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Locale Data Summary for Venetian [vec]


Root [root] > Venetian [vec]

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1Core DataAlphabetic InformationCharacters in UseMain Letters[a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z] [aà b c d eéè f g h iì j l m n oóò p r s t uù v x z]
2Core DataAlphabetic InformationCharacters in UseOthers: auxiliary[áàăâåäãā æ ç éèĕêëē íìĭîïī ñ óòŏôöøō œ úùŭûüū ÿ] [ªá ćç ḑ ʣ ǵ í k ł º q ş ţ ʦ ú w y {z̧}]
3Core DataAlphabetic InformationCharacters in UseOthers: numbers= [\- ‑ , . % ‰ + 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
4Core DataAlphabetic InformationCharacters in UseOthers: punctuation[\- ‐‑ – — , ; \: ! ? . … '‘’ "“” ( ) \[ \] § @ * / \& # † ‡ ′ ″] [\- ‐‑ ‒ – — ― ⁓ , ; \: ! ? . … · '‘’ "“” « » ( ) \[ \] \{ \} 〈 〉 @ * / \\ \& # + = ⁄]
5Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsedate-lenient(-)= [\- ‑ . /]
6Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsedate-lenient(:)= [\::﹕︓ ∶]
7Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsegeneral-lenient(.)= [..․﹒ 。。︒]
8Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsegeneral-lenient(’)= [''’ ՚ ᾽᾿ ʼ]
9Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsegeneral-lenient(%)= [%%﹪ ٪]
10Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsegeneral-lenient(‰)= [‰ ؉]
11Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsegeneral-lenient($)= [\$$﹩]
12Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsegeneral-lenient(£)= [££ ₤]
13Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsegeneral-lenient(¥)= [¥¥]
14Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsegeneral-lenient(₩)= [₩₩]
15Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsegeneral-lenient(₹)= [₹ {Rp} {Rs}₨]
16Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsenumber-lenient(-)= [\--﹣ ‐‑ ‒ – −⁻₋ ➖]
17Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsenumber-lenient(,)= [,,﹐︐ ⹁ ، ٫ 、﹑、︑]
18Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsenumber-lenient(+)= [++﬩﹢⁺₊ ➕]
19Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsenumber-stricter(,)= [,,﹐︐ ⹁ ٫]
20Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsenumber-stricter(.)= [..․﹒ 。]
21Core DataAlphabetic InformationEllipsisfinal= {0}…
22Core DataAlphabetic InformationEllipsisinitial= …{0}
23Core DataAlphabetic InformationEllipsismedial= {0}…{1}
24Core DataAlphabetic InformationEllipsisword-final= {0} …
25Core DataAlphabetic InformationEllipsisword-initial= … {0}
26Core DataAlphabetic InformationEllipsisword-medial= {0} … {1}
27Core DataAlphabetic InformationQuotation MarksEnd=
28Core DataAlphabetic InformationQuotation MarksStart=
29Core DataAlphabetic InformationQuotation Marksembedded-End=
30Core DataAlphabetic InformationQuotation Marksembedded-Start=
31Core DataAlphabetic InformationSymbolsMore Information= ?
32Core DataAlphabetic InformationYes and Noposix-nono:n nò:n
33Core DataAlphabetic InformationYes and Noposix-yesyes:y sì:s
34Core DataNumbering SystemsNumbering Systemdefault= latn
35Core DataNumbering SystemsNumbering Systemnative= latn
36Locale Display NamesLocale Name PatternsLocale FormattinglocalePattern= {0} ({1})
37Locale Display NamesLocale Name PatternsLocale FormattinglocaleSeparator= {0}, {1}
38Locale Display NamesLocale Name PatternsLocale FormattinglocaleKeyTypePattern= {0}: {1}
39Locale Display NamesLocale Name PatternsLocale Field FallbackslanguageLanguage: {0} Lengua: {0}
40Locale Display NamesLocale Name PatternsLocale Field FallbacksscriptScript: {0} Scritura: {0}
41Locale Display NamesLocale Name PatternsLocale Field FallbacksterritoryRegion: {0} Rejon: {0}
42Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAbkhazian ► abAbkhazian abcazo
43Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAcehnese ► aceAcehnese acineze
44Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAdangme ► adaAdangme adangme
45Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAdyghe ► adyAdyghe adighe
46Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAfar ► aaAfar afar
47Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAfrikaans ► afAfrikaans afregan
48Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAghem ► agqAghem aghem
49Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAinu ► ainAinu ainu
50Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAkan ► akAkan akan
51Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAkoose ► bssAkoose akos
52Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAlbanian ► sqAlbanian albaneze
53Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAleut ► aleAleut aleutian
54Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAmharic ► amAmharic amàrego
55Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAngika ► anpAngika angika
56Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAnii ► bloAnii anii
57Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AArabic ► arArabic àrabo
58Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AArabic ► ar_001Modern Standard Arabic àrabo moderno standard
59Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAragonese ► anAragonese aragoneze
60Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AArapaho ► arpArapaho arapào
61Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AArmenian ► hyArmenian armen
62Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAromanian ► rupAromanian aromen
63Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAssamese ► asAssamese asameze
64Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAsturian ► astAsturian asturian
65Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAsu ► asaAsu asu
66Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAtikamekw ► atjAtikamekw atikamec
67Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAtsam ► cchAtsam atsam
68Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAvaric ► avAvaric avàrego
69Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAwadhi ► awaAwadhi awadi
70Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAymara ► ayAymara aimar
71Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAzerbaijani ► azAzerbaijani azerbaijan
72Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAzerbaijani ► az-shortAzeri azero
73Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBafia ► ksfBafia bafia
74Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBalinese ► banBalinese balineze
75Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBaluchi ► balBaluchi baluci
76Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBambara ► bmBambara banbara
77Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBangla ► bnBangla bangla
78Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBasaa ► basBasaa basa
79Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBashkir ► baBashkir bashkir
80Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBasque ► euBasque basco
81Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBelarusian ► beBelarusian beloruso
82Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBemba ► bemBemba benba
83Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBena ► bezBena bena
84Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBetawi ► bewBetawi betawi
85Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBhojpuri ► bhoBhojpuri bojpuri
86Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBini ► binBini bini
87Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBislama ► biBislama bizlama
88Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBlin ► bynBlin blin
89Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBodo ► brxBodo bodo
90Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBosnian ► bsBosnian boznìago
91Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBreton ► brBreton brètone
92Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBuginese ► bugBuginese bugineze
93Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBulgarian ► bgBulgarian bùlgaro
94Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBurmese ► myBurmese birman
95Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCaddo ► cadCaddo cado
96Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCajun French ► frcCajun French cadian
97Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCantonese ► yueCantonese cantoneze
98Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCarolina Algonquian ► crrCarolina Algonquian algonchin de la Carolina
99Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCatalan ► caCatalan catalan
100Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCayuga ► cayCayuga cayuga
101Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCebuano ► cebCebuano sebuan
102Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCentral Atlas Tamazight ► tzmCentral Atlas Tamazight tamazigh de l’Atlante sentrale
103Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCentral Kurdish ► ckbCentral Kurdish curdo sentrale
104Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCentral Kurdish ► ckb-variantKurdish, Sorani curdo sorani
105Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCentral Ojibwa ► ojcCentral Ojibwa ojibwa sentrale
106Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChakma ► ccpChakma ciakma
107Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChamorro ► chChamorro ciamoro
108Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChechen ► ceChechen cecen
109Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCherokee ► chrCherokee cerokee
110Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCheyenne ► chyCheyenne ceyen
111Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChickasaw ► cicChickasaw cìcasow
112Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChiga ► cggChiga ciga
113Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChilcotin ► clcChilcotin cìlcotin
114Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChinese ► zhChinese sineze
115Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChinese ► zh_Hans-longSimplified Mandarin Chinese mandarin (senpio)
116Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChinese ► zh_Hant-longTraditional Mandarin Chinese mandarin (tradisionale)
117Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChinese ► zh-menuChinese, Mandarin sineze mandarin
118Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChipewyan ► chpChipewyan cìpejan
119Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChoctaw ► choChoctaw ciòctaw
120Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChurch Slavic ► cuChurch Slavic zlavo de cieza
121Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChuukese ► chkChuukese ciukeze
122Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChuvash ► cvChuvash ciuvash
123Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CColognian ► kshColognian colognian
124Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CComorian ► swbComorian comorian
125Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCornish ► kwCornish còrnego
126Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCorsican ► coCorsican corso
127Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCroatian ► hrCroatian croà
128Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCzech ► csCzech seco
129Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDakota ► dakDakota dakota
130Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDanish ► daDanish daneze
131Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDargwa ► darDargwa dargwa
132Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDazaga ► dzgDazaga dazaga
133Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDivehi ► dvDivehi maldivian
134Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDogri ► doiDogri dogri
135Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDogrib ► dgrDogrib dogrib
136Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDuala ► duaDuala duala
137Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDutch ► nlDutch olandeze
138Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDutch ► nl_BEFlemish fiamingo
139Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDzongkha ► dzDzongkha dzongka
140Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEfik ► efiEfik efik
141Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEkajuk ► ekaEkajuk ekajuk
142Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEmbu ► ebuEmbu enbu
143Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEnglish ► enEnglish ingleze
144Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEnglish ► en_AUAustralian English ingleze australian
145Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEnglish ► en_CACanadian English ingleze canadeze
146Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEnglish ► en_GBBritish English ingleze britànego
147Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEnglish ► en_GB-shortUK English ingleze (Regno Unìo)
148Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEnglish ► en_USAmerican English ingleze meregan
149Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEnglish ► en_US-shortUS English ingleze (Stadi Unìi)
150Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EErzya ► myvErzya erzyen
151Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEsperanto ► eoEsperanto esperanto
152Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEstonian ► etEstonian estonian
153Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEwe ► eeEwe ewe
154Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEwondo ► ewoEwondo ewondo
155Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)FFaroese ► foFaroese faroeze
156Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)FFijian ► fjFijian fijan
157Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)FFilipino ► filFilipino filipin
158Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)FFinnish ► fiFinnish filandeze
159Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)FFon ► fonFon fon
160Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)FFrench ► frFrench franseze
161Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)FFrench ► fr_CACanadian French franseze canadeze
162Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)FFrench ► fr_CHSwiss French franseze zvìsaro
163Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)FFriulian ► furFriulian furlan
164Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)FFula ► ffFula fula
165Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGa ► gaaGa ga
166Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGalician ► glGalician galisian
167Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGanda ► lgGanda ganda
168Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGeez ► gezGeez geez
169Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGeorgian ► kaGeorgian jeorjan
170Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGerman ► deGerman todesco
171Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGerman ► de_ATAustrian German todesco austrìago
172Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGerman ► de_CHSwiss High German alto todesco zvìsaro
173Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGilbertese ► gilGilbertese gilberteze
174Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGorontalo ► gorGorontalo gorontalo
175Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGreek ► elGreek grego
176Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGuarani ► gnGuarani guaranì
177Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGujarati ► guGujarati gujarati
178Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGusii ► guzGusii gusi
179Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGwichʼin ► gwiGwichʼin gwichʼin
180Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHaida ► haiHaida haida
181Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHaitian Creole ► htHaitian Creole haitian
182Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHalkomelem ► hurHalkomelem halkomelem
183Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHaryanvi ► bgcHaryanvi harianvi
184Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHausa ► haHausa hausa
185Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHawaiian ► hawHawaiian hawaian
186Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHebrew ► heHebrew ebràego
187Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHerero ► hzHerero herero
188Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHiligaynon ► hilHiligaynon hiligheno
189Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHindi ► hiHindi hindi
190Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHindi ► hi_Latn-variantHinglish hingleze
191Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHmong ► hmnHmong mong
192Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHmong Njua ► hnjHmong Njua mong novo
193Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHungarian ► huHungarian ongareze
194Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHupa ► hupHupa hupa
195Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IIban ► ibaIban iban
196Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IIbibio ► ibbIbibio ibibio
197Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IIcelandic ► isIcelandic izlandeze
198Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IIdo ► ioIdo ido
199Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IIgbo ► igIgbo igbo
200Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IIloko ► iloIloko ilocan
201Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IInari Sami ► smnInari Sami sami inarian
202Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IIndonesian ► idIndonesian indonezian
203Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IIngush ► inhIngush ingush
204Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IInnu-aimun ► moeInnu-aimun inu aimun
205Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IInterlingua ► iaInterlingua interlengua
206Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IInterlingue ► ieInterlingue interlengue
207Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IInuktitut ► iuInuktitut inuktitut
208Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IIrish ► gaIrish irlandeze
209Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IItalian ► itItalian italian
210Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)JJapanese ► jaJapanese japoneze
211Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)JJavanese ► jvJavanese javaneze
212Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)JJju ► kajJju jju
213Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)JJola-Fonyi ► dyoJola-Fonyi jola foni
214Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKabardian ► kbdKabardian cabardian
215Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKabuverdianu ► keaKabuverdianu caoverdian
216Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKabyle ► kabKabyle cabil
217Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKachin ► kacKachin kachin
218Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKaingang ► kgpKaingang kaingang
219Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKako ► kkjKako kako
220Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKalaallisut ► klKalaallisut groelandeze
221Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKalenjin ► klnKalenjin kalenjin
222Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKalmyk ► xalKalmyk kalmik
223Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKamba ► kamKamba kanba
224Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKangri ► xnrKangri kangri
225Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKannada ► knKannada canareze
226Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKanuri ► krKanuri canuri
227Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKara-Kalpak ► kaaKara-Kalpak caracalpago
228Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKarachay-Balkar ► krcKarachay-Balkar karaciài balkar
229Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKarelian ► krlKarelian carelian
230Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKashmiri ► ksKashmiri cashmiri
231Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKazakh ► kkKazakh kazako
232Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKenyang ► kenKenyang keniang
233Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKhasi ► khaKhasi khasi
234Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKhmer ► kmKhmer canbojan
235Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKikuyu ► kiKikuyu kikuyu
236Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKimbundu ► kmbKimbundu kinbundu
237Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKinyarwanda ► rwKinyarwanda kiniarwanda
238Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKlingon ► tlhKlingon klingon
239Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKomi ► kvKomi komi
240Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKonkani ► kokKonkani konkani
241Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKorean ► koKorean corean
242Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKoro ► kfoKoro koro
243Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKoyra Chiini ► khqKoyra Chiini koyra cini
244Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKoyraboro Senni ► sesKoyraboro Senni koyraboro seni
245Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKpelle ► kpeKpelle kpele
246Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKuanyama ► kjKuanyama kuanyama
247Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKumyk ► kumKumyk kumyk
248Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKurdish ► kuKurdish curdo
249Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKurukh ► kruKurukh kuruk
250Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKuvi ► kxvKuvi kuvi
251Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKwakʼwala ► kwkKwakʼwala Kwakwala
252Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKwasio ► nmgKwasio kwazio
253Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKyrgyz ► kyKyrgyz kirghizo
254Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKʼicheʼ ► qucKʼicheʼ kish
255Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLadin ► lldlld ladin
256Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLadino ► ladLadino judezmo
257Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLakota ► lktLakota lacota
258Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLangi ► lagLangi langi
259Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLao ► loLao lao
260Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLatgalian ► ltgLatgalian letgalian
261Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLatin ► laLatin latin
262Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLatvian ► lvLatvian lètone
263Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLevantine Arabic ► apcapc àrabo levantin
264Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLezghian ► lezLezghian lezghian
265Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLigurian ► lijLigurian lìguro
266Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLillooet ► lilLillooet liluet
267Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLimburgish ► liLimburgish linburgheze
268Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLingala ► lnLingala lingala
269Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLithuanian ► ltLithuanian lituan
270Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLojban ► jboLojban lojban
271Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLombard ► lmoLombard lonbardo
272Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLouisiana Creole ► louLouisiana Creole crèolo de la Luiziana
273Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLow German ► ndsLow German baso todesco
274Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLow German ► nds_NLLow Saxon sàsone baso
275Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLower Sorbian ► dsbLower Sorbian baso sorabo
276Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLozi ► lozLozi lozi
277Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLuba-Katanga ► luLuba-Katanga luba katanga
278Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLuba-Lulua ► luaLuba-Lulua luba lulua
279Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLule Sami ► smjLule Sami sami de’l Lule
280Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLunda ► lunLunda lunda
281Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLuo ► luoLuo doluó
282Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLuxembourgish ► lbLuxembourgish lusenburgheze
283Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLuyia ► luyLuyia luja
284Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMacedonian ► mkMacedonian masèdone
285Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMachame ► jmcMachame machame
286Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMadurese ► madMadurese madureze
287Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMagahi ► magMagahi magahi
288Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMaithili ► maiMaithili maithili
289Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMakasar ► makMakasar makasar
290Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMakhuwa ► vmwMakhuwa macùa
291Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMakhuwa-Meetto ► mghMakhuwa-Meetto meeto
292Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMakonde ► kdeMakonde makonde
293Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMalagasy ► mgMalagasy malgaso
294Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMalay ► msMalay maleze
295Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMalayalam ► mlMalayalam malayàlam
296Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMaliseet-Passamaquoddy ► pqmMaliseet-Passamaquoddy malesita pasamacuody
297Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMaltese ► mtMaltese malteze
298Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MManipuri ► mniManipuri manipur
299Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MManx ► gvManx maneze
300Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMāori ► miMāori maori
301Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMapuche ► arnMapuche mapudungun
302Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMarathi ► mrMarathi marati
303Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMari ► chmMari mari
304Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMarshallese ► mhMarshallese marshaleze
305Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMasai ► masMasai masài
306Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMazanderani ► mznMazanderani mazandarani
307Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMende ► menMende mende
308Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMeru ► merMeru meru
309Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMetaʼ ► mgoMetaʼ meta
310Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMi'kmaw ► micMi'kmaw micmac
311Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMichif ► crgMichif mecif
312Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMinangkabau ► minMinangkabau minangkabau
313Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMirandese ► mwlMirandese mirandeze
314Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMizo ► lusMizo mizo
315Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMócheno ► mhnmhn mòcheno
316Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMohawk ► mohMohawk mohawk
317Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMoksha ► mdfMoksha moksha
318Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMongolian ► mnMongolian móngolo
319Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMoose Cree ► crmMoose Cree cree mose
320Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMorisyen ► mfeMorisyen maurisian
321Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMossi ► mosMossi mosi
322Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMultiple languages ► mulMultiple languages multilengua
323Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMundang ► muaMundang mundang
324Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMuscogee ► musMuscogee crek
325Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NN’Ko ► nqoN’Ko n’ko
326Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNajdi Arabic ► arsNajdi Arabic àrabo najdi
327Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNama ► naqNama nama
328Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNauru ► naNauru nauruan
329Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNavajo ► nvNavajo navajo
330Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNdonga ► ngNdonga ndonga
331Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNeapolitan ► napNeapolitan napoletan
332Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNepali ► neNepali nepaleze
333Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNewari ► newNewari newari
334Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNgambay ► sbaNgambay nganbay
335Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNgiemboon ► nnhNgiemboon ngienbon
336Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNgomba ► jgoNgomba ngonba
337Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNheengatu ► yrlNheengatu nengatu
338Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNias ► niaNias nias
339Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNigerian Pidgin ► pcmNigerian Pidgin pidgin nijerian
340Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNiuean ► niuNiuean niuean
341Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNo linguistic content ► zxxNo linguistic content gnaun contegnùo lenguìstego
342Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNogai ► nogNogai nogài
343Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNorth Ndebele ► ndNorth Ndebele ndebele de’l nord
344Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNorthern East Cree ► crlNorthern East Cree cree nord orientale
345Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNorthern Frisian ► frrNorthern Frisian frìzone setentrionale
346Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNorthern Luri ► lrcNorthern Luri luri setentrionale
347Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNorthern Sami ► seNorthern Sami sami setentrionale
348Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNorthern Sotho ► nsoNorthern Sotho soto setentrionale
349Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNorthern Tutchone ► ttmNorthern Tutchone tutchone setentrionale
350Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNorthwestern Ojibwa ► ojbNorthwestern Ojibwa ojibwa nord osidentale
351Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNorwegian ► noNorwegian norvejeze
352Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNorwegian Bokmål ► nbNorwegian Bokmål norvejeze bokmal
353Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNorwegian Nynorsk ► nnNorwegian Nynorsk norvejeze nynorsk
354Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNuer ► nusNuer nuer
355Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNyanja ► nyNyanja chewa
356Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNyankole ► nynNyankole nyankole
357Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OObolo ► annObolo obolo
358Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOccitan ► ocOccitan ositan
359Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOdia ► orOdia orija
360Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOji-Cree ► ojsOji-Cree oji cree
361Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOkanagan ► okaOkanagan okanagan
362Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOromo ► omOromo oromo
363Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOsage ► osaOsage osage
364Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOssetic ► osOssetic osètego
365Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPalauan ► pauPalauan palauan
366Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPampanga ► pamPampanga panpanga
367Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPangasinan ► pagPangasinan pangasinan
368Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPapiamento ► papPapiamento papiamento
369Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPashto ► psPashto pashto
370Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPersian ► faPersian persian
371Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPersian ► fa_AFDari dari
372Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPijin ► pisPijin pijin
373Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPlains Cree ► crkPlains Cree cree de le pianure
374Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPolish ► plPolish polaco
375Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPortuguese ► ptPortuguese portogheze
376Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPortuguese ► pt_BRBrazilian Portuguese portogheze braziłian
377Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPortuguese ► pt_PTEuropean Portuguese portogheze europèo
378Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPrussian ► prgPrussian prusian
379Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPunjabi ► paPunjabi punjabi
380Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)QQuechua ► quQuechua cuechua
381Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRajasthani ► rajRajasthani rajastani
382Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRapanui ► rapRapanui rapanui
383Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRarotongan ► rarRarotongan rarotongan
384Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRiffian ► rifRiffian rifegno
385Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRohingya ► rhgRohingya roinga
386Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRomanian ► roRomanian romen
387Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRomanian ► ro_MDMoldavian moldavo
388Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRomansh ► rmRomansh romancio
389Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRombo ► rofRombo ronbo
390Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRundi ► rnRundi rundi
391Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRussian ► ruRussian ruso
392Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRwa ► rwkRwa rwa
393Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSaamia ► lsmSaamia samia
394Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSaho ► ssySaho saho
395Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSamburu ► saqSamburu sanburu
396Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSamoan ► smSamoan samoan
397Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSandawe ► sadSandawe sandawe
398Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSango ► sgSango sango
399Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSangu ► sbpSangu sangu
400Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSanskrit ► saSanskrit sànscrito
401Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSantali ► satSantali santali
402Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSaraiki ► skrskr saraiki
403Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSardinian ► scSardinian sardo
404Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SScots ► scoScots scoseze
405Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SScottish Gaelic ► gdScottish Gaelic gaèlego scoseze
406Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSena ► sehSena sena
407Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSerbian ► srSerbian serbo
408Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SShambala ► ksbShambala shanbala
409Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SShan ► shnShan shan
410Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SShona ► snShona shona
411Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSichuan Yi ► iiSichuan Yi yi de Sichuan
412Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSicilian ► scnSicilian sisilian
413Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSidamo ► sidSidamo sidamo
414Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSiksiká ► blaSiksiká siksika
415Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSilesian ► szlSilesian silezian
416Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSindhi ► sdSindhi sindi
417Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSinhala ► siSinhala singaleze
418Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSkolt Sami ► smsSkolt Sami sami skolt
419Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSlovak ► skSlovak zlovaco
420Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSlovenian ► slSlovenian zloven
421Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSoga ► xogSoga soga
422Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSomali ► soSomali sòmalo
423Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSoninke ► snkSoninke soninké
424Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSouth Ndebele ► nrSouth Ndebele ndebele de’l sud
425Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSouthern Altai ► altSouthern Altai altài meridionale
426Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSouthern East Cree ► crjSouthern East Cree cree sud orientale
427Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSouthern Haida ► haxSouthern Haida haida meridionale
428Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSouthern Kurdish ► sdhSouthern Kurdish curdo meridionale
429Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSouthern Lushootseed ► slhSouthern Lushootseed lushootseed meridionale
430Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSouthern Sami ► smaSouthern Sami sami meridionale
431Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSouthern Sotho ► stSouthern Sotho soto meridionale
432Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSouthern Tutchone ► tceSouthern Tutchone tutchone meridionale
433Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSpanish ► esSpanish spagnolo
434Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSranan Tongo ► srnSranan Tongo sranan tongo
435Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SStandard Moroccan Tamazight ► zghStandard Moroccan Tamazight tamazight standard de’l Maroco
436Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SStraits Salish ► strStraits Salish salish streto
437Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSukuma ► sukSukuma sukuma
438Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSundanese ► suSundanese sundaneze
439Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSwahili ► swSwahili suaili
440Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSwahili ► sw_CDCongo Swahili suaili de’l Congo
441Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSwampy Cree ► cswSwampy Cree cree de le paludi
442Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSwati ► ssSwati zwati
443Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSwedish ► svSwedish zvedeze
444Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSwiss German ► gswSwiss German todesco zvìsaro
445Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSyriac ► syrSyriac sirìago
446Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTachelhit ► shiTachelhit tashelit
447Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTagish ► tgxTagish tagish
448Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTahitian ► tyTahitian taitian
449Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTahltan ► thtTahltan taltan
450Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTai Dam ► bltTai Dam tai dam
451Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTaita ► davTaita taita
452Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTajik ► tgTajik tàjego
453Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTamil ► taTamil tamil
454Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTaroko ► trvTaroko taroko
455Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTasawaq ► twqTasawaq tasawac
456Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTatar ► ttTatar tàtaro
457Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTelugu ► teTelugu telugo
458Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTeso ► teoTeso teso
459Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTetum ► tetTetum tétum
460Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TThai ► thThai tailandeze
461Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTibetan ► boTibetan tibetan
462Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTigre ► tigTigre tigré
463Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTigrinya ► tiTigrinya tigrigna
464Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTimne ► temTimne temne
465Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTlingit ► tliTlingit tlingit
466Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTok Pisin ► tpiTok Pisin tok pisin
467Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TToki Pona ► tokToki Pona toki pona
468Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTongan ► toTongan tongan
469Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTorwali ► trwTorwali torwali
470Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTsonga ► tsTsonga tsonga
471Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTswana ► tnTswana tswana
472Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTumbuka ► tumTumbuka tunbuka
473Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTurkish ► trTurkish turco
474Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTurkmen ► tkTurkmen turcoman
475Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTuvalu ► tvlTuvalu tuvaluan
476Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTuvinian ► tyvTuvinian tuvinian
477Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTyap ► kcgTyap tyap
478Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)UUdmurt ► udmUdmurt udmurto
479Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)UUkrainian ► ukUkrainian ucrain
480Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)UUmbundu ► umbUmbundu unbundu
481Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)UUnknown language ► undUnknown language lengua desconoscùa
482Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)UUpper Sorbian ► hsbUpper Sorbian alto sorabo
483Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)UUrdu ► urUrdu urdu
484Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)UUyghur ► ugUyghur uigur
485Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)UUzbek ► uzUzbek uzbego
486Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)VVai ► vaiVai vai
487Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)VVenda ► veVenda venda
488Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)VVenetian ► vecVenetian veneto
489Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)VVietnamese ► viVietnamese vietnameze
490Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)VVolapük ► voVolapük volapük
491Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)VVunjo ► vunVunjo vunjo
492Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWalloon ► waWalloon valon
493Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWalser ► waeWalser walser
494Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWaray ► warWaray waray
495Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWarlpiri ► wbpWarlpiri warlpiri
496Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWelsh ► cyWelsh galeze
497Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWestern Balochi ► bgnWestern Balochi baluci osidentale
498Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWestern Canadian Inuktitut ► iktWestern Canadian Inuktitut inuktitut canadeze osidentale
499Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWestern Frisian ► fyWestern Frisian frìzone osidentale
500Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWestern Ojibwa ► ojwWestern Ojibwa ojibwa osidentale
501Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWolaytta ► walWolaytta wolaita
502Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWolof ► woWolof wolof
503Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWu Chinese ► wuuWu Chinese wu
504Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)XXhosa ► xhXhosa xhosa
505Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)YYakut ► sahYakut yakuto
506Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)YYangben ► yavYangben yangben
507Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)YYemba ► ybbYemba yenba
508Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)YYiddish ► yiYiddish yidish
509Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)YYoruba ► yoYoruba yoruba
510Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)ZZarma ► djeZarma zarma
511Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)ZZaza ► zzaZaza zazaki
512Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)ZZhuang ► zaZhuang zuan
513Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)ZZulu ► zuZulu zulu
514Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)ZZuni ► zunZuni zuni
515Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseArabArabic àrabo
516Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseArmnArmenian armen
517Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseBengBangla bengaleze
518Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseBopoBopomofo bopomofo
519Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseCyrlCyrillic sirìlego
520Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseDevaDevanagari devanàgari
521Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseEthiEthiopic etiòpego
522Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseGeorGeorgian jeorjan
523Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseGrekGreek grego
524Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseGujrGujarati gujarati
525Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseGuruGurmukhi gurmuki
526Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseHanbHan with Bopomofo han co bopomofo
527Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseHangHangul hangul
528Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseHaniHan han
529Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseHansSimplified senpio
530Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseHans-stand-aloneSimplified Han han senpio
531Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseHantTraditional tradisionale
532Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseHant-stand-aloneTraditional Han han tradisionale
533Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseHebrHebrew ebràego
534Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseHiraHiragana hiragana
535Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseJamoJamo jamo
536Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseJpanJapanese japoneze
537Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseKanaKatakana katanaka
538Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseKhmrKhmer kmer
539Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseKndaKannada kanada
540Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseKoreKorean corean
541Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseLaooLao lao
542Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseLatnLatin latin
543Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseMlymMalayalam malayàlam
544Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseMymrMyanmar birman
545Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseOryaOdia orija
546Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseSinhSinhala singaleze
547Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseTamlTamil tamil
548Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseTeluTelugu telugo
549Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseThaaThaana thana
550Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseThaiThai tailandeze
551Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseTibtTibetan tibetan
552Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseZinhInherited redità
553Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseZyyyCommon comun
554Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseAdlmAdlam adlam
555Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseBaliBalinese balineze
556Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseBamuBamum bamun
557Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseBatkBatak batak
558Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseCakmChakma ciakma
559Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseCansUnified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics silabaro aborìjeno canadeze unifegà
560Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseChamCham cham
561Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseCherCherokee cherokee
562Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseGongGunjala Gondi gunjala
563Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseHmnpNyiakeng Puachue Hmong niakeng puachu hmong
564Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseJavaJavanese javaneze
565Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseKaliKayah Li kayah li
566Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseLanaLanna lana
567Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseLepcLepcha lepcha
568Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseLimbLimbu linbu
569Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseLisuFraser fraser
570Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseMandMandaean mandàego
571Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseMteiMeitei Mayek meitéi
572Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseNewaNewa newa
573Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseNkooN’Ko n’ko
574Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseOlckOl Chiki ol ciki
575Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseOsgeOsage osage
576Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UsePlrdPollard Phonetic fonètego de Pollard
577Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseRohgHanifi hanifi
578Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseSaurSaurashtra saurashtra
579Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseSundSundanese sundaneze
580Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseSyloSyloti Nagri syloti nagri
581Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseSyrcSyriac sirìago
582Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseTaleTai Le tai le
583Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseTaluNew Tai Lue tai lu senpio
584Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseTavtTai Viet tai viet
585Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseTfngTifinagh tifinag
586Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseVaiiVai vai
587Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseWchoWancho wancho
588Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseYiiiYi yi
589Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricAghbCaucasian Albanian albaneze caucàzego
590Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricAhomAhom ahom
591Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricArmiImperial Aramaic amàrego inperiale
592Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricAvstAvestan avèstego
593Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricBassBassa Vah vah
594Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricBhksBhaiksuki baiksuki
595Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricBrahBrahmi brahmi
596Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricBugiBuginese bugineze
597Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricBuhdBuhid buhid
598Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricCariCarian cario
599Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricChrsChorasmian corazmian
600Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricCoptCoptic copto
601Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricCpmnCypro-Minoan sipro minòego
602Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricCprtCypriot siprioto
603Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricDiakDives Akuru dives akuru
604Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricDogrDogra dogri
605Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricDsrtDeseret deseret
606Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricDuplDuployan shorthand duployan stenografà
607Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricEgypEgyptian hieroglyphs jeroglìfeghi ejisiani
608Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricElbaElbasan elbasan
609Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricElymElymaic elimàego
610Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricGaraGaray garay
611Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricGlagGlagolitic glagolìtego
612Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricGonmMasaram Gondi gondi masaram
613Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricGothGothic gòtego
614Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricGranGrantha granta
615Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricGukhGurung Khema gurung khema
616Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricHanoHanunoo hanunoo
617Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricHatrHatran hatran
618Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricHluwAnatolian Hieroglyphs jeroglìfeghi anatòleghi
619Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricHmngPahawh Hmong pahaw hmong
620Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricHungOld Hungarian ongareze antigo
621Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricItalOld Italic itàlego antigo
622Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricKawiKawi kawi
623Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricKharKharoshthi karosti
624Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricKhojKhojki kojiki
625Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricKitsKhitan small script kitan celo
626Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricKraiKirat Rai kirat rai
627Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricKthiKaithi kaiti
628Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricLinaLinear A linear A
629Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricLinbLinear B linear B
630Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricLyciLycian lisio
631Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricLydiLydian lidio
632Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricMahjMahajani mahajan
633Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricMakaMakasar makasar
634Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricManiManichaean manighèo
635Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricMarcMarchen marchen
636Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricMedfMedefaidrin medefaidrin
637Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricMendMende mende
638Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricMercMeroitic Cursive meroìtego corsivo
639Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricMeroMeroitic meroìtego
640Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricModiModi modi
641Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricMongMongolian móngolo
642Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricMrooMro mro
643Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricMultMultani multani
644Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricNagmNag Mundari nag mundari
645Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricNandNandinagari nandinagari
646Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricNarbOld North Arabian àrabo antigo de’l nord
647Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricNbatNabataean nabatèo
648Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricNshuNüshu nushu
649Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricOgamOgham ogam
650Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricOnaoOl Onal ol onal
651Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricOrkhOrkhon orcon
652Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricOsmaOsmanya ozmania
653Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricOugrOld Uyghur uigur antigo
654Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricPalmPalmyrene palmiren
655Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricPaucPau Cin Hau pau cin hau
656Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricPermOld Permic pèrmego antigo
657Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricPhagPhags-pa pagspa
658Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricPhliInscriptional Pahlavi palavo de le iscrision
659Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricPhlpPsalter Pahlavi palavo saltero
660Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricPhnxPhoenician feniso
661Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricPrtiInscriptional Parthian parto de le iscrision
662Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricRjngRejang rejang
663Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricRunrRunic rùnego
664Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricSamrSamaritan samaritan
665Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricSarbOld South Arabian àrabo antigo de’l sud
666Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricSgnwSignWriting scritura de i segni
667Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricShawShavian shavian
668Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricShrdSharada sharada
669Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricSiddSiddham sidam
670Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricSindKhudawadi kudawadi
671Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricSogdSogdian sogdian
672Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricSogoOld Sogdian sogdian antigo
673Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricSoraSora Sompeng sora sonpeng
674Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricSoyoSoyombo soyonbo
675Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricSunuSunuwar sunuwar
676Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricTagbTagbanwa tagbanwa
677Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricTakrTakri takri
678Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricTangTangut tangut
679Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricTglgTagalog tagalog
680Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricTirhTirhuta tiruta
681Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricTnsaTangsa tangsa
682Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricTodrTodhri todhri
683Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricTotoToto toto
684Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricTutgTulu-Tigalari tigalari
685Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricUgarUgaritic ugarìtego
686Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricVithVithkuqi beita kukju
687Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricWaraVarang Kshiti warang siti
688Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricXpeoOld Persian persian antigo
689Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricXsuxSumero-Akkadian Cuneiform cugniforme sumero acadian
690Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricYeziYezidi yezidi
691Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricZanbZanabazar Square zanabazar cuadrà
692Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherAranNastaliq nastaliq
693Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherBraiBraille braille
694Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherCyrsOld Church Slavonic Cyrillic zlavo de cieza antigo
695Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherHrktJapanese syllabaries silabari japonezi
696Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherLatfFraktur Latin latin fraktur
697Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherLatgGaelic Latin latin gaèlego
698Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQaagZawgyi zovghi
699Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherSyreEstrangelo Syriac sirìago estrànjelo
700Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherSyrjWestern Syriac sirìago osidentale
701Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherSyrnEastern Syriac sirìago orientale
702Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherZmthMathematical Notation notasion matemàtega
703Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherZsyeEmoji emoji
704Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherZsymSymbols sìnboli
705Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherZxxxUnwritten miga scrito
706Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherZzzzUnknown Script desconosùo
707Locale Display NamesGeographic Regionsworld001world mondo
708Locale Display NamesGeographic Regionsworld019Americas Mèreghe
709Locale Display NamesGeographic Regionsworld002Africa Àfrega
710Locale Display NamesGeographic Regionsworld150Europe Europa
711Locale Display NamesGeographic Regionsworld142Asia Azia
712Locale Display NamesGeographic Regionsworld009Oceania Oseania
713Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsworldEUEuropean Union Union europèa
714Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsworldEZEurozone Eurozona
715Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsworldUNUnited Nations Nasion Unìe
716Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAmericas003North America Mèrega de’l nord
717Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAmericas021Northern America Mèrega setentrionale
718Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAmericas013Central America Mèrega sentrale
719Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAmericas029Caribbean Caràibi
720Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAmericas005South America Mèrega de’l sud
721Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAmericas419Latin America Mèrega Latina
722Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAfrica015Northern Africa Àfrega setentrionale
723Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAfrica011Western Africa Àfrega osidentale
724Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAfrica017Middle Africa Àfrega sentrale
725Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAfrica014Eastern Africa Àfrega orientale
726Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAfrica018Southern Africa Àfrega meridionale
727Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAfrica202Sub-Saharan Africa Àfrega subsahariana
728Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsEurope154Northern Europe Europa setentrionale
729Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsEurope155Western Europe Europa osidentale
730Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsEurope151Eastern Europe Europa orientale
731Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsEurope039Southern Europe Europa meridionale
732Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAsia145Western Asia Azia osidentale
733Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAsia143Central Asia Azia sentrale
734Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAsia030Eastern Asia Azia orientale
735Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAsia034Southern Asia Azia meridionale
736Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAsia035Southeast Asia Azia de’l sudest
737Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsOceania053Australasia Australazia
738Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsOceania054Melanesia Melanezia
739Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsOceania057Micronesian Region Rejon microneziana
740Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsOceania061Polynesia Polinezia
741Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsOceaniaQOOutlying Oceania Oseania perifèrega
742Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsUnknown RegionXAPseudo-Accents Pseudo asenti
743Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsUnknown RegionXBPseudo-Bidi Pseudo bidi
744Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsUnknown RegionZZUnknown Region Rejon desconosùa
745Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Northern AmericaBM= Bermuda
746Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Northern AmericaCACanada Cànada
747Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Northern AmericaGLGreenland Groenlanda
748Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Northern AmericaPMSt. Pierre & Miquelon S. Piero e Michelon
749Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Northern AmericaUSUnited States Stadi Unìi
750Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Northern AmericaUS-shortUS USA
751Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Central AmericaBZ= Belize
752Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Central AmericaCR= Costa Rica
753Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Central AmericaGT= Guatemala
754Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Central AmericaHN= Honduras
755Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Central AmericaMXMexico Mèsego
756Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Central AmericaNI= Nicaragua
757Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Central AmericaPAPanama Pànama
758Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Central AmericaSV= El Salvador
759Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanAGAntigua & Barbuda Antigua e Barbuda
760Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanAIAnguilla Anguila
761Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanAW= Aruba
762Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanBB= Barbados
763Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanBLSt. Barthélemy S. Bartolomèo
764Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanBQCaribbean Netherlands Paezi Basi caraìbeghi
765Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanBS= Bahamas
766Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanCU= Cuba
767Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanCW= Curaçao
768Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanDMDominica Doménega
769Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanDODominican Republic Repùblega Domenegana
770Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanGDGrenada Granada
771Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanGPGuadeloupe Guadalupa
772Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanHT= Haiti
773Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanJMJamaica Jamàega
774Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanKNSt. Kitts & Nevis S. Cristofer e Nevis
775Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanKYCayman Islands Ìzole Caiman
776Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanLCSt. Lucia S. Lusìa
777Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanMFSt. Martin S. Martin (Fransa)
778Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanMQMartinique Martiniga
779Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanMSMontserrat Montserat
780Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanPRPuerto Rico Portorico
781Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanSXSint Maarten S. Martin (Paezi Basi)
782Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanTCTurks & Caicos Islands Turks e Caicos
783Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanTTTrinidad & Tobago Trinidà e Tabaco
784Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanVCSt. Vincent & Grenadines S. Vincenso e Granadine
785Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanVGBritish Virgin Islands Ìzole Vèrjini britàneghe
786Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanVIU.S. Virgin Islands Ìzole Vèrjini meregane
787Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaARArgentina Arjentina
788Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaBO= Bolivia
789Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaBRBrazil Brazile
790Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaBVBouvet Island Ìzola Buvet
791Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaCLChile Cile
792Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaCOColombia Colonbia
793Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaECEcuador Ècuador
794Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaFKFalkland Islands Ìzole Malvine
795Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaFK-variantFalkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) Ìzole Falkland
796Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaGFFrench Guiana Guyana franseze
797Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaGSSouth Georgia & South Sandwich Islands Georgia de’l sud e Sandwich de’l sud
798Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaGY= Guyana
799Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaPEPeru Perù
800Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaPYParaguay Paraguài
801Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaSR= Suriname
802Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaUYUruguay Uruguài
803Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaVEVenezuela Venesuela
804Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Northern AfricaDZAlgeria Aljerìa
805Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Northern AfricaEGEgypt Ejito
806Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Northern AfricaEHWestern Sahara Sahara Osidentale
807Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Northern AfricaLYLibya Libia
808Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Northern AfricaMAMorocco Maroco
809Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Northern AfricaSD= Sudan
810Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Northern AfricaTNTunisia Tunizìa
811Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Northern AfricaEACeuta & Melilla Ceuta e Melila
812Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Northern AfricaICCanary Islands Ìzole Canarie
813Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaBFBurkina Faso Burkina Fazo
814Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaBJ= Benin
815Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaCICôte d’Ivoire Costa d’Avorio
816Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaCI-variantIvory Coast Côte d’Ivoire
817Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaCVCape Verde Cao Verdo
818Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaGHGhana Gana
819Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaGMGambia Ganbia
820Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaGNGuinea Guinèa
821Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaGWGuinea-Bissau Guinèa Bisào
822Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaLR= Liberia
823Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaML= Mali
824Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaMR= Mauritania
825Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaNE= Niger
826Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaNG= Nigeria
827Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaSHSt. Helena Ìzola S. Èlena
828Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaSLSierra Leone Siera Leon
829Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaSNSenegal Sènegal
830Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaTG= Togo
831Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Middle AfricaAO= Angola
832Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Middle AfricaCDCongo - Kinshasa Repùblega Democràtega de’l Congo
833Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Middle AfricaCD-variantCongo (DRC) Congo (RDC)
834Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Middle AfricaCFCentral African Republic Repùblega Sentrafregana
835Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Middle AfricaCGCongo - Brazzaville Repùblega de’l Congo
836Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Middle AfricaCG-variantCongo (Republic) Congo (RC)
837Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Middle AfricaCMCameroon Càmerun
838Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Middle AfricaGA= Gabon
839Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Middle AfricaGQEquatorial Guinea Guinèa Ecuatoriale
840Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Middle AfricaSTSão Tomé & Príncipe S. Tomazo e Prìnsipe
841Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Middle AfricaTDChad Ciad
842Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaBI= Burundi
843Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaDJDjibouti Jibuti
844Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaEREritrea Eritrèa
845Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaETEthiopia Etiopia
846Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaIOBritish Indian Ocean Territory Teritorio britànego de l’Osèano Indian
847Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaIO-chagosChagos Archipelago Arsipèlago Ciagos
848Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaKE= Kenya
849Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaKMComoros Ìzole Comore
850Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaMG= Madagascar
851Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaMUMauritius Ìzole Maurisio
852Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaMW= Malawi
853Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaMZMozambique Mozanbigo
854Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaRERéunion Ìzola Reunion
855Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaRWRwanda Ruanda
856Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaSCSeychelles Ìzole Seisel
857Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaSO= Somalia
858Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaSSSouth Sudan Sud Sudan
859Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaTFFrench Southern Territories Teritori fransezi de’l sud
860Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaTZ= Tanzania
861Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaUG= Uganda
862Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaYTMayotte Ìzole Maiote
863Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaZMZambia Zanbia
864Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaZWZimbabwe Zinbawe
865Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Southern AfricaBWBotswana Botzwana
866Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Southern AfricaLSLesotho Lezoto
867Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Southern AfricaNA= Namibia
868Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Southern AfricaSZEswatini Esuatini
869Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Southern AfricaSZ-variantSwaziland Swazilanda
870Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Southern AfricaZASouth Africa Sudàfrega
871Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeGG= Guernsey
872Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeIMIsle of Man Ìzola de Man
873Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeJE= Jersey
874Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeAXÅland Islands Ìzole Aland
875Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeDKDenmark Danimarca
876Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeEE= Estonia
877Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeFIFinland Finlanda
878Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeFOFaroe Islands Ìzole Fàroe
879Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeGBUnited Kingdom Regno Unìo
880Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeGB-short= UK
881Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeIEIreland Irlanda
882Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeISIceland Izlanda
883Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeLTLithuania Lituania
884Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeLVLatvia Letonia
885Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeNONorway Norveja
886Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeSESweden Zvesia
887Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeSJSvalbard & Jan Mayen Zvàlbard e Jan Mayen
888Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeCQSark Sarc
889Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Western EuropeATAustria Àustria
890Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Western EuropeBEBelgium Beljo
891Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Western EuropeCHSwitzerland Zvìsara
892Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Western EuropeDEGermany Jermania
893Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Western EuropeFRFrance Fransa
894Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Western EuropeLI= Liechtenstein
895Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Western EuropeLULuxembourg Lusenburgo
896Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Western EuropeMCMonaco Mònaco
897Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Western EuropeNLNetherlands Paezi Basi
898Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Eastern EuropeBGBulgaria Bulgarìa
899Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Eastern EuropeBYBelarus Belorusia
900Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Eastern EuropeCZCzechia Cechia
901Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Eastern EuropeCZ-variantCzech Republic Repùblega Ceca
902Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Eastern EuropeHUHungary Ongarìa
903Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Eastern EuropeMDMoldova Moldavia
904Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Eastern EuropePLPoland Polonia
905Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Eastern EuropeRO= Romania
906Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Eastern EuropeRURussia Rusia
907Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Eastern EuropeSKSlovakia Zlovachia
908Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Eastern EuropeUAUkraine Ucraina
909Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeADAndorra Andora
910Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeAL= Albania
911Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeBABosnia & Herzegovina Boznia e Erzegòvina
912Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeESSpain Spagna
913Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeGIGibraltar Gibiltera
914Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeGRGreece Grecia
915Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeHRCroatia Croasia
916Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeITItaly Italia
917Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeME= Montenegro
918Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeMKNorth Macedonia Masedonia de’l nord
919Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeMT= Malta
920Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeRS= Serbia
921Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropePTPortugal Portogalo
922Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeSISlovenia Zlovenia
923Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeSMSan Marino San Marin
924Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeVAVatican City Vategan
925Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeXKKosovo Kòsovo
926Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaAEUnited Arab Emirates Emirài Àrabi Unìi
927Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaAM= Armenia
928Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaAZ= Azerbaijan
929Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaBHBahrain Barein
930Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaCYCyprus Sipro
931Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaGEGeorgia Jeorja
932Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaILIsrael Izraele
933Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaIQIraq Irac
934Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaJOJordan Jordania
935Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaKW= Kuwait
936Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaLBLebanon Lìbano
937Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaOM= Oman
938Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaPSPalestinian Territories Teritori palestinezi
939Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaPS-shortPalestine Palestina
940Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaQAQatar Catar
941Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaSASaudi Arabia Arabia Saudìa
942Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaSYSyria Siria
943Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaTRTürkiye Turchia
944Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaYE= Yemen
945Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Central AsiaTM= Turkmenistan
946Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Central AsiaTJ= Tajikistan
947Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Central AsiaKGKyrgyzstan Kirghizistan
948Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Central AsiaKZKazakhstan Kazakistan
949Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Central AsiaUZ= Uzbekistan
950Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Eastern AsiaCNChina Sina
951Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Eastern AsiaHKHong Kong SAR China RAS de Hong Kong
952Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Eastern AsiaHK-short= Hong Kong
953Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Eastern AsiaJPJapan Japon
954Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Eastern AsiaKPNorth Korea Corèa de’l nord
955Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Eastern AsiaKRSouth Korea Corèa de’l sud
956Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Eastern AsiaMN= Mongolia
957Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Eastern AsiaMOMacao SAR China RAS de Macào
958Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Eastern AsiaMO-shortMacao Macào
959Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Eastern AsiaTW= Taiwan
960Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southern AsiaAF= Afghanistan
961Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southern AsiaBD= Bangladesh
962Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southern AsiaBTBhutan Butan
963Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southern AsiaIN= India
964Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southern AsiaIR= Iran
965Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southern AsiaLK= Sri Lanka
966Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southern AsiaMVMaldives Maldive
967Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southern AsiaNP= Nepal
968Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southern AsiaPK= Pakistan
969Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southeast AsiaBNBrunei Brunéi
970Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southeast AsiaIDIndonesia Indonezia
971Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southeast AsiaKHCambodia Canboja
972Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southeast AsiaLA= Laos
973Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southeast AsiaMMMyanmar (Burma) Myanmar (Birmania)
974Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southeast AsiaMYMalaysia Malèizia
975Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southeast AsiaPHPhilippines Filipine
976Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southeast AsiaSG= Singapore
977Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southeast AsiaTHThailand Tailandia
978Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southeast AsiaTLTimor-Leste Timor Est
979Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southeast AsiaTL-variantEast Timor Timor Leste
980Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southeast AsiaVN= Vietnam
981Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)AustralasiaAU= Australia
982Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)AustralasiaCCCocos (Keeling) Islands Ìzole Cocos (Keeling)
983Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)AustralasiaCXChristmas Island Ìzola de Nadale
984Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)AustralasiaHMHeard & McDonald Islands Ìzole Heard e McDonald
985Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)AustralasiaNFNorfolk Island Ìzola Norfolk
986Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)AustralasiaNZNew Zealand Nova Zelanda
987Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)AustralasiaNZ-variantAotearoa New Zealand Aotearóa (Nova Zelanda)
988Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)MelanesiaFJ= Fiji
989Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)MelanesiaNCNew Caledonia Nova Caledonia
990Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)MelanesiaPGPapua New Guinea Papua Nova Guinèa
991Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)MelanesiaSBSolomon Islands Ìzole Salomon
992Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)MelanesiaVU= Vanuatu
993Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Micronesian RegionFMMicronesia Micronezia
994Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Micronesian RegionGU= Guam
995Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Micronesian RegionKI= Kiribati
996Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Micronesian RegionMHMarshall Islands Ìzole Marshall
997Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Micronesian RegionMPNorthern Mariana Islands Ìzole Mariane setentrionali
998Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Micronesian RegionNR= Nauru
999Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Micronesian RegionPWPalau Palàu
1000Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Micronesian RegionUMU.S. Outlying Islands Ìzołe perifèreghe meregane
1001Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)PolynesiaASAmerican Samoa Samòa meregane
1002Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)PolynesiaCKCook Islands Ìzole Cook
1003Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)PolynesiaNU= Niue
1004Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)PolynesiaPFFrench Polynesia Polinezia franseze
1005Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)PolynesiaPNPitcairn Islands Ìzole Pitcairn
1006Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)PolynesiaTKTokelau Tokelàu
1007Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)PolynesiaTO= Tonga
1008Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)PolynesiaTV= Tuvalu
1009Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)PolynesiaWFWallis & Futuna Wallis e Futuna
1010Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)PolynesiaWSSamoa Samòa
1011Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Outlying OceaniaAQAntarctica Antàrtide
1012Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Outlying OceaniaACAscension Island Ìzola Asension
1013Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Outlying OceaniaCPClipperton Island Ìzola de Clipperton
1014Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Outlying OceaniaDG= Diego Garcia
1015Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Outlying OceaniaTATristan da Cunha Tristan de Cugna
1016Locale Display NamesLocale Variantsnull1606NICTLate Middle French to 1606 franseze mezo tardivo fin el 1606
1017Locale Display NamesLocale Variantsnull1694ACADEarly Modern French franseze moderno bonorivo
1018Locale Display NamesLocale Variantsnull1901Traditional German orthography 1901
1019Locale Display NamesLocale Variantsnull1959ACADAcademic acadèmego
1020Locale Display NamesLocale Variantsnull1994Standardized Resian orthography 1994
1021Locale Display NamesLocale Variantsnull1996German orthography of 1996 ortografìa todesca de’l 1996
1022Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullABL1943Orthographic formulation of 1943 ABL1943
1023Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullAKUAPEM= AKUAPEM
1024Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullALALC97ALA-LC Romanization, 1997 edition romanizasion ALA-LC, varsion 1997
1025Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullALUKUAluku dialect dialeto aluku
1026Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullANPEZO= ANPEZO
1027Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullAO1990Portuguese Language Orthographic Agreement of 1990 AO1990
1028Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullARANES= ARANES
1029Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullARKAIKA= ARKAIKA
1030Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullASANTE= ASANTE
1031Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullAUVERN= AUVERN
1032Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBAKU1926Unified Turkic Latin Alphabet BAKU1926
1033Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBALANKABalanka dialect of Anii dialeto balanka de l’Anii
1034Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBARLABarlavento dialect group of Kabuverdianu dialeto barlavento de’l caoverdian
1035Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBASICENG= BASICENG
1036Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBAUDDHA= BAUDDHA
1037Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBCIAV= BCIAV
1038Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBCIZBL= BCIZBL
1039Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBISCAYAN= BISCAYAN
1040Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBISKESan Giorgio/Bila dialect BISKE
1041Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBLASL= BLASL
1042Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBOHORICBohorič alphabet alfabeto bohoric
1043Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBOONTBoontling bontling
1044Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBORNHOLM= BORNHOLM
1045Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullCISAUP= CISAUP
1046Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullCOLB1945Portuguese-Brazilian Orthographic Convention of 1945 COLB1945
1047Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullCORNU= CORNU
1048Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullCREISS= CREISS
1049Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullDAJNKODajnko alphabet alfabeto Dajnko
1050Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullEKAVSKSerbian with Ekavian pronunciation EKAVSK
1051Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullEMODENGEarly Modern English ingleze moderno bonorivo
1052Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullFASCIA= FASCIA
1053Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullFODOM= FODOM
1054Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullFONIPAIPA Phonetics alfabeto fonètego internasionale IPA
1055Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullFONKIRSH= FONKIRSH
1056Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullFONNAPA= FONNAPA
1057Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullFONUPAUPA Phonetics FONUPA
1058Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullFONXSAMP= FONXSAMP
1059Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullGALLO= GALLO
1060Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullGASCON= GASCON
1061Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullGHERD= GHERD
1062Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullGRCLASS= GRCLASS
1063Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullGRITAL= GRITAL
1064Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullGRMISTR= GRMISTR
1065Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullHEPBURNHepburn romanization romanizasion Hepburn
1066Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullHOGNORSK= HOGNORSK
1067Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullHSISTEMO= HSISTEMO
1068Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullIJEKAVSKSerbian with Ijekavian pronunciation IJEKAVSK
1069Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullITIHASA= ITIHASA
1070Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullIVANCHOV= IVANCHOV
1071Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullJAUER= JAUER
1072Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullJYUTPING= JYUTPING
1073Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullKKCORCommon Orthography ortografìa comun
1074Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullKOCIEWIE= KOCIEWIE
1075Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullKSCORStandard Orthography KSCOR
1076Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullLEMOSIN= LEMOSIN
1077Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullLENGADOC= LENGADOC
1078Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullLIPAWThe Lipovaz dialect of Resian LIPAW
1079Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullLTG1929= LTG1929
1080Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullLTG2007= LTG2007
1081Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullLUNA1918= LUNA1918
1082Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullMETELKOMetelko alphabet METELKO
1083Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullMONOTONMonotonic MONOTON
1084Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullNDYUKANdyuka dialect NDYUKA
1085Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullNEDISNatisone dialect NEDIS
1086Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullNEWFOUND= NEWFOUND
1087Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullNICARD= NICARD
1088Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullNJIVAGniva/Njiva dialect dialeto Gniva
1089Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullNULIKModern Volapük NULIK
1090Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullOSOJSOseacco/Osojane dialect OSOJS
1091Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullOXENDICTOxford English Dictionary spelling OXENDICT
1092Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPAHAWH2= PAHAWH2
1093Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPAHAWH3= PAHAWH3
1094Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPAHAWH4= PAHAWH4
1095Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPAMAKAPamaka dialect PAMAKA
1096Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPEANO= PEANO
1097Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPEHOEJI= PEHOEJI
1098Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPETR1708= PETR1708
1099Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPINYINPinyin Romanization PINYIN
1100Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPOLYTONPolytonic POLYTON
1101Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPOSIXComputer informàtega
1102Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPROVENC= PROVENC
1103Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPUTER= PUTER
1104Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullREVISEDRevised Orthography REVISED
1105Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullRIGIKClassic Volapük volapuk clàsego
1106Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullROZAJResian ROZAJ
1107Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullRUMGR= RUMGR
1108Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSAAHOSaho SAAHO
1109Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSCOTLANDScottish Standard English SCOTLAND
1110Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSCOUSEScouse SCOUSE
1111Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSIMPLE= SIMPLE
1112Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSOLBAStolvizza/Solbica dialect SOLBA
1113Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSOTAVSotavento dialect group of Kabuverdianu SOTAV
1114Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSPANGLIS= SPANGLIS
1115Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSURMIRAN= SURMIRAN
1116Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSURSILV= SURSILV
1117Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSUTSILV= SUTSILV
1118Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSYNNEJYL= SYNNEJYL
1119Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullTAILO= TAILO
1120Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullTARASKTaraskievica orthography TARASK
1121Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullTONGYONG= TONGYONG
1122Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullTUNUMIIT= TUNUMIIT
1123Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullUCCORUnified Orthography UCCOR
1124Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullUCRCORUnified Revised Orthography UCRCOR
1125Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullULSTER= ULSTER
1126Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullUNIFONUnifon phonetic alphabet UNIFON
1127Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullVALBADIA= VALBADIA
1128Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullVALENCIAValencian VALENCIA
1129Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullVALLADER= VALLADER
1130Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullVECDRUKA= VECDRUKA
1131Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullVIVARAUP= VIVARAUP
1132Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullWADEGILEWade-Giles Romanization WADEGILE
1133Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullXSISTEMO= XSISTEMO
1134Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendarCalendar lunaro
1135Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-buddhistBuddhist Calendar lunaro budista
1136Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-chineseChinese Calendar lunaro sineze
1137Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-copticCoptic Calendar lunaro còptego
1138Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-dangiDangi Calendar lunaro dangi
1139Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-ethiopicEthiopic Calendar lunaro etiòpego
1140Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-ethiopic-amete-alemEthiopic Amete Alem Calendar lunaro etiòpego (amete alem)
1141Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-gregorianGregorian Calendar lunaro gregorian
1142Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-hebrewHebrew Calendar lunaro ebràego
1143Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-indianIndian National Calendar indian
1144Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-islamicHijri Calendar lunaro izlàmego
1145Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-islamic-civilHijri Calendar (tabular, civil epoch) lunaro izlàmego (tabular)
1146Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-islamic-rgsaHijri Calendar (Saudi Arabia, sighting) islamic-rgsa
1147Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-islamic-tblaHijri Calendar (tabular, astronomical epoch) islamic-tbla
1148Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-islamic-umalquraHijri Calendar (Umm al-Qura) lunaro izlàmego (Umm al-Qura)
1149Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-iso8601ISO-8601 Calendar lunaro ISO-8601
1150Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-japaneseJapanese Calendar lunaro japoneze
1151Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-persianPersian Calendar lunaro persian
1152Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-rocMinguo Calendar lunaro mìnguo
1153Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollationSort Order òrdane
1154Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-big5hanTraditional Chinese Sort Order - Big5 big5han
1155Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-compatPrevious Sort Order, for compatibility compat
1156Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-dictionaryDictionary Sort Order dictionary
1157Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-ducetDefault Unicode Sort Order òrdane predefenìo Unicode
1158Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-emojiEmoji Sort Order emoji
1159Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-eorEuropean Ordering Rules eor
1160Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-gb2312hanSimplified Chinese Sort Order - GB2312 gb2312han
1161Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-phonebookPhonebook Sort Order phonebook
1162Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-pinyinPinyin Sort Order pinyin
1163Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-searchGeneral-Purpose Search reserca jenèrega
1164Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-searchjlSearch By Hangul Initial Consonant searchjl
1165Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-standardStandard Sort Order òrdane standard
1166Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-strokeStroke Sort Order stroke
1167Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-traditionalTraditional Sort Order traditional
1168Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-unihanRadical-Stroke Sort Order unihan
1169Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-zhuyinZhuyin Sort Order zhuyin
1170Locale Display NamesKeyscurrencycurrencyCurrency moneda
1171Locale Display NamesKeysCurrency FormatcfCurrency Format formà moneda
1172Locale Display NamesKeysCurrency Formatcf-accountAccounting Currency Format formà moneda contàbile
1173Locale Display NamesKeysCurrency Formatcf-standardStandard Currency Format formà moneda standard
1174Locale Display NamesKeysHour CyclehcHour Cycle (12 vs 24) sistema ore (12/24)
1175Locale Display NamesKeysHour Cyclehc-h1112 Hour System (0–11) sistema a 12 ore (0–11)
1176Locale Display NamesKeysHour Cyclehc-h1212 Hour System (1–12) sistema a 12 ore (1–12)
1177Locale Display NamesKeysHour Cyclehc-h2324 Hour System (0–23) sistema a 24 ore (0–23)
1178Locale Display NamesKeysHour Cyclehc-h2424 Hour System (1–24) sistema a 12 ore (1–24)
1179Locale Display NamesKeysLine BreaklbLine Break Style stile de cao de linea
1180Locale Display NamesKeysLine Breaklb-looseLoose Line Break Style cao de linea opsionale
1181Locale Display NamesKeysLine Breaklb-normalNormal Line Break Style cao de linea normale
1182Locale Display NamesKeysLine Breaklb-strictStrict Line Break Style cao de linea forsà
1183Locale Display NamesKeysMeasurement SystemmsMeasurement System sistema de mezurasion
1184Locale Display NamesKeysMeasurement Systemms-metricMetric System sistema mètrego
1185Locale Display NamesKeysMeasurement Systemms-uksystemImperial Measurement System sistema inperiale
1186Locale Display NamesKeysMeasurement Systemms-ussystemUS Measurement System sistema meregan
1187Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbersNumbers Nùmari
1188Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-ahomAhom Digits ahom
1189Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-arabArabic-Indic Digits Nùmari in indo àrabo
1190Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-arabextExtended Arabic-Indic Digits Nùmari estendesti in indo àrabo
1191Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-armnArmenian Numerals Nùmari in armen
1192Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-armnlowArmenian Lowercase Numerals Nùmari minùscoli in armen
1193Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-baliBalinese Digits bali
1194Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-bengBangla Digits Nùmari in bengaleze
1195Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-brahBrahmi Digits brah
1196Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-cakmChakma Digits Nùmari in ciakma
1197Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-chamCham Digits cham
1198Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-cyrlCyrillic Numerals cyrl
1199Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-devaDevanagari Digits Nùmari in devanàgari
1200Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-diakDives Akuru Digits diak
1201Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-ethiEthiopic Numerals Nùmari in etiòpego
1202Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-fullwideFull-Width Digits Nùmari a larghesa piena
1203Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-garaGaray Digits gara
1204Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-georGeorgian Numerals Nùmari in jeorjan
1205Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-gongGunjala Gondi digits gong
1206Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-gonmMasaram Gondi digits gonm
1207Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-grekGreek Numerals Nùmari in grego
1208Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-greklowGreek Lowercase Numerals Nùmari minùscoli in grego
1209Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-gujrGujarati Digits Nùmari in gujarati
1210Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-gukhGurung Khema Digits gukh
1211Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-guruGurmukhi Digits Nùmari in gurmuki
1212Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-hanidecChinese Decimal Numerals Nùmari desimali in sineze
1213Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-hansSimplified Chinese Numerals Nùmari in sineze senpio
1214Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-hansfinSimplified Chinese Financial Numerals Nùmari finansiari in sineze senpio
1215Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-hantTraditional Chinese Numerals Nùmari in sineze tradisionale
1216Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-hantfinTraditional Chinese Financial Numerals Nùmari finansiari in sineze tradisionale
1217Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-hebrHebrew Numerals Nùmari in ebràego
1218Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-hmngPahawh Hmong Digits hmng
1219Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-hmnpNyiakeng Puachue Hmong Digits hmnp
1220Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-javaJavanese Digits Nùmari in javaneze
1221Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-jpanJapanese Numerals Nùmari in japoneze
1222Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-jpanfinJapanese Financial Numerals Nùmari finansiari in japoneze
1223Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-kaliKayah Li Digits kali
1224Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-kawiKawi Digits kawi
1225Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-khmrKhmer Digits Nùmari in kmer
1226Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-kndaKannada Digits Nùmari in kanada
1227Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-kraiKirat Rai Digits krai
1228Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-lanaTai Tham Hora Digits lana
1229Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-lanathamTai Tham Tham Digits lanatham
1230Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-laooLao Digits Nùmari in lao
1231Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-latnWestern Digits Nùmari osidentali
1232Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-lepcLepcha Digits lepc
1233Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-limbLimbu Digits limb
1234Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mathboldMathematical Bold Digits mathbold
1235Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mathdblMathematical Double-Struck Digits mathdbl
1236Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mathmonoMathematical Monospace Digits mathmono
1237Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mathsanbMathematical Sans-Serif Bold Digits mathsanb
1238Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mathsansMathematical Sans-Serif Digits mathsans
1239Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mlymMalayalam Digits Nùmari in malayàlam
1240Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-modiModi Digits modi
1241Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mongMongolian Digits mong
1242Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mrooMro Digits mroo
1243Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mteiMeetei Mayek Digits Nùmari in meitéi
1244Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mymrMyanmar Digits Nùmari in birman
1245Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mymrepkaMyanmar Eastern Pwo Karen Digits mymrepka
1246Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mymrpaoMyanmar Pao Digits mymrpao
1247Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mymrshanMyanmar Shan Digits mymrshan
1248Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mymrtlngMyanmar Tai Laing Digits mymrtlng
1249Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-nagmNag Mundari Digits nagm
1250Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-nkooN’Ko Digits nkoo
1251Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-olckOl Chiki Digits Nùmari in ol ciki
1252Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-onaoOl Onal Digits onao
1253Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-oryaOdia Digits Nùmari in orija
1254Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-osmaOsmanya Digits osma
1255Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-outlinedOutlined Digits outlined
1256Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-rohgHanifi Rohingya digits rohg
1257Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-romanRoman Numerals Nùmari romani
1258Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-romanlowRoman Lowercase Numerals Nùmari minùscoli romani
1259Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-saurSaurashtra Digits saur
1260Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-shrdSharada Digits shrd
1261Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-sindKhudawadi Digits sind
1262Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-sinhSinhala Lith Digits sinh
1263Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-soraSora Sompeng Digits sora
1264Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-sundSundanese Digits sund
1265Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-sunuSunuwar Digits sunu
1266Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-takrTakri Digits takr
1267Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-taluNew Tai Lue Digits talu
1268Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-tamlTraditional Tamil Numerals Nùmari in tamil tradisionale
1269Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-tamldecTamil Digits Nùmari in tamil
1270Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-teluTelugu Digits Nùmari in telugo
1271Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-thaiThai Digits Nùmari in tailandeze
1272Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-tibtTibetan Digits Nùmari tibetani
1273Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-tirhTirhuta Digits tirh
1274Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-tnsaTangsa Digits tnsa
1275Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-vaiiVai Digits Nùmari in vai
1276Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-waraWarang Citi Digits wara
1277Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-wchoWancho Digits wcho
1278Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsera= era
1279Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsyearyear ano
1280Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsquarterquarter trimestre
1281Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsquarter-shortqtr. trim
1282Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsmonthmonth meze
1283Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsmonth-narrowmo meze
1284Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsweekweek setemana
1285Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsweek-shortwk. set
1286Date & TimeFieldsDate FieldsweekOfMonthweek of month setemana de’l meze
1287Date & TimeFieldsDate FieldsweekOfMonth-shortwk. of mo. set/meze
1288Date & TimeFieldsDate FieldsweekOfMonth-narrowwk. of mo. set/meze
1289Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsdayday
1290Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsday-narrowday d
1291Date & TimeFieldsDate FieldsdayOfYearday of year dì de l’ano
1292Date & TimeFieldsDate FieldsdayOfYear-shortday of yr. dì/ano
1293Date & TimeFieldsDate FieldsdayOfYear-narrowday of yr. dì/ano
1294Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsweekdayday of the week dì de la setemana
1295Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsweekday-shortday of wk. dì/set
1296Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsweekday-narrowday of wk. dì/set
1297Date & TimeFieldsDate FieldsweekdayOfMonthweekday of the month dì de’l meze
1298Date & TimeFieldsDate FieldsweekdayOfMonth-shortwkday. of mo. dì/meze
1299Date & TimeFieldsDate FieldsweekdayOfMonth-narrowwkday. of mo. dì/meze
1300Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsdayperiod= AM/PM
1301Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldszonetime zone fuzorario
1302Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldszone-shortzone fuzorario
1303Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldszone-narrowzone fuzorario
1304Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldshourhour ora
1305Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldshour-narrowhr o
1306Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsminuteminute menuto
1307Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsminute-shortmin. men
1308Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsminute-narrowmin m
1309Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldssecondsecond segondo
1310Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldssecond-shortsec. seg
1311Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldssecond-narrowsec s
1312Date & TimeRelativeRelative Year-1last year l’ano pasà
1313Date & TimeRelativeRelative Year0this year ‘st’ano
1314Date & TimeRelativeRelative Year1next year l’ano che vien
1315Date & TimeRelativeRelative Yearfuture-onein {0} year tenpo {0} ano
1316Date & TimeRelativeRelative Yearfuture-otherin {0} years tenpo {0} ani
1317Date & TimeRelativeRelative Yearpast-one{0} year ago che’l ze {0} ano
1318Date & TimeRelativeRelative Yearpast-other{0} years ago che i ze {0} ani
1319Date & TimeRelativeRelative Year Shortfuture-onein {0} yr. tenpo {0} ano
1320Date & TimeRelativeRelative Year Shortfuture-otherin {0} yr. tenpo {0} ani
1321Date & TimeRelativeRelative Year Shortpast-one{0} yr. ago che’l ze {0} ano
1322Date & TimeRelativeRelative Year Shortpast-other{0} yr. ago che i ze {0} ani
1323Date & TimeRelativeRelative Year Narrow-1last yr. ano pasà
1324Date & TimeRelativeRelative Year Narrow1next yr. ano che vien
1325Date & TimeRelativeRelative Year Narrowfuture-onein {0}y tenpo {0} ano
1326Date & TimeRelativeRelative Year Narrowfuture-otherin {0}y tenpo {0} ani
1327Date & TimeRelativeRelative Year Narrowpast-one{0}y ago che’l ze {0} ano
1328Date & TimeRelativeRelative Year Narrowpast-other{0}y ago che i ze {0} ani
1329Date & TimeRelativeRelative Quarter-1last quarter el trimestre pasà
1330Date & TimeRelativeRelative Quarter0this quarter ‘sto trimestre
1331Date & TimeRelativeRelative Quarter1next quarter el trimestre che vien
1332Date & TimeRelativeRelative Quarterfuture-onein {0} quarter tenpo {0} trimestre
1333Date & TimeRelativeRelative Quarterfuture-otherin {0} quarters tenpo {0} trimestri
1334Date & TimeRelativeRelative Quarterpast-one{0} quarter ago che’l ze {0} trimestre
1335Date & TimeRelativeRelative Quarterpast-other{0} quarters ago che i ze {0} trimestri
1336Date & TimeRelativeRelative Quarter Short-1last qtr. el trim pasà
1337Date & TimeRelativeRelative Quarter Short0this qtr. ‘sto trim
1338Date & TimeRelativeRelative Quarter Short1next qtr. el trim che vien
1339Date & TimeRelativeRelative Quarter Shortfuture-onein {0} qtr. tenpo {0} trim
1340Date & TimeRelativeRelative Quarter Shortfuture-otherin {0} qtrs. tenpo {0} trim
1341Date & TimeRelativeRelative Quarter Shortpast-one{0} qtr. ago che’l ze {0} trim
1342Date & TimeRelativeRelative Quarter Shortpast-other{0} qtrs. ago che i ze {0} trim
1343Date & TimeRelativeRelative Quarter Narrow-1last qtr. trim pasà
1344Date & TimeRelativeRelative Quarter Narrow0this qtr. ‘sto trim
1345Date & TimeRelativeRelative Quarter Narrow1next qtr. trim che vien
1346Date & TimeRelativeRelative Quarter Narrowfuture-onein {0}q tenpo {0} trim
1347Date & TimeRelativeRelative Quarter Narrowfuture-otherin {0}q tenpo {0} trim
1348Date & TimeRelativeRelative Quarter Narrowpast-one{0}q ago che’l ze {0} trim
1349Date & TimeRelativeRelative Quarter Narrowpast-other{0}q ago che i ze {0} trim
1350Date & TimeRelativeRelative Month-1last month el meze pasà
1351Date & TimeRelativeRelative Month0this month ‘sto meze
1352Date & TimeRelativeRelative Month1next month el meze che vien
1353Date & TimeRelativeRelative Monthfuture-onein {0} month tenpo {0} meze
1354Date & TimeRelativeRelative Monthfuture-otherin {0} months tenpo {0} mezi
1355Date & TimeRelativeRelative Monthpast-one{0} month ago che’l ze {0} meze
1356Date & TimeRelativeRelative Monthpast-other{0} months ago che i ze {0} mezi
1357Date & TimeRelativeRelative Month Shortfuture-onein {0} mo. tenpo {0} meze
1358Date & TimeRelativeRelative Month Shortfuture-otherin {0} mo. tenpo {0} mezi
1359Date & TimeRelativeRelative Month Shortpast-one{0} mo. ago che’l ze {0} meze
1360Date & TimeRelativeRelative Month Shortpast-other{0} mo. ago che i ze {0} mezi
1361Date & TimeRelativeRelative Month Narrow-1last mo. meze pasà
1362Date & TimeRelativeRelative Month Narrow1next mo. meze che vien
1363Date & TimeRelativeRelative Month Narrowfuture-onein {0}mo tenpo {0} meze
1364Date & TimeRelativeRelative Month Narrowfuture-otherin {0}mo tenpo {0} mezi
1365Date & TimeRelativeRelative Month Narrowpast-one{0}mo ago che’l ze {0} meze
1366Date & TimeRelativeRelative Month Narrowpast-other{0}mo ago che i ze {0} mezi
1367Date & TimeRelativeRelative Week-1last week la setemana pasada
1368Date & TimeRelativeRelative Week0this week ‘sta setemana
1369Date & TimeRelativeRelative Week1next week la setemana che vien
1370Date & TimeRelativeRelative Weekfuture-onein {0} week tenpo {0} setemana
1371Date & TimeRelativeRelative Weekfuture-otherin {0} weeks tenpo {0} setemane
1372Date & TimeRelativeRelative Weekpast-one{0} week ago che la ze {0} setemana
1373Date & TimeRelativeRelative Weekpast-other{0} weeks ago che le ze {0} setemane
1374Date & TimeRelativeRelative WeekPeriodthe week of {0} la setemana de’l {0}
1375Date & TimeRelativeRelative Week Short-1last wk. la set pasada
1376Date & TimeRelativeRelative Week Short0this wk. ‘sta set
1377Date & TimeRelativeRelative Week Short1next wk. la set che vien
1378Date & TimeRelativeRelative Week Shortfuture-onein {0} wk. tenpo {0} set
1379Date & TimeRelativeRelative Week Shortfuture-otherin {0} wk. tenpo {0} set
1380Date & TimeRelativeRelative Week Shortpast-one{0} wk. ago che la ze {0} set
1381Date & TimeRelativeRelative Week Shortpast-other{0} wk. ago che le ze {0} set
1382Date & TimeRelativeRelative Week ShortPeriodthe week of {0} la set de’l {0}
1383Date & TimeRelativeRelative Week Narrow-1last wk. set pasada
1384Date & TimeRelativeRelative Week Narrow0this wk. ‘sta set
1385Date & TimeRelativeRelative Week Narrow1next wk. set che vien
1386Date & TimeRelativeRelative Week Narrowfuture-onein {0}w tenpo {0} set
1387Date & TimeRelativeRelative Week Narrowfuture-otherin {0}w tenpo {0} set
1388Date & TimeRelativeRelative Week Narrowpast-one{0}w ago che la ze {0} set
1389Date & TimeRelativeRelative Week Narrowpast-other{0}w ago che le ze {0} set
1390Date & TimeRelativeRelative Week NarrowPeriodthe week of {0} la set de’l {0}
1391Date & TimeRelativeRelative Day-1yesterday jeri
1392Date & TimeRelativeRelative Day0today uncó
1393Date & TimeRelativeRelative Day1tomorrow doman
1394Date & TimeRelativeRelative Dayfuture-onein {0} day tenpo {0} dì
1395Date & TimeRelativeRelative Dayfuture-otherin {0} days tenpo {0} dì
1396Date & TimeRelativeRelative Daypast-one{0} day ago che’l ze {0} dì
1397Date & TimeRelativeRelative Daypast-other{0} days ago che i ze {0} dì
1398Date & TimeRelativeRelative Day Shortfuture-onein {0} day tenpo {0} dì
1399Date & TimeRelativeRelative Day Shortfuture-otherin {0} days tenpo {0} dì
1400Date & TimeRelativeRelative Day Shortpast-one{0} day ago che’l ze {0} dì
1401Date & TimeRelativeRelative Day Shortpast-other{0} days ago che i ze {0} dì
1402Date & TimeRelativeRelative Day Narrowfuture-onein {0}d tenpo {0} dì
1403Date & TimeRelativeRelative Day Narrowfuture-otherin {0}d tenpo {0} dì
1404Date & TimeRelativeRelative Day Narrowpast-one{0}d ago che’l ze {0} dì
1405Date & TimeRelativeRelative Day Narrowpast-other{0}d ago che i ze {0} dì
1406Date & TimeRelativeRelative Hour0this hour ‘sta ora
1407Date & TimeRelativeRelative Hourfuture-onein {0} hour tenpo {0} ora
1408Date & TimeRelativeRelative Hourfuture-otherin {0} hours tenpo {0} ore
1409Date & TimeRelativeRelative Hourpast-one{0} hour ago che la ze {0} ora
1410Date & TimeRelativeRelative Hourpast-other{0} hours ago che le ze {0} ore
1411Date & TimeRelativeRelative Hour Short0this hour ‘sta ora
1412Date & TimeRelativeRelative Hour Shortfuture-onein {0} hr. tenpo {0} ora
1413Date & TimeRelativeRelative Hour Shortfuture-otherin {0} hr. tenpo {0} ore
1414Date & TimeRelativeRelative Hour Shortpast-one{0} hr. ago che la ze {0} ora
1415Date & TimeRelativeRelative Hour Shortpast-other{0} hr. ago che le ze {0} ore
1416Date & TimeRelativeRelative Hour Narrow0this hour ‘sta o
1417Date & TimeRelativeRelative Hour Narrowfuture-onein {0}h tenpo {0} o
1418Date & TimeRelativeRelative Hour Narrowfuture-otherin {0}h tenpo {0} o
1419Date & TimeRelativeRelative Hour Narrowpast-one{0}h ago che la ze {0} o
1420Date & TimeRelativeRelative Hour Narrowpast-other{0}h ago che le ze {0} o
1421Date & TimeRelativeRelative Minute0this minute ‘sto menuto
1422Date & TimeRelativeRelative Minutefuture-onein {0} minute tenpo {0} menuto
1423Date & TimeRelativeRelative Minutefuture-otherin {0} minutes tenpo {0} menuti
1424Date & TimeRelativeRelative Minutepast-one{0} minute ago che’l ze {0} menuto
1425Date & TimeRelativeRelative Minutepast-other{0} minutes ago che i ze {0} menuti
1426Date & TimeRelativeRelative Minute Short0this minute ‘sto men
1427Date & TimeRelativeRelative Minute Shortfuture-onein {0} min. tenpo {0} men
1428Date & TimeRelativeRelative Minute Shortfuture-otherin {0} min. tenpo {0} men
1429Date & TimeRelativeRelative Minute Shortpast-one{0} min. ago che’l ze {0} men
1430Date & TimeRelativeRelative Minute Shortpast-other{0} min. ago che i ze {0} men
1431Date & TimeRelativeRelative Minute Narrow0this minute ‘sto m
1432Date & TimeRelativeRelative Minute Narrowfuture-onein {0}m tenpo {0} m
1433Date & TimeRelativeRelative Minute Narrowfuture-otherin {0}m tenpo {0} m
1434Date & TimeRelativeRelative Minute Narrowpast-one{0}m ago che’l ze {0} m
1435Date & TimeRelativeRelative Minute Narrowpast-other{0}m ago che i ze {0} m
1436Date & TimeRelativeRelative Second0now deso
1437Date & TimeRelativeRelative Secondfuture-onein {0} second tenpo {0} segondo
1438Date & TimeRelativeRelative Secondfuture-otherin {0} seconds tenpo {0} segondi
1439Date & TimeRelativeRelative Secondpast-one{0} second ago che’l ze {0} segondo
1440Date & TimeRelativeRelative Secondpast-other{0} seconds ago che i ze {0} segondi
1441Date & TimeRelativeRelative Second Short0now deso
1442Date & TimeRelativeRelative Second Shortfuture-onein {0} sec. tenpo {0} seg
1443Date & TimeRelativeRelative Second Shortfuture-otherin {0} sec. tenpo {0} seg
1444Date & TimeRelativeRelative Second Shortpast-one{0} sec. ago che’l ze {0} seg
1445Date & TimeRelativeRelative Second Shortpast-other{0} sec. ago che i ze {0} seg
1446Date & TimeRelativeRelative Second Narrow0now deso
1447Date & TimeRelativeRelative Second Narrowfuture-onein {0}s tenpo {0} s
1448Date & TimeRelativeRelative Second Narrowfuture-otherin {0}s tenpo {0} s
1449Date & TimeRelativeRelative Second Narrowpast-one{0}s ago che’l ze {0} s
1450Date & TimeRelativeRelative Second Narrowpast-other{0}s ago che i ze {0} s
1451Date & TimeRelativeRelative Sunday-1last Sunday doménega pasada
1452Date & TimeRelativeRelative Sunday0this Sunday ‘sta doménega
1453Date & TimeRelativeRelative Sunday1next Sunday doménega che vien
1454Date & TimeRelativeRelative Sundayfuture-onein {0} Sunday tenpo {0} doménega
1455Date & TimeRelativeRelative Sundayfuture-otherin {0} Sundays tenpo {0} doméneghe
1456Date & TimeRelativeRelative Sundaypast-one{0} Sunday ago che la ze {0} doménega
1457Date & TimeRelativeRelative Sundaypast-other{0} Sundays ago che le ze {0} doméneghe
1458Date & TimeRelativeRelative Sunday Short-1last Sun. dom pasada
1459Date & TimeRelativeRelative Sunday Short0this Sun. ‘sta dom
1460Date & TimeRelativeRelative Sunday Short1next Sun. dom che vien
1461Date & TimeRelativeRelative Sunday Shortfuture-onein {0} Sun. tenpo {0} dom
1462Date & TimeRelativeRelative Sunday Shortfuture-otherin {0} Sun. tenpo {0} dom
1463Date & TimeRelativeRelative Sunday Shortpast-one{0} Sun. ago che la ze {0} dom
1464Date & TimeRelativeRelative Sunday Shortpast-other{0} Sun. ago che le ze {0} dom
1465Date & TimeRelativeRelative Sunday Narrow-1last Su dom pasada
1466Date & TimeRelativeRelative Sunday Narrow0this Su ‘sta dom
1467Date & TimeRelativeRelative Sunday Narrow1next Su dom che vien
1468Date & TimeRelativeRelative Sunday Narrowfuture-onein {0} Su tenpo {0} dom
1469Date & TimeRelativeRelative Sunday Narrowfuture-otherin {0} Su tenpo {0} dom
1470Date & TimeRelativeRelative Sunday Narrowpast-one{0} Su ago che la ze {0} dom
1471Date & TimeRelativeRelative Sunday Narrowpast-other{0} Su ago che le ze {0} dom
1472Date & TimeRelativeRelative Monday-1last Monday luni pasà
1473Date & TimeRelativeRelative Monday0this Monday ‘sto luni
1474Date & TimeRelativeRelative Monday1next Monday luni che vien
1475Date & TimeRelativeRelative Mondayfuture-onein {0} Monday tenpo {0} luni
1476Date & TimeRelativeRelative Mondayfuture-otherin {0} Mondays tenpo {0} luni
1477Date & TimeRelativeRelative Mondaypast-one{0} Monday ago che’l ze {0} luni
1478Date & TimeRelativeRelative Mondaypast-other{0} Mondays ago che i ze {0} luni
1479Date & TimeRelativeRelative Monday Short-1last Mon. lun pasà
1480Date & TimeRelativeRelative Monday Short0this Mon. ‘sto lun
1481Date & TimeRelativeRelative Monday Short1next Mon. lun che vien
1482Date & TimeRelativeRelative Monday Shortfuture-onein {0} Mon. tenpo {0} lun
1483Date & TimeRelativeRelative Monday Shortfuture-otherin {0} Mon. tenpo {0} lun
1484Date & TimeRelativeRelative Monday Shortpast-one{0} Mon. ago che’l ze {0} lun
1485Date & TimeRelativeRelative Monday Shortpast-other{0} Mon. ago che i ze {0} lun
1486Date & TimeRelativeRelative Monday Narrow-1last M lun pasà
1487Date & TimeRelativeRelative Monday Narrow0this M ‘sto lun
1488Date & TimeRelativeRelative Monday Narrow1next M lun che vien
1489Date & TimeRelativeRelative Monday Narrowfuture-onein {0} M tenpo {0} lun
1490Date & TimeRelativeRelative Monday Narrowfuture-otherin {0} M tenpo {0} lun
1491Date & TimeRelativeRelative Monday Narrowpast-one{0} M ago che’l ze {0} lun
1492Date & TimeRelativeRelative Monday Narrowpast-other{0} M ago che i ze {0} lun
1493Date & TimeRelativeRelative Tuesday-1last Tuesday marti pasà
1494Date & TimeRelativeRelative Tuesday0this Tuesday ‘sto marti
1495Date & TimeRelativeRelative Tuesday1next Tuesday marti che vien
1496Date & TimeRelativeRelative Tuesdayfuture-onein {0} Tuesday tenpo {0} marti
1497Date & TimeRelativeRelative Tuesdayfuture-otherin {0} Tuesdays tenpo {0} marti
1498Date & TimeRelativeRelative Tuesdaypast-one{0} Tuesday ago che’l ze {0} marti
1499Date & TimeRelativeRelative Tuesdaypast-other{0} Tuesdays ago che i ze {0} marti
1500Date & TimeRelativeRelative Tuesday Short-1last Tue. mar pasà
1501Date & TimeRelativeRelative Tuesday Short0this Tue. ‘sto mar
1502Date & TimeRelativeRelative Tuesday Short1next Tue. mar che vien
1503Date & TimeRelativeRelative Tuesday Shortfuture-onein {0} Tue. tenpo {0} mar
1504Date & TimeRelativeRelative Tuesday Shortfuture-otherin {0} Tue. tenpo {0} mar
1505Date & TimeRelativeRelative Tuesday Shortpast-one{0} Tue. ago che’l ze {0} mar
1506Date & TimeRelativeRelative Tuesday Shortpast-other{0} Tue. ago che i ze {0} mar
1507Date & TimeRelativeRelative Tuesday Narrow-1last Tu mar pasà
1508Date & TimeRelativeRelative Tuesday Narrow0this Tu ‘sto mar
1509Date & TimeRelativeRelative Tuesday Narrow1next Tu mar che vien
1510Date & TimeRelativeRelative Tuesday Narrowfuture-onein {0} Tu tenpo {0} mar
1511Date & TimeRelativeRelative Tuesday Narrowfuture-otherin {0} Tu tenpo {0} mar
1512Date & TimeRelativeRelative Tuesday Narrowpast-one{0} Tu ago che’l ze {0} mar
1513Date & TimeRelativeRelative Tuesday Narrowpast-other{0} Tu ago che i ze {0} mar
1514Date & TimeRelativeRelative Wednesday-1last Wednesday mèrcore pasà
1515Date & TimeRelativeRelative Wednesday0this Wednesday ‘sto mèrcore
1516Date & TimeRelativeRelative Wednesday1next Wednesday mèrcore che vien
1517Date & TimeRelativeRelative Wednesdayfuture-onein {0} Wednesday tenpo {0} mèrcore
1518Date & TimeRelativeRelative Wednesdayfuture-otherin {0} Wednesdays tenpo {0} mèrcore
1519Date & TimeRelativeRelative Wednesdaypast-one{0} Wednesday ago che’l ze {0} mèrcore
1520Date & TimeRelativeRelative Wednesdaypast-other{0} Wednesdays ago che i ze {0} mèrcore
1521Date & TimeRelativeRelative Wednesday Short-1last Wed. mèr pasà
1522Date & TimeRelativeRelative Wednesday Short0this Wed. ‘sto mèr
1523Date & TimeRelativeRelative Wednesday Short1next Wed. mèr che vien
1524Date & TimeRelativeRelative Wednesday Shortfuture-onein {0} Wed. tenpo {0} mèr
1525Date & TimeRelativeRelative Wednesday Shortfuture-otherin {0} Wed. tenpo {0} mèr
1526Date & TimeRelativeRelative Wednesday Shortpast-one{0} Wed. ago che’l ze {0} mèr
1527Date & TimeRelativeRelative Wednesday Shortpast-other{0} Wed. ago che i ze {0} mèr
1528Date & TimeRelativeRelative Wednesday Narrow-1last W mèr pasà
1529Date & TimeRelativeRelative Wednesday Narrow0this W ‘sto mèr
1530Date & TimeRelativeRelative Wednesday Narrow1next W mèr che vien
1531Date & TimeRelativeRelative Wednesday Narrowfuture-onein {0} W tenpo {0} mèr
1532Date & TimeRelativeRelative Wednesday Narrowfuture-otherin {0} W tenpo {0} mèr
1533Date & TimeRelativeRelative Wednesday Narrowpast-one{0} W ago che’l ze {0} mèr
1534Date & TimeRelativeRelative Wednesday Narrowpast-other{0} W ago che i ze {0} mèr
1535Date & TimeRelativeRelative Thursday-1last Thursday zoba pasà
1536Date & TimeRelativeRelative Thursday0this Thursday ‘sto zoba
1537Date & TimeRelativeRelative Thursday1next Thursday zoba che vien
1538Date & TimeRelativeRelative Thursdayfuture-onein {0} Thursday tenpo {0} zoba
1539Date & TimeRelativeRelative Thursdayfuture-otherin {0} Thursdays tenpo {0} zoba
1540Date & TimeRelativeRelative Thursdaypast-one{0} Thursday ago che’l ze {0} zoba
1541Date & TimeRelativeRelative Thursdaypast-other{0} Thursdays ago che i ze {0} zoba
1542Date & TimeRelativeRelative Thursday Short-1last Thu. zob pasà
1543Date & TimeRelativeRelative Thursday Short0this Thu. ‘sto zob
1544Date & TimeRelativeRelative Thursday Short1next Thu. zob che vien
1545Date & TimeRelativeRelative Thursday Shortfuture-onein {0} Thu. tenpo {0} zob
1546Date & TimeRelativeRelative Thursday Shortfuture-otherin {0} Thu. tenpo {0} zob
1547Date & TimeRelativeRelative Thursday Shortpast-one{0} Thu. ago che’l ze {0} zob
1548Date & TimeRelativeRelative Thursday Shortpast-other{0} Thu. ago che i ze {0} zob
1549Date & TimeRelativeRelative Thursday Narrow-1last Th zob pasà
1550Date & TimeRelativeRelative Thursday Narrow0this Th ‘sto zob
1551Date & TimeRelativeRelative Thursday Narrow1next Th zob che vien
1552Date & TimeRelativeRelative Thursday Narrowfuture-onein {0} Th tenpo {0} zob
1553Date & TimeRelativeRelative Thursday Narrowfuture-otherin {0} Th tenpo {0} zob
1554Date & TimeRelativeRelative Thursday Narrowpast-one{0} Th ago che’l ze {0} zob
1555Date & TimeRelativeRelative Thursday Narrowpast-other{0} Th ago che i ze {0} zob
1556Date & TimeRelativeRelative Friday-1last Friday vènare pasà
1557Date & TimeRelativeRelative Friday0this Friday ‘sto vènare
1558Date & TimeRelativeRelative Friday1next Friday vènare che vien
1559Date & TimeRelativeRelative Fridayfuture-onein {0} Friday tenpo {0} vènare
1560Date & TimeRelativeRelative Fridayfuture-otherin {0} Fridays tenpo {0} vènare
1561Date & TimeRelativeRelative Fridaypast-one{0} Friday ago che’l ze {0} vènare
1562Date & TimeRelativeRelative Fridaypast-other{0} Fridays ago che i ze {0} vènare
1563Date & TimeRelativeRelative Friday Short-1last Fri. vèn pasà
1564Date & TimeRelativeRelative Friday Short0this Fri. ‘sto vèn
1565Date & TimeRelativeRelative Friday Short1next Fri. vèn che vien
1566Date & TimeRelativeRelative Friday Shortfuture-onein {0} Fri. tenpo {0} vèn
1567Date & TimeRelativeRelative Friday Shortfuture-otherin {0} Fri. tenpo {0} vèn
1568Date & TimeRelativeRelative Friday Shortpast-one{0} Fri. ago che’l ze {0} vèn
1569Date & TimeRelativeRelative Friday Shortpast-other{0} Fri. ago che i ze {0} vèn
1570Date & TimeRelativeRelative Friday Narrow-1last F vèn pasà
1571Date & TimeRelativeRelative Friday Narrow0this F ‘sto vèn
1572Date & TimeRelativeRelative Friday Narrow1next F vèn che vien
1573Date & TimeRelativeRelative Friday Narrowfuture-onein {0} F tenpo {0} vèn
1574Date & TimeRelativeRelative Friday Narrowfuture-otherin {0} F tenpo {0} vèn
1575Date & TimeRelativeRelative Friday Narrowpast-one{0} F ago che’l ze {0} vèn
1576Date & TimeRelativeRelative Friday Narrowpast-other{0} F ago che i ze {0} vèn
1577Date & TimeRelativeRelative Saturday-1last Saturday sabo pasà
1578Date & TimeRelativeRelative Saturday0this Saturday ‘sto sabo
1579Date & TimeRelativeRelative Saturday1next Saturday sabo che vien
1580Date & TimeRelativeRelative Saturdayfuture-onein {0} Saturday tenpo {0} sabo
1581Date & TimeRelativeRelative Saturdayfuture-otherin {0} Saturdays tenpo {0} sabi
1582Date & TimeRelativeRelative Saturdaypast-one{0} Saturday ago che’l ze {0} sabo
1583Date & TimeRelativeRelative Saturdaypast-other{0} Saturdays ago che i ze {0} sabi
1584Date & TimeRelativeRelative Saturday Short-1last Sat. sab pasà
1585Date & TimeRelativeRelative Saturday Short0this Sat. ‘sto sab
1586Date & TimeRelativeRelative Saturday Short1next Sat. sab che vien
1587Date & TimeRelativeRelative Saturday Shortfuture-onein {0} Sat. tenpo {0} sab
1588Date & TimeRelativeRelative Saturday Shortfuture-otherin {0} Sat. tenpo {0} sab
1589Date & TimeRelativeRelative Saturday Shortpast-one{0} Sat. ago che’l ze {0} sab
1590Date & TimeRelativeRelative Saturday Shortpast-other{0} Sat. ago che i ze {0} sab
1591Date & TimeRelativeRelative Saturday Narrow-1last Sa sab pasà
1592Date & TimeRelativeRelative Saturday Narrow0this Sa ‘sto sab
1593Date & TimeRelativeRelative Saturday Narrow1next Sa sab che vien
1594Date & TimeRelativeRelative Saturday Narrowfuture-onein {0} Sa tenpo {0} sab
1595Date & TimeRelativeRelative Saturday Narrowfuture-otherin {0} Sa tenpo {0} sab
1596Date & TimeRelativeRelative Saturday Narrowpast-one{0} Sa ago che’l ze {0} sab
1597Date & TimeRelativeRelative Saturday Narrowpast-other{0} Sa ago che i ze {0} sab
1598Date & TimeGregorianEras - wide0Before Christ vanti Cristo
1599Date & TimeGregorianEras - wide0-variantBefore Common Era vanti era comun
1600Date & TimeGregorianEras - wide1Anno Domini daspò Cristo
1601Date & TimeGregorianEras - wide1-variantCommon Era era comun
1602Date & TimeGregorianEras - abbreviated0BC v.C.
1603Date & TimeGregorianEras - abbreviated0-variantBCE v.e.c.
1604Date & TimeGregorianEras - abbreviated1AD d.C.
1605Date & TimeGregorianEras - abbreviated1-variantCE e.c.
1606Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - wide - Formatting11st quarter 1º trimestre
1607Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - wide - Formatting22nd quarter 2º trimestre
1608Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - wide - Formatting33rd quarter 3º trimestre
1609Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - wide - Formatting44th quarter 4º trimestre
1610Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - abbreviated - Formatting1Q1 T1
1611Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - abbreviated - Formatting2Q2 T2
1612Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - abbreviated - Formatting3Q3 T3
1613Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - abbreviated - Formatting4Q4 T4
1614Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - narrow - Standalone1= 1
1615Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - narrow - Standalone2= 2
1616Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - narrow - Standalone3= 3
1617Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - narrow - Standalone4= 4
1618Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - FormattingJanJanuary jenaro
1619Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - FormattingFebFebruary febraro
1620Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - FormattingMarMarch marso
1621Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - FormattingAprApril aprile
1622Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - FormattingMayMay majo
1623Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - FormattingJunJune jugno
1624Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - FormattingJulJuly lujo
1625Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - FormattingAugAugust agosto
1626Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - FormattingSepSeptember setenbre
1627Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - FormattingOctOctober otobre
1628Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - FormattingNovNovember novenbre
1629Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - FormattingDecDecember dezenbre
1630Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - StandaloneDecDecember dezenbre
1631Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJanJan jen
1632Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingFebFeb feb
1633Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingMarMar mar
1634Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingAprApr apr
1635Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingMayMay maj
1636Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJunJun jug
1637Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJulJul luj
1638Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingAugAug ago
1639Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingSepSep set
1640Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingOctOct oto
1641Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingNovNov nov
1642Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingDecDec dez
1643Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneDecDec dez
1644Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - StandaloneJan= J
1645Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - StandaloneFeb= F
1646Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - StandaloneMar= M
1647Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - StandaloneApr= A
1648Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - StandaloneMay= M
1649Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - StandaloneJun= J
1650Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - StandaloneJulJ L
1651Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - StandaloneAug= A
1652Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - StandaloneSep= S
1653Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - StandaloneOct= O
1654Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - StandaloneNov= N
1655Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - StandaloneDec= D
1656Date & TimeGregorianDays - wide - FormattingsunSunday doménega
1657Date & TimeGregorianDays - wide - FormattingmonMonday luni
1658Date & TimeGregorianDays - wide - FormattingtueTuesday marti
1659Date & TimeGregorianDays - wide - FormattingwedWednesday mèrcore
1660Date & TimeGregorianDays - wide - FormattingthuThursday zoba
1661Date & TimeGregorianDays - wide - FormattingfriFriday vènare
1662Date & TimeGregorianDays - wide - FormattingsatSaturday sabo
1663Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - FormattingsunSun dom
1664Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - FormattingmonMon lun
1665Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - FormattingtueTue mar
1666Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - FormattingwedWed mer
1667Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - FormattingthuThu zob
1668Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - FormattingfriFri vèn
1669Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - FormattingsatSat sab
1670Date & TimeGregorianDays - narrow - StandalonesunS D
1671Date & TimeGregorianDays - narrow - StandalonemonM L
1672Date & TimeGregorianDays - narrow - StandalonetueT M
1673Date & TimeGregorianDays - narrow - StandalonewedW M
1674Date & TimeGregorianDays - narrow - StandalonethuT Z
1675Date & TimeGregorianDays - narrow - StandalonefriF V
1676Date & TimeGregorianDays - narrow - Standalonesat= S
1677Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - abbreviated - Formattingam= AM
1678Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - abbreviated - Formattingpm= PM
1679Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Date FormatsfullEEEE, MMMM d, y EEEE d MMMM y
1680Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Date FormatslongMMMM d, y d MMMM y
1681Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Date FormatsmediumMMM d, y d MMM y
1682Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Date FormatsshortM/d/yy dd/MM/yy
1683Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Time Formatsfullh:mm:ss a zzzz HH:mm:ss zzzz
1684Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Time Formatslongh:mm:ss a z HH:mm:ss z
1685Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Time Formatsmediumh:mm:ss a HH:mm:ss
1686Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Time Formatsshorth:mm a HH:mm
1687Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsfull= {1}, {0}
1688Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatslong= {1}, {0}
1689Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsmedium= {1}, {0}
1690Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsshort= {1}, {0}
1691Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMMW-other'week' W 'of' MMMM W'ª' 'setemana' 'de' MMMM
1692Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsyw-other'week' w 'of' Y w'ª' 'setemana' 'de''l' Y
1693Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsd= d
1694Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsE= ccc
1695Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsEdd E E d
1696Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGy= y G
1697Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMdM/d/y G dd/MM/y G
1698Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMM= MMM y G
1699Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMdMMM d, y G d MMM y G
1700Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMEdE, MMM d, y G E d MMM y G
1701Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsM= L
1702Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMdM/d dd/MM
1703Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMEdE, M/d E dd/MM
1704Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMM= LLL
1705Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMdMMM d d MMM
1706Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMEdE, MMM d E d MMM
1707Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMMdMMMM d d MMMM
1708Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsy= y
1709Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyMM/y MM/y
1710Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyMdM/d/y dd/MM/y
1711Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyMEdE, M/d/y E dd/MM/y
1712Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyMMM= MMM y
1713Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyMMMdMMM d, y d MMM y
1714Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyMMMEdE, MMM d, y E d MMM y
1715Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyMMMM= MMMM y
1716Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyQQQ= QQQ y
1717Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyQQQQ= QQQQ y
1718Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsBh= h B
1719Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsBhm= h:mm B
1720Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsBhms= h:mm:ss B
1721Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsEBhm= E h:mm B
1722Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsEBhms= E h:mm:ss B
1723Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsEhmE h:mm a E h:mm a
1724Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsEhmsE h:mm:ss a E h:mm:ss a
1725Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatsh= h a
1726Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatshmh:mm a h:mm a
1727Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatshmsh:mm:ss a h:mm:ss a
1728Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatshmsvh:mm:ss a v h:mm:ss a (v)
1729Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatshmvh:mm a v h:mm a (v)
1730Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsEHm= E HH:mm
1731Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsEHms= E HH:mm:ss
1732Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsH= HH
1733Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsHm= HH:mm
1734Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsHms= HH:mm:ss
1735Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsHmsvHH:mm:ss v HH:mm:ss (v)
1736Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsHmvHH:mm v HH:mm (v)
1737Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formatsms= mm:ss
1738Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - AppendTimezone= {0} {1}
1739Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBh/B= h B – h B
1740Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBh/h= h – h B
1741Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBhm/B= h:mm B – h:mm B
1742Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBhm/h= h:mm – h:mm B
1743Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBhm/m= h:mm – h:mm B
1744Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsd/d= d – d
1745Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGy/G= y G – y G
1746Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGy/y= y – y G
1747Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyM/GM/y G – M/y G MM/y G – MM/y G
1748Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyM/MM/y – M/y G MM/y – MM/y G
1749Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyM/yM/y – M/y G MM/y – MM/y G
1750Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMd/dM/d/y – M/d/y G dd/MM/y – dd/MM/y G
1751Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMd/GM/d/y G – M/d/y G dd/MM/y G – dd/MM/y G
1752Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMd/MM/d/y – M/d/y G dd/MM/y – dd/MM/y G
1753Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMd/yM/d/y – M/d/y G dd/MM/y G – dd/MM/y G
1754Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMEd/dE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y G E dd/MM/y – E dd/MM/y G
1755Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMEd/GE, M/d/y G – E, M/d/y G E dd/MM/y G – E dd/MM/y G
1756Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMEd/ME, M/d/y – E, M/d/y G E dd/MM/y – E dd/MM/y G
1757Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMEd/yE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y G E dd/MM/y – E dd/MM/y G
1758Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMM/G= MMM y G – MMM y G
1759Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMM/MMMM – MMM y G MMM – MMM y G
1760Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMM/y= MMM y – MMM y G
1761Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMd/dMMM d – d, y G d – d MMM y G
1762Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMd/GMMM d, y G – MMM d, y G d MMM y G – d MMM y G
1763Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMd/MMMM d – MMM d, y G d MMM – d MMM y G
1764Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMd/yMMM d, y – MMM d, y G d MMM y – d MMM y G
1765Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMEd/dE, MMM d – E, MMM d, y G E d – E d MMM y G
1766Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMEd/GE, MMM d, y G – E, MMM d, y G E d MMM y G – E d MMM y G
1767Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMEd/ME, MMM d – E, MMM d, y G E d MMM – E d MMM y G
1768Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMEd/yE, MMM d, y – E, MMM d, y G E d MMM y – E d MMM y G
1769Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsM/M= M – M
1770Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMd/dM/d – M/d dd/MM – dd/MM
1771Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMd/MM/d – M/d dd/MM – dd/MM
1772Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMEd/dE, M/d – E, M/d E dd/MM – E dd/MM
1773Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMEd/ME, M/d – E, M/d E dd/MM – E dd/MM
1774Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMM/M= MMM – MMM
1775Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMd/dMMM d – d d – d MMM
1776Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMd/MMMM d – MMM d dd MMM – dd MMM
1777Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMEd/dE, MMM d – E, MMM d E d – E d MMM
1778Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMEd/ME, MMM d – E, MMM d E d MMM – E d MMM
1779Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsy/y= y – y
1780Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyM/MM/y – M/y MM/y – MM/y
1781Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyM/yM/y – M/y MM/y – MM/y
1782Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/dM/d/y – M/d/y dd/MM/y – dd/MM/y
1783Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/MM/d/y – M/d/y dd/MM/y – dd/MM/y
1784Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/yM/d/y – M/d/y dd/MM/y – dd/MM/y
1785Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/dE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y E dd/MM/y – E dd/MM/y
1786Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/ME, M/d/y – E, M/d/y E dd/MM/y – E dd/MM/y
1787Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/yE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y E dd/MM/y – E dd/MM/y
1788Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMM/M= MMM – MMM y
1789Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMM/yMMM y – MMM y MMM y – MMM y
1790Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/dMMM d – d, y d – d MMM y
1791Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/MMMM d – MMM d, y d MMM – d MMM y
1792Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/yMMM d, y – MMM d, y d MMM y – d MMM y
1793Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/dE, MMM d – E, MMM d, y E d – E d MMM y
1794Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/ME, MMM d – E, MMM d, y E d MMM – E d MMM y
1795Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/yE, MMM d, y – E, MMM d, y E d MMM y – E d MMM y
1796Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMM/M= MMMM – MMMM y
1797Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMM/y= MMMM y – MMMM y
1798Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formatsh/a= h a – h a
1799Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formatsh/h= h – h a
1800Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formatshm/a= h:mm a – h:mm a
1801Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formatshm/h= h:mm – h:mm a
1802Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formatshm/m= h:mm – h:mm a
1803Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formatshmv/ah:mm a – h:mm a v h:mm a – h:mm a v
1804Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formatshmv/h= h:mm – h:mm a v
1805Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formatshmv/m= h:mm – h:mm a v
1806Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formatshv/a= h a – h a v
1807Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formatshv/h= h – h a v
1808Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 24 Hour Time FormatsH/H= HH – HH
1809Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 24 Hour Time FormatsHm/H= HH:mm – HH:mm
1810Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 24 Hour Time FormatsHm/m= HH:mm – HH:mm
1811Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 24 Hour Time FormatsHmv/H= HH:mm – HH:mm v
1812Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 24 Hour Time FormatsHmv/m= HH:mm – HH:mm v
1813Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 24 Hour Time FormatsHv/H= HH – HH v
1814Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - FallbackFallback= {0} – {1}
1815Date & TimeISO 8601Formats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMMW-other= MMMM 'week' W
1816Date & TimeISO 8601Formats - Flexible - Date Formatsyw-other= Y 'week' w
1817Date & TimeISO 8601Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsBh= h B
1818Date & TimeISO 8601Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsBhm= h:mm B
1819Date & TimeISO 8601Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsBhms= h:mm:ss B
1820Date & TimeISO 8601Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsEBhm= E h:mm B
1821Date & TimeISO 8601Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsEBhms= E h:mm:ss B
1822Date & TimeISO 8601Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsEhm= E h:mm a
1823Date & TimeISO 8601Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsEhms= E h:mm:ss a
1824Date & TimeISO 8601Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatsh= h a
1825Date & TimeISO 8601Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatshm= h:mm a
1826Date & TimeISO 8601Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatshms= h:mm:ss a
1827Date & TimeISO 8601Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatshmsv= h:mm:ss a v
1828Date & TimeISO 8601Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatshmv= h:mm a v
1829Date & TimeISO 8601Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsEHm= E HH:mm
1830Date & TimeISO 8601Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsEHms= E HH:mm:ss
1831Date & TimeISO 8601Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsH= HH
1832Date & TimeISO 8601Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsHm= HH:mm
1833Date & TimeISO 8601Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsHms= HH:mm:ss
1834Date & TimeISO 8601Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsHmsv= HH:mm:ss v
1835Date & TimeISO 8601Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsHmv= HH:mm v
1836Date & TimeISO 8601Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formatsms= mm:ss
1837Date & TimeGenericFormats - Standard - Date FormatsfullEEEE, MMMM d, y G EEEE d MMMM y G
1838Date & TimeGenericFormats - Standard - Date FormatslongMMMM d, y G d MMMM y G
1839Date & TimeGenericFormats - Standard - Date FormatsmediumMMM d, y G d MMM y G
1840Date & TimeGenericFormats - Standard - Date FormatsshortM/d/y GGGGG dd/MM/y GGGGG
1841Date & TimeGenericFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsfull= {1}, {0}
1842Date & TimeGenericFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatslong= {1}, {0}
1843Date & TimeGenericFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsmedium= {1}, {0}
1844Date & TimeGenericFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsshort= {1}, {0}
1845Date & TimeGenericFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsfull-atTime{1} 'at' {0} {1} 'a' 'le' {0}
1846Date & TimeGenericFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatslong-atTime{1} 'at' {0} {1} 'a' 'le' {0}
1847Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsd= d
1848Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsE= ccc
1849Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsEdd E E d
1850Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGy= y G
1851Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMdM/d/y GGGGG dd/MM/y GGGGG
1852Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMM= MMM y G
1853Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMdMMM d, y G d MMM y G
1854Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMEdE, MMM d, y G E d MMM y G
1855Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsM= L
1856Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMdM/d dd/MM
1857Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMEdE, M/d E dd/MM
1858Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMM= LLL
1859Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMdMMM d d MMM
1860Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMEdE, MMM d E d MMM
1861Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMMdMMMM d d MMMM
1862Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsy= y G
1863Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsyyyy= y G
1864Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMM/y GGGGG MM/y GGGGG
1865Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMdM/d/y GGGGG dd/MM/y GGGGG
1866Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMEdE, M/d/y GGGGG E dd/MM/y GGGGG
1867Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMM= MMM y G
1868Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMdMMM d, y G d MMM y G
1869Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMEdE, MMM d, y G E d MMM y G
1870Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMM= MMMM y G
1871Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyQQQ= QQQ y G
1872Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyQQQQ= QQQQ y G
1873Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsBh= h B
1874Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsBhm= h:mm B
1875Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsBhms= h:mm:ss B
1876Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsEBhm= E h:mm B
1877Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsEBhms= E h:mm:ss B
1878Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsEhmE h:mm a E h:mm a
1879Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsEhmsE h:mm:ss a E h:mm:ss a
1880Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatsh= h a
1881Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatshmh:mm a h:mm a
1882Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatshmsh:mm:ss a h:mm:ss a
1883Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsEHm= E HH:mm
1884Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsEHms= E HH:mm:ss
1885Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsH= HH
1886Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsHm= HH:mm
1887Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsHms= HH:mm:ss
1888Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formatsms= mm:ss
1889Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBh/B= h B – h B
1890Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBh/h= h – h B
1891Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBhm/B= h:mm B – h:mm B
1892Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBhm/h= h:mm – h:mm B
1893Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBhm/m= h:mm – h:mm B
1894Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsd/d= d – d
1895Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGy/G= y G – y G
1896Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGy/y= y – y G
1897Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyM/GM/y GGGGG – M/y GGGGG MM/y GGGGG – MM/y GGGGG
1898Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyM/MM/y – M/y GGGGG MM/y – MM/y GGGGG
1899Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyM/yM/y – M/y GGGGG MM/y – MM/y GGGGG
1900Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMd/dM/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG dd/MM/y – dd/MM/y GGGGG
1901Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMd/GM/d/y GGGGG – M/d/y GGGGG dd/MM/y GGGGG – dd/MM/y GGGGG
1902Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMd/MM/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG dd/MM/y – dd/MM/y GGGGG
1903Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMd/yM/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG dd/MM/y – dd/MM/y GGGGG
1904Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMEd/dE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG E dd/MM/y – E dd/MM/y GGGGG
1905Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMEd/GE, M/d/y GGGGG – E, M/d/y GGGGG E dd/MM/y GGGGG – E dd/MM/y GGGGG
1906Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMEd/ME, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG E dd/MM/y – E dd/MM/y GGGGG
1907Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMEd/yE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG E dd/MM/y – E dd/MM/y GGGGG
1908Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMM/G= MMM y G – MMM y G
1909Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMM/M= MMM – MMM y G
1910Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMM/y= MMM y – MMM y G
1911Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMd/dMMM d – d, y G d – d MMM y G
1912Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMd/GMMM d, y G – MMM d, y G d MMM y G – d MMM y G
1913Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMd/MMMM d – MMM d, y G d MMM – d MMM y G
1914Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMd/yMMM d, y – MMM d, y G d MMM y – d MMM y G
1915Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMEd/dE, MMM d – E, MMM d, y G E d – E d MMM y G
1916Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMEd/GE, MMM d, y G – E, MMM d, y G E d MMM y G – E d MMM y G
1917Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMEd/ME, MMM d – E, MMM d, y G E d MMM – E d MMM y G
1918Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMEd/yE, MMM d, y – E, MMM d, y G E d MMM y – E d MMM y G
1919Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsh/a= h a – h a
1920Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsh/hh – h a h–h a
1921Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsH/HHH – HH HH–HH
1922Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshm/ah:mm a – h:mm a h:mm a – h:mm a
1923Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshm/hh:mm – h:mm a h:mm–h:mm a
1924Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHm/HHH:mm – HH:mm HH:mm–HH:mm
1925Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshm/mh:mm – h:mm a h:mm–h:mm a
1926Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHm/mHH:mm – HH:mm HH:mm–HH:mm
1927Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshmv/ah:mm a – h:mm a v h:mm a – h:mm a v
1928Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshmv/hh:mm – h:mm a v h:mm–h:mm a v
1929Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHmv/HHH:mm – HH:mm v HH:mm–HH:mm v
1930Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshmv/mh:mm – h:mm a v h:mm–h:mm a v
1931Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHmv/mHH:mm – HH:mm v HH:mm–HH:mm v
1932Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshv/a= h a – h a v
1933Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshv/hh – h a v h–h a v
1934Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHv/HHH – HH v HH–HH v
1935Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsM/M= M – M
1936Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMd/dM/d – M/d dd/MM – dd/MM
1937Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMd/MM/d – M/d dd/MM – dd/MM
1938Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMEd/dE, M/d – E, M/d E dd/MM – E dd/MM
1939Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMEd/ME, M/d – E, M/d E dd/MM – E dd/MM
1940Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMM/M= MMM – MMM
1941Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMd/dMMM d – d d – d MMM
1942Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMd/MMMM d – MMM d d MMM – d MMM
1943Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMEd/dE, MMM d – E, MMM d E d – E d MMM
1944Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMEd/ME, MMM d – E, MMM d E d MMM – E d MMM
1945Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsy/y= y – y G
1946Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyM/MM/y – M/y GGGGG MM/y – MM/y GGGGG
1947Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyM/yM/y – M/y GGGGG MM/y – MM/y GGGGG
1948Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/dM/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG dd/MM/y – dd/MM/y GGGGG
1949Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/MM/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG dd/MM/y – dd/MM/y GGGGG
1950Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/yM/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG dd/MM/y – dd/MM/y GGGGG
1951Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/dE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG E dd/MM/y – E dd/MM/y GGGGG
1952Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/ME, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG E dd/MM/y – E dd/MM/y GGGGG
1953Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/yE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG E dd/MM/y – E dd/MM/y GGGGG
1954Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMM/M= MMM – MMM y G
1955Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMM/y= MMM y – MMM y G
1956Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/dMMM d – d, y G d – d MMM y G
1957Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/MMMM d – MMM d, y G d MMM – d MMM y G
1958Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/yMMM d, y – MMM d, y G d MMM y – d MMM y G
1959Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/dE, MMM d – E, MMM d, y G E d – E d MMM y G
1960Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/ME, MMM d – E, MMM d, y G E d MMM – E d MMM y G
1961Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/yE, MMM d, y – E, MMM d, y G E d MMM y – E d MMM y G
1962Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMM/M= MMMM – MMMM y G
1963Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMM/y= MMMM y – MMMM y G
1964Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - FallbackFallback= {0} – {1}
1965Date & TimeBuddhistEras - abbreviated0= BE
1966Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-1= zi
1967Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-2= chou
1968Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-3= yin
1969Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-4= mao
1970Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-5= chen
1971Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-6= si
1972Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-7= wu
1973Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-8= wei
1974Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-9= shen
1975Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-10= you
1976Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-11= xu
1977Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-12= hai
1978Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-1= spring begins
1979Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-2= rain water
1980Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-3= insects awaken
1981Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-4= spring equinox
1982Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-5= bright and clear
1983Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-6= grain rain
1984Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-7= summer begins
1985Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-8= grain full
1986Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-9= grain in ear
1987Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-10= summer solstice
1988Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-11= minor heat
1989Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-12= major heat
1990Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-13= autumn begins
1991Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-14= end of heat
1992Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-15= white dew
1993Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-16= autumn equinox
1994Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-17= cold dew
1995Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-18= frost descends
1996Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-19= winter begins
1997Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-20= minor snow
1998Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-21= major snow
1999Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-22= winter solstice
2000Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-23= minor cold
2001Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-24= major cold
2002Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-1= jia-zi
2003Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-2= yi-chou
2004Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-3= bing-yin
2005Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-4= ding-mao
2006Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-5= wu-chen
2007Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-6= ji-si
2008Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-7= geng-wu
2009Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-8= xin-wei
2010Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-9= ren-shen
2011Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-10= gui-you
2012Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-11= jia-xu
2013Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-12= yi-hai
2014Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-13= bing-zi
2015Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-14= ding-chou
2016Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-15= wu-yin
2017Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-16= ji-mao
2018Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-17= geng-chen
2019Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-18= xin-si
2020Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-19= ren-wu
2021Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-20= gui-wei
2022Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-21= jia-shen
2023Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-22= yi-you
2024Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-23= bing-xu
2025Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-24= ding-hai
2026Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-25= wu-zi
2027Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-26= ji-chou
2028Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-27= geng-yin
2029Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-28= xin-mao
2030Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-29= ren-chen
2031Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-30= gui-si
2032Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-31= jia-wu
2033Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-32= yi-wei
2034Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-33= bing-shen
2035Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-34= ding-you
2036Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-35= wu-xu
2037Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-36= ji-hai
2038Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-37= geng-zi
2039Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-38= xin-chou
2040Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-39= ren-yin
2041Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-40= gui-mao
2042Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-41= jia-chen
2043Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-42= yi-si
2044Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-43= bing-wu
2045Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-44= ding-wei
2046Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-45= wu-shen
2047Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-46= ji-you
2048Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-47= geng-xu
2049Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-48= xin-hai
2050Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-49= ren-zi
2051Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-50= gui-chou
2052Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-51= jia-yin
2053Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-52= yi-mao
2054Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-53= bing-chen
2055Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-54= ding-si
2056Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-55= wu-wu
2057Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-56= ji-wei
2058Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-57= geng-shen
2059Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-58= xin-you
2060Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-59= ren-xu
2061Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-60= gui-hai
2062Date & TimeChinesemonthPatternsmonthPattern-format-wide-leap= {0}bis
2063Date & TimeChinesemonthPatternsmonthPattern-numeric-all-leap= {0}bis
2064Date & TimeChinesemonthPatternsmonthPattern-stand-alone-narrow-leap= {0}b
2065Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - FormattingM1First Month M01
2066Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - FormattingM2Second Month M02
2067Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - FormattingM3Third Month M03
2068Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - FormattingM4Fourth Month M04
2069Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - FormattingM5Fifth Month M05
2070Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - FormattingM6Sixth Month M06
2071Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - FormattingM7Seventh Month M07
2072Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - FormattingM8Eighth Month M08
2073Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - FormattingM9Ninth Month M09
2074Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - FormattingM10Tenth Month M10
2075Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - FormattingM11Eleventh Month M11
2076Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - FormattingM12Twelfth Month M12
2077Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - StandaloneM1= 1
2078Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - StandaloneM2= 2
2079Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - StandaloneM3= 3
2080Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - StandaloneM4= 4
2081Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - StandaloneM5= 5
2082Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - StandaloneM6= 6
2083Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - StandaloneM7= 7
2084Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - StandaloneM8= 8
2085Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - StandaloneM9= 9
2086Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - StandaloneM10= 10
2087Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - StandaloneM11= 11
2088Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - StandaloneM12= 12
2089Date & TimeChineseFormats - Standard - Date FormatsfullEEEE, MMMM d, r(U) r(U) MMMM d, EEEE
2090Date & TimeChineseFormats - Standard - Date FormatslongMMMM d, r(U) r(U) MMMM d
2091Date & TimeChineseFormats - Standard - Date FormatsmediumMMM d, r r MMM d
2092Date & TimeChineseFormats - Standard - Date FormatsshortM/d/r r-MM-dd
2093Date & TimeChineseFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsfull{1}, {0} {1} {0}
2094Date & TimeChineseFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatslong{1}, {0} {1} {0}
2095Date & TimeChineseFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsmedium{1}, {0} {1} {0}
2096Date & TimeChineseFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsshort{1}, {0} {1} {0}
2097Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsd= d
2098Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsE= ccc
2099Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsEdd E d, E
2100Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyr(U) r U
2101Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMMMM r r MMM
2102Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMdMMM d, r r MMM d
2103Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMEdE, MMM d, r r MMM d, E
2104Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMMMMMM r(U) r(U) MMMM
2105Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMMdMMMM d, r(U) r(U) MMMM d
2106Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMMEdE, MMMM d, r(U) r(U) MMMM d, E
2107Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsM= L
2108Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMdM/d MM-dd
2109Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMEdE, M/d MM-dd, E
2110Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMM= LLL
2111Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMd= MMM d
2112Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMEdE, MMM d MMM d, E
2113Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMMd= MMMM d
2114Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsUMM/U U MM
2115Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsUMdM/d/U U MM-d
2116Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsUMMMMMM U U MMM
2117Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsUMMMdMMM d, U U MMM d
2118Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsy= r(U)
2119Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsyyyy= r(U)
2120Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMM/r r-MM
2121Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMdM/d/r r-MM-dd
2122Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMEdE, M/d/r r-MM-dd, E
2123Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMMMM r r MMM
2124Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMdMMM d, r r MMM d
2125Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMEdE, MMM d, r r MMM d, E
2126Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMMMMMM r(U) r(U) MMMM
2127Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMMdMMMM d, r(U) r(U) MMMM d
2128Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMMEdE, MMMM d, r(U) r(U) MMMM d, E
2129Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyQQQQQQ r(U) r(U) QQQ
2130Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyQQQQQQQQ r(U) r(U) QQQQ
2131Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsBh= h B
2132Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsBhm= h:mm B
2133Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsBhms= h:mm:ss B
2134Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsEBhm= E h:mm B
2135Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsEBhms= E h:mm:ss B
2136Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatshh a h a
2137Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatshmh:mm a h:mm a
2138Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatshmsh:mm:ss a h:mm:ss a
2139Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsH= HH
2140Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsHm= HH:mm
2141Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsHms= HH:mm:ss
2142Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formatsms= mm:ss
2143Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBh/B= h B – h B
2144Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBh/hh – h B h–h B
2145Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBhm/B= h:mm B – h:mm B
2146Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBhm/hh:mm – h:mm B h:mm–h:mm B
2147Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBhm/mh:mm – h:mm B h:mm–h:mm B
2148Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsd/dd – d d–d
2149Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsh/a= h a – h a
2150Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsh/hh – h a h–h a
2151Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsH/HHH – HH HH–HH
2152Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshm/ah:mm a – h:mm a h:mm a – h:mm a
2153Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshm/hh:mm – h:mm a h:mm–h:mm a
2154Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHm/HHH:mm – HH:mm HH:mm–HH:mm
2155Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshm/mh:mm – h:mm a h:mm–h:mm a
2156Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHm/mHH:mm – HH:mm HH:mm–HH:mm
2157Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshmv/ah:mm a – h:mm a v h:mm a – h:mm a v
2158Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshmv/hh:mm – h:mm a v h:mm–h:mm a v
2159Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHmv/HHH:mm – HH:mm v HH:mm–HH:mm v
2160Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshmv/mh:mm – h:mm a v h:mm–h:mm a v
2161Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHmv/mHH:mm – HH:mm v HH:mm–HH:mm v
2162Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshv/a= h a – h a v
2163Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshv/hh – h a v h–h a v
2164Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHv/HHH – HH v HH–HH v
2165Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsM/MM – M MM–MM
2166Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMd/dM/d – M/d MM-dd – MM-dd
2167Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMd/MM/d – M/d MM-dd – MM-dd
2168Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMEd/dE, M/d – E, M/d MM-dd, E – MM-dd, E
2169Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMEd/ME, M/d – E, M/d MM-dd, E – MM-dd, E
2170Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMM/MMMM – MMM LLL–LLL
2171Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMd/dMMM d – d MMM d–d
2172Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMd/M= MMM d – MMM d
2173Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMEd/dE, MMM d – E, MMM d MMM d, E – MMM d, E
2174Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMEd/ME, MMM d – E, MMM d MMM d, E – MMM d, E
2175Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsy/yU – U U–U
2176Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyM/MM/y – M/y y-MM – y-MM
2177Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyM/yM/y – M/y y-MM – y-MM
2178Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/dM/d/y – M/d/y y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd
2179Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/MM/d/y – M/d/y y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd
2180Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/yM/d/y – M/d/y y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd
2181Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/dE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E
2182Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/ME, M/d/y – E, M/d/y y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E
2183Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/yE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E
2184Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMM/MMMM – MMM U U MMM–MMM
2185Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMM/yMMM U – MMM U U MMM – U MMM
2186Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/dMMM d – d, U U MMM d–d
2187Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/MMMM d – MMM d, U U MMM d – MMM d
2188Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/yMMM d, U – MMM d, U U MMM d – U MMM d
2189Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/dE, MMM d – E, MMM d, U U MMM d, E – MMM d, E
2190Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/ME, MMM d – E, MMM d, U U MMM d, E – MMM d, E
2191Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/yE, MMM d, U – E, MMM d, U U MMM d, E – U MMM d, E
2192Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMM/MMMMM – MMMM U U MMMM–MMMM
2193Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMM/yMMMM U – MMMM U U MMMM – U MMMM
2194Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - FallbackFallback= {0} – {1}
2195Date & TimeCopticEras - abbreviated0= ERA0
2196Date & TimeCopticEras - abbreviated1= ERA1
2197Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingM1= Tout
2198Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingM2= Baba
2199Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingM3= Hator
2200Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingM4= Kiahk
2201Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingM5= Toba
2202Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingM6= Amshir
2203Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingM7= Baramhat
2204Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingM8= Baramouda
2205Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingM9= Bashans
2206Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingM10= Paona
2207Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingM11= Epep
2208Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingM12= Mesra
2209Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingM13= Nasie
2210Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneM1= 1
2211Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneM2= 2
2212Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneM3= 3
2213Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneM4= 4
2214Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneM5= 5
2215Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneM6= 6
2216Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneM7= 7
2217Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneM8= 8
2218Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneM9= 9
2219Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneM10= 10
2220Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneM11= 11
2221Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneM12= 12
2222Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneM13= 13
2223Date & TimeEthiopicEras - abbreviated0= ERA0
2224Date & TimeEthiopicEras - abbreviated1= ERA1
2225Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingM1= Meskerem
2226Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingM2= Tekemt
2227Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingM3= Hedar
2228Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingM4= Tahsas
2229Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingM5= Ter
2230Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingM6= Yekatit
2231Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingM7= Megabit
2232Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingM8= Miazia
2233Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingM9= Genbot
2234Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingM10= Sene
2235Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingM11= Hamle
2236Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingM12= Nehasse
2237Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingM13= Pagumen
2238Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM1= 1
2239Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM2= 2
2240Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM3= 3
2241Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM4= 4
2242Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM5= 5
2243Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM6= 6
2244Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM7= 7
2245Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM8= 8
2246Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM9= 9
2247Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM10= 10
2248Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM11= 11
2249Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM12= 12
2250Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM13= 13
2251Date & TimeEthiopic-Amete-AlemEras - abbreviated0= ERA0
2252Date & TimeHebrewEras - abbreviated0= AM
2253Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingM7 (leap)= Adar II
2254Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingM1= Tishri
2255Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingM2= Heshvan
2256Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingM3= Kislev
2257Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingM4= Tevet
2258Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingM5= Shevat
2259Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingM6= Adar I
2260Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingM7= Adar
2261Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingM8= Nisan
2262Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingM9= Iyar
2263Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingM10= Sivan
2264Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingM11= Tamuz
2265Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingM12= Av
2266Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingM13= Elul
2267Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneM7 (leap)= 7
2268Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneM1= 1
2269Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneM2= 2
2270Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneM3= 3
2271Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneM4= 4
2272Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneM5= 5
2273Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneM6= 6
2274Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneM7= 7
2275Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneM8= 8
2276Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneM9= 9
2277Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneM10= 10
2278Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneM11= 11
2279Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneM12= 12
2280Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneM13= 13
2281Date & TimeIndianEras - abbreviated0= Saka
2282Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - FormattingM1= Chaitra
2283Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - FormattingM2= Vaisakha
2284Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - FormattingM3= Jyaistha
2285Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - FormattingM4= Asadha
2286Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - FormattingM5= Sravana
2287Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - FormattingM6= Bhadra
2288Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - FormattingM7= Asvina
2289Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - FormattingM8= Kartika
2290Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - FormattingM9= Agrahayana
2291Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - FormattingM10= Pausa
2292Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - FormattingM11= Magha
2293Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - FormattingM12= Phalguna
2294Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - StandaloneM1= 1
2295Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - StandaloneM2= 2
2296Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - StandaloneM3= 3
2297Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - StandaloneM4= 4
2298Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - StandaloneM5= 5
2299Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - StandaloneM6= 6
2300Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - StandaloneM7= 7
2301Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - StandaloneM8= 8
2302Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - StandaloneM9= 9
2303Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - StandaloneM10= 10
2304Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - StandaloneM11= 11
2305Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - StandaloneM12= 12
2306Date & TimeIslamicEras - abbreviated0= AH
2307Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - FormattingM1= Muharram
2308Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - FormattingM2= Safar
2309Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - FormattingM3= Rabiʻ I
2310Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - FormattingM4= Rabiʻ II
2311Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - FormattingM5= Jumada I
2312Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - FormattingM6= Jumada II
2313Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - FormattingM7= Rajab
2314Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - FormattingM8= Shaʻban
2315Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - FormattingM9= Ramadan
2316Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - FormattingM10= Shawwal
2317Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - FormattingM11= Dhuʻl-Qiʻdah
2318Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - FormattingM12= Dhuʻl-Hijjah
2319Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingM1= Muh.
2320Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingM2= Saf.
2321Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingM3= Rab. I
2322Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingM4= Rab. II
2323Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingM5= Jum. I
2324Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingM6= Jum. II
2325Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingM7= Raj.
2326Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingM8= Sha.
2327Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingM9= Ram.
2328Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingM10= Shaw.
2329Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingM11= Dhuʻl-Q.
2330Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingM12= Dhuʻl-H.
2331Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM1= 1
2332Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM2= 2
2333Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM3= 3
2334Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM4= 4
2335Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM5= 5
2336Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM6= 6
2337Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM7= 7
2338Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM8= 8
2339Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM9= 9
2340Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM10= 10
2341Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM11= 11
2342Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - StandaloneM12= 12
2343Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated0= Taika (645–650)
2344Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated1= Hakuchi (650–671)
2345Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated2= Hakuhō (672–686)
2346Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated3= Shuchō (686–701)
2347Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated4= Taihō (701–704)
2348Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated5= Keiun (704–708)
2349Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated6= Wadō (708–715)
2350Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated7= Reiki (715–717)
2351Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated8= Yōrō (717–724)
2352Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated9= Jinki (724–729)
2353Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated10= Tenpyō (729–749)
2354Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated11= Tenpyō-kampō (749–749)
2355Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated12= Tenpyō-shōhō (749–757)
2356Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated13= Tenpyō-hōji (757–765)
2357Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated14= Tenpyō-jingo (765–767)
2358Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated15= Jingo-keiun (767–770)
2359Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated16= Hōki (770–780)
2360Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated17= Ten-ō (781–782)
2361Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated18= Enryaku (782–806)
2362Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated19= Daidō (806–810)
2363Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated20= Kōnin (810–824)
2364Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated21= Tenchō (824–834)
2365Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated22= Jōwa (834–848)
2366Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated23= Kajō (848–851)
2367Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated24= Ninju (851–854)
2368Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated25= Saikō (854–857)
2369Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated26= Ten-an (857–859)
2370Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated27= Jōgan (859–877)
2371Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated28= Gangyō (877–885)
2372Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated29= Ninna (885–889)
2373Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated30= Kanpyō (889–898)
2374Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated31= Shōtai (898–901)
2375Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated32= Engi (901–923)
2376Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated33= Enchō (923–931)
2377Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated34= Jōhei (931–938)
2378Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated35= Tengyō (938–947)
2379Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated36= Tenryaku (947–957)
2380Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated37= Tentoku (957–961)
2381Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated38= Ōwa (961–964)
2382Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated39= Kōhō (964–968)
2383Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated40= Anna (968–970)
2384Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated41= Tenroku (970–973)
2385Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated42= Ten’en (973–976)
2386Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated43= Jōgen (976–978)
2387Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated44= Tengen (978–983)
2388Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated45= Eikan (983–985)
2389Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated46= Kanna (985–987)
2390Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated47= Eien (987–989)
2391Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated48= Eiso (989–990)
2392Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated49= Shōryaku (990–995)
2393Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated50= Chōtoku (995–999)
2394Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated51= Chōhō (999–1004)
2395Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated52= Kankō (1004–1012)
2396Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated53= Chōwa (1012–1017)
2397Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated54= Kannin (1017–1021)
2398Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated55= Jian (1021–1024)
2399Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated56= Manju (1024–1028)
2400Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated57= Chōgen (1028–1037)
2401Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated58= Chōryaku (1037–1040)
2402Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated59= Chōkyū (1040–1044)
2403Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated60= Kantoku (1044–1046)
2404Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated61= Eishō (1046–1053)
2405Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated62= Tengi (1053–1058)
2406Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated63= Kōhei (1058–1065)
2407Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated64= Jiryaku (1065–1069)
2408Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated65= Enkyū (1069–1074)
2409Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated66= Shōho (1074–1077)
2410Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated67= Shōryaku (1077–1081)
2411Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated68= Eihō (1081–1084)
2412Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated69= Ōtoku (1084–1087)
2413Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated70= Kanji (1087–1094)
2414Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated71= Kahō (1094–1096)
2415Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated72= Eichō (1096–1097)
2416Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated73= Jōtoku (1097–1099)
2417Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated74= Kōwa (1099–1104)
2418Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated75= Chōji (1104–1106)
2419Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated76= Kashō (1106–1108)
2420Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated77= Tennin (1108–1110)
2421Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated78= Ten-ei (1110–1113)
2422Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated79= Eikyū (1113–1118)
2423Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated80= Gen’ei (1118–1120)
2424Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated81= Hōan (1120–1124)
2425Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated82= Tenji (1124–1126)
2426Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated83= Daiji (1126–1131)
2427Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated84= Tenshō (1131–1132)
2428Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated85= Chōshō (1132–1135)
2429Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated86= Hōen (1135–1141)
2430Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated87= Eiji (1141–1142)
2431Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated88= Kōji (1142–1144)
2432Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated89= Ten’yō (1144–1145)
2433Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated90= Kyūan (1145–1151)
2434Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated91= Ninpei (1151–1154)
2435Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated92= Kyūju (1154–1156)
2436Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated93= Hōgen (1156–1159)
2437Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated94= Heiji (1159–1160)
2438Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated95= Eiryaku (1160–1161)
2439Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated96= Ōho (1161–1163)
2440Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated97= Chōkan (1163–1165)
2441Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated98= Eiman (1165–1166)
2442Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated99= Nin’an (1166–1169)
2443Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated100= Kaō (1169–1171)
2444Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated101= Shōan (1171–1175)
2445Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated102= Angen (1175–1177)
2446Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated103= Jishō (1177–1181)
2447Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated104= Yōwa (1181–1182)
2448Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated105= Juei (1182–1184)
2449Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated106= Genryaku (1184–1185)
2450Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated107= Bunji (1185–1190)
2451Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated108= Kenkyū (1190–1199)
2452Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated109= Shōji (1199–1201)
2453Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated110= Kennin (1201–1204)
2454Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated111= Genkyū (1204–1206)
2455Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated112= Ken’ei (1206–1207)
2456Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated113= Jōgen (1207–1211)
2457Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated114= Kenryaku (1211–1213)
2458Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated115= Kenpō (1213–1219)
2459Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated116= Jōkyū (1219–1222)
2460Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated117= Jōō (1222–1224)
2461Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated118= Gennin (1224–1225)
2462Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated119= Karoku (1225–1227)
2463Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated120= Antei (1227–1229)
2464Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated121= Kanki (1229–1232)
2465Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated122= Jōei (1232–1233)
2466Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated123= Tenpuku (1233–1234)
2467Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated124= Bunryaku (1234–1235)
2468Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated125= Katei (1235–1238)
2469Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated126= Ryakunin (1238–1239)
2470Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated127= En’ō (1239–1240)
2471Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated128= Ninji (1240–1243)
2472Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated129= Kangen (1243–1247)
2473Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated130= Hōji (1247–1249)
2474Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated131= Kenchō (1249–1256)
2475Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated132= Kōgen (1256–1257)
2476Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated133= Shōka (1257–1259)
2477Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated134= Shōgen (1259–1260)
2478Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated135= Bun’ō (1260–1261)
2479Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated136= Kōchō (1261–1264)
2480Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated137= Bun’ei (1264–1275)
2481Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated138= Kenji (1275–1278)
2482Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated139= Kōan (1278–1288)
2483Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated140= Shōō (1288–1293)
2484Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated141= Einin (1293–1299)
2485Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated142= Shōan (1299–1302)
2486Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated143= Kengen (1302–1303)
2487Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated144= Kagen (1303–1306)
2488Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated145= Tokuji (1306–1308)
2489Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated146= Enkyō (1308–1311)
2490Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated147= Ōchō (1311–1312)
2491Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated148= Shōwa (1312–1317)
2492Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated149= Bunpō (1317–1319)
2493Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated150= Genō (1319–1321)
2494Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated151= Genkō (1321–1324)
2495Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated152= Shōchū (1324–1326)
2496Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated153= Karyaku (1326–1329)
2497Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated154= Gentoku (1329–1331)
2498Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated155= Genkō (1331–1334)
2499Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated156= Kenmu (1334–1336)
2500Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated157= Engen (1336–1340)
2501Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated158= Kōkoku (1340–1346)
2502Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated159= Shōhei (1346–1370)
2503Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated160= Kentoku (1370–1372)
2504Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated161= Bunchū (1372–1375)
2505Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated162= Tenju (1375–1379)
2506Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated163= Kōryaku (1379–1381)
2507Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated164= Kōwa (1381–1384)
2508Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated165= Genchū (1384–1392)
2509Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated166= Meitoku (1384–1387)
2510Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated167= Kakei (1387–1389)
2511Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated168= Kōō (1389–1390)
2512Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated169= Meitoku (1390–1394)
2513Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated170= Ōei (1394–1428)
2514Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated171= Shōchō (1428–1429)
2515Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated172= Eikyō (1429–1441)
2516Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated173= Kakitsu (1441–1444)
2517Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated174= Bun’an (1444–1449)
2518Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated175= Hōtoku (1449–1452)
2519Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated176= Kyōtoku (1452–1455)
2520Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated177= Kōshō (1455–1457)
2521Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated178= Chōroku (1457–1460)
2522Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated179= Kanshō (1460–1466)
2523Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated180= Bunshō (1466–1467)
2524Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated181= Ōnin (1467–1469)
2525Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated182= Bunmei (1469–1487)
2526Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated183= Chōkyō (1487–1489)
2527Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated184= Entoku (1489–1492)
2528Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated185= Meiō (1492–1501)
2529Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated186= Bunki (1501–1504)
2530Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated187= Eishō (1504–1521)
2531Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated188= Taiei (1521–1528)
2532Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated189= Kyōroku (1528–1532)
2533Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated190= Tenbun (1532–1555)
2534Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated191= Kōji (1555–1558)
2535Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated192= Eiroku (1558–1570)
2536Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated193= Genki (1570–1573)
2537Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated194= Tenshō (1573–1592)
2538Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated195= Bunroku (1592–1596)
2539Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated196= Keichō (1596–1615)
2540Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated197= Genna (1615–1624)
2541Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated198= Kan’ei (1624–1644)
2542Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated199= Shōho (1644–1648)
2543Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated200= Keian (1648–1652)
2544Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated201= Jōō (1652–1655)
2545Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated202= Meireki (1655–1658)
2546Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated203= Manji (1658–1661)
2547Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated204= Kanbun (1661–1673)
2548Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated205= Enpō (1673–1681)
2549Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated206= Tenna (1681–1684)
2550Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated207= Jōkyō (1684–1688)
2551Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated208= Genroku (1688–1704)
2552Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated209= Hōei (1704–1711)
2553Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated210= Shōtoku (1711–1716)
2554Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated211= Kyōhō (1716–1736)
2555Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated212= Genbun (1736–1741)
2556Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated213= Kanpō (1741–1744)
2557Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated214= Enkyō (1744–1748)
2558Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated215= Kan’en (1748–1751)
2559Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated216= Hōreki (1751–1764)
2560Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated217= Meiwa (1764–1772)
2561Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated218= An’ei (1772–1781)
2562Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated219= Tenmei (1781–1789)
2563Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated220= Kansei (1789–1801)
2564Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated221= Kyōwa (1801–1804)
2565Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated222= Bunka (1804–1818)
2566Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated223= Bunsei (1818–1830)
2567Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated224= Tenpō (1830–1844)
2568Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated225= Kōka (1844–1848)
2569Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated226= Kaei (1848–1854)
2570Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated227= Ansei (1854–1860)
2571Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated228= Man’en (1860–1861)
2572Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated229= Bunkyū (1861–1864)
2573Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated230= Genji (1864–1865)
2574Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated231= Keiō (1865–1868)
2575Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated232= Meiji
2576Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated233= Taishō
2577Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated234= Shōwa
2578Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated235= Heisei
2579Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated236= Reiwa
2580Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow0= Taika (645–650)
2581Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow1= Hakuchi (650–671)
2582Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow2= Hakuhō (672–686)
2583Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow3= Shuchō (686–701)
2584Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow4= Taihō (701–704)
2585Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow5= Keiun (704–708)
2586Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow6= Wadō (708–715)
2587Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow7= Reiki (715–717)
2588Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow8= Yōrō (717–724)
2589Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow9= Jinki (724–729)
2590Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow10= Tenpyō (729–749)
2591Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow11= Tenpyō-kampō (749–749)
2592Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow12= Tenpyō-shōhō (749–757)
2593Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow13= Tenpyō-hōji (757–765)
2594Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow14= Tenpyō-jingo (765–767)
2595Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow15= Jingo-keiun (767–770)
2596Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow16= Hōki (770–780)
2597Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow17= Ten-ō (781–782)
2598Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow18= Enryaku (782–806)
2599Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow19= Daidō (806–810)
2600Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow20= Kōnin (810–824)
2601Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow21= Tenchō (824–834)
2602Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow22= Jōwa (834–848)
2603Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow23= Kajō (848–851)
2604Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow24= Ninju (851–854)
2605Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow25= Saikō (854–857)
2606Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow26= Ten-an (857–859)
2607Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow27= Jōgan (859–877)
2608Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow28= Gangyō (877–885)
2609Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow29= Ninna (885–889)
2610Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow30= Kanpyō (889–898)
2611Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow31= Shōtai (898–901)
2612Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow32= Engi (901–923)
2613Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow33= Enchō (923–931)
2614Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow34= Jōhei (931–938)
2615Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow35= Tengyō (938–947)
2616Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow36= Tenryaku (947–957)
2617Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow37= Tentoku (957–961)
2618Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow38= Ōwa (961–964)
2619Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow39= Kōhō (964–968)
2620Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow40= Anna (968–970)
2621Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow41= Tenroku (970–973)
2622Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow42= Ten’en (973–976)
2623Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow43= Jōgen (976–978)
2624Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow44= Tengen (978–983)
2625Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow45= Eikan (983–985)
2626Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow46= Kanna (985–987)
2627Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow47= Eien (987–989)
2628Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow48= Eiso (989–990)
2629Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow49= Shōryaku (990–995)
2630Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow50= Chōtoku (995–999)
2631Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow51= Chōhō (999–1004)
2632Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow52= Kankō (1004–1012)
2633Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow53= Chōwa (1012–1017)
2634Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow54= Kannin (1017–1021)
2635Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow55= Jian (1021–1024)
2636Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow56= Manju (1024–1028)
2637Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow57= Chōgen (1028–1037)
2638Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow58= Chōryaku (1037–1040)
2639Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow59= Chōkyū (1040–1044)
2640Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow60= Kantoku (1044–1046)
2641Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow61= Eishō (1046–1053)
2642Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow62= Tengi (1053–1058)
2643Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow63= Kōhei (1058–1065)
2644Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow64= Jiryaku (1065–1069)
2645Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow65= Enkyū (1069–1074)
2646Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow66= Shōho (1074–1077)
2647Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow67= Shōryaku (1077–1081)
2648Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow68= Eihō (1081–1084)
2649Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow69= Ōtoku (1084–1087)
2650Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow70= Kanji (1087–1094)
2651Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow71= Kahō (1094–1096)
2652Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow72= Eichō (1096–1097)
2653Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow73= Jōtoku (1097–1099)
2654Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow74= Kōwa (1099–1104)
2655Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow75= Chōji (1104–1106)
2656Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow76= Kashō (1106–1108)
2657Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow77= Tennin (1108–1110)
2658Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow78= Ten-ei (1110–1113)
2659Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow79= Eikyū (1113–1118)
2660Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow80= Gen’ei (1118–1120)
2661Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow81= Hōan (1120–1124)
2662Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow82= Tenji (1124–1126)
2663Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow83= Daiji (1126–1131)
2664Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow84= Tenshō (1131–1132)
2665Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow85= Chōshō (1132–1135)
2666Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow86= Hōen (1135–1141)
2667Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow87= Eiji (1141–1142)
2668Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow88= Kōji (1142–1144)
2669Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow89= Ten’yō (1144–1145)
2670Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow90= Kyūan (1145–1151)
2671Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow91= Ninpei (1151–1154)
2672Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow92= Kyūju (1154–1156)
2673Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow93= Hōgen (1156–1159)
2674Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow94= Heiji (1159–1160)
2675Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow95= Eiryaku (1160–1161)
2676Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow96= Ōho (1161–1163)
2677Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow97= Chōkan (1163–1165)
2678Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow98= Eiman (1165–1166)
2679Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow99= Nin’an (1166–1169)
2680Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow100= Kaō (1169–1171)
2681Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow101= Shōan (1171–1175)
2682Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow102= Angen (1175–1177)
2683Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow103= Jishō (1177–1181)
2684Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow104= Yōwa (1181–1182)
2685Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow105= Juei (1182–1184)
2686Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow106= Genryaku (1184–1185)
2687Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow107= Bunji (1185–1190)
2688Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow108= Kenkyū (1190–1199)
2689Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow109= Shōji (1199–1201)
2690Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow110= Kennin (1201–1204)
2691Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow111= Genkyū (1204–1206)
2692Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow112= Ken’ei (1206–1207)
2693Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow113= Jōgen (1207–1211)
2694Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow114= Kenryaku (1211–1213)
2695Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow115= Kenpō (1213–1219)
2696Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow116= Jōkyū (1219–1222)
2697Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow117= Jōō (1222–1224)
2698Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow118= Gennin (1224–1225)
2699Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow119= Karoku (1225–1227)
2700Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow120= Antei (1227–1229)
2701Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow121= Kanki (1229–1232)
2702Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow122= Jōei (1232–1233)
2703Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow123= Tenpuku (1233–1234)
2704Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow124= Bunryaku (1234–1235)
2705Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow125= Katei (1235–1238)
2706Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow126= Ryakunin (1238–1239)
2707Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow127= En’ō (1239–1240)
2708Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow128= Ninji (1240–1243)
2709Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow129= Kangen (1243–1247)
2710Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow130= Hōji (1247–1249)
2711Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow131= Kenchō (1249–1256)
2712Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow132= Kōgen (1256–1257)
2713Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow133= Shōka (1257–1259)
2714Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow134= Shōgen (1259–1260)
2715Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow135= Bun’ō (1260–1261)
2716Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow136= Kōchō (1261–1264)
2717Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow137= Bun’ei (1264–1275)
2718Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow138= Kenji (1275–1278)
2719Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow139= Kōan (1278–1288)
2720Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow140= Shōō (1288–1293)
2721Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow141= Einin (1293–1299)
2722Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow142= Shōan (1299–1302)
2723Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow143= Kengen (1302–1303)
2724Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow144= Kagen (1303–1306)
2725Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow145= Tokuji (1306–1308)
2726Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow146= Enkyō (1308–1311)
2727Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow147= Ōchō (1311–1312)
2728Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow148= Shōwa (1312–1317)
2729Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow149= Bunpō (1317–1319)
2730Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow150= Genō (1319–1321)
2731Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow151= Genkō (1321–1324)
2732Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow152= Shōchū (1324–1326)
2733Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow153= Karyaku (1326–1329)
2734Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow154= Gentoku (1329–1331)
2735Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow155= Genkō (1331–1334)
2736Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow156= Kenmu (1334–1336)
2737Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow157= Engen (1336–1340)
2738Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow158= Kōkoku (1340–1346)
2739Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow159= Shōhei (1346–1370)
2740Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow160= Kentoku (1370–1372)
2741Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow161= Bunchū (1372–1375)
2742Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow162= Tenju (1375–1379)
2743Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow163= Kōryaku (1379–1381)
2744Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow164= Kōwa (1381–1384)
2745Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow165= Genchū (1384–1392)
2746Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow166= Meitoku (1384–1387)
2747Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow167= Kakei (1387–1389)
2748Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow168= Kōō (1389–1390)
2749Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow169= Meitoku (1390–1394)
2750Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow170= Ōei (1394–1428)
2751Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow171= Shōchō (1428–1429)
2752Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow172= Eikyō (1429–1441)
2753Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow173= Kakitsu (1441–1444)
2754Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow174= Bun’an (1444–1449)
2755Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow175= Hōtoku (1449–1452)
2756Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow176= Kyōtoku (1452–1455)
2757Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow177= Kōshō (1455–1457)
2758Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow178= Chōroku (1457–1460)
2759Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow179= Kanshō (1460–1466)
2760Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow180= Bunshō (1466–1467)
2761Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow181= Ōnin (1467–1469)
2762Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow182= Bunmei (1469–1487)
2763Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow183= Chōkyō (1487–1489)
2764Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow184= Entoku (1489–1492)
2765Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow185= Meiō (1492–1501)
2766Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow186= Bunki (1501–1504)
2767Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow187= Eishō (1504–1521)
2768Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow188= Taiei (1521–1528)
2769Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow189= Kyōroku (1528–1532)
2770Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow190= Tenbun (1532–1555)
2771Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow191= Kōji (1555–1558)
2772Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow192= Eiroku (1558–1570)
2773Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow193= Genki (1570–1573)
2774Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow194= Tenshō (1573–1592)
2775Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow195= Bunroku (1592–1596)
2776Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow196= Keichō (1596–1615)
2777Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow197= Genna (1615–1624)
2778Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow198= Kan’ei (1624–1644)
2779Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow199= Shōho (1644–1648)
2780Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow200= Keian (1648–1652)
2781Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow201= Jōō (1652–1655)
2782Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow202= Meireki (1655–1658)
2783Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow203= Manji (1658–1661)
2784Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow204= Kanbun (1661–1673)
2785Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow205= Enpō (1673–1681)
2786Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow206= Tenna (1681–1684)
2787Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow207= Jōkyō (1684–1688)
2788Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow208= Genroku (1688–1704)
2789Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow209= Hōei (1704–1711)
2790Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow210= Shōtoku (1711–1716)
2791Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow211= Kyōhō (1716–1736)
2792Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow212= Genbun (1736–1741)
2793Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow213= Kanpō (1741–1744)
2794Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow214= Enkyō (1744–1748)
2795Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow215= Kan’en (1748–1751)
2796Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow216= Hōreki (1751–1764)
2797Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow217= Meiwa (1764–1772)
2798Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow218= An’ei (1772–1781)
2799Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow219= Tenmei (1781–1789)
2800Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow220= Kansei (1789–1801)
2801Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow221= Kyōwa (1801–1804)
2802Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow222= Bunka (1804–1818)
2803Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow223= Bunsei (1818–1830)
2804Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow224= Tenpō (1830–1844)
2805Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow225= Kōka (1844–1848)
2806Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow226= Kaei (1848–1854)
2807Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow227= Ansei (1854–1860)
2808Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow228= Man’en (1860–1861)
2809Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow229= Bunkyū (1861–1864)
2810Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow230= Genji (1864–1865)
2811Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow231= Keiō (1865–1868)
2812Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow232= M
2813Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow233= T
2814Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow234= S
2815Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow235= H
2816Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow236= R
2817Date & TimePersianEras - abbreviated0= AP
2818Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - FormattingM1= Farvardin
2819Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - FormattingM2= Ordibehesht
2820Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - FormattingM3= Khordad
2821Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - FormattingM4= Tir
2822Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - FormattingM5= Mordad
2823Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - FormattingM6= Shahrivar
2824Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - FormattingM7= Mehr
2825Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - FormattingM8= Aban
2826Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - FormattingM9= Azar
2827Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - FormattingM10= Dey
2828Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - FormattingM11= Bahman
2829Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - FormattingM12= Esfand
2830Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - StandaloneM1= 1
2831Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - StandaloneM2= 2
2832Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - StandaloneM3= 3
2833Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - StandaloneM4= 4
2834Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - StandaloneM5= 5
2835Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - StandaloneM6= 6
2836Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - StandaloneM7= 7
2837Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - StandaloneM8= 8
2838Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - StandaloneM9= 9
2839Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - StandaloneM10= 10
2840Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - StandaloneM11= 11
2841Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - StandaloneM12= 12
2842Date & TimeMinguoEras - abbreviated0B.R.O.C. Before R.O.C.
2843Date & TimeMinguoEras - abbreviated1Minguo R.O.C.
2844TimezonesTimezone Display PatternsnullRegion Format - Generic{0} Time Ora {0}
2845TimezonesTimezone Display PatternsnullRegion Format - Standard{0} Standard Time Ora normale {0}
2846TimezonesTimezone Display PatternsnullRegion Format - Daylight{0} Daylight Time Ora d’istà {0}
2847TimezonesTimezone Display PatternsnullGMT FormatGMT{0} UTC{0}
2848TimezonesTimezone Display PatternsnullGMT Hours/Minutes Format= +HH:mm;-HH:mm
2849TimezonesTimezone Display PatternsnullGMT Zero FormatGMT UTC
2850TimezonesTimezone Display PatternsnullLocation Fallback Format= {1} ({0})
2851TimezonesNorth AmericaAlaskageneric-longAlaska Time Ora de l’Alaska
2852TimezonesNorth AmericaAlaskastandard-longAlaska Standard Time Ora normale de l’Alaska
2853TimezonesNorth AmericaAlaskadaylight-longAlaska Daylight Time Ora d’istà de l’Alaska
2854TimezonesNorth AmericaAmerica_Centralgeneric-longCentral Time Ora de’l nord Amèrega sentrale
2855TimezonesNorth AmericaAmerica_Centralstandard-longCentral Standard Time Ora normale de’l nord Amèrega sentrale
2856TimezonesNorth AmericaAmerica_Centraldaylight-longCentral Daylight Time Ora d’istà de’l nord Amèrega sentrale
2857TimezonesNorth AmericaAmerica_Easterngeneric-longEastern Time Ora de’l nord Amèrega orientale
2858TimezonesNorth AmericaAmerica_Easternstandard-longEastern Standard Time Ora normale de’l nord Amèrega orientale
2859TimezonesNorth AmericaAmerica_Easterndaylight-longEastern Daylight Time Ora d’istà de’l nord Amèrega orientale
2860TimezonesNorth AmericaAmerica_Mountaingeneric-longMountain Time Ora de’l nord Amèrega de le montagne
2861TimezonesNorth AmericaAmerica_Mountainstandard-longMountain Standard Time Ora normale de’l nord Amèrega de le montagne
2862TimezonesNorth AmericaAmerica_Mountaindaylight-longMountain Daylight Time Ora d’istà de’l nord Amèrega de le montagne
2863TimezonesNorth AmericaAmerica_Pacificgeneric-longPacific Time Ora de’l Pasìfego
2864TimezonesNorth AmericaAmerica_Pacificstandard-longPacific Standard Time Ora normale de’l Pasìfego
2865TimezonesNorth AmericaAmerica_Pacificdaylight-longPacific Daylight Time Ora d’istà de’l Pasìfego
2866TimezonesNorth AmericaAtlanticgeneric-longAtlantic Time Ora de l’Atlàntego
2867TimezonesNorth AmericaAtlanticstandard-longAtlantic Standard Time Ora normale de l’Atlàntego
2868TimezonesNorth AmericaAtlanticdaylight-longAtlantic Daylight Time Ora d’istà de l’Atlàntego
2869TimezonesNorth AmericaCubageneric-longCuba Time Ora de Cuba
2870TimezonesNorth AmericaCubastandard-longCuba Standard Time Ora normale de Cuba
2871TimezonesNorth AmericaCubadaylight-longCuba Daylight Time Ora d’istà de Cuba
2872TimezonesNorth AmericaGreenland_Easterngeneric-longEast Greenland Time Ora de la Groenlanda orientale
2873TimezonesNorth AmericaGreenland_Easternstandard-longEast Greenland Standard Time Ora normale de la Groenlanda orientale
2874TimezonesNorth AmericaGreenland_Easterndaylight-longEast Greenland Summer Time Ora d’istà de la Groenlanda orientale
2875TimezonesNorth AmericaGreenland_Westerngeneric-longWest Greenland Time Ora de la Groenlanda osidentale
2876TimezonesNorth AmericaGreenland_Westernstandard-longWest Greenland Standard Time Ora normale de la Groenlanda osidentale
2877TimezonesNorth AmericaGreenland_Westerndaylight-longWest Greenland Summer Time Ora d’istà de la Groenlanda osidentale
2878TimezonesNorth AmericaHawaii_Aleutiangeneric-longHawaii-Aleutian Time Ora de Hawai e Aleutine
2879TimezonesNorth AmericaHawaii_Aleutianstandard-longHawaii-Aleutian Standard Time Ora normale de Hawai e Aleutine
2880TimezonesNorth AmericaHawaii_Aleutiandaylight-longHawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time Ora d’istà de Hawai e Aleutine
2881TimezonesNorth AmericaMexico_Pacificgeneric-longMexican Pacific Time Ora de’l Mèsego de’l Pasìfego
2882TimezonesNorth AmericaMexico_Pacificstandard-longMexican Pacific Standard Time Ora normale de’l Mèsego de’l Pasìfego
2883TimezonesNorth AmericaMexico_Pacificdaylight-longMexican Pacific Daylight Time Ora d’istà de’l Mèsego de’l Pasìfego
2884TimezonesNorth AmericaNewfoundlandgeneric-longNewfoundland Time Ora de Teranova
2885TimezonesNorth AmericaNewfoundlandstandard-longNewfoundland Standard Time Ora normale de Teranova
2886TimezonesNorth AmericaNewfoundlanddaylight-longNewfoundland Daylight Time Ora d’istà de Teranova
2887TimezonesNorth AmericaPierre_Miquelongeneric-longSt. Pierre & Miquelon Time Ora de S. Piero e Michelon
2888TimezonesNorth AmericaPierre_Miquelonstandard-longSt. Pierre & Miquelon Standard Time Ora normale de S. Piero e Michelon
2889TimezonesNorth AmericaPierre_Miquelondaylight-longSt. Pierre & Miquelon Daylight Time Ora d’istà de S. Piero e Michelon
2890TimezonesNorth AmericaYukonstandard-longYukon Time Ora de’l Yukon
2891TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsAdak= Adak
2892TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsAnchorage= Anchorage
2893TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsAnguillaAnguilla Anguila
2894TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsAntigua= Antigua
2895TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsAruba= Aruba
2896TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsBahia_BanderasBahía de Banderas Baia de Banderas
2897TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsBarbados= Barbados
2898TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsBelize= Belize
2899TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsBermuda= Bermuda
2900TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsBlanc-Sablon= Blanc-Sablon
2901TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsBoise= Boise
2902TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsCambridge_Bay= Cambridge Bay
2903TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsCancunCancún Cancun
2904TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsCaymanCayman Caiman
2905TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsChicago= Chicago
2906TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsChihuahua= Chihuahua
2907TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsCiudad_JuarezCiudad Juárez Juárez
2908TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsCoral_Harbour= Atikokan
2909TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsCosta_Rica= Costa Rica
2910TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsCreston= Creston
2911TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsCuracao= Curaçao
2912TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsDanmarkshavn= Danmarkshavn
2913TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsDawson= Dawson
2914TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsDawson_Creek= Dawson Creek
2915TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsDenverDenver Dènver
2916TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsDetroit= Detroit
2917TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsDominicaDominica Doménega
2918TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsEdmonton= Edmonton
2919TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsEl_Salvador= El Salvador
2920TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsFort_Nelson= Fort Nelson
2921TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsGlace_Bay= Glace Bay
2922TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsGodthab= Nuuk
2923TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsGoose_Bay= Goose Bay
2924TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsGrand_Turk= Grand Turk
2925TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsGrenadaGrenada Granada
2926TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsGuadeloupeGuadeloupe Guadalupa
2927TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsGuatemala= Guatemala
2928TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsHalifax= Halifax
2929TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsHavanaHavana L’Avana
2930TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsHermosillo= Hermosillo
2931TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsIndiana/KnoxKnox, Indiana Knox (Indiana)
2932TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsIndiana/MarengoMarengo, Indiana Marengo (Indiana)
2933TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsIndiana/PetersburgPetersburg, Indiana Petersburg (Indiana)
2934TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsIndiana/Tell_CityTell City, Indiana Tell City (Indiana)
2935TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsIndiana/VevayVevay, Indiana Vevay (Indiana)
2936TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsIndiana/VincennesVincennes, Indiana Vincennes (Indiana)
2937TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsIndiana/WinamacWinamac, Indiana Winamac (Indiana)
2938TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsIndianapolisIndianapolis Indianàpolis
2939TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsInuvik= Inuvik
2940TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsIqaluit= Iqaluit
2941TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsJamaicaJamaica Jamàega
2942TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsJuneau= Juneau
2943TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsKentucky/MonticelloMonticello, Kentucky Monticello (Kentucky)
2944TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsKralendijk= Kralendijk
2945TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsLos_AngelesLos Angeles Los Àngeles
2946TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsLouisville= Louisville
2947TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsLower_Princes= Lower Prince’s Quarter
2948TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsManagua= Managua
2949TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsMarigot= Marigot
2950TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsMartiniqueMartinique Martiniga
2951TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsMatamoros= Matamoros
2952TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsMazatlan= Mazatlan
2953TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsMenominee= Menominee
2954TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsMerida= Mérida
2955TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsMetlakatla= Metlakatla
2956TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsMexico_CityMexico City Sità de’l Mèsego
2957TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsMiquelonMiquelon Michelon
2958TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsMoncton= Moncton
2959TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsMonterreyMonterrey Monterey
2960TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsMontserratMontserrat Montserat
2961TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsNassau= Nassau
2962TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsNew_York= New York
2963TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsNome= Nome
2964TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsNorth_Dakota/BeulahBeulah, North Dakota Beulah (Nord Dakota)
2965TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsNorth_Dakota/CenterCenter, North Dakota Center (Nord Dakota)
2966TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsNorth_Dakota/New_SalemNew Salem, North Dakota New Salem (Nord Dakota)
2967TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsOjinaga= Ojinaga
2968TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsPanamaPanama Pànama
2969TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsPhoenix= Phoenix
2970TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsPort_of_SpainPort of Spain Porto de Spagna
2971TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsPort-au-PrincePort-au-Prince Porto Prìnsipe
2972TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsPuerto_RicoPuerto Rico Portorico
2973TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsRankin_Inlet= Rankin Inlet
2974TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsRegina= Regina
2975TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsResolute= Resolute
2976TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsSanto_Domingo= Santo Domingo
2977TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsScoresbysund= Ittoqqortoormiit
2978TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsSitka= Sitka
2979TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsSt_BarthelemySt. Barthélemy S. Bartolomèo
2980TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsSt_JohnsSt. John’s S. Joani
2981TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsSt_KittsSt. Kitts S. Cristofer
2982TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsSt_LuciaSt. Lucia S. Lusìa
2983TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsSt_ThomasSt. Thomas S. Tomazo
2984TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsSt_VincentSt. Vincent S. Vincenso
2985TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsSwift_Current= Swift Current
2986TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsTegucigalpa= Tegucigalpa
2987TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsThule= Thule
2988TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsTijuana= Tijuana
2989TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsToronto= Toronto
2990TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsTortolaTortola Tòrtola
2991TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsVancouver= Vancouver
2992TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsWhitehorse= Whitehorse
2993TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsWinnipeg= Winnipeg
2994TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsYakutat= Yakutat
2995TimezonesSouth AmericaAmazongeneric-longAmazon Time Ora de l’Amasonia
2996TimezonesSouth AmericaAmazonstandard-longAmazon Standard Time Ora normale de l’Amasonia
2997TimezonesSouth AmericaAmazondaylight-longAmazon Summer Time Ora d’istà de l’Amasonia
2998TimezonesSouth AmericaArgentinageneric-longArgentina Time Ora de l’Arjentina
2999TimezonesSouth AmericaArgentinastandard-longArgentina Standard Time Ora normale de l’Arjentina
3000TimezonesSouth AmericaArgentinadaylight-longArgentina Summer Time Ora d’istà de l’Arjentina
3001TimezonesSouth AmericaArgentina_Westerngeneric-longWestern Argentina Time Ora de l’Arjentina osidentale
3002TimezonesSouth AmericaArgentina_Westernstandard-longWestern Argentina Standard Time Ora normale de l’Arjentina osidentale
3003TimezonesSouth AmericaArgentina_Westerndaylight-longWestern Argentina Summer Time Ora d’istà de l’Arjentina osidentale
3004TimezonesSouth AmericaBoliviastandard-longBolivia Time Ora de la Bolivia
3005TimezonesSouth AmericaBrasiliageneric-longBrasilia Time Ora de Brazilia
3006TimezonesSouth AmericaBrasiliastandard-longBrasilia Standard Time Ora normale de Brazilia
3007TimezonesSouth AmericaBrasiliadaylight-longBrasilia Summer Time Ora d’istà de Brazilia
3008TimezonesSouth AmericaChilegeneric-longChile Time Ora de’l Cile
3009TimezonesSouth AmericaChilestandard-longChile Standard Time Ora normale de’l Cile
3010TimezonesSouth AmericaChiledaylight-longChile Summer Time Ora d’istà de’l Cile
3011TimezonesSouth AmericaColombiageneric-longColombia Time Ora de la Colonbia
3012TimezonesSouth AmericaColombiastandard-longColombia Standard Time Ora normale de la Colonbia
3013TimezonesSouth AmericaColombiadaylight-longColombia Summer Time Ora d’istà de la Colonbia
3014TimezonesSouth AmericaEastergeneric-longEaster Island Time Ora de l’Ìzola de Pascua
3015TimezonesSouth AmericaEasterstandard-longEaster Island Standard Time Ora normale de l’Ìzola de Pascua
3016TimezonesSouth AmericaEasterdaylight-longEaster Island Summer Time Ora d’istà de l’Ìzola de Pascua
3017TimezonesSouth AmericaEcuadorstandard-longEcuador Time Ora de l’Ècuador
3018TimezonesSouth AmericaFalklandgeneric-longFalkland Islands Time Ora de le Ìzole Malvine
3019TimezonesSouth AmericaFalklandstandard-longFalkland Islands Standard Time Ora normale de le Ìzole Malvine
3020TimezonesSouth AmericaFalklanddaylight-longFalkland Islands Summer Time Ora d’istà de le Ìzole Malvine
3021TimezonesSouth AmericaFrench_Guianastandard-longFrench Guiana Time Ora de la Guyana franseze
3022TimezonesSouth AmericaGalapagosstandard-longGalapagos Time Ora de le Galàpagos
3023TimezonesSouth AmericaGuyanastandard-longGuyana Time Ora de la Guyana
3024TimezonesSouth AmericaNoronhageneric-longFernando de Noronha Time Ora de Fernando de Noronha
3025TimezonesSouth AmericaNoronhastandard-longFernando de Noronha Standard Time Ora normale de Fernando de Noronha
3026TimezonesSouth AmericaNoronhadaylight-longFernando de Noronha Summer Time Ora d’istà de Fernando de Noronha
3027TimezonesSouth AmericaParaguaygeneric-longParaguay Time Ora de’l Paraguài
3028TimezonesSouth AmericaParaguaystandard-longParaguay Standard Time Ora normale de’l Paraguài
3029TimezonesSouth AmericaParaguaydaylight-longParaguay Summer Time Ora d’istà de’l Paraguài
3030TimezonesSouth AmericaPerugeneric-longPeru Time Ora de’l Perù
3031TimezonesSouth AmericaPerustandard-longPeru Standard Time Ora normale de’l Perù
3032TimezonesSouth AmericaPerudaylight-longPeru Summer Time Ora d’istà de’l Perù
3033TimezonesSouth AmericaSouth_Georgiastandard-longSouth Georgia Time Ora de la Georgia de’l sud
3034TimezonesSouth AmericaSurinamestandard-longSuriname Time Ora de’l Suriname
3035TimezonesSouth AmericaUruguaygeneric-longUruguay Time Ora de l’Uruguài
3036TimezonesSouth AmericaUruguaystandard-longUruguay Standard Time Ora normale de l’Uruguài
3037TimezonesSouth AmericaUruguaydaylight-longUruguay Summer Time Ora d’istà de l’Uruguài
3038TimezonesSouth AmericaVenezuelastandard-longVenezuela Time Ora de’l Venesuela
3039TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsAraguaina= Araguaina
3040TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsArgentina/La_Rioja= La Rioja
3041TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsArgentina/Rio_GallegosRio Gallegos Rio Gàlegos
3042TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsArgentina/Salta= Salta
3043TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsArgentina/San_Juan= San Juan
3044TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsArgentina/San_Luis= San Luis
3045TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsArgentina/Tucuman= Tucuman
3046TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsArgentina/Ushuaia= Ushuaia
3047TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsAsuncionAsunción Asunsion
3048TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsBahia= Bahia
3049TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsBelem= Belem
3050TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsBoa_Vista= Boa Vista
3051TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsBogotaBogota Bogotà
3052TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsBuenos_Aires= Buenos Aires
3053TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsCampo_GrandeCampo Grande Canpo Grande
3054TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsCaracas= Caracas
3055TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsCatamarca= Catamarca
3056TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsCayenneCayenne Cayena
3057TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsCordobaCordoba Còrdoba
3058TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsCuiabaCuiaba Cuiabà
3059TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsEasterEaster Ìzola de Pascua
3060TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsEirunepeEirunepe Eirunepé
3061TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsFortaleza= Fortaleza
3062TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsGalapagosGalapagos Galàpagos
3063TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsGuayaquil= Guayaquil
3064TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsGuyana= Guyana
3065TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsJujuy= Jujuy
3066TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsLa_Paz= La Paz
3067TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsLima= Lima
3068TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsMaceioMaceio Maceió
3069TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsManaus= Manaus
3070TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsMendoza= Mendoza
3071TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsMontevideo= Montevideo
3072TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsNoronhaNoronha Fernando de Noronha
3073TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsParamaribo= Paramaribo
3074TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsPorto_Velho= Porto Velho
3075TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsPunta_Arenas= Punta Arenas
3076TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsRecife= Recife
3077TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsRio_Branco= Rio Branco
3078TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsSantarem= Santarem
3079TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsSantiago= Santiago
3080TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsSao_PauloSao Paulo San Polo
3081TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsSouth_GeorgiaSouth Georgia Georgia de’l sud
3082TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsStanley= Stanley
3083TimezonesAfricaAfrica_Centralstandard-longCentral Africa Time Ora de l’Àfrega sentrale
3084TimezonesAfricaAfrica_Easternstandard-longEast Africa Time Ora de l’Àfrega orientale
3085TimezonesAfricaAfrica_Southernstandard-longSouth Africa Standard Time Ora de l’Àfrega meridionale
3086TimezonesAfricaAfrica_Westerngeneric-longWest Africa Time Ora de l’Àfrega osidentale
3087TimezonesAfricaAfrica_Westernstandard-longWest Africa Standard Time Ora normale de l’Àfrega osidentale
3088TimezonesAfricaAfrica_Westerndaylight-longWest Africa Summer Time Ora d’istà de l’Àfrega osidentale
3089TimezonesAfricaCape_Verdegeneric-longCape Verde Time Ora de Cao Verdo
3090TimezonesAfricaCape_Verdestandard-longCape Verde Standard Time Ora normale de Cao Verdo
3091TimezonesAfricaCape_Verdedaylight-longCape Verde Summer Time Ora d’istà de Cao Verdo
3092TimezonesAfricaFrench_Southernstandard-longFrench Southern & Antarctic Time Ora de le Tere fransezi de’l sud e de l’Antàrtego
3093TimezonesAfricaIndian_Oceanstandard-longIndian Ocean Time Ora de l’Osèano Indian
3094TimezonesAfricaMauritiusgeneric-longMauritius Time Ora de le Ìzole Maurisio
3095TimezonesAfricaMauritiusstandard-longMauritius Standard Time Ora normale de le Ìzole Maurisio
3096TimezonesAfricaMauritiusdaylight-longMauritius Summer Time Ora d’istà de le Ìzole Maurisio
3097TimezonesAfricaReunionstandard-longRéunion Time Ora de l’Ìzola Reunion
3098TimezonesAfricaSeychellesstandard-longSeychelles Time Ora d’istà de le Ìzole Seisel
3099TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsAbidjanAbidjan Abijan
3100TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsAccraAccra Acra
3101TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsAddis_AbabaAddis Ababa Adis Abeba
3102TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsAlgiersAlgiers Aljeri
3103TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsAntananarivo= Antananarivo
3104TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsAsmeraAsmara Azmara
3105TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsBamako= Bamako
3106TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsBanguiBangui Banghì
3107TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsBanjul= Banjul
3108TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsBissauBissau Bisào
3109TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsBlantyre= Blantyre
3110TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsBrazzaville= Brazzaville
3111TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsBujumburaBujumbura Bujunbura
3112TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsCairoCairo El Cairo
3113TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsCape_VerdeCape Verde Cao Verdo
3114TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsCasablancaCasablanca Cazablanca
3115TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsChagosChagos Ciagos
3116TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsComoroComoro Ìzole Comore
3117TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsConakryConakry Conacri
3118TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsDakar= Dakar
3119TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsDar_es_SalaamDar es Salaam Dar es Salam
3120TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsDjiboutiDjibouti Jibuti
3121TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsDoualaDouala Duala
3122TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsEl_AaiunEl Aaiun El Ajun
3123TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsFreetown= Freetown
3124TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsGaborone= Gaborone
3125TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsHarare= Harare
3126TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsJohannesburg= Johannesburg
3127TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsJuba= Juba
3128TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsKampalaKampala Kanpala
3129TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsKerguelen= Kerguelen
3130TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsKhartoumKhartoum Cartum
3131TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsKigali= Kigali
3132TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsKinshasa= Kinshasa
3133TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsLagos= Lagos
3134TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsLibreville= Libreville
3135TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsLomeLome Lomé
3136TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsLuanda= Luanda
3137TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsLubumbashiLubumbashi Lubunbashi
3138TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsLusaka= Lusaka
3139TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsMaheMahe Mahé
3140TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsMalabo= Malabo
3141TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsMaputo= Maputo
3142TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsMaseruMaseru Mazeru
3143TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsMauritiusMauritius Ìzole Maurisio
3144TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsMayotteMayotte Ìzole Maiote
3145TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsMbabaneMbabane Nbabane
3146TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsMogadishuMogadishu Mogadiso
3147TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsMonrovia= Monrovia
3148TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsNairobi= Nairobi
3149TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsNdjamenaNdjamena Jamena
3150TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsNiamey= Niamey
3151TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsNouakchottNouakchott Nuakchot
3152TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsOuagadougouOuagadougou Uagadugù
3153TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsPorto-NovoPorto-Novo Porto Novo
3154TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsReunionRéunion Ìzola Reunion
3155TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsSao_TomeSão Tomé Ìzola S. Tomazo
3156TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsSt_HelenaSt. Helena Ìzola S. Elena
3157TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsTripoliTripoli Trìpoli
3158TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsTunisTunis Tùnezi
3159TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsWindhoek= Windhoek
3160TimezonesEuropeAzoresgeneric-longAzores Time Ora de le Azore
3161TimezonesEuropeAzoresstandard-longAzores Standard Time Ora normale de le Azore
3162TimezonesEuropeAzoresdaylight-longAzores Summer Time Ora d’istà de le Azore
3163TimezonesEuropeEurope_Centralgeneric-longCentral European Time Ora de l’Europa sentrale
3164TimezonesEuropeEurope_Centralstandard-longCentral European Standard Time Ora normale de l’Europa sentrale
3165TimezonesEuropeEurope_Centraldaylight-longCentral European Summer Time Ora d’istà de l’Europa sentrale
3166TimezonesEuropeEurope_Easterngeneric-longEastern European Time Ora de l’Europa orientale
3167TimezonesEuropeEurope_Easternstandard-longEastern European Standard Time Ora normale de l’Europa orientale
3168TimezonesEuropeEurope_Easterndaylight-longEastern European Summer Time Ora d’istà de l’Europa orientale
3169TimezonesEuropeEurope_Further_Easternstandard-longFurther-eastern European Time Ora de l’Europa stra orientale
3170TimezonesEuropeEurope_Westerngeneric-longWestern European Time Ora de l’Europa osidentale
3171TimezonesEuropeEurope_Westernstandard-longWestern European Standard Time Ora normale de l’Europa osidentale
3172TimezonesEuropeEurope_Westerndaylight-longWestern European Summer Time Ora d’istà de l’Europa osidentale
3173TimezonesEuropeGMTstandard-longGreenwich Mean Time Ora de’l meridian de Greenwich
3174TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsAmsterdamAmsterdam Àmsterdam
3175TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsAndorraAndorra Andora
3176TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsAthensAthens Atene
3177TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsAzoresAzores Ìzole Azore
3178TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsBelgradeBelgrade Belgrado
3179TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsBerlin= Berlin
3180TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsBratislavaBratislava Bratizlava
3181TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsBrusselsBrussels Brusel
3182TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsBucharestBucharest Bucarest
3183TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsBudapest= Budapest
3184TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsBusingenBusingen Büsingen
3185TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsCanaryCanary Ìzole Canarie
3186TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsCeutaCeuta Cèuta
3187TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsChisinau= Chisinau
3188TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsCopenhagenCopenhagen Copenaghen
3189TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsDublin= Dublin
3190TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsFaeroeFaroe Ìzole Fàroe
3191TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsGibraltarGibraltar Jibiltera
3192TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsGuernsey= Guernsey
3193TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsHelsinki= Helsinki
3194TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsIsle_of_ManIsle of Man Ìzola de Man
3195TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsJersey= Jersey
3196TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsKievKyiv Kiev
3197TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsLisbonLisbon Lizbona
3198TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsLjubljanaLjubljana Lubliana
3199TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsLondonLondon Londra
3200TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsLongyearbyen= Longyearbyen
3201TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsLuxembourgLuxembourg Lusenburgo
3202TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsMadeiraMadeira Ìzola Madèira
3203TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsMadrid= Madrid
3204TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsMalta= Malta
3205TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsMariehamn= Mariehamn
3206TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsMinsk= Minsk
3207TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsMonacoMonaco Mònaco
3208TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsOsloOslo Ozlo
3209TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsParisParis Pariji
3210TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsPodgoricaPodgorica Podgorisa
3211TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsPraguePrague Praga
3212TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsReykjavikReykjavik Rekiavik
3213TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsRiga= Riga
3214TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsRomeRome Roma
3215TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsSan_MarinoSan Marino San Marin
3216TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsSarajevo= Sarajevo
3217TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsSimferopolSimferopol Sinferòpoli
3218TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsSkopje= Skopje
3219TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsSofia= Sofia
3220TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsStockholmStockholm Stocolma
3221TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsTallinnTallinn Talin
3222TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsTiraneTirane Tirana
3223TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsVaduz= Vaduz
3224TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsVaticanVatican Vategan
3225TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsViennaVienna Viena
3226TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsVilnius= Vilnius
3227TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsWarsawWarsaw Varsavia
3228TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsZagreb= Zagreb
3229TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsZurichZurich Zurigo
3230TimezonesRussiaIrkutskgeneric-longIrkutsk Time Ora de Irkutsk
3231TimezonesRussiaIrkutskstandard-longIrkutsk Standard Time Ora normale de Irkutsk
3232TimezonesRussiaIrkutskdaylight-longIrkutsk Summer Time Ora d’istà de Irkutsk
3233TimezonesRussiaKrasnoyarskgeneric-longKrasnoyarsk Time Ora de Krasnoyarsk
3234TimezonesRussiaKrasnoyarskstandard-longKrasnoyarsk Standard Time Ora normale de Krasnoyarsk
3235TimezonesRussiaKrasnoyarskdaylight-longKrasnoyarsk Summer Time Ora d’istà de Krasnoyarsk
3236TimezonesRussiaMagadangeneric-longMagadan Time Ora de Magadan
3237TimezonesRussiaMagadanstandard-longMagadan Standard Time Ora normale de Magadan
3238TimezonesRussiaMagadandaylight-longMagadan Summer Time Ora d’istà de Magadan
3239TimezonesRussiaMoscowgeneric-longMoscow Time Ora de Mosca
3240TimezonesRussiaMoscowstandard-longMoscow Standard Time Ora normale de Mosca
3241TimezonesRussiaMoscowdaylight-longMoscow Summer Time Ora d’istà de Mosca
3242TimezonesRussiaNovosibirskgeneric-longNovosibirsk Time Ora de Novosibirsk
3243TimezonesRussiaNovosibirskstandard-longNovosibirsk Standard Time Ora normale de Novosibirsk
3244TimezonesRussiaNovosibirskdaylight-longNovosibirsk Summer Time Ora d’istà de Novosibirsk
3245TimezonesRussiaOmskgeneric-longOmsk Time Ora de Omsk
3246TimezonesRussiaOmskstandard-longOmsk Standard Time Ora normale de Omsk
3247TimezonesRussiaOmskdaylight-longOmsk Summer Time Ora d’istà de Omsk
3248TimezonesRussiaSakhalingeneric-longSakhalin Time Ora de Sakalin
3249TimezonesRussiaSakhalinstandard-longSakhalin Standard Time Ora normale de Sakalin
3250TimezonesRussiaSakhalindaylight-longSakhalin Summer Time Ora d’istà de Sakalin
3251TimezonesRussiaVladivostokgeneric-longVladivostok Time Ora de Vladivostok
3252TimezonesRussiaVladivostokstandard-longVladivostok Standard Time Ora normale de Vladivostok
3253TimezonesRussiaVladivostokdaylight-longVladivostok Summer Time Ora d’istà de Vladivostok
3254TimezonesRussiaVolgogradgeneric-longVolgograd Time Ora de Volgogrado
3255TimezonesRussiaVolgogradstandard-longVolgograd Standard Time Ora normale de Volgogrado
3256TimezonesRussiaVolgograddaylight-longVolgograd Summer Time Ora d’istà de Volgogrado
3257TimezonesRussiaYakutskgeneric-longYakutsk Time Ora de Yakutsk
3258TimezonesRussiaYakutskstandard-longYakutsk Standard Time Ora normale de Yakutsk
3259TimezonesRussiaYakutskdaylight-longYakutsk Summer Time Ora d’istà de Yakutsk
3260TimezonesRussiaYekaterinburggeneric-longYekaterinburg Time Ora de Ekaterinburgo
3261TimezonesRussiaYekaterinburgstandard-longYekaterinburg Standard Time Ora normale de Ekaterinburgo
3262TimezonesRussiaYekaterinburgdaylight-longYekaterinburg Summer Time Ora d’istà de Ekaterinburgo
3263TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsAnadyrAnadyr Anàdyr
3264TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsAstrakhanAstrakhan Astrahan
3265TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsBarnaul= Barnaul
3266TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsChitaChita Cita
3267TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsIrkutsk= Irkutsk
3268TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsKaliningradKaliningrad Kaliningrado
3269TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsKamchatkaKamchatka Kamciatka
3270TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsKhandygaKhandyga Hàndiga
3271TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsKirov= Kirov
3272TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsKrasnoyarskKrasnoyarsk Kraznayarsk
3273TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsMagadan= Magadan
3274TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsMoscowMoscow Mosca
3275TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsNovokuznetskNovokuznetsk Novokuznietsk
3276TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsNovosibirsk= Novosibirsk
3277TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsOmsk= Omsk
3278TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsSakhalinSakhalin Sacalin
3279TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsSamara= Samara
3280TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsSaratov= Saratov
3281TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsSrednekolymskSrednekolymsk Zrédnekolimsk
3282TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsTomsk= Tomsk
3283TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsUlyanovskUlyanovsk Uliànosk
3284TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsUst-NeraUst-Nera Ust-Gnera
3285TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsVladivostok= Vladivostok
3286TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsVolgogradVolgograd Volgogrado
3287TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsYakutsk= Yakutsk
3288TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsYekaterinburgYekaterinburg Yekaterinburgo
3289TimezonesWestern AsiaArabiangeneric-longArabian Time Ora de l’Arabia
3290TimezonesWestern AsiaArabianstandard-longArabian Standard Time Ora normale de l’Arabia
3291TimezonesWestern AsiaArabiandaylight-longArabian Daylight Time Ora d’istà de l’Arabia
3292TimezonesWestern AsiaArmeniageneric-longArmenia Time Ora de l’Armenia
3293TimezonesWestern AsiaArmeniastandard-longArmenia Standard Time Ora normale de l’Armenia
3294TimezonesWestern AsiaArmeniadaylight-longArmenia Summer Time Ora d’istà de l’Armenia
3295TimezonesWestern AsiaAzerbaijangeneric-longAzerbaijan Time Ora de l’Azerbaijan
3296TimezonesWestern AsiaAzerbaijanstandard-longAzerbaijan Standard Time Ora normale de l’Azerbaijan
3297TimezonesWestern AsiaAzerbaijandaylight-longAzerbaijan Summer Time Ora d’istà de l’Azerbaijan
3298TimezonesWestern AsiaGeorgiageneric-longGeorgia Time Ora de la Jeorja
3299TimezonesWestern AsiaGeorgiastandard-longGeorgia Standard Time Ora normale de la Jeorja
3300TimezonesWestern AsiaGeorgiadaylight-longGeorgia Summer Time Ora d’istà de la Jeorja
3301TimezonesWestern AsiaGulfstandard-longGulf Standard Time Ora de’l Golfo
3302TimezonesWestern AsiaIsraelgeneric-longIsrael Time Ora de Izraele
3303TimezonesWestern AsiaIsraelstandard-longIsrael Standard Time Ora normale de Izraele
3304TimezonesWestern AsiaIsraeldaylight-longIsrael Daylight Time Ora d’istà de Izraele
3305TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsAden= Aden
3306TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsAmmanAmman Aman
3307TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsBaghdadBaghdad Bagdad
3308TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsBahrainBahrain Barein
3309TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsBaku= Baku
3310TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsBeirut= Beirut
3311TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsDamascusDamascus Damasco
3312TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsDubaiDubai Dubài
3313TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsFamagustaFamagusta Famagosta
3314TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsGaza= Gaza
3315TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsHebron= Hebron
3316TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsIstanbulIstanbul Ìstanbul
3317TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsJerusalemJerusalem Jeruzaleme
3318TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsKuwait= Kuwait
3319TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsMuscatMuscat Mascate
3320TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsNicosia= Nicosia
3321TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsQatarQatar Catar
3322TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsRiyadhRiyadh Riad
3323TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsTbilisiTbilisi Tiblisi
3324TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsYerevanYerevan Jèrevan
3325TimezonesCentral AsiaKazakhstanstandard-longKazakhstan Time Ora de’l Kazakistan
3326TimezonesCentral AsiaKazakhstan_Easternstandard-longEast Kazakhstan Time Ora de’l Kazakistan orientale
3327TimezonesCentral AsiaKazakhstan_Westernstandard-longWest Kazakhstan Time Ora de’l Kazakistan osidentale
3328TimezonesCentral AsiaKyrgystanstandard-longKyrgyzstan Time Ora de’l Kirghizistan
3329TimezonesCentral AsiaTajikistanstandard-longTajikistan Time Ora de’l Tajikistan
3330TimezonesCentral AsiaTurkmenistangeneric-longTurkmenistan Time Ora de’l Turkmenistan
3331TimezonesCentral AsiaTurkmenistanstandard-longTurkmenistan Standard Time Ora normale de’l Turkmenistan
3332TimezonesCentral AsiaTurkmenistandaylight-longTurkmenistan Summer Time Ora d’istà de’l Turkmenistan
3333TimezonesCentral AsiaUzbekistangeneric-longUzbekistan Time Ora de l’Uzbekistan
3334TimezonesCentral AsiaUzbekistanstandard-longUzbekistan Standard Time Ora normale de l’Uzbekistan
3335TimezonesCentral AsiaUzbekistandaylight-longUzbekistan Summer Time Ora d’istà de l’Uzbekistan
3336TimezonesCentral AsiaCities and RegionsAlmatyAlmaty Almati
3337TimezonesCentral AsiaCities and RegionsAqtauAqtau Aktàu
3338TimezonesCentral AsiaCities and RegionsAqtobeAqtobe Aktobe
3339TimezonesCentral AsiaCities and RegionsAshgabatAshgabat Azgabad
3340TimezonesCentral AsiaCities and RegionsAtyrauAtyrau Atyràu
3341TimezonesCentral AsiaCities and RegionsBishkekBishkek Biskek
3342TimezonesCentral AsiaCities and RegionsDushanbeDushanbe Dusanbé
3343TimezonesCentral AsiaCities and RegionsOralOral Oural
3344TimezonesCentral AsiaCities and RegionsQostanayKostanay Kostanài
3345TimezonesCentral AsiaCities and RegionsQyzylordaQyzylorda Kizilorda
3346TimezonesCentral AsiaCities and RegionsSamarkandSamarkand Samarcanda
3347TimezonesCentral AsiaCities and RegionsTashkentTashkent Taskent
3348TimezonesEastern AsiaChinageneric-longChina Time Ora de la Sina
3349TimezonesEastern AsiaChinastandard-longChina Standard Time Ora normale de la Sina
3350TimezonesEastern AsiaChinadaylight-longChina Daylight Time Ora d’istà de la Sina
3351TimezonesEastern AsiaHong_Konggeneric-longHong Kong Time Ora de Hong Kong
3352TimezonesEastern AsiaHong_Kongstandard-longHong Kong Standard Time Ora normale de Hong Kong
3353TimezonesEastern AsiaHong_Kongdaylight-longHong Kong Summer Time Ora d’istà de Hong Kong
3354TimezonesEastern AsiaHovdgeneric-longHovd Time Ora de Hovd
3355TimezonesEastern AsiaHovdstandard-longHovd Standard Time Ora normale de Hovd
3356TimezonesEastern AsiaHovddaylight-longHovd Summer Time Ora d’istà de Hovd
3357TimezonesEastern AsiaJapangeneric-longJapan Time Ora de’l Japon
3358TimezonesEastern AsiaJapanstandard-longJapan Standard Time Ora normale de’l Japon
3359TimezonesEastern AsiaJapandaylight-longJapan Daylight Time Ora d’istà de’l Japon
3360TimezonesEastern AsiaKoreageneric-longKorean Time Ora de la Corèa
3361TimezonesEastern AsiaKoreastandard-longKorean Standard Time Ora normale de la Corèa
3362TimezonesEastern AsiaKoreadaylight-longKorean Daylight Time Ora d’istà de la Corèa
3363TimezonesEastern AsiaMongoliageneric-longUlaanbaatar Time Ora de Ulan Bàtor
3364TimezonesEastern AsiaMongoliastandard-longUlaanbaatar Standard Time Ora normale de Ulan Bàtor
3365TimezonesEastern AsiaMongoliadaylight-longUlaanbaatar Summer Time Ora d’istà de Ulan Bàtor
3366TimezonesEastern AsiaPyongyangstandard-longPyongyang Time Ora de Pyongyang
3367TimezonesEastern AsiaTaipeigeneric-longTaipei Time Ora de Taipéi
3368TimezonesEastern AsiaTaipeistandard-longTaipei Standard Time Ora normale de Taipéi
3369TimezonesEastern AsiaTaipeidaylight-longTaipei Daylight Time Ora d’istà de Taipéi
3370TimezonesEastern AsiaCities and RegionsHong_Kong= Hong Kong
3371TimezonesEastern AsiaCities and RegionsHovd= Hovd
3372TimezonesEastern AsiaCities and RegionsMacauMacao Macào
3373TimezonesEastern AsiaCities and RegionsPyongyang= Pyongyang
3374TimezonesEastern AsiaCities and RegionsSeoulSeoul Seul
3375TimezonesEastern AsiaCities and RegionsShanghaiShanghai Shanghài
3376TimezonesEastern AsiaCities and RegionsTaipeiTaipei Taipéi
3377TimezonesEastern AsiaCities and RegionsTokyo= Tokyo
3378TimezonesEastern AsiaCities and RegionsUlaanbaatarUlaanbaatar Ulan Bàtor
3379TimezonesEastern AsiaCities and RegionsUrumqiUrumqi Urumchi
3380TimezonesSouthern AsiaAfghanistanstandard-longAfghanistan Time Ora de l’Afghanistan
3381TimezonesSouthern AsiaBangladeshgeneric-longBangladesh Time Ora de’l Bangladesh
3382TimezonesSouthern AsiaBangladeshstandard-longBangladesh Standard Time Ora normale de’l Bangladesh
3383TimezonesSouthern AsiaBangladeshdaylight-longBangladesh Summer Time Ora d’istà de’l Bangladesh
3384TimezonesSouthern AsiaBhutanstandard-longBhutan Time Ora de’l Butan
3385TimezonesSouthern AsiaIndiastandard-longIndia Standard Time Ora de l’India
3386TimezonesSouthern AsiaIrangeneric-longIran Time Ora de l’Iran
3387TimezonesSouthern AsiaIranstandard-longIran Standard Time Ora normale de l’Iran
3388TimezonesSouthern AsiaIrandaylight-longIran Daylight Time Ora d’istà de l’Iran
3389TimezonesSouthern AsiaMaldivesstandard-longMaldives Time Ora de le Ìzole Maldive
3390TimezonesSouthern AsiaNepalstandard-longNepal Time Ora de’l Nepal
3391TimezonesSouthern AsiaPakistangeneric-longPakistan Time Ora de’l Pakistan
3392TimezonesSouthern AsiaPakistanstandard-longPakistan Standard Time Ora normale de’l Pakistan
3393TimezonesSouthern AsiaPakistandaylight-longPakistan Summer Time Ora d’istà de’l Pakistan
3394TimezonesSouthern AsiaCities and RegionsCalcuttaKolkata Calcuta
3395TimezonesSouthern AsiaCities and RegionsColomboColombo Colonbo
3396TimezonesSouthern AsiaCities and RegionsDhakaDhaka Daca
3397TimezonesSouthern AsiaCities and RegionsKabul= Kabul
3398TimezonesSouthern AsiaCities and RegionsKarachi= Karachi
3399TimezonesSouthern AsiaCities and RegionsKatmanduKathmandu Katmandù
3400TimezonesSouthern AsiaCities and RegionsMaldivesMaldives Ìzole Maldive
3401TimezonesSouthern AsiaCities and RegionsTehranTehran Teheran
3402TimezonesSouthern AsiaCities and RegionsThimphuThimphu Tinpu
3403TimezonesSoutheast AsiaBruneistandard-longBrunei Darussalam Time Ora de’l Brunéi
3404TimezonesSoutheast AsiaEast_Timorstandard-longEast Timor Time Ora de’l Timor Est
3405TimezonesSoutheast AsiaIndochinastandard-longIndochina Time Ora de l’Indosina
3406TimezonesSoutheast AsiaIndonesia_Centralstandard-longCentral Indonesia Time Ora de l’Indonezia sentrale
3407TimezonesSoutheast AsiaIndonesia_Easternstandard-longEastern Indonesia Time Ora de l’Indonezia orientale
3408TimezonesSoutheast AsiaIndonesia_Westernstandard-longWestern Indonesia Time Ora de l’Indonezia osidentale
3409TimezonesSoutheast AsiaMalaysiastandard-longMalaysia Time Ora de la Malezia
3410TimezonesSoutheast AsiaMyanmarstandard-longMyanmar Time Ora de Myanmar (Birmania)
3411TimezonesSoutheast AsiaPhilippinesgeneric-longPhilippine Time Ora de le Ìzole Filipine
3412TimezonesSoutheast AsiaPhilippinesstandard-longPhilippine Standard Time Ora normale de le Ìzole Filipine
3413TimezonesSoutheast AsiaPhilippinesdaylight-longPhilippine Summer Time Ora d’istà de le Ìzole Filipine
3414TimezonesSoutheast AsiaSingaporestandard-longSingapore Standard Time Ora de Singapore
3415TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsBangkok= Bangkok
3416TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsBruneiBrunei Brunéi
3417TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsDili= Dili
3418TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsJakarta= Jakarta
3419TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsJayapura= Jayapura
3420TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsKuala_LumpurKuala Lumpur Kuala Lunpur
3421TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsKuching= Kuching
3422TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsMakassarMakassar Makasar
3423TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsManila= Manila
3424TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsPhnom_PenhPhnom Penh Pnom Pen
3425TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsPontianak= Pontianak
3426TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsRangoon= Yangon
3427TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsSaigonHo Chi Minh City Ho Chi Minh
3428TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsSingapore= Singapore
3429TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsVientianeVientiane Vientian
3430TimezonesAustralasiaAustralia_Centralgeneric-longCentral Australia Time Ora de l’Australia sentrale
3431TimezonesAustralasiaAustralia_Centralstandard-longAustralian Central Standard Time Ora normale de l’Australia sentrale
3432TimezonesAustralasiaAustralia_Centraldaylight-longAustralian Central Daylight Time Ora d’istà de l’Australia sentrale
3433TimezonesAustralasiaAustralia_CentralWesterngeneric-longAustralian Central Western Time Ora de l’Australia sentro osidentale
3434TimezonesAustralasiaAustralia_CentralWesternstandard-longAustralian Central Western Standard Time Ora normale de l’Australia sentro osidentale
3435TimezonesAustralasiaAustralia_CentralWesterndaylight-longAustralian Central Western Daylight Time Ora d’istà de l’Australia sentro osidentale
3436TimezonesAustralasiaAustralia_Easterngeneric-longEastern Australia Time Ora de l’Australia orientale
3437TimezonesAustralasiaAustralia_Easternstandard-longAustralian Eastern Standard Time Ora normale de l’Australia orientale
3438TimezonesAustralasiaAustralia_Easterndaylight-longAustralian Eastern Daylight Time Ora d’istà de l’Australia orientale
3439TimezonesAustralasiaAustralia_Westerngeneric-longWestern Australia Time Ora de l’Australia osidentale
3440TimezonesAustralasiaAustralia_Westernstandard-longAustralian Western Standard Time Ora normale de l’Australia osidentale
3441TimezonesAustralasiaAustralia_Westerndaylight-longAustralian Western Daylight Time Ora d’istà de l’Australia osidentale
3442TimezonesAustralasiaChathamgeneric-longChatham Time Ora de le Ìzole Ciatem
3443TimezonesAustralasiaChathamstandard-longChatham Standard Time Ora normale de le Ìzole Ciatem
3444TimezonesAustralasiaChathamdaylight-longChatham Daylight Time Ora d’istà de le Ìzole Ciatem
3445TimezonesAustralasiaChristmasstandard-longChristmas Island Time Ora de l’Ìzola de Nadale
3446TimezonesAustralasiaCocosstandard-longCocos Islands Time Ora de le Ìzole Cocos
3447TimezonesAustralasiaLord_Howegeneric-longLord Howe Time Ora de l’Ìzola Lord Howe
3448TimezonesAustralasiaLord_Howestandard-longLord Howe Standard Time Ora normale de l’Ìzola Lord Howe
3449TimezonesAustralasiaLord_Howedaylight-longLord Howe Daylight Time Ora d’istà de l’Ìzola Lord Howe
3450TimezonesAustralasiaNew_Zealandgeneric-longNew Zealand Time Ora de la Nova Zelanda
3451TimezonesAustralasiaNew_Zealandstandard-longNew Zealand Standard Time Ora normale de la Nova Zelanda
3452TimezonesAustralasiaNew_Zealanddaylight-longNew Zealand Daylight Time Ora d’istà de la Nova Zelanda
3453TimezonesAustralasiaNorfolkgeneric-longNorfolk Island Time Ora de l’Ìzola Norfolk
3454TimezonesAustralasiaNorfolkstandard-longNorfolk Island Standard Time Ora normale de l’Ìzola Norfolk
3455TimezonesAustralasiaNorfolkdaylight-longNorfolk Island Daylight Time Ora d’istà de l’Ìzola Norfolk
3456TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsAdelaideAdelaide Adelàide
3457TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsAuckland= Auckland
3458TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsBrisbaneBrisbane Brizbane
3459TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsBroken_Hill= Broken Hill
3460TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsChathamChatham Ìzole Ciatem
3461TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsChristmasChristmas Ìzola de Nadale
3462TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsCocosCocos Ìzole Cocos
3463TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsDarwin= Darwin
3464TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsEucla= Eucla
3465TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsHobart= Hobart
3466TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsLindeman= Lindeman
3467TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsLord_HoweLord Howe Ìzola Lord Howe
3468TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsMacquarieMacquarie Ìzola Macquarie
3469TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsMelbourne= Melbourne
3470TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsNorfolkNorfolk Ìzola Norfolk
3471TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsPerth= Perth
3472TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsSydney= Sydney
3473TimezonesAntarcticaDavisstandard-longDavis Time Ora de Davis
3474TimezonesAntarcticaDumontDUrvillestandard-longDumont-d’Urville Time Ora de Dumont d’Urville
3475TimezonesAntarcticaMawsonstandard-longMawson Time Ora de Mawson
3476TimezonesAntarcticaRotherastandard-longRothera Time Ora de Rothera
3477TimezonesAntarcticaSyowastandard-longSyowa Time Ora de Syowa
3478TimezonesAntarcticaVostokstandard-longVostok Time Ora de Vostok
3479TimezonesAntarcticaCities and RegionsCasey= Casey
3480TimezonesAntarcticaCities and RegionsDavis= Davis
3481TimezonesAntarcticaCities and RegionsDumontDUrville= Dumont d’Urville
3482TimezonesAntarcticaCities and RegionsMawson= Mawson
3483TimezonesAntarcticaCities and RegionsMcMurdo= McMurdo
3484TimezonesAntarcticaCities and RegionsPalmer= Palmer
3485TimezonesAntarcticaCities and RegionsRothera= Rothera
3486TimezonesAntarcticaCities and RegionsSyowa= Syowa
3487TimezonesAntarcticaCities and RegionsTroll= Troll
3488TimezonesAntarcticaCities and RegionsVostok= Vostok
3489TimezonesOceaniaApiageneric-longApia Time Ora de Apia
3490TimezonesOceaniaApiastandard-longApia Standard Time Ora normale de Apia
3491TimezonesOceaniaApiadaylight-longApia Daylight Time Ora d’istà de Apia
3492TimezonesOceaniaChamorrostandard-longChamorro Standard Time Ora de Chamoro
3493TimezonesOceaniaCookgeneric-longCook Islands Time Ora de le Ìzole Cook
3494TimezonesOceaniaCookstandard-longCook Islands Standard Time Ora normale de le Ìzole Cook
3495TimezonesOceaniaCookdaylight-longCook Islands Half Summer Time Ora d’istà de le Ìzole Cook
3496TimezonesOceaniaFijigeneric-longFiji Time Ora de le Ìzole Fiji
3497TimezonesOceaniaFijistandard-longFiji Standard Time Ora normale de le Ìzole Fiji
3498TimezonesOceaniaFijidaylight-longFiji Summer Time Ora d’istà de le Ìzole Fiji
3499TimezonesOceaniaGambierstandard-longGambier Time Ora de le Ìzole Gambier
3500TimezonesOceaniaGilbert_Islandsstandard-longGilbert Islands Time Ora de le Ìzole Gilbert
3501TimezonesOceaniaKosraestandard-longKosrae Time Ora de l’Ìzola Kosrae
3502TimezonesOceaniaLine_Islandsstandard-longLine Islands Time Ora de le Ìzole Ecuatoriali
3503TimezonesOceaniaMarquesasstandard-longMarquesas Time Ora de le Ìzole Marchezi
3504TimezonesOceaniaMarshall_Islandsstandard-longMarshall Islands Time Ora de le Ìzole Marshall
3505TimezonesOceaniaNaurustandard-longNauru Time Ora de l’Ìzola Nauru
3506TimezonesOceaniaNew_Caledoniageneric-longNew Caledonia Time Ora de la Nova Caledonia
3507TimezonesOceaniaNew_Caledoniastandard-longNew Caledonia Standard Time Ora normale de la Nova Caledonia
3508TimezonesOceaniaNew_Caledoniadaylight-longNew Caledonia Summer Time Ora d’istà de la Nova Caledonia
3509TimezonesOceaniaNiuestandard-longNiue Time Ora de l’Ìzola Niue
3510TimezonesOceaniaPalaustandard-longPalau Time Ora de le Ìzole Palàu
3511TimezonesOceaniaPapua_New_Guineastandard-longPapua New Guinea Time Ora de la Papua Nova Guinèa
3512TimezonesOceaniaPhoenix_Islandsstandard-longPhoenix Islands Time Ora de le Ìzole Fenize
3513TimezonesOceaniaPitcairnstandard-longPitcairn Time Ora de le Ìzole Pitcairn
3514TimezonesOceaniaPonapestandard-longPonape Time Ora de l’Ìzola Ponpèi
3515TimezonesOceaniaSamoageneric-longSamoa Time Ora de le Ìzole Samòa
3516TimezonesOceaniaSamoastandard-longSamoa Standard Time Ora normale de le Ìzole Samòa
3517TimezonesOceaniaSamoadaylight-longSamoa Daylight Time Ora d’istà de le Ìzole Samòa
3518TimezonesOceaniaSolomonstandard-longSolomon Islands Time Ora de le Ìzole Salomon
3519TimezonesOceaniaTahitistandard-longTahiti Time Ora de l’Ìzola Taiti
3520TimezonesOceaniaTokelaustandard-longTokelau Time Ora de le Ìzole Tokelàu
3521TimezonesOceaniaTongageneric-longTonga Time Ora de le Ìzole Tonga
3522TimezonesOceaniaTongastandard-longTonga Standard Time Ora normale de le Ìzole Tonga
3523TimezonesOceaniaTongadaylight-longTonga Summer Time Ora d’istà de le Ìzole Tonga
3524TimezonesOceaniaTrukstandard-longChuuk Time Ora de’l Chuuk
3525TimezonesOceaniaTuvalustandard-longTuvalu Time Ora de le Ìzole Tuvalu
3526TimezonesOceaniaVanuatugeneric-longVanuatu Time Ora de le Ìzole Vanuatu
3527TimezonesOceaniaVanuatustandard-longVanuatu Standard Time Ora normale de le Ìzole Vanuatu
3528TimezonesOceaniaVanuatudaylight-longVanuatu Summer Time Ora d’istà de le Ìzole Vanuatu
3529TimezonesOceaniaWakestandard-longWake Island Time Ora de l’Atolo Wake
3530TimezonesOceaniaWallisstandard-longWallis & Futuna Time Ora de le Ìzole Wallis e Futuna
3531TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsApia= Apia
3532TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsBougainvilleBougainville Ìzola Bougainville
3533TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsEfateEfate Ìzola Efate
3534TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsFakaofoFakaofo Atolo Fakaofo
3535TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsFiji= Fiji
3536TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsFunafutiFunafuti Atolo Funafuti
3537TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsGambierGambier Ìzole Gambier
3538TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsGuadalcanalGuadalcanal Ìzola Guadalcanal
3539TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsGuam= Guam
3540TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsKantonKanton Atolo Canton
3541TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsKiritimatiKiritimati Atolo Kiritimati
3542TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsKosraeKosrae Ìzola Kosrae
3543TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsKwajaleinKwajalein Atolo Kwajalein
3544TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsMajuro= Majuro
3545TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsMarquesasMarquesas Ìzole Marchezi
3546TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsMidwayMidway Atolo Midway
3547TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsNauruNauru Ìzola Nauru
3548TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsNiueNiue Ìzola Niue
3549TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsNoumeaNoumea Nouméa
3550TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsPago_PagoPago Pago Pango Pango
3551TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsPalauPalau Palàu
3552TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsPitcairnPitcairn Ìzola Pitcairn
3553TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsPonapePohnpei Ìzola Ponpèi
3554TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsPort_MoresbyPort Moresby Porto Moresby
3555TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsRarotongaRarotonga Ìzola Rarotonga
3556TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsSaipanSaipan Ìzola Saipàn
3557TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsTahitiTahiti Ìzola Taiti
3558TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsTarawaTarawa Atollo Tarawa
3559TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsTongatapuTongatapu Ìzola Tongatapu
3560TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsTrukChuuk Ìzole Chuuk
3561TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsWakeWake Atolo Wake
3562TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsWallisWallis Ìzola Wallis
3563TimezonesUnknown RegionCities and RegionsUnknownUnknown City Sità desconosùa
3564TimezonesOverridesEtc/UTCstandard-longCoordinated Universal Time Ora universale coordenada
3565TimezonesOverridesEtc/UTCstandard-short= UTC
3566TimezonesOverridesEurope/Dublindaylight-longIrish Standard Time Ora d’istà irlandeze
3567TimezonesOverridesEurope/Londondaylight-longBritish Summer Time Ora d’istà britànega
3568NumbersSymbolsGrouping ControlMinimum Grouping Digits= 1
3569NumbersSymbolsTime Symbols Time Separator= :
3570NumbersSymbolsTime Symbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)Time Separator= :
3571NumbersSymbolsTime Symbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)Time Separator= ٫
3572NumbersSymbolsSymbols decimal. ,
3573NumbersSymbolsSymbols group,
3574NumbersSymbolsSymbols plusSign= +
3575NumbersSymbolsSymbols minusSign= -
3576NumbersSymbolsSymbols approximatelySign= ~
3577NumbersSymbolsSymbols percentSign= %
3578NumbersSymbolsSymbols perMille=
3579NumbersSymbolsSymbols exponential= E
3580NumbersSymbolsSymbols superscriptingExponent= ×
3581NumbersSymbolsSymbols infinity=
3582NumbersSymbolsSymbols nan= NaN
3583NumbersSymbolsSymbols list= ;
3584NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)decimal= ٫
3585NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)group= ٬
3586NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)plusSign= ؜+
3587NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)minusSign= ؜-
3588NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)approximatelySign= ~
3589NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)percentSign= ٪؜
3590NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)perMille= ؉
3591NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)exponential= اس
3592NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)superscriptingExponent= ×
3593NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)infinity=
3594NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)nan= NaN
3595NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)list= ؛
3596NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)decimal= ٫
3597NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)group= ٬
3598NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)plusSign= ‎+‎
3599NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)minusSign= ‎-‎
3600NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)approximatelySign= ~
3601NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)percentSign= ٪
3602NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)perMille= ؉
3603NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)exponential= ×۱۰^
3604NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)superscriptingExponent= ×
3605NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)infinity=
3606NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)nan= NaN
3607NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)list= ؛
3608NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns standard-decimal= #,##0.###
3609NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns standard-currency¤#,##0.00 #,##0.00 ¤
3610NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns standard-currency-noCurrency= #,##0.00
3611NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns standard-percent= #,##0%
3612NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns standard-scientific= #E0
3613NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)standard-currency= #,##0.00 ¤
3614NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)standard-currency-noCurrency= #,##0.00
3615NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)standard-percent= #,##0%
3616NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsAppend-ISO-Code Pattern appendISOCode{0} ¤¤ {0} ¤¤
3617NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsCurrency Unit Patterns currencies-one{0} {1} {0} {1}
3618NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsCurrency Unit Patterns currencies-other{0} {1} {0} {1}
3619NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns approximately= ~{0}
3620NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns atLeast{0}+ ≥{0}
3621NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns atMost= ≤{0}
3622NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns range{0}–{1} {0}-{1}
3623NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 4-digits-short-one¤0K 0
3624NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 4-digits-short-other¤0K 0
3625NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 5-digits-short-one¤00K 0
3626NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 5-digits-short-other¤00K 0
3627NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 6-digits-short-one¤000K 0
3628NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 6-digits-short-other¤000K 0
3629NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 7-digits-short-one¤0M 0 mln ¤
3630NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 7-digits-short-other¤0M 0 mln ¤
3631NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 8-digits-short-one¤00M 00 mln ¤
3632NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 8-digits-short-other¤00M 00 mln ¤
3633NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 9-digits-short-one¤000M 000 mln ¤
3634NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 9-digits-short-other¤000M 000 mln ¤
3635NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 10-digits-short-one¤0B 0 mld ¤
3636NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 10-digits-short-other¤0B 0 mld ¤
3637NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 11-digits-short-one¤00B 00 mld ¤
3638NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 11-digits-short-other¤00B 00 mld ¤
3639NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 12-digits-short-one¤000B 000 mld ¤
3640NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 12-digits-short-other¤000B 000 mld ¤
3641NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 13-digits-short-one¤0T 0 bln ¤
3642NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 13-digits-short-other¤0T 0 bln ¤
3643NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 14-digits-short-one¤00T 00 bln ¤
3644NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 14-digits-short-other¤00T 00 bln ¤
3645NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 15-digits-short-one¤000T 000 bln ¤
3646NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 15-digits-short-other¤000T 000 bln ¤
3647NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 4-digits-long-one0 thousand mile
3648NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 4-digits-long-other0 thousand 0 mila
3649NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 5-digits-long-one00 thousand 00 mila
3650NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 5-digits-long-other00 thousand 00 mila
3651NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 6-digits-long-one000 thousand 000 mila
3652NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 6-digits-long-other000 thousand 000 mila
3653NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 7-digits-long-one0 million 0 milion
3654NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 7-digits-long-other0 million 0 milioni
3655NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 8-digits-long-one00 million 00 milioni
3656NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 8-digits-long-other00 million 00 milioni
3657NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 9-digits-long-one000 million 000 milioni
3658NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 9-digits-long-other000 million 000 milioni
3659NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 10-digits-long-one0 billion 0 miliardo
3660NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 10-digits-long-other0 billion 0 miliardi
3661NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 11-digits-long-one00 billion 00 miliardi
3662NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 11-digits-long-other00 billion 00 miliardi
3663NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 12-digits-long-one000 billion 000 miliardi
3664NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 12-digits-long-other000 billion 000 miliardi
3665NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 13-digits-long-one0 trillion 0 bilion
3666NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 13-digits-long-other0 trillion 0 bilioni
3667NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 14-digits-long-one00 trillion 00 bilioni
3668NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 14-digits-long-other00 trillion 00 bilioni
3669NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 15-digits-long-one000 trillion 000 bilioni
3670NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 15-digits-long-other000 trillion 000 bilioni
3671NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 4-digits-short-one0K 0
3672NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 4-digits-short-other0K 0 mila
3673NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 5-digits-short-one00K 00 mila
3674NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 5-digits-short-other00K 00 mila
3675NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 6-digits-short-one000K 000 mila
3676NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 6-digits-short-other000K 000 mila
3677NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 7-digits-short-one0M 0 mln
3678NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 7-digits-short-other0M 0 mln
3679NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 8-digits-short-one00M 00 mln
3680NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 8-digits-short-other00M 00 mln
3681NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 9-digits-short-one000M 000 mln
3682NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 9-digits-short-other000M 000 mln
3683NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 10-digits-short-one0B 0 mld
3684NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 10-digits-short-other0B 0 mld
3685NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 11-digits-short-one00B 00 mld
3686NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 11-digits-short-other00B 00 mld
3687NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 12-digits-short-one000B 000 mld
3688NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 12-digits-short-other000B 000 mld
3689NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 13-digits-short-one0T 0 bln
3690NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 13-digits-short-other0T 0 bln
3691NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 14-digits-short-one00T 00 bln
3692NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 14-digits-short-other00T 00 bln
3693NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 15-digits-short-one000T 000 bln
3694NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 15-digits-short-other000T 000 bln
3695CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: BermudaBMD-name-oneBermudan dollar dòlaro bermudeze
3696CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: BermudaBMD-name-otherBermudan dollars dòlari bermudezi
3697CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: BermudaBMD-nameBermudan Dollar dòlaro bermudeze
3698CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: BermudaBMD-symbol= BMD
3699CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: BermudaBMD-symbol-narrow= $
3700CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: CanadaCAD-name-oneCanadian dollar dòlaro canadeze
3701CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: CanadaCAD-name-otherCanadian dollars dòlari canadezi
3702CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: CanadaCAD-nameCanadian Dollar dòlaro canadeze
3703CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: CanadaCAD-symbolCA$ CAD
3704CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: CanadaCAD-symbol-narrow= $
3705CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United StatesUSD-name-oneUS dollar dòlaro meregan
3706CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United StatesUSD-name-otherUS dollars dòlari meregani
3707CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United StatesUSD-nameUS Dollar dòlaro meregan
3708CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United StatesUSD-symbol$ USD
3709CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United StatesUSD-symbol-narrow= $
3710CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United States: USN (fund)USN-nameUS Dollar (Next day) USN
3711CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United States: USN (fund)USN-symbol= USN
3712CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United States: USS (fund)USS-nameUS Dollar (Same day) USS
3713CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United States: USS (fund)USS-symbol= USS
3714CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: BelizeBZD-name-oneBelize dollar dòlaro belizeneze
3715CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: BelizeBZD-name-otherBelize dollars dòlari belizenezi
3716CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: BelizeBZD-nameBelize Dollar dòlaro belizeneze
3717CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: BelizeBZD-symbol= BZD
3718CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: BelizeBZD-symbol-narrow= $
3719CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Costa RicaCRC-name-oneCosta Rican colón colonbo costarican
3720CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Costa RicaCRC-name-otherCosta Rican colóns colonbi costaricani
3721CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Costa RicaCRC-nameCosta Rican Colón colonbo costarican
3722CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Costa RicaCRC-symbol= CRC
3723CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Costa RicaCRC-symbol-narrow=
3724CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: GuatemalaGTQ-name-oneGuatemalan quetzal quetzal guatemaleze
3725CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: GuatemalaGTQ-name-otherGuatemalan quetzals quetzal guatemalezi
3726CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: GuatemalaGTQ-nameGuatemalan Quetzal quetzal guatemaleze
3727CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: GuatemalaGTQ-symbol= GTQ
3728CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: GuatemalaGTQ-symbol-narrow= Q
3729CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: HondurasHNL-name-oneHonduran lempira lenpira hondureze
3730CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: HondurasHNL-name-otherHonduran lempiras lenpira hondurezi
3731CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: HondurasHNL-nameHonduran Lempira lenpira hondureze
3732CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: HondurasHNL-symbol= HNL
3733CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: HondurasHNL-symbol-narrow= L
3734CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: MexicoMXN-name-oneMexican peso pezos mesegan
3735CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: MexicoMXN-name-otherMexican pesos pezos mesegani
3736CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: MexicoMXN-nameMexican Peso pezos mesegan
3737CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: MexicoMXN-symbolMX$ MXN
3738CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: MexicoMXN-symbol-narrow= $
3739CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Mexico: MXP (old)MXP-nameMexican Silver Peso (1861–1992) MXP
3740CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Mexico: MXP (old)MXP-symbol= MXP
3741CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Mexico: MXV (fund)MXV-nameMexican Investment Unit MXV
3742CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Mexico: MXV (fund)MXV-symbol= MXV
3743CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: NicaraguaNIO-name-oneNicaraguan córdoba còrdoba nicaragueze
3744CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: NicaraguaNIO-name-otherNicaraguan córdobas còrdoba nicaraguezi
3745CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: NicaraguaNIO-nameNicaraguan Córdoba còrdoba nicaragueze
3746CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: NicaraguaNIO-symbol= NIO
3747CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: NicaraguaNIO-symbol-narrow= C$
3748CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Nicaragua: NIC (old)NIC-nameNicaraguan Córdoba (1988–1991) NIC
3749CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Nicaragua: NIC (old)NIC-symbol= NIC
3750CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: PanamaPAB-name-onePanamanian balboa balbòa panameze
3751CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: PanamaPAB-name-otherPanamanian balboas balbòa panamezi
3752CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: PanamaPAB-namePanamanian Balboa balbòa panameze
3753CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: PanamaPAB-symbol= PAB
3754CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: El Salvador: SVC (old)SVC-nameSalvadoran Colón SVC
3755CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: El Salvador: SVC (old)SVC-symbol= SVC
3756CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: ArubaAWG-name-oneAruban florin fiorin arubaneze
3757CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: ArubaAWG-name-otherAruban florin fiorini arubanezi
3758CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: ArubaAWG-nameAruban Florin fiorin arubaneze
3759CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: ArubaAWG-symbol= AWG
3760CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: BarbadosBBD-name-oneBarbadian dollar dòlaro barbadeze
3761CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: BarbadosBBD-name-otherBarbadian dollars dòlari barbadezi
3762CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: BarbadosBBD-nameBarbadian Dollar dòlaro barbadeze
3763CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: BarbadosBBD-symbol= BBD
3764CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: BarbadosBBD-symbol-narrow= $
3765CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: BahamasBSD-name-oneBahamian dollar dòlaro bahameze
3766CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: BahamasBSD-name-otherBahamian dollars dòlari bahamezi
3767CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: BahamasBSD-nameBahamian Dollar dòlaro bahameze
3768CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: BahamasBSD-symbol= BSD
3769CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: BahamasBSD-symbol-narrow= $
3770CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CubaCUP-name-oneCuban peso pezos cuban
3771CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CubaCUP-name-otherCuban pesos pezos cubani
3772CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CubaCUP-nameCuban Peso pezos cuban
3773CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CubaCUP-symbol= CUP
3774CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CubaCUP-symbol-narrow= $
3775CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Cuba: CUC (old)CUC-name-oneCuban convertible peso pezos cuban convertìbile
3776CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Cuba: CUC (old)CUC-name-otherCuban convertible pesos pezos cubani convertìbili
3777CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Cuba: CUC (old)CUC-nameCuban Convertible Peso pezos cuban convertìbile
3778CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Cuba: CUC (old)CUC-symbol= CUC
3779CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Cuba: CUC (old)CUC-symbol-narrow= $
3780CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CuraçaoANG-name-oneNetherlands Antillean guilder fiorin antilan
3781CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CuraçaoANG-name-otherNetherlands Antillean guilders fiorini antilani
3782CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CuraçaoANG-nameNetherlands Antillean Guilder fiorin antilan
3783CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CuraçaoANG-symbol= ANG
3784CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Dominican RepublicDOP-name-oneDominican peso pezos domenegan
3785CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Dominican RepublicDOP-name-otherDominican pesos pezos domenegani
3786CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Dominican RepublicDOP-nameDominican Peso pezos domenegan
3787CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Dominican RepublicDOP-symbol= DOP
3788CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Dominican RepublicDOP-symbol-narrow= $
3789CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: HaitiHTG-name-oneHaitian gourde gordo haitian
3790CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: HaitiHTG-name-otherHaitian gourdes gordi haitiani
3791CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: HaitiHTG-nameHaitian Gourde gordo haitian
3792CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: HaitiHTG-symbol= HTG
3793CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: JamaicaJMD-name-oneJamaican dollar dòlaro jamaegan
3794CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: JamaicaJMD-name-otherJamaican dollars dòlari jamaegani
3795CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: JamaicaJMD-nameJamaican Dollar dòlaro jamaegan
3796CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: JamaicaJMD-symbol= JMD
3797CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: JamaicaJMD-symbol-narrow= $
3798CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Cayman IslandsKYD-name-oneCayman Islands dollar dòlaro caimaneze
3799CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Cayman IslandsKYD-name-otherCayman Islands dollars dòlari caimanezi
3800CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Cayman IslandsKYD-nameCayman Islands Dollar dòlaro caimaneze
3801CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Cayman IslandsKYD-symbol= KYD
3802CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Cayman IslandsKYD-symbol-narrow= $
3803CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: St. LuciaXCD-name-oneEast Caribbean dollar dòlaro caraìbego
3804CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: St. LuciaXCD-name-otherEast Caribbean dollars dòlari caraìbeghi
3805CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: St. LuciaXCD-nameEast Caribbean Dollar dòlaro caraìbego
3806CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: St. LuciaXCD-symbolEC$ XCD
3807CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: St. LuciaXCD-symbol-narrow= $
3808CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Trinidad & TobagoTTD-name-oneTrinidad & Tobago dollar dòlaro de Trinidà e Tabaco
3809CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Trinidad & TobagoTTD-name-otherTrinidad & Tobago dollars dòlari de Trinidà e Tabaco
3810CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Trinidad & TobagoTTD-nameTrinidad & Tobago Dollar dòlaro de Trinidà e Tabaco
3811CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Trinidad & TobagoTTD-symbol= TTD
3812CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Trinidad & TobagoTTD-symbol-narrow= $
3813CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ArgentinaARS-name-oneArgentine peso pezos arjentin
3814CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ArgentinaARS-name-otherArgentine pesos pezos arjentini
3815CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ArgentinaARS-nameArgentine Peso pezos arjentin
3816CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ArgentinaARS-symbol= ARS
3817CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ArgentinaARS-symbol-narrow= $
3818CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARA (old)ARA-nameArgentine Austral ARA
3819CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARA (old)ARA-symbol= ARA
3820CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARL (old)ARL-nameArgentine Peso Ley (1970–1983) ARL
3821CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARL (old)ARL-symbol= ARL
3822CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARM (old)ARM-nameArgentine Peso (1881–1970) ARM
3823CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARM (old)ARM-symbol= ARM
3824CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARP (old)ARP-nameArgentine Peso (1983–1985) ARP
3825CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARP (old)ARP-symbol= ARP
3826CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: BoliviaBOB-name-oneBolivian boliviano bolivian
3827CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: BoliviaBOB-name-otherBolivian bolivianos boliviani
3828CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: BoliviaBOB-nameBolivian Boliviano bolivian
3829CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: BoliviaBOB-symbol= BOB
3830CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: BoliviaBOB-symbol-narrow= Bs
3831CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Bolivia: BOL (old)BOL-nameBolivian Boliviano (1863–1963) BOL
3832CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Bolivia: BOL (old)BOL-symbol= BOL
3833CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Bolivia: BOP (old)BOP-nameBolivian Peso BOP
3834CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Bolivia: BOP (old)BOP-symbol= BOP
3835CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Bolivia: BOV (old)BOV-nameBolivian Mvdol BOV
3836CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Bolivia: BOV (old)BOV-symbol= BOV
3837CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: BrazilBRL-name-oneBrazilian real real brazilian
3838CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: BrazilBRL-name-otherBrazilian reals real braziliani
3839CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: BrazilBRL-nameBrazilian Real real brazilian
3840CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: BrazilBRL-symbolR$ BRL
3841CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: BrazilBRL-symbol-narrow= R$
3842CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRB (old)BRB-nameBrazilian New Cruzeiro (1967–1986) BRB
3843CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRB (old)BRB-symbol= BRB
3844CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRC (old)BRC-nameBrazilian Cruzado (1986–1989) BRC
3845CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRC (old)BRC-symbol= BRC
3846CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRE (old)BRE-nameBrazilian Cruzeiro (1990–1993) BRE
3847CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRE (old)BRE-symbol= BRE
3848CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRN (old)BRN-nameBrazilian New Cruzado (1989–1990) BRN
3849CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRN (old)BRN-symbol= BRN
3850CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRR (old)BRR-nameBrazilian Cruzeiro (1993–1994) BRR
3851CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRR (old)BRR-symbol= BRR
3852CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRZ (old)BRZ-nameBrazilian Cruzeiro (1942–1967) BRZ
3853CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRZ (old)BRZ-symbol= BRZ
3854CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ChileCLP-name-oneChilean peso pezos cilen
3855CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ChileCLP-name-otherChilean pesos pezos cileni
3856CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ChileCLP-nameChilean Peso pezos cilen
3857CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ChileCLP-symbol= CLP
3858CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ChileCLP-symbol-narrow= $
3859CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Chile: CLE (old)CLE-nameChilean Escudo CLE
3860CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Chile: CLE (old)CLE-symbol= CLE
3861CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Chile: CLF (fund)CLF-nameChilean Unit of Account (UF) CLF
3862CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Chile: CLF (fund)CLF-symbol= CLF
3863CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ColombiaCOP-name-oneColombian peso pezos colonbian
3864CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ColombiaCOP-name-otherColombian pesos pezos colonbiani
3865CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ColombiaCOP-nameColombian Peso pezos colonbian
3866CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ColombiaCOP-symbol= COP
3867CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ColombiaCOP-symbol-narrow= $
3868CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Colombia: COU (fund)COU-nameColombian Real Value Unit COU
3869CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Colombia: COU (fund)COU-symbol= COU
3870CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Ecuador: ECS (old)ECS-nameEcuadorian Sucre ECS
3871CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Ecuador: ECS (old)ECS-symbol= ECS
3872CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Ecuador: ECV (fund)ECV-nameEcuadorian Unit of Constant Value ECV
3873CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Ecuador: ECV (fund)ECV-symbol= ECV
3874CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Falkland IslandsFKP-name-oneFalkland Islands pound sterlina malvineze
3875CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Falkland IslandsFKP-name-otherFalkland Islands pounds sterline malvinezi
3876CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Falkland IslandsFKP-nameFalkland Islands Pound sterlina malvineze
3877CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Falkland IslandsFKP-symbol= FKP
3878CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Falkland IslandsFKP-symbol-narrow= £
3879CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: GuyanaGYD-name-oneGuyanaese dollar dòlaro guyaneze
3880CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: GuyanaGYD-name-otherGuyanaese dollars dòlari guyanezi
3881CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: GuyanaGYD-nameGuyanaese Dollar dòlaro guyaneze
3882CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: GuyanaGYD-symbol= GYD
3883CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: GuyanaGYD-symbol-narrow= $
3884CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: PeruPEN-name-onePeruvian sol soles peruvian
3885CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: PeruPEN-name-otherPeruvian soles soles peruviani
3886CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: PeruPEN-namePeruvian Sol soles peruvian
3887CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: PeruPEN-symbol= PEN
3888CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Peru: PEI (old)PEI-namePeruvian Inti PEI
3889CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Peru: PEI (old)PEI-symbol= PEI
3890CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Peru: PES (old)PES-namePeruvian Sol (1863–1965) PES
3891CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Peru: PES (old)PES-symbol= PES
3892CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ParaguayPYG-name-oneParaguayan guarani guaranì paraguaian
3893CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ParaguayPYG-name-otherParaguayan guaranis guaranì paraguaiani
3894CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ParaguayPYG-nameParaguayan Guarani guaranì paraguaian
3895CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ParaguayPYG-symbol= PYG
3896CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ParaguayPYG-symbol-narrow=
3897CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: SurinameSRD-name-oneSurinamese dollar dòlaro surinameze
3898CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: SurinameSRD-name-otherSurinamese dollars dòlari surinamezi
3899CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: SurinameSRD-nameSurinamese Dollar dòlaro surinameze
3900CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: SurinameSRD-symbol= SRD
3901CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: SurinameSRD-symbol-narrow= $
3902CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Suriname: SRG (old)SRG-nameSurinamese Guilder SRG
3903CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Suriname: SRG (old)SRG-symbol= SRG
3904CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: UruguayUYU-name-oneUruguayan peso pezos uruguaian
3905CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: UruguayUYU-name-otherUruguayan pesos pezos uruguaiani
3906CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: UruguayUYU-nameUruguayan Peso pezos uruguaian
3907CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: UruguayUYU-symbol= UYU
3908CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: UruguayUYU-symbol-narrow= $
3909CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Uruguay: UYI (fund)UYI-nameUruguayan Peso (Indexed Units) UYI
3910CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Uruguay: UYI (fund)UYI-symbol= UYI
3911CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Uruguay: UYP (old)UYP-nameUruguayan Peso (1975–1993) UYP
3912CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Uruguay: UYP (old)UYP-symbol= UYP
3913CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Uruguay: UYW (old)UYW-nameUruguayan Nominal Wage Index Unit UYW
3914CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Uruguay: UYW (old)UYW-symbol= UYW
3915CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: VenezuelaVES-name-oneVenezuelan bolívar bolìvar venesuelan
3916CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: VenezuelaVES-name-otherVenezuelan bolívars bolìvar venesuelani
3917CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: VenezuelaVES-nameVenezuelan Bolívar bolìvar venesuelan
3918CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: VenezuelaVES-symbol= VES
3919CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Venezuela: VEB (old)VEB-nameVenezuelan Bolívar (1871–2008) VEB
3920CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Venezuela: VEB (old)VEB-symbol= VEB
3921CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Venezuela: VED (old)VED-nameBolívar Soberano VED
3922CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Venezuela: VED (old)VED-symbol= VED
3923CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Venezuela: VEF (old)VEF-nameVenezuelan Bolívar (2008–2018) VEF
3924CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Venezuela: VEF (old)VEF-symbol= VEF
3925CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Venezuela: VEF (old)VEF-symbol-narrow= Bs
3926CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: DenmarkDKK-name-oneDanish krone corona daneze
3927CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: DenmarkDKK-name-otherDanish kroner corone danezi
3928CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: DenmarkDKK-nameDanish Krone corona daneze
3929CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: DenmarkDKK-symbol= DKK
3930CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: DenmarkDKK-symbol-narrow= kr
3931CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Estonia: EEK (old)EEK-nameEstonian Kroon EEK
3932CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Estonia: EEK (old)EEK-symbol= EEK
3933CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Finland: FIM (old)FIM-nameFinnish Markka FIM
3934CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Finland: FIM (old)FIM-symbol= FIM
3935CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: United KingdomGBP-name-oneBritish pound sterlina ingleze
3936CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: United KingdomGBP-name-otherBritish pounds sterline inglezi
3937CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: United KingdomGBP-nameBritish Pound sterlina ingleze
3938CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: United KingdomGBP-symbol£ GBP
3939CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: United KingdomGBP-symbol-narrow= £
3940CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Ireland: IEP (old)IEP-nameIrish Pound IEP
3941CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Ireland: IEP (old)IEP-symbol= IEP
3942CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: IcelandISK-name-oneIcelandic króna corona izlandeze
3943CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: IcelandISK-name-otherIcelandic krónur corone izlandezi
3944CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: IcelandISK-nameIcelandic Króna corona izlandeze
3945CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: IcelandISK-symbol= ISK
3946CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: IcelandISK-symbol-narrow= kr
3947CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Iceland: ISJ (old)ISJ-nameIcelandic Króna (1918–1981) ISJ
3948CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Iceland: ISJ (old)ISJ-symbol= ISJ
3949CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Lithuania: LTL (old)LTL-nameLithuanian Litas LTL
3950CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Lithuania: LTL (old)LTL-symbol= LTL
3951CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Lithuania: LTL (old)LTL-symbol-narrow= Lt
3952CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Lithuania: LTT (old)LTT-nameLithuanian Talonas LTT
3953CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Lithuania: LTT (old)LTT-symbol= LTT
3954CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Latvia: LVL (old)LVL-nameLatvian Lats LVL
3955CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Latvia: LVL (old)LVL-symbol= LVL
3956CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Latvia: LVL (old)LVL-symbol-narrow= Ls
3957CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Latvia: LVR (old)LVR-nameLatvian Ruble LVR
3958CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Latvia: LVR (old)LVR-symbol= LVR
3959CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: NorwayNOK-name-oneNorwegian krone corona norvejeze
3960CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: NorwayNOK-name-otherNorwegian kroner corone norvejezi
3961CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: NorwayNOK-nameNorwegian Krone corona norvejeze
3962CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: NorwayNOK-symbol= NOK
3963CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: NorwayNOK-symbol-narrow= kr
3964CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: SwedenSEK-name-oneSwedish krona corona zvedeze
3965CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: SwedenSEK-name-otherSwedish kronor corone zvedezi
3966CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: SwedenSEK-nameSwedish Krona corona zvedeze
3967CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: SwedenSEK-symbol= SEK
3968CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: SwedenSEK-symbol-narrow= kr
3969CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Austria: ATS (old)ATS-nameAustrian Schilling ATS
3970CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Austria: ATS (old)ATS-symbol= ATS
3971CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Belgium: BEC (old)BEC-nameBelgian Franc (convertible) BEC
3972CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Belgium: BEC (old)BEC-symbol= BEC
3973CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Belgium: BEF (old)BEF-nameBelgian Franc BEF
3974CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Belgium: BEF (old)BEF-symbol= BEF
3975CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Belgium: BEL (old)BEL-nameBelgian Franc (financial) BEL
3976CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Belgium: BEL (old)BEL-symbol= BEL
3977CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: SwitzerlandCHF-name-oneSwiss franc franco zvìsaro
3978CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: SwitzerlandCHF-name-otherSwiss francs franchi zvìsari
3979CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: SwitzerlandCHF-nameSwiss Franc franco zvìsaro
3980CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: SwitzerlandCHF-symbol= CHF
3981CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Switzerland: CHE (fund)CHE-nameWIR Euro CHE
3982CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Switzerland: CHE (fund)CHE-symbol= CHE
3983CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Switzerland: CHW (fund)CHW-nameWIR Franc CHW
3984CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Switzerland: CHW (fund)CHW-symbol= CHW
3985CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Germany: DDM (old)DDM-nameEast German Mark DDM
3986CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Germany: DDM (old)DDM-symbol= DDM
3987CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Germany: DEM (old)DEM-nameGerman Mark DEM
3988CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Germany: DEM (old)DEM-symbol= DEM
3989CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: France: FRF (old)FRF-nameFrench Franc FRF
3990CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: France: FRF (old)FRF-symbol= FRF
3991CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Luxembourg: LUC (old)LUC-nameLuxembourgian Convertible Franc LUC
3992CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Luxembourg: LUC (old)LUC-symbol= LUC
3993CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Luxembourg: LUF (old)LUF-nameLuxembourgian Franc LUF
3994CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Luxembourg: LUF (old)LUF-symbol= LUF
3995CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Luxembourg: LUL (old)LUL-nameLuxembourg Financial Franc LUL
3996CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Luxembourg: LUL (old)LUL-symbol= LUL
3997CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Monaco: MCF (old)MCF-nameMonegasque Franc MCF
3998CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Monaco: MCF (old)MCF-symbol= MCF
3999CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Netherlands: NLG (old)NLG-nameDutch Guilder NLG
4000CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Netherlands: NLG (old)NLG-symbol= NLG
4001CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: BulgariaBGN-name-oneBulgarian lev lev bùlgaro
4002CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: BulgariaBGN-name-otherBulgarian leva lev bùlgari
4003CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: BulgariaBGN-nameBulgarian Lev lev bùlgaro
4004CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: BulgariaBGN-symbol= BGN
4005CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Bulgaria: BGL (old)BGL-nameBulgarian Hard Lev BGL
4006CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Bulgaria: BGL (old)BGL-symbol= BGL
4007CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Bulgaria: BGM (old)BGM-nameBulgarian Socialist Lev BGM
4008CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Bulgaria: BGM (old)BGM-symbol= BGM
4009CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Bulgaria: BGO (old)BGO-nameBulgarian Lev (1879–1952) BGO
4010CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Bulgaria: BGO (old)BGO-symbol= BGO
4011CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: BelarusBYN-name-oneBelarusian ruble rublo beloruso
4012CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: BelarusBYN-name-otherBelarusian rubles rubli belorusi
4013CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: BelarusBYN-nameBelarusian Ruble rublo beloruso
4014CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: BelarusBYN-symbol= BYN
4015CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Belarus: BYB (old)BYB-nameBelarusian Ruble (1994–1999) BYB
4016CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Belarus: BYB (old)BYB-symbol= BYB
4017CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Belarus: BYR (old)BYR-nameBelarusian Ruble (2000–2016) BYR
4018CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Belarus: BYR (old)BYR-symbol= BYR
4019CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: CzechiaCZK-name-oneCzech koruna corona ceca
4020CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: CzechiaCZK-name-otherCzech korunas corone ceche
4021CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: CzechiaCZK-nameCzech Koruna corona ceca
4022CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: CzechiaCZK-symbol= CZK
4023CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: CzechiaCZK-symbol-narrow=
4024CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Czechia: CSK (old)CSK-nameCzechoslovak Hard Koruna CSK
4025CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Czechia: CSK (old)CSK-symbol= CSK
4026CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: HungaryHUF-name-oneHungarian forint fiorin ongareze
4027CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: HungaryHUF-name-otherHungarian forints fiorini ongarezi
4028CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: HungaryHUF-nameHungarian Forint fiorin ongareze
4029CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: HungaryHUF-symbol= HUF
4030CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: HungaryHUF-symbol-narrow= Ft
4031CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: MoldovaMDL-name-oneMoldovan leu leu moldavo
4032CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: MoldovaMDL-name-otherMoldovan lei leu moldavi
4033CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: MoldovaMDL-nameMoldovan Leu leu moldavo
4034CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: MoldovaMDL-symbol= MDL
4035CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Moldova: MDC (old)MDC-nameMoldovan Cupon MDC
4036CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Moldova: MDC (old)MDC-symbol= MDC
4037CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: PolandPLN-name-onePolish zloty zloty polaco
4038CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: PolandPLN-name-otherPolish zlotys zloty polachi
4039CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: PolandPLN-namePolish Zloty zloty polaco
4040CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: PolandPLN-symbol= PLN
4041CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: PolandPLN-symbol-narrow=
4042CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Poland: PLZ (old)PLZ-namePolish Zloty (1950–1995) PLZ
4043CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Poland: PLZ (old)PLZ-symbol= PLZ
4044CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: RomaniaRON-name-oneRomanian leu leu romen
4045CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: RomaniaRON-name-otherRomanian lei leu romeni
4046CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: RomaniaRON-nameRomanian Leu leu romen
4047CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: RomaniaRON-symbol= RON
4048CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: RomaniaRON-symbol-narrowlei L
4049CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Romania: ROL (old)ROL-nameRomanian Leu (1952–2006) ROL
4050CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Romania: ROL (old)ROL-symbol= ROL
4051CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: RussiaRUB-name-oneRussian ruble rublo ruso
4052CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: RussiaRUB-name-otherRussian rubles rubli rusi
4053CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: RussiaRUB-nameRussian Ruble rublo ruso
4054CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: RussiaRUB-symbol= RUB
4055CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: RussiaRUB-symbol-narrow=
4056CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Russia: RUR (old)RUR-nameRussian Ruble (1991–1998) RUR
4057CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Russia: RUR (old)RUR-symbol= RUR
4058CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Russia: SUR (old)SUR-nameSoviet Rouble SUR
4059CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Russia: SUR (old)SUR-symbol= SUR
4060CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Slovakia: SKK (old)SKK-nameSlovak Koruna SKK
4061CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Slovakia: SKK (old)SKK-symbol= SKK
4062CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: UkraineUAH-name-oneUkrainian hryvnia grivna ucraina
4063CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: UkraineUAH-name-otherUkrainian hryvnias grivne ucraine
4064CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: UkraineUAH-nameUkrainian Hryvnia grivna ucraina
4065CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: UkraineUAH-symbol= UAH
4066CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: UkraineUAH-symbol-narrow=
4067CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Ukraine: UAK (old)UAK-nameUkrainian Karbovanets UAK
4068CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Ukraine: UAK (old)UAK-symbol= UAK
4069CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Andorra: ADP (old)ADP-nameAndorran Peseta ADP
4070CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Andorra: ADP (old)ADP-symbol= ADP
4071CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: AlbaniaALL-name-oneAlbanian lek lek albaneze
4072CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: AlbaniaALL-name-otherAlbanian lekë lek albanezi
4073CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: AlbaniaALL-nameAlbanian Lek lek albaneze
4074CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: AlbaniaALL-symbol= ALL
4075CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Albania: ALK (old)ALK-nameAlbanian Lek (1946–1965) ALK
4076CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Albania: ALK (old)ALK-symbol= ALK
4077CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Bosnia & HerzegovinaBAM-name-oneBosnia-Herzegovina convertible mark marco convertìbile de la Boznia e Erzegòvina
4078CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Bosnia & HerzegovinaBAM-name-otherBosnia-Herzegovina convertible marks marchi convertìbili de la Boznia e Erzegòvina
4079CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Bosnia & HerzegovinaBAM-nameBosnia-Herzegovina Convertible Mark marco convertìbile de la Boznia e Erzegòvina
4080CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Bosnia & HerzegovinaBAM-symbol= BAM
4081CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Bosnia & HerzegovinaBAM-symbol-narrow= KM
4082CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Bosnia & Herzegovina: BAD (old)BAD-nameBosnia-Herzegovina Dinar (1992–1994) BAD
4083CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Bosnia & Herzegovina: BAD (old)BAD-symbol= BAD
4084CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Bosnia & Herzegovina: BAN (old)BAN-nameBosnia-Herzegovina New Dinar (1994–1997) BAN
4085CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Bosnia & Herzegovina: BAN (old)BAN-symbol= BAN
4086CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Spain: ESA (old)ESA-nameSpanish Peseta (A account) ESA
4087CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Spain: ESA (old)ESA-symbol= ESA
4088CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Spain: ESB (old)ESB-nameSpanish Peseta (convertible account) ESB
4089CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Spain: ESB (old)ESB-symbol= ESB
4090CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Spain: ESP (old)ESP-nameSpanish Peseta ESP
4091CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Spain: ESP (old)ESP-symbol= ESP
4092CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Spain: ESP (old)ESP-symbol-narrow=
4093CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: GibraltarGIP-name-oneGibraltar pound sterlina gibilterana
4094CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: GibraltarGIP-name-otherGibraltar pounds sterline gibilterane
4095CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: GibraltarGIP-nameGibraltar Pound sterlina gibilterana
4096CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: GibraltarGIP-symbol= GIP
4097CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: GibraltarGIP-symbol-narrow= £
4098CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Greece: GRD (old)GRD-nameGreek Drachma GRD
4099CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Greece: GRD (old)GRD-symbol= GRD
4100CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Croatia: HRD (old)HRD-nameCroatian Dinar HRD
4101CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Croatia: HRD (old)HRD-symbol= HRD
4102CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Croatia: HRK (old)HRK-name-oneCroatian kuna kuna croata
4103CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Croatia: HRK (old)HRK-name-otherCroatian kunas kune croate
4104CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Croatia: HRK (old)HRK-nameCroatian Kuna kuna croata
4105CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Croatia: HRK (old)HRK-symbol= HRK
4106CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Croatia: HRK (old)HRK-symbol-narrow= kn
4107CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Italy: ITL (old)ITL-nameItalian Lira ITL
4108CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Italy: ITL (old)ITL-symbol= ITL
4109CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: North MacedoniaMKD-name-oneMacedonian denar dìnaro masèdone
4110CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: North MacedoniaMKD-name-otherMacedonian denari dìnari masèdoni
4111CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: North MacedoniaMKD-nameMacedonian Denar dìnaro masèdone
4112CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: North MacedoniaMKD-symbol= MKD
4113CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: North Macedonia: MKN (old)MKN-nameMacedonian Denar (1992–1993) MKN
4114CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: North Macedonia: MKN (old)MKN-symbol= MKN
4115CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Malta: MTL (old)MTL-nameMaltese Lira MTL
4116CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Malta: MTL (old)MTL-symbol= MTL
4117CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Malta: MTP (old)MTP-nameMaltese Pound MTP
4118CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Malta: MTP (old)MTP-symbol= MTP
4119CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: SerbiaRSD-name-oneSerbian dinar dìnaro serbo
4120CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: SerbiaRSD-name-otherSerbian dinars dìnari serbi
4121CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: SerbiaRSD-nameSerbian Dinar dìnaro serbo
4122CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: SerbiaRSD-symbol= RSD
4123CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: CSD (old)CSD-nameSerbian Dinar (2002–2006) CSD
4124CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: CSD (old)CSD-symbol= CSD
4125CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: YUD (old)YUD-nameYugoslavian Hard Dinar (1966–1990) YUD
4126CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: YUD (old)YUD-symbol= YUD
4127CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: YUM (old)YUM-nameYugoslavian New Dinar (1994–2002) YUM
4128CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: YUM (old)YUM-symbol= YUM
4129CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: YUN (old)YUN-nameYugoslavian Convertible Dinar (1990–1992) YUN
4130CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: YUN (old)YUN-symbol= YUN
4131CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: YUR (old)YUR-nameYugoslavian Reformed Dinar (1992–1993) YUR
4132CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: YUR (old)YUR-symbol= YUR
4133CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Portugal: PTE (old)PTE-namePortuguese Escudo PTE
4134CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Portugal: PTE (old)PTE-symbol= PTE
4135CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Slovenia: SIT (old)SIT-nameSlovenian Tolar SIT
4136CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Slovenia: SIT (old)SIT-symbol= SIT
4137CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: AlgeriaDZD-name-oneAlgerian dinar dìnaro aljerin
4138CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: AlgeriaDZD-name-otherAlgerian dinars dìnari aljerini
4139CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: AlgeriaDZD-nameAlgerian Dinar dìnaro aljerin
4140CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: AlgeriaDZD-symbol= DZD
4141CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: EgyptEGP-name-oneEgyptian pound sterlina ejisiana
4142CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: EgyptEGP-name-otherEgyptian pounds sterline ejisiane
4143CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: EgyptEGP-nameEgyptian Pound sterlina ejisiana
4144CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: EgyptEGP-symbol= EGP
4145CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: EgyptEGP-symbol-narrow=
4146CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: LibyaLYD-name-oneLibyan dinar dìnaro lìbego
4147CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: LibyaLYD-name-otherLibyan dinars dìnari lìbeghi
4148CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: LibyaLYD-nameLibyan Dinar dìnaro lìbego
4149CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: LibyaLYD-symbol= LYD
4150CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: MoroccoMAD-name-oneMoroccan dirham dirham marochin
4151CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: MoroccoMAD-name-otherMoroccan dirhams dirham marochini
4152CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: MoroccoMAD-nameMoroccan Dirham dirham marochin
4153CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: MoroccoMAD-symbol= MAD
4154CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: Morocco: MAF (old)MAF-nameMoroccan Franc MAF
4155CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: Morocco: MAF (old)MAF-symbol= MAF
4156CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: SudanSDG-name-oneSudanese pound sterlina sudaneze
4157CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: SudanSDG-name-otherSudanese pounds sterline sudanezi
4158CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: SudanSDG-nameSudanese Pound sterlina sudaneze
4159CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: SudanSDG-symbol= SDG
4160CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: Sudan: SDD (old)SDD-nameSudanese Dinar (1992–2007) SDD
4161CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: Sudan: SDD (old)SDD-symbol= SDD
4162CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: Sudan: SDP (old)SDP-nameSudanese Pound (1957–1998) SDP
4163CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: Sudan: SDP (old)SDP-symbol= SDP
4164CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: TunisiaTND-name-oneTunisian dinar dìnaro tunizin
4165CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: TunisiaTND-name-otherTunisian dinars dìnari tunizini
4166CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: TunisiaTND-nameTunisian Dinar dìnaro tunizin
4167CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: TunisiaTND-symbol= TND
4168CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Côte d’IvoireXOF-name-oneWest African CFA franc franco CFA de l’Àfrega osidentale
4169CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Côte d’IvoireXOF-name-otherWest African CFA francs franchi CFA de l’Àfrega osidentale
4170CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Côte d’IvoireXOF-nameWest African CFA Franc franco CFA de l’Àfrega osidentale
4171CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Côte d’IvoireXOF-symbolF CFA XOF
4172CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Cape VerdeCVE-name-oneCape Verdean escudo scudo caoverdian
4173CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Cape VerdeCVE-name-otherCape Verdean escudos scudi caoverdiani
4174CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Cape VerdeCVE-nameCape Verdean Escudo scudo caoverdian
4175CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Cape VerdeCVE-symbol= CVE
4176CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GhanaGHS-name-oneGhanaian cedi cedi ganeze
4177CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GhanaGHS-name-otherGhanaian cedis cedi ganezi
4178CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GhanaGHS-nameGhanaian Cedi cedi ganeze
4179CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GhanaGHS-symbol= GHS
4180CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GhanaGHS-symbol-narrow= GH₵
4181CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Ghana: GHC (old)GHC-nameGhanaian Cedi (1979–2007) GHC
4182CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Ghana: GHC (old)GHC-symbol= GHC
4183CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GambiaGMD-name-oneGambian dalasi dalaso ganbian
4184CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GambiaGMD-name-otherGambian dalasis dalasi ganbiani
4185CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GambiaGMD-nameGambian Dalasi dalaso ganbian
4186CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GambiaGMD-symbol= GMD
4187CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GuineaGNF-name-oneGuinean franc franco guinean
4188CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GuineaGNF-name-otherGuinean francs franchi guineani
4189CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GuineaGNF-nameGuinean Franc franco guinean
4190CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GuineaGNF-symbol= GNF
4191CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GuineaGNF-symbol-narrow= FG
4192CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Guinea: GNS (old)GNS-nameGuinean Syli GNS
4193CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Guinea: GNS (old)GNS-symbol= GNS
4194CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Guinea-Bissau: GWE (old)GWE-namePortuguese Guinea Escudo GWE
4195CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Guinea-Bissau: GWE (old)GWE-symbol= GWE
4196CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Guinea-Bissau: GWP (old)GWP-nameGuinea-Bissau Peso GWP
4197CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Guinea-Bissau: GWP (old)GWP-symbol= GWP
4198CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: LiberiaLRD-name-oneLiberian dollar dòlaro liberian
4199CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: LiberiaLRD-name-otherLiberian dollars dòlari liberiani
4200CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: LiberiaLRD-nameLiberian Dollar dòlaro liberian
4201CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: LiberiaLRD-symbol= LRD
4202CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: LiberiaLRD-symbol-narrow= $
4203CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Mali: MLF (old)MLF-nameMalian Franc MLF
4204CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Mali: MLF (old)MLF-symbol= MLF
4205CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: MauritaniaMRU-name-oneMauritanian ouguiya ughija mauritan
4206CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: MauritaniaMRU-name-otherMauritanian ouguiyas ughija mauritani
4207CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: MauritaniaMRU-nameMauritanian Ouguiya ughija mauritan
4208CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: MauritaniaMRU-symbol= MRU
4209CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Mauritania: MRO (old)MRO-nameMauritanian Ouguiya (1973–2017) MRO
4210CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Mauritania: MRO (old)MRO-symbol= MRO
4211CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: NigeriaNGN-name-oneNigerian naira naira nigeriana
4212CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: NigeriaNGN-name-otherNigerian nairas naire nigeriane
4213CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: NigeriaNGN-nameNigerian Naira naira nigeriana
4214CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: NigeriaNGN-symbol= NGN
4215CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: NigeriaNGN-symbol-narrow=
4216CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: St. HelenaSHP-name-oneSt. Helena pound sterlina de Sant’Èlena
4217CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: St. HelenaSHP-name-otherSt. Helena pounds sterline de Sant’Èlena
4218CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: St. HelenaSHP-nameSt. Helena Pound sterlina de Sant’Èlena
4219CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: St. HelenaSHP-symbol= SHP
4220CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: St. HelenaSHP-symbol-narrow= £
4221CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Sierra LeoneSLE-name-oneSierra Leonean leone leon sierleoneze
4222CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Sierra LeoneSLE-name-otherSierra Leonean leones leoni sierleonezi
4223CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Sierra LeoneSLE-nameSierra Leonean Leone leon sierleoneze
4224CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Sierra LeoneSLE-symbol= SLE
4225CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Sierra Leone: SLL (old)SLL-name-oneSierra Leonean leone (1964—2022) leon sierleoneze (1964—2022)
4226CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Sierra Leone: SLL (old)SLL-name-otherSierra Leonean leones (1964—2022) leoni sierleonezi (1964—2022)
4227CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Sierra Leone: SLL (old)SLL-nameSierra Leonean Leone (1964—2022) leon sierleoneze (1964—2022)
4228CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Sierra Leone: SLL (old)SLL-symbol= SLL
4229CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: AngolaAOA-name-oneAngolan kwanza kwanza angoleze
4230CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: AngolaAOA-name-otherAngolan kwanzas kwanza angolezi
4231CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: AngolaAOA-nameAngolan Kwanza kwanza angoleze
4232CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: AngolaAOA-symbol= AOA
4233CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: AngolaAOA-symbol-narrow= Kz
4234CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Angola: AOK (old)AOK-nameAngolan Kwanza (1977–1991) AOK
4235CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Angola: AOK (old)AOK-symbol= AOK
4236CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Angola: AON (old)AON-nameAngolan New Kwanza (1990–2000) AON
4237CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Angola: AON (old)AON-symbol= AON
4238CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Angola: AOR (old)AOR-nameAngolan Readjusted Kwanza (1995–1999) AOR
4239CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Angola: AOR (old)AOR-symbol= AOR
4240CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Congo - KinshasaCDF-name-oneCongolese franc franco congoleze
4241CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Congo - KinshasaCDF-name-otherCongolese francs franchi congolezi
4242CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Congo - KinshasaCDF-nameCongolese Franc franco congoleze
4243CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Congo - KinshasaCDF-symbol= CDF
4244CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Congo - Kinshasa: ZRN (old)ZRN-nameZairean New Zaire (1993–1998) ZRN
4245CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Congo - Kinshasa: ZRN (old)ZRN-symbol= ZRN
4246CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Congo - Kinshasa: ZRZ (old)ZRZ-nameZairean Zaire (1971–1993) ZRZ
4247CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Congo - Kinshasa: ZRZ (old)ZRZ-symbol= ZRZ
4248CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: CameroonXAF-name-oneCentral African CFA franc franco CFA de l’Àfrega sentrale
4249CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: CameroonXAF-name-otherCentral African CFA francs franchi CFA de l’Àfrega sentrale
4250CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: CameroonXAF-nameCentral African CFA Franc franco CFA de l’Àfrega sentrale
4251CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: CameroonXAF-symbolFCFA XAF
4252CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Equatorial Guinea: GQE (old)GQE-nameEquatorial Guinean Ekwele GQE
4253CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Equatorial Guinea: GQE (old)GQE-symbol= GQE
4254CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: São Tomé & PríncipeSTN-nameSão Tomé & Príncipe Dobra dobra de S. Tomazo e Prìnsipe
4255CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: São Tomé & PríncipeSTN-symbol= STN
4256CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: São Tomé & PríncipeSTN-symbol-narrow= Db
4257CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: São Tomé & Príncipe: STD (old)STD-nameSão Tomé & Príncipe Dobra (1977–2017) STD
4258CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: São Tomé & Príncipe: STD (old)STD-symbol= STD
4259CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: BurundiBIF-name-oneBurundian franc franco burundeze
4260CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: BurundiBIF-name-otherBurundian francs franchi burundezi
4261CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: BurundiBIF-nameBurundian Franc franco burundeze
4262CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: BurundiBIF-symbol= BIF
4263CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: DjiboutiDJF-name-oneDjiboutian franc franco jibutian
4264CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: DjiboutiDJF-name-otherDjiboutian francs franchi jibutiani
4265CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: DjiboutiDJF-nameDjiboutian Franc franco jibutian
4266CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: DjiboutiDJF-symbol= DJF
4267CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: EritreaERN-name-oneEritrean nakfa nakfa eritrèo
4268CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: EritreaERN-name-otherEritrean nakfas nakfa eritrèi
4269CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: EritreaERN-nameEritrean Nakfa nakfa eritrèo
4270CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: EritreaERN-symbol= ERN
4271CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: EthiopiaETB-name-oneEthiopian birr bir etiòpego
4272CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: EthiopiaETB-name-otherEthiopian birrs bir etiòpeghi
4273CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: EthiopiaETB-nameEthiopian Birr bir etiòpego
4274CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: EthiopiaETB-symbol= ETB
4275CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: KenyaKES-name-oneKenyan shilling selin kenian
4276CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: KenyaKES-name-otherKenyan shillings selini keniani
4277CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: KenyaKES-nameKenyan Shilling selin kenian
4278CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: KenyaKES-symbol= KES
4279CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: ComorosKMF-name-oneComorian franc franco comorian
4280CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: ComorosKMF-name-otherComorian francs franchi comoriani
4281CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: ComorosKMF-nameComorian Franc franco comorian
4282CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: ComorosKMF-symbol= KMF
4283CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: ComorosKMF-symbol-narrow= CF
4284CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MadagascarMGA-name-oneMalagasy ariary ariari malgaso
4285CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MadagascarMGA-name-otherMalagasy ariaries ariari malgasi
4286CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MadagascarMGA-nameMalagasy Ariary ariari malgaso
4287CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MadagascarMGA-symbol= MGA
4288CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MadagascarMGA-symbol-narrow= Ar
4289CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Madagascar: MGF (old)MGF-nameMalagasy Franc MGF
4290CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Madagascar: MGF (old)MGF-symbol= MGF
4291CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MauritiusMUR-name-oneMauritian rupee rupìa maurisiana
4292CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MauritiusMUR-name-otherMauritian rupees rupìe maurisiane
4293CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MauritiusMUR-nameMauritian Rupee rupìa maurisiana
4294CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MauritiusMUR-symbol= MUR
4295CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MauritiusMUR-symbol-narrow= Rs
4296CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MalawiMWK-name-oneMalawian kwacha kwacha malawian
4297CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MalawiMWK-name-otherMalawian kwachas kwacha malawiani
4298CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MalawiMWK-nameMalawian Kwacha kwacha malawian
4299CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MalawiMWK-symbol= MWK
4300CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MozambiqueMZN-name-oneMozambican metical metical mozanbigan
4301CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MozambiqueMZN-name-otherMozambican meticals metical mozanbigani
4302CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MozambiqueMZN-nameMozambican Metical metical mozanbigan
4303CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MozambiqueMZN-symbol= MZN
4304CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Mozambique: MZE (old)MZE-nameMozambican Escudo MZE
4305CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Mozambique: MZE (old)MZE-symbol= MZE
4306CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Mozambique: MZM (old)MZM-nameMozambican Metical (1980–2006) MZM
4307CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Mozambique: MZM (old)MZM-symbol= MZM
4308CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: RwandaRWF-name-oneRwandan franc franco ruandeze
4309CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: RwandaRWF-name-otherRwandan francs franchi ruandezi
4310CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: RwandaRWF-nameRwandan Franc franco ruandeze
4311CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: RwandaRWF-symbol= RWF
4312CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: RwandaRWF-symbol-narrow= RF
4313CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: SeychellesSCR-name-oneSeychellois rupee rupìa seiseleze
4314CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: SeychellesSCR-name-otherSeychellois rupees rupìe seiselezi
4315CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: SeychellesSCR-nameSeychellois Rupee rupìa seiseleze
4316CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: SeychellesSCR-symbol= SCR
4317CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: SomaliaSOS-name-oneSomali shilling selin sòmalo
4318CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: SomaliaSOS-name-otherSomali shillings selini sòmali
4319CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: SomaliaSOS-nameSomali Shilling selin sòmalo
4320CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: SomaliaSOS-symbol= SOS
4321CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: South SudanSSP-name-oneSouth Sudanese pound sterlina sud sudaneze
4322CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: South SudanSSP-name-otherSouth Sudanese pounds sterline sud sudanezi
4323CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: South SudanSSP-nameSouth Sudanese Pound sterlina sud sudaneze
4324CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: South SudanSSP-symbol= SSP
4325CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: South SudanSSP-symbol-narrow= £
4326CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: TanzaniaTZS-name-oneTanzanian shilling selin tanzaneze
4327CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: TanzaniaTZS-name-otherTanzanian shillings selini tanzanezi
4328CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: TanzaniaTZS-nameTanzanian Shilling selin tanzaneze
4329CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: TanzaniaTZS-symbol= TZS
4330CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: UgandaUGX-name-oneUgandan shilling selin ugandeze
4331CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: UgandaUGX-name-otherUgandan shillings selini ugandezi
4332CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: UgandaUGX-nameUgandan Shilling selin ugandeze
4333CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: UgandaUGX-symbol= UGX
4334CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Uganda: UGS (old)UGS-nameUgandan Shilling (1966–1987) UGS
4335CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Uganda: UGS (old)UGS-symbol= UGS
4336CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: ZambiaZMW-name-oneZambian kwacha kwacha zanbian
4337CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: ZambiaZMW-name-otherZambian kwachas kwacha zanbiani
4338CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: ZambiaZMW-nameZambian Kwacha kwacha zanbian
4339CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: ZambiaZMW-symbol= ZMW
4340CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: ZambiaZMW-symbol-narrow= ZK
4341CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zambia: ZMK (old)ZMK-nameZambian Kwacha (1968–2012) ZMK
4342CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zambia: ZMK (old)ZMK-symbol= ZMK
4343CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: ZimbabweZWG-nameZimbabwean Gold ZWG
4344CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: ZimbabweZWG-symbol= ZWG
4345CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: RHD (old)RHD-nameRhodesian Dollar RHD
4346CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: RHD (old)RHD-symbol= RHD
4347CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWD (old)ZWD-nameZimbabwean Dollar (1980–2008) ZWD
4348CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWD (old)ZWD-symbol= ZWD
4349CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWL (old)ZWL-nameZimbabwean Dollar (2009–2024) ZWL
4350CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWL (old)ZWL-symbol= ZWL
4351CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWR (old)ZWR-nameZimbabwean Dollar (2008) ZWR
4352CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWR (old)ZWR-symbol= ZWR
4353CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: BotswanaBWP-name-oneBotswanan pula pula botzwaneze
4354CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: BotswanaBWP-name-otherBotswanan pulas pula botzwanezi
4355CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: BotswanaBWP-nameBotswanan Pula pula botzwaneze
4356CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: BotswanaBWP-symbol= BWP
4357CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: BotswanaBWP-symbol-narrow= P
4358CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: LesothoLSL-name-oneLesotho loti loti lezotian
4359CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: LesothoLSL-name-otherLesotho lotis loti lezotiani
4360CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: LesothoLSL-nameLesotho Loti loti lezotian
4361CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: LesothoLSL-symbol= LSL
4362CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: NamibiaNAD-name-oneNamibian dollar dòlaro namibian
4363CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: NamibiaNAD-name-otherNamibian dollars dòlari namibiani
4364CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: NamibiaNAD-nameNamibian Dollar dòlaro namibian
4365CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: NamibiaNAD-symbol= NAD
4366CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: NamibiaNAD-symbol-narrow= $
4367CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: EswatiniSZL-name-oneSwazi lilangeni lilangeni esuatin
4368CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: EswatiniSZL-name-otherSwazi emalangeni lilangeni esuatini
4369CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: EswatiniSZL-nameSwazi Lilangeni lilangeni esuatin
4370CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: EswatiniSZL-symbol= SZL
4371CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: South AfricaZAR-name-oneSouth African rand rand sudafregan
4372CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: South AfricaZAR-name-otherSouth African rand rand sudafregani
4373CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: South AfricaZAR-nameSouth African Rand rand sudafregan
4374CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: South AfricaZAR-symbol= ZAR
4375CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: South AfricaZAR-symbol-narrow= R
4376CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: South Africa: ZAL (fund)ZAL-nameSouth African Rand (financial) ZAL
4377CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: South Africa: ZAL (fund)ZAL-symbol= ZAL
4378CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: United Arab EmiratesAED-nameUnited Arab Emirates Dirham dirham de i Emirài Àrabi Unìi
4379CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: United Arab EmiratesAED-symbol= AED
4380CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: ArmeniaAMD-name-oneArmenian dram dram armen
4381CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: ArmeniaAMD-name-otherArmenian drams dram armeni
4382CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: ArmeniaAMD-nameArmenian Dram dram armen
4383CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: ArmeniaAMD-symbol= AMD
4384CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: ArmeniaAMD-symbol-narrow= ֏
4385CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: AzerbaijanAZN-name-oneAzerbaijani manat manat azerbaijan
4386CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: AzerbaijanAZN-name-otherAzerbaijani manats manat azerbaijani
4387CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: AzerbaijanAZN-nameAzerbaijani Manat manat azerbaijan
4388CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: AzerbaijanAZN-symbol= AZN
4389CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: AzerbaijanAZN-symbol-narrow=
4390CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Azerbaijan: AZM (old)AZM-nameAzerbaijani Manat (1993–2006) AZM
4391CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Azerbaijan: AZM (old)AZM-symbol= AZM
4392CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: BahrainBHD-name-oneBahraini dinar dìnaro bareineze
4393CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: BahrainBHD-name-otherBahraini dinars dìnari bareinezi
4394CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: BahrainBHD-nameBahraini Dinar dìnaro bareineze
4395CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: BahrainBHD-symbol= BHD
4396CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Cyprus: CYP (old)CYP-nameCypriot Pound CYP
4397CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Cyprus: CYP (old)CYP-symbol= CYP
4398CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: GeorgiaGEL-name-oneGeorgian lari lari jeorjan
4399CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: GeorgiaGEL-name-otherGeorgian laris lari jeorjani
4400CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: GeorgiaGEL-nameGeorgian Lari lari jeorjan
4401CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: GeorgiaGEL-symbol= GEL
4402CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: GeorgiaGEL-symbol-narrow=
4403CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Georgia: GEK (old)GEK-nameGeorgian Kupon Larit GEK
4404CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Georgia: GEK (old)GEK-symbol= GEK
4405CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: IsraelILS-name-oneIsraeli new shekel novo siglo izraelian
4406CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: IsraelILS-name-otherIsraeli new shekels novi sigli izraeliani
4407CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: IsraelILS-nameIsraeli New Shekel novo siglo izraelian
4408CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: IsraelILS-symbol ILS
4409CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: IsraelILS-symbol-narrow=
4410CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Israel: ILP (old)ILP-nameIsraeli Pound ILP
4411CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Israel: ILP (old)ILP-symbol= ILP
4412CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Israel: ILR (old)ILR-nameIsraeli Shekel (1980–1985) ILR
4413CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Israel: ILR (old)ILR-symbol= ILR
4414CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: IraqIQD-name-oneIraqi dinar dìnaro irachen
4415CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: IraqIQD-name-otherIraqi dinars dìnari iracheni
4416CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: IraqIQD-nameIraqi Dinar dìnaro irachen
4417CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: IraqIQD-symbol= IQD
4418CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: JordanJOD-name-oneJordanian dinar dìnaro jordanian
4419CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: JordanJOD-name-otherJordanian dinars dìnari jordaniani
4420CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: JordanJOD-nameJordanian Dinar dìnaro jordanian
4421CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: JordanJOD-symbol= JOD
4422CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: KuwaitKWD-name-oneKuwaiti dinar dìnaro kuwaitian
4423CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: KuwaitKWD-name-otherKuwaiti dinars dìnari kuwaitiani
4424CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: KuwaitKWD-nameKuwaiti Dinar dìnaro kuwaitian
4425CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: KuwaitKWD-symbol= KWD
4426CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: LebanonLBP-name-oneLebanese pound sterlina libaneze
4427CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: LebanonLBP-name-otherLebanese pounds sterline libanezi
4428CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: LebanonLBP-nameLebanese Pound sterlina libaneze
4429CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: LebanonLBP-symbol= LBP
4430CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: LebanonLBP-symbol-narrow=
4431CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: OmanOMR-name-oneOmani rial rial omaneze
4432CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: OmanOMR-name-otherOmani rials rial omanezi
4433CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: OmanOMR-nameOmani Rial rial omaneze
4434CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: OmanOMR-symbol= OMR
4435CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: QatarQAR-name-oneQatari riyal rial catarian
4436CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: QatarQAR-name-otherQatari riyals rial catariani
4437CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: QatarQAR-nameQatari Riyal rial catarian
4438CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: QatarQAR-symbol= QAR
4439CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Saudi ArabiaSAR-name-oneSaudi riyal rial saudìo
4440CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Saudi ArabiaSAR-name-otherSaudi riyals rial saudìi
4441CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Saudi ArabiaSAR-nameSaudi Riyal rial saudìo
4442CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Saudi ArabiaSAR-symbol= SAR
4443CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: SyriaSYP-name-oneSyrian pound sterlina siriana
4444CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: SyriaSYP-name-otherSyrian pounds sterline siriane
4445CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: SyriaSYP-nameSyrian Pound sterlina siriana
4446CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: SyriaSYP-symbol= SYP
4447CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: SyriaSYP-symbol-narrow= £
4448CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: TürkiyeTRY-name-oneTurkish lira lira turca
4449CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: TürkiyeTRY-name-otherTurkish Lira lire turche
4450CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: TürkiyeTRY-nameTurkish Lira lira turca
4451CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: TürkiyeTRY-symbol= TRY
4452CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: TürkiyeTRY-symbol-variant= TL
4453CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: TürkiyeTRY-symbol-narrow=
4454CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Türkiye: TRL (old)TRL-nameTurkish Lira (1922–2005) TRL
4455CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Türkiye: TRL (old)TRL-symbol= TRL
4456CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: YemenYER-name-oneYemeni rial rial yemenida
4457CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: YemenYER-name-otherYemeni rials rial yemenìi
4458CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: YemenYER-nameYemeni Rial rial yemenida
4459CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: YemenYER-symbol= YER
4460CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Yemen: YDD (old)YDD-nameYemeni Dinar YDD
4461CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Yemen: YDD (old)YDD-symbol= YDD
4462CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: TurkmenistanTMT-name-oneTurkmenistani manat manat turkmenistan
4463CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: TurkmenistanTMT-name-otherTurkmenistani manat manat turkmenistani
4464CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: TurkmenistanTMT-nameTurkmenistani Manat manat turkmenistan
4465CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: TurkmenistanTMT-symbol= TMT
4466CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: Turkmenistan: TMM (old)TMM-nameTurkmenistani Manat (1993–2009) TMM
4467CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: Turkmenistan: TMM (old)TMM-symbol= TMM
4468CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: TajikistanTJS-name-oneTajikistani somoni somoni tajikistan
4469CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: TajikistanTJS-name-otherTajikistani somonis somoni tajikistani
4470CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: TajikistanTJS-nameTajikistani Somoni somoni tajikistan
4471CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: TajikistanTJS-symbol= TJS
4472CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: Tajikistan: TJR (old)TJR-nameTajikistani Ruble TJR
4473CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: Tajikistan: TJR (old)TJR-symbol= TJR
4474CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: KyrgyzstanKGS-name-oneKyrgystani som som kirghizistan
4475CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: KyrgyzstanKGS-name-otherKyrgystani soms som kirghizistani
4476CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: KyrgyzstanKGS-nameKyrgystani Som som kirghizistan
4477CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: KyrgyzstanKGS-symbol= KGS
4478CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: KyrgyzstanKGS-symbol-narrow=
4479CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: KazakhstanKZT-name-oneKazakhstani tenge tenge kazakistan
4480CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: KazakhstanKZT-name-otherKazakhstani tenges tenge kazakistani
4481CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: KazakhstanKZT-nameKazakhstani Tenge tenge kazakistan
4482CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: KazakhstanKZT-symbol= KZT
4483CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: KazakhstanKZT-symbol-narrow=
4484CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: UzbekistanUZS-name-oneUzbekistani som som uzbekistan
4485CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: UzbekistanUZS-name-otherUzbekistani som som uzbekistani
4486CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: UzbekistanUZS-nameUzbekistani Som som uzbekistan
4487CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: UzbekistanUZS-symbol= UZS
4488CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: ChinaCNY-name-oneChinese yuan yuan sineze
4489CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: ChinaCNY-name-otherChinese yuan yuan sinezi
4490CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: ChinaCNY-nameChinese Yuan yuan sineze
4491CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: ChinaCNY-symbolCN¥ CNY
4492CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: ChinaCNY-symbol-narrow= ¥
4493CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: China: CNH (offshore)CNH-name-oneChinese yuan (offshore) yuan estrateritoriale
4494CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: China: CNH (offshore)CNH-name-otherChinese yuan (offshore) yuan estrateritoriali
4495CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: China: CNH (offshore)CNH-nameChinese Yuan (offshore) yuan estrateritoriale
4496CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: China: CNH (offshore)CNH-symbol= CNH
4497CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: China: CNX (old)CNX-nameChinese People’s Bank Dollar CNX
4498CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: China: CNX (old)CNX-symbol= CNX
4499CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: Hong Kong SAR ChinaHKD-name-oneHong Kong dollar dòlaro hongkongeze
4500CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: Hong Kong SAR ChinaHKD-name-otherHong Kong dollars dòlari hongkongezi
4501CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: Hong Kong SAR ChinaHKD-nameHong Kong Dollar dòlaro hongkongeze
4502CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: Hong Kong SAR ChinaHKD-symbolHK$ HKD
4503CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: Hong Kong SAR ChinaHKD-symbol-narrow= $
4504CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: JapanJPY-name-oneJapanese yen yen japoneze
4505CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: JapanJPY-name-otherJapanese yen yen japonezi
4506CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: JapanJPY-nameJapanese Yen yen japoneze
4507CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: JapanJPY-symbol¥ JPY
4508CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: JapanJPY-symbol-narrow= ¥
4509CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: North KoreaKPW-name-oneNorth Korean won won nordcorean
4510CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: North KoreaKPW-name-otherNorth Korean won won nordcoreani
4511CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: North KoreaKPW-nameNorth Korean Won won nordcorean
4512CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: North KoreaKPW-symbol= KPW
4513CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: North KoreaKPW-symbol-narrow=
4514CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: South KoreaKRW-name-oneSouth Korean won won sudcorean
4515CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: South KoreaKRW-name-otherSouth Korean won won sudcoreani
4516CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: South KoreaKRW-nameSouth Korean Won won sudcorean
4517CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: South KoreaKRW-symbol KRW
4518CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: South KoreaKRW-symbol-narrow=
4519CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: South Korea: KRH (old)KRH-nameSouth Korean Hwan (1953–1962) KRH
4520CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: South Korea: KRH (old)KRH-symbol= KRH
4521CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: South Korea: KRO (old)KRO-nameSouth Korean Won (1945–1953) KRO
4522CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: South Korea: KRO (old)KRO-symbol= KRO
4523CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: MongoliaMNT-name-oneMongolian tugrik tugrik móngolo
4524CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: MongoliaMNT-name-otherMongolian tugriks tugrik móngoli
4525CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: MongoliaMNT-nameMongolian Tugrik tugrik móngolo
4526CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: MongoliaMNT-symbol= MNT
4527CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: MongoliaMNT-symbol-narrow=
4528CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: Macao SAR ChinaMOP-name-oneMacanese pataca pataca macaena
4529CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: Macao SAR ChinaMOP-name-otherMacanese patacas patache macaene
4530CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: Macao SAR ChinaMOP-nameMacanese Pataca pataca macaena
4531CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: Macao SAR ChinaMOP-symbol= MOP
4532CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: TaiwanTWD-name-oneNew Taiwan dollar novo dòlaro taiwaneze
4533CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: TaiwanTWD-name-otherNew Taiwan dollars novi dòlari taiwanezi
4534CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: TaiwanTWD-nameNew Taiwan Dollar novo dòlaro taiwaneze
4535CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: TaiwanTWD-symbolNT$ TWD
4536CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: TaiwanTWD-symbol-narrow$ NT$
4537CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: AfghanistanAFN-name-oneAfghan Afghani afgan afghanistan
4538CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: AfghanistanAFN-name-otherAfghan Afghanis afgani afghanistan
4539CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: AfghanistanAFN-nameAfghan Afghani afgan afghanistan
4540CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: AfghanistanAFN-symbol= AFN
4541CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: AfghanistanAFN-symbol-narrow= ؋
4542CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: Afghanistan: AFA (old)AFA-nameAfghan Afghani (1927–2002) AFA
4543CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: Afghanistan: AFA (old)AFA-symbol= AFA
4544CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: BangladeshBDT-name-oneBangladeshi taka taka bangladeze
4545CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: BangladeshBDT-name-otherBangladeshi takas taka bangladezi
4546CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: BangladeshBDT-nameBangladeshi Taka taka bangladeze
4547CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: BangladeshBDT-symbol= BDT
4548CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: BangladeshBDT-symbol-narrow=
4549CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: BhutanBTN-name-oneBhutanese ngultrum gultrum butaneze
4550CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: BhutanBTN-name-otherBhutanese ngultrums gultrum butanezi
4551CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: BhutanBTN-nameBhutanese Ngultrum gultrum butaneze
4552CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: BhutanBTN-symbol= BTN
4553CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: IndiaINR-name-oneIndian rupee rupìa indiana
4554CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: IndiaINR-name-otherIndian rupees rupìe indiane
4555CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: IndiaINR-nameIndian Rupee rupìa indiana
4556CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: IndiaINR-symbol INR
4557CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: IndiaINR-symbol-narrow=
4558CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: IranIRR-name-oneIranian rial rial iranian
4559CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: IranIRR-name-otherIranian rials rial iraniani
4560CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: IranIRR-nameIranian Rial rial iranian
4561CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: IranIRR-symbol= IRR
4562CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: Sri LankaLKR-name-oneSri Lankan rupee rupìa srilankeze
4563CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: Sri LankaLKR-name-otherSri Lankan rupees rupìe srilankezi
4564CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: Sri LankaLKR-nameSri Lankan Rupee rupìa srilankeze
4565CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: Sri LankaLKR-symbol= LKR
4566CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: Sri LankaLKR-symbol-narrow= Rs
4567CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: MaldivesMVR-name-oneMaldivian rufiyaa rupìa maldiviana
4568CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: MaldivesMVR-name-otherMaldivian rufiyaas rupìe maldiviane
4569CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: MaldivesMVR-nameMaldivian Rufiyaa rupìa maldiviana
4570CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: MaldivesMVR-symbol= MVR
4571CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: Maldives: MVP (old)MVP-nameMaldivian Rupee (1947–1981) MVP
4572CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: Maldives: MVP (old)MVP-symbol= MVP
4573CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: NepalNPR-name-oneNepalese rupee rupìa nepaleze
4574CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: NepalNPR-name-otherNepalese rupees rupìe nepalezi
4575CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: NepalNPR-nameNepalese Rupee rupìa nepaleze
4576CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: NepalNPR-symbol= NPR
4577CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: NepalNPR-symbol-narrow= Rs
4578CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: PakistanPKR-name-onePakistani rupee rupìa pakistana
4579CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: PakistanPKR-name-otherPakistani rupees rupìe pakistane
4580CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: PakistanPKR-namePakistani Rupee rupìa pakistana
4581CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: PakistanPKR-symbol= PKR
4582CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: PakistanPKR-symbol-narrow= Rs
4583CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: BruneiBND-name-oneBrunei dollar dòlaro bruneian
4584CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: BruneiBND-name-otherBrunei dollars dòlari bruneiani
4585CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: BruneiBND-nameBrunei Dollar dòlaro bruneian
4586CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: BruneiBND-symbol= BND
4587CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: BruneiBND-symbol-narrow= $
4588CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: IndonesiaIDR-name-oneIndonesian rupiah rupìa indoneziana
4589CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: IndonesiaIDR-name-otherIndonesian rupiahs rupìe indoneziane
4590CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: IndonesiaIDR-nameIndonesian Rupiah rupìa indoneziana
4591CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: IndonesiaIDR-symbol= IDR
4592CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: IndonesiaIDR-symbol-narrow= Rp
4593CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: CambodiaKHR-name-oneCambodian riel rial canbojan
4594CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: CambodiaKHR-name-otherCambodian riels rial canbojani
4595CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: CambodiaKHR-nameCambodian Riel rial canbojan
4596CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: CambodiaKHR-symbol= KHR
4597CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: CambodiaKHR-symbol-narrow=
4598CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: LaosLAK-name-oneLaotian kip kip laosian
4599CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: LaosLAK-name-otherLaotian kips kip laosiani
4600CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: LaosLAK-nameLaotian Kip kip laosian
4601CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: LaosLAK-symbol= LAK
4602CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: LaosLAK-symbol-narrow=
4603CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: Myanmar (Burma)MMK-name-oneMyanmar kyat kiat birman
4604CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: Myanmar (Burma)MMK-name-otherMyanmar kyats kiat birmani
4605CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: Myanmar (Burma)MMK-nameMyanmar Kyat kiat birman
4606CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: Myanmar (Burma)MMK-symbol= MMK
4607CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: Myanmar (Burma)MMK-symbol-narrow= K
4608CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: Myanmar (Burma): BUK (old)BUK-nameBurmese Kyat BUK
4609CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: Myanmar (Burma): BUK (old)BUK-symbol= BUK
4610CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: MalaysiaMYR-name-oneMalaysian ringgit ringit malezian
4611CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: MalaysiaMYR-name-otherMalaysian ringgits ringit maleziani
4612CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: MalaysiaMYR-nameMalaysian Ringgit ringit malezian
4613CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: MalaysiaMYR-symbol= MYR
4614CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: MalaysiaMYR-symbol-narrow= RM
4615CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: PhilippinesPHP-name-onePhilippine peso pezos filipin
4616CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: PhilippinesPHP-name-otherPhilippine pesos pezos filipini
4617CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: PhilippinesPHP-namePhilippine Peso pezos filipin
4618CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: PhilippinesPHP-symbol PHP
4619CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: PhilippinesPHP-symbol-narrow=
4620CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: SingaporeSGD-name-oneSingapore dollar dòlaro singaporian
4621CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: SingaporeSGD-name-otherSingapore dollars dòlari singaporiani
4622CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: SingaporeSGD-nameSingapore Dollar dòlaro singaporian
4623CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: SingaporeSGD-symbol= SGD
4624CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: SingaporeSGD-symbol-narrow= $
4625CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: ThailandTHB-name-oneThai baht bat tailandeze
4626CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: ThailandTHB-name-otherThai baht bat tailandezi
4627CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: ThailandTHB-nameThai Baht bat tailandeze
4628CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: ThailandTHB-symbol= THB
4629CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: ThailandTHB-symbol-narrow= ฿
4630CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: Timor-Leste: TPE (old)TPE-nameTimorese Escudo TPE
4631CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: Timor-Leste: TPE (old)TPE-symbol= TPE
4632CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: VietnamVND-name-oneVietnamese dong dong vietnameze
4633CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: VietnamVND-name-otherVietnamese dong dong vietnamezi
4634CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: VietnamVND-nameVietnamese Dong dong vietnameze
4635CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: VietnamVND-symbol VND
4636CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: VietnamVND-symbol-narrow=
4637CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: Vietnam: VNN (old)VNN-nameVietnamese Dong (1978–1985) VNN
4638CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: Vietnam: VNN (old)VNN-symbol= VNN
4639CurrenciesOceania (C)Australasia: AustraliaAUD-name-oneAustralian dollar dòlaro australian
4640CurrenciesOceania (C)Australasia: AustraliaAUD-name-otherAustralian dollars dòlari australiani
4641CurrenciesOceania (C)Australasia: AustraliaAUD-nameAustralian Dollar dòlaro australian
4642CurrenciesOceania (C)Australasia: AustraliaAUD-symbolA$ AUD
4643CurrenciesOceania (C)Australasia: AustraliaAUD-symbol-narrow= $
4644CurrenciesOceania (C)Australasia: New ZealandNZD-name-oneNew Zealand dollar dòlaro neozelandeze
4645CurrenciesOceania (C)Australasia: New ZealandNZD-name-otherNew Zealand dollars dòlari neozelandezi
4646CurrenciesOceania (C)Australasia: New ZealandNZD-nameNew Zealand Dollar dòlaro neozelandeze
4647CurrenciesOceania (C)Australasia: New ZealandNZD-symbolNZ$ NZD
4648CurrenciesOceania (C)Australasia: New ZealandNZD-symbol-narrow= $
4649CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: FijiFJD-name-oneFijian dollar dòlaro fijian
4650CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: FijiFJD-name-otherFijian dollars dòlari fijiani
4651CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: FijiFJD-nameFijian Dollar dòlaro fijian
4652CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: FijiFJD-symbol= FJD
4653CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: FijiFJD-symbol-narrow= $
4654CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: New CaledoniaXPF-name-oneCFP franc franco CFP
4655CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: New CaledoniaXPF-name-otherCFP francs franchi CFP
4656CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: New CaledoniaXPF-nameCFP Franc franco CFP
4657CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: New CaledoniaXPF-symbolCFPF XPF
4658CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: Papua New GuineaPGK-name-onePapua New Guinean kina kina papuaiana
4659CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: Papua New GuineaPGK-name-otherPapua New Guinean kina kine papuaiane
4660CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: Papua New GuineaPGK-namePapua New Guinean Kina kina papuaiana
4661CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: Papua New GuineaPGK-symbol= PGK
4662CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: Solomon IslandsSBD-name-oneSolomon Islands dollar dòlaro salomoneze
4663CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: Solomon IslandsSBD-name-otherSolomon Islands dollars dòlari salomonezi
4664CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: Solomon IslandsSBD-nameSolomon Islands Dollar dòlaro salomoneze
4665CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: Solomon IslandsSBD-symbol= SBD
4666CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: Solomon IslandsSBD-symbol-narrow= $
4667CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: VanuatuVUV-name-oneVanuatu vatu vatu vanuatian
4668CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: VanuatuVUV-name-otherVanuatu vatus vatu vanuatiani
4669CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: VanuatuVUV-nameVanuatu Vatu vatu vanuatian
4670CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: VanuatuVUV-symbol= VUV
4671CurrenciesOceania (C)Polynesia: TongaTOP-name-oneTongan paʻanga paʻanga tongan
4672CurrenciesOceania (C)Polynesia: TongaTOP-name-otherTongan paʻanga paʻanga tongani
4673CurrenciesOceania (C)Polynesia: TongaTOP-nameTongan Paʻanga paʻanga tongan
4674CurrenciesOceania (C)Polynesia: TongaTOP-symbol= TOP
4675CurrenciesOceania (C)Polynesia: TongaTOP-symbol-narrow= T$
4676CurrenciesOceania (C)Polynesia: SamoaWST-name-oneSamoan tala tala samoan
4677CurrenciesOceania (C)Polynesia: SamoaWST-name-otherSamoan tala tala samoani
4678CurrenciesOceania (C)Polynesia: SamoaWST-nameSamoan Tala tala samoan
4679CurrenciesOceania (C)Polynesia: SamoaWST-symbol= WST
4680CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: null: XCG (old)XCG-nameCaribbean guilder XCG
4681CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: null: XCG (old)XCG-symbol= Cg.
4682CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: EUREUR-nameEuro euro
4683CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: EUREUR-symbol EUR
4684CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: EUREUR-symbol-narrow=
4685CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XAGXAG-nameSilver XAG
4686CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XAGXAG-symbol= XAG
4687CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XAUXAU-nameGold XAU
4688CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XAUXAU-symbol= XAU
4689CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XBAXBA-nameEuropean Composite Unit XBA
4690CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XBAXBA-symbol= XBA
4691CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XBBXBB-nameEuropean Monetary Unit XBB
4692CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XBBXBB-symbol= XBB
4693CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XBCXBC-nameEuropean Unit of Account (XBC) XBC
4694CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XBCXBC-symbol= XBC
4695CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XBDXBD-nameEuropean Unit of Account (XBD) XBD
4696CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XBDXBD-symbol= XBD
4697CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XDRXDR-nameSpecial Drawing Rights XDR
4698CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XDRXDR-symbol= XDR
4699CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XEUXEU-nameEuropean Currency Unit XEU
4700CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XEUXEU-symbol= XEU
4701CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XFOXFO-nameFrench Gold Franc XFO
4702CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XFOXFO-symbol= XFO
4703CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XFUXFU-nameFrench UIC-Franc XFU
4704CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XFUXFU-symbol= XFU
4705CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XPDXPD-namePalladium XPD
4706CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XPDXPD-symbol= XPD
4707CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XPTXPT-namePlatinum XPT
4708CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XPTXPT-symbol= XPT
4709CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XREXRE-nameRINET Funds XRE
4710CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XREXRE-symbol= XRE
4711CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XSUXSU-nameSucre XSU
4712CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XSUXSU-symbol= XSU
4713CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XTSXTS-nameTesting Currency Code XTS
4714CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XTSXTS-symbol= XTS
4715CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XUAXUA-nameADB Unit of Account XUA
4716CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XUAXUA-symbol= XUA
4717CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XXXXXX-name-other(unknown currency) (moneda desconosùa)
4718CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XXXXXX-nameUnknown Currency moneda desconosùa
4719CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XXXXXX-symbol= ¤
4720UnitsMeasurement SystemsnullmetricMetric mètrego
4721UnitsMeasurement SystemsnullUKUK inperiale
4722UnitsMeasurement SystemsnullUSUS de i Stadi Unìi
4723UnitsDurationdecadelong-displayNamedecades dezeni
4724UnitsDurationdecadeshort-displayNamedec dezeni
4725UnitsDurationdecadenarrow-displayNamedec dezeni
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4727UnitsDurationdecadelong-other-nominative{0} decades {0} dezeni
4728UnitsDurationdecadeshort-one-nominative{0} dec {0} dezenio
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4731UnitsDurationdecadenarrow-other-nominative{0}dec {0}dezeni
4732UnitsDurationnightlong-displayNamenights noti
4733UnitsDurationnightshort-displayNamenights noti
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4736UnitsDurationnightshort-per{0}/night {0}/note
4737UnitsDurationnightnarrow-per{0}/night {0}/note
4738UnitsDurationnightlong-one-nominative{0} night {0} note
4739UnitsDurationnightlong-other-nominative{0} nights {0} noti
4740UnitsDurationnightshort-one-nominative{0} night {0} note
4741UnitsDurationnightshort-other-nominative{0} nights {0} noti
4742UnitsDurationnightnarrow-one-nominative{0}night {0}note
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4744UnitsDurationcenturylong-displayNamecenturies sègoli
4745UnitsDurationcenturyshort-displayNamec sèg
4746UnitsDurationcenturynarrow-displayNamec sèg
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4748UnitsDurationcenturylong-other-nominative{0} centuries {0} sègoli
4749UnitsDurationcenturyshort-one-nominative{0} c {0} sèg
4750UnitsDurationcenturyshort-other-nominative{0} c {0} sèg
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4752UnitsDurationcenturynarrow-other-nominative{0}c {0}sèg
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4754UnitsDurationyearshort-displayNameyears ani
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4759UnitsDurationyearlong-one-nominative{0} year {0} ano
4760UnitsDurationyearlong-other-nominative{0} years {0} ani
4761UnitsDurationyearshort-one-nominative{0} yr {0} ano
4762UnitsDurationyearshort-other-nominative{0} yrs {0} ani
4763UnitsDurationyearnarrow-one-nominative{0}y {0}ano
4764UnitsDurationyearnarrow-other-nominative{0}y {0}ani
4765UnitsDurationquarterlong-displayNamequarters trimestri
4766UnitsDurationquartershort-displayNameqtr trim
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4768UnitsDurationquarterlong-per{0}/q {0} par trimestre
4769UnitsDurationquartershort-per{0}/q {0}/trim
4770UnitsDurationquarternarrow-per{0}/q {0}/trim
4771UnitsDurationquarterlong-one-nominative{0} quarter {0} trimestre
4772UnitsDurationquarterlong-other-nominative{0} quarters {0} trimestri
4773UnitsDurationquartershort-one-nominative{0} qtr {0} trim
4774UnitsDurationquartershort-other-nominative{0} qtrs {0} trim
4775UnitsDurationquarternarrow-one-nominative{0}q {0}trim
4776UnitsDurationquarternarrow-other-nominative{0}q {0}trim
4777UnitsDurationmonthlong-displayNamemonths mezi
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4781UnitsDurationmonthshort-per{0}/m {0}/meze
4782UnitsDurationmonthnarrow-per{0}/m {0}/meze
4783UnitsDurationmonthlong-one-nominative{0} month {0} meze
4784UnitsDurationmonthlong-other-nominative{0} months {0} mezi
4785UnitsDurationmonthshort-one-nominative{0} mth {0} meze
4786UnitsDurationmonthshort-other-nominative{0} mths {0} mezi
4787UnitsDurationmonthnarrow-one-nominative{0}m {0}meze
4788UnitsDurationmonthnarrow-other-nominative{0}m {0}mezi
4789UnitsDurationweeklong-displayNameweeks setemane
4790UnitsDurationweekshort-displayNameweeks set
4791UnitsDurationweeknarrow-displayNamewk set
4792UnitsDurationweeklong-per{0} per week {0} par setemana
4793UnitsDurationweekshort-per{0}/w {0}/set
4794UnitsDurationweeknarrow-per{0}/w {0}/set
4795UnitsDurationweeklong-one-nominative{0} week {0} setemana
4796UnitsDurationweeklong-other-nominative{0} weeks {0} setemane
4797UnitsDurationweekshort-one-nominative{0} wk {0} set
4798UnitsDurationweekshort-other-nominative{0} wks {0} set
4799UnitsDurationweeknarrow-one-nominative{0}w {0}set
4800UnitsDurationweeknarrow-other-nominative{0}w {0}set
4804UnitsDurationdaylong-per{0} per day {0} par dì
4805UnitsDurationdayshort-per{0}/d {0}/dì
4806UnitsDurationdaynarrow-per{0}/d {0}/dì
4807UnitsDurationdaylong-one-nominative{0} day {0} dì
4808UnitsDurationdaylong-other-nominative{0} days {0} dì
4809UnitsDurationdayshort-one-nominative{0} day {0} dì
4810UnitsDurationdayshort-other-nominative{0} days {0} dì
4811UnitsDurationdaynarrow-one-nominative{0}d {0}dì
4812UnitsDurationdaynarrow-other-nominative{0}d {0}dì
4813UnitsDurationhourlong-displayNamehours ore
4814UnitsDurationhourshort-displayNamehours ore
4815UnitsDurationhournarrow-displayNamehour o
4816UnitsDurationhourlong-per{0} per hour {0} par ora
4817UnitsDurationhourshort-per{0}/h {0}/ora
4818UnitsDurationhournarrow-per{0}/h {0}/o
4819UnitsDurationhourlong-one-nominative{0} hour {0} ora
4820UnitsDurationhourlong-other-nominative{0} hours {0} ore
4821UnitsDurationhourshort-one-nominative{0} hr {0} ora
4822UnitsDurationhourshort-other-nominative{0} hr {0} ore
4823UnitsDurationhournarrow-one-nominative{0}h {0}o
4824UnitsDurationhournarrow-other-nominative{0}h {0}o
4825UnitsDurationminutelong-displayNameminutes menuti
4826UnitsDurationminuteshort-displayNamemins men
4827UnitsDurationminutenarrow-displayNamemin m
4828UnitsDurationminutelong-per{0} per minute {0} par menuto
4829UnitsDurationminuteshort-per{0}/min {0}/men
4830UnitsDurationminutenarrow-per{0}/min {0}/m
4831UnitsDurationminutelong-one-nominative{0} minute {0} menuto
4832UnitsDurationminutelong-other-nominative{0} minutes {0} menuti
4833UnitsDurationminuteshort-one-nominative{0} min {0} men
4834UnitsDurationminuteshort-other-nominative{0} min {0} men
4835UnitsDurationminutenarrow-one-nominative= {0}m
4836UnitsDurationminutenarrow-other-nominative= {0}m
4837UnitsDurationsecondlong-displayNameseconds segondi
4838UnitsDurationsecondshort-displayNamesecs seg
4839UnitsDurationsecondnarrow-displayNamesec s
4840UnitsDurationsecondlong-per{0} per second {0} par segondo
4841UnitsDurationsecondshort-per{0}/s {0}/seg
4842UnitsDurationsecondlong-one-nominative{0} second {0} segondo
4843UnitsDurationsecondlong-other-nominative{0} seconds {0} segondi
4844UnitsDurationsecondshort-one-nominative{0} sec {0} seg
4845UnitsDurationsecondshort-other-nominative{0} sec {0} seg
4846UnitsDurationsecondnarrow-one-nominative= {0}s
4847UnitsDurationsecondnarrow-other-nominative= {0}s
4848UnitsDurationmillisecondlong-displayNamemilliseconds milisegondi
4849UnitsDurationmillisecondshort-displayNamemillisecs ms
4850UnitsDurationmillisecondlong-one-nominative{0} millisecond {0} milisegondo
4851UnitsDurationmillisecondlong-other-nominative{0} milliseconds {0} milisegondi
4852UnitsDurationmillisecondshort-other-nominative= {0} ms
4853UnitsDurationmillisecondnarrow-one-nominative= {0}ms
4854UnitsDurationmillisecondnarrow-other-nominative= {0}ms
4855UnitsDurationmicrosecondlong-displayNamemicroseconds microsegondi
4856UnitsDurationmicrosecondshort-displayNameμsecs μs
4857UnitsDurationmicrosecondlong-one-nominative{0} microsecond {0} microsegondo
4858UnitsDurationmicrosecondlong-other-nominative{0} microseconds {0} microsegondi
4859UnitsDurationmicrosecondshort-other-nominative= {0} μs
4860UnitsDurationmicrosecondnarrow-one-nominative= {0}μs
4861UnitsDurationmicrosecondnarrow-other-nominative= {0}μs
4862UnitsDurationnanosecondlong-displayNamenanoseconds nanosegondi
4863UnitsDurationnanosecondshort-displayNamenanosecs ns
4864UnitsDurationnanosecondlong-one-nominative{0} nanosecond {0} nanosegondo
4865UnitsDurationnanosecondlong-other-nominative{0} nanoseconds {0} nanosegondi
4866UnitsDurationnanosecondshort-other-nominative= {0} ns
4867UnitsDurationnanosecondnarrow-one-nominative= {0}ns
4868UnitsDurationnanosecondnarrow-other-nominative= {0}ns
4869UnitsDurationDuration Patternshm= h:mm
4870UnitsDurationDuration Patternshms= h:mm:ss
4871UnitsDurationDuration Patternsms= m:ss
4872UnitsGraphicsemlong-displayNametypographic ems eme tipogràfega
4873UnitsGraphicsemshort-displayName= em
4874UnitsGraphicsemlong-one-nominative{0} em {0} eme tipogràfega
4875UnitsGraphicsemlong-other-nominative{0} ems {0} eme tipogràfeghe
4876UnitsGraphicsemshort-other-nominative= {0} em
4877UnitsGraphicsemnarrow-one-nominative= {0}em
4878UnitsGraphicsemnarrow-other-nominative= {0}em
4879UnitsGraphicsmegapixellong-displayNamemegapixels megapixel
4880UnitsGraphicsmegapixelshort-displayNamemegapixels MP
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4883UnitsGraphicsmegapixelshort-other-nominative= {0} MP
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4886UnitsGraphicspixellong-displayNamepixels pixel
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4892UnitsGraphicspixelnarrow-other-nominative= {0}px
4893UnitsGraphicspixel-per-centimeterlong-displayNamepixels per centimeter pixel par sentìmetro
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4896UnitsGraphicspixel-per-centimeterlong-other-nominative{0} pixels per centimeter {0} pixel par sentìmetro
4897UnitsGraphicspixel-per-centimetershort-other-nominative= {0} ppcm
4898UnitsGraphicspixel-per-centimeternarrow-one-nominative= {0}ppcm
4899UnitsGraphicspixel-per-centimeternarrow-other-nominative= {0}ppcm
4900UnitsGraphicspixel-per-inchlong-displayNamepixels per inch pixel par dedon
4901UnitsGraphicspixel-per-inchshort-displayName= ppi
4902UnitsGraphicspixel-per-inchlong-one-nominative{0} pixel per inch {0} pixel par dedon
4903UnitsGraphicspixel-per-inchlong-other-nominative{0} pixels per inch {0} pixel par dedon
4904UnitsGraphicspixel-per-inchshort-other-nominative= {0} ppi
4905UnitsGraphicspixel-per-inchnarrow-one-nominative= {0}ppi
4906UnitsGraphicspixel-per-inchnarrow-other-nominative= {0}ppi
4907UnitsLength Metrickilometerlong-displayNamekilometers kilòmetri
4908UnitsLength Metrickilometershort-displayName= km
4909UnitsLength Metrickilometerlong-per{0} per kilometer {0} par kilòmetro
4910UnitsLength Metrickilometershort-per= {0}/km
4911UnitsLength Metrickilometerlong-one-nominative{0} kilometer {0} kilòmetro
4912UnitsLength Metrickilometerlong-other-nominative{0} kilometers {0} kilòmetri
4913UnitsLength Metrickilometershort-other-nominative= {0} km
4914UnitsLength Metrickilometernarrow-one-nominative= {0}km
4915UnitsLength Metrickilometernarrow-other-nominative= {0}km
4916UnitsLength Metricmeterlong-displayNamemeters metri
4917UnitsLength Metricmetershort-displayName= m
4918UnitsLength Metricmeternarrow-displayName= m
4919UnitsLength Metricmeterlong-per{0} per meter {0} par metro
4920UnitsLength Metricmetershort-per= {0}/m
4921UnitsLength Metricmeterlong-one-nominative{0} meter {0} metro
4922UnitsLength Metricmeterlong-other-nominative{0} meters {0} metri
4923UnitsLength Metricmetershort-other-nominative= {0} m
4924UnitsLength Metricmeternarrow-one-nominative= {0}m
4925UnitsLength Metricmeternarrow-other-nominative= {0}m
4926UnitsLength Metricdecimeterlong-displayNamedecimeters dezìmetri
4927UnitsLength Metricdecimetershort-displayName= dm
4928UnitsLength Metricdecimeterlong-one-nominative{0} decimeter {0} dezìmetro
4929UnitsLength Metricdecimeterlong-other-nominative{0} decimeters {0} dezìmetri
4930UnitsLength Metricdecimetershort-other-nominative= {0} dm
4931UnitsLength Metricdecimeternarrow-one-nominative= {0}dm
4932UnitsLength Metricdecimeternarrow-other-nominative= {0}dm
4933UnitsLength Metriccentimeterlong-displayNamecentimeters sentìmetri
4934UnitsLength Metriccentimetershort-displayName= cm
4935UnitsLength Metriccentimeterlong-per{0} per centimeter {0} par sentìmetro
4936UnitsLength Metriccentimetershort-per= {0}/cm
4937UnitsLength Metriccentimeterlong-one-nominative{0} centimeter {0} sentìmetro
4938UnitsLength Metriccentimeterlong-other-nominative{0} centimeters {0} sentìmetri
4939UnitsLength Metriccentimetershort-other-nominative= {0} cm
4940UnitsLength Metriccentimeternarrow-one-nominative= {0}cm
4941UnitsLength Metriccentimeternarrow-other-nominative= {0}cm
4942UnitsLength Metricmillimeterlong-displayNamemillimeters milìmetri
4943UnitsLength Metricmillimetershort-displayName= mm
4944UnitsLength Metricmillimeterlong-one-nominative{0} millimeter {0} milìmetro
4945UnitsLength Metricmillimeterlong-other-nominative{0} millimeters {0} milìmetri
4946UnitsLength Metricmillimetershort-other-nominative= {0} mm
4947UnitsLength Metricmillimeternarrow-one-nominative= {0}mm
4948UnitsLength Metricmillimeternarrow-other-nominative= {0}mm
4949UnitsLength Metricmicrometerlong-displayNamemicrometers micròmetri
4950UnitsLength Metricmicrometershort-displayNameμmeters μm
4951UnitsLength Metricmicrometerlong-one-nominative{0} micrometer {0} micròmetro
4952UnitsLength Metricmicrometerlong-other-nominative{0} micrometers {0} micròmetri
4953UnitsLength Metricmicrometershort-other-nominative= {0} μm
4954UnitsLength Metricmicrometernarrow-one-nominative= {0}μm
4955UnitsLength Metricmicrometernarrow-other-nominative= {0}μm
4956UnitsLength Metricnanometerlong-displayNamenanometers nanòmetri
4957UnitsLength Metricnanometershort-displayName= nm
4958UnitsLength Metricnanometerlong-one-nominative{0} nanometer {0} nanòmetro
4959UnitsLength Metricnanometerlong-other-nominative{0} nanometers {0} nanòmetri
4960UnitsLength Metricnanometershort-other-nominative= {0} nm
4961UnitsLength Metricnanometernarrow-one-nominative= {0}nm
4962UnitsLength Metricnanometernarrow-other-nominative= {0}nm
4963UnitsLength Metricpicometerlong-displayNamepicometers picòmetri
4964UnitsLength Metricpicometershort-displayName= pm
4965UnitsLength Metricpicometerlong-one-nominative{0} picometer {0} picòmetro
4966UnitsLength Metricpicometerlong-other-nominative{0} picometers {0} picòmetri
4967UnitsLength Metricpicometershort-other-nominative= {0} pm
4968UnitsLength Metricpicometernarrow-one-nominative= {0}pm
4969UnitsLength Metricpicometernarrow-other-nominative= {0}pm
4970UnitsLength Metricmile-scandinavianlong-displayNamemiles-scandinavian miji scandìnavi
4971UnitsLength Metricmile-scandinavianshort-displayName= smi
4972UnitsLength Metricmile-scandinavianlong-one-nominative{0} mile-scandinavian {0} mijo scandìnavo
4973UnitsLength Metricmile-scandinavianlong-other-nominative{0} miles-scandinavian {0} miji scandìnavi
4974UnitsLength Metricmile-scandinavianshort-other-nominative= {0} smi
4975UnitsLength Metricmile-scandinaviannarrow-one-nominative= {0}smi
4976UnitsLength Metricmile-scandinaviannarrow-other-nominative= {0}smi
4977UnitsLength Metricpointlong-displayNamepoints ponti
4978UnitsLength Metricpointshort-displayNamepoints pt
4979UnitsLength Metricpointlong-one-nominative{0} point {0} ponto
4980UnitsLength Metricpointlong-other-nominative{0} points {0} ponti
4981UnitsLength Metricpointshort-other-nominative= {0} pt
4982UnitsLength Metricpointnarrow-one-nominative= {0}pt
4983UnitsLength Metricpointnarrow-other-nominative= {0}pt
4984UnitsLength Otherearth-radiuslong-displayNameearth radius raji de la tera
4985UnitsLength Otherearth-radiusshort-displayNameearth radius R⊕
4986UnitsLength Otherearth-radiuslong-one-nominative{0} earth radius {0} rajo de la tera
4987UnitsLength Otherearth-radiuslong-other-nominative{0} earth radius {0} raji de la tera
4988UnitsLength Otherearth-radiusshort-other-nominative= {0} R⊕
4989UnitsLength Otherearth-radiusnarrow-one-nominative= {0}R⊕
4990UnitsLength Otherearth-radiusnarrow-other-nominative= {0}R⊕
4991UnitsLength Othermilelong-displayNamemiles miji
4992UnitsLength Othermileshort-displayNamemiles mi
4993UnitsLength Othermilelong-one-nominative{0} mile {0} mijo
4994UnitsLength Othermilelong-other-nominative{0} miles {0} miji
4995UnitsLength Othermileshort-other-nominative= {0} mi
4996UnitsLength Othermilenarrow-one-nominative= {0}mi
4997UnitsLength Othermilenarrow-other-nominative= {0}mi
4998UnitsLength Otheryardlong-displayNameyards jarde
4999UnitsLength Otheryardshort-displayNameyards yd
5000UnitsLength Otheryardlong-one-nominative{0} yard {0} jarda
5001UnitsLength Otheryardlong-other-nominative{0} yards {0} jarde
5002UnitsLength Otheryardshort-other-nominative= {0} yd
5003UnitsLength Otheryardnarrow-one-nominative= {0}yd
5004UnitsLength Otheryardnarrow-other-nominative= {0}yd
5005UnitsLength Otherfootlong-displayNamefeet pie
5006UnitsLength Otherfootshort-displayNamefeet ft
5007UnitsLength Otherfootlong-per{0} per foot {0} par pie
5008UnitsLength Otherfootshort-per= {0}/ft
5009UnitsLength Otherfootlong-one-nominative{0} foot {0} pie
5010UnitsLength Otherfootlong-other-nominative{0} feet {0} pie
5011UnitsLength Otherfootshort-other-nominative= {0} ft
5012UnitsLength Otherfootnarrow-one-nominative{0}′ {0}ft
5013UnitsLength Otherfootnarrow-other-nominative{0}′ {0}ft
5014UnitsLength Otherinchlong-displayNameinches dedon
5015UnitsLength Otherinchshort-displayNameinches in
5016UnitsLength Otherinchlong-per{0} per inch {0} par dedon
5017UnitsLength Otherinchshort-per= {0}/in
5018UnitsLength Otherinchlong-one-nominative{0} inch {0} dedon
5019UnitsLength Otherinchlong-other-nominative{0} inches {0} dedoni
5020UnitsLength Otherinchshort-other-nominative= {0} in
5021UnitsLength Otherinchnarrow-one-nominative{0}″ {0}in
5022UnitsLength Otherinchnarrow-other-nominative{0}″ {0}in
5023UnitsLength Otherparseclong-displayNameparsecs parseg
5024UnitsLength Otherparsecshort-displayNameparsecs pc
5025UnitsLength Otherparseclong-one-nominative{0} parsec {0} parseg
5026UnitsLength Otherparseclong-other-nominative{0} parsecs {0} parseg
5027UnitsLength Otherparsecshort-other-nominative= {0} pc
5028UnitsLength Otherparsecnarrow-one-nominative= {0}pc
5029UnitsLength Otherparsecnarrow-other-nominative= {0}pc
5030UnitsLength Otherlight-yearlong-displayNamelight years ani luze
5031UnitsLength Otherlight-yearshort-displayNamelight yrs ly
5032UnitsLength Otherlight-yearlong-one-nominative{0} light year {0} ano luze
5033UnitsLength Otherlight-yearlong-other-nominative{0} light years {0} ani luze
5034UnitsLength Otherlight-yearshort-other-nominative= {0} ly
5035UnitsLength Otherlight-yearnarrow-one-nominative= {0}ly
5036UnitsLength Otherlight-yearnarrow-other-nominative= {0}ly
5037UnitsLength Otherastronomical-unitlong-displayNameastronomical units unidà astronòmeghe
5038UnitsLength Otherastronomical-unitshort-displayName= au
5039UnitsLength Otherastronomical-unitlong-one-nominative{0} astronomical unit {0} unidà astronòmega
5040UnitsLength Otherastronomical-unitlong-other-nominative{0} astronomical units {0} unidà astronòmeghe
5041UnitsLength Otherastronomical-unitshort-other-nominative= {0} au
5042UnitsLength Otherastronomical-unitnarrow-one-nominative= {0}au
5043UnitsLength Otherastronomical-unitnarrow-other-nominative= {0}au
5044UnitsLength Otherfurlonglong-displayNamefurlongs furlong
5045UnitsLength Otherfurlongshort-displayNamefurlongs fur
5046UnitsLength Otherfurlonglong-one-nominative= {0} furlong
5047UnitsLength Otherfurlonglong-other-nominative{0} furlongs {0} furlong
5048UnitsLength Otherfurlongshort-other-nominative= {0} fur
5049UnitsLength Otherfurlongnarrow-one-nominative= {0}fur
5050UnitsLength Otherfurlongnarrow-other-nominative= {0}fur
5051UnitsLength Otherfathomlong-displayNamefathoms brasi
5052UnitsLength Otherfathomshort-displayNamefathoms fm
5053UnitsLength Otherfathomlong-one-nominative{0} fathom {0} braso
5054UnitsLength Otherfathomlong-other-nominative{0} fathoms {0} brasi
5055UnitsLength Otherfathomshort-other-nominative= {0} fth
5056UnitsLength Otherfathomnarrow-one-nominative= {0}fth
5057UnitsLength Otherfathomnarrow-other-nominative= {0}fth
5058UnitsLength Othernautical-milelong-displayNamenautical miles miji nàuteghi
5059UnitsLength Othernautical-mileshort-displayName= nmi
5060UnitsLength Othernautical-milelong-one-nominative{0} nautical mile {0} mijo nàutego
5061UnitsLength Othernautical-milelong-other-nominative{0} nautical miles {0} miji nàuteghi
5062UnitsLength Othernautical-mileshort-other-nominative= {0} nmi
5063UnitsLength Othernautical-milenarrow-one-nominative= {0}nmi
5064UnitsLength Othernautical-milenarrow-other-nominative= {0}nmi
5065UnitsLength Othersolar-radiuslong-displayNamesolar radii raji solari
5066UnitsLength Othersolar-radiusshort-displayNamesolar radii R☉
5067UnitsLength Othersolar-radiuslong-one-nominative{0} solar radius {0} rajo solar
5068UnitsLength Othersolar-radiuslong-other-nominative{0} solar radii {0} raji solari
5069UnitsLength Othersolar-radiusshort-other-nominative= {0} R☉
5070UnitsLength Othersolar-radiusnarrow-one-nominative= {0}R☉
5071UnitsLength Othersolar-radiusnarrow-other-nominative= {0}R☉
5072UnitsAreasquare-kilometerlong-displayNamesquare kilometers kilòmetri cuadrài
5073UnitsAreasquare-kilometershort-displayName= km²
5074UnitsAreasquare-kilometerlong-per{0} per square kilometer {0} par kilòmetro cuadrà
5075UnitsAreasquare-kilometershort-per= {0}/km²
5076UnitsAreasquare-kilometerlong-one-nominative{0} square kilometer {0} kilòmetro cuadrà
5077UnitsAreasquare-kilometerlong-other-nominative{0} square kilometers {0} kilòmetri cuadrài
5078UnitsAreasquare-kilometershort-other-nominative= {0} km²
5079UnitsAreasquare-kilometernarrow-one-nominative= {0}km²
5080UnitsAreasquare-kilometernarrow-other-nominative= {0}km²
5081UnitsAreahectarelong-displayNamehectares ètari
5082UnitsAreahectareshort-displayNamehectares ha
5083UnitsAreahectarenarrow-displayNamehectare ha
5084UnitsAreahectarelong-one-nominative{0} hectare {0} ètaro
5085UnitsAreahectarelong-other-nominative{0} hectares {0} ètari
5086UnitsAreahectareshort-other-nominative= {0} ha
5087UnitsAreahectarenarrow-one-nominative= {0}ha
5088UnitsAreahectarenarrow-other-nominative= {0}ha
5089UnitsAreasquare-meterlong-displayNamesquare meters metri cuadrài
5091UnitsAreasquare-meterlong-per{0} per square meter {0} par metro cuadrà
5092UnitsAreasquare-metershort-per= {0}/m²
5093UnitsAreasquare-meterlong-one-nominative{0} square meter {0} metro cuadrà
5094UnitsAreasquare-meterlong-other-nominative{0} square meters {0} metri cuadrài
5095UnitsAreasquare-metershort-other-nominative= {0} m²
5096UnitsAreasquare-meternarrow-one-nominative= {0}m²
5097UnitsAreasquare-meternarrow-other-nominative= {0}m²
5098UnitsAreasquare-centimeterlong-displayNamesquare centimeters sentìmetri cuadrài
5099UnitsAreasquare-centimetershort-displayName= cm²
5100UnitsAreasquare-centimeterlong-per{0} per square centimeter {0} par sentìmetro cuadrà
5101UnitsAreasquare-centimetershort-per= {0}/cm²
5102UnitsAreasquare-centimeterlong-one-nominative{0} square centimeter {0} sentìmetro cuadrà
5103UnitsAreasquare-centimeterlong-other-nominative{0} square centimeters {0} sentìmetri cuadrài
5104UnitsAreasquare-centimetershort-other-nominative= {0} cm²
5105UnitsAreasquare-centimeternarrow-one-nominative= {0}cm²
5106UnitsAreasquare-centimeternarrow-other-nominative= {0}cm²
5107UnitsAreasquare-milelong-displayNamesquare miles miji cuadrài
5108UnitsAreasquare-mileshort-displayNamesq miles mi²
5109UnitsAreasquare-milelong-per{0} per square mile {0} par mijo cuadrà
5110UnitsAreasquare-mileshort-per= {0}/mi²
5111UnitsAreasquare-milelong-one-nominative{0} square mile {0} mijo cuadrà
5112UnitsAreasquare-milelong-other-nominative{0} square miles {0} miji cuadrài
5113UnitsAreasquare-mileshort-other-nominative{0} sq mi {0} mi²
5114UnitsAreasquare-milenarrow-one-nominative= {0}mi²
5115UnitsAreasquare-milenarrow-other-nominative= {0}mi²
5116UnitsAreaacrelong-displayNameacres acri
5117UnitsAreaacreshort-displayNameacres ac
5118UnitsAreaacrenarrow-displayNameacre ac
5119UnitsAreaacrelong-one-nominative{0} acre {0} acro
5120UnitsAreaacrelong-other-nominative{0} acres {0} acri
5121UnitsAreaacreshort-other-nominative= {0} ac
5122UnitsAreaacrenarrow-one-nominative= {0}ac
5123UnitsAreaacrenarrow-other-nominative= {0}ac
5124UnitsAreasquare-yardlong-displayNamesquare yards jarde cuadràe
5125UnitsAreasquare-yardshort-displayNameyards² yd²
5126UnitsAreasquare-yardlong-one-nominative{0} square yard {0} jarda cuadrada
5127UnitsAreasquare-yardlong-other-nominative{0} square yards {0} jarde cuadràe
5128UnitsAreasquare-yardshort-other-nominative= {0} yd²
5129UnitsAreasquare-yardnarrow-one-nominative= {0}yd²
5130UnitsAreasquare-yardnarrow-other-nominative= {0}yd²
5131UnitsAreasquare-footlong-displayNamesquare feet pie cuadrài
5132UnitsAreasquare-footshort-displayNamesq feet ft²
5133UnitsAreasquare-footlong-one-nominative{0} square foot {0} pie cuadrà
5134UnitsAreasquare-footlong-other-nominative{0} square feet {0} pie cuadrài
5135UnitsAreasquare-footshort-other-nominative{0} sq ft {0} ft²
5136UnitsAreasquare-footnarrow-one-nominative= {0}ft²
5137UnitsAreasquare-footnarrow-other-nominative= {0}ft²
5138UnitsAreasquare-inchlong-displayNamesquare inches dedoni cuadrài
5139UnitsAreasquare-inchshort-displayNameinches² in²
5140UnitsAreasquare-inchlong-per{0} per square inch {0} par dedon cuadrà
5141UnitsAreasquare-inchshort-per= {0}/in²
5142UnitsAreasquare-inchlong-one-nominative{0} square inch {0} dedon cuadrà
5143UnitsAreasquare-inchlong-other-nominative{0} square inches {0} dedoni cuadrài
5144UnitsAreasquare-inchshort-other-nominative= {0} in²
5145UnitsAreasquare-inchnarrow-one-nominative= {0}in²
5146UnitsAreasquare-inchnarrow-other-nominative= {0}in²
5147UnitsAreadunamshort-displayNamedunams dunam
5148UnitsAreadunamshort-other-nominative= {0} dunam
5149UnitsAreadunamnarrow-one-nominative= {0}dunam
5150UnitsAreadunamnarrow-other-nominative= {0}dunam
5151UnitsVolume Metriccubic-kilometerlong-displayNamecubic kilometers kilòmetri cubi
5152UnitsVolume Metriccubic-kilometershort-displayName= km³
5153UnitsVolume Metriccubic-kilometerlong-one-nominative{0} cubic kilometer {0} kilòmetro cubo
5154UnitsVolume Metriccubic-kilometerlong-other-nominative{0} cubic kilometers {0} kilòmetri cubi
5155UnitsVolume Metriccubic-kilometershort-other-nominative= {0} km³
5156UnitsVolume Metriccubic-kilometernarrow-one-nominative= {0}km³
5157UnitsVolume Metriccubic-kilometernarrow-other-nominative= {0}km³
5158UnitsVolume Metriccubic-meterlong-displayNamecubic meters metri cubi
5159UnitsVolume Metriccubic-metershort-displayName=
5160UnitsVolume Metriccubic-meterlong-per{0} per cubic meter {0} par metro cubo
5161UnitsVolume Metriccubic-metershort-per= {0}/m³
5162UnitsVolume Metriccubic-meterlong-one-nominative{0} cubic meter {0} metro cubo
5163UnitsVolume Metriccubic-meterlong-other-nominative{0} cubic meters {0} metri cubi
5164UnitsVolume Metriccubic-metershort-other-nominative= {0} m³
5165UnitsVolume Metriccubic-meternarrow-one-nominative= {0}m³
5166UnitsVolume Metriccubic-meternarrow-other-nominative= {0}m³
5167UnitsVolume Metriccubic-centimeterlong-displayNamecubic centimeters sentìmetri cubi
5168UnitsVolume Metriccubic-centimetershort-displayName= cm³
5169UnitsVolume Metriccubic-centimeterlong-per{0} per cubic centimeter {0} par sentìmetro cubo
5170UnitsVolume Metriccubic-centimetershort-per= {0}/cm³
5171UnitsVolume Metriccubic-centimeterlong-one-nominative{0} cubic centimeter {0} sentìmetro cubo
5172UnitsVolume Metriccubic-centimeterlong-other-nominative{0} cubic centimeters {0} sentìmetri cubi
5173UnitsVolume Metriccubic-centimetershort-other-nominative= {0} cm³
5174UnitsVolume Metriccubic-centimeternarrow-one-nominative= {0}cm³
5175UnitsVolume Metriccubic-centimeternarrow-other-nominative= {0}cm³
5176UnitsVolume Metricmegaliterlong-displayNamemegaliters megalitri
5177UnitsVolume Metricmegalitershort-displayNameML Ml
5178UnitsVolume Metricmegaliternarrow-displayNameML Ml
5179UnitsVolume Metricmegaliterlong-one-nominative{0} megaliter {0} megalitro
5180UnitsVolume Metricmegaliterlong-other-nominative{0} megaliters {0} megalitri
5181UnitsVolume Metricmegalitershort-one-nominative{0} ML {0} Ml
5182UnitsVolume Metricmegalitershort-other-nominative{0} ML {0} Ml
5183UnitsVolume Metricmegaliternarrow-one-nominative{0}ML {0}Ml
5184UnitsVolume Metricmegaliternarrow-other-nominative{0}ML {0}Ml
5185UnitsVolume Metrichectoliterlong-displayNamehectoliters etòlitri
5186UnitsVolume Metrichectolitershort-displayNamehL hl
5187UnitsVolume Metrichectoliternarrow-displayNamehL hl
5188UnitsVolume Metrichectoliterlong-one-nominative{0} hectoliter {0} etòlitro
5189UnitsVolume Metrichectoliterlong-other-nominative{0} hectoliters {0} etòlitri
5190UnitsVolume Metrichectolitershort-one-nominative{0} hL {0} hl
5191UnitsVolume Metrichectolitershort-other-nominative{0} hL {0} hl
5192UnitsVolume Metrichectoliternarrow-one-nominative{0}hL {0}hl
5193UnitsVolume Metrichectoliternarrow-other-nominative{0}hL {0}hl
5194UnitsVolume Metricliterlong-displayNameliters litri
5195UnitsVolume Metriclitershort-displayNameliters l
5196UnitsVolume Metricliternarrow-displayNameliter l
5197UnitsVolume Metricliterlong-per{0} per liter {0} par litro
5198UnitsVolume Metriclitershort-per{0}/L {0}/l
5199UnitsVolume Metricliterlong-one-nominative{0} liter {0} litro
5200UnitsVolume Metricliterlong-other-nominative{0} liters {0} litri
5201UnitsVolume Metriclitershort-other-nominative{0} L {0} l
5202UnitsVolume Metricliternarrow-one-nominative{0}L {0}l
5203UnitsVolume Metricliternarrow-other-nominative{0}L {0}l
5204UnitsVolume Metricdeciliterlong-displayNamedeciliters dezìlitri
5205UnitsVolume Metricdecilitershort-displayNamedL dl
5206UnitsVolume Metricdeciliternarrow-displayNamedL dl
5207UnitsVolume Metricdeciliterlong-one-nominative{0} deciliter {0} dezìlitro
5208UnitsVolume Metricdeciliterlong-other-nominative{0} deciliters {0} dezìlitri
5209UnitsVolume Metricdecilitershort-one-nominative{0} dL {0} dl
5210UnitsVolume Metricdecilitershort-other-nominative{0} dL {0} dl
5211UnitsVolume Metricdeciliternarrow-one-nominative{0}dL {0}dl
5212UnitsVolume Metricdeciliternarrow-other-nominative{0}dL {0}dl
5213UnitsVolume Metriccentiliterlong-displayNamecentiliters sentìlitri
5214UnitsVolume Metriccentilitershort-displayNamecL cl
5215UnitsVolume Metriccentiliternarrow-displayNamecL cl
5216UnitsVolume Metriccentiliterlong-one-nominative{0} centiliter {0} sentìlitro
5217UnitsVolume Metriccentiliterlong-other-nominative{0} centiliters {0} sentìlitri
5218UnitsVolume Metriccentilitershort-one-nominative{0} cL {0} cl
5219UnitsVolume Metriccentilitershort-other-nominative{0} cL {0} cl
5220UnitsVolume Metriccentiliternarrow-one-nominative{0}cL {0}cl
5221UnitsVolume Metriccentiliternarrow-other-nominative{0}cL {0}cl
5222UnitsVolume Metricmilliliterlong-displayNamemilliliters milìlitri
5223UnitsVolume Metricmillilitershort-displayNamemL ml
5224UnitsVolume Metricmilliliternarrow-displayNamemL ml
5225UnitsVolume Metricmilliliterlong-one-nominative{0} milliliter {0} milìlitro
5226UnitsVolume Metricmilliliterlong-other-nominative{0} milliliters {0} milìlitri
5227UnitsVolume Metricmillilitershort-one-nominative{0} mL {0} ml
5228UnitsVolume Metricmillilitershort-other-nominative{0} mL {0} ml
5229UnitsVolume Metricmilliliternarrow-one-nominative{0}mL {0}ml
5230UnitsVolume Metricmilliliternarrow-other-nominative{0}mL {0}ml
5231UnitsVolume Metricpint-metriclong-displayNamemetric pints pinte mètreghe
5232UnitsVolume Metricpint-metricshort-displayNamempt ptm
5233UnitsVolume Metricpint-metricnarrow-displayNamept ptm
5234UnitsVolume Metricpint-metriclong-one-nominative{0} metric pint {0} pinta mètrega
5235UnitsVolume Metricpint-metriclong-other-nominative{0} metric pints {0} pinte mètreghe
5236UnitsVolume Metricpint-metricshort-one-nominative{0} mpt {0} ptm
5237UnitsVolume Metricpint-metricshort-other-nominative{0} mpt {0} ptm
5238UnitsVolume Metricpint-metricnarrow-one-nominative{0}mpt {0}ptm
5239UnitsVolume Metricpint-metricnarrow-other-nominative{0}mpt {0}ptm
5240UnitsVolume Metriccup-metriclong-displayNamemetric cups cìcare mètreghe
5241UnitsVolume Metriccup-metricshort-displayNamemcup cìcm
5242UnitsVolume Metriccup-metricnarrow-displayNamemcup cìcm
5243UnitsVolume Metriccup-metriclong-one-nominative{0} metric cup {0} cìcara mètrega
5244UnitsVolume Metriccup-metriclong-other-nominative{0} metric cups {0} cìcare mètreghe
5245UnitsVolume Metriccup-metricshort-one-nominative{0} mc {0} cìcm
5246UnitsVolume Metriccup-metricshort-other-nominative{0} mc {0} cìcm
5247UnitsVolume Metriccup-metricnarrow-one-nominative{0}mc {0}cìcm
5248UnitsVolume Metriccup-metricnarrow-other-nominative{0}mc {0}cìcm
5249UnitsVolume UScubic-milelong-displayNamecubic miles miji cùbeghi
5250UnitsVolume UScubic-mileshort-displayName= mi³
5251UnitsVolume UScubic-milelong-one-nominative{0} cubic mile {0} mijo cùbego
5252UnitsVolume UScubic-milelong-other-nominative{0} cubic miles {0} miji cùbeghi
5253UnitsVolume UScubic-mileshort-other-nominative= {0} mi³
5254UnitsVolume UScubic-milenarrow-one-nominative= {0}mi³
5255UnitsVolume UScubic-milenarrow-other-nominative= {0}mi³
5256UnitsVolume UScubic-yardlong-displayNamecubic yards jarde cùbeghe
5257UnitsVolume UScubic-yardshort-displayNameyards³ yd³
5258UnitsVolume UScubic-yardlong-one-nominative{0} cubic yard {0} jarda cùbega
5259UnitsVolume UScubic-yardlong-other-nominative{0} cubic yards {0} jarde cùbeghe
5260UnitsVolume UScubic-yardshort-other-nominative= {0} yd³
5261UnitsVolume UScubic-yardnarrow-one-nominative= {0}yd³
5262UnitsVolume UScubic-yardnarrow-other-nominative= {0}yd³
5263UnitsVolume UScubic-footlong-displayNamecubic feet pie cùbeghi
5264UnitsVolume UScubic-footshort-displayNamefeet³ ft³
5265UnitsVolume UScubic-footlong-one-nominative{0} cubic foot {0} pie cùbego
5266UnitsVolume UScubic-footlong-other-nominative{0} cubic feet {0} pie cùbeghi
5267UnitsVolume UScubic-footshort-other-nominative= {0} ft³
5268UnitsVolume UScubic-footnarrow-one-nominative= {0}ft³
5269UnitsVolume UScubic-footnarrow-other-nominative= {0}ft³
5270UnitsVolume UScubic-inchlong-displayNamecubic inches dedoni cùbeghi
5271UnitsVolume UScubic-inchshort-displayNameinches³ in³
5272UnitsVolume UScubic-inchlong-one-nominative{0} cubic inch {0} dedon cùbego
5273UnitsVolume UScubic-inchlong-other-nominative{0} cubic inches {0} dedoni cùbeghi
5274UnitsVolume UScubic-inchshort-other-nominative= {0} in³
5275UnitsVolume UScubic-inchnarrow-one-nominative= {0}in³
5276UnitsVolume UScubic-inchnarrow-other-nominative= {0}in³
5277UnitsVolume USacre-footlong-displayNameacre-feet acro pie
5278UnitsVolume USacre-footshort-displayNameacre ft ac⋅ft
5279UnitsVolume USacre-footnarrow-displayNameacre ft ac⋅ft
5280UnitsVolume USacre-footlong-one-nominative{0} acre-foot {0} acro pie
5281UnitsVolume USacre-footlong-other-nominative{0} acre-feet {0} acro pie
5282UnitsVolume USacre-footshort-one-nominative{0} ac ft {0} ac⋅ft
5283UnitsVolume USacre-footshort-other-nominative{0} ac ft {0} ac⋅ft
5284UnitsVolume USacre-footnarrow-one-nominative{0}ac ft {0}ac⋅ft
5285UnitsVolume USacre-footnarrow-other-nominative{0}ac ft {0}ac⋅ft
5286UnitsVolume USbushellong-displayNamebushels stari
5287UnitsVolume USbushelshort-displayNamebushels bu
5288UnitsVolume USbushellong-one-nominative{0} bushel {0} staro
5289UnitsVolume USbushellong-other-nominative{0} bushels {0} stari
5290UnitsVolume USbushelshort-other-nominative= {0} bu
5291UnitsVolume USbushelnarrow-one-nominative= {0}bu
5292UnitsVolume USbushelnarrow-other-nominative= {0}bu
5293UnitsVolume USgallonlong-displayNamegallons galoni
5294UnitsVolume USgallonshort-displayName= gal
5295UnitsVolume USgallonnarrow-displayName= gal
5296UnitsVolume USgallonlong-per{0} per gallon {0} par galon
5297UnitsVolume USgallonshort-per{0}/gal US {0}/gal
5298UnitsVolume USgallonnarrow-per= {0}/gal
5299UnitsVolume USgallonlong-one-nominative{0} gallon {0} galon
5300UnitsVolume USgallonlong-other-nominative{0} gallons {0} galoni
5301UnitsVolume USgallonshort-one-nominative= {0} gal
5302UnitsVolume USgallonshort-other-nominative= {0} gal
5303UnitsVolume USgallonnarrow-one-nominative= {0}gal
5304UnitsVolume USgallonnarrow-other-nominative= {0}gal
5305UnitsVolume USquartlong-displayNamequarts cuarti
5306UnitsVolume USquartshort-displayNameqts qt
5307UnitsVolume USquartlong-one-nominative{0} quart {0} cuarto
5308UnitsVolume USquartlong-other-nominative{0} quarts {0} cuarti
5309UnitsVolume USquartshort-other-nominative= {0} qt
5310UnitsVolume USquartnarrow-one-nominative= {0}qt
5311UnitsVolume USquartnarrow-other-nominative= {0}qt
5312UnitsVolume USpintlong-displayNamepints pinte
5313UnitsVolume USpintshort-displayNamepints pnt
5314UnitsVolume USpintnarrow-displayNamept pnt
5315UnitsVolume USpintlong-one-nominative{0} pint {0} pinta
5316UnitsVolume USpintlong-other-nominative{0} pints {0} pinte
5317UnitsVolume USpintshort-one-nominative{0} pt {0} pnt
5318UnitsVolume USpintshort-other-nominative{0} pt {0} pnt
5319UnitsVolume USpintnarrow-one-nominative{0}pt {0}pnt
5320UnitsVolume USpintnarrow-other-nominative{0}pt {0}pnt
5321UnitsVolume UScuplong-displayNamecups cìcare
5322UnitsVolume UScupshort-displayNamecups cìc
5323UnitsVolume UScupnarrow-displayNamecup cìc
5324UnitsVolume UScuplong-one-nominative{0} cup {0} cìcara
5325UnitsVolume UScuplong-other-nominative{0} cups {0} cìcare
5326UnitsVolume UScupshort-one-nominative{0} c {0} cìc
5327UnitsVolume UScupshort-other-nominative{0} c {0} cìc
5328UnitsVolume UScupnarrow-one-nominative{0}c {0}cìc
5329UnitsVolume UScupnarrow-other-nominative{0}c {0}cìc
5330UnitsVolume USfluid-ouncelong-displayNamefluid ounces onse lìcuide
5331UnitsVolume USfluid-ounceshort-displayName= fl oz
5332UnitsVolume USfluid-ouncenarrow-displayName= fl oz
5333UnitsVolume USfluid-ouncelong-one-nominative{0} fluid ounce {0} onsa lìcuida
5334UnitsVolume USfluid-ouncelong-other-nominative{0} fluid ounces {0} onse lìcuide
5335UnitsVolume USfluid-ounceshort-one-nominative= {0} fl oz
5336UnitsVolume USfluid-ounceshort-other-nominative= {0} fl oz
5337UnitsVolume USfluid-ouncenarrow-one-nominative= {0}fl oz
5338UnitsVolume USfluid-ouncenarrow-other-nominative= {0}fl oz
5339UnitsVolume UStablespoonlong-displayNametablespoons guciari
5340UnitsVolume UStablespoonshort-displayName= tbsp
5341UnitsVolume UStablespoonlong-one-nominative{0} tablespoon {0} guciaro
5342UnitsVolume UStablespoonlong-other-nominative{0} tablespoons {0} guciari
5343UnitsVolume UStablespoonshort-other-nominative= {0} tbsp
5344UnitsVolume UStablespoonnarrow-one-nominative= {0}tbsp
5345UnitsVolume UStablespoonnarrow-other-nominative= {0}tbsp
5346UnitsVolume USteaspoonlong-displayNameteaspoons guciareti
5347UnitsVolume USteaspoonshort-displayName= tsp
5348UnitsVolume USteaspoonlong-one-nominative{0} teaspoon {0} guciareto
5349UnitsVolume USteaspoonlong-other-nominative{0} teaspoons {0} guciareti
5350UnitsVolume USteaspoonshort-other-nominative= {0} tsp
5351UnitsVolume USteaspoonnarrow-one-nominative= {0}tsp
5352UnitsVolume USteaspoonnarrow-other-nominative= {0}tsp
5353UnitsVolume USbarrellong-displayNamebarrels barili
5354UnitsVolume USbarrelshort-displayNamebarrel bbl
5355UnitsVolume USbarrellong-one-nominative{0} barrel {0} barile
5356UnitsVolume USbarrellong-other-nominative{0} barrels {0} barili
5357UnitsVolume USbarrelshort-other-nominative= {0} bbl
5358UnitsVolume USbarrelnarrow-one-nominative= {0}bbl
5359UnitsVolume USbarrelnarrow-other-nominative= {0}bbl
5360UnitsVolume USdessert-spoonlong-displayNamedessert spoons guciareti da dolse
5361UnitsVolume USdessert-spoonshort-displayNamedessert spoons dsp
5362UnitsVolume USdessert-spoonnarrow-displayName= dsp
5363UnitsVolume USdessert-spoonlong-one-nominative{0} dessert spoon {0} guciareto da dolse
5364UnitsVolume USdessert-spoonlong-other-nominative{0} dessert spoons {0} guciareti da dolse
5365UnitsVolume USdessert-spoonshort-one-nominative= {0} dsp
5366UnitsVolume USdessert-spoonshort-other-nominative= {0} dsp
5367UnitsVolume USdessert-spoonnarrow-one-nominative= {0}dsp
5368UnitsVolume USdessert-spoonnarrow-other-nominative= {0}dsp
5369UnitsVolume USdroplong-displayNamedrops jose
5370UnitsVolume USdropshort-displayNamedrops js
5371UnitsVolume USdropnarrow-displayNamedr js
5372UnitsVolume USdroplong-one-nominative{0} drop {0} josa
5373UnitsVolume USdroplong-other-nominative{0} drops {0} jose
5374UnitsVolume USdropshort-one-nominative{0} dr {0} js
5375UnitsVolume USdropshort-other-nominative{0} drdrops {0} js
5376UnitsVolume USdropnarrow-one-nominative{0}dr {0}js
5377UnitsVolume USdropnarrow-other-nominative{0}dr {0}js
5378UnitsVolume USdramlong-displayNamedrams dracme lìcuide
5379UnitsVolume USdramshort-displayNamedrams fl dr
5380UnitsVolume USdramnarrow-displayNamefl.dr. fl dr
5381UnitsVolume USdramlong-one-nominative{0} dram {0} dracma lìcuida
5382UnitsVolume USdramlong-other-nominative{0} drams {0} dracme lìcuide
5383UnitsVolume USdramshort-one-nominative{0} dram {0} fl dr
5384UnitsVolume USdramshort-other-nominative{0} drams {0} fl dr
5385UnitsVolume USdramnarrow-one-nominative{0}fl.dr. {0}fl dr
5386UnitsVolume USdramnarrow-other-nominative{0}fl.dr. {0}fl dr
5387UnitsVolume USjiggerlong-displayNamejiggers mezureti
5388UnitsVolume USjiggershort-displayNamejiggers mzr
5389UnitsVolume USjiggernarrow-displayNamejigger mzr
5390UnitsVolume USjiggerlong-one-nominative{0} jigger {0} mezureto
5391UnitsVolume USjiggerlong-other-nominative{0} jiggers {0} mezureti
5392UnitsVolume USjiggershort-one-nominative{0} jigger {0} mzr
5393UnitsVolume USjiggershort-other-nominative{0} jiggers {0} mzr
5394UnitsVolume USjiggernarrow-one-nominative{0}jigger {0}mzr
5395UnitsVolume USjiggernarrow-other-nominative{0}jigger {0}mzr
5396UnitsVolume USpinchlong-displayNamepinches spìseghi
5397UnitsVolume USpinchshort-displayNamepinches sps
5398UnitsVolume USpinchnarrow-displayNamepn sps
5399UnitsVolume USpinchlong-one-nominative{0} pinch {0} spìsego
5400UnitsVolume USpinchlong-other-nominative{0} pinches {0} spìseghi
5401UnitsVolume USpinchshort-one-nominative{0} pn {0} sps
5402UnitsVolume USpinchshort-other-nominative{0} pn {0} sps
5403UnitsVolume USpinchnarrow-one-nominative{0}pn {0}sps
5404UnitsVolume USpinchnarrow-other-nominative{0}pn {0}sps
5405UnitsVolume Othergallon-imperiallong-displayNameImp. gallons galoni inperiali
5406UnitsVolume Othergallon-imperialshort-displayNameImp. gal gal inp
5407UnitsVolume Othergallon-imperialnarrow-displayNameImp gal gal inp
5408UnitsVolume Othergallon-imperiallong-per{0} per Imp. gallon {0} par galon inperiale
5409UnitsVolume Othergallon-imperialshort-per{0}/galImp {0}/gal inp
5410UnitsVolume Othergallon-imperialnarrow-per{0}/galIm {0}/gal inp
5411UnitsVolume Othergallon-imperiallong-one-nominative{0} Imp. gallon {0} galon inperiale
5412UnitsVolume Othergallon-imperiallong-other-nominative{0} Imp. gallons {0} galoni inperiali
5413UnitsVolume Othergallon-imperialshort-one-nominative{0} gal Imp. {0} gal inp
5414UnitsVolume Othergallon-imperialshort-other-nominative{0} gal Imp. {0} gal inp
5415UnitsVolume Othergallon-imperialnarrow-one-nominative{0}galIm {0}gal inp
5416UnitsVolume Othergallon-imperialnarrow-other-nominative{0}galIm {0}gal inp
5417UnitsVolume Otherfluid-ounce-imperiallong-displayNameImp. fluid ounces onse lìcuide inperiali
5418UnitsVolume Otherfluid-ounce-imperialshort-displayNameImp. fl oz fl oz inp
5419UnitsVolume Otherfluid-ounce-imperialnarrow-displayNameImp fl oz fl oz inp
5420UnitsVolume Otherfluid-ounce-imperiallong-one-nominative{0} Imp. fluid ounce {0} onsa lìcuida inperiale
5421UnitsVolume Otherfluid-ounce-imperiallong-other-nominative{0} Imp. fluid ounces {0} onse lìcuide inperiali
5422UnitsVolume Otherfluid-ounce-imperialshort-one-nominative{0} fl oz Imp. {0} fl oz inp
5423UnitsVolume Otherfluid-ounce-imperialshort-other-nominative{0} fl oz Imp. {0} fl oz inp
5424UnitsVolume Otherfluid-ounce-imperialnarrow-one-nominative{0}fl oz Im {0}fl oz inp
5425UnitsVolume Otherfluid-ounce-imperialnarrow-other-nominative{0}fl oz Im {0}fl oz inp
5426UnitsVolume Otherdessert-spoon-imperiallong-displayNameImp. dessert spoons guciareti da dolse inperiali
5427UnitsVolume Otherdessert-spoon-imperialshort-displayNameImp. dessert spoons dsp inp
5428UnitsVolume Otherdessert-spoon-imperialnarrow-displayNamedsp Imp dsp inp
5429UnitsVolume Otherdessert-spoon-imperiallong-one-nominative{0} Imp. dessert spoon {0} guciareto da dolse inperiale
5430UnitsVolume Otherdessert-spoon-imperiallong-other-nominative{0} Imp. dessert spoons {0} guciareti da dolse inperiali
5431UnitsVolume Otherdessert-spoon-imperialshort-one-nominative{0} dsp-Imp. {0} dsp inp
5432UnitsVolume Otherdessert-spoon-imperialshort-other-nominative{0} dsp-Imp. {0} dsp inp
5433UnitsVolume Otherdessert-spoon-imperialnarrow-one-nominative{0}dsp-Imp {0}dsp inp
5434UnitsVolume Otherdessert-spoon-imperialnarrow-other-nominative{0}dsp-Imp {0}dsp inp
5435UnitsVolume Otherquart-imperiallong-displayNameImp. quarts cuarti inperiali
5436UnitsVolume Otherquart-imperialshort-displayNameImp. quarts qt inp
5437UnitsVolume Otherquart-imperialnarrow-displayNameqt Imp qt inp
5438UnitsVolume Otherquart-imperiallong-one-nominative{0} Imp. quart {0} cuarto inperiale
5439UnitsVolume Otherquart-imperiallong-other-nominative{0} Imp. quarts {0} cuarti inperiali
5440UnitsVolume Otherquart-imperialshort-one-nominative{0} qt-Imp. {0} qt inp
5441UnitsVolume Otherquart-imperialshort-other-nominative{0} qt-Imp. {0} qt inp
5442UnitsVolume Otherquart-imperialnarrow-one-nominative{0}qt-Imp. {0}qt inp
5443UnitsVolume Otherquart-imperialnarrow-other-nominative{0}qt-Imp. {0}qt inp
5444UnitsSpeed and Accelerationg-forcelong-displayNameg-force forsa g
5445UnitsSpeed and Accelerationg-forceshort-displayNameg-force fg
5446UnitsSpeed and Accelerationg-forcenarrow-displayNameg-force fg
5447UnitsSpeed and Accelerationg-forcelong-one-nominative{0} g-force {0} de forsa g
5448UnitsSpeed and Accelerationg-forcelong-other-nominative{0} g-force {0} de forsa g
5449UnitsSpeed and Accelerationg-forceshort-one-nominative{0} G {0} fg
5450UnitsSpeed and Accelerationg-forceshort-other-nominative{0} G {0} fg
5451UnitsSpeed and Accelerationg-forcenarrow-one-nominative{0}G {0}fg
5452UnitsSpeed and Accelerationg-forcenarrow-other-nominative{0}Gs {0}fg
5453UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-square-secondlong-displayNamemeters per second squared metri par segondo cuadrài
5454UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-square-secondshort-displayNamemeters/sec² m/s²
5455UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-square-secondlong-one-nominative{0} meter per second squared {0} metro par segondo cuadrà
5456UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-square-secondlong-other-nominative{0} meters per second squared {0} metri par segondo cuadrài
5457UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-square-secondshort-other-nominative= {0} m/s²
5458UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-square-secondnarrow-one-nominative= {0}m/s²
5459UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-square-secondnarrow-other-nominative= {0}m/s²
5460UnitsSpeed and Accelerationkilometer-per-hourlong-displayNamekilometers per hour kilòmetri par ora
5461UnitsSpeed and Accelerationkilometer-per-hourshort-displayNamekm/hour km/h
5462UnitsSpeed and Accelerationkilometer-per-hourlong-one-nominative{0} kilometer per hour {0} kilòmetro par ora
5463UnitsSpeed and Accelerationkilometer-per-hourlong-other-nominative{0} kilometers per hour {0} kilòmetri par ora
5464UnitsSpeed and Accelerationkilometer-per-hourshort-other-nominative= {0} km/h
5465UnitsSpeed and Accelerationkilometer-per-hournarrow-one-nominative= {0}km/h
5466UnitsSpeed and Accelerationkilometer-per-hournarrow-other-nominative= {0}km/h
5467UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-secondlong-displayNamemeters per second metri par segondo
5468UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-secondshort-displayNamemeters/sec m/s
5469UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-secondlong-one-nominative{0} meter per second {0} metro par segondo
5470UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-secondlong-other-nominative{0} meters per second {0} metri par segondo
5471UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-secondshort-other-nominative= {0} m/s
5472UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-secondnarrow-one-nominative= {0}m/s
5473UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-secondnarrow-other-nominative= {0}m/s
5474UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmile-per-hourlong-displayNamemiles per hour miji par ora
5475UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmile-per-hourshort-displayNamemiles/hour mi/h
5476UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmile-per-hourlong-one-nominative{0} mile per hour {0} mijo par ora
5477UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmile-per-hourlong-other-nominative{0} miles per hour {0} miji par ora
5478UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmile-per-hourshort-other-nominative{0} mph {0} mi/h
5479UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmile-per-hournarrow-one-nominative{0}mph {0}mi/h
5480UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmile-per-hournarrow-other-nominative{0}mph {0}mi/h
5481UnitsSpeed and Accelerationknotlong-displayNameknots gropi
5482UnitsSpeed and Accelerationknotshort-displayName= kn
5483UnitsSpeed and Accelerationknotlong-one-nominative{0} knot {0} gropo
5484UnitsSpeed and Accelerationknotlong-other-nominative{0} knots {0} gropi
5485UnitsSpeed and Accelerationknotshort-other-nominative= {0} kn
5486UnitsSpeed and Accelerationknotnarrow-one-nominative= {0}kn
5487UnitsSpeed and Accelerationknotnarrow-other-nominative= {0}kn
5488UnitsSpeed and Accelerationbeaufortshort-displayName= Bft
5489UnitsSpeed and Accelerationbeaufortshort-other-nominative= B {0}
5490UnitsSpeed and Accelerationlight-speedshort-displayName= light
5491UnitsSpeed and Accelerationlight-speedshort-other-nominative= {0} light
5492UnitsMass and Weighttonnelong-displayNamemetric tons tonelàe
5493UnitsMass and Weighttonneshort-displayName= t
5494UnitsMass and Weighttonnelong-one-nominative{0} metric ton {0} tonelada
5495UnitsMass and Weighttonnelong-other-nominative{0} metric tons {0} tonelàe
5496UnitsMass and Weighttonneshort-other-nominative= {0} t
5497UnitsMass and Weighttonnenarrow-one-nominative= {0}t
5498UnitsMass and Weighttonnenarrow-other-nominative= {0}t
5499UnitsMass and Weightkilogramlong-displayNamekilograms kilogrami
5500UnitsMass and Weightkilogramshort-displayName= kg
5501UnitsMass and Weightkilogramlong-per{0} per kilogram {0} par kilogramo
5502UnitsMass and Weightkilogramshort-per= {0}/kg
5503UnitsMass and Weightkilogramlong-one-nominative{0} kilogram {0} kilogramo
5504UnitsMass and Weightkilogramlong-other-nominative{0} kilograms {0} kilogrami
5505UnitsMass and Weightkilogramshort-other-nominative= {0} kg
5506UnitsMass and Weightkilogramnarrow-one-nominative= {0}kg
5507UnitsMass and Weightkilogramnarrow-other-nominative= {0}kg
5508UnitsMass and Weightgramlong-displayNamegrams grami
5509UnitsMass and Weightgramshort-displayNamegrams g
5510UnitsMass and Weightgramnarrow-displayNamegram g
5511UnitsMass and Weightgramlong-per{0} per gram {0} par gramo
5512UnitsMass and Weightgramshort-per= {0}/g
5513UnitsMass and Weightgramlong-one-nominative{0} gram {0} gramo
5514UnitsMass and Weightgramlong-other-nominative{0} grams {0} grami
5515UnitsMass and Weightgramshort-other-nominative= {0} g
5516UnitsMass and Weightgramnarrow-one-nominative= {0}g
5517UnitsMass and Weightgramnarrow-other-nominative= {0}g
5518UnitsMass and Weightmilligramlong-displayNamemilligrams miligrami
5519UnitsMass and Weightmilligramshort-displayName= mg
5520UnitsMass and Weightmilligramlong-one-nominative{0} milligram {0} miligramo
5521UnitsMass and Weightmilligramlong-other-nominative{0} milligrams {0} miligrami
5522UnitsMass and Weightmilligramshort-other-nominative= {0} mg
5523UnitsMass and Weightmilligramnarrow-one-nominative= {0}mg
5524UnitsMass and Weightmilligramnarrow-other-nominative= {0}mg
5525UnitsMass and Weightmicrogramlong-displayNamemicrograms microgrami
5526UnitsMass and Weightmicrogramshort-displayName= μg
5527UnitsMass and Weightmicrogramlong-one-nominative{0} microgram {0} microgramo
5528UnitsMass and Weightmicrogramlong-other-nominative{0} micrograms {0} microgrami
5529UnitsMass and Weightmicrogramshort-other-nominative= {0} μg
5530UnitsMass and Weightmicrogramnarrow-one-nominative= {0}μg
5531UnitsMass and Weightmicrogramnarrow-other-nominative= {0}μg
5532UnitsMass and Weighttonlong-displayNametons tonelàe curte
5533UnitsMass and Weighttonshort-displayNametons tc
5534UnitsMass and Weighttonnarrow-displayNameton tc
5535UnitsMass and Weighttonlong-one-nominative{0} ton {0} tonelada curta
5536UnitsMass and Weighttonlong-other-nominative{0} tons {0} tonelàe curte
5537UnitsMass and Weighttonshort-one-nominative{0} tn {0} tc
5538UnitsMass and Weighttonshort-other-nominative{0} tn {0} tc
5539UnitsMass and Weighttonnarrow-one-nominative{0}tn {0}tc
5540UnitsMass and Weighttonnarrow-other-nominative{0}tn {0}tc
5541UnitsMass and Weightstonelong-displayNamestones stone
5542UnitsMass and Weightstoneshort-displayNamestones st
5543UnitsMass and Weightstonelong-one-nominative= {0} stone
5544UnitsMass and Weightstonelong-other-nominative{0} stones {0} stone
5545UnitsMass and Weightstoneshort-other-nominative= {0} st
5546UnitsMass and Weightstonenarrow-one-nominative= {0}st
5547UnitsMass and Weightstonenarrow-other-nominative= {0}st
5548UnitsMass and Weightpoundlong-displayNamepounds libre
5549UnitsMass and Weightpoundshort-displayNamepounds lb
5550UnitsMass and Weightpoundlong-per{0} per pound {0} par libra
5551UnitsMass and Weightpoundshort-per= {0}/lb
5552UnitsMass and Weightpoundlong-one-nominative{0} pound {0} libra
5553UnitsMass and Weightpoundlong-other-nominative{0} pounds {0} libre
5554UnitsMass and Weightpoundshort-other-nominative= {0} lb
5555UnitsMass and Weightpoundnarrow-one-nominative{0}# {0}lb
5556UnitsMass and Weightpoundnarrow-other-nominative{0}# {0}lb
5557UnitsMass and Weightouncelong-displayNameounces onse
5558UnitsMass and Weightounceshort-displayName= oz
5559UnitsMass and Weightouncelong-per{0} per ounce {0} par onsa
5560UnitsMass and Weightounceshort-per= {0}/oz
5561UnitsMass and Weightouncelong-one-nominative{0} ounce {0} onsa
5562UnitsMass and Weightouncelong-other-nominative{0} ounces {0} onse
5563UnitsMass and Weightounceshort-other-nominative= {0} oz
5564UnitsMass and Weightouncenarrow-one-nominative= {0}oz
5565UnitsMass and Weightouncenarrow-other-nominative= {0}oz
5566UnitsMass and Weightounce-troylong-displayNametroy ounces onse troy
5567UnitsMass and Weightounce-troyshort-displayNameoz troy oz t
5568UnitsMass and Weightounce-troylong-one-nominative{0} troy ounce {0} onsa troy
5569UnitsMass and Weightounce-troylong-other-nominative{0} troy ounces {0} onse troy
5570UnitsMass and Weightounce-troyshort-other-nominative= {0} oz t
5571UnitsMass and Weightounce-troynarrow-one-nominative= {0}oz t
5572UnitsMass and Weightounce-troynarrow-other-nominative= {0}oz t
5573UnitsMass and Weightcaratlong-displayNamecarats karati
5574UnitsMass and Weightcaratshort-displayNamecarats kt
5575UnitsMass and Weightcaratnarrow-displayNamecarat kt
5576UnitsMass and Weightcaratlong-one-nominative{0} carat {0} karato
5577UnitsMass and Weightcaratlong-other-nominative{0} carats {0} karati
5578UnitsMass and Weightcaratshort-one-nominative{0} CD {0} kt
5579UnitsMass and Weightcaratshort-other-nominative{0} CD {0} kt
5580UnitsMass and Weightcaratnarrow-one-nominative{0}CD {0}kt
5581UnitsMass and Weightcaratnarrow-other-nominative{0}CD {0}kt
5582UnitsMass and Weightdaltonlong-displayNamedaltons dalton
5583UnitsMass and Weightdaltonshort-displayNamedaltons Da
5584UnitsMass and Weightdaltonlong-one-nominative= {0} dalton
5585UnitsMass and Weightdaltonlong-other-nominative{0} daltons {0} dalton
5586UnitsMass and Weightdaltonshort-other-nominative= {0} Da
5587UnitsMass and Weightdaltonnarrow-one-nominative= {0}Da
5588UnitsMass and Weightdaltonnarrow-other-nominative= {0}Da
5589UnitsMass and Weightearth-masslong-displayNameEarth masses mase terestri
5590UnitsMass and Weightearth-massshort-displayNameEarth masses M⊕
5591UnitsMass and Weightearth-masslong-one-nominative{0} Earth mass {0} masa terestre
5592UnitsMass and Weightearth-masslong-other-nominative{0} Earth masses {0} mase terestri
5593UnitsMass and Weightearth-massshort-other-nominative= {0} M⊕
5594UnitsMass and Weightearth-massnarrow-one-nominative= {0}M⊕
5595UnitsMass and Weightearth-massnarrow-other-nominative= {0}M⊕
5596UnitsMass and Weightsolar-masslong-displayNamesolar masses mase solari
5597UnitsMass and Weightsolar-massshort-displayNamesolar masses M☉
5598UnitsMass and Weightsolar-masslong-one-nominative{0} solar mass {0} masa solar
5599UnitsMass and Weightsolar-masslong-other-nominative{0} solar masses {0} mase solari
5600UnitsMass and Weightsolar-massshort-other-nominative= {0} M☉
5601UnitsMass and Weightsolar-massnarrow-one-nominative= {0}M☉
5602UnitsMass and Weightsolar-massnarrow-other-nominative= {0}M☉
5603UnitsMass and Weightgrainlong-displayNamegrains grani
5604UnitsMass and Weightgrainshort-displayNamegrains gr
5605UnitsMass and Weightgrainnarrow-displayName= gr
5606UnitsMass and Weightgrainlong-one-nominative{0} grain {0} gran
5607UnitsMass and Weightgrainlong-other-nominative{0} grains {0} grani
5608UnitsMass and Weightgrainshort-one-nominative= {0} gr
5609UnitsMass and Weightgrainshort-other-nominative= {0} gr
5610UnitsMass and Weightgrainnarrow-one-nominative= {0}gr
5611UnitsMass and Weightgrainnarrow-other-nominative= {0}gr
5612UnitsEnergy and Powerkilocalorielong-displayNamekilocalories kilocalorìe
5613UnitsEnergy and Powerkilocalorieshort-displayName= kcal
5614UnitsEnergy and Powerkilocalorielong-one-nominative{0} kilocalorie {0} kilocalorìa
5615UnitsEnergy and Powerkilocalorielong-other-nominative{0} kilocalories {0} kilocalorìe
5616UnitsEnergy and Powerkilocalorieshort-other-nominative= {0} kcal
5617UnitsEnergy and Powerkilocalorienarrow-one-nominative= {0}kcal
5618UnitsEnergy and Powerkilocalorienarrow-other-nominative= {0}kcal
5619UnitsEnergy and Powercalorielong-displayNamecalories calorìe
5620UnitsEnergy and Powercalorieshort-displayName= cal
5621UnitsEnergy and Powercalorielong-one-nominative{0} calorie {0} calorìa
5622UnitsEnergy and Powercalorielong-other-nominative{0} calories {0} calorìe
5623UnitsEnergy and Powercalorieshort-other-nominative= {0} cal
5624UnitsEnergy and Powercalorienarrow-one-nominative= {0}cal
5625UnitsEnergy and Powercalorienarrow-other-nominative= {0}cal
5626UnitsEnergy and Powerkilojoulelong-displayNamekilojoules kilojoule
5627UnitsEnergy and Powerkilojouleshort-displayNamekilojoule kJ
5628UnitsEnergy and Powerkilojoulelong-one-nominative= {0} kilojoule
5629UnitsEnergy and Powerkilojoulelong-other-nominative{0} kilojoules {0} kilojoule
5630UnitsEnergy and Powerkilojouleshort-other-nominative= {0} kJ
5631UnitsEnergy and Powerkilojoulenarrow-one-nominative= {0}kJ
5632UnitsEnergy and Powerkilojoulenarrow-other-nominative= {0}kJ
5633UnitsEnergy and Powerjouleshort-displayNamejoules J
5634UnitsEnergy and Powerjoulenarrow-displayNamejoule J
5635UnitsEnergy and Powerjoulelong-one-nominative= {0} joule
5636UnitsEnergy and Powerjoulelong-other-nominative{0} joules {0} joule
5637UnitsEnergy and Powerjouleshort-other-nominative= {0} J
5638UnitsEnergy and Powerjoulenarrow-one-nominative= {0}J
5639UnitsEnergy and Powerjoulenarrow-other-nominative= {0}J
5640UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowatt-hourlong-displayNamekilowatt-hours kilowattora
5641UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowatt-hourshort-displayNamekW-hour kWh
5642UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowatt-hourlong-one-nominative{0} kilowatt hour {0} kilowattora
5643UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowatt-hourlong-other-nominative{0} kilowatt-hours {0} kilowattora
5644UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowatt-hourshort-other-nominative= {0} kWh
5645UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowatt-hournarrow-one-nominative= {0}kWh
5646UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowatt-hournarrow-other-nominative= {0}kWh
5647UnitsEnergy and Powerelectronvoltlong-displayNameelectronvolts eletronvolt
5648UnitsEnergy and Powerelectronvoltshort-displayNameelectronvolt eV
5649UnitsEnergy and Powerelectronvoltlong-one-nominative{0} electronvolt {0} eletronvolt
5650UnitsEnergy and Powerelectronvoltlong-other-nominative{0} electronvolts {0} eletronvolt
5651UnitsEnergy and Powerelectronvoltshort-other-nominative= {0} eV
5652UnitsEnergy and Powerelectronvoltnarrow-one-nominative= {0}eV
5653UnitsEnergy and Powerelectronvoltnarrow-other-nominative= {0}eV
5654UnitsEnergy and Powerbritish-thermal-unitlong-displayNameBritish thermal units unidà tèrmeghe britàneghe
5655UnitsEnergy and Powerbritish-thermal-unitshort-displayName= BTU
5656UnitsEnergy and Powerbritish-thermal-unitnarrow-displayName= BTU
5657UnitsEnergy and Powerbritish-thermal-unitlong-one-nominative{0} British thermal unit {0} unidà tèrmega britànega
5658UnitsEnergy and Powerbritish-thermal-unitlong-other-nominative{0} British thermal units {0} unidà tèrmeghe britàneghe
5659UnitsEnergy and Powerbritish-thermal-unitshort-one-nominative{0} Btu {0} BTU
5660UnitsEnergy and Powerbritish-thermal-unitshort-other-nominative{0} Btu {0} BTU
5661UnitsEnergy and Powerbritish-thermal-unitnarrow-one-nominative{0}Btu {0}BTU
5662UnitsEnergy and Powerbritish-thermal-unitnarrow-other-nominative{0}Btu {0}BTU
5663UnitsEnergy and Powertherm-uslong-displayNameUS therms unidà tèrmeghe de i Stadi Unìi
5664UnitsEnergy and Powertherm-usshort-displayNameUS therm thm
5665UnitsEnergy and Powertherm-usnarrow-displayNameUS therm thm
5666UnitsEnergy and Powertherm-uslong-one-nominative{0} US therm {0} unidà tèrmega de i Stadi Unìi
5667UnitsEnergy and Powertherm-uslong-other-nominative{0} US therms {0} unidà tèrmeghe de i Stadi Unìi
5668UnitsEnergy and Powertherm-usshort-one-nominative{0} US therm {0} thm
5669UnitsEnergy and Powertherm-usshort-other-nominative{0} US therms {0} thm
5670UnitsEnergy and Powertherm-usnarrow-one-nominative{0}US therm {0}thm
5671UnitsEnergy and Powertherm-usnarrow-other-nominative{0}US therms {0}thm
5672UnitsEnergy and Powergigawattlong-displayNamegigawatts gigawatt
5673UnitsEnergy and Powergigawattshort-displayName= GW
5674UnitsEnergy and Powergigawattlong-one-nominative= {0} gigawatt
5675UnitsEnergy and Powergigawattlong-other-nominative{0} gigawatts {0} gigawatt
5676UnitsEnergy and Powergigawattshort-other-nominative= {0} GW
5677UnitsEnergy and Powergigawattnarrow-one-nominative= {0}GW
5678UnitsEnergy and Powergigawattnarrow-other-nominative= {0}GW
5679UnitsEnergy and Powermegawattlong-displayNamemegawatts megawatt
5680UnitsEnergy and Powermegawattshort-displayName= MW
5681UnitsEnergy and Powermegawattlong-one-nominative= {0} megawatt
5682UnitsEnergy and Powermegawattlong-other-nominative{0} megawatts {0} megawatt
5683UnitsEnergy and Powermegawattshort-other-nominative= {0} MW
5684UnitsEnergy and Powermegawattnarrow-one-nominative= {0}MW
5685UnitsEnergy and Powermegawattnarrow-other-nominative= {0}MW
5686UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowattlong-displayNamekilowatts kilowatt
5687UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowattshort-displayName= kW
5688UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowattlong-one-nominative= {0} kilowatt
5689UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowattlong-other-nominative{0} kilowatts {0} kilowatt
5690UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowattshort-other-nominative= {0} kW
5691UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowattnarrow-one-nominative= {0}kW
5692UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowattnarrow-other-nominative= {0}kW
5693UnitsEnergy and Powerwattshort-displayNamewatts W
5694UnitsEnergy and Powerwattnarrow-displayNamewatt W
5695UnitsEnergy and Powerwattlong-one-nominative= {0} watt
5696UnitsEnergy and Powerwattlong-other-nominative{0} watts {0} watt
5697UnitsEnergy and Powerwattshort-other-nominative= {0} W
5698UnitsEnergy and Powerwattnarrow-one-nominative= {0}W
5699UnitsEnergy and Powerwattnarrow-other-nominative= {0}W
5700UnitsEnergy and Powermilliwattlong-displayNamemilliwatts miliwatt
5701UnitsEnergy and Powermilliwattshort-displayName= mW
5702UnitsEnergy and Powermilliwattlong-one-nominative{0} milliwatt {0} miliwatt
5703UnitsEnergy and Powermilliwattlong-other-nominative{0} milliwatts {0} miliwatt
5704UnitsEnergy and Powermilliwattshort-other-nominative= {0} mW
5705UnitsEnergy and Powermilliwattnarrow-one-nominative= {0}mW
5706UnitsEnergy and Powermilliwattnarrow-other-nominative= {0}mW
5707UnitsEnergy and Powerhorsepowerlong-displayNamehorsepower cavali vapor
5708UnitsEnergy and Powerhorsepowershort-displayName= hp
5709UnitsEnergy and Powerhorsepowerlong-one-nominative{0} horsepower {0} cavalo vapor
5710UnitsEnergy and Powerhorsepowerlong-other-nominative{0} horsepower {0} cavali vapor
5711UnitsEnergy and Powerhorsepowershort-other-nominative= {0} hp
5712UnitsEnergy and Powerhorsepowernarrow-one-nominative= {0}hp
5713UnitsEnergy and Powerhorsepowernarrow-other-nominative= {0}hp
5714UnitsElectrical and Frequencyamperelong-displayNameamperes ampere
5715UnitsElectrical and Frequencyampereshort-displayNameamps A
5716UnitsElectrical and Frequencyamperenarrow-displayNameamp A
5717UnitsElectrical and Frequencyamperelong-one-nominative= {0} ampere
5718UnitsElectrical and Frequencyamperelong-other-nominative{0} amperes {0} ampere
5719UnitsElectrical and Frequencyampereshort-other-nominative= {0} A
5720UnitsElectrical and Frequencyamperenarrow-one-nominative= {0}A
5721UnitsElectrical and Frequencyamperenarrow-other-nominative= {0}A
5722UnitsElectrical and Frequencymilliamperelong-displayNamemilliamperes miliampere
5723UnitsElectrical and Frequencymilliampereshort-displayNamemilliamps mA
5724UnitsElectrical and Frequencymilliamperelong-one-nominative{0} milliampere {0} miliampere
5725UnitsElectrical and Frequencymilliamperelong-other-nominative{0} milliamperes {0} miliampere
5726UnitsElectrical and Frequencymilliampereshort-other-nominative= {0} mA
5727UnitsElectrical and Frequencymilliamperenarrow-one-nominative= {0}mA
5728UnitsElectrical and Frequencymilliamperenarrow-other-nominative= {0}mA
5729UnitsElectrical and Frequencyohmshort-displayNameohms Ω
5730UnitsElectrical and Frequencyohmnarrow-displayNameohm Ω
5731UnitsElectrical and Frequencyohmlong-one-nominative= {0} ohm
5732UnitsElectrical and Frequencyohmlong-other-nominative{0} ohms {0} ohm
5733UnitsElectrical and Frequencyohmshort-other-nominative= {0} Ω
5734UnitsElectrical and Frequencyohmnarrow-one-nominative= {0}Ω
5735UnitsElectrical and Frequencyohmnarrow-other-nominative= {0}Ω
5736UnitsElectrical and Frequencyvoltshort-displayNamevolts V
5737UnitsElectrical and Frequencyvoltnarrow-displayNamevolt V
5738UnitsElectrical and Frequencyvoltlong-one-nominative= {0} volt
5739UnitsElectrical and Frequencyvoltlong-other-nominative{0} volts {0} volt
5740UnitsElectrical and Frequencyvoltshort-other-nominative= {0} V
5741UnitsElectrical and Frequencyvoltnarrow-one-nominative= {0}V
5742UnitsElectrical and Frequencyvoltnarrow-other-nominative= {0}V
5743UnitsElectrical and Frequencygigahertzlong-displayName= gigahertz
5744UnitsElectrical and Frequencygigahertzshort-displayName= GHz
5745UnitsElectrical and Frequencygigahertzlong-one-nominative= {0} gigahertz
5746UnitsElectrical and Frequencygigahertzlong-other-nominative= {0} gigahertz
5747UnitsElectrical and Frequencygigahertzshort-other-nominative= {0} GHz
5748UnitsElectrical and Frequencygigahertznarrow-one-nominative= {0}GHz
5749UnitsElectrical and Frequencygigahertznarrow-other-nominative= {0}GHz
5750UnitsElectrical and Frequencymegahertzlong-displayName= megahertz
5751UnitsElectrical and Frequencymegahertzshort-displayName= MHz
5752UnitsElectrical and Frequencymegahertzlong-one-nominative= {0} megahertz
5753UnitsElectrical and Frequencymegahertzlong-other-nominative= {0} megahertz
5754UnitsElectrical and Frequencymegahertzshort-other-nominative= {0} MHz
5755UnitsElectrical and Frequencymegahertznarrow-one-nominative= {0}MHz
5756UnitsElectrical and Frequencymegahertznarrow-other-nominative= {0}MHz
5757UnitsElectrical and Frequencykilohertzlong-displayName= kilohertz
5758UnitsElectrical and Frequencykilohertzshort-displayName= kHz
5759UnitsElectrical and Frequencykilohertzlong-one-nominative= {0} kilohertz
5760UnitsElectrical and Frequencykilohertzlong-other-nominative= {0} kilohertz
5761UnitsElectrical and Frequencykilohertzshort-other-nominative= {0} kHz
5762UnitsElectrical and Frequencykilohertznarrow-one-nominative= {0}kHz
5763UnitsElectrical and Frequencykilohertznarrow-other-nominative= {0}kHz
5764UnitsElectrical and Frequencyhertzlong-displayName= hertz
5765UnitsElectrical and Frequencyhertzshort-displayName= Hz
5766UnitsElectrical and Frequencyhertzlong-one-nominative= {0} hertz
5767UnitsElectrical and Frequencyhertzlong-other-nominative= {0} hertz
5768UnitsElectrical and Frequencyhertzshort-other-nominative= {0} Hz
5769UnitsElectrical and Frequencyhertznarrow-one-nominative= {0}Hz
5770UnitsElectrical and Frequencyhertznarrow-other-nominative= {0}Hz
5771UnitsWeathermillimeter-ofhglong-displayNamemillimeters of mercury milìmetri de mercurio
5772UnitsWeathermillimeter-ofhgshort-displayName= mmHg
5773UnitsWeathermillimeter-ofhgnarrow-displayName= mmHg
5774UnitsWeathermillimeter-ofhglong-one-nominative{0} millimeter of mercury {0} milìmetro de mercurio
5775UnitsWeathermillimeter-ofhglong-other-nominative{0} millimeters of mercury {0} milìmetri de mercurio
5776UnitsWeathermillimeter-ofhgshort-one-nominative= {0} mmHg
5777UnitsWeathermillimeter-ofhgshort-other-nominative= {0} mmHg
5778UnitsWeathermillimeter-ofhgnarrow-one-nominative= {0}mmHg
5779UnitsWeathermillimeter-ofhgnarrow-other-nominative= {0}mmHg
5780UnitsWeatherpound-force-per-square-inchlong-displayNamepounds-force per square inch libre par dedon cuadrà
5781UnitsWeatherpound-force-per-square-inchshort-displayName= psi
5782UnitsWeatherpound-force-per-square-inchlong-one-nominative{0} pound-force per square inch {0} libra par dedon cuadrà
5783UnitsWeatherpound-force-per-square-inchlong-other-nominative{0} pounds-force per square inch {0} libre par dedon cuadrà
5784UnitsWeatherpound-force-per-square-inchshort-other-nominative= {0} psi
5785UnitsWeatherpound-force-per-square-inchnarrow-one-nominative= {0}psi
5786UnitsWeatherpound-force-per-square-inchnarrow-other-nominative= {0}psi
5787UnitsWeatherinch-ofhglong-displayNameinches of mercury dedoni de mercurio
5788UnitsWeatherinch-ofhgshort-displayName= inHg
5789UnitsWeatherinch-ofhglong-one-nominative{0} inch of mercury {0} dedon de mercurio
5790UnitsWeatherinch-ofhglong-other-nominative{0} inches of mercury {0} dedoni de mercurio
5791UnitsWeatherinch-ofhgshort-other-nominative= {0} inHg
5792UnitsWeatherinch-ofhgnarrow-one-nominative{0}″ Hg {0}inHg
5793UnitsWeatherinch-ofhgnarrow-other-nominative{0}″ Hg {0}inHg
5794UnitsWeatherbarshort-displayName= bar
5795UnitsWeatherbarshort-other-nominative= {0} bar
5796UnitsWeatherbarnarrow-one-nominative= {0}bar
5797UnitsWeatherbarnarrow-other-nominative= {0}bar
5798UnitsWeathermillibarlong-displayNamemillibars milibar
5799UnitsWeathermillibarshort-displayName= mbar
5800UnitsWeathermillibarlong-one-nominative{0} millibar {0} milibar
5801UnitsWeathermillibarlong-other-nominative{0} millibars {0} milibar
5802UnitsWeathermillibarshort-other-nominative= {0} mbar
5803UnitsWeathermillibarnarrow-one-nominative{0}mb {0}mbar
5804UnitsWeathermillibarnarrow-other-nominative{0}mb {0}mbar
5805UnitsWeatheratmospherelong-displayNameatmospheres atmosfere
5806UnitsWeatheratmosphereshort-displayName= atm
5807UnitsWeatheratmospherelong-one-nominative{0} atmosphere {0} atmosfera
5808UnitsWeatheratmospherelong-other-nominative{0} atmospheres {0} atmosfere
5809UnitsWeatheratmosphereshort-other-nominative= {0} atm
5810UnitsWeatheratmospherenarrow-one-nominative= {0}atm
5811UnitsWeatheratmospherenarrow-other-nominative= {0}atm
5812UnitsWeatherpascallong-displayNamepascals pascal
5813UnitsWeatherpascalshort-displayName= Pa
5814UnitsWeatherpascallong-one-nominative= {0} pascal
5815UnitsWeatherpascallong-other-nominative{0} pascals {0} pascal
5816UnitsWeatherpascalshort-other-nominative= {0} Pa
5817UnitsWeatherpascalnarrow-one-nominative= {0}Pa
5818UnitsWeatherpascalnarrow-other-nominative= {0}Pa
5819UnitsWeatherhectopascallong-displayNamehectopascals etopascal
5820UnitsWeatherhectopascalshort-displayName= hPa
5821UnitsWeatherhectopascallong-one-nominative{0} hectopascal {0} etopascal
5822UnitsWeatherhectopascallong-other-nominative{0} hectopascals {0} etopascal
5823UnitsWeatherhectopascalshort-other-nominative= {0} hPa
5824UnitsWeatherhectopascalnarrow-one-nominative= {0}hPa
5825UnitsWeatherhectopascalnarrow-other-nominative= {0}hPa
5826UnitsWeatherkilopascallong-displayNamekilopascals kilopascal
5827UnitsWeatherkilopascalshort-displayName= kPa
5828UnitsWeatherkilopascallong-one-nominative= {0} kilopascal
5829UnitsWeatherkilopascallong-other-nominative{0} kilopascals {0} kilopascal
5830UnitsWeatherkilopascalshort-other-nominative= {0} kPa
5831UnitsWeatherkilopascalnarrow-one-nominative= {0}kPa
5832UnitsWeatherkilopascalnarrow-other-nominative= {0}kPa
5833UnitsWeathermegapascallong-displayNamemegapascals megapascal
5834UnitsWeathermegapascalshort-displayName= MPa
5835UnitsWeathermegapascallong-one-nominative= {0} megapascal
5836UnitsWeathermegapascallong-other-nominative{0} megapascals {0} megapascal
5837UnitsWeathermegapascalshort-other-nominative= {0} MPa
5838UnitsWeathermegapascalnarrow-one-nominative= {0}MPa
5839UnitsWeathermegapascalnarrow-other-nominative= {0}MPa
5840UnitsWeathergenericshort-displayNamedeg. temp. °
5841UnitsWeathergenericshort-other-nominative= {0}°
5842UnitsWeathercelsiusshort-displayNamedeg. C °C
5843UnitsWeathercelsiusshort-other-nominative= {0}°C
5844UnitsWeatherfahrenheitshort-displayNamedeg. F °F
5845UnitsWeatherfahrenheitshort-other-nominative= {0}°F
5846UnitsWeatherkelvinshort-displayName= K
5847UnitsWeatherkelvinshort-other-nominative= {0} K
5848UnitsDigitalpetabyteshort-displayNamePByte PB
5849UnitsDigitalpetabyteshort-other-nominative= {0} PB
5850UnitsDigitalterabyteshort-displayNameTByte TB
5851UnitsDigitalterabyteshort-other-nominative= {0} TB
5852UnitsDigitalterabitshort-displayNameTbit Tb
5853UnitsDigitalterabitshort-other-nominative= {0} Tb
5854UnitsDigitalgigabyteshort-displayNameGByte GB
5855UnitsDigitalgigabyteshort-other-nominative= {0} GB
5856UnitsDigitalgigabitshort-displayNameGbit Gb
5857UnitsDigitalgigabitshort-other-nominative= {0} Gb
5858UnitsDigitalmegabyteshort-displayNameMByte MB
5859UnitsDigitalmegabyteshort-other-nominative= {0} MB
5860UnitsDigitalmegabitshort-displayNameMbit Mb
5861UnitsDigitalmegabitshort-other-nominative= {0} Mb
5862UnitsDigitalkilobyteshort-displayNamekByte kB
5863UnitsDigitalkilobyteshort-other-nominative= {0} kB
5864UnitsDigitalkilobitshort-displayNamekbit kb
5865UnitsDigitalkilobitshort-other-nominative= {0} kb
5866UnitsDigitalbyteshort-displayName= byte
5867UnitsDigitalbyteshort-other-nominative= {0} byte
5868UnitsDigitalbitshort-displayName= bit
5869UnitsDigitalbitshort-other-nominative= {0} bit
5870UnitsCoordinateseastlong{0} east {0} est
5871UnitsCoordinateseastshort{0} E {0}E
5872UnitsCoordinatesnorthlong{0} north {0} nord
5873UnitsCoordinatesnorthshort{0} N {0}N
5874UnitsCoordinatessouthlong{0} south {0} sud
5875UnitsCoordinatessouthshort{0} S {0}S
5876UnitsCoordinateswestlong{0} west {0} ovest
5877UnitsCoordinateswestshort{0} W {0}W
5878UnitsCoordinatesalllong-displayNamecardinal direction ponto cardinale
5879UnitsCoordinatesallshort-displayNamedirection ponto
5880UnitsOther Units Metricrevolutionshort-displayName= rev
5881UnitsOther Units Metricrevolutionshort-other-nominative= {0} rev
5882UnitsOther Units Metricradianshort-displayNameradians rad
5883UnitsOther Units Metricradianshort-other-nominative= {0} rad
5884UnitsOther Units Metricdegreeshort-displayNamedegrees deg
5885UnitsOther Units Metricdegreeshort-other-nominative{0} deg {0}°
5886UnitsOther Units Metricarc-minuteshort-displayNamearcmins arcmin
5887UnitsOther Units Metricarc-minuteshort-other-nominative{0} arcmins {0}′
5888UnitsOther Units Metricarc-secondshort-displayNamearcsecs arcsec
5889UnitsOther Units Metricarc-secondshort-other-nominative{0} arcsecs {0}″
5890UnitsOther Units Metrickaratshort-displayNamekarats kt
5891UnitsOther Units Metrickaratshort-other-nominative= {0} kt
5892UnitsOther Units Metricitemshort-displayName= item
5893UnitsOther Units Metricitemshort-other-nominative{0} items {0} item
5894UnitsOther Units Metricmoleshort-displayNamemole mol
5895UnitsOther Units Metricmoleshort-other-nominative= {0} mol
5896UnitsOther Units Metricnewtonshort-displayNamenewton N
5897UnitsOther Units Metricnewtonshort-other-nominative= {0} N
5898UnitsOther Units Metricluxshort-displayNamelux lx
5899UnitsOther Units Metricluxshort-other-nominative= {0} lx
5900UnitsOther Units Metriccandelashort-displayNamecandela cd
5901UnitsOther Units Metriccandelashort-other-nominative= {0} cd
5902UnitsOther Units Metriclumenshort-displayNamelumen lm
5903UnitsOther Units Metriclumenshort-other-nominative= {0} lm
5904UnitsOther Units Metricnewton-metershort-displayName= N⋅m
5905UnitsOther Units Metricnewton-metershort-other-nominative= {0} N⋅m
5906UnitsOther Units Metric Permilligram-ofglucose-per-decilitershort-displayName= mg/dL
5907UnitsOther Units Metric Permilligram-ofglucose-per-decilitershort-other-nominative= {0} mg/dL
5908UnitsOther Units Metric Permillimole-per-litershort-displayNamemillimol/liter mmol/L
5909UnitsOther Units Metric Permillimole-per-litershort-other-nominative= {0} mmol/L
5910UnitsOther Units Metric Perpermillionshort-displayNameparts/million ppm
5911UnitsOther Units Metric Perpermillionshort-other-nominative= {0} ppm
5912UnitsOther Units Metric Perpercentshort-displayNamepercent %
5913UnitsOther Units Metric Perpercentshort-other-nominative= {0}%
5914UnitsOther Units Metric Perpermilleshort-displayNamepermille
5915UnitsOther Units Metric Perpermilleshort-other-nominative= {0}‰
5916UnitsOther Units Metric Perpermyriadshort-displayNamepermyriad
5917UnitsOther Units Metric Perpermyriadshort-other-nominative= {0}‱
5918UnitsOther Units Metric Perliter-per-kilometershort-displayNameliters/km L/km
5919UnitsOther Units Metric Perliter-per-kilometershort-other-nominative= {0} L/km
5920UnitsOther Units Metric Perliter-per-100-kilometershort-displayNameL/100 km L/100km
5921UnitsOther Units Metric Perliter-per-100-kilometershort-other-nominative{0} L/100 km {0} L/100km
5922UnitsOther Units Metric Perkilowatt-hour-per-100-kilometershort-displayName= kWh/100km
5923UnitsOther Units Metric Perkilowatt-hour-per-100-kilometershort-other-nominative= {0} kWh/100km
5924UnitsOther Units Metric Perportion-per-1e9short-displayNameparts/billion ppb
5925UnitsOther Units Metric Perportion-per-1e9short-other-nominative= {0} ppb
5926UnitsOther Units USmile-per-gallonshort-displayNamemiles/gal mpg US
5927UnitsOther Units USmile-per-gallonshort-other-nominative{0} mpg {0} mpg US
5928UnitsOther Units USpound-forceshort-displayNamepound-force lbf
5929UnitsOther Units USpound-forceshort-other-nominative= {0} lbf
5930UnitsOther Units USpound-force-footshort-displayName= lbf⋅ft
5931UnitsOther Units USpound-force-footshort-other-nominative= {0} lbf⋅ft
5932UnitsOther Unitsmile-per-gallon-imperialshort-displayNamemiles/gal Imp. mpg Imp.
5933UnitsOther Unitsmile-per-gallon-imperialshort-other-nominative= {0} mpg Imp.
5934UnitsOther Unitssolar-luminosityshort-displayNamesolar luminosities L☉
5935UnitsOther Unitssolar-luminosityshort-other-nominative= {0} L☉
5936UnitsCompound Units10p-1longdeci{0} dezi{0}
5937UnitsCompound Units10p-1short= d{0}
5938UnitsCompound Units10p-2longcenti{0} senti{0}
5939UnitsCompound Units10p-2short= c{0}
5940UnitsCompound Units10p-3longmilli{0} mili{0}
5941UnitsCompound Units10p-3short= m{0}
5942UnitsCompound Units10p-6long= micro{0}
5943UnitsCompound Units10p-6short= μ{0}
5944UnitsCompound Units10p-9long= nano{0}
5945UnitsCompound Units10p-9short= n{0}
5946UnitsCompound Units10p-12long= pico{0}
5947UnitsCompound Units10p-12short= p{0}
5948UnitsCompound Units10p-15long= femto{0}
5949UnitsCompound Units10p-15short= f{0}
5950UnitsCompound Units10p-18longatto{0} ato{0}
5951UnitsCompound Units10p-18short= a{0}
5952UnitsCompound Units10p-21long= zepto{0}
5953UnitsCompound Units10p-21short= z{0}
5954UnitsCompound Units10p-24longyocto{0} jocto{0}
5955UnitsCompound Units10p-24short= y{0}
5956UnitsCompound Units10p-27long= ronto{0}
5957UnitsCompound Units10p-27short= r{0}
5958UnitsCompound Units10p-30longquecto{0} cuecto{0}
5959UnitsCompound Units10p-30short= q{0}
5960UnitsCompound Units10p1longdeka{0} deca{0}
5961UnitsCompound Units10p1short= da{0}
5962UnitsCompound Units10p2longhecto{0} eto{0}
5963UnitsCompound Units10p2short= h{0}
5964UnitsCompound Units10p3long= kilo{0}
5965UnitsCompound Units10p3short= k{0}
5966UnitsCompound Units10p6long= mega{0}
5967UnitsCompound Units10p6short= M{0}
5968UnitsCompound Units10p9long= giga{0}
5969UnitsCompound Units10p9short= G{0}
5970UnitsCompound Units10p12long= tera{0}
5971UnitsCompound Units10p12short= T{0}
5972UnitsCompound Units10p15long= peta{0}
5973UnitsCompound Units10p15short= P{0}
5974UnitsCompound Units10p18long= exa{0}
5975UnitsCompound Units10p18short= E{0}
5976UnitsCompound Units10p21longzetta{0} zeta{0}
5977UnitsCompound Units10p21short= Z{0}
5978UnitsCompound Units10p24longyotta{0} jota{0}
5979UnitsCompound Units10p24short= Y{0}
5980UnitsCompound Units10p27longronna{0} rona{0}
5981UnitsCompound Units10p27short= R{0}
5982UnitsCompound Units10p30longquetta{0} cueta{0}
5983UnitsCompound Units10p30short= Q{0}
5984UnitsCompound Units1024p1long= kibi{0}
5985UnitsCompound Units1024p1short= Ki{0}
5986UnitsCompound Units1024p2long= mebi{0}
5987UnitsCompound Units1024p2short= Mi{0}
5988UnitsCompound Units1024p3long= gibi{0}
5989UnitsCompound Units1024p3short= Gi{0}
5990UnitsCompound Units1024p4long= tebi{0}
5991UnitsCompound Units1024p4short= Ti{0}
5992UnitsCompound Units1024p5long= pebi{0}
5993UnitsCompound Units1024p5short= Pi{0}
5994UnitsCompound Units1024p6long= exbi{0}
5995UnitsCompound Units1024p6short= Ei{0}
5996UnitsCompound Units1024p7long= zebi{0}
5997UnitsCompound Units1024p7short= Zi{0}
5998UnitsCompound Units1024p8longyobi{0} jobi{0}
5999UnitsCompound Units1024p8short= Yi{0}
6000UnitsCompound Unitsperlong{0} per {1} {0} par {1}
6001UnitsCompound Unitspershort= {0}/{1}
6002UnitsCompound Unitspower2short-other-nominative-dgender= {0}²
6003UnitsCompound Unitspower3short-other-nominative-dgender= {0}³
6004UnitsCompound Unitstimeslong{0}-{1} {0}–{1}
6005UnitsCompound Unitstimesshort= {0}⋅{1}
6006CharactersCategoryPatternstrokes-other= {0} strokes
6007CharactersCategoryPatternall= {0} — all
6008CharactersCategoryPatterncategory-list= {0}: {1}
6009CharactersCategoryPatterncompatibility= {0} — compatibility
6010CharactersCategoryPatternenclosed= {0} — enclosed
6011CharactersCategoryPatternextended= {0} — extended
6012CharactersCategoryPatternfacing-left= {0} facing left
6013CharactersCategoryPatternfacing-right= {0} facing right
6014CharactersCategoryPatternhistoric= {0} — historic
6015CharactersCategoryPatternmiscellaneous= {0} — miscellaneous
6016CharactersCategoryPatternother= {0} — other
6017CharactersCategoryPatternscripts= scripts — {0}
6018CharactersCategoryPatternsubscript= subscript {0}
6019CharactersCategoryPatternsuperscript= superscript {0}
6020CharactersCategoryLabelactivities= activity
6021CharactersCategoryLabelafrican_scripts= African script
6022CharactersCategoryLabelamerican_scripts= American script
6023CharactersCategoryLabelanimal= animal
6024CharactersCategoryLabelanimals_nature= animal or nature
6025CharactersCategoryLabelarrows= arrow
6026CharactersCategoryLabelbody= body
6027CharactersCategoryLabelbox_drawing= box drawing
6028CharactersCategoryLabelbraille= braille
6029CharactersCategoryLabelbuilding= building
6030CharactersCategoryLabelbullets_stars= bullet or star
6031CharactersCategoryLabelconsonantal_jamo= consonantal jamo
6032CharactersCategoryLabelcurrency_symbols= currency symbol
6033CharactersCategoryLabeldash_connector= dash or connector
6034CharactersCategoryLabeldigits= digit
6035CharactersCategoryLabeldingbats= dingbat
6036CharactersCategoryLabeldivination_symbols= divination symbol
6037CharactersCategoryLabeldownwards_arrows= downwards arrow
6038CharactersCategoryLabeldownwards_upwards_arrows= downwards upwards arrow
6039CharactersCategoryLabeleast_asian_scripts= East Asian script
6040CharactersCategoryLabelemoji= emoji
6041CharactersCategoryLabeleuropean_scripts= European script
6042CharactersCategoryLabelfemale= female
6043CharactersCategoryLabelflag= flag
6044CharactersCategoryLabelflags= flags
6045CharactersCategoryLabelfood_drink= food & drink
6046CharactersCategoryLabelformat= format
6047CharactersCategoryLabelformat_whitespace= format & whitespace
6048CharactersCategoryLabelfull_width_form_variant= full-width variant
6049CharactersCategoryLabelgeometric_shapes= geometric shape
6050CharactersCategoryLabelhalf_width_form_variant= half-width variant
6051CharactersCategoryLabelhan_characters= Han character
6052CharactersCategoryLabelhan_radicals= Han radical
6053CharactersCategoryLabelhanja= hanja
6054CharactersCategoryLabelhanzi_simplified= Hanzi (simplified)
6055CharactersCategoryLabelhanzi_traditional= Hanzi (traditional)
6056CharactersCategoryLabelheart= heart
6057CharactersCategoryLabelhistoric_scripts= historic script
6058CharactersCategoryLabelideographic_desc_characters= ideographic desc. character
6059CharactersCategoryLabeljapanese_kana= Japanese kana
6060CharactersCategoryLabelkanbun= kanbun
6061CharactersCategoryLabelkanji= kanji
6062CharactersCategoryLabelkeycap= keycap
6063CharactersCategoryLabelleftwards_arrows= leftwards arrow
6064CharactersCategoryLabelleftwards_rightwards_arrows= leftwards rightwards arrow
6065CharactersCategoryLabelletterlike_symbols= letterlike symbol
6066CharactersCategoryLabellimited_use= limited-use
6067CharactersCategoryLabelmale= male
6068CharactersCategoryLabelmath_symbols= math symbol
6069CharactersCategoryLabelmiddle_eastern_scripts= Middle Eastern script
6070CharactersCategoryLabelmiscellaneous= miscellaneous
6071CharactersCategoryLabelmodern_scripts= modern script
6072CharactersCategoryLabelmodifier= modifier
6073CharactersCategoryLabelmusical_symbols= musical symbol
6074CharactersCategoryLabelnature= nature
6075CharactersCategoryLabelnonspacing= nonspacing
6076CharactersCategoryLabelnumbers= numbers
6077CharactersCategoryLabelobjects= object
6078CharactersCategoryLabelother= other
6079CharactersCategoryLabelpaired= paired
6080CharactersCategoryLabelperson= person
6081CharactersCategoryLabelphonetic_alphabet= phonetic alphabet
6082CharactersCategoryLabelpictographs= pictograph
6083CharactersCategoryLabelplace= place
6084CharactersCategoryLabelplant= plant
6085CharactersCategoryLabelpunctuation= punctuation
6086CharactersCategoryLabelrightwards_arrows= rightwards arrow
6087CharactersCategoryLabelsign_standard_symbols= sign or symbol
6088CharactersCategoryLabelsmall_form_variant= small variants
6089CharactersCategoryLabelsmiley= smiley
6090CharactersCategoryLabelsmileys_people= smiley or person
6091CharactersCategoryLabelsouth_asian_scripts= South Asian script
6092CharactersCategoryLabelsoutheast_asian_scripts= Southeast Asian script
6093CharactersCategoryLabelspacing= spacing
6094CharactersCategoryLabelsport= sport
6095CharactersCategoryLabelsymbols= symbol
6096CharactersCategoryLabeltechnical_symbols= technical symbol
6097CharactersCategoryLabeltone_marks= tone mark
6098CharactersCategoryLabeltravel= travel
6099CharactersCategoryLabeltravel_places= travel or place
6100CharactersCategoryLabelupwards_arrows= upwards arrows
6101CharactersCategoryLabelvariant_forms= variant
6102CharactersCategoryLabelvocalic_jamo= vocalic jamo
6103CharactersCategoryLabelweather= weather
6104CharactersCategoryLabelwestern_asian_scripts= Western Asian script
6105CharactersCategoryLabelwhitespace= whitespace
6106CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😀 -namegrinning face E10-836
6107CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😀 –keywordscheerful | cheery | face | grin | grinning | happy | laugh | nice | smile | smiling | teeth E10-836
6108CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😃 -namegrinning face with big eyes E10-839
6109CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😃 –keywordsawesome | big | eyes | face | grin | grinning | happy | mouth | open | smile | smiling | teeth | yay E10-839
6110CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😄 -namegrinning face with smiling eyes E10-840
6111CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😄 –keywordseye | eyes | face | grin | grinning | happy | laugh | lol | mouth | open | smile | smiling E10-840
6112CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😁 -namebeaming face with smiling eyes E10-837
6113CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😁 –keywordsbeaming | eye | eyes | face | grin | grinning | happy | nice | smile | smiling | teeth E10-837
6114CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😆 -namegrinning squinting face E10-842
6115CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😆 –keywordsclosed | eyes | face | grinning | haha | hahaha | happy | laugh | lol | mouth | open | rofl | smile | smiling | squinting E10-842
6116CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😅 -namegrinning face with sweat E10-841
6117CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😅 –keywordscold | dejected | excited | face | grinning | mouth | nervous | open | smile | smiling | stress | stressed | sweat E10-841
6118CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling🤣 -namerolling on the floor laughing E10-1029
6119CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling🤣 –keywordscrying | face | floor | funny | haha | happy | hehe | hilarious | joy | laugh | lmao | lol | rofl | roflmao | rolling | tear E10-1029
6120CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😂 -nameface with tears of joy E10-838
6121CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😂 –keywordscrying | face | feels | funny | haha | happy | hehe | hilarious | joy | laugh | lmao | lol | rofl | roflmao | tear E10-838
6122CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling🙂 -nameslightly smiling face E10-902
6123CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling🙂 –keywordsface | happy | slightly | smile | smiling E10-902
6124CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling🙃 -nameupside-down face E10-903
6125CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling🙃 –keywordsface | hehe | smile | upside-down E10-903
6126CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling🫠 -namemelting face E14-001
6127CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling🫠 –keywordsdisappear | dissolve | embarrassed | face | haha | heat | hot | liquid | lol | melt | melting | sarcasm | sarcastic E14-001
6128CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😉 -namewinking face E10-845
6129CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😉 –keywordsface | flirt | heartbreaker | sexy | slide | tease | wink | winking | winks E10-845
6130CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😊 -namesmiling face with smiling eyes E10-846
6131CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😊 –keywordsblush | eye | eyes | face | glad | satisfied | smile | smiling E10-846
6132CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😇 -namesmiling face with halo E10-843
6133CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😇 –keywordsangel | angelic | angels | blessed | face | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | halo | happy | innocent | peaceful | smile | smiling | spirit | tale E10-843
6134CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection🥰 -namesmiling face with hearts E11-012
6135CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection🥰 –keywords3 | adore | crush | face | heart | hearts | ily | love | romance | smile | smiling | you E11-012
6136CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection😍 -namesmiling face with heart-eyes E10-849
6137CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection😍 –keywords143 | bae | eye | face | feels | heart-eyes | hearts | ily | kisses | love | romance | romantic | smile | xoxo E10-849
6138CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection🤩 -namestar-struck E10-1035
6139CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection🤩 –keywordsexcited | eyes | face | grinning | smile | star | star-struck | starry-eyed | wow E10-1035
6140CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection😘 -nameface blowing a kiss E10-860
6141CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection😘 –keywordsadorbs | bae | blowing | face | flirt | heart | ily | kiss | love | lover | miss | muah | romantic | smooch | xoxo | you E10-860
6142CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection😗 -namekissing face E10-859
6143CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection😗 –keywords143 | date | dating | face | flirt | ily | kiss | love | smooch | smooches | xoxo | you E10-859
6144CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection☺ -namesmiling face E10-061
6145CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection☺ –keywordsface | happy | outlined | relaxed | smile | smiling E10-061
6146CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection😚 -namekissing face with closed eyes E10-862
6147CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection😚 –keywords143 | bae | blush | closed | date | dating | eye | eyes | face | flirt | ily | kisses | kissing | smooches | xoxo E10-862
6148CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection😙 -namekissing face with smiling eyes E10-861
6149CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection😙 –keywords143 | closed | date | dating | eye | eyes | face | flirt | ily | kiss | kisses | kissing | love | night | smile | smiling E10-861
6150CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection🥲 -namesmiling face with tear E13-001
6151CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection🥲 –keywordsface | glad | grateful | happy | joy | pain | proud | relieved | smile | smiley | smiling | tear | touched E13-001
6152CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-tongue😋 -nameface savoring food E10-847
6153CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-tongue😋 –keywordsdelicious | eat | face | food | full | hungry | savor | smile | smiling | tasty | um | yum | yummy E10-847
6154CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-tongue😛 -nameface with tongue E10-863
6155CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-tongue😛 –keywordsawesome | cool | face | nice | party | stuck-out | sweet | tongue E10-863
6156CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-tongue😜 -namewinking face with tongue E10-864
6157CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-tongue😜 –keywordscrazy | epic | eye | face | funny | joke | loopy | nutty | party | stuck-out | tongue | wacky | weirdo | wink | winking | yolo E10-864
6158CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-tongue🤪 -namezany face E10-1036
6159CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-tongue🤪 –keywordscrazy | eye | eyes | face | goofy | large | small | zany E10-1036
6160CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-tongue😝 -namesquinting face with tongue E10-865
6161CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-tongue😝 –keywordsclosed | eye | eyes | face | gross | horrible | omg | squinting | stuck-out | taste | tongue | whatever | yolo E10-865
6162CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-tongue🤑 -namemoney-mouth face E10-1011
6163CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-tongue🤑 –keywordsface | money | money-mouth | mouth | paid E10-1011
6164CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hand🤗 -namesmiling face with open hands E10-1017
6165CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hand🤗 –keywordsface | hands | hug | hugging | open | smiling E10-1017
6166CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hand🤭 -nameface with hand over mouth E10-1039
6167CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hand🤭 –keywordsface | giggle | giggling | hand | mouth | oops | realization | secret | shock | sudden | surprise | whoops E10-1039
6168CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hand🫢 -nameface with open eyes and hand over mouth E14-002
6169CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hand🫢 –keywordsamazement | awe | disbelief | embarrass | eyes | face | gasp | hand | mouth | omg | open | over | quiet | scared | shock | surprise E14-002
6170CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hand🫣 -nameface with peeking eye E14-003
6171CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hand🫣 –keywordscaptivated | embarrass | eye | face | hide | hiding | peek | peeking | peep | scared | shy | stare E14-003
6172CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hand🤫 -nameshushing face E10-1037
6173CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hand🤫 –keywordsface | quiet | shh | shush | shushing E10-1037
6174CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hand🤔 -namethinking face E10-1014
6175CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hand🤔 –keywordschin | consider | face | hmm | ponder | pondering | thinking | wondering E10-1014
6176CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hand🫡 -namesaluting face E14-004
6177CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hand🫡 –keywordsface | good | luck | ma’am | OK | respect | salute | saluting | sir | troops | yes E14-004
6178CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical🤐 -namezipper-mouth face E10-1010
6179CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical🤐 –keywordsface | keep | mouth | quiet | secret | shut | zip | zipper | zipper-mouth E10-1010
6180CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical🤨 -nameface with raised eyebrow E10-1034
6181CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical🤨 –keywordsdisapproval | disbelief | distrust | emoji | eyebrow | face | hmm | mild | raised | skeptic | skeptical | skepticism | surprise | what E10-1034
6182CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😐 -nameneutral face E10-852
6183CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😐 –keywordsawkward | blank | deadpan | expressionless | face | fine | jealous | meh | neutral | oh | shade | straight | unamused | unhappy | unimpressed | whatever E10-852
6184CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😑 -nameexpressionless face E10-853
6185CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😑 –keywordsawkward | dead | expressionless | face | fine | inexpressive | jealous | meh | not | oh | omg | straight | uh | unhappy | unimpressed | whatever E10-853
6186CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😶 -nameface without mouth E10-890
6187CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😶 –keywordsawkward | blank | expressionless | face | mouth | mouthless | mute | quiet | secret | silence | silent | speechless E10-890
6188CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical🫥 -namedotted line face E14-005
6189CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical🫥 –keywordsdepressed | disappear | dotted | face | hidden | hide | introvert | invisible | line | meh | whatever | wtv E14-005
6190CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😶‍🌫 -nameface in clouds E13.1-007
6191CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😶‍🌫 –keywordsabsentminded | clouds | face | fog | head E13.1-007
6192CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😏 -namesmirking face E10-851
6193CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😏 –keywordsboss | dapper | face | flirt | homie | kidding | leer | shade | slick | sly | smirk | smug | snicker | suave | suspicious | swag E10-851
6194CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😒 -nameunamused face E10-854
6195CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😒 –keywords... | bored | face | fine | jealous | jel | jelly | pissed | smh | ugh | uhh | unamused | unhappy | weird | whatever E10-854
6196CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical🙄 -nameface with rolling eyes E10-904
6197CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical🙄 –keywordseyeroll | eyes | face | rolling | shade | ugh | whatever E10-904
6198CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😬 -namegrimacing face E10-880
6199CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😬 –keywordsawk | awkward | dentist | face | grimace | grimacing | grinning | smile | smiling E10-880
6200CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😮‍💨 -nameface exhaling E13.1-001
6201CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😮‍💨 –keywordsblow | blowing | exhale | exhaling | exhausted | face | gasp | groan | relief | sigh | smiley | smoke | whisper | whistle E13.1-001
6202CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical🤥 -namelying face E10-1031
6203CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical🤥 –keywordsface | liar | lie | lying | pinocchio E10-1031
6204CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical🫨 -nameshaking face E15-001
6205CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical🫨 –keywordscrazy | daze | earthquake | face | omg | panic | shaking | shock | surprise | vibrate | whoa | wow E15-001
6206CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical🙂‍↔ -namehead shaking horizontally E15.1-001
6207CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical🙂‍↔ –keywordshead | horizontally | no | shake | shaking E15.1-001
6208CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical🙂‍↕ -namehead shaking vertically E15.1-002
6209CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical🙂‍↕ –keywordshead | nod | shaking | vertically | yes E15.1-002
6210CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-sleepy😌 -namerelieved face E10-848
6211CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-sleepy😌 –keywordscalm | face | peace | relief | relieved | zen E10-848
6212CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-sleepy😔 -namepensive face E10-856
6213CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-sleepy😔 –keywordsawful | bored | dejected | died | disappointed | face | losing | lost | pensive | sad | sucks E10-856
6214CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-sleepy😪 -namesleepy face E10-878
6215CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-sleepy😪 –keywordscrying | face | good | night | sad | sleep | sleeping | sleepy | tired E10-878
6216CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-sleepy🤤 -namedrooling face E10-1030
6217CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-sleepy🤤 –keywordsdrooling | face E10-1030
6218CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-sleepy😴 -namesleeping face E10-888
6219CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-sleepy😴 –keywordsbed | bedtime | face | good | goodnight | nap | night | sleep | sleeping | tired | whatever | yawn | zzz E10-888
6220CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-sleepy🫩 -nameface with bags under eyes E16-007
6221CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-sleepy🫩 –keywordsbags | bored | exhausted | eyes | face | fatigued | late | sleepy | tired | weary E16-007
6222CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell😷 -nameface with medical mask E10-891
6223CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell😷 –keywordscold | dentist | dermatologist | doctor | dr | face | germs | mask | medical | medicine | sick E10-891
6224CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🤒 -nameface with thermometer E10-1012
6225CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🤒 –keywordsface | ill | sick | thermometer E10-1012
6226CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🤕 -nameface with head-bandage E10-1015
6227CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🤕 –keywordsbandage | face | head-bandage | hurt | injury | ouch E10-1015
6228CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🤢 -namenauseated face E10-1028
6229CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🤢 –keywordsface | gross | nasty | nauseated | sick | vomit E10-1028
6230CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🤮 -nameface vomiting E10-1040
6231CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🤮 –keywordsbarf | ew | face | gross | puke | sick | spew | throw | up | vomit | vomiting E10-1040
6232CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🤧 -namesneezing face E10-1033
6233CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🤧 –keywordsface | fever | flu | gesundheit | sick | sneeze | sneezing E10-1033
6234CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🥵 -namehot face E11-015
6235CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🥵 –keywordsdying | face | feverish | heat | hot | panting | red-faced | stroke | sweating | tongue E11-015
6236CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🥶 -namecold face E11-016
6237CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🥶 –keywordsblue | blue-faced | cold | face | freezing | frostbite | icicles | subzero | teeth E11-016
6238CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🥴 -namewoozy face E11-014
6239CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🥴 –keywordsdizzy | drunk | eyes | face | intoxicated | mouth | tipsy | uneven | wavy | woozy E11-014
6240CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell😵 -nameface with crossed-out eyes E10-889
6241CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell😵 –keywordscrossed-out | dead | dizzy | eyes | face | feels | knocked | out | sick | tired E10-889
6242CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell😵‍💫 -nameface with spiral eyes E13.1-002
6243CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell😵‍💫 –keywordsconfused | dizzy | eyes | face | hypnotized | omg | smiley | spiral | trouble | whoa | woah | woozy E13.1-002
6244CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🤯 -nameexploding head E10-1041
6245CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🤯 –keywordsblown | explode | exploding | head | mind | mindblown | no | shocked | way E10-1041
6246CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hat🤠 -namecowboy hat face E10-1026
6247CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hat🤠 –keywordscowboy | cowgirl | face | hat E10-1026
6248CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hat🥳 -namepartying face E11-013
6249CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hat🥳 –keywordsbday | birthday | celebrate | celebration | excited | face | happy | hat | hooray | horn | party | partying E11-013
6250CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hat🥸 -namedisguised face E13-003
6251CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hat🥸 –keywordsdisguise | eyebrow | face | glasses | incognito | moustache | mustache | nose | person | spy | tache | tash E13-003
6252CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-glasses😎 -namesmiling face with sunglasses E10-850
6253CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-glasses😎 –keywordsawesome | beach | bright | bro | chilling | cool | face | rad | relaxed | shades | slay | smile | style | sunglasses | swag | win E10-850
6254CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-glasses🤓 -namenerd face E10-1013
6255CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-glasses🤓 –keywordsbrainy | clever | expert | face | geek | gifted | glasses | intelligent | nerd | smart E10-1013
6256CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-glasses🧐 -nameface with monocle E10-1121
6257CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-glasses🧐 –keywordsclassy | face | fancy | monocle | rich | stuffy | wealthy E10-1121
6258CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😕 -nameconfused face E10-857
6259CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😕 –keywordsbefuddled | confused | confusing | dunno | face | frown | hm | meh | not | sad | sorry | sure E10-857
6260CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned🫤 -nameface with diagonal mouth E14-006
6261CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned🫤 –keywordsconfused | confusion | diagonal | disappointed | doubt | doubtful | face | frustrated | frustration | meh | mouth | skeptical | unsure | whatever | wtv E14-006
6262CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😟 -nameworried face E10-867
6263CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😟 –keywordsanxious | butterflies | face | nerves | nervous | sad | stress | stressed | surprised | worried | worry E10-867
6264CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned🙁 -nameslightly frowning face E10-901
6265CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned🙁 –keywordsface | frown | frowning | sad | slightly E10-901
6266CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned☹ -namefrowning face E10-060
6267CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned☹ –keywordsface | frown | frowning | sad E10-060
6268CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😮 -nameface with open mouth E10-882
6269CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😮 –keywordsbelieve | face | forgot | mouth | omg | open | shocked | surprised | sympathy | unbelievable | unreal | whoa | wow | you E10-882
6270CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😯 -namehushed face E10-883
6271CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😯 –keywordsepic | face | hushed | omg | stunned | surprised | whoa | woah E10-883
6272CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😲 -nameastonished face E10-886
6273CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😲 –keywordsastonished | cost | face | no | omg | shocked | totally | way E10-886
6274CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😳 -nameflushed face E10-887
6275CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😳 –keywordsamazed | awkward | crazy | dazed | dead | disbelief | embarrassed | face | flushed | geez | heat | hot | impressed | jeez | what | wow E10-887
6276CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned🥺 -namepleading face E11-017
6277CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned🥺 –keywordsbegging | big | eyes | face | mercy | not | pleading | please | pretty | puppy | sad | why E11-017
6278CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned🥹 -nameface holding back tears E14-007
6279CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned🥹 –keywordsadmiration | aww | back | cry | embarrassed | face | feelings | grateful | gratitude | holding | joy | please | proud | resist | sad | tears E14-007
6280CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😦 -namefrowning face with open mouth E10-874
6281CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😦 –keywordscaught | face | frown | frowning | guard | mouth | open | scared | scary | surprise | what | wow E10-874
6282CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😧 -nameanguished face E10-875
6283CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😧 –keywordsanguished | face | forgot | scared | scary | stressed | surprise | unhappy | what | wow E10-875
6284CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😨 -namefearful face E10-876
6285CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😨 –keywordsafraid | anxious | blame | face | fear | fearful | scared | worried E10-876
6286CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😰 -nameanxious face with sweat E10-884
6287CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😰 –keywordsanxious | blue | cold | eek | face | mouth | nervous | open | rushed | scared | sweat | yikes E10-884
6288CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😥 -namesad but relieved face E10-873
6289CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😥 –keywordsanxious | call | close | complicated | disappointed | face | not | relieved | sad | sweat | time | whew E10-873
6290CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😢 -namecrying face E10-870
6291CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😢 –keywordsawful | cry | crying | face | feels | miss | sad | tear | triste | unhappy E10-870
6292CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😭 -nameloudly crying face E10-881
6293CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😭 –keywordsbawling | cry | crying | face | loudly | sad | sob | tear | tears | unhappy E10-881
6294CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😱 -nameface screaming in fear E10-885
6295CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😱 –keywordsepic | face | fear | fearful | munch | scared | scream | screamer | screaming | shocked | surprised | woah E10-885
6296CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😖 -nameconfounded face E10-858
6297CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😖 –keywordsannoyed | confounded | confused | cringe | distraught | face | feels | frustrated | mad | sad E10-858
6298CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😣 -namepersevering face E10-871
6299CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😣 –keywordsconcentrate | concentration | face | focus | headache | persevere | persevering E10-871
6300CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😞 -namedisappointed face E10-866
6301CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😞 –keywordsawful | blame | dejected | disappointed | face | fail | losing | sad | unhappy E10-866
6302CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😓 -namedowncast face with sweat E10-855
6303CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😓 –keywordsclose | cold | downcast | face | feels | headache | nervous | sad | scared | sweat | yikes E10-855
6304CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😩 -nameweary face E10-877
6305CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😩 –keywordscrying | face | fail | feels | hungry | mad | nooo | sad | sleepy | tired | unhappy | weary E10-877
6306CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😫 -nametired face E10-879
6307CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😫 –keywordscost | face | feels | nap | sad | sneeze | tired E10-879
6308CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned🥱 -nameyawning face E12–026
6309CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned🥱 –keywordsbedtime | bored | face | goodnight | nap | night | sleep | sleepy | tired | whatever | yawn | yawning | zzz E12–026
6310CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative😤 -nameface with steam from nose E10-872
6311CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative😤 –keywordsanger | angry | face | feels | fume | fuming | furious | fury | mad | nose | steam | triumph | unhappy | won E10-872
6312CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative😡 -nameenraged face E10-869
6313CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative😡 –keywordsanger | angry | enraged | face | feels | mad | maddening | pouting | rage | red | shade | unhappy | upset E10-869
6314CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative😠 -nameangry face E10-868
6315CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative😠 –keywordsanger | angry | blame | face | feels | frustrated | mad | maddening | rage | shade | unhappy | upset E10-868
6316CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative🤬 -nameface with symbols on mouth E10-1038
6317CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative🤬 –keywordscensor | cursing | cussing | face | mad | mouth | pissed | swearing | symbols E10-1038
6318CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative😈 -namesmiling face with horns E10-844
6319CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative😈 –keywordsdemon | devil | evil | face | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | horns | purple | shade | smile | smiling | tale E10-844
6320CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative👿 -nameangry face with horns E10-572
6321CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative👿 –keywordsangry | demon | devil | evil | face | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | horns | imp | mischievous | purple | shade | tale E10-572
6322CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative💀 -nameskull E10-573
6323CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative💀 –keywordsbody | dead | death | face | fairy | fairytale | i’m | lmao | monster | skull | tale | yolo E10-573
6324CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative☠ -nameskull and crossbones E10-052
6325CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative☠ –keywordsbone | crossbones | dead | death | face | monster | skull E10-052
6326CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume💩 -namepile of poo E10-614
6327CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume💩 –keywordsbs | comic | doo | dung | face | fml | monster | pile | poo | poop | smelly | smh | stink | stinks | stinky | turd E10-614
6328CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume🤡 -nameclown face E10-1027
6329CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume🤡 –keywordsclown | face E10-1027
6330CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume👹 -nameogre E10-566
6331CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume👹 –keywordscreature | devil | face | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | mask | monster | ogre | scary | tale E10-566
6332CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume👺 -namegoblin E10-567
6333CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume👺 –keywordsangry | creature | face | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | goblin | mask | mean | monster | tale E10-567
6334CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume👻 -nameghost E10-568
6335CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume👻 –keywordsboo | creature | excited | face | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | ghost | halloween | haunting | monster | scary | silly | tale E10-568
6336CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume👽 -namealien E10-570
6337CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume👽 –keywordsalien | creature | extraterrestrial | face | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | monster | space | tale | ufo E10-570
6338CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume👾 -namealien monster E10-571
6339CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume👾 –keywordsalien | creature | extraterrestrial | face | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | game | gamer | games | monster | pixelated | space | tale | ufo E10-571
6340CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume🤖 -namerobot E10-1016
6341CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume🤖 –keywordsface | monster | robot E10-1016
6342CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😺 -namegrinning cat E10-894
6343CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😺 –keywordsanimal | cat | face | grinning | mouth | open | smile | smiling E10-894
6344CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😸 -namegrinning cat with smiling eyes E10-892
6345CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😸 –keywordsanimal | cat | eye | eyes | face | grin | grinning | smile | smiling E10-892
6346CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😹 -namecat with tears of joy E10-893
6347CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😹 –keywordsanimal | cat | face | joy | laugh | laughing | lol | tear | tears E10-893
6348CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😻 -namesmiling cat with heart-eyes E10-895
6349CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😻 –keywordsanimal | cat | eye | face | heart | heart-eyes | love | smile | smiling E10-895
6350CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😼 -namecat with wry smile E10-896
6351CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😼 –keywordsanimal | cat | face | ironic | smile | wry E10-896
6352CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😽 -namekissing cat E10-897
6353CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😽 –keywordsanimal | cat | closed | eye | eyes | face | kiss | kissing E10-897
6354CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face🙀 -nameweary cat E10-900
6355CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face🙀 –keywordsanimal | cat | face | oh | surprised | weary E10-900
6356CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😿 -namecrying cat E10-899
6357CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😿 –keywordsanimal | cat | cry | crying | face | sad | tear E10-899
6358CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😾 -namepouting cat E10-898
6359CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😾 –keywordsanimal | cat | face | pouting E10-898
6360CharactersSmileys & Emotionmonkey-face🙈 -namesee-no-evil monkey E10-908
6361CharactersSmileys & Emotionmonkey-face🙈 –keywordsembarrassed | evil | face | forbidden | forgot | gesture | hide | monkey | no | omg | prohibited | scared | secret | smh | watch E10-908
6362CharactersSmileys & Emotionmonkey-face🙉 -namehear-no-evil monkey E10-909
6363CharactersSmileys & Emotionmonkey-face🙉 –keywordsanimal | ears | evil | face | forbidden | gesture | hear | listen | monkey | no | not | prohibited | secret | shh | tmi E10-909
6364CharactersSmileys & Emotionmonkey-face🙊 -namespeak-no-evil monkey E10-910
6365CharactersSmileys & Emotionmonkey-face🙊 –keywordsanimal | evil | face | forbidden | gesture | monkey | no | not | oops | prohibited | quiet | secret | speak | stealth E10-910
6366CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💌 -namelove letter E10-585
6367CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💌 –keywordsheart | letter | love | mail | romance | valentine E10-585
6368CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💘 -nameheart with arrow E10-597
6369CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💘 –keywords143 | adorbs | arrow | cupid | date | emotion | heart | ily | love | romance | valentine E10-597
6370CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💝 -nameheart with ribbon E10-602
6371CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💝 –keywords143 | anniversary | emotion | heart | ily | kisses | ribbon | valentine | xoxo E10-602
6372CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💖 -namesparkling heart E10-595
6373CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💖 –keywords143 | emotion | excited | good | heart | ily | kisses | morning | night | sparkle | sparkling | xoxo E10-595
6374CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💗 -namegrowing heart E10-596
6375CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💗 –keywords143 | emotion | excited | growing | heart | heartpulse | ily | kisses | muah | nervous | pulse | xoxo E10-596
6376CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💓 -namebeating heart E10-592
6377CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💓 –keywords143 | beating | cardio | emotion | heart | heartbeat | ily | love | pulsating | pulse E10-592
6378CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💞 -namerevolving hearts E10-603
6379CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💞 –keywords143 | adorbs | anniversary | emotion | heart | hearts | revolving E10-603
6380CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💕 -nametwo hearts E10-594
6381CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💕 –keywords143 | anniversary | date | dating | emotion | heart | hearts | ily | kisses | love | loving | two | xoxo E10-594
6382CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💟 -nameheart decoration E10-604
6383CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💟 –keywords143 | decoration | emotion | heart | hearth | purple | white E10-604
6384CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart❣ -nameheart exclamation E10-146
6385CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart❣ –keywordsexclamation | heart | heavy | mark | punctuation E10-146
6386CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💔 -namebroken heart E10-593
6387CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💔 –keywordsbreak | broken | crushed | emotion | heart | heartbroken | lonely | sad E10-593
6388CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart❤‍🔥 -nameheart on fire E13.1-003
6389CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart❤‍🔥 –keywordsburn | fire | heart | love | lust | sacred E13.1-003
6390CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart❤‍🩹 -namemending heart E13.1-004
6391CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart❤‍🩹 –keywordshealthier | heart | improving | mending | recovering | recuperating | well E13.1-004
6392CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart❤ -namered heart E10-147
6393CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart❤ –keywordsemotion | heart | love | red E10-147
6394CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart🩷 -namepink heart E15-004
6395CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart🩷 –keywords143 | adorable | cute | emotion | heart | ily | like | love | pink | special | sweet E15-004
6396CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart🧡 -nameorange heart E10-1138
6397CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart🧡 –keywords143 | heart | orange E10-1138
6398CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💛 -nameyellow heart E10-600
6399CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💛 –keywords143 | cardiac | emotion | heart | ily | love | yellow E10-600
6400CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💚 -namegreen heart E10-599
6401CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💚 –keywords143 | emotion | green | heart | ily | love | romantic E10-599
6402CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💙 -nameblue heart E10-598
6403CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💙 –keywords143 | blue | emotion | heart | ily | love | romance E10-598
6404CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart🩵 -namelight blue heart E15-002
6405CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart🩵 –keywords143 | blue | cute | cyan | emotion | heart | ily | light | like | love | sky | special | teal E15-002
6406CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💜 -namepurple heart E10-601
6407CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart💜 –keywords143 | bestest | emotion | heart | ily | love | purple E10-601
6408CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart🤎 -namebrown heart E12–023
6409CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart🤎 –keywords143 | brown | heart E12–023
6410CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart🖤 -nameblack heart E10-810
6411CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart🖤 –keywordsblack | evil | heart | wicked E10-810
6412CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart🩶 -namegrey heart E15-003
6413CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart🩶 –keywords143 | emotion | gray | grey | heart | ily | love | silver | slate | special E15-003
6414CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart🤍 -namewhite heart E12–022
6415CharactersSmileys & Emotionheart🤍 –keywords143 | heart | white E12–022
6416CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💋 -namekiss mark E10-584
6417CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💋 –keywordsdating | emotion | heart | kiss | kissing | lips | mark | romance | sexy E10-584
6418CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💯 -namehundred points E10-620
6419CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💯 –keywords100 | a+ | agree | clearly | definitely | faithful | fleek | full | hundred | keep | perfect | point | score | TRUE | truth | yup E10-620
6420CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💢 -nameanger symbol E10-607
6421CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💢 –keywordsanger | angry | comic | mad | symbol | upset E10-607
6422CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💥 -namecollision E10-610
6423CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💥 –keywordsbomb | boom | collide | collision | comic | explode E10-610
6424CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💫 -namedizzy E10-616
6425CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💫 –keywordscomic | dizzy | shining | shooting | star | stars E10-616
6426CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💦 -namesweat droplets E10-611
6427CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💦 –keywordscomic | drip | droplet | droplets | drops | splashing | squirt | sweat | water | wet | work | workout E10-611
6428CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💨 -namedashing away E10-613
6429CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💨 –keywordsaway | cloud | comic | dash | dashing | fart | fast | go | gone | gotta | running | smoke E10-613
6430CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion🕳 -namehole E10-794
6431CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion🕳 –keywordshole E10-794
6432CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💬 -namespeech balloon E10-617
6433CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💬 –keywordsballoon | bubble | comic | dialog | message | sms | speech | talk | text | typing E10-617
6434CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion👁‍🗨 -nameeye in speech bubble E10-1157
6435CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion👁‍🗨 –keywordsballoon | bubble | eye | speech | witness E10-1157
6436CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion🗨 -nameleft speech bubble E10-827
6437CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion🗨 –keywordsballoon | bubble | dialog | left | speech E10-827
6438CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion🗯 -nameright anger bubble E10-828
6439CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion🗯 –keywordsanger | angry | balloon | bubble | mad | right E10-828
6440CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💭 -namethought balloon E10-618
6441CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💭 –keywordsballoon | bubble | cartoon | cloud | comic | daydream | decisions | dream | idea | invent | invention | realize | think | thoughts | wonder E10-618
6442CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💤 -nameZZZ E10-609
6443CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💤 –keywordscomic | good | goodnight | night | sleep | sleeping | sleepy | tired | zzz E10-609
6444CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open👋 -namewaving hand E10-520
6445CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open👋 –keywordsbye | cya | g2g | greetings | gtg | hand | hello | hey | hi | later | outtie | ttfn | ttyl | wave | yo | you E10-520
6446CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open🤚 -nameraised back of hand E10-1020
6447CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open🤚 –keywordsback | backhand | hand | raised E10-1020
6448CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open🖐 -namehand with fingers splayed E10-807
6449CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open🖐 –keywordsfinger | fingers | hand | raised | splayed | stop E10-807
6450CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open✋ -nameraised hand E10-126
6451CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open✋ –keywords5 | five | hand | high | raised | stop E10-126
6452CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open🖖 -namevulcan salute E10-809
6453CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open🖖 –keywordsfinger | hand | hands | salute | Vulcan E10-809
6454CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open🫱 -namerightwards hand E14-008
6455CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open🫱 –keywordshand | handshake | hold | reach | right | rightward | rightwards | shake E14-008
6456CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open🫲 -nameleftwards hand E14-009
6457CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open🫲 –keywordshand | handshake | hold | left | leftward | leftwards | reach | shake E14-009
6458CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open🫳 -namepalm down hand E14-010
6459CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open🫳 –keywordsdismiss | down | drop | dropped | hand | palm | pick | shoo | up E14-010
6460CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open🫴 -namepalm up hand E14-011
6461CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open🫴 –keywordsbeckon | catch | come | hand | hold | know | lift | me | offer | palm | tell E14-011
6462CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open🫷 -nameleftwards pushing hand E15-005
6463CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open🫷 –keywordsblock | five | halt | hand | high | hold | leftward | leftwards | pause | push | pushing | refuse | slap | stop | wait E15-005
6464CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open🫸 -namerightwards pushing hand E15-006
6465CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open🫸 –keywordsblock | five | halt | hand | high | hold | pause | push | pushing | refuse | rightward | rightwards | slap | stop | wait E15-006
6466CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial👌 -nameOK hand E10-521
6467CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial👌 –keywordsawesome | bet | dope | fleek | fosho | got | gotcha | hand | legit | OK | okay | pinch | rad | sure | sweet | three E10-521
6468CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🤌 -namepinched fingers E13-004
6469CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🤌 –keywordsfingers | gesture | hand | hold | huh | interrogation | patience | pinched | relax | sarcastic | ugh | what | zip E13-004
6470CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🤏 -namepinching hand E12–024
6471CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🤏 –keywordsamount | bit | fingers | hand | little | pinching | small | sort E12–024
6472CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial✌ -namevictory hand E10-127
6473CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial✌ –keywordshand | peace | v | victory E10-127
6474CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🤞 -namecrossed fingers E10-1024
6475CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🤞 –keywordscross | crossed | finger | fingers | hand | luck E10-1024
6476CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🫰 -namehand with index finger and thumb crossed E14-012
6477CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🫰 –keywords<3 | crossed | expensive | finger | hand | heart | index | love | money | snap | thumb E14-012
6478CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🤟 -namelove-you gesture E10-1025
6479CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🤟 –keywordsfingers | gesture | hand | ILY | love | love-you | three | you E10-1025
6480CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🤘 -namesign of the horns E10-1018
6481CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🤘 –keywordsfinger | hand | horns | rock-on | sign E10-1018
6482CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🤙 -namecall me hand E10-1019
6483CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🤙 –keywordscall | hand | hang | loose | me | Shaka E10-1019
6484CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger👈 -namebackhand index pointing left E10-517
6485CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger👈 –keywordsbackhand | finger | hand | index | left | point | pointing E10-517
6486CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger👉 -namebackhand index pointing right E10-518
6487CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger👉 –keywordsbackhand | finger | hand | index | point | pointing | right E10-518
6488CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger👆 -namebackhand index pointing up E10-515
6489CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger👆 –keywordsbackhand | finger | hand | index | point | pointing | up E10-515
6490CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger🖕 -namemiddle finger E10-808
6491CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger🖕 –keywordsfinger | hand | middle E10-808
6492CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger👇 -namebackhand index pointing down E10-516
6493CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger👇 –keywordsbackhand | down | finger | hand | index | point | pointing E10-516
6494CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger☝ -nameindex pointing up E10-051
6495CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger☝ –keywordsfinger | hand | index | point | pointing | this | up E10-051
6496CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger🫵 -nameindex pointing at the viewer E14-013
6497CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger🫵 –keywordsat | finger | hand | index | pointing | poke | viewer | you E14-013
6498CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-closed👍 -namethumbs up E10-522
6499CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-closed👍 –keywords+1 | good | hand | like | thumb | up | yes E10-522
6500CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-closed👎 -namethumbs down E10-523
6501CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-closed👎 –keywords-1 | bad | dislike | down | good | hand | no | nope | thumb | thumbs E10-523
6502CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-closed✊ -nameraised fist E10-125
6503CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-closed✊ –keywordsclenched | fist | hand | punch | raised | solidarity E10-125
6504CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-closed👊 -nameoncoming fist E10-519
6505CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-closed👊 –keywordsabsolutely | agree | boom | bro | bruh | bump | clenched | correct | fist | hand | knuckle | oncoming | pound | punch | rock | ttyl E10-519
6506CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-closed🤛 -nameleft-facing fist E10-1021
6507CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-closed🤛 –keywordsfist | left-facing | leftwards E10-1021
6508CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-closed🤜 -nameright-facing fist E10-1022
6509CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-closed🤜 –keywordsfist | right-facing | rightwards E10-1022
6510CharactersPeople & Bodyhands👏 -nameclapping hands E10-524
6511CharactersPeople & Bodyhands👏 –keywordsapplause | approval | awesome | clap | congrats | congratulations | excited | good | great | hand | homie | job | nice | prayed | well | yay E10-524
6512CharactersPeople & Bodyhands🙌 -nameraising hands E10-912
6513CharactersPeople & Bodyhands🙌 –keywordscelebration | gesture | hand | hands | hooray | praise | raised | raising E10-912
6514CharactersPeople & Bodyhands🫶 -nameheart hands E14-014
6515CharactersPeople & Bodyhands🫶 –keywords<3 | hands | heart | love | you E14-014
6516CharactersPeople & Bodyhands👐 -nameopen hands E10-525
6517CharactersPeople & Bodyhands👐 –keywordshand | hands | hug | jazz | open | swerve E10-525
6518CharactersPeople & Bodyhands🤲 -namepalms up together E10-1044
6519CharactersPeople & Bodyhands🤲 –keywordscupped | dua | hands | palms | pray | prayer | together | up | wish E10-1044
6520CharactersPeople & Bodyhands🤝 -namehandshake E10-1023
6521CharactersPeople & Bodyhands🤝 –keywordsagreement | deal | hand | handshake | meeting | shake E10-1023
6522CharactersPeople & Bodyhands🙏 -namefolded hands E10-915
6523CharactersPeople & Bodyhands🙏 –keywordsappreciate | ask | beg | blessed | bow | cmon | five | folded | gesture | hand | high | please | pray | thanks | thx E10-915
6524CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-prop✍ -namewriting hand E10-128
6525CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-prop✍ –keywordshand | write | writing E10-128
6526CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-prop💅 -namenail polish E10-578
6527CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-prop💅 –keywordsbored | care | cosmetics | done | makeup | manicure | nail | polish | whatever E10-578
6528CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-prop🤳 -nameselfie E10-1045
6529CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-prop🤳 –keywordscamera | phone | selfie E10-1045
6530CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts💪 -nameflexed biceps E10-615
6531CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts💪 –keywordsarm | beast | bench | biceps | bodybuilder | bro | curls | flex | gains | gym | jacked | muscle | press | ripped | strong | weightlift E10-615
6532CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦾 -namemechanical arm E12–040
6533CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦾 –keywordsaccessibility | arm | mechanical | prosthetic E12–040
6534CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦿 -namemechanical leg E12–041
6535CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦿 –keywordsaccessibility | leg | mechanical | prosthetic E12–041
6536CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦵 -nameleg E11-038
6537CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦵 –keywordsbent | foot | kick | knee | leg | limb E11-038
6538CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦶 -namefoot E11-039
6539CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦶 –keywordsankle | feet | foot | kick | stomp E11-039
6540CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts👂 -nameear E10-511
6541CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts👂 –keywordsbody | ear | ears | hear | hearing | listen | listening | sound E10-511
6542CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦻 -nameear with hearing aid E12–037
6543CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦻 –keywordsaccessibility | aid | ear | hard | hearing E12–037
6544CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts👃 -namenose E10-512
6545CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts👃 –keywordsbody | nose | noses | nosey | odor | smell | smells E10-512
6546CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🧠 -namebrain E10-1137
6547CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🧠 –keywordsbrain | intelligent | smart E10-1137
6548CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🫀 -nameanatomical heart E13-005
6549CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🫀 –keywordsanatomical | beat | cardiology | heart | heartbeat | organ | pulse | real | red E13-005
6550CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🫁 -namelungs E13-006
6551CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🫁 –keywordsbreath | breathe | exhalation | inhalation | lung | lungs | organ | respiration E13-006
6552CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦷 -nametooth E11-040
6553CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦷 –keywordsdentist | pearly | teeth | tooth | white E11-040
6554CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦴 -namebone E11-037
6555CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦴 –keywordsbone | bones | dog | skeleton | wishbone E11-037
6556CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts👀 -nameeyes E10-509
6557CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts👀 –keywordsbody | eye | eyes | face | googly | look | looking | omg | peep | see | seeing E10-509
6558CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts👁 -nameeye E10-510
6559CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts👁 –keywords1 | body | eye | one E10-510
6560CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts👅 -nametongue E10-514
6561CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts👅 –keywordsbody | lick | slurp | tongue E10-514
6562CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts👄 -namemouth E10-513
6563CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts👄 –keywordsbeauty | body | kiss | kissing | lips | lipstick | mouth E10-513
6564CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🫦 -namebiting lip E14-015
6565CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🫦 –keywordsanxious | bite | biting | fear | flirt | flirting | kiss | lip | lipstick | nervous | sexy | uncomfortable | worried | worry E14-015
6566CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👶 -namebaby E10-563
6567CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👶 –keywordsbabies | baby | children | goo | infant | newborn | pregnant | young E10-563
6568CharactersPeople & Bodyperson🧒 -namechild E10-1123
6569CharactersPeople & Bodyperson🧒 –keywordsbright-eyed | child | grandchild | kid | young | younger E10-1123
6570CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👦 -nameboy E10-547
6571CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👦 –keywordsboy | bright-eyed | child | grandson | kid | son | young | younger E10-547
6572CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👧 -namegirl E10-548
6573CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👧 –keywordsbright-eyed | child | daughter | girl | granddaughter | kid | Virgo | young | younger | zodiac E10-548
6574CharactersPeople & Bodyperson🧑 -nameperson E10-1122
6575CharactersPeople & Bodyperson🧑 –keywordsadult | person E10-1122
6576CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👱 -nameperson: blond hair E10-558
6577CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👱 –keywordsblond | blond-haired | human | person E10-558
6578CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👨 -nameman E10-549
6579CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👨 –keywordsadult | bro | man E10-549
6580CharactersPeople & Bodyperson🧔 -nameperson: beard E10-1125
6581CharactersPeople & Bodyperson🧔 –keywordsbeard | bearded | person | whiskers E10-1125
6582CharactersPeople & Bodyperson🧔‍♂ -nameman: beard E13.1-005
6583CharactersPeople & Bodyperson🧔‍♂ –keywordsbeard | bearded | man | whiskers E13.1-005
6584CharactersPeople & Bodyperson🧔‍♀ -namewoman: beard E13.1-006
6585CharactersPeople & Bodyperson🧔‍♀ –keywordsbeard | bearded | whiskers | woman E13.1-006
6586CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👩 -namewoman E10-550
6587CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👩 –keywordsadult | lady | woman E10-550
6588CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👱‍♀ -namewoman: blond hair E10-1194
6589CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👱‍♀ –keywordsblond | blond-haired | blonde | hair | woman E10-1194
6590CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👱‍♂ -nameman: blond hair E10-1195
6591CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👱‍♂ –keywordsblond | blond-haired | hair | man E10-1195
6592CharactersPeople & Bodyperson🧓 -nameolder person E10-1124
6593CharactersPeople & Bodyperson🧓 –keywordsadult | elderly | grandparent | old | person | wise E10-1124
6594CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👴 -nameold man E10-561
6595CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👴 –keywordsadult | bald | elderly | gramps | grandfather | grandpa | man | old | wise E10-561
6596CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👵 -nameold woman E10-562
6597CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👵 –keywordsadult | elderly | grandma | grandmother | granny | lady | old | wise | woman E10-562
6598CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙍 -nameperson frowning E10-913
6599CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙍 –keywordsannoyed | disappointed | disgruntled | disturbed | frown | frowning | frustrated | gesture | irritated | person | upset E10-913
6600CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙍‍♂ -nameman frowning E10-1219
6601CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙍‍♂ –keywordsannoyed | disappointed | disgruntled | disturbed | frown | frowning | frustrated | gesture | irritated | man | upset E10-1219
6602CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙍‍♀ -namewoman frowning E10-1218
6603CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙍‍♀ –keywordsannoyed | disappointed | disgruntled | disturbed | frown | frowning | frustrated | gesture | irritated | upset | woman E10-1218
6604CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙎 -nameperson pouting E10-914
6605CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙎 –keywordsdisappointed | downtrodden | frown | grimace | person | pouting | scowl | sulk | upset | whine E10-914
6606CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙎‍♂ -nameman pouting E10-1221
6607CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙎‍♂ –keywordsdisappointed | downtrodden | frown | grimace | man | pouting | scowl | sulk | upset | whine E10-1221
6608CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙎‍♀ -namewoman pouting E10-1220
6609CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙎‍♀ –keywordsdisappointed | downtrodden | frown | grimace | pouting | scowl | sulk | upset | whine | woman E10-1220
6610CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙅 -nameperson gesturing NO E10-905
6611CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙅 –keywordsforbidden | gesture | hand | NO | not | person | prohibit E10-905
6612CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙅‍♂ -nameman gesturing NO E10-1211
6613CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙅‍♂ –keywordsforbidden | gesture | hand | man | NO | not | prohibit E10-1211
6614CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙅‍♀ -namewoman gesturing NO E10-1210
6615CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙅‍♀ –keywordsforbidden | gesture | hand | NO | not | prohibit | woman E10-1210
6616CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙆 -nameperson gesturing OK E10-906
6617CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙆 –keywordsexercise | gesture | gesturing | hand | OK | omg | person E10-906
6618CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙆‍♂ -nameman gesturing OK E10-1213
6619CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙆‍♂ –keywordsexercise | gesture | gesturing | hand | man | OK | omg E10-1213
6620CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙆‍♀ -namewoman gesturing OK E10-1212
6621CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙆‍♀ –keywordsexercise | gesture | gesturing | hand | OK | omg | woman E10-1212
6622CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture💁 -nameperson tipping hand E10-574
6623CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture💁 –keywordsfetch | flick | flip | gossip | hand | person | sarcasm | sarcastic | sassy | seriously | tipping | whatever E10-574
6624CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture💁‍♂ -nameman tipping hand E10-1201
6625CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture💁‍♂ –keywordsfetch | flick | flip | gossip | hand | man | sarcasm | sarcastic | sassy | seriously | tipping | whatever E10-1201
6626CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture💁‍♀ -namewoman tipping hand E10-1200
6627CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture💁‍♀ –keywordsfetch | flick | flip | gossip | hand | sarcasm | sarcastic | sassy | seriously | tipping | whatever | woman E10-1200
6628CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙋 -nameperson raising hand E10-911
6629CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙋 –keywordsgesture | hand | here | know | me | person | pick | question | raise | raising E10-911
6630CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙋‍♂ -nameman raising hand E10-1217
6631CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙋‍♂ –keywordsgesture | hand | here | know | man | me | pick | question | raise | raising E10-1217
6632CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙋‍♀ -namewoman raising hand E10-1216
6633CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙋‍♀ –keywordsgesture | hand | here | know | me | pick | question | raise | raising | woman E10-1216
6634CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🧏 -namedeaf person E12–056
6635CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🧏 –keywordsaccessibility | deaf | ear | gesture | hear | person E12–056
6636CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🧏‍♂ -namedeaf man E12–058
6637CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🧏‍♂ –keywordsaccessibility | deaf | ear | gesture | hear | man E12–058
6638CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🧏‍♀ -namedeaf woman E12–057
6639CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🧏‍♀ –keywordsaccessibility | deaf | ear | gesture | hear | woman E12–057
6640CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙇 -nameperson bowing E10-907
6641CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙇 –keywordsapology | ask | beg | bow | bowing | favor | forgive | gesture | meditate | meditation | person | pity | regret | sorry E10-907
6642CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙇‍♂ -nameman bowing E10-1215
6643CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙇‍♂ –keywordsapology | ask | beg | bow | bowing | favor | forgive | gesture | man | meditate | meditation | pity | regret | sorry E10-1215
6644CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙇‍♀ -namewoman bowing E10-1214
6645CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙇‍♀ –keywordsapology | ask | beg | bow | bowing | favor | forgive | gesture | meditate | meditation | pity | regret | sorry | woman E10-1214
6646CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🤦 -nameperson facepalming E10-1032
6647CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🤦 –keywordsagain | bewilder | disbelief | exasperation | facepalm | no | not | oh | omg | person | shock | smh E10-1032
6648CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🤦‍♂ -nameman facepalming E10-1231
6649CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🤦‍♂ –keywordsagain | bewilder | disbelief | exasperation | facepalm | man | no | not | oh | omg | shock | smh E10-1231
6650CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🤦‍♀ -namewoman facepalming E10-1230
6651CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🤦‍♀ –keywordsagain | bewilder | disbelief | exasperation | facepalm | no | not | oh | omg | shock | smh | woman E10-1230
6652CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🤷 -nameperson shrugging E10-1049
6653CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🤷 –keywordsdoubt | dunno | guess | idk | ignorance | indifference | knows | maybe | person | shrug | shrugging | whatever | who E10-1049
6654CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🤷‍♂ -nameman shrugging E10-1233
6655CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🤷‍♂ –keywordsdoubt | dunno | guess | idk | ignorance | indifference | knows | man | maybe | shrug | shrugging | whatever | who E10-1233
6656CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🤷‍♀ -namewoman shrugging E10-1232
6657CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🤷‍♀ –keywordsdoubt | dunno | guess | idk | ignorance | indifference | knows | maybe | shrug | shrugging | whatever | who | woman E10-1232
6658CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍⚕ -namehealth worker E13-007
6659CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍⚕ –keywordsdoctor | health | healthcare | nurse | therapist | worker E13-007
6660CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍⚕ -nameman health worker E10-1158
6661CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍⚕ –keywordsdoctor | health | healthcare | man | nurse | therapist | worker E10-1158
6662CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍⚕ -namewoman health worker E10-1174
6663CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍⚕ –keywordsdoctor | health | healthcare | nurse | therapist | woman | worker E10-1174
6664CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🎓 -namestudent E13-008
6665CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🎓 –keywordsgraduate | student E13-008
6666CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🎓 -nameman student E10-1163
6667CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🎓 –keywordsgraduate | man | student E10-1163
6668CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🎓 -namewoman student E10-1179
6669CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🎓 –keywordsgraduate | student | woman E10-1179
6670CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🏫 -nameteacher E13-009
6671CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🏫 –keywordsinstructor | lecturer | professor | teacher E13-009
6672CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🏫 -nameman teacher E10-1166
6673CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🏫 –keywordsinstructor | lecturer | man | professor | teacher E10-1166
6674CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🏫 -namewoman teacher E10-1182
6675CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🏫 –keywordsinstructor | lecturer | professor | teacher | woman E10-1182
6676CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍⚖ -namejudge E13-010
6677CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍⚖ –keywordsjudge | justice | law | scales E13-010
6678CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍⚖ -nameman judge E10-1159
6679CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍⚖ –keywordsjudge | justice | law | man | scales E10-1159
6680CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍⚖ -namewoman judge E10-1175
6681CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍⚖ –keywordsjudge | justice | law | scales | woman E10-1175
6682CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🌾 -namefarmer E13-011
6683CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🌾 –keywordsfarmer | gardener | rancher E13-011
6684CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🌾 -nameman farmer E10-1161
6685CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🌾 –keywordsfarmer | gardener | man | rancher E10-1161
6686CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🌾 -namewoman farmer E10-1177
6687CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🌾 –keywordsfarmer | gardener | rancher | woman E10-1177
6688CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🍳 -namecook E13-012
6689CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🍳 –keywordschef | cook E13-012
6690CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🍳 -nameman cook E10-1162
6691CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🍳 –keywordschef | cook | man E10-1162
6692CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🍳 -namewoman cook E10-1178
6693CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🍳 –keywordschef | cook | woman E10-1178
6694CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🔧 -namemechanic E13-013
6695CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🔧 –keywordselectrician | mechanic | plumber | tradesperson E13-013
6696CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🔧 -nameman mechanic E10-1170
6697CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🔧 –keywordselectrician | man | mechanic | plumber | tradesperson E10-1170
6698CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🔧 -namewoman mechanic E10-1186
6699CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🔧 –keywordselectrician | mechanic | plumber | tradesperson | woman E10-1186
6700CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🏭 -namefactory worker E13-014
6701CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🏭 –keywordsassembly | factory | industrial | worker E13-014
6702CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🏭 -nameman factory worker E10-1167
6703CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🏭 –keywordsassembly | factory | industrial | man | worker E10-1167
6704CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🏭 -namewoman factory worker E10-1183
6705CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🏭 –keywordsassembly | factory | industrial | woman | worker E10-1183
6706CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍💼 -nameoffice worker E13-015
6707CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍💼 –keywordsarchitect | business | manager | office | white-collar | worker E13-015
6708CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍💼 -nameman office worker E10-1169
6709CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍💼 –keywordsarchitect | business | man | manager | office | white-collar | worker E10-1169
6710CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍💼 -namewoman office worker E10-1185
6711CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍💼 –keywordsarchitect | business | manager | office | white-collar | woman | worker E10-1185
6712CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🔬 -namescientist E13-016
6713CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🔬 –keywordsbiologist | chemist | engineer | mathematician | physicist | scientist E13-016
6714CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🔬 -nameman scientist E10-1171
6715CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🔬 –keywordsbiologist | chemist | engineer | man | mathematician | physicist | scientist E10-1171
6716CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🔬 -namewoman scientist E10-1187
6717CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🔬 –keywordsbiologist | chemist | engineer | mathematician | physicist | scientist | woman E10-1187
6718CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍💻 -nametechnologist E13-017
6719CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍💻 –keywordscoder | computer | developer | inventor | software | technologist E13-017
6720CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍💻 -nameman technologist E10-1168
6721CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍💻 –keywordscoder | computer | developer | inventor | man | software | technologist E10-1168
6722CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍💻 -namewoman technologist E10-1184
6723CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍💻 –keywordscoder | computer | developer | inventor | software | technologist | woman E10-1184
6724CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🎤 -namesinger E13-018
6725CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🎤 –keywordsactor | entertainer | rock | rockstar | singer | star E13-018
6726CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🎤 -nameman singer E10-1164
6727CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🎤 –keywordsactor | entertainer | man | rock | rockstar | singer | star E10-1164
6728CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🎤 -namewoman singer E10-1180
6729CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🎤 –keywordsactor | entertainer | rock | rockstar | singer | star | woman E10-1180
6730CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🎨 -nameartist E13-019
6731CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🎨 –keywordsartist | palette E13-019
6732CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🎨 -nameman artist E10-1165
6733CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🎨 –keywordsartist | man | palette E10-1165
6734CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🎨 -namewoman artist E10-1181
6735CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🎨 –keywordsartist | palette | woman E10-1181
6736CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍✈ -namepilot E13-020
6737CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍✈ –keywordspilot | plane E13-020
6738CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍✈ -nameman pilot E10-1160
6739CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍✈ –keywordsman | pilot | plane E10-1160
6740CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍✈ -namewoman pilot E10-1176
6741CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍✈ –keywordspilot | plane | woman E10-1176
6742CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🚀 -nameastronaut E13-021
6743CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🚀 –keywordsastronaut | rocket | space E13-021
6744CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🚀 -nameman astronaut E10-1172
6745CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🚀 –keywordsastronaut | man | rocket | space E10-1172
6746CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🚀 -namewoman astronaut E10-1188
6747CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🚀 –keywordsastronaut | rocket | space | woman E10-1188
6748CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🚒 -namefirefighter E13-022
6749CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🚒 –keywordsfire | firefighter | firetruck E13-022
6750CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🚒 -nameman firefighter E10-1173
6751CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🚒 –keywordsfire | firefighter | firetruck | man E10-1173
6752CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🚒 -namewoman firefighter E10-1189
6753CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🚒 –keywordsfire | firefighter | firetruck | woman E10-1189
6754CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👮 -namepolice officer E10-555
6755CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👮 –keywordsapprehend | arrest | citation | cop | law | officer | over | police | pulled | undercover E10-555
6756CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👮‍♂ -nameman police officer E10-1191
6757CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👮‍♂ –keywordsapprehend | arrest | citation | cop | law | man | officer | over | police | pulled | undercover E10-1191
6758CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👮‍♀ -namewoman police officer E10-1190
6759CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👮‍♀ –keywordsapprehend | arrest | citation | cop | law | officer | over | police | pulled | undercover | woman E10-1190
6760CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🕵 -namedetective E10-796
6761CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🕵 –keywordsdetective | sleuth | spy E10-796
6762CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🕵‍♂ -nameman detective E10-1209
6763CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🕵‍♂ –keywordsdetective | man | sleuth | spy E10-1209
6764CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🕵‍♀ -namewoman detective E10-1208
6765CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🕵‍♀ –keywordsdetective | sleuth | spy | woman E10-1208
6766CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role💂 -nameguard E10-575
6767CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role💂 –keywordsbuckingham | guard | helmet | london | palace E10-575
6768CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role💂‍♂ -nameman guard E10-1203
6769CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role💂‍♂ –keywordsbuckingham | guard | helmet | london | man | palace E10-1203
6770CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role💂‍♀ -namewoman guard E10-1202
6771CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role💂‍♀ –keywordsbuckingham | guard | helmet | london | palace | woman E10-1202
6772CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🥷 -nameninja E13-002
6773CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🥷 –keywordsassassin | fight | fighter | hidden | ninja | person | secret | skills | sly | soldier | stealth | war E13-002
6774CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👷 -nameconstruction worker E10-564
6775CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👷 –keywordsbuild | construction | fix | hardhat | hat | man | person | rebuild | remodel | repair | work | worker E10-564
6776CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👷‍♂ -nameman construction worker E10-1199
6777CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👷‍♂ –keywordsbuild | construction | fix | hardhat | hat | man | rebuild | remodel | repair | work | worker E10-1199
6778CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👷‍♀ -namewoman construction worker E10-1198
6779CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👷‍♀ –keywordsbuild | construction | fix | hardhat | hat | man | rebuild | remodel | repair | woman | work | worker E10-1198
6780CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🫅 -nameperson with crown E14-016
6781CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🫅 –keywordscrown | monarch | noble | person | regal | royal | royalty E14-016
6782CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🤴 -nameprince E10-1046
6783CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🤴 –keywordscrown | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | king | prince | royal | royalty | tale E10-1046
6784CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👸 -nameprincess E10-565
6785CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👸 –keywordscrown | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | princess | queen | royal | royalty | tale E10-565
6786CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👳 -nameperson wearing turban E10-560
6787CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👳 –keywordsperson | turban | wearing E10-560
6788CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👳‍♂ -nameman wearing turban E10-1197
6789CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👳‍♂ –keywordsman | turban | wearing E10-1197
6790CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👳‍♀ -namewoman wearing turban E10-1196
6791CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👳‍♀ –keywordsturban | wearing | woman E10-1196
6792CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👲 -nameperson with skullcap E10-559
6793CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👲 –keywordscap | Chinese | gua | guapi | hat | mao | person | pi | skullcap E10-559
6794CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧕 -namewoman with headscarf E10-1126
6795CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧕 –keywordsbandana | head | headscarf | hijab | kerchief | mantilla | tichel | woman E10-1126
6796CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🤵 -nameperson in tuxedo E10-1047
6797CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🤵 –keywordsformal | person | tuxedo | wedding E10-1047
6798CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🤵‍♂ -nameman in tuxedo E13-077
6799CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🤵‍♂ –keywordsformal | groom | man | tuxedo | wedding E13-077
6800CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🤵‍♀ -namewoman in tuxedo E13-078
6801CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🤵‍♀ –keywordsformal | tuxedo | wedding | woman E13-078
6802CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👰 -nameperson with veil E10-557
6803CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👰 –keywordsperson | veil | wedding E10-557
6804CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👰‍♂ -nameman with veil E13-080
6805CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👰‍♂ –keywordsman | veil | wedding E13-080
6806CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👰‍♀ -namewoman with veil E13-079
6807CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👰‍♀ –keywordsbride | veil | wedding | woman E13-079
6808CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🤰 -namepregnant woman E10-1042
6809CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🤰 –keywordspregnant | woman E10-1042
6810CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🫃 -namepregnant man E14-017
6811CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🫃 –keywordsbelly | bloated | full | man | overeat | pregnant E14-017
6812CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🫄 -namepregnant person E14-018
6813CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🫄 –keywordsbelly | bloated | full | overeat | person | pregnant | stuffed E14-018
6814CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🤱 -namebreast-feeding E10-1043
6815CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🤱 –keywordsbaby | breast | breast-feeding | feeding | mom | mother | nursing | woman E10-1043
6816CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🍼 -namewoman feeding baby E13-081
6817CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🍼 –keywordsbaby | feed | feeding | mom | mother | nanny | newborn | nursing | woman E13-081
6818CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🍼 -nameman feeding baby E13-082
6819CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🍼 –keywordsbaby | dad | father | feed | feeding | man | nanny | newborn | nursing E13-082
6820CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🍼 -nameperson feeding baby E13-083
6821CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🍼 –keywordsbaby | feed | feeding | nanny | newborn | nursing | parent E13-083
6822CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy👼 -namebaby angel E10-569
6823CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy👼 –keywordsangel | baby | church | face | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | tale E10-569
6824CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🎅 -nameSanta Claus E10-330
6825CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🎅 –keywordscelebration | Christmas | claus | fairy | fantasy | father | holiday | merry | santa | tale | xmas E10-330
6826CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🤶 -nameMrs. Claus E10-1048
6827CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🤶 –keywordscelebration | Christmas | claus | fairy | fantasy | holiday | merry | mother | Mrs | santa | tale | xmas E10-1048
6828CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧑‍🎄 -nameMx Claus E13-084
6829CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧑‍🎄 –keywordscelebration | Christmas | claus | fairy | fantasy | holiday | merry | Mx | santa | tale | xmas E13-084
6830CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🦸 -namesuperhero E11-041
6831CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🦸 –keywordsgood | hero | superhero | superpower E11-041
6832CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🦸‍♂ -nameman superhero E11-043
6833CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🦸‍♂ –keywordsgood | hero | man | superhero | superpower E11-043
6834CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🦸‍♀ -namewoman superhero E11-042
6835CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🦸‍♀ –keywordsgood | hero | heroine | superhero | superpower | woman E11-042
6836CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🦹 -namesupervillain E11-044
6837CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🦹 –keywordsbad | criminal | evil | superpower | supervillain | villain E11-044
6838CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🦹‍♂ -nameman supervillain E11-046
6839CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🦹‍♂ –keywordsbad | criminal | evil | man | superpower | supervillain | villain E11-046
6840CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🦹‍♀ -namewoman supervillain E11-045
6841CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🦹‍♀ –keywordsbad | criminal | evil | superpower | supervillain | villain | woman E11-045
6842CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧙 -namemage E10-1130
6843CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧙 –keywordsfantasy | mage | magic | play | sorcerer | sorceress | sorcery | spell | summon | witch | wizard E10-1130
6844CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧙‍♂ -nameman mage E10-1251
6845CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧙‍♂ –keywordsfantasy | mage | magic | man | play | sorcerer | sorceress | sorcery | spell | summon | witch | wizard E10-1251
6846CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧙‍♀ -namewoman mage E10-1250
6847CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧙‍♀ –keywordsfantasy | mage | magic | play | sorcerer | sorceress | sorcery | spell | summon | witch | wizard | woman E10-1250
6848CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧚 -namefairy E10-1131
6849CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧚 –keywordsfairy | fairytale | fantasy | myth | person | pixie | tale | wings E10-1131
6850CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧚‍♂ -nameman fairy E10-1253
6851CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧚‍♂ –keywordsfairy | fairytale | fantasy | man | myth | Oberon | person | pixie | Puck | tale | wings E10-1253
6852CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧚‍♀ -namewoman fairy E10-1252
6853CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧚‍♀ –keywordsfairy | fairytale | fantasy | myth | person | pixie | tale | Titania | wings | woman E10-1252
6854CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧛 -namevampire E10-1132
6855CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧛 –keywordsblood | Dracula | fangs | halloween | scary | supernatural | teeth | undead | vampire E10-1132
6856CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧛‍♂ -nameman vampire E10-1255
6857CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧛‍♂ –keywordsblood | fangs | halloween | man | scary | supernatural | teeth | undead | vampire E10-1255
6858CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧛‍♀ -namewoman vampire E10-1254
6859CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧛‍♀ –keywordsblood | fangs | halloween | scary | supernatural | teeth | undead | vampire | woman E10-1254
6860CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧜 -namemerperson E10-1133
6861CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧜 –keywordscreature | fairytale | folklore | merperson | ocean | sea | siren | trident E10-1133
6862CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧜‍♂ -namemerman E10-1257
6863CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧜‍♂ –keywordscreature | fairytale | folklore | merman | Neptune | ocean | Poseidon | sea | siren | trident | Triton E10-1257
6864CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧜‍♀ -namemermaid E10-1256
6865CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧜‍♀ –keywordscreature | fairytale | folklore | mermaid | merwoman | ocean | sea | siren | trident E10-1256
6866CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧝 -nameelf E10-1134
6867CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧝 –keywordself | elves | enchantment | fantasy | folklore | magic | magical | myth E10-1134
6868CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧝‍♂ -nameman elf E10-1259
6869CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧝‍♂ –keywordself | elves | enchantment | fantasy | folklore | magic | magical | man | myth E10-1259
6870CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧝‍♀ -namewoman elf E10-1258
6871CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧝‍♀ –keywordself | elves | enchantment | fantasy | folklore | magic | magical | myth | woman E10-1258
6872CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧞 -namegenie E10-1135
6873CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧞 –keywordsdjinn | fantasy | genie | jinn | lamp | myth | rub | wishes E10-1135
6874CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧞‍♂ -nameman genie E10-1261
6875CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧞‍♂ –keywordsdjinn | fantasy | genie | jinn | lamp | man | myth | rub | wishes E10-1261
6876CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧞‍♀ -namewoman genie E10-1260
6877CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧞‍♀ –keywordsdjinn | fantasy | genie | jinn | lamp | myth | rub | wishes | woman E10-1260
6878CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧟 -namezombie E10-1136
6879CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧟 –keywordsapocalypse | dead | halloween | horror | scary | undead | walking | zombie E10-1136
6880CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧟‍♂ -nameman zombie E10-1263
6881CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧟‍♂ –keywordsapocalypse | dead | halloween | horror | man | scary | undead | walking | zombie E10-1263
6882CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧟‍♀ -namewoman zombie E10-1262
6883CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧟‍♀ –keywordsapocalypse | dead | halloween | horror | scary | undead | walking | woman | zombie E10-1262
6884CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧌 -nametroll E14-019
6885CharactersPeople & Body 2person-fantasy🧌 –keywordsfairy | fantasy | monster | tale | troll | trolling E14-019
6886CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity💆 -nameperson getting massage E10-579
6887CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity💆 –keywordsface | getting | headache | massage | person | relax | relaxing | salon | soothe | spa | tension | therapy | treatment E10-579
6888CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity💆‍♂ -nameman getting massage E10-1205
6889CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity💆‍♂ –keywordsface | getting | headache | man | massage | relax | relaxing | salon | soothe | spa | tension | therapy | treatment E10-1205
6890CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity💆‍♀ -namewoman getting massage E10-1204
6891CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity💆‍♀ –keywordsface | getting | headache | massage | relax | relaxing | salon | soothe | spa | tension | therapy | treatment | woman E10-1204
6892CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity💇 -nameperson getting haircut E10-580
6893CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity💇 –keywordsbarber | beauty | chop | cosmetology | cut | groom | hair | haircut | parlor | person | shears | style E10-580
6894CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity💇‍♂ -nameman getting haircut E10-1207
6895CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity💇‍♂ –keywordsbarber | beauty | chop | cosmetology | cut | groom | hair | haircut | man | parlor | person | shears | style E10-1207
6896CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity💇‍♀ -namewoman getting haircut E10-1206
6897CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity💇‍♀ –keywordsbarber | beauty | chop | cosmetology | cut | groom | hair | haircut | parlor | person | shears | style | woman E10-1206
6898CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🚶 -nameperson walking E10-970
6899CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🚶 –keywordsamble | gait | hike | man | pace | pedestrian | person | stride | stroll | walk | walking E10-970
6900CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🚶‍♂ -nameman walking E10-1229
6901CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🚶‍♂ –keywordsamble | gait | hike | man | pace | pedestrian | stride | stroll | walk | walking E10-1229
6902CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🚶‍♀ -namewoman walking E10-1228
6903CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🚶‍♀ –keywordsamble | gait | hike | man | pace | pedestrian | stride | stroll | walk | walking | woman E10-1228
6904CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧍 -nameperson standing E12–050
6905CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧍 –keywordsperson | stand | standing E12–050
6906CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧍‍♂ -nameman standing E12–052
6907CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧍‍♂ –keywordsman | stand | standing E12–052
6908CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧍‍♀ -namewoman standing E12–051
6909CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧍‍♀ –keywordsstand | standing | woman E12–051
6910CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧎 -nameperson kneeling E12–053
6911CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧎 –keywordskneel | kneeling | knees | person E12–053
6912CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧎‍♂ -nameman kneeling E12–055
6913CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧎‍♂ –keywordskneel | kneeling | knees | man E12–055
6914CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧎‍♀ -namewoman kneeling E12–054
6915CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧎‍♀ –keywordskneel | kneeling | knees | woman E12–054
6916CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧑‍🦯 -nameperson with white cane E13-023
6917CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧑‍🦯 –keywordsaccessibility | blind | cane | person | probing | white E13-023
6918CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity👨‍🦯 -nameman with white cane E12–002
6919CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity👨‍🦯 –keywordsaccessibility | blind | cane | man | probing | white E12–002
6920CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity👩‍🦯 -namewoman with white cane E12–005
6921CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity👩‍🦯 –keywordsaccessibility | blind | cane | probing | white | woman E12–005
6922CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧑‍🦼 -nameperson in motorized wheelchair E13-024
6923CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧑‍🦼 –keywordsaccessibility | motorized | person | wheelchair E13-024
6924CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity👨‍🦼 -nameman in motorized wheelchair E12–003
6925CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity👨‍🦼 –keywordsaccessibility | man | motorized | wheelchair E12–003
6926CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity👩‍🦼 -namewoman in motorized wheelchair E12–006
6927CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity👩‍🦼 –keywordsaccessibility | motorized | wheelchair | woman E12–006
6928CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧑‍🦽 -nameperson in manual wheelchair E13-025
6929CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧑‍🦽 –keywordsaccessibility | manual | person | wheelchair E13-025
6930CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity👨‍🦽 -nameman in manual wheelchair E12–004
6931CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity👨‍🦽 –keywordsaccessibility | man | manual | wheelchair E12–004
6932CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity👩‍🦽 -namewoman in manual wheelchair E12–007
6933CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity👩‍🦽 –keywordsaccessibility | manual | wheelchair | woman E12–007
6934CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🏃 -nameperson running E10-387
6935CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🏃 –keywordsfast | hurry | marathon | move | person | quick | race | racing | run | rush | speed E10-387
6936CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🏃‍♂ -nameman running E10-1147
6937CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🏃‍♂ –keywordsfast | hurry | man | marathon | move | quick | race | racing | run | rush | speed E10-1147
6938CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🏃‍♀ -namewoman running E10-1146
6939CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🏃‍♀ –keywordsfast | hurry | marathon | move | quick | race | racing | run | rush | speed | woman E10-1146
6940CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity💃 -namewoman dancing E10-576
6941CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity💃 –keywordsdance | dancer | dancing | elegant | festive | flair | flamenco | groove | let’s | salsa | tango | woman E10-576
6942CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🕺 -nameman dancing E10-801
6943CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🕺 –keywordsdance | dancer | dancing | elegant | festive | flair | flamenco | groove | let’s | man | salsa | tango E10-801
6944CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🕴 -nameperson in suit levitating E10-795
6945CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🕴 –keywordsbusiness | levitating | person | suit E10-795
6946CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity👯 -namepeople with bunny ears E10-556
6947CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity👯 –keywordsbestie | bff | bunny | counterpart | dancer | double | ear | identical | pair | party | partying | people | soulmate | twin | twinsies E10-556
6948CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity👯‍♂ -namemen with bunny ears E10-1193
6949CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity👯‍♂ –keywordsbestie | bff | bunny | counterpart | dancer | double | ear | identical | men | pair | party | partying | people | soulmate | twin | twinsies E10-1193
6950CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity👯‍♀ -namewomen with bunny ears E10-1192
6951CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity👯‍♀ –keywordsbestie | bff | bunny | counterpart | dancer | double | ear | identical | pair | party | partying | people | soulmate | twin | twinsies | women E10-1192
6952CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧖 -nameperson in steamy room E10-1127
6953CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧖 –keywordsday | luxurious | pamper | person | relax | room | sauna | spa | steam | steambath | unwind E10-1127
6954CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧖‍♂ -nameman in steamy room E10-1245
6955CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧖‍♂ –keywordsday | luxurious | man | pamper | relax | room | sauna | spa | steam | steambath | unwind E10-1245
6956CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧖‍♀ -namewoman in steamy room E10-1244
6957CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧖‍♀ –keywordsday | luxurious | pamper | relax | room | sauna | spa | steam | steambath | unwind | woman E10-1244
6958CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧗 -nameperson climbing E10-1128
6959CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧗 –keywordsclimb | climber | climbing | mountain | person | rock | scale | up E10-1128
6960CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧗‍♂ -nameman climbing E10-1247
6961CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧗‍♂ –keywordsclimb | climber | climbing | man | mountain | rock | scale | up E10-1247
6962CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧗‍♀ -namewoman climbing E10-1246
6963CharactersPeople & Body 2person-activity🧗‍♀ –keywordsclimb | climber | climbing | mountain | rock | scale | up | woman E10-1246
6964CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤺 -nameperson fencing E10-1052
6965CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤺 –keywordsfencer | fencing | person | sword E10-1052
6966CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏇 -namehorse racing E10-391
6967CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏇 –keywordshorse | jockey | racehorse | racing | riding | sport E10-391
6968CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport⛷ -nameskier E10-116
6969CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport⛷ –keywordsski | skier | snow E10-116
6970CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏂 -namesnowboarder E10-386
6971CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏂 –keywordsski | snow | snowboard | snowboarder | sport E10-386
6972CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏌 -nameperson golfing E10-396
6973CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏌 –keywordsball | birdie | caddy | driving | golf | golfing | green | person | pga | putt | range | tee E10-396
6974CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏌‍♂ -nameman golfing E10-1155
6975CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏌‍♂ –keywordsball | birdie | caddy | driving | golf | golfing | green | man | pga | putt | range | tee E10-1155
6976CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏌‍♀ -namewoman golfing E10-1154
6977CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏌‍♀ –keywordsball | birdie | caddy | driving | golf | golfing | green | pga | putt | range | tee | woman E10-1154
6978CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏄 -nameperson surfing E10-388
6979CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏄 –keywordsbeach | ocean | person | sport | surf | surfer | surfing | swell | waves E10-388
6980CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏄‍♂ -nameman surfing E10-1149
6981CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏄‍♂ –keywordsbeach | man | ocean | sport | surf | surfer | surfing | swell | waves E10-1149
6982CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏄‍♀ -namewoman surfing E10-1148
6983CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏄‍♀ –keywordsbeach | ocean | person | sport | surf | surfer | surfing | swell | waves E10-1148
6984CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🚣 -nameperson rowing boat E10-951
6985CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🚣 –keywordsboat | canoe | cruise | fishing | lake | oar | paddle | person | raft | river | row | rowboat | rowing E10-951
6986CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🚣‍♂ -nameman rowing boat E10-1223
6987CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🚣‍♂ –keywordsboat | canoe | cruise | fishing | lake | man | oar | paddle | raft | river | row | rowboat | rowing E10-1223
6988CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🚣‍♀ -namewoman rowing boat E10-1222
6989CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🚣‍♀ –keywordsboat | canoe | cruise | fishing | lake | oar | paddle | raft | river | row | rowboat | rowing | woman E10-1222
6990CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏊 -nameperson swimming E10-394
6991CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏊 –keywordsfreestyle | person | sport | swim | swimmer | swimming | triathlon E10-394
6992CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏊‍♂ -nameman swimming E10-1151
6993CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏊‍♂ –keywordsfreestyle | man | sport | swim | swimmer | swimming | triathlon E10-1151
6994CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏊‍♀ -namewoman swimming E10-1150
6995CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏊‍♀ –keywordsfreestyle | man | sport | swim | swimmer | swimming | triathlon E10-1150
6996CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport⛹ -nameperson bouncing ball E10-118
6997CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport⛹ –keywordsathletic | ball | basketball | bouncing | championship | dribble | net | person | player | throw E10-118
6998CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport⛹‍♂ -nameman bouncing ball E10-1145
6999CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport⛹‍♂ –keywordsathletic | ball | basketball | bouncing | championship | dribble | man | net | player | throw E10-1145
7000CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport⛹‍♀ -namewoman bouncing ball E10-1144
7001CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport⛹‍♀ –keywordsathletic | ball | basketball | bouncing | championship | dribble | net | player | throw | woman E10-1144
7002CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏋 -nameperson lifting weights E10-395
7003CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏋 –keywordsbarbell | bodybuilder | deadlift | lifter | lifting | person | powerlifting | weight | weightlifter | weights | workout E10-395
7004CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏋‍♂ -nameman lifting weights E10-1153
7005CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏋‍♂ –keywordsbarbell | bodybuilder | deadlift | lifter | lifting | man | powerlifting | weight | weightlifter | weights | workout E10-1153
7006CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏋‍♀ -namewoman lifting weights E10-1152
7007CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🏋‍♀ –keywordsbarbell | bodybuilder | deadlift | lifter | lifting | powerlifting | weight | weightlifter | weights | woman | workout E10-1152
7008CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🚴 -nameperson biking E10-968
7009CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🚴 –keywordsbicycle | bicyclist | bike | biking | cycle | cyclist | person | riding | sport E10-968
7010CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🚴‍♂ -nameman biking E10-1225
7011CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🚴‍♂ –keywordsbicycle | bicyclist | bike | biking | cycle | cyclist | man | riding | sport E10-1225
7012CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🚴‍♀ -namewoman biking E10-1224
7013CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🚴‍♀ –keywordsbicycle | bicyclist | bike | biking | cycle | cyclist | riding | sport | woman E10-1224
7014CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🚵 -nameperson mountain biking E10-969
7015CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🚵 –keywordsbicycle | bicyclist | bike | biking | cycle | cyclist | mountain | person | riding | sport E10-969
7016CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🚵‍♂ -nameman mountain biking E10-1227
7017CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🚵‍♂ –keywordsbicycle | bicyclist | bike | biking | cycle | cyclist | man | mountain | riding | sport E10-1227
7018CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🚵‍♀ -namewoman mountain biking E10-1226
7019CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🚵‍♀ –keywordsbicycle | bicyclist | bike | biking | cycle | cyclist | mountain | riding | sport | woman E10-1226
7020CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤸 -nameperson cartwheeling E10-1050
7021CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤸 –keywordsactive | cartwheel | cartwheeling | excited | flip | gymnastics | happy | person | somersault E10-1050
7022CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤸‍♂ -nameman cartwheeling E10-1235
7023CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤸‍♂ –keywordsactive | cartwheel | cartwheeling | excited | flip | gymnastics | happy | man | somersault E10-1235
7024CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤸‍♀ -namewoman cartwheeling E10-1234
7025CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤸‍♀ –keywordsactive | cartwheel | cartwheeling | excited | flip | gymnastics | happy | somersault | woman E10-1234
7026CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤼 -namepeople wrestling E10-1053
7027CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤼 –keywordscombat | duel | grapple | people | ring | tournament | wrestle | wrestling E10-1053
7028CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤼‍♂ -namemen wrestling E10-1239
7029CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤼‍♂ –keywordscombat | duel | grapple | men | ring | tournament | wrestle | wrestling E10-1239
7030CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤼‍♀ -namewomen wrestling E10-1238
7031CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤼‍♀ –keywordscombat | duel | grapple | ring | tournament | women | wrestle | wrestling E10-1238
7032CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤽 -nameperson playing water polo E10-1054
7033CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤽 –keywordsperson | playing | polo | sport | swimming | water | waterpolo E10-1054
7034CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤽‍♂ -nameman playing water polo E10-1241
7035CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤽‍♂ –keywordsman | playing | polo | sport | swimming | water | waterpolo E10-1241
7036CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤽‍♀ -namewoman playing water polo E10-1240
7037CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤽‍♀ –keywordsplaying | polo | sport | swimming | water | waterpolo | woman E10-1240
7038CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤾 -nameperson playing handball E10-1055
7039CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤾 –keywordsathletics | ball | catch | chuck | handball | hurl | lob | person | pitch | playing | sport | throw | toss E10-1055
7040CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤾‍♂ -nameman playing handball E10-1243
7041CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤾‍♂ –keywordsathletics | ball | catch | chuck | handball | hurl | lob | man | pitch | playing | sport | throw | toss E10-1243
7042CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤾‍♀ -namewoman playing handball E10-1242
7043CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤾‍♀ –keywordsathletics | ball | catch | chuck | handball | hurl | lob | pitch | playing | sport | throw | toss | woman E10-1242
7044CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤹 -nameperson juggling E10-1051
7045CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤹 –keywordsact | balance | balancing | handle | juggle | juggling | manage | multitask | person | skill E10-1051
7046CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤹‍♂ -nameman juggling E10-1237
7047CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤹‍♂ –keywordsact | balance | balancing | handle | juggle | juggling | man | manage | multitask | skill E10-1237
7048CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤹‍♀ -namewoman juggling E10-1236
7049CharactersPeople & Body 2person-sport🤹‍♀ –keywordsact | balance | balancing | handle | juggle | juggling | manage | multitask | skill | woman E10-1236
7050CharactersPeople & Body 2person-resting🧘 -nameperson in lotus position E10-1129
7051CharactersPeople & Body 2person-resting🧘 –keywordscross | legged | legs | lotus | meditation | peace | person | position | relax | serenity | yoga | yogi | zen E10-1129
7052CharactersPeople & Body 2person-resting🧘‍♂ -nameman in lotus position E10-1249
7053CharactersPeople & Body 2person-resting🧘‍♂ –keywordscross | legged | legs | lotus | man | meditation | peace | position | relax | serenity | yoga | yogi | zen E10-1249
7054CharactersPeople & Body 2person-resting🧘‍♀ -namewoman in lotus position E10-1248
7055CharactersPeople & Body 2person-resting🧘‍♀ –keywordscross | legged | legs | lotus | meditation | peace | position | relax | serenity | woman | yoga | yogi | zen E10-1248
7056CharactersPeople & Body 2person-resting🛀 -nameperson taking bath E10-980
7057CharactersPeople & Body 2person-resting🛀 –keywordsbath | bathtub | person | taking | tub E10-980
7058CharactersPeople & Body 2person-resting🛌 -nameperson in bed E10-987
7059CharactersPeople & Body 2person-resting🛌 –keywordsbed | bedtime | good | goodnight | hotel | nap | night | person | sleep | tired | zzz E10-987
7060CharactersPeople & Body 2family🧑‍🤝‍🧑 -namepeople holding hands E12–099
7061CharactersPeople & Body 2family🧑‍🤝‍🧑 –keywordsbae | bestie | bff | couple | dating | flirt | friends | hand | hold | people | twins E12–099
7062CharactersPeople & Body 2family👭 -namewomen holding hands E10-554
7063CharactersPeople & Body 2family👭 –keywordsbae | bestie | bff | couple | dating | flirt | friends | girls | hand | hold | sisters | twins | women E10-554
7064CharactersPeople & Body 2family👫 -namewoman and man holding hands E10-552
7065CharactersPeople & Body 2family👫 –keywordsbae | bestie | bff | couple | dating | flirt | friends | hand | hold | man | twins | woman E10-552
7066CharactersPeople & Body 2family👬 -namemen holding hands E10-553
7067CharactersPeople & Body 2family👬 –keywordsbae | bestie | bff | boys | brothers | couple | dating | flirt | friends | hand | hold | men | twins E10-553
7068CharactersPeople & Body 2family💏 -namekiss E10-588
7069CharactersPeople & Body 2family💏 –keywordsanniversary | babe | bae | couple | date | dating | heart | kiss | love | mwah | person | romance | together | xoxo E10-588
7070CharactersPeople & Body 2family💑 -namecouple with heart E10-590
7071CharactersPeople & Body 2family💑 –keywordsanniversary | babe | bae | couple | dating | heart | kiss | love | person | relationship | romance | together | you E10-590
7072CharactersPeople & Body 2person-symbol🗣 -namespeaking head E10-826
7073CharactersPeople & Body 2person-symbol🗣 –keywordsface | head | silhouette | speak | speaking E10-826
7074CharactersPeople & Body 2person-symbol👤 -namebust in silhouette E10-545
7075CharactersPeople & Body 2person-symbol👤 –keywordsbust | mysterious | shadow | silhouette E10-545
7076CharactersPeople & Body 2person-symbol👥 -namebusts in silhouette E10-546
7077CharactersPeople & Body 2person-symbol👥 –keywordsbff | bust | busts | everyone | friend | friends | people | silhouette E10-546
7078CharactersPeople & Body 2person-symbol🫂 -namepeople hugging E13-026
7079CharactersPeople & Body 2person-symbol🫂 –keywordscomfort | embrace | farewell | friendship | goodbye | hello | hug | hugging | love | people | thanks E13-026
7080CharactersPeople & Body 2person-symbol👪 -namefamily E10-551
7081CharactersPeople & Body 2person-symbol👪 –keywordschild | family E10-551
7082CharactersPeople & Body 2person-symbol🧑‍🧑‍🧒 -namefamily: adult, adult, child E15.1-003
7083CharactersPeople & Body 2person-symbol🧑‍🧑‍🧒 –keywordsadult | child | family E15.1-003
7084CharactersPeople & Body 2person-symbol🧑‍🧑‍🧒‍🧒 -namefamily: adult, adult, child, child E15.1-004
7085CharactersPeople & Body 2person-symbol🧑‍🧑‍🧒‍🧒 –keywordsadult | child | family E15.1-004
7086CharactersPeople & Body 2person-symbol🧑‍🧒 -namefamily: adult, child E15.1-005
7087CharactersPeople & Body 2person-symbol🧑‍🧒 –keywordsadult | child | family E15.1-005
7088CharactersPeople & Body 2person-symbol🧑‍🧒‍🧒 -namefamily: adult, child, child E15.1-006
7089CharactersPeople & Body 2person-symbol🧑‍🧒‍🧒 –keywordsadult | child | family E15.1-006
7090CharactersPeople & Body 2person-symbol👣 -namefootprints E10-544
7091CharactersPeople & Body 2person-symbol👣 –keywordsbarefoot | clothing | footprint | footprints | omw | print | walk E10-544
7092CharactersPeople & Body 2person-symbol🫆 -namefingerprint E16-004
7093CharactersPeople & Body 2person-symbol🫆 –keywordsclue | crime | detective | fingerprint | forensics | identity | mystery | print | safety | trace E16-004
7094CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐵 -namemonkey face E10-498
7095CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐵 –keywordsanimal | banana | face | monkey E10-498
7096CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐒 -namemonkey E10-463
7097CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐒 –keywordsanimal | banana | monkey E10-463
7098CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦍 -namegorilla E10-1109
7099CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦍 –keywordsanimal | gorilla E10-1109
7100CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦧 -nameorangutan E12–030
7101CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦧 –keywordsanimal | ape | monkey | orangutan E12–030
7102CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐶 -namedog face E10-499
7103CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐶 –keywordsadorbs | animal | dog | face | pet | puppies | puppy E10-499
7104CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐕 -namedog E10-466
7105CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐕 –keywordsanimal | animals | dog | dogs | pet E10-466
7106CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦮 -nameguide dog E12–034
7107CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦮 –keywordsaccessibility | animal | blind | dog | guide E12–034
7108CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐕‍🦺 -nameservice dog E12–001
7109CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐕‍🦺 –keywordsaccessibility | animal | assistance | dog | service E12–001
7110CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐩 -namepoodle E10-486
7111CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐩 –keywordsanimal | dog | fluffy | poodle E10-486
7112CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐺 -namewolf E10-503
7113CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐺 –keywordsanimal | face | wolf E10-503
7114CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦊 -namefox E10-1106
7115CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦊 –keywordsanimal | face | fox E10-1106
7116CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦝 -nameraccoon E11-027
7117CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦝 –keywordsanimal | curious | raccoon | sly E11-027
7118CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐱 -namecat face E10-494
7119CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐱 –keywordsanimal | cat | face | kitten | kitty | pet E10-494
7120CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐈 -namecat E10-453
7121CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐈 –keywordsanimal | animals | cat | cats | kitten | pet E10-453
7122CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐈‍⬛ -nameblack cat E13-085
7123CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐈‍⬛ –keywordsanimal | black | cat | feline | halloween | meow | unlucky E13-085
7124CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦁 -namelion E10-1097
7125CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦁 –keywordsalpha | animal | face | Leo | lion | mane | order | rawr | roar | safari | strong | zodiac E10-1097
7126CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐯 -nametiger face E10-492
7127CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐯 –keywordsanimal | big | cat | face | predator | tiger E10-492
7128CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐅 -nametiger E10-450
7129CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐅 –keywordsanimal | big | cat | predator | tiger | zoo E10-450
7130CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐆 -nameleopard E10-451
7131CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐆 –keywordsanimal | big | cat | leopard | predator | zoo E10-451
7132CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐴 -namehorse face E10-497
7133CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐴 –keywordsanimal | dressage | equine | face | farm | horse | horses E10-497
7134CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🫎 -namemoose E15-007
7135CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🫎 –keywordsalces | animal | antlers | elk | mammal | moose E15-007
7136CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🫏 -namedonkey E15-008
7137CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🫏 –keywordsanimal | ass | burro | donkey | hinny | mammal | mule | stubborn E15-008
7138CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐎 -namehorse E10-459
7139CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐎 –keywordsanimal | equestrian | farm | horse | racehorse | racing E10-459
7140CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦄 -nameunicorn E10-1100
7141CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦄 –keywordsface | unicorn E10-1100
7142CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦓 -namezebra E10-1115
7143CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦓 –keywordsanimal | stripe | zebra E10-1115
7144CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦌 -namedeer E10-1108
7145CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦌 –keywordsanimal | deer E10-1108
7146CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦬 -namebison E13-027
7147CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦬 –keywordsanimal | bison | buffalo | herd | wisent E13-027
7148CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐮 -namecow face E10-491
7149CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐮 –keywordsanimal | cow | face | farm | milk | moo E10-491
7150CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐂 -nameox E10-447
7151CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐂 –keywordsanimal | animals | bull | farm | ox | Taurus | zodiac E10-447
7152CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐃 -namewater buffalo E10-448
7153CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐃 –keywordsanimal | buffalo | water | zoo E10-448
7154CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐄 -namecow E10-449
7155CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐄 –keywordsanimal | animals | cow | farm | milk | moo E10-449
7156CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐷 -namepig face E10-500
7157CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐷 –keywordsanimal | bacon | face | farm | pig | pork E10-500
7158CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐖 -namepig E10-467
7159CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐖 –keywordsanimal | bacon | farm | pig | pork | sow E10-467
7160CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐗 -nameboar E10-468
7161CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐗 –keywordsanimal | boar | pig E10-468
7162CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐽 -namepig nose E10-506
7163CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐽 –keywordsanimal | face | farm | nose | pig | smell | snout E10-506
7164CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐏 -nameram E10-460
7165CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐏 –keywordsanimal | Aries | horns | male | ram | sheep | zodiac | zoo E10-460
7166CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐑 -nameewe E10-462
7167CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐑 –keywordsanimal | baa | ewe | farm | female | fluffy | lamb | sheep | wool E10-462
7168CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐐 -namegoat E10-461
7169CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐐 –keywordsanimal | Capricorn | farm | goat | milk | zodiac E10-461
7170CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐪 -namecamel E10-487
7171CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐪 –keywordsanimal | camel | desert | dromedary | hump | one E10-487
7172CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐫 -nametwo-hump camel E10-488
7173CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐫 –keywordsanimal | bactrian | camel | desert | hump | two | two-hump E10-488
7174CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦙 -namellama E11-023
7175CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦙 –keywordsalpaca | animal | guanaco | llama | vicuña | wool E11-023
7176CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦒 -namegiraffe E10-1114
7177CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦒 –keywordsanimal | giraffe | spots E10-1114
7178CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐘 -nameelephant E10-469
7179CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐘 –keywordsanimal | elephant E10-469
7180CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦣 -namemammoth E13-028
7181CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦣 –keywordsanimal | extinction | large | mammoth | tusk | wooly E13-028
7182CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦏 -namerhinoceros E10-1111
7183CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦏 –keywordsanimal | rhinoceros E10-1111
7184CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦛 -namehippopotamus E11-025
7185CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦛 –keywordsanimal | hippo | hippopotamus E11-025
7186CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐭 -namemouse face E10-490
7187CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐭 –keywordsanimal | face | mouse E10-490
7188CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐁 -namemouse E10-446
7189CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐁 –keywordsanimal | animals | mouse E10-446
7190CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐀 -namerat E10-445
7191CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐀 –keywordsanimal | rat E10-445
7192CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐹 -namehamster E10-502
7193CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐹 –keywordsanimal | face | hamster | pet E10-502
7194CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐰 -namerabbit face E10-493
7195CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐰 –keywordsanimal | bunny | face | pet | rabbit E10-493
7196CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐇 -namerabbit E10-452
7197CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐇 –keywordsanimal | bunny | pet | rabbit E10-452
7198CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐿 -namechipmunk E10-508
7199CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐿 –keywordsanimal | chipmunk | squirrel E10-508
7200CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦫 -namebeaver E13-029
7201CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦫 –keywordsanimal | beaver | dam | teeth E13-029
7202CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦔 -namehedgehog E10-1116
7203CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦔 –keywordsanimal | hedgehog | spiny E10-1116
7204CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦇 -namebat E10-1103
7205CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦇 –keywordsanimal | bat | vampire E10-1103
7206CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐻 -namebear E10-504
7207CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐻 –keywordsanimal | bear | face | grizzly | growl | honey E10-504
7208CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐻‍❄ -namepolar bear E13-086
7209CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐻‍❄ –keywordsanimal | arctic | bear | polar | white E13-086
7210CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐨 -namekoala E10-485
7211CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐨 –keywordsanimal | australia | bear | down | face | koala | marsupial | under E10-485
7212CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐼 -namepanda E10-505
7213CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐼 –keywordsanimal | bamboo | face | panda E10-505
7214CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦥 -namesloth E12–028
7215CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦥 –keywordslazy | sloth | slow E12–028
7216CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦦 -nameotter E12–029
7217CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦦 –keywordsanimal | fishing | otter | playful E12–029
7218CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦨 -nameskunk E12–031
7219CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦨 –keywordsanimal | skunk | stink E12–031
7220CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦘 -namekangaroo E11-022
7221CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦘 –keywordsanimal | joey | jump | kangaroo | marsupial E11-022
7222CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦡 -namebadger E11-031
7223CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦡 –keywordsanimal | badger | honey | pester E11-031
7224CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐾 -namepaw prints E10-507
7225CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐾 –keywordsfeet | paw | paws | print | prints E10-507
7226CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦃 -nameturkey E10-1099
7227CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦃 –keywordsbird | gobble | thanksgiving | turkey E10-1099
7228CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐔 -namechicken E10-465
7229CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐔 –keywordsanimal | bird | chicken | ornithology E10-465
7230CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐓 -namerooster E10-464
7231CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐓 –keywordsanimal | bird | ornithology | rooster E10-464
7232CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐣 -namehatching chick E10-480
7233CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐣 –keywordsanimal | baby | bird | chick | egg | hatching E10-480
7234CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐤 -namebaby chick E10-481
7235CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐤 –keywordsanimal | baby | bird | chick | ornithology E10-481
7236CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐥 -namefront-facing baby chick E10-482
7237CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐥 –keywordsanimal | baby | bird | chick | front-facing | newborn | ornithology E10-482
7238CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐦 -namebird E10-483
7239CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐦 –keywordsanimal | bird | ornithology E10-483
7240CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐧 -namepenguin E10-484
7241CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐧 –keywordsanimal | antarctica | bird | ornithology | penguin E10-484
7242CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🕊 -namedove E10-763
7243CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🕊 –keywordsbird | dove | fly | ornithology | peace E10-763
7244CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦅 -nameeagle E10-1101
7245CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦅 –keywordsanimal | bird | eagle | ornithology E10-1101
7246CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦆 -nameduck E10-1102
7247CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦆 –keywordsanimal | bird | duck | ornithology E10-1102
7248CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦢 -nameswan E11-032
7249CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦢 –keywordsanimal | bird | cygnet | duckling | ornithology | swan | ugly E11-032
7250CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦉 -nameowl E10-1105
7251CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦉 –keywordsanimal | bird | ornithology | owl | wise E10-1105
7252CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦤 -namedodo E13-031
7253CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦤 –keywordsanimal | bird | dodo | extinction | large | ornithology E13-031
7254CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🪶 -namefeather E13-030
7255CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🪶 –keywordsbird | feather | flight | light | plumage E13-030
7256CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦩 -nameflamingo E12–032
7257CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦩 –keywordsanimal | bird | flamboyant | flamingo | ornithology | tropical E12–032
7258CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦚 -namepeacock E11-024
7259CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦚 –keywordsanimal | bird | colorful | ornithology | ostentatious | peacock | peahen | pretty | proud E11-024
7260CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦜 -nameparrot E11-026
7261CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦜 –keywordsanimal | bird | ornithology | parrot | pirate | talk E11-026
7262CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🪽 -namewing E15-009
7263CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🪽 –keywordsangelic | ascend | aviation | bird | fly | flying | heavenly | mythology | soar | wing E15-009
7264CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐦‍⬛ -nameblack bird E15-011
7265CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐦‍⬛ –keywordsanimal | beak | bird | black | caw | corvid | crow | ornithology | raven | rook E15-011
7266CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🪿 -namegoose E15-010
7267CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🪿 –keywordsanimal | bird | duck | flock | fowl | gaggle | gander | geese | goose | honk | ornithology | silly E15-010
7268CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐦‍🔥 -namephoenix E15.1-007
7269CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐦‍🔥 –keywordsascend | ascension | emerge | fantasy | firebird | glory | immortal | phoenix | rebirth | reincarnation | reinvent | renewal | revival | revive | rise | transform E15.1-007
7270CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-amphibian🐸 -namefrog E10-501
7271CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-amphibian🐸 –keywordsanimal | face | frog E10-501
7272CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🐊 -namecrocodile E10-455
7273CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🐊 –keywordsanimal | crocodile | zoo E10-455
7274CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🐢 -nameturtle E10-479
7275CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🐢 –keywordsanimal | terrapin | tortoise | turtle E10-479
7276CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🦎 -namelizard E10-1110
7277CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🦎 –keywordsanimal | lizard | reptile E10-1110
7278CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🐍 -namesnake E10-458
7279CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🐍 –keywordsanimal | bearer | Ophiuchus | serpent | snake | zodiac E10-458
7280CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🐲 -namedragon face E10-495
7281CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🐲 –keywordsanimal | dragon | face | fairy | fairytale | tale E10-495
7282CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🐉 -namedragon E10-454
7283CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🐉 –keywordsanimal | dragon | fairy | fairytale | knights | tale E10-454
7284CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🦕 -namesauropod E10-1117
7285CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🦕 –keywordsbrachiosaurus | brontosaurus | dinosaur | diplodocus | sauropod E10-1117
7286CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🦖 -nameT-Rex E10-1118
7287CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🦖 –keywordsdinosaur | Rex | T | T-Rex | Tyrannosaurus E10-1118
7288CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐳 -namespouting whale E10-496
7289CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐳 –keywordsanimal | beach | face | ocean | spouting | whale E10-496
7290CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐋 -namewhale E10-456
7291CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐋 –keywordsanimal | beach | ocean | whale E10-456
7292CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐬 -namedolphin E10-489
7293CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐬 –keywordsanimal | beach | dolphin | flipper | ocean E10-489
7294CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🦭 -nameseal E13-032
7295CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🦭 –keywordsanimal | lion | ocean | sea | seal E13-032
7296CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐟 -namefish E10-476
7297CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐟 –keywordsanimal | dinner | fish | fishes | fishing | Pisces | zodiac E10-476
7298CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐠 -nametropical fish E10-477
7299CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐠 –keywordsanimal | fish | fishes | tropical E10-477
7300CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐡 -nameblowfish E10-478
7301CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐡 –keywordsanimal | blowfish | fish E10-478
7302CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🦈 -nameshark E10-1104
7303CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🦈 –keywordsanimal | fish | shark E10-1104
7304CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐙 -nameoctopus E10-470
7305CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐙 –keywordsanimal | creature | ocean | octopus E10-470
7306CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐚 -namespiral shell E10-471
7307CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐚 –keywordsanimal | beach | conch | sea | shell | spiral E10-471
7308CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🪸 -namecoral E14-020
7309CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🪸 –keywordschange | climate | coral | ocean | reef | sea E14-020
7310CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🪼 -namejellyfish E15-012
7311CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🪼 –keywordsanimal | aquarium | burn | invertebrate | jelly | jellyfish | life | marine | ocean | ouch | plankton | sea | sting | stinger | tentacles E15-012
7312CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🦀 -namecrab E10-1096
7313CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🦀 –keywordsCancer | crab | zodiac E10-1096
7314CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🦞 -namelobster E11-028
7315CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🦞 –keywordsanimal | bisque | claws | lobster | seafood E11-028
7316CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🦐 -nameshrimp E10-1112
7317CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🦐 –keywordsfood | shellfish | shrimp | small E10-1112
7318CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🦑 -namesquid E10-1113
7319CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🦑 –keywordsanimal | food | mollusk | squid E10-1113
7320CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🦪 -nameoyster E12–033
7321CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🦪 –keywordsdiving | oyster | pearl E12–033
7322CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🐌 -namesnail E10-457
7323CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🐌 –keywordsanimal | escargot | garden | nature | slug | snail E10-457
7324CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🦋 -namebutterfly E10-1107
7325CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🦋 –keywordsbutterfly | insect | pretty E10-1107
7326CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🐛 -namebug E10-472
7327CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🐛 –keywordsanimal | bug | garden | insect E10-472
7328CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🐜 -nameant E10-473
7329CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🐜 –keywordsanimal | ant | garden | insect E10-473
7330CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🐝 -namehoneybee E10-474
7331CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🐝 –keywordsanimal | bee | bumblebee | honey | honeybee | insect | nature | spring E10-474
7332CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🪲 -namebeetle E13-033
7333CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🪲 –keywordsanimal | beetle | bug | insect E13-033
7334CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🐞 -namelady beetle E10-475
7335CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🐞 –keywordsanimal | beetle | garden | insect | lady | ladybird | ladybug | nature E10-475
7336CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🦗 -namecricket E10-1119
7337CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🦗 –keywordsanimal | bug | cricket | grasshopper | insect | Orthoptera E10-1119
7338CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🪳 -namecockroach E13-034
7339CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🪳 –keywordsanimal | cockroach | insect | pest | roach E13-034
7340CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🕷 -namespider E10-798
7341CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🕷 –keywordsanimal | insect | spider E10-798
7342CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🕸 -namespider web E10-799
7343CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🕸 –keywordsspider | web E10-799
7344CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🦂 -namescorpion E10-1098
7345CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🦂 –keywordsScorpio | scorpion | Scorpius | zodiac E10-1098
7346CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🦟 -namemosquito E11-029
7347CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🦟 –keywordsbite | disease | fever | insect | malaria | mosquito | pest | virus E11-029
7348CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🪰 -namefly E13-035
7349CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🪰 –keywordsanimal | disease | fly | insect | maggot | pest | rotting E13-035
7350CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🪱 -nameworm E13-036
7351CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🪱 –keywordsanimal | annelid | earthworm | parasite | worm E13-036
7352CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🦠 -namemicrobe E11-030
7353CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🦠 –keywordsamoeba | bacteria | microbe | science | virus E11-030
7354CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower💐 -namebouquet E10-589
7355CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower💐 –keywordsanniversary | birthday | bouquet | date | flower | love | plant | romance E10-589
7356CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🌸 -namecherry blossom E10-253
7357CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🌸 –keywordsblossom | cherry | flower | plant | spring | springtime E10-253
7358CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower💮 -namewhite flower E10-619
7359CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower💮 –keywordsflower | white E10-619
7360CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🪷 -namelotus E14-021
7361CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🪷 –keywordsbeauty | Buddhism | calm | flower | Hinduism | lotus | peace | purity | serenity E14-021
7362CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🏵 -namerosette E10-435
7363CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🏵 –keywordsplant | rosette E10-435
7364CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🌹 -namerose E10-254
7365CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🌹 –keywordsbeauty | elegant | flower | love | plant | red | rose | valentine E10-254
7366CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🥀 -namewilted flower E10-1056
7367CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🥀 –keywordsdying | flower | wilted E10-1056
7368CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🌺 -namehibiscus E10-255
7369CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🌺 –keywordsflower | hibiscus | plant E10-255
7370CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🌻 -namesunflower E10-256
7371CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🌻 –keywordsflower | outdoors | plant | sun | sunflower E10-256
7372CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🌼 -nameblossom E10-257
7373CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🌼 –keywordsblossom | buttercup | dandelion | flower | plant E10-257
7374CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🌷 -nametulip E10-252
7375CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🌷 –keywordsblossom | flower | growth | plant | tulip E10-252
7376CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🪻 -namehyacinth E15-013
7377CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🪻 –keywordsbloom | bluebonnet | flower | hyacinth | indigo | lavender | lilac | lupine | plant | purple | shrub | snapdragon | spring | violet E15-013
7378CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌱 -nameseedling E10-246
7379CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌱 –keywordsplant | sapling | seedling | sprout | young E10-246
7380CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🪴 -namepotted plant E13-037
7381CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🪴 –keywordsdecor | grow | house | nurturing | plant | pot | potted E13-037
7382CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌲 -nameevergreen tree E10-247
7383CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌲 –keywordschristmas | evergreen | forest | pine | tree E10-247
7384CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌳 -namedeciduous tree E10-248
7385CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌳 –keywordsdeciduous | forest | green | habitat | shedding | tree E10-248
7386CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌴 -namepalm tree E10-249
7387CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌴 –keywordsbeach | palm | plant | tree | tropical E10-249
7388CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌵 -namecactus E10-250
7389CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌵 –keywordscactus | desert | drought | nature | plant E10-250
7390CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌾 -namesheaf of rice E10-259
7391CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌾 –keywordsear | grain | grains | plant | rice | sheaf E10-259
7392CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌿 -nameherb E10-260
7393CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌿 –keywordsherb | leaf | plant E10-260
7394CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other☘ -nameshamrock E10-050
7395CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other☘ –keywordsirish | plant | shamrock E10-050
7396CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🍀 -namefour leaf clover E10-261
7397CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🍀 –keywords4 | clover | four | four-leaf | irish | leaf | lucky | plant E10-261
7398CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🍁 -namemaple leaf E10-262
7399CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🍁 –keywordsfalling | leaf | maple E10-262
7400CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🍂 -namefallen leaf E10-263
7401CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🍂 –keywordsautumn | fall | fallen | falling | leaf E10-263
7402CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🍃 -nameleaf fluttering in wind E10-264
7403CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🍃 –keywordsblow | flutter | fluttering | leaf | wind E10-264
7404CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🪹 -nameempty nest E14-022
7405CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🪹 –keywordsbranch | empty | home | nest | nesting E14-022
7406CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🪺 -namenest with eggs E14-023
7407CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🪺 –keywordsbird | branch | egg | eggs | nest | nesting E14-023
7408CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🍄 -namemushroom E10-265
7409CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🍄 –keywordsfungus | mushroom | toadstool E10-265
7410CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🪾 -nameleafless tree E16-003
7411CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🪾 –keywordsbare | barren | branches | dead | drought | leafless | tree | trunk | winter | wood E16-003
7412CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍇 -namegrapes ua
7413CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍇 –keywordsDionysus | fruit | grape | grapes fruta | graspo | ua | vin
7414CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍈 -name= melon
7415CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍈 –keywordscantaloupe | fruit | melon fruta | melon
7416CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍉 -namewatermelon E10-270
7417CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍉 –keywordsfruit | watermelon E10-270
7418CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍊 -nametangerine E10-271
7419CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍊 –keywordsc | citrus | fruit | nectarine | orange | tangerine | vitamin E10-271
7420CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍋 -namelemon E10-272
7421CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍋 –keywordscitrus | fruit | lemon | sour E10-272
7422CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍋‍🟩 -namelime E15.1-008
7423CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍋‍🟩 –keywordsacidity | citrus | cocktail | fruit | garnish | key | lime | margarita | mojito | refreshing | salsa | sour | tangy | tequila | tropical | zest E15.1-008
7424CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍌 -namebanana E10-273
7425CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍌 –keywordsbanana | fruit | potassium E10-273
7426CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍍 -namepineapple E10-274
7427CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍍 –keywordscolada | fruit | pina | pineapple | tropical E10-274
7428CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🥭 -namemango E11-009
7429CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🥭 –keywordsfood | fruit | mango | tropical E11-009
7430CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍎 -namered apple E10-275
7431CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍎 –keywordsapple | diet | food | fruit | health | red | ripe E10-275
7432CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍏 -namegreen apple E10-276
7433CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍏 –keywordsapple | fruit | green E10-276
7434CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍐 -namepear E10-277
7435CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍐 –keywordsfruit | pear E10-277
7436CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍑 -namepeach E10-278
7437CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍑 –keywordsfruit | peach E10-278
7438CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍒 -namecherries E10-279
7439CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍒 –keywordsberries | cherries | cherry | fruit | red E10-279
7440CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍓 -namestrawberry E10-280
7441CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍓 –keywordsberry | fruit | strawberry E10-280
7442CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🫐 -nameblueberries E13-038
7443CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🫐 –keywordsberries | berry | bilberry | blue | blueberries | blueberry | food | fruit E13-038
7444CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🥝 -namekiwi fruit E10-1081
7445CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🥝 –keywordsfood | fruit | kiwi E10-1081
7446CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍅 -nametomato E10-266
7447CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍅 –keywordsfood | fruit | tomato | vegetable E10-266
7448CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🫒 -nameolive E13-039
7449CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🫒 –keywordsfood | olive E13-039
7450CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🥥 -namecoconut E10-1089
7451CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🥥 –keywordscoconut | colada | palm | piña E10-1089
7452CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥑 -nameavocado E10-1069
7453CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥑 –keywordsavocado | food | fruit E10-1069
7454CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🍆 -nameeggplant E10-267
7455CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🍆 –keywordsaubergine | eggplant | vegetable E10-267
7456CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥔 -namepotato E10-1072
7457CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥔 –keywordsfood | potato | vegetable E10-1072
7458CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥕 -namecarrot E10-1073
7459CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥕 –keywordscarrot | food | vegetable E10-1073
7460CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🌽 -nameear of corn E10-258
7461CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🌽 –keywordscorn | crops | ear | farm | maize | maze E10-258
7462CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🌶 -namehot pepper E10-251
7463CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🌶 –keywordshot | pepper E10-251
7464CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🫑 -namebell pepper E13-040
7465CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🫑 –keywordsbell | capsicum | food | pepper | vegetable E13-040
7466CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥒 -namecucumber E10-1070
7467CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥒 –keywordscucumber | food | pickle | vegetable E10-1070
7468CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥬 -nameleafy green E11-008
7469CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥬 –keywordsbok | burgers | cabbage | choy | green | kale | leafy | lettuce | salad E11-008
7470CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥦 -namebroccoli E10-1090
7471CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥦 –keywordsbroccoli | cabbage | wild E10-1090
7472CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🧄 -namegarlic E12–043
7473CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🧄 –keywordsflavoring | garlic E12–043
7474CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🧅 -nameonion E12–044
7475CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🧅 –keywordsflavoring | onion E12–044
7476CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥜 -namepeanuts E10-1080
7477CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥜 –keywordsfood | nut | peanut | peanuts | vegetable E10-1080
7478CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🫘 -namebeans E14-024
7479CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🫘 –keywordsbeans | food | kidney | legume | small E14-024
7480CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🌰 -namechestnut E10-245
7481CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🌰 –keywordsalmond | chestnut | plant E10-245
7482CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🫚 -nameginger root E15-014
7483CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🫚 –keywordsbeer | ginger | health | herb | natural | root | spice E15-014
7484CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🫛 -namepea pod E15-015
7485CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🫛 –keywordsbeans | beanstalk | edamame | legume | pea | pod | soybean | vegetable | veggie E15-015
7486CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🍄‍🟫 -namebrown mushroom E15.1-009
7487CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🍄‍🟫 –keywordsfood | fungi | fungus | mushroom | nature | pizza | portobello | shiitake | shroom | spore | sprout | toppings | truffle | vegetable | vegetarian | veggie E15.1-009
7488CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🫜 -nameroot vegetable E16-005
7489CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🫜 –keywordsbeet | food | garden | radish | root | salad | turnip | vegetable | vegetarian E16-005
7490CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍞 -namebread E10-291
7491CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍞 –keywordsbread | carbs | food | grain | loaf | restaurant | toast | wheat E10-291
7492CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥐 -namecroissant E10-1068
7493CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥐 –keywordsbread | breakfast | crescent | croissant | food | french | roll E10-1068
7494CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥖 -namebaguette bread E10-1074
7495CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥖 –keywordsbaguette | bread | food | french E10-1074
7496CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🫓 -nameflatbread E13-041
7497CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🫓 –keywordsarepa | bread | flatbread | food | gordita | lavash | naan | pita E13-041
7498CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥨 -namepretzel E10-1092
7499CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥨 –keywordsconvoluted | pretzel | twisted E10-1092
7500CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥯 -namebagel E11-011
7501CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥯 –keywordsbagel | bakery | bread | breakfast | schmear E11-011
7502CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥞 -namepancakes E10-1082
7503CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥞 –keywordsbreakfast | crêpe | food | hotcake | pancake | pancakes E10-1082
7504CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🧇 -namewaffle E12–046
7505CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🧇 –keywordsbreakfast | indecisive | iron | waffle E12–046
7506CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🧀 -namecheese wedge E10-1120
7507CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🧀 –keywordscheese | wedge E10-1120
7508CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍖 -namemeat on bone E10-283
7509CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍖 –keywordsbone | meat E10-283
7510CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍗 -namepoultry leg E10-284
7511CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍗 –keywordsbone | chicken | drumstick | hungry | leg | poultry | turkey E10-284
7512CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥩 -namecut of meat E10-1093
7513CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥩 –keywordschop | cut | lambchop | meat | porkchop | red | steak E10-1093
7514CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥓 -namebacon E10-1071
7515CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥓 –keywordsbacon | breakfast | food | meat E10-1071
7516CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍔 -namehamburger E10-281
7517CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍔 –keywordsburger | eat | fast | food | hamburger | hungry E10-281
7518CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍟 -namefrench fries E10-292
7519CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍟 –keywordsfast | food | french | fries E10-292
7520CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍕 -namepizza E10-282
7521CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍕 –keywordscheese | food | hungry | pepperoni | pizza | slice E10-282
7522CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🌭 -namehot dog E10-242
7523CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🌭 –keywordsdog | frankfurter | hot | hotdog | sausage E10-242
7524CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥪 -namesandwich E10-1094
7525CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥪 –keywordsbread | sandwich E10-1094
7526CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🌮 -nametaco E10-243
7527CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🌮 –keywordsmexican | taco E10-243
7528CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🌯 -nameburrito E10-244
7529CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🌯 –keywordsburrito | mexican | wrap E10-244
7530CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🫔 -nametamale E13-042
7531CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🫔 –keywordsfood | mexican | pamonha | tamale | wrapped E13-042
7532CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥙 -namestuffed flatbread E10-1077
7533CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥙 –keywordsfalafel | flatbread | food | gyro | kebab | stuffed E10-1077
7534CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🧆 -namefalafel E12–045
7535CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🧆 –keywordschickpea | falafel | meatball E12–045
7536CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥚 -nameegg E10-1078
7537CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥚 –keywordsbreakfast | egg | food E10-1078
7538CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍳 -namecooking E10-312
7539CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍳 –keywordsbreakfast | cooking | easy | egg | fry | frying | over | pan | restaurant | side | sunny | up E10-312
7540CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥘 -nameshallow pan of food E10-1076
7541CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥘 –keywordscasserole | food | paella | pan | shallow E10-1076
7542CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍲 -namepot of food E10-311
7543CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍲 –keywordsfood | pot | soup | stew E10-311
7544CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🫕 -namefondue E13-043
7545CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🫕 –keywordscheese | chocolate | fondue | food | melted | pot | ski E13-043
7546CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥣 -namebowl with spoon E10-1087
7547CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥣 –keywordsbowl | breakfast | cereal | congee | oatmeal | porridge | spoon E10-1087
7548CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥗 -namegreen salad E10-1075
7549CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥗 –keywordsfood | green | salad E10-1075
7550CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍿 -namepopcorn E10-324
7551CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍿 –keywordscorn | movie | pop | popcorn E10-324
7552CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🧈 -namebutter E12–047
7553CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🧈 –keywordsbutter | dairy E12–047
7554CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🧂 -namesalt E11-048
7555CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🧂 –keywordscondiment | flavor | mad | salt | salty | shaker | taste | upset E11-048
7556CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥫 -namecanned food E10-1095
7557CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥫 –keywordscan | canned | food E10-1095
7558CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍱 -namebento box E10-310
7559CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍱 –keywordsbento | box | food E10-310
7560CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍘 -namerice cracker E10-285
7561CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍘 –keywordscracker | food | rice E10-285
7562CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍙 -namerice ball E10-286
7563CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍙 –keywordsball | food | Japanese | rice E10-286
7564CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍚 -namecooked rice E10-287
7565CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍚 –keywordscooked | food | rice E10-287
7566CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍛 -namecurry rice E10-288
7567CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍛 –keywordscurry | food | rice E10-288
7568CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍜 -namesteaming bowl E10-289
7569CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍜 –keywordsbowl | chopsticks | food | noodle | pho | ramen | soup | steaming E10-289
7570CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍝 -namespaghetti E10-290
7571CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍝 –keywordsfood | meatballs | pasta | restaurant | spaghetti E10-290
7572CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍠 -nameroasted sweet potato E10-293
7573CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍠 –keywordsfood | potato | roasted | sweet E10-293
7574CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍢 -nameoden E10-295
7575CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍢 –keywordsfood | kebab | oden | restaurant | seafood | skewer | stick E10-295
7576CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍣 -namesushi E10-296
7577CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍣 –keywordsfood | sushi E10-296
7578CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍤 -namefried shrimp E10-297
7579CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍤 –keywordsfried | prawn | shrimp | tempura E10-297
7580CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍥 -namefish cake with swirl E10-298
7581CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍥 –keywordscake | fish | food | pastry | restaurant | swirl E10-298
7582CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🥮 -namemoon cake E11-010
7583CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🥮 –keywordsautumn | cake | festival | moon | yuèbǐng E11-010
7584CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍡 -namedango E10-294
7585CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍡 –keywordsdango | dessert | Japanese | skewer | stick | sweet E10-294
7586CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🥟 -namedumpling E10-1083
7587CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🥟 –keywordsdumpling | empanada | gyōza | jiaozi | pierogi | potsticker E10-1083
7588CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🥠 -namefortune cookie E10-1084
7589CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🥠 –keywordscookie | fortune | prophecy E10-1084
7590CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🥡 -nametakeout box E10-1085
7591CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🥡 –keywordsbox | chopsticks | delivery | food | oyster | pail | takeout E10-1085
7592CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍦 -namesoft ice cream E10-299
7593CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍦 –keywordscream | dessert | food | ice | icecream | restaurant | serve | soft | sweet E10-299
7594CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍧 -nameshaved ice E10-300
7595CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍧 –keywordsdessert | ice | restaurant | shaved | sweet E10-300
7596CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍨 -nameice cream E10-301
7597CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍨 –keywordscream | dessert | food | ice | restaurant | sweet E10-301
7598CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍩 -namedoughnut E10-302
7599CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍩 –keywordsbreakfast | dessert | donut | doughnut | food | sweet E10-302
7600CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍪 -namecookie E10-303
7601CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍪 –keywordschip | chocolate | cookie | dessert | sweet E10-303
7602CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🎂 -namebirthday cake E10-327
7603CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🎂 –keywordsbday | birthday | cake | celebration | dessert | happy | pastry | sweet E10-327
7604CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍰 -nameshortcake E10-309
7605CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍰 –keywordscake | dessert | pastry | shortcake | slice | sweet E10-309
7606CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🧁 -namecupcake E11-047
7607CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🧁 –keywordsbakery | cupcake | dessert | sprinkles | sugar | sweet | treat E11-047
7608CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🥧 -namepie E10-1091
7609CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🥧 –keywordsapple | filling | fruit | meat | pastry | pie | pumpkin | slice E10-1091
7610CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍫 -namechocolate bar E10-304
7611CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍫 –keywordsbar | candy | chocolate | dessert | halloween | sweet | tooth E10-304
7612CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍬 -namecandy E10-305
7613CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍬 –keywordscandy | cavities | dessert | halloween | restaurant | sweet | tooth | wrapper E10-305
7614CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍭 -namelollipop E10-306
7615CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍭 –keywordscandy | dessert | food | lollipop | restaurant | sweet E10-306
7616CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍮 -namecustard E10-307
7617CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍮 –keywordscustard | dessert | pudding | sweet E10-307
7618CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍯 -namehoney pot E10-308
7619CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍯 –keywordsbarrel | bear | food | honey | honeypot | jar | pot | sweet E10-308
7620CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍼 -namebaby bottle E10-321
7621CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍼 –keywordsbabies | baby | birth | born | bottle | drink | infant | milk | newborn E10-321
7622CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🥛 -nameglass of milk E10-1079
7623CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🥛 –keywordsdrink | glass | milk E10-1079
7624CharactersFood & Drinkdrink☕ -namehot beverage E10-049
7625CharactersFood & Drinkdrink☕ –keywordsbeverage | cafe | caffeine | chai | coffee | drink | hot | morning | steaming | tea E10-049
7626CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🫖 -nameteapot E13-044
7627CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🫖 –keywordsbrew | drink | food | pot | tea | teapot E13-044
7628CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍵 -nameteacup without handle E10-314
7629CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍵 –keywordsbeverage | cup | drink | handle | oolong | tea | teacup E10-314
7630CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍶 -namesake E10-315
7631CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍶 –keywordsbar | beverage | bottle | cup | drink | restaurant | sake E10-315
7632CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍾 -namebottle with popping cork E10-323
7633CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍾 –keywordsbar | bottle | cork | drink | popping E10-323
7634CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍷 -namewine glass E10-316
7635CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍷 –keywordsalcohol | bar | beverage | booze | club | drink | drinking | drinks | glass | restaurant | wine E10-316
7636CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍸 -namecocktail glass E10-317
7637CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍸 –keywordsalcohol | bar | booze | club | cocktail | drink | drinking | drinks | glass | mad | martini | men E10-317
7638CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍹 -nametropical drink E10-318
7639CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍹 –keywordsalcohol | bar | booze | club | cocktail | drink | drinking | drinks | drunk | mai | party | tai | tropical | tropics E10-318
7640CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍺 -namebeer mug E10-319
7641CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍺 –keywordsalcohol | ale | bar | beer | booze | drink | drinking | drinks | mug | octoberfest | oktoberfest | pint | stein | summer E10-319
7642CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍻 -nameclinking beer mugs E10-320
7643CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍻 –keywordsalcohol | bar | beer | booze | bottoms | cheers | clink | clinking | drinking | drinks | mugs E10-320
7644CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🥂 -nameclinking glasses E10-1058
7645CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🥂 –keywordscelebrate | clink | clinking | drink | glass | glasses E10-1058
7646CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🥃 -nametumbler glass E10-1059
7647CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🥃 –keywordsglass | liquor | scotch | shot | tumbler | whiskey | whisky E10-1059
7648CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🫗 -namepouring liquid E14-025
7649CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🫗 –keywordsaccident | drink | empty | glass | liquid | oops | pour | pouring | spill | water E14-025
7650CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🥤 -namecup with straw E10-1088
7651CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🥤 –keywordscup | drink | juice | malt | soda | soft | straw | water E10-1088
7652CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🧋 -namebubble tea E13-045
7653CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🧋 –keywordsboba | bubble | food | milk | pearl | tea E13-045
7654CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🧃 -namebeverage box E12–042
7655CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🧃 –keywordsbeverage | box | juice | straw | sweet E12–042
7656CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🧉 -namemate E12–048
7657CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🧉 –keywordsdrink | mate E12–048
7658CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🧊 -nameice E12–049
7659CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🧊 –keywordscold | cube | ice | iceberg E12–049
7660CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🥢 -namechopsticks E10-1086
7661CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🥢 –keywordschopsticks | hashi | jeotgarak | kuaizi E10-1086
7662CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🍽 -namefork and knife with plate E10-322
7663CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🍽 –keywordscooking | dinner | eat | fork | knife | plate E10-322
7664CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🍴 -namefork and knife E10-313
7665CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🍴 –keywordsbreakfast | breaky | cooking | cutlery | delicious | dinner | eat | feed | food | fork | hungry | knife | lunch | restaurant | yum | yummy E10-313
7666CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🥄 -namespoon E10-1060
7667CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🥄 –keywordseat | spoon | tableware E10-1060
7668CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🔪 -namekitchen knife E10-742
7669CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🔪 –keywordschef | cooking | hocho | kitchen | knife | tool | weapon E10-742
7670CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🫙 -namejar E14-026
7671CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🫙 –keywordscondiment | container | empty | jar | nothing | sauce | store E14-026
7672CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🏺 -nameamphora E10-439
7673CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🏺 –keywordsamphora | Aquarius | cooking | drink | jug | tool | weapon | zodiac E10-439
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7675CharactersTravel & Placesplace-map🌍 –keywordsAfrica | earth | Europe | Europe-Africa | globe | showing | world E10-212
7676CharactersTravel & Placesplace-map🌎 -nameglobe showing Americas E10-213
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7682CharactersTravel & Placesplace-map🗺 -nameworld map E10-830
7683CharactersTravel & Placesplace-map🗺 –keywordsmap | world E10-830
7684CharactersTravel & Placesplace-map🗾 -namemap of Japan E10-834
7685CharactersTravel & Placesplace-map🗾 –keywordsJapan | map E10-834
7686CharactersTravel & Placesplace-map🧭 -namecompass E11-055
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7689CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🏔 –keywordscold | mountain | snow | snow-capped E10-404
7690CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic⛰ -namemountain E10-110
7691CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic⛰ –keywordsmountain E10-110
7692CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🌋 -namevolcano E10-210
7693CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🌋 –keywordseruption | mountain | nature | volcano E10-210
7694CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🗻 -namemount fuji E10-831
7695CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🗻 –keywordsfuji | mount | mountain | nature E10-831
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7697CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🏕 –keywordscamping E10-405
7698CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🏖 -namebeach with umbrella E10-406
7699CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🏖 –keywordsbeach | umbrella E10-406
7700CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🏜 -namedesert E10-412
7701CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🏜 –keywordsdesert E10-412
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7710CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏗 -namebuilding construction E10-407
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7714CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🪨 -namerock E13-048
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7716CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🪵 -namewood E13-047
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7718CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🛖 -namehut E13-046
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7721CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏘 –keywordshouse | houses E10-408
7722CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏚 -namederelict house E10-410
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7730CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏣 -nameJapanese post office E10-419
7731CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏣 –keywordsbuilding | Japanese | office | post E10-419
7732CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏤 -namepost office E10-420
7733CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏤 –keywordsbuilding | European | office | post E10-420
7734CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏥 -namehospital E10-421
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7736CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏦 -namebank E10-422
7737CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏦 –keywordsbank | building E10-422
7738CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏨 -namehotel E10-424
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7740CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏩 -namelove hotel E10-425
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7742CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏪 -nameconvenience store E10-426
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7744CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏫 -nameschool E10-427
7745CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏫 –keywordsbuilding | school E10-427
7746CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏬 -namedepartment store E10-428
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7749CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏭 –keywordsbuilding | factory E10-429
7750CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏯 -nameJapanese castle E10-431
7751CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏯 –keywordsbuilding | castle | Japanese E10-431
7752CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏰 -namecastle E10-432
7753CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏰 –keywordsbuilding | castle | European E10-432
7754CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building💒 -namewedding E10-591
7755CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building💒 –keywordschapel | hitched | nuptials | romance | wedding E10-591
7756CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🗼 -nameTokyo tower E10-832
7757CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🗼 –keywordsTokyo | tower E10-832
7758CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🗽 -nameStatue of Liberty E10-833
7759CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🗽 –keywordsliberty | Liberty | new | ny | nyc | statue | Statue | york E10-833
7760CharactersTravel & Placesplace-religious⛪ -namechurch E10-109
7761CharactersTravel & Placesplace-religious⛪ –keywordsbless | chapel | Christian | church | cross | religion E10-109
7762CharactersTravel & Placesplace-religious🕌 -namemosque E10-765
7763CharactersTravel & Placesplace-religious🕌 –keywordsislam | masjid | mosque | Muslim | religion E10-765
7764CharactersTravel & Placesplace-religious🛕 -namehindu temple E12–008
7765CharactersTravel & Placesplace-religious🛕 –keywordshindu | temple E12–008
7766CharactersTravel & Placesplace-religious🕍 -namesynagogue E10-766
7767CharactersTravel & Placesplace-religious🕍 –keywordsJew | Jewish | judaism | religion | synagogue | temple E10-766
7768CharactersTravel & Placesplace-religious⛩ -nameshinto shrine E10-108
7769CharactersTravel & Placesplace-religious⛩ –keywordsreligion | shinto | shrine E10-108
7770CharactersTravel & Placesplace-religious🕋 -namekaaba E10-764
7771CharactersTravel & Placesplace-religious🕋 –keywordshajj | islam | kaaba | Muslim | religion | umrah E10-764
7772CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other⛲ -namefountain E10-112
7773CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other⛲ –keywordsfountain E10-112
7774CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other⛺ -nametent E10-119
7775CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other⛺ –keywordscamping | tent E10-119
7776CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌁 -namefoggy E10-200
7777CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌁 –keywordsfog | foggy E10-200
7778CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌃 -namenight with stars E10-202
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7780CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🏙 -namecityscape E10-409
7781CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🏙 –keywordscity | cityscape E10-409
7782CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌄 -namesunrise over mountains E10-203
7783CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌄 –keywordsmorning | mountains | over | sun | sunrise E10-203
7784CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌅 -namesunrise E10-204
7785CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌅 –keywordsmorning | nature | sun | sunrise E10-204
7786CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌆 -namecityscape at dusk E10-205
7787CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌆 –keywordsat | building | city | cityscape | dusk | evening | landscape | sun | sunset E10-205
7788CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌇 -namesunset E10-206
7789CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌇 –keywordsbuilding | dusk | sun | sunset E10-206
7790CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌉 -namebridge at night E10-208
7791CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌉 –keywordsat | bridge | night E10-208
7792CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other♨ -namehot springs E10-080
7793CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other♨ –keywordshot | hotsprings | springs | steaming E10-080
7794CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🎠 -namecarousel horse E10-352
7795CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🎠 –keywordscarousel | entertainment | horse E10-352
7796CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🛝 -nameplayground slide E14-027
7797CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🛝 –keywordsamusement | park | play | playground | playing | slide | sliding | theme E14-027
7798CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🎡 -nameferris wheel E10-353
7799CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🎡 –keywordsamusement | ferris | park | theme | wheel E10-353
7800CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🎢 -nameroller coaster E10-354
7801CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🎢 –keywordsamusement | coaster | park | roller | theme E10-354
7802CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other💈 -namebarber pole E10-581
7803CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other💈 –keywordsbarber | cut | fresh | haircut | pole | shave E10-581
7804CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🎪 -namecircus tent E10-362
7805CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🎪 –keywordscircus | tent E10-362
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7808CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚃 -namerailway car E10-919
7809CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚃 –keywordscar | electric | railway | train | tram | travel | trolleybus E10-919
7810CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚄 -namehigh-speed train E10-920
7811CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚄 –keywordshigh-speed | railway | shinkansen | speed | train E10-920
7812CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚅 -namebullet train E10-921
7813CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚅 –keywordsbullet | high-speed | nose | railway | shinkansen | speed | train | travel E10-921
7814CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚆 -nametrain E10-922
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7816CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚇 -namemetro E10-923
7817CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚇 –keywordsmetro | subway | travel E10-923
7818CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚈 -namelight rail E10-924
7819CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚈 –keywordsarrived | light | monorail | rail | railway E10-924
7820CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚉 -namestation E10-925
7821CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚉 –keywordsrailway | station | train E10-925
7822CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚊 -nametram E10-926
7823CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚊 –keywordstram | trolleybus E10-926
7824CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚝 -namemonorail E10-945
7825CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚝 –keywordsmonorail | vehicle E10-945
7826CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚞 -namemountain railway E10-946
7827CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚞 –keywordscar | mountain | railway | trip E10-946
7828CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚋 -nametram car E10-927
7829CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚋 –keywordsbus | car | tram | trolley | trolleybus E10-927
7830CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚌 -namebus E10-928
7831CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚌 –keywordsbus | school | vehicle E10-928
7832CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚍 -nameoncoming bus E10-929
7833CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚍 –keywordsbus | cars | oncoming E10-929
7834CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚎 -nametrolleybus E10-930
7835CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚎 –keywordsbus | tram | trolley | trolleybus E10-930
7836CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚐 -nameminibus E10-932
7837CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚐 –keywordsbus | drive | minibus | van | vehicle E10-932
7838CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚑 -nameambulance E10-933
7839CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚑 –keywordsambulance | emergency | vehicle E10-933
7840CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚒 -namefire engine E10-934
7841CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚒 –keywordsengine | fire | truck E10-934
7842CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚓 -namepolice car E10-935
7843CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚓 –keywords5–0 | car | cops | patrol | police E10-935
7844CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚔 -nameoncoming police car E10-936
7845CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚔 –keywordscar | oncoming | police E10-936
7846CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚕 -nametaxi E10-937
7847CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚕 –keywordscab | cabbie | car | drive | taxi | vehicle | yellow E10-937
7848CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚖 -nameoncoming taxi E10-938
7849CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚖 –keywordscab | cabbie | cars | drove | hail | oncoming | taxi | yellow E10-938
7850CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚗 -nameautomobile E10-939
7851CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚗 –keywordsautomobile | car | driving | vehicle E10-939
7852CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚘 -nameoncoming automobile E10-940
7853CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚘 –keywordsautomobile | car | cars | drove | oncoming | vehicle E10-940
7854CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚙 -namesport utility vehicle E10-941
7855CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚙 –keywordscar | drive | recreational | sport | sportutility | utility | vehicle E10-941
7856CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🛻 -namepickup truck E13-049
7857CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🛻 –keywordsautomobile | car | flatbed | pick-up | pickup | transportation | truck E13-049
7858CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚚 -namedelivery truck E10-942
7859CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚚 –keywordscar | delivery | drive | truck | vehicle E10-942
7860CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚛 -namearticulated lorry E10-943
7861CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚛 –keywordsarticulated | car | drive | lorry | move | semi | truck | vehicle E10-943
7862CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚜 -nametractor E10-944
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7864CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🏎 -nameracing car E10-398
7865CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🏎 –keywordscar | racing | zoom E10-398
7866CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🏍 -namemotorcycle E10-397
7867CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🏍 –keywordsmotorcycle | racing E10-397
7868CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🛵 -namemotor scooter E10-1006
7869CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🛵 –keywordsmotor | scooter E10-1006
7870CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🦽 -namemanual wheelchair E12–039
7871CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🦽 –keywordsaccessibility | manual | wheelchair E12–039
7872CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🦼 -namemotorized wheelchair E12–038
7873CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🦼 –keywordsaccessibility | motorized | wheelchair E12–038
7874CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🛺 -nameauto rickshaw E12–009
7875CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🛺 –keywordsauto | rickshaw | tuk E12–009
7876CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚲 -namebicycle E10-966
7877CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚲 –keywordsbicycle | bike | class | cycle | cycling | cyclist | gang | ride | spin | spinning E10-966
7878CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🛴 -namekick scooter E10-1005
7879CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🛴 –keywordskick | scooter E10-1005
7880CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🛹 -nameskateboard E11-004
7881CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🛹 –keywordsboard | skate | skateboard | skater | wheels E11-004
7882CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🛼 -nameroller skate E13-050
7883CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🛼 –keywordsblades | roller | skate | skates | sport E13-050
7884CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚏 -namebus stop E10-931
7885CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚏 –keywordsbus | busstop | stop E10-931
7886CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🛣 -namemotorway E10-997
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7888CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🛤 -namerailway track E10-998
7889CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🛤 –keywordsrailway | track | train E10-998
7890CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🛢 -nameoil drum E10-996
7891CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🛢 –keywordsdrum | oil E10-996
7892CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground⛽ -namefuel pump E10-120
7893CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground⛽ –keywordsdiesel | fuel | fuelpump | gas | gasoline | pump | station E10-120
7894CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🛞 -namewheel E14-028
7895CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🛞 –keywordscar | circle | tire | turn | vehicle | wheel E14-028
7896CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚨 -namepolice car light E10-956
7897CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚨 –keywordsalarm | alert | beacon | car | emergency | light | police | revolving | siren E10-956
7898CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚥 -namehorizontal traffic light E10-953
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7900CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚦 -namevertical traffic light E10-954
7901CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚦 –keywordsdrove | intersection | light | signal | stop | stoplight | traffic | vertical E10-954
7902CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🛑 -namestop sign E10-992
7903CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🛑 –keywordsoctagonal | sign | stop E10-992
7904CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-ground🚧 -nameconstruction E10-955
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7907CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-water⚓ –keywordsanchor | ship | tool E10-084
7908CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-water🛟 -namering buoy E14-029
7909CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-water🛟 –keywordsbuoy | float | life | lifesaver | preserver | rescue | ring | safety | save | saver | swim E14-029
7910CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-water⛵ -namesailboat E10-115
7911CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-water⛵ –keywordsboat | resort | sailboat | sailing | sea | yacht E10-115
7912CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-water🛶 -namecanoe E10-1007
7913CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-water🛶 –keywordsboat | canoe E10-1007
7914CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-water🚤 -namespeedboat E10-952
7915CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-water🚤 –keywordsbillionaire | boat | lake | luxury | millionaire | speedboat | summer | travel E10-952
7916CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-water🛳 -namepassenger ship E10-1004
7917CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-water🛳 –keywordspassenger | ship E10-1004
7918CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-water⛴ -nameferry E10-114
7919CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-water⛴ –keywordsboat | ferry | passenger E10-114
7920CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-water🛥 -namemotor boat E10-999
7921CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-water🛥 –keywordsboat | motor | motorboat E10-999
7922CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-water🚢 -nameship E10-950
7923CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-water🚢 –keywordsboat | passenger | ship | travel E10-950
7924CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air✈ -nameairplane E10-123
7925CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air✈ –keywordsaeroplane | airplane | fly | flying | jet | plane | travel E10-123
7926CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air🛩 -namesmall airplane E10-1000
7927CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air🛩 –keywordsaeroplane | airplane | plane | small E10-1000
7928CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air🛫 -nameairplane departure E10-1001
7929CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air🛫 –keywordsaeroplane | airplane | check-in | departure | departures | plane E10-1001
7930CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air🛬 -nameairplane arrival E10-1002
7931CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air🛬 –keywordsaeroplane | airplane | arrival | arrivals | arriving | landing | plane E10-1002
7932CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air🪂 -nameparachute E12–068
7933CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air🪂 –keywordshang-glide | parachute | parasail | skydive E12–068
7934CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air💺 -nameseat E10-631
7935CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air💺 –keywordschair | seat E10-631
7936CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air🚁 -namehelicopter E10-917
7937CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air🚁 –keywordscopter | helicopter | roflcopter | travel | vehicle E10-917
7938CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air🚟 -namesuspension railway E10-947
7939CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air🚟 –keywordsrailway | suspension E10-947
7940CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air🚠 -namemountain cableway E10-948
7941CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air🚠 –keywordscable | cableway | gondola | lift | mountain | ski E10-948
7942CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air🚡 -nameaerial tramway E10-949
7943CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air🚡 –keywordsaerial | cable | car | gondola | ropeway | tramway E10-949
7944CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air🛰 -namesatellite E10-1003
7945CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air🛰 –keywordssatellite | space E10-1003
7946CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air🚀 -namerocket E10-916
7947CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air🚀 –keywordslaunch | rocket | rockets | space | travel E10-916
7948CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air🛸 -nameflying saucer E10-1009
7949CharactersTravel & Places 2transport-air🛸 –keywordsaliens | extra | flying | saucer | terrestrial | UFO E10-1009
7950CharactersTravel & Places 2hotel🛎 -namebellhop bell E10-989
7951CharactersTravel & Places 2hotel🛎 –keywordsbell | bellhop | hotel E10-989
7952CharactersTravel & Places 2hotel🧳 -nameluggage E11-061
7953CharactersTravel & Places 2hotel🧳 –keywordsbag | luggage | packing | roller | suitcase | travel E11-061
7954CharactersTravel & Places 2time⌛ -namehourglass done E10-015
7955CharactersTravel & Places 2time⌛ –keywordsdone | hourglass | sand | time | timer E10-015
7956CharactersTravel & Places 2time⏳ -namehourglass not done E10-028
7957CharactersTravel & Places 2time⏳ –keywordsdone | flowing | hourglass | hours | not | sand | timer | waiting | yolo E10-028
7958CharactersTravel & Places 2time⌚ -namewatch E10-014
7959CharactersTravel & Places 2time⌚ –keywordsclock | time | watch E10-014
7960CharactersTravel & Places 2time⏰ -namealarm clock E10-025
7961CharactersTravel & Places 2time⏰ –keywordsalarm | clock | hours | hrs | late | time | waiting E10-025
7962CharactersTravel & Places 2time⏱ -namestopwatch E10-026
7963CharactersTravel & Places 2time⏱ –keywordsclock | stopwatch | time E10-026
7964CharactersTravel & Places 2time⏲ -nametimer clock E10-027
7965CharactersTravel & Places 2time⏲ –keywordsclock | timer E10-027
7966CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕰 -namemantelpiece clock E10-793
7967CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕰 –keywordsclock | mantelpiece | time E10-793
7968CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕛 -nametwelve o’clock E10-779
7969CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕛 –keywords12 | 12:00 | clock | o’clock | time | twelve E10-779
7970CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕧 -nametwelve-thirty E10-791
7971CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕧 –keywords12 | 12:30 | 30 | clock | thirty | time | twelve | twelve-thirty E10-791
7972CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕐 -nameone o’clock E10-768
7973CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕐 –keywords1 | 1:00 | clock | o’clock | one | time E10-768
7974CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕜 -nameone-thirty E10-780
7975CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕜 –keywords1 | 1:30 | 30 | clock | one | one-thirty | thirty | time E10-780
7976CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕑 -nametwo o’clock E10-769
7977CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕑 –keywords2 | 2:00 | clock | o’clock | time | two E10-769
7978CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕝 -nametwo-thirty E10-781
7979CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕝 –keywords2 | 2:30 | 30 | clock | thirty | time | two | two-thirty E10-781
7980CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕒 -namethree o’clock E10-770
7981CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕒 –keywords3 | 3:00 | clock | o’clock | three | time E10-770
7982CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕞 -namethree-thirty E10-782
7983CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕞 –keywords3 | 3:30 | 30 | clock | thirty | three | three-thirty | time E10-782
7984CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕓 -namefour o’clock E10-771
7985CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕓 –keywords4 | 4:00 | clock | four | o’clock | time E10-771
7986CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕟 -namefour-thirty E10-783
7987CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕟 –keywords30 | 4 | 4:30 | clock | four | four-thirty | thirty | time E10-783
7988CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕔 -namefive o’clock E10-772
7989CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕔 –keywords5 | 5:00 | clock | five | o’clock | time E10-772
7990CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕠 -namefive-thirty E10-784
7991CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕠 –keywords30 | 5 | 5:30 | clock | five | five-thirty | thirty | time E10-784
7992CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕕 -namesix o’clock E10-773
7993CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕕 –keywords6 | 6:00 | clock | o’clock | six | time E10-773
7994CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕡 -namesix-thirty E10-785
7995CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕡 –keywords30 | 6 | 6:30 | clock | six | six-thirty | thirty E10-785
7996CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕖 -nameseven o’clock E10-774
7997CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕖 –keywords0 | 7 | 7:00 | clock | o’clock | seven E10-774
7998CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕢 -nameseven-thirty E10-786
7999CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕢 –keywords30 | 7 | 7:30 | clock | seven | seven-thirty | thirty E10-786
8000CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕗 -nameeight o’clock E10-775
8001CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕗 –keywords8 | 8:00 | clock | eight | o’clock | time E10-775
8002CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕣 -nameeight-thirty E10-787
8003CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕣 –keywords30 | 8 | 8:30 | clock | eight | eight-thirty | thirty | time E10-787
8004CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕘 -namenine o’clock E10-776
8005CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕘 –keywords9 | 9:00 | clock | nine | o’clock | time E10-776
8006CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕤 -namenine-thirty E10-788
8007CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕤 –keywords30 | 9 | 9:30 | clock | nine | nine-thirty | thirty | time E10-788
8008CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕙 -nameten o’clock E10-777
8009CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕙 –keywords0 | 10 | 10:00 | clock | o’clock | ten E10-777
8010CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕥 -nameten-thirty E10-789
8011CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕥 –keywords10 | 10:30 | 30 | clock | ten | ten-thirty | thirty | time E10-789
8012CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕚 -nameeleven o’clock E10-778
8013CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕚 –keywords11 | 11:00 | clock | eleven | o’clock | time E10-778
8014CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕦 -nameeleven-thirty E10-790
8015CharactersTravel & Places 2time🕦 –keywords11 | 11:30 | 30 | clock | eleven | eleven-thirty | thirty | time E10-790
8016CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌑 -namenew moon E10-216
8017CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌑 –keywordsdark | moon | new | space E10-216
8018CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌒 -namewaxing crescent moon E10-217
8019CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌒 –keywordscrescent | dreams | moon | space | waxing E10-217
8020CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌓 -namefirst quarter moon E10-218
8021CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌓 –keywordsfirst | moon | quarter | space E10-218
8022CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌔 -namewaxing gibbous moon E10-219
8023CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌔 –keywordsgibbous | moon | space | waxing E10-219
8024CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌕 -namefull moon E10-220
8025CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌕 –keywordsfull | moon | space E10-220
8026CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌖 -namewaning gibbous moon E10-221
8027CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌖 –keywordsgibbous | moon | space | waning E10-221
8028CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌗 -namelast quarter moon E10-222
8029CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌗 –keywordslast | moon | quarter | space E10-222
8030CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌘 -namewaning crescent moon E10-223
8031CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌘 –keywordscrescent | moon | space | waning E10-223
8032CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌙 -namecrescent moon E10-224
8033CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌙 –keywordscrescent | moon | ramadan | space E10-224
8034CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌚 -namenew moon face E10-225
8035CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌚 –keywordsface | moon | new | space E10-225
8036CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌛 -namefirst quarter moon face E10-226
8037CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌛 –keywordsface | first | moon | quarter | space E10-226
8038CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌜 -namelast quarter moon face E10-227
8039CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌜 –keywordsdreams | face | last | moon | quarter E10-227
8040CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌡 -namethermometer E10-232
8041CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌡 –keywordsthermometer | weather E10-232
8042CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather☀ -namesun E10-041
8043CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather☀ –keywordsbright | rays | space | sun | sunny | weather E10-041
8044CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌝 -namefull moon face E10-228
8045CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌝 –keywordsbright | face | full | moon E10-228
8046CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌞 -namesun with face E10-229
8047CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌞 –keywordsbeach | bright | day | face | heat | shine | sun | sunny | sunshine | weather E10-229
8048CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🪐 -nameringed planet E12–069
8049CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🪐 –keywordsplanet | ringed | saturn | saturnine E12–069
8050CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather⭐ -namestar E10-161
8051CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather⭐ –keywordsastronomy | medium | star | stars | white E10-161
8052CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌟 -nameglowing star E10-230
8053CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌟 –keywordsglittery | glow | glowing | night | shining | sparkle | star | win E10-230
8054CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌠 -nameshooting star E10-231
8055CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌠 –keywordsfalling | night | shooting | space | star E10-231
8056CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌌 -namemilky way E10-211
8057CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌌 –keywordsmilky | space | way E10-211
8058CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather☁ -namecloud E10-042
8059CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather☁ –keywordscloud | weather E10-042
8060CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather⛅ -namesun behind cloud E10-101
8061CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather⛅ –keywordsbehind | cloud | cloudy | sun | weather E10-101
8062CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather⛈ -namecloud with lightning and rain E10-102
8063CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather⛈ –keywordscloud | lightning | rain | thunder | thunderstorm E10-102
8064CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌤 -namesun behind small cloud E10-233
8065CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌤 –keywordsbehind | cloud | sun | weather E10-233
8066CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌥 -namesun behind large cloud E10-234
8067CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌥 –keywordsbehind | cloud | sun | weather E10-234
8068CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌦 -namesun behind rain cloud E10-235
8069CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌦 –keywordsbehind | cloud | rain | sun | weather E10-235
8070CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌧 -namecloud with rain E10-236
8071CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌧 –keywordscloud | rain | weather E10-236
8072CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌨 -namecloud with snow E10-237
8073CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌨 –keywordscloud | cold | snow | weather E10-237
8074CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌩 -namecloud with lightning E10-238
8075CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌩 –keywordscloud | lightning | weather E10-238
8076CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌪 -nametornado E10-239
8077CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌪 –keywordscloud | tornado | weather | whirlwind E10-239
8078CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌫 -namefog E10-240
8079CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌫 –keywordscloud | fog | weather E10-240
8080CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌬 -namewind face E10-241
8081CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌬 –keywordsblow | cloud | face | wind E10-241
8082CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌀 -namecyclone E10-199
8083CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌀 –keywordscyclone | dizzy | hurricane | twister | typhoon | weather E10-199
8084CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌈 -namerainbow E10-207
8085CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌈 –keywordsgay | genderqueer | glbt | glbtq | lesbian | lgbt | lgbtq | lgbtqia | nature | pride | queer | rain | rainbow | trans | transgender | weather E10-207
8086CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌂 -nameclosed umbrella E10-201
8087CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌂 –keywordsclosed | clothing | rain | umbrella E10-201
8088CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather☂ -nameumbrella E10-043
8089CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather☂ –keywordsclothing | rain | umbrella E10-043
8090CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather☔ -nameumbrella with rain drops E10-048
8091CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather☔ –keywordsclothing | drop | drops | rain | umbrella | weather E10-048
8092CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather⛱ -nameumbrella on ground E10-111
8093CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather⛱ –keywordsground | rain | sun | umbrella E10-111
8094CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather⚡ -namehigh voltage E10-093
8095CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather⚡ –keywordsdanger | electric | electricity | high | lightning | nature | thunder | thunderbolt | voltage | zap E10-093
8096CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather❄ -namesnowflake E10-138
8097CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather❄ –keywordscold | snow | snowflake | weather E10-138
8098CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather☃ -namesnowman E10-044
8099CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather☃ –keywordscold | man | snow | snowman E10-044
8100CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather⛄ -namesnowman without snow E10-100
8101CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather⛄ –keywordscold | man | snow | snowman E10-100
8102CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather☄ -namecomet E10-045
8103CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather☄ –keywordscomet | space E10-045
8104CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🔥 -namefire E10-737
8105CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🔥 –keywordsaf | burn | fire | flame | hot | lit | litaf | tool E10-737
8106CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather💧 -namedroplet E10-612
8107CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather💧 –keywordscold | comic | drop | droplet | nature | sad | sweat | tear | water | weather E10-612
8108CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌊 -namewater wave E10-209
8109CharactersTravel & Places 2sky & weather🌊 –keywordsnature | ocean | surf | surfer | surfing | water | wave E10-209
8110CharactersActivitiesevent🎃 -namejack-o-lantern E10-328
8111CharactersActivitiesevent🎃 –keywordscelebration | halloween | jack | jack-o-lantern | lantern | pumpkin E10-328
8112CharactersActivitiesevent🎄 -nameChristmas tree E10-329
8113CharactersActivitiesevent🎄 –keywordscelebration | Christmas | tree E10-329
8114CharactersActivitiesevent🎆 -namefireworks E10-331
8115CharactersActivitiesevent🎆 –keywordsboom | celebration | entertainment | fireworks | yolo E10-331
8116CharactersActivitiesevent🎇 -namesparkler E10-332
8117CharactersActivitiesevent🎇 –keywordsboom | celebration | fireworks | sparkle | sparkler E10-332
8118CharactersActivitiesevent🧨 -namefirecracker E11-050
8119CharactersActivitiesevent🧨 –keywordsdynamite | explosive | fire | firecracker | fireworks | light | pop | popping | spark E11-050
8120CharactersActivitiesevent✨ -namesparkles E10-135
8121CharactersActivitiesevent✨ –keywords* | magic | sparkle | sparkles | star E10-135
8122CharactersActivitiesevent🎈 -nameballoon E10-333
8123CharactersActivitiesevent🎈 –keywordsballoon | birthday | celebrate | celebration E10-333
8124CharactersActivitiesevent🎉 -nameparty popper E10-334
8125CharactersActivitiesevent🎉 –keywordsawesome | birthday | celebrate | celebration | excited | hooray | party | popper | tada | woohoo E10-334
8126CharactersActivitiesevent🎊 -nameconfetti ball E10-335
8127CharactersActivitiesevent🎊 –keywordsball | celebrate | celebration | confetti | party | woohoo E10-335
8128CharactersActivitiesevent🎋 -nametanabata tree E10-336
8129CharactersActivitiesevent🎋 –keywordsbanner | celebration | Japanese | tanabata | tree E10-336
8130CharactersActivitiesevent🎍 -namepine decoration E10-338
8131CharactersActivitiesevent🎍 –keywordsbamboo | celebration | decoration | Japanese | pine | plant E10-338
8132CharactersActivitiesevent🎎 -nameJapanese dolls E10-339
8133CharactersActivitiesevent🎎 –keywordscelebration | doll | dolls | festival | Japanese E10-339
8134CharactersActivitiesevent🎏 -namecarp streamer E10-340
8135CharactersActivitiesevent🎏 –keywordscarp | celebration | streamer E10-340
8136CharactersActivitiesevent🎐 -namewind chime E10-341
8137CharactersActivitiesevent🎐 –keywordsbell | celebration | chime | wind E10-341
8138CharactersActivitiesevent🎑 -namemoon viewing ceremony E10-342
8139CharactersActivitiesevent🎑 –keywordscelebration | ceremony | moon | viewing E10-342
8140CharactersActivitiesevent🧧 -namered envelope E11-049
8141CharactersActivitiesevent🧧 –keywordsenvelope | gift | good | hóngbāo | lai | luck | money | red | see E11-049
8142CharactersActivitiesevent🎀 -nameribbon E10-325
8143CharactersActivitiesevent🎀 –keywordscelebration | ribbon E10-325
8144CharactersActivitiesevent🎁 -namewrapped gift E10-326
8145CharactersActivitiesevent🎁 –keywordsbirthday | bow | box | celebration | christmas | gift | present | surprise | wrapped E10-326
8146CharactersActivitiesevent🎗 -namereminder ribbon E10-346
8147CharactersActivitiesevent🎗 –keywordscelebration | reminder | ribbon E10-346
8148CharactersActivitiesevent🎟 -nameadmission tickets E10-351
8149CharactersActivitiesevent🎟 –keywordsadmission | ticket | tickets E10-351
8150CharactersActivitiesevent🎫 -nameticket E10-363
8151CharactersActivitiesevent🎫 –keywordsadmission | stub | ticket E10-363
8152CharactersActivitiesaward-medal🎖 -namemilitary medal E10-345
8153CharactersActivitiesaward-medal🎖 –keywordsaward | celebration | medal | military E10-345
8154CharactersActivitiesaward-medal🏆 -nametrophy E10-390
8155CharactersActivitiesaward-medal🏆 –keywordschampion | champs | prize | slay | sport | trophy | victory | win | winning E10-390
8156CharactersActivitiesaward-medal🏅 -namesports medal E10-389
8157CharactersActivitiesaward-medal🏅 –keywordsaward | gold | medal | sports | winner E10-389
8158CharactersActivitiesaward-medal🥇 -name1st place medal E10-1062
8159CharactersActivitiesaward-medal🥇 –keywords1st | first | gold | medal | place E10-1062
8160CharactersActivitiesaward-medal🥈 -name2nd place medal E10-1063
8161CharactersActivitiesaward-medal🥈 –keywords2nd | medal | place | second | silver E10-1063
8162CharactersActivitiesaward-medal🥉 -name3rd place medal E10-1064
8163CharactersActivitiesaward-medal🥉 –keywords3rd | bronze | medal | place | third E10-1064
8164CharactersActivitiessport⚽ -namesoccer ball E10-098
8165CharactersActivitiessport⚽ –keywordsball | football | futbol | soccer | sport E10-098
8166CharactersActivitiessport⚾ -namebaseball E10-099
8167CharactersActivitiessport⚾ –keywordsball | baseball | sport E10-099
8168CharactersActivitiessport🥎 -namesoftball E11-006
8169CharactersActivitiessport🥎 –keywordsball | glove | softball | sports | underarm E11-006
8170CharactersActivitiessport🏀 -namebasketball E10-384
8171CharactersActivitiessport🏀 –keywordsball | basketball | hoop | sport E10-384
8172CharactersActivitiessport🏐 -namevolleyball E10-400
8173CharactersActivitiessport🏐 –keywordsball | game | volleyball E10-400
8174CharactersActivitiessport🏈 -nameamerican football E10-392
8175CharactersActivitiessport🏈 –keywordsamerican | ball | bowl | football | sport | super E10-392
8176CharactersActivitiessport🏉 -namerugby football E10-393
8177CharactersActivitiessport🏉 –keywordsball | football | rugby | sport E10-393
8178CharactersActivitiessport🎾 -nametennis E10-382
8179CharactersActivitiessport🎾 –keywordsball | racquet | sport | tennis E10-382
8180CharactersActivitiessport🥏 -nameflying disc E11-007
8181CharactersActivitiessport🥏 –keywordsdisc | flying | ultimate E11-007
8182CharactersActivitiessport🎳 -namebowling E10-371
8183CharactersActivitiessport🎳 –keywordsball | bowling | game | sport | strike E10-371
8184CharactersActivitiessport🏏 -namecricket game E10-399
8185CharactersActivitiessport🏏 –keywordsball | bat | cricket | game E10-399
8186CharactersActivitiessport🏑 -namefield hockey E10-401
8187CharactersActivitiessport🏑 –keywordsball | field | game | hockey | stick E10-401
8188CharactersActivitiessport🏒 -nameice hockey E10-402
8189CharactersActivitiessport🏒 –keywordsgame | hockey | ice | puck | stick E10-402
8190CharactersActivitiessport🥍 -namelacrosse E11-005
8191CharactersActivitiessport🥍 –keywordsball | goal | lacrosse | sports | stick E11-005
8192CharactersActivitiessport🏓 -nameping pong E10-403
8193CharactersActivitiessport🏓 –keywordsball | bat | game | paddle | ping | pingpong | pong | table | tennis E10-403
8194CharactersActivitiessport🏸 -namebadminton E10-437
8195CharactersActivitiessport🏸 –keywordsbadminton | birdie | game | racquet | shuttlecock E10-437
8196CharactersActivitiessport🥊 -nameboxing glove E10-1065
8197CharactersActivitiessport🥊 –keywordsboxing | glove E10-1065
8198CharactersActivitiessport🥋 -namemartial arts uniform E10-1066
8199CharactersActivitiessport🥋 –keywordsarts | judo | karate | martial | taekwondo | uniform E10-1066
8200CharactersActivitiessport🥅 -namegoal net E10-1061
8201CharactersActivitiessport🥅 –keywordsgoal | net E10-1061
8202CharactersActivitiessport⛳ -nameflag in hole E10-113
8203CharactersActivitiessport⛳ –keywordsflag | golf | hole | sport E10-113
8204CharactersActivitiessport⛸ -nameice skate E10-117
8205CharactersActivitiessport⛸ –keywordsice | skate | skating E10-117
8206CharactersActivitiessport🎣 -namefishing pole E10-355
8207CharactersActivitiessport🎣 –keywordsentertainment | fish | fishing | pole | sport E10-355
8208CharactersActivitiessport🤿 -namediving mask E12–025
8209CharactersActivitiessport🤿 –keywordsdiving | mask | scuba | snorkeling E12–025
8210CharactersActivitiessport🎽 -namerunning shirt E10-381
8211CharactersActivitiessport🎽 –keywordsathletics | running | sash | shirt E10-381
8212CharactersActivitiessport🎿 -nameskis E10-383
8213CharactersActivitiessport🎿 –keywordsski | skis | snow | sport E10-383
8214CharactersActivitiessport🛷 -namesled E10-1008
8215CharactersActivitiessport🛷 –keywordsluge | sled | sledge | sleigh | snow | toboggan E10-1008
8216CharactersActivitiessport🥌 -namecurling stone E10-1067
8217CharactersActivitiessport🥌 –keywordscurling | game | rock | stone E10-1067
8218CharactersActivitiesgame🎯 -namebullseye E10-367
8219CharactersActivitiesgame🎯 –keywordsbull | bullseye | dart | direct | entertainment | game | hit | target E10-367
8220CharactersActivitiesgame🪀 -nameyo-yo E12–066
8221CharactersActivitiesgame🪀 –keywordsfluctuate | toy | yo-yo E12–066
8222CharactersActivitiesgame🪁 -namekite E12–067
8223CharactersActivitiesgame🪁 –keywordsfly | kite | soar E12–067
8224CharactersActivitiesgame🔫 -namewater pistol E10-743
8225CharactersActivitiesgame🔫 –keywordsgun | handgun | pistol | revolver | tool | water | weapon E10-743
8226CharactersActivitiesgame🎱 -namepool 8 ball E10-369
8227CharactersActivitiesgame🎱 –keywords8 | 8ball | ball | billiard | eight | game | pool E10-369
8228CharactersActivitiesgame🔮 -namecrystal ball E10-746
8229CharactersActivitiesgame🔮 –keywordsball | crystal | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | fortune | future | magic | tale | tool E10-746
8230CharactersActivitiesgame🪄 -namemagic wand E13-051
8231CharactersActivitiesgame🪄 –keywordsmagic | magician | wand | witch | wizard E13-051
8232CharactersActivitiesgame🎮 -namevideo game E10-366
8233CharactersActivitiesgame🎮 –keywordscontroller | entertainment | game | video E10-366
8234CharactersActivitiesgame🕹 -namejoystick E10-800
8235CharactersActivitiesgame🕹 –keywordsgame | joystick | video | videogame E10-800
8236CharactersActivitiesgame🎰 -nameslot machine E10-368
8237CharactersActivitiesgame🎰 –keywordscasino | gamble | gambling | game | machine | slot | slots E10-368
8238CharactersActivitiesgame🎲 -namegame die E10-370
8239CharactersActivitiesgame🎲 –keywordsdice | die | entertainment | game E10-370
8240CharactersActivitiesgame🧩 -namepuzzle piece E11-051
8241CharactersActivitiesgame🧩 –keywordsclue | interlocking | jigsaw | piece | puzzle E11-051
8242CharactersActivitiesgame🧸 -nameteddy bear E11-066
8243CharactersActivitiesgame🧸 –keywordsbear | plaything | plush | stuffed | teddy | toy E11-066
8244CharactersActivitiesgame🪅 -namepiñata E13-052
8245CharactersActivitiesgame🪅 –keywordscandy | celebrate | celebration | cinco | de | festive | mayo | party | pinada | pinata | piñata E13-052
8246CharactersActivitiesgame🪩 -namemirror ball E14-031
8247CharactersActivitiesgame🪩 –keywordsball | dance | disco | glitter | mirror | party E14-031
8248CharactersActivitiesgame🪆 -namenesting dolls E13-053
8249CharactersActivitiesgame🪆 –keywordsbabooshka | baboushka | babushka | doll | dolls | matryoshka | nesting | russia E13-053
8250CharactersActivitiesgame♠ -namespade suit E10-076
8251CharactersActivitiesgame♠ –keywordscard | game | spade | suit E10-076
8252CharactersActivitiesgame♥ -nameheart suit E10-078
8253CharactersActivitiesgame♥ –keywordscard | emotion | game | heart | hearts | suit E10-078
8254CharactersActivitiesgame♦ -namediamond suit E10-079
8255CharactersActivitiesgame♦ –keywordscard | diamond | game | suit E10-079
8256CharactersActivitiesgame♣ -nameclub suit E10-077
8257CharactersActivitiesgame♣ –keywordscard | club | clubs | game | suit E10-077
8258CharactersActivitiesgame♟ -namechess pawn E11-001
8259CharactersActivitiesgame♟ –keywordschess | dupe | expendable | pawn E11-001
8260CharactersActivitiesgame🃏 -namejoker E10-168
8261CharactersActivitiesgame🃏 –keywordscard | game | joker | wildcard E10-168
8262CharactersActivitiesgame🀄 -namemahjong red dragon E10-167
8263CharactersActivitiesgame🀄 –keywordsdragon | game | mahjong | red E10-167
8264CharactersActivitiesgame🎴 -nameflower playing cards E10-372
8265CharactersActivitiesgame🎴 –keywordscard | cards | flower | game | Japanese | playing E10-372
8266CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🎭 -nameperforming arts E10-365
8267CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🎭 –keywordsactor | actress | art | arts | entertainment | mask | performing | theater | theatre | thespian E10-365
8268CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🖼 -nameframed picture E10-815
8269CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🖼 –keywordsart | frame | framed | museum | painting | picture E10-815
8270CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🎨 -nameartist palette E10-360
8271CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🎨 –keywordsart | artist | artsy | arty | colorful | creative | entertainment | museum | painter | painting | palette E10-360
8272CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🧵 -namethread E11-063
8273CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🧵 –keywordsneedle | sewing | spool | string | thread E11-063
8274CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🪡 -namesewing needle E13-054
8275CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🪡 –keywordsembroidery | needle | sew | sewing | stitches | sutures | tailoring | thread E13-054
8276CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🧶 -nameyarn E11-064
8277CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🧶 –keywordsball | crochet | knit | yarn E11-064
8278CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🪢 -nameknot E13-055
8279CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🪢 –keywordscord | knot | rope | tangled | tie | twine | twist E13-055
8280CharactersObjectsclothing👓 -nameglasses E10-528
8281CharactersObjectsclothing👓 –keywordsclothing | eye | eyeglasses | eyewear | glasses E10-528
8282CharactersObjectsclothing🕶 -namesunglasses E10-797
8283CharactersObjectsclothing🕶 –keywordsdark | eye | eyewear | glasses | sunglasses E10-797
8284CharactersObjectsclothing🥽 -namegoggles E11-019
8285CharactersObjectsclothing🥽 –keywordsdive | eye | goggles | protection | scuba | swimming | welding E11-019
8286CharactersObjectsclothing🥼 -namelab coat E11-018
8287CharactersObjectsclothing🥼 –keywordsclothes | coat | doctor | dr | experiment | jacket | lab | scientist | white E11-018
8288CharactersObjectsclothing🦺 -namesafety vest E12–036
8289CharactersObjectsclothing🦺 –keywordsemergency | safety | vest E12–036
8290CharactersObjectsclothing👔 -namenecktie E10-529
8291CharactersObjectsclothing👔 –keywordsclothing | employed | necktie | serious | shirt | tie E10-529
8292CharactersObjectsclothing👕 -namet-shirt E10-530
8293CharactersObjectsclothing👕 –keywordsblue | casual | clothes | clothing | collar | dressed | shirt | shopping | t-shirt | tshirt | weekend E10-530
8294CharactersObjectsclothing👖 -namejeans E10-531
8295CharactersObjectsclothing👖 –keywordsblue | casual | clothes | clothing | denim | dressed | jeans | pants | shopping | trousers | weekend E10-531
8296CharactersObjectsclothing🧣 -namescarf E10-1140
8297CharactersObjectsclothing🧣 –keywordsbundle | cold | neck | scarf | up E10-1140
8298CharactersObjectsclothing🧤 -namegloves E10-1141
8299CharactersObjectsclothing🧤 –keywordsgloves | hand E10-1141
8300CharactersObjectsclothing🧥 -namecoat E10-1142
8301CharactersObjectsclothing🧥 –keywordsbrr | bundle | coat | cold | jacket | up E10-1142
8302CharactersObjectsclothing🧦 -namesocks E10-1143
8303CharactersObjectsclothing🧦 –keywordssocks | stocking E10-1143
8304CharactersObjectsclothing👗 -namedress E10-532
8305CharactersObjectsclothing👗 –keywordsclothes | clothing | dress | dressed | fancy | shopping E10-532
8306CharactersObjectsclothing👘 -namekimono E10-533
8307CharactersObjectsclothing👘 –keywordsclothing | comfortable | kimono E10-533
8308CharactersObjectsclothing🥻 -namesari E12–027
8309CharactersObjectsclothing🥻 –keywordsclothing | dress | sari E12–027
8310CharactersObjectsclothing🩱 -nameone-piece swimsuit E12–060
8311CharactersObjectsclothing🩱 –keywordsbathing | one-piece | suit | swimsuit E12–060
8312CharactersObjectsclothing🩲 -namebriefs E12–061
8313CharactersObjectsclothing🩲 –keywordsbathing | briefs | one-piece | suit | swimsuit | underwear E12–061
8314CharactersObjectsclothing🩳 -nameshorts E12–062
8315CharactersObjectsclothing🩳 –keywordsbathing | pants | shorts | suit | swimsuit | underwear E12–062
8316CharactersObjectsclothing👙 -namebikini E10-534
8317CharactersObjectsclothing👙 –keywordsbathing | beach | bikini | clothing | pool | suit | swim E10-534
8318CharactersObjectsclothing👚 -namewoman’s clothes E10-535
8319CharactersObjectsclothing👚 –keywordsblouse | clothes | clothing | collar | dress | dressed | lady | shirt | shopping | woman | woman’s E10-535
8320CharactersObjectsclothing🪭 -namefolding hand fan E15-016
8321CharactersObjectsclothing🪭 –keywordsclack | clap | cool | cooling | dance | fan | flirt | flutter | folding | hand | hot | shy E15-016
8322CharactersObjectsclothing👛 -namepurse E10-536
8323CharactersObjectsclothing👛 –keywordsclothes | clothing | coin | dress | fancy | handbag | purse | shopping E10-536
8324CharactersObjectsclothing👜 -namehandbag E10-537
8325CharactersObjectsclothing👜 –keywordsbag | clothes | clothing | dress | handbag | lady | purse | shopping E10-537
8326CharactersObjectsclothing👝 -nameclutch bag E10-538
8327CharactersObjectsclothing👝 –keywordsbag | clothes | clothing | clutch | dress | handbag | pouch | purse E10-538
8328CharactersObjectsclothing🛍 -nameshopping bags E10-988
8329CharactersObjectsclothing🛍 –keywordsbag | bags | hotel | shopping E10-988
8330CharactersObjectsclothing🎒 -namebackpack E10-343
8331CharactersObjectsclothing🎒 –keywordsbackpack | backpacking | bag | bookbag | education | rucksack | satchel | school E10-343
8332CharactersObjectsclothing🩴 -namethong sandal E13-056
8333CharactersObjectsclothing🩴 –keywordsbeach | flip | flop | sandal | sandals | shoe | thong | thongs | zōri E13-056
8334CharactersObjectsclothing👞 -nameman’s shoe E10-539
8335CharactersObjectsclothing👞 –keywordsbrown | clothes | clothing | feet | foot | kick | man | man’s | shoe | shoes | shopping E10-539
8336CharactersObjectsclothing👟 -namerunning shoe E10-540
8337CharactersObjectsclothing👟 –keywordsathletic | clothes | clothing | fast | kick | running | shoe | shoes | shopping | sneaker | tennis E10-540
8338CharactersObjectsclothing🥾 -namehiking boot E11-020
8339CharactersObjectsclothing🥾 –keywordsbackpacking | boot | brown | camping | hiking | outdoors | shoe E11-020
8340CharactersObjectsclothing🥿 -nameflat shoe E11-021
8341CharactersObjectsclothing🥿 –keywordsballet | comfy | flat | flats | shoe | slip-on | slipper E11-021
8342CharactersObjectsclothing👠 -namehigh-heeled shoe E10-541
8343CharactersObjectsclothing👠 –keywordsclothes | clothing | dress | fashion | heel | heels | high-heeled | shoe | shoes | shopping | stiletto | woman E10-541
8344CharactersObjectsclothing👡 -namewoman’s sandal E10-542
8345CharactersObjectsclothing👡 –keywordsclothing | sandal | shoe | woman | woman’s E10-542
8346CharactersObjectsclothing🩰 -nameballet shoes E12–059
8347CharactersObjectsclothing🩰 –keywordsballet | dance | shoes E12–059
8348CharactersObjectsclothing👢 -namewoman’s boot E10-543
8349CharactersObjectsclothing👢 –keywordsboot | clothes | clothing | dress | shoe | shoes | shopping | woman | woman’s E10-543
8350CharactersObjectsclothing🪮 -namehair pick E15-017
8351CharactersObjectsclothing🪮 –keywordsAfro | comb | groom | hair | pick E15-017
8352CharactersObjectsclothing👑 -namecrown E10-526
8353CharactersObjectsclothing👑 –keywordsclothing | crown | family | king | medieval | queen | royal | royalty | win E10-526
8354CharactersObjectsclothing👒 -namewoman’s hat E10-527
8355CharactersObjectsclothing👒 –keywordsclothes | clothing | garden | hat | hats | party | woman | woman’s E10-527
8356CharactersObjectsclothing🎩 -nametop hat E10-361
8357CharactersObjectsclothing🎩 –keywordsclothes | clothing | fancy | formal | hat | magic | top | tophat E10-361
8358CharactersObjectsclothing🎓 -namegraduation cap E10-344
8359CharactersObjectsclothing🎓 –keywordscap | celebration | clothing | education | graduation | hat | scholar E10-344
8360CharactersObjectsclothing🧢 -namebilled cap E10-1139
8361CharactersObjectsclothing🧢 –keywordsbaseball | bent | billed | cap | dad | hat E10-1139
8362CharactersObjectsclothing🪖 -namemilitary helmet E13-057
8363CharactersObjectsclothing🪖 –keywordsarmy | helmet | military | soldier | war | warrior E13-057
8364CharactersObjectsclothing⛑ -namerescue worker’s helmet E10-105
8365CharactersObjectsclothing⛑ –keywordsaid | cross | face | hat | helmet | rescue | worker’s E10-105
8366CharactersObjectsclothing📿 -nameprayer beads E10-699
8367CharactersObjectsclothing📿 –keywordsbeads | clothing | necklace | prayer | religion E10-699
8368CharactersObjectsclothing💄 -namelipstick E10-577
8369CharactersObjectsclothing💄 –keywordscosmetics | date | lipstick | makeup E10-577
8370CharactersObjectsclothing💍 -namering E10-586
8371CharactersObjectsclothing💍 –keywordsdiamond | engaged | engagement | married | ring | romance | shiny | sparkling | wedding E10-586
8372CharactersObjectsclothing💎 -namegem stone E10-587
8373CharactersObjectsclothing💎 –keywordsdiamond | engagement | gem | jewel | money | romance | stone | wedding E10-587
8374CharactersObjectssound🔇 -namemuted speaker E10-707
8375CharactersObjectssound🔇 –keywordsmute | muted | quiet | silent | sound | speaker E10-707
8376CharactersObjectssound🔈 -namespeaker low volume E10-708
8377CharactersObjectssound🔈 –keywordslow | soft | sound | speaker | volume E10-708
8378CharactersObjectssound🔉 -namespeaker medium volume E10-709
8379CharactersObjectssound🔉 –keywordsmedium | sound | speaker | volume E10-709
8380CharactersObjectssound🔊 -namespeaker high volume E10-710
8381CharactersObjectssound🔊 –keywordshigh | loud | music | sound | speaker | volume E10-710
8382CharactersObjectssound📢 -nameloudspeaker E10-671
8383CharactersObjectssound📢 –keywordsaddress | communication | loud | loudspeaker | public | sound E10-671
8384CharactersObjectssound📣 -namemegaphone E10-672
8385CharactersObjectssound📣 –keywordscheering | megaphone | sound E10-672
8386CharactersObjectssound📯 -namepostal horn E10-684
8387CharactersObjectssound📯 –keywordshorn | post | postal E10-684
8388CharactersObjectssound🔔 -namebell E10-720
8389CharactersObjectssound🔔 –keywordsbell | break | church | sound E10-720
8390CharactersObjectssound🔕 -namebell with slash E10-721
8391CharactersObjectssound🔕 –keywordsbell | forbidden | mute | no | not | prohibited | quiet | silent | slash | sound E10-721
8392CharactersObjectsmusic🎼 -namemusical score E10-380
8393CharactersObjectsmusic🎼 –keywordsmusic | musical | note | score E10-380
8394CharactersObjectsmusic🎵 -namemusical note E10-373
8395CharactersObjectsmusic🎵 –keywordsmusic | musical | note | sound E10-373
8396CharactersObjectsmusic🎶 -namemusical notes E10-374
8397CharactersObjectsmusic🎶 –keywordsmusic | musical | note | notes | sound E10-374
8398CharactersObjectsmusic🎙 -namestudio microphone E10-347
8399CharactersObjectsmusic🎙 –keywordsmic | microphone | music | studio E10-347
8400CharactersObjectsmusic🎚 -namelevel slider E10-348
8401CharactersObjectsmusic🎚 –keywordslevel | music | slider E10-348
8402CharactersObjectsmusic🎛 -namecontrol knobs E10-349
8403CharactersObjectsmusic🎛 –keywordscontrol | knobs | music E10-349
8404CharactersObjectsmusic🎤 -namemicrophone E10-356
8405CharactersObjectsmusic🎤 –keywordskaraoke | mic | microphone | music | sing | sound E10-356
8406CharactersObjectsmusic🎧 -nameheadphone E10-359
8407CharactersObjectsmusic🎧 –keywordsearbud | headphone | sound E10-359
8408CharactersObjectsmusic📻 -nameradio E10-696
8409CharactersObjectsmusic📻 –keywordsentertainment | radio | tbt | video E10-696
8410CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🎷 -namesaxophone E10-375
8411CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🎷 –keywordsinstrument | music | sax | saxophone E10-375
8412CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🪗 -nameaccordion E13-058
8413CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🪗 –keywordsaccordion | box | concertina | instrument | music | squeeze | squeezebox E13-058
8414CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🎸 -nameguitar E10-376
8415CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🎸 –keywordsguitar | instrument | music | strat E10-376
8416CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🎹 -namemusical keyboard E10-377
8417CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🎹 –keywordsinstrument | keyboard | music | musical | piano E10-377
8418CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🎺 -nametrumpet E10-378
8419CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🎺 –keywordsinstrument | music | trumpet E10-378
8420CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🎻 -nameviolin E10-379
8421CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🎻 –keywordsinstrument | music | violin E10-379
8422CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🪕 -namebanjo E12–074
8423CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🪕 –keywordsbanjo | music | stringed E12–074
8424CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🥁 -namedrum E10-1057
8425CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🥁 –keywordsdrum | drumsticks | music E10-1057
8426CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🪘 -namelong drum E13-059
8427CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🪘 –keywordsbeat | conga | drum | instrument | long | rhythm E13-059
8428CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🪇 -namemaracas E15-018
8429CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🪇 –keywordscha | dance | instrument | maracas | music | party | percussion | rattle | shake | shaker E15-018
8430CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🪈 -nameflute E15-019
8431CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🪈 –keywordsband | fife | flautist | flute | instrument | marching | music | orchestra | piccolo | pipe | recorder | woodwind E15-019
8432CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🪉 -nameharp E16-001
8433CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🪉 –keywordscupid | harp | instrument | love | music | orchestra E16-001
8434CharactersObjectsphone📱 -namemobile phone E10-686
8435CharactersObjectsphone📱 –keywordscell | communication | mobile | phone | telephone E10-686
8436CharactersObjectsphone📲 -namemobile phone with arrow E10-687
8437CharactersObjectsphone📲 –keywordsarrow | build | call | cell | communication | mobile | phone | receive | telephone E10-687
8438CharactersObjectsphone☎ -nametelephone E10-046
8439CharactersObjectsphone☎ –keywordsphone | telephone E10-046
8440CharactersObjectsphone📞 -nametelephone receiver E10-667
8441CharactersObjectsphone📞 –keywordscommunication | phone | receiver | telephone | voip E10-667
8442CharactersObjectsphone📟 -namepager E10-668
8443CharactersObjectsphone📟 –keywordscommunication | pager E10-668
8444CharactersObjectsphone📠 -namefax machine E10-669
8445CharactersObjectsphone📠 –keywordscommunication | fax | machine E10-669
8446CharactersObjectscomputer🔋 -namebattery E10-711
8447CharactersObjectscomputer🔋 –keywordsbattery E10-711
8448CharactersObjectscomputer🪫 -namelow battery E14-032
8449CharactersObjectscomputer🪫 –keywordsbattery | drained | electronic | energy | low | power E14-032
8450CharactersObjectscomputer🔌 -nameelectric plug E10-712
8451CharactersObjectscomputer🔌 –keywordselectric | electricity | plug E10-712
8452CharactersObjectscomputer💻 -namelaptop E10-632
8453CharactersObjectscomputer💻 –keywordscomputer | laptop | office | pc | personal E10-632
8454CharactersObjectscomputer🖥 -namedesktop computer E10-811
8455CharactersObjectscomputer🖥 –keywordscomputer | desktop | monitor E10-811
8456CharactersObjectscomputer🖨 -nameprinter E10-812
8457CharactersObjectscomputer🖨 –keywordscomputer | printer E10-812
8458CharactersObjectscomputer⌨ -namekeyboard E10-016
8459CharactersObjectscomputer⌨ –keywordscomputer | keyboard E10-016
8460CharactersObjectscomputer🖱 -namecomputer mouse E10-813
8461CharactersObjectscomputer🖱 –keywordscomputer | mouse E10-813
8462CharactersObjectscomputer🖲 -nametrackball E10-814
8463CharactersObjectscomputer🖲 –keywordscomputer | trackball E10-814
8464CharactersObjectscomputer💽 -namecomputer disk E10-634
8465CharactersObjectscomputer💽 –keywordscomputer | disk | minidisk | optical E10-634
8466CharactersObjectscomputer💾 -namefloppy disk E10-635
8467CharactersObjectscomputer💾 –keywordscomputer | disk | floppy E10-635
8468CharactersObjectscomputer💿 -nameoptical disk E10-636
8469CharactersObjectscomputer💿 –keywordsblu-ray | CD | computer | disk | dvd | optical E10-636
8470CharactersObjectscomputer📀 -namedvd E10-637
8471CharactersObjectscomputer📀 –keywordsBlu-ray | cd | computer | disk | DVD | optical E10-637
8472CharactersObjectscomputer🧮 -nameabacus E11-056
8473CharactersObjectscomputer🧮 –keywordsabacus | calculation | calculator E11-056
8474CharactersObjectslight & video🎥 -namemovie camera E10-357
8475CharactersObjectslight & video🎥 –keywordsbollywood | camera | cinema | film | hollywood | movie | record E10-357
8476CharactersObjectslight & video🎞 -namefilm frames E10-350
8477CharactersObjectslight & video🎞 –keywordscinema | film | frames | movie E10-350
8478CharactersObjectslight & video📽 -namefilm projector E10-698
8479CharactersObjectslight & video📽 –keywordscinema | film | movie | projector | video E10-698
8480CharactersObjectslight & video🎬 -nameclapper board E10-364
8481CharactersObjectslight & video🎬 –keywordsaction | board | clapper | movie E10-364
8482CharactersObjectslight & video📺 -nametelevision E10-695
8483CharactersObjectslight & video📺 –keywordstelevision | tv | video E10-695
8484CharactersObjectslight & video📷 -namecamera E10-692
8485CharactersObjectslight & video📷 –keywordscamera | photo | selfie | snap | tbt | trip | video E10-692
8486CharactersObjectslight & video📸 -namecamera with flash E10-693
8487CharactersObjectslight & video📸 –keywordscamera | flash | video E10-693
8488CharactersObjectslight & video📹 -namevideo camera E10-694
8489CharactersObjectslight & video📹 –keywordscamcorder | camera | tbt | video E10-694
8490CharactersObjectslight & video📼 -namevideocassette E10-697
8491CharactersObjectslight & video📼 –keywordsold | school | tape | vcr | vhs | video | videocassette E10-697
8492CharactersObjectslight & video🔍 -namemagnifying glass tilted left E10-713
8493CharactersObjectslight & video🔍 –keywordsglass | lab | left | left-pointing | magnifying | science | search | tilted | tool E10-713
8494CharactersObjectslight & video🔎 -namemagnifying glass tilted right E10-714
8495CharactersObjectslight & video🔎 –keywordscontact | glass | lab | magnifying | right | right-pointing | science | search | tilted | tool E10-714
8496CharactersObjectslight & video🕯 -namecandle E10-792
8497CharactersObjectslight & video🕯 –keywordscandle | light E10-792
8498CharactersObjectslight & video💡 -namelight bulb E10-606
8499CharactersObjectslight & video💡 –keywordsbulb | comic | electric | idea | light E10-606
8500CharactersObjectslight & video🔦 -nameflashlight E10-738
8501CharactersObjectslight & video🔦 –keywordselectric | flashlight | light | tool | torch E10-738
8502CharactersObjectslight & video🏮 -namered paper lantern E10-430
8503CharactersObjectslight & video🏮 –keywordsbar | lantern | light | paper | red | restaurant E10-430
8504CharactersObjectslight & video🪔 -namediya lamp E12–073
8505CharactersObjectslight & video🪔 –keywordsdiya | lamp | light | oil E12–073
8506CharactersObjectsbook-paper📔 -namenotebook with decorative cover E10-657
8507CharactersObjectsbook-paper📔 –keywordsbook | cover | decorated | decorative | education | notebook | school | writing E10-657
8508CharactersObjectsbook-paper📕 -nameclosed book E10-658
8509CharactersObjectsbook-paper📕 –keywordsbook | closed | education E10-658
8510CharactersObjectsbook-paper📖 -nameopen book E10-659
8511CharactersObjectsbook-paper📖 –keywordsbook | education | fantasy | knowledge | library | novels | open | reading E10-659
8512CharactersObjectsbook-paper📗 -namegreen book E10-660
8513CharactersObjectsbook-paper📗 –keywordsbook | education | fantasy | green | library | reading E10-660
8514CharactersObjectsbook-paper📘 -nameblue book E10-661
8515CharactersObjectsbook-paper📘 –keywordsblue | book | education | fantasy | library | reading E10-661
8516CharactersObjectsbook-paper📙 -nameorange book E10-662
8517CharactersObjectsbook-paper📙 –keywordsbook | education | fantasy | library | orange | reading E10-662
8518CharactersObjectsbook-paper📚 -namebooks E10-663
8519CharactersObjectsbook-paper📚 –keywordsbook | books | education | fantasy | knowledge | library | novels | reading | school | study E10-663
8520CharactersObjectsbook-paper📓 -namenotebook E10-656
8521CharactersObjectsbook-paper📓 –keywordsnotebook E10-656
8522CharactersObjectsbook-paper📒 -nameledger E10-655
8523CharactersObjectsbook-paper📒 –keywordsledger | notebook E10-655
8524CharactersObjectsbook-paper📃 -namepage with curl E10-640
8525CharactersObjectsbook-paper📃 –keywordscurl | document | page | paper E10-640
8526CharactersObjectsbook-paper📜 -namescroll E10-665
8527CharactersObjectsbook-paper📜 –keywordspaper | scroll E10-665
8528CharactersObjectsbook-paper📄 -namepage facing up E10-641
8529CharactersObjectsbook-paper📄 –keywordsdocument | facing | page | paper | up E10-641
8530CharactersObjectsbook-paper📰 -namenewspaper E10-685
8531CharactersObjectsbook-paper📰 –keywordscommunication | news | newspaper | paper E10-685
8532CharactersObjectsbook-paper🗞 -namerolled-up newspaper E10-824
8533CharactersObjectsbook-paper🗞 –keywordsnews | newspaper | paper | rolled | rolled-up E10-824
8534CharactersObjectsbook-paper📑 -namebookmark tabs E10-654
8535CharactersObjectsbook-paper📑 –keywordsbookmark | mark | marker | tabs E10-654
8536CharactersObjectsbook-paper🔖 -namebookmark E10-722
8537CharactersObjectsbook-paper🔖 –keywordsbookmark | mark E10-722
8538CharactersObjectsbook-paper🏷 -namelabel E10-436
8539CharactersObjectsbook-paper🏷 –keywordslabel | tag E10-436
8540CharactersObjects2money💰 -namemoney bag E10-621
8541CharactersObjects2money💰 –keywordsbag | bank | bet | billion | cash | cost | dollar | gold | million | money | moneybag | paid | paying | pot | rich | win E10-621
8542CharactersObjects2money🪙 -namecoin E13-060
8543CharactersObjects2money🪙 –keywordscoin | dollar | euro | gold | metal | money | rich | silver | treasure E13-060
8544CharactersObjects2money💴 -nameyen banknote E10-625
8545CharactersObjects2money💴 –keywordsbank | banknote | bill | currency | money | note | yen E10-625
8546CharactersObjects2money💵 -namedollar banknote E10-626
8547CharactersObjects2money💵 –keywordsbank | banknote | bill | currency | dollar | money | note E10-626
8548CharactersObjects2money💶 -nameeuro banknote E10-627
8549CharactersObjects2money💶 –keywords100 | bank | banknote | bill | currency | euro | money | note | rich E10-627
8550CharactersObjects2money💷 -namepound banknote E10-628
8551CharactersObjects2money💷 –keywordsbank | banknote | bill | billion | cash | currency | money | note | pound | pounds E10-628
8552CharactersObjects2money💸 -namemoney with wings E10-629
8553CharactersObjects2money💸 –keywordsbank | banknote | bill | billion | cash | dollar | fly | million | money | note | pay | wings E10-629
8554CharactersObjects2money💳 -namecredit card E10-624
8555CharactersObjects2money💳 –keywordsbank | card | cash | charge | credit | money | pay E10-624
8556CharactersObjects2money🧾 -namereceipt E11-072
8557CharactersObjects2money🧾 –keywordsaccounting | bookkeeping | evidence | invoice | proof | receipt E11-072
8558CharactersObjects2money💹 -namechart increasing with yen E10-630
8559CharactersObjects2money💹 –keywordsbank | chart | currency | graph | growth | increasing | market | money | rise | trend | upward | yen E10-630
8560CharactersObjects2mail✉ -nameenvelope E10-124
8561CharactersObjects2mail✉ –keywordse-mail | email | envelope | letter E10-124
8562CharactersObjects2mail📧 -namee-mail E10-676
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8564CharactersObjects2mail📨 -nameincoming envelope E10-677
8565CharactersObjects2mail📨 –keywordsdelivering | e-mail | email | envelope | incoming | letter | mail | receive | sent E10-677
8566CharactersObjects2mail📩 -nameenvelope with arrow E10-678
8567CharactersObjects2mail📩 –keywordsarrow | communication | down | e-mail | email | envelope | letter | mail | outgoing | send | sent E10-678
8568CharactersObjects2mail📤 -nameoutbox tray E10-673
8569CharactersObjects2mail📤 –keywordsbox | email | letter | mail | outbox | sent | tray E10-673
8570CharactersObjects2mail📥 -nameinbox tray E10-674
8571CharactersObjects2mail📥 –keywordsbox | email | inbox | letter | mail | receive | tray | zero E10-674
8572CharactersObjects2mail📦 -namepackage E10-675
8573CharactersObjects2mail📦 –keywordsbox | communication | delivery | package | parcel | shipping E10-675
8574CharactersObjects2mail📫 -nameclosed mailbox with raised flag E10-680
8575CharactersObjects2mail📫 –keywordsclosed | communication | flag | mail | mailbox | postbox | raised E10-680
8576CharactersObjects2mail📪 -nameclosed mailbox with lowered flag E10-679
8577CharactersObjects2mail📪 –keywordsclosed | flag | lowered | mail | mailbox | postbox E10-679
8578CharactersObjects2mail📬 -nameopen mailbox with raised flag E10-681
8579CharactersObjects2mail📬 –keywordsflag | mail | mailbox | open | postbox | raised E10-681
8580CharactersObjects2mail📭 -nameopen mailbox with lowered flag E10-682
8581CharactersObjects2mail📭 –keywordsflag | lowered | mail | mailbox | open | postbox E10-682
8582CharactersObjects2mail📮 -namepostbox E10-683
8583CharactersObjects2mail📮 –keywordsmail | mailbox | postbox E10-683
8584CharactersObjects2mail🗳 -nameballot box with ballot E10-829
8585CharactersObjects2mail🗳 –keywordsballot | box E10-829
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8587CharactersObjects2writing✏ –keywordspencil E10-129
8588CharactersObjects2writing✒ -nameblack nib E10-130
8589CharactersObjects2writing✒ –keywordsblack | nib | pen E10-130
8590CharactersObjects2writing🖋 -namefountain pen E10-804
8591CharactersObjects2writing🖋 –keywordsfountain | pen E10-804
8592CharactersObjects2writing🖊 -namepen E10-803
8593CharactersObjects2writing🖊 –keywordsballpoint | pen E10-803
8594CharactersObjects2writing🖌 -namepaintbrush E10-805
8595CharactersObjects2writing🖌 –keywordspaintbrush | painting E10-805
8596CharactersObjects2writing🖍 -namecrayon E10-806
8597CharactersObjects2writing🖍 –keywordscrayon E10-806
8598CharactersObjects2writing📝 -namememo E10-666
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8600CharactersObjects2office💼 -namebriefcase E10-633
8601CharactersObjects2office💼 –keywordsbriefcase | office E10-633
8602CharactersObjects2office📁 -namefile folder E10-638
8603CharactersObjects2office📁 –keywordsfile | folder E10-638
8604CharactersObjects2office📂 -nameopen file folder E10-639
8605CharactersObjects2office📂 –keywordsfile | folder | open E10-639
8606CharactersObjects2office🗂 -namecard index dividers E10-816
8607CharactersObjects2office🗂 –keywordscard | dividers | index E10-816
8608CharactersObjects2office📅 -namecalendar E10-642
8609CharactersObjects2office📅 –keywordscalendar | date E10-642
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8612CharactersObjects2office🗒 -namespiral notepad E10-820
8613CharactersObjects2office🗒 –keywordsnote | notepad | pad | spiral E10-820
8614CharactersObjects2office🗓 -namespiral calendar E10-821
8615CharactersObjects2office🗓 –keywordscalendar | pad | spiral E10-821
8616CharactersObjects2office📇 -namecard index E10-644
8617CharactersObjects2office📇 –keywordscard | index | old | rolodex | school E10-644
8618CharactersObjects2office📈 -namechart increasing E10-645
8619CharactersObjects2office📈 –keywordschart | data | graph | growth | increasing | right | trend | up | upward E10-645
8620CharactersObjects2office📉 -namechart decreasing E10-646
8621CharactersObjects2office📉 –keywordschart | data | decreasing | down | downward | graph | negative | trend E10-646
8622CharactersObjects2office📊 -namebar chart E10-647
8623CharactersObjects2office📊 –keywordsbar | chart | data | graph E10-647
8624CharactersObjects2office📋 -nameclipboard E10-648
8625CharactersObjects2office📋 –keywordsclipboard | do | list | notes E10-648
8626CharactersObjects2office📌 -namepushpin E10-649
8627CharactersObjects2office📌 –keywordscollage | pin | pushpin E10-649
8628CharactersObjects2office📍 -nameround pushpin E10-650
8629CharactersObjects2office📍 –keywordslocation | map | pin | pushpin | round E10-650
8630CharactersObjects2office📎 -namepaperclip E10-651
8631CharactersObjects2office📎 –keywordspaperclip E10-651
8632CharactersObjects2office🖇 -namelinked paperclips E10-802
8633CharactersObjects2office🖇 –keywordslink | linked | paperclip | paperclips E10-802
8634CharactersObjects2office📏 -namestraight ruler E10-652
8635CharactersObjects2office📏 –keywordsangle | edge | math | ruler | straight | straightedge E10-652
8636CharactersObjects2office📐 -nametriangular ruler E10-653
8637CharactersObjects2office📐 –keywordsangle | math | rule | ruler | set | slide | triangle | triangular E10-653
8638CharactersObjects2office✂ -namescissors E10-121
8639CharactersObjects2office✂ –keywordscut | cutting | paper | scissors | tool E10-121
8640CharactersObjects2office🗃 -namecard file box E10-817
8641CharactersObjects2office🗃 –keywordsbox | card | file E10-817
8642CharactersObjects2office🗄 -namefile cabinet E10-818
8643CharactersObjects2office🗄 –keywordscabinet | file | filing | paper E10-818
8644CharactersObjects2office🗑 -namewastebasket E10-819
8645CharactersObjects2office🗑 –keywordscan | garbage | trash | waste | wastebasket E10-819
8646CharactersObjects2lock🔒 -namelocked E10-718
8647CharactersObjects2lock🔒 –keywordsclosed | lock | locked | private E10-718
8648CharactersObjects2lock🔓 -nameunlocked E10-719
8649CharactersObjects2lock🔓 –keywordscracked | lock | open | unlock | unlocked E10-719
8650CharactersObjects2lock🔏 -namelocked with pen E10-715
8651CharactersObjects2lock🔏 –keywordsink | lock | locked | nib | pen | privacy E10-715
8652CharactersObjects2lock🔐 -namelocked with key E10-716
8653CharactersObjects2lock🔐 –keywordsbike | closed | key | lock | locked | secure E10-716
8654CharactersObjects2lock🔑 -namekey E10-717
8655CharactersObjects2lock🔑 –keywordskey | keys | lock | major | password | unlock E10-717
8656CharactersObjects2lock🗝 -nameold key E10-823
8657CharactersObjects2lock🗝 –keywordsclue | key | lock | old E10-823
8658CharactersObjects2tool🔨 -namehammer E10-740
8659CharactersObjects2tool🔨 –keywordshammer | home | improvement | repairs | tool E10-740
8660CharactersObjects2tool🪓 -nameaxe E12–072
8661CharactersObjects2tool🪓 –keywordsax | axe | chop | hatchet | split | wood E12–072
8662CharactersObjects2tool⛏ -namepick E10-104
8663CharactersObjects2tool⛏ –keywordshammer | mining | pick | tool E10-104
8664CharactersObjects2tool⚒ -namehammer and pick E10-083
8665CharactersObjects2tool⚒ –keywordshammer | pick | tool E10-083
8666CharactersObjects2tool🛠 -namehammer and wrench E10-994
8667CharactersObjects2tool🛠 –keywordshammer | spanner | tool | wrench E10-994
8668CharactersObjects2tool🗡 -namedagger E10-825
8669CharactersObjects2tool🗡 –keywordsdagger | knife | weapon E10-825
8670CharactersObjects2tool⚔ -namecrossed swords E10-085
8671CharactersObjects2tool⚔ –keywordscrossed | swords | weapon E10-085
8672CharactersObjects2tool💣 -namebomb E10-608
8673CharactersObjects2tool💣 –keywordsbomb | boom | comic | dangerous | explosion | hot E10-608
8674CharactersObjects2tool🪃 -nameboomerang E13-062
8675CharactersObjects2tool🪃 –keywordsboomerang | rebound | repercussion | weapon E13-062
8676CharactersObjects2tool🏹 -namebow and arrow E10-438
8677CharactersObjects2tool🏹 –keywordsarcher | archery | arrow | bow | Sagittarius | tool | weapon | zodiac E10-438
8678CharactersObjects2tool🛡 -nameshield E10-995
8679CharactersObjects2tool🛡 –keywordsshield | weapon E10-995
8680CharactersObjects2tool🪚 -namecarpentry saw E13-061
8681CharactersObjects2tool🪚 –keywordscarpenter | carpentry | cut | lumber | saw | tool | trim E13-061
8682CharactersObjects2tool🔧 -namewrench E10-739
8683CharactersObjects2tool🔧 –keywordshome | improvement | spanner | tool | wrench E10-739
8684CharactersObjects2tool🪛 -namescrewdriver E13-063
8685CharactersObjects2tool🪛 –keywordsflathead | handy | screw | screwdriver | tool E13-063
8686CharactersObjects2tool🔩 -namenut and bolt E10-741
8687CharactersObjects2tool🔩 –keywordsbolt | home | improvement | nut | tool E10-741
8688CharactersObjects2tool⚙ -namegear E10-089
8689CharactersObjects2tool⚙ –keywordscog | cogwheel | gear | tool E10-089
8690CharactersObjects2tool🗜 -nameclamp E10-822
8691CharactersObjects2tool🗜 –keywordsclamp | compress | tool | vice E10-822
8692CharactersObjects2tool⚖ -namebalance scale E10-087
8693CharactersObjects2tool⚖ –keywordsbalance | justice | Libra | scale | scales | tool | weight | zodiac E10-087
8694CharactersObjects2tool🦯 -namewhite cane E12–035
8695CharactersObjects2tool🦯 –keywordsaccessibility | blind | cane | probing | white E12–035
8696CharactersObjects2tool🔗 -namelink E10-723
8697CharactersObjects2tool🔗 –keywordslink | links E10-723
8698CharactersObjects2tool⛓‍💥 -namebroken chain E15.1-010
8699CharactersObjects2tool⛓‍💥 –keywordsbreak | breaking | broken | chain | cuffs | freedom E15.1-010
8700CharactersObjects2tool⛓ -namechains E10-106
8701CharactersObjects2tool⛓ –keywordschain | chains E10-106
8702CharactersObjects2tool🪝 -namehook E13-065
8703CharactersObjects2tool🪝 –keywordscatch | crook | curve | ensnare | hook | point | selling E13-065
8704CharactersObjects2tool🧰 -nametoolbox E11-058
8705CharactersObjects2tool🧰 –keywordsbox | chest | mechanic | red | tool | toolbox E11-058
8706CharactersObjects2tool🧲 -namemagnet E11-060
8707CharactersObjects2tool🧲 –keywordsattraction | horseshoe | magnet | magnetic | negative | positive | shape | u E11-060
8708CharactersObjects2tool🪜 -nameladder E13-064
8709CharactersObjects2tool🪜 –keywordsclimb | ladder | rung | step E13-064
8710CharactersObjects2tool🪏 -nameshovel E16-002
8711CharactersObjects2tool🪏 –keywordsbury | dig | garden | hole | plant | scoop | shovel | snow | spade E16-002
8712CharactersObjects2science⚗ -namealembic E10-088
8713CharactersObjects2science⚗ –keywordsalembic | chemistry | tool E10-088
8714CharactersObjects2science🧪 -nametest tube E11-052
8715CharactersObjects2science🧪 –keywordschemist | chemistry | experiment | lab | science | test | tube E11-052
8716CharactersObjects2science🧫 -namepetri dish E11-053
8717CharactersObjects2science🧫 –keywordsbacteria | biologist | biology | culture | dish | lab | petri E11-053
8718CharactersObjects2science🧬 -namedna E11-054
8719CharactersObjects2science🧬 –keywordsbiologist | dna | evolution | gene | genetics | life E11-054
8720CharactersObjects2science🔬 -namemicroscope E10-744
8721CharactersObjects2science🔬 –keywordsexperiment | lab | microscope | science | tool E10-744
8722CharactersObjects2science🔭 -nametelescope E10-745
8723CharactersObjects2science🔭 –keywordscontact | extraterrestrial | science | telescope | tool E10-745
8724CharactersObjects2science📡 -namesatellite antenna E10-670
8725CharactersObjects2science📡 –keywordsaliens | antenna | contact | dish | satellite | science E10-670
8726CharactersObjects2medical💉 -namesyringe E10-582
8727CharactersObjects2medical💉 –keywordsdoctor | flu | medicine | needle | shot | sick | syringe | tool | vaccination E10-582
8728CharactersObjects2medical🩸 -namedrop of blood E12–063
8729CharactersObjects2medical🩸 –keywordsbleed | blood | donation | drop | injury | medicine | menstruation E12–063
8730CharactersObjects2medical💊 -namepill E10-583
8731CharactersObjects2medical💊 –keywordsdoctor | drugs | medicated | medicine | pill | pills | sick | vitamin E10-583
8732CharactersObjects2medical🩹 -nameadhesive bandage E12–064
8733CharactersObjects2medical🩹 –keywordsadhesive | bandage E12–064
8734CharactersObjects2medical🩼 -namecrutch E14-033
8735CharactersObjects2medical🩼 –keywordsaid | cane | crutch | disability | help | hurt | injured | mobility | stick E14-033
8736CharactersObjects2medical🩺 -namestethoscope E12–065
8737CharactersObjects2medical🩺 –keywordsdoctor | heart | medicine | stethoscope E12–065
8738CharactersObjects2medical🩻 -namex-ray E14-034
8739CharactersObjects2medical🩻 –keywordsbones | doctor | medical | skeleton | skull | x-ray | xray E14-034
8740CharactersObjects2household🚪 -namedoor E10-958
8741CharactersObjects2household🚪 –keywordsback | closet | door | front E10-958
8742CharactersObjects2household🛗 -nameelevator E13-066
8743CharactersObjects2household🛗 –keywordsaccessibility | elevator | hoist | lift E13-066
8744CharactersObjects2household🪞 -namemirror E13-067
8745CharactersObjects2household🪞 –keywordsmakeup | mirror | reflection | reflector | speculum E13-067
8746CharactersObjects2household🪟 -namewindow E13-068
8747CharactersObjects2household🪟 –keywordsair | frame | fresh | opening | transparent | view | window E13-068
8748CharactersObjects2household🛏 -namebed E10-990
8749CharactersObjects2household🛏 –keywordsbed | hotel | sleep E10-990
8750CharactersObjects2household🛋 -namecouch and lamp E10-986
8751CharactersObjects2household🛋 –keywordscouch | hotel | lamp E10-986
8752CharactersObjects2household🪑 -namechair E12–070
8753CharactersObjects2household🪑 –keywordschair | seat | sit E12–070
8754CharactersObjects2household🚽 -nametoilet E10-977
8755CharactersObjects2household🚽 –keywordsbathroom | toilet E10-977
8756CharactersObjects2household🪠 -nameplunger E13-069
8757CharactersObjects2household🪠 –keywordscup | force | plumber | plunger | poop | suction | toilet E13-069
8758CharactersObjects2household🚿 -nameshower E10-979
8759CharactersObjects2household🚿 –keywordsshower | water E10-979
8760CharactersObjects2household🛁 -namebathtub E10-981
8761CharactersObjects2household🛁 –keywordsbath | bathtub E10-981
8762CharactersObjects2household🪤 -namemouse trap E13-070
8763CharactersObjects2household🪤 –keywordsbait | cheese | lure | mouse | mousetrap | snare | trap E13-070
8764CharactersObjects2household🪒 -namerazor E12–071
8765CharactersObjects2household🪒 –keywordsrazor | sharp | shave E12–071
8766CharactersObjects2household🧴 -namelotion bottle E11-062
8767CharactersObjects2household🧴 –keywordsbottle | lotion | moisturizer | shampoo | sunscreen E11-062
8768CharactersObjects2household🧷 -namesafety pin E11-065
8769CharactersObjects2household🧷 –keywordsdiaper | pin | punk | rock | safety E11-065
8770CharactersObjects2household🧹 -namebroom E11-067
8771CharactersObjects2household🧹 –keywordsbroom | cleaning | sweeping | witch E11-067
8772CharactersObjects2household🧺 -namebasket E11-068
8773CharactersObjects2household🧺 –keywordsbasket | farming | laundry | picnic E11-068
8774CharactersObjects2household🧻 -nameroll of paper E11-069
8775CharactersObjects2household🧻 –keywordspaper | roll | toilet | towels E11-069
8776CharactersObjects2household🪣 -namebucket E13-071
8777CharactersObjects2household🪣 –keywordsbucket | cask | pail | vat E13-071
8778CharactersObjects2household🧼 -namesoap E11-070
8779CharactersObjects2household🧼 –keywordsbar | bathing | clean | cleaning | lather | soap | soapdish E11-070
8780CharactersObjects2household🫧 -namebubbles E14-035
8781CharactersObjects2household🫧 –keywordsbubble | bubbles | burp | clean | floating | pearl | soap | underwater E14-035
8782CharactersObjects2household🪥 -nametoothbrush E13-072
8783CharactersObjects2household🪥 –keywordsbathroom | brush | clean | dental | hygiene | teeth | toiletry | toothbrush E13-072
8784CharactersObjects2household🧽 -namesponge E11-071
8785CharactersObjects2household🧽 –keywordsabsorbing | cleaning | porous | soak | sponge E11-071
8786CharactersObjects2household🧯 -namefire extinguisher E11-057
8787CharactersObjects2household🧯 –keywordsextinguish | extinguisher | fire | quench E11-057
8788CharactersObjects2household🛒 -nameshopping cart E10-993
8789CharactersObjects2household🛒 –keywordscart | shopping | trolley E10-993
8790CharactersObjects2other-object🚬 -namecigarette E10-960
8791CharactersObjects2other-object🚬 –keywordscigarette | smoking E10-960
8792CharactersObjects2other-object⚰ -namecoffin E10-096
8793CharactersObjects2other-object⚰ –keywordscoffin | dead | death | vampire E10-096
8794CharactersObjects2other-object🪦 -nameheadstone E13-073
8795CharactersObjects2other-object🪦 –keywordscemetery | dead | grave | graveyard | headstone | memorial | rip | tomb | tombstone E13-073
8796CharactersObjects2other-object⚱ -namefuneral urn E10-097
8797CharactersObjects2other-object⚱ –keywordsashes | death | funeral | urn E10-097
8798CharactersObjects2other-object🧿 -namenazar amulet E11-073
8799CharactersObjects2other-object🧿 –keywordsamulet | bead | blue | charm | evil-eye | nazar | talisman E11-073
8800CharactersObjects2other-object🪬 -namehamsa E14-030
8801CharactersObjects2other-object🪬 –keywordsamulet | Fatima | fortune | guide | hamsa | hand | Mary | Miriam | palm | protect | protection E14-030
8802CharactersObjects2other-object🗿 -namemoai E10-835
8803CharactersObjects2other-object🗿 –keywordsface | moai | moyai | statue | stoneface | travel E10-835
8804CharactersObjects2other-object🪧 -nameplacard E13-074
8805CharactersObjects2other-object🪧 –keywordscard | demonstration | notice | picket | placard | plaque | protest | sign E13-074
8806CharactersObjects2other-object🪪 -nameidentification card E14-036
8807CharactersObjects2other-object🪪 –keywordscard | credentials | document | ID | identification | license | security E14-036
8808CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign🏧 -nameATM sign E10-423
8809CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign🏧 –keywordsATM | automated | bank | cash | money | sign | teller E10-423
8810CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign🚮 -namelitter in bin sign E10-962
8811CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign🚮 –keywordsbin | litter | litterbin | sign E10-962
8812CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign🚰 -namepotable water E10-964
8813CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign🚰 –keywordsdrinking | potable | water E10-964
8814CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign♿ -namewheelchair symbol E10-082
8815CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign♿ –keywordsaccess | handicap | symbol | wheelchair E10-082
8816CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign🚹 -namemen’s room E10-973
8817CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign🚹 –keywordsbathroom | lavatory | man | men’s | restroom | room | toilet | WC E10-973
8818CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign🚺 -namewomen’s room E10-974
8819CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign🚺 –keywordsbathroom | lavatory | restroom | room | toilet | WC | woman | women’s E10-974
8820CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign🚻 -namerestroom E10-975
8821CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign🚻 –keywordsbathroom | lavatory | restroom | toilet | WC E10-975
8822CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign🚼 -namebaby symbol E10-976
8823CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign🚼 –keywordsbaby | changing | symbol E10-976
8824CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign🚾 -namewater closet E10-978
8825CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign🚾 –keywordsbathroom | closet | lavatory | restroom | toilet | water | WC E10-978
8826CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign🛂 -namepassport control E10-982
8827CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign🛂 –keywordscontrol | passport E10-982
8828CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign🛃 -namecustoms E10-983
8829CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign🛃 –keywordscustoms | packing E10-983
8830CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign🛄 -namebaggage claim E10-984
8831CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign🛄 –keywordsarrived | baggage | bags | case | checked | claim | journey | packing | plane | ready | travel | trip E10-984
8832CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign🛅 -nameleft luggage E10-985
8833CharactersEmoji Symbolstransport-sign🛅 –keywordsbaggage | case | left | locker | luggage E10-985
8834CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning⚠ -namewarning E10-092
8835CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning⚠ –keywordscaution | warning E10-092
8836CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning🚸 -namechildren crossing E10-972
8837CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning🚸 –keywordschild | children | crossing | pedestrian | traffic E10-972
8838CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning⛔ -nameno entry E10-107
8839CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning⛔ –keywordsdo | entry | fail | forbidden | no | not | pass | prohibited | traffic E10-107
8840CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning🚫 -nameprohibited E10-959
8841CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning🚫 –keywordsentry | forbidden | no | not | prohibited | smoke E10-959
8842CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning🚳 -nameno bicycles E10-967
8843CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning🚳 –keywordsbicycle | bicycles | bike | forbidden | no | not | prohibited E10-967
8844CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning🚭 -nameno smoking E10-961
8845CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning🚭 –keywordsforbidden | no | not | prohibited | smoke | smoking E10-961
8846CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning🚯 -nameno littering E10-963
8847CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning🚯 –keywordsforbidden | litter | littering | no | not | prohibited E10-963
8848CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning🚱 -namenon-potable water E10-965
8849CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning🚱 –keywordsdry | non-drinking | non-potable | prohibited | water E10-965
8850CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning🚷 -nameno pedestrians E10-971
8851CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning🚷 –keywordsforbidden | no | not | pedestrian | pedestrians | prohibited E10-971
8852CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning📵 -nameno mobile phones E10-690
8853CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning📵 –keywordscell | forbidden | mobile | no | not | phone | phones | prohibited | telephone E10-690
8854CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning🔞 -nameno one under eighteen E10-730
8855CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning🔞 –keywords18 | age | eighteen | forbidden | no | not | one | prohibited | restriction | underage E10-730
8856CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning☢ -nameradioactive E10-053
8857CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning☢ –keywordsradioactive | sign E10-053
8858CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning☣ -namebiohazard E10-054
8859CharactersEmoji Symbolswarning☣ –keywordsbiohazard | sign E10-054
8860CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow⬆ -nameup arrow E10-157
8861CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow⬆ –keywordsarrow | cardinal | direction | north | up E10-157
8862CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow↗ -nameup-right arrow E10-009
8863CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow↗ –keywordsarrow | direction | intercardinal | northeast | up-right E10-009
8864CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow➡ -nameright arrow E10-151
8865CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow➡ –keywordsarrow | cardinal | direction | east | right E10-151
8866CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow↘ -namedown-right arrow E10-010
8867CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow↘ –keywordsarrow | direction | down-right | intercardinal | southeast E10-010
8868CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow⬇ -namedown arrow E10-158
8869CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow⬇ –keywordsarrow | cardinal | direction | down | south E10-158
8870CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow↙ -namedown-left arrow E10-011
8871CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow↙ –keywordsarrow | direction | down-left | intercardinal | southwest E10-011
8872CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow⬅ -nameleft arrow E10-156
8873CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow⬅ –keywordsarrow | cardinal | direction | left | west E10-156
8874CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow↖ -nameup-left arrow E10-008
8875CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow↖ –keywordsarrow | direction | intercardinal | northwest | up-left E10-008
8876CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow↕ -nameup-down arrow E10-007
8877CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow↕ –keywordsarrow | up-down E10-007
8878CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow↔ -nameleft-right arrow E10-006
8879CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow↔ –keywordsarrow | left-right E10-006
8880CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow↩ -nameright arrow curving left E10-012
8881CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow↩ –keywordsarrow | curving | left | right E10-012
8882CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow↪ -nameleft arrow curving right E10-013
8883CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow↪ –keywordsarrow | curving | left | right E10-013
8884CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow⤴ -nameright arrow curving up E10-154
8885CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow⤴ –keywordsarrow | curving | right | up E10-154
8886CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow⤵ -nameright arrow curving down E10-155
8887CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow⤵ –keywordsarrow | curving | down | right E10-155
8888CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow🔃 -nameclockwise vertical arrows E10-703
8889CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow🔃 –keywordsarrow | arrows | clockwise | refresh | reload | vertical E10-703
8890CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow🔄 -namecounterclockwise arrows button E10-704
8891CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow🔄 –keywordsagain | anticlockwise | arrow | arrows | button | counterclockwise | deja | refresh | rewindershins | vu E10-704
8892CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow🔙 -nameBACK arrow E10-725
8893CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow🔙 –keywordsarrow | BACK E10-725
8894CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow🔚 -nameEND arrow E10-726
8895CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow🔚 –keywordsarrow | END E10-726
8896CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow🔛 -nameON! arrow E10-727
8897CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow🔛 –keywordsarrow | mark | ON! E10-727
8898CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow🔜 -nameSOON arrow E10-728
8899CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow🔜 –keywordsarrow | brb | omw | SOON E10-728
8900CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow🔝 -nameTOP arrow E10-729
8901CharactersEmoji Symbolsarrow🔝 –keywordsarrow | homie | TOP | up E10-729
8902CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion🛐 -nameplace of worship E10-991
8903CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion🛐 –keywordsplace | pray | religion | worship E10-991
8904CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion⚛ -nameatom symbol E10-090
8905CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion⚛ –keywordsatheist | atom | symbol E10-090
8906CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion🕉 -nameom E10-762
8907CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion🕉 –keywordsHindu | om | religion E10-762
8908CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion✡ -namestar of David E10-134
8909CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion✡ –keywordsDavid | Jew | Jewish | judaism | religion | star E10-134
8910CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion☸ -namewheel of dharma E10-059
8911CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion☸ –keywordsBuddhist | dharma | religion | wheel E10-059
8912CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion☯ -nameyin yang E10-058
8913CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion☯ –keywordsdifficult | lives | religion | tao | taoist | total | yang | yin | yinyang E10-058
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8915CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion✝ –keywordschrist | Christian | cross | latin | religion E10-133
8916CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion☦ -nameorthodox cross E10-055
8917CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion☦ –keywordsChristian | cross | orthodox | religion E10-055
8918CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion☪ -namestar and crescent E10-056
8919CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion☪ –keywordscrescent | islam | Muslim | ramadan | religion | star E10-056
8920CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion☮ -namepeace symbol E10-057
8921CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion☮ –keywordshealing | peace | peaceful | symbol E10-057
8922CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion🕎 -namemenorah E10-767
8923CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion🕎 –keywordscandelabrum | candlestick | hanukkah | jewish | judaism | menorah | religion E10-767
8924CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion🔯 -namedotted six-pointed star E10-747
8925CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion🔯 –keywordsdotted | fortune | jewish | judaism | six-pointed | star E10-747
8926CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion🪯 -namekhanda E15-020
8927CharactersEmoji Symbolsreligion🪯 –keywordsDeg | Fateh | Khalsa | Khanda | religion | Sikh | Sikhism | Tegh E15-020
8928CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac♈ -nameAries E10-064
8929CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac♈ –keywordsAries | horoscope | ram | zodiac E10-064
8930CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac♉ -nameTaurus E10-065
8931CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac♉ –keywordsbull | horoscope | ox | Taurus | zodiac E10-065
8932CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac♊ -nameGemini E10-066
8933CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac♊ –keywordsGemini | horoscope | twins | zodiac E10-066
8934CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac♋ -nameCancer E10-067
8935CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac♋ –keywordsCancer | crab | horoscope | zodiac E10-067
8936CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac♌ -nameLeo E10-068
8937CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac♌ –keywordshoroscope | Leo | lion | zodiac E10-068
8938CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac♍ -nameVirgo E10-069
8939CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac♍ –keywordshoroscope | Virgo | zodiac E10-069
8940CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac♎ -nameLibra E10-070
8941CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac♎ –keywordsbalance | horoscope | justice | Libra | scales | zodiac E10-070
8942CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac♏ -nameScorpio E10-071
8943CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac♏ –keywordshoroscope | Scorpio | scorpion | Scorpius | zodiac E10-071
8944CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac♐ -nameSagittarius E10-072
8945CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac♐ –keywordsarcher | horoscope | Sagittarius | zodiac E10-072
8946CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac♑ -nameCapricorn E10-073
8947CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac♑ –keywordsCapricorn | goat | horoscope | zodiac E10-073
8948CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac♒ -nameAquarius E10-074
8949CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac♒ –keywordsAquarius | bearer | horoscope | water | zodiac E10-074
8950CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac♓ -namePisces E10-075
8951CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac♓ –keywordsfish | horoscope | Pisces | zodiac E10-075
8952CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac⛎ -nameOphiuchus E10-103
8953CharactersEmoji Symbolszodiac⛎ –keywordsbearer | Ophiuchus | serpent | snake | zodiac E10-103
8954CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol🔀 -nameshuffle tracks button E10-700
8955CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol🔀 –keywordsarrow | button | crossed | shuffle | tracks E10-700
8956CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol🔁 -namerepeat button E10-701
8957CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol🔁 –keywordsarrow | button | clockwise | repeat E10-701
8958CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol🔂 -namerepeat single button E10-702
8959CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol🔂 –keywordsarrow | button | clockwise | once | repeat | single E10-702
8960CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol▶ -nameplay button E10-035
8961CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol▶ –keywordsarrow | button | play | right | triangle E10-035
8962CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol⏩ -namefast-forward button E10-018
8963CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol⏩ –keywordsarrow | button | double | fast | fast-forward | forward E10-018
8964CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol⏭ -namenext track button E10-022
8965CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol⏭ –keywordsarrow | button | next | scene | track | triangle E10-022
8966CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol⏯ -nameplay or pause button E10-024
8967CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol⏯ –keywordsarrow | button | pause | play | right | triangle E10-024
8968CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol◀ -namereverse button E10-036
8969CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol◀ –keywordsarrow | button | left | reverse | triangle E10-036
8970CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol⏪ -namefast reverse button E10-019
8971CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol⏪ –keywordsarrow | button | double | fast | reverse | rewind E10-019
8972CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol⏮ -namelast track button E10-023
8973CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol⏮ –keywordsarrow | button | last | previous | scene | track | triangle E10-023
8974CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol🔼 -nameupwards button E10-760
8975CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol🔼 –keywordsarrow | button | red | up | upwards E10-760
8976CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol⏫ -namefast up button E10-020
8977CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol⏫ –keywordsarrow | button | double | fast | up E10-020
8978CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol🔽 -namedownwards button E10-761
8979CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol🔽 –keywordsarrow | button | down | downwards | red E10-761
8980CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol⏬ -namefast down button E10-021
8981CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol⏬ –keywordsarrow | button | double | down | fast E10-021
8982CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol⏸ -namepause button E10-029
8983CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol⏸ –keywordsbar | button | double | pause | vertical E10-029
8984CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol⏹ -namestop button E10-030
8985CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol⏹ –keywordsbutton | square | stop E10-030
8986CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol⏺ -namerecord button E10-031
8987CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol⏺ –keywordsbutton | circle | record E10-031
8988CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol⏏ -nameeject button E10-017
8989CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol⏏ –keywordsbutton | eject E10-017
8990CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol🎦 -namecinema E10-358
8991CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol🎦 –keywordscamera | cinema | film | movie E10-358
8992CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol🔅 -namedim button E10-705
8993CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol🔅 –keywordsbrightness | button | dim | low E10-705
8994CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol🔆 -namebright button E10-706
8995CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol🔆 –keywordsbright | brightness | button | light E10-706
8996CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol📶 -nameantenna bars E10-691
8997CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol📶 –keywordsantenna | bar | bars | cell | communication | mobile | phone | signal | telephone E10-691
8998CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol🛜 -namewireless E15-021
8999CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol🛜 –keywordsbroadband | computer | connectivity | hotspot | internet | network | router | smartphone | wi-fi | wifi | wireless | wlan E15-021
9000CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol📳 -namevibration mode E10-688
9001CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol📳 –keywordscell | communication | mobile | mode | phone | telephone | vibration E10-688
9002CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol📴 -namemobile phone off E10-689
9003CharactersEmoji Symbolsav-symbol📴 –keywordscell | mobile | off | phone | telephone E10-689
9004CharactersEmoji Symbolsgender♀ -namefemale sign E10-062
9005CharactersEmoji Symbolsgender♀ –keywordsfemale | sign | woman E10-062
9006CharactersEmoji Symbolsgender♂ -namemale sign E10-063
9007CharactersEmoji Symbolsgender♂ –keywordsmale | man | sign E10-063
9008CharactersEmoji Symbolsgender⚧ -nametransgender symbol E13-075
9009CharactersEmoji Symbolsgender⚧ –keywordssymbol | transgender E13-075
9010CharactersEmoji Symbolsmath✖ -namemultiply E10-132
9011CharactersEmoji Symbolsmath✖ –keywords× | cancel | multiplication | multiply | sign | x E10-132
9012CharactersEmoji Symbolsmath➕ -nameplus E10-148
9013CharactersEmoji Symbolsmath➕ –keywords+ | plus E10-148
9014CharactersEmoji Symbolsmath➖ -nameminus E10-149
9015CharactersEmoji Symbolsmath➖ –keywords- | − | heavy | math | minus | sign E10-149
9016CharactersEmoji Symbolsmath➗ -namedivide E10-150
9017CharactersEmoji Symbolsmath➗ –keywords÷ | divide | division | heavy | math | sign E10-150
9018CharactersEmoji Symbolsmath🟰 -nameheavy equals sign E14-037
9019CharactersEmoji Symbolsmath🟰 –keywordsanswer | equal | equality | equals | heavy | math | sign E14-037
9020CharactersEmoji Symbolsmath♾ -nameinfinity E11-002
9021CharactersEmoji Symbolsmath♾ –keywordsforever | infinity | unbounded | universal E11-002
9022CharactersEmoji Symbolspunctuation‼ -namedouble exclamation mark E10-002
9023CharactersEmoji Symbolspunctuation‼ –keywords! | !! | bangbang | double | exclamation | mark | punctuation E10-002
9024CharactersEmoji Symbolspunctuation⁉ -nameexclamation question mark E10-003
9025CharactersEmoji Symbolspunctuation⁉ –keywords! | !? | ? | exclamation | interrobang | mark | punctuation | question E10-003
9026CharactersEmoji Symbolspunctuation❓ -namered question mark E10-142
9027CharactersEmoji Symbolspunctuation❓ –keywords? | mark | punctuation | question | red E10-142
9028CharactersEmoji Symbolspunctuation❔ -namewhite question mark E10-143
9029CharactersEmoji Symbolspunctuation❔ –keywords? | mark | outlined | punctuation | question | white E10-143
9030CharactersEmoji Symbolspunctuation❕ -namewhite exclamation mark E10-144
9031CharactersEmoji Symbolspunctuation❕ –keywords! | exclamation | mark | outlined | punctuation | white E10-144
9032CharactersEmoji Symbolspunctuation❗ -namered exclamation mark E10-145
9033CharactersEmoji Symbolspunctuation❗ –keywords! | exclamation | mark | punctuation | red E10-145
9034CharactersEmoji Symbolspunctuation〰 -namewavy dash E10-163
9035CharactersEmoji Symbolspunctuation〰 –keywordsdash | punctuation | wavy E10-163
9036CharactersEmoji Symbolscurrency💱 -namecurrency exchange E10-622
9037CharactersEmoji Symbolscurrency💱 –keywordsbank | currency | exchange | money E10-622
9038CharactersEmoji Symbolscurrency💲 -nameheavy dollar sign E10-623
9039CharactersEmoji Symbolscurrency💲 –keywordsbillion | cash | charge | currency | dollar | heavy | million | money | pay | sign E10-623
9040CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol⚕ -namemedical symbol E10-086
9041CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol⚕ –keywordsaesculapius | medical | medicine | staff | symbol E10-086
9042CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol♻ -namerecycling symbol E10-081
9043CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol♻ –keywordsrecycle | recycling | symbol E10-081
9044CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol⚜ -namefleur-de-lis E10-091
9045CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol⚜ –keywordsfleur-de-lis | knights E10-091
9046CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol🔱 -nametrident emblem E10-749
9047CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol🔱 –keywordsanchor | emblem | poseidon | ship | tool | trident E10-749
9048CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol📛 -namename badge E10-664
9049CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol📛 –keywordsbadge | name E10-664
9050CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol🔰 -nameJapanese symbol for beginner E10-748
9051CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol🔰 –keywordsbeginner | chevron | green | Japanese | leaf | symbol | tool | yellow E10-748
9052CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol⭕ -namehollow red circle E10-162
9053CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol⭕ –keywordscircle | heavy | hollow | large | o | red E10-162
9054CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol✅ -namecheck mark button E10-122
9055CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol✅ –keywords✓ | button | check | checked | checkmark | complete | completed | done | fixed | mark | tick E10-122
9056CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol☑ -namecheck box with check E10-047
9057CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol☑ –keywords✓ | ballot | box | check | checked | done | off | tick E10-047
9058CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol✔ -namecheck mark E10-131
9059CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol✔ –keywords✓ | check | checked | checkmark | done | heavy | mark | tick E10-131
9060CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol❌ -namecross mark E10-140
9061CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol❌ –keywords× | cancel | cross | mark | multiplication | multiply | x E10-140
9062CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol❎ -namecross mark button E10-141
9063CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol❎ –keywords× | button | cross | mark | multiplication | multiply | square | x E10-141
9064CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol➰ -namecurly loop E10-152
9065CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol➰ –keywordscurl | curly | loop E10-152
9066CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol➿ -namedouble curly loop E10-153
9067CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol➿ –keywordscurl | curly | double | loop E10-153
9068CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol〽 -namepart alternation mark E10-164
9069CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol〽 –keywordsalternation | mark | part E10-164
9070CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol✳ -nameeight-spoked asterisk E10-136
9071CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol✳ –keywords* | asterisk | eight-spoked E10-136
9072CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol✴ -nameeight-pointed star E10-137
9073CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol✴ –keywords* | eight-pointed | star E10-137
9074CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol❇ -namesparkle E10-139
9075CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol❇ –keywords* | sparkle E10-139
9076CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol© -namecopyright E10-000
9077CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol© –keywordsC | copyright E10-000
9078CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol® -nameregistered E10-001
9079CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol® –keywordsR | registered E10-001
9080CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol™ -nametrade mark E10-004
9081CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol™ –keywordsmark | TM | trade | trademark E10-004
9082CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol🫟 -namesplatter E16-006
9083CharactersEmoji Symbolsother-symbol🫟 –keywordsdrip | holi | ink | liquid | mess | paint | spill | splatter | stain E16-006
9084CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🔠 -nameinput latin uppercase E10-732
9085CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🔠 –keywordsABCD | input | latin | letters | uppercase E10-732
9086CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🔡 -nameinput latin lowercase E10-733
9087CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🔡 –keywordsabcd | input | latin | letters | lowercase E10-733
9088CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🔢 -nameinput numbers E10-734
9089CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🔢 –keywords1234 | input | numbers E10-734
9090CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🔣 -nameinput symbols E10-735
9091CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🔣 –keywords& | % | ♪ | 〒 | input | symbols E10-735
9092CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🔤 -nameinput latin letters E10-736
9093CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🔤 –keywordsabc | alphabet | input | latin | letters E10-736
9094CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🅰 -nameA button (blood type) E10-169
9095CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🅰 –keywordsblood | button | type E10-169
9096CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🆎 -nameAB button (blood type) E10-173
9097CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🆎 –keywordsAB | blood | button | type E10-173
9098CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🅱 -nameB button (blood type) E10-170
9099CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🅱 –keywordsB | blood | button | type E10-170
9100CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🆑 -nameCL button E10-174
9101CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🆑 –keywordsbutton | CL E10-174
9102CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🆒 -nameCOOL button E10-175
9103CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🆒 –keywordsbutton | COOL E10-175
9104CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🆓 -nameFREE button E10-176
9105CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🆓 –keywordsbutton | FREE E10-176
9106CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanumℹ -nameinformation E10-005
9107CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanumℹ –keywordsI | information E10-005
9108CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🆔 -nameID button E10-177
9109CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🆔 –keywordsbutton | ID | identity E10-177
9110CharactersEmoji SymbolsalphanumⓂ -namecircled M E10-032
9111CharactersEmoji SymbolsalphanumⓂ –keywordscircle | circled | M E10-032
9112CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🆕 -nameNEW button E10-178
9113CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🆕 –keywordsbutton | NEW E10-178
9114CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🆖 -nameNG button E10-179
9115CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🆖 –keywordsbutton | NG E10-179
9116CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🅾 -nameO button (blood type) E10-171
9117CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🅾 –keywordsblood | button | O | type E10-171
9118CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🆗 -nameOK button E10-180
9119CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🆗 –keywordsbutton | OK | okay E10-180
9120CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🅿 -nameP button E10-172
9121CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🅿 –keywordsbutton | P | parking E10-172
9122CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🆘 -nameSOS button E10-181
9123CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🆘 –keywordsbutton | help | SOS E10-181
9124CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🆙 -nameUP! button E10-182
9125CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🆙 –keywordsbutton | mark | UP | UP! E10-182
9126CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🆚 -nameVS button E10-183
9127CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🆚 –keywordsbutton | versus | VS E10-183
9128CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈁 -nameJapanese “here” button E10-184
9129CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈁 –keywordsbutton | here | Japanese | katakana E10-184
9130CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈂 -nameJapanese “service charge” button E10-185
9131CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈂 –keywordsbutton | charge | Japanese | katakana | service E10-185
9132CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈷 -nameJapanese “monthly amount” button E10-193
9133CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈷 –keywordsamount | button | ideograph | Japanese | monthly E10-193
9134CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈶 -nameJapanese “not free of charge” button E10-192
9135CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈶 –keywordsbutton | charge | free | ideograph | Japanese | not E10-192
9136CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈯 -nameJapanese “reserved” button E10-187
9137CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈯 –keywordsbutton | ideograph | Japanese | reserved E10-187
9138CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🉐 -nameJapanese “bargain” button E10-197
9139CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🉐 –keywordsbargain | button | ideograph | Japanese E10-197
9140CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈹 -nameJapanese “discount” button E10-195
9141CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈹 –keywordsbutton | discount | ideograph | Japanese E10-195
9142CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈚 -nameJapanese “free of charge” button E10-186
9143CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈚 –keywordsbutton | charge | free | ideograph | Japanese E10-186
9144CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈲 -nameJapanese “prohibited” button E10-188
9145CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈲 –keywordsbutton | ideograph | Japanese | prohibited E10-188
9146CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🉑 -nameJapanese “acceptable” button E10-198
9147CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🉑 –keywordsacceptable | button | ideograph | Japanese E10-198
9148CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈸 -nameJapanese “application” button E10-194
9149CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈸 –keywordsapplication | button | ideograph | Japanese E10-194
9150CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈴 -nameJapanese “passing grade” button E10-190
9151CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈴 –keywordsbutton | grade | ideograph | Japanese | passing E10-190
9152CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈳 -nameJapanese “vacancy” button E10-189
9153CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈳 –keywordsbutton | ideograph | Japanese | vacancy E10-189
9154CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum㊗ -nameJapanese “congratulations” button E10-165
9155CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum㊗ –keywordsbutton | congratulations | ideograph | Japanese E10-165
9156CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum㊙ -nameJapanese “secret” button E10-166
9157CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum㊙ –keywordsbutton | ideograph | Japanese | secret E10-166
9158CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈺 -nameJapanese “open for business” button E10-196
9159CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈺 –keywordsbusiness | button | ideograph | Japanese | open E10-196
9160CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈵 -nameJapanese “no vacancy” button E10-191
9161CharactersEmoji Symbolsalphanum🈵 –keywordsbutton | ideograph | Japanese | no | vacancy E10-191
9162CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🔴 -namered circle E10-752
9163CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🔴 –keywordscircle | geometric | red E10-752
9164CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🟠 -nameorange circle E12–010
9165CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🟠 –keywordscircle | orange E12–010
9166CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🟡 -nameyellow circle E12–011
9167CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🟡 –keywordscircle | yellow E12–011
9168CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🟢 -namegreen circle E12–012
9169CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🟢 –keywordscircle | green E12–012
9170CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🔵 -nameblue circle E10-753
9171CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🔵 –keywordsblue | circle | geometric E10-753
9172CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🟣 -namepurple circle E12–013
9173CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🟣 –keywordscircle | purple E12–013
9174CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🟤 -namebrown circle E12–014
9175CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🟤 –keywordsbrown | circle E12–014
9176CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric⚫ -nameblack circle E10-095
9177CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric⚫ –keywordsblack | circle | geometric E10-095
9178CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric⚪ -namewhite circle E10-094
9179CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric⚪ –keywordscircle | geometric | white E10-094
9180CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🟥 -namered square E12–015
9181CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🟥 –keywordscard | penalty | red | square E12–015
9182CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🟧 -nameorange square E12–017
9183CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🟧 –keywordsorange | square E12–017
9184CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🟨 -nameyellow square E12–018
9185CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🟨 –keywordscard | penalty | square | yellow E12–018
9186CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🟩 -namegreen square E12–019
9187CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🟩 –keywordsgreen | square E12–019
9188CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🟦 -nameblue square E12–016
9189CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🟦 –keywordsblue | square E12–016
9190CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🟪 -namepurple square E12–020
9191CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🟪 –keywordspurple | square E12–020
9192CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🟫 -namebrown square E12–021
9193CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🟫 –keywordsbrown | square E12–021
9194CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric⬛ -nameblack large square E10-159
9195CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric⬛ –keywordsblack | geometric | large | square E10-159
9196CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric⬜ -namewhite large square E10-160
9197CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric⬜ –keywordsgeometric | large | square | white E10-160
9198CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric◼ -nameblack medium square E10-038
9199CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric◼ –keywordsblack | geometric | medium | square E10-038
9200CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric◻ -namewhite medium square E10-037
9201CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric◻ –keywordsgeometric | medium | square | white E10-037
9202CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric◾ -nameblack medium-small square E10-040
9203CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric◾ –keywordsblack | geometric | medium-small | square E10-040
9204CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric◽ -namewhite medium-small square E10-039
9205CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric◽ –keywordsgeometric | medium-small | square | white E10-039
9206CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric▪ -nameblack small square E10-033
9207CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric▪ –keywordsblack | geometric | small | square E10-033
9208CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric▫ -namewhite small square E10-034
9209CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric▫ –keywordsgeometric | small | square | white E10-034
9210CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🔶 -namelarge orange diamond E10-754
9211CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🔶 –keywordsdiamond | geometric | large | orange E10-754
9212CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🔷 -namelarge blue diamond E10-755
9213CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🔷 –keywordsblue | diamond | geometric | large E10-755
9214CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🔸 -namesmall orange diamond E10-756
9215CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🔸 –keywordsdiamond | geometric | orange | small E10-756
9216CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🔹 -namesmall blue diamond E10-757
9217CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🔹 –keywordsblue | diamond | geometric | small E10-757
9218CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🔺 -namered triangle pointed up E10-758
9219CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🔺 –keywordsgeometric | pointed | red | triangle | up E10-758
9220CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🔻 -namered triangle pointed down E10-759
9221CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🔻 –keywordsdown | geometric | pointed | red | triangle E10-759
9222CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric💠 -namediamond with a dot E10-605
9223CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric💠 –keywordscomic | diamond | dot | geometric E10-605
9224CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🔘 -nameradio button E10-724
9225CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🔘 –keywordsbutton | geometric | radio E10-724
9226CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🔳 -namewhite square button E10-751
9227CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🔳 –keywordsbutton | geometric | outlined | square | white E10-751
9228CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🔲 -nameblack square button E10-750
9229CharactersEmoji Symbolsgeometric🔲 –keywordsblack | button | geometric | square E10-750
9230CharactersPunctuationpunctuation§ -namesection E13-146
9231CharactersPunctuationpunctuation§ –keywordsparagraph | part | section | silcrow E13-146
9232CharactersPunctuationpunctuation† -namedagger sign E13-147
9233CharactersPunctuationpunctuation† –keywordsdagger | obelisk | obelus | sign E13-147
9234CharactersPunctuationpunctuation‡ -namedouble dagger sign E13-148
9235CharactersPunctuationpunctuation‡ –keywordsdagger | double | obelisk | obelus | sign E13-148
9236CharactersPunctuationpunctuation, -namecomma E13.1-110
9237CharactersPunctuationpunctuation, –keywordscomma E13.1-110
9238CharactersPunctuationpunctuation、 -nameideographic comma E13.1-111
9239CharactersPunctuationpunctuation、 –keywordscomma | ideographic E13.1-111
9240CharactersPunctuationpunctuation، -namearabic comma E13.1-112
9241CharactersPunctuationpunctuation، –keywordsarabic | comma E13.1-112
9242CharactersPunctuationpunctuation; -namesemicolon E13.1-113
9243CharactersPunctuationpunctuation; –keywordssemi-colon | semicolon E13.1-113
9244CharactersPunctuationpunctuation: -namecolon E13.1-114
9245CharactersPunctuationpunctuation: –keywordscolon E13.1-114
9246CharactersPunctuationpunctuation؛ -namearabic semicolon E13.1-115
9247CharactersPunctuationpunctuation؛ –keywordsarabic | semi-colon | semicolon E13.1-115
9248CharactersPunctuationpunctuation! -nameexclamation mark E13.1-116
9249CharactersPunctuationpunctuation! –keywordsbang | exclamation | mark | point E13.1-116
9250CharactersPunctuationpunctuation¡ -nameinverted exclamation mark E13.1-117
9251CharactersPunctuationpunctuation¡ –keywordsbang | exclamation | inverted | mark | point E13.1-117
9252CharactersPunctuationpunctuation? -namequestion mark E13.1-118
9253CharactersPunctuationpunctuation? –keywordsmark | question E13.1-118
9254CharactersPunctuationpunctuation¿ -nameinverted question mark E13.1-119
9255CharactersPunctuationpunctuation¿ –keywordsinverted | mark | question E13.1-119
9256CharactersPunctuationpunctuation؟ -namearabic question mark E13.1-120
9257CharactersPunctuationpunctuation؟ –keywordsarabic | mark | question E13.1-120
9258CharactersPunctuationpunctuation¶ -nameparagraph mark E13.1-121
9259CharactersPunctuationpunctuation¶ –keywordsalinea | mark | paragraph | paraph | pilcrow E13.1-121
9260CharactersPunctuationpunctuation※ -namereference mark E13.1-122
9261CharactersPunctuationpunctuation※ –keywordsmark | reference E13.1-122
9262CharactersPunctuationpunctuation/ -nameslash E13.1-123
9263CharactersPunctuationpunctuation/ –keywordsoblique | slash | solidus | stroke | virgule | whack E13.1-123
9264CharactersPunctuationpunctuation\ -namebackslash E13.1-124
9265CharactersPunctuationpunctuation\ –keywordsbackslash | reverse | solidus | whack E13.1-124
9266CharactersPunctuationpunctuation& -nameampersand E13.1-125
9267CharactersPunctuationpunctuation& –keywordsampersand | and | et E13.1-125
9268CharactersPunctuationpunctuation# -namehash sign E13.1-126
9269CharactersPunctuationpunctuation# –keywordshash | hashtag | lb | number | pound | sign E13.1-126
9270CharactersPunctuationpunctuation% -namepercent E13.1-127
9271CharactersPunctuationpunctuation% –keywordscent | per | per-cent | percent E13.1-127
9272CharactersPunctuationpunctuation‰ -nameper mille E13.1-128
9273CharactersPunctuationpunctuation‰ –keywordsmil | mille | per | permil | permille E13.1-128
9274CharactersPunctuationpunctuation′ -nameprime E13.1-129
9275CharactersPunctuationpunctuation′ –keywordsprime E13.1-129
9276CharactersPunctuationpunctuation″ -namedouble prime E13.1-130
9277CharactersPunctuationpunctuation″ –keywordsdouble | prime E13.1-130
9278CharactersPunctuationpunctuation‴ -nametriple prime E13.1-131
9279CharactersPunctuationpunctuation‴ –keywordsprime | triple E13.1-131
9280CharactersPunctuationpunctuation@ -nameat-sign E13.1-132
9281CharactersPunctuationpunctuation@ –keywordsampersat | arobase | arroba | at | at-sign | commercial | mark | sign | strudel E13.1-132
9282CharactersPunctuationpunctuation* -nameasterisk E13.1-133
9283CharactersPunctuationpunctuation* –keywordsasterisk | star | wildcard E13.1-133
9284CharactersPunctuationpunctuation‐ -namehyphen E13.1-100
9285CharactersPunctuationpunctuation‐ –keywordsdash | hyphen E13.1-100
9286CharactersPunctuationpunctuation― -namehorizontal bar E13.1-101
9287CharactersPunctuationpunctuation― –keywordsbar | dash | horizontal | line E13.1-101
9288CharactersPunctuationpunctuation_ -namelow line E13.1-102
9289CharactersPunctuationpunctuation_ –keywordsdash | line | low | underdash | underline E13.1-102
9290CharactersPunctuationpunctuation- -namehyphen-minus E13.1-103
9291CharactersPunctuationpunctuation- –keywordsdash | hyphen | hyphen-minus | minus E13.1-103
9292CharactersPunctuationpunctuation– -nameen dash E13-113
9293CharactersPunctuationpunctuation– –keywordsdash | en E13-113
9294CharactersPunctuationpunctuation— -nameem dash E13-114
9295CharactersPunctuationpunctuation— –keywordsdash | em E13-114
9296CharactersPunctuationpunctuation• -namebullet E13-145
9297CharactersPunctuationpunctuation• –keywordsbullet | dot E13-145
9298CharactersPunctuationpunctuation· -namemiddle dot E13-138
9299CharactersPunctuationpunctuation· –keywordsdot | interpunct | middle | middot E13-138
9300CharactersPunctuationpunctuation. -nameperiod E13.1-104
9301CharactersPunctuationpunctuation. –keywordsdot | full | period | stop E13.1-104
9302CharactersPunctuationpunctuation… -nameellipsis E13.1-105
9303CharactersPunctuationpunctuation… –keywordsdots | ellipsis | omission E13.1-105
9304CharactersPunctuationpunctuation。 -nameideographic period E13.1-106
9305CharactersPunctuationpunctuation。 –keywordsfull | ideographic | period | stop E13.1-106
9306CharactersPunctuationpunctuation‧ -namehyphenation point E13.1-107
9307CharactersPunctuationpunctuation‧ –keywordsdash | hyphen | hyphenation | point E13.1-107
9308CharactersPunctuationpunctuation・ -namekatakana middle dot E13.1-108
9309CharactersPunctuationpunctuation・ –keywordsdot | dots | interpunct | katakana | middle | middot E13.1-108
9310CharactersPunctuationpunctuation‘ -nameleft apostrophe E13.1-141
9311CharactersPunctuationpunctuation‘ –keywordsapostrophe | left | quote | single | smart E13.1-141
9312CharactersPunctuationpunctuation’ -nameright apostrophe E13.1-142
9313CharactersPunctuationpunctuation’ –keywordsapostrophe | quote | right | single | smart E13.1-142
9314CharactersPunctuationpunctuation‚ -namelow right apostrophe E13.1-143
9315CharactersPunctuationpunctuation‚ –keywordsapostrophe | low | quote | right E13.1-143
9316CharactersPunctuationpunctuation' -nametypewriter apostrophe E13.1-144
9317CharactersPunctuationpunctuation' –keywordsapostrophe | quote | single | typewriter E13.1-144
9318CharactersPunctuationpunctuation“ -nameleft quotation mark E13.1-145
9319CharactersPunctuationpunctuation“ –keywordsdouble | left | mark | quotation | quote | smart E13.1-145
9320CharactersPunctuationpunctuation” -nameright quotation mark E13.1-146
9321CharactersPunctuationpunctuation” –keywordsdouble | mark | quotation | quote | right | smart E13.1-146
9322CharactersPunctuationpunctuation„ -namelow right quotation mark E13.1-147
9323CharactersPunctuationpunctuation„ –keywordsdouble | low | mark | quotation | quote | right | smart E13.1-147
9324CharactersPunctuationpunctuation» -nameright guillemet E13-139
9325CharactersPunctuationpunctuation» –keywordsangle | brackets | carets | chevron | guillemet | quote | right E13-139
9326CharactersPunctuationpunctuation« -nameleft guillemet E13-140
9327CharactersPunctuationpunctuation« –keywordsangle | brackets | carets | chevron | guillemet | left | quote E13-140
9328CharactersPunctuationpunctuation) -nameclose parenthesis E13.1-148
9329CharactersPunctuationpunctuation) –keywordsbracket | close | paren | parens | parenthesis | round E13.1-148
9330CharactersPunctuationpunctuation[ -nameopen square bracket E13.1-149
9331CharactersPunctuationpunctuation[ –keywordsbracket | crotchet | open | square E13.1-149
9332CharactersPunctuationpunctuation] -nameclose square bracket E13.1-150
9333CharactersPunctuationpunctuation] –keywordsbracket | close | crotchet | square E13.1-150
9334CharactersPunctuationpunctuation{ -nameopen curly bracket E13.1-151
9335CharactersPunctuationpunctuation{ –keywordsbrace | bracket | curly | gullwing | open E13.1-151
9336CharactersPunctuationpunctuation} -nameclose curly bracket E13.1-152
9337CharactersPunctuationpunctuation} –keywordsbrace | bracket | close | curly | gullwing E13.1-152
9338CharactersPunctuationpunctuation〔 -nameopen tortoise shell bracket E13.1-153
9339CharactersPunctuationpunctuation〔 –keywordsbracket | open | shell | tortoise E13.1-153
9340CharactersPunctuationpunctuation〕 -nameclose tortoise shell bracket E13.1-154
9341CharactersPunctuationpunctuation〕 –keywordsbracket | close | shell | tortoise E13.1-154
9342CharactersPunctuationpunctuation〈 -nameopen angle bracket E13.1-155
9343CharactersPunctuationpunctuation〈 –keywordsangle | bracket | brackets | chevron | diamond | open | pointy | tuple E13.1-155
9344CharactersPunctuationpunctuation〉 -nameclose angle bracket E13.1-156
9345CharactersPunctuationpunctuation〉 –keywordsangle | bracket | brackets | chevron | close | diamond | pointy | tuple E13.1-156
9346CharactersPunctuationpunctuation《 -nameopen double angle bracket E13.1-157
9347CharactersPunctuationpunctuation《 –keywordsangle | bracket | double | open E13.1-157
9348CharactersPunctuationpunctuation》 -nameclose double angle bracket E13.1-158
9349CharactersPunctuationpunctuation》 –keywordsangle | bracket | close | double E13.1-158
9350CharactersPunctuationpunctuation「 -nameopen corner bracket E13.1-159
9351CharactersPunctuationpunctuation「 –keywordsbracket | corner | open E13.1-159
9352CharactersPunctuationpunctuation」 -nameclose corner bracket E13.1-160
9353CharactersPunctuationpunctuation」 –keywordsbracket | close | corner E13.1-160
9354CharactersPunctuationpunctuation『 -nameopen hollow corner bracket E13.1-161
9355CharactersPunctuationpunctuation『 –keywordsbracket | corner | hollow | open E13.1-161
9356CharactersPunctuationpunctuation』 -nameclose hollow corner bracket E13.1-162
9357CharactersPunctuationpunctuation』 –keywordsbracket | close | corner | hollow E13.1-162
9358CharactersPunctuationpunctuation〖 -nameopen hollow lens bracket E13.1-163
9359CharactersPunctuationpunctuation〖 –keywordsbracket | hollow | lens | lenticular | open E13.1-163
9360CharactersPunctuationpunctuation〗 -nameclose hollow lens bracket E13.1-164
9361CharactersPunctuationpunctuation〗 –keywordsbracket | close | hollow | lens | lenticular E13.1-164
9362CharactersPunctuationpunctuation【 -nameopen black lens bracket E13.1-165
9363CharactersPunctuationpunctuation【 –keywordsblack | bracket | lens | lenticular | open E13.1-165
9364CharactersPunctuationpunctuation】 -nameclose black lens bracket E13.1-166
9365CharactersPunctuationpunctuation】 –keywordsblack | bracket | close | lens | lenticular E13.1-166
9366CharactersPunctuationother-symbol‾ -nameoverline E13.1-2200
9367CharactersPunctuationother-symbol‾ –keywordsoverline | overstrike | vinculum E13.1-2200
9368CharactersPunctuationother-symbol‽ -nameinterrobang E13.1-2201
9369CharactersPunctuationother-symbol‽ –keywordsinterabang | interrobang E13.1-2201
9370CharactersPunctuationother-symbol‸ -namecaret E13.1-2202
9371CharactersPunctuationother-symbol‸ –keywordscaret E13.1-2202
9372CharactersPunctuationother-symbol⁂ -nameasterism E13.1-2203
9373CharactersPunctuationother-symbol⁂ –keywordsasterism | dinkus | stars E13.1-2203
9374CharactersMath Symbolsarrow→ -nameright-pointing arrow E13-100
9375CharactersMath Symbolsarrow→ –keywordsarrow | right | right-pointing E13-100
9376CharactersMath Symbolsarrow↓ -namedown-pointing arrow E13-101
9377CharactersMath Symbolsarrow↓ –keywordsarrow | down | down-pointing E13-101
9378CharactersMath Symbolsarrow↑ -nameup-pointing arrow E13-102
9379CharactersMath Symbolsarrow↑ –keywordsarrow | up | up-pointing E13-102
9380CharactersMath Symbolsarrow← -nameleft-pointing arrow E13-103
9381CharactersMath Symbolsarrow← –keywordsarrow | left | left-pointing E13-103
9382CharactersMath Symbolsmath× -namemultiplication sign E13-127
9383CharactersMath Symbolsmath× –keywordsmultiplication | multiply | sign | times E13-127
9384CharactersMath Symbolsmath÷ -namedivision sign E13-132
9385CharactersMath Symbolsmath÷ –keywordsdivide | division | obelus | sign E13-132
9386CharactersMath Symbolsmath√ -namesquare root E13-128
9387CharactersMath Symbolsmath√ –keywordsradical | radix | root | square | surd E13-128
9388CharactersMath Symbolsmath∞ -nameinfinity sign E13-129
9389CharactersMath Symbolsmath∞ –keywordsinfinity | sign E13-129
9390CharactersMath Symbolsmath∆ -nameincrement E13-131
9391CharactersMath Symbolsmath∆ –keywordsincrement | triangle E13-131
9392CharactersMath Symbolsmath∇ -namenabla E13-133
9393CharactersMath Symbolsmath∇ –keywordsnabla | triangle E13-133
9394CharactersMath Symbolsmath⁻ -namesuperscript minus E13-134
9395CharactersMath Symbolsmath⁻ –keywordsminus | superscript E13-134
9396CharactersMath Symbolsmath≡ -nameidentical to E13-130
9397CharactersMath Symbolsmath≡ –keywordsexact | identical | to | triple E13-130
9398CharactersMath Symbolsmath∈ -nameelement of E13-142
9399CharactersMath Symbolsmath∈ –keywordscontains | element | membership | of | set E13-142
9400CharactersMath Symbolsmath⊂ -namesubset of E13-143
9401CharactersMath Symbolsmath⊂ –keywordsof | set | subset E13-143
9402CharactersMath Symbolsmath∩ -nameintersection E13-141
9403CharactersMath Symbolsmath∩ –keywordsintersection | set E13-141
9404CharactersMath Symbolsmath∪ -nameunion E13-144
9405CharactersMath Symbolsmath∪ –keywordscollection | set | union E13-144
9406CharactersMath Symbolsmath+ -nameplus sign E13.1-191
9407CharactersMath Symbolsmath+ –keywordsadd | plus | sign E13.1-191
9408CharactersMath Symbolsmath± -nameplus-minus E13.1-192
9409CharactersMath Symbolsmath± –keywordsplus-minus E13.1-192
9410CharactersMath Symbolsmath− -nameminus sign E13.1-193
9411CharactersMath Symbolsmath− –keywordsminus | sign | subtract E13.1-193
9412CharactersMath Symbolsmath= -nameequal E13.1-194
9413CharactersMath Symbolsmath= –keywordsequal | equals E13.1-194
9414CharactersMath Symbolsmath≈ -namealmost equal E13.1-195
9415CharactersMath Symbolsmath≈ –keywordsalmost | approximate | approximation | equal E13.1-195
9416CharactersMath Symbolsmath≠ -namenot equal E13.1-196
9417CharactersMath Symbolsmath≠ –keywordsequal | inequality | inequation | not E13.1-196
9418CharactersMath Symbolsmath> -namegreater-than E13.1-197
9419CharactersMath Symbolsmath> –keywordsclose | greater | greater-than | tag | than E13.1-197
9420CharactersMath Symbolsmath< -nameless-than E13.1-198
9421CharactersMath Symbolsmath< –keywordsless | less-than | open | tag | than E13.1-198
9422CharactersMath Symbolsmath≤ -nameless-than or equal E13.1-199
9423CharactersMath Symbolsmath≤ –keywordsequal | equals | inequality | less-than | or E13.1-199
9424CharactersMath Symbolsmath≥ -namegreater-than or equal E13.1-200
9425CharactersMath Symbolsmath≥ –keywordsequal | equals | greater-than | inequality | or E13.1-200
9426CharactersMath Symbolsmath¬ -namenegation E13.1-201
9427CharactersMath Symbolsmath¬ –keywordsnegation | not E13.1-201
9428CharactersMath Symbolsmath| -namevertical line E13.1-202
9429CharactersMath Symbolsmath| –keywordsbar | line | pike | pipe | sheffer | stick | stroke | vbar | vertical E13.1-202
9430CharactersMath Symbolsmath~ -nametilde E13.1-203
9431CharactersMath Symbolsmath~ –keywordstilde E13.1-203
9432CharactersMath Symbolspunctuation♯ -namesharp E13.1-136
9433CharactersMath Symbolspunctuation♯ –keywordsdièse | diesis | music | note | sharp E13.1-136
9434CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol↚ -nameleftwards arrow stroke E13.1-204
9435CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol↚ –keywordsarrow | leftwards | stroke E13.1-204
9436CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol↛ -namerightwards arrow stroke E13.1-205
9437CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol↛ –keywordsarrow | rightwards | stroke E13.1-205
9438CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol↮ -nameleft right arrow stroke E13.1-206
9439CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol↮ –keywordsarrow | left | right | stroke E13.1-206
9440CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol↠ -namerightwards two headed arrow E13.1-212
9441CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol↠ –keywordsarrow | headed | rightwards | two E13.1-212
9442CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol↣ -namerightwards arrow tail E13.1-215
9443CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol↣ –keywordsarrow | rightwards | tail E13.1-215
9444CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol↦ -namerightwards arrow from bar E13.1-218
9445CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol↦ –keywordsarrow | bar | from | rightwards E13.1-218
9446CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⇒ -namerightwards double arrow E13.1-255
9447CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⇒ –keywordsarrow | double | rightwards E13.1-255
9448CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⇏ -namerightwards double arrow stroke E13.1-256
9449CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⇏ –keywordsarrow | double | rightwards | stroke E13.1-256
9450CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⇔ -nameleft right double arrow E13.1-258
9451CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⇔ –keywordsarrow | double | left | right E13.1-258
9452CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⇎ -nameleft right double arrow stroke E13.1-259
9453CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⇎ –keywordsarrow | double | left | right | stroke E13.1-259
9454CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⇵ -namedownwards arrow leftwards upwards arrow E13.1-281
9455CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⇵ –keywordsarrow | downwards | leftwards | upwards E13.1-281
9456CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∀ -namefor all E13.1-282
9457CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∀ –keywordsall | any | for | given | universal E13.1-282
9458CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∂ -namepartial differential E13.1-283
9459CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∂ –keywordsdifferential | partial E13.1-283
9460CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∃ -namethere exists E13.1-284
9461CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∃ –keywordsexists | there E13.1-284
9462CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∅ -nameempty set E13.1-285
9463CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∅ –keywordsempty | mathematics | operator | set E13.1-285
9464CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∉ -namenot an element E13.1-286
9465CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∉ –keywordsan | element | not E13.1-286
9466CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∋ -namecontains as member E13.1-287
9467CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∋ –keywordsas | contains | element | member E13.1-287
9468CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∎ -nameend proof E13.1-288
9469CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∎ –keywordsend | halmos | proof | q.e.d. | qed | tombstone E13.1-288
9470CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∏ -namen-ary product E13.1-289
9471CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∏ –keywordslogic | n-ary | product E13.1-289
9472CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∑ -namen-ary summation E13.1-290
9473CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∑ –keywordsmathematics | n-ary | summation E13.1-290
9474CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≮ -namenot less-than E13.1-291
9475CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≮ –keywordsinequality | less-than | mathematics | not E13.1-291
9476CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≯ -namenot greater-than E13.1-292
9477CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≯ –keywordsgreater-than | inequality | mathematics | not E13.1-292
9478CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∓ -nameminus-or-plus E13.1-293
9479CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∓ –keywordsminus-or-plus | plus-minus E13.1-293
9480CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∕ -namedivision slash E13.1-294
9481CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∕ –keywordsdivision | slash | stroke | virgule E13.1-294
9482CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⁄ -namefraction slash E13.1-295
9483CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⁄ –keywordsfraction | slash | stroke | virgule E13.1-295
9484CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∗ -nameasterisk operator E13.1-296
9485CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∗ –keywordsasterisk | operator | star E13.1-296
9486CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∘ -namering operator E13.1-297
9487CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∘ –keywordscomposition | operator | ring E13.1-297
9488CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∙ -namebullet operator E13.1-298
9489CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∙ –keywordsbullet | operator E13.1-298
9490CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∝ -nameproportional E13.1-299
9491CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∝ –keywordsproportional | proportionality E13.1-299
9492CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∟ -nameright angle E13.1-300
9493CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∟ –keywordsangle | mathematics | right E13.1-300
9494CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∠ -nameangle E13.1-301
9495CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∠ –keywordsacute | angle E13.1-301
9496CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∣ -namedivides E13.1-302
9497CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∣ –keywordsdivides | divisor E13.1-302
9498CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∥ -nameparallel E13.1-303
9499CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∥ –keywordsparallel E13.1-303
9500CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∧ -namelogical and E13.1-304
9501CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∧ –keywordsac | and | atque | logical | wedge E13.1-304
9502CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∫ -nameintegral E13.1-305
9503CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∫ –keywordscalculus | integral E13.1-305
9504CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∬ -namedouble integral E13.1-306
9505CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∬ –keywordscalculus | double | integral E13.1-306
9506CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∮ -namecontour integral E13.1-307
9507CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∮ –keywordscontour | integral E13.1-307
9508CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∴ -nametherefore E13.1-308
9509CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∴ –keywordslogic | therefore E13.1-308
9510CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∵ -namebecause E13.1-309
9511CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∵ –keywordsbecause | logic E13.1-309
9512CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∶ -nameratio E13.1-310
9513CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∶ –keywordsratio E13.1-310
9514CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∷ -nameproportion E13.1-311
9515CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∷ –keywordsproportion | proportionality E13.1-311
9516CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∼ -nametilde operator E13.1-312
9517CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∼ –keywordsoperator | tilde E13.1-312
9518CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∽ -namereversed tilde E13.1-313
9519CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∽ –keywordsreversed | tilde E13.1-313
9520CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∾ -nameinverted lazy s E13.1-314
9521CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol∾ –keywordsinverted | lazy | s E13.1-314
9522CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≃ -nameasymptotically equal E13.1-315
9523CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≃ –keywordsasymptote | asymptotically | equal | mathematics E13.1-315
9524CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≅ -nameapproximately equal E13.1-316
9525CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≅ –keywordsapproximately | congruence | equal | equality | isomorphism | mathematics E13.1-316
9526CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≌ -nameall equal E13.1-317
9527CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≌ –keywordsall | equal | equality | mathematics E13.1-317
9528CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≒ -nameapproximately equal the image E13.1-318
9529CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≒ –keywordsapproximately | equal | image | the E13.1-318
9530CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≖ -namering in equal E13.1-319
9531CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≖ –keywordsequal | equality | in | mathematics | ring E13.1-319
9532CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≣ -namestrictly equivalent E13.1-320
9533CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≣ –keywordsequality | equivalent | mathematics | strictly E13.1-320
9534CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≦ -nameless-than over equal E13.1-321
9535CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≦ –keywordsequal | inequality | less-than | mathematics | over E13.1-321
9536CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≧ -namegreater-than over equal E13.1-322
9537CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≧ –keywordsequal | greater-than | inequality | mathematics | over E13.1-322
9538CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≪ -namemuch less-than E13.1-323
9539CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≪ –keywordsinequality | less-than | mathematics | much E13.1-323
9540CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≫ -namemuch greater-than E13.1-324
9541CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≫ –keywordsgreater-than | inequality | mathematics | much E13.1-324
9542CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≬ -namebetween E13.1-325
9543CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≬ –keywordsbetween E13.1-325
9544CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≳ -namegreater-than equivalent E13.1-326
9545CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≳ –keywordsequivalent | greater-than | inequality | mathematics E13.1-326
9546CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≺ -nameprecedes E13.1-327
9547CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≺ –keywordsmathematics | operator | precedes | set E13.1-327
9548CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≻ -namesucceeds E13.1-328
9549CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol≻ –keywordsmathematics | operator | set | succeeds E13.1-328
9550CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊁ -namedoes not succeed E13.1-329
9551CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊁ –keywordsdoes | mathematics | not | operator | set | succeed E13.1-329
9552CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊃ -namesuperset E13.1-330
9553CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊃ –keywordsmathematics | operator | set | superset E13.1-330
9554CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊆ -namesubset equal E13.1-331
9555CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊆ –keywordsequal | subset E13.1-331
9556CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊇ -namesuperset equal E13.1-332
9557CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊇ –keywordsequal | equality | mathematics | superset E13.1-332
9558CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊕ -namecircled plus E13.1-333
9559CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊕ –keywordscircled | plus E13.1-333
9560CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊖ -namecircled minus E13.1-334
9561CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊖ –keywordscircled | difference | erosion | minus | symmetric E13.1-334
9562CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊗ -namecircled times E13.1-335
9563CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊗ –keywordscircled | product | tensor | times E13.1-335
9564CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊘ -namecircled division slash E13.1-336
9565CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊘ –keywordscircled | division | division-like | mathematics | slash E13.1-336
9566CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊙ -namecircled dot operator E13.1-337
9567CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊙ –keywordscircled | dot | operator | XNOR E13.1-337
9568CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊚ -namecircled ring operator E13.1-338
9569CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊚ –keywordscircled | operator | ring E13.1-338
9570CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊛ -namecircled asterisk operator E13.1-339
9571CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊛ –keywordsasterisk | circled | operator E13.1-339
9572CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊞ -namesquared plus E13.1-340
9573CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊞ –keywordsaddition-like | mathematics | plus | squared E13.1-340
9574CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊟ -namesquared minus E13.1-341
9575CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊟ –keywordsmathematics | minus | squared | subtraction-like E13.1-341
9576CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊥ -nameup tack E13.1-342
9577CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊥ –keywordseet | falsum | tack | up E13.1-342
9578CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊮ -namedoes not force E13.1-343
9579CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊮ –keywordsdoes | force | not E13.1-343
9580CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊰ -nameprecedes under relation E13.1-344
9581CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊰ –keywordsmathematics | operator | precedes | relation | set | under E13.1-344
9582CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊱ -namesucceeds under relation E13.1-345
9583CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊱ –keywordsmathematics | operator | relation | set | succeeds | under E13.1-345
9584CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋭ -namedoes not contain as normal subgroup equal E13.1-346
9585CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋭ –keywordsas | contain | does | equal | group | mathematics | normal | not | subgroup | theory E13.1-346
9586CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊶ -nameoriginal E13.1-347
9587CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊶ –keywordsoriginal E13.1-347
9588CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊹ -namehermitian conjugate matrix E13.1-348
9589CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊹ –keywordsconjugate | hermitian | mathematics | matrix | self-adjoint | square E13.1-348
9590CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊿ -nameright triangle E13.1-349
9591CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⊿ –keywordsmathematics | right | right-angled | triangle E13.1-349
9592CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋁ -namen-ary logical or E13.1-350
9593CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋁ –keywordsdisjunction | logic | logical | n-ary | or E13.1-350
9594CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋂ -namen-ary intersection E13.1-351
9595CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋂ –keywordsintersection | mathematics | n-ary | operator | set E13.1-351
9596CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋃ -namen-ary union E13.1-352
9597CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋃ –keywordsmathematics | n-ary | operator | set | union E13.1-352
9598CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋅ -namedot operator E13.1-353
9599CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋅ –keywordsdot | operator E13.1-353
9600CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋆ -namestar operator E13.1-354
9601CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋆ –keywordsoperator | star E13.1-354
9602CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋈ -namenatural join E13.1-355
9603CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋈ –keywordsbinary | bowtie | join | natural | operator E13.1-355
9604CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋒ -namedouble intersection E13.1-356
9605CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋒ –keywordsdouble | intersection | mathematics | operator | set E13.1-356
9606CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋘ -namevery much less-than E13.1-357
9607CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋘ –keywordsinequality | less-than | mathematics | much | very E13.1-357
9608CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋙ -namevery much greater-than E13.1-358
9609CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋙ –keywordsgreater-than | inequality | mathematics | much | very E13.1-358
9610CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋮ -namevertical ellipsis E13.1-359
9611CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋮ –keywordsellipsis | mathematics | vertical E13.1-359
9612CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋯ -namemidline horizontal ellipsis E13.1-360
9613CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋯ –keywordsellipsis | horizontal | midline E13.1-360
9614CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋰ -nameup right diagonal ellipsis E13.1-361
9615CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋰ –keywordsdiagonal | ellipsis | mathematics | right | up E13.1-361
9616CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋱ -namedown right diagonal ellipsis E13.1-362
9617CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⋱ –keywordsdiagonal | down | ellipsis | mathematics | right E13.1-362
9618CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol▷ -namehollow right-pointing triangle E13.1-380
9619CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol▷ –keywordshollow | right-pointing | triangle E13.1-380
9620CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol◁ -namehollow left-pointing triangle E13.1-388
9621CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol◁ –keywordshollow | left-pointing | triangle E13.1-388
9622CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol◿ -namelower right triangle E13.1-425
9623CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol◿ –keywordslower | right | triangle E13.1-425
9624CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⨧ -nameplus subscript two E13.1-426
9625CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⨧ –keywordsplus | subscript | two E13.1-426
9626CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⨯ -namevector cross product E13.1-427
9627CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⨯ –keywordscross | product | vector E13.1-427
9628CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⨼ -nameinterior product E13.1-428
9629CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⨼ –keywordsinterior | product E13.1-428
9630CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⩣ -namelogical or double underbar E13.1-429
9631CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⩣ –keywordsdouble | logical | or | underbar E13.1-429
9632CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⩽ -nameless-than slanted equal E13.1-430
9633CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⩽ –keywordsequal | less-than | slanted E13.1-430
9634CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⪍ -nameless-than above similar equal E13.1-431
9635CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⪍ –keywordsabove | equal | less-than | similar E13.1-431
9636CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⪚ -namedouble-line equal greater-than E13.1-432
9637CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⪚ –keywordsdouble-line | equal | greater-than | inequality | mathematics E13.1-432
9638CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⪺ -namesucceeds above not almost equal E13.1-433
9639CharactersMath Symbolsother-symbol⪺ –keywordsabove | almost | equal | not | succeeds E13.1-433
9640CharactersOther Symbolsarrow⇆ -nameleft-pointing over right-pointing arrows E13-106
9641CharactersOther Symbolsarrow⇆ –keywordsarrow | arrows | left | left-pointing | over | right | right-pointing E13-106
9642CharactersOther Symbolsarrow⇅ -nameup-pointing and down-pointing arrows E13-107
9643CharactersOther Symbolsarrow⇅ –keywordsand | arrow | arrows | down | down-pointing | up | up-pointing E13-107
9644CharactersOther Symbolsmath¹ -namesuperscript one E13-135
9645CharactersOther Symbolsmath¹ –keywordsone | superscript E13-135
9646CharactersOther Symbolsmath² -namesuperscript two E13-136
9647CharactersOther Symbolsmath² –keywordssquared | superscript | two E13-136
9648CharactersOther Symbolsmath³ -namesuperscript three E13-137
9649CharactersOther Symbolsmath³ –keywordscubed | superscript | three E13-137
9650CharactersOther Symbolsmath° -namedegree E13-149
9651CharactersOther Symbolsmath° –keywordsdegree | hour | proof E13-149
9652CharactersOther Symbolspunctuation♪ -nameeighth note E13.1-134
9653CharactersOther Symbolspunctuation♪ –keywordseighth | music | note E13.1-134
9654CharactersOther Symbolspunctuation♭ -nameflat E13.1-135
9655CharactersOther Symbolspunctuation♭ –keywordsbemolle | flat | music | note E13.1-135
9656CharactersOther Symbolspunctuation` -namegrave accent E13.1-137
9657CharactersOther Symbolspunctuation` –keywordsaccent | grave | tone E13.1-137
9658CharactersOther Symbolspunctuation´ -nameacute accent E13.1-138
9659CharactersOther Symbolspunctuation´ –keywordsaccent | acute | tone E13.1-138
9660CharactersOther Symbolspunctuation^ -namecircumflex accent E13.1-139
9661CharactersOther Symbolspunctuation^ –keywordsaccent | caret | chevron | circumflex | control | hat | pointer | power | sign | wedge | xor E13.1-139
9662CharactersOther Symbolspunctuation¨ -namediaeresis E13.1-140
9663CharactersOther Symbolspunctuation¨ –keywordsdiaeresis | tréma | umlaut E13.1-140
9664CharactersOther Symbolscurrency€ -nameeuro E13-108
9665CharactersOther Symbolscurrency€ –keywordscurrency | EUR | euro E13-108
9666CharactersOther Symbolscurrency£ -namepound E13-109
9667CharactersOther Symbolscurrency£ –keywordscurrency | EGP | GBP | pound E13-109
9668CharactersOther Symbolscurrency¥ -nameyen E13-110
9669CharactersOther Symbolscurrency¥ –keywordsCNY | currency | JPY | yen | yuan E13-110
9670CharactersOther Symbolscurrency₹ -nameindian rupee E13-111
9671CharactersOther Symbolscurrency₹ –keywordscurrency | indian | rupee E13-111
9672CharactersOther Symbolscurrency₽ -nameruble E13-112
9673CharactersOther Symbolscurrency₽ –keywordscurrency | ruble E13-112
9674CharactersOther Symbolscurrency$ -namedollar E13.1-167
9675CharactersOther Symbolscurrency$ –keywordsdollar | money | peso | USD E13.1-167
9676CharactersOther Symbolscurrency¢ -namecent E13.1-168
9677CharactersOther Symbolscurrency¢ –keywordscent E13.1-168
9678CharactersOther Symbolscurrency₱ -namepeso E13.1-173
9679CharactersOther Symbolscurrency₱ –keywordspeso E13.1-173
9680CharactersOther Symbolscurrency₩ -namewon E13.1-174
9681CharactersOther Symbolscurrency₩ –keywordsKPW | KRW | won E13.1-174
9682CharactersOther Symbolscurrency₥ -namemill E13.1-186
9683CharactersOther Symbolscurrency₥ –keywordsmil | mill E13.1-186
9684CharactersOther Symbolscurrency₿ -namebitcoin E13.1-189
9685CharactersOther Symbolscurrency₿ –keywordsbitcoin | BTC E13.1-189
9686CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↜ -nameleftwards wave arrow E13.1-208
9687CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↜ –keywordsarrow | leftwards | wave E13.1-208
9688CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↝ -namerightwards wave arrow E13.1-209
9689CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↝ –keywordsarrow | rightwards | wave E13.1-209
9690CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↞ -nameleftwards two headed arrow E13.1-210
9691CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↞ –keywordsarrow | headed | leftwards | two E13.1-210
9692CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↟ -nameupwards two headed arrow E13.1-211
9693CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↟ –keywordsarrow | headed | two | upwards E13.1-211
9694CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↡ -namedownwards two headed arrow E13.1-213
9695CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↡ –keywordsarrow | downwards | headed | two E13.1-213
9696CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↢ -nameleftwards arrow tail E13.1-214
9697CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↢ –keywordsarrow | leftwards | tail E13.1-214
9698CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↤ -nameleftwards arrow from bar E13.1-216
9699CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↤ –keywordsarrow | bar | from | leftwards E13.1-216
9700CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↥ -nameupwards arrow from bar E13.1-217
9701CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↥ –keywordsarrow | bar | from | upwards E13.1-217
9702CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↧ -namedownwards arrow from bar E13.1-219
9703CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↧ –keywordsarrow | bar | downwards | from E13.1-219
9704CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↨ -nameup down arrow with base E13.1-220
9705CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↨ –keywordsarrow | base | down | up | with E13.1-220
9706CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↫ -nameleftwards arrow loop E13.1-221
9707CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↫ –keywordsarrow | leftwards | loop E13.1-221
9708CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↬ -namerightwards arrow loop E13.1-222
9709CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↬ –keywordsarrow | loop | rightwards E13.1-222
9710CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↭ -nameleft right wave arrow E13.1-223
9711CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↭ –keywordsarrow | left | right | wave E13.1-223
9712CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↯ -namedownwards zigzag arrow E13.1-224
9713CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↯ –keywordsarrow | downwards | zigzag E13.1-224
9714CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↰ -nameupwards arrow tip leftwards E13.1-225
9715CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↰ –keywordsarrow | leftwards | tip | upwards E13.1-225
9716CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↱ -nameupwards arrow tip rightwards E13.1-226
9717CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↱ –keywordsarrow | rightwards | tip | upwards E13.1-226
9718CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↲ -namedownwards arrow tip leftwards E13.1-227
9719CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↲ –keywordsarrow | downwards | leftwards | tip E13.1-227
9720CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↳ -namedownwards arrow tip rightwards E13.1-228
9721CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↳ –keywordsarrow | downwards | rightwards | tip E13.1-228
9722CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↴ -namerightwards arrow corner downwards E13.1-229
9723CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↴ –keywordsarrow | corner | downwards | rightwards E13.1-229
9724CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↵ -namedownwards arrow corner leftwards E13.1-230
9725CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↵ –keywordsarrow | corner | downwards | leftwards E13.1-230
9726CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↶ -nameanticlockwise top semicircle arrow E13.1-231
9727CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↶ –keywordsanticlockwise | arrow | semicircle | top E13.1-231
9728CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↷ -nameclockwise top semicircle arrow E13.1-232
9729CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↷ –keywordsarrow | clockwise | semicircle | top E13.1-232
9730CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↸ -namenorth west arrow long bar E13.1-233
9731CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↸ –keywordsarrow | bar | long | north | west E13.1-233
9732CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↹ -nameleftwards over rightwards arrow bars E13.1-234
9733CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↹ –keywordsarrow | bar | bars | leftwards | over | rightwards E13.1-234
9734CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↺ -nameanticlockwise open circle arrow E13.1-235
9735CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↺ –keywordsanticlockwise | arrow | circle | open E13.1-235
9736CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↻ -nameclockwise open circle arrow E13.1-236
9737CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↻ –keywordsarrow | circle | clockwise | open E13.1-236
9738CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↼ -nameleftwards harpoon barb upwards E13.1-237
9739CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↼ –keywordsbarb | harpoon | leftwards | upwards E13.1-237
9740CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↽ -nameleftwards harpoon barb downwards E13.1-238
9741CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↽ –keywordsbarb | downwards | harpoon | leftwards E13.1-238
9742CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↾ -nameupwards harpoon barb rightwards E13.1-239
9743CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↾ –keywordsbarb | harpoon | rightwards | upwards E13.1-239
9744CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↿ -nameupwards harpoon barb leftwards E13.1-240
9745CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol↿ –keywordsbarb | harpoon | leftwards | upwards E13.1-240
9746CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇀ -namerightwards harpoon barb upwards E13.1-241
9747CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇀ –keywordsbarb | harpoon | rightwards | upwards E13.1-241
9748CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇁ -namerightwards harpoon barb downwards E13.1-242
9749CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇁ –keywordsbarb | downwards | harpoon | rightwards E13.1-242
9750CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇂ -namedownwards harpoon barb rightwards E13.1-243
9751CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇂ –keywordsbarb | downwards | harpoon | rightwards E13.1-243
9752CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇃ -namedownwards harpoon barb leftwards E13.1-244
9753CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇃ –keywordsbarb | downwards | harpoon | leftwards E13.1-244
9754CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇄ -namerightwards arrow over leftwards arrow E13.1-245
9755CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇄ –keywordsarrow | leftwards | over | rightwards E13.1-245
9756CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇇ -nameleftwards paired arrows E13.1-246
9757CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇇ –keywordsarrows | leftwards | paired E13.1-246
9758CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇈ -nameupwards paired arrows E13.1-247
9759CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇈ –keywordsarrows | paired | upwards E13.1-247
9760CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇉ -namerightwards paired arrows E13.1-248
9761CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇉ –keywordsarrows | paired | rightwards E13.1-248
9762CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇊ -namedownwards paired arrows E13.1-249
9763CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇊ –keywordsarrows | downwards | paired E13.1-249
9764CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇋ -nameleftwards harpoon over rightwards harpoon E13.1-250
9765CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇋ –keywordsharpoon | leftwards | over | rightwards E13.1-250
9766CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇌ -namerightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon E13.1-251
9767CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇌ –keywordsharpoon | leftwards | over | rightwards E13.1-251
9768CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇐ -nameleftwards double arrow E13.1-252
9769CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇐ –keywordsarrow | double | leftwards E13.1-252
9770CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇍ -nameleftwards double arrow stroke E13.1-253
9771CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇍ –keywordsarrow | double | leftwards | stroke E13.1-253
9772CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇑ -nameupwards double arrow E13.1-254
9773CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇑ –keywordsarrow | double | upwards E13.1-254
9774CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇓ -namedownwards double arrow E13.1-257
9775CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇓ –keywordsarrow | double | downwards E13.1-257
9776CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇖ -namenorth west double arrow E13.1-260
9777CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇖ –keywordsarrow | double | north | west E13.1-260
9778CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇗ -namenorth east double arrow E13.1-261
9779CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇗ –keywordsarrow | double | east | north E13.1-261
9780CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇘ -namesouth east double arrow E13.1-262
9781CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇘ –keywordsarrow | double | east | south E13.1-262
9782CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇙ -namesouth west double arrow E13.1-263
9783CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇙ –keywordsarrow | double | south | west E13.1-263
9784CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇚ -nameleftwards triple arrow E13.1-264
9785CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇚ –keywordsarrow | leftwards | triple E13.1-264
9786CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇛ -namerightwards triple arrow E13.1-265
9787CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇛ –keywordsarrow | rightwards | triple E13.1-265
9788CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇜ -nameleftwards squiggle arrow E13.1-266
9789CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇜ –keywordsarrow | leftwards | squiggle E13.1-266
9790CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇝ -namerightwards squiggle arrow E13.1-267
9791CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇝ –keywordsarrow | rightwards | squiggle E13.1-267
9792CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇞ -nameupwards arrow double stroke E13.1-268
9793CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇞ –keywordsarrow | double | stroke | upwards E13.1-268
9794CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇟ -namedownwards arrow double stroke E13.1-269
9795CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇟ –keywordsarrow | double | downwards | stroke E13.1-269
9796CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇠ -nameleftwards dashed arrow E13.1-270
9797CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇠ –keywordsarrow | dashed | leftwards E13.1-270
9798CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇡ -nameupwards dashed arrow E13.1-271
9799CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇡ –keywordsarrow | dashed | upwards E13.1-271
9800CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇢ -namerightwards dashed arrow E13.1-272
9801CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇢ –keywordsarrow | dashed | rightwards E13.1-272
9802CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇣ -namedownwards dashed arrow E13.1-273
9803CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇣ –keywordsarrow | dashed | downwards E13.1-273
9804CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇤ -nameleftwards arrow bar E13.1-274
9805CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇤ –keywordsarrow | bar | leftwards E13.1-274
9806CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇥ -namerightwards arrow bar E13.1-275
9807CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇥ –keywordsarrow | bar | rightwards E13.1-275
9808CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇦ -nameleftwards hollow arrow E13.1-276
9809CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇦ –keywordsarrow | hollow | leftwards E13.1-276
9810CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇧ -nameupwards hollow arrow E13.1-277
9811CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇧ –keywordsarrow | hollow | upwards E13.1-277
9812CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇨ -namerightwards hollow arrow E13.1-278
9813CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇨ –keywordsarrow | hollow | rightwards E13.1-278
9814CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇩ -namedownwards hollow arrow E13.1-279
9815CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇩ –keywordsarrow | downwards | hollow E13.1-279
9816CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇪ -nameupwards hollow arrow from bar E13.1-280
9817CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol⇪ –keywordsarrow | bar | from | hollow | upwards E13.1-280
9818CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol■ -namefilled square E13.1-363
9819CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol■ –keywordsfilled | square E13.1-363
9820CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol□ -namehollow square E13.1-364
9821CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol□ –keywordshollow | square E13.1-364
9822CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▢ -namehollow square with rounded corners E13.1-365
9823CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▢ –keywordscorners | hollow | rounded | square | with E13.1-365
9824CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▣ -namehollow square containing filled square E13.1-366
9825CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▣ –keywordscontaining | filled | hollow | square E13.1-366
9826CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▤ -namesquare with horizontal fill E13.1-367
9827CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▤ –keywordsfill | horizontal | square | with E13.1-367
9828CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▥ -namesquare with vertical fill E13.1-368
9829CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▥ –keywordsfill | square | vertical | with E13.1-368
9830CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▦ -namesquare orthogonal crosshatch fill E13.1-369
9831CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▦ –keywordscrosshatch | fill | orthogonal | square E13.1-369
9832CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▧ -namesquare upper left lower right fill E13.1-370
9833CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▧ –keywordsfill | left | lower | right | square | upper E13.1-370
9834CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▨ -namesquare upper right lower left fill E13.1-371
9835CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▨ –keywordsfill | left | lower | right | square | upper E13.1-371
9836CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▩ -namesquare diagonal crosshatch fill E13.1-372
9837CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▩ –keywordscrosshatch | diagonal | fill | square E13.1-372
9838CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▬ -namefilled rectangle E13.1-373
9839CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▬ –keywordsfilled | rectangle E13.1-373
9840CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▭ -namehollow rectangle E13.1-374
9841CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▭ –keywordshollow | rectangle E13.1-374
9842CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▮ -namefilled vertical rectangle E13.1-375
9843CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▮ –keywordsfilled | rectangle | vertical E13.1-375
9844CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▰ -namefilled parallelogram E13.1-376
9845CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▰ –keywordsfilled | parallelogram E13.1-376
9846CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol△ -namehollow up-pointing triangle E13.1-377
9847CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol△ –keywordshollow | triangle | up-pointing E13.1-377
9848CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▴ -namefilled up-pointing small triangle E13.1-378
9849CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▴ –keywordsfilled | small | triangle | up-pointing E13.1-378
9850CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▵ -namehollow up-pointing small triangle E13.1-379
9851CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▵ –keywordshollow | small | triangle | up-pointing E13.1-379
9852CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▸ -namefilled right-pointing small triangle E13.1-381
9853CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▸ –keywordsfilled | right-pointing | small | triangle E13.1-381
9854CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▹ -namehollow right-pointing small triangle E13.1-382
9855CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▹ –keywordshollow | right-pointing | small | triangle E13.1-382
9856CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol► -namefilled right-pointing pointer E13.1-383
9857CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol► –keywordsfilled | pointer | right-pointing E13.1-383
9858CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▻ -namehollow right-pointing pointer E13.1-384
9859CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▻ –keywordshollow | pointer | right-pointing E13.1-384
9860CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▽ -namehollow down-pointing triangle E13.1-385
9861CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▽ –keywordsdown-pointing | hollow | triangle E13.1-385
9862CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▾ -namefilled down-pointing small triangle E13.1-386
9863CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▾ –keywordsdown-pointing | filled | small | triangle E13.1-386
9864CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▿ -namehollow down-pointing small triangle E13.1-387
9865CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol▿ –keywordsdown-pointing | hollow | small | triangle E13.1-387
9866CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◂ -namefilled left-pointing small triangle E13.1-389
9867CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◂ –keywordsfilled | left-pointing | small | triangle E13.1-389
9868CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◃ -namehollow left-pointing small triangle E13.1-390
9869CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◃ –keywordshollow | left-pointing | small | triangle E13.1-390
9870CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◄ -namefilled left-pointing pointer E13.1-391
9871CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◄ –keywordsfilled | left-pointing | pointer E13.1-391
9872CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◅ -namehollow left-pointing pointer E13.1-392
9873CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◅ –keywordshollow | left-pointing | pointer E13.1-392
9874CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◆ -namefilled diamond E13.1-393
9875CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◆ –keywordsdiamond | filled E13.1-393
9876CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◇ -namehollow diamond E13.1-394
9877CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◇ –keywordsdiamond | hollow E13.1-394
9878CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◈ -namehollow diamond containing filled diamond E13.1-395
9879CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◈ –keywordscontaining | diamond | filled | hollow E13.1-395
9880CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◉ -namehollow circle containing filled circle E13.1-396
9881CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◉ –keywordscicles | circle | circled | concentric | containing | dot | filled | fisheye | hollow | ward E13.1-396
9882CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◌ -namedotted circle E13.1-397
9883CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◌ –keywordscircle | dotted E13.1-397
9884CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◍ -namecircle with vertical fill E13.1-398
9885CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◍ –keywordscircle | fill | vertical | with E13.1-398
9886CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◎ -nameconcentric circles E13.1-399
9887CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◎ –keywordscircle | circles | concentric | double | target E13.1-399
9888CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◐ -namecircle left half filled E13.1-400
9889CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◐ –keywordscircle | filled | half | left E13.1-400
9890CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◑ -namecircle right half filled E13.1-401
9891CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◑ –keywordscircle | filled | half | right E13.1-401
9892CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◒ -namecircle lower half filled E13.1-402
9893CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◒ –keywordscircle | filled | half | lower E13.1-402
9894CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◓ -namecircle upper half filled E13.1-403
9895CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◓ –keywordscircle | filled | half | upper E13.1-403
9896CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◔ -namecircle upper right quadrant filled E13.1-404
9897CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◔ –keywordscircle | filled | quadrant | right | upper E13.1-404
9898CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◕ -namecircle all but upper left quadrant filled E13.1-405
9899CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◕ –keywordsall | but | circle | filled | left | quadrant | upper E13.1-405
9900CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◖ -nameleft half filled circle E13.1-406
9901CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◖ –keywordscircle | filled | half | left E13.1-406
9902CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◗ -nameright half filled circle E13.1-407
9903CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◗ –keywordscircle | filled | half | right E13.1-407
9904CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◘ -nameinverse bullet E13.1-408
9905CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◘ –keywordsbullet | inverse E13.1-408
9906CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◙ -namefilled square containing hollow circle E13.1-409
9907CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◙ –keywordscircle | containing | filled | hollow | inverse | square E13.1-409
9908CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◜ -nameupper left quadrant circular arc E13.1-410
9909CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◜ –keywordsarc | circular | left | quadrant | upper E13.1-410
9910CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◝ -nameupper right quadrant circular arc E13.1-411
9911CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◝ –keywordsarc | circular | quadrant | right | upper E13.1-411
9912CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◞ -namelower right quadrant circular arc E13.1-412
9913CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◞ –keywordsarc | circular | lower | quadrant | right E13.1-412
9914CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◟ -namelower left quadrant circular arc E13.1-413
9915CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◟ –keywordsarc | circular | left | lower | quadrant E13.1-413
9916CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◠ -nameupper half circle E13.1-414
9917CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◠ –keywordscircle | half | upper E13.1-414
9918CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◡ -namelower half circle E13.1-415
9919CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◡ –keywordscircle | half | lower E13.1-415
9920CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◢ -namefilled lower right triangle E13.1-416
9921CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◢ –keywordsfilled | lower | right | triangle E13.1-416
9922CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◣ -namefilled lower left triangle E13.1-417
9923CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◣ –keywordsfilled | left | lower | triangle E13.1-417
9924CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◤ -namefilled upper left triangle E13.1-418
9925CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◤ –keywordsfilled | left | triangle | upper E13.1-418
9926CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◥ -namefilled upper right triangle E13.1-419
9927CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◥ –keywordsfilled | right | triangle | upper E13.1-419
9928CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◦ -namehollow bullet E13.1-420
9929CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◦ –keywordsbullet | hollow E13.1-420
9930CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◳ -namehollow square upper right quadrant E13.1-421
9931CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◳ –keywordshollow | quadrant | right | square | upper E13.1-421
9932CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◷ -namehollow circle with upper right quadrant E13.1-422
9933CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol◷ –keywordscircle | hollow | quadrant | right | upper | with E13.1-422
9934CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol₢ -namecruzeiro E13.1-434
9935CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol₢ –keywordsBRB | cruzeiro | currency E13.1-434
9936CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol₣ -namefrench franc E13.1-435
9937CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol₣ –keywordscurrency | franc | french E13.1-435
9938CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol₤ -namelira E13.1-436
9939CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol₤ –keywordscurrency | lira E13.1-436
9940CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol₰ -namegerman penny E13.1-437
9941CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol₰ –keywordscurrency | german | penny | pfennig E13.1-437
9942CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol₳ -nameaustral E13.1-438
9943CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol₳ –keywordsARA | austral | currency E13.1-438
9944CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol₶ -namelivre tournois E13.1-439
9945CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol₶ –keywordscurrency | livre | tournois E13.1-439
9946CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol₷ -namespesmilo E13.1-440
9947CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol₷ –keywordscurrency | spesmilo E13.1-440
9948CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol₨ -namerupee E13.1-441
9949CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol₨ –keywordscurrency | rupee E13.1-441
9950CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol﷼ -namerial E13.1-442
9951CharactersOther Symbolsother-symbol﷼ –keywordscurrency | rial E13.1-442
9952CharactersOther Symbolsalphanum℗ -namesound recording copyright E13-126
9953CharactersOther Symbolsalphanum℗ –keywordscopyright | recording | sound E13-126
9954CharactersOther Symbolsalphanumµ -namemicro sign E13-150
9955CharactersOther Symbolsalphanumµ –keywordsmeasure | micro | sign E13-150
9956CharactersOther Symbolsgeometric▼ -namefilled down-pointing triangle E13-115
9957CharactersOther Symbolsgeometric▼ –keywordsarrow | down | down-pointing | filled | triangle E13-115
9958CharactersOther Symbolsgeometric▲ -namefilled up-pointing triangle E13-119
9959CharactersOther Symbolsgeometric▲ –keywordsarrow | filled | triangle | up | up-pointing E13-119
9960CharactersOther Symbolsgeometric● -namefilled circle E13-116
9961CharactersOther Symbolsgeometric● –keywordscircle | filled E13-116
9962CharactersOther Symbolsgeometric○ -namehollow circle E13-118
9963CharactersOther Symbolsgeometric○ –keywordscircle | hollow | ring E13-118
9964CharactersOther Symbolsgeometric◯ -namelarge hollow circle E13-121
9965CharactersOther Symbolsgeometric◯ –keywordscircle | hollow | large | ring E13-121
9966CharactersOther Symbolsgeometric◊ -namelozenge E13-122
9967CharactersOther Symbolsgeometric◊ –keywordsdiamond | lozenge | rhombus E13-122
9968CharactersFlagsflag🏁 -namechequered flag E10-385
9969CharactersFlagsflag🏁 –keywordscheckered | chequered | finish | flag | flags | game | race | racing | sport | win E10-385
9970CharactersFlagsflag🚩 -nametriangular flag E10-957
9971CharactersFlagsflag🚩 –keywordsconstruction | flag | golf | post | triangular E10-957
9972CharactersFlagsflag🎌 -namecrossed flags E10-337
9973CharactersFlagsflag🎌 –keywordscelebration | cross | crossed | flags | Japanese E10-337
9974CharactersFlagsflag🏴 -nameblack flag E10-434
9975CharactersFlagsflag🏴 –keywordsblack | flag | waving E10-434
9976CharactersFlagsflag🏳 -namewhite flag E10-433
9977CharactersFlagsflag🏳 –keywordsflag | waving | white E10-433
9978CharactersFlagsflag🏳‍🌈 -namerainbow flag E10-1156
9979CharactersFlagsflag🏳‍🌈 –keywordsbisexual | flag | gay | genderqueer | glbt | glbtq | lesbian | lgbt | lgbtq | lgbtqia | pride | queer | rainbow | trans | transgender E10-1156
9980CharactersFlagsflag🏳‍⚧ -nametransgender flag E13-076
9981CharactersFlagsflag🏳‍⚧ –keywordsblue | flag | light | pink | transgender | white E13-076
9982CharactersFlagsflag🏴‍☠ -namepirate flag E11-003
9983CharactersFlagsflag🏴‍☠ –keywordsflag | Jolly | pirate | plunder | Roger | treasure E11-003
9984CharactersComponentskin-tone🏻 -namelight skin tone E10-440
9985CharactersComponentskin-tone🏻 –keywords1–2 | light | skin | tone | type E10-440
9986CharactersComponentskin-tone🏼 -namemedium-light skin tone E10-441
9987CharactersComponentskin-tone🏼 –keywords3 | medium-light | skin | tone | type E10-441
9988CharactersComponentskin-tone🏽 -namemedium skin tone E10-442
9989CharactersComponentskin-tone🏽 –keywords4 | medium | skin | tone | type E10-442
9990CharactersComponentskin-tone🏾 -namemedium-dark skin tone E10-443
9991CharactersComponentskin-tone🏾 –keywords5 | medium-dark | skin | tone | type E10-443
9992CharactersComponentskin-tone🏿 -namedark skin tone E10-444
9993CharactersComponentskin-tone🏿 –keywords6 | dark | skin | tone | type E10-444
9994CharactersComponenthair-style🦰 -namered hair E11-033
9995CharactersComponenthair-style🦰 –keywordsginger | hair | red | redhead E11-033
9996CharactersComponenthair-style🦱 -namecurly hair E11-034
9997CharactersComponenthair-style🦱 –keywordsafro | curly | hair | ringlets E11-034
9998CharactersComponenthair-style🦳 -namewhite hair E11-036
9999CharactersComponenthair-style🦳 –keywordsgray | hair | old | white E11-036
10000CharactersComponenthair-style🦲 -namebald E11-035
10001CharactersComponenthair-style🦲 –keywordsbald | chemotherapy | hair | hairless | no | shaven E11-035
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10047CharactersTypographyFeaturetnum= tabular numbers
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10049MiscellaneousDisplaying Lists“And” List2{0} and {1} {0} e {1}
10050MiscellaneousDisplaying Lists“And” Liststart= {0}, {1}
10051MiscellaneousDisplaying Lists“And” Listmiddle= {0}, {1}
10052MiscellaneousDisplaying Lists“And” Listend{0}, and {1} {0} e {1}
10053MiscellaneousDisplaying ListsNarrow “and” Listend= {0}, {1}
10054MiscellaneousDisplaying Lists“Or” List2{0} or {1} {0} o {1}
10055MiscellaneousDisplaying Lists“Or” Liststart= {0}, {1}
10056MiscellaneousDisplaying Lists“Or” Listmiddle= {0}, {1}
10057MiscellaneousDisplaying Lists“Or” Listend{0}, or {1} {0}, o {1}
10058MiscellaneousDisplaying ListsNarrow Unit List2= {0} {1}
10059MiscellaneousDisplaying ListsNarrow Unit Liststart= {0} {1}
10060MiscellaneousDisplaying ListsNarrow Unit Listmiddle= {0} {1}
10061MiscellaneousDisplaying ListsNarrow Unit Listend= {0} {1}
10062MiscellaneousMinimal PairsOrdinalotherTake the {0}th right. Ciapa la {0}ª a dreta
10063MiscellaneousMinimal PairsPluralone{0} day {0} pomo
10064MiscellaneousMinimal PairsPluralother{0} days {0} pomi
10065MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsNameOrder for LocalesgivenFirstund en und
10066MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsNameOrder for LocalessurnameFirst= ja ko vi yue zh
10067MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsDefault Parametersformalityinformal formal
10068MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsDefault Parameterslength= medium
10069MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsAuxiliaryItemsforeignSpaceReplacement=
10070MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsAuxiliaryItemsnativeSpaceReplacement=
10071MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsAuxiliaryItemspattern-initial= {0}.
10072MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsAuxiliaryItemspattern-initialSequence{0}{1} {0} {1}
10073MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsPersonName Main Patterns for Order: givenFirstlong-referring-formal{title} {given} {given2} {surname} {generation}, {credentials} {title} {given} {given2} {surname} {surname2} {credentials}
10074MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsPersonName Main Patterns for Order: surnameFirstlong-referring-formal{surname} {title} {given} {given2} {generation}, {credentials} {surname} {surname2} {title} {given} {given2} {credentials}
10075MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsPersonName Sorting Patterns (Usage: referring)long-formal{surname-core}, {given} {given2} {surname-prefix} {surname} {surname2}, {title} {given} {given2} {credentials}
10076MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsPersonName Monogram Patterns for Order: givenFirstlong-formal= {given-monogram-allCaps}{given2-monogram-allCaps}{surname-monogram-allCaps}
10077MiscellaneousPerson Name FormatsPersonName Monogram Patterns for Order: surnameFirstlong-formal= {surname-monogram-allCaps}{given-monogram-allCaps}{given2-monogram-allCaps}

Aliased items: 11205
Inherited items:6350
Omitted items:1352

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