman’s dillad | dillad menywod | menyw
9071CharactersObjectsclothing🪭 -namefolding hand fan ffan llaw plyg
9072CharactersObjectsclothing🪭 –keywordsclack | clap | cool | cooling | dance | fan | flirt | flutter | folding | hand | hot | shy chwifio | clecian | dawns | ffan | ffan llaw plyg | fflyrtio | oeri | poeth | swil
9073CharactersObjectsclothing👛 -namepurse pwrs
9074CharactersObjectsclothing👛 –keywordsclothes | clothing | coin | dress | fancy | handbag | purse | shopping darn arian | dillad | pwrs
9075CharactersObjectsclothing👜 -namehandbag bag llaw
9076CharactersObjectsclothing👜 –keywordsbag | clothes | clothing | dress | handbag | lady | purse | shopping bag | bag llaw | dillad
9077CharactersObjectsclothing👝 -nameclutch bag cwd
9078CharactersObjectsclothing👝 –keywordsbag | clothes | clothing | clutch | dress | handbag | pouch | purse bag | cwd | dillad
9079CharactersObjectsclothing🛍 -nameshopping bags bagiau siopa
9080CharactersObjectsclothing🛍 –keywordsbag | bags | hotel | shopping bag | bagiau siopa | gwesty | siopa
9081CharactersObjectsclothing🎒 -namebackpack bag ysgol
9082CharactersObjectsclothing🎒 –keywordsbackpack | backpacking | bag | bookbag | education | rucksack | satchel | school bag | ysgol
9083CharactersObjectsclothing🩴 -namethong sandal sandal thong
9084CharactersObjectsclothing🩴 –keywordsbeach | flip | flop | sandal | sandals | shoe | thong | thongs | zōri sandal thong | sandalau | sandalau thong | sandalau traeth | thongs | zōri
9085CharactersObjectsclothing👞 -nameman’s shoe esgid dyn
9086CharactersObjectsclothing👞 –keywordsbrown | clothes | clothing | feet | foot | kick | man | man’s | shoe | shoes | shopping dillad | dyn | esgid
9087CharactersObjectsclothing👟 -namerunning shoe esgidiau rhedeg
9088CharactersObjectsclothing👟 –keywordsathletic | clothes | clothing | fast | kick | running | shoe | shoes | shopping | sneaker | tennis athletig | dillad | esgid | esgidiau rhedeg | rhedeg
9089CharactersObjectsclothing🥾 -namehiking boot esgid gerdded
9090CharactersObjectsclothing🥾 –keywordsbackpacking | boot | brown | camping | hiking | outdoors | shoe bacpacio | cerdded | esgid | esgid gerdded | gwersylla
9091CharactersObjectsclothing🥿 -nameflat shoe esgid fflat
9092CharactersObjectsclothing🥿 –keywordsballet | comfy | flat | flats | shoe | slip-on | slipper esgid fflat | fflat bale | slip-on | sliper
9093CharactersObjectsclothing👠 -namehigh-heeled shoe esgidiau sodlau uchel
9094CharactersObjectsclothing👠 –keywordsclothes | clothing | dress | fashion | heel | heels | high-heeled | shoe | shoes | shopping | stiletto | woman dillad | esgid | esgidiau sodlau uchel | menyw | sawdl
9095CharactersObjectsclothing👡 -namewoman’s sandal sandal menyw
9096CharactersObjectsclothing👡 –keywordsclothing | sandal | shoe | woman | woman’s dillad | esgid | menyw | sandal
9097CharactersObjectsclothing🩰 -nameballet shoes esgidiau bale
9098CharactersObjectsclothing🩰 –keywordsballet | dance | shoes bale | dawnsio | esgidiau bale
9099CharactersObjectsclothing👢 -namewoman’s boot esgid fenyw
9100CharactersObjectsclothing👢 –keywordsboot | clothes | clothing | dress | shoe | shoes | shopping | woman | woman’s dillad | esgid | esgid fenyw | menyw
9101CharactersObjectsclothing🪮 -namehair pick pig gwallt
9102CharactersObjectsclothing🪮 –keywordsAfro | comb | groom | hair | pick Affro | crib | gwallt | pig
9103CharactersObjectsclothing👑 -namecrown coron
9104CharactersObjectsclothing👑 –keywordsclothing | crown | family | king | medieval | queen | royal | royalty | win brenhines | brenin | coron | dillad
9105CharactersObjectsclothing👒 -namewoman’s hat het fenyw
9106CharactersObjectsclothing👒 –keywordsclothes | clothing | garden | hat | hats | party | woman | woman’s dillad | het | het fenyw | menyw
9107CharactersObjectsclothing🎩 -nametop hat het silc
9108CharactersObjectsclothing🎩 –keywordsclothes | clothing | fancy | formal | hat | magic | top | tophat dillad | het | het silc
9109CharactersObjectsclothing🎓 -namegraduation cap cap graddio
9110CharactersObjectsclothing🎓 –keywordscap | celebration | clothing | education | graduation | hat | scholar cap | cap graddio | dathlu | dillad | het
9111CharactersObjectsclothing🧢 -namebilled cap cap pêl fas
9112CharactersObjectsclothing🧢 –keywordsbaseball | bent | billed | cap | dad | hat cap pel fâs | cap pêl fas
9113CharactersObjectsclothing🪖 -namemilitary helmet helmed filitaraidd
9114CharactersObjectsclothing🪖 –keywordsarmy | helmet | military | soldier | war | warrior byddin | helmed | helmed filitaraidd | milwr | rhyfelwr
9115CharactersObjectsclothing⛑ -namerescue worker’s helmet helmed â chroes wen
9116CharactersObjectsclothing⛑ –keywordsaid | cross | face | hat | helmet | rescue | worker’s croes | cymorth | helmed â chroes wen | het | wyneb
9117CharactersObjectsclothing📿 -nameprayer beads gleiniau gweddïo
9118CharactersObjectsclothing📿 –keywordsbeads | clothing | necklace | prayer | religion dillad | gleiniau | gleiniau gweddïo | gweddi | mwclis
9119CharactersObjectsclothing💄 -namelipstick minlliw
9120CharactersObjectsclothing💄 –keywordscosmetics | date | lipstick | makeup colur | minlliw
9121CharactersObjectsclothing💍 -namering modrwy
9122CharactersObjectsclothing💍 –keywordsdiamond | engaged | engagement | married | ring | romance | shiny | sparkling | wedding diemwnt | modrwy
9123CharactersObjectsclothing💎 -namegem stone gemfaen
9124CharactersObjectsclothing💎 –keywordsdiamond | engagement | gem | jewel | money | romance | stone | wedding diemwnt | gem | gemfaen | tlws
9125CharactersObjectssound🔇 -namemuted speaker seinydd wedi’i ddiffodd
9126CharactersObjectssound🔇 –keywordsmute | muted | quiet | silent | sound | speaker mud | sain | seinydd wedi’i ddiffodd | tawelwch
9127CharactersObjectssound🔈 -namespeaker low volume seinydd
9128CharactersObjectssound🔈 –keywordslow | soft | sound | speaker | volume seinydd | sŵn
9129CharactersObjectssound🔉 -namespeaker medium volume seinydd ymlaen
9130CharactersObjectssound🔉 –keywordsmedium | sound | speaker | volume isel | seinydd ymlaen | siarad | ton
9131CharactersObjectssound🔊 -namespeaker high volume seinydd uchel
9132CharactersObjectssound🔊 –keywordshigh | loud | music | sound | speaker | volume 3 | seinydd | uchel
9133CharactersObjectssound📢 -nameloudspeaker uchelseinydd
9134CharactersObjectssound📢 –keywordsaddress | communication | loud | loudspeaker | public | sound cyhoeddus | uchel | uchelseinydd
9135CharactersObjectssound📣 -namemegaphone megaffon
9136CharactersObjectssound📣 –keywordscheering | megaphone | sound megaffon | sirioli
9137CharactersObjectssound📯 -namepostal horn corn bost
9138CharactersObjectssound📯 –keywordshorn | post | postal corn | corn bost | post
9139CharactersObjectssound🔔 -namebell cloch
9140CharactersObjectssound🔔 –keywordsbell | break | church | sound cloch
9141CharactersObjectssound🔕 -namebell with slash cloch a slaes
9142CharactersObjectssound🔕 –keywordsbell | forbidden | mute | no | not | prohibited | quiet | silent | slash | sound cloch | cloch a slaes | gwaharddedig | mud | na
9143CharactersObjectsmusic🎼 -namemusical score sgôr cerddorol
9144CharactersObjectsmusic🎼 –keywordsmusic | musical | note | score cerddoriaeth | sgôr | sgôr cerddorol
9145CharactersObjectsmusic🎵 -namemusical note nodyn cerddorol
9146CharactersObjectsmusic🎵 –keywordsmusic | musical | note | sound cerddoriaeth | nodyn | nodyn cerddorol
9147CharactersObjectsmusic🎶 -namemusical notes nodau cerddorol
9148CharactersObjectsmusic🎶 –keywordsmusic | musical | note | notes | sound cerddoriaeth | nodau cerddorol | nodyn
9149CharactersObjectsmusic🎙 -namestudio microphone meicroffon stiwdio
9150CharactersObjectsmusic🎙 –keywordsmic | microphone | music | studio cerddoriaeth | meic | meicroffon | stiwdio
9151CharactersObjectsmusic🎚 -namelevel slider llithrydd lefel
9152CharactersObjectsmusic🎚 –keywordslevel | music | slider cerddoriaeth | lefel | llithrydd lefel
9153CharactersObjectsmusic🎛 -namecontrol knobs dyrnau rheoli
9154CharactersObjectsmusic🎛 –keywordscontrol | knobs | music cerddoriaeth | dyrnau | rheoli
9155CharactersObjectsmusic🎤 -namemicrophone meicroffon
9156CharactersObjectsmusic🎤 –keywordskaraoke | mic | microphone | music | sing | sound caraoce | meic | meicroffon
9157CharactersObjectsmusic🎧 -nameheadphone clustffon
9158CharactersObjectsmusic🎧 –keywordsearbud | headphone | sound clustffon
9159CharactersObjectsmusic📻 -name= radio
9160CharactersObjectsmusic📻 –keywordsentertainment | radio | tbt | video fideo | radio
9161CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🎷 -namesaxophone sacsoffon
9162CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🎷 –keywordsinstrument | music | sax | saxophone cerddoriaeth | offeryn | sacs | sacsoffon
9163CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🪗 -nameaccordion acordion
9164CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🪗 –keywordsaccordion | box | concertina | instrument | music | squeeze | squeezebox acordion | blwch gwasgu | consertina
9165CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🎸 -nameguitar gitâr
9166CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🎸 –keywordsguitar | instrument | music | strat cerddoriaeth | gitâr | offeyrn
9167CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🎹 -namemusical keyboard allweddell
9168CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🎹 –keywordsinstrument | keyboard | music | musical | piano allweddell | cerddoriaeth | offeryn | piano
9169CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🎺 -nametrumpet trwmped
9170CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🎺 –keywordsinstrument | music | trumpet cerddoriaeth | offeryn | trwmped
9171CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🎻 -nameviolin ffidl
9172CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🎻 –keywordsinstrument | music | violin cerddoriaeth | ffidl | offeryn
9173CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🪕 -name= banjo
9174CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🪕 –keywordsbanjo | music | stringed banjo | cerddoriaeth | llinynnau
9175CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🥁 -namedrum drwm
9176CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🥁 –keywordsdrum | drumsticks | music cerddoriaeth | drwm | ffyn curo
9177CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🪘 -namelong drum drwm hir
9178CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🪘 –keywordsbeat | conga | drum | instrument | long | rhythm conga | curiad | drwm | drwm hir | rhythm
9179CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🪇 -name= maracas
9180CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🪇 –keywordscha | dance | instrument | maracas | music | party | percussion | rattle | shake | shaker cerddoriaeth | dawns | maracas | offeryn | parti | ratl | taro | ysgwyd | ysgwydr
9181CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🪈 -nameflute ffliwt
9182CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🪈 –keywordsband | fife | flautist | flute | instrument | marching | music | orchestra | piccolo | pipe | recorder | woodwind band | band gorymdeithio | cerddorfa | cerddoriaeth | chwythbrennau | ffeiff | ffliwt | ffliwtydd | offeryn | pib | picolo | recorder
9183CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🪉 -nameharp telyn
9184CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🪉 –keywordscupid | harp | instrument | love | music | orchestra cariad | cerddorfa | cerddoriaeth | ciwpid | offeryn | telyn
9185CharactersObjectsphone📱 -namemobile phone ffôn symudol
9186CharactersObjectsphone📱 –keywordscell | communication | mobile | phone | telephone ffôn | symudol
9187CharactersObjectsphone📲 -namemobile phone with arrow ffôn symudol â saeth
9188CharactersObjectsphone📲 –keywordsarrow | build | call | cell | communication | mobile | phone | receive | telephone ffôn | ffôn symudol â saeth | galw | saeth | symudol
9189CharactersObjectsphone☎ -nametelephone ffôn
9190CharactersObjectsphone☎ –keywordsphone | telephone ffôn | teleffon
9191CharactersObjectsphone📞 -nametelephone receiver derbynnydd ffôn
9192CharactersObjectsphone📞 –keywordscommunication | phone | receiver | telephone | voip derbyniwr | derbynnydd ffôn | ffôn
9193CharactersObjectsphone📟 -namepager peiriant galw
9194CharactersObjectsphone📟 –keywordscommunication | pager galwr | peiriant galw
9195CharactersObjectsphone📠 -namefax machine peiriant ffacs
9196CharactersObjectsphone📠 –keywordscommunication | fax | machine ffacs | peiriant ffacs
9197CharactersObjectscomputer🔋 -namebattery batri
9198CharactersObjectscomputer🔋 –keywordsbattery batri
9199CharactersObjectscomputer🪫 -namelow battery batri isel
9200CharactersObjectscomputer🪫 –keywordsbattery | drained | electronic | energy | low | power batri isel | egni isel | electronig
9201CharactersObjectscomputer🔌 -nameelectric plug plwg trydanol
9202CharactersObjectscomputer🔌 –keywordselectric | electricity | plug plwg | trydan | trydanol
9203CharactersObjectscomputer💻 -namelaptop cluniadur
9204CharactersObjectscomputer💻 –keywordscomputer | laptop | office | pc | personal cluniadur | cyfrifiadur | personol
9205CharactersObjectscomputer🖥 -namedesktop computer cyfrifiadur
9206CharactersObjectscomputer🖥 –keywordscomputer | desktop | monitor bwrdd gwaith | cyfrifiadur
9207CharactersObjectscomputer🖨 -nameprinter argraffydd
9208CharactersObjectscomputer🖨 –keywordscomputer | printer argraffydd | cyfrifiadur
9209CharactersObjectscomputer⌨ -namekeyboard bysellfwrdd
9210CharactersObjectscomputer⌨ –keywordscomputer | keyboard bysellfwrdd | cyfrifiadur
9211CharactersObjectscomputer🖱 -namecomputer mouse llygoden gyfrifiadurol
9212CharactersObjectscomputer🖱 –keywordscomputer | mouse botwm | llygoden | llygoden gyfrifiadurol
9213CharactersObjectscomputer🖲 -nametrackball pelen lwybro
9214CharactersObjectscomputer🖲 –keywordscomputer | trackball cyfrifiadur | pelen lwybro
9215CharactersObjectscomputer💽 -namecomputer disk disg mini
9216CharactersObjectscomputer💽 –keywordscomputer | disk | minidisk | optical cyfrifiadur | disg | disg mini | optegol
9217CharactersObjectscomputer💾 -namefloppy disk disg hyblyg
9218CharactersObjectscomputer💾 –keywordscomputer | disk | floppy cyfrifiadur | disg | hyblyg
9219CharactersObjectscomputer💿 -nameoptical disk disg optegol
9220CharactersObjectscomputer💿 –keywordsblu-ray | CD | computer | disk | dvd | optical blu-ray | cd | computer | disg optegol | disk | dvd | optical
9221CharactersObjectscomputer📀 -name= dvd
9222CharactersObjectscomputer📀 –keywordsBlu-ray | cd | computer | disk | DVD | optical blu-ray | cd | cyfrifiadur | disg | dvd
9223CharactersObjectscomputer🧮 -nameabacus abacws
9224CharactersObjectscomputer🧮 –keywordsabacus | calculation | calculator abacws | cyfrifiad
9225CharactersObjectslight & video🎥 -namemovie camera camera ffilm
9226CharactersObjectslight & video🎥 –keywordsbollywood | camera | cinema | film | hollywood | movie | record camera | ffilm | sinema
9227CharactersObjectslight & video🎞 -namefilm frames fframiau ffilm
9228CharactersObjectslight & video🎞 –keywordscinema | film | frames | movie ffilm | fframiau | sinema
9229CharactersObjectslight & video📽 -namefilm projector taflunydd ffilm
9230CharactersObjectslight & video📽 –keywordscinema | film | movie | projector | video ffilm | fideo | sinema | taflunydd
9231CharactersObjectslight & video🎬 -nameclapper board clepiwr
9232CharactersObjectslight & video🎬 –keywordsaction | board | clapper | movie clepiwr | ffilm
9233CharactersObjectslight & video📺 -nametelevision teledu
9234CharactersObjectslight & video📺 –keywordstelevision | tv | video fideo | teledu
9235CharactersObjectslight & video📷 -name= camera
9236CharactersObjectslight & video📷 –keywordscamera | photo | selfie | snap | tbt | trip | video camera | fideo
9237CharactersObjectslight & video📸 -namecamera with flash camera â fflach
9238CharactersObjectslight & video📸 –keywordscamera | flash | video camera | camera â fflach | fflach | fideo
9239CharactersObjectslight & video📹 -namevideo camera camera fideo
9240CharactersObjectslight & video📹 –keywordscamcorder | camera | tbt | video camera | fideo
9241CharactersObjectslight & video📼 -namevideocassette casét fideo
9242CharactersObjectslight & video📼 –keywordsold | school | tape | vcr | vhs | video | videocassette casét fideo | fideo | tap | vhs
9243CharactersObjectslight & video🔍 -namemagnifying glass tilted left chwyddwydr yn wynebu’r chwith
9244CharactersObjectslight & video🔍 –keywordsglass | lab | left | left-pointing | magnifying | science | search | tilted | tool chwilio | chwyddwydr | chwyddwydr yn wynebu’r chwith | gwydr | offeryn
9245CharactersObjectslight & video🔎 -namemagnifying glass tilted right chwyddwydr yn wynebu’r dde
9246CharactersObjectslight & video🔎 –keywordscontact | glass | lab | magnifying | right | right-pointing | science | search | tilted | tool chwilio | chwyddo | chwyddwydr yn wynebu’r dde | gwydr | offeryn
9247CharactersObjectslight & video🕯 -namecandle cannwyll
9248CharactersObjectslight & video🕯 –keywordscandle | light cannwyll | golau
9249CharactersObjectslight & video💡 -namelight bulb bwlb golau
9250CharactersObjectslight & video💡 –keywordsbulb | comic | electric | idea | light bwlb | bwlb golau | comig | syniad | trydanol
9251CharactersObjectslight & video🔦 -nameflashlight tortsh
9252CharactersObjectslight & video🔦 –keywordselectric | flashlight | light | tool | torch golau | offeryn | tortsh | trydanol
9253CharactersObjectslight & video🏮 -namered paper lantern llusern bapur coch
9254CharactersObjectslight & video🏮 –keywordsbar | lantern | light | paper | red | restaurant bar | coch | Japaneaidd | llusern | llusern bapur coch
9255CharactersObjectslight & video🪔 -namediya lamp lamp diya
9256CharactersObjectslight & video🪔 –keywordsdiya | lamp | light | oil diya | lamp | olew
9257CharactersObjectsbook-paper📔 -namenotebook with decorative cover llyfr nodiadau gyda chlawr addurnol
9258CharactersObjectsbook-paper📔 –keywordsbook | cover | decorated | decorative | education | notebook | school | writing addurnol | clawr | llyfr | llyfr nodiadau | llyfr nodiadau gyda chlawr addurnol
9259CharactersObjectsbook-paper📕 -nameclosed book llyfr ynghau
9260CharactersObjectsbook-paper📕 –keywordsbook | closed | education llyfr | ynghau
9261CharactersObjectsbook-paper📖 -nameopen book llyfr agored
9262CharactersObjectsbook-paper📖 –keywordsbook | education | fantasy | knowledge | library | novels | open | reading agored | llyfr
9263CharactersObjectsbook-paper📗 -namegreen book llyfr gwyrdd
9264CharactersObjectsbook-paper📗 –keywordsbook | education | fantasy | green | library | reading gwyrdd | llyfr
9265CharactersObjectsbook-paper📘 -nameblue book llyfr glas
9266CharactersObjectsbook-paper📘 –keywordsblue | book | education | fantasy | library | reading glas | llyfr
9267CharactersObjectsbook-paper📙 -nameorange book llyfr oren
9268CharactersObjectsbook-paper📙 –keywordsbook | education | fantasy | library | orange | reading llyfr | oren
9269CharactersObjectsbook-paper📚 -namebooks llyfrau
9270CharactersObjectsbook-paper📚 –keywordsbook | books | education | fantasy | knowledge | library | novels | reading | school | study llyfr | llyfrau
9271CharactersObjectsbook-paper📓 -namenotebook llyfr nodiadau
9272CharactersObjectsbook-paper📓 –keywordsnotebook llyfr nodiadau
9273CharactersObjectsbook-paper📒 -nameledger cyfriflyfr
9274CharactersObjectsbook-paper📒 –keywordsledger | notebook cyfriflyfr | llyfr nodiadau
9275CharactersObjectsbook-paper📃 -namepage with curl tudalen gyda chwrl
9276CharactersObjectsbook-paper📃 –keywordscurl | document | page | paper cwrl | dogfen | tudalen | tudalen gyda chwrl
9277CharactersObjectsbook-paper📜 -namescroll sgrôl
9278CharactersObjectsbook-paper📜 –keywordspaper | scroll papur | sgrôl
9279CharactersObjectsbook-paper📄 -namepage facing up tudalen yn wynebu i fyny
9280CharactersObjectsbook-paper📄 –keywordsdocument | facing | page | paper | up dogfen | tudalen | tudalen yn wynebu i fyny
9281CharactersObjectsbook-paper📰 -namenewspaper papur newydd
9282CharactersObjectsbook-paper📰 –keywordscommunication | news | newspaper | paper newyddion | papur | papur newydd
9283CharactersObjectsbook-paper🗞 -namerolled-up newspaper papur newydd wedi’i rolio
9284CharactersObjectsbook-paper🗞 –keywordsnews | newspaper | paper | rolled | rolled-up newyddion | papur | papur newydd | papur newydd wedi’i rolio | wedi’i rolio
9285CharactersObjectsbook-paper📑 -namebookmark tabs tabiau nodau tudalen
9286CharactersObjectsbook-paper📑 –keywordsbookmark | mark | marker | tabs llyfrnod | marc | nod tudalen | tabiau | tabiau nodau tudalen
9287CharactersObjectsbook-paper🔖 -namebookmark nod tudalen
9288CharactersObjectsbook-paper🔖 –keywordsbookmark | mark marc | nod tudalen
9289CharactersObjectsbook-paper🏷 -name= label
9290CharactersObjectsbook-paper🏷 –keywordslabel | tag label
9291CharactersObjects2money💰 -namemoney bag bag arian
9292CharactersObjects2money💰 –keywordsbag | bank | bet | billion | cash | cost | dollar | gold | million | money | moneybag | paid | paying | pot | rich | win arian | bag | doler
9293CharactersObjects2money🪙 -namecoin darn arian
9294CharactersObjects2money🪙 –keywordscoin | dollar | euro | gold | metal | money | rich | silver | treasure arian | aur | darn arian | metel | trysor
9295CharactersObjects2money💴 -nameyen banknote papur arian yen
9296CharactersObjects2money💴 –keywordsbank | banknote | bill | currency | money | note | yen arian cyfredol | banc | papur arian | papur arian yen | yen
9297CharactersObjects2money💵 -namedollar banknote papur arian doler
9298CharactersObjects2money💵 –keywordsbank | banknote | bill | currency | dollar | money | note arian cyfredol | banc | doler | papur arian | papur arian doler
9299CharactersObjects2money💶 -nameeuro banknote papur arian ewro
9300CharactersObjects2money💶 –keywords100 | bank | banknote | bill | currency | euro | money | note | rich arian cyfredol | banc | ewro | papur arian | papur arian ewro
9301CharactersObjects2money💷 -namepound banknote papur arian punt
9302CharactersObjects2money💷 –keywordsbank | banknote | bill | billion | cash | currency | money | note | pound | pounds arian cyfredol | banc | papur arian | papur arian punt | punt
9303CharactersObjects2money💸 -namemoney with wings arian gydag adenydd
9304CharactersObjects2money💸 –keywordsbank | banknote | bill | billion | cash | dollar | fly | million | money | note | pay | wings adenydd | arian cyfredol | arian gydag adenydd | banc | papur arian
9305CharactersObjects2money💳 -namecredit card cerdyn credyd
9306CharactersObjects2money💳 –keywordsbank | card | cash | charge | credit | money | pay arian | banc | card | cerdyn credyd | credyd
9307CharactersObjects2money🧾 -namereceipt derbynneb
9308CharactersObjects2money🧾 –keywordsaccounting | bookkeeping | evidence | invoice | proof | receipt cadw llyfrau | cyfrifyddu | derbynneb | prawf | tystiolaeth
9309CharactersObjects2money💹 -namechart increasing with yen siart yn cynyddu â yen
9310CharactersObjects2money💹 –keywordsbank | chart | currency | graph | growth | increasing | market | money | rise | trend | upward | yen banc | marchnad | siart | siart yn cynyddu â yen | twf
9311CharactersObjects2mail✉ -nameenvelope amlen
9312CharactersObjects2mail✉ –keywordse-mail | email | envelope | letter amlen | e-bost
9313CharactersObjects2mail📧 -namee-mail e-bost
9314CharactersObjects2mail📧 –keywordse-mail | email | letter | mail e-bost | llythyren | post
9315CharactersObjects2mail📨 -nameincoming envelope amlen yn dyfod i mewn
9316CharactersObjects2mail📨 –keywordsdelivering | e-mail | email | envelope | incoming | letter | mail | receive | sent amlen | amlen yn dyfod i mewn | derbyn | e-bost | llythyr
9317CharactersObjects2mail📩 -nameenvelope with arrow amlen gyda saeth
9318CharactersObjects2mail📩 –keywordsarrow | communication | down | e-mail | email | envelope | letter | mail | outgoing | send | sent amlen | amlen gyda saeth | e-bost | i lawr | saeth
9319CharactersObjects2mail📤 -nameoutbox tray hambwrdd blwch allan
9320CharactersObjects2mail📤 –keywordsbox | email | letter | mail | outbox | sent | tray blwch | blwch allan | hambwrdd | hambwrdd blwch allan | llythyr
9321CharactersObjects2mail📥 -nameinbox tray hambwrdd mewnflwch
9322CharactersObjects2mail📥 –keywordsbox | email | inbox | letter | mail | receive | tray | zero blwch | hambwrdd | mewnflwch
9323CharactersObjects2mail📦 -namepackage parsel
9324CharactersObjects2mail📦 –keywordsbox | communication | delivery | package | parcel | shipping blwch | parsel
9325CharactersObjects2mail📫 -nameclosed mailbox with raised flag blwch post caeedig gyda banner wedi’i chodi
9326CharactersObjects2mail📫 –keywordsclosed | communication | flag | mail | mailbox | postbox | raised blwch post | blwch post caeedig gyda banner wedi’i chodi | caeedig | post
9327CharactersObjects2mail📪 -nameclosed mailbox with lowered flag blwch post caeedig gyda banner wedi’i gostwng
9328CharactersObjects2mail📪 –keywordsclosed | flag | lowered | mail | mailbox | postbox blwch post | blwch post caeedig gyda banner wedi’i gostwng | caeedig | wedi’i gostwng
9329CharactersObjects2mail📬 -nameopen mailbox with raised flag blwch post agored gyda banner wedi’i chodi
9330CharactersObjects2mail📬 –keywordsflag | mail | mailbox | open | postbox | raised agored | blwch post | blwch post agored gyda banner wedi’i chodi | post
9331CharactersObjects2mail📭 -nameopen mailbox with lowered flag blwch post agored gyda banner wedi’i gostwng
9332CharactersObjects2mail📭 –keywordsflag | lowered | mail | mailbox | open | postbox agored | blwch post | blwch post agored gyda banner wedi’i gostwng | wedi’i gostwng
9333CharactersObjects2mail📮 -namepostbox blwch post
9334CharactersObjects2mail📮 –keywordsmail | mailbox | postbox blwch post | post
9335CharactersObjects2mail🗳 -nameballot box with ballot blwch pleidlais gyda phleidlais
9336CharactersObjects2mail🗳 –keywordsballot | box blwch | blwch pleidlais gyda phleidlais | pleidlais
9337CharactersObjects2writing✏ -namepencil pensil
9338CharactersObjects2writing✏ –keywordspencil pensil
9339CharactersObjects2writing✒ -nameblack nib nib du
9340CharactersObjects2writing✒ –keywordsblack | nib | pen nib | nib du | pen
9341CharactersObjects2writing🖋 -namefountain pen ysgrifbin
9342CharactersObjects2writing🖋 –keywordsfountain | pen ysgrifbin
9343CharactersObjects2writing🖊 -namepen beiro
9344CharactersObjects2writing🖊 –keywordsballpoint | pen beiro | blaengrwn
9345CharactersObjects2writing🖌 -namepaintbrush brwsh paent
9346CharactersObjects2writing🖌 –keywordspaintbrush | painting brwsh paent | paentio
9347CharactersObjects2writing🖍 -namecrayon pensil lliw
9348CharactersObjects2writing🖍 –keywordscrayon pensil lliw
9349CharactersObjects2writing📝 -name= memo
9350CharactersObjects2writing📝 –keywordscommunication | media | memo | notes | pencil memo | pensil
9351CharactersObjects2office💼 -namebriefcase cas friff
9352CharactersObjects2office💼 –keywordsbriefcase | office cas friff
9353CharactersObjects2office📁 -namefile folder ffolder ffeiliau
9354CharactersObjects2office📁 –keywordsfile | folder ffeil | ffolder | ffolder ffeiliau
9355CharactersObjects2office📂 -nameopen file folder agor ffolder ffeiliau
9356CharactersObjects2office📂 –keywordsfile | folder | open agor | agor ffolder ffeiliau | ffeil | ffolder
9357CharactersObjects2office🗂 -namecard index dividers rhanwyr mynegai cardiau
9358CharactersObjects2office🗂 –keywordscard | dividers | index card | mynegai | rhanwyr | rhanwyr mynegai cardiau
9359CharactersObjects2office📅 -namecalendar calendr
9360CharactersObjects2office📅 –keywordscalendar | date calendr | dyddiad
9361CharactersObjects2office📆 -nametear-off calendar calendr rwygo
9362CharactersObjects2office📆 –keywordscalendar | tear-off calendr | calendr rwygo
9363CharactersObjects2office🗒 -namespiral notepad llyfr nodiadau troellog
9364CharactersObjects2office🗒 –keywordsnote | notepad | pad | spiral llyfr nodiadau | llyfr nodiadau troellog | nodyn | troellog
9365CharactersObjects2office🗓 -namespiral calendar calendr troellog
9366CharactersObjects2office🗓 –keywordscalendar | pad | spiral calendr | pad | troellog
9367CharactersObjects2office📇 -namecard index mynegai cardiau
9368CharactersObjects2office📇 –keywordscard | index | old | rolodex | school card | mynegai | mynegai cardiau | rolodex
9369CharactersObjects2office📈 -namechart increasing siart yn cynyddu
9370CharactersObjects2office📈 –keywordschart | data | graph | growth | increasing | right | trend | up | upward graff | i fyny | siart | siart yn cynyddu | twf
9371CharactersObjects2office📉 -namechart decreasing siart yn gostwng
9372CharactersObjects2office📉 –keywordschart | data | decreasing | down | downward | graph | negative | trend graff | i lawr | siart | siart yn gostwng | trend
9373CharactersObjects2office📊 -namebar chart siart bar
9374CharactersObjects2office📊 –keywordsbar | chart | data | graph bar | graff | siart
9375CharactersObjects2office📋 -nameclipboard clipfwrdd
9376CharactersObjects2office📋 –keywordsclipboard | do | list | notes clipfwrdd
9377CharactersObjects2office📌 -namepushpin pin
9378CharactersObjects2office📌 –keywordscollage | pin | pushpin pin | pin gwthio
9379CharactersObjects2office📍 -nameround pushpin pin crwn
9380CharactersObjects2office📍 –keywordslocation | map | pin | pushpin | round pin | pin crwn
9381CharactersObjects2office📎 -namepaperclip clip papur
9382CharactersObjects2office📎 –keywordspaperclip clip papur
9383CharactersObjects2office🖇 -namelinked paperclips clipiau papur wedi’u cysylltu
9384CharactersObjects2office🖇 –keywordslink | linked | paperclip | paperclips clip papur | clipiau papur wedi’u cysylltu | linc
9385CharactersObjects2office📏 -namestraight ruler pren mesur
9386CharactersObjects2office📏 –keywordsangle | edge | math | ruler | straight | straightedge pren mesur | ymyl syth
9387CharactersObjects2office📐 -nametriangular ruler pren mesur trionglog
9388CharactersObjects2office📐 –keywordsangle | math | rule | ruler | set | slide | triangle | triangular pren mesur | pren mesur trionglog | set | triongl
9389CharactersObjects2office✂ -namescissors siswrn
9390CharactersObjects2office✂ –keywordscut | cutting | paper | scissors | tool offeryn | siswrn
9391CharactersObjects2office🗃 -namecard file box blwch ffeilio cardiau
9392CharactersObjects2office🗃 –keywordsbox | card | file blwch | blwch ffeilio cardiau | card | ffeilio
9393CharactersObjects2office🗄 -namefile cabinet ffeil gabinet
9394CharactersObjects2office🗄 –keywordscabinet | file | filing | paper cabinet | ffeil gabinet | ffeilio
9395CharactersObjects2office🗑 -namewastebasket bin sbwriel
9396CharactersObjects2office🗑 –keywordscan | garbage | trash | waste | wastebasket bin sbwriel
9397CharactersObjects2lock🔒 -namelocked clô
9398CharactersObjects2lock🔒 –keywordsclosed | lock | locked | private ar gau | clô | dan glo
9399CharactersObjects2lock🔓 -nameunlocked clô agored
9400CharactersObjects2lock🔓 –keywordscracked | lock | open | unlock | unlocked agor | clô agored | cloi | datgloi
9401CharactersObjects2lock🔏 -namelocked with pen clô ac ysgrifbin
9402CharactersObjects2lock🔏 –keywordsink | lock | locked | nib | pen | privacy clô ac ysgrifbin | cloi | inc | nib | ysgrifbin
9403CharactersObjects2lock🔐 -namelocked with key clô ynghau gydag allwedd
9404CharactersObjects2lock🔐 –keywordsbike | closed | key | lock | locked | secure allwedd | clô | clô ynghau gydag allwedd | cloi | diogel
9405CharactersObjects2lock🔑 -namekey allwedd
9406CharactersObjects2lock🔑 –keywordskey | keys | lock | major | password | unlock allwedd | allweddair | cloi
9407CharactersObjects2lock🗝 -nameold key hen allwedd
9408CharactersObjects2lock🗝 –keywordsclue | key | lock | old allwedd | cliw | cloi | hen
9409CharactersObjects2tool🔨 -namehammer morthwyl
9410CharactersObjects2tool🔨 –keywordshammer | home | improvement | repairs | tool morthwyl | offeryn
9411CharactersObjects2tool🪓 -nameaxe bwyell
9412CharactersObjects2tool🪓 –keywordsax | axe | chop | hatchet | split | wood bwyell | coed | hollti | pren | torri
9413CharactersObjects2tool⛏ -namepick caib
9414CharactersObjects2tool⛏ –keywordshammer | mining | pick | tool caib | cloddio | offeryn
9415CharactersObjects2tool⚒ -namehammer and pick morthwyl a chaib
9416CharactersObjects2tool⚒ –keywordshammer | pick | tool caib | morthwyl | morthwyl a chaib | offeryn
9417CharactersObjects2tool🛠 -namehammer and wrench morthwyl a sbaner
9418CharactersObjects2tool🛠 –keywordshammer | spanner | tool | wrench caib | morthwyl | morthwyl a sbaner | sbaner
9419CharactersObjects2tool🗡 -namedagger dagr
9420CharactersObjects2tool🗡 –keywordsdagger | knife | weapon arf | cyllell | dagr
9421CharactersObjects2tool⚔ -namecrossed swords cleddyfau wedi croesi
9422CharactersObjects2tool⚔ –keywordscrossed | swords | weapon arf | cleddyfau | cleddyfau wedi croesi | wedi croesi
9423CharactersObjects2tool💣 -namebomb bom
9424CharactersObjects2tool💣 –keywordsbomb | boom | comic | dangerous | explosion | hot bom | comig
9425CharactersObjects2tool🪃 -nameboomerang bwmerang
9426CharactersObjects2tool🪃 –keywordsboomerang | rebound | repercussion | weapon adlam | Awstralia | bwmerang | ôl-effaith
9427CharactersObjects2tool🏹 -namebow and arrow bwa saeth
9428CharactersObjects2tool🏹 –keywordsarcher | archery | arrow | bow | Sagittarius | tool | weapon | zodiac bwa | saeth | saethwr | sidydd
9429CharactersObjects2tool🛡 -nameshield tarian
9430CharactersObjects2tool🛡 –keywordsshield | weapon arf | tarian
9431CharactersObjects2tool🪚 -namecarpentry saw llif gwaith coed
9432CharactersObjects2tool🪚 –keywordscarpenter | carpentry | cut | lumber | saw | tool | trim coed cadw | llif | llif gwaith coed | offeryn | saer
9433CharactersObjects2tool🔧 -namewrench sbaner
9434CharactersObjects2tool🔧 –keywordshome | improvement | spanner | tool | wrench offeryn | sbaner
9435CharactersObjects2tool🪛 -namescrewdriver sgriwdreifar
9436CharactersObjects2tool🪛 –keywordsflathead | handy | screw | screwdriver | tool offeryn | sgriw | sgriwdreifar
9437CharactersObjects2tool🔩 -namenut and bolt nyten a bollt
9438CharactersObjects2tool🔩 –keywordsbolt | home | improvement | nut | tool bollt | nyten | nyten a bollt | offeryn
9439CharactersObjects2tool⚙ -namegear gêr
9440CharactersObjects2tool⚙ –keywordscog | cogwheel | gear | tool gêr | offeryn
9441CharactersObjects2tool🗜 -nameclamp cywasgedd
9442CharactersObjects2tool🗜 –keywordsclamp | compress | tool | vice cywasgedd | feis | offeryn
9443CharactersObjects2tool⚖ -namebalance scale clorian
9444CharactersObjects2tool⚖ –keywordsbalance | justice | Libra | scale | scales | tool | weight | zodiac clorian | mantol | offeryn | pwysau
9445CharactersObjects2tool🦯 -namewhite cane ffon wen
9446CharactersObjects2tool🦯 –keywordsaccessibility | blind | cane | probing | white dall | ffon wen | hygyrchedd
9447CharactersObjects2tool🔗 -namelink dolen
9448CharactersObjects2tool🔗 –keywordslink | links dolen | linc
9449CharactersObjects2tool⛓‍💥 -namebroken chain cadwyn wedi torri
9450CharactersObjects2tool⛓‍💥 –keywordsbreak | breaking | broken | chain | cuffs | freedom cadwyn | cadwyn wedi torri | gefynnau | rhyddid | torri | yn torri
9451CharactersObjects2tool⛓ -namechains cadwyni
9452CharactersObjects2tool⛓ –keywordschain | chains cadwyn | cadwyni
9453CharactersObjects2tool🪝 -namehook bachyn
9454CharactersObjects2tool🪝 –keywordscatch | crook | curve | ensnare | hook | point | selling bachyn | cromlin | dal | maglu | pwynt gwerthu | troseddwr
9455CharactersObjects2tool🧰 -nametoolbox blwch offer
9456CharactersObjects2tool🧰 –keywordsbox | chest | mechanic | red | tool | toolbox blwch offer | cist | mecanydd | offer
9457CharactersObjects2tool🧲 -name= magnet
9458CharactersObjects2tool🧲 –keywordsattraction | horseshoe | magnet | magnetic | negative | positive | shape | u atyniad | magnet | magnetig | pedol
9459CharactersObjects2tool🪜 -nameladder ysgol ddringo
9460CharactersObjects2tool🪜 –keywordsclimb | ladder | rung | step cam | dringo | gris | ysgol | ysgol ddringo
9461CharactersObjects2tool🪏 -nameshovel rhaw
9462CharactersObjects2tool🪏 –keywordsbury | dig | garden | hole | plant | scoop | shovel | snow | spade rhaw | rhofio | siefl | twll | tyllu
9463CharactersObjects2science⚗ -namealembic distyllydd
9464CharactersObjects2science⚗ –keywordsalembic | chemistry | tool cemeg | distyllydd | offeryn
9465CharactersObjects2science🧪 -nametest tube tiwb profi
9466CharactersObjects2science🧪 –keywordschemist | chemistry | experiment | lab | science | test | tube arbrawf | cemeg | fferyllydd | gwyddoniaeth | lab | tiwb profi
9467CharactersObjects2science🧫 -namepetri dish dysgl petri
9468CharactersObjects2science🧫 –keywordsbacteria | biologist | biology | culture | dish | lab | petri bacteria | bioleg | biologydd | dysgl petri | lab | meithrin
9469CharactersObjects2science🧬 -name= dna
9470CharactersObjects2science🧬 –keywordsbiologist | dna | evolution | gene | genetics | life biolegydd | bywyd | dna | esblygiad | geneteg | genyn
9471CharactersObjects2science🔬 -namemicroscope microsgop
9472CharactersObjects2science🔬 –keywordsexperiment | lab | microscope | science | tool microsgop | offeryn
9473CharactersObjects2science🔭 -nametelescope telesgop
9474CharactersObjects2science🔭 –keywordscontact | extraterrestrial | science | telescope | tool offeryn | telesgop
9475CharactersObjects2science📡 -namesatellite antenna antena lloeren
9476CharactersObjects2science📡 –keywordsaliens | antenna | contact | dish | satellite | science antena | lloeren
9477CharactersObjects2medical💉 -namesyringe chwistrell
9478CharactersObjects2medical💉 –keywordsdoctor | flu | medicine | needle | shot | sick | syringe | tool | vaccination chwistrell | doctor | meddygaeth | nodwydd | sâl
9479CharactersObjects2medical🩸 -namedrop of blood diferyn o waed
9480CharactersObjects2medical🩸 –keywordsbleed | blood | donation | drop | injury | medicine | menstruation diferyn o waed | meddyginiaeth | mislif | rhoi gwaed
9481CharactersObjects2medical💊 -namepill pilsen
9482CharactersObjects2medical💊 –keywordsdoctor | drugs | medicated | medicine | pill | pills | sick | vitamin doctor | meddygaeth | pilsen | sâl
9483CharactersObjects2medical🩹 -nameadhesive bandage bandej glynu
9484CharactersObjects2medical🩹 –keywordsadhesive | bandage bandej | bandej glynu
9485CharactersObjects2medical🩼 -namecrutch bagl
9486CharactersObjects2medical🩼 –keywordsaid | cane | crutch | disability | help | hurt | injured | mobility | stick anabledd | bagl | brifo | cymorth symudedd | ffon
9487CharactersObjects2medical🩺 -namestethoscope stethosgop
9488CharactersObjects2medical🩺 –keywordsdoctor | heart | medicine | stethoscope calon | meddyg | meddyginiaeth | stethosgop
9489CharactersObjects2medical🩻 -namex-ray pelydr-x
9490CharactersObjects2medical🩻 –keywordsbones | doctor | medical | skeleton | skull | x-ray | xray esgyrn | meddyg | meddygol | pelydr-x | sgerbwd
9491CharactersObjects2household🚪 -namedoor drws
9492CharactersObjects2household🚪 –keywordsback | closet | door | front drws
9493CharactersObjects2household🛗 -nameelevator lifft
9494CharactersObjects2household🛗 –keywordsaccessibility | elevator | hoist | lift hosiad | hygyrchedd | lifft
9495CharactersObjects2household🪞 -namemirror drych
9496CharactersObjects2household🪞 –keywordsmakeup | mirror | reflection | reflector | speculum adlewyrchiad | adlewyrchydd | drych | sbecwlwm
9497CharactersObjects2household🪟 -namewindow ffenestr
9498CharactersObjects2household🪟 –keywordsair | frame | fresh | opening | transparent | view | window agoriad | awyr iach | ffenestr | ffrâm | golwg | tryloyw
9499CharactersObjects2household🛏 -namebed gwely
9500CharactersObjects2household🛏 –keywordsbed | hotel | sleep cysgu | gwely | gwesty
9501CharactersObjects2household🛋 -namecouch and lamp soffa a lamp
9502CharactersObjects2household🛋 –keywordscouch | hotel | lamp gwesty | lamp | soffa | soffa a lamp
9503CharactersObjects2household🪑 -namechair cadair
9504CharactersObjects2household🪑 –keywordschair | seat | sit cadair | eistedd | sedd
9505CharactersObjects2household🚽 -nametoilet toiled
9506CharactersObjects2household🚽 –keywordsbathroom | toilet toiled
9507CharactersObjects2household🪠 -nameplunger offeryn sugno
9508CharactersObjects2household🪠 –keywordscup | force | plumber | plunger | poop | suction | toilet cwpan rym | offeryn sugno | plymiwr | plymwr | sugnedd | toiled
9509CharactersObjects2household🚿 -nameshower cawod
9510CharactersObjects2household🚿 –keywordsshower | water cawod | dŵr
9511CharactersObjects2household🛁 -namebathtub twba bath
9512CharactersObjects2household🛁 –keywordsbath | bathtub bath | twba bath
9513CharactersObjects2household🪤 -namemouse trap trap llygod
9514CharactersObjects2household🪤 –keywordsbait | cheese | lure | mouse | mousetrap | snare | trap abwyd | maglu | trap | trap llygod | trap llygoden
9515CharactersObjects2household🪒 -namerazor rasel
9516CharactersObjects2household🪒 –keywordsrazor | sharp | shave eillio | miniog | rasel | siafio
9517CharactersObjects2household🧴 -namelotion bottle potel hufen
9518CharactersObjects2household🧴 –keywordsbottle | lotion | moisturizer | shampoo | sunscreen eli haul | hufen | lleithydd | potel hufen | siampw
9519CharactersObjects2household🧷 -namesafety pin pin diogelwch
9520CharactersObjects2household🧷 –keywordsdiaper | pin | punk | rock | safety cewyn | pin diogelwch | roc pync
9521CharactersObjects2household🧹 -namebroom ysgubell
9522CharactersObjects2household🧹 –keywordsbroom | cleaning | sweeping | witch glanhau | wrach | ysgubell | ysgubo
9523CharactersObjects2household🧺 -namebasket basged
9524CharactersObjects2household🧺 –keywordsbasket | farming | laundry | picnic basged | ffermio | golchi dillad | picnic
9525CharactersObjects2household🧻 -nameroll of paper rholyn o bapur
9526CharactersObjects2household🧻 –keywordspaper | roll | toilet | towels papur toiled | rholyn o bapur | tywelion papur
9527CharactersObjects2household🪣 -namebucket bwced
9528CharactersObjects2household🪣 –keywordsbucket | cask | pail | vat bwced | casgen | cerwyn | stwc
9529CharactersObjects2household🧼 -namesoap sebon
9530CharactersObjects2household🧼 –keywordsbar | bathing | clean | cleaning | lather | soap | soapdish bar | dysgl sebon | glanhau | sebon | trochion sebon | ymolchi
9531CharactersObjects2household🫧 -namebubbles swigod
9532CharactersObjects2household🫧 –keywordsbubble | bubbles | burp | clean | floating | pearl | soap | underwater bytheirio | glân | sebon | swigod | tanddwr | torri gwynt
9533CharactersObjects2household🪥 -nametoothbrush brwsh dannedd
9534CharactersObjects2household🪥 –keywordsbathroom | brush | clean | dental | hygiene | teeth | toiletry | toothbrush brwsh | dannedd | deintyddol | glanhau | hylendid | ystafell ymolchi
9535CharactersObjects2household🧽 -namesponge sbwng
9536CharactersObjects2household🧽 –keywordsabsorbing | cleaning | porous | soak | sponge amsugno | glanhau | mandyllog | sbwng
9537CharactersObjects2household🧯 -namefire extinguisher diffoddydd tân
9538CharactersObjects2household🧯 –keywordsextinguish | extinguisher | fire | quench diffodd | diffoddwr tân | diffoddydd tân | disychedu | tân
9539CharactersObjects2household🛒 -nameshopping cart troli siopa
9540CharactersObjects2household🛒 –keywordscart | shopping | trolley cert | siopa | troli
9541CharactersObjects2other-object🚬 -namecigarette ysmygu
9542CharactersObjects2other-object🚬 –keywordscigarette | smoking ysmygu
9543CharactersObjects2other-object⚰ -namecoffin arch
9544CharactersObjects2other-object⚰ –keywordscoffin | dead | death | vampire arch | marwolaeth
9545CharactersObjects2other-object🪦 -nameheadstone carreg fedd
9546CharactersObjects2other-object🪦 –keywordscemetery | dead | grave | graveyard | headstone | memorial | rip | tomb | tombstone bedd | carreg fedd | mynwent
9547CharactersObjects2other-object⚱ -namefuneral urn wrn angladd
9548CharactersObjects2other-object⚱ –keywordsashes | death | funeral | urn angladd | marwolaeth | wrn
9549CharactersObjects2other-object🧿 -namenazar amulet amwled nazar
9550CharactersObjects2other-object🧿 –keywordsamulet | bead | blue | charm | evil-eye | nazar | talisman amwled nazar | glain | haid | llygad drwg | nazar | talismon
9551CharactersObjects2other-object🪬 -name= hamsa
9552CharactersObjects2other-object🪬 –keywordsamulet | Fatima | fortune | guide | hamsa | hand | Mary | Miriam | palm | protect | protection amddiffyniad | amulet | Fatima | hamsa | llaw | Mair | Miriam
9553CharactersObjects2other-object🗿 -name= moai
9554CharactersObjects2other-object🗿 –keywordsface | moai | moyai | statue | stoneface | travel cerflun | moai | moyai | wyneb
9555CharactersObjects2other-object🪧 -name= placard
9556CharactersObjects2other-object🪧 –keywordscard | demonstration | notice | picket | placard | plaque | protest | sign arwydd | piced | placard | protest
9557CharactersObjects2other-object🪪 -nameidentification card cerdyn adnabod
9558CharactersObjects2other-object🪪 –keywordscard | credentials | document | ID | identification | license | security cerdyn adnabod | cymwysterau | diogelwch | dull adnabod | ID | trwydded
9559CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign🏧 -nameATM sign arwydd peiriant codi arian
9560CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign🏧 –keywordsATM | automated | bank | cash | money | sign | teller arwydd peiriant codi arian | atm | awtomataidd | banc | clerc
9561CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign🚮 -namelitter in bin sign arwydd sbwriel mewn bin
9562CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign🚮 –keywordsbin | litter | litterbin | sign arwydd sbwriel mewn bin | bin sbwriel | sbwriel
9563CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign🚰 -namepotable water dŵr yfed
9564CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign🚰 –keywordsdrinking | potable | water diod | dŵr | yfed
9565CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign♿ -namewheelchair symbol cadair olwyn
9566CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign♿ –keywordsaccess | handicap | symbol | wheelchair cadair olwyn | mynediad
9567CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign🚹 -namemen’s room ystafell ymolchi i ddynion
9568CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign🚹 –keywordsbathroom | lavatory | man | men’s | restroom | room | toilet | WC dyn | toiled | tŷ bach | ystafell ymolchi i ddynion
9569CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign🚺 -namewomen’s room ystafell ymolchi i fenywod
9570CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign🚺 –keywordsbathroom | lavatory | restroom | room | toilet | WC | woman | women’s menyw | toiled | tŷbach | ystafell ymolchi i fenywod
9571CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign🚻 -namerestroom ystafell ymolchi
9572CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign🚻 –keywordsbathroom | lavatory | restroom | toilet | WC toiled | ystafell ymolchi
9573CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign🚼 -namebaby symbol symbol babi
9574CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign🚼 –keywordsbaby | changing | symbol babi | newid | symbol babi
9575CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign🚾 -namewater closet tŷ bach
9576CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign🚾 –keywordsbathroom | closet | lavatory | restroom | toilet | water | WC dŵr | toiled | tŷ bach | tŷbach
9577CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign🛂 -namepassport control arolygaeth pasbort
9578CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign🛂 –keywordscontrol | passport arolygaeth | pasbort
9579CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign🛃 -namecustoms tollau
9580CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign🛃 –keywordscustoms | packing tollau
9581CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign🛄 -namebaggage claim hawlio bagiau
9582CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign🛄 –keywordsarrived | baggage | bags | case | checked | claim | journey | packing | plane | ready | travel | trip bagiau | hawlio
9583CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign🛅 -nameleft luggage bagiau wedi’u gadael
9584CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign🛅 –keywordsbaggage | case | left | locker | luggage bagiau | bagiau wedi’u gadael | coffor
9585CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning⚠ -namewarning rhybudd
9586CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning⚠ –keywordscaution | warning rhybudd
9587CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning🚸 -namechildren crossing plant yn croesi
9588CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning🚸 –keywordschild | children | crossing | pedestrian | traffic cerddwr | croesi | plant yn croesi | plentyn | traffig
9589CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning⛔ -nameno entry dim mynediad
9590CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning⛔ –keywordsdo | entry | fail | forbidden | no | not | pass | prohibited | traffic dim mynediad | gwahardd | mynediad | traffig
9591CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning🚫 -nameprohibited wedi’i wahardd
9592CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning🚫 –keywordsentry | forbidden | no | not | prohibited | smoke dim | gwahardd | mynediad | wedi’i wahardd
9593CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning🚳 -nameno bicycles dim beiciau
9594CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning🚳 –keywordsbicycle | bicycles | bike | forbidden | no | not | prohibited beic | cerbyd | dim beiciau | gwahardd
9595CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning🚭 -nameno smoking dim ysmygu
9596CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning🚭 –keywordsforbidden | no | not | prohibited | smoke | smoking dim | gwahardd | ysmygu
9597CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning🚯 -nameno littering dim sbwriel
9598CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning🚯 –keywordsforbidden | litter | littering | no | not | prohibited dim | gwahardd | sbwriel
9599CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning🚱 -namenon-potable water dŵr na ellir ei yfed
9600CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning🚱 –keywordsdry | non-drinking | non-potable | prohibited | water dŵr | dwr na ellir ei yfed | dŵr na ellir ei yfed | gwahardd
9601CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning🚷 -nameno pedestrians dim cerddwyr
9602CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning🚷 –keywordsforbidden | no | not | pedestrian | pedestrians | prohibited cerddwr | dim | dim cerddwyr | gwahardd
9603CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning📵 -nameno mobile phones dim ffonau symudol
9604CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning📵 –keywordscell | forbidden | mobile | no | not | phone | phones | prohibited | telephone dim ffonau symudol | ffôn | gwahardd | symudol
9605CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning🔞 -nameno one under eighteen neb o dan un deg wyth oed
9606CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning🔞 –keywords18 | age | eighteen | forbidden | no | not | one | prohibited | restriction | underage 18 | dan oed | neb o dan un deg wyth oed | oedran | un deg wyth
9607CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning☢ -nameradioactive ymbelydrol
9608CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning☢ –keywordsradioactive | sign arwydd | ymbelydrol
9609CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning☣ -namebiohazard bioberyg
9610CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning☣ –keywordsbiohazard | sign arwydd | bioberyg
9611CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow⬆ -nameup arrow saeth i fyny
9612CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow⬆ –keywordsarrow | cardinal | direction | north | up cyfeiriad | Gogledd | saeth | saeth i fyny
9613CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow↗ -nameup-right arrow saeth i fyny-dde
9614CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow↗ –keywordsarrow | direction | intercardinal | northeast | up-right cyfeiriad | Gogledd-ddwyrain | saeth | saeth i fyny-dde
9615CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow➡ -nameright arrow saeth i’r dde
9616CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow➡ –keywordsarrow | cardinal | direction | east | right cyfeiriad | Dwyrain | saeth | saeth i’r dde
9617CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow↘ -namedown-right arrow saeth i lawr-dde
9618CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow↘ –keywordsarrow | direction | down-right | intercardinal | southeast cyfeiriad | De-ddwyrain | saeth | saeth i lawr-dde
9619CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow⬇ -namedown arrow saeth i lawr
9620CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow⬇ –keywordsarrow | cardinal | direction | down | south cyfeiriad | De | saeth | saeth i lawr
9621CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow↙ -namedown-left arrow saeth i lawr-chwith
9622CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow↙ –keywordsarrow | direction | down-left | intercardinal | southwest cyfeiriad | De-orllewin | saeth | saeth i lawr-chwith
9623CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow⬅ -nameleft arrow saeth i’r chwith
9624CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow⬅ –keywordsarrow | cardinal | direction | left | west cyfeiriad | Gorllewin | saeth | saeth i’r chwith
9625CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow↖ -nameup-left arrow saeth i fyny-chwith
9626CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow↖ –keywordsarrow | direction | intercardinal | northwest | up-left cyfeiriad | Gogledd-orllewin | saeth | saeth i fyny-chwith
9627CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow↕ -nameup-down arrow saeth i fyny-lawr
9628CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow↕ –keywordsarrow | up-down saeth | saeth i fyny-lawr
9629CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow↔ -nameleft-right arrow saeth chwith-dde
9630CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow↔ –keywordsarrow | left-right saeth | saeth chwith-dde
9631CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow↩ -nameright arrow curving left saeth i’r dde yn troi i’r chwith
9632CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow↩ –keywordsarrow | curving | left | right saeth | saeth i’r dde yn troi i’r chwith
9633CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow↪ -nameleft arrow curving right saeth i’r chwith yn troi i’r dde
9634CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow↪ –keywordsarrow | curving | left | right saeth | saeth i’r chwith yn troi i’r dde
9635CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow⤴ -nameright arrow curving up saeth i’r dde yn troi i fyny
9636CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow⤴ –keywordsarrow | curving | right | up saeth | saeth i’r dde yn troi i fyny
9637CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow⤵ -nameright arrow curving down saeth i’r dde yn troi i lawr
9638CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow⤵ –keywordsarrow | curving | down | right i lawr | saeth | saeth i’r dde yn troi i lawr
9639CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow🔃 -nameclockwise vertical arrows saethau clocwedd fertigol
9640CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow🔃 –keywordsarrow | arrows | clockwise | refresh | reload | vertical ail-lwytho | clocwedd | saeth | saethau clocwedd fertigol
9641CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow🔄 -namecounterclockwise arrows button botwm saethau gwrthglocwedd
9642CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow🔄 –keywordsagain | anticlockwise | arrow | arrows | button | counterclockwise | deja | refresh | rewindershins | vu botwm saethau gwrthglocwedd | gwrthglocwedd | o chwith | saeth
9643CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow🔙 -nameBACK arrow saeth BACK
9644CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow🔙 –keywordsarrow | BACK saeth | saeth BACK | yn ôl
9645CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow🔚 -nameEND arrow saeth END
9646CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow🔚 –keywordsarrow | END diwedd | saeth | saeth END
9647CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow🔛 -nameON! arrow saeth ON!
9648CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow🔛 –keywordsarrow | mark | ON! marc | saeth | saeth ON! | ymlaen
9649CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow🔜 -nameSOON arrow saeth SOON
9650CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow🔜 –keywordsarrow | brb | omw | SOON cyn bo hir | saeth | saeth SOON
9651CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow🔝 -nameTOP arrow saeth TOP
9652CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow🔝 –keywordsarrow | homie | TOP | up i fyny | saeth | top
9653CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion🛐 -nameplace of worship man addoli
9654CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion🛐 –keywordsplace | pray | religion | worship addoli | crefydd | man addoli
9655CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion⚛ -nameatom symbol symbol o atom
9656CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion⚛ –keywordsatheist | atom | symbol anffyddiwr | atom | symbol o atom
9657CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion🕉 -name= om
9658CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion🕉 –keywordsHindu | om | religion crefydd | hindŵ | om
9659CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion✡ -namestar of David seren Dafydd
9660CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion✡ –keywordsDavid | Jew | Jewish | judaism | religion | star Dafydd | Iddew | Iddewig | seren
9661CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion☸ -namewheel of dharma olwyn dharma
9662CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion☸ –keywordsBuddhist | dharma | religion | wheel bwdhaidd | crefydd | dharma | olwyn
9663CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion☯ -name= yin yang
9664CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion☯ –keywordsdifficult | lives | religion | tao | taoist | total | yang | yin | yinyang crefydd | tao | taoaidd | yin yang
9665CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion✝ -namelatin cross croes ladin
9666CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion✝ –keywordschrist | Christian | cross | latin | religion crefydd | cristnogol | croes | croes ladin
9667CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion☦ -nameorthodox cross croes uniongred
9668CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion☦ –keywordsChristian | cross | orthodox | religion crefydd | cristnogol | croes | croes uniongred
9669CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion☪ -namestar and crescent seren a chilgant
9670CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion☪ –keywordscrescent | islam | Muslim | ramadan | religion | star crefydd | islam | mwslim | seren a chilgant
9671CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion☮ -namepeace symbol symbol hedd
9672CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion☮ –keywordshealing | peace | peaceful | symbol heddwch | symbol hedd
9673CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion🕎 -name= menorah
9674CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion🕎 –keywordscandelabrum | candlestick | hanukkah | jewish | judaism | menorah | religion canhwyllbren | crefydd | menorah | sêr canhwyllau
9675CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion🔯 -namedotted six-pointed star seren chwe ochr dotiog
9676CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion🔯 –keywordsdotted | fortune | jewish | judaism | six-pointed | star ffortiwn | seren | seren chwe ochr dotiog
9677CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion🪯 -name= khanda
9678CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion🪯 –keywordsDeg | Fateh | Khalsa | Khanda | religion | Sikh | Sikhism | Tegh crefydd | Deg Tegh Fateh | Khalsa | Khanda | Sikh | Sikhaeth
9679CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac♈ -nameAries yr Hwrdd
9680CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac♈ –keywordsAries | horoscope | ram | zodiac hwrdd | sidydd | yr Hwrdd
9681CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac♉ -nameTaurus y Tarw
9682CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac♉ –keywordsbull | horoscope | ox | Taurus | zodiac sidydd | tarw | y Tarw | ych
9683CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac♊ -nameGemini yr Efeilliaid
9684CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac♊ –keywordsGemini | horoscope | twins | zodiac efeilliaid | sidydd | yr Efeilliaid
9685CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac♋ -nameCancer y Cranc
9686CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac♋ –keywordsCancer | crab | horoscope | zodiac cranc | sidydd | y Cranc
9687CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac♌ -nameLeo y Llew
9688CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac♌ –keywordshoroscope | Leo | lion | zodiac llew | sidydd | y Llew
9689CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac♍ -nameVirgo y Forwyn
9690CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac♍ –keywordshoroscope | Virgo | zodiac morwyn | sidydd | y Forwyn
9691CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac♎ -nameLibra y Fantol
9692CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac♎ –keywordsbalance | horoscope | justice | Libra | scales | zodiac clorian | cyfiawnder | mantol | sidydd | y Fantol
9693CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac♏ -nameScorpio y Sgorpion
9694CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac♏ –keywordshoroscope | Scorpio | scorpion | Scorpius | zodiac sgorpio | sgorpion | sidydd | y Sgorpion
9695CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac♐ -nameSagittarius y Saethydd
9696CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac♐ –keywordsarcher | horoscope | Sagittarius | zodiac saethwr | sidydd | y Saethydd
9697CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac♑ -nameCapricorn yr Afr
9698CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac♑ –keywordsCapricorn | goat | horoscope | zodiac gafr | sidydd | yr Afr
9699CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac♒ -nameAquarius y Dyfrwr
9700CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac♒ –keywordsAquarius | bearer | horoscope | water | zodiac cludwr | dŵr | sidydd | y Dyfrwr
9701CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac♓ -namePisces y Pysgod
9702CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac♓ –keywordsfish | horoscope | Pisces | zodiac pysgod | sidydd | y Pysgod
9703CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac⛎ -nameOphiuchus ophiuchus
9704CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac⛎ –keywordsbearer | Ophiuchus | serpent | snake | zodiac cludwr | neidr | ophiuchus | sarff | sidydd
9705CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol🔀 -nameshuffle tracks button botwm cymysgu traciau
9706CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol🔀 –keywordsarrow | button | crossed | shuffle | tracks botwm cymysgu traciau | saeth | wedi’i chroesi
9707CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol🔁 -namerepeat button botwm ailadrodd
9708CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol🔁 –keywordsarrow | button | clockwise | repeat ailadrodd | botwm ailadrodd | clocwedd | saeth
9709CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol🔂 -namerepeat single button botwm ailadrodd sengl
9710CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol🔂 –keywordsarrow | button | clockwise | once | repeat | single botwm ailadrodd sengl | clocwedd | saeth | unwaith
9711CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol▶ -nameplay button botwm chwarae
9712CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol▶ –keywordsarrow | button | play | right | triangle botwm chwarae | chwarae | dde | saeth | triongl
9713CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol⏩ -namefast-forward button botwm blaenyrru cyflym
9714CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol⏩ –keywordsarrow | button | double | fast | fast-forward | forward botwm blaenyrru cyflym | cyflym | dwbl | saeth | ymlaen
9715CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol⏭ -namenext track button botwm trac nesaf
9716CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol⏭ –keywordsarrow | button | next | scene | track | triangle botwm trac nesaf | golygfa nesaf | saeth | trac nesaf | triongl
9717CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol⏯ -nameplay or pause button botwm chwarae neu saib
9718CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol⏯ –keywordsarrow | button | pause | play | right | triangle botwm chwarae neu saib | chwarae | saeth | saib | triongl
9719CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol◀ -namereverse button botwm cildroi
9720CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol◀ –keywordsarrow | button | left | reverse | triangle botwm cildroi | chwith | cildroi | saeth | triongl
9721CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol⏪ -namefast reverse button botwm cildroi cyflym
9722CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol⏪ –keywordsarrow | button | double | fast | reverse | rewind botwm cildroi cyflym | cildroi | dwbl | saeth
9723CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol⏮ -namelast track button botwm trac olaf
9724CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol⏮ –keywordsarrow | button | last | previous | scene | track | triangle botwm trac olaf | golygfa olaf | saeth | trac olaf | triongl
9725CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol🔼 -nameupwards button botwm i fyny
9726CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol🔼 –keywordsarrow | button | red | up | upwards botwm | botwm i fyny | coch | saeth
9727CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol⏫ -namefast up button botwm i fyny cyflym
9728CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol⏫ –keywordsarrow | button | double | fast | up botwm i fyny cyflym | dwbl | saeth
9729CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol🔽 -namedownwards button botwm i lawr
9730CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol🔽 –keywordsarrow | button | down | downwards | red botwm | botwm i lawr | coch | i fyny | saeth
9731CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol⏬ -namefast down button botwm i lawr cyflym
9732CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol⏬ –keywordsarrow | button | double | down | fast botwm i lawr cyflym | dwbl | i lawr | saeth
9733CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol⏸ -namepause button botwm saib
9734CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol⏸ –keywordsbar | button | double | pause | vertical bar | botwm saib | dwbl | fertigol | saib
9735CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol⏹ -namestop button botwm stop
9736CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol⏹ –keywordsbutton | square | stop botwm stop | sgwâr | stop
9737CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol⏺ -namerecord button botwm recordio
9738CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol⏺ –keywordsbutton | circle | record botwm recordio | cylch | recordio
9739CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol⏏ -nameeject button botwm allfwrw
9740CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol⏏ –keywordsbutton | eject allfwrw | botwm allfwrw
9741CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol🎦 -namecinema sinema
9742CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol🎦 –keywordscamera | cinema | film | movie camera | ffilm | sinema
9743CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol🔅 -namedim button botwm pylu
9744CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol🔅 –keywordsbrightness | button | dim | low botwm pylu | disgleirdeb | isel | pylu
9745CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol🔆 -namebright button botwm disglair
9746CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol🔆 –keywordsbright | brightness | button | light botwm disglair | disglair | disgleirdeb
9747CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol📶 -nameantenna bars barau antena
9748CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol📶 –keywordsantenna | bar | bars | cell | communication | mobile | phone | signal | telephone antena | bar | barau antena | cell | symudol
9749CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol🛜 -namewireless diwifr
9750CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol🛜 –keywordsbroadband | computer | connectivity | hotspot | internet | network | router | smartphone | wi-fi | wifi | wireless | wlan band eang | cyfrifiadur | cysylltedd | diwifr | ffôn clyfar | llwybrydd | man cychwyn | rhwydwaith | rhyngrwyd | wi-fi | wifi | wlan
9751CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol📳 -namevibration mode modd dirgryniad
9752CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol📳 –keywordscell | communication | mobile | mode | phone | telephone | vibration dirgryniad | ffôn | modd
9753CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol📴 -namemobile phone off ffôn symudol wedi’i ddiffodd
9754CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol📴 –keywordscell | mobile | off | phone | telephone cell | diffodd | ffôn | ffôn symudol wedi’i ddiffodd
9755CharactersEmoji Symbolsgender♀ -namefemale sign arwydd benyw
9756CharactersEmoji Symbolsgender♀ –keywordsfemale | sign | woman arwydd benyw | benywaidd | menyw
9757CharactersEmoji Symbolsgender♂ -namemale sign arwydd gwrw
9758CharactersEmoji Symbolsgender♂ –keywordsmale | man | sign arwydd gwrw | dyn | gwrywaidd
9759CharactersEmoji Symbolsgender⚧ -nametransgender symbol symbol trawsryweddol
9760CharactersEmoji Symbolsgender⚧ –keywordssymbol | transgender symbol trawsryweddol | trawsryweddol
9761CharactersEmoji Symbolsmath✖ -namemultiply lluosi
9762CharactersEmoji Symbolsmath✖ –keywords× | cancel | multiplication | multiply | sign | x × | arwydd | canslo | lluosi | lluosiad | x
9763CharactersEmoji Symbolsmath➕ -nameplus adio
9764CharactersEmoji Symbolsmath➕ –keywords+ | plus + | adio | arwydd | mathemateg
9765CharactersEmoji Symbolsmath➖ -nameminus tynnu
9766CharactersEmoji Symbolsmath➖ –keywords- | − | heavy | math | minus | sign - | − | arwydd | mathemateg | tynnu
9767CharactersEmoji Symbolsmath➗ -namedivide rhannu
9768CharactersEmoji Symbolsmath➗ –keywords÷ | divide | division | heavy | math | sign ÷ | arwydd | mathemateg | rhannu
9769CharactersEmoji Symbolsmath🟰 -nameheavy equals sign arwydd hafal trwm
9770CharactersEmoji Symbolsmath🟰 –keywordsanswer | equal | equality | equals | heavy | math | sign arwydd hafal trwm | cydraddoldeb | mathemateg
9771CharactersEmoji Symbolsmath♾ -nameinfinity anfeidredd
9772CharactersEmoji Symbolsmath♾ –keywordsforever | infinity | unbounded | universal am byth | anfeidredd | cyfun | diderfyn
9773CharactersEmoji Symbolspunctuation‼ -namedouble exclamation mark ebychnod dwbl
9774CharactersEmoji Symbolspunctuation‼ –keywords! | !! | bangbang | double | exclamation | mark | punctuation !! | atalnodiad | bangbang | ebychnod | ebychnod dwbl | marc
9775CharactersEmoji Symbolspunctuation⁉ -nameexclamation question mark marc cwestiwn ag ebychnod
9776CharactersEmoji Symbolspunctuation⁉ –keywords! | !? | ? | exclamation | interrobang | mark | punctuation | question ! | !? | ? | cwestiwn | ebychnod | holnod ebychol | marc | marc cwestiwn ag ebychnod
9777CharactersEmoji Symbolspunctuation❓ -namered question mark marc cwestiwn
9778CharactersEmoji Symbolspunctuation❓ –keywords? | mark | punctuation | question | red ? | atalnodiad | cwestiwn | marc
9779CharactersEmoji Symbolspunctuation❔ -namewhite question mark marc cwestiwn gwyn
9780CharactersEmoji Symbolspunctuation❔ –keywords? | mark | outlined | punctuation | question | white ? | amlinelliad | atalnodiad | cwestiwn | marc | marc cwestiwn gwyn
9781CharactersEmoji Symbolspunctuation❕ -namewhite exclamation mark ebychnod gwyn
9782CharactersEmoji Symbolspunctuation❕ –keywords! | exclamation | mark | outlined | punctuation | white ! | amlinelliad | atalnodiad | ebychnod | ebychnod gwyn | marc
9783CharactersEmoji Symbolspunctuation❗ -namered exclamation mark ebychnod
9784CharactersEmoji Symbolspunctuation❗ –keywords! | exclamation | mark | punctuation | red ! | atalnodiad | ebychnod | marc
9785CharactersEmoji Symbolspunctuation〰 -namewavy dash llinell donnog
9786CharactersEmoji Symbolspunctuation〰 –keywordsdash | punctuation | wavy atalnodiad | llinell | llinell donnog | tonnog
9787CharactersEmoji Symbolscurrency💱 -namecurrency exchange cyfnewid arian cyfredol
9788CharactersEmoji Symbolscurrency💱 –keywordsbank | currency | exchange | money arian | arian cyfredol | banc | cyfnewid | cyfnewid arian cyfredol
9789CharactersEmoji Symbolscurrency💲 -nameheavy dollar sign arwydd doler drom
9790CharactersEmoji Symbolscurrency💲 –keywordsbillion | cash | charge | currency | dollar | heavy | million | money | pay | sign arian | arian cyfredol | arwydd doler drom | doler
9791CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol⚕ -namemedical symbol arwydd meddygol
9792CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol⚕ –keywordsaesculapius | medical | medicine | staff | symbol arwydd meddygol | esgwlapaidd | meddyginiaeth | staff
9793CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol♻ -namerecycling symbol symbol ailgylchu
9794CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol♻ –keywordsrecycle | recycling | symbol ailgylchu | symbol ailgylchu
9795CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol⚜ -namefleur-de-lis gellesgen
9796CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol⚜ –keywordsfleur-de-lis | knights gellesgen
9797CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol🔱 -nametrident emblem arwyddlun tryfer
9798CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol🔱 –keywordsanchor | emblem | poseidon | ship | tool | trident angor | arwyddlun | llong | tryfer
9799CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol📛 -namename badge bathodyn enw
9800CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol📛 –keywordsbadge | name bathodyn | enw
9801CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol🔰 -nameJapanese symbol for beginner symbol Japaneaidd am ddechreuwr
9802CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol🔰 –keywordsbeginner | chevron | green | Japanese | leaf | symbol | tool | yellow dechreuwr | deilen | gwyrdd | Japaneaidd | symbol Japaneaidd am ddechreuwr
9803CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol⭕ -namehollow red circle cylch coch gwag
9804CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol⭕ –keywordscircle | heavy | hollow | large | o | red coch | cylch | cylch coch gwag | mawr | o
9805CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol✅ -namecheck mark button marc tic gwyn trwm
9806CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol✅ –keywords✓ | button | check | checked | checkmark | complete | completed | done | fixed | mark | tick ✓ | marc | marc tic gwyn trwm | tic
9807CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol☑ -namecheck box with check blwch pleidlais gyda thic
9808CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol☑ –keywords✓ | ballot | box | check | checked | done | off | tick ✓ | blwch | blwch pleidlais gyda thic | pleidlais | tic
9809CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol✔ -namecheck mark marc tic trwm
9810CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol✔ –keywords✓ | check | checked | checkmark | done | heavy | mark | tick ✓ | marc | marc tic trwm | tic
9811CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol❌ -namecross mark marc croes
9812CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol❌ –keywords× | cancel | cross | mark | multiplication | multiply | x × | canslo | lluosi | marc | marc croes | x
9813CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol❎ -namecross mark button botwm croes
9814CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol❎ –keywords× | button | cross | mark | multiplication | multiply | square | x × | botwm croes | marc | sgwâr | x
9815CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol➰ -namecurly loop dolen gyrliog
9816CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol➰ –keywordscurl | curly | loop cwrl | dolen | dolen gyrliog
9817CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol➿ -namedouble curly loop dolen gyrliog ddwbl
9818CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol➿ –keywordscurl | curly | double | loop cwrl | dolen | dolen gyrliog ddwbl | dwbl
9819CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol〽 -namepart alternation mark marc aryneilio rhannol
9820CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol〽 –keywordsalternation | mark | part marc | marc aryneilio rhannol | rhan
9821CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol✳ -nameeight-spoked asterisk asterics wyth pwynt
9822CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol✳ –keywords* | asterisk | eight-spoked * | asterics | asterics wyth pwynt
9823CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol✴ -nameeight-pointed star seren wyth pwynt
9824CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol✴ –keywords* | eight-pointed | star * | seren | seren wyth pwynt
9825CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol❇ -namesparkle fflachiad
9826CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol❇ –keywords* | sparkle * | fflachiad
9827CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol© -namecopyright hawlfraint
9828CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol© –keywordsC | copyright c | hawlfraint
9829CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol® -nameregistered cofrestredig
9830CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol® –keywordsR | registered cofrestredig | r
9831CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol™ -nametrade mark nod masnach
9832CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol™ –keywordsmark | TM | trade | trademark marc | nod masnach
9833CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol🫟 -namesplatter slempio
9834CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol🫟 –keywordsdrip | holi | ink | liquid | mess | paint | spill | splatter | stain holi | paent | slempio | staenio | tasgu
9835CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🔠 -nameinput latin uppercase mewnbwn llythrennau mawr ladin
9836CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🔠 –keywordsABCD | input | latin | letters | uppercase lladin | llythrennau | llythrennau mawr | mewnbwn | mewnbwn llythrennau mawr ladin
9837CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🔡 -nameinput latin lowercase mewnbwn llythrennau bach lladin
9838CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🔡 –keywordsabcd | input | latin | letters | lowercase abcch | lladin | llythrennau bach | mewnbwn | mewnbwn llythrennau bach lladin
9839CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🔢 -nameinput numbers mewnbwn rhifedd
9840CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🔢 –keywords1234 | input | numbers 1234 | mewnbwn | mewnbwn rhifedd | rhifau
9841CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🔣 -nameinput symbols mewnbwn symbylau
9842CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🔣 –keywords& | % | ♪ | 〒 | input | symbols mewnbwn | mewnbwn symbylau
9843CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🔤 -nameinput latin letters mewnbwn llythrennau lladin
9844CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🔤 –keywordsabc | alphabet | input | latin | letters abc | gwyddor | lladin | mewnbwn | mewnbwn llythrennau lladin
9845CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🅰 -nameA button (blood type) botwm A (grwp gwaed)
9846CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🅰 –keywordsblood | button | type a | botwm A (grwp gwaed) | gwaed
9847CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🆎 -nameAB button (blood type) botwm AB (grwp gwaed)
9848CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🆎 –keywordsAB | blood | button | type ab | botwm AB (grwp gwaed) | gwaed
9849CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🅱 -nameB button (blood type) botwm B (grwp gwaed)
9850CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🅱 –keywordsB | blood | button | type b | botwm B (grwp gwaed) | gwaed
9851CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🆑 -nameCL button botwm CL
9852CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🆑 –keywordsbutton | CL botwm CL | cl
9853CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🆒 -nameCOOL button botwm COOL
9854CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🆒 –keywordsbutton | COOL botwm COOL | cool
9855CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🆓 -nameFREE button botwm FREE
9856CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🆓 –keywordsbutton | FREE botwm FREE | free
9857CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanumℹ -nameinformation gwybodaeth
9858CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanumℹ –keywordsI | information gwybodaeth | i
9859CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🆔 -nameID button botwm ID
9860CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🆔 –keywordsbutton | ID | identity adnabod | botwm ID | id
9861CharactersEmoji SymbolsalphanumⓂ -namecircled M llythyren M mewn cylch
9862CharactersEmoji SymbolsalphanumⓂ –keywordscircle | circled | M cylch | llythyren M mewn cylch | m
9863CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🆕 -nameNEW button botwm NEW
9864CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🆕 –keywordsbutton | NEW botwm NEW | newydd
9865CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🆖 -nameNG button botwm NG
9866CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🆖 –keywordsbutton | NG botwm NG | ng
9867CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🅾 -nameO button (blood type) botwm O (grwp gwaed)
9868CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🅾 –keywordsblood | button | O | type botwm O (grwp gwaed) | gwaed | o
9869CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🆗 -nameOK button botwm OK
9870CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🆗 –keywordsbutton | OK | okay botwm OK | ocê
9871CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🅿 -nameP button botwm P
9872CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🅿 –keywordsbutton | P | parking botwm P | parcio
9873CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🆘 -nameSOS button botwm SOS
9874CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🆘 –keywordsbutton | help | SOS botwm SOS | help | sos
9875CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🆙 -nameUP! button botwm UP!
9876CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🆙 –keywordsbutton | mark | UP | UP! botwm UP! | i fyny | marc
9877CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🆚 -nameVS button botwm VS
9878CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🆚 –keywordsbutton | versus | VS botwm VS | vs | yn erbyn
9879CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈁 -nameJapanese “here” button katakana koko mewn sgwâr
9880CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈁 –keywordsbutton | here | Japanese | katakana Japaneaidd | katakana koko mewn sgwâr
9881CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈂 -nameJapanese “service charge” button katakana sa mewn sgwâr
9882CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈂 –keywordsbutton | charge | Japanese | katakana | service Japaneaidd | katakana sa mewn sgwâr
9883CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈷 -nameJapanese “monthly amount” button ideograff lleuad mewn sgwâr
9884CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈷 –keywordsamount | button | ideograph | Japanese | monthly ideograff lleuad mewn sgwâr | Japaneaidd
9885CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈶 -nameJapanese “not free of charge” button ideograff bodoli mewn sgwâr
9886CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈶 –keywordsbutton | charge | free | ideograph | Japanese | not ideograff bodoli mewn sgwâr | Japaneaidd
9887CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈯 -nameJapanese “reserved” button ideograff bys mewn sgwâr
9888CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈯 –keywordsbutton | ideograph | Japanese | reserved ideograff bys mewn sgwâr | Japaneaidd
9889CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🉐 -nameJapanese “bargain” button ideograff mantais mewn cylch
9890CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🉐 –keywordsbargain | button | ideograph | Japanese ideograff mantais mewn cylch | Japaneaidd
9891CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈹 -nameJapanese “discount” button ideograff rhannu mewn sgwâr
9892CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈹 –keywordsbutton | discount | ideograph | Japanese ideograff rhannu mewn sgwâr | Japaneaidd
9893CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈚 -nameJapanese “free of charge” button ideograff negyddiad mewn sgwâr
9894CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈚 –keywordsbutton | charge | free | ideograph | Japanese ideograff negyddiad mewn sgwâr | Japaneaidd
9895CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈲 -nameJapanese “prohibited” button ideograff gwaharddiad mewn sgwâr
9896CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈲 –keywordsbutton | ideograph | Japanese | prohibited ideograff gwaharddiad mewn sgwâr | Japaneaidd
9897CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🉑 -nameJapanese “acceptable” button ideograff derbyn mewn cylch
9898CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🉑 –keywordsacceptable | button | ideograph | Japanese ideograff derbyn mewn cylch | Tsieineaidd
9899CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈸 -nameJapanese “application” button ideograff cais mewn sgwâr
9900CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈸 –keywordsapplication | button | ideograph | Japanese ideograff cais mewn sgwâr | Tsieineaidd
9901CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈴 -nameJapanese “passing grade” button ideograff gyda’i gilydd mewn sgwâr
9902CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈴 –keywordsbutton | grade | ideograph | Japanese | passing ideograff gyda’i gilydd mewn sgwâr | Tsieineaidd
9903CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈳 -nameJapanese “vacancy” button ideograff gwag mewn sgwâr
9904CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈳 –keywordsbutton | ideograph | Japanese | vacancy ideograff gwag mewn sgwâr | Tsieineaidd
9905CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum㊗ -nameJapanese “congratulations” button ideograff cyfarchion mewn cylch
9906CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum㊗ –keywordsbutton | congratulations | ideograph | Japanese ideograff | ideograff cyfarchion mewn cylch | llongyfarchiad | llongyfarchiadau | Tsieineaidd
9907CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum㊙ -nameJapanese “secret” button ideograff cyfrinach mewn cylch
9908CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum㊙ –keywordsbutton | ideograph | Japanese | secret cyfrinach | ideograff | ideograff cyfrinach mewn cylch | Tsieineaidd
9909CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈺 -nameJapanese “open for business” button ideograff gweithredu mewn sgwâr
9910CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈺 –keywordsbusiness | button | ideograph | Japanese | open ideograff gweithredu mewn sgwâr | Tsieineaidd
9911CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈵 -nameJapanese “no vacancy” button ideograff llawnder mewn sgwâr
9912CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈵 –keywordsbutton | ideograph | Japanese | no | vacancy ideograff llawnder mewn sgwâr | Tsieineaidd
9913CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🔴 -namered circle cylch coch
9914CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🔴 –keywordscircle | geometric | red coch | cylch | geometrig
9915CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🟠 -nameorange circle cylch oren
9916CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🟠 –keywordscircle | orange cylch | oren
9917CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🟡 -nameyellow circle cylch melyn
9918CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🟡 –keywordscircle | yellow cylch | melyn
9919CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🟢 -namegreen circle cylch gwyrdd
9920CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🟢 –keywordscircle | green cylch | gwyrdd
9921CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🔵 -nameblue circle cylch glas
9922CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🔵 –keywordsblue | circle | geometric cylch | geometrig | glas
9923CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🟣 -namepurple circle cylch piws
9924CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🟣 –keywordscircle | purple cylch | piws
9925CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🟤 -namebrown circle cylch brown
9926CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🟤 –keywordsbrown | circle brown | cylch
9927CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric⚫ -nameblack circle cylch du
9928CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric⚫ –keywordsblack | circle | geometric cylch | cylch du | geometrig
9929CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric⚪ -namewhite circle cylch gwyn
9930CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric⚪ –keywordscircle | geometric | white cylch | cylch gwyn | geometrig
9931CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🟥 -namered square sgwâr coch
9932CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🟥 –keywordscard | penalty | red | square coch | sgwâr
9933CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🟧 -nameorange square sgwâr oren
9934CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🟧 –keywordsorange | square oren | sgwâr
9935CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🟨 -nameyellow square sgwâr melyn
9936CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🟨 –keywordscard | penalty | square | yellow melyn | sgwâr
9937CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🟩 -namegreen square sgwâr gwyrdd
9938CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🟩 –keywordsgreen | square gwyrdd | sgwâr
9939CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🟦 -nameblue square sgwâr glas
9940CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🟦 –keywordsblue | square glas | sgwâr
9941CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🟪 -namepurple square sgwâr piws
9942CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🟪 –keywordspurple | square piws | sgwâr
9943CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🟫 -namebrown square sgwâr brown
9944CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🟫 –keywordsbrown | square brown | sgwâr
9945CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric⬛ -nameblack large square sgwâr mawr du
9946CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric⬛ –keywordsblack | geometric | large | square geometrig | sgwâr | sgwâr mawr du
9947CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric⬜ -namewhite large square sgwâr mawr wyn
9948CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric⬜ –keywordsgeometric | large | square | white geometrig | sgwâr | sgwâr mawr wyn
9949CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric◼ -nameblack medium square sgwâr canolig du
9950CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric◼ –keywordsblack | geometric | medium | square geometrig | sgwâr | sgwâr canolig du
9951CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric◻ -namewhite medium square sgwâr canolig gwyn
9952CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric◻ –keywordsgeometric | medium | square | white geometrig | sgwâr | sgwâr canolig gwyn
9953CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric◾ -nameblack medium-small square sgwâr canolig-bach du
9954CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric◾ –keywordsblack | geometric | medium-small | square geometrig | sgwâr | sgwâr canolig-bach du
9955CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric◽ -namewhite medium-small square sgwâr canolig-bach gwyn
9956CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric◽ –keywordsgeometric | medium-small | square | white geometrig | sgwâr | sgwâr canolig-bach gwyn
9957CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric▪ -nameblack small square sgwâr bach du
9958CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric▪ –keywordsblack | geometric | small | square geometrig | sgwâr | sgwâr bach du
9959CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric▫ -namewhite small square sgwâr bach gwyn
9960CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric▫ –keywordsgeometric | small | square | white geometrig | sgwâr | sgwâr bach gwyn
9961CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🔶 -namelarge orange diamond diemwnt mawr oren
9962CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🔶 –keywordsdiamond | geometric | large | orange diemwnt | diemwnt mawr oren | geometrig | oren
9963CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🔷 -namelarge blue diamond diemwnt mawr glas
9964CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🔷 –keywordsblue | diamond | geometric | large diemwnt | diemwnt mawr glas | geometrig | glas
9965CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🔸 -namesmall orange diamond diemwnt bach oren
9966CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🔸 –keywordsdiamond | geometric | orange | small diemwnt | diemwnt bach oren | geometrig | oren
9967CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🔹 -namesmall blue diamond diemwnt bach glas
9968CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🔹 –keywordsblue | diamond | geometric | small diemwnt | diemwnt bach glas | geometrig | glas
9969CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🔺 -namered triangle pointed up triongl coch yn pwyntio tuag i fyny
9970CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🔺 –keywordsgeometric | pointed | red | triangle | up coch | geometrig | triongl coch yn pwyntio tuag i fyny
9971CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🔻 -namered triangle pointed down triongl coch yn pwyntio tuag i lawr
9972CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🔻 –keywordsdown | geometric | pointed | red | triangle coch | geometrig | i lawr | triongl coch yn pwyntio tuag i lawr
9973CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric💠 -namediamond with a dot diemwnt â dot
9974CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric💠 –keywordscomic | diamond | dot | geometric comig | diemwnt | diemwnt â dot | geometric | tu fewn
9975CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🔘 -nameradio button botwm radio
9976CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🔘 –keywordsbutton | geometric | radio botwm | geometrig | radio
9977CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🔳 -namewhite square button botwm sgwâr gwyn
9978CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🔳 –keywordsbutton | geometric | outlined | square | white amlinelliad | botwm | botwm sgwâr gwyn | geometrig | sgwâr
9979CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🔲 -nameblack square button botwm sgwâr du
9980CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🔲 –keywordsblack | button | geometric | square botwm | botwm sgwâr du | geometrig | sgwâr
9981CharactersPunctuationpunctuation§ -namesection adran
9982CharactersPunctuationpunctuation§ –keywordsparagraph | part | section | silcrow adran | arwydd adran | paragraff | rhan
9983CharactersPunctuationpunctuation† -namedagger sign arwydd dager
9984CharactersPunctuationpunctuation† –keywordsdagger | obelisk | obelus | sign arwydd dager | dager | obelisg | obelws
9985CharactersPunctuationpunctuation‡ -namedouble dagger sign arwydd dager dwbl
9986CharactersPunctuationpunctuation‡ –keywordsdagger | double | obelisk | obelus | sign arwydd dager dwbl | dager | dwbl | obelisg | obelws
9987CharactersPunctuationpunctuation, -namecomma coma
9988CharactersPunctuationpunctuation, –keywordscomma coma
9989CharactersPunctuationpunctuation、 -nameideographic comma coma ideograffig
9990CharactersPunctuationpunctuation、 –keywordscomma | ideographic coma | ideograffig
9991CharactersPunctuationpunctuation، -namearabic comma coma Arabeg
9992CharactersPunctuationpunctuation، –keywordsarabic | comma Arabeg | coma
9993CharactersPunctuationpunctuation; -namesemicolon hanner colon
9994CharactersPunctuationpunctuation; –keywordssemi-colon | semicolon gwahannod | hanner colon
9995CharactersPunctuationpunctuation: -name= colon
9996CharactersPunctuationpunctuation: –keywords= colon
9997CharactersPunctuationpunctuation؛ -namearabic semicolon hanner colon Arabeg
9998CharactersPunctuationpunctuation؛ –keywordsarabic | semi-colon | semicolon Arabeg | hanner colon | hanner colon Arabeg
9999CharactersPunctuationpunctuation! -nameexclamation mark rhyfeddnod
10000CharactersPunctuationpunctuation! –keywordsbang | exclamation | mark | point bang | ebychnod | pwynt ebychnod | rhyfeddnod
10001CharactersPunctuationpunctuation¡ -nameinverted exclamation mark pwynt ebychnod gwrthdro
10002CharactersPunctuationpunctuation¡ –keywordsbang | exclamation | inverted | mark | point bang | ebychnod | gwrthdro | pwynt ebychnod | pwynt ebychnod gwrthdro
10003CharactersPunctuationpunctuation? -namequestion mark gofynnod
10004CharactersPunctuationpunctuation? –keywordsmark | question cwestiwn | gofynnod
10005CharactersPunctuationpunctuation¿ -nameinverted question mark gofynnod gwrthdro
10006CharactersPunctuationpunctuation¿ –keywordsinverted | mark | question cwestiwn | gofynnod | gwrthdro
10007CharactersPunctuationpunctuation؟ -namearabic question mark gofynnod Arabeg
10008CharactersPunctuationpunctuation؟ –keywordsarabic | mark | question Arabeg | cwestiwn | gofynnod
10009CharactersPunctuationpunctuation¶ -nameparagraph mark marc paragraff
10010CharactersPunctuationpunctuation¶ –keywordsalinea | mark | paragraph | paraph | pilcrow alinea | marc paragraff | paraff | paragraff | pilcrow
10011CharactersPunctuationpunctuation※ -namereference mark marc cyfeirio
10012CharactersPunctuationpunctuation※ –keywordsmark | reference marc cyfeirio
10013CharactersPunctuationpunctuation/ -nameslash slaes
10014CharactersPunctuationpunctuation/ –keywordsoblique | slash | solidus | stroke | virgule | whack dewisnod | lletraws | slaes | solidws | strôc | whack
10015CharactersPunctuationpunctuation\ -namebackslash slaes ôl
10016CharactersPunctuationpunctuation\ –keywordsbackslash | reverse | solidus | whack slaes ôl | solidws gwrthdro | whack
10017CharactersPunctuationpunctuation& -name= ampersand
10018CharactersPunctuationpunctuation& –keywordsampersand | and | et a | ampersand | et
10019CharactersPunctuationpunctuation# -namehash sign arwydd hash
10020CharactersPunctuationpunctuation# –keywordshash | hashtag | lb | number | pound | sign arwydd hash | hash | hashnod | lb | punt | rhif
10021CharactersPunctuationpunctuation% -namepercent y cant
10022CharactersPunctuationpunctuation% –keywordscent | per | per-cent | percent y cant
10023CharactersPunctuationpunctuation‰ -nameper mille y filltir
10024CharactersPunctuationpunctuation‰ –keywordsmil | mille | per | permil | permille y filltir
10025CharactersPunctuationpunctuation′ -nameprime cysefin
10026CharactersPunctuationpunctuation′ –keywordsprime cysefin
10027CharactersPunctuationpunctuation″ -namedouble prime cysefin dwbl
10028CharactersPunctuationpunctuation″ –keywordsdouble | prime cysefin | cysefin dwbl
10029CharactersPunctuationpunctuation‴ -nametriple prime cysefin triphlyg
10030CharactersPunctuationpunctuation‴ –keywordsprime | triple cysefin | cysefin triphlyg
10031CharactersPunctuationpunctuation@ -nameat-sign arwydd at
10032CharactersPunctuationpunctuation@ –keywordsampersat | arobase | arroba | at | at-sign | commercial | mark | sign | strudel ampersat | arobase | arroba | arwydd at | at masnachol | marc at | strudel
10033CharactersPunctuationpunctuation* -nameasterisk seren
10034CharactersPunctuationpunctuation* –keywordsasterisk | star | wildcard cerdyn gwyllt | seren
10035CharactersPunctuationpunctuation‐ -namehyphen cysylltnod
10036CharactersPunctuationpunctuation‐ –keywordsdash | hyphen cysylltnod | llinell
10037CharactersPunctuationpunctuation― -namehorizontal bar bar llorweddol
10038CharactersPunctuationpunctuation― –keywordsbar | dash | horizontal | line bar | bar llorweddol | llinell
10039CharactersPunctuationpunctuation_ -namelow line llinell isel
10040CharactersPunctuationpunctuation_ –keywordsdash | line | low | underdash | underline llinell | llinell isel | tanlinellu | underdash
10041CharactersPunctuationpunctuation- -namehyphen-minus cysylltnod-minws
10042CharactersPunctuationpunctuation- –keywordsdash | hyphen | hyphen-minus | minus cysylltnod | cysylltnod-minws | llinell | minws
10043CharactersPunctuationpunctuation– -nameen dash llinell doriad en
10044CharactersPunctuationpunctuation– –keywordsdash | en en | llinell doriad | llinell doriad en
10045CharactersPunctuationpunctuation— -nameem dash llinell doriad em
10046CharactersPunctuationpunctuation— –keywordsdash | em em | llinell doriad | llinell doriad em
10047CharactersPunctuationpunctuation• -namebullet bwled
10048CharactersPunctuationpunctuation• –keywordsbullet | dot bwled | dot
10049CharactersPunctuationpunctuation· -namemiddle dot dot canol
10050CharactersPunctuationpunctuation· –keywordsdot | interpunct | middle | middot canol | dot
10051CharactersPunctuationpunctuation. -nameperiod atalnod llawn
10052CharactersPunctuationpunctuation. –keywordsdot | full | period | stop atalnod llawn | dot
10053CharactersPunctuationpunctuation… -nameellipsis elipsis
10054CharactersPunctuationpunctuation… –keywordsdots | ellipsis | omission dotiau | elipsis | ellipsis | hepgor
10055CharactersPunctuationpunctuation。 -nameideographic period atalnod llawn ideograffig
10056CharactersPunctuationpunctuation。 –keywordsfull | ideographic | period | stop atalnod llawn | atalnod llawn ideograffig | ideograffig
10057CharactersPunctuationpunctuation‧ -namehyphenation point pwynt cysylltnod
10058CharactersPunctuationpunctuation‧ –keywordsdash | hyphen | hyphenation | point cysylltnod | llinell | pwynt
10059CharactersPunctuationpunctuation・ -namekatakana middle dot dot canol katakana
10060CharactersPunctuationpunctuation・ –keywordsdot | dots | interpunct | katakana | middle | middot canol dydd | dot canol katakana | dotiau | katakana | rhyngosod
10061CharactersPunctuationpunctuation‘ -nameleft apostrophe collnod chwith
10062CharactersPunctuationpunctuation‘ –keywordsapostrophe | left | quote | single | smart collnod | collnod chwith | dyfynnod | dyfynnod craff | dyfynnod sengl
10063CharactersPunctuationpunctuation’ -nameright apostrophe collnod de
10064CharactersPunctuationpunctuation’ –keywordsapostrophe | quote | right | single | smart collnod | collnod de | dyfynnod | dyfynnod craff | dyfynnod sengl
10065CharactersPunctuationpunctuation‚ -namelow right apostrophe collnod de isel
10066CharactersPunctuationpunctuation‚ –keywordsapostrophe | low | quote | right collnod | collnod de isel | dyfynnod | dyfynnod isel
10067CharactersPunctuationpunctuation' -nametypewriter apostrophe collnod teipiadur
10068CharactersPunctuationpunctuation' –keywordsapostrophe | quote | single | typewriter collnod | collnod teipiadur | dyfynnod | dyfynnod sengl
10069CharactersPunctuationpunctuation“ -nameleft quotation mark dyfynnod chwith
10070CharactersPunctuationpunctuation“ –keywordsdouble | left | mark | quotation | quote | smart dyfynnod | dyfynnod chwith | dyfynnod craff | dyfynnod dwbl
10071CharactersPunctuationpunctuation” -nameright quotation mark dyfynnod dde
10072CharactersPunctuationpunctuation” –keywordsdouble | mark | quotation | quote | right | smart dyfynnod | dyfynnod craff | dyfynnod dde | dyfynnod dwbl
10073CharactersPunctuationpunctuation„ -namelow right quotation mark dyfynnod dde isel
10074CharactersPunctuationpunctuation„ –keywordsdouble | low | mark | quotation | quote | right | smart dyfynnod | dyfynnod craff | dyfynnod dde isel | dyfynnod dwbl | dyfynnod isel
10075CharactersPunctuationpunctuation» -nameright guillemet dyfynodau saethau dwbl i’r dde
10076CharactersPunctuationpunctuation» –keywordsangle | brackets | carets | chevron | guillemet | quote | right bracedi | caretau | chevron | dyfyniad | dyfynodau saethau dwbl i’r dde | dyfynodau saethau i’r dde | i’r dde | ongl
10077CharactersPunctuationpunctuation« -nameleft guillemet dyfynodau saethau dwbl i’r chwith
10078CharactersPunctuationpunctuation« –keywordsangle | brackets | carets | chevron | guillemet | left | quote bracedi | caretau | chevron | dyfyniad | dyfynodau saethau dwbl i’r chwith | dyfynodau saethau i’r chwith | i’r chwith | ongl
10079CharactersPunctuationpunctuation) -nameclose parenthesis cromfach cau
10080CharactersPunctuationpunctuation) –keywordsbracket | close | paren | parens | parenthesis | round braced | braced crwn | cromfach | cromfach cau
10081CharactersPunctuationpunctuation[ -nameopen square bracket braced sgwâr agor
10082CharactersPunctuationpunctuation[ –keywordsbracket | crotchet | open | square braced | braced sgwâr | braced sgwâr agor | crosiet
10083CharactersPunctuationpunctuation] -nameclose square bracket braced sgwâr cau
10084CharactersPunctuationpunctuation] –keywordsbracket | close | crotchet | square braced | braced sgwâr | braced sgwâr cau | crosiet
10085CharactersPunctuationpunctuation{ -nameopen curly bracket braced agor cyrliog
10086CharactersPunctuationpunctuation{ –keywordsbrace | bracket | curly | gullwing | open braced | braced agor cyrliog | braced cyrliog | cwplws | cyplysnod | cyplysnod cyrliog
10087CharactersPunctuationpunctuation} -nameclose curly bracket braced cau cyrliog
10088CharactersPunctuationpunctuation} –keywordsbrace | bracket | close | curly | gullwing braced | braced cau cyrliog | braced cyrliog | cwplws | cyplysnod | cyplysnod cyrliog
10089CharactersPunctuationpunctuation〔 -nameopen tortoise shell bracket braced agor cregyn crwban
10090CharactersPunctuationpunctuation〔 –keywordsbracket | open | shell | tortoise braced | braced agor cregyn crwban | braced cregyn | braced cregyn crwban
10091CharactersPunctuationpunctuation〕 -nameclose tortoise shell bracket braced cau cregyn crwban
10092CharactersPunctuationpunctuation〕 –keywordsbracket | close | shell | tortoise braced | braced cau cregyn crwban | braced cregyn | braced cregyn crwban
10093CharactersPunctuationpunctuation〈 -nameopen angle bracket braced agor ongl
10094CharactersPunctuationpunctuation〈 –keywordsangle | bracket | brackets | chevron | diamond | open | pointy | tuple braced | braced agor ongl | braced ongl | braced pwyntiog | chevron | cromfachau diemwnt | twpl
10095CharactersPunctuationpunctuation〉 -nameclose angle bracket braced cau ongl
10096CharactersPunctuationpunctuation〉 –keywordsangle | bracket | brackets | chevron | close | diamond | pointy | tuple braced | braced cau ongl | braced ongl | braced pwyntiog | chevron | cromfachau diemwnt | twpl
10097CharactersPunctuationpunctuation《 -nameopen double angle bracket braced agor ongl dwbl
10098CharactersPunctuationpunctuation《 –keywordsangle | bracket | double | open braced | braced agor ongl dwbl
10099CharactersPunctuationpunctuation》 -nameclose double angle bracket braced cau ongl dwbl
10100CharactersPunctuationpunctuation》 –keywordsangle | bracket | close | double braced | braced cau ongl dwbl | braced ongl dwbl
10101CharactersPunctuationpunctuation「 -nameopen corner bracket braced agor cornel
10102CharactersPunctuationpunctuation「 –keywordsbracket | corner | open braced | braced agor cornel | braced cornel
10103CharactersPunctuationpunctuation」 -nameclose corner bracket braced cau cornel
10104CharactersPunctuationpunctuation」 –keywordsbracket | close | corner braced | braced cau cornel | braced cornel
10105CharactersPunctuationpunctuation『 -nameopen hollow corner bracket braced agor cornel gwag
10106CharactersPunctuationpunctuation『 –keywordsbracket | corner | hollow | open braced | braced agor cornel gwag | braced cornel gwag
10107CharactersPunctuationpunctuation』 -nameclose hollow corner bracket braced cau cornel gwag
10108CharactersPunctuationpunctuation』 –keywordsbracket | close | corner | hollow braced | braced cau cornel gwag | braced cornel gwag
10109CharactersPunctuationpunctuation〖 -nameopen hollow lens bracket braced agor lens gwag
10110CharactersPunctuationpunctuation〖 –keywordsbracket | hollow | lens | lenticular | open braced | braced agor lens gwag | braced deuamgrom gwag | braced lens gwag
10111CharactersPunctuationpunctuation〗 -nameclose hollow lens bracket braced cau lens gwag
10112CharactersPunctuationpunctuation〗 –keywordsbracket | close | hollow | lens | lenticular braced | braced cau lens gwag | braced deuamgrom gwag | braced lens gwag
10113CharactersPunctuationpunctuation【 -nameopen black lens bracket braced agor lens du
10114CharactersPunctuationpunctuation【 –keywordsblack | bracket | lens | lenticular | open braced | braced agor lens du | braced deuamgrom | braced lens
10115CharactersPunctuationpunctuation】 -nameclose black lens bracket braced cau lens du
10116CharactersPunctuationpunctuation】 –keywordsblack | bracket | close | lens | lenticular braced | braced cau lens du | braced deuamgrom | braced lens
10117CharactersPunctuationother-symbol‾ -nameoverline gor-linell
10118CharactersPunctuationother-symbol‾ –keywordsoverline | overstrike | vinculum arlinell | gor-linell | trosysgrifiad
10119CharactersPunctuationother-symbol‽ -nameinterrobang holnod ebychol
10120CharactersPunctuationother-symbol‽ –keywordsinterabang | interrobang holnod ebychol
10121CharactersPunctuationother-symbol‸ -name= caret
10122CharactersPunctuationother-symbol‸ –keywords= caret
10123CharactersPunctuationother-symbol⁂ -nameasterism seroliaeth
10124CharactersPunctuationother-symbol⁂ –keywordsasterism | dinkus | stars dincws | sêr | seroliaeth
10125CharactersMath Symbolsarrow→ -nameright-pointing arrow saeth yn pwyntio i’r dde
10126CharactersMath Symbolsarrow→ –keywordsarrow | right | right-pointing i’r dde | saeth | saeth yn pwyntio i’r dde
10127CharactersMath Symbolsarrow↓ -namedown-pointing arrow saeth yn pwyntio i lawr
10128CharactersMath Symbolsarrow↓ –keywordsarrow | down | down-pointing i lawr | saeth | saeth yn pwyntio i lawr
10129CharactersMath Symbolsarrow↑ -nameup-pointing arrow saeth yn pwyntio i fyny
10130CharactersMath Symbolsarrow↑ –keywordsarrow | up | up-pointing i fyny | saeth | saeth yn pwyntio i fyny
10131CharactersMath Symbolsarrow← -nameleft-pointing arrow saeth yn pwyntio i’r chwith
10132CharactersMath Symbolsarrow← –keywordsarrow | left | left-pointing i’r chwith | saeth | saeth yn pwyntio i’r chwith
10133CharactersMath Symbolsmath× -namemultiplication sign arwydd lluosi
10134CharactersMath Symbolsmath× –keywordsmultiplication | multiply | sign | times arwydd lluosi | lluosi | lluosiad
10135CharactersMath Symbolsmath÷ -namedivision sign arwydd rhannu
10136CharactersMath Symbolsmath÷ –keywordsdivide | division | obelus | sign arwydd rhannu | obelws | rhaniad | rhannu
10137CharactersMath Symbolsmath√ -namesquare root ail isradd
10138CharactersMath Symbolsmath√ –keywordsradical | radix | root | square | surd ail isradd | gwreiddyn | isradd | radical | sgwâr | swrd
10139CharactersMath Symbolsmath∞ -nameinfinity sign arwydd anfeidredd
10140CharactersMath Symbolsmath∞ –keywordsinfinity | sign anfeidredd | arwydd anfeidredd
10141CharactersMath Symbolsmath∆ -nameincrement cynyddran
10142CharactersMath Symbolsmath∆ –keywordsincrement | triangle cynyddran | triongl
10143CharactersMath Symbolsmath∇ -name= nabla
10144CharactersMath Symbolsmath∇ –keywordsnabla | triangle nabla | triongl
10145CharactersMath Symbolsmath⁻ -namesuperscript minus uwchysgrifen minws
10146CharactersMath Symbolsmath⁻ –keywordsminus | superscript minws | uwchysgrifen
10147CharactersMath Symbolsmath≡ -nameidentical to union yr un fath â
10148CharactersMath Symbolsmath≡ –keywordsexact | identical | to | triple triphlyg | union | union yr un fath | union yr un fath â
10149CharactersMath Symbolsmath∈ -nameelement of elfen o
10150CharactersMath Symbolsmath∈ –keywordscontains | element | membership | of | set aelodaeth | elfen | elfen o | set | yn cynnwys
10151CharactersMath Symbolsmath⊂ -namesubset of is-set o
10152CharactersMath Symbolsmath⊂ –keywordsof | set | subset is-set | is-set o | set
10153CharactersMath Symbolsmath∩ -nameintersection croestoriad
10154CharactersMath Symbolsmath∩ –keywordsintersection | set croestoriad | set
10155CharactersMath Symbolsmath∪ -nameunion uno
10156CharactersMath Symbolsmath∪ –keywordscollection | set | union casgliad | set | uno
10157CharactersMath Symbolsmath+ -nameplus sign arwydd plws
10158CharactersMath Symbolsmath+ –keywordsadd | plus | sign arwydd plws | plws | ychwanegu
10159CharactersMath Symbolsmath± -nameplus-minus plws-minws
10160CharactersMath Symbolsmath± –keywordsplus-minus plws-minws
10161CharactersMath Symbolsmath− -nameminus sign arwydd minws
10162CharactersMath Symbolsmath− –keywordsminus | sign | subtract arwydd minws | minws | tynnu
10163CharactersMath Symbolsmath= -nameequal cyfartal
10164CharactersMath Symbolsmath= –keywordsequal | equals cyfartal | cyfartal i | cyfatral
10165CharactersMath Symbolsmath≈ -namealmost equal bron yn gyfartal
10166CharactersMath Symbolsmath≈ –keywordsalmost | approximate | approximation | equal bras | brasamcan | bron yn gyfartal
10167CharactersMath Symbolsmath≠ -namenot equal ddim yn gyfartal
10168CharactersMath Symbolsmath≠ –keywordsequal | inequality | inequation | not anghydraddoldeb | ddim yn gyfartal
10169CharactersMath Symbolsmath> -namegreater-than mwy na
10170CharactersMath Symbolsmath> –keywordsclose | greater | greater-than | tag | than mwy na | tag | tag cau
10171CharactersMath Symbolsmath< -nameless-than llai na
10172CharactersMath Symbolsmath< –keywordsless | less-than | open | tag | than llai na | tag | tag agor
10173CharactersMath Symbolsmath≤ -nameless-than or equal llai na neu’n gyfartal
10174CharactersMath Symbolsmath≤ –keywordsequal | equals | inequality | less-than | or anghydraddoldeb | cyfartal | hafal | llai na | llai na neu’n gyfartal
10175CharactersMath Symbolsmath≥ -namegreater-than or equal mwy na neu’n gyfartal
10176CharactersMath Symbolsmath≥ –keywordsequal | equals | greater-than | inequality | or anghydraddoldeb | cyfartal | hafal | mwy na | mwy na neu’n gyfartal
10177CharactersMath Symbolsmath¬ -namenegation negyddu
10178CharactersMath Symbolsmath¬ –keywordsnegation | not ddim | negyddu
10179CharactersMath Symbolsmath| -namevertical line llinell fertigol
10180CharactersMath Symbolsmath| –keywordsbar | line | pike | pipe | sheffer | stick | stroke | vbar | vertical bar | bar fertigol | ffon | llinell | llinell fertigol | penhwyaid | pibell | strôc | strôc sheffer | vbar
10181CharactersMath Symbolsmath~ -nametilde tild
10182CharactersMath Symbolsmath~ –keywordstilde tild
10183CharactersMath Symbolspunctuation♯ -namesharp miniog
10184CharactersMath Symbolspunctuation♯ –keywordsdièse | diesis | music | note | sharp cerddoriaeth | dièse | diesis | miniog | nodyn
10185CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol↚ -nameleftwards arrow stroke saeth i’r chwith strôc
10186CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol↚ –keywordsarrow | leftwards | stroke saeth i’r chwith strôc
10187CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol↛ -namerightwards arrow stroke saeth i’r dde strôc
10188CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol↛ –keywordsarrow | rightwards | stroke saeth i’r dde strôc
10189CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol↮ -nameleft right arrow stroke saeth dde chwith strôc
10190CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol↮ –keywordsarrow | left | right | stroke saeth dde chwith strôc
10191CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol↠ -namerightwards two headed arrow saeth ddeuben i’r dde
10192CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol↠ –keywordsarrow | headed | rightwards | two saeth ddeuben i’r dde
10193CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol↣ -namerightwards arrow tail saeth i’r dde gyda chynffon
10194CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol↣ –keywordsarrow | rightwards | tail saeth i’r dde gyda chynffon
10195CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol↦ -namerightwards arrow from bar saeth i’r dde o’r bar
10196CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol↦ –keywordsarrow | bar | from | rightwards saeth i’r dde o’r bar
10197CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⇒ -namerightwards double arrow saeth ddwbl i’r dde
10198CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⇒ –keywordsarrow | double | rightwards saeth ddwbl i’r dde
10199CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⇏ -namerightwards double arrow stroke saeth ddwbl i’r dde strôc
10200CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⇏ –keywordsarrow | double | rightwards | stroke saeth ddwbl i’r dde strôc
10201CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⇔ -nameleft right double arrow saeth ddwbl chwith dde
10202CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⇔ –keywordsarrow | double | left | right saeth ddwbl chwith dde
10203CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⇎ -nameleft right double arrow stroke saeth ddwbl chwith dde strôc
10204CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⇎ –keywordsarrow | double | left | right | stroke saeth ddwbl chwith dde strôc
10205CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⇵ -namedownwards arrow leftwards upwards arrow saeth i lawr i’r chwith saeth i fyny
10206CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⇵ –keywordsarrow | downwards | leftwards | upwards saeth i lawr i’r chwith saeth i fyny
10207CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∀ -namefor all i bawb
10208CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∀ –keywordsall | any | for | given | universal a roddir | cyffredinol | i bawb | i gyd | unrhyw
10209CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∂ -namepartial differential differyn rhannol
10210CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∂ –keywordsdifferential | partial differyn | differyn rhannol
10211CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∃ -namethere exists mae yn bodoli
10212CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∃ –keywordsexists | there mae yn bodoli
10213CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∅ -nameempty set set wag
10214CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∅ –keywordsempty | mathematics | operator | set gweithredwr set | mathemateg | set wag
10215CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∉ -namenot an element ddim yn elfen
10216CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∉ –keywordsan | element | not ddim yn elfen | elfen
10217CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∋ -namecontains as member yn cynnwys fel aelod
10218CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∋ –keywordsas | contains | element | member elfen | yn cynnwys fel aelod
10219CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∎ -nameend proof prawf diwedd
10220CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∎ –keywordsend | halmos | proof | q.e.d. | qed | tombstone carreg fedd | halmos | prawf diwedd | q.e.d. | qed
10221CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∏ -namen-ary product cynnyrch n-ary
10222CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∏ –keywordslogic | n-ary | product cynnyrch | cynnyrch n-ary | rhesymeg
10223CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∑ -namen-ary summation crynhoad n-ary
10224CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∑ –keywordsmathematics | n-ary | summation crynhoad | crynhoad n-ary | mathemateg
10225CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≮ -namenot less-than dim llai na
10226CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≮ –keywordsinequality | less-than | mathematics | not anghydraddoldeb | dim llai na | mathemateg
10227CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≯ -namenot greater-than ddim mwy na
10228CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≯ –keywordsgreater-than | inequality | mathematics | not anghydraddoldeb | ddim mwy na | mathemateg
10229CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∓ -nameminus-or-plus minws neu blws
10230CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∓ –keywordsminus-or-plus | plus-minus minws neu blws | plws-minws
10231CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∕ -namedivision slash slaes rhannu
10232CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∕ –keywordsdivision | slash | stroke | virgule dewisnod | slaes | slaes rhannu | strôc
10233CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⁄ -namefraction slash slaes ffracsiwn
10234CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⁄ –keywordsfraction | slash | stroke | virgule dewisnod | slaes ffracsiwn | strôc
10235CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∗ -nameasterisk operator gweithredwr serennig
10236CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∗ –keywordsasterisk | operator | star gweithredwr serennig | seren
10237CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∘ -namering operator gweithredwr cylch
10238CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∘ –keywordscomposition | operator | ring cyfansoddiad | gweithredwr | gweithredwr cylch
10239CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∙ -namebullet operator gweithredwr bwled
10240CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∙ –keywordsbullet | operator gweithredwr | gweithredwr bwled
10241CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∝ -nameproportional cyfrannol
10242CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∝ –keywordsproportional | proportionality cyfrannol | cymesuredd
10243CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∟ -nameright angle ongl sgwâr
10244CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∟ –keywordsangle | mathematics | right mathemateg | ongl sgwâr
10245CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∠ -nameangle ongl
10246CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∠ –keywordsacute | angle acíwt | ongl
10247CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∣ -namedivides yn rhannu
10248CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∣ –keywordsdivides | divisor rhannwr | yn rhannu
10249CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∥ -nameparallel cyfochrog
10250CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∥ –keywordsparallel cyfochrog
10251CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∧ -namelogical and rhesymegol a
10252CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∧ –keywordsac | and | atque | logical | wedge a | ac | lletem | rhesymegol a
10253CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∫ -nameintegral integrol
10254CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∫ –keywordscalculus | integral calcwlws | integrol
10255CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∬ -namedouble integral integrol ddwbl
10256CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∬ –keywordscalculus | double | integral calcwlws | integrol ddwbl
10257CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∮ -namecontour integral cyfuchlin integrol
10258CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∮ –keywordscontour | integral cyfuchlin integrol
10259CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∴ -nametherefore felly
10260CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∴ –keywordslogic | therefore felly | rhesymeg
10261CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∵ -namebecause oherwydd
10262CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∵ –keywordsbecause | logic oherwydd | rhesymeg
10263CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∶ -nameratio cymhareb
10264CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∶ –keywordsratio cymhareb
10265CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∷ -nameproportion cyfran
10266CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∷ –keywordsproportion | proportionality cyfran | cyfranoldeb
10267CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∼ -nametilde operator gweithredwr tild
10268CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∼ –keywordsoperator | tilde gweithredwr | gweithredwr tild
10269CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∽ -namereversed tilde tild wedi’i wrthdroi
10270CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∽ –keywordsreversed | tilde tild | tild wedi’i wrthdroi
10271CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∾ -nameinverted lazy s s gwrthdro diog
10272CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∾ –keywordsinverted | lazy | s s gwrthdro diog
10273CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≃ -nameasymptotically equal anghymesur yn hafal
10274CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≃ –keywordsasymptote | asymptotically | equal | mathematics anghymesur yn hafal | asymptot | mathemateg
10275CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≅ -nameapproximately equal bron yn hafal
10276CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≅ –keywordsapproximately | congruence | equal | equality | isomorphism | mathematics bron yn hafal | cydraddoldeb | cyfathru | isomorffiaeth | mathemateg
10277CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≌ -nameall equal i gyd yn hafal
10278CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≌ –keywordsall | equal | equality | mathematics hafaledd | i gyd yn hafal | mathemateg
10279CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≒ -nameapproximately equal the image tua’r un faint â’r ddelwedd
10280CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≒ –keywordsapproximately | equal | image | the tua’r un faint â’r ddelwedd
10281CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≖ -namering in equal cylch yn hafalnod
10282CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≖ –keywordsequal | equality | in | mathematics | ring cylch yn hafalnod | hafaledd | mathemateg
10283CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≣ -namestrictly equivalent hollol hafal
10284CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≣ –keywordsequality | equivalent | mathematics | strictly hafaledd | hollol hafal | mathemateg
10285CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≦ -nameless-than over equal arwydd llai na dros hafalnod
10286CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≦ –keywordsequal | inequality | less-than | mathematics | over anhafaledd | arwydd llai na dros hafalnod | mathemateg
10287CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≧ -namegreater-than over equal arwydd mwy na dros hafalnod
10288CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≧ –keywordsequal | greater-than | inequality | mathematics | over anhafaledd | arwydd mwy na dros hafalnod | mathemateg
10289CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≪ -namemuch less-than llawer llai na
10290CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≪ –keywordsinequality | less-than | mathematics | much anhafaledd | llawer llai na | mathemateg
10291CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≫ -namemuch greater-than llawer mwy na
10292CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≫ –keywordsgreater-than | inequality | mathematics | much anhafaledd | llawer mwy na | mathemateg
10293CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≬ -namebetween rhwng
10294CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≬ –keywordsbetween rhwng
10295CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≳ -namegreater-than equivalent mwy na hafal
10296CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≳ –keywordsequivalent | greater-than | inequality | mathematics anhafaledd | mathemateg | mwy na hafal
10297CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≺ -nameprecedes yn rhagflaenu
10298CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≺ –keywordsmathematics | operator | precedes | set gweithredwr set | mathemateg | yn rhagflaenu
10299CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≻ -namesucceeds yn dilyn
10300CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≻ –keywordsmathematics | operator | set | succeeds gweithredwr set | mathemateg | yn dilyn
10301CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊁ -namedoes not succeed nid yw’n dilyn
10302CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊁ –keywordsdoes | mathematics | not | operator | set | succeed gweithredwr set | mathemateg | nid yw’n dilyn
10303CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊃ -namesuperset uwchset
10304CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊃ –keywordsmathematics | operator | set | superset gweithredwr set | mathemateg | uwchset
10305CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊆ -namesubset equal is-set hafal
10306CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊆ –keywordsequal | subset is-set hafal
10307CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊇ -namesuperset equal uwchset hafal
10308CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊇ –keywordsequal | equality | mathematics | superset hafaledd | mathemateg | uwchset hafal
10309CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊕ -namecircled plus plws mewn cylch
10310CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊕ –keywordscircled | plus plws | plws mewn cylch
10311CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊖ -namecircled minus minws mewn cylch
10312CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊖ –keywordscircled | difference | erosion | minus | symmetric minws mewn cylch
10313CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊗ -namecircled times amseroedd mewn cylch
10314CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊗ –keywordscircled | product | tensor | times amseroedd mewn cylch | cynnyrch | tensor
10315CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊘ -namecircled division slash slaes rhannu mewn cylch
10316CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊘ –keywordscircled | division | division-like | mathematics | slash mathemateg | rhaniad-tebyg | slaes rhannu mewn cylch
10317CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊙ -namecircled dot operator gweithredwr dotiau mewn cylch
10318CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊙ –keywordscircled | dot | operator | XNOR gweithredwr | gweithredwr dotiau mewn cylch | XNOR
10319CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊚ -namecircled ring operator gweithredwr cylch mewn cylch
10320CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊚ –keywordscircled | operator | ring gweithredwr cylch mewn cylch
10321CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊛ -namecircled asterisk operator gweithredwr seren mewn cylch
10322CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊛ –keywordsasterisk | circled | operator gweithredwr | gweithredwr seren mewn cylch | seren
10323CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊞ -namesquared plus plws mewn sgwâr
10324CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊞ –keywordsaddition-like | mathematics | plus | squared mathemateg | plws mewn sgwar | plws mewn sgwâr | ychwanegiad-fel
10325CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊟ -namesquared minus minws mewn sgwâr
10326CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊟ –keywordsmathematics | minus | squared | subtraction-like mathemateg | minws mewn sgwar | minws mewn sgwâr | tynnu tebyg
10327CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊥ -nameup tack tac i fyny
10328CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊥ –keywordseet | falsum | tack | up eet | ffalswm | tac | tac i fyny
10329CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊮ -namedoes not force ddim yn gorfodi
10330CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊮ –keywordsdoes | force | not ddim yn gorfodi
10331CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊰ -nameprecedes under relation yn rhagflaenu dan berthynas
10332CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊰ –keywordsmathematics | operator | precedes | relation | set | under gweithredwr set | mathemateg | yn rhagflaenu dan berthynas
10333CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊱ -namesucceeds under relation yn dilyn o dan berthynas
10334CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊱ –keywordsmathematics | operator | relation | set | succeeds | under gweithredwr set | mathemateg | yn dilyn o dan berthynas
10335CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋭ -namedoes not contain as normal subgroup equal ddim yn cynnwys fel is-grŵp hafal arferol
10336CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋭ –keywordsas | contain | does | equal | group | mathematics | normal | not | subgroup | theory ddim yn cynnwys fel is-grŵp hafal arferol | mathemateg | theori grŵp
10337CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊶ -nameoriginal gwreiddiol
10338CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊶ –keywordsoriginal gwreiddiol
10339CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊹ -namehermitian conjugate matrix matrics cyfunedig hermitian
10340CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊹ –keywordsconjugate | hermitian | mathematics | matrix | self-adjoint | square mathemateg | matrics cyfunedig hermitian | matrics hunan atgyd | matrics sgwâr | Vote matrics cyfunedig hermitian
10341CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊿ -nameright triangle triongl dde
10342CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊿ –keywordsmathematics | right | right-angled | triangle mathemateg | triongl dde | triongl ongl sgwâr
10343CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋁ -namen-ary logical or n-ary rhesymegol neu
10344CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋁ –keywordsdisjunction | logic | logical | n-ary | or datgysylltiad | n-ary rhesymegol neu | rhesymeg
10345CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋂ -namen-ary intersection croestoriad n-ary
10346CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋂ –keywordsintersection | mathematics | n-ary | operator | set croestoriad | croestoriad n-ary | gweithredwr set | mathemateg
10347CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋃ -namen-ary union uniad n-ary
10348CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋃ –keywordsmathematics | n-ary | operator | set | union gweithredwr set | mathemateg | undeb n-ary | uniad | uniad n-ary
10349CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋅ -namedot operator gweithredwr dot
10350CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋅ –keywordsdot | operator gweithredwr | gweithredwr dot
10351CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋆ -namestar operator gweithredwr seren
10352CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋆ –keywordsoperator | star gweithredwr | gweithredwr seren
10353CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋈ -namenatural join uniad naturiol
10354CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋈ –keywordsbinary | bowtie | join | natural | operator gweithredwr deuaidd | tei bwa | uniad naturiol | ymuno naturiol
10355CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋒ -namedouble intersection croestoriad dwbl
10356CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋒ –keywordsdouble | intersection | mathematics | operator | set croestoriad | croestoriad dwbl | gweithredwr set | mathemateg
10357CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋘ -namevery much less-than llawer iawn yn llai na
10358CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋘ –keywordsinequality | less-than | mathematics | much | very anhafaledd | llawer iawn yn llai na | mathemateg
10359CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋙ -namevery much greater-than llawer iawn yn fwy na
10360CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋙ –keywordsgreater-than | inequality | mathematics | much | very anhafaledd | llawer iawn yn fwy na | mathemateg
10361CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋮ -namevertical ellipsis hepgoriad fertigol
10362CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋮ –keywordsellipsis | mathematics | vertical hepgoriad | hepgoriad fertigol | mathemateg
10363CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋯ -namemidline horizontal ellipsis hepgoriad llorweddol llinell ganol
10364CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋯ –keywordsellipsis | horizontal | midline hepgoriad | hepgoriad llorweddol llinell ganol
10365CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋰ -nameup right diagonal ellipsis hepgoriad i fyny croeslin dde
10366CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋰ –keywordsdiagonal | ellipsis | mathematics | right | up hepgoriad | hepgoriad i fyny croeslin dde | mathemateg
10367CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋱ -namedown right diagonal ellipsis hepgoriad i lawr croeslin dde
10368CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋱ –keywordsdiagonal | down | ellipsis | mathematics | right hepgoriad | hepgoriad i lawr croeslin dde | mathemateg
10369CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol▷ -namehollow right-pointing triangle triongl i’r dde gwag
10370CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol▷ –keywordshollow | right-pointing | triangle triongl i’r dde gwag
10371CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol◁ -namehollow left-pointing triangle triongl i’r chwith gwag
10372CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol◁ –keywordshollow | left-pointing | triangle triongl i’r chwith gwag
10373CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol◿ -namelower right triangle triongl dde isaf
10374CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol◿ –keywordslower | right | triangle triongl dde isaf
10375CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⨧ -nameplus subscript two plws is-sgript dau
10376CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⨧ –keywordsplus | subscript | two plws is-sgript dau
10377CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⨯ -namevector cross product traws-gynnyrch fector
10378CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⨯ –keywordscross | product | vector traws-gynnyrch fector
10379CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⨼ -nameinterior product cynnyrch mewnol
10380CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⨼ –keywordsinterior | product cynnyrch mewnol
10381CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⩣ -namelogical or double underbar is-res rhesymegol neu ddwbl
10382CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⩣ –keywordsdouble | logical | or | underbar is-res rhesymegol neu ddwbl
10383CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⩽ -nameless-than slanted equal llai na hafalnod ar ogwydd
10384CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⩽ –keywordsequal | less-than | slanted llai na hafalnod ar ogwydd
10385CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⪍ -nameless-than above similar equal arwydd llai nag uwchben hafalnod tebyg
10386CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⪍ –keywordsabove | equal | less-than | similar arwydd llai nag uwchben hafalnod tebyg
10387CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⪚ -namedouble-line equal greater-than llinell ddwbl hafalnod arwydd mwy na
10388CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⪚ –keywordsdouble-line | equal | greater-than | inequality | mathematics anghydraddoldeb | llinell ddwbl hafal yn fwy na | llinell ddwbl hafalnod arwydd mwy na | mathemateg
10389CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⪺ -namesucceeds above not almost equal yn dilyn uwchben ddim bron yn hafal
10390CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⪺ –keywordsabove | almost | equal | not | succeeds yn dilyn uwchben ddim bron yn hafal
10391CharactersOther Symbolsarrow⇆ -nameleft-pointing over right-pointing arrows saethau i’r chwith dros ben saethau i’r dde
10392CharactersOther Symbolsarrow⇆ –keywordsarrow | arrows | left | left-pointing | over | right | right-pointing chwith | i’r dde | saeth | saethau i’r chwith dros ben saethau i’r dde | saethau yn pwyntio i’r chwith dros ben saethau yn pwyntio i’r dde
10393CharactersOther Symbolsarrow⇅ -nameup-pointing and down-pointing arrows saethau yn pwyntio i fyny ac i lawr
10394CharactersOther Symbolsarrow⇅ –keywordsand | arrow | arrows | down | down-pointing | up | up-pointing i fyny | i lawr | saeth | saethau yn pwyntio i fyny ac i lawr
10395CharactersOther Symbolsmath¹ -namesuperscript one uwchysgrifen un
10396CharactersOther Symbolsmath¹ –keywordsone | superscript un | uwchysgrifen
10397CharactersOther Symbolsmath² -namesuperscript two uwchysgrifen dau
10398CharactersOther Symbolsmath² –keywordssquared | superscript | two dau | sgwâr | uwchysgrifen
10399CharactersOther Symbolsmath³ -namesuperscript three uwchysgrifen tri
10400CharactersOther Symbolsmath³ –keywordscubed | superscript | three ciwbiedig | tri | uwchysgrifen
10401CharactersOther Symbolsmath° -namedegree gradd
10402CharactersOther Symbolsmath° –keywordsdegree | hour | proof awr | gradd | prawf
10403CharactersOther Symbolspunctuation♪ -nameeighth note wythfed nodyn
10404CharactersOther Symbolspunctuation♪ –keywordseighth | music | note cerddoriaeth | nodyn | wythfed
10405CharactersOther Symbolspunctuation♭ -nameflat fflat
10406CharactersOther Symbolspunctuation♭ –keywordsbemolle | flat | music | note bemolle | cerddoriaeth | fflat | nodyn
10407CharactersOther Symbolspunctuation` -namegrave accent acen bedd
10408CharactersOther Symbolspunctuation` –keywordsaccent | grave | tone acen | bedd | tôn
10409CharactersOther Symbolspunctuation´ -nameacute accent acen acíwt
10410CharactersOther Symbolspunctuation´ –keywordsaccent | acute | tone acen | acíwt | tôn
10411CharactersOther Symbolspunctuation^ -namecircumflex accent acen grom
10412CharactersOther Symbolspunctuation^ –keywordsaccent | caret | chevron | circumflex | control | hat | pointer | power | sign | wedge | xor acen | acen grom | arwydd xor | caret | chevron | het | lletem | pŵer | pwyntydd | rheolaeth
10413CharactersOther Symbolspunctuation¨ -namediaeresis didolnod
10414CharactersOther Symbolspunctuation¨ –keywordsdiaeresis | tréma | umlaut didolnod | tréma | umlaut
10415CharactersOther Symbolscurrency€ -nameeuro ewro
10416CharactersOther Symbolscurrency€ –keywordscurrency | EUR | euro arian cyfred | EUR | ewro
10417CharactersOther Symbolscurrency£ -namepound punt
10418CharactersOther Symbolscurrency£ –keywordscurrency | EGP | GBP | pound arian cyfred | EGP | GBP | punt
10419CharactersOther Symbolscurrency¥ -nameyen ien
10420CharactersOther Symbolscurrency¥ –keywordsCNY | currency | JPY | yen | yuan arian cyfred | CNY | ien | iwan | JPY
10421CharactersOther Symbolscurrency₹ -nameindian rupee rwpî indiaidd
10422CharactersOther Symbolscurrency₹ –keywordscurrency | indian | rupee arian cyfred | rwpî | rwpî indiaidd
10423CharactersOther Symbolscurrency₽ -nameruble rwbl
10424CharactersOther Symbolscurrency₽ –keywordscurrency | ruble arian cyfred | rwbl
10425CharactersOther Symbolscurrency$ -namedollar doler
10426CharactersOther Symbolscurrency$ –keywordsdollar | money | peso | USD arian | doler | peso | USD
10427CharactersOther Symbolscurrency¢ -namecent sent
10428CharactersOther Symbolscurrency¢ –keywordscent sent
10429CharactersOther Symbolscurrency₱ -name= peso
10430CharactersOther Symbolscurrency₱ –keywords= peso
10431CharactersOther Symbolscurrency₩ -name= won
10432CharactersOther Symbolscurrency₩ –keywords= KPW | KRW | won
10433CharactersOther Symbolscurrency₥ -namemill milfed
10434CharactersOther Symbolscurrency₥ –keywordsmil | mill milfed
10435CharactersOther Symbolscurrency₿ -name= bitcoin
10436CharactersOther Symbolscurrency₿ –keywords= bitcoin | BTC
10437CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↜ -nameleftwards wave arrow saeth donnog i’r chwith
10438CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↜ –keywordsarrow | leftwards | wave saeth donnog i’r chwith
10439CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↝ -namerightwards wave arrow saeth donnog i’r dde
10440CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↝ –keywordsarrow | rightwards | wave saeth donnog i’r dde
10441CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↞ -nameleftwards two headed arrow saeth ddeuben i’r chwith
10442CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↞ –keywordsarrow | headed | leftwards | two saeth ddeuben i’r chwith
10443CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↟ -nameupwards two headed arrow saeth ddeuben i fyny
10444CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↟ –keywordsarrow | headed | two | upwards saeth ddeuben i fyny
10445CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↡ -namedownwards two headed arrow saeth ddeuben i lawr
10446CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↡ –keywordsarrow | downwards | headed | two saeth ddeuben i lawr
10447CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↢ -nameleftwards arrow tail saeth i’r chwith gyda chynffon
10448CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↢ –keywordsarrow | leftwards | tail saeth i’r chwith gyda chynffon
10449CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↤ -nameleftwards arrow from bar saeth i’r chwith o’r bar
10450CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↤ –keywordsarrow | bar | from | leftwards saeth i’r chwith o’r bar
10451CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↥ -nameupwards arrow from bar saeth i fyny o’r bar
10452CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↥ –keywordsarrow | bar | from | upwards saeth i fyny o’r bar
10453CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↧ -namedownwards arrow from bar saeth i lawr o’r bar
10454CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↧ –keywordsarrow | bar | downwards | from saeth i lawr o’r bar
10455CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↨ -nameup down arrow with base saeth i fyny i lawr gyda sail
10456CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↨ –keywordsarrow | base | down | up | with saeth i fyny i lawr gyda sail
10457CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↫ -nameleftwards arrow loop saeth i’r chwith gyda dolen
10458CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↫ –keywordsarrow | leftwards | loop saeth i’r chwith gyda dolen
10459CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↬ -namerightwards arrow loop saeth i’r dde gyda dolen
10460CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↬ –keywordsarrow | loop | rightwards saeth i’r dde gyda dolen
10461CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↭ -nameleft right wave arrow saeth donnog chwith dde
10462CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↭ –keywordsarrow | left | right | wave saeth donnog chwith dde
10463CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↯ -namedownwards zigzag arrow saeth igam-ogam i lawr
10464CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↯ –keywordsarrow | downwards | zigzag igam-ogam | saeth igam-ogam i lawr
10465CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↰ -nameupwards arrow tip leftwards saeth i fyny gyda’r pwynt i’r chwith
10466CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↰ –keywordsarrow | leftwards | tip | upwards saeth i fyny gyda’r pwynt i’r chwith
10467CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↱ -nameupwards arrow tip rightwards saeth i fyny gyda’r pwynt i’r dde
10468CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↱ –keywordsarrow | rightwards | tip | upwards saeth i fyny gyda’r pwynt i’r dde
10469CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↲ -namedownwards arrow tip leftwards saeth i lawr gyda’r pwynt i’r chwith
10470CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↲ –keywordsarrow | downwards | leftwards | tip saeth i lawr gyda’r pwynt i’r chwith
10471CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↳ -namedownwards arrow tip rightwards saeth i lawr gyda’r pwynt i’r dde
10472CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↳ –keywordsarrow | downwards | rightwards | tip saeth i lawr gyda’r pwynt i’r dde
10473CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↴ -namerightwards arrow corner downwards saeth i’r dde gyda’r gornel i lawr
10474CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↴ –keywordsarrow | corner | downwards | rightwards saeth i’r dde gyda’r gornel i lawr
10475CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↵ -namedownwards arrow corner leftwards saeth i lawr gyda’r gornel i’r chwith
10476CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↵ –keywordsarrow | corner | downwards | leftwards saeth i lawr gyda’r gornel i’r chwith
10477CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↶ -nameanticlockwise top semicircle arrow saeth hanner cylch uchaf gwrthglocwedd
10478CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↶ –keywordsanticlockwise | arrow | semicircle | top saeth hanner cylch uchaf gwrthglocwedd
10479CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↷ -nameclockwise top semicircle arrow saeth hanner cylch uchaf clocwedd
10480CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↷ –keywordsarrow | clockwise | semicircle | top saeth hanner cylch uchaf clocwedd
10481CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↸ -namenorth west arrow long bar bar hir saeth y gogledd orllewin
10482CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↸ –keywordsarrow | bar | long | north | west bar hir saeth y gogledd orllewin
10483CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↹ -nameleftwards over rightwards arrow bars bar saeth i’r chwith dros far saeth i’r dde
10484CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↹ –keywordsarrow | bar | bars | leftwards | over | rightwards bar saeth i’r chwith dros far saeth i’r dde
10485CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↺ -nameanticlockwise open circle arrow saeth cylch agored gwrthglocwedd
10486CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↺ –keywordsanticlockwise | arrow | circle | open saeth cylch agored gwrthglocwedd
10487CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↻ -nameclockwise open circle arrow saeth cylch agored clocwedd
10488CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↻ –keywordsarrow | circle | clockwise | open saeth cylch agored clocwedd
10489CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↼ -nameleftwards harpoon barb upwards tryfer i’r chwith gyda’r adfach i fyny
10490CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↼ –keywordsbarb | harpoon | leftwards | upwards adfach | tryfer i’r chwith gyda’r adfach i fyny
10491CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↽ -nameleftwards harpoon barb downwards tryfer i’r chwith gyda’r adfach i lawr
10492CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↽ –keywordsbarb | downwards | harpoon | leftwards tryfer i’r chwith gyda’r adfach i lawr
10493CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↾ -nameupwards harpoon barb rightwards tryfer i fyny gyda’r adfach i’r dde
10494CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↾ –keywordsbarb | harpoon | rightwards | upwards adfach | tryfer i fyny gyda’r adfach i’r dde
10495CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↿ -nameupwards harpoon barb leftwards tryfer i fyny gyda’r adfach i’r chwith
10496CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↿ –keywordsbarb | harpoon | leftwards | upwards adfach | tryfer i fyny gyda’r adfach i’r chwith
10497CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇀ -namerightwards harpoon barb upwards tryfer i’r dde gyda’r adfach i fyny
10498CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇀ –keywordsbarb | harpoon | rightwards | upwards adfach | tryfer i’r dde gyda’r adfach i fyny
10499CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇁ -namerightwards harpoon barb downwards tryfer i’r dde gyda’r adfach i lawr
10500CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇁ –keywordsbarb | downwards | harpoon | rightwards adfach | tryfer i’r dde gyda’r adfach i lawr
10501CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇂ -namedownwards harpoon barb rightwards tryfer i lawr gyda’r adfach i’r dde
10502CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇂ –keywordsbarb | downwards | harpoon | rightwards adfach | tryfer i lawr gyda’r adfach i’r dde
10503CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇃ -namedownwards harpoon barb leftwards tryfer i lawr gyda’r adfach i’r chwith
10504CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇃ –keywordsbarb | downwards | harpoon | leftwards adfach | tryfer i lawr gyda’r adfach i’r chwith
10505CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇄ -namerightwards arrow over leftwards arrow saeth i’r dde dros saeth i’r chwith
10506CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇄ –keywordsarrow | leftwards | over | rightwards saeth i’r dde dros saeth i’r chwith
10507CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇇ -nameleftwards paired arrows saethau pâr i’r chwith
10508CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇇ –keywordsarrows | leftwards | paired saethau pâr i’r chwith
10509CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇈ -nameupwards paired arrows saethau pâr i fyny
10510CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇈ –keywordsarrows | paired | upwards saethau pâr i fyny
10511CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇉ -namerightwards paired arrows saethau pâr i’r dde
10512CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇉ –keywordsarrows | paired | rightwards saethau pâr i’r dde
10513CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇊ -namedownwards paired arrows saethau pâr i lawr
10514CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇊ –keywordsarrows | downwards | paired saethau pâr i lawr
10515CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇋ -nameleftwards harpoon over rightwards harpoon tryfer i’r chwith dros dryfer i’r dde
10516CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇋ –keywordsharpoon | leftwards | over | rightwards tryfer i’r chwith dros dryfer i’r dde
10517CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇌ -namerightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon tryfer i’r dde dros dryfer i’r chwith
10518CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇌ –keywordsharpoon | leftwards | over | rightwards tryfer i’r dde dros dryfer i’r chwith
10519CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇐ -nameleftwards double arrow saeth ddwbl i’r chwith
10520CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇐ –keywordsarrow | double | leftwards saeth ddwbl i’r chwith
10521CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇍ -nameleftwards double arrow stroke saeth ddwbl i’r chwith strôc
10522CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇍ –keywordsarrow | double | leftwards | stroke saeth ddwbl i’r chwith strôc
10523CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇑ -nameupwards double arrow saeth ddwbl i fyny
10524CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇑ –keywordsarrow | double | upwards saeth ddwbl i fyny
10525CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇓ -namedownwards double arrow saeth ddwbl i lawr
10526CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇓ –keywordsarrow | double | downwards saeth ddwbl i lawr
10527CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇖ -namenorth west double arrow saeth ddwbl gogledd orllewin
10528CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇖ –keywordsarrow | double | north | west saeth ddwbl gogledd orllewin
10529CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇗ -namenorth east double arrow saeth ddwbl gogledd ddwyrain
10530CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇗ –keywordsarrow | double | east | north saeth ddwbl gogledd ddwyrain
10531CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇘ -namesouth east double arrow saeth ddwbl de ddwyrain
10532CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇘ –keywordsarrow | double | east | south saeth ddwbl de ddwyrain
10533CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇙ -namesouth west double arrow saeth ddwbl de orllewin
10534CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇙ –keywordsarrow | double | south | west saeth ddwbl de orllewin
10535CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇚ -nameleftwards triple arrow saeth driphlyg i’r chwith
10536CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇚ –keywordsarrow | leftwards | triple saeth driphlyg i’r chwith
10537CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇛ -namerightwards triple arrow saeth driphlyg i’r dde
10538CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇛ –keywordsarrow | rightwards | triple saeth driphlyg i’r dde
10539CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇜ -nameleftwards squiggle arrow saeth grych i’r chwith
10540CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇜ –keywordsarrow | leftwards | squiggle saeth grych i’r chwith
10541CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇝ -namerightwards squiggle arrow saeth grych i’r dde
10542CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇝ –keywordsarrow | rightwards | squiggle saeth grych i’r dde
10543CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇞ -nameupwards arrow double stroke saeth i fyny strôc ddwbl
10544CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇞ –keywordsarrow | double | stroke | upwards saeth i fyny strôc ddwbl
10545CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇟ -namedownwards arrow double stroke saeth i lawr strôc ddwbl
10546CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇟ –keywordsarrow | double | downwards | stroke saeth i lawr strôc ddwbl
10547CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇠ -nameleftwards dashed arrow saeth doriedig i’r chwith
10548CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇠ –keywordsarrow | dashed | leftwards saeth doriedig i’r chwith
10549CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇡ -nameupwards dashed arrow saeth doriedig i fyny
10550CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇡ –keywordsarrow | dashed | upwards saeth doriedig i fyny
10551CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇢ -namerightwards dashed arrow saeth doriedig i’r dde
10552CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇢ –keywordsarrow | dashed | rightwards saeth doriedig i’r dde
10553CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇣ -namedownwards dashed arrow saeth doriedig i lawr
10554CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇣ –keywordsarrow | dashed | downwards saeth doriedig i lawr
10555CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇤ -nameleftwards arrow bar saeth i’r chwith bar
10556CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇤ –keywordsarrow | bar | leftwards saeth i’r chwith bar
10557CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇥ -namerightwards arrow bar saeth i’r dde bar
10558CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇥ –keywordsarrow | bar | rightwards saeth i’r dde bar
10559CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇦ -nameleftwards hollow arrow saeth wag i’r chwith
10560CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇦ –keywordsarrow | hollow | leftwards saeth wag i’r chwith
10561CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇧ -nameupwards hollow arrow saeth wag i fyny
10562CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇧ –keywordsarrow | hollow | upwards saeth wag i fyny
10563CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇨ -namerightwards hollow arrow saeth wag i’r dde
10564CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇨ –keywordsarrow | hollow | rightwards saeth wag i’r dde
10565CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇩ -namedownwards hollow arrow saeth wag i lawr
10566CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇩ –keywordsarrow | downwards | hollow saeth wag i lawr
10567CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇪ -nameupwards hollow arrow from bar saeth wag i fyny o’r bar
10568CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇪ –keywordsarrow | bar | from | hollow | upwards saeth wag i fyny o’r bar
10569CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol■ -namefilled square sgwâr wedi’i lenwi
10570CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol■ –keywordsfilled | square sgwâr wedi’i lenwi
10571CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol□ -namehollow square sgwâr wag
10572CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol□ –keywordshollow | square sgwâr wag
10573CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▢ -namehollow square with rounded corners sgwâr wag â chorneli crwn
10574CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▢ –keywordscorners | hollow | rounded | square | with sgwâr wag â chorneli crwn
10575CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▣ -namehollow square containing filled square sgwâr gwag sy’n cynnwys sgwâr wedi’i lenwi
10576CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▣ –keywordscontaining | filled | hollow | square sgwâr gwag sy’n cynnwys sgwâr wedi’i lenwi
10577CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▤ -namesquare with horizontal fill sgwâr gyda llenwad llorweddol
10578CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▤ –keywordsfill | horizontal | square | with sgwâr gyda llenwad llorweddol
10579CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▥ -namesquare with vertical fill sgwâr gyda llenwad fertigol
10580CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▥ –keywordsfill | square | vertical | with sgwâr gyda llenwad fertigol
10581CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▦ -namesquare orthogonal crosshatch fill sgwâr llenwad croes-groes orthogonal
10582CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▦ –keywordscrosshatch | fill | orthogonal | square sgwâr llenwad croes-groes orthogonal
10583CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▧ -namesquare upper left lower right fill sgwâr llenwad chwith uchaf de isaf
10584CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▧ –keywordsfill | left | lower | right | square | upper sgwâr llenwad chwith uchaf de isaf
10585CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▨ -namesquare upper right lower left fill sgwâr llenwad de uchaf chwith isaf
10586CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▨ –keywordsfill | left | lower | right | square | upper sgwâr llenwad de uchaf chwith isaf
10587CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▩ -namesquare diagonal crosshatch fill sgwâr llenwad croes-groeslin croeslin
10588CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▩ –keywordscrosshatch | diagonal | fill | square sgwâr llenwad croes-groeslin croeslin
10589CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▬ -namefilled rectangle petryal wedi’i lenwi
10590CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▬ –keywordsfilled | rectangle petryal | wedi’i lenwi
10591CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▭ -namehollow rectangle petryal gwag
10592CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▭ –keywordshollow | rectangle gwag | petryal
10593CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▮ -namefilled vertical rectangle petryal fertigol wedi’i lenwi
10594CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▮ –keywordsfilled | rectangle | vertical fertigol | petryal | wedi’i lenwi
10595CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▰ -namefilled parallelogram paralelogram wedi’i lenwi
10596CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▰ –keywordsfilled | parallelogram paralelogram | wedi’i lenwi
10597CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol△ -namehollow up-pointing triangle triongl i fyny gwag
10598CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol△ –keywordshollow | triangle | up-pointing triongl i fyny gwag
10599CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▴ -namefilled up-pointing small triangle triongl i fyny bach wedi’i lenwi
10600CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▴ –keywordsfilled | small | triangle | up-pointing triongl i fyny bach wedi’i lenwi
10601CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▵ -namehollow up-pointing small triangle triongl i fyny bach gwag
10602CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▵ –keywordshollow | small | triangle | up-pointing triongl i fyny bach gwag | triongl i fyny gwag
10603CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▸ -namefilled right-pointing small triangle triongl i’r dde bach wedi’i lenwi
10604CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▸ –keywordsfilled | right-pointing | small | triangle triongl i’r dde bach wedi’i lenwi
10605CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▹ -namehollow right-pointing small triangle triongl i’r dde bach gwag
10606CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▹ –keywordshollow | right-pointing | small | triangle triongl i’r dde bach gwag
10607CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol► -namefilled right-pointing pointer pwyntydd i’r dde wedi’i lenwi
10608CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol► –keywordsfilled | pointer | right-pointing pwyntydd i’r dde wedi’i lenwi
10609CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▻ -namehollow right-pointing pointer pwyntydd i’r dde gwag
10610CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▻ –keywordshollow | pointer | right-pointing pwyntydd i’r dde gwag
10611CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▽ -namehollow down-pointing triangle triongl i lawr gwag
10612CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▽ –keywordsdown-pointing | hollow | triangle triongl i lawr gwag
10613CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▾ -namefilled down-pointing small triangle triongl i lawr wedi’i lenwi
10614CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▾ –keywordsdown-pointing | filled | small | triangle triongl i lawr wedi’i lenwi
10615CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▿ -namehollow down-pointing small triangle triongl i lawr bach wedi’i lenwi
10616CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▿ –keywordsdown-pointing | hollow | small | triangle triongl i lawr bach wedi’i lenwi
10617CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◂ -namefilled left-pointing small triangle triongl i’r chwith bach wedi’i lenwi
10618CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◂ –keywordsfilled | left-pointing | small | triangle triongl i’r chwith bach wedi’i lenwi
10619CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◃ -namehollow left-pointing small triangle triongl i’r chwith bach pwyntio gwag
10620CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◃ –keywordshollow | left-pointing | small | triangle triongl i’r chwith bach pwyntio gwag
10621CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◄ -namefilled left-pointing pointer pwyntydd i’r chwith wedi’i lenwi
10622CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◄ –keywordsfilled | left-pointing | pointer pwyntydd i’r chwith wedi’i lenwi
10623CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◅ -namehollow left-pointing pointer pwyntydd gwag i’r chwith
10624CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◅ –keywordshollow | left-pointing | pointer pwyntydd gwag i’r chwith
10625CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◆ -namefilled diamond diemwnt wedi’i lenwi
10626CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◆ –keywordsdiamond | filled diemwnt wedi’i lenwi
10627CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◇ -namehollow diamond diemwnt gwag
10628CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◇ –keywordsdiamond | hollow diemwnt gwag
10629CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◈ -namehollow diamond containing filled diamond diemwnt gwag sy’n cynnwys diemwnt wedi’i lenwi
10630CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◈ –keywordscontaining | diamond | filled | hollow diemwnt gwag sy’n cynnwys diemwnt wedi’i lenwi
10631CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◉ -namehollow circle containing filled circle cylch gwag sy’n cynnwys cylch wedi’i lenwi
10632CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◉ –keywordscicles | circle | circled | concentric | containing | dot | filled | fisheye | hollow | ward cylch gwag sy’n cynnwys cylch wedi’i lenwi | cylchoedd consentrig wedi’u llenwi | dot cylchog | llygad pysgod | ward
10633CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◌ -namedotted circle cylch dotiog
10634CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◌ –keywordscircle | dotted cylch dotiog
10635CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◍ -namecircle with vertical fill cylch gyda llenwad fertigol
10636CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◍ –keywordscircle | fill | vertical | with cylch gyda llenwad fertigol
10637CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◎ -nameconcentric circles cylchoedd consentrig
10638CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◎ –keywordscircle | circles | concentric | double | target cylch dwbl | cylchoedd consentrig | targed
10639CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◐ -namecircle left half filled cylch hanner chwith wedi’i lenwi
10640CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◐ –keywordscircle | filled | half | left cylch hanner chwith wedi’i lenwi
10641CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◑ -namecircle right half filled cylch hanner dde wedi’i lenwi
10642CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◑ –keywordscircle | filled | half | right cylch hanner dde wedi’i lenwi
10643CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◒ -namecircle lower half filled cylch hanner isaf wedi’i lenwi
10644CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◒ –keywordscircle | filled | half | lower cylch hanner isaf wedi’i lenwi
10645CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◓ -namecircle upper half filled cylch hanner uchaf wedi’i lenwi
10646CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◓ –keywordscircle | filled | half | upper cylch hanner uchaf wedi’i lenwi
10647CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◔ -namecircle upper right quadrant filled cylch cwadrant dde uchaf wedi’i lenwi
10648CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◔ –keywordscircle | filled | quadrant | right | upper cylch cwadrant dde uchaf wedi’i lenwi
10649CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◕ -namecircle all but upper left quadrant filled cylch wedi’i lenwi heblaw am gwadrant chwith uchaf
10650CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◕ –keywordsall | but | circle | filled | left | quadrant | upper cylch wedi’i lenwi heblaw am gwadrant chwith uchaf
10651CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◖ -nameleft half filled circle hanner chwith cylch wedi’i lenwi
10652CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◖ –keywordscircle | filled | half | left hanner chwith cylch wedi’i lenwi
10653CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◗ -nameright half filled circle hanner chwith dde wedi’i lenwi
10654CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◗ –keywordscircle | filled | half | right hanner chwith cylch wedi’i lenwi | hanner chwith dde wedi’i lenwi
10655CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◘ -nameinverse bullet bwled gwrthdro
10656CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◘ –keywordsbullet | inverse bwled gwrthdro
10657CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◙ -namefilled square containing hollow circle sgwâr wedi’i lenwi sy’n cynnwys cylch gwag
10658CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◙ –keywordscircle | containing | filled | hollow | inverse | square cylch gwag gwrthdro | sgwâr wedi’i lenwi sy’n cynnwys cylch gwag
10659CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◜ -nameupper left quadrant circular arc arc crwn cwadrant chwith uchaf
10660CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◜ –keywordsarc | circular | left | quadrant | upper arc crwn cwadrant chwith uchaf
10661CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◝ -nameupper right quadrant circular arc arc crwn cwadrant dde uchaf
10662CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◝ –keywordsarc | circular | quadrant | right | upper arc crwn cwadrant dde uchaf
10663CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◞ -namelower right quadrant circular arc arc crwn cwadrant dde isaf
10664CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◞ –keywordsarc | circular | lower | quadrant | right arc crwn cwadrant dde isaf
10665CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◟ -namelower left quadrant circular arc arc crwn cwadrant chwith isaf
10666CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◟ –keywordsarc | circular | left | lower | quadrant arc crwn cwadrant chwith isaf
10667CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◠ -nameupper half circle hanner cylch uchaf
10668CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◠ –keywordscircle | half | upper hanner cylch uchaf
10669CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◡ -namelower half circle hanner cylch isaf
10670CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◡ –keywordscircle | half | lower hanner cylch isaf
10671CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◢ -namefilled lower right triangle triongl dde isaf wedi’i lenwi
10672CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◢ –keywordsfilled | lower | right | triangle triongl dde isaf wedi’i lenwi
10673CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◣ -namefilled lower left triangle triongl chwith isaf wedi’i lenwi
10674CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◣ –keywordsfilled | left | lower | triangle triongl chwith isaf wedi’i lenwi
10675CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◤ -namefilled upper left triangle triongl chwith uchaf wedi’i lenwi
10676CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◤ –keywordsfilled | left | triangle | upper triongl chwith uchaf wedi’i lenwi
10677CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◥ -namefilled upper right triangle triongl dde uchaf wedi’i lenwi
10678CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◥ –keywordsfilled | right | triangle | upper triongl dde uchaf wedi’i lenwi
10679CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◦ -namehollow bullet bwled gwag
10680CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◦ –keywordsbullet | hollow bwled gwag
10681CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◳ -namehollow square upper right quadrant cwadrant sgwâr uchaf gwag
10682CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◳ –keywordshollow | quadrant | right | square | upper cwadrant sgwâr uchaf gwag
10683CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◷ -namehollow circle with upper right quadrant cylch gwag gyda chwadrant dde uchaf
10684CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◷ –keywordscircle | hollow | quadrant | right | upper | with cylch gwag gyda chwadrant dde uchaf
10685CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol₢ -namecruzeiro crwseiro
10686CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol₢ –keywordsBRB | cruzeiro | currency arian cyfred | BRB | crwseiro
10687CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol₣ -namefrench franc ffranc Ffrengig
10688CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol₣ –keywordscurrency | franc | french arian cyfred | ffranc | ffranc Ffrengig
10689CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol₤ -name= lira
10690CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol₤ –keywordscurrency | lira arian cyfred | lira
10691CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol₰ -namegerman penny ceiniog yr Almaen
10692CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol₰ –keywordscurrency | german | penny | pfennig arian cyfred | ceiniog yr Almaen | pfennig
10693CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol₳ -nameaustral deheuol
10694CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol₳ –keywordsARA | austral | currency ARA | arian cyfred | deheuol
10695CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol₶ -namelivre tournois llyfr twrnamaint
10696CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol₶ –keywordscurrency | livre | tournois arian cyfred | llyfr twrnamaint
10697CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol₷ -name= spesmilo
10698CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol₷ –keywordscurrency | spesmilo arian cyfred | spesmilo
10699CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol₨ -namerupee rwpî
10700CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol₨ –keywordscurrency | rupee arian cyfred | rwpî
10701CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol﷼ -name= rial
10702CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol﷼ –keywordscurrency | rial arian cyfred | rial
10703CharactersOther Symbolsalphanum℗ -namesound recording copyright hawlfraint recordio sain
10704CharactersOther Symbolsalphanum℗ –keywordscopyright | recording | sound hawlfraint | recordio | sain
10705CharactersOther Symbolsalphanumµ -namemicro sign arwydd micro
10706CharactersOther Symbolsalphanumµ –keywordsmeasure | micro | sign arwydd micro | mesur
10707CharactersOther Symbolsgeometric▼ -namefilled down-pointing triangle triongl wedi’i lenwi yn pwyntio i lawr
10708CharactersOther Symbolsgeometric▼ –keywordsarrow | down | down-pointing | filled | triangle i lawr | saeth | triongl | triongl wedi’i lenwi yn pwyntio i lawr | wedi’i lenwi
10709CharactersOther Symbolsgeometric▲ -namefilled up-pointing triangle triongl wedi’i lenwi yn pwyntio i fyny
10710CharactersOther Symbolsgeometric▲ –keywordsarrow | filled | triangle | up | up-pointing i fyny | saeth | triongl | triongl wedi’i lenwi yn pwyntio i fyny | wedi’i lenwi
10711CharactersOther Symbolsgeometric● -namefilled circle cylch wedi’i lenwi
10712CharactersOther Symbolsgeometric● –keywordscircle | filled cylch | cylch wedi’i lenwi
10713CharactersOther Symbolsgeometric○ -namehollow circle cylch gwag
10714CharactersOther Symbolsgeometric○ –keywordscircle | hollow | ring cylch | cylch gwag | cylchyn
10715CharactersOther Symbolsgeometric◯ -namelarge hollow circle cylch gwag mawr
10716CharactersOther Symbolsgeometric◯ –keywordscircle | hollow | large | ring cylch | cylch gwag mawr | cylchyn
10717CharactersOther Symbolsgeometric◊ -namelozenge losen
10718CharactersOther Symbolsgeometric◊ –keywordsdiamond | lozenge | rhombus diemwnt | losen | rhombws
10719CharactersFlagsflag🏁 -namechequered flag baner frith
10720CharactersFlagsflag🏁 –keywordscheckered | chequered | finish | flag | flags | game | race | racing | sport | win baner frith | frith | rasio | sgwariog
10721CharactersFlagsflag🚩 -nametriangular flag baner drionglog
10722CharactersFlagsflag🚩 –keywordsconstruction | flag | golf | post | triangular baner drionglog | post
10723CharactersFlagsflag🎌 -namecrossed flags baneri wedi croesi
10724CharactersFlagsflag🎌 –keywordscelebration | cross | crossed | flags | Japanese baneri wedi croesi | croes | dathliad | Japaneaidd | wedi croesi
10725CharactersFlagsflag🏴 -nameblack flag chwifio baner ddu
10726CharactersFlagsflag🏴 –keywordsblack | flag | waving chwifio | chwifio baner ddu
10727CharactersFlagsflag🏳 -namewhite flag chwifio baner wen
10728CharactersFlagsflag🏳 –keywordsflag | waving | white chwifio | chwifio baner wen
10729CharactersFlagsflag🏳‍🌈 -namerainbow flag baner enfys
10730CharactersFlagsflag🏳‍🌈 –keywordsbisexual | flag | gay | genderqueer | glbt | glbtq | lesbian | lgbt | lgbtq | lgbtqia | pride | queer | rainbow | trans | transgender baner | enfys | pride
10731CharactersFlagsflag🏳‍⚧ -nametransgender flag baner las, pinc a gwyn
10732CharactersFlagsflag🏳‍⚧ –keywordsblue | flag | light | pink | transgender | white baner | baner las | baner las, pinc a gwyn | pinc a gwyn | trawsryweddol
10733CharactersFlagsflag🏴‍☠ -namepirate flag baner môr-leidr
10734CharactersFlagsflag🏴‍☠ –keywordsflag | Jolly | pirate | plunder | Roger | treasure baner môr-leidr | Jolly Roger | môr-leidr | trysor | ysbeilio
10735CharactersComponentskin-tone🏻 -namelight skin tone arlliw croen golau
10736CharactersComponentskin-tone🏻 –keywords1–2 | light | skin | tone | type arlliw croen golau | lliw croen | math 1–2
10737CharactersComponentskin-tone🏼 -namemedium-light skin tone arlliw croen canolig-golau
10738CharactersComponentskin-tone🏼 –keywords3 | medium-light | skin | tone | type arlliw croen canolig-golau | lliw croen | math 3
10739CharactersComponentskin-tone🏽 -namemedium skin tone arlliw croen canolog
10740CharactersComponentskin-tone🏽 –keywords4 | medium | skin | tone | type arlliw croen canolog | lliw croen | math 4
10741CharactersComponentskin-tone🏾 -namemedium-dark skin tone arlliw croen canolig-tywyll
10742CharactersComponentskin-tone🏾 –keywords5 | medium-dark | skin | tone | type arlliw croen canolig-tywyll | lliw croen | math 5
10743CharactersComponentskin-tone🏿 -namedark skin tone arlliw croen tywyll
10744CharactersComponentskin-tone🏿 –keywords6 | dark | skin | tone | type arlliw croen tywyll | lliw croen | math 6
10745CharactersComponenthair-style🦰 -namered hair gwallt coch
10746CharactersComponenthair-style🦰 –keywordsginger | hair | red | redhead gwallt coch | melyngoch | pen coch
10747CharactersComponenthair-style🦱 -namecurly hair gwallt cyrliog
10748CharactersComponenthair-style🦱 –keywordsafro | curly | hair | ringlets afro | cudynnau | cyrliog | gwallt cyrliog
10749CharactersComponenthair-style🦳 -namewhite hair gwallt gwyn
10750CharactersComponenthair-style🦳 –keywordsgray | hair | old | white gwallt | gwyn | hen | llwyd
10751CharactersComponenthair-style🦲 -namebald moel
10752CharactersComponenthair-style🦲 –keywordsbald | chemotherapy | hair | hairless | no | shaven cemotherapi | dim gwallt | gwallt | moel | wedi eillio
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10844MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsNameOrder for LocalesgivenFirstund en und cy
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10855MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsSampleName Fields for Item: nativeGGSgiven= Mary Sue
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10860MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsSampleName Fields for Item: nativeFulltitle= Mr.
10861MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsSampleName Fields for Item: nativeFullgiven= Bertram Wilberforce
10862MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsSampleName Fields for Item: nativeFullgiven-informal= Bertie
10863MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsSampleName Fields for Item: nativeFullgiven2= Henry Robert
10864MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsSampleName Fields for Item: nativeFullsurname-prefix= ∅∅∅
10865MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsSampleName Fields for Item: nativeFullsurname-core= Wooster
10866MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsSampleName Fields for Item: nativeFullsurname2= ∅∅∅
10867MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsSampleName Fields for Item: foreignGgiven= Sinbad
10868MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsSampleName Fields for Item: foreignGSgiven= Käthe
10869MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsSampleName Fields for Item: foreignGSsurname= Müller
10870MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsSampleName Fields for Item: foreignGGSgiven= Zäzilia
10871MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsSampleName Fields for Item: foreignGGSgiven2= Hamish
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10876MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsSampleName Fields for Item: foreignFullgiven= Ada Cornelia
10877MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsSampleName Fields for Item: foreignFullgiven-informal= Neele
10878MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsSampleName Fields for Item: foreignFullgiven2César Martín Eva Sophia
10879MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsSampleName Fields for Item: foreignFullsurname-prefix= von
10880MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsSampleName Fields for Item: foreignFullsurname-coreBrühl Wolf
10881MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsSampleName Fields for Item: foreignFullsurname2= González Domingo
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10883MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsPersonName Main Patterns for Order: givenFirstlong-addressing-formal= {title} {surname}
10884MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsPersonName Main Patterns for Order: givenFirstlong-referring-informal= {given-informal} {surname}
10885MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsPersonName Main Patterns for Order: givenFirstlong-addressing-informal= {given-informal}
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10890MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsPersonName Main Patterns for Order: givenFirstshort-referring-formal{given-initial}{given2-initial} {surname} {given-initial} {given2-initial} {surname}
10891MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsPersonName Main Patterns for Order: givenFirstshort-addressing-formal= {title} {surname}
10892MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsPersonName Main Patterns for Order: givenFirstshort-referring-informal= {given-informal} {surname-initial}
10893MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsPersonName Main Patterns for Order: givenFirstshort-addressing-informal= {given-informal}
10894MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsPersonName Main Patterns for Order: surnameFirstlong-referring-formal{surname} {title} {given} {given2} {generation}, {credentials} {surname} {given} {given2} {credentials}
10895MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsPersonName Main Patterns for Order: surnameFirstlong-addressing-formal= {title} {surname}
10896MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsPersonName Main Patterns for Order: surnameFirstlong-referring-informal= {surname} {given-informal}
10897MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsPersonName Main Patterns for Order: surnameFirstlong-addressing-informal= {given-informal}
10898MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsPersonName Main Patterns for Order: surnameFirstmedium-referring-formal{surname} {given} {given2-initial} {generation}, {credentials} {surname} {given} {given2-initial} {credentials}
10899MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsPersonName Main Patterns for Order: surnameFirstmedium-addressing-formal= {title} {surname}
10900MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsPersonName Main Patterns for Order: surnameFirstmedium-referring-informal= {surname} {given-informal}
10901MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsPersonName Main Patterns for Order: surnameFirstmedium-addressing-informal= {given-informal}
10902MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsPersonName Main Patterns for Order: surnameFirstshort-referring-formal{surname} {given-initial}{given2-initial} {surname} {given-initial} {given2-initial}
10903MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsPersonName Main Patterns for Order: surnameFirstshort-addressing-formal= {title} {surname}
10904MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsPersonName Main Patterns for Order: surnameFirstshort-referring-informal= {surname} {given-initial}
10905MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsPersonName Main Patterns for Order: surnameFirstshort-addressing-informal= {given-informal}
10906MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsPersonName Sorting Patterns (Usage: referring)long-formal= {surname-core}, {given} {given2} {surname-prefix}
10907MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsPersonName Sorting Patterns (Usage: referring)long-informal= {surname}, {given-informal}
10908MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsPersonName Sorting Patterns (Usage: referring)medium-formal= {surname-core}, {given} {given2-initial} {surname-prefix}
10909MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsPersonName Sorting Patterns (Usage: referring)medium-informal= {surname}, {given-informal}
10910MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsPersonName Sorting Patterns (Usage: referring)short-formal{surname-core}, {given-initial}{given2-initial} {surname-prefix} {surname-core}, {given-initial} {given2-initial} {surname-prefix}
10911MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsPersonName Sorting Patterns (Usage: referring)short-informal= {surname}, {given-informal}
10912MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsPersonName Monogram Patterns for Order: givenFirstlong-formal= {given-monogram-allCaps}{given2-monogram-allCaps}{surname-monogram-allCaps}
10913MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsPersonName Monogram Patterns for Order: givenFirstlong-informal= {given-informal-monogram-allCaps}{surname-monogram-allCaps}
10914MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsPersonName Monogram Patterns for Order: givenFirstmedium-formal= {surname-monogram-allCaps}
10915MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsPersonName Monogram Patterns for Order: givenFirstmedium-informal= {given-informal-monogram-allCaps}
10916MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsPersonName Monogram Patterns for Order: givenFirstshort-formal= {surname-monogram-allCaps}
10917MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsPersonName Monogram Patterns for Order: givenFirstshort-informal= {given-informal-monogram-allCaps}
10918MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsPersonName Monogram Patterns for Order: surnameFirstlong-formal= {surname-monogram-allCaps}{given-monogram-allCaps}{given2-monogram-allCaps}
10919MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsPersonName Monogram Patterns for Order: surnameFirstlong-informal= {surname-monogram-allCaps}{given-informal-monogram-allCaps}
10920MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsPersonName Monogram Patterns for Order: surnameFirstmedium-formal= {surname-monogram-allCaps}
10921MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsPersonName Monogram Patterns for Order: surnameFirstmedium-informal= {given-informal-monogram-allCaps}
10922MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsPersonName Monogram Patterns for Order: surnameFirstshort-formal= {surname-monogram-allCaps}
10923MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsPersonName Monogram Patterns for Order: surnameFirstshort-informal= {given-informal-monogram-allCaps}

Aliased items: 31617
Inherited items:2510
Omitted items:1352

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