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[가 각 갂 갃 간 갅 갆 갇 갈 갉 갊 갋 갌 갍 갎 갏 감 갑 값 갓 갔 강 갖 갗 갘 같 갚 갛 개 객 갞 갟 갠 갡 갢 갣 갤 갥 갦 갧 갨 갩 갪 갫 갬 갭 갮 갯 갰 갱 갲 갳 갴 갵 갶 갷 갸 갹 갺 갻 갼 갽 갾 갿 걀 걁 걂 걃 걄 걅 걆 걇 걈 걉 걊 걋 걌 걍 걎 걏 걐 걑 걒 걓 걔 걕 걖 걗 걘 걙 걚 걛 걜 걝 걞 걟 걠 걡 걢 걣 걤 걥 걦 걧 걨 걩 걪 걫 걬 걭 걮 걯 거 걱 걲 걳 건 걵 걶 걷 걸 걹 걺 걻 걼 걽 걾 걿 검 겁 겂 것 겄 겅 겆 겇 겈 겉 겊 겋 게 겍 겎 겏 겐 겑 겒 겓 겔 겕 겖 겗 겘 겙 겚 겛 겜 겝 겞 겟 겠 겡 겢 겣 겤 겥 겦 겧 겨 격 겪 겫 견 겭 겮 겯 결 겱 겲 겳 겴 겵 겶 겷 겸 겹 겺 겻 겼 경 겾 겿 곀 곁 곂 곃 계 곅 곆 곇 곈 곉 곊 곋 곌 곍 곎 곏 곐 곑 곒 곓 곔 곕 곖 곗 곘 곙 곚 곛 곜 곝 곞 곟 고 곡 곢 곣 곤 곥 곦 곧 골 곩 곪 곫 곬 곭 곮 곯 곰 곱 곲 곳 곴 공 곶 곷 곸 곹 곺 곻 과 곽 곾 곿 관 괁 괂 괃 괄 괅 괆 괇 괈 괉 괊 괋 괌 괍 괎 괏 괐 광 괒 괓 괔 괕 괖 괗 괘 괙 괚 괛 괜 괝 괞 괟 괠 괡 괢 괣 괤 괥 괦 괧 괨 괩 괪 괫 괬 괭 괮 괯 괰 괱 괲 괳 괴 괵 괶 괷 괸 괹 괺 괻 괼 괽 괾 괿 굀 굁 굂 굃 굄 굅 굆 굇 굈 굉 굊 굋 굌 굍 굎 굏 교 굑 굒 굓 굔 굕 굖 굗 굘 굙 굚 굛 굜 굝 굞 굟 굠 굡 굢 굣 굤 굥 굦 굧 굨 굩 굪 굫 구 국 굮 굯 군 굱 굲 굳 굴 굵 굶 굷 굸 굹 굺 굻 굼 굽 굾 굿 궀 궁 궂 궃 궄 궅 궆 궇 궈 궉 궊 궋 권 궍 궎 궏 궐 궑 궒 궓 궔 궕 궖 궗 궘 궙 궚 궛 궜 궝 궞 궟 궠 궡 궢 궣 궤 궥 궦 궧 궨 궩 궪 궫 궬 궭 궮 궯 궰 궱 궲 궳 궴 궵 궶 궷 궸 궹 궺 궻 궼 궽 궾 궿 귀 귁 귂 귃 귄 귅 귆 귇 귈 귉 귊 귋 귌 귍 귎 귏 귐 귑 귒 귓 귔 귕 귖 귗 귘 귙 귚 귛 규 귝 귞 귟 균 귡 귢 귣 귤 귥 귦 귧 귨 귩 귪 귫 귬 귭 귮 귯 귰 귱 귲 귳 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랸 랹 랺 랻 랼 랽 랾 랿 럀 럁 럂 럃 럄 럅 럆 럇 럈 량 럊 럋 럌 럍 럎 럏 럐 럑 럒 럓 럔 럕 럖 럗 럘 럙 럚 럛 럜 럝 럞 럟 럠 럡 럢 럣 럤 럥 럦 럧 럨 럩 럪 럫 러 럭 럮 럯 런 럱 럲 럳 럴 럵 럶 럷 럸 럹 럺 럻 럼 럽 럾 럿 렀 렁 렂 렃 렄 렅 렆 렇 레 렉 렊 렋 렌 렍 렎 렏 렐 렑 렒 렓 렔 렕 렖 렗 렘 렙 렚 렛 렜 렝 렞 렟 렠 렡 렢 렣 려 력 렦 렧 련 렩 렪 렫 렬 렭 렮 렯 렰 렱 렲 렳 렴 렵 렶 렷 렸 령 렺 렻 렼 렽 렾 렿 례 롁 롂 롃 롄 롅 롆 롇 롈 롉 롊 롋 롌 롍 롎 롏 롐 롑 롒 롓 롔 롕 롖 롗 롘 롙 롚 롛 로 록 롞 롟 론 롡 롢 롣 롤 롥 롦 롧 롨 롩 롪 롫 롬 롭 롮 롯 롰 롱 롲 롳 롴 롵 롶 롷 롸 롹 롺 롻 롼 롽 롾 롿 뢀 뢁 뢂 뢃 뢄 뢅 뢆 뢇 뢈 뢉 뢊 뢋 뢌 뢍 뢎 뢏 뢐 뢑 뢒 뢓 뢔 뢕 뢖 뢗 뢘 뢙 뢚 뢛 뢜 뢝 뢞 뢟 뢠 뢡 뢢 뢣 뢤 뢥 뢦 뢧 뢨 뢩 뢪 뢫 뢬 뢭 뢮 뢯 뢰 뢱 뢲 뢳 뢴 뢵 뢶 뢷 뢸 뢹 뢺 뢻 뢼 뢽 뢾 뢿 룀 룁 룂 룃 룄 룅 룆 룇 룈 룉 룊 룋 료 룍 룎 룏 룐 룑 룒 룓 룔 룕 룖 룗 룘 룙 룚 룛 룜 룝 룞 룟 룠 룡 룢 룣 룤 룥 룦 룧 루 룩 룪 룫 룬 룭 룮 룯 룰 룱 룲 룳 룴 룵 룶 룷 룸 룹 룺 룻 룼 룽 룾 룿 뤀 뤁 뤂 뤃 뤄 뤅 뤆 뤇 뤈 뤉 뤊 뤋 뤌 뤍 뤎 뤏 뤐 뤑 뤒 뤓 뤔 뤕 뤖 뤗 뤘 뤙 뤚 뤛 뤜 뤝 뤞 뤟 뤠 뤡 뤢 뤣 뤤 뤥 뤦 뤧 뤨 뤩 뤪 뤫 뤬 뤭 뤮 뤯 뤰 뤱 뤲 뤳 뤴 뤵 뤶 뤷 뤸 뤹 뤺 뤻 뤼 뤽 뤾 뤿 륀 륁 륂 륃 륄 륅 륆 륇 륈 륉 륊 륋 륌 륍 륎 륏 륐 륑 륒 륓 륔 륕 륖 륗 류 륙 륚 륛 륜 륝 륞 륟 률 륡 륢 륣 륤 륥 륦 륧 륨 륩 륪 륫 륬 륭 륮 륯 륰 륱 륲 륳 르 륵 륶 륷 른 륹 륺 륻 를 륽 륾 륿 릀 릁 릂 릃 름 릅 릆 릇 릈 릉 릊 릋 릌 릍 릎 릏 릐 릑 릒 릓 릔 릕 릖 릗 릘 릙 릚 릛 릜 릝 릞 릟 릠 릡 릢 릣 릤 릥 릦 릧 릨 릩 릪 릫 리 릭 릮 릯 린 릱 릲 릳 릴 릵 릶 릷 릸 릹 릺 릻 림 립 릾 릿 맀 링 맂 맃 맄 맅 맆 맇 마 막 맊 맋 만 맍 많 맏 말 맑 맒 맓 맔 맕 맖 맗 맘 맙 맚 맛 맜 망 맞 맟 맠 맡 맢 맣 매 맥 맦 맧 맨 맩 맪 맫 맬 맭 맮 맯 맰 맱 맲 맳 맴 맵 맶 맷 맸 맹 맺 맻 맼 맽 맾 맿 먀 먁 먂 먃 먄 먅 먆 먇 먈 먉 먊 먋 먌 먍 먎 먏 먐 먑 먒 먓 먔 먕 먖 먗 먘 먙 먚 먛 먜 먝 먞 먟 먠 먡 먢 먣 먤 먥 먦 먧 먨 먩 먪 먫 먬 먭 먮 먯 먰 먱 먲 먳 먴 먵 먶 먷 머 먹 먺 먻 먼 먽 먾 먿 멀 멁 멂 멃 멄 멅 멆 멇 멈 멉 멊 멋 멌 멍 멎 멏 멐 멑 멒 멓 메 멕 멖 멗 멘 멙 멚 멛 멜 멝 멞 멟 멠 멡 멢 멣 멤 멥 멦 멧 멨 멩 멪 멫 멬 멭 멮 멯 며 멱 멲 멳 면 멵 멶 멷 멸 멹 멺 멻 멼 멽 멾 멿 몀 몁 몂 몃 몄 명 몆 몇 몈 몉 몊 몋 몌 몍 몎 몏 몐 몑 몒 몓 몔 몕 몖 몗 몘 몙 몚 몛 몜 몝 몞 몟 몠 몡 몢 몣 몤 몥 몦 몧 모 목 몪 몫 몬 몭 몮 몯 몰 몱 몲 몳 몴 몵 몶 몷 몸 몹 몺 못 몼 몽 몾 몿 뫀 뫁 뫂 뫃 뫄 뫅 뫆 뫇 뫈 뫉 뫊 뫋 뫌 뫍 뫎 뫏 뫐 뫑 뫒 뫓 뫔 뫕 뫖 뫗 뫘 뫙 뫚 뫛 뫜 뫝 뫞 뫟 뫠 뫡 뫢 뫣 뫤 뫥 뫦 뫧 뫨 뫩 뫪 뫫 뫬 뫭 뫮 뫯 뫰 뫱 뫲 뫳 뫴 뫵 뫶 뫷 뫸 뫹 뫺 뫻 뫼 뫽 뫾 뫿 묀 묁 묂 묃 묄 묅 묆 묇 묈 묉 묊 묋 묌 묍 묎 묏 묐 묑 묒 묓 묔 묕 묖 묗 묘 묙 묚 묛 묜 묝 묞 묟 묠 묡 묢 묣 묤 묥 묦 묧 묨 묩 묪 묫 묬 묭 묮 묯 묰 묱 묲 묳 무 묵 묶 묷 문 묹 묺 묻 물 묽 묾 묿 뭀 뭁 뭂 뭃 뭄 뭅 뭆 뭇 뭈 뭉 뭊 뭋 뭌 뭍 뭎 뭏 뭐 뭑 뭒 뭓 뭔 뭕 뭖 뭗 뭘 뭙 뭚 뭛 뭜 뭝 뭞 뭟 뭠 뭡 뭢 뭣 뭤 뭥 뭦 뭧 뭨 뭩 뭪 뭫 뭬 뭭 뭮 뭯 뭰 뭱 뭲 뭳 뭴 뭵 뭶 뭷 뭸 뭹 뭺 뭻 뭼 뭽 뭾 뭿 뮀 뮁 뮂 뮃 뮄 뮅 뮆 뮇 뮈 뮉 뮊 뮋 뮌 뮍 뮎 뮏 뮐 뮑 뮒 뮓 뮔 뮕 뮖 뮗 뮘 뮙 뮚 뮛 뮜 뮝 뮞 뮟 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붔 붕 붖 붗 붘 붙 붚 붛 붜 붝 붞 붟 붠 붡 붢 붣 붤 붥 붦 붧 붨 붩 붪 붫 붬 붭 붮 붯 붰 붱 붲 붳 붴 붵 붶 붷 붸 붹 붺 붻 붼 붽 붾 붿 뷀 뷁 뷂 뷃 뷄 뷅 뷆 뷇 뷈 뷉 뷊 뷋 뷌 뷍 뷎 뷏 뷐 뷑 뷒 뷓 뷔 뷕 뷖 뷗 뷘 뷙 뷚 뷛 뷜 뷝 뷞 뷟 뷠 뷡 뷢 뷣 뷤 뷥 뷦 뷧 뷨 뷩 뷪 뷫 뷬 뷭 뷮 뷯 뷰 뷱 뷲 뷳 뷴 뷵 뷶 뷷 뷸 뷹 뷺 뷻 뷼 뷽 뷾 뷿 븀 븁 븂 븃 븄 븅 븆 븇 븈 븉 븊 븋 브 븍 븎 븏 븐 븑 븒 븓 블 븕 븖 븗 븘 븙 븚 븛 븜 븝 븞 븟 븠 븡 븢 븣 븤 븥 븦 븧 븨 븩 븪 븫 븬 븭 븮 븯 븰 븱 븲 븳 븴 븵 븶 븷 븸 븹 븺 븻 븼 븽 븾 븿 빀 빁 빂 빃 비 빅 빆 빇 빈 빉 빊 빋 빌 빍 빎 빏 빐 빑 빒 빓 빔 빕 빖 빗 빘 빙 빚 빛 빜 빝 빞 빟 빠 빡 빢 빣 빤 빥 빦 빧 빨 빩 빪 빫 빬 빭 빮 빯 빰 빱 빲 빳 빴 빵 빶 빷 빸 빹 빺 빻 빼 빽 빾 빿 뺀 뺁 뺂 뺃 뺄 뺅 뺆 뺇 뺈 뺉 뺊 뺋 뺌 뺍 뺎 뺏 뺐 뺑 뺒 뺓 뺔 뺕 뺖 뺗 뺘 뺙 뺚 뺛 뺜 뺝 뺞 뺟 뺠 뺡 뺢 뺣 뺤 뺥 뺦 뺧 뺨 뺩 뺪 뺫 뺬 뺭 뺮 뺯 뺰 뺱 뺲 뺳 뺴 뺵 뺶 뺷 뺸 뺹 뺺 뺻 뺼 뺽 뺾 뺿 뻀 뻁 뻂 뻃 뻄 뻅 뻆 뻇 뻈 뻉 뻊 뻋 뻌 뻍 뻎 뻏 뻐 뻑 뻒 뻓 뻔 뻕 뻖 뻗 뻘 뻙 뻚 뻛 뻜 뻝 뻞 뻟 뻠 뻡 뻢 뻣 뻤 뻥 뻦 뻧 뻨 뻩 뻪 뻫 뻬 뻭 뻮 뻯 뻰 뻱 뻲 뻳 뻴 뻵 뻶 뻷 뻸 뻹 뻺 뻻 뻼 뻽 뻾 뻿 뼀 뼁 뼂 뼃 뼄 뼅 뼆 뼇 뼈 뼉 뼊 뼋 뼌 뼍 뼎 뼏 뼐 뼑 뼒 뼓 뼔 뼕 뼖 뼗 뼘 뼙 뼚 뼛 뼜 뼝 뼞 뼟 뼠 뼡 뼢 뼣 뼤 뼥 뼦 뼧 뼨 뼩 뼪 뼫 뼬 뼭 뼮 뼯 뼰 뼱 뼲 뼳 뼴 뼵 뼶 뼷 뼸 뼹 뼺 뼻 뼼 뼽 뼾 뼿 뽀 뽁 뽂 뽃 뽄 뽅 뽆 뽇 뽈 뽉 뽊 뽋 뽌 뽍 뽎 뽏 뽐 뽑 뽒 뽓 뽔 뽕 뽖 뽗 뽘 뽙 뽚 뽛 뽜 뽝 뽞 뽟 뽠 뽡 뽢 뽣 뽤 뽥 뽦 뽧 뽨 뽩 뽪 뽫 뽬 뽭 뽮 뽯 뽰 뽱 뽲 뽳 뽴 뽵 뽶 뽷 뽸 뽹 뽺 뽻 뽼 뽽 뽾 뽿 뾀 뾁 뾂 뾃 뾄 뾅 뾆 뾇 뾈 뾉 뾊 뾋 뾌 뾍 뾎 뾏 뾐 뾑 뾒 뾓 뾔 뾕 뾖 뾗 뾘 뾙 뾚 뾛 뾜 뾝 뾞 뾟 뾠 뾡 뾢 뾣 뾤 뾥 뾦 뾧 뾨 뾩 뾪 뾫 뾬 뾭 뾮 뾯 뾰 뾱 뾲 뾳 뾴 뾵 뾶 뾷 뾸 뾹 뾺 뾻 뾼 뾽 뾾 뾿 뿀 뿁 뿂 뿃 뿄 뿅 뿆 뿇 뿈 뿉 뿊 뿋 뿌 뿍 뿎 뿏 뿐 뿑 뿒 뿓 뿔 뿕 뿖 뿗 뿘 뿙 뿚 뿛 뿜 뿝 뿞 뿟 뿠 뿡 뿢 뿣 뿤 뿥 뿦 뿧 뿨 뿩 뿪 뿫 뿬 뿭 뿮 뿯 뿰 뿱 뿲 뿳 뿴 뿵 뿶 뿷 뿸 뿹 뿺 뿻 뿼 뿽 뿾 뿿 쀀 쀁 쀂 쀃 쀄 쀅 쀆 쀇 쀈 쀉 쀊 쀋 쀌 쀍 쀎 쀏 쀐 쀑 쀒 쀓 쀔 쀕 쀖 쀗 쀘 쀙 쀚 쀛 쀜 쀝 쀞 쀟 쀠 쀡 쀢 쀣 쀤 쀥 쀦 쀧 쀨 쀩 쀪 쀫 쀬 쀭 쀮 쀯 쀰 쀱 쀲 쀳 쀴 쀵 쀶 쀷 쀸 쀹 쀺 쀻 쀼 쀽 쀾 쀿 쁀 쁁 쁂 쁃 쁄 쁅 쁆 쁇 쁈 쁉 쁊 쁋 쁌 쁍 쁎 쁏 쁐 쁑 쁒 쁓 쁔 쁕 쁖 쁗 쁘 쁙 쁚 쁛 쁜 쁝 쁞 쁟 쁠 쁡 쁢 쁣 쁤 쁥 쁦 쁧 쁨 쁩 쁪 쁫 쁬 쁭 쁮 쁯 쁰 쁱 쁲 쁳 쁴 쁵 쁶 쁷 쁸 쁹 쁺 쁻 쁼 쁽 쁾 쁿 삀 삁 삂 삃 삄 삅 삆 삇 삈 삉 삊 삋 삌 삍 삎 삏 삐 삑 삒 삓 삔 삕 삖 삗 삘 삙 삚 삛 삜 삝 삞 삟 삠 삡 삢 삣 삤 삥 삦 삧 삨 삩 삪 삫 사 삭 삮 삯 산 삱 삲 삳 살 삵 삶 삷 삸 삹 삺 삻 삼 삽 삾 삿 샀 상 샂 샃 샄 샅 샆 샇 새 색 샊 샋 샌 샍 샎 샏 샐 샑 샒 샓 샔 샕 샖 샗 샘 샙 샚 샛 샜 생 샞 샟 샠 샡 샢 샣 샤 샥 샦 샧 샨 샩 샪 샫 샬 샭 샮 샯 샰 샱 샲 샳 샴 샵 샶 샷 샸 샹 샺 샻 샼 샽 샾 샿 섀 섁 섂 섃 섄 섅 섆 섇 섈 섉 섊 섋 섌 섍 섎 섏 섐 섑 섒 섓 섔 섕 섖 섗 섘 섙 섚 섛 서 석 섞 섟 선 섡 섢 섣 설 섥 섦 섧 섨 섩 섪 섫 섬 섭 섮 섯 섰 성 섲 섳 섴 섵 섶 섷 세 섹 섺 섻 센 섽 섾 섿 셀 셁 셂 셃 셄 셅 셆 셇 셈 셉 셊 셋 셌 셍 셎 셏 셐 셑 셒 셓 셔 셕 셖 셗 션 셙 셚 셛 셜 셝 셞 셟 셠 셡 셢 셣 셤 셥 셦 셧 셨 셩 셪 셫 셬 셭 셮 셯 셰 셱 셲 셳 셴 셵 셶 셷 셸 셹 셺 셻 셼 셽 셾 셿 솀 솁 솂 솃 솄 솅 솆 솇 솈 솉 솊 솋 소 속 솎 솏 손 솑 솒 솓 솔 솕 솖 솗 솘 솙 솚 솛 솜 솝 솞 솟 솠 송 솢 솣 솤 솥 솦 솧 솨 솩 솪 솫 솬 솭 솮 솯 솰 솱 솲 솳 솴 솵 솶 솷 솸 솹 솺 솻 솼 솽 솾 솿 쇀 쇁 쇂 쇃 쇄 쇅 쇆 쇇 쇈 쇉 쇊 쇋 쇌 쇍 쇎 쇏 쇐 쇑 쇒 쇓 쇔 쇕 쇖 쇗 쇘 쇙 쇚 쇛 쇜 쇝 쇞 쇟 쇠 쇡 쇢 쇣 쇤 쇥 쇦 쇧 쇨 쇩 쇪 쇫 쇬 쇭 쇮 쇯 쇰 쇱 쇲 쇳 쇴 쇵 쇶 쇷 쇸 쇹 쇺 쇻 쇼 쇽 쇾 쇿 숀 숁 숂 숃 숄 숅 숆 숇 숈 숉 숊 숋 숌 숍 숎 숏 숐 숑 숒 숓 숔 숕 숖 숗 수 숙 숚 숛 순 숝 숞 숟 술 숡 숢 숣 숤 숥 숦 숧 숨 숩 숪 숫 숬 숭 숮 숯 숰 숱 숲 숳 숴 숵 숶 숷 숸 숹 숺 숻 숼 숽 숾 숿 쉀 쉁 쉂 쉃 쉄 쉅 쉆 쉇 쉈 쉉 쉊 쉋 쉌 쉍 쉎 쉏 쉐 쉑 쉒 쉓 쉔 쉕 쉖 쉗 쉘 쉙 쉚 쉛 쉜 쉝 쉞 쉟 쉠 쉡 쉢 쉣 쉤 쉥 쉦 쉧 쉨 쉩 쉪 쉫 쉬 쉭 쉮 쉯 쉰 쉱 쉲 쉳 쉴 쉵 쉶 쉷 쉸 쉹 쉺 쉻 쉼 쉽 쉾 쉿 슀 슁 슂 슃 슄 슅 슆 슇 슈 슉 슊 슋 슌 슍 슎 슏 슐 슑 슒 슓 슔 슕 슖 슗 슘 슙 슚 슛 슜 슝 슞 슟 슠 슡 슢 슣 스 슥 슦 슧 슨 슩 슪 슫 슬 슭 슮 슯 슰 슱 슲 슳 슴 습 슶 슷 슸 승 슺 슻 슼 슽 슾 슿 싀 싁 싂 싃 싄 싅 싆 싇 싈 싉 싊 싋 싌 싍 싎 싏 싐 싑 싒 싓 싔 싕 싖 싗 싘 싙 싚 싛 시 식 싞 싟 신 싡 싢 싣 실 싥 싦 싧 싨 싩 싪 싫 심 십 싮 싯 싰 싱 싲 싳 싴 싵 싶 싷 싸 싹 싺 싻 싼 싽 싾 싿 쌀 쌁 쌂 쌃 쌄 쌅 쌆 쌇 쌈 쌉 쌊 쌋 쌌 쌍 쌎 쌏 쌐 쌑 쌒 쌓 쌔 쌕 쌖 쌗 쌘 쌙 쌚 쌛 쌜 쌝 쌞 쌟 쌠 쌡 쌢 쌣 쌤 쌥 쌦 쌧 쌨 쌩 쌪 쌫 쌬 쌭 쌮 쌯 쌰 쌱 쌲 쌳 쌴 쌵 쌶 쌷 쌸 쌹 쌺 쌻 쌼 쌽 쌾 쌿 썀 썁 썂 썃 썄 썅 썆 썇 썈 썉 썊 썋 썌 썍 썎 썏 썐 썑 썒 썓 썔 썕 썖 썗 썘 썙 썚 썛 썜 썝 썞 썟 썠 썡 썢 썣 썤 썥 썦 썧 써 썩 썪 썫 썬 썭 썮 썯 썰 썱 썲 썳 썴 썵 썶 썷 썸 썹 썺 썻 썼 썽 썾 썿 쎀 쎁 쎂 쎃 쎄 쎅 쎆 쎇 쎈 쎉 쎊 쎋 쎌 쎍 쎎 쎏 쎐 쎑 쎒 쎓 쎔 쎕 쎖 쎗 쎘 쎙 쎚 쎛 쎜 쎝 쎞 쎟 쎠 쎡 쎢 쎣 쎤 쎥 쎦 쎧 쎨 쎩 쎪 쎫 쎬 쎭 쎮 쎯 쎰 쎱 쎲 쎳 쎴 쎵 쎶 쎷 쎸 쎹 쎺 쎻 쎼 쎽 쎾 쎿 쏀 쏁 쏂 쏃 쏄 쏅 쏆 쏇 쏈 쏉 쏊 쏋 쏌 쏍 쏎 쏏 쏐 쏑 쏒 쏓 쏔 쏕 쏖 쏗 쏘 쏙 쏚 쏛 쏜 쏝 쏞 쏟 쏠 쏡 쏢 쏣 쏤 쏥 쏦 쏧 쏨 쏩 쏪 쏫 쏬 쏭 쏮 쏯 쏰 쏱 쏲 쏳 쏴 쏵 쏶 쏷 쏸 쏹 쏺 쏻 쏼 쏽 쏾 쏿 쐀 쐁 쐂 쐃 쐄 쐅 쐆 쐇 쐈 쐉 쐊 쐋 쐌 쐍 쐎 쐏 쐐 쐑 쐒 쐓 쐔 쐕 쐖 쐗 쐘 쐙 쐚 쐛 쐜 쐝 쐞 쐟 쐠 쐡 쐢 쐣 쐤 쐥 쐦 쐧 쐨 쐩 쐪 쐫 쐬 쐭 쐮 쐯 쐰 쐱 쐲 쐳 쐴 쐵 쐶 쐷 쐸 쐹 쐺 쐻 쐼 쐽 쐾 쐿 쑀 쑁 쑂 쑃 쑄 쑅 쑆 쑇 쑈 쑉 쑊 쑋 쑌 쑍 쑎 쑏 쑐 쑑 쑒 쑓 쑔 쑕 쑖 쑗 쑘 쑙 쑚 쑛 쑜 쑝 쑞 쑟 쑠 쑡 쑢 쑣 쑤 쑥 쑦 쑧 쑨 쑩 쑪 쑫 쑬 쑭 쑮 쑯 쑰 쑱 쑲 쑳 쑴 쑵 쑶 쑷 쑸 쑹 쑺 쑻 쑼 쑽 쑾 쑿 쒀 쒁 쒂 쒃 쒄 쒅 쒆 쒇 쒈 쒉 쒊 쒋 쒌 쒍 쒎 쒏 쒐 쒑 쒒 쒓 쒔 쒕 쒖 쒗 쒘 쒙 쒚 쒛 쒜 쒝 쒞 쒟 쒠 쒡 쒢 쒣 쒤 쒥 쒦 쒧 쒨 쒩 쒪 쒫 쒬 쒭 쒮 쒯 쒰 쒱 쒲 쒳 쒴 쒵 쒶 쒷 쒸 쒹 쒺 쒻 쒼 쒽 쒾 쒿 쓀 쓁 쓂 쓃 쓄 쓅 쓆 쓇 쓈 쓉 쓊 쓋 쓌 쓍 쓎 쓏 쓐 쓑 쓒 쓓 쓔 쓕 쓖 쓗 쓘 쓙 쓚 쓛 쓜 쓝 쓞 쓟 쓠 쓡 쓢 쓣 쓤 쓥 쓦 쓧 쓨 쓩 쓪 쓫 쓬 쓭 쓮 쓯 쓰 쓱 쓲 쓳 쓴 쓵 쓶 쓷 쓸 쓹 쓺 쓻 쓼 쓽 쓾 쓿 씀 씁 씂 씃 씄 씅 씆 씇 씈 씉 씊 씋 씌 씍 씎 씏 씐 씑 씒 씓 씔 씕 씖 씗 씘 씙 씚 씛 씜 씝 씞 씟 씠 씡 씢 씣 씤 씥 씦 씧 씨 씩 씪 씫 씬 씭 씮 씯 씰 씱 씲 씳 씴 씵 씶 씷 씸 씹 씺 씻 씼 씽 씾 씿 앀 앁 앂 앃 아 악 앆 앇 안 앉 않 앋 알 앍 앎 앏 앐 앑 앒 앓 암 압 앖 앗 았 앙 앚 앛 앜 앝 앞 앟 애 액 앢 앣 앤 앥 앦 앧 앨 앩 앪 앫 앬 앭 앮 앯 앰 앱 앲 앳 앴 앵 앶 앷 앸 앹 앺 앻 야 약 앾 앿 얀 얁 얂 얃 얄 얅 얆 얇 얈 얉 얊 얋 얌 얍 얎 얏 얐 양 얒 얓 얔 얕 얖 얗 얘 얙 얚 얛 얜 얝 얞 얟 얠 얡 얢 얣 얤 얥 얦 얧 얨 얩 얪 얫 얬 얭 얮 얯 얰 얱 얲 얳 어 억 얶 얷 언 얹 얺 얻 얼 얽 얾 얿 엀 엁 엂 엃 엄 업 없 엇 었 엉 엊 엋 엌 엍 엎 엏 에 엑 엒 엓 엔 엕 엖 엗 엘 엙 엚 엛 엜 엝 엞 엟 엠 엡 엢 엣 엤 엥 엦 엧 엨 엩 엪 엫 여 역 엮 엯 연 엱 엲 엳 열 엵 엶 엷 엸 엹 엺 엻 염 엽 엾 엿 였 영 옂 옃 옄 옅 옆 옇 예 옉 옊 옋 옌 옍 옎 옏 옐 옑 옒 옓 옔 옕 옖 옗 옘 옙 옚 옛 옜 옝 옞 옟 옠 옡 옢 옣 오 옥 옦 옧 온 옩 옪 옫 올 옭 옮 옯 옰 옱 옲 옳 옴 옵 옶 옷 옸 옹 옺 옻 옼 옽 옾 옿 와 왁 왂 왃 완 왅 왆 왇 왈 왉 왊 왋 왌 왍 왎 왏 왐 왑 왒 왓 왔 왕 왖 왗 왘 왙 왚 왛 왜 왝 왞 왟 왠 왡 왢 왣 왤 왥 왦 왧 왨 왩 왪 왫 왬 왭 왮 왯 왰 왱 왲 왳 왴 왵 왶 왷 외 왹 왺 왻 왼 왽 왾 왿 욀 욁 욂 욃 욄 욅 욆 욇 욈 욉 욊 욋 욌 욍 욎 욏 욐 욑 욒 욓 요 욕 욖 욗 욘 욙 욚 욛 욜 욝 욞 욟 욠 욡 욢 욣 욤 욥 욦 욧 욨 용 욪 욫 욬 욭 욮 욯 우 욱 욲 욳 운 욵 욶 욷 울 욹 욺 욻 욼 욽 욾 욿 움 웁 웂 웃 웄 웅 웆 웇 웈 웉 웊 웋 워 웍 웎 웏 원 웑 웒 웓 월 웕 웖 웗 웘 웙 웚 웛 웜 웝 웞 웟 웠 웡 웢 웣 웤 웥 웦 웧 웨 웩 웪 웫 웬 웭 웮 웯 웰 웱 웲 웳 웴 웵 웶 웷 웸 웹 웺 웻 웼 웽 웾 웿 윀 윁 윂 윃 위 윅 윆 윇 윈 윉 윊 윋 윌 윍 윎 윏 윐 윑 윒 윓 윔 윕 윖 윗 윘 윙 윚 윛 윜 윝 윞 윟 유 육 윢 윣 윤 윥 윦 윧 율 윩 윪 윫 윬 윭 윮 윯 윰 윱 윲 윳 윴 융 윶 윷 윸 윹 윺 윻 으 윽 윾 윿 은 읁 읂 읃 을 읅 읆 읇 읈 읉 읊 읋 음 읍 읎 읏 읐 응 읒 읓 읔 읕 읖 읗 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쥌 쥍 쥎 쥏 쥐 쥑 쥒 쥓 쥔 쥕 쥖 쥗 쥘 쥙 쥚 쥛 쥜 쥝 쥞 쥟 쥠 쥡 쥢 쥣 쥤 쥥 쥦 쥧 쥨 쥩 쥪 쥫 쥬 쥭 쥮 쥯 쥰 쥱 쥲 쥳 쥴 쥵 쥶 쥷 쥸 쥹 쥺 쥻 쥼 쥽 쥾 쥿 즀 즁 즂 즃 즄 즅 즆 즇 즈 즉 즊 즋 즌 즍 즎 즏 즐 즑 즒 즓 즔 즕 즖 즗 즘 즙 즚 즛 즜 증 즞 즟 즠 즡 즢 즣 즤 즥 즦 즧 즨 즩 즪 즫 즬 즭 즮 즯 즰 즱 즲 즳 즴 즵 즶 즷 즸 즹 즺 즻 즼 즽 즾 즿 지 직 짂 짃 진 짅 짆 짇 질 짉 짊 짋 짌 짍 짎 짏 짐 집 짒 짓 짔 징 짖 짗 짘 짙 짚 짛 짜 짝 짞 짟 짠 짡 짢 짣 짤 짥 짦 짧 짨 짩 짪 짫 짬 짭 짮 짯 짰 짱 짲 짳 짴 짵 짶 짷 째 짹 짺 짻 짼 짽 짾 짿 쨀 쨁 쨂 쨃 쨄 쨅 쨆 쨇 쨈 쨉 쨊 쨋 쨌 쨍 쨎 쨏 쨐 쨑 쨒 쨓 쨔 쨕 쨖 쨗 쨘 쨙 쨚 쨛 쨜 쨝 쨞 쨟 쨠 쨡 쨢 쨣 쨤 쨥 쨦 쨧 쨨 쨩 쨪 쨫 쨬 쨭 쨮 쨯 쨰 쨱 쨲 쨳 쨴 쨵 쨶 쨷 쨸 쨹 쨺 쨻 쨼 쨽 쨾 쨿 쩀 쩁 쩂 쩃 쩄 쩅 쩆 쩇 쩈 쩉 쩊 쩋 쩌 쩍 쩎 쩏 쩐 쩑 쩒 쩓 쩔 쩕 쩖 쩗 쩘 쩙 쩚 쩛 쩜 쩝 쩞 쩟 쩠 쩡 쩢 쩣 쩤 쩥 쩦 쩧 쩨 쩩 쩪 쩫 쩬 쩭 쩮 쩯 쩰 쩱 쩲 쩳 쩴 쩵 쩶 쩷 쩸 쩹 쩺 쩻 쩼 쩽 쩾 쩿 쪀 쪁 쪂 쪃 쪄 쪅 쪆 쪇 쪈 쪉 쪊 쪋 쪌 쪍 쪎 쪏 쪐 쪑 쪒 쪓 쪔 쪕 쪖 쪗 쪘 쪙 쪚 쪛 쪜 쪝 쪞 쪟 쪠 쪡 쪢 쪣 쪤 쪥 쪦 쪧 쪨 쪩 쪪 쪫 쪬 쪭 쪮 쪯 쪰 쪱 쪲 쪳 쪴 쪵 쪶 쪷 쪸 쪹 쪺 쪻 쪼 쪽 쪾 쪿 쫀 쫁 쫂 쫃 쫄 쫅 쫆 쫇 쫈 쫉 쫊 쫋 쫌 쫍 쫎 쫏 쫐 쫑 쫒 쫓 쫔 쫕 쫖 쫗 쫘 쫙 쫚 쫛 쫜 쫝 쫞 쫟 쫠 쫡 쫢 쫣 쫤 쫥 쫦 쫧 쫨 쫩 쫪 쫫 쫬 쫭 쫮 쫯 쫰 쫱 쫲 쫳 쫴 쫵 쫶 쫷 쫸 쫹 쫺 쫻 쫼 쫽 쫾 쫿 쬀 쬁 쬂 쬃 쬄 쬅 쬆 쬇 쬈 쬉 쬊 쬋 쬌 쬍 쬎 쬏 쬐 쬑 쬒 쬓 쬔 쬕 쬖 쬗 쬘 쬙 쬚 쬛 쬜 쬝 쬞 쬟 쬠 쬡 쬢 쬣 쬤 쬥 쬦 쬧 쬨 쬩 쬪 쬫 쬬 쬭 쬮 쬯 쬰 쬱 쬲 쬳 쬴 쬵 쬶 쬷 쬸 쬹 쬺 쬻 쬼 쬽 쬾 쬿 쭀 쭁 쭂 쭃 쭄 쭅 쭆 쭇 쭈 쭉 쭊 쭋 쭌 쭍 쭎 쭏 쭐 쭑 쭒 쭓 쭔 쭕 쭖 쭗 쭘 쭙 쭚 쭛 쭜 쭝 쭞 쭟 쭠 쭡 쭢 쭣 쭤 쭥 쭦 쭧 쭨 쭩 쭪 쭫 쭬 쭭 쭮 쭯 쭰 쭱 쭲 쭳 쭴 쭵 쭶 쭷 쭸 쭹 쭺 쭻 쭼 쭽 쭾 쭿 쮀 쮁 쮂 쮃 쮄 쮅 쮆 쮇 쮈 쮉 쮊 쮋 쮌 쮍 쮎 쮏 쮐 쮑 쮒 쮓 쮔 쮕 쮖 쮗 쮘 쮙 쮚 쮛 쮜 쮝 쮞 쮟 쮠 쮡 쮢 쮣 쮤 쮥 쮦 쮧 쮨 쮩 쮪 쮫 쮬 쮭 쮮 쮯 쮰 쮱 쮲 쮳 쮴 쮵 쮶 쮷 쮸 쮹 쮺 쮻 쮼 쮽 쮾 쮿 쯀 쯁 쯂 쯃 쯄 쯅 쯆 쯇 쯈 쯉 쯊 쯋 쯌 쯍 쯎 쯏 쯐 쯑 쯒 쯓 쯔 쯕 쯖 쯗 쯘 쯙 쯚 쯛 쯜 쯝 쯞 쯟 쯠 쯡 쯢 쯣 쯤 쯥 쯦 쯧 쯨 쯩 쯪 쯫 쯬 쯭 쯮 쯯 쯰 쯱 쯲 쯳 쯴 쯵 쯶 쯷 쯸 쯹 쯺 쯻 쯼 쯽 쯾 쯿 찀 찁 찂 찃 찄 찅 찆 찇 찈 찉 찊 찋 찌 찍 찎 찏 찐 찑 찒 찓 찔 찕 찖 찗 찘 찙 찚 찛 찜 찝 찞 찟 찠 찡 찢 찣 찤 찥 찦 찧 차 착 찪 찫 찬 찭 찮 찯 찰 찱 찲 찳 찴 찵 찶 찷 참 찹 찺 찻 찼 창 찾 찿 챀 챁 챂 챃 채 책 챆 챇 챈 챉 챊 챋 챌 챍 챎 챏 챐 챑 챒 챓 챔 챕 챖 챗 챘 챙 챚 챛 챜 챝 챞 챟 챠 챡 챢 챣 챤 챥 챦 챧 챨 챩 챪 챫 챬 챭 챮 챯 챰 챱 챲 챳 챴 챵 챶 챷 챸 챹 챺 챻 챼 챽 챾 챿 첀 첁 첂 첃 첄 첅 첆 첇 첈 첉 첊 첋 첌 첍 첎 첏 첐 첑 첒 첓 첔 첕 첖 첗 처 척 첚 첛 천 첝 첞 첟 철 첡 첢 첣 첤 첥 첦 첧 첨 첩 첪 첫 첬 청 첮 첯 첰 첱 첲 첳 체 첵 첶 첷 첸 첹 첺 첻 첼 첽 첾 첿 쳀 쳁 쳂 쳃 쳄 쳅 쳆 쳇 쳈 쳉 쳊 쳋 쳌 쳍 쳎 쳏 쳐 쳑 쳒 쳓 쳔 쳕 쳖 쳗 쳘 쳙 쳚 쳛 쳜 쳝 쳞 쳟 쳠 쳡 쳢 쳣 쳤 쳥 쳦 쳧 쳨 쳩 쳪 쳫 쳬 쳭 쳮 쳯 쳰 쳱 쳲 쳳 쳴 쳵 쳶 쳷 쳸 쳹 쳺 쳻 쳼 쳽 쳾 쳿 촀 촁 촂 촃 촄 촅 촆 촇 초 촉 촊 촋 촌 촍 촎 촏 촐 촑 촒 촓 촔 촕 촖 촗 촘 촙 촚 촛 촜 총 촞 촟 촠 촡 촢 촣 촤 촥 촦 촧 촨 촩 촪 촫 촬 촭 촮 촯 촰 촱 촲 촳 촴 촵 촶 촷 촸 촹 촺 촻 촼 촽 촾 촿 쵀 쵁 쵂 쵃 쵄 쵅 쵆 쵇 쵈 쵉 쵊 쵋 쵌 쵍 쵎 쵏 쵐 쵑 쵒 쵓 쵔 쵕 쵖 쵗 쵘 쵙 쵚 쵛 최 쵝 쵞 쵟 쵠 쵡 쵢 쵣 쵤 쵥 쵦 쵧 쵨 쵩 쵪 쵫 쵬 쵭 쵮 쵯 쵰 쵱 쵲 쵳 쵴 쵵 쵶 쵷 쵸 쵹 쵺 쵻 쵼 쵽 쵾 쵿 춀 춁 춂 춃 춄 춅 춆 춇 춈 춉 춊 춋 춌 춍 춎 춏 춐 춑 춒 춓 추 축 춖 춗 춘 춙 춚 춛 출 춝 춞 춟 춠 춡 춢 춣 춤 춥 춦 춧 춨 충 춪 춫 춬 춭 춮 춯 춰 춱 춲 춳 춴 춵 춶 춷 춸 춹 춺 춻 춼 춽 춾 춿 췀 췁 췂 췃 췄 췅 췆 췇 췈 췉 췊 췋 췌 췍 췎 췏 췐 췑 췒 췓 췔 췕 췖 췗 췘 췙 췚 췛 췜 췝 췞 췟 췠 췡 췢 췣 췤 췥 췦 췧 취 췩 췪 췫 췬 췭 췮 췯 췰 췱 췲 췳 췴 췵 췶 췷 췸 췹 췺 췻 췼 췽 췾 췿 츀 츁 츂 츃 츄 츅 츆 츇 츈 츉 츊 츋 츌 츍 츎 츏 츐 츑 츒 츓 츔 츕 츖 츗 츘 츙 츚 츛 츜 츝 츞 츟 츠 측 츢 츣 츤 츥 츦 츧 츨 츩 츪 츫 츬 츭 츮 츯 츰 츱 츲 츳 츴 층 츶 츷 츸 츹 츺 츻 츼 츽 츾 츿 칀 칁 칂 칃 칄 칅 칆 칇 칈 칉 칊 칋 칌 칍 칎 칏 칐 칑 칒 칓 칔 칕 칖 칗 치 칙 칚 칛 친 칝 칞 칟 칠 칡 칢 칣 칤 칥 칦 칧 침 칩 칪 칫 칬 칭 칮 칯 칰 칱 칲 칳 카 칵 칶 칷 칸 칹 칺 칻 칼 칽 칾 칿 캀 캁 캂 캃 캄 캅 캆 캇 캈 캉 캊 캋 캌 캍 캎 캏 캐 캑 캒 캓 캔 캕 캖 캗 캘 캙 캚 캛 캜 캝 캞 캟 캠 캡 캢 캣 캤 캥 캦 캧 캨 캩 캪 캫 캬 캭 캮 캯 캰 캱 캲 캳 캴 캵 캶 캷 캸 캹 캺 캻 캼 캽 캾 캿 컀 컁 컂 컃 컄 컅 컆 컇 컈 컉 컊 컋 컌 컍 컎 컏 컐 컑 컒 컓 컔 컕 컖 컗 컘 컙 컚 컛 컜 컝 컞 컟 컠 컡 컢 컣 커 컥 컦 컧 컨 컩 컪 컫 컬 컭 컮 컯 컰 컱 컲 컳 컴 컵 컶 컷 컸 컹 컺 컻 컼 컽 컾 컿 케 켁 켂 켃 켄 켅 켆 켇 켈 켉 켊 켋 켌 켍 켎 켏 켐 켑 켒 켓 켔 켕 켖 켗 켘 켙 켚 켛 켜 켝 켞 켟 켠 켡 켢 켣 켤 켥 켦 켧 켨 켩 켪 켫 켬 켭 켮 켯 켰 켱 켲 켳 켴 켵 켶 켷 켸 켹 켺 켻 켼 켽 켾 켿 콀 콁 콂 콃 콄 콅 콆 콇 콈 콉 콊 콋 콌 콍 콎 콏 콐 콑 콒 콓 코 콕 콖 콗 콘 콙 콚 콛 콜 콝 콞 콟 콠 콡 콢 콣 콤 콥 콦 콧 콨 콩 콪 콫 콬 콭 콮 콯 콰 콱 콲 콳 콴 콵 콶 콷 콸 콹 콺 콻 콼 콽 콾 콿 쾀 쾁 쾂 쾃 쾄 쾅 쾆 쾇 쾈 쾉 쾊 쾋 쾌 쾍 쾎 쾏 쾐 쾑 쾒 쾓 쾔 쾕 쾖 쾗 쾘 쾙 쾚 쾛 쾜 쾝 쾞 쾟 쾠 쾡 쾢 쾣 쾤 쾥 쾦 쾧 쾨 쾩 쾪 쾫 쾬 쾭 쾮 쾯 쾰 쾱 쾲 쾳 쾴 쾵 쾶 쾷 쾸 쾹 쾺 쾻 쾼 쾽 쾾 쾿 쿀 쿁 쿂 쿃 쿄 쿅 쿆 쿇 쿈 쿉 쿊 쿋 쿌 쿍 쿎 쿏 쿐 쿑 쿒 쿓 쿔 쿕 쿖 쿗 쿘 쿙 쿚 쿛 쿜 쿝 쿞 쿟 쿠 쿡 쿢 쿣 쿤 쿥 쿦 쿧 쿨 쿩 쿪 쿫 쿬 쿭 쿮 쿯 쿰 쿱 쿲 쿳 쿴 쿵 쿶 쿷 쿸 쿹 쿺 쿻 쿼 쿽 쿾 쿿 퀀 퀁 퀂 퀃 퀄 퀅 퀆 퀇 퀈 퀉 퀊 퀋 퀌 퀍 퀎 퀏 퀐 퀑 퀒 퀓 퀔 퀕 퀖 퀗 퀘 퀙 퀚 퀛 퀜 퀝 퀞 퀟 퀠 퀡 퀢 퀣 퀤 퀥 퀦 퀧 퀨 퀩 퀪 퀫 퀬 퀭 퀮 퀯 퀰 퀱 퀲 퀳 퀴 퀵 퀶 퀷 퀸 퀹 퀺 퀻 퀼 퀽 퀾 퀿 큀 큁 큂 큃 큄 큅 큆 큇 큈 큉 큊 큋 큌 큍 큎 큏 큐 큑 큒 큓 큔 큕 큖 큗 큘 큙 큚 큛 큜 큝 큞 큟 큠 큡 큢 큣 큤 큥 큦 큧 큨 큩 큪 큫 크 큭 큮 큯 큰 큱 큲 큳 클 큵 큶 큷 큸 큹 큺 큻 큼 큽 큾 큿 킀 킁 킂 킃 킄 킅 킆 킇 킈 킉 킊 킋 킌 킍 킎 킏 킐 킑 킒 킓 킔 킕 킖 킗 킘 킙 킚 킛 킜 킝 킞 킟 킠 킡 킢 킣 키 킥 킦 킧 킨 킩 킪 킫 킬 킭 킮 킯 킰 킱 킲 킳 킴 킵 킶 킷 킸 킹 킺 킻 킼 킽 킾 킿 타 탁 탂 탃 탄 탅 탆 탇 탈 탉 탊 탋 탌 탍 탎 탏 탐 탑 탒 탓 탔 탕 탖 탗 탘 탙 탚 탛 태 택 탞 탟 탠 탡 탢 탣 탤 탥 탦 탧 탨 탩 탪 탫 탬 탭 탮 탯 탰 탱 탲 탳 탴 탵 탶 탷 탸 탹 탺 탻 탼 탽 탾 탿 턀 턁 턂 턃 턄 턅 턆 턇 턈 턉 턊 턋 턌 턍 턎 턏 턐 턑 턒 턓 턔 턕 턖 턗 턘 턙 턚 턛 턜 턝 턞 턟 턠 턡 턢 턣 턤 턥 턦 턧 턨 턩 턪 턫 턬 턭 턮 턯 터 턱 턲 턳 턴 턵 턶 턷 털 턹 턺 턻 턼 턽 턾 턿 텀 텁 텂 텃 텄 텅 텆 텇 텈 텉 텊 텋 테 텍 텎 텏 텐 텑 텒 텓 텔 텕 텖 텗 텘 텙 텚 텛 템 텝 텞 텟 텠 텡 텢 텣 텤 텥 텦 텧 텨 텩 텪 텫 텬 텭 텮 텯 텰 텱 텲 텳 텴 텵 텶 텷 텸 텹 텺 텻 텼 텽 텾 텿 톀 톁 톂 톃 톄 톅 톆 톇 톈 톉 톊 톋 톌 톍 톎 톏 톐 톑 톒 톓 톔 톕 톖 톗 톘 톙 톚 톛 톜 톝 톞 톟 토 톡 톢 톣 톤 톥 톦 톧 톨 톩 톪 톫 톬 톭 톮 톯 톰 톱 톲 톳 톴 통 톶 톷 톸 톹 톺 톻 톼 톽 톾 톿 퇀 퇁 퇂 퇃 퇄 퇅 퇆 퇇 퇈 퇉 퇊 퇋 퇌 퇍 퇎 퇏 퇐 퇑 퇒 퇓 퇔 퇕 퇖 퇗 퇘 퇙 퇚 퇛 퇜 퇝 퇞 퇟 퇠 퇡 퇢 퇣 퇤 퇥 퇦 퇧 퇨 퇩 퇪 퇫 퇬 퇭 퇮 퇯 퇰 퇱 퇲 퇳 퇴 퇵 퇶 퇷 퇸 퇹 퇺 퇻 퇼 퇽 퇾 퇿 툀 툁 툂 툃 툄 툅 툆 툇 툈 툉 툊 툋 툌 툍 툎 툏 툐 툑 툒 툓 툔 툕 툖 툗 툘 툙 툚 툛 툜 툝 툞 툟 툠 툡 툢 툣 툤 툥 툦 툧 툨 툩 툪 툫 투 툭 툮 툯 툰 툱 툲 툳 툴 툵 툶 툷 툸 툹 툺 툻 툼 툽 툾 툿 퉀 퉁 퉂 퉃 퉄 퉅 퉆 퉇 퉈 퉉 퉊 퉋 퉌 퉍 퉎 퉏 퉐 퉑 퉒 퉓 퉔 퉕 퉖 퉗 퉘 퉙 퉚 퉛 퉜 퉝 퉞 퉟 퉠 퉡 퉢 퉣 퉤 퉥 퉦 퉧 퉨 퉩 퉪 퉫 퉬 퉭 퉮 퉯 퉰 퉱 퉲 퉳 퉴 퉵 퉶 퉷 퉸 퉹 퉺 퉻 퉼 퉽 퉾 퉿 튀 튁 튂 튃 튄 튅 튆 튇 튈 튉 튊 튋 튌 튍 튎 튏 튐 튑 튒 튓 튔 튕 튖 튗 튘 튙 튚 튛 튜 튝 튞 튟 튠 튡 튢 튣 튤 튥 튦 튧 튨 튩 튪 튫 튬 튭 튮 튯 튰 튱 튲 튳 튴 튵 튶 튷 트 특 튺 튻 튼 튽 튾 튿 틀 틁 틂 틃 틄 틅 틆 틇 틈 틉 틊 틋 틌 틍 틎 틏 틐 틑 틒 틓 틔 틕 틖 틗 틘 틙 틚 틛 틜 틝 틞 틟 틠 틡 틢 틣 틤 틥 틦 틧 틨 틩 틪 틫 틬 틭 틮 틯 티 틱 틲 틳 틴 틵 틶 틷 틸 틹 틺 틻 틼 틽 틾 틿 팀 팁 팂 팃 팄 팅 팆 팇 팈 팉 팊 팋 파 팍 팎 팏 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훸 훹 훺 훻 훼 훽 훾 훿 휀 휁 휂 휃 휄 휅 휆 휇 휈 휉 휊 휋 휌 휍 휎 휏 휐 휑 휒 휓 휔 휕 휖 휗 휘 휙 휚 휛 휜 휝 휞 휟 휠 휡 휢 휣 휤 휥 휦 휧 휨 휩 휪 휫 휬 휭 휮 휯 휰 휱 휲 휳 휴 휵 휶 휷 휸 휹 휺 휻 휼 휽 휾 휿 흀 흁 흂 흃 흄 흅 흆 흇 흈 흉 흊 흋 흌 흍 흎 흏 흐 흑 흒 흓 흔 흕 흖 흗 흘 흙 흚 흛 흜 흝 흞 흟 흠 흡 흢 흣 흤 흥 흦 흧 흨 흩 흪 흫 희 흭 흮 흯 흰 흱 흲 흳 흴 흵 흶 흷 흸 흹 흺 흻 흼 흽 흾 흿 힀 힁 힂 힃 힄 힅 힆 힇 히 힉 힊 힋 힌 힍 힎 힏 힐 힑 힒 힓 힔 힕 힖 힗 힘 힙 힚 힛 힜 힝 힞 힟 힠 힡 힢 힣] |
2 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Characters in Use | Others: auxiliary | [áàăâåäãā æ ç éèĕêëē íìĭîïī ñ óòŏôöøō œ úùŭûüū ÿ] |
[ᄀ ᄁ ᄂ ᄃ ᄄ ᄅ ᄆ ᄇ ᄈ ᄉ ᄊ ᄋ ᄌ ᄍ ᄎ ᄏ ᄐ ᄑ ᄒ ᅡ ᅢ ᅣ ᅤ ᅥ ᅦ ᅧ ᅨ ᅩ ᅪ ᅫ ᅬ ᅭ ᅮ ᅯ ᅰ ᅱ ᅲ ᅳ ᅴ ᅵ ᆨ ᆩ ᆪ ᆫ ᆬ ᆭ ᆮ ᆯ ᆰ ᆱ ᆲ ᆳ ᆴ ᆵ ᆶ ᆷ ᆸ ᆹ ᆺ ᆻ ᆼ ᆽ ᆾ ᆿ ᇀ ᇁ ᇂ 丘 串 乃 久 乖 九 乞 乫 乾 亂 亘 交 京 仇 今 介 件 价 企 伋 伎 伽佳 佶 侃 來 侊 供 係 俓 俱 個 倞 倦 倨 假 偈 健 傀 傑 傾 僅 僑 價 儆 儉 儺 光 克 兢 內 公共 其 具 兼 冀 冠 凱 刊 刮 券 刻 剋 剛 劇 劍劒 功 加 劤 劫 勁勍 勘 勤 勸 勻 勾 匡 匣 區 南 卦 却 卵 卷 卿 厥 去 及 口句 叩 叫 可 各 吉 君 告呱 呵 咎 咬 哥 哭 啓 喀 喇 喝 喫 喬 嗜 嘉 嘔 器 囊 困 固 圈 國 圭 圻 均 坎 坑 坤 坰 坵垢 基埼 堀 堅 堈 堪 堺 塊 塏 境 墾 壙 壞 夔奇 奈 奎 契 奸 妓 妗 姑 姜 姦 娘 娜 嫁 嬌 孔 季 孤 宏 官 客 宮 家 寄 寇 寡 寬 尻 局 居 屆 屈 岐 岡 岬 崎 崑 崗 嵌 嵐 嶇 嶠 工 巧 巨 己 巾 干幹 幾 庚 庫 康 廊 廐 廓 廣 建 弓 强彊 徑 忌 急 怪 怯 恐 恝 恪 恭 悸 愆 感 愧 愷愾 慊 慣 慤 慨 慶 慷 憩 憬 憾 懃 懇 懦 懶 懼 戈 戒 戟 戡 扱 技 抉 拉 拏 拐 拒 拘 括 拮 拱 拳 拷 拿 捏 据 捲 捺 掘 掛 控 揀 揆 揭 擊 擎 擒 據擧 攪 攷 改 攻 故 敎 救 敢 敬 敲 斛 斤 旗旣 昆 昑 景 晷 暇 暖 暠 暻 曠 曲 更 曷 朗 朞期 机 杆 杞 杰 枏 果 枯 架 枸 柑 柩 柬 柯 校 根 格 桀 桂 桔 桿 梏 梗 械 梱 棄棋 棍 棘 棨 棺 楗 楠 極 槁 構 槐 槨 槪 槻 槿 樂 橄 橋 橘 機 檄 檎 檢 櫃 欄 權 欺 款 歌 歐 歸 殼 毆毬 氣 求 江 汨 汲 決 汽沂 沽 洛 洸 浪 涇 淃 淇 減 渠 渴 湳 溝 溪 滑 滾 漑 潔 潰 澗 激 濫 灌 灸 炅 炚 炬 烙 烱 煖 爛 牽犬 狂 狗 狡 狼 獗 玖 玘 珂 珏 珖 珙 珞 珪 球 琦 琨 琪 琯 琴 瑾 璂 璟 璣 璥瓊 瓘 瓜 甄 甘 甲 男 畇 界 畸 畺 畿 疆 疥 疳 痂 痙 痼 癎 癩 癸 皆 皎 皐 盖 監 看 眷 睾 瞰 瞼 瞿 矜 矩 矯 硅 硬 碁 碣 磎 磬 磯 磵 祁祇祈 祛 祺 禁禽 科 稈 稼 稽 稿 穀 究 穹 空 窘 窟 窮 窺竅 竟 竭 競 竿 筋 筐 筠 箇 箕 箝 管 簡 粳 糠 系 糾 紀 納 紘 級 紺 絅 結 絞 給 絳 絹 絿 經 綱 綺 緊 繫 繭 繼 缺 罐 罫 羅 羈 羌 羔 群 羹 翹 考 耆 耉 耕 耭 耿 肌 肝 股 肩 肯 肱 胛 胱 脚 脛 腔 腱 膈 膏 膠 臘 臼舅舊 舡 艮艱 芎 芥 芩 芹 苛 苟 苦苽 茄 莖 菅 菊 菌 菓 菫 菰 落 葛 葵 蓋 蕎 蕨 薑 藁 藍 藿 蘭 蘿 虔 蚣 蛟 蝎 螺 蠟 蠱 街 衢 衲 衾衿 袈 袞 袴 裙 裸 褐 襁 襟 襤 見 規 覡 覲 覺 觀 角 計 記 訣 訶 詭 誇 誡 誥 課 諫 諾 謙 講 謳 謹 譏 警 譴 谷 谿 豈 貢 貫 貴 賈 購 赳 起 跏 距 跨 踞 蹇 蹶 躬 軀 車 軌 軍 軻 較 輕 轎 轟 辜 近 迦 迲 适 逑 逕 逵 過 遣 遽 邏 那 邯 邱 郊 郎 郡 郭 酪 醵 金 鈐 鈞 鉀 鉅 鉗 鉤銶 鋸 鋼 錡錤 錦 錮 鍋 鍵 鎌 鎧 鏡 鑑鑒 鑛 開 間 閘 閣 閨 闕 關 降 階 隔 隙 雇 難 鞏 鞠 鞨 鞫 頃頸 顆 顧 飢 餃 館 饉 饋 饑 駒 駕 駱 騎騏 騫 驅 驕 驚 驥 骨 高 鬼 魁 鮫 鯤 鯨 鱇 鳩 鵑 鵠 鷄 鷗 鸞 麒 麴 黔 鼓 龕 龜] |
3 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Characters in Use | Others: index | [A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z] |
[ㄱ ㄴ ㄷ ㄹ ㅁ ㅂ ㅅ ㅇ ㅈ ㅊ ㅋ ㅌ ㅍ ㅎ] |
4 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Characters in Use | Others: numbers | = |
[\- ‑ , . % ‰ + 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9] |
5 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Characters in Use | Others: punctuation | [\- ‐‑ – — , ; \: ! ? . … '‘’ "“” ( ) \[ \] § @ * / \& # † ‡ ′ ″] |
[‾ __ \-- ‐‑ — ― 〜 ・ ,, 、 ;; \:: !! ¡ ?? ¿ .. ‥ … 。 · '‘’ ""“” (( )) \[[ \]] \{{ \}} 〈 〉 《 》 「 」 『 』 【 】 〔 〕 § ¶ @@ ** // \\\ \&& ## %% ‰ † ‡ ′ ″ 〃 ※] |
6 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Parse | date-lenient(-) | = |
[\- ‑ . /] |
7 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Parse | date-lenient(:) | [\::﹕︓ ∶] |
[\: ∶] |
8 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Parse | general-lenient(.) | = |
[..․﹒ 。。︒] |
9 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Parse | general-lenient(’) | = |
[''’ ՚ ᾽᾿ ʼ] |
10 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Parse | general-lenient(%) | = |
[%%﹪ ٪] |
11 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Parse | general-lenient(‰) | = |
[‰ ؉] |
12 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Parse | general-lenient($) | = |
[\$$﹩] |
13 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Parse | general-lenient(£) | = |
[££ ₤] |
14 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Parse | general-lenient(¥) | = |
[¥¥] |
15 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Parse | general-lenient(₩) | = |
[₩₩] |
16 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Parse | general-lenient(₹) | = |
[₹ {Rp} {Rs}₨] |
17 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Parse | number-lenient(-) | [\--﹣ ‐‑ ‒ – −⁻₋ ➖] |
[\--﹣ ‑ ‒ −⁻₋ ➖] |
18 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Parse | number-lenient(,) | [,,﹐︐ ⹁ ، ٫ 、﹑、︑] |
[,,﹐︐ ، ٫ 、﹑、︑] |
19 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Parse | number-lenient(+) | = |
[++﬩﹢⁺₊ ➕] |
20 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Parse | number-stricter(,) | [,,﹐︐ ⹁ ٫] |
[,,﹐︐ ٫] |
21 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Parse | number-stricter(.) | = |
[..․﹒ 。] |
22 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Ellipsis | final | = |
{0}… |
23 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Ellipsis | initial | = |
…{0} |
24 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Ellipsis | medial | = |
{0}…{1} |
25 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Ellipsis | word-final | = |
{0} … |
26 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Ellipsis | word-initial | = |
… {0} |
27 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Ellipsis | word-medial | = |
{0} … {1} |
28 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Quotation Marks | End | = |
” |
29 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Quotation Marks | Start | = |
“ |
30 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Quotation Marks | embedded-End | = |
’ |
31 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Quotation Marks | embedded-Start | = |
‘ |
32 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Symbols | More Information | = |
? |
33 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Yes and No | posix-no | no:n |
아니요 |
34 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Yes and No | posix-yes | yes:y |
예 |
35 | Core Data | Numbering Systems | Numbering System | default | = |
latn |
36 | Core Data | Numbering Systems | Numbering System | native | = |
latn |
37 | Locale Display Names | Locale Name Patterns | Locale Formatting | localePattern | {0} ({1}) |
{0}({1}) |
38 | Locale Display Names | Locale Name Patterns | Locale Formatting | localeSeparator | = |
{0}, {1} |
39 | Locale Display Names | Locale Name Patterns | Locale Formatting | localeKeyTypePattern | = |
{0}: {1} |
40 | Locale Display Names | Locale Name Patterns | Locale Field Fallbacks | language | Language: {0} |
언어: {0} |
41 | Locale Display Names | Locale Name Patterns | Locale Field Fallbacks | script | Script: {0} |
문자: {0} |
42 | Locale Display Names | Locale Name Patterns | Locale Field Fallbacks | territory | Region: {0} |
지역: {0} |
43 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Abkhazian ► ab | Abkhazian |
압카즈어 |
44 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Acehnese ► ace | Acehnese |
아체어 |
45 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Acoli ► ach | Acoli |
아콜리어 |
46 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Adangme ► ada | Adangme |
아당메어 |
47 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Adyghe ► ady | Adyghe |
아디게어 |
48 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Afar ► aa | Afar |
아파르어 |
49 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Afrihili ► afh | Afrihili |
아프리힐리어 |
50 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Afrikaans ► af | Afrikaans |
아프리칸스어 |
51 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Aghem ► agq | Aghem |
아그햄어 |
52 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Ainu ► ain | Ainu |
아이누어 |
53 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Akan ► ak | Akan |
아칸어 |
54 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Akkadian ► akk | Akkadian |
아카드어 |
55 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Akoose ► bss | Akoose |
아쿠즈어 |
56 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Albanian ► sq | Albanian |
알바니아어 |
57 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Aleut ► ale | Aleut |
알류트어 |
58 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Algerian Arabic ► arq | Algerian Arabic |
알제리 아랍어 |
59 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Amharic ► am | Amharic |
암하라어 |
60 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Ancient Egyptian ► egy | Ancient Egyptian |
고대 이집트어 |
61 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Ancient Greek ► grc | Ancient Greek |
고대 그리스어 |
62 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Angika ► anp | Angika |
앙가어 |
63 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Anii ► blo | Anii |
아니이어 |
64 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Arabic ► ar | Arabic |
아랍어 |
65 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Arabic ► ar_001 | Modern Standard Arabic |
현대 표준 아랍어 |
66 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Aragonese ► an | Aragonese |
아라곤어 |
67 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Aramaic ► arc | Aramaic |
아람어 |
68 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Arapaho ► arp | Arapaho |
아라파호어 |
69 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Arawak ► arw | Arawak |
아라와크어 |
70 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Armenian ► hy | Armenian |
아르메니아어 |
71 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Aromanian ► rup | Aromanian |
아로마니아어 |
72 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Assamese ► as | Assamese |
아삼어 |
73 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Asturian ► ast | Asturian |
아스투리아어 |
74 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Asu ► asa | Asu |
아수어 |
75 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Atikamekw ► atj | Atikamekw |
아티카메쿠어 |
76 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Atsam ► cch | Atsam |
앗삼어 |
77 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Avaric ► av | Avaric |
아바릭어 |
78 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Avestan ► ae | Avestan |
아베스타어 |
79 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Awadhi ► awa | Awadhi |
아와히어 |
80 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Aymara ► ay | Aymara |
아이마라어 |
81 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Azerbaijani ► az | Azerbaijani |
아제르바이잔어 |
82 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Azerbaijani ► az-short | Azeri |
아제리어 |
83 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Bafia ► ksf | Bafia |
바피아어 |
84 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Bafut ► bfd | Bafut |
바푸트어 |
85 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Balinese ► ban | Balinese |
발리어 |
86 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Baluchi ► bal | Baluchi |
발루치어 |
87 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Bambara ► bm | Bambara |
밤바라어 |
88 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Bamun ► bax | Bamun |
바문어 |
89 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Bangla ► bn | Bangla |
벵골어 |
90 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Basaa ► bas | Basaa |
바사어 |
91 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Bashkir ► ba | Bashkir |
바슈키르어 |
92 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Basque ► eu | Basque |
바스크어 |
93 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Beja ► bej | Beja |
베자어 |
94 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Belarusian ► be | Belarusian |
벨라루스어 |
95 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Bemba ► bem | Bemba |
벰바어 |
96 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Bena ► bez | Bena |
베나어 |
97 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Betawi ► bew | Betawi |
bew |
98 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Bhojpuri ► bho | Bhojpuri |
호즈푸리어 |
99 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Bikol ► bik | Bikol |
비콜어 |
100 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Bini ► bin | Bini |
비니어 |
101 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Bislama ► bi | Bislama |
비슬라마어 |
102 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Blin ► byn | Blin |
브린어 |
103 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Blissymbols ► zbl | Blissymbols |
블리스 심볼 |
104 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Bodo ► brx | Bodo |
보도어 |
105 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Bosnian ► bs | Bosnian |
보스니아어 |
106 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Brahui ► brh | Brahui |
브라후이어 |
107 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Braj ► bra | Braj |
브라지어 |
108 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Breton ► br | Breton |
브르타뉴어 |
109 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Buginese ► bug | Buginese |
부기어 |
110 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Bulgarian ► bg | Bulgarian |
불가리아어 |
111 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Bulu ► bum | Bulu |
불루어 |
112 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Buriat ► bua | Buriat |
부리아타 |
113 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Burmese ► my | Burmese |
버마어 |
114 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Caddo ► cad | Caddo |
카도어 |
115 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Cajun French ► frc | Cajun French |
케이준 프랑스어 |
116 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Cantonese ► yue | Cantonese |
광둥어 |
117 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Cantonese ► yue-menu | Chinese, Cantonese |
중국어(광둥어) |
118 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Carib ► car | Carib |
카리브어 |
119 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Carolina Algonquian ► crr | Carolina Algonquian |
캐롤라이나 알곤킨어 |
120 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Catalan ► ca | Catalan |
카탈로니아어 |
121 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Cayuga ► cay | Cayuga |
카유가어 |
122 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Cebuano ► ceb | Cebuano |
세부아노어 |
123 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Central Atlas Tamazight ► tzm | Central Atlas Tamazight |
중앙 모로코 타마지트어 |
124 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Central Kurdish ► ckb | Central Kurdish |
소라니 쿠르드어 |
125 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Central Kurdish ► ckb-menu | Kurdish, Central |
쿠르드어(소라니) |
126 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Central Kurdish ► ckb-variant | Kurdish, Sorani |
쿠르드어(소라니) |
127 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Central Ojibwa ► ojc | Central Ojibwa |
중앙 오지브와어 |
128 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Chadian Arabic ► shu | Chadian Arabic |
차디언 아라비아어 |
129 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Chagatai ► chg | Chagatai |
차가타이어 |
130 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Chakma ► ccp | Chakma |
차크마어 |
131 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Chamorro ► ch | Chamorro |
차모로어 |
132 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Chechen ► ce | Chechen |
체첸어 |
133 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Cherokee ► chr | Cherokee |
체로키어 |
134 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Cheyenne ► chy | Cheyenne |
샤이엔어 |
135 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Chibcha ► chb | Chibcha |
치브차어 |
136 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Chickasaw ► cic | Chickasaw |
cic |
137 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Chiga ► cgg | Chiga |
치가어 |
138 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Chilcotin ► clc | Chilcotin |
칠코틴어 |
139 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Chinese ► zh | Chinese |
중국어 |
140 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Chinese ► zh_Hans-long | Simplified Mandarin Chinese |
중국어(만다린, 간체) |
141 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Chinese ► zh_Hant-long | Traditional Mandarin Chinese |
중국어(만다린, 번체) |
142 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Chinese ► zh-menu | Chinese, Mandarin |
중국어(만다린) |
143 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Chinook Jargon ► chn | Chinook Jargon |
치누크 자곤 |
144 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Chipewyan ► chp | Chipewyan |
치페우얀 |
145 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Choctaw ► cho | Choctaw |
촉토어 |
146 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Church Slavic ► cu | Church Slavic |
교회 슬라브어 |
147 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Chuukese ► chk | Chuukese |
추크어 |
148 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Chuvash ► cv | Chuvash |
추바시어 |
149 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Classical Newari ► nwc | Classical Newari |
고전 네와르어 |
150 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Classical Syriac ► syc | Classical Syriac |
고전 시리아어 |
151 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Colognian ► ksh | Colognian |
콜로그니안어 |
152 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Comorian ► swb | Comorian |
코모로어 |
153 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Coptic ► cop | Coptic |
콥트어 |
154 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Cornish ► kw | Cornish |
콘월어 |
155 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Corsican ► co | Corsican |
코르시카어 |
156 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Cree ► cr | Cree |
크리어 |
157 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Crimean Tatar ► crh | Crimean Tatar |
크리민 터키어; 크리민 타타르어 |
158 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Croatian ► hr | Croatian |
크로아티아어 |
159 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Czech ► cs | Czech |
체코어 |
160 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | D | Dakota ► dak | Dakota |
다코타어 |
161 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | D | Danish ► da | Danish |
덴마크어 |
162 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | D | Dargwa ► dar | Dargwa |
다르그와어 |
163 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | D | Dazaga ► dzg | Dazaga |
다장가어 |
164 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | D | Delaware ► del | Delaware |
델라웨어어 |
165 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | D | Dinka ► din | Dinka |
딩카어 |
166 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | D | Divehi ► dv | Divehi |
디베히어 |
167 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | D | Dogri ► doi | Dogri |
도그리어 |
168 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | D | Dogrib ► dgr | Dogrib |
도그리브어 |
169 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | D | Duala ► dua | Duala |
두알라어 |
170 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | D | Dutch ► nl | Dutch |
네덜란드어 |
171 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | D | Dutch ► nl_BE | Flemish |
플라망어 |
172 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | D | Dyula ► dyu | Dyula |
드율라어 |
173 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | D | Dzongkha ► dz | Dzongkha |
종카어 |
174 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | E | Eastern Frisian ► frs | Eastern Frisian |
동부 프리슬란드어 |
175 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | E | Efik ► efi | Efik |
이픽어 |
176 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | E | Egyptian Arabic ► arz | Egyptian Arabic |
이집트 아랍어 |
177 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | E | Ekajuk ► eka | Ekajuk |
이카죽어 |
178 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | E | Elamite ► elx | Elamite |
엘람어 |
179 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | E | Embu ► ebu | Embu |
엠부어 |
180 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | E | English ► en | English |
영어 |
181 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | E | Erzya ► myv | Erzya |
엘즈야어 |
182 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | E | Esperanto ► eo | Esperanto |
에스페란토어 |
183 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | E | Estonian ► et | Estonian |
에스토니아어 |
184 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | E | Ewe ► ee | Ewe |
에웨어 |
185 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | E | Ewondo ► ewo | Ewondo |
이원도어 |
186 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | F | Fang ► fan | Fang |
팡그어 |
187 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | F | Fanti ► fat | Fanti |
판티어 |
188 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | F | Faroese ► fo | Faroese |
페로어 |
189 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | F | Fiji Hindi ► hif | Fiji Hindi |
피지 힌디어 |
190 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | F | Fijian ► fj | Fijian |
피지어 |
191 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | F | Filipino ► fil | Filipino |
필리핀어 |
192 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | F | Finnish ► fi | Finnish |
핀란드어 |
193 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | F | Fon ► fon | Fon |
폰어 |
194 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | F | French ► fr | French |
프랑스어 |
195 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | F | Friulian ► fur | Friulian |
프리울리어 |
196 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | F | Fula ► ff | Fula |
풀라어 |
197 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | G | Ga ► gaa | Ga |
가어 |
198 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | G | Gagauz ► gag | Gagauz |
가가우스어 |
199 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | G | Galician ► gl | Galician |
갈리시아어 |
200 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | G | Gan Chinese ► gan | Gan Chinese |
간어 |
201 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | G | Ganda ► lg | Ganda |
간다어 |
202 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | G | Gayo ► gay | Gayo |
가요어 |
203 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | G | Gbaya ► gba | Gbaya |
그바야어 |
204 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | G | Geez ► gez | Geez |
게이즈어 |
205 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | G | Georgian ► ka | Georgian |
조지아어 |
206 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | G | German ► de | German |
독일어 |
207 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | G | German ► de_CH | Swiss High German |
고지 독일어(스위스) |
208 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | G | Ghomala ► bbj | Ghomala |
고말라어 |
209 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | G | Gilaki ► glk | Gilaki |
길라키어 |
210 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | G | Gilbertese ► gil | Gilbertese |
키리바시어 |
211 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | G | Gondi ► gon | Gondi |
곤디어 |
212 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | G | Gorontalo ► gor | Gorontalo |
고론탈로어 |
213 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | G | Gothic ► got | Gothic |
고트어 |
214 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | G | Grebo ► grb | Grebo |
게르보어 |
215 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | G | Greek ► el | Greek |
그리스어 |
216 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | G | Guarani ► gn | Guarani |
과라니어 |
217 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | G | Gujarati ► gu | Gujarati |
구자라트어 |
218 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | G | Gusii ► guz | Gusii |
구시어 |
219 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | G | Gwichʼin ► gwi | Gwichʼin |
그위친어 |
220 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | H | Haida ► hai | Haida |
하이다어 |
221 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | H | Haitian Creole ► ht | Haitian Creole |
아이티어 |
222 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | H | Hakka Chinese ► hak | Hakka Chinese |
하카어 |
223 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | H | Halkomelem ► hur | Halkomelem |
할코멜렘어 |
224 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | H | Haryanvi ► bgc | Haryanvi |
하리안비어 |
225 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | H | Hausa ► ha | Hausa |
하우사어 |
226 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | H | Hawaiian ► haw | Hawaiian |
하와이어 |
227 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | H | Hebrew ► he | Hebrew |
히브리어 |
228 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | H | Herero ► hz | Herero |
헤레로어 |
229 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | H | Hiligaynon ► hil | Hiligaynon |
헤리가뇬어 |
230 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | H | Hindi ► hi | Hindi |
힌디어 |
231 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | H | Hindi ► hi_Latn-variant | Hinglish |
힝글리시 |
232 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | H | Hiri Motu ► ho | Hiri Motu |
히리 모투어 |
233 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | H | Hittite ► hit | Hittite |
하타이트어 |
234 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | H | Hmong ► hmn | Hmong |
히몸어 |
235 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | H | Hmong Njua ► hnj | Hmong Njua |
hnj |
236 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | H | Hungarian ► hu | Hungarian |
헝가리어 |
237 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | H | Hupa ► hup | Hupa |
후파어 |
238 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | I | Iban ► iba | Iban |
이반어 |
239 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | I | Ibibio ► ibb | Ibibio |
이비비오어 |
240 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | I | Icelandic ► is | Icelandic |
아이슬란드어 |
241 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | I | Ido ► io | Ido |
이도어 |
242 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | I | Igbo ► ig | Igbo |
이그보어 |
243 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | I | Iloko ► ilo | Iloko |
이로코어 |
244 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | I | Inari Sami ► smn | Inari Sami |
이나리 사미어 |
245 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | I | Indonesian ► id | Indonesian |
인도네시아어 |
246 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | I | Ingush ► inh | Ingush |
인귀시어 |
247 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | I | Innu-aimun ► moe | Innu-aimun |
이누아문 |
248 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | I | Interlingua ► ia | Interlingua |
인터링구아 |
249 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | I | Interlingue ► ie | Interlingue |
인테르링구에 |
250 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | I | Inuktitut ► iu | Inuktitut |
이눅티투트어 |
251 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | I | Inupiaq ► ik | Inupiaq |
이누피아크어 |
252 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | I | Irish ► ga | Irish |
아일랜드어 |
253 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | I | Italian ► it | Italian |
이탈리아어 |
254 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | J | Japanese ► ja | Japanese |
일본어 |
255 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | J | Javanese ► jv | Javanese |
자바어 |
256 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | J | Jju ► kaj | Jju |
까꼬토끄어 |
257 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | J | Jola-Fonyi ► dyo | Jola-Fonyi |
졸라 포니어 |
258 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | J | Judeo-Arabic ► jrb | Judeo-Arabic |
유대-아라비아어 |
259 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | J | Judeo-Persian ► jpr | Judeo-Persian |
유대-페르시아어 |
260 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kabardian ► kbd | Kabardian |
카바르디어 |
261 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kabuverdianu ► kea | Kabuverdianu |
크리올어 |
262 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kabyle ► kab | Kabyle |
커바일어 |
263 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kachin ► kac | Kachin |
카친어 |
264 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kaingang ► kgp | Kaingang |
카잉강어 |
265 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kako ► kkj | Kako |
카코어 |
266 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kalaallisut ► kl | Kalaallisut |
그린란드어 |
267 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kalenjin ► kln | Kalenjin |
칼렌진어 |
268 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kalmyk ► xal | Kalmyk |
칼미크어 |
269 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kamba ► kam | Kamba |
캄바어 |
270 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kanembu ► kbl | Kanembu |
카넴부어 |
271 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kangri ► xnr | Kangri |
캉리어 |
272 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kannada ► kn | Kannada |
칸나다어 |
273 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kanuri ► kr | Kanuri |
칸누리어 |
274 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kara-Kalpak ► kaa | Kara-Kalpak |
카라칼파크어 |
275 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Karachay-Balkar ► krc | Karachay-Balkar |
카라챠이-발카르어 |
276 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Karelian ► krl | Karelian |
카렐리야어 |
277 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kashmiri ► ks | Kashmiri |
카슈미르어 |
278 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kashubian ► csb | Kashubian |
카슈비아어 |
279 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kawi ► kaw | Kawi |
카위어 |
280 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kazakh ► kk | Kazakh |
카자흐어 |
281 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kenyang ► ken | Kenyang |
ken |
282 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Khasi ► kha | Khasi |
카시어 |
283 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Khmer ► km | Khmer |
크메르어 |
284 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Khotanese ► kho | Khotanese |
호탄어 |
285 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Khowar ► khw | Khowar |
코와르어 |
286 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kikuyu ► ki | Kikuyu |
키쿠유어 |
287 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kimbundu ► kmb | Kimbundu |
킴분두어 |
288 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kinyarwanda ► rw | Kinyarwanda |
르완다어 |
289 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Klingon ► tlh | Klingon |
클링온어 |
290 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kom ► bkm | Kom |
콤어 |
291 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Komi ► kv | Komi |
코미어 |
292 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Komi-Permyak ► koi | Komi-Permyak |
코미페르먀크어 |
293 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kongo ► kg | Kongo |
콩고어 |
294 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Konkani ► kok | Konkani |
코카니어 |
295 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Korean ► ko | Korean |
한국어 |
296 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Koro ► kfo | Koro |
코로어 |
297 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kosraean ► kos | Kosraean |
코스라이엔어 |
298 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Koyra Chiini ► khq | Koyra Chiini |
코이라 친니어 |
299 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Koyraboro Senni ► ses | Koyraboro Senni |
코이야보로 세니어 |
300 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kpelle ► kpe | Kpelle |
크펠레어 |
301 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kuanyama ► kj | Kuanyama |
쿠안야마어 |
302 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kumyk ► kum | Kumyk |
쿠믹어 |
303 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kurdish ► ku | Kurdish |
쿠르드어 |
304 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kurukh ► kru | Kurukh |
쿠르크어 |
305 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kutenai ► kut | Kutenai |
쿠테네어 |
306 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kuvi ► kxv | Kuvi |
쿠비어 |
307 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kwakʼwala ► kwk | Kwakʼwala |
곽왈라어 |
308 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kwasio ► nmg | Kwasio |
크와시오어 |
309 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kyrgyz ► ky | Kyrgyz |
키르기스어 |
310 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kʼicheʼ ► quc | Kʼicheʼ |
키체어 |
311 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Ladin ► lld | = |
lld |
312 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Ladino ► lad | Ladino |
라디노어 |
313 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Lakota ► lkt | Lakota |
라코타어 |
314 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Lamba ► lam | Lamba |
람바어 |
315 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Langi ► lag | Langi |
랑기어 |
316 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Lao ► lo | Lao |
라오어 |
317 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Latgalian ► ltg | Latgalian |
ltg |
318 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Latin ► la | Latin |
라틴어 |
319 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Latvian ► lv | Latvian |
라트비아어 |
320 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Levantine Arabic ► apc | = |
apc |
321 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Lezghian ► lez | Lezghian |
레즈기안어 |
322 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Ligurian ► lij | Ligurian |
리구리아어 |
323 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Lillooet ► lil | Lillooet |
릴루엣어 |
324 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Limburgish ► li | Limburgish |
림버거어 |
325 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Lingala ► ln | Lingala |
링갈라어 |
326 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Lingua Franca Nova ► lfn | Lingua Franca Nova |
링구아 프랑카 노바 |
327 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Lithuanian ► lt | Lithuanian |
리투아니아어 |
328 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Lojban ► jbo | Lojban |
로반어 |
329 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Lombard ► lmo | Lombard |
롬바르드어 |
330 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Louisiana Creole ► lou | Louisiana Creole |
루이지애나 크리올어 |
331 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Low German ► nds | Low German |
저지 독일어 |
332 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Low German ► nds_NL | Low Saxon |
저지 색슨어 |
333 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Lower Sorbian ► dsb | Lower Sorbian |
저지 소르비아어 |
334 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Lozi ► loz | Lozi |
로지어 |
335 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Luba-Katanga ► lu | Luba-Katanga |
루바-카탄가어 |
336 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Luba-Lulua ► lua | Luba-Lulua |
루바-룰루아어 |
337 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Luiseno ► lui | Luiseno |
루이세노어 |
338 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Lule Sami ► smj | Lule Sami |
룰레 사미어 |
339 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Lunda ► lun | Lunda |
룬다어 |
340 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Luo ► luo | Luo |
루오어 |
341 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Luxembourgish ► lb | Luxembourgish |
룩셈부르크어 |
342 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Luyia ► luy | Luyia |
루야어 |
343 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Maba ► mde | Maba |
마바어 |
344 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Macedonian ► mk | Macedonian |
마케도니아어 |
345 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Machame ► jmc | Machame |
마차메어 |
346 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Madurese ► mad | Madurese |
마두라어 |
347 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Mafa ► maf | Mafa |
마파어 |
348 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Magahi ► mag | Magahi |
마가히어 |
349 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Maithili ► mai | Maithili |
마이틸리어 |
350 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Makasar ► mak | Makasar |
마카사어 |
351 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Makhuwa ► vmw | Makhuwa |
마쿠와어 |
352 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Makhuwa-Meetto ► mgh | Makhuwa-Meetto |
마크후와-메토어 |
353 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Makonde ► kde | Makonde |
마콘데어 |
354 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Malagasy ► mg | Malagasy |
말라가시어 |
355 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Malay ► ms | Malay |
말레이어 |
356 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Malayalam ► ml | Malayalam |
말라얄람어 |
357 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Maliseet-Passamaquoddy ► pqm | Maliseet-Passamaquoddy |
말리시트 파사마쿼디어 |
358 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Maltese ► mt | Maltese |
몰타어 |
359 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Manchu ► mnc | Manchu |
만주어 |
360 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Mandar ► mdr | Mandar |
만다르어 |
361 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Mandingo ► man | Mandingo |
만딩고어 |
362 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Manipuri ► mni | Manipuri |
마니푸리어 |
363 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Manx ► gv | Manx |
맹크스어 |
364 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Māori ► mi | Māori |
마오리어 |
365 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Mapuche ► arn | Mapuche |
마푸둥군어 |
366 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Marathi ► mr | Marathi |
마라티어 |
367 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Mari ► chm | Mari |
마리어 |
368 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Marshallese ► mh | Marshallese |
마셜어 |
369 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Marwari ► mwr | Marwari |
마르와리어 |
370 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Masai ► mas | Masai |
마사이어 |
371 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Mazanderani ► mzn | Mazanderani |
마잔데라니어 |
372 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Medumba ► byv | Medumba |
메둠바어 |
373 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Mende ► men | Mende |
멘데어 |
374 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Meru ► mer | Meru |
메루어 |
375 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Metaʼ ► mgo | Metaʼ |
메타어 |
376 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Mi'kmaw ► mic | Mi'kmaw |
미크맥어 |
377 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Michif ► crg | Michif |
미치프어 |
378 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Middle Dutch ► dum | Middle Dutch |
중세 네덜란드어 |
379 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Middle English ► enm | Middle English |
중세 영어 |
380 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Middle French ► frm | Middle French |
중세 프랑스어 |
381 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Middle High German ► gmh | Middle High German |
중세 고지 독일어 |
382 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Middle Irish ► mga | Middle Irish |
중세 아일랜드어 |
383 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Min Nan Chinese ► nan | Min Nan Chinese |
민난어 |
384 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Minangkabau ► min | Minangkabau |
미낭카바우어 |
385 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Mirandese ► mwl | Mirandese |
미란데어 |
386 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Mizo ► lus | Mizo |
루샤이어 |
387 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Mócheno ► mhn | = |
mhn |
388 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Mohawk ► moh | Mohawk |
모호크어 |
389 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Moksha ► mdf | Moksha |
모크샤어 |
390 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Mongo ► lol | Mongo |
몽고어 |
391 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Mongolian ► mn | Mongolian |
몽골어 |
392 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Moose Cree ► crm | Moose Cree |
무스크리어 |
393 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Morisyen ► mfe | Morisyen |
모리스얀어 |
394 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Moroccan Arabic ► ary | Moroccan Arabic |
모로코 아랍어 |
395 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Mossi ► mos | Mossi |
모시어 |
396 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Multiple languages ► mul | Multiple languages |
다중 언어 |
397 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Mundang ► mua | Mundang |
문당어 |
398 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Muscogee ► mus | Muscogee |
크리크어 |
399 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Myene ► mye | Myene |
미예네어 |
400 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | N’Ko ► nqo | N’Ko |
응코어 |
401 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Najdi Arabic ► ars | Najdi Arabic |
아랍어(나즈디) |
402 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Nama ► naq | Nama |
나마어 |
403 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Nauru ► na | Nauru |
나우루어 |
404 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Navajo ► nv | Navajo |
나바호어 |
405 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Ndonga ► ng | Ndonga |
느동가어 |
406 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Neapolitan ► nap | Neapolitan |
나폴리어 |
407 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Nepali ► ne | Nepali |
네팔어 |
408 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Newari ► new | Newari |
네와르어 |
409 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Ngambay ► sba | Ngambay |
느감바이어 |
410 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Ngiemboon ► nnh | Ngiemboon |
느기엠본어 |
411 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Ngomba ► jgo | Ngomba |
응곰바어 |
412 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Nheengatu ► yrl | Nheengatu |
넨가투어 |
413 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Nias ► nia | Nias |
니아스어 |
414 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Nigerian Pidgin ► pcm | Nigerian Pidgin |
나이지리아 피진어 |
415 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Niuean ► niu | Niuean |
니웨언어 |
416 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | No linguistic content ► zxx | No linguistic content |
언어 관련 내용 없음 |
417 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Nogai ► nog | Nogai |
노가이어 |
418 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | North Ndebele ► nd | North Ndebele |
북부 은데벨레어 |
419 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Northern East Cree ► crl | Northern East Cree |
북동부 크리어 |
420 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Northern Frisian ► frr | Northern Frisian |
북부 프리지아어 |
421 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Northern Luri ► lrc | Northern Luri |
북부 루리어 |
422 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Northern Sami ► se | Northern Sami |
북부 사미어 |
423 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Northern Sotho ► nso | Northern Sotho |
북부 소토어 |
424 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Northern Tutchone ► ttm | Northern Tutchone |
북부 투톤어 |
425 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Northwestern Ojibwa ► ojb | Northwestern Ojibwa |
북서부 오지브와어 |
426 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Norwegian ► no | Norwegian |
노르웨이어 |
427 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Norwegian Bokmål ► nb | Norwegian Bokmål |
노르웨이어(보크말) |
428 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Norwegian Nynorsk ► nn | Norwegian Nynorsk |
노르웨이어(니노르스크) |
429 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Nuer ► nus | Nuer |
누에르어 |
430 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Nyamwezi ► nym | Nyamwezi |
니암웨지어 |
431 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Nyanja ► ny | Nyanja |
냔자어 |
432 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Nyankole ► nyn | Nyankole |
니안콜어 |
433 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Nyasa Tonga ► tog | Nyasa Tonga |
니아사 통가어 |
434 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Nyoro ► nyo | Nyoro |
뉴로어 |
435 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Nzima ► nzi | Nzima |
느지마어 |
436 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | O | Obolo ► ann | Obolo |
오볼로어 |
437 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | O | Occitan ► oc | Occitan |
오크어 |
438 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | O | Odia ► or | Odia |
오리야어 |
439 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | O | Oji-Cree ► ojs | Oji-Cree |
오지 크리어 |
440 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | O | Ojibwa ► oj | Ojibwa |
오지브와어 |
441 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | O | Okanagan ► oka | Okanagan |
오카나간어 |
442 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | O | Old English ► ang | Old English |
고대 영어 |
443 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | O | Old French ► fro | Old French |
고대 프랑스어 |
444 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | O | Old High German ► goh | Old High German |
고대 고지 독일어 |
445 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | O | Old Irish ► sga | Old Irish |
고대 아일랜드어 |
446 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | O | Old Norse ► non | Old Norse |
고대 노르웨이어 |
447 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | O | Old Persian ► peo | Old Persian |
고대 페르시아어 |
448 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | O | Old Provençal ► pro | Old Provençal |
고대 프로방스어 |
449 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | O | Oromo ► om | Oromo |
오로모어 |
450 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | O | Osage ► osa | Osage |
오세이지어 |
451 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | O | Ossetic ► os | Ossetic |
오세트어 |
452 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | O | Ottoman Turkish ► ota | Ottoman Turkish |
오스만 터키어 |
453 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | P | Pahlavi ► pal | Pahlavi |
팔레비어 |
454 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | P | Palauan ► pau | Palauan |
팔라우어 |
455 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | P | Pali ► pi | Pali |
팔리어 |
456 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | P | Pampanga ► pam | Pampanga |
팜팡가어 |
457 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | P | Pangasinan ► pag | Pangasinan |
판가시난어 |
458 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | P | Papiamento ► pap | Papiamento |
파피아먼토어 |
459 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | P | Pashto ► ps | Pashto |
파슈토어 |
460 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | P | Persian ► fa | Persian |
페르시아어 |
461 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | P | Persian ► fa_AF | Dari |
다리어 |
462 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | P | Phoenician ► phn | Phoenician |
페니키아어 |
463 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | P | Pijin ► pis | Pijin |
피진어 |
464 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | P | Plains Cree ► crk | Plains Cree |
평원 크리어 |
465 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | P | Pohnpeian ► pon | Pohnpeian |
폼페이어 |
466 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | P | Polish ► pl | Polish |
폴란드어 |
467 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | P | Pontic ► pnt | Pontic |
폰틱어 |
468 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | P | Portuguese ► pt | Portuguese |
포르투갈어 |
469 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | P | Portuguese ► pt_PT | European Portuguese |
포르투갈어(유럽) |
470 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | P | Prussian ► prg | Prussian |
프러시아어 |
471 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | P | Punjabi ► pa | Punjabi |
펀잡어 |
472 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | Q | Quechua ► qu | Quechua |
케추아어 |
473 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | R | Rajasthani ► raj | Rajasthani |
라자스탄어 |
474 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | R | Rapanui ► rap | Rapanui |
라파뉴이 |
475 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | R | Rarotongan ► rar | Rarotongan |
라로통가어 |
476 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | R | Riffian ► rif | Riffian |
rif |
477 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | R | Rohingya ► rhg | Rohingya |
로힝야어 |
478 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | R | Romanian ► ro | Romanian |
루마니아어 |
479 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | R | Romanian ► ro_MD | Moldavian |
몰도바어 |
480 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | R | Romansh ► rm | Romansh |
로만시어 |
481 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | R | Romany ► rom | Romany |
집시어 |
482 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | R | Rombo ► rof | Rombo |
롬보어 |
483 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | R | Rundi ► rn | Rundi |
룬디어 |
484 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | R | Russian ► ru | Russian |
러시아어 |
485 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | R | Rusyn ► rue | Rusyn |
루신어 |
486 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | R | Rwa ► rwk | Rwa |
르와어 |
487 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Saamia ► lsm | Saamia |
사미아어 |
488 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Saho ► ssy | Saho |
사호어 |
489 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Samaritan Aramaic ► sam | Samaritan Aramaic |
사마리아 아랍어 |
490 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Samburu ► saq | Samburu |
삼부루어 |
491 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Samoan ► sm | Samoan |
사모아어 |
492 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Sandawe ► sad | Sandawe |
산다웨어 |
493 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Sango ► sg | Sango |
산고어 |
494 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Sangu ► sbp | Sangu |
상구어 |
495 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Sanskrit ► sa | Sanskrit |
산스크리트어 |
496 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Santali ► sat | Santali |
산탈리어 |
497 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Saraiki ► skr | = |
skr |
498 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Sardinian ► sc | Sardinian |
사르디니아어 |
499 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Sasak ► sas | Sasak |
사사크어 |
500 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Scots ► sco | Scots |
스코틀랜드어 |
501 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Scottish Gaelic ► gd | Scottish Gaelic |
스코틀랜드 게일어 |
502 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Selkup ► sel | Selkup |
셀쿠프어 |
503 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Sena ► seh | Sena |
세나어 |
504 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Seneca ► see | Seneca |
세네카어 |
505 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Serbian ► sr | Serbian |
세르비아어 |
506 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Serbo-Croatian ► sh | Serbo-Croatian |
세르비아-크로아티아어 |
507 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Serer ► srr | Serer |
세레르어 |
508 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Seselwa Creole French ► crs | Seselwa Creole French |
세이셸 크리올 프랑스어 |
509 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Shambala ► ksb | Shambala |
샴발라어 |
510 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Shan ► shn | Shan |
샨어 |
511 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Shona ► sn | Shona |
쇼나어 |
512 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Sichuan Yi ► ii | Sichuan Yi |
쓰촨 이어 |
513 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Sicilian ► scn | Sicilian |
시칠리아어 |
514 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Sidamo ► sid | Sidamo |
시다모어 |
515 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Siksiká ► bla | Siksiká |
식시카어 |
516 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Silesian ► szl | Silesian |
실레시아어 |
517 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Sindhi ► sd | Sindhi |
신디어 |
518 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Sinhala ► si | Sinhala |
싱할라어 |
519 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Skolt Sami ► sms | Skolt Sami |
스콜트 사미어 |
520 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Slave ► den | Slave |
슬라브어 |
521 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Slovak ► sk | Slovak |
슬로바키아어 |
522 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Slovenian ► sl | Slovenian |
슬로베니아어 |
523 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Soga ► xog | Soga |
소가어 |
524 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Sogdien ► sog | Sogdien |
소그디엔어 |
525 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Somali ► so | Somali |
소말리아어 |
526 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Soninke ► snk | Soninke |
소닌케어 |
527 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | South Ndebele ► nr | South Ndebele |
남부 은데벨레어 |
528 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Southern Altai ► alt | Southern Altai |
남부 알타이어 |
529 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Southern East Cree ► crj | Southern East Cree |
남동부 크리어 |
530 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Southern Haida ► hax | Southern Haida |
남부 하이다어 |
531 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Southern Kurdish ► sdh | Southern Kurdish |
남부 쿠르드어 |
532 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Southern Lushootseed ► slh | Southern Lushootseed |
남부 루슈트시드어 |
533 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Southern Sami ► sma | Southern Sami |
남부 사미어 |
534 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Southern Sotho ► st | Southern Sotho |
남부 소토어 |
535 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Southern Tutchone ► tce | Southern Tutchone |
남부 투톤어 |
536 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Spanish ► es | Spanish |
스페인어 |
537 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Spanish ► es_ES | European Spanish |
스페인어(유럽) |
538 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Sranan Tongo ► srn | Sranan Tongo |
스라난 통가어 |
539 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Standard Moroccan Tamazight ► zgh | Standard Moroccan Tamazight |
표준 모로코 타마지트어 |
540 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Straits Salish ► str | Straits Salish |
해안 살리시어 |
541 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Sukuma ► suk | Sukuma |
수쿠마어 |
542 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Sumerian ► sux | Sumerian |
수메르어 |
543 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Sundanese ► su | Sundanese |
순다어 |
544 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Susu ► sus | Susu |
수수어 |
545 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Swahili ► sw | Swahili |
스와힐리어 |
546 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Swahili ► sw_CD | Congo Swahili |
콩고 스와힐리어 |
547 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Swampy Cree ► csw | Swampy Cree |
습지 크리어 |
548 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Swati ► ss | Swati |
시스와티어 |
549 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Swedish ► sv | Swedish |
스웨덴어 |
550 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Swiss German ► gsw | Swiss German |
독일어(스위스) |
551 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Syriac ► syr | Syriac |
시리아어 |
552 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tachelhit ► shi | Tachelhit |
타셸히트어 |
553 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tagalog ► tl | Tagalog |
타갈로그어 |
554 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tagish ► tgx | Tagish |
타기시어 |
555 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tahitian ► ty | Tahitian |
타히티어 |
556 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tahltan ► tht | Tahltan |
탈탄어 |
557 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tai Dam ► blt | Tai Dam |
blt |
558 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Taita ► dav | Taita |
타이타어 |
559 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tajik ► tg | Tajik |
타지크어 |
560 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Talysh ► tly | Talysh |
탈리쉬어 |
561 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tamashek ► tmh | Tamashek |
타마섹어 |
562 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tamil ► ta | Tamil |
타밀어 |
563 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Taroko ► trv | Taroko |
타로코어 |
564 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tasawaq ► twq | Tasawaq |
타사와크어 |
565 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tatar ► tt | Tatar |
타타르어 |
566 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Telugu ► te | Telugu |
텔루구어 |
567 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tereno ► ter | Tereno |
테레노어 |
568 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Teso ► teo | Teso |
테조어 |
569 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tetum ► tet | Tetum |
테툼어 |
570 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Thai ► th | Thai |
태국어 |
571 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tibetan ► bo | Tibetan |
티베트어 |
572 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tigre ► tig | Tigre |
티그레어 |
573 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tigrinya ► ti | Tigrinya |
티그리냐어 |
574 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Timne ► tem | Timne |
팀니어 |
575 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tiv ► tiv | Tiv |
티브어 |
576 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tlingit ► tli | Tlingit |
틀링깃족어 |
577 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tok Pisin ► tpi | Tok Pisin |
토크 피신어 |
578 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tokelau ► tkl | Tokelau |
토켈라우제도어 |
579 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Toki Pona ► tok | Toki Pona |
도기 보나 |
580 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tongan ► to | Tongan |
통가어 |
581 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Torwali ► trw | Torwali |
trw |
582 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tsakhur ► tkr | Tsakhur |
차후르어 |
583 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tsimshian ► tsi | Tsimshian |
트심시안어 |
584 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tsonga ► ts | Tsonga |
총가어 |
585 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tswana ► tn | Tswana |
츠와나어 |
586 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tumbuka ► tum | Tumbuka |
툼부카어 |
587 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tunisian Arabic ► aeb | Tunisian Arabic |
튀니지 아랍어 |
588 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Turkish ► tr | Turkish |
튀르키예어 |
589 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Turkmen ► tk | Turkmen |
투르크멘어 |
590 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tuvalu ► tvl | Tuvalu |
투발루어 |
591 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tuvinian ► tyv | Tuvinian |
투비니안어 |
592 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Twi ► tw | Twi |
트위어 |
593 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tyap ► kcg | Tyap |
티얍어 |
594 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | U | Udmurt ► udm | Udmurt |
우드말트어 |
595 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | U | Ugaritic ► uga | Ugaritic |
유가리틱어 |
596 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | U | Ukrainian ► uk | Ukrainian |
우크라이나어 |
597 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | U | Umbundu ► umb | Umbundu |
움분두어 |
598 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | U | Unknown language ► und | Unknown language |
알 수 없는 언어 |
599 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | U | Upper Sorbian ► hsb | Upper Sorbian |
고지 소르비아어 |
600 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | U | Urdu ► ur | Urdu |
우르두어 |
601 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | U | Uyghur ► ug | Uyghur |
위구르어 |
602 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | U | Uzbek ► uz | Uzbek |
우즈베크어 |
603 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | V | Vai ► vai | Vai |
바이어 |
604 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | V | Venda ► ve | Venda |
벤다어 |
605 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | V | Venetian ► vec | Venetian |
베네치아어 |
606 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | V | Vietnamese ► vi | Vietnamese |
베트남어 |
607 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | V | Volapük ► vo | Volapük |
볼라퓌크어 |
608 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | V | Votic ► vot | Votic |
보틱어 |
609 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | V | Vunjo ► vun | Vunjo |
분조어 |
610 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | W | Walloon ► wa | Walloon |
왈론어 |
611 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | W | Walser ► wae | Walser |
월저어 |
612 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | W | Waray ► war | Waray |
와라이어 |
613 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | W | Warlpiri ► wbp | Warlpiri |
왈피리어 |
614 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | W | Washo ► was | Washo |
와쇼어 |
615 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | W | Welsh ► cy | Welsh |
웨일스어 |
616 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | W | Western Balochi ► bgn | Western Balochi |
서부 발로치어 |
617 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | W | Western Canadian Inuktitut ► ikt | Western Canadian Inuktitut |
캐나다 서부 이누크티투트어 |
618 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | W | Western Frisian ► fy | Western Frisian |
서부 프리지아어 |
619 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | W | Western Mari ► mrj | Western Mari |
서부 마리어 |
620 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | W | Western Ojibwa ► ojw | Western Ojibwa |
서부 오지브와어 |
621 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | W | Western Panjabi ► lah | Western Panjabi |
라한다어 |
622 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | W | Wolaytta ► wal | Wolaytta |
월라이타어 |
623 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | W | Wolof ► wo | Wolof |
월로프어 |
624 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | W | Wu Chinese ► wuu | Wu Chinese |
우어 |
625 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | X | Xhosa ► xh | Xhosa |
코사어 |
626 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | X | Xiang Chinese ► hsn | Xiang Chinese |
샹어 |
627 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | Y | Yakut ► sah | Yakut |
야쿠트어 |
628 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | Y | Yangben ► yav | Yangben |
양본어 |
629 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | Y | Yao ► yao | Yao |
야오족어 |
630 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | Y | Yapese ► yap | Yapese |
얍페세어 |
631 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | Y | Yemba ► ybb | Yemba |
옘바어 |
632 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | Y | Yiddish ► yi | Yiddish |
이디시어 |
633 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | Y | Yoruba ► yo | Yoruba |
요루바어 |
634 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | Z | Zapotec ► zap | Zapotec |
사포테크어 |
635 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | Z | Zarma ► dje | Zarma |
자르마어 |
636 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | Z | Zaza ► zza | Zaza |
자자어 |
637 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | Z | Zenaga ► zen | Zenaga |
제나가어 |
638 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | Z | Zhuang ► za | Zhuang |
주앙어 |
639 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | Z | Zoroastrian Dari ► gbz | Zoroastrian Dari |
조로아스터 다리어 |
640 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | Z | Zulu ► zu | Zulu |
줄루어 |
641 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | Z | Zuni ► zun | Zuni |
주니어 |
642 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Arab | Arabic |
아랍 문자 |
643 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Arab-variant | Perso-Arabic |
페르소-아라비아 문자 |
644 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Armn | Armenian |
아르메니아 문자 |
645 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Beng | Bangla |
벵골 문자 |
646 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Bopo | Bopomofo |
주음부호 |
647 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Cyrl | Cyrillic |
키릴 문자 |
648 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Deva | Devanagari |
데바나가리 문자 |
649 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Ethi | Ethiopic |
에티오피아 문자 |
650 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Geor | Georgian |
조지아 문자 |
651 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Grek | Greek |
그리스 문자 |
652 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Gujr | Gujarati |
구자라트 문자 |
653 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Guru | Gurmukhi |
구르무키 문자 |
654 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Hanb | Han with Bopomofo |
주음 자모 |
655 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Hang | Hangul |
한글 |
656 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Hani | Han |
한자 |
657 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Hans | Simplified |
간체 |
658 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Hans-stand-alone | Simplified Han |
한자 간체 |
659 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Hant | Traditional |
번체 |
660 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Hant-stand-alone | Traditional Han |
한자 번체 |
661 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Hebr | Hebrew |
히브리 문자 |
662 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Hira | Hiragana |
히라가나 |
663 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Jamo | Jamo |
자모 |
664 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Jpan | Japanese |
일본 문자 |
665 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Kana | Katakana |
가타카나 |
666 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Khmr | Khmer |
크메르 문자 |
667 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Knda | Kannada |
칸나다 문자 |
668 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Kore | Korean |
한국 문자 |
669 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Laoo | Lao |
라오 문자 |
670 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Latn | Latin |
로마자 |
671 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Mlym | Malayalam |
말라얄람 문자 |
672 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Mymr | Myanmar |
미얀마 문자 |
673 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Orya | Odia |
오리야 문자 |
674 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Sinh | Sinhala |
신할라 문자 |
675 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Taml | Tamil |
타밀 문자 |
676 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Telu | Telugu |
텔루구 문자 |
677 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Thaa | Thaana |
타나 문자 |
678 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Thai | Thai |
타이 문자 |
679 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Tibt | Tibetan |
티베트 문자 |
680 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Zinh | Inherited |
구전 문자 |
681 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Zyyy | Common |
일반 문자 |
682 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Adlm | Adlam |
아들람 문자 |
683 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Bali | Balinese |
발리 문자 |
684 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Bamu | Bamum |
바뭄 문자 |
685 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Batk | Batak |
바타크 문자 |
686 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Cakm | Chakma |
차크마 문자 |
687 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Cans | Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics |
통합 캐나다 원주민 음절문자 |
688 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Cham | Cham |
칸 고어 |
689 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Cher | Cherokee |
체로키 문자 |
690 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Gong | Gunjala Gondi |
Gong |
691 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Hmnp | Nyiakeng Puachue Hmong |
Hmnp |
692 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Java | Javanese |
자바 문자 |
693 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Kali | Kayah Li |
카야 리 문자 |
694 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Lana | Lanna |
란나 문자 |
695 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Lepc | Lepcha |
렙차 문자 |
696 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Limb | Limbu |
림부 문자 |
697 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Lisu | Fraser |
프레이저 문자 |
698 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Mand | Mandaean |
만다이아 문자 |
699 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Mtei | Meitei Mayek |
메이테이 마옉 문자 |
700 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Newa | = |
Newa |
701 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Nkoo | N’Ko |
응코 문자 |
702 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Olck | Ol Chiki |
올 치키 문자 |
703 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Osge | Osage |
Osge |
704 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Plrd | Pollard Phonetic |
폴라드 표음 문자 |
705 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Rohg | Hanifi |
하니피 문자 |
706 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Saur | Saurashtra |
사우라슈트라 문자 |
707 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Sund | Sundanese |
순다 문자 |
708 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Sylo | Syloti Nagri |
실헤티 나가리 |
709 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Syrc | Syriac |
시리아 문자 |
710 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Tale | Tai Le |
타이 레 문자 |
711 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Talu | New Tai Lue |
신 타이 루에 |
712 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Tavt | Tai Viet |
태국 베트남 문자 |
713 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Tfng | Tifinagh |
티피나그 문자 |
714 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Vaii | Vai |
바이 문자 |
715 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Wcho | Wancho |
Wcho |
716 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Yiii | Yi |
이 문자 |
717 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Aghb | Caucasian Albanian |
코카시안 알바니아 문자 |
718 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Ahom | = |
Ahom |
719 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Armi | Imperial Aramaic |
아랍제국 문자 |
720 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Avst | Avestan |
아베스타 문자 |
721 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Bass | Bassa Vah |
바사바흐 문자 |
722 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Bhks | Bhaiksuki |
Bhks |
723 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Brah | Brahmi |
브라미 |
724 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Bugi | Buginese |
부기 문자 |
725 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Buhd | Buhid |
부히드 문자 |
726 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Cari | Carian |
카리 문자 |
727 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Chrs | Chorasmian |
Chrs |
728 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Copt | Coptic |
콥트 문자 |
729 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Cpmn | Cypro-Minoan |
Cpmn |
730 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Cprt | Cypriot |
키프로스 문자 |
731 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Diak | Dives Akuru |
Diak |
732 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Dogr | Dogra |
Dogr |
733 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Dsrt | Deseret |
디저렛 문자 |
734 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Dupl | Duployan shorthand |
듀플로이안 문자 |
735 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Egyp | Egyptian hieroglyphs |
고대 이집트 신성문자 |
736 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Elba | Elbasan |
엘바산 문자 |
737 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Elym | Elymaic |
Elym |
738 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Gara | Garay |
Gara |
739 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Glag | Glagolitic |
글라골 문자 |
740 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Gonm | Masaram Gondi |
Gonm |
741 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Goth | Gothic |
고트 문자 |
742 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Gran | Grantha |
그란타 문자 |
743 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Gukh | Gurung Khema |
Gukh |
744 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Hano | Hanunoo |
하누누 문자 |
745 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Hatr | Hatran |
Hatr |
746 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Hluw | Anatolian Hieroglyphs |
아나톨리아 상형문자 |
747 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Hmng | Pahawh Hmong |
파하우 몽 문자 |
748 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Hung | Old Hungarian |
고대 헝가리 문자 |
749 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Ital | Old Italic |
고대 이탈리아 문자 |
750 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Kawi | = |
Kawi |
751 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Khar | Kharoshthi |
카로슈티 문자 |
752 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Khoj | Khojki |
코즈키 문자 |
753 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Kits | Khitan small script |
거란 소자 |
754 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Krai | Kirat Rai |
Krai |
755 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Kthi | Kaithi |
카이시 문자 |
756 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Lina | Linear A |
선형 문자(A) |
757 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Linb | Linear B |
선형 문자(B) |
758 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Lyci | Lycian |
리키아 문자 |
759 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Lydi | Lydian |
리디아 문자 |
760 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Mahj | Mahajani |
마하자니 문자 |
761 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Maka | Makasar |
Maka |
762 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Mani | Manichaean |
마니교 문자 |
763 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Marc | Marchen |
Marc |
764 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Medf | Medefaidrin |
Medf |
765 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Mend | Mende |
멘데 문자 |
766 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Merc | Meroitic Cursive |
메로에 필기체 |
767 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Mero | Meroitic |
메로에 문자 |
768 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Modi | = |
Modi |
769 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Mong | Mongolian |
몽골 문자 |
770 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Mroo | Mro |
므로 문자 |
771 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Mult | Multani |
Mult |
772 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Nagm | Nag Mundari |
Nagm |
773 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Nand | Nandinagari |
Nand |
774 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Narb | Old North Arabian |
옛 북부 아라비아 문자 |
775 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Nbat | Nabataean |
나바테아 문자 |
776 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Nshu | Nüshu |
누슈 문자 |
777 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Ogam | Ogham |
오검 문자 |
778 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Onao | Ol Onal |
Onao |
779 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Orkh | Orkhon |
오르혼어 |
780 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Osma | Osmanya |
오스마니아 문자 |
781 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Ougr | Old Uyghur |
Ougr |
782 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Palm | Palmyrene |
팔미라 문자 |
783 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Pauc | Pau Cin Hau |
Pauc |
784 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Perm | Old Permic |
고대 페름 문자 |
785 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Phag | Phags-pa |
파스파 문자 |
786 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Phli | Inscriptional Pahlavi |
명문 팔라비 문자 |
787 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Phlp | Psalter Pahlavi |
솔터 팔라비 문자 |
788 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Phnx | Phoenician |
페니키아 문자 |
789 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Prti | Inscriptional Parthian |
명문 파라티아 문자 |
790 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Rjng | Rejang |
레장 문자 |
791 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Runr | Runic |
룬 문자 |
792 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Samr | Samaritan |
사마리아 문자 |
793 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Sarb | Old South Arabian |
옛 남부 아라비아 문자 |
794 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Sgnw | SignWriting |
수화 문자 |
795 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Shaw | Shavian |
샤비안 문자 |
796 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Shrd | Sharada |
사라다 문자 |
797 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Sidd | Siddham |
실담자 |
798 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Sind | Khudawadi |
쿠다와디 문자 |
799 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Sogd | Sogdian |
Sogd |
800 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Sogo | Old Sogdian |
Sogo |
801 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Sora | Sora Sompeng |
소라 솜펭 문자 |
802 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Soyo | Soyombo |
Soyo |
803 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Sunu | Sunuwar |
Sunu |
804 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Tagb | Tagbanwa |
타그반와 문자 |
805 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Takr | Takri |
타크리 문자 |
806 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Tang | Tangut |
탕구트 문자 |
807 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Tglg | Tagalog |
타갈로그 문자 |
808 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Tirh | Tirhuta |
티르후타 문자 |
809 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Tnsa | Tangsa |
Tnsa |
810 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Todr | Todhri |
Todr |
811 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Toto | = |
Toto |
812 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Tutg | Tulu-Tigalari |
Tutg |
813 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Ugar | Ugaritic |
우가리트 문자 |
814 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Vith | Vithkuqi |
Vith |
815 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Wara | Varang Kshiti |
바랑 크시티 문자 |
816 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Xpeo | Old Persian |
고대 페르시아 문자 |
817 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Xsux | Sumero-Akkadian Cuneiform |
수메르-아카드어 설형문자 |
818 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Yezi | Yezidi |
Yezi |
819 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Zanb | Zanabazar Square |
Zanb |
820 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Afak | Afaka |
아파카 문자 |
821 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Aran | Nastaliq |
나스탈리크체 |
822 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Blis | Blissymbols |
블리스기호 문자 |
823 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Brai | Braille |
브라유 점자 |
824 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Cirt | Cirth |
키르쓰 |
825 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Cyrs | Old Church Slavonic Cyrillic |
고대교회슬라브어 키릴문자 |
826 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Egyd | Egyptian demotic |
고대 이집트 민중문자 |
827 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Egyh | Egyptian hieratic |
고대 이집트 신관문자 |
828 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Geok | Georgian Khutsuri |
그루지야 쿠츠리 문자 |
829 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Hrkt | Japanese syllabaries |
가나 |
830 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Inds | Indus |
인더스 문자 |
831 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Jurc | Jurchen |
줄첸 문자 |
832 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Kpel | Kpelle |
크펠레 문자 |
833 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Latf | Fraktur Latin |
독일식 로마자 |
834 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Latg | Gaelic Latin |
아일랜드식 로마자 |
835 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Loma | Loma |
로마 문자 |
836 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Maya | Mayan hieroglyphs |
마야 상형 문자 |
837 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Moon | Moon |
문 문자 |
838 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Nkgb | Naxi Geba |
나시 게바 문자 |
839 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Phlv | Book Pahlavi |
북 팔라비 문자 |
840 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Qaag | Zawgyi |
저지 문자 |
841 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Roro | Rongorongo |
롱고롱고 |
842 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Sara | Sarati |
사라티 |
843 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Syre | Estrangelo Syriac |
에스트랑겔로식 시리아 문자 |
844 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Syrj | Western Syriac |
서부 시리아 문자 |
845 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Syrn | Eastern Syriac |
동부 시리아 문자 |
846 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Teng | Tengwar |
텡과르 문자 |
847 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Visp | Visible Speech |
시화법 |
848 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Wole | Woleai |
울레아이 |
849 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Zmth | Mathematical Notation |
수학 기호 |
850 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Zsye | Emoji |
이모티콘 |
851 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Zsym | Symbols |
기호 |
852 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Zxxx | Unwritten |
구전 |
853 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Zzzz | Unknown Script |
알 수 없는 문자 |
854 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | world | 001 | world |
세계 |
855 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | world | 019 | Americas |
아메리카 대륙 |
856 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | world | 002 | Africa |
아프리카 |
857 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | world | 150 | Europe |
유럽 |
858 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | world | 142 | Asia |
아시아 |
859 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | world | 009 | Oceania |
오세아니아 |
860 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | world | EU | European Union |
유럽 연합 |
861 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | world | EZ | Eurozone |
유로존 |
862 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | world | UN | United Nations |
국제연합 |
863 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | world | UN-short | UN |
유엔 |
864 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Americas | 003 | North America |
북아메리카 |
865 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Americas | 021 | Northern America |
북부 아메리카 |
866 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Americas | 013 | Central America |
중앙 아메리카 |
867 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Americas | 029 | Caribbean |
카리브 제도 |
868 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Americas | 005 | South America |
남아메리카 |
869 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Americas | 419 | Latin America |
라틴 아메리카 |
870 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Africa | 015 | Northern Africa |
북부 아프리카 |
871 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Africa | 011 | Western Africa |
서부 아프리카 |
872 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Africa | 017 | Middle Africa |
중부 아프리카 |
873 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Africa | 014 | Eastern Africa |
동부 아프리카 |
874 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Africa | 018 | Southern Africa |
남부 아프리카 |
875 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Africa | 202 | Sub-Saharan Africa |
사하라 사막 이남 아프리카 |
876 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Europe | 154 | Northern Europe |
북유럽 |
877 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Europe | 155 | Western Europe |
서유럽 |
878 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Europe | 151 | Eastern Europe |
동유럽 |
879 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Europe | 039 | Southern Europe |
남유럽 |
880 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Asia | 145 | Western Asia |
서아시아 |
881 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Asia | 143 | Central Asia |
중앙 아시아 |
882 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Asia | 030 | Eastern Asia |
동아시아 |
883 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Asia | 034 | Southern Asia |
남아시아 |
884 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Asia | 035 | Southeast Asia |
동남아시아 |
885 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Oceania | 053 | Australasia |
오스트랄라시아 |
886 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Oceania | 054 | Melanesia |
멜라네시아 |
887 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Oceania | 057 | Micronesian Region |
미크로네시아 지역 |
888 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Oceania | 061 | Polynesia |
폴리네시아 |
889 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Oceania | QO | Outlying Oceania |
오세아니아 외곽 |
890 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Unknown Region | XA | Pseudo-Accents |
유사 억양 |
891 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Unknown Region | XB | Pseudo-Bidi |
유사 양방향 |
892 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Unknown Region | ZZ | Unknown Region |
알려지지 않은 지역 |
893 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Northern America | BM | Bermuda |
버뮤다 |
894 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Northern America | CA | Canada |
캐나다 |
895 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Northern America | GL | Greenland |
그린란드 |
896 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Northern America | PM | St. Pierre & Miquelon |
생피에르 미클롱 |
897 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Northern America | US | United States |
미국 |
898 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Central America | BZ | Belize |
벨리즈 |
899 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Central America | CR | Costa Rica |
코스타리카 |
900 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Central America | GT | Guatemala |
과테말라 |
901 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Central America | HN | Honduras |
온두라스 |
902 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Central America | MX | Mexico |
멕시코 |
903 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Central America | NI | Nicaragua |
니카라과 |
904 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Central America | PA | Panama |
파나마 |
905 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Central America | SV | El Salvador |
엘살바도르 |
906 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | AG | Antigua & Barbuda |
앤티가 바부다 |
907 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | AI | Anguilla |
앵귈라 |
908 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | AW | Aruba |
아루바 |
909 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | BB | Barbados |
바베이도스 |
910 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | BL | St. Barthélemy |
생바르텔레미 |
911 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | BQ | Caribbean Netherlands |
네덜란드령 카리브 |
912 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | BS | Bahamas |
바하마 |
913 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | CU | Cuba |
쿠바 |
914 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | CW | Curaçao |
퀴라소 |
915 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | DM | Dominica |
도미니카 |
916 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | DO | Dominican Republic |
도미니카 공화국 |
917 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | GD | Grenada |
그레나다 |
918 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | GP | Guadeloupe |
과들루프 |
919 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | HT | Haiti |
아이티 |
920 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | JM | Jamaica |
자메이카 |
921 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | KN | St. Kitts & Nevis |
세인트키츠 네비스 |
922 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | KY | Cayman Islands |
케이맨 제도 |
923 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | LC | St. Lucia |
세인트루시아 |
924 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | MF | St. Martin |
생마르탱 |
925 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | MQ | Martinique |
마르티니크 |
926 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | MS | Montserrat |
몬트세라트 |
927 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | PR | Puerto Rico |
푸에르토리코 |
928 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | SX | Sint Maarten |
신트마르턴 |
929 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | TC | Turks & Caicos Islands |
터크스 케이커스 제도 |
930 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | TT | Trinidad & Tobago |
트리니다드 토바고 |
931 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | VC | St. Vincent & Grenadines |
세인트빈센트그레나딘 |
932 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | VG | British Virgin Islands |
영국령 버진아일랜드 |
933 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | VI | U.S. Virgin Islands |
미국령 버진아일랜드 |
934 | Locale Display Names | Territories (South America) | South America | AR | Argentina |
아르헨티나 |
935 | Locale Display Names | Territories (South America) | South America | BO | Bolivia |
볼리비아 |
936 | Locale Display Names | Territories (South America) | South America | BR | Brazil |
브라질 |
937 | Locale Display Names | Territories (South America) | South America | BV | Bouvet Island |
부베섬 |
938 | Locale Display Names | Territories (South America) | South America | CL | Chile |
칠레 |
939 | Locale Display Names | Territories (South America) | South America | CO | Colombia |
콜롬비아 |
940 | Locale Display Names | Territories (South America) | South America | EC | Ecuador |
에콰도르 |
941 | Locale Display Names | Territories (South America) | South America | FK | Falkland Islands |
포클랜드 제도 |
942 | Locale Display Names | Territories (South America) | South America | FK-variant | Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) |
포클랜드 제도(말비나스 군도) |
943 | Locale Display Names | Territories (South America) | South America | GF | French Guiana |
프랑스령 기아나 |
944 | Locale Display Names | Territories (South America) | South America | GS | South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands |
사우스조지아 사우스샌드위치 제도 |
945 | Locale Display Names | Territories (South America) | South America | GY | Guyana |
가이아나 |
946 | Locale Display Names | Territories (South America) | South America | PE | Peru |
페루 |
947 | Locale Display Names | Territories (South America) | South America | PY | Paraguay |
파라과이 |
948 | Locale Display Names | Territories (South America) | South America | SR | Suriname |
수리남 |
949 | Locale Display Names | Territories (South America) | South America | UY | Uruguay |
우루과이 |
950 | Locale Display Names | Territories (South America) | South America | VE | Venezuela |
베네수엘라 |
951 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Northern Africa | DZ | Algeria |
알제리 |
952 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Northern Africa | EG | Egypt |
이집트 |
953 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Northern Africa | EH | Western Sahara |
서사하라 |
954 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Northern Africa | LY | Libya |
리비아 |
955 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Northern Africa | MA | Morocco |
모로코 |
956 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Northern Africa | SD | Sudan |
수단 |
957 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Northern Africa | TN | Tunisia |
튀니지 |
958 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Northern Africa | EA | Ceuta & Melilla |
세우타 및 멜리야 |
959 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Northern Africa | IC | Canary Islands |
카나리아 제도 |
960 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Western Africa | BF | Burkina Faso |
부르키나파소 |
961 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Western Africa | BJ | Benin |
베냉 |
962 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Western Africa | CI | Côte d’Ivoire |
코트디부아르 |
963 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Western Africa | CI-variant | Ivory Coast |
아이보리 코스트 |
964 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Western Africa | CV | Cape Verde |
카보베르데 |
965 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Western Africa | GH | Ghana |
가나 |
966 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Western Africa | GM | Gambia |
감비아 |
967 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Western Africa | GN | Guinea |
기니 |
968 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Western Africa | GW | Guinea-Bissau |
기니비사우 |
969 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Western Africa | LR | Liberia |
라이베리아 |
970 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Western Africa | ML | Mali |
말리 |
971 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Western Africa | MR | Mauritania |
모리타니 |
972 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Western Africa | NE | Niger |
니제르 |
973 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Western Africa | NG | Nigeria |
나이지리아 |
974 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Western Africa | SH | St. Helena |
세인트헬레나 |
975 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Western Africa | SL | Sierra Leone |
시에라리온 |
976 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Western Africa | SN | Senegal |
세네갈 |
977 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Western Africa | TG | Togo |
토고 |
978 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Middle Africa | AO | Angola |
앙골라 |
979 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Middle Africa | CD | Congo - Kinshasa |
콩고-킨샤사 |
980 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Middle Africa | CD-variant | Congo (DRC) |
콩고민주공화국 |
981 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Middle Africa | CF | Central African Republic |
중앙 아프리카 공화국 |
982 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Middle Africa | CG | Congo - Brazzaville |
콩고-브라자빌 |
983 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Middle Africa | CG-variant | Congo (Republic) |
콩고 공화국 |
984 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Middle Africa | CM | Cameroon |
카메룬 |
985 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Middle Africa | GA | Gabon |
가봉 |
986 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Middle Africa | GQ | Equatorial Guinea |
적도 기니 |
987 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Middle Africa | ST | São Tomé & Príncipe |
상투메 프린시페 |
988 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Middle Africa | TD | Chad |
차드 |
989 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Eastern Africa | BI | Burundi |
부룬디 |
990 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Eastern Africa | DJ | Djibouti |
지부티 |
991 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Eastern Africa | ER | Eritrea |
에리트리아 |
992 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Eastern Africa | ET | Ethiopia |
에티오피아 |
993 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Eastern Africa | IO | British Indian Ocean Territory |
영국령 인도양 지역 |
994 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Eastern Africa | IO-chagos | Chagos Archipelago |
차고스 제도 |
995 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Eastern Africa | KE | Kenya |
케냐 |
996 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Eastern Africa | KM | Comoros |
코모로 |
997 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Eastern Africa | MG | Madagascar |
마다가스카르 |
998 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Eastern Africa | MU | Mauritius |
모리셔스 |
999 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Eastern Africa | MW | Malawi |
말라위 |
1000 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Eastern Africa | MZ | Mozambique |
모잠비크 |
1001 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Eastern Africa | RE | Réunion |
레위니옹 |
1002 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Eastern Africa | RW | Rwanda |
르완다 |
1003 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Eastern Africa | SC | Seychelles |
세이셸 |
1004 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Eastern Africa | SO | Somalia |
소말리아 |
1005 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Eastern Africa | SS | South Sudan |
남수단 |
1006 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Eastern Africa | TF | French Southern Territories |
프랑스령 남방 지역 |
1007 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Eastern Africa | TZ | Tanzania |
탄자니아 |
1008 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Eastern Africa | UG | Uganda |
우간다 |
1009 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Eastern Africa | YT | Mayotte |
마요트 |
1010 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Eastern Africa | ZM | Zambia |
잠비아 |
1011 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Eastern Africa | ZW | Zimbabwe |
짐바브웨 |
1012 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Southern Africa | BW | Botswana |
보츠와나 |
1013 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Southern Africa | LS | Lesotho |
레소토 |
1014 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Southern Africa | NA | Namibia |
나미비아 |
1015 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Southern Africa | SZ | Eswatini |
에스와티니 |
1016 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Southern Africa | SZ-variant | Swaziland |
스와질란드 |
1017 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Southern Africa | ZA | South Africa |
남아프리카 |
1018 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Northern Europe | GG | Guernsey |
건지 |
1019 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Northern Europe | IM | Isle of Man |
맨섬 |
1020 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Northern Europe | JE | Jersey |
저지 |
1021 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Northern Europe | AX | Åland Islands |
올란드 제도 |
1022 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Northern Europe | DK | Denmark |
덴마크 |
1023 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Northern Europe | EE | Estonia |
에스토니아 |
1024 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Northern Europe | FI | Finland |
핀란드 |
1025 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Northern Europe | FO | Faroe Islands |
페로 제도 |
1026 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Northern Europe | GB | United Kingdom |
영국 |
1027 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Northern Europe-Subdivisions | gbeng | England |
잉글랜드 |
1028 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Northern Europe-Subdivisions | gbsct | Scotland |
스코틀랜드 |
1029 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Northern Europe-Subdivisions | gbwls | Wales |
웨일즈 |
1030 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Northern Europe | IE | Ireland |
아일랜드 |
1031 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Northern Europe | IS | Iceland |
아이슬란드 |
1032 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Northern Europe | LT | Lithuania |
리투아니아 |
1033 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Northern Europe | LV | Latvia |
라트비아 |
1034 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Northern Europe | NO | Norway |
노르웨이 |
1035 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Northern Europe | SE | Sweden |
스웨덴 |
1036 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Northern Europe | SJ | Svalbard & Jan Mayen |
스발바르제도-얀마웬섬 |
1037 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Northern Europe | CQ | Sark |
CQ |
1038 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Western Europe | AT | Austria |
오스트리아 |
1039 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Western Europe | BE | Belgium |
벨기에 |
1040 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Western Europe | CH | Switzerland |
스위스 |
1041 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Western Europe | DE | Germany |
독일 |
1042 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Western Europe | FR | France |
프랑스 |
1043 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Western Europe | LI | Liechtenstein |
리히텐슈타인 |
1044 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Western Europe | LU | Luxembourg |
룩셈부르크 |
1045 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Western Europe | MC | Monaco |
모나코 |
1046 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Western Europe | NL | Netherlands |
네덜란드 |
1047 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Eastern Europe | BG | Bulgaria |
불가리아 |
1048 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Eastern Europe | BY | Belarus |
벨라루스 |
1049 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Eastern Europe | CZ | Czechia |
체코 |
1050 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Eastern Europe | CZ-variant | Czech Republic |
체코 공화국 |
1051 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Eastern Europe | HU | Hungary |
헝가리 |
1052 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Eastern Europe | MD | Moldova |
몰도바 |
1053 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Eastern Europe | PL | Poland |
폴란드 |
1054 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Eastern Europe | RO | Romania |
루마니아 |
1055 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Eastern Europe | RU | Russia |
러시아 |
1056 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Eastern Europe | SK | Slovakia |
슬로바키아 |
1057 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Eastern Europe | UA | Ukraine |
우크라이나 |
1058 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Southern Europe | AD | Andorra |
안도라 |
1059 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Southern Europe | AL | Albania |
알바니아 |
1060 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Southern Europe | BA | Bosnia & Herzegovina |
보스니아 헤르체고비나 |
1061 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Southern Europe | ES | Spain |
스페인 |
1062 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Southern Europe | GI | Gibraltar |
지브롤터 |
1063 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Southern Europe | GR | Greece |
그리스 |
1064 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Southern Europe | HR | Croatia |
크로아티아 |
1065 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Southern Europe | IT | Italy |
이탈리아 |
1066 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Southern Europe | ME | Montenegro |
몬테네그로 |
1067 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Southern Europe | MK | North Macedonia |
북마케도니아 |
1068 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Southern Europe | MT | Malta |
몰타 |
1069 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Southern Europe | RS | Serbia |
세르비아 |
1070 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Southern Europe | PT | Portugal |
포르투갈 |
1071 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Southern Europe | SI | Slovenia |
슬로베니아 |
1072 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Southern Europe | SM | San Marino |
산마리노 |
1073 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Southern Europe | VA | Vatican City |
바티칸 시국 |
1074 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Southern Europe | XK | Kosovo |
코소보 |
1075 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Western Asia | AE | United Arab Emirates |
아랍에미리트 |
1076 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Western Asia | AM | Armenia |
아르메니아 |
1077 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Western Asia | AZ | Azerbaijan |
아제르바이잔 |
1078 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Western Asia | BH | Bahrain |
바레인 |
1079 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Western Asia | CY | Cyprus |
키프로스 |
1080 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Western Asia | GE | Georgia |
조지아 |
1081 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Western Asia | IL | Israel |
이스라엘 |
1082 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Western Asia | IQ | Iraq |
이라크 |
1083 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Western Asia | JO | Jordan |
요르단 |
1084 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Western Asia | KW | Kuwait |
쿠웨이트 |
1085 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Western Asia | LB | Lebanon |
레바논 |
1086 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Western Asia | OM | Oman |
오만 |
1087 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Western Asia | PS | Palestinian Territories |
팔레스타인 지구 |
1088 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Western Asia | PS-short | Palestine |
팔레스타인 |
1089 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Western Asia | QA | Qatar |
카타르 |
1090 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Western Asia | SA | Saudi Arabia |
사우디아라비아 |
1091 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Western Asia | SY | Syria |
시리아 |
1092 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Western Asia | TR | Türkiye |
튀르키예 |
1093 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Western Asia | YE | Yemen |
예멘 |
1094 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Central Asia | TM | Turkmenistan |
투르크메니스탄 |
1095 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Central Asia | TJ | Tajikistan |
타지키스탄 |
1096 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Central Asia | KG | Kyrgyzstan |
키르기스스탄 |
1097 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Central Asia | KZ | Kazakhstan |
카자흐스탄 |
1098 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Central Asia | UZ | Uzbekistan |
우즈베키스탄 |
1099 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Eastern Asia | CN | China |
중국 |
1100 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Eastern Asia | HK | Hong Kong SAR China |
홍콩(중국 특별행정구) |
1101 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Eastern Asia | HK-short | Hong Kong |
홍콩 |
1102 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Eastern Asia | JP | Japan |
일본 |
1103 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Eastern Asia | KP | North Korea |
북한 |
조선민주주의인민공화국 |
ⓘ |
1104 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Eastern Asia | KR | South Korea |
대한민국 |
1105 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Eastern Asia | MN | Mongolia |
몽골 |
1106 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Eastern Asia | MO | Macao SAR China |
마카오(중국 특별행정구) |
1107 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Eastern Asia | MO-short | Macao |
마카오 |
1108 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Eastern Asia | TW | Taiwan |
대만 |
1109 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Southern Asia | AF | Afghanistan |
아프가니스탄 |
1110 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Southern Asia | BD | Bangladesh |
방글라데시 |
1111 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Southern Asia | BT | Bhutan |
부탄 |
1112 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Southern Asia | IN | India |
인도 |
1113 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Southern Asia | IR | Iran |
이란 |
1114 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Southern Asia | LK | Sri Lanka |
스리랑카 |
1115 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Southern Asia | MV | Maldives |
몰디브 |
1116 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Southern Asia | NP | Nepal |
네팔 |
1117 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Southern Asia | PK | Pakistan |
파키스탄 |
1118 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Southeast Asia | BN | Brunei |
브루나이 |
1119 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Southeast Asia | ID | Indonesia |
인도네시아 |
1120 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Southeast Asia | KH | Cambodia |
캄보디아 |
1121 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Southeast Asia | LA | Laos |
라오스 |
1122 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Southeast Asia | MM | Myanmar (Burma) |
미얀마 |
1123 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Southeast Asia | MY | Malaysia |
말레이시아 |
1124 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Southeast Asia | PH | Philippines |
필리핀 |
1125 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Southeast Asia | SG | Singapore |
싱가포르 |
1126 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Southeast Asia | TH | Thailand |
태국 |
1127 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Southeast Asia | TL | Timor-Leste |
동티모르 |
1128 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Southeast Asia | TL-variant | East Timor |
티모르레스테 |
1129 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Southeast Asia | VN | Vietnam |
베트남 |
1130 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Australasia | AU | Australia |
오스트레일리아 |
1131 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Australasia | CC | Cocos (Keeling) Islands |
코코스 제도 |
1132 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Australasia | CX | Christmas Island |
크리스마스섬 |
1133 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Australasia | HM | Heard & McDonald Islands |
허드 맥도널드 제도 |
1134 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Australasia | NF | Norfolk Island |
노퍽섬 |
1135 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Australasia | NZ | New Zealand |
뉴질랜드 |
1136 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Melanesia | FJ | Fiji |
피지 |
1137 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Melanesia | NC | New Caledonia |
뉴칼레도니아 |
1138 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Melanesia | PG | Papua New Guinea |
파푸아뉴기니 |
1139 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Melanesia | SB | Solomon Islands |
솔로몬 제도 |
1140 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Melanesia | VU | Vanuatu |
바누아투 |
1141 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Micronesian Region | FM | Micronesia |
미크로네시아 |
1142 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Micronesian Region | GU | Guam |
괌 |
1143 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Micronesian Region | KI | Kiribati |
키리바시 |
1144 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Micronesian Region | MH | Marshall Islands |
마셜 제도 |
1145 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Micronesian Region | MP | Northern Mariana Islands |
북마리아나제도 |
1146 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Micronesian Region | NR | Nauru |
나우루 |
1147 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Micronesian Region | PW | Palau |
팔라우 |
1148 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Micronesian Region | UM | U.S. Outlying Islands |
미국령 해외 제도 |
1149 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Polynesia | AS | American Samoa |
아메리칸 사모아 |
1150 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Polynesia | CK | Cook Islands |
쿡 제도 |
1151 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Polynesia | NU | Niue |
니우에 |
1152 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Polynesia | PF | French Polynesia |
프랑스령 폴리네시아 |
1153 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Polynesia | PN | Pitcairn Islands |
핏케언 제도 |
1154 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Polynesia | TK | Tokelau |
토켈라우 |
1155 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Polynesia | TO | Tonga |
통가 |
1156 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Polynesia | TV | Tuvalu |
투발루 |
1157 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Polynesia | WF | Wallis & Futuna |
왈리스-푸투나 제도 |
1158 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Polynesia | WS | Samoa |
사모아 |
1159 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Outlying Oceania | AQ | Antarctica |
남극 대륙 |
1160 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Outlying Oceania | AC | Ascension Island |
어센션섬 |
1161 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Outlying Oceania | CP | Clipperton Island |
클리퍼턴섬 |
1162 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Outlying Oceania | DG | Diego Garcia |
디에고 가르시아 |
1163 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Outlying Oceania | TA | Tristan da Cunha |
트리스탄다쿠나 |
1164 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | 1606NICT | Late Middle French to 1606 |
중세 후기 프랑스어(1606년까지) |
1165 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | 1694ACAD | Early Modern French |
근대 초기 프랑스어 |
1166 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | 1901 | Traditional German orthography |
전통 독일어 표기법 |
1167 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | 1959ACAD | Academic |
관학식 |
1168 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | 1994 | Standardized Resian orthography |
표준 레지아어 표기법 |
1169 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | 1996 | German orthography of 1996 |
독일어 표기법(1996년) |
1170 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | ABL1943 | Orthographic formulation of 1943 |
ABL1943 |
1171 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | AKUAPEM | = |
1172 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | ALALC97 | ALA-LC Romanization, 1997 edition |
ALA-LC 로마자 표기법(1997년 개정) |
1173 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | ALUKU | Aluku dialect |
알루꾸 방언 |
1174 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | ANPEZO | = |
1175 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | AO1990 | Portuguese Language Orthographic Agreement of 1990 |
AO1990 |
1176 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | ARANES | = |
1177 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | AREVELA | Eastern Armenian |
동아르메니아어 |
1178 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | AREVMDA | Western Armenian |
서아르메니아어 |
1179 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | ARKAIKA | = |
1180 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | ASANTE | = |
1181 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | AUVERN | = |
1182 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | BAKU1926 | Unified Turkic Latin Alphabet |
통합 투르크어 라틴 알파벳 |
1183 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | BALANKA | Balanka dialect of Anii |
1184 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | BARLA | Barlavento dialect group of Kabuverdianu |
1185 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | BASICENG | = |
1186 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | BAUDDHA | BAUDDHA |
바우다 |
1187 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | BCIAV | = |
1188 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | BCIZBL | = |
1189 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | BISCAYAN | BISCAYAN |
비스카얀 |
1190 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | BISKE | San Giorgio/Bila dialect |
산조르지오/빌라 방언 |
1191 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | BLASL | = |
1192 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | BOHORIC | Bohorič alphabet |
1193 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | BOONT | Boontling |
분틀링어 |
1194 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | BORNHOLM | = |
1195 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | CISAUP | = |
1196 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | COLB1945 | Portuguese-Brazilian Orthographic Convention of 1945 |
COLB1945 |
1197 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | CORNU | = |
1198 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | CREISS | = |
1199 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | DAJNKO | Dajnko alphabet |
1200 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | EKAVSK | Serbian with Ekavian pronunciation |
1201 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | EMODENG | Early Modern English |
1202 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | FASCIA | = |
1203 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | FODOM | = |
1204 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | FONIPA | IPA Phonetics |
IPA 음성학 |
1205 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | FONKIRSH | = |
1206 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | FONNAPA | = |
1207 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | FONUPA | UPA Phonetics |
UPA 음성학 |
1208 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | FONXSAMP | = |
1209 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | GALLO | = |
1210 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | GASCON | = |
1211 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | GHERD | = |
1212 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | GRCLASS | = |
1213 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | GRITAL | = |
1214 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | GRMISTR | = |
1215 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | HEPBURN | Hepburn romanization |
헵번식 로마자 표기법 |
1216 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | HOGNORSK | HOGNORSK |
호그노르스크 |
1217 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | HSISTEMO | = |
1218 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | IJEKAVSK | Serbian with Ijekavian pronunciation |
1219 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | ITIHASA | ITIHASA |
이띠아사 |
1220 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | IVANCHOV | = |
1221 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | JAUER | JAUER |
야우어 |
1222 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | JYUTPING | = |
1223 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | KKCOR | Common Orthography |
공통 표기법 |
1224 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | KOCIEWIE | = |
1225 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | KSCOR | Standard Orthography |
1226 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | LAUKIKA | n/a |
라우키카 |
1227 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | LEMOSIN | = |
1228 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | LENGADOC | = |
1229 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | LIPAW | The Lipovaz dialect of Resian |
레지아어 리포바치 방언 |
1230 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | LTG1929 | = |
LTG1929 |
1231 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | LTG2007 | = |
LTG2007 |
1232 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | LUNA1918 | LUNA1918 |
루나1918 |
1233 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | METELKO | Metelko alphabet |
1234 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | MONOTON | Monotonic |
단음 |
1235 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | NDYUKA | Ndyuka dialect |
느듀카 방언 |
1236 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | NEDIS | Natisone dialect |
나티소네 방언 |
1237 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | NEWFOUND | = |
1238 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | NICARD | = |
1239 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | NJIVA | Gniva/Njiva dialect |
니바 방언 |
1240 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | NULIK | Modern Volapük |
1241 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | OSOJS | Oseacco/Osojane dialect |
오세아코/오소가네 방언 |
1242 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | OXENDICT | Oxford English Dictionary spelling |
1243 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | PAHAWH2 | = |
1244 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | PAHAWH3 | = |
1245 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | PAHAWH4 | = |
1246 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | PAMAKA | Pamaka dialect |
파마카 방언 |
1247 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | PEANO | = |
1248 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | PEHOEJI | PEHOEJI |
백화자 |
1249 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | PETR1708 | = |
PETR1708 |
1250 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | PINYIN | Pinyin Romanization |
병음 로마자 표기법 |
1251 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | POLYTON | Polytonic |
복음 |
1252 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | POSIX | = |
Computer |
1253 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | PROVENC | = |
1254 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | PUTER | PUTER |
퓨터 |
1255 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | REVISED | Revised Orthography |
개정 |
1256 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | RIGIK | Classic Volapük |
1257 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | ROZAJ | Resian |
레지아어 |
1258 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | RUMGR | = |
1259 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | SAAHO | Saho |
사호어 |
1260 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | SCOTLAND | Scottish Standard English |
스코틀랜드 표준 영어 |
1261 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | SCOUSE | Scouse |
리버풀 방언 |
1262 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | SIMPLE | = |
1263 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | SOLBA | Stolvizza/Solbica dialect |
스톨비자/솔비카 방언 |
1264 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | SOTAV | Sotavento dialect group of Kabuverdianu |
1265 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | SPANGLIS | = |
1266 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | SURMIRAN | SURMIRAN |
서미안 |
1267 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | SURSILV | = |
1268 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | SUTSILV | = |
1269 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | SYNNEJYL | = |
1270 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | TAILO | = |
1271 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | TARASK | Taraskievica orthography |
타라쉬키에비샤 표기법 |
1272 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | TONGYONG | TONGYONG |
통용 병음 |
1273 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | TUNUMIIT | = |
1274 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | UCCOR | Unified Orthography |
통합 표기법 |
1275 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | UCRCOR | Unified Revised Orthography |
통합 개정 표기법 |
1276 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | ULSTER | ULSTER |
얼스터 |
1277 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | UNIFON | Unifon phonetic alphabet |
1278 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | VAIDIKA | n/a |
바이디카 |
1279 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | VALBADIA | = |
1280 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | VALENCIA | Valencian |
발렌시아어 |
1281 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | VALLADER | VALLADER |
발라더 |
1282 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | VECDRUKA | = |
1283 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | VIVARAUP | = |
1284 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | WADEGILE | Wade-Giles Romanization |
웨이드-자일스식 로마자 표기법 |
1285 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | XSISTEMO | = |
1286 | Locale Display Names | Keys | calendar | calendar | Calendar |
달력 |
1287 | Locale Display Names | Keys | calendar | calendar-buddhist | Buddhist Calendar |
불교력 |
1288 | Locale Display Names | Keys | calendar | calendar-chinese | Chinese Calendar |
음력 |
1289 | Locale Display Names | Keys | calendar | calendar-coptic | Coptic Calendar |
콥트력 |
1290 | Locale Display Names | Keys | calendar | calendar-dangi | Dangi Calendar |
단기력 |
1291 | Locale Display Names | Keys | calendar | calendar-ethiopic | Ethiopic Calendar |
에티오피아력 |
1292 | Locale Display Names | Keys | calendar | calendar-ethiopic-amete-alem | Ethiopic Amete Alem Calendar |
에티오피아 아메테 알렘력 |
1293 | Locale Display Names | Keys | calendar | calendar-gregorian | Gregorian Calendar |
양력 |
1294 | Locale Display Names | Keys | calendar | calendar-hebrew | Hebrew Calendar |
히브리력 |
1295 | Locale Display Names | Keys | calendar | calendar-indian | Indian National Calendar |
인도력 |
1296 | Locale Display Names | Keys | calendar | calendar-islamic | Hijri Calendar |
히즈라력 |
1297 | Locale Display Names | Keys | calendar | calendar-islamic-civil | Hijri Calendar (tabular, civil epoch) |
히즈라 상용력 |
1298 | Locale Display Names | Keys | calendar | calendar-islamic-rgsa | Hijri Calendar (Saudi Arabia, sighting) |
islamic-rgsa |
1299 | Locale Display Names | Keys | calendar | calendar-islamic-tbla | Hijri Calendar (tabular, astronomical epoch) |
islamic-tbla |
1300 | Locale Display Names | Keys | calendar | calendar-islamic-umalqura | Hijri Calendar (Umm al-Qura) |
히즈라력(움 알 쿠라) |
1301 | Locale Display Names | Keys | calendar | calendar-iso8601 | ISO-8601 Calendar |
ISO-8601 달력 |
1302 | Locale Display Names | Keys | calendar | calendar-japanese | Japanese Calendar |
일본력 |
1303 | Locale Display Names | Keys | calendar | calendar-persian | Persian Calendar |
페르시안력 |
1304 | Locale Display Names | Keys | calendar | calendar-roc | Minguo Calendar |
대만력 |
1305 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colAlternate | colAlternate | Ignore Symbols Sorting |
기호 정렬 무시 |
1306 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colAlternate | colAlternate-non-ignorable | Sort Symbols |
기호 정렬 |
1307 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colAlternate | colAlternate-shifted | Sort Ignoring Symbols |
기호 무시 정렬 |
1308 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colBackwards | colBackwards | Reversed Accent Sorting |
악센트 역순 정렬 |
1309 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colBackwards | colBackwards-no | Sort Accents Normally |
악센트 일반 정렬 |
1310 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colBackwards | colBackwards-yes | Sort Accents Reversed |
악센트 역순 정렬 |
1311 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colCaseFirst | colCaseFirst | Uppercase/Lowercase Ordering |
대문자/소문자 순서 |
1312 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colCaseFirst | colCaseFirst-lower | Sort Lowercase First |
첫 소문자 정렬 |
1313 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colCaseFirst | colCaseFirst-no | Sort Normal Case Order |
일반 대/소문자 정렬 순서 |
1314 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colCaseFirst | colCaseFirst-upper | Sort Uppercase First |
대문자 우선 정렬 |
1315 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colCaseLevel | colCaseLevel | Case Sensitive Sorting |
대/소문자 구분 정렬 |
1316 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colCaseLevel | colCaseLevel-no | Sort Case Insensitive |
대/소문자 무시 정렬 |
1317 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colCaseLevel | colCaseLevel-yes | Sort Case Sensitive |
대/소문자 구분 정렬 |
1318 | Locale Display Names | Keys | collation | collation | Sort Order |
정렬 순서 |
1319 | Locale Display Names | Keys | collation | collation-big5han | Traditional Chinese Sort Order - Big5 |
중국어 번체 정렬 순서 (Big5) |
1320 | Locale Display Names | Keys | collation | collation-compat | Previous Sort Order, for compatibility |
호환성을 위해 이전 정렬 순서 |
1321 | Locale Display Names | Keys | collation | collation-dictionary | Dictionary Sort Order |
사전 정렬순 |
1322 | Locale Display Names | Keys | collation | collation-ducet | Default Unicode Sort Order |
기본 유니코드 정렬 순서 |
1323 | Locale Display Names | Keys | collation | collation-emoji | Emoji Sort Order |
emoji |
1324 | Locale Display Names | Keys | collation | collation-eor | European Ordering Rules |
유럽 정렬 규칙 |
1325 | Locale Display Names | Keys | collation | collation-gb2312han | Simplified Chinese Sort Order - GB2312 |
중국어 간체 정렬 순서 (GB2312) |
1326 | Locale Display Names | Keys | collation | collation-phonebook | Phonebook Sort Order |
전화번호부순 |
1327 | Locale Display Names | Keys | collation | collation-phonetic | Phonetic Sort Order |
소리나는 대로 정렬 순서 |
1328 | Locale Display Names | Keys | collation | collation-pinyin | Pinyin Sort Order |
병음순 |
1329 | Locale Display Names | Keys | collation | collation-search | General-Purpose Search |
범용 검색 |
1330 | Locale Display Names | Keys | collation | collation-searchjl | Search By Hangul Initial Consonant |
한글 자음으로 검색 |
1331 | Locale Display Names | Keys | collation | collation-standard | Standard Sort Order |
표준 정렬 순서 |
1332 | Locale Display Names | Keys | collation | collation-stroke | Stroke Sort Order |
자획순 |
1333 | Locale Display Names | Keys | collation | collation-traditional | Traditional Sort Order |
전통 역법 |
1334 | Locale Display Names | Keys | collation | collation-unihan | Radical-Stroke Sort Order |
부수순 |
1335 | Locale Display Names | Keys | collation | collation-zhuyin | Zhuyin Sort Order |
주음순 |
1336 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colNormalization | colNormalization | Normalized Sorting |
표준 정렬 |
1337 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colNormalization | colNormalization-no | Sort Without Normalization |
표준화 없이 정렬 |
1338 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colNormalization | colNormalization-yes | Sort Unicode Normalized |
유니코드 표준화 정렬 |
1339 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colNumeric | colNumeric | Numeric Sorting |
숫자 정렬 |
1340 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colNumeric | colNumeric-no | Sort Digits Individually |
숫자별 정렬 |
1341 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colNumeric | colNumeric-yes | Sort Digits Numerically |
숫자 정렬 |
1342 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colStrength | colStrength | Sorting Strength |
정렬 강도 |
1343 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colStrength | colStrength-identical | Sort All |
모두 정렬 |
1344 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colStrength | colStrength-primary | Sort Base Letters Only |
기본 문자만 정렬 |
1345 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colStrength | colStrength-quaternary | Sort Accents/Case/Width/Kana |
악센트/대소문자/전반각/가나 정렬 |
1346 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colStrength | colStrength-secondary | Sort Accents |
악센트 정렬 |
1347 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colStrength | colStrength-tertiary | Sort Accents/Case/Width |
악센트/대소문자/전반각 정렬 |
1348 | Locale Display Names | Keys | currency | currency | Currency |
통화 |
1349 | Locale Display Names | Keys | Currency Format | cf | Currency Format |
통화 형식 |
1350 | Locale Display Names | Keys | Currency Format | cf-account | Accounting Currency Format |
회계 통화 형식 |
1351 | Locale Display Names | Keys | Currency Format | cf-standard | Standard Currency Format |
표준 통화 형식 |
1352 | Locale Display Names | Keys | d0 | d0-fwidth | To Fullwidth |
전각 |
1353 | Locale Display Names | Keys | d0 | d0-hwidth | To Halfwidth |
반각 |
1354 | Locale Display Names | Keys | d0 | d0-npinyin | To Pinyin With Numeric Tones |
숫자 |
1355 | Locale Display Names | Keys | Hour Cycle | hc | Hour Cycle (12 vs 24) |
시간표시법(12시, 24시) |
1356 | Locale Display Names | Keys | Hour Cycle | hc-h11 | 12 Hour System (0–11) |
12시간제(0–11) |
1357 | Locale Display Names | Keys | Hour Cycle | hc-h12 | 12 Hour System (1–12) |
12시간제(1–12) |
1358 | Locale Display Names | Keys | Hour Cycle | hc-h23 | 24 Hour System (0–23) |
24시간제(0–23) |
1359 | Locale Display Names | Keys | Hour Cycle | hc-h24 | 24 Hour System (1–24) |
24시간제(1–24) |
1360 | Locale Display Names | Keys | Line Break | lb | Line Break Style |
줄바꿈 스타일 |
1361 | Locale Display Names | Keys | Line Break | lb-loose | Loose Line Break Style |
줄바꿈 - 넓게 |
1362 | Locale Display Names | Keys | Line Break | lb-normal | Normal Line Break Style |
줄바꿈 - 보통 |
1363 | Locale Display Names | Keys | Line Break | lb-strict | Strict Line Break Style |
줄바꿈 - 좁게 |
1364 | Locale Display Names | Keys | m0 | m0-bgn | US BGN Transliteration |
미국 지명위원회(BGN) |
1365 | Locale Display Names | Keys | m0 | m0-ungegn | UN GEGN Transliteration |
유엔 지명전문가 그룹(UNGEGN) |
1366 | Locale Display Names | Keys | Measurement System | ms | Measurement System |
계량법 |
1367 | Locale Display Names | Keys | Measurement System | ms-metric | Metric System |
미터법 |
1368 | Locale Display Names | Keys | Measurement System | ms-uksystem | Imperial Measurement System |
야드파운드법 |
1369 | Locale Display Names | Keys | Measurement System | ms-ussystem | US Measurement System |
미국 계량법 |
1370 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers | Numbers |
숫자 |
1371 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-ahom | Ahom Digits |
ahom |
1372 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-arab | Arabic-Indic Digits |
아라비아-인도식 숫자 |
1373 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-arabext | Extended Arabic-Indic Digits |
확장형 아라비아-인도식 숫자 |
1374 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-armn | Armenian Numerals |
아르메니아 숫자 |
1375 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-armnlow | Armenian Lowercase Numerals |
아르메니아 소문자 숫자 |
1376 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-bali | Balinese Digits |
발리 숫자 |
1377 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-beng | Bangla Digits |
뱅골 숫자 |
1378 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-brah | Brahmi Digits |
브라미 숫자 |
1379 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-cakm | Chakma Digits |
챠크마 숫자 |
1380 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-cham | Cham Digits |
참 숫자 |
1381 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-cyrl | Cyrillic Numerals |
cyrl |
1382 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-deva | Devanagari Digits |
데바나가리 숫자 |
1383 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-diak | Dives Akuru Digits |
diak |
1384 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-ethi | Ethiopic Numerals |
에티오피아 숫자 |
1385 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-finance | Financial Numerals |
재무 숫자 |
1386 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-fullwide | Full-Width Digits |
전자 숫자 |
1387 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-gara | Garay Digits |
gara |
1388 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-geor | Georgian Numerals |
조지아 숫자 |
1389 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-gong | Gunjala Gondi digits |
gong |
1390 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-gonm | Masaram Gondi digits |
gonm |
1391 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-grek | Greek Numerals |
그리스 숫자 |
1392 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-greklow | Greek Lowercase Numerals |
그리스어 소문자 숫자 |
1393 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-gujr | Gujarati Digits |
구자라트 숫자 |
1394 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-gukh | Gurung Khema Digits |
gukh |
1395 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-guru | Gurmukhi Digits |
굴묵키 숫자 |
1396 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-hanidec | Chinese Decimal Numerals |
중국어 십진 숫자 |
1397 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-hans | Simplified Chinese Numerals |
중국어 간체 숫자 |
1398 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-hansfin | Simplified Chinese Financial Numerals |
중국어 간체 재무 숫자 |
1399 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-hant | Traditional Chinese Numerals |
중국어 번체 숫자 |
1400 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-hantfin | Traditional Chinese Financial Numerals |
중국어 번체 재무 숫자 |
1401 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-hebr | Hebrew Numerals |
히브리 숫자 |
1402 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-hmng | Pahawh Hmong Digits |
hmng |
1403 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-hmnp | Nyiakeng Puachue Hmong Digits |
hmnp |
1404 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-java | Javanese Digits |
자바 숫자 |
1405 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-jpan | Japanese Numerals |
일본 숫자 |
1406 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-jpanfin | Japanese Financial Numerals |
일본 재무 숫자 |
1407 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-kali | Kayah Li Digits |
카야 리식 숫자 |
1408 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-kawi | Kawi Digits |
kawi |
1409 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-khmr | Khmer Digits |
크메르 숫자 |
1410 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-knda | Kannada Digits |
칸나다 숫자 |
1411 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-krai | Kirat Rai Digits |
krai |
1412 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-lana | Tai Tham Hora Digits |
타이 탐 호라 숫자 |
1413 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-lanatham | Tai Tham Tham Digits |
타이 탐탐 숫자 |
1414 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-laoo | Lao Digits |
라오 숫자 |
1415 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-latn | Western Digits |
서양 숫자 |
1416 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-lepc | Lepcha Digits |
렙차 숫자 |
1417 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-limb | Limbu Digits |
림부 숫자 |
1418 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-mathbold | Mathematical Bold Digits |
mathbold |
1419 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-mathdbl | Mathematical Double-Struck Digits |
mathdbl |
1420 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-mathmono | Mathematical Monospace Digits |
mathmono |
1421 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-mathsanb | Mathematical Sans-Serif Bold Digits |
mathsanb |
1422 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-mathsans | Mathematical Sans-Serif Digits |
mathsans |
1423 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-mlym | Malayalam Digits |
말라얄람 숫자 |
1424 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-modi | Modi Digits |
modi |
1425 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-mong | Mongolian Digits |
몽골 숫자 |
1426 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-mroo | Mro Digits |
mroo |
1427 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-mtei | Meetei Mayek Digits |
메이테이 마옉 숫자 |
1428 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-mymr | Myanmar Digits |
미얀마 숫자 |
1429 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-mymrepka | Myanmar Eastern Pwo Karen Digits |
mymrepka |
1430 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-mymrpao | Myanmar Pao Digits |
mymrpao |
1431 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-mymrshan | Myanmar Shan Digits |
미얀마 샨 숫자 |
1432 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-mymrtlng | Myanmar Tai Laing Digits |
mymrtlng |
1433 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-nagm | Nag Mundari Digits |
nagm |
1434 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-native | Native Digits |
기본 숫자 |
1435 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-nkoo | N’Ko Digits |
nkoo |
1436 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-olck | Ol Chiki Digits |
올치키 숫자 |
1437 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-onao | Ol Onal Digits |
onao |
1438 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-orya | Odia Digits |
오리야 숫자 |
1439 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-osma | Osmanya Digits |
오스마냐 숫자 |
1440 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-outlined | Outlined Digits |
outlined |
1441 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-rohg | Hanifi Rohingya digits |
rohg |
1442 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-roman | Roman Numerals |
로마 숫자 |
1443 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-romanlow | Roman Lowercase Numerals |
로마 소문자 숫자 |
1444 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-saur | Saurashtra Digits |
사우라슈트라 숫자 |
1445 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-shrd | Sharada Digits |
샤라다 숫자 |
1446 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-sind | Khudawadi Digits |
sind |
1447 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-sinh | Sinhala Lith Digits |
sinh |
1448 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-sora | Sora Sompeng Digits |
sora |
1449 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-sund | Sundanese Digits |
순다 숫자 |
1450 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-sunu | Sunuwar Digits |
sunu |
1451 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-takr | Takri Digits |
takr |
1452 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-talu | New Tai Lue Digits |
talu |
1453 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-taml | Traditional Tamil Numerals |
고대 타밀 숫자 |
1454 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-tamldec | Tamil Digits |
타밀 숫자 |
1455 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-telu | Telugu Digits |
텔루구 숫자 |
1456 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-thai | Thai Digits |
태국 숫자 |
1457 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-tibt | Tibetan Digits |
티벳 숫자 |
1458 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-tirh | Tirhuta Digits |
tirh |
1459 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-tnsa | Tangsa Digits |
tnsa |
1460 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-traditional | Traditional Numerals |
전통적인 숫자 |
1461 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-vaii | Vai Digits |
바이 숫자 |
1462 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-wara | Warang Citi Digits |
wara |
1463 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-wcho | Wancho Digits |
wcho |
1464 | Locale Display Names | Keys | timezone | timezone | Time Zone |
시간대 |
1465 | Locale Display Names | Keys | va | va | Locale Variant |
방언 |
1466 | Locale Display Names | Keys | x | x | Private-Use |
공개 여부 |
1467 | Date & Time | Fields | Date Fields | era | era |
연호 |
1468 | Date & Time | Fields | Date Fields | year | year |
년 |
1469 | Date & Time | Fields | Date Fields | quarter | quarter |
분기 |
1470 | Date & Time | Fields | Date Fields | month | month |
월 |
1471 | Date & Time | Fields | Date Fields | week | week |
주 |
1472 | Date & Time | Fields | Date Fields | weekOfMonth | week of month |
월의 주 |
1473 | Date & Time | Fields | Date Fields | day | day |
일 |
1474 | Date & Time | Fields | Date Fields | dayOfYear | day of year |
년의 일 |
1475 | Date & Time | Fields | Date Fields | weekday | day of the week |
요일 |
1476 | Date & Time | Fields | Date Fields | weekdayOfMonth | weekday of the month |
월의 평일 |
1477 | Date & Time | Fields | Date Fields | dayperiod | AM/PM |
오전/오후 |
1478 | Date & Time | Fields | Date Fields | zone | time zone |
시간대 |
1479 | Date & Time | Fields | Date Fields | hour | hour |
시 |
1480 | Date & Time | Fields | Date Fields | minute | minute |
분 |
1481 | Date & Time | Fields | Date Fields | second | second |
초 |
1482 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Year | -1 | last year |
작년 |
1483 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Year | 0 | this year |
올해 |
1484 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Year | 1 | next year |
내년 |
1485 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Year | future-other | in {0} years |
{0}년 후 |
1486 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Year | past-other | {0} years ago |
{0}년 전 |
1487 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Quarter | -1 | last quarter |
지난 분기 |
1488 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Quarter | 0 | this quarter |
이번 분기 |
1489 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Quarter | 1 | next quarter |
다음 분기 |
1490 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Quarter | future-other | in {0} quarters |
{0}분기 후 |
1491 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Quarter | past-other | {0} quarters ago |
{0}분기 전 |
1492 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Month | -1 | last month |
지난달 |
1493 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Month | 0 | this month |
이번 달 |
1494 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Month | 1 | next month |
다음 달 |
1495 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Month | future-other | in {0} months |
{0}개월 후 |
1496 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Month | past-other | {0} months ago |
{0}개월 전 |
1497 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Week | -1 | last week |
지난주 |
1498 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Week | 0 | this week |
이번 주 |
1499 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Week | 1 | next week |
다음 주 |
1500 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Week | future-other | in {0} weeks |
{0}주 후 |
1501 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Week | past-other | {0} weeks ago |
{0}주 전 |
1502 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Week | Period | the week of {0} |
{0}번째 주 |
1503 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Day | -2 | n/a |
그저께 |
1504 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Day | -1 | yesterday |
어제 |
1505 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Day | 0 | today |
오늘 |
1506 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Day | 1 | tomorrow |
내일 |
1507 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Day | 2 | n/a |
모레 |
1508 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Day | future-other | in {0} days |
{0}일 후 |
1509 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Day | past-other | {0} days ago |
{0}일 전 |
1510 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Hour | 0 | this hour |
현재 시간 |
1511 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Hour | future-other | in {0} hours |
{0}시간 후 |
1512 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Hour | past-other | {0} hours ago |
{0}시간 전 |
1513 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Minute | 0 | this minute |
현재 분 |
1514 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Minute | future-other | in {0} minutes |
{0}분 후 |
1515 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Minute | past-other | {0} minutes ago |
{0}분 전 |
1516 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Second | 0 | now |
지금 |
1517 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Second | future-other | in {0} seconds |
{0}초 후 |
1518 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Second | past-other | {0} seconds ago |
{0}초 전 |
1519 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Sunday | -1 | last Sunday |
지난 일요일 |
1520 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Sunday | 0 | this Sunday |
이번 일요일 |
1521 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Sunday | 1 | next Sunday |
다음 일요일 |
1522 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Sunday | future-other | in {0} Sundays |
{0}주 후 일요일 |
1523 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Sunday | past-other | {0} Sundays ago |
{0}주 전 일요일 |
1524 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Monday | -1 | last Monday |
지난 월요일 |
1525 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Monday | 0 | this Monday |
이번 월요일 |
1526 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Monday | 1 | next Monday |
다음 월요일 |
1527 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Monday | future-other | in {0} Mondays |
{0}주 후 월요일 |
1528 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Monday | past-other | {0} Mondays ago |
{0}주 전 월요일 |
1529 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Tuesday | -1 | last Tuesday |
지난 화요일 |
1530 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Tuesday | 0 | this Tuesday |
이번 화요일 |
1531 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Tuesday | 1 | next Tuesday |
다음 화요일 |
1532 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Tuesday | future-other | in {0} Tuesdays |
{0}주 후 화요일 |
1533 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Tuesday | past-other | {0} Tuesdays ago |
{0}주 전 화요일 |
1534 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Wednesday | -1 | last Wednesday |
지난 수요일 |
1535 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Wednesday | 0 | this Wednesday |
이번 수요일 |
1536 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Wednesday | 1 | next Wednesday |
다음 수요일 |
1537 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Wednesday | future-other | in {0} Wednesdays |
{0}주 후 수요일 |
1538 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Wednesday | past-other | {0} Wednesdays ago |
{0}주 전 수요일 |
1539 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Thursday | -1 | last Thursday |
지난 목요일 |
1540 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Thursday | 0 | this Thursday |
이번 목요일 |
1541 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Thursday | 1 | next Thursday |
다음 목요일 |
1542 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Thursday | future-other | in {0} Thursdays |
{0}주 후 목요일 |
1543 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Thursday | past-other | {0} Thursdays ago |
{0}주 전 목요일 |
1544 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Friday | -1 | last Friday |
지난 금요일 |
1545 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Friday | 0 | this Friday |
이번 금요일 |
1546 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Friday | 1 | next Friday |
다음 금요일 |
1547 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Friday | future-other | in {0} Fridays |
{0}주 후 금요일 |
1548 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Friday | past-other | {0} Fridays ago |
{0}주 전 금요일 |
1549 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Saturday | -1 | last Saturday |
지난 토요일 |
1550 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Saturday | 0 | this Saturday |
이번 토요일 |
1551 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Saturday | 1 | next Saturday |
다음 토요일 |
1552 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Saturday | future-other | in {0} Saturdays |
{0}주 후 토요일 |
1553 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Saturday | past-other | {0} Saturdays ago |
{0}주 전 토요일 |
1554 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Eras - wide | 0 | Before Christ |
기원전 |
1555 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Eras - wide | 0-variant | Before Common Era |
기원전 |
1556 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Eras - wide | 1 | Anno Domini |
서기 |
1557 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Eras - wide | 1-variant | Common Era |
서기 |
1558 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Eras - abbreviated | 0 | = |
BC |
1559 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Eras - abbreviated | 0-variant | = |
1560 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Eras - abbreviated | 1 | = |
AD |
1561 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Eras - abbreviated | 1-variant | = |
CE |
1562 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Quarters - wide - Formatting | 1 | 1st quarter |
제 1/4분기 |
1563 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Quarters - wide - Formatting | 2 | 2nd quarter |
제 2/4분기 |
1564 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Quarters - wide - Formatting | 3 | 3rd quarter |
제 3/4분기 |
1565 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Quarters - wide - Formatting | 4 | 4th quarter |
제 4/4분기 |
1566 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Quarters - abbreviated - Formatting | 1 | Q1 |
1분기 |
1567 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Quarters - abbreviated - Formatting | 2 | Q2 |
2분기 |
1568 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Quarters - abbreviated - Formatting | 3 | Q3 |
3분기 |
1569 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Quarters - abbreviated - Formatting | 4 | Q4 |
4분기 |
1570 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Quarters - narrow - Standalone | 1 | = |
1 |
1571 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Quarters - narrow - Standalone | 2 | = |
2 |
1572 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Quarters - narrow - Standalone | 3 | = |
3 |
1573 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Quarters - narrow - Standalone | 4 | = |
4 |
1574 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Months - wide - Formatting | Jan | January |
1월 |
1575 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Months - wide - Formatting | Feb | February |
2월 |
1576 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Months - wide - Formatting | Mar | March |
3월 |
1577 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Months - wide - Formatting | Apr | April |
4월 |
1578 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Months - wide - Formatting | May | May |
5월 |
1579 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Months - wide - Formatting | Jun | June |
6월 |
1580 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Months - wide - Formatting | Jul | July |
7월 |
1581 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Months - wide - Formatting | Aug | August |
8월 |
1582 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Months - wide - Formatting | Sep | September |
9월 |
1583 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Months - wide - Formatting | Oct | October |
10월 |
1584 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Months - wide - Formatting | Nov | November |
11월 |
1585 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Months - wide - Formatting | Dec | December |
12월 |
1586 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Months - narrow - Standalone | Jan | J |
1월 |
1587 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Months - narrow - Standalone | Feb | F |
2월 |
1588 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Months - narrow - Standalone | Mar | M |
3월 |
1589 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Months - narrow - Standalone | Apr | A |
4월 |
1590 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Months - narrow - Standalone | May | M |
5월 |
1591 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Months - narrow - Standalone | Jun | J |
6월 |
1592 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Months - narrow - Standalone | Jul | J |
7월 |
1593 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Months - narrow - Standalone | Aug | A |
8월 |
1594 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Months - narrow - Standalone | Sep | S |
9월 |
1595 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Months - narrow - Standalone | Oct | O |
10월 |
1596 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Months - narrow - Standalone | Nov | N |
11월 |
1597 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Months - narrow - Standalone | Dec | D |
12월 |
1598 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Days - wide - Formatting | sun | Sunday |
일요일 |
1599 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Days - wide - Formatting | mon | Monday |
월요일 |
1600 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Days - wide - Formatting | tue | Tuesday |
화요일 |
1601 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Days - wide - Formatting | wed | Wednesday |
수요일 |
1602 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Days - wide - Formatting | thu | Thursday |
목요일 |
1603 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Days - wide - Formatting | fri | Friday |
금요일 |
1604 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Days - wide - Formatting | sat | Saturday |
토요일 |
1605 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Days - abbreviated - Formatting | sun | Sun |
일 |
1606 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Days - abbreviated - Formatting | mon | Mon |
월 |
1607 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Days - abbreviated - Formatting | tue | Tue |
화 |
1608 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Days - abbreviated - Formatting | wed | Wed |
수 |
1609 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Days - abbreviated - Formatting | thu | Thu |
목 |
1610 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Days - abbreviated - Formatting | fri | Fri |
금 |
1611 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Days - abbreviated - Formatting | sat | Sat |
토 |
1612 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Days - narrow - Standalone | sun | S |
일 |
1613 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Days - narrow - Standalone | mon | M |
월 |
1614 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Days - narrow - Standalone | tue | T |
화 |
1615 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Days - narrow - Standalone | wed | W |
수 |
1616 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Days - narrow - Standalone | thu | T |
목 |
1617 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Days - narrow - Standalone | fri | F |
금 |
1618 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Days - narrow - Standalone | sat | S |
토 |
1619 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Day Periods - wide - Formatting | am | AM |
오전 |
1620 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Day Periods - wide - Formatting | pm | PM |
오후 |
1621 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Day Periods - wide - Formatting | morning1 | in the morning |
아침 |
1622 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Day Periods - wide - Standalone | am | AM |
오전 |
1623 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Day Periods - wide - Standalone | pm | PM |
오후 |
1624 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Day Periods - wide - Standalone | morning1 | morning |
아침 |
1625 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Day Periods - abbreviated - Formatting | am | = |
AM |
1626 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Day Periods - abbreviated - Formatting | pm | = |
PM |
1627 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Day Periods - abbreviated - Formatting | midnight | midnight |
자정 |
1628 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Day Periods - abbreviated - Formatting | noon | noon |
정오 |
1629 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Day Periods - abbreviated - Formatting | morning1 | in the morning |
아침 |
1630 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Day Periods - abbreviated - Formatting | morning2 | n/a |
오전 |
1631 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Day Periods - abbreviated - Formatting | afternoon1 | in the afternoon |
오후 |
1632 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Day Periods - abbreviated - Formatting | evening1 | in the evening |
저녁 |
1633 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Day Periods - abbreviated - Formatting | night1 | at night |
밤 |
1634 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Day Periods - abbreviated - Standalone | morning1 | morning |
아침 |
1635 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Day Periods - narrow - Formatting | morning1 | in the morning |
아침 |
1636 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Day Periods - narrow - Standalone | morning1 | morning |
아침 |
1637 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Standard - Date Formats | full | EEEE, MMMM d, y |
y년 MMMM d일 EEEE |
1638 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Standard - Date Formats | long | MMMM d, y |
y년 MMMM d일 |
1639 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Standard - Date Formats | medium | MMM d, y |
y. M. d. |
1640 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Standard - Date Formats | short | M/d/yy |
yy. M. d. |
1641 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Standard - Time Formats | full | h:mm:ss a zzzz |
a h시 m분 s초 zzzz |
zzzz HH:mm:ss |
ⓘ |
1642 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Standard - Time Formats | long | h:mm:ss a z |
a h시 m분 s초 z |
z HH:mm:ss |
ⓘ |
1643 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Standard - Time Formats | medium | h:mm:ss a |
a h:mm:ss |
HH:mm:ss |
ⓘ |
1644 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Standard - Time Formats | short | h:mm a |
a h:mm |
HH:mm |
ⓘ |
1645 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formats | full | {1}, {0} |
{1} {0} |
1646 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formats | long | {1}, {0} |
{1} {0} |
1647 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formats | medium | {1}, {0} |
{1} {0} |
1648 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formats | short | {1}, {0} |
{1} {0} |
1649 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMMMW-other | 'week' W 'of' MMMM |
MMMM W번째 주 |
1650 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yw-other | 'week' w 'of' Y |
Y년 w번째 주 |
1651 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | d | d |
d일 |
1652 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | E | = |
ccc |
1653 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | Ed | d E |
d일 (E) |
1654 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | EEEEd | n/a |
d일 EEEE |
1655 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | Gy | y G |
G y년 |
1656 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMd | M/d/y G |
GGGGG y/M/d |
1657 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMMM | MMM y G |
G y년 MMM |
1658 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMMMd | MMM d, y G |
G y년 MMM d일 |
1659 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMMMEd | E, MMM d, y G |
G y년 MMM d일 (E) |
1660 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMMMEEEEd | n/a |
G y년 MMM d일 EEEE |
1661 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | M | L |
M월 |
1662 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | Md | M/d |
M. d. |
1663 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MEd | E, M/d |
M. d. (E) |
1664 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MEEEEd | n/a |
M. d. EEEE |
1665 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMM | = |
1666 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMMd | MMM d |
MMM d일 |
1667 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMMEd | E, MMM d |
MMM d일 (E) |
1668 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMMEEEEd | n/a |
1669 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMMMd | MMMM d |
MMMM d일 |
1670 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | y | y |
y년 |
1671 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yM | M/y |
y. M. |
1672 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yMd | M/d/y |
y. M. d. |
1673 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yMEd | E, M/d/y |
y. M. d. (E) |
1674 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yMEEEEd | n/a |
y. M. d. EEEE |
1675 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yMM | n/a |
y. M. |
1676 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yMMM | MMM y |
y년 MMM |
1677 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yMMMd | MMM d, y |
y년 MMM d일 |
1678 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yMMMEd | E, MMM d, y |
y년 MMM d일 (E) |
1679 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yMMMEEEEd | n/a |
y년 MMM d일 EEEE |
1680 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yMMMM | MMMM y |
y년 MMMM |
1681 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yQQQ | QQQ y |
y년 QQQ |
1682 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yQQQQ | QQQQ y |
y년 QQQQ |
1683 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | Bh | h B |
B h시 |
1684 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | Bhm | h:mm B |
B h:mm |
1685 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | Bhms | h:mm:ss B |
B h:mm:ss |
1686 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | EBhm | E h:mm B |
(E) B h:mm |
1687 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | EBhms | E h:mm:ss B |
(E) B h:mm:ss |
1688 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | Ehm | E h:mm a |
(E) a h:mm |
1689 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | Ehms | E h:mm:ss a |
(E) a h:mm:ss |
1690 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | h | h a |
a h시 |
1691 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | hm | h:mm a |
a h:mm |
1692 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | hms | h:mm:ss a |
a h:mm:ss |
1693 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | hmsv | h:mm:ss a v |
a h:mm:ss v |
1694 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | hmv | h:mm a v |
a h:mm v |
1695 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | EHm | E HH:mm |
(E) HH:mm |
1696 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | EHms | E HH:mm:ss |
(E) HH:mm:ss |
1697 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | H | HH |
H시 |
1698 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | HHmmss | n/a |
HH:mm:ss |
1699 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | Hm | = |
HH:mm |
1700 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | Hms | HH:mm:ss |
H시 m분 s초 |
1701 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | Hmsv | HH:mm:ss v |
H시 m분 s초 v |
1702 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | Hmv | = |
HH:mm v |
1703 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | mmss | n/a |
mm:ss |
1704 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | ms | = |
mm:ss |
1705 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Append | Timezone | = |
{0} {1} |
1706 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Bh/B | h B – h B |
B h시 ~ B h시 |
1707 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Bh/h | h – h B |
B h시~h시 |
1708 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Bhm/B | h:mm B – h:mm B |
B h:mm~B h:mm |
1709 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Bhm/h | h:mm – h:mm B |
B h:mm ~ h:mm |
1710 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Bhm/m | h:mm – h:mm B |
B h:mm ~ h:mm |
1711 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | d/d | d – d |
d일~d일 |
1712 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Gy/G | y G – y G |
G y년 ~ G y년 |
1713 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Gy/y | y – y G |
G y년~y년 |
1714 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyM/G | M/y G – M/y G |
GGGGG y년 M월 ~ GGGGG y년 M월 |
1715 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyM/M | M/y – M/y G |
GGGGG y년 M월 ~ GGGGG y년 M월 |
1716 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyM/y | M/y – M/y G |
GGGGG y년 M월 ~ y년 M월 |
1717 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMd/d | M/d/y – M/d/y G |
GGGGG y년 M월 d일 ~ y년 M월 d일 |
1718 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMd/G | M/d/y G – M/d/y G |
GGGGG y년 M월 d일 ~ GGGGG y년 M월 d일 |
1719 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMd/M | M/d/y – M/d/y G |
GGGGG y년 M월 d일 ~ y년 M월 d일 |
1720 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMd/y | M/d/y – M/d/y G |
GGGGG y년 M월 d일 ~ y년 M월 d일 |
1721 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMEd/d | E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y G |
GGGGG y년 M월 d일 E요일 ~ y년 M월 d일 E요일 |
1722 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMEd/G | E, M/d/y G – E, M/d/y G |
GGGGG y년 M월 d일 E요일 ~ GGGGG y년 M월 d일 E요일 |
1723 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMEd/M | E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y G |
GGGGG y년 M월 d일 E요일 ~ y년 M월 d일 E요일 |
1724 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMEd/y | E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y G |
GGGGG y년 M월 d일 E요일 ~ y년 M월 d일 E요일 |
1725 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMMM/G | MMM y G – MMM y G |
G y년 MMM ~ G y년 MMM |
1726 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMMM/M | MMM – MMM y G |
G y년 MMM ~ MMM |
1727 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMMM/y | MMM y – MMM y G |
G y년 MMM ~ y년 MMM |
1728 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMMMd/d | MMM d – d, y G |
G y년 MMM d일 ~ d일 |
1729 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMMMd/G | MMM d, y G – MMM d, y G |
G y년 MMM d일 ~ G y년 MMM d일 |
1730 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMMMd/M | MMM d – MMM d, y G |
G y년 MMM d일 ~ MMM d일 |
1731 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMMMd/y | MMM d, y – MMM d, y G |
G y년 MMM d일 ~ y년 MMM d일 |
1732 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMMMEd/d | E, MMM d – E, MMM d, y G |
G y년 MMM d일 E요일 ~ MMM d일 E요일 |
1733 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMMMEd/G | E, MMM d, y G – E, MMM d, y G |
G y년 MMM d일 E요일 ~ G y년 MMM d일 E요일 |
1734 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMMMEd/M | E, MMM d – E, MMM d, y G |
G y년 MMM d일 E요일 ~ MMM d일 E요일 |
1735 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMMMEd/y | E, MMM d, y – E, MMM d, y G |
G y년 MMM d일 E요일 ~ y년 MMM d일 E요일 |
1736 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | M/M | M – M |
M월~M월 |
1737 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Md/d | M/d – M/d |
M/d ~ M/d |
1738 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Md/M | M/d – M/d |
M/d ~ M/d |
1739 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MEd/d | E, M/d – E, M/d |
M. d (E) ~ M. d (E) |
1740 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MEd/M | E, M/d – E, M/d |
M. d (E) ~ M. d (E) |
1741 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MMM/M | MMM – MMM |
1742 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MMMd/d | MMM d – d |
MMM d일~d일 |
1743 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MMMd/M | MMM d – MMM d |
M월 d일 ~ M월 d일 |
1744 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MMMEd/d | E, MMM d – E, MMM d |
M월 d일 (E) ~ d일 (E) |
1745 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MMMEd/M | E, MMM d – E, MMM d |
M월 d일 (E) ~ M월 d일 (E) |
1746 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MMMM/M | n/a |
1747 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | y/y | y – y |
y년 ~ y년 |
1748 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yM/M | M/y – M/y |
y. M ~ y. M |
1749 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yM/y | M/y – M/y |
y. M ~ y. M |
1750 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMd/d | M/d/y – M/d/y |
y. M. d. ~ y. M. d. |
1751 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMd/M | M/d/y – M/d/y |
y. M. d. ~ y. M. d. |
1752 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMd/y | M/d/y – M/d/y |
y. M. d. ~ y. M. d. |
1753 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMEd/d | E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y |
y. M. d. (E) ~ y. M. d. (E) |
1754 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMEd/M | E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y |
y. M. d. (E) ~ y. M. d. (E) |
1755 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMEd/y | E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y |
y. M. d. (E) ~ y. M. d. (E) |
1756 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMM/M | MMM – MMM y |
y년 M월~M월 |
1757 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMM/y | MMM y – MMM y |
y년 M월 ~ y년 M월 |
1758 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMd/d | MMM d – d, y |
y년 M월 d일~d일 |
1759 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMd/M | MMM d – MMM d, y |
y년 M월 d일 ~ M월 d일 |
1760 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMd/y | MMM d, y – MMM d, y |
y년 M월 d일 ~ y년 M월 d일 |
1761 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMEd/d | E, MMM d – E, MMM d, y |
y년 M월 d일 (E) ~ d일 (E) |
1762 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMEd/M | E, MMM d – E, MMM d, y |
y년 M월 d일 (E) ~ M월 d일 (E) |
1763 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMEd/y | E, MMM d, y – E, MMM d, y |
y년 M월 d일 (E) ~ y년 M월 d일 (E) |
1764 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMEEEEd/d | n/a |
y년 M월 d일 EEEE ~ d일 EEEE |
1765 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMEEEEd/M | n/a |
y년 M월 d일 EEEE ~ M월 d일 EEEE |
1766 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMEEEEd/y | n/a |
y년 M월 d일 EEEE ~ y년 M월 d일 EEEE |
1767 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMM/M | MMMM – MMMM y |
y년 MMMM ~ MMMM |
1768 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMM/y | MMMM y – MMMM y |
y년 MMMM ~ y년 MMMM |
1769 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formats | h/a | h a – h a |
a h시 ~ a h시 |
1770 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formats | h/h | h – h a |
a h시 ~ h시 |
1771 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formats | hm/a | h:mm a – h:mm a |
a h:mm ~ a h:mm |
1772 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formats | hm/h | h:mm – h:mm a |
a h:mm~h:mm |
1773 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formats | hm/m | h:mm – h:mm a |
a h:mm~h:mm |
1774 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formats | hmv/a | h:mm a – h:mm a v |
a h:mm ~ a h:mm v |
1775 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formats | hmv/h | h:mm – h:mm a v |
a h:mm~h:mm v |
1776 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formats | hmv/m | h:mm – h:mm a v |
a h:mm~h:mm v |
1777 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formats | hv/a | h a – h a v |
a h시 ~ a h시(v) |
1778 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formats | hv/h | h – h a v |
a h시 ~ h시(v) |
1779 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - 24 Hour Time Formats | H/H | HH – HH |
H ~ H시 |
1780 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - 24 Hour Time Formats | Hm/H | HH:mm – HH:mm |
HH:mm ~ HH:mm |
1781 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - 24 Hour Time Formats | Hm/m | HH:mm – HH:mm |
HH:mm ~ HH:mm |
1782 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - 24 Hour Time Formats | Hmv/H | HH:mm – HH:mm v |
HH:mm ~ HH:mm v |
1783 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - 24 Hour Time Formats | Hmv/m | HH:mm – HH:mm v |
HH:mm ~ HH:mm v |
1784 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - 24 Hour Time Formats | Hv/H | HH – HH v |
HH ~ HH시 v |
1785 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Fallback | Fallback | {0} – {1} |
{0} ~ {1} |
1786 | Date & Time | ISO 8601 | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMMMW-other | = |
MMMM 'week' W |
1787 | Date & Time | ISO 8601 | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yw-other | = |
Y 'week' w |
1788 | Date & Time | ISO 8601 | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | Bh | = |
h B |
1789 | Date & Time | ISO 8601 | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | Bhm | = |
h:mm B |
1790 | Date & Time | ISO 8601 | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | Bhms | = |
h:mm:ss B |
1791 | Date & Time | ISO 8601 | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | EBhm | = |
E h:mm B |
1792 | Date & Time | ISO 8601 | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | EBhms | = |
E h:mm:ss B |
1793 | Date & Time | ISO 8601 | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | Ehm | = |
E h:mm a |
1794 | Date & Time | ISO 8601 | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | Ehms | = |
E h:mm:ss a |
1795 | Date & Time | ISO 8601 | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | h | = |
h a |
1796 | Date & Time | ISO 8601 | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | hm | = |
h:mm a |
1797 | Date & Time | ISO 8601 | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | hms | = |
h:mm:ss a |
1798 | Date & Time | ISO 8601 | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | hmsv | = |
h:mm:ss a v |
1799 | Date & Time | ISO 8601 | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | hmv | = |
h:mm a v |
1800 | Date & Time | ISO 8601 | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | EHm | = |
E HH:mm |
1801 | Date & Time | ISO 8601 | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | EHms | = |
E HH:mm:ss |
1802 | Date & Time | ISO 8601 | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | H | = |
HH |
1803 | Date & Time | ISO 8601 | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | Hm | = |
HH:mm |
1804 | Date & Time | ISO 8601 | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | Hms | = |
HH:mm:ss |
1805 | Date & Time | ISO 8601 | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | Hmsv | = |
HH:mm:ss v |
1806 | Date & Time | ISO 8601 | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | Hmv | = |
HH:mm v |
1807 | Date & Time | ISO 8601 | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | ms | = |
mm:ss |
1808 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Standard - Date Formats | full | EEEE, MMMM d, y G |
G y년 M월 d일 EEEE |
1809 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Standard - Date Formats | long | MMMM d, y G |
G y년 M월 d일 |
1810 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Standard - Date Formats | medium | MMM d, y G |
G y. M. d. |
1811 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Standard - Date Formats | short | M/d/y GGGGG |
G y. M. d. |
1812 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formats | full | {1}, {0} |
{1} {0} |
1813 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formats | long | {1}, {0} |
{1} {0} |
1814 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formats | medium | {1}, {0} |
{1} {0} |
1815 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formats | short | {1}, {0} |
{1} {0} |
1816 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | d | d |
d일 |
1817 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | E | = |
ccc |
1818 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | Ed | d E |
d일 (E) |
1819 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | EEEEd | n/a |
d일 EEEE |
1820 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | Gy | y G |
G y년 |
1821 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMd | M/d/y GGGGG |
GGGGG y/M/d |
1822 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMMM | MMM y G |
G y년 M월 |
1823 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMMMd | MMM d, y G |
G y년 M월 d일 |
1824 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMMMEd | E, MMM d, y G |
G y년 M월 d일 (E) |
1825 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMMMEEEEd | n/a |
G y년 M월 d일 EEEE |
1826 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | M | L |
M월 |
1827 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | Md | M/d |
M. d. |
1828 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MEd | E, M/d |
M. d. (E) |
1829 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MEEEEd | n/a |
M. d. EEEE |
1830 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMM | = |
1831 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMMd | MMM d |
M월 d일 |
1832 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMMEd | E, MMM d |
M월 d일 (E) |
1833 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMMEEEEd | n/a |
M월 d일 EEEE |
1834 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMMMd | MMMM d |
M월 d일 |
1835 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | y | y G |
G y년 |
1836 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyy | y G |
G y년 |
1837 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyM | M/y GGGGG |
G y. M. |
1838 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMd | M/d/y GGGGG |
G y. M. d. |
1839 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMEd | E, M/d/y GGGGG |
G y. M. d. (E) |
1840 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMEEEEd | n/a |
G y. M. d. EEEE |
1841 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMMM | MMM y G |
G y년 M월 |
1842 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMMMd | MMM d, y G |
G y년 M월 d일 |
1843 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMMMEd | E, MMM d, y G |
G y년 M월 d일 (E) |
1844 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMMMEEEEd | n/a |
G y년 M월 d일 EEEE |
1845 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMMMM | MMMM y G |
G y년 M월 |
1846 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyQQQ | QQQ y G |
G y년 QQQ |
1847 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyQQQQ | QQQQ y G |
G y년 QQQQ |
1848 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | Bh | h B |
B h시 |
1849 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | Bhm | h:mm B |
B h:mm |
1850 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | Bhms | h:mm:ss B |
B h:mm:ss |
1851 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | EBhm | E h:mm B |
E B h:mm |
1852 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | EBhms | E h:mm:ss B |
E B h:mm:ss |
1853 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | Ehm | E h:mm a |
E a h:mm |
1854 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | Ehms | E h:mm:ss a |
E a h:mm:ss |
1855 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | h | h a |
a h시 |
1856 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | hm | h:mm a |
a h:mm |
1857 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | hms | h:mm:ss a |
a h:mm:ss |
1858 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | EHm | = |
E HH:mm |
1859 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | EHms | = |
E HH:mm:ss |
1860 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | H | HH |
H시 |
1861 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | HHmmss | n/a |
HH:mm:ss |
1862 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | Hm | = |
HH:mm |
1863 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | Hms | = |
HH:mm:ss |
1864 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | ms | = |
mm:ss |
1865 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Bh/B | h B – h B |
B h시 ~ B h시 |
1866 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Bh/h | h – h B |
B h시 ~ h시 |
1867 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Bhm/B | h:mm B – h:mm B |
B h:mm ~ B h:mm |
1868 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Bhm/h | h:mm – h:mm B |
B h:mm ~ h:mm |
1869 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Bhm/m | h:mm – h:mm B |
B h:mm ~ h:mm |
1870 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | d/d | d – d |
d일 ~ d일 |
1871 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Gy/G | y G – y G |
G y년 ~ G y년 |
1872 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Gy/y | y – y G |
G y년~y년 |
1873 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyM/G | M/y GGGGG – M/y GGGGG |
GGGGG y년 M월 ~ GGGGG y년 M월 |
1874 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyM/M | M/y – M/y GGGGG |
GGGGG y년 M월 ~ y년 M월 |
1875 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyM/y | M/y – M/y GGGGG |
GGGGG y년 M월 ~ y년 M월 |
1876 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMd/d | M/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG |
GGGGG y년 M월 d일 ~ y년 M월 d일 |
1877 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMd/G | M/d/y GGGGG – M/d/y GGGGG |
GGGGG y년 M월 d일 ~ GGGGG y년 M월 d일 |
1878 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMd/M | M/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG |
GGGGG y년 M월 d일 ~ y년 M월 d일 |
1879 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMd/y | M/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG |
GGGGG y년 M월 d일 ~ y년 M월 d일 |
1880 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMEd/d | E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG |
GGGGG y년 M월 d일 E요일 ~ y년 M월 d일 E요일 |
1881 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMEd/G | E, M/d/y GGGGG – E, M/d/y GGGGG |
GGGGG y년 M월 d일 E요일 ~ GGGGG y년 M월 d일 E요일 |
1882 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMEd/M | E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG |
GGGGG y년 M월 d일 E요일 ~ y년 M월 d일 E요일 |
1883 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMEd/y | E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG |
GGGGG y년 M월 d일 E요일 ~ y년 M월 d일 E요일 |
1884 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMMM/G | MMM y G – MMM y G |
G y년 M월 ~ G y년 M월 |
1885 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMMM/M | MMM – MMM y G |
G y년 M월 ~ y년 M월 |
1886 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMMM/y | MMM y – MMM y G |
G y년 M월 ~ y년 M월 |
1887 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMMMd/d | MMM d – d, y G |
G y년 M월 d일 ~ d일 |
1888 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMMMd/G | MMM d, y G – MMM d, y G |
G y년 M월 d일 ~ y년 M월 d일 |
1889 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMMMd/M | MMM d – MMM d, y G |
G y년 M월 d일 ~ M월 d일 |
1890 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMMMd/y | MMM d, y – MMM d, y G |
G y년 M월 d일 ~ y년 M월 d일 |
1891 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMMMEd/d | E, MMM d – E, MMM d, y G |
G y년 M월 d일 e요일 – M월 d일 e요일 |
1892 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMMMEd/G | E, MMM d, y G – E, MMM d, y G |
G y년 M월 d일 E요일 ~ G y년 M월 d일 E요일 |
1893 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMMMEd/M | E, MMM d – E, MMM d, y G |
G y년 M월 d일 E요일 ~ M월 d일 E요일 |
1894 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMMMEd/y | E, MMM d, y – E, MMM d, y G |
G y년 M월 d일 E요일 ~ y년 M월 d일 E요일 |
1895 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | h/a | h a – h a |
a h시 ~ a h시 |
1896 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | h/h | h – h a |
a h시 ~ h시 |
1897 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | H/H | HH – HH |
HH ~ HH시 |
1898 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | hm/a | h:mm a – h:mm a |
a h:mm ~ a h:mm |
1899 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | hm/h | h:mm – h:mm a |
a h:mm~h:mm |
1900 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Hm/H | HH:mm – HH:mm |
HH:mm ~ HH:mm |
1901 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | hm/m | h:mm – h:mm a |
a h:mm~h:mm |
1902 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Hm/m | HH:mm – HH:mm |
HH:mm ~ HH:mm |
1903 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | hmv/a | h:mm a – h:mm a v |
a h:mm ~ a h:mm v |
1904 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | hmv/h | h:mm – h:mm a v |
a h:mm~h:mm v |
1905 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Hmv/H | HH:mm – HH:mm v |
HH:mm ~ HH:mm v |
1906 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | hmv/m | h:mm – h:mm a v |
a h:mm~h:mm v |
1907 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Hmv/m | HH:mm – HH:mm v |
HH:mm ~ HH:mm v |
1908 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | hv/a | h a – h a v |
a h시 ~ a h시(v) |
1909 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | hv/h | h – h a v |
a h시 ~ h시(v) |
1910 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Hv/H | HH – HH v |
HH ~ HH시 v |
1911 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | M/M | M – M |
M월 ~ M월 |
1912 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Md/d | M/d – M/d |
M. d ~ M. d |
1913 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Md/M | M/d – M/d |
M. d ~ M. d |
1914 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MEd/d | E, M/d – E, M/d |
M. d (E) ~ M. d (E) |
1915 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MEd/M | E, M/d – E, M/d |
M. d (E) ~ M. d (E) |
1916 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MMM/M | MMM – MMM |
M월 ~ M월 |
1917 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MMMd/d | MMM d – d |
M월 d일 ~ d일 |
1918 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MMMd/M | MMM d – MMM d |
M월 d일 ~ M월 d일 |
1919 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MMMEd/d | E, MMM d – E, MMM d |
M월 d일 (E) ~ d일 (E) |
1920 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MMMEd/M | E, MMM d – E, MMM d |
M월 d일 (E) ~ M월 d일 (E) |
1921 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MMMEEEEd/d | n/a |
M월 d일 EEEE ~ d일 EEEE |
1922 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MMMEEEEd/M | n/a |
M월 d일 EEEE ~ M월 d일 EEEE |
1923 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MMMM/M | n/a |
1924 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | y/y | y – y G |
G y년 ~ y년 |
1925 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yM/M | M/y – M/y GGGGG |
G y. M ~ y. M |
1926 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yM/y | M/y – M/y GGGGG |
G y. M ~ y. M |
1927 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMd/d | M/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG |
G y. M. d. ~ y. M. d. |
1928 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMd/M | M/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG |
G y. M. d. ~ y. M. d. |
1929 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMd/y | M/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG |
G y. M. d. ~ y. M. d. |
1930 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMEd/d | E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG |
G y. M. d. (E) ~ y. M. d. (E) |
1931 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMEd/M | E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG |
G y. M. d. (E) ~ y. M. d. (E) |
1932 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMEd/y | E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG |
G y. M. d. (E) ~ y. M. d. (E) |
1933 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMM/M | MMM – MMM y G |
G y년 M월~M월 |
1934 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMM/y | MMM y – MMM y G |
G y년 M월 ~ y년 M월 |
1935 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMd/d | MMM d – d, y G |
G y년 M월 d일~d일 |
1936 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMd/M | MMM d – MMM d, y G |
G y년 M월 d일 ~ M월 d일 |
1937 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMd/y | MMM d, y – MMM d, y G |
G y년 M월 d일 ~ y년 M월 d일 |
1938 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMEd/d | E, MMM d – E, MMM d, y G |
G y년 M월 d일 (E) ~ d일 (E) |
1939 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMEd/M | E, MMM d – E, MMM d, y G |
G y년 M월 d일 (E) ~ M월 d일 (E) |
1940 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMEd/y | E, MMM d, y – E, MMM d, y G |
G y년 M월 d일 (E) ~ y년 M월 d일 (E) |
1941 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMEEEEd/d | n/a |
G y년 M월 d일 EEEE ~ d일 EEEE |
1942 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMEEEEd/M | n/a |
G y년 M월 d일 EEEE ~ M월 d일 EEEE |
1943 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMEEEEd/y | n/a |
G y년 M월 d일 EEEE ~ y년 M월 d일 EEEE |
1944 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMM/M | MMMM – MMMM y G |
G y년 MM월 ~ MM월 |
1945 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMM/y | MMMM y – MMMM y G |
G y년 MM월 ~ y년 MM월 |
1946 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Fallback | Fallback | {0} – {1} |
{0} ~ {1} |
1947 | Date & Time | Buddhist | Eras - abbreviated | 0 | BE |
불기 |
1948 | Date & Time | Buddhist | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMMM | MMM y G |
G y년 MMM |
1949 | Date & Time | Buddhist | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMMMd | MMM d, y G |
G y년 MMM d일 |
1950 | Date & Time | Buddhist | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMMMEd | E, MMM d, y G |
G y년 MMM d일 (E) |
1951 | Date & Time | Buddhist | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMMMEEEEd | n/a |
G y년 MMM d일 EEEE |
1952 | Date & Time | Buddhist | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMMd | MMM d |
MMM d일 |
1953 | Date & Time | Buddhist | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMMEd | E, MMM d |
MMM d일 (E) |
1954 | Date & Time | Buddhist | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMMEEEEd | n/a |
1955 | Date & Time | Buddhist | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMMMd | MMMM d |
MMMM d일 |
1956 | Date & Time | Buddhist | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMMM | MMM y G |
G y년 MMM |
1957 | Date & Time | Buddhist | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMMMd | MMM d, y G |
G y년 MMM d일 |
1958 | Date & Time | Buddhist | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMMMEd | E, MMM d, y G |
G y년 MMM d일 (E) |
1959 | Date & Time | Buddhist | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMMMEEEEd | n/a |
G y년 MMM d일 EEEE |
1960 | Date & Time | Buddhist | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMMMM | MMMM y G |
G y년 MMMM |
1961 | Date & Time | Chinese | dayParts | cyclic-format-abbreviated-1 | zi |
자 |
1962 | Date & Time | Chinese | dayParts | cyclic-format-abbreviated-2 | chou |
축 |
1963 | Date & Time | Chinese | dayParts | cyclic-format-abbreviated-3 | yin |
인 |
1964 | Date & Time | Chinese | dayParts | cyclic-format-abbreviated-4 | mao |
묘 |
1965 | Date & Time | Chinese | dayParts | cyclic-format-abbreviated-5 | chen |
진 |
1966 | Date & Time | Chinese | dayParts | cyclic-format-abbreviated-6 | si |
사 |
1967 | Date & Time | Chinese | dayParts | cyclic-format-abbreviated-7 | wu |
오 |
1968 | Date & Time | Chinese | dayParts | cyclic-format-abbreviated-8 | wei |
미 |
1969 | Date & Time | Chinese | dayParts | cyclic-format-abbreviated-9 | shen |
신 |
1970 | Date & Time | Chinese | dayParts | cyclic-format-abbreviated-10 | you |
유 |
1971 | Date & Time | Chinese | dayParts | cyclic-format-abbreviated-11 | xu |
술 |
1972 | Date & Time | Chinese | dayParts | cyclic-format-abbreviated-12 | hai |
해 |
1973 | Date & Time | Chinese | solarTerms | cyclic-format-abbreviated-1 | spring begins |
입춘 |
1974 | Date & Time | Chinese | solarTerms | cyclic-format-abbreviated-2 | rain water |
우수 |
1975 | Date & Time | Chinese | solarTerms | cyclic-format-abbreviated-3 | insects awaken |
경칩 |
1976 | Date & Time | Chinese | solarTerms | cyclic-format-abbreviated-4 | spring equinox |
춘분 |
1977 | Date & Time | Chinese | solarTerms | cyclic-format-abbreviated-5 | bright and clear |
청명 |
1978 | Date & Time | Chinese | solarTerms | cyclic-format-abbreviated-6 | grain rain |
곡우 |
1979 | Date & Time | Chinese | solarTerms | cyclic-format-abbreviated-7 | summer begins |
입하 |
1980 | Date & Time | Chinese | solarTerms | cyclic-format-abbreviated-8 | grain full |
소만 |
1981 | Date & Time | Chinese | solarTerms | cyclic-format-abbreviated-9 | grain in ear |
망종 |
1982 | Date & Time | Chinese | solarTerms | cyclic-format-abbreviated-10 | summer solstice |
하지 |
1983 | Date & Time | Chinese | solarTerms | cyclic-format-abbreviated-11 | minor heat |
소서 |
1984 | Date & Time | Chinese | solarTerms | cyclic-format-abbreviated-12 | major heat |
대서 |
1985 | Date & Time | Chinese | solarTerms | cyclic-format-abbreviated-13 | autumn begins |
입추 |
1986 | Date & Time | Chinese | solarTerms | cyclic-format-abbreviated-14 | end of heat |
처서 |
1987 | Date & Time | Chinese | solarTerms | cyclic-format-abbreviated-15 | white dew |
백로 |
1988 | Date & Time | Chinese | solarTerms | cyclic-format-abbreviated-16 | autumn equinox |
추분 |
1989 | Date & Time | Chinese | solarTerms | cyclic-format-abbreviated-17 | cold dew |
한로 |
1990 | Date & Time | Chinese | solarTerms | cyclic-format-abbreviated-18 | frost descends |
상강 |
1991 | Date & Time | Chinese | solarTerms | cyclic-format-abbreviated-19 | winter begins |
입동 |
1992 | Date & Time | Chinese | solarTerms | cyclic-format-abbreviated-20 | minor snow |
소설 |
1993 | Date & Time | Chinese | solarTerms | cyclic-format-abbreviated-21 | major snow |
대설 |
1994 | Date & Time | Chinese | solarTerms | cyclic-format-abbreviated-22 | winter solstice |
동지 |
1995 | Date & Time | Chinese | solarTerms | cyclic-format-abbreviated-23 | minor cold |
소한 |
1996 | Date & Time | Chinese | solarTerms | cyclic-format-abbreviated-24 | major cold |
대한 |
1997 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-1 | jia-zi |
갑자 |
1998 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-2 | yi-chou |
을축 |
1999 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-3 | bing-yin |
병인 |
2000 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-4 | ding-mao |
정묘 |
2001 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-5 | wu-chen |
무진 |
2002 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-6 | ji-si |
기사 |
2003 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-7 | geng-wu |
경오 |
2004 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-8 | xin-wei |
신미 |
2005 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-9 | ren-shen |
임신 |
2006 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-10 | gui-you |
계유 |
2007 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-11 | jia-xu |
갑술 |
2008 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-12 | yi-hai |
을해 |
2009 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-13 | bing-zi |
병자 |
2010 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-14 | ding-chou |
정축 |
2011 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-15 | wu-yin |
무인 |
2012 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-16 | ji-mao |
기묘 |
2013 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-17 | geng-chen |
경진 |
2014 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-18 | xin-si |
신사 |
2015 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-19 | ren-wu |
임오 |
2016 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-20 | gui-wei |
계미 |
2017 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-21 | jia-shen |
갑신 |
2018 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-22 | yi-you |
을유 |
2019 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-23 | bing-xu |
병술 |
2020 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-24 | ding-hai |
정해 |
2021 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-25 | wu-zi |
무자 |
2022 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-26 | ji-chou |
기축 |
2023 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-27 | geng-yin |
경인 |
2024 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-28 | xin-mao |
신묘 |
2025 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-29 | ren-chen |
임진 |
2026 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-30 | gui-si |
계사 |
2027 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-31 | jia-wu |
갑오 |
2028 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-32 | yi-wei |
을미 |
2029 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-33 | bing-shen |
병신 |
2030 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-34 | ding-you |
정유 |
2031 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-35 | wu-xu |
무술 |
2032 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-36 | ji-hai |
기해 |
2033 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-37 | geng-zi |
경자 |
2034 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-38 | xin-chou |
신축 |
2035 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-39 | ren-yin |
임인 |
2036 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-40 | gui-mao |
계묘 |
2037 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-41 | jia-chen |
갑진 |
2038 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-42 | yi-si |
을사 |
2039 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-43 | bing-wu |
병오 |
2040 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-44 | ding-wei |
정미 |
2041 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-45 | wu-shen |
무신 |
2042 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-46 | ji-you |
기유 |
2043 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-47 | geng-xu |
경술 |
2044 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-48 | xin-hai |
신해 |
2045 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-49 | ren-zi |
임자 |
2046 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-50 | gui-chou |
계축 |
2047 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-51 | jia-yin |
갑인 |
2048 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-52 | yi-mao |
을묘 |
2049 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-53 | bing-chen |
병진 |
2050 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-54 | ding-si |
정사 |
2051 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-55 | wu-wu |
무오 |
2052 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-56 | ji-wei |
기미 |
2053 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-57 | geng-shen |
경신 |
2054 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-58 | xin-you |
신유 |
2055 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-59 | ren-xu |
임술 |
2056 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-60 | gui-hai |
계해 |
2057 | Date & Time | Chinese | zodiacs | cyclic-format-abbreviated-1 | Rat |
쥐 |
2058 | Date & Time | Chinese | zodiacs | cyclic-format-abbreviated-2 | Ox |
소 |
2059 | Date & Time | Chinese | zodiacs | cyclic-format-abbreviated-3 | Tiger |
호랑이 |
2060 | Date & Time | Chinese | zodiacs | cyclic-format-abbreviated-4 | Rabbit |
토끼 |
2061 | Date & Time | Chinese | zodiacs | cyclic-format-abbreviated-5 | Dragon |
용 |
2062 | Date & Time | Chinese | zodiacs | cyclic-format-abbreviated-6 | Snake |
뱀 |
2063 | Date & Time | Chinese | zodiacs | cyclic-format-abbreviated-7 | Horse |
말 |
2064 | Date & Time | Chinese | zodiacs | cyclic-format-abbreviated-8 | Goat |
양 |
2065 | Date & Time | Chinese | zodiacs | cyclic-format-abbreviated-9 | Monkey |
원숭이 |
2066 | Date & Time | Chinese | zodiacs | cyclic-format-abbreviated-10 | Rooster |
닭 |
2067 | Date & Time | Chinese | zodiacs | cyclic-format-abbreviated-11 | Dog |
개 |
2068 | Date & Time | Chinese | zodiacs | cyclic-format-abbreviated-12 | Pig |
돼지 |
2069 | Date & Time | Chinese | monthPatterns | monthPattern-format-wide-leap | {0}bis |
윤{0} |
2070 | Date & Time | Chinese | monthPatterns | monthPattern-numeric-all-leap | {0}bis |
윤{0} |
2071 | Date & Time | Chinese | monthPatterns | monthPattern-stand-alone-narrow-leap | {0}b |
윤{0} |
2072 | Date & Time | Chinese | Months - wide - Formatting | M1 | First Month |
1월 |
2073 | Date & Time | Chinese | Months - wide - Formatting | M2 | Second Month |
2월 |
2074 | Date & Time | Chinese | Months - wide - Formatting | M3 | Third Month |
3월 |
2075 | Date & Time | Chinese | Months - wide - Formatting | M4 | Fourth Month |
4월 |
2076 | Date & Time | Chinese | Months - wide - Formatting | M5 | Fifth Month |
5월 |
2077 | Date & Time | Chinese | Months - wide - Formatting | M6 | Sixth Month |
6월 |
2078 | Date & Time | Chinese | Months - wide - Formatting | M7 | Seventh Month |
7월 |
2079 | Date & Time | Chinese | Months - wide - Formatting | M8 | Eighth Month |
8월 |
2080 | Date & Time | Chinese | Months - wide - Formatting | M9 | Ninth Month |
9월 |
2081 | Date & Time | Chinese | Months - wide - Formatting | M10 | Tenth Month |
10월 |
2082 | Date & Time | Chinese | Months - wide - Formatting | M11 | Eleventh Month |
11월 |
2083 | Date & Time | Chinese | Months - wide - Formatting | M12 | Twelfth Month |
12월 |
2084 | Date & Time | Chinese | Months - narrow - Standalone | M1 | = |
1 |
2085 | Date & Time | Chinese | Months - narrow - Standalone | M2 | = |
2 |
2086 | Date & Time | Chinese | Months - narrow - Standalone | M3 | = |
3 |
2087 | Date & Time | Chinese | Months - narrow - Standalone | M4 | = |
4 |
2088 | Date & Time | Chinese | Months - narrow - Standalone | M5 | = |
5 |
2089 | Date & Time | Chinese | Months - narrow - Standalone | M6 | = |
6 |
2090 | Date & Time | Chinese | Months - narrow - Standalone | M7 | = |
7 |
2091 | Date & Time | Chinese | Months - narrow - Standalone | M8 | = |
8 |
2092 | Date & Time | Chinese | Months - narrow - Standalone | M9 | = |
9 |
2093 | Date & Time | Chinese | Months - narrow - Standalone | M10 | = |
10 |
2094 | Date & Time | Chinese | Months - narrow - Standalone | M11 | = |
11 |
2095 | Date & Time | Chinese | Months - narrow - Standalone | M12 | = |
12 |
2096 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Standard - Date Formats | full | EEEE, MMMM d, r(U) |
U년 MMM d일 EEEE |
2097 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Standard - Date Formats | long | MMMM d, r(U) |
U년 MMM d일 |
2098 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Standard - Date Formats | medium | MMM d, r |
y. M. d. |
2099 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Standard - Date Formats | short | M/d/r |
y/M/d |
2100 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formats | full | {1}, {0} |
{1} {0} |
2101 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formats | long | {1}, {0} |
{1} {0} |
2102 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formats | medium | {1}, {0} |
{1} {0} |
2103 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formats | short | {1}, {0} |
{1} {0} |
2104 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | d | d |
d일 |
2105 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | E | = |
ccc |
2106 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | Ed | d E |
d일 (E) |
2107 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | EEEEd | n/a |
d일 EEEE |
2108 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | Gy | r(U) |
r년(U년) |
2109 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMMM | MMM r |
r년(U년) MMM |
2110 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMMMd | MMM d, r |
r년 MMM d일 |
2111 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMMMEd | E, MMM d, r |
r년(U년) MMM d일 (E) |
2112 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMMMEEEEd | n/a |
r년(U년) MMM d일 EEEE |
2113 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMMMM | MMMM r(U) |
r년(U년) MMMM |
2114 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMMMMd | MMMM d, r(U) |
r년(U년) MMMM d일 |
2115 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMMMMEd | E, MMMM d, r(U) |
r년(U년) MMMM d일 (E) |
2116 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | M | L |
2117 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | Md | M/d |
M. d. |
2118 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MEd | E, M/d |
M. d. (E) |
2119 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MEEEEd | n/a |
M. d. EEEE |
2120 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMM | = |
2121 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMMd | MMM d |
MMM d일 |
2122 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMMEd | E, MMM d |
MMM d일 (E) |
2123 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMMEEEEd | n/a |
2124 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMMMd | MMMM d |
MMMM d일 |
2125 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | UM | M/U |
U년 MMM |
2126 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | UMd | M/d/U |
U년 M. d. |
2127 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | UMMM | MMM U |
U년 MMM |
2128 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | UMMMd | MMM d, U |
U년 MMM d일 |
2129 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | y | r(U) |
r년(U년) |
2130 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yMd | n/a |
r. M. d. |
2131 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyy | r(U) |
r년(U년) |
2132 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyM | M/r |
r. M. |
2133 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMd | M/d/r |
r. M. d. |
2134 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMEd | E, M/d/r |
r. M. d. (E) |
2135 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMEEEEd | n/a |
r. M. d. EEEE |
2136 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMMM | MMM r |
r년(U년) MMM |
2137 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMMMd | MMM d, r |
r년 MMM d일 |
2138 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMMMEd | E, MMM d, r |
r년(U년) MMM d일 (E) |
2139 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMMMEEEEd | n/a |
r년(U년) MMM d일 EEEE |
2140 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMMMM | MMMM r(U) |
r년(U년) MMMM |
2141 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMMMMd | MMMM d, r(U) |
r년(U년) MMMM d일 |
2142 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMMMMEd | E, MMMM d, r(U) |
r년(U년) MMMM d일(E) |
2143 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyQQQ | QQQ r(U) |
r년(U년) QQQ |
2144 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyQQQQ | QQQQ r(U) |
r년(U년) QQQQ |
2145 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | Bh | h B |
B h시 |
2146 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | Bhm | h:mm B |
B h:mm |
2147 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | Bhms | h:mm:ss B |
B h:mm:ss |
2148 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | EBhm | E h:mm B |
E B h:mm |
2149 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | EBhms | E h:mm:ss B |
E B h:mm:ss |
2150 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | h | h a |
a h시 |
2151 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | hm | h:mm a |
a h:mm |
2152 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | hms | h:mm:ss a |
a h:mm:ss |
2153 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | H | HH |
H시 |
2154 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | Hm | = |
HH:mm |
2155 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | Hms | = |
HH:mm:ss |
2156 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | ms | = |
mm:ss |
2157 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Bh/B | = |
h B – h B |
2158 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Bh/h | h – h B |
h–h B |
2159 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Bhm/B | = |
h:mm B – h:mm B |
2160 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Bhm/h | h:mm – h:mm B |
h:mm–h:mm B |
2161 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Bhm/m | h:mm – h:mm B |
h:mm–h:mm B |
2162 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | d/d | d – d |
d–d |
2163 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | h/a | = |
h a – h a |
2164 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | h/h | h – h a |
h–h a |
2165 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | H/H | HH – HH |
2166 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | hm/a | h:mm a – h:mm a |
h:mm a – h:mm a |
2167 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | hm/h | h:mm – h:mm a |
h:mm–h:mm a |
2168 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Hm/H | HH:mm – HH:mm |
HH:mm–HH:mm |
2169 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | hm/m | h:mm – h:mm a |
h:mm–h:mm a |
2170 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Hm/m | HH:mm – HH:mm |
HH:mm–HH:mm |
2171 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | hmv/a | h:mm a – h:mm a v |
h:mm a – h:mm a v |
2172 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | hmv/h | h:mm – h:mm a v |
h:mm–h:mm a v |
2173 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Hmv/H | HH:mm – HH:mm v |
HH:mm–HH:mm v |
2174 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | hmv/m | h:mm – h:mm a v |
h:mm–h:mm a v |
2175 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Hmv/m | HH:mm – HH:mm v |
HH:mm–HH:mm v |
2176 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | hv/a | = |
h a – h a v |
2177 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | hv/h | h – h a v |
h–h a v |
2178 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Hv/H | HH – HH v |
HH–HH v |
2179 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | M/M | M – M |
2180 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Md/d | M/d – M/d |
MM-dd – MM-dd |
2181 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Md/M | M/d – M/d |
MM-dd – MM-dd |
2182 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MEd/d | E, M/d – E, M/d |
MM-dd, E – MM-dd, E |
2183 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MEd/M | E, M/d – E, M/d |
MM-dd, E – MM-dd, E |
2184 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MMM/M | MMM – MMM |
2185 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MMMd/d | MMM d – d |
MMM d–d |
2186 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MMMd/M | = |
MMM d – MMM d |
2187 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MMMEd/d | E, MMM d – E, MMM d |
MMM d, E – MMM d, E |
2188 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MMMEd/M | E, MMM d – E, MMM d |
MMM d, E – MMM d, E |
2189 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | y/y | U – U |
U–U |
2190 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yM/M | M/y – M/y |
y-MM – y-MM |
2191 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yM/y | M/y – M/y |
y-MM – y-MM |
2192 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMd/d | M/d/y – M/d/y |
y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd |
2193 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMd/M | M/d/y – M/d/y |
y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd |
2194 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMd/y | M/d/y – M/d/y |
y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd |
2195 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMEd/d | E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y |
y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E |
2196 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMEd/M | E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y |
y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E |
2197 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMEd/y | E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y |
y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E |
2198 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMM/M | MMM – MMM U |
2199 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMM/y | MMM U – MMM U |
2200 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMd/d | MMM d – d, U |
U MMM d–d |
2201 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMd/M | MMM d – MMM d, U |
U MMM d – MMM d |
2202 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMd/y | MMM d, U – MMM d, U |
U MMM d – U MMM d |
2203 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMEd/d | E, MMM d – E, MMM d, U |
U MMM d, E – MMM d, E |
2204 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMEd/M | E, MMM d – E, MMM d, U |
U MMM d, E – MMM d, E |
2205 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMEd/y | E, MMM d, U – E, MMM d, U |
U MMM d, E – U MMM d, E |
2206 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMM/M | MMMM – MMMM U |
2207 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMM/y | MMMM U – MMMM U |
2208 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Fallback | Fallback | = |
{0} – {1} |
2209 | Date & Time | Coptic | Eras - abbreviated | 0 | = |
ERA0 |
2210 | Date & Time | Coptic | Eras - abbreviated | 1 | = |
ERA1 |
2211 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - wide - Formatting | M1 | Tout |
투트 |
2212 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - wide - Formatting | M2 | Baba |
바바흐 |
2213 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - wide - Formatting | M3 | Hator |
하투르 |
2214 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - wide - Formatting | M4 | Kiahk |
키야흐크 |
2215 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - wide - Formatting | M5 | Toba |
투바흐 |
2216 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - wide - Formatting | M6 | Amshir |
암쉬르 |
2217 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - wide - Formatting | M7 | Baramhat |
바라마트 |
2218 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - wide - Formatting | M8 | Baramouda |
바라문다흐 |
2219 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - wide - Formatting | M9 | Bashans |
바샨스 |
2220 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - wide - Formatting | M10 | Paona |
바우나흐 |
2221 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - wide - Formatting | M11 | Epep |
아비브 |
2222 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - wide - Formatting | M12 | Mesra |
미스라 |
2223 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - wide - Formatting | M13 | Nasie |
나시 |
2224 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M1 | = |
1 |
2225 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M2 | = |
2 |
2226 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M3 | = |
3 |
2227 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M4 | = |
4 |
2228 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M5 | = |
5 |
2229 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M6 | = |
6 |
2230 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M7 | = |
7 |
2231 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M8 | = |
8 |
2232 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M9 | = |
9 |
2233 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M10 | = |
10 |
2234 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M11 | = |
11 |
2235 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M12 | = |
12 |
2236 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M13 | = |
13 |
2237 | Date & Time | Dangi | zodiacs | cyclic-format-abbreviated-1 | Rat |
자 |
2238 | Date & Time | Dangi | zodiacs | cyclic-format-abbreviated-2 | Ox |
축 |
2239 | Date & Time | Dangi | zodiacs | cyclic-format-abbreviated-3 | Tiger |
인 |
2240 | Date & Time | Dangi | zodiacs | cyclic-format-abbreviated-4 | Rabbit |
묘 |
2241 | Date & Time | Dangi | zodiacs | cyclic-format-abbreviated-5 | Dragon |
진 |
2242 | Date & Time | Dangi | zodiacs | cyclic-format-abbreviated-6 | Snake |
사 |
2243 | Date & Time | Dangi | zodiacs | cyclic-format-abbreviated-7 | Horse |
오 |
2244 | Date & Time | Dangi | zodiacs | cyclic-format-abbreviated-8 | Goat |
미 |
2245 | Date & Time | Dangi | zodiacs | cyclic-format-abbreviated-9 | Monkey |
신 |
2246 | Date & Time | Dangi | zodiacs | cyclic-format-abbreviated-10 | Rooster |
유 |
2247 | Date & Time | Dangi | zodiacs | cyclic-format-abbreviated-11 | Dog |
술 |
2248 | Date & Time | Dangi | zodiacs | cyclic-format-abbreviated-12 | Pig |
해 |
2249 | Date & Time | Dangi | zodiacs | cyclic-format-wide-1 | Rat |
자 |
2250 | Date & Time | Dangi | zodiacs | cyclic-format-wide-2 | Ox |
축 |
2251 | Date & Time | Dangi | zodiacs | cyclic-format-wide-3 | Tiger |
인 |
2252 | Date & Time | Dangi | zodiacs | cyclic-format-wide-4 | Rabbit |
묘 |
2253 | Date & Time | Dangi | zodiacs | cyclic-format-wide-5 | Dragon |
진 |
2254 | Date & Time | Dangi | zodiacs | cyclic-format-wide-6 | Snake |
사 |
2255 | Date & Time | Dangi | zodiacs | cyclic-format-wide-7 | Horse |
오 |
2256 | Date & Time | Dangi | zodiacs | cyclic-format-wide-8 | Goat |
미 |
2257 | Date & Time | Dangi | zodiacs | cyclic-format-wide-9 | Monkey |
신 |
2258 | Date & Time | Dangi | zodiacs | cyclic-format-wide-10 | Rooster |
유 |
2259 | Date & Time | Dangi | zodiacs | cyclic-format-wide-11 | Dog |
술 |
2260 | Date & Time | Dangi | zodiacs | cyclic-format-wide-12 | Pig |
해 |
2261 | Date & Time | Dangi | Formats - Standard - Date Formats | short | M/d/r |
y. M. d. |
2262 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Eras - abbreviated | 0 | = |
ERA0 |
2263 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Eras - abbreviated | 1 | = |
ERA1 |
2264 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - wide - Formatting | M1 | Meskerem |
매스캐램 |
2265 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - wide - Formatting | M2 | Tekemt |
테켐트 |
2266 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - wide - Formatting | M3 | Hedar |
헤다르 |
2267 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - wide - Formatting | M4 | Tahsas |
타흐사스 |
2268 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - wide - Formatting | M5 | Ter |
테르 |
2269 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - wide - Formatting | M6 | Yekatit |
얘카티트 |
2270 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - wide - Formatting | M7 | Megabit |
매가비트 |
2271 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - wide - Formatting | M8 | Miazia |
미야지야 |
2272 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - wide - Formatting | M9 | Genbot |
겐보트 |
2273 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - wide - Formatting | M10 | Sene |
새네 |
2274 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - wide - Formatting | M11 | Hamle |
함레 |
2275 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - wide - Formatting | M12 | Nehasse |
내하세 |
2276 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - wide - Formatting | M13 | Pagumen |
파구맨 |
2277 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M1 | = |
1 |
2278 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M2 | = |
2 |
2279 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M3 | = |
3 |
2280 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M4 | = |
4 |
2281 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M5 | = |
5 |
2282 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M6 | = |
6 |
2283 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M7 | = |
7 |
2284 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M8 | = |
8 |
2285 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M9 | = |
9 |
2286 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M10 | = |
10 |
2287 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M11 | = |
11 |
2288 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M12 | = |
12 |
2289 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M13 | = |
13 |
2290 | Date & Time | Ethiopic-Amete-Alem | Eras - abbreviated | 0 | = |
ERA0 |
2291 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Eras - wide | 0 | AM |
유대력 |
2292 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Eras - abbreviated | 0 | = |
AM |
2293 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - wide - Formatting | M7 (leap) | Adar II |
아달 2 |
2294 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - wide - Formatting | M1 | Tishri |
디스리 |
2295 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - wide - Formatting | M2 | Heshvan |
말케스 |
2296 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - wide - Formatting | M3 | Kislev |
기슬르 |
2297 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - wide - Formatting | M4 | Tevet |
데벳 |
2298 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - wide - Formatting | M5 | Shevat |
스밧 |
2299 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - wide - Formatting | M6 | Adar I |
아달 1 |
2300 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - wide - Formatting | M7 | Adar |
아달 |
2301 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - wide - Formatting | M8 | Nisan |
닛산 |
2302 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - wide - Formatting | M9 | Iyar |
이야르 |
2303 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - wide - Formatting | M10 | Sivan |
시완 |
2304 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - wide - Formatting | M11 | Tamuz |
담무르 |
2305 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - wide - Formatting | M12 | Av |
압 |
2306 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - wide - Formatting | M13 | Elul |
엘룰 |
2307 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - wide - Standalone | M7 (leap) | Adar II |
아달월 2 |
2308 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - wide - Standalone | M1 | Tishri |
디스리월 |
2309 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - wide - Standalone | M2 | Heshvan |
말케스월 |
2310 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - wide - Standalone | M3 | Kislev |
기슬르월 |
2311 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - wide - Standalone | M4 | Tevet |
데벳월 |
2312 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - wide - Standalone | M5 | Shevat |
스밧월 |
2313 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - wide - Standalone | M6 | Adar I |
아달월 1 |
2314 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - wide - Standalone | M7 | Adar |
아달월 |
2315 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - wide - Standalone | M8 | Nisan |
닛산월 |
2316 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - wide - Standalone | M9 | Iyar |
이야르월 |
2317 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - wide - Standalone | M10 | Sivan |
시완월 |
2318 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - wide - Standalone | M11 | Tamuz |
담무르월 |
2319 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - wide - Standalone | M12 | Av |
압월 |
2320 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - wide - Standalone | M13 | Elul |
엘룰월 |
2321 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - abbreviated - Standalone | M7 (leap) | Adar II |
아달월 2 |
2322 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - abbreviated - Standalone | M1 | Tishri |
디스리월 |
2323 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - abbreviated - Standalone | M2 | Heshvan |
말케스월 |
2324 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - abbreviated - Standalone | M3 | Kislev |
기슬르월 |
2325 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - abbreviated - Standalone | M4 | Tevet |
데벳월 |
2326 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - abbreviated - Standalone | M5 | Shevat |
스밧월 |
2327 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - abbreviated - Standalone | M6 | Adar I |
아달월 1 |
2328 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - abbreviated - Standalone | M7 | Adar |
아달월 |
2329 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - abbreviated - Standalone | M8 | Nisan |
닛산월 |
2330 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - abbreviated - Standalone | M9 | Iyar |
이야르월 |
2331 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - abbreviated - Standalone | M10 | Sivan |
시완월 |
2332 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - abbreviated - Standalone | M11 | Tamuz |
담무르월 |
2333 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - abbreviated - Standalone | M12 | Av |
압월 |
2334 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - abbreviated - Standalone | M13 | Elul |
엘룰월 |
2335 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - narrow - Standalone | M7 (leap) | = |
7 |
2336 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - narrow - Standalone | M1 | = |
1 |
2337 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - narrow - Standalone | M2 | = |
2 |
2338 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - narrow - Standalone | M3 | = |
3 |
2339 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - narrow - Standalone | M4 | = |
4 |
2340 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - narrow - Standalone | M5 | = |
5 |
2341 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - narrow - Standalone | M6 | = |
6 |
2342 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - narrow - Standalone | M7 | = |
7 |
2343 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - narrow - Standalone | M8 | = |
8 |
2344 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - narrow - Standalone | M9 | = |
9 |
2345 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - narrow - Standalone | M10 | = |
10 |
2346 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - narrow - Standalone | M11 | = |
11 |
2347 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - narrow - Standalone | M12 | = |
12 |
2348 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - narrow - Standalone | M13 | = |
13 |
2349 | Date & Time | Indian | Eras - abbreviated | 0 | = |
Saka |
2350 | Date & Time | Indian | Months - wide - Formatting | M1 | = |
Chaitra |
2351 | Date & Time | Indian | Months - wide - Formatting | M2 | = |
Vaisakha |
2352 | Date & Time | Indian | Months - wide - Formatting | M3 | = |
Jyaistha |
2353 | Date & Time | Indian | Months - wide - Formatting | M4 | = |
Asadha |
2354 | Date & Time | Indian | Months - wide - Formatting | M5 | = |
Sravana |
2355 | Date & Time | Indian | Months - wide - Formatting | M6 | = |
Bhadra |
2356 | Date & Time | Indian | Months - wide - Formatting | M7 | = |
Asvina |
2357 | Date & Time | Indian | Months - wide - Formatting | M8 | = |
Kartika |
2358 | Date & Time | Indian | Months - wide - Formatting | M9 | = |
Agrahayana |
2359 | Date & Time | Indian | Months - wide - Formatting | M10 | = |
Pausa |
2360 | Date & Time | Indian | Months - wide - Formatting | M11 | = |
Magha |
2361 | Date & Time | Indian | Months - wide - Formatting | M12 | = |
Phalguna |
2362 | Date & Time | Indian | Months - narrow - Standalone | M1 | = |
1 |
2363 | Date & Time | Indian | Months - narrow - Standalone | M2 | = |
2 |
2364 | Date & Time | Indian | Months - narrow - Standalone | M3 | = |
3 |
2365 | Date & Time | Indian | Months - narrow - Standalone | M4 | = |
4 |
2366 | Date & Time | Indian | Months - narrow - Standalone | M5 | = |
5 |
2367 | Date & Time | Indian | Months - narrow - Standalone | M6 | = |
6 |
2368 | Date & Time | Indian | Months - narrow - Standalone | M7 | = |
7 |
2369 | Date & Time | Indian | Months - narrow - Standalone | M8 | = |
8 |
2370 | Date & Time | Indian | Months - narrow - Standalone | M9 | = |
9 |
2371 | Date & Time | Indian | Months - narrow - Standalone | M10 | = |
10 |
2372 | Date & Time | Indian | Months - narrow - Standalone | M11 | = |
11 |
2373 | Date & Time | Indian | Months - narrow - Standalone | M12 | = |
12 |
2374 | Date & Time | Islamic | Eras - wide | 0 | AH |
히즈라력 |
2375 | Date & Time | Islamic | Eras - abbreviated | 0 | = |
AH |
2376 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - wide - Formatting | M1 | Muharram |
무하람 |
2377 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - wide - Formatting | M2 | Safar |
사파르 |
2378 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - wide - Formatting | M3 | Rabiʻ I |
라비 알 아왈 |
2379 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - wide - Formatting | M4 | Rabiʻ II |
라비 알 쎄니 |
2380 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - wide - Formatting | M5 | Jumada I |
주마다 알 아왈 |
2381 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - wide - Formatting | M6 | Jumada II |
주마다 알 쎄니 |
2382 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - wide - Formatting | M7 | Rajab |
라잡 |
2383 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - wide - Formatting | M8 | Shaʻban |
쉐아반 |
2384 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - wide - Formatting | M9 | Ramadan |
라마단 |
2385 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - wide - Formatting | M10 | Shawwal |
쉐왈 |
2386 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - wide - Formatting | M11 | Dhuʻl-Qiʻdah |
듀 알 까다 |
2387 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - wide - Formatting | M12 | Dhuʻl-Hijjah |
듀 알 히자 |
2388 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - abbreviated - Formatting | M1 | = |
Muh. |
2389 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - abbreviated - Formatting | M2 | = |
Saf. |
2390 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - abbreviated - Formatting | M3 | = |
Rab. I |
2391 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - abbreviated - Formatting | M4 | = |
Rab. II |
2392 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - abbreviated - Formatting | M5 | = |
Jum. I |
2393 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - abbreviated - Formatting | M6 | = |
Jum. II |
2394 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - abbreviated - Formatting | M7 | = |
Raj. |
2395 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - abbreviated - Formatting | M8 | = |
Sha. |
2396 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - abbreviated - Formatting | M9 | = |
Ram. |
2397 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - abbreviated - Formatting | M10 | = |
Shaw. |
2398 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - abbreviated - Formatting | M11 | = |
Dhuʻl-Q. |
2399 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - abbreviated - Formatting | M12 | = |
Dhuʻl-H. |
2400 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M1 | = |
1 |
2401 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M2 | = |
2 |
2402 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M3 | = |
3 |
2403 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M4 | = |
4 |
2404 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M5 | = |
5 |
2405 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M6 | = |
6 |
2406 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M7 | = |
7 |
2407 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M8 | = |
8 |
2408 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M9 | = |
9 |
2409 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M10 | = |
10 |
2410 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M11 | = |
11 |
2411 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M12 | = |
12 |
2412 | Date & Time | Islamic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMMMd | MMMM d |
MMMM d일 |
2413 | Date & Time | Islamic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMMMM | MMMM y G |
G y년 MMMM |
2414 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 0 | Taika (645–650) |
다이카 (645 ~ 650) |
2415 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 1 | Hakuchi (650–671) |
하쿠치 (650 ~ 671) |
2416 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 2 | Hakuhō (672–686) |
하쿠호 (672 ~ 686) |
2417 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 3 | Shuchō (686–701) |
슈초 (686 ~ 701) |
2418 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 4 | Taihō (701–704) |
다이호 (701 ~ 704) |
2419 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 5 | Keiun (704–708) |
게이운 (704 ~ 708) |
2420 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 6 | Wadō (708–715) |
와도 (708 ~ 715) |
2421 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 7 | Reiki (715–717) |
레이키 (715 ~ 717) |
2422 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 8 | Yōrō (717–724) |
요로 (717 ~ 724) |
2423 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 9 | Jinki (724–729) |
진키 (724 ~ 729) |
2424 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 10 | Tenpyō (729–749) |
덴표 (729 ~ 749) |
2425 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 11 | Tenpyō-kampō (749–749) |
덴표칸포 (749 ~ 749) |
2426 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 12 | Tenpyō-shōhō (749–757) |
덴표쇼호 (749 ~ 757) |
2427 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 13 | Tenpyō-hōji (757–765) |
덴표호지 (757 ~ 765) |
2428 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 14 | Tenpyō-jingo (765–767) |
덴표진고 (765 ~ 767) |
2429 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 15 | Jingo-keiun (767–770) |
진고케이운 (767 ~ 770) |
2430 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 16 | Hōki (770–780) |
호키 (770 ~ 780) |
2431 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 17 | Ten-ō (781–782) |
덴오 (781 ~ 782) |
2432 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 18 | Enryaku (782–806) |
엔랴쿠 (782 ~ 806) |
2433 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 19 | Daidō (806–810) |
다이도 (806 ~ 810) |
2434 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 20 | Kōnin (810–824) |
고닌 (810 ~ 824) |
2435 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 21 | Tenchō (824–834) |
덴초 (824 ~ 834) |
2436 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 22 | Jōwa (834–848) |
조와 (834 ~ 848) |
2437 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 23 | Kajō (848–851) |
가쇼 (848 ~ 851) |
2438 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 24 | Ninju (851–854) |
닌주 (851 ~ 854) |
2439 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 25 | Saikō (854–857) |
사이코 (854 ~ 857) |
2440 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 26 | Ten-an (857–859) |
덴난 (857 ~ 859) |
2441 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 27 | Jōgan (859–877) |
조간 (859 ~ 877) |
2442 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 28 | Gangyō (877–885) |
간교 (877 ~ 885) |
2443 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 29 | Ninna (885–889) |
닌나 (885 ~ 889) |
2444 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 30 | Kanpyō (889–898) |
간표 (889 ~ 898) |
2445 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 31 | Shōtai (898–901) |
쇼타이 (898 ~ 901) |
2446 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 32 | Engi (901–923) |
엔기 (901 ~ 923) |
2447 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 33 | Enchō (923–931) |
엔초 (923 ~ 931) |
2448 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 34 | Jōhei (931–938) |
조헤이 (931 ~ 938) |
2449 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 35 | Tengyō (938–947) |
덴교 (938 ~ 947) |
2450 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 36 | Tenryaku (947–957) |
덴랴쿠 (947 ~ 957) |
2451 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 37 | Tentoku (957–961) |
덴토쿠 (957 ~ 961) |
2452 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 38 | Ōwa (961–964) |
오와 (961 ~ 964) |
2453 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 39 | Kōhō (964–968) |
고호 (964 ~ 968) |
2454 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 40 | Anna (968–970) |
안나 (968 ~ 970) |
2455 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 41 | Tenroku (970–973) |
덴로쿠 (970 ~ 973) |
2456 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 42 | Ten’en (973–976) |
덴엔 (973 ~ 976) |
2457 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 43 | Jōgen (976–978) |
조겐 (976 ~ 978) |
2458 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 44 | Tengen (978–983) |
덴겐 (978 ~ 983) |
2459 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 45 | Eikan (983–985) |
에이간 (983 ~ 985) |
2460 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 46 | Kanna (985–987) |
간나 (985 ~ 987) |
2461 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 47 | Eien (987–989) |
에이엔 (987 ~ 989) |
2462 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 48 | Eiso (989–990) |
에이소 (989 ~ 990) |
2463 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 49 | Shōryaku (990–995) |
쇼랴쿠 (990 ~ 995) |
2464 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 50 | Chōtoku (995–999) |
조토쿠 (995 ~ 999) |
2465 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 51 | Chōhō (999–1004) |
조호 (999 ~ 1004) |
2466 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 52 | Kankō (1004–1012) |
간코 (1004 ~ 1012) |
2467 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 53 | Chōwa (1012–1017) |
조와 (1012 ~ 1017) |
2468 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 54 | Kannin (1017–1021) |
간닌 (1017 ~ 1021) |
2469 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 55 | Jian (1021–1024) |
지안 (1021 ~ 1024) |
2470 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 56 | Manju (1024–1028) |
만주 (1024 ~ 1028) |
2471 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 57 | Chōgen (1028–1037) |
조겐 (1028 ~ 1037) |
2472 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 58 | Chōryaku (1037–1040) |
조랴쿠 (1037 ~ 1040) |
2473 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 59 | Chōkyū (1040–1044) |
조큐 (1040 ~ 1044) |
2474 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 60 | Kantoku (1044–1046) |
간토쿠 (1044 ~ 1046) |
2475 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 61 | Eishō (1046–1053) |
에이쇼 (1046 ~ 1053) |
2476 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 62 | Tengi (1053–1058) |
덴기 (1053 ~ 1058) |
2477 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 63 | Kōhei (1058–1065) |
고헤이 (1058 ~ 1065) |
2478 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 64 | Jiryaku (1065–1069) |
지랴쿠 (1065 ~ 1069) |
2479 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 65 | Enkyū (1069–1074) |
엔큐 (1069 ~ 1074) |
2480 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 66 | Shōho (1074–1077) |
조호 (1074 ~ 1077) |
2481 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 67 | Shōryaku (1077–1081) |
쇼랴쿠 (1077 ~ 1081) |
2482 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 68 | Eihō (1081–1084) |
에이호 (1081 ~ 1084) |
2483 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 69 | Ōtoku (1084–1087) |
오토쿠 (1084 ~ 1087) |
2484 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 70 | Kanji (1087–1094) |
간지 (1087 ~ 1094) |
2485 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 71 | Kahō (1094–1096) |
가호 (1094 ~ 1096) |
2486 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 72 | Eichō (1096–1097) |
에이초 (1096 ~ 1097) |
2487 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 73 | Jōtoku (1097–1099) |
조토쿠 (1097 ~ 1099) |
2488 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 74 | Kōwa (1099–1104) |
고와 (1099 ~ 1104) |
2489 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 75 | Chōji (1104–1106) |
조지 (1104 ~ 1106) |
2490 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 76 | Kashō (1106–1108) |
가쇼 (1106 ~ 1108) |
2491 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 77 | Tennin (1108–1110) |
덴닌 (1108 ~ 1110) |
2492 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 78 | Ten-ei (1110–1113) |
덴에이 (1110 ~ 1113) |
2493 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 79 | Eikyū (1113–1118) |
에이큐 (1113 ~ 1118) |
2494 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 80 | Gen’ei (1118–1120) |
겐에이 (1118 ~ 1120) |
2495 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 81 | Hōan (1120–1124) |
호안 (1120 ~ 1124) |
2496 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 82 | Tenji (1124–1126) |
덴지 (1124 ~ 1126) |
2497 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 83 | Daiji (1126–1131) |
다이지 (1126 ~ 1131) |
2498 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 84 | Tenshō (1131–1132) |
덴쇼 (1131 ~ 1132) |
2499 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 85 | Chōshō (1132–1135) |
조쇼 (1132 ~ 1135) |
2500 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 86 | Hōen (1135–1141) |
호엔 (1135 ~ 1141) |
2501 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 87 | Eiji (1141–1142) |
에이지 (1141 ~ 1142) |
2502 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 88 | Kōji (1142–1144) |
고지 (1142 ~ 1144) |
2503 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 89 | Ten’yō (1144–1145) |
덴요 (1144 ~ 1145) |
2504 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 90 | Kyūan (1145–1151) |
규안 (1145 ~ 1151) |
2505 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 91 | Ninpei (1151–1154) |
닌페이 (1151 ~ 1154) |
2506 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 92 | Kyūju (1154–1156) |
규주 (1154 ~ 1156) |
2507 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 93 | Hōgen (1156–1159) |
호겐 (1156 ~ 1159) |
2508 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 94 | Heiji (1159–1160) |
헤이지 (1159 ~ 1160) |
2509 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 95 | Eiryaku (1160–1161) |
에이랴쿠 (1160 ~ 1161) |
2510 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 96 | Ōho (1161–1163) |
오호 (1161 ~ 1163) |
2511 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 97 | Chōkan (1163–1165) |
조칸 (1163 ~ 1165) |
2512 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 98 | Eiman (1165–1166) |
에이만 (1165 ~ 1166) |
2513 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 99 | Nin’an (1166–1169) |
닌난 (1166 ~ 1169) |
2514 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 100 | Kaō (1169–1171) |
가오 (1169 ~ 1171) |
2515 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 101 | Shōan (1171–1175) |
조안 (1171 ~ 1175) |
2516 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 102 | Angen (1175–1177) |
안겐 (1175 ~ 1177) |
2517 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 103 | Jishō (1177–1181) |
지쇼 (1177 ~ 1181) |
2518 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 104 | Yōwa (1181–1182) |
요와 (1181 ~ 1182) |
2519 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 105 | Juei (1182–1184) |
주에이 (1182 ~ 1184) |
2520 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 106 | Genryaku (1184–1185) |
겐랴쿠 (1184 ~ 1185) |
2521 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 107 | Bunji (1185–1190) |
분지 (1185 ~ 1190) |
2522 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 108 | Kenkyū (1190–1199) |
겐큐 (1190 ~ 1199) |
2523 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 109 | Shōji (1199–1201) |
쇼지 (1199 ~ 1201) |
2524 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 110 | Kennin (1201–1204) |
겐닌 (1201 ~ 1204) |
2525 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 111 | Genkyū (1204–1206) |
겐큐 (1204 ~ 1206) |
2526 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 112 | Ken’ei (1206–1207) |
겐에이 (1206 ~ 1207) |
2527 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 113 | Jōgen (1207–1211) |
조겐 (1207 ~ 1211) |
2528 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 114 | Kenryaku (1211–1213) |
겐랴쿠 (1211 ~ 1213) |
2529 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 115 | Kenpō (1213–1219) |
겐포 (1213 ~ 1219) |
2530 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 116 | Jōkyū (1219–1222) |
조큐 (1219 ~ 1222) |
2531 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 117 | Jōō (1222–1224) |
조오 (1222 ~ 1224) |
2532 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 118 | Gennin (1224–1225) |
겐닌 (1224 ~ 1225) |
2533 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 119 | Karoku (1225–1227) |
가로쿠 (1225 ~ 1227) |
2534 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 120 | Antei (1227–1229) |
안테이 (1227 ~ 1229) |
2535 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 121 | Kanki (1229–1232) |
간키 (1229 ~ 1232) |
2536 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 122 | Jōei (1232–1233) |
조에이 (1232 ~ 1233) |
2537 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 123 | Tenpuku (1233–1234) |
덴푸쿠 (1233 ~ 1234) |
2538 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 124 | Bunryaku (1234–1235) |
분랴쿠 (1234 ~ 1235) |
2539 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 125 | Katei (1235–1238) |
가테이 (1235 ~ 1238) |
2540 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 126 | Ryakunin (1238–1239) |
랴쿠닌 (1238 ~ 1239) |
2541 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 127 | En’ō (1239–1240) |
엔오 (1239 ~ 1240) |
2542 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 128 | Ninji (1240–1243) |
닌지 (1240 ~ 1243) |
2543 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 129 | Kangen (1243–1247) |
간겐 (1243 ~ 1247) |
2544 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 130 | Hōji (1247–1249) |
호지 (1247 ~ 1249) |
2545 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 131 | Kenchō (1249–1256) |
겐초 (1249 ~ 1256) |
2546 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 132 | Kōgen (1256–1257) |
고겐 (1256 ~ 1257) |
2547 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 133 | Shōka (1257–1259) |
쇼카 (1257 ~ 1259) |
2548 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 134 | Shōgen (1259–1260) |
쇼겐 (1259 ~ 1260) |
2549 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 135 | Bun’ō (1260–1261) |
분오 (1260 ~ 1261) |
2550 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 136 | Kōchō (1261–1264) |
고초 (1261 ~ 1264) |
2551 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 137 | Bun’ei (1264–1275) |
분에이 (1264 ~ 1275) |
2552 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 138 | Kenji (1275–1278) |
겐지 (1275 ~ 1278) |
2553 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 139 | Kōan (1278–1288) |
고안 (1278 ~ 1288) |
2554 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 140 | Shōō (1288–1293) |
쇼오 (1288 ~ 1293) |
2555 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 141 | Einin (1293–1299) |
에이닌 (1293 ~ 1299) |
2556 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 142 | Shōan (1299–1302) |
쇼안 (1299 ~ 1302) |
2557 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 143 | Kengen (1302–1303) |
겐겐 (1302 ~ 1303) |
2558 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 144 | Kagen (1303–1306) |
가겐 (1303 ~ 1306) |
2559 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 145 | Tokuji (1306–1308) |
도쿠지 (1306 ~ 1308) |
2560 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 146 | Enkyō (1308–1311) |
엔쿄 (1308 ~ 1311) |
2561 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 147 | Ōchō (1311–1312) |
오초 (1311 ~ 1312) |
2562 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 148 | Shōwa (1312–1317) |
쇼와 (1312 ~ 1317) |
2563 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 149 | Bunpō (1317–1319) |
분포 (1317 ~ 1319) |
2564 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 150 | Genō (1319–1321) |
겐오 (1319 ~ 1321) |
2565 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 151 | Genkō (1321–1324) |
겐코 (1321 ~ 1324) |
2566 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 152 | Shōchū (1324–1326) |
쇼추 (1324 ~ 1326) |
2567 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 153 | Karyaku (1326–1329) |
가랴쿠 (1326 ~ 1329) |
2568 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 154 | Gentoku (1329–1331) |
겐토쿠 (1329 ~ 1331) |
2569 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 155 | Genkō (1331–1334) |
겐코 (1331 ~ 1334) |
2570 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 156 | Kenmu (1334–1336) |
겐무 (1334 ~ 1336) |
2571 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 157 | Engen (1336–1340) |
엔겐 (1336 ~ 1340) |
2572 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 158 | Kōkoku (1340–1346) |
고코쿠 (1340 ~ 1346) |
2573 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 159 | Shōhei (1346–1370) |
쇼헤이 (1346 ~ 1370) |
2574 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 160 | Kentoku (1370–1372) |
겐토쿠 (1370 ~ 1372) |
2575 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 161 | Bunchū (1372–1375) |
분추 (1372 ~ 1375) |
2576 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 162 | Tenju (1375–1379) |
덴주 (1375 ~ 1379) |
2577 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 163 | Kōryaku (1379–1381) |
고랴쿠 (1379 ~ 1381) |
2578 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 164 | Kōwa (1381–1384) |
고와 (1381 ~ 1384) |
2579 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 165 | Genchū (1384–1392) |
겐추 (1384 ~ 1392) |
2580 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 166 | Meitoku (1384–1387) |
메이토쿠 (1384 ~ 1387) |
2581 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 167 | Kakei (1387–1389) |
가쿄 (1387 ~ 1389) |
2582 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 168 | Kōō (1389–1390) |
고오 (1389 ~ 1390) |
2583 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 169 | Meitoku (1390–1394) |
메이토쿠 (1390 ~ 1394) |
2584 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 170 | Ōei (1394–1428) |
오에이 (1394 ~ 1428) |
2585 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 171 | Shōchō (1428–1429) |
쇼초 (1428 ~ 1429) |
2586 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 172 | Eikyō (1429–1441) |
에이쿄 (1429 ~ 1441) |
2587 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 173 | Kakitsu (1441–1444) |
가키쓰 (1441 ~ 1444) |
2588 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 174 | Bun’an (1444–1449) |
분안 (1444 ~ 1449) |
2589 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 175 | Hōtoku (1449–1452) |
호토쿠 (1449 ~ 1452) |
2590 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 176 | Kyōtoku (1452–1455) |
교토쿠 (1452 ~ 1455) |
2591 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 177 | Kōshō (1455–1457) |
고쇼 (1455 ~ 1457) |
2592 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 178 | Chōroku (1457–1460) |
조로쿠 (1457 ~ 1460) |
2593 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 179 | Kanshō (1460–1466) |
간쇼 (1460 ~ 1466) |
2594 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 180 | Bunshō (1466–1467) |
분쇼 (1466 ~ 1467) |
2595 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 181 | Ōnin (1467–1469) |
오닌 (1467 ~ 1469) |
2596 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 182 | Bunmei (1469–1487) |
분메이 (1469 ~ 1487) |
2597 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 183 | Chōkyō (1487–1489) |
조쿄 (1487 ~ 1489) |
2598 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 184 | Entoku (1489–1492) |
엔토쿠 (1489 ~ 1492) |
2599 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 185 | Meiō (1492–1501) |
메이오 (1492 ~ 1501) |
2600 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 186 | Bunki (1501–1504) |
분키 (1501 ~ 1504) |
2601 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 187 | Eishō (1504–1521) |
에이쇼 (1504 ~ 1521) |
2602 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 188 | Taiei (1521–1528) |
다이에이 (1521 ~ 1528) |
2603 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 189 | Kyōroku (1528–1532) |
교로쿠 (1528 ~ 1532) |
2604 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 190 | Tenbun (1532–1555) |
덴분 (1532 ~ 1555) |
2605 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 191 | Kōji (1555–1558) |
고지 (1555 ~ 1558) |
2606 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 192 | Eiroku (1558–1570) |
에이로쿠 (1558 ~ 1570) |
2607 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 193 | Genki (1570–1573) |
겐키 (1570 ~ 1573) |
2608 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 194 | Tenshō (1573–1592) |
덴쇼 (1573 ~ 1592) |
2609 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 195 | Bunroku (1592–1596) |
분로쿠 (1592 ~ 1596) |
2610 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 196 | Keichō (1596–1615) |
게이초 (1596 ~ 1615) |
2611 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 197 | Genna (1615–1624) |
겐나 (1615 ~ 1624) |
2612 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 198 | Kan’ei (1624–1644) |
간에이 (1624 ~ 1644) |
2613 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 199 | Shōho (1644–1648) |
쇼호 (1644 ~ 1648) |
2614 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 200 | Keian (1648–1652) |
게이안 (1648 ~ 1652) |
2615 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 201 | Jōō (1652–1655) |
조오 (1652 ~ 1655) |
2616 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 202 | Meireki (1655–1658) |
메이레키 (1655 ~ 1658) |
2617 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 203 | Manji (1658–1661) |
만지 (1658 ~ 1661) |
2618 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 204 | Kanbun (1661–1673) |
간분 (1661 ~ 1673) |
2619 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 205 | Enpō (1673–1681) |
엔포 (1673 ~ 1681) |
2620 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 206 | Tenna (1681–1684) |
덴나 (1681 ~ 1684) |
2621 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 207 | Jōkyō (1684–1688) |
조쿄 (1684 ~ 1688) |
2622 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 208 | Genroku (1688–1704) |
겐로쿠 (1688 ~ 1704) |
2623 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 209 | Hōei (1704–1711) |
호에이 (1704 ~ 1711) |
2624 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 210 | Shōtoku (1711–1716) |
쇼토쿠 (1711 ~ 1716) |
2625 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 211 | Kyōhō (1716–1736) |
교호 (1716 ~ 1736) |
2626 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 212 | Genbun (1736–1741) |
겐분 (1736 ~ 1741) |
2627 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 213 | Kanpō (1741–1744) |
간포 (1741 ~ 1744) |
2628 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 214 | Enkyō (1744–1748) |
엔쿄 (1744 ~ 1748) |
2629 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 215 | Kan’en (1748–1751) |
간엔 (1748 ~ 1751) |
2630 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 216 | Hōreki (1751–1764) |
호레키 (1751 ~ 1764) |
2631 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 217 | Meiwa (1764–1772) |
메이와 (1764 ~ 1772) |
2632 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 218 | An’ei (1772–1781) |
안에이 (1772 ~ 1781) |
2633 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 219 | Tenmei (1781–1789) |
덴메이 (1781 ~ 1789) |
2634 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 220 | Kansei (1789–1801) |
간세이 (1789 ~ 1801) |
2635 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 221 | Kyōwa (1801–1804) |
교와 (1801 ~ 1804) |
2636 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 222 | Bunka (1804–1818) |
분카 (1804 ~ 1818) |
2637 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 223 | Bunsei (1818–1830) |
분세이 (1818 ~ 1830) |
2638 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 224 | Tenpō (1830–1844) |
덴포 (1830 ~ 1844) |
2639 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 225 | Kōka (1844–1848) |
고카 (1844 ~ 1848) |
2640 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 226 | Kaei (1848–1854) |
가에이 (1848 ~ 1854) |
2641 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 227 | Ansei (1854–1860) |
안세이 (1854 ~ 1860) |
2642 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 228 | Man’en (1860–1861) |
만엔 (1860 ~ 1861) |
2643 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 229 | Bunkyū (1861–1864) |
분큐 (1861 ~ 1864) |
2644 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 230 | Genji (1864–1865) |
겐지 (1864 ~ 1865) |
2645 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 231 | Keiō (1865–1868) |
게이오 (1865 ~ 1868) |
2646 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 232 | Meiji |
메이지 |
2647 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 233 | Taishō |
다이쇼 |
2648 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 234 | Shōwa |
쇼와 |
2649 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 235 | Heisei |
헤이세이 |
2650 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 236 | Reiwa |
레이와 |
2651 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 0 | = |
Taika (645–650) |
2652 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 1 | = |
Hakuchi (650–671) |
2653 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 2 | = |
Hakuhō (672–686) |
2654 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 3 | = |
Shuchō (686–701) |
2655 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 4 | = |
Taihō (701–704) |
2656 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 5 | = |
Keiun (704–708) |
2657 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 6 | = |
Wadō (708–715) |
2658 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 7 | = |
Reiki (715–717) |
2659 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 8 | = |
Yōrō (717–724) |
2660 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 9 | = |
Jinki (724–729) |
2661 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 10 | = |
Tenpyō (729–749) |
2662 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 11 | = |
Tenpyō-kampō (749–749) |
2663 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 12 | = |
Tenpyō-shōhō (749–757) |
2664 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 13 | = |
Tenpyō-hōji (757–765) |
2665 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 14 | = |
Tenpyō-jingo (765–767) |
2666 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 15 | = |
Jingo-keiun (767–770) |
2667 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 16 | = |
Hōki (770–780) |
2668 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 17 | = |
Ten-ō (781–782) |
2669 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 18 | = |
Enryaku (782–806) |
2670 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 19 | = |
Daidō (806–810) |
2671 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 20 | = |
Kōnin (810–824) |
2672 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 21 | = |
Tenchō (824–834) |
2673 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 22 | = |
Jōwa (834–848) |
2674 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 23 | = |
Kajō (848–851) |
2675 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 24 | = |
Ninju (851–854) |
2676 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 25 | = |
Saikō (854–857) |
2677 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 26 | = |
Ten-an (857–859) |
2678 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 27 | = |
Jōgan (859–877) |
2679 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 28 | = |
Gangyō (877–885) |
2680 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 29 | = |
Ninna (885–889) |
2681 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 30 | = |
Kanpyō (889–898) |
2682 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 31 | = |
Shōtai (898–901) |
2683 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 32 | = |
Engi (901–923) |
2684 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 33 | = |
Enchō (923–931) |
2685 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 34 | = |
Jōhei (931–938) |
2686 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 35 | = |
Tengyō (938–947) |
2687 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 36 | = |
Tenryaku (947–957) |
2688 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 37 | = |
Tentoku (957–961) |
2689 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 38 | = |
Ōwa (961–964) |
2690 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 39 | = |
Kōhō (964–968) |
2691 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 40 | = |
Anna (968–970) |
2692 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 41 | = |
Tenroku (970–973) |
2693 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 42 | = |
Ten’en (973–976) |
2694 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 43 | = |
Jōgen (976–978) |
2695 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 44 | = |
Tengen (978–983) |
2696 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 45 | = |
Eikan (983–985) |
2697 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 46 | = |
Kanna (985–987) |
2698 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 47 | = |
Eien (987–989) |
2699 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 48 | = |
Eiso (989–990) |
2700 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 49 | = |
Shōryaku (990–995) |
2701 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 50 | = |
Chōtoku (995–999) |
2702 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 51 | = |
Chōhō (999–1004) |
2703 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 52 | = |
Kankō (1004–1012) |
2704 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 53 | = |
Chōwa (1012–1017) |
2705 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 54 | = |
Kannin (1017–1021) |
2706 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 55 | = |
Jian (1021–1024) |
2707 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 56 | = |
Manju (1024–1028) |
2708 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 57 | = |
Chōgen (1028–1037) |
2709 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 58 | = |
Chōryaku (1037–1040) |
2710 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 59 | = |
Chōkyū (1040–1044) |
2711 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 60 | = |
Kantoku (1044–1046) |
2712 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 61 | = |
Eishō (1046–1053) |
2713 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 62 | = |
Tengi (1053–1058) |
2714 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 63 | = |
Kōhei (1058–1065) |
2715 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 64 | = |
Jiryaku (1065–1069) |
2716 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 65 | = |
Enkyū (1069–1074) |
2717 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 66 | = |
Shōho (1074–1077) |
2718 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 67 | = |
Shōryaku (1077–1081) |
2719 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 68 | = |
Eihō (1081–1084) |
2720 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 69 | = |
Ōtoku (1084–1087) |
2721 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 70 | = |
Kanji (1087–1094) |
2722 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 71 | = |
Kahō (1094–1096) |
2723 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 72 | = |
Eichō (1096–1097) |
2724 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 73 | = |
Jōtoku (1097–1099) |
2725 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 74 | = |
Kōwa (1099–1104) |
2726 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 75 | = |
Chōji (1104–1106) |
2727 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 76 | = |
Kashō (1106–1108) |
2728 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 77 | = |
Tennin (1108–1110) |
2729 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 78 | = |
Ten-ei (1110–1113) |
2730 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 79 | = |
Eikyū (1113–1118) |
2731 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 80 | = |
Gen’ei (1118–1120) |
2732 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 81 | = |
Hōan (1120–1124) |
2733 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 82 | = |
Tenji (1124–1126) |
2734 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 83 | = |
Daiji (1126–1131) |
2735 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 84 | = |
Tenshō (1131–1132) |
2736 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 85 | = |
Chōshō (1132–1135) |
2737 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 86 | = |
Hōen (1135–1141) |
2738 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 87 | = |
Eiji (1141–1142) |
2739 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 88 | = |
Kōji (1142–1144) |
2740 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 89 | = |
Ten’yō (1144–1145) |
2741 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 90 | = |
Kyūan (1145–1151) |
2742 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 91 | = |
Ninpei (1151–1154) |
2743 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 92 | = |
Kyūju (1154–1156) |
2744 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 93 | = |
Hōgen (1156–1159) |
2745 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 94 | = |
Heiji (1159–1160) |
2746 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 95 | = |
Eiryaku (1160–1161) |
2747 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 96 | = |
Ōho (1161–1163) |
2748 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 97 | = |
Chōkan (1163–1165) |
2749 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 98 | = |
Eiman (1165–1166) |
2750 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 99 | = |
Nin’an (1166–1169) |
2751 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 100 | = |
Kaō (1169–1171) |
2752 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 101 | = |
Shōan (1171–1175) |
2753 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 102 | = |
Angen (1175–1177) |
2754 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 103 | = |
Jishō (1177–1181) |
2755 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 104 | = |
Yōwa (1181–1182) |
2756 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 105 | = |
Juei (1182–1184) |
2757 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 106 | = |
Genryaku (1184–1185) |
2758 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 107 | = |
Bunji (1185–1190) |
2759 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 108 | = |
Kenkyū (1190–1199) |
2760 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 109 | = |
Shōji (1199–1201) |
2761 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 110 | = |
Kennin (1201–1204) |
2762 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 111 | = |
Genkyū (1204–1206) |
2763 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 112 | = |
Ken’ei (1206–1207) |
2764 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 113 | = |
Jōgen (1207–1211) |
2765 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 114 | = |
Kenryaku (1211–1213) |
2766 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 115 | = |
Kenpō (1213–1219) |
2767 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 116 | = |
Jōkyū (1219–1222) |
2768 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 117 | = |
Jōō (1222–1224) |
2769 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 118 | = |
Gennin (1224–1225) |
2770 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 119 | = |
Karoku (1225–1227) |
2771 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 120 | = |
Antei (1227–1229) |
2772 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 121 | = |
Kanki (1229–1232) |
2773 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 122 | = |
Jōei (1232–1233) |
2774 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 123 | = |
Tenpuku (1233–1234) |
2775 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 124 | = |
Bunryaku (1234–1235) |
2776 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 125 | = |
Katei (1235–1238) |
2777 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 126 | = |
Ryakunin (1238–1239) |
2778 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 127 | = |
En’ō (1239–1240) |
2779 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 128 | = |
Ninji (1240–1243) |
2780 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 129 | = |
Kangen (1243–1247) |
2781 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 130 | = |
Hōji (1247–1249) |
2782 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 131 | = |
Kenchō (1249–1256) |
2783 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 132 | = |
Kōgen (1256–1257) |
2784 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 133 | = |
Shōka (1257–1259) |
2785 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 134 | = |
Shōgen (1259–1260) |
2786 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 135 | = |
Bun’ō (1260–1261) |
2787 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 136 | = |
Kōchō (1261–1264) |
2788 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 137 | = |
Bun’ei (1264–1275) |
2789 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 138 | = |
Kenji (1275–1278) |
2790 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 139 | = |
Kōan (1278–1288) |
2791 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 140 | = |
Shōō (1288–1293) |
2792 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 141 | = |
Einin (1293–1299) |
2793 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 142 | = |
Shōan (1299–1302) |
2794 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 143 | = |
Kengen (1302–1303) |
2795 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 144 | = |
Kagen (1303–1306) |
2796 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 145 | = |
Tokuji (1306–1308) |
2797 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 146 | = |
Enkyō (1308–1311) |
2798 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 147 | = |
Ōchō (1311–1312) |
2799 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 148 | = |
Shōwa (1312–1317) |
2800 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 149 | = |
Bunpō (1317–1319) |
2801 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 150 | = |
Genō (1319–1321) |
2802 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 151 | = |
Genkō (1321–1324) |
2803 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 152 | = |
Shōchū (1324–1326) |
2804 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 153 | = |
Karyaku (1326–1329) |
2805 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 154 | = |
Gentoku (1329–1331) |
2806 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 155 | = |
Genkō (1331–1334) |
2807 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 156 | = |
Kenmu (1334–1336) |
2808 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 157 | = |
Engen (1336–1340) |
2809 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 158 | = |
Kōkoku (1340–1346) |
2810 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 159 | = |
Shōhei (1346–1370) |
2811 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 160 | = |
Kentoku (1370–1372) |
2812 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 161 | = |
Bunchū (1372–1375) |
2813 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 162 | = |
Tenju (1375–1379) |
2814 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 163 | = |
Kōryaku (1379–1381) |
2815 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 164 | = |
Kōwa (1381–1384) |
2816 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 165 | = |
Genchū (1384–1392) |
2817 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 166 | = |
Meitoku (1384–1387) |
2818 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 167 | = |
Kakei (1387–1389) |
2819 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 168 | = |
Kōō (1389–1390) |
2820 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 169 | = |
Meitoku (1390–1394) |
2821 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 170 | = |
Ōei (1394–1428) |
2822 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 171 | = |
Shōchō (1428–1429) |
2823 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 172 | = |
Eikyō (1429–1441) |
2824 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 173 | = |
Kakitsu (1441–1444) |
2825 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 174 | = |
Bun’an (1444–1449) |
2826 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 175 | = |
Hōtoku (1449–1452) |
2827 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 176 | = |
Kyōtoku (1452–1455) |
2828 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 177 | = |
Kōshō (1455–1457) |
2829 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 178 | = |
Chōroku (1457–1460) |
2830 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 179 | = |
Kanshō (1460–1466) |
2831 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 180 | = |
Bunshō (1466–1467) |
2832 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 181 | = |
Ōnin (1467–1469) |
2833 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 182 | = |
Bunmei (1469–1487) |
2834 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 183 | = |
Chōkyō (1487–1489) |
2835 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 184 | = |
Entoku (1489–1492) |
2836 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 185 | = |
Meiō (1492–1501) |
2837 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 186 | = |
Bunki (1501–1504) |
2838 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 187 | = |
Eishō (1504–1521) |
2839 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 188 | = |
Taiei (1521–1528) |
2840 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 189 | = |
Kyōroku (1528–1532) |
2841 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 190 | = |
Tenbun (1532–1555) |
2842 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 191 | = |
Kōji (1555–1558) |
2843 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 192 | = |
Eiroku (1558–1570) |
2844 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 193 | = |
Genki (1570–1573) |
2845 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 194 | = |
Tenshō (1573–1592) |
2846 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 195 | = |
Bunroku (1592–1596) |
2847 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 196 | = |
Keichō (1596–1615) |
2848 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 197 | = |
Genna (1615–1624) |
2849 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 198 | = |
Kan’ei (1624–1644) |
2850 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 199 | = |
Shōho (1644–1648) |
2851 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 200 | = |
Keian (1648–1652) |
2852 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 201 | = |
Jōō (1652–1655) |
2853 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 202 | = |
Meireki (1655–1658) |
2854 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 203 | = |
Manji (1658–1661) |
2855 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 204 | = |
Kanbun (1661–1673) |
2856 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 205 | = |
Enpō (1673–1681) |
2857 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 206 | = |
Tenna (1681–1684) |
2858 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 207 | = |
Jōkyō (1684–1688) |
2859 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 208 | = |
Genroku (1688–1704) |
2860 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 209 | = |
Hōei (1704–1711) |
2861 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 210 | = |
Shōtoku (1711–1716) |
2862 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 211 | = |
Kyōhō (1716–1736) |
2863 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 212 | = |
Genbun (1736–1741) |
2864 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 213 | = |
Kanpō (1741–1744) |
2865 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 214 | = |
Enkyō (1744–1748) |
2866 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 215 | = |
Kan’en (1748–1751) |
2867 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 216 | = |
Hōreki (1751–1764) |
2868 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 217 | = |
Meiwa (1764–1772) |
2869 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 218 | = |
An’ei (1772–1781) |
2870 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 219 | = |
Tenmei (1781–1789) |
2871 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 220 | = |
Kansei (1789–1801) |
2872 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 221 | = |
Kyōwa (1801–1804) |
2873 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 222 | = |
Bunka (1804–1818) |
2874 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 223 | = |
Bunsei (1818–1830) |
2875 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 224 | = |
Tenpō (1830–1844) |
2876 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 225 | = |
Kōka (1844–1848) |
2877 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 226 | = |
Kaei (1848–1854) |
2878 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 227 | = |
Ansei (1854–1860) |
2879 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 228 | = |
Man’en (1860–1861) |
2880 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 229 | = |
Bunkyū (1861–1864) |
2881 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 230 | = |
Genji (1864–1865) |
2882 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 231 | = |
Keiō (1865–1868) |
2883 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 232 | = |
M |
2884 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 233 | = |
T |
2885 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 234 | = |
S |
2886 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 235 | = |
H |
2887 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 236 | = |
R |
2888 | Date & Time | Japanese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMMM | MMM y G |
G y년 MMM |
2889 | Date & Time | Japanese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMMMd | MMM d, y G |
G y년 MMM d일 |
2890 | Date & Time | Japanese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMMMEd | E, MMM d, y G |
G y년 MMM d일 (E) |
2891 | Date & Time | Japanese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMMMEEEEd | n/a |
G y년 MMM d일 EEEE |
2892 | Date & Time | Japanese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMMd | MMM d |
MMM d일 |
2893 | Date & Time | Japanese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMMEd | E, MMM d |
MMM d일 (E) |
2894 | Date & Time | Japanese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMMEEEEd | n/a |
2895 | Date & Time | Japanese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMMMd | MMMM d |
MMMM d일 |
2896 | Date & Time | Japanese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMMM | MMM y G |
G y년 MMM |
2897 | Date & Time | Japanese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMMMd | MMM d, y G |
G y년 MMM d일 |
2898 | Date & Time | Japanese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMMMEd | E, MMM d, y G |
G y년 MMM d일 (E) |
2899 | Date & Time | Japanese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMMMEEEEd | n/a |
G y년 MMM d일 EEEE |
2900 | Date & Time | Japanese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMMMM | MMMM y G |
G y년 MMMM |
2901 | Date & Time | Persian | Eras - abbreviated | 0 | = |
AP |
2902 | Date & Time | Persian | Months - wide - Formatting | M1 | Farvardin |
화르바딘 |
2903 | Date & Time | Persian | Months - wide - Formatting | M2 | Ordibehesht |
오르디베헤쉬트 |
2904 | Date & Time | Persian | Months - wide - Formatting | M3 | Khordad |
호르다드 |
2905 | Date & Time | Persian | Months - wide - Formatting | M4 | Tir |
티르 |
2906 | Date & Time | Persian | Months - wide - Formatting | M5 | Mordad |
모르다드 |
2907 | Date & Time | Persian | Months - wide - Formatting | M6 | Shahrivar |
샤흐리바르 |
2908 | Date & Time | Persian | Months - wide - Formatting | M7 | Mehr |
메흐르 |
2909 | Date & Time | Persian | Months - wide - Formatting | M8 | Aban |
아반 |
2910 | Date & Time | Persian | Months - wide - Formatting | M9 | Azar |
아자르 |
2911 | Date & Time | Persian | Months - wide - Formatting | M10 | Dey |
다이 |
2912 | Date & Time | Persian | Months - wide - Formatting | M11 | Bahman |
바흐만 |
2913 | Date & Time | Persian | Months - wide - Formatting | M12 | Esfand |
에스판드 |
2914 | Date & Time | Persian | Months - narrow - Standalone | M1 | = |
1 |
2915 | Date & Time | Persian | Months - narrow - Standalone | M2 | = |
2 |
2916 | Date & Time | Persian | Months - narrow - Standalone | M3 | = |
3 |
2917 | Date & Time | Persian | Months - narrow - Standalone | M4 | = |
4 |
2918 | Date & Time | Persian | Months - narrow - Standalone | M5 | = |
5 |
2919 | Date & Time | Persian | Months - narrow - Standalone | M6 | = |
6 |
2920 | Date & Time | Persian | Months - narrow - Standalone | M7 | = |
7 |
2921 | Date & Time | Persian | Months - narrow - Standalone | M8 | = |
8 |
2922 | Date & Time | Persian | Months - narrow - Standalone | M9 | = |
9 |
2923 | Date & Time | Persian | Months - narrow - Standalone | M10 | = |
10 |
2924 | Date & Time | Persian | Months - narrow - Standalone | M11 | = |
11 |
2925 | Date & Time | Persian | Months - narrow - Standalone | M12 | = |
12 |
2926 | Date & Time | Minguo | Eras - abbreviated | 0 | B.R.O.C. |
중화민국전 |
2927 | Date & Time | Minguo | Eras - abbreviated | 1 | Minguo |
중화민국 |
2928 | Date & Time | Minguo | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMMM | MMM y G |
G y년 MMM |
2929 | Date & Time | Minguo | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMMMd | MMM d, y G |
G y년 MMM d일 |
2930 | Date & Time | Minguo | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMMMEd | E, MMM d, y G |
G y년 MMM d일 (E) |
2931 | Date & Time | Minguo | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMMMEEEEd | n/a |
G y년 MMM d일 EEEE |
2932 | Date & Time | Minguo | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMMd | MMM d |
MMM d일 |
2933 | Date & Time | Minguo | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMMEd | E, MMM d |
MMM d일 (E) |
2934 | Date & Time | Minguo | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMMEEEEd | n/a |
2935 | Date & Time | Minguo | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMMMd | MMMM d |
MMMM d일 |
2936 | Date & Time | Minguo | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMMM | MMM y G |
G y년 MMM |
2937 | Date & Time | Minguo | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMMMd | MMM d, y G |
G y년 MMM d일 |
2938 | Date & Time | Minguo | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMMMEd | E, MMM d, y G |
G y년 MMM d일 (E) |
2939 | Date & Time | Minguo | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMMMEEEEd | n/a |
G y년 MMM d일 EEEE |
2940 | Date & Time | Minguo | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMMMM | MMMM y G |
G y년 MMMM |
2941 | Timezones | Timezone Display Patterns | null | Region Format - Generic | {0} Time |
{0} 시간 |
2942 | Timezones | Timezone Display Patterns | null | Region Format - Standard | {0} Standard Time |
{0} 표준시 |
2943 | Timezones | Timezone Display Patterns | null | Region Format - Daylight | {0} Daylight Time |
{0} 하계 표준시 |
2944 | Timezones | Timezone Display Patterns | null | GMT Format | = |
GMT{0} |
2945 | Timezones | Timezone Display Patterns | null | GMT Hours/Minutes Format | = |
+HH:mm;-HH:mm |
2946 | Timezones | Timezone Display Patterns | null | GMT Zero Format | = |
2947 | Timezones | Timezone Display Patterns | null | Location Fallback Format | {1} ({0}) |
{1}({0}) |
2948 | Timezones | North America | Alaska | generic-long | Alaska Time |
알래스카 시간 |
2949 | Timezones | North America | Alaska | standard-long | Alaska Standard Time |
알래스카 표준시 |
2950 | Timezones | North America | Alaska | daylight-long | Alaska Daylight Time |
알래스카 하계 표준시 |
2951 | Timezones | North America | America_Central | generic-long | Central Time |
미 중부 시간 |
2952 | Timezones | North America | America_Central | standard-long | Central Standard Time |
미 중부 표준시 |
2953 | Timezones | North America | America_Central | daylight-long | Central Daylight Time |
미 중부 하계 표준시 |
2954 | Timezones | North America | America_Eastern | generic-long | Eastern Time |
미 동부 시간 |
2955 | Timezones | North America | America_Eastern | standard-long | Eastern Standard Time |
미 동부 표준시 |
2956 | Timezones | North America | America_Eastern | daylight-long | Eastern Daylight Time |
미 동부 하계 표준시 |
2957 | Timezones | North America | America_Mountain | generic-long | Mountain Time |
미 산지 시간 |
2958 | Timezones | North America | America_Mountain | standard-long | Mountain Standard Time |
미 산악 표준시 |
2959 | Timezones | North America | America_Mountain | daylight-long | Mountain Daylight Time |
미 산지 하계 표준시 |
2960 | Timezones | North America | America_Pacific | generic-long | Pacific Time |
미 태평양 시간 |
2961 | Timezones | North America | America_Pacific | standard-long | Pacific Standard Time |
미 태평양 표준시 |
2962 | Timezones | North America | America_Pacific | daylight-long | Pacific Daylight Time |
미 태평양 하계 표준시 |
2963 | Timezones | North America | Atlantic | generic-long | Atlantic Time |
대서양 시간 |
2964 | Timezones | North America | Atlantic | standard-long | Atlantic Standard Time |
대서양 표준시 |
2965 | Timezones | North America | Atlantic | daylight-long | Atlantic Daylight Time |
대서양 하계 표준시 |
2966 | Timezones | North America | Cuba | generic-long | Cuba Time |
쿠바 시간 |
2967 | Timezones | North America | Cuba | standard-long | Cuba Standard Time |
쿠바 표준시 |
2968 | Timezones | North America | Cuba | daylight-long | Cuba Daylight Time |
쿠바 하계 표준시 |
2969 | Timezones | North America | Greenland_Eastern | generic-long | East Greenland Time |
그린란드 동부 시간 |
2970 | Timezones | North America | Greenland_Eastern | standard-long | East Greenland Standard Time |
그린란드 동부 표준시 |
2971 | Timezones | North America | Greenland_Eastern | daylight-long | East Greenland Summer Time |
그린란드 동부 하계 표준시 |
2972 | Timezones | North America | Greenland_Western | generic-long | West Greenland Time |
그린란드 서부 시간 |
2973 | Timezones | North America | Greenland_Western | standard-long | West Greenland Standard Time |
그린란드 서부 표준시 |
2974 | Timezones | North America | Greenland_Western | daylight-long | West Greenland Summer Time |
그린란드 서부 하계 표준시 |
2975 | Timezones | North America | Hawaii_Aleutian | generic-long | Hawaii-Aleutian Time |
하와이 알류샨 시간 |
2976 | Timezones | North America | Hawaii_Aleutian | standard-long | Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time |
하와이 알류샨 표준시 |
2977 | Timezones | North America | Hawaii_Aleutian | daylight-long | Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time |
하와이 알류샨 하계 표준시 |
2978 | Timezones | North America | Mexico_Pacific | generic-long | Mexican Pacific Time |
멕시코 태평양 시간 |
2979 | Timezones | North America | Mexico_Pacific | standard-long | Mexican Pacific Standard Time |
멕시코 태평양 표준시 |
2980 | Timezones | North America | Mexico_Pacific | daylight-long | Mexican Pacific Daylight Time |
멕시코 태평양 하계 표준시 |
2981 | Timezones | North America | Newfoundland | generic-long | Newfoundland Time |
뉴펀들랜드 시간 |
2982 | Timezones | North America | Newfoundland | standard-long | Newfoundland Standard Time |
뉴펀들랜드 표준시 |
2983 | Timezones | North America | Newfoundland | daylight-long | Newfoundland Daylight Time |
뉴펀들랜드 하계 표준시 |
2984 | Timezones | North America | Pierre_Miquelon | generic-long | St. Pierre & Miquelon Time |
세인트피에르 미클롱 시간 |
2985 | Timezones | North America | Pierre_Miquelon | standard-long | St. Pierre & Miquelon Standard Time |
세인트피에르 미클롱 표준시 |
2986 | Timezones | North America | Pierre_Miquelon | daylight-long | St. Pierre & Miquelon Daylight Time |
세인트피에르 미클롱 하계 표준시 |
2987 | Timezones | North America | Yukon | standard-long | Yukon Time |
유콘 시간 |
2988 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Adak | Adak |
에이닥 |
2989 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Anchorage | Anchorage |
앵커리지 |
2990 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Anguilla | Anguilla |
앙귈라 |
2991 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Antigua | Antigua |
안티과 |
2992 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Aruba | Aruba |
아루바 |
2993 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Bahia_Banderas | Bahía de Banderas |
바이아 반데라스 |
2994 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Barbados | Barbados |
바베이도스 |
2995 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Belize | Belize |
벨리즈 |
2996 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Bermuda | Bermuda |
버뮤다 |
2997 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Blanc-Sablon | Blanc-Sablon |
블랑 사블롱 |
2998 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Boise | Boise |
보이시 |
2999 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Cambridge_Bay | Cambridge Bay |
케임브리지 베이 |
3000 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Cancun | Cancún |
칸쿤 |
3001 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Cayman | Cayman |
케이맨 |
3002 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Chicago | Chicago |
시카고 |
3003 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Chihuahua | Chihuahua |
치와와 |
3004 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Ciudad_Juarez | Ciudad Juárez |
시우다드후아레스 |
3005 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Coral_Harbour | Atikokan |
코랄하버 |
3006 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Costa_Rica | Costa Rica |
코스타리카 |
3007 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Creston | Creston |
크레스톤 |
3008 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Curacao | Curaçao |
퀴라소 |
3009 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Danmarkshavn | Danmarkshavn |
덴마크샤븐 |
3010 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Dawson | Dawson |
도슨 |
3011 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Dawson_Creek | Dawson Creek |
도슨크릭 |
3012 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Denver | Denver |
덴버 |
3013 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Detroit | Detroit |
디트로이트 |
3014 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Dominica | Dominica |
도미니카 |
3015 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Edmonton | Edmonton |
에드먼턴 |
3016 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | El_Salvador | El Salvador |
엘살바도르 |
3017 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Fort_Nelson | Fort Nelson |
포트 넬슨 |
3018 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Glace_Bay | Glace Bay |
글라스베이 |
3019 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Godthab | Nuuk |
고드호프 |
3020 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Goose_Bay | Goose Bay |
구즈베이 |
3021 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Grand_Turk | Grand Turk |
그랜드 터크 |
3022 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Grenada | Grenada |
그레나다 |
3023 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Guadeloupe | Guadeloupe |
과들루프 |
3024 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Guatemala | Guatemala |
과테말라 |
3025 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Halifax | Halifax |
핼리팩스 |
3026 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Havana | Havana |
하바나 |
3027 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Hermosillo | Hermosillo |
에르모시요 |
3028 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Honolulu | n/a |
호놀룰루 |
3029 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Indiana/Knox | Knox, Indiana |
인디애나주, 녹스 |
3030 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Indiana/Marengo | Marengo, Indiana |
인디애나주, 머렝고 |
3031 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Indiana/Petersburg | Petersburg, Indiana |
인디애나주, 피츠버그 |
3032 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Indiana/Tell_City | Tell City, Indiana |
인디애나주, 텔시티 |
3033 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Indiana/Vevay | Vevay, Indiana |
인디애나주, 비비 |
3034 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Indiana/Vincennes | Vincennes, Indiana |
인디애나주, 빈센스 |
3035 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Indiana/Winamac | Winamac, Indiana |
인디애나주, 위너맥 |
3036 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Indianapolis | Indianapolis |
인디애나폴리스 |
3037 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Inuvik | Inuvik |
이누빅 |
3038 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Iqaluit | Iqaluit |
이칼루이트 |
3039 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Jamaica | Jamaica |
자메이카 |
3040 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Juneau | Juneau |
주노 |
3041 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Kentucky/Monticello | Monticello, Kentucky |
켄터키주, 몬티첼로 |
3042 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Kralendijk | Kralendijk |
크라렌디즈크 |
3043 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Los_Angeles | Los Angeles |
로스앤젤레스 |
3044 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Louisville | Louisville |
루이빌 |
3045 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Lower_Princes | Lower Prince’s Quarter |
로워 프린스 쿼터 |
3046 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Managua | Managua |
마나과 |
3047 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Marigot | Marigot |
마리곳 |
3048 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Martinique | Martinique |
마티니크 |
3049 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Matamoros | Matamoros |
마타모로스 |
3050 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Mazatlan | Mazatlan |
마사틀란 |
3051 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Menominee | Menominee |
메노미니 |
3052 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Merida | Mérida |
메리다 |
3053 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Metlakatla | Metlakatla |
메틀라카틀라 |
3054 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Mexico_City | Mexico City |
멕시코 시티 |
3055 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Miquelon | Miquelon |
미클롱 |
3056 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Moncton | Moncton |
몽턴 |
3057 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Monterrey | Monterrey |
몬테레이 |
3058 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Montserrat | Montserrat |
몬세라트 |
3059 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Nassau | Nassau |
나소 |
3060 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | New_York | New York |
뉴욕 |
3061 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Nome | Nome |
놈 |
3062 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | North_Dakota/Beulah | Beulah, North Dakota |
노스다코타주, 베라 |
3063 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | North_Dakota/Center | Center, North Dakota |
중부, 노스다코타 |
3064 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | North_Dakota/New_Salem | New Salem, North Dakota |
노스다코타주, 뉴살렘 |
3065 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Ojinaga | Ojinaga |
오히나가 |
3066 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Panama | Panama |
파나마 |
3067 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Phoenix | Phoenix |
피닉스 |
3068 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Port_of_Spain | Port of Spain |
포트오브스페인 |
3069 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Port-au-Prince | Port-au-Prince |
포르토프랭스 |
3070 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Puerto_Rico | Puerto Rico |
푸에르토리코 |
3071 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Rankin_Inlet | Rankin Inlet |
랭킹 인렛 |
3072 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Regina | Regina |
리자이나 |
3073 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Resolute | Resolute |
리졸루트 |
3074 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Santo_Domingo | Santo Domingo |
산토도밍고 |
3075 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Scoresbysund | Ittoqqortoormiit |
스코레스바이선드 |
3076 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Sitka | Sitka |
싯카 |
3077 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | St_Barthelemy | St. Barthélemy |
생바르텔레미 |
3078 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | St_Johns | St. John’s |
세인트존스 |
3079 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | St_Kitts | St. Kitts |
세인트키츠 |
3080 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | St_Lucia | St. Lucia |
세인트루시아 |
3081 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | St_Thomas | St. Thomas |
세인트토마스 |
3082 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | St_Vincent | St. Vincent |
세인트빈센트 |
3083 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Swift_Current | Swift Current |
스위프트커런트 |
3084 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Tegucigalpa | Tegucigalpa |
테구시갈파 |
3085 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Thule | Thule |
툴레 |
3086 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Tijuana | Tijuana |
티후아나 |
3087 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Toronto | Toronto |
토론토 |
3088 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Tortola | Tortola |
토르톨라 |
3089 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Vancouver | Vancouver |
벤쿠버 |
3090 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Whitehorse | Whitehorse |
화이트호스 |
3091 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Winnipeg | Winnipeg |
위니펙 |
3092 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Yakutat | Yakutat |
야쿠타트 |
3093 | Timezones | South America | Acre | generic-long | Acre Time |
아크레 시간 |
3094 | Timezones | South America | Acre | standard-long | Acre Standard Time |
아크레 표준시 |
3095 | Timezones | South America | Acre | daylight-long | Acre Summer Time |
아크레 하계 표준시 |
3096 | Timezones | South America | Amazon | generic-long | Amazon Time |
아마존 시간 |
3097 | Timezones | South America | Amazon | standard-long | Amazon Standard Time |
아마존 표준시 |
3098 | Timezones | South America | Amazon | daylight-long | Amazon Summer Time |
아마존 하계 표준시 |
3099 | Timezones | South America | Argentina | generic-long | Argentina Time |
아르헨티나 시간 |
3100 | Timezones | South America | Argentina | standard-long | Argentina Standard Time |
아르헨티나 표준시 |
3101 | Timezones | South America | Argentina | daylight-long | Argentina Summer Time |
아르헨티나 하계 표준시 |
3102 | Timezones | South America | Argentina_Western | generic-long | Western Argentina Time |
아르헨티나 서부 시간 |
3103 | Timezones | South America | Argentina_Western | standard-long | Western Argentina Standard Time |
아르헨티나 서부 표준시 |
3104 | Timezones | South America | Argentina_Western | daylight-long | Western Argentina Summer Time |
아르헨티나 서부 하계 표준시 |
3105 | Timezones | South America | Bolivia | standard-long | Bolivia Time |
볼리비아 시간 |
3106 | Timezones | South America | Brasilia | generic-long | Brasilia Time |
브라질리아 시간 |
3107 | Timezones | South America | Brasilia | standard-long | Brasilia Standard Time |
브라질리아 표준시 |
3108 | Timezones | South America | Brasilia | daylight-long | Brasilia Summer Time |
브라질리아 하계 표준시 |
3109 | Timezones | South America | Chile | generic-long | Chile Time |
칠레 시간 |
3110 | Timezones | South America | Chile | standard-long | Chile Standard Time |
칠레 표준시 |
3111 | Timezones | South America | Chile | daylight-long | Chile Summer Time |
칠레 하계 표준시 |
3112 | Timezones | South America | Colombia | generic-long | Colombia Time |
콜롬비아 시간 |
3113 | Timezones | South America | Colombia | standard-long | Colombia Standard Time |
콜롬비아 표준시 |
3114 | Timezones | South America | Colombia | daylight-long | Colombia Summer Time |
콜롬비아 하계 표준시 |
3115 | Timezones | South America | Easter | generic-long | Easter Island Time |
이스터섬 시간 |
3116 | Timezones | South America | Easter | standard-long | Easter Island Standard Time |
이스터섬 표준시 |
3117 | Timezones | South America | Easter | daylight-long | Easter Island Summer Time |
이스터섬 하계 표준시 |
3118 | Timezones | South America | Ecuador | standard-long | Ecuador Time |
에콰도르 시간 |
3119 | Timezones | South America | Falkland | generic-long | Falkland Islands Time |
포클랜드 제도 시간 |
3120 | Timezones | South America | Falkland | standard-long | Falkland Islands Standard Time |
포클랜드 제도 표준시 |
3121 | Timezones | South America | Falkland | daylight-long | Falkland Islands Summer Time |
포클랜드 제도 하계 표준시 |
3122 | Timezones | South America | French_Guiana | standard-long | French Guiana Time |
프랑스령 가이아나 시간 |
3123 | Timezones | South America | Galapagos | standard-long | Galapagos Time |
갈라파고스 시간 |
3124 | Timezones | South America | Guyana | standard-long | Guyana Time |
가이아나 시간 |
3125 | Timezones | South America | Noronha | generic-long | Fernando de Noronha Time |
페르난도 데 노로냐 시간 |
3126 | Timezones | South America | Noronha | standard-long | Fernando de Noronha Standard Time |
페르난도 데 노로냐 표준시 |
3127 | Timezones | South America | Noronha | daylight-long | Fernando de Noronha Summer Time |
페르난도 데 노로냐 하계 표준시 |
3128 | Timezones | South America | Paraguay | generic-long | Paraguay Time |
파라과이 시간 |
3129 | Timezones | South America | Paraguay | standard-long | Paraguay Standard Time |
파라과이 표준시 |
3130 | Timezones | South America | Paraguay | daylight-long | Paraguay Summer Time |
파라과이 하계 표준시 |
3131 | Timezones | South America | Peru | generic-long | Peru Time |
페루 시간 |
3132 | Timezones | South America | Peru | standard-long | Peru Standard Time |
페루 표준시 |
3133 | Timezones | South America | Peru | daylight-long | Peru Summer Time |
페루 하계 표준시 |
3134 | Timezones | South America | South_Georgia | standard-long | South Georgia Time |
사우스 조지아 시간 |
3135 | Timezones | South America | Suriname | standard-long | Suriname Time |
수리남 시간 |
3136 | Timezones | South America | Uruguay | generic-long | Uruguay Time |
우루과이 시간 |
3137 | Timezones | South America | Uruguay | standard-long | Uruguay Standard Time |
우루과이 표준시 |
3138 | Timezones | South America | Uruguay | daylight-long | Uruguay Summer Time |
우루과이 하계 표준시 |
3139 | Timezones | South America | Venezuela | standard-long | Venezuela Time |
베네수엘라 시간 |
3140 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Araguaina | Araguaina |
아라과이나 |
3141 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Argentina/La_Rioja | La Rioja |
라 리오하 |
3142 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Argentina/Rio_Gallegos | Rio Gallegos |
리오 가예고스 |
3143 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Argentina/Salta | Salta |
살타 |
3144 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Argentina/San_Juan | San Juan |
산후안 |
3145 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Argentina/San_Luis | San Luis |
산루이스 |
3146 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Argentina/Tucuman | Tucuman |
투쿠만 |
3147 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Argentina/Ushuaia | Ushuaia |
우수아이아 |
3148 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Asuncion | Asunción |
아순시온 |
3149 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Bahia | Bahia |
바히아 |
3150 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Belem | Belem |
벨렘 |
3151 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Boa_Vista | Boa Vista |
보아 비스타 |
3152 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Bogota | Bogota |
보고타 |
3153 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Buenos_Aires | Buenos Aires |
부에노스 아이레스 |
3154 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Campo_Grande | Campo Grande |
캄포 그란데 |
3155 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Caracas | Caracas |
카라카스 |
3156 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Catamarca | Catamarca |
카타마르카 |
3157 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Cayenne | Cayenne |
카옌 |
3158 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Cordoba | Cordoba |
코르도바 |
3159 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Cuiaba | Cuiaba |
쿠이아바 |
3160 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Easter | Easter |
이스터 섬 |
3161 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Eirunepe | Eirunepe |
아이루네페 |
3162 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Fortaleza | Fortaleza |
포르탈레자 |
3163 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Galapagos | Galapagos |
갈라파고스 |
3164 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Guayaquil | Guayaquil |
과야킬 |
3165 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Guyana | Guyana |
가이아나 |
3166 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Jujuy | Jujuy |
후후이 |
3167 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | La_Paz | La Paz |
라파스 |
3168 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Lima | Lima |
리마 |
3169 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Maceio | Maceio |
마세이오 |
3170 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Manaus | Manaus |
마나우스 |
3171 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Mendoza | Mendoza |
멘도사 |
3172 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Montevideo | Montevideo |
몬테비데오 |
3173 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Noronha | Noronha |
노롱야 |
3174 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Paramaribo | Paramaribo |
파라마리보 |
3175 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Porto_Velho | Porto Velho |
포르토벨료 |
3176 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Punta_Arenas | Punta Arenas |
푼타아레나스 |
3177 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Recife | Recife |
레시페 |
3178 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Rio_Branco | Rio Branco |
히우 브랑쿠 |
3179 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Santarem | Santarem |
산타렘 |
3180 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Santiago | Santiago |
산티아고 |
3181 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Sao_Paulo | Sao Paulo |
상파울루 |
3182 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | South_Georgia | South Georgia |
사우스조지아 |
3183 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Stanley | Stanley |
스탠리 |
3184 | Timezones | Africa | Africa_Central | standard-long | Central Africa Time |
중앙아프리카 시간 |
3185 | Timezones | Africa | Africa_Eastern | standard-long | East Africa Time |
동아프리카 시간 |
3186 | Timezones | Africa | Africa_Southern | standard-long | South Africa Standard Time |
남아프리카 시간 |
3187 | Timezones | Africa | Africa_Western | generic-long | West Africa Time |
서아프리카 시간 |
3188 | Timezones | Africa | Africa_Western | standard-long | West Africa Standard Time |
서아프리카 표준시 |
3189 | Timezones | Africa | Africa_Western | daylight-long | West Africa Summer Time |
서아프리카 하계 표준시 |
3190 | Timezones | Africa | Cape_Verde | generic-long | Cape Verde Time |
카보 베르데 시간 |
3191 | Timezones | Africa | Cape_Verde | standard-long | Cape Verde Standard Time |
카보 베르데 표준시 |
3192 | Timezones | Africa | Cape_Verde | daylight-long | Cape Verde Summer Time |
카보 베르데 하계 표준시 |
3193 | Timezones | Africa | French_Southern | standard-long | French Southern & Antarctic Time |
프랑스령 남부 식민지 및 남극 시간 |
3194 | Timezones | Africa | Indian_Ocean | standard-long | Indian Ocean Time |
인도양 시간 |
3195 | Timezones | Africa | Mauritius | generic-long | Mauritius Time |
모리셔스 시간 |
3196 | Timezones | Africa | Mauritius | standard-long | Mauritius Standard Time |
모리셔스 표준시 |
3197 | Timezones | Africa | Mauritius | daylight-long | Mauritius Summer Time |
모리셔스 하계 표준시 |
3198 | Timezones | Africa | Reunion | standard-long | Réunion Time |
레위니옹 시간 |
3199 | Timezones | Africa | Seychelles | standard-long | Seychelles Time |
세이셸 시간 |
3200 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Abidjan | Abidjan |
아비장 |
3201 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Accra | Accra |
아크라 |
3202 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Addis_Ababa | Addis Ababa |
아디스아바바 |
3203 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Algiers | Algiers |
알제 |
3204 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Antananarivo | Antananarivo |
안타나나리보 |
3205 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Asmera | Asmara |
아스메라 |
3206 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Bamako | Bamako |
바마코 |
3207 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Bangui | Bangui |
방기 |
3208 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Banjul | Banjul |
반줄 |
3209 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Bissau | Bissau |
비사우 |
3210 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Blantyre | Blantyre |
블랜타이어 |
3211 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Brazzaville | Brazzaville |
브라자빌 |
3212 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Bujumbura | Bujumbura |
부줌부라 |
3213 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Cairo | Cairo |
카이로 |
3214 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Cape_Verde | Cape Verde |
카보 베르데 |
3215 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Casablanca | Casablanca |
카사블랑카 |
3216 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Chagos | Chagos |
차고스 |
3217 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Comoro | Comoro |
코모로 |
3218 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Conakry | Conakry |
코나크리 |
3219 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Dakar | Dakar |
다카르 |
3220 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Dar_es_Salaam | Dar es Salaam |
다르에스살람 |
3221 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Djibouti | Djibouti |
지부티 |
3222 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Douala | Douala |
두알라 |
3223 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | El_Aaiun | El Aaiun |
엘아이운 |
3224 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Freetown | Freetown |
프리타운 |
3225 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Gaborone | Gaborone |
가보로네 |
3226 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Harare | Harare |
하라레 |
3227 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Johannesburg | Johannesburg |
요하네스버그 |
3228 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Juba | Juba |
주바 |
3229 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Kampala | Kampala |
캄팔라 |
3230 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Kerguelen | Kerguelen |
케르켈렌 |
3231 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Khartoum | Khartoum |
카르툼 |
3232 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Kigali | Kigali |
키갈리 |
3233 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Kinshasa | Kinshasa |
킨샤사 |
3234 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Lagos | Lagos |
라고스 |
3235 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Libreville | Libreville |
리브르빌 |
3236 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Lome | Lome |
로메 |
3237 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Luanda | Luanda |
루안다 |
3238 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Lubumbashi | Lubumbashi |
루붐바시 |
3239 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Lusaka | Lusaka |
루사카 |
3240 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Mahe | Mahe |
마헤 |
3241 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Malabo | Malabo |
말라보 |
3242 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Maputo | Maputo |
마푸토 |
3243 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Maseru | Maseru |
마세루 |
3244 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Mauritius | Mauritius |
모리셔스 |
3245 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Mayotte | Mayotte |
메요트 |
3246 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Mbabane | Mbabane |
음바바네 |
3247 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Mogadishu | Mogadishu |
모가디슈 |
3248 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Monrovia | Monrovia |
몬로비아 |
3249 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Nairobi | Nairobi |
나이로비 |
3250 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Ndjamena | Ndjamena |
엔자메나 |
3251 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Niamey | Niamey |
니아메 |
3252 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Nouakchott | Nouakchott |
누악쇼트 |
3253 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Ouagadougou | Ouagadougou |
와가두구 |
3254 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Porto-Novo | Porto-Novo |
포르토노보 |
3255 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Reunion | Réunion |
레위니옹 |
3256 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Sao_Tome | São Tomé |
상투메 |
3257 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | St_Helena | St. Helena |
세인트 헬레나 |
3258 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Tripoli | Tripoli |
트리폴리 |
3259 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Tunis | Tunis |
튀니스 |
3260 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Windhoek | Windhoek |
빈트후크 |
3261 | Timezones | Europe | Azores | generic-long | Azores Time |
아조레스 시간 |
3262 | Timezones | Europe | Azores | standard-long | Azores Standard Time |
아조레스 표준시 |
3263 | Timezones | Europe | Azores | daylight-long | Azores Summer Time |
아조레스 하계 표준시 |
3264 | Timezones | Europe | Europe_Central | generic-long | Central European Time |
중부유럽 시간 |
3265 | Timezones | Europe | Europe_Central | standard-long | Central European Standard Time |
중부유럽 표준시 |
3266 | Timezones | Europe | Europe_Central | daylight-long | Central European Summer Time |
중부유럽 하계 표준시 |
3267 | Timezones | Europe | Europe_Eastern | generic-long | Eastern European Time |
동유럽 시간 |
3268 | Timezones | Europe | Europe_Eastern | standard-long | Eastern European Standard Time |
동유럽 표준시 |
3269 | Timezones | Europe | Europe_Eastern | daylight-long | Eastern European Summer Time |
동유럽 하계 표준시 |
3270 | Timezones | Europe | Europe_Further_Eastern | standard-long | Further-eastern European Time |
극동유럽 표준시 |
3271 | Timezones | Europe | Europe_Western | generic-long | Western European Time |
서유럽 시간 |
3272 | Timezones | Europe | Europe_Western | standard-long | Western European Standard Time |
서유럽 표준시 |
3273 | Timezones | Europe | Europe_Western | daylight-long | Western European Summer Time |
서유럽 하계 표준시 |
3274 | Timezones | Europe | GMT | standard-long | Greenwich Mean Time |
그리니치 표준시 |
3275 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Amsterdam | Amsterdam |
암스테르담 |
3276 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Andorra | Andorra |
안도라 |
3277 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Athens | Athens |
아테네 |
3278 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Azores | Azores |
아조레스 |
3279 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Belgrade | Belgrade |
베오그라드 |
3280 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Berlin | Berlin |
베를린 |
3281 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Bratislava | Bratislava |
브라티슬라바 |
3282 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Brussels | Brussels |
브뤼셀 |
3283 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Bucharest | Bucharest |
부쿠레슈티 |
3284 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Budapest | Budapest |
부다페스트 |
3285 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Busingen | Busingen |
뷔지겐 |
3286 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Canary | Canary |
카나리아 제도 |
3287 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Ceuta | Ceuta |
세우타 |
3288 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Chisinau | Chisinau |
키시나우 |
3289 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Copenhagen | Copenhagen |
코펜하겐 |
3290 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Dublin | Dublin |
더블린 |
3291 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Faeroe | Faroe |
페로 제도 |
3292 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Gibraltar | Gibraltar |
지브롤터 |
3293 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Guernsey | Guernsey |
건지 |
3294 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Helsinki | Helsinki |
헬싱키 |
3295 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Isle_of_Man | Isle of Man |
맨섬 |
3296 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Jersey | Jersey |
저지 |
3297 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Kiev | Kyiv |
키예프 |
3298 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Lisbon | Lisbon |
리스본 |
3299 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Ljubljana | Ljubljana |
류블랴나 |
3300 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | London | London |
런던 |
3301 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Longyearbyen | Longyearbyen |
롱이어비엔 |
3302 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Luxembourg | Luxembourg |
룩셈부르크 |
3303 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Madeira | Madeira |
마데이라 |
3304 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Madrid | Madrid |
마드리드 |
3305 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Malta | Malta |
몰타 |
3306 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Mariehamn | Mariehamn |
마리에함 |
3307 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Minsk | Minsk |
민스크 |
3308 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Monaco | Monaco |
모나코 |
3309 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Oslo | Oslo |
오슬로 |
3310 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Paris | Paris |
파리 |
3311 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Podgorica | Podgorica |
포드고리차 |
3312 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Prague | Prague |
프라하 |
3313 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Reykjavik | Reykjavik |
레이캬비크 |
3314 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Riga | Riga |
리가 |
3315 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Rome | Rome |
로마 |
3316 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | San_Marino | San Marino |
산마리노 |
3317 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Sarajevo | Sarajevo |
사라예보 |
3318 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Simferopol | Simferopol |
심페로폴 |
3319 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Skopje | Skopje |
스코페 |
3320 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Sofia | Sofia |
소피아 |
3321 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Stockholm | Stockholm |
스톡홀름 |
3322 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Tallinn | Tallinn |
탈린 |
3323 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Tirane | Tirane |
티라나 |
3324 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Vaduz | Vaduz |
파두츠 |
3325 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Vatican | Vatican |
바티칸 |
3326 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Vienna | Vienna |
비엔나 |
3327 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Vilnius | Vilnius |
빌니우스 |
3328 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Warsaw | Warsaw |
바르샤바 |
3329 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Zagreb | Zagreb |
자그레브 |
3330 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Zurich | Zurich |
취리히 |
3331 | Timezones | Russia | Anadyr | generic-long | Anadyr Time |
아나디리 시간 |
3332 | Timezones | Russia | Anadyr | standard-long | Anadyr Standard Time |
아나디리 표준시 |
3333 | Timezones | Russia | Anadyr | daylight-long | Anadyr Summer Time |
아나디리 하계 표준시 |
3334 | Timezones | Russia | Irkutsk | generic-long | Irkutsk Time |
이르쿠츠크 시간 |
3335 | Timezones | Russia | Irkutsk | standard-long | Irkutsk Standard Time |
이르쿠츠크 표준시 |
3336 | Timezones | Russia | Irkutsk | daylight-long | Irkutsk Summer Time |
이르쿠츠크 하계 표준시 |
3337 | Timezones | Russia | Kamchatka | generic-long | Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski Time |
페트로파블롭스크-캄차츠키 시간 |
3338 | Timezones | Russia | Kamchatka | standard-long | Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski Standard Time |
페트로파블롭스크-캄차츠키 표준시 |
3339 | Timezones | Russia | Kamchatka | daylight-long | Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski Summer Time |
페트로파블롭스크-캄차츠키 하계 표준시 |
3340 | Timezones | Russia | Krasnoyarsk | generic-long | Krasnoyarsk Time |
크라스노야르스크 시간 |
3341 | Timezones | Russia | Krasnoyarsk | standard-long | Krasnoyarsk Standard Time |
크라스노야르스크 표준시 |
3342 | Timezones | Russia | Krasnoyarsk | daylight-long | Krasnoyarsk Summer Time |
크라스노야르스크 하계 표준시 |
3343 | Timezones | Russia | Magadan | generic-long | Magadan Time |
마가단 시간 |
3344 | Timezones | Russia | Magadan | standard-long | Magadan Standard Time |
마가단 표준시 |
3345 | Timezones | Russia | Magadan | daylight-long | Magadan Summer Time |
마가단 하계 표준시 |
3346 | Timezones | Russia | Moscow | generic-long | Moscow Time |
모스크바 시간 |
3347 | Timezones | Russia | Moscow | standard-long | Moscow Standard Time |
모스크바 표준시 |
3348 | Timezones | Russia | Moscow | daylight-long | Moscow Summer Time |
모스크바 하계 표준시 |
3349 | Timezones | Russia | Novosibirsk | generic-long | Novosibirsk Time |
노보시비르스크 시간 |
3350 | Timezones | Russia | Novosibirsk | standard-long | Novosibirsk Standard Time |
노보시비르스크 표준시 |
3351 | Timezones | Russia | Novosibirsk | daylight-long | Novosibirsk Summer Time |
노보시비르스크 하계 표준시 |
3352 | Timezones | Russia | Omsk | generic-long | Omsk Time |
옴스크 시간 |
3353 | Timezones | Russia | Omsk | standard-long | Omsk Standard Time |
옴스크 표준시 |
3354 | Timezones | Russia | Omsk | daylight-long | Omsk Summer Time |
옴스크 하계 표준시 |
3355 | Timezones | Russia | Sakhalin | generic-long | Sakhalin Time |
사할린 시간 |
3356 | Timezones | Russia | Sakhalin | standard-long | Sakhalin Standard Time |
사할린 표준시 |
3357 | Timezones | Russia | Sakhalin | daylight-long | Sakhalin Summer Time |
사할린 하계 표준시 |
3358 | Timezones | Russia | Samara | generic-long | Samara Time |
사마라 시간 |
3359 | Timezones | Russia | Samara | standard-long | Samara Standard Time |
사마라 표준시 |
3360 | Timezones | Russia | Samara | daylight-long | Samara Summer Time |
사마라 하계 표준시 |
3361 | Timezones | Russia | Vladivostok | generic-long | Vladivostok Time |
블라디보스토크 시간 |
3362 | Timezones | Russia | Vladivostok | standard-long | Vladivostok Standard Time |
블라디보스토크 표준시 |
3363 | Timezones | Russia | Vladivostok | daylight-long | Vladivostok Summer Time |
블라디보스토크 하계 표준시 |
3364 | Timezones | Russia | Volgograd | generic-long | Volgograd Time |
볼고그라드 시간 |
3365 | Timezones | Russia | Volgograd | standard-long | Volgograd Standard Time |
볼고그라드 표준시 |
3366 | Timezones | Russia | Volgograd | daylight-long | Volgograd Summer Time |
볼고그라드 하계 표준시 |
3367 | Timezones | Russia | Yakutsk | generic-long | Yakutsk Time |
야쿠츠크 시간 |
3368 | Timezones | Russia | Yakutsk | standard-long | Yakutsk Standard Time |
야쿠츠크 표준시 |
3369 | Timezones | Russia | Yakutsk | daylight-long | Yakutsk Summer Time |
야쿠츠크 하계 표준시 |
3370 | Timezones | Russia | Yekaterinburg | generic-long | Yekaterinburg Time |
예카테린부르크 시간 |
3371 | Timezones | Russia | Yekaterinburg | standard-long | Yekaterinburg Standard Time |
예카테린부르크 표준시 |
3372 | Timezones | Russia | Yekaterinburg | daylight-long | Yekaterinburg Summer Time |
예카테린부르크 하계 표준시 |
3373 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Anadyr | Anadyr |
아나디리 |
3374 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Astrakhan | Astrakhan |
아스트라한 |
3375 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Barnaul | Barnaul |
바르나울 |
3376 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Chita | Chita |
치타 |
3377 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Irkutsk | Irkutsk |
이르쿠츠크 |
3378 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Kaliningrad | Kaliningrad |
칼리닌그라드 |
3379 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Kamchatka | Kamchatka |
캄차카 |
3380 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Khandyga | Khandyga |
한디가 |
3381 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Kirov | Kirov |
키로프 |
3382 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Krasnoyarsk | Krasnoyarsk |
크라스노야르스크 |
3383 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Magadan | Magadan |
마가단 |
3384 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Moscow | Moscow |
모스크바 |
3385 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Novokuznetsk | Novokuznetsk |
노보쿠즈네츠크 |
3386 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Novosibirsk | Novosibirsk |
노보시비르스크 |
3387 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Omsk | Omsk |
옴스크 |
3388 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Sakhalin | Sakhalin |
사할린 |
3389 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Samara | Samara |
사마라 |
3390 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Saratov | Saratov |
사라토프 |
3391 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Srednekolymsk | Srednekolymsk |
스레드네콜림스크 |
3392 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Tomsk | Tomsk |
톰스크 |
3393 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Ulyanovsk | Ulyanovsk |
울리야노프스크 |
3394 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Ust-Nera | Ust-Nera |
우스티네라 |
3395 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Vladivostok | Vladivostok |
블라디보스토크 |
3396 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Volgograd | Volgograd |
볼고그라트 |
3397 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Yakutsk | Yakutsk |
야쿠츠크 |
3398 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Yekaterinburg | Yekaterinburg |
예카테린부르크 |
3399 | Timezones | Western Asia | Arabian | generic-long | Arabian Time |
아라비아 시간 |
3400 | Timezones | Western Asia | Arabian | standard-long | Arabian Standard Time |
아라비아 표준시 |
3401 | Timezones | Western Asia | Arabian | daylight-long | Arabian Daylight Time |
아라비아 하계 표준시 |
3402 | Timezones | Western Asia | Armenia | generic-long | Armenia Time |
아르메니아 시간 |
3403 | Timezones | Western Asia | Armenia | standard-long | Armenia Standard Time |
아르메니아 표준시 |
3404 | Timezones | Western Asia | Armenia | daylight-long | Armenia Summer Time |
아르메니아 하계 표준시 |
3405 | Timezones | Western Asia | Azerbaijan | generic-long | Azerbaijan Time |
아제르바이잔 시간 |
3406 | Timezones | Western Asia | Azerbaijan | standard-long | Azerbaijan Standard Time |
아제르바이잔 표준시 |
3407 | Timezones | Western Asia | Azerbaijan | daylight-long | Azerbaijan Summer Time |
아제르바이잔 하계 표준시 |
3408 | Timezones | Western Asia | Georgia | generic-long | Georgia Time |
조지아 시간 |
3409 | Timezones | Western Asia | Georgia | standard-long | Georgia Standard Time |
조지아 표준시 |
3410 | Timezones | Western Asia | Georgia | daylight-long | Georgia Summer Time |
조지아 하계 표준시 |
3411 | Timezones | Western Asia | Gulf | standard-long | Gulf Standard Time |
걸프만 표준시 |
3412 | Timezones | Western Asia | Israel | generic-long | Israel Time |
이스라엘 시간 |
3413 | Timezones | Western Asia | Israel | standard-long | Israel Standard Time |
이스라엘 표준시 |
3414 | Timezones | Western Asia | Israel | daylight-long | Israel Daylight Time |
이스라엘 하계 표준시 |
3415 | Timezones | Western Asia | Cities and Regions | Aden | Aden |
아덴 |
3416 | Timezones | Western Asia | Cities and Regions | Amman | Amman |
암만 |
3417 | Timezones | Western Asia | Cities and Regions | Baghdad | Baghdad |
바그다드 |
3418 | Timezones | Western Asia | Cities and Regions | Bahrain | Bahrain |
바레인 |
3419 | Timezones | Western Asia | Cities and Regions | Baku | Baku |
바쿠 |
3420 | Timezones | Western Asia | Cities and Regions | Beirut | Beirut |
베이루트 |
3421 | Timezones | Western Asia | Cities and Regions | Damascus | Damascus |
다마스쿠스 |
3422 | Timezones | Western Asia | Cities and Regions | Dubai | Dubai |
두바이 |
3423 | Timezones | Western Asia | Cities and Regions | Famagusta | Famagusta |
파마구스타 |
3424 | Timezones | Western Asia | Cities and Regions | Gaza | Gaza |
가자 |
3425 | Timezones | Western Asia | Cities and Regions | Hebron | Hebron |
헤브론 |
3426 | Timezones | Western Asia | Cities and Regions | Istanbul | Istanbul |
이스탄불 |
3427 | Timezones | Western Asia | Cities and Regions | Jerusalem | Jerusalem |
예루살렘 |
3428 | Timezones | Western Asia | Cities and Regions | Kuwait | Kuwait |
쿠웨이트 |
3429 | Timezones | Western Asia | Cities and Regions | Muscat | Muscat |
무스카트 |
3430 | Timezones | Western Asia | Cities and Regions | Nicosia | Nicosia |
니코시아 |
3431 | Timezones | Western Asia | Cities and Regions | Qatar | Qatar |
카타르 |
3432 | Timezones | Western Asia | Cities and Regions | Riyadh | Riyadh |
리야드 |
3433 | Timezones | Western Asia | Cities and Regions | Tbilisi | Tbilisi |
트빌리시 |
3434 | Timezones | Western Asia | Cities and Regions | Yerevan | Yerevan |
예레반 |
3435 | Timezones | Central Asia | Almaty | generic-long | Almaty Time |
알마티 표준 시간 |
3436 | Timezones | Central Asia | Almaty | standard-long | Almaty Standard Time |
알마티 표준 표준시 |
3437 | Timezones | Central Asia | Almaty | daylight-long | Almaty Summer Time |
알마티 하계 표준시 |
3438 | Timezones | Central Asia | Aqtau | generic-long | Aqtau Time |
악타우 표준 시간 |
3439 | Timezones | Central Asia | Aqtau | standard-long | Aqtau Standard Time |
악타우 표준 표준시 |
3440 | Timezones | Central Asia | Aqtau | daylight-long | Aqtau Summer Time |
악타우 하계 표준시 |
3441 | Timezones | Central Asia | Aqtobe | generic-long | Aqtobe Time |
악퇴베 표준 시간 |
3442 | Timezones | Central Asia | Aqtobe | standard-long | Aqtobe Standard Time |
악퇴베 표준 표준시 |
3443 | Timezones | Central Asia | Aqtobe | daylight-long | Aqtobe Summer Time |
악퇴베 하계 표준시 |
3444 | Timezones | Central Asia | Kazakhstan | standard-long | Kazakhstan Time |
카자흐스탄 시간 |
3445 | Timezones | Central Asia | Kazakhstan_Eastern | standard-long | East Kazakhstan Time |
동부 카자흐스탄 시간 |
3446 | Timezones | Central Asia | Kazakhstan_Western | standard-long | West Kazakhstan Time |
서부 카자흐스탄 시간 |
3447 | Timezones | Central Asia | Kyrgystan | standard-long | Kyrgyzstan Time |
키르기스스탄 시간 |
3448 | Timezones | Central Asia | Qyzylorda | generic-long | Qyzylorda Time |
키질로르다 시간 |
3449 | Timezones | Central Asia | Qyzylorda | standard-long | Qyzylorda Standard Time |
키질로르다 표준 시간 |
3450 | Timezones | Central Asia | Qyzylorda | daylight-long | Qyzylorda Summer Time |
키질로르다 하계 표준시 |
3451 | Timezones | Central Asia | Tajikistan | standard-long | Tajikistan Time |
타지키스탄 시간 |
3452 | Timezones | Central Asia | Turkmenistan | generic-long | Turkmenistan Time |
투르크메니스탄 시간 |
3453 | Timezones | Central Asia | Turkmenistan | standard-long | Turkmenistan Standard Time |
투르크메니스탄 표준시 |
3454 | Timezones | Central Asia | Turkmenistan | daylight-long | Turkmenistan Summer Time |
투르크메니스탄 하계 표준시 |
3455 | Timezones | Central Asia | Uzbekistan | generic-long | Uzbekistan Time |
우즈베키스탄 시간 |
3456 | Timezones | Central Asia | Uzbekistan | standard-long | Uzbekistan Standard Time |
우즈베키스탄 표준시 |
3457 | Timezones | Central Asia | Uzbekistan | daylight-long | Uzbekistan Summer Time |
우즈베키스탄 하계 표준시 |
3458 | Timezones | Central Asia | Cities and Regions | Almaty | Almaty |
알마티 |
3459 | Timezones | Central Asia | Cities and Regions | Aqtau | Aqtau |
아크타우 |
3460 | Timezones | Central Asia | Cities and Regions | Aqtobe | Aqtobe |
악토브 |
3461 | Timezones | Central Asia | Cities and Regions | Ashgabat | Ashgabat |
아슈하바트 |
3462 | Timezones | Central Asia | Cities and Regions | Atyrau | Atyrau |
아티라우 |
3463 | Timezones | Central Asia | Cities and Regions | Bishkek | Bishkek |
비슈케크 |
3464 | Timezones | Central Asia | Cities and Regions | Dushanbe | Dushanbe |
두샨베 |
3465 | Timezones | Central Asia | Cities and Regions | Oral | Oral |
오랄 |
3466 | Timezones | Central Asia | Cities and Regions | Qostanay | Kostanay |
코스타나이 |
3467 | Timezones | Central Asia | Cities and Regions | Qyzylorda | Qyzylorda |
키질로르다 |
3468 | Timezones | Central Asia | Cities and Regions | Samarkand | Samarkand |
사마르칸트 |
3469 | Timezones | Central Asia | Cities and Regions | Tashkent | Tashkent |
타슈켄트 |
3470 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | China | generic-long | China Time |
중국 시간 |
3471 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | China | standard-long | China Standard Time |
중국 표준시 |
3472 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | China | daylight-long | China Daylight Time |
중국 하계 표준시 |
3473 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Hong_Kong | generic-long | Hong Kong Time |
홍콩 시간 |
3474 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Hong_Kong | standard-long | Hong Kong Standard Time |
홍콩 표준시 |
3475 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Hong_Kong | daylight-long | Hong Kong Summer Time |
홍콩 하계 표준시 |
3476 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Hovd | generic-long | Hovd Time |
호브드 시간 |
3477 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Hovd | standard-long | Hovd Standard Time |
호브드 표준시 |
3478 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Hovd | daylight-long | Hovd Summer Time |
호브드 하계 표준시 |
3479 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Japan | generic-long | Japan Time |
일본 시간 |
3480 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Japan | standard-long | Japan Standard Time |
일본 표준시 |
3481 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Japan | daylight-long | Japan Daylight Time |
일본 하계 표준시 |
3482 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Korea | generic-long | Korean Time |
대한민국 시간 |
조선 시간 |
ⓘ |
3483 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Korea | standard-long | Korean Standard Time |
대한민국 표준시 |
조선 표준시 |
ⓘ |
3484 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Korea | daylight-long | Korean Daylight Time |
대한민국 하계 표준시 |
조선 하계 표준시 |
ⓘ |
3485 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Macau | generic-long | Macao Time |
마카오 시간 |
3486 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Macau | standard-long | Macao Standard Time |
마카오 표준 시간 |
3487 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Macau | daylight-long | Macao Summer Time |
마카오 하계 표준시 |
3488 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Mongolia | generic-long | Ulaanbaatar Time |
울란바토르 시간 |
3489 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Mongolia | standard-long | Ulaanbaatar Standard Time |
울란바토르 표준시 |
3490 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Mongolia | daylight-long | Ulaanbaatar Summer Time |
울란바토르 하계 표준시 |
3491 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Pyongyang | standard-long | Pyongyang Time |
평양 시간 |
3492 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Taipei | generic-long | Taipei Time |
대만 시간 |
3493 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Taipei | standard-long | Taipei Standard Time |
대만 표준시 |
3494 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Taipei | daylight-long | Taipei Daylight Time |
대만 하계 표준시 |
3495 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Cities and Regions | Hong_Kong | Hong Kong |
홍콩 |
3496 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Cities and Regions | Hovd | Hovd |
호브드 |
3497 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Cities and Regions | Macau | Macao |
마카오 |
3498 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Cities and Regions | Pyongyang | Pyongyang |
평양 |
3499 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Cities and Regions | Seoul | Seoul |
서울 |
3500 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Cities and Regions | Shanghai | Shanghai |
상하이 |
3501 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Cities and Regions | Taipei | Taipei |
타이베이 |
3502 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Cities and Regions | Tokyo | Tokyo |
도쿄 |
3503 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Cities and Regions | Ulaanbaatar | Ulaanbaatar |
울란바토르 |
3504 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Cities and Regions | Urumqi | Urumqi |
우루무치 |
3505 | Timezones | Southern Asia | Afghanistan | standard-long | Afghanistan Time |
아프가니스탄 시간 |
3506 | Timezones | Southern Asia | Bangladesh | generic-long | Bangladesh Time |
방글라데시 시간 |
3507 | Timezones | Southern Asia | Bangladesh | standard-long | Bangladesh Standard Time |
방글라데시 표준시 |
3508 | Timezones | Southern Asia | Bangladesh | daylight-long | Bangladesh Summer Time |
방글라데시 하계 표준시 |
3509 | Timezones | Southern Asia | Bhutan | standard-long | Bhutan Time |
부탄 시간 |
3510 | Timezones | Southern Asia | India | standard-long | India Standard Time |
인도 표준시 |
3511 | Timezones | Southern Asia | Iran | generic-long | Iran Time |
이란 시간 |
3512 | Timezones | Southern Asia | Iran | standard-long | Iran Standard Time |
이란 표준시 |
3513 | Timezones | Southern Asia | Iran | daylight-long | Iran Daylight Time |
이란 하계 표준시 |
3514 | Timezones | Southern Asia | Lanka | standard-long | Lanka Time |
랑카 표준 시간 |
3515 | Timezones | Southern Asia | Maldives | standard-long | Maldives Time |
몰디브 시간 |
3516 | Timezones | Southern Asia | Nepal | standard-long | Nepal Time |
네팔 시간 |
3517 | Timezones | Southern Asia | Pakistan | generic-long | Pakistan Time |
파키스탄 시간 |
3518 | Timezones | Southern Asia | Pakistan | standard-long | Pakistan Standard Time |
파키스탄 표준시 |
3519 | Timezones | Southern Asia | Pakistan | daylight-long | Pakistan Summer Time |
파키스탄 하계 표준시 |
3520 | Timezones | Southern Asia | Cities and Regions | Calcutta | Kolkata |
콜카타 |
3521 | Timezones | Southern Asia | Cities and Regions | Colombo | Colombo |
콜롬보 |
3522 | Timezones | Southern Asia | Cities and Regions | Dhaka | Dhaka |
다카 |
3523 | Timezones | Southern Asia | Cities and Regions | Kabul | Kabul |
카불 |
3524 | Timezones | Southern Asia | Cities and Regions | Karachi | Karachi |
카라치 |
3525 | Timezones | Southern Asia | Cities and Regions | Katmandu | Kathmandu |
카트만두 |
3526 | Timezones | Southern Asia | Cities and Regions | Maldives | Maldives |
몰디브 |
3527 | Timezones | Southern Asia | Cities and Regions | Tehran | Tehran |
테헤란 |
3528 | Timezones | Southern Asia | Cities and Regions | Thimphu | Thimphu |
팀부 |
3529 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Brunei | standard-long | Brunei Darussalam Time |
브루나이 시간 |
3530 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | East_Timor | standard-long | East Timor Time |
동티모르 시간 |
3531 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Indochina | standard-long | Indochina Time |
인도차이나 시간 |
3532 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Indonesia_Central | standard-long | Central Indonesia Time |
중부 인도네시아 시간 |
3533 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Indonesia_Eastern | standard-long | Eastern Indonesia Time |
동부 인도네시아 시간 |
3534 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Indonesia_Western | standard-long | Western Indonesia Time |
서부 인도네시아 시간 |
3535 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Malaysia | standard-long | Malaysia Time |
말레이시아 시간 |
3536 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Myanmar | standard-long | Myanmar Time |
미얀마 시간 |
3537 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Philippines | generic-long | Philippine Time |
필리핀 시간 |
3538 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Philippines | standard-long | Philippine Standard Time |
필리핀 표준시 |
3539 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Philippines | daylight-long | Philippine Summer Time |
필리핀 하계 표준시 |
3540 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Singapore | standard-long | Singapore Standard Time |
싱가포르 표준시 |
3541 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Cities and Regions | Bangkok | Bangkok |
방콕 |
3542 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Cities and Regions | Brunei | Brunei |
브루나이 |
3543 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Cities and Regions | Dili | Dili |
딜리 |
3544 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Cities and Regions | Jakarta | Jakarta |
자카르타 |
3545 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Cities and Regions | Jayapura | Jayapura |
자야푸라 |
3546 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Cities and Regions | Kuala_Lumpur | Kuala Lumpur |
쿠알라룸푸르 |
3547 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Cities and Regions | Kuching | Kuching |
쿠칭 |
3548 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Cities and Regions | Makassar | Makassar |
마카사르 |
3549 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Cities and Regions | Manila | Manila |
마닐라 |
3550 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Cities and Regions | Phnom_Penh | Phnom Penh |
프놈펜 |
3551 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Cities and Regions | Pontianak | Pontianak |
폰티아나크 |
3552 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Cities and Regions | Rangoon | Yangon |
랑군 |
3553 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Cities and Regions | Saigon | Ho Chi Minh City |
사이공 |
3554 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Cities and Regions | Singapore | Singapore |
싱가포르 |
3555 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Cities and Regions | Vientiane | Vientiane |
비엔티안 |
3556 | Timezones | Australasia | Australia_Central | generic-long | Central Australia Time |
오스트레일리아 중부 시간 |
3557 | Timezones | Australasia | Australia_Central | standard-long | Australian Central Standard Time |
오스트레일리아 중부 표준시 |
3558 | Timezones | Australasia | Australia_Central | daylight-long | Australian Central Daylight Time |
오스트레일리아 중부 하계 표준시 |
3559 | Timezones | Australasia | Australia_CentralWestern | generic-long | Australian Central Western Time |
오스트레일리아 중서부 시간 |
3560 | Timezones | Australasia | Australia_CentralWestern | standard-long | Australian Central Western Standard Time |
오스트레일리아 중서부 표준시 |
3561 | Timezones | Australasia | Australia_CentralWestern | daylight-long | Australian Central Western Daylight Time |
오스트레일리아 중서부 하계 표준시 |
3562 | Timezones | Australasia | Australia_Eastern | generic-long | Eastern Australia Time |
오스트레일리아 동부 시간 |
3563 | Timezones | Australasia | Australia_Eastern | standard-long | Australian Eastern Standard Time |
오스트레일리아 동부 표준시 |
3564 | Timezones | Australasia | Australia_Eastern | daylight-long | Australian Eastern Daylight Time |
오스트레일리아 동부 하계 표준시 |
3565 | Timezones | Australasia | Australia_Western | generic-long | Western Australia Time |
오스트레일리아 서부 시간 |
3566 | Timezones | Australasia | Australia_Western | standard-long | Australian Western Standard Time |
오스트레일리아 서부 표준시 |
3567 | Timezones | Australasia | Australia_Western | daylight-long | Australian Western Daylight Time |
오스트레일리아 서부 하계 표준시 |
3568 | Timezones | Australasia | Chatham | generic-long | Chatham Time |
채텀 시간 |
3569 | Timezones | Australasia | Chatham | standard-long | Chatham Standard Time |
채텀 표준시 |
3570 | Timezones | Australasia | Chatham | daylight-long | Chatham Daylight Time |
채텀 하계 표준시 |
3571 | Timezones | Australasia | Christmas | standard-long | Christmas Island Time |
크리스마스섬 시간 |
3572 | Timezones | Australasia | Cocos | standard-long | Cocos Islands Time |
코코스 제도 시간 |
3573 | Timezones | Australasia | Lord_Howe | generic-long | Lord Howe Time |
로드 하우 시간 |
3574 | Timezones | Australasia | Lord_Howe | standard-long | Lord Howe Standard Time |
로드 하우 표준시 |
3575 | Timezones | Australasia | Lord_Howe | daylight-long | Lord Howe Daylight Time |
로드 하우 하계 표준시 |
3576 | Timezones | Australasia | New_Zealand | generic-long | New Zealand Time |
뉴질랜드 시간 |
3577 | Timezones | Australasia | New_Zealand | standard-long | New Zealand Standard Time |
뉴질랜드 표준시 |
3578 | Timezones | Australasia | New_Zealand | daylight-long | New Zealand Daylight Time |
뉴질랜드 하계 표준시 |
3579 | Timezones | Australasia | Norfolk | generic-long | Norfolk Island Time |
노퍽섬 시간 |
3580 | Timezones | Australasia | Norfolk | standard-long | Norfolk Island Standard Time |
노퍽섬 표준시 |
3581 | Timezones | Australasia | Norfolk | daylight-long | Norfolk Island Daylight Time |
노퍽섬 하계 표준시 |
3582 | Timezones | Australasia | Cities and Regions | Adelaide | Adelaide |
애들레이드 |
3583 | Timezones | Australasia | Cities and Regions | Auckland | Auckland |
오클랜드 |
3584 | Timezones | Australasia | Cities and Regions | Brisbane | Brisbane |
브리스베인 |
3585 | Timezones | Australasia | Cities and Regions | Broken_Hill | Broken Hill |
브로컨힐 |
3586 | Timezones | Australasia | Cities and Regions | Chatham | Chatham |
채텀 |
3587 | Timezones | Australasia | Cities and Regions | Christmas | Christmas |
크리스마스 |
3588 | Timezones | Australasia | Cities and Regions | Cocos | Cocos |
코코스 |
3589 | Timezones | Australasia | Cities and Regions | Darwin | Darwin |
다윈 |
3590 | Timezones | Australasia | Cities and Regions | Eucla | Eucla |
유클라 |
3591 | Timezones | Australasia | Cities and Regions | Hobart | Hobart |
호바트 |
3592 | Timezones | Australasia | Cities and Regions | Lindeman | Lindeman |
린데만 |
3593 | Timezones | Australasia | Cities and Regions | Lord_Howe | Lord Howe |
로드 하우 |
3594 | Timezones | Australasia | Cities and Regions | Macquarie | Macquarie |
맥쿼리 |
3595 | Timezones | Australasia | Cities and Regions | Melbourne | Melbourne |
멜버른 |
3596 | Timezones | Australasia | Cities and Regions | Norfolk | Norfolk |
노퍽 |
3597 | Timezones | Australasia | Cities and Regions | Perth | Perth |
퍼스 |
3598 | Timezones | Australasia | Cities and Regions | Sydney | Sydney |
시드니 |
3599 | Timezones | Antarctica | Casey | standard-long | Casey Time |
케이시 시간 |
3600 | Timezones | Antarctica | Davis | standard-long | Davis Time |
데이비스 시간 |
3601 | Timezones | Antarctica | DumontDUrville | standard-long | Dumont-d’Urville Time |
뒤몽뒤르빌 시간 |
3602 | Timezones | Antarctica | Mawson | standard-long | Mawson Time |
모슨 시간 |
3603 | Timezones | Antarctica | Rothera | standard-long | Rothera Time |
로데라 시간 |
3604 | Timezones | Antarctica | Syowa | standard-long | Syowa Time |
쇼와 시간 |
3605 | Timezones | Antarctica | Vostok | standard-long | Vostok Time |
보스톡 시간 |
3606 | Timezones | Antarctica | Cities and Regions | Casey | Casey |
케이시 |
3607 | Timezones | Antarctica | Cities and Regions | Davis | Davis |
데이비스 |
3608 | Timezones | Antarctica | Cities and Regions | DumontDUrville | Dumont d’Urville |
뒤몽 뒤르빌 |
3609 | Timezones | Antarctica | Cities and Regions | Mawson | Mawson |
모슨 |
3610 | Timezones | Antarctica | Cities and Regions | McMurdo | McMurdo |
맥머도 |
3611 | Timezones | Antarctica | Cities and Regions | Palmer | Palmer |
파머 |
3612 | Timezones | Antarctica | Cities and Regions | Rothera | Rothera |
로데라 |
3613 | Timezones | Antarctica | Cities and Regions | Syowa | Syowa |
쇼와 |
3614 | Timezones | Antarctica | Cities and Regions | Troll | Troll |
트롤 |
3615 | Timezones | Antarctica | Cities and Regions | Vostok | Vostok |
보스토크 |
3616 | Timezones | Oceania | Apia | generic-long | Apia Time |
아피아 시간 |
3617 | Timezones | Oceania | Apia | standard-long | Apia Standard Time |
아피아 표준시 |
3618 | Timezones | Oceania | Apia | daylight-long | Apia Daylight Time |
아피아 하계 표준시 |
3619 | Timezones | Oceania | Chamorro | standard-long | Chamorro Standard Time |
차모로 시간 |
3620 | Timezones | Oceania | Cook | generic-long | Cook Islands Time |
쿡 제도 시간 |
3621 | Timezones | Oceania | Cook | standard-long | Cook Islands Standard Time |
쿡 제도 표준시 |
3622 | Timezones | Oceania | Cook | daylight-long | Cook Islands Half Summer Time |
쿡 제도 절반 하계 표준시 |
3623 | Timezones | Oceania | Fiji | generic-long | Fiji Time |
피지 시간 |
3624 | Timezones | Oceania | Fiji | standard-long | Fiji Standard Time |
피지 표준시 |
3625 | Timezones | Oceania | Fiji | daylight-long | Fiji Summer Time |
피지 하계 표준시 |
3626 | Timezones | Oceania | Gambier | standard-long | Gambier Time |
감비에 시간 |
3627 | Timezones | Oceania | Gilbert_Islands | standard-long | Gilbert Islands Time |
길버트 제도 시간 |
3628 | Timezones | Oceania | Guam | standard-long | Guam Standard Time |
괌 표준 시간 |
3629 | Timezones | Oceania | Kosrae | standard-long | Kosrae Time |
코스라에섬 시간 |
3630 | Timezones | Oceania | Line_Islands | standard-long | Line Islands Time |
라인 제도 시간 |
3631 | Timezones | Oceania | Marquesas | standard-long | Marquesas Time |
마르키즈 제도 시간 |
3632 | Timezones | Oceania | Marshall_Islands | standard-long | Marshall Islands Time |
마셜 제도 시간 |
3633 | Timezones | Oceania | Nauru | standard-long | Nauru Time |
나우루 시간 |
3634 | Timezones | Oceania | New_Caledonia | generic-long | New Caledonia Time |
뉴칼레도니아 시간 |
3635 | Timezones | Oceania | New_Caledonia | standard-long | New Caledonia Standard Time |
뉴칼레도니아 표준시 |
3636 | Timezones | Oceania | New_Caledonia | daylight-long | New Caledonia Summer Time |
뉴칼레도니아 하계 표준시 |
3637 | Timezones | Oceania | Niue | standard-long | Niue Time |
니우에 시간 |
3638 | Timezones | Oceania | North_Mariana | standard-long | North Mariana Islands Time |
북마리아나 제도 표준 시간 |
3639 | Timezones | Oceania | Palau | standard-long | Palau Time |
팔라우 시간 |
3640 | Timezones | Oceania | Papua_New_Guinea | standard-long | Papua New Guinea Time |
파푸아뉴기니 시간 |
3641 | Timezones | Oceania | Phoenix_Islands | standard-long | Phoenix Islands Time |
피닉스 제도 시간 |
3642 | Timezones | Oceania | Pitcairn | standard-long | Pitcairn Time |
핏케언 시간 |
3643 | Timezones | Oceania | Ponape | standard-long | Ponape Time |
포나페 시간 |
3644 | Timezones | Oceania | Samoa | generic-long | Samoa Time |
사모아 시간 |
3645 | Timezones | Oceania | Samoa | standard-long | Samoa Standard Time |
사모아 표준시 |
3646 | Timezones | Oceania | Samoa | daylight-long | Samoa Daylight Time |
사모아 하계 표준시 |
3647 | Timezones | Oceania | Solomon | standard-long | Solomon Islands Time |
솔로몬 제도 시간 |
3648 | Timezones | Oceania | Tahiti | standard-long | Tahiti Time |
타히티 시간 |
3649 | Timezones | Oceania | Tokelau | standard-long | Tokelau Time |
토켈라우 시간 |
3650 | Timezones | Oceania | Tonga | generic-long | Tonga Time |
통가 시간 |
3651 | Timezones | Oceania | Tonga | standard-long | Tonga Standard Time |
통가 표준시 |
3652 | Timezones | Oceania | Tonga | daylight-long | Tonga Summer Time |
통가 하계 표준시 |
3653 | Timezones | Oceania | Truk | standard-long | Chuuk Time |
추크 시간 |
3654 | Timezones | Oceania | Tuvalu | standard-long | Tuvalu Time |
투발루 시간 |
3655 | Timezones | Oceania | Vanuatu | generic-long | Vanuatu Time |
바누아투 시간 |
3656 | Timezones | Oceania | Vanuatu | standard-long | Vanuatu Standard Time |
바누아투 표준시 |
3657 | Timezones | Oceania | Vanuatu | daylight-long | Vanuatu Summer Time |
바누아투 하계 표준시 |
3658 | Timezones | Oceania | Wake | standard-long | Wake Island Time |
웨이크섬 시간 |
3659 | Timezones | Oceania | Wallis | standard-long | Wallis & Futuna Time |
월리스푸투나 제도 시간 |
3660 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Apia | Apia |
아피아 |
3661 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Bougainville | Bougainville |
부갱빌 |
3662 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Efate | Efate |
에파테 |
3663 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Enderbury | n/a |
엔더베리 |
3664 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Fakaofo | Fakaofo |
파카오푸 |
3665 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Fiji | Fiji |
피지 |
3666 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Funafuti | Funafuti |
푸나푸티 |
3667 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Gambier | Gambier |
감비어 |
3668 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Guadalcanal | Guadalcanal |
과달카날 |
3669 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Guam | Guam |
괌 |
3670 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Kanton | Kanton |
칸톤 |
3671 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Kiritimati | Kiritimati |
키리티마티 |
3672 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Kosrae | Kosrae |
코스레 |
3673 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Kwajalein | Kwajalein |
콰잘렌 |
3674 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Majuro | Majuro |
마주로 |
3675 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Marquesas | Marquesas |
마퀘사스 |
3676 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Midway | Midway |
미드웨이 |
3677 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Nauru | Nauru |
나우루 |
3678 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Niue | Niue |
니우에 |
3679 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Noumea | Noumea |
누메아 |
3680 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Pago_Pago | Pago Pago |
파고파고 |
3681 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Palau | Palau |
팔라우 |
3682 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Pitcairn | Pitcairn |
핏케언 |
3683 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Ponape | Pohnpei |
포나페 |
3684 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Port_Moresby | Port Moresby |
포트모르즈비 |
3685 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Rarotonga | Rarotonga |
라로통가 |
3686 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Saipan | Saipan |
사이판 |
3687 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Tahiti | Tahiti |
타히티 |
3688 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Tarawa | Tarawa |
타라와 |
3689 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Tongatapu | Tongatapu |
통가타푸 |
3690 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Truk | Chuuk |
트루크 |
3691 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Wake | Wake |
웨이크 |
3692 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Wallis | Wallis |
월리스 |
3693 | Timezones | Unknown Region | Cities and Regions | Unknown | Unknown City |
알 수 없는 장소 |
3694 | Timezones | Overrides | Etc/UTC | standard-long | Coordinated Universal Time |
협정 세계시 |
3695 | Timezones | Overrides | Etc/UTC | standard-short | = |
3696 | Timezones | Overrides | Europe/Dublin | daylight-long | Irish Standard Time |
아일랜드 표준시 |
3697 | Timezones | Overrides | Europe/London | daylight-long | British Summer Time |
영국 하계 표준시 |
3698 | Numbers | Symbols | Grouping Control | Minimum Grouping Digits | = |
1 |
3699 | Numbers | Symbols | Time Symbols | Time Separator | = |
: |
3700 | Numbers | Symbols | Time Symbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab) | Time Separator | = |
: |
3701 | Numbers | Symbols | Time Symbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext) | Time Separator | = |
٫ |
3702 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols | decimal | = |
. |
3703 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols | group | = |
, |
3704 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols | plusSign | = |
+ |
3705 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols | minusSign | = |
- |
3706 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols | approximatelySign | = |
~ |
3707 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols | percentSign | = |
% |
3708 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols | perMille | = |
‰ |
3709 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols | exponential | = |
E |
3710 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols | superscriptingExponent | = |
× |
3711 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols | infinity | = |
∞ |
3712 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols | nan | = |
NaN |
3713 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols | list | = |
; |
3714 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab) | decimal | = |
٫ |
3715 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab) | group | = |
٬ |
3716 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab) | plusSign | + |
+ |
3717 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab) | minusSign | - |
- |
3718 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab) | approximatelySign | = |
~ |
3719 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab) | percentSign | = |
٪ |
3720 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab) | perMille | = |
؉ |
3721 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab) | exponential | = |
اس |
3722 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab) | superscriptingExponent | = |
× |
3723 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab) | infinity | = |
∞ |
3724 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab) | nan | = |
NaN |
3725 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab) | list | = |
؛ |
3726 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext) | decimal | = |
٫ |
3727 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext) | group | = |
٬ |
3728 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext) | plusSign | = |
+ |
3729 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext) | minusSign | = |
- |
3730 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext) | approximatelySign | = |
~ |
3731 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext) | percentSign | = |
٪ |
3732 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext) | perMille | = |
؉ |
3733 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext) | exponential | = |
×۱۰^ |
3734 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext) | superscriptingExponent | = |
× |
3735 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext) | infinity | = |
∞ |
3736 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext) | nan | = |
NaN |
3737 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext) | list | = |
؛ |
3738 | Numbers | Number Formatting Patterns | Standard Patterns | standard-decimal | = |
#,##0.### |
3739 | Numbers | Number Formatting Patterns | Standard Patterns | standard-currency | = |
¤#,##0.00 |
3740 | Numbers | Number Formatting Patterns | Standard Patterns | standard-currency-alphaNextToNumber | = |
¤ #,##0.00 |
3741 | Numbers | Number Formatting Patterns | Standard Patterns | standard-currency-noCurrency | = |
#,##0.00 |
3742 | Numbers | Number Formatting Patterns | Standard Patterns | standard-percent | = |
#,##0% |
3743 | Numbers | Number Formatting Patterns | Standard Patterns | standard-scientific | = |
#E0 |
3744 | Numbers | Number Formatting Patterns | Standard Patterns | accounting-currency | = |
¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00) |
3745 | Numbers | Number Formatting Patterns | Standard Patterns | accounting-currency-alphaNextToNumber | = |
¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00) |
3746 | Numbers | Number Formatting Patterns | Standard Patterns | accounting-currency-noCurrency | = |
#,##0.00;(#,##0.00) |
3747 | Numbers | Number Formatting Patterns | Standard Patterns using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab) | standard-currency | = |
#,##0.00 ¤ |
3748 | Numbers | Number Formatting Patterns | Standard Patterns using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab) | standard-currency-noCurrency | = |
#,##0.00 |
3749 | Numbers | Number Formatting Patterns | Standard Patterns using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab) | standard-percent | = |
#,##0% |
3750 | Numbers | Number Formatting Patterns | Append-ISO-Code Pattern | appendISOCode | = |
{0} ¤¤ |
3751 | Numbers | Number Formatting Patterns | Currency Unit Patterns | currencies-other | = |
{0} {1} |
3752 | Numbers | Number Formatting Patterns | Miscellaneous Patterns | approximately | = |
~{0} |
3753 | Numbers | Number Formatting Patterns | Miscellaneous Patterns | atLeast | = |
{0}+ |
3754 | Numbers | Number Formatting Patterns | Miscellaneous Patterns | atMost | = |
≤{0} |
3755 | Numbers | Number Formatting Patterns | Miscellaneous Patterns | range | {0}–{1} |
{0}~{1} |
3756 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 4-digits-short-other | ¤0K |
¤0천 |
3757 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 4-digits-short-other-alphaNextToNumber | ¤ 0K |
¤ 0천 |
3758 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 5-digits-short-other | ¤00K |
¤0만 |
3759 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 5-digits-short-other-alphaNextToNumber | ¤ 00K |
¤ 0만 |
3760 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 6-digits-short-other | ¤000K |
¤00만 |
3761 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 6-digits-short-other-alphaNextToNumber | ¤ 000K |
¤ 00만 |
3762 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 7-digits-short-other | ¤0M |
¤000만 |
3763 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 7-digits-short-other-alphaNextToNumber | ¤ 0M |
¤ 000만 |
3764 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 8-digits-short-other | ¤00M |
¤0000만 |
3765 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 8-digits-short-other-alphaNextToNumber | ¤ 00M |
¤ 0000만 |
3766 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 9-digits-short-other | ¤000M |
¤0억 |
3767 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 9-digits-short-other-alphaNextToNumber | ¤ 000M |
¤ 0억 |
3768 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 10-digits-short-other | ¤0B |
¤00억 |
3769 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 10-digits-short-other-alphaNextToNumber | ¤ 0B |
¤ 00억 |
3770 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 11-digits-short-other | ¤00B |
¤000억 |
3771 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 11-digits-short-other-alphaNextToNumber | ¤ 00B |
¤ 000억 |
3772 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 12-digits-short-other | ¤000B |
¤0000억 |
3773 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 12-digits-short-other-alphaNextToNumber | ¤ 000B |
¤ 0000억 |
3774 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 13-digits-short-other | ¤0T |
¤0조 |
3775 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 13-digits-short-other-alphaNextToNumber | ¤ 0T |
¤ 0조 |
3776 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 14-digits-short-other | ¤00T |
¤00조 |
3777 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 14-digits-short-other-alphaNextToNumber | ¤ 00T |
¤ 00조 |
3778 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 15-digits-short-other | ¤000T |
¤000조 |
3779 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 15-digits-short-other-alphaNextToNumber | ¤ 000T |
¤ 000조 |
3780 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Formats | 4-digits-short-other | 0K |
0천 |
3781 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Formats | 5-digits-short-other | 00K |
0만 |
3782 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Formats | 6-digits-short-other | 000K |
00만 |
3783 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Formats | 7-digits-short-other | 0M |
000만 |
3784 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Formats | 8-digits-short-other | 00M |
0000만 |
3785 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Formats | 9-digits-short-other | 000M |
0억 |
3786 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Formats | 10-digits-short-other | 0B |
00억 |
3787 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Formats | 11-digits-short-other | 00B |
000억 |
3788 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Formats | 12-digits-short-other | 000B |
0000억 |
3789 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Formats | 13-digits-short-other | 0T |
0조 |
3790 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Formats | 14-digits-short-other | 00T |
00조 |
3791 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Formats | 15-digits-short-other | 000T |
000조 |
3792 | Currencies | North America (C) | Northern America: Bermuda | BMD-name | Bermudan Dollar |
버뮤다 달러 |
3793 | Currencies | North America (C) | Northern America: Bermuda | BMD-symbol | = |
3794 | Currencies | North America (C) | Northern America: Bermuda | BMD-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
3795 | Currencies | North America (C) | Northern America: Canada | CAD-name | Canadian Dollar |
캐나다 달러 |
3796 | Currencies | North America (C) | Northern America: Canada | CAD-symbol | = |
CA$ |
3797 | Currencies | North America (C) | Northern America: Canada | CAD-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
3798 | Currencies | North America (C) | Northern America: United States | USD-name | US Dollar |
미국 달러 |
3799 | Currencies | North America (C) | Northern America: United States | USD-symbol | $ |
US$ |
3800 | Currencies | North America (C) | Northern America: United States | USD-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
3801 | Currencies | North America (C) | Northern America: United States: USN (fund) | USN-name | US Dollar (Next day) |
미국 달러(다음날) |
3802 | Currencies | North America (C) | Northern America: United States: USN (fund) | USN-symbol | = |
3803 | Currencies | North America (C) | Northern America: United States: USS (fund) | USS-name | US Dollar (Same day) |
미국 달러(당일) |
3804 | Currencies | North America (C) | Northern America: United States: USS (fund) | USS-symbol | = |
3805 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Belize | BZD-name | Belize Dollar |
벨리즈 달러 |
3806 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Belize | BZD-symbol | = |
3807 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Belize | BZD-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
3808 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Costa Rica | CRC-name | Costa Rican Colón |
코스타리카 콜론 |
3809 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Costa Rica | CRC-symbol | = |
3810 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Costa Rica | CRC-symbol-narrow | = |
₡ |
3811 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Guatemala | GTQ-name | Guatemalan Quetzal |
과테말라 케트살 |
3812 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Guatemala | GTQ-symbol | = |
3813 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Guatemala | GTQ-symbol-narrow | = |
Q |
3814 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Honduras | HNL-name | Honduran Lempira |
온두라스 렘피라 |
3815 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Honduras | HNL-symbol | = |
3816 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Honduras | HNL-symbol-narrow | = |
L |
3817 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Mexico | MXN-name | Mexican Peso |
멕시코 페소 |
3818 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Mexico | MXN-symbol | = |
MX$ |
3819 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Mexico | MXN-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
3820 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Mexico: MXP (old) | MXP-name | Mexican Silver Peso (1861–1992) |
멕시코 실버 페소 (1861–1992) |
3821 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Mexico: MXP (old) | MXP-symbol | = |
3822 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Mexico: MXV (fund) | MXV-name | Mexican Investment Unit |
멕시코 (UDI) |
3823 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Mexico: MXV (fund) | MXV-symbol | = |
3824 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Nicaragua | NIO-name | Nicaraguan Córdoba |
니카라과 코르도바 |
3825 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Nicaragua | NIO-symbol | = |
3826 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Nicaragua | NIO-symbol-narrow | = |
C$ |
3827 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Nicaragua: NIC (old) | NIC-name-other | Nicaraguan córdobas (1988–1991) |
니카라과 코르도바 오로(1988~1991) |
3828 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Nicaragua: NIC (old) | NIC-name | Nicaraguan Córdoba (1988–1991) |
니카라과 코르도바(1988~1991) |
3829 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Nicaragua: NIC (old) | NIC-symbol | = |
3830 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Panama | PAB-name | Panamanian Balboa |
파나마 발보아 |
3831 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Panama | PAB-symbol | = |
3832 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: El Salvador: SVC (old) | SVC-name | Salvadoran Colón |
엘살바도르 콜론 |
3833 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: El Salvador: SVC (old) | SVC-symbol | = |
3834 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Aruba | AWG-name | Aruban Florin |
아루바 플로린 |
3835 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Aruba | AWG-symbol | = |
3836 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Barbados | BBD-name | Barbadian Dollar |
바베이도스 달러 |
3837 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Barbados | BBD-symbol | = |
3838 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Barbados | BBD-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
3839 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Bahamas | BSD-name | Bahamian Dollar |
바하마 달러 |
3840 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Bahamas | BSD-symbol | = |
3841 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Bahamas | BSD-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
3842 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Cuba | CUP-name | Cuban Peso |
쿠바 페소 |
3843 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Cuba | CUP-symbol | = |
3844 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Cuba | CUP-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
3845 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Cuba: CUC (old) | CUC-name | Cuban Convertible Peso |
쿠바 태환 페소 |
3846 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Cuba: CUC (old) | CUC-symbol | = |
3847 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Cuba: CUC (old) | CUC-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
3848 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Curaçao | ANG-name | Netherlands Antillean Guilder |
네덜란드령 안틸레스 길더 |
3849 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Curaçao | ANG-symbol | = |
3850 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Dominican Republic | DOP-name | Dominican Peso |
도미니카 페소 |
3851 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Dominican Republic | DOP-symbol | = |
3852 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Dominican Republic | DOP-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
3853 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Haiti | HTG-name | Haitian Gourde |
아이티 구르드 |
3854 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Haiti | HTG-symbol | = |
3855 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Jamaica | JMD-name | Jamaican Dollar |
자메이카 달러 |
3856 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Jamaica | JMD-symbol | = |
3857 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Jamaica | JMD-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
3858 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Cayman Islands | KYD-name | Cayman Islands Dollar |
케이맨 제도 달러 |
3859 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Cayman Islands | KYD-symbol | = |
3860 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Cayman Islands | KYD-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
3861 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: St. Lucia | XCD-name | East Caribbean Dollar |
동카리브 달러 |
3862 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: St. Lucia | XCD-symbol | = |
EC$ |
3863 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: St. Lucia | XCD-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
3864 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Trinidad & Tobago | TTD-name | Trinidad & Tobago Dollar |
트리니다드 토바고 달러 |
3865 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Trinidad & Tobago | TTD-symbol | = |
3866 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Trinidad & Tobago | TTD-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
3867 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Argentina | ARS-name | Argentine Peso |
아르헨티나 페소 |
3868 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Argentina | ARS-symbol | = |
3869 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Argentina | ARS-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
3870 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Argentina: ARA (old) | ARA-name | Argentine Austral |
아르헨티나 오스트랄 |
3871 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Argentina: ARA (old) | ARA-symbol | = |
3872 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Argentina: ARL (old) | ARL-name | Argentine Peso Ley (1970–1983) |
아르헨티나 페소 레이 (1970–1983) |
3873 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Argentina: ARL (old) | ARL-symbol | = |
3874 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Argentina: ARM (old) | ARM-name | Argentine Peso (1881–1970) |
아르헨티나 페소 (18810–1970) |
3875 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Argentina: ARM (old) | ARM-symbol | = |
3876 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Argentina: ARP (old) | ARP-name | Argentine Peso (1983–1985) |
아르헨티나 페소 (1983–1985) |
3877 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Argentina: ARP (old) | ARP-symbol | = |
3878 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Bolivia | BOB-name | Bolivian Boliviano |
볼리비아 볼리비아노 |
3879 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Bolivia | BOB-symbol | = |
3880 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Bolivia | BOB-symbol-narrow | = |
Bs |
3881 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Bolivia: BOL (old) | BOL-name | Bolivian Boliviano (1863–1963) |
볼리비아 볼리비아노 (1863–1963) |
3882 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Bolivia: BOL (old) | BOL-symbol | = |
3883 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Bolivia: BOP (old) | BOP-name | Bolivian Peso |
볼리비아노 페소 |
3884 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Bolivia: BOP (old) | BOP-symbol | = |
3885 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Bolivia: BOV (old) | BOV-name | Bolivian Mvdol |
볼리비아노 Mvdol(기금) |
3886 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Bolivia: BOV (old) | BOV-symbol | = |
3887 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Brazil | BRL-name | Brazilian Real |
브라질 레알 |
3888 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Brazil | BRL-symbol | = |
R$ |
3889 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Brazil | BRL-symbol-narrow | = |
R$ |
3890 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Brazil: BRB (old) | BRB-name | Brazilian New Cruzeiro (1967–1986) |
볼리비아노 크루제이루 노보 (1967–1986) |
3891 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Brazil: BRB (old) | BRB-symbol | = |
3892 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Brazil: BRC (old) | BRC-name | Brazilian Cruzado (1986–1989) |
브라질 크루자두 |
3893 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Brazil: BRC (old) | BRC-symbol | = |
3894 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Brazil: BRE (old) | BRE-name | Brazilian Cruzeiro (1990–1993) |
브라질 크루제이루 (1990–1993) |
3895 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Brazil: BRE (old) | BRE-symbol | = |
3896 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Brazil: BRN (old) | BRN-name | Brazilian New Cruzado (1989–1990) |
브라질 크루자두 노보 |
3897 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Brazil: BRN (old) | BRN-symbol | = |
3898 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Brazil: BRR (old) | BRR-name | Brazilian Cruzeiro (1993–1994) |
브라질 크루제이루 |
3899 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Brazil: BRR (old) | BRR-symbol | = |
3900 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Brazil: BRZ (old) | BRZ-name | Brazilian Cruzeiro (1942–1967) |
브라질 크루제이루 (1942–1967) |
3901 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Brazil: BRZ (old) | BRZ-symbol | = |
3902 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Chile | CLP-name | Chilean Peso |
칠레 페소 |
3903 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Chile | CLP-symbol | = |
3904 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Chile | CLP-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
3905 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Chile: CLE (old) | CLE-name | Chilean Escudo |
칠레 에스쿠도 |
3906 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Chile: CLE (old) | CLE-symbol | = |
3907 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Chile: CLF (fund) | CLF-name | Chilean Unit of Account (UF) |
칠레 (UF) |
3908 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Chile: CLF (fund) | CLF-symbol | = |
3909 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Colombia | COP-name | Colombian Peso |
콜롬비아 페소 |
3910 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Colombia | COP-symbol | = |
3911 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Colombia | COP-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
3912 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Colombia: COU (fund) | COU-name | Colombian Real Value Unit |
콜롬비아 실가 단위 |
3913 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Colombia: COU (fund) | COU-symbol | = |
3914 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Ecuador: ECS (old) | ECS-name | Ecuadorian Sucre |
에쿠아도르 수크레 |
3915 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Ecuador: ECS (old) | ECS-symbol | = |
3916 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Ecuador: ECV (fund) | ECV-name | Ecuadorian Unit of Constant Value |
에콰도르 (UVC) |
3917 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Ecuador: ECV (fund) | ECV-symbol | = |
3918 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Falkland Islands | FKP-name | Falkland Islands Pound |
포클랜드제도 파운드 |
3919 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Falkland Islands | FKP-symbol | = |
3920 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Falkland Islands | FKP-symbol-narrow | = |
£ |
3921 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Guyana | GYD-name | Guyanaese Dollar |
가이아나 달러 |
3922 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Guyana | GYD-symbol | = |
3923 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Guyana | GYD-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
3924 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Peru | PEN-name | Peruvian Sol |
페루 솔 |
3925 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Peru | PEN-symbol | = |
3926 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Peru: PEI (old) | PEI-name | Peruvian Inti |
페루 인티 |
3927 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Peru: PEI (old) | PEI-symbol | = |
3928 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Peru: PES (old) | PES-name | Peruvian Sol (1863–1965) |
페루 솔 (1863–1965) |
3929 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Peru: PES (old) | PES-symbol | = |
3930 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Paraguay | PYG-name | Paraguayan Guarani |
파라과이 과라니 |
3931 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Paraguay | PYG-symbol | = |
3932 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Paraguay | PYG-symbol-narrow | = |
₲ |
3933 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Suriname | SRD-name | Surinamese Dollar |
수리남 달러 |
3934 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Suriname | SRD-symbol | = |
3935 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Suriname | SRD-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
3936 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Suriname: SRG (old) | SRG-name | Surinamese Guilder |
수리남 길더 |
3937 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Suriname: SRG (old) | SRG-symbol | = |
3938 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Uruguay | UYU-name | Uruguayan Peso |
우루과이 페소 |
3939 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Uruguay | UYU-symbol | = |
3940 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Uruguay | UYU-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
3941 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Uruguay: UYI (fund) | UYI-name | Uruguayan Peso (Indexed Units) |
우루과이 페소 (UI) |
3942 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Uruguay: UYI (fund) | UYI-symbol | = |
3943 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Uruguay: UYP (old) | UYP-name | Uruguayan Peso (1975–1993) |
우루과이 페소 (1975–1993) |
3944 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Uruguay: UYP (old) | UYP-symbol | = |
3945 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Uruguay: UYW (old) | UYW-name | Uruguayan Nominal Wage Index Unit |
3946 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Uruguay: UYW (old) | UYW-symbol | = |
3947 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Venezuela | VES-name | Venezuelan Bolívar |
베네수엘라 볼리바르 |
3948 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Venezuela | VES-symbol | = |
3949 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Venezuela: VEB (old) | VEB-name | Venezuelan Bolívar (1871–2008) |
베네주엘라 볼리바르 (1871–2008) |
3950 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Venezuela: VEB (old) | VEB-symbol | = |
3951 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Venezuela: VED (old) | VED-name | Bolívar Soberano |
3952 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Venezuela: VED (old) | VED-symbol | = |
3953 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Venezuela: VEF (old) | VEF-name | Venezuelan Bolívar (2008–2018) |
베네수엘라 볼리바르 (2008–2018) |
3954 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Venezuela: VEF (old) | VEF-symbol | = |
3955 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Venezuela: VEF (old) | VEF-symbol-narrow | = |
Bs |
3956 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Denmark | DKK-name | Danish Krone |
덴마크 크로네 |
3957 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Denmark | DKK-symbol | = |
3958 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Denmark | DKK-symbol-narrow | = |
kr |
3959 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Estonia: EEK (old) | EEK-name | Estonian Kroon |
에스토니아 크룬 |
3960 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Estonia: EEK (old) | EEK-symbol | = |
3961 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Finland: FIM (old) | FIM-name | Finnish Markka |
핀란드 마르카 |
3962 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Finland: FIM (old) | FIM-symbol | = |
3963 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: United Kingdom | GBP-name | British Pound |
영국 파운드 |
3964 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: United Kingdom | GBP-symbol | = |
£ |
3965 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: United Kingdom | GBP-symbol-narrow | = |
£ |
3966 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Ireland: IEP (old) | IEP-name | Irish Pound |
아일랜드 파운드 |
3967 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Ireland: IEP (old) | IEP-symbol | = |
3968 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Iceland | ISK-name | Icelandic Króna |
아이슬란드 크로나 |
3969 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Iceland | ISK-symbol | = |
3970 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Iceland | ISK-symbol-narrow | = |
kr |
3971 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Iceland: ISJ (old) | ISJ-name | Icelandic Króna (1918–1981) |
3972 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Iceland: ISJ (old) | ISJ-symbol | = |
3973 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Lithuania: LTL (old) | LTL-name | Lithuanian Litas |
리투아니아 리타 |
3974 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Lithuania: LTL (old) | LTL-symbol | = |
3975 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Lithuania: LTL (old) | LTL-symbol-narrow | = |
Lt |
3976 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Lithuania: LTT (old) | LTT-name | Lithuanian Talonas |
룩셈부르크 타로나 |
3977 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Lithuania: LTT (old) | LTT-symbol | = |
3978 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Latvia: LVL (old) | LVL-name | Latvian Lats |
라트비아 라트 |
3979 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Latvia: LVL (old) | LVL-symbol | = |
3980 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Latvia: LVL (old) | LVL-symbol-narrow | = |
Ls |
3981 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Latvia: LVR (old) | LVR-name | Latvian Ruble |
라트비아 루블 |
3982 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Latvia: LVR (old) | LVR-symbol | = |
3983 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Norway | NOK-name | Norwegian Krone |
노르웨이 크로네 |
3984 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Norway | NOK-symbol | = |
3985 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Norway | NOK-symbol-narrow | = |
kr |
3986 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Sweden | SEK-name | Swedish Krona |
스웨덴 크로나 |
3987 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Sweden | SEK-symbol | = |
3988 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Sweden | SEK-symbol-narrow | = |
kr |
3989 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Austria: ATS (old) | ATS-name | Austrian Schilling |
호주 실링 |
3990 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Austria: ATS (old) | ATS-symbol | = |
3991 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Belgium: BEC (old) | BEC-name | Belgian Franc (convertible) |
벨기에 프랑 (태환) |
3992 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Belgium: BEC (old) | BEC-symbol | = |
3993 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Belgium: BEF (old) | BEF-name | Belgian Franc |
벨기에 프랑 |
3994 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Belgium: BEF (old) | BEF-symbol | = |
3995 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Belgium: BEL (old) | BEL-name | Belgian Franc (financial) |
벨기에 프랑 (금융) |
3996 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Belgium: BEL (old) | BEL-symbol | = |
3997 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Switzerland | CHF-name | Swiss Franc |
스위스 프랑 |
3998 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Switzerland | CHF-symbol | = |
3999 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Switzerland: CHE (fund) | CHE-name | WIR Euro |
유로 (WIR) |
4000 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Switzerland: CHE (fund) | CHE-symbol | = |
4001 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Switzerland: CHW (fund) | CHW-name | WIR Franc |
프랑 (WIR) |
4002 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Switzerland: CHW (fund) | CHW-symbol | = |
4003 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Germany: DDM (old) | DDM-name | East German Mark |
동독 오스트마르크 |
4004 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Germany: DDM (old) | DDM-symbol | = |
4005 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Germany: DEM (old) | DEM-name | German Mark |
독일 마르크 |
4006 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Germany: DEM (old) | DEM-symbol | = |
4007 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: France: FRF (old) | FRF-name | French Franc |
프랑스 프랑 |
4008 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: France: FRF (old) | FRF-symbol | = |
4009 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Luxembourg: LUC (old) | LUC-name | Luxembourgian Convertible Franc |
룩셈부르크 변환 프랑 |
4010 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Luxembourg: LUC (old) | LUC-symbol | = |
4011 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Luxembourg: LUF (old) | LUF-name | Luxembourgian Franc |
룩셈부르크 프랑 |
4012 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Luxembourg: LUF (old) | LUF-symbol | = |
4013 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Luxembourg: LUL (old) | LUL-name | Luxembourg Financial Franc |
룩셈부르크 재정 프랑 |
4014 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Luxembourg: LUL (old) | LUL-symbol | = |
4015 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Monaco: MCF (old) | MCF-name | Monegasque Franc |
모나코 프랑 |
4016 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Monaco: MCF (old) | MCF-symbol | = |
4017 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Netherlands: NLG (old) | NLG-name | Dutch Guilder |
네델란드 길더 |
4018 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Netherlands: NLG (old) | NLG-symbol | = |
4019 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Bulgaria | BGN-name | Bulgarian Lev |
불가리아 레프 |
4020 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Bulgaria | BGN-symbol | = |
4021 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Bulgaria: BGL (old) | BGL-name | Bulgarian Hard Lev |
불가리아 동전 렛 |
4022 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Bulgaria: BGL (old) | BGL-symbol | = |
4023 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Bulgaria: BGM (old) | BGM-name | Bulgarian Socialist Lev |
불가리아 사회주의자 렛 |
4024 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Bulgaria: BGM (old) | BGM-symbol | = |
4025 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Bulgaria: BGO (old) | BGO-name | Bulgarian Lev (1879–1952) |
불가리아 렛 (1879–1952) |
4026 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Bulgaria: BGO (old) | BGO-symbol | = |
4027 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Belarus | BYN-name | Belarusian Ruble |
벨라루스 루블 |
4028 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Belarus | BYN-symbol | = |
4029 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Belarus | BYN-symbol-narrow | BYN |
р. |
4030 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Belarus: BYB (old) | BYB-name | Belarusian Ruble (1994–1999) |
벨라루스 신권 루블 (1994–1999) |
4031 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Belarus: BYB (old) | BYB-symbol | = |
4032 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Belarus: BYR (old) | BYR-name | Belarusian Ruble (2000–2016) |
벨라루스 루블 (2000–2016) |
4033 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Belarus: BYR (old) | BYR-symbol | = |
4034 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Czechia | CZK-name | Czech Koruna |
체코 코루나 |
4035 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Czechia | CZK-symbol | = |
4036 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Czechia | CZK-symbol-narrow | = |
Kč |
4037 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Czechia: CSK (old) | CSK-name | Czechoslovak Hard Koruna |
체코슬로바키아 동전 코루나 |
4038 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Czechia: CSK (old) | CSK-symbol | = |
4039 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Hungary | HUF-name | Hungarian Forint |
헝가리 포린트 |
4040 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Hungary | HUF-symbol | = |
4041 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Hungary | HUF-symbol-narrow | = |
Ft |
4042 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Moldova | MDL-name | Moldovan Leu |
몰도바 레이 |
4043 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Moldova | MDL-symbol | = |
4044 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Moldova: MDC (old) | MDC-name | Moldovan Cupon |
몰도바 쿠폰 |
4045 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Moldova: MDC (old) | MDC-symbol | = |
4046 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Poland | PLN-name | Polish Zloty |
폴란드 즈워티 |
4047 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Poland | PLN-symbol | = |
4048 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Poland | PLN-symbol-narrow | = |
zł |
4049 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Poland: PLZ (old) | PLZ-name | Polish Zloty (1950–1995) |
폴란드 즐로티 (1950–1995) |
4050 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Poland: PLZ (old) | PLZ-symbol | = |
4051 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Romania | RON-name | Romanian Leu |
루마니아 레우 |
4052 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Romania | RON-symbol | = |
4053 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Romania | RON-symbol-narrow | lei |
L |
4054 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Romania: ROL (old) | ROL-name | Romanian Leu (1952–2006) |
루마니아 레이 |
4055 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Romania: ROL (old) | ROL-symbol | = |
4056 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Russia | RUB-name | Russian Ruble |
러시아 루블 |
4057 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Russia | RUB-symbol | = |
4058 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Russia | RUB-symbol-narrow | = |
₽ |
4059 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Russia: RUR (old) | RUR-name | Russian Ruble (1991–1998) |
러시아 루블 (1991–1998) |
4060 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Russia: RUR (old) | RUR-symbol | = |
4061 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Russia: SUR (old) | SUR-name | Soviet Rouble |
소련 루블 |
4062 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Russia: SUR (old) | SUR-symbol | = |
4063 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Slovakia: SKK (old) | SKK-name | Slovak Koruna |
슬로바키아 코루나 |
4064 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Slovakia: SKK (old) | SKK-symbol | = |
4065 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Ukraine | UAH-name | Ukrainian Hryvnia |
우크라이나 그리브나 |
4066 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Ukraine | UAH-symbol | = |
4067 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Ukraine | UAH-symbol-narrow | = |
₴ |
4068 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Ukraine: UAK (old) | UAK-name | Ukrainian Karbovanets |
우크라이나 카보바네츠 |
4069 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Ukraine: UAK (old) | UAK-symbol | = |
4070 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Andorra: ADP (old) | ADP-name | Andorran Peseta |
안도라 페세타 |
4071 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Andorra: ADP (old) | ADP-symbol | = |
4072 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Albania | ALL-name | Albanian Lek |
알바니아 레크 |
4073 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Albania | ALL-symbol | = |
4074 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Albania: ALK (old) | ALK-name | Albanian Lek (1946–1965) |
4075 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Albania: ALK (old) | ALK-symbol | = |
4076 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Bosnia & Herzegovina | BAM-name | Bosnia-Herzegovina Convertible Mark |
보스니아-헤르체고비나 태환 마르크 |
4077 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Bosnia & Herzegovina | BAM-symbol | = |
4078 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Bosnia & Herzegovina | BAM-symbol-narrow | = |
KM |
4079 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Bosnia & Herzegovina: BAD (old) | BAD-name | Bosnia-Herzegovina Dinar (1992–1994) |
보스니아-헤르체고비나 디나르 |
4080 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Bosnia & Herzegovina: BAD (old) | BAD-symbol | = |
4081 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Bosnia & Herzegovina: BAN (old) | BAN-name | Bosnia-Herzegovina New Dinar (1994–1997) |
보스니아-헤르체고비나 신디나르 (1994–1997) |
4082 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Bosnia & Herzegovina: BAN (old) | BAN-symbol | = |
4083 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Spain: ESA (old) | ESA-name | Spanish Peseta (A account) |
스페인 페세타(예금) |
4084 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Spain: ESA (old) | ESA-symbol | = |
4085 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Spain: ESB (old) | ESB-name | Spanish Peseta (convertible account) |
스페인 페세타(변환 예금) |
4086 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Spain: ESB (old) | ESB-symbol | = |
4087 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Spain: ESP (old) | ESP-name | Spanish Peseta |
스페인 페세타 |
4088 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Spain: ESP (old) | ESP-symbol | = |
4089 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Spain: ESP (old) | ESP-symbol-narrow | = |
₧ |
4090 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Gibraltar | GIP-name | Gibraltar Pound |
지브롤터 파운드 |
4091 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Gibraltar | GIP-symbol | = |
4092 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Gibraltar | GIP-symbol-narrow | = |
£ |
4093 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Greece: GRD (old) | GRD-name | Greek Drachma |
그리스 드라크마 |
4094 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Greece: GRD (old) | GRD-symbol | = |
4095 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Croatia: HRD (old) | HRD-name | Croatian Dinar |
크로아티아 디나르 |
4096 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Croatia: HRD (old) | HRD-symbol | = |
4097 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Croatia: HRK (old) | HRK-name | Croatian Kuna |
크로아티아 쿠나 |
4098 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Croatia: HRK (old) | HRK-symbol | = |
4099 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Croatia: HRK (old) | HRK-symbol-narrow | = |
kn |
4100 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Italy: ITL (old) | ITL-name | Italian Lira |
이탈리아 리라 |
4101 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Italy: ITL (old) | ITL-symbol | = |
4102 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: North Macedonia | MKD-name | Macedonian Denar |
마케도니아 디나르 |
4103 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: North Macedonia | MKD-symbol | = |
4104 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: North Macedonia: MKN (old) | MKN-name | Macedonian Denar (1992–1993) |
4105 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: North Macedonia: MKN (old) | MKN-symbol | = |
4106 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Malta: MTL (old) | MTL-name | Maltese Lira |
몰타 리라 |
4107 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Malta: MTL (old) | MTL-symbol | = |
4108 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Malta: MTP (old) | MTP-name | Maltese Pound |
몰타 파운드 |
4109 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Malta: MTP (old) | MTP-symbol | = |
4110 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Serbia | RSD-name | Serbian Dinar |
세르비아 디나르 |
4111 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Serbia | RSD-symbol | = |
4112 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Serbia: CSD (old) | CSD-name | Serbian Dinar (2002–2006) |
고 세르비아 디나르 |
4113 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Serbia: CSD (old) | CSD-symbol | = |
4114 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Serbia: YUD (old) | YUD-name | Yugoslavian Hard Dinar (1966–1990) |
유고슬라비아 동전 디나르 |
4115 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Serbia: YUD (old) | YUD-symbol | = |
4116 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Serbia: YUM (old) | YUM-name | Yugoslavian New Dinar (1994–2002) |
유고슬라비아 노비 디나르 |
4117 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Serbia: YUM (old) | YUM-symbol | = |
4118 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Serbia: YUN (old) | YUN-name | Yugoslavian Convertible Dinar (1990–1992) |
유고슬라비아 전환 디나르 |
4119 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Serbia: YUN (old) | YUN-symbol | = |
4120 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Serbia: YUR (old) | YUR-name | Yugoslavian Reformed Dinar (1992–1993) |
4121 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Serbia: YUR (old) | YUR-symbol | = |
4122 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Portugal: PTE (old) | PTE-name | Portuguese Escudo |
포르투갈 에스쿠도 |
4123 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Portugal: PTE (old) | PTE-symbol | = |
4124 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Slovenia: SIT (old) | SIT-name | Slovenian Tolar |
슬로베니아 톨라르 |
4125 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Slovenia: SIT (old) | SIT-symbol | = |
4126 | Currencies | Northern Africa | Northern Africa: Algeria | DZD-name | Algerian Dinar |
알제리 디나르 |
4127 | Currencies | Northern Africa | Northern Africa: Algeria | DZD-symbol | = |
4128 | Currencies | Northern Africa | Northern Africa: Egypt | EGP-name | Egyptian Pound |
이집트 파운드 |
4129 | Currencies | Northern Africa | Northern Africa: Egypt | EGP-symbol | = |
4130 | Currencies | Northern Africa | Northern Africa: Egypt | EGP-symbol-narrow | = |
E£ |
4131 | Currencies | Northern Africa | Northern Africa: Libya | LYD-name | Libyan Dinar |
리비아 디나르 |
4132 | Currencies | Northern Africa | Northern Africa: Libya | LYD-symbol | = |
4133 | Currencies | Northern Africa | Northern Africa: Morocco | MAD-name | Moroccan Dirham |
모로코 디르함 |
4134 | Currencies | Northern Africa | Northern Africa: Morocco | MAD-symbol | = |
4135 | Currencies | Northern Africa | Northern Africa: Morocco: MAF (old) | MAF-name | Moroccan Franc |
모로코 프랑 |
4136 | Currencies | Northern Africa | Northern Africa: Morocco: MAF (old) | MAF-symbol | = |
4137 | Currencies | Northern Africa | Northern Africa: Sudan | SDG-name | Sudanese Pound |
수단 파운드 |
4138 | Currencies | Northern Africa | Northern Africa: Sudan | SDG-symbol | = |
4139 | Currencies | Northern Africa | Northern Africa: Sudan: SDD (old) | SDD-name | Sudanese Dinar (1992–2007) |
수단 디나르 |
4140 | Currencies | Northern Africa | Northern Africa: Sudan: SDD (old) | SDD-symbol | = |
4141 | Currencies | Northern Africa | Northern Africa: Sudan: SDP (old) | SDP-name | Sudanese Pound (1957–1998) |
고 수단 파운드 |
4142 | Currencies | Northern Africa | Northern Africa: Sudan: SDP (old) | SDP-symbol | = |
4143 | Currencies | Northern Africa | Northern Africa: Tunisia | TND-name | Tunisian Dinar |
튀니지 디나르 |
4144 | Currencies | Northern Africa | Northern Africa: Tunisia | TND-symbol | = |
4145 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Côte d’Ivoire | XOF-name | West African CFA Franc |
서아프리카 CFA 프랑 |
4146 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Côte d’Ivoire | XOF-symbol | = |
4147 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Cape Verde | CVE-name | Cape Verdean Escudo |
카보베르데 에스쿠도 |
4148 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Cape Verde | CVE-symbol | = |
4149 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Ghana | GHS-name | Ghanaian Cedi |
가나 세디 |
4150 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Ghana | GHS-symbol | = |
4151 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Ghana | GHS-symbol-narrow | = |
GH₵ |
4152 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Ghana: GHC (old) | GHC-name | Ghanaian Cedi (1979–2007) |
가나 시디 (1979–2007) |
4153 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Ghana: GHC (old) | GHC-symbol | = |
4154 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Gambia | GMD-name | Gambian Dalasi |
감비아 달라시 |
4155 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Gambia | GMD-symbol | = |
4156 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Guinea | GNF-name | Guinean Franc |
기니 프랑 |
4157 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Guinea | GNF-symbol | = |
4158 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Guinea | GNF-symbol-narrow | = |
FG |
4159 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Guinea: GNS (old) | GNS-name | Guinean Syli |
기니 시리 |
4160 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Guinea: GNS (old) | GNS-symbol | = |
4161 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Guinea-Bissau: GWE (old) | GWE-name | Portuguese Guinea Escudo |
포르투갈령 기니 에스쿠도 |
4162 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Guinea-Bissau: GWE (old) | GWE-symbol | = |
4163 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Guinea-Bissau: GWP (old) | GWP-name | Guinea-Bissau Peso |
기네비쏘 페소 |
4164 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Guinea-Bissau: GWP (old) | GWP-symbol | = |
4165 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Liberia | LRD-name | Liberian Dollar |
라이베리아 달러 |
4166 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Liberia | LRD-symbol | = |
4167 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Liberia | LRD-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
4168 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Mali: MLF (old) | MLF-name | Malian Franc |
말리 프랑 |
4169 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Mali: MLF (old) | MLF-symbol | = |
4170 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Mauritania | MRU-name | Mauritanian Ouguiya |
모리타니 우기야 |
4171 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Mauritania | MRU-symbol | = |
4172 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Mauritania: MRO (old) | MRO-name | Mauritanian Ouguiya (1973–2017) |
모리타니 우기야 (1973–2017) |
4173 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Mauritania: MRO (old) | MRO-symbol | = |
4174 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Nigeria | NGN-name | Nigerian Naira |
나이지리아 나이라 |
4175 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Nigeria | NGN-symbol | = |
4176 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Nigeria | NGN-symbol-narrow | = |
₦ |
4177 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: St. Helena | SHP-name | St. Helena Pound |
세인트헬레나 파운드 |
4178 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: St. Helena | SHP-symbol | = |
4179 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: St. Helena | SHP-symbol-narrow | = |
£ |
4180 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Sierra Leone | SLE-name | Sierra Leonean Leone |
시에라리온 리온 |
4181 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Sierra Leone | SLE-symbol | = |
4182 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Sierra Leone: SLL (old) | SLL-name | Sierra Leonean Leone (1964—2022) |
시에라리온 리온(1964~2022) |
4183 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Sierra Leone: SLL (old) | SLL-symbol | = |
4184 | Currencies | Middle Africa | Middle Africa: Angola | AOA-name | Angolan Kwanza |
앙골라 콴자 |
4185 | Currencies | Middle Africa | Middle Africa: Angola | AOA-symbol | = |
4186 | Currencies | Middle Africa | Middle Africa: Angola | AOA-symbol-narrow | = |
Kz |
4187 | Currencies | Middle Africa | Middle Africa: Angola: AOK (old) | AOK-name | Angolan Kwanza (1977–1991) |
앙골라 콴자 (1977–1990) |
4188 | Currencies | Middle Africa | Middle Africa: Angola: AOK (old) | AOK-symbol | = |
4189 | Currencies | Middle Africa | Middle Africa: Angola: AON (old) | AON-name | Angolan New Kwanza (1990–2000) |
앙골라 신콴자 (1990–2000) |
4190 | Currencies | Middle Africa | Middle Africa: Angola: AON (old) | AON-symbol | = |
4191 | Currencies | Middle Africa | Middle Africa: Angola: AOR (old) | AOR-name | Angolan Readjusted Kwanza (1995–1999) |
앙골라 재조정 콴자 (1995–1999) |
4192 | Currencies | Middle Africa | Middle Africa: Angola: AOR (old) | AOR-symbol | = |
4193 | Currencies | Middle Africa | Middle Africa: Congo - Kinshasa | CDF-name | Congolese Franc |
콩고 프랑 |
4194 | Currencies | Middle Africa | Middle Africa: Congo - Kinshasa | CDF-symbol | = |
4195 | Currencies | Middle Africa | Middle Africa: Congo - Kinshasa: ZRN (old) | ZRN-name | Zairean New Zaire (1993–1998) |
자이르 신권 자이르 |
4196 | Currencies | Middle Africa | Middle Africa: Congo - Kinshasa: ZRN (old) | ZRN-symbol | = |
4197 | Currencies | Middle Africa | Middle Africa: Congo - Kinshasa: ZRZ (old) | ZRZ-name | Zairean Zaire (1971–1993) |
자이르 자이르 |
4198 | Currencies | Middle Africa | Middle Africa: Congo - Kinshasa: ZRZ (old) | ZRZ-symbol | = |
4199 | Currencies | Middle Africa | Middle Africa: Cameroon | XAF-name | Central African CFA Franc |
중앙아프리카 CFA 프랑 |
4200 | Currencies | Middle Africa | Middle Africa: Cameroon | XAF-symbol | = |
4201 | Currencies | Middle Africa | Middle Africa: Equatorial Guinea: GQE (old) | GQE-name | Equatorial Guinean Ekwele |
적도 기니 에쿨 (Ekwele) |
4202 | Currencies | Middle Africa | Middle Africa: Equatorial Guinea: GQE (old) | GQE-symbol | = |
4203 | Currencies | Middle Africa | Middle Africa: São Tomé & Príncipe | STN-name | São Tomé & Príncipe Dobra |
상투메 프린시페 도브라 |
4204 | Currencies | Middle Africa | Middle Africa: São Tomé & Príncipe | STN-symbol | = |
4205 | Currencies | Middle Africa | Middle Africa: São Tomé & Príncipe | STN-symbol-narrow | = |
Db |
4206 | Currencies | Middle Africa | Middle Africa: São Tomé & Príncipe: STD (old) | STD-name | São Tomé & Príncipe Dobra (1977–2017) |
상투메 프린시페 도브라 (1977–2017) |
4207 | Currencies | Middle Africa | Middle Africa: São Tomé & Príncipe: STD (old) | STD-symbol | = |
4208 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Burundi | BIF-name | Burundian Franc |
부룬디 프랑 |
4209 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Burundi | BIF-symbol | = |
4210 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Djibouti | DJF-name | Djiboutian Franc |
지부티 프랑 |
4211 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Djibouti | DJF-symbol | = |
4212 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Eritrea | ERN-name | Eritrean Nakfa |
에리트리아 나크파 |
4213 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Eritrea | ERN-symbol | = |
4214 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Ethiopia | ETB-name | Ethiopian Birr |
에티오피아 비르 |
4215 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Ethiopia | ETB-symbol | = |
4216 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Kenya | KES-name | Kenyan Shilling |
케냐 실링 |
4217 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Kenya | KES-symbol | = |
4218 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Comoros | KMF-name | Comorian Franc |
코모르 프랑 |
4219 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Comoros | KMF-symbol | = |
4220 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Comoros | KMF-symbol-narrow | = |
CF |
4221 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Madagascar | MGA-name | Malagasy Ariary |
마다가스카르 아리아리 |
4222 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Madagascar | MGA-symbol | = |
4223 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Madagascar | MGA-symbol-narrow | = |
Ar |
4224 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Madagascar: MGF (old) | MGF-name | Malagasy Franc |
마다가스카르 프랑 |
4225 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Madagascar: MGF (old) | MGF-symbol | = |
4226 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Mauritius | MUR-name | Mauritian Rupee |
모리셔스 루피 |
4227 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Mauritius | MUR-symbol | = |
4228 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Mauritius | MUR-symbol-narrow | = |
Rs |
4229 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Malawi | MWK-name | Malawian Kwacha |
말라위 콰차 |
4230 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Malawi | MWK-symbol | = |
4231 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Mozambique | MZN-name | Mozambican Metical |
모잠비크 메티칼 |
4232 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Mozambique | MZN-symbol | = |
4233 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Mozambique: MZE (old) | MZE-name | Mozambican Escudo |
모잠비크 에스쿠도 |
4234 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Mozambique: MZE (old) | MZE-symbol | = |
4235 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Mozambique: MZM (old) | MZM-name | Mozambican Metical (1980–2006) |
고 모잠비크 메티칼 |
4236 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Mozambique: MZM (old) | MZM-symbol | = |
4237 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Rwanda | RWF-name | Rwandan Franc |
르완다 프랑 |
4238 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Rwanda | RWF-symbol | = |
4239 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Rwanda | RWF-symbol-narrow | = |
RF |
4240 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Seychelles | SCR-name | Seychellois Rupee |
세이셸 루피 |
4241 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Seychelles | SCR-symbol | = |
4242 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Somalia | SOS-name | Somali Shilling |
소말리아 실링 |
4243 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Somalia | SOS-symbol | = |
4244 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: South Sudan | SSP-name | South Sudanese Pound |
남수단 파운드 |
4245 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: South Sudan | SSP-symbol | = |
4246 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: South Sudan | SSP-symbol-narrow | = |
£ |
4247 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Tanzania | TZS-name | Tanzanian Shilling |
탄자니아 실링 |
4248 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Tanzania | TZS-symbol | = |
4249 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Uganda | UGX-name | Ugandan Shilling |
우간다 실링 |
4250 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Uganda | UGX-symbol | = |
4251 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Uganda: UGS (old) | UGS-name | Ugandan Shilling (1966–1987) |
우간다 실링 (1966–1987) |
4252 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Uganda: UGS (old) | UGS-symbol | = |
4253 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Zambia | ZMW-name | Zambian Kwacha |
잠비아 콰차 |
4254 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Zambia | ZMW-symbol | = |
4255 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Zambia | ZMW-symbol-narrow | = |
ZK |
4256 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Zambia: ZMK (old) | ZMK-name | Zambian Kwacha (1968–2012) |
쟘비아 콰쳐 (1968–2012) |
4257 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Zambia: ZMK (old) | ZMK-symbol | = |
4258 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Zimbabwe | ZWG-name | Zimbabwean Gold |
4259 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Zimbabwe | ZWG-symbol | = |
4260 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Zimbabwe: RHD (old) | RHD-name | Rhodesian Dollar |
로디지아 달러 |
4261 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Zimbabwe: RHD (old) | RHD-symbol | = |
4262 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWD (old) | ZWD-name | Zimbabwean Dollar (1980–2008) |
짐바브웨 달러 |
4263 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWD (old) | ZWD-symbol | = |
4264 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWL (old) | ZWL-name | Zimbabwean Dollar (2009–2024) |
짐바브웨 달러 (2009) |
4265 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWL (old) | ZWL-symbol | = |
4266 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWR (old) | ZWR-name | Zimbabwean Dollar (2008) |
짐바브웨 달러 (2008) |
4267 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWR (old) | ZWR-symbol | = |
4268 | Currencies | Southern Africa | Southern Africa: Botswana | BWP-name | Botswanan Pula |
보츠와나 풀라 |
4269 | Currencies | Southern Africa | Southern Africa: Botswana | BWP-symbol | = |
4270 | Currencies | Southern Africa | Southern Africa: Botswana | BWP-symbol-narrow | = |
P |
4271 | Currencies | Southern Africa | Southern Africa: Lesotho | LSL-name | Lesotho Loti |
레소토 로티 |
4272 | Currencies | Southern Africa | Southern Africa: Lesotho | LSL-symbol | = |
4273 | Currencies | Southern Africa | Southern Africa: Namibia | NAD-name | Namibian Dollar |
나미비아 달러 |
4274 | Currencies | Southern Africa | Southern Africa: Namibia | NAD-symbol | = |
4275 | Currencies | Southern Africa | Southern Africa: Namibia | NAD-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
4276 | Currencies | Southern Africa | Southern Africa: Eswatini | SZL-name | Swazi Lilangeni |
스와질란드 릴랑게니 |
4277 | Currencies | Southern Africa | Southern Africa: Eswatini | SZL-symbol | = |
4278 | Currencies | Southern Africa | Southern Africa: South Africa | ZAR-name | South African Rand |
남아프리카 랜드 |
4279 | Currencies | Southern Africa | Southern Africa: South Africa | ZAR-symbol | = |
4280 | Currencies | Southern Africa | Southern Africa: South Africa | ZAR-symbol-narrow | = |
R |
4281 | Currencies | Southern Africa | Southern Africa: South Africa: ZAL (fund) | ZAL-name | South African Rand (financial) |
남아프리카 랜드 (금융) |
4282 | Currencies | Southern Africa | Southern Africa: South Africa: ZAL (fund) | ZAL-symbol | = |
4283 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: United Arab Emirates | AED-name | United Arab Emirates Dirham |
아랍에미리트 디르함 |
4284 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: United Arab Emirates | AED-symbol | = |
4285 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Armenia | AMD-name | Armenian Dram |
아르메니아 드람 |
4286 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Armenia | AMD-symbol | = |
4287 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Armenia | AMD-symbol-narrow | = |
֏ |
4288 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Azerbaijan | AZN-name | Azerbaijani Manat |
아제르바이잔 마나트 |
4289 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Azerbaijan | AZN-symbol | = |
4290 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Azerbaijan | AZN-symbol-narrow | = |
₼ |
4291 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Azerbaijan: AZM (old) | AZM-name | Azerbaijani Manat (1993–2006) |
아제르바이젠 마나트(1993–2006) |
4292 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Azerbaijan: AZM (old) | AZM-symbol | = |
4293 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Bahrain | BHD-name | Bahraini Dinar |
바레인 디나르 |
4294 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Bahrain | BHD-symbol | = |
4295 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Cyprus: CYP (old) | CYP-name | Cypriot Pound |
싸이프러스 파운드 |
4296 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Cyprus: CYP (old) | CYP-symbol | = |
4297 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Georgia | GEL-name | Georgian Lari |
조지아 라리 |
4298 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Georgia | GEL-symbol | = |
4299 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Georgia | GEL-symbol-narrow | = |
₾ |
4300 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Georgia: GEK (old) | GEK-name | Georgian Kupon Larit |
그루지야 지폐 라리트 |
4301 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Georgia: GEK (old) | GEK-symbol | = |
4302 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Israel | ILS-name | Israeli New Shekel |
이스라엘 신권 세켈 |
4303 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Israel | ILS-symbol | = |
₪ |
4304 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Israel | ILS-symbol-narrow | = |
₪ |
4305 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Israel: ILP (old) | ILP-name | Israeli Pound |
이스라엘 파운드 |
4306 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Israel: ILP (old) | ILP-symbol | = |
4307 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Israel: ILR (old) | ILR-name | Israeli Shekel (1980–1985) |
4308 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Israel: ILR (old) | ILR-symbol | = |
4309 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Iraq | IQD-name | Iraqi Dinar |
이라크 디나르 |
4310 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Iraq | IQD-symbol | = |
4311 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Jordan | JOD-name | Jordanian Dinar |
요르단 디나르 |
4312 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Jordan | JOD-symbol | = |
4313 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Kuwait | KWD-name | Kuwaiti Dinar |
쿠웨이트 디나르 |
4314 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Kuwait | KWD-symbol | = |
4315 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Lebanon | LBP-name | Lebanese Pound |
레바논 파운드 |
4316 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Lebanon | LBP-symbol | = |
4317 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Lebanon | LBP-symbol-narrow | = |
L£ |
4318 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Oman | OMR-name | Omani Rial |
오만 리알 |
4319 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Oman | OMR-symbol | = |
4320 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Qatar | QAR-name | Qatari Riyal |
카타르 리얄 |
4321 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Qatar | QAR-symbol | = |
4322 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Saudi Arabia | SAR-name | Saudi Riyal |
사우디아라비아 리얄 |
4323 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Saudi Arabia | SAR-symbol | = |
4324 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Syria | SYP-name | Syrian Pound |
시리아 파운드 |
4325 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Syria | SYP-symbol | = |
4326 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Syria | SYP-symbol-narrow | = |
£ |
4327 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Türkiye | TRY-name-other | Turkish Lira |
튀르키예 리라 |
4328 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Türkiye | TRY-name | Turkish Lira |
튀르키예 리라 |
4329 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Türkiye | TRY-symbol | = |
4330 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Türkiye | TRY-symbol-variant | = |
TL |
4331 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Türkiye | TRY-symbol-narrow | = |
₺ |
4332 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Türkiye: TRL (old) | TRL-name | Turkish Lira (1922–2005) |
터키 리라(1922~2005) |
4333 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Türkiye: TRL (old) | TRL-symbol | = |
4334 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Yemen | YER-name | Yemeni Rial |
예멘 리알 |
4335 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Yemen | YER-symbol | = |
4336 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Yemen: YDD (old) | YDD-name | Yemeni Dinar |
예멘 디나르 |
4337 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Yemen: YDD (old) | YDD-symbol | = |
4338 | Currencies | Central Asia (C) | Central Asia: Turkmenistan | TMT-name | Turkmenistani Manat |
투르크메니스탄 마나트 |
4339 | Currencies | Central Asia (C) | Central Asia: Turkmenistan | TMT-symbol | = |
4340 | Currencies | Central Asia (C) | Central Asia: Turkmenistan: TMM (old) | TMM-name | Turkmenistani Manat (1993–2009) |
투르크메니스탄 마나트 (1993–2009) |
4341 | Currencies | Central Asia (C) | Central Asia: Turkmenistan: TMM (old) | TMM-symbol | = |
4342 | Currencies | Central Asia (C) | Central Asia: Tajikistan | TJS-name | Tajikistani Somoni |
타지키스탄 소모니 |
4343 | Currencies | Central Asia (C) | Central Asia: Tajikistan | TJS-symbol | = |
4344 | Currencies | Central Asia (C) | Central Asia: Tajikistan: TJR (old) | TJR-name | Tajikistani Ruble |
타지키스탄 루블 |
4345 | Currencies | Central Asia (C) | Central Asia: Tajikistan: TJR (old) | TJR-symbol | = |
4346 | Currencies | Central Asia (C) | Central Asia: Kyrgyzstan | KGS-name | Kyrgystani Som |
키르기스스탄 솜 |
4347 | Currencies | Central Asia (C) | Central Asia: Kyrgyzstan | KGS-symbol | = |
4348 | Currencies | Central Asia (C) | Central Asia: Kyrgyzstan | KGS-symbol-narrow | = |
⃀ |
4349 | Currencies | Central Asia (C) | Central Asia: Kazakhstan | KZT-name | Kazakhstani Tenge |
카자흐스탄 텡게 |
4350 | Currencies | Central Asia (C) | Central Asia: Kazakhstan | KZT-symbol | = |
4351 | Currencies | Central Asia (C) | Central Asia: Kazakhstan | KZT-symbol-narrow | = |
₸ |
4352 | Currencies | Central Asia (C) | Central Asia: Uzbekistan | UZS-name | Uzbekistani Som |
우즈베키스탄 숨 |
4353 | Currencies | Central Asia (C) | Central Asia: Uzbekistan | UZS-symbol | = |
4354 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: China | CNY-name | Chinese Yuan |
중국 위안화 |
4355 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: China | CNY-symbol | = |
CN¥ |
4356 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: China | CNY-symbol-narrow | = |
¥ |
4357 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: China: CNH (offshore) | CNH-name | Chinese Yuan (offshore) |
중국 위안화(역외) |
4358 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: China: CNH (offshore) | CNH-symbol | = |
4359 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: China: CNX (old) | CNX-name | Chinese People’s Bank Dollar |
4360 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: China: CNX (old) | CNX-symbol | = |
4361 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: Hong Kong SAR China | HKD-name | Hong Kong Dollar |
홍콩 달러 |
4362 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: Hong Kong SAR China | HKD-symbol | = |
HK$ |
4363 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: Hong Kong SAR China | HKD-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
4364 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: Japan | JPY-name | Japanese Yen |
일본 엔화 |
4365 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: Japan | JPY-symbol | ¥ |
JP¥ |
4366 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: Japan | JPY-symbol-narrow | = |
¥ |
4367 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: North Korea | KPW-name | North Korean Won |
조선 민주주의 인민 공화국 원 |
4368 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: North Korea | KPW-symbol | = |
4369 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: North Korea | KPW-symbol-narrow | = |
₩ |
4370 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: South Korea | KRW-name | South Korean Won |
대한민국 원 |
4371 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: South Korea | KRW-symbol | = |
₩ |
4372 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: South Korea | KRW-symbol-narrow | = |
₩ |
4373 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: South Korea: KRH (old) | KRH-name | South Korean Hwan (1953–1962) |
대한민국 환 (1953–1962) |
4374 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: South Korea: KRH (old) | KRH-symbol | = |
4375 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: South Korea: KRO (old) | KRO-name | South Korean Won (1945–1953) |
4376 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: South Korea: KRO (old) | KRO-symbol | = |
4377 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: Mongolia | MNT-name | Mongolian Tugrik |
몽골 투그릭 |
4378 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: Mongolia | MNT-symbol | = |
4379 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: Mongolia | MNT-symbol-narrow | = |
₮ |
4380 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: Macao SAR China | MOP-name | Macanese Pataca |
마카오 파타카 |
4381 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: Macao SAR China | MOP-symbol | = |
4382 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: Taiwan | TWD-name | New Taiwan Dollar |
신 타이완 달러 |
4383 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: Taiwan | TWD-symbol | = |
NT$ |
4384 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: Taiwan | TWD-symbol-narrow | $ |
NT$ |
4385 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Afghanistan | AFN-name | Afghan Afghani |
아프가니스탄 아프가니 |
4386 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Afghanistan | AFN-symbol | = |
4387 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Afghanistan | AFN-symbol-narrow | = |
؋ |
4388 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Afghanistan: AFA (old) | AFA-name | Afghan Afghani (1927–2002) |
아프가니 (1927–2002) |
4389 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Afghanistan: AFA (old) | AFA-symbol | = |
4390 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Bangladesh | BDT-name | Bangladeshi Taka |
방글라데시 타카 |
4391 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Bangladesh | BDT-symbol | = |
4392 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Bangladesh | BDT-symbol-narrow | = |
৳ |
4393 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Bhutan | BTN-name | Bhutanese Ngultrum |
부탄 눌투눔 |
4394 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Bhutan | BTN-symbol | = |
4395 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: India | INR-name | Indian Rupee |
인도 루피 |
4396 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: India | INR-symbol | = |
₹ |
4397 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: India | INR-symbol-narrow | = |
₹ |
4398 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Iran | IRR-name | Iranian Rial |
이란 리얄 |
4399 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Iran | IRR-symbol | = |
4400 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Sri Lanka | LKR-name | Sri Lankan Rupee |
스리랑카 루피 |
4401 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Sri Lanka | LKR-symbol | = |
4402 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Sri Lanka | LKR-symbol-narrow | = |
Rs |
4403 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Maldives | MVR-name | Maldivian Rufiyaa |
몰디브 제도 루피아 |
4404 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Maldives | MVR-symbol | = |
4405 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Maldives: MVP (old) | MVP-name | Maldivian Rupee (1947–1981) |
4406 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Maldives: MVP (old) | MVP-symbol | = |
4407 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Nepal | NPR-name | Nepalese Rupee |
네팔 루피 |
4408 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Nepal | NPR-symbol | = |
4409 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Nepal | NPR-symbol-narrow | = |
Rs |
4410 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Pakistan | PKR-name | Pakistani Rupee |
파키스탄 루피 |
4411 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Pakistan | PKR-symbol | = |
4412 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Pakistan | PKR-symbol-narrow | = |
Rs |
4413 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Brunei | BND-name | Brunei Dollar |
부루나이 달러 |
4414 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Brunei | BND-symbol | = |
4415 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Brunei | BND-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
4416 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Indonesia | IDR-name | Indonesian Rupiah |
인도네시아 루피아 |
4417 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Indonesia | IDR-symbol | = |
4418 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Indonesia | IDR-symbol-narrow | = |
Rp |
4419 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Cambodia | KHR-name | Cambodian Riel |
캄보디아 리엘 |
4420 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Cambodia | KHR-symbol | = |
4421 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Cambodia | KHR-symbol-narrow | = |
៛ |
4422 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Laos | LAK-name | Laotian Kip |
라오스 키프 |
4423 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Laos | LAK-symbol | = |
4424 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Laos | LAK-symbol-narrow | = |
₭ |
4425 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Myanmar (Burma) | MMK-name | Myanmar Kyat |
미얀마 키얏 |
4426 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Myanmar (Burma) | MMK-symbol | = |
4427 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Myanmar (Burma) | MMK-symbol-narrow | = |
K |
4428 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Myanmar (Burma): BUK (old) | BUK-name | Burmese Kyat |
버마 차트 |
4429 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Myanmar (Burma): BUK (old) | BUK-symbol | = |
4430 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Malaysia | MYR-name | Malaysian Ringgit |
말레이시아 링깃 |
4431 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Malaysia | MYR-symbol | = |
4432 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Malaysia | MYR-symbol-narrow | = |
RM |
4433 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Philippines | PHP-name | Philippine Peso |
필리핀 페소 |
4434 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Philippines | PHP-symbol | ₱ |
4435 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Philippines | PHP-symbol-narrow | = |
₱ |
4436 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Singapore | SGD-name | Singapore Dollar |
싱가포르 달러 |
4437 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Singapore | SGD-symbol | = |
4438 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Singapore | SGD-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
4439 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Thailand | THB-name | Thai Baht |
태국 바트 |
4440 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Thailand | THB-symbol | = |
4441 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Thailand | THB-symbol-narrow | = |
฿ |
4442 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Timor-Leste: TPE (old) | TPE-name | Timorese Escudo |
티모르 에스쿠도 |
4443 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Timor-Leste: TPE (old) | TPE-symbol | = |
4444 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Vietnam | VND-name | Vietnamese Dong |
베트남 동 |
4445 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Vietnam | VND-symbol | = |
₫ |
4446 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Vietnam | VND-symbol-narrow | = |
₫ |
4447 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Vietnam: VNN (old) | VNN-name | Vietnamese Dong (1978–1985) |
베트남 동 (1978–1985) |
4448 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Vietnam: VNN (old) | VNN-symbol | = |
4449 | Currencies | Oceania (C) | Australasia: Australia | AUD-name | Australian Dollar |
호주 달러 |
4450 | Currencies | Oceania (C) | Australasia: Australia | AUD-symbol | A$ |
AU$ |
4451 | Currencies | Oceania (C) | Australasia: Australia | AUD-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
4452 | Currencies | Oceania (C) | Australasia: New Zealand | NZD-name | New Zealand Dollar |
뉴질랜드 달러 |
4453 | Currencies | Oceania (C) | Australasia: New Zealand | NZD-symbol | = |
NZ$ |
4454 | Currencies | Oceania (C) | Australasia: New Zealand | NZD-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
4455 | Currencies | Oceania (C) | Melanesia: Fiji | FJD-name | Fijian Dollar |
피지 달러 |
4456 | Currencies | Oceania (C) | Melanesia: Fiji | FJD-symbol | = |
4457 | Currencies | Oceania (C) | Melanesia: Fiji | FJD-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
4458 | Currencies | Oceania (C) | Melanesia: New Caledonia | XPF-name | CFP Franc |
CFP 프랑 |
4459 | Currencies | Oceania (C) | Melanesia: New Caledonia | XPF-symbol | = |
4460 | Currencies | Oceania (C) | Melanesia: Papua New Guinea | PGK-name | Papua New Guinean Kina |
파푸아뉴기니 키나 |
4461 | Currencies | Oceania (C) | Melanesia: Papua New Guinea | PGK-symbol | = |
4462 | Currencies | Oceania (C) | Melanesia: Solomon Islands | SBD-name | Solomon Islands Dollar |
솔로몬 제도 달러 |
4463 | Currencies | Oceania (C) | Melanesia: Solomon Islands | SBD-symbol | = |
4464 | Currencies | Oceania (C) | Melanesia: Solomon Islands | SBD-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
4465 | Currencies | Oceania (C) | Melanesia: Vanuatu | VUV-name | Vanuatu Vatu |
바누아투 바투 |
4466 | Currencies | Oceania (C) | Melanesia: Vanuatu | VUV-symbol | = |
4467 | Currencies | Oceania (C) | Polynesia: Tonga | TOP-name | Tongan Paʻanga |
통가 파앙가 |
4468 | Currencies | Oceania (C) | Polynesia: Tonga | TOP-symbol | = |
4469 | Currencies | Oceania (C) | Polynesia: Tonga | TOP-symbol-narrow | = |
T$ |
4470 | Currencies | Oceania (C) | Polynesia: Samoa | WST-name | Samoan Tala |
서 사모아 탈라 |
4471 | Currencies | Oceania (C) | Polynesia: Samoa | WST-symbol | = |
4472 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: null: XCG (old) | XCG-name | Caribbean guilder |
4473 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: null: XCG (old) | XCG-symbol | = |
Cg. |
4474 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: EUR | EUR-name | Euro |
유로 |
4475 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: EUR | EUR-symbol | = |
€ |
4476 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: EUR | EUR-symbol-narrow | = |
€ |
4477 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XAG | XAG-name | Silver |
은화 |
4478 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XAG | XAG-symbol | = |
4479 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XAU | XAU-name | Gold |
금 |
4480 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XAU | XAU-symbol | = |
4481 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XBA | XBA-name | European Composite Unit |
유르코 (유럽 회계 단위) |
4482 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XBA | XBA-symbol | = |
4483 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XBB | XBB-name | European Monetary Unit |
유럽 통화 동맹 |
4484 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XBB | XBB-symbol | = |
4485 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XBC | XBC-name | European Unit of Account (XBC) |
유럽 계산 단위 (XBC) |
4486 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XBC | XBC-symbol | = |
4487 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XBD | XBD-name | European Unit of Account (XBD) |
유럽 계산 단위 (XBD) |
4488 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XBD | XBD-symbol | = |
4489 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XDR | XDR-name | Special Drawing Rights |
특별인출권 |
4490 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XDR | XDR-symbol | = |
4491 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XEU | XEU-name | European Currency Unit |
유럽 환율 단위 |
4492 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XEU | XEU-symbol | = |
4493 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XFO | XFO-name | French Gold Franc |
프랑스 프랑 (Gold) |
4494 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XFO | XFO-symbol | = |
4495 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XFU | XFU-name | French UIC-Franc |
프랑스 프랑 (UIC) |
4496 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XFU | XFU-symbol | = |
4497 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XPD | XPD-name | Palladium |
팔라듐 |
4498 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XPD | XPD-symbol | = |
4499 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XPT | XPT-name | Platinum |
백금 |
4500 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XPT | XPT-symbol | = |
4501 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XRE | XRE-name | RINET Funds |
RINET 기금 |
4502 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XRE | XRE-symbol | = |
4503 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XSU | XSU-name | Sucre |
4504 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XSU | XSU-symbol | = |
4505 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XTS | XTS-name | Testing Currency Code |
테스트 통화 코드 |
4506 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XTS | XTS-symbol | = |
4507 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XUA | XUA-name | ADB Unit of Account |
4508 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XUA | XUA-symbol | = |
4509 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XXX | XXX-name-other | (unknown currency) |
(알 수 없는 통화 단위) |
4510 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XXX | XXX-name | Unknown Currency |
알 수 없는 통화 단위 |
4511 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XXX | XXX-symbol | = |
¤ |
4512 | Units | Measurement Systems | null | metric | Metric |
미터법 |
4513 | Units | Measurement Systems | null | UK | UK |
영국식 |
4514 | Units | Measurement Systems | null | US | US |
미국식 |
4515 | Units | Duration | decade | short-displayName | = |
dec |
4516 | Units | Duration | decade | short-other-nominative | {0} dec |
{0}dec |
4517 | Units | Duration | night | long-displayName | nights |
박 |
4518 | Units | Duration | night | short-displayName | nights |
박 |
4519 | Units | Duration | night | narrow-displayName | nights |
박 |
4520 | Units | Duration | night | long-per | {0} per night |
1박당 {0} |
4521 | Units | Duration | night | short-per | {0}/night |
{0}/박 |
4522 | Units | Duration | night | narrow-per | {0}/night |
{0}/박 |
4523 | Units | Duration | night | long-other-nominative | {0} nights |
{0}박 |
4524 | Units | Duration | night | short-other-nominative | {0} nights |
{0}박 |
4525 | Units | Duration | night | narrow-other-nominative | {0}nights |
{0}박 |
4526 | Units | Duration | century | long-displayName | centuries |
세기 |
4527 | Units | Duration | century | short-displayName | c |
C |
4528 | Units | Duration | century | long-other-nominative | {0} centuries |
{0}세기 |
4529 | Units | Duration | century | short-other-nominative | {0} c |
{0}C |
4530 | Units | Duration | year | short-displayName | years |
년 |
4531 | Units | Duration | year | long-per | {0} per year |
연당 {0} |
4532 | Units | Duration | year | short-per | {0}/y |
{0}/년 |
4533 | Units | Duration | year | short-other-nominative | {0} yrs |
{0}년 |
4534 | Units | Duration | quarter | short-displayName | qtr |
분기 |
4535 | Units | Duration | quarter | short-per | {0}/q |
{0}/분기 |
4536 | Units | Duration | quarter | short-other-nominative | {0} qtrs |
{0}분기 |
4537 | Units | Duration | month | short-displayName | months |
개월 |
4538 | Units | Duration | month | long-per | {0} per month |
월당 {0} |
4539 | Units | Duration | month | short-per | {0}/m |
{0}/월 |
4540 | Units | Duration | month | short-other-nominative | {0} mths |
{0}개월 |
4541 | Units | Duration | week | short-displayName | weeks |
주 |
4542 | Units | Duration | week | long-per | {0} per week |
주당 {0} |
4543 | Units | Duration | week | short-per | {0}/w |
{0}/주 |
4544 | Units | Duration | week | short-other-nominative | {0} wks |
{0}주 |
4545 | Units | Duration | day | short-displayName | days |
일 |
4546 | Units | Duration | day | long-per | {0} per day |
일당 {0} |
4547 | Units | Duration | day | short-per | {0}/d |
{0}/일 |
4548 | Units | Duration | day | short-other-nominative | {0} days |
{0}일 |
4549 | Units | Duration | hour | short-displayName | hours |
시간 |
4550 | Units | Duration | hour | long-per | {0} per hour |
시간당 {0} |
4551 | Units | Duration | hour | short-per | = |
{0}/h |
4552 | Units | Duration | hour | narrow-per | {0}/h |
{0}/시간 |
4553 | Units | Duration | hour | short-other-nominative | {0} hr |
{0}시간 |
4554 | Units | Duration | minute | short-displayName | mins |
분 |
4555 | Units | Duration | minute | long-per | {0} per minute |
분당 {0} |
4556 | Units | Duration | minute | short-per | = |
{0}/min |
4557 | Units | Duration | minute | narrow-per | {0}/min |
{0}/분 |
4558 | Units | Duration | minute | short-other-nominative | {0} min |
{0}분 |
4559 | Units | Duration | second | short-displayName | secs |
초 |
4560 | Units | Duration | second | long-per | {0} per second |
초당 {0} |
4561 | Units | Duration | second | short-per | = |
{0}/s |
4562 | Units | Duration | second | narrow-per | {0}/s |
{0}/초 |
4563 | Units | Duration | second | short-other-nominative | {0} sec |
{0}초 |
4564 | Units | Duration | millisecond | short-displayName | millisecs |
밀리초 |
4565 | Units | Duration | millisecond | narrow-displayName | msec |
ms |
4566 | Units | Duration | millisecond | long-other-nominative | {0} milliseconds |
{0}밀리초 |
4567 | Units | Duration | millisecond | short-other-nominative | {0} ms |
{0}ms |
4568 | Units | Duration | microsecond | long-displayName | microseconds |
마이크로초 |
4569 | Units | Duration | microsecond | short-displayName | μsecs |
μs |
4570 | Units | Duration | microsecond | long-other-nominative | {0} microseconds |
{0}마이크로초 |
4571 | Units | Duration | microsecond | short-other-nominative | {0} μs |
{0}μs |
4572 | Units | Duration | nanosecond | long-displayName | nanoseconds |
나노초 |
4573 | Units | Duration | nanosecond | short-displayName | nanosecs |
ns |
4574 | Units | Duration | nanosecond | long-other-nominative | {0} nanoseconds |
{0}나노초 |
4575 | Units | Duration | nanosecond | short-other-nominative | {0} ns |
{0}ns |
4576 | Units | Duration | Duration Patterns | hm | = |
h:mm |
4577 | Units | Duration | Duration Patterns | hms | = |
h:mm:ss |
4578 | Units | Duration | Duration Patterns | ms | = |
m:ss |
4579 | Units | Graphics | dot | short-displayName | dots |
도트 |
4580 | Units | Graphics | dot | short-other-nominative | {0} dots |
{0}도트 |
4581 | Units | Graphics | dot-per-centimeter | long-displayName | dots per centimeter |
센티미터당 도트 수 |
4582 | Units | Graphics | dot-per-centimeter | short-displayName | = |
dpcm |
4583 | Units | Graphics | dot-per-centimeter | long-other-nominative | {0} dots per centimeter |
센티미터당 {0}도트 |
4584 | Units | Graphics | dot-per-centimeter | short-other-nominative | {0} dpcm |
{0}dpcm |
4585 | Units | Graphics | dot-per-inch | long-displayName | dots per inch |
인치당 도트 수 |
4586 | Units | Graphics | dot-per-inch | short-displayName | = |
dpi |
4587 | Units | Graphics | dot-per-inch | long-other-nominative | {0} dots per inch |
인치당 {0}도트 |
4588 | Units | Graphics | dot-per-inch | short-other-nominative | {0} dpi |
{0}dpi |
4589 | Units | Graphics | em | short-displayName | = |
em |
4590 | Units | Graphics | em | short-other-nominative | {0} em |
{0}em |
4591 | Units | Graphics | megapixel | short-displayName | megapixels |
MP |
4592 | Units | Graphics | megapixel | short-other-nominative | {0} MP |
{0}MP |
4593 | Units | Graphics | pixel | short-displayName | pixels |
px |
4594 | Units | Graphics | pixel | short-other-nominative | {0} px |
{0}px |
4595 | Units | Graphics | pixel-per-centimeter | short-displayName | = |
ppcm |
4596 | Units | Graphics | pixel-per-centimeter | short-other-nominative | {0} ppcm |
{0}ppcm |
4597 | Units | Graphics | pixel-per-inch | short-displayName | = |
ppi |
4598 | Units | Graphics | pixel-per-inch | short-other-nominative | {0} ppi |
{0}ppi |
4599 | Units | Length Metric | kilometer | long-displayName | kilometers |
킬로미터 |
4600 | Units | Length Metric | kilometer | short-displayName | = |
km |
4601 | Units | Length Metric | kilometer | long-per | {0} per kilometer |
킬로미터당 {0} |
4602 | Units | Length Metric | kilometer | short-per | = |
{0}/km |
4603 | Units | Length Metric | kilometer | long-other-nominative | {0} kilometers |
{0}킬로미터 |
4604 | Units | Length Metric | kilometer | short-other-nominative | {0} km |
{0}km |
4605 | Units | Length Metric | meter | long-displayName | meters |
미터 |
4606 | Units | Length Metric | meter | short-displayName | = |
m |
4607 | Units | Length Metric | meter | long-per | {0} per meter |
미터당 {0} |
4608 | Units | Length Metric | meter | short-per | = |
{0}/m |
4609 | Units | Length Metric | meter | long-other-nominative | {0} meters |
{0}미터 |
4610 | Units | Length Metric | meter | short-other-nominative | {0} m |
{0}m |
4611 | Units | Length Metric | decimeter | long-displayName | decimeters |
데시미터 |
4612 | Units | Length Metric | decimeter | short-displayName | = |
dm |
4613 | Units | Length Metric | decimeter | long-other-nominative | {0} decimeters |
{0}데시미터 |
4614 | Units | Length Metric | decimeter | short-other-nominative | {0} dm |
{0}dm |
4615 | Units | Length Metric | centimeter | long-displayName | centimeters |
센티미터 |
4616 | Units | Length Metric | centimeter | short-displayName | = |
cm |
4617 | Units | Length Metric | centimeter | long-per | {0} per centimeter |
센티미터당 {0} |
4618 | Units | Length Metric | centimeter | short-per | = |
{0}/cm |
4619 | Units | Length Metric | centimeter | long-other-nominative | {0} centimeters |
{0}센티미터 |
4620 | Units | Length Metric | centimeter | short-other-nominative | {0} cm |
{0}cm |
4621 | Units | Length Metric | millimeter | long-displayName | millimeters |
밀리미터 |
4622 | Units | Length Metric | millimeter | short-displayName | = |
mm |
4623 | Units | Length Metric | millimeter | long-other-nominative | {0} millimeters |
{0}밀리미터 |
4624 | Units | Length Metric | millimeter | short-other-nominative | {0} mm |
{0}mm |
4625 | Units | Length Metric | micrometer | long-displayName | micrometers |
마이크로미터 |
4626 | Units | Length Metric | micrometer | short-displayName | μmeters |
μm |
4627 | Units | Length Metric | micrometer | long-other-nominative | {0} micrometers |
{0}마이크로미터 |
4628 | Units | Length Metric | micrometer | short-other-nominative | {0} μm |
{0}μm |
4629 | Units | Length Metric | nanometer | long-displayName | nanometers |
나노미터 |
4630 | Units | Length Metric | nanometer | short-displayName | = |
nm |
4631 | Units | Length Metric | nanometer | long-other-nominative | {0} nanometers |
{0}나노미터 |
4632 | Units | Length Metric | nanometer | short-other-nominative | {0} nm |
{0}nm |
4633 | Units | Length Metric | picometer | long-displayName | picometers |
피코미터 |
4634 | Units | Length Metric | picometer | short-displayName | = |
pm |
4635 | Units | Length Metric | picometer | long-other-nominative | {0} picometers |
{0}피코미터 |
4636 | Units | Length Metric | picometer | short-other-nominative | {0} pm |
{0}pm |
4637 | Units | Length Metric | mile-scandinavian | long-displayName | miles-scandinavian |
스칸디나비아 마일 |
4638 | Units | Length Metric | mile-scandinavian | short-displayName | = |
smi |
4639 | Units | Length Metric | mile-scandinavian | long-other-nominative | {0} miles-scandinavian |
{0}스칸디나비아 마일 |
4640 | Units | Length Metric | mile-scandinavian | short-other-nominative | {0} smi |
{0}smi |
4641 | Units | Length Metric | point | long-displayName | points |
포인트 |
4642 | Units | Length Metric | point | short-displayName | points |
pt |
4643 | Units | Length Metric | point | long-other-nominative | {0} points |
{0}포인트 |
4644 | Units | Length Metric | point | short-other-nominative | {0} pt |
{0}pt |
4645 | Units | Length Other | earth-radius | long-displayName | earth radius |
지구 반경 |
4646 | Units | Length Other | earth-radius | short-displayName | earth radius |
R⊕ |
4647 | Units | Length Other | earth-radius | long-other-nominative | {0} earth radius |
{0}지구 반경 |
4648 | Units | Length Other | earth-radius | short-other-nominative | {0} R⊕ |
{0}R⊕ |
4649 | Units | Length Other | mile | long-displayName | miles |
마일 |
4650 | Units | Length Other | mile | short-displayName | miles |
mi |
4651 | Units | Length Other | mile | long-other-nominative | {0} miles |
{0}마일 |
4652 | Units | Length Other | mile | short-other-nominative | {0} mi |
{0}mi |
4653 | Units | Length Other | yard | long-displayName | yards |
야드 |
4654 | Units | Length Other | yard | short-displayName | yards |
yd |
4655 | Units | Length Other | yard | long-other-nominative | {0} yards |
{0}야드 |
4656 | Units | Length Other | yard | short-other-nominative | {0} yd |
{0}yd |
4657 | Units | Length Other | foot | long-displayName | feet |
피트 |
4658 | Units | Length Other | foot | short-displayName | feet |
ft |
4659 | Units | Length Other | foot | long-per | {0} per foot |
피트당 {0} |
4660 | Units | Length Other | foot | short-per | = |
{0}/ft |
4661 | Units | Length Other | foot | long-other-nominative | {0} feet |
{0}피트 |
4662 | Units | Length Other | foot | short-other-nominative | {0} ft |
{0}ft |
4663 | Units | Length Other | foot | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}′ |
4664 | Units | Length Other | inch | long-displayName | inches |
인치 |
4665 | Units | Length Other | inch | short-displayName | inches |
in |
4666 | Units | Length Other | inch | long-per | {0} per inch |
인치당 {0} |
4667 | Units | Length Other | inch | short-per | = |
{0}/in |
4668 | Units | Length Other | inch | long-other-nominative | {0} inches |
{0}인치 |
4669 | Units | Length Other | inch | short-other-nominative | {0} in |
{0}in |
4670 | Units | Length Other | inch | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}″ |
4671 | Units | Length Other | parsec | long-displayName | parsecs |
파섹 |
4672 | Units | Length Other | parsec | short-displayName | parsecs |
pc |
4673 | Units | Length Other | parsec | long-other-nominative | {0} parsecs |
{0}파섹 |
4674 | Units | Length Other | parsec | short-other-nominative | {0} pc |
{0}pc |
4675 | Units | Length Other | light-year | long-displayName | light years |
광년 |
4676 | Units | Length Other | light-year | short-displayName | light yrs |
ly |
4677 | Units | Length Other | light-year | long-other-nominative | {0} light years |
{0}광년 |
4678 | Units | Length Other | light-year | short-other-nominative | {0} ly |
{0}ly |
4679 | Units | Length Other | astronomical-unit | long-displayName | astronomical units |
천문 단위 |
4680 | Units | Length Other | astronomical-unit | short-displayName | = |
au |
4681 | Units | Length Other | astronomical-unit | long-other-nominative | {0} astronomical units |
{0}천문 단위 |
4682 | Units | Length Other | astronomical-unit | short-other-nominative | {0} au |
{0}au |
4683 | Units | Length Other | furlong | long-displayName | furlongs |
펄롱 |
4684 | Units | Length Other | furlong | short-displayName | furlongs |
fur |
4685 | Units | Length Other | furlong | long-other-nominative | {0} furlongs |
{0}펄롱 |
4686 | Units | Length Other | furlong | short-other-nominative | {0} fur |
{0}fur |
4687 | Units | Length Other | fathom | long-displayName | fathoms |
패덤 |
4688 | Units | Length Other | fathom | short-displayName | fathoms |
fm |
4689 | Units | Length Other | fathom | long-other-nominative | {0} fathoms |
{0}패덤 |
4690 | Units | Length Other | fathom | short-other-nominative | {0} fth |
{0}fth |
4691 | Units | Length Other | nautical-mile | long-displayName | nautical miles |
해리 |
4692 | Units | Length Other | nautical-mile | short-displayName | = |
nmi |
4693 | Units | Length Other | nautical-mile | long-other-nominative | {0} nautical miles |
{0}해리 |
4694 | Units | Length Other | nautical-mile | short-other-nominative | {0} nmi |
{0}nmi |
4695 | Units | Length Other | solar-radius | long-displayName | solar radii |
태양 반경 |
4696 | Units | Length Other | solar-radius | short-displayName | solar radii |
R☉ |
4697 | Units | Length Other | solar-radius | long-other-nominative | {0} solar radii |
{0}태양 반경 |
4698 | Units | Length Other | solar-radius | short-other-nominative | {0} R☉ |
{0}R☉ |
4699 | Units | Area | square-kilometer | long-displayName | square kilometers |
제곱킬로미터 |
4700 | Units | Area | square-kilometer | short-displayName | = |
km² |
4701 | Units | Area | square-kilometer | long-per | {0} per square kilometer |
제곱킬로미터당 {0} |
4702 | Units | Area | square-kilometer | short-per | = |
{0}/km² |
4703 | Units | Area | square-kilometer | long-other-nominative | {0} square kilometers |
{0}제곱킬로미터 |
4704 | Units | Area | square-kilometer | short-other-nominative | {0} km² |
{0}km² |
4705 | Units | Area | hectare | long-displayName | hectares |
헥타르 |
4706 | Units | Area | hectare | short-displayName | hectares |
ha |
4707 | Units | Area | hectare | long-other-nominative | {0} hectares |
{0}헥타르 |
4708 | Units | Area | hectare | short-other-nominative | {0} ha |
{0}ha |
4709 | Units | Area | square-meter | long-displayName | square meters |
제곱미터 |
4710 | Units | Area | square-meter | short-displayName | meters² |
m² |
4711 | Units | Area | square-meter | long-per | {0} per square meter |
제곱미터당 {0} |
4712 | Units | Area | square-meter | short-per | = |
{0}/m² |
4713 | Units | Area | square-meter | long-other-nominative | {0} square meters |
{0}제곱미터 |
4714 | Units | Area | square-meter | short-other-nominative | {0} m² |
{0}m² |
4715 | Units | Area | square-centimeter | long-displayName | square centimeters |
제곱센티미터 |
4716 | Units | Area | square-centimeter | short-displayName | = |
cm² |
4717 | Units | Area | square-centimeter | long-per | {0} per square centimeter |
제곱센티미터당 {0} |
4718 | Units | Area | square-centimeter | short-per | = |
{0}/cm² |
4719 | Units | Area | square-centimeter | long-other-nominative | {0} square centimeters |
{0}제곱센티미터 |
4720 | Units | Area | square-centimeter | short-other-nominative | {0} cm² |
{0}cm² |
4721 | Units | Area | square-mile | long-displayName | square miles |
제곱마일 |
4722 | Units | Area | square-mile | short-displayName | sq miles |
mi² |
4723 | Units | Area | square-mile | long-per | {0} per square mile |
제곱마일당 {0} |
4724 | Units | Area | square-mile | short-per | = |
{0}/mi² |
4725 | Units | Area | square-mile | long-other-nominative | {0} square miles |
{0}제곱마일 |
4726 | Units | Area | square-mile | short-other-nominative | {0} sq mi |
{0}mi² |
4727 | Units | Area | acre | long-displayName | acres |
에이커 |
4728 | Units | Area | acre | short-displayName | acres |
ac |
4729 | Units | Area | acre | long-other-nominative | {0} acres |
{0}에이커 |
4730 | Units | Area | acre | short-other-nominative | {0} ac |
{0}ac |
4731 | Units | Area | square-yard | long-displayName | square yards |
제곱야드 |
4732 | Units | Area | square-yard | short-displayName | yards² |
yd² |
4733 | Units | Area | square-yard | long-other-nominative | {0} square yards |
{0}제곱야드 |
4734 | Units | Area | square-yard | short-other-nominative | {0} yd² |
{0}yd² |
4735 | Units | Area | square-foot | long-displayName | square feet |
제곱피트 |
4736 | Units | Area | square-foot | short-displayName | sq feet |
ft² |
4737 | Units | Area | square-foot | long-other-nominative | {0} square feet |
{0}제곱피트 |
4738 | Units | Area | square-foot | short-other-nominative | {0} sq ft |
{0}ft² |
4739 | Units | Area | square-inch | long-displayName | square inches |
제곱인치 |
4740 | Units | Area | square-inch | short-displayName | inches² |
in² |
4741 | Units | Area | square-inch | long-per | {0} per square inch |
제곱인치당 {0} |
4742 | Units | Area | square-inch | short-per | = |
{0}/in² |
4743 | Units | Area | square-inch | long-other-nominative | {0} square inches |
{0}제곱인치 |
4744 | Units | Area | square-inch | short-other-nominative | {0} in² |
{0}in² |
4745 | Units | Area | dunam | short-displayName | dunams |
두남 |
4746 | Units | Area | dunam | short-other-nominative | {0} dunam |
{0}두남 |
4747 | Units | Volume Metric | cubic-kilometer | long-displayName | cubic kilometers |
세제곱킬로미터 |
4748 | Units | Volume Metric | cubic-kilometer | short-displayName | = |
km³ |
4749 | Units | Volume Metric | cubic-kilometer | long-other-nominative | {0} cubic kilometers |
{0}세제곱킬로미터 |
4750 | Units | Volume Metric | cubic-kilometer | short-other-nominative | {0} km³ |
{0}km³ |
4751 | Units | Volume Metric | cubic-meter | long-displayName | cubic meters |
세제곱미터 |
4752 | Units | Volume Metric | cubic-meter | short-displayName | = |
m³ |
4753 | Units | Volume Metric | cubic-meter | long-per | {0} per cubic meter |
세제곱미터당 {0} |
4754 | Units | Volume Metric | cubic-meter | short-per | = |
{0}/m³ |
4755 | Units | Volume Metric | cubic-meter | long-other-nominative | {0} cubic meters |
{0}세제곱미터 |
4756 | Units | Volume Metric | cubic-meter | short-other-nominative | {0} m³ |
{0}m³ |
4757 | Units | Volume Metric | cubic-centimeter | long-displayName | cubic centimeters |
세제곱센티미터 |
4758 | Units | Volume Metric | cubic-centimeter | short-displayName | = |
cm³ |
4759 | Units | Volume Metric | cubic-centimeter | long-per | {0} per cubic centimeter |
세제곱센티미터당 {0} |
4760 | Units | Volume Metric | cubic-centimeter | short-per | = |
{0}/cm³ |
4761 | Units | Volume Metric | cubic-centimeter | long-other-nominative | {0} cubic centimeters |
{0}세제곱센티미터 |
4762 | Units | Volume Metric | cubic-centimeter | short-other-nominative | {0} cm³ |
{0}cm³ |
4763 | Units | Volume Metric | megaliter | long-displayName | megaliters |
메가리터 |
4764 | Units | Volume Metric | megaliter | short-displayName | = |
ML |
4765 | Units | Volume Metric | megaliter | long-other-nominative | {0} megaliters |
{0}메가리터 |
4766 | Units | Volume Metric | megaliter | short-other-nominative | {0} ML |
{0}ML |
4767 | Units | Volume Metric | hectoliter | long-displayName | hectoliters |
헥토리터 |
4768 | Units | Volume Metric | hectoliter | short-displayName | = |
hL |
4769 | Units | Volume Metric | hectoliter | long-other-nominative | {0} hectoliters |
{0}헥토리터 |
4770 | Units | Volume Metric | hectoliter | short-other-nominative | {0} hL |
{0}hL |
4771 | Units | Volume Metric | liter | short-displayName | liters |
리터 |
4772 | Units | Volume Metric | liter | long-per | {0} per liter |
리터당 {0} |
4773 | Units | Volume Metric | liter | short-per | = |
{0}/L |
4774 | Units | Volume Metric | liter | long-other-nominative | {0} liters |
{0}리터 |
4775 | Units | Volume Metric | liter | short-other-nominative | {0} L |
{0}L |
4776 | Units | Volume Metric | deciliter | long-displayName | deciliters |
데시리터 |
4777 | Units | Volume Metric | deciliter | short-displayName | = |
dL |
4778 | Units | Volume Metric | deciliter | long-other-nominative | {0} deciliters |
{0}데시리터 |
4779 | Units | Volume Metric | deciliter | short-other-nominative | {0} dL |
{0}dL |
4780 | Units | Volume Metric | centiliter | long-displayName | centiliters |
센티리터 |
4781 | Units | Volume Metric | centiliter | short-displayName | = |
cL |
4782 | Units | Volume Metric | centiliter | long-other-nominative | {0} centiliters |
{0}센티리터 |
4783 | Units | Volume Metric | centiliter | short-other-nominative | {0} cL |
{0}cL |
4784 | Units | Volume Metric | milliliter | long-displayName | milliliters |
밀리리터 |
4785 | Units | Volume Metric | milliliter | short-displayName | = |
mL |
4786 | Units | Volume Metric | milliliter | long-other-nominative | {0} milliliters |
{0}밀리리터 |
4787 | Units | Volume Metric | milliliter | short-other-nominative | {0} mL |
{0}mL |
4788 | Units | Volume Metric | pint-metric | long-displayName | metric pints |
미터식 파인트 |
4789 | Units | Volume Metric | pint-metric | short-displayName | = |
mpt |
4790 | Units | Volume Metric | pint-metric | long-other-nominative | {0} metric pints |
{0}미터식 파인트 |
4791 | Units | Volume Metric | pint-metric | short-other-nominative | {0} mpt |
{0}mpt |
4792 | Units | Volume Metric | cup-metric | long-displayName | metric cups |
미터식 컵 |
4793 | Units | Volume Metric | cup-metric | short-displayName | = |
mcup |
4794 | Units | Volume Metric | cup-metric | long-other-nominative | {0} metric cups |
{0}미터식 컵 |
4795 | Units | Volume Metric | cup-metric | short-other-nominative | {0} mc |
{0}mc |
4796 | Units | Volume US | cubic-mile | long-displayName | cubic miles |
세제곱마일 |
4797 | Units | Volume US | cubic-mile | short-displayName | = |
mi³ |
4798 | Units | Volume US | cubic-mile | long-other-nominative | {0} cubic miles |
{0}세제곱마일 |
4799 | Units | Volume US | cubic-mile | short-other-nominative | {0} mi³ |
{0}mi³ |
4800 | Units | Volume US | cubic-yard | long-displayName | cubic yards |
세제곱야드 |
4801 | Units | Volume US | cubic-yard | short-displayName | yards³ |
yd³ |
4802 | Units | Volume US | cubic-yard | long-other-nominative | {0} cubic yards |
{0}세제곱야드 |
4803 | Units | Volume US | cubic-yard | short-other-nominative | {0} yd³ |
{0}yd³ |
4804 | Units | Volume US | cubic-foot | long-displayName | cubic feet |
세제곱피트 |
4805 | Units | Volume US | cubic-foot | short-displayName | feet³ |
ft³ |
4806 | Units | Volume US | cubic-foot | long-other-nominative | {0} cubic feet |
{0}세제곱피트 |
4807 | Units | Volume US | cubic-foot | short-other-nominative | {0} ft³ |
{0}ft³ |
4808 | Units | Volume US | cubic-inch | long-displayName | cubic inches |
세제곱인치 |
4809 | Units | Volume US | cubic-inch | short-displayName | inches³ |
in³ |
4810 | Units | Volume US | cubic-inch | long-other-nominative | {0} cubic inches |
{0}세제곱인치 |
4811 | Units | Volume US | cubic-inch | short-other-nominative | {0} in³ |
{0}in³ |
4812 | Units | Volume US | acre-foot | long-displayName | acre-feet |
에이커 피트 |
4813 | Units | Volume US | acre-foot | short-displayName | acre ft |
ac ft |
4814 | Units | Volume US | acre-foot | long-other-nominative | {0} acre-feet |
{0}에이커 피트 |
4815 | Units | Volume US | acre-foot | short-other-nominative | {0} ac ft |
{0}ac ft |
4816 | Units | Volume US | bushel | long-displayName | bushels |
부셸 |
4817 | Units | Volume US | bushel | short-displayName | bushels |
bu |
4818 | Units | Volume US | bushel | long-other-nominative | {0} bushels |
{0}부셸 |
4819 | Units | Volume US | bushel | short-other-nominative | {0} bu |
{0}bu |
4820 | Units | Volume US | gallon | long-displayName | gallons |
갤런 |
4821 | Units | Volume US | gallon | short-displayName | = |
gal |
4822 | Units | Volume US | gallon | long-per | {0} per gallon |
갤런당 {0} |
4823 | Units | Volume US | gallon | short-per | {0}/gal US |
{0}/gal |
4824 | Units | Volume US | gallon | long-other-nominative | {0} gallons |
{0}갤런 |
4825 | Units | Volume US | gallon | short-other-nominative | {0} gal |
{0}gal |
4826 | Units | Volume US | quart | long-displayName | quarts |
쿼트 |
4827 | Units | Volume US | quart | short-displayName | qts |
qt |
4828 | Units | Volume US | quart | long-other-nominative | {0} quarts |
{0}쿼트 |
4829 | Units | Volume US | quart | short-other-nominative | {0} qt |
{0}qt |
4830 | Units | Volume US | pint | long-displayName | pints |
파인트 |
4831 | Units | Volume US | pint | short-displayName | pints |
pt |
4832 | Units | Volume US | pint | long-other-nominative | {0} pints |
{0}파인트 |
4833 | Units | Volume US | pint | short-other-nominative | {0} pt |
{0}pt |
4834 | Units | Volume US | cup | short-displayName | cups |
컵 |
4835 | Units | Volume US | cup | short-other-nominative | {0} c |
{0}컵 |
4836 | Units | Volume US | fluid-ounce | long-displayName | fluid ounces |
액량 온스 |
4837 | Units | Volume US | fluid-ounce | short-displayName | = |
fl oz |
4838 | Units | Volume US | fluid-ounce | long-other-nominative | {0} fluid ounces |
{0}액량 온스 |
4839 | Units | Volume US | fluid-ounce | short-other-nominative | {0} fl oz |
{0}fl oz |
4840 | Units | Volume US | tablespoon | long-displayName | tablespoons |
테이블스푼 |
4841 | Units | Volume US | tablespoon | short-displayName | = |
tbsp |
4842 | Units | Volume US | tablespoon | long-other-nominative | {0} tablespoons |
{0}테이블스푼 |
4843 | Units | Volume US | tablespoon | short-other-nominative | {0} tbsp |
{0}tbsp |
4844 | Units | Volume US | teaspoon | long-displayName | teaspoons |
티스푼 |
4845 | Units | Volume US | teaspoon | short-displayName | = |
tsp |
4846 | Units | Volume US | teaspoon | long-other-nominative | {0} teaspoons |
{0}티스푼 |
4847 | Units | Volume US | teaspoon | short-other-nominative | {0} tsp |
{0}tsp |
4848 | Units | Volume US | barrel | long-displayName | barrels |
배럴 |
4849 | Units | Volume US | barrel | short-displayName | barrel |
bbl |
4850 | Units | Volume US | barrel | long-other-nominative | {0} barrels |
{0}배럴 |
4851 | Units | Volume US | barrel | short-other-nominative | {0} bbl |
{0}bbl |
4852 | Units | Volume US | dessert-spoon | long-displayName | dessert spoons |
디저트스푼 |
4853 | Units | Volume US | dessert-spoon | short-displayName | dessert spoons |
dstspn |
4854 | Units | Volume US | dessert-spoon | long-other-nominative | {0} dessert spoons |
{0}디저트스푼 |
4855 | Units | Volume US | dessert-spoon | short-other-nominative | {0} dsp |
{0}dstspn |
4856 | Units | Volume US | drop | long-displayName | drops |
방울 |
4857 | Units | Volume US | drop | short-displayName | drops |
drop |
4858 | Units | Volume US | drop | long-other-nominative | {0} drops |
{0}방울 |
4859 | Units | Volume US | drop | short-other-nominative | {0} drdrops |
{0}drop |
4860 | Units | Volume US | dram | long-displayName | drams |
영국 액량 드램 |
4861 | Units | Volume US | dram | short-displayName | drams |
dram fluid |
4862 | Units | Volume US | dram | long-other-nominative | {0} drams |
{0}영국 액량 드램 |
4863 | Units | Volume US | dram | short-other-nominative | {0} drams |
{0}dram fl |
4864 | Units | Volume US | jigger | long-displayName | jiggers |
지거 |
4865 | Units | Volume US | jigger | short-displayName | jiggers |
jigger |
4866 | Units | Volume US | jigger | long-other-nominative | {0} jiggers |
{0}지거 |
4867 | Units | Volume US | jigger | short-other-nominative | {0} jiggers |
{0}jigger |
4868 | Units | Volume US | pinch | long-displayName | pinches |
꼬집 |
4869 | Units | Volume US | pinch | short-displayName | pinches |
pinch |
4870 | Units | Volume US | pinch | long-other-nominative | {0} pinches |
{0}꼬집 |
4871 | Units | Volume US | pinch | short-other-nominative | {0} pn |
{0}pinch |
4872 | Units | Volume Other | gallon-imperial | long-displayName | Imp. gallons |
영국식 갤런 |
4873 | Units | Volume Other | gallon-imperial | short-displayName | = |
Imp. gal |
4874 | Units | Volume Other | gallon-imperial | long-per | {0} per Imp. gallon |
영국식 갤런당 {0} |
4875 | Units | Volume Other | gallon-imperial | short-per | {0}/galImp |
{0}/gal Imp. |
4876 | Units | Volume Other | gallon-imperial | long-other-nominative | {0} Imp. gallons |
{0}영국식 갤런 |
4877 | Units | Volume Other | gallon-imperial | short-other-nominative | {0} gal Imp. |
{0}gal Imp. |
4878 | Units | Volume Other | fluid-ounce-imperial | long-displayName | Imp. fluid ounces |
영국 액량 온스 |
4879 | Units | Volume Other | fluid-ounce-imperial | short-displayName | = |
Imp. fl oz |
4880 | Units | Volume Other | fluid-ounce-imperial | long-other-nominative | {0} Imp. fluid ounces |
{0}영국 액량 온스 |
4881 | Units | Volume Other | fluid-ounce-imperial | short-other-nominative | {0} fl oz Imp. |
{0}fl oz Imp. |
4882 | Units | Volume Other | dessert-spoon-imperial | long-displayName | Imp. dessert spoons |
영국 디저트스푼 |
4883 | Units | Volume Other | dessert-spoon-imperial | short-displayName | Imp. dessert spoons |
dstspn Imp |
4884 | Units | Volume Other | dessert-spoon-imperial | narrow-displayName | = |
dsp Imp |
4885 | Units | Volume Other | dessert-spoon-imperial | long-other-nominative | {0} Imp. dessert spoons |
{0}영국 디저트스푼 |
4886 | Units | Volume Other | dessert-spoon-imperial | short-other-nominative | {0} dsp-Imp. |
{0}dstspn Imp |
4887 | Units | Volume Other | dessert-spoon-imperial | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}dsp-Imp |
4888 | Units | Volume Other | quart-imperial | long-displayName | Imp. quarts |
영국 쿼트 |
4889 | Units | Volume Other | quart-imperial | short-displayName | Imp. quarts |
qt Imp |
4890 | Units | Volume Other | quart-imperial | long-other-nominative | {0} Imp. quarts |
{0}영국 쿼트 |
4891 | Units | Volume Other | quart-imperial | short-other-nominative | {0} qt-Imp. |
{0}qt Imp. |
4892 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | g-force | long-displayName | g-force |
중력가속도 |
4893 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | g-force | short-displayName | = |
g-force |
4894 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | g-force | long-other-nominative | {0} g-force |
{0} 중력가속도 |
4895 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | g-force | short-other-nominative | {0} G |
{0}G |
4896 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | meter-per-square-second | long-displayName | meters per second squared |
미터 매 초 제곱 |
4897 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | meter-per-square-second | short-displayName | meters/sec² |
m/s² |
4898 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | meter-per-square-second | long-other-nominative | {0} meters per second squared |
제곱 초당 {0}미터 |
4899 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | meter-per-square-second | short-other-nominative | {0} m/s² |
{0}m/s² |
4900 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | kilometer-per-hour | long-displayName | kilometers per hour |
시간당 킬로미터 |
4901 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | kilometer-per-hour | short-displayName | km/hour |
km/h |
4902 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | kilometer-per-hour | long-other-nominative | {0} kilometers per hour |
시속 {0}킬로미터 |
4903 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | kilometer-per-hour | short-other-nominative | {0} km/h |
{0}km/h |
4904 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | meter-per-second | long-displayName | meters per second |
미터 매 초 |
4905 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | meter-per-second | short-displayName | meters/sec |
m/s |
4906 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | meter-per-second | long-other-nominative | {0} meters per second |
초속 {0}미터 |
4907 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | meter-per-second | short-other-nominative | {0} m/s |
{0}m/s |
4908 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | mile-per-hour | long-displayName | miles per hour |
시간당 마일 |
4909 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | mile-per-hour | short-displayName | miles/hour |
mi/h |
4910 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | mile-per-hour | long-other-nominative | {0} miles per hour |
시속 {0}마일 |
4911 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | mile-per-hour | short-other-nominative | {0} mph |
{0}mi/h |
4912 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | mile-per-hour | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}mph |
4913 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | knot | long-displayName | knots |
노트 |
4914 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | knot | short-displayName | = |
kn |
4915 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | knot | long-other-nominative | {0} knots |
{0}노트 |
4916 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | knot | short-other-nominative | {0} kn |
{0}kn |
4917 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | beaufort | long-displayName | Beaufort |
보퍼트 |
4918 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | beaufort | short-displayName | = |
Bft |
4919 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | beaufort | long-other-nominative | Beaufort {0} |
보퍼트 계급 {0} |
4920 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | beaufort | short-other-nominative | = |
B {0} |
4921 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | beaufort | narrow-other-nominative | = |
B{0} |
4922 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | light-speed | short-displayName | = |
light |
4923 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | light-speed | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} light |
4924 | Units | Mass and Weight | tonne | long-displayName | metric tons |
메트릭 톤 |
4925 | Units | Mass and Weight | tonne | short-displayName | = |
t |
4926 | Units | Mass and Weight | tonne | long-other-nominative | {0} metric tons |
{0}메트릭 톤 |
4927 | Units | Mass and Weight | tonne | short-other-nominative | {0} t |
{0}t |
4928 | Units | Mass and Weight | kilogram | long-displayName | kilograms |
킬로그램 |
4929 | Units | Mass and Weight | kilogram | short-displayName | = |
kg |
4930 | Units | Mass and Weight | kilogram | long-per | {0} per kilogram |
킬로그램당 {0} |
4931 | Units | Mass and Weight | kilogram | short-per | = |
{0}/kg |
4932 | Units | Mass and Weight | kilogram | long-other-nominative | {0} kilograms |
{0}킬로그램 |
4933 | Units | Mass and Weight | kilogram | short-other-nominative | {0} kg |
{0}kg |
4934 | Units | Mass and Weight | gram | short-displayName | grams |
그램 |
4935 | Units | Mass and Weight | gram | narrow-displayName | gram |
g |
4936 | Units | Mass and Weight | gram | long-per | {0} per gram |
그램당 {0} |
4937 | Units | Mass and Weight | gram | short-per | = |
{0}/g |
4938 | Units | Mass and Weight | gram | long-other-nominative | {0} grams |
{0}그램 |
4939 | Units | Mass and Weight | gram | short-other-nominative | {0} g |
{0}g |
4940 | Units | Mass and Weight | milligram | long-displayName | milligrams |
밀리그램 |
4941 | Units | Mass and Weight | milligram | short-displayName | = |
mg |
4942 | Units | Mass and Weight | milligram | long-other-nominative | {0} milligrams |
{0}밀리그램 |
4943 | Units | Mass and Weight | milligram | short-other-nominative | {0} mg |
{0}mg |
4944 | Units | Mass and Weight | microgram | long-displayName | micrograms |
마이크로그램 |
4945 | Units | Mass and Weight | microgram | short-displayName | = |
μg |
4946 | Units | Mass and Weight | microgram | long-other-nominative | {0} micrograms |
{0}마이크로그램 |
4947 | Units | Mass and Weight | microgram | short-other-nominative | {0} μg |
{0}μg |
4948 | Units | Mass and Weight | ton | long-displayName | tons |
톤 |
4949 | Units | Mass and Weight | ton | short-displayName | tons |
tn |
4950 | Units | Mass and Weight | ton | long-other-nominative | {0} tons |
{0}톤 |
4951 | Units | Mass and Weight | ton | short-other-nominative | {0} tn |
{0}tn |
4952 | Units | Mass and Weight | stone | long-displayName | stones |
스톤 |
4953 | Units | Mass and Weight | stone | short-displayName | stones |
st |
4954 | Units | Mass and Weight | stone | long-other-nominative | {0} stones |
{0}스톤 |
4955 | Units | Mass and Weight | stone | short-other-nominative | {0} st |
{0}st |
4956 | Units | Mass and Weight | pound | long-displayName | pounds |
파운드 |
4957 | Units | Mass and Weight | pound | short-displayName | pounds |
lb |
4958 | Units | Mass and Weight | pound | long-per | {0} per pound |
파운드당 {0} |
4959 | Units | Mass and Weight | pound | short-per | = |
{0}/lb |
4960 | Units | Mass and Weight | pound | long-other-nominative | {0} pounds |
{0}파운드 |
4961 | Units | Mass and Weight | pound | short-other-nominative | {0} lb |
{0}lb |
4962 | Units | Mass and Weight | ounce | long-displayName | ounces |
온스 |
4963 | Units | Mass and Weight | ounce | short-displayName | = |
oz |
4964 | Units | Mass and Weight | ounce | long-per | {0} per ounce |
온스당 {0} |
4965 | Units | Mass and Weight | ounce | short-per | = |
{0}/oz |
4966 | Units | Mass and Weight | ounce | long-other-nominative | {0} ounces |
{0}온스 |
4967 | Units | Mass and Weight | ounce | short-other-nominative | {0} oz |
{0}oz |
4968 | Units | Mass and Weight | ounce-troy | long-displayName | troy ounces |
트로이 온스 |
4969 | Units | Mass and Weight | ounce-troy | short-displayName | oz troy |
oz t |
4970 | Units | Mass and Weight | ounce-troy | long-other-nominative | {0} troy ounces |
{0}트로이 온스 |
4971 | Units | Mass and Weight | ounce-troy | short-other-nominative | {0} oz t |
{0}oz t |
4972 | Units | Mass and Weight | carat | long-displayName | carats |
캐럿 |
4973 | Units | Mass and Weight | carat | short-displayName | carats |
CD |
4974 | Units | Mass and Weight | carat | long-other-nominative | {0} carats |
{0}캐럿 |
4975 | Units | Mass and Weight | carat | short-other-nominative | {0} CD |
{0}CD |
4976 | Units | Mass and Weight | dalton | long-displayName | daltons |
돌턴 |
4977 | Units | Mass and Weight | dalton | short-displayName | daltons |
Da |
4978 | Units | Mass and Weight | dalton | long-other-nominative | {0} daltons |
{0}돌턴 |
4979 | Units | Mass and Weight | dalton | short-other-nominative | {0} Da |
{0}Da |
4980 | Units | Mass and Weight | earth-mass | long-displayName | Earth masses |
지구 질량 |
4981 | Units | Mass and Weight | earth-mass | short-displayName | Earth masses |
M⊕ |
4982 | Units | Mass and Weight | earth-mass | long-other-nominative | {0} Earth masses |
{0}지구 질량 |
4983 | Units | Mass and Weight | earth-mass | short-other-nominative | {0} M⊕ |
{0}M⊕ |
4984 | Units | Mass and Weight | solar-mass | long-displayName | solar masses |
태양 질량 |
4985 | Units | Mass and Weight | solar-mass | short-displayName | solar masses |
M☉ |
4986 | Units | Mass and Weight | solar-mass | long-other-nominative | {0} solar masses |
{0}태양 질량 |
4987 | Units | Mass and Weight | solar-mass | short-other-nominative | {0} M☉ |
{0}M☉ |
4988 | Units | Mass and Weight | grain | long-displayName | grains |
그레인 |
4989 | Units | Mass and Weight | grain | short-displayName | grains |
grain |
4990 | Units | Mass and Weight | grain | long-other-nominative | {0} grains |
{0}그레인 |
4991 | Units | Mass and Weight | grain | short-other-nominative | {0} gr |
{0}grain |
4992 | Units | Energy and Power | kilocalorie | long-displayName | kilocalories |
킬로칼로리 |
4993 | Units | Energy and Power | kilocalorie | short-displayName | = |
kcal |
4994 | Units | Energy and Power | kilocalorie | long-other-nominative | {0} kilocalories |
{0}킬로칼로리 |
4995 | Units | Energy and Power | kilocalorie | short-other-nominative | {0} kcal |
{0}kcal |
4996 | Units | Energy and Power | calorie | long-displayName | calories |
칼로리 |
4997 | Units | Energy and Power | calorie | short-displayName | = |
cal |
4998 | Units | Energy and Power | calorie | long-other-nominative | {0} calories |
{0}칼로리 |
4999 | Units | Energy and Power | calorie | short-other-nominative | {0} cal |
{0}cal |
5000 | Units | Energy and Power | foodcalorie | long-displayName | Calories |
칼로리 |
5001 | Units | Energy and Power | foodcalorie | short-displayName | = |
Cal |
5002 | Units | Energy and Power | foodcalorie | long-other-nominative | {0} Calories |
{0}칼로리 |
5003 | Units | Energy and Power | foodcalorie | short-other-nominative | {0} Cal |
{0}Cal |
5004 | Units | Energy and Power | kilojoule | long-displayName | kilojoules |
킬로줄 |
5005 | Units | Energy and Power | kilojoule | short-displayName | kilojoule |
kJ |
5006 | Units | Energy and Power | kilojoule | long-other-nominative | {0} kilojoules |
{0}킬로줄 |
5007 | Units | Energy and Power | kilojoule | short-other-nominative | {0} kJ |
{0}kJ |
5008 | Units | Energy and Power | joule | short-displayName | joules |
줄 |
5009 | Units | Energy and Power | joule | short-other-nominative | {0} J |
{0}줄 |
5010 | Units | Energy and Power | kilowatt-hour | long-displayName | kilowatt-hours |
킬로와트시 |
5011 | Units | Energy and Power | kilowatt-hour | short-displayName | kW-hour |
kWh |
5012 | Units | Energy and Power | kilowatt-hour | long-other-nominative | {0} kilowatt-hours |
{0}킬로와트시 |
5013 | Units | Energy and Power | kilowatt-hour | short-other-nominative | {0} kWh |
{0}kWh |
5014 | Units | Energy and Power | electronvolt | long-displayName | electronvolts |
전자볼트 |
5015 | Units | Energy and Power | electronvolt | short-displayName | electronvolt |
eV |
5016 | Units | Energy and Power | electronvolt | long-other-nominative | {0} electronvolts |
{0}전자볼트 |
5017 | Units | Energy and Power | electronvolt | short-other-nominative | {0} eV |
{0}eV |
5018 | Units | Energy and Power | british-thermal-unit | long-displayName | British thermal units |
영국 열량 단위 |
5019 | Units | Energy and Power | british-thermal-unit | short-displayName | BTU |
Btu |
5020 | Units | Energy and Power | british-thermal-unit | long-other-nominative | {0} British thermal units |
{0}영국 열량 단위 |
5021 | Units | Energy and Power | british-thermal-unit | short-other-nominative | {0} Btu |
{0}Btu |
5022 | Units | Energy and Power | therm-us | short-displayName | US therm |
미국 섬 |
5023 | Units | Energy and Power | therm-us | short-other-nominative | {0} US therms |
{0}섬 |
5024 | Units | Energy and Power | gigawatt | long-displayName | gigawatts |
기가와트 |
5025 | Units | Energy and Power | gigawatt | short-displayName | = |
GW |
5026 | Units | Energy and Power | gigawatt | long-other-nominative | {0} gigawatts |
{0}기가와트 |
5027 | Units | Energy and Power | gigawatt | short-other-nominative | {0} GW |
{0}GW |
5028 | Units | Energy and Power | megawatt | long-displayName | megawatts |
메가와트 |
5029 | Units | Energy and Power | megawatt | short-displayName | = |
MW |
5030 | Units | Energy and Power | megawatt | long-other-nominative | {0} megawatts |
{0}메가와트 |
5031 | Units | Energy and Power | megawatt | short-other-nominative | {0} MW |
{0}MW |
5032 | Units | Energy and Power | kilowatt | long-displayName | kilowatts |
킬로와트 |
5033 | Units | Energy and Power | kilowatt | short-displayName | = |
kW |
5034 | Units | Energy and Power | kilowatt | long-other-nominative | {0} kilowatts |
{0}킬로와트 |
5035 | Units | Energy and Power | kilowatt | short-other-nominative | {0} kW |
{0}kW |
5036 | Units | Energy and Power | watt | long-displayName | watts |
와트 |
5037 | Units | Energy and Power | watt | short-displayName | watts |
w |
5038 | Units | Energy and Power | watt | long-other-nominative | {0} watts |
{0}와트 |
5039 | Units | Energy and Power | watt | short-other-nominative | {0} W |
{0}W |
5040 | Units | Energy and Power | milliwatt | long-displayName | milliwatts |
밀리와트 |
5041 | Units | Energy and Power | milliwatt | short-displayName | = |
mW |
5042 | Units | Energy and Power | milliwatt | long-other-nominative | {0} milliwatts |
{0}밀리와트 |
5043 | Units | Energy and Power | milliwatt | short-other-nominative | {0} mW |
{0}mW |
5044 | Units | Energy and Power | horsepower | long-displayName | horsepower |
마력 |
5045 | Units | Energy and Power | horsepower | short-displayName | = |
hp |
5046 | Units | Energy and Power | horsepower | long-other-nominative | {0} horsepower |
{0}마력 |
5047 | Units | Energy and Power | horsepower | short-other-nominative | {0} hp |
{0}hp |
5048 | Units | Energy and Power | horsepower | narrow-other-nominative | {0}hp |
{0}HP |
5049 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | ampere | long-displayName | amperes |
암페어 |
5050 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | ampere | short-displayName | amps |
amp |
5051 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | ampere | long-other-nominative | {0} amperes |
{0}암페어 |
5052 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | ampere | short-other-nominative | {0} A |
{0}A |
5053 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | milliampere | long-displayName | milliamperes |
밀리암페어 |
5054 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | milliampere | short-displayName | milliamps |
mA |
5055 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | milliampere | long-other-nominative | {0} milliamperes |
{0}밀리암페어 |
5056 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | milliampere | short-other-nominative | {0} mA |
{0}mA |
5057 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | ohm | long-displayName | ohms |
옴 |
5058 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | ohm | short-displayName | ohms |
ohm |
5059 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | ohm | long-other-nominative | {0} ohms |
{0}옴 |
5060 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | ohm | short-other-nominative | {0} Ω |
{0}Ω |
5061 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | volt | long-displayName | volts |
볼트 |
5062 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | volt | short-displayName | volts |
V |
5063 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | volt | long-other-nominative | {0} volts |
{0}볼트 |
5064 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | volt | short-other-nominative | {0} V |
{0}V |
5065 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | gigahertz | long-displayName | gigahertz |
기가헤르츠 |
5066 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | gigahertz | short-displayName | = |
GHz |
5067 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | gigahertz | long-other-nominative | {0} gigahertz |
{0}기가헤르츠 |
5068 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | gigahertz | short-other-nominative | {0} GHz |
{0}GHz |
5069 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | megahertz | long-displayName | megahertz |
메가헤르츠 |
5070 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | megahertz | short-displayName | = |
MHz |
5071 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | megahertz | long-other-nominative | {0} megahertz |
{0}메가헤르츠 |
5072 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | megahertz | short-other-nominative | {0} MHz |
{0}MHz |
5073 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | kilohertz | long-displayName | kilohertz |
킬로헤르츠 |
5074 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | kilohertz | short-displayName | = |
kHz |
5075 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | kilohertz | long-other-nominative | {0} kilohertz |
{0}킬로헤르츠 |
5076 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | kilohertz | short-other-nominative | {0} kHz |
{0}kHz |
5077 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | hertz | long-displayName | hertz |
헤르츠 |
5078 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | hertz | short-displayName | = |
Hz |
5079 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | hertz | long-other-nominative | {0} hertz |
{0}헤르츠 |
5080 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | hertz | short-other-nominative | {0} Hz |
{0}Hz |
5081 | Units | Weather | millimeter-ofhg | long-displayName | millimeters of mercury |
수은주밀리미터 |
5082 | Units | Weather | millimeter-ofhg | short-displayName | = |
mmHg |
5083 | Units | Weather | millimeter-ofhg | long-other-nominative | {0} millimeters of mercury |
{0}수은주밀리미터 |
5084 | Units | Weather | millimeter-ofhg | short-other-nominative | {0} mmHg |
{0}mmHg |
5085 | Units | Weather | pound-force-per-square-inch | long-displayName | pounds-force per square inch |
제곱인치당 파운드 |
5086 | Units | Weather | pound-force-per-square-inch | short-displayName | = |
psi |
5087 | Units | Weather | pound-force-per-square-inch | long-other-nominative | {0} pounds-force per square inch |
{0}제곱인치당 파운드 |
5088 | Units | Weather | pound-force-per-square-inch | short-other-nominative | {0} psi |
{0}psi |
5089 | Units | Weather | inch-ofhg | long-displayName | inches of mercury |
수은주인치 |
5090 | Units | Weather | inch-ofhg | short-displayName | = |
inHg |
5091 | Units | Weather | inch-ofhg | long-other-nominative | {0} inches of mercury |
{0}수은주인치 |
5092 | Units | Weather | inch-ofhg | short-other-nominative | {0} inHg |
{0}inHg |
5093 | Units | Weather | bar | long-displayName | bars |
바 |
5094 | Units | Weather | bar | short-displayName | = |
bar |
5095 | Units | Weather | bar | long-other-nominative | {0} bars |
{0}바 |
5096 | Units | Weather | bar | short-other-nominative | {0} bar |
{0}bar |
5097 | Units | Weather | millibar | long-displayName | millibars |
밀리바 |
5098 | Units | Weather | millibar | short-displayName | = |
mbar |
5099 | Units | Weather | millibar | long-other-nominative | {0} millibars |
{0}밀리바 |
5100 | Units | Weather | millibar | short-other-nominative | {0} mbar |
{0}mb |
5101 | Units | Weather | atmosphere | short-displayName | = |
atm |
5102 | Units | Weather | atmosphere | short-other-nominative | {0} atm |
{0}atm |
5103 | Units | Weather | pascal | long-displayName | pascals |
파스칼 |
5104 | Units | Weather | pascal | short-displayName | = |
Pa |
5105 | Units | Weather | pascal | long-other-nominative | {0} pascals |
{0}파스칼 |
5106 | Units | Weather | pascal | short-other-nominative | {0} Pa |
{0}Pa |
5107 | Units | Weather | hectopascal | long-displayName | hectopascals |
헥토파스칼 |
5108 | Units | Weather | hectopascal | short-displayName | = |
hPa |
5109 | Units | Weather | hectopascal | long-other-nominative | {0} hectopascals |
{0}헥토파스칼 |
5110 | Units | Weather | hectopascal | short-other-nominative | {0} hPa |
{0}hPa |
5111 | Units | Weather | kilopascal | long-displayName | kilopascals |
킬로파스칼 |
5112 | Units | Weather | kilopascal | short-displayName | = |
kPa |
5113 | Units | Weather | kilopascal | long-other-nominative | {0} kilopascals |
{0}킬로파스칼 |
5114 | Units | Weather | kilopascal | short-other-nominative | {0} kPa |
{0}kPa |
5115 | Units | Weather | megapascal | long-displayName | megapascals |
메가파스칼 |
5116 | Units | Weather | megapascal | short-displayName | = |
MPa |
5117 | Units | Weather | megapascal | long-other-nominative | {0} megapascals |
{0}메가파스칼 |
5118 | Units | Weather | megapascal | short-other-nominative | {0} MPa |
{0}MPa |
5119 | Units | Weather | generic | long-displayName | degrees temperature |
도 |
5120 | Units | Weather | generic | short-displayName | deg. temp. |
° |
5121 | Units | Weather | generic | long-other-nominative | {0} degrees temperature |
{0}도 |
5122 | Units | Weather | generic | short-other-nominative | = |
{0}° |
5123 | Units | Weather | celsius | long-displayName | degrees Celsius |
섭씨 |
5124 | Units | Weather | celsius | short-displayName | deg. C |
°C |
5125 | Units | Weather | celsius | long-other-nominative | {0} degrees Celsius |
섭씨 {0}도 |
5126 | Units | Weather | celsius | short-other-nominative | = |
{0}°C |
5127 | Units | Weather | fahrenheit | long-displayName | degrees Fahrenheit |
화씨 |
5128 | Units | Weather | fahrenheit | short-displayName | deg. F |
°F |
5129 | Units | Weather | fahrenheit | long-other-nominative | {0} degrees Fahrenheit |
화씨 {0}도 |
5130 | Units | Weather | fahrenheit | short-other-nominative | = |
{0}°F |
5131 | Units | Weather | kelvin | long-displayName | kelvins |
켈빈 |
5132 | Units | Weather | kelvin | short-displayName | = |
K |
5133 | Units | Weather | kelvin | long-other-nominative | {0} kelvins |
{0}켈빈 |
5134 | Units | Weather | kelvin | short-other-nominative | {0} K |
{0}K |
5135 | Units | Digital | petabyte | long-displayName | petabytes |
페타바이트 |
5136 | Units | Digital | petabyte | short-displayName | PByte |
PB |
5137 | Units | Digital | petabyte | long-other-nominative | {0} petabytes |
{0}페타바이트 |
5138 | Units | Digital | petabyte | short-other-nominative | {0} PB |
{0}PB |
5139 | Units | Digital | terabyte | long-displayName | terabytes |
테라바이트 |
5140 | Units | Digital | terabyte | short-displayName | TByte |
TB |
5141 | Units | Digital | terabyte | long-other-nominative | {0} terabytes |
{0}테라바이트 |
5142 | Units | Digital | terabyte | short-other-nominative | {0} TB |
{0}TB |
5143 | Units | Digital | terabit | long-displayName | terabits |
테라비트 |
5144 | Units | Digital | terabit | short-displayName | Tbit |
Tb |
5145 | Units | Digital | terabit | long-other-nominative | {0} terabits |
{0}테라비트 |
5146 | Units | Digital | terabit | short-other-nominative | {0} Tb |
{0}Tb |
5147 | Units | Digital | gigabyte | long-displayName | gigabytes |
기가바이트 |
5148 | Units | Digital | gigabyte | short-displayName | GByte |
GB |
5149 | Units | Digital | gigabyte | long-other-nominative | {0} gigabytes |
{0}기가바이트 |
5150 | Units | Digital | gigabyte | short-other-nominative | {0} GB |
{0}GB |
5151 | Units | Digital | gigabit | long-displayName | gigabits |
기가비트 |
5152 | Units | Digital | gigabit | short-displayName | Gbit |
Gb |
5153 | Units | Digital | gigabit | long-other-nominative | {0} gigabits |
{0}기가비트 |
5154 | Units | Digital | gigabit | short-other-nominative | {0} Gb |
{0}Gb |
5155 | Units | Digital | megabyte | long-displayName | megabytes |
메가바이트 |
5156 | Units | Digital | megabyte | short-displayName | MByte |
MB |
5157 | Units | Digital | megabyte | long-other-nominative | {0} megabytes |
{0}메가바이트 |
5158 | Units | Digital | megabyte | short-other-nominative | {0} MB |
{0}MB |
5159 | Units | Digital | megabit | long-displayName | megabits |
메가비트 |
5160 | Units | Digital | megabit | short-displayName | Mbit |
Mb |
5161 | Units | Digital | megabit | long-other-nominative | {0} megabits |
{0}메가비트 |
5162 | Units | Digital | megabit | short-other-nominative | {0} Mb |
{0}Mb |
5163 | Units | Digital | kilobyte | long-displayName | kilobytes |
킬로바이트 |
5164 | Units | Digital | kilobyte | short-displayName | kByte |
kB |
5165 | Units | Digital | kilobyte | long-other-nominative | {0} kilobytes |
{0}킬로바이트 |
5166 | Units | Digital | kilobyte | short-other-nominative | {0} kB |
{0}kB |
5167 | Units | Digital | kilobit | long-displayName | kilobits |
킬로비트 |
5168 | Units | Digital | kilobit | short-displayName | kbit |
kb |
5169 | Units | Digital | kilobit | long-other-nominative | {0} kilobits |
{0}킬로비트 |
5170 | Units | Digital | kilobit | short-other-nominative | {0} kb |
{0}kb |
5171 | Units | Digital | byte | long-displayName | bytes |
바이트 |
5172 | Units | Digital | byte | short-displayName | = |
byte |
5173 | Units | Digital | byte | narrow-displayName | = |
B |
5174 | Units | Digital | byte | long-other-nominative | {0} bytes |
{0}바이트 |
5175 | Units | Digital | byte | short-other-nominative | {0} byte |
{0}byte |
5176 | Units | Digital | bit | long-displayName | bits |
비트 |
5177 | Units | Digital | bit | short-displayName | = |
bit |
5178 | Units | Digital | bit | long-other-nominative | {0} bits |
{0}비트 |
5179 | Units | Digital | bit | short-other-nominative | {0} bit |
{0}bit |
5180 | Units | Coordinates | east | long | {0} east |
동경 {0} |
5181 | Units | Coordinates | east | short | {0} E |
{0}E |
5182 | Units | Coordinates | north | long | {0} north |
북위 {0} |
5183 | Units | Coordinates | north | short | {0} N |
{0}N |
5184 | Units | Coordinates | south | long | {0} south |
남위 {0} |
5185 | Units | Coordinates | south | short | {0} S |
{0}S |
5186 | Units | Coordinates | west | long | {0} west |
서경 {0} |
5187 | Units | Coordinates | west | short | {0} W |
{0}W |
5188 | Units | Coordinates | all | long-displayName | cardinal direction |
방향 |
5189 | Units | Coordinates | all | short-displayName | direction |
쪽 |
5190 | Units | Other Units Metric | revolution | long-displayName | revolutions |
회전 |
5191 | Units | Other Units Metric | revolution | short-displayName | = |
rev |
5192 | Units | Other Units Metric | revolution | long-other-nominative | {0} revolutions |
{0}회전 |
5193 | Units | Other Units Metric | revolution | short-other-nominative | {0} rev |
{0}rev |
5194 | Units | Other Units Metric | radian | long-displayName | radians |
라디안 |
5195 | Units | Other Units Metric | radian | short-displayName | radians |
rad |
5196 | Units | Other Units Metric | radian | long-other-nominative | {0} radians |
{0}라디안 |
5197 | Units | Other Units Metric | radian | short-other-nominative | {0} rad |
{0}rad |
5198 | Units | Other Units Metric | degree | long-displayName | degrees |
도 |
5199 | Units | Other Units Metric | degree | short-displayName | degrees |
° |
5200 | Units | Other Units Metric | degree | long-other-nominative | {0} degrees |
{0}도 |
5201 | Units | Other Units Metric | degree | short-other-nominative | {0} deg |
{0}° |
5202 | Units | Other Units Metric | arc-minute | long-displayName | arcminutes |
분각 |
5203 | Units | Other Units Metric | arc-minute | short-displayName | arcmins |
′ |
5204 | Units | Other Units Metric | arc-minute | long-other-nominative | {0} arcminutes |
{0}분각 |
5205 | Units | Other Units Metric | arc-minute | short-other-nominative | {0} arcmins |
{0}′ |
5206 | Units | Other Units Metric | arc-second | long-displayName | arcseconds |
각초 |
5207 | Units | Other Units Metric | arc-second | short-displayName | arcsecs |
″ |
5208 | Units | Other Units Metric | arc-second | long-other-nominative | {0} arcseconds |
{0}각초 |
5209 | Units | Other Units Metric | arc-second | short-other-nominative | {0} arcsecs |
{0}″ |
5210 | Units | Other Units Metric | karat | long-displayName | karats |
캐럿 |
5211 | Units | Other Units Metric | karat | short-displayName | karats |
kt |
5212 | Units | Other Units Metric | karat | long-other-nominative | {0} karats |
{0}캐럿 |
5213 | Units | Other Units Metric | karat | short-other-nominative | {0} kt |
{0}kt |
5214 | Units | Other Units Metric | item | short-displayName | item |
항목 |
5215 | Units | Other Units Metric | item | short-other-nominative | {0} items |
{0}개 항목 |
5216 | Units | Other Units Metric | mole | long-displayName | moles |
몰 |
5217 | Units | Other Units Metric | mole | short-displayName | mole |
mol |
5218 | Units | Other Units Metric | mole | long-other-nominative | {0} moles |
{0}몰 |
5219 | Units | Other Units Metric | mole | short-other-nominative | {0} mol |
{0}mol |
5220 | Units | Other Units Metric | newton | long-displayName | newtons |
뉴턴 |
5221 | Units | Other Units Metric | newton | short-displayName | newton |
N |
5222 | Units | Other Units Metric | newton | long-other-nominative | {0} newtons |
{0}뉴턴 |
5223 | Units | Other Units Metric | newton | short-other-nominative | {0} N |
{0}N |
5224 | Units | Other Units Metric | lux | long-displayName | lux |
룩스 |
5225 | Units | Other Units Metric | lux | short-displayName | lux |
lx |
5226 | Units | Other Units Metric | lux | long-other-nominative | {0} lux |
{0}룩스 |
5227 | Units | Other Units Metric | lux | short-other-nominative | {0} lx |
{0}lx |
5228 | Units | Other Units Metric | candela | long-displayName | candela |
칸델라 |
5229 | Units | Other Units Metric | candela | short-displayName | candela |
cd |
5230 | Units | Other Units Metric | candela | long-other-nominative | {0} candela |
{0}칸델라 |
5231 | Units | Other Units Metric | candela | short-other-nominative | {0} cd |
{0}cd |
5232 | Units | Other Units Metric | lumen | long-displayName | lumen |
루멘 |
5233 | Units | Other Units Metric | lumen | short-displayName | lumen |
lm |
5234 | Units | Other Units Metric | lumen | long-other-nominative | {0} lumen |
{0}루멘 |
5235 | Units | Other Units Metric | lumen | short-other-nominative | {0} lm |
{0}lm |
5236 | Units | Other Units Metric | newton-meter | long-displayName | newton-meters |
뉴턴미터 |
5237 | Units | Other Units Metric | newton-meter | short-displayName | = |
N⋅m |
5238 | Units | Other Units Metric | newton-meter | long-other-nominative | {0} newton-meters |
{0}뉴턴미터 |
5239 | Units | Other Units Metric | newton-meter | short-other-nominative | {0} N⋅m |
{0}N⋅m |
5240 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | milligram-ofglucose-per-deciliter | long-displayName | milligrams per deciliter |
데시리터당 밀리그램 |
5241 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | milligram-ofglucose-per-deciliter | short-displayName | = |
mg/dL |
5242 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | milligram-ofglucose-per-deciliter | long-other-nominative | {0} milligrams per deciliter |
데시리터당 {0}밀리그램 |
5243 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | milligram-ofglucose-per-deciliter | short-other-nominative | {0} mg/dL |
{0}mg/dL |
5244 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | millimole-per-liter | long-displayName | millimoles per liter |
리터당 밀리몰 |
5245 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | millimole-per-liter | short-displayName | millimol/liter |
mmol/L |
5246 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | millimole-per-liter | long-other-nominative | {0} millimoles per liter |
리터당 {0}밀리몰 |
5247 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | millimole-per-liter | short-other-nominative | {0} mmol/L |
{0}mmol/L |
5248 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | permillion | short-displayName | parts/million |
ppm |
5249 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | permillion | short-other-nominative | {0} ppm |
{0}ppm |
5250 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | percent | short-displayName | percent |
% |
5251 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | percent | short-other-nominative | = |
{0}% |
5252 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | permille | short-displayName | permille |
‰ |
5253 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | permille | short-other-nominative | = |
{0}‰ |
5254 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | permyriad | short-displayName | permyriad |
‱ |
5255 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | permyriad | short-other-nominative | = |
{0}‱ |
5256 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | liter-per-kilometer | long-displayName | liters per kilometer |
킬로미터당 리터 |
5257 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | liter-per-kilometer | short-displayName | liters/km |
L/km |
5258 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | liter-per-kilometer | long-other-nominative | {0} liters per kilometer |
킬로미터당 {0}리터 |
5259 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | liter-per-kilometer | short-other-nominative | {0} L/km |
{0}L/km |
5260 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | liter-per-100-kilometer | long-displayName | liters per 100 kilometers |
100킬로미터당 리터 |
5261 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | liter-per-100-kilometer | short-displayName | L/100 km |
L/100km |
5262 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | liter-per-100-kilometer | long-other-nominative | {0} liters per 100 kilometers |
100킬로미터당 {0}리터 |
5263 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | liter-per-100-kilometer | short-other-nominative | {0} L/100 km |
{0}L/100km |
5264 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | kilowatt-hour-per-100-kilometer | long-displayName | kilowatt-hours per 100 kilometers |
100킬로미터당 킬로와트시 |
5265 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | kilowatt-hour-per-100-kilometer | short-displayName | = |
kWh/100km |
5266 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | kilowatt-hour-per-100-kilometer | long-other-nominative | {0} kilowatt-hours per 100 kilometers |
100킬로미터당 {0}킬로와트시 |
5267 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | kilowatt-hour-per-100-kilometer | short-other-nominative | {0} kWh/100km |
{0}kWh/100km |
5268 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | portion-per-1e9 | short-displayName | parts/billion |
ppb |
5269 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | portion-per-1e9 | long-other-nominative | {0} parts per billion |
{0}ppb |
5270 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | portion-per-1e9 | short-other-nominative | {0} ppb |
{0}ppb |
5271 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | portion-per-1e9 | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}ppb |
5272 | Units | Other Units US | mile-per-gallon | long-displayName | miles per gallon |
갤런당 마일 |
5273 | Units | Other Units US | mile-per-gallon | short-displayName | miles/gal |
mpg |
5274 | Units | Other Units US | mile-per-gallon | long-other-nominative | {0} miles per gallon |
갤런당 {0}마일 |
5275 | Units | Other Units US | mile-per-gallon | short-other-nominative | {0} mpg |
{0}mpg |
5276 | Units | Other Units US | pound-force | long-displayName | pounds of force |
파운드포스 |
5277 | Units | Other Units US | pound-force | short-displayName | pound-force |
lbf |
5278 | Units | Other Units US | pound-force | long-other-nominative | {0} pounds of force |
{0}파운드포스 |
5279 | Units | Other Units US | pound-force | short-other-nominative | {0} lbf |
{0}lbf |
5280 | Units | Other Units US | pound-force-foot | short-displayName | = |
lbf⋅ft |
5281 | Units | Other Units US | pound-force-foot | short-other-nominative | {0} lbf⋅ft |
{0}lbf⋅ft |
5282 | Units | Other Units | mile-per-gallon-imperial | long-displayName | miles per Imp. gallon |
영국식 갤런당 마일 |
5283 | Units | Other Units | mile-per-gallon-imperial | short-displayName | miles/gal Imp. |
mpg Imp. |
5284 | Units | Other Units | mile-per-gallon-imperial | long-other-nominative | {0} miles per Imp. gallon |
영국식 갤런당 {0}마일 |
5285 | Units | Other Units | mile-per-gallon-imperial | short-other-nominative | {0} mpg Imp. |
{0}mpg Imp. |
5286 | Units | Other Units | solar-luminosity | long-displayName | solar luminosities |
태양 광도 |
5287 | Units | Other Units | solar-luminosity | short-displayName | solar luminosities |
L☉ |
5288 | Units | Other Units | solar-luminosity | long-other-nominative | {0} solar luminosities |
{0}태양 광도 |
5289 | Units | Other Units | solar-luminosity | short-other-nominative | {0} L☉ |
{0}L☉ |
5290 | Units | Compound Units | 10p-1 | long | deci{0} |
데시{0} |
5291 | Units | Compound Units | 10p-1 | short | = |
d{0} |
5292 | Units | Compound Units | 10p-2 | long | centi{0} |
센티{0} |
5293 | Units | Compound Units | 10p-2 | short | = |
c{0} |
5294 | Units | Compound Units | 10p-3 | long | milli{0} |
밀리{0} |
5295 | Units | Compound Units | 10p-3 | short | = |
m{0} |
5296 | Units | Compound Units | 10p-6 | long | micro{0} |
마이크로{0} |
5297 | Units | Compound Units | 10p-6 | short | = |
μ{0} |
5298 | Units | Compound Units | 10p-9 | long | nano{0} |
나노{0} |
5299 | Units | Compound Units | 10p-9 | short | = |
n{0} |
5300 | Units | Compound Units | 10p-12 | long | pico{0} |
피코{0} |
5301 | Units | Compound Units | 10p-12 | short | = |
p{0} |
5302 | Units | Compound Units | 10p-15 | long | femto{0} |
펨토{0} |
5303 | Units | Compound Units | 10p-15 | short | = |
f{0} |
5304 | Units | Compound Units | 10p-18 | long | atto{0} |
아토{0} |
5305 | Units | Compound Units | 10p-18 | short | = |
a{0} |
5306 | Units | Compound Units | 10p-21 | long | zepto{0} |
젭토{0} |
5307 | Units | Compound Units | 10p-21 | short | = |
z{0} |
5308 | Units | Compound Units | 10p-24 | long | yocto{0} |
욕토{0} |
5309 | Units | Compound Units | 10p-24 | short | = |
y{0} |
5310 | Units | Compound Units | 10p-27 | long | ronto{0} |
론토{0} |
5311 | Units | Compound Units | 10p-27 | short | = |
r{0} |
5312 | Units | Compound Units | 10p-30 | long | quecto{0} |
퀙토{0} |
5313 | Units | Compound Units | 10p-30 | short | = |
q{0} |
5314 | Units | Compound Units | 10p1 | long | deka{0} |
데카{0} |
5315 | Units | Compound Units | 10p1 | short | = |
da{0} |
5316 | Units | Compound Units | 10p2 | long | hecto{0} |
헥토{0} |
5317 | Units | Compound Units | 10p2 | short | = |
h{0} |
5318 | Units | Compound Units | 10p3 | long | kilo{0} |
킬로{0} |
5319 | Units | Compound Units | 10p3 | short | = |
k{0} |
5320 | Units | Compound Units | 10p6 | long | mega{0} |
메가{0} |
5321 | Units | Compound Units | 10p6 | short | = |
M{0} |
5322 | Units | Compound Units | 10p9 | long | giga{0} |
기가{0} |
5323 | Units | Compound Units | 10p9 | short | = |
G{0} |
5324 | Units | Compound Units | 10p12 | long | tera{0} |
테라{0} |
5325 | Units | Compound Units | 10p12 | short | = |
T{0} |
5326 | Units | Compound Units | 10p15 | long | peta{0} |
페타{0} |
5327 | Units | Compound Units | 10p15 | short | = |
P{0} |
5328 | Units | Compound Units | 10p18 | long | exa{0} |
엑사{0} |
5329 | Units | Compound Units | 10p18 | short | = |
E{0} |
5330 | Units | Compound Units | 10p21 | long | zetta{0} |
제타{0} |
5331 | Units | Compound Units | 10p21 | short | = |
Z{0} |
5332 | Units | Compound Units | 10p24 | long | yotta{0} |
요타{0} |
5333 | Units | Compound Units | 10p24 | short | = |
Y{0} |
5334 | Units | Compound Units | 10p27 | long | ronna{0} |
론나{0} |
5335 | Units | Compound Units | 10p27 | short | = |
R{0} |
5336 | Units | Compound Units | 10p30 | long | quetta{0} |
퀘타{0} |
5337 | Units | Compound Units | 10p30 | short | = |
Q{0} |
5338 | Units | Compound Units | 1024p1 | long | kibi{0} |
키비{0} |
5339 | Units | Compound Units | 1024p1 | short | = |
Ki{0} |
5340 | Units | Compound Units | 1024p2 | long | mebi{0} |
메비{0} |
5341 | Units | Compound Units | 1024p2 | short | = |
Mi{0} |
5342 | Units | Compound Units | 1024p3 | long | gibi{0} |
기비{0} |
5343 | Units | Compound Units | 1024p3 | short | = |
Gi{0} |
5344 | Units | Compound Units | 1024p4 | long | tebi{0} |
테비{0} |
5345 | Units | Compound Units | 1024p4 | short | = |
Ti{0} |
5346 | Units | Compound Units | 1024p5 | long | pebi{0} |
페비{0} |
5347 | Units | Compound Units | 1024p5 | short | = |
Pi{0} |
5348 | Units | Compound Units | 1024p6 | long | exbi{0} |
엑스비{0} |
5349 | Units | Compound Units | 1024p6 | short | = |
Ei{0} |
5350 | Units | Compound Units | 1024p7 | long | zebi{0} |
제비{0} |
5351 | Units | Compound Units | 1024p7 | short | = |
Zi{0} |
5352 | Units | Compound Units | 1024p8 | long | yobi{0} |
요비{0} |
5353 | Units | Compound Units | 1024p8 | short | = |
Yi{0} |
5354 | Units | Compound Units | per | long | {0} per {1} |
{1}당 {0} |
5355 | Units | Compound Units | per | short | = |
{0}/{1} |
5356 | Units | Compound Units | power2 | long-other-nominative-dgender | square {0} |
제곱{0} |
5357 | Units | Compound Units | power2 | short-other-nominative-dgender | = |
{0}² |
5358 | Units | Compound Units | power3 | long-other-nominative-dgender | cubic {0} |
세제곱{0} |
5359 | Units | Compound Units | power3 | short-other-nominative-dgender | = |
{0}³ |
5360 | Units | Compound Units | times | short | = |
{0}⋅{1} |
5361 | Characters | Category | Pattern | strokes-other | {0} strokes |
{0}획 |
5362 | Characters | Category | Pattern | all | {0} — all |
{0} — 전체 |
5363 | Characters | Category | Pattern | category-list | = |
{0}: {1} |
5364 | Characters | Category | Pattern | compatibility | {0} — compatibility |
{0} — 호환 |
5365 | Characters | Category | Pattern | enclosed | {0} — enclosed |
{0} — 닫힘 |
5366 | Characters | Category | Pattern | extended | {0} — extended |
{0} — 확장 |
5367 | Characters | Category | Pattern | facing-left | {0} facing left |
왼쪽을 향한 {0} |
5368 | Characters | Category | Pattern | facing-right | {0} facing right |
오른쪽을 향한 {0} |
5369 | Characters | Category | Pattern | historic | {0} — historic |
{0} — 고전 |
5370 | Characters | Category | Pattern | miscellaneous | {0} — miscellaneous |
{0} — 기타 |
5371 | Characters | Category | Pattern | other | {0} — other |
{0} — 기타 |
5372 | Characters | Category | Pattern | scripts | scripts — {0} |
문자 — {0} |
5373 | Characters | Category | Pattern | subscript | subscript {0} |
아래 첨자 {0} |
5374 | Characters | Category | Pattern | superscript | superscript {0} |
위 첨자 {0} |
5375 | Characters | Category | Label | activities | activity |
활동 |
5376 | Characters | Category | Label | african_scripts | African script |
아프리카 문자 |
5377 | Characters | Category | Label | american_scripts | American script |
아메리카 문자 |
5378 | Characters | Category | Label | animal | animal |
동물 |
5379 | Characters | Category | Label | animals_nature | animal or nature |
동물 및 자연 |
5380 | Characters | Category | Label | arrows | arrow |
화살표 |
5381 | Characters | Category | Label | body | body |
신체 |
5382 | Characters | Category | Label | box_drawing | box drawing |
상자 그림 |
5383 | Characters | Category | Label | braille | braille |
점자 |
5384 | Characters | Category | Label | building | building |
건물 |
5385 | Characters | Category | Label | bullets_stars | bullet or star |
구분점/별 |
5386 | Characters | Category | Label | consonantal_jamo | consonantal jamo |
자음 자모 |
5387 | Characters | Category | Label | currency_symbols | currency symbol |
통화 기호 |
5388 | Characters | Category | Label | dash_connector | dash or connector |
대시/연결어 |
5389 | Characters | Category | Label | digits | digit |
숫자 |
5390 | Characters | Category | Label | dingbats | dingbat |
딩벳 |
5391 | Characters | Category | Label | divination_symbols | divination symbol |
점성 기호 |
5392 | Characters | Category | Label | downwards_arrows | downwards arrow |
아래쪽 방향 화살표 |
5393 | Characters | Category | Label | downwards_upwards_arrows | downwards upwards arrow |
상하 양방향 화살표 |
5394 | Characters | Category | Label | east_asian_scripts | East Asian script |
동아시아 문자 |
5395 | Characters | Category | Label | emoji | emoji |
이모티콘 |
5396 | Characters | Category | Label | european_scripts | European script |
유럽 문자 |
5397 | Characters | Category | Label | female | female |
여성 |
5398 | Characters | Category | Label | flag | flag |
깃발 |
5399 | Characters | Category | Label | flags | flags |
깃발 |
5400 | Characters | Category | Label | food_drink | food & drink |
식음료 |
5401 | Characters | Category | Label | format | format |
포맷 |
5402 | Characters | Category | Label | format_whitespace | format & whitespace |
포맷 및 공백 |
5403 | Characters | Category | Label | full_width_form_variant | full-width variant |
전각 형식 변형 |
5404 | Characters | Category | Label | geometric_shapes | geometric shape |
도형 모양 |
5405 | Characters | Category | Label | half_width_form_variant | half-width variant |
반각 형식 변형 |
5406 | Characters | Category | Label | han_characters | Han character |
한자 |
5407 | Characters | Category | Label | han_radicals | Han radical |
한자 부수 |
5408 | Characters | Category | Label | hanja | hanja |
한자 |
5409 | Characters | Category | Label | hanzi_simplified | Hanzi (simplified) |
한자(간체) |
5410 | Characters | Category | Label | hanzi_traditional | Hanzi (traditional) |
한자(번체) |
5411 | Characters | Category | Label | heart | heart |
하트 |
5412 | Characters | Category | Label | historic_scripts | historic script |
고전 문자 |
5413 | Characters | Category | Label | ideographic_desc_characters | ideographic desc. character |
상형 설명 문자 |
5414 | Characters | Category | Label | japanese_kana | Japanese kana |
일본어 가나 |
5415 | Characters | Category | Label | kanbun | kanbun |
간분 |
5416 | Characters | Category | Label | kanji | kanji |
간지 |
5417 | Characters | Category | Label | keycap | keycap |
키 캡 |
5418 | Characters | Category | Label | leftwards_arrows | leftwards arrow |
왼쪽 방향 화살표 |
5419 | Characters | Category | Label | leftwards_rightwards_arrows | leftwards rightwards arrow |
양방향 화살표 |
5420 | Characters | Category | Label | letterlike_symbols | letterlike symbol |
문자형 기호 |
5421 | Characters | Category | Label | limited_use | limited-use |
제한적 사용 |
5422 | Characters | Category | Label | male | male |
남성 |
5423 | Characters | Category | Label | math_symbols | math symbol |
수학 기호 |
5424 | Characters | Category | Label | middle_eastern_scripts | Middle Eastern script |
중동 문자 |
5425 | Characters | Category | Label | miscellaneous | miscellaneous |
기타 |
5426 | Characters | Category | Label | modern_scripts | modern script |
근대 문자 |
5427 | Characters | Category | Label | modifier | modifier |
수식어 |
5428 | Characters | Category | Label | musical_symbols | musical symbol |
음악 기호 |
5429 | Characters | Category | Label | nature | nature |
자연 |
5430 | Characters | Category | Label | nonspacing | nonspacing |
공백 없음 |
5431 | Characters | Category | Label | numbers | numbers |
숫자 |
5432 | Characters | Category | Label | objects | object |
사물 |
5433 | Characters | Category | Label | other | other |
기타 |
5434 | Characters | Category | Label | paired | paired |
쌍 기호 |
5435 | Characters | Category | Label | person | person |
인물 |
5436 | Characters | Category | Label | phonetic_alphabet | phonetic alphabet |
음성 기호 알파벳 |
5437 | Characters | Category | Label | pictographs | pictograph |
그림 문자 |
5438 | Characters | Category | Label | place | place |
장소 |
5439 | Characters | Category | Label | plant | plant |
식물 |
5440 | Characters | Category | Label | punctuation | punctuation |
구두점 |
5441 | Characters | Category | Label | rightwards_arrows | rightwards arrow |
오른쪽 방향 화살표 |
5442 | Characters | Category | Label | sign_standard_symbols | sign or symbol |
상징/표준 기호 |
5443 | Characters | Category | Label | small_form_variant | small variants |
작은 부호 변형 |
5444 | Characters | Category | Label | smiley | smiley |
스마일리 |
5445 | Characters | Category | Label | smileys_people | smiley or person |
스마일리 및 사람 |
5446 | Characters | Category | Label | south_asian_scripts | South Asian script |
남아시아 문자 |
5447 | Characters | Category | Label | southeast_asian_scripts | Southeast Asian script |
동남아시아 문자 |
5448 | Characters | Category | Label | spacing | spacing |
간격 |
5449 | Characters | Category | Label | sport | sport |
스포츠 |
5450 | Characters | Category | Label | symbols | symbol |
기호 |
5451 | Characters | Category | Label | technical_symbols | technical symbol |
기술 기호 |
5452 | Characters | Category | Label | tone_marks | tone mark |
성조 표시 |
5453 | Characters | Category | Label | travel | travel |
여행 |
5454 | Characters | Category | Label | travel_places | travel or place |
여행 및 장소 |
5455 | Characters | Category | Label | upwards_arrows | upwards arrows |
위쪽 방향 화살표 |
5456 | Characters | Category | Label | variant_forms | variant |
부호 변형 |
5457 | Characters | Category | Label | vocalic_jamo | vocalic jamo |
모음 자모 |
5458 | Characters | Category | Label | weather | weather |
날씨 |
5459 | Characters | Category | Label | western_asian_scripts | Western Asian script |
동서양 문자 |
5460 | Characters | Category | Label | whitespace | whitespace |
공백 |
5461 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 😀 -name | grinning face |
활짝 웃는 얼굴 |
5462 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 😀 –keywords | cheerful | cheery | face | grin | grinning | happy | laugh | nice | smile | smiling | teeth |
미소 | 발랄함 | 스마일 | 얼굴 | 웃음 | 치아 | 행복 | 환호 | 활짝 웃는 얼굴 |
5463 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 😃 -name | grinning face with big eyes |
눈을 크게 뜨고 웃는 얼굴 |
5464 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 😃 –keywords | awesome | big | eyes | face | grin | grinning | happy | mouth | open | smile | smiling | teeth | yay |
눈을 크게 뜨고 웃는 얼굴 | 미소 | 스마일 | 얼굴 | 예이 | 웃고 있는 | 입 | 입 벌리고 웃는 얼굴 | 좋아 | 치아 | 행복 |
5465 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 😄 -name | grinning face with smiling eyes |
미소 짓는 눈으로 활짝 웃는 얼굴 |
5466 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 😄 –keywords | eye | eyes | face | grin | grinning | happy | laugh | lol | mouth | open | smile | smiling |
눈 | 눈웃음 지으며 활짝 웃는 얼굴 | 미소 | 미소 짓는 눈으로 활짝 웃는 얼굴 | 벌린 | 스마일 | 얼굴 | 웃음 | 입 | 입 벌리고 웃는 눈웃음 얼굴 | ㅎㅎ | 행복 | 활짝 웃는 |
5467 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 😁 -name | beaming face with smiling eyes |
미소 짓는 눈으로 웃는 얼굴 |
5468 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 😁 –keywords | beaming | eye | eyes | face | grin | grinning | happy | nice | smile | smiling | teeth |
나이스 | 눈 | 눈웃음 | 눈웃음 짓는 웃는 얼굴 | 미소 | 미소 짓는 눈으로 웃는 얼굴 | 스마일 | 얼굴 | 치아 | 행복 |
5469 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 😆 -name | grinning squinting face |
눈웃음짓는 얼굴 |
5470 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 😆 –keywords | closed | eyes | face | grinning | haha | hahaha | happy | laugh | lol | mouth | open | rofl | smile | smiling | squinting |
눈 감고 미소 | 눈 감고 웃는 얼굴 | 눈웃음지으며 입 벌리고 웃는 얼굴 | 눈웃음짓는 얼굴 | 만족 | 벌린 | 얼굴 | 웃음 | 입 벌리고 미소 | ㅋㅋㅋ | ㅎㅎㅎ | 하하하 |
5471 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 😅 -name | grinning face with sweat |
땀 흘리며 웃는 얼굴 |
5472 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 😅 –keywords | cold | dejected | excited | face | grinning | mouth | nervous | open | smile | smiling | stress | stressed | sweat |
긴장 | 낙담한 | 땀 | 땀 흘리며 웃는 얼굴 | 미소 | 벌린 | 스마일 | 스트레스 | 식은땀 | 얼굴 | 웃고 있지만 당황한 얼굴 | 웃고 있지만 당황해서 땀 흘리는 얼굴 | 웃는 얼굴 | 차가움 | 흥분함 |
5473 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 🤣 -name | rolling on the floor laughing |
바닥을 구르며 웃는 얼굴 |
5474 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 🤣 –keywords | crying | face | floor | funny | haha | happy | hehe | hilarious | joy | laugh | lmao | lol | rofl | roflmao | rolling | tear |
구르기 | 너무 웃겨 | 눈물나게 웃긴 | 데굴데굴 | 바닥 | 바닥을 구르며 웃는 얼굴 | 빵 터짐 | 얼굴 | 완전 재미있는 | 웃음 | ㅋㅋㅋ | ㅎㅎㅎ | 하하 | 행복 |
5475 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 😂 -name | face with tears of joy |
기쁨의 눈물을 흘리는 얼굴 |
5476 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 😂 –keywords | crying | face | feels | funny | haha | happy | hehe | hilarious | joy | laugh | lmao | lol | rofl | roflmao | tear |
기쁨 | 기쁨의 눈물을 흘리는 얼굴 | 너무 웃겨서 눈물 | 너무 웃기는 | 눈물 | 배꼽빠지게 웃겨 | 스마일 | 얼굴 | 울면서 웃음 | 웃기지마 | 웃음 | 진짜 웃겨 | ㅋㅋㅋ | ㅎㅎ | 하하 | 행복 | 헤헤 |
5477 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 🙂 -name | slightly smiling face |
살짝 미소 짓는 얼굴 |
5478 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 🙂 –keywords | face | happy | slightly | smile | smiling |
미소 | 살짝 미소 짓는 얼굴 | 스마일 | 얼굴 | 행복 |
5479 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 🙃 -name | upside-down face |
거꾸로 된 얼굴 |
5480 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 🙃 –keywords | face | hehe | smile | upside-down |
거꾸로 된 얼굴 | 뒤집힘 | 미소 | 얼굴 | 위아래 | 헤헤 |
5481 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 🫠 -name | melting face |
녹아 내리는 얼굴 |
5482 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 🫠 –keywords | disappear | dissolve | embarrassed | face | haha | heat | hot | liquid | lol | melt | melting | sarcasm | sarcastic |
녹는 | 녹다 | 녹아 내리는 얼굴 | 녹아내리는 | 당황한 | 더운 | 뜨거운 | 부끄러운 | 비웃는 | 열기 | 하하하 | 핫 |
5483 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 😉 -name | winking face |
윙크하는 얼굴 |
5484 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 😉 –keywords | face | flirt | heartbreaker | sexy | slide | tease | wink | winking | winks |
놀림 | 섹시 | 얼굴 | 윙크 | 윙크하는 얼굴 | 유혹 |
5485 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 😊 -name | smiling face with smiling eyes |
미소 짓는 눈으로 살짝 웃는 얼굴 |
5486 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 😊 –keywords | blush | eye | eyes | face | glad | satisfied | smile | smiling |
기쁨 | 눈 | 눈웃음 | 눈웃음 지으며 웃는 얼굴 | 만족 | 미소 | 미소 짓는 눈으로 살짝 웃는 얼굴 | 발그레 | 스마일 | 얼굴 | 웃는 얼굴 |
5487 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 😇 -name | smiling face with halo |
후광이 비치는 웃는 얼굴 |
5488 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 😇 –keywords | angel | angelic | angels | blessed | face | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | halo | happy | innocent | peaceful | smile | smiling | spirit | tale |
동화 | 미소 | 순수한 | 스마일 | 얼굴 | 웃는 얼굴 | 웃는 얼굴 천사 | 천사같은 | 천사고리가 있는 얼굴 | 후광이 비치는 웃는 얼굴 |
5489 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-affection | 🥰 -name | smiling face with hearts |
하트와 함께 웃는 얼굴 |
5490 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-affection | 🥰 –keywords | 3 | adore | crush | face | heart | hearts | ily | love | romance | smile | smiling | you |
반한 | 사랑에 빠진 | 사랑에 빠진 얼굴 | 사랑하는 | 사랑해 | 스마일 | 하트 | 하트 3개와 함께 웃는 얼굴 | 하트와 함께 웃는 얼굴 |
5491 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-affection | 😍 -name | smiling face with heart-eyes |
하트 눈 얼굴 |
5492 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-affection | 😍 –keywords | 143 | bae | eye | face | feels | heart-eyes | hearts | ily | kisses | love | romance | romantic | smile | xoxo |
느낌 | 로맨틱 | 뽀뽀 | 사랑 | 사랑해 | 스마일 | 얼굴 | 하트 | 하트 눈 얼굴 | 하트 뿅뿅 얼굴 |
5493 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-affection | 🤩 -name | star-struck |
반한 얼굴 |
5494 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-affection | 🤩 –keywords | excited | eyes | face | grinning | smile | star | star-struck | starry-eyed | wow |
반짝이는 눈으로 미소짓는 | 반한 얼굴 | 별 눈 | 별 모양의 눈 | 신나는 | 와우 |
5495 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-affection | 😘 -name | face blowing a kiss |
키스를 보내는 얼굴 |
5496 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-affection | 😘 –keywords | adorbs | bae | blowing | face | flirt | heart | ily | kiss | love | lover | miss | muah | romantic | smooch | xoxo | you |
로맨틱 | 뽀뽀 | 사랑 | 사랑스러움 | 사랑하는 사람 | 얼굴 | 연인 | 키스 | 키스를 날리는 얼굴 | 하트 |
5497 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-affection | 😗 -name | kissing face |
키스하는 얼굴 |
5498 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-affection | 😗 –keywords | 143 | date | dating | face | flirt | ily | kiss | love | smooch | smooches | xoxo | you |
데이트 | 뽀뽀 | 사랑 | 사랑해 | 얼굴 | 연애 | 입술을 내민 얼굴 | 키스 | 키스하는 얼굴 |
5499 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-affection | ☺ -name | smiling face |
웃는 얼굴 |
5500 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-affection | ☺ –keywords | face | happy | outlined | relaxed | smile | smiling |
미소 | 스마일 | 얼굴 | 웃는 얼굴 | 웃음 | 웃음 짓는 얼굴 | 편안한 | 행복 |
5501 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-affection | 😚 -name | kissing face with closed eyes |
눈을 감은 채로 키스하는 얼굴 |
5502 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-affection | 😚 –keywords | 143 | bae | blush | closed | date | dating | eye | eyes | face | flirt | ily | kisses | kissing | smooches | xoxo |
감은 눈 | 눈을 감은 채로 키스하는 얼굴 | 데이트 | 발그레 | 뽀뽀 | 사랑해 | 얼굴 | 연애 | 연인 | 키스 |
5503 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-affection | 😙 -name | kissing face with smiling eyes |
미소 짓는 눈으로 키스하는 얼굴 |
5504 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-affection | 😙 –keywords | 143 | closed | date | dating | eye | eyes | face | flirt | ily | kiss | kisses | kissing | love | night | smile | smiling |
감은 눈 | 데이트 | 미소 짓는 눈으로 키스하는 얼굴 | 뽀뽀 | 사랑 | 스마일 | 얼굴 | 연애 | 웃으면서 뽀뽀하는 얼굴 | 키스 |
5505 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-affection | 🥲 -name | smiling face with tear |
눈물 흘리며 웃는 얼굴 |
5506 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-affection | 🥲 –keywords | face | glad | grateful | happy | joy | pain | proud | relieved | smile | smiley | smiling | tear | touched |
감동 | 감사 | 고통 | 긍지 | 눈물 | 눈물 흘리며 웃는 얼굴 | 미소 | 안도 | 자랑 | 행복 |
5507 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-tongue | 😋 -name | face savoring food |
맛있는 음식을 음미하는 얼굴 |
5508 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-tongue | 😋 –keywords | delicious | eat | face | food | full | hungry | savor | smile | smiling | tasty | um | yum | yummy |
냠냠 | 맛있는 | 맛있는 음식을 음미하는 얼굴 | 맛있어 | 맛있어하는 얼굴 | 먹는 | 미소 | 배고픈 | 배부른 | 식품 | 얼굴 | 음 | 음미 | 음식 |
5509 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-tongue | 😛 -name | face with tongue |
혀를 내민 얼굴 |
5510 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-tongue | 😛 –keywords | awesome | cool | face | nice | party | stuck-out | sweet | tongue |
달콤 | 대단해 | 메롱하는 얼굴 | 얼굴 | 파티 | 혀 | 혀를 내민 얼굴 |
5511 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-tongue | 😜 -name | winking face with tongue |
윙크하면서 혀를 내민 얼굴 |
5512 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-tongue | 😜 –keywords | crazy | epic | eye | face | funny | joke | loopy | nutty | party | stuck-out | tongue | wacky | weirdo | wink | winking | yolo |
괴짜 | 농담 | 대단한 | 약간 정신이 나간 | 얼굴 | 열광하는 | 욜로 | 윙크 | 윙크하면서 메롱하는 얼굴 | 윙크하면서 혀를 내민 얼굴 | 이상한 | 재미 | 재미있는 | 혀 |
5513 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-tongue | 🤪 -name | zany face |
괴짜 얼굴 |
5514 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-tongue | 🤪 –keywords | crazy | eye | eyes | face | goofy | large | small | zany |
괴짜 | 괴짜 얼굴 | 눈 | 엉뚱한 얼굴 | 익살스러운 얼굴 | 장난스러운 눈 | 정신이 나간 | 환한 미소 |
5515 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-tongue | 😝 -name | squinting face with tongue |
눈을 감고 메롱하는 얼굴 |
5516 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-tongue | 😝 –keywords | closed | eye | eyes | face | gross | horrible | omg | squinting | stuck-out | taste | tongue | whatever | yolo |
끔찍한 | 눈 | 눈을 감고 메롱하는 얼굴 | 눈을 감고 혀를 내민 얼굴 | 맙소사 | 맛 | 아무거나 | 얼굴 | 역겨운 | 오마이갓 | 욜로 | 혀 |
5517 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-tongue | 🤑 -name | money-mouth face |
돈 모양의 입이 있는 얼굴 |
5518 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-tongue | 🤑 –keywords | face | money | money-mouth | mouth | paid |
계산한 | 돈 | 돈 모양의 입이 있는 얼굴 | 얼굴 | 욕심 | 입 | 입에 돈을 물고 있는 얼굴 | 탐욕 |
5519 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-hand | 🤗 -name | smiling face with open hands |
포옹하고 있는 얼굴 |
5520 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-hand | 🤗 –keywords | face | hands | hug | hugging | open | smiling |
반가워하는 얼굴 | 손 | 얼굴 | 포옹 | 포옹하고 있는 얼굴 | 환영 |
5521 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-hand | 🤭 -name | face with hand over mouth |
손으로 입을 가린 얼굴 |
5522 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-hand | 🤭 –keywords | face | giggle | giggling | hand | mouth | oops | realization | secret | shock | sudden | surprise | whoops |
갑자기 깨달은 | 비밀 | 손으로 입을 가린 얼굴 | 앗 | 웁스 | 입을 가리고 웃는 얼굴 | 충격 | 큭큭거리는 |
5523 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-hand | 🫢 -name | face with open eyes and hand over mouth |
눈을 뜨고 손으로 입을 가린 얼굴 |
5524 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-hand | 🫢 –keywords | amazement | awe | disbelief | embarrass | eyes | face | gasp | hand | mouth | omg | open | over | quiet | scared | shock | surprise |
감탄 | 깜짝 놀란 얼굴 | 놀람 | 눈을 뜨고 손으로 입을 가린 얼굴 | 당황 | 믿기지 않음 | 서프라이즈 | 쇼킹 | 오마이갓 | 충격 |
5525 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-hand | 🫣 -name | face with peeking eye |
한쪽 눈을 가리고 훔쳐보는 얼굴 |
5526 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-hand | 🫣 –keywords | captivated | embarrass | eye | face | hide | hiding | peek | peeking | peep | scared | shy | stare |
당황 | 매료됨 | 몰래 보는 | 무서운 | 부끄러운 | 빤히 쳐다보기 | 숨은 | 한쪽 눈을 가리고 훔쳐보는 얼굴 | 훔쳐보기 |
5527 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-hand | 🤫 -name | shushing face |
쉿 하는 얼굴 |
5528 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-hand | 🤫 –keywords | face | quiet | shh | shush | shushing |
쉿 | 쉿 하는 얼굴 | 조용 |
5529 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-hand | 🤔 -name | thinking face |
생각하는 얼굴 |
5530 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-hand | 🤔 –keywords | chin | consider | face | hmm | ponder | pondering | thinking | wondering |
고려해서 | 곰곰히 | 생각 중 | 생각에 잠긴 얼굴 | 생각하는 얼굴 | 얼굴 | 음 | 턱 |
5531 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-hand | 🫡 -name | saluting face |
경례하는 얼굴 |
5532 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-hand | 🫡 –keywords | face | good | luck | ma’am | OK | respect | salute | saluting | sir | troops | yes |
경례 | 경례하는 얼굴 | 군대 | 굿 럭 | 네 | 알았어 | 응 | 인사 | 존경 | 행운을 빌어 | 화창 |
5533 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 🤐 -name | zipper-mouth face |
지퍼로 입을 잠근 얼굴 |
5534 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 🤐 –keywords | face | keep | mouth | quiet | secret | shut | zip | zipper | zipper-mouth |
말하지 마 | 비밀 | 비밀 지켜 | 얼굴 | 입 | 입 다문 | 지퍼 | 지퍼로 입을 잠근 얼굴 |
5535 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 🤨 -name | face with raised eyebrow |
눈썹을 치켜올린 얼굴 |
5536 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 🤨 –keywords | disapproval | disbelief | distrust | emoji | eyebrow | face | hmm | mild | raised | skeptic | skeptical | skepticism | surprise | what |
눈썹을 치켜올린 얼굴 | 못마땅한 | 믿을 수 없는 | 불신 | 의심 | 의심하는 얼굴 | 회의적인 |
5537 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 😐 -name | neutral face |
덤덤한 얼굴 |
5538 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 😐 –keywords | awkward | blank | deadpan | expressionless | face | fine | jealous | meh | neutral | oh | shade | straight | unamused | unhappy | unimpressed | whatever |
감동 없는 | 나쁜 | 덤덤한 얼굴 | 무표정한 | 부러운 | 얼굴 | 오 | 웃음기없는 | 정색하는 얼굴 | 죽음 | 질투 |
5539 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 😑 -name | expressionless face |
무표정한 얼굴 |
5540 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 😑 –keywords | awkward | dead | expressionless | face | fine | inexpressive | jealous | meh | not | oh | omg | straight | uh | unhappy | unimpressed | whatever |
감정없는 | 괜찮아 | 나쁜 | 맙소사 | 무표정한 | 뭐든지 | 부러운 | 불행 | 비용 | 악 | 어색한 | 얼굴 | 오 | 죽음 | 포커페이스 | 표정 없는 얼굴 |
5541 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 😶 -name | face without mouth |
입이 없는 얼굴 |
5542 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 😶 –keywords | awkward | blank | expressionless | face | mouth | mouthless | mute | quiet | secret | silence | silent | speechless |
말이 없는 | 비밀 | 얼굴 | 이상한 | 입 꾹 | 입 없음 | 입이 없는 얼굴 | 조용한 |
5543 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 🫥 -name | dotted line face |
테두리가 점선으로 된 얼굴 |
5544 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 🫥 –keywords | depressed | disappear | dotted | face | hidden | hide | introvert | invisible | line | meh | whatever | wtv |
내성적 | 보이지 않음 | 사라짐 | 숨기 | 숨은 | 어쩌라고 | 우울 | 우울한 | 좌절 | 테두리가 점선으로 된 얼굴 | 헐 |
5545 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 😶🌫 -name | face in clouds |
공상에 잠긴 얼굴 |
5546 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 😶🌫 –keywords | absentminded | clouds | face | fog | head |
공상에 잠긴 얼굴 | 멍 | 멍청한 얼굴 | 멍함 | 안개 속 얼굴 | 엉뚱한 생각에 잠긴 얼굴 |
5547 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 😏 -name | smirking face |
히죽거리는 얼굴 |
5548 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 😏 –keywords | boss | dapper | face | flirt | homie | kidding | leer | shade | slick | sly | smirk | smug | snicker | suave | suspicious | swag |
교활한 | 낄낄거리는 | 농담 | 눈썹 | 멋부리는 | 바람 | 보스 | 웃는 얼굴 | 음흉한 | 의심스러운 | 정중한 | 히죽거리는 얼굴 | 히죽히죽 |
5549 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 😒 -name | unamused face |
지루해하는 얼굴 |
5550 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 😒 –keywords | ... | bored | face | fine | jealous | jel | jelly | pissed | smh | ugh | uhh | unamused | unhappy | weird | whatever |
됐어 | 부러운 | 불행 | 어 | 얼굴 | 웩 | 이상한 | 재미 없어 하는 얼굴 | 절레절레 | 지루함 | 지루해하는 얼굴 | 질투 | 짜증난 |
5551 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 🙄 -name | face with rolling eyes |
눈을 굴리고 있는 얼굴 |
5552 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 🙄 –keywords | eyeroll | eyes | face | rolling | shade | ugh | whatever |
눈 | 눈 굴리기 | 눈알 | 눈을 굴리고 있는 얼굴 | 무엇이든 | 미묘한 | 얼굴 | 윽 |
5553 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 😬 -name | grimacing face |
찌푸린 얼굴 |
5554 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 😬 –keywords | awk | awkward | dentist | face | grimace | grimacing | grinning | smile | smiling |
미소 | 스마일 | 아무것도 아님 | 얼굴 | 이상함 | 찌푸린 얼굴 | 찡그림 | 치과의사 |
5555 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 😮💨 -name | face exhaling |
날숨 쉬는 얼굴 |
5556 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 😮💨 –keywords | blow | blowing | exhale | exhaling | exhausted | face | gasp | groan | relief | sigh | smiley | smoke | whisper | whistle |
날숨 | 날숨 쉬는 얼굴 | 내쉼 | 담배 | 미소 | 속삭임 | 안도 | 입김 | 지친 | 한숨 | 휘파람 |
5557 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 🤥 -name | lying face |
거짓말하는 얼굴 |
5558 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 🤥 –keywords | face | liar | lie | lying | pinocchio |
거짓말 | 거짓말쟁이 | 거짓말하는 얼굴 | 얼굴 | 피노키오 |
5559 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 🫨 -name | shaking face |
요동치는 얼굴 |
5560 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 🫨 –keywords | crazy | daze | earthquake | face | omg | panic | shaking | shock | surprise | vibrate | whoa | wow |
깜짝 놀람 | 떨고 있음 | 얼굴 | 요동치는 얼굴 | 요동침 | 지진 | 충격 |
5561 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 🙂↔ -name | head shaking horizontally |
도리도리 |
5562 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 🙂↔ –keywords | head | horizontally | no | shake | shaking |
고개를 흔들다 | 도리도리 | 부정 | 아니요 |
5563 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 🙂↕ -name | head shaking vertically |
끄덕끄덕 |
5564 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 🙂↕ –keywords | head | nod | shaking | vertically | yes |
고개를 끄덕이다 | 긍정 | 끄덕끄덕 | 예 | 주억거리다 |
5565 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-sleepy | 😌 -name | relieved face |
안심한 얼굴 |
5566 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-sleepy | 😌 –keywords | calm | face | peace | relief | relieved | zen |
안도 | 안심한 얼굴 | 얼굴 | 평화 | 표정 |
5567 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-sleepy | 😔 -name | pensive face |
수심 어린 얼굴 |
5568 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-sleepy | 😔 –keywords | awful | bored | dejected | died | disappointed | face | losing | lost | pensive | sad | sucks |
낙담 | 낙담한 얼굴 | 상실 | 수심 어린 얼굴 | 수심에 찬 얼굴 | 슬픈 | 실망한 | 얼굴 | 죽은 | 지루한 |
5569 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-sleepy | 😪 -name | sleepy face |
졸린 얼굴 |
5570 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-sleepy | 😪 –keywords | crying | face | good | night | sad | sleep | sleeping | sleepy | tired |
슬픈 | 얼굴 | 잠 | 졸린 얼굴 | 졸림 | 피곤한 |
5571 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-sleepy | 🤤 -name | drooling face |
침 흘리는 얼굴 |
5572 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-sleepy | 🤤 –keywords | drooling | face |
얼굴 | 주르륵 | 침 | 침 흘리는 얼굴 | 침흘리기 |
5573 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-sleepy | 😴 -name | sleeping face |
졸고 있는 얼굴 |
5574 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-sleepy | 😴 –keywords | bed | bedtime | face | good | goodnight | nap | night | sleep | sleeping | tired | whatever | yawn | zzz |
낮잠 | 어쨌든 | 얼굴 | 자고 있는 얼굴 | 자는 시간 | 자는 얼굴 | 잘자 | 잠 | 졸고 있는 얼굴 | 침대 | 쿨쿨쿨 | 하품 |
5575 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-sleepy | -name | face with bags under eyes |
다크서클이 있는 얼굴 |
5576 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-sleepy | –keywords | bags | bored | exhausted | eyes | face | fatigued | late | sleepy | tired | weary |
눈 | 늦은 | 다크서클 | 부종 | 얼굴 | 졸린 | 지루한 | 지친 | 피곤한 | 피로한 | 힘든 |
5577 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-unwell | 😷 -name | face with medical mask |
마스크 낀 얼굴 |
5578 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-unwell | 😷 –keywords | cold | dentist | dermatologist | doctor | dr | face | germs | mask | medical | medicine | sick |
감기 | 마스크 | 마스크 낀 얼굴 | 병균 | 세균 | 아픈 | 약 | 얼굴 | 의사 | 의학 | 치과의사 | 피부과 의사 | 황사 |
5579 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-unwell | 🤒 -name | face with thermometer |
체온계를 물고 있는 얼굴 |
5580 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-unwell | 🤒 –keywords | face | ill | sick | thermometer |
병 | 아픈 | 아픔 | 얼굴 | 체온계 | 체온계를 물고 있는 얼굴 |
5581 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-unwell | 🤕 -name | face with head-bandage |
머리에 붕대를 감은 얼굴 |
5582 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-unwell | 🤕 –keywords | bandage | face | head-bandage | hurt | injury | ouch |
머리에 붕대를 감은 얼굴 | 부상 | 붕대 | 상처 | 상처난 | 아야 | 아픈 | 얼굴 |
5583 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-unwell | 🤢 -name | nauseated face |
구역질을 하는 얼굴 |
5584 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-unwell | 🤢 –keywords | face | gross | nasty | nauseated | sick | vomit |
구역질을 하는 얼굴 | 구토 | 끔찍한 | 메스꺼운 | 속 울렁거림 | 아픈 | 얼굴 | 역겨운 | 토하기 |
5585 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-unwell | 🤮 -name | face vomiting |
토하는 얼굴 |
5586 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-unwell | 🤮 –keywords | barf | ew | face | gross | puke | sick | spew | throw | up | vomit | vomiting |
멀미 | 쏠려 | 아픈 | 토 | 토하는 | 토하는 얼굴 |
5587 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-unwell | 🤧 -name | sneezing face |
재채기하는 얼굴 |
5588 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-unwell | 🤧 –keywords | face | fever | flu | gesundheit | sick | sneeze | sneezing |
감기 | 독감 | 몸조심하세요 | 아픈 | 얼굴 | 에취 | 열 | 재채기 | 재채기하는 얼굴 | 휴지 |
5589 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-unwell | 🥵 -name | hot face |
더운 얼굴 |
5590 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-unwell | 🥵 –keywords | dying | face | feverish | heat | hot | panting | red-faced | stroke | sweating | tongue |
더운 | 더운 얼굴 | 더워 죽는 | 더위 먹은 | 땀 흘리는 | 빨개진 | 열나는 | 헐떡이는 |
5591 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-unwell | 🥶 -name | cold face |
추워하는 얼굴 |
5592 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-unwell | 🥶 –keywords | blue | blue-faced | cold | face | freezing | frostbite | icicles | subzero | teeth |
고드름 | 동상 | 새파랗게 질린 | 얼어붙은 | 이를 떠는 | 추운 | 추워하는 얼굴 |
5593 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-unwell | 🥴 -name | woozy face |
헤롱헤롱 얼굴 |
5594 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-unwell | 🥴 –keywords | dizzy | drunk | eyes | face | intoxicated | mouth | tipsy | uneven | wavy | woozy |
맛이 간 | 비뚤거리는 입 | 어지러운 | 짝짝이 눈 | 취한 | 헤롱거리는 | 헤롱헤롱 얼굴 |
5595 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-unwell | 😵 -name | face with crossed-out eyes |
어지러운 얼굴 |
5596 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-unwell | 😵 –keywords | crossed-out | dead | dizzy | eyes | face | feels | knocked | out | sick | tired |
아픔 | 어지러운 얼굴 | 어지러움 | 얼굴 | 죽음 | 피곤함 |
5597 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-unwell | 😵💫 -name | face with spiral eyes |
현기증 난 얼굴 |
5598 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-unwell | 😵💫 –keywords | confused | dizzy | eyes | face | hypnotized | omg | smiley | spiral | trouble | whoa | woah | woozy |
나선형 눈 | 미소 | 어지럼증 | 오마이갓 | 우와 | 헷갈림 | 현기증 | 현기증 난 얼굴 | 혼란 |
5599 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-unwell | 🤯 -name | exploding head |
폭발하는 얼굴 |
5600 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-unwell | 🤯 –keywords | blown | explode | exploding | head | mind | mindblown | no | shocked | way |
그럴리 없어 | 뚜껑 열린 머리 | 머리 폭발 | 충격 | 충격받은 | 폭발하는 얼굴 |
5601 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-hat | 🤠 -name | cowboy hat face |
카우보이 모자 쓴 얼굴 |
5602 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-hat | 🤠 –keywords | cowboy | cowgirl | face | hat |
모자 | 얼굴 | 카우걸 | 카우보이 | 카우보이 모자 쓴 얼굴 |
5603 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-hat | 🥳 -name | partying face |
파티하는 얼굴 |
5604 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-hat | 🥳 –keywords | bday | birthday | celebrate | celebration | excited | face | happy | hat | hooray | horn | party | partying |
고깔모자 | 나팔 | 모자 | 생일 | 신나는 | 얼굴 | 축하 | 파티 | 파티하는 얼굴 |
5605 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-hat | 🥸 -name | disguised face |
변장한 얼굴 |
5606 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-hat | 🥸 –keywords | disguise | eyebrow | face | glasses | incognito | moustache | mustache | nose | person | spy | tache | tash |
가면 | 눈썹 | 변장 | 변장한 얼굴 | 사람 | 수염 | 스파이 | 안경 | 얼굴 | 코 | 콧수염 |
5607 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-glasses | 😎 -name | smiling face with sunglasses |
선글라스 낀 얼굴 |
5608 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-glasses | 😎 –keywords | awesome | beach | bright | bro | chilling | cool | face | rad | relaxed | shades | slay | smile | style | sunglasses | swag | win |
개성있는 | 눈 | 눈부신 | 멋짐 | 미소 | 밝은 | 선글라스 | 선글라스 끼고 웃는 얼굴 | 선글라스 낀 얼굴 | 스웩 | 스타일 | 안경류 | 얼굴 | 예 |
5609 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-glasses | 🤓 -name | nerd face |
모범생 얼굴 |
5610 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-glasses | 🤓 –keywords | brainy | clever | expert | face | geek | gifted | glasses | intelligent | nerd | smart |
공부벌레 | 괴짜 | 너드 | 모범생 | 바보 | 범생이 | 샌님 | 스마트 | 안경 | 얼굴 | 전문가 | 총명 | 현명 |
5611 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-glasses | 🧐 -name | face with monocle |
단안경을 쓴 얼굴 |
5612 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-glasses | 🧐 –keywords | classy | face | fancy | monocle | rich | stuffy | wealthy |
단안경을 쓴 얼굴 | 부자 | 클래식한 | 화려한 |
5613 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😕 -name | confused face |
혼란스러워하는 얼굴 |
5614 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😕 –keywords | befuddled | confused | confusing | dunno | face | frown | hm | meh | not | sad | sorry | sure |
모르겠어 | 몰라 | 슬퍼 | 얼굴 | 정신이 없는 | 찡그린 | 헷갈림 | 혼란스러운 | 혼란스러워하는 얼굴 | 확신없는 |
5615 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 🫤 -name | face with diagonal mouth |
입이 한쪽으로 올라간 얼굴 |
5616 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 🫤 –keywords | confused | confusion | diagonal | disappointed | doubt | doubtful | face | frustrated | frustration | meh | mouth | skeptical | unsure | whatever | wtv |
별로 | 실망 | 의문 | 의심 | 입이 한쪽으로 올라간 얼굴 | 헷갈리는 | 혼란 | 확신이 없음 | 회의적인 |
5617 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😟 -name | worried face |
걱정스러운 얼굴 |
5618 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😟 –keywords | anxious | butterflies | face | nerves | nervous | sad | stress | stressed | surprised | worried | worry |
걱정 | 걱정스러운 얼굴 | 걱정스러움 | 긴장한 | 놀람 | 스트레스 | 슬픔 | 얼굴 | 염려스러운 | 울렁거림 |
5619 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 🙁 -name | slightly frowning face |
살짝 찡그린 얼굴 |
5620 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 🙁 –keywords | face | frown | frowning | sad | slightly |
살짝 찡그린 얼굴 | 슬픔 | 얼굴 | 찡그린 얼굴 | 찡그림 |
5621 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | ☹ -name | frowning face |
찡그린 얼굴 |
5622 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | ☹ –keywords | face | frown | frowning | sad |
슬픔 | 얼굴 | 찡그린 얼굴 | 찡그림 |
5623 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😮 -name | face with open mouth |
입벌린 얼굴 |
5624 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😮 –keywords | believe | face | forgot | mouth | omg | open | shocked | surprised | sympathy | unbelievable | unreal | whoa | wow | you |
놀람 | 맙소사 | 믿을 수 없는 | 얼굴 | 오마이갓 | 와 | 입벌린 얼굴 | 입벌림 | 잊어버린 | 충격 |
5625 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😯 -name | hushed face |
숨죽인 얼굴 |
5626 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😯 –keywords | epic | face | hushed | omg | stunned | surprised | whoa | woah |
놀란 | 맙소사 | 망연자실한 | 먹먹한 | 숨죽인 | 숨죽임 | 얼굴 | 엄청난 | 후아 |
5627 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😲 -name | astonished face |
깜짝 놀란 얼굴 |
5628 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😲 –keywords | astonished | cost | face | no | omg | shocked | totally | way |
깜짝 놀란 얼굴 | 놀라움 | 놀란 얼굴 | 뭐라구 | 비용 | 어이없음 | 얼굴 | 오마이갓 | 충격 |
5629 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😳 -name | flushed face |
상기된 얼굴 |
5630 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😳 –keywords | amazed | awkward | crazy | dazed | dead | disbelief | embarrassed | face | flushed | geez | heat | hot | impressed | jeez | what | wow |
눈을 크게 뜬 얼굴 | 달아오른 얼굴 | 당황스러워 | 말도 안돼 | 뭐 | 붉힌 | 붉힌열이 오른 | 상기된 | 얼굴 | 얼굴 붉힘 | 충격적 | 황당해 |
5631 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 🥺 -name | pleading face |
애원하는 얼굴 |
5632 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 🥺 –keywords | begging | big | eyes | face | mercy | not | pleading | please | pretty | puppy | sad | why |
강아지 눈 | 글썽이는 눈 | 너무 슬프지 않니 | 애원하는 | 애원하는 얼굴 | 자비 | 자비를 구하는 | 큰 눈 |
5633 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 🥹 -name | face holding back tears |
눈물을 참는 얼굴 |
5634 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 🥹 –keywords | admiration | aww | back | cry | embarrassed | face | feelings | grateful | gratitude | holding | joy | please | proud | resist | sad | tears |
감사 | 감정 | 감탄 | 기쁨의 눈물 | 눈물을 참는 얼굴 | 당황 | 슬픔 | 아 | 오 | 울음 | 자랑스러운 | 자랑스러움 | 제발 | 참음 | 플리즈 | 필링 | 화난 | 훌륭한 |
5635 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😦 -name | frowning face with open mouth |
입 벌리고 찌푸린 얼굴 |
5636 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😦 –keywords | caught | face | frown | frowning | guard | mouth | open | scared | scary | surprise | what | wow |
겁먹은 | 놀람 | 무서운 | 뭐 | 벌린 | 얼굴 | 와우 | 입 | 입 벌리고 불쾌한 얼굴 | 입 벌리고 찌푸린 얼굴 | 찌푸린 얼굴 | 허를 찔리다 |
5637 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😧 -name | anguished face |
괴로워하는 얼굴 |
5638 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😧 –keywords | anguished | face | forgot | scared | scary | stressed | surprise | unhappy | what | wow |
겁먹은 | 고민이 많은 | 괴로움 | 괴로워하는 얼굴 | 까먹은 | 놀람 | 무서운 | 불행 | 스트레스 | 얼굴 | 와우 |
5639 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😨 -name | fearful face |
두려워하는 얼굴 |
5640 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😨 –keywords | afraid | anxious | blame | face | fear | fearful | scared | worried |
걱정스러운 | 공포 | 공포에 가득찬 얼굴 | 두려움 | 두려워하는 얼굴 | 비난 | 얼굴 | 염려되는 |
5641 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😰 -name | anxious face with sweat |
땀 흘리며 불안해하는 얼굴 |
5642 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😰 –keywords | anxious | blue | cold | eek | face | mouth | nervous | open | rushed | scared | sweat | yikes |
긴장한 | 달콤 | 땀 흘리며 불안해하는 얼굴 | 새파랗게 질린 | 서두른 | 식은땀 | 얼굴 | 입 | 추운 |
5643 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😥 -name | sad but relieved face |
실망했지만 안도하는 얼굴 |
5644 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😥 –keywords | anxious | call | close | complicated | disappointed | face | not | relieved | sad | sweat | time | whew |
구사일생 | 복잡한 | 슬픈 | 실망감 | 실망하는 얼굴 | 실망했지만 안도하는 얼굴 | 안도감 | 얼굴 | 지금 말고 | 휴 |
5645 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😢 -name | crying face |
우는 얼굴 |
5646 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😢 –keywords | awful | cry | crying | face | feels | miss | sad | tear | triste | unhappy |
감정 | 그리움 | 끔찍한 | 눈물 | 불행 | 얼굴 | 우는 얼굴 | 울음 |
5647 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😭 -name | loudly crying face |
엉엉 우는 얼굴 |
5648 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😭 –keywords | bawling | cry | crying | face | loudly | sad | sob | tear | tears | unhappy |
눈물 | 대성통곡 | 불행 | 슬픔 | 얼굴 | 엉엉 | 엉엉 우는 얼굴 | 울음 | 훌쩍 |
5649 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😱 -name | face screaming in fear |
공포에 절규하는 얼굴 |
5650 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😱 –keywords | epic | face | fear | fearful | munch | scared | scream | screamer | screaming | shocked | surprised | woah |
공포 | 공포에 절규하는 얼굴 | 두려운 | 무서운 | 뭉크 | 비명 | 소리 지르는 얼굴 | 얼굴 | 충격받은 | 후아 |
5651 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😖 -name | confounded face |
당혹한 얼굴 |
5652 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😖 –keywords | annoyed | confounded | confused | cringe | distraught | face | feels | frustrated | mad | sad |
당혹한 얼굴 | 당혹함 | 당황한 얼굴 | 민망함 | 슬픔 | 어이없음 | 얼굴 | 좌절함 | 짜증남 | 혼란스러움 |
5653 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😣 -name | persevering face |
참아내는 얼굴 |
5654 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😣 –keywords | concentrate | concentration | face | focus | headache | persevere | persevering |
두통 | 머리아픈 | 실수한 후 얼굴 | 얼굴 | 얼빠짐 | 인내하는 얼굴 | 집중하는 | 참아내는 얼굴 | 초집중 |
5655 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😞 -name | disappointed face |
실망한 얼굴 |
5656 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😞 –keywords | awful | blame | dejected | disappointed | face | fail | losing | sad | unhappy |
끔찍한 | 낙담한 | 불행 | 비난 | 상실 | 슬픔 | 실망 | 실망한 얼굴 | 실패 | 얼굴 |
5657 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😓 -name | downcast face with sweat |
식은땀 흘리는 얼굴 |
5658 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😓 –keywords | close | cold | downcast | face | feels | headache | nervous | sad | scared | sweat | yikes |
겁먹은 | 긴장한 | 느낌 | 땀흘리는 | 슬픔 | 식은땀 | 식은땀 흘리는 얼굴 | 아슬아슬한 | 아이쿠 | 얼굴 |
5659 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😩 -name | weary face |
지친 얼굴 |
5660 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😩 –keywords | crying | face | fail | feels | hungry | mad | nooo | sad | sleepy | tired | unhappy | weary |
배고픈 | 불행 | 실패 | 아니 | 안돼 | 얼굴 | 우는 | 졸린 | 지친 얼굴 | 지침 |
5661 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😫 -name | tired face |
피곤한 얼굴 |
5662 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😫 –keywords | cost | face | feels | nap | sad | sneeze | tired |
낮잠 | 느낌 | 비용 | 슬픔 | 얼굴 | 재채기 | 피곤한 얼굴 | 피곤함 |
5663 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 🥱 -name | yawning face |
하품하는 얼굴 |
5664 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 🥱 –keywords | bedtime | bored | face | goodnight | nap | night | sleep | sleepy | tired | whatever | yawn | yawning | zzz |
아무튼 | 안녕히 주무세요 | 잘 시간 | 잘자 | 지루함 | 쿨쿨쿨 | 피곤함 | 하품 | 하품하는 얼굴 |
5665 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-negative | 😤 -name | face with steam from nose |
화내며 씩씩거리는 얼굴 |
5666 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-negative | 😤 –keywords | anger | angry | face | feels | fume | fuming | furious | fury | mad | nose | steam | triumph | unhappy | won |
느낌 | 분노 | 불행 | 승리감 | 얼굴 | 열받은 | 이겼다 | 화가난 | 화내며 씩씩거리는 얼굴 |
5667 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-negative | 😡 -name | enraged face |
뾰로통한 얼굴 |
5668 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-negative | 😡 –keywords | anger | angry | enraged | face | feels | mad | maddening | pouting | rage | red | shade | unhappy | upset |
느낌 | 불행한 | 뾰로통한 얼굴 | 뾰로통함 | 새빨간 | 얼굴 | 열받은 | 화난 |
5669 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-negative | 😠 -name | angry face |
화난 얼굴 |
5670 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-negative | 😠 –keywords | anger | angry | blame | face | feels | frustrated | mad | maddening | rage | shade | unhappy | upset |
느낌 | 분노 | 불행 | 비난 | 얼굴 | 열받은 | 좌절 | 화 | 화난 얼굴 | 황당 |
5671 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-negative | 🤬 -name | face with symbols on mouth |
욕하는 얼굴 |
5672 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-negative | 🤬 –keywords | censor | cursing | cussing | face | mad | mouth | pissed | swearing | symbols |
열받은 | 욕 | 욕하는 | 욕하는 얼굴 | 화난 |
5673 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-negative | 😈 -name | smiling face with horns |
머리에 뿔이 달린 웃는 얼굴 |
5674 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-negative | 😈 –keywords | demon | devil | evil | face | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | horns | purple | shade | smile | smiling | tale |
동화 | 머리에 뿔이 달린 웃는 얼굴 | 미소 | 뿔 | 스마일 | 악마 | 얼굴 | 웃는 얼굴 |
5675 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-negative | 👿 -name | angry face with horns |
머리에 뿔이 달린 화난 얼굴 |
5676 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-negative | 👿 –keywords | angry | demon | devil | evil | face | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | horns | imp | mischievous | purple | shade | tale |
꼬마 악마 | 동화 | 머리에 뿔이 달린 화난 얼굴 | 악마 | 얼굴 | 판타지 |
5677 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-negative | 💀 -name | skull |
해골 |
5678 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-negative | 💀 –keywords | body | dead | death | face | fairy | fairytale | i’m | lmao | monster | skull | tale | yolo |
나 죽었어 | 동화 | 몸 | 얼굴 | 요정이야기 | 욜로 | 죽음 | 진짜 웃겨 | 해골 | 해골 바가지 |
5679 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-negative | ☠ -name | skull and crossbones |
해골과 뼈다귀 |
5680 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-negative | ☠ –keywords | bone | crossbones | dead | death | face | monster | skull |
몬스터 | 뼈 | 뼈다귀 | 죽은 | 죽음 | 해골 | 해골과 뼈다귀 |
5681 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-costume | 💩 -name | pile of poo |
똥 |
5682 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-costume | 💩 –keywords | bs | comic | doo | dung | face | fml | monster | pile | poo | poop | smelly | smh | stink | stinks | stinky | turd |
괴물 | 냄새 | 냄새가 지독한 | 똥 | 똥덩어리 | 똥무더기 | 만화 | 몬스터 | 아 짜증나 | 얼굴 | 코믹 |
5683 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-costume | 🤡 -name | clown face |
어릿광대 얼굴 |
5684 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-costume | 🤡 –keywords | clown | face |
광대 | 어릿광대 | 얼굴 |
5685 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-costume | 👹 -name | ogre |
도깨비 가면 |
5686 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-costume | 👹 –keywords | creature | devil | face | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | mask | monster | ogre | scary | tale |
가면 | 괴물 | 도깨비 | 도깨비 얼굴 | 동화 | 몬스터 | 무서운 | 생명체 | 일본 |
5687 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-costume | 👺 -name | goblin |
코주부 도깨비 가면 |
5688 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-costume | 👺 –keywords | angry | creature | face | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | goblin | mask | mean | monster | tale |
가면 | 도깨비 | 동화 | 몬스터 | 심술궂은 | 얼굴 | 일본 | 코주부 도깨비 | 코주부 도깨비 가면 | 판타지 | 화난 |
5689 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-costume | 👻 -name | ghost |
유령 |
5690 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-costume | 👻 –keywords | boo | creature | excited | face | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | ghost | halloween | haunting | monster | scary | silly | tale |
고스트 | 귀신 | 귀신얼굴 | 동화 | 어이없는 | 얼굴 | 유령 | 판타지 | 할로윈 | 흥분한 |
5691 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-costume | 👽 -name | alien |
외계인 |
5692 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-costume | 👽 –keywords | alien | creature | extraterrestrial | face | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | monster | space | tale | ufo |
UFO | 괴물 | 동화 | 몬스터 | 에일리언 | 왕눈이 | 외계생명체 | 외계인 | 판타지 |
5693 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-costume | 👾 -name | alien monster |
에일리언 |
5694 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-costume | 👾 –keywords | alien | creature | extraterrestrial | face | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | game | gamer | games | monster | pixelated | space | tale | ufo |
UFO | 게이머 | 게임 | 몬스터 | 생명체 | 에일리언 | 외계 괴물 | 외계인 | 우주 | 우주 침략자 | 우주생명체 | 판타지 |
5695 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-costume | 🤖 -name | robot |
로봇 얼굴 |
5696 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-costume | 🤖 –keywords | face | monster | robot |
로봇 | 몬스터 | 얼굴 |
5697 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | cat-face | 😺 -name | grinning cat |
활짝 웃는 고양이 얼굴 |
5698 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | cat-face | 😺 –keywords | animal | cat | face | grinning | mouth | open | smile | smiling |
고양이 | 동물 | 벌린 | 얼굴 | 입 | 입벌리고 활짝 웃는 고양이 | 활짝 웃는 고양이 얼굴 |
5699 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | cat-face | 😸 -name | grinning cat with smiling eyes |
미소 짓는 눈으로 활짝 웃는 고양이 얼굴 |
5700 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | cat-face | 😸 –keywords | animal | cat | eye | eyes | face | grin | grinning | smile | smiling |
고양이 | 동물 | 미소 | 미소 짓는 눈으로 활짝 웃는 고양이 얼굴 | 얼굴 |
5701 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | cat-face | 😹 -name | cat with tears of joy |
기쁨의 눈물을 흘리는 고양이 얼굴 |
5702 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | cat-face | 😹 –keywords | animal | cat | face | joy | laugh | laughing | lol | tear | tears |
고양이 | 기뻐하면서 우는 고양이 | 기쁨 | 기쁨의 눈물 | 기쁨의 눈물을 흘리는 고양이 얼굴 | 눈물 | 동물 | 웃음 |
5703 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | cat-face | 😻 -name | smiling cat with heart-eyes |
하트 눈 고양이 얼굴 |
5704 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | cat-face | 😻 –keywords | animal | cat | eye | face | heart | heart-eyes | love | smile | smiling |
고양이 | 눈 | 동물 | 사랑 | 사랑에 빠진 고양이 | 얼굴 | 하트 | 하트모양 눈으로 미소짓는 고양이 얼굴 |
5705 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | cat-face | 😼 -name | cat with wry smile |
썩소 짓는 고양이 |
5706 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | cat-face | 😼 –keywords | animal | cat | face | ironic | smile | wry |
고소하다는 웃음 짓는 고양이 | 고양이 | 동물 | 쌤통 | 썩소 짓는 고양이 | 아이러니한 | 얼굴 |
5707 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | cat-face | 😽 -name | kissing cat |
키스하는 고양이 얼굴 |
5708 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | cat-face | 😽 –keywords | animal | cat | closed | eye | eyes | face | kiss | kissing |
고양이 | 눈 | 눈 감고 뽀뽀하는 고양이 | 동물 | 뽀뽀 | 키스 | 키스하는 고양이 얼굴 |
5709 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | cat-face | 🙀 -name | weary cat |
절규하는 고양이 얼굴 |
5710 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | cat-face | 🙀 –keywords | animal | cat | face | oh | surprised | weary |
고양이 | 놀람 | 동물 | 맙소사 | 얼굴 | 오 | 절규하는 고양이 얼굴 |
5711 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | cat-face | 😿 -name | crying cat |
울고 있는 고양이 얼굴 |
5712 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | cat-face | 😿 –keywords | animal | cat | cry | crying | face | sad | tear |
고양이 | 눈물 | 눈물 흘리는 고양이 | 동물 | 슬픈 | 울고 있는 고양이 | 울고 있는 고양이 얼굴 | 훌쩍 |
5713 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | cat-face | 😾 -name | pouting cat |
뾰로통한 고양이 얼굴 |
5714 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | cat-face | 😾 –keywords | animal | cat | face | pouting |
고양이 | 동물 | 뾰로통한 고양이 얼굴 | 토라진 | 토라짐 |
5715 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | monkey-face | 🙈 -name | see-no-evil monkey |
눈을 가리고 있는 원숭이 |
5716 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | monkey-face | 🙈 –keywords | embarrassed | evil | face | forbidden | forgot | gesture | hide | monkey | no | omg | prohibited | scared | secret | smh | watch |
금지 | 금지된 | 나쁜것은 보지도 말라 | 눈을 가리고 있는 원숭이 | 동물 | 맙소사 | 무서운 | 보다 | 볼수 없음 | 부끄러워 | 비밀 | 손으로 눈을 가린 원숭이 | 아니 | 아무것도 안 보려는 원숭이 | 악마 | 얼굴 | 오마이갓 | 원숭이 | 제스처 |
5717 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | monkey-face | 🙉 -name | hear-no-evil monkey |
귀를 막고 있는 원숭이 |
5718 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | monkey-face | 🙉 –keywords | animal | ears | evil | face | forbidden | gesture | hear | listen | monkey | no | not | prohibited | secret | shh | tmi |
귀를 막고 있는 원숭이 | 금지 | 나쁜것은 듣지도 말라 | 동물 | 듣기 | 비밀 | 손으로 귀를 가린 원숭이 | 쉿 | 아무것도 안 들리는 원숭이 | 악마 | 안됨 | 원숭이 | 제스처 |
5719 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | monkey-face | 🙊 -name | speak-no-evil monkey |
입을 막고 있는 원숭이 |
5720 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | monkey-face | 🙊 –keywords | animal | evil | face | forbidden | gesture | monkey | no | not | oops | prohibited | quiet | secret | speak | stealth |
금지 | 나쁜것은 말하지도 말라 | 말하다 | 비밀 | 손으로 입을 가린 원숭이 | 아무것도 말할 수 없는 원숭이 | 악마 | 안됨 | 얼굴 | 웁스 | 원숭이 | 입을 막고 있는 원숭이 | 제스처 | 조용한 |
5721 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💌 -name | love letter |
러브레터 |
5722 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💌 –keywords | heart | letter | love | mail | romance | valentine |
러브레터 | 로맨스 | 발렌타인 | 사랑 고백 | 연애 편지 | 편지 | 하트 |
5723 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💘 -name | heart with arrow |
화살이 꽂힌 하트 |
5724 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💘 –keywords | 143 | adorbs | arrow | cupid | date | emotion | heart | ily | love | romance | valentine |
데이트 | 로맨스 | 발렌타인 | 사랑 | 사랑스러움 | 사랑해 | 연애 | 큐피드 | 하트 | 화살이 꽂힌 하트 |
5725 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💝 -name | heart with ribbon |
리본 달린 하트 |
5726 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💝 –keywords | 143 | anniversary | emotion | heart | ily | kisses | ribbon | valentine | xoxo |
감정 | 기념일 | 리본 | 리본 달린 하트 | 발렌타인 초콜렛 상자 | 사랑 | 사랑해 | 선물 상자 | 키스 | 하트 |
5727 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💖 -name | sparkling heart |
빛나는 하트 |
5728 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💖 –keywords | 143 | emotion | excited | good | heart | ily | kisses | morning | night | sparkle | sparkling | xoxo |
감정 | 기쁨으로 가득찬 마음 | 두근거림 | 빛나는 하트 | 뽀뽀 | 뿅뿅 | 사랑 | 사랑의 기쁨 | 사랑해 | 설렘 | 아침 | 좋은 밤 | 키스 | 하트 |
5729 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💗 -name | growing heart |
커지는 하트 |
5730 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💗 –keywords | 143 | emotion | excited | growing | heart | heartpulse | ily | kisses | muah | nervous | pulse | xoxo |
감정 | 긴장 | 깊어지는 마음 | 깊어지는 사랑 | 맥박 | 무아 | 뽀뽀 | 사랑 | 사랑해 | 심장박동 | 커지는 마음 | 커지는 하트 | 키스 | 하트 | 흥분함 |
5731 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💓 -name | beating heart |
두근거리는 하트 |
5732 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💓 –keywords | 143 | beating | cardio | emotion | heart | heartbeat | ily | love | pulsating | pulse |
감정 | 두근거리는 마음 | 두근거리는 하트 | 두근두근 | 떨리는 마음 | 맥박 | 사랑 | 사랑해 | 심장 | 하트 |
5733 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💞 -name | revolving hearts |
회전하는 하트 |
5734 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💞 –keywords | 143 | adorbs | anniversary | emotion | heart | hearts | revolving |
감정 | 귀여움 | 기념일 | 빙글빙글 | 사랑 | 사랑스러움 | 하트 | 회전하는 하트 |
5735 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💕 -name | two hearts |
하트 두 개 |
5736 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💕 –keywords | 143 | anniversary | date | dating | emotion | heart | hearts | ily | kisses | love | loving | two | xoxo |
감정 | 기념일 | 뽀뽀 | 사랑 | 사랑하는 | 사랑해 | 연애 | 연인 | 하트 | 하트 두 개 |
5737 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💟 -name | heart decoration |
하트 장식 |
5738 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💟 –keywords | 143 | decoration | emotion | heart | hearth | purple | white |
보라색 하트 | 퍼플 하트 | 하얀색 하트 | 하트 | 하트 장식 | 화이트 하트 |
5739 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | ❣ -name | heart exclamation |
하트 모양 느낌표 |
5740 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | ❣ –keywords | exclamation | heart | heavy | mark | punctuation |
느낌표 | 문장 부호 | 표시 | 하트 | 하트 모양 느낌표 |
5741 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💔 -name | broken heart |
깨진 하트 |
5742 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💔 –keywords | break | broken | crushed | emotion | heart | heartbroken | lonely | sad |
가슴이 아픈 | 감정 | 결별 | 깨진 하트 | 슬픔 | 외로움 | 이별 | 이별의 고통 | 이별의 아픔 | 헤어짐 |
5743 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | ❤🔥 -name | heart on fire |
불 난 하트 |
5744 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | ❤🔥 –keywords | burn | fire | heart | love | lust | sacred |
마음 | 불 난 하트 | 불타는 사랑 | 사랑 | 하트 |
5745 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | ❤🩹 -name | mending heart |
낫고 있는 하트 |
5746 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | ❤🩹 –keywords | healthier | heart | improving | mending | recovering | recuperating | well |
개선 | 건강 | 낫고 있는 하트 | 치유 | 회복 | 힐링 |
5747 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | ❤ -name | red heart |
빨간색 하트 |
5748 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | ❤ –keywords | emotion | heart | love | red |
감정 | 마음 | 빨간색 하트 | 사랑 | 하트 |
5749 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 🩷 -name | pink heart |
분홍색 하트 |
5750 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 🩷 –keywords | 143 | adorable | cute | emotion | heart | ily | like | love | pink | special | sweet |
귀여움 | 분홍색 | 사랑해 | 좋아해 | 하트 |
5751 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 🧡 -name | orange heart |
주황색 하트 |
5752 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 🧡 –keywords | 143 | heart | orange |
오렌지색 | 오렌지색 하트 | 주황색 하트 |
5753 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💛 -name | yellow heart |
노란색 하트 |
5754 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💛 –keywords | 143 | cardiac | emotion | heart | ily | love | yellow |
감정 | 노란 하트 | 노란색 | 사랑 | 사랑해 | 심장 | 하트 |
5755 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💚 -name | green heart |
초록색 하트 |
5756 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💚 –keywords | 143 | emotion | green | heart | ily | love | romantic |
감정 | 그린 | 녹색 하트 | 로맨틱 | 사랑 | 사랑해 | 초록색 하트 | 하트 |
5757 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💙 -name | blue heart |
파란색 하트 |
5758 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💙 –keywords | 143 | blue | emotion | heart | ily | love | romance |
감정 | 로맨스 | 사랑 | 사랑해 | 파란 하트 | 파란색 | 하트 |
5759 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 🩵 -name | light blue heart |
밝은 파란색 하트 |
5760 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 🩵 –keywords | 143 | blue | cute | cyan | emotion | heart | ily | light | like | love | sky | special | teal |
밝은 파란색 | 밝은 파란색 하트 | 청록색 | 푸른 | 하늘색 하트 | 하트 |
5761 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💜 -name | purple heart |
보라색 하트 |
5762 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💜 –keywords | 143 | bestest | emotion | heart | ily | love | purple |
감정 | 보라색 하트 | 사랑 | 사랑해 | 하트 |
5763 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 🤎 -name | brown heart |
갈색 하트 |
5764 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 🤎 –keywords | 143 | brown | heart |
갈색 | 하트 |
5765 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 🖤 -name | black heart |
검은색 하트 |
5766 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 🖤 –keywords | black | evil | heart | wicked |
검은색 하트 | 검정 | 블랙 | 사악한 | 악 | 하트 |
5767 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 🩶 -name | grey heart |
회색 하트 |
5768 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 🩶 –keywords | 143 | emotion | gray | grey | heart | ily | love | silver | slate | special |
슬레이트색 | 은색 | 하트 | 회색 |
5769 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 🤍 -name | white heart |
흰색 하트 |
5770 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 🤍 –keywords | 143 | heart | white |
하트 | 흰색 |
5771 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 💋 -name | kiss mark |
입술 |
5772 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 💋 –keywords | dating | emotion | heart | kiss | kissing | lips | mark | romance | sexy |
감정 | 로맨스 | 뽀뽀 | 섹시 | 연애 | 입술 | 쪼옥 | 쪽 | 키스 | 하트 |
5773 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 💯 -name | hundred points |
백점 |
5774 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 💯 –keywords | 100 | a+ | agree | clearly | definitely | faithful | fleek | full | hundred | keep | perfect | point | score | TRUE | truth | yup |
A+ | 동의 | 득점 | 만점 | 백점 | 자신 있는 | 점수 | 진실 | 진짜 | 최고점 |
5775 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 💢 -name | anger symbol |
화남 |
5776 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 💢 –keywords | anger | angry | comic | mad | symbol | upset |
기호 | 울컥 | 화 | 화남 |
5777 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 💥 -name | collision |
충돌 |
5778 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 💥 –keywords | bomb | boom | collide | collision | comic | explode |
꽝 | 만화 | 충돌 | 코믹 | 쾅 | 폭발 |
5779 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 💫 -name | dizzy |
어지러움 |
5780 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 💫 –keywords | comic | dizzy | shining | shooting | star | stars |
띠용 | 반짝반짝 | 별 | 별똥별 | 슈팅스타 | 어지러움 | 어질어질 | 코믹 |
5781 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 💦 -name | sweat droplets |
땀 |
5782 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 💦 –keywords | comic | drip | droplet | droplets | drops | splashing | squirt | sweat | water | wet | work | workout |
곤란 | 당황 | 땀 | 만화 | 물 | 삐질삐질 | 운동 | 코믹 |
5783 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 💨 -name | dashing away |
달려나감 |
5784 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 💨 –keywords | away | cloud | comic | dash | dashing | fart | fast | go | gone | gotta | running | smoke |
가버림 | 구름 | 달려나감 | 달리기 | 만화 | 빠른 | 슝 | 연기 | 코믹 | 후다닥 |
5785 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 🕳 -name | hole |
구멍 |
5786 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 🕳 –keywords | hole |
검은 구멍 | 구멍 |
5787 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 💬 -name | speech balloon |
말풍선 |
5788 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 💬 –keywords | balloon | bubble | comic | dialog | message | sms | speech | talk | text | typing |
대화 | 대화창 | 만화 | 말 | 말풍선 | 메시지 | 문자 | 풍선 |
5789 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 👁🗨 -name | eye in speech bubble |
말풍선 속 눈 |
5790 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 👁🗨 –keywords | balloon | bubble | eye | speech | witness |
눈 | 말풍선 | 말풍선 속 눈 | 목격자 |
5791 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 🗨 -name | left speech bubble |
왼쪽 말풍선 |
5792 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 🗨 –keywords | balloon | bubble | dialog | left | speech |
말 | 말풍선 | 왼쪽 말풍선 |
5793 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 🗯 -name | right anger bubble |
화난 표현의 오른쪽 말풍선 |
5794 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 🗯 –keywords | anger | angry | balloon | bubble | mad | right |
말풍선 | 버블 | 풍선 | 화난 | 화난 표현의 오른쪽 말풍선 | 화남 |
5795 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 💭 -name | thought balloon |
생각 풍선 |
5796 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 💭 –keywords | balloon | bubble | cartoon | cloud | comic | daydream | decisions | dream | idea | invent | invention | realize | think | thoughts | wonder |
결심 | 구름 | 깨달음 | 꿈 | 만화 | 몽상 | 발명 | 버블 | 생각 | 풍선 |
5797 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 💤 -name | ZZZ |
졸림 |
5798 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 💤 –keywords | comic | good | goodnight | night | sleep | sleeping | sleepy | tired | zzz |
만화 | 밤 | 수면 | 안녕히 주무세요 | 자고 있음 | 자는 중 | 잘자 | 졸림 | 코믹 | 쿨쿨 |
5799 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-open | 👋 -name | waving hand |
흔드는 손 |
5800 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-open | 👋 –keywords | bye | cya | g2g | greetings | gtg | hand | hello | hey | hi | later | outtie | ttfn | ttyl | wave | yo | you |
거기 있어? | 나중에 봐 | 똑똑 | 바이 | 안녕 | 이따가 봐 | 잘가 | 펼친 손 | 헤이 | 흔드는 손 |
5801 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-open | 🤚 -name | raised back of hand |
손등 |
5802 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-open | 🤚 –keywords | back | backhand | hand | raised |
들어보이기 | 손등 | 손바닥 |
5803 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-open | 🖐 -name | hand with fingers splayed |
쫙 편 손바닥 |
5804 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-open | 🖐 –keywords | finger | fingers | hand | raised | splayed | stop |
손 | 손가락 | 손바닥 | 스톱 | 안녕 | 인사 | 정지 | 쫙 편 손바닥 |
5805 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-open | ✋ -name | raised hand |
손바닥 |
5806 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-open | ✋ –keywords | 5 | five | hand | high | raised | stop |
5 | 다섯 | 보 | 보자기 | 손들어 | 손바닥 | 하이파이브 |
5807 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-open | 🖖 -name | vulcan salute |
벌칸식 인사 |
5808 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-open | 🖖 –keywords | finger | hand | hands | salute | Vulcan |
경례 | 벌칸식 인사 | 벌컨 | 벌컨 인사 | 손 | 손 모양 | 손가락 | 스타트렉 | 스팍 |
5809 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-open | 🫱 -name | rightwards hand |
오른쪽으로 향하는 손등 |
5810 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-open | 🫱 –keywords | hand | handshake | hold | reach | right | rightward | rightwards | shake |
닿다 | 뻗다 | 손 | 악수 | 오른손 | 오른쪽 | 오른쪽 방향 | 오른쪽으로 향하는 손등 | 우측 | 우측 방향 | 잡다 | 흔들다 |
5811 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-open | 🫲 -name | leftwards hand |
왼쪽으로 향하는 손바닥 |
5812 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-open | 🫲 –keywords | hand | handshake | hold | left | leftward | leftwards | reach | shake |
뻗다 | 손 | 악수 | 왼손 | 왼쪽 | 왼쪽 방향 | 왼쪽으로 향하는 손바닥 | 좌측 | 좌측 방향 | 흔들다 |
5813 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-open | 🫳 -name | palm down hand |
손바닥을 아래로 향한 손 |
5814 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-open | 🫳 –keywords | dismiss | down | drop | dropped | hand | palm | pick | shoo | up |
그만두다 | 그만두라는 손 | 떨어뜨리다 | 물러나 | 손 | 손바닥을 아래로 향한 손 | 저리 가 | 줍다 | 집다 | 핸드 |
5815 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-open | 🫴 -name | palm up hand |
손바닥을 위로 향한 손 |
5816 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-open | 🫴 –keywords | beckon | catch | come | hand | hold | know | lift | me | offer | palm | tell |
들다 | 리프트 | 말해 줘 | 몰라 | 부르는 손 | 손바닥을 위로 향한 손 | 알려줘 | 이리 와 | 잡기 | 제안 | 핸드 |
5817 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-open | 🫷 -name | leftwards pushing hand |
왼쪽으로 밀치는 손 |
5818 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-open | 🫷 –keywords | block | five | halt | hand | high | hold | leftward | leftwards | pause | push | pushing | refuse | slap | stop | wait |
거절 | 그만 | 기다려 | 밀치기 | 왼쪽 방향 | 왼쪽으로 밀치는 손 | 하이 파이브 |
5819 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-open | 🫸 -name | rightwards pushing hand |
오른쪽으로 밀치는 손 |
5820 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-open | 🫸 –keywords | block | five | halt | hand | high | hold | pause | push | pushing | refuse | rightward | rightwards | slap | stop | wait |
거절 | 그만 | 기다려 | 밀치기 | 오른쪽 방향 | 오른쪽으로 밀치는 손 | 하이 파이브 |
5821 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-partial | 👌 -name | OK hand |
오케이를 표시한 손 |
5822 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-partial | 👌 –keywords | awesome | bet | dope | fleek | fosho | got | gotcha | hand | legit | OK | okay | pinch | rad | sure | sweet | three |
3 | OK | 꼬집기 | 내기 | 당근 | 돈 | 바보 | 셋 | 손 | 알겠어 | 알았어 | 오케이 신호 | 오케이를 표시한 손 | 좋아 | 한꼬집 |
5823 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-partial | 🤌 -name | pinched fingers |
꼬집는 손가락 |
5824 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-partial | 🤌 –keywords | fingers | gesture | hand | hold | huh | interrogation | patience | pinched | relax | sarcastic | ugh | what | zip |
기다려 | 꼬집는 | 릴랙스 | 뭐 | 빈정대는 | 손 | 손가락 | 손동작 | 악 | 인내 | 입다물어 | 진정 | 질문 |
5825 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-partial | 🤏 -name | pinching hand |
꼬집는 손 |
5826 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-partial | 🤏 –keywords | amount | bit | fingers | hand | little | pinching | small | sort |
꼬집는 손 | 손가락 | 적은 양을 나타내는 손 | 조금 | 한 꼬집 |
5827 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-partial | ✌ -name | victory hand |
브이 표시 |
5828 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-partial | ✌ –keywords | hand | peace | v | victory |
가위 | 브이 표시 | 브이하는 손 | 빅토리 | 손 | 승리 | 찌 | 평화 |
5829 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-partial | 🤞 -name | crossed fingers |
검지와 중지 크로스 |
5830 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-partial | 🤞 –keywords | cross | crossed | finger | fingers | hand | luck |
검지 | 검지와 중지 크로스 | 교차 | 손 | 손가락 | 중지 | 크로스 | 행운 |
5831 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-partial | 🫰 -name | hand with index finger and thumb crossed |
엄지와 중지를 교차한 손 |
5832 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-partial | 🫰 –keywords | <3 | crossed | expensive | finger | hand | heart | index | love | money | snap | thumb |
너무 비싼 | 돈 | 딱딱 | 머니 | 비싼 | 사랑 | 손 | 손가락 하트 | 엄지와 중지를 교차한 손 | 하트 |
5833 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-partial | 🤟 -name | love-you gesture |
사랑을 표시하는 손 |
5834 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-partial | 🤟 –keywords | fingers | gesture | hand | ILY | love | love-you | three | you |
사랑 제스처 | 사랑을 표시하는 손 | 사랑해 | 손 | 손가락 세개 |
5835 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-partial | 🤘 -name | sign of the horns |
뿔 모양 손짓 |
5836 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-partial | 🤘 –keywords | finger | hand | horns | rock-on | sign |
락 음악 | 뿔 | 뿔 모양 손짓 | 손 | 손 모양 | 손가락 | 신남 | 힙합 |
5837 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-partial | 🤙 -name | call me hand |
전화를 걸라는 손 모양 |
5838 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-partial | 🤙 –keywords | call | hand | hang | loose | me | Shaka |
손 | 손가락 | 손모양 | 전화 | 전화를 걸라는 손 모양 |
5839 | Characters | People & Body | hand-single-finger | 👈 -name | backhand index pointing left |
왼쪽을 가리키는 손등 |
5840 | Characters | People & Body | hand-single-finger | 👈 –keywords | backhand | finger | hand | index | left | point | pointing |
검지손가락 | 색인 | 손 | 손가락 | 손가락 왼쪽으로 | 손가락으로 왼쪽 가리키기 | 왼쪽 | 왼쪽을 가리키는 검지손가락 | 왼쪽을 가리키는 손등 | 인덱스 |
5841 | Characters | People & Body | hand-single-finger | 👉 -name | backhand index pointing right |
오른쪽을 가리키는 손등 |
5842 | Characters | People & Body | hand-single-finger | 👉 –keywords | backhand | finger | hand | index | point | pointing | right |
검지손가락 | 색인 | 손 | 손가락 | 손가락 오른쪽으로 | 손가락으로 오른쪽 가리키기 | 손등 | 오른쪽 | 오른쪽을 가리키는 검지손가락 | 오른쪽을 가리키는 손등 | 인덱스 |
5843 | Characters | People & Body | hand-single-finger | 👆 -name | backhand index pointing up |
위쪽을 가리키는 손등 |
5844 | Characters | People & Body | hand-single-finger | 👆 –keywords | backhand | finger | hand | index | point | pointing | up |
검지손가락 | 색인 | 손 | 손가락 | 손가락 위로 | 손가락으로 위를 가리키기 | 손가락질 | 손등 | 위 | 위를 가리키는 검지손가락 | 위쪽 | 위쪽을 가리키는 손등 | 인덱스 |
5845 | Characters | People & Body | hand-single-finger | 🖕 -name | middle finger |
중지 |
5846 | Characters | People & Body | hand-single-finger | 🖕 –keywords | finger | hand | middle |
가운데 손가락 | 손 | 손가락 | 욕설 | 중지 |
5847 | Characters | People & Body | hand-single-finger | 👇 -name | backhand index pointing down |
아래쪽을 가리키는 손등 |
5848 | Characters | People & Body | hand-single-finger | 👇 –keywords | backhand | down | finger | hand | index | point | pointing |
검지손가락 | 색인 | 손가락 아래로 | 손가락으로 아래를 가리키기 | 아래 | 아래를 가리키는 검지손가락 | 아래쪽 | 아래쪽을 가리키는 검지손가락 | 아래쪽을 가리키는 손등 |
5849 | Characters | People & Body | hand-single-finger | ☝ -name | index pointing up |
위쪽을 가리키는 손 |
5850 | Characters | People & Body | hand-single-finger | ☝ –keywords | finger | hand | index | point | pointing | this | up |
가리키기 | 검지 | 색인 | 손 | 손가락 | 위쪽을 가리키는 손 | 이거 | 인덱스 |
5851 | Characters | People & Body | hand-single-finger | 🫵 -name | index pointing at the viewer |
보는 사람을 가리키는 검지 |
5852 | Characters | People & Body | hand-single-finger | 🫵 –keywords | at | finger | hand | index | pointing | poke | viewer | you |
가리키기 | 가리키다 | 너 | 당신 | 보는 사람을 가리키는 검지 | 상대방 | 손 | 손가락 | 찌르다 |
5853 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-closed | 👍 -name | thumbs up |
올린 엄지 |
5854 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-closed | 👍 –keywords | +1 | good | hand | like | thumb | up | yes |
+1 | 굿 | 나이스 | 당근 | 따봉 | 손 | 엄지 | 엄지 척 | 예스 | 오케이 | 올린 엄지 | 좋아 | 좋아요 | 최고 |
5855 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-closed | 👎 -name | thumbs down |
내린 엄지 |
5856 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-closed | 👎 –keywords | -1 | bad | dislike | down | good | hand | no | nope | thumb | thumbs |
-1 | 내린 엄지 | 싫어요 | 야유 | 엄지 | 좋지 않아 | 최악 |
5857 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-closed | ✊ -name | raised fist |
주먹 |
5858 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-closed | ✊ –keywords | clenched | fist | hand | punch | raised | solidarity |
꼭 쥐고 | 묵 | 바위 | 손 | 주먹 | 주먹을 든 |
5859 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-closed | 👊 -name | oncoming fist |
주먹 전면 |
5860 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-closed | 👊 –keywords | absolutely | agree | boom | bro | bruh | bump | clenched | correct | fist | hand | knuckle | oncoming | pound | punch | rock | ttyl |
나중에 얘기해 | 날라오는 주먹 | 너클 | 돌 | 동의 | 맹공격 | 손 | 주먹 | 주먹 전면 | 주먹을 꽉진 | 쾅 | 틀림없이 | 펀치 |
5861 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-closed | 🤛 -name | left-facing fist |
왼쪽을 향하는 주먹 |
5862 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-closed | 🤛 –keywords | fist | left-facing | leftwards |
왼쪽 | 왼쪽을 향하는 주먹 | 왼편 | 주먹 |
5863 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-closed | 🤜 -name | right-facing fist |
오른쪽을 향하는 주먹 |
5864 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-closed | 🤜 –keywords | fist | right-facing | rightwards |
오른쪽 | 오른쪽을 향하는 | 오른쪽을 향하는 주먹 | 오른편 | 주먹 |
5865 | Characters | People & Body | hands | 👏 -name | clapping hands |
손뼉 |
5866 | Characters | People & Body | hands | 👏 –keywords | applause | approval | awesome | clap | congrats | congratulations | excited | good | great | hand | homie | job | nice | prayed | well | yay |
기도한 | 기쁨 | 대단한 | 대단해 | 박수 | 박수 치기 | 박수치는 손 | 손 | 손뼉 | 손뼉 치기 | 예이 | 잘했어 | 축하 |
5867 | Characters | People & Body | hands | 🙌 -name | raising hands |
만세 |
5868 | Characters | People & Body | hands | 🙌 –keywords | celebration | gesture | hand | hands | hooray | praise | raised | raising |
두 손을 든 사람 | 만세 | 만세 하고 있는 사람 | 손 | 제스처 | 축하 | 칭찬 | 하이파이브 |
5869 | Characters | People & Body | hands | 🫶 -name | heart hands |
손 하트 |
5870 | Characters | People & Body | hands | 🫶 –keywords | <3 | hands | heart | love | you |
러브 | 사랑 | 사랑해 | 손 | 손 하트 | 아이 러브 유 |
5871 | Characters | People & Body | hands | 👐 -name | open hands |
양손을 모아서 벌린 모양 |
5872 | Characters | People & Body | hands | 👐 –keywords | hand | hands | hug | jazz | open | swerve |
두 손 펼치기 | 벌린 | 손 | 양손을 모아서 벌린 모양 | 재즈 핸드 | 펼친 두 손 | 포옹 |
5873 | Characters | People & Body | hands | 🤲 -name | palms up together |
내민 두 손 |
5874 | Characters | People & Body | hands | 🤲 –keywords | cupped | dua | hands | palms | pray | prayer | together | up | wish |
기도 | 내민 두 손 | 두개 | 소원 | 위로 향한 손바닥 두개 |
5875 | Characters | People & Body | hands | 🤝 -name | handshake |
악수 |
5876 | Characters | People & Body | hands | 🤝 –keywords | agreement | deal | hand | handshake | meeting | shake |
거래 | 미팅 | 손 | 악수 | 합의 | 회의 |
5877 | Characters | People & Body | hands | 🙏 -name | folded hands |
기도 |
5878 | Characters | People & Body | hands | 🙏 –keywords | appreciate | ask | beg | blessed | bow | cmon | five | folded | gesture | hand | high | please | pray | thanks | thx |
감사 | 고마워 | 기도 | 기도하는 사람 | 꼭 | 두 손 모아 기도하는 사람 | 빌께 | 손 | 요청 | 제발 | 축복 | 파이브 | 하이파이브 | 합장 |
5879 | Characters | People & Body | hand-prop | ✍ -name | writing hand |
글을 쓰고 있는 손 |
5880 | Characters | People & Body | hand-prop | ✍ –keywords | hand | write | writing |
글쓰기 | 글을 쓰고 있는 손 | 손 | 연필 쥔 손 |
5881 | Characters | People & Body | hand-prop | 💅 -name | nail polish |
매니큐어 |
5882 | Characters | People & Body | hand-prop | 💅 –keywords | bored | care | cosmetics | done | makeup | manicure | nail | polish | whatever |
끝났어 | 네일 아트 | 네일 케어 | 다듬기 | 매니큐어 | 메이크업 | 손톱 | 손톱 정리 | 아무거나 | 지겨워 | 케어 |
5883 | Characters | People & Body | hand-prop | 🤳 -name | selfie |
셀카 |
5884 | Characters | People & Body | hand-prop | 🤳 –keywords | camera | phone | selfie |
사진 | 셀카 | 셀피 | 카메라 | 폰 |
5885 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 💪 -name | flexed biceps |
알통 |
5886 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 💪 –keywords | arm | beast | bench | biceps | bodybuilder | bro | curls | flex | gains | gym | jacked | muscle | press | ripped | strong | weightlift |
강함 | 구부린 팔 | 근육 | 몸 | 벤치프레스 | 보디빌더 | 알통 | 야수 | 역도 | 이두박근 | 코믹 | 팔 | 헬스장 | 힘 | 힘이 센 |
5887 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 🦾 -name | mechanical arm |
기계 팔 |
5888 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 🦾 –keywords | accessibility | arm | mechanical | prosthetic |
기계 팔 | 인공 팔 | 접근성 |
5889 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 🦿 -name | mechanical leg |
인공 다리 |
5890 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 🦿 –keywords | accessibility | leg | mechanical | prosthetic |
인공 기관 | 인공 다리 | 접근성 |
5891 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 🦵 -name | leg |
한쪽 다리 |
5892 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 🦵 –keywords | bent | foot | kick | knee | leg | limb |
구부린 다리 | 다리 | 다리 한쪽 | 무릎 | 킥 | 한쪽 다리 |
5893 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 🦶 -name | foot |
한쪽 발 |
5894 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 🦶 –keywords | ankle | feet | foot | kick | stomp |
발 | 발 한쪽 | 발구르기 | 발목 | 킥 | 한쪽 발 |
5895 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 👂 -name | ear |
귀 |
5896 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 👂 –keywords | body | ear | ears | hear | hearing | listen | listening | sound |
귀 | 듣기 | 리스닝 | 몸 | 소리 |
5897 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 🦻 -name | ear with hearing aid |
보청기를 낀 귀 |
5898 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 🦻 –keywords | accessibility | aid | ear | hard | hearing |
보청기를 낀 귀 | 접근성 | 청각장애 |
5899 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 👃 -name | nose |
코 |
5900 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 👃 –keywords | body | nose | noses | nosey | odor | smell | smells |
냄새 | 몸 | 신체 | 체취 | 코 |
5901 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 🧠 -name | brain |
뇌 |
5902 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 🧠 –keywords | brain | intelligent | smart |
뇌 | 머리가 좋은 | 지적인 |
5903 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 🫀 -name | anatomical heart |
심장 |
5904 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 🫀 –keywords | anatomical | beat | cardiology | heart | heartbeat | organ | pulse | real | red |
맥박 | 빨간 | 심장 | 심장학 | 장기 | 진짜 심장 | 해부학 |
5905 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 🫁 -name | lungs |
폐 |
5906 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 🫁 –keywords | breath | breathe | exhalation | inhalation | lung | lungs | organ | respiration |
내쉬기 | 들이마시기 | 숨 | 장기 | 폐 | 호흡 |
5907 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 🦷 -name | tooth |
이빨 |
5908 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 🦷 –keywords | dentist | pearly | teeth | tooth | white |
이빨 | 진주같은 | 치과 | 치과의사 | 치아 | 하얀 | 화이트 |
5909 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 🦴 -name | bone |
뼈다귀 |
5910 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 🦴 –keywords | bone | bones | dog | skeleton | wishbone |
개 | 뼈 | 뼈다귀 | 스켈레톤 | 위시본 |
5911 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 👀 -name | eyes |
왕눈이 눈알 |
5912 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 👀 –keywords | body | eye | eyes | face | googly | look | looking | omg | peep | see | seeing |
구경 | 구글리 | 눈 | 맙소사 | 몸 | 보기 | 신체 | 얼굴 | 오마이갓 | 왕눈이 눈알 | 훔쳐봄 |
5913 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 👁 -name | eye |
눈 |
5914 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 👁 –keywords | 1 | body | eye | one |
눈 | 눈 하나 | 눈 한개 | 몸 | 시력 | 신체 | 얼굴 | 한 눈 |
5915 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 👅 -name | tongue |
혀 |
5916 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 👅 –keywords | body | lick | slurp | tongue |
메롱 | 몸 | 신체 | 핥다 | 혀 |
5917 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 👄 -name | mouth |
입 |
5918 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 👄 –keywords | beauty | body | kiss | kissing | lips | lipstick | mouth |
립스틱 | 몸 | 신체 | 입 | 입술 | 키스 |
5919 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 🫦 -name | biting lip |
입술을 깨물고 있는 입 |
5920 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 🫦 –keywords | anxious | bite | biting | fear | flirt | flirting | kiss | lip | lipstick | nervous | sexy | uncomfortable | worried | worry |
걱정 | 걱정스러운 | 겁 | 깨무는 | 립스틱 | 바람피는 | 불안 | 뽀뽀 | 섹시 | 예민한 | 예민함 | 입술을 깨물고 있는 입 | 초조함 | 키스 | 플러팅 |
5921 | Characters | People & Body | person | 👶 -name | baby |
아기 |
5922 | Characters | People & Body | person | 👶 –keywords | babies | baby | children | goo | infant | newborn | pregnant | young |
갓난아기 | 아기 | 어린 | 어린이 | 유아 | 응애응애 | 임신 |
5923 | Characters | People & Body | person | 🧒 -name | child |
어린이 |
5924 | Characters | People & Body | person | 🧒 –keywords | bright-eyed | child | grandchild | kid | young | younger |
성중립적인 | 아이 | 어린 | 어린이 |
5925 | Characters | People & Body | person | 👦 -name | boy |
남자 아이 |
5926 | Characters | People & Body | person | 👦 –keywords | boy | bright-eyed | child | grandson | kid | son | young | younger |
남자 아이 | 소년 | 어린이 | 젊은 |
5927 | Characters | People & Body | person | 👧 -name | girl |
여자 아이 |
5928 | Characters | People & Body | person | 👧 –keywords | bright-eyed | child | daughter | girl | granddaughter | kid | Virgo | young | younger | zodiac |
눈을 반짝이는 | 딸 | 소녀 | 숙녀 | 여자 아이 | 젊음 |
5929 | Characters | People & Body | person | 🧑 -name | person |
사람 |
5930 | Characters | People & Body | person | 🧑 –keywords | adult | person |
사람 | 성별 없음 | 성인 |
5931 | Characters | People & Body | person | 👱 -name | person: blond hair |
금발인 사람 |
5932 | Characters | People & Body | person | 👱 –keywords | blond | blond-haired | human | person |
금발 | 금발인 사람 | 남자 | 사람 | 얼굴 | 인간 |
5933 | Characters | People & Body | person | 👨 -name | man |
남자 |
5934 | Characters | People & Body | person | 👨 –keywords | adult | bro | man |
남성 | 남자 | 남자친구 | 성인 | 친구 |
5935 | Characters | People & Body | person | 🧔 -name | person: beard |
수염 난 사람 |
5936 | Characters | People & Body | person | 🧔 –keywords | beard | bearded | person | whiskers |
사람 | 수염 | 수염 난 사람 |
5937 | Characters | People & Body | person | 🧔♂ -name | man: beard |
수염 난 남자 |
5938 | Characters | People & Body | person | 🧔♂ –keywords | beard | bearded | man | whiskers |
남자 | 수염 | 수염 난 남자 |
5939 | Characters | People & Body | person | 🧔♀ -name | woman: beard |
수염 난 여자 |
5940 | Characters | People & Body | person | 🧔♀ –keywords | beard | bearded | whiskers | woman |
수염 | 수염 난 여자 | 여자 |
5941 | Characters | People & Body | person | 👩 -name | woman |
여자 |
5942 | Characters | People & Body | person | 👩 –keywords | adult | lady | woman |
성인 | 여성 | 여자 | 헤어컷 |
5943 | Characters | People & Body | person | 👱♀ -name | woman: blond hair |
금발 여자 |
5944 | Characters | People & Body | person | 👱♀ –keywords | blond | blond-haired | blonde | hair | woman |
금발 | 여성 | 여자 |
5945 | Characters | People & Body | person | 👱♂ -name | man: blond hair |
금발 남자 |
5946 | Characters | People & Body | person | 👱♂ –keywords | blond | blond-haired | hair | man |
금발 | 남성 | 남자 |
5947 | Characters | People & Body | person | 🧓 -name | older person |
노인 |
5948 | Characters | People & Body | person | 🧓 –keywords | adult | elderly | grandparent | old | person | wise |
노인 | 성별 없음 | 성인 | 성중립적인 |
5949 | Characters | People & Body | person | 👴 -name | old man |
할아버지 |
5950 | Characters | People & Body | person | 👴 –keywords | adult | bald | elderly | gramps | grandfather | grandpa | man | old | wise |
남성 | 남자 | 노인 | 늙은 | 대머리 | 머리가 빠지는 | 성인 | 할아버지 | 현명한 |
5951 | Characters | People & Body | person | 👵 -name | old woman |
할머니 |
5952 | Characters | People & Body | person | 👵 –keywords | adult | elderly | grandma | grandmother | granny | lady | old | wise | woman |
금발 | 노인 | 늙은 | 성인 | 여성 | 여자 | 할머니 | 현명한 |
5953 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙍 -name | person frowning |
찌푸린 사람 |
5954 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙍 –keywords | annoyed | disappointed | disgruntled | disturbed | frown | frowning | frustrated | gesture | irritated | person | upset |
분노 | 사람 | 성가심 | 실망 | 약오르는 | 언짢은 | 제스처 | 좌절 | 짜증 | 화남 |
5955 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙍♂ -name | man frowning |
찌푸린 남자 |
5956 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙍♂ –keywords | annoyed | disappointed | disgruntled | disturbed | frown | frowning | frustrated | gesture | irritated | man | upset |
언짢은 남자 | 얼굴 | 제스처 | 찌푸린 남자 | 찌푸린 사람 | 찌푸림 | 찡그림 |
5957 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙍♀ -name | woman frowning |
찌푸린 여자 |
5958 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙍♀ –keywords | annoyed | disappointed | disgruntled | disturbed | frown | frowning | frustrated | gesture | irritated | upset | woman |
얼굴 | 찌푸린 여자 | 찌푸림 | 찡그림 |
5959 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙎 -name | person pouting |
뾰로통한 사람 |
5960 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙎 –keywords | disappointed | downtrodden | frown | grimace | person | pouting | scowl | sulk | upset | whine |
분노 | 뾰로통한 | 샐쭉 | 실망 | 울상 | 제스처 | 징징거림 | 찌푸림 | 찡그림 | 탄식 |
5961 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙎♂ -name | man pouting |
뾰로통한 남자 |
5962 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙎♂ –keywords | disappointed | downtrodden | frown | grimace | man | pouting | scowl | sulk | upset | whine |
불만 | 뾰로통 | 뾰로통한 남자 | 뿌루퉁 | 심통 | 제스처 |
5963 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙎♀ -name | woman pouting |
뾰로통한 여자 |
5964 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙎♀ –keywords | disappointed | downtrodden | frown | grimace | pouting | scowl | sulk | upset | whine | woman |
불만 | 뾰로통 | 뾰로통한 여자 | 뿌루퉁 | 심통 |
5965 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙅 -name | person gesturing NO |
안 된다는 제스처를 하는 사람 |
5966 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙅 –keywords | forbidden | gesture | hand | NO | not | person | prohibit |
금지 | 동작 | 손 | 싫어 | 아니요 | 안 돼 | 안 된다는 제스처를 하는 사람 | 안된다는 제스처를 하는 사람 | 안됨 | 어림없음 | 절대 안 돼 | 제스처 | 제외 |
5967 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙅♂ -name | man gesturing NO |
안 된다는 제스처를 하는 남자 |
5968 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙅♂ –keywords | forbidden | gesture | hand | man | NO | not | prohibit |
남자 | 손 | 손동작 | 안 돼 | 안 된다는 제스처를 하는 남자 | 안돼 | 안된다는 제스처를 하는 남자 | 엑스자 | 제스처 |
5969 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙅♀ -name | woman gesturing NO |
안 된다는 제스처를 하는 여자 |
5970 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙅♀ –keywords | forbidden | gesture | hand | NO | not | prohibit | woman |
손동작 | 안 돼 | 안 된다는 제스처를 하는 여자 | 엑스자 |
5971 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙆 -name | person gesturing OK |
오케이라는 제스처를 하는 사람 |
5972 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙆 –keywords | exercise | gesture | gesturing | hand | OK | omg | person |
OK | OMG | 맙소사 | 손 | 오케이 | 오케이 제스처를 하는 사람 | 오케이라는 제스처를 하는 사람 | 운동 | 제스처 | 확인 |
5973 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙆♂ -name | man gesturing OK |
오케이라는 제스처를 하는 남자 |
5974 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙆♂ –keywords | exercise | gesture | gesturing | hand | man | OK | omg |
OK | 맙소사 | 손동작 | 오케이 | 오케이라는 제스처를 하는 남자 | 좋아 |
5975 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙆♀ -name | woman gesturing OK |
오케이라는 제스처를 하는 여자 |
5976 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙆♀ –keywords | exercise | gesture | gesturing | hand | OK | omg | woman |
OK | 손동작 | 오케이 | 오케이라는 제스처를 하는 여자 | 좋아 |
5977 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 💁 -name | person tipping hand |
손바닥 꺾은 사람 |
5978 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 💁 –keywords | fetch | flick | flip | gossip | hand | person | sarcasm | sarcastic | sassy | seriously | tipping | whatever |
가십 | 데스크 안내원 | 도움 | 디바 | 매력적인 | 머리 넘기기 | 머리카락으로 장난치는 | 멋진 | 뭐든지 | 비꼬는 | 비꼼 | 빈정댐 | 손 | 손바닥 꺾은 사람 | 손을 젖히고 있는 사람 | 안내 데스크 | 어쨌든 | 정보 | 조소 | 진심 |
5979 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 💁♂ -name | man tipping hand |
손바닥 꺾은 남자 |
5980 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 💁♂ –keywords | fetch | flick | flip | gossip | hand | man | sarcasm | sarcastic | sassy | seriously | tipping | whatever |
디바 | 매력적인 | 머리카락으로 장난치는 | 멋진 | 비꼬는 | 비꼼 | 손 | 손 꺾음 | 손바닥 | 손바닥 꺾은 남자 | 얼굴 옆에 손바닥을 위로 향한 남자 | 정보 | 젖힌 손 |
5981 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 💁♀ -name | woman tipping hand |
손바닥 꺾은 여자 |
5982 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 💁♀ –keywords | fetch | flick | flip | gossip | hand | sarcasm | sarcastic | sassy | seriously | tipping | whatever | woman |
손 꺾음 | 손바닥 | 손바닥 꺾은 여자 | 젖힌 손 |
5983 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙋 -name | person raising hand |
한 손 든 사람 |
5984 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙋 –keywords | gesture | hand | here | know | me | person | pick | question | raise | raising |
나 | 날 선택해 | 도와드릴게요 | 손 | 손들기 | 손들어 | 손을 든 사람 | 여기요 | 저 알아요 | 저요 | 제스처 | 즐거워하는 사람 | 질문 | 한 손 든 사람 | 한 손을 든 사람 | 한 손을 들고 즐거워하는 사람 |
5985 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙋♂ -name | man raising hand |
한 손 든 남자 |
5986 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙋♂ –keywords | gesture | hand | here | know | man | me | pick | question | raise | raising |
손들기 | 여기요 | 저요 | 제스처 | 한 손 든 남자 | 한 손 든 사람 | 한손 |
5987 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙋♀ -name | woman raising hand |
한 손 든 여자 |
5988 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙋♀ –keywords | gesture | hand | here | know | me | pick | question | raise | raising | woman |
손들기 | 여기요 | 저요 | 한 손 든 여자 | 한손 |
5989 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🧏 -name | deaf person |
청각 장애가 있는 사람 |
5990 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🧏 –keywords | accessibility | deaf | ear | gesture | hear | person |
귀 | 접근성 | 청각 장애가 있는 사람 | 청각장애 | 청각장애인 | 청력 |
5991 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🧏♂ -name | deaf man |
청각장애가 있는 남자 |
5992 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🧏♂ –keywords | accessibility | deaf | ear | gesture | hear | man |
남자 | 청각장애 | 청각장애가 있는 남자 |
5993 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🧏♀ -name | deaf woman |
청각장애가 있는 여자 |
5994 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🧏♀ –keywords | accessibility | deaf | ear | gesture | hear | woman |
여자 | 청각장애 | 청각장애가 있는 여자 |
5995 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙇 -name | person bowing |
절하는 사람 |
5996 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙇 –keywords | apology | ask | beg | bow | bowing | favor | forgive | gesture | meditate | meditation | person | pity | regret | sorry |
동작 | 명상 | 부탁 | 사과 | 사과하는 사람 | 사과하며 절하는 사람 | 사죄 | 애원 | 엎드려 사과하는 남자 | 용서 | 절 | 절하는 남자 | 절하는 사람 | 제스처 | 후회 |
5997 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙇♂ -name | man bowing |
절하는 남자 |
5998 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙇♂ –keywords | apology | ask | beg | bow | bowing | favor | forgive | gesture | man | meditate | meditation | pity | regret | sorry |
넙죽 | 사과 | 절하는 남자 | 정중함 | 큰절 |
5999 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙇♀ -name | woman bowing |
절하는 여자 |
6000 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙇♀ –keywords | apology | ask | beg | bow | bowing | favor | forgive | gesture | meditate | meditation | pity | regret | sorry | woman |
넙죽 | 명상 | 사과 | 엎드려 사과하는 여자 | 절하는 여자 | 정중함 | 큰절 |
6001 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🤦 -name | person facepalming |
골치 아파하는 사람 |
6002 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🤦 –keywords | again | bewilder | disbelief | exasperation | facepalm | no | not | oh | omg | person | shock | smh |
골치 아파하는 사람 | 당황 | 맙소사 | 분노 | 불신 | 세상에 | 손바닥 | 얼굴 | 얼굴에 손바닥을 갖다 댐 | 이럴 수가 | 짜증 |
6003 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🤦♂ -name | man facepalming |
골치 아파하는 남자 |
6004 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🤦♂ –keywords | again | bewilder | disbelief | exasperation | facepalm | man | no | not | oh | omg | shock | smh |
골치 아파하는 남자 | 남자 | 당황 | 맙소사 | 분노 | 세상에 | 손바닥 | 얼굴에 손바닥을 갖다 댐 | 이럴 수가 | 이마에 손 | 짜증 |
6005 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🤦♀ -name | woman facepalming |
골치 아파하는 여자 |
6006 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🤦♀ –keywords | again | bewilder | disbelief | exasperation | facepalm | no | not | oh | omg | shock | smh | woman |
골치 아파하는 여자 | 당황 | 맙소사 | 분노 | 세상에 | 손바닥 | 얼굴에 손바닥을 갖다 댐 | 여자 | 이럴 수가 | 이마에 손 | 짜증 |
6007 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🤷 -name | person shrugging |
어깨를 으쓱하는 사람 |
6008 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🤷 –keywords | doubt | dunno | guess | idk | ignorance | indifference | knows | maybe | person | shrug | shrugging | whatever | who |
글쎄 | 무관심 | 무슨 상관이야 | 무시 | 무식 | 무지 | 상관없어 | 아마도 | 어깨 으쓱 | 어깨를 으쓱하는 사람 | 으쓱 | 잘 모르겠음 |
6009 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🤷♂ -name | man shrugging |
어깨를 으쓱하는 남자 |
6010 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🤷♂ –keywords | doubt | dunno | guess | idk | ignorance | indifference | knows | man | maybe | shrug | shrugging | whatever | who |
글쎄 | 남자 | 누가 알겠어 | 모르겠음 | 몰라 | 무관심 | 무식 | 무엇이든 | 무지 | 아마도 | 어깨 | 어깨를 으쓱하는 남자 | 으쓱 | 의심 |
6011 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🤷♀ -name | woman shrugging |
어깨를 으쓱하는 여자 |
6012 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🤷♀ –keywords | doubt | dunno | guess | idk | ignorance | indifference | knows | maybe | shrug | shrugging | whatever | who | woman |
글쎄 | 누가 알겠어 | 모르겠음 | 몰라 | 무관심 | 무식 | 무엇이든 | 무지 | 아마도 | 어깨 | 어깨를 으쓱하는 여자 | 여자 | 으쓱 | 의심 |
6013 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑⚕ -name | health worker |
의료인 |
6014 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑⚕ –keywords | doctor | health | healthcare | nurse | therapist | worker |
간호사 | 의료 | 의료인 | 의사 | 테라피스트 |
6015 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨⚕ -name | man health worker |
남자 의료인 |
6016 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨⚕ –keywords | doctor | health | healthcare | man | nurse | therapist | worker |
간호사 | 건강관리 | 남자 | 의료 | 의료인 | 의료진 | 의사 | 진료 | 테라피스트 |
6017 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩⚕ -name | woman health worker |
여자 의료인 |
6018 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩⚕ –keywords | doctor | health | healthcare | nurse | therapist | woman | worker |
간호사 | 여자 | 의료 | 의료인 | 의료진 | 의사 | 진료 | 테라피스트 |
6019 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑🎓 -name | student |
학생 |
6020 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑🎓 –keywords | graduate | student |
졸업식 | 학사모 | 학생 |
6021 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨🎓 -name | man student |
남학생 |
6022 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨🎓 –keywords | graduate | man | student |
남자 | 남학생 | 졸업 | 졸업식 | 학사모 | 학생 |
6023 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩🎓 -name | woman student |
여학생 |
6024 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩🎓 –keywords | graduate | student | woman |
여자 | 여학생 | 졸업 | 졸업식 | 학사모 | 학생 |
6025 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑🏫 -name | teacher |
교사 |
6026 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑🏫 –keywords | instructor | lecturer | professor | teacher |
강사 | 교사 | 교수 |
6027 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨🏫 -name | man teacher |
남교사 |
6028 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨🏫 –keywords | instructor | lecturer | man | professor | teacher |
강사 | 강연자 | 교사 | 교수 | 남교사 | 남자 | 선생님 |
6029 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩🏫 -name | woman teacher |
여교사 |
6030 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩🏫 –keywords | instructor | lecturer | professor | teacher | woman |
강사 | 강연자 | 교사 | 교수 | 선생님 | 여교사 | 여자 |
6031 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑⚖ -name | judge |
판사 |
6032 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑⚖ –keywords | judge | justice | law | scales |
저울 | 판사 |
6033 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨⚖ -name | man judge |
남자 판사 |
6034 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨⚖ –keywords | judge | justice | law | man | scales |
남자 | 법조인 | 저울 | 정의 | 판사 |
6035 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩⚖ -name | woman judge |
여자 판사 |
6036 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩⚖ –keywords | judge | justice | law | scales | woman |
법조인 | 여자 | 저울 | 정의 | 판사 |
6037 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑🌾 -name | farmer |
농부 |
6038 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑🌾 –keywords | farmer | gardener | rancher |
농부 | 농사꾼 | 농장 주인 |
6039 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨🌾 -name | man farmer |
남자 농부 |
6040 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨🌾 –keywords | farmer | gardener | man | rancher |
남자 | 농부 | 농사꾼 | 농장 주인 | 정원사 |
6041 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩🌾 -name | woman farmer |
여자 농부 |
6042 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩🌾 –keywords | farmer | gardener | rancher | woman |
농부 | 농사꾼 | 농장 주인 | 농장주인 | 여자 | 정원사 |
6043 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑🍳 -name | cook |
요리사 |
6044 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑🍳 –keywords | chef | cook |
셰프 | 요리사 | 주방장 |
6045 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨🍳 -name | man cook |
남자 요리사 |
6046 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨🍳 –keywords | chef | cook | man |
남자 | 셰프 | 요리사 | 주방장 |
6047 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩🍳 -name | woman cook |
여자 요리사 |
6048 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩🍳 –keywords | chef | cook | woman |
셰프 | 여자 | 요리사 | 주방장 |
6049 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑🔧 -name | mechanic |
정비공 |
6050 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑🔧 –keywords | electrician | mechanic | plumber | tradesperson |
배관공 | 전기 기사 | 정비공 |
6051 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨🔧 -name | man mechanic |
남자 정비공 |
6052 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨🔧 –keywords | electrician | man | mechanic | plumber | tradesperson |
기술자 | 남자 | 배관공 | 수리공 | 전기 기사 | 정비공 |
6053 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩🔧 -name | woman mechanic |
여자 정비공 |
6054 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩🔧 –keywords | electrician | mechanic | plumber | tradesperson | woman |
기술자 | 배관공 | 수리공 | 여자 | 전기 기사 | 정비공 |
6055 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑🏭 -name | factory worker |
공장 직원 |
6056 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑🏭 –keywords | assembly | factory | industrial | worker |
공업 | 공장 | 조립공 | 직원 |
6057 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨🏭 -name | man factory worker |
공장 남자 직원 |
6058 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨🏭 –keywords | assembly | factory | industrial | man | worker |
공업 | 공장 | 남자 | 노동자 | 산업 | 조립공 | 직원 |
6059 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩🏭 -name | woman factory worker |
공장 여자 직원 |
6060 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩🏭 –keywords | assembly | factory | industrial | woman | worker |
공업 | 공장 | 산업 | 여자 | 조립 | 조립공 | 직원 |
6061 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑💼 -name | office worker |
회사원 |
6062 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑💼 –keywords | architect | business | manager | office | white-collar | worker |
건축가 | 관리자 | 매니저 | 화이트칼라 | 회사원 |
6063 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨💼 -name | man office worker |
남자 회사원 |
6064 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨💼 –keywords | architect | business | man | manager | office | white-collar | worker |
건축가 | 관리자 | 남자 | 남자 회사원 | 매니저 | 비즈니스 | 비즈니스맨 | 사무직 | 화이트칼라 |
6065 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩💼 -name | woman office worker |
여자 회사원 |
6066 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩💼 –keywords | architect | business | manager | office | white-collar | woman | worker |
건축가 | 관리자 | 매니저 | 비즈니스 | 비즈니스맨 | 사무실 | 사업 | 샐러리맨 | 여자 | 여자 회사원 | 화이트칼라 |
6067 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑🔬 -name | scientist |
과학자 |
6068 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑🔬 –keywords | biologist | chemist | engineer | mathematician | physicist | scientist |
과학자 | 기술자 | 물리학자 | 생물학자 | 화학자 |
6069 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨🔬 -name | man scientist |
남자 과학자 |
6070 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨🔬 –keywords | biologist | chemist | engineer | man | mathematician | physicist | scientist |
과학자 | 기술자 | 남자 | 물리학자 | 생물학자 | 수학자 | 실험 | 실험실 | 엔지니어 | 연구자 | 화학자 |
6071 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩🔬 -name | woman scientist |
여자 과학자 |
6072 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩🔬 –keywords | biologist | chemist | engineer | mathematician | physicist | scientist | woman |
과학자 | 기술자 | 물리학자 | 생물학자 | 수학자 | 실험 | 실험실 | 엔지니어 | 여자 | 연구자 | 화학자 |
6073 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑💻 -name | technologist |
기술 전문가 |
6074 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑💻 –keywords | coder | computer | developer | inventor | software | technologist |
개발자 | 기술 전문가 | 발명가 | 소프트웨어 | 코딩 |
6075 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨💻 -name | man technologist |
남자 기술 전문가 |
6076 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨💻 –keywords | coder | computer | developer | inventor | man | software | technologist |
개발자 | 기술 전문가 | 남자 | 남자 기술 전문가 | 발명가 | 소프트웨어 | 전문가 | 최신 과학 기술 전문가 | 컴퓨터 | 코딩 | 코딩하는 사람 | 프로그래머 |
6077 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩💻 -name | woman technologist |
여자 기술 전문가 |
6078 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩💻 –keywords | coder | computer | developer | inventor | software | technologist | woman |
개발자 | 기술 전문가 | 발명가 | 소프트웨어 | 여자 | 여자 기술 전문가 | 전문가 | 최신 과학 기술 전문가 | 컴퓨터 | 코딩 | 코딩하는 사람 | 프로그래머 |
6079 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑🎤 -name | singer |
가수 |
6080 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑🎤 –keywords | actor | entertainer | rock | rockstar | singer | star |
가수 | 노래 | 마이크 |
6081 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨🎤 -name | man singer |
남자 가수 |
6082 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨🎤 –keywords | actor | entertainer | man | rock | rockstar | singer | star |
가수 | 남자 | 노래 | 락 | 락스타 | 마이크 | 배우 | 스타 | 엔터테이너 | 연예인 |
6083 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩🎤 -name | woman singer |
여자 가수 |
6084 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩🎤 –keywords | actor | entertainer | rock | rockstar | singer | star | woman |
가수 | 노래 | 락 | 락스타 | 마이크 | 배우 | 스타 | 엔터테이너 | 여자 | 연예인 |
6085 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑🎨 -name | artist |
화가 |
6086 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑🎨 –keywords | artist | palette |
미술도구 | 아티스트 | 화가 |
6087 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨🎨 -name | man artist |
남자 화가 |
6088 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨🎨 –keywords | artist | man | palette |
남자 | 미술 | 미술도구 | 아티스트 | 예술가 | 팔레트 | 화가 |
6089 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩🎨 -name | woman artist |
여자 화가 |
6090 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩🎨 –keywords | artist | palette | woman |
미술 | 미술도구 | 아티스트 | 여자 | 예술가 | 팔레트 | 화가 |
6091 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑✈ -name | pilot |
기장 |
6092 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑✈ –keywords | pilot | plane |
기장 | 비행 | 파일럿 |
6093 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨✈ -name | man pilot |
남자 기장 |
6094 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨✈ –keywords | man | pilot | plane |
기장 | 남자 | 비행 | 파일럿 |
6095 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩✈ -name | woman pilot |
여자 기장 |
6096 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩✈ –keywords | pilot | plane | woman |
기장 | 비행 | 여자 | 파일럿 |
6097 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑🚀 -name | astronaut |
우주비행사 |
6098 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑🚀 –keywords | astronaut | rocket | space |
로켓 | 우주비행사 |
6099 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨🚀 -name | man astronaut |
남자 우주비행사 |
6100 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨🚀 –keywords | astronaut | man | rocket | space |
남자 | 로켓 | 우주 | 우주비행사 | 우주인 |
6101 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩🚀 -name | woman astronaut |
여자 우주비행사 |
6102 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩🚀 –keywords | astronaut | rocket | space | woman |
로켓 | 여자 | 우주 | 우주비행사 | 우주인 |
6103 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑🚒 -name | firefighter |
소방관 |
6104 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑🚒 –keywords | fire | firefighter | firetruck |
소방관 | 소방차 |
6105 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨🚒 -name | man firefighter |
남자 소방관 |
6106 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨🚒 –keywords | fire | firefighter | firetruck | man |
구조 | 남자 | 소방관 | 소방차 | 화재 |
6107 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩🚒 -name | woman firefighter |
여자 소방관 |
6108 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩🚒 –keywords | fire | firefighter | firetruck | woman |
구조 | 소방관 | 소방차 | 여자 | 화재 |
6109 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👮 -name | police officer |
경찰관 |
6110 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👮 –keywords | apprehend | arrest | citation | cop | law | officer | over | police | pulled | undercover |
검거 | 경찰 | 경찰관 | 구속 | 법률 | 수사 | 신고 |
6111 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👮♂ -name | man police officer |
남자 경찰관 |
6112 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👮♂ –keywords | apprehend | arrest | citation | cop | law | man | officer | over | police | pulled | undercover |
경찰 | 경찰관 | 경찰복 | 남자 |
6113 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👮♀ -name | woman police officer |
여자 경찰관 |
6114 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👮♀ –keywords | apprehend | arrest | citation | cop | law | officer | over | police | pulled | undercover | woman |
경찰 | 경찰관 | 경찰복 | 구속 | 법 | 법률 | 순경 | 신고 | 여경 | 여자 |
6115 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🕵 -name | detective |
탐정 |
6116 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🕵 –keywords | detective | sleuth | spy |
스파이 | 탐정 | 형사 |
6117 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🕵♂ -name | man detective |
남자 탐정 |
6118 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🕵♂ –keywords | detective | man | sleuth | spy |
남자 | 스파이 | 탐정 | 형사 |
6119 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🕵♀ -name | woman detective |
여자 탐정 |
6120 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🕵♀ –keywords | detective | sleuth | spy | woman |
스파이 | 여자 | 여형사 | 탐정 | 형사 |
6121 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 💂 -name | guard |
근위병 |
6122 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 💂 –keywords | buckingham | guard | helmet | london | palace |
경비대 | 경비대원 | 근위병 | 런던 | 버킹엄 궁전 | 헬멧 |
6123 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 💂♂ -name | man guard |
남자 근위병 |
6124 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 💂♂ –keywords | buckingham | guard | helmet | london | man | palace |
경비대 | 경비대원 | 근위병 | 남자 |
6125 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 💂♀ -name | woman guard |
여자 근위병 |
6126 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 💂♀ –keywords | buckingham | guard | helmet | london | palace | woman |
경비대 | 경비대원 | 근위병 | 런던 | 버킹엄 궁전 | 여자 | 헬멧 |
6127 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🥷 -name | ninja |
닌자 |
6128 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🥷 –keywords | assassin | fight | fighter | hidden | ninja | person | secret | skills | sly | soldier | stealth | war |
군인 | 기술 | 닌자 | 몰래 하기 | 비밀 | 사람 | 숨은 | 싸움 | 암살자 | 야비함 | 전쟁 | 전투원 |
6129 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👷 -name | construction worker |
건설 노동자 |
6130 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👷 –keywords | build | construction | fix | hardhat | hat | man | person | rebuild | remodel | repair | work | worker |
건설 | 남자 | 노동 | 노동자 | 리모델링 | 모자 | 보수 | 사람 | 수리 | 안전모 | 재건축 | 헬멧 |
6131 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👷♂ -name | man construction worker |
건설 현장 남자 노동자 |
6132 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👷♂ –keywords | build | construction | fix | hardhat | hat | man | rebuild | remodel | repair | work | worker |
건설 | 건설 현장 남자 노동자 | 건설노동자 | 안전모 |
6133 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👷♀ -name | woman construction worker |
건설 현장 여자 노동자 |
6134 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👷♀ –keywords | build | construction | fix | hardhat | hat | man | rebuild | remodel | repair | woman | work | worker |
건설 | 건설 현장 여자 노동자 | 건설노동자 | 안전모 | 여자 | 헬멧 |
6135 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🫅 -name | person with crown |
왕관을 쓴 사람 |
6136 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🫅 –keywords | crown | monarch | noble | person | regal | royal | royalty |
군주 | 귀족 | 로열 | 로열티 | 여왕 | 왕 | 왕관 | 왕관을 쓴 사람 | 왕실 | 왕족 | 퀸 | 크라운 | 킹 |
6137 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🤴 -name | prince |
왕자 |
6138 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🤴 –keywords | crown | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | king | prince | royal | royalty | tale |
로열 | 왕자 | 왕자님 | 왕족 | 프린스 |
6139 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👸 -name | princess |
공주 |
6140 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👸 –keywords | crown | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | princess | queen | royal | royalty | tale |
공주 | 공주님 | 동화 | 여왕 | 판타지 | 프린세스 |
6141 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👳 -name | person wearing turban |
터번을 쓰고 있는 사람 |
6142 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👳 –keywords | person | turban | wearing |
무슬림 | 아랍인 | 터번 | 터번 쓴 사람 | 터번을 쓰고 있는 사람 |
6143 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👳♂ -name | man wearing turban |
터번을 쓰고 있는 남자 |
6144 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👳♂ –keywords | man | turban | wearing |
무슬림 | 아랍인 | 터번 | 터번 쓴 남자 | 터번을 쓰고 있는 남자 |
6145 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👳♀ -name | woman wearing turban |
터번을 쓰고 있는 여자 |
6146 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👳♀ –keywords | turban | wearing | woman |
무슬림 | 아랍인 | 터번 | 터번 쓴 여자 | 터번을 쓰고 있는 여자 |
6147 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👲 -name | person with skullcap |
중국 전통 모자를 쓰고 있는 남자 |
6148 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👲 –keywords | cap | Chinese | gua | guapi | hat | mao | person | pi | skullcap |
과피모 | 남자 | 모자 | 중국 전통 모자를 쓰고 있는 남자 | 중국 전통 모자를 쓴 남자 |
6149 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧕 -name | woman with headscarf |
머리에 스카프를 두른 여자 |
6150 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧕 –keywords | bandana | head | headscarf | hijab | kerchief | mantilla | tichel | woman |
만티야 | 머리 스카프 | 머리에 스카프를 두른 여자 | 반다나 | 스카프를 두른 여자 | 티첼 | 히잡 | 히잡두른 여자 |
6151 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🤵 -name | person in tuxedo |
턱시도를 입은 사람 |
6152 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🤵 –keywords | formal | person | tuxedo | wedding |
격식 | 결혼식 | 턱시도 | 턱시도를 입은 사람 |
6153 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🤵♂ -name | man in tuxedo |
턱시도를 입은 남자 |
6154 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🤵♂ –keywords | formal | groom | man | tuxedo | wedding |
남자 | 신랑 | 턱시도 | 턱시도를 입은 남자 |
6155 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🤵♀ -name | woman in tuxedo |
턱시도를 입은 여자 |
6156 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🤵♀ –keywords | formal | tuxedo | wedding | woman |
여자 | 턱시도 | 턱시도를 입은 여자 |
6157 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👰 -name | person with veil |
면사포를 쓴 사람 |
6158 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👰 –keywords | person | veil | wedding |
결혼식 | 면사포 | 면사포를 쓴 사람 | 면사포를 쓴 신부 | 사람 | 신부 |
6159 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👰♂ -name | man with veil |
면사포를 쓴 남자 |
6160 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👰♂ –keywords | man | veil | wedding |
남자 | 면사포를 쓴 남자 | 베일 | 베일을 쓴 남자 |
6161 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👰♀ -name | woman with veil |
면사포를 쓴 여자 |
6162 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👰♀ –keywords | bride | veil | wedding | woman |
면사포 | 면사포를 쓴 여자 | 베일 | 베일을 쓴 여자 | 여자 |
6163 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🤰 -name | pregnant woman |
임산부 |
6164 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🤰 –keywords | pregnant | woman |
여성 | 여자 | 임산부 | 임신 | 임신부 |
6165 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🫃 -name | pregnant man |
임신한 남자 |
6166 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🫃 –keywords | belly | bloated | full | man | overeat | pregnant |
남자 | 너무 많이 먹은 | 배 | 배가 터질 듯한 | 부푼 | 임신 | 임신한 |
6167 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🫄 -name | pregnant person |
임신한 사람 |
6168 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🫄 –keywords | belly | bloated | full | overeat | person | pregnant | stuffed |
너무 많이 먹은 | 배 | 배가 터질 듯한 | 부푼 | 임신 | 임신한 | 임신한 사람 |
6169 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🤱 -name | breast-feeding |
모유 수유 |
6170 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🤱 –keywords | baby | breast | breast-feeding | feeding | mom | mother | nursing | woman |
모유 | 수유 | 아기 |
6171 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩🍼 -name | woman feeding baby |
수유 중인 여자 |
6172 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩🍼 –keywords | baby | feed | feeding | mom | mother | nanny | newborn | nursing | woman |
갓태어난 | 내니 | 보모 | 사람 | 사랑 | 수유 | 수유 중인 여자 | 아기 | 어머니 | 엄마 | 여자 | 유모 |
6173 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨🍼 -name | man feeding baby |
수유 중인 남자 |
6174 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨🍼 –keywords | baby | dad | father | feed | feeding | man | nanny | newborn | nursing |
갓태어난 | 남성 | 남자 | 사랑 | 수유 | 수유 중인 남자 | 아기 | 아버님 | 아버지 | 아빠 |
6175 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑🍼 -name | person feeding baby |
수유 중인 사람 |
6176 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑🍼 –keywords | baby | feed | feeding | nanny | newborn | nursing | parent |
갓태어난 | 내니 | 보모 | 부모 | 사람 | 수유 | 수유 중인 사람 | 아기 | 유모 |
6177 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 👼 -name | baby angel |
아기 천사 |
6178 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 👼 –keywords | angel | baby | church | face | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | tale |
교회 | 동화 | 아기 | 얼굴 | 천사 | 판타지 |
6179 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🎅 -name | Santa Claus |
산타클로스 |
6180 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🎅 –keywords | celebration | Christmas | claus | fairy | fantasy | father | holiday | merry | santa | tale | xmas |
산타 | 산타 할아버지 | 산타클로스 | 아버지 | 크리스마스 | 클로스 |
6181 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🤶 -name | Mrs. Claus |
산타할머니 |
6182 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🤶 –keywords | celebration | Christmas | claus | fairy | fantasy | holiday | merry | mother | Mrs | santa | tale | xmas |
산타 | 산타클로스 | 산타할머니 | 엄마 | 여자 | 축하 | 크리스마스 | 클로스 |
6183 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧑🎄 -name | Mx Claus |
산타 |
6184 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧑🎄 –keywords | celebration | Christmas | claus | fairy | fantasy | holiday | merry | Mx | santa | tale | xmas |
메리 크리스마스 | 모자 | 사람 | 산타 | 산타클로스 | 크리스마스 | 휴일 |
6185 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🦸 -name | superhero |
히로인 |
6186 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🦸 –keywords | good | hero | superhero | superpower |
배트맨 | 슈퍼맨 | 슈퍼파워 | 슈퍼히어로 | 영웅 | 정의 | 초능력 | 초인 | 히로인 | 히어로 |
6187 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🦸♂ -name | man superhero |
남자 히어로 |
6188 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🦸♂ –keywords | good | hero | man | superhero | superpower |
남자 | 정의 | 초능력 | 히어로 |
6189 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🦸♀ -name | woman superhero |
여자 히어로 |
6190 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🦸♀ –keywords | good | hero | heroine | superhero | superpower | woman |
여성 | 여자 히어로 | 정의 | 초능력 | 히로인 | 히어로 |
6191 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🦹 -name | supervillain |
슈퍼 악당 |
6192 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🦹 –keywords | bad | criminal | evil | superpower | supervillain | villain |
나쁜놈 | 범죄자 | 빌런 | 사람 | 슈퍼 악당 | 슈퍼파워 | 악당 | 악역 | 초능력 | 초인 |
6193 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🦹♂ -name | man supervillain |
남자 슈퍼 악당 |
6194 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🦹♂ –keywords | bad | criminal | evil | man | superpower | supervillain | villain |
남자 슈퍼 악당 | 범죄자 | 빌런 | 악당 | 초능력 |
6195 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🦹♀ -name | woman supervillain |
여자 슈퍼 악당 |
6196 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🦹♀ –keywords | bad | criminal | evil | superpower | supervillain | villain | woman |
범죄자 | 빌런 | 악당 | 여자 | 여자 슈퍼 악당 | 초능력 |
6197 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧙 -name | mage |
마법사 |
6198 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧙 –keywords | fantasy | mage | magic | play | sorcerer | sorceress | sorcery | spell | summon | witch | wizard |
대마법사 | 마녀 | 마법 | 마법사 | 마술사 | 소환 | 역할극 | 주문 | 판타지 |
6199 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧙♂ -name | man mage |
남자 마법사 |
6200 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧙♂ –keywords | fantasy | mage | magic | man | play | sorcerer | sorceress | sorcery | spell | summon | witch | wizard |
남자 마법사 | 마법사 |
6201 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧙♀ -name | woman mage |
여자 마법사 |
6202 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧙♀ –keywords | fantasy | mage | magic | play | sorcerer | sorceress | sorcery | spell | summon | witch | wizard | woman |
마녀 | 마법사 | 여자 마법사 |
6203 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧚 -name | fairy |
요정 |
6204 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧚 –keywords | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | myth | person | pixie | tale | wings |
날개 | 동화 | 신화 | 요정 | 판타지 | 환상 |
6205 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧚♂ -name | man fairy |
남자 요정 |
6206 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧚♂ –keywords | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | man | myth | Oberon | person | pixie | Puck | tale | wings |
남자 요정 |
6207 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧚♀ -name | woman fairy |
여자 요정 |
6208 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧚♀ –keywords | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | myth | person | pixie | tale | Titania | wings | woman |
여자 요정 |
6209 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧛 -name | vampire |
뱀파이어 |
6210 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧛 –keywords | blood | Dracula | fangs | halloween | scary | supernatural | teeth | undead | vampire |
공포 | 드라큘라 | 뱀파이어 | 송곳니 | 언데드 | 이빨 | 코스프레 | 피 | 할로윈 |
6211 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧛♂ -name | man vampire |
남자 뱀파이어 |
6212 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧛♂ –keywords | blood | fangs | halloween | man | scary | supernatural | teeth | undead | vampire |
남자 뱀파이어 | 드라큘라 | 언데드 |
6213 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧛♀ -name | woman vampire |
여자 뱀파이어 |
6214 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧛♀ –keywords | blood | fangs | halloween | scary | supernatural | teeth | undead | vampire | woman |
드라큘라 | 언데드 | 여자 뱀파이어 |
6215 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧜 -name | merperson |
인어 |
6216 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧜 –keywords | creature | fairytale | folklore | merperson | ocean | sea | siren | trident |
남자 인어 | 동화 | 민속 | 바다 생물 | 삼지창 | 세이렌 | 심해 | 여자 인어 | 인어 | 해저 |
6217 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧜♂ -name | merman |
남자 인어 |
6218 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧜♂ –keywords | creature | fairytale | folklore | merman | Neptune | ocean | Poseidon | sea | siren | trident | Triton |
남자 인어 |
6219 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧜♀ -name | mermaid |
여자 인어 |
6220 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧜♀ –keywords | creature | fairytale | folklore | mermaid | merwoman | ocean | sea | siren | trident |
여자 인어 |
6221 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧝 -name | elf |
엘프 |
6222 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧝 –keywords | elf | elves | enchantment | fantasy | folklore | magic | magical | myth |
마법 | 신화 | 엘프 | 요정 | 전설 | 판타지 |
6223 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧝♂ -name | man elf |
남자 엘프 |
6224 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧝♂ –keywords | elf | elves | enchantment | fantasy | folklore | magic | magical | man | myth |
남자 엘프 |
6225 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧝♀ -name | woman elf |
여자 엘프 |
6226 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧝♀ –keywords | elf | elves | enchantment | fantasy | folklore | magic | magical | myth | woman |
여자 엘프 |
6227 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧞 -name | genie |
지니 |
6228 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧞 –keywords | djinn | fantasy | genie | jinn | lamp | myth | rub | wishes |
램프 문지르기 | 소원 | 정령 | 지니 | 판타지 |
6229 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧞♂ -name | man genie |
남자 지니 |
6230 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧞♂ –keywords | djinn | fantasy | genie | jinn | lamp | man | myth | rub | wishes |
남자 지니 | 정령 |
6231 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧞♀ -name | woman genie |
여자 지니 |
6232 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧞♀ –keywords | djinn | fantasy | genie | jinn | lamp | myth | rub | wishes | woman |
여자 지니 | 정령 |
6233 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧟 -name | zombie |
좀비 |
6234 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧟 –keywords | apocalypse | dead | halloween | horror | scary | undead | walking | zombie |
공포 | 아포칼립스 | 언데드 | 워킹 데드 | 좀비 | 할로윈 | 호러 |
6235 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧟♂ -name | man zombie |
남자 좀비 |
6236 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧟♂ –keywords | apocalypse | dead | halloween | horror | man | scary | undead | walking | zombie |
남자 좀비 | 언데드 | 워킹 데드 |
6237 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧟♀ -name | woman zombie |
여자 좀비 |
6238 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧟♀ –keywords | apocalypse | dead | halloween | horror | scary | undead | walking | woman | zombie |
언데드 | 여자 좀비 | 워킹데드 |
6239 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧌 -name | troll |
트롤 |
6240 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧌 –keywords | fairy | fantasy | monster | tale | troll | trolling |
괴물 | 동화 | 몬스터 | 트롤 | 트롤링 | 판타지 |
6241 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 💆 -name | person getting massage |
마사지 받는 사람 |
6242 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 💆 –keywords | face | getting | headache | massage | person | relax | relaxing | salon | soothe | spa | tension | therapy | treatment |
경락 | 골치아픔 | 긴장 | 두통 | 마사지 | 마사지 받는 사람 | 마사지를 받는 사람 | 매끈 | 살롱 | 스파 | 얼굴 | 요법 | 이완 | 치료 | 테라피 | 트리트먼트 |
6243 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 💆♂ -name | man getting massage |
마사지 받는 남자 |
6244 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 💆♂ –keywords | face | getting | headache | man | massage | relax | relaxing | salon | soothe | spa | tension | therapy | treatment |
관자놀이 | 두통 | 마사지 | 마사지 받는 남자 | 살롱 | 얼굴 | 완화 | 지압 |
6245 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 💆♀ -name | woman getting massage |
마사지 받는 여자 |
6246 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 💆♀ –keywords | face | getting | headache | massage | relax | relaxing | salon | soothe | spa | tension | therapy | treatment | woman |
관자놀이 | 두통 | 마사지 | 마사지 받는 여자 | 지압 |
6247 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 💇 -name | person getting haircut |
헤어컷 |
6248 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 💇 –keywords | barber | beauty | chop | cosmetology | cut | groom | hair | haircut | parlor | person | shears | style |
가위와 빗 | 머리 깎기 | 머리 손질 | 머리 정돈 | 머리카락 | 머리카락 자름 | 머리카락을 자르는 사람 | 미용 | 미용실 | 뷰티 | 스타일 | 이발 | 이발소 | 헤어스타일 | 헤어컷 |
6249 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 💇♂ -name | man getting haircut |
남자 헤어컷 |
6250 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 💇♂ –keywords | barber | beauty | chop | cosmetology | cut | groom | hair | haircut | man | parlor | person | shears | style |
가위 | 남자 헤어컷 | 머리카락 자르는 남자 | 미용실 | 헤어컷 |
6251 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 💇♀ -name | woman getting haircut |
여자 헤어컷 |
6252 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 💇♀ –keywords | barber | beauty | chop | cosmetology | cut | groom | hair | haircut | parlor | person | shears | style | woman |
가위 | 미용실 | 여자 헤어컷 | 헤어컷 |
6253 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🚶 -name | person walking |
보행자 |
6254 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🚶 –keywords | amble | gait | hike | man | pace | pedestrian | person | stride | stroll | walk | walking |
걷기 | 걷는 남자 | 걷는 사람 | 걸어가는 사람 | 돌아다니기 | 보행자 | 보행자용 | 산책 | 하이크 | 하이킹 |
6255 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🚶♂ -name | man walking |
걷는 남자 |
6256 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🚶♂ –keywords | amble | gait | hike | man | pace | pedestrian | stride | stroll | walk | walking |
걷기 | 걷는 남자 | 도보 | 보행자 | 워킹 |
6257 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🚶♀ -name | woman walking |
걷는 여자 |
6258 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🚶♀ –keywords | amble | gait | hike | man | pace | pedestrian | stride | stroll | walk | walking | woman |
걷기 | 걷는 여자 | 도보 | 보행자 | 워킹 | 하이크 |
6259 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧍 -name | person standing |
서 있는 사람 |
6260 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧍 –keywords | person | stand | standing |
서 있는 | 서 있는 사람 |
6261 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧍♂ -name | man standing |
서 있는 남자 |
6262 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧍♂ –keywords | man | stand | standing |
남자 | 서 있는 | 서 있는 남자 |
6263 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧍♀ -name | woman standing |
서 있는 여자 |
6264 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧍♀ –keywords | stand | standing | woman |
서 있는 | 서 있는 여자 | 여자 |
6265 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧎 -name | person kneeling |
무릎을 꿇은 사람 |
6266 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧎 –keywords | kneel | kneeling | knees | person |
무릎을 꿇은 | 무릎을 꿇은 사람 |
6267 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧎♂ -name | man kneeling |
무릎을 꿇은 남자 |
6268 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧎♂ –keywords | kneel | kneeling | knees | man |
남자 | 무릎을 꿇은 | 무릎을 꿇은 남자 |
6269 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧎♀ -name | woman kneeling |
무릎을 꿇은 여자 |
6270 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧎♀ –keywords | kneel | kneeling | knees | woman |
무릎을 꿇은 | 무릎을 꿇은 여자 | 여자 |
6271 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧑🦯 -name | person with white cane |
지팡이를 든 사람 |
6272 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧑🦯 –keywords | accessibility | blind | cane | person | probing | white |
시각장애 | 접근성 | 지팡이를 든 사람 |
6273 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 👨🦯 -name | man with white cane |
지팡이를 든 남자 |
6274 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 👨🦯 –keywords | accessibility | blind | cane | man | probing | white |
남자 | 시각장애 | 접근성 | 지팡이를 든 남자 | 지팡이를 든 남자 시각장애인 |
6275 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 👩🦯 -name | woman with white cane |
지팡이를 든 여자 |
6276 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 👩🦯 –keywords | accessibility | blind | cane | probing | white | woman |
시각장애 | 여자 | 접근성 | 지팡이를 든 여자 | 지팡이를 든 여자 시각장애인 |
6277 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧑🦼 -name | person in motorized wheelchair |
전동 휠체어를 탄 사람 |
6278 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧑🦼 –keywords | accessibility | motorized | person | wheelchair |
전동 휠체어 | 전동 휠체어를 탄 사람 | 접근성 |
6279 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 👨🦼 -name | man in motorized wheelchair |
전동 휠체어를 탄 남자 |
6280 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 👨🦼 –keywords | accessibility | man | motorized | wheelchair |
남자 | 전동 휠체어를 탄 남자 | 접근성 | 휠체어 |
6281 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 👩🦼 -name | woman in motorized wheelchair |
전동 휠체어를 탄 여자 |
6282 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 👩🦼 –keywords | accessibility | motorized | wheelchair | woman |
여자 | 전동 휠체어를 탄 여자 | 접근성 | 휠체어 |
6283 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧑🦽 -name | person in manual wheelchair |
수동 휠체어를 탄 사람 |
6284 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧑🦽 –keywords | accessibility | manual | person | wheelchair |
수동 휠체어 | 수동 휠체어를 탄 사람 | 접근성 |
6285 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 👨🦽 -name | man in manual wheelchair |
수동 휠체어를 탄 남자 |
6286 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 👨🦽 –keywords | accessibility | man | manual | wheelchair |
남자 | 수동 휠체어를 탄 남자 | 접근성 | 휠체어 |
6287 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 👩🦽 -name | woman in manual wheelchair |
수동 휠체어를 탄 여자 |
6288 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 👩🦽 –keywords | accessibility | manual | wheelchair | woman |
수동 휠체어를 탄 여자 | 여자 | 접근성 | 휠체어 |
6289 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🏃 -name | person running |
뛰는 사람 |
6290 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🏃 –keywords | fast | hurry | marathon | move | person | quick | race | racing | run | rush | speed |
경기 | 급한 | 달리기 | 뛰기 | 뛰는 사람 | 런닝 | 마라토너 | 마라톤 | 마라톤 선수 | 빨리 | 서두르는 | 속도 | 신속 | 이동 | 질주 |
6291 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🏃♂ -name | man running |
뛰는 남자 |
6292 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🏃♂ –keywords | fast | hurry | man | marathon | move | quick | race | racing | run | rush | speed |
달리기 | 뛰기 | 뛰는 남자 | 런닝 | 마라톤 |
6293 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🏃♀ -name | woman running |
뛰는 여자 |
6294 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🏃♀ –keywords | fast | hurry | marathon | move | quick | race | racing | run | rush | speed | woman |
급한 | 달리기 | 뛰기 | 뛰는 여자 | 런닝 | 마라톤 | 빨리 | 서두르는 | 스피드 |
6295 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 💃 -name | woman dancing |
여자 댄서 |
6296 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 💃 –keywords | dance | dancer | dancing | elegant | festive | flair | flamenco | groove | let’s | salsa | tango | woman |
그루브 | 다함께 춤춰요 | 댄서 | 댄스 | 댄싱 | 살사 | 엘레강스 | 여성 | 여자 | 재능 | 축제 | 춤 | 춤추는 여자 | 탱고 | 플라멩고 |
6297 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🕺 -name | man dancing |
남자 댄서 |
6298 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🕺 –keywords | dance | dancer | dancing | elegant | festive | flair | flamenco | groove | let’s | man | salsa | tango |
같이 춤춰요 | 그루브 | 남성 | 남자 | 댄서 | 댄스 | 댄싱 | 살사 | 여자 | 우아한 | 재능 | 축제 | 춤 | 춤추는 남자 | 탱고 | 플라멩고 |
6299 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🕴 -name | person in suit levitating |
공중에 떠 있는 정장 입은 남자 |
6300 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🕴 –keywords | business | levitating | person | suit |
공중부양 | 공중에 떠 있는 정장 입은 남자 | 남자 | 비즈니스 | 정장 |
6301 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 👯 -name | people with bunny ears |
토끼 귀를 쓰고 춤추는 사람들 |
6302 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 👯 –keywords | bestie | bff | bunny | counterpart | dancer | double | ear | identical | pair | party | partying | people | soulmate | twin | twinsies |
단짝 | 댄서 | 더블 | 바니걸 | 베스트프렌드 | 베프 | 사람 | 소울메이트 | 쌍 | 쌍둥이 | 짝꿍 | 토끼 귀 | 토끼 귀를 쓰고 춤추는 사람들 | 파티 |
6303 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 👯♂ -name | men with bunny ears |
토끼 귀를 쓰고 춤추는 남자들 |
6304 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 👯♂ –keywords | bestie | bff | bunny | counterpart | dancer | double | ear | identical | men | pair | party | partying | people | soulmate | twin | twinsies |
귀 | 남자 | 댄서 | 두 남자 | 토끼 | 토끼 귀를 쓰고 춤추는 남자들 | 파티 |
6305 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 👯♀ -name | women with bunny ears |
토끼 귀를 쓰고 춤추는 여자들 |
6306 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 👯♀ –keywords | bestie | bff | bunny | counterpart | dancer | double | ear | identical | pair | party | partying | people | soulmate | twin | twinsies | women |
댄서 | 두 여자 | 토끼 | 토끼 귀 | 토끼 귀를 쓰고 춤추는 여자들 |
6307 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧖 -name | person in steamy room |
사우나 하는 사람 |
6308 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧖 –keywords | day | luxurious | pamper | person | relax | room | sauna | spa | steam | steambath | unwind |
데이 스파 | 럭셔리 | 목욕 | 사우나 | 사우나 하는 사람 | 스파 | 휴식 | 휴양 |
6309 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧖♂ -name | man in steamy room |
사우나 하는 남자 |
6310 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧖♂ –keywords | day | luxurious | man | pamper | relax | room | sauna | spa | steam | steambath | unwind |
사우나 | 사우나 하는 남자 |
6311 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧖♀ -name | woman in steamy room |
사우나 하는 여자 |
6312 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧖♀ –keywords | day | luxurious | pamper | relax | room | sauna | spa | steam | steambath | unwind | woman |
사우나 | 사우나 하는 여자 |
6313 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧗 -name | person climbing |
클라이밍하는 사람 |
6314 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧗 –keywords | climb | climber | climbing | mountain | person | rock | scale | up |
등반 | 등산 | 등산가 | 산 | 암벽 등반 | 암벽 등반가 | 클라이밍 | 클라이밍하는 사람 |
6315 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧗♂ -name | man climbing |
클라이밍하는 남자 |
6316 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧗♂ –keywords | climb | climber | climbing | man | mountain | rock | scale | up |
클라이밍 | 클라이밍하는 남자 |
6317 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧗♀ -name | woman climbing |
클라이밍하는 여자 |
6318 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧗♀ –keywords | climb | climber | climbing | mountain | rock | scale | up | woman |
클라이밍 | 클라이밍하는 여자 |
6319 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤺 -name | person fencing |
펜싱하는 사람 |
6320 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤺 –keywords | fencer | fencing | person | sword |
검 | 선수 | 스포츠 | 칼 | 펜싱 | 펜싱하는 사람 |
6321 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏇 -name | horse racing |
승마 |
6322 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏇 –keywords | horse | jockey | racehorse | racing | riding | sport |
경마 | 기수 | 레이싱 | 말 | 말과 기수 | 스포츠 | 승마 | 트리플 크라운 |
6323 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | ⛷ -name | skier |
스키 타는 사람 |
6324 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | ⛷ –keywords | ski | skier | snow |
눈 | 스키 | 스키 타는 사람 | 스키타는 사람 |
6325 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏂 -name | snowboarder |
스노보드 타는 사람 |
6326 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏂 –keywords | ski | snow | snowboard | snowboarder | sport |
눈 | 스노보더 | 스노보드 | 스노보드 타는 사람 | 스키 | 스포츠 | 운동 |
6327 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏌 -name | person golfing |
골프치는 사람 |
6328 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏌 –keywords | ball | birdie | caddy | driving | golf | golfing | green | person | pga | putt | range | tee |
골퍼 | 골프 | 골프 선수 | 골프 연습장 | 골프치는 사람 | 골프티 | 공 | 그린 | 버디 | 캐디 | 퍼트 | 필드 |
6329 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏌♂ -name | man golfing |
골프치는 남자 |
6330 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏌♂ –keywords | ball | birdie | caddy | driving | golf | golfing | green | man | pga | putt | range | tee |
골프 | 골프선수 | 골프치는 남자 | 스윙 |
6331 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏌♀ -name | woman golfing |
골프치는 여자 |
6332 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏌♀ –keywords | ball | birdie | caddy | driving | golf | golfing | green | pga | putt | range | tee | woman |
골프 | 골프선수 | 골프치는 여자 | 공 | 스윙 |
6333 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏄 -name | person surfing |
서핑하는 사람 |
6334 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏄 –keywords | beach | ocean | person | sport | surf | surfer | surfing | swell | waves |
바다 | 서퍼 | 서핑 | 서핑하는 사람 | 스포츠 | 파도 | 파도 타기 | 해변 | 해양 |
6335 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏄♂ -name | man surfing |
서핑하는 남자 |
6336 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏄♂ –keywords | beach | man | ocean | sport | surf | surfer | surfing | swell | waves |
서퍼 | 서핑 | 서핑보드 | 서핑하는 남자 | 수상스포츠 |
6337 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏄♀ -name | woman surfing |
서핑하는 여자 |
6338 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏄♀ –keywords | beach | ocean | person | sport | surf | surfer | surfing | swell | waves |
서퍼 | 서핑 | 서핑보드 | 서핑하는 사람 | 서핑하는 여자 | 수상스포츠 | 스포츠 | 파도 | 해변 |
6339 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🚣 -name | person rowing boat |
노젓는 사람 |
6340 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🚣 –keywords | boat | canoe | cruise | fishing | lake | oar | paddle | person | raft | river | row | rowboat | rowing |
강 | 낚시 | 노 | 노 젓기 | 노 젓는 보트 | 노젓는 사람 | 뗏목 | 보트 | 카누 | 크루즈 | 호수 |
6341 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🚣♂ -name | man rowing boat |
노젓는 남자 |
6342 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🚣♂ –keywords | boat | canoe | cruise | fishing | lake | man | oar | paddle | raft | river | row | rowboat | rowing |
노 | 노젓기 | 노젓는 남자 | 배 | 보트 |
6343 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🚣♀ -name | woman rowing boat |
노젓는 여자 |
6344 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🚣♀ –keywords | boat | canoe | cruise | fishing | lake | oar | paddle | raft | river | row | rowboat | rowing | woman |
강 | 노 | 노젓기 | 노젓는 배 | 노젓는 여자 | 배 | 보트 | 크루즈 | 호수 |
6345 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏊 -name | person swimming |
수영하는 사람 |
6346 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏊 –keywords | freestyle | person | sport | swim | swimmer | swimming | triathlon |
수영 | 수영 선수 | 수영장 | 수영하기 | 수영하는 남자 | 수영하는 사람 | 스포츠 | 운동 | 자유형 | 철인 3종 경기 | 트라이애슬론 |
6347 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏊♂ -name | man swimming |
수영하는 남자 |
6348 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏊♂ –keywords | freestyle | man | sport | swim | swimmer | swimming | triathlon |
수영 | 수영선수 | 수영장 | 수영하는 남자 | 헤엄 |
6349 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏊♀ -name | woman swimming |
수영하는 여자 |
6350 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏊♀ –keywords | freestyle | man | sport | swim | swimmer | swimming | triathlon |
수영 | 수영선수 | 수영장 | 수영하는 사람 | 수영하는 여자 | 헤엄 |
6351 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | ⛹ -name | person bouncing ball |
공을 갖고 있는 사람 |
6352 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | ⛹ –keywords | athletic | ball | basketball | bouncing | championship | dribble | net | person | player | throw |
공 | 공 튀기는 사람 | 공을 갖고 있는 사람 | 농구 | 농구공 | 농구선수 | 드리블 | 운동 선수 | 자유투 | 챔피언십 |
6353 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | ⛹♂ -name | man bouncing ball |
공 가진 남자 |
6354 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | ⛹♂ –keywords | athletic | ball | basketball | bouncing | championship | dribble | man | net | player | throw |
공 | 공 가진 남자 | 공놀이 | 남자 |
6355 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | ⛹♀ -name | woman bouncing ball |
공 가진 여자 |
6356 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | ⛹♀ –keywords | athletic | ball | basketball | bouncing | championship | dribble | net | player | throw | woman |
공 | 공 가진 여자 | 공놀이 | 여자 |
6357 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏋 -name | person lifting weights |
역도 선수 |
6358 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏋 –keywords | barbell | bodybuilder | deadlift | lifter | lifting | person | powerlifting | weight | weightlifter | weights | workout |
데드리프트 | 바벨 | 보디빌더 | 역도 | 역도 선수 | 역도선수 | 역도하는 사람 | 운동 | 웨이트 트레이닝 | 트레이닝 | 파워 리프팅 |
6359 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏋♂ -name | man lifting weights |
남자 역도 선수 |
6360 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏋♂ –keywords | barbell | bodybuilder | deadlift | lifter | lifting | man | powerlifting | weight | weightlifter | weights | workout |
남자 역도 선수 | 역도 | 역도선수 |
6361 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏋♀ -name | woman lifting weights |
여자 역도 선수 |
6362 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏋♀ –keywords | barbell | bodybuilder | deadlift | lifter | lifting | powerlifting | weight | weightlifter | weights | woman | workout |
여자 | 여자 역도 선수 | 역도 | 역도선수 |
6363 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🚴 -name | person biking |
자전거 타는 사람 |
6364 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🚴 –keywords | bicycle | bicyclist | bike | biking | cycle | cyclist | person | riding | sport |
라이딩 | 바이크 | 사이클 | 사이클리스트 | 스포츠 | 자전거 | 자전거 선수 | 자전거 주행 | 자전거 타는 사람 |
6365 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🚴♂ -name | man biking |
자전거 타는 남자 |
6366 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🚴♂ –keywords | bicycle | bicyclist | bike | biking | cycle | cyclist | man | riding | sport |
바이커 | 바이킹 | 선수 | 자전거 | 자전거 타는 남자 |
6367 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🚴♀ -name | woman biking |
자전거 타는 여자 |
6368 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🚴♀ –keywords | bicycle | bicyclist | bike | biking | cycle | cyclist | riding | sport | woman |
라이딩 | 바이커 | 바이킹 | 사이클리스트 | 선수 | 스포츠 | 자전거 | 자전거 타는 여자 |
6369 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🚵 -name | person mountain biking |
산악 자전거 타는 사람 |
6370 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🚵 –keywords | bicycle | bicyclist | bike | biking | cycle | cyclist | mountain | person | riding | sport |
라이딩 | 바이크 | 사이클리스트 | 산 | 산악 자전거 주행 | 산악 자전거 타는 사람 | 스포츠 | 자전거 | 자전거 타는 사람 |
6371 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🚵♂ -name | man mountain biking |
산악 자전거 타는 남자 |
6372 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🚵♂ –keywords | bicycle | bicyclist | bike | biking | cycle | cyclist | man | mountain | riding | sport |
남자 | 사이클링 | 산 | 산악 자전거 | 산악 자전거 타는 남자 | 자전거 |
6373 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🚵♀ -name | woman mountain biking |
산악 자전거 타는 여자 |
6374 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🚵♀ –keywords | bicycle | bicyclist | bike | biking | cycle | cyclist | mountain | riding | sport | woman |
사이클리스트 | 사이클링 | 산 | 산악 자전거 | 산악 자전거 타는 여자 | 스포츠 | 여자 | 자전거 |
6375 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤸 -name | person cartwheeling |
옆돌기하는 사람 |
6376 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤸 –keywords | active | cartwheel | cartwheeling | excited | flip | gymnastics | happy | person | somersault |
곡예 | 섬머솔트 | 옆돌기 | 옆돌기하는 사람 | 체조 | 풍차돌리기 | 행복 | 활동적 | 활력 |
6377 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤸♂ -name | man cartwheeling |
옆돌기하는 남자 |
6378 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤸♂ –keywords | active | cartwheel | cartwheeling | excited | flip | gymnastics | happy | man | somersault |
남자 | 섬머솔트 | 옆돌기 | 옆돌기하는 남자 | 재주넘기 | 체조 | 풍차돌리기 | 행복 | 활동적 |
6379 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤸♀ -name | woman cartwheeling |
옆돌기하는 여자 |
6380 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤸♀ –keywords | active | cartwheel | cartwheeling | excited | flip | gymnastics | happy | somersault | woman |
섬머솔트 | 여자 | 옆돌기 | 옆돌기하는 여자 | 재주넘기 | 체조 | 풍차돌리기 | 행복 | 활동적 |
6381 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤼 -name | people wrestling |
레슬링하는 사람 |
6382 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤼 –keywords | combat | duel | grapple | people | ring | tournament | wrestle | wrestling |
경기 | 레슬러 | 레슬링 | 레슬링 선수 | 레슬링하는 사람 | 링 | 스포츠 | 전투 |
6383 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤼♂ -name | men wrestling |
레슬링하는 남자 |
6384 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤼♂ –keywords | combat | duel | grapple | men | ring | tournament | wrestle | wrestling |
결투 | 경기 | 남자 | 레슬러 | 레슬링 | 레슬링하는 남자 | 레슬링하는 두 남자 | 시합 |
6385 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤼♀ -name | women wrestling |
레슬링하는 여자 |
6386 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤼♀ –keywords | combat | duel | grapple | ring | tournament | women | wrestle | wrestling |
결투 | 경기 | 레슬러 | 레슬링 | 레슬링하는 두 여자 | 레슬링하는 여자 | 시합 | 여자 |
6387 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤽 -name | person playing water polo |
수구하는 사람 |
6388 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤽 –keywords | person | playing | polo | sport | swimming | water | waterpolo |
수구 | 수구하는 사람 | 수상 스포츠 | 스포츠 | 워터폴로 |
6389 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤽♂ -name | man playing water polo |
수구하는 남자 |
6390 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤽♂ –keywords | man | playing | polo | sport | swimming | water | waterpolo |
남자 | 수구 | 수구하는 남자 | 수상스포츠 | 수영 | 수영복 | 워터폴로 |
6391 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤽♀ -name | woman playing water polo |
수구하는 여자 |
6392 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤽♀ –keywords | playing | polo | sport | swimming | water | waterpolo | woman |
수구 | 수구하는 여자 | 수상스포츠 | 수영 | 수영복 | 여자 | 워터폴로 |
6393 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤾 -name | person playing handball |
핸드볼하는 사람 |
6394 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤾 –keywords | athletics | ball | catch | chuck | handball | hurl | lob | person | pitch | playing | sport | throw | toss |
공놀이 | 구기종목 | 던지기 | 선수 | 스포츠 | 운동선수 | 투구 | 핸드볼 | 핸드볼하는 사람 |
6395 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤾♂ -name | man playing handball |
핸드볼하는 남자 |
6396 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤾♂ –keywords | athletics | ball | catch | chuck | handball | hurl | lob | man | pitch | playing | sport | throw | toss |
구기종목 | 남자 | 스포츠 | 핸드볼 | 핸드볼하는 남자 |
6397 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤾♀ -name | woman playing handball |
핸드볼하는 여자 |
6398 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤾♀ –keywords | athletics | ball | catch | chuck | handball | hurl | lob | pitch | playing | sport | throw | toss | woman |
공 | 구기종목 | 던지기 | 스포츠 | 여자 | 운동 선수 | 잡기 | 투구 | 핸드볼 | 핸드볼하는 여자 |
6399 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤹 -name | person juggling |
저글링하는 사람 |
6400 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤹 –keywords | act | balance | balancing | handle | juggle | juggling | manage | multitask | person | skill |
균형 | 멀티태스크 | 멀티태스킹 | 묘기 | 사람 | 저글 | 저글링 | 저글링하는 사람 |
6401 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤹♂ -name | man juggling |
저글링하는 남자 |
6402 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤹♂ –keywords | act | balance | balancing | handle | juggle | juggling | man | manage | multitask | skill |
균형 | 남자 | 멀티태스크 | 멀티태스킹 | 묘기 | 저글 | 저글링 | 저글링하는 남자 |
6403 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤹♀ -name | woman juggling |
저글링하는 여자 |
6404 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤹♀ –keywords | act | balance | balancing | handle | juggle | juggling | manage | multitask | skill | woman |
여자 | 저글 | 저글링 | 저글링하는 여자 |
6405 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-resting | 🧘 -name | person in lotus position |
가부좌한 사람 |
6406 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-resting | 🧘 –keywords | cross | legged | legs | lotus | meditation | peace | person | position | relax | serenity | yoga | yogi | zen |
가부좌 | 가부좌한 사람 | 다리 꼬기 | 명상 | 아빠다리 | 요가 | 요기 | 정좌 | 참선 | 평온 | 평화 | 휴식 |
6407 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-resting | 🧘♂ -name | man in lotus position |
가부좌한 남자 |
6408 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-resting | 🧘♂ –keywords | cross | legged | legs | lotus | man | meditation | peace | position | relax | serenity | yoga | yogi | zen |
가부좌 | 가부좌한 남자 | 요가 |
6409 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-resting | 🧘♀ -name | woman in lotus position |
가부좌한 여자 |
6410 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-resting | 🧘♀ –keywords | cross | legged | legs | lotus | meditation | peace | position | relax | serenity | woman | yoga | yogi | zen |
가부좌 | 가부좌한 여자 | 요가 |
6411 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-resting | 🛀 -name | person taking bath |
목욕하는 사람 |
6412 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-resting | 🛀 –keywords | bath | bathtub | person | taking | tub |
목욕 | 목욕하는 사람 | 욕조 |
6413 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-resting | 🛌 -name | person in bed |
침대에 누운 사람 |
6414 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-resting | 🛌 –keywords | bed | bedtime | good | goodnight | hotel | nap | night | person | sleep | tired | zzz |
굿밤 | 낮잠 | 안녕히 주무세요 | 잘 시간 | 잘자 | 잠 | 침대 | 침대에 누운 사람 | 쿨쿨쿨 | 피곤 | 호텔 |
6415 | Characters | People & Body 2 | family | 🧑🤝🧑 -name | people holding hands |
손을 잡고 있는 두 명의 사람 |
6416 | Characters | People & Body 2 | family | 🧑🤝🧑 –keywords | bae | bestie | bff | couple | dating | flirt | friends | hand | hold | people | twins |
사람 | 손 | 손을 잡고 | 손을 잡고 있는 두 명의 사람 | 커플 |
6417 | Characters | People & Body 2 | family | 👭 -name | women holding hands |
손을 잡고 있는 두 명의 여자 |
6418 | Characters | People & Body 2 | family | 👭 –keywords | bae | bestie | bff | couple | dating | flirt | friends | girls | hand | hold | sisters | twins | women |
꼭 잡은 | 데이트 | 동성 연인 | 동성 커플 | 딸들 | 베스트프렌드 | 성소수자 | 손을 잡고 있는 두 명의 여자 | 손을 잡고 있는 레즈비언 커플 | 여성 커플 | 여자 | 연애 | 우정 | 자매 | 절친 | 친구 | 친구들 | 친한 |
6419 | Characters | People & Body 2 | family | 👫 -name | woman and man holding hands |
손을 잡고 있는 남녀 |
6420 | Characters | People & Body 2 | family | 👫 –keywords | bae | bestie | bff | couple | dating | flirt | friends | hand | hold | man | twins | woman |
남녀 커플 | 데이트 | 모두 | 바람 | 사랑하는 | 손을 잡고 있는 남녀 | 연애 | 연인 | 친구 | 커플 |
6421 | Characters | People & Body 2 | family | 👬 -name | men holding hands |
손을 잡고 있는 두 명의 남자 |
6422 | Characters | People & Body 2 | family | 👬 –keywords | bae | bestie | bff | boys | brothers | couple | dating | flirt | friends | hand | hold | men | twins |
게이 | 꼭 잡은 | 남성 커플 | 남자 | 데이트 | 동성 연인 | 동성 커플 | 모두 | 별자리 | 사랑에 빠진 | 성소수자 | 손 | 손을 잡고 있는 게이 커플 | 손을 잡고 있는 두 명의 남자 | 쌍둥이 | 연애 | 친구 | 친구들 | 커플 | 퀴어 |
6423 | Characters | People & Body 2 | family | 💏 -name | kiss |
키스 |
6424 | Characters | People & Body 2 | family | 💏 –keywords | anniversary | babe | bae | couple | date | dating | heart | kiss | love | mwah | person | romance | together | xoxo |
기념일 | 데이트 | 로맨스 | 사랑 | 연애 | 연인 | 커플 | 키스 | 하트 |
6425 | Characters | People & Body 2 | family | 💑 -name | couple with heart |
연인 |
6426 | Characters | People & Body 2 | family | 💑 –keywords | anniversary | babe | bae | couple | dating | heart | kiss | love | person | relationship | romance | together | you |
기념일 | 로맨스 | 사랑 | 연애 | 연애 중 | 연인 | 커플 | 키스 | 하트 | 하트가 있는 연인 |
6427 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-symbol | 🗣 -name | speaking head |
말하고 있는 옆얼굴 |
6428 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-symbol | 🗣 –keywords | face | head | silhouette | speak | speaking |
말하고 있는 옆얼굴 | 말하는 | 말함 | 머리 | 실루엣 | 얼굴 |
6429 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-symbol | 👤 -name | bust in silhouette |
사람 그림자 |
6430 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-symbol | 👤 –keywords | bust | mysterious | shadow | silhouette |
미스테리한 | 사람 | 사람 그림자 | 상반신 | 상체 | 실루엣 |
6431 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-symbol | 👥 -name | busts in silhouette |
사람들 그림자 |
6432 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-symbol | 👥 –keywords | bff | bust | busts | everyone | friend | friends | people | silhouette |
사람들 | 사람들 그림자 | 상반신 | 상체 | 상체 그림자 | 영원한 베스트프렌드 | 친구들 |
6433 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-symbol | 🫂 -name | people hugging |
포옹하는 사람 |
6434 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-symbol | 🫂 –keywords | comfort | embrace | farewell | friendship | goodbye | hello | hug | hugging | love | people | thanks |
고마워 | 굿바이 | 사랑 | 안녕 | 안아주기 | 우정 | 이별 | 잘 가 | 편안한 | 포옹 | 포옹하는 사람 | 허그 |
6435 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-symbol | 👪 -name | family |
가족 |
6436 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-symbol | 👪 –keywords | child | family |
가족 | 사람들 | 아빠 | 아이 | 엄마 |
6437 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-symbol | 🧑🧑🧒 -name | family: adult, adult, child |
가족: 성인, 성인, 아이 |
6438 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-symbol | 🧑🧑🧒 –keywords | adult | child | family |
가족 | 성인 | 아이 |
6439 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-symbol | 🧑🧑🧒🧒 -name | family: adult, adult, child, child |
가족: 성인, 성인, 아이, 아이 |
6440 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-symbol | 🧑🧑🧒🧒 –keywords | adult | child | family |
가족 | 성인 | 아이 |
6441 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-symbol | 🧑🧒 -name | family: adult, child |
가족: 성인, 아이 |
6442 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-symbol | 🧑🧒 –keywords | adult | child | family |
가족 | 성인 | 아이 |
6443 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-symbol | 🧑🧒🧒 -name | family: adult, child, child |
가족: 성인, 아이, 아이 |
6444 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-symbol | 🧑🧒🧒 –keywords | adult | child | family |
가족 | 성인 | 아이 |
6445 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-symbol | 👣 -name | footprints |
발자국 |
6446 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-symbol | 👣 –keywords | barefoot | clothing | footprint | footprints | omw | print | walk |
가는 중 | 걸음 | 맨발 | 발 | 발바닥 | 발자국 | 의류 | 족적 |
6447 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-symbol | -name | fingerprint |
지문 |
6448 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-symbol | –keywords | clue | crime | detective | fingerprint | forensics | identity | mystery | print | safety | trace |
단서 | 미스터리 | 범죄 | 신원 | 안전 | 지문 | 추적 | 탐정 | 포렌식 | 프린트 |
6449 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐵 -name | monkey face |
원숭이 얼굴 |
6450 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐵 –keywords | animal | banana | face | monkey |
동물 | 바나나 | 얼굴 | 원숭이 | 원숭이띠 |
6451 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐒 -name | monkey |
원숭이 |
6452 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐒 –keywords | animal | banana | monkey |
동물 | 원숭이 |
6453 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦍 -name | gorilla |
고릴라 |
6454 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦍 –keywords | animal | gorilla |
고릴라 | 동물 |
6455 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦧 -name | orangutan |
오랑우탄 |
6456 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦧 –keywords | animal | ape | monkey | orangutan |
동물 | 오랑우탄 | 원숭이 | 유인원 |
6457 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐶 -name | dog face |
강아지 얼굴 |
6458 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐶 –keywords | adorbs | animal | dog | face | pet | puppies | puppy |
강아지 | 강아지 얼굴 | 개 | 개띠 | 동물 | 사랑스러운 | 애완동물 |
6459 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐕 -name | dog |
개 |
6460 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐕 –keywords | animal | animals | dog | dogs | pet |
강아지 | 개 | 동물 | 멍멍이 | 애완동물 |
6461 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦮 -name | guide dog |
안내견 |
6462 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦮 –keywords | accessibility | animal | blind | dog | guide |
시각장애 | 안내 | 안내견 | 접근성 |
6463 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐕🦺 -name | service dog |
보조견 |
6464 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐕🦺 –keywords | accessibility | animal | assistance | dog | service |
개 | 보조 | 보조견 | 서비스 | 접근성 |
6465 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐩 -name | poodle |
푸들 |
6466 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐩 –keywords | animal | dog | fluffy | poodle |
강아지 | 개 | 동물 | 멍멍이 | 복실복실한 | 푸들 |
6467 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐺 -name | wolf |
늑대 얼굴 |
6468 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐺 –keywords | animal | face | wolf |
늑대 | 동물 | 얼굴 |
6469 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦊 -name | fox |
여우 얼굴 |
6470 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦊 –keywords | animal | face | fox |
동물 | 얼굴 | 여우 |
6471 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦝 -name | raccoon |
너구리 |
6472 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦝 –keywords | animal | curious | raccoon | sly |
너구리 | 동물 | 라쿤 | 장난기 있는 | 호기심 |
6473 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐱 -name | cat face |
고양이 얼굴 |
6474 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐱 –keywords | animal | cat | face | kitten | kitty | pet |
고양이 | 동물 | 새끼 고양이 | 애완동물 | 얼굴 | 키티 |
6475 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐈 -name | cat |
고양이 |
6476 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐈 –keywords | animal | animals | cat | cats | kitten | pet |
고양이 | 괭이 | 냐옹이 | 동물 | 새끼 고양이 | 애완동물 | 야옹이 | 집사 |
6477 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐈⬛ -name | black cat |
검은 고양이 |
6478 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐈⬛ –keywords | animal | black | cat | feline | halloween | meow | unlucky |
검은 | 고양이 | 고양이 같은 | 동물 | 불길한 | 불행 | 야옹 | 할로윈 | 핼러윈 |
6479 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦁 -name | lion |
사자 얼굴 |
6480 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦁 –keywords | alpha | animal | face | Leo | lion | mane | order | rawr | roar | safari | strong | zodiac |
갈기 | 동물 | 레오 | 사자 | 사자자리 | 사파리 | 알파 | 얼굴 | 으르렁거리는 | 힘이 센 |
6481 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐯 -name | tiger face |
호랑이 얼굴 |
6482 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐯 –keywords | animal | big | cat | face | predator | tiger |
동물 | 얼굴 | 포식자 | 호랑이 | 호랑이띠 |
6483 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐅 -name | tiger |
호랑이 |
6484 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐅 –keywords | animal | big | cat | predator | tiger | zoo |
동물 | 동물원 | 큰 고양이과 동물 | 타이거 | 포식자 | 호랑이 |
6485 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐆 -name | leopard |
표범 |
6486 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐆 –keywords | animal | big | cat | leopard | predator | zoo |
동물 | 동물원 | 레오파드 | 큰 고양이과 동물 | 포식자 | 표범 |
6487 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐴 -name | horse face |
말 얼굴 |
6488 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐴 –keywords | animal | dressage | equine | face | farm | horse | horses |
농장 | 동물 | 마장마술 | 말 | 말띠 | 얼굴 |
6489 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🫎 -name | moose |
무스 |
6490 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🫎 –keywords | alces | animal | antlers | elk | mammal | moose |
가지진 뿔 | 동물 | 무스 | 엘크 | 포유동물 |
6491 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🫏 -name | donkey |
당나귀 |
6492 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🫏 –keywords | animal | ass | burro | donkey | hinny | mammal | mule | stubborn |
고집불통 | 노새 | 당나귀 | 동물 | 엉덩이 | 토끼 | 포유동물 |
6493 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐎 -name | horse |
말 |
6494 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐎 –keywords | animal | equestrian | farm | horse | racehorse | racing |
경마 | 동물 | 레이스 | 레이싱 | 말 | 벨몬트 스테이크 | 승마 | 켄터키 더비 | 트리플 크라운 |
6495 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦄 -name | unicorn |
유니콘 얼굴 |
6496 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦄 –keywords | face | unicorn |
얼굴 | 유니콘 |
6497 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦓 -name | zebra |
얼룩말 |
6498 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦓 –keywords | animal | stripe | zebra |
얼룩말 | 줄무늬 |
6499 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦌 -name | deer |
사슴 |
6500 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦌 –keywords | animal | deer |
동물 | 사슴 |
6501 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦬 -name | bison |
들소 |
6502 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦬 –keywords | animal | bison | buffalo | herd | wisent |
동물 | 들소 | 떼 | 물소 | 바이슨 |
6503 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐮 -name | cow face |
소 얼굴 |
6504 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐮 –keywords | animal | cow | face | farm | milk | moo |
농장 | 동물 | 소 | 소 얼굴 | 소띠 | 우유 | 음메 |
6505 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐂 -name | ox |
소 |
6506 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐂 –keywords | animal | animals | bull | farm | ox | Taurus | zodiac |
농장 | 동물 | 별자리 | 소 | 황소 | 황소자리 |
6507 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐃 -name | water buffalo |
물소 |
6508 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐃 –keywords | animal | buffalo | water | zoo |
동물 | 동물원 | 물소 | 버팔로 | 소 |
6509 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐄 -name | cow |
젖소 |
6510 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐄 –keywords | animal | animals | cow | farm | milk | moo |
농장 | 동물 | 소 | 우유 | 음메 | 젖소 |
6511 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐷 -name | pig face |
돼지 얼굴 |
6512 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐷 –keywords | animal | bacon | face | farm | pig | pork |
농장 | 동물 | 돼지 | 돼지 얼굴 | 돼지고기 | 돼지띠 | 베이컨 | 윌버 |
6513 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐖 -name | pig |
돼지 |
6514 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐖 –keywords | animal | bacon | farm | pig | pork | sow |
꿀꿀이 | 농장 | 동물 | 돼지 | 돼지고기 | 베이컨 | 암퇘지 |
6515 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐗 -name | boar |
멧돼지 |
6516 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐗 –keywords | animal | boar | pig |
동물 | 돼지 | 멧돼지 | 피그 |
6517 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐽 -name | pig nose |
돼지코 |
6518 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐽 –keywords | animal | face | farm | nose | pig | smell | snout |
꿀꿀 | 농장 | 동물 | 돼지코 | 얼굴 | 주둥이 | 코 |
6519 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐏 -name | ram |
숫양 |
6520 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐏 –keywords | animal | Aries | horns | male | ram | sheep | zodiac | zoo |
동물 | 동물원 | 별자리 | 숫양 | 양자리 |
6521 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐑 -name | ewe |
양 |
6522 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐑 –keywords | animal | baa | ewe | farm | female | fluffy | lamb | sheep | wool |
농장 | 동물 | 매~ | 복실복실한 | 새끼 양 | 암양 | 양 | 울 |
6523 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐐 -name | goat |
염소 |
6524 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐐 –keywords | animal | Capricorn | farm | goat | milk | zodiac |
농장 | 동물 | 별자리 | 염소 | 염소자리 | 우유 |
6525 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐪 -name | camel |
낙타 |
6526 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐪 –keywords | animal | camel | desert | dromedary | hump | one |
낙타 | 단봉 낙타 | 동물 | 사막 | 혹 |
6527 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐫 -name | two-hump camel |
쌍봉 낙타 |
6528 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐫 –keywords | animal | bactrian | camel | desert | hump | two | two-hump |
낙타 | 동물 | 쌍봉 | 혹 |
6529 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦙 -name | llama |
라마 |
6530 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦙 –keywords | alpaca | animal | guanaco | llama | vicuña | wool |
과나코 | 동물 | 라마 | 비큐나 | 알파카 | 울 |
6531 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦒 -name | giraffe |
기린 |
6532 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦒 –keywords | animal | giraffe | spots |
기린 | 동물 | 얼룩 | 점 |
6533 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐘 -name | elephant |
코끼리 |
6534 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐘 –keywords | animal | elephant |
동물 | 코끼리 |
6535 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦣 -name | mammoth |
매머드 |
6536 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦣 –keywords | animal | extinction | large | mammoth | tusk | wooly |
동물 | 맘모스 | 매머드 | 멸종 | 상아 | 큰 | 털복숭이 맘모스 | 털북숭이 |
6537 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦏 -name | rhinoceros |
코뿔소 |
6538 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦏 –keywords | animal | rhinoceros |
동물 | 코뿔소 |
6539 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦛 -name | hippopotamus |
하마 |
6540 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦛 –keywords | animal | hippo | hippopotamus |
동물 | 하마 |
6541 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐭 -name | mouse face |
쥐 얼굴 |
6542 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐭 –keywords | animal | face | mouse |
동물 | 얼굴 | 쥐 | 쥐띠 |
6543 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐁 -name | mouse |
생쥐 |
6544 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐁 –keywords | animal | animals | mouse |
동물 | 마우스 | 생쥐 | 쥐 | 흰쥐 |
6545 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐀 -name | rat |
쥐 |
6546 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐀 –keywords | animal | rat |
동물 | 생쥐 | 쥐 |
6547 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐹 -name | hamster |
햄스터 얼굴 |
6548 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐹 –keywords | animal | face | hamster | pet |
동물 | 애완동물 | 얼굴 | 햄스터 |
6549 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐰 -name | rabbit face |
토끼 얼굴 |
6550 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐰 –keywords | animal | bunny | face | pet | rabbit |
동물 | 버니 | 애완동물 | 얼굴 | 토끼 | 토끼띠 |
6551 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐇 -name | rabbit |
토끼 |
6552 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐇 –keywords | animal | bunny | pet | rabbit |
동물 | 버니 | 애완동물 | 토깽이 | 토끼 |
6553 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐿 -name | chipmunk |
얼룩다람쥐 |
6554 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐿 –keywords | animal | chipmunk | squirrel |
다람쥐 | 얼룩다람쥐 |
6555 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦫 -name | beaver |
비버 |
6556 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦫 –keywords | animal | beaver | dam | teeth |
댐 | 동물 | 비버 | 이빨 |
6557 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦔 -name | hedgehog |
고슴도치 |
6558 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦔 –keywords | animal | hedgehog | spiny |
가시 | 고슴도치 | 뾰족뾰족 |
6559 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦇 -name | bat |
박쥐 |
6560 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦇 –keywords | animal | bat | vampire |
동물 | 박쥐 | 뱀파이어 |
6561 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐻 -name | bear |
곰 얼굴 |
6562 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐻 –keywords | animal | bear | face | grizzly | growl | honey |
곰 | 곰 얼굴 | 곰돌이 | 꿀 | 동물 | 으르렁거리는 | 회색곰 |
6563 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐻❄ -name | polar bear |
북극곰 |
6564 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐻❄ –keywords | animal | arctic | bear | polar | white |
곰 | 백곰 | 북극 | 북극곰 | 흰곰 |
6565 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐨 -name | koala |
코알라 |
6566 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐨 –keywords | animal | australia | bear | down | face | koala | marsupial | under |
동물 | 오스트레일리아 | 유대목 | 코알라 | 호주 |
6567 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐼 -name | panda |
판다 얼굴 |
6568 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐼 –keywords | animal | bamboo | face | panda |
대나무 | 동물 | 얼굴 | 판다 | 판다곰 |
6569 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦥 -name | sloth |
나무늘보 |
6570 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦥 –keywords | lazy | sloth | slow |
게으른 | 나무늘보 | 느린 |
6571 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦦 -name | otter |
수달 |
6572 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦦 –keywords | animal | fishing | otter | playful |
낚시 | 물고기 사냥 | 수달 | 장난꾸러기 |
6573 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦨 -name | skunk |
스컹크 |
6574 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦨 –keywords | animal | skunk | stink |
냄새가 고약한 | 냄새나는 | 동물 | 스컹크 |
6575 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦘 -name | kangaroo |
캥거루 |
6576 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦘 –keywords | animal | joey | jump | kangaroo | marsupial |
동물 | 새끼 캥거루 | 유대목 동물 | 점프 | 캥거루 | 호주 |
6577 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦡 -name | badger |
오소리 |
6578 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦡 –keywords | animal | badger | honey | pester |
동물 | 벌꿀오소리 | 심술쟁이 | 오소리 |
6579 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐾 -name | paw prints |
곰발바닥 |
6580 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐾 –keywords | feet | paw | paws | print | prints |
곰발바닥 | 곰발자국 | 동물 | 동물 발자국 | 발 |
6581 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🦃 -name | turkey |
칠면조 |
6582 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🦃 –keywords | bird | gobble | thanksgiving | turkey |
새 | 추수감사절 | 칠면조 | 터키 |
6583 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🐔 -name | chicken |
닭 |
6584 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🐔 –keywords | animal | bird | chicken | ornithology |
닭 | 동물 | 암탉 | 치킨 |
6585 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🐓 -name | rooster |
수탉 |
6586 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🐓 –keywords | animal | bird | ornithology | rooster |
동물 | 새 | 수탉 | 조류 |
6587 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🐣 -name | hatching chick |
알에서 깬 병아리 |
6588 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🐣 –keywords | animal | baby | bird | chick | egg | hatching |
갓 태어난 병아리 | 계란 | 동물 | 병아리 | 새끼 | 알에서 깬 병아리 | 조류 |
6589 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🐤 -name | baby chick |
병아리 |
6590 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🐤 –keywords | animal | baby | bird | chick | ornithology |
동물 | 병아리 | 아기 병아리 | 조류 |
6591 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🐥 -name | front-facing baby chick |
정면을 향해 날개를 편 병아리 |
6592 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🐥 –keywords | animal | baby | bird | chick | front-facing | newborn | ornithology |
갓태어난 | 동물 | 병아리 | 아기 | 정면을 향해 날개를 편 병아리 |
6593 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🐦 -name | bird |
새 |
6594 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🐦 –keywords | animal | bird | ornithology |
동물 | 새 | 조류 | 조류학 |
6595 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🐧 -name | penguin |
펭귄 |
6596 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🐧 –keywords | animal | antarctica | bird | ornithology | penguin |
남극 | 동물 | 새 | 조류 | 펭귄 |
6597 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🕊 -name | dove |
비둘기 |
6598 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🕊 –keywords | bird | dove | fly | ornithology | peace |
날다 | 비둘기 | 새 | 조류 | 평화 |
6599 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🦅 -name | eagle |
독수리 |
6600 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🦅 –keywords | animal | bird | eagle | ornithology |
독수리 | 동물 | 새 | 조류 |
6601 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🦆 -name | duck |
오리 |
6602 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🦆 –keywords | animal | bird | duck | ornithology |
동물 | 새 | 오리 | 조류 |
6603 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🦢 -name | swan |
백조 |
6604 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🦢 –keywords | animal | bird | cygnet | duckling | ornithology | swan | ugly |
동물 | 못난 아기 오리 | 백조 | 새끼 백조 | 조류 |
6605 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🦉 -name | owl |
부엉이 |
6606 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🦉 –keywords | animal | bird | ornithology | owl | wise |
부엉이 | 새 | 올빼미 | 조류 | 현명한 |
6607 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🦤 -name | dodo |
도도새 |
6608 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🦤 –keywords | animal | bird | dodo | extinction | large | ornithology |
도도새 | 동물 | 멸종 | 모리셔스 | 새 | 큰 새 |
6609 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🪶 -name | feather |
깃털 |
6610 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🪶 –keywords | bird | feather | flight | light | plumage |
가벼운 | 깃 | 깃털 | 비행 | 새 |
6611 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🦩 -name | flamingo |
홍학 |
6612 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🦩 –keywords | animal | bird | flamboyant | flamingo | ornithology | tropical |
열대 | 플라밍고 | 홍학 |
6613 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🦚 -name | peacock |
공작 |
6614 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🦚 –keywords | animal | bird | colorful | ornithology | ostentatious | peacock | peahen | pretty | proud |
공작 | 뽐내는 | 수컷 공작 | 조류 | 화려한 |
6615 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🦜 -name | parrot |
앵무새 |
6616 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🦜 –keywords | animal | bird | ornithology | parrot | pirate | talk |
말하는 새 | 앵무새 | 조류 | 해적 |
6617 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🪽 -name | wing |
날개 |
6618 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🪽 –keywords | angelic | ascend | aviation | bird | fly | flying | heavenly | mythology | soar | wing |
날개 | 날다 | 비행 | 새 | 신화 | 천사 |
6619 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🐦⬛ -name | black bird |
검은 새 |
6620 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🐦⬛ –keywords | animal | beak | bird | black | caw | corvid | crow | ornithology | raven | rook |
검은 새 | 검정 | 까마귀 | 까악 | 동물 | 떼까마귀 | 부리 | 새 | 조류 | 큰까마귀 |
6621 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🪿 -name | goose |
거위 |
6622 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🪿 –keywords | animal | bird | duck | flock | fowl | gaggle | gander | geese | goose | honk | ornithology | silly |
가금 | 거위 | 꽥꽥 | 바보 같은 | 새 |
6623 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🐦🔥 -name | phoenix |
불사조 |
6624 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🐦🔥 –keywords | ascend | ascension | emerge | fantasy | firebird | glory | immortal | phoenix | rebirth | reincarnation | reinvent | renewal | revival | revive | rise | transform |
갱신 | 변화 | 부활 | 불사 | 불사조 | 불새 | 상승 | 영광 | 재생 | 재창조 | 재탄생 | 판타지 | 피닉스 | 환생 |
6625 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-amphibian | 🐸 -name | frog |
개구리 얼굴 |
6626 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-amphibian | 🐸 –keywords | animal | face | frog |
개구리 | 동물 | 얼굴 |
6627 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-reptile | 🐊 -name | crocodile |
악어 |
6628 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-reptile | 🐊 –keywords | animal | crocodile | zoo |
동물 | 동물원 | 악어 | 크로커다일 |
6629 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-reptile | 🐢 -name | turtle |
거북이 |
6630 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-reptile | 🐢 –keywords | animal | terrapin | tortoise | turtle |
거북 | 거북이 | 동물 |
6631 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-reptile | 🦎 -name | lizard |
도마뱀 |
6632 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-reptile | 🦎 –keywords | animal | lizard | reptile |
도마뱀 | 동물 | 파충류 |
6633 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-reptile | 🐍 -name | snake |
뱀 |
6634 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-reptile | 🐍 –keywords | animal | bearer | Ophiuchus | serpent | snake | zodiac |
동물 | 뱀 | 뱀주인자리 | 별자리 |
6635 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-reptile | 🐲 -name | dragon face |
용 얼굴 |
6636 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-reptile | 🐲 –keywords | animal | dragon | face | fairy | fairytale | tale |
동물 | 동화 | 드래곤 | 용 | 용 얼굴 | 용띠 |
6637 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-reptile | 🐉 -name | dragon |
용 |
6638 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-reptile | 🐉 –keywords | animal | dragon | fairy | fairytale | knights | tale |
기사 | 동물 | 동화 | 드래곤 | 용 |
6639 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-reptile | 🦕 -name | sauropod |
초식 공룡 |
6640 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-reptile | 🦕 –keywords | brachiosaurus | brontosaurus | dinosaur | diplodocus | sauropod |
공룡 | 뇌룡 | 디플로도쿠스 | 브라키오사우루스 | 브론토사우루스 | 초식 공룡 |
6641 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-reptile | 🦖 -name | T-Rex |
티라노사우루스 |
6642 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-reptile | 🦖 –keywords | dinosaur | Rex | T | T-Rex | Tyrannosaurus |
T 렉스 | 공룡 | 티라노사우루스 | 티라노사우르스 렉스 | 티렉스 |
6643 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🐳 -name | spouting whale |
물 뿜는 고래 |
6644 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🐳 –keywords | animal | beach | face | ocean | spouting | whale |
고래 | 동물 | 물 뿜는 고래 | 바다 | 얼굴 | 콸콸 | 해변 |
6645 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🐋 -name | whale |
고래 |
6646 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🐋 –keywords | animal | beach | ocean | whale |
고래 | 동물 | 바다 | 해변 |
6647 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🐬 -name | dolphin |
돌고래 |
6648 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🐬 –keywords | animal | beach | dolphin | flipper | ocean |
돌고래 | 동물 | 바다 | 지느러미 | 해변 |
6649 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🦭 -name | seal |
물개 |
6650 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🦭 –keywords | animal | lion | ocean | sea | seal |
동물 | 물개 | 바다 | 바다사자 | 해양 |
6651 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🐟 -name | fish |
물고기 |
6652 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🐟 –keywords | animal | dinner | fish | fishes | fishing | Pisces | zodiac |
낚시 | 동물 | 물고기 | 물고기자리 | 별자리 | 생선 | 저녁식사 |
6653 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🐠 -name | tropical fish |
열대어 |
6654 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🐠 –keywords | animal | fish | fishes | tropical |
동물 | 물고기 | 열대어 | 열대지방 |
6655 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🐡 -name | blowfish |
복어 |
6656 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🐡 –keywords | animal | blowfish | fish |
동물 | 물고기 | 복어 |
6657 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🦈 -name | shark |
상어 |
6658 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🦈 –keywords | animal | fish | shark |
동물 | 물고기 | 바다생물 | 상어 | 어류 |
6659 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🐙 -name | octopus |
문어 |
6660 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🐙 –keywords | animal | creature | ocean | octopus |
동물 | 문어 | 바다 | 생물 |
6661 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🐚 -name | spiral shell |
달팽이집 |
6662 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🐚 –keywords | animal | beach | conch | sea | shell | spiral |
달팽이 껍질 | 달팽이집 | 동물 | 소라 | 소라고둥 | 조개껍데기 |
6663 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🪸 -name | coral |
산호초 |
6664 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🪸 –keywords | change | climate | coral | ocean | reef | sea |
기후변화 | 대양 | 바다 | 산호 | 산호초 | 암초 | 코럴 |
6665 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🪼 -name | jellyfish |
해파리 |
6666 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🪼 –keywords | animal | aquarium | burn | invertebrate | jelly | jellyfish | life | marine | ocean | ouch | plankton | sea | sting | stinger | tentacles |
따가워 | 무척추동물 | 쏘는 동물 | 아야 | 젤리 | 해양 | 해파리 |
6667 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🦀 -name | crab |
꽃게 |
6668 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🦀 –keywords | Cancer | crab | zodiac |
게 | 게자리 | 꽃게 | 별자리 | 크랩 |
6669 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🦞 -name | lobster |
바닷가재 |
6670 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🦞 –keywords | animal | bisque | claws | lobster | seafood |
가재 | 동물 | 랍스터 | 바닷가재 | 비스크 | 집게발 | 해산물 |
6671 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🦐 -name | shrimp |
새우 |
6672 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🦐 –keywords | food | shellfish | shrimp | small |
갑각류 | 바다생물 | 새우 | 식품 | 음식 | 작은 |
6673 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🦑 -name | squid |
오징어 |
6674 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🦑 –keywords | animal | food | mollusk | squid |
동물 | 식품 | 연체동물 | 오징어 | 음식 |
6675 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🦪 -name | oyster |
굴 |
6676 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🦪 –keywords | diving | oyster | pearl |
굴 | 다이빙 | 진주 |
6677 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🐌 -name | snail |
달팽이 |
6678 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🐌 –keywords | animal | escargot | garden | nature | slug | snail |
달팽이 | 동물 | 슬러그 | 에스카르고 | 자연 | 정원 |
6679 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🦋 -name | butterfly |
나비 |
6680 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🦋 –keywords | butterfly | insect | pretty |
곤충 | 나비 | 날개 | 이쁜 |
6681 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🐛 -name | bug |
송충이 |
6682 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🐛 –keywords | animal | bug | garden | insect |
곤충 | 동물 | 벌레 | 송충이 | 정원 |
6683 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🐜 -name | ant |
개미 |
6684 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🐜 –keywords | animal | ant | garden | insect |
개미 | 곤충 | 동물 | 벌레 | 정원 |
6685 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🐝 -name | honeybee |
꿀벌 |
6686 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🐝 –keywords | animal | bee | bumblebee | honey | honeybee | insect | nature | spring |
곤충 | 꿀 | 꿀벌 | 동물 | 벌 | 범블비 | 봄 | 자연 |
6687 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🪲 -name | beetle |
딱정벌레 |
6688 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🪲 –keywords | animal | beetle | bug | insect |
곤충 | 동물 | 딱정벌레 | 벌레 | 비틀 |
6689 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🐞 -name | lady beetle |
무당벌레 |
6690 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🐞 –keywords | animal | beetle | garden | insect | lady | ladybird | ladybug | nature |
동물 | 딱정벌레 | 무당벌레 | 벌레 | 자연 |
6691 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🦗 -name | cricket |
귀뚜라미 |
6692 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🦗 –keywords | animal | bug | cricket | grasshopper | insect | Orthoptera |
곤충 | 귀뚜라미 | 동물 | 메뚜기 | 메뚜기류 | 벌레 |
6693 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🪳 -name | cockroach |
바퀴벌레 |
6694 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🪳 –keywords | animal | cockroach | insect | pest | roach |
곤충 | 동물 | 바퀴벌레 | 벌레 | 징그러운 | 해충 |
6695 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🕷 -name | spider |
거미 |
6696 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🕷 –keywords | animal | insect | spider |
거미 | 곤충 | 벌레 | 스파이더 |
6697 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🕸 -name | spider web |
거미줄 |
6698 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🕸 –keywords | spider | web |
거미 | 거미줄 | 웹 |
6699 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🦂 -name | scorpion |
전갈 |
6700 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🦂 –keywords | Scorpio | scorpion | Scorpius | zodiac |
별자리 | 스콜피온 | 전갈 | 전갈자리 |
6701 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🦟 -name | mosquito |
모기 |
6702 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🦟 –keywords | bite | disease | fever | insect | malaria | mosquito | pest | virus |
말라리아 | 모기 | 물기 | 바이러스 | 벌레 | 병균 | 열 |
6703 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🪰 -name | fly |
파리 |
6704 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🪰 –keywords | animal | disease | fly | insect | maggot | pest | rotting |
구더기 | 동물 | 부패 | 질병 | 파리 | 해충 |
6705 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🪱 -name | worm |
지렁이 |
6706 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🪱 –keywords | animal | annelid | earthworm | parasite | worm |
기생충 | 동물 | 벌레 | 지렁이 | 환형동물 |
6707 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🦠 -name | microbe |
미생물 |
6708 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🦠 –keywords | amoeba | bacteria | microbe | science | virus |
과학 | 미생물 | 바이러스 | 박테리아 | 아메바 |
6709 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-flower | 💐 -name | bouquet |
꽃다발 |
6710 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-flower | 💐 –keywords | anniversary | birthday | bouquet | date | flower | love | plant | romance |
기념일 | 꽃 | 꽃다발 | 데이트 | 로맨스 | 부케 | 사랑 | 생일 | 식물 | 연애 |
6711 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-flower | 🌸 -name | cherry blossom |
벚꽃 |
6712 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-flower | 🌸 –keywords | blossom | cherry | flower | plant | spring | springtime |
꽃 | 꽃송이 | 꽃이 피는 | 벚꽃 | 벚꽃놀이 | 봄 | 식물 |
6713 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-flower | 💮 -name | white flower |
흰 꽃 |
6714 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-flower | 💮 –keywords | flower | white |
꽃 | 꽃 도장 | 꽃 표시 | 화이트 플라워 | 흰 꽃 |
6715 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-flower | 🪷 -name | lotus |
연꽃 |
6716 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-flower | 🪷 –keywords | beauty | Buddhism | calm | flower | Hinduism | lotus | peace | purity | serenity |
꽃 | 베트남 | 불교 | 뷰티 | 순수 | 아름다움 | 연꽃 | 인도 | 평온 | 평화 | 플라워 | 힌두교 |
6717 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-flower | 🏵 -name | rosette |
장미 |
6718 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-flower | 🏵 –keywords | plant | rosette |
꽃 | 로제트 | 식물 | 장미 | 장미 모양 |
6719 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-flower | 🌹 -name | rose |
장미꽃 |
6720 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-flower | 🌹 –keywords | beauty | elegant | flower | love | plant | red | rose | valentine |
꽃 | 발레타인 | 사랑 | 식물 | 아름다움 | 우아한 | 장미꽃 |
6721 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-flower | 🥀 -name | wilted flower |
시든 꽃 |
6722 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-flower | 🥀 –keywords | dying | flower | wilted |
꺾인 고개 | 꽃 | 시든 | 시들어 가는 | 시듦 |
6723 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-flower | 🌺 -name | hibiscus |
무궁화 |
6724 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-flower | 🌺 –keywords | flower | hibiscus | plant |
꽃 | 무궁화 | 식물 | 히비스커스 |
6725 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-flower | 🌻 -name | sunflower |
해바라기 |
6726 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-flower | 🌻 –keywords | flower | outdoors | plant | sun | sunflower |
꽃 | 식물 | 야외 | 해 | 해바라기 |
6727 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-flower | 🌼 -name | blossom |
꽃송이 |
6728 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-flower | 🌼 –keywords | blossom | buttercup | dandelion | flower | plant |
꽃 | 꽃송이 | 꽃이 피다 | 민들레 | 버터컵 | 식물 |
6729 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-flower | 🌷 -name | tulip |
튤립 |
6730 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-flower | 🌷 –keywords | blossom | flower | growth | plant | tulip |
꽃 | 꽃이 피는 | 식물 | 튤립 |
6731 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-flower | 🪻 -name | hyacinth |
히아신스 |
6732 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-flower | 🪻 –keywords | bloom | bluebonnet | flower | hyacinth | indigo | lavender | lilac | lupine | plant | purple | shrub | snapdragon | spring | violet |
꽃 | 라벤더 | 루핀 | 블루 보닛 | 스냅드래곤 | 히아신스 |
6733 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🌱 -name | seedling |
새싹 |
6734 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🌱 –keywords | plant | sapling | seedling | sprout | young |
새싹 | 식물 | 싹이 돋다 | 어린 나무 | 어린잎 |
6735 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🪴 -name | potted plant |
분재 |
6736 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🪴 –keywords | decor | grow | house | nurturing | plant | pot | potted |
분재 | 식물 | 자라다 | 장식 | 지루한 | 집 | 키우다 | 화분 |
6737 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🌲 -name | evergreen tree |
소나무 |
6738 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🌲 –keywords | christmas | evergreen | forest | pine | tree |
나무 | 상록수 | 소나무 | 크리스마스 트리 |
6739 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🌳 -name | deciduous tree |
나무 |
6740 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🌳 –keywords | deciduous | forest | green | habitat | shedding | tree |
나무 | 낙엽 | 낙엽수 | 숲 |
6741 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🌴 -name | palm tree |
야자수 |
6742 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🌴 –keywords | beach | palm | plant | tree | tropical |
나무 | 야자수 | 열대 나무 | 열대지방 | 해변 |
6743 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🌵 -name | cactus |
선인장 |
6744 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🌵 –keywords | cactus | desert | drought | nature | plant |
가뭄 | 나무 | 사막 | 선인장 | 식물 |
6745 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🌾 -name | sheaf of rice |
벼 |
6746 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🌾 –keywords | ear | grain | grains | plant | rice | sheaf |
곡식 | 벼 | 벼이삭 | 식물 | 쌀 | 이삭 |
6747 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🌿 -name | herb |
풀 |
6748 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🌿 –keywords | herb | leaf | plant |
식물 | 잎 | 잎사귀 | 풀 | 허브 |
6749 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | ☘ -name | shamrock |
토끼풀 |
6750 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | ☘ –keywords | irish | plant | shamrock |
샤머록 | 세잎 | 세잎클로버 | 식물 | 아이리쉬 | 토끼풀 | 풀 |
6751 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🍀 -name | four leaf clover |
네잎클로버 |
6752 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🍀 –keywords | 4 | clover | four | four-leaf | irish | leaf | lucky | plant |
4 | 네잎클로버 | 식물 | 아이리쉬 | 잎 | 클로버 | 행운 |
6753 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🍁 -name | maple leaf |
단풍잎 |
6754 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🍁 –keywords | falling | leaf | maple |
낙옆 | 단풍잎 | 메이플 | 이파리 | 잎 | 잎사귀 |
6755 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🍂 -name | fallen leaf |
낙엽 |
6756 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🍂 –keywords | autumn | fall | fallen | falling | leaf |
가을 | 낙엽 | 단풍잎 | 떨어지는 | 이파리 | 잎 | 잎사귀 |
6757 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🍃 -name | leaf fluttering in wind |
바람에 흔들리는 나뭇잎 |
6758 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🍃 –keywords | blow | flutter | fluttering | leaf | wind |
가을 낙엽 | 바람 | 바람에 떨어지는 잎 | 바람에 흔들리는 나뭇잎 | 잎 | 흔들림 |
6759 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🪹 -name | empty nest |
빈 둥지 |
6760 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🪹 –keywords | branch | empty | home | nest | nesting |
나뭇가지 | 네스트 | 둥지 | 빈 둥지 | 새둥우리 | 집 | 홈 |
6761 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🪺 -name | nest with eggs |
알이 들어 있는 둥지 |
6762 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🪺 –keywords | bird | branch | egg | eggs | nest | nesting |
나뭇가지 | 둥지 | 새 | 새둥우리 | 새둥지 | 알 | 알이 들어 있는 둥지 |
6763 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🍄 -name | mushroom |
버섯 |
6764 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🍄 –keywords | fungus | mushroom | toadstool |
균류 | 나무 | 독버섯 | 버섯 | 식물 |
6765 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | -name | leafless tree |
잎이 없는 나무 |
6766 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | –keywords | bare | barren | branches | dead | drought | leafless | tree | trunk | winter | wood |
겨울 | 나무 | 나무 몸통 | 나뭇가지 | 메마른 | 목재 | 열매가 안 열리는 | 잎이 없는 | 죽은 | 헐벗은 |
6767 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍇 -name | grapes |
포도 |
6768 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍇 –keywords | Dionysus | fruit | grape | grapes |
과일 | 디오니소스 | 포도 |
6769 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍈 -name | melon |
멜론 |
6770 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍈 –keywords | cantaloupe | fruit | melon |
과일 | 멜론 | 야채 | 채소 | 칸탈루프 |
6771 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍉 -name | watermelon |
수박 |
6772 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍉 –keywords | fruit | watermelon |
과일 | 수박 |
6773 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍊 -name | tangerine |
귤 |
6774 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍊 –keywords | c | citrus | fruit | nectarine | orange | tangerine | vitamin |
감귤 | 과일 | 귤 | 밀감 | 비타민 C | 오렌지 | 천도복숭아 |
6775 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍋 -name | lemon |
레몬 |
6776 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍋 –keywords | citrus | fruit | lemon | sour |
과일 | 레몬 | 시큼한 | 시트러스 |
6777 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍋🟩 -name | lime |
라임 |
6778 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍋🟩 –keywords | acidity | citrus | cocktail | fruit | garnish | key | lime | margarita | mojito | refreshing | salsa | sour | tangy | tequila | tropical | zest |
가니쉬 | 과일 | 데킬라 | 라임 | 마가리타 | 모히토 | 산미 | 살사 | 상큼 | 시큼 | 시트러스 | 열대 | 제스트 | 주스 | 칵테일 | 키 라임 파이 |
6779 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍌 -name | banana |
바나나 |
6780 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍌 –keywords | banana | fruit | potassium |
과일 | 바나나 | 포타슘 |
6781 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍍 -name | pineapple |
파인애플 |
6782 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍍 –keywords | colada | fruit | pina | pineapple | tropical |
과일 | 열대지방 | 콜라다 | 파인애플 |
6783 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🥭 -name | mango |
망고 |
6784 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🥭 –keywords | food | fruit | mango | tropical |
과일 | 망고 | 식품 | 열대 과일 | 음식 |
6785 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍎 -name | red apple |
빨간 사과 |
6786 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍎 –keywords | apple | diet | food | fruit | health | red | ripe |
건강 | 과일 | 다이어트 | 빨간 | 사과 | 식품 | 음식 |
6787 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍏 -name | green apple |
초록 사과 |
6788 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍏 –keywords | apple | fruit | green |
과일 | 사과 | 초록 사과 | 초록색 | 파란 사과 | 풋사과 |
6789 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍐 -name | pear |
배 |
6790 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍐 –keywords | fruit | pear |
과일 | 배 |
6791 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍑 -name | peach |
복숭아 |
6792 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍑 –keywords | fruit | peach |
과일 | 복숭아 |
6793 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍒 -name | cherries |
체리 |
6794 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍒 –keywords | berries | cherries | cherry | fruit | red |
과일 | 체리 |
6795 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍓 -name | strawberry |
딸기 |
6796 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍓 –keywords | berry | fruit | strawberry |
과일 | 딸기 | 베리 |
6797 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🫐 -name | blueberries |
블루베리 |
6798 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🫐 –keywords | berries | berry | bilberry | blue | blueberries | blueberry | food | fruit |
과일 | 베리 | 블루베리 | 월귤나무 | 음식 |
6799 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🥝 -name | kiwi fruit |
키위 |
6800 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🥝 –keywords | food | fruit | kiwi |
과일 | 식품 | 음식 | 키위 |
6801 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍅 -name | tomato |
토마토 |
6802 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍅 –keywords | food | fruit | tomato | vegetable |
과일 | 식품 | 야채 | 음식 | 채소 | 토마토 |
6803 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🫒 -name | olive |
올리브 |
6804 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🫒 –keywords | food | olive |
올리브 | 음식 |
6805 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🥥 -name | coconut |
코코넛 |
6806 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🥥 –keywords | coconut | colada | palm | piña |
야자수 | 코코넛 | 피냐 콜라다 |
6807 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🥑 -name | avocado |
아보카도 |
6808 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🥑 –keywords | avocado | food | fruit |
과일 | 식품 | 아보카도 | 아보카드 | 열매 | 음식 |
6809 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🍆 -name | eggplant |
가지 |
6810 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🍆 –keywords | aubergine | eggplant | vegetable |
가지 | 야채 | 채소 |
6811 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🥔 -name | potato |
감자 |
6812 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🥔 –keywords | food | potato | vegetable |
감자 | 식품 | 음식 | 채소 | 포테이토 |
6813 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🥕 -name | carrot |
당근 |
6814 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🥕 –keywords | carrot | food | vegetable |
당근 | 식품 | 음식 | 채소 |
6815 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🌽 -name | ear of corn |
옥수수 |
6816 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🌽 –keywords | corn | crops | ear | farm | maize | maze |
농작물 | 농장 | 미로 | 식물 | 옥수수 | 옥수수 한 자루 | 콘 |
6817 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🌶 -name | hot pepper |
홍고추 |
6818 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🌶 –keywords | hot | pepper |
고추 | 매운 | 빨간 고추 | 홍고추 |
6819 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🫑 -name | bell pepper |
피망 |
6820 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🫑 –keywords | bell | capsicum | food | pepper | vegetable |
고추 | 음식 | 채소 | 파프리카 | 피망 | 후추 |
6821 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🥒 -name | cucumber |
오이 |
6822 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🥒 –keywords | cucumber | food | pickle | vegetable |
식품 | 오이 | 음식 | 채소 | 피클 |
6823 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🥬 -name | leafy green |
녹색 채소 |
6824 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🥬 –keywords | bok | burgers | cabbage | choy | green | kale | leafy | lettuce | salad |
녹색 채소 | 버거 | 상추 | 샐러드 | 양배추 | 청경채 | 케일 |
6825 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🥦 -name | broccoli |
브로콜리 |
6826 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🥦 –keywords | broccoli | cabbage | wild |
브로콜리 | 양배추 |
6827 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🧄 -name | garlic |
마늘 |
6828 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🧄 –keywords | flavoring | garlic |
마늘 | 조미료 |
6829 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🧅 -name | onion |
양파 |
6830 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🧅 –keywords | flavoring | onion |
맛 | 양념 | 양파 |
6831 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🥜 -name | peanuts |
땅콩 |
6832 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🥜 –keywords | food | nut | peanut | peanuts | vegetable |
견과류 | 넛츠 | 땅콩 | 식품 | 야채 | 음식 |
6833 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🫘 -name | beans |
콩 |
6834 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🫘 –keywords | beans | food | kidney | legume | small |
빈 | 신장 | 음식 | 작은 | 콩 | 콩류 | 콩팥 | 푸드 |
6835 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🌰 -name | chestnut |
밤 |
6836 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🌰 –keywords | almond | chestnut | plant |
견과류 | 나무 | 밤 | 식물 | 아몬드 |
6837 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🫚 -name | ginger root |
생강 뿌리 |
6838 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🫚 –keywords | beer | ginger | health | herb | natural | root | spice |
맥주 | 뿌리 | 생강 뿌리 | 향신료 |
6839 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🫛 -name | pea pod |
완두콩 꼬투리 |
6840 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🫛 –keywords | beans | beanstalk | edamame | legume | pea | pod | soybean | vegetable | veggie |
꼬투리 | 완두콩 | 채소 | 콩 | 콩과 | 풋콩 |
6841 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🍄🟫 -name | brown mushroom |
갈색 양송이 버섯 |
6842 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🍄🟫 –keywords | food | fungi | fungus | mushroom | nature | pizza | portobello | shiitake | shroom | spore | sprout | toppings | truffle | vegetable | vegetarian | veggie |
갈색 양송이 버섯 | 균사류 | 버섯 | 비건 | 야채 | 음식 | 자연 | 채소 | 채식 | 채식주의 | 트러플 | 포자 | 포토벨로 | 피자 토핑 |
6843 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | -name | root vegetable |
뿌리채소 |
6844 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | –keywords | beet | food | garden | radish | root | salad | turnip | vegetable | vegetarian |
무 | 비트 | 뿌리 | 샐러드 | 순무 | 음식 | 정원 | 채소 | 채식주의 |
6845 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🍞 -name | bread |
빵 |
6846 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🍞 –keywords | bread | carbs | food | grain | loaf | restaurant | toast | wheat |
레스토랑 | 빵 | 식당 | 식빵 | 식품 | 토스트 | 한덩이 | 호밀 |
6847 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥐 -name | croissant |
크루아상 |
6848 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥐 –keywords | bread | breakfast | crescent | croissant | food | french | roll |
빵 | 식품 | 음식 | 초승달 모양 롤 | 크루아상 | 프랑스 |
6849 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥖 -name | baguette bread |
바게트 |
6850 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥖 –keywords | baguette | bread | food | french |
바게트 | 빵 | 식품 | 음식 | 프랑스 |
6851 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🫓 -name | flatbread |
플랫브레드 |
6852 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🫓 –keywords | arepa | bread | flatbread | food | gordita | lavash | naan | pita |
고르디타 | 난 | 라바쉬 | 빵 | 아레파 | 음식 | 플랫브레드 | 피타 |
6853 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥨 -name | pretzel |
프레첼 |
6854 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥨 –keywords | convoluted | pretzel | twisted |
구불구불한 | 꼬은 | 프레첼 |
6855 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥯 -name | bagel |
베이글 |
6856 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥯 –keywords | bagel | bakery | bread | breakfast | schmear |
베이글 | 베이커리 | 빵 | 슈미어 | 아침식사 |
6857 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥞 -name | pancakes |
팬케이크 |
6858 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥞 –keywords | breakfast | crêpe | food | hotcake | pancake | pancakes |
식품 | 음식 | 크레페 | 팬케이크 | 핫케이크 |
6859 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🧇 -name | waffle |
와플 |
6860 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🧇 –keywords | breakfast | indecisive | iron | waffle |
아침식사 | 와플 | 우유부단한 |
6861 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🧀 -name | cheese wedge |
치즈 조각 |
6862 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🧀 –keywords | cheese | wedge |
치즈 | 치즈 덩어리 | 치즈 조각 |
6863 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🍖 -name | meat on bone |
고기 |
6864 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🍖 –keywords | bone | meat |
고기 | 고기 덩어리 | 뼈 |
6865 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🍗 -name | poultry leg |
닭다리 |
6866 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🍗 –keywords | bone | chicken | drumstick | hungry | leg | poultry | turkey |
고기 | 다리 | 닭고기 | 닭다리 | 배고픔 | 뼈 | 치킨 | 칠면조 |
6867 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥩 -name | cut of meat |
고깃덩이 |
6868 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥩 –keywords | chop | cut | lambchop | meat | porkchop | red | steak |
고기 | 고깃덩이 | 붉은살 고기 | 스테이크 | 찹 | 포크찹 |
6869 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥓 -name | bacon |
베이컨 |
6870 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥓 –keywords | bacon | breakfast | food | meat |
고기 | 돼지고기 | 베이컨 | 식품 | 음식 |
6871 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🍔 -name | hamburger |
햄버거 |
6872 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🍔 –keywords | burger | eat | fast | food | hamburger | hungry |
배고픔 | 버거 | 식품 | 음식 | 패스트푸드 | 햄버거 |
6873 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🍟 -name | french fries |
감자튀김 |
6874 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🍟 –keywords | fast | food | french | fries |
감자튀김 | 식품 | 음식 | 패스트푸드 | 프렌치 | 프렌치 프라이 | 프렌치프라이 |
6875 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🍕 -name | pizza |
피자 |
6876 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🍕 –keywords | cheese | food | hungry | pepperoni | pizza | slice |
배고픔 | 식품 | 음식 | 조각 | 치즈 | 페페로니 | 피자 | 피자 한 조각 |
6877 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🌭 -name | hot dog |
핫도그 |
6878 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🌭 –keywords | dog | frankfurter | hot | hotdog | sausage |
소세지 | 소시지 | 프랑크푸르트 소시지 | 핫도그 |
6879 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥪 -name | sandwich |
샌드위치 |
6880 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥪 –keywords | bread | sandwich |
빵 | 샌드위치 |
6881 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🌮 -name | taco |
타코 |
6882 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🌮 –keywords | mexican | taco |
멕시칸 | 멕시코 요리 | 타코 |
6883 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🌯 -name | burrito |
부리또 |
6884 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🌯 –keywords | burrito | mexican | wrap |
랩 | 멕시칸 | 멕시코 요리 | 버리토 | 부리또 | 타코 |
6885 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🫔 -name | tamale |
타말레 |
6886 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🫔 –keywords | food | mexican | pamonha | tamale | wrapped |
감싼 | 멕시칸 | 빠몽야 | 음식 | 타말레 |
6887 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥙 -name | stuffed flatbread |
밀전병에 싼 요리 |
6888 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥙 –keywords | falafel | flatbread | food | gyro | kebab | stuffed |
가득넣은 | 밀전병에 싼 요리 | 부리또 | 식품 | 음식 | 케밥 | 팔라펠 |
6889 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🧆 -name | falafel |
팔라펠 |
6890 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🧆 –keywords | chickpea | falafel | meatball |
미트볼 | 병아리콩 | 팔라펠 |
6891 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥚 -name | egg |
달걀 |
6892 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥚 –keywords | breakfast | egg | food |
계란 | 달걀 | 식품 | 음식 |
6893 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🍳 -name | cooking |
프라이팬 |
6894 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🍳 –keywords | breakfast | cooking | easy | egg | fry | frying | over | pan | restaurant | side | sunny | up |
계란 | 계란 프라이 | 레스토랑 | 식당 | 써니사이드업 | 아침식사 | 요리 | 팬 | 프라이팬 |
6895 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥘 -name | shallow pan of food |
납작한 냄비 |
6896 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥘 –keywords | casserole | food | paella | pan | shallow |
납작한 | 납작한 냄비 | 빠에야 | 식품 | 음식 | 찌개 | 캐서롤 | 파에야 | 팬 |
6897 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🍲 -name | pot of food |
국 |
6898 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🍲 –keywords | food | pot | soup | stew |
국 | 수프 | 스튜 | 식품 | 음식 | 음식 한 그릇 | 찌개 | 탕 |
6899 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🫕 -name | fondue |
퐁듀 |
6900 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🫕 –keywords | cheese | chocolate | fondue | food | melted | pot | ski |
냄비 | 녹다 | 스위스 | 스키 | 음식 | 초콜릿 | 치즈 | 퐁듀 |
6901 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥣 -name | bowl with spoon |
스푼과 사발 |
6902 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥣 –keywords | bowl | breakfast | cereal | congee | oatmeal | porridge | spoon |
그릇과 숟가락 | 스푼과 사발 | 시리얼 | 씨리얼 | 아침 | 아침식사 | 오트밀 | 죽 | 콘지 |
6903 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥗 -name | green salad |
야채샐러드 |
6904 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥗 –keywords | food | green | salad |
건강 | 그린 | 샐러드 | 식품 | 야채 | 야채샐러드 | 음식 | 채소 |
6905 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🍿 -name | popcorn |
팝콘 |
6906 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🍿 –keywords | corn | movie | pop | popcorn |
영화 | 팝콘 |
6907 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🧈 -name | butter |
버터 |
6908 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🧈 –keywords | butter | dairy |
버터 | 유제품 |
6909 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🧂 -name | salt |
소금 |
6910 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🧂 –keywords | condiment | flavor | mad | salt | salty | shaker | taste | upset |
당황 | 맛 | 소금 | 양념통 | 조미료 | 짠 | 화남 |
6911 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥫 -name | canned food |
통조림 |
6912 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥫 –keywords | can | canned | food |
캔 | 통조림 |
6913 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍱 -name | bento box |
도시락 |
6914 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍱 –keywords | bento | box | food |
도시락 | 밥 | 벤또 | 상자 | 식품 | 음식 |
6915 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍘 -name | rice cracker |
주먹밥 |
6916 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍘 –keywords | cracker | food | rice |
밥 | 식품 | 쌀 | 쌀 과자 | 음식 | 주먹밥 | 크래커 |
6917 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍙 -name | rice ball |
삼각 김밥 |
6918 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍙 –keywords | ball | food | Japanese | rice |
뭉치 | 밥 | 삼각 김밥 | 식품 | 음식 | 일본 |
6919 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍚 -name | cooked rice |
밥 |
6920 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍚 –keywords | cooked | food | rice |
밥 | 밥공기 | 식품 | 쌀 | 음식 |
6921 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍛 -name | curry rice |
카레라이스 |
6922 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍛 –keywords | curry | food | rice |
식품 | 쌀 | 음식 | 카레 | 카레라이스 | 카레밥 |
6923 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍜 -name | steaming bowl |
국수 |
6924 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍜 –keywords | bowl | chopsticks | food | noodle | pho | ramen | soup | steaming |
국수 | 그룻 | 김이 나는 | 라면 | 면 | 수프 | 식품 | 쌀국수 | 음식 | 젓가락 |
6925 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍝 -name | spaghetti |
스파게티 |
6926 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍝 –keywords | food | meatballs | pasta | restaurant | spaghetti |
레스토랑 | 면 | 미트볼 | 스파게티 | 식당 | 식품 | 음식 | 이탈리안 | 파스타 |
6927 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍠 -name | roasted sweet potato |
고구마 |
6928 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍠 –keywords | food | potato | roasted | sweet |
고구마 | 구운 | 달콤한 | 삶은 고구마 | 식품 | 음식 | 찐 고구마 |
6929 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍢 -name | oden |
오뎅 |
6930 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍢 –keywords | food | kebab | oden | restaurant | seafood | skewer | stick |
꼬치 | 레스토랑 | 식당 | 식품 | 씨푸드 | 어묵 | 어묵꼬치 | 오뎅 | 오뎅꼬치 | 음식 | 케밥 |
6931 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍣 -name | sushi |
초밥 |
6932 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍣 –keywords | food | sushi |
스시 | 식품 | 음식 | 일식 | 초밥 |
6933 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍤 -name | fried shrimp |
새우튀김 |
6934 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍤 –keywords | fried | prawn | shrimp | tempura |
새우 | 새우튀김 | 튀김 |
6935 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍥 -name | fish cake with swirl |
어묵 |
6936 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍥 –keywords | cake | fish | food | pastry | restaurant | swirl |
꽃모양 어묵 | 꽃모양 오뎅 | 레스토랑 | 생선 | 식당 | 식품 | 어묵 | 오뎅 | 회오리모양 | 회오리모양이 있는 어묵 |
6937 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🥮 -name | moon cake |
월병 |
6938 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🥮 –keywords | autumn | cake | festival | moon | yuèbǐng |
가을 | 명절 | 월병 | 축제 |
6939 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍡 -name | dango |
떡꼬치 |
6940 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍡 –keywords | dango | dessert | Japanese | skewer | stick | sweet |
꼬치 | 당고 | 디저트 | 떡 | 떡꼬치 | 일본 |
6941 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🥟 -name | dumpling |
만두 |
6942 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🥟 –keywords | dumpling | empanada | gyōza | jiaozi | pierogi | potsticker |
교자 | 덤플링 | 만두 |
6943 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🥠 -name | fortune cookie |
포츈 쿠키 |
6944 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🥠 –keywords | cookie | fortune | prophecy |
예언 | 포춘 쿠키 | 포츈 쿠키 |
6945 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🥡 -name | takeout box |
테이크아웃 상자 |
6946 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🥡 –keywords | box | chopsticks | delivery | food | oyster | pail | takeout |
식품 | 음식 | 음식 배달 | 젓가락 | 테이크아웃 상자 |
6947 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🍦 -name | soft ice cream |
소프트 아이스크림 |
6948 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🍦 –keywords | cream | dessert | food | ice | icecream | restaurant | serve | soft | sweet |
달콤 | 디저트 | 레스토랑 | 소프트 아이스크림 | 식당 | 식품 | 아이스크림 | 아이스크림 콘 | 음식 | 콘 아이스크림 | 크림 |
6949 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🍧 -name | shaved ice |
샤베트 아이스크림 |
6950 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🍧 –keywords | dessert | ice | restaurant | shaved | sweet |
간 | 간 얼음 | 레스토랑 | 샤베트 | 샤베트 아이스크림 | 식당 | 아이스 | 후식 |
6951 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🍨 -name | ice cream |
아이스크림 |
6952 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🍨 –keywords | cream | dessert | food | ice | restaurant | sweet |
달콤 | 디저트 | 떠먹는 아이스크림 | 레스토랑 | 식당 | 식품 | 아이스 | 아이스크림 | 음식 | 크림 |
6953 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🍩 -name | doughnut |
도넛 |
6954 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🍩 –keywords | breakfast | dessert | donut | doughnut | food | sweet |
달콤 | 도넛 | 디저트 | 식품 | 음식 | 초코 도넛 |
6955 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🍪 -name | cookie |
쿠키 |
6956 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🍪 –keywords | chip | chocolate | cookie | dessert | sweet |
달콤 | 초코 쿠키 | 초코칩 쿠키 | 초콜렛 칩 | 쿠키 |
6957 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🎂 -name | birthday cake |
생일 케이크 |
6958 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🎂 –keywords | bday | birthday | cake | celebration | dessert | happy | pastry | sweet |
달콤 | 디저트 | 생일 | 생일축하 | 생일케이크 | 축하 | 케이크 | 페스츄리 |
6959 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🍰 -name | shortcake |
조각 케익 |
6960 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🍰 –keywords | cake | dessert | pastry | shortcake | slice | sweet |
달콤 | 디저트 | 쇼트케이크 | 조각 케익 | 조각케이크 | 케이크 | 페스츄리 |
6961 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🧁 -name | cupcake |
컵케이크 |
6962 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🧁 –keywords | bakery | cupcake | dessert | sprinkles | sugar | sweet | treat |
디저트 | 베이커리 | 설탕 | 스프링클 | 컵케이크 |
6963 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🥧 -name | pie |
파이 |
6964 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🥧 –keywords | apple | filling | fruit | meat | pastry | pie | pumpkin | slice |
고기 | 과일 | 애플파이 | 파이 | 파이 한조각 | 패스트리 | 페스트리 | 필링 | 호박파이 |
6965 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🍫 -name | chocolate bar |
초콜렛 |
6966 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🍫 –keywords | bar | candy | chocolate | dessert | halloween | sweet | tooth |
단 음식을 좋아함 | 달콤 | 바 | 초코 | 초코바 | 초콜렛 | 캔디 | 할로윈 |
6967 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🍬 -name | candy |
사탕 |
6968 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🍬 –keywords | candy | cavities | dessert | halloween | restaurant | sweet | tooth | wrapper |
단 음식을 좋아함 | 달콤 | 디저트 | 레스토랑 | 사탕 | 식당 | 캔디 | 포장 | 할로윈 |
6969 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🍭 -name | lollipop |
롤리팝 |
6970 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🍭 –keywords | candy | dessert | food | lollipop | restaurant | sweet |
달콤 | 레스토랑 | 롤리팝 | 막대 사탕 | 사탕 | 식당 | 식품 | 음식 | 제과점 | 캔디 |
6971 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🍮 -name | custard |
커스타드 푸딩 |
6972 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🍮 –keywords | custard | dessert | pudding | sweet |
달콤 | 디저트 | 커스타드 | 푸딩 |
6973 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🍯 -name | honey pot |
꿀 |
6974 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🍯 –keywords | barrel | bear | food | honey | honeypot | jar | pot | sweet |
곰 | 꿀 | 꿀단지 | 꿀통 | 단지 | 달콤 | 배럴 | 음식 |
6975 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🍼 -name | baby bottle |
젖병 |
6976 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🍼 –keywords | babies | baby | birth | born | bottle | drink | infant | milk | newborn |
갓난아기 | 마시는 | 병 | 아기 | 우유 | 음료 | 젖먹이 | 젖병 | 태어난 |
6977 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🥛 -name | glass of milk |
우유 한잔 |
6978 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🥛 –keywords | drink | glass | milk |
글라스 | 밀크 | 우유 | 음료 | 음료수 | 한잔 |
6979 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | ☕ -name | hot beverage |
뜨거운 음료 |
6980 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | ☕ –keywords | beverage | cafe | caffeine | chai | coffee | drink | hot | morning | steaming | tea |
김 | 뜨거운 음료 | 뜨거움 | 아침 | 음료 | 차 | 카페 | 카페인 | 커피 |
6981 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🫖 -name | teapot |
찻주전자 |
6982 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🫖 –keywords | brew | drink | food | pot | tea | teapot |
냄비 | 우리기 | 음료 | 음식 | 차 | 찻주전자 | 티 |
6983 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🍵 -name | teacup without handle |
차 |
6984 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🍵 –keywords | beverage | cup | drink | handle | oolong | tea | teacup |
손잡이 없는 찻잔 | 우롱 | 음료 | 차 | 찻잔 | 찻집 | 컵 |
6985 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🍶 -name | sake |
사케 |
6986 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🍶 –keywords | bar | beverage | bottle | cup | drink | restaurant | sake |
레스토랑 | 바 | 병 | 병과 술잔 | 사케 | 술 | 식당 | 음료 | 잔 |
6987 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🍾 -name | bottle with popping cork |
코르크가 튀어나오고 있는 병 |
6988 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🍾 –keywords | bar | bottle | cork | drink | popping |
바 | 병 | 술 | 와인 | 와인병 | 음료 | 코르크 | 코르크가 튀어나오고 있는 병 | 팡 튀어오르는 |
6989 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🍷 -name | wine glass |
와인잔 |
6990 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🍷 –keywords | alcohol | bar | beverage | booze | club | drink | drinking | drinks | glass | restaurant | wine |
글래스 | 바 | 술 | 와인 | 와인글라스 | 와인바 | 와인잔 | 음료 | 음주 | 클럽 |
6991 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🍸 -name | cocktail glass |
칵테일 |
6992 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🍸 –keywords | alcohol | bar | booze | club | cocktail | drink | drinking | drinks | glass | mad | martini | men |
마티니 | 매드 맨 | 술 | 음료 | 칵테일 | 칵테일글라스 | 칵테일바 | 칵테일잔 | 클럽 |
6993 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🍹 -name | tropical drink |
음료수 |
6994 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🍹 –keywords | alcohol | bar | booze | club | cocktail | drink | drinking | drinks | drunk | mai | party | tai | tropical | tropics |
드링크 | 바 | 술 | 열대 음료 | 열대지방 | 음료 | 음료수 | 클럽 | 파티 |
6995 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🍺 -name | beer mug |
맥주잔 |
6996 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🍺 –keywords | alcohol | ale | bar | beer | booze | drink | drinking | drinks | mug | octoberfest | oktoberfest | pint | stein | summer |
500잔 | 독일 | 맥주 | 맥주잔 | 맥주컵 | 바 | 서머에일 | 술 | 술집 | 옥토버페스트 | 음료 | 음주 | 파인트 | 호프 |
6997 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🍻 -name | clinking beer mugs |
맥주 |
6998 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🍻 –keywords | alcohol | bar | beer | booze | bottoms | cheers | clink | clinking | drinking | drinks | mugs |
맥주 | 맥주잔 | 바 | 술 | 원샷 | 음료 | 짠 | 짠 하는 맥주잔 |
6999 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🥂 -name | clinking glasses |
건배하는 샴페인 잔 |
7000 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🥂 –keywords | celebrate | clink | clinking | drink | glass | glasses |
건배 | 건배하는 샴페인 잔 | 술 | 음료 | 잔 | 짠 | 축하 |
7001 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🥃 -name | tumbler glass |
양주잔 |
7002 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🥃 –keywords | glass | liquor | scotch | shot | tumbler | whiskey | whisky |
글래스 | 샷 | 스카치 | 양주잔 | 위스키 | 텀블러 |
7003 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🫗 -name | pouring liquid |
쏟아져 나오는 액체 |
7004 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🫗 –keywords | accident | drink | empty | glass | liquid | oops | pour | pouring | spill | water |
물 | 붓다 | 비어 있는 | 사고 | 쏟다 | 쏟아져 나오는 액체 | 엎지르다 | 웁스 | 유리잔 | 음료 | 흘리다 | 흘림 |
7005 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🥤 -name | cup with straw |
빨대와 컵 |
7006 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🥤 –keywords | cup | drink | juice | malt | soda | soft | straw | water |
물 | 빨대와 컵 | 소다 | 소프트 드링크 | 음료 | 주스 |
7007 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🧋 -name | bubble tea |
버블티 |
7008 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🧋 –keywords | boba | bubble | food | milk | pearl | tea |
대만 | 버블 | 버블티 | 보바 | 우유 | 음식 | 차 | 타이완 | 티 | 펄 |
7009 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🧃 -name | beverage box |
음료 팩 |
7010 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🧃 –keywords | beverage | box | juice | straw | sweet |
달콤 | 상자 | 음료 | 음료 팩 | 주스 | 쥬스 팩 |
7011 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🧉 -name | mate |
마테차 |
7012 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🧉 –keywords | drink | mate |
마테차 | 음료 | 차 |
7013 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🧊 -name | ice |
얼음 |
7014 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🧊 –keywords | cold | cube | ice | iceberg |
각얼음 | 빙산 | 얼음 | 차가운 |
7015 | Characters | Food & Drink | dishware | 🥢 -name | chopsticks |
젓가락 |
7016 | Characters | Food & Drink | dishware | 🥢 –keywords | chopsticks | hashi | jeotgarak | kuaizi |
젓가락 |
7017 | Characters | Food & Drink | dishware | 🍽 -name | fork and knife with plate |
포크와 나이프가 있는 접시 |
7018 | Characters | Food & Drink | dishware | 🍽 –keywords | cooking | dinner | eat | fork | knife | plate |
나이프 | 요리 | 저녁식사 | 접시 | 포크 | 포크와 나이프가 있는 접시 |
7019 | Characters | Food & Drink | dishware | 🍴 -name | fork and knife |
포크와 나이프 |
7020 | Characters | Food & Drink | dishware | 🍴 –keywords | breakfast | breaky | cooking | cutlery | delicious | dinner | eat | feed | food | fork | hungry | knife | lunch | restaurant | yum | yummy |
나이프 | 레스토랑 | 맛있음 | 먹다 | 배고픔 | 식당 | 식품 | 아침밥 | 아침식사 | 야미 | 요리 | 음식 | 저녁식사 | 점심식사 | 포크 | 포크와 나이프 |
7021 | Characters | Food & Drink | dishware | 🥄 -name | spoon |
숟가락 |
7022 | Characters | Food & Drink | dishware | 🥄 –keywords | eat | spoon | tableware |
먹기 | 수저 | 숟가락 | 스푼 | 식기 | 주방용품 | 테이블웨어 |
7023 | Characters | Food & Drink | dishware | 🔪 -name | kitchen knife |
식칼 |
7024 | Characters | Food & Drink | dishware | 🔪 –keywords | chef | cooking | hocho | kitchen | knife | tool | weapon |
도구 | 무기 | 부엌 칼 | 쉐프 | 식칼 | 요리 | 요리용 칼 | 호쵸 |
7025 | Characters | Food & Drink | dishware | 🫙 -name | jar |
작은 병 |
7026 | Characters | Food & Drink | dishware | 🫙 –keywords | condiment | container | empty | jar | nothing | sauce | store |
병 | 보관 | 비어 있는 | 빈 | 소스 | 아무것도 없는 | 양념 | 용기 | 작은 병 | 저장 |
7027 | Characters | Food & Drink | dishware | 🏺 -name | amphora |
암포라 |
7028 | Characters | Food & Drink | dishware | 🏺 –keywords | amphora | Aquarius | cooking | drink | jug | tool | weapon | zodiac |
단지 | 도구 | 무기 | 물병자리 | 별자리 | 암포라 | 요리 |
7029 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-map | 🌍 -name | globe showing Europe-Africa |
유럽과 아프리카가 보이는 지구 |
7030 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-map | 🌍 –keywords | Africa | earth | Europe | Europe-Africa | globe | showing | world |
글로벌 | 세계 | 아프리카 | 유럽 | 유럽과 아프리카가 보이는 지구 | 지구 | 지구본 |
7031 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-map | 🌎 -name | globe showing Americas |
미대륙이 보이는 지구 |
7032 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-map | 🌎 –keywords | Americas | earth | globe | showing | world |
글로벌 | 미국이 보이는 지구 | 미대륙 | 미대륙이 보이는 지구 | 미주 | 세계 | 아메리카 | 지구 | 지구본 |
7033 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-map | 🌏 -name | globe showing Asia-Australia |
아시아와 호주가 보이는 지구 |
7034 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-map | 🌏 –keywords | Asia | Asia-Australia | Australia | earth | globe | showing | world |
글로벌 | 세계 | 아시아 | 아시아와 호주가 보이는 지구 | 월드 | 지구 | 지구본 | 호주 |
7035 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-map | 🌐 -name | globe with meridians |
자오선 지구 |
7036 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-map | 🌐 –keywords | earth | globe | internet | meridians | web | world | worldwide |
경도 | 세계 | 월드와이드 | 웹 | 위도 | 인터넷 | 자오선 | 지구 |
7037 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-map | 🗺 -name | world map |
세계 지도 |
7038 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-map | 🗺 –keywords | map | world |
세계 | 지도 |
7039 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-map | 🗾 -name | map of Japan |
일본 지도 |
7040 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-map | 🗾 –keywords | Japan | map |
일본 | 지도 |
7041 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-map | 🧭 -name | compass |
나침반 |
7042 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-map | 🧭 –keywords | compass | direction | magnetic | navigation | orienteering |
길찾기 | 나침반 | 네비게이션 | 오리엔티어링 | 자석 |
7043 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-geographic | 🏔 -name | snow-capped mountain |
눈 덮인 산 |
7044 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-geographic | 🏔 –keywords | cold | mountain | snow | snow-capped |
눈 | 눈 덮인 산 | 산 | 설산 | 추위 |
7045 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-geographic | ⛰ -name | mountain |
산 |
7046 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-geographic | ⛰ –keywords | mountain |
산 | 산 정상 |
7047 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-geographic | 🌋 -name | volcano |
화산 |
7048 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-geographic | 🌋 –keywords | eruption | mountain | nature | volcano |
볼케이노 | 산 | 자연 | 폭발 | 화산 |
7049 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-geographic | 🗻 -name | mount fuji |
후지산 |
7050 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-geographic | 🗻 –keywords | fuji | mount | mountain | nature |
산 | 자연 | 후지 | 후지산 |
7051 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-geographic | 🏕 -name | camping |
캠핑 |
7052 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-geographic | 🏕 –keywords | camping |
캠핑 | 텐트 |
7053 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-geographic | 🏖 -name | beach with umbrella |
파라솔이 있는 해변 |
7054 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-geographic | 🏖 –keywords | beach | umbrella |
우산 | 파라솔 | 파라솔이 있는 해변 | 해변 |
7055 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-geographic | 🏜 -name | desert |
사막 |
7056 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-geographic | 🏜 –keywords | desert |
사막 | 선인장 | 태양 |
7057 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-geographic | 🏝 -name | desert island |
사막 섬 |
7058 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-geographic | 🏝 –keywords | desert | island |
사막 | 섬 |
7059 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-geographic | 🏞 -name | national park |
국립공원 |
7060 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-geographic | 🏞 –keywords | national | park |
공원 | 국립 | 국립공원 |
7061 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏟 -name | stadium |
경기장 |
7062 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏟 –keywords | stadium |
경기장 | 스타디움 |
7063 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏛 -name | classical building |
고전 양식의 건축물 |
7064 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏛 –keywords | building | classical |
건물 | 고전 | 고전 빌딩 | 고전 양식의 건축물 |
7065 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏗 -name | building construction |
건물 공사 |
7066 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏗 –keywords | building | construction | crane |
건물 | 공사 | 크래인 |
7067 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🧱 -name | brick |
벽돌 |
7068 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🧱 –keywords | brick | bricks | clay | mortar | wall |
담벼락 | 모르타르 | 벽 | 벽돌 | 빨간 벽돌 | 클레이 |
7069 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🪨 -name | rock |
바위 |
7070 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🪨 –keywords | boulder | heavy | rock | solid | stone | tough |
단단한 | 돌 | 무거운 | 바위 | 스톤 | 암석 |
7071 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🪵 -name | wood |
목재 |
7072 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🪵 –keywords | log | lumber | timber | wood |
나무 | 목재 | 수목 | 재목 | 통나무 |
7073 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🛖 -name | hut |
오두막 |
7074 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🛖 –keywords | home | house | hut | roundhouse | shelter | yurt |
오두막 | 원실 | 유르트 | 집 | 피난처 | 홈 | 훗 |
7075 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏘 -name | houses |
주택 건물 |
7076 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏘 –keywords | house | houses |
건물 | 주택 | 집 |
7077 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏚 -name | derelict house |
낡은 주택 건물 |
7078 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏚 –keywords | derelict | home | house |
건물 | 낡은 주택 건물 | 노후 | 주택 | 주택 수리 | 집 |
7079 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏠 -name | house |
집 |
7080 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏠 –keywords | building | country | heart | home | house | ranch | settle | simple | suburban | suburbia | where |
건물 | 교외 | 마음이 머무는 곳 | 빌딩 | 시골집 | 정착 | 주택 | 주택 수리 | 집 |
7081 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏡 -name | house with garden |
정원이 있는 집 |
7082 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏡 –keywords | building | country | garden | heart | home | house | ranch | settle | simple | suburban | suburbia | where |
교외 | 마음이 머무는 곳 | 시골집 | 정원 | 정원이 있는 주택 | 정원이 있는 집 | 정착 | 주택 | 주택 수리 |
7083 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏢 -name | office building |
빌딩 |
7084 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏢 –keywords | building | city | cubical | job | office |
건물 | 빌딩 | 사무실 | 오피스 | 육면체 | 일 | 회사 건물 |
7085 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏣 -name | Japanese post office |
일본 우체국 |
7086 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏣 –keywords | building | Japanese | office | post |
건물 | 우체국 | 일본 |
7087 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏤 -name | post office |
우체국 |
7088 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏤 –keywords | building | European | office | post |
건물 | 빌딩 | 우체국 | 유럽 |
7089 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏥 -name | hospital |
병원 |
7090 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏥 –keywords | building | doctor | hospital | medicine |
건물 | 메디컬 | 병원 | 빌딩 | 의사 | 의학 |
7091 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏦 -name | bank |
은행 |
7092 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏦 –keywords | bank | building |
건물 | 뱅크 | 빌딩 | 은행 |
7093 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏨 -name | hotel |
호텔 |
7094 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏨 –keywords | building | hotel |
건물 | 빌딩 | 숙박 | 잠 | 호텔 |
7095 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏩 -name | love hotel |
모텔 |
7096 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏩 –keywords | building | hotel | love |
건물 | 러브 호텔 | 모텔 | 빌딩 | 호텔 |
7097 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏪 -name | convenience store |
편의점 |
7098 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏪 –keywords | 24 | building | convenience | hours | store |
24시 | 가게 | 건물 | 빌딩 | 편의점 |
7099 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏫 -name | school |
학교 |
7100 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏫 –keywords | building | school |
건물 | 공부 | 빌딩 | 스쿨 | 학교 |
7101 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏬 -name | department store |
백화점 |
7102 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏬 –keywords | building | department | store |
가게 | 건물 | 백화점 | 빌딩 | 상점 |
7103 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏭 -name | factory |
공장 |
7104 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏭 –keywords | building | factory |
건물 | 공장 | 빌딩 |
7105 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏯 -name | Japanese castle |
일본 성 |
7106 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏯 –keywords | building | castle | Japanese |
건물 | 궁전 | 빌딩 | 성 | 일본 |
7107 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏰 -name | castle |
유럽 성 |
7108 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏰 –keywords | building | castle | European |
건물 | 궁전 | 빌딩 | 성 | 유럽 |
7109 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 💒 -name | wedding |
결혼식 |
7110 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 💒 –keywords | chapel | hitched | nuptials | romance | wedding |
결혼 | 결혼식 | 결혼한 | 교회 결혼식 | 로맨스 | 성당 결혼식 | 예배당 | 혼례식 |
7111 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🗼 -name | Tokyo tower |
도쿄 타워 |
7112 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🗼 –keywords | Tokyo | tower |
도쿄 | 타워 | 탑 |
7113 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🗽 -name | Statue of Liberty |
자유의 여신상 |
7114 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🗽 –keywords | liberty | Liberty | new | ny | nyc | statue | Statue | york |
뉴욕 | 동상 | 여신상 | 자유 | 자유의 여신상 |
7115 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-religious | ⛪ -name | church |
교회 |
7116 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-religious | ⛪ –keywords | bless | chapel | Christian | church | cross | religion |
건물 | 교회 | 기독교 | 빌딩 | 십자가 | 예배당 | 종교 | 축복 | 크리스찬 |
7117 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-religious | 🕌 -name | mosque |
모스크 |
7118 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-religious | 🕌 –keywords | islam | masjid | mosque | Muslim | religion |
모스크 | 무슬림 | 사원 | 이슬람 | 종교 |
7119 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-religious | 🛕 -name | hindu temple |
힌두교 사원 |
7120 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-religious | 🛕 –keywords | hindu | temple |
사원 | 힌두교 |
7121 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-religious | 🕍 -name | synagogue |
시나고그 |
7122 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-religious | 🕍 –keywords | Jew | Jewish | judaism | religion | synagogue | temple |
사원 | 시나고그 | 유대교 | 유대인 | 종교 |
7123 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-religious | ⛩ -name | shinto shrine |
신토 신사 |
7124 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-religious | ⛩ –keywords | religion | shinto | shrine |
신사 | 신토 | 일본 신사 | 종교 |
7125 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-religious | 🕋 -name | kaaba |
카바 |
7126 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-religious | 🕋 –keywords | hajj | islam | kaaba | Muslim | religion | umrah |
무슬림 | 움라 | 이슬람 | 종교 | 카바 | 하즈 |
7127 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | ⛲ -name | fountain |
분수 |
7128 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | ⛲ –keywords | fountain |
분수 | 분수대 |
7129 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | ⛺ -name | tent |
텐트 |
7130 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | ⛺ –keywords | camping | tent |
캠프 | 캠핑 | 텐트 |
7131 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🌁 -name | foggy |
자욱한 안개 |
7132 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🌁 –keywords | fog | foggy |
날씨 | 스모그 | 안개 | 안개 낀 | 자욱한 안개 |
7133 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🌃 -name | night with stars |
밤하늘 별 |
7134 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🌃 –keywords | night | star | stars |
밤 | 밤하늘 별 | 별 | 야경 |
7135 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🏙 -name | cityscape |
도시 전경 |
7136 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🏙 –keywords | city | cityscape |
건물 | 도시 | 도시 전경 |
7137 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🌄 -name | sunrise over mountains |
산에서 떠오르는 해 |
7138 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🌄 –keywords | morning | mountains | over | sun | sunrise |
산 | 산에 해가 뜸 | 산에서 떠오르는 해 | 아침 | 일출 | 해 | 해가 뜸 |
7139 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🌅 -name | sunrise |
일출 |
7140 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🌅 –keywords | morning | nature | sun | sunrise |
아침 | 일출 | 자연 | 해 | 해가 뜸 |
7141 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🌆 -name | cityscape at dusk |
도시 야경 |
7142 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🌆 –keywords | at | building | city | cityscape | dusk | evening | landscape | sun | sunset |
건물 | 노을 | 도시 | 빌딩 | 선셋 | 야경 | 일몰 | 저녁 | 해 | 해질녘 |
7143 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🌇 -name | sunset |
일몰 |
7144 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🌇 –keywords | building | dusk | sun | sunset |
건물 | 노을 | 도시에 해가 짐 | 빌딩 | 일몰 | 해 | 해가 짐 | 해질녘 | 황혼 |
7145 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🌉 -name | bridge at night |
밤하늘을 배경으로 하는 다리 |
7146 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🌉 –keywords | at | bridge | night |
다리 | 달과 다리 | 밤 | 밤의 다리 | 밤하늘을 배경으로 하는 다리 | 별과 다리 |
7147 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | ♨ -name | hot springs |
온천 |
7148 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | ♨ –keywords | hot | hotsprings | springs | steaming |
뜨거움 | 목욕탕 | 사우나 | 온천 |
7149 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🎠 -name | carousel horse |
회전 목마 |
7150 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🎠 –keywords | carousel | entertainment | horse |
놀이공원 | 목마 | 엔터테인먼트 | 유원지 | 회전 목마 |
7151 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🛝 -name | playground slide |
미끄럼틀 |
7152 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🛝 –keywords | amusement | park | play | playground | playing | slide | sliding | theme |
놀기 | 놀이 | 놀이공원 | 놀이터 | 미끄러지다 | 미끄럼틀 | 슬라이드 | 슬라이딩 |
7153 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🎡 -name | ferris wheel |
관람차 |
7154 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🎡 –keywords | amusement | ferris | park | theme | wheel |
관람차 | 놀이공원 | 대관람차 | 유원지 |
7155 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🎢 -name | roller coaster |
롤러코스터 |
7156 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🎢 –keywords | amusement | coaster | park | roller | theme |
놀이공원 | 롤러 | 롤러코스터 | 유원지 | 코스터 |
7157 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 💈 -name | barber pole |
이발소 |
7158 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 💈 –keywords | barber | cut | fresh | haircut | pole | shave |
면도 | 이발 | 이발사 | 이발소 | 이발소 기둥 | 이발소 표시 |
7159 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🎪 -name | circus tent |
서커스 |
7160 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🎪 –keywords | circus | tent |
서커스 | 텐트 |
7161 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚂 -name | locomotive |
기관차 |
7162 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚂 –keywords | caboose | engine | locomotive | railway | steam | train | trains | travel |
교통수단 | 기관차 | 기차 | 엔진 | 여행 | 증기 | 카부스 | 트레인 |
7163 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚃 -name | railway car |
전철 |
7164 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚃 –keywords | car | electric | railway | train | tram | travel | trolleybus |
교통수단 | 기차 | 레일 | 엔진 | 여행 | 전기 | 전철 | 차 | 철도 | 철도 차량 | 트램 | 트레인 | 트롤리버스 |
7165 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚄 -name | high-speed train |
고속열차 |
7166 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚄 –keywords | high-speed | railway | shinkansen | speed | train |
KTX | 고속 | 고속열차 | 신칸센 | 암트랙 | 철도 | 케이티엑스 |
7167 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚅 -name | bullet train |
고속철 |
7168 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚅 –keywords | bullet | high-speed | nose | railway | shinkansen | speed | train | travel |
KTX | 고속 | 고속철 | 기차 | 신칸센 | 암트랙 | 앞에 뾰족하게 생긴 고속 철도 | 여행 | 철도 | 케이티엑스 |
7169 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚆 -name | train |
기차 |
7170 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚆 –keywords | arrived | choo | railway | train |
기차 | 도착 | 철도 | 칙칙폭폭 |
7171 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚇 -name | metro |
지하철 |
7172 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚇 –keywords | metro | subway | travel |
메트로 | 여행 | 전철 | 지하철 |
7173 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚈 -name | light rail |
경전철 |
7174 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚈 –keywords | arrived | light | monorail | rail | railway |
경전철 | 교통수단 | 기차 | 도착 | 모노레일 | 바트 |
7175 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚉 -name | station |
기차역 |
7176 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚉 –keywords | railway | station | train |
기차 | 기차역 | 바트 | 역 | 전철역 | 지하철역 | 철도 |
7177 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚊 -name | tram |
트램 |
7178 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚊 –keywords | tram | trolleybus |
바트 | 전차 | 트램 | 트롤리버스 |
7179 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚝 -name | monorail |
모노레일 |
7180 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚝 –keywords | monorail | vehicle |
교통수단 | 기차 | 모노레일 |
7181 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚞 -name | mountain railway |
기차 터널 |
7182 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚞 –keywords | car | mountain | railway | trip |
기차 | 산 | 산악 철도 | 산터널 | 차 | 터널 |
7183 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚋 -name | tram car |
트램 차량 |
7184 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚋 –keywords | bus | car | tram | trolley | trolleybus |
버스 | 전차 차량 | 차 | 트램 차량 | 트롤리 | 트롤리버스 |
7185 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚌 -name | bus |
버스 |
7186 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚌 –keywords | bus | school | vehicle |
교통수단 | 버스 | 차 | 학교 |
7187 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚍 -name | oncoming bus |
오고 있는 버스 |
7188 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚍 –keywords | bus | cars | oncoming |
다가오는 | 버스 | 오고 있는 버스 | 차 |
7189 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚎 -name | trolleybus |
트롤리 버스 |
7190 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚎 –keywords | bus | tram | trolley | trolleybus |
버스 | 트램 | 트롤리 |
7191 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚐 -name | minibus |
미니버스 |
7192 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚐 –keywords | bus | drive | minibus | van | vehicle |
교통수단 | 미니버스 | 밴 | 버스 | 소형 버스 | 운전 |
7193 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚑 -name | ambulance |
구급차 |
7194 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚑 –keywords | ambulance | emergency | vehicle |
교통수단 | 구급차 | 앰뷸런스 |
7195 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚒 -name | fire engine |
소방차 |
7196 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚒 –keywords | engine | fire | truck |
소방차 | 엔진 | 트럭 | 화재 |
7197 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚓 -name | police car |
경찰차 |
7198 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚓 –keywords | 5–0 | car | cops | patrol | police |
5–0 | 경찰 | 경찰차 | 차 |
7199 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚔 -name | oncoming police car |
오고 있는 경찰차 |
7200 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚔 –keywords | car | oncoming | police |
경찰 | 경찰차 | 다가오는 경찰차 | 오고 있는 경찰차 | 차 |
7201 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚕 -name | taxi |
택시 |
7202 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚕 –keywords | cab | cabbie | car | drive | taxi | vehicle | yellow |
교통수단 | 노란 택시 | 운전 | 자동차 | 차 | 택시 |
7203 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚖 -name | oncoming taxi |
오고 있는 택시 |
7204 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚖 –keywords | cab | cabbie | cars | drove | hail | oncoming | taxi | yellow |
노란 택시 | 다가오는 택시 | 오고 있는 택시 | 우버 | 운전 | 차 | 택시 | 택시 부르기 |
7205 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚗 -name | automobile |
자동차 |
7206 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚗 –keywords | automobile | car | driving | vehicle |
교통수단 | 승용차 | 운전 | 자동차 | 차량 |
7207 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚘 -name | oncoming automobile |
오고 있는 자동차 |
7208 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚘 –keywords | automobile | car | cars | drove | oncoming | vehicle |
교통수단 | 다가오는 | 오고 있는 승용차 | 오고 있는 자동차 | 운전 | 자동차 | 차 |
7209 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚙 -name | sport utility vehicle |
지프 |
7210 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚙 –keywords | car | drive | recreational | sport | sportutility | utility | vehicle |
SUV | 교통수단 | 레크리에이션 | 운전 | 지프 | 지프차 | 차 |
7211 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🛻 -name | pickup truck |
픽업트럭 |
7212 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🛻 –keywords | automobile | car | flatbed | pick-up | pickup | transportation | truck |
운송수단 | 자동차 | 차 | 트럭 | 플랫베드 | 픽업 | 픽업트럭 | 화물차 |
7213 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚚 -name | delivery truck |
운송 트럭 |
7214 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚚 –keywords | car | delivery | drive | truck | vehicle |
교통수단 | 배달 | 배송 | 운송 | 운송 차량 | 운전 | 차 | 트럭 |
7215 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚛 -name | articulated lorry |
트레일러 트럭 |
7216 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚛 –keywords | articulated | car | drive | lorry | move | semi | truck | vehicle |
교통수단 | 세미 | 운전 | 이동 | 트럭 | 트레일러 |
7217 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚜 -name | tractor |
트랙터 |
7218 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚜 –keywords | tractor | vehicle |
교통수단 | 차량 | 트랙터 |
7219 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🏎 -name | racing car |
경주용 자동차 |
7220 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🏎 –keywords | car | racing | zoom |
경주용 자동차 | 레이싱 | 레이싱카 | 쌩 | 차 |
7221 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🏍 -name | motorcycle |
오토바이 |
7222 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🏍 –keywords | motorcycle | racing |
경주 | 레이싱 | 모터사이클 | 오토바이 |
7223 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🛵 -name | motor scooter |
스쿠터 |
7224 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🛵 –keywords | motor | scooter |
모터 | 스쿠터 | 오토바이 | 전동 |
7225 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🦽 -name | manual wheelchair |
수동 휠체어 |
7226 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🦽 –keywords | accessibility | manual | wheelchair |
수동 휠체어 | 접근성 |
7227 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🦼 -name | motorized wheelchair |
전동 휠체어 |
7228 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🦼 –keywords | accessibility | motorized | wheelchair |
전동 휠체어 | 접근성 |
7229 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🛺 -name | auto rickshaw |
경삼륜차 |
7230 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🛺 –keywords | auto | rickshaw | tuk |
경삼륜차 | 툭툭 |
7231 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚲 -name | bicycle |
자전거 |
7232 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚲 –keywords | bicycle | bike | class | cycle | cycling | cyclist | gang | ride | spin | spinning |
교통수단 | 라이드 | 바이크 | 바이크 갱 | 사이클링 | 스피닝 | 스핀 클래스 | 자전거 |
7233 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🛴 -name | kick scooter |
킥보드 |
7234 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🛴 –keywords | kick | scooter |
스쿠터 | 씽씽카 | 킥 | 킥보드 |
7235 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🛹 -name | skateboard |
스케이트보드 |
7236 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🛹 –keywords | board | skate | skateboard | skater | wheels |
바퀴 | 보드 | 스케이트 | 스케이트 타는 사람 | 스케이트보드 |
7237 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🛼 -name | roller skate |
롤러스케이트 |
7238 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🛼 –keywords | blades | roller | skate | skates | sport |
날 | 롤러 | 롤러스케이트 | 블레이드 | 스케이트 | 스포츠 | 운동 |
7239 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚏 -name | bus stop |
버스 정류장 |
7240 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚏 –keywords | bus | busstop | stop |
버스 | 정류장 |
7241 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🛣 -name | motorway |
고속도로 |
7242 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🛣 –keywords | highway | motorway | road |
고속도로 | 도로 |
7243 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🛤 -name | railway track |
철도 선로 |
7244 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🛤 –keywords | railway | track | train |
선로 | 철도 |
7245 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🛢 -name | oil drum |
기름통 |
7246 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🛢 –keywords | drum | oil |
기름 | 기름통 | 드럼 |
7247 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | ⛽ -name | fuel pump |
주유소 |
7248 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | ⛽ –keywords | diesel | fuel | fuelpump | gas | gasoline | pump | station |
가스 | 경유 | 연료 | 주유소 | 펌프 | 휘발유 |
7249 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🛞 -name | wheel |
휠 |
7250 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🛞 –keywords | car | circle | tire | turn | vehicle | wheel |
바퀴 | 원 | 자동차 | 차 | 카 | 타이어 | 탈 것 | 회전 | 휠 |
7251 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚨 -name | police car light |
사이렌 |
7252 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚨 –keywords | alarm | alert | beacon | car | emergency | light | police | revolving | siren |
경고 | 경보 | 경찰 | 경찰차 사이렌 | 비상 | 삐용삐용 | 사이렌 | 알람 | 차 |
7253 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚥 -name | horizontal traffic light |
가로 신호등 |
7254 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚥 –keywords | horizontal | intersection | light | signal | stop | stoplight | traffic |
가로 | 교차로 | 교통 | 수평 | 신호 | 신호등 | 정지 신호 |
7255 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚦 -name | vertical traffic light |
세로 신호등 |
7256 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚦 –keywords | drove | intersection | light | signal | stop | stoplight | traffic | vertical |
교차로 | 교통 | 빛 | 세로 | 수직 | 신호등 | 운전 | 정지 신호 | 표시 |
7257 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🛑 -name | stop sign |
멈춤 표시 |
7258 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🛑 –keywords | octagonal | sign | stop |
교통신호 | 멈춤 | 멈춤 표시 | 신호 | 팔각형 |
7259 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚧 -name | construction |
공사 중 |
7260 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚧 –keywords | barrier | construction |
공사 | 공사 중 | 공사 중 표시 | 분리대 |
7261 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-water | ⚓ -name | anchor |
닻 |
7262 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-water | ⚓ –keywords | anchor | ship | tool |
닻 | 도구 | 배 | 앵커 | 항해 |
7263 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-water | 🛟 -name | ring buoy |
구명부환 |
7264 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-water | 🛟 –keywords | buoy | float | life | lifesaver | preserver | rescue | ring | safety | save | saver | swim |
구명 기구 | 구명 튜브 | 구명부환 | 구조 | 구조원 | 구하다 | 부낭 | 수영 | 안전 |
7265 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-water | ⛵ -name | sailboat |
돛단배 |
7266 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-water | ⛵ –keywords | boat | resort | sailboat | sailing | sea | yacht |
돛단배 | 배 | 범선 | 세일링 | 요트 |
7267 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-water | 🛶 -name | canoe |
카누 |
7268 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-water | 🛶 –keywords | boat | canoe |
배 | 보트 | 카누 |
7269 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-water | 🚤 -name | speedboat |
쾌속정 |
7270 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-water | 🚤 –keywords | billionaire | boat | lake | luxury | millionaire | speedboat | summer | travel |
럭셔리 | 보트 | 선박 | 억만장자 | 여름 | 여행 | 쾌속정 | 호수 |
7271 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-water | 🛳 -name | passenger ship |
여객선 |
7272 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-water | 🛳 –keywords | passenger | ship |
배 | 선박 | 승객 | 여객선 |
7273 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-water | ⛴ -name | ferry |
페리 |
7274 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-water | ⛴ –keywords | boat | ferry | passenger |
보트 | 승객 | 연락선 | 페리 |
7275 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-water | 🛥 -name | motor boat |
모터보트 |
7276 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-water | 🛥 –keywords | boat | motor | motorboat |
모터보트 | 보트 |
7277 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-water | 🚢 -name | ship |
선박 |
7278 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-water | 🚢 –keywords | boat | passenger | ship | travel |
바다 | 배 | 선박 | 승객 | 여행 | 타이타닉 |
7279 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | ✈ -name | airplane |
비행기 |
7280 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | ✈ –keywords | aeroplane | airplane | fly | flying | jet | plane | travel |
비행 | 비행기 | 여행 | 제트 | 항공 |
7281 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | 🛩 -name | small airplane |
경비행기 |
7282 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | 🛩 –keywords | aeroplane | airplane | plane | small |
경비행기 | 비행기 | 소형비행기 | 항공기 |
7283 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | 🛫 -name | airplane departure |
비행기 이륙 |
7284 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | 🛫 –keywords | aeroplane | airplane | check-in | departure | departures | plane |
비행기 | 이륙 | 체크인 | 출발 |
7285 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | 🛬 -name | airplane arrival |
비행기 착륙 |
7286 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | 🛬 –keywords | aeroplane | airplane | arrival | arrivals | arriving | landing | plane |
도착 | 도착하는 중 | 랜딩 중 | 비행기 | 비행기 착륙 | 항공기 |
7287 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | 🪂 -name | parachute |
낙하산 |
7288 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | 🪂 –keywords | hang-glide | parachute | parasail | skydive |
낙하산 | 스카이다이빙 | 패러세일링 | 행글라이더 |
7289 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | 💺 -name | seat |
좌석 |
7290 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | 💺 –keywords | chair | seat |
의자 | 자리 | 좌석 |
7291 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | 🚁 -name | helicopter |
헬리콥터 |
7292 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | 🚁 –keywords | copter | helicopter | roflcopter | travel | vehicle |
교통수단 | 로플콥터 | 여행 | 콥터 | 헬기 | 헬리콥터 |
7293 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | 🚟 -name | suspension railway |
매달린 케이블카 |
7294 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | 🚟 –keywords | railway | suspension |
매달린 케이블카 | 자기부상 | 자기부상 열차 | 철도 | 케이블카 |
7295 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | 🚠 -name | mountain cableway |
산악 케이블카 |
7296 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | 🚠 –keywords | cable | cableway | gondola | lift | mountain | ski |
곤돌라 | 교통수단 | 산 | 산악 케이블카 | 스키 리프트 | 케이블 | 케이블카 |
7297 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | 🚡 -name | aerial tramway |
케이블카 |
7298 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | 🚡 –keywords | aerial | cable | car | gondola | ropeway | tramway |
곤돌라 | 공중 | 산악 케이블카 | 차 | 케이블카 |
7299 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | 🛰 -name | satellite |
인공위성 |
7300 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | 🛰 –keywords | satellite | space |
우주 | 인공위성 |
7301 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | 🚀 -name | rocket |
로켓 |
7302 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | 🚀 –keywords | launch | rocket | rockets | space | travel |
로케트 | 로켓 | 발사 | 여행 | 우주 |
7303 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | 🛸 -name | flying saucer |
비행접시 |
7304 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | 🛸 –keywords | aliens | extra | flying | saucer | terrestrial | UFO |
UFO | 비행접시 | 외계인 | 우주 생명체 |
7305 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | hotel | 🛎 -name | bellhop bell |
호출 벨 |
7306 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | hotel | 🛎 –keywords | bell | bellhop | hotel |
데스크벨 | 벨 | 호출 벨 | 호텔 |
7307 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | hotel | 🧳 -name | luggage |
여행용 가방 |
7308 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | hotel | 🧳 –keywords | bag | luggage | packing | roller | suitcase | travel |
여행 | 여행용 가방 | 짐 | 짐싸기 |
7309 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | ⌛ -name | hourglass done |
시간이 다 된 모래시계 |
7310 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | ⌛ –keywords | done | hourglass | sand | time | timer |
모래 | 모래시계 | 시간 | 시간이 다 된 모래시계 | 타이머 |
7311 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | ⏳ -name | hourglass not done |
시간이 남은 모래시계 |
7312 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | ⏳ –keywords | done | flowing | hourglass | hours | not | sand | timer | waiting | yolo |
기다림 | 모래 | 모래가 떨어지는 모래시계 | 모래시계 | 시간 | 시간이 남은 모래시계 | 욜로 | 타이머 |
7313 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | ⌚ -name | watch |
시계 |
7314 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | ⌚ –keywords | clock | time | watch |
손목 시계 | 시간 | 시계 |
7315 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | ⏰ -name | alarm clock |
알람 시계 |
7316 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | ⏰ –keywords | alarm | clock | hours | hrs | late | time | waiting |
늦은 | 대기 | 시간 | 시계 | 알람 |
7317 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | ⏱ -name | stopwatch |
스톱워치 |
7318 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | ⏱ –keywords | clock | stopwatch | time |
스톱워치 | 시간 | 시계 |
7319 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | ⏲ -name | timer clock |
타이머 시계 |
7320 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | ⏲ –keywords | clock | timer |
시계 | 타이머 |
7321 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕰 -name | mantelpiece clock |
벽난로 선반 시계 |
7322 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕰 –keywords | clock | mantelpiece | time |
벽난로 | 벽난로 선반 시계 | 시간 | 시계 |
7323 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕛 -name | twelve o’clock |
열두 시 |
7324 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕛 –keywords | 12 | 12:00 | clock | o’clock | time | twelve |
12 | 12:00 | 12시 | 시계 | 열두 시 | 정각 |
7325 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕧 -name | twelve-thirty |
열두 시 반 |
7326 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕧 –keywords | 12 | 12:30 | 30 | clock | thirty | time | twelve | twelve-thirty |
12:30 | 12시 30분 | 30분 | 시간 | 시계 | 열두 시 | 열두 시 반 |
7327 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕐 -name | one o’clock |
한 시 |
7328 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕐 –keywords | 1 | 1:00 | clock | o’clock | one | time |
00분 | 1 | 1:00 | 1시 | 시간 | 시계 | 정각 | 한 시 |
7329 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕜 -name | one-thirty |
한 시 반 |
7330 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕜 –keywords | 1 | 1:30 | 30 | clock | one | one-thirty | thirty | time |
1 | 1:30 | 1시 30분 | 30 | 삼십 | 시간 | 시계 | 한 시 반 | 한시 | 한시 반 |
7331 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕑 -name | two o’clock |
두 시 |
7332 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕑 –keywords | 2 | 2:00 | clock | o’clock | time | two |
00분 | 2 | 2:00 | 2시 | 두 시 | 시간 | 시계 | 정각 |
7333 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕝 -name | two-thirty |
두 시 반 |
7334 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕝 –keywords | 2 | 2:30 | 30 | clock | thirty | time | two | two-thirty |
2:30 | 2시 | 30분 | 두 시 반 | 시간 | 시계 |
7335 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕒 -name | three o’clock |
세 시 |
7336 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕒 –keywords | 3 | 3:00 | clock | o’clock | three | time |
00분 | 3 | 3:00 | 3시 | 세 시 | 시간 | 시계 | 정각 |
7337 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕞 -name | three-thirty |
세 시 반 |
7338 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕞 –keywords | 3 | 3:30 | 30 | clock | thirty | three | three-thirty | time |
3:30 | 30분 | 3시 | 세 시 반 | 세시 | 세시 반 | 시간 | 시계 |
7339 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕓 -name | four o’clock |
네 시 |
7340 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕓 –keywords | 4 | 4:00 | clock | four | o’clock | time |
00분 | 4 | 4:00 | 4시 | 네 시 | 시간 | 시계 | 정각 |
7341 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕟 -name | four-thirty |
네 시 반 |
7342 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕟 –keywords | 30 | 4 | 4:30 | clock | four | four-thirty | thirty | time |
30 | 30분 | 4 | 4:30 | 4시 | 네 시 반 | 네시 반 | 시간 | 시계 |
7343 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕔 -name | five o’clock |
다섯 시 |
7344 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕔 –keywords | 5 | 5:00 | clock | five | o’clock | time |
00분 | 5 | 5:00 | 5시 | 다섯 시 | 시간 | 시계 | 정각 |
7345 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕠 -name | five-thirty |
다섯 시 반 |
7346 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕠 –keywords | 30 | 5 | 5:30 | clock | five | five-thirty | thirty | time |
30분 | 5:30 | 5시 30분 | 다섯 시 반 | 시간 | 시계 |
7347 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕕 -name | six o’clock |
여섯 시 |
7348 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕕 –keywords | 6 | 6:00 | clock | o’clock | six | time |
00분 | 6 | 6:00 | 6시 | 시간 | 시계 | 여섯 시 | 정각 |
7349 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕡 -name | six-thirty |
여섯 시 반 |
7350 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕡 –keywords | 30 | 6 | 6:30 | clock | six | six-thirty | thirty |
30분 | 6:30 | 6시 30분 | 시간 | 시계 | 여섯 시 반 |
7351 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕖 -name | seven o’clock |
일곱 시 |
7352 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕖 –keywords | 0 | 7 | 7:00 | clock | o’clock | seven |
00분 | 7 | 7:00 | 7시 | 시계 | 일곱 시 | 정각 |
7353 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕢 -name | seven-thirty |
일곱 시 반 |
7354 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕢 –keywords | 30 | 7 | 7:30 | clock | seven | seven-thirty | thirty |
7:30 | 7시 | 7시 30분 | 시간 | 시계 | 일곱 시 반 |
7355 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕗 -name | eight o’clock |
여덟 시 |
7356 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕗 –keywords | 8 | 8:00 | clock | eight | o’clock | time |
00분 | 8 | 8:00 | 8시 | 시간 | 시계 | 여덟 시 | 정각 |
7357 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕣 -name | eight-thirty |
여덟 시 반 |
7358 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕣 –keywords | 30 | 8 | 8:30 | clock | eight | eight-thirty | thirty | time |
30분 | 8:30 | 8시 30분 | 시간 | 시계 | 여덟 시 반 |
7359 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕘 -name | nine o’clock |
아홉 시 |
7360 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕘 –keywords | 9 | 9:00 | clock | nine | o’clock | time |
9 | 9:00 | 9시 | 시간 | 시계 | 아홉 시 | 정각 |
7361 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕤 -name | nine-thirty |
아홉 시 반 |
7362 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕤 –keywords | 30 | 9 | 9:30 | clock | nine | nine-thirty | thirty | time |
30분 | 9:30 | 9시 30분 | 시간 | 시계 | 아홉 시 반 |
7363 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕙 -name | ten o’clock |
열 시 |
7364 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕙 –keywords | 0 | 10 | 10:00 | clock | o’clock | ten |
00분 | 10 | 10:00 | 10시 | 시계 | 열 시 | 열시 정각 | 정각 |
7365 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕥 -name | ten-thirty |
열 시 반 |
7366 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕥 –keywords | 10 | 10:30 | 30 | clock | ten | ten-thirty | thirty | time |
10:30 | 10시 | 30분 | 시간 | 시계 | 열 시 반 |
7367 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕚 -name | eleven o’clock |
열한 시 |
7368 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕚 –keywords | 11 | 11:00 | clock | eleven | o’clock | time |
00분 | 11 | 11:00 | 11시 | 시간 | 시계 | 열한 시 | 정각 |
7369 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕦 -name | eleven-thirty |
열한 시 반 |
7370 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕦 –keywords | 11 | 11:30 | 30 | clock | eleven | eleven-thirty | thirty | time |
11:30 | 11시 | 30분 | 시간 | 시계 | 열한 시 반 |
7371 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌑 -name | new moon |
삭 |
7372 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌑 –keywords | dark | moon | new | space |
그믐 | 그믐달 | 뉴문 | 달 | 삭 | 우주 | 초승달 |
7373 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌒 -name | waxing crescent moon |
초승달 상현 |
7374 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌒 –keywords | crescent | dreams | moon | space | waxing |
꿈 | 달 | 상현 | 상현달 | 우주 | 초승달 상현 |
7375 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌓 -name | first quarter moon |
오른쪽 반달 |
7376 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌓 –keywords | first | moon | quarter | space |
달 | 반달 | 상현 반달 | 오른쪽 반달 | 우주 |
7377 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌔 -name | waxing gibbous moon |
상현달 |
7378 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌔 –keywords | gibbous | moon | space | waxing |
달 | 상현달 | 우주 | 철월 |
7379 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌕 -name | full moon |
보름달 |
7380 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌕 –keywords | full | moon | space |
달 | 만월 | 보름달 | 우주 |
7381 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌖 -name | waning gibbous moon |
하현달 |
7382 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌖 –keywords | gibbous | moon | space | waning |
달 | 우주 | 점점 기울어가는 | 하현달 |
7383 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌗 -name | last quarter moon |
왼쪽 반달 |
7384 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌗 –keywords | last | moon | quarter | space |
달 | 반달 | 왼쪽 반달 | 우주 | 하현 반달 |
7385 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌘 -name | waning crescent moon |
그믐달 하현 |
7386 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌘 –keywords | crescent | moon | space | waning |
그믐달 | 그믐달 하현 | 달 | 우주 | 점점 작아지는 | 초승달 |
7387 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌙 -name | crescent moon |
초승달 |
7388 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌙 –keywords | crescent | moon | ramadan | space |
달 | 라마단 | 우주 | 초승달 |
7389 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌚 -name | new moon face |
얼굴이 있는 삭 |
7390 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌚 –keywords | face | moon | new | space |
뉴문 | 달 | 달님 | 달위에 얼굴 | 삭 | 얼굴 | 얼굴이 있는 삭 | 우주 |
7391 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌛 -name | first quarter moon face |
얼굴이 있는 초승달 |
7392 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌛 –keywords | face | first | moon | quarter | space |
달 | 달님 | 얼굴 | 얼굴이 있는 초승달 | 우주 |
7393 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌜 -name | last quarter moon face |
그믐달 |
7394 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌜 –keywords | dreams | face | last | moon | quarter |
그믐달 | 꿈 | 달 | 달님 | 반달 | 얼굴 | 얼굴이 있는 그믐달 | 얼굴이 있는 상현 반달 |
7395 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌡 -name | thermometer |
온도계 |
7396 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌡 –keywords | thermometer | weather |
날씨 | 온도 | 온도계 |
7397 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ☀ -name | sun |
태양 |
7398 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ☀ –keywords | bright | rays | space | sun | sunny | weather |
날씨 | 더움 | 맑음 | 태양 | 해 | 화창한 |
7399 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌝 -name | full moon face |
얼굴이 있는 보름달 |
7400 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌝 –keywords | bright | face | full | moon |
달 | 달님 | 밝음 | 얼굴 | 얼굴이 있는 보름달 |
7401 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌞 -name | sun with face |
얼굴이 있는 해 |
7402 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌞 –keywords | beach | bright | day | face | heat | shine | sun | sunny | sunshine | weather |
날씨 | 낮 | 눈부신 | 밝은 | 얼굴 | 얼굴이 있는 해 | 열기 | 해 방긋 | 해님 | 햇빛 |
7403 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🪐 -name | ringed planet |
고리가 있는 행성 |
7404 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🪐 –keywords | planet | ringed | saturn | saturnine |
고리가 있는 행성 | 토성 | 행성 |
7405 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ⭐ -name | star |
별 |
7406 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ⭐ –keywords | astronomy | medium | star | stars | white |
별 | 천문학 | 화이트 미디엄 별 | 흰색 미디엄 별 |
7407 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌟 -name | glowing star |
반짝이는 별 |
7408 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌟 –keywords | glittery | glow | glowing | night | shining | sparkle | star | win |
눈부시는 | 반짝거리는 | 반짝반짝 | 반짝이는 별 | 반짝이다 | 반짝임 | 밤 | 별 | 빛나는 | 승리 |
7409 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌠 -name | shooting star |
별똥별 |
7410 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌠 –keywords | falling | night | shooting | space | star |
낙성 | 떨어지는 | 밤 | 별 | 별똥별 | 우주 | 유성 |
7411 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌌 -name | milky way |
은하수 |
7412 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌌 –keywords | milky | space | way |
우주 | 은하 | 은하수 | 행성 |
7413 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ☁ -name | cloud |
구름 |
7414 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ☁ –keywords | cloud | weather |
구름 | 날씨 | 흐림 |
7415 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ⛅ -name | sun behind cloud |
구름 뒤의 해 |
7416 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ⛅ –keywords | behind | cloud | cloudy | sun | weather |
구름 | 구름 뒤의 해 | 구름에 가린 해 | 해 |
7417 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ⛈ -name | cloud with lightning and rain |
번개가 치는 비구름 |
7418 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ⛈ –keywords | cloud | lightning | rain | thunder | thunderstorm |
구름 | 뇌우 | 번개 | 번개가 치는 비구름 | 비 |
7419 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌤 -name | sun behind small cloud |
작은 구름 뒤의 태양 |
7420 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌤 –keywords | behind | cloud | sun | weather |
구름 | 날씨 | 작은 구름 뒤의 태양 | 해 | 흐림 |
7421 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌥 -name | sun behind large cloud |
큰 구름 뒤의 태양 |
7422 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌥 –keywords | behind | cloud | sun | weather |
구름 | 날씨 | 큰 구름 뒤의 태양 | 해 | 흐림 |
7423 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌦 -name | sun behind rain cloud |
비구름 뒤의 태양 |
7424 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌦 –keywords | behind | cloud | rain | sun | weather |
구름 | 날씨 | 비 | 비구름 뒤의 태양 | 해 |
7425 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌧 -name | cloud with rain |
비구름 |
7426 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌧 –keywords | cloud | rain | weather |
구름 | 날씨 | 비 | 비구름 |
7427 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌨 -name | cloud with snow |
눈구름 |
7428 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌨 –keywords | cloud | cold | snow | weather |
구름 | 날씨 | 눈 | 눈구름 | 추움 |
7429 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌩 -name | cloud with lightning |
번개구름 |
7430 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌩 –keywords | cloud | lightning | weather |
구름 | 날씨 | 번개 | 번개구름 |
7431 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌪 -name | tornado |
토네이도 |
7432 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌪 –keywords | cloud | tornado | weather | whirlwind |
구름 | 날씨 | 소용돌이 | 태풍 | 토네이도 |
7433 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌫 -name | fog |
안개 |
7434 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌫 –keywords | cloud | fog | weather |
구름 | 날씨 | 물결표시 | 안개 |
7435 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌬 -name | wind face |
얼굴이 있는 바람 |
7436 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌬 –keywords | blow | cloud | face | wind |
바람 | 바람 부는 | 얼굴 | 얼굴이 있는 바람 | 후 하고 바람 부는 얼굴 |
7437 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌀 -name | cyclone |
태풍 |
7438 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌀 –keywords | cyclone | dizzy | hurricane | twister | typhoon | weather |
날씨 | 사이클론 | 소용돌이 | 싸이클론 | 어지러운 | 태풍 | 태풍의 눈 |
7439 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌈 -name | rainbow |
무지개 |
7440 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌈 –keywords | gay | genderqueer | glbt | glbtq | lesbian | lgbt | lgbtq | lgbtqia | nature | pride | queer | rain | rainbow | trans | transgender | weather |
게이 | 날씨 | 레인보우 | 레즈비언 | 무지개 | 양성애자 | 자연 | 젠더퀴어 | 트랜스 | 트랜스젠더 | 프라이드 |
7441 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌂 -name | closed umbrella |
접힌 우산 |
7442 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌂 –keywords | closed | clothing | rain | umbrella |
비 | 우산 | 접힌 우산 |
7443 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ☂ -name | umbrella |
우산 |
7444 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ☂ –keywords | clothing | rain | umbrella |
비 | 우산 |
7445 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ☔ -name | umbrella with rain drops |
빗방울이 있는 우산 |
7446 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ☔ –keywords | clothing | drop | drops | rain | umbrella | weather |
강우 | 강한 비 | 날씨 | 물방울 | 비 | 빗방울이 떨어지는 우산 | 빗방울이 있는 우산 | 우산 |
7447 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ⛱ -name | umbrella on ground |
땅에 꽂힌 파라솔 |
7448 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ⛱ –keywords | ground | rain | sun | umbrella |
땅에 꽂힌 파라솔 | 비 | 우산 | 파라솔 | 해 | 해변가 |
7449 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ⚡ -name | high voltage |
고압 주의 |
7450 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ⚡ –keywords | danger | electric | electricity | high | lightning | nature | thunder | thunderbolt | voltage | zap |
고압 | 고압 경고 | 고압 주의 | 메신저 | 번개 | 벼락 | 위험 | 자연 | 잽 | 전기 | 전력 | 전압 |
7451 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ❄ -name | snowflake |
눈송이 |
7452 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ❄ –keywords | cold | snow | snowflake | weather |
날씨 | 눈 | 눈송이 | 추위 |
7453 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ☃ -name | snowman |
눈사람 |
7454 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ☃ –keywords | cold | man | snow | snowman |
겨울 | 눈 | 눈사람 | 추위 |
7455 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ⛄ -name | snowman without snow |
스노우맨 |
7456 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ⛄ –keywords | cold | man | snow | snowman |
겨울 | 내리는 눈 없이 눈사람 | 눈 | 눈사람 | 스노우맨 | 추위 |
7457 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ☄ -name | comet |
혜성 |
7458 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ☄ –keywords | comet | space |
우주 | 혜성 |
7459 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🔥 -name | fire |
불 |
7460 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🔥 –keywords | af | burn | fire | flame | hot | lit | litaf | tool |
도구 | 뜨거운 | 불 | 불꽃 | 화끈한 | 화재 |
7461 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 💧 -name | droplet |
물방울 |
7462 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 💧 –keywords | cold | comic | drop | droplet | nature | sad | sweat | tear | water | weather |
날씨 | 눈물 | 달콤 | 땀 | 만화 | 물방울 | 자연 | 추위 | 코믹 |
7463 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌊 -name | water wave |
파도 |
7464 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌊 –keywords | nature | ocean | surf | surfer | surfing | water | wave |
물결 | 바다 | 서퍼 | 서핑 | 서핑하는 사람 | 자연 | 파도 | 풍랑 |
7465 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎃 -name | jack-o-lantern |
할로윈 |
7466 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎃 –keywords | celebration | halloween | jack | jack-o-lantern | lantern | pumpkin |
등 | 잭 | 잭오랜턴 | 할로윈 | 할로윈 장식 | 핼러윈 | 호박 |
7467 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎄 -name | Christmas tree |
크리스마스 트리 |
7468 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎄 –keywords | celebration | Christmas | tree |
축하 | 크리스마스 | 크리스마스 트리 |
7469 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎆 -name | fireworks |
불꽃놀이 |
7470 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎆 –keywords | boom | celebration | entertainment | fireworks | yolo |
불꽃 축제 | 불꽃놀이 | 엔터테인먼트 | 욜로 | 축하 | 쾅 |
7471 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎇 -name | sparkler |
불꽃 |
7472 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎇 –keywords | boom | celebration | fireworks | sparkle | sparkler |
번쩍 | 불꽃 | 불꽃 축제 | 축하 | 쾅 | 폭죽 |
7473 | Characters | Activities | event | 🧨 -name | firecracker |
폭죽 |
7474 | Characters | Activities | event | 🧨 –keywords | dynamite | explosive | fire | firecracker | fireworks | light | pop | popping | spark |
다이너마이트 | 불꽃 | 불꽃놀이 | 빛 | 튀다 | 폭발적인 | 폭약 | 폭죽 |
7475 | Characters | Activities | event | ✨ -name | sparkles |
블링블링 |
7476 | Characters | Activities | event | ✨ –keywords | * | magic | sparkle | sparkles | star |
마술 | 매직 | 반짝거림 | 반짝반짝 | 별 | 블링블링 |
7477 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎈 -name | balloon |
풍선 |
7478 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎈 –keywords | balloon | birthday | celebrate | celebration |
기념 | 생일 | 축하 | 파티 | 풍선 |
7479 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎉 -name | party popper |
파티 |
7480 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎉 –keywords | awesome | birthday | celebrate | celebration | excited | hooray | party | popper | tada | woohoo |
생일 | 신나는 | 우후 | 짠 | 축하 | 파티 |
7481 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎊 -name | confetti ball |
박 터트리기 |
7482 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎊 –keywords | ball | celebrate | celebration | confetti | party | woohoo |
공 | 기념 | 박 터트리기 | 색종이 꽃가루처 | 야호 | 축하 | 파티 |
7483 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎋 -name | tanabata tree |
소원을 건 나무 |
7484 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎋 –keywords | banner | celebration | Japanese | tanabata | tree |
기원 쪽지 | 나무 | 다나바타 나무 | 배너 | 소원 빌기 | 소원 쪽지 | 소원 쪽지 매달기 | 소원을 건 나무 | 일본 | 축하 |
7485 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎍 -name | pine decoration |
일본 장식 |
7486 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎍 –keywords | bamboo | celebration | decoration | Japanese | pine | plant |
대나무 | 소나무 | 식물 | 일본 | 장식 | 축하 |
7487 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎎 -name | Japanese dolls |
일본 인형 |
7488 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎎 –keywords | celebration | doll | dolls | festival | Japanese |
남녀 인형 | 인형 | 일본 | 축제 | 페스티발 |
7489 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎏 -name | carp streamer |
물고기 깃발 |
7490 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎏 –keywords | carp | celebration | streamer |
깃발 | 물고기 깃발 | 물고기 모양 깃발 | 물고기 장식 | 잉어 | 잉어 모양 깃발 |
7491 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎐 -name | wind chime |
풍경 |
7492 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎐 –keywords | bell | celebration | chime | wind |
종 | 풍경 |
7493 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎑 -name | moon viewing ceremony |
달맞이 |
7494 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎑 –keywords | celebration | ceremony | moon | viewing |
기념 | 달 | 달맞이 | 달맞이 행사 | 벼이삭 | 축하 |
7495 | Characters | Activities | event | 🧧 -name | red envelope |
세뱃돈 |
7496 | Characters | Activities | event | 🧧 –keywords | envelope | gift | good | hóngbāo | lai | luck | money | red | see |
돈 | 돈 봉투 | 빨간 봉투 | 선물 | 세뱃돈 | 행운 | 현금 |
7497 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎀 -name | ribbon |
리본 |
7498 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎀 –keywords | celebration | ribbon |
리본 | 축하 |
7499 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎁 -name | wrapped gift |
선물 |
7500 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎁 –keywords | birthday | bow | box | celebration | christmas | gift | present | surprise | wrapped |
놀람 | 박스 | 선물 | 축하 | 크리스마스 | 포장 |
7501 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎗 -name | reminder ribbon |
추모 리본 |
7502 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎗 –keywords | celebration | reminder | ribbon |
기념 | 리본 | 추모 |
7503 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎟 -name | admission tickets |
입장 티켓 |
7504 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎟 –keywords | admission | ticket | tickets |
입장 | 티켓 |
7505 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎫 -name | ticket |
티켓 |
7506 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎫 –keywords | admission | stub | ticket |
공연 | 엔터테인먼트 | 입장 | 티켓 | 표 | 표 확인 |
7507 | Characters | Activities | award-medal | 🎖 -name | military medal |
무공 훈장 |
7508 | Characters | Activities | award-medal | 🎖 –keywords | award | celebration | medal | military |
군대 | 메달 | 무공 훈장 | 상 | 축하 | 훈장 |
7509 | Characters | Activities | award-medal | 🏆 -name | trophy |
트로피 |
7510 | Characters | Activities | award-medal | 🏆 –keywords | champion | champs | prize | slay | sport | trophy | victory | win | winning |
상 | 스포츠 | 승리 | 우승 | 챔스 | 챔피온 | 트로피 |
7511 | Characters | Activities | award-medal | 🏅 -name | sports medal |
스포츠 메달 |
7512 | Characters | Activities | award-medal | 🏅 –keywords | award | gold | medal | sports | winner |
경기 | 금메달 | 메달 | 스포츠 | 승자 | 어워드 |
7513 | Characters | Activities | award-medal | 🥇 -name | 1st place medal |
금메달 |
7514 | Characters | Activities | award-medal | 🥇 –keywords | 1st | first | gold | medal | place |
골드 | 금메달 | 메달 | 일등 |
7515 | Characters | Activities | award-medal | 🥈 -name | 2nd place medal |
은메달 |
7516 | Characters | Activities | award-medal | 🥈 –keywords | 2nd | medal | place | second | silver |
2등 | 메달 | 실버 | 은메달 | 이등 | 준우승 |
7517 | Characters | Activities | award-medal | 🥉 -name | 3rd place medal |
동메달 |
7518 | Characters | Activities | award-medal | 🥉 –keywords | 3rd | bronze | medal | place | third |
동메달 | 메달 | 브론즈 | 삼등 |
7519 | Characters | Activities | sport | ⚽ -name | soccer ball |
축구공 |
7520 | Characters | Activities | sport | ⚽ –keywords | ball | football | futbol | soccer | sport |
공 | 메시 | 사커 | 스포츠 | 축구 | 축구공 | 호날두 |
7521 | Characters | Activities | sport | ⚾ -name | baseball |
야구공 |
7522 | Characters | Activities | sport | ⚾ –keywords | ball | baseball | sport |
공 | 스포츠 | 야구 | 야구공 |
7523 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🥎 -name | softball |
소프트볼 |
7524 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🥎 –keywords | ball | glove | softball | sports | underarm |
공 | 글로브 | 소프트볼 | 스포츠 | 야구공 | 언더암 |
7525 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🏀 -name | basketball |
농구 |
7526 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🏀 –keywords | ball | basketball | hoop | sport |
공 | 농구 | 농구 링 | 농구공 | 스포츠 | 운동 |
7527 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🏐 -name | volleyball |
배구공 |
7528 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🏐 –keywords | ball | game | volleyball |
게임 | 경기 | 공 | 배구 | 배구공 |
7529 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🏈 -name | american football |
미식축구공 |
7530 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🏈 –keywords | american | ball | bowl | football | sport | super |
미국 | 미식 | 미식축구 | 미식축구공 | 슈퍼볼 | 스포츠 | 운동 | 축구 |
7531 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🏉 -name | rugby football |
럭비공 |
7532 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🏉 –keywords | ball | football | rugby | sport |
공 | 럭비 | 럭비공 | 스포츠 | 운동 |
7533 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🎾 -name | tennis |
테니스 |
7534 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🎾 –keywords | ball | racquet | sport | tennis |
공 | 라켓 | 스포츠 | 운동 | 테니스 |
7535 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🥏 -name | flying disc |
원반 |
7536 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🥏 –keywords | disc | flying | ultimate |
디스크 | 야외 운동 | 원반 | 프리스비 |
7537 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🎳 -name | bowling |
볼링 |
7538 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🎳 –keywords | ball | bowling | game | sport | strike |
게임 | 공 | 볼링 | 볼링공 | 볼링핀 | 스트라이크 | 스포츠 |
7539 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🏏 -name | cricket game |
크리켓 |
7540 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🏏 –keywords | ball | bat | cricket | game |
게임 | 경기 | 공 | 배트 | 운동 | 크리켓 |
7541 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🏑 -name | field hockey |
필드 하키 |
7542 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🏑 –keywords | ball | field | game | hockey | stick |
게임 | 경기 | 공 | 스틱 | 필드 | 하키 |
7543 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🏒 -name | ice hockey |
아이스 하키와 퍽 |
7544 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🏒 –keywords | game | hockey | ice | puck | stick |
게임 | 경기 | 스틱 | 아이스 | 아이스 하키와 퍽 | 퍽 | 하키 |
7545 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🥍 -name | lacrosse |
라크로스 |
7546 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🥍 –keywords | ball | goal | lacrosse | sports | stick |
골 | 공 | 그물채 | 라크로스 | 스틱 | 스포츠 |
7547 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🏓 -name | ping pong |
탁구 |
7548 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🏓 –keywords | ball | bat | game | paddle | ping | pingpong | pong | table | tennis |
게임 | 공 | 탁구 | 탁구공 | 탁구채 | 핑퐁 |
7549 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🏸 -name | badminton |
배드민턴 |
7550 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🏸 –keywords | badminton | birdie | game | racquet | shuttlecock |
라켓 | 배드민턴 | 배드민턴채 | 버디 | 셔틀콕 |
7551 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🥊 -name | boxing glove |
권투 글러브 |
7552 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🥊 –keywords | boxing | glove |
권투 | 글러브 | 복싱 | 스포츠 |
7553 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🥋 -name | martial arts uniform |
도복 |
7554 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🥋 –keywords | arts | judo | karate | martial | taekwondo | uniform |
가라데 | 도복 | 무술 | 유니폼 | 유도 | 태권도 | 합기도 |
7555 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🥅 -name | goal net |
골대 |
7556 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🥅 –keywords | goal | net |
골 | 골대 | 구기종목 | 네트 | 스포츠 |
7557 | Characters | Activities | sport | ⛳ -name | flag in hole |
골프 |
7558 | Characters | Activities | sport | ⛳ –keywords | flag | golf | hole | sport |
골프 | 구멍 | 홀 | 홀에 깃발 |
7559 | Characters | Activities | sport | ⛸ -name | ice skate |
아이스 스케이트 |
7560 | Characters | Activities | sport | ⛸ –keywords | ice | skate | skating |
스케이트 | 아이스 |
7561 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🎣 -name | fishing pole |
낚싯대 |
7562 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🎣 –keywords | entertainment | fish | fishing | pole | sport |
낚시 | 낚싯대 | 물고기 | 스포츠 | 엔터테인먼트 |
7563 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🤿 -name | diving mask |
다이빙 마스크 |
7564 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🤿 –keywords | diving | mask | scuba | snorkeling |
다이빙 | 다이빙 마스크 | 스노클링 | 스쿠버 | 스킨스쿠버 |
7565 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🎽 -name | running shirt |
러닝 셔츠 |
7566 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🎽 –keywords | athletics | running | sash | shirt |
러닝 | 민소매 상의 | 셔츠 | 운동복 | 운동복 상의 |
7567 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🎿 -name | skis |
스키 |
7568 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🎿 –keywords | ski | skis | snow | sport |
눈 | 스키 | 스키 부츠 | 스포츠 | 운동 |
7569 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🛷 -name | sled |
썰매 |
7570 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🛷 –keywords | luge | sled | sledge | sleigh | snow | toboggan |
눈 | 눈썰매 | 썰매 | 터보건 |
7571 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🥌 -name | curling stone |
컬링 스톤 |
7572 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🥌 –keywords | curling | game | rock | stone |
게임 | 경기 | 돌 | 컬링 | 컬링 스톤 |
7573 | Characters | Activities | game | 🎯 -name | bullseye |
과녁 명중 |
7574 | Characters | Activities | game | 🎯 –keywords | bull | bullseye | dart | direct | entertainment | game | hit | target |
게임 | 과녁 | 다트 | 명중 | 목표 | 양궁 | 엔터테인먼트 | 화살 |
7575 | Characters | Activities | game | 🪀 -name | yo-yo |
요요 |
7576 | Characters | Activities | game | 🪀 –keywords | fluctuate | toy | yo-yo |
오르락내리락 | 요요 | 장난감 |
7577 | Characters | Activities | game | 🪁 -name | kite |
연 |
7578 | Characters | Activities | game | 🪁 –keywords | fly | kite | soar |
날리기 | 연 | 연날리기 | 활공 |
7579 | Characters | Activities | game | 🔫 -name | water pistol |
물총 |
7580 | Characters | Activities | game | 🔫 –keywords | gun | handgun | pistol | revolver | tool | water | weapon |
권총 | 리볼버 | 무기 | 물총 | 장비 | 총 | 피스톨 |
7581 | Characters | Activities | game | 🎱 -name | pool 8 ball |
당구 |
7582 | Characters | Activities | game | 🎱 –keywords | 8 | 8ball | ball | billiard | eight | game | pool |
8 | 8번 공 | 게임 | 공 | 당구 | 당구공 | 팔 | 포켓볼 8번 공 |
7583 | Characters | Activities | game | 🔮 -name | crystal ball |
수정 구슬 |
7584 | Characters | Activities | game | 🔮 –keywords | ball | crystal | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | fortune | future | magic | tale | tool |
구슬 | 도구 | 동화 | 마술 | 수정 | 예언 | 운세 | 판타지 |
7585 | Characters | Activities | game | 🪄 -name | magic wand |
마술 지팡이 |
7586 | Characters | Activities | game | 🪄 –keywords | magic | magician | wand | witch | wizard |
마녀 | 마법사 | 마술 | 마술사 | 지팡이 | 지휘봉 |
7587 | Characters | Activities | game | 🎮 -name | video game |
비디오 게임 |
7588 | Characters | Activities | game | 🎮 –keywords | controller | entertainment | game | video |
게임 | 게임패드 | 비디오 게임 | 엔터테인먼트 | 컨트롤러 |
7589 | Characters | Activities | game | 🕹 -name | joystick |
조이스틱 |
7590 | Characters | Activities | game | 🕹 –keywords | game | joystick | video | videogame |
게임 | 비디오 게임 | 조이스틱 | 조종대 |
7591 | Characters | Activities | game | 🎰 -name | slot machine |
슬롯 머신 |
7592 | Characters | Activities | game | 🎰 –keywords | casino | gamble | gambling | game | machine | slot | slots |
갬블 | 게임 | 도박 | 슬롯 | 슬롯 머신 | 카지노 | 파칭코 |
7593 | Characters | Activities | game | 🎲 -name | game die |
주사위 |
7594 | Characters | Activities | game | 🎲 –keywords | dice | die | entertainment | game |
게임 | 경기 | 경기에서 짐 | 엔터테인먼트 | 주사위 |
7595 | Characters | Activities | game | 🧩 -name | puzzle piece |
퍼즐 |
7596 | Characters | Activities | game | 🧩 –keywords | clue | interlocking | jigsaw | piece | puzzle |
조각 | 조각퍼즐 | 직소 | 직소퍼즐 | 퍼즐 |
7597 | Characters | Activities | game | 🧸 -name | teddy bear |
테디 베어 |
7598 | Characters | Activities | game | 🧸 –keywords | bear | plaything | plush | stuffed | teddy | toy |
곰 | 곰인형 | 놀잇감 | 솜인형 | 장난감 | 테디 |
7599 | Characters | Activities | game | 🪅 -name | piñata |
피냐타 |
7600 | Characters | Activities | game | 🪅 –keywords | candy | celebrate | celebration | cinco | de | festive | mayo | party | pinada | pinata | piñata |
멕시코 | 사탕 | 신코 데 마요 | 씽꼬 데 마요 | 축하 | 캔디 | 파티 | 피냐타 |
7601 | Characters | Activities | game | 🪩 -name | mirror ball |
미러볼 |
7602 | Characters | Activities | game | 🪩 –keywords | ball | dance | disco | glitter | mirror | party |
댄스 | 디스코 | 미러볼 | 반짝반짝 | 볼 | 춤 | 파티 |
7603 | Characters | Activities | game | 🪆 -name | nesting dolls |
네스팅 인형 |
7604 | Characters | Activities | game | 🪆 –keywords | babooshka | baboushka | babushka | doll | dolls | matryoshka | nesting | russia |
네스팅 인형 | 러시아 | 마트료시카 | 바부슈카 | 인형 |
7605 | Characters | Activities | game | ♠ -name | spade suit |
스페이드 |
7606 | Characters | Activities | game | ♠ –keywords | card | game | spade | suit |
게임 | 스페이드 | 스페이드 모양 | 카드 |
7607 | Characters | Activities | game | ♥ -name | heart suit |
하트 |
7608 | Characters | Activities | game | ♥ –keywords | card | emotion | game | heart | hearts | suit |
감정 | 게임 | 카드 게임 | 하트 | 하트 모양 |
7609 | Characters | Activities | game | ♦ -name | diamond suit |
다이아몬드 |
7610 | Characters | Activities | game | ♦ –keywords | card | diamond | game | suit |
게임 | 다이아몬드 | 다이아몬드 무늬 | 카드 |
7611 | Characters | Activities | game | ♣ -name | club suit |
클럽 |
7612 | Characters | Activities | game | ♣ –keywords | card | club | clubs | game | suit |
게임 | 카드 게임 | 클럽 | 클로바 무늬 |
7613 | Characters | Activities | game | ♟ -name | chess pawn |
체스 폰 |
7614 | Characters | Activities | game | ♟ –keywords | chess | dupe | expendable | pawn |
소모품 | 체스 말 | 체스 폰 | 폰 |
7615 | Characters | Activities | game | 🃏 -name | joker |
조커 |
7616 | Characters | Activities | game | 🃏 –keywords | card | game | joker | wildcard |
게임 | 와일드카드 | 조커 | 카드 |
7617 | Characters | Activities | game | 🀄 -name | mahjong red dragon |
마작 |
7618 | Characters | Activities | game | 🀄 –keywords | dragon | game | mahjong | red |
게임 | 마작 | 마작 기호 | 마작 빨간 용 | 빨간색 |
7619 | Characters | Activities | game | 🎴 -name | flower playing cards |
화투 |
7620 | Characters | Activities | game | 🎴 –keywords | card | cards | flower | game | Japanese | playing |
게임 | 고스톱 | 놀기 | 도박 | 일본 | 카드 | 화투 | 화투게임 | 화투패 |
7621 | Characters | Activities | arts & crafts | 🎭 -name | performing arts |
가면 |
7622 | Characters | Activities | arts & crafts | 🎭 –keywords | actor | actress | art | arts | entertainment | mask | performing | theater | theatre | thespian |
가면 | 공연 | 극장 | 마스크 | 배우 | 셰익스피어 | 엔터테인먼트 | 여배우 | 영화관 | 예술 |
7623 | Characters | Activities | arts & crafts | 🖼 -name | framed picture |
그림 액자 |
7624 | Characters | Activities | arts & crafts | 🖼 –keywords | art | frame | framed | museum | painting | picture |
그림 | 박물관 | 액자 | 액자에 걸린 사진 | 예술 | 작품 |
7625 | Characters | Activities | arts & crafts | 🎨 -name | artist palette |
팔레트 |
7626 | Characters | Activities | arts & crafts | 🎨 –keywords | art | artist | artsy | arty | colorful | creative | entertainment | museum | painter | painting | palette |
그림 | 그림 그리기 | 다채로운 | 미술 | 박물관 | 엔터테인먼트 | 예술 | 예술가 팔레트 | 예술적인 | 팔레트 | 화가 |
7627 | Characters | Activities | arts & crafts | 🧵 -name | thread |
실타래 |
7628 | Characters | Activities | arts & crafts | 🧵 –keywords | needle | sewing | spool | string | thread |
뜨개질 | 바느질 | 바늘 | 실 | 실타래 |
7629 | Characters | Activities | arts & crafts | 🪡 -name | sewing needle |
바늘 |
7630 | Characters | Activities | arts & crafts | 🪡 –keywords | embroidery | needle | sew | sewing | stitches | sutures | tailoring | thread |
바느질 | 바늘 | 봉합 | 실 | 자수 | 재단 | 재봉 바늘 |
7631 | Characters | Activities | arts & crafts | 🧶 -name | yarn |
실뭉치 |
7632 | Characters | Activities | arts & crafts | 🧶 –keywords | ball | crochet | knit | yarn |
공 | 니트 | 뜨개질 | 실뭉치 | 코바늘 |
7633 | Characters | Activities | arts & crafts | 🪢 -name | knot |
매듭 |
7634 | Characters | Activities | arts & crafts | 🪢 –keywords | cord | knot | rope | tangled | tie | twine | twist |
꼬인 | 끈 | 노끈 | 매듭 | 밧줄 | 새끼 | 엉킨 | 코드 |
7635 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👓 -name | glasses |
안경 |
7636 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👓 –keywords | clothing | eye | eyeglasses | eyewear | glasses |
눈 | 안경 | 안경류 | 의류 |
7637 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🕶 -name | sunglasses |
선글라스 |
7638 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🕶 –keywords | dark | eye | eyewear | glasses | sunglasses |
눈 | 선글라스 | 안경 | 안경류 | 어두운 |
7639 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🥽 -name | goggles |
고글 |
7640 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🥽 –keywords | dive | eye | goggles | protection | scuba | swimming | welding |
고글 | 다이빙 | 물안경 | 수영 | 수영 안경 | 안구 보호 장비 | 용접 |
7641 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🥼 -name | lab coat |
실험실 가운 |
7642 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🥼 –keywords | clothes | coat | doctor | dr | experiment | jacket | lab | scientist | white |
과학자 | 실험실 | 실험실 가운 | 옷 | 의사 | 자켓 | 흰 가운 |
7643 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🦺 -name | safety vest |
구명조끼 |
7644 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🦺 –keywords | emergency | safety | vest |
구명조끼 | 안전 | 안전조끼 | 응급 | 조끼 |
7645 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👔 -name | necktie |
넥타이 |
7646 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👔 –keywords | clothing | employed | necktie | serious | shirt | tie |
격식있는 | 넥타이 | 샐러리맨 | 셔츠 | 의류 | 직장인 | 타이 |
7647 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👕 -name | t-shirt |
티셔츠 |
7648 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👕 –keywords | blue | casual | clothes | clothing | collar | dressed | shirt | shopping | t-shirt | tshirt | weekend |
쇼핑 | 옷 | 의류 | 주말 | 칼라 | 티 | 티셔츠 | 파란색 |
7649 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👖 -name | jeans |
바지 |
7650 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👖 –keywords | blue | casual | clothes | clothing | denim | dressed | jeans | pants | shopping | trousers | weekend |
데님 | 면바지 | 바지 | 블루 | 쇼핑 | 의류 | 주말 | 진 | 차려입음 | 청바지 | 캐주얼 |
7651 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🧣 -name | scarf |
스카프 |
7652 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🧣 –keywords | bundle | cold | neck | scarf | up |
따뜻하게 두른 | 목도리 | 스카프 | 추위 |
7653 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🧤 -name | gloves |
장갑 |
7654 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🧤 –keywords | gloves | hand |
손 | 장갑 |
7655 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🧥 -name | coat |
코트 |
7656 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🧥 –keywords | brr | bundle | coat | cold | jacket | up |
따뜻하게 입은 | 재킷 | 코트 |
7657 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🧦 -name | socks |
양말 |
7658 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🧦 –keywords | socks | stocking |
스타킹 | 양말 |
7659 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👗 -name | dress |
원피스 |
7660 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👗 –keywords | clothes | clothing | dress | dressed | fancy | shopping |
드레스 | 쇼핑 | 옷 | 원피스 | 의류 | 차려입은 | 화려한 |
7661 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👘 -name | kimono |
기모노 |
7662 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👘 –keywords | clothing | comfortable | kimono |
기모노 | 의류 | 일본 기모노 | 편안 |
7663 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🥻 -name | sari |
사리 |
7664 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🥻 –keywords | clothing | dress | sari |
드레스 | 사리 | 옷 | 의복 |
7665 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🩱 -name | one-piece swimsuit |
원피스 수영복 |
7666 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🩱 –keywords | bathing | one-piece | suit | swimsuit |
수영복 | 원피스 수영복 |
7667 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🩲 -name | briefs |
삼각 수영복 |
7668 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🩲 –keywords | bathing | briefs | one-piece | suit | swimsuit | underwear |
삼각 수영복 | 수영복 | 언더웨어 |
7669 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🩳 -name | shorts |
반바지 |
7670 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🩳 –keywords | bathing | pants | shorts | suit | swimsuit | underwear |
반바지 | 수영복 |
7671 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👙 -name | bikini |
비키니 |
7672 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👙 –keywords | bathing | beach | bikini | clothing | pool | suit | swim |
비키니 | 수영 | 수영복 | 수영장 | 의류 | 해변 |
7673 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👚 -name | woman’s clothes |
여성복 |
7674 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👚 –keywords | blouse | clothes | clothing | collar | dress | dressed | lady | shirt | shopping | woman | woman’s |
블라우스 | 셔츠 | 쇼핑 | 숙녀 | 여성복 | 여자 | 옷 | 의류 | 칼라 |
7675 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🪭 -name | folding hand fan |
접이식 손 부채 |
7676 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🪭 –keywords | clack | clap | cool | cooling | dance | fan | flirt | flutter | folding | hand | hot | shy |
더운 | 부끄러운 | 부채 | 시원한 | 접이식 손 부채 | 춤 | 펄럭 펄럭 |
7677 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👛 -name | purse |
지갑 |
7678 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👛 –keywords | clothes | clothing | coin | dress | fancy | handbag | purse | shopping |
고급 | 동전 | 드레스 | 쇼핑 | 옷 | 의류 | 지갑 | 핸드백 |
7679 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👜 -name | handbag |
핸드백 |
7680 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👜 –keywords | bag | clothes | clothing | dress | handbag | lady | purse | shopping |
가방 | 드레스 | 백 | 쇼핑 | 여성 | 옷 | 의류 | 지갑 | 핸드백 |
7681 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👝 -name | clutch bag |
파우치 |
7682 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👝 –keywords | bag | clothes | clothing | clutch | dress | handbag | pouch | purse |
가방 | 드레스 | 옷 | 의류 | 클러치 | 클러치 백 | 파우치 | 핸드백 |
7683 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🛍 -name | shopping bags |
쇼핑백 |
7684 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🛍 –keywords | bag | bags | hotel | shopping |
가방 | 쇼핑 | 쇼핑가방 | 쇼핑백 | 호텔 |
7685 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🎒 -name | backpack |
학교 가방 |
7686 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🎒 –keywords | backpack | backpacking | bag | bookbag | education | rucksack | satchel | school |
가방 | 배낭 | 책가방 | 학교 가방 | 학생 가방 |
7687 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🩴 -name | thong sandal |
가락신 |
7688 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🩴 –keywords | beach | flip | flop | sandal | sandals | shoe | thong | thongs | zōri |
가락신 | 가죽 끈 | 비치 샌들 | 샌달 | 샌들 | 신발 | 조리 | 플립플랍 | 해변 |
7689 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👞 -name | man’s shoe |
남성용 구두 |
7690 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👞 –keywords | brown | clothes | clothing | feet | foot | kick | man | man’s | shoe | shoes | shopping |
구두 | 남성용 구두 | 남성용 신발 | 남자 | 발 | 발차기 | 브라운 | 쇼핑 | 신발 | 옷 | 의류 |
7691 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👟 -name | running shoe |
운동화 |
7692 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👟 –keywords | athletic | clothes | clothing | fast | kick | running | shoe | shoes | shopping | sneaker | tennis |
달리기 | 러닝 | 러닝화 | 발차기 | 빠른 | 쇼핑 | 스니커즈 | 신발 | 운동화 | 육상 | 의류 |
7693 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🥾 -name | hiking boot |
등산화 |
7694 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🥾 –keywords | backpacking | boot | brown | camping | hiking | outdoors | shoe |
등산 | 등산화 | 부츠 | 브라운 신발 | 캠핑 | 하이킹 |
7695 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🥿 -name | flat shoe |
플랫 슈즈 |
7696 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🥿 –keywords | ballet | comfy | flat | flats | shoe | slip-on | slipper |
단화 | 발레 슈즈 | 슬립온 | 편안한 | 플랫 슈즈 |
7697 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👠 -name | high-heeled shoe |
하이힐 |
7698 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👠 –keywords | clothes | clothing | dress | fashion | heel | heels | high-heeled | shoe | shoes | shopping | stiletto | woman |
구두 | 드레스 | 쇼핑 | 스틸레토 | 신발 | 여성용 구두 | 여성용 신발 | 여자 | 의류 | 패션 | 하이힐 |
7699 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👡 -name | woman’s sandal |
샌들 |
7700 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👡 –keywords | clothing | sandal | shoe | woman | woman’s |
샌들 | 신발 | 여성용 샌들 | 여성용 신발 | 여자 |
7701 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🩰 -name | ballet shoes |
발레 슈즈 |
7702 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🩰 –keywords | ballet | dance | shoes |
발레 | 발레 슈즈 | 춤 |
7703 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👢 -name | woman’s boot |
부츠 |
7704 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👢 –keywords | boot | clothes | clothing | dress | shoe | shoes | shopping | woman | woman’s |
부츠 | 쇼핑 | 신발 | 여성용 부츠 | 여성용 신발 | 여자 | 의류 |
7705 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🪮 -name | hair pick |
머리 빗 |
7706 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🪮 –keywords | Afro | comb | groom | hair | pick |
머리 빗 | 빗 | 아프로 | 헤어 |
7707 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👑 -name | crown |
왕관 |
7708 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👑 –keywords | clothing | crown | family | king | medieval | queen | royal | royalty | win |
승리 | 여왕 | 왕 | 왕관 | 왕족 | 의류 |
7709 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👒 -name | woman’s hat |
여성용 모자 |
7710 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👒 –keywords | clothes | clothing | garden | hat | hats | party | woman | woman’s |
가든 파티 | 모자 | 여성용 모자 | 여자 | 의류 | 챙 넓은 모자 |
7711 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🎩 -name | top hat |
마술사 모자 |
7712 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🎩 –keywords | clothes | clothing | fancy | formal | hat | magic | top | tophat |
격식차린 | 마술 | 마술사 | 마술사 모자 | 실크해트 | 의류 | 탑햇 | 화려한 |
7713 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🎓 -name | graduation cap |
졸업 모자 |
7714 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🎓 –keywords | cap | celebration | clothing | education | graduation | hat | scholar |
교육 | 모자 | 의류 | 졸업 | 졸업생 | 졸업식 | 학자 |
7715 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🧢 -name | billed cap |
야구모자 |
7716 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🧢 –keywords | baseball | bent | billed | cap | dad | hat |
구부린 모자 | 아빠 모자 | 야구모자 | 캡 |
7717 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🪖 -name | military helmet |
군용 헬멧 |
7718 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🪖 –keywords | army | helmet | military | soldier | war | warrior |
군대 | 군모 | 군용 | 군인 | 부대 | 전사 | 전쟁 | 헬멧 |
7719 | Characters | Objects | clothing | ⛑ -name | rescue worker’s helmet |
흰 십자가가 있는 헬멧 |
7720 | Characters | Objects | clothing | ⛑ –keywords | aid | cross | face | hat | helmet | rescue | worker’s |
구급 | 구조대원 헬멧 | 도움 | 모자 | 십자가 | 안전요원 | 얼굴 | 헬멧 | 흰 십자가가 있는 헬멧 |
7721 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 📿 -name | prayer beads |
묵주 |
7722 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 📿 –keywords | beads | clothing | necklace | prayer | religion |
기도 | 묵주 | 묵주 목걸이 | 미사 | 예배 | 의류 | 종교 |
7723 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 💄 -name | lipstick |
립스틱 |
7724 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 💄 –keywords | cosmetics | date | lipstick | makeup |
데이트 | 립스틱 | 연애 | 코스메틱 | 화장 | 화장품 |
7725 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 💍 -name | ring |
반지 |
7726 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 💍 –keywords | diamond | engaged | engagement | married | ring | romance | shiny | sparkling | wedding |
결혼 | 결혼식 | 눈이 부신 | 다이아몬드 | 로맨스 | 링 | 반지 | 빛나는 | 약혼 |
7727 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 💎 -name | gem stone |
원석 |
7728 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 💎 –keywords | diamond | engagement | gem | jewel | money | romance | stone | wedding |
결혼식 | 다이아몬드 | 돈 | 로맨스 | 보석 | 약혼 | 원석 |
7729 | Characters | Objects | sound | 🔇 -name | muted speaker |
무음 |
7730 | Characters | Objects | sound | 🔇 –keywords | mute | muted | quiet | silent | sound | speaker |
무음 | 소리 | 소리 끄기 | 소리 없는 | 소리 없음 | 스피커 | 음소거 | 음소거된 스피커 | 조용한 |
7731 | Characters | Objects | sound | 🔈 -name | speaker low volume |
스피커 |
7732 | Characters | Objects | sound | 🔈 –keywords | low | soft | sound | speaker | volume |
부드러운 | 소리 | 소리 있음 | 스피커 | 스피커 소리 낮게 |
7733 | Characters | Objects | sound | 🔉 -name | speaker medium volume |
스피커 소리 작게 |
7734 | Characters | Objects | sound | 🔉 –keywords | medium | sound | speaker | volume |
미디엄 | 소리 | 소리 작게 | 소리 작음 | 소리 줄이기 | 스피커 미디엄 소리 | 스피커 소리 작게 |
7735 | Characters | Objects | sound | 🔊 -name | speaker high volume |
스피커 소리 크게 |
7736 | Characters | Objects | sound | 🔊 –keywords | high | loud | music | sound | speaker | volume |
높게 | 소리 | 소리 큼 | 소리 키우기 | 스피커 소리 크게 | 음악 | 크게 |
7737 | Characters | Objects | sound | 📢 -name | loudspeaker |
확성기 |
7738 | Characters | Objects | sound | 📢 –keywords | address | communication | loud | loudspeaker | public | sound |
메가폰 | 연설 | 커뮤니케이션 | 크게 | 확성기 |
7739 | Characters | Objects | sound | 📣 -name | megaphone |
메가폰 |
7740 | Characters | Objects | sound | 📣 –keywords | cheering | megaphone | sound |
메가폰 | 소리 | 응원 |
7741 | Characters | Objects | sound | 📯 -name | postal horn |
호른 |
7742 | Characters | Objects | sound | 📯 –keywords | horn | post | postal |
나팔 | 악기 | 우편 | 호른 |
7743 | Characters | Objects | sound | 🔔 -name | bell |
종 |
7744 | Characters | Objects | sound | 🔔 –keywords | bell | break | church | sound |
교회 | 벨 | 소리 | 쉬는시간 | 종 |
7745 | Characters | Objects | sound | 🔕 -name | bell with slash |
음소거 |
7746 | Characters | Objects | sound | 🔕 –keywords | bell | forbidden | mute | no | not | prohibited | quiet | silent | slash | sound |
금지 | 벨 | 소리 | 소리 없음 | 안됨 | 음소거 | 조용한 |
7747 | Characters | Objects | music | 🎼 -name | musical score |
높은음자리표 |
7748 | Characters | Objects | music | 🎼 –keywords | music | musical | note | score |
높은음자리 | 높은음자리표 | 악보 | 음악 | 음표 |
7749 | Characters | Objects | music | 🎵 -name | musical note |
음표 |
7750 | Characters | Objects | music | 🎵 –keywords | music | musical | note | sound |
소리 | 음악 | 음표 |
7751 | Characters | Objects | music | 🎶 -name | musical notes |
노래 음표 |
7752 | Characters | Objects | music | 🎶 –keywords | music | musical | note | notes | sound |
노래 음표 | 소리 | 음악 | 음표 |
7753 | Characters | Objects | music | 🎙 -name | studio microphone |
스튜디오 마이크 |
7754 | Characters | Objects | music | 🎙 –keywords | mic | microphone | music | studio |
마이크 | 마이크로폰 | 사회자 마이크 | 스튜디오 | 음악 |
7755 | Characters | Objects | music | 🎚 -name | level slider |
레벨 슬라이더 |
7756 | Characters | Objects | music | 🎚 –keywords | level | music | slider |
레벨 | 슬라이더 | 음악 |
7757 | Characters | Objects | music | 🎛 -name | control knobs |
컨트롤 레버 |
7758 | Characters | Objects | music | 🎛 –keywords | control | knobs | music |
손잡이 | 음악 | 조작 레버 | 컨트롤 | 컨트롤 레버 |
7759 | Characters | Objects | music | 🎤 -name | microphone |
마이크 |
7760 | Characters | Objects | music | 🎤 –keywords | karaoke | mic | microphone | music | sing | sound |
가라오케 | 노래 | 노래방 | 마이크 | 소리 | 음악 | 행사 |
7761 | Characters | Objects | music | 🎧 -name | headphone |
헤드폰 |
7762 | Characters | Objects | music | 🎧 –keywords | earbud | headphone | sound |
소리 | 음악 감상 | 이어버드 | 이어폰 | 헤드폰 |
7763 | Characters | Objects | music | 📻 -name | radio |
라디오 |
7764 | Characters | Objects | music | 📻 –keywords | entertainment | radio | tbt | video |
FM | 라디오 | 비디오 | 엔터테인먼트 | 옛날 회상 |
7765 | Characters | Objects | musical-instrument | 🎷 -name | saxophone |
색소폰 |
7766 | Characters | Objects | musical-instrument | 🎷 –keywords | instrument | music | sax | saxophone |
색소폰 | 악기 | 연주 | 음악 |
7767 | Characters | Objects | musical-instrument | 🪗 -name | accordion |
아코디언 |
7768 | Characters | Objects | musical-instrument | 🪗 –keywords | accordion | box | concertina | instrument | music | squeeze | squeezebox |
스퀴즈 박스 | 아코디언 | 악기 | 음악 | 콘서티나 |
7769 | Characters | Objects | musical-instrument | 🎸 -name | guitar |
기타 |
7770 | Characters | Objects | musical-instrument | 🎸 –keywords | guitar | instrument | music | strat |
기타 | 스트라토 | 스트라토캐스터 | 악기 | 연주 | 음악 | 통기타 |
7771 | Characters | Objects | musical-instrument | 🎹 -name | musical keyboard |
피아노 |
7772 | Characters | Objects | musical-instrument | 🎹 –keywords | instrument | keyboard | music | musical | piano |
건반 | 악기 | 연주 | 음악 | 피아노 |
7773 | Characters | Objects | musical-instrument | 🎺 -name | trumpet |
트럼펫 |
7774 | Characters | Objects | musical-instrument | 🎺 –keywords | instrument | music | trumpet |
악기 | 연주 | 음악 | 트럼펫 |
7775 | Characters | Objects | musical-instrument | 🎻 -name | violin |
바이올린 |
7776 | Characters | Objects | musical-instrument | 🎻 –keywords | instrument | music | violin |
바이올린 | 스트라디바리우스 | 악기 | 연주 | 음악 |
7777 | Characters | Objects | musical-instrument | 🪕 -name | banjo |
밴조 |
7778 | Characters | Objects | musical-instrument | 🪕 –keywords | banjo | music | stringed |
밴조 | 음악 | 현악기 |
7779 | Characters | Objects | musical-instrument | 🥁 -name | drum |
드럼 |
7780 | Characters | Objects | musical-instrument | 🥁 –keywords | drum | drumsticks | music |
드럼 | 북 | 북채 | 음악 |
7781 | Characters | Objects | musical-instrument | 🪘 -name | long drum |
긴 북 |
7782 | Characters | Objects | musical-instrument | 🪘 –keywords | beat | conga | drum | instrument | long | rhythm |
긴 북 | 드럼 | 리듬 | 박자 | 북 | 악기 | 콩가 |
7783 | Characters | Objects | musical-instrument | 🪇 -name | maracas |
마라카스 |
7784 | Characters | Objects | musical-instrument | 🪇 –keywords | cha | dance | instrument | maracas | music | party | percussion | rattle | shake | shaker |
달가닥 소리 | 떨림 | 마라카스 | 악기 | 음악 | 타악기 |
7785 | Characters | Objects | musical-instrument | 🪈 -name | flute |
플루트 |
7786 | Characters | Objects | musical-instrument | 🪈 –keywords | band | fife | flautist | flute | instrument | marching | music | orchestra | piccolo | pipe | recorder | woodwind |
리코더 | 목관악기 | 음악 | 파이프 | 플루트 | 피리 |
7787 | Characters | Objects | musical-instrument | -name | harp |
하프 |
7788 | Characters | Objects | musical-instrument | –keywords | cupid | harp | instrument | love | music | orchestra |
관현악 | 사랑 | 악기 | 연주 | 음악 | 큐피드 | 하프 |
7789 | Characters | Objects | phone | 📱 -name | mobile phone |
휴대전화 |
7790 | Characters | Objects | phone | 📱 –keywords | cell | communication | mobile | phone | telephone |
모바일폰 | 셀폰 | 전화 | 커뮤니케이션 | 휴대전화 | 휴대폰 |
7791 | Characters | Objects | phone | 📲 -name | mobile phone with arrow |
왼쪽에 화살표가 있는 휴대전화 |
7792 | Characters | Objects | phone | 📲 –keywords | arrow | build | call | cell | communication | mobile | phone | receive | telephone |
만들다 | 모바일 | 모바일폰 | 소통 | 수신 | 왼쪽에 화살표가 있는 휴대전화 | 주파수 | 통화 | 화살표 | 화살표가 있는 휴대전화 | 휴대전화 | 휴대폰 |
7793 | Characters | Objects | phone | ☎ -name | telephone |
전화기 |
7794 | Characters | Objects | phone | ☎ –keywords | phone | telephone |
유선전화 | 전화 | 전화기 |
7795 | Characters | Objects | phone | 📞 -name | telephone receiver |
수화기 |
7796 | Characters | Objects | phone | 📞 –keywords | communication | phone | receiver | telephone | voip |
수화기 | 인터넷 전화 | 전화 | 전화기 | 커뮤니케이션 |
7797 | Characters | Objects | phone | 📟 -name | pager |
삐삐 |
7798 | Characters | Objects | phone | 📟 –keywords | communication | pager |
삐삐 | 커뮤니케이션 | 호출기 |
7799 | Characters | Objects | phone | 📠 -name | fax machine |
팩스 |
7800 | Characters | Objects | phone | 📠 –keywords | communication | fax | machine |
커뮤니케이션 | 팩스 | 팩스기 | 팩시밀리 |
7801 | Characters | Objects | computer | 🔋 -name | battery |
배터리 |
7802 | Characters | Objects | computer | 🔋 –keywords | battery |
건전지 | 배터리 | 배터리 충전 |
7803 | Characters | Objects | computer | 🪫 -name | low battery |
배터리 부족 |
7804 | Characters | Objects | computer | 🪫 –keywords | battery | drained | electronic | energy | low | power |
방전 | 배터리 | 배터리 부족 | 배터리 없음 | 전기 | 전원 없음 | 파워 부족 |
7805 | Characters | Objects | computer | 🔌 -name | electric plug |
전기 플러그 |
7806 | Characters | Objects | computer | 🔌 –keywords | electric | electricity | plug |
전기 | 플러그 |
7807 | Characters | Objects | computer | 💻 -name | laptop |
노트북 |
7808 | Characters | Objects | computer | 💻 –keywords | computer | laptop | office | pc | personal |
PC | 개인 | 노트북 | 랩탑 | 사무실 | 컴퓨터 | 피씨 |
7809 | Characters | Objects | computer | 🖥 -name | desktop computer |
데스크톱 컴퓨터 |
7810 | Characters | Objects | computer | 🖥 –keywords | computer | desktop | monitor |
데스크톱 | 모니터 | 컴퓨터 |
7811 | Characters | Objects | computer | 🖨 -name | printer |
프린터 |
7812 | Characters | Objects | computer | 🖨 –keywords | computer | printer |
인쇄기 | 컴퓨터 | 프린터 |
7813 | Characters | Objects | computer | ⌨ -name | keyboard |
키보드 |
7814 | Characters | Objects | computer | ⌨ –keywords | computer | keyboard |
컴퓨터 | 키보드 |
7815 | Characters | Objects | computer | 🖱 -name | computer mouse |
컴퓨터 마우스 |
7816 | Characters | Objects | computer | 🖱 –keywords | computer | mouse |
마우스 | 컴퓨터 |
7817 | Characters | Objects | computer | 🖲 -name | trackball |
트랙볼 |
7818 | Characters | Objects | computer | 🖲 –keywords | computer | trackball |
마우스 | 컴퓨터 | 트랙볼 |
7819 | Characters | Objects | computer | 💽 -name | computer disk |
엠디 |
7820 | Characters | Objects | computer | 💽 –keywords | computer | disk | minidisk | optical |
MD | 광학 | 디스크 | 미니 디스크 | 엠디 | 컴퓨터 |
7821 | Characters | Objects | computer | 💾 -name | floppy disk |
플로피 디스크 |
7822 | Characters | Objects | computer | 💾 –keywords | computer | disk | floppy |
디스켓 | 디스크 | 컴퓨터 | 플로피 디스크 |
7823 | Characters | Objects | computer | 💿 -name | optical disk |
씨디 |
7824 | Characters | Objects | computer | 💿 –keywords | blu-ray | CD | computer | disk | dvd | optical |
CD | DVD | 광학 | 디비디 | 디스크 | 블루레이 | 시디 | 씨디 |
7825 | Characters | Objects | computer | 📀 -name | dvd |
디비디 |
7826 | Characters | Objects | computer | 📀 –keywords | Blu-ray | cd | computer | disk | DVD | optical |
DVD | 광학 | 디비디 | 블루레이 | 시디 | 컴퓨터 |
7827 | Characters | Objects | computer | 🧮 -name | abacus |
주판 |
7828 | Characters | Objects | computer | 🧮 –keywords | abacus | calculation | calculator |
계산 | 암산 | 주판 |
7829 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 🎥 -name | movie camera |
영화 카메라 |
7830 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 🎥 –keywords | bollywood | camera | cinema | film | hollywood | movie | record |
발리우드 | 시네마 | 영화 | 촬영 | 카메라 | 할리우드 |
7831 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 🎞 -name | film frames |
영화 프레임 |
7832 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 🎞 –keywords | cinema | film | frames | movie |
시네마 | 영화 | 프레임 | 필름 |
7833 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 📽 -name | film projector |
영화 프로젝터 |
7834 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 📽 –keywords | cinema | film | movie | projector | video |
무비 | 비디오 | 시네마 | 영사기 | 영화 | 프로젝터 |
7835 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 🎬 -name | clapper board |
슬레이트 |
7836 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 🎬 –keywords | action | board | clapper | movie |
슬레이트 | 액션 | 영화 | 영화 촬영 | 클래퍼보드 |
7837 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 📺 -name | television |
텔레비전 |
7838 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 📺 –keywords | television | tv | video |
TV | 비디오 | 텔레비전 | 티비 |
7839 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 📷 -name | camera |
카메라 |
7840 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 📷 –keywords | camera | photo | selfie | snap | tbt | trip | video |
동영상 | 비디오 | 사진 | 사진 촬영 | 셀카 | 스냅 | 여행 | 지난 시절 | 카메라 |
7841 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 📸 -name | camera with flash |
플래시를 터트리고 있는 카메라 |
7842 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 📸 –keywords | camera | flash | video |
비디오 | 카메라 | 플래시 | 플래시 터트린 카메라 | 플래시를 터트리고 있는 카메라 |
7843 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 📹 -name | video camera |
캠코더 |
7844 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 📹 –keywords | camcorder | camera | tbt | video |
동영상 촬영 | 비디오 | 지난 시절 | 카메라 | 캠코더 |
7845 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 📼 -name | videocassette |
비디오테이프 |
7846 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 📼 –keywords | old | school | tape | vcr | vhs | video | videocassette |
구식 | 비디오 | 비디오카세트 | 비디오테이프 | 테이프 |
7847 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 🔍 -name | magnifying glass tilted left |
왼쪽으로 향한 돋보기 |
7848 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 🔍 –keywords | glass | lab | left | left-pointing | magnifying | science | search | tilted | tool |
검색 | 검색하기 | 과학 | 도구 | 연구실 | 왼쪽으로 향한 돋보기 | 유리 |
7849 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 🔎 -name | magnifying glass tilted right |
오른쪽으로 향한 돋보기 |
7850 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 🔎 –keywords | contact | glass | lab | magnifying | right | right-pointing | science | search | tilted | tool |
검색 | 검색하기 | 과학 | 도구 | 돋보기 | 오른쪽으로 향한 돋보기 |
7851 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 🕯 -name | candle |
양초 |
7852 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 🕯 –keywords | candle | light |
빛 | 양초 | 캔들 |
7853 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 💡 -name | light bulb |
전구 |
7854 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 💡 –keywords | bulb | comic | electric | idea | light |
기발한 생각 | 빛 | 아이디어 | 아하 | 전구 | 전기 |
7855 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 🔦 -name | flashlight |
손전등 |
7856 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 🔦 –keywords | electric | flashlight | light | tool | torch |
도구 | 빛 | 손전등 | 전기 | 전등 | 플래시라이트 |
7857 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 🏮 -name | red paper lantern |
일본식 등 |
7858 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 🏮 –keywords | bar | lantern | light | paper | red | restaurant |
등 | 레스토랑 | 바 | 빛 | 선술집 | 식당 | 이자카야 | 일본 | 일본식 등 | 일본식 선술집 | 홍등 |
7859 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 🪔 -name | diya lamp |
기름 램프 |
7860 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 🪔 –keywords | diya | lamp | light | oil |
기름 | 디야 | 램프 |
7861 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📔 -name | notebook with decorative cover |
표지가 있는 노트 |
7862 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📔 –keywords | book | cover | decorated | decorative | education | notebook | school | writing |
공책 | 노트 | 표지 | 표지가 있는 노트 | 필기 | 학교 |
7863 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📕 -name | closed book |
펼치지 않은 책 |
7864 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📕 –keywords | book | closed | education |
교육 | 도서 | 책 | 펼치지 않은 책 |
7865 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📖 -name | open book |
펼쳐진 책 |
7866 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📖 –keywords | book | education | fantasy | knowledge | library | novels | open | reading |
교육 | 도서관 | 독서 | 소설 | 지식 | 책 | 판타지 | 펼쳐진 책 | 펼침 |
7867 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📗 -name | green book |
초록색 책 |
7868 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📗 –keywords | book | education | fantasy | green | library | reading |
교육 | 녹색 책 | 도서관 | 독서 | 책 | 초록색 책 | 판타지 |
7869 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📘 -name | blue book |
파란색 책 |
7870 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📘 –keywords | blue | book | education | fantasy | library | reading |
교육 | 도서관 | 책 | 파란 책 | 파란색 | 판타지 |
7871 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📙 -name | orange book |
주황색 책 |
7872 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📙 –keywords | book | education | fantasy | library | orange | reading |
교육 | 도서관 | 독서 | 오렌지 | 오렌지색 책 | 주황색 책 | 책 | 판타지 |
7873 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📚 -name | books |
책 여러 권 |
7874 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📚 –keywords | book | books | education | fantasy | knowledge | library | novels | reading | school | study |
공부 | 교육 | 도서관 | 독서 | 소설 | 지식 | 책 | 책 여러 권 | 판타지 | 학교 |
7875 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📓 -name | notebook |
공책 |
7876 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📓 –keywords | notebook |
공책 | 노트 |
7877 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📒 -name | ledger |
노트 |
7878 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📒 –keywords | ledger | notebook |
공책 | 노트 | 원장 | 장부 |
7879 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📃 -name | page with curl |
안으로 말린 문서 |
7880 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📃 –keywords | curl | document | page | paper |
말린 | 문서 | 안으로 말린 문서 | 페이지 |
7881 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📜 -name | scroll |
문서 |
7882 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📜 –keywords | paper | scroll |
두루마리 | 문서 | 스크롤 |
7883 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📄 -name | page facing up |
오른쪽 모서리가 접힌 문서 |
7884 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📄 –keywords | document | facing | page | paper | up |
문서 | 오른쪽 모서리가 접힌 문서 | 페이지 |
7885 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📰 -name | newspaper |
신문 |
7886 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📰 –keywords | communication | news | newspaper | paper |
뉴스 | 소식 | 소식지 | 소통 | 신문 | 정보 |
7887 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 🗞 -name | rolled-up newspaper |
돌돌 말린 신문 |
7888 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 🗞 –keywords | news | newspaper | paper | rolled | rolled-up |
뉴스 | 돌돌 말린 신문 | 말린 | 신문 | 신문 뭉치 |
7889 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📑 -name | bookmark tabs |
북마크 탭 |
7890 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📑 –keywords | bookmark | mark | marker | tabs |
마커 | 북마크 | 탭 | 포스트잇 | 표시 |
7891 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 🔖 -name | bookmark |
북마크 |
7892 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 🔖 –keywords | bookmark | mark |
마크 | 북마크 | 책갈피 | 표시 |
7893 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 🏷 -name | label |
라벨 |
7894 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 🏷 –keywords | label | tag |
라벨 | 택 |
7895 | Characters | Objects2 | money | 💰 -name | money bag |
돈주머니 |
7896 | Characters | Objects2 | money | 💰 –keywords | bag | bank | bet | billion | cash | cost | dollar | gold | million | money | moneybag | paid | paying | pot | rich | win |
10억 | 가격 | 가방 | 내기 | 달러 | 돈가방 | 돈주머니 | 부자 | 승리 | 은행 | 주머니 | 지불 | 출금 | 현금 |
7897 | Characters | Objects2 | money | 🪙 -name | coin |
동전 |
7898 | Characters | Objects2 | money | 🪙 –keywords | coin | dollar | euro | gold | metal | money | rich | silver | treasure |
골드 | 금 | 금속 | 달러 | 돈 | 동전 | 보물 | 부자 | 유로 | 은 | 코인 |
7899 | Characters | Objects2 | money | 💴 -name | yen banknote |
엔 |
7900 | Characters | Objects2 | money | 💴 –keywords | bank | banknote | bill | currency | money | note | yen |
돈 | 엔 | 엔화 | 일본 돈 | 일본 화폐 | 지폐 | 화폐 |
7901 | Characters | Objects2 | money | 💵 -name | dollar banknote |
달러 |
7902 | Characters | Objects2 | money | 💵 –keywords | bank | banknote | bill | currency | dollar | money | note |
달러 | 달러화 | 돈 | 미국 돈 | 미국 화폐 | 은행 | 지폐 | 화폐 |
7903 | Characters | Objects2 | money | 💶 -name | euro banknote |
유로 |
7904 | Characters | Objects2 | money | 💶 –keywords | 100 | bank | banknote | bill | currency | euro | money | note | rich |
100 | 부자 | 유럽 돈 | 유럽 화폐 | 유로 | 유로화 | 은행 | 지폐 | 화폐 |
7905 | Characters | Objects2 | money | 💷 -name | pound banknote |
파운드 |
7906 | Characters | Objects2 | money | 💷 –keywords | bank | banknote | bill | billion | cash | currency | money | note | pound | pounds |
10억 | 돈 | 영국 돈 | 영국 화폐 | 은행 | 지폐 | 파운드 | 파운드화 | 현금 | 화폐 |
7907 | Characters | Objects2 | money | 💸 -name | money with wings |
날개 달린 돈 |
7908 | Characters | Objects2 | money | 💸 –keywords | bank | banknote | bill | billion | cash | dollar | fly | million | money | note | pay | wings |
날개 | 날개 달린 돈 | 날아가는 돈 | 달러 | 돈 | 돈 날림 | 백만 | 손해 | 은행 | 지폐 | 페이 | 현금 |
7909 | Characters | Objects2 | money | 💳 -name | credit card |
신용카드 |
7910 | Characters | Objects2 | money | 💳 –keywords | bank | card | cash | charge | credit | money | pay |
돈 | 신용카드 | 은행 | 지불 | 카드 | 페이 | 현금 |
7911 | Characters | Objects2 | money | 🧾 -name | receipt |
영수증 |
7912 | Characters | Objects2 | money | 🧾 –keywords | accounting | bookkeeping | evidence | invoice | proof | receipt |
기록 | 영수증 | 증빙 | 청구 | 회계 |
7913 | Characters | Objects2 | money | 💹 -name | chart increasing with yen |
엔화 관련 상승하는 그래프 |
7914 | Characters | Objects2 | money | 💹 –keywords | bank | chart | currency | graph | growth | increasing | market | money | rise | trend | upward | yen |
그래프 | 성장 | 시장 | 엔화 관련 상승하는 그래프 | 은행 | 인상 | 차트 | 추세 | 트렌드 | 호황 | 화폐 |
7915 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | ✉ -name | envelope |
봉투 |
7916 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | ✉ –keywords | e-mail | email | envelope | letter |
봉투 | 이메일 | 편지 |
7917 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | 📧 -name | e-mail |
이메일 |
7918 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | 📧 –keywords | e-mail | email | letter | mail |
우편 | 이메일 | 편지 |
7919 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | 📨 -name | incoming envelope |
받은 편지 |
7920 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | 📨 –keywords | delivering | e-mail | email | envelope | incoming | letter | mail | receive | sent |
받은 | 봉투 | 수신된 이메일 | 수신된 편지 | 이메일 | 편지 |
7921 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | 📩 -name | envelope with arrow |
보낸 편지 |
7922 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | 📩 –keywords | arrow | communication | down | e-mail | email | envelope | letter | mail | outgoing | send | sent |
발송 | 보낸 이메일 | 보낸 편지 | 보냄 | 봉투 | 아래 | 이메일 | 전송된 이메일 | 전송된 편지 | 커뮤니케이션 | 편지 | 화살표 | 화살표가 있는 편지 봉투 |
7923 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | 📤 -name | outbox tray |
보낸 편지함 |
7924 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | 📤 –keywords | box | email | letter | mail | outbox | sent | tray |
메일 전송 | 보낸 편지함 | 보낸편지함 | 이메일 | 편지 | 편지 보내기 | 편지함 |
7925 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | 📥 -name | inbox tray |
받은 편지함 |
7926 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | 📥 –keywords | box | email | inbox | letter | mail | receive | tray | zero |
메일 수신 | 받은 편지함 | 받은편지함 | 수신 | 이메일 | 텅 빈 받은 편지함 | 편지 | 편지 받기 |
7927 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | 📦 -name | package |
소포 |
7928 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | 📦 –keywords | box | communication | delivery | package | parcel | shipping |
꾸러미 | 배송 | 소포 | 소포 박스 | 소포 상자 | 커뮤니케이션 | 택배 |
7929 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | 📫 -name | closed mailbox with raised flag |
표지가 올라간 닫힌 우편함 |
7930 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | 📫 –keywords | closed | communication | flag | mail | mailbox | postbox | raised |
깃발이 올려진 닫힌 우편함 | 닫힌 | 소통 | 우편함 | 편지 | 편지함 | 표지가 올라간 닫힌 우편함 |
7931 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | 📪 -name | closed mailbox with lowered flag |
표지가 내려간 닫힌 우편함 |
7932 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | 📪 –keywords | closed | flag | lowered | mail | mailbox | postbox |
깃발이 내려진 닫힌 우편함 | 내려간 | 우체통 | 우편함 | 편지 | 표지가 내려간 닫힌 우편함 |
7933 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | 📬 -name | open mailbox with raised flag |
표지가 올라간 열린 우편함 |
7934 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | 📬 –keywords | flag | mail | mailbox | open | postbox | raised |
깃발이 올려진 열린 우편함 | 열린 | 우편함 | 편지 | 편지함 | 표지가 올라간 열린 우편함 |
7935 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | 📭 -name | open mailbox with lowered flag |
표지가 내려간 열린 우편함 |
7936 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | 📭 –keywords | flag | lowered | mail | mailbox | open | postbox |
깃발이 내려진 열린 우편함 | 내려진 | 열린 | 우편함 | 편지 | 편지함 | 표지가 내려간 열린 우편함 |
7937 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | 📮 -name | postbox |
우편함 |
7938 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | 📮 –keywords | mail | mailbox | postbox |
우체국 | 우체통 | 우편함 | 편지 |
7939 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | 🗳 -name | ballot box with ballot |
투표 용지가 있는 투표 상자 |
7940 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | 🗳 –keywords | ballot | box |
상자 | 투표 | 투표 용지가 있는 투표 상자 | 투표상자 |
7941 | Characters | Objects2 | writing | ✏ -name | pencil |
연필 |
7942 | Characters | Objects2 | writing | ✏ –keywords | pencil |
연필 | 필기도구 |
7943 | Characters | Objects2 | writing | ✒ -name | black nib |
검은색 펜촉 |
7944 | Characters | Objects2 | writing | ✒ –keywords | black | nib | pen |
검은색 펜촉 | 펜 | 펜촉 |
7945 | Characters | Objects2 | writing | 🖋 -name | fountain pen |
만년필 |
7946 | Characters | Objects2 | writing | 🖋 –keywords | fountain | pen |
만년필 | 펜 | 펜촉 | 필기도구 |
7947 | Characters | Objects2 | writing | 🖊 -name | pen |
펜 |
7948 | Characters | Objects2 | writing | 🖊 –keywords | ballpoint | pen |
볼펜 | 펜 |
7949 | Characters | Objects2 | writing | 🖌 -name | paintbrush |
붓 |
7950 | Characters | Objects2 | writing | 🖌 –keywords | paintbrush | painting |
붓 | 페인트 브러쉬 | 페인트붓 | 페인팅 |
7951 | Characters | Objects2 | writing | 🖍 -name | crayon |
크레용 |
7952 | Characters | Objects2 | writing | 🖍 –keywords | crayon |
크레용 | 크레파스 |
7953 | Characters | Objects2 | writing | 📝 -name | memo |
메모 |
7954 | Characters | Objects2 | writing | 📝 –keywords | communication | media | memo | notes | pencil |
노트 | 메모 | 메모장 | 메모지 | 미디어 | 소통 | 연필 |
7955 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 💼 -name | briefcase |
서류 가방 |
7956 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 💼 –keywords | briefcase | office |
가방 | 사무실 | 서류 가방 |
7957 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📁 -name | file folder |
폴더 |
7958 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📁 –keywords | file | folder |
파일 | 폴더 |
7959 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📂 -name | open file folder |
폴더 열기 |
7960 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📂 –keywords | file | folder | open |
열기 | 열린 파일 폴더 | 열린 폴더 | 파일 | 폴더 |
7961 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 🗂 -name | card index dividers |
카드 색인 파일 |
7962 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 🗂 –keywords | card | dividers | index |
분류 | 색인 | 인덱스 | 카드 | 파일 | 폴더 |
7963 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📅 -name | calendar |
달력 |
7964 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📅 –keywords | calendar | date |
날짜 | 달력 | 일정 | 캘린더 |
7965 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📆 -name | tear-off calendar |
뜯어진 달력 |
7966 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📆 –keywords | calendar | tear-off |
달력 | 뜯어진 달력 | 일정 | 캘린더 | 한 장씩 뜯어내는 달력 |
7967 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 🗒 -name | spiral notepad |
스프링 노트 |
7968 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 🗒 –keywords | note | notepad | pad | spiral |
노트 | 수첩 | 스프링 노트 | 패드 |
7969 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 🗓 -name | spiral calendar |
스프링 달력 |
7970 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 🗓 –keywords | calendar | pad | spiral |
달력 | 벽걸이 달력 | 스프링 달력 | 캘린더 | 패드 |
7971 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📇 -name | card index |
카드 인덱스 |
7972 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📇 –keywords | card | index | old | rolodex | school |
명함 | 색인 | 옛날 방식 | 인덱스 | 카드 |
7973 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📈 -name | chart increasing |
상승하는 그래프 |
7974 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📈 –keywords | chart | data | graph | growth | increasing | right | trend | up | upward |
그래프 | 데이터 | 상승 그래프 | 상승하는 그래프 | 상향 | 성장 | 오른쪽으로 상승 | 추세 | 트렌드 | 호황 |
7975 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📉 -name | chart decreasing |
내려가는 그래프 |
7976 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📉 –keywords | chart | data | decreasing | down | downward | graph | negative | trend |
그래프 | 내려가는 | 데이터 | 불황 | 아래 | 차트 | 추세 | 트렌드 | 하향 |
7977 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📊 -name | bar chart |
막대 그래프 |
7978 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📊 –keywords | bar | chart | data | graph |
그래프 | 데이터 | 막대 | 막대그래프 | 차트 |
7979 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📋 -name | clipboard |
클립보드 |
7980 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📋 –keywords | clipboard | do | list | notes |
노트 | 클리핑 | 클립 | 클립보드 | 할일 |
7981 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📌 -name | pushpin |
압정 |
7982 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📌 –keywords | collage | pin | pushpin |
압정 | 콜라주 | 핀 |
7983 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📍 -name | round pushpin |
둥근 머리 핀 |
7984 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📍 –keywords | location | map | pin | pushpin | round |
둥근 머리 압정 | 둥근 머리 핀 | 압정 | 지도 | 핀 |
7985 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📎 -name | paperclip |
클립 |
7986 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📎 –keywords | paperclip |
종이 클립 | 클립 |
7987 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 🖇 -name | linked paperclips |
이어져 있는 클립 |
7988 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 🖇 –keywords | link | linked | paperclip | paperclips |
연결된 | 이어져 있는 클립 | 클립 | 페이퍼 클립 |
7989 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📏 -name | straight ruler |
자 |
7990 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📏 –keywords | angle | edge | math | ruler | straight | straightedge |
수학 | 자 | 직각 | 직선자 |
7991 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📐 -name | triangular ruler |
삼각자 |
7992 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📐 –keywords | angle | math | rule | ruler | set | slide | triangle | triangular |
각 | 삼각자 | 삼각형 | 수학 | 자 |
7993 | Characters | Objects2 | office | ✂ -name | scissors |
가위 |
7994 | Characters | Objects2 | office | ✂ –keywords | cut | cutting | paper | scissors | tool |
가위 | 기구 | 도구 | 자르기 | 종이 |
7995 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 🗃 -name | card file box |
카드 파일 상자 |
7996 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 🗃 –keywords | box | card | file |
상자 | 카드 | 파일 |
7997 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 🗄 -name | file cabinet |
파일 보관 서랍장 |
7998 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 🗄 –keywords | cabinet | file | filing | paper |
캐비닛 | 파일 | 파일 보관 서랍장 | 파일철 |
7999 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 🗑 -name | wastebasket |
쓰레기통 |
8000 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 🗑 –keywords | can | garbage | trash | waste | wastebasket |
쓰레기통 | 휴지통 |
8001 | Characters | Objects2 | lock | 🔒 -name | locked |
자물쇠 |
8002 | Characters | Objects2 | lock | 🔒 –keywords | closed | lock | locked | private |
락 | 사적인 | 자물쇠 | 잠금 |
8003 | Characters | Objects2 | lock | 🔓 -name | unlocked |
열린 자물쇠 |
8004 | Characters | Objects2 | lock | 🔓 –keywords | cracked | lock | open | unlock | unlocked |
락 | 열린 자물쇠 | 자물쇠 | 잠금풀림 | 잠금해제 |
8005 | Characters | Objects2 | lock | 🔏 -name | locked with pen |
자물쇠와 펜 |
8006 | Characters | Objects2 | lock | 🔏 –keywords | ink | lock | locked | nib | pen | privacy |
사생활 | 잉크 | 자물쇠 | 자물쇠와 펜 | 펜 | 펜촉 | 프라이버시 |
8007 | Characters | Objects2 | lock | 🔐 -name | locked with key |
자물쇠와 열쇠 |
8008 | Characters | Objects2 | lock | 🔐 –keywords | bike | closed | key | lock | locked | secure |
보안 | 안전 | 열쇠 | 자물쇠 | 자물쇠와 열쇠 | 자전거 자물쇠 | 잠금 |
8009 | Characters | Objects2 | lock | 🔑 -name | key |
열쇠 |
8010 | Characters | Objects2 | lock | 🔑 –keywords | key | keys | lock | major | password | unlock |
열쇠 | 잠금해제 | 중요 열쇠 | 패스워드 |
8011 | Characters | Objects2 | lock | 🗝 -name | old key |
오래된 열쇠 |
8012 | Characters | Objects2 | lock | 🗝 –keywords | clue | key | lock | old |
단서 | 보물 열쇠 | 열쇠 | 오래된 열쇠 | 자물쇠 |
8013 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🔨 -name | hammer |
망치 |
8014 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🔨 –keywords | hammer | home | improvement | repairs | tool |
도구 | 망치 | 주택 개조 | 주택 수리 | 해머 |
8015 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🪓 -name | axe |
도끼 |
8016 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🪓 –keywords | ax | axe | chop | hatchet | split | wood |
나무 | 도끼 | 손도끼 | 쪼개기 |
8017 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | ⛏ -name | pick |
곡괭이 |
8018 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | ⛏ –keywords | hammer | mining | pick | tool |
곡괭이 | 광산 | 망치 | 장비 |
8019 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | ⚒ -name | hammer and pick |
망치와 곡괭이 |
8020 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | ⚒ –keywords | hammer | pick | tool |
곡괭이 | 망치 | 망치와 곡괭이 | 장비 |
8021 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🛠 -name | hammer and wrench |
망치와 렌치 |
8022 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🛠 –keywords | hammer | spanner | tool | wrench |
도구 | 렌치 | 망치 | 망치와 렌치 | 스패너 | 장비 |
8023 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🗡 -name | dagger |
단검 |
8024 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🗡 –keywords | dagger | knife | weapon |
단검 | 단도 | 대거 | 무기 | 칼 |
8025 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | ⚔ -name | crossed swords |
쌍검 |
8026 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | ⚔ –keywords | crossed | swords | weapon |
검 | 교차된 검 두개 | 무기 | 쌍검 |
8027 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 💣 -name | bomb |
폭탄 |
8028 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 💣 –keywords | bomb | boom | comic | dangerous | explosion | hot |
뜨거운 | 만화 | 위험한 | 코믹 | 폭발 | 폭탄 |
8029 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🪃 -name | boomerang |
부메랑 |
8030 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🪃 –keywords | boomerang | rebound | repercussion | weapon |
무기 | 반동 | 부메랑 | 영향 |
8031 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🏹 -name | bow and arrow |
활과 화살 |
8032 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🏹 –keywords | archer | archery | arrow | bow | Sagittarius | tool | weapon | zodiac |
궁수 | 무기 | 별자리 | 사수자리 | 장비 | 화살 | 활 | 활과 화살 |
8033 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🛡 -name | shield |
방패 |
8034 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🛡 –keywords | shield | weapon |
무기 | 방패 | 보호 |
8035 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🪚 -name | carpentry saw |
목공 톱 |
8036 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🪚 –keywords | carpenter | carpentry | cut | lumber | saw | tool | trim |
도구 | 목공 톱 | 목수 | 목재 | 자르기 | 장비 | 톱 | 톱질 | 트림 |
8037 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🔧 -name | wrench |
렌치 |
8038 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🔧 –keywords | home | improvement | spanner | tool | wrench |
도구 | 렌치 | 스패너 | 주택 수리 |
8039 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🪛 -name | screwdriver |
드라이버 |
8040 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🪛 –keywords | flathead | handy | screw | screwdriver | tool |
나사 | 도구 | 드라이버 | 일자 | 장비 | 편리한 |
8041 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🔩 -name | nut and bolt |
볼트와 너트 |
8042 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🔩 –keywords | bolt | home | improvement | nut | tool |
나사 | 너트 | 도구 | 볼트 | 볼트와 너트 | 주택 개조 | 주택 수리 |
8043 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | ⚙ -name | gear |
톱니바퀴 |
8044 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | ⚙ –keywords | cog | cogwheel | gear | tool |
기어 | 도구 | 톱니바퀴 |
8045 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🗜 -name | clamp |
압축기 |
8046 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🗜 –keywords | clamp | compress | tool | vice |
바이스 | 압축기 | 연장 | 콤프레셔 | 클램프 |
8047 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | ⚖ -name | balance scale |
접시저울 |
8048 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | ⚖ –keywords | balance | justice | Libra | scale | scales | tool | weight | zodiac |
공평한 | 균형 | 별자리 | 저울 | 접시저울 | 정의 | 천칭자리 |
8049 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🦯 -name | white cane |
시각장애인 지팡이 |
8050 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🦯 –keywords | accessibility | blind | cane | probing | white |
시각장애 | 시각장애인 지팡이 | 접근성 | 지팡이 |
8051 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🔗 -name | link |
링크 |
8052 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🔗 –keywords | link | links |
링크 | 링크 표시 | 이음 |
8053 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | ⛓💥 -name | broken chain |
끊어진 쇠사슬 |
8054 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | ⛓💥 –keywords | break | breaking | broken | chain | cuffs | freedom |
끊어진 | 끊어진 쇠사슬 | 부서진 | 사슬 | 수갑 | 자유 | 족쇄 |
8055 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | ⛓ -name | chains |
쇠사슬 |
8056 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | ⛓ –keywords | chain | chains |
사슬 | 쇠사슬 | 체인 |
8057 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🪝 -name | hook |
갈고리 |
8058 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🪝 –keywords | catch | crook | curve | ensnare | hook | point | selling |
갈고리 | 걸리게 하다 | 고리 | 곡선 | 팔리는 | 후크 | 훅 |
8059 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🧰 -name | toolbox |
공구통 |
8060 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🧰 –keywords | box | chest | mechanic | red | tool | toolbox |
공구 | 공구통 | 공구함 | 정비공 |
8061 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🧲 -name | magnet |
자석 |
8062 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🧲 –keywords | attraction | horseshoe | magnet | magnetic | negative | positive | shape | u |
u자 | 마그넷 | 말굽 자석 | 양극 음극 | 자력 | 자석 | 편자 |
8063 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🪜 -name | ladder |
사다리 |
8064 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🪜 –keywords | climb | ladder | rung | step |
계단 | 단계 | 발판 사다리 | 사다리 | 상승 | 오르다 |
8065 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | -name | shovel |
삽 |
8066 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | –keywords | bury | dig | garden | hole | plant | scoop | shovel | snow | spade |
구멍 | 눈 | 뜨다 | 묻다 | 삽 | 심다 | 정원 | 파다 |
8067 | Characters | Objects2 | science | ⚗ -name | alembic |
증류기 |
8068 | Characters | Objects2 | science | ⚗ –keywords | alembic | chemistry | tool |
도구 | 정류 | 정화 | 증류 | 증류기 | 화학 |
8069 | Characters | Objects2 | science | 🧪 -name | test tube |
시험관 |
8070 | Characters | Objects2 | science | 🧪 –keywords | chemist | chemistry | experiment | lab | science | test | tube |
과학 | 시험관 | 실험 | 연구실 | 화학 | 화학자 |
8071 | Characters | Objects2 | science | 🧫 -name | petri dish |
페트리 접시 |
8072 | Characters | Objects2 | science | 🧫 –keywords | bacteria | biologist | biology | culture | dish | lab | petri |
미생물 | 박테리아 | 생물학 | 생물학자 | 실험실 | 페트리 접시 |
8073 | Characters | Objects2 | science | 🧬 -name | dna |
8074 | Characters | Objects2 | science | 🧬 –keywords | biologist | dna | evolution | gene | genetics | life |
DNA | 생물 | 생물학 | 생물학자 | 유전 | 유전학 | 진화 |
8075 | Characters | Objects2 | science | 🔬 -name | microscope |
현미경 |
8076 | Characters | Objects2 | science | 🔬 –keywords | experiment | lab | microscope | science | tool |
과학 | 기구 | 도구 | 실험 | 연구실 | 장치 | 현미경 |
8077 | Characters | Objects2 | science | 🔭 -name | telescope |
망원경 |
8078 | Characters | Objects2 | science | 🔭 –keywords | contact | extraterrestrial | science | telescope | tool |
과학 | 도구 | 망원경 | 발견 | 외계인 | 장비 |
8079 | Characters | Objects2 | science | 📡 -name | satellite antenna |
위성 안테나 |
8080 | Characters | Objects2 | science | 📡 –keywords | aliens | antenna | contact | dish | satellite | science |
과학 | 발견 | 안테나 | 외계인 | 위성 | 위성 방송 | 접시 |
8081 | Characters | Objects2 | medical | 💉 -name | syringe |
주사기 |
8082 | Characters | Objects2 | medical | 💉 –keywords | doctor | flu | medicine | needle | shot | sick | syringe | tool | vaccination |
도구 | 독감 주사 | 백신 | 병원 | 아픔 | 의사 | 의학 | 주사 바늘 | 주사기 | 치료 |
8083 | Characters | Objects2 | medical | 🩸 -name | drop of blood |
핏방울 |
8084 | Characters | Objects2 | medical | 🩸 –keywords | bleed | blood | donation | drop | injury | medicine | menstruation |
생리 | 의학 | 핏방울 | 헌혈 |
8085 | Characters | Objects2 | medical | 💊 -name | pill |
알약 |
8086 | Characters | Objects2 | medical | 💊 –keywords | doctor | drugs | medicated | medicine | pill | pills | sick | vitamin |
비타민 | 아픔 | 알약 | 약 | 약물 | 의사 | 의학 |
8087 | Characters | Objects2 | medical | 🩹 -name | adhesive bandage |
반창고 |
8088 | Characters | Objects2 | medical | 🩹 –keywords | adhesive | bandage |
반창고 | 밴드 |
8089 | Characters | Objects2 | medical | 🩼 -name | crutch |
목발 |
8090 | Characters | Objects2 | medical | 🩼 –keywords | aid | cane | crutch | disability | help | hurt | injured | mobility | stick |
다치다 | 다친 | 다침 | 도움 | 막대 | 목발 | 보조 | 이동 보조 | 장애 | 지팡이 | 헬프 |
8091 | Characters | Objects2 | medical | 🩺 -name | stethoscope |
청진기 |
8092 | Characters | Objects2 | medical | 🩺 –keywords | doctor | heart | medicine | stethoscope |
심박수 | 심장 | 의사 | 의학 | 청진기 |
8093 | Characters | Objects2 | medical | 🩻 -name | x-ray |
엑스레이 |
8094 | Characters | Objects2 | medical | 🩻 –keywords | bones | doctor | medical | skeleton | skull | x-ray | xray |
뼈 | 스컬 | 스켈레톤 | 엑스레이 | 의료 | 의사 | 해골 |
8095 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🚪 -name | door |
문 |
8096 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🚪 –keywords | back | closet | door | front |
도어 | 뒷문 | 문 | 앞문 | 웃장 |
8097 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🛗 -name | elevator |
엘리베이터 |
8098 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🛗 –keywords | accessibility | elevator | hoist | lift |
승강 장치 | 승강기 | 엘리베이터 | 접근성 |
8099 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🪞 -name | mirror |
거울 |
8100 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🪞 –keywords | makeup | mirror | reflection | reflector | speculum |
거울 | 메이크업 | 반사 | 반사경 | 반사체 | 화장 |
8101 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🪟 -name | window |
창문 |
8102 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🪟 –keywords | air | frame | fresh | opening | transparent | view | window |
맑은 공기 | 윈도우 | 전망 | 창 | 창문 | 창틀 | 투명한 |
8103 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🛏 -name | bed |
침대 |
8104 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🛏 –keywords | bed | hotel | sleep |
잠 | 침대 | 호텔 |
8105 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🛋 -name | couch and lamp |
소파와 전등 |
8106 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🛋 –keywords | couch | hotel | lamp |
램프 | 소파 | 소파와 등 | 소파와 전등 | 전등 | 카우치 | 호텔 |
8107 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🪑 -name | chair |
의자 |
8108 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🪑 –keywords | chair | seat | sit |
앉기 | 의자 | 좌석 |
8109 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🚽 -name | toilet |
변기 |
8110 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🚽 –keywords | bathroom | toilet |
변기 | 화장실 |
8111 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🪠 -name | plunger |
뚫어뻥 |
8112 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🪠 –keywords | cup | force | plumber | plunger | poop | suction | toilet |
똥 | 뚫어뻥 | 배관공 | 변기 | 빨아들이기 | 화장실 | 흡입 |
8113 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🚿 -name | shower |
샤워 |
8114 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🚿 –keywords | shower | water |
물 | 샤워 |
8115 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🛁 -name | bathtub |
욕조 |
8116 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🛁 –keywords | bath | bathtub |
목욕 | 샤워 | 욕조 |
8117 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🪤 -name | mouse trap |
쥐덫 |
8118 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🪤 –keywords | bait | cheese | lure | mouse | mousetrap | snare | trap |
덫 | 루어 | 미끼 | 쥐덫 | 치즈 | 함정 |
8119 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🪒 -name | razor |
면도칼 |
8120 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🪒 –keywords | razor | sharp | shave |
날카로운 | 면도 | 면도기 | 면도칼 |
8121 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🧴 -name | lotion bottle |
로션 |
8122 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🧴 –keywords | bottle | lotion | moisturizer | shampoo | sunscreen |
로션 | 로션통 | 모이스처라이저 | 샴푸 | 선크림 |
8123 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🧷 -name | safety pin |
옷핀 |
8124 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🧷 –keywords | diaper | pin | punk | rock | safety |
고정용 핀 | 옷핀 |
8125 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🧹 -name | broom |
빗자루 |
8126 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🧹 –keywords | broom | cleaning | sweeping | witch |
마녀 | 비질 | 빗자루 | 청소 |
8127 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🧺 -name | basket |
바구니 |
8128 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🧺 –keywords | basket | farming | laundry | picnic |
바구니 | 빨래바구니 | 소풍 |
8129 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🧻 -name | roll of paper |
두루마리 |
8130 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🧻 –keywords | paper | roll | toilet | towels |
두루마리 | 종이 수건 | 종이 타월 | 페이퍼 타월 | 화장지 | 휴지 |
8131 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🪣 -name | bucket |
양동이 |
8132 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🪣 –keywords | bucket | cask | pail | vat |
들통 | 버킷 | 양동이 | 통 |
8133 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🧼 -name | soap |
비누 |
8134 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🧼 –keywords | bar | bathing | clean | cleaning | lather | soap | soapdish |
목욕 | 비누 | 비누 거품 | 비누 그릇 | 비누통 | 클렌징 |
8135 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🫧 -name | bubbles |
거품 |
8136 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🫧 –keywords | bubble | bubbles | burp | clean | floating | pearl | soap | underwater |
거품 | 물 속 | 물에 둥둥 | 버블 | 비누 | 진주 | 청소 | 트림 |
8137 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🪥 -name | toothbrush |
칫솔 |
8138 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🪥 –keywords | bathroom | brush | clean | dental | hygiene | teeth | toiletry | toothbrush |
깨끗한 | 브러시 | 솔 | 욕실 | 위생 | 이 | 칫솔 |
8139 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🧽 -name | sponge |
스펀지 |
8140 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🧽 –keywords | absorbing | cleaning | porous | soak | sponge |
구멍이 뽕뽕 | 스펀지 | 청소 | 흡수 |
8141 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🧯 -name | fire extinguisher |
소화기 |
8142 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🧯 –keywords | extinguish | extinguisher | fire | quench |
소화 | 소화기 | 진화 | 화재 |
8143 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🛒 -name | shopping cart |
쇼핑카트 |
8144 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🛒 –keywords | cart | shopping | trolley |
쇼핑 | 쇼핑카트 | 장보기 | 카트 |
8145 | Characters | Objects2 | other-object | 🚬 -name | cigarette |
흡연 구역 신호 |
8146 | Characters | Objects2 | other-object | 🚬 –keywords | cigarette | smoking |
담배 | 흡연 | 흡연 구역 신호 |
8147 | Characters | Objects2 | other-object | ⚰ -name | coffin |
관 |
8148 | Characters | Objects2 | other-object | ⚰ –keywords | coffin | dead | death | vampire |
관 | 뱀파이어 | 장례식 | 죽은 | 죽음 | 흡혈귀 |
8149 | Characters | Objects2 | other-object | 🪦 -name | headstone |
묘비 |
8150 | Characters | Objects2 | other-object | 🪦 –keywords | cemetery | dead | grave | graveyard | headstone | memorial | rip | tomb | tombstone |
기일 | 묘비 | 묘석 | 묘지 | 무덤 | 비석 | 삼가 고인의 명복을 빕니다 | 죽음 |
8151 | Characters | Objects2 | other-object | ⚱ -name | funeral urn |
납골 단지 |
8152 | Characters | Objects2 | other-object | ⚱ –keywords | ashes | death | funeral | urn |
납골 단지 | 단지 | 유골함 | 장례식 | 재 | 죽음 |
8153 | Characters | Objects2 | other-object | 🧿 -name | nazar amulet |
악마의 눈 |
8154 | Characters | Objects2 | other-object | 🧿 –keywords | amulet | bead | blue | charm | evil-eye | nazar | talisman |
구슬 | 나자르 | 부적 | 악마의 눈 | 탈리스만 | 파란색 |
8155 | Characters | Objects2 | other-object | 🪬 -name | hamsa |
함사 |
8156 | Characters | Objects2 | other-object | 🪬 –keywords | amulet | Fatima | fortune | guide | hamsa | hand | Mary | Miriam | palm | protect | protection |
가이드 | 마리아 | 미리암 | 보호 | 부적 | 손 | 손바닥 | 안내 | 운 | 파티마 | 함사 | 핸드 |
8157 | Characters | Objects2 | other-object | 🗿 -name | moai |
모아이 |
8158 | Characters | Objects2 | other-object | 🗿 –keywords | face | moai | moyai | statue | stoneface | travel |
동상 | 리톱스 | 모아이 | 모아이상 | 석상 | 여행 |
8159 | Characters | Objects2 | other-object | 🪧 -name | placard |
플래카드 |
8160 | Characters | Objects2 | other-object | 🪧 –keywords | card | demonstration | notice | picket | placard | plaque | protest | sign |
데모 | 사인 | 시위 | 알림판 | 카드 | 표지판 | 플래카드 | 피켓 |
8161 | Characters | Objects2 | other-object | 🪪 -name | identification card |
신분증 |
8162 | Characters | Objects2 | other-object | 🪪 –keywords | card | credentials | document | ID | identification | license | security |
ID | 라이센스 | 문서 | 보안 | 신분증 | 신원 | 아이디 | 자격증 | 허가증 |
8163 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | 🏧 -name | ATM sign |
8164 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | 🏧 –keywords | ATM | automated | bank | cash | money | sign | teller |
ATM | 에이티엠 | 은행 | 자동화 | 현금 | 현금인출기 |
8165 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | 🚮 -name | litter in bin sign |
쓰레기는 쓰레기통에 |
8166 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | 🚮 –keywords | bin | litter | litterbin | sign |
쓰레기 | 쓰레기는 쓰레기통에 | 쓰레기는 쓰레기통에 표시 | 쓰레기통 |
8167 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | 🚰 -name | potable water |
음수대 |
8168 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | 🚰 –keywords | drinking | potable | water |
물 | 식수대 | 음료 | 음수대 |
8169 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | ♿ -name | wheelchair symbol |
휠체어 |
8170 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | ♿ –keywords | access | handicap | symbol | wheelchair |
장애 | 장애인 | 접근 | 휠체어 | 휠체어 표시 |
8171 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | 🚹 -name | men’s room |
남자 화장실 |
8172 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | 🚹 –keywords | bathroom | lavatory | man | men’s | restroom | room | toilet | WC |
남성 | 남성용 | 남자 화장실 | 남자용 |
8173 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | 🚺 -name | women’s room |
여자 화장실 |
8174 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | 🚺 –keywords | bathroom | lavatory | restroom | room | toilet | WC | woman | women’s |
여성 | 여성용 | 여자 화장실 | 여자용 |
8175 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | 🚻 -name | restroom |
화장실 |
8176 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | 🚻 –keywords | bathroom | lavatory | restroom | toilet | WC |
공중화장실 | 화장실 |
8177 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | 🚼 -name | baby symbol |
수유실 |
8178 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | 🚼 –keywords | baby | changing | symbol |
기저귀 | 수유실 | 아기 | 아기 표시 |
8179 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | 🚾 -name | water closet |
더블유씨 |
8180 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | 🚾 –keywords | bathroom | closet | lavatory | restroom | toilet | water | WC |
WC | 공중화장실 | 더블유씨 | 화장실 |
8181 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | 🛂 -name | passport control |
출입국 심사 |
8182 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | 🛂 –keywords | control | passport |
수속 | 여권 | 출입국 심사 |
8183 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | 🛃 -name | customs |
세관 |
8184 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | 🛃 –keywords | customs | packing |
세관 | 짐싸기 | 포장 |
8185 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | 🛄 -name | baggage claim |
짐 찾는 곳 |
8186 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | 🛄 –keywords | arrived | baggage | bags | case | checked | claim | journey | packing | plane | ready | travel | trip |
가방 | 도착 | 비행기 | 수하물 찾는 곳 | 여정 | 여행 | 여행 준비 | 짐 | 짐 찾는 곳 | 짐싸기 | 체크인 | 화물 |
8187 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | 🛅 -name | left luggage |
화물 서비스 |
8188 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | 🛅 –keywords | baggage | case | left | locker | luggage |
보관함 | 수하물 보관소 | 짐 | 케이스 | 화물 | 화물 서비스 |
8189 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | ⚠ -name | warning |
주의 |
8190 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | ⚠ –keywords | caution | warning |
경고 | 주의 |
8191 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | 🚸 -name | children crossing |
어린이 보호 구역 |
8192 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | 🚸 –keywords | child | children | crossing | pedestrian | traffic |
건널목 | 교통 | 보도 | 어린이 | 어린이 구역 | 어린이 보호 구역 | 어린이 횡단보도 |
8193 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | ⛔ -name | no entry |
진입 금지 |
8194 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | ⛔ –keywords | do | entry | fail | forbidden | no | not | pass | prohibited | traffic |
교통 | 금지 | 들어오지 마시오 | 실패 | 진입 금지 | 진입 금지 표시 |
8195 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | 🚫 -name | prohibited |
금지 |
8196 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | 🚫 –keywords | entry | forbidden | no | not | prohibited | smoke |
금지 | 들어오지 마시오 | 안됨 | 진입 금지 표시 |
8197 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | 🚳 -name | no bicycles |
자전거 금지 |
8198 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | 🚳 –keywords | bicycle | bicycles | bike | forbidden | no | not | prohibited |
금지 | 바이크 | 안됨 | 자전거 | 자전거 주행 금지 |
8199 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | 🚭 -name | no smoking |
금연 신호 |
8200 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | 🚭 –keywords | forbidden | no | not | prohibited | smoke | smoking |
금연 | 금연 구역 | 금연 구역 신호 | 금연 신호 | 금지 | 담배 | 안됨 | 흡연 |
8201 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | 🚯 -name | no littering |
쓰레기 투기 금지 |
8202 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | 🚯 –keywords | forbidden | litter | littering | no | not | prohibited |
금지 | 쓰레기 | 쓰레기 투기 | 쓰레기 투기 금지 |
8203 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | 🚱 -name | non-potable water |
마실 수 없는 물 |
8204 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | 🚱 –keywords | dry | non-drinking | non-potable | prohibited | water |
금지 | 마른 | 마시지 마시오 | 마실 수 없는 | 마실 수 없는 물 | 물 | 섭취 금지 | 음료 |
8205 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | 🚷 -name | no pedestrians |
보행자 금지 |
8206 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | 🚷 –keywords | forbidden | no | not | pedestrian | pedestrians | prohibited |
금지 | 보행자 금지 | 보행자 통행 금지 | 안됨 |
8207 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | 📵 -name | no mobile phones |
휴대전화 사용금지 |
8208 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | 📵 –keywords | cell | forbidden | mobile | no | not | phone | phones | prohibited | telephone |
금지 | 모바일폰 | 셀폰 | 안됨 | 전화 | 전화 사용금지 | 폰 | 휴대전화 끄기 | 휴대전화 사용금지 |
8209 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | 🔞 -name | no one under eighteen |
성인용 |
8210 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | 🔞 –keywords | 18 | age | eighteen | forbidden | no | not | one | prohibited | restriction | underage |
18금 | 18세 | 18세 이하 금지 | 금지 | 나이제한 | 미성년자 | 성인용 | 안됨 |
8211 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | ☢ -name | radioactive |
방사능 |
8212 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | ☢ –keywords | radioactive | sign |
방사능 | 방사선 | 위험 | 주의 | 표시 |
8213 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | ☣ -name | biohazard |
생물학적 위험 |
8214 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | ☣ –keywords | biohazard | sign |
바이오하자드 | 바이오해저드 | 생물학적 위험 | 표시 |
8215 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ⬆ -name | up arrow |
위쪽 화살표 |
8216 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ⬆ –keywords | arrow | cardinal | direction | north | up |
길찾기 | 북쪽 | 상향 화살표 | 위쪽 | 화살표 |
8217 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ↗ -name | up-right arrow |
오른쪽 위 화살표 |
8218 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ↗ –keywords | arrow | direction | intercardinal | northeast | up-right |
길찾기 | 북동쪽 | 우상향 화살표 | 화살표 |
8219 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ➡ -name | right arrow |
우향 화살표 |
8220 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ➡ –keywords | arrow | cardinal | direction | east | right |
길찾기 | 동쪽 | 오른쪽 화살표 | 우향 화살표 | 화살표 |
8221 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ↘ -name | down-right arrow |
오른쪽 아래 화살표 |
8222 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ↘ –keywords | arrow | direction | down-right | intercardinal | southeast |
남동쪽 | 우하향 화살표 | 화살표 |
8223 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ⬇ -name | down arrow |
아래쪽 화살표 |
8224 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ⬇ –keywords | arrow | cardinal | direction | down | south |
길찾기 | 남쪽 | 하향 화살표 | 화살표 |
8225 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ↙ -name | down-left arrow |
왼쪽 아래 화살표 |
8226 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ↙ –keywords | arrow | direction | down-left | intercardinal | southwest |
길찾기 | 남서쪽 | 좌하향 화살표 | 화살표 |
8227 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ⬅ -name | left arrow |
좌향 화살표 |
8228 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ⬅ –keywords | arrow | cardinal | direction | left | west |
길찾기 | 서쪽 | 왼쪽 화살표 | 좌향 화살표 | 화살표 |
8229 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ↖ -name | up-left arrow |
왼쪽 위 화살표 |
8230 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ↖ –keywords | arrow | direction | intercardinal | northwest | up-left |
길찾기 | 북서쪽 | 좌상향 화살표 | 화살표 |
8231 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ↕ -name | up-down arrow |
위아래 방향 화살표 |
8232 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ↕ –keywords | arrow | up-down |
상하향 화살표 | 위아래 | 화살표 |
8233 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ↔ -name | left-right arrow |
좌우 방향 화살표 |
8234 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ↔ –keywords | arrow | left-right |
좌우 | 좌우향 화살표 | 화살표 |
8235 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ↩ -name | right arrow curving left |
오른쪽에서 왼쪽으로 꺾는 화살표 |
8236 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ↩ –keywords | arrow | curving | left | right |
왼쪽으로 곡선으로 꺾어지는 화살표 | 왼쪽으로 꺾어지는 우향 화살표 | 좌회전 | 화살표 |
8237 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ↪ -name | left arrow curving right |
왼쪽에서 오른쪽으로 꺾는 화살표 |
8238 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ↪ –keywords | arrow | curving | left | right |
오른쪽으로 곡선으로 꺾어지는 화살표 | 오른쪽으로 꺾어지는 좌향 화살표 | 우회전 | 화살표 |
8239 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ⤴ -name | right arrow curving up |
오른쪽에서 위로 꺾는 화살표 |
8240 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ⤴ –keywords | arrow | curving | right | up |
위쪽으로 꺾어지는 우향 화살표 | 좌회전 | 화살표 |
8241 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ⤵ -name | right arrow curving down |
아래쪽으로 꺾어지는 우향 화살표 |
8242 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ⤵ –keywords | arrow | curving | down | right |
아래 | 아래쪽으로 꺾어지는 우향 화살표 | 우회전 | 화살표 |
8243 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | 🔃 -name | clockwise vertical arrows |
시계 방향 화살표 |
8244 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | 🔃 –keywords | arrow | arrows | clockwise | refresh | reload | vertical |
새로고침 | 새로고침 표시 | 시계 방향 | 시계 방향 화살표 | 화살표 |
8245 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | 🔄 -name | counterclockwise arrows button |
반시계 방향 화살표 |
8246 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | 🔄 –keywords | again | anticlockwise | arrow | arrows | button | counterclockwise | deja | refresh | rewindershins | vu |
데자부 | 되감기 | 반대방향 | 반시계 방향 | 반시계 방향 화살표 | 반시계 방향 화살표 버튼 | 화살표 |
8247 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | 🔙 -name | BACK arrow |
뒤로 |
8248 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | 🔙 –keywords | arrow | BACK |
뒤로 | 왼쪽 화살표 | 화살표 |
8249 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | 🔚 -name | END arrow |
종료 |
8250 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | 🔚 –keywords | arrow | END |
끝내기 화살표 | 종료 | 화살표 |
8251 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | 🔛 -name | ON! arrow |
켜짐 |
8252 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | 🔛 –keywords | arrow | mark | ON! |
양쪽 방향 화살표 | 켜짐 | 켜짐! | 표시 | 화살표 |
8253 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | 🔜 -name | SOON arrow |
곧 |
8254 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | 🔜 –keywords | arrow | brb | omw | SOON |
brb | omw | 가는 중 | 곧 | 곧 진행된다는 신호 | 곧 진행된다는 표시 | 곧 진행된다는 화살표 | 금방 돌아옴 | 화살표 |
8255 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | 🔝 -name | TOP arrow |
맨 위 화살표 |
8256 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | 🔝 –keywords | arrow | homie | TOP | up |
상단 | 위로 화살표 | 위쪽 화살표 | 위쪽으로 | 화살표 |
8257 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | 🛐 -name | place of worship |
예배공간 |
8258 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | 🛐 –keywords | place | pray | religion | worship |
기도 | 기도실 | 사원 | 예배 | 예배공간 | 종교 |
8259 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | ⚛ -name | atom symbol |
원자 기호 |
8260 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | ⚛ –keywords | atheist | atom | symbol |
무신론자 | 원자 | 원자 기호 |
8261 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | 🕉 -name | om |
옴 |
8262 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | 🕉 –keywords | Hindu | om | religion |
옴 | 종교 | 힌두교 |
8263 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | ✡ -name | star of David |
다윗의 별 |
8264 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | ✡ –keywords | David | Jew | Jewish | judaism | religion | star |
다비드 | 다비드별 | 다윗 | 다윗의 별 | 별 | 유대교 | 유대인 | 종교 |
8265 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | ☸ -name | wheel of dharma |
진리의 수레바퀴 |
8266 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | ☸ –keywords | Buddhist | dharma | religion | wheel |
다르마 | 바퀴 | 불교 | 불교신자 | 수레바퀴 | 종교 | 진리 | 진리의 수레바퀴 |
8267 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | ☯ -name | yin yang |
음양 |
8268 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | ☯ –keywords | difficult | lives | religion | tao | taoist | total | yang | yin | yinyang |
도교 | 둘다 | 모두 아닌 | 삶 | 양 | 어려운 | 음 | 음양 | 종교 |
8269 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | ✝ -name | latin cross |
라틴 십자가 |
8270 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | ✝ –keywords | christ | Christian | cross | latin | religion |
기독교 | 라틴 십자가 | 십자가 | 종교 | 크리스찬 |
8271 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | ☦ -name | orthodox cross |
전통적인 십자가 |
8272 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | ☦ –keywords | Christian | cross | orthodox | religion |
기독교 | 십자가 | 전통적인 십자가 | 정교회 십자가 | 종교 | 크리스천 |
8273 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | ☪ -name | star and crescent |
초승달과 별 |
8274 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | ☪ –keywords | crescent | islam | Muslim | ramadan | religion | star |
라마단 | 무슬림 | 별 | 이슬람 | 종교 | 초승달 | 초승달과 별 |
8275 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | ☮ -name | peace symbol |
평화 기호 |
8276 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | ☮ –keywords | healing | peace | peaceful | symbol |
평화 | 평화 기호 | 평화 상징 | 평화로운 | 힐링 |
8277 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | 🕎 -name | menorah |
메노라 |
8278 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | 🕎 –keywords | candelabrum | candlestick | hanukkah | jewish | judaism | menorah | religion |
메노라 | 유대교 | 유대인 | 종교 | 촛대 |
8279 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | 🔯 -name | dotted six-pointed star |
육각 별 |
8280 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | 🔯 –keywords | dotted | fortune | jewish | judaism | six-pointed | star |
별 | 운 | 유대교 | 유대인 | 육각 별 | 육각형 별 | 점이 있는 육각 별 |
8281 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | 🪯 -name | khanda |
칸다 |
8282 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | 🪯 –keywords | Deg | Fateh | Khalsa | Khanda | religion | Sikh | Sikhism | Tegh |
시크교 | 종교 | 칸다 |
8283 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ♈ -name | Aries |
양자리 |
8284 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ♈ –keywords | Aries | horoscope | ram | zodiac |
별 | 별자리 | 별점 | 숫양 | 양 | 양자리 |
8285 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ♉ -name | Taurus |
황소자리 |
8286 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ♉ –keywords | bull | horoscope | ox | Taurus | zodiac |
별 | 별자리 | 별점 | 황소 | 황소자리 |
8287 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ♊ -name | Gemini |
쌍둥이 자리 |
8288 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ♊ –keywords | Gemini | horoscope | twins | zodiac |
별 | 별자리 | 별점 | 쌍둥이 | 쌍둥이 자리 |
8289 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ♋ -name | Cancer |
게자리 |
8290 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ♋ –keywords | Cancer | crab | horoscope | zodiac |
게자리 | 별자리 | 별점 |
8291 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ♌ -name | Leo |
사자자리 |
8292 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ♌ –keywords | horoscope | Leo | lion | zodiac |
별 | 별자리 | 별점 | 사자 | 사자자리 |
8293 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ♍ -name | Virgo |
처녀자리 |
8294 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ♍ –keywords | horoscope | Virgo | zodiac |
별 | 별자리 | 별점 | 처녀 | 처녀자리 |
8295 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ♎ -name | Libra |
천칭자리 |
8296 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ♎ –keywords | balance | horoscope | justice | Libra | scales | zodiac |
별 | 별자리 | 별점 | 저울 | 정의 | 천칭 | 천칭자리 |
8297 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ♏ -name | Scorpio |
전갈자리 |
8298 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ♏ –keywords | horoscope | Scorpio | scorpion | Scorpius | zodiac |
별 | 별자리 | 별점 | 스콜피온 | 전갈 | 전갈자리 |
8299 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ♐ -name | Sagittarius |
사수자리 |
8300 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ♐ –keywords | archer | horoscope | Sagittarius | zodiac |
궁수 | 별 | 별자리 | 사수 | 사수자리 | 활 |
8301 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ♑ -name | Capricorn |
염소자리 |
8302 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ♑ –keywords | Capricorn | goat | horoscope | zodiac |
별 | 별자리 | 염소 | 염소자리 |
8303 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ♒ -name | Aquarius |
물병자리 |
8304 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ♒ –keywords | Aquarius | bearer | horoscope | water | zodiac |
물 | 물병 | 물병자리 | 별 | 별자리 |
8305 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ♓ -name | Pisces |
물고기자리 |
8306 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ♓ –keywords | fish | horoscope | Pisces | zodiac |
물고기 | 물고기자리 | 별 | 별자리 | 별점 |
8307 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ⛎ -name | Ophiuchus |
뱀주인자리 |
8308 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ⛎ –keywords | bearer | Ophiuchus | serpent | snake | zodiac |
메신저 | 뱀 | 뱀주인자리 | 별자리 |
8309 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | 🔀 -name | shuffle tracks button |
랜덤 재생 |
8310 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | 🔀 –keywords | arrow | button | crossed | shuffle | tracks |
교차 | 랜덤 재생 | 엇갈린 화살표 | 트랙 랜덤 재생 | 화살표 |
8311 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | 🔁 -name | repeat button |
전곡 반복 재생 |
8312 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | 🔁 –keywords | arrow | button | clockwise | repeat |
꼬리를 무는 화살표 | 반복 | 반복 버튼 | 시계방향 | 전곡 반복 재생 | 화살표 |
8313 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | 🔂 -name | repeat single button |
한 곡 반복 재생 |
8314 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | 🔂 –keywords | arrow | button | clockwise | once | repeat | single |
꼬리를 무는 화살표와 숫자 1 | 시계방향 | 한 곡 반복 재생 | 한 곡 반복 재생 버튼 | 한번 | 화살표 |
8315 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ▶ -name | play button |
재생 버튼 |
8316 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ▶ –keywords | arrow | button | play | right | triangle |
삼각형 | 오른쪽 | 재생 | 재생 버튼 | 플레이 | 화살표 |
8317 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ⏩ -name | fast-forward button |
빨리 감기 버튼 |
8318 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ⏩ –keywords | arrow | button | double | fast | fast-forward | forward |
두 개 | 빨리 감기 | 앞으로 | 오른쪽 화살표 두 개 | 화살표 |
8319 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ⏭ -name | next track button |
다음 트랙 버튼 |
8320 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ⏭ –keywords | arrow | button | next | scene | track | triangle |
다음 장면 | 다음 트랙 | 다음 트랙 버튼 | 삼각형 | 화살표 |
8321 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ⏯ -name | play or pause button |
재생 또는 일시 정지 버튼 |
8322 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ⏯ –keywords | arrow | button | pause | play | right | triangle |
삼각형 | 오른쪽 | 일시 정지 | 재생 | 재생 또는 일시 정지 버튼 | 화살표 |
8323 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ◀ -name | reverse button |
반대로 버튼 |
8324 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ◀ –keywords | arrow | button | left | reverse | triangle |
되돌리기 버튼 | 반대 | 반대로 버튼 | 복귀 | 삼각형 | 화살표 |
8325 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ⏪ -name | fast reverse button |
되감기 버튼 |
8326 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ⏪ –keywords | arrow | button | double | fast | reverse | rewind |
되감기 | 두 개 | 빨리 되감기 버튼 | 왼쪽 화살표 두 개 | 화살표 |
8327 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ⏮ -name | last track button |
이전 트랙 버튼 |
8328 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ⏮ –keywords | arrow | button | last | previous | scene | track | triangle |
바로 전 트랙 | 삼각형 | 이전 노래 | 이전 장면 | 이전 트랙 | 이전 트랙 버튼 | 직전 트랙 | 화살표 |
8329 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | 🔼 -name | upwards button |
올리기 버튼 |
8330 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | 🔼 –keywords | arrow | button | red | up | upwards |
삼각형 | 위쪽 삼각형 | 위쪽 삼각형 버튼 |
8331 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ⏫ -name | fast up button |
빨리 올리기 버튼 |
8332 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ⏫ –keywords | arrow | button | double | fast | up |
고속상승 버튼 | 더블 | 위로 | 위쪽 | 화살표 |
8333 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | 🔽 -name | downwards button |
내리기 버튼 |
8334 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | 🔽 –keywords | arrow | button | down | downwards | red |
다운 버튼 | 삼각형 | 아래쪽 삼각형 | 아래쪽 삼각형 버튼 |
8335 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ⏬ -name | fast down button |
빨리 내리기 버튼 |
8336 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ⏬ –keywords | arrow | button | double | down | fast |
급하강 버튼 | 더블 | 아래로 | 아래쪽 화살표 | 아랫쪽 | 화살표 |
8337 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ⏸ -name | pause button |
일시 정지 버튼 |
8338 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ⏸ –keywords | bar | button | double | pause | vertical |
더블 | 일시 정지 | 일시 정지 버튼 | 정지 |
8339 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ⏹ -name | stop button |
정지 버튼 |
8340 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ⏹ –keywords | button | square | stop |
사각형 | 정지 | 정지 버튼 | 중단 | 중지 |
8341 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ⏺ -name | record button |
녹음/녹화 버튼 |
8342 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ⏺ –keywords | button | circle | record |
기록 | 녹음 | 녹음 버튼 | 녹화 | 녹화 버튼 | 동그라미 | 원 |
8343 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ⏏ -name | eject button |
꺼냄 버튼 |
8344 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ⏏ –keywords | button | eject |
꺼내기 | 꺼냄 | 꺼냄 버튼 | 추출 |
8345 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | 🎦 -name | cinema |
영화 |
8346 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | 🎦 –keywords | camera | cinema | film | movie |
극장 | 시네마 | 영화 | 영화관 |
8347 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | 🔅 -name | dim button |
밝기 낮음 |
8348 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | 🔅 –keywords | brightness | button | dim | low |
낮은 밝기 | 밝기 | 밝기 낮음 | 밝기 조절 | 밝기 조절 버튼 | 어두움 | 어두움 표시 |
8349 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | 🔆 -name | bright button |
밝기 높음 |
8350 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | 🔆 –keywords | bright | brightness | button | light |
높은 밝기 | 밝기 높음 | 밝기 버튼 | 밝은 | 밝음 | 밝음 표시 | 빛 |
8351 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | 📶 -name | antenna bars |
안테나 신호 |
8352 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | 📶 –keywords | antenna | bar | bars | cell | communication | mobile | phone | signal | telephone |
막대 | 셀폰 | 신호 강도 | 안테나 | 안테나 신호 | 전화 | 커뮤니케이션 | 휴대전화 | 휴대폰 |
8353 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | 🛜 -name | wireless |
무선 |
8354 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | 🛜 –keywords | broadband | computer | connectivity | hotspot | internet | network | router | smartphone | wi-fi | wifi | wireless | wlan |
네트워크 | 무선 | 인터넷 | 컴퓨터 |
8355 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | 📳 -name | vibration mode |
진동 모드 |
8356 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | 📳 –keywords | cell | communication | mobile | mode | phone | telephone | vibration |
모드 | 모바일 | 셀폰 | 전화기 | 진동 | 커뮤니케이션 | 휴대전화 진동모드 |
8357 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | 📴 -name | mobile phone off |
휴대전화 끄기 |
8358 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | 📴 –keywords | cell | mobile | off | phone | telephone |
꺼짐 | 모바일폰 | 셀폰 | 전원이 꺼진 휴대전화 | 전화기 | 휴대전화 끄기 | 휴대전화 전원 끄기 |
8359 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | gender | ♀ -name | female sign |
여성 기호 |
8360 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | gender | ♀ –keywords | female | sign | woman |
기호 | 여성 |
8361 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | gender | ♂ -name | male sign |
남성 기호 |
8362 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | gender | ♂ –keywords | male | man | sign |
기호 | 남성 |
8363 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | gender | ⚧ -name | transgender symbol |
트랜스젠더 기호 |
8364 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | gender | ⚧ –keywords | symbol | transgender |
트랜스젠더 | 트랜스젠더 기호 |
8365 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | math | ✖ -name | multiply |
곱하기 |
8366 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | math | ✖ –keywords | × | cancel | multiplication | multiply | sign | x |
x | 곱셈 | 곱셈기호 | 곱하기 | 엑스 | 취소 |
8367 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | math | ➕ -name | plus |
더하기 |
8368 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | math | ➕ –keywords | + | plus |
더하기 | 더하기 표시 | 두꺼운 더하기 표시 | 수학 | 플러스 |
8369 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | math | ➖ -name | minus |
빼기 |
8370 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | math | ➖ –keywords | - | − | heavy | math | minus | sign |
마이너스 | 빼기 | 빼기 표시 | 수학 | 진한 빼기 표시 |
8371 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | math | ➗ -name | divide |
나누기 |
8372 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | math | ➗ –keywords | ÷ | divide | division | heavy | math | sign |
나누기 | 나누기 표시 | 수학 | 진한 나누기 표시 |
8373 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | math | 🟰 -name | heavy equals sign |
등호 기호 |
8374 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | math | 🟰 –keywords | answer | equal | equality | equals | heavy | math | sign |
같음 | 답 | 동등 | 등호 기호 | 정답 | 평등 |
8375 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | math | ♾ -name | infinity |
무한 |
8376 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | math | ♾ –keywords | forever | infinity | unbounded | universal |
뫼비우스 | 무한 | 영원 |
8377 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | punctuation | ‼ -name | double exclamation mark |
두 개의 느낌표 |
8378 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | punctuation | ‼ –keywords | ! | !! | bangbang | double | exclamation | mark | punctuation |
느낌표 | 두 개의 느낌표 | 문장 부호 | 뱅뱅 | 부호 |
8379 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | punctuation | ⁉ -name | exclamation question mark |
느낌표와 물음표 |
8380 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | punctuation | ⁉ –keywords | ! | !? | ? | exclamation | interrobang | mark | punctuation | question |
느낌표 | 느낌표와 물음표 | 문장 부호 | 물음표 | 부호 | 인테러뱅 | 질문 |
8381 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | punctuation | ❓ -name | red question mark |
빨간색 물음표 |
8382 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | punctuation | ❓ –keywords | ? | mark | punctuation | question | red |
? | 문장 부호 | 물음 | 물음표 | 빨간색 물음표 | 의문 | 질문 |
8383 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | punctuation | ❔ -name | white question mark |
하얀색 물음표 |
8384 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | punctuation | ❔ –keywords | ? | mark | outlined | punctuation | question | white |
문장 부호 | 물음 | 물음표 | 의문 | 질문 | 하얀색 물음표 |
8385 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | punctuation | ❕ -name | white exclamation mark |
하얀색 느낌표 |
8386 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | punctuation | ❕ –keywords | ! | exclamation | mark | outlined | punctuation | white |
! | 느낌 | 느낌표 | 문장 부호 | 부호 | 하얀색 느낌표 | 하얀색 물음표 부호 |
8387 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | punctuation | ❗ -name | red exclamation mark |
빨간색 느낌표 |
8388 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | punctuation | ❗ –keywords | ! | exclamation | mark | punctuation | red |
느낌표 | 문장 부포 | 부호 | 빨간색 느낌표 |
8389 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | punctuation | 〰 -name | wavy dash |
물결 모양 대시 |
8390 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | punctuation | 〰 –keywords | dash | punctuation | wavy |
대시 | 문장 부호 | 물결 | 물결 모양 대시 | 물결모양 | 물결표 |
8391 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | currency | 💱 -name | currency exchange |
환전 |
8392 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | currency | 💱 –keywords | bank | currency | exchange | money |
교환 | 돈 | 은행 | 화폐 | 환전 |
8393 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | currency | 💲 -name | heavy dollar sign |
미국 달러 |
8394 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | currency | 💲 –keywords | billion | cash | charge | currency | dollar | heavy | million | money | pay | sign |
달러화 | 돈 | 미국 달러 | 미국 돈 | 미국 화폐 | 백만장자 | 불 | 지불 | 진한 달러 표시 | 화폐 |
8395 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ⚕ -name | medical symbol |
의학 기호 |
8396 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ⚕ –keywords | aesculapius | medical | medicine | staff | symbol |
아이스쿨라피우스 | 의술의 신 | 의학 | 의학 기호 | 직원 |
8397 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ♻ -name | recycling symbol |
재활용 표시 |
8398 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ♻ –keywords | recycle | recycling | symbol |
재활용 | 재활용 표시 |
8399 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ⚜ -name | fleur-de-lis |
백합 문장 |
8400 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ⚜ –keywords | fleur-de-lis | knights |
기사 | 문장 | 백합 |
8401 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | 🔱 -name | trident emblem |
삼지창 |
8402 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | 🔱 –keywords | anchor | emblem | poseidon | ship | tool | trident |
닻 | 도구 | 배 | 삼지창 | 상징 | 엠블럼 | 창 | 포세이돈 |
8403 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | 📛 -name | name badge |
이름표 |
8404 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | 📛 –keywords | badge | name |
명찰 | 배지 | 이름 | 이름표 |
8405 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | 🔰 -name | Japanese symbol for beginner |
일본 초보운전 표시 |
8406 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | 🔰 –keywords | beginner | chevron | green | Japanese | leaf | symbol | tool | yellow |
V 모양 | 그린 | 노란색 | 노란색 초록색 이파리 모양 | 일본 | 일본 초보운전자 심볼 | 잎 | 초록색 | 초보 | 초보자 |
8407 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ⭕ -name | hollow red circle |
빨간색 정답 동그라미 |
8408 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ⭕ –keywords | circle | heavy | hollow | large | o | red |
동그라미 | ㅇ | 원 | 크고 진한 동그라미 |
8409 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ✅ -name | check mark button |
체크 표시 버튼 |
8410 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ✅ –keywords | ✓ | button | check | checked | checkmark | complete | completed | done | fixed | mark | tick |
완료됨 | 체크 | 체크 표시 | 틱 | 확인함 |
8411 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ☑ -name | check box with check |
체크박스 |
8412 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ☑ –keywords | ✓ | ballot | box | check | checked | done | off | tick |
완료 | 체크 | 체크박스 | 체크상자 | 체크완료 | 체크표시된 투표란 | 투표 | 투표용지 | 틱 |
8413 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ✔ -name | check mark |
체크 표시 |
8414 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ✔ –keywords | ✓ | check | checked | checkmark | done | heavy | mark | tick |
진한 체크 표시 | 진한 체크표시 | 체크 | 체크표시 | 했음 | 확인함 |
8415 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ❌ -name | cross mark |
엑스 표시 |
8416 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ❌ –keywords | × | cancel | cross | mark | multiplication | multiply | x |
x | 곱셈 | 곱하기 | 엑스 | 엑스 표시 | 엑스표 |
8417 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ❎ -name | cross mark button |
엑스 표시 버튼 |
8418 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ❎ –keywords | × | button | cross | mark | multiplication | multiply | square | x |
x | 곱셈 | 곱하기 | 상자 안 엑스표 | 엑스표 | 엑스표 버튼 | 초록 상자 안 엑스표 |
8419 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ➰ -name | curly loop |
고리 |
8420 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ➰ –keywords | curl | curly | loop |
고리 | 곱슬 | 동그랗게 말린 고리 | 루프 |
8421 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ➿ -name | double curly loop |
두 개의 고리 |
8422 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ➿ –keywords | curl | curly | double | loop |
곱슬곱슬한 | 더블 | 두 개의 고리 | 두 개의 구부러진 고리 | 두 개의 루프 |
8423 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | 〽 -name | part alternation mark |
부분 교체 기호 |
8424 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | 〽 –keywords | alternation | mark | part |
기호 | 부분 | 부분 교체 기호 |
8425 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ✳ -name | eight-spoked asterisk |
여덟 갈래 별표 |
8426 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ✳ –keywords | * | asterisk | eight-spoked |
별표 | 여덟 갈래 별표 |
8427 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ✴ -name | eight-pointed star |
팔각 별 |
8428 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ✴ –keywords | * | eight-pointed | star |
별 | 팔각 별 |
8429 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ❇ -name | sparkle |
반짝임 |
8430 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ❇ –keywords | * | sparkle |
반짝 | 반짝임 |
8431 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | © -name | copyright |
저작권 |
8432 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | © –keywords | C | copyright |
동그라미 C | 씨 | 저작권 |
8433 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ® -name | registered |
등록상표 |
8434 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ® –keywords | R | registered |
동그라미 R | 등록상표 | 알 |
8435 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ™ -name | trade mark |
상표 |
8436 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ™ –keywords | mark | TM | trade | trademark |
TM | 상표 | 트레이드 마크 표시 | 트레이트 마크 | 표시 |
8437 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | -name | splatter |
튀어오른 액체 |
8438 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | –keywords | drip | holi | ink | liquid | mess | paint | spill | splatter | stain |
액체 | 액체 방울 | 얼룩 | 잉크 | 지저분하게 튄 | 튀김 | 튄 | 페인트 | 흘린 | 흩뿌린 |
8439 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🔠 -name | input latin uppercase |
대문자 |
8440 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🔠 –keywords | ABCD | input | latin | letters | uppercase |
ABCD | 대문자 | 대문자 입력 | 영어 대문자 |
8441 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🔡 -name | input latin lowercase |
소문자 |
8442 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🔡 –keywords | abcd | input | latin | letters | lowercase |
라틴 | 문자 | 소문자 | 영어 소문자 | 입력 |
8443 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🔢 -name | input numbers |
숫자 |
8444 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🔢 –keywords | 1234 | input | numbers |
1234 | 숫자 | 입력 |
8445 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🔣 -name | input symbols |
기호 |
8446 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🔣 –keywords | & | % | ♪ | 〒 | input | symbols |
〒♪&% | 기호 | 입력 |
8447 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🔤 -name | input latin letters |
라틴어 알파벳 |
8448 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🔤 –keywords | abc | alphabet | input | latin | letters |
= 알파벳 | abc | 라틴 | 라틴어 알파벳 | 라틴어 알파벳 입력 | 문자 |
8449 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🅰 -name | A button (blood type) |
에이형 |
8450 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🅰 –keywords | blood | button | type |
A | 버튼 | 에이형 | 혈액형 에이형 |
8451 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🆎 -name | AB button (blood type) |
에이비형 |
8452 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🆎 –keywords | AB | blood | button | type |
AB | 버튼 | 에이비형 | 혈액형 |
8453 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🅱 -name | B button (blood type) |
비형 |
8454 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🅱 –keywords | B | blood | button | type |
B | B형 | 버튼 | 비형 | 혈액형 |
8455 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🆑 -name | CL button |
씨엘 |
8456 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🆑 –keywords | button | CL |
CL | CL 버튼 | 네모 안에 씨엘 | 씨엘 | 씨엘 네모 안 |
8457 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🆒 -name | COOL button |
쿨 |
8458 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🆒 –keywords | button | COOL |
cool | 버튼 | 쿨 | 쿨 신호 |
8459 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🆓 -name | FREE button |
프리 |
8460 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🆓 –keywords | button | FREE |
버튼 | 자유 | 자유 신호 | 프리 | 프리 신호 |
8461 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | ℹ -name | information |
정보 출처 |
8462 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | ℹ –keywords | I | information |
I | 정보 | 정보 출처 |
8463 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🆔 -name | ID button |
아이디 |
8464 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🆔 –keywords | button | ID | identity |
ID | 버튼 | 아이디 | 아이디 신호 | 아이디 표시 |
8465 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | Ⓜ -name | circled M |
원글자 엠 |
8466 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | Ⓜ –keywords | circle | circled | M |
M | 동그라미 | 원 | 원글자 엠 | 원에 들어있는 M |
8467 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🆕 -name | NEW button |
뉴 |
8468 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🆕 –keywords | button | NEW |
NEW | 뉴 | 뉴 버튼 | 뉴 신호 | 새로운 | 새로운 소식 | 새로운 신호 | 새롭다 |
8469 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🆖 -name | NG button |
엔지 |
8470 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🆖 –keywords | button | NG |
NG | 노굿 | 노굿 신호 | 버튼 | 엔지 | 엔지 신호 | 엔지 표시 |
8471 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🅾 -name | O button (blood type) |
오형 |
8472 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🅾 –keywords | blood | button | O | type |
O | O 버튼 | 오형 | 혈액형 |
8473 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🆗 -name | OK button |
오케이 |
8474 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🆗 –keywords | button | OK | okay |
OK | 네 | 버튼 | 예 | 오케이 | 오케이 신호 | 좋다 | 좋아 |
8475 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🅿 -name | P button |
주차 표시 |
8476 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🅿 –keywords | button | P | parking |
P | 버튼 | 음각 피 | 주차 | 주차 표시 | 주차장 | 파킹 |
8477 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🆘 -name | SOS button |
에스오에스 |
8478 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🆘 –keywords | button | help | SOS |
SOS | 구조 | 구조 신호 | 버튼 | 에스오에스 | 에스오에스 신호 |
8479 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🆙 -name | UP! button |
위로 버튼 |
8480 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🆙 –keywords | button | mark | UP | UP! |
UP | 버튼 | 업 | 업! | 위로 버튼 | 위쪽으로 |
8481 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🆚 -name | VS button |
대 |
8482 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🆚 –keywords | button | versus | VS |
VS | 대 | 대항 | 버튼 | 브이에스 |
8483 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈁 -name | Japanese “here” button |
일본어 "여기" 버튼 |
8484 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈁 –keywords | button | here | Japanese | katakana |
"여기" | koko | 일본어 | 일본어 "여기" 버튼 | 카타카나 | 코코 |
8485 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈂 -name | Japanese “service charge” button |
일본어 "봉사료" 버튼 |
8486 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈂 –keywords | button | charge | Japanese | katakana | service |
"봉사료" | sa | 사 | 일본어 | 일본어 "봉사료" 버튼 | 카타카나 |
8487 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈷 -name | Japanese “monthly amount” button |
달 월 |
8488 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈷 –keywords | amount | button | ideograph | Japanese | monthly |
"월간" | 개월 | 달 | 월 | 일본어 | 일본어 "월간" 버튼 | 표의문자 | 한달 |
8489 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈶 -name | Japanese “not free of charge” button |
있을 유 |
8490 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈶 –keywords | button | charge | free | ideograph | Japanese | not |
"무료 아님" | 일본어 | 일본어 "무료 아님" 버튼 | 있을 유 | 있음 | 표의문자 |
8491 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈯 -name | Japanese “reserved” button |
가리킬 지 |
8492 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈯 –keywords | button | ideograph | Japanese | reserved |
"예약" | 가리키다 | 가리킬 지 | 손가락 | 일본어 | 일본어 "예약" 버튼 | 지칭 | 표의문자 |
8493 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🉐 -name | Japanese “bargain” button |
얻을 득 |
8494 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🉐 –keywords | bargain | button | ideograph | Japanese |
"할인" | 얻을 득 | 이득 | 이익 | 일본어 | 일본어 "할인" 버튼 | 표의문자 | 획득 |
8495 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈹 -name | Japanese “discount” button |
나눌 할 |
8496 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈹 –keywords | button | discount | ideograph | Japanese |
"할인" | 나누기 | 나눌 할 | 나눔 | 분리 | 일본어 | 일본어 "할인" 버튼 | 표의문자 |
8497 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈚 -name | Japanese “free of charge” button |
없을 무 |
8498 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈚 –keywords | button | charge | free | ideograph | Japanese |
"무료" | 없을 무 | 없음 | 일본어 | 일본어 "무료" 버튼 | 표의 문자 |
8499 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈲 -name | Japanese “prohibited” button |
금할 금 |
8500 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈲 –keywords | button | ideograph | Japanese | prohibited |
"금지" | 금지 | 금하다 | 금할 금 | 일본어 | 일본어 "금지" 버튼 | 차단 | 표의 문자 |
8501 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🉑 -name | Japanese “acceptable” button |
옳을 가 |
8502 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🉑 –keywords | acceptable | button | ideograph | Japanese |
"가능" | 맞음 | 옮음 | 옳을 가 | 일본어 | 일본어 "가능" 버튼 | 표의문자 | 허가 |
8503 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈸 -name | Japanese “application” button |
거듭 신 |
8504 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈸 –keywords | application | button | ideograph | Japanese |
"신청" | 거듭 신 | 일본어 | 일본어 "신청" 버튼 | 표의문자 |
8505 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈴 -name | Japanese “passing grade” button |
합할 합 |
8506 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈴 –keywords | button | grade | ideograph | Japanese | passing |
일본어 | 일본어 "합격" 버튼 | 전체 | 표의 문자 | 합 | 합격 | 합하기 | 합할 합 |
8507 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈳 -name | Japanese “vacancy” button |
빌 공 |
8508 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈳 –keywords | button | ideograph | Japanese | vacancy |
"비어 있음" | 공 | 비어있음 | 빌 공 | 일본어 | 일본어 "비어 있음" 버튼 | 텅 빈 상태 | 표의문자 |
8509 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | ㊗ -name | Japanese “congratulations” button |
원 안의 축하 표의문자 |
8510 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | ㊗ –keywords | button | congratulations | ideograph | Japanese |
"축하" | 빌 축 | 원 안의 축하 표의문자 | 원 표시된 축하 표의문자 | 일본어 | 일본어 "축하" 버튼 | 중국어 | 축하 | 표의문자 |
8511 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | ㊙ -name | Japanese “secret” button |
원 표시된 비밀 표의문자 |
8512 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | ㊙ –keywords | button | ideograph | Japanese | secret |
"비밀" | 비밀 | 숨길 비 | 원 표시된 비밀 표의문자 | 일본어 | 일본어 "비밀" 버튼 | 중국어 | 표의문자 |
8513 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈺 -name | Japanese “open for business” button |
벼슬 관 |
8514 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈺 –keywords | business | button | ideograph | Japanese | open |
"영업 중" | 벼슬 관 | 영 | 일본어 | 일본어 "영업 중" 버튼 | 표의문자 |
8515 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈵 -name | Japanese “no vacancy” button |
찰 만 |
8516 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈵 –keywords | button | ideograph | Japanese | no | vacancy |
가득 | 만 | 빈방없음 | 일본어 | 일본어 "빈방없음" 버튼 | 찰 만 | 표의문자 | 満 |
8517 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🔴 -name | red circle |
빨간 원 |
8518 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🔴 –keywords | circle | geometric | red |
기하학 무늬 | 레드 서클 | 빨간 원 | 빨간색 | 빨강 | 원 | 큰 빨간 원 |
8519 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🟠 -name | orange circle |
오렌지색 원 |
8520 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🟠 –keywords | circle | orange |
동그라미 | 오렌지색 | 원 |
8521 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🟡 -name | yellow circle |
노란색 원 |
8522 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🟡 –keywords | circle | yellow |
노란색 | 동그라미 | 원 |
8523 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🟢 -name | green circle |
녹색 원 |
8524 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🟢 –keywords | circle | green |
녹색 | 동그라미 | 원 |
8525 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🔵 -name | blue circle |
파란 원 |
8526 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🔵 –keywords | blue | circle | geometric |
기하학 무늬 | 블루 | 블루 서클 | 원 | 큰 파란 원 | 파란 원 | 파란색 | 파랑 |
8527 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🟣 -name | purple circle |
보라색 원 |
8528 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🟣 –keywords | circle | purple |
동그라미 | 보라색 | 원 |
8529 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🟤 -name | brown circle |
갈색 원 |
8530 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🟤 –keywords | brown | circle |
갈색 | 원 |
8531 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | ⚫ -name | black circle |
검은색 원 |
8532 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | ⚫ –keywords | black | circle | geometric |
검은색 원 | 기하학 무늬 | 동그라미 | 블랙 서클 | 원 |
8533 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | ⚪ -name | white circle |
흰색 원 |
8534 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | ⚪ –keywords | circle | geometric | white |
기하학 무늬 | 동그라미 | 원 | 하얀색 원 | 화이트 서클 | 흰색 원 |
8535 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🟥 -name | red square |
빨간색 사각형 |
8536 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🟥 –keywords | card | penalty | red | square |
빨간색 | 사각형 |
8537 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🟧 -name | orange square |
오렌지색 사각형 |
8538 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🟧 –keywords | orange | square |
사각형 | 오렌지색 |
8539 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🟨 -name | yellow square |
노란색 사각형 |
8540 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🟨 –keywords | card | penalty | square | yellow |
노란색 | 사각형 |
8541 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🟩 -name | green square |
녹색 사각형 |
8542 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🟩 –keywords | green | square |
녹색 | 사각형 |
8543 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🟦 -name | blue square |
파란색 사각형 |
8544 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🟦 –keywords | blue | square |
사각형 | 파란색 |
8545 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🟪 -name | purple square |
보라색 사각형 |
8546 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🟪 –keywords | purple | square |
보라색 | 사각형 |
8547 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🟫 -name | brown square |
갈색 사각형 |
8548 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🟫 –keywords | brown | square |
갈색 | 사각형 |
8549 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | ⬛ -name | black large square |
큰 검은색 사각형 |
8550 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | ⬛ –keywords | black | geometric | large | square |
검은색 큰 사각형 | 기하학 무늬 | 무늬 | 블랙 라지 사각형 | 사각형 | 큰 검은색 사각형 |
8551 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | ⬜ -name | white large square |
큰 흰색 사각형 |
8552 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | ⬜ –keywords | geometric | large | square | white |
기하학 무늬 | 무늬 | 사각형 | 큰 흰색 사각형 | 화이트 라지 사각형 | 흰색 큰 사각형 |
8553 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | ◼ -name | black medium square |
중간 검은색 사각형 |
8554 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | ◼ –keywords | black | geometric | medium | square |
검정색 중간 사각형 | 기하학 무늬 | 무늬 | 블랙 미디엄 사각형 | 사각형 | 중간 검은색 사각형 | 중간크기 검은색 사각형 |
8555 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | ◻ -name | white medium square |
중간 흰색 사각형 |
8556 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | ◻ –keywords | geometric | medium | square | white |
기하학 무늬 | 무늬 | 사각형 | 중간 흰색 사각형 | 화이트 미디엄 사각형 | 흰색 중간 사각형 |
8557 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | ◾ -name | black medium-small square |
중각 작은 검은색 사각형 |
8558 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | ◾ –keywords | black | geometric | medium-small | square |
검은색 미디엄-스몰 사각형 | 기하학 무늬 | 무늬 | 블랙 미디엄-스몰 사각형 | 사각형 | 중각 작은 검은색 사각형 |
8559 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | ◽ -name | white medium-small square |
중간 작은 흰색 사각형 |
8560 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | ◽ –keywords | geometric | medium-small | square | white |
기하학 무늬 | 무늬 | 사각형 | 중간 작은 흰색 사각형 | 화이트 미디엄-스몰 사각형 | 흰색 미디엄-스몰 사각형 |
8561 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | ▪ -name | black small square |
작은 검은색 사각형 |
8562 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | ▪ –keywords | black | geometric | small | square |
검은색 작은 사각형 | 기하학 무늬 | 무늬 | 블랙 스몰 사각형 | 사각형 | 작은 검은색 사각형 |
8563 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | ▫ -name | white small square |
작은 흰색 사각형 |
8564 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | ▫ –keywords | geometric | small | square | white |
기하학 무늬 | 무늬 | 사각형 | 작은 흰색 사각형 | 화이트 스몰 사각형 |
8565 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🔶 -name | large orange diamond |
큰 주황색 마름모 |
8566 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🔶 –keywords | diamond | geometric | large | orange |
라지 오렌지 마름모 | 마름모 | 오렌지색 | 주황색 | 큰 주황색 마름모 |
8567 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🔷 -name | large blue diamond |
큰 파란색 마름모 |
8568 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🔷 –keywords | blue | diamond | geometric | large |
기하학 무늬 | 라지 블루 마름모 | 마름모 | 큰 파란색 마름모 | 파란색 | 파랑 |
8569 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🔸 -name | small orange diamond |
작은 주황색 마름모 |
8570 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🔸 –keywords | diamond | geometric | orange | small |
기하학 무늬 | 마름모 | 오렌지색 | 작은 주황색 마름모 | 주황색 |
8571 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🔹 -name | small blue diamond |
작은 파란색 마름모 |
8572 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🔹 –keywords | blue | diamond | geometric | small |
기하학 무늬 | 마름모 | 스몰 블루 마름모 | 작은 파란색 마름모 | 파란색 | 파랑 |
8573 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🔺 -name | red triangle pointed up |
빨간색 위쪽 삼각형 |
8574 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🔺 –keywords | geometric | pointed | red | triangle | up |
기하학 무늬 | 레드 | 빨간색 | 빨간색 위쪽 삼각형 | 빨강 | 삼각형 | 위가 좁은 빨간색 삼각형 | 위쪽 빨간색 삼각형 |
8575 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🔻 -name | red triangle pointed down |
빨간색 아래쪽 삼각형 |
8576 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🔻 –keywords | down | geometric | pointed | red | triangle |
빨간색 | 빨간색 아래쪽 삼각형 | 빨강 | 삼각형 | 아래 | 아래가 좁은 빨간색 삼각형 | 아래쪽 빨간색 삼각형 |
8577 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 💠 -name | diamond with a dot |
점이 찍힌 다이아몬드 모양 |
8578 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 💠 –keywords | comic | diamond | dot | geometric |
기하학 무늬 | 내부 | 다이아몬드 모양 | 마름모 | 마름모꼴 | 점이 찍힌 다이아몬드 모양 | 점이 찍힌 마름모 | 코믹 |
8579 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🔘 -name | radio button |
라디오 버튼 |
8580 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🔘 –keywords | button | geometric | radio |
기하학 무늬 | 라디오 | 버튼 |
8581 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🔳 -name | white square button |
테두리가 하얀 사각 버튼 |
8582 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🔳 –keywords | button | geometric | outlined | square | white |
기하학 무늬 | 버튼 | 사각형 | 테두리 | 테두리가 하얀 사각 버튼 |
8583 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🔲 -name | black square button |
테두리가 검은 사각 버튼 |
8584 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🔲 –keywords | black | button | geometric | square |
기하학 무늬 | 버튼 | 사각형 | 테두리가 검은 사각 버튼 |
8585 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | § -name | section |
단락 |
8586 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | § –keywords | paragraph | part | section | silcrow |
구분 | 단락 | 부분 |
8587 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | † -name | dagger sign |
외칼표 |
8588 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | † –keywords | dagger | obelisk | obelus | sign |
외칼표 | 칼표 |
8589 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ‡ -name | double dagger sign |
쌍칼표 |
8590 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ‡ –keywords | dagger | double | obelisk | obelus | sign |
쌍칼표 | 칼표 |
8591 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | , -name | comma |
쉼표 |
8592 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | , –keywords | comma |
쉼표 |
8593 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 、 -name | ideographic comma |
모점 |
8594 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 、 –keywords | comma | ideographic |
모점 | 쉼표 |
8595 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ، -name | arabic comma |
아랍어 쉼표 |
8596 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ، –keywords | arabic | comma |
쉼표 | 아랍어 |
8597 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ; -name | semicolon |
세미콜론 |
8598 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ; –keywords | semi-colon | semicolon |
세미콜론 |
8599 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | : -name | colon |
콜론 |
8600 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | : –keywords | colon |
콜론 |
8601 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ؛ -name | arabic semicolon |
아랍어 세미콜론 |
8602 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ؛ –keywords | arabic | semi-colon | semicolon |
세미콜론 | 아랍어 |
8603 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ! -name | exclamation mark |
느낌표 |
8604 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ! –keywords | bang | exclamation | mark | point |
감탄 | 감탄 부호 | 느낌표 | 뱅 |
8605 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ¡ -name | inverted exclamation mark |
거꾸로 된 느낌표 |
8606 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ¡ –keywords | bang | exclamation | inverted | mark | point |
감탄 | 감탄 부호 | 거꾸로 | 거꾸로 된 느낌표 | 느낌표 | 뱅 |
8607 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ? -name | question mark |
물음표 |
8608 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ? –keywords | mark | question |
물음표 | 질문 |
8609 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ¿ -name | inverted question mark |
거꾸로 된 물음표 |
8610 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ¿ –keywords | inverted | mark | question |
거꾸로 | 거꾸로 된 물음표 | 물음표 | 질문 |
8611 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ؟ -name | arabic question mark |
아랍어 물음표 |
8612 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ؟ –keywords | arabic | mark | question |
물음표 | 아랍어 | 질문 |
8613 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ¶ -name | paragraph mark |
단락 기호 |
8614 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ¶ –keywords | alinea | mark | paragraph | paraph | pilcrow |
단락 | 단락 기호 | 필크로 |
8615 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ※ -name | reference mark |
참고표 |
8616 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ※ –keywords | mark | reference |
참고표 |
8617 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | / -name | slash |
슬래시 |
8618 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | / –keywords | oblique | slash | solidus | stroke | virgule | whack |
빗금 | 사선 | 슬래시 |
8619 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | \ -name | backslash |
역슬래시 |
8620 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | \ –keywords | backslash | reverse | solidus | whack |
역빗금 | 역사선 | 역슬래시 |
8621 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | & -name | ampersand |
앰퍼샌드 |
8622 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | & –keywords | ampersand | and | et |
앤드 기호 | 앰퍼샌드 |
8623 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | # -name | hash sign |
해시 기호 |
8624 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | # –keywords | hash | hashtag | lb | number | pound | sign |
샵 | 우물정자 | 파운드 기호 | 해시 | 해시 기호 | 해시태그 |
8625 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | % -name | percent |
백분율 |
8626 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | % –keywords | cent | per | per-cent | percent |
백분율 | 퍼센트 |
8627 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ‰ -name | per mille |
천분율 |
8628 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ‰ –keywords | mil | mille | per | permil | permille |
천분율 | 퍼밀 |
8629 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ′ -name | prime |
프라임 |
8630 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ′ –keywords | prime |
프라임 |
8631 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ″ -name | double prime |
더블 프라임 |
8632 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ″ –keywords | double | prime |
더블 프라임 | 프라임 |
8633 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ‴ -name | triple prime |
트리플 프라임 |
8634 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ‴ –keywords | prime | triple |
트리플 프라임 | 프라임 |
8635 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | @ -name | at-sign |
앳 기호 |
8636 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | @ –keywords | ampersat | arobase | arroba | at | at-sign | commercial | mark | sign | strudel |
골뱅이표 | 상업용 앳 | 앳 기호 |
8637 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | * -name | asterisk |
별표 |
8638 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | * –keywords | asterisk | star | wildcard |
별표 | 애스터리스크 | 와일드카드 |
8639 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ‐ -name | hyphen |
하이픈 |
8640 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ‐ –keywords | dash | hyphen |
붙임표 | 하이픈 |
8641 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ― -name | horizontal bar |
수평 막대 |
8642 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ― –keywords | bar | dash | horizontal | line |
수평 막대 | 수평 바 |
8643 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | _ -name | low line |
밑줄 |
8644 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | _ –keywords | dash | line | low | underdash | underline |
로우라인 | 밑줄 | 언더라인 |
8645 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | - -name | hyphen-minus |
하이픈 마이너스 |
8646 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | - –keywords | dash | hyphen | hyphen-minus | minus |
마이너스 | 하이픈 |
8647 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | – -name | en dash |
붙임표 |
8648 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | – –keywords | dash | en |
반각 줄표 | 붙임 | 붙임표 |
8649 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | — -name | em dash |
긴줄표 |
8650 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | — –keywords | dash | em |
긴줄 | 긴줄표 | 전각 줄표 |
8651 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | • -name | bullet |
글머리 기호 |
8652 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | • –keywords | bullet | dot |
글머리 기호 | 점 |
8653 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | · -name | middle dot |
가운뎃점 |
8654 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | · –keywords | dot | interpunct | middle | middot |
가운뎃점 | 점 | 중간 |
8655 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | . -name | period |
마침표 |
8656 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | . –keywords | dot | full | period | stop |
마침표 | 온점 |
8657 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | … -name | ellipsis |
말줄임표 |
8658 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | … –keywords | dots | ellipsis | omission |
말줄임표 | 생략 | 점 |
8659 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 。 -name | ideographic period |
고리점 |
8660 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 。 –keywords | full | ideographic | period | stop |
고리점 | 마침표 |
8661 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ‧ -name | hyphenation point |
하이픈 지점 |
8662 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ‧ –keywords | dash | hyphen | hyphenation | point |
하이픈 삽입 | 하이픈 지점 |
8663 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ・ -name | katakana middle dot |
일본어 가운뎃점 |
8664 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ・ –keywords | dot | dots | interpunct | katakana | middle | middot |
가운뎃점 | 일본어 | 점 |
8665 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ‘ -name | left apostrophe |
왼쪽 아포스트로피 |
8666 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ‘ –keywords | apostrophe | left | quote | single | smart |
따옴표 | 스마트 따옴표 | 아포스트로피 | 왼쪽 아포스트로피 | 작은따옴표 |
8667 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ’ -name | right apostrophe |
오른쪽 아포스트로피 |
8668 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ’ –keywords | apostrophe | quote | right | single | smart |
따옴표 | 스마트 따옴표 | 아포스트로피 | 오른쪽 아포스트로피 | 작은따옴표 |
8669 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ‚ -name | low right apostrophe |
오른쪽 아래 아포스트로피 |
8670 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ‚ –keywords | apostrophe | low | quote | right |
따옴표 | 아래 따옴표 | 아포스트로피 | 오른쪽 아래 아포스트로피 |
8671 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ' -name | typewriter apostrophe |
타자기 아포스트로피 |
8672 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ' –keywords | apostrophe | quote | single | typewriter |
따옴표 | 아포스트로피 | 작은따옴표 | 타자기 아포스트로피 |
8673 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | “ -name | left quotation mark |
왼쪽 큰따옴표 |
8674 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | “ –keywords | double | left | mark | quotation | quote | smart |
따옴표 | 스마트 인용 | 왼쪽 큰따옴표 | 인용부호 | 큰따옴표 |
8675 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ” -name | right quotation mark |
오른쪽 큰따옴표 |
8676 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ” –keywords | double | mark | quotation | quote | right | smart |
따옴표 | 스마트 인용 | 오른쪽 큰따옴표 | 인용부호 | 큰따옴표 |
8677 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | „ -name | low right quotation mark |
오른쪽 아래 큰따옴표 |
8678 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | „ –keywords | double | low | mark | quotation | quote | right | smart |
따옴표 | 스마트 인용 | 아래 인용부호 | 오른쪽 아래 큰따옴표 | 인용부호 | 큰따옴표 |
8679 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | » -name | right guillemet |
오른쪽 이중 꺽쇠괄호 |
8680 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | » –keywords | angle | brackets | carets | chevron | guillemet | quote | right |
괄호 | 오른쪽 | 오른쪽 이중 꺽쇠괄호 | 인용 부호 |
8681 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | « -name | left guillemet |
왼쪽 이중 꺽쇠괄호 |
8682 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | « –keywords | angle | brackets | carets | chevron | guillemet | left | quote |
괄호 | 왼쪽 | 왼쪽 이중 꺽쇠괄호 | 인용 부호 |
8683 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ) -name | close parenthesis |
닫는 괄호 |
8684 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ) –keywords | bracket | close | paren | parens | parenthesis | round |
괄호 | 닫는 괄호 | 둥근 괄호 |
8685 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | [ -name | open square bracket |
여는 대괄호 |
8686 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | [ –keywords | bracket | crotchet | open | square |
괄호 | 대괄호 | 여는 대괄호 |
8687 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ] -name | close square bracket |
닫는 대괄호 |
8688 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ] –keywords | bracket | close | crotchet | square |
괄호 | 닫는 대괄호 | 대괄호 |
8689 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | { -name | open curly bracket |
여는 중괄호 |
8690 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | { –keywords | brace | bracket | curly | gullwing | open |
괄호 | 여는 중괄호 | 중괄호 |
8691 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | } -name | close curly bracket |
닫는 중괄호 |
8692 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | } –keywords | brace | bracket | close | curly | gullwing |
괄호 | 닫는 중괄호 | 중괄호 |
8693 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 〔 -name | open tortoise shell bracket |
여는 거북등괄호 |
8694 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 〔 –keywords | bracket | open | shell | tortoise |
거북등괄호 | 괄호 | 여는 거북등괄호 |
8695 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 〕 -name | close tortoise shell bracket |
닫는 거북등괄호 |
8696 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 〕 –keywords | bracket | close | shell | tortoise |
거북등괄호 | 괄호 | 닫는 거북등괄호 |
8697 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 〈 -name | open angle bracket |
여는 소괄호 |
8698 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 〈 –keywords | angle | bracket | brackets | chevron | diamond | open | pointy | tuple |
꺽쇠괄호 | 소괄호 | 여는 소괄호 |
8699 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 〉 -name | close angle bracket |
닫는 소괄호 |
8700 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 〉 –keywords | angle | bracket | brackets | chevron | close | diamond | pointy | tuple |
꺽쇠괄호 | 닫는 소괄호 | 소괄호 |
8701 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 《 -name | open double angle bracket |
여는 이중 소괄호 |
8702 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 《 –keywords | angle | bracket | double | open |
괄호 | 여는 이중 소괄호 | 이중 소괄호 |
8703 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 》 -name | close double angle bracket |
닫는 이중 소괄호 |
8704 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 》 –keywords | angle | bracket | close | double |
괄호 | 닫는 이중 소괄호 | 이중 소괄호 |
8705 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 「 -name | open corner bracket |
여는 낫표 |
8706 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 「 –keywords | bracket | corner | open |
낫표 | 여는 낫표 | 홑낫표 |
8707 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 」 -name | close corner bracket |
닫는 낫표 |
8708 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 」 –keywords | bracket | close | corner |
낫표 | 닫는 낫표 | 홑낫표 |
8709 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 『 -name | open hollow corner bracket |
여는 겹낫표 |
8710 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 『 –keywords | bracket | corner | hollow | open |
겹낫표 | 낫표 | 여는 겹낫표 |
8711 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 』 -name | close hollow corner bracket |
닫는 겹낫표 |
8712 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 』 –keywords | bracket | close | corner | hollow |
겹낫표 | 낫표 | 닫는 겹낫표 |
8713 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 〖 -name | open hollow lens bracket |
여는 흰색 렌즈 괄호 |
8714 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 〖 –keywords | bracket | hollow | lens | lenticular | open |
괄호 | 여는 흰색 렌즈 괄호 | 흰색 렌즈 괄호 |
8715 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 〗 -name | close hollow lens bracket |
닫는 흰색 렌즈 괄호 |
8716 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 〗 –keywords | bracket | close | hollow | lens | lenticular |
괄호 | 닫는 흰색 렌즈 괄호 | 흰색 렌즈 괄호 |
8717 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 【 -name | open black lens bracket |
여는 검은색 렌즈 괄호 |
8718 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 【 –keywords | black | bracket | lens | lenticular | open |
검은색 렌즈 괄호 | 괄호 | 여는 검은색 렌즈 괄호 |
8719 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 】 -name | close black lens bracket |
닫는 검은색 렌즈 괄호 |
8720 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 】 –keywords | black | bracket | close | lens | lenticular |
검은색 렌즈 괄호 | 괄호 | 닫는 검은색 렌즈 괄호 |
8721 | Characters | Punctuation | other-symbol | ‾ -name | overline |
윗줄 |
8722 | Characters | Punctuation | other-symbol | ‾ –keywords | overline | overstrike | vinculum |
윗줄 |
8723 | Characters | Punctuation | other-symbol | ‽ -name | interrobang |
감탄 의문 부호 |
8724 | Characters | Punctuation | other-symbol | ‽ –keywords | interabang | interrobang |
감탄 의문 부호 |
8725 | Characters | Punctuation | other-symbol | ‸ -name | caret |
탈자 기호 |
8726 | Characters | Punctuation | other-symbol | ‸ –keywords | caret |
탈자 기호 |
8727 | Characters | Punctuation | other-symbol | ⁂ -name | asterism |
세 별표 |
8728 | Characters | Punctuation | other-symbol | ⁂ –keywords | asterism | dinkus | stars |
세 별표 |
8729 | Characters | Math Symbols | arrow | → -name | right-pointing arrow |
오른쪽 화살표 |
8730 | Characters | Math Symbols | arrow | → –keywords | arrow | right | right-pointing |
오른쪽 | 우측 | 화살표 |
8731 | Characters | Math Symbols | arrow | ↓ -name | down-pointing arrow |
아래 화살표 |
8732 | Characters | Math Symbols | arrow | ↓ –keywords | arrow | down | down-pointing |
아래 | 아래쪽 | 화살표 |
8733 | Characters | Math Symbols | arrow | ↑ -name | up-pointing arrow |
위 화살표 |
8734 | Characters | Math Symbols | arrow | ↑ –keywords | arrow | up | up-pointing |
위 | 위쪽 | 화살표 |
8735 | Characters | Math Symbols | arrow | ← -name | left-pointing arrow |
왼쪽 화살표 |
8736 | Characters | Math Symbols | arrow | ← –keywords | arrow | left | left-pointing |
왼쪽 | 좌측 | 화살표 |
8737 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | × -name | multiplication sign |
곱셈 기호 |
8738 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | × –keywords | multiplication | multiply | sign | times |
곱셈 | 곱셈 기호 | 곱하기 | 엑스 |
8739 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ÷ -name | division sign |
나눗셈 기호 |
8740 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ÷ –keywords | divide | division | obelus | sign |
나누기 | 나누기 기호 | 나눗셈 | 나눗셈 기호 |
8741 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | √ -name | square root |
제곱근 |
8742 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | √ –keywords | radical | radix | root | square | surd |
거듭 | 거듭제곱근 | 근 | 제곱 | 제곱근 |
8743 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ∞ -name | infinity sign |
무한대 기호 |
8744 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ∞ –keywords | infinity | sign |
무한대 | 무한대 기호 |
8745 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ∆ -name | increment |
증분 |
8746 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ∆ –keywords | increment | triangle |
증분 | 증분 기호 |
8747 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ∇ -name | nabla |
나블라 |
8748 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ∇ –keywords | nabla | triangle |
나블라 | 나블라 기호 | 미분연산자 |
8749 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ⁻ -name | superscript minus |
마이너스 승 |
8750 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ⁻ –keywords | minus | superscript |
마이너스 | 승 |
8751 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ≡ -name | identical to |
등호 |
8752 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ≡ –keywords | exact | identical | to | triple |
동일 | 등호 | 상등 | 일치 |
8753 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ∈ -name | element of |
원소 포함 |
8754 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ∈ –keywords | contains | element | membership | of | set |
원소 | 원소 포함 기호 | 포함 |
8755 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ⊂ -name | subset of |
부분 집합 |
8756 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ⊂ –keywords | of | set | subset |
부분 | 부분 집합 | 부분 집합 기호 |
8757 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ∩ -name | intersection |
교집합 |
8758 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ∩ –keywords | intersection | set |
교집합 | 기호 |
8759 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ∪ -name | union |
합집합 |
8760 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ∪ –keywords | collection | set | union |
기호 | 합집합 |
8761 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | + -name | plus sign |
더하기 표시 |
8762 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | + –keywords | add | plus | sign |
더하기 | 더하기 표시 | 더하다 |
8763 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ± -name | plus-minus |
플러스마이너스 |
8764 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ± –keywords | plus-minus |
플러스마이너스 |
8765 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | − -name | minus sign |
빼기 표시 |
8766 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | − –keywords | minus | sign | subtract |
빼기 | 빼기 표시 | 빼다 |
8767 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | = -name | equal |
같음 |
8768 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | = –keywords | equal | equals |
같다 | 같음 |
8769 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ≈ -name | almost equal |
거의 같음 |
8770 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ≈ –keywords | almost | approximate | approximation | equal |
거의 같음 | 근사 |
8771 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ≠ -name | not equal |
같지 않음 |
8772 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ≠ –keywords | equal | inequality | inequation | not |
같지 않음 | 부등 |
8773 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | > -name | greater-than |
초과 |
8774 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | > –keywords | close | greater | greater-than | tag | than |
닫는 태그 | 초과 | 태그 |
8775 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | < -name | less-than |
미만 |
8776 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | < –keywords | less | less-than | open | tag | than |
미만 | 여는 태그 | 태그 |
8777 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ≤ -name | less-than or equal |
이하 |
8778 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ≤ –keywords | equal | equals | inequality | less-than | or |
같음 | 같지 않음 | 미만 | 부등 | 이하 |
8779 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ≥ -name | greater-than or equal |
이상 |
8780 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ≥ –keywords | equal | equals | greater-than | inequality | or |
같음 | 같지 않음 | 부등 | 이상 | 초과 |
8781 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ¬ -name | negation |
부정 |
8782 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ¬ –keywords | negation | not |
부정 | 아님 |
8783 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | | -name | vertical line |
수직선 |
8784 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | | –keywords | bar | line | pike | pipe | sheffer | stick | stroke | vbar | vertical |
막대 | 바 | 부정논리곱 | 수직선 | 스트로크 | 파이크 | 파이프 |
8785 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ~ -name | tilde |
물결표 |
8786 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ~ –keywords | tilde |
물결표 |
8787 | Characters | Math Symbols | punctuation | ♯ -name | sharp |
올림표 |
8788 | Characters | Math Symbols | punctuation | ♯ –keywords | dièse | diesis | music | note | sharp |
샵 | 올림표 |
8789 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ↚ -name | leftwards arrow stroke |
사선이 있는 왼쪽 화살표 |
8790 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ↚ –keywords | arrow | leftwards | stroke |
사선이 있는 왼쪽 화살표 |
8791 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ↛ -name | rightwards arrow stroke |
사선이 있는 오른쪽 화살표 |
8792 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ↛ –keywords | arrow | rightwards | stroke |
사선이 있는 오른쪽 화살표 |
8793 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ↮ -name | left right arrow stroke |
사선이 있는 왼쪽 오른쪽 화살표 |
8794 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ↮ –keywords | arrow | left | right | stroke |
사선이 있는 왼쪽 오른쪽 화살표 |
8795 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ↠ -name | rightwards two headed arrow |
오른쪽 쌍두 화살표 |
8796 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ↠ –keywords | arrow | headed | rightwards | two |
오른쪽 쌍두 화살표 |
8797 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ↣ -name | rightwards arrow tail |
오른쪽 화살표 꼬리 |
8798 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ↣ –keywords | arrow | rightwards | tail |
오른쪽 화살표 꼬리 |
8799 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ↦ -name | rightwards arrow from bar |
세로 막대가 있는 오른쪽 화살표 |
8800 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ↦ –keywords | arrow | bar | from | rightwards |
세로 막대가 있는 오른쪽 화살표 |
8801 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⇒ -name | rightwards double arrow |
오른쪽 이중 화살표 |
8802 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⇒ –keywords | arrow | double | rightwards |
오른쪽 이중 화살표 |
8803 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⇏ -name | rightwards double arrow stroke |
사선이 있는 오른쪽 이중 화살표 |
8804 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⇏ –keywords | arrow | double | rightwards | stroke |
사선이 있는 오른쪽 이중 화살표 |
8805 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⇔ -name | left right double arrow |
왼쪽/오른쪽 이중 화살표 |
8806 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⇔ –keywords | arrow | double | left | right |
왼쪽/오른쪽 이중 화살표 |
8807 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⇎ -name | left right double arrow stroke |
사선이 있는 왼쪽/오른쪽 이중 화살표 |
8808 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⇎ –keywords | arrow | double | left | right | stroke |
사선이 있는 왼쪽/오른쪽 이중 화살표 |
8809 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⇵ -name | downwards arrow leftwards upwards arrow |
아래쪽 화살표 오른쪽에 위쪽 화살표 |
8810 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⇵ –keywords | arrow | downwards | leftwards | upwards |
아래쪽 화살표 오른쪽에 위쪽 화살표 |
8811 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∀ -name | for all |
모든 |
8812 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∀ –keywords | all | any | for | given | universal |
모든 |
8813 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∂ -name | partial differential |
편미분 |
8814 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∂ –keywords | differential | partial |
편미분 |
8815 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∃ -name | there exists |
존재 |
8816 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∃ –keywords | exists | there |
존재 |
8817 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∅ -name | empty set |
공집합 |
8818 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∅ –keywords | empty | mathematics | operator | set |
공집합 |
8819 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∉ -name | not an element |
원소가 아님 |
8820 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∉ –keywords | an | element | not |
원소가 아님 |
8821 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∋ -name | contains as member |
원소로 포함 |
8822 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∋ –keywords | as | contains | element | member |
원소로 포함 |
8823 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∎ -name | end proof |
증명 끝 |
8824 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∎ –keywords | end | halmos | proof | q.e.d. | qed | tombstone |
증명 끝 |
8825 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∏ -name | n-ary product |
N항 곱 |
8826 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∏ –keywords | logic | n-ary | product |
N항 곱 |
8827 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∑ -name | n-ary summation |
N항 총합 |
8828 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∑ –keywords | mathematics | n-ary | summation |
N항 총합 |
8829 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≮ -name | not less-than |
작지 않음 |
8830 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≮ –keywords | inequality | less-than | mathematics | not |
작지 않음 |
8831 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≯ -name | not greater-than |
크지 않음 |
8832 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≯ –keywords | greater-than | inequality | mathematics | not |
크지 않음 |
8833 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∓ -name | minus-or-plus |
빼기 더하기 |
8834 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∓ –keywords | minus-or-plus | plus-minus |
빼기 더하기 |
8835 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∕ -name | division slash |
나누기 슬래시 |
8836 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∕ –keywords | division | slash | stroke | virgule |
나누기 슬래시 |
8837 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⁄ -name | fraction slash |
분수 슬래시 |
8838 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⁄ –keywords | fraction | slash | stroke | virgule |
분수 슬래시 |
8839 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∗ -name | asterisk operator |
별표 연산자 |
8840 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∗ –keywords | asterisk | operator | star |
별표 연산자 |
8841 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∘ -name | ring operator |
합성 함수 |
8842 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∘ –keywords | composition | operator | ring |
합성 함수 |
8843 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∙ -name | bullet operator |
글머리 기호 연산자 |
8844 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∙ –keywords | bullet | operator |
글머리 기호 연산자 |
8845 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∝ -name | proportional |
비례함 |
8846 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∝ –keywords | proportional | proportionality |
비례함 |
8847 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∟ -name | right angle |
직각 |
8848 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∟ –keywords | angle | mathematics | right |
직각 |
8849 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∠ -name | angle |
각 |
8850 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∠ –keywords | acute | angle |
각 |
8851 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∣ -name | divides |
나누다 |
8852 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∣ –keywords | divides | divisor |
나누다 |
8853 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∥ -name | parallel |
평행 |
8854 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∥ –keywords | parallel |
평행 |
8855 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∧ -name | logical and |
논리곱 |
8856 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∧ –keywords | ac | and | atque | logical | wedge |
논리곱 |
8857 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∫ -name | integral |
적분 |
8858 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∫ –keywords | calculus | integral |
적분 |
8859 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∬ -name | double integral |
이중 적분 |
8860 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∬ –keywords | calculus | double | integral |
이중 적분 |
8861 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∮ -name | contour integral |
경로 적분 |
8862 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∮ –keywords | contour | integral |
경로 적분 |
8863 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∴ -name | therefore |
그러므로 기호 |
8864 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∴ –keywords | logic | therefore |
그러므로 기호 |
8865 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∵ -name | because |
왜냐하면 기호 |
8866 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∵ –keywords | because | logic |
왜냐하면 기호 |
8867 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∶ -name | ratio |
비율 |
8868 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∶ –keywords | ratio |
비율 |
8869 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∷ -name | proportion |
비례 |
8870 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∷ –keywords | proportion | proportionality |
비례 |
8871 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∼ -name | tilde operator |
물결표 연산자 |
8872 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∼ –keywords | operator | tilde |
물결표 연산자 |
8873 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∽ -name | reversed tilde |
역물결표 |
8874 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∽ –keywords | reversed | tilde |
역물결표 |
8875 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∾ -name | inverted lazy s |
옆으로 누운 역방향 에스 |
8876 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∾ –keywords | inverted | lazy | s |
옆으로 누운 역방향 에스 |
8877 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≃ -name | asymptotically equal |
점근적으로 같음 |
8878 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≃ –keywords | asymptote | asymptotically | equal | mathematics |
점근적으로 같음 |
8879 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≅ -name | approximately equal |
대략 같음 |
8880 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≅ –keywords | approximately | congruence | equal | equality | isomorphism | mathematics |
대략 같음 |
8881 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≌ -name | all equal |
모두 같음 |
8882 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≌ –keywords | all | equal | equality | mathematics |
모두 같음 |
8883 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≒ -name | approximately equal the image |
근사값 |
8884 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≒ –keywords | approximately | equal | image | the |
근사값 |
8885 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≖ -name | ring in equal |
등호 안의 고리 |
8886 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≖ –keywords | equal | equality | in | mathematics | ring |
등호 안의 고리 |
8887 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≣ -name | strictly equivalent |
절대적 동치 |
8888 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≣ –keywords | equality | equivalent | mathematics | strictly |
절대적 동치 |
8889 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≦ -name | less-than over equal |
작거나 같음 |
8890 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≦ –keywords | equal | inequality | less-than | mathematics | over |
작거나 같음 |
8891 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≧ -name | greater-than over equal |
크거나 같음 |
8892 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≧ –keywords | equal | greater-than | inequality | mathematics | over |
크거나 같음 |
8893 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≪ -name | much less-than |
훨씬 작음 |
8894 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≪ –keywords | inequality | less-than | mathematics | much |
훨씬 작음 |
8895 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≫ -name | much greater-than |
훨씬 큼 |
8896 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≫ –keywords | greater-than | inequality | mathematics | much |
훨씬 큼 |
8897 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≬ -name | between |
사이 |
8898 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≬ –keywords | between |
사이 |
8899 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≳ -name | greater-than equivalent |
많거나 같음 |
8900 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≳ –keywords | equivalent | greater-than | inequality | mathematics |
많거나 같음 |
8901 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≺ -name | precedes |
앞에 옴 |
8902 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≺ –keywords | mathematics | operator | precedes | set |
앞에 옴 |
8903 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≻ -name | succeeds |
뒤에 옴 |
8904 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≻ –keywords | mathematics | operator | set | succeeds |
뒤에 옴 |
8905 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊁ -name | does not succeed |
뒤에 오지 않음 |
8906 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊁ –keywords | does | mathematics | not | operator | set | succeed |
뒤에 오지 않음 |
8907 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊃ -name | superset |
상위 집합 |
8908 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊃ –keywords | mathematics | operator | set | superset |
상위 집합 |
8909 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊆ -name | subset equal |
부분 집합이거나 같음 |
8910 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊆ –keywords | equal | subset |
부분 집합이거나 같음 |
8911 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊇ -name | superset equal |
상위 집합이거나 같음 |
8912 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊇ –keywords | equal | equality | mathematics | superset |
상위 집합이거나 같음 |
8913 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊕ -name | circled plus |
원 안의 더하기 |
8914 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊕ –keywords | circled | plus |
원 안의 더하기 |
8915 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊖ -name | circled minus |
원 안의 빼기 |
8916 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊖ –keywords | circled | difference | erosion | minus | symmetric |
원 안의 빼기 |
8917 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊗ -name | circled times |
원 안의 곱하기 |
8918 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊗ –keywords | circled | product | tensor | times |
원 안의 곱하기 |
8919 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊘ -name | circled division slash |
원 안의 나누기 슬래시 |
8920 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊘ –keywords | circled | division | division-like | mathematics | slash |
원 안의 나누기 슬래시 |
8921 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊙ -name | circled dot operator |
원 안의 점 연산자 |
8922 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊙ –keywords | circled | dot | operator | XNOR |
원 안의 점 연산자 |
8923 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊚ -name | circled ring operator |
원 안의 환 연산자 |
8924 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊚ –keywords | circled | operator | ring |
원 안의 환 연산자 |
8925 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊛ -name | circled asterisk operator |
원 안의 별표 연산자 |
8926 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊛ –keywords | asterisk | circled | operator |
원 안의 별표 연산자 |
8927 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊞ -name | squared plus |
사각형 안의 더하기 |
8928 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊞ –keywords | addition-like | mathematics | plus | squared |
사각형 안의 더하기 |
8929 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊟ -name | squared minus |
사각형 안의 빼기 |
8930 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊟ –keywords | mathematics | minus | squared | subtraction-like |
사각형 안의 빼기 |
8931 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊥ -name | up tack |
위쪽 압정 표시 |
8932 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊥ –keywords | eet | falsum | tack | up |
위쪽 압정 표시 |
8933 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊮ -name | does not force |
적용 안 함 |
8934 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊮ –keywords | does | force | not |
적용 안 함 |
8935 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊰ -name | precedes under relation |
관계에 따라 앞에 옴 |
8936 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊰ –keywords | mathematics | operator | precedes | relation | set | under |
관계에 따라 앞에 옴 |
8937 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊱ -name | succeeds under relation |
관계에 따라 뒤에 옴 |
8938 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊱ –keywords | mathematics | operator | relation | set | succeeds | under |
관계에 따라 뒤에 옴 |
8939 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋭ -name | does not contain as normal subgroup equal |
정규 부분군이거나 같음으로 포함하지 않음 |
8940 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋭ –keywords | as | contain | does | equal | group | mathematics | normal | not | subgroup | theory |
정규 부분군이거나 같음으로 포함하지 않음 |
8941 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊶ -name | original |
원본 |
8942 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊶ –keywords | original |
원본 |
8943 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊹ -name | hermitian conjugate matrix |
에르미트 켤레 행렬 |
8944 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊹ –keywords | conjugate | hermitian | mathematics | matrix | self-adjoint | square |
에르미트 켤레 행렬 |
8945 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊿ -name | right triangle |
직각 삼각형 |
8946 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊿ –keywords | mathematics | right | right-angled | triangle |
직각 삼각형 |
8947 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋁ -name | n-ary logical or |
N항 논리합 |
8948 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋁ –keywords | disjunction | logic | logical | n-ary | or |
N항 논리합 |
8949 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋂ -name | n-ary intersection |
N항 교집합 |
8950 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋂ –keywords | intersection | mathematics | n-ary | operator | set |
N항 교집합 |
8951 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋃ -name | n-ary union |
N항 합집합 |
8952 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋃ –keywords | mathematics | n-ary | operator | set | union |
N항 합집합 |
8953 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋅ -name | dot operator |
점 연산자 |
8954 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋅ –keywords | dot | operator |
점 연산자 |
8955 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋆ -name | star operator |
별 연산자 |
8956 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋆ –keywords | operator | star |
별 연산자 |
8957 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋈ -name | natural join |
자연 조인 |
8958 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋈ –keywords | binary | bowtie | join | natural | operator |
자연 조인 |
8959 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋒ -name | double intersection |
이중 교집합 |
8960 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋒ –keywords | double | intersection | mathematics | operator | set |
이중 교집합 |
8961 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋘ -name | very much less-than |
훨씬 더 작음 |
8962 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋘ –keywords | inequality | less-than | mathematics | much | very |
훨씬 더 작음 |
8963 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋙ -name | very much greater-than |
훨씬 더 큼 |
8964 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋙ –keywords | greater-than | inequality | mathematics | much | very |
훨씬 더 큼 |
8965 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋮ -name | vertical ellipsis |
세로 줄임표 |
8966 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋮ –keywords | ellipsis | mathematics | vertical |
세로 줄임표 |
8967 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋯ -name | midline horizontal ellipsis |
중간 가로 줄임표 |
8968 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋯ –keywords | ellipsis | horizontal | midline |
중간 가로 줄임표 |
8969 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋰ -name | up right diagonal ellipsis |
오른쪽 위 사선 줄임표 |
8970 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋰ –keywords | diagonal | ellipsis | mathematics | right | up |
오른쪽 위 사선 줄임표 |
8971 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋱ -name | down right diagonal ellipsis |
오른쪽 아래 사선 줄임표 |
8972 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋱ –keywords | diagonal | down | ellipsis | mathematics | right |
오른쪽 아래 사선 줄임표 |
8973 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ▷ -name | hollow right-pointing triangle |
오른쪽 방향 흰색 삼각형 |
8974 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ▷ –keywords | hollow | right-pointing | triangle |
오른쪽 방향 흰색 삼각형 |
8975 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ◁ -name | hollow left-pointing triangle |
왼쪽 방향 흰색 삼각형 |
8976 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ◁ –keywords | hollow | left-pointing | triangle |
왼쪽 방향 흰색 삼각형 |
8977 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ◿ -name | lower right triangle |
오른쪽 아래 직각삼각형 |
8978 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ◿ –keywords | lower | right | triangle |
오른쪽 아래 직각삼각형 |
8979 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⨧ -name | plus subscript two |
아래 첨자 2가 있는 더하기 기호 |
8980 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⨧ –keywords | plus | subscript | two |
아래 첨자 2가 있는 더하기 기호 |
8981 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⨯ -name | vector cross product |
벡터의 외적 |
8982 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⨯ –keywords | cross | product | vector |
벡터의 외적 |
8983 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⨼ -name | interior product |
내부곱 |
8984 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⨼ –keywords | interior | product |
내부곱 |
8985 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⩣ -name | logical or double underbar |
이중 밑줄이 있는 논리합 |
8986 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⩣ –keywords | double | logical | or | underbar |
이중 밑줄이 있는 논리합 |
8987 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⩽ -name | less-than slanted equal |
기울어진 등호이거나 보다 작음 |
8988 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⩽ –keywords | equal | less-than | slanted |
기울어진 등호이거나 보다 작음 |
8989 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⪍ -name | less-than above similar equal |
유사하거나 같음 위에 보다 작음 |
8990 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⪍ –keywords | above | equal | less-than | similar |
유사하거나 같음 위에 보다 작음 |
8991 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⪚ -name | double-line equal greater-than |
두 줄 등호이거나 보다 큼 |
8992 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⪚ –keywords | double-line | equal | greater-than | inequality | mathematics |
두 줄 등호이거나 보다 큼 |
8993 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⪺ -name | succeeds above not almost equal |
거의 같지 않음 위의 후속 |
8994 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⪺ –keywords | above | almost | equal | not | succeeds |
거의 같지 않음 위의 후속 |
8995 | Characters | Other Symbols | arrow | ⇆ -name | left-pointing over right-pointing arrows |
좌우 화살표 |
8996 | Characters | Other Symbols | arrow | ⇆ –keywords | arrow | arrows | left | left-pointing | over | right | right-pointing |
좌우 | 좌우측 | 화살표 |
8997 | Characters | Other Symbols | arrow | ⇅ -name | up-pointing and down-pointing arrows |
위아래 화살표 |
8998 | Characters | Other Symbols | arrow | ⇅ –keywords | and | arrow | arrows | down | down-pointing | up | up-pointing |
위아래 | 화살표 |
8999 | Characters | Other Symbols | math | ¹ -name | superscript one |
1승 |
9000 | Characters | Other Symbols | math | ¹ –keywords | one | superscript |
1 | 1승 | 승 |
9001 | Characters | Other Symbols | math | ² -name | superscript two |
제곱 |
9002 | Characters | Other Symbols | math | ² –keywords | squared | superscript | two |
2 | 2승 | 승 | 제곱 |
9003 | Characters | Other Symbols | math | ³ -name | superscript three |
세제곱 |
9004 | Characters | Other Symbols | math | ³ –keywords | cubed | superscript | three |
3 | 3승 | 세제곱 | 승 |
9005 | Characters | Other Symbols | math | ° -name | degree |
도 |
9006 | Characters | Other Symbols | math | ° –keywords | degree | hour | proof |
도 | 도수 | 시 |
9007 | Characters | Other Symbols | punctuation | ♪ -name | eighth note |
팔분음표 |
9008 | Characters | Other Symbols | punctuation | ♪ –keywords | eighth | music | note |
음악 | 음표 | 팔분음표 |
9009 | Characters | Other Symbols | punctuation | ♭ -name | flat |
내림표 |
9010 | Characters | Other Symbols | punctuation | ♭ –keywords | bemolle | flat | music | note |
내림표 | 플랫 |
9011 | Characters | Other Symbols | punctuation | ` -name | grave accent |
억음 부호 |
9012 | Characters | Other Symbols | punctuation | ` –keywords | accent | grave | tone |
그레이브 액센트 | 악상 그라브 | 억음 부호 |
9013 | Characters | Other Symbols | punctuation | ´ -name | acute accent |
양음 부호 |
9014 | Characters | Other Symbols | punctuation | ´ –keywords | accent | acute | tone |
악상 테귀 | 양음 부호 | 어큐트 액센트 |
9015 | Characters | Other Symbols | punctuation | ^ -name | circumflex accent |
곡절 부호 |
9016 | Characters | Other Symbols | punctuation | ^ –keywords | accent | caret | chevron | circumflex | control | hat | pointer | power | sign | wedge | xor |
곡절 부호 | 서컴플렉스 | 캐럿 |
9017 | Characters | Other Symbols | punctuation | ¨ -name | diaeresis |
분음 부호 |
9018 | Characters | Other Symbols | punctuation | ¨ –keywords | diaeresis | tréma | umlaut |
분음 부호 | 움라우트 | 트레마 |
9019 | Characters | Other Symbols | currency | € -name | euro |
유로화 |
9020 | Characters | Other Symbols | currency | € –keywords | currency | EUR | euro |
유럽 연합 단일 화폐 | 유로 | 유로 화폐 | 유로화 |
9021 | Characters | Other Symbols | currency | £ -name | pound |
파운드화 |
9022 | Characters | Other Symbols | currency | £ –keywords | currency | EGP | GBP | pound |
영국 파운드 | 이집트 파운드 | 파운드화 |
9023 | Characters | Other Symbols | currency | ¥ -name | yen |
엔화 |
9024 | Characters | Other Symbols | currency | ¥ –keywords | CNY | currency | JPY | yen | yuan |
엔 | 엔화 | 위안 | 위안화 |
9025 | Characters | Other Symbols | currency | ₹ -name | indian rupee |
인도 루피 |
9026 | Characters | Other Symbols | currency | ₹ –keywords | currency | indian | rupee |
루피 | 인도 루피 |
9027 | Characters | Other Symbols | currency | ₽ -name | ruble |
러시아 루블 |
9028 | Characters | Other Symbols | currency | ₽ –keywords | currency | ruble |
러시아 루블 | 루블 |
9029 | Characters | Other Symbols | currency | $ -name | dollar |
달러화 |
9030 | Characters | Other Symbols | currency | $ –keywords | dollar | money | peso | USD |
USD | 달러화 | 돈 | 화폐 |
9031 | Characters | Other Symbols | currency | ¢ -name | cent |
센트 |
9032 | Characters | Other Symbols | currency | ¢ –keywords | cent |
센트 |
9033 | Characters | Other Symbols | currency | ₱ -name | peso |
페소 |
9034 | Characters | Other Symbols | currency | ₱ –keywords | peso |
페소 |
9035 | Characters | Other Symbols | currency | ₩ -name | won |
원 |
9036 | Characters | Other Symbols | currency | ₩ –keywords | KPW | KRW | won |
KRW | 원 | 한국 원화 |
9037 | Characters | Other Symbols | currency | ₥ -name | mill |
밀 |
9038 | Characters | Other Symbols | currency | ₥ –keywords | mil | mill |
밀 |
9039 | Characters | Other Symbols | currency | ₿ -name | bitcoin |
비트코인 |
9040 | Characters | Other Symbols | currency | ₿ –keywords | bitcoin | BTC |
BTC | 비트코인 |
9041 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↜ -name | leftwards wave arrow |
물결 모양 왼쪽 화살표 |
9042 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↜ –keywords | arrow | leftwards | wave |
물결 모양 왼쪽 화살표 |
9043 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↝ -name | rightwards wave arrow |
물결 모양 오른쪽 화살표 |
9044 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↝ –keywords | arrow | rightwards | wave |
물결 모양 오른쪽 화살표 |
9045 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↞ -name | leftwards two headed arrow |
왼쪽 쌍두 화살표 |
9046 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↞ –keywords | arrow | headed | leftwards | two |
왼쪽 쌍두 화살표 |
9047 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↟ -name | upwards two headed arrow |
위쪽 쌍두 화살표 |
9048 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↟ –keywords | arrow | headed | two | upwards |
위쪽 쌍두 화살표 |
9049 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↡ -name | downwards two headed arrow |
아래쪽 쌍두 화살표 |
9050 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↡ –keywords | arrow | downwards | headed | two |
아래쪽 쌍두 화살표 |
9051 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↢ -name | leftwards arrow tail |
왼쪽 화살표 꼬리 |
9052 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↢ –keywords | arrow | leftwards | tail |
왼쪽 화살표 꼬리 |
9053 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↤ -name | leftwards arrow from bar |
세로 막대가 있는 왼쪽 화살표 |
9054 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↤ –keywords | arrow | bar | from | leftwards |
세로 막대가 있는 왼쪽 화살표 |
9055 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↥ -name | upwards arrow from bar |
가로선이 있는 위쪽 화살표 |
9056 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↥ –keywords | arrow | bar | from | upwards |
가로선이 있는 위쪽 화살표 |
9057 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↧ -name | downwards arrow from bar |
가로선이 있는 아래쪽 화살표 |
9058 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↧ –keywords | arrow | bar | downwards | from |
가로선이 있는 아래쪽 화살표 |
9059 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↨ -name | up down arrow with base |
밑면이 있는 위쪽 아래쪽 화살표 |
9060 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↨ –keywords | arrow | base | down | up | with |
밑면이 있는 위쪽 아래쪽 화살표 |
9061 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↫ -name | leftwards arrow loop |
왼쪽 화살표 루프 |
9062 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↫ –keywords | arrow | leftwards | loop |
왼쪽 화살표 루프 |
9063 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↬ -name | rightwards arrow loop |
오른쪽 화살표 루프 |
9064 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↬ –keywords | arrow | loop | rightwards |
오른쪽 화살표 루프 |
9065 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↭ -name | left right wave arrow |
물결 모양 왼쪽 오른쪽 화살표 |
9066 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↭ –keywords | arrow | left | right | wave |
물결 모양 왼쪽 오른쪽 화살표 |
9067 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↯ -name | downwards zigzag arrow |
아래쪽 지그재그 화살표 |
9068 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↯ –keywords | arrow | downwards | zigzag |
아래쪽 지그재그 화살표 |
9069 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↰ -name | upwards arrow tip leftwards |
끝이 왼쪽을 향한 위쪽 화살표 |
9070 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↰ –keywords | arrow | leftwards | tip | upwards |
끝이 왼쪽을 향한 위쪽 화살표 |
9071 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↱ -name | upwards arrow tip rightwards |
끝이 오른쪽을 향한 위쪽 화살표 |
9072 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↱ –keywords | arrow | rightwards | tip | upwards |
끝이 오른쪽을 향한 위쪽 화살표 |
9073 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↲ -name | downwards arrow tip leftwards |
끝이 왼쪽을 향한 아래쪽 화살표 |
9074 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↲ –keywords | arrow | downwards | leftwards | tip |
끝이 왼쪽을 향한 아래쪽 화살표 |
9075 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↳ -name | downwards arrow tip rightwards |
끝이 오른쪽을 향한 아래쪽 화살표 |
9076 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↳ –keywords | arrow | downwards | rightwards | tip |
끝이 오른쪽을 향한 아래쪽 화살표 |
9077 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↴ -name | rightwards arrow corner downwards |
모서리가 아래쪽으로 향하는 오른쪽 화살표 |
9078 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↴ –keywords | arrow | corner | downwards | rightwards |
모서리가 아래쪽으로 향하는 오른쪽 화살표 |
9079 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↵ -name | downwards arrow corner leftwards |
모서리가 왼쪽으로 향하는 아래쪽 화살표 |
9080 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↵ –keywords | arrow | corner | downwards | leftwards |
모서리가 왼쪽으로 향하는 아래쪽 화살표 |
9081 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↶ -name | anticlockwise top semicircle arrow |
위쪽 반원 화살표(반시계방향) |
9082 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↶ –keywords | anticlockwise | arrow | semicircle | top |
위쪽 반원 화살표(반시계방향) |
9083 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↷ -name | clockwise top semicircle arrow |
위쪽 반원 화살표(시계 방향) |
9084 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↷ –keywords | arrow | clockwise | semicircle | top |
위쪽 반원 화살표(시계 방향) |
9085 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↸ -name | north west arrow long bar |
긴 가로선이 있는 북서쪽 화살표 |
9086 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↸ –keywords | arrow | bar | long | north | west |
긴 가로선이 있는 북서쪽 화살표 |
9087 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↹ -name | leftwards over rightwards arrow bars |
세로 막대가 있는 오른쪽 화살표 위에 세로 막대가 있는 왼쪽 화살표 |
9088 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↹ –keywords | arrow | bar | bars | leftwards | over | rightwards |
세로 막대가 있는 오른쪽 화살표 위에 세로 막대가 있는 왼쪽 화살표 |
9089 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↺ -name | anticlockwise open circle arrow |
열린 원형 화살표(반시계방향) |
9090 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↺ –keywords | anticlockwise | arrow | circle | open |
열린 원형 화살표(반시계방향) |
9091 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↻ -name | clockwise open circle arrow |
열린 원형 화살표(시계 방향) |
9092 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↻ –keywords | arrow | circle | clockwise | open |
열린 원형 화살표(시계 방향) |
9093 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↼ -name | leftwards harpoon barb upwards |
위쪽에 화살촉이 있는 왼쪽 외날 화살표 |
9094 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↼ –keywords | barb | harpoon | leftwards | upwards |
위쪽에 화살촉이 있는 왼쪽 외날 화살표 |
9095 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↽ -name | leftwards harpoon barb downwards |
아래쪽에 화살촉이 있는 왼쪽 외날 화살표 |
9096 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↽ –keywords | barb | downwards | harpoon | leftwards |
아래쪽에 화살촉이 있는 왼쪽 외날 화살표 |
9097 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↾ -name | upwards harpoon barb rightwards |
오른쪽에 화살촉이 있는 위쪽 외날 화살표 |
9098 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↾ –keywords | barb | harpoon | rightwards | upwards |
오른쪽에 화살촉이 있는 위쪽 외날 화살표 |
9099 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↿ -name | upwards harpoon barb leftwards |
왼쪽에 화살촉이 있는 위쪽 외날 화살표 |
9100 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↿ –keywords | barb | harpoon | leftwards | upwards |
왼쪽에 화살촉이 있는 위쪽 외날 화살표 |
9101 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇀ -name | rightwards harpoon barb upwards |
위쪽에 화살촉이 있는 오른쪽 외날 화살표 |
9102 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇀ –keywords | barb | harpoon | rightwards | upwards |
위쪽에 화살촉이 있는 오른쪽 외날 화살표 |
9103 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇁ -name | rightwards harpoon barb downwards |
아래쪽에 화살촉이 있는 오른쪽 외날 화살표 |
9104 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇁ –keywords | barb | downwards | harpoon | rightwards |
아래쪽에 화살촉이 있는 오른쪽 외날 화살표 |
9105 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇂ -name | downwards harpoon barb rightwards |
오른쪽에 화살촉이 있는 아래쪽 외날 화살표 |
9106 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇂ –keywords | barb | downwards | harpoon | rightwards |
오른쪽에 화살촉이 있는 아래쪽 외날 화살표 |
9107 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇃ -name | downwards harpoon barb leftwards |
왼쪽에 화살촉이 있는 아래쪽 외날 화살표 |
9108 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇃ –keywords | barb | downwards | harpoon | leftwards |
왼쪽에 화살촉이 있는 아래쪽 외날 화살표 |
9109 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇄ -name | rightwards arrow over leftwards arrow |
왼쪽 화살표 위에 오른쪽 화살표 |
9110 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇄ –keywords | arrow | leftwards | over | rightwards |
왼쪽 화살표 위에 오른쪽 화살표 |
9111 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇇ -name | leftwards paired arrows |
왼쪽 화살표 쌍 |
9112 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇇ –keywords | arrows | leftwards | paired |
왼쪽 화살표 쌍 |
9113 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇈ -name | upwards paired arrows |
위쪽 화살표 쌍 |
9114 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇈ –keywords | arrows | paired | upwards |
위쪽 화살표 쌍 |
9115 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇉ -name | rightwards paired arrows |
오른쪽 화살표 쌍 |
9116 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇉ –keywords | arrows | paired | rightwards |
오른쪽 화살표 쌍 |
9117 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇊ -name | downwards paired arrows |
아래쪽 화살표 쌍 |
9118 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇊ –keywords | arrows | downwards | paired |
아래쪽 화살표 쌍 |
9119 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇋ -name | leftwards harpoon over rightwards harpoon |
오른쪽 외날 화살표 위에 왼쪽 외날 화살표 |
9120 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇋ –keywords | harpoon | leftwards | over | rightwards |
오른쪽 외날 화살표 위에 왼쪽 외날 화살표 |
9121 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇌ -name | rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon |
왼쪽 외날 화살표 위에 오른쪽 외날 화살표 |
9122 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇌ –keywords | harpoon | leftwards | over | rightwards |
왼쪽 외날 화살표 위에 오른쪽 외날 화살표 |
9123 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇐ -name | leftwards double arrow |
왼쪽 이중 화살표 |
9124 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇐ –keywords | arrow | double | leftwards |
왼쪽 이중 화살표 |
9125 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇍ -name | leftwards double arrow stroke |
사선이 있는 왼쪽 이중 화살표 |
9126 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇍ –keywords | arrow | double | leftwards | stroke |
사선이 있는 왼쪽 이중 화살표 |
9127 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇑ -name | upwards double arrow |
위쪽 이중 화살표 |
9128 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇑ –keywords | arrow | double | upwards |
위쪽 이중 화살표 |
9129 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇓ -name | downwards double arrow |
아래쪽 이중 화살표 |
9130 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇓ –keywords | arrow | double | downwards |
아래쪽 이중 화살표 |
9131 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇖ -name | north west double arrow |
북서쪽 이중 화살표 |
9132 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇖ –keywords | arrow | double | north | west |
북서쪽 이중 화살표 |
9133 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇗ -name | north east double arrow |
북동쪽 이중 화살표 |
9134 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇗ –keywords | arrow | double | east | north |
북동쪽 이중 화살표 |
9135 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇘ -name | south east double arrow |
남동쪽 이중 화살표 |
9136 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇘ –keywords | arrow | double | east | south |
남동쪽 이중 화살표 |
9137 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇙ -name | south west double arrow |
남서쪽 이중 화살표 |
9138 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇙ –keywords | arrow | double | south | west |
남서쪽 이중 화살표 |
9139 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇚ -name | leftwards triple arrow |
왼쪽 삼중 화살표 |
9140 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇚ –keywords | arrow | leftwards | triple |
왼쪽 삼중 화살표 |
9141 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇛ -name | rightwards triple arrow |
오른쪽 삼중 화살표 |
9142 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇛ –keywords | arrow | rightwards | triple |
오른쪽 삼중 화살표 |
9143 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇜ -name | leftwards squiggle arrow |
구부러진 왼쪽 화살표 |
9144 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇜ –keywords | arrow | leftwards | squiggle |
구부러진 왼쪽 화살표 |
9145 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇝ -name | rightwards squiggle arrow |
구부러진 오른쪽 화살표 |
9146 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇝ –keywords | arrow | rightwards | squiggle |
구부러진 오른쪽 화살표 |
9147 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇞ -name | upwards arrow double stroke |
이중 가로선이 있는 위쪽 화살표 |
9148 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇞ –keywords | arrow | double | stroke | upwards |
이중 가로선이 있는 위쪽 화살표 |
9149 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇟ -name | downwards arrow double stroke |
이중 가로선이 있는 아래쪽 화살표 |
9150 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇟ –keywords | arrow | double | downwards | stroke |
이중 가로선이 있는 아래쪽 화살표 |
9151 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇠ -name | leftwards dashed arrow |
파선 모양 왼쪽 화살표 |
9152 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇠ –keywords | arrow | dashed | leftwards |
파선 모양 왼쪽 화살표 |
9153 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇡ -name | upwards dashed arrow |
파선 모양 위쪽 화살표 |
9154 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇡ –keywords | arrow | dashed | upwards |
파선 모양 위쪽 화살표 |
9155 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇢ -name | rightwards dashed arrow |
파선 모양 오른쪽 화살표 |
9156 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇢ –keywords | arrow | dashed | rightwards |
파선 모양 오른쪽 화살표 |
9157 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇣ -name | downwards dashed arrow |
파선 모양 아래쪽 화살표 |
9158 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇣ –keywords | arrow | dashed | downwards |
파선 모양 아래쪽 화살표 |
9159 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇤ -name | leftwards arrow bar |
세로선이 있는 왼쪽 화살표 |
9160 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇤ –keywords | arrow | bar | leftwards |
세로선이 있는 왼쪽 화살표 |
9161 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇥ -name | rightwards arrow bar |
세로선이 있는 오른쪽 화살표 |
9162 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇥ –keywords | arrow | bar | rightwards |
세로선이 있는 오른쪽 화살표 |
9163 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇦ -name | leftwards hollow arrow |
빈 왼쪽 화살표 |
9164 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇦ –keywords | arrow | hollow | leftwards |
빈 왼쪽 화살표 |
9165 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇧ -name | upwards hollow arrow |
빈 위쪽 화살표 |
9166 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇧ –keywords | arrow | hollow | upwards |
빈 위쪽 화살표 |
9167 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇨ -name | rightwards hollow arrow |
빈 오른쪽 화살표 |
9168 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇨ –keywords | arrow | hollow | rightwards |
빈 오른쪽 화살표 |
9169 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇩ -name | downwards hollow arrow |
빈 아래쪽 화살표 |
9170 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇩ –keywords | arrow | downwards | hollow |
빈 아래쪽 화살표 |
9171 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇪ -name | upwards hollow arrow from bar |
가로선이 있는 빈 위쪽 화살표 |
9172 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇪ –keywords | arrow | bar | from | hollow | upwards |
가로선이 있는 빈 위쪽 화살표 |
9173 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ■ -name | filled square |
검은색 정사각형 |
9174 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ■ –keywords | filled | square |
검은색 정사각형 |
9175 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | □ -name | hollow square |
흰색 정사각형 |
9176 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | □ –keywords | hollow | square |
흰색 정사각형 |
9177 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▢ -name | hollow square with rounded corners |
모서리가 둥근 흰색 정사각형 |
9178 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▢ –keywords | corners | hollow | rounded | square | with |
모서리가 둥근 흰색 정사각형 |
9179 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▣ -name | hollow square containing filled square |
검은색 사각형을 포함하고 있는 흰색 정사각형 |
9180 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▣ –keywords | containing | filled | hollow | square |
검은색 사각형을 포함하고 있는 흰색 정사각형 |
9181 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▤ -name | square with horizontal fill |
가로선으로 채워진 정사각형 |
9182 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▤ –keywords | fill | horizontal | square | with |
가로선으로 채워진 정사각형 |
9183 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▥ -name | square with vertical fill |
세로선으로 채워진 정사각형 |
9184 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▥ –keywords | fill | square | vertical | with |
세로선으로 채워진 정사각형 |
9185 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▦ -name | square orthogonal crosshatch fill |
서로 교차하는 가로선과 세로선으로 채워진 정사각형 |
9186 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▦ –keywords | crosshatch | fill | orthogonal | square |
서로 교차하는 가로선과 세로선으로 채워진 정사각형 |
9187 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▧ -name | square upper left lower right fill |
왼쪽 위에서 오른쪽 아래 방향 대각선으로 채워진 정사각형 |
9188 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▧ –keywords | fill | left | lower | right | square | upper |
왼쪽 위에서 오른쪽 아래 방향 대각선으로 채워진 정사각형 |
9189 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▨ -name | square upper right lower left fill |
오른쪽 위에서 왼쪽 아래 방향 대각선으로 채워진 정사각형 |
9190 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▨ –keywords | fill | left | lower | right | square | upper |
오른쪽 위에서 왼쪽 아래 방향 대각선으로 채워진 정사각형 |
9191 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▩ -name | square diagonal crosshatch fill |
서로 교차하는 대각선으로 채워진 정사각형 |
9192 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▩ –keywords | crosshatch | diagonal | fill | square |
서로 교차하는 대각선으로 채워진 정사각형 |
9193 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▬ -name | filled rectangle |
검은색 직사각형 |
9194 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▬ –keywords | filled | rectangle |
검은색 직사각형 |
9195 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▭ -name | hollow rectangle |
흰색 직사각형 |
9196 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▭ –keywords | hollow | rectangle |
흰색 직사각형 |
9197 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▮ -name | filled vertical rectangle |
검은색 세로 직사각형 |
9198 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▮ –keywords | filled | rectangle | vertical |
검은색 세로 직사각형 |
9199 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▰ -name | filled parallelogram |
검은색 평행 사변형 |
9200 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▰ –keywords | filled | parallelogram |
검은색 평행 사변형 |
9201 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | △ -name | hollow up-pointing triangle |
위쪽 방향 흰색 삼각형 |
9202 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | △ –keywords | hollow | triangle | up-pointing |
위쪽 방향 흰색 삼각형 |
9203 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▴ -name | filled up-pointing small triangle |
위쪽 방향 검은색 삼각형 |
9204 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▴ –keywords | filled | small | triangle | up-pointing |
위쪽 방향 검은색 삼각형 |
9205 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▵ -name | hollow up-pointing small triangle |
위쪽 방향 흰색 작은 삼각형 |
9206 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▵ –keywords | hollow | small | triangle | up-pointing |
위쪽 방향 흰색 작은 삼각형 |
9207 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▸ -name | filled right-pointing small triangle |
오른쪽 방향 검은색 작은 삼각형 |
9208 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▸ –keywords | filled | right-pointing | small | triangle |
오른쪽 방향 검은색 작은 삼각형 |
9209 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▹ -name | hollow right-pointing small triangle |
오른쪽 방향 흰색 작은 삼각형 |
9210 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▹ –keywords | hollow | right-pointing | small | triangle |
오른쪽 방향 흰색 작은 삼각형 |
9211 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ► -name | filled right-pointing pointer |
오른쪽 방향 검은색 포인터 |
9212 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ► –keywords | filled | pointer | right-pointing |
오른쪽 방향 검은색 포인터 |
9213 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▻ -name | hollow right-pointing pointer |
오른쪽 방향 흰색 포인터 |
9214 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▻ –keywords | hollow | pointer | right-pointing |
오른쪽 방향 흰색 포인터 |
9215 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▽ -name | hollow down-pointing triangle |
아래쪽 방향 흰색 삼각형 |
9216 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▽ –keywords | down-pointing | hollow | triangle |
아래쪽 방향 흰색 삼각형 |
9217 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▾ -name | filled down-pointing small triangle |
아래쪽 방향 검은색 작은 삼각형 |
9218 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▾ –keywords | down-pointing | filled | small | triangle |
아래쪽 방향 검은색 작은 삼각형 |
9219 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▿ -name | hollow down-pointing small triangle |
아래쪽 방향 흰색 작은 삼각형 |
9220 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▿ –keywords | down-pointing | hollow | small | triangle |
아래쪽 방향 흰색 작은 삼각형 |
9221 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◂ -name | filled left-pointing small triangle |
왼쪽 방향 검은색 작은 삼각형 |
9222 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◂ –keywords | filled | left-pointing | small | triangle |
왼쪽 방향 검은색 작은 삼각형 |
9223 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◃ -name | hollow left-pointing small triangle |
왼쪽 방향 흰색 작은 삼각형 |
9224 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◃ –keywords | hollow | left-pointing | small | triangle |
왼쪽 방향 흰색 작은 삼각형 |
9225 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◄ -name | filled left-pointing pointer |
왼쪽 방향 검은색 포인터 |
9226 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◄ –keywords | filled | left-pointing | pointer |
왼쪽 방향 검은색 포인터 |
9227 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◅ -name | hollow left-pointing pointer |
왼쪽 방향 흰색 포인터 |
9228 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◅ –keywords | hollow | left-pointing | pointer |
왼쪽 방향 흰색 포인터 |
9229 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◆ -name | filled diamond |
검은색 다이아몬드 |
9230 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◆ –keywords | diamond | filled |
검은색 다이아몬드 |
9231 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◇ -name | hollow diamond |
흰색 다이아몬드 |
9232 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◇ –keywords | diamond | hollow |
흰색 다이아몬드 |
9233 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◈ -name | hollow diamond containing filled diamond |
검은색 다이아몬드를 포함하고 있는 흰색 다이아몬드 |
9234 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◈ –keywords | containing | diamond | filled | hollow |
검은색 다이아몬드를 포함하고 있는 흰색 다이아몬드 |
9235 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◉ -name | hollow circle containing filled circle |
검은색 원을 포함하고 있는 흰색 원 |
9236 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◉ –keywords | cicles | circle | circled | concentric | containing | dot | filled | fisheye | hollow | ward |
검은색 원을 포함하고 있는 흰색 원 |
9237 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◌ -name | dotted circle |
점선 테두리 원 |
9238 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◌ –keywords | circle | dotted |
점선 테두리 원 |
9239 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◍ -name | circle with vertical fill |
세로선으로 채워진 원 |
9240 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◍ –keywords | circle | fill | vertical | with |
세로선으로 채워진 원 |
9241 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◎ -name | concentric circles |
동심원 |
9242 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◎ –keywords | circle | circles | concentric | double | target |
동심원 |
9243 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◐ -name | circle left half filled |
왼쪽 절반이 채워진 원 |
9244 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◐ –keywords | circle | filled | half | left |
왼쪽 절반이 채워진 원 |
9245 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◑ -name | circle right half filled |
오른쪽 절반이 채워진 원 |
9246 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◑ –keywords | circle | filled | half | right |
오른쪽 절반이 채워진 원 |
9247 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◒ -name | circle lower half filled |
아래쪽 절반이 채워진 원 |
9248 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◒ –keywords | circle | filled | half | lower |
아래쪽 절반이 채워진 원 |
9249 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◓ -name | circle upper half filled |
위쪽 절반이 채워진 원 |
9250 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◓ –keywords | circle | filled | half | upper |
위쪽 절반이 채워진 원 |
9251 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◔ -name | circle upper right quadrant filled |
오른쪽 위 사분면이 채워진 원 |
9252 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◔ –keywords | circle | filled | quadrant | right | upper |
오른쪽 위 사분면이 채워진 원 |
9253 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◕ -name | circle all but upper left quadrant filled |
왼쪽 위 사분면을 제외한 모든 면이 채워진 원 |
9254 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◕ –keywords | all | but | circle | filled | left | quadrant | upper |
왼쪽 위 사분면을 제외한 모든 면이 채워진 원 |
9255 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◖ -name | left half filled circle |
왼쪽 절반이 채워진 반원 |
9256 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◖ –keywords | circle | filled | half | left |
왼쪽 절반이 채워진 반원 |
9257 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◗ -name | right half filled circle |
오른쪽 절반이 채워진 반원 |
9258 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◗ –keywords | circle | filled | half | right |
오른쪽 절반이 채워진 반원 |
9259 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◘ -name | inverse bullet |
반전 글머리 기호 |
9260 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◘ –keywords | bullet | inverse |
반전 글머리 기호 |
9261 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◙ -name | filled square containing hollow circle |
흰색 원을 포함하고 있는 검은색 정사각형 |
9262 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◙ –keywords | circle | containing | filled | hollow | inverse | square |
흰색 원을 포함하고 있는 검은색 정사각형 |
9263 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◜ -name | upper left quadrant circular arc |
왼쪽 위 사분면 원호 |
9264 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◜ –keywords | arc | circular | left | quadrant | upper |
왼쪽 위 사분면 원호 |
9265 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◝ -name | upper right quadrant circular arc |
오른쪽 위 사분면 원호 |
9266 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◝ –keywords | arc | circular | quadrant | right | upper |
오른쪽 위 사분면 원호 |
9267 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◞ -name | lower right quadrant circular arc |
오른쪽 아래 사분면 원호 |
9268 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◞ –keywords | arc | circular | lower | quadrant | right |
오른쪽 아래 사분면 원호 |
9269 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◟ -name | lower left quadrant circular arc |
왼쪽 아래 사분면 원호 |
9270 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◟ –keywords | arc | circular | left | lower | quadrant |
왼쪽 아래 사분면 원호 |
9271 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◠ -name | upper half circle |
위쪽 반원 |
9272 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◠ –keywords | circle | half | upper |
위쪽 반원 |
9273 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◡ -name | lower half circle |
아래쪽 반원 |
9274 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◡ –keywords | circle | half | lower |
아래쪽 반원 |
9275 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◢ -name | filled lower right triangle |
오른쪽 아래 검은색 직각삼각형 |
9276 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◢ –keywords | filled | lower | right | triangle |
오른쪽 아래 검은색 직각삼각형 |
9277 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◣ -name | filled lower left triangle |
왼쪽 아래 검은색 직각삼각형 |
9278 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◣ –keywords | filled | left | lower | triangle |
왼쪽 아래 검은색 직각삼각형 |
9279 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◤ -name | filled upper left triangle |
왼쪽 위 검은색 직각삼각형 |
9280 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◤ –keywords | filled | left | triangle | upper |
왼쪽 위 검은색 직각삼각형 |
9281 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◥ -name | filled upper right triangle |
오른쪽 위 검은색 직각삼각형 |
9282 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◥ –keywords | filled | right | triangle | upper |
오른쪽 위 검은색 직각삼각형 |
9283 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◦ -name | hollow bullet |
빈 글머리 기호 |
9284 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◦ –keywords | bullet | hollow |
빈 글머리 기호 |
9285 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◳ -name | hollow square upper right quadrant |
오른쪽 위 사분면이 있는 빈 정사각형 |
9286 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◳ –keywords | hollow | quadrant | right | square | upper |
오른쪽 위 사분면이 있는 빈 정사각형 |
9287 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◷ -name | hollow circle with upper right quadrant |
오른쪽 위 사분면이 있는 빈 원 |
9288 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◷ –keywords | circle | hollow | quadrant | right | upper | with |
오른쪽 위 사분면이 있는 빈 원 |
9289 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ₢ -name | cruzeiro |
크루제이루 |
9290 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ₢ –keywords | BRB | cruzeiro | currency |
크루제이루 |
9291 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ₣ -name | french franc |
프랑스 프랑 |
9292 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ₣ –keywords | currency | franc | french |
프랑스 프랑 |
9293 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ₤ -name | lira |
리라 |
9294 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ₤ –keywords | currency | lira |
리라 |
9295 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ₰ -name | german penny |
독일 페니 |
9296 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ₰ –keywords | currency | german | penny | pfennig |
독일 페니 |
9297 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ₳ -name | austral |
오스트랄 |
9298 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ₳ –keywords | ARA | austral | currency |
오스트랄 |
9299 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ₶ -name | livre tournois |
리브르 투아누아 |
9300 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ₶ –keywords | currency | livre | tournois |
리브르 투아누아 |
9301 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ₷ -name | spesmilo |
스페스밀로 |
9302 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ₷ –keywords | currency | spesmilo |
스페스밀로 |
9303 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ₨ -name | rupee |
루피 |
9304 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ₨ –keywords | currency | rupee |
루피 |
9305 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ﷼ -name | rial |
리알 |
9306 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ﷼ –keywords | currency | rial |
리알 |
9307 | Characters | Other Symbols | alphanum | ℗ -name | sound recording copyright |
음원 복제권 |
9308 | Characters | Other Symbols | alphanum | ℗ –keywords | copyright | recording | sound |
녹음 | 음원 | 음원 복제권 | 저작권 |
9309 | Characters | Other Symbols | alphanum | µ -name | micro sign |
마이크로 |
9310 | Characters | Other Symbols | alphanum | µ –keywords | measure | micro | sign |
마이크로 | 마이크로 기호 | 측정 단위 |
9311 | Characters | Other Symbols | geometric | ▼ -name | filled down-pointing triangle |
검은색 아래쪽 삼각형 |
9312 | Characters | Other Symbols | geometric | ▼ –keywords | arrow | down | down-pointing | filled | triangle |
검은색 삼각형 | 검은색 아래쪽 삼각형 | 삼각형 | 아래쪽 |
9313 | Characters | Other Symbols | geometric | ▲ -name | filled up-pointing triangle |
검은색 위쪽 삼각형 |
9314 | Characters | Other Symbols | geometric | ▲ –keywords | arrow | filled | triangle | up | up-pointing |
검은색 삼각형 | 검은색 위쪽 삼각형 | 삼각형 | 위쪽 |
9315 | Characters | Other Symbols | geometric | ● -name | filled circle |
채워진 원 |
9316 | Characters | Other Symbols | geometric | ● –keywords | circle | filled |
원 | 채워진 원 |
9317 | Characters | Other Symbols | geometric | ○ -name | hollow circle |
빈 원 |
9318 | Characters | Other Symbols | geometric | ○ –keywords | circle | hollow | ring |
빈 원 | 원 |
9319 | Characters | Other Symbols | geometric | ◯ -name | large hollow circle |
큰 빈 원 |
9320 | Characters | Other Symbols | geometric | ◯ –keywords | circle | hollow | large | ring |
빈 원 | 원 | 큰 빈 원 |
9321 | Characters | Other Symbols | geometric | ◊ -name | lozenge |
마름모 |
9322 | Characters | Other Symbols | geometric | ◊ –keywords | diamond | lozenge | rhombus |
다이아몬드 모양 | 마름모 | 마름모꼴 |
9323 | Characters | Flags | flag | 🏁 -name | chequered flag |
격자 무늬 깃발 |
9324 | Characters | Flags | flag | 🏁 –keywords | checkered | chequered | finish | flag | flags | game | race | racing | sport | win |
격자 무늬 | 격자 무늬 깃발 | 결승선 깃발 | 경기 | 깃발 | 레이싱 | 스포츠 | 체크 무늬 | 체크 무늬 깃발 |
9325 | Characters | Flags | flag | 🚩 -name | triangular flag |
세모 깃발 |
9326 | Characters | Flags | flag | 🚩 –keywords | construction | flag | golf | post | triangular |
골프 | 공사 | 깃발 | 세모 깃발 | 우체국 | 위치 표시 | 위치 표시 깃발 |
9327 | Characters | Flags | flag | 🎌 -name | crossed flags |
엇갈린 일본 국기 |
9328 | Characters | Flags | flag | 🎌 –keywords | celebration | cross | crossed | flags | Japanese |
교차 | 교차된 깃발 | 국가 행사 | 국기 | 엇갈린 일본 국기 | 일본 |
9329 | Characters | Flags | flag | 🏴 -name | black flag |
펄럭이는 검은색 깃발 |
9330 | Characters | Flags | flag | 🏴 –keywords | black | flag | waving |
검은색 깃발 | 깃발 | 펄럭이는 검은색 깃발 | 펄릭이는 | 플래그 |
9331 | Characters | Flags | flag | 🏳 -name | white flag |
펄럭이는 흰색 깃발 |
9332 | Characters | Flags | flag | 🏳 –keywords | flag | waving | white |
깃발 | 펄럭이는 | 펄럭이는 흰색 깃발 | 플래그 | 항복 | 흰색 깃발 |
9333 | Characters | Flags | flag | 🏳🌈 -name | rainbow flag |
무지개 깃발 |
9334 | Characters | Flags | flag | 🏳🌈 –keywords | bisexual | flag | gay | genderqueer | glbt | glbtq | lesbian | lgbt | lgbtq | lgbtqia | pride | queer | rainbow | trans | transgender |
LGBT | LGBTQ | 게이 | 깃발 | 레즈비언 | 무지개 | 바이섹슈얼 | 성소수자 | 양성애자 | 젠더퀴어 | 퀴어 | 트랜스젠더 |
9335 | Characters | Flags | flag | 🏳⚧ -name | transgender flag |
트랜스젠더 깃발 |
9336 | Characters | Flags | flag | 🏳⚧ –keywords | blue | flag | light | pink | transgender | white |
깃발 | 분홍색 | 트랜스젠더 | 하늘색 | 하얀색 |
9337 | Characters | Flags | flag | 🏴☠ -name | pirate flag |
해적 깃발 |
9338 | Characters | Flags | flag | 🏴☠ –keywords | flag | Jolly | pirate | plunder | Roger | treasure |
보물섬 | 약탈자 | 해골 깃발 | 해적 | 해적 깃발 |
9339 | Characters | Component | skin-tone | 🏻 -name | light skin tone |
하얀 피부 |
9340 | Characters | Component | skin-tone | 🏻 –keywords | 1–2 | light | skin | tone | type |
타입 일 다시 이 | 피부톤 | 하얀 피부 |
9341 | Characters | Component | skin-tone | 🏼 -name | medium-light skin tone |
연한 갈색 피부 |
9342 | Characters | Component | skin-tone | 🏼 –keywords | 3 | medium-light | skin | tone | type |
연한 갈색 피부 | 타입 삼 | 피부톤 |
9343 | Characters | Component | skin-tone | 🏽 -name | medium skin tone |
갈색 피부 |
9344 | Characters | Component | skin-tone | 🏽 –keywords | 4 | medium | skin | tone | type |
갈색 피부 | 타입 사 | 피부톤 |
9345 | Characters | Component | skin-tone | 🏾 -name | medium-dark skin tone |
진한 갈색 피부 |
9346 | Characters | Component | skin-tone | 🏾 –keywords | 5 | medium-dark | skin | tone | type |
진한 갈색 피부 | 타입 오 | 피부톤 |
9347 | Characters | Component | skin-tone | 🏿 -name | dark skin tone |
검은색 피부 |
9348 | Characters | Component | skin-tone | 🏿 –keywords | 6 | dark | skin | tone | type |
검은색 피부 | 타입 육 | 피부톤 |
9349 | Characters | Component | hair-style | 🦰 -name | red hair |
빨간 머리 |
9350 | Characters | Component | hair-style | 🦰 –keywords | ginger | hair | red | redhead |
빨간 머리 | 적갈색 |
9351 | Characters | Component | hair-style | 🦱 -name | curly hair |
곱슬머리 |
9352 | Characters | Component | hair-style | 🦱 –keywords | afro | curly | hair | ringlets |
고수머리 | 곱슬머리 | 아프로 |
9353 | Characters | Component | hair-style | 🦳 -name | white hair |
백발 |
9354 | Characters | Component | hair-style | 🦳 –keywords | gray | hair | old | white |
머리 | 백발 | 은발 | 장년 |
9355 | Characters | Component | hair-style | 🦲 -name | bald |
대머리 |
9356 | Characters | Component | hair-style | 🦲 –keywords | bald | chemotherapy | hair | hairless | no | shaven |
대머리 | 맨머리 | 민머리 | 벗겨진 머리 |
9357 | Characters | Typography | Axis | ital | italic |
이탤릭 |
9358 | Characters | Typography | Axis | opsz | optical size |
옵티컬 사이즈 |
9359 | Characters | Typography | Axis | slnt | slant |
기울기 |
9360 | Characters | Typography | Axis | wdth | width |
폭 |
9361 | Characters | Typography | Axis | wght | weight |
두께 |
9362 | Characters | Typography | Style | ital-1 | cursive |
필기체 |
9363 | Characters | Typography | Style | opsz-8 | caption |
자막체 |
9364 | Characters | Typography | Style | opsz-12 | text |
텍스트체 |
9365 | Characters | Typography | Style | opsz-18 | titling |
각인체 |
9366 | Characters | Typography | Style | opsz-72 | display |
표시체 |
9367 | Characters | Typography | Style | opsz-144 | poster |
포스터체 |
9368 | Characters | Typography | Style | slnt--12 | backslanted |
왼 빗김체 |
9369 | Characters | Typography | Style | slnt-0 | upright |
곧은체 |
9370 | Characters | Typography | Style | slnt-12 | slanted |
빗김체 |
9371 | Characters | Typography | Style | slnt-24 | extra-slanted |
강한 빗김체 |
9372 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-50 | ultracondensed |
가장 폭좁은체 |
9373 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-50-compressed | ultracompressed |
가장 촘촘한체 |
9374 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-50-narrow | ultranarrow |
가장 좁은체 |
9375 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-62.5 | extra-condensed |
매우 폭좁은체 |
9376 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-62.5-compressed | extra-compressed |
매우 촘촘한체 |
9377 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-62.5-narrow | extra-narrow |
매우 좁은체 |
9378 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-75 | condensed |
폭좁은체 |
9379 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-75-compressed | compressed |
아주 촘촘한체 |
9380 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-75-narrow | compressed |
좁은체 |
9381 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-87.5 | semicondensed |
약간 폭좁은체 |
9382 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-87.5-compressed | semicompressed |
조금 눌린체 |
9383 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-87.5-narrow | seminarrow |
조금 좁은체 |
9384 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-100 | normal |
보통체 |
9385 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-112.5 | semiexpanded |
약간 굵은 넓은체 |
9386 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-112.5-extended | semiextended |
약간 넓은체 |
9387 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-112.5-wide | semiwide |
조금 넓은체 |
9388 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-125 | expanded |
굵은 넓은체 |
9389 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-125-extended | extended |
넓은체 |
9390 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-125-wide | wide |
폭넓은체 |
9391 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-150 | extra-expanded |
매우 굵은 넓은체 |
9392 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-150-extended | extra-extended |
매우 넓은체 |
9393 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-150-wide | extra-wide |
매우 폭넓은체 |
9394 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-200 | ultraexpanded |
아주 굵은 넓은체 |
9395 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-200-extended | ultraextended |
아주 넓은체 |
9396 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-200-wide | ultrawide |
아주 넓은체 |
9397 | Characters | Typography | Style | wght-100 | thin |
얇은체 |
9398 | Characters | Typography | Style | wght-200 | extra-light |
매우 가는체 |
9399 | Characters | Typography | Style | wght-200-ultra | ultralight |
아주 가는체 |
9400 | Characters | Typography | Style | wght-300 | light |
가는체 |
9401 | Characters | Typography | Style | wght-350 | semilight |
약간 가는체 |
9402 | Characters | Typography | Style | wght-380 | book |
도서체 |
9403 | Characters | Typography | Style | wght-400 | regular |
일반체 |
9404 | Characters | Typography | Style | wght-500 | medium |
중간체 |
9405 | Characters | Typography | Style | wght-600 | semibold |
세미볼드체 |
9406 | Characters | Typography | Style | wght-600-demi | demibold |
데미볼드체 |
9407 | Characters | Typography | Style | wght-700 | bold |
볼드체 |
9408 | Characters | Typography | Style | wght-800 | extra-bold |
엑스트라볼드체 |
9409 | Characters | Typography | Style | wght-800-ultra | extra-bold |
울트라볼드체 |
9410 | Characters | Typography | Style | wght-900 | black |
블랙체 |
9411 | Characters | Typography | Style | wght-900-heavy | heavy |
진한 볼드체 |
9412 | Characters | Typography | Style | wght-950 | extra-black |
진한 블랙체 |
9413 | Characters | Typography | Style | wght-950-ultrablack | ultrablack |
울트라블랙체 |
9414 | Characters | Typography | Style | wght-950-ultraheavy | ultraheavy |
아주 굵은 볼드체 |
9415 | Characters | Typography | Feature | afrc | vertical fractions |
수직 분수 |
9416 | Characters | Typography | Feature | cpsp | capital spacing |
대문자 간격 |
9417 | Characters | Typography | Feature | dlig | optional ligatures |
선택 합자 |
9418 | Characters | Typography | Feature | frac | diagonal fractions |
대각선 분수 |
9419 | Characters | Typography | Feature | lnum | lining numbers |
높이가 같은 숫자 |
9420 | Characters | Typography | Feature | onum | old-style figures |
고전형 숫자 |
9421 | Characters | Typography | Feature | ordn | ordinals |
서수 |
9422 | Characters | Typography | Feature | pnum | proportional numbers |
가변폭 숫자 |
9423 | Characters | Typography | Feature | smcp | small capitals |
작은 대문자 |
9424 | Characters | Typography | Feature | tnum | tabular numbers |
고정폭 숫자 |
9425 | Characters | Typography | Feature | zero | slashed zero |
슬래시 0 |
9426 | Miscellaneous | Displaying Lists | “And” List | 2 | {0} and {1} |
{0} 및 {1} |
9427 | Miscellaneous | Displaying Lists | “And” List | start | = |
{0}, {1} |
9428 | Miscellaneous | Displaying Lists | “And” List | middle | = |
{0}, {1} |
9429 | Miscellaneous | Displaying Lists | “And” List | end | {0}, and {1} |
{0} 및 {1} |
9430 | Miscellaneous | Displaying Lists | “Or” List | 2 | {0} or {1} |
{0} 또는 {1} |
9431 | Miscellaneous | Displaying Lists | “Or” List | start | = |
{0}, {1} |
9432 | Miscellaneous | Displaying Lists | “Or” List | middle | = |
{0}, {1} |
9433 | Miscellaneous | Displaying Lists | “Or” List | end | {0}, or {1} |
{0} 또는 {1} |
9434 | Miscellaneous | Displaying Lists | Short Unit List | 2 | {0}, {1} |
{0} {1} |
9435 | Miscellaneous | Displaying Lists | Short Unit List | start | {0}, {1} |
{0} {1} |
9436 | Miscellaneous | Displaying Lists | Short Unit List | middle | {0}, {1} |
{0} {1} |
9437 | Miscellaneous | Displaying Lists | Short Unit List | end | {0}, {1} |
{0} {1} |
9438 | Miscellaneous | Minimal Pairs | Ordinal | other | Take the {0}th right. |
{0}번째 길목에서 우회전하세요. |
9439 | Miscellaneous | Minimal Pairs | Plural | other | {0} days |
{0}일 |
9440 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | NameOrder for Locales | givenFirst | und en |
und |
9441 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | NameOrder for Locales | surnameFirst | ja ko vi yue zh |
hu ja km ko mn si ta te vi yue zh |
9442 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | Default Parameters | formality | = |
informal |
9443 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | Default Parameters | length | = |
medium |
9444 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | AuxiliaryItems | foreignSpaceReplacement | = |
9445 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | AuxiliaryItems | nativeSpaceReplacement | |
9446 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | AuxiliaryItems | pattern-initial | = |
{0}. |
9447 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | AuxiliaryItems | pattern-initialSequence | {0}{1} |
{0} {1} |
9448 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: nativeG | given | Zendaya |
유미 |
9449 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: nativeGS | given | Irene |
유미 |
9450 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: nativeGS | surname | Adler |
강 |
9451 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: nativeGGS | given | Mary Sue |
소현 |
9452 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: nativeGGS | given2 | Hamish |
∅∅∅ |
9453 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: nativeGGS | surname | Watson |
박 |
9454 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: nativeFull | credentials | MP |
∅∅∅ |
9455 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: nativeFull | generation | Jr |
∅∅∅ |
9456 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: nativeFull | title | Mr. |
님 |
9457 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: nativeFull | given | Bertram Wilberforce |
민규 |
9458 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: nativeFull | given-informal | Bertie |
민규 |
9459 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: nativeFull | given2 | Henry Robert |
헨리 |
9460 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: nativeFull | surname-prefix | = |
∅∅∅ |
9461 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: nativeFull | surname-core | Wooster |
김 |
9462 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: nativeFull | surname2 | = |
∅∅∅ |
9463 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: foreignG | given | Sinbad |
신밧드 |
9464 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: foreignGS | given | Käthe |
케테 |
9465 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: foreignGS | surname | Müller |
뮐러 |
9466 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: foreignGGS | given | Zäzilia |
제질리아 |
9467 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: foreignGGS | given2 | Hamish |
해미쉬 |
9468 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: foreignGGS | surname | Stöber |
슈퇴버 |
9469 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: foreignFull | credentials | MD DDS |
박사 |
9470 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: foreignFull | generation | Jr |
주니어 |
9471 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: foreignFull | title | Prof. Dr. |
교수 |
9472 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: foreignFull | given | Ada Cornelia |
에이다 코넬리아 |
9473 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: foreignFull | given-informal | Neele |
닐 |
9474 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: foreignFull | given2 | César Martín |
세사르 마르틴 |
9475 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: foreignFull | surname-prefix | von |
폰 |
9476 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: foreignFull | surname-core | Brühl |
볼프 |
9477 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: foreignFull | surname2 | González Domingo |
베커 슈미트 |
9478 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Main Patterns for Order: givenFirst | long-referring-formal | {title} {given} {given2} {surname} {generation}, {credentials} |
{given} {given2} {surname} {credentials} |
9479 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Main Patterns for Order: givenFirst | long-addressing-formal | {title} {surname} |
{surname} {title} |
9480 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Main Patterns for Order: givenFirst | long-referring-informal | = |
{given-informal} {surname} |
9481 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Main Patterns for Order: givenFirst | long-addressing-informal | = |
{given-informal} |
9482 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Main Patterns for Order: givenFirst | medium-referring-formal | {given} {given2-initial} {surname} {generation}, {credentials} |
{given} {surname} {credentials} |
9483 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Main Patterns for Order: givenFirst | medium-addressing-formal | {title} {surname} |
{surname} {title} |
9484 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Main Patterns for Order: givenFirst | medium-referring-informal | = |
{given-informal} {surname} |
9485 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Main Patterns for Order: givenFirst | medium-addressing-informal | = |
{given-informal} |
9486 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Main Patterns for Order: givenFirst | short-referring-formal | {given-initial}{given2-initial} {surname} |
{given} {surname} |
9487 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Main Patterns for Order: givenFirst | short-addressing-formal | {title} {surname} |
{surname} {title} |
9488 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Main Patterns for Order: givenFirst | short-referring-informal | {given-informal} {surname-initial} |
{given-informal} {surname} |
9489 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Main Patterns for Order: givenFirst | short-addressing-informal | = |
{given-informal} |
9490 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Main Patterns for Order: surnameFirst | long-referring-formal | {surname} {title} {given} {given2} {generation}, {credentials} |
{surname} {given} {given2} {credentials} |
9491 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Main Patterns for Order: surnameFirst | long-addressing-formal | {title} {surname} |
{surname} {title} |
9492 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Main Patterns for Order: surnameFirst | long-referring-informal | = |
{surname} {given-informal} |
9493 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Main Patterns for Order: surnameFirst | long-addressing-informal | = |
{given-informal} |
9494 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Main Patterns for Order: surnameFirst | medium-referring-formal | {surname} {given} {given2-initial} {generation}, {credentials} |
{surname} {given} {credentials} |
9495 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Main Patterns for Order: surnameFirst | medium-addressing-formal | {title} {surname} |
{surname} {title} |
9496 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Main Patterns for Order: surnameFirst | medium-referring-informal | = |
{surname} {given-informal} |
9497 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Main Patterns for Order: surnameFirst | medium-addressing-informal | = |
{given-informal} |
9498 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Main Patterns for Order: surnameFirst | short-referring-formal | {surname} {given-initial}{given2-initial} |
{surname} {given} |
9499 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Main Patterns for Order: surnameFirst | short-addressing-formal | {title} {surname} |
{surname} {title} |
9500 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Main Patterns for Order: surnameFirst | short-referring-informal | {surname} {given-initial} |
{surname} {given-informal} |
9501 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Main Patterns for Order: surnameFirst | short-addressing-informal | = |
{given-informal} |
9502 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Sorting Patterns (Usage: referring) | long-formal | {surname-core}, {given} {given2} {surname-prefix} |
{surname} {given} {given2} |
9503 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Sorting Patterns (Usage: referring) | long-informal | {surname}, {given-informal} |
{surname} {given-informal} |
9504 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Sorting Patterns (Usage: referring) | medium-formal | {surname-core}, {given} {given2-initial} {surname-prefix} |
{surname-core} {given} {given2} {surname-prefix} |
9505 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Sorting Patterns (Usage: referring) | medium-informal | {surname}, {given-informal} |
{surname} {given-informal} |
9506 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Sorting Patterns (Usage: referring) | short-formal | {surname-core}, {given-initial}{given2-initial} {surname-prefix} |
{surname} {given} |
9507 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Sorting Patterns (Usage: referring) | short-informal | {surname}, {given-informal} |
{surname} {given-informal} |
9508 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Monogram Patterns for Order: givenFirst | long-formal | {given-monogram-allCaps}{given2-monogram-allCaps}{surname-monogram-allCaps} |
{given-monogram-allCaps} |
9509 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Monogram Patterns for Order: surnameFirst | long-formal | {surname-monogram-allCaps}{given-monogram-allCaps}{given2-monogram-allCaps} |
{surname-monogram-allCaps} |