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1 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Characters in Use | Main Letters | [a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z] |
[々 ゝヽゞヾ ー ぁァあア ぃィいイ ぅゥうウヴ ぇェえエ ぉォおオ ヵかカがガ きキぎギ くクぐグ ヶけケげゲ こコごゴ さサざザ しシじジ すスずズ せセぜゼ そソぞゾ たタだダ ちチぢヂ っッつツづヅ てテでデ とトどド なナ にニ ぬヌ ねネ のノ はハばバぱパ ひヒびビぴピ ふフぶブぷプ へヘべベぺペ ほホぼボぽポ まマ みミ むム めメ もモ ゃャやヤ ゅュゆユ ょョよヨ らラ りリ るル れレ ろロ ゎヮわワ ゐヰ ゑヱ をヲ んン 一 丁 七 万 丈 三 上 下 不 与 且 世 丘 丙 両 並 中 串 丸 丹 主 丼 久 乏 乗 乙 九 乞 乱 乳 乾 亀 了 予 争 事 二 互 五 井 亜 亡 交 享 京 亭 人 仁 今 介 仏 仕 他 付 仙 代 令 以 仮 仰 仲 件 任 企 伎 伏 伐 休 会 伝 伯 伴 伸 伺 似 但 位 低 住 佐 体 何 余 作 佳 併 使 例 侍 供 依 価 侮 侯 侵 侶 便 係 促 俊 俗 保 信 修 俳 俵 俸 俺 倉 個 倍 倒 候 借 倣 値 倫 倹 偉 偏 停 健 側 偵 偶 偽 傍 傑 傘 備 催 傲 債 傷 傾 僅 働 像 僕 僚 僧 儀 億 儒 償 優 元 兄 充 兆 先 光 克 免 児 党 入 全 八 公 六 共 兵 具 典 兼 内 円 冊 再 冒 冗 写 冠 冥 冬 冶 冷 凄 准 凍 凝 凡 処 凶 凸 凹 出 刀 刃 分 切 刈 刊 刑 列 初 判 別 利 到 制 刷 券 刹 刺 刻 則 削 前 剖 剛 剣 剤 剥 副 剰 割 創 劇 力 功 加 劣 助 努 励 労 効 劾 勃 勅 勇 勉 動 勘 務 勝 募 勢 勤 勧 勲 勾 匂 包 化 北 匠 匹 区 医 匿 十 千 升 午 半 卑 卒 卓 協 南 単 博 占 印 危 即 却 卵 卸 厄 厘 厚 原 厳 去 参 又 及 友 双 反 収 叔 取 受 叙 口 古 句 叫 召 可 台 叱 史 右 号 司 各 合 吉 同 名 后 吏 吐 向 君 吟 否 含 吸 吹 呂 呈 呉 告 周 呪 味 呼 命 和 咲 咽 哀 品 員 哲 哺 唄 唆 唇 唐 唯 唱 唾 商 問 啓 善 喉 喚 喜 喝 喩 喪 喫 営 嗅 嗣 嘆 嘱 嘲 器 噴 嚇 囚 四 回 因 団 困 囲 図 固 国 圏 園 土 圧 在 地 坂 均 坊 坑 坪 垂 型 垣 埋 城 域 執 培 基 埼 堀 堂 堅 堆 堕 堤 堪 報 場 塀 塁 塊 塑 塔 塗 塚 塞 塩 填 塾 境 墓 増 墜 墨 墳 墾 壁 壇 壊 壌 士 壮 声 壱 売 変 夏 夕 外 多 夜 夢 大 天 太 夫 央 失 奇 奈 奉 奏 契 奔 奥 奨 奪 奮 女 奴 好 如 妃 妄 妊 妖 妙 妥 妨 妬 妹 妻 姉 始 姓 委 姫 姻 姿 威 娘 娠 娯 婆 婚 婦 婿 媒 媛 嫁 嫉 嫌 嫡 嬢 子 孔 字 存 孝 季 孤 学 孫 宅 宇 守 安 完 宗 官 宙 定 宛 宜 宝 実 客 宣 室 宮 宰 害 宴 宵 家 容 宿 寂 寄 密 富 寒 寛 寝 察 寡 寧 審 寮 寸 寺 対 寿 封 専 射 将 尉 尊 尋 導 小 少 尚 就 尺 尻 尼 尽 尾 尿 局 居 屈 届 屋 展 属 層 履 屯 山 岐 岡 岩 岬 岳 岸 峠 峡 峰 島 崇 崎 崖 崩 嵐 川 州 巡 巣 工 左 巧 巨 差 己 巻 巾 市 布 帆 希 帝 帥 師 席 帯 帰 帳 常 帽 幅 幕 幣 干 平 年 幸 幹 幻 幼 幽 幾 庁 広 床 序 底 店 府 度 座 庫 庭 庶 康 庸 廃 廉 廊 延 廷 建 弁 弄 弊 式 弐 弓 弔 引 弟 弥 弦 弧 弱 張 強 弾 当 彙 形 彩 彫 彰 影 役 彼 往 征 径 待 律 後 徐 徒 従 得 御 復 循 微 徳 徴 徹 心 必 忌 忍 志 忘 忙 応 忠 快 念 怒 怖 思 怠 急 性 怨 怪 恋 恐 恒 恣 恥 恨 恩 恭 息 恵 悔 悟 悠 患 悦 悩 悪 悲 悼 情 惑 惜 惧 惨 惰 想 愁 愉 意 愚 愛 感 慄 慈 態 慌 慎 慕 慢 慣 慨 慮 慰 慶 憂 憎 憤 憧 憩 憬 憲 憶 憾 懇 懐 懲 懸 成 我 戒 戚 戦 戯 戴 戸 戻 房 所 扇 扉 手 才 打 払 扱 扶 批 承 技 抄 把 抑 投 抗 折 抜 択 披 抱 抵 抹 押 抽 担 拉 拍 拐 拒 拓 拘 拙 招 拝 拠 拡 括 拭 拳 拶 拷 拾 持 指 挑 挙 挟 挨 挫 振 挿 捉 捕 捗 捜 捨 据 捻 掃 授 掌 排 掘 掛 採 探 接 控 推 措 掲 描 提 揚 換 握 揮 援 揺 損 搬 搭 携 搾 摂 摘 摩 摯 撃 撤 撮 撲 擁 操 擦 擬 支 改 攻 放 政 故 敏 救 敗 教 敢 散 敬 数 整 敵 敷 文 斉 斎 斑 斗 料 斜 斤 斥 斬 断 新 方 施 旅 旋 族 旗 既 日 旦 旧 旨 早 旬 旺 昆 昇 明 易 昔 星 映 春 昧 昨 昭 是 昼 時 晩 普 景 晴 晶 暁 暇 暑 暖 暗 暦 暫 暮 暴 曇 曖 曜 曲 更 書 曹 曽 替 最 月 有 服 朕 朗 望 朝 期 木 未 末 本 札 朱 朴 机 朽 杉 材 村 束 条 来 杯 東 松 板 析 枕 林 枚 果 枝 枠 枢 枯 架 柄 某 染 柔 柱 柳 柵 査 柿 栃 栄 栓 校 株 核 根 格 栽 桁 桃 案 桑 桜 桟 梅 梗 梨 械 棄 棋 棒 棚 棟 森 棺 椅 植 椎 検 業 極 楷 楼 楽 概 構 様 槽 標 模 権 横 樹 橋 機 欄 欠 次 欧 欲 欺 款 歌 歓 止 正 武 歩 歯 歳 歴 死 殉 殊 残 殖 殴 段 殺 殻 殿 毀 母 毎 毒 比 毛 氏 民 気 水 氷 永 氾 汁 求 汎 汗 汚 江 池 汰 決 汽 沃 沈 沖 沙 没 沢 河 沸 油 治 沼 沿 況 泉 泊 泌 法 泡 波 泣 泥 注 泰 泳 洋 洗 洞 津 洪 活 派 流 浄 浅 浜 浦 浪 浮 浴 海 浸 消 涙 涯 液 涼 淑 淡 淫 深 混 添 清 渇 済 渉 渋 渓 減 渡 渦 温 測 港 湖 湧 湯 湾 湿 満 源 準 溝 溶 溺 滅 滋 滑 滝 滞 滴 漁 漂 漆 漏 演 漠 漢 漫 漬 漸 潔 潜 潟 潤 潮 潰 澄 激 濁 濃 濫 濯 瀬 火 灯 灰 災 炉 炊 炎 炭 点 為 烈 無 焦 然 焼 煎 煙 照 煩 煮 熊 熟 熱 燃 燥 爆 爪 爵 父 爽 片 版 牙 牛 牧 物 牲 特 犠 犬 犯 状 狂 狙 狩 独 狭 猛 猟 猫 献 猶 猿 獄 獣 獲 玄 率 玉 王 玩 珍 珠 班 現 球 理 琴 瑠 璃 璧 環 璽 瓦 瓶 甘 甚 生 産 用 田 由 甲 申 男 町 画 界 畏 畑 畔 留 畜 畝 略 番 異 畳 畿 疎 疑 疫 疲 疾 病 症 痕 痘 痛 痢 痩 痴 瘍 療 癒 癖 発 登 白 百 的 皆 皇 皮 皿 盆 益 盗 盛 盟 監 盤 目 盲 直 相 盾 省 眉 看 県 真 眠 眺 眼 着 睡 督 睦 瞬 瞭 瞳 矛 矢 知 短 矯 石 砂 研 砕 砲 破 硝 硫 硬 碁 碑 確 磁 磨 礁 礎 示 礼 社 祈 祉 祖 祝 神 祥 票 祭 禁 禅 禍 福 秀 私 秋 科 秒 秘 租 秩 称 移 程 税 稚 種 稲 稼 稽 稿 穀 穂 積 穏 穫 穴 究 空 突 窃 窒 窓 窟 窮 窯 立 竜 章 童 端 競 竹 笑 笛 符 第 筆 等 筋 筒 答 策 箇 箋 算 管 箱 箸 節 範 築 篤 簡 簿 籍 籠 米 粉 粋 粒 粗 粘 粛 粧 精 糖 糧 糸 系 糾 紀 約 紅 紋 納 純 紙 級 紛 素 紡 索 紫 累 細 紳 紹 紺 終 組 経 結 絞 絡 給 統 絵 絶 絹 継 続 維 綱 網 綻 綿 緊 総 緑 緒 線 締 編 緩 緯 練 緻 縁 縄 縛 縦 縫 縮 績 繁 繊 織 繕 繭 繰 缶 罪 置 罰 署 罵 罷 羅 羊 美 羞 群 羨 義 羽 翁 翌 習 翻 翼 老 考 者 耐 耕 耗 耳 聖 聞 聴 職 肉 肌 肖 肘 肝 股 肢 肥 肩 肪 肯 育 肺 胃 胆 背 胎 胞 胴 胸 能 脂 脅 脇 脈 脊 脚 脱 脳 腎 腐 腕 腫 腰 腸 腹 腺 膚 膜 膝 膨 膳 臆 臓 臣 臨 自 臭 至 致 臼 興 舌 舎 舗 舞 舟 航 般 舶 舷 船 艇 艦 良 色 艶 芋 芝 芯 花 芳 芸 芽 苗 苛 若 苦 英 茂 茎 茨 茶 草 荒 荘 荷 菊 菌 菓 菜 華 萎 落 葉 著 葛 葬 蒸 蓄 蓋 蔑 蔵 蔽 薄 薦 薪 薫 薬 藍 藤 藩 藻 虎 虐 虚 虜 虞 虫 虹 蚊 蚕 蛇 蛍 蛮 蜂 蜜 融 血 衆 行 術 街 衛 衝 衡 衣 表 衰 衷 袋 袖 被 裁 裂 装 裏 裕 補 裸 製 裾 複 褐 褒 襟 襲 西 要 覆 覇 見 規 視 覚 覧 親 観 角 解 触 言 訂 訃 計 討 訓 託 記 訟 訪 設 許 訳 訴 診 証 詐 詔 評 詞 詠 詣 試 詩 詮 詰 話 該 詳 誇 誉 誌 認 誓 誕 誘 語 誠 誤 説 読 誰 課 調 談 請 論 諦 諧 諭 諮 諸 諾 謀 謁 謄 謎 謙 講 謝 謡 謹 識 譜 警 議 譲 護 谷 豆 豊 豚 象 豪 貌 貝 貞 負 財 貢 貧 貨 販 貪 貫 責 貯 貴 買 貸 費 貼 貿 賀 賂 賃 賄 資 賊 賓 賛 賜 賞 賠 賢 賦 質 賭 購 贈 赤 赦 走 赴 起 超 越 趣 足 距 跡 路 跳 践 踊 踏 踪 蹴 躍 身 車 軌 軍 軒 軟 転 軸 軽 較 載 輝 輩 輪 輸 轄 辛 辞 辣 辱 農 辺 込 迅 迎 近 返 迫 迭 述 迷 追 退 送 逃 逆 透 逐 逓 途 通 逝 速 造 連 逮 週 進 逸 遂 遅 遇 遊 運 遍 過 道 達 違 遜 遠 遡 遣 適 遭 遮 遵 遷 選 遺 避 還 那 邦 邪 邸 郊 郎 郡 部 郭 郵 郷 都 酌 配 酎 酒 酔 酢 酪 酬 酵 酷 酸 醒 醜 醸 采 釈 里 重 野 量 金 釜 針 釣 鈍 鈴 鉄 鉛 鉢 鉱 銀 銃 銅 銘 銭 鋭 鋳 鋼 錠 錦 錬 錮 錯 録 鍋 鍛 鍵 鎌 鎖 鎮 鏡 鐘 鑑 長 門 閉 開 閑 間 関 閣 閥 閲 闇 闘 阜 阪 防 阻 附 降 限 陛 院 陣 除 陥 陪 陰 陳 陵 陶 陸 険 陽 隅 隆 隊 階 随 隔 隙 際 障 隠 隣 隷 隻 雄 雅 集 雇 雌 雑 離 難 雨 雪 雰 雲 零 雷 電 需 震 霊 霜 霧 露 青 静 非 面 革 靴 韓 音 韻 響 頂 頃 項 順 須 預 頑 頒 頓 領 頬 頭 頻 頼 題 額 顎 顔 顕 願 類 顧 風 飛 食 飢 飯 飲 飼 飽 飾 餅 養 餌 餓 館 首 香 馬 駄 駅 駆 駐 駒 騎 騒 験 騰 驚 骨 骸 髄 高 髪 鬱 鬼 魂 魅 魔 魚 鮮 鯨 鳥 鳴 鶏 鶴 鹿 麓 麗 麦 麺 麻 黄 黒 黙 鼓 鼻 齢] |
2 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Characters in Use | Others: auxiliary | [áàăâåäãā æ ç éèĕêëē íìĭîïī ñ óòŏôöøō œ úùŭûüū ÿ] |
[丑 亥 亨 兌 兎 凧 剃 卯 嘉 嘔 嘘 壬 壺 嬉 寅 巳 庚 庵 弘 彗 悶 愕 戊 戌 拼 揃 斧 昌 杖 桶 梵 楔 湘 焚 燭 爬 牌 牝 牡 狐 狗 狼 猪 獅 癸 瞑 碇 祚 禄 禎 秤 竿 絆 繍 罫 膏 芒 蟄 蟹 蠍 蠣 贛 蹄 辰 酉 鋲 錄 錨 閏 閩 雀 雉 鳳 鼠 龍] |
3 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Characters in Use | Others: index | [A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z] |
[あ か さ た な は ま や ら わ] |
4 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Characters in Use | Others: numbers | = |
[\- ‑ , . % ‰ + 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9] |
5 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Characters in Use | Others: punctuation | [\- ‐‑ – — , ; \: ! ? . … '‘’ "“” ( ) \[ \] § @ * / \& # † ‡ ′ ″] |
[‾ __ \-- ‐‑ — ― 〜 ・・ ,, 、、 ;; \:: !! ?? .. ‥ … 。。 '‘’ ""“” (( )) \[[ \]] \{{ \}} 〈 〉 《 》 「「 」」 『 』 【 】 〔 〕 ‖ § ¶ @@ ** // \\\ \&& ## %% ‰ † ‡ ′ ″ 〃 ※] |
6 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Parse | date-lenient(-) | = |
[\- ‑ . /] |
7 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Parse | date-lenient(:) | [\::﹕︓ ∶] |
[\: ∶] |
8 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Parse | general-lenient(.) | = |
[..․﹒ 。。︒] |
9 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Parse | general-lenient(’) | = |
[''’ ՚ ᾽᾿ ʼ] |
10 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Parse | general-lenient(%) | = |
[%%﹪ ٪] |
11 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Parse | general-lenient(‰) | = |
[‰ ؉] |
12 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Parse | general-lenient($) | = |
[\$$﹩] |
13 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Parse | general-lenient(£) | = |
[££ ₤] |
14 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Parse | general-lenient(¥) | = |
[¥¥] |
15 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Parse | general-lenient(₩) | = |
[₩₩] |
16 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Parse | general-lenient(₹) | = |
[₹ {Rp} {Rs}₨] |
17 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Parse | number-lenient(-) | [\--﹣ ‐‑ ‒ – −⁻₋ ➖] |
[\--﹣ ‑ ‒ −⁻₋ ➖] |
18 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Parse | number-lenient(,) | [,,﹐︐ ⹁ ، ٫ 、﹑、︑] |
[,,﹐︐ ، ٫ 、、﹑︑] |
19 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Parse | number-lenient(+) | = |
[++﬩﹢⁺₊ ➕] |
20 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Parse | number-stricter(,) | [,,﹐︐ ⹁ ٫] |
[,,﹐︐ ٫] |
21 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Parse | number-stricter(.) | = |
[..․﹒ 。] |
22 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Ellipsis | final | = |
{0}… |
23 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Ellipsis | initial | = |
…{0} |
24 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Ellipsis | medial | = |
{0}…{1} |
25 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Ellipsis | word-final | = |
{0} … |
26 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Ellipsis | word-initial | = |
… {0} |
27 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Ellipsis | word-medial | = |
{0} … {1} |
28 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Quotation Marks | End | ” |
」 |
29 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Quotation Marks | Start | “ |
「 |
30 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Quotation Marks | embedded-End | ’ |
』 |
31 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Quotation Marks | embedded-Start | ‘ |
『 |
32 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Symbols | More Information | = |
? |
33 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Yes and No | posix-no | no:n |
いいえ:n |
34 | Core Data | Alphabetic Information | Yes and No | posix-yes | yes:y |
はい:y |
35 | Core Data | Numbering Systems | Numbering System | default | = |
latn |
36 | Core Data | Numbering Systems | Numbering System | finance | n/a |
jpanfin |
37 | Core Data | Numbering Systems | Numbering System | native | = |
latn |
38 | Core Data | Numbering Systems | Numbering System | traditional | n/a |
jpan |
39 | Locale Display Names | Locale Name Patterns | Locale Formatting | localePattern | = |
{0} ({1}) |
40 | Locale Display Names | Locale Name Patterns | Locale Formatting | localeSeparator | {0}, {1} |
{0}、{1} |
41 | Locale Display Names | Locale Name Patterns | Locale Formatting | localeKeyTypePattern | = |
{0}: {1} |
42 | Locale Display Names | Locale Name Patterns | Locale Field Fallbacks | language | Language: {0} |
言語: {0} |
43 | Locale Display Names | Locale Name Patterns | Locale Field Fallbacks | script | Script: {0} |
文字: {0} |
44 | Locale Display Names | Locale Name Patterns | Locale Field Fallbacks | territory | Region: {0} |
地域: {0} |
45 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Abkhazian ► ab | Abkhazian |
アブハズ語 |
46 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Acehnese ► ace | Acehnese |
アチェ語 |
47 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Acoli ► ach | Acoli |
アチョリ語 |
48 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Adangme ► ada | Adangme |
アダングメ語 |
49 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Adyghe ► ady | Adyghe |
アディゲ語 |
50 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Afar ► aa | Afar |
アファル語 |
51 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Afrihili ► afh | Afrihili |
アフリヒリ語 |
52 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Afrikaans ► af | Afrikaans |
アフリカーンス語 |
53 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Aghem ► agq | Aghem |
アゲム語 |
54 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Ainu ► ain | Ainu |
アイヌ語 |
55 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Akan ► ak | Akan |
アカン語 |
56 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Akkadian ► akk | Akkadian |
アッカド語 |
57 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Akoose ► bss | Akoose |
アコース語 |
58 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Alabama ► akz | Alabama |
アラバマ語 |
59 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Albanian ► sq | Albanian |
アルバニア語 |
60 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Aleut ► ale | Aleut |
アレウト語 |
61 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Algerian Arabic ► arq | Algerian Arabic |
アルジェリア・アラビア語 |
62 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | American Sign Language ► ase | American Sign Language |
アメリカ手話 |
63 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Amharic ► am | Amharic |
アムハラ語 |
64 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Ancient Egyptian ► egy | Ancient Egyptian |
古代エジプト語 |
65 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Ancient Greek ► grc | Ancient Greek |
古代ギリシャ語 |
66 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Angika ► anp | Angika |
アンギカ語 |
67 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Anii ► blo | Anii |
アニ語 (blo) |
68 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Ao Naga ► njo | Ao Naga |
アオ・ナガ語 |
69 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Arabic ► ar | Arabic |
アラビア語 |
70 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Arabic ► ar_001 | Modern Standard Arabic |
現代標準アラビア語 |
71 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Aragonese ► an | Aragonese |
アラゴン語 |
72 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Aramaic ► arc | Aramaic |
アラム語 |
73 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Araona ► aro | Araona |
アラオナ語 |
74 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Arapaho ► arp | Arapaho |
アラパホー語 |
75 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Arawak ► arw | Arawak |
アラワク語 |
76 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Armenian ► hy | Armenian |
アルメニア語 |
77 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Aromanian ► rup | Aromanian |
アルーマニア語 |
78 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Arpitan ► frp | Arpitan |
アルピタン語 |
79 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Assamese ► as | Assamese |
アッサム語 |
80 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Asturian ► ast | Asturian |
アストゥリアス語 |
81 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Asu ► asa | Asu |
アス語 |
82 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Atikamekw ► atj | Atikamekw |
アティカメク語 |
83 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Atsam ► cch | Atsam |
チャワイ語 |
84 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Avaric ► av | Avaric |
アヴァル語 |
85 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Avestan ► ae | Avestan |
アヴェスタ語 |
86 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Awadhi ► awa | Awadhi |
アワディー語 |
87 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Aymara ► ay | Aymara |
アイマラ語 |
88 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Azerbaijani ► az | Azerbaijani |
アゼルバイジャン語 |
89 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | A | Azerbaijani ► az-short | Azeri |
アゼリー語 |
90 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Badaga ► bfq | Badaga |
バダガ語 |
91 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Bafia ► ksf | Bafia |
バフィア語 |
92 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Bafut ► bfd | Bafut |
バフット語 |
93 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Bakhtiari ► bqi | Bakhtiari |
バフティヤーリー語 |
94 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Balinese ► ban | Balinese |
バリ語 |
95 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Baluchi ► bal | Baluchi |
バルーチー語 |
96 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Bambara ► bm | Bambara |
バンバラ語 |
97 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Bamun ► bax | Bamun |
バムン語 |
98 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Bangla ► bn | Bangla |
ベンガル語 |
99 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Banjar ► bjn | Banjar |
バンジャル語 |
100 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Basaa ► bas | Basaa |
バサ語 |
101 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Bashkir ► ba | Bashkir |
バシキール語 |
102 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Basque ► eu | Basque |
バスク語 |
103 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Batak Toba ► bbc | Batak Toba |
トバ・バタク語 |
104 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Bavarian ► bar | Bavarian |
バイエルン・オーストリア語 |
105 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Beja ► bej | Beja |
ベジャ語 |
106 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Belarusian ► be | Belarusian |
ベラルーシ語 |
107 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Bemba ► bem | Bemba |
ベンバ語 |
108 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Bena ► bez | Bena |
ベナ語 |
109 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Betawi ► bew | Betawi |
ベタウィ語 |
110 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Bhojpuri ► bho | Bhojpuri |
ボージュプリー語 |
111 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Bikol ► bik | Bikol |
ビコル語 |
112 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Bini ► bin | Bini |
ビニ語 |
113 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Bishnupriya ► bpy | Bishnupriya |
ビシュヌプリヤ・マニプリ語 |
114 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Bislama ► bi | Bislama |
ビスラマ語 |
115 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Blin ► byn | Blin |
ビリン語 |
116 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Blissymbols ► zbl | Blissymbols |
ブリスシンボル |
117 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Bodo ► brx | Bodo |
ボド語 |
118 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Bosnian ► bs | Bosnian |
ボスニア語 |
119 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Brahui ► brh | Brahui |
ブラフイ語 |
120 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Braj ► bra | Braj |
ブラジ語 |
121 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Breton ► br | Breton |
ブルトン語 |
122 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Buginese ► bug | Buginese |
ブギ語 |
123 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Bulgarian ► bg | Bulgarian |
ブルガリア語 |
124 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Bulu ► bum | Bulu |
ブル語 |
125 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Buriat ► bua | Buriat |
ブリヤート語 |
126 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | B | Burmese ► my | Burmese |
ミャンマー語 |
127 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Caddo ► cad | Caddo |
カドー語 |
128 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Cajun French ► frc | Cajun French |
ケイジャン・フランス語 |
129 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Cantonese ► yue | Cantonese |
広東語 |
130 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Cantonese ► yue-menu | Chinese, Cantonese |
中国語 (広東語) |
131 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Capiznon ► cps | Capiznon |
カピス語 |
132 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Carib ► car | Carib |
カリブ語 |
133 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Carolina Algonquian ► crr | Carolina Algonquian |
カロライナ・アルゴンキン語 |
134 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Catalan ► ca | Catalan |
カタロニア語 |
135 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Cayuga ► cay | Cayuga |
カユーガ語 |
136 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Cebuano ► ceb | Cebuano |
セブアノ語 |
137 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Central Atlas Tamazight ► tzm | Central Atlas Tamazight |
中央アトラス・タマジクト語 |
138 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Central Dusun ► dtp | Central Dusun |
中央ドゥスン語 |
139 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Central Kurdish ► ckb | Central Kurdish |
中央クルド語 |
140 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Central Kurdish ► ckb-menu | Kurdish, Central |
クルド語(中央) |
141 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Central Kurdish ► ckb-variant | Kurdish, Sorani |
クルド語(ソラニー) |
142 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Central Ojibwa ► ojc | Central Ojibwa |
中部オジブワ語 |
143 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Central Yupik ► esu | Central Yupik |
中央アラスカ・ユピック語 |
144 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Chadian Arabic ► shu | Chadian Arabic |
チャド・アラビア語 |
145 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Chagatai ► chg | Chagatai |
チャガタイ語 |
146 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Chakma ► ccp | Chakma |
チャクマ語 |
147 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Chamorro ► ch | Chamorro |
チャモロ語 |
148 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Chechen ► ce | Chechen |
チェチェン語 |
149 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Cherokee ► chr | Cherokee |
チェロキー語 |
150 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Cheyenne ► chy | Cheyenne |
シャイアン語 |
151 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Chibcha ► chb | Chibcha |
チブチャ語 |
152 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Chiga ► cgg | Chiga |
チガ語 |
153 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Chilcotin ► clc | Chilcotin |
チルコーティン語 |
154 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Chimborazo Highland Quichua ► qug | Chimborazo Highland Quichua |
チンボラソ高地ケチュア語 |
155 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Chinese ► zh | Chinese |
中国語 |
156 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Chinese ► zh_Hans | Simplified Chinese |
簡体中国語 |
157 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Chinese ► zh_Hans-long | Simplified Mandarin Chinese |
標準中国語 (簡体字) |
158 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Chinese ► zh_Hant | Traditional Chinese |
繁体中国語 |
159 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Chinese ► zh_Hant-long | Traditional Mandarin Chinese |
標準中国語 (繁体字) |
160 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Chinese ► zh-menu | Chinese, Mandarin |
中国語 (標準語) |
161 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Chinook Jargon ► chn | Chinook Jargon |
チヌーク混成語 |
162 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Chipewyan ► chp | Chipewyan |
チペワイアン語 |
163 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Choctaw ► cho | Choctaw |
チョクトー語 |
164 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Church Slavic ► cu | Church Slavic |
教会スラブ語 |
165 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Chuukese ► chk | Chuukese |
チューク語 |
166 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Chuvash ► cv | Chuvash |
チュヴァシ語 |
167 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Classical Newari ► nwc | Classical Newari |
古典ネワール語 |
168 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Classical Syriac ► syc | Classical Syriac |
古典シリア語 |
169 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Colognian ► ksh | Colognian |
ケルン語 |
170 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Comorian ► swb | Comorian |
コモロ語 |
171 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Coptic ► cop | Coptic |
コプト語 |
172 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Cornish ► kw | Cornish |
コーンウォール語 |
173 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Corsican ► co | Corsican |
コルシカ語 |
174 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Cree ► cr | Cree |
クリー語 |
175 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Crimean Tatar ► crh | Crimean Tatar |
クリミア・タタール語 |
176 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Croatian ► hr | Croatian |
クロアチア語 |
177 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | C | Czech ► cs | Czech |
チェコ語 |
178 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | D | Dakota ► dak | Dakota |
ダコタ語 |
179 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | D | Danish ► da | Danish |
デンマーク語 |
180 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | D | Dargwa ► dar | Dargwa |
ダルグワ語 |
181 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | D | Dazaga ► dzg | Dazaga |
ダザガ語 |
182 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | D | Delaware ► del | Delaware |
デラウェア語 |
183 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | D | Dinka ► din | Dinka |
ディンカ語 |
184 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | D | Divehi ► dv | Divehi |
ディベヒ語 |
185 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | D | Dogri ► doi | Dogri |
ドーグリー語 |
186 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | D | Dogrib ► dgr | Dogrib |
ドグリブ語 |
187 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | D | Duala ► dua | Duala |
ドゥアラ語 |
188 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | D | Dutch ► nl | Dutch |
オランダ語 |
189 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | D | Dutch ► nl_BE | Flemish |
フラマン語 |
190 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | D | Dyula ► dyu | Dyula |
ジュラ語 |
191 | Locale Display Names | Languages (A-D) | D | Dzongkha ► dz | Dzongkha |
ゾンカ語 |
192 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | E | Eastern Frisian ► frs | Eastern Frisian |
東フリジア語 |
193 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | E | Efik ► efi | Efik |
エフィク語 |
194 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | E | Egyptian Arabic ► arz | Egyptian Arabic |
エジプト・アラビア語 |
195 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | E | Ekajuk ► eka | Ekajuk |
エカジュク語 |
196 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | E | Elamite ► elx | Elamite |
エラム語 |
197 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | E | Embu ► ebu | Embu |
エンブ語 |
198 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | E | Emilian ► egl | Emilian |
エミリア語 |
199 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | E | English ► en | English |
英語 |
200 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | E | English ► en_AU | Australian English |
オーストラリア英語 |
201 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | E | English ► en_CA | Canadian English |
カナダ英語 |
202 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | E | English ► en_GB | British English |
イギリス英語 |
203 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | E | English ► en_GB-short | UK English |
英語(英国) |
204 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | E | English ► en_US | American English |
アメリカ英語 |
205 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | E | English ► en_US-short | US English |
英語(米国) |
206 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | E | Erzya ► myv | Erzya |
エルジャ語 |
207 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | E | Esperanto ► eo | Esperanto |
エスペラント語 |
208 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | E | Estonian ► et | Estonian |
エストニア語 |
209 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | E | Ewe ► ee | Ewe |
エウェ語 |
210 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | E | Ewondo ► ewo | Ewondo |
エウォンド語 |
211 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | E | Extremaduran ► ext | Extremaduran |
エストレマドゥーラ語 |
212 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | F | Fang ► fan | Fang |
ファング語 |
213 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | F | Fanti ► fat | Fanti |
ファンティー語 |
214 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | F | Faroese ► fo | Faroese |
フェロー語 |
215 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | F | Fiji Hindi ► hif | Fiji Hindi |
フィジー・ヒンディー語 |
216 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | F | Fijian ► fj | Fijian |
フィジー語 |
217 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | F | Filipino ► fil | Filipino |
フィリピノ語 |
218 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | F | Finnish ► fi | Finnish |
フィンランド語 |
219 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | F | Fon ► fon | Fon |
フォン語 |
220 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | F | Frafra ► gur | Frafra |
フラフラ語 |
221 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | F | French ► fr | French |
フランス語 |
222 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | F | Friulian ► fur | Friulian |
フリウリ語 |
223 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | F | Fula ► ff | Fula |
フラ語 |
224 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | G | Ga ► gaa | Ga |
ガ語 |
225 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | G | Gagauz ► gag | Gagauz |
ガガウズ語 |
226 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | G | Galician ► gl | Galician |
ガリシア語 |
227 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | G | Gan Chinese ► gan | Gan Chinese |
贛語 |
228 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | G | Ganda ► lg | Ganda |
ガンダ語 |
229 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | G | Gayo ► gay | Gayo |
ガヨ語 |
230 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | G | Gbaya ► gba | Gbaya |
バヤ語 |
231 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | G | Geez ► gez | Geez |
ゲエズ語 |
232 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | G | Georgian ► ka | Georgian |
ジョージア語 |
233 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | G | German ► de | German |
ドイツ語 |
234 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | G | German ► de_CH | Swiss High German |
標準ドイツ語 (スイス) |
235 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | G | Gheg Albanian ► aln | Gheg Albanian |
ゲグ・アルバニア語 |
236 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | G | Ghomala ► bbj | Ghomala |
ゴーマラ語 |
237 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | G | Gilaki ► glk | Gilaki |
ギラキ語 |
238 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | G | Gilbertese ► gil | Gilbertese |
キリバス語 |
239 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | G | Gondi ► gon | Gondi |
ゴーンディー語 |
240 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | G | Gorontalo ► gor | Gorontalo |
ゴロンタロ語 |
241 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | G | Gothic ► got | Gothic |
ゴート語 |
242 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | G | Grebo ► grb | Grebo |
グレボ語 |
243 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | G | Greek ► el | Greek |
ギリシャ語 |
244 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | G | Guarani ► gn | Guarani |
グアラニー語 |
245 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | G | Gujarati ► gu | Gujarati |
グジャラート語 |
246 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | G | Gusii ► guz | Gusii |
グシイ語 |
247 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | G | Gwichʼin ► gwi | Gwichʼin |
グウィッチン語 |
248 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | H | Haida ► hai | Haida |
ハイダ語 |
249 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | H | Haitian Creole ► ht | Haitian Creole |
ハイチ・クレオール語 |
250 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | H | Hakka Chinese ► hak | Hakka Chinese |
客家語 |
251 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | H | Halkomelem ► hur | Halkomelem |
ハルコメレム語 |
252 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | H | Haryanvi ► bgc | Haryanvi |
ハリヤーンウィー語 |
253 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | H | Hausa ► ha | Hausa |
ハウサ語 |
254 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | H | Hawaiian ► haw | Hawaiian |
ハワイ語 |
255 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | H | Hebrew ► he | Hebrew |
ヘブライ語 |
256 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | H | Herero ► hz | Herero |
ヘレロ語 |
257 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | H | Hiligaynon ► hil | Hiligaynon |
ヒリガイノン語 |
258 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | H | Hindi ► hi | Hindi |
ヒンディー語 |
259 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | H | Hindi ► hi_Latn-variant | Hinglish |
インド英語 (ヒングリッシュ) |
260 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | H | Hiri Motu ► ho | Hiri Motu |
ヒリモツ語 |
261 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | H | Hittite ► hit | Hittite |
ヒッタイト語 |
262 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | H | Hmong ► hmn | Hmong |
フモン語 |
263 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | H | Hungarian ► hu | Hungarian |
ハンガリー語 |
264 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | H | Hupa ► hup | Hupa |
フパ語 |
265 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | I | Iban ► iba | Iban |
イバン語 |
266 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | I | Ibibio ► ibb | Ibibio |
イビビオ語 |
267 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | I | Icelandic ► is | Icelandic |
アイスランド語 |
268 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | I | Ido ► io | Ido |
イド語 |
269 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | I | Igbo ► ig | Igbo |
イボ語 |
270 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | I | Iloko ► ilo | Iloko |
イロカノ語 |
271 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | I | Inari Sami ► smn | Inari Sami |
イナリ・サーミ語 |
272 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | I | Indonesian ► id | Indonesian |
インドネシア語 |
273 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | I | Ingrian ► izh | Ingrian |
イングリア語 |
274 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | I | Ingush ► inh | Ingush |
イングーシ語 |
275 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | I | Innu-aimun ► moe | Innu-aimun |
イヌー=アイムン語 |
276 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | I | Interlingua ► ia | Interlingua |
インターリングア |
277 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | I | Interlingue ► ie | Interlingue |
インターリング |
278 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | I | Inuktitut ► iu | Inuktitut |
イヌクティトット語 |
279 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | I | Inupiaq ► ik | Inupiaq |
イヌピアック語 |
280 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | I | Irish ► ga | Irish |
アイルランド語 |
281 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | I | Italian ► it | Italian |
イタリア語 |
282 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | J | Jamaican Creole English ► jam | Jamaican Creole English |
ジャマイカ・クレオール語 |
283 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | J | Japanese ► ja | Japanese |
日本語 |
284 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | J | Javanese ► jv | Javanese |
ジャワ語 |
285 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | J | Jju ► kaj | Jju |
カジェ語 |
286 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | J | Jola-Fonyi ► dyo | Jola-Fonyi |
ジョラ=フォニィ語 |
287 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | J | Judeo-Arabic ► jrb | Judeo-Arabic |
ユダヤ・アラビア語 |
288 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | J | Judeo-Persian ► jpr | Judeo-Persian |
ユダヤ・ペルシア語 |
289 | Locale Display Names | Languages (E-J) | J | Jutish ► jut | Jutish |
ユトランド語 |
290 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kabardian ► kbd | Kabardian |
カバルド語 |
291 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kabuverdianu ► kea | Kabuverdianu |
カーボベルデ・クレオール語 |
292 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kabyle ► kab | Kabyle |
カビル語 |
293 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kachin ► kac | Kachin |
カチン語 |
294 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kaingang ► kgp | Kaingang |
カインガング語 |
295 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kako ► kkj | Kako |
カコ語 |
296 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kalaallisut ► kl | Kalaallisut |
グリーンランド語 |
297 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kalenjin ► kln | Kalenjin |
カレンジン語 |
298 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kalmyk ► xal | Kalmyk |
カルムイク語 |
299 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kamba ► kam | Kamba |
カンバ語 |
300 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kanembu ► kbl | Kanembu |
カネンブ語 |
301 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kangri ► xnr | Kangri |
カーングリー語 |
302 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kannada ► kn | Kannada |
カンナダ語 |
303 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kanuri ► kr | Kanuri |
カヌリ語 |
304 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kara-Kalpak ► kaa | Kara-Kalpak |
カラカルパク語 |
305 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Karachay-Balkar ► krc | Karachay-Balkar |
カラチャイ・バルカル語 |
306 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Karelian ► krl | Karelian |
カレリア語 |
307 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kashmiri ► ks | Kashmiri |
カシミール語 |
308 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kashubian ► csb | Kashubian |
カシューブ語 |
309 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kawi ► kaw | Kawi |
カウィ語 |
310 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kazakh ► kk | Kazakh |
カザフ語 |
311 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kenyang ► ken | Kenyang |
ニャン語 |
312 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Khasi ► kha | Khasi |
カシ語 |
313 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Khmer ► km | Khmer |
クメール語 |
314 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Khotanese ► kho | Khotanese |
コータン語 |
315 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Khowar ► khw | Khowar |
コワール語 |
316 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kikuyu ► ki | Kikuyu |
キクユ語 |
317 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kimbundu ► kmb | Kimbundu |
キンブンド語 |
318 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kinaray-a ► krj | Kinaray-a |
キナライア語 |
319 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kinyarwanda ► rw | Kinyarwanda |
キニアルワンダ語 |
320 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kirmanjki ► kiu | Kirmanjki |
キルマンジュキ語 |
321 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Klingon ► tlh | Klingon |
クリンゴン語 |
322 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kom ► bkm | Kom |
コム語 |
323 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Komi ► kv | Komi |
コミ語 |
324 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Komi-Permyak ► koi | Komi-Permyak |
コミ・ペルミャク語 |
325 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kongo ► kg | Kongo |
コンゴ語 |
326 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Konkani ► kok | Konkani |
コンカニ語 |
327 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Korean ► ko | Korean |
韓国語 |
328 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Koro ► kfo | Koro |
コロ語 |
329 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kosraean ► kos | Kosraean |
コスラエ語 |
330 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kotava ► avk | Kotava |
コタヴァ |
331 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Koyra Chiini ► khq | Koyra Chiini |
コイラ・チーニ語 |
332 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Koyraboro Senni ► ses | Koyraboro Senni |
コイラボロ・センニ語 |
333 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kpelle ► kpe | Kpelle |
クペレ語 |
334 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Krio ► kri | Krio |
クリオ語 |
335 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kuanyama ► kj | Kuanyama |
クワニャマ語 |
336 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kumyk ► kum | Kumyk |
クムク語 |
337 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kurdish ► ku | Kurdish |
クルド語 |
338 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kurukh ► kru | Kurukh |
クルク語 |
339 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kutenai ► kut | Kutenai |
クテナイ語 |
340 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kuvi ► kxv | Kuvi |
クーヴィンガ語 |
341 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kwakʼwala ► kwk | Kwakʼwala |
クヮキゥワラ語 |
342 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kwasio ► nmg | Kwasio |
クワシオ語 |
343 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kyrgyz ► ky | Kyrgyz |
キルギス語 |
344 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | K | Kʼicheʼ ► quc | Kʼicheʼ |
キチェ語 |
345 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Ladino ► lad | Ladino |
ラディノ語 |
346 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Lakota ► lkt | Lakota |
ラコタ語 |
347 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Lamba ► lam | Lamba |
ランバ語 |
348 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Langi ► lag | Langi |
ランギ語 |
349 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Lao ► lo | Lao |
ラオ語 |
350 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Latgalian ► ltg | Latgalian |
ラトガリア語 |
351 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Latin ► la | Latin |
ラテン語 |
352 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Latvian ► lv | Latvian |
ラトビア語 |
353 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Laz ► lzz | Laz |
ラズ語 |
354 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Lezghian ► lez | Lezghian |
レズギ語 |
355 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Ligurian ► lij | Ligurian |
リグリア語 |
356 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Lillooet ► lil | Lillooet |
リルエット語 |
357 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Limburgish ► li | Limburgish |
リンブルフ語 |
358 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Lingala ► ln | Lingala |
リンガラ語 |
359 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Lingua Franca Nova ► lfn | Lingua Franca Nova |
リングア・フランカ・ノバ |
360 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Literary Chinese ► lzh | Literary Chinese |
漢文 |
361 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Lithuanian ► lt | Lithuanian |
リトアニア語 |
362 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Livonian ► liv | Livonian |
リヴォニア語 |
363 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Lojban ► jbo | Lojban |
ロジバン語 |
364 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Lombard ► lmo | Lombard |
ロンバルド語 |
365 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Louisiana Creole ► lou | Louisiana Creole |
ルイジアナ・クレオール語 |
366 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Low German ► nds | Low German |
低地ドイツ語 |
367 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Lower Silesian ► sli | Lower Silesian |
低シレジア語 |
368 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Lower Sorbian ► dsb | Lower Sorbian |
低地ソルブ語 |
369 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Lozi ► loz | Lozi |
ロジ語 |
370 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Luba-Katanga ► lu | Luba-Katanga |
ルバ・カタンガ語 |
371 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Luba-Lulua ► lua | Luba-Lulua |
ルバ・ルルア語 |
372 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Luiseno ► lui | Luiseno |
ルイセーニョ語 |
373 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Lule Sami ► smj | Lule Sami |
ルレ・サーミ語 |
374 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Lunda ► lun | Lunda |
ルンダ語 |
375 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Luo ► luo | Luo |
ルオ語 |
376 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Luxembourgish ► lb | Luxembourgish |
ルクセンブルク語 |
377 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Luyia ► luy | Luyia |
ルヒヤ語 |
378 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Maba ► mde | Maba |
マバ語 |
379 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Macedonian ► mk | Macedonian |
マケドニア語 |
380 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Machame ► jmc | Machame |
マチャメ語 |
381 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Madurese ► mad | Madurese |
マドゥラ語 |
382 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Mafa ► maf | Mafa |
マファ語 |
383 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Magahi ► mag | Magahi |
マガヒー語 |
384 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Main-Franconian ► vmf | Main-Franconian |
マインフランク語 |
385 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Maithili ► mai | Maithili |
マイティリー語 |
386 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Makasar ► mak | Makasar |
マカッサル語 |
387 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Makhuwa ► vmw | Makhuwa |
マクア語 |
388 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Makhuwa-Meetto ► mgh | Makhuwa-Meetto |
マクア・ミート語 |
389 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Makonde ► kde | Makonde |
マコンデ語 |
390 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Malagasy ► mg | Malagasy |
マダガスカル語 |
391 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Malay ► ms | Malay |
マレー語 |
392 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Malayalam ► ml | Malayalam |
マラヤーラム語 |
393 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Maliseet-Passamaquoddy ► pqm | Maliseet-Passamaquoddy |
マリシート=パサマコディ語 |
394 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Maltese ► mt | Maltese |
マルタ語 |
395 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Manchu ► mnc | Manchu |
満州語 |
396 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Mandar ► mdr | Mandar |
マンダル語 |
397 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Mandingo ► man | Mandingo |
マンディンゴ語 |
398 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Manipuri ► mni | Manipuri |
マニプリ語 |
399 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Manx ► gv | Manx |
マン島語 |
400 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Māori ► mi | Māori |
マオリ語 |
401 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Mapuche ► arn | Mapuche |
マプチェ語 |
402 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Marathi ► mr | Marathi |
マラーティー語 |
403 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Mari ► chm | Mari |
マリ語 |
404 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Marshallese ► mh | Marshallese |
マーシャル語 |
405 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Marwari ► mwr | Marwari |
マールワーリー語 |
406 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Masai ► mas | Masai |
マサイ語 |
407 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Mazanderani ► mzn | Mazanderani |
マーザンダラーン語 |
408 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Medumba ► byv | Medumba |
メドゥンバ語 |
409 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Mende ► men | Mende |
メンデ語 |
410 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Mentawai ► mwv | Mentawai |
メンタワイ語 |
411 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Meru ► mer | Meru |
メル語 |
412 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Metaʼ ► mgo | Metaʼ |
メタ語 |
413 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Mi'kmaw ► mic | Mi'kmaw |
ミクマク語 |
414 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Michif ► crg | Michif |
ミチフ語 |
415 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Middle Dutch ► dum | Middle Dutch |
中世オランダ語 |
416 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Middle English ► enm | Middle English |
中英語 |
417 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Middle French ► frm | Middle French |
中期フランス語 |
418 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Middle High German ► gmh | Middle High German |
中高ドイツ語 |
419 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Middle Irish ► mga | Middle Irish |
中期アイルランド語 |
420 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Min Nan Chinese ► nan | Min Nan Chinese |
閩南語 |
421 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Minangkabau ► min | Minangkabau |
ミナンカバウ語 |
422 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Mingrelian ► xmf | Mingrelian |
メグレル語 |
423 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Mirandese ► mwl | Mirandese |
ミランダ語 |
424 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Mizo ► lus | Mizo |
ミゾ語 |
425 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Mohawk ► moh | Mohawk |
モーホーク語 |
426 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Moksha ► mdf | Moksha |
モクシャ語 |
427 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Mongo ► lol | Mongo |
モンゴ語 |
428 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Mongolian ► mn | Mongolian |
モンゴル語 |
429 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Moose Cree ► crm | Moose Cree |
ムースクリー語 |
430 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Morisyen ► mfe | Morisyen |
モーリシャス・クレオール語 |
431 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Moroccan Arabic ► ary | Moroccan Arabic |
モロッコ・アラビア語 |
432 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Mossi ► mos | Mossi |
モシ語 |
433 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Multiple languages ► mul | Multiple languages |
複数言語 |
434 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Mundang ► mua | Mundang |
ムンダン語 |
435 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Muscogee ► mus | Muscogee |
クリーク語 |
436 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Muslim Tat ► ttt | Muslim Tat |
ムスリム・タタール語 |
437 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | M | Myene ► mye | Myene |
ミエネ語 |
438 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | N’Ko ► nqo | N’Ko |
ンコ語 |
439 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Najdi Arabic ► ars | Najdi Arabic |
ナジュド地方・アラビア語 |
440 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Najdi Arabic ► ars-menu | Arabic, Najdi |
アラビア語(ナジュド地方) |
441 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Nama ► naq | Nama |
ナマ語 |
442 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Nauru ► na | Nauru |
ナウル語 |
443 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Navajo ► nv | Navajo |
ナバホ語 |
444 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Ndonga ► ng | Ndonga |
ンドンガ語 |
445 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Neapolitan ► nap | Neapolitan |
ナポリ語 |
446 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Nepali ► ne | Nepali |
ネパール語 |
447 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Newari ► new | Newari |
ネワール語 |
448 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Ngambay ► sba | Ngambay |
ンガムバイ語 |
449 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Ngiemboon ► nnh | Ngiemboon |
ンジエムブーン語 |
450 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Ngomba ► jgo | Ngomba |
ンゴンバ語 |
451 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Nheengatu ► yrl | Nheengatu |
ニェエンガトゥ語 |
452 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Nias ► nia | Nias |
ニアス語 |
453 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Nigerian Pidgin ► pcm | Nigerian Pidgin |
ナイジェリア・ピジン語 |
454 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Niuean ► niu | Niuean |
ニウーエイ語 |
455 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | No linguistic content ► zxx | No linguistic content |
言語的内容なし |
456 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Nogai ► nog | Nogai |
ノガイ語 |
457 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | North Ndebele ► nd | North Ndebele |
北ンデベレ語 |
458 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Northern East Cree ► crl | Northern East Cree |
東部クリー語(北部) |
459 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Northern Frisian ► frr | Northern Frisian |
北フリジア語 |
460 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Northern Luri ► lrc | Northern Luri |
北ロル語 |
461 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Northern Sami ► se | Northern Sami |
北サーミ語 |
462 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Northern Sotho ► nso | Northern Sotho |
北部ソト語 |
463 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Northern Tutchone ► ttm | Northern Tutchone |
北部トゥショーニ語 |
464 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Northwestern Ojibwa ► ojb | Northwestern Ojibwa |
北西部オジブワ語 |
465 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Norwegian ► no | Norwegian |
ノルウェー語 |
466 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Norwegian Bokmål ► nb | Norwegian Bokmål |
ノルウェー語(ブークモール) |
467 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Norwegian Nynorsk ► nn | Norwegian Nynorsk |
ノルウェー語(ニーノシュク) |
468 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Novial ► nov | Novial |
ノヴィアル |
469 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Nuer ► nus | Nuer |
ヌエル語 |
470 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Nyamwezi ► nym | Nyamwezi |
ニャムウェジ語 |
471 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Nyanja ► ny | Nyanja |
ニャンジャ語 |
472 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Nyankole ► nyn | Nyankole |
ニャンコレ語 |
473 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Nyasa Tonga ► tog | Nyasa Tonga |
トンガ語(ニアサ) |
474 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Nyoro ► nyo | Nyoro |
ニョロ語 |
475 | Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | N | Nzima ► nzi | Nzima |
ンゼマ語 |
476 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | O | Obolo ► ann | Obolo |
オボロ語 |
477 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | O | Occitan ► oc | Occitan |
オック語 |
478 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | O | Odia ► or | Odia |
オディア語 |
479 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | O | Oji-Cree ► ojs | Oji-Cree |
セヴァーン・オジブワ語 |
480 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | O | Ojibwa ► oj | Ojibwa |
オジブウェー語 |
481 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | O | Okanagan ► oka | Okanagan |
オカナガン語 |
482 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | O | Old English ► ang | Old English |
古英語 |
483 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | O | Old French ► fro | Old French |
古フランス語 |
484 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | O | Old High German ► goh | Old High German |
古高ドイツ語 |
485 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | O | Old Irish ► sga | Old Irish |
古アイルランド語 |
486 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | O | Old Norse ► non | Old Norse |
古ノルド語 |
487 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | O | Old Persian ► peo | Old Persian |
古代ペルシア語 |
488 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | O | Old Provençal ► pro | Old Provençal |
古期プロバンス語 |
489 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | O | Oromo ► om | Oromo |
オロモ語 |
490 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | O | Osage ► osa | Osage |
オセージ語 |
491 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | O | Ossetic ► os | Ossetic |
オセット語 |
492 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | O | Ottoman Turkish ► ota | Ottoman Turkish |
オスマントルコ語 |
493 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | P | Pahlavi ► pal | Pahlavi |
パフラヴィー語 |
494 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | P | Palatine German ► pfl | Palatine German |
プファルツ語 |
495 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | P | Palauan ► pau | Palauan |
パラオ語 |
496 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | P | Pali ► pi | Pali |
パーリ語 |
497 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | P | Pampanga ► pam | Pampanga |
パンパンガ語 |
498 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | P | Pangasinan ► pag | Pangasinan |
パンガシナン語 |
499 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | P | Papiamento ► pap | Papiamento |
パピアメント語 |
500 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | P | Pashto ► ps | Pashto |
パシュトゥー語 |
501 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | P | Pashto ► ps-variant | Pushto |
パシュトゥ語 |
502 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | P | Pennsylvania German ► pdc | Pennsylvania German |
ペンシルベニア・ドイツ語 |
503 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | P | Persian ► fa | Persian |
ペルシア語 |
504 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | P | Persian ► fa_AF | Dari |
ダリー語 |
505 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | P | Phoenician ► phn | Phoenician |
フェニキア語 |
506 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | P | Picard ► pcd | Picard |
ピカルディ語 |
507 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | P | Piedmontese ► pms | Piedmontese |
ピエモンテ語 |
508 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | P | Pijin ► pis | Pijin |
ピジン語 |
509 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | P | Plains Cree ► crk | Plains Cree |
平原クリー語 |
510 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | P | Plautdietsch ► pdt | Plautdietsch |
メノナイト低地ドイツ語 |
511 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | P | Pohnpeian ► pon | Pohnpeian |
ポンペイ語 |
512 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | P | Polish ► pl | Polish |
ポーランド語 |
513 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | P | Pontic ► pnt | Pontic |
ポントス・ギリシャ語 |
514 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | P | Portuguese ► pt | Portuguese |
ポルトガル語 |
515 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | P | Portuguese ► pt_PT | European Portuguese |
ポルトガル語 (イベリア半島) |
516 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | P | Prussian ► prg | Prussian |
プロシア語 |
517 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | P | Punjabi ► pa | Punjabi |
パンジャブ語 |
518 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | Q | Quechua ► qu | Quechua |
ケチュア語 |
519 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | R | Rajasthani ► raj | Rajasthani |
ラージャスターン語 |
520 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | R | Rapanui ► rap | Rapanui |
ラパヌイ語 |
521 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | R | Rarotongan ► rar | Rarotongan |
ラロトンガ語 |
522 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | R | Riffian ► rif | Riffian |
リーフ語 |
523 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | R | Rohingya ► rhg | Rohingya |
ロヒンギャ語 |
524 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | R | Romagnol ► rgn | Romagnol |
ロマーニャ語 |
525 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | R | Romanian ► ro | Romanian |
ルーマニア語 |
526 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | R | Romanian ► ro_MD | Moldavian |
モルダビア語 |
527 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | R | Romansh ► rm | Romansh |
ロマンシュ語 |
528 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | R | Romany ► rom | Romany |
ロマーニー語 |
529 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | R | Rombo ► rof | Rombo |
ロンボ語 |
530 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | R | Rotuman ► rtm | Rotuman |
ロツマ語 |
531 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | R | Roviana ► rug | Roviana |
ロヴィアナ語 |
532 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | R | Rundi ► rn | Rundi |
ルンディ語 |
533 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | R | Russian ► ru | Russian |
ロシア語 |
534 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | R | Rusyn ► rue | Rusyn |
ルシン語 |
535 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | R | Rwa ► rwk | Rwa |
ルワ語 |
536 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Saamia ► lsm | Saamia |
サーミア語 |
537 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Saho ► ssy | Saho |
サホ語 |
538 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Samaritan Aramaic ► sam | Samaritan Aramaic |
サマリア・アラム語 |
539 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Samburu ► saq | Samburu |
サンブル語 |
540 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Samoan ► sm | Samoan |
サモア語 |
541 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Samogitian ► sgs | Samogitian |
サモギティア語 |
542 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Sandawe ► sad | Sandawe |
サンダウェ語 |
543 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Sango ► sg | Sango |
サンゴ語 |
544 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Sangu ► sbp | Sangu |
サング語 |
545 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Sanskrit ► sa | Sanskrit |
サンスクリット語 |
546 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Santali ► sat | Santali |
サンターリー語 |
547 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Sardinian ► sc | Sardinian |
サルデーニャ語 |
548 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Sasak ► sas | Sasak |
ササク語 |
549 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Sassarese Sardinian ► sdc | Sassarese Sardinian |
サッサリ・サルデーニャ語 |
550 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Saterland Frisian ► stq | Saterland Frisian |
ザーターフリジア語 |
551 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Saurashtra ► saz | Saurashtra |
サウラーシュトラ語 |
552 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Scots ► sco | Scots |
スコットランド語 |
553 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Scottish Gaelic ► gd | Scottish Gaelic |
スコットランド・ゲール語 |
554 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Selayar ► sly | Selayar |
スラヤール語 |
555 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Selkup ► sel | Selkup |
セリクプ語 |
556 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Sena ► seh | Sena |
セナ語 |
557 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Seneca ► see | Seneca |
セネカ語 |
558 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Serbian ► sr | Serbian |
セルビア語 |
559 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Serbo-Croatian ► sh | Serbo-Croatian |
セルボ・クロアチア語 |
560 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Serer ► srr | Serer |
セレル語 |
561 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Seri ► sei | Seri |
セリ語 |
562 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Seselwa Creole French ► crs | Seselwa Creole French |
セーシェル・クレオール語 |
563 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Shambala ► ksb | Shambala |
サンバー語 |
564 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Shan ► shn | Shan |
シャン語 |
565 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Shona ► sn | Shona |
ショナ語 |
566 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Sichuan Yi ► ii | Sichuan Yi |
四川イ語 |
567 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Sicilian ► scn | Sicilian |
シチリア語 |
568 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Sidamo ► sid | Sidamo |
シダモ語 |
569 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Siksiká ► bla | Siksiká |
シクシカ語 |
570 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Silesian ► szl | Silesian |
シレジア語 |
571 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Sindhi ► sd | Sindhi |
シンド語 |
572 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Sinhala ► si | Sinhala |
シンハラ語 |
573 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Skolt Sami ► sms | Skolt Sami |
スコルト・サーミ語 |
574 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Slave ► den | Slave |
スレイビー語 |
575 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Slovak ► sk | Slovak |
スロバキア語 |
576 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Slovenian ► sl | Slovenian |
スロベニア語 |
577 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Soga ► xog | Soga |
ソガ語 |
578 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Sogdien ► sog | Sogdien |
ソグド語 |
579 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Somali ► so | Somali |
ソマリ語 |
580 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Soninke ► snk | Soninke |
ソニンケ語 |
581 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | South Ndebele ► nr | South Ndebele |
南ンデベレ語 |
582 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Southern Altai ► alt | Southern Altai |
南アルタイ語 |
583 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Southern East Cree ► crj | Southern East Cree |
東部クリー語(南部) |
584 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Southern Haida ► hax | Southern Haida |
南部ハイダ語 |
585 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Southern Kurdish ► sdh | Southern Kurdish |
南部クルド語 |
586 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Southern Lushootseed ► slh | Southern Lushootseed |
南部ルシュツィード語 |
587 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Southern Sami ► sma | Southern Sami |
南サーミ語 |
588 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Southern Sotho ► st | Southern Sotho |
南部ソト語 |
589 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Southern Tutchone ► tce | Southern Tutchone |
南部トゥショーニ語 |
590 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Spanish ► es | Spanish |
スペイン語 |
591 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Spanish ► es_ES | European Spanish |
スペイン語 (イベリア半島) |
592 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Sranan Tongo ► srn | Sranan Tongo |
スリナム語 |
593 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Standard Moroccan Tamazight ► zgh | Standard Moroccan Tamazight |
標準モロッコ タマジクト語 |
594 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Straits Salish ► str | Straits Salish |
ストレイツセイリッシュ語 |
595 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Sukuma ► suk | Sukuma |
スクマ語 |
596 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Sumerian ► sux | Sumerian |
シュメール語 |
597 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Sundanese ► su | Sundanese |
スンダ語 |
598 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Susu ► sus | Susu |
スス語 |
599 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Swahili ► sw | Swahili |
スワヒリ語 |
600 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Swahili ► sw_CD | Congo Swahili |
コンゴ・スワヒリ語 |
601 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Swampy Cree ► csw | Swampy Cree |
湿原クリー語 |
602 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Swati ► ss | Swati |
スワジ語 |
603 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Swedish ► sv | Swedish |
スウェーデン語 |
604 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Swiss German ► gsw | Swiss German |
スイスドイツ語 |
605 | Locale Display Names | Languages (O-S) | S | Syriac ► syr | Syriac |
シリア語 |
606 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tachelhit ► shi | Tachelhit |
タシルハイト語 |
607 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tagalog ► tl | Tagalog |
タガログ語 |
608 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tagish ► tgx | Tagish |
タギシュ語 |
609 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tahitian ► ty | Tahitian |
タヒチ語 |
610 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tahltan ► tht | Tahltan |
タールタン語 |
611 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Taita ► dav | Taita |
タイタ語 |
612 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tajik ► tg | Tajik |
タジク語 |
613 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Talysh ► tly | Talysh |
タリシュ語 |
614 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tamashek ► tmh | Tamashek |
タマシェク語 |
615 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tamil ► ta | Tamil |
タミル語 |
616 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Taroko ► trv | Taroko |
タロコ語 |
617 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tasawaq ► twq | Tasawaq |
タサワク語 |
618 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tatar ► tt | Tatar |
タタール語 |
619 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Telugu ► te | Telugu |
テルグ語 |
620 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tereno ► ter | Tereno |
テレーノ語 |
621 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Teso ► teo | Teso |
テソ語 |
622 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tetum ► tet | Tetum |
テトゥン語 |
623 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Thai ► th | Thai |
タイ語 |
624 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tibetan ► bo | Tibetan |
チベット語 |
625 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tigre ► tig | Tigre |
ティグレ語 |
626 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tigrinya ► ti | Tigrinya |
ティグリニア語 |
627 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Timne ► tem | Timne |
テムネ語 |
628 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tiv ► tiv | Tiv |
ティブ語 |
629 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tlingit ► tli | Tlingit |
トリンギット語 |
630 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tok Pisin ► tpi | Tok Pisin |
トク・ピシン語 |
631 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tokelau ► tkl | Tokelau |
トケラウ語 |
632 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Toki Pona ► tok | Toki Pona |
トキポナ語 |
633 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tongan ► to | Tongan |
トンガ語 |
634 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tornedalen Finnish ► fit | Tornedalen Finnish |
トルネダール・フィンランド語 |
635 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tsakhur ► tkr | Tsakhur |
ツァフル語 |
636 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tsakonian ► tsd | Tsakonian |
ツァコン語 |
637 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tsimshian ► tsi | Tsimshian |
チムシュ語 |
638 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tsonga ► ts | Tsonga |
ツォンガ語 |
639 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tswana ► tn | Tswana |
ツワナ語 |
640 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tulu ► tcy | Tulu |
トゥル語 |
641 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tumbuka ► tum | Tumbuka |
トゥンブカ語 |
642 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tunisian Arabic ► aeb | Tunisian Arabic |
チュニジア・アラビア語 |
643 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Turkish ► tr | Turkish |
トルコ語 |
644 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Turkmen ► tk | Turkmen |
トルクメン語 |
645 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Turoyo ► tru | Turoyo |
トゥロヨ語 |
646 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tuvalu ► tvl | Tuvalu |
ツバル語 |
647 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tuvinian ► tyv | Tuvinian |
トゥヴァ語 |
648 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Twi ► tw | Twi |
トウィ語 |
649 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | T | Tyap ► kcg | Tyap |
カタブ語 |
650 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | U | Udmurt ► udm | Udmurt |
ウドムルト語 |
651 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | U | Ugaritic ► uga | Ugaritic |
ウガリト語 |
652 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | U | Ukrainian ► uk | Ukrainian |
ウクライナ語 |
653 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | U | Umbundu ► umb | Umbundu |
ムブンドゥ語 |
654 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | U | Unknown language ► und | Unknown language |
言語不明 |
655 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | U | Upper Sorbian ► hsb | Upper Sorbian |
高地ソルブ語 |
656 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | U | Urdu ► ur | Urdu |
ウルドゥー語 |
657 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | U | Uyghur ► ug | Uyghur |
ウイグル語 |
658 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | U | Uyghur ► ug-variant | Uighur |
ウィグル語 |
659 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | U | Uzbek ► uz | Uzbek |
ウズベク語 |
660 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | V | Vai ► vai | Vai |
ヴァイ語 |
661 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | V | Venda ► ve | Venda |
ベンダ語 |
662 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | V | Venetian ► vec | Venetian |
ヴェネト語 |
663 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | V | Veps ► vep | Veps |
ヴェプス語 |
664 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | V | Vietnamese ► vi | Vietnamese |
ベトナム語 |
665 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | V | Volapük ► vo | Volapük |
ヴォラピュク語 |
666 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | V | Võro ► vro | Võro |
ヴォロ語 |
667 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | V | Votic ► vot | Votic |
ヴォート語 |
668 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | V | Vunjo ► vun | Vunjo |
ヴンジョ語 |
669 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | W | Walloon ► wa | Walloon |
ワロン語 |
670 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | W | Walser ► wae | Walser |
ヴァリス語 |
671 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | W | Waray ► war | Waray |
ワライ語 |
672 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | W | Warlpiri ► wbp | Warlpiri |
ワルピリ語 |
673 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | W | Washo ► was | Washo |
ワショ語 |
674 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | W | Wayuu ► guc | Wayuu |
ワユ語 |
675 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | W | Welsh ► cy | Welsh |
ウェールズ語 |
676 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | W | West Flemish ► vls | West Flemish |
西フラマン語 |
677 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | W | Western Balochi ► bgn | Western Balochi |
西バローチー語 |
678 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | W | Western Canadian Inuktitut ► ikt | Western Canadian Inuktitut |
イヌイナクトゥン語 |
679 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | W | Western Frisian ► fy | Western Frisian |
西フリジア語 |
680 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | W | Western Mari ► mrj | Western Mari |
山地マリ語 |
681 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | W | Western Ojibwa ► ojw | Western Ojibwa |
西部オジブワ語 |
682 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | W | Western Panjabi ► lah | Western Panjabi |
ラフンダー語 |
683 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | W | Wolaytta ► wal | Wolaytta |
ウォライタ語 |
684 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | W | Wolof ► wo | Wolof |
ウォロフ語 |
685 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | W | Wu Chinese ► wuu | Wu Chinese |
呉語 |
686 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | X | Xhosa ► xh | Xhosa |
コサ語 |
687 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | X | Xiang Chinese ► hsn | Xiang Chinese |
湘語 |
688 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | Y | Yakut ► sah | Yakut |
サハ語 |
689 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | Y | Yangben ► yav | Yangben |
ヤンベン語 |
690 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | Y | Yao ► yao | Yao |
ヤオ語 |
691 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | Y | Yapese ► yap | Yapese |
ヤップ語 |
692 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | Y | Yemba ► ybb | Yemba |
イエンバ語 |
693 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | Y | Yiddish ► yi | Yiddish |
イディッシュ語 |
694 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | Y | Yoruba ► yo | Yoruba |
ヨルバ語 |
695 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | Z | Zapotec ► zap | Zapotec |
サポテカ語 |
696 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | Z | Zarma ► dje | Zarma |
ザルマ語 |
697 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | Z | Zaza ► zza | Zaza |
ザザ語 |
698 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | Z | Zeelandic ► zea | Zeelandic |
ゼーラント語 |
699 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | Z | Zenaga ► zen | Zenaga |
ゼナガ語 |
700 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | Z | Zhuang ► za | Zhuang |
チワン語 |
701 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | Z | Zoroastrian Dari ► gbz | Zoroastrian Dari |
ダリー語(ゾロアスター教) |
702 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | Z | Zulu ► zu | Zulu |
ズールー語 |
703 | Locale Display Names | Languages (T-Z) | Z | Zuni ► zun | Zuni |
ズニ語 |
704 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Arab | Arabic |
アラビア文字 |
705 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Arab-variant | Perso-Arabic |
ペルソ・アラビア文字 |
706 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Armn | Armenian |
アルメニア文字 |
707 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Beng | Bangla |
ベンガル文字 |
708 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Bopo | Bopomofo |
注音字母 |
709 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Cyrl | Cyrillic |
キリル文字 |
710 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Deva | Devanagari |
デーバナーガリー文字 |
711 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Ethi | Ethiopic |
エチオピア文字 |
712 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Geor | Georgian |
ジョージア文字 |
713 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Grek | Greek |
ギリシャ文字 |
714 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Gujr | Gujarati |
グジャラート文字 |
715 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Guru | Gurmukhi |
グルムキー文字 |
716 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Hanb | Han with Bopomofo |
漢語注音字母 |
717 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Hang | Hangul |
ハングル |
718 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Hani | Han |
漢字 |
719 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Hans | Simplified |
簡体字 |
720 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Hans-stand-alone | Simplified Han |
漢字(簡体字) |
721 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Hant | Traditional |
繁体字 |
722 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Hant-stand-alone | Traditional Han |
漢字(繁体字) |
723 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Hebr | Hebrew |
ヘブライ文字 |
724 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Hira | Hiragana |
ひらがな |
725 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Jamo | Jamo |
字母 |
726 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Jpan | Japanese |
日本語の文字 |
727 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Kana | Katakana |
カタカナ |
728 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Khmr | Khmer |
クメール文字 |
729 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Knda | Kannada |
カンナダ文字 |
730 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Kore | Korean |
韓国語の文字 |
731 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Laoo | Lao |
ラオ文字 |
732 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Latn | Latin |
ラテン文字 |
733 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Mlym | Malayalam |
マラヤーラム文字 |
734 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Mymr | Myanmar |
ミャンマー文字 |
735 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Orya | Odia |
オディア文字 |
736 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Sinh | Sinhala |
シンハラ文字 |
737 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Taml | Tamil |
タミル文字 |
738 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Telu | Telugu |
テルグ文字 |
739 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Thaa | Thaana |
ターナ文字 |
740 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Thai | Thai |
タイ文字 |
741 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Tibt | Tibetan |
チベット文字 |
742 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Zinh | Inherited |
基底文字の種別を継承する結合文字 |
743 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Major Use | Zyyy | Common |
共通文字 |
744 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Adlm | Adlam |
アドラム文字 |
745 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Bali | Balinese |
バリ文字 |
746 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Bamu | Bamum |
バムン文字 |
747 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Batk | Batak |
バタク文字 |
748 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Cakm | Chakma |
チャクマ文字 |
749 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Cans | Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics |
統合カナダ先住民音節文字 |
750 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Cham | Cham |
チャム文字 |
751 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Cher | Cherokee |
チェロキー文字 |
752 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Java | Javanese |
ジャワ文字 |
753 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Kali | Kayah Li |
カヤー文字 |
754 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Lana | Lanna |
ラーンナー文字 |
755 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Lepc | Lepcha |
レプチャ文字 |
756 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Limb | Limbu |
リンブ文字 |
757 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Lisu | Fraser |
フレイザー文字 |
758 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Mand | Mandaean |
マンダ文字 |
759 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Mtei | Meitei Mayek |
メイテイ文字 |
760 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Newa | = |
Newa |
761 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Nkoo | N’Ko |
ンコ文字 |
762 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Olck | Ol Chiki |
オルチキ文字 |
763 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Plrd | Pollard Phonetic |
ポラード音声記号 |
764 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Rohg | Hanifi |
ロヒンギャ文字 |
765 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Saur | Saurashtra |
サウラーシュトラ文字 |
766 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Sund | Sundanese |
スンダ文字 |
767 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Sylo | Syloti Nagri |
シロティ・ナグリ文字 |
768 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Syrc | Syriac |
シリア文字 |
769 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Tale | Tai Le |
タイ・レ文字 |
770 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Talu | New Tai Lue |
新タイ・ルー文字 |
771 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Tavt | Tai Viet |
タイ・ヴェト文字 |
772 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Tfng | Tifinagh |
ティフナグ文字 |
773 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Vaii | Vai |
ヴァイ文字 |
774 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Limited Use | Yiii | Yi |
イ文字 |
775 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Aghb | Caucasian Albanian |
カフカス・アルバニア文字 |
776 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Ahom | = |
Ahom |
777 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Armi | Imperial Aramaic |
帝国アラム文字 |
778 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Avst | Avestan |
アヴェスター文字 |
779 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Bass | Bassa Vah |
バサ文字 |
780 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Brah | Brahmi |
ブラーフミー文字 |
781 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Bugi | Buginese |
ブギス文字 |
782 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Buhd | Buhid |
ブヒッド文字 |
783 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Cari | Carian |
カリア文字 |
784 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Copt | Coptic |
コプト文字 |
785 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Cprt | Cypriot |
キプロス文字 |
786 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Dsrt | Deseret |
デセレット文字 |
787 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Dupl | Duployan shorthand |
デュプロワエ式速記 |
788 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Egyp | Egyptian hieroglyphs |
エジプト聖刻文字 |
789 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Elba | Elbasan |
エルバサン文字 |
790 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Glag | Glagolitic |
グラゴル文字 |
791 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Goth | Gothic |
ゴート文字 |
792 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Gran | Grantha |
グランタ文字 |
793 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Hano | Hanunoo |
ハヌノオ文字 |
794 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Hluw | Anatolian Hieroglyphs |
アナトリア象形文字 |
795 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Hmng | Pahawh Hmong |
パハウ・フモン文字 |
796 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Hung | Old Hungarian |
古代ハンガリー文字 |
797 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Ital | Old Italic |
古イタリア文字 |
798 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Khar | Kharoshthi |
カローシュティー文字 |
799 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Khoj | Khojki |
ホジャ文字 |
800 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Kthi | Kaithi |
カイティ文字 |
801 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Lina | Linear A |
線文字A |
802 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Linb | Linear B |
線文字B |
803 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Lyci | Lycian |
リキア文字 |
804 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Lydi | Lydian |
リディア文字 |
805 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Mahj | Mahajani |
マハージャニー文字 |
806 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Mani | Manichaean |
マニ文字 |
807 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Mend | Mende |
メンデ文字 |
808 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Merc | Meroitic Cursive |
メロエ文字草書体 |
809 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Mero | Meroitic |
メロエ文字 |
810 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Modi | Modi |
モーディー文字 |
811 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Mong | Mongolian |
モンゴル文字 |
812 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Mroo | Mro |
ムロ文字 |
813 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Narb | Old North Arabian |
古代北アラビア文字 |
814 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Nbat | Nabataean |
ナバテア文字 |
815 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Nshu | Nüshu |
女書 |
816 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Ogam | Ogham |
オガム文字 |
817 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Orkh | Orkhon |
オルホン文字 |
818 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Osma | Osmanya |
オスマニア文字 |
819 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Palm | Palmyrene |
パルミラ文字 |
820 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Pauc | Pau Cin Hau |
パウ・チン・ハウ文字 |
821 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Perm | Old Permic |
古ぺルム文字 |
822 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Phag | Phags-pa |
パスパ文字 |
823 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Phli | Inscriptional Pahlavi |
碑文パフラヴィー文字 |
824 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Phlp | Psalter Pahlavi |
詩編用パフラヴィー文字 |
825 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Phnx | Phoenician |
フェニキア文字 |
826 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Prti | Inscriptional Parthian |
碑文パルティア文字 |
827 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Rjng | Rejang |
ルジャン文字 |
828 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Runr | Runic |
ルーン文字 |
829 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Samr | Samaritan |
サマリア文字 |
830 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Sarb | Old South Arabian |
古代南アラビア文字 |
831 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Sgnw | SignWriting |
手話文字 |
832 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Shaw | Shavian |
ショー文字 |
833 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Shrd | Sharada |
シャーラダー文字 |
834 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Sidd | Siddham |
梵字 |
835 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Sind | Khudawadi |
クダワディ文字 |
836 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Sora | Sora Sompeng |
ソラング・ソンペング文字 |
837 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Tagb | Tagbanwa |
タグバンワ文字 |
838 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Takr | Takri |
タークリー文字 |
839 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Tang | Tangut |
西夏文字 |
840 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Tglg | Tagalog |
タガログ文字 |
841 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Tirh | Tirhuta |
ティルフータ文字 |
842 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Toto | = |
Toto |
843 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Ugar | Ugaritic |
ウガリット文字 |
844 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Wara | Varang Kshiti |
バラン・クシティ文字 |
845 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Xpeo | Old Persian |
古代ペルシア文字 |
846 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Historic | Xsux | Sumero-Akkadian Cuneiform |
シュメール=アッカド語楔形文字 |
847 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Afak | Afaka |
アファカ文字 |
848 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Aran | Nastaliq |
ナスタアリーク体 |
849 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Blis | Blissymbols |
ブリスシンボル |
850 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Brai | Braille |
ブライユ点字 |
851 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Cirt | Cirth |
キアス文字 |
852 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Cyrs | Old Church Slavonic Cyrillic |
古代教会スラブ語キリル文字 |
853 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Egyd | Egyptian demotic |
エジプト民衆文字 |
854 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Egyh | Egyptian hieratic |
エジプト神官文字 |
855 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Geok | Georgian Khutsuri |
ジョージア文字(フツリ) |
856 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Hrkt | Japanese syllabaries |
仮名 |
857 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Inds | Indus |
インダス文字 |
858 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Jurc | Jurchen |
女真文字 |
859 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Kpel | Kpelle |
クペレ文字 |
860 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Latf | Fraktur Latin |
ラテン文字(ドイツ文字) |
861 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Latg | Gaelic Latin |
ラテン文字 (ゲール文字) |
862 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Loma | Loma |
ロマ文字 |
863 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Maya | Mayan hieroglyphs |
マヤ象形文字 |
864 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Moon | Moon |
ムーン文字 |
865 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Nkgb | Naxi Geba |
ナシ族ゲバ文字 |
866 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Phlv | Book Pahlavi |
書物用パフラヴィー文字 |
867 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Roro | Rongorongo |
ロンゴロンゴ文字 |
868 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Sara | Sarati |
サラティ文字 |
869 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Syre | Estrangelo Syriac |
シリア文字(エストランゲロ文字) |
870 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Syrj | Western Syriac |
シリア文字(西方シリア文字) |
871 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Syrn | Eastern Syriac |
シリア文字(東方シリア文字) |
872 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Teng | Tengwar |
テングワール文字 |
873 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Visp | Visible Speech |
視話法 |
874 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Wole | Woleai |
ウォレアイ文字 |
875 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Zmth | Mathematical Notation |
数学記号 |
876 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Zsye | Emoji |
絵文字 |
877 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Zsym | Symbols |
記号文字 |
878 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Zxxx | Unwritten |
非表記 |
879 | Locale Display Names | Scripts | Other | Zzzz | Unknown Script |
不明な文字 |
880 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | world | 001 | world |
世界 |
881 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | world | 019 | Americas |
アメリカ大陸 |
882 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | world | 002 | Africa |
アフリカ |
883 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | world | 150 | Europe |
ヨーロッパ |
884 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | world | 142 | Asia |
アジア |
885 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | world | 009 | Oceania |
オセアニア |
886 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | world | EU | European Union |
欧州連合 |
887 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | world | EZ | Eurozone |
ユーロ圏 |
888 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | world | UN | United Nations |
国際連合 |
889 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | world | UN-short | UN |
国連 |
890 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Americas | 003 | North America |
北アメリカ大陸 |
891 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Americas | 021 | Northern America |
北アメリカ |
892 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Americas | 013 | Central America |
中央アメリカ |
893 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Americas | 029 | Caribbean |
カリブ |
894 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Americas | 005 | South America |
南アメリカ |
895 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Americas | 419 | Latin America |
ラテンアメリカ |
896 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Africa | 015 | Northern Africa |
北アフリカ |
897 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Africa | 011 | Western Africa |
西アフリカ |
898 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Africa | 017 | Middle Africa |
中部アフリカ |
899 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Africa | 014 | Eastern Africa |
東アフリカ |
900 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Africa | 018 | Southern Africa |
南部アフリカ |
901 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Africa | 202 | Sub-Saharan Africa |
サブサハラアフリカ |
902 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Europe | 154 | Northern Europe |
北ヨーロッパ |
903 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Europe | 155 | Western Europe |
西ヨーロッパ |
904 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Europe | 151 | Eastern Europe |
東ヨーロッパ |
905 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Europe | 039 | Southern Europe |
南ヨーロッパ |
906 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Asia | 145 | Western Asia |
西アジア |
907 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Asia | 143 | Central Asia |
中央アジア |
908 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Asia | 030 | Eastern Asia |
東アジア |
909 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Asia | 034 | Southern Asia |
南アジア |
910 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Asia | 035 | Southeast Asia |
東南アジア |
911 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Oceania | 053 | Australasia |
オーストララシア |
912 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Oceania | 054 | Melanesia |
メラネシア |
913 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Oceania | 057 | Micronesian Region |
ミクロネシア |
914 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Oceania | 061 | Polynesia |
ポリネシア |
915 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Oceania | QO | Outlying Oceania |
オセアニア周辺地域 |
916 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Unknown Region | XA | Pseudo-Accents |
疑似アクセント |
917 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Unknown Region | XB | Pseudo-Bidi |
疑似 BIDI |
918 | Locale Display Names | Geographic Regions | Unknown Region | ZZ | Unknown Region |
不明な地域 |
919 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Northern America | BM | Bermuda |
バミューダ |
920 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Northern America | CA | Canada |
カナダ |
921 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Northern America | GL | Greenland |
グリーンランド |
922 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Northern America | PM | St. Pierre & Miquelon |
サンピエール島・ミクロン島 |
923 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Northern America | US | United States |
アメリカ合衆国 |
924 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Northern America | US-short | US |
アメリカ |
925 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Central America | BZ | Belize |
ベリーズ |
926 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Central America | CR | Costa Rica |
コスタリカ |
927 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Central America | GT | Guatemala |
グアテマラ |
928 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Central America | HN | Honduras |
ホンジュラス |
929 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Central America | MX | Mexico |
メキシコ |
930 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Central America | NI | Nicaragua |
ニカラグア |
931 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Central America | PA | Panama |
パナマ |
932 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Central America | SV | El Salvador |
エルサルバドル |
933 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | AG | Antigua & Barbuda |
アンティグア・バーブーダ |
934 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | AI | Anguilla |
アンギラ |
935 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | AW | Aruba |
アルバ |
936 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | BB | Barbados |
バルバドス |
937 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | BL | St. Barthélemy |
サン・バルテルミー |
938 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | BQ | Caribbean Netherlands |
オランダ領カリブ |
939 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | BS | Bahamas |
バハマ |
940 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | CU | Cuba |
キューバ |
941 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | CW | Curaçao |
キュラソー |
942 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | DM | Dominica |
ドミニカ国 |
943 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | DO | Dominican Republic |
ドミニカ共和国 |
944 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | GD | Grenada |
グレナダ |
945 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | GP | Guadeloupe |
グアドループ |
946 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | HT | Haiti |
ハイチ |
947 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | JM | Jamaica |
ジャマイカ |
948 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | KN | St. Kitts & Nevis |
セントクリストファー・ネーヴィス |
949 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | KY | Cayman Islands |
ケイマン諸島 |
950 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | LC | St. Lucia |
セントルシア |
951 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | MF | St. Martin |
サン・マルタン |
952 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | MQ | Martinique |
マルティニーク |
953 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | MS | Montserrat |
モントセラト |
954 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | PR | Puerto Rico |
プエルトリコ |
955 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | SX | Sint Maarten |
シント・マールテン |
956 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | TC | Turks & Caicos Islands |
タークス・カイコス諸島 |
957 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | TT | Trinidad & Tobago |
トリニダード・トバゴ |
958 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | VC | St. Vincent & Grenadines |
セントビンセント及びグレナディーン諸島 |
959 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | VG | British Virgin Islands |
英領ヴァージン諸島 |
960 | Locale Display Names | Territories (North America) | Caribbean | VI | U.S. Virgin Islands |
米領ヴァージン諸島 |
961 | Locale Display Names | Territories (South America) | South America | AR | Argentina |
アルゼンチン |
962 | Locale Display Names | Territories (South America) | South America | BO | Bolivia |
ボリビア |
963 | Locale Display Names | Territories (South America) | South America | BR | Brazil |
ブラジル |
964 | Locale Display Names | Territories (South America) | South America | BV | Bouvet Island |
ブーベ島 |
965 | Locale Display Names | Territories (South America) | South America | CL | Chile |
チリ |
966 | Locale Display Names | Territories (South America) | South America | CO | Colombia |
コロンビア |
967 | Locale Display Names | Territories (South America) | South America | EC | Ecuador |
エクアドル |
968 | Locale Display Names | Territories (South America) | South America | FK | Falkland Islands |
フォークランド諸島 |
969 | Locale Display Names | Territories (South America) | South America | FK-variant | Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) |
フォークランド諸島 (マルビーナス諸島) |
970 | Locale Display Names | Territories (South America) | South America | GF | French Guiana |
仏領ギアナ |
971 | Locale Display Names | Territories (South America) | South America | GS | South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands |
サウスジョージア・サウスサンドウィッチ諸島 |
972 | Locale Display Names | Territories (South America) | South America | GY | Guyana |
ガイアナ |
973 | Locale Display Names | Territories (South America) | South America | PE | Peru |
ペルー |
974 | Locale Display Names | Territories (South America) | South America | PY | Paraguay |
パラグアイ |
975 | Locale Display Names | Territories (South America) | South America | SR | Suriname |
スリナム |
976 | Locale Display Names | Territories (South America) | South America | UY | Uruguay |
ウルグアイ |
977 | Locale Display Names | Territories (South America) | South America | VE | Venezuela |
ベネズエラ |
978 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Northern Africa | DZ | Algeria |
アルジェリア |
979 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Northern Africa | EG | Egypt |
エジプト |
980 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Northern Africa | EH | Western Sahara |
西サハラ |
981 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Northern Africa | LY | Libya |
リビア |
982 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Northern Africa | MA | Morocco |
モロッコ |
983 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Northern Africa | SD | Sudan |
スーダン |
984 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Northern Africa | TN | Tunisia |
チュニジア |
985 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Northern Africa | EA | Ceuta & Melilla |
セウタ・メリリャ |
986 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Northern Africa | IC | Canary Islands |
カナリア諸島 |
987 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Western Africa | BF | Burkina Faso |
ブルキナファソ |
988 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Western Africa | BJ | Benin |
ベナン |
989 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Western Africa | CI | Côte d’Ivoire |
コートジボワール |
990 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Western Africa | CI-variant | Ivory Coast |
象牙海岸 |
991 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Western Africa | CV | Cape Verde |
カーボベルデ |
992 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Western Africa | GH | Ghana |
ガーナ |
993 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Western Africa | GM | Gambia |
ガンビア |
994 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Western Africa | GN | Guinea |
ギニア |
995 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Western Africa | GW | Guinea-Bissau |
ギニアビサウ |
996 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Western Africa | LR | Liberia |
リベリア |
997 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Western Africa | ML | Mali |
マリ |
998 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Western Africa | MR | Mauritania |
モーリタニア |
999 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Western Africa | NE | Niger |
ニジェール |
1000 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Western Africa | NG | Nigeria |
ナイジェリア |
1001 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Western Africa | SH | St. Helena |
セントヘレナ |
1002 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Western Africa | SL | Sierra Leone |
シエラレオネ |
1003 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Western Africa | SN | Senegal |
セネガル |
1004 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Western Africa | TG | Togo |
トーゴ |
1005 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Middle Africa | AO | Angola |
アンゴラ |
1006 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Middle Africa | CD | Congo - Kinshasa |
コンゴ民主共和国(キンシャサ) |
1007 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Middle Africa | CD-variant | Congo (DRC) |
コンゴ民主共和国 |
1008 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Middle Africa | CF | Central African Republic |
中央アフリカ共和国 |
1009 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Middle Africa | CG | Congo - Brazzaville |
コンゴ共和国(ブラザビル) |
1010 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Middle Africa | CG-variant | Congo (Republic) |
コンゴ共和国 |
1011 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Middle Africa | CM | Cameroon |
カメルーン |
1012 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Middle Africa | GA | Gabon |
ガボン |
1013 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Middle Africa | GQ | Equatorial Guinea |
赤道ギニア |
1014 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Middle Africa | ST | São Tomé & Príncipe |
サントメ・プリンシペ |
1015 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Middle Africa | TD | Chad |
チャド |
1016 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Eastern Africa | BI | Burundi |
ブルンジ |
1017 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Eastern Africa | DJ | Djibouti |
ジブチ |
1018 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Eastern Africa | ER | Eritrea |
エリトリア |
1019 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Eastern Africa | ET | Ethiopia |
エチオピア |
1020 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Eastern Africa | IO | British Indian Ocean Territory |
英領インド洋地域 |
1021 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Eastern Africa | IO-chagos | Chagos Archipelago |
チャゴス諸島 |
1022 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Eastern Africa | KE | Kenya |
ケニア |
1023 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Eastern Africa | KM | Comoros |
コモロ |
1024 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Eastern Africa | MG | Madagascar |
マダガスカル |
1025 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Eastern Africa | MU | Mauritius |
モーリシャス |
1026 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Eastern Africa | MW | Malawi |
マラウイ |
1027 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Eastern Africa | MZ | Mozambique |
モザンビーク |
1028 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Eastern Africa | RE | Réunion |
レユニオン |
1029 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Eastern Africa | RW | Rwanda |
ルワンダ |
1030 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Eastern Africa | SC | Seychelles |
セーシェル |
1031 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Eastern Africa | SO | Somalia |
ソマリア |
1032 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Eastern Africa | SS | South Sudan |
南スーダン |
1033 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Eastern Africa | TF | French Southern Territories |
仏領極南諸島 |
1034 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Eastern Africa | TZ | Tanzania |
タンザニア |
1035 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Eastern Africa | UG | Uganda |
ウガンダ |
1036 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Eastern Africa | YT | Mayotte |
マヨット |
1037 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Eastern Africa | ZM | Zambia |
ザンビア |
1038 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Eastern Africa | ZW | Zimbabwe |
ジンバブエ |
1039 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Southern Africa | BW | Botswana |
ボツワナ |
1040 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Southern Africa | LS | Lesotho |
レソト |
1041 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Southern Africa | NA | Namibia |
ナミビア |
1042 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Southern Africa | SZ | Eswatini |
エスワティニ |
1043 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Southern Africa | SZ-variant | Swaziland |
スワジランド |
1044 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Africa) | Southern Africa | ZA | South Africa |
南アフリカ |
1045 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Northern Europe | GG | Guernsey |
ガーンジー |
1046 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Northern Europe | IM | Isle of Man |
マン島 |
1047 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Northern Europe | JE | Jersey |
ジャージー |
1048 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Northern Europe | AX | Åland Islands |
オーランド諸島 |
1049 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Northern Europe | DK | Denmark |
デンマーク |
1050 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Northern Europe | EE | Estonia |
エストニア |
1051 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Northern Europe | FI | Finland |
フィンランド |
1052 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Northern Europe | FO | Faroe Islands |
フェロー諸島 |
1053 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Northern Europe | GB | United Kingdom |
イギリス |
1054 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Northern Europe | GB-short | UK |
英国 |
1055 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Northern Europe-Subdivisions | gbeng | England |
イングランド |
1056 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Northern Europe-Subdivisions | gbsct | Scotland |
スコットランド |
1057 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Northern Europe-Subdivisions | gbwls | Wales |
ウェールズ |
1058 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Northern Europe | IE | Ireland |
アイルランド |
1059 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Northern Europe | IS | Iceland |
アイスランド |
1060 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Northern Europe | LT | Lithuania |
リトアニア |
1061 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Northern Europe | LV | Latvia |
ラトビア |
1062 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Northern Europe | NO | Norway |
ノルウェー |
1063 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Northern Europe | SE | Sweden |
スウェーデン |
1064 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Northern Europe | SJ | Svalbard & Jan Mayen |
スバールバル諸島・ヤンマイエン島 |
1065 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Western Europe | AT | Austria |
オーストリア |
1066 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Western Europe | BE | Belgium |
ベルギー |
1067 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Western Europe | CH | Switzerland |
スイス |
1068 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Western Europe | DE | Germany |
ドイツ |
1069 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Western Europe | FR | France |
フランス |
1070 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Western Europe | LI | Liechtenstein |
リヒテンシュタイン |
1071 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Western Europe | LU | Luxembourg |
ルクセンブルク |
1072 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Western Europe | MC | Monaco |
モナコ |
1073 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Western Europe | NL | Netherlands |
オランダ |
1074 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Eastern Europe | BG | Bulgaria |
ブルガリア |
1075 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Eastern Europe | BY | Belarus |
ベラルーシ |
1076 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Eastern Europe | CZ | Czechia |
チェコ |
1077 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Eastern Europe | CZ-variant | Czech Republic |
チェコ共和国 |
1078 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Eastern Europe | HU | Hungary |
ハンガリー |
1079 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Eastern Europe | MD | Moldova |
モルドバ |
1080 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Eastern Europe | PL | Poland |
ポーランド |
1081 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Eastern Europe | RO | Romania |
ルーマニア |
1082 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Eastern Europe | RU | Russia |
ロシア |
1083 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Eastern Europe | SK | Slovakia |
スロバキア |
1084 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Eastern Europe | UA | Ukraine |
ウクライナ |
1085 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Southern Europe | AD | Andorra |
アンドラ |
1086 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Southern Europe | AL | Albania |
アルバニア |
1087 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Southern Europe | BA | Bosnia & Herzegovina |
ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ |
1088 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Southern Europe | ES | Spain |
スペイン |
1089 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Southern Europe | GI | Gibraltar |
ジブラルタル |
1090 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Southern Europe | GR | Greece |
ギリシャ |
1091 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Southern Europe | HR | Croatia |
クロアチア |
1092 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Southern Europe | IT | Italy |
イタリア |
1093 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Southern Europe | ME | Montenegro |
モンテネグロ |
1094 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Southern Europe | MK | North Macedonia |
北マケドニア |
1095 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Southern Europe | MT | Malta |
マルタ |
1096 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Southern Europe | RS | Serbia |
セルビア |
1097 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Southern Europe | PT | Portugal |
ポルトガル |
1098 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Southern Europe | SI | Slovenia |
スロベニア |
1099 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Southern Europe | SM | San Marino |
サンマリノ |
1100 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Southern Europe | VA | Vatican City |
バチカン市国 |
1101 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Europe) | Southern Europe | XK | Kosovo |
コソボ |
1102 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Western Asia | AE | United Arab Emirates |
アラブ首長国連邦 |
1103 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Western Asia | AM | Armenia |
アルメニア |
1104 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Western Asia | AZ | Azerbaijan |
アゼルバイジャン |
1105 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Western Asia | BH | Bahrain |
バーレーン |
1106 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Western Asia | CY | Cyprus |
キプロス |
1107 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Western Asia | GE | Georgia |
ジョージア |
1108 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Western Asia | IL | Israel |
イスラエル |
1109 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Western Asia | IQ | Iraq |
イラク |
1110 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Western Asia | JO | Jordan |
ヨルダン |
1111 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Western Asia | KW | Kuwait |
クウェート |
1112 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Western Asia | LB | Lebanon |
レバノン |
1113 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Western Asia | OM | Oman |
オマーン |
1114 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Western Asia | PS | Palestinian Territories |
パレスチナ自治区 |
1115 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Western Asia | PS-short | Palestine |
パレスチナ |
1116 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Western Asia | QA | Qatar |
カタール |
1117 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Western Asia | SA | Saudi Arabia |
サウジアラビア |
1118 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Western Asia | SY | Syria |
シリア |
1119 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Western Asia | TR | Türkiye |
トルコ |
1120 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Western Asia | TR-variant | Turkey |
テュルキエ |
1121 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Western Asia | YE | Yemen |
イエメン |
1122 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Central Asia | TM | Turkmenistan |
トルクメニスタン |
1123 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Central Asia | TJ | Tajikistan |
タジキスタン |
1124 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Central Asia | KG | Kyrgyzstan |
キルギス |
1125 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Central Asia | KZ | Kazakhstan |
カザフスタン |
1126 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Central Asia | UZ | Uzbekistan |
ウズベキスタン |
1127 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Eastern Asia | CN | China |
中国 |
1128 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Eastern Asia | HK | Hong Kong SAR China |
中華人民共和国香港特別行政区 |
1129 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Eastern Asia | HK-short | Hong Kong |
香港 |
1130 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Eastern Asia | JP | Japan |
日本 |
1131 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Eastern Asia | KP | North Korea |
北朝鮮 |
1132 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Eastern Asia | KR | South Korea |
韓国 |
1133 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Eastern Asia | MN | Mongolia |
モンゴル |
1134 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Eastern Asia | MO | Macao SAR China |
中華人民共和国マカオ特別行政区 |
1135 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Eastern Asia | MO-short | Macao |
マカオ |
1136 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Eastern Asia | TW | Taiwan |
台湾 |
1137 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Southern Asia | AF | Afghanistan |
アフガニスタン |
1138 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Southern Asia | BD | Bangladesh |
バングラデシュ |
1139 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Southern Asia | BT | Bhutan |
ブータン |
1140 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Southern Asia | IN | India |
インド |
1141 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Southern Asia | IR | Iran |
イラン |
1142 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Southern Asia | LK | Sri Lanka |
スリランカ |
1143 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Southern Asia | MV | Maldives |
モルディブ |
1144 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Southern Asia | NP | Nepal |
ネパール |
1145 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Southern Asia | PK | Pakistan |
パキスタン |
1146 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Southeast Asia | BN | Brunei |
ブルネイ |
1147 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Southeast Asia | ID | Indonesia |
インドネシア |
1148 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Southeast Asia | KH | Cambodia |
カンボジア |
1149 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Southeast Asia | LA | Laos |
ラオス |
1150 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Southeast Asia | MM | Myanmar (Burma) |
ミャンマー (ビルマ) |
1151 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Southeast Asia | MY | Malaysia |
マレーシア |
1152 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Southeast Asia | PH | Philippines |
フィリピン |
1153 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Southeast Asia | SG | Singapore |
シンガポール |
1154 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Southeast Asia | TH | Thailand |
タイ |
1155 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Southeast Asia | TL | Timor-Leste |
東ティモール |
1156 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Southeast Asia | TL-variant | East Timor |
東チモール |
1157 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Asia) | Southeast Asia | VN | Vietnam |
ベトナム |
1158 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Australasia | AU | Australia |
オーストラリア |
1159 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Australasia | CC | Cocos (Keeling) Islands |
ココス(キーリング)諸島 |
1160 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Australasia | CX | Christmas Island |
クリスマス島 |
1161 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Australasia | HM | Heard & McDonald Islands |
ハード島・マクドナルド諸島 |
1162 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Australasia | NF | Norfolk Island |
ノーフォーク島 |
1163 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Australasia | NZ | New Zealand |
ニュージーランド |
1164 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Australasia | NZ-variant | Aotearoa New Zealand |
アオテアロア・ニュージーランド |
1165 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Melanesia | FJ | Fiji |
フィジー |
1166 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Melanesia | NC | New Caledonia |
ニューカレドニア |
1167 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Melanesia | PG | Papua New Guinea |
パプアニューギニア |
1168 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Melanesia | SB | Solomon Islands |
ソロモン諸島 |
1169 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Melanesia | VU | Vanuatu |
バヌアツ |
1170 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Micronesian Region | FM | Micronesia |
ミクロネシア連邦 |
1171 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Micronesian Region | GU | Guam |
グアム |
1172 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Micronesian Region | KI | Kiribati |
キリバス |
1173 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Micronesian Region | MH | Marshall Islands |
マーシャル諸島 |
1174 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Micronesian Region | MP | Northern Mariana Islands |
北マリアナ諸島 |
1175 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Micronesian Region | NR | Nauru |
ナウル |
1176 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Micronesian Region | PW | Palau |
パラオ |
1177 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Micronesian Region | UM | U.S. Outlying Islands |
合衆国領有小離島 |
1178 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Polynesia | AS | American Samoa |
米領サモア |
1179 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Polynesia | CK | Cook Islands |
クック諸島 |
1180 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Polynesia | NU | Niue |
ニウエ |
1181 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Polynesia | PF | French Polynesia |
仏領ポリネシア |
1182 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Polynesia | PN | Pitcairn Islands |
ピトケアン諸島 |
1183 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Polynesia | TK | Tokelau |
トケラウ |
1184 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Polynesia | TO | Tonga |
トンガ |
1185 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Polynesia | TV | Tuvalu |
ツバル |
1186 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Polynesia | WF | Wallis & Futuna |
ウォリス・フツナ |
1187 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Polynesia | WS | Samoa |
サモア |
1188 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Outlying Oceania | AQ | Antarctica |
南極 |
1189 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Outlying Oceania | AC | Ascension Island |
アセンション島 |
1190 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Outlying Oceania | CP | Clipperton Island |
クリッパートン島 |
1191 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Outlying Oceania | DG | Diego Garcia |
ディエゴガルシア島 |
1192 | Locale Display Names | Territories (Oceania) | Outlying Oceania | TA | Tristan da Cunha |
トリスタン・ダ・クーニャ |
1193 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | 1606NICT | Late Middle French to 1606 |
後期中世フランス語(〜1606) |
1194 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | 1694ACAD | Early Modern French |
初期現代フランス語 |
1195 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | 1901 | Traditional German orthography |
ドイツ語旧正書法 |
1196 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | 1959ACAD | Academic |
標準ベラルーシ語 (1959) |
1197 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | 1994 | Standardized Resian orthography |
標準レージア方言正書法 |
1198 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | 1996 | German orthography of 1996 |
ドイツ語正書法(1996) |
1199 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | ALALC97 | ALA-LC Romanization, 1997 edition |
ALA-LCラテン文字化(1997) |
1200 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | ALUKU | Aluku dialect |
アロコ方言 |
1201 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | AREVELA | Eastern Armenian |
東アルメニア文語 |
1202 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | AREVMDA | Western Armenian |
西アルメニア文語 |
1203 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | BAKU1926 | Unified Turkic Latin Alphabet |
統一トルコラテン文字 |
1204 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | BAUDDHA | n/a |
バウッダ |
1205 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | BISCAYAN | n/a |
ビスカヤ語 |
1206 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | BISKE | San Giorgio/Bila dialect |
サン・ジョルジョ/ビーラ方言 |
1207 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | BOHORIC | Bohorič alphabet |
ボホリッツ・アルファベット |
1208 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | BOONT | Boontling |
ブーントリング |
1209 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | DAJNKO | Dajnko alphabet |
ダインチッツァ |
1210 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | EMODENG | Early Modern English |
初期近代英語 |
1211 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | FONIPA | IPA Phonetics |
国際音声記号 |
1212 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | FONUPA | UPA Phonetics |
ウラル音声記号 |
1213 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | FONXSAMP | n/a |
フォンクサンプ |
1214 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | HEPBURN | Hepburn romanization |
ヘボン式ローマ字 |
1215 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | HOGNORSK | n/a |
ヘグノシュク |
1216 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | ITIHASA | n/a |
イティハーサ |
1217 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | JAUER | n/a |
ヤウエル |
1218 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | JYUTPING | n/a |
略称粤拼 |
1219 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | KKCOR | Common Orthography |
共通コーンウォール語正書法 |
1220 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | KSCOR | Standard Orthography |
標準コーンウォール語正書法 |
1221 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | LAUKIKA | n/a |
ラウキカ |
1222 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | LIPAW | The Lipovaz dialect of Resian |
レージア方言 リポヴァツ方言 |
1223 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | METELKO | Metelko alphabet |
メテルチッツァ |
1224 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | MONOTON | Monotonic |
モノトニック |
1225 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | NDYUKA | Ndyuka dialect |
ンジュカ方言 |
1226 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | NEDIS | Natisone dialect |
ナティゾーネ方言 |
1227 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | NJIVA | Gniva/Njiva dialect |
ニヴァ方言 |
1228 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | NULIK | Modern Volapük |
現代ヴォラピュク語 |
1229 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | OSOJS | Oseacco/Osojane dialect |
オゼアッコ/オソヤネ方言 |
1230 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | PAMAKA | Pamaka dialect |
パマカ方言 |
1231 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | PINYIN | Pinyin Romanization |
ピン音(ローマ字表記法) |
1232 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | POLYTON | Polytonic |
ポリトニック |
1233 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | POSIX | Computer |
コンピュータ |
1234 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | PUTER | n/a |
プーター |
1235 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | REVISED | Revised Orthography |
改訂版 |
1236 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | RIGIK | Classic Volapük |
古典ヴォラピュク語 |
1237 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | ROZAJ | Resian |
レシア方言 |
1238 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | SAAHO | Saho |
サホ語 |
1239 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | SCOTLAND | Scottish Standard English |
スコットランド標準英語 |
1240 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | SCOUSE | Scouse |
リバプール方言 |
1241 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | SOLBA | Stolvizza/Solbica dialect |
ストルヴィッツァ/ソルビツァ方言 |
1242 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | SURMIRAN | n/a |
スルミラン |
1243 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | SURSILV | n/a |
スルシルヴァン |
1244 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | SUTSILV | n/a |
ストシルヴァン |
1245 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | TARASK | Taraskievica orthography |
タラシケヴィツァ正書法 |
1246 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | UCCOR | Unified Orthography |
統一コーンウォール語正書法 |
1247 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | UCRCOR | Unified Revised Orthography |
改訂統一コーンウォール語正書法 |
1248 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | ULSTER | n/a |
アルスター |
1249 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | VAIDIKA | n/a |
ヴァイディカ |
1250 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | VALENCIA | Valencian |
バレンシア方言 |
1251 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | VALLADER | n/a |
ヴァラダー |
1252 | Locale Display Names | Locale Variants | null | WADEGILE | Wade-Giles Romanization |
ウェード式ローマ字表記法 |
1253 | Locale Display Names | Keys | calendar | calendar | Calendar |
暦法 |
1254 | Locale Display Names | Keys | calendar | calendar-buddhist | Buddhist Calendar |
仏暦 |
1255 | Locale Display Names | Keys | calendar | calendar-chinese | Chinese Calendar |
中国暦 |
1256 | Locale Display Names | Keys | calendar | calendar-coptic | Coptic Calendar |
コプト暦 |
1257 | Locale Display Names | Keys | calendar | calendar-dangi | Dangi Calendar |
ダンギ暦 |
1258 | Locale Display Names | Keys | calendar | calendar-ethiopic | Ethiopic Calendar |
エチオピア暦 |
1259 | Locale Display Names | Keys | calendar | calendar-ethiopic-amete-alem | Ethiopic Amete Alem Calendar |
エチオピア創世紀元暦 |
1260 | Locale Display Names | Keys | calendar | calendar-gregorian | Gregorian Calendar |
西暦(グレゴリオ暦) |
1261 | Locale Display Names | Keys | calendar | calendar-hebrew | Hebrew Calendar |
ユダヤ暦 |
1262 | Locale Display Names | Keys | calendar | calendar-indian | Indian National Calendar |
インド国定暦 |
1263 | Locale Display Names | Keys | calendar | calendar-islamic | Hijri Calendar |
イスラム暦 |
1264 | Locale Display Names | Keys | calendar | calendar-islamic-civil | Hijri Calendar (tabular, civil epoch) |
イスラム暦(定周期、公民紀元) |
1265 | Locale Display Names | Keys | calendar | calendar-islamic-rgsa | Hijri Calendar (Saudi Arabia, sighting) |
イスラム暦(サウジアラビア、月観測) |
1266 | Locale Display Names | Keys | calendar | calendar-islamic-tbla | Hijri Calendar (tabular, astronomical epoch) |
イスラム歴(定周期、天文紀元) |
1267 | Locale Display Names | Keys | calendar | calendar-islamic-umalqura | Hijri Calendar (Umm al-Qura) |
イスラム暦(ウンム・アルクラー) |
1268 | Locale Display Names | Keys | calendar | calendar-iso8601 | ISO-8601 Calendar |
ISO-8601 |
1269 | Locale Display Names | Keys | calendar | calendar-japanese | Japanese Calendar |
和暦 |
1270 | Locale Display Names | Keys | calendar | calendar-persian | Persian Calendar |
ペルシア暦 |
1271 | Locale Display Names | Keys | calendar | calendar-roc | Minguo Calendar |
中華民国暦 |
1272 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colAlternate | colAlternate | Ignore Symbols Sorting |
記号を無視した並べ替え |
1273 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colAlternate | colAlternate-non-ignorable | Sort Symbols |
記号で並べ替え |
1274 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colAlternate | colAlternate-shifted | Sort Ignoring Symbols |
記号を無視して並べ替え |
1275 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colBackwards | colBackwards | Reversed Accent Sorting |
アクセント(逆方向)による並べ替え |
1276 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colBackwards | colBackwards-no | Sort Accents Normally |
アクセント(順方向)で並べ替え |
1277 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colBackwards | colBackwards-yes | Sort Accents Reversed |
アクセント(逆方向)で並べ替え |
1278 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colCaseFirst | colCaseFirst | Uppercase/Lowercase Ordering |
大文字順/小文字順による並べ替え |
1279 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colCaseFirst | colCaseFirst-lower | Sort Lowercase First |
小文字優先で並べ替え |
1280 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colCaseFirst | colCaseFirst-no | Sort Normal Case Order |
大文字小文字を通常の順序で並べ替え |
1281 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colCaseFirst | colCaseFirst-upper | Sort Uppercase First |
大文字優先で並べ替え |
1282 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colCaseLevel | colCaseLevel | Case Sensitive Sorting |
大文字小文字を区別した並べ替え |
1283 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colCaseLevel | colCaseLevel-no | Sort Case Insensitive |
大文字小文字を区別しないで並べ替え |
1284 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colCaseLevel | colCaseLevel-yes | Sort Case Sensitive |
大文字小文字を区別して並べ替え |
1285 | Locale Display Names | Keys | collation | collation | Sort Order |
並べ替え順序 |
1286 | Locale Display Names | Keys | collation | collation-big5han | Traditional Chinese Sort Order - Big5 |
繁体字中国語順(Big5) |
1287 | Locale Display Names | Keys | collation | collation-compat | Previous Sort Order, for compatibility |
以前の順序(互換性) |
1288 | Locale Display Names | Keys | collation | collation-dictionary | Dictionary Sort Order |
辞書順 |
1289 | Locale Display Names | Keys | collation | collation-ducet | Default Unicode Sort Order |
ユニコード照合順 |
1290 | Locale Display Names | Keys | collation | collation-emoji | Emoji Sort Order |
emoji |
1291 | Locale Display Names | Keys | collation | collation-eor | European Ordering Rules |
ヨーロッパ言語文字の並べ替え規則 |
1292 | Locale Display Names | Keys | collation | collation-gb2312han | Simplified Chinese Sort Order - GB2312 |
簡体字中国語順(GB2312) |
1293 | Locale Display Names | Keys | collation | collation-phonebook | Phonebook Sort Order |
電話帳順 |
1294 | Locale Display Names | Keys | collation | collation-phonetic | Phonetic Sort Order |
音声順による並べ替え |
1295 | Locale Display Names | Keys | collation | collation-pinyin | Pinyin Sort Order |
ピンイン順 |
1296 | Locale Display Names | Keys | collation | collation-search | General-Purpose Search |
汎用検索 |
1297 | Locale Display Names | Keys | collation | collation-searchjl | Search By Hangul Initial Consonant |
ハングル語頭子音による並べ替え |
1298 | Locale Display Names | Keys | collation | collation-standard | Standard Sort Order |
標準並べ替え順序 |
1299 | Locale Display Names | Keys | collation | collation-stroke | Stroke Sort Order |
画数順 |
1300 | Locale Display Names | Keys | collation | collation-traditional | Traditional Sort Order |
トラディッショナル |
1301 | Locale Display Names | Keys | collation | collation-unihan | Radical-Stroke Sort Order |
部首順 |
1302 | Locale Display Names | Keys | collation | collation-zhuyin | Zhuyin Sort Order |
注音順 |
1303 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colNormalization | colNormalization | Normalized Sorting |
正規化による並べ替え |
1304 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colNormalization | colNormalization-no | Sort Without Normalization |
正規化しないで並べ替え |
1305 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colNormalization | colNormalization-yes | Sort Unicode Normalized |
Unicode 正規化で並べ替え |
1306 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colNumeric | colNumeric | Numeric Sorting |
数値による並べ替え |
1307 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colNumeric | colNumeric-no | Sort Digits Individually |
数値を独立して並べ替え |
1308 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colNumeric | colNumeric-yes | Sort Digits Numerically |
数値を数値として並べ替え |
1309 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colStrength | colStrength | Sorting Strength |
強度による並べ替え |
1310 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colStrength | colStrength-identical | Sort All |
すべてを区別して並べ替え |
1311 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colStrength | colStrength-primary | Sort Base Letters Only |
基本文字のみで並べ替え |
1312 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colStrength | colStrength-quaternary | Sort Accents/Case/Width/Kana |
アクセント/大文字小文字/全角半角/仮名で並べ替え |
1313 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colStrength | colStrength-secondary | Sort Accents |
アクセントで並べ替え |
1314 | Locale Display Names | Keys | colStrength | colStrength-tertiary | Sort Accents/Case/Width |
アクセント/大文字小文字/全角半角で並べ替え |
1315 | Locale Display Names | Keys | currency | currency | Currency |
通貨 |
1316 | Locale Display Names | Keys | Currency Format | cf | Currency Format |
通貨フォーマット |
1317 | Locale Display Names | Keys | Currency Format | cf-account | Accounting Currency Format |
会計通貨フォーマット |
1318 | Locale Display Names | Keys | Currency Format | cf-standard | Standard Currency Format |
標準通貨フォーマット |
1319 | Locale Display Names | Keys | d0 | d0-fwidth | To Fullwidth |
全角 |
1320 | Locale Display Names | Keys | d0 | d0-hwidth | To Halfwidth |
半角 |
1321 | Locale Display Names | Keys | d0 | d0-npinyin | To Pinyin With Numeric Tones |
数字 |
1322 | Locale Display Names | Keys | Hour Cycle | hc | Hour Cycle (12 vs 24) |
時間制(12 / 24) |
1323 | Locale Display Names | Keys | Hour Cycle | hc-h11 | 12 Hour System (0–11) |
12時間制(0〜11) |
1324 | Locale Display Names | Keys | Hour Cycle | hc-h12 | 12 Hour System (1–12) |
12時間制(1〜12) |
1325 | Locale Display Names | Keys | Hour Cycle | hc-h23 | 24 Hour System (0–23) |
24時間制(0〜23) |
1326 | Locale Display Names | Keys | Hour Cycle | hc-h24 | 24 Hour System (1–24) |
24時間制(1〜24) |
1327 | Locale Display Names | Keys | Line Break | lb | Line Break Style |
禁則処理 |
1328 | Locale Display Names | Keys | Line Break | lb-loose | Loose Line Break Style |
禁則処理(弱) |
1329 | Locale Display Names | Keys | Line Break | lb-normal | Normal Line Break Style |
禁則処理(標準) |
1330 | Locale Display Names | Keys | Line Break | lb-strict | Strict Line Break Style |
禁則処理(強) |
1331 | Locale Display Names | Keys | m0 | m0-bgn | US BGN Transliteration |
1332 | Locale Display Names | Keys | m0 | m0-ungegn | UN GEGN Transliteration |
1333 | Locale Display Names | Keys | Measurement System | ms | Measurement System |
単位系 |
1334 | Locale Display Names | Keys | Measurement System | ms-metric | Metric System |
メートル法 |
1335 | Locale Display Names | Keys | Measurement System | ms-uksystem | Imperial Measurement System |
ヤード・ポンド法 |
1336 | Locale Display Names | Keys | Measurement System | ms-ussystem | US Measurement System |
米慣習単位 |
1337 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers | Numbers |
数値書式 |
1338 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-ahom | Ahom Digits |
ahom |
1339 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-arab | Arabic-Indic Digits |
アラビア・インド数字 |
1340 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-arabext | Extended Arabic-Indic Digits |
ペルシア数字 |
1341 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-armn | Armenian Numerals |
アルメニア数字 |
1342 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-armnlow | Armenian Lowercase Numerals |
アルメニア数字(小文字) |
1343 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-bali | Balinese Digits |
バリ数字 |
1344 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-beng | Bangla Digits |
ベンガル数字 |
1345 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-brah | Brahmi Digits |
ブラーフミー数字 |
1346 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-cakm | Chakma Digits |
チャクマ数字 |
1347 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-cham | Cham Digits |
チャム数字 |
1348 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-cyrl | Cyrillic Numerals |
cyrl |
1349 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-deva | Devanagari Digits |
デーバナーガリー数字 |
1350 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-diak | Dives Akuru Digits |
diak |
1351 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-ethi | Ethiopic Numerals |
エチオピア数字 |
1352 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-finance | Financial Numerals |
財務用漢数字 |
1353 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-fullwide | Full-Width Digits |
全角数字 |
1354 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-gara | Garay Digits |
gara |
1355 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-geor | Georgian Numerals |
ジョージア数字 |
1356 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-gong | Gunjala Gondi digits |
gong |
1357 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-gonm | Masaram Gondi digits |
gonm |
1358 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-grek | Greek Numerals |
ギリシャ数字 |
1359 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-greklow | Greek Lowercase Numerals |
ギリシャ数字(小文字) |
1360 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-gujr | Gujarati Digits |
グジャラート数字 |
1361 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-gukh | Gurung Khema Digits |
gukh |
1362 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-guru | Gurmukhi Digits |
グルムキー数字 |
1363 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-hanidec | Chinese Decimal Numerals |
漢数字(位取り記数法) |
1364 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-hans | Simplified Chinese Numerals |
簡体漢数字 |
1365 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-hansfin | Simplified Chinese Financial Numerals |
簡体大字 |
1366 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-hant | Traditional Chinese Numerals |
繁体漢数字 |
1367 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-hantfin | Traditional Chinese Financial Numerals |
繁体大字 |
1368 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-hebr | Hebrew Numerals |
ヘブライ数字 |
1369 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-hmng | Pahawh Hmong Digits |
hmng |
1370 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-hmnp | Nyiakeng Puachue Hmong Digits |
hmnp |
1371 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-java | Javanese Digits |
ジャワ数字 |
1372 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-jpan | Japanese Numerals |
漢数字 |
1373 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-jpanfin | Japanese Financial Numerals |
大字 |
1374 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-kali | Kayah Li Digits |
カヤー数字 |
1375 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-kawi | Kawi Digits |
kawi |
1376 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-khmr | Khmer Digits |
クメール数字 |
1377 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-knda | Kannada Digits |
カンナダ数字 |
1378 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-krai | Kirat Rai Digits |
krai |
1379 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-lana | Tai Tham Hora Digits |
ラーンナー数字 |
1380 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-lanatham | Tai Tham Tham Digits |
ラーンナー・タム数字 |
1381 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-laoo | Lao Digits |
ラオ数字 |
1382 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-latn | Western Digits |
算用数字 |
1383 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-lepc | Lepcha Digits |
レプチャ数字 |
1384 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-limb | Limbu Digits |
リンブ数字 |
1385 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-mathbold | Mathematical Bold Digits |
mathbold |
1386 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-mathdbl | Mathematical Double-Struck Digits |
mathdbl |
1387 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-mathmono | Mathematical Monospace Digits |
mathmono |
1388 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-mathsanb | Mathematical Sans-Serif Bold Digits |
mathsanb |
1389 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-mathsans | Mathematical Sans-Serif Digits |
mathsans |
1390 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-mlym | Malayalam Digits |
マラヤーラム数字 |
1391 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-modi | Modi Digits |
modi |
1392 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-mong | Mongolian Digits |
モンゴル数字 |
1393 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-mroo | Mro Digits |
mroo |
1394 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-mtei | Meetei Mayek Digits |
マニプリ数字 |
1395 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-mymr | Myanmar Digits |
ミャンマー数字 |
1396 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-mymrepka | Myanmar Eastern Pwo Karen Digits |
mymrepka |
1397 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-mymrpao | Myanmar Pao Digits |
mymrpao |
1398 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-mymrshan | Myanmar Shan Digits |
ミャンマー・シャン数字 |
1399 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-mymrtlng | Myanmar Tai Laing Digits |
mymrtlng |
1400 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-nagm | Nag Mundari Digits |
nagm |
1401 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-native | Native Digits |
独自の記数法 |
1402 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-nkoo | N’Ko Digits |
ンコ数字 |
1403 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-olck | Ol Chiki Digits |
オルチキ数字 |
1404 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-onao | Ol Onal Digits |
onao |
1405 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-orya | Odia Digits |
オディア数字 |
1406 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-osma | Osmanya Digits |
オスマニア数字 |
1407 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-outlined | Outlined Digits |
outlined |
1408 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-rohg | Hanifi Rohingya digits |
rohg |
1409 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-roman | Roman Numerals |
ローマ数字 |
1410 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-romanlow | Roman Lowercase Numerals |
ローマ数字(小文字) |
1411 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-saur | Saurashtra Digits |
サウラーシュトラ数字 |
1412 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-shrd | Sharada Digits |
シャーラダー数字 |
1413 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-sind | Khudawadi Digits |
sind |
1414 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-sinh | Sinhala Lith Digits |
sinh |
1415 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-sora | Sora Sompeng Digits |
ソラ・ソンペン数字 |
1416 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-sund | Sundanese Digits |
スンダ数字 |
1417 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-sunu | Sunuwar Digits |
sunu |
1418 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-takr | Takri Digits |
タークリー数字 |
1419 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-talu | New Tai Lue Digits |
新タイ・ルー数字 |
1420 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-taml | Traditional Tamil Numerals |
伝統的タミル数字 |
1421 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-tamldec | Tamil Digits |
タミル数字 |
1422 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-telu | Telugu Digits |
テルグ数字 |
1423 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-thai | Thai Digits |
タイ数字 |
1424 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-tibt | Tibetan Digits |
チベット数字 |
1425 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-tirh | Tirhuta Digits |
tirh |
1426 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-tnsa | Tangsa Digits |
tnsa |
1427 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-traditional | Traditional Numerals |
従来の記数法 |
1428 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-vaii | Vai Digits |
ヴァイ文字の記数法 |
1429 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-wara | Warang Citi Digits |
wara |
1430 | Locale Display Names | Keys | numbers | numbers-wcho | Wancho Digits |
wcho |
1431 | Locale Display Names | Keys | timezone | timezone | Time Zone |
タイムゾーン |
1432 | Locale Display Names | Keys | va | va | Locale Variant |
ロケールのバリアント |
1433 | Locale Display Names | Keys | x | x | Private-Use |
私用 |
1434 | Date & Time | Fields | Date Fields | era | era |
時代 |
1435 | Date & Time | Fields | Date Fields | year | year |
年 |
1436 | Date & Time | Fields | Date Fields | quarter | quarter |
四半期 |
1437 | Date & Time | Fields | Date Fields | month | month |
月 |
1438 | Date & Time | Fields | Date Fields | week | week |
週 |
1439 | Date & Time | Fields | Date Fields | weekOfMonth | week of month |
月の週番号 |
1440 | Date & Time | Fields | Date Fields | day | day |
日 |
1441 | Date & Time | Fields | Date Fields | dayOfYear | day of year |
年の通日 |
1442 | Date & Time | Fields | Date Fields | dayOfYear-narrow | day of yr. |
通日 |
1443 | Date & Time | Fields | Date Fields | weekday | day of the week |
曜日 |
1444 | Date & Time | Fields | Date Fields | weekdayOfMonth | weekday of the month |
月の曜日番号 |
1445 | Date & Time | Fields | Date Fields | dayperiod | AM/PM |
午前/午後 |
1446 | Date & Time | Fields | Date Fields | zone | time zone |
タイムゾーン |
1447 | Date & Time | Fields | Date Fields | hour | hour |
時 |
1448 | Date & Time | Fields | Date Fields | minute | minute |
分 |
1449 | Date & Time | Fields | Date Fields | second | second |
秒 |
1450 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Year | -1 | last year |
昨年 |
1451 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Year | 0 | this year |
今年 |
1452 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Year | 1 | next year |
来年 |
1453 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Year | future-other | in {0} years |
{0} 年後 |
1454 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Year | past-other | {0} years ago |
{0} 年前 |
1455 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Year Narrow | future-other | in {0}y |
{0}年後 |
1456 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Year Narrow | past-other | {0}y ago |
{0}年前 |
1457 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Quarter | -1 | last quarter |
前四半期 |
1458 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Quarter | 0 | this quarter |
今四半期 |
1459 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Quarter | 1 | next quarter |
翌四半期 |
1460 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Quarter | future-other | in {0} quarters |
{0} 四半期後 |
1461 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Quarter | past-other | {0} quarters ago |
{0} 四半期前 |
1462 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Quarter Narrow | future-other | in {0}q |
{0}四半期後 |
1463 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Quarter Narrow | past-other | {0}q ago |
{0}四半期前 |
1464 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Month | -1 | last month |
先月 |
1465 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Month | 0 | this month |
今月 |
1466 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Month | 1 | next month |
来月 |
1467 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Month | future-other | in {0} months |
{0} か月後 |
1468 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Month | past-other | {0} months ago |
{0} か月前 |
1469 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Month Narrow | future-other | in {0}mo |
{0}か月後 |
1470 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Month Narrow | past-other | {0}mo ago |
{0}か月前 |
1471 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Week | -1 | last week |
先週 |
1472 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Week | 0 | this week |
今週 |
1473 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Week | 1 | next week |
来週 |
1474 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Week | future-other | in {0} weeks |
{0} 週間後 |
1475 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Week | past-other | {0} weeks ago |
{0} 週間前 |
1476 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Week | Period | the week of {0} |
{0} 日の週 |
1477 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Week Narrow | future-other | in {0}w |
{0}週間後 |
1478 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Week Narrow | past-other | {0}w ago |
{0}週間前 |
1479 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Week Narrow | Period | the week of {0} |
{0}日の週 |
1480 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Day | -2 | n/a |
一昨日 |
1481 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Day | -1 | yesterday |
昨日 |
1482 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Day | 0 | today |
今日 |
1483 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Day | 1 | tomorrow |
明日 |
1484 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Day | 2 | n/a |
明後日 |
1485 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Day | future-other | in {0} days |
{0} 日後 |
1486 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Day | past-other | {0} days ago |
{0} 日前 |
1487 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Day Narrow | future-other | in {0}d |
{0}日後 |
1488 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Day Narrow | past-other | {0}d ago |
{0}日前 |
1489 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Hour | 0 | this hour |
1 時間以内 |
1490 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Hour | future-other | in {0} hours |
{0} 時間後 |
1491 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Hour | past-other | {0} hours ago |
{0} 時間前 |
1492 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Hour Narrow | future-other | in {0}h |
{0}時間後 |
1493 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Hour Narrow | past-other | {0}h ago |
{0}時間前 |
1494 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Minute | 0 | this minute |
1 分以内 |
1495 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Minute | future-other | in {0} minutes |
{0} 分後 |
1496 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Minute | past-other | {0} minutes ago |
{0} 分前 |
1497 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Minute Narrow | future-other | in {0}m |
{0}分後 |
1498 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Minute Narrow | past-other | {0}m ago |
{0}分前 |
1499 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Second | 0 | now |
今 |
1500 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Second | future-other | in {0} seconds |
{0} 秒後 |
1501 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Second | past-other | {0} seconds ago |
{0} 秒前 |
1502 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Second Narrow | future-other | in {0}s |
{0}秒後 |
1503 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Second Narrow | past-other | {0}s ago |
{0}秒前 |
1504 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Sunday | -1 | last Sunday |
先週の日曜日 |
1505 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Sunday | 0 | this Sunday |
今週の日曜日 |
1506 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Sunday | 1 | next Sunday |
来週の日曜日 |
1507 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Sunday | future-other | in {0} Sundays |
{0} 個後の日曜日 |
1508 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Sunday | past-other | {0} Sundays ago |
{0} 個前の日曜日 |
1509 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Sunday Short | -1 | last Sun. |
先週の日曜 |
1510 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Sunday Short | 0 | this Sun. |
今週の日曜 |
1511 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Sunday Short | 1 | next Sun. |
来週の日曜 |
1512 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Sunday Short | future-other | in {0} Sun. |
{0} 個後の日曜 |
1513 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Sunday Short | past-other | {0} Sun. ago |
{0} 個前の日曜 |
1514 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Sunday Narrow | future-other | in {0} Su |
{0}個後の日曜 |
1515 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Sunday Narrow | past-other | {0} Su ago |
{0}個前の日曜 |
1516 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Monday | -1 | last Monday |
先週の月曜日 |
1517 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Monday | 0 | this Monday |
今週の月曜日 |
1518 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Monday | 1 | next Monday |
来週の月曜日 |
1519 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Monday | future-other | in {0} Mondays |
{0} 個後の月曜日 |
1520 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Monday | past-other | {0} Mondays ago |
{0} 個前の月曜日 |
1521 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Monday Short | -1 | last Mon. |
先週の月曜 |
1522 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Monday Short | 0 | this Mon. |
今週の月曜 |
1523 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Monday Short | 1 | next Mon. |
来週の月曜 |
1524 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Monday Short | future-other | in {0} Mon. |
{0} 個後の月曜 |
1525 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Monday Short | past-other | {0} Mon. ago |
{0} 個前の月曜 |
1526 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Monday Narrow | future-other | in {0} M |
{0}個後の月曜 |
1527 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Monday Narrow | past-other | {0} M ago |
{0}個前の月曜 |
1528 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Tuesday | -1 | last Tuesday |
先週の火曜日 |
1529 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Tuesday | 0 | this Tuesday |
今週の火曜日 |
1530 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Tuesday | 1 | next Tuesday |
来週の火曜日 |
1531 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Tuesday | future-other | in {0} Tuesdays |
{0} 個後の火曜日 |
1532 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Tuesday | past-other | {0} Tuesdays ago |
{0} 個前の火曜日 |
1533 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Tuesday Short | -1 | last Tue. |
先週の火曜 |
1534 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Tuesday Short | 0 | this Tue. |
今週の火曜 |
1535 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Tuesday Short | 1 | next Tue. |
来週の火曜 |
1536 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Tuesday Short | future-other | in {0} Tue. |
{0} 個後の火曜 |
1537 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Tuesday Short | past-other | {0} Tue. ago |
{0} 個前の火曜 |
1538 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Tuesday Narrow | future-other | in {0} Tu |
{0}個後の火曜 |
1539 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Tuesday Narrow | past-other | {0} Tu ago |
{0}個前の火曜 |
1540 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Wednesday | -1 | last Wednesday |
先週の水曜日 |
1541 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Wednesday | 0 | this Wednesday |
今週の水曜日 |
1542 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Wednesday | 1 | next Wednesday |
来週の水曜日 |
1543 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Wednesday | future-other | in {0} Wednesdays |
{0} 個後の水曜日 |
1544 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Wednesday | past-other | {0} Wednesdays ago |
{0} 個前の水曜日 |
1545 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Wednesday Short | -1 | last Wed. |
先週の水曜 |
1546 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Wednesday Short | 0 | this Wed. |
今週の水曜 |
1547 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Wednesday Short | 1 | next Wed. |
来週の水曜 |
1548 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Wednesday Short | future-other | in {0} Wed. |
{0} 個後の水曜 |
1549 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Wednesday Short | past-other | {0} Wed. ago |
{0} 個前の水曜 |
1550 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Wednesday Narrow | future-other | in {0} W |
{0}個後の水曜 |
1551 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Wednesday Narrow | past-other | {0} W ago |
{0}個前の水曜 |
1552 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Thursday | -1 | last Thursday |
先週の木曜日 |
1553 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Thursday | 0 | this Thursday |
今週の木曜日 |
1554 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Thursday | 1 | next Thursday |
来週の木曜日 |
1555 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Thursday | future-other | in {0} Thursdays |
{0} 個後の木曜日 |
1556 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Thursday | past-other | {0} Thursdays ago |
{0} 個前の木曜日 |
1557 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Thursday Short | -1 | last Thu. |
先週の木曜 |
1558 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Thursday Short | 0 | this Thu. |
今週の木曜 |
1559 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Thursday Short | 1 | next Thu. |
来週の木曜 |
1560 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Thursday Short | future-other | in {0} Thu. |
{0} 個後の木曜 |
1561 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Thursday Short | past-other | {0} Thu. ago |
{0} 個前の木曜 |
1562 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Thursday Narrow | future-other | in {0} Th |
{0}個後の木曜 |
1563 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Thursday Narrow | past-other | {0} Th ago |
{0}個前の木曜 |
1564 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Friday | -1 | last Friday |
先週の金曜日 |
1565 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Friday | 0 | this Friday |
今週の金曜日 |
1566 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Friday | 1 | next Friday |
来週の金曜日 |
1567 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Friday | future-other | in {0} Fridays |
{0} 個後の金曜日 |
1568 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Friday | past-other | {0} Fridays ago |
{0} 個前の金曜日 |
1569 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Friday Short | -1 | last Fri. |
先週の金曜 |
1570 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Friday Short | 0 | this Fri. |
今週の金曜 |
1571 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Friday Short | 1 | next Fri. |
来週の金曜 |
1572 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Friday Short | future-other | in {0} Fri. |
{0} 個後の金曜 |
1573 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Friday Short | past-other | {0} Fri. ago |
{0} 個前の金曜 |
1574 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Friday Narrow | future-other | in {0} F |
{0}個後の金曜 |
1575 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Friday Narrow | past-other | {0} F ago |
{0}個前の金曜 |
1576 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Saturday | -1 | last Saturday |
先週の土曜日 |
1577 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Saturday | 0 | this Saturday |
今週の土曜日 |
1578 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Saturday | 1 | next Saturday |
来週の土曜日 |
1579 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Saturday | future-other | in {0} Saturdays |
{0} 個後の土曜日 |
1580 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Saturday | past-other | {0} Saturdays ago |
{0} 個前の土曜日 |
1581 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Saturday Short | -1 | last Sat. |
先週の土曜 |
1582 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Saturday Short | 0 | this Sat. |
今週の土曜 |
1583 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Saturday Short | 1 | next Sat. |
来週の土曜 |
1584 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Saturday Short | future-other | in {0} Sat. |
{0} 個後の土曜 |
1585 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Saturday Short | past-other | {0} Sat. ago |
{0} 個前の土曜 |
1586 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Saturday Narrow | future-other | in {0} Sa |
{0}個後の土曜 |
1587 | Date & Time | Relative | Relative Saturday Narrow | past-other | {0} Sa ago |
{0}個前の土曜 |
1588 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Eras - abbreviated | 0 | BC |
紀元前 |
1589 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Eras - abbreviated | 0-variant | BCE |
西暦紀元前 |
1590 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Eras - abbreviated | 1 | AD |
西暦 |
1591 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Eras - abbreviated | 1-variant | CE |
西暦紀元 |
1592 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Eras - narrow | 0 | B |
BC |
1593 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Eras - narrow | 1 | A |
AD |
1594 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Quarters - wide - Formatting | 1 | 1st quarter |
第1四半期 |
1595 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Quarters - wide - Formatting | 2 | 2nd quarter |
第2四半期 |
1596 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Quarters - wide - Formatting | 3 | 3rd quarter |
第3四半期 |
1597 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Quarters - wide - Formatting | 4 | 4th quarter |
第4四半期 |
1598 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Quarters - abbreviated - Formatting | 1 | = |
Q1 |
1599 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Quarters - abbreviated - Formatting | 2 | = |
Q2 |
1600 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Quarters - abbreviated - Formatting | 3 | = |
Q3 |
1601 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Quarters - abbreviated - Formatting | 4 | = |
Q4 |
1602 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Quarters - narrow - Standalone | 1 | = |
1 |
1603 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Quarters - narrow - Standalone | 2 | = |
2 |
1604 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Quarters - narrow - Standalone | 3 | = |
3 |
1605 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Quarters - narrow - Standalone | 4 | = |
4 |
1606 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Months - wide - Formatting | Jan | January |
1月 |
1607 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Months - wide - Formatting | Feb | February |
2月 |
1608 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Months - wide - Formatting | Mar | March |
3月 |
1609 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Months - wide - Formatting | Apr | April |
4月 |
1610 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Months - wide - Formatting | May | May |
5月 |
1611 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Months - wide - Formatting | Jun | June |
6月 |
1612 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Months - wide - Formatting | Jul | July |
7月 |
1613 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Months - wide - Formatting | Aug | August |
8月 |
1614 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Months - wide - Formatting | Sep | September |
9月 |
1615 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Months - wide - Formatting | Oct | October |
10月 |
1616 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Months - wide - Formatting | Nov | November |
11月 |
1617 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Months - wide - Formatting | Dec | December |
12月 |
1618 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Months - narrow - Standalone | Jan | J |
1 |
1619 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Months - narrow - Standalone | Feb | F |
2 |
1620 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Months - narrow - Standalone | Mar | M |
3 |
1621 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Months - narrow - Standalone | Apr | A |
4 |
1622 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Months - narrow - Standalone | May | M |
5 |
1623 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Months - narrow - Standalone | Jun | J |
6 |
1624 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Months - narrow - Standalone | Jul | J |
7 |
1625 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Months - narrow - Standalone | Aug | A |
8 |
1626 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Months - narrow - Standalone | Sep | S |
9 |
1627 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Months - narrow - Standalone | Oct | O |
10 |
1628 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Months - narrow - Standalone | Nov | N |
11 |
1629 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Months - narrow - Standalone | Dec | D |
12 |
1630 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Days - wide - Formatting | sun | Sunday |
日曜日 |
1631 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Days - wide - Formatting | mon | Monday |
月曜日 |
1632 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Days - wide - Formatting | tue | Tuesday |
火曜日 |
1633 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Days - wide - Formatting | wed | Wednesday |
水曜日 |
1634 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Days - wide - Formatting | thu | Thursday |
木曜日 |
1635 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Days - wide - Formatting | fri | Friday |
金曜日 |
1636 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Days - wide - Formatting | sat | Saturday |
土曜日 |
1637 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Days - abbreviated - Formatting | sun | Sun |
日 |
1638 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Days - abbreviated - Formatting | mon | Mon |
月 |
1639 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Days - abbreviated - Formatting | tue | Tue |
火 |
1640 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Days - abbreviated - Formatting | wed | Wed |
水 |
1641 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Days - abbreviated - Formatting | thu | Thu |
木 |
1642 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Days - abbreviated - Formatting | fri | Fri |
金 |
1643 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Days - abbreviated - Formatting | sat | Sat |
土 |
1644 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Days - narrow - Standalone | sun | S |
日 |
1645 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Days - narrow - Standalone | mon | M |
月 |
1646 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Days - narrow - Standalone | tue | T |
火 |
1647 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Days - narrow - Standalone | wed | W |
水 |
1648 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Days - narrow - Standalone | thu | T |
木 |
1649 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Days - narrow - Standalone | fri | F |
金 |
1650 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Days - narrow - Standalone | sat | S |
土 |
1651 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Day Periods - abbreviated - Formatting | am | AM |
午前 |
1652 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Day Periods - abbreviated - Formatting | pm | PM |
午後 |
1653 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Day Periods - abbreviated - Formatting | midnight | midnight |
真夜中 |
1654 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Day Periods - abbreviated - Formatting | noon | noon |
正午 |
1655 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Day Periods - abbreviated - Formatting | morning1 | in the morning |
朝 |
1656 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Day Periods - abbreviated - Formatting | afternoon1 | in the afternoon |
昼 |
1657 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Day Periods - abbreviated - Formatting | evening1 | in the evening |
夕方 |
1658 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Day Periods - abbreviated - Formatting | night1 | at night |
夜 |
1659 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Day Periods - abbreviated - Formatting | night2 | n/a |
夜中 |
1660 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Standard - Date Formats | full | EEEE, MMMM d, y |
y年M月d日EEEE |
1661 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Standard - Date Formats | long | MMMM d, y |
y年M月d日 |
1662 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Standard - Date Formats | medium | MMM d, y |
y/MM/dd |
1663 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Standard - Date Formats | short | M/d/yy |
y/MM/dd |
1664 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Standard - Time Formats | full | h:mm:ss a zzzz |
H時mm分ss秒 zzzz |
1665 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Standard - Time Formats | long | h:mm:ss a z |
H:mm:ss z |
1666 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Standard - Time Formats | medium | h:mm:ss a |
H:mm:ss |
1667 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Standard - Time Formats | short | h:mm a |
H:mm |
1668 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formats | full | {1}, {0} |
{1} {0} |
1669 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formats | long | {1}, {0} |
{1} {0} |
1670 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formats | medium | {1}, {0} |
{1} {0} |
1671 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formats | short | {1}, {0} |
{1} {0} |
1672 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMMMW-other | 'week' W 'of' MMMM |
M月第W週 |
1673 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yw-other | 'week' w 'of' Y |
Y年第w週 |
1674 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | d | d |
d日 |
1675 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | E | = |
ccc |
1676 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | Ed | d E |
d日(E) |
1677 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | EEEEd | n/a |
d日EEEE |
1678 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | Gy | y G |
Gy年 |
1679 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMd | M/d/y G |
Gy/M/d |
1680 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMMM | MMM y G |
Gy年M月 |
1681 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMMMd | MMM d, y G |
Gy年M月d日 |
1682 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMMMEd | E, MMM d, y G |
Gy年M月d日(E) |
1683 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMMMEEEEd | n/a |
Gy年M月d日EEEE |
1684 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | M | L |
M月 |
1685 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | Md | = |
M/d |
1686 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MEd | E, M/d |
M/d(E) |
1687 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MEEEEd | n/a |
1688 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMM | LLL |
M月 |
1689 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMMd | MMM d |
M月d日 |
1690 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMMEd | E, MMM d |
M月d日(E) |
1691 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMMEEEEd | n/a |
M月d日EEEE |
1692 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMMMd | MMMM d |
M月d日 |
1693 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | y | y |
y年 |
1694 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yM | M/y |
y/M |
1695 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yMd | M/d/y |
y/M/d |
1696 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yMEd | E, M/d/y |
y/M/d(E) |
1697 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yMEEEEd | n/a |
y/M/dEEEE |
1698 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yMM | n/a |
y/MM |
1699 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yMMM | MMM y |
y年M月 |
1700 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yMMMd | MMM d, y |
y年M月d日 |
1701 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yMMMEd | E, MMM d, y |
y年M月d日(E) |
1702 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yMMMEEEEd | n/a |
y年M月d日EEEE |
1703 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yMMMM | MMMM y |
y年M月 |
1704 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yQQQ | QQQ y |
y/QQQ |
1705 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yQQQQ | QQQQ y |
y年QQQQ |
1706 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | Bh | h B |
BK時 |
1707 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | Bhm | h:mm B |
BK:mm |
1708 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | Bhms | h:mm:ss B |
BK:mm:ss |
1709 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | EBhm | E h:mm B |
BK:mm (E) |
1710 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | EBhms | E h:mm:ss B |
BK:mm:ss (E) |
1711 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | Ehm | E h:mm a |
aK:mm (E) |
1712 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | Ehms | E h:mm:ss a |
aK:mm:ss (E) |
1713 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | h | h a |
aK時 |
1714 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | hm | h:mm a |
aK:mm |
1715 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | hms | h:mm:ss a |
aK:mm:ss |
1716 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | hmsv | h:mm:ss a v |
aK:mm:ss v |
1717 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | hmv | h:mm a v |
aK:mm v |
1718 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | EHm | E HH:mm |
H:mm (E) |
1719 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | EHms | E HH:mm:ss |
H:mm:ss (E) |
1720 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | H | HH |
H時 |
1721 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | Hm | HH:mm |
H:mm |
1722 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | Hms | HH:mm:ss |
H:mm:ss |
1723 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | Hmsv | HH:mm:ss v |
H:mm:ss v |
1724 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | Hmv | HH:mm v |
H:mm v |
1725 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | ms | = |
mm:ss |
1726 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Flexible - Append | Timezone | = |
{0} {1} |
1727 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Bh/B | h B – h B |
BK時~BK時 |
1728 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Bh/h | h – h B |
BK時~K時 |
1729 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Bhm/B | h:mm B – h:mm B |
BK:mm~BK:mm |
1730 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Bhm/h | h:mm – h:mm B |
BK:mm~K:mm |
1731 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Bhm/m | h:mm – h:mm B |
BK:mm~K:mm |
1732 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | d/d | d – d |
d日~d日 |
1733 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Gy/G | y G – y G |
Gy年~Gy年 |
1734 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Gy/y | y – y G |
Gy年~y年 |
1735 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyM/G | M/y G – M/y G |
Gy/MM~Gy/MM |
1736 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyM/M | M/y – M/y G |
Gy/MM~y/MM |
1737 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyM/y | M/y – M/y G |
Gy/MM~y/MM |
1738 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMd/d | M/d/y – M/d/y G |
Gy/MM/dd~y/MM/dd |
1739 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMd/G | M/d/y G – M/d/y G |
Gy/MM/dd~Gy/MM/dd |
1740 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMd/M | M/d/y – M/d/y G |
Gy/MM/dd~y/MM/dd |
1741 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMd/y | M/d/y – M/d/y G |
Gy/MM/dd~y/MM/dd |
1742 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMEd/d | E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y G |
Gy/MM/dd(E)~y/MM/dd(E) |
1743 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMEd/G | E, M/d/y G – E, M/d/y G |
Gy/MM/dd(E)~Gy/MM/dd(E) |
1744 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMEd/M | E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y G |
Gy/MM/dd(E)~y/MM/dd(E) |
1745 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMEd/y | E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y G |
Gy/MM/dd(E)~y/MM/dd(E) |
1746 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMMM/G | MMM y G – MMM y G |
Gy年M月~Gy年M月 |
1747 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMMM/M | MMM – MMM y G |
Gy年M月~M月 |
1748 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMMM/y | MMM y – MMM y G |
Gy年M月~y年M月 |
1749 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMMMd/d | MMM d – d, y G |
Gy年M月d日~d日 |
1750 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMMMd/G | MMM d, y G – MMM d, y G |
Gy年M月d日~Gy年M月d日 |
1751 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMMMd/M | MMM d – MMM d, y G |
Gy年M月d日~M月d日 |
1752 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMMMd/y | MMM d, y – MMM d, y G |
Gy年M月d日~y年M月d日 |
1753 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMMMEd/d | E, MMM d – E, MMM d, y G |
Gy年M月d日(E)~d日(E) |
1754 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMMMEd/G | E, MMM d, y G – E, MMM d, y G |
Gy年M月d日(E)~Gy年M月d日(E) |
1755 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMMMEd/M | E, MMM d – E, MMM d, y G |
Gy年M月d日(E)~M月d日(E) |
1756 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMMMEd/y | E, MMM d, y – E, MMM d, y G |
Gy年M月d日(E)~y年M月d日(E) |
1757 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | M/M | M – M |
M月~M月 |
1758 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Md/d | M/d – M/d |
MM/dd~MM/dd |
1759 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Md/M | M/d – M/d |
MM/dd~MM/dd |
1760 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MEd/d | E, M/d – E, M/d |
MM/dd(E)~MM/dd(E) |
1761 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MEd/M | E, M/d – E, M/d |
MM/dd(E)~MM/dd(E) |
1762 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MMM/M | MMM – MMM |
M月~M月 |
1763 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MMMd/d | MMM d – d |
M月d日~d日 |
1764 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MMMd/M | MMM d – MMM d |
M月d日~M月d日 |
1765 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MMMEd/d | E, MMM d – E, MMM d |
M月d日(E)~d日(E) |
1766 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MMMEd/M | E, MMM d – E, MMM d |
M月d日(E)~M月d日(E) |
1767 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MMMM/M | n/a |
M月~M月 |
1768 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | y/y | y – y |
y年~y年 |
1769 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yM/M | M/y – M/y |
y/MM~y/MM |
1770 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yM/y | M/y – M/y |
y/MM~y/MM |
1771 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMd/d | M/d/y – M/d/y |
y/MM/dd~y/MM/dd |
1772 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMd/M | M/d/y – M/d/y |
y/MM/dd~y/MM/dd |
1773 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMd/y | M/d/y – M/d/y |
y/MM/dd~y/MM/dd |
1774 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMEd/d | E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y |
y/MM/dd(E)~y/MM/dd(E) |
1775 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMEd/M | E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y |
y/MM/dd(E)~y/MM/dd(E) |
1776 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMEd/y | E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y |
y/MM/dd(E)~y/MM/dd(E) |
1777 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMM/M | MMM – MMM y |
y年M月~M月 |
1778 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMM/y | MMM y – MMM y |
y年M月~y年M月 |
1779 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMd/d | MMM d – d, y |
y年M月d日~d日 |
1780 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMd/M | MMM d – MMM d, y |
y年M月d日~M月d日 |
1781 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMd/y | MMM d, y – MMM d, y |
y年M月d日~y年M月d日 |
1782 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMEd/d | E, MMM d – E, MMM d, y |
y年M月d日(E)~d日(E) |
1783 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMEd/M | E, MMM d – E, MMM d, y |
y年M月d日(E)~M月d日(E) |
1784 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMEd/y | E, MMM d, y – E, MMM d, y |
y年M月d日(E)~y年M月d日(E) |
1785 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMM/M | MMMM – MMMM y |
y年M月~M月 |
1786 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMM/y | MMMM y – MMMM y |
y年M月~y年M月 |
1787 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formats | h/a | h a – h a |
aK時~aK時 |
1788 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formats | h/h | h – h a |
aK時~K時 |
1789 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formats | hm/a | h:mm a – h:mm a |
aK時mm分~aK時mm分 |
1790 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formats | hm/h | h:mm – h:mm a |
aK時mm分~K時mm分 |
1791 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formats | hm/m | h:mm – h:mm a |
aK時mm分~K時mm分 |
1792 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formats | hmv/a | h:mm a – h:mm a v |
aK時mm分~aK時mm分(v) |
1793 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formats | hmv/h | h:mm – h:mm a v |
aK時mm分~K時mm分(v) |
1794 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formats | hmv/m | h:mm – h:mm a v |
aK時mm分~K時mm分(v) |
1795 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formats | hv/a | h a – h a v |
aK時~aK時(v) |
1796 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formats | hv/h | h – h a v |
aK時~K時(v) |
1797 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - 24 Hour Time Formats | H/H | HH – HH |
H時~H時 |
1798 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - 24 Hour Time Formats | Hm/H | HH:mm – HH:mm |
H時mm分~H時mm分 |
1799 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - 24 Hour Time Formats | Hm/m | HH:mm – HH:mm |
H時mm分~H時mm分 |
1800 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - 24 Hour Time Formats | Hmv/H | HH:mm – HH:mm v |
H時mm分~H時mm分(v) |
1801 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - 24 Hour Time Formats | Hmv/m | HH:mm – HH:mm v |
H時mm分~H時mm分(v) |
1802 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - 24 Hour Time Formats | Hv/H | HH – HH v |
H時~H時(v) |
1803 | Date & Time | Gregorian | Formats - Intervals - Fallback | Fallback | {0} – {1} |
{0}~{1} |
1804 | Date & Time | ISO 8601 | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMMMW-other | = |
MMMM 'week' W |
1805 | Date & Time | ISO 8601 | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yw-other | = |
Y 'week' w |
1806 | Date & Time | ISO 8601 | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | Bh | = |
h B |
1807 | Date & Time | ISO 8601 | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | Bhm | = |
h:mm B |
1808 | Date & Time | ISO 8601 | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | Bhms | = |
h:mm:ss B |
1809 | Date & Time | ISO 8601 | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | EBhm | = |
E h:mm B |
1810 | Date & Time | ISO 8601 | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | EBhms | = |
E h:mm:ss B |
1811 | Date & Time | ISO 8601 | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | Ehm | = |
E h:mm a |
1812 | Date & Time | ISO 8601 | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | Ehms | = |
E h:mm:ss a |
1813 | Date & Time | ISO 8601 | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | h | = |
h a |
1814 | Date & Time | ISO 8601 | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | hm | = |
h:mm a |
1815 | Date & Time | ISO 8601 | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | hms | = |
h:mm:ss a |
1816 | Date & Time | ISO 8601 | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | hmsv | = |
h:mm:ss a v |
1817 | Date & Time | ISO 8601 | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | hmv | = |
h:mm a v |
1818 | Date & Time | ISO 8601 | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | EHm | = |
E HH:mm |
1819 | Date & Time | ISO 8601 | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | EHms | = |
E HH:mm:ss |
1820 | Date & Time | ISO 8601 | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | H | = |
HH |
1821 | Date & Time | ISO 8601 | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | Hm | = |
HH:mm |
1822 | Date & Time | ISO 8601 | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | Hms | = |
HH:mm:ss |
1823 | Date & Time | ISO 8601 | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | Hmsv | = |
HH:mm:ss v |
1824 | Date & Time | ISO 8601 | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | Hmv | = |
HH:mm v |
1825 | Date & Time | ISO 8601 | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | ms | = |
mm:ss |
1826 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Standard - Date Formats | full | EEEE, MMMM d, y G |
Gy年M月d日(EEEE) |
1827 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Standard - Date Formats | long | MMMM d, y G |
Gy年M月d日 |
1828 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Standard - Date Formats | medium | MMM d, y G |
GGGGGy/MM/dd |
1829 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Standard - Date Formats | short | M/d/y GGGGG |
GGGGGy/M/d |
1830 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formats | full | {1}, {0} |
{1} {0} |
1831 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formats | long | {1}, {0} |
{1} {0} |
1832 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formats | medium | {1}, {0} |
{1} {0} |
1833 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formats | short | {1}, {0} |
{1} {0} |
1834 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | d | d |
d日 |
1835 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | E | = |
ccc |
1836 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | Ed | d E |
d日(E) |
1837 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | EEEEd | n/a |
d日(EEEE) |
1838 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | Gy | y G |
Gy年 |
1839 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMd | M/d/y GGGGG |
GGGGGy/M/d |
1840 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMMM | MMM y G |
Gy年M月 |
1841 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMMMd | MMM d, y G |
Gy年M月d日 |
1842 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMMMEd | E, MMM d, y G |
Gy年M月d日(E) |
1843 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMMMEEEEd | n/a |
Gy年M月d日(EEEE) |
1844 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | M | L |
M月 |
1845 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | Md | = |
M/d |
1846 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MEd | E, M/d |
M/d(E) |
1847 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MEEEEd | n/a |
M/d(EEEE) |
1848 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMM | LLL |
M月 |
1849 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMMd | MMM d |
M月d日 |
1850 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMMEd | E, MMM d |
M月d日(E) |
1851 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMMEEEEd | n/a |
M月d日(EEEE) |
1852 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMMMd | MMMM d |
M月d日 |
1853 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | y | y G |
Gy年 |
1854 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyy | y G |
Gy年 |
1855 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyM | M/y GGGGG |
1856 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMd | M/d/y GGGGG |
GGGGGy/M/d |
1857 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMEd | E, M/d/y GGGGG |
GGGGGy/M/d(E) |
1858 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMEEEEd | n/a |
1859 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMMM | MMM y G |
Gy年M月 |
1860 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMMMd | MMM d, y G |
Gy年M月d日 |
1861 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMMMEd | E, MMM d, y G |
Gy年M月d日(E) |
1862 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMMMEEEEd | n/a |
Gy年M月d日(EEEE) |
1863 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMMMM | MMMM y G |
Gy年M月 |
1864 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyQQQ | QQQ y G |
Gy/QQQ |
1865 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyQQQQ | QQQQ y G |
1866 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | Bh | h B |
BK時 |
1867 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | Bhm | h:mm B |
BK:mm |
1868 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | Bhms | h:mm:ss B |
BK:mm:ss |
1869 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | EBhm | E h:mm B |
BK:mm (E) |
1870 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | EBhms | E h:mm:ss B |
BK:mm:ss (E) |
1871 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | Ehm | E h:mm a |
aK:mm (E) |
1872 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | Ehms | E h:mm:ss a |
aK:mm:ss (E) |
1873 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | h | h a |
aK時 |
1874 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | hm | h:mm a |
aK:mm |
1875 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | hms | h:mm:ss a |
aK:mm:ss |
1876 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | EHm | E HH:mm |
H:mm (E) |
1877 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | EHms | E HH:mm:ss |
H:mm:ss (E) |
1878 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | H | HH |
H時 |
1879 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | Hm | HH:mm |
H:mm |
1880 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | Hms | HH:mm:ss |
H:mm:ss |
1881 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | ms | = |
mm:ss |
1882 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Bh/B | h B – h B |
BK時~BK時 |
1883 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Bh/h | h – h B |
BK時~K時 |
1884 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Bhm/B | h:mm B – h:mm B |
BK:mm~BK:mm |
1885 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Bhm/h | h:mm – h:mm B |
BK:mm~K:mm |
1886 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Bhm/m | h:mm – h:mm B |
BK:mm~K:mm |
1887 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | d/d | d – d |
d日~d日 |
1888 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GGGGGyM/G | n/a |
1889 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GGGGGyM/M | n/a |
1890 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GGGGGyM/y | n/a |
1891 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GGGGGyMd/d | n/a |
GGGGGy/MM/dd~y/MM/dd |
1892 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GGGGGyMd/G | n/a |
1893 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GGGGGyMd/M | n/a |
GGGGGy/MM/dd~y/MM/dd |
1894 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GGGGGyMd/y | n/a |
GGGGGy/MM/dd~y/MM/dd |
1895 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GGGGGyMEd/d | n/a |
GGGGGy/MM/dd(E)~y/MM/dd(E) |
1896 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GGGGGyMEd/G | n/a |
GGGGGy/MM/dd(E)~GGGGGy/MM/dd(E) |
1897 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GGGGGyMEd/M | n/a |
GGGGGy/MM/dd(E)~y/MM/dd(E) |
1898 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GGGGGyMEd/y | n/a |
GGGGGy/MM/dd(E)~y/MM/dd(E) |
1899 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Gy/G | y G – y G |
Gy年~Gy年 |
1900 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Gy/y | y – y G |
Gy年~y年 |
1901 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyM/G | M/y GGGGG – M/y GGGGG |
1902 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyM/M | M/y – M/y GGGGG |
1903 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyM/y | M/y – M/y GGGGG |
1904 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMd/d | M/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG |
GGGGGy/MM/dd~y/MM/dd |
1905 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMd/G | M/d/y GGGGG – M/d/y GGGGG |
1906 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMd/M | M/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG |
GGGGGy/MM/dd~y/MM/dd |
1907 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMd/y | M/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG |
GGGGGy/MM/dd~y/MM/dd |
1908 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMEd/d | E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG |
GGGGGy/MM/dd(E)~y/MM/dd(E) |
1909 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMEd/G | E, M/d/y GGGGG – E, M/d/y GGGGG |
GGGGGy/MM/dd(E)~GGGGGy/MM/dd(E) |
1910 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMEd/M | E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG |
GGGGGy/MM/dd(E)~y/MM/dd(E) |
1911 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMEd/y | E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG |
GGGGGy/MM/dd(E)~y/MM/dd(E) |
1912 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMMM/G | MMM y G – MMM y G |
Gy年M月~Gy年M月 |
1913 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMMM/M | MMM – MMM y G |
Gy年M月~M月 |
1914 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMMM/y | MMM y – MMM y G |
Gy年M月~y年M月 |
1915 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMMMd/d | MMM d – d, y G |
Gy年M月d日~d日 |
1916 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMMMd/G | MMM d, y G – MMM d, y G |
Gy年M月d日~Gy年M月d日 |
1917 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMMMd/M | MMM d – MMM d, y G |
Gy年M月d日~M月d日 |
1918 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMMMd/y | MMM d, y – MMM d, y G |
Gy年M月d日~y年M月d日 |
1919 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMMMEd/d | E, MMM d – E, MMM d, y G |
Gy年M月d日(E)~d日(E) |
1920 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMMMEd/G | E, MMM d, y G – E, MMM d, y G |
Gy年M月d日(E)~Gy年M月d日(E) |
1921 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMMMEd/M | E, MMM d – E, MMM d, y G |
Gy年M月d日(E)~M月d日(E) |
1922 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | GyMMMEd/y | E, MMM d, y – E, MMM d, y G |
Gy年M月d日(E)~y年M月d日(E) |
1923 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | h/a | h a – h a |
aK時~aK時 |
1924 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | h/h | h – h a |
aK時~K時 |
1925 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | H/H | HH – HH |
H時~H時 |
1926 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | hm/a | h:mm a – h:mm a |
aK時mm分~aK時mm分 |
1927 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | hm/h | h:mm – h:mm a |
aK時mm分~K時mm分 |
1928 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Hm/H | HH:mm – HH:mm |
H時mm分~H時mm分 |
1929 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | hm/m | h:mm – h:mm a |
aK時mm分~K時mm分 |
1930 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Hm/m | HH:mm – HH:mm |
H時mm分~H時mm分 |
1931 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | hmv/a | h:mm a – h:mm a v |
aK時mm分~aK時mm分(v) |
1932 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | hmv/h | h:mm – h:mm a v |
aK時mm分~K時mm分(v) |
1933 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Hmv/H | HH:mm – HH:mm v |
H時mm分~H時mm分(v) |
1934 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | hmv/m | h:mm – h:mm a v |
aK時mm分~K時mm分(v) |
1935 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Hmv/m | HH:mm – HH:mm v |
H時mm分~H時mm分(v) |
1936 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | hv/a | h a – h a v |
aK時~aK時(v) |
1937 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | hv/h | h – h a v |
aK時~K時(v) |
1938 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Hv/H | HH – HH v |
H時~H時(v) |
1939 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | M/M | M – M |
M月~M月 |
1940 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Md/d | M/d – M/d |
MM/dd~MM/dd |
1941 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Md/M | M/d – M/d |
MM/dd~MM/dd |
1942 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MEd/d | E, M/d – E, M/d |
MM/dd(E)~MM/dd(E) |
1943 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MEd/M | E, M/d – E, M/d |
MM/dd(E)~MM/dd(E) |
1944 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MMM/M | MMM – MMM |
M月~M月 |
1945 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MMMd/d | MMM d – d |
M月d日~d日 |
1946 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MMMd/M | MMM d – MMM d |
M月d日~M月d日 |
1947 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MMMEd/d | E, MMM d – E, MMM d |
M月d日(E)~d日(E) |
1948 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MMMEd/M | E, MMM d – E, MMM d |
M月d日(E)~M月d日(E) |
1949 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MMMM/M | n/a |
M月~M月 |
1950 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | y/y | y – y G |
Gy年~y年 |
1951 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yM/M | M/y – M/y GGGGG |
1952 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yM/y | M/y – M/y GGGGG |
1953 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMd/d | M/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG |
GGGGGy/MM/dd~y/MM/dd |
1954 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMd/M | M/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG |
GGGGGy/MM/dd~y/MM/dd |
1955 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMd/y | M/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG |
GGGGGy/MM/dd~y/MM/dd |
1956 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMEd/d | E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG |
GGGGGy/MM/dd(E)~y/MM/dd(E) |
1957 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMEd/M | E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG |
GGGGGy/MM/dd(E)~y/MM/dd(E) |
1958 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMEd/y | E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG |
GGGGGy/MM/dd(E)~y/MM/dd(E) |
1959 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMM/M | MMM – MMM y G |
Gy年M月~M月 |
1960 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMM/y | MMM y – MMM y G |
Gy年M月~y年M月 |
1961 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMd/d | MMM d – d, y G |
Gy年M月d日~d日 |
1962 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMd/M | MMM d – MMM d, y G |
Gy年M月d日~M月d日 |
1963 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMd/y | MMM d, y – MMM d, y G |
Gy年M月d日~y年M月d日 |
1964 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMEd/d | E, MMM d – E, MMM d, y G |
Gy年M月d日(E)~d日(E) |
1965 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMEd/M | E, MMM d – E, MMM d, y G |
Gy年M月d日(E)~M月d日(E) |
1966 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMEd/y | E, MMM d, y – E, MMM d, y G |
Gy年M月d日(E)~y年M月d日(E) |
1967 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMM/M | MMMM – MMMM y G |
Gy年M月~M月 |
1968 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMM/y | MMMM y – MMMM y G |
Gy年M月~y年M月 |
1969 | Date & Time | Generic | Formats - Intervals - Fallback | Fallback | {0} – {1} |
{0}~{1} |
1970 | Date & Time | Buddhist | Eras - wide | 0 | BE |
仏暦 |
1971 | Date & Time | Buddhist | Eras - abbreviated | 0 | = |
BE |
1972 | Date & Time | Buddhist | Formats - Standard - Date Formats | full | EEEE, MMMM d, y G |
1973 | Date & Time | Buddhist | Formats - Standard - Date Formats | long | MMMM d, y G |
GGGGy年M月d日 |
1974 | Date & Time | Buddhist | Formats - Standard - Date Formats | medium | MMM d, y G |
Gy/MM/dd |
1975 | Date & Time | Buddhist | Formats - Standard - Date Formats | short | M/d/y GGGGG |
Gy/MM/dd |
1976 | Date & Time | Buddhist | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | EEEEd | n/a |
d日EEEE |
1977 | Date & Time | Buddhist | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | Gy | y G |
GGGGy年 |
1978 | Date & Time | Buddhist | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMd | M/d/y GGGGG |
GGGGy年M月d日 |
1979 | Date & Time | Buddhist | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMMM | MMM y G |
GGGGy年M月 |
1980 | Date & Time | Buddhist | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMMMd | MMM d, y G |
GGGGy年M月d日 |
1981 | Date & Time | Buddhist | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMMMEd | E, MMM d, y G |
GGGGy年M月d日(E) |
1982 | Date & Time | Buddhist | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMMMEEEEd | n/a |
1983 | Date & Time | Buddhist | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MEEEEd | n/a |
1984 | Date & Time | Buddhist | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMMEEEEd | n/a |
M月d日EEEE |
1985 | Date & Time | Buddhist | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | y | y G |
GGGGy年 |
1986 | Date & Time | Buddhist | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyy | y G |
GGGGy年 |
1987 | Date & Time | Buddhist | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyM | M/y GGGGG |
GGGGy年M月 |
1988 | Date & Time | Buddhist | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMd | M/d/y GGGGG |
Gy/M/d |
1989 | Date & Time | Buddhist | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMEd | E, M/d/y GGGGG |
GGGGy年M/d(E) |
1990 | Date & Time | Buddhist | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMEEEEd | n/a |
1991 | Date & Time | Buddhist | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMM | n/a |
Gy/MM |
1992 | Date & Time | Buddhist | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMMM | MMM y G |
GGGGy年M月 |
1993 | Date & Time | Buddhist | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMMMd | MMM d, y G |
GGGGy年M月d日 |
1994 | Date & Time | Buddhist | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMMMEd | E, MMM d, y G |
GGGGy年M月d日(E) |
1995 | Date & Time | Buddhist | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMMMEEEEd | n/a |
1996 | Date & Time | Buddhist | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMMMM | MMMM y G |
GGGGy年M月 |
1997 | Date & Time | Chinese | dayParts | cyclic-format-abbreviated-1 | zi |
子 |
1998 | Date & Time | Chinese | dayParts | cyclic-format-abbreviated-2 | chou |
丑 |
1999 | Date & Time | Chinese | dayParts | cyclic-format-abbreviated-3 | yin |
寅 |
2000 | Date & Time | Chinese | dayParts | cyclic-format-abbreviated-4 | mao |
卯 |
2001 | Date & Time | Chinese | dayParts | cyclic-format-abbreviated-5 | chen |
辰 |
2002 | Date & Time | Chinese | dayParts | cyclic-format-abbreviated-6 | si |
巳 |
2003 | Date & Time | Chinese | dayParts | cyclic-format-abbreviated-7 | wu |
午 |
2004 | Date & Time | Chinese | dayParts | cyclic-format-abbreviated-8 | wei |
未 |
2005 | Date & Time | Chinese | dayParts | cyclic-format-abbreviated-9 | shen |
申 |
2006 | Date & Time | Chinese | dayParts | cyclic-format-abbreviated-10 | you |
酉 |
2007 | Date & Time | Chinese | dayParts | cyclic-format-abbreviated-11 | xu |
戌 |
2008 | Date & Time | Chinese | dayParts | cyclic-format-abbreviated-12 | hai |
亥 |
2009 | Date & Time | Chinese | solarTerms | cyclic-format-abbreviated-1 | spring begins |
立春 |
2010 | Date & Time | Chinese | solarTerms | cyclic-format-abbreviated-2 | rain water |
雨水 |
2011 | Date & Time | Chinese | solarTerms | cyclic-format-abbreviated-3 | insects awaken |
啓蟄 |
2012 | Date & Time | Chinese | solarTerms | cyclic-format-abbreviated-4 | spring equinox |
春分 |
2013 | Date & Time | Chinese | solarTerms | cyclic-format-abbreviated-5 | bright and clear |
清明 |
2014 | Date & Time | Chinese | solarTerms | cyclic-format-abbreviated-6 | grain rain |
穀雨 |
2015 | Date & Time | Chinese | solarTerms | cyclic-format-abbreviated-7 | summer begins |
立夏 |
2016 | Date & Time | Chinese | solarTerms | cyclic-format-abbreviated-8 | grain full |
小満 |
2017 | Date & Time | Chinese | solarTerms | cyclic-format-abbreviated-9 | grain in ear |
芒種 |
2018 | Date & Time | Chinese | solarTerms | cyclic-format-abbreviated-10 | summer solstice |
夏至 |
2019 | Date & Time | Chinese | solarTerms | cyclic-format-abbreviated-11 | minor heat |
小暑 |
2020 | Date & Time | Chinese | solarTerms | cyclic-format-abbreviated-12 | major heat |
大暑 |
2021 | Date & Time | Chinese | solarTerms | cyclic-format-abbreviated-13 | autumn begins |
立秋 |
2022 | Date & Time | Chinese | solarTerms | cyclic-format-abbreviated-14 | end of heat |
処暑 |
2023 | Date & Time | Chinese | solarTerms | cyclic-format-abbreviated-15 | white dew |
白露 |
2024 | Date & Time | Chinese | solarTerms | cyclic-format-abbreviated-16 | autumn equinox |
秋分 |
2025 | Date & Time | Chinese | solarTerms | cyclic-format-abbreviated-17 | cold dew |
寒露 |
2026 | Date & Time | Chinese | solarTerms | cyclic-format-abbreviated-18 | frost descends |
霜降 |
2027 | Date & Time | Chinese | solarTerms | cyclic-format-abbreviated-19 | winter begins |
立冬 |
2028 | Date & Time | Chinese | solarTerms | cyclic-format-abbreviated-20 | minor snow |
小雪 |
2029 | Date & Time | Chinese | solarTerms | cyclic-format-abbreviated-21 | major snow |
大雪 |
2030 | Date & Time | Chinese | solarTerms | cyclic-format-abbreviated-22 | winter solstice |
冬至 |
2031 | Date & Time | Chinese | solarTerms | cyclic-format-abbreviated-23 | minor cold |
小寒 |
2032 | Date & Time | Chinese | solarTerms | cyclic-format-abbreviated-24 | major cold |
大寒 |
2033 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-1 | jia-zi |
甲子 |
2034 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-2 | yi-chou |
乙丑 |
2035 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-3 | bing-yin |
丙寅 |
2036 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-4 | ding-mao |
丁卯 |
2037 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-5 | wu-chen |
戊辰 |
2038 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-6 | ji-si |
己巳 |
2039 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-7 | geng-wu |
庚午 |
2040 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-8 | xin-wei |
辛未 |
2041 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-9 | ren-shen |
壬申 |
2042 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-10 | gui-you |
癸酉 |
2043 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-11 | jia-xu |
甲戌 |
2044 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-12 | yi-hai |
乙亥 |
2045 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-13 | bing-zi |
丙子 |
2046 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-14 | ding-chou |
丁丑 |
2047 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-15 | wu-yin |
戊寅 |
2048 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-16 | ji-mao |
己卯 |
2049 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-17 | geng-chen |
庚辰 |
2050 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-18 | xin-si |
辛巳 |
2051 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-19 | ren-wu |
壬午 |
2052 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-20 | gui-wei |
癸未 |
2053 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-21 | jia-shen |
甲申 |
2054 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-22 | yi-you |
乙酉 |
2055 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-23 | bing-xu |
丙戌 |
2056 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-24 | ding-hai |
丁亥 |
2057 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-25 | wu-zi |
戊子 |
2058 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-26 | ji-chou |
己丑 |
2059 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-27 | geng-yin |
庚寅 |
2060 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-28 | xin-mao |
辛卯 |
2061 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-29 | ren-chen |
壬辰 |
2062 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-30 | gui-si |
癸巳 |
2063 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-31 | jia-wu |
甲午 |
2064 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-32 | yi-wei |
乙未 |
2065 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-33 | bing-shen |
丙申 |
2066 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-34 | ding-you |
丁酉 |
2067 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-35 | wu-xu |
戊戌 |
2068 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-36 | ji-hai |
己亥 |
2069 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-37 | geng-zi |
庚子 |
2070 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-38 | xin-chou |
辛丑 |
2071 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-39 | ren-yin |
壬寅 |
2072 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-40 | gui-mao |
癸卯 |
2073 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-41 | jia-chen |
甲辰 |
2074 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-42 | yi-si |
乙巳 |
2075 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-43 | bing-wu |
丙午 |
2076 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-44 | ding-wei |
丁未 |
2077 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-45 | wu-shen |
戊申 |
2078 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-46 | ji-you |
己酉 |
2079 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-47 | geng-xu |
庚戌 |
2080 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-48 | xin-hai |
辛亥 |
2081 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-49 | ren-zi |
壬子 |
2082 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-50 | gui-chou |
癸丑 |
2083 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-51 | jia-yin |
甲寅 |
2084 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-52 | yi-mao |
乙卯 |
2085 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-53 | bing-chen |
丙辰 |
2086 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-54 | ding-si |
丁巳 |
2087 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-55 | wu-wu |
戊午 |
2088 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-56 | ji-wei |
己未 |
2089 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-57 | geng-shen |
庚申 |
2090 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-58 | xin-you |
辛酉 |
2091 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-59 | ren-xu |
壬戌 |
2092 | Date & Time | Chinese | years | cyclic-format-abbreviated-60 | gui-hai |
癸亥 |
2093 | Date & Time | Chinese | zodiacs | cyclic-format-abbreviated-1 | Rat |
鼠 |
2094 | Date & Time | Chinese | zodiacs | cyclic-format-abbreviated-2 | Ox |
牛 |
2095 | Date & Time | Chinese | zodiacs | cyclic-format-abbreviated-3 | Tiger |
虎 |
2096 | Date & Time | Chinese | zodiacs | cyclic-format-abbreviated-4 | Rabbit |
兎 |
2097 | Date & Time | Chinese | zodiacs | cyclic-format-abbreviated-5 | Dragon |
竜 |
2098 | Date & Time | Chinese | zodiacs | cyclic-format-abbreviated-6 | Snake |
蛇 |
2099 | Date & Time | Chinese | zodiacs | cyclic-format-abbreviated-7 | Horse |
馬 |
2100 | Date & Time | Chinese | zodiacs | cyclic-format-abbreviated-8 | Goat |
羊 |
2101 | Date & Time | Chinese | zodiacs | cyclic-format-abbreviated-9 | Monkey |
猿 |
2102 | Date & Time | Chinese | zodiacs | cyclic-format-abbreviated-10 | Rooster |
鶏 |
2103 | Date & Time | Chinese | zodiacs | cyclic-format-abbreviated-11 | Dog |
犬 |
2104 | Date & Time | Chinese | zodiacs | cyclic-format-abbreviated-12 | Pig |
猪 |
2105 | Date & Time | Chinese | monthPatterns | monthPattern-format-wide-leap | {0}bis |
閏{0} |
2106 | Date & Time | Chinese | monthPatterns | monthPattern-numeric-all-leap | {0}bis |
閏{0} |
2107 | Date & Time | Chinese | monthPatterns | monthPattern-stand-alone-narrow-leap | {0}b |
閏{0} |
2108 | Date & Time | Chinese | Months - wide - Formatting | M1 | First Month |
正月 |
2109 | Date & Time | Chinese | Months - wide - Formatting | M2 | Second Month |
二月 |
2110 | Date & Time | Chinese | Months - wide - Formatting | M3 | Third Month |
三月 |
2111 | Date & Time | Chinese | Months - wide - Formatting | M4 | Fourth Month |
四月 |
2112 | Date & Time | Chinese | Months - wide - Formatting | M5 | Fifth Month |
五月 |
2113 | Date & Time | Chinese | Months - wide - Formatting | M6 | Sixth Month |
六月 |
2114 | Date & Time | Chinese | Months - wide - Formatting | M7 | Seventh Month |
七月 |
2115 | Date & Time | Chinese | Months - wide - Formatting | M8 | Eighth Month |
八月 |
2116 | Date & Time | Chinese | Months - wide - Formatting | M9 | Ninth Month |
九月 |
2117 | Date & Time | Chinese | Months - wide - Formatting | M10 | Tenth Month |
十月 |
2118 | Date & Time | Chinese | Months - wide - Formatting | M11 | Eleventh Month |
十一月 |
2119 | Date & Time | Chinese | Months - wide - Formatting | M12 | Twelfth Month |
十二月 |
2120 | Date & Time | Chinese | Months - narrow - Standalone | M1 | 1 |
正 |
2121 | Date & Time | Chinese | Months - narrow - Standalone | M2 | 2 |
二 |
2122 | Date & Time | Chinese | Months - narrow - Standalone | M3 | 3 |
三 |
2123 | Date & Time | Chinese | Months - narrow - Standalone | M4 | 4 |
四 |
2124 | Date & Time | Chinese | Months - narrow - Standalone | M5 | 5 |
五 |
2125 | Date & Time | Chinese | Months - narrow - Standalone | M6 | 6 |
六 |
2126 | Date & Time | Chinese | Months - narrow - Standalone | M7 | 7 |
七 |
2127 | Date & Time | Chinese | Months - narrow - Standalone | M8 | 8 |
八 |
2128 | Date & Time | Chinese | Months - narrow - Standalone | M9 | 9 |
九 |
2129 | Date & Time | Chinese | Months - narrow - Standalone | M10 | 10 |
十 |
2130 | Date & Time | Chinese | Months - narrow - Standalone | M11 | 11 |
十一 |
2131 | Date & Time | Chinese | Months - narrow - Standalone | M12 | 12 |
十二 |
2132 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Standard - Date Formats | full | EEEE, MMMM d, r(U) |
2133 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Standard - Date Formats | long | MMMM d, r(U) |
U年MMMd日 |
2134 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Standard - Date Formats | medium | MMM d, r |
U年MMMd日 |
2135 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Standard - Date Formats | short | M/d/r |
U-M-d |
2136 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formats | full | {1}, {0} |
{1} {0} |
2137 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formats | long | {1}, {0} |
{1} {0} |
2138 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formats | medium | {1}, {0} |
{1} {0} |
2139 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formats | short | {1}, {0} |
{1} {0} |
2140 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | d | d |
d日 |
2141 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | E | = |
ccc |
2142 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | Ed | d E |
d日(E) |
2143 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | EEEEd | n/a |
d日EEEE |
2144 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | Gy | r(U) |
U年 |
2145 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMd | n/a |
U-M-d |
2146 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMMM | MMM r |
2147 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMMMd | MMM d, r |
U年MMMd日 |
2148 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMMMEd | E, MMM d, r |
U年MMMd日(E) |
2149 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMMMEEEEd | n/a |
2150 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMMMM | MMMM r(U) |
r(U)年MMMM |
2151 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMMMMd | MMMM d, r(U) |
r(U)年MMMMd日 |
2152 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMMMMEd | E, MMMM d, r(U) |
r(U)年MMMMd日(E) |
2153 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | M | L |
2154 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | Md | = |
M/d |
2155 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MEd | E, M/d |
M/d(E) |
2156 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MEEEEd | n/a |
2157 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMM | = |
2158 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMMd | MMM d |
MMMd日 |
2159 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMMEd | E, MMM d |
MMMd日(E) |
2160 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMMEEEEd | n/a |
2161 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMMMd | MMMM d |
MMMMd日 |
2162 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | UM | M/U |
U年M月 |
2163 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | UMd | M/d/U |
U年M月d日 |
2164 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | UMMM | MMM U |
2165 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | UMMMd | MMM d, U |
U年MMMd日 |
2166 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | y | r(U) |
U年 |
2167 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yMd | n/a |
U-M-d |
2168 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyy | r(U) |
U年 |
2169 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyM | M/r |
U年M月 |
2170 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMd | M/d/r |
U年M月d日 |
2171 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMEd | E, M/d/r |
U年M月d日(E) |
2172 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMEEEEd | n/a |
U年M月d日EEEE |
2173 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMMM | MMM r |
2174 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMMMd | MMM d, r |
U年MMMd日 |
2175 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMMMEd | E, MMM d, r |
U年MMMd日(E) |
2176 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMMMEEEEd | n/a |
2177 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMMMM | MMMM r(U) |
2178 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMMMMd | MMMM d, r(U) |
r(U)年MMMMd日 |
2179 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMMMMEd | E, MMMM d, r(U) |
r(U)年MMMMd日(E) |
2180 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyQQQ | QQQ r(U) |
2181 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyQQQQ | QQQQ r(U) |
2182 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | Bh | h B |
BK時 |
2183 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | Bhm | h:mm B |
BK:mm |
2184 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | Bhms | h:mm:ss B |
BK:mm:ss |
2185 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | EBhm | E h:mm B |
BK:mm (E) |
2186 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | EBhms | E h:mm:ss B |
BK:mm:ss (E) |
2187 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | h | h a |
aK時 |
2188 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | hm | h:mm a |
aK:mm |
2189 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | hms | h:mm:ss a |
aK:mm:ss |
2190 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | H | HH |
H時 |
2191 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | Hm | HH:mm |
H:mm |
2192 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | Hms | HH:mm:ss |
H:mm:ss |
2193 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | ms | = |
mm:ss |
2194 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Bh/B | = |
h B – h B |
2195 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Bh/h | h – h B |
h–h B |
2196 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Bhm/B | = |
h:mm B – h:mm B |
2197 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Bhm/h | h:mm – h:mm B |
h:mm–h:mm B |
2198 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Bhm/m | h:mm – h:mm B |
h:mm–h:mm B |
2199 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | d/d | d – d |
d日~d日 |
2200 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | h/a | h a – h a |
aK時~aK時 |
2201 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | h/h | h – h a |
aK時~K時 |
2202 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | H/H | HH – HH |
H時~H時 |
2203 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | hm/a | h:mm a – h:mm a |
aK時mm分~aK時mm分 |
2204 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | hm/h | h:mm – h:mm a |
aK時mm分~K時mm分 |
2205 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Hm/H | HH:mm – HH:mm |
H時mm分~H時mm分 |
2206 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | hm/m | h:mm – h:mm a |
aK時mm分~K時mm分 |
2207 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Hm/m | HH:mm – HH:mm |
H時mm分~H時mm分 |
2208 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | hmv/a | h:mm a – h:mm a v |
aK時mm分~aK時mm分(v) |
2209 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | hmv/h | h:mm – h:mm a v |
aK時mm分~K時mm分(v) |
2210 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Hmv/H | HH:mm – HH:mm v |
H時mm分~H時mm分(v) |
2211 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | hmv/m | h:mm – h:mm a v |
aK時mm分~K時mm分(v) |
2212 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Hmv/m | HH:mm – HH:mm v |
H時mm分~H時mm分(v) |
2213 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | hv/a | h a – h a v |
aK時~aK時(v) |
2214 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | hv/h | h – h a v |
aK時~K時(v) |
2215 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Hv/H | HH – HH v |
H時~H時(v) |
2216 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | M/M | M – M |
M月~M月 |
2217 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Md/d | M/d – M/d |
MM/dd~MM/dd |
2218 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | Md/M | M/d – M/d |
MM/dd~MM/dd |
2219 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MEd/d | E, M/d – E, M/d |
MM/dd(E)~MM/dd(E) |
2220 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MEd/M | E, M/d – E, M/d |
MM/dd(E)~MM/dd(E) |
2221 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MMM/M | MMM – MMM |
2222 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MMMd/d | MMM d – d |
MMMd日~d日 |
2223 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MMMd/M | MMM d – MMM d |
MMMd日~MMMd日 |
2224 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MMMEd/d | E, MMM d – E, MMM d |
MMMd日(E)~d日(E) |
2225 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MMMEd/M | E, MMM d – E, MMM d |
MMMd日(E)~MMMd日(E) |
2226 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MMMM/M | n/a |
2227 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | y/y | U – U |
U年~U年 |
2228 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yM/M | M/y – M/y |
2229 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yM/y | M/y – M/y |
2230 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMd/d | M/d/y – M/d/y |
U/MM/dd~U/MM/dd |
2231 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMd/M | M/d/y – M/d/y |
U/MM/dd~U/MM/dd |
2232 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMd/y | M/d/y – M/d/y |
U/MM/dd~U/MM/dd |
2233 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMEd/d | E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y |
U/MM/dd(E)~U/MM/dd(E) |
2234 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMEd/M | E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y |
U/MM/dd(E)~U/MM/dd(E) |
2235 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMEd/y | E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y |
U/MM/dd(E)~U/MM/dd(E) |
2236 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMM/M | MMM – MMM U |
2237 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMM/y | MMM U – MMM U |
2238 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMd/d | MMM d – d, U |
U年MMMd日~d日 |
2239 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMd/M | MMM d – MMM d, U |
U年MMMd日~MMMd日 |
2240 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMd/y | MMM d, U – MMM d, U |
U年MMMd日~U年MMMd日 |
2241 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMEd/d | E, MMM d – E, MMM d, U |
U年MMMd日(E)~d日(E) |
2242 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMEd/M | E, MMM d – E, MMM d, U |
U年MMMd日(E)~MMMd日(E) |
2243 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMEd/y | E, MMM d, U – E, MMM d, U |
U年MMMd日(E)~U年MMMd日(E) |
2244 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMM/M | MMMM – MMMM U |
2245 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | yMMMM/y | MMMM U – MMMM U |
2246 | Date & Time | Chinese | Formats - Intervals - Fallback | Fallback | {0} – {1} |
{0}~{1} |
2247 | Date & Time | Coptic | Eras - abbreviated | 0 | = |
ERA0 |
2248 | Date & Time | Coptic | Eras - abbreviated | 1 | = |
ERA1 |
2249 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - wide - Formatting | M1 | Tout |
トウト |
2250 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - wide - Formatting | M2 | Baba |
ババ |
2251 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - wide - Formatting | M3 | Hator |
ハトール |
2252 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - wide - Formatting | M4 | Kiahk |
キアック |
2253 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - wide - Formatting | M5 | Toba |
トーバ |
2254 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - wide - Formatting | M6 | Amshir |
アムシール |
2255 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - wide - Formatting | M7 | Baramhat |
バラムハート |
2256 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - wide - Formatting | M8 | Baramouda |
バラモウダ |
2257 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - wide - Formatting | M9 | Bashans |
バシャンス |
2258 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - wide - Formatting | M10 | Paona |
パオーナ |
2259 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - wide - Formatting | M11 | Epep |
エペープ |
2260 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - wide - Formatting | M12 | Mesra |
メスラ |
2261 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - wide - Formatting | M13 | Nasie |
ナシエ |
2262 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M1 | = |
1 |
2263 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M2 | = |
2 |
2264 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M3 | = |
3 |
2265 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M4 | = |
4 |
2266 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M5 | = |
5 |
2267 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M6 | = |
6 |
2268 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M7 | = |
7 |
2269 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M8 | = |
8 |
2270 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M9 | = |
9 |
2271 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M10 | = |
10 |
2272 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M11 | = |
11 |
2273 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M12 | = |
12 |
2274 | Date & Time | Coptic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M13 | = |
13 |
2275 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Eras - abbreviated | 0 | = |
ERA0 |
2276 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Eras - abbreviated | 1 | = |
ERA1 |
2277 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - wide - Formatting | M1 | Meskerem |
メスケレム |
2278 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - wide - Formatting | M2 | Tekemt |
テケムト |
2279 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - wide - Formatting | M3 | Hedar |
ヘダル |
2280 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - wide - Formatting | M4 | Tahsas |
ターサス |
2281 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - wide - Formatting | M5 | Ter |
テル |
2282 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - wide - Formatting | M6 | Yekatit |
イェカティト |
2283 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - wide - Formatting | M7 | Megabit |
メガビト |
2284 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - wide - Formatting | M8 | Miazia |
ミアジア |
2285 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - wide - Formatting | M9 | Genbot |
ゲンボト |
2286 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - wide - Formatting | M10 | Sene |
セネ |
2287 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - wide - Formatting | M11 | Hamle |
ハムレ |
2288 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - wide - Formatting | M12 | Nehasse |
ネハッセ |
2289 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - wide - Formatting | M13 | Pagumen |
パグメン |
2290 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M1 | = |
1 |
2291 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M2 | = |
2 |
2292 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M3 | = |
3 |
2293 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M4 | = |
4 |
2294 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M5 | = |
5 |
2295 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M6 | = |
6 |
2296 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M7 | = |
7 |
2297 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M8 | = |
8 |
2298 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M9 | = |
9 |
2299 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M10 | = |
10 |
2300 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M11 | = |
11 |
2301 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M12 | = |
12 |
2302 | Date & Time | Ethiopic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M13 | = |
13 |
2303 | Date & Time | Ethiopic-Amete-Alem | Eras - abbreviated | 0 | = |
ERA0 |
2304 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Eras - abbreviated | 0 | = |
AM |
2305 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - wide - Formatting | M7 (leap) | Adar II |
アダル II |
2306 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - wide - Formatting | M1 | Tishri |
ティスレ |
2307 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - wide - Formatting | M2 | Heshvan |
へシボン |
2308 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - wide - Formatting | M3 | Kislev |
キスレブ |
2309 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - wide - Formatting | M4 | Tevet |
テベット |
2310 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - wide - Formatting | M5 | Shevat |
シバット |
2311 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - wide - Formatting | M6 | Adar I |
アダル I |
2312 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - wide - Formatting | M7 | Adar |
アダル |
2313 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - wide - Formatting | M8 | Nisan |
ニサン |
2314 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - wide - Formatting | M9 | Iyar |
イヤル |
2315 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - wide - Formatting | M10 | Sivan |
シバン |
2316 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - wide - Formatting | M11 | Tamuz |
タムズ |
2317 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - wide - Formatting | M12 | Av |
アヴ |
2318 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - wide - Formatting | M13 | Elul |
エルル |
2319 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - narrow - Standalone | M7 (leap) | = |
7 |
2320 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - narrow - Standalone | M1 | = |
1 |
2321 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - narrow - Standalone | M2 | = |
2 |
2322 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - narrow - Standalone | M3 | = |
3 |
2323 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - narrow - Standalone | M4 | = |
4 |
2324 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - narrow - Standalone | M5 | = |
5 |
2325 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - narrow - Standalone | M6 | = |
6 |
2326 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - narrow - Standalone | M7 | = |
7 |
2327 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - narrow - Standalone | M8 | = |
8 |
2328 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - narrow - Standalone | M9 | = |
9 |
2329 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - narrow - Standalone | M10 | = |
10 |
2330 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - narrow - Standalone | M11 | = |
11 |
2331 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - narrow - Standalone | M12 | = |
12 |
2332 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Months - narrow - Standalone | M13 | = |
13 |
2333 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Formats - Standard - Date Formats | full | EEEE, d MMMM y |
Gy年M月d日EEEE |
2334 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Formats - Standard - Date Formats | medium | d MMM y |
Gy/MM/dd |
2335 | Date & Time | Hebrew | Formats - Standard - Date Formats | short | d MMM y |
Gy/MM/dd |
2336 | Date & Time | Indian | Eras - abbreviated | 0 | Saka |
サカ |
2337 | Date & Time | Indian | Months - wide - Formatting | M1 | Chaitra |
カイトラ |
2338 | Date & Time | Indian | Months - wide - Formatting | M2 | Vaisakha |
ヴァイサカ |
2339 | Date & Time | Indian | Months - wide - Formatting | M3 | Jyaistha |
ジャイスタ |
2340 | Date & Time | Indian | Months - wide - Formatting | M4 | Asadha |
アーサダ |
2341 | Date & Time | Indian | Months - wide - Formatting | M5 | Sravana |
スラバナ |
2342 | Date & Time | Indian | Months - wide - Formatting | M6 | Bhadra |
バードラ |
2343 | Date & Time | Indian | Months - wide - Formatting | M7 | Asvina |
アスビナ |
2344 | Date & Time | Indian | Months - wide - Formatting | M8 | Kartika |
カルディカ |
2345 | Date & Time | Indian | Months - wide - Formatting | M9 | Agrahayana |
アヴラハヤナ |
2346 | Date & Time | Indian | Months - wide - Formatting | M10 | Pausa |
パウサ |
2347 | Date & Time | Indian | Months - wide - Formatting | M11 | Magha |
マーガ |
2348 | Date & Time | Indian | Months - wide - Formatting | M12 | Phalguna |
パルグナ |
2349 | Date & Time | Indian | Months - narrow - Standalone | M1 | = |
1 |
2350 | Date & Time | Indian | Months - narrow - Standalone | M2 | = |
2 |
2351 | Date & Time | Indian | Months - narrow - Standalone | M3 | = |
3 |
2352 | Date & Time | Indian | Months - narrow - Standalone | M4 | = |
4 |
2353 | Date & Time | Indian | Months - narrow - Standalone | M5 | = |
5 |
2354 | Date & Time | Indian | Months - narrow - Standalone | M6 | = |
6 |
2355 | Date & Time | Indian | Months - narrow - Standalone | M7 | = |
7 |
2356 | Date & Time | Indian | Months - narrow - Standalone | M8 | = |
8 |
2357 | Date & Time | Indian | Months - narrow - Standalone | M9 | = |
9 |
2358 | Date & Time | Indian | Months - narrow - Standalone | M10 | = |
10 |
2359 | Date & Time | Indian | Months - narrow - Standalone | M11 | = |
11 |
2360 | Date & Time | Indian | Months - narrow - Standalone | M12 | = |
12 |
2361 | Date & Time | Islamic | Eras - abbreviated | 0 | = |
AH |
2362 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - wide - Formatting | M1 | Muharram |
ムハッラム |
2363 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - wide - Formatting | M2 | Safar |
サフアル |
2364 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - wide - Formatting | M3 | Rabiʻ I |
ラビー・ウル・アウワル |
2365 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - wide - Formatting | M4 | Rabiʻ II |
ラビー・ウッ・サーニー |
2366 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - wide - Formatting | M5 | Jumada I |
ジュマーダル・アウワル |
2367 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - wide - Formatting | M6 | Jumada II |
ジュマーダッサーニー |
2368 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - wide - Formatting | M7 | Rajab |
ラジャブ |
2369 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - wide - Formatting | M8 | Shaʻban |
シャアバーン |
2370 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - wide - Formatting | M9 | Ramadan |
ラマダーン |
2371 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - wide - Formatting | M10 | Shawwal |
シャウワール |
2372 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - wide - Formatting | M11 | Dhuʻl-Qiʻdah |
ズル・カイダ |
2373 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - wide - Formatting | M12 | Dhuʻl-Hijjah |
ズル・ヒッジャ |
2374 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - abbreviated - Formatting | M1 | Muh. |
ムハッラム |
2375 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - abbreviated - Formatting | M2 | Saf. |
サフアル |
2376 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - abbreviated - Formatting | M3 | Rab. I |
ラビー・ウル・アウワル |
2377 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - abbreviated - Formatting | M4 | Rab. II |
ラビー・ウッ・サーニー |
2378 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - abbreviated - Formatting | M5 | Jum. I |
ジュマーダル・アウワル |
2379 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - abbreviated - Formatting | M6 | Jum. II |
ジュマーダッサーニー |
2380 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - abbreviated - Formatting | M7 | Raj. |
ラジャブ |
2381 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - abbreviated - Formatting | M8 | Sha. |
シャアバーン |
2382 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - abbreviated - Formatting | M9 | Ram. |
ラマダーン |
2383 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - abbreviated - Formatting | M10 | Shaw. |
シャウワール |
2384 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - abbreviated - Formatting | M11 | Dhuʻl-Q. |
ズル・カイダ |
2385 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - abbreviated - Formatting | M12 | Dhuʻl-H. |
ズル・ヒッジャ |
2386 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M1 | = |
1 |
2387 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M2 | = |
2 |
2388 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M3 | = |
3 |
2389 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M4 | = |
4 |
2390 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M5 | = |
5 |
2391 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M6 | = |
6 |
2392 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M7 | = |
7 |
2393 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M8 | = |
8 |
2394 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M9 | = |
9 |
2395 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M10 | = |
10 |
2396 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M11 | = |
11 |
2397 | Date & Time | Islamic | Months - narrow - Standalone | M12 | = |
12 |
2398 | Date & Time | Islamic | Formats - Standard - Date Formats | full | EEEE, MMMM d, y G |
Gy年M月d日EEEE |
2399 | Date & Time | Islamic | Formats - Standard - Date Formats | medium | MMM d, y G |
Gy/MM/dd |
2400 | Date & Time | Islamic | Formats - Standard - Date Formats | short | M/d/y GGGGG |
Gy/MM/dd |
2401 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 0 | Taika (645–650) |
大化 |
2402 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 1 | Hakuchi (650–671) |
白雉 |
2403 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 2 | Hakuhō (672–686) |
白鳳 |
2404 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 3 | Shuchō (686–701) |
朱鳥 |
2405 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 4 | Taihō (701–704) |
大宝 |
2406 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 5 | Keiun (704–708) |
慶雲 |
2407 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 6 | Wadō (708–715) |
和銅 |
2408 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 7 | Reiki (715–717) |
霊亀 |
2409 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 8 | Yōrō (717–724) |
養老 |
2410 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 9 | Jinki (724–729) |
神亀 |
2411 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 10 | Tenpyō (729–749) |
天平 |
2412 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 11 | Tenpyō-kampō (749–749) |
天平感宝 |
2413 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 12 | Tenpyō-shōhō (749–757) |
天平勝宝 |
2414 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 13 | Tenpyō-hōji (757–765) |
天平宝字 |
2415 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 14 | Tenpyō-jingo (765–767) |
天平神護 |
2416 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 15 | Jingo-keiun (767–770) |
神護景雲 |
2417 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 16 | Hōki (770–780) |
宝亀 |
2418 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 17 | Ten-ō (781–782) |
天応 |
2419 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 18 | Enryaku (782–806) |
延暦 |
2420 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 19 | Daidō (806–810) |
大同 |
2421 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 20 | Kōnin (810–824) |
弘仁 |
2422 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 21 | Tenchō (824–834) |
天長 |
2423 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 22 | Jōwa (834–848) |
承和 |
2424 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 23 | Kajō (848–851) |
嘉祥 |
2425 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 24 | Ninju (851–854) |
仁寿 |
2426 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 25 | Saikō (854–857) |
斉衡 |
2427 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 26 | Ten-an (857–859) |
天安 |
2428 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 27 | Jōgan (859–877) |
貞観 |
2429 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 28 | Gangyō (877–885) |
元慶 |
2430 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 29 | Ninna (885–889) |
仁和 |
2431 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 30 | Kanpyō (889–898) |
寛平 |
2432 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 31 | Shōtai (898–901) |
昌泰 |
2433 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 32 | Engi (901–923) |
延喜 |
2434 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 33 | Enchō (923–931) |
延長 |
2435 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 34 | Jōhei (931–938) |
承平 |
2436 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 35 | Tengyō (938–947) |
天慶 |
2437 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 36 | Tenryaku (947–957) |
天暦 |
2438 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 37 | Tentoku (957–961) |
天徳 |
2439 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 38 | Ōwa (961–964) |
応和 |
2440 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 39 | Kōhō (964–968) |
康保 |
2441 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 40 | Anna (968–970) |
安和 |
2442 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 41 | Tenroku (970–973) |
天禄 |
2443 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 42 | Ten’en (973–976) |
天延 |
2444 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 43 | Jōgen (976–978) |
貞元 |
2445 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 44 | Tengen (978–983) |
天元 |
2446 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 45 | Eikan (983–985) |
永観 |
2447 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 46 | Kanna (985–987) |
寛和 |
2448 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 47 | Eien (987–989) |
永延 |
2449 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 48 | Eiso (989–990) |
永祚 |
2450 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 49 | Shōryaku (990–995) |
正暦 |
2451 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 50 | Chōtoku (995–999) |
長徳 |
2452 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 51 | Chōhō (999–1004) |
長保 |
2453 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 52 | Kankō (1004–1012) |
寛弘 |
2454 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 53 | Chōwa (1012–1017) |
長和 |
2455 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 54 | Kannin (1017–1021) |
寛仁 |
2456 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 55 | Jian (1021–1024) |
治安 |
2457 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 56 | Manju (1024–1028) |
万寿 |
2458 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 57 | Chōgen (1028–1037) |
長元 |
2459 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 58 | Chōryaku (1037–1040) |
長暦 |
2460 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 59 | Chōkyū (1040–1044) |
長久 |
2461 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 60 | Kantoku (1044–1046) |
寛徳 |
2462 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 61 | Eishō (1046–1053) |
永承 |
2463 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 62 | Tengi (1053–1058) |
天喜 |
2464 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 63 | Kōhei (1058–1065) |
康平 |
2465 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 64 | Jiryaku (1065–1069) |
治暦 |
2466 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 65 | Enkyū (1069–1074) |
延久 |
2467 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 66 | Shōho (1074–1077) |
承保 |
2468 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 67 | Shōryaku (1077–1081) |
承暦 |
2469 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 68 | Eihō (1081–1084) |
永保 |
2470 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 69 | Ōtoku (1084–1087) |
応徳 |
2471 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 70 | Kanji (1087–1094) |
寛治 |
2472 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 71 | Kahō (1094–1096) |
嘉保 |
2473 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 72 | Eichō (1096–1097) |
永長 |
2474 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 73 | Jōtoku (1097–1099) |
承徳 |
2475 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 74 | Kōwa (1099–1104) |
康和 |
2476 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 75 | Chōji (1104–1106) |
長治 |
2477 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 76 | Kashō (1106–1108) |
嘉承 |
2478 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 77 | Tennin (1108–1110) |
天仁 |
2479 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 78 | Ten-ei (1110–1113) |
天永 |
2480 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 79 | Eikyū (1113–1118) |
永久 |
2481 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 80 | Gen’ei (1118–1120) |
元永 |
2482 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 81 | Hōan (1120–1124) |
保安 |
2483 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 82 | Tenji (1124–1126) |
天治 |
2484 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 83 | Daiji (1126–1131) |
大治 |
2485 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 84 | Tenshō (1131–1132) |
天承 |
2486 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 85 | Chōshō (1132–1135) |
長承 |
2487 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 86 | Hōen (1135–1141) |
保延 |
2488 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 87 | Eiji (1141–1142) |
永治 |
2489 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 88 | Kōji (1142–1144) |
康治 |
2490 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 89 | Ten’yō (1144–1145) |
天養 |
2491 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 90 | Kyūan (1145–1151) |
久安 |
2492 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 91 | Ninpei (1151–1154) |
仁平 |
2493 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 92 | Kyūju (1154–1156) |
久寿 |
2494 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 93 | Hōgen (1156–1159) |
保元 |
2495 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 94 | Heiji (1159–1160) |
平治 |
2496 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 95 | Eiryaku (1160–1161) |
永暦 |
2497 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 96 | Ōho (1161–1163) |
応保 |
2498 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 97 | Chōkan (1163–1165) |
長寛 |
2499 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 98 | Eiman (1165–1166) |
永万 |
2500 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 99 | Nin’an (1166–1169) |
仁安 |
2501 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 100 | Kaō (1169–1171) |
嘉応 |
2502 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 101 | Shōan (1171–1175) |
承安 |
2503 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 102 | Angen (1175–1177) |
安元 |
2504 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 103 | Jishō (1177–1181) |
治承 |
2505 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 104 | Yōwa (1181–1182) |
養和 |
2506 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 105 | Juei (1182–1184) |
寿永 |
2507 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 106 | Genryaku (1184–1185) |
元暦 |
2508 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 107 | Bunji (1185–1190) |
文治 |
2509 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 108 | Kenkyū (1190–1199) |
建久 |
2510 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 109 | Shōji (1199–1201) |
正治 |
2511 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 110 | Kennin (1201–1204) |
建仁 |
2512 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 111 | Genkyū (1204–1206) |
元久 |
2513 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 112 | Ken’ei (1206–1207) |
建永 |
2514 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 113 | Jōgen (1207–1211) |
承元 |
2515 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 114 | Kenryaku (1211–1213) |
建暦 |
2516 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 115 | Kenpō (1213–1219) |
建保 |
2517 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 116 | Jōkyū (1219–1222) |
承久 |
2518 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 117 | Jōō (1222–1224) |
貞応 |
2519 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 118 | Gennin (1224–1225) |
元仁 |
2520 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 119 | Karoku (1225–1227) |
嘉禄 |
2521 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 120 | Antei (1227–1229) |
安貞 |
2522 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 121 | Kanki (1229–1232) |
寛喜 |
2523 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 122 | Jōei (1232–1233) |
貞永 |
2524 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 123 | Tenpuku (1233–1234) |
天福 |
2525 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 124 | Bunryaku (1234–1235) |
文暦 |
2526 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 125 | Katei (1235–1238) |
嘉禎 |
2527 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 126 | Ryakunin (1238–1239) |
暦仁 |
2528 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 127 | En’ō (1239–1240) |
延応 |
2529 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 128 | Ninji (1240–1243) |
仁治 |
2530 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 129 | Kangen (1243–1247) |
寛元 |
2531 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 130 | Hōji (1247–1249) |
宝治 |
2532 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 131 | Kenchō (1249–1256) |
建長 |
2533 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 132 | Kōgen (1256–1257) |
康元 |
2534 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 133 | Shōka (1257–1259) |
正嘉 |
2535 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 134 | Shōgen (1259–1260) |
正元 |
2536 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 135 | Bun’ō (1260–1261) |
文応 |
2537 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 136 | Kōchō (1261–1264) |
弘長 |
2538 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 137 | Bun’ei (1264–1275) |
文永 |
2539 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 138 | Kenji (1275–1278) |
建治 |
2540 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 139 | Kōan (1278–1288) |
弘安 |
2541 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 140 | Shōō (1288–1293) |
正応 |
2542 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 141 | Einin (1293–1299) |
永仁 |
2543 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 142 | Shōan (1299–1302) |
正安 |
2544 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 143 | Kengen (1302–1303) |
乾元 |
2545 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 144 | Kagen (1303–1306) |
嘉元 |
2546 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 145 | Tokuji (1306–1308) |
徳治 |
2547 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 146 | Enkyō (1308–1311) |
延慶 |
2548 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 147 | Ōchō (1311–1312) |
応長 |
2549 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 148 | Shōwa (1312–1317) |
正和 |
2550 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 149 | Bunpō (1317–1319) |
文保 |
2551 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 150 | Genō (1319–1321) |
元応 |
2552 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 151 | Genkō (1321–1324) |
元亨 |
2553 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 152 | Shōchū (1324–1326) |
正中 |
2554 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 153 | Karyaku (1326–1329) |
嘉暦 |
2555 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 154 | Gentoku (1329–1331) |
元徳 |
2556 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 155 | Genkō (1331–1334) |
元弘 |
2557 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 156 | Kenmu (1334–1336) |
建武 |
2558 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 157 | Engen (1336–1340) |
延元 |
2559 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 158 | Kōkoku (1340–1346) |
興国 |
2560 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 159 | Shōhei (1346–1370) |
正平 |
2561 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 160 | Kentoku (1370–1372) |
建徳 |
2562 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 161 | Bunchū (1372–1375) |
文中 |
2563 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 162 | Tenju (1375–1379) |
天授 |
2564 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 163 | Kōryaku (1379–1381) |
康暦 |
2565 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 164 | Kōwa (1381–1384) |
弘和 |
2566 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 165 | Genchū (1384–1392) |
元中 |
2567 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 166 | Meitoku (1384–1387) |
至徳 |
2568 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 167 | Kakei (1387–1389) |
嘉慶 |
2569 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 168 | Kōō (1389–1390) |
康応 |
2570 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 169 | Meitoku (1390–1394) |
明徳 |
2571 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 170 | Ōei (1394–1428) |
応永 |
2572 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 171 | Shōchō (1428–1429) |
正長 |
2573 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 172 | Eikyō (1429–1441) |
永享 |
2574 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 173 | Kakitsu (1441–1444) |
嘉吉 |
2575 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 174 | Bun’an (1444–1449) |
文安 |
2576 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 175 | Hōtoku (1449–1452) |
宝徳 |
2577 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 176 | Kyōtoku (1452–1455) |
享徳 |
2578 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 177 | Kōshō (1455–1457) |
康正 |
2579 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 178 | Chōroku (1457–1460) |
長禄 |
2580 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 179 | Kanshō (1460–1466) |
寛正 |
2581 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 180 | Bunshō (1466–1467) |
文正 |
2582 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 181 | Ōnin (1467–1469) |
応仁 |
2583 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 182 | Bunmei (1469–1487) |
文明 |
2584 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 183 | Chōkyō (1487–1489) |
長享 |
2585 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 184 | Entoku (1489–1492) |
延徳 |
2586 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 185 | Meiō (1492–1501) |
明応 |
2587 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 186 | Bunki (1501–1504) |
文亀 |
2588 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 187 | Eishō (1504–1521) |
永正 |
2589 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 188 | Taiei (1521–1528) |
大永 |
2590 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 189 | Kyōroku (1528–1532) |
享禄 |
2591 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 190 | Tenbun (1532–1555) |
天文 |
2592 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 191 | Kōji (1555–1558) |
弘治 |
2593 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 192 | Eiroku (1558–1570) |
永禄 |
2594 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 193 | Genki (1570–1573) |
元亀 |
2595 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 194 | Tenshō (1573–1592) |
天正 |
2596 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 195 | Bunroku (1592–1596) |
文禄 |
2597 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 196 | Keichō (1596–1615) |
慶長 |
2598 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 197 | Genna (1615–1624) |
元和 |
2599 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 198 | Kan’ei (1624–1644) |
寛永 |
2600 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 199 | Shōho (1644–1648) |
正保 |
2601 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 200 | Keian (1648–1652) |
慶安 |
2602 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 201 | Jōō (1652–1655) |
承応 |
2603 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 202 | Meireki (1655–1658) |
明暦 |
2604 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 203 | Manji (1658–1661) |
万治 |
2605 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 204 | Kanbun (1661–1673) |
寛文 |
2606 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 205 | Enpō (1673–1681) |
延宝 |
2607 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 206 | Tenna (1681–1684) |
天和 |
2608 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 207 | Jōkyō (1684–1688) |
貞享 |
2609 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 208 | Genroku (1688–1704) |
元禄 |
2610 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 209 | Hōei (1704–1711) |
宝永 |
2611 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 210 | Shōtoku (1711–1716) |
正徳 |
2612 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 211 | Kyōhō (1716–1736) |
享保 |
2613 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 212 | Genbun (1736–1741) |
元文 |
2614 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 213 | Kanpō (1741–1744) |
寛保 |
2615 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 214 | Enkyō (1744–1748) |
延享 |
2616 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 215 | Kan’en (1748–1751) |
寛延 |
2617 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 216 | Hōreki (1751–1764) |
宝暦 |
2618 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 217 | Meiwa (1764–1772) |
明和 |
2619 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 218 | An’ei (1772–1781) |
安永 |
2620 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 219 | Tenmei (1781–1789) |
天明 |
2621 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 220 | Kansei (1789–1801) |
寛政 |
2622 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 221 | Kyōwa (1801–1804) |
享和 |
2623 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 222 | Bunka (1804–1818) |
文化 |
2624 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 223 | Bunsei (1818–1830) |
文政 |
2625 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 224 | Tenpō (1830–1844) |
天保 |
2626 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 225 | Kōka (1844–1848) |
弘化 |
2627 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 226 | Kaei (1848–1854) |
嘉永 |
2628 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 227 | Ansei (1854–1860) |
安政 |
2629 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 228 | Man’en (1860–1861) |
万延 |
2630 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 229 | Bunkyū (1861–1864) |
文久 |
2631 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 230 | Genji (1864–1865) |
元治 |
2632 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 231 | Keiō (1865–1868) |
慶応 |
2633 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 232 | Meiji |
明治 |
2634 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 233 | Taishō |
大正 |
2635 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 234 | Shōwa |
昭和 |
2636 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 235 | Heisei |
平成 |
2637 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - abbreviated | 236 | Reiwa |
令和 |
2638 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 0 | Taika (645–650) |
大化 |
2639 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 1 | Hakuchi (650–671) |
白雉 |
2640 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 2 | Hakuhō (672–686) |
白鳳 |
2641 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 3 | Shuchō (686–701) |
朱鳥 |
2642 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 4 | Taihō (701–704) |
大宝 |
2643 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 5 | Keiun (704–708) |
慶雲 |
2644 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 6 | Wadō (708–715) |
和銅 |
2645 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 7 | Reiki (715–717) |
霊亀 |
2646 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 8 | Yōrō (717–724) |
養老 |
2647 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 9 | Jinki (724–729) |
神亀 |
2648 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 10 | Tenpyō (729–749) |
天平 |
2649 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 11 | Tenpyō-kampō (749–749) |
天平感宝 |
2650 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 12 | Tenpyō-shōhō (749–757) |
天平勝宝 |
2651 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 13 | Tenpyō-hōji (757–765) |
天平宝字 |
2652 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 14 | Tenpyō-jingo (765–767) |
天平神護 |
2653 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 15 | Jingo-keiun (767–770) |
神護景雲 |
2654 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 16 | Hōki (770–780) |
宝亀 |
2655 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 17 | Ten-ō (781–782) |
天応 |
2656 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 18 | Enryaku (782–806) |
延暦 |
2657 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 19 | Daidō (806–810) |
大同 |
2658 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 20 | Kōnin (810–824) |
弘仁 |
2659 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 21 | Tenchō (824–834) |
天長 |
2660 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 22 | Jōwa (834–848) |
承和 |
2661 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 23 | Kajō (848–851) |
嘉祥 |
2662 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 24 | Ninju (851–854) |
仁寿 |
2663 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 25 | Saikō (854–857) |
斉衡 |
2664 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 26 | Ten-an (857–859) |
天安 |
2665 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 27 | Jōgan (859–877) |
貞観 |
2666 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 28 | Gangyō (877–885) |
元慶 |
2667 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 29 | Ninna (885–889) |
仁和 |
2668 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 30 | Kanpyō (889–898) |
寛平 |
2669 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 31 | Shōtai (898–901) |
昌泰 |
2670 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 32 | Engi (901–923) |
延喜 |
2671 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 33 | Enchō (923–931) |
延長 |
2672 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 34 | Jōhei (931–938) |
承平 |
2673 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 35 | Tengyō (938–947) |
天慶 |
2674 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 36 | Tenryaku (947–957) |
天暦 |
2675 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 37 | Tentoku (957–961) |
天徳 |
2676 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 38 | Ōwa (961–964) |
応和 |
2677 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 39 | Kōhō (964–968) |
康保 |
2678 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 40 | Anna (968–970) |
安和 |
2679 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 41 | Tenroku (970–973) |
天禄 |
2680 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 42 | Ten’en (973–976) |
天延 |
2681 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 43 | Jōgen (976–978) |
貞元 |
2682 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 44 | Tengen (978–983) |
天元 |
2683 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 45 | Eikan (983–985) |
永観 |
2684 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 46 | Kanna (985–987) |
寛和 |
2685 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 47 | Eien (987–989) |
永延 |
2686 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 48 | Eiso (989–990) |
永祚 |
2687 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 49 | Shōryaku (990–995) |
正暦 |
2688 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 50 | Chōtoku (995–999) |
長徳 |
2689 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 51 | Chōhō (999–1004) |
長保 |
2690 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 52 | Kankō (1004–1012) |
寛弘 |
2691 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 53 | Chōwa (1012–1017) |
長和 |
2692 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 54 | Kannin (1017–1021) |
寛仁 |
2693 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 55 | Jian (1021–1024) |
治安 |
2694 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 56 | Manju (1024–1028) |
万寿 |
2695 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 57 | Chōgen (1028–1037) |
長元 |
2696 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 58 | Chōryaku (1037–1040) |
長暦 |
2697 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 59 | Chōkyū (1040–1044) |
長久 |
2698 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 60 | Kantoku (1044–1046) |
寛徳 |
2699 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 61 | Eishō (1046–1053) |
永承 |
2700 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 62 | Tengi (1053–1058) |
天喜 |
2701 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 63 | Kōhei (1058–1065) |
康平 |
2702 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 64 | Jiryaku (1065–1069) |
治暦 |
2703 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 65 | Enkyū (1069–1074) |
延久 |
2704 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 66 | Shōho (1074–1077) |
承保 |
2705 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 67 | Shōryaku (1077–1081) |
承暦 |
2706 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 68 | Eihō (1081–1084) |
永保 |
2707 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 69 | Ōtoku (1084–1087) |
応徳 |
2708 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 70 | Kanji (1087–1094) |
寛治 |
2709 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 71 | Kahō (1094–1096) |
嘉保 |
2710 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 72 | Eichō (1096–1097) |
永長 |
2711 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 73 | Jōtoku (1097–1099) |
承徳 |
2712 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 74 | Kōwa (1099–1104) |
康和 |
2713 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 75 | Chōji (1104–1106) |
長治 |
2714 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 76 | Kashō (1106–1108) |
嘉承 |
2715 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 77 | Tennin (1108–1110) |
天仁 |
2716 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 78 | Ten-ei (1110–1113) |
天永 |
2717 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 79 | Eikyū (1113–1118) |
永久 |
2718 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 80 | Gen’ei (1118–1120) |
元永 |
2719 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 81 | Hōan (1120–1124) |
保安 |
2720 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 82 | Tenji (1124–1126) |
天治 |
2721 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 83 | Daiji (1126–1131) |
大治 |
2722 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 84 | Tenshō (1131–1132) |
天承 |
2723 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 85 | Chōshō (1132–1135) |
長承 |
2724 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 86 | Hōen (1135–1141) |
保延 |
2725 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 87 | Eiji (1141–1142) |
永治 |
2726 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 88 | Kōji (1142–1144) |
康治 |
2727 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 89 | Ten’yō (1144–1145) |
天養 |
2728 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 90 | Kyūan (1145–1151) |
久安 |
2729 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 91 | Ninpei (1151–1154) |
仁平 |
2730 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 92 | Kyūju (1154–1156) |
久寿 |
2731 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 93 | Hōgen (1156–1159) |
保元 |
2732 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 94 | Heiji (1159–1160) |
平治 |
2733 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 95 | Eiryaku (1160–1161) |
永暦 |
2734 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 96 | Ōho (1161–1163) |
応保 |
2735 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 97 | Chōkan (1163–1165) |
長寛 |
2736 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 98 | Eiman (1165–1166) |
永万 |
2737 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 99 | Nin’an (1166–1169) |
仁安 |
2738 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 100 | Kaō (1169–1171) |
嘉応 |
2739 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 101 | Shōan (1171–1175) |
承安 |
2740 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 102 | Angen (1175–1177) |
安元 |
2741 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 103 | Jishō (1177–1181) |
治承 |
2742 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 104 | Yōwa (1181–1182) |
養和 |
2743 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 105 | Juei (1182–1184) |
寿永 |
2744 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 106 | Genryaku (1184–1185) |
元暦 |
2745 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 107 | Bunji (1185–1190) |
文治 |
2746 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 108 | Kenkyū (1190–1199) |
建久 |
2747 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 109 | Shōji (1199–1201) |
正治 |
2748 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 110 | Kennin (1201–1204) |
建仁 |
2749 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 111 | Genkyū (1204–1206) |
元久 |
2750 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 112 | Ken’ei (1206–1207) |
建永 |
2751 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 113 | Jōgen (1207–1211) |
承元 |
2752 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 114 | Kenryaku (1211–1213) |
建暦 |
2753 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 115 | Kenpō (1213–1219) |
建保 |
2754 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 116 | Jōkyū (1219–1222) |
承久 |
2755 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 117 | Jōō (1222–1224) |
貞応 |
2756 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 118 | Gennin (1224–1225) |
元仁 |
2757 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 119 | Karoku (1225–1227) |
嘉禄 |
2758 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 120 | Antei (1227–1229) |
安貞 |
2759 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 121 | Kanki (1229–1232) |
寛喜 |
2760 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 122 | Jōei (1232–1233) |
貞永 |
2761 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 123 | Tenpuku (1233–1234) |
天福 |
2762 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 124 | Bunryaku (1234–1235) |
文暦 |
2763 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 125 | Katei (1235–1238) |
嘉禎 |
2764 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 126 | Ryakunin (1238–1239) |
暦仁 |
2765 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 127 | En’ō (1239–1240) |
延応 |
2766 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 128 | Ninji (1240–1243) |
仁治 |
2767 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 129 | Kangen (1243–1247) |
寛元 |
2768 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 130 | Hōji (1247–1249) |
宝治 |
2769 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 131 | Kenchō (1249–1256) |
建長 |
2770 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 132 | Kōgen (1256–1257) |
康元 |
2771 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 133 | Shōka (1257–1259) |
正嘉 |
2772 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 134 | Shōgen (1259–1260) |
正元 |
2773 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 135 | Bun’ō (1260–1261) |
文応 |
2774 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 136 | Kōchō (1261–1264) |
弘長 |
2775 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 137 | Bun’ei (1264–1275) |
文永 |
2776 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 138 | Kenji (1275–1278) |
建治 |
2777 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 139 | Kōan (1278–1288) |
弘安 |
2778 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 140 | Shōō (1288–1293) |
正応 |
2779 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 141 | Einin (1293–1299) |
永仁 |
2780 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 142 | Shōan (1299–1302) |
正安 |
2781 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 143 | Kengen (1302–1303) |
乾元 |
2782 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 144 | Kagen (1303–1306) |
嘉元 |
2783 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 145 | Tokuji (1306–1308) |
徳治 |
2784 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 146 | Enkyō (1308–1311) |
延慶 |
2785 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 147 | Ōchō (1311–1312) |
応長 |
2786 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 148 | Shōwa (1312–1317) |
正和 |
2787 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 149 | Bunpō (1317–1319) |
文保 |
2788 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 150 | Genō (1319–1321) |
元応 |
2789 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 151 | Genkō (1321–1324) |
元亨 |
2790 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 152 | Shōchū (1324–1326) |
正中 |
2791 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 153 | Karyaku (1326–1329) |
嘉暦 |
2792 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 154 | Gentoku (1329–1331) |
元徳 |
2793 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 155 | Genkō (1331–1334) |
元弘 |
2794 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 156 | Kenmu (1334–1336) |
建武 |
2795 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 157 | Engen (1336–1340) |
延元 |
2796 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 158 | Kōkoku (1340–1346) |
興国 |
2797 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 159 | Shōhei (1346–1370) |
正平 |
2798 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 160 | Kentoku (1370–1372) |
建徳 |
2799 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 161 | Bunchū (1372–1375) |
文中 |
2800 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 162 | Tenju (1375–1379) |
天授 |
2801 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 163 | Kōryaku (1379–1381) |
康暦 |
2802 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 164 | Kōwa (1381–1384) |
弘和 |
2803 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 165 | Genchū (1384–1392) |
元中 |
2804 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 166 | Meitoku (1384–1387) |
至徳 |
2805 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 167 | Kakei (1387–1389) |
嘉慶 |
2806 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 168 | Kōō (1389–1390) |
康応 |
2807 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 169 | Meitoku (1390–1394) |
明徳 |
2808 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 170 | Ōei (1394–1428) |
応永 |
2809 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 171 | Shōchō (1428–1429) |
正長 |
2810 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 172 | Eikyō (1429–1441) |
永享 |
2811 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 173 | Kakitsu (1441–1444) |
嘉吉 |
2812 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 174 | Bun’an (1444–1449) |
文安 |
2813 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 175 | Hōtoku (1449–1452) |
宝徳 |
2814 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 176 | Kyōtoku (1452–1455) |
享徳 |
2815 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 177 | Kōshō (1455–1457) |
康正 |
2816 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 178 | Chōroku (1457–1460) |
長禄 |
2817 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 179 | Kanshō (1460–1466) |
寛正 |
2818 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 180 | Bunshō (1466–1467) |
文正 |
2819 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 181 | Ōnin (1467–1469) |
応仁 |
2820 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 182 | Bunmei (1469–1487) |
文明 |
2821 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 183 | Chōkyō (1487–1489) |
長享 |
2822 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 184 | Entoku (1489–1492) |
延徳 |
2823 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 185 | Meiō (1492–1501) |
明応 |
2824 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 186 | Bunki (1501–1504) |
文亀 |
2825 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 187 | Eishō (1504–1521) |
永正 |
2826 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 188 | Taiei (1521–1528) |
大永 |
2827 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 189 | Kyōroku (1528–1532) |
享禄 |
2828 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 190 | Tenbun (1532–1555) |
天文 |
2829 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 191 | Kōji (1555–1558) |
弘治 |
2830 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 192 | Eiroku (1558–1570) |
永禄 |
2831 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 193 | Genki (1570–1573) |
元亀 |
2832 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 194 | Tenshō (1573–1592) |
天正 |
2833 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 195 | Bunroku (1592–1596) |
文禄 |
2834 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 196 | Keichō (1596–1615) |
慶長 |
2835 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 197 | Genna (1615–1624) |
元和 |
2836 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 198 | Kan’ei (1624–1644) |
寛永 |
2837 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 199 | Shōho (1644–1648) |
正保 |
2838 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 200 | Keian (1648–1652) |
慶安 |
2839 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 201 | Jōō (1652–1655) |
承応 |
2840 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 202 | Meireki (1655–1658) |
明暦 |
2841 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 203 | Manji (1658–1661) |
万治 |
2842 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 204 | Kanbun (1661–1673) |
寛文 |
2843 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 205 | Enpō (1673–1681) |
延宝 |
2844 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 206 | Tenna (1681–1684) |
天和 |
2845 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 207 | Jōkyō (1684–1688) |
貞享 |
2846 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 208 | Genroku (1688–1704) |
元禄 |
2847 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 209 | Hōei (1704–1711) |
宝永 |
2848 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 210 | Shōtoku (1711–1716) |
正徳 |
2849 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 211 | Kyōhō (1716–1736) |
享保 |
2850 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 212 | Genbun (1736–1741) |
元文 |
2851 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 213 | Kanpō (1741–1744) |
寛保 |
2852 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 214 | Enkyō (1744–1748) |
延享 |
2853 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 215 | Kan’en (1748–1751) |
寛延 |
2854 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 216 | Hōreki (1751–1764) |
宝暦 |
2855 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 217 | Meiwa (1764–1772) |
明和 |
2856 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 218 | An’ei (1772–1781) |
安永 |
2857 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 219 | Tenmei (1781–1789) |
天明 |
2858 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 220 | Kansei (1789–1801) |
寛政 |
2859 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 221 | Kyōwa (1801–1804) |
享和 |
2860 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 222 | Bunka (1804–1818) |
文化 |
2861 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 223 | Bunsei (1818–1830) |
文政 |
2862 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 224 | Tenpō (1830–1844) |
天保 |
2863 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 225 | Kōka (1844–1848) |
弘化 |
2864 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 226 | Kaei (1848–1854) |
嘉永 |
2865 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 227 | Ansei (1854–1860) |
安政 |
2866 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 228 | Man’en (1860–1861) |
万延 |
2867 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 229 | Bunkyū (1861–1864) |
文久 |
2868 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 230 | Genji (1864–1865) |
元治 |
2869 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 231 | Keiō (1865–1868) |
慶応 |
2870 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 232 | = |
M |
2871 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 233 | = |
T |
2872 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 234 | = |
S |
2873 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 235 | = |
H |
2874 | Date & Time | Japanese | Eras - narrow | 236 | = |
R |
2875 | Date & Time | Japanese | Formats - Standard - Date Formats | full | EEEE, MMMM d, y G |
Gy年M月d日EEEE |
2876 | Date & Time | Japanese | Formats - Standard - Date Formats | medium | MMM d, y G |
Gy年M月d日 |
2877 | Date & Time | Japanese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | EEEEd | n/a |
d日EEEE |
2878 | Date & Time | Japanese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | GyMMMEEEEd | n/a |
Gy年M月d日EEEE |
2879 | Date & Time | Japanese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MEEEEd | n/a |
2880 | Date & Time | Japanese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMMEEEEd | n/a |
M月d日EEEE |
2881 | Date & Time | Japanese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMEEEEd | n/a |
2882 | Date & Time | Japanese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMM | n/a |
2883 | Date & Time | Japanese | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | yyyyMMMEEEEd | n/a |
Gy年M月d日EEEE |
2884 | Date & Time | Persian | Eras - abbreviated | 0 | = |
AP |
2885 | Date & Time | Persian | Months - wide - Formatting | M1 | Farvardin |
ファルヴァルディーン |
2886 | Date & Time | Persian | Months - wide - Formatting | M2 | Ordibehesht |
オルディーベヘシュト |
2887 | Date & Time | Persian | Months - wide - Formatting | M3 | Khordad |
ホルダード |
2888 | Date & Time | Persian | Months - wide - Formatting | M4 | Tir |
ティール |
2889 | Date & Time | Persian | Months - wide - Formatting | M5 | Mordad |
モルダード |
2890 | Date & Time | Persian | Months - wide - Formatting | M6 | Shahrivar |
シャハリーヴァル |
2891 | Date & Time | Persian | Months - wide - Formatting | M7 | Mehr |
メフル |
2892 | Date & Time | Persian | Months - wide - Formatting | M8 | Aban |
アーバーン |
2893 | Date & Time | Persian | Months - wide - Formatting | M9 | Azar |
アーザル |
2894 | Date & Time | Persian | Months - wide - Formatting | M10 | Dey |
デイ |
2895 | Date & Time | Persian | Months - wide - Formatting | M11 | Bahman |
バフマン |
2896 | Date & Time | Persian | Months - wide - Formatting | M12 | Esfand |
エスファンド |
2897 | Date & Time | Persian | Months - narrow - Standalone | M1 | = |
1 |
2898 | Date & Time | Persian | Months - narrow - Standalone | M2 | = |
2 |
2899 | Date & Time | Persian | Months - narrow - Standalone | M3 | = |
3 |
2900 | Date & Time | Persian | Months - narrow - Standalone | M4 | = |
4 |
2901 | Date & Time | Persian | Months - narrow - Standalone | M5 | = |
5 |
2902 | Date & Time | Persian | Months - narrow - Standalone | M6 | = |
6 |
2903 | Date & Time | Persian | Months - narrow - Standalone | M7 | = |
7 |
2904 | Date & Time | Persian | Months - narrow - Standalone | M8 | = |
8 |
2905 | Date & Time | Persian | Months - narrow - Standalone | M9 | = |
9 |
2906 | Date & Time | Persian | Months - narrow - Standalone | M10 | = |
10 |
2907 | Date & Time | Persian | Months - narrow - Standalone | M11 | = |
11 |
2908 | Date & Time | Persian | Months - narrow - Standalone | M12 | = |
12 |
2909 | Date & Time | Minguo | Eras - abbreviated | 0 | B.R.O.C. |
民国前 |
2910 | Date & Time | Minguo | Eras - abbreviated | 1 | Minguo |
民国 |
2911 | Date & Time | Minguo | Formats - Standard - Date Formats | full | EEEE, MMMM d, y G |
Gy年M月d日EEEE |
2912 | Date & Time | Minguo | Formats - Standard - Date Formats | medium | MMM d, y G |
Gy/MM/dd |
2913 | Date & Time | Minguo | Formats - Standard - Date Formats | short | M/d/y GGGGG |
Gy/MM/dd |
2914 | Timezones | Timezone Display Patterns | null | Region Format - Generic | {0} Time |
{0}時間 |
2915 | Timezones | Timezone Display Patterns | null | Region Format - Standard | {0} Standard Time |
{0}標準時 |
2916 | Timezones | Timezone Display Patterns | null | Region Format - Daylight | {0} Daylight Time |
{0}夏時間 |
2917 | Timezones | Timezone Display Patterns | null | GMT Format | = |
GMT{0} |
2918 | Timezones | Timezone Display Patterns | null | GMT Hours/Minutes Format | = |
+HH:mm;-HH:mm |
2919 | Timezones | Timezone Display Patterns | null | GMT Zero Format | = |
2920 | Timezones | Timezone Display Patterns | null | Location Fallback Format | {1} ({0}) |
{1}({0}) |
2921 | Timezones | North America | Alaska | generic-long | Alaska Time |
アラスカ時間 |
2922 | Timezones | North America | Alaska | standard-long | Alaska Standard Time |
アラスカ標準時 |
2923 | Timezones | North America | Alaska | daylight-long | Alaska Daylight Time |
アラスカ夏時間 |
2924 | Timezones | North America | America_Central | generic-long | Central Time |
アメリカ中部時間 |
2925 | Timezones | North America | America_Central | standard-long | Central Standard Time |
アメリカ中部標準時 |
2926 | Timezones | North America | America_Central | daylight-long | Central Daylight Time |
アメリカ中部夏時間 |
2927 | Timezones | North America | America_Eastern | generic-long | Eastern Time |
アメリカ東部時間 |
2928 | Timezones | North America | America_Eastern | standard-long | Eastern Standard Time |
アメリカ東部標準時 |
2929 | Timezones | North America | America_Eastern | daylight-long | Eastern Daylight Time |
アメリカ東部夏時間 |
2930 | Timezones | North America | America_Mountain | generic-long | Mountain Time |
アメリカ山地時間 |
2931 | Timezones | North America | America_Mountain | standard-long | Mountain Standard Time |
アメリカ山地標準時 |
2932 | Timezones | North America | America_Mountain | daylight-long | Mountain Daylight Time |
アメリカ山地夏時間 |
2933 | Timezones | North America | America_Pacific | generic-long | Pacific Time |
アメリカ太平洋時間 |
2934 | Timezones | North America | America_Pacific | standard-long | Pacific Standard Time |
アメリカ太平洋標準時 |
2935 | Timezones | North America | America_Pacific | daylight-long | Pacific Daylight Time |
アメリカ太平洋夏時間 |
2936 | Timezones | North America | Atlantic | generic-long | Atlantic Time |
大西洋時間 |
2937 | Timezones | North America | Atlantic | standard-long | Atlantic Standard Time |
大西洋標準時 |
2938 | Timezones | North America | Atlantic | daylight-long | Atlantic Daylight Time |
大西洋夏時間 |
2939 | Timezones | North America | Cuba | generic-long | Cuba Time |
キューバ時間 |
2940 | Timezones | North America | Cuba | standard-long | Cuba Standard Time |
キューバ標準時 |
2941 | Timezones | North America | Cuba | daylight-long | Cuba Daylight Time |
キューバ夏時間 |
2942 | Timezones | North America | Greenland_Eastern | generic-long | East Greenland Time |
グリーンランド東部時間 |
2943 | Timezones | North America | Greenland_Eastern | standard-long | East Greenland Standard Time |
グリーンランド東部標準時 |
2944 | Timezones | North America | Greenland_Eastern | daylight-long | East Greenland Summer Time |
グリーンランド東部夏時間 |
2945 | Timezones | North America | Greenland_Western | generic-long | West Greenland Time |
グリーンランド西部時間 |
2946 | Timezones | North America | Greenland_Western | standard-long | West Greenland Standard Time |
グリーンランド西部標準時 |
2947 | Timezones | North America | Greenland_Western | daylight-long | West Greenland Summer Time |
グリーンランド西部夏時間 |
2948 | Timezones | North America | Hawaii_Aleutian | generic-long | Hawaii-Aleutian Time |
ハワイ・アリューシャン時間 |
2949 | Timezones | North America | Hawaii_Aleutian | standard-long | Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time |
ハワイ・アリューシャン標準時 |
2950 | Timezones | North America | Hawaii_Aleutian | daylight-long | Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time |
ハワイ・アリューシャン夏時間 |
2951 | Timezones | North America | Mexico_Pacific | generic-long | Mexican Pacific Time |
メキシコ太平洋時間 |
2952 | Timezones | North America | Mexico_Pacific | standard-long | Mexican Pacific Standard Time |
メキシコ太平洋標準時 |
2953 | Timezones | North America | Mexico_Pacific | daylight-long | Mexican Pacific Daylight Time |
メキシコ太平洋夏時間 |
2954 | Timezones | North America | Newfoundland | generic-long | Newfoundland Time |
ニューファンドランド時間 |
2955 | Timezones | North America | Newfoundland | standard-long | Newfoundland Standard Time |
ニューファンドランド標準時 |
2956 | Timezones | North America | Newfoundland | daylight-long | Newfoundland Daylight Time |
ニューファンドランド夏時間 |
2957 | Timezones | North America | Pierre_Miquelon | generic-long | St. Pierre & Miquelon Time |
サンピエール島・ミクロン島時間 |
2958 | Timezones | North America | Pierre_Miquelon | standard-long | St. Pierre & Miquelon Standard Time |
サンピエール島・ミクロン島標準時 |
2959 | Timezones | North America | Pierre_Miquelon | daylight-long | St. Pierre & Miquelon Daylight Time |
サンピエール島・ミクロン島夏時間 |
2960 | Timezones | North America | Yukon | standard-long | Yukon Time |
ユーコン時間 |
2961 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Adak | Adak |
アダック |
2962 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Anchorage | Anchorage |
アンカレッジ |
2963 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Anguilla | Anguilla |
アンギラ |
2964 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Antigua | Antigua |
アンティグア |
2965 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Aruba | Aruba |
アルバ |
2966 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Bahia_Banderas | Bahía de Banderas |
バイアバンデラ |
2967 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Barbados | Barbados |
バルバドス |
2968 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Belize | Belize |
ベリーズ |
2969 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Bermuda | Bermuda |
バミューダ |
2970 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Blanc-Sablon | Blanc-Sablon |
ブラン・サブロン |
2971 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Boise | Boise |
ボイシ |
2972 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Cambridge_Bay | Cambridge Bay |
ケンブリッジベイ |
2973 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Cancun | Cancún |
カンクン |
2974 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Cayman | Cayman |
ケイマン |
2975 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Chicago | Chicago |
シカゴ |
2976 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Chihuahua | Chihuahua |
チワワ |
2977 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Ciudad_Juarez | Ciudad Juárez |
シウダー・フアレス |
2978 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Coral_Harbour | Atikokan |
アティコカン |
2979 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Costa_Rica | Costa Rica |
コスタリカ |
2980 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Creston | Creston |
クレストン |
2981 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Curacao | Curaçao |
キュラソー |
2982 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Danmarkshavn | Danmarkshavn |
デンマークシャウン |
2983 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Dawson | Dawson |
ドーソン |
2984 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Dawson_Creek | Dawson Creek |
ドーソンクリーク |
2985 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Denver | Denver |
デンバー |
2986 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Detroit | Detroit |
デトロイト |
2987 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Dominica | Dominica |
ドミニカ |
2988 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Edmonton | Edmonton |
エドモントン |
2989 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | El_Salvador | El Salvador |
エルサルバドル |
2990 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Fort_Nelson | Fort Nelson |
フォートネルソン |
2991 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Glace_Bay | Glace Bay |
グレースベイ |
2992 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Godthab | Nuuk |
ヌーク |
2993 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Goose_Bay | Goose Bay |
グースベイ |
2994 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Grand_Turk | Grand Turk |
グランドターク |
2995 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Grenada | Grenada |
グレナダ |
2996 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Guadeloupe | Guadeloupe |
グアドループ |
2997 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Guatemala | Guatemala |
グアテマラ |
2998 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Halifax | Halifax |
ハリファクス |
2999 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Havana | Havana |
ハバナ |
3000 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Hermosillo | Hermosillo |
エルモシヨ |
3001 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Honolulu | n/a |
ホノルル |
3002 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Indiana/Knox | Knox, Indiana |
インディアナ州ノックス |
3003 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Indiana/Marengo | Marengo, Indiana |
インディアナ州マレンゴ |
3004 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Indiana/Petersburg | Petersburg, Indiana |
インディアナ州ピーターズバーグ |
3005 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Indiana/Tell_City | Tell City, Indiana |
インディアナ州テルシティ |
3006 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Indiana/Vevay | Vevay, Indiana |
インディアナ州ビベー |
3007 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Indiana/Vincennes | Vincennes, Indiana |
インディアナ州ビンセンス |
3008 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Indiana/Winamac | Winamac, Indiana |
インディアナ州ウィナマック |
3009 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Indianapolis | Indianapolis |
インディアナポリス |
3010 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Inuvik | Inuvik |
イヌヴィク |
3011 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Iqaluit | Iqaluit |
イカルイット |
3012 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Jamaica | Jamaica |
ジャマイカ |
3013 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Juneau | Juneau |
ジュノー |
3014 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Kentucky/Monticello | Monticello, Kentucky |
ケンタッキー州モンティチェロ |
3015 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Kralendijk | Kralendijk |
クラレンダイク |
3016 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Los_Angeles | Los Angeles |
ロサンゼルス |
3017 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Louisville | Louisville |
ルイビル |
3018 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Lower_Princes | Lower Prince’s Quarter |
ローワー・プリンセズ・クウォーター |
3019 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Managua | Managua |
マナグア |
3020 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Marigot | Marigot |
マリゴ |
3021 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Martinique | Martinique |
マルティニーク |
3022 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Matamoros | Matamoros |
マタモロス |
3023 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Mazatlan | Mazatlan |
マサトラン |
3024 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Menominee | Menominee |
メノミニー |
3025 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Merida | Mérida |
メリダ |
3026 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Metlakatla | Metlakatla |
メトラカトラ |
3027 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Mexico_City | Mexico City |
メキシコシティー |
3028 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Miquelon | Miquelon |
ミクロン島 |
3029 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Moncton | Moncton |
モンクトン |
3030 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Monterrey | Monterrey |
モンテレイ |
3031 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Montserrat | Montserrat |
モントセラト |
3032 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Nassau | Nassau |
ナッソー |
3033 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | New_York | New York |
ニューヨーク |
3034 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Nome | Nome |
ノーム |
3035 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | North_Dakota/Beulah | Beulah, North Dakota |
ノースダコタ州ビューラー |
3036 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | North_Dakota/Center | Center, North Dakota |
ノースダコタ州センター |
3037 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | North_Dakota/New_Salem | New Salem, North Dakota |
ノースダコタ州ニューセーラム |
3038 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Ojinaga | Ojinaga |
オヒナガ |
3039 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Panama | Panama |
パナマ |
3040 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Phoenix | Phoenix |
フェニックス |
3041 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Port_of_Spain | Port of Spain |
ポートオブスペイン |
3042 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Port-au-Prince | Port-au-Prince |
ポルトープランス |
3043 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Puerto_Rico | Puerto Rico |
プエルトリコ |
3044 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Rankin_Inlet | Rankin Inlet |
ランキンインレット |
3045 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Regina | Regina |
レジャイナ |
3046 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Resolute | Resolute |
レゾリュート |
3047 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Santo_Domingo | Santo Domingo |
サントドミンゴ |
3048 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Scoresbysund | Ittoqqortoormiit |
イトコルトルミット |
3049 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Sitka | Sitka |
シトカ |
3050 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | St_Barthelemy | St. Barthélemy |
サン・バルテルミー |
3051 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | St_Johns | St. John’s |
セントジョンズ |
3052 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | St_Kitts | St. Kitts |
セントクリストファー |
3053 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | St_Lucia | St. Lucia |
セントルシア |
3054 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | St_Thomas | St. Thomas |
セントトーマス |
3055 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | St_Vincent | St. Vincent |
セントビンセント |
3056 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Swift_Current | Swift Current |
スウィフトカレント |
3057 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Tegucigalpa | Tegucigalpa |
テグシガルパ |
3058 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Thule | Thule |
チューレ |
3059 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Tijuana | Tijuana |
ティフアナ |
3060 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Toronto | Toronto |
トロント |
3061 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Tortola | Tortola |
トルトーラ |
3062 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Vancouver | Vancouver |
バンクーバー |
3063 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Whitehorse | Whitehorse |
ホワイトホース |
3064 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Winnipeg | Winnipeg |
ウィニペグ |
3065 | Timezones | North America | Cities and Regions | Yakutat | Yakutat |
ヤクタット |
3066 | Timezones | South America | Acre | generic-long | Acre Time |
アクレ時間 |
3067 | Timezones | South America | Acre | standard-long | Acre Standard Time |
アクレ標準時 |
3068 | Timezones | South America | Acre | daylight-long | Acre Summer Time |
アクレ夏時間 |
3069 | Timezones | South America | Amazon | generic-long | Amazon Time |
アマゾン時間 |
3070 | Timezones | South America | Amazon | standard-long | Amazon Standard Time |
アマゾン標準時 |
3071 | Timezones | South America | Amazon | daylight-long | Amazon Summer Time |
アマゾン夏時間 |
3072 | Timezones | South America | Argentina | generic-long | Argentina Time |
アルゼンチン時間 |
3073 | Timezones | South America | Argentina | standard-long | Argentina Standard Time |
アルゼンチン標準時 |
3074 | Timezones | South America | Argentina | daylight-long | Argentina Summer Time |
アルゼンチン夏時間 |
3075 | Timezones | South America | Argentina_Western | generic-long | Western Argentina Time |
西部アルゼンチン時間 |
3076 | Timezones | South America | Argentina_Western | standard-long | Western Argentina Standard Time |
西部アルゼンチン標準時 |
3077 | Timezones | South America | Argentina_Western | daylight-long | Western Argentina Summer Time |
西部アルゼンチン夏時間 |
3078 | Timezones | South America | Bolivia | standard-long | Bolivia Time |
ボリビア時間 |
3079 | Timezones | South America | Brasilia | generic-long | Brasilia Time |
ブラジリア時間 |
3080 | Timezones | South America | Brasilia | standard-long | Brasilia Standard Time |
ブラジリア標準時 |
3081 | Timezones | South America | Brasilia | daylight-long | Brasilia Summer Time |
ブラジリア夏時間 |
3082 | Timezones | South America | Chile | generic-long | Chile Time |
チリ時間 |
3083 | Timezones | South America | Chile | standard-long | Chile Standard Time |
チリ標準時 |
3084 | Timezones | South America | Chile | daylight-long | Chile Summer Time |
チリ夏時間 |
3085 | Timezones | South America | Colombia | generic-long | Colombia Time |
コロンビア時間 |
3086 | Timezones | South America | Colombia | standard-long | Colombia Standard Time |
コロンビア標準時 |
3087 | Timezones | South America | Colombia | daylight-long | Colombia Summer Time |
コロンビア夏時間 |
3088 | Timezones | South America | Easter | generic-long | Easter Island Time |
イースター島時間 |
3089 | Timezones | South America | Easter | standard-long | Easter Island Standard Time |
イースター島標準時 |
3090 | Timezones | South America | Easter | daylight-long | Easter Island Summer Time |
イースター島夏時間 |
3091 | Timezones | South America | Ecuador | standard-long | Ecuador Time |
エクアドル時間 |
3092 | Timezones | South America | Falkland | generic-long | Falkland Islands Time |
フォークランド諸島時間 |
3093 | Timezones | South America | Falkland | standard-long | Falkland Islands Standard Time |
フォークランド諸島標準時 |
3094 | Timezones | South America | Falkland | daylight-long | Falkland Islands Summer Time |
フォークランド諸島夏時間 |
3095 | Timezones | South America | French_Guiana | standard-long | French Guiana Time |
仏領ギアナ時間 |
3096 | Timezones | South America | Galapagos | standard-long | Galapagos Time |
ガラパゴス時間 |
3097 | Timezones | South America | Guyana | standard-long | Guyana Time |
ガイアナ時間 |
3098 | Timezones | South America | Noronha | generic-long | Fernando de Noronha Time |
フェルナンド・デ・ノローニャ時間 |
3099 | Timezones | South America | Noronha | standard-long | Fernando de Noronha Standard Time |
フェルナンド・デ・ノローニャ標準時 |
3100 | Timezones | South America | Noronha | daylight-long | Fernando de Noronha Summer Time |
フェルナンド・デ・ノローニャ夏時間 |
3101 | Timezones | South America | Paraguay | generic-long | Paraguay Time |
パラグアイ時間 |
3102 | Timezones | South America | Paraguay | standard-long | Paraguay Standard Time |
パラグアイ標準時 |
3103 | Timezones | South America | Paraguay | daylight-long | Paraguay Summer Time |
パラグアイ夏時間 |
3104 | Timezones | South America | Peru | generic-long | Peru Time |
ペルー時間 |
3105 | Timezones | South America | Peru | standard-long | Peru Standard Time |
ペルー標準時 |
3106 | Timezones | South America | Peru | daylight-long | Peru Summer Time |
ペルー夏時間 |
3107 | Timezones | South America | South_Georgia | standard-long | South Georgia Time |
サウスジョージア時間 |
3108 | Timezones | South America | Suriname | standard-long | Suriname Time |
スリナム時間 |
3109 | Timezones | South America | Uruguay | generic-long | Uruguay Time |
ウルグアイ時間 |
3110 | Timezones | South America | Uruguay | standard-long | Uruguay Standard Time |
ウルグアイ標準時 |
3111 | Timezones | South America | Uruguay | daylight-long | Uruguay Summer Time |
ウルグアイ夏時間 |
3112 | Timezones | South America | Venezuela | standard-long | Venezuela Time |
ベネズエラ時間 |
3113 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Araguaina | Araguaina |
アラグァイナ |
3114 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Argentina/La_Rioja | La Rioja |
ラリオハ |
3115 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Argentina/Rio_Gallegos | Rio Gallegos |
リオガジェゴス |
3116 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Argentina/Salta | Salta |
サルタ |
3117 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Argentina/San_Juan | San Juan |
サンファン |
3118 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Argentina/San_Luis | San Luis |
サンルイス |
3119 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Argentina/Tucuman | Tucuman |
トゥクマン |
3120 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Argentina/Ushuaia | Ushuaia |
ウシュアイア |
3121 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Asuncion | Asunción |
アスンシオン |
3122 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Bahia | Bahia |
バイーア |
3123 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Belem | Belem |
ベレン |
3124 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Boa_Vista | Boa Vista |
ボアビスタ |
3125 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Bogota | Bogota |
ボゴタ |
3126 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Buenos_Aires | Buenos Aires |
ブエノスアイレス |
3127 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Campo_Grande | Campo Grande |
カンポグランデ |
3128 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Caracas | Caracas |
カラカス |
3129 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Catamarca | Catamarca |
カタマルカ |
3130 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Cayenne | Cayenne |
カイエンヌ |
3131 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Cordoba | Cordoba |
コルドバ |
3132 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Cuiaba | Cuiaba |
クイアバ |
3133 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Easter | Easter Island |
イースター島 |
3134 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Eirunepe | Eirunepe |
エイルネペ |
3135 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Fortaleza | Fortaleza |
フォルタレザ |
3136 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Galapagos | Galapagos |
ガラパゴス |
3137 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Guayaquil | Guayaquil |
グアヤキル |
3138 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Guyana | Guyana |
ガイアナ |
3139 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Jujuy | Jujuy |
フフイ |
3140 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | La_Paz | La Paz |
ラパス |
3141 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Lima | Lima |
リマ |
3142 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Maceio | Maceio |
マセイオ |
3143 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Manaus | Manaus |
マナウス |
3144 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Mendoza | Mendoza |
メンドーサ |
3145 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Montevideo | Montevideo |
モンテビデオ |
3146 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Noronha | Fernando de Noronha |
ノローニャ |
3147 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Paramaribo | Paramaribo |
パラマリボ |
3148 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Porto_Velho | Porto Velho |
ポルトベーリョ |
3149 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Punta_Arenas | Punta Arenas |
プンタアレナス |
3150 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Recife | Recife |
レシフェ |
3151 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Rio_Branco | Rio Branco |
リオブランコ |
3152 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Santarem | Santarem |
サンタレム |
3153 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Santiago | Santiago |
サンチアゴ |
3154 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Sao_Paulo | Sao Paulo |
サンパウロ |
3155 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | South_Georgia | South Georgia |
サウスジョージア |
3156 | Timezones | South America | Cities and Regions | Stanley | Stanley |
スタンレー |
3157 | Timezones | Africa | Africa_Central | standard-long | Central Africa Time |
中央アフリカ時間 |
3158 | Timezones | Africa | Africa_Eastern | standard-long | East Africa Time |
東アフリカ時間 |
3159 | Timezones | Africa | Africa_Southern | standard-long | South Africa Standard Time |
南アフリカ標準時 |
3160 | Timezones | Africa | Africa_Western | generic-long | West Africa Time |
西アフリカ時間 |
3161 | Timezones | Africa | Africa_Western | standard-long | West Africa Standard Time |
西アフリカ標準時 |
3162 | Timezones | Africa | Africa_Western | daylight-long | West Africa Summer Time |
西アフリカ夏時間 |
3163 | Timezones | Africa | Cape_Verde | generic-long | Cape Verde Time |
カーボベルデ時間 |
3164 | Timezones | Africa | Cape_Verde | standard-long | Cape Verde Standard Time |
カーボベルデ標準時 |
3165 | Timezones | Africa | Cape_Verde | daylight-long | Cape Verde Summer Time |
カーボベルデ夏時間 |
3166 | Timezones | Africa | French_Southern | standard-long | French Southern & Antarctic Time |
仏領南方南極時間 |
3167 | Timezones | Africa | Indian_Ocean | standard-long | Indian Ocean Time |
インド洋時間 |
3168 | Timezones | Africa | Mauritius | generic-long | Mauritius Time |
モーリシャス時間 |
3169 | Timezones | Africa | Mauritius | standard-long | Mauritius Standard Time |
モーリシャス標準時 |
3170 | Timezones | Africa | Mauritius | daylight-long | Mauritius Summer Time |
モーリシャス夏時間 |
3171 | Timezones | Africa | Reunion | standard-long | Réunion Time |
レユニオン時間 |
3172 | Timezones | Africa | Seychelles | standard-long | Seychelles Time |
セーシェル時間 |
3173 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Abidjan | Abidjan |
アビジャン |
3174 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Accra | Accra |
アクラ |
3175 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Addis_Ababa | Addis Ababa |
アジスアベバ |
3176 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Algiers | Algiers |
アルジェ |
3177 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Antananarivo | Antananarivo |
アンタナナリボ |
3178 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Asmera | Asmara |
アスマラ |
3179 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Bamako | Bamako |
バマコ |
3180 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Bangui | Bangui |
バンギ |
3181 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Banjul | Banjul |
バンジュール |
3182 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Bissau | Bissau |
ビサウ |
3183 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Blantyre | Blantyre |
ブランタイヤ |
3184 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Brazzaville | Brazzaville |
ブラザビル |
3185 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Bujumbura | Bujumbura |
ブジュンブラ |
3186 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Cairo | Cairo |
カイロ |
3187 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Cape_Verde | Cape Verde |
カーボベルデ |
3188 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Casablanca | Casablanca |
カサブランカ |
3189 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Chagos | Chagos |
チャゴス |
3190 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Comoro | Comoro |
コモロ |
3191 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Conakry | Conakry |
コナクリ |
3192 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Dakar | Dakar |
ダカール |
3193 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Dar_es_Salaam | Dar es Salaam |
ダルエスサラーム |
3194 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Djibouti | Djibouti |
ジブチ |
3195 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Douala | Douala |
ドゥアラ |
3196 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | El_Aaiun | El Aaiun |
アイウン |
3197 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Freetown | Freetown |
フリータウン |
3198 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Gaborone | Gaborone |
ハボローネ |
3199 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Harare | Harare |
ハラレ |
3200 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Johannesburg | Johannesburg |
ヨハネスブルグ |
3201 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Juba | Juba |
ジュバ |
3202 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Kampala | Kampala |
カンパラ |
3203 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Kerguelen | Kerguelen |
ケルゲレン諸島 |
3204 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Khartoum | Khartoum |
ハルツーム |
3205 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Kigali | Kigali |
キガリ |
3206 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Kinshasa | Kinshasa |
キンシャサ |
3207 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Lagos | Lagos |
ラゴス |
3208 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Libreville | Libreville |
リーブルヴィル |
3209 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Lome | Lome |
ロメ |
3210 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Luanda | Luanda |
ルアンダ |
3211 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Lubumbashi | Lubumbashi |
ルブンバシ |
3212 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Lusaka | Lusaka |
ルサカ |
3213 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Mahe | Mahe |
マヘ |
3214 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Malabo | Malabo |
マラボ |
3215 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Maputo | Maputo |
マプト |
3216 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Maseru | Maseru |
マセル |
3217 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Mauritius | Mauritius |
モーリシャス |
3218 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Mayotte | Mayotte |
マヨット |
3219 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Mbabane | Mbabane |
ムババーネ |
3220 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Mogadishu | Mogadishu |
モガディシオ |
3221 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Monrovia | Monrovia |
モンロビア |
3222 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Nairobi | Nairobi |
ナイロビ |
3223 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Ndjamena | Ndjamena |
ンジャメナ |
3224 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Niamey | Niamey |
ニアメ |
3225 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Nouakchott | Nouakchott |
ヌアクショット |
3226 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Ouagadougou | Ouagadougou |
ワガドゥグー |
3227 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Porto-Novo | Porto-Novo |
ポルトノボ |
3228 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Reunion | Réunion |
レユニオン |
3229 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Sao_Tome | São Tomé |
サントメ |
3230 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | St_Helena | St. Helena |
セントヘレナ |
3231 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Tripoli | Tripoli |
トリポリ |
3232 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Tunis | Tunis |
チュニス |
3233 | Timezones | Africa | Cities and Regions | Windhoek | Windhoek |
ウィントフック |
3234 | Timezones | Europe | Azores | generic-long | Azores Time |
アゾレス時間 |
3235 | Timezones | Europe | Azores | standard-long | Azores Standard Time |
アゾレス標準時 |
3236 | Timezones | Europe | Azores | daylight-long | Azores Summer Time |
アゾレス夏時間 |
3237 | Timezones | Europe | Europe_Central | generic-long | Central European Time |
中央ヨーロッパ時間 |
3238 | Timezones | Europe | Europe_Central | standard-long | Central European Standard Time |
中央ヨーロッパ標準時 |
3239 | Timezones | Europe | Europe_Central | daylight-long | Central European Summer Time |
中央ヨーロッパ夏時間 |
3240 | Timezones | Europe | Europe_Eastern | generic-long | Eastern European Time |
東ヨーロッパ時間 |
3241 | Timezones | Europe | Europe_Eastern | standard-long | Eastern European Standard Time |
東ヨーロッパ標準時 |
3242 | Timezones | Europe | Europe_Eastern | daylight-long | Eastern European Summer Time |
東ヨーロッパ夏時間 |
3243 | Timezones | Europe | Europe_Further_Eastern | standard-long | Further-eastern European Time |
極東ヨーロッパ時間 |
3244 | Timezones | Europe | Europe_Western | generic-long | Western European Time |
西ヨーロッパ時間 |
3245 | Timezones | Europe | Europe_Western | standard-long | Western European Standard Time |
西ヨーロッパ標準時 |
3246 | Timezones | Europe | Europe_Western | daylight-long | Western European Summer Time |
西ヨーロッパ夏時間 |
3247 | Timezones | Europe | GMT | standard-long | Greenwich Mean Time |
グリニッジ標準時 |
3248 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Amsterdam | Amsterdam |
アムステルダム |
3249 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Andorra | Andorra |
アンドラ |
3250 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Athens | Athens |
アテネ |
3251 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Azores | Azores |
アゾレス |
3252 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Belgrade | Belgrade |
ベオグラード |
3253 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Berlin | Berlin |
ベルリン |
3254 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Bratislava | Bratislava |
ブラチスラバ |
3255 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Brussels | Brussels |
ブリュッセル |
3256 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Bucharest | Bucharest |
ブカレスト |
3257 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Budapest | Budapest |
ブダペスト |
3258 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Busingen | Busingen |
ビュージンゲン |
3259 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Canary | Canary |
カナリア |
3260 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Ceuta | Ceuta |
セウタ |
3261 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Chisinau | Chisinau |
キシナウ |
3262 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Copenhagen | Copenhagen |
コペンハーゲン |
3263 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Dublin | Dublin |
ダブリン |
3264 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Faeroe | Faroe |
フェロー |
3265 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Gibraltar | Gibraltar |
ジブラルタル |
3266 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Guernsey | Guernsey |
ガーンジー |
3267 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Helsinki | Helsinki |
ヘルシンキ |
3268 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Isle_of_Man | Isle of Man |
マン島 |
3269 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Jersey | Jersey |
ジャージー |
3270 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Kiev | Kyiv |
キーウ |
3271 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Lisbon | Lisbon |
リスボン |
3272 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Ljubljana | Ljubljana |
リュブリャナ |
3273 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | London | London |
ロンドン |
3274 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Longyearbyen | Longyearbyen |
ロングイェールビーン |
3275 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Luxembourg | Luxembourg |
ルクセンブルク |
3276 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Madeira | Madeira |
マデイラ |
3277 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Madrid | Madrid |
マドリード |
3278 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Malta | Malta |
マルタ |
3279 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Mariehamn | Mariehamn |
マリエハムン |
3280 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Minsk | Minsk |
ミンスク |
3281 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Monaco | Monaco |
モナコ |
3282 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Oslo | Oslo |
オスロ |
3283 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Paris | Paris |
パリ |
3284 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Podgorica | Podgorica |
ポドゴリツァ |
3285 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Prague | Prague |
プラハ |
3286 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Reykjavik | Reykjavik |
レイキャビク |
3287 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Riga | Riga |
リガ |
3288 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Rome | Rome |
ローマ |
3289 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | San_Marino | San Marino |
サンマリノ |
3290 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Sarajevo | Sarajevo |
サラエボ |
3291 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Simferopol | Simferopol |
シンフェロポリ |
3292 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Skopje | Skopje |
スコピエ |
3293 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Sofia | Sofia |
ソフィア |
3294 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Stockholm | Stockholm |
ストックホルム |
3295 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Tallinn | Tallinn |
タリン |
3296 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Tirane | Tirane |
ティラナ |
3297 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Vaduz | Vaduz |
ファドゥーツ |
3298 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Vatican | Vatican |
バチカン |
3299 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Vienna | Vienna |
ウィーン |
3300 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Vilnius | Vilnius |
ヴィリニュス |
3301 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Warsaw | Warsaw |
ワルシャワ |
3302 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Zagreb | Zagreb |
ザグレブ |
3303 | Timezones | Europe | Cities and Regions | Zurich | Zurich |
チューリッヒ |
3304 | Timezones | Russia | Anadyr | generic-long | Anadyr Time |
アナディリ時間 |
3305 | Timezones | Russia | Anadyr | standard-long | Anadyr Standard Time |
アナディリ標準時 |
3306 | Timezones | Russia | Anadyr | daylight-long | Anadyr Summer Time |
アナディリ夏時間 |
3307 | Timezones | Russia | Irkutsk | generic-long | Irkutsk Time |
イルクーツク時間 |
3308 | Timezones | Russia | Irkutsk | standard-long | Irkutsk Standard Time |
イルクーツク標準時 |
3309 | Timezones | Russia | Irkutsk | daylight-long | Irkutsk Summer Time |
イルクーツク夏時間 |
3310 | Timezones | Russia | Kamchatka | generic-long | Kamchatka Time |
ペトロパブロフスク・カムチャツキー時間 |
3311 | Timezones | Russia | Kamchatka | standard-long | Kamchatka Standard Time |
ペトロパブロフスク・カムチャツキー標準時 |
3312 | Timezones | Russia | Kamchatka | daylight-long | Kamchatka Summer Time |
ペトロパブロフスク・カムチャツキー夏時間 |
3313 | Timezones | Russia | Krasnoyarsk | generic-long | Krasnoyarsk Time |
クラスノヤルスク時間 |
3314 | Timezones | Russia | Krasnoyarsk | standard-long | Krasnoyarsk Standard Time |
クラスノヤルスク標準時 |
3315 | Timezones | Russia | Krasnoyarsk | daylight-long | Krasnoyarsk Summer Time |
クラスノヤルスク夏時間 |
3316 | Timezones | Russia | Magadan | generic-long | Magadan Time |
マガダン時間 |
3317 | Timezones | Russia | Magadan | standard-long | Magadan Standard Time |
マガダン標準時 |
3318 | Timezones | Russia | Magadan | daylight-long | Magadan Summer Time |
マガダン夏時間 |
3319 | Timezones | Russia | Moscow | generic-long | Moscow Time |
モスクワ時間 |
3320 | Timezones | Russia | Moscow | standard-long | Moscow Standard Time |
モスクワ標準時 |
3321 | Timezones | Russia | Moscow | daylight-long | Moscow Summer Time |
モスクワ夏時間 |
3322 | Timezones | Russia | Novosibirsk | generic-long | Novosibirsk Time |
ノヴォシビルスク時間 |
3323 | Timezones | Russia | Novosibirsk | standard-long | Novosibirsk Standard Time |
ノヴォシビルスク標準時 |
3324 | Timezones | Russia | Novosibirsk | daylight-long | Novosibirsk Summer Time |
ノヴォシビルスク夏時間 |
3325 | Timezones | Russia | Omsk | generic-long | Omsk Time |
オムスク時間 |
3326 | Timezones | Russia | Omsk | standard-long | Omsk Standard Time |
オムスク標準時 |
3327 | Timezones | Russia | Omsk | daylight-long | Omsk Summer Time |
オムスク夏時間 |
3328 | Timezones | Russia | Sakhalin | generic-long | Sakhalin Time |
サハリン時間 |
3329 | Timezones | Russia | Sakhalin | standard-long | Sakhalin Standard Time |
サハリン標準時 |
3330 | Timezones | Russia | Sakhalin | daylight-long | Sakhalin Summer Time |
サハリン夏時間 |
3331 | Timezones | Russia | Samara | generic-long | Samara Time |
サマラ時間 |
3332 | Timezones | Russia | Samara | standard-long | Samara Standard Time |
サマラ標準時 |
3333 | Timezones | Russia | Samara | daylight-long | Samara Summer Time |
サマラ夏時間 |
3334 | Timezones | Russia | Vladivostok | generic-long | Vladivostok Time |
ウラジオストク時間 |
3335 | Timezones | Russia | Vladivostok | standard-long | Vladivostok Standard Time |
ウラジオストク標準時 |
3336 | Timezones | Russia | Vladivostok | daylight-long | Vladivostok Summer Time |
ウラジオストク夏時間 |
3337 | Timezones | Russia | Volgograd | generic-long | Volgograd Time |
ボルゴグラード時間 |
3338 | Timezones | Russia | Volgograd | standard-long | Volgograd Standard Time |
ボルゴグラード標準時 |
3339 | Timezones | Russia | Volgograd | daylight-long | Volgograd Summer Time |
ボルゴグラード夏時間 |
3340 | Timezones | Russia | Yakutsk | generic-long | Yakutsk Time |
ヤクーツク時間 |
3341 | Timezones | Russia | Yakutsk | standard-long | Yakutsk Standard Time |
ヤクーツク標準時 |
3342 | Timezones | Russia | Yakutsk | daylight-long | Yakutsk Summer Time |
ヤクーツク夏時間 |
3343 | Timezones | Russia | Yekaterinburg | generic-long | Yekaterinburg Time |
エカテリンブルグ時間 |
3344 | Timezones | Russia | Yekaterinburg | standard-long | Yekaterinburg Standard Time |
エカテリンブルグ標準時 |
3345 | Timezones | Russia | Yekaterinburg | daylight-long | Yekaterinburg Summer Time |
エカテリンブルグ夏時間 |
3346 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Anadyr | Anadyr |
アナディリ |
3347 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Astrakhan | Astrakhan |
アストラハン |
3348 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Barnaul | Barnaul |
バルナウル |
3349 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Chita | Chita |
チタ |
3350 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Irkutsk | Irkutsk |
イルクーツク |
3351 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Kaliningrad | Kaliningrad |
カリーニングラード |
3352 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Kamchatka | Kamchatka |
カムチャッカ |
3353 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Khandyga | Khandyga |
ハンドゥイガ |
3354 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Kirov | Kirov |
キーロフ |
3355 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Krasnoyarsk | Krasnoyarsk |
クラスノヤルスク |
3356 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Magadan | Magadan |
マガダン |
3357 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Moscow | Moscow |
モスクワ |
3358 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Novokuznetsk | Novokuznetsk |
ノヴォクズネツク |
3359 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Novosibirsk | Novosibirsk |
ノヴォシビルスク |
3360 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Omsk | Omsk |
オムスク |
3361 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Sakhalin | Sakhalin |
サハリン |
3362 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Samara | Samara |
サマラ |
3363 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Saratov | Saratov |
サラトフ |
3364 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Srednekolymsk | Srednekolymsk |
スレドネコリムスク |
3365 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Tomsk | Tomsk |
トムスク |
3366 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Ulyanovsk | Ulyanovsk |
ウリヤノフスク |
3367 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Ust-Nera | Ust-Nera |
ウスチネラ |
3368 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Vladivostok | Vladivostok |
ウラジオストク |
3369 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Volgograd | Volgograd |
ボルゴグラード |
3370 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Yakutsk | Yakutsk |
ヤクーツク |
3371 | Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Yekaterinburg | Yekaterinburg |
エカテリンブルグ |
3372 | Timezones | Western Asia | Arabian | generic-long | Arabian Time |
アラビア時間 |
3373 | Timezones | Western Asia | Arabian | standard-long | Arabian Standard Time |
アラビア標準時 |
3374 | Timezones | Western Asia | Arabian | daylight-long | Arabian Daylight Time |
アラビア夏時間 |
3375 | Timezones | Western Asia | Armenia | generic-long | Armenia Time |
アルメニア時間 |
3376 | Timezones | Western Asia | Armenia | standard-long | Armenia Standard Time |
アルメニア標準時 |
3377 | Timezones | Western Asia | Armenia | daylight-long | Armenia Summer Time |
アルメニア夏時間 |
3378 | Timezones | Western Asia | Azerbaijan | generic-long | Azerbaijan Time |
アゼルバイジャン時間 |
3379 | Timezones | Western Asia | Azerbaijan | standard-long | Azerbaijan Standard Time |
アゼルバイジャン標準時 |
3380 | Timezones | Western Asia | Azerbaijan | daylight-long | Azerbaijan Summer Time |
アゼルバイジャン夏時間 |
3381 | Timezones | Western Asia | Georgia | generic-long | Georgia Time |
ジョージア時間 |
3382 | Timezones | Western Asia | Georgia | standard-long | Georgia Standard Time |
ジョージア標準時 |
3383 | Timezones | Western Asia | Georgia | daylight-long | Georgia Summer Time |
ジョージア夏時間 |
3384 | Timezones | Western Asia | Gulf | standard-long | Gulf Standard Time |
湾岸標準時 |
3385 | Timezones | Western Asia | Israel | generic-long | Israel Time |
イスラエル時間 |
3386 | Timezones | Western Asia | Israel | standard-long | Israel Standard Time |
イスラエル標準時 |
3387 | Timezones | Western Asia | Israel | daylight-long | Israel Daylight Time |
イスラエル夏時間 |
3388 | Timezones | Western Asia | Cities and Regions | Aden | Aden |
アデン |
3389 | Timezones | Western Asia | Cities and Regions | Amman | Amman |
アンマン |
3390 | Timezones | Western Asia | Cities and Regions | Baghdad | Baghdad |
バグダッド |
3391 | Timezones | Western Asia | Cities and Regions | Bahrain | Bahrain |
バーレーン |
3392 | Timezones | Western Asia | Cities and Regions | Baku | Baku |
バクー |
3393 | Timezones | Western Asia | Cities and Regions | Beirut | Beirut |
ベイルート |
3394 | Timezones | Western Asia | Cities and Regions | Damascus | Damascus |
ダマスカス |
3395 | Timezones | Western Asia | Cities and Regions | Dubai | Dubai |
ドバイ |
3396 | Timezones | Western Asia | Cities and Regions | Famagusta | Famagusta |
ファマグスタ |
3397 | Timezones | Western Asia | Cities and Regions | Gaza | Gaza |
ガザ |
3398 | Timezones | Western Asia | Cities and Regions | Hebron | Hebron |
ヘブロン |
3399 | Timezones | Western Asia | Cities and Regions | Istanbul | Istanbul |
イスタンブール |
3400 | Timezones | Western Asia | Cities and Regions | Jerusalem | Jerusalem |
エルサレム |
3401 | Timezones | Western Asia | Cities and Regions | Kuwait | Kuwait |
クウェート |
3402 | Timezones | Western Asia | Cities and Regions | Muscat | Muscat |
マスカット |
3403 | Timezones | Western Asia | Cities and Regions | Nicosia | Nicosia |
ニコシア |
3404 | Timezones | Western Asia | Cities and Regions | Qatar | Qatar |
カタール |
3405 | Timezones | Western Asia | Cities and Regions | Riyadh | Riyadh |
リヤド |
3406 | Timezones | Western Asia | Cities and Regions | Tbilisi | Tbilisi |
トビリシ |
3407 | Timezones | Western Asia | Cities and Regions | Yerevan | Yerevan |
エレバン |
3408 | Timezones | Central Asia | Almaty | generic-long | Almaty Time |
アルトマイ時間 |
3409 | Timezones | Central Asia | Almaty | standard-long | Almaty Standard Time |
アルトマイ標準時 |
3410 | Timezones | Central Asia | Almaty | daylight-long | Almaty Summer Time |
アルマトイ夏時間 |
3411 | Timezones | Central Asia | Aqtau | generic-long | Aqtau Time |
アクタウ時間 |
3412 | Timezones | Central Asia | Aqtau | standard-long | Aqtau Standard Time |
アクタウ標準時 |
3413 | Timezones | Central Asia | Aqtau | daylight-long | Aqtau Summer Time |
アクタウ夏時間 |
3414 | Timezones | Central Asia | Aqtobe | generic-long | Aqtobe Time |
アクトベ時間 |
3415 | Timezones | Central Asia | Aqtobe | standard-long | Aqtobe Standard Time |
アクトベ標準時 |
3416 | Timezones | Central Asia | Aqtobe | daylight-long | Aqtobe Summer Time |
アクトベ夏時間 |
3417 | Timezones | Central Asia | Kazakhstan | standard-long | Kazakhstan Time |
カザフスタン時間 |
3418 | Timezones | Central Asia | Kazakhstan_Eastern | standard-long | East Kazakhstan Time |
東カザフスタン時間 |
3419 | Timezones | Central Asia | Kazakhstan_Western | standard-long | West Kazakhstan Time |
西カザフスタン時間 |
3420 | Timezones | Central Asia | Kyrgystan | standard-long | Kyrgyzstan Time |
キルギス時間 |
3421 | Timezones | Central Asia | Qyzylorda | generic-long | Qyzylorda Time |
クズロルダ時間 |
3422 | Timezones | Central Asia | Qyzylorda | standard-long | Qyzylorda Standard Time |
クズロルダ標準時 |
3423 | Timezones | Central Asia | Qyzylorda | daylight-long | Qyzylorda Summer Time |
クズロルダ夏時間 |
3424 | Timezones | Central Asia | Tajikistan | standard-long | Tajikistan Time |
タジキスタン時間 |
3425 | Timezones | Central Asia | Turkmenistan | generic-long | Turkmenistan Time |
トルクメニスタン時間 |
3426 | Timezones | Central Asia | Turkmenistan | standard-long | Turkmenistan Standard Time |
トルクメニスタン標準時 |
3427 | Timezones | Central Asia | Turkmenistan | daylight-long | Turkmenistan Summer Time |
トルクメニスタン夏時間 |
3428 | Timezones | Central Asia | Uzbekistan | generic-long | Uzbekistan Time |
ウズベキスタン時間 |
3429 | Timezones | Central Asia | Uzbekistan | standard-long | Uzbekistan Standard Time |
ウズベキスタン標準時 |
3430 | Timezones | Central Asia | Uzbekistan | daylight-long | Uzbekistan Summer Time |
ウズベキスタン夏時間 |
3431 | Timezones | Central Asia | Cities and Regions | Almaty | Almaty |
アルマトイ |
3432 | Timezones | Central Asia | Cities and Regions | Aqtau | Aqtau |
アクタウ |
3433 | Timezones | Central Asia | Cities and Regions | Aqtobe | Aqtobe |
アクトベ |
3434 | Timezones | Central Asia | Cities and Regions | Ashgabat | Ashgabat |
アシガバード |
3435 | Timezones | Central Asia | Cities and Regions | Atyrau | Atyrau |
アティラウ |
3436 | Timezones | Central Asia | Cities and Regions | Bishkek | Bishkek |
ビシュケク |
3437 | Timezones | Central Asia | Cities and Regions | Dushanbe | Dushanbe |
ドゥシャンベ |
3438 | Timezones | Central Asia | Cities and Regions | Oral | Oral |
オラル |
3439 | Timezones | Central Asia | Cities and Regions | Qostanay | Kostanay |
コスタナイ |
3440 | Timezones | Central Asia | Cities and Regions | Qyzylorda | Qyzylorda |
クズロルダ |
3441 | Timezones | Central Asia | Cities and Regions | Samarkand | Samarkand |
サマルカンド |
3442 | Timezones | Central Asia | Cities and Regions | Tashkent | Tashkent |
タシケント |
3443 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | China | generic-long | China Time |
中国時間 |
3444 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | China | standard-long | China Standard Time |
中国標準時 |
3445 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | China | daylight-long | China Daylight Time |
中国夏時間 |
3446 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Hong_Kong | generic-long | Hong Kong Time |
香港時間 |
3447 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Hong_Kong | standard-long | Hong Kong Standard Time |
香港標準時 |
3448 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Hong_Kong | daylight-long | Hong Kong Summer Time |
香港夏時間 |
3449 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Hovd | generic-long | Hovd Time |
ホブド時間 |
3450 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Hovd | standard-long | Hovd Standard Time |
ホブド標準時 |
3451 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Hovd | daylight-long | Hovd Summer Time |
ホブド夏時間 |
3452 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Japan | generic-long | Japan Time |
日本時間 |
3453 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Japan | generic-short | n/a |
∅∅∅ |
3454 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Japan | standard-long | Japan Standard Time |
日本標準時 |
3455 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Japan | standard-short | n/a |
3456 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Japan | daylight-long | Japan Daylight Time |
日本夏時間 |
3457 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Japan | daylight-short | n/a |
3458 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Korea | generic-long | Korean Time |
韓国時間 |
3459 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Korea | standard-long | Korean Standard Time |
韓国標準時 |
3460 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Korea | daylight-long | Korean Daylight Time |
韓国夏時間 |
3461 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Macau | generic-long | Macao Time |
マカオ時間 |
3462 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Macau | standard-long | Macao Standard Time |
マカオ標準時 |
3463 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Macau | daylight-long | Macao Summer Time |
マカオ夏時間 |
3464 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Mongolia | generic-long | Ulaanbaatar Time |
ウランバートル時間 |
3465 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Mongolia | standard-long | Ulaanbaatar Standard Time |
ウランバートル標準時 |
3466 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Mongolia | daylight-long | Ulaanbaatar Summer Time |
ウランバートル夏時間 |
3467 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Pyongyang | standard-long | North Korea Time |
平壌時間 |
3468 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Taipei | generic-long | Taiwan Time |
台北時間 |
3469 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Taipei | standard-long | Taiwan Standard Time |
台北標準時 |
3470 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Taipei | daylight-long | Taiwan Daylight Time |
台北夏時間 |
3471 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Cities and Regions | Hong_Kong | Hong Kong |
香港 |
3472 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Cities and Regions | Hovd | Hovd |
ホブド |
3473 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Cities and Regions | Macau | Macao |
マカオ |
3474 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Cities and Regions | Pyongyang | Pyongyang |
平壌 |
3475 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Cities and Regions | Seoul | Seoul |
ソウル |
3476 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Cities and Regions | Shanghai | Shanghai |
上海 |
3477 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Cities and Regions | Taipei | Taipei |
台北 |
3478 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Cities and Regions | Tokyo | Tokyo |
東京 |
3479 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Cities and Regions | Ulaanbaatar | Ulaanbaatar |
ウランバートル |
3480 | Timezones | Eastern Asia | Cities and Regions | Urumqi | Urumqi |
ウルムチ |
3481 | Timezones | Southern Asia | Afghanistan | standard-long | Afghanistan Time |
アフガニスタン時間 |
3482 | Timezones | Southern Asia | Bangladesh | generic-long | Bangladesh Time |
バングラデシュ時間 |
3483 | Timezones | Southern Asia | Bangladesh | standard-long | Bangladesh Standard Time |
バングラデシュ標準時 |
3484 | Timezones | Southern Asia | Bangladesh | daylight-long | Bangladesh Summer Time |
バングラデシュ夏時間 |
3485 | Timezones | Southern Asia | Bhutan | standard-long | Bhutan Time |
ブータン時間 |
3486 | Timezones | Southern Asia | India | standard-long | India Standard Time |
インド標準時 |
3487 | Timezones | Southern Asia | Iran | generic-long | Iran Time |
イラン時間 |
3488 | Timezones | Southern Asia | Iran | standard-long | Iran Standard Time |
イラン標準時 |
3489 | Timezones | Southern Asia | Iran | daylight-long | Iran Daylight Time |
イラン夏時間 |
3490 | Timezones | Southern Asia | Lanka | standard-long | Lanka Time |
ランカ時間 |
3491 | Timezones | Southern Asia | Maldives | standard-long | Maldives Time |
モルディブ時間 |
3492 | Timezones | Southern Asia | Nepal | standard-long | Nepal Time |
ネパール時間 |
3493 | Timezones | Southern Asia | Pakistan | generic-long | Pakistan Time |
パキスタン時間 |
3494 | Timezones | Southern Asia | Pakistan | standard-long | Pakistan Standard Time |
パキスタン標準時 |
3495 | Timezones | Southern Asia | Pakistan | daylight-long | Pakistan Summer Time |
パキスタン夏時間 |
3496 | Timezones | Southern Asia | Cities and Regions | Calcutta | Kolkata |
コルカタ |
3497 | Timezones | Southern Asia | Cities and Regions | Colombo | Colombo |
コロンボ |
3498 | Timezones | Southern Asia | Cities and Regions | Dhaka | Dhaka |
ダッカ |
3499 | Timezones | Southern Asia | Cities and Regions | Kabul | Kabul |
カブール |
3500 | Timezones | Southern Asia | Cities and Regions | Karachi | Karachi |
カラチ |
3501 | Timezones | Southern Asia | Cities and Regions | Katmandu | Kathmandu |
カトマンズ |
3502 | Timezones | Southern Asia | Cities and Regions | Maldives | Maldives |
モルディブ |
3503 | Timezones | Southern Asia | Cities and Regions | Tehran | Tehran |
テヘラン |
3504 | Timezones | Southern Asia | Cities and Regions | Thimphu | Thimphu |
ティンプー |
3505 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Brunei | standard-long | Brunei Time |
ブルネイ・ダルサラーム時間 |
3506 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | East_Timor | standard-long | Timor-Leste Time |
東ティモール時間 |
3507 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Indochina | standard-long | Indochina Time |
インドシナ時間 |
3508 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Indonesia_Central | standard-long | Central Indonesia Time |
インドネシア中部時間 |
3509 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Indonesia_Eastern | standard-long | Eastern Indonesia Time |
インドネシア東部時間 |
3510 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Indonesia_Western | standard-long | Western Indonesia Time |
インドネシア西部時間 |
3511 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Malaysia | standard-long | Malaysia Time |
マレーシア時間 |
3512 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Myanmar | standard-long | Myanmar Time |
ミャンマー時間 |
3513 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Philippines | generic-long | Philippine Time |
フィリピン時間 |
3514 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Philippines | standard-long | Philippine Standard Time |
フィリピン標準時 |
3515 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Philippines | daylight-long | Philippine Summer Time |
フィリピン夏時間 |
3516 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Singapore | standard-long | Singapore Standard Time |
シンガポール標準時 |
3517 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Cities and Regions | Bangkok | Bangkok |
バンコク |
3518 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Cities and Regions | Brunei | Brunei |
ブルネイ |
3519 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Cities and Regions | Dili | Dili |
ディリ |
3520 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Cities and Regions | Jakarta | Jakarta |
ジャカルタ |
3521 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Cities and Regions | Jayapura | Jayapura |
ジャヤプラ |
3522 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Cities and Regions | Kuala_Lumpur | Kuala Lumpur |
クアラルンプール |
3523 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Cities and Regions | Kuching | Kuching |
クチン |
3524 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Cities and Regions | Makassar | Makassar |
マカッサル |
3525 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Cities and Regions | Manila | Manila |
マニラ |
3526 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Cities and Regions | Phnom_Penh | Phnom Penh |
プノンペン |
3527 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Cities and Regions | Pontianak | Pontianak |
ポンティアナック |
3528 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Cities and Regions | Rangoon | Yangon |
ヤンゴン |
3529 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Cities and Regions | Saigon | Ho Chi Minh City |
ホーチミン |
3530 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Cities and Regions | Singapore | Singapore |
シンガポール |
3531 | Timezones | Southeast Asia | Cities and Regions | Vientiane | Vientiane |
ビエンチャン |
3532 | Timezones | Australasia | Australia_Central | generic-long | Australian Central Time |
オーストラリア中部時間 |
3533 | Timezones | Australasia | Australia_Central | standard-long | Australian Central Standard Time |
オーストラリア中部標準時 |
3534 | Timezones | Australasia | Australia_Central | daylight-long | Australian Central Daylight Time |
オーストラリア中部夏時間 |
3535 | Timezones | Australasia | Australia_CentralWestern | generic-long | Australian Central Western Time |
オーストラリア中西部時間 |
3536 | Timezones | Australasia | Australia_CentralWestern | standard-long | Australian Central Western Standard Time |
オーストラリア中西部標準時 |
3537 | Timezones | Australasia | Australia_CentralWestern | daylight-long | Australian Central Western Daylight Time |
オーストラリア中西部夏時間 |
3538 | Timezones | Australasia | Australia_Eastern | generic-long | Australian Eastern Time |
オーストラリア東部時間 |
3539 | Timezones | Australasia | Australia_Eastern | standard-long | Australian Eastern Standard Time |
オーストラリア東部標準時 |
3540 | Timezones | Australasia | Australia_Eastern | daylight-long | Australian Eastern Daylight Time |
オーストラリア東部夏時間 |
3541 | Timezones | Australasia | Australia_Western | generic-long | Australian Western Time |
オーストラリア西部時間 |
3542 | Timezones | Australasia | Australia_Western | standard-long | Australian Western Standard Time |
オーストラリア西部標準時 |
3543 | Timezones | Australasia | Australia_Western | daylight-long | Australian Western Daylight Time |
オーストラリア西部夏時間 |
3544 | Timezones | Australasia | Chatham | generic-long | Chatham Time |
チャタム時間 |
3545 | Timezones | Australasia | Chatham | standard-long | Chatham Standard Time |
チャタム標準時 |
3546 | Timezones | Australasia | Chatham | daylight-long | Chatham Daylight Time |
チャタム夏時間 |
3547 | Timezones | Australasia | Christmas | standard-long | Christmas Island Time |
クリスマス島時間 |
3548 | Timezones | Australasia | Cocos | standard-long | Cocos Islands Time |
ココス諸島時間 |
3549 | Timezones | Australasia | Lord_Howe | generic-long | Lord Howe Time |
ロードハウ時間 |
3550 | Timezones | Australasia | Lord_Howe | standard-long | Lord Howe Standard Time |
ロードハウ標準時 |
3551 | Timezones | Australasia | Lord_Howe | daylight-long | Lord Howe Daylight Time |
ロードハウ夏時間 |
3552 | Timezones | Australasia | New_Zealand | generic-long | New Zealand Time |
ニュージーランド時間 |
3553 | Timezones | Australasia | New_Zealand | standard-long | New Zealand Standard Time |
ニュージーランド標準時 |
3554 | Timezones | Australasia | New_Zealand | daylight-long | New Zealand Daylight Time |
ニュージーランド夏時間 |
3555 | Timezones | Australasia | Norfolk | generic-long | Norfolk Island Time |
ノーフォーク島時間 |
3556 | Timezones | Australasia | Norfolk | standard-long | Norfolk Island Standard Time |
ノーフォーク島標準時 |
3557 | Timezones | Australasia | Norfolk | daylight-long | Norfolk Island Daylight Time |
ノーフォーク島夏時間 |
3558 | Timezones | Australasia | Cities and Regions | Adelaide | Adelaide |
アデレード |
3559 | Timezones | Australasia | Cities and Regions | Auckland | Auckland |
オークランド |
3560 | Timezones | Australasia | Cities and Regions | Brisbane | Brisbane |
ブリスベン |
3561 | Timezones | Australasia | Cities and Regions | Broken_Hill | Broken Hill |
ブロークンヒル |
3562 | Timezones | Australasia | Cities and Regions | Chatham | Chatham |
チャタム |
3563 | Timezones | Australasia | Cities and Regions | Christmas | Christmas Island |
クリスマス島 |
3564 | Timezones | Australasia | Cities and Regions | Cocos | Cocos Islands |
ココス諸島 |
3565 | Timezones | Australasia | Cities and Regions | Darwin | Darwin |
ダーウィン |
3566 | Timezones | Australasia | Cities and Regions | Eucla | Eucla |
ユークラ |
3567 | Timezones | Australasia | Cities and Regions | Hobart | Hobart |
ホバート |
3568 | Timezones | Australasia | Cities and Regions | Lindeman | Lindeman |
リンデマン |
3569 | Timezones | Australasia | Cities and Regions | Lord_Howe | Lord Howe Island |
ロードハウ |
3570 | Timezones | Australasia | Cities and Regions | Macquarie | Macquarie Island |
マッコリー |
3571 | Timezones | Australasia | Cities and Regions | Melbourne | Melbourne |
メルボルン |
3572 | Timezones | Australasia | Cities and Regions | Norfolk | Norfolk Island |
ノーフォーク島 |
3573 | Timezones | Australasia | Cities and Regions | Perth | Perth |
パース |
3574 | Timezones | Australasia | Cities and Regions | Sydney | Sydney |
シドニー |
3575 | Timezones | Antarctica | Casey | standard-long | Casey Time |
ケイシー基地時間 |
3576 | Timezones | Antarctica | Davis | standard-long | Davis Time |
デービス基地時間 |
3577 | Timezones | Antarctica | DumontDUrville | standard-long | Dumont d’Urville Time |
デュモン・デュルヴィル基地時間 |
3578 | Timezones | Antarctica | Mawson | standard-long | Mawson Time |
モーソン基地時間 |
3579 | Timezones | Antarctica | Rothera | standard-long | Rothera Time |
ロゼラ基地時間 |
3580 | Timezones | Antarctica | Syowa | standard-long | Syowa Time |
昭和基地時間 |
3581 | Timezones | Antarctica | Vostok | standard-long | Vostok Time |
ボストーク基地時間 |
3582 | Timezones | Antarctica | Cities and Regions | Casey | Casey |
ケーシー基地 |
3583 | Timezones | Antarctica | Cities and Regions | Davis | Davis |
デービス基地 |
3584 | Timezones | Antarctica | Cities and Regions | DumontDUrville | Dumont-d’Urville |
デュモン・デュルヴィル基地 |
3585 | Timezones | Antarctica | Cities and Regions | Mawson | Mawson |
モーソン基地 |
3586 | Timezones | Antarctica | Cities and Regions | McMurdo | McMurdo |
マクマード基地 |
3587 | Timezones | Antarctica | Cities and Regions | Palmer | Palmer |
パーマー基地 |
3588 | Timezones | Antarctica | Cities and Regions | Rothera | Rothera |
ロゼラ基地 |
3589 | Timezones | Antarctica | Cities and Regions | Syowa | Syowa |
昭和基地 |
3590 | Timezones | Antarctica | Cities and Regions | Troll | Troll |
トロル基地 |
3591 | Timezones | Antarctica | Cities and Regions | Vostok | Vostok |
ボストーク基地 |
3592 | Timezones | Oceania | Apia | generic-long | Samoa Time |
アピア時間 |
3593 | Timezones | Oceania | Apia | standard-long | Samoa Standard Time |
アピア標準時 |
3594 | Timezones | Oceania | Apia | daylight-long | Samoa Daylight Time |
アピア夏時間 |
3595 | Timezones | Oceania | Chamorro | standard-long | Chamorro Standard Time |
チャモロ時間 |
3596 | Timezones | Oceania | Cook | generic-long | Cook Islands Time |
クック諸島時間 |
3597 | Timezones | Oceania | Cook | standard-long | Cook Islands Standard Time |
クック諸島標準時 |
3598 | Timezones | Oceania | Cook | daylight-long | Cook Islands Summer Time |
クック諸島夏時間 |
3599 | Timezones | Oceania | Fiji | generic-long | Fiji Time |
フィジー時間 |
3600 | Timezones | Oceania | Fiji | standard-long | Fiji Standard Time |
フィジー標準時 |
3601 | Timezones | Oceania | Fiji | daylight-long | Fiji Summer Time |
フィジー夏時間 |
3602 | Timezones | Oceania | Gambier | standard-long | Gambier Time |
ガンビエ諸島時間 |
3603 | Timezones | Oceania | Gilbert_Islands | standard-long | Gilbert Islands Time |
ギルバート諸島時間 |
3604 | Timezones | Oceania | Guam | standard-long | Guam Standard Time |
グアム時間 |
3605 | Timezones | Oceania | Kosrae | standard-long | Kosrae Time |
コスラエ時間 |
3606 | Timezones | Oceania | Line_Islands | standard-long | Line Islands Time |
ライン諸島時間 |
3607 | Timezones | Oceania | Marquesas | standard-long | Marquesas Time |
マルキーズ時間 |
3608 | Timezones | Oceania | Marshall_Islands | standard-long | Marshall Islands Time |
マーシャル諸島時間 |
3609 | Timezones | Oceania | Nauru | standard-long | Nauru Time |
ナウル時間 |
3610 | Timezones | Oceania | New_Caledonia | generic-long | New Caledonia Time |
ニューカレドニア時間 |
3611 | Timezones | Oceania | New_Caledonia | standard-long | New Caledonia Standard Time |
ニューカレドニア標準時 |
3612 | Timezones | Oceania | New_Caledonia | daylight-long | New Caledonia Summer Time |
ニューカレドニア夏時間 |
3613 | Timezones | Oceania | Niue | standard-long | Niue Time |
ニウエ時間 |
3614 | Timezones | Oceania | North_Mariana | standard-long | Northern Mariana Islands Time |
北マリアナ諸島時間 |
3615 | Timezones | Oceania | Palau | standard-long | Palau Time |
パラオ時間 |
3616 | Timezones | Oceania | Papua_New_Guinea | standard-long | Papua New Guinea Time |
パプアニューギニア時間 |
3617 | Timezones | Oceania | Phoenix_Islands | standard-long | Phoenix Islands Time |
フェニックス諸島時間 |
3618 | Timezones | Oceania | Pitcairn | standard-long | Pitcairn Time |
ピトケアン時間 |
3619 | Timezones | Oceania | Ponape | standard-long | Pohnpei Time |
ポナペ時間 |
3620 | Timezones | Oceania | Samoa | generic-long | American Samoa Time |
サモア時間 |
3621 | Timezones | Oceania | Samoa | standard-long | American Samoa Standard Time |
サモア標準時 |
3622 | Timezones | Oceania | Samoa | daylight-long | American Samoa Daylight Time |
サモア夏時間 |
3623 | Timezones | Oceania | Solomon | standard-long | Solomon Islands Time |
ソロモン諸島時間 |
3624 | Timezones | Oceania | Tahiti | standard-long | Tahiti Time |
タヒチ時間 |
3625 | Timezones | Oceania | Tokelau | standard-long | Tokelau Time |
トケラウ時間 |
3626 | Timezones | Oceania | Tonga | generic-long | Tonga Time |
トンガ時間 |
3627 | Timezones | Oceania | Tonga | standard-long | Tonga Standard Time |
トンガ標準時 |
3628 | Timezones | Oceania | Tonga | daylight-long | Tonga Summer Time |
トンガ夏時間 |
3629 | Timezones | Oceania | Truk | standard-long | Chuuk Time |
チューク時間 |
3630 | Timezones | Oceania | Tuvalu | standard-long | Tuvalu Time |
ツバル時間 |
3631 | Timezones | Oceania | Vanuatu | generic-long | Vanuatu Time |
バヌアツ時間 |
3632 | Timezones | Oceania | Vanuatu | standard-long | Vanuatu Standard Time |
バヌアツ標準時 |
3633 | Timezones | Oceania | Vanuatu | daylight-long | Vanuatu Summer Time |
バヌアツ夏時間 |
3634 | Timezones | Oceania | Wake | standard-long | Wake Island Time |
ウェーク島時間 |
3635 | Timezones | Oceania | Wallis | standard-long | Wallis & Futuna Time |
ウォリス・フツナ時間 |
3636 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Apia | Apia |
アピア |
3637 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Bougainville | Bougainville |
ブーゲンビル |
3638 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Efate | Efate |
エフェテ島 |
3639 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Enderbury | n/a |
エンダーベリー島 |
3640 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Fakaofo | Fakaofo |
ファカオフォ |
3641 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Fiji | Fiji |
フィジー |
3642 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Funafuti | Funafuti |
フナフティ |
3643 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Gambier | Gambier |
ガンビエ諸島 |
3644 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Guadalcanal | Guadalcanal |
ガダルカナル |
3645 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Guam | Guam |
グアム |
3646 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Kanton | Kanton |
カントン島 |
3647 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Kiritimati | Kiritimati |
キリスィマスィ島 |
3648 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Kosrae | Kosrae |
コスラエ |
3649 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Kwajalein | Kwajalein |
クェゼリン |
3650 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Majuro | Majuro |
マジュロ |
3651 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Marquesas | Marquesas |
マルキーズ |
3652 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Midway | Midway |
ミッドウェー島 |
3653 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Nauru | Nauru |
ナウル |
3654 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Niue | Niue |
ニウエ |
3655 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Noumea | Noumea |
ヌメア |
3656 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Pago_Pago | Pago Pago |
パゴパゴ |
3657 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Palau | Palau |
パラオ |
3658 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Pitcairn | Pitcairn |
ピトケアン諸島 |
3659 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Ponape | Pohnpei |
ポンペイ島 |
3660 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Port_Moresby | Port Moresby |
ポートモレスビー |
3661 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Rarotonga | Rarotonga |
ラロトンガ |
3662 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Saipan | Saipan |
サイパン |
3663 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Tahiti | Tahiti |
タヒチ |
3664 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Tarawa | Tarawa |
タラワ |
3665 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Tongatapu | Tongatapu |
トンガタプ |
3666 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Truk | Chuuk |
チューク |
3667 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Wake | Wake Island |
ウェーク島 |
3668 | Timezones | Oceania | Cities and Regions | Wallis | Wallis |
ウォリス諸島 |
3669 | Timezones | Unknown Region | Cities and Regions | Unknown | Unknown City |
地域不明 |
3670 | Timezones | Overrides | Etc/UTC | standard-long | Coordinated Universal Time |
協定世界時 |
3671 | Timezones | Overrides | Etc/UTC | standard-short | = |
3672 | Timezones | Overrides | Europe/Dublin | daylight-long | Irish Standard Time |
アイルランド標準時 |
3673 | Timezones | Overrides | Europe/London | daylight-long | British Summer Time |
英国夏時間 |
3674 | Numbers | Symbols | Grouping Control | Minimum Grouping Digits | = |
1 |
3675 | Numbers | Symbols | Time Symbols | Time Separator | = |
: |
3676 | Numbers | Symbols | Time Symbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab) | Time Separator | = |
: |
3677 | Numbers | Symbols | Time Symbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext) | Time Separator | = |
٫ |
3678 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols | decimal | = |
. |
3679 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols | group | = |
, |
3680 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols | plusSign | = |
+ |
3681 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols | minusSign | = |
- |
3682 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols | approximatelySign | ~ |
約 |
3683 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols | percentSign | = |
% |
3684 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols | perMille | = |
‰ |
3685 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols | exponential | = |
E |
3686 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols | superscriptingExponent | = |
× |
3687 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols | infinity | = |
∞ |
3688 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols | nan | = |
NaN |
3689 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols | list | = |
; |
3690 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab) | decimal | = |
٫ |
3691 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab) | group | = |
٬ |
3692 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab) | plusSign | = |
+ |
3693 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab) | minusSign | = |
- |
3694 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab) | approximatelySign | = |
~ |
3695 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab) | percentSign | = |
٪ |
3696 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab) | perMille | = |
؉ |
3697 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab) | exponential | = |
اس |
3698 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab) | superscriptingExponent | = |
× |
3699 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab) | infinity | = |
∞ |
3700 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab) | nan | = |
NaN |
3701 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab) | list | = |
؛ |
3702 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext) | decimal | = |
٫ |
3703 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext) | group | = |
٬ |
3704 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext) | plusSign | = |
+ |
3705 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext) | minusSign | = |
- |
3706 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext) | approximatelySign | = |
~ |
3707 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext) | percentSign | = |
٪ |
3708 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext) | perMille | = |
؉ |
3709 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext) | exponential | = |
×۱۰^ |
3710 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext) | superscriptingExponent | = |
× |
3711 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext) | infinity | = |
∞ |
3712 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext) | nan | = |
NaN |
3713 | Numbers | Symbols | Symbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext) | list | = |
؛ |
3714 | Numbers | Number Formatting Patterns | Standard Patterns | standard-decimal | = |
#,##0.### |
3715 | Numbers | Number Formatting Patterns | Standard Patterns | standard-currency | = |
¤#,##0.00 |
3716 | Numbers | Number Formatting Patterns | Standard Patterns | standard-currency-alphaNextToNumber | = |
¤ #,##0.00 |
3717 | Numbers | Number Formatting Patterns | Standard Patterns | standard-currency-noCurrency | = |
#,##0.00 |
3718 | Numbers | Number Formatting Patterns | Standard Patterns | standard-percent | = |
#,##0% |
3719 | Numbers | Number Formatting Patterns | Standard Patterns | standard-scientific | = |
#E0 |
3720 | Numbers | Number Formatting Patterns | Standard Patterns | accounting-currency | = |
¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00) |
3721 | Numbers | Number Formatting Patterns | Standard Patterns | accounting-currency-alphaNextToNumber | = |
¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00) |
3722 | Numbers | Number Formatting Patterns | Standard Patterns | accounting-currency-noCurrency | = |
#,##0.00;(#,##0.00) |
3723 | Numbers | Number Formatting Patterns | Standard Patterns using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab) | standard-currency | = |
#,##0.00 ¤ |
3724 | Numbers | Number Formatting Patterns | Standard Patterns using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab) | standard-currency-noCurrency | = |
#,##0.00 |
3725 | Numbers | Number Formatting Patterns | Standard Patterns using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab) | standard-percent | = |
#,##0% |
3726 | Numbers | Number Formatting Patterns | Append-ISO-Code Pattern | appendISOCode | = |
{0} ¤¤ |
3727 | Numbers | Number Formatting Patterns | Currency Unit Patterns | currencies-other | {0} {1} |
{0}{1} |
3728 | Numbers | Number Formatting Patterns | Miscellaneous Patterns | approximately | ~{0} |
約 {0} |
3729 | Numbers | Number Formatting Patterns | Miscellaneous Patterns | atLeast | {0}+ |
{0} 以上 |
3730 | Numbers | Number Formatting Patterns | Miscellaneous Patterns | atMost | ≤{0} |
{0} 以下 |
3731 | Numbers | Number Formatting Patterns | Miscellaneous Patterns | range | {0}–{1} |
{0}~{1} |
3732 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 4-digits-short-other | ¤0K |
0 |
3733 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 5-digits-short-other | ¤00K |
¤0万 |
3734 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 5-digits-short-other-alphaNextToNumber | ¤ 00K |
¤ 0万 |
3735 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 6-digits-short-other | ¤000K |
¤00万 |
3736 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 6-digits-short-other-alphaNextToNumber | ¤ 000K |
¤ 00万 |
3737 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 7-digits-short-other | ¤0M |
¤000万 |
3738 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 7-digits-short-other-alphaNextToNumber | ¤ 0M |
¤ 000万 |
3739 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 8-digits-short-other | ¤00M |
¤0000万 |
3740 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 8-digits-short-other-alphaNextToNumber | ¤ 00M |
¤ 0000万 |
3741 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 9-digits-short-other | ¤000M |
¤0億 |
3742 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 9-digits-short-other-alphaNextToNumber | ¤ 000M |
¤ 0億 |
3743 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 10-digits-short-other | ¤0B |
¤00億 |
3744 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 10-digits-short-other-alphaNextToNumber | ¤ 0B |
¤ 00億 |
3745 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 11-digits-short-other | ¤00B |
¤000億 |
3746 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 11-digits-short-other-alphaNextToNumber | ¤ 00B |
¤ 000億 |
3747 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 12-digits-short-other | ¤000B |
¤0000億 |
3748 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 12-digits-short-other-alphaNextToNumber | ¤ 000B |
¤ 0000億 |
3749 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 13-digits-short-other | ¤0T |
¤0兆 |
3750 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 13-digits-short-other-alphaNextToNumber | ¤ 0T |
¤ 0兆 |
3751 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 14-digits-short-other | ¤00T |
¤00兆 |
3752 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 14-digits-short-other-alphaNextToNumber | ¤ 00T |
¤ 00兆 |
3753 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 15-digits-short-other | ¤000T |
¤000兆 |
3754 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 15-digits-short-other-alphaNextToNumber | ¤ 000T |
¤ 000兆 |
3755 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 16-digits-short-other | n/a |
¤0000兆 |
3756 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 16-digits-short-other-alphaNextToNumber | n/a |
¤ 0000兆 |
3757 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 17-digits-short-other | n/a |
¤0京 |
3758 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 17-digits-short-other-alphaNextToNumber | n/a |
¤ 0京 |
3759 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 18-digits-short-other | n/a |
¤00京 |
3760 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 18-digits-short-other-alphaNextToNumber | n/a |
¤ 00京 |
3761 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 19-digits-short-other | n/a |
¤000京 |
3762 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 19-digits-short-other-alphaNextToNumber | n/a |
¤ 000京 |
3763 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 20-digits-short-other | n/a |
¤0000京 |
3764 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 20-digits-short-other-alphaNextToNumber | n/a |
¤ 0000京 |
3765 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Formats | 4-digits-short-other | 0K |
0 |
3766 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Formats | 5-digits-short-other | 00K |
0万 |
3767 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Formats | 6-digits-short-other | 000K |
00万 |
3768 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Formats | 7-digits-short-other | 0M |
000万 |
3769 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Formats | 8-digits-short-other | 00M |
0000万 |
3770 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Formats | 9-digits-short-other | 000M |
0億 |
3771 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Formats | 10-digits-short-other | 0B |
00億 |
3772 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Formats | 11-digits-short-other | 00B |
000億 |
3773 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Formats | 12-digits-short-other | 000B |
0000億 |
3774 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Formats | 13-digits-short-other | 0T |
0兆 |
3775 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Formats | 14-digits-short-other | 00T |
00兆 |
3776 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Formats | 15-digits-short-other | 000T |
000兆 |
3777 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Formats | 16-digits-short-other | n/a |
0000兆 |
3778 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Formats | 17-digits-short-other | n/a |
0京 |
3779 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Formats | 18-digits-short-other | n/a |
00京 |
3780 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Formats | 19-digits-short-other | n/a |
000京 |
3781 | Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Formats | 20-digits-short-other | n/a |
0000京 |
3782 | Currencies | North America (C) | Northern America: Bermuda | BMD-name | Bermudan Dollar |
バミューダ ドル |
3783 | Currencies | North America (C) | Northern America: Bermuda | BMD-symbol | = |
3784 | Currencies | North America (C) | Northern America: Bermuda | BMD-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
3785 | Currencies | North America (C) | Northern America: Canada | CAD-name | Canadian Dollar |
カナダ ドル |
3786 | Currencies | North America (C) | Northern America: Canada | CAD-symbol | = |
CA$ |
3787 | Currencies | North America (C) | Northern America: Canada | CAD-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
3788 | Currencies | North America (C) | Northern America: United States | USD-name | US Dollar |
米ドル |
3789 | Currencies | North America (C) | Northern America: United States | USD-symbol | = |
$ |
3790 | Currencies | North America (C) | Northern America: United States | USD-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
3791 | Currencies | North America (C) | Northern America: United States: USN (fund) | USN-name | US Dollar (Next day) |
米ドル (翌日) |
3792 | Currencies | North America (C) | Northern America: United States: USN (fund) | USN-symbol | = |
3793 | Currencies | North America (C) | Northern America: United States: USS (fund) | USS-name | US Dollar (Same day) |
米ドル (当日) |
3794 | Currencies | North America (C) | Northern America: United States: USS (fund) | USS-symbol | = |
3795 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Belize | BZD-name | Belize Dollar |
ベリーズ ドル |
3796 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Belize | BZD-symbol | = |
3797 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Belize | BZD-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
3798 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Costa Rica | CRC-name | Costa Rican Colón |
コスタリカ コロン |
3799 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Costa Rica | CRC-symbol | = |
3800 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Costa Rica | CRC-symbol-narrow | = |
₡ |
3801 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Guatemala | GTQ-name | Guatemalan Quetzal |
グアテマラ ケツァル |
3802 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Guatemala | GTQ-symbol | = |
3803 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Guatemala | GTQ-symbol-narrow | = |
Q |
3804 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Honduras | HNL-name | Honduran Lempira |
ホンジュラス レンピラ |
3805 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Honduras | HNL-symbol | = |
3806 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Honduras | HNL-symbol-narrow | = |
L |
3807 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Mexico | MXN-name | Mexican Peso |
メキシコ ペソ |
3808 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Mexico | MXN-symbol | = |
MX$ |
3809 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Mexico | MXN-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
3810 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Mexico: MXP (old) | MXP-name | Mexican Silver Peso (1861–1992) |
メキシコ ペソ (1861–1992) |
3811 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Mexico: MXP (old) | MXP-symbol | = |
3812 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Mexico: MXV (fund) | MXV-name | Mexican Investment Unit |
メキシコ (UDI) |
3813 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Mexico: MXV (fund) | MXV-symbol | = |
3814 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Nicaragua | NIO-name | Nicaraguan Córdoba |
ニカラグア コルドバ オロ |
3815 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Nicaragua | NIO-symbol | = |
3816 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Nicaragua | NIO-symbol-narrow | = |
C$ |
3817 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Nicaragua: NIC (old) | NIC-name | Nicaraguan Córdoba (1988–1991) |
ニカラグア コルドバ (1988–1991) |
3818 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Nicaragua: NIC (old) | NIC-symbol | = |
3819 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Panama | PAB-name | Panamanian Balboa |
パナマ バルボア |
3820 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: Panama | PAB-symbol | = |
3821 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: El Salvador: SVC (old) | SVC-name | Salvadoran Colón |
エルサルバドル コロン |
3822 | Currencies | North America (C) | Central America: El Salvador: SVC (old) | SVC-symbol | = |
3823 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Aruba | AWG-name | Aruban Florin |
アルバ フロリン |
3824 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Aruba | AWG-symbol | = |
3825 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Barbados | BBD-name | Barbadian Dollar |
バルバドス ドル |
3826 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Barbados | BBD-symbol | = |
3827 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Barbados | BBD-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
3828 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Bahamas | BSD-name | Bahamian Dollar |
バハマ ドル |
3829 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Bahamas | BSD-symbol | = |
3830 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Bahamas | BSD-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
3831 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Cuba | CUP-name | Cuban Peso |
キューバ ペソ |
3832 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Cuba | CUP-symbol | = |
3833 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Cuba | CUP-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
3834 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Cuba: CUC (old) | CUC-name | Cuban Convertible Peso |
キューバ 兌換ペソ |
3835 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Cuba: CUC (old) | CUC-symbol | = |
3836 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Cuba: CUC (old) | CUC-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
3837 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Curaçao | ANG-name | Netherlands Antillean Guilder |
オランダ領アンティル ギルダー |
3838 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Curaçao | ANG-symbol | = |
3839 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Dominican Republic | DOP-name | Dominican Peso |
ドミニカ ペソ |
3840 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Dominican Republic | DOP-symbol | = |
3841 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Dominican Republic | DOP-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
3842 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Haiti | HTG-name | Haitian Gourde |
ハイチ グールド |
3843 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Haiti | HTG-symbol | = |
3844 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Jamaica | JMD-name | Jamaican Dollar |
ジャマイカ ドル |
3845 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Jamaica | JMD-symbol | = |
3846 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Jamaica | JMD-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
3847 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Cayman Islands | KYD-name | Cayman Islands Dollar |
ケイマン諸島 ドル |
3848 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Cayman Islands | KYD-symbol | = |
3849 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Cayman Islands | KYD-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
3850 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: St. Lucia | XCD-name | East Caribbean Dollar |
東カリブ ドル |
3851 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: St. Lucia | XCD-symbol | = |
EC$ |
3852 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: St. Lucia | XCD-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
3853 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Trinidad & Tobago | TTD-name | Trinidad & Tobago Dollar |
トリニダード・トバゴ ドル |
3854 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Trinidad & Tobago | TTD-symbol | = |
3855 | Currencies | North America (C) | Caribbean: Trinidad & Tobago | TTD-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
3856 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Argentina | ARS-name | Argentine Peso |
アルゼンチン ペソ |
3857 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Argentina | ARS-symbol | = |
3858 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Argentina | ARS-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
3859 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Argentina: ARA (old) | ARA-name | Argentine Austral |
アルゼンチン アゥストラール |
3860 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Argentina: ARA (old) | ARA-symbol | = |
3861 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Argentina: ARL (old) | ARL-name | Argentine Peso Ley (1970–1983) |
アルゼンチン・ペソ・レイ(1970–1983) |
3862 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Argentina: ARL (old) | ARL-symbol | = |
3863 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Argentina: ARM (old) | ARM-name | Argentine Peso (1881–1970) |
アルゼンチン・ペソ(1881–1970) |
3864 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Argentina: ARM (old) | ARM-symbol | = |
3865 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Argentina: ARP (old) | ARP-name | Argentine Peso (1983–1985) |
アルゼンチン ペソ (1983–1985) |
3866 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Argentina: ARP (old) | ARP-symbol | = |
3867 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Bolivia | BOB-name | Bolivian Boliviano |
ボリビア ボリビアーノ |
3868 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Bolivia | BOB-symbol | = |
3869 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Bolivia | BOB-symbol-narrow | = |
Bs |
3870 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Bolivia: BOL (old) | BOL-name | Bolivian Boliviano (1863–1963) |
ボリビア ボリビアーノ (1863–1963) |
3871 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Bolivia: BOL (old) | BOL-symbol | = |
3872 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Bolivia: BOP (old) | BOP-name | Bolivian Peso |
ボリビア ペソ |
3873 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Bolivia: BOP (old) | BOP-symbol | = |
3874 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Bolivia: BOV (old) | BOV-name | Bolivian Mvdol |
ボリビア (Mvdol) |
3875 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Bolivia: BOV (old) | BOV-symbol | = |
3876 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Brazil | BRL-name | Brazilian Real |
ブラジル レアル |
3877 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Brazil | BRL-symbol | = |
R$ |
3878 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Brazil | BRL-symbol-narrow | = |
R$ |
3879 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Brazil: BRB (old) | BRB-name | Brazilian New Cruzeiro (1967–1986) |
ブラジル 新クルゼイロ (1967–1986) |
3880 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Brazil: BRB (old) | BRB-symbol | = |
3881 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Brazil: BRC (old) | BRC-name | Brazilian Cruzado (1986–1989) |
ブラジル クルザード (1986–1989) |
3882 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Brazil: BRC (old) | BRC-symbol | = |
3883 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Brazil: BRE (old) | BRE-name | Brazilian Cruzeiro (1990–1993) |
ブラジル クルゼイロ (1990–1993) |
3884 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Brazil: BRE (old) | BRE-symbol | = |
3885 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Brazil: BRN (old) | BRN-name | Brazilian New Cruzado (1989–1990) |
ブラジル 新クルザード (1989–1990) |
3886 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Brazil: BRN (old) | BRN-symbol | = |
3887 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Brazil: BRR (old) | BRR-name | Brazilian Cruzeiro (1993–1994) |
ブラジル クルゼイロ (1993–1994) |
3888 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Brazil: BRR (old) | BRR-symbol | = |
3889 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Brazil: BRZ (old) | BRZ-name | Brazilian Cruzeiro (1942–1967) |
ブラジル クルゼイロ(1942–1967) |
3890 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Brazil: BRZ (old) | BRZ-symbol | = |
3891 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Chile | CLP-name | Chilean Peso |
チリ ペソ |
3892 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Chile | CLP-symbol | = |
3893 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Chile | CLP-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
3894 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Chile: CLE (old) | CLE-name | Chilean Escudo |
チリ エスクード |
3895 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Chile: CLE (old) | CLE-symbol | = |
3896 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Chile: CLF (fund) | CLF-name | Chilean Unit of Account (UF) |
チリ ウニダ・デ・フォメント (UF) |
3897 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Chile: CLF (fund) | CLF-symbol | = |
3898 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Colombia | COP-name | Colombian Peso |
コロンビア ペソ |
3899 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Colombia | COP-symbol | = |
3900 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Colombia | COP-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
3901 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Colombia: COU (fund) | COU-name | Colombian Real Value Unit |
コロンビア レアル (UVR) |
3902 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Colombia: COU (fund) | COU-symbol | = |
3903 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Ecuador: ECS (old) | ECS-name | Ecuadorian Sucre |
エクアドル スクレ |
3904 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Ecuador: ECS (old) | ECS-symbol | = |
3905 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Ecuador: ECV (fund) | ECV-name | Ecuadorian Unit of Constant Value |
エクアドル (UVC) |
3906 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Ecuador: ECV (fund) | ECV-symbol | = |
3907 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Falkland Islands | FKP-name | Falkland Islands Pound |
フォークランド(マルビナス)諸島 ポンド |
3908 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Falkland Islands | FKP-symbol | = |
3909 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Falkland Islands | FKP-symbol-narrow | = |
£ |
3910 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Guyana | GYD-name | Guyanaese Dollar |
ガイアナ ドル |
3911 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Guyana | GYD-symbol | = |
3912 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Guyana | GYD-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
3913 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Peru | PEN-name | Peruvian Sol |
ペルー ソル |
3914 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Peru | PEN-symbol | = |
3915 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Peru: PEI (old) | PEI-name | Peruvian Inti |
ペルー インティ |
3916 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Peru: PEI (old) | PEI-symbol | = |
3917 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Peru: PES (old) | PES-name | Peruvian Sol (1863–1965) |
ペルー ソル (1863–1965) |
3918 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Peru: PES (old) | PES-symbol | = |
3919 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Paraguay | PYG-name | Paraguayan Guarani |
パラグアイ グアラニ |
3920 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Paraguay | PYG-symbol | = |
3921 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Paraguay | PYG-symbol-narrow | = |
₲ |
3922 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Suriname | SRD-name | Surinamese Dollar |
スリナム ドル |
3923 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Suriname | SRD-symbol | = |
3924 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Suriname | SRD-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
3925 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Suriname: SRG (old) | SRG-name | Surinamese Guilder |
スリナム ギルダー |
3926 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Suriname: SRG (old) | SRG-symbol | = |
3927 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Uruguay | UYU-name | Uruguayan Peso |
ウルグアイ ペソ |
3928 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Uruguay | UYU-symbol | = |
3929 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Uruguay | UYU-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
3930 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Uruguay: UYI (fund) | UYI-name | Uruguayan Peso (Indexed Units) |
ウルグアイ ペソエン |
3931 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Uruguay: UYI (fund) | UYI-symbol | = |
3932 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Uruguay: UYP (old) | UYP-name | Uruguayan Peso (1975–1993) |
ウルグアイ ペソ (1975–1993) |
3933 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Uruguay: UYP (old) | UYP-symbol | = |
3934 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Uruguay: UYW (old) | UYW-name | Uruguayan Nominal Wage Index Unit |
3935 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Uruguay: UYW (old) | UYW-symbol | = |
3936 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Venezuela | VES-name | Venezuelan Bolívar |
ベネズエラ ボリバル |
3937 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Venezuela | VES-symbol | = |
3938 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Venezuela: VEB (old) | VEB-name | Venezuelan Bolívar (1871–2008) |
ベネズエラ ボリバル (1871–2008) |
3939 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Venezuela: VEB (old) | VEB-symbol | = |
3940 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Venezuela: VED (old) | VED-name | Bolívar Soberano |
3941 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Venezuela: VED (old) | VED-symbol | = |
3942 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Venezuela: VEF (old) | VEF-name | Venezuelan Bolívar (2008–2018) |
ベネズエラ ボリバル (2008–2018) |
3943 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Venezuela: VEF (old) | VEF-symbol | = |
3944 | Currencies | South America (C) | South America: Venezuela: VEF (old) | VEF-symbol-narrow | = |
Bs |
3945 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Denmark | DKK-name | Danish Krone |
デンマーク クローネ |
3946 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Denmark | DKK-symbol | = |
3947 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Denmark | DKK-symbol-narrow | = |
kr |
3948 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Estonia: EEK (old) | EEK-name | Estonian Kroon |
エストニア クルーン |
3949 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Estonia: EEK (old) | EEK-symbol | = |
3950 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Finland: FIM (old) | FIM-name | Finnish Markka |
フィンランド マルカ |
3951 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Finland: FIM (old) | FIM-symbol | = |
3952 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: United Kingdom | GBP-name | British Pound |
英国ポンド |
3953 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: United Kingdom | GBP-symbol | = |
£ |
3954 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: United Kingdom | GBP-symbol-narrow | = |
£ |
3955 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Ireland: IEP (old) | IEP-name | Irish Pound |
アイリッシュ ポンド |
3956 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Ireland: IEP (old) | IEP-symbol | = |
3957 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Iceland | ISK-name | Icelandic Króna |
アイスランド クローナ |
3958 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Iceland | ISK-symbol | = |
3959 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Iceland | ISK-symbol-narrow | = |
kr |
3960 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Iceland: ISJ (old) | ISJ-name | Icelandic Króna (1918–1981) |
アイスランド クローナ (1918–1981) |
3961 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Iceland: ISJ (old) | ISJ-symbol | = |
3962 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Lithuania: LTL (old) | LTL-name | Lithuanian Litas |
リトアニア リタス |
3963 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Lithuania: LTL (old) | LTL-symbol | = |
3964 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Lithuania: LTL (old) | LTL-symbol-narrow | = |
Lt |
3965 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Lithuania: LTT (old) | LTT-name | Lithuanian Talonas |
リトアニア タロナ |
3966 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Lithuania: LTT (old) | LTT-symbol | = |
3967 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Latvia: LVL (old) | LVL-name | Latvian Lats |
ラトビア ラッツ |
3968 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Latvia: LVL (old) | LVL-symbol | = |
3969 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Latvia: LVL (old) | LVL-symbol-narrow | = |
Ls |
3970 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Latvia: LVR (old) | LVR-name | Latvian Ruble |
ラトビア ルーブル |
3971 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Latvia: LVR (old) | LVR-symbol | = |
3972 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Norway | NOK-name | Norwegian Krone |
ノルウェー クローネ |
3973 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Norway | NOK-symbol | = |
3974 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Norway | NOK-symbol-narrow | = |
kr |
3975 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Sweden | SEK-name | Swedish Krona |
スウェーデン クローナ |
3976 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Sweden | SEK-symbol | = |
3977 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Northern Europe: Sweden | SEK-symbol-narrow | = |
kr |
3978 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Austria: ATS (old) | ATS-name | Austrian Schilling |
オーストリア シリング |
3979 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Austria: ATS (old) | ATS-symbol | = |
3980 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Belgium: BEC (old) | BEC-name | Belgian Franc (convertible) |
ベルギー フラン (BEC) |
3981 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Belgium: BEC (old) | BEC-symbol | = |
3982 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Belgium: BEF (old) | BEF-name | Belgian Franc |
ベルギー フラン |
3983 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Belgium: BEF (old) | BEF-symbol | = |
3984 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Belgium: BEL (old) | BEL-name | Belgian Franc (financial) |
ベルギー フラン (BEL) |
3985 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Belgium: BEL (old) | BEL-symbol | = |
3986 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Switzerland | CHF-name | Swiss Franc |
スイス フラン |
3987 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Switzerland | CHF-symbol | = |
3988 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Switzerland: CHE (fund) | CHE-name | WIR Euro |
ユーロ (WIR) |
3989 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Switzerland: CHE (fund) | CHE-symbol | = |
3990 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Switzerland: CHW (fund) | CHW-name | WIR Franc |
フラン (WIR) |
3991 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Switzerland: CHW (fund) | CHW-symbol | = |
3992 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Germany: DDM (old) | DDM-name | East German Mark |
東ドイツ マルク |
3993 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Germany: DDM (old) | DDM-symbol | = |
3994 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Germany: DEM (old) | DEM-name | German Mark |
ドイツ マルク |
3995 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Germany: DEM (old) | DEM-symbol | = |
3996 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: France: FRF (old) | FRF-name | French Franc |
フランス フラン |
3997 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: France: FRF (old) | FRF-symbol | = |
3998 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Luxembourg: LUC (old) | LUC-name | Luxembourgian Convertible Franc |
ルクセンブルク 兌換フラン |
3999 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Luxembourg: LUC (old) | LUC-symbol | = |
4000 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Luxembourg: LUF (old) | LUF-name | Luxembourgian Franc |
ルクセンブルグ フラン |
4001 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Luxembourg: LUF (old) | LUF-symbol | = |
4002 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Luxembourg: LUL (old) | LUL-name | Luxembourg Financial Franc |
ルクセンブルク 金融フラン |
4003 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Luxembourg: LUL (old) | LUL-symbol | = |
4004 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Monaco: MCF (old) | MCF-name | Monegasque Franc |
モネガスク フラン |
4005 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Monaco: MCF (old) | MCF-symbol | = |
4006 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Netherlands: NLG (old) | NLG-name | Dutch Guilder |
オランダ ギルダー |
4007 | Currencies | Northern/Western Europe | Western Europe: Netherlands: NLG (old) | NLG-symbol | = |
4008 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Bulgaria | BGN-name | Bulgarian Lev |
ブルガリア 新レフ |
4009 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Bulgaria | BGN-symbol | = |
4010 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Bulgaria: BGL (old) | BGL-name | Bulgarian Hard Lev |
ブルガリア レフ |
4011 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Bulgaria: BGL (old) | BGL-symbol | = |
4012 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Bulgaria: BGM (old) | BGM-name | Bulgarian Socialist Lev |
ブルガリア社会主義 レフ |
4013 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Bulgaria: BGM (old) | BGM-symbol | = |
4014 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Bulgaria: BGO (old) | BGO-name | Bulgarian Lev (1879–1952) |
ブルガリア レフ(1879–1952) |
4015 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Bulgaria: BGO (old) | BGO-symbol | = |
4016 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Belarus | BYN-name | Belarusian Ruble |
ベラルーシ ルーブル |
4017 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Belarus | BYN-symbol | = |
4018 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Belarus | BYN-symbol-narrow | BYN |
р. |
4019 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Belarus: BYB (old) | BYB-name | Belarusian Ruble (1994–1999) |
ベラルーシ 新ルーブル (1994–1999) |
4020 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Belarus: BYB (old) | BYB-symbol | = |
4021 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Belarus: BYR (old) | BYR-name | Belarusian Ruble (2000–2016) |
ベラルーシ ルーブル (2000–2016) |
4022 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Belarus: BYR (old) | BYR-symbol | = |
4023 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Czechia | CZK-name | Czech Koruna |
チェコ コルナ |
4024 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Czechia | CZK-symbol | = |
4025 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Czechia | CZK-symbol-narrow | = |
Kč |
4026 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Czechia: CSK (old) | CSK-name | Czechoslovak Hard Koruna |
チェコスロバキア コルナ |
4027 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Czechia: CSK (old) | CSK-symbol | = |
4028 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Hungary | HUF-name | Hungarian Forint |
ハンガリー フォリント |
4029 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Hungary | HUF-symbol | = |
4030 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Hungary | HUF-symbol-narrow | = |
Ft |
4031 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Moldova | MDL-name | Moldovan Leu |
モルドバ レイ |
4032 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Moldova | MDL-symbol | = |
4033 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Moldova: MDC (old) | MDC-name | Moldovan Cupon |
モルドバ クーポン |
4034 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Moldova: MDC (old) | MDC-symbol | = |
4035 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Poland | PLN-name | Polish Zloty |
ポーランド ズウォティ |
4036 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Poland | PLN-symbol | = |
4037 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Poland | PLN-symbol-narrow | = |
zł |
4038 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Poland: PLZ (old) | PLZ-name | Polish Zloty (1950–1995) |
ポーランド ズウォティ (1950–1995) |
4039 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Poland: PLZ (old) | PLZ-symbol | = |
4040 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Romania | RON-name | Romanian Leu |
ルーマニア レイ |
4041 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Romania | RON-symbol | = |
4042 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Romania | RON-symbol-narrow | lei |
レイ |
4043 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Romania: ROL (old) | ROL-name | Romanian Leu (1952–2006) |
ルーマニア レイ (1952–2006) |
4044 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Romania: ROL (old) | ROL-symbol | = |
4045 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Russia | RUB-name | Russian Ruble |
ロシア ルーブル |
4046 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Russia | RUB-symbol | = |
4047 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Russia | RUB-symbol-narrow | = |
₽ |
4048 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Russia: RUR (old) | RUR-name | Russian Ruble (1991–1998) |
ロシア ルーブル (1991–1998) |
4049 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Russia: RUR (old) | RUR-symbol | = |
4050 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Russia: SUR (old) | SUR-name | Soviet Rouble |
ソ連 ルーブル |
4051 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Russia: SUR (old) | SUR-symbol | = |
4052 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Slovakia: SKK (old) | SKK-name | Slovak Koruna |
スロバキア コルナ |
4053 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Slovakia: SKK (old) | SKK-symbol | = |
4054 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Ukraine | UAH-name-other | Ukrainian hryvnias |
ウクライナ フリヴニャ |
4055 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Ukraine | UAH-name | Ukrainian Hryvnia |
ウクライナ フリヴニャ |
4056 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Ukraine | UAH-symbol | = |
4057 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Ukraine | UAH-symbol-narrow | = |
₴ |
4058 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Ukraine: UAK (old) | UAK-name | Ukrainian Karbovanets |
ウクライナ カルボバネツ |
4059 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Ukraine: UAK (old) | UAK-symbol | = |
4060 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Andorra: ADP (old) | ADP-name | Andorran Peseta |
アンドラ ペセタ |
4061 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Andorra: ADP (old) | ADP-symbol | = |
4062 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Albania | ALL-name | Albanian Lek |
アルバニア レク |
4063 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Albania | ALL-symbol | = |
4064 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Albania: ALK (old) | ALK-name | Albanian Lek (1946–1965) |
アルバニア レク (1946–1965) |
4065 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Albania: ALK (old) | ALK-symbol | = |
4066 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Bosnia & Herzegovina | BAM-name | Bosnia-Herzegovina Convertible Mark |
ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ 兌換マルク (BAM) |
4067 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Bosnia & Herzegovina | BAM-symbol | = |
4068 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Bosnia & Herzegovina | BAM-symbol-narrow | = |
KM |
4069 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Bosnia & Herzegovina: BAD (old) | BAD-name | Bosnia-Herzegovina Dinar (1992–1994) |
ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ ディナール (1992–1994) |
4070 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Bosnia & Herzegovina: BAD (old) | BAD-symbol | = |
4071 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Bosnia & Herzegovina: BAN (old) | BAN-name | Bosnia-Herzegovina New Dinar (1994–1997) |
ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ 新ディナール(1994–1997) |
4072 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Bosnia & Herzegovina: BAN (old) | BAN-symbol | = |
4073 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Spain: ESA (old) | ESA-name | Spanish Peseta (A account) |
スペインペセタ(勘定A) |
4074 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Spain: ESA (old) | ESA-symbol | = |
4075 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Spain: ESB (old) | ESB-name | Spanish Peseta (convertible account) |
スペイン 兌換ペセタ |
4076 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Spain: ESB (old) | ESB-symbol | = |
4077 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Spain: ESP (old) | ESP-name | Spanish Peseta |
スペイン ペセタ |
4078 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Spain: ESP (old) | ESP-symbol | = |
4079 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Spain: ESP (old) | ESP-symbol-narrow | = |
₧ |
4080 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Gibraltar | GIP-name | Gibraltar Pound |
ジブラルタル ポンド |
4081 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Gibraltar | GIP-symbol | = |
4082 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Gibraltar | GIP-symbol-narrow | = |
£ |
4083 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Greece: GRD (old) | GRD-name | Greek Drachma |
ギリシャ ドラクマ |
4084 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Greece: GRD (old) | GRD-symbol | = |
4085 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Croatia: HRD (old) | HRD-name | Croatian Dinar |
クロアチア ディナール |
4086 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Croatia: HRD (old) | HRD-symbol | = |
4087 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Croatia: HRK (old) | HRK-name | Croatian Kuna |
クロアチア クーナ |
4088 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Croatia: HRK (old) | HRK-symbol | = |
4089 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Croatia: HRK (old) | HRK-symbol-narrow | = |
kn |
4090 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Italy: ITL (old) | ITL-name | Italian Lira |
イタリア リラ |
4091 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Italy: ITL (old) | ITL-symbol | = |
4092 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: North Macedonia | MKD-name | Macedonian Denar |
マケドニア デナル |
4093 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: North Macedonia | MKD-symbol | = |
4094 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: North Macedonia: MKN (old) | MKN-name | Macedonian Denar (1992–1993) |
マケドニア ディナール(1992–1993) |
4095 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: North Macedonia: MKN (old) | MKN-symbol | = |
4096 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Malta: MTL (old) | MTL-name | Maltese Lira |
マルタ リラ |
4097 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Malta: MTL (old) | MTL-symbol | = |
4098 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Malta: MTP (old) | MTP-name | Maltese Pound |
マルタ ポンド |
4099 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Malta: MTP (old) | MTP-symbol | = |
4100 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Serbia | RSD-name-other | Serbian dinars |
セルビア ディナール |
4101 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Serbia | RSD-name | Serbian Dinar |
セルビア ディナール |
4102 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Serbia | RSD-symbol | = |
4103 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Serbia: CSD (old) | CSD-name | Serbian Dinar (2002–2006) |
セルビア ディナール (2002–2006) |
4104 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Serbia: CSD (old) | CSD-symbol | = |
4105 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Serbia: YUD (old) | YUD-name | Yugoslavian Hard Dinar (1966–1990) |
ユーゴスラビア ハード・ディナール (1966–1990) |
4106 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Serbia: YUD (old) | YUD-symbol | = |
4107 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Serbia: YUM (old) | YUM-name | Yugoslavian New Dinar (1994–2002) |
ユーゴスラビア ノビ・ディナール (1994–2002) |
4108 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Serbia: YUM (old) | YUM-symbol | = |
4109 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Serbia: YUN (old) | YUN-name | Yugoslavian Convertible Dinar (1990–1992) |
ユーゴスラビア 兌換ディナール (1990–1992) |
4110 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Serbia: YUN (old) | YUN-symbol | = |
4111 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Serbia: YUR (old) | YUR-name | Yugoslavian Reformed Dinar (1992–1993) |
ユーゴスラビア 改革ディナール(1992–1993) |
4112 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Serbia: YUR (old) | YUR-symbol | = |
4113 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Portugal: PTE (old) | PTE-name | Portuguese Escudo |
ポルトガル エスクード |
4114 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Portugal: PTE (old) | PTE-symbol | = |
4115 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Slovenia: SIT (old) | SIT-name | Slovenian Tolar |
スロベニア トラール |
4116 | Currencies | Southern/Eastern Europe | Southern Europe: Slovenia: SIT (old) | SIT-symbol | = |
4117 | Currencies | Northern Africa | Northern Africa: Algeria | DZD-name | Algerian Dinar |
アルジェリア ディナール |
4118 | Currencies | Northern Africa | Northern Africa: Algeria | DZD-symbol | = |
4119 | Currencies | Northern Africa | Northern Africa: Egypt | EGP-name | Egyptian Pound |
エジプト ポンド |
4120 | Currencies | Northern Africa | Northern Africa: Egypt | EGP-symbol | = |
4121 | Currencies | Northern Africa | Northern Africa: Egypt | EGP-symbol-narrow | = |
E£ |
4122 | Currencies | Northern Africa | Northern Africa: Libya | LYD-name | Libyan Dinar |
リビア ディナール |
4123 | Currencies | Northern Africa | Northern Africa: Libya | LYD-symbol | = |
4124 | Currencies | Northern Africa | Northern Africa: Morocco | MAD-name | Moroccan Dirham |
モロッコ ディルハム |
4125 | Currencies | Northern Africa | Northern Africa: Morocco | MAD-symbol | = |
4126 | Currencies | Northern Africa | Northern Africa: Morocco: MAF (old) | MAF-name | Moroccan Franc |
モロッコ フラン |
4127 | Currencies | Northern Africa | Northern Africa: Morocco: MAF (old) | MAF-symbol | = |
4128 | Currencies | Northern Africa | Northern Africa: Sudan | SDG-name | Sudanese Pound |
スーダン ポンド |
4129 | Currencies | Northern Africa | Northern Africa: Sudan | SDG-symbol | = |
4130 | Currencies | Northern Africa | Northern Africa: Sudan: SDD (old) | SDD-name | Sudanese Dinar (1992–2007) |
スーダン ディナール (1992–2007) |
4131 | Currencies | Northern Africa | Northern Africa: Sudan: SDD (old) | SDD-symbol | = |
4132 | Currencies | Northern Africa | Northern Africa: Sudan: SDP (old) | SDP-name | Sudanese Pound (1957–1998) |
スーダン ポンド (1957–1998) |
4133 | Currencies | Northern Africa | Northern Africa: Sudan: SDP (old) | SDP-symbol | = |
4134 | Currencies | Northern Africa | Northern Africa: Tunisia | TND-name | Tunisian Dinar |
チュニジア ディナール |
4135 | Currencies | Northern Africa | Northern Africa: Tunisia | TND-symbol | = |
4136 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Côte d’Ivoire | XOF-name | West African CFA Franc |
西アフリカ CFA フラン |
4137 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Côte d’Ivoire | XOF-symbol | = |
4138 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Cape Verde | CVE-name | Cape Verdean Escudo |
カーボベルデ エスクード |
4139 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Cape Verde | CVE-symbol | = |
4140 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Ghana | GHS-name | Ghanaian Cedi |
ガーナ セディ |
4141 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Ghana | GHS-symbol | = |
4142 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Ghana | GHS-symbol-narrow | = |
GH₵ |
4143 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Ghana: GHC (old) | GHC-name | Ghanaian Cedi (1979–2007) |
ガーナ セディ (1979–2007) |
4144 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Ghana: GHC (old) | GHC-symbol | = |
4145 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Gambia | GMD-name | Gambian Dalasi |
ガンビア ダラシ |
4146 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Gambia | GMD-symbol | = |
4147 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Guinea | GNF-name | Guinean Franc |
ギニア フラン |
4148 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Guinea | GNF-symbol | = |
4149 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Guinea | GNF-symbol-narrow | = |
FG |
4150 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Guinea: GNS (old) | GNS-name | Guinean Syli |
ギニア シリー |
4151 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Guinea: GNS (old) | GNS-symbol | = |
4152 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Guinea-Bissau: GWE (old) | GWE-name | Portuguese Guinea Escudo |
ポルトガル領ギニア エスクード |
4153 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Guinea-Bissau: GWE (old) | GWE-symbol | = |
4154 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Guinea-Bissau: GWP (old) | GWP-name | Guinea-Bissau Peso |
ギニアビサウ ペソ |
4155 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Guinea-Bissau: GWP (old) | GWP-symbol | = |
4156 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Liberia | LRD-name | Liberian Dollar |
リベリア ドル |
4157 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Liberia | LRD-symbol | = |
4158 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Liberia | LRD-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
4159 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Mali: MLF (old) | MLF-name | Malian Franc |
マリ フラン |
4160 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Mali: MLF (old) | MLF-symbol | = |
4161 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Mauritania | MRU-name | Mauritanian Ouguiya |
モーリタニア ウギア |
4162 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Mauritania | MRU-symbol | = |
4163 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Mauritania: MRO (old) | MRO-name | Mauritanian Ouguiya (1973–2017) |
モーリタニア ウギア (1973–2017) |
4164 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Mauritania: MRO (old) | MRO-symbol | = |
4165 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Nigeria | NGN-name | Nigerian Naira |
ナイジェリア ナイラ |
4166 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Nigeria | NGN-symbol | = |
4167 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Nigeria | NGN-symbol-narrow | = |
₦ |
4168 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: St. Helena | SHP-name | St. Helena Pound |
セントヘレナ ポンド |
4169 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: St. Helena | SHP-symbol | = |
4170 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: St. Helena | SHP-symbol-narrow | = |
£ |
4171 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Sierra Leone | SLE-name | Sierra Leonean Leone |
シエラレオネ レオン |
4172 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Sierra Leone | SLE-symbol | = |
4173 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Sierra Leone: SLL (old) | SLL-name | Sierra Leonean Leone (1964—2022) |
シエラレオネ レオン (1964—2022) |
4174 | Currencies | Western Africa | Western Africa: Sierra Leone: SLL (old) | SLL-symbol | = |
4175 | Currencies | Middle Africa | Middle Africa: Angola | AOA-name | Angolan Kwanza |
アンゴラ クワンザ |
4176 | Currencies | Middle Africa | Middle Africa: Angola | AOA-symbol | = |
4177 | Currencies | Middle Africa | Middle Africa: Angola | AOA-symbol-narrow | = |
Kz |
4178 | Currencies | Middle Africa | Middle Africa: Angola: AOK (old) | AOK-name | Angolan Kwanza (1977–1991) |
アンゴラ クワンザ (1977–1991) |
4179 | Currencies | Middle Africa | Middle Africa: Angola: AOK (old) | AOK-symbol | = |
4180 | Currencies | Middle Africa | Middle Africa: Angola: AON (old) | AON-name | Angolan New Kwanza (1990–2000) |
アンゴラ 新クワンザ (1990–2000) |
4181 | Currencies | Middle Africa | Middle Africa: Angola: AON (old) | AON-symbol | = |
4182 | Currencies | Middle Africa | Middle Africa: Angola: AOR (old) | AOR-name | Angolan Readjusted Kwanza (1995–1999) |
アンゴラ 旧クワンザ (1995–1999) |
4183 | Currencies | Middle Africa | Middle Africa: Angola: AOR (old) | AOR-symbol | = |
4184 | Currencies | Middle Africa | Middle Africa: Congo - Kinshasa | CDF-name | Congolese Franc |
コンゴ フラン |
4185 | Currencies | Middle Africa | Middle Africa: Congo - Kinshasa | CDF-symbol | = |
4186 | Currencies | Middle Africa | Middle Africa: Congo - Kinshasa: ZRN (old) | ZRN-name | Zairean New Zaire (1993–1998) |
ザイール 新ザイール (1993–1998) |
4187 | Currencies | Middle Africa | Middle Africa: Congo - Kinshasa: ZRN (old) | ZRN-symbol | = |
4188 | Currencies | Middle Africa | Middle Africa: Congo - Kinshasa: ZRZ (old) | ZRZ-name | Zairean Zaire (1971–1993) |
ザイール ザイール (1971–1993) |
4189 | Currencies | Middle Africa | Middle Africa: Congo - Kinshasa: ZRZ (old) | ZRZ-symbol | = |
4190 | Currencies | Middle Africa | Middle Africa: Cameroon | XAF-name | Central African CFA Franc |
中央アフリカ CFA フラン |
4191 | Currencies | Middle Africa | Middle Africa: Cameroon | XAF-symbol | = |
4192 | Currencies | Middle Africa | Middle Africa: Equatorial Guinea: GQE (old) | GQE-name | Equatorial Guinean Ekwele |
赤道ギニア エクウェレ |
4193 | Currencies | Middle Africa | Middle Africa: Equatorial Guinea: GQE (old) | GQE-symbol | = |
4194 | Currencies | Middle Africa | Middle Africa: São Tomé & Príncipe | STN-name | São Tomé & Príncipe Dobra |
サントメ・プリンシペ ドブラ |
4195 | Currencies | Middle Africa | Middle Africa: São Tomé & Príncipe | STN-symbol | = |
4196 | Currencies | Middle Africa | Middle Africa: São Tomé & Príncipe | STN-symbol-narrow | = |
Db |
4197 | Currencies | Middle Africa | Middle Africa: São Tomé & Príncipe: STD (old) | STD-name | São Tomé & Príncipe Dobra (1977–2017) |
サントメ・プリンシペ ドブラ (1977–2017) |
4198 | Currencies | Middle Africa | Middle Africa: São Tomé & Príncipe: STD (old) | STD-symbol | = |
4199 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Burundi | BIF-name | Burundian Franc |
ブルンジ フラン |
4200 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Burundi | BIF-symbol | = |
4201 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Djibouti | DJF-name | Djiboutian Franc |
ジブチ フラン |
4202 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Djibouti | DJF-symbol | = |
4203 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Eritrea | ERN-name | Eritrean Nakfa |
エリトリア ナクファ |
4204 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Eritrea | ERN-symbol | = |
4205 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Ethiopia | ETB-name | Ethiopian Birr |
エチオピア ブル |
4206 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Ethiopia | ETB-symbol | = |
4207 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Kenya | KES-name | Kenyan Shilling |
ケニア シリング |
4208 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Kenya | KES-symbol | = |
4209 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Comoros | KMF-name | Comorian Franc |
コモロ フラン |
4210 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Comoros | KMF-symbol | = |
4211 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Comoros | KMF-symbol-narrow | = |
CF |
4212 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Madagascar | MGA-name | Malagasy Ariary |
マダガスカル アリアリ |
4213 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Madagascar | MGA-symbol | = |
4214 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Madagascar | MGA-symbol-narrow | = |
Ar |
4215 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Madagascar: MGF (old) | MGF-name | Malagasy Franc |
マラガシ フラン |
4216 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Madagascar: MGF (old) | MGF-symbol | = |
4217 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Mauritius | MUR-name | Mauritian Rupee |
モーリシャス ルピー |
4218 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Mauritius | MUR-symbol | = |
4219 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Mauritius | MUR-symbol-narrow | = |
Rs |
4220 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Malawi | MWK-name | Malawian Kwacha |
マラウィ クワチャ |
4221 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Malawi | MWK-symbol | = |
4222 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Mozambique | MZN-name | Mozambican Metical |
モザンビーク メティカル |
4223 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Mozambique | MZN-symbol | = |
4224 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Mozambique: MZE (old) | MZE-name | Mozambican Escudo |
モザンピーク エスクード |
4225 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Mozambique: MZE (old) | MZE-symbol | = |
4226 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Mozambique: MZM (old) | MZM-name | Mozambican Metical (1980–2006) |
モザンビーク メティカル (1980–2006) |
4227 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Mozambique: MZM (old) | MZM-symbol | = |
4228 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Rwanda | RWF-name | Rwandan Franc |
ルワンダ フラン |
4229 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Rwanda | RWF-symbol | = |
4230 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Rwanda | RWF-symbol-narrow | = |
RF |
4231 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Seychelles | SCR-name | Seychellois Rupee |
セーシェル ルピー |
4232 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Seychelles | SCR-symbol | = |
4233 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Somalia | SOS-name | Somali Shilling |
ソマリア シリング |
4234 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Somalia | SOS-symbol | = |
4235 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: South Sudan | SSP-name | South Sudanese Pound |
南スーダン ポンド |
4236 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: South Sudan | SSP-symbol | = |
4237 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: South Sudan | SSP-symbol-narrow | = |
£ |
4238 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Tanzania | TZS-name | Tanzanian Shilling |
タンザニア シリング |
4239 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Tanzania | TZS-symbol | = |
4240 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Uganda | UGX-name | Ugandan Shilling |
ウガンダ シリング |
4241 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Uganda | UGX-symbol | = |
4242 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Uganda: UGS (old) | UGS-name | Ugandan Shilling (1966–1987) |
ウガンダ シリング (1966–1987) |
4243 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Uganda: UGS (old) | UGS-symbol | = |
4244 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Zambia | ZMW-name | Zambian Kwacha |
ザンビア クワチャ |
4245 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Zambia | ZMW-symbol | = |
4246 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Zambia | ZMW-symbol-narrow | = |
ZK |
4247 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Zambia: ZMK (old) | ZMK-name | Zambian Kwacha (1968–2012) |
ザンビア クワチャ (1968–2012) |
4248 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Zambia: ZMK (old) | ZMK-symbol | = |
4249 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Zimbabwe | ZWG-name | Zimbabwean Gold |
4250 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Zimbabwe | ZWG-symbol | = |
4251 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Zimbabwe: RHD (old) | RHD-name | Rhodesian Dollar |
ローデシア ドル |
4252 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Zimbabwe: RHD (old) | RHD-symbol | = |
4253 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWD (old) | ZWD-name | Zimbabwean Dollar (1980–2008) |
ジンバブエ ドル (1980–2008) |
4254 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWD (old) | ZWD-symbol | = |
4255 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWL (old) | ZWL-name | Zimbabwean Dollar (2009–2024) |
ジンバブエ ドル (2009) |
4256 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWL (old) | ZWL-symbol | = |
4257 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWR (old) | ZWR-name | Zimbabwean Dollar (2008) |
シンバブエ ドル(2008) |
4258 | Currencies | Eastern Africa | Eastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWR (old) | ZWR-symbol | = |
4259 | Currencies | Southern Africa | Southern Africa: Botswana | BWP-name | Botswanan Pula |
ボツワナ プラ |
4260 | Currencies | Southern Africa | Southern Africa: Botswana | BWP-symbol | = |
4261 | Currencies | Southern Africa | Southern Africa: Botswana | BWP-symbol-narrow | = |
P |
4262 | Currencies | Southern Africa | Southern Africa: Lesotho | LSL-name | Lesotho Loti |
レソト ロティ |
4263 | Currencies | Southern Africa | Southern Africa: Lesotho | LSL-symbol | = |
4264 | Currencies | Southern Africa | Southern Africa: Namibia | NAD-name | Namibian Dollar |
ナミビア ドル |
4265 | Currencies | Southern Africa | Southern Africa: Namibia | NAD-symbol | = |
4266 | Currencies | Southern Africa | Southern Africa: Namibia | NAD-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
4267 | Currencies | Southern Africa | Southern Africa: Eswatini | SZL-name | Swazi Lilangeni |
スワジランド リランゲニ |
4268 | Currencies | Southern Africa | Southern Africa: Eswatini | SZL-symbol | = |
4269 | Currencies | Southern Africa | Southern Africa: South Africa | ZAR-name | South African Rand |
南アフリカ ランド |
4270 | Currencies | Southern Africa | Southern Africa: South Africa | ZAR-symbol | = |
4271 | Currencies | Southern Africa | Southern Africa: South Africa | ZAR-symbol-narrow | = |
R |
4272 | Currencies | Southern Africa | Southern Africa: South Africa: ZAL (fund) | ZAL-name | South African Rand (financial) |
南アフリカ ランド (ZAL) |
4273 | Currencies | Southern Africa | Southern Africa: South Africa: ZAL (fund) | ZAL-symbol | = |
4274 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: United Arab Emirates | AED-name-other | UAE dirhams |
UAE ディルハム |
4275 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: United Arab Emirates | AED-name | United Arab Emirates Dirham |
アラブ首長国連邦ディルハム |
4276 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: United Arab Emirates | AED-symbol | = |
4277 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Armenia | AMD-name | Armenian Dram |
アルメニア ドラム |
4278 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Armenia | AMD-symbol | = |
4279 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Armenia | AMD-symbol-narrow | = |
֏ |
4280 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Azerbaijan | AZN-name | Azerbaijani Manat |
アゼルバイジャン マナト |
4281 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Azerbaijan | AZN-symbol | = |
4282 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Azerbaijan | AZN-symbol-narrow | = |
₼ |
4283 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Azerbaijan: AZM (old) | AZM-name | Azerbaijani Manat (1993–2006) |
アゼルバイジャン マナト (1993–2006) |
4284 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Azerbaijan: AZM (old) | AZM-symbol | = |
4285 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Bahrain | BHD-name | Bahraini Dinar |
バーレーン ディナール |
4286 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Bahrain | BHD-symbol | = |
4287 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Cyprus: CYP (old) | CYP-name | Cypriot Pound |
キプロス ポンド |
4288 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Cyprus: CYP (old) | CYP-symbol | = |
4289 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Georgia | GEL-name | Georgian Lari |
ジョージア ラリ |
4290 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Georgia | GEL-symbol | = |
4291 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Georgia | GEL-symbol-narrow | = |
₾ |
4292 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Georgia: GEK (old) | GEK-name | Georgian Kupon Larit |
ジョージア クーポン ラリ |
4293 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Georgia: GEK (old) | GEK-symbol | = |
4294 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Israel | ILS-name | Israeli New Shekel |
イスラエル新シェケル |
4295 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Israel | ILS-symbol | = |
₪ |
4296 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Israel | ILS-symbol-narrow | = |
₪ |
4297 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Israel: ILP (old) | ILP-name | Israeli Pound |
イスラエル ポンド |
4298 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Israel: ILP (old) | ILP-symbol | = |
4299 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Israel: ILR (old) | ILR-name | Israeli Shekel (1980–1985) |
イスラエル シェケル (1980–1985) |
4300 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Israel: ILR (old) | ILR-symbol | = |
4301 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Iraq | IQD-name | Iraqi Dinar |
イラク ディナール |
4302 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Iraq | IQD-symbol | = |
4303 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Jordan | JOD-name | Jordanian Dinar |
ヨルダン ディナール |
4304 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Jordan | JOD-symbol | = |
4305 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Kuwait | KWD-name | Kuwaiti Dinar |
クウェート ディナール |
4306 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Kuwait | KWD-symbol | = |
4307 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Lebanon | LBP-name | Lebanese Pound |
レバノン ポンド |
4308 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Lebanon | LBP-symbol | = |
4309 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Lebanon | LBP-symbol-narrow | = |
L£ |
4310 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Oman | OMR-name | Omani Rial |
オマーン リアル |
4311 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Oman | OMR-symbol | = |
4312 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Qatar | QAR-name | Qatari Riyal |
カタール リアル |
4313 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Qatar | QAR-symbol | = |
4314 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Saudi Arabia | SAR-name | Saudi Riyal |
サウジ リヤル |
4315 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Saudi Arabia | SAR-symbol | = |
4316 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Syria | SYP-name | Syrian Pound |
シリア ポンド |
4317 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Syria | SYP-symbol | = |
4318 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Syria | SYP-symbol-narrow | = |
£ |
4319 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Türkiye | TRY-name | Turkish Lira |
トルコ リラ |
4320 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Türkiye | TRY-symbol | = |
4321 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Türkiye | TRY-symbol-variant | = |
TL |
4322 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Türkiye | TRY-symbol-narrow | = |
₺ |
4323 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Türkiye: TRL (old) | TRL-name | Turkish Lira (1922–2005) |
トルコ リラ (1922–2005) |
4324 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Türkiye: TRL (old) | TRL-symbol | = |
4325 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Yemen | YER-name | Yemeni Rial |
イエメン リアル |
4326 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Yemen | YER-symbol | = |
4327 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Yemen: YDD (old) | YDD-name | Yemeni Dinar |
イエメン ディナール |
4328 | Currencies | Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Yemen: YDD (old) | YDD-symbol | = |
4329 | Currencies | Central Asia (C) | Central Asia: Turkmenistan | TMT-name | Turkmenistani Manat |
トルクメニスタン マナト |
4330 | Currencies | Central Asia (C) | Central Asia: Turkmenistan | TMT-symbol | = |
4331 | Currencies | Central Asia (C) | Central Asia: Turkmenistan: TMM (old) | TMM-name | Turkmenistani Manat (1993–2009) |
トルクメニスタン マナト (1993–2009) |
4332 | Currencies | Central Asia (C) | Central Asia: Turkmenistan: TMM (old) | TMM-symbol | = |
4333 | Currencies | Central Asia (C) | Central Asia: Tajikistan | TJS-name | Tajikistani Somoni |
タジキスタン ソモニ |
4334 | Currencies | Central Asia (C) | Central Asia: Tajikistan | TJS-symbol | = |
4335 | Currencies | Central Asia (C) | Central Asia: Tajikistan: TJR (old) | TJR-name | Tajikistani Ruble |
タジキスタン ルーブル |
4336 | Currencies | Central Asia (C) | Central Asia: Tajikistan: TJR (old) | TJR-symbol | = |
4337 | Currencies | Central Asia (C) | Central Asia: Kyrgyzstan | KGS-name | Kyrgystani Som |
キルギス ソム |
4338 | Currencies | Central Asia (C) | Central Asia: Kyrgyzstan | KGS-symbol | = |
4339 | Currencies | Central Asia (C) | Central Asia: Kyrgyzstan | KGS-symbol-narrow | = |
⃀ |
4340 | Currencies | Central Asia (C) | Central Asia: Kazakhstan | KZT-name | Kazakhstani Tenge |
カザフスタン テンゲ |
4341 | Currencies | Central Asia (C) | Central Asia: Kazakhstan | KZT-symbol | = |
4342 | Currencies | Central Asia (C) | Central Asia: Kazakhstan | KZT-symbol-narrow | = |
₸ |
4343 | Currencies | Central Asia (C) | Central Asia: Uzbekistan | UZS-name | Uzbekistani Som |
ウズベキスタン スム |
4344 | Currencies | Central Asia (C) | Central Asia: Uzbekistan | UZS-symbol | = |
4345 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: China | CNY-name | Chinese Yuan |
中国人民元 |
4346 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: China | CNY-symbol | CN¥ |
元 |
4347 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: China | CNY-symbol-narrow | ¥ |
¥ |
4348 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: China: CNH (offshore) | CNH-name | Chinese Yuan (offshore) |
中国人民元(オフショア) |
4349 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: China: CNH (offshore) | CNH-symbol | = |
4350 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: China: CNX (old) | CNX-name | Chinese People’s Bank Dollar |
中国人民銀行ドル |
4351 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: China: CNX (old) | CNX-symbol | = |
4352 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: Hong Kong SAR China | HKD-name | Hong Kong Dollar |
香港ドル |
4353 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: Hong Kong SAR China | HKD-symbol | = |
HK$ |
4354 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: Hong Kong SAR China | HKD-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
4355 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: Japan | JPY-name-other | Japanese yen |
円 |
4356 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: Japan | JPY-name | Japanese Yen |
日本円 |
4357 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: Japan | JPY-symbol | ¥ |
¥ |
4358 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: Japan | JPY-symbol-narrow | ¥ |
¥ |
4359 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: North Korea | KPW-name | North Korean Won |
北朝鮮ウォン |
4360 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: North Korea | KPW-symbol | = |
4361 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: North Korea | KPW-symbol-narrow | = |
₩ |
4362 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: South Korea | KRW-name | South Korean Won |
韓国ウォン |
4363 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: South Korea | KRW-symbol | = |
₩ |
4364 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: South Korea | KRW-symbol-narrow | = |
₩ |
4365 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: South Korea: KRH (old) | KRH-name | South Korean Hwan (1953–1962) |
韓国 ファン(1953–1962) |
4366 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: South Korea: KRH (old) | KRH-symbol | = |
4367 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: South Korea: KRO (old) | KRO-name | South Korean Won (1945–1953) |
韓国 ウォン(1945–1953) |
4368 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: South Korea: KRO (old) | KRO-symbol | = |
4369 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: Mongolia | MNT-name | Mongolian Tugrik |
モンゴル トグログ |
4370 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: Mongolia | MNT-symbol | = |
4371 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: Mongolia | MNT-symbol-narrow | = |
₮ |
4372 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: Macao SAR China | MOP-name | Macanese Pataca |
マカオ パタカ |
4373 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: Macao SAR China | MOP-symbol | = |
4374 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: Taiwan | TWD-name | New Taiwan Dollar |
新台湾ドル |
4375 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: Taiwan | TWD-symbol | = |
NT$ |
4376 | Currencies | Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: Taiwan | TWD-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
4377 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Afghanistan | AFN-name | Afghan Afghani |
アフガニスタン アフガニー |
4378 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Afghanistan | AFN-symbol | = |
4379 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Afghanistan | AFN-symbol-narrow | = |
؋ |
4380 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Afghanistan: AFA (old) | AFA-name | Afghan Afghani (1927–2002) |
アフガニスタン アフガニー (1927–2002) |
4381 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Afghanistan: AFA (old) | AFA-symbol | = |
4382 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Bangladesh | BDT-name | Bangladeshi Taka |
バングラデシュ タカ |
4383 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Bangladesh | BDT-symbol | = |
4384 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Bangladesh | BDT-symbol-narrow | = |
৳ |
4385 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Bhutan | BTN-name | Bhutanese Ngultrum |
ブータン ニュルタム |
4386 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Bhutan | BTN-symbol | = |
4387 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: India | INR-name | Indian Rupee |
インド ルピー |
4388 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: India | INR-symbol | = |
₹ |
4389 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: India | INR-symbol-narrow | = |
₹ |
4390 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Iran | IRR-name | Iranian Rial |
イラン リアル |
4391 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Iran | IRR-symbol | = |
4392 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Sri Lanka | LKR-name | Sri Lankan Rupee |
スリランカ ルピー |
4393 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Sri Lanka | LKR-symbol | = |
4394 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Sri Lanka | LKR-symbol-narrow | = |
Rs |
4395 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Maldives | MVR-name | Maldivian Rufiyaa |
モルディブ ルフィア |
4396 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Maldives | MVR-symbol | = |
4397 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Maldives: MVP (old) | MVP-name | Maldivian Rupee (1947–1981) |
モルディブ諸島 ルピー |
4398 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Maldives: MVP (old) | MVP-symbol | = |
4399 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Nepal | NPR-name | Nepalese Rupee |
ネパール ルピー |
4400 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Nepal | NPR-symbol | = |
4401 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Nepal | NPR-symbol-narrow | = |
Rs |
4402 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Pakistan | PKR-name | Pakistani Rupee |
パキスタン ルピー |
4403 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Pakistan | PKR-symbol | = |
4404 | Currencies | Southern Asia (C) | Southern Asia: Pakistan | PKR-symbol-narrow | = |
Rs |
4405 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Brunei | BND-name | Brunei Dollar |
ブルネイ ドル |
4406 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Brunei | BND-symbol | = |
4407 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Brunei | BND-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
4408 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Indonesia | IDR-name | Indonesian Rupiah |
インドネシア ルピア |
4409 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Indonesia | IDR-symbol | = |
4410 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Indonesia | IDR-symbol-narrow | = |
Rp |
4411 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Cambodia | KHR-name | Cambodian Riel |
カンボジア リエル |
4412 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Cambodia | KHR-symbol | = |
4413 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Cambodia | KHR-symbol-narrow | = |
៛ |
4414 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Laos | LAK-name | Laotian Kip |
ラオス キープ |
4415 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Laos | LAK-symbol | = |
4416 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Laos | LAK-symbol-narrow | = |
₭ |
4417 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Myanmar (Burma) | MMK-name | Myanmar Kyat |
ミャンマー チャット |
4418 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Myanmar (Burma) | MMK-symbol | = |
4419 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Myanmar (Burma) | MMK-symbol-narrow | = |
K |
4420 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Myanmar (Burma): BUK (old) | BUK-name | Burmese Kyat |
ビルマ チャット |
4421 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Myanmar (Burma): BUK (old) | BUK-symbol | = |
4422 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Malaysia | MYR-name | Malaysian Ringgit |
マレーシア リンギット |
4423 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Malaysia | MYR-symbol | = |
4424 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Malaysia | MYR-symbol-narrow | = |
RM |
4425 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Philippines | PHP-name | Philippine Peso |
フィリピン ペソ |
4426 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Philippines | PHP-symbol | ₱ |
4427 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Philippines | PHP-symbol-narrow | = |
₱ |
4428 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Singapore | SGD-name | Singapore Dollar |
シンガポール ドル |
4429 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Singapore | SGD-symbol | = |
4430 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Singapore | SGD-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
4431 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Thailand | THB-name | Thai Baht |
タイ バーツ |
4432 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Thailand | THB-symbol | = |
4433 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Thailand | THB-symbol-narrow | = |
฿ |
4434 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Timor-Leste: TPE (old) | TPE-name | Timorese Escudo |
ティモール エスクード |
4435 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Timor-Leste: TPE (old) | TPE-symbol | = |
4436 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Vietnam | VND-name | Vietnamese Dong |
ベトナム ドン |
4437 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Vietnam | VND-symbol | = |
₫ |
4438 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Vietnam | VND-symbol-narrow | = |
₫ |
4439 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Vietnam: VNN (old) | VNN-name | Vietnamese Dong (1978–1985) |
ベトナム ドン(1978–1985) |
4440 | Currencies | Southeast Asia (C) | Southeast Asia: Vietnam: VNN (old) | VNN-symbol | = |
4441 | Currencies | Oceania (C) | Australasia: Australia | AUD-name | Australian Dollar |
オーストラリア ドル |
4442 | Currencies | Oceania (C) | Australasia: Australia | AUD-symbol | = |
A$ |
4443 | Currencies | Oceania (C) | Australasia: Australia | AUD-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
4444 | Currencies | Oceania (C) | Australasia: New Zealand | NZD-name | New Zealand Dollar |
ニュージーランド ドル |
4445 | Currencies | Oceania (C) | Australasia: New Zealand | NZD-symbol | = |
NZ$ |
4446 | Currencies | Oceania (C) | Australasia: New Zealand | NZD-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
4447 | Currencies | Oceania (C) | Melanesia: Fiji | FJD-name | Fijian Dollar |
フィジー ドル |
4448 | Currencies | Oceania (C) | Melanesia: Fiji | FJD-symbol | = |
4449 | Currencies | Oceania (C) | Melanesia: Fiji | FJD-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
4450 | Currencies | Oceania (C) | Melanesia: New Caledonia | XPF-name | CFP Franc |
CFP フラン |
4451 | Currencies | Oceania (C) | Melanesia: New Caledonia | XPF-symbol | = |
4452 | Currencies | Oceania (C) | Melanesia: Papua New Guinea | PGK-name | Papua New Guinean Kina |
パプアニューギニア キナ |
4453 | Currencies | Oceania (C) | Melanesia: Papua New Guinea | PGK-symbol | = |
4454 | Currencies | Oceania (C) | Melanesia: Solomon Islands | SBD-name | Solomon Islands Dollar |
ソロモン諸島 ドル |
4455 | Currencies | Oceania (C) | Melanesia: Solomon Islands | SBD-symbol | = |
4456 | Currencies | Oceania (C) | Melanesia: Solomon Islands | SBD-symbol-narrow | = |
$ |
4457 | Currencies | Oceania (C) | Melanesia: Vanuatu | VUV-name | Vanuatu Vatu |
バヌアツ バツ |
4458 | Currencies | Oceania (C) | Melanesia: Vanuatu | VUV-symbol | = |
4459 | Currencies | Oceania (C) | Polynesia: Tonga | TOP-name | Tongan Paʻanga |
トンガ パ・アンガ |
4460 | Currencies | Oceania (C) | Polynesia: Tonga | TOP-symbol | = |
4461 | Currencies | Oceania (C) | Polynesia: Tonga | TOP-symbol-narrow | = |
T$ |
4462 | Currencies | Oceania (C) | Polynesia: Samoa | WST-name | Samoan Tala |
サモア タラ |
4463 | Currencies | Oceania (C) | Polynesia: Samoa | WST-symbol | = |
4464 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: null: XCG (old) | XCG-name | Caribbean guilder |
4465 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: null: XCG (old) | XCG-symbol | = |
Cg. |
4466 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: EUR | EUR-name | Euro |
ユーロ |
4467 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: EUR | EUR-symbol | = |
€ |
4468 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: EUR | EUR-symbol-narrow | = |
€ |
4469 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XAG | XAG-name | Silver |
銀 |
4470 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XAG | XAG-symbol | = |
4471 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XAU | XAU-name | Gold |
金 |
4472 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XAU | XAU-symbol | = |
4473 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XBA | XBA-name | European Composite Unit |
ヨーロッパ混合単位 (EURCO) |
4474 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XBA | XBA-symbol | = |
4475 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XBB | XBB-name | European Monetary Unit |
ヨーロッパ通貨単位 (EMU–6) |
4476 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XBB | XBB-symbol | = |
4477 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XBC | XBC-name | European Unit of Account (XBC) |
ヨーロッパ勘定単位 (EUA–9) |
4478 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XBC | XBC-symbol | = |
4479 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XBD | XBD-name | European Unit of Account (XBD) |
ヨーロッパ勘定単位 (EUA–17) |
4480 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XBD | XBD-symbol | = |
4481 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XDR | XDR-name | Special Drawing Rights |
特別引き出し権 |
4482 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XDR | XDR-symbol | = |
4483 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XEU | XEU-name | European Currency Unit |
ヨーロッパ通貨単位 |
4484 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XEU | XEU-symbol | = |
4485 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XFO | XFO-name | French Gold Franc |
フランス金フラン |
4486 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XFO | XFO-symbol | = |
4487 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XFU | XFU-name | French UIC-Franc |
フランス フラン (UIC) |
4488 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XFU | XFU-symbol | = |
4489 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XPD | XPD-name | Palladium |
パラジウム |
4490 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XPD | XPD-symbol | = |
4491 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XPT | XPT-name | Platinum |
プラチナ |
4492 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XPT | XPT-symbol | = |
4493 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XRE | XRE-name | RINET Funds |
4494 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XRE | XRE-symbol | = |
4495 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XSU | XSU-name | Sucre |
スクレ |
4496 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XSU | XSU-symbol | = |
4497 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XTS | XTS-name | Testing Currency Code |
テスト用通貨コード |
4498 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XTS | XTS-symbol | = |
4499 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XUA | XUA-name | ADB Unit of Account |
UA (アフリカ開発銀行) |
4500 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XUA | XUA-symbol | = |
4501 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XXX | XXX-name | Unknown Currency |
不明または無効な通貨 |
4502 | Currencies | Unknown Region (C) | Unknown Region: XXX | XXX-symbol | ¤ |
4503 | Units | Measurement Systems | null | metric | Metric |
メートル法 |
4504 | Units | Measurement Systems | null | UK | UK |
英ヤード・ポンド法 |
4505 | Units | Measurement Systems | null | US | US |
米ヤード・ポンド法 |
4506 | Units | Duration | decade | short-displayName | dec |
十年 |
4507 | Units | Duration | decade | short-other-nominative | {0} dec |
{0} 十年 |
4508 | Units | Duration | decade | narrow-other-nominative | {0}dec |
{0}十年 |
4509 | Units | Duration | night | long-displayName | nights |
泊 |
4510 | Units | Duration | night | short-displayName | nights |
泊 |
4511 | Units | Duration | night | narrow-displayName | nights |
泊 |
4512 | Units | Duration | night | long-per | {0} per night |
{0}/泊 |
4513 | Units | Duration | night | short-per | {0}/night |
{0}/泊 |
4514 | Units | Duration | night | narrow-per | {0}/night |
{0}/泊 |
4515 | Units | Duration | night | long-other-nominative | {0} nights |
{0} 泊 |
4516 | Units | Duration | night | short-other-nominative | {0} nights |
{0} 泊 |
4517 | Units | Duration | night | narrow-other-nominative | {0}nights |
{0}泊 |
4518 | Units | Duration | century | short-displayName | c |
世紀 |
4519 | Units | Duration | century | short-other-nominative | {0} c |
{0} 世紀 |
4520 | Units | Duration | century | narrow-other-nominative | {0}c |
{0}世紀 |
4521 | Units | Duration | year | short-displayName | years |
年 |
4522 | Units | Duration | year | short-per | {0}/y |
{0}/年 |
4523 | Units | Duration | year | short-other-nominative | {0} yrs |
{0} 年 |
4524 | Units | Duration | year | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}y |
4525 | Units | Duration | quarter | short-displayName | qtr |
四半期 |
4526 | Units | Duration | quarter | short-per | {0}/q |
{0}/四半期 |
4527 | Units | Duration | quarter | narrow-per | {0}/q |
{0}/Q |
4528 | Units | Duration | quarter | long-other-nominative | {0} quarters |
{0} 四半期 |
4529 | Units | Duration | quarter | short-other-nominative | {0} qtrs |
{0}四半期 |
4530 | Units | Duration | quarter | narrow-other-nominative | {0}q |
{0}Q |
4531 | Units | Duration | month | short-displayName | months |
か月 |
4532 | Units | Duration | month | short-per | {0}/m |
{0}/月 |
4533 | Units | Duration | month | short-other-nominative | {0} mths |
{0} か月 |
4534 | Units | Duration | month | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}m |
4535 | Units | Duration | week | short-displayName | weeks |
週間 |
4536 | Units | Duration | week | short-per | {0}/w |
{0}/週 |
4537 | Units | Duration | week | short-other-nominative | {0} wks |
{0} 週間 |
4538 | Units | Duration | week | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}w |
4539 | Units | Duration | day | short-displayName | days |
日 |
4540 | Units | Duration | day | short-per | {0}/d |
{0}/日 |
4541 | Units | Duration | day | short-other-nominative | {0} days |
{0} 日 |
4542 | Units | Duration | day | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}d |
4543 | Units | Duration | hour | short-displayName | hours |
時間 |
4544 | Units | Duration | hour | short-per | {0}/h |
{0}/時間 |
4545 | Units | Duration | hour | short-other-nominative | {0} hr |
{0} 時間 |
4546 | Units | Duration | hour | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}h |
4547 | Units | Duration | minute | short-displayName | mins |
分 |
4548 | Units | Duration | minute | short-per | {0}/min |
{0}/分 |
4549 | Units | Duration | minute | short-other-nominative | {0} min |
{0} 分 |
4550 | Units | Duration | minute | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}m |
4551 | Units | Duration | second | short-displayName | secs |
秒 |
4552 | Units | Duration | second | short-per | {0}/s |
{0}/秒 |
4553 | Units | Duration | second | short-other-nominative | {0} sec |
{0} 秒 |
4554 | Units | Duration | second | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}s |
4555 | Units | Duration | millisecond | short-displayName | millisecs |
ミリ秒 |
4556 | Units | Duration | millisecond | narrow-displayName | msec |
ms |
4557 | Units | Duration | millisecond | long-other-nominative | {0} milliseconds |
{0} ミリ秒 |
4558 | Units | Duration | millisecond | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} ms |
4559 | Units | Duration | millisecond | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}ms |
4560 | Units | Duration | microsecond | short-displayName | μsecs |
マイクロ秒 |
4561 | Units | Duration | microsecond | narrow-displayName | μsec |
μs |
4562 | Units | Duration | microsecond | long-other-nominative | {0} microseconds |
{0} マイクロ秒 |
4563 | Units | Duration | microsecond | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} μs |
4564 | Units | Duration | microsecond | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}μs |
4565 | Units | Duration | nanosecond | short-displayName | nanosecs |
ナノ秒 |
4566 | Units | Duration | nanosecond | narrow-displayName | = |
ns |
4567 | Units | Duration | nanosecond | long-other-nominative | {0} nanoseconds |
{0} ナノ秒 |
4568 | Units | Duration | nanosecond | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} ns |
4569 | Units | Duration | nanosecond | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}ns |
4570 | Units | Duration | Duration Patterns | hm | = |
h:mm |
4571 | Units | Duration | Duration Patterns | hms | = |
h:mm:ss |
4572 | Units | Duration | Duration Patterns | ms | = |
m:ss |
4573 | Units | Graphics | dot | short-displayName | dots |
ドット |
4574 | Units | Graphics | dot | short-other-nominative | {0} dots |
{0} ドット |
4575 | Units | Graphics | dot | narrow-other-nominative | {0}dot |
{0}ドット |
4576 | Units | Graphics | dot-per-centimeter | long-displayName | dots per centimeter |
ドット/cm |
4577 | Units | Graphics | dot-per-centimeter | short-displayName | = |
dpcm |
4578 | Units | Graphics | dot-per-centimeter | long-other-nominative | {0} dots per centimeter |
{0} ドット/cm |
4579 | Units | Graphics | dot-per-centimeter | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} dpcm |
4580 | Units | Graphics | dot-per-centimeter | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}dpcm |
4581 | Units | Graphics | dot-per-inch | long-displayName | dots per inch |
ドット/インチ |
4582 | Units | Graphics | dot-per-inch | short-displayName | = |
dpi |
4583 | Units | Graphics | dot-per-inch | long-other-nominative | {0} dots per inch |
{0} ドット/インチ |
4584 | Units | Graphics | dot-per-inch | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} dpi |
4585 | Units | Graphics | dot-per-inch | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}dpi |
4586 | Units | Graphics | em | long-displayName | typographic ems |
フォントサイズ em |
4587 | Units | Graphics | em | short-displayName | = |
em |
4588 | Units | Graphics | em | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} em |
4589 | Units | Graphics | em | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}em |
4590 | Units | Graphics | megapixel | short-displayName | megapixels |
メガピクセル |
4591 | Units | Graphics | megapixel | narrow-displayName | = |
MP |
4592 | Units | Graphics | megapixel | long-other-nominative | {0} megapixels |
{0} メガピクセル |
4593 | Units | Graphics | megapixel | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} MP |
4594 | Units | Graphics | megapixel | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}MP |
4595 | Units | Graphics | pixel | short-displayName | pixels |
ピクセル |
4596 | Units | Graphics | pixel | narrow-displayName | = |
px |
4597 | Units | Graphics | pixel | long-other-nominative | {0} pixels |
{0} ピクセル |
4598 | Units | Graphics | pixel | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} px |
4599 | Units | Graphics | pixel | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}px |
4600 | Units | Graphics | pixel-per-centimeter | long-displayName | pixels per centimeter |
ピクセル/cm |
4601 | Units | Graphics | pixel-per-centimeter | short-displayName | = |
ppcm |
4602 | Units | Graphics | pixel-per-centimeter | long-other-nominative | {0} pixels per centimeter |
{0} ピクセル/cm |
4603 | Units | Graphics | pixel-per-centimeter | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} ppcm |
4604 | Units | Graphics | pixel-per-centimeter | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}ppcm |
4605 | Units | Graphics | pixel-per-inch | long-displayName | pixels per inch |
ピクセル/インチ |
4606 | Units | Graphics | pixel-per-inch | short-displayName | = |
ppi |
4607 | Units | Graphics | pixel-per-inch | long-other-nominative | {0} pixels per inch |
{0} ピクセル/インチ |
4608 | Units | Graphics | pixel-per-inch | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} ppi |
4609 | Units | Graphics | pixel-per-inch | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}ppi |
4610 | Units | Length Metric | kilometer | long-displayName | kilometers |
キロメートル |
4611 | Units | Length Metric | kilometer | short-displayName | = |
km |
4612 | Units | Length Metric | kilometer | long-per | {0} per kilometer |
{0}/キロメートル |
4613 | Units | Length Metric | kilometer | short-per | = |
{0}/km |
4614 | Units | Length Metric | kilometer | long-other-nominative | {0} kilometers |
{0} キロメートル |
4615 | Units | Length Metric | kilometer | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} km |
4616 | Units | Length Metric | kilometer | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}km |
4617 | Units | Length Metric | meter | long-displayName | meters |
メートル |
4618 | Units | Length Metric | meter | short-displayName | = |
m |
4619 | Units | Length Metric | meter | long-per | {0} per meter |
{0}/メートル |
4620 | Units | Length Metric | meter | short-per | = |
{0}/m |
4621 | Units | Length Metric | meter | long-other-nominative | {0} meters |
{0} メートル |
4622 | Units | Length Metric | meter | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} m |
4623 | Units | Length Metric | meter | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}m |
4624 | Units | Length Metric | decimeter | short-displayName | dm |
デシメートル |
4625 | Units | Length Metric | decimeter | long-other-nominative | {0} decimeters |
{0} デシメートル |
4626 | Units | Length Metric | decimeter | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} dm |
4627 | Units | Length Metric | decimeter | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}dm |
4628 | Units | Length Metric | centimeter | long-displayName | centimeters |
センチメートル |
4629 | Units | Length Metric | centimeter | short-displayName | = |
cm |
4630 | Units | Length Metric | centimeter | long-per | {0} per centimeter |
{0}/センチメートル |
4631 | Units | Length Metric | centimeter | short-per | = |
{0}/cm |
4632 | Units | Length Metric | centimeter | long-other-nominative | {0} centimeters |
{0} センチメートル |
4633 | Units | Length Metric | centimeter | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} cm |
4634 | Units | Length Metric | centimeter | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}cm |
4635 | Units | Length Metric | millimeter | long-displayName | millimeters |
ミリメートル |
4636 | Units | Length Metric | millimeter | short-displayName | = |
mm |
4637 | Units | Length Metric | millimeter | long-other-nominative | {0} millimeters |
{0} ミリメートル |
4638 | Units | Length Metric | millimeter | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} mm |
4639 | Units | Length Metric | millimeter | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}mm |
4640 | Units | Length Metric | micrometer | short-displayName | μmeters |
マイクロメートル |
4641 | Units | Length Metric | micrometer | long-other-nominative | {0} micrometers |
{0} マイクロメートル |
4642 | Units | Length Metric | micrometer | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} μm |
4643 | Units | Length Metric | micrometer | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}μm |
4644 | Units | Length Metric | nanometer | short-displayName | nm |
ナノメートル |
4645 | Units | Length Metric | nanometer | long-other-nominative | {0} nanometers |
{0} ナノメートル |
4646 | Units | Length Metric | nanometer | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} nm |
4647 | Units | Length Metric | nanometer | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}nm |
4648 | Units | Length Metric | picometer | short-displayName | pm |
ピコメートル |
4649 | Units | Length Metric | picometer | long-other-nominative | {0} picometers |
{0} ピコメートル |
4650 | Units | Length Metric | picometer | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} pm |
4651 | Units | Length Metric | picometer | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}pm |
4652 | Units | Length Metric | mile-scandinavian | short-displayName | smi |
スカンジナビアマイル |
4653 | Units | Length Metric | mile-scandinavian | long-other-nominative | {0} miles-scandinavian |
{0} スカンジナビアマイル |
4654 | Units | Length Metric | mile-scandinavian | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} smi |
4655 | Units | Length Metric | mile-scandinavian | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}smi |
4656 | Units | Length Metric | point | short-displayName | points |
ポイント |
4657 | Units | Length Metric | point | narrow-displayName | pts |
pt |
4658 | Units | Length Metric | point | long-other-nominative | {0} points |
{0} ポイント |
4659 | Units | Length Metric | point | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} pt |
4660 | Units | Length Metric | point | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}pt |
4661 | Units | Length Other | earth-radius | long-displayName | earth radius |
地球半径 |
4662 | Units | Length Other | earth-radius | short-displayName | earth radius |
R⊕ |
4663 | Units | Length Other | earth-radius | long-other-nominative | {0} earth radius |
{0} 地球半径 |
4664 | Units | Length Other | earth-radius | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} R⊕ |
4665 | Units | Length Other | earth-radius | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}R⊕ |
4666 | Units | Length Other | mile | short-displayName | miles |
マイル |
4667 | Units | Length Other | mile | long-other-nominative | {0} miles |
{0} マイル |
4668 | Units | Length Other | mile | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} mi |
4669 | Units | Length Other | mile | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}mi |
4670 | Units | Length Other | yard | short-displayName | yards |
ヤード |
4671 | Units | Length Other | yard | long-other-nominative | {0} yards |
{0} ヤード |
4672 | Units | Length Other | yard | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} yd |
4673 | Units | Length Other | yard | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}yd |
4674 | Units | Length Other | foot | short-displayName | feet |
フィート |
4675 | Units | Length Other | foot | long-per | {0} per foot |
{0}/フィート |
4676 | Units | Length Other | foot | short-per | = |
{0}/ft |
4677 | Units | Length Other | foot | long-other-nominative | {0} feet |
{0} フィート |
4678 | Units | Length Other | foot | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} ft |
4679 | Units | Length Other | foot | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}′ |
4680 | Units | Length Other | inch | short-displayName | inches |
インチ |
4681 | Units | Length Other | inch | long-per | {0} per inch |
{0}/インチ |
4682 | Units | Length Other | inch | short-per | = |
{0}/in |
4683 | Units | Length Other | inch | long-other-nominative | {0} inches |
{0} インチ |
4684 | Units | Length Other | inch | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} in |
4685 | Units | Length Other | inch | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}″ |
4686 | Units | Length Other | parsec | short-displayName | parsecs |
パーセク |
4687 | Units | Length Other | parsec | long-other-nominative | {0} parsecs |
{0} パーセク |
4688 | Units | Length Other | parsec | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} pc |
4689 | Units | Length Other | parsec | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}pc |
4690 | Units | Length Other | light-year | short-displayName | light yrs |
光年 |
4691 | Units | Length Other | light-year | short-other-nominative | {0} ly |
{0} 光年 |
4692 | Units | Length Other | light-year | narrow-other-nominative | {0}ly |
{0}光年 |
4693 | Units | Length Other | astronomical-unit | short-displayName | au |
天文単位 |
4694 | Units | Length Other | astronomical-unit | long-other-nominative | {0} astronomical units |
{0} 天文単位 |
4695 | Units | Length Other | astronomical-unit | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} au |
4696 | Units | Length Other | astronomical-unit | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}au |
4697 | Units | Length Other | furlong | short-displayName | furlongs |
ハロン |
4698 | Units | Length Other | furlong | long-other-nominative | {0} furlongs |
{0} ハロン |
4699 | Units | Length Other | furlong | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} fur |
4700 | Units | Length Other | furlong | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}fur |
4701 | Units | Length Other | fathom | short-displayName | fathoms |
ファゾム |
4702 | Units | Length Other | fathom | long-other-nominative | {0} fathoms |
{0} ファゾム |
4703 | Units | Length Other | fathom | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} fth |
4704 | Units | Length Other | fathom | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}fth |
4705 | Units | Length Other | nautical-mile | short-displayName | nmi |
海里 |
4706 | Units | Length Other | nautical-mile | short-other-nominative | {0} nmi |
{0} 海里 |
4707 | Units | Length Other | nautical-mile | narrow-other-nominative | {0}nmi |
{0}海里 |
4708 | Units | Length Other | solar-radius | short-displayName | solar radii |
太陽半径 |
4709 | Units | Length Other | solar-radius | narrow-displayName | = |
R☉ |
4710 | Units | Length Other | solar-radius | long-other-nominative | {0} solar radii |
{0} 太陽半径 |
4711 | Units | Length Other | solar-radius | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} R☉ |
4712 | Units | Length Other | solar-radius | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}R☉ |
4713 | Units | Length Other | rin | short-displayName | n/a |
厘 |
4714 | Units | Length Other | rin | short-other-nominative | n/a |
{0} 厘 |
4715 | Units | Length Other | rin | narrow-other-nominative | n/a |
{0}厘 |
4716 | Units | Length Other | sun | short-displayName | n/a |
寸 |
4717 | Units | Length Other | sun | short-other-nominative | n/a |
{0} 寸 |
4718 | Units | Length Other | sun | narrow-other-nominative | n/a |
{0}寸 |
4719 | Units | Length Other | shaku-length | short-displayName | n/a |
尺 |
4720 | Units | Length Other | shaku-length | short-other-nominative | n/a |
{0} 尺 |
4721 | Units | Length Other | shaku-length | narrow-other-nominative | n/a |
{0}尺 |
4722 | Units | Length Other | shaku-cloth | short-displayName | n/a |
鯨尺 |
4723 | Units | Length Other | shaku-cloth | short-other-nominative | n/a |
{0} 鯨尺 |
4724 | Units | Length Other | shaku-cloth | narrow-other-nominative | n/a |
{0}鯨尺 |
4725 | Units | Length Other | ken | short-displayName | n/a |
間 |
4726 | Units | Length Other | ken | short-other-nominative | n/a |
{0} 間 |
4727 | Units | Length Other | ken | narrow-other-nominative | n/a |
{0}間 |
4728 | Units | Length Other | jo-jp | short-displayName | n/a |
丈 |
4729 | Units | Length Other | jo-jp | short-other-nominative | n/a |
{0} 丈 |
4730 | Units | Length Other | jo-jp | narrow-other-nominative | n/a |
{0}丈 |
4731 | Units | Length Other | ri-jp | short-displayName | n/a |
里 |
4732 | Units | Length Other | ri-jp | short-other-nominative | n/a |
{0} 里 |
4733 | Units | Length Other | ri-jp | narrow-other-nominative | n/a |
{0}里 |
4734 | Units | Area | square-kilometer | long-displayName | square kilometers |
平方キロメートル |
4735 | Units | Area | square-kilometer | short-displayName | = |
km² |
4736 | Units | Area | square-kilometer | long-per | {0} per square kilometer |
{0}/平方キロメートル |
4737 | Units | Area | square-kilometer | short-per | = |
{0}/km² |
4738 | Units | Area | square-kilometer | long-other-nominative | {0} square kilometers |
{0} 平方キロメートル |
4739 | Units | Area | square-kilometer | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} km² |
4740 | Units | Area | square-kilometer | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}km² |
4741 | Units | Area | hectare | short-displayName | hectares |
ヘクタール |
4742 | Units | Area | hectare | long-other-nominative | {0} hectares |
{0} ヘクタール |
4743 | Units | Area | hectare | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} ha |
4744 | Units | Area | hectare | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}ha |
4745 | Units | Area | square-meter | long-displayName | square meters |
平方メートル |
4746 | Units | Area | square-meter | short-displayName | meters² |
m² |
4747 | Units | Area | square-meter | long-per | {0} per square meter |
{0}/平方メートル |
4748 | Units | Area | square-meter | short-per | = |
{0}/m² |
4749 | Units | Area | square-meter | long-other-nominative | {0} square meters |
{0} 平方メートル |
4750 | Units | Area | square-meter | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} m² |
4751 | Units | Area | square-meter | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}m² |
4752 | Units | Area | square-centimeter | long-displayName | square centimeters |
平方センチメートル |
4753 | Units | Area | square-centimeter | short-displayName | = |
cm² |
4754 | Units | Area | square-centimeter | long-per | {0} per square centimeter |
{0}/平方センチメートル |
4755 | Units | Area | square-centimeter | short-per | = |
{0}/cm² |
4756 | Units | Area | square-centimeter | long-other-nominative | {0} square centimeters |
{0} 平方センチメートル |
4757 | Units | Area | square-centimeter | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} cm² |
4758 | Units | Area | square-centimeter | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}cm² |
4759 | Units | Area | square-mile | short-displayName | sq miles |
平方マイル |
4760 | Units | Area | square-mile | narrow-displayName | = |
mi² |
4761 | Units | Area | square-mile | long-per | {0} per square mile |
{0}/平方マイル |
4762 | Units | Area | square-mile | short-per | = |
{0}/mi² |
4763 | Units | Area | square-mile | long-other-nominative | {0} square miles |
{0} 平方マイル |
4764 | Units | Area | square-mile | short-other-nominative | {0} sq mi |
{0} mi² |
4765 | Units | Area | square-mile | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}mi² |
4766 | Units | Area | acre | short-displayName | acres |
エーカー |
4767 | Units | Area | acre | long-other-nominative | {0} acres |
{0} エーカー |
4768 | Units | Area | acre | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} ac |
4769 | Units | Area | acre | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}ac |
4770 | Units | Area | square-yard | short-displayName | yards² |
平方ヤード |
4771 | Units | Area | square-yard | narrow-displayName | = |
yd² |
4772 | Units | Area | square-yard | long-other-nominative | {0} square yards |
{0} 平方ヤード |
4773 | Units | Area | square-yard | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} yd² |
4774 | Units | Area | square-yard | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}yd² |
4775 | Units | Area | square-foot | short-displayName | sq feet |
平方フィート |
4776 | Units | Area | square-foot | narrow-displayName | = |
ft² |
4777 | Units | Area | square-foot | long-other-nominative | {0} square feet |
{0} 平方フィート |
4778 | Units | Area | square-foot | short-other-nominative | {0} sq ft |
{0} ft² |
4779 | Units | Area | square-foot | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}ft² |
4780 | Units | Area | square-inch | short-displayName | inches² |
平方インチ |
4781 | Units | Area | square-inch | narrow-displayName | = |
in² |
4782 | Units | Area | square-inch | long-per | {0} per square inch |
{0}/平方インチ |
4783 | Units | Area | square-inch | short-per | = |
{0}/in² |
4784 | Units | Area | square-inch | long-other-nominative | {0} square inches |
{0} 平方インチ |
4785 | Units | Area | square-inch | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} in² |
4786 | Units | Area | square-inch | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}in² |
4787 | Units | Area | dunam | short-displayName | dunams |
ドゥナム |
4788 | Units | Area | dunam | long-other-nominative | {0} dunams |
{0} ドゥナム |
4789 | Units | Area | dunam | short-other-nominative | {0} dunam |
{0}ドゥナム |
4790 | Units | Area | bu-jp | short-displayName | n/a |
歩 |
4791 | Units | Area | bu-jp | short-other-nominative | n/a |
{0} 歩 |
4792 | Units | Area | bu-jp | narrow-other-nominative | n/a |
{0}歩 |
4793 | Units | Area | se-jp | short-displayName | n/a |
畝 |
4794 | Units | Area | se-jp | short-other-nominative | n/a |
{0} 畝 |
4795 | Units | Area | se-jp | narrow-other-nominative | n/a |
{0}畝 |
4796 | Units | Area | cho | short-displayName | n/a |
町 |
4797 | Units | Area | cho | short-other-nominative | n/a |
{0} 町 |
4798 | Units | Area | cho | narrow-other-nominative | n/a |
{0}町 |
4799 | Units | Volume Metric | cubic-kilometer | long-displayName | cubic kilometers |
立方キロメートル |
4800 | Units | Volume Metric | cubic-kilometer | short-displayName | = |
km³ |
4801 | Units | Volume Metric | cubic-kilometer | long-other-nominative | {0} cubic kilometers |
{0} 立方キロメートル |
4802 | Units | Volume Metric | cubic-kilometer | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} km³ |
4803 | Units | Volume Metric | cubic-kilometer | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}km³ |
4804 | Units | Volume Metric | cubic-meter | long-displayName | cubic meters |
立方メートル |
4805 | Units | Volume Metric | cubic-meter | short-displayName | = |
m³ |
4806 | Units | Volume Metric | cubic-meter | long-per | {0} per cubic meter |
{0}/立方メートル |
4807 | Units | Volume Metric | cubic-meter | short-per | = |
{0}/m³ |
4808 | Units | Volume Metric | cubic-meter | long-other-nominative | {0} cubic meters |
{0} 立方メートル |
4809 | Units | Volume Metric | cubic-meter | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} m³ |
4810 | Units | Volume Metric | cubic-meter | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}m³ |
4811 | Units | Volume Metric | cubic-centimeter | long-displayName | cubic centimeters |
立方センチメートル |
4812 | Units | Volume Metric | cubic-centimeter | short-displayName | = |
cm³ |
4813 | Units | Volume Metric | cubic-centimeter | long-per | {0} per cubic centimeter |
{0}/立方センチメートル |
4814 | Units | Volume Metric | cubic-centimeter | short-per | = |
{0}/cm³ |
4815 | Units | Volume Metric | cubic-centimeter | long-other-nominative | {0} cubic centimeters |
{0} 立方センチメートル |
4816 | Units | Volume Metric | cubic-centimeter | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} cm³ |
4817 | Units | Volume Metric | cubic-centimeter | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}cm³ |
4818 | Units | Volume Metric | megaliter | short-displayName | ML |
メガリットル |
4819 | Units | Volume Metric | megaliter | narrow-displayName | = |
ML |
4820 | Units | Volume Metric | megaliter | long-other-nominative | {0} megaliters |
{0} メガリットル |
4821 | Units | Volume Metric | megaliter | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} ML |
4822 | Units | Volume Metric | megaliter | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}ML |
4823 | Units | Volume Metric | hectoliter | short-displayName | hL |
ヘクトリットル |
4824 | Units | Volume Metric | hectoliter | narrow-displayName | = |
hL |
4825 | Units | Volume Metric | hectoliter | long-other-nominative | {0} hectoliters |
{0} ヘクトリットル |
4826 | Units | Volume Metric | hectoliter | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} hL |
4827 | Units | Volume Metric | hectoliter | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}hL |
4828 | Units | Volume Metric | liter | short-displayName | liters |
リットル |
4829 | Units | Volume Metric | liter | narrow-displayName | liter |
L |
4830 | Units | Volume Metric | liter | long-per | {0} per liter |
{0}/リットル |
4831 | Units | Volume Metric | liter | short-per | = |
{0}/L |
4832 | Units | Volume Metric | liter | long-other-nominative | {0} liters |
{0} リットル |
4833 | Units | Volume Metric | liter | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} L |
4834 | Units | Volume Metric | liter | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}L |
4835 | Units | Volume Metric | deciliter | short-displayName | dL |
デシリットル |
4836 | Units | Volume Metric | deciliter | narrow-displayName | = |
dL |
4837 | Units | Volume Metric | deciliter | long-other-nominative | {0} deciliters |
{0} デシリットル |
4838 | Units | Volume Metric | deciliter | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} dL |
4839 | Units | Volume Metric | deciliter | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}dL |
4840 | Units | Volume Metric | centiliter | short-displayName | cL |
センチリットル |
4841 | Units | Volume Metric | centiliter | narrow-displayName | = |
cL |
4842 | Units | Volume Metric | centiliter | long-other-nominative | {0} centiliters |
{0} センチリットル |
4843 | Units | Volume Metric | centiliter | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} cL |
4844 | Units | Volume Metric | centiliter | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}cL |
4845 | Units | Volume Metric | milliliter | short-displayName | mL |
ミリリットル |
4846 | Units | Volume Metric | milliliter | narrow-displayName | = |
mL |
4847 | Units | Volume Metric | milliliter | long-other-nominative | {0} milliliters |
{0} ミリリットル |
4848 | Units | Volume Metric | milliliter | short-other-nominative | {0} mL |
{0} ml |
4849 | Units | Volume Metric | milliliter | narrow-other-nominative | {0}mL |
{0}ml |
4850 | Units | Volume Metric | pint-metric | short-displayName | mpt |
メトリックパイント |
4851 | Units | Volume Metric | pint-metric | long-other-nominative | {0} metric pints |
{0} メトリックパイント |
4852 | Units | Volume Metric | pint-metric | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} mpt |
4853 | Units | Volume Metric | pint-metric | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}mpt |
4854 | Units | Volume Metric | cup-metric | short-displayName | mcup |
メトリックカップ |
4855 | Units | Volume Metric | cup-metric | long-other-nominative | {0} metric cups |
{0} メトリックカップ |
4856 | Units | Volume Metric | cup-metric | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} mc |
4857 | Units | Volume Metric | cup-metric | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}mc |
4858 | Units | Volume US | cubic-mile | short-displayName | mi³ |
立方マイル |
4859 | Units | Volume US | cubic-mile | narrow-displayName | = |
mi³ |
4860 | Units | Volume US | cubic-mile | long-other-nominative | {0} cubic miles |
{0} 立方マイル |
4861 | Units | Volume US | cubic-mile | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} mi³ |
4862 | Units | Volume US | cubic-mile | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}mi³ |
4863 | Units | Volume US | cubic-yard | short-displayName | yards³ |
立方ヤード |
4864 | Units | Volume US | cubic-yard | narrow-displayName | = |
yd³ |
4865 | Units | Volume US | cubic-yard | long-other-nominative | {0} cubic yards |
{0} 立方ヤード |
4866 | Units | Volume US | cubic-yard | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} yd³ |
4867 | Units | Volume US | cubic-yard | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}yd³ |
4868 | Units | Volume US | cubic-foot | short-displayName | feet³ |
立方フィート |
4869 | Units | Volume US | cubic-foot | narrow-displayName | = |
ft³ |
4870 | Units | Volume US | cubic-foot | long-other-nominative | {0} cubic feet |
{0} 立方フィート |
4871 | Units | Volume US | cubic-foot | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} ft³ |
4872 | Units | Volume US | cubic-foot | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}ft³ |
4873 | Units | Volume US | cubic-inch | short-displayName | inches³ |
立方インチ |
4874 | Units | Volume US | cubic-inch | narrow-displayName | = |
in³ |
4875 | Units | Volume US | cubic-inch | long-other-nominative | {0} cubic inches |
{0} 立方インチ |
4876 | Units | Volume US | cubic-inch | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} in³ |
4877 | Units | Volume US | cubic-inch | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}in³ |
4878 | Units | Volume US | acre-foot | short-displayName | acre ft |
エーカーフィート |
4879 | Units | Volume US | acre-foot | narrow-displayName | acre ft |
ac ft |
4880 | Units | Volume US | acre-foot | long-other-nominative | {0} acre-feet |
{0} エーカーフィート |
4881 | Units | Volume US | acre-foot | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} ac ft |
4882 | Units | Volume US | acre-foot | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}ac ft |
4883 | Units | Volume US | bushel | short-displayName | bushels |
ブッシェル |
4884 | Units | Volume US | bushel | long-other-nominative | {0} bushels |
{0} ブッシェル |
4885 | Units | Volume US | bushel | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} bu |
4886 | Units | Volume US | bushel | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}bu |
4887 | Units | Volume US | gallon | short-displayName | gal |
ガロン |
4888 | Units | Volume US | gallon | narrow-displayName | = |
gal |
4889 | Units | Volume US | gallon | long-per | {0} per gallon |
{0}/ガロン |
4890 | Units | Volume US | gallon | short-per | {0}/gal US |
{0}/gal |
4891 | Units | Volume US | gallon | long-other-nominative | {0} gallons |
{0} ガロン |
4892 | Units | Volume US | gallon | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} gal |
4893 | Units | Volume US | gallon | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}gal |
4894 | Units | Volume US | quart | short-displayName | qts |
クォート |
4895 | Units | Volume US | quart | narrow-displayName | = |
qt |
4896 | Units | Volume US | quart | long-other-nominative | {0} quarts |
{0} クォート |
4897 | Units | Volume US | quart | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} qt |
4898 | Units | Volume US | quart | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}qt |
4899 | Units | Volume US | pint | short-displayName | pints |
パイント |
4900 | Units | Volume US | pint | narrow-displayName | = |
pt |
4901 | Units | Volume US | pint | long-other-nominative | {0} pints |
{0} パイント |
4902 | Units | Volume US | pint | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} pt |
4903 | Units | Volume US | pint | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}pt |
4904 | Units | Volume US | cup | short-displayName | cups |
カップ - 米国 |
4905 | Units | Volume US | cup | narrow-displayName | cup |
カップ |
4906 | Units | Volume US | cup | short-other-nominative | {0} c |
{0} カップ - 米国 |
4907 | Units | Volume US | cup | narrow-other-nominative | {0}c |
{0}カップ |
4908 | Units | Volume US | fluid-ounce | short-displayName | fl oz |
液量オンス |
4909 | Units | Volume US | fluid-ounce | narrow-displayName | = |
fl oz |
4910 | Units | Volume US | fluid-ounce | long-other-nominative | {0} fluid ounces |
{0} 液量オンス |
4911 | Units | Volume US | fluid-ounce | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} fl oz |
4912 | Units | Volume US | fluid-ounce | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}fl oz |
4913 | Units | Volume US | tablespoon | short-displayName | tbsp |
テーブルスプーン |
4914 | Units | Volume US | tablespoon | narrow-displayName | = |
tbsp |
4915 | Units | Volume US | tablespoon | long-other-nominative | {0} tablespoons |
{0} テーブルスプーン |
4916 | Units | Volume US | tablespoon | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} tbsp |
4917 | Units | Volume US | tablespoon | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}tbsp |
4918 | Units | Volume US | teaspoon | short-displayName | tsp |
ティースプーン |
4919 | Units | Volume US | teaspoon | narrow-displayName | = |
tsp |
4920 | Units | Volume US | teaspoon | long-other-nominative | {0} teaspoons |
{0} ティースプーン |
4921 | Units | Volume US | teaspoon | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} tsp |
4922 | Units | Volume US | teaspoon | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}tsp |
4923 | Units | Volume US | barrel | short-displayName | barrel |
バレル |
4924 | Units | Volume US | barrel | narrow-displayName | = |
bbl |
4925 | Units | Volume US | barrel | long-other-nominative | {0} barrels |
{0} バレル |
4926 | Units | Volume US | barrel | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} bbl |
4927 | Units | Volume US | barrel | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}bbl |
4928 | Units | Volume US | dessert-spoon | short-displayName | dessert spoons |
中さじ |
4929 | Units | Volume US | dessert-spoon | short-other-nominative | {0} dsp |
中さじ {0} |
4930 | Units | Volume US | dessert-spoon | narrow-other-nominative | {0}dsp |
中さじ{0} |
4931 | Units | Volume US | drop | short-displayName | drops |
滴 |
4932 | Units | Volume US | drop | short-other-nominative | {0} drdrops |
{0} 滴 |
4933 | Units | Volume US | drop | narrow-other-nominative | {0}dr |
{0}滴 |
4934 | Units | Volume US | dram | long-displayName | drams |
ドラム |
4935 | Units | Volume US | dram | short-displayName | drams |
液量ドラム |
4936 | Units | Volume US | dram | long-other-nominative | {0} drams |
{0} ドラム |
4937 | Units | Volume US | dram | short-other-nominative | {0} drams |
{0} 液量ドラム |
4938 | Units | Volume US | dram | narrow-other-nominative | {0}fl.dr. |
{0}fl dr |
4939 | Units | Volume US | jigger | short-displayName | jiggers |
ジガー |
4940 | Units | Volume US | jigger | short-other-nominative | {0} jiggers |
{0} ジガー |
4941 | Units | Volume US | jigger | narrow-other-nominative | {0}jigger |
{0}ジガー |
4942 | Units | Volume US | pinch | short-displayName | pinches |
つまみ |
4943 | Units | Volume US | pinch | short-other-nominative | {0} pn |
{0} つまみ |
4944 | Units | Volume US | pinch | narrow-other-nominative | {0}pn |
{0}つまみ |
4945 | Units | Volume Other | gallon-imperial | short-displayName | Imp. gal |
英ガロン |
4946 | Units | Volume Other | gallon-imperial | narrow-displayName | = |
Imp gal |
4947 | Units | Volume Other | gallon-imperial | long-per | {0} per Imp. gallon |
{0}/英ガロン |
4948 | Units | Volume Other | gallon-imperial | short-per | {0}/galImp |
{0}/gal Imp. |
4949 | Units | Volume Other | gallon-imperial | long-other-nominative | {0} Imp. gallons |
{0} 英ガロン |
4950 | Units | Volume Other | gallon-imperial | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} gal Imp. |
4951 | Units | Volume Other | gallon-imperial | narrow-other-nominative | {0}galIm |
{0}gal Imp. |
4952 | Units | Volume Other | fluid-ounce-imperial | short-displayName | Imp. fl oz |
英液量オンス |
4953 | Units | Volume Other | fluid-ounce-imperial | narrow-displayName | = |
Imp fl oz |
4954 | Units | Volume Other | fluid-ounce-imperial | long-other-nominative | {0} Imp. fluid ounces |
{0} 英液量オンス |
4955 | Units | Volume Other | fluid-ounce-imperial | short-other-nominative | {0} fl oz Imp. |
{0} fl oz Imp |
4956 | Units | Volume Other | fluid-ounce-imperial | narrow-other-nominative | {0}fl oz Im |
{0}Imp fl oz |
4957 | Units | Volume Other | dessert-spoon-imperial | short-displayName | Imp. dessert spoons |
英デザートスプーン |
4958 | Units | Volume Other | dessert-spoon-imperial | short-other-nominative | {0} dsp-Imp. |
{0} 英デザートスプーン |
4959 | Units | Volume Other | dessert-spoon-imperial | narrow-other-nominative | {0}dsp-Imp |
{0}英デザートスプーン |
4960 | Units | Volume Other | quart-imperial | short-displayName | Imp. quarts |
英クォート |
4961 | Units | Volume Other | quart-imperial | narrow-displayName | = |
qt Imp |
4962 | Units | Volume Other | quart-imperial | long-other-nominative | {0} Imp. quarts |
{0} 英クォート |
4963 | Units | Volume Other | quart-imperial | short-other-nominative | {0} qt-Imp. |
{0} qt Imp. |
4964 | Units | Volume Other | quart-imperial | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}qt-Imp. |
4965 | Units | Volume Other | kosaji | short-displayName | n/a |
小さじ |
4966 | Units | Volume Other | kosaji | short-other-nominative | n/a |
小さじ {0} |
4967 | Units | Volume Other | kosaji | narrow-other-nominative | n/a |
小さじ{0} |
4968 | Units | Volume Other | osaji | short-displayName | n/a |
大さじ |
4969 | Units | Volume Other | osaji | short-other-nominative | n/a |
大さじ {0} |
4970 | Units | Volume Other | osaji | narrow-other-nominative | n/a |
大さじ{0} |
4971 | Units | Volume Other | cup-jp | short-displayName | n/a |
カップ |
4972 | Units | Volume Other | cup-jp | short-other-nominative | n/a |
{0} カップ |
4973 | Units | Volume Other | cup-jp | narrow-other-nominative | n/a |
{0}カップ |
4974 | Units | Volume Other | shaku | short-displayName | n/a |
勺 |
4975 | Units | Volume Other | shaku | short-other-nominative | n/a |
{0} 勺 |
4976 | Units | Volume Other | shaku | narrow-other-nominative | n/a |
{0}勺 |
4977 | Units | Volume Other | sai | short-displayName | n/a |
才 |
4978 | Units | Volume Other | sai | short-other-nominative | n/a |
{0} 才 |
4979 | Units | Volume Other | sai | narrow-other-nominative | n/a |
{0}才 |
4980 | Units | Volume Other | to-jp | short-displayName | n/a |
斗 |
4981 | Units | Volume Other | to-jp | short-other-nominative | n/a |
{0} 斗 |
4982 | Units | Volume Other | to-jp | narrow-other-nominative | n/a |
{0}斗 |
4983 | Units | Volume Other | koku | short-displayName | n/a |
石 |
4984 | Units | Volume Other | koku | short-other-nominative | n/a |
{0} 石 |
4985 | Units | Volume Other | koku | narrow-other-nominative | n/a |
{0}石 |
4986 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | g-force | short-displayName | g-force |
重力加速度 |
4987 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | g-force | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} G |
4988 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | g-force | narrow-other-nominative | {0}Gs |
{0}G |
4989 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | meter-per-square-second | long-displayName | meters per second squared |
メートル毎秒毎秒 |
4990 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | meter-per-square-second | short-displayName | meters/sec² |
m/s² |
4991 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | meter-per-square-second | long-other-nominative | {0} meters per second squared |
{0} メートル毎秒毎秒 |
4992 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | meter-per-square-second | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} m/s² |
4993 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | meter-per-square-second | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}m/s² |
4994 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | kilometer-per-hour | long-displayName | kilometers per hour |
キロメートル毎時 |
4995 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | kilometer-per-hour | short-displayName | km/hour |
km/h |
4996 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | kilometer-per-hour | long-other-nominative | {0} kilometers per hour |
時速 {0} キロメートル |
4997 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | kilometer-per-hour | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} km/h |
4998 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | kilometer-per-hour | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}km/h |
4999 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | meter-per-second | long-displayName | meters per second |
メートル毎秒 |
5000 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | meter-per-second | short-displayName | meters/sec |
m/s |
5001 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | meter-per-second | long-other-nominative | {0} meters per second |
秒速 {0} メートル |
5002 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | meter-per-second | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} m/s |
5003 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | meter-per-second | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}m/s |
5004 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | mile-per-hour | short-displayName | miles/hour |
マイル毎時 |
5005 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | mile-per-hour | long-other-nominative | {0} miles per hour |
時速 {0} マイル |
5006 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | mile-per-hour | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} mph |
5007 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | mile-per-hour | narrow-other-nominative | {0}mph |
{0}mi/h |
5008 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | knot | short-displayName | kn |
ノット |
5009 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | knot | long-other-nominative | {0} knots |
{0} ノット |
5010 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | knot | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} kn |
5011 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | knot | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}kn |
5012 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | beaufort | long-displayName | Beaufort |
ビューフォート風力階級 |
5013 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | beaufort | short-displayName | Bft |
風力階級 |
5014 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | beaufort | long-other-nominative | Beaufort {0} |
ビューフォート風力階級 {0} |
5015 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | beaufort | short-other-nominative | = |
B {0} |
5016 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | beaufort | narrow-other-nominative | = |
B{0} |
5017 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | light-speed | long-displayName | light |
光 |
5018 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | light-speed | short-displayName | light |
光 |
5019 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | light-speed | narrow-displayName | light |
光 |
5020 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | light-speed | long-other-nominative | {0} light |
{0} 光 |
5021 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | light-speed | short-other-nominative | {0} light |
{0} 光 |
5022 | Units | Speed and Acceleration | light-speed | narrow-other-nominative | {0}light |
{0}光 |
5023 | Units | Mass and Weight | tonne | long-displayName | metric tons |
トン |
5024 | Units | Mass and Weight | tonne | short-displayName | = |
t |
5025 | Units | Mass and Weight | tonne | long-other-nominative | {0} metric tons |
{0} トン |
5026 | Units | Mass and Weight | tonne | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} t |
5027 | Units | Mass and Weight | tonne | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}t |
5028 | Units | Mass and Weight | kilogram | long-displayName | kilograms |
キログラム |
5029 | Units | Mass and Weight | kilogram | short-displayName | = |
kg |
5030 | Units | Mass and Weight | kilogram | long-per | {0} per kilogram |
{0}/キログラム |
5031 | Units | Mass and Weight | kilogram | short-per | = |
{0}/kg |
5032 | Units | Mass and Weight | kilogram | long-other-nominative | {0} kilograms |
{0} キログラム |
5033 | Units | Mass and Weight | kilogram | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} kg |
5034 | Units | Mass and Weight | kilogram | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}kg |
5035 | Units | Mass and Weight | gram | short-displayName | grams |
グラム |
5036 | Units | Mass and Weight | gram | narrow-displayName | gram |
g |
5037 | Units | Mass and Weight | gram | long-per | {0} per gram |
{0}/グラム |
5038 | Units | Mass and Weight | gram | short-per | = |
{0}/g |
5039 | Units | Mass and Weight | gram | long-other-nominative | {0} grams |
{0} グラム |
5040 | Units | Mass and Weight | gram | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} g |
5041 | Units | Mass and Weight | gram | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}g |
5042 | Units | Mass and Weight | milligram | long-displayName | milligrams |
ミリグラム |
5043 | Units | Mass and Weight | milligram | short-displayName | = |
mg |
5044 | Units | Mass and Weight | milligram | long-other-nominative | {0} milligrams |
{0} ミリグラム |
5045 | Units | Mass and Weight | milligram | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} mg |
5046 | Units | Mass and Weight | milligram | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}mg |
5047 | Units | Mass and Weight | microgram | short-displayName | μg |
マイクログラム |
5048 | Units | Mass and Weight | microgram | narrow-displayName | = |
μg |
5049 | Units | Mass and Weight | microgram | long-other-nominative | {0} micrograms |
{0} マイクログラム |
5050 | Units | Mass and Weight | microgram | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} μg |
5051 | Units | Mass and Weight | microgram | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}μg |
5052 | Units | Mass and Weight | ton | short-displayName | tons |
米トン |
5053 | Units | Mass and Weight | ton | long-other-nominative | {0} tons |
{0} 米トン |
5054 | Units | Mass and Weight | ton | short-other-nominative | {0} tn |
{0} s/t |
5055 | Units | Mass and Weight | ton | narrow-other-nominative | {0}tn |
{0}s/t |
5056 | Units | Mass and Weight | stone | short-displayName | stones |
ストーン |
5057 | Units | Mass and Weight | stone | long-other-nominative | {0} stones |
{0} ストーン |
5058 | Units | Mass and Weight | stone | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} st |
5059 | Units | Mass and Weight | stone | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}st |
5060 | Units | Mass and Weight | pound | short-displayName | pounds |
ポンド |
5061 | Units | Mass and Weight | pound | long-per | {0} per pound |
{0}/ポンド |
5062 | Units | Mass and Weight | pound | short-per | = |
{0}/lb |
5063 | Units | Mass and Weight | pound | long-other-nominative | {0} pounds |
{0} ポンド |
5064 | Units | Mass and Weight | pound | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} lb |
5065 | Units | Mass and Weight | pound | narrow-other-nominative | {0}# |
{0}lb |
5066 | Units | Mass and Weight | ounce | short-displayName | oz |
オンス |
5067 | Units | Mass and Weight | ounce | long-per | {0} per ounce |
{0}/オンス |
5068 | Units | Mass and Weight | ounce | short-per | = |
{0}/oz |
5069 | Units | Mass and Weight | ounce | long-other-nominative | {0} ounces |
{0} オンス |
5070 | Units | Mass and Weight | ounce | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} oz |
5071 | Units | Mass and Weight | ounce | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}oz |
5072 | Units | Mass and Weight | ounce-troy | short-displayName | oz troy |
トロイオンス |
5073 | Units | Mass and Weight | ounce-troy | narrow-displayName | = |
oz t |
5074 | Units | Mass and Weight | ounce-troy | long-other-nominative | {0} troy ounces |
{0} トロイオンス |
5075 | Units | Mass and Weight | ounce-troy | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} oz t |
5076 | Units | Mass and Weight | ounce-troy | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}oz t |
5077 | Units | Mass and Weight | carat | short-displayName | carats |
カラット |
5078 | Units | Mass and Weight | carat | long-other-nominative | {0} carats |
{0} カラット |
5079 | Units | Mass and Weight | carat | short-other-nominative | {0} CD |
{0} ct |
5080 | Units | Mass and Weight | carat | narrow-other-nominative | {0}CD |
{0}ct |
5081 | Units | Mass and Weight | dalton | short-displayName | daltons |
ダルトン |
5082 | Units | Mass and Weight | dalton | narrow-displayName | = |
Da |
5083 | Units | Mass and Weight | dalton | long-other-nominative | {0} daltons |
{0} ダルトン |
5084 | Units | Mass and Weight | dalton | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} Da |
5085 | Units | Mass and Weight | dalton | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}Da |
5086 | Units | Mass and Weight | earth-mass | short-displayName | Earth masses |
地球質量 |
5087 | Units | Mass and Weight | earth-mass | narrow-displayName | = |
M⊕ |
5088 | Units | Mass and Weight | earth-mass | long-other-nominative | {0} Earth masses |
{0} 地球質量 |
5089 | Units | Mass and Weight | earth-mass | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} M⊕ |
5090 | Units | Mass and Weight | earth-mass | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}M⊕ |
5091 | Units | Mass and Weight | solar-mass | short-displayName | solar masses |
太陽質量 |
5092 | Units | Mass and Weight | solar-mass | narrow-displayName | = |
M☉ |
5093 | Units | Mass and Weight | solar-mass | long-other-nominative | {0} solar masses |
{0} 太陽質量 |
5094 | Units | Mass and Weight | solar-mass | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} M☉ |
5095 | Units | Mass and Weight | solar-mass | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}M☉ |
5096 | Units | Mass and Weight | grain | short-displayName | grains |
グレーン |
5097 | Units | Mass and Weight | grain | short-other-nominative | {0} gr |
{0} グレーン |
5098 | Units | Mass and Weight | grain | narrow-other-nominative | {0}gr |
{0}グレーン |
5099 | Units | Mass and Weight | fun | short-displayName | n/a |
分 - 質量 |
5100 | Units | Mass and Weight | fun | narrow-displayName | n/a |
分 |
5101 | Units | Mass and Weight | fun | short-other-nominative | n/a |
{0} 分 - 質量 |
5102 | Units | Mass and Weight | fun | narrow-other-nominative | n/a |
{0}分 |
5103 | Units | Energy and Power | kilocalorie | long-displayName | kilocalories |
キロカロリー |
5104 | Units | Energy and Power | kilocalorie | short-displayName | = |
kcal |
5105 | Units | Energy and Power | kilocalorie | long-other-nominative | {0} kilocalories |
{0} キロカロリー |
5106 | Units | Energy and Power | kilocalorie | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} kcal |
5107 | Units | Energy and Power | kilocalorie | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}kcal |
5108 | Units | Energy and Power | calorie | long-displayName | calories |
カロリー |
5109 | Units | Energy and Power | calorie | short-displayName | = |
cal |
5110 | Units | Energy and Power | calorie | long-other-nominative | {0} calories |
{0} カロリー |
5111 | Units | Energy and Power | calorie | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} cal |
5112 | Units | Energy and Power | calorie | narrow-other-nominative | {0}cal |
{0}calth |
5113 | Units | Energy and Power | foodcalorie | long-displayName | Calories |
カロリー |
5114 | Units | Energy and Power | foodcalorie | short-displayName | Cal |
cal |
5115 | Units | Energy and Power | foodcalorie | long-other-nominative | {0} Calories |
{0} カロリー |
5116 | Units | Energy and Power | foodcalorie | short-other-nominative | {0} Cal |
{0} cal |
5117 | Units | Energy and Power | foodcalorie | narrow-other-nominative | {0}Cal |
{0}cal |
5118 | Units | Energy and Power | kilojoule | short-displayName | kilojoule |
キロジュール |
5119 | Units | Energy and Power | kilojoule | long-other-nominative | {0} kilojoules |
{0} キロジュール |
5120 | Units | Energy and Power | kilojoule | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} kJ |
5121 | Units | Energy and Power | kilojoule | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}kJ |
5122 | Units | Energy and Power | joule | short-displayName | joules |
ジュール |
5123 | Units | Energy and Power | joule | long-other-nominative | {0} joules |
{0} ジュール |
5124 | Units | Energy and Power | joule | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} J |
5125 | Units | Energy and Power | joule | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}J |
5126 | Units | Energy and Power | kilowatt-hour | short-displayName | kW-hour |
キロワット時 |
5127 | Units | Energy and Power | kilowatt-hour | narrow-displayName | = |
kWh |
5128 | Units | Energy and Power | kilowatt-hour | long-other-nominative | {0} kilowatt-hours |
{0} キロワット時 |
5129 | Units | Energy and Power | kilowatt-hour | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} kWh |
5130 | Units | Energy and Power | kilowatt-hour | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}kWh |
5131 | Units | Energy and Power | electronvolt | short-displayName | electronvolt |
電子ボルト |
5132 | Units | Energy and Power | electronvolt | narrow-displayName | = |
eV |
5133 | Units | Energy and Power | electronvolt | long-other-nominative | {0} electronvolts |
{0} 電子ボルト |
5134 | Units | Energy and Power | electronvolt | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} eV |
5135 | Units | Energy and Power | british-thermal-unit | short-displayName | BTU |
英熱量 |
5136 | Units | Energy and Power | british-thermal-unit | long-other-nominative | {0} British thermal units |
{0} 英熱量 |
5137 | Units | Energy and Power | british-thermal-unit | short-other-nominative | {0} Btu |
{0} BTU |
5138 | Units | Energy and Power | british-thermal-unit | narrow-other-nominative | {0}Btu |
{0}BTU |
5139 | Units | Energy and Power | therm-us | short-displayName | US therm |
米サーム |
5140 | Units | Energy and Power | therm-us | short-other-nominative | {0} US therms |
{0} 米サーム |
5141 | Units | Energy and Power | therm-us | narrow-other-nominative | {0}US therms |
{0}米サーム |
5142 | Units | Energy and Power | gigawatt | short-displayName | GW |
ギガワット |
5143 | Units | Energy and Power | gigawatt | long-other-nominative | {0} gigawatts |
{0} ギガワット |
5144 | Units | Energy and Power | gigawatt | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} GW |
5145 | Units | Energy and Power | gigawatt | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}GW |
5146 | Units | Energy and Power | megawatt | short-displayName | MW |
メガワット |
5147 | Units | Energy and Power | megawatt | long-other-nominative | {0} megawatts |
{0} メガワット |
5148 | Units | Energy and Power | megawatt | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} MW |
5149 | Units | Energy and Power | megawatt | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}MW |
5150 | Units | Energy and Power | kilowatt | short-displayName | kW |
キロワット |
5151 | Units | Energy and Power | kilowatt | narrow-displayName | = |
kW |
5152 | Units | Energy and Power | kilowatt | long-other-nominative | {0} kilowatts |
{0} キロワット |
5153 | Units | Energy and Power | kilowatt | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} kW |
5154 | Units | Energy and Power | kilowatt | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}kW |
5155 | Units | Energy and Power | watt | short-displayName | watts |
ワット |
5156 | Units | Energy and Power | watt | long-other-nominative | {0} watts |
{0} ワット |
5157 | Units | Energy and Power | watt | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} W |
5158 | Units | Energy and Power | watt | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}W |
5159 | Units | Energy and Power | milliwatt | short-displayName | mW |
ミリワット |
5160 | Units | Energy and Power | milliwatt | narrow-displayName | = |
mW |
5161 | Units | Energy and Power | milliwatt | long-other-nominative | {0} milliwatts |
{0} ミリワット |
5162 | Units | Energy and Power | milliwatt | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} mW |
5163 | Units | Energy and Power | milliwatt | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}mW |
5164 | Units | Energy and Power | horsepower | short-displayName | hp |
馬力 |
5165 | Units | Energy and Power | horsepower | short-other-nominative | {0} hp |
{0} 馬力 |
5166 | Units | Energy and Power | horsepower | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}hp |
5167 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | ampere | short-displayName | amps |
アンペア |
5168 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | ampere | long-other-nominative | {0} amperes |
{0} アンペア |
5169 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | ampere | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} A |
5170 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | ampere | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}A |
5171 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | milliampere | short-displayName | milliamps |
ミリアンペア |
5172 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | milliampere | long-other-nominative | {0} milliamperes |
{0} ミリアンペア |
5173 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | milliampere | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} mA |
5174 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | milliampere | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}mA |
5175 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | ohm | short-displayName | ohms |
オーム |
5176 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | ohm | long-other-nominative | {0} ohms |
{0} オーム |
5177 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | ohm | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} Ω |
5178 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | ohm | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}Ω |
5179 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | volt | short-displayName | volts |
ボルト |
5180 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | volt | long-other-nominative | {0} volts |
{0} ボルト |
5181 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | volt | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} V |
5182 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | volt | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}V |
5183 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | gigahertz | long-displayName | gigahertz |
ギガヘルツ |
5184 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | gigahertz | short-displayName | = |
GHz |
5185 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | gigahertz | long-other-nominative | {0} gigahertz |
{0} ギガヘルツ |
5186 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | gigahertz | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} GHz |
5187 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | gigahertz | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}GHz |
5188 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | megahertz | long-displayName | megahertz |
メガヘルツ |
5189 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | megahertz | short-displayName | = |
MHz |
5190 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | megahertz | long-other-nominative | {0} megahertz |
{0} メガヘルツ |
5191 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | megahertz | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} MHz |
5192 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | megahertz | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}MHz |
5193 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | kilohertz | long-displayName | kilohertz |
キロヘルツ |
5194 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | kilohertz | short-displayName | = |
kHz |
5195 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | kilohertz | long-other-nominative | {0} kilohertz |
{0} キロヘルツ |
5196 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | kilohertz | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} kHz |
5197 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | kilohertz | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}kHz |
5198 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | hertz | long-displayName | hertz |
ヘルツ |
5199 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | hertz | short-displayName | = |
Hz |
5200 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | hertz | long-other-nominative | {0} hertz |
{0} ヘルツ |
5201 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | hertz | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} Hz |
5202 | Units | Electrical and Frequency | hertz | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}Hz |
5203 | Units | Weather | millimeter-ofhg | short-displayName | mmHg |
水銀柱ミリメートル |
5204 | Units | Weather | millimeter-ofhg | long-other-nominative | {0} millimeters of mercury |
{0} 水銀柱ミリメートル |
5205 | Units | Weather | millimeter-ofhg | short-other-nominative | {0} mmHg |
{0} mm Hg |
5206 | Units | Weather | millimeter-ofhg | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}mmHg |
5207 | Units | Weather | pound-force-per-square-inch | short-displayName | psi |
重量ポンド毎平方インチ |
5208 | Units | Weather | pound-force-per-square-inch | long-other-nominative | {0} pounds-force per square inch |
{0} 重量ポンド毎平方インチ |
5209 | Units | Weather | pound-force-per-square-inch | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} psi |
5210 | Units | Weather | pound-force-per-square-inch | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}psi |
5211 | Units | Weather | inch-ofhg | short-displayName | inHg |
水銀柱インチ |
5212 | Units | Weather | inch-ofhg | long-other-nominative | {0} inches of mercury |
{0} 水銀柱インチ |
5213 | Units | Weather | inch-ofhg | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} inHg |
5214 | Units | Weather | inch-ofhg | narrow-other-nominative | {0}″ Hg |
{0}" Hg |
5215 | Units | Weather | bar | short-displayName | bar |
バール |
5216 | Units | Weather | bar | long-other-nominative | {0} bars |
{0} バール |
5217 | Units | Weather | bar | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} bar |
5218 | Units | Weather | bar | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}bar |
5219 | Units | Weather | millibar | short-displayName | mbar |
ミリバール |
5220 | Units | Weather | millibar | long-other-nominative | {0} millibars |
{0} ミリバール |
5221 | Units | Weather | millibar | short-other-nominative | {0} mbar |
{0} mb |
5222 | Units | Weather | millibar | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}mb |
5223 | Units | Weather | atmosphere | short-displayName | atm |
気圧 |
5224 | Units | Weather | atmosphere | long-other-nominative | {0} atmospheres |
{0} 気圧 |
5225 | Units | Weather | atmosphere | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} atm |
5226 | Units | Weather | atmosphere | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}atm |
5227 | Units | Weather | pascal | short-displayName | Pa |
パスカル |
5228 | Units | Weather | pascal | narrow-displayName | = |
Pa |
5229 | Units | Weather | pascal | long-other-nominative | {0} pascals |
{0} パスカル |
5230 | Units | Weather | pascal | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} Pa |
5231 | Units | Weather | pascal | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}Pa |
5232 | Units | Weather | hectopascal | long-displayName | hectopascals |
ヘクトパスカル |
5233 | Units | Weather | hectopascal | short-displayName | = |
hPa |
5234 | Units | Weather | hectopascal | long-other-nominative | {0} hectopascals |
{0} ヘクトパスカル |
5235 | Units | Weather | hectopascal | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} hPa |
5236 | Units | Weather | hectopascal | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}hPa |
5237 | Units | Weather | kilopascal | long-displayName | kilopascals |
キロパスカル |
5238 | Units | Weather | kilopascal | short-displayName | = |
kPa |
5239 | Units | Weather | kilopascal | long-other-nominative | {0} kilopascals |
{0} キロパスカル |
5240 | Units | Weather | kilopascal | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} kPa |
5241 | Units | Weather | kilopascal | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}kPa |
5242 | Units | Weather | megapascal | long-displayName | megapascals |
メガパスカル |
5243 | Units | Weather | megapascal | short-displayName | = |
MPa |
5244 | Units | Weather | megapascal | long-other-nominative | {0} megapascals |
{0} メガパスカル |
5245 | Units | Weather | megapascal | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} MPa |
5246 | Units | Weather | megapascal | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}MPa |
5247 | Units | Weather | generic | long-displayName | degrees temperature |
度 |
5248 | Units | Weather | generic | short-displayName | deg. temp. |
° |
5249 | Units | Weather | generic | long-other-nominative | {0} degrees temperature |
{0}度 |
5250 | Units | Weather | generic | short-other-nominative | = |
{0}° |
5251 | Units | Weather | celsius | long-displayName | degrees Celsius |
摂氏 |
5252 | Units | Weather | celsius | short-displayName | deg. C |
°C |
5253 | Units | Weather | celsius | long-other-nominative | {0} degrees Celsius |
摂氏 {0} 度 |
5254 | Units | Weather | celsius | short-other-nominative | = |
{0}°C |
5255 | Units | Weather | fahrenheit | long-displayName | degrees Fahrenheit |
華氏 |
5256 | Units | Weather | fahrenheit | short-displayName | deg. F |
°F |
5257 | Units | Weather | fahrenheit | long-other-nominative | {0} degrees Fahrenheit |
華氏 {0} 度 |
5258 | Units | Weather | fahrenheit | short-other-nominative | = |
{0}°F |
5259 | Units | Weather | kelvin | long-displayName | kelvins |
ケルビン |
5260 | Units | Weather | kelvin | short-displayName | = |
K |
5261 | Units | Weather | kelvin | long-other-nominative | {0} kelvins |
{0} ケルビン |
5262 | Units | Weather | kelvin | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} K |
5263 | Units | Weather | kelvin | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}K |
5264 | Units | Digital | petabyte | short-displayName | PByte |
ペタバイト |
5265 | Units | Digital | petabyte | narrow-displayName | = |
PB |
5266 | Units | Digital | petabyte | long-other-nominative | {0} petabytes |
{0} ペタバイト |
5267 | Units | Digital | petabyte | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} PB |
5268 | Units | Digital | petabyte | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}PB |
5269 | Units | Digital | terabyte | short-displayName | TByte |
テラバイト |
5270 | Units | Digital | terabyte | narrow-displayName | = |
TB |
5271 | Units | Digital | terabyte | long-other-nominative | {0} terabytes |
{0} テラバイト |
5272 | Units | Digital | terabyte | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} TB |
5273 | Units | Digital | terabyte | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}TB |
5274 | Units | Digital | terabit | short-displayName | Tbit |
テラビット |
5275 | Units | Digital | terabit | narrow-displayName | = |
Tb |
5276 | Units | Digital | terabit | long-other-nominative | {0} terabits |
{0} テラビット |
5277 | Units | Digital | terabit | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} Tb |
5278 | Units | Digital | terabit | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}Tb |
5279 | Units | Digital | gigabyte | long-displayName | gigabytes |
ギガバイト |
5280 | Units | Digital | gigabyte | short-displayName | GByte |
GB |
5281 | Units | Digital | gigabyte | long-other-nominative | {0} gigabytes |
{0} ギガバイト |
5282 | Units | Digital | gigabyte | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} GB |
5283 | Units | Digital | gigabyte | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}GB |
5284 | Units | Digital | gigabit | short-displayName | Gbit |
ギガビット |
5285 | Units | Digital | gigabit | narrow-displayName | = |
Gb |
5286 | Units | Digital | gigabit | long-other-nominative | {0} gigabits |
{0} ギガビット |
5287 | Units | Digital | gigabit | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} Gb |
5288 | Units | Digital | gigabit | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}Gb |
5289 | Units | Digital | megabyte | long-displayName | megabytes |
メガバイト |
5290 | Units | Digital | megabyte | short-displayName | MByte |
MB |
5291 | Units | Digital | megabyte | long-other-nominative | {0} megabytes |
{0} メガバイト |
5292 | Units | Digital | megabyte | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} MB |
5293 | Units | Digital | megabyte | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}MB |
5294 | Units | Digital | megabit | short-displayName | Mbit |
メガビット |
5295 | Units | Digital | megabit | narrow-displayName | = |
Mb |
5296 | Units | Digital | megabit | long-other-nominative | {0} megabits |
{0} メガビット |
5297 | Units | Digital | megabit | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} Mb |
5298 | Units | Digital | megabit | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}Mb |
5299 | Units | Digital | kilobyte | long-displayName | kilobytes |
キロバイト |
5300 | Units | Digital | kilobyte | short-displayName | kByte |
KB |
5301 | Units | Digital | kilobyte | long-other-nominative | {0} kilobytes |
{0} キロバイト |
5302 | Units | Digital | kilobyte | short-other-nominative | {0} kB |
{0} KB |
5303 | Units | Digital | kilobyte | narrow-other-nominative | {0}kB |
{0}KB |
5304 | Units | Digital | kilobit | short-displayName | kbit |
キロビット |
5305 | Units | Digital | kilobit | narrow-displayName | = |
kb |
5306 | Units | Digital | kilobit | long-other-nominative | {0} kilobits |
{0} キロビット |
5307 | Units | Digital | kilobit | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} kb |
5308 | Units | Digital | kilobit | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}kb |
5309 | Units | Digital | byte | short-displayName | byte |
バイト |
5310 | Units | Digital | byte | narrow-displayName | = |
B |
5311 | Units | Digital | byte | long-other-nominative | {0} bytes |
{0} バイト |
5312 | Units | Digital | byte | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} byte |
5313 | Units | Digital | byte | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}B |
5314 | Units | Digital | bit | short-displayName | bit |
ビット |
5315 | Units | Digital | bit | long-other-nominative | {0} bits |
{0} ビット |
5316 | Units | Digital | bit | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} bit |
5317 | Units | Digital | bit | narrow-other-nominative | {0}bit |
{0}b |
5318 | Units | Coordinates | east | narrow | = |
{0}E |
5319 | Units | Coordinates | east | short | {0} E |
東経{0} |
5320 | Units | Coordinates | north | narrow | = |
{0}N |
5321 | Units | Coordinates | north | short | {0} N |
北緯{0} |
5322 | Units | Coordinates | south | narrow | = |
{0}S |
5323 | Units | Coordinates | south | short | {0} S |
南緯{0} |
5324 | Units | Coordinates | west | narrow | = |
{0}W |
5325 | Units | Coordinates | west | short | {0} W |
西経{0} |
5326 | Units | Coordinates | all | short-displayName | direction |
方位 |
5327 | Units | Other Units Metric | revolution | short-displayName | rev |
回転 |
5328 | Units | Other Units Metric | revolution | narrow-displayName | = |
rev |
5329 | Units | Other Units Metric | revolution | long-other-nominative | {0} revolutions |
{0} 回転 |
5330 | Units | Other Units Metric | revolution | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} rev |
5331 | Units | Other Units Metric | revolution | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}rev |
5332 | Units | Other Units Metric | radian | short-displayName | radians |
ラジアン |
5333 | Units | Other Units Metric | radian | narrow-displayName | = |
rad |
5334 | Units | Other Units Metric | radian | long-other-nominative | {0} radians |
{0} ラジアン |
5335 | Units | Other Units Metric | radian | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} rad |
5336 | Units | Other Units Metric | radian | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}rad |
5337 | Units | Other Units Metric | degree | short-displayName | degrees |
度 |
5338 | Units | Other Units Metric | degree | short-other-nominative | {0} deg |
{0} 度 |
5339 | Units | Other Units Metric | degree | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}° |
5340 | Units | Other Units Metric | arc-minute | short-displayName | arcmins |
分 |
5341 | Units | Other Units Metric | arc-minute | short-other-nominative | {0} arcmins |
{0} 分 |
5342 | Units | Other Units Metric | arc-minute | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}′ |
5343 | Units | Other Units Metric | arc-second | short-displayName | arcsecs |
秒 |
5344 | Units | Other Units Metric | arc-second | short-other-nominative | {0} arcsecs |
{0} 秒 |
5345 | Units | Other Units Metric | arc-second | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}″ |
5346 | Units | Other Units Metric | karat | short-displayName | karats |
金 |
5347 | Units | Other Units Metric | karat | short-other-nominative | {0} kt |
{0} 金 |
5348 | Units | Other Units Metric | karat | narrow-other-nominative | {0}kt |
{0}K |
5349 | Units | Other Units Metric | item | short-displayName | item |
項目 |
5350 | Units | Other Units Metric | item | short-other-nominative | {0} items |
{0} 項目 |
5351 | Units | Other Units Metric | item | narrow-other-nominative | {0}items |
{0}項目 |
5352 | Units | Other Units Metric | mole | short-displayName | mole |
モル |
5353 | Units | Other Units Metric | mole | narrow-displayName | = |
mol |
5354 | Units | Other Units Metric | mole | long-other-nominative | {0} moles |
{0} モル |
5355 | Units | Other Units Metric | mole | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} mol |
5356 | Units | Other Units Metric | mole | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}mol |
5357 | Units | Other Units Metric | newton | short-displayName | newton |
ニュートン |
5358 | Units | Other Units Metric | newton | narrow-displayName | = |
N |
5359 | Units | Other Units Metric | newton | long-other-nominative | {0} newtons |
{0} ニュートン |
5360 | Units | Other Units Metric | newton | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} N |
5361 | Units | Other Units Metric | newton | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}N |
5362 | Units | Other Units Metric | lux | short-displayName | lux |
ルクス |
5363 | Units | Other Units Metric | lux | long-other-nominative | {0} lux |
{0} ルクス |
5364 | Units | Other Units Metric | lux | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} lx |
5365 | Units | Other Units Metric | lux | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}lx |
5366 | Units | Other Units Metric | candela | long-displayName | candela |
カンデラ |
5367 | Units | Other Units Metric | candela | short-displayName | candela |
cd |
5368 | Units | Other Units Metric | candela | long-other-nominative | {0} candela |
{0} カンデラ |
5369 | Units | Other Units Metric | candela | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} cd |
5370 | Units | Other Units Metric | candela | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}cd |
5371 | Units | Other Units Metric | lumen | long-displayName | lumen |
ルーメン |
5372 | Units | Other Units Metric | lumen | short-displayName | lumen |
lm |
5373 | Units | Other Units Metric | lumen | long-other-nominative | {0} lumen |
{0} ルーメン |
5374 | Units | Other Units Metric | lumen | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} lm |
5375 | Units | Other Units Metric | lumen | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}lm |
5376 | Units | Other Units Metric | newton-meter | short-displayName | N⋅m |
ニュートンメートル |
5377 | Units | Other Units Metric | newton-meter | narrow-displayName | = |
N⋅m |
5378 | Units | Other Units Metric | newton-meter | long-other-nominative | {0} newton-meters |
{0} ニュートンメートル |
5379 | Units | Other Units Metric | newton-meter | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} N⋅m |
5380 | Units | Other Units Metric | newton-meter | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}N⋅m |
5381 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | milligram-ofglucose-per-deciliter | short-displayName | mg/dL |
ミリグラム毎デシリットル |
5382 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | milligram-ofglucose-per-deciliter | narrow-displayName | = |
mg/dL |
5383 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | milligram-ofglucose-per-deciliter | long-other-nominative | {0} milligrams per deciliter |
{0} ミリグラム毎デシリットル |
5384 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | milligram-ofglucose-per-deciliter | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} mg/dL |
5385 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | milligram-ofglucose-per-deciliter | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}mg/dL |
5386 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | millimole-per-liter | short-displayName | millimol/liter |
ミリモル毎リットル |
5387 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | millimole-per-liter | narrow-displayName | = |
mmol/L |
5388 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | millimole-per-liter | long-other-nominative | {0} millimoles per liter |
{0} ミリモル毎リットル |
5389 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | millimole-per-liter | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} mmol/L |
5390 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | millimole-per-liter | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}mmol/L |
5391 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | permillion | short-displayName | parts/million |
ppm |
5392 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | permillion | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} ppm |
5393 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | permillion | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}ppm |
5394 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | percent | short-displayName | percent |
パーセント |
5395 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | percent | narrow-displayName | = |
% |
5396 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | percent | long-other-nominative | {0} percent |
{0} パーセント |
5397 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | percent | short-other-nominative | = |
{0}% |
5398 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | permille | short-displayName | permille |
パーミル |
5399 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | permille | narrow-displayName | = |
‰ |
5400 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | permille | long-other-nominative | {0} permille |
{0} パーミル |
5401 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | permille | short-other-nominative | = |
{0}‰ |
5402 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | permyriad | short-displayName | permyriad |
パーミリアド |
5403 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | permyriad | narrow-displayName | = |
‱ |
5404 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | permyriad | long-other-nominative | {0} permyriad |
{0} パーミリアド |
5405 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | permyriad | short-other-nominative | = |
{0}‱ |
5406 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | liter-per-kilometer | long-displayName | liters per kilometer |
リットル毎キロメートル |
5407 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | liter-per-kilometer | short-displayName | liters/km |
L/km |
5408 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | liter-per-kilometer | long-other-nominative | {0} liters per kilometer |
{0} リットル毎キロメートル |
5409 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | liter-per-kilometer | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} L/km |
5410 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | liter-per-kilometer | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}L/km |
5411 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | liter-per-100-kilometer | long-displayName | liters per 100 kilometers |
リットル毎100キロメートル |
5412 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | liter-per-100-kilometer | short-displayName | L/100 km |
L/100km |
5413 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | liter-per-100-kilometer | long-other-nominative | {0} liters per 100 kilometers |
{0} リットル毎100キロメートル |
5414 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | liter-per-100-kilometer | short-other-nominative | {0} L/100 km |
{0} L/100km |
5415 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | liter-per-100-kilometer | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}L/100km |
5416 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | kilowatt-hour-per-100-kilometer | long-displayName | kilowatt-hours per 100 kilometers |
キロワット時毎100キロメートル |
5417 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | kilowatt-hour-per-100-kilometer | short-displayName | = |
kWh/100km |
5418 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | kilowatt-hour-per-100-kilometer | long-other-nominative | {0} kilowatt-hours per 100 kilometers |
{0} キロワット時毎100キロメートル |
5419 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | kilowatt-hour-per-100-kilometer | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} kWh/100km |
5420 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | kilowatt-hour-per-100-kilometer | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}kWh/100km |
5421 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | portion-per-1e9 | short-displayName | parts/billion |
ppb |
5422 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | portion-per-1e9 | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} ppb |
5423 | Units | Other Units Metric Per | portion-per-1e9 | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}ppb |
5424 | Units | Other Units US | mile-per-gallon | long-displayName | miles per gallon |
マイル毎ガロン |
5425 | Units | Other Units US | mile-per-gallon | short-displayName | miles/gal |
マイル/ガロン |
5426 | Units | Other Units US | mile-per-gallon | narrow-displayName | = |
mpg |
5427 | Units | Other Units US | mile-per-gallon | long-other-nominative | {0} miles per gallon |
{0} マイル毎ガロン |
5428 | Units | Other Units US | mile-per-gallon | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} mpg |
5429 | Units | Other Units US | mile-per-gallon | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}mpg |
5430 | Units | Other Units US | pound-force | short-displayName | pound-force |
重量ポンド |
5431 | Units | Other Units US | pound-force | narrow-displayName | = |
lbf |
5432 | Units | Other Units US | pound-force | long-other-nominative | {0} pounds of force |
{0} 重量ポンド |
5433 | Units | Other Units US | pound-force | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} lbf |
5434 | Units | Other Units US | pound-force | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}lbf |
5435 | Units | Other Units US | pound-force-foot | short-displayName | lbf⋅ft |
ポンドフィート |
5436 | Units | Other Units US | pound-force-foot | narrow-displayName | = |
lbf⋅ft |
5437 | Units | Other Units US | pound-force-foot | long-other-nominative | {0} pound-force-feet |
{0} ポンドフィート |
5438 | Units | Other Units US | pound-force-foot | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} lbf⋅ft |
5439 | Units | Other Units US | pound-force-foot | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}lbf⋅ft |
5440 | Units | Other Units | mile-per-gallon-imperial | short-displayName | miles/gal Imp. |
マイル毎英ガロン |
5441 | Units | Other Units | mile-per-gallon-imperial | narrow-displayName | mpg UK |
マイル/英ガロン |
5442 | Units | Other Units | mile-per-gallon-imperial | long-other-nominative | {0} miles per Imp. gallon |
{0} マイル毎英ガロン |
5443 | Units | Other Units | mile-per-gallon-imperial | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} mpg Imp. |
5444 | Units | Other Units | mile-per-gallon-imperial | narrow-other-nominative | {0}m/gUK |
{0}mpg Imp. |
5445 | Units | Other Units | solar-luminosity | short-displayName | solar luminosities |
太陽光度 |
5446 | Units | Other Units | solar-luminosity | narrow-displayName | = |
L☉ |
5447 | Units | Other Units | solar-luminosity | long-other-nominative | {0} solar luminosities |
{0} 太陽光度 |
5448 | Units | Other Units | solar-luminosity | short-other-nominative | = |
{0} L☉ |
5449 | Units | Other Units | solar-luminosity | narrow-other-nominative | = |
{0}L☉ |
5450 | Units | Compound Units | 10p-1 | long | deci{0} |
デシ{0} |
5451 | Units | Compound Units | 10p-1 | short | = |
d{0} |
5452 | Units | Compound Units | 10p-2 | long | centi{0} |
センチ{0} |
5453 | Units | Compound Units | 10p-2 | short | = |
c{0} |
5454 | Units | Compound Units | 10p-3 | long | milli{0} |
ミリ{0} |
5455 | Units | Compound Units | 10p-3 | short | = |
m{0} |
5456 | Units | Compound Units | 10p-6 | long | micro{0} |
マイクロ{0} |
5457 | Units | Compound Units | 10p-6 | short | = |
μ{0} |
5458 | Units | Compound Units | 10p-9 | long | nano{0} |
ナノ{0} |
5459 | Units | Compound Units | 10p-9 | short | = |
n{0} |
5460 | Units | Compound Units | 10p-12 | long | pico{0} |
ピコ{0} |
5461 | Units | Compound Units | 10p-12 | short | = |
p{0} |
5462 | Units | Compound Units | 10p-15 | long | femto{0} |
フェムト{0} |
5463 | Units | Compound Units | 10p-15 | short | = |
f{0} |
5464 | Units | Compound Units | 10p-18 | long | atto{0} |
アト{0} |
5465 | Units | Compound Units | 10p-18 | short | = |
a{0} |
5466 | Units | Compound Units | 10p-21 | long | zepto{0} |
ゼプト{0} |
5467 | Units | Compound Units | 10p-21 | short | = |
z{0} |
5468 | Units | Compound Units | 10p-24 | long | yocto{0} |
ヨクト{0} |
5469 | Units | Compound Units | 10p-24 | short | = |
y{0} |
5470 | Units | Compound Units | 10p-27 | long | ronto{0} |
ロント{0} |
5471 | Units | Compound Units | 10p-27 | short | = |
r{0} |
5472 | Units | Compound Units | 10p-30 | long | quecto{0} |
クエクト{0} |
5473 | Units | Compound Units | 10p-30 | short | = |
q{0} |
5474 | Units | Compound Units | 10p1 | long | deka{0} |
デカ{0} |
5475 | Units | Compound Units | 10p1 | short | = |
da{0} |
5476 | Units | Compound Units | 10p2 | long | hecto{0} |
ヘクト{0} |
5477 | Units | Compound Units | 10p2 | short | = |
h{0} |
5478 | Units | Compound Units | 10p3 | long | kilo{0} |
キロ{0} |
5479 | Units | Compound Units | 10p3 | short | = |
k{0} |
5480 | Units | Compound Units | 10p6 | long | mega{0} |
メガ{0} |
5481 | Units | Compound Units | 10p6 | short | = |
M{0} |
5482 | Units | Compound Units | 10p9 | long | giga{0} |
ギガ{0} |
5483 | Units | Compound Units | 10p9 | short | = |
G{0} |
5484 | Units | Compound Units | 10p12 | long | tera{0} |
テラ{0} |
5485 | Units | Compound Units | 10p12 | short | = |
T{0} |
5486 | Units | Compound Units | 10p15 | long | peta{0} |
ペタ{0} |
5487 | Units | Compound Units | 10p15 | short | = |
P{0} |
5488 | Units | Compound Units | 10p18 | long | exa{0} |
エクサ{0} |
5489 | Units | Compound Units | 10p18 | short | = |
E{0} |
5490 | Units | Compound Units | 10p21 | long | zetta{0} |
ゼタ{0} |
5491 | Units | Compound Units | 10p21 | short | = |
Z{0} |
5492 | Units | Compound Units | 10p24 | long | yotta{0} |
ヨタ{0} |
5493 | Units | Compound Units | 10p24 | short | = |
Y{0} |
5494 | Units | Compound Units | 10p27 | long | ronna{0} |
ロナ{0} |
5495 | Units | Compound Units | 10p27 | short | = |
R{0} |
5496 | Units | Compound Units | 10p30 | long | quetta{0} |
クエタ{0} |
5497 | Units | Compound Units | 10p30 | short | = |
Q{0} |
5498 | Units | Compound Units | 1024p1 | long | kibi{0} |
キビ{0} |
5499 | Units | Compound Units | 1024p1 | short | = |
Ki{0} |
5500 | Units | Compound Units | 1024p2 | long | mebi{0} |
メビ{0} |
5501 | Units | Compound Units | 1024p2 | short | = |
Mi{0} |
5502 | Units | Compound Units | 1024p3 | long | gibi{0} |
ギビ{0} |
5503 | Units | Compound Units | 1024p3 | short | = |
Gi{0} |
5504 | Units | Compound Units | 1024p4 | long | tebi{0} |
テビ{0} |
5505 | Units | Compound Units | 1024p4 | short | = |
Ti{0} |
5506 | Units | Compound Units | 1024p5 | long | pebi{0} |
ペビ{0} |
5507 | Units | Compound Units | 1024p5 | short | = |
Pi{0} |
5508 | Units | Compound Units | 1024p6 | long | exbi{0} |
エクスビ{0} |
5509 | Units | Compound Units | 1024p6 | short | = |
Ei{0} |
5510 | Units | Compound Units | 1024p7 | long | zebi{0} |
ゼビ{0} |
5511 | Units | Compound Units | 1024p7 | short | = |
Zi{0} |
5512 | Units | Compound Units | 1024p8 | long | yobi{0} |
ヨビ{0} |
5513 | Units | Compound Units | 1024p8 | short | = |
Yi{0} |
5514 | Units | Compound Units | per | long | {0} per {1} |
{0}毎{1} |
5515 | Units | Compound Units | per | short | = |
{0}/{1} |
5516 | Units | Compound Units | power2 | long-other-nominative-dgender | square {0} |
平方{0} |
5517 | Units | Compound Units | power2 | short-other-nominative-dgender | = |
{0}² |
5518 | Units | Compound Units | power3 | long-other-nominative-dgender | cubic {0} |
立方{0} |
5519 | Units | Compound Units | power3 | short-other-nominative-dgender | = |
{0}³ |
5520 | Units | Compound Units | times | short | = |
{0}⋅{1} |
5521 | Characters | Category | Pattern | strokes-other | {0} strokes |
{0} 画 |
5522 | Characters | Category | Pattern | all | {0} — all |
{0} — すべて |
5523 | Characters | Category | Pattern | category-list | = |
{0}: {1} |
5524 | Characters | Category | Pattern | compatibility | {0} — compatibility |
{0} — 互換文字 |
5525 | Characters | Category | Pattern | enclosed | {0} — enclosed |
{0} — 囲み |
5526 | Characters | Category | Pattern | extended | {0} — extended |
{0} — 拡張 |
5527 | Characters | Category | Pattern | facing-left | {0} facing left |
{0} 左向き |
5528 | Characters | Category | Pattern | facing-right | {0} facing right |
{0} 右向き |
5529 | Characters | Category | Pattern | historic | {0} — historic |
{0} — 古代文字 |
5530 | Characters | Category | Pattern | miscellaneous | {0} — miscellaneous |
{0} — 雑多 |
5531 | Characters | Category | Pattern | other | {0} — other |
{0} — その他 |
5532 | Characters | Category | Pattern | scripts | scripts — {0} |
文字 — {0} |
5533 | Characters | Category | Pattern | subscript | subscript {0} |
下付き文字 {0} |
5534 | Characters | Category | Pattern | superscript | superscript {0} |
上付き文字 {0} |
5535 | Characters | Category | Label | activities | activity |
アクティビティ |
5536 | Characters | Category | Label | african_scripts | African script |
アフリカの文字 |
5537 | Characters | Category | Label | american_scripts | American script |
アメリカの文字 |
5538 | Characters | Category | Label | animal | animal |
動物 |
5539 | Characters | Category | Label | animals_nature | animal or nature |
動物と自然 |
5540 | Characters | Category | Label | arrows | arrow |
矢印 |
5541 | Characters | Category | Label | body | body |
身体 |
5542 | Characters | Category | Label | box_drawing | box drawing |
罫線素片 |
5543 | Characters | Category | Label | braille | braille |
点字 |
5544 | Characters | Category | Label | building | building |
建物 |
5545 | Characters | Category | Label | bullets_stars | bullet or star |
行頭文字/星 |
5546 | Characters | Category | Label | consonantal_jamo | consonantal jamo |
子音字母 |
5547 | Characters | Category | Label | currency_symbols | currency symbol |
通貨記号 |
5548 | Characters | Category | Label | dash_connector | dash or connector |
ダッシュ/連結用句読記号 |
5549 | Characters | Category | Label | digits | digit |
数字記号 |
5550 | Characters | Category | Label | dingbats | dingbat |
装飾記号 |
5551 | Characters | Category | Label | divination_symbols | divination symbol |
占術記号 |
5552 | Characters | Category | Label | downwards_arrows | downwards arrow |
下向矢印 |
5553 | Characters | Category | Label | downwards_upwards_arrows | downwards upwards arrow |
下向/上向矢印 |
5554 | Characters | Category | Label | east_asian_scripts | East Asian script |
東アジアの文字 |
5555 | Characters | Category | Label | emoji | emoji |
絵文字 |
5556 | Characters | Category | Label | european_scripts | European script |
ヨーロッパの文字 |
5557 | Characters | Category | Label | female | female |
女性 |
5558 | Characters | Category | Label | flag | flag |
旗 |
5559 | Characters | Category | Label | flags | flags |
旗 |
5560 | Characters | Category | Label | food_drink | food & drink |
食事と飲み物 |
5561 | Characters | Category | Label | format | format |
書式 |
5562 | Characters | Category | Label | format_whitespace | format & whitespace |
書式とホワイトスペース |
5563 | Characters | Category | Label | full_width_form_variant | full-width variant |
全角文字変種 |
5564 | Characters | Category | Label | geometric_shapes | geometric shape |
幾何学的な図形 |
5565 | Characters | Category | Label | half_width_form_variant | half-width variant |
半角文字変種 |
5566 | Characters | Category | Label | han_characters | Han character |
漢字 |
5567 | Characters | Category | Label | han_radicals | Han radical |
部首 |
5568 | Characters | Category | Label | hanja | hanja |
漢字 |
5569 | Characters | Category | Label | hanzi_simplified | Hanzi (simplified) |
漢字 (簡体字) |
5570 | Characters | Category | Label | hanzi_traditional | Hanzi (traditional) |
漢字 (繁体字) |
5571 | Characters | Category | Label | heart | heart |
ハート |
5572 | Characters | Category | Label | historic_scripts | historic script |
古代文字 |
5573 | Characters | Category | Label | ideographic_desc_characters | ideographic desc. character |
漢字構成記述文字 |
5574 | Characters | Category | Label | japanese_kana | Japanese kana |
仮名 |
5575 | Characters | Category | Label | kanbun | kanbun |
漢文 |
5576 | Characters | Category | Label | kanji | kanji |
漢字 |
5577 | Characters | Category | Label | keycap | keycap |
囲み数字 |
5578 | Characters | Category | Label | leftwards_arrows | leftwards arrow |
左向矢印 |
5579 | Characters | Category | Label | leftwards_rightwards_arrows | leftwards rightwards arrow |
左向/右向矢印 |
5580 | Characters | Category | Label | letterlike_symbols | letterlike symbol |
文字様記号 |
5581 | Characters | Category | Label | limited_use | limited-use |
限定利用 |
5582 | Characters | Category | Label | male | male |
男性 |
5583 | Characters | Category | Label | math_symbols | math symbol |
数学記号 |
5584 | Characters | Category | Label | middle_eastern_scripts | Middle Eastern script |
中東の文字 |
5585 | Characters | Category | Label | miscellaneous | miscellaneous |
雑多 |
5586 | Characters | Category | Label | modern_scripts | modern script |
現代文字 |
5587 | Characters | Category | Label | modifier | modifier |
修飾文字 |
5588 | Characters | Category | Label | musical_symbols | musical symbol |
音楽記号 |
5589 | Characters | Category | Label | nature | nature |
自然 |
5590 | Characters | Category | Label | nonspacing | nonspacing |
前進を伴わない修飾文字 |
5591 | Characters | Category | Label | numbers | numbers |
数字 |
5592 | Characters | Category | Label | objects | object |
物 |
5593 | Characters | Category | Label | other | other |
その他 |
5594 | Characters | Category | Label | paired | paired |
対の記号 |
5595 | Characters | Category | Label | person | person |
人 |
5596 | Characters | Category | Label | phonetic_alphabet | phonetic alphabet |
音声記号 |
5597 | Characters | Category | Label | pictographs | pictograph |
ピクトグラム |
5598 | Characters | Category | Label | place | place |
場所 |
5599 | Characters | Category | Label | plant | plant |
植物 |
5600 | Characters | Category | Label | punctuation | punctuation |
句読点 |
5601 | Characters | Category | Label | rightwards_arrows | rightwards arrow |
右向矢印 |
5602 | Characters | Category | Label | sign_standard_symbols | sign or symbol |
標識/標準記号 |
5603 | Characters | Category | Label | small_form_variant | small variants |
小字形変種 |
5604 | Characters | Category | Label | smiley | smiley |
スマイリー |
5605 | Characters | Category | Label | smileys_people | smiley or person |
スマイリーと人々 |
5606 | Characters | Category | Label | south_asian_scripts | South Asian script |
南アジアの文字 |
5607 | Characters | Category | Label | southeast_asian_scripts | Southeast Asian script |
東南アジアの文字 |
5608 | Characters | Category | Label | spacing | spacing |
前進を伴う修飾文字 |
5609 | Characters | Category | Label | sport | sport |
スポーツ |
5610 | Characters | Category | Label | symbols | symbol |
記号 |
5611 | Characters | Category | Label | technical_symbols | technical symbol |
技術用記号 |
5612 | Characters | Category | Label | tone_marks | tone mark |
声調記号 |
5613 | Characters | Category | Label | travel | travel |
旅行 |
5614 | Characters | Category | Label | travel_places | travel or place |
旅行と場所 |
5615 | Characters | Category | Label | upwards_arrows | upwards arrows |
上向矢印 |
5616 | Characters | Category | Label | variant_forms | variant |
変種 |
5617 | Characters | Category | Label | vocalic_jamo | vocalic jamo |
母音字母 |
5618 | Characters | Category | Label | weather | weather |
天気 |
5619 | Characters | Category | Label | western_asian_scripts | Western Asian script |
西アジアの文字 |
5620 | Characters | Category | Label | whitespace | whitespace |
ホワイトスペース |
5621 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 😀 -name | grinning face |
にっこり笑う |
5622 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 😀 –keywords | cheerful | cheery | face | grin | grinning | happy | laugh | nice | smile | smiling | teeth |
スマイル | ナイス | にっこり | にっこり笑う | ハッピー | 笑う | 笑顔 | 顔 |
5623 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 😃 -name | grinning face with big eyes |
わーい |
5624 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 😃 –keywords | awesome | big | eyes | face | grin | grinning | happy | mouth | open | smile | smiling | teeth | yay |
スマイル | ハッピー | わーい | 口を開けた笑顔 | 笑顔 | 顔 |
5625 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 😄 -name | grinning face with smiling eyes |
笑顔 |
5626 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 😄 –keywords | eye | eyes | face | grin | grinning | happy | laugh | lol | mouth | open | smile | smiling |
スマイル | ハッピー | わーい | 笑顔 | 顔 |
5627 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 😁 -name | beaming face with smiling eyes |
にやっと笑う |
5628 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 😁 –keywords | beaming | eye | eyes | face | grin | grinning | happy | nice | smile | smiling | teeth |
スマイル | ナイス | にやっと笑う | ハッピー | 笑う | 笑顔 | 顔 |
5629 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 😆 -name | grinning squinting face |
きゃー |
5630 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 😆 –keywords | closed | eyes | face | grinning | haha | hahaha | happy | laugh | lol | mouth | open | rofl | smile | smiling | squinting |
あはは | うけるね | きゃー | スマイル | 嬉しい | 満足 | 笑 | 笑顔 | 顔 |
5631 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 😅 -name | grinning face with sweat |
冷や汗笑顔 |
5632 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 😅 –keywords | cold | dejected | excited | face | grinning | mouth | nervous | open | smile | smiling | stress | stressed | sweat |
スマイル | とほほ | 冷や汗 | 冷や汗笑顔 | 汗 | 笑顔 | 顔 |
5633 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 🤣 -name | rolling on the floor laughing |
笑い転げる |
5634 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 🤣 –keywords | crying | face | floor | funny | haha | happy | hehe | hilarious | joy | laugh | lmao | lol | rofl | roflmao | rolling | tear |
あはは | うけるね | スマイル | 泣き笑い | 涙 | 爆笑 | 笑い転げる | 笑う | 笑顔 | 顔 |
5635 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 😂 -name | face with tears of joy |
嬉し泣き |
5636 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 😂 –keywords | crying | face | feels | funny | haha | happy | hehe | hilarious | joy | laugh | lmao | lol | rofl | roflmao | tear |
あはは | スマイル | 大笑い | 嬉し泣き | 泣き笑い | 涙 | 爆笑 | 笑う | 笑顔 | 顔 |
5637 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 🙂 -name | slightly smiling face |
微笑む |
5638 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 🙂 –keywords | face | happy | slightly | smile | smiling |
スマイル | ハッピー | ほほえみ | 微笑み | 微笑む | 笑顔 | 顔 |
5639 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 🙃 -name | upside-down face |
さかさまの顔 |
5640 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 🙃 –keywords | face | hehe | smile | upside-down |
さかさま | さかさまの顔 | 笑顔 | 顔 |
5641 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 🫠 -name | melting face |
溶けている顔 |
5642 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 🫠 –keywords | disappear | dissolve | embarrassed | face | haha | heat | hot | liquid | lol | melt | melting | sarcasm | sarcastic |
とろける | 暑い | 液体 | 溶けそう | 溶けている顔 | 溶ける | 顔 |
5643 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 😉 -name | winking face |
ウインク |
5644 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 😉 –keywords | face | flirt | heartbreaker | sexy | slide | tease | wink | winking | winks |
ウィンク | ウインク | ウィンクする顔 | 顔 |
5645 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 😊 -name | smiling face with smiling eyes |
にこにこ |
5646 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 😊 –keywords | blush | eye | eyes | face | glad | satisfied | smile | smiling |
スマイル | にこにこ | 微笑み | 満足 | 目を細める | 頬を赤らめる | 顔 |
5647 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 😇 -name | smiling face with halo |
天使の輪がついた笑顔 |
5648 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-smiling | 😇 –keywords | angel | angelic | angels | blessed | face | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | halo | happy | innocent | peaceful | smile | smiling | spirit | tale |
スマイル | ハッピー | 天使の輪 | 天使の輪がついた笑顔 | 平和 | 笑顔 | 顔 |
5649 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-affection | 🥰 -name | smiling face with hearts |
ハートの笑顔 |
5650 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-affection | 🥰 –keywords | 3 | adore | crush | face | heart | hearts | ily | love | romance | smile | smiling | you |
ハート | ハートの笑顔 | メロメロ | ラブ | 夢中 | 愛してる | 笑顔 | 顔 |
5651 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-affection | 😍 -name | smiling face with heart-eyes |
目がハートの笑顔 |
5652 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-affection | 😍 –keywords | 143 | bae | eye | face | feels | heart-eyes | hearts | ily | kisses | love | romance | romantic | smile | xoxo |
スマイル | ハート | ラブ | 大好き | 目がハートの笑顔 | 笑顔 | 顔 |
5653 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-affection | 🤩 -name | star-struck |
目が星の笑顔 |
5654 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-affection | 🤩 –keywords | excited | eyes | face | grinning | smile | star | star-struck | starry-eyed | wow |
スマイル | わーい | 星 | 目が星の笑顔 | 笑顔 | 顔 |
5655 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-affection | 😘 -name | face blowing a kiss |
投げキッス |
5656 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-affection | 😘 –keywords | adorbs | bae | blowing | face | flirt | heart | ily | kiss | love | lover | miss | muah | romantic | smooch | xoxo | you |
キス | ちゅっ | ハート | 投げキッス | 顔 |
5657 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-affection | 😗 -name | kissing face |
キス |
5658 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-affection | 😗 –keywords | 143 | date | dating | face | flirt | ily | kiss | love | smooch | smooches | xoxo | you |
キス | ちゅっ | デート | 顔 |
5659 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-affection | ☺ -name | smiling face |
スマイリー |
5660 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-affection | ☺ –keywords | face | happy | outlined | relaxed | smile | smiling |
スマイリー | スマイル | ハッピー | ほっ | 笑顔 | 顔 |
5661 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-affection | 😚 -name | kissing face with closed eyes |
ちゅっ |
5662 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-affection | 😚 –keywords | 143 | bae | blush | closed | date | dating | eye | eyes | face | flirt | ily | kisses | kissing | smooches | xoxo |
キス | ちゅっ | デート | 目を閉じてキス | 目を閉じる | 顔 |
5663 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-affection | 😙 -name | kissing face with smiling eyes |
にっこりキス |
5664 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-affection | 😙 –keywords | 143 | closed | date | dating | eye | eyes | face | flirt | ily | kiss | kisses | kissing | love | night | smile | smiling |
キス | スマイル | ちゅっ | にっこりキス | 笑顔 | 顔 |
5665 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-affection | 🥲 -name | smiling face with tear |
嬉し涙の顔 |
5666 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-affection | 🥲 –keywords | face | glad | grateful | happy | joy | pain | proud | relieved | smile | smiley | smiling | tear | touched |
じーん | 嬉し涙の顔 | 感動 | 感激 | 泣く | 涙 | 顔 |
5667 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-tongue | 😋 -name | face savoring food |
にこにこぺろり |
5668 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-tongue | 😋 –keywords | delicious | eat | face | food | full | hungry | savor | smile | smiling | tasty | um | yum | yummy |
うまい | おいしい | おいしそう | スマイル | にこにこぺろり | ぺろり | 笑顔 | 腹ぺこ | 顔 |
5669 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-tongue | 😛 -name | face with tongue |
舌を出した顔 |
5670 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-tongue | 😛 –keywords | awesome | cool | face | nice | party | stuck-out | sweet | tongue |
べー | べろ | 甘い | 舌 | 舌を出した顔 | 顔 |
5671 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-tongue | 😜 -name | winking face with tongue |
あっかんべー |
5672 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-tongue | 😜 –keywords | crazy | epic | eye | face | funny | joke | loopy | nutty | party | stuck-out | tongue | wacky | weirdo | wink | winking | yolo |
あっかんべー | ウィンク | ジョーク | べー | 冗談 | 舌 | 顔 |
5673 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-tongue | 🤪 -name | zany face |
ふざけた顔 |
5674 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-tongue | 🤪 –keywords | crazy | eye | eyes | face | goofy | large | small | zany |
おかしい | ジョーク | ふざけ | ふざけた顔 | 顔 |
5675 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-tongue | 😝 -name | squinting face with tongue |
目を閉じてべー |
5676 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-tongue | 😝 –keywords | closed | eye | eyes | face | gross | horrible | omg | squinting | stuck-out | taste | tongue | whatever | yolo |
べー | べろ | わーい | 味見 | 目を閉じてべー | 舌 | 顔 |
5677 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-tongue | 🤑 -name | money-mouth face |
お金の顔 |
5678 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-tongue | 🤑 –keywords | face | money | money-mouth | mouth | paid |
お金 | お金の顔 | べー | べろ | 舌 | 顔 |
5679 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-hand | 🤗 -name | smiling face with open hands |
ハグ |
5680 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-hand | 🤗 –keywords | face | hands | hug | hugging | open | smiling |
スマイル | ハグ | 笑顔 | 顔 |
5681 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-hand | 🤭 -name | face with hand over mouth |
口に手を当てた顔 |
5682 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-hand | 🤭 –keywords | face | giggle | giggling | hand | mouth | oops | realization | secret | shock | sudden | surprise | whoops |
おっと | クスクス | スマイル | 内緒 | 口に手を当てた顔 | 笑顔 | 顔 |
5683 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-hand | 🫢 -name | face with open eyes and hand over mouth |
目を開けて口に手を当てた顔 |
5684 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-hand | 🫢 –keywords | amazement | awe | disbelief | embarrass | eyes | face | gasp | hand | mouth | omg | open | over | quiet | scared | shock | surprise |
おそれ | おののき | びっくり | 目を開けて口に手を当てた顔 | 静かに | 顔 | 驚き |
5685 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-hand | 🫣 -name | face with peeking eye |
指の間からのぞき見る顔 |
5686 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-hand | 🫣 –keywords | captivated | embarrass | eye | face | hide | hiding | peek | peeking | peep | scared | shy | stare |
こわごわ | ちらっ | のぞき見 | 指の間からのぞき見る顔 | 盗み見 | 顔 |
5687 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-hand | 🤫 -name | shushing face |
しーっ |
5688 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-hand | 🤫 –keywords | face | quiet | shh | shush | shushing |
しー | しーっ | シーッ | しっ | 静かに | 顔 |
5689 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-hand | 🤔 -name | thinking face |
考える顔 |
5690 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-hand | 🤔 –keywords | chin | consider | face | hmm | ponder | pondering | thinking | wondering |
うーん | 考える | 考える顔 | 考え中 | 顎に手 | 顔 |
5691 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-hand | 🫡 -name | saluting face |
敬礼する顔 |
5692 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-hand | 🫡 –keywords | face | good | luck | ma’am | OK | respect | salute | saluting | sir | troops | yes |
オーケー | 了解 | 敬礼 | 敬礼する顔 | 軍隊 | 顔 |
5693 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 🤐 -name | zipper-mouth face |
口チャック |
5694 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 🤐 –keywords | face | keep | mouth | quiet | secret | shut | zip | zipper | zipper-mouth |
チャック | 内緒 | 口 | 口チャック | 秘密 | 顔 |
5695 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 🤨 -name | face with raised eyebrow |
眉を上げた顔 |
5696 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 🤨 –keywords | disapproval | disbelief | distrust | emoji | eyebrow | face | hmm | mild | raised | skeptic | skeptical | skepticism | surprise | what |
不審 | 疑い | 眉を上げた顔 | 顔 | 驚き |
5697 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 😐 -name | neutral face |
ポーカーフェイス |
5698 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 😐 –keywords | awkward | blank | deadpan | expressionless | face | fine | jealous | meh | neutral | oh | shade | straight | unamused | unhappy | unimpressed | whatever |
ポーカーフェイス | 無表情 | 笑えない | 顔 |
5699 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 😑 -name | expressionless face |
無表情 |
5700 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 😑 –keywords | awkward | dead | expressionless | face | fine | inexpressive | jealous | meh | not | oh | omg | straight | uh | unhappy | unimpressed | whatever |
ふーん | やきもち | 無感情 | 無表情 | 顔 |
5701 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 😶 -name | face without mouth |
口のない顔 |
5702 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 😶 –keywords | awkward | blank | expressionless | face | mouth | mouthless | mute | quiet | secret | silence | silent | speechless |
だんまり | 口なし | 口のない顔 | 沈黙 | 無表情 | 無言 | 顔 |
5703 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 🫥 -name | dotted line face |
点線の顔 |
5704 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 🫥 –keywords | depressed | disappear | dotted | face | hidden | hide | introvert | invisible | line | meh | whatever | wtv |
どうでもいい | ふーん | 内向的 | 内気 | 憂鬱 | 点線の顔 | 落胆 | 顔 |
5705 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 😶🌫 -name | face in clouds |
雲の中の顔 |
5706 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 😶🌫 –keywords | absentminded | clouds | face | fog | head |
うわの空 | ぼんやり | 夢中 | 放心状態 | 雲の中の顔 | 顔 |
5707 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 😏 -name | smirking face |
薄笑いをする顔 |
5708 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 😏 –keywords | boss | dapper | face | flirt | homie | kidding | leer | shade | slick | sly | smirk | smug | snicker | suave | suspicious | swag |
にやり | ふっ | 薄笑いをする顔 | 顔 |
5709 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 😒 -name | unamused face |
しらけた |
5710 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 😒 –keywords | ... | bored | face | fine | jealous | jel | jelly | pissed | smh | ugh | uhh | unamused | unhappy | weird | whatever |
ジト目 | しらけ | しらけた | しらける | つまらない | やきもち | 不満 | 顔 |
5711 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 🙄 -name | face with rolling eyes |
上を見る顔 |
5712 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 🙄 –keywords | eyeroll | eyes | face | rolling | shade | ugh | whatever |
あきれた | うーん | 上を見る顔 | 上目 | 目をむく | 顔 |
5713 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 😬 -name | grimacing face |
しかめ面 |
5714 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 😬 –keywords | awk | awkward | dentist | face | grimace | grimacing | grinning | smile | smiling |
いー | しかめっ面 | しかめ面 | しかめ顔 | 顔 |
5715 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 😮💨 -name | face exhaling |
息を吐く顔 |
5716 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 😮💨 –keywords | blow | blowing | exhale | exhaling | exhausted | face | gasp | groan | relief | sigh | smiley | smoke | whisper | whistle |
あきらめ | ため息 | ほっとした | 安心 | 息を吐く顔 | 息切れ | 疲れた | 顔 |
5717 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 🤥 -name | lying face |
うそつきの顔 |
5718 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 🤥 –keywords | face | liar | lie | lying | pinocchio |
うそつきの顔 | ピノキオの顔 | 嘘 | 嘘つき | 顔 |
5719 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 🫨 -name | shaking face |
震えている顔 |
5720 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 🫨 –keywords | crazy | daze | earthquake | face | omg | panic | shaking | shock | surprise | vibrate | whoa | wow |
ガーン | ショック | なんてこった | パニック | ビックリ | まいった | 地震 | 振動 | 震えている | 顔 |
5721 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 🙂↔ -name | head shaking horizontally |
首を横に振る |
5722 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 🙂↔ –keywords | head | horizontally | no | shake | shaking |
いいえ | 不賛成 | 顔 | 首を振る | 首を横に振る |
5723 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 🙂↕ -name | head shaking vertically |
首を縦に振る |
5724 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-neutral-skeptical | 🙂↕ –keywords | head | nod | shaking | vertically | yes |
はい | 頷く | 顔 | 首を振る | 首を縦に振る |
5725 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-sleepy | 😌 -name | relieved face |
ほっとした顔 |
5726 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-sleepy | 😌 –keywords | calm | face | peace | relief | relieved | zen |
ほっ | ほっとした顔 | 安心 | 顔 |
5727 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-sleepy | 😔 -name | pensive face |
しょぼーん |
5728 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-sleepy | 😔 –keywords | awful | bored | dejected | died | disappointed | face | losing | lost | pensive | sad | sucks |
がっかり | しょぼーん | しょんぼり | 悲しい | 考え込む顔 | 顔 |
5729 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-sleepy | 😪 -name | sleepy face |
眠い |
5730 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-sleepy | 😪 –keywords | crying | face | good | night | sad | sleep | sleeping | sleepy | tired |
寝る | 疲れた | 眠い | 眠そうな顔 | 眠っている顔 | 眠る | 顔 |
5731 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-sleepy | 🤤 -name | drooling face |
よだれを垂らした顔 |
5732 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-sleepy | 🤤 –keywords | drooling | face |
よだれ | よだれを垂らした顔 | 顔 |
5733 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-sleepy | 😴 -name | sleeping face |
寝る |
5734 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-sleepy | 😴 –keywords | bed | bedtime | face | good | goodnight | nap | night | sleep | sleeping | tired | whatever | yawn | zzz |
zzz | おやすみ | グーグー | 寝る | 寝顔 | 眠い | 眠る | 顔 |
5735 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-sleepy | -name | face with bags under eyes |
目にクマがある顔 |
5736 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-sleepy | –keywords | bags | bored | exhausted | eyes | face | fatigued | late | sleepy | tired | weary |
クマ | 徹夜 | 疲れた | 眠い | 顔 |
5737 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-unwell | 😷 -name | face with medical mask |
マスク顔 |
5738 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-unwell | 😷 –keywords | cold | dentist | dermatologist | doctor | dr | face | germs | mask | medical | medicine | sick |
ドクター | マスク | マスク顔 | 医師 | 歯科医 | 病気 | 花粉症 | 顔 | 風邪 |
5739 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-unwell | 🤒 -name | face with thermometer |
熱がある顔 |
5740 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-unwell | 🤒 –keywords | face | ill | sick | thermometer |
体温計 | 熱がある顔 | 熱を測る | 病気 | 顔 | 風邪 |
5741 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-unwell | 🤕 -name | face with head-bandage |
包帯を巻いた顔 |
5742 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-unwell | 🤕 –keywords | bandage | face | head-bandage | hurt | injury | ouch |
ケガ | ケガしてる顔 | 包帯 | 包帯を巻いた顔 | 痛い | 顔 |
5743 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-unwell | 🤢 -name | nauseated face |
吐き気を催している顔 |
5744 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-unwell | 🤢 –keywords | face | gross | nasty | nauseated | sick | vomit |
具合の悪い顔 | 吐きそう | 吐き気を催している顔 | 気持ち悪い | 病気 | 顔 |
5745 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-unwell | 🤮 -name | face vomiting |
嘔吐する顔 |
5746 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-unwell | 🤮 –keywords | barf | ew | face | gross | puke | sick | spew | throw | up | vomit | vomiting |
げろ | 吐く | 嘔吐する顔 | 気持ち悪い | 病気 | 顔 |
5747 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-unwell | 🤧 -name | sneezing face |
くしゃみする顔 |
5748 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-unwell | 🤧 –keywords | face | fever | flu | gesundheit | sick | sneeze | sneezing |
くしゃみ | くしゃみする顔 | 花粉症 | 顔 | 風邪 |
5749 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-unwell | 🥵 -name | hot face |
暑い顔 |
5750 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-unwell | 🥵 –keywords | dying | face | feverish | heat | hot | panting | red-faced | stroke | sweating | tongue |
暑い顔 | 暑さ | 死にそう | 汗 | 熱中症 | 発熱 | 舌を出した顔 | 赤い顔 |
5751 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-unwell | 🥶 -name | cold face |
寒い顔 |
5752 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-unwell | 🥶 –keywords | blue | blue-faced | cold | face | freezing | frostbite | icicles | subzero | teeth |
しもやけ | つらら | 凍え | 寒い顔 | 寒さ | 氷点下 | 青 | 青い顔 | 顔 |
5753 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-unwell | 🥴 -name | woozy face |
ふらふらの顔 |
5754 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-unwell | 🥴 –keywords | dizzy | drunk | eyes | face | intoxicated | mouth | tipsy | uneven | wavy | woozy |
うつろな目 | ふらふらの顔 | べろんべろん | ほろ酔い | めまい | 中毒 |
5755 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-unwell | 😵 -name | face with crossed-out eyes |
めまい |
5756 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-unwell | 😵 –keywords | crossed-out | dead | dizzy | eyes | face | feels | knocked | out | sick | tired |
ふらふら | めまい | 疲れた | 病気 | 顔 |
5757 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-unwell | 😵💫 -name | face with spiral eyes |
目を回した顔 |
5758 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-unwell | 😵💫 –keywords | confused | dizzy | eyes | face | hypnotized | omg | smiley | spiral | trouble | whoa | woah | woozy |
くらくら | ふらふら | めまい | 渦巻き | 目がぐるぐる | 目が回る | 目を回した顔 |
5759 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-unwell | 🤯 -name | exploding head |
頭爆発 |
5760 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-unwell | 🤯 –keywords | blown | explode | exploding | head | mind | mindblown | no | shocked | way |
ショック | びっくり | ぼんっ | 爆発 | 頭爆発 | 顔 | 驚き |
5761 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-hat | 🤠 -name | cowboy hat face |
カウボーイの顔 |
5762 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-hat | 🤠 –keywords | cowboy | cowgirl | face | hat |
カウガール | カウボーイ | カウボーイの顔 | 帽子 | 顔 |
5763 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-hat | 🥳 -name | partying face |
パーティーの顔 |
5764 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-hat | 🥳 –keywords | bday | birthday | celebrate | celebration | excited | face | happy | hat | hooray | horn | party | partying |
おめでとう | お祝い | パーティー | パーティーの顔 | ハッピーバースデー | 帽子 | 笑顔 | 笛 | 誕生日 |
5765 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-hat | 🥸 -name | disguised face |
変装した顔 |
5766 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-hat | 🥸 –keywords | disguise | eyebrow | face | glasses | incognito | moustache | mustache | nose | person | spy | tache | tash |
ひげ | メガネ | 仮装 | 口ひげ | 変装 | 変装した顔 | 顔 |
5767 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-glasses | 😎 -name | smiling face with sunglasses |
サングラスで笑顔 |
5768 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-glasses | 😎 –keywords | awesome | beach | bright | bro | chilling | cool | face | rad | relaxed | shades | slay | smile | style | sunglasses | swag | win |
クール | サングラス | サングラスで笑顔 | スマイル | 眼鏡 | 笑顔 | 顔 |
5769 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-glasses | 🤓 -name | nerd face |
オタク |
5770 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-glasses | 🤓 –keywords | brainy | clever | expert | face | geek | gifted | glasses | intelligent | nerd | smart |
エキスパート | オタク | ガリ勉 | マニア | メガネ | 優等生 | 利口 | 知的 | 秀才 | 顔 |
5771 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-glasses | 🧐 -name | face with monocle |
モノクルを付けた顔 |
5772 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-glasses | 🧐 –keywords | classy | face | fancy | monocle | rich | stuffy | wealthy |
メガネ | モノクルを付けた顔 | 上品 | 片眼鏡 | 考える | 顔 |
5773 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😕 -name | confused face |
混乱 |
5774 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😕 –keywords | befuddled | confused | confusing | dunno | face | frown | hm | meh | not | sad | sorry | sure |
しかめ面 | ふーん | わからない | 困惑 | 混乱 | 顔 |
5775 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 🫤 -name | face with diagonal mouth |
口が斜めの顔 |
5776 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 🫤 –keywords | confused | confusion | diagonal | disappointed | doubt | doubtful | face | frustrated | frustration | meh | mouth | skeptical | unsure | whatever | wtv |
不信 | 不満 | 口が斜めの顔 | 困惑 | 無気力 | 無関心 | 顔 |
5777 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😟 -name | worried face |
悩む顔 |
5778 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😟 –keywords | anxious | butterflies | face | nerves | nervous | sad | stress | stressed | surprised | worried | worry |
困った | 心配 | 悩む顔 | 悲しい | 顔 |
5779 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 🙁 -name | slightly frowning face |
少し困った顔 |
5780 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 🙁 –keywords | face | frown | frowning | sad | slightly |
しかめ面 | 困った | 少し困った | 少し困った顔 | 顔 |
5781 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | ☹ -name | frowning face |
困った顔 |
5782 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | ☹ –keywords | face | frown | frowning | sad |
しかめ面 | 困った | 困った顔 | 悲しい | 顔 |
5783 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😮 -name | face with open mouth |
口が開いた顔 |
5784 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😮 –keywords | believe | face | forgot | mouth | omg | open | shocked | surprised | sympathy | unbelievable | unreal | whoa | wow | you |
へー | 信じられない | 共感 | 口が開いた顔 | 顔 | 驚き |
5785 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😯 -name | hushed face |
ぽかーん |
5786 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😯 –keywords | epic | face | hushed | omg | stunned | surprised | whoa | woah |
すごいね | びっくり | びっくり顔 | ぽかーん | 顔 | 驚き |
5787 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😲 -name | astonished face |
びっくり |
5788 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😲 –keywords | astonished | cost | face | no | omg | shocked | totally | way |
えーっ | びっくり | びっくりした顔 | まさか | 顔 | 驚き | 驚愕 |
5789 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😳 -name | flushed face |
赤面 |
5790 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😳 –keywords | amazed | awkward | crazy | dazed | dead | disbelief | embarrassed | face | flushed | geez | heat | hot | impressed | jeez | what | wow |
えーっ | とまどい | 赤くなる | 赤面 | 顔 | 驚き |
5791 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 🥺 -name | pleading face |
訴えるような顔 |
5792 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 🥺 –keywords | begging | big | eyes | face | mercy | not | pleading | please | pretty | puppy | sad | why |
お願い | 大きな目 | 子犬の目 | 悲しみ | 情け | 懇願 | 訴えるような顔 | 顔 |
5793 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 🥹 -name | face holding back tears |
涙をこらえた顔 |
5794 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 🥹 –keywords | admiration | aww | back | cry | embarrassed | face | feelings | grateful | gratitude | holding | joy | please | proud | resist | sad | tears |
うるうる | 嬉し泣き | 懇願 | 泣き顔 | 涙 | 涙をこらえた顔 | 顔 |
5795 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😦 -name | frowning face with open mouth |
あきれ顔 |
5796 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😦 –keywords | caught | face | frown | frowning | guard | mouth | open | scared | scary | surprise | what | wow |
あきれ顔 | しかめ面 | しかめ顔 | ぽかーん | 不本意 | 不満 | 口を開けた顔 | 呆然 | 顔 | 驚き |
5797 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😧 -name | anguished face |
苦悩 |
5798 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😧 –keywords | anguished | face | forgot | scared | scary | stressed | surprise | unhappy | what | wow |
困った顔 | 苦悩 | 苦悶 | 顔 | 驚き |
5799 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😨 -name | fearful face |
青ざめ |
5800 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😨 –keywords | afraid | anxious | blame | face | fear | fearful | scared | worried |
がーん | 不安 | 怖い | 青ざめ | 青ざめた顔 | 顔 |
5801 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😰 -name | anxious face with sweat |
冷や汗青ざめ |
5802 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😰 –keywords | anxious | blue | cold | eek | face | mouth | nervous | open | rushed | scared | sweat | yikes |
冷や汗 | 冷や汗青ざめ | 寒い | 汗 | 青い顔 | 青ざめ | 顔 |
5803 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😥 -name | sad but relieved face |
どうしよう |
5804 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😥 –keywords | anxious | call | close | complicated | disappointed | face | not | relieved | sad | sweat | time | whew |
どうしよう | 困った | 汗 | 顔 |
5805 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😢 -name | crying face |
泣き顔 |
5806 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😢 –keywords | awful | cry | crying | face | feels | miss | sad | tear | triste | unhappy |
ひどい | 寂しい | 悲しい | 泣き顔 | 泣く | 涙 | 顔 |
5807 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😭 -name | loudly crying face |
大泣き |
5808 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😭 –keywords | bawling | cry | crying | face | loudly | sad | sob | tear | tears | unhappy |
号泣 | 号泣する顔 | 大泣き | 悲しい | 泣く | 涙 | 顔 |
5809 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😱 -name | face screaming in fear |
恐怖 |
5810 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😱 –keywords | epic | face | fear | fearful | munch | scared | scream | screamer | screaming | shocked | surprised | woah |
がーん | ショック | 叫び | 叫んでいる顔 | 恐怖 | 顔 | 驚き |
5811 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😖 -name | confounded face |
困惑した顔 |
5812 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😖 –keywords | annoyed | confounded | confused | cringe | distraught | face | feels | frustrated | mad | sad |
困った | 困惑 | 困惑した顔 | 混乱 | 顔 |
5813 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😣 -name | persevering face |
我慢 |
5814 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😣 –keywords | concentrate | concentration | face | focus | headache | persevere | persevering |
我慢 | 我慢する顔 | 頭痛 | 顔 |
5815 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😞 -name | disappointed face |
失望した顔 |
5816 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😞 –keywords | awful | blame | dejected | disappointed | face | fail | losing | sad | unhappy |
がっかり | がっくり | 失望した顔 | 悲しい | 残念 | 顔 |
5817 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😓 -name | downcast face with sweat |
冷や汗 |
5818 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😓 –keywords | close | cold | downcast | face | feels | headache | nervous | sad | scared | sweat | yikes |
さむけ | 冷や汗 | 汗 | 肝を冷やした | 頭痛 | 顔 |
5819 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😩 -name | weary face |
あきらめ |
5820 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😩 –keywords | crying | face | fail | feels | hungry | mad | nooo | sad | sleepy | tired | unhappy | weary |
あきらめ | へとへと | 泣き顔 | 疲れ | 腹ぺこ | 顔 |
5821 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😫 -name | tired face |
疲れた |
5822 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 😫 –keywords | cost | face | feels | nap | sad | sneeze | tired |
くしゃみ | 疲れ | 疲れた | 疲れた顔 | 限界 | 顔 |
5823 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 🥱 -name | yawning face |
あくびした顔 |
5824 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-concerned | 🥱 –keywords | bedtime | bored | face | goodnight | nap | night | sleep | sleepy | tired | whatever | yawn | yawning | zzz |
あくびした顔 | おやすみ | ふあ~ | 疲れ | 眠い | 退屈 | 顔 |
5825 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-negative | 😤 -name | face with steam from nose |
勝ち誇った顔 |
5826 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-negative | 😤 –keywords | anger | angry | face | feels | fume | fuming | furious | fury | mad | nose | steam | triumph | unhappy | won |
ふんっ | 勝ち誇った顔 | 得意気 | 怒り | 顔 | 鼻息 |
5827 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-negative | 😡 -name | enraged face |
ふくれっ面 |
5828 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-negative | 😡 –keywords | anger | angry | enraged | face | feels | mad | maddening | pouting | rage | red | shade | unhappy | upset |
かんかん | ふくれっ面 | ぷんぷん | 怒り | 激怒 | 赤い顔 | 顔 |
5829 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-negative | 😠 -name | angry face |
ぷんぷん |
5830 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-negative | 😠 –keywords | anger | angry | blame | face | feels | frustrated | mad | maddening | rage | shade | unhappy | upset |
ぷんぷん | 不満 | 怒った | 怒った顔 | 怒り | 顔 |
5831 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-negative | 🤬 -name | face with symbols on mouth |
ののしる |
5832 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-negative | 🤬 –keywords | censor | cursing | cussing | face | mad | mouth | pissed | swearing | symbols |
シンボルが口にある顔 | ののしり | ののしる | 怒り | 悪口 | 検閲 | 顔 |
5833 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-negative | 😈 -name | smiling face with horns |
笑った悪魔 |
5834 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-negative | 😈 –keywords | demon | devil | evil | face | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | horns | purple | shade | smile | smiling | tale |
スマイル | デビル | 悪魔 | 笑った悪魔 | 笑顔 | 角 | 顔 |
5835 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-negative | 👿 -name | angry face with horns |
怒った悪魔 |
5836 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-negative | 👿 –keywords | angry | demon | devil | evil | face | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | horns | imp | mischievous | purple | shade | tale |
かんかん | デビル | 怒った悪魔 | 悪魔 | 激怒 | 角 | 顔 |
5837 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-negative | 💀 -name | skull |
ドクロ |
5838 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-negative | 💀 –keywords | body | dead | death | face | fairy | fairytale | i’m | lmao | monster | skull | tale | yolo |
スカル | ドクロ | 死 | 死者 | 頭蓋骨 | 顔 | 骸骨 |
5839 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-negative | ☠ -name | skull and crossbones |
ドクロと骨 |
5840 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-negative | ☠ –keywords | bone | crossbones | dead | death | face | monster | skull |
スカル | ドクロ | ドクロと骨 | 死 | 顔 | 骨 | 骸骨 |
5841 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-costume | 💩 -name | pile of poo |
うんち |
5842 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-costume | 💩 –keywords | bs | comic | doo | dung | face | fml | monster | pile | poo | poop | smelly | smh | stink | stinks | stinky | turd |
うんこ | うんち | 臭い | 顔 |
5843 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-costume | 🤡 -name | clown face |
ピエロの顔 |
5844 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-costume | 🤡 –keywords | clown | face |
ピエロ | ピエロの顔 | 道化師 | 顔 |
5845 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-costume | 👹 -name | ogre |
鬼 |
5846 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-costume | 👹 –keywords | creature | devil | face | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | mask | monster | ogre | scary | tale |
お面 | なまはげ | 化け物 | 怖い | 顔 | 鬼 |
5847 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-costume | 👺 -name | goblin |
天狗 |
5848 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-costume | 👺 –keywords | angry | creature | face | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | goblin | mask | mean | monster | tale |
お面 | 天狗 | 怒り |
5849 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-costume | 👻 -name | ghost |
お化け |
5850 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-costume | 👻 –keywords | boo | creature | excited | face | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | ghost | halloween | haunting | monster | scary | silly | tale |
お化け | ゴースト | ハロウィーン | ユーレイ | 幽霊 | 怖い |
5851 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-costume | 👽 -name | alien |
エイリアン |
5852 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-costume | 👽 –keywords | alien | creature | extraterrestrial | face | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | monster | space | tale | ufo |
UFO | エイリアン | ユーフォー | 宇宙人 | 異星人 | 顔 |
5853 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-costume | 👾 -name | alien monster |
インベーダー |
5854 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-costume | 👾 –keywords | alien | creature | extraterrestrial | face | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | game | gamer | games | monster | pixelated | space | tale | ufo |
インベーダー | エイリアン | ゲーム | スペースインベーダー | モンスター | 宇宙人 | 異星人 |
5855 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-costume | 🤖 -name | robot |
ロボット |
5856 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | face-costume | 🤖 –keywords | face | monster | robot |
ロボット | ロボットの顔 | 顔 |
5857 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | cat-face | 😺 -name | grinning cat |
にっこり笑う猫 |
5858 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | cat-face | 😺 –keywords | animal | cat | face | grinning | mouth | open | smile | smiling |
スマイル | にっこり笑う猫 | 動物 | 猫 | 笑顔 | 顔 |
5859 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | cat-face | 😸 -name | grinning cat with smiling eyes |
にやっと笑う猫 |
5860 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | cat-face | 😸 –keywords | animal | cat | eye | eyes | face | grin | grinning | smile | smiling |
スマイル | にやっと笑う猫 | 動物 | 猫 | 笑う | 笑顔 | 顔 |
5861 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | cat-face | 😹 -name | cat with tears of joy |
嬉し泣きする猫 |
5862 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | cat-face | 😹 –keywords | animal | cat | face | joy | laugh | laughing | lol | tear | tears |
スマイル | 動物 | 嬉し泣きする猫 | 涙 | 爆笑 | 猫 | 笑顔 | 顔 |
5863 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | cat-face | 😻 -name | smiling cat with heart-eyes |
目がハートの猫 |
5864 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | cat-face | 😻 –keywords | animal | cat | eye | face | heart | heart-eyes | love | smile | smiling |
スマイル | ハート | 動物 | 猫 | 目がハートの猫 | 笑顔 | 顔 |
5865 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | cat-face | 😼 -name | cat with wry smile |
にやりとする猫 |
5866 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | cat-face | 😼 –keywords | animal | cat | face | ironic | smile | wry |
にやり | にやりとする猫 | ふっ | 動物 | 猫 | 顔 |
5867 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | cat-face | 😽 -name | kissing cat |
猫のキス |
5868 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | cat-face | 😽 –keywords | animal | cat | closed | eye | eyes | face | kiss | kissing |
キス | ちゅっ | 動物 | 猫 | 猫のキス | 顔 |
5869 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | cat-face | 🙀 -name | weary cat |
絶望する猫 |
5870 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | cat-face | 🙀 –keywords | animal | cat | face | oh | surprised | weary |
がーん | ショック | びっくり | 動物 | 猫 | 絶望する猫 | 顔 |
5871 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | cat-face | 😿 -name | crying cat |
泣いている猫 |
5872 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | cat-face | 😿 –keywords | animal | cat | cry | crying | face | sad | tear |
動物 | 悲しい | 泣いている猫 | 泣く | 涙 | 猫 | 顔 |
5873 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | cat-face | 😾 -name | pouting cat |
不機嫌な猫 |
5874 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | cat-face | 😾 –keywords | animal | cat | face | pouting |
ぷんぷん | 不機嫌 | 不機嫌な猫 | 動物 | 猫 | 顔 |
5875 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | monkey-face | 🙈 -name | see-no-evil monkey |
見ざる |
5876 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | monkey-face | 🙈 –keywords | embarrassed | evil | face | forbidden | forgot | gesture | hide | monkey | no | omg | prohibited | scared | secret | smh | watch |
三猿 | 動物 | 猿 | 目隠し | 見ざる | 隠す |
5877 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | monkey-face | 🙉 -name | hear-no-evil monkey |
聞かざる |
5878 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | monkey-face | 🙉 –keywords | animal | ears | evil | face | forbidden | gesture | hear | listen | monkey | no | not | prohibited | secret | shh | tmi |
三猿 | 猿 | 秘密 | 聞かざる |
5879 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | monkey-face | 🙊 -name | speak-no-evil monkey |
言わざる |
5880 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | monkey-face | 🙊 –keywords | animal | evil | face | forbidden | gesture | monkey | no | not | oops | prohibited | quiet | secret | speak | stealth |
三猿 | 内緒 | 黙る | 猿 | 秘密 | 言わざる |
5881 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💌 -name | love letter |
ラブレター |
5882 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💌 –keywords | heart | letter | love | mail | romance | valentine |
ハート | バレンタインデー | ラブレター | 封筒 | 恋文 | 手紙 |
5883 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💘 -name | heart with arrow |
ハートに矢 |
5884 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💘 –keywords | 143 | adorbs | arrow | cupid | date | emotion | heart | ily | love | romance | valentine |
キューピッド | ハート | ハートに矢 | 矢 |
5885 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💝 -name | heart with ribbon |
ハートにリボン |
5886 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💝 –keywords | 143 | anniversary | emotion | heart | ily | kisses | ribbon | valentine | xoxo |
ハート | ハートにリボン | バレンタインデー | リボン | 記念日 |
5887 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💖 -name | sparkling heart |
きらきらハート |
5888 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💖 –keywords | 143 | emotion | excited | good | heart | ily | kisses | morning | night | sparkle | sparkling | xoxo |
きらきら | キラキラ | きらきらハート | ハート |
5889 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💗 -name | growing heart |
大きくなるハート |
5890 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💗 –keywords | 143 | emotion | excited | growing | heart | heartpulse | ily | kisses | muah | nervous | pulse | xoxo |
ドキドキ | ときめき | ハート | 大きくなるハート |
5891 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💓 -name | beating heart |
ドキドキするハート |
5892 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💓 –keywords | 143 | beating | cardio | emotion | heart | heartbeat | ily | love | pulsating | pulse |
ドキドキ | ドキドキするハート | ハート | 動悸 | 鼓動 |
5893 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💞 -name | revolving hearts |
回転するハート |
5894 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💞 –keywords | 143 | adorbs | anniversary | emotion | heart | hearts | revolving |
かわいい | ハート | 回転するハート |
5895 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💕 -name | two hearts |
2つのハート |
5896 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💕 –keywords | 143 | anniversary | date | dating | emotion | heart | hearts | ily | kisses | love | loving | two | xoxo |
2つのハート | デート | ハート | ラブ | 記念日 |
5897 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💟 -name | heart decoration |
ハートデコ |
5898 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💟 –keywords | 143 | decoration | emotion | heart | hearth | purple | white |
ハート | ハートデコ | ハートデコレーション | 白いハート | 紫のハート |
5899 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | ❣ -name | heart exclamation |
ハートのびっくり |
5900 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | ❣ –keywords | exclamation | heart | heavy | mark | punctuation |
エクスクラメーションマーク | ハート | ハートのびっくり | びっくりマーク |
5901 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💔 -name | broken heart |
割れたハート |
5902 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💔 –keywords | break | broken | crushed | emotion | heart | heartbroken | lonely | sad |
ハート | ハートブレイク | 別れ | 別れた | 割れたハート | 壊れたハート | 失恋 |
5903 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | ❤🔥 -name | heart on fire |
燃えるハート |
5904 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | ❤🔥 –keywords | burn | fire | heart | love | lust | sacred |
ハート | 愛 | 火の付いた | 炎 | 燃えるハート | 聖なる心臓 |
5905 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | ❤🩹 -name | mending heart |
包帯を巻いたハート |
5906 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | ❤🩹 –keywords | healthier | heart | improving | mending | recovering | recuperating | well |
ケガ | ハート | 傷ついた | 傷心 | 包帯 | 包帯を巻いたハート |
5907 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | ❤ -name | red heart |
赤いハート |
5908 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | ❤ –keywords | emotion | heart | love | red |
ハート | 愛 | 赤 | 赤いハート |
5909 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 🩷 -name | pink heart |
ピンクのハート |
5910 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 🩷 –keywords | 143 | adorable | cute | emotion | heart | ily | like | love | pink | special | sweet |
かわいい | スペシャル | ハート | ピンク | ピンクのハート | ラブ | 好き | 愛 | 愛してる | 気持ち |
5911 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 🧡 -name | orange heart |
オレンジのハート |
5912 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 🧡 –keywords | 143 | heart | orange |
オレンジ | オレンジのハート | ハート |
5913 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💛 -name | yellow heart |
黄色のハート |
5914 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💛 –keywords | 143 | cardiac | emotion | heart | ily | love | yellow |
ハート | 愛 | 黄色 | 黄色いハート | 黄色のハート |
5915 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💚 -name | green heart |
緑のハート |
5916 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💚 –keywords | 143 | emotion | green | heart | ily | love | romantic |
ハート | 緑 | 緑のハート |
5917 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💙 -name | blue heart |
青いハート |
5918 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💙 –keywords | 143 | blue | emotion | heart | ily | love | romance |
ハート | 青 | 青いハート |
5919 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 🩵 -name | light blue heart |
薄い青のハート |
5920 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 🩵 –keywords | 143 | blue | cute | cyan | emotion | heart | ily | light | like | love | sky | special | teal |
かわいい | シアン | ティールブルー | ハート | ラブ | 好き | 愛 | 水色 | 空色 | 薄い青 |
5921 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💜 -name | purple heart |
紫のハート |
5922 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 💜 –keywords | 143 | bestest | emotion | heart | ily | love | purple |
ハート | 愛 | 紫 | 紫のハート |
5923 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 🤎 -name | brown heart |
茶色いハート |
5924 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 🤎 –keywords | 143 | brown | heart |
ハート | 茶色 | 茶色いハート |
5925 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 🖤 -name | black heart |
黒いハート |
5926 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 🖤 –keywords | black | evil | heart | wicked |
ハート | 悪意 | 黒 | 黒いハート |
5927 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 🩶 -name | grey heart |
灰色のハート |
5928 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 🩶 –keywords | 143 | emotion | gray | grey | heart | ily | love | silver | slate | special |
グレー | スレートグレー | ハート | ラブ | 好き | 愛 | 灰色 | 灰色のハート | 銀色 |
5929 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 🤍 -name | white heart |
白いハート |
5930 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | heart | 🤍 –keywords | 143 | heart | white |
ハート | 白 | 白いハート |
5931 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 💋 -name | kiss mark |
キスマーク |
5932 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 💋 –keywords | dating | emotion | heart | kiss | kissing | lips | mark | romance | sexy |
キス | キスマーク | セクシー | ちゅっ | 唇 |
5933 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 💯 -name | hundred points |
100点満点 |
5934 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 💯 –keywords | 100 | a+ | agree | clearly | definitely | faithful | fleek | full | hundred | keep | perfect | point | score | TRUE | truth | yup |
100 | 100点 | 100点満点 | 全問正解 | 満点 |
5935 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 💢 -name | anger symbol |
むかっ |
5936 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 💢 –keywords | anger | angry | comic | mad | symbol | upset |
# | マンガ | むかっ | 怒った | 怒り | 怒りマーク |
5937 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 💥 -name | collision |
衝突 |
5938 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 💥 –keywords | bomb | boom | collide | collision | comic | explode |
どんっ | ぼんっ | マンガ | 爆発 | 衝撃 | 衝突 |
5939 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 💫 -name | dizzy |
くらくら |
5940 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 💫 –keywords | comic | dizzy | shining | shooting | star | stars |
きらきら | キラキラ | くらくら | 星 | 流れ星 | 目が回る |
5941 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 💦 -name | sweat droplets |
あせあせ |
5942 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 💦 –keywords | comic | drip | droplet | droplets | drops | splashing | squirt | sweat | water | wet | work | workout |
あせあせ | しずく | 水滴 | 汗 |
5943 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 💨 -name | dashing away |
ダッシュ |
5944 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 💨 –keywords | away | cloud | comic | dash | dashing | fart | fast | go | gone | gotta | running | smoke |
ダッシュ | マンガ | 急ぐ | 急げ | 走る | 逃げる |
5945 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 🕳 -name | hole |
穴 |
5946 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 🕳 –keywords | hole |
穴 |
5947 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 💬 -name | speech balloon |
会話の吹き出し |
5948 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 💬 –keywords | balloon | bubble | comic | dialog | message | sms | speech | talk | text | typing |
セリフ | トーク | マンガ | メッセージ | 会話 | 会話の吹き出し | 吹き出し |
5949 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 👁🗨 -name | eye in speech bubble |
吹き出しの目 |
5950 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 👁🗨 –keywords | balloon | bubble | eye | speech | witness |
吹き出し | 吹き出しの目 | 目 | 目撃 |
5951 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 🗨 -name | left speech bubble |
吹き出し左 |
5952 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 🗨 –keywords | balloon | bubble | dialog | left | speech |
セリフ | 会話 | 吹き出し | 吹き出し左 |
5953 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 🗯 -name | right anger bubble |
怒りの吹き出し |
5954 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 🗯 –keywords | anger | angry | balloon | bubble | mad | right |
吹き出し | 怒り | 怒りの吹き出し |
5955 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 💭 -name | thought balloon |
雲形の吹き出し |
5956 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 💭 –keywords | balloon | bubble | cartoon | cloud | comic | daydream | decisions | dream | idea | invent | invention | realize | think | thoughts | wonder |
マンガ | もくもく | 吹き出し | 空想 | 考え事 | 雲 | 雲形の吹き出し |
5957 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 💤 -name | ZZZ |
グーグー |
5958 | Characters | Smileys & Emotion | emotion | 💤 –keywords | comic | good | goodnight | night | sleep | sleeping | sleepy | tired | zzz |
zzz | いびき | おやすみ | グーグー | マンガ | 寝る | 就寝中 |
5959 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-open | 👋 -name | waving hand |
手を振る |
5960 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-open | 👋 –keywords | bye | cya | g2g | greetings | gtg | hand | hello | hey | hi | later | outtie | ttfn | ttyl | wave | yo | you |
あいさつ | さようなら | バイバイ | ハロー | またね | 手 | 手を振る |
5961 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-open | 🤚 -name | raised back of hand |
手の甲 |
5962 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-open | 🤚 –keywords | back | backhand | hand | raised |
手 | 手の甲 |
5963 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-open | 🖐 -name | hand with fingers splayed |
開いた手 |
5964 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-open | 🖐 –keywords | finger | fingers | hand | raised | splayed | stop |
ストップ | パー | 手 | 挙手 | 開いた手 |
5965 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-open | ✋ -name | raised hand |
挙手 |
5966 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-open | ✋ –keywords | 5 | five | hand | high | raised | stop |
5 | ストップ | パー | 手 | 挙手 |
5967 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-open | 🖖 -name | vulcan salute |
バルカンの挨拶 |
5968 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-open | 🖖 –keywords | finger | hand | hands | salute | Vulcan |
バルカンサイン | バルカンの挨拶 | バルカン人 | 手 |
5969 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-open | 🫱 -name | rightwards hand |
右に向けた手 |
5970 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-open | 🫱 –keywords | hand | handshake | hold | reach | right | rightward | rightwards | shake |
右に向けた手 | 右側 | 手 | 握手 | 方向 |
5971 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-open | 🫲 -name | leftwards hand |
左に向けた手 |
5972 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-open | 🫲 –keywords | hand | handshake | hold | left | leftward | leftwards | reach | shake |
左に向けた手 | 左側 | 手 | 握手 | 方向 |
5973 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-open | 🫳 -name | palm down hand |
下に向けた手 |
5974 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-open | 🫳 –keywords | dismiss | down | drop | dropped | hand | palm | pick | shoo | up |
下 | 下に向けた手 | 手 | 拾う | 落とす |
5975 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-open | 🫴 -name | palm up hand |
上に向けた手 |
5976 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-open | 🫴 –keywords | beckon | catch | come | hand | hold | know | lift | me | offer | palm | tell |
おいで | ちょうだい | 上 | 上に向けた手 | 受ける | 差し出す | 手 |
5977 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-open | 🫷 -name | leftwards pushing hand |
左向きに押している手 |
5978 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-open | 🫷 –keywords | block | five | halt | hand | high | hold | leftward | leftwards | pause | push | pushing | refuse | slap | stop | wait |
ストップ | ちょっと待って | ハイタッチ | 左向き | 待った | 待て | 手 | 押す | 断る | 止まれ |
5979 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-open | 🫸 -name | rightwards pushing hand |
右向きに押している手 |
5980 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-open | 🫸 –keywords | block | five | halt | hand | high | hold | pause | push | pushing | refuse | rightward | rightwards | slap | stop | wait |
ストップ | ちょっと待って | ハイタッチ | 右向き | 待った | 待て | 手 | 押す | 断る | 止まれ |
5981 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-partial | 👌 -name | OK hand |
OKの手 |
5982 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-partial | 👌 –keywords | awesome | bet | dope | fleek | fosho | got | gotcha | hand | legit | OK | okay | pinch | rad | sure | sweet | three |
OK | OKの手 | オーケー | オッケー | つまむ | 手 |
5983 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-partial | 🤌 -name | pinched fingers |
上向きにすぼめた手 |
5984 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-partial | 🤌 –keywords | fingers | gesture | hand | hold | huh | interrogation | patience | pinched | relax | sarcastic | ugh | what | zip |
ジェスチャー | すぼめる | 上向きにすぼめた手 | 手 | 指 |
5985 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-partial | 🤏 -name | pinching hand |
つまんでいる指 |
5986 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-partial | 🤏 –keywords | amount | bit | fingers | hand | little | pinching | small | sort |
ちょっと | つまんでいる指 | 少しだけ | 手 | 指 |
5987 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-partial | ✌ -name | victory hand |
Vサイン |
5988 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-partial | ✌ –keywords | hand | peace | v | victory |
Vサイン | チョキ | ピース | 手 | 指 |
5989 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-partial | 🤞 -name | crossed fingers |
指をクロス |
5990 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-partial | 🤞 –keywords | cross | crossed | finger | fingers | hand | luck |
幸運を | 手 | 指 | 指をクロス |
5991 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-partial | 🫰 -name | hand with index finger and thumb crossed |
親指と人差し指をクロス |
5992 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-partial | 🫰 –keywords | <3 | crossed | expensive | finger | hand | heart | index | love | money | snap | thumb |
お金 | 愛 | 手 | 指 | 指ハート | 指をクロス | 親指と人差し指をクロス |
5993 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-partial | 🤟 -name | love-you gesture |
アイラブユー |
5994 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-partial | 🤟 –keywords | fingers | gesture | hand | ILY | love | love-you | three | you |
アイラブユー | 愛してる | 手 |
5995 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-partial | 🤘 -name | sign of the horns |
角の指サイン |
5996 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-partial | 🤘 –keywords | finger | hand | horns | rock-on | sign |
キツネ | ロックオン | 人差し指と小指を立てた手 | 手 | 角の指サイン |
5997 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-partial | 🤙 -name | call me hand |
電話の合図 |
5998 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-partial | 🤙 –keywords | call | hand | hang | loose | me | Shaka |
手 | 電話 | 電話のジェスチャー | 電話の合図 |
5999 | Characters | People & Body | hand-single-finger | 👈 -name | backhand index pointing left |
左指差し |
6000 | Characters | People & Body | hand-single-finger | 👈 –keywords | backhand | finger | hand | index | left | point | pointing |
左 | 左指差し | 手 | 指 | 指差し |
6001 | Characters | People & Body | hand-single-finger | 👉 -name | backhand index pointing right |
右指差し |
6002 | Characters | People & Body | hand-single-finger | 👉 –keywords | backhand | finger | hand | index | point | pointing | right |
右 | 右指差し | 手 | 指 | 指差し |
6003 | Characters | People & Body | hand-single-finger | 👆 -name | backhand index pointing up |
手の甲上指差し |
6004 | Characters | People & Body | hand-single-finger | 👆 –keywords | backhand | finger | hand | index | point | pointing | up |
上 | 手 | 手の甲上指差し | 指 | 指差し |
6005 | Characters | People & Body | hand-single-finger | 🖕 -name | middle finger |
立てた中指 |
6006 | Characters | People & Body | hand-single-finger | 🖕 –keywords | finger | hand | middle |
上 | 中指 | 手 | 指 | 指差し | 立てた中指 |
6007 | Characters | People & Body | hand-single-finger | 👇 -name | backhand index pointing down |
下指差し |
6008 | Characters | People & Body | hand-single-finger | 👇 –keywords | backhand | down | finger | hand | index | point | pointing |
下 | 下指差し | 手 | 指 | 指差し |
6009 | Characters | People & Body | hand-single-finger | ☝ -name | index pointing up |
上指差し |
6010 | Characters | People & Body | hand-single-finger | ☝ –keywords | finger | hand | index | point | pointing | this | up |
上 | 上指差し | 手 | 指差し |
6011 | Characters | People & Body | hand-single-finger | 🫵 -name | index pointing at the viewer |
人を指差している手 |
6012 | Characters | People & Body | hand-single-finger | 🫵 –keywords | at | finger | hand | index | pointing | poke | viewer | you |
おまえだ | 人を指差している手 | 手 | 指 | 指差し | 指摘 |
6013 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-closed | 👍 -name | thumbs up |
サムズアップ |
6014 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-closed | 👍 –keywords | +1 | good | hand | like | thumb | up | yes |
OK | いいね | オーケー | オッケー | グッド | サムズアップ | 上 | 了解 | 手 | 親指 |
6015 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-closed | 👎 -name | thumbs down |
サムズダウン |
6016 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-closed | 👎 –keywords | -1 | bad | dislike | down | good | hand | no | nope | thumb | thumbs |
NG | サムズダウン | だめ | ブーイング | ボツ | 下 | 手 |
6017 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-closed | ✊ -name | raised fist |
げんこつ |
6018 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-closed | ✊ –keywords | clenched | fist | hand | punch | raised | solidarity |
グー | げんこつ | こぶし | 手 | 挙げたこぶし |
6019 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-closed | 👊 -name | oncoming fist |
グー |
6020 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-closed | 👊 –keywords | absolutely | agree | boom | bro | bruh | bump | clenched | correct | fist | hand | knuckle | oncoming | pound | punch | rock | ttyl |
グー | げんこつ | こぶし | パンチ | 手 |
6021 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-closed | 🤛 -name | left-facing fist |
左向きのこぶし |
6022 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-closed | 🤛 –keywords | fist | left-facing | leftwards |
こぶし | パンチ | 左 | 左向きのこぶし | 手 |
6023 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-closed | 🤜 -name | right-facing fist |
右向きのこぶし |
6024 | Characters | People & Body | hand-fingers-closed | 🤜 –keywords | fist | right-facing | rightwards |
こぶし | パンチ | 右 | 右向きのこぶし | 手 |
6025 | Characters | People & Body | hands | 👏 -name | clapping hands |
拍手 |
6026 | Characters | People & Body | hands | 👏 –keywords | applause | approval | awesome | clap | congrats | congratulations | excited | good | great | hand | homie | job | nice | prayed | well | yay |
おめでとう | パチパチ | 手 | 手を叩く | 拍手 |
6027 | Characters | People & Body | hands | 🙌 -name | raising hands |
バンザイ |
6028 | Characters | People & Body | hands | 🙌 –keywords | celebration | gesture | hand | hands | hooray | praise | raised | raising |
ジェスチャー | バンザイ | 両手 | 手 | 手を上げる |
6029 | Characters | People & Body | hands | 🫶 -name | heart hands |
ハート形の手 |
6030 | Characters | People & Body | hands | 🫶 –keywords | <3 | hands | heart | love | you |
ハート | ハートポーズ | ハート形の手 | ラブ | 両手ハート | 愛 | 手 |
6031 | Characters | People & Body | hands | 👐 -name | open hands |
両手のひら |
6032 | Characters | People & Body | hands | 👐 –keywords | hand | hands | hug | jazz | open | swerve |
おっはー | 両手のひら | 手 | 手のひら | 開いた両手 |
6033 | Characters | People & Body | hands | 🤲 -name | palms up together |
手のひらを揃えた両手 |
6034 | Characters | People & Body | hands | 🤲 –keywords | cupped | dua | hands | palms | pray | prayer | together | up | wish |
両手 | 包む手 | 手 | 手のひらを揃えた両手 | 祈り |
6035 | Characters | People & Body | hands | 🤝 -name | handshake |
握手 |
6036 | Characters | People & Body | hands | 🤝 –keywords | agreement | deal | hand | handshake | meeting | shake |
よろしく | 合意 | 契約成立 | 手 | 握手 |
6037 | Characters | People & Body | hands | 🙏 -name | folded hands |
祈り |
6038 | Characters | People & Body | hands | 🙏 –keywords | appreciate | ask | beg | blessed | bow | cmon | five | folded | gesture | hand | high | please | pray | thanks | thx |
ありがとう | お願い | ごめんなさい | ジェスチャー | ハイタッチ | 合掌 | 手 | 祈り |
6039 | Characters | People & Body | hand-prop | ✍ -name | writing hand |
書いている手 |
6040 | Characters | People & Body | hand-prop | ✍ –keywords | hand | write | writing |
手 | 手で書く | 手書き | 書いている手 |
6041 | Characters | People & Body | hand-prop | 💅 -name | nail polish |
マニキュアを塗る手 |
6042 | Characters | People & Body | hand-prop | 💅 –keywords | bored | care | cosmetics | done | makeup | manicure | nail | polish | whatever |
ネイル | マニキュア | マニキュアを塗る手 | 爪 |
6043 | Characters | People & Body | hand-prop | 🤳 -name | selfie |
セルフィー |
6044 | Characters | People & Body | hand-prop | 🤳 –keywords | camera | phone | selfie |
カメラ | スマホ | セルフィー | 自分撮り | 自撮り |
6045 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 💪 -name | flexed biceps |
力こぶ |
6046 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 💪 –keywords | arm | beast | bench | biceps | bodybuilder | bro | curls | flex | gains | gym | jacked | muscle | press | ripped | strong | weightlift |
ボディビル | ムキムキ | 力こぶ | 筋トレ | 筋肉 | 腕 |
6047 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 🦾 -name | mechanical arm |
義手 |
6048 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 🦾 –keywords | accessibility | arm | mechanical | prosthetic |
アクセシビリティ | 人工装具 | 手 | 義手 | 腕 |
6049 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 🦿 -name | mechanical leg |
義足 |
6050 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 🦿 –keywords | accessibility | leg | mechanical | prosthetic |
アクセシビリティ | 人工装具 | 義足 | 脚 | 足 |
6051 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 🦵 -name | leg |
脚 |
6052 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 🦵 –keywords | bent | foot | kick | knee | leg | limb |
キック | 曲げた脚 | 脚 | 膝 | 足 |
6053 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 🦶 -name | foot |
足 |
6054 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 🦶 –keywords | ankle | feet | foot | kick | stomp |
キック | くるぶし | ダンス | 足 | 足首 | 踏みつける |
6055 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 👂 -name | ear |
耳 |
6056 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 👂 –keywords | body | ear | ears | hear | hearing | listen | listening | sound |
からだ | 耳 | 聞き耳 | 聞く |
6057 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 🦻 -name | ear with hearing aid |
補聴器を付けた耳 |
6058 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 🦻 –keywords | accessibility | aid | ear | hard | hearing |
アクセシビリティ | 耳 | 聴覚 | 補聴器を付けた耳 | 難聴 |
6059 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 👃 -name | nose |
鼻 |
6060 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 👃 –keywords | body | nose | noses | nosey | odor | smell | smells |
からだ | 鼻 |
6061 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 🧠 -name | brain |
脳 |
6062 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 🧠 –keywords | brain | intelligent | smart |
知識 | 脳 | 脳みそ | 頭 |
6063 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 🫀 -name | anatomical heart |
心臓 |
6064 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 🫀 –keywords | anatomical | beat | cardiology | heart | heartbeat | organ | pulse | real | red |
心拍 | 心臓 | 脈 | 臓器 | 鼓動 |
6065 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 🫁 -name | lungs |
肺 |
6066 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 🫁 –keywords | breath | breathe | exhalation | inhalation | lung | lungs | organ | respiration |
呼吸 | 肺 | 臓器 |
6067 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 🦷 -name | tooth |
歯 |
6068 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 🦷 –keywords | dentist | pearly | teeth | tooth | white |
歯 | 歯医者 | 白い歯 |
6069 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 🦴 -name | bone |
骨 |
6070 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 🦴 –keywords | bone | bones | dog | skeleton | wishbone |
犬 | 骨 | 骨格 |
6071 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 👀 -name | eyes |
目 |
6072 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 👀 –keywords | body | eye | eyes | face | googly | look | looking | omg | peep | see | seeing |
からだ | 両目 | 動く目玉 | 目 |
6073 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 👁 -name | eye |
片目 |
6074 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 👁 –keywords | 1 | body | eye | one |
からだ | 一つ目 | 片目 | 目 |
6075 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 👅 -name | tongue |
舌 |
6076 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 👅 –keywords | body | lick | slurp | tongue |
からだ | べー | べろ | 舌 |
6077 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 👄 -name | mouth |
口 |
6078 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 👄 –keywords | beauty | body | kiss | kissing | lips | lipstick | mouth |
からだ | キス | 口 | 唇 |
6079 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 🫦 -name | biting lip |
唇を咬んでいる口 |
6080 | Characters | People & Body | body-parts | 🫦 –keywords | anxious | bite | biting | fear | flirt | flirting | kiss | lip | lipstick | nervous | sexy | uncomfortable | worried | worry |
セクシー | チッ | 口 | 口惜しさ | 唇 | 唇を咬んでいる口 | 悔しい | 誘惑 |
6081 | Characters | People & Body | person | 👶 -name | baby |
赤ん坊 |
6082 | Characters | People & Body | person | 👶 –keywords | babies | baby | children | goo | infant | newborn | pregnant | young |
ベビー | 子供 | 新生児 | 赤ちゃん | 赤ん坊 | 顔 |
6083 | Characters | People & Body | person | 🧒 -name | child |
子供 |
6084 | Characters | People & Body | person | 🧒 –keywords | bright-eyed | child | grandchild | kid | young | younger |
キッズ | 中性的 | 子ども | 子供 | 顔 |
6085 | Characters | People & Body | person | 👦 -name | boy |
男の子 |
6086 | Characters | People & Body | person | 👦 –keywords | boy | bright-eyed | child | grandson | kid | son | young | younger |
子供 | 少年 | 男の子 | 顔 |
6087 | Characters | People & Body | person | 👧 -name | girl |
女の子 |
6088 | Characters | People & Body | person | 👧 –keywords | bright-eyed | child | daughter | girl | granddaughter | kid | Virgo | young | younger | zodiac |
おさげ | 女 | 女の子 | 娘 | 子供 | 少女 | 顔 |
6089 | Characters | People & Body | person | 🧑 -name | person |
大人 |
6090 | Characters | People & Body | person | 🧑 –keywords | adult | person |
中性的 | 大人 | 成人 | 顔 |
6091 | Characters | People & Body | person | 👱 -name | person: blond hair |
金髪の人 |
6092 | Characters | People & Body | person | 👱 –keywords | blond | blond-haired | human | person |
ブロンド | 人 | 人間 | 金髪 | 金髪の人 | 顔 |
6093 | Characters | People & Body | person | 👨 -name | man |
男性 |
6094 | Characters | People & Body | person | 👨 –keywords | adult | bro | man |
大人 | 男 | 男性 | 顔 |
6095 | Characters | People & Body | person | 🧔 -name | person: beard |
あごひげの人 |
6096 | Characters | People & Body | person | 🧔 –keywords | beard | bearded | person | whiskers |
あごひげ | あごひげの人 | ひげ | 人 | 顔 |
6097 | Characters | People & Body | person | 🧔♂ -name | man: beard |
あごひげの男性 |
6098 | Characters | People & Body | person | 🧔♂ –keywords | beard | bearded | man | whiskers |
あごひげ | あごひげの男性 | ひげ | 男 | 顔 |
6099 | Characters | People & Body | person | 🧔♀ -name | woman: beard |
あごひげの女性 |
6100 | Characters | People & Body | person | 🧔♀ –keywords | beard | bearded | whiskers | woman |
あごひげ | あごひげの女性 | ひげ | 女 | 顔 |
6101 | Characters | People & Body | person | 👩 -name | woman |
女性 |
6102 | Characters | People & Body | person | 👩 –keywords | adult | lady | woman |
ブロンド | 大人 | 女 | 女性 | 金髪 | 顔 |
6103 | Characters | People & Body | person | 👱♀ -name | woman: blond hair |
金髪の女性 |
6104 | Characters | People & Body | person | 👱♀ –keywords | blond | blond-haired | blonde | hair | woman |
ブロンド | 女 | 女性 | 金髪 | 金髪の女性 |
6105 | Characters | People & Body | person | 👱♂ -name | man: blond hair |
金髪の男性 |
6106 | Characters | People & Body | person | 👱♂ –keywords | blond | blond-haired | hair | man |
ブロンド | 男 | 男性 | 金髪 | 金髪の男性 |
6107 | Characters | People & Body | person | 🧓 -name | older person |
お年寄り |
6108 | Characters | People & Body | person | 🧓 –keywords | adult | elderly | grandparent | old | person | wise |
お年寄り | 中性的 | 大人 | 老人 | 顔 | 高齢者 |
6109 | Characters | People & Body | person | 👴 -name | old man |
おじいさん |
6110 | Characters | People & Body | person | 👴 –keywords | adult | bald | elderly | gramps | grandfather | grandpa | man | old | wise |
おじいさん | おじいちゃん | お年寄り | 男性 | 老人 | 薄毛 | 顔 | 高齢者 |
6111 | Characters | People & Body | person | 👵 -name | old woman |
おばあさん |
6112 | Characters | People & Body | person | 👵 –keywords | adult | elderly | grandma | grandmother | granny | lady | old | wise | woman |
おばあさん | おばあちゃん | お年寄り | ブロンド | 女性 | 老人 | 金髪 | 顔 | 高齢者 |
6113 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙍 -name | person frowning |
しかめ面の人 |
6114 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙍 –keywords | annoyed | disappointed | disgruntled | disturbed | frown | frowning | frustrated | gesture | irritated | person | upset |
しかめっ面 | しかめ面の人 | しかめ顔 | むっとしている人 | 不満 | 失望 |
6115 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙍♂ -name | man frowning |
しかめ面の男 |
6116 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙍♂ –keywords | annoyed | disappointed | disgruntled | disturbed | frown | frowning | frustrated | gesture | irritated | man | upset |
しかめっ面 | しかめ面の男 | しかめ顔 | むっとしている男 | 男 | 男性 |
6117 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙍♀ -name | woman frowning |
しかめ面の女 |
6118 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙍♀ –keywords | annoyed | disappointed | disgruntled | disturbed | frown | frowning | frustrated | gesture | irritated | upset | woman |
しかめっ面 | しかめ面の女 | しかめ顔 | 女 | 女性 |
6119 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙎 -name | person pouting |
不機嫌な人 |
6120 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙎 –keywords | disappointed | downtrodden | frown | grimace | person | pouting | scowl | sulk | upset | whine |
ふくれる | ぷんぷん | 不機嫌 | 不機嫌な人 | 口を尖らせた人 | 険しい表情 |
6121 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙎♂ -name | man pouting |
不機嫌な男 |
6122 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙎♂ –keywords | disappointed | downtrodden | frown | grimace | man | pouting | scowl | sulk | upset | whine |
ぷんぷん | 不機嫌 | 不機嫌な男 | 口を尖らせた男 | 男 | 男性 |
6123 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙎♀ -name | woman pouting |
不機嫌な女 |
6124 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙎♀ –keywords | disappointed | downtrodden | frown | grimace | pouting | scowl | sulk | upset | whine | woman |
ぷんぷん | 不機嫌 | 不機嫌な女 | 女 | 女性 |
6125 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙅 -name | person gesturing NO |
ダメのポーズをする人 |
6126 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙅 –keywords | forbidden | gesture | hand | NO | not | person | prohibit |
NG | お断り | ジェスチャー | だめ | ダメのポーズをする人 | バツ | 人 | 禁止 | 禁止された | 除外 |
6127 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙅♂ -name | man gesturing NO |
ダメのポーズをする男 |
6128 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙅♂ –keywords | forbidden | gesture | hand | man | NO | not | prohibit |
NG | ジェスチャー | ダメのポーズをする男 | バツ | 男 | 男性 | 禁止 |
6129 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙅♀ -name | woman gesturing NO |
ダメのポーズをする女 |
6130 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙅♀ –keywords | forbidden | gesture | hand | NO | not | prohibit | woman |
NG | ジェスチャー | ダメのポーズをする女 | バツ | 女 | 女性 |
6131 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙆 -name | person gesturing OK |
OKのポーズをする人 |
6132 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙆 –keywords | exercise | gesture | gesturing | hand | OK | omg | person |
OK | OKのポーズをする人 | エクササイズ | オーケー | ジェスチャー | びっくり | 丸 | 人 | 手 |
6133 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙆♂ -name | man gesturing OK |
OKのポーズをする男 |
6134 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙆♂ –keywords | exercise | gesture | gesturing | hand | man | OK | omg |
OK | OKのポーズをする男 | オーケー | オッケー | ジェスチャー | 丸 | 男 | 男性 |
6135 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙆♀ -name | woman gesturing OK |
OKのポーズをする女 |
6136 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙆♀ –keywords | exercise | gesture | gesturing | hand | OK | omg | woman |
OKのポーズをする女 | オーケー | オッケー | ジェスチャー | 丸 | 女性 |
6137 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 💁 -name | person tipping hand |
案内する人 |
6138 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 💁 –keywords | fetch | flick | flip | gossip | hand | person | sarcasm | sarcastic | sassy | seriously | tipping | whatever |
ゴシップ | ジェスチャー | 受付 | 受付嬢 | 手を返している人 | 案内 | 案内する人 | 案内する女 | 髪をかき上げる | 髪を振り払う |
6139 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 💁♂ -name | man tipping hand |
案内する男 |
6140 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 💁♂ –keywords | fetch | flick | flip | gossip | hand | man | sarcasm | sarcastic | sassy | seriously | tipping | whatever |
ジェスチャー | 案内 | 案内する男 | 男 | 男性 |
6141 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 💁♀ -name | woman tipping hand |
案内する女 |
6142 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 💁♀ –keywords | fetch | flick | flip | gossip | hand | sarcasm | sarcastic | sassy | seriously | tipping | whatever | woman |
ジェスチャー | 女 | 女性 | 案内 | 案内する女 |
6143 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙋 -name | person raising hand |
手を挙げる人 |
6144 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙋 –keywords | gesture | hand | here | know | me | person | pick | question | raise | raising |
ジェスチャー | 人 | 分かった | 手 | 手を挙げる | 手を挙げる人 | 挙手 | 質問 |
6145 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙋♂ -name | man raising hand |
手を挙げる男 |
6146 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙋♂ –keywords | gesture | hand | here | know | man | me | pick | question | raise | raising |
手を挙げる | 手を挙げる男 | 挙手 | 男 | 男性 |
6147 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙋♀ -name | woman raising hand |
手を挙げる女 |
6148 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙋♀ –keywords | gesture | hand | here | know | me | pick | question | raise | raising | woman |
女 | 女性 | 手を挙げる | 手を挙げる女 | 挙手 |
6149 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🧏 -name | deaf person |
耳の不自由な人 |
6150 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🧏 –keywords | accessibility | deaf | ear | gesture | hear | person |
アクセシビリティ | 人 | 耳の不自由な人 | 聞こえない | 聴覚 | 障がい |
6151 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🧏♂ -name | deaf man |
耳の不自由な男性 |
6152 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🧏♂ –keywords | accessibility | deaf | ear | gesture | hear | man |
アクセシビリティ | 男性 | 耳の不自由な男性 | 聴覚 | 障がい |
6153 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🧏♀ -name | deaf woman |
耳の不自由な女性 |
6154 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🧏♀ –keywords | accessibility | deaf | ear | gesture | hear | woman |
アクセシビリティ | 女性 | 耳の不自由な女性 | 聴覚 | 障がい |
6155 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙇 -name | person bowing |
おじぎする人 |
6156 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙇 –keywords | apology | ask | beg | bow | bowing | favor | forgive | gesture | meditate | meditation | person | pity | regret | sorry |
おじぎ | おじぎする人 | お願い | ごめんなさい | ジェスチャー | 土下座 | 許して | 謝罪 |
6157 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙇♂ -name | man bowing |
おじぎする男 |
6158 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙇♂ –keywords | apology | ask | beg | bow | bowing | favor | forgive | gesture | man | meditate | meditation | pity | regret | sorry |
おじぎ | おじぎする男 | ごめんなさい | 土下座 | 男 | 男性 |
6159 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙇♀ -name | woman bowing |
おじぎする女 |
6160 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🙇♀ –keywords | apology | ask | beg | bow | bowing | favor | forgive | gesture | meditate | meditation | pity | regret | sorry | woman |
おじぎ | おじぎする女 | ごめんなさい | 土下座 | 女 | 女性 |
6161 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🤦 -name | person facepalming |
ひたいに手をあてる人 |
6162 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🤦 –keywords | again | bewilder | disbelief | exasperation | facepalm | no | not | oh | omg | person | shock | smh |
あちゃー | うそでしょ | ジェスチャー | ショック | ひたいに手 | ひたいに手をあてる人 | またか | 人 | 信じられない |
6163 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🤦♂ -name | man facepalming |
ひたいに手をあてる男 |
6164 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🤦♂ –keywords | again | bewilder | disbelief | exasperation | facepalm | man | no | not | oh | omg | shock | smh |
あちゃー | うそでしょ | ジェスチャー | ショック | ひたいに手 | ひたいに手をあてる男 | またか | 信じられない | 男 | 男性 |
6165 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🤦♀ -name | woman facepalming |
ひたいに手をあてる女 |
6166 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🤦♀ –keywords | again | bewilder | disbelief | exasperation | facepalm | no | not | oh | omg | shock | smh | woman |
あちゃー | うそでしょ | ジェスチャー | ショック | ひたいに手 | ひたいに手をあてる女 | またか | 信じられない | 女 | 女性 |
6167 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🤷 -name | person shrugging |
お手上げする人 |
6168 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🤷 –keywords | doubt | dunno | guess | idk | ignorance | indifference | knows | maybe | person | shrug | shrugging | whatever | who |
お手上げ | お手上げする人 | さあね | ジェスチャー | わかりません | 人 | 多分ね | 知らない | 肩をすくめる |
6169 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🤷♂ -name | man shrugging |
お手上げする男 |
6170 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🤷♂ –keywords | doubt | dunno | guess | idk | ignorance | indifference | knows | man | maybe | shrug | shrugging | whatever | who |
お手上げ | お手上げする男 | さあね | ジェスチャー | わかりません | 多分ね | 男 | 男性 | 知らない | 肩をすくめる |
6171 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🤷♀ -name | woman shrugging |
お手上げする女 |
6172 | Characters | People & Body | person-gesture | 🤷♀ –keywords | doubt | dunno | guess | idk | ignorance | indifference | knows | maybe | shrug | shrugging | whatever | who | woman |
お手上げ | お手上げする女 | さあね | ジェスチャー | わかりません | 多分ね | 女 | 女性 | 知らない | 肩をすくめる |
6173 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑⚕ -name | health worker |
医者 |
6174 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑⚕ –keywords | doctor | health | healthcare | nurse | therapist | worker |
セラピスト | 医師 | 医者 |
6175 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨⚕ -name | man health worker |
男性の医者 |
6176 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨⚕ –keywords | doctor | health | healthcare | man | nurse | therapist | worker |
セラピスト | ドクター | 医師 | 医者 | 男 | 男性 | 男性の医者 |
6177 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩⚕ -name | woman health worker |
女性の医者 |
6178 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩⚕ –keywords | doctor | health | healthcare | nurse | therapist | woman | worker |
セラピスト | ドクター | 医師 | 医者 | 女 | 女医 | 女性 | 女性の医者 |
6179 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑🎓 -name | student |
学生 |
6180 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑🎓 –keywords | graduate | student |
卒業 | 学生 | 角帽 |
6181 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨🎓 -name | man student |
男子学生 |
6182 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨🎓 –keywords | graduate | man | student |
卒業 | 学生 | 男 | 男子学生 | 男性 | 角帽 |
6183 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩🎓 -name | woman student |
女子学生 |
6184 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩🎓 –keywords | graduate | student | woman |
卒業 | 女 | 女子学生 | 女性 | 学生 | 角帽 |
6185 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑🏫 -name | teacher |
教師 |
6186 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑🏫 –keywords | instructor | lecturer | professor | teacher |
先生 | 担任 | 教師 | 教授 | 講師 |
6187 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨🏫 -name | man teacher |
男性の教師 |
6188 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨🏫 –keywords | instructor | lecturer | man | professor | teacher |
先生 | 教師 | 教授 | 男 | 男性 | 男性の教師 | 講師 |
6189 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩🏫 -name | woman teacher |
女性の教師 |
6190 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩🏫 –keywords | instructor | lecturer | professor | teacher | woman |
先生 | 女 | 女性 | 女性の教師 | 教師 | 教授 | 講師 |
6191 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑⚖ -name | judge |
裁判官 |
6192 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑⚖ –keywords | judge | justice | law | scales |
裁判 | 裁判官 |
6193 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨⚖ -name | man judge |
男性の裁判官 |
6194 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨⚖ –keywords | judge | justice | law | man | scales |
男 | 男性 | 男性の裁判官 | 裁判 | 裁判官 |
6195 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩⚖ -name | woman judge |
女性の裁判官 |
6196 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩⚖ –keywords | judge | justice | law | scales | woman |
女 | 女性 | 女性の裁判官 | 裁判 | 裁判官 |
6197 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑🌾 -name | farmer |
農家 |
6198 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑🌾 –keywords | farmer | gardener | rancher |
ガーデナー | 農場主 | 農家 | 農業 |
6199 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨🌾 -name | man farmer |
農家の男性 |
6200 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨🌾 –keywords | farmer | gardener | man | rancher |
男 | 男性 | 農夫 | 農家 | 農家の男性 |
6201 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩🌾 -name | woman farmer |
農家の女性 |
6202 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩🌾 –keywords | farmer | gardener | rancher | woman |
女 | 女性 | 農家 | 農家の女性 |
6203 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑🍳 -name | cook |
コック |
6204 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑🍳 –keywords | chef | cook |
コック | シェフ | 料理 |
6205 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨🍳 -name | man cook |
男性のコック |
6206 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨🍳 –keywords | chef | cook | man |
コック | シェフ | 料理 | 料理人 | 男 | 男性 | 男性のコック |
6207 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩🍳 -name | woman cook |
女性のコック |
6208 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩🍳 –keywords | chef | cook | woman |
コック | シェフ | 女 | 女性 | 女性のコック | 料理 | 料理人 |
6209 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑🔧 -name | mechanic |
整備士 |
6210 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑🔧 –keywords | electrician | mechanic | plumber | tradesperson |
スパナ | メカニック | 作業員 | 工作 | 整備士 |
6211 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨🔧 -name | man mechanic |
男性の整備士 |
6212 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨🔧 –keywords | electrician | man | mechanic | plumber | tradesperson |
スパナ | メカニック | 工作 | 男 | 男性 | 男性の整備士 | 配管工 | 電気工 |
6213 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩🔧 -name | woman mechanic |
女性の整備士 |
6214 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩🔧 –keywords | electrician | mechanic | plumber | tradesperson | woman |
スパナ | メカニック | 女 | 女性 | 女性の整備士 | 工作 | 配管工 | 電気工 |
6215 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑🏭 -name | factory worker |
溶接工 |
6216 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑🏭 –keywords | assembly | factory | industrial | worker |
モノづくり | 工員 | 工場 | 溶接工 |
6217 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨🏭 -name | man factory worker |
男性の溶接工 |
6218 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨🏭 –keywords | assembly | factory | industrial | man | worker |
工員 | 溶接 | 男 | 男性 | 男性の溶接工 |
6219 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩🏭 -name | woman factory worker |
女性の溶接工 |
6220 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩🏭 –keywords | assembly | factory | industrial | woman | worker |
女 | 女性 | 女性の溶接工 | 工員 | 溶接 |
6221 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑💼 -name | office worker |
会社員 |
6222 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑💼 –keywords | architect | business | manager | office | white-collar | worker |
サラリーマン | ビジネスパーソン | 会社員 |
6223 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨💼 -name | man office worker |
男性会社員 |
6224 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨💼 –keywords | architect | business | man | manager | office | white-collar | worker |
サラリーマン | ビジネスパーソン | ビジネスマン | 会社員 | 男性 | 男性会社員 |
6225 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩💼 -name | woman office worker |
女性会社員 |
6226 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩💼 –keywords | architect | business | manager | office | white-collar | woman | worker |
OL | サラリーマン | ビジネスパーソン | 会社員 | 女 | 女性 | 女性会社員 |
6227 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑🔬 -name | scientist |
科学者 |
6228 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑🔬 –keywords | biologist | chemist | engineer | mathematician | physicist | scientist |
化学者 | 物理学者 | 生物学者 | 科学者 |
6229 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨🔬 -name | man scientist |
男性科学者 |
6230 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨🔬 –keywords | biologist | chemist | engineer | man | mathematician | physicist | scientist |
男 | 男性 | 男性科学者 | 科学者 |
6231 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩🔬 -name | woman scientist |
女性科学者 |
6232 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩🔬 –keywords | biologist | chemist | engineer | mathematician | physicist | scientist | woman |
女 | 女性 | 女性科学者 | 科学者 |
6233 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑💻 -name | technologist |
技術者 |
6234 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑💻 –keywords | coder | computer | developer | inventor | software | technologist |
コンピュータ | パソコン | プログラマ | 技術者 | 開発者 |
6235 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨💻 -name | man technologist |
男性技術者 |
6236 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨💻 –keywords | coder | computer | developer | inventor | man | software | technologist |
コンピュータ | デベロッパ | パソコン | プログラマ | プログラマー | 男 | 男性 | 男性技術者 | 開発者 |
6237 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩💻 -name | woman technologist |
女性技術者 |
6238 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩💻 –keywords | coder | computer | developer | inventor | software | technologist | woman |
コンピュータ | デベロッパ | パソコン | プログラマ | プログラマー | 女 | 女性 | 女性技術者 | 開発者 |
6239 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑🎤 -name | singer |
歌手 |
6240 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑🎤 –keywords | actor | entertainer | rock | rockstar | singer | star |
アーティスト | シンガー | スター | ロッカー | 歌手 |
6241 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨🎤 -name | man singer |
男性歌手 |
6242 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨🎤 –keywords | actor | entertainer | man | rock | rockstar | singer | star |
アーティスト | エンターテイナー | シンガー | スター | ロックスター | 俳優 | 歌手 | 男 | 男性 | 男性歌手 |
6243 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩🎤 -name | woman singer |
女性歌手 |
6244 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩🎤 –keywords | actor | entertainer | rock | rockstar | singer | star | woman |
アーティスト | エンターテイナー | シンガー | スター | ロックスター | 俳優 | 女 | 女性 | 女性歌手 | 歌手 |
6245 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑🎨 -name | artist |
芸術家 |
6246 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑🎨 –keywords | artist | palette |
アーティスト | 画家 | 絵描き | 芸術家 |
6247 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨🎨 -name | man artist |
男性の芸術家 |
6248 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨🎨 –keywords | artist | man | palette |
アーティスト | 男 | 男性 | 男性の芸術家 | 画家 | 芸術家 |
6249 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩🎨 -name | woman artist |
女性の芸術家 |
6250 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩🎨 –keywords | artist | palette | woman |
アーティスト | パレット | 女 | 女性 | 女性の芸術家 | 画家 | 芸術家 |
6251 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑✈ -name | pilot |
パイロット |
6252 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑✈ –keywords | pilot | plane |
パイロット | 操縦士 | 機長 |
6253 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨✈ -name | man pilot |
男性パイロット |
6254 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨✈ –keywords | man | pilot | plane |
パイロット | 操縦士 | 男 | 男性 | 男性パイロット |
6255 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩✈ -name | woman pilot |
女性パイロット |
6256 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩✈ –keywords | pilot | plane | woman |
女 | 女性 | 女性パイロット | 操縦士 |
6257 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑🚀 -name | astronaut |
宇宙飛行士 |
6258 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑🚀 –keywords | astronaut | rocket | space |
ロケット | 宇宙飛行士 |
6259 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨🚀 -name | man astronaut |
男性宇宙飛行士 |
6260 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨🚀 –keywords | astronaut | man | rocket | space |
宇宙飛行士 | 男 | 男性 | 男性宇宙飛行士 |
6261 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩🚀 -name | woman astronaut |
女性宇宙飛行士 |
6262 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩🚀 –keywords | astronaut | rocket | space | woman |
女 | 女性 | 女性宇宙飛行士 | 宇宙飛行士 |
6263 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑🚒 -name | firefighter |
消防士 |
6264 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑🚒 –keywords | fire | firefighter | firetruck |
レスキュー | 救助隊 | 消防士 |
6265 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨🚒 -name | man firefighter |
男性消防士 |
6266 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨🚒 –keywords | fire | firefighter | firetruck | man |
消防士 | 男 | 男性 | 男性消防士 |
6267 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩🚒 -name | woman firefighter |
女性消防士 |
6268 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩🚒 –keywords | fire | firefighter | firetruck | woman |
女 | 女性 | 女性消防士 | 消防士 |
6269 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👮 -name | police officer |
警察官 |
6270 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👮 –keywords | apprehend | arrest | citation | cop | law | officer | over | police | pulled | undercover |
お巡りさん | 警官 | 警察 | 警察官 | 逮捕する |
6271 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👮♂ -name | man police officer |
男性警察官 |
6272 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👮♂ –keywords | apprehend | arrest | citation | cop | law | man | officer | over | police | pulled | undercover |
お巡りさん | 男性 | 男性警察官 | 警官 | 警察 | 警察官 |
6273 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👮♀ -name | woman police officer |
女性警察官 |
6274 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👮♀ –keywords | apprehend | arrest | citation | cop | law | officer | over | police | pulled | undercover | woman |
お巡りさん | 女性 | 女性警察官 | 警官 | 警察 | 警察官 |
6275 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🕵 -name | detective |
探偵 |
6276 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🕵 –keywords | detective | sleuth | spy |
スパイ | 探偵 | 男 | 男性 | 私立探偵 | 虫めがね |
6277 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🕵♂ -name | man detective |
男性の探偵 |
6278 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🕵♂ –keywords | detective | man | sleuth | spy |
探偵 | 男 | 男性 | 男性の探偵 | 虫めがね |
6279 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🕵♀ -name | woman detective |
女性の探偵 |
6280 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🕵♀ –keywords | detective | sleuth | spy | woman |
女 | 女性 | 女性の探偵 | 探偵 | 私立探偵 | 虫めがね |
6281 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 💂 -name | guard |
衛兵 |
6282 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 💂 –keywords | buckingham | guard | helmet | london | palace |
守衛 | 衛兵 | 警備 | 門番 |
6283 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 💂♂ -name | man guard |
男性の衛兵 |
6284 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 💂♂ –keywords | buckingham | guard | helmet | london | man | palace |
守衛 | 男性 | 男性の衛兵 | 衛兵 | 警備 | 門番 |
6285 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 💂♀ -name | woman guard |
女性の衛兵 |
6286 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 💂♀ –keywords | buckingham | guard | helmet | london | palace | woman |
女性 | 女性の衛兵 | 守衛 | 衛兵 | 警備 | 門番 |
6287 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🥷 -name | ninja |
忍者 |
6288 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🥷 –keywords | assassin | fight | fighter | hidden | ninja | person | secret | skills | sly | soldier | stealth | war |
スパイ | 人 | 忍び | 忍者 | 忍術 | 草の者 | 隠密 |
6289 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👷 -name | construction worker |
建設作業員 |
6290 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👷 –keywords | build | construction | fix | hardhat | hat | man | person | rebuild | remodel | repair | work | worker |
ハンマー | ヘルメット | 作業員 | 工事 | 建設 |
6291 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👷♂ -name | man construction worker |
男性の建設作業員 |
6292 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👷♂ –keywords | build | construction | fix | hardhat | hat | man | rebuild | remodel | repair | work | worker |
ハンマー | ヘルメット | 作業員 | 工事 | 建設 | 男 | 男性 | 男性の建設作業員 |
6293 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👷♀ -name | woman construction worker |
女性の建設作業員 |
6294 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👷♀ –keywords | build | construction | fix | hardhat | hat | man | rebuild | remodel | repair | woman | work | worker |
ハンマー | ヘルメット | 作業員 | 女 | 女性 | 女性の建設作業員 | 工事 | 建設 |
6295 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🫅 -name | person with crown |
王冠をかぶった人 |
6296 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🫅 –keywords | crown | monarch | noble | person | regal | royal | royalty |
君主 | 国王 | 女王 | 王 | 王冠をかぶった人 | 王家 | 王族 | 王様 |
6297 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🤴 -name | prince |
プリンス |
6298 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🤴 –keywords | crown | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | king | prince | royal | royalty | tale |
プリンス | 王子 | 王族 | 男 | 男性 |
6299 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👸 -name | princess |
プリンセス |
6300 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👸 –keywords | crown | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | princess | queen | royal | royalty | tale |
お姫さま | クイーン | プリンセス | 冠 | 女 | 女性 | 女王 | 王女 | 王妃 |
6301 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👳 -name | person wearing turban |
ターバンの人 |
6302 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👳 –keywords | person | turban | wearing |
ターバン | ターバンの人 | 帽子 |
6303 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👳♂ -name | man wearing turban |
ターバンの男性 |
6304 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👳♂ –keywords | man | turban | wearing |
ターバン | ターバンの男性 | 男 | 男性 |
6305 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👳♀ -name | woman wearing turban |
ターバンの女性 |
6306 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👳♀ –keywords | turban | wearing | woman |
ターバン | ターバンの女性 | 女 | 女性 |
6307 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👲 -name | person with skullcap |
中華帽の男性 |
6308 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👲 –keywords | cap | Chinese | gua | guapi | hat | mao | person | pi | skullcap |
おわん帽 | 中華帽の男性 | 男 | 男性 |
6309 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧕 -name | woman with headscarf |
スカーフの女性 |
6310 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧕 –keywords | bandana | head | headscarf | hijab | kerchief | mantilla | tichel | woman |
スカーフ | スカーフの女性 | ヒジャブ | ベール | 女 | 女性 |
6311 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🤵 -name | person in tuxedo |
タキシードの人 |
6312 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🤵 –keywords | formal | person | tuxedo | wedding |
タキシード | タキシードの人 | フォーマル | 人 | 正装 | 結婚 |
6313 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🤵♂ -name | man in tuxedo |
タキシードの男性 |
6314 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🤵♂ –keywords | formal | groom | man | tuxedo | wedding |
タキシード | タキシードの男 | タキシードの男性 | 男 | 男性 |
6315 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🤵♀ -name | woman in tuxedo |
タキシードの女性 |
6316 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🤵♀ –keywords | formal | tuxedo | wedding | woman |
タキシード | タキシードの女 | タキシードの女性 | 女 | 女性 |
6317 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👰 -name | person with veil |
ベールの人 |
6318 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👰 –keywords | person | veil | wedding |
ウェディング | ベール | ベールの人 | 人 | 結婚 | 顔 |
6319 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👰♂ -name | man with veil |
ベールの男性 |
6320 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👰♂ –keywords | man | veil | wedding |
ベール | ベールの男性 | 男 | 男性 |
6321 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👰♀ -name | woman with veil |
ベールの女性 |
6322 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👰♀ –keywords | bride | veil | wedding | woman |
ベール | ベールの女性 | 女 | 女性 |
6323 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🤰 -name | pregnant woman |
妊婦 |
6324 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🤰 –keywords | pregnant | woman |
女 | 女性 | 妊娠 | 妊婦 |
6325 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🫃 -name | pregnant man |
妊夫 |
6326 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🫃 –keywords | belly | bloated | full | man | overeat | pregnant |
妊夫 | 妊娠 | 妊娠した人 | 男 | 男性 | 食べ過ぎ |
6327 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🫄 -name | pregnant person |
妊娠した人 |
6328 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🫄 –keywords | belly | bloated | full | overeat | person | pregnant | stuffed |
お腹 | 妊夫 | 妊娠 | 妊娠した人 | 妊婦 | 食べ過ぎ |
6329 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🤱 -name | breast-feeding |
授乳 |
6330 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🤱 –keywords | baby | breast | breast-feeding | feeding | mom | mother | nursing | woman |
ミルク | 女 | 女性 | 授乳 | 赤ちゃん |
6331 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩🍼 -name | woman feeding baby |
授乳する女性 |
6332 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👩🍼 –keywords | baby | feed | feeding | mom | mother | nanny | newborn | nursing | woman |
ママ | 人 | 女 | 女性 | 授乳 | 授乳する女性 | 新生児 | 母親 | 赤ちゃん |
6333 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨🍼 -name | man feeding baby |
授乳する男性 |
6334 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 👨🍼 –keywords | baby | dad | father | feed | feeding | man | nanny | newborn | nursing |
パパ | 人 | 授乳 | 授乳する男性 | 新生児 | 父親 | 男 | 男性 | 赤ちゃん |
6335 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑🍼 -name | person feeding baby |
授乳する人 |
6336 | Characters | People & Body | person-role | 🧑🍼 –keywords | baby | feed | feeding | nanny | newborn | nursing | parent |
人 | 授乳 | 授乳する人 | 新生児 | 母親 | 父親 | 赤ちゃん |
6337 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 👼 -name | baby angel |
天使 |
6338 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 👼 –keywords | angel | baby | church | face | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | tale |
エンジェル | エンゼル | 天使 | 赤ちゃん天使 | 顔 |
6339 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🎅 -name | Santa Claus |
サンタ |
6340 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🎅 –keywords | celebration | Christmas | claus | fairy | fantasy | father | holiday | merry | santa | tale | xmas |
クリスマス | サンタ | サンタクロース | 顔 |
6341 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🤶 -name | Mrs. Claus |
女性のサンタ |
6342 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🤶 –keywords | celebration | Christmas | claus | fairy | fantasy | holiday | merry | mother | Mrs | santa | tale | xmas |
クリスマス | サンタクロース | 女 | 女性 | 女性のサンタ |
6343 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧑🎄 -name | Mx Claus |
サンタさん |
6344 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧑🎄 –keywords | celebration | Christmas | claus | fairy | fantasy | holiday | merry | Mx | santa | tale | xmas |
クリスマス | サンタ | サンタクロース | サンタさん | 人 | 帽子 |
6345 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🦸 -name | superhero |
スーパーヒーロー |
6346 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🦸 –keywords | good | hero | superhero | superpower |
スーパーヒーロー | スーパーマン | ヒーロー | ヒロイン | 善 | 巨大勢力 | 超人 |
6347 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🦸♂ -name | man superhero |
男性のスーパーヒーロー |
6348 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🦸♂ –keywords | good | hero | man | superhero | superpower |
ヒーロー | 善 | 男性 | 男性のスーパーヒーロー | 超人 |
6349 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🦸♀ -name | woman superhero |
女性のスーパーヒーロー |
6350 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🦸♀ –keywords | good | hero | heroine | superhero | superpower | woman |
ヒーロー | ヒロイン | 善 | 女性 | 女性のスーパーヒーロー | 超人 |
6351 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🦹 -name | supervillain |
悪役 |
6352 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🦹 –keywords | bad | criminal | evil | superpower | supervillain | villain |
ヴィラン | 人 | 悪 | 悪い人 | 悪人 | 悪役 | 悪玉 | 犯人 | 犯罪者 | 超悪玉 |
6353 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🦹♂ -name | man supervillain |
男性の悪役 |
6354 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🦹♂ –keywords | bad | criminal | evil | man | superpower | supervillain | villain |
ヴィラン | 悪 | 犯人 | 男性 | 男性の悪役 | 超人 |
6355 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🦹♀ -name | woman supervillain |
女性の悪役 |
6356 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🦹♀ –keywords | bad | criminal | evil | superpower | supervillain | villain | woman |
ヴィラン | 女性 | 女性の悪役 | 悪 | 犯人 | 超人 |
6357 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧙 -name | mage |
魔法使い |
6358 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧙 –keywords | fantasy | mage | magic | play | sorcerer | sorceress | sorcery | spell | summon | witch | wizard |
ファンタジー | ロールプレイ | 召喚 | 呪文 | 魔女 | 魔法 | 魔法使い | 魔術師 |
6359 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧙♂ -name | man mage |
男の魔法使い |
6360 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧙♂ –keywords | fantasy | mage | magic | man | play | sorcerer | sorceress | sorcery | spell | summon | witch | wizard |
男 | 男の魔法使い | 男性 | 魔法使い |
6361 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧙♀ -name | woman mage |
女の魔法使い |
6362 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧙♀ –keywords | fantasy | mage | magic | play | sorcerer | sorceress | sorcery | spell | summon | witch | wizard | woman |
女 | 女の魔法使い | 女性 | 魔女 | 魔法使い |
6363 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧚 -name | fairy |
妖精 |
6364 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧚 –keywords | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | myth | person | pixie | tale | wings |
おとぎ話 | オベロン | パック | ファンタジー | 伝説 | 妖精 | 神話 | 童話 | 魔法 |
6365 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧚♂ -name | man fairy |
男の妖精 |
6366 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧚♂ –keywords | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | man | myth | Oberon | person | pixie | Puck | tale | wings |
妖精 | 男 | 男の妖精 | 男性 |
6367 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧚♀ -name | woman fairy |
女の妖精 |
6368 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧚♀ –keywords | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | myth | person | pixie | tale | Titania | wings | woman |
女 | 女の妖精 | 女性 | 妖精 |
6369 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧛 -name | vampire |
吸血鬼 |
6370 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧛 –keywords | blood | Dracula | fangs | halloween | scary | supernatural | teeth | undead | vampire |
ドラキュラ | ハロウィーン | バンパイア | 不死身 | 吸血鬼 | 恐怖 | 歯 | 牙 | 血 |
6371 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧛♂ -name | man vampire |
男の吸血鬼 |
6372 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧛♂ –keywords | blood | fangs | halloween | man | scary | supernatural | teeth | undead | vampire |
ドラキュラ | バンパイア | 吸血鬼 | 男 | 男の吸血鬼 | 男性 |
6373 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧛♀ -name | woman vampire |
女の吸血鬼 |
6374 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧛♀ –keywords | blood | fangs | halloween | scary | supernatural | teeth | undead | vampire | woman |
ドラキュラ | バンパイア | 吸血鬼 | 女 | 女の吸血鬼 | 女性 |
6375 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧜 -name | merperson |
人魚 |
6376 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧜 –keywords | creature | fairytale | folklore | merperson | ocean | sea | siren | trident |
おとぎ話 | サイレン | マーメイド | 人魚 | 伝説 | 半魚人 | 海の生物 | 海底 |
6377 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧜♂ -name | merman |
マーマン |
6378 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧜♂ –keywords | creature | fairytale | folklore | merman | Neptune | ocean | Poseidon | sea | siren | trident | Triton |
マーマン | 人魚 | 男 | 男性 |
6379 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧜♀ -name | mermaid |
マーメイド |
6380 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧜♀ –keywords | creature | fairytale | folklore | mermaid | merwoman | ocean | sea | siren | trident |
マーメイド | 人魚 | 女 | 女性 |
6381 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧝 -name | elf |
エルフ |
6382 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧝 –keywords | elf | elves | enchantment | fantasy | folklore | magic | magical | myth |
エルフ | ファンタジー | 伝説 | 妖精 | 神秘的 | 神話 | 魔力 | 魔法 |
6383 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧝♂ -name | man elf |
男のエルフ |
6384 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧝♂ –keywords | elf | elves | enchantment | fantasy | folklore | magic | magical | man | myth |
エルフ | 男 | 男のエルフ | 男性 |
6385 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧝♀ -name | woman elf |
女のエルフ |
6386 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧝♀ –keywords | elf | elves | enchantment | fantasy | folklore | magic | magical | myth | woman |
エルフ | 女 | 女のエルフ | 女性 |
6387 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧞 -name | genie |
精霊 |
6388 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧞 –keywords | djinn | fantasy | genie | jinn | lamp | myth | rub | wishes |
ジニー | ファンタジー | ランプをこする | 不可思議 | 神話 | 精霊 | 魔人 |
6389 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧞♂ -name | man genie |
男の精霊 |
6390 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧞♂ –keywords | djinn | fantasy | genie | jinn | lamp | man | myth | rub | wishes |
男 | 男の精霊 | 男性 | 精霊 | 魔神 |
6391 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧞♀ -name | woman genie |
女の精霊 |
6392 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧞♀ –keywords | djinn | fantasy | genie | jinn | lamp | myth | rub | wishes | woman |
女 | 女の精霊 | 女性 | 精霊 | 魔神 |
6393 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧟 -name | zombie |
ゾンビ |
6394 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧟 –keywords | apocalypse | dead | halloween | horror | scary | undead | walking | zombie |
アンデッド | ゾンビ | ハロウィーン | ホラー | 大災害 | 恐怖 | 歩く屍 |
6395 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧟♂ -name | man zombie |
男のゾンビ |
6396 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧟♂ –keywords | apocalypse | dead | halloween | horror | man | scary | undead | walking | zombie |
ゾンビ | ホラー | 男 | 男のゾンビ | 男性 |
6397 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧟♀ -name | woman zombie |
女のゾンビ |
6398 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧟♀ –keywords | apocalypse | dead | halloween | horror | scary | undead | walking | woman | zombie |
ゾンビ | ホラー | 女 | 女のゾンビ | 女性 |
6399 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧌 -name | troll |
トロール |
6400 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-fantasy | 🧌 –keywords | fairy | fantasy | monster | tale | troll | trolling |
おとぎ話 | トロール | ファンタジー | モンスター |
6401 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 💆 -name | person getting massage |
フェイスマッサージ中の人 |
6402 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 💆 –keywords | face | getting | headache | massage | person | relax | relaxing | salon | soothe | spa | tension | therapy | treatment |
エステ | サロン | スパ | セラピー | フェイスマッサージ | フェイスマッサージ中の人 | マッサージ | リラックス | 施術 | 癒し |
6403 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 💆♂ -name | man getting massage |
フェイスマッサージ中の男 |
6404 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 💆♂ –keywords | face | getting | headache | man | massage | relax | relaxing | salon | soothe | spa | tension | therapy | treatment |
エステ | フェイスマッサージ | フェイスマッサージ中の男 | マッサージ | リラックス | 男 | 男性 | 顔 |
6405 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 💆♀ -name | woman getting massage |
フェイスマッサージ中の女 |
6406 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 💆♀ –keywords | face | getting | headache | massage | relax | relaxing | salon | soothe | spa | tension | therapy | treatment | woman |
エステ | フェイスマッサージ | フェイスマッサージ中の女 | マッサージ | 女 | 女性 |
6407 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 💇 -name | person getting haircut |
散髪される人 |
6408 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 💇 –keywords | barber | beauty | chop | cosmetology | cut | groom | hair | haircut | parlor | person | shears | style |
カット | ヘアカット | 床屋 | 散髪される人 | 理容室 | 理容院 | 美容室 | 美容院 | 髪 |
6409 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 💇♂ -name | man getting haircut |
散髪される男 |
6410 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 💇♂ –keywords | barber | beauty | chop | cosmetology | cut | groom | hair | haircut | man | parlor | person | shears | style |
カット | ヘアカット | 床屋 | 散髪される男 | 理容室 | 理容院 | 男 | 男性 | 美容室 | 美容院 |
6411 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 💇♀ -name | woman getting haircut |
散髪される女 |
6412 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 💇♀ –keywords | barber | beauty | chop | cosmetology | cut | groom | hair | haircut | parlor | person | shears | style | woman |
ヘアカット | 女性 | 床屋 | 散髪される女 | 美容室 | 美容院 |
6413 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🚶 -name | person walking |
歩く人 |
6414 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🚶 –keywords | amble | gait | hike | man | pace | pedestrian | person | stride | stroll | walk | walking |
ウォーキング | ハイキング | ぶらつく | 人 | 大股 | 散歩 | 歩く | 歩行 | 歩行者 |
6415 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🚶♂ -name | man walking |
歩く男 |
6416 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🚶♂ –keywords | amble | gait | hike | man | pace | pedestrian | stride | stroll | walk | walking |
ウォーキング | 歩く男 | 歩行 | 歩行者 | 男性 |
6417 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🚶♀ -name | woman walking |
歩く女 |
6418 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🚶♀ –keywords | amble | gait | hike | man | pace | pedestrian | stride | stroll | walk | walking | woman |
ウォーキング | ハイキング | 女性 | 散歩 | 歩く | 歩く女 | 歩行 | 歩行者 |
6419 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧍 -name | person standing |
立つ人 |
6420 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧍 –keywords | person | stand | standing |
人 | 立っている | 立つ人 | 起立 |
6421 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧍♂ -name | man standing |
立つ男 |
6422 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧍♂ –keywords | man | stand | standing |
男性 | 立つ男 | 起立 |
6423 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧍♀ -name | woman standing |
立つ女 |
6424 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧍♀ –keywords | stand | standing | woman |
女性 | 立つ女 | 起立 |
6425 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧎 -name | person kneeling |
正座する人 |
6426 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧎 –keywords | kneel | kneeling | knees | person |
ひざまずく | 人 | 座る | 正座する人 |
6427 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧎♂ -name | man kneeling |
正座する男性 |
6428 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧎♂ –keywords | kneel | kneeling | knees | man |
ひざまずく | 座る | 正座する男性 | 男性 |
6429 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧎♀ -name | woman kneeling |
正座する女性 |
6430 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧎♀ –keywords | kneel | kneeling | knees | woman |
ひざまずく | 女性 | 座る | 正座する女性 |
6431 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧑🦯 -name | person with white cane |
杖をついた人 |
6432 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧑🦯 –keywords | accessibility | blind | cane | person | probing | white |
アクセシビリティ | 杖をついた人 | 目 | 視覚 | 障がい |
6433 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 👨🦯 -name | man with white cane |
杖をついた男性 |
6434 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 👨🦯 –keywords | accessibility | blind | cane | man | probing | white |
アクセシビリティ | 杖をついた男性 | 男性 | 白杖をついた男性 | 目 | 視覚 | 障がい |
6435 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 👩🦯 -name | woman with white cane |
杖をついた女性 |
6436 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 👩🦯 –keywords | accessibility | blind | cane | probing | white | woman |
アクセシビリティ | 女性 | 杖をついた女性 | 白杖をついた女性 | 目 | 視覚 | 障がい |
6437 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧑🦼 -name | person in motorized wheelchair |
電動車椅子の人 |
6438 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧑🦼 –keywords | accessibility | motorized | person | wheelchair |
アクセシビリティ | 車いす | 障がい | 電動車椅子の人 |
6439 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 👨🦼 -name | man in motorized wheelchair |
電動車椅子の男性 |
6440 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 👨🦼 –keywords | accessibility | man | motorized | wheelchair |
アクセシビリティ | 男性 | 車いす | 障がい | 電動車椅子の男性 |
6441 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 👩🦼 -name | woman in motorized wheelchair |
電動車椅子の女性 |
6442 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 👩🦼 –keywords | accessibility | motorized | wheelchair | woman |
アクセシビリティ | 女性 | 車いす | 障がい | 電動車椅子の女性 |
6443 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧑🦽 -name | person in manual wheelchair |
手動式車椅子の人 |
6444 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧑🦽 –keywords | accessibility | manual | person | wheelchair |
アクセシビリティ | 手動式車椅子の人 | 車いす | 障がい |
6445 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 👨🦽 -name | man in manual wheelchair |
手動式車椅子の男性 |
6446 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 👨🦽 –keywords | accessibility | man | manual | wheelchair |
アクセシビリティ | 手動式車椅子の男性 | 男性 | 車いす | 障がい |
6447 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 👩🦽 -name | woman in manual wheelchair |
手動式車椅子の女性 |
6448 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 👩🦽 –keywords | accessibility | manual | wheelchair | woman |
アクセシビリティ | 女性 | 手動式車椅子の女性 | 車いす | 障がい |
6449 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🏃 -name | person running |
走る人 |
6450 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🏃 –keywords | fast | hurry | marathon | move | person | quick | race | racing | run | rush | speed |
ジョギング | マラソン | ランナー | ランニング | 急ぐ | 走る | 走る人 | 駆け足 |
6451 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🏃♂ -name | man running |
走る男 |
6452 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🏃♂ –keywords | fast | hurry | man | marathon | move | quick | race | racing | run | rush | speed |
ジョギング | マラソン | ランナー | ランニング | 男性 | 走る男 |
6453 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🏃♀ -name | woman running |
走る女 |
6454 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🏃♀ –keywords | fast | hurry | marathon | move | quick | race | racing | run | rush | speed | woman |
ジョギング | マラソン | ランナー | ランニング | 女性 | 急ぐ | 走る | 走る女 | 駆け足 |
6455 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 💃 -name | woman dancing |
踊る女 |
6456 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 💃 –keywords | dance | dancer | dancing | elegant | festive | flair | flamenco | groove | let’s | salsa | tango | woman |
サルサ | タンゴ | ダンサー | ダンス | フラメンコ | 女 | 女性 | 踊り子 | 踊る女 |
6457 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🕺 -name | man dancing |
踊る男 |
6458 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🕺 –keywords | dance | dancer | dancing | elegant | festive | flair | flamenco | groove | let’s | man | salsa | tango |
サルサ | タンゴ | ダンサー | ダンス | フラメンコ | 男 | 男性 | 踊る男 |
6459 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🕴 -name | person in suit levitating |
浮いてるビジネスマン |
6460 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🕴 –keywords | business | levitating | person | suit |
スーツ | ビジネスマン | 浮いてるビジネスマン | 男 | 男性 | 空中浮遊 |
6461 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 👯 -name | people with bunny ears |
バニー |
6462 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 👯 –keywords | bestie | bff | bunny | counterpart | dancer | double | ear | identical | pair | party | partying | people | soulmate | twin | twinsies |
うさ耳 | ずっ友 | そっくり | ダンサー | パーティ | ペア | 双子 | 相方 | 親友 |
6463 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 👯♂ -name | men with bunny ears |
バニーボーイ |
6464 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 👯♂ –keywords | bestie | bff | bunny | counterpart | dancer | double | ear | identical | men | pair | party | partying | people | soulmate | twin | twinsies |
うさ耳 | ダンサー | パーティー | バニーボーイ | 男 | 男性 | 親友 |
6465 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 👯♀ -name | women with bunny ears |
バニーガール |
6466 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 👯♀ –keywords | bestie | bff | bunny | counterpart | dancer | double | ear | identical | pair | party | partying | people | soulmate | twin | twinsies | women |
うさ耳 | ダンサー | パーティー | バニーガール | 女 | 女性 |
6467 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧖 -name | person in steamy room |
サウナに入る人 |
6468 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧖 –keywords | day | luxurious | pamper | person | relax | room | sauna | spa | steam | steambath | unwind |
くつろぐ | サウナ | サウナに入る人 | スパ | リラックス | 蒸しぶろ | 蒸気 |
6469 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧖♂ -name | man in steamy room |
サウナに入る男 |
6470 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧖♂ –keywords | day | luxurious | man | pamper | relax | room | sauna | spa | steam | steambath | unwind |
サウナ | サウナに入る男 | 男 | 男性 |
6471 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧖♀ -name | woman in steamy room |
サウナに入る女 |
6472 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧖♀ –keywords | day | luxurious | pamper | relax | room | sauna | spa | steam | steambath | unwind | woman |
サウナ | サウナに入る女 | 女 | 女性 |
6473 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧗 -name | person climbing |
山を登る人 |
6474 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧗 –keywords | climb | climber | climbing | mountain | person | rock | scale | up |
ロッククライマー | 山 | 山を登る人 | 山登り | 登る | 登山 |
6475 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧗♂ -name | man climbing |
山を登る男 |
6476 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧗♂ –keywords | climb | climber | climbing | man | mountain | rock | scale | up |
山を登る男 | 山登り | 男 | 男性 | 登山 |
6477 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧗♀ -name | woman climbing |
山を登る女 |
6478 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-activity | 🧗♀ –keywords | climb | climber | climbing | mountain | rock | scale | up | woman |
女 | 女性 | 山を登る女 | 山登り | 登山 |
6479 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤺 -name | person fencing |
フェンシングをする人 |
6480 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤺 –keywords | fencer | fencing | person | sword |
スポーツ | フェンシング | フェンシングをする人 |
6481 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏇 -name | horse racing |
競馬 |
6482 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏇 –keywords | horse | jockey | racehorse | racing | riding | sport |
ジョッキー | スポーツ | 乗馬 | 競走馬 | 競馬 | 馬 | 騎手 |
6483 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | ⛷ -name | skier |
スキーヤー |
6484 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | ⛷ –keywords | ski | skier | snow |
スキー | スキーヤー | ストック | スポーツ |
6485 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏂 -name | snowboarder |
スノーボーダー |
6486 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏂 –keywords | ski | snow | snowboard | snowboarder | sport |
スノーボーダー | スノーボード | スノボ | スポーツ |
6487 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏌 -name | person golfing |
ゴルフをする人 |
6488 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏌 –keywords | ball | birdie | caddy | driving | golf | golfing | green | person | pga | putt | range | tee |
ゴルフ | ゴルファー | ゴルフをする人 | スポーツ | 打ちっぱなし | 球技 |
6489 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏌♂ -name | man golfing |
ゴルフをする男 |
6490 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏌♂ –keywords | ball | birdie | caddy | driving | golf | golfing | green | man | pga | putt | range | tee |
ゴルフ | ゴルファー | ゴルフをする男 | スポーツ | 男 | 男性 |
6491 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏌♀ -name | woman golfing |
ゴルフをする女 |
6492 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏌♀ –keywords | ball | birdie | caddy | driving | golf | golfing | green | pga | putt | range | tee | woman |
ゴルフ | ゴルファー | ゴルフをする女 | スポーツ | 女 | 女性 | 球技 |
6493 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏄 -name | person surfing |
サーフィンする人 |
6494 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏄 –keywords | beach | ocean | person | sport | surf | surfer | surfing | swell | waves |
サーファー | サーフィン | サーフィンする人 | スポーツ | 波 | 波乗り | 海 |
6495 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏄♂ -name | man surfing |
サーフィンする男 |
6496 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏄♂ –keywords | beach | man | ocean | sport | surf | surfer | surfing | swell | waves |
サーファー | サーフィンする男 | スポーツ | 波乗り | 男 | 男性 |
6497 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏄♀ -name | woman surfing |
サーフィンする女 |
6498 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏄♀ –keywords | beach | ocean | person | sport | surf | surfer | surfing | swell | waves |
サーファー | サーフィンする女 | スポーツ | 女 | 女性 | 波乗り |
6499 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🚣 -name | person rowing boat |
ボートをこぐ人 |
6500 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🚣 –keywords | boat | canoe | cruise | fishing | lake | oar | paddle | person | raft | river | row | rowboat | rowing |
オール | カヌー | カヤック | スポーツ | パドル | ボート | ボートをこぐ人 | 手漕ぎボート | 漕ぐ | 船 |
6501 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🚣♂ -name | man rowing boat |
ボートをこぐ男 |
6502 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🚣♂ –keywords | boat | canoe | cruise | fishing | lake | man | oar | paddle | raft | river | row | rowboat | rowing |
カヌー | カヤック | スポーツ | ボートをこぐ男 | 男性 | 船 |
6503 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🚣♀ -name | woman rowing boat |
ボートをこぐ女 |
6504 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🚣♀ –keywords | boat | canoe | cruise | fishing | lake | oar | paddle | raft | river | row | rowboat | rowing | woman |
カヌー | カヤック | スポーツ | ボート | ボートをこぐ女 | 女 | 女性 | 手漕ぎボート | 船 |
6505 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏊 -name | person swimming |
泳ぐ人 |
6506 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏊 –keywords | freestyle | person | sport | swim | swimmer | swimming | triathlon |
クロール | スイマー | スイミング | スイム | スポーツ | トライアスロン | 水泳 | 泳ぐ人 | 自由形 |
6507 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏊♂ -name | man swimming |
泳ぐ男 |
6508 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏊♂ –keywords | freestyle | man | sport | swim | swimmer | swimming | triathlon |
スイマー | スイミング | スイム | スポーツ | 水泳 | 泳ぐ男 | 男性 |
6509 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏊♀ -name | woman swimming |
泳ぐ女 |
6510 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏊♀ –keywords | freestyle | man | sport | swim | swimmer | swimming | triathlon |
スイマー | スイミング | スイム | スポーツ | 女 | 女性 | 水泳 | 泳ぐ女 |
6511 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | ⛹ -name | person bouncing ball |
バスケットボールをする人 |
6512 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | ⛹ –keywords | athletic | ball | basketball | bouncing | championship | dribble | net | person | player | throw |
スポーツ | ドリブル | バスケ | バスケットボール | バスケットボールをする人 | バスケットボール選手 | 球技 |
6513 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | ⛹♂ -name | man bouncing ball |
バスケットボールをする男 |
6514 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | ⛹♂ –keywords | athletic | ball | basketball | bouncing | championship | dribble | man | net | player | throw |
スポーツ | バスケ | バスケットボール | バスケットボールをする男 | 球技 | 男性 |
6515 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | ⛹♀ -name | woman bouncing ball |
バスケットボールをする女 |
6516 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | ⛹♀ –keywords | athletic | ball | basketball | bouncing | championship | dribble | net | player | throw | woman |
スポーツ | ドリブル | バスケ | バスケットボール | バスケットボールをする女 | 女性 | 球技 |
6517 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏋 -name | person lifting weights |
重量挙げをする人 |
6518 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏋 –keywords | barbell | bodybuilder | deadlift | lifter | lifting | person | powerlifting | weight | weightlifter | weights | workout |
ウェイトリフティング | スポーツ | デッドリフト | バーベル | パワーリフティング | ボディビルダー | 筋トレ | 運動 | 重量挙げ |
6519 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏋♂ -name | man lifting weights |
重量挙げをする男 |
6520 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏋♂ –keywords | barbell | bodybuilder | deadlift | lifter | lifting | man | powerlifting | weight | weightlifter | weights | workout |
ウェイトリフティング | スポーツ | 男 | 男性 | 重量挙げをする男 |
6521 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏋♀ -name | woman lifting weights |
重量挙げをする女 |
6522 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🏋♀ –keywords | barbell | bodybuilder | deadlift | lifter | lifting | powerlifting | weight | weightlifter | weights | woman | workout |
ウェイトリフティング | スポーツ | 女 | 女性 | 重量挙げをする女 |
6523 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🚴 -name | person biking |
自転車に乗る人 |
6524 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🚴 –keywords | bicycle | bicyclist | bike | biking | cycle | cyclist | person | riding | sport |
サイクリスト | サイクリング | スポーツ | ロードバイク | ロードレース | 競輪 | 自転車 | 自転車乗り |
6525 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🚴♂ -name | man biking |
自転車に乗る男 |
6526 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🚴♂ –keywords | bicycle | bicyclist | bike | biking | cycle | cyclist | man | riding | sport |
サイクリング | スポーツ | ロードレース | 男性 | 競輪 | 自転車に乗る男 |
6527 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🚴♀ -name | woman biking |
自転車に乗る女 |
6528 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🚴♀ –keywords | bicycle | bicyclist | bike | biking | cycle | cyclist | riding | sport | woman |
サイクリスト | サイクリング | スポーツ | ロードレース | 女 | 女性 | 競輪 | 自転車 | 自転車に乗る女 | 自転車乗り |
6529 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🚵 -name | person mountain biking |
マウンテンバイクに乗る人 |
6530 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🚵 –keywords | bicycle | bicyclist | bike | biking | cycle | cyclist | mountain | person | riding | sport |
サイクリスト | サイクリング | スポーツ | マウンテンバイク | マウンテンバイクに乗る人 | 山 | 競技 | 自転車 | 自転車乗り |
6531 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🚵♂ -name | man mountain biking |
マウンテンバイクに乗る男 |
6532 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🚵♂ –keywords | bicycle | bicyclist | bike | biking | cycle | cyclist | man | mountain | riding | sport |
サイクリング | スポーツ | マウンテンバイクに乗る男 | 男 | 男性 | 自転車 |
6533 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🚵♀ -name | woman mountain biking |
マウンテンバイクに乗る女 |
6534 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🚵♀ –keywords | bicycle | bicyclist | bike | biking | cycle | cyclist | mountain | riding | sport | woman |
サイクリスト | サイクリング | スポーツ | マウンテンバイクに乗る女 | 女 | 女性 | 自転車 | 自転車乗り |
6535 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤸 -name | person cartwheeling |
側転する人 |
6536 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤸 –keywords | active | cartwheel | cartwheeling | excited | flip | gymnastics | happy | person | somersault |
スポーツ | トンボ返り | 体操 | 側転 | 側転する人 | 幸せ | 活動的 | 活発 | 興奮 |
6537 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤸♂ -name | man cartwheeling |
側転する男 |
6538 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤸♂ –keywords | active | cartwheel | cartwheeling | excited | flip | gymnastics | happy | man | somersault |
スポーツ | トンボ返り | 体操 | 側転 | 側転する男 | 幸せ | 活発 | 男性 | 興奮 |
6539 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤸♀ -name | woman cartwheeling |
側転する女 |
6540 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤸♀ –keywords | active | cartwheel | cartwheeling | excited | flip | gymnastics | happy | somersault | woman |
スポーツ | トンボ返り | 体操 | 側転 | 側転する女 | 女性 | 幸せ | 活発 | 興奮 |
6541 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤼 -name | people wrestling |
レスリングする人 |
6542 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤼 –keywords | combat | duel | grapple | people | ring | tournament | wrestle | wrestling |
スポーツ | デュエル | リング内 | レスラー | レスリング | レスリングする人 | レスリング大会 | 取っ組み合い | 格闘 |
6543 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤼♂ -name | men wrestling |
レスリングする男 |
6544 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤼♂ –keywords | combat | duel | grapple | men | ring | tournament | wrestle | wrestling |
スポーツ | デュエル | リング内 | レスリング | レスリングする男 | レスリングをする | レスリング大会 | 取っ組み合い | 格闘 | 男性 |
6545 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤼♀ -name | women wrestling |
レスリングする女 |
6546 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤼♀ –keywords | combat | duel | grapple | ring | tournament | women | wrestle | wrestling |
スポーツ | デュエル | リング内 | レスリング | レスリングする女 | レスリングをする | レスリング大会 | 取っ組み合い | 女性 | 格闘 |
6547 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤽 -name | person playing water polo |
水球をする人 |
6548 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤽 –keywords | person | playing | polo | sport | swimming | water | waterpolo |
スポーツ | 水上競技 | 水泳 | 水球 | 水球をする人 | 球技 |
6549 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤽♂ -name | man playing water polo |
水球をする男 |
6550 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤽♂ –keywords | man | playing | polo | sport | swimming | water | waterpolo |
スポーツ | 水上競技 | 水泳 | 水球 | 水球をする男 | 球技 | 男性 |
6551 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤽♀ -name | woman playing water polo |
水球をする女 |
6552 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤽♀ –keywords | playing | polo | sport | swimming | water | waterpolo | woman |
スポーツ | 女性 | 水上競技 | 水泳 | 水球 | 水球をする女 | 球技 |
6553 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤾 -name | person playing handball |
ハンドボールをする人 |
6554 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤾 –keywords | athletics | ball | catch | chuck | handball | hurl | lob | person | pitch | playing | sport | throw | toss |
アスリート | キャッチ | スポーツ | スローする | ハンドボール | ハンドボールをする人 | ボール | 投げる | 放る | 球技 |
6555 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤾♂ -name | man playing handball |
ハンドボールをする男 |
6556 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤾♂ –keywords | athletics | ball | catch | chuck | handball | hurl | lob | man | pitch | playing | sport | throw | toss |
スポーツ | ハンドボール | ハンドボールをする男 | 球技 | 男 | 男性 |
6557 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤾♀ -name | woman playing handball |
ハンドボールをする女 |
6558 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤾♀ –keywords | athletics | ball | catch | chuck | handball | hurl | lob | pitch | playing | sport | throw | toss | woman |
キャッチ | スポーツ | スローする | ハンドボール | ハンドボールをする女 | ボール | 女性 | 投げる | 放る | 球技 |
6559 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤹 -name | person juggling |
ジャグリングをする人 |
6560 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤹 –keywords | act | balance | balancing | handle | juggle | juggling | manage | multitask | person | skill |
ジャグラー | ジャグリング | ジャグリングする人 | ジャグリングをする人 | バランス演技 | マルチタスク | 大道芸 | 操る |
6561 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤹♂ -name | man juggling |
ジャグリングをする男 |
6562 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤹♂ –keywords | act | balance | balancing | handle | juggle | juggling | man | manage | multitask | skill |
ジャグラー | ジャグリング | ジャグリングをする男 | バランス演技 | マルチタスク | 大道芸 | 操る | 男性 |
6563 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤹♀ -name | woman juggling |
ジャグリングをする女 |
6564 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-sport | 🤹♀ –keywords | act | balance | balancing | handle | juggle | juggling | manage | multitask | skill | woman |
ジャグラー | ジャグリング | ジャグリングをする女 | 大道芸 | 女 | 女性 |
6565 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-resting | 🧘 -name | person in lotus position |
ヨガのポーズをする人 |
6566 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-resting | 🧘 –keywords | cross | legged | legs | lotus | meditation | peace | person | position | relax | serenity | yoga | yogi | zen |
くつろぎ | ヨガ | ヨガのポーズをする人 | ヨガ行者 | リラックス | 平安 | 瞑想 | 禅 | 胡坐 | 蓮華座のポーズ |
6567 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-resting | 🧘♂ -name | man in lotus position |
ヨガのポーズをする男 |
6568 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-resting | 🧘♂ –keywords | cross | legged | legs | lotus | man | meditation | peace | position | relax | serenity | yoga | yogi | zen |
ヨガ | ヨガのポーズをする男 | 男 | 男性 | 瞑想 |
6569 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-resting | 🧘♀ -name | woman in lotus position |
ヨガのポーズをする女 |
6570 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-resting | 🧘♀ –keywords | cross | legged | legs | lotus | meditation | peace | position | relax | serenity | woman | yoga | yogi | zen |
ヨガ | ヨガのポーズをする女 | 女 | 女性 | 瞑想 |
6571 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-resting | 🛀 -name | person taking bath |
風呂に入る人 |
6572 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-resting | 🛀 –keywords | bath | bathtub | person | taking | tub |
バスタブ | 浴槽 | 風呂 | 風呂に入る人 |
6573 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-resting | 🛌 -name | person in bed |
ベッドに寝る人 |
6574 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-resting | 🛌 –keywords | bed | bedtime | good | goodnight | hotel | nap | night | person | sleep | tired | zzz |
おやすみ | グーグー | ベッド | ベッドに寝る人 | ホテル | 寝る | 就寝中 |
6575 | Characters | People & Body 2 | family | 🧑🤝🧑 -name | people holding hands |
手をつなぐ2人 |
6576 | Characters | People & Body 2 | family | 🧑🤝🧑 –keywords | bae | bestie | bff | couple | dating | flirt | friends | hand | hold | people | twins |
カップル | つなぐ | 人 | 友達 | 恋人 | 手 | 手をつなぐ | 手をつなぐ2人 |
6577 | Characters | People & Body 2 | family | 👭 -name | women holding hands |
手をつなぐ女性 |
6578 | Characters | People & Body 2 | family | 👭 –keywords | bae | bestie | bff | couple | dating | flirt | friends | girls | hand | hold | sisters | twins | women |
カップル | 友情 | 友達 | 同性 | 女 | 姉妹 | 恋人 | 手をつなぐ女性 |
6579 | Characters | People & Body 2 | family | 👫 -name | woman and man holding hands |
手をつなぐ男女 |
6580 | Characters | People & Body 2 | family | 👫 –keywords | bae | bestie | bff | couple | dating | flirt | friends | hand | hold | man | twins | woman |
カップル | 友達 | 女 | 女性 | 恋人 | 手をつなぐ男女 | 男 | 男女 | 男性 | 異性 |
6581 | Characters | People & Body 2 | family | 👬 -name | men holding hands |
手をつなぐ男性 |
6582 | Characters | People & Body 2 | family | 👬 –keywords | bae | bestie | bff | boys | brothers | couple | dating | flirt | friends | hand | hold | men | twins |
カップル | 兄弟 | 友達 | 双子 | 同性 | 恋人 | 手をつなぐ男性 | 男 | 男性 |
6583 | Characters | People & Body 2 | family | 💏 -name | kiss |
2人でキス |
6584 | Characters | People & Body 2 | family | 💏 –keywords | anniversary | babe | bae | couple | date | dating | heart | kiss | love | mwah | person | romance | together | xoxo |
2人でキス | カップル | キス | ちゅっ | ハート | 記念日 |
6585 | Characters | People & Body 2 | family | 💑 -name | couple with heart |
カップルとハート |
6586 | Characters | People & Body 2 | family | 💑 –keywords | anniversary | babe | bae | couple | dating | heart | kiss | love | person | relationship | romance | together | you |
カップル | カップルとハート | ハート | 恋人 | 熱々 | 記念日 |
6587 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-symbol | 🗣 -name | speaking head |
話す人のシルエット |
6588 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-symbol | 🗣 –keywords | face | head | silhouette | speak | speaking |
シルエット | 話す | 話す人のシルエット | 顔 |
6589 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-symbol | 👤 -name | bust in silhouette |
人のシルエット |
6590 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-symbol | 👤 –keywords | bust | mysterious | shadow | silhouette |
1人 | シルエット | 上半身 | 人のシルエット | 謎の人 |
6591 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-symbol | 👥 -name | busts in silhouette |
2人のシルエット |
6592 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-symbol | 👥 –keywords | bff | bust | busts | everyone | friend | friends | people | silhouette |
2人 | 2人のシルエット | シルエット | 上半身 | 友達 |
6593 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-symbol | 🫂 -name | people hugging |
ハグする人 |
6594 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-symbol | 🫂 –keywords | comfort | embrace | farewell | friendship | goodbye | hello | hug | hugging | love | people | thanks |
ありがとう | お別れ | こんにちは | さようなら | ハグ | ハグする人 | 友情 | 慰め | 抱擁 | 挨拶 |
6595 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-symbol | 👪 -name | family |
家族 |
6596 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-symbol | 👪 –keywords | child | family |
子供 | 家族 | 親子 |
6597 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-symbol | 🧑🧑🧒 -name | family: adult, adult, child |
家族: 大人二人と子供一人 |
6598 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-symbol | 🧑🧑🧒 –keywords | adult | child | family |
大人二人 | 子供一人 | 家族 | 家族: 大人二人と子供一人 | 親子 |
6599 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-symbol | 🧑🧑🧒🧒 -name | family: adult, adult, child, child |
家族: 大人二人と子供二人 |
6600 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-symbol | 🧑🧑🧒🧒 –keywords | adult | child | family |
大人二人 | 子供二人 | 家族 | 家族: 大人二人と子供二人 | 親子 |
6601 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-symbol | 🧑🧒 -name | family: adult, child |
家族: 大人一人と子供一人 |
6602 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-symbol | 🧑🧒 –keywords | adult | child | family |
大人一人 | 子供一人 | 家族 | 家族: 大人一人と子供一人 | 親子 |
6603 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-symbol | 🧑🧒🧒 -name | family: adult, child, child |
家族: 大人一人と子供二人 |
6604 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-symbol | 🧑🧒🧒 –keywords | adult | child | family |
大人一人 | 子供二人 | 家族 | 家族: 大人一人と子供二人 | 親子 |
6605 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-symbol | 👣 -name | footprints |
足あと |
6606 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-symbol | 👣 –keywords | barefoot | clothing | footprint | footprints | omw | print | walk |
裸足 | 足 | 足あと |
6607 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-symbol | -name | fingerprint |
指紋 |
6608 | Characters | People & Body 2 | person-symbol | –keywords | clue | crime | detective | fingerprint | forensics | identity | mystery | print | safety | trace |
指紋|鑑識|生体認証|セキュリティ |
6609 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐵 -name | monkey face |
サルの顔 |
6610 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐵 –keywords | animal | banana | face | monkey |
サル | サルの顔 | 動物 | 猿 | 顔 |
6611 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐒 -name | monkey |
サル |
6612 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐒 –keywords | animal | banana | monkey |
サル | 動物 | 猿 |
6613 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦍 -name | gorilla |
ゴリラ |
6614 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦍 –keywords | animal | gorilla |
ゴリラ | 動物 | 顔 |
6615 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦧 -name | orangutan |
オランウータン |
6616 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦧 –keywords | animal | ape | monkey | orangutan |
オランウータン | サル | 動物 | 森の人 | 猿 |
6617 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐶 -name | dog face |
イヌの顔 |
6618 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐶 –keywords | adorbs | animal | dog | face | pet | puppies | puppy |
イヌ | イヌの顔 | ペット | 動物 | 子犬 | 犬 | 顔 |
6619 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐕 -name | dog |
イヌ |
6620 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐕 –keywords | animal | animals | dog | dogs | pet |
イヌ | ペット | 動物 | 犬 |
6621 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦮 -name | guide dog |
盲導犬 |
6622 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦮 –keywords | accessibility | animal | blind | dog | guide |
アクセシビリティ | 犬 | 盲導犬 | 視覚 | 補助 | 補助犬 | 障がい |
6623 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐕🦺 -name | service dog |
介助犬 |
6624 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐕🦺 –keywords | accessibility | animal | assistance | dog | service |
アクセシビリティ | サービス | 介助犬 | 犬 | 補助 |
6625 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐩 -name | poodle |
プードル |
6626 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐩 –keywords | animal | dog | fluffy | poodle |
プードル | ペット | 動物 | 犬 |
6627 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐺 -name | wolf |
オオカミの顔 |
6628 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐺 –keywords | animal | face | wolf |
オオカミ | オオカミの顔 | 動物 | 狼 | 顔 |
6629 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦊 -name | fox |
キツネの顔 |
6630 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦊 –keywords | animal | face | fox |
キツネ | キツネの顔 | 動物 | 狐 | 顔 |
6631 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦝 -name | raccoon |
アライグマ |
6632 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦝 –keywords | animal | curious | raccoon | sly |
アライグマ | ずる賢い | 動物 | 好奇心 | 詮索好き |
6633 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐱 -name | cat face |
ネコの顔 |
6634 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐱 –keywords | animal | cat | face | kitten | kitty | pet |
ネコ | ネコの顔 | ペット | 動物 | 子猫 | 猫 | 顔 |
6635 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐈 -name | cat |
ネコ |
6636 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐈 –keywords | animal | animals | cat | cats | kitten | pet |
ネコ | ペット | 動物 | 猫 |
6637 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐈⬛ -name | black cat |
黒猫 |
6638 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐈⬛ –keywords | animal | black | cat | feline | halloween | meow | unlucky |
ネコ | 不吉 | 動物 | 猫 | 黒 | 黒猫 |
6639 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦁 -name | lion |
ライオンの顔 |
6640 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦁 –keywords | alpha | animal | face | Leo | lion | mane | order | rawr | roar | safari | strong | zodiac |
しし座 | ライオン | ライオンの顔 | 動物 | 星座 | 顔 |
6641 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐯 -name | tiger face |
トラの顔 |
6642 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐯 –keywords | animal | big | cat | face | predator | tiger |
トラ | トラの顔 | 動物 | 虎 | 顔 |
6643 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐅 -name | tiger |
トラ |
6644 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐅 –keywords | animal | big | cat | predator | tiger | zoo |
タイガー | トラ | 動物 | 肉食動物 | 虎 |
6645 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐆 -name | leopard |
ヒョウ |
6646 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐆 –keywords | animal | big | cat | leopard | predator | zoo |
ヒョウ | 動物 | 肉食動物 |
6647 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐴 -name | horse face |
馬の顔 |
6648 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐴 –keywords | animal | dressage | equine | face | farm | horse | horses |
ウマ | 動物 | 顔 | 馬 | 馬の顔 |
6649 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🫎 -name | moose |
ヘラジカ |
6650 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🫎 –keywords | alces | animal | antlers | elk | mammal | moose |
エルク | ヘラジカ | ムース | 動物 | 哺乳類 | 枝角 | 鹿 |
6651 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🫏 -name | donkey |
ロバ |
6652 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🫏 –keywords | animal | ass | burro | donkey | hinny | mammal | mule | stubborn |
ケッテイ | ラバ | ロバ | 動物 | 哺乳類 | 馬 |
6653 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐎 -name | horse |
馬 |
6654 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐎 –keywords | animal | equestrian | farm | horse | racehorse | racing |
ウマ | ダービー | 乗馬 | 動物 | 家畜 | 競走馬 | 競馬 | 馬 |
6655 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦄 -name | unicorn |
ユニコーンの顔 |
6656 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦄 –keywords | face | unicorn |
ユニコーン | ユニコーンの顔 | 一角獣 | 動物 | 顔 |
6657 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦓 -name | zebra |
シマウマ |
6658 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦓 –keywords | animal | stripe | zebra |
シマウマ | しましま | ゼブラ | 動物 | 縞 |
6659 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦌 -name | deer |
シカ |
6660 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦌 –keywords | animal | deer |
シカ | 動物 | 顔 | 鹿 |
6661 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦬 -name | bison |
バイソン |
6662 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦬 –keywords | animal | bison | buffalo | herd | wisent |
バイソン | バッファロー | 動物 | 牛 | 群れ | 野牛 |
6663 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐮 -name | cow face |
牛の顔 |
6664 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐮 –keywords | animal | cow | face | farm | milk | moo |
ウシ | 動物 | 牛 | 牛の顔 | 顔 |
6665 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐂 -name | ox |
牡牛 |
6666 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐂 –keywords | animal | animals | bull | farm | ox | Taurus | zodiac |
ウシ | おうし座 | 動物 | 星座 | 牛 | 牡牛 |
6667 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐃 -name | water buffalo |
水牛 |
6668 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐃 –keywords | animal | buffalo | water | zoo |
バッファロー | 動物 | 水牛 | 牛 |
6669 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐄 -name | cow |
牝牛 |
6670 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐄 –keywords | animal | animals | cow | farm | milk | moo |
ウシ | 乳牛 | 動物 | 家畜 | 牛 | 牝牛 |
6671 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐷 -name | pig face |
ブタの顔 |
6672 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐷 –keywords | animal | bacon | face | farm | pig | pork |
ブタ | ブタの顔 | 動物 | 豚 | 顔 |
6673 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐖 -name | pig |
ブタ |
6674 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐖 –keywords | animal | bacon | farm | pig | pork | sow |
ブタ | ポーク | 動物 | 家畜 | 豚 |
6675 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐗 -name | boar |
イノシシ |
6676 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐗 –keywords | animal | boar | pig |
イノシシ | 動物 | 猪 | 顔 |
6677 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐽 -name | pig nose |
ブタ鼻 |
6678 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐽 –keywords | animal | face | farm | nose | pig | smell | snout |
ブタ | ブタ鼻 | 動物 | 豚 | 顔 | 鼻 |
6679 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐏 -name | ram |
牡羊 |
6680 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐏 –keywords | animal | Aries | horns | male | ram | sheep | zodiac | zoo |
おひつじ座 | ヒツジ | 動物 | 星座 | 牡羊 | 羊 |
6681 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐑 -name | ewe |
羊 |
6682 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐑 –keywords | animal | baa | ewe | farm | female | fluffy | lamb | sheep | wool |
ウール | ヒツジ | 動物 | 家畜 | 羊 | 羊毛 |
6683 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐐 -name | goat |
山羊 |
6684 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐐 –keywords | animal | Capricorn | farm | goat | milk | zodiac |
ヤギ | やぎ座 | 動物 | 家畜 | 山羊 | 星座 |
6685 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐪 -name | camel |
ラクダ |
6686 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐪 –keywords | animal | camel | desert | dromedary | hump | one |
コブ | ヒトコブラクダ | ラクダ | 動物 | 砂漠 |
6687 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐫 -name | two-hump camel |
フタコブラクダ |
6688 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐫 –keywords | animal | bactrian | camel | desert | hump | two | two-hump |
コブ | フタコブ | フタコブラクダ | ラクダ | 動物 | 砂漠 |
6689 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦙 -name | llama |
ラマ |
6690 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦙 –keywords | alpaca | animal | guanaco | llama | vicuña | wool |
アルパカ | ウール | グアナコ | ビクーナ | ラマ | 動物 | 羊毛 |
6691 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦒 -name | giraffe |
キリン |
6692 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦒 –keywords | animal | giraffe | spots |
キリン | 動物 |
6693 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐘 -name | elephant |
ゾウ |
6694 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐘 –keywords | animal | elephant |
ゾウ | 動物 | 象 |
6695 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦣 -name | mammoth |
マンモス |
6696 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦣 –keywords | animal | extinction | large | mammoth | tusk | wooly |
マンモス | 動物 | 巨大 | 牙 | 絶滅 |
6697 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦏 -name | rhinoceros |
サイ |
6698 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦏 –keywords | animal | rhinoceros |
サイ | 動物 | 顔 |
6699 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦛 -name | hippopotamus |
カバ |
6700 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦛 –keywords | animal | hippo | hippopotamus |
カバ | 動物 |
6701 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐭 -name | mouse face |
ネズミの顔 |
6702 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐭 –keywords | animal | face | mouse |
ねずみ | ネズミ | ネズミの顔 | 動物 | 顔 |
6703 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐁 -name | mouse |
ハツカネズミ |
6704 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐁 –keywords | animal | animals | mouse |
ねずみ | ネズミ | ハツカネズミ | マウス | 動物 |
6705 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐀 -name | rat |
ネズミ |
6706 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐀 –keywords | animal | rat |
ねずみ | ネズミ | ラット | 動物 |
6707 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐹 -name | hamster |
ハムスターの顔 |
6708 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐹 –keywords | animal | face | hamster | pet |
ネズミ | ハムスター | ハムスターの顔 | ペット | 動物 | 顔 |
6709 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐰 -name | rabbit face |
ウサギの顔 |
6710 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐰 –keywords | animal | bunny | face | pet | rabbit |
うさぎ | ウサギ | ウサギの顔 | ペット | 動物 | 顔 |
6711 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐇 -name | rabbit |
ウサギ |
6712 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐇 –keywords | animal | bunny | pet | rabbit |
うさぎ | ウサギ | ペット | 動物 |
6713 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐿 -name | chipmunk |
リス |
6714 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐿 –keywords | animal | chipmunk | squirrel |
シマリス | りす | リス | 動物 |
6715 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦫 -name | beaver |
ビーバー |
6716 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦫 –keywords | animal | beaver | dam | teeth |
ダム作り | ビーバー | 動物 |
6717 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦔 -name | hedgehog |
ハリネズミ |
6718 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦔 –keywords | animal | hedgehog | spiny |
とげ | はりねずみ | ハリネズミ | ヤマアラシ | 動物 |
6719 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦇 -name | bat |
コウモリ |
6720 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦇 –keywords | animal | bat | vampire |
こうもり | コウモリ | バンパイア | 動物 | 吸血鬼 |
6721 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐻 -name | bear |
クマの顔 |
6722 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐻 –keywords | animal | bear | face | grizzly | growl | honey |
くま | クマ | クマの顔 | 動物 | 熊 | 顔 |
6723 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐻❄ -name | polar bear |
シロクマ |
6724 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐻❄ –keywords | animal | arctic | bear | polar | white |
クマ | シロクマ | ホッキョクグマ | 動物 | 北極 | 白 |
6725 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐨 -name | koala |
コアラ |
6726 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐨 –keywords | animal | australia | bear | down | face | koala | marsupial | under |
コアラ | 動物 | 顔 |
6727 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐼 -name | panda |
パンダの顔 |
6728 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐼 –keywords | animal | bamboo | face | panda |
パンダ | パンダの顔 | 動物 | 顔 |
6729 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦥 -name | sloth |
ナマケモノ |
6730 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦥 –keywords | lazy | sloth | slow |
ナマケモノ | のんびり | ものぐさ | 動物 |
6731 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦦 -name | otter |
カワウソ |
6732 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦦 –keywords | animal | fishing | otter | playful |
カワウソ | ラッコ | 動物 | 遊び好き | 魚を食べる |
6733 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦨 -name | skunk |
スカンク |
6734 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦨 –keywords | animal | skunk | stink |
スカンク | 動物 | 悪臭 |
6735 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦘 -name | kangaroo |
カンガルー |
6736 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦘 –keywords | animal | joey | jump | kangaroo | marsupial |
オーストラリア | カンガルー | ジャンプ | ジョーイ | 動物 | 有袋類 |
6737 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦡 -name | badger |
アナグマ |
6738 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🦡 –keywords | animal | badger | honey | pester |
アナグマ | ミツアナグマ | ラーテル | 動物 |
6739 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐾 -name | paw prints |
肉球 |
6740 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-mammal | 🐾 –keywords | feet | paw | paws | print | prints |
動物 | 犬 | 猫 | 肉球 | 足跡 |
6741 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🦃 -name | turkey |
七面鳥 |
6742 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🦃 –keywords | bird | gobble | thanksgiving | turkey |
ターキー | 七面鳥 | 動物 | 鳥 |
6743 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🐔 -name | chicken |
にわとり |
6744 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🐔 –keywords | animal | bird | chicken | ornithology |
にわとり | ニワトリ | 動物 | 顔 | 鳥 |
6745 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🐓 -name | rooster |
おんどり |
6746 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🐓 –keywords | animal | bird | ornithology | rooster |
おんどり | にわとり | ニワトリ | 動物 | 鳥 |
6747 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🐣 -name | hatching chick |
卵からかえったひよこ |
6748 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🐣 –keywords | animal | baby | bird | chick | egg | hatching |
ひな | ひよこ | 動物 | 卵 | 卵からかえったひよこ | 顔 | 鳥 |
6749 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🐤 -name | baby chick |
ひよこ |
6750 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🐤 –keywords | animal | baby | bird | chick | ornithology |
ひな | ひよこ | 動物 | 横を向いているひよこ | 顔 | 鳥 |
6751 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🐥 -name | front-facing baby chick |
前を向いているひよこ |
6752 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🐥 –keywords | animal | baby | bird | chick | front-facing | newborn | ornithology |
ひな | ひよこ | 前を向いているひよこ | 動物 | 鳥 |
6753 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🐦 -name | bird |
鳥 |
6754 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🐦 –keywords | animal | bird | ornithology |
動物 | 顔 | 鳥 |
6755 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🐧 -name | penguin |
ペンギン |
6756 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🐧 –keywords | animal | antarctica | bird | ornithology | penguin |
ペンギン | 動物 | 顔 | 鳥 |
6757 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🕊 -name | dove |
ハト |
6758 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🕊 –keywords | bird | dove | fly | ornithology | peace |
ハト | 動物 | 平和 | 鳥 | 鳩 |
6759 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🦅 -name | eagle |
ワシ |
6760 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🦅 –keywords | animal | bird | eagle | ornithology |
イーグル | ワシ | 動物 | 鳥 |
6761 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🦆 -name | duck |
カモ |
6762 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🦆 –keywords | animal | bird | duck | ornithology |
カモ | 動物 | 鳥 |
6763 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🦢 -name | swan |
白鳥 |
6764 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🦢 –keywords | animal | bird | cygnet | duckling | ornithology | swan | ugly |
ひな | みにくいアヒルの子 | 動物 | 白鳥 | 鳥 |
6765 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🦉 -name | owl |
フクロウ |
6766 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🦉 –keywords | animal | bird | ornithology | owl | wise |
フクロウ | ミミズク | 動物 | 鳥 |
6767 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🦤 -name | dodo |
ドードー |
6768 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🦤 –keywords | animal | bird | dodo | extinction | large | ornithology |
ドードー | モーリシャス島 | 絶滅 | 飛べない鳥 | 鳥 |
6769 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🪶 -name | feather |
羽 |
6770 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🪶 –keywords | bird | feather | flight | light | plumage |
羽 | 羽根 | 羽毛 | 軽い | 飛ぶ | 鳥 |
6771 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🦩 -name | flamingo |
フラミンゴ |
6772 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🦩 –keywords | animal | bird | flamboyant | flamingo | ornithology | tropical |
ピンク色 | フラミンゴ | 動物 | 派手 | 熱帯 | 鳥 |
6773 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🦚 -name | peacock |
クジャク |
6774 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🦚 –keywords | animal | bird | colorful | ornithology | ostentatious | peacock | peahen | pretty | proud |
クジャク | ピーコック | 孔雀 | 派手 | 鳥 |
6775 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🦜 -name | parrot |
オウム |
6776 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🦜 –keywords | animal | bird | ornithology | parrot | pirate | talk |
オウム | しゃべる | 動物 | 海賊 | 鳥 |
6777 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🪽 -name | wing |
翼 |
6778 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🪽 –keywords | angelic | ascend | aviation | bird | fly | flying | heavenly | mythology | soar | wing |
天使 | 天国 | 神話 | 空 | 羽 | 翼 | 飛び立つ | 飛ぶ | 飛行 | 鳥 |
6779 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🐦⬛ -name | black bird |
黒い鳥 |
6780 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🐦⬛ –keywords | animal | beak | bird | black | caw | corvid | crow | ornithology | raven | rook |
カーカー | カラス | くちばし | コクチョウ | ミヤマガラス | ワタリガラス | 烏 | 鳥 | 鳥類 | 黒 |
6781 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🪿 -name | goose |
ガチョウ |
6782 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🪿 –keywords | animal | bird | duck | flock | fowl | gaggle | gander | geese | goose | honk | ornithology | silly |
アヒル | ガーガー | ガチョウ | まぬけ | 鳥 | 鳥類 |
6783 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🐦🔥 -name | phoenix |
フェニックス |
6784 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bird | 🐦🔥 –keywords | ascend | ascension | emerge | fantasy | firebird | glory | immortal | phoenix | rebirth | reincarnation | reinvent | renewal | revival | revive | rise | transform |
ファンタジー | フェニックス | 不死鳥 | 再生 | 復活 | 火の鳥 | 生まれ変わり | 神話 | 転生 | 輪廻 |
6785 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-amphibian | 🐸 -name | frog |
カエルの顔 |
6786 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-amphibian | 🐸 –keywords | animal | face | frog |
カエル | カエルの顔 | 動物 | 顔 |
6787 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-reptile | 🐊 -name | crocodile |
ワニ |
6788 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-reptile | 🐊 –keywords | animal | crocodile | zoo |
クロコダイル | ワニ | 動物 | 爬虫類 |
6789 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-reptile | 🐢 -name | turtle |
カメ |
6790 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-reptile | 🐢 –keywords | animal | terrapin | tortoise | turtle |
カメ | 亀 | 動物 | 爬虫類 |
6791 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-reptile | 🦎 -name | lizard |
トカゲ |
6792 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-reptile | 🦎 –keywords | animal | lizard | reptile |
トカゲ | ヤモリ | 動物 | 爬虫類 |
6793 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-reptile | 🐍 -name | snake |
ヘビ |
6794 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-reptile | 🐍 –keywords | animal | bearer | Ophiuchus | serpent | snake | zodiac |
ヘビ | へびつかい座 | 動物 | 星座 | 毒 | 爬虫類 |
6795 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-reptile | 🐲 -name | dragon face |
ドラゴンの顔 |
6796 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-reptile | 🐲 –keywords | animal | dragon | face | fairy | fairytale | tale |
ドラゴン | ドラゴンの顔 | 動物 | 竜 | 顔 | 龍 |
6797 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-reptile | 🐉 -name | dragon |
ドラゴン |
6798 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-reptile | 🐉 –keywords | animal | dragon | fairy | fairytale | knights | tale |
ドラゴン | 動物 | 竜 | 龍 |
6799 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-reptile | 🦕 -name | sauropod |
草食恐竜 |
6800 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-reptile | 🦕 –keywords | brachiosaurus | brontosaurus | dinosaur | diplodocus | sauropod |
ディプロドクス | ブラキオサウルス | ブロントサウルス | 恐竜 | 竜脚類 | 草食恐竜 |
6801 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-reptile | 🦖 -name | T-Rex |
ティラノサウルス |
6802 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-reptile | 🦖 –keywords | dinosaur | Rex | T | T-Rex | Tyrannosaurus |
ティラノサウルス | 恐竜 |
6803 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🐳 -name | spouting whale |
潮吹きクジラ |
6804 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🐳 –keywords | animal | beach | face | ocean | spouting | whale |
クジラ | 動物 | 潮吹き | 潮吹きクジラ |
6805 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🐋 -name | whale |
クジラ |
6806 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🐋 –keywords | animal | beach | ocean | whale |
クジラ | 動物 |
6807 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🐬 -name | dolphin |
イルカ |
6808 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🐬 –keywords | animal | beach | dolphin | flipper | ocean |
イルカ | ドルフィン | 動物 |
6809 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🦭 -name | seal |
アザラシ |
6810 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🦭 –keywords | animal | lion | ocean | sea | seal |
アザラシ | アシカ | オットセイ | トド | 動物 | 海獣 |
6811 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🐟 -name | fish |
魚 |
6812 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🐟 –keywords | animal | dinner | fish | fishes | fishing | Pisces | zodiac |
うお座 | フィッシング | 動物 | 星座 | 釣り | 魚 |
6813 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🐠 -name | tropical fish |
熱帯魚 |
6814 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🐠 –keywords | animal | fish | fishes | tropical |
動物 | 熱帯魚 | 魚 |
6815 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🐡 -name | blowfish |
フグ |
6816 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🐡 –keywords | animal | blowfish | fish |
フグ | 動物 | 魚 |
6817 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🦈 -name | shark |
サメ |
6818 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🦈 –keywords | animal | fish | shark |
サメ | 動物 | 魚 |
6819 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🐙 -name | octopus |
タコ |
6820 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🐙 –keywords | animal | creature | ocean | octopus |
オクトパス | タコ | 動物 | 軟体動物 |
6821 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🐚 -name | spiral shell |
巻き貝 |
6822 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🐚 –keywords | animal | beach | conch | sea | shell | spiral |
動物 | 巻き貝 | 貝 | 貝殻 |
6823 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🪸 -name | coral |
サンゴ |
6824 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🪸 –keywords | change | climate | coral | ocean | reef | sea |
サンゴ | 気候変動 | 海 | 珊瑚礁 |
6825 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🪼 -name | jellyfish |
クラゲ |
6826 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🪼 –keywords | animal | aquarium | burn | invertebrate | jelly | jellyfish | life | marine | ocean | ouch | plankton | sea | sting | stinger | tentacles |
クラゲ | プランクトン | 刺す | 毒 | 水族館 | 海 | 海洋生物 | 無脊椎動物 | 触手 | 針 |
6827 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🦀 -name | crab |
カニ |
6828 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🦀 –keywords | Cancer | crab | zodiac |
カニ | 動物 | 星座 |
6829 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🦞 -name | lobster |
ザリガニ |
6830 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🦞 –keywords | animal | bisque | claws | lobster | seafood |
ザリガニ | シーフード | はさみ | ビスク | レッドロブスター | ロブスター | 動物 |
6831 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🦐 -name | shrimp |
エビ |
6832 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🦐 –keywords | food | shellfish | shrimp | small |
エビ | シーフード | シュリンプ | 動物 | 小エビ |
6833 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🦑 -name | squid |
イカ |
6834 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🦑 –keywords | animal | food | mollusk | squid |
イカ | シーフード | 動物 | 軟体動物 |
6835 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🦪 -name | oyster |
牡蠣 |
6836 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-marine | 🦪 –keywords | diving | oyster | pearl |
オイスター | カキ | シーフード | ダイビング | 牡蠣 | 生ガキ | 真珠 | 貝 | 魚介 |
6837 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🐌 -name | snail |
かたつむり |
6838 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🐌 –keywords | animal | escargot | garden | nature | slug | snail |
エスカルゴ | かたつむり | カタツムリ | でんでん虫 | 虫 |
6839 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🦋 -name | butterfly |
チョウ |
6840 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🦋 –keywords | butterfly | insect | pretty |
チョウ | バタフライ | 昆虫 | 虫 | 蝶 |
6841 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🐛 -name | bug |
毛虫 |
6842 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🐛 –keywords | animal | bug | garden | insect |
イモムシ | 毛虫 | 芋虫 | 虫 |
6843 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🐜 -name | ant |
アリ |
6844 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🐜 –keywords | animal | ant | garden | insect |
アリ | 昆虫 | 虫 |
6845 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🐝 -name | honeybee |
ミツバチ |
6846 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🐝 –keywords | animal | bee | bumblebee | honey | honeybee | insect | nature | spring |
ハチ | ミツバチ | 虫 | 蜂 |
6847 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🪲 -name | beetle |
カブトムシ |
6848 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🪲 –keywords | animal | beetle | bug | insect |
カブトムシ | つの | 昆虫 | 虫 |
6849 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🐞 -name | lady beetle |
テントウムシ |
6850 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🐞 –keywords | animal | beetle | garden | insect | lady | ladybird | ladybug | nature |
テントウムシ | てんとう虫 | 虫 |
6851 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🦗 -name | cricket |
バッタ |
6852 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🦗 –keywords | animal | bug | cricket | grasshopper | insect | Orthoptera |
コオロギ | バッタ | 昆虫 | 直翅目 | 虫 |
6853 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🪳 -name | cockroach |
ゴキブリ |
6854 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🪳 –keywords | animal | cockroach | insect | pest | roach |
ゴキブリ | 害虫 | 虫 |
6855 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🕷 -name | spider |
クモ |
6856 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🕷 –keywords | animal | insect | spider |
クモ | スパイダー | 虫 |
6857 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🕸 -name | spider web |
クモの巣 |
6858 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🕸 –keywords | spider | web |
ウェブ | クモ | クモの巣 | スパイダー |
6859 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🦂 -name | scorpion |
サソリ |
6860 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🦂 –keywords | Scorpio | scorpion | Scorpius | zodiac |
サソリ | さそり座 | 星座 | 虫 |
6861 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🦟 -name | mosquito |
蚊 |
6862 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🦟 –keywords | bite | disease | fever | insect | malaria | mosquito | pest | virus |
ウイルス | マラリア | 刺す | 熱 | 病気 | 虫 | 蚊 |
6863 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🪰 -name | fly |
ハエ |
6864 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🪰 –keywords | animal | disease | fly | insect | maggot | pest | rotting |
ハエ | 不潔 | 害虫 | 病原菌 | 虫 |
6865 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🪱 -name | worm |
ミミズ |
6866 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🪱 –keywords | animal | annelid | earthworm | parasite | worm |
ミミズ | 寄生虫 | 虫 |
6867 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🦠 -name | microbe |
微生物 |
6868 | Characters | Animals & Nature | animal-bug | 🦠 –keywords | amoeba | bacteria | microbe | science | virus |
アメーバ | ウイルス | バクテリア | 微生物 | 科学 | 細菌 |
6869 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-flower | 💐 -name | bouquet |
花束 |
6870 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-flower | 💐 –keywords | anniversary | birthday | bouquet | date | flower | love | plant | romance |
ブーケ | 植物 | 花 | 花束 |
6871 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-flower | 🌸 -name | cherry blossom |
桜 |
6872 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-flower | 🌸 –keywords | blossom | cherry | flower | plant | spring | springtime |
サクラ | 桜 | 植物 | 花 | 開花 |
6873 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-flower | 💮 -name | white flower |
大変よくできました |
6874 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-flower | 💮 –keywords | flower | white |
はなまる | よくできました | 大変よくできました | 花 |
6875 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-flower | 🪷 -name | lotus |
ハスの花 |
6876 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-flower | 🪷 –keywords | beauty | Buddhism | calm | flower | Hinduism | lotus | peace | purity | serenity |
ハスの花 | ヒンドゥー教 | 仏教 | 極楽 | 清浄 | 花 |
6877 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-flower | 🏵 -name | rosette |
花飾り |
6878 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-flower | 🏵 –keywords | plant | rosette |
植物 | 花 | 花飾り |
6879 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-flower | 🌹 -name | rose |
バラ |
6880 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-flower | 🌹 –keywords | beauty | elegant | flower | love | plant | red | rose | valentine |
バラ | ローズ | 植物 | 花 | 薔薇 | 赤いバラ |
6881 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-flower | 🥀 -name | wilted flower |
しおれた花 |
6882 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-flower | 🥀 –keywords | dying | flower | wilted |
しおれた | しおれた花 | 花 |
6883 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-flower | 🌺 -name | hibiscus |
ハイビスカス |
6884 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-flower | 🌺 –keywords | flower | hibiscus | plant |
ハイビスカス | 植物 | 花 |
6885 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-flower | 🌻 -name | sunflower |
ヒマワリ |
6886 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-flower | 🌻 –keywords | flower | outdoors | plant | sun | sunflower |
ひまわり | ヒマワリ | 花 |
6887 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-flower | 🌼 -name | blossom |
開花 |
6888 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-flower | 🌼 –keywords | blossom | buttercup | dandelion | flower | plant |
キンポウゲ | 咲いた花 | 植物 | 花 | 開花 |
6889 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-flower | 🌷 -name | tulip |
チューリップ |
6890 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-flower | 🌷 –keywords | blossom | flower | growth | plant | tulip |
チューリップ | 植物 | 花 | 開花 |
6891 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-flower | 🪻 -name | hyacinth |
ヒヤシンス |
6892 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-flower | 🪻 –keywords | bloom | bluebonnet | flower | hyacinth | indigo | lavender | lilac | lupine | plant | purple | shrub | snapdragon | spring | violet |
スミレ色 | ヒヤシンス | ブルーボネット | ライラック | ラベンダー | 植物 | 紫色 | 花 | 青紫 |
6893 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🌱 -name | seedling |
新芽 |
6894 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🌱 –keywords | plant | sapling | seedling | sprout | young |
双葉 | 新芽 | 芽 |
6895 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🪴 -name | potted plant |
鉢植え |
6896 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🪴 –keywords | decor | grow | house | nurturing | plant | pot | potted |
ベランダ | 植木鉢 | 植物 | 水やり | 緑 | 苗 | 観葉植物 | 鉢植え |
6897 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🌲 -name | evergreen tree |
常緑樹 |
6898 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🌲 –keywords | christmas | evergreen | forest | pine | tree |
常緑樹 | 木 | 森 |
6899 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🌳 -name | deciduous tree |
落葉樹 |
6900 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🌳 –keywords | deciduous | forest | green | habitat | shedding | tree |
木 | 森 | 落葉樹 |
6901 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🌴 -name | palm tree |
ヤシの木 |
6902 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🌴 –keywords | beach | palm | plant | tree | tropical |
ビーチ | ヤシ | ヤシの木 | 木 | 熱帯 |
6903 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🌵 -name | cactus |
サボテン |
6904 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🌵 –keywords | cactus | desert | drought | nature | plant |
サボテン | 植物 | 砂漠 |
6905 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🌾 -name | sheaf of rice |
稲 |
6906 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🌾 –keywords | ear | grain | grains | plant | rice | sheaf |
ススキ | 稲 | 稲穂 | 穀物 | 米 | 草 |
6907 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🌿 -name | herb |
ハーブ |
6908 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🌿 –keywords | herb | leaf | plant |
ハーブ | 草 | 葉 | 薬草 | 香草 |
6909 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | ☘ -name | shamrock |
クローバー |
6910 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | ☘ –keywords | irish | plant | shamrock |
クローバー | 植物 | 草 | 葉 |
6911 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🍀 -name | four leaf clover |
四つ葉のクローバー |
6912 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🍀 –keywords | 4 | clover | four | four-leaf | irish | leaf | lucky | plant |
4 | クローバー | 四つ葉のクローバー | 植物 | 草 | 葉 |
6913 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🍁 -name | maple leaf |
かえで |
6914 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🍁 –keywords | falling | leaf | maple |
かえで | カエデ | もみじ | 紅葉 | 落ち葉 | 葉 |
6915 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🍂 -name | fallen leaf |
落ち葉 |
6916 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🍂 –keywords | autumn | fall | fallen | falling | leaf |
木の葉 | 枯れ葉 | 落ち葉 | 葉 | 葉っぱ |
6917 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🍃 -name | leaf fluttering in wind |
風に揺れる葉 |
6918 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🍃 –keywords | blow | flutter | fluttering | leaf | wind |
木の葉 | 落ち葉 | 葉 | 葉っぱ | 風 | 風に揺れる葉 |
6919 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🪹 -name | empty nest |
空っぽの巣 |
6920 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🪹 –keywords | branch | empty | home | nest | nesting |
営巣 | 巣 | 巣作り | 空っぽの巣 |
6921 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🪺 -name | nest with eggs |
鳥の卵と巣 |
6922 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🪺 –keywords | bird | branch | egg | eggs | nest | nesting |
卵 | 営巣 | 巣 | 巣作り | 鳥の卵と巣 | 鳥の巣 |
6923 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🍄 -name | mushroom |
キノコ |
6924 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | 🍄 –keywords | fungus | mushroom | toadstool |
きのこ | キノコ | マッシュルーム | 毒 | 菌類 | 野菜 |
6925 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | -name | leafless tree |
枯れ木 |
6926 | Characters | Animals & Nature | plant-other | –keywords | bare | barren | branches | dead | drought | leafless | tree | trunk | winter | wood |
不毛|干ばつ|葉のない木|冬 |
6927 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍇 -name | grapes |
ぶどう |
6928 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍇 –keywords | Dionysus | fruit | grape | grapes |
グレープ | ぶどう | ブドウ | 果物 |
6929 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍈 -name | melon |
メロン |
6930 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍈 –keywords | cantaloupe | fruit | melon |
マスクメロン | メロン | 果物 | 野菜 |
6931 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍉 -name | watermelon |
スイカ |
6932 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍉 –keywords | fruit | watermelon |
スイカ | 果物 | 野菜 |
6933 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍊 -name | tangerine |
みかん |
6934 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍊 –keywords | c | citrus | fruit | nectarine | orange | tangerine | vitamin |
オレンジ | ネクタリン | ビタミンC | みかん | 果物 | 柑橘類 |
6935 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍋 -name | lemon |
レモン |
6936 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍋 –keywords | citrus | fruit | lemon | sour |
レモン | 果物 | 柑橘類 | 酸っぱい |
6937 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍋🟩 -name | lime |
ライム |
6938 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍋🟩 –keywords | acidity | citrus | cocktail | fruit | garnish | key | lime | margarita | mojito | refreshing | salsa | sour | tangy | tequila | tropical | zest |
さわやか | トロピカル | フルーツ | マルガリータ | モヒート | ライム | 果物 | 柑橘類 | 緑 | 酸っぱい |
6939 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍌 -name | banana |
バナナ |
6940 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍌 –keywords | banana | fruit | potassium |
カリウム | バナナ | 果物 |
6941 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍍 -name | pineapple |
パイナップル |
6942 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍍 –keywords | colada | fruit | pina | pineapple | tropical |
トロピカル | パイナップル | パイン | 果物 |
6943 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🥭 -name | mango |
マンゴー |
6944 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🥭 –keywords | food | fruit | mango | tropical |
トロピカル | フルーツ | マンゴー | 果物 | 食べ物 |
6945 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍎 -name | red apple |
赤リンゴ |
6946 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍎 –keywords | apple | diet | food | fruit | health | red | ripe |
アップル | りんご | 果物 | 赤リンゴ |
6947 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍏 -name | green apple |
青リンゴ |
6948 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍏 –keywords | apple | fruit | green |
アップル | りんご | 果物 | 青リンゴ |
6949 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍐 -name | pear |
洋ナシ |
6950 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍐 –keywords | fruit | pear |
ナシ | 果物 | 洋ナシ | 西洋ナシ |
6951 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍑 -name | peach |
桃 |
6952 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍑 –keywords | fruit | peach |
ピーチ | 果物 | 桃 |
6953 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍒 -name | cherries |
さくらんぼ |
6954 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍒 –keywords | berries | cherries | cherry | fruit | red |
さくらんぼ | チェリー | 果物 |
6955 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍓 -name | strawberry |
いちご |
6956 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍓 –keywords | berry | fruit | strawberry |
いちご | ストロベリー | 果物 | 苺 |
6957 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🫐 -name | blueberries |
ブルーベリー |
6958 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🫐 –keywords | berries | berry | bilberry | blue | blueberries | blueberry | food | fruit |
ビルベリー | ブルーベリー | ベリー | 果物 | 食べ物 |
6959 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🥝 -name | kiwi fruit |
キウイフルーツ |
6960 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🥝 –keywords | food | fruit | kiwi |
キウイ | キウイフルーツ | 果物 |
6961 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍅 -name | tomato |
トマト |
6962 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🍅 –keywords | food | fruit | tomato | vegetable |
トマト | 果物 | 野菜 |
6963 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🫒 -name | olive |
オリーブ |
6964 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🫒 –keywords | food | olive |
オリーブ | 実 | 果実 | 食べ物 |
6965 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🥥 -name | coconut |
ココナツ |
6966 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-fruit | 🥥 –keywords | coconut | colada | palm | piña |
ココナツ | ココナッツ | ヤシの実 | 果物 |
6967 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🥑 -name | avocado |
アボカド |
6968 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🥑 –keywords | avocado | food | fruit |
アボカド | 果物 | 野菜 |
6969 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🍆 -name | eggplant |
ナス |
6970 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🍆 –keywords | aubergine | eggplant | vegetable |
ナス | 野菜 |
6971 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🥔 -name | potato |
ジャガイモ |
6972 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🥔 –keywords | food | potato | vegetable |
イモ | じゃがいも | ジャガイモ | ポテト | 野菜 |
6973 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🥕 -name | carrot |
人参 |
6974 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🥕 –keywords | carrot | food | vegetable |
ニンジン | 人参 | 野菜 |
6975 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🌽 -name | ear of corn |
とうもろこし |
6976 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🌽 –keywords | corn | crops | ear | farm | maize | maze |
コーン | とうもろこし | トウモロコシ | 野菜 |
6977 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🌶 -name | hot pepper |
とうがらし |
6978 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🌶 –keywords | hot | pepper |
とうがらし | 辛い | 野菜 | 香辛料 |
6979 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🫑 -name | bell pepper |
赤ピーマン |
6980 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🫑 –keywords | bell | capsicum | food | pepper | vegetable |
とうがらし | パプリカ | ピーマン | 赤ピーマン | 野菜 | 青ピーマン | 食べ物 |
6981 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🥒 -name | cucumber |
キュウリ |
6982 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🥒 –keywords | cucumber | food | pickle | vegetable |
キュウリ | ピクルス | 漬け物 | 野菜 |
6983 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🥬 -name | leafy green |
葉野菜 |
6984 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🥬 –keywords | bok | burgers | cabbage | choy | green | kale | leafy | lettuce | salad |
キャベツ | ケール | サラダ | チンゲン菜 | レタス | 葉野菜 |
6985 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🥦 -name | broccoli |
ブロッコリー |
6986 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🥦 –keywords | broccoli | cabbage | wild |
ブロッコリー | 野菜 |
6987 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🧄 -name | garlic |
ニンニク |
6988 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🧄 –keywords | flavoring | garlic |
ガーリック | におい | ニンニク | 薬味 | 野菜 | 香り |
6989 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🧅 -name | onion |
タマネギ |
6990 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🧅 –keywords | flavoring | onion |
タマネギ | ねぎ | 玉ねぎ | 薬味 | 野菜 |
6991 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🥜 -name | peanuts |
ピーナッツ |
6992 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🥜 –keywords | food | nut | peanut | peanuts | vegetable |
ナッツ | ピーナッツ | 落花生 | 野菜 |
6993 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🫘 -name | beans |
豆 |
6994 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🫘 –keywords | beans | food | kidney | legume | small |
キドニービーンズ | ビーンズ | レッドキドニー | 小豆 | 豆 | 赤インゲン豆 | 金時豆 | 食べ物 |
6995 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🌰 -name | chestnut |
くり |
6996 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🌰 –keywords | almond | chestnut | plant |
くり | 栗 | 野菜 |
6997 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🫚 -name | ginger root |
ショウガ |
6998 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🫚 –keywords | beer | ginger | health | herb | natural | root | spice |
ショウガ | ジンジャー | スパイス | ハーブ | 生姜 | 薬味 | 薬草 |
6999 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🫛 -name | pea pod |
エンドウ豆 |
7000 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🫛 –keywords | beans | beanstalk | edamame | legume | pea | pod | soybean | vegetable | veggie |
エンドウ豆 | グリーンピース | さや | 大豆 | 枝豆 | 豆 | 野菜 |
7001 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🍄🟫 -name | brown mushroom |
きのこ |
7002 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | 🍄🟫 –keywords | food | fungi | fungus | mushroom | nature | pizza | portobello | shiitake | shroom | spore | sprout | toppings | truffle | vegetable | vegetarian | veggie |
きのこ | キノコ | しいたけ | トリュフ | ブラウンマッシュルーム | ポートベロー | マッシュルーム | 椎茸 | 茸 | 菌類 |
7003 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | -name | root vegetable |
根菜 |
7004 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-vegetable | –keywords | beet | food | garden | radish | root | salad | turnip | vegetable | vegetarian |
ビーツ|庭|根|カブ|野菜 |
7005 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🍞 -name | bread |
食パン |
7006 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🍞 –keywords | bread | carbs | food | grain | loaf | restaurant | toast | wheat |
パン | ベーカリー | 小麦 | 食パン |
7007 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥐 -name | croissant |
クロワッサン |
7008 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥐 –keywords | bread | breakfast | crescent | croissant | food | french | roll |
クロワッサン | パン | フランス | ベーカリー |
7009 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥖 -name | baguette bread |
バゲット |
7010 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥖 –keywords | baguette | bread | food | french |
バゲット | パン | フランスパン | ベーカリー |
7011 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🫓 -name | flatbread |
フラットブレッド |
7012 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🫓 –keywords | arepa | bread | flatbread | food | gordita | lavash | naan | pita |
アレパ | ナン | パン | ピタパン | フラットブレッド | ラバシ | 食べ物 |
7013 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥨 -name | pretzel |
プレッツェル |
7014 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥨 –keywords | convoluted | pretzel | twisted |
ねじり | パン | プレッツェル |
7015 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥯 -name | bagel |
ベーグル |
7016 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥯 –keywords | bagel | bakery | bread | breakfast | schmear |
クリームチーズ | パン | パン屋 | ベーカリー | ベーグル | 朝食 |
7017 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥞 -name | pancakes |
パンケーキ |
7018 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥞 –keywords | breakfast | crêpe | food | hotcake | pancake | pancakes |
パンケーキ | ホットケーキ |
7019 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🧇 -name | waffle |
ワッフル |
7020 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🧇 –keywords | breakfast | indecisive | iron | waffle |
ふんわり | ワッフル | 朝食 | 焼き菓子 |
7021 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🧀 -name | cheese wedge |
チーズ |
7022 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🧀 –keywords | cheese | wedge |
チーズ |
7023 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🍖 -name | meat on bone |
骨付き肉 |
7024 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🍖 –keywords | bone | meat |
もも肉 | 肉 | 骨 | 骨付き肉 |
7025 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🍗 -name | poultry leg |
鶏もも肉 |
7026 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🍗 –keywords | bone | chicken | drumstick | hungry | leg | poultry | turkey |
チキン | もも肉 | 肉 | 骨 | 骨付き肉 | 鶏もも肉 |
7027 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥩 -name | cut of meat |
ステーキ肉 |
7028 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥩 –keywords | chop | cut | lambchop | meat | porkchop | red | steak |
ステーキ | ステーキ肉 | ビーフ | ポーク | ラム | 肉 | 赤身肉 |
7029 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥓 -name | bacon |
ベーコン |
7030 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥓 –keywords | bacon | breakfast | food | meat |
ベーコン | 肉 |
7031 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🍔 -name | hamburger |
ハンバーガー |
7032 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🍔 –keywords | burger | eat | fast | food | hamburger | hungry |
バーガー | ハンバーガー | ファストフード |
7033 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🍟 -name | french fries |
フライドポテト |
7034 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🍟 –keywords | fast | food | french | fries |
ファストフード | フライドポテト | フレンチフライ | ポテト | ポテトフライ |
7035 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🍕 -name | pizza |
ピザ |
7036 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🍕 –keywords | cheese | food | hungry | pepperoni | pizza | slice |
チーズ | ピザ | ピッツァ | ペパロニ |
7037 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🌭 -name | hot dog |
ホットドッグ |
7038 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🌭 –keywords | dog | frankfurter | hot | hotdog | sausage |
ソーセージ | フランクフルト | ホットドッグ |
7039 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥪 -name | sandwich |
サンドイッチ |
7040 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥪 –keywords | bread | sandwich |
サンドイッチ | パン |
7041 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🌮 -name | taco |
タコス |
7042 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🌮 –keywords | mexican | taco |
タコス | メキシカン | メキシコ料理 |
7043 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🌯 -name | burrito |
ブリトー |
7044 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🌯 –keywords | burrito | mexican | wrap |
ソフトタコス | ブリトー | メキシカン | メキシコ料理 | ラップサンド |
7045 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🫔 -name | tamale |
タマル |
7046 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🫔 –keywords | food | mexican | pamonha | tamale | wrapped |
タマル | タマレス | ちまき | パモーニャ | メキシカン | 食べ物 |
7047 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥙 -name | stuffed flatbread |
ケバブサンド |
7048 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥙 –keywords | falafel | flatbread | food | gyro | kebab | stuffed |
ケバブ | ケバブサンド | ピタパン | ラップサンド |
7049 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🧆 -name | falafel |
ファラフェル |
7050 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🧆 –keywords | chickpea | falafel | meatball |
コロッケ | ヒヨコマメ | ファラフェル | 肉団子 |
7051 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥚 -name | egg |
卵 |
7052 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥚 –keywords | breakfast | egg | food |
卵 |
7053 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🍳 -name | cooking |
料理 |
7054 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🍳 –keywords | breakfast | cooking | easy | egg | fry | frying | over | pan | restaurant | side | sunny | up |
フライパン | レストラン | 卵 | 料理 | 朝食 | 目玉焼き |
7055 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥘 -name | shallow pan of food |
パエリア |
7056 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥘 –keywords | casserole | food | paella | pan | shallow |
シーフード | パエリア | パエリア鍋 |
7057 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🍲 -name | pot of food |
なべ |
7058 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🍲 –keywords | food | pot | soup | stew |
シチュー | スープ | なべ | 煮物 | 煮込み |
7059 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🫕 -name | fondue |
フォンデュ |
7060 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🫕 –keywords | cheese | chocolate | fondue | food | melted | pot | ski |
スイス | チーズ | チーズフォンデュ | チョコ | フォンデュ | 溶かす | 鍋 | 食べ物 |
7061 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥣 -name | bowl with spoon |
ボウルとスプーン |
7062 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥣 –keywords | bowl | breakfast | cereal | congee | oatmeal | porridge | spoon |
オートミール | おかゆ | シリアル | ボウルとスプーン | 朝食 | 粥 |
7063 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥗 -name | green salad |
グリーンサラダ |
7064 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥗 –keywords | food | green | salad |
グリーン | グリーンサラダ | サラダ |
7065 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🍿 -name | popcorn |
ポップコーン |
7066 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🍿 –keywords | corn | movie | pop | popcorn |
お菓子 | ポップコーン |
7067 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🧈 -name | butter |
バター |
7068 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🧈 –keywords | butter | dairy |
バター | 乳製品 |
7069 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🧂 -name | salt |
塩 |
7070 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🧂 –keywords | condiment | flavor | mad | salt | salty | shaker | taste | upset |
しょっぱい | 塩 | 振りかけ容器 | 薬味 | 調味料 |
7071 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥫 -name | canned food |
缶詰 |
7072 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-prepared | 🥫 –keywords | can | canned | food |
缶 | 缶詰 | 非常食 |
7073 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍱 -name | bento box |
弁当 |
7074 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍱 –keywords | bento | box | food |
幕の内 | 弁当 | 弁当箱 | 駅弁 |
7075 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍘 -name | rice cracker |
せんべい |
7076 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍘 –keywords | cracker | food | rice |
お菓子 | せんべい |
7077 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍙 -name | rice ball |
おにぎり |
7078 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍙 –keywords | ball | food | Japanese | rice |
おにぎり | おむすび | 和食 | 米 |
7079 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍚 -name | cooked rice |
ごはん |
7080 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍚 –keywords | cooked | food | rice |
ごはん | ライス | 米 |
7081 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍛 -name | curry rice |
カレーライス |
7082 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍛 –keywords | curry | food | rice |
カレー | カレーライス | ライス |
7083 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍜 -name | steaming bowl |
ラーメン |
7084 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍜 –keywords | bowl | chopsticks | food | noodle | pho | ramen | soup | steaming |
スープ | どんぶり | ヌードル | ラーメン | 熱々 | 箸 | 麺 |
7085 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍝 -name | spaghetti |
スパゲッティ |
7086 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍝 –keywords | food | meatballs | pasta | restaurant | spaghetti |
イタリア料理 | スパゲッティ | スパゲッティー | スパゲティ | パスタ | ミートソース |
7087 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍠 -name | roasted sweet potato |
焼き芋 |
7088 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍠 –keywords | food | potato | roasted | sweet |
サツマイモ | 焼き芋 | 芋 |
7089 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍢 -name | oden |
おでん |
7090 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍢 –keywords | food | kebab | oden | restaurant | seafood | skewer | stick |
おでん | 串 | 練り物 |
7091 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍣 -name | sushi |
すし |
7092 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍣 –keywords | food | sushi |
お寿司 | すし | 寿司 |
7093 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍤 -name | fried shrimp |
エビフライ |
7094 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍤 –keywords | fried | prawn | shrimp | tempura |
エビ | エビフライ | エビ天 | フライ | 天ぷら |
7095 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍥 -name | fish cake with swirl |
なると |
7096 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍥 –keywords | cake | fish | food | pastry | restaurant | swirl |
なると | 渦巻き | 練り物 |
7097 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🥮 -name | moon cake |
月餅 |
7098 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🥮 –keywords | autumn | cake | festival | moon | yuèbǐng |
お祝い | 中秋節 | 中華菓子 | 月餅 | 秋 |
7099 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍡 -name | dango |
だんご |
7100 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🍡 –keywords | dango | dessert | Japanese | skewer | stick | sweet |
お団子 | だんご | デザート | 串 | 和菓子 |
7101 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🥟 -name | dumpling |
点心 |
7102 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🥟 –keywords | dumpling | empanada | gyōza | jiaozi | pierogi | potsticker |
ギョーザ | ぎょうざ | 点心 | 肉まん | 餃子 |
7103 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🥠 -name | fortune cookie |
フォーチュンクッキー |
7104 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🥠 –keywords | cookie | fortune | prophecy |
おみくじ | フォーチュンクッキー |
7105 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🥡 -name | takeout box |
テイクアウト弁当 |
7106 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-asian | 🥡 –keywords | box | chopsticks | delivery | food | oyster | pail | takeout |
テイクアウト弁当 | デリバリー | 中華 | 弁当 | 持ち帰り | 箸 |
7107 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🍦 -name | soft ice cream |
ソフトクリーム |
7108 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🍦 –keywords | cream | dessert | food | ice | icecream | restaurant | serve | soft | sweet |
アイス | スイーツ | ソフト | ソフトクリーム | デザート |
7109 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🍧 -name | shaved ice |
かき氷 |
7110 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🍧 –keywords | dessert | ice | restaurant | shaved | sweet |
アイス | かき氷 | シェイブアイス | スイーツ | デザート | 氷 |
7111 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🍨 -name | ice cream |
アイスクリーム |
7112 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🍨 –keywords | cream | dessert | food | ice | restaurant | sweet |
アイス | アイスクリーム | スイーツ | デザート |
7113 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🍩 -name | doughnut |
ドーナツ |
7114 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🍩 –keywords | breakfast | dessert | donut | doughnut | food | sweet |
お菓子 | スイーツ | デザート | ドーナツ |
7115 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🍪 -name | cookie |
クッキー |
7116 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🍪 –keywords | chip | chocolate | cookie | dessert | sweet |
お菓子 | クッキー | スイーツ | チョコレートチップ | デザート |
7117 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🎂 -name | birthday cake |
バースデーケーキ |
7118 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🎂 –keywords | bday | birthday | cake | celebration | dessert | happy | pastry | sweet |
お祝い | お菓子 | ケーキ | スイーツ | バースデー | バースデーケーキ | ハッピーバースデー | 誕生日 |
7119 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🍰 -name | shortcake |
ショートケーキ |
7120 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🍰 –keywords | cake | dessert | pastry | shortcake | slice | sweet |
お菓子 | ケーキ | ショートケーキ | スイーツ | デザート |
7121 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🧁 -name | cupcake |
カップケーキ |
7122 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🧁 –keywords | bakery | cupcake | dessert | sprinkles | sugar | sweet | treat |
おやつ | お菓子 | カップケーキ | ケーキ | スイーツ | ベーカリー | 砂糖 |
7123 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🥧 -name | pie |
パイ |
7124 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🥧 –keywords | apple | filling | fruit | meat | pastry | pie | pumpkin | slice |
アップルパイ | お菓子 | タルト | パイ | パンプキンパイ | ミートパイ |
7125 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🍫 -name | chocolate bar |
チョコレート |
7126 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🍫 –keywords | bar | candy | chocolate | dessert | halloween | sweet | tooth |
お菓子 | スイーツ | チョコ | チョコレート | デザート | 板チョコ |
7127 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🍬 -name | candy |
キャンディ |
7128 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🍬 –keywords | candy | cavities | dessert | halloween | restaurant | sweet | tooth | wrapper |
あめ | お菓子 | キャンディ | 虫歯 |
7129 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🍭 -name | lollipop |
ぺろぺろキャンディ |
7130 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🍭 –keywords | candy | dessert | food | lollipop | restaurant | sweet |
あめ | お菓子 | キャンディ | ぺろぺろキャンディ | 棒付きキャンディ |
7131 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🍮 -name | custard |
プリン |
7132 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🍮 –keywords | custard | dessert | pudding | sweet |
お菓子 | カスタード | スイーツ | デザート | プリン |
7133 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🍯 -name | honey pot |
はちみつ |
7134 | Characters | Food & Drink | food-sweet | 🍯 –keywords | barrel | bear | food | honey | honeypot | jar | pot | sweet |
はちみつ | ハチミツ | ハニー | プーさん | 壺 | 甘い |
7135 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🍼 -name | baby bottle |
ほにゅう瓶 |
7136 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🍼 –keywords | babies | baby | birth | born | bottle | drink | infant | milk | newborn |
ほにゅう瓶 | ミルク | 哺乳瓶 | 新生児 | 赤ちゃん |
7137 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🥛 -name | glass of milk |
牛乳入りのコップ |
7138 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🥛 –keywords | drink | glass | milk |
グラス | コップ | ミルク | 牛乳 | 牛乳入りのコップ |
7139 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | ☕ -name | hot beverage |
温かい飲み物 |
7140 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | ☕ –keywords | beverage | cafe | caffeine | chai | coffee | drink | hot | morning | steaming | tea |
カフェ | カフェイン | コーヒー | ホットドリンク | 温かい飲み物 | 紅茶 | 飲み物 |
7141 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🫖 -name | teapot |
ティーポット |
7142 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🫖 –keywords | brew | drink | food | pot | tea | teapot |
お茶 | ティーポット | 急須 | 茶器 | 飲み物 |
7143 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🍵 -name | teacup without handle |
湯飲み |
7144 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🍵 –keywords | beverage | cup | drink | handle | oolong | tea | teacup |
お茶 | 湯飲み | 緑茶 | 茶碗 | 飲み物 |
7145 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🍶 -name | sake |
徳利 |
7146 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🍶 –keywords | bar | beverage | bottle | cup | drink | restaurant | sake |
徳利 | 日本酒 | 猪口 | 酒 |
7147 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🍾 -name | bottle with popping cork |
シャンパン |
7148 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🍾 –keywords | bar | bottle | cork | drink | popping |
コルク | シャンパン | シャンペン | スパークリングワイン | スプマンテ | バー | ボトル | 泡 | 飲み物 |
7149 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🍷 -name | wine glass |
ワイングラス |
7150 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🍷 –keywords | alcohol | bar | beverage | booze | club | drink | drinking | drinks | glass | restaurant | wine |
アルコール | お酒 | グラス | バー | ワイン | ワイングラス |
7151 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🍸 -name | cocktail glass |
カクテルグラス |
7152 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🍸 –keywords | alcohol | bar | booze | club | cocktail | drink | drinking | drinks | glass | mad | martini | men |
アルコール | お酒 | カクテル | カクテルグラス | グラス | クラブ | バー | マティーニ |
7153 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🍹 -name | tropical drink |
トロピカルドリンク |
7154 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🍹 –keywords | alcohol | bar | booze | club | cocktail | drink | drinking | drinks | drunk | mai | party | tai | tropical | tropics |
アルコール | お酒 | カクテル | トロピカル | トロピカルドリンク | バー | マイタイ |
7155 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🍺 -name | beer mug |
ビールジョッキ |
7156 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🍺 –keywords | alcohol | ale | bar | beer | booze | drink | drinking | drinks | mug | octoberfest | oktoberfest | pint | stein | summer |
アルコール | オクトーバーフェスト | お酒 | ジョッキ | バー | ビール | ビールジョッキ | 居酒屋 |
7157 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🍻 -name | clinking beer mugs |
ビールで乾杯 |
7158 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🍻 –keywords | alcohol | bar | beer | booze | bottoms | cheers | clink | clinking | drinking | drinks | mugs |
アルコール | ジョッキ | バー | ビール | ビールで乾杯 | 乾杯 | 宴会 |
7159 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🥂 -name | clinking glasses |
グラスで乾杯 |
7160 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🥂 –keywords | celebrate | clink | clinking | drink | glass | glasses |
グラス | グラスで乾杯 | シャンパン | シャンペン | スパークリングワイン | スプマンテ | 乾杯 | 祝杯 |
7161 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🥃 -name | tumbler glass |
タンブラーグラス |
7162 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🥃 –keywords | glass | liquor | scotch | shot | tumbler | whiskey | whisky |
ウィスキー | ウイスキー | グラス | ショット | スコッチ | タンブラー | タンブラーグラス |
7163 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🫗 -name | pouring liquid |
コップから注ぐ |
7164 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🫗 –keywords | accident | drink | empty | glass | liquid | oops | pour | pouring | spill | water |
ガラス | コップから注ぐ | こぼす | 水 | 液体 | 飲み物 |
7165 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🥤 -name | cup with straw |
ストローカップ |
7166 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🥤 –keywords | cup | drink | juice | malt | soda | soft | straw | water |
コップ | ジュース | ストローカップ | ソーダ | ソフトドリンク | 水 |
7167 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🧋 -name | bubble tea |
タピオカドリンク |
7168 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🧋 –keywords | boba | bubble | food | milk | pearl | tea |
お茶 | タピオカ | タピオカドリンク | ドリンク | バブルティー | ミルクティー | 飲み物 |
7169 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🧃 -name | beverage box |
紙パック飲料 |
7170 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🧃 –keywords | beverage | box | juice | straw | sweet |
ジュース | ストロー | ドリンク | 紙パック飲料 | 飲み物 |
7171 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🧉 -name | mate |
マテ茶 |
7172 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🧉 –keywords | drink | mate |
お茶 | ドリンク | マテ茶 | 飲み物 |
7173 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🧊 -name | ice |
角氷 |
7174 | Characters | Food & Drink | drink | 🧊 –keywords | cold | cube | ice | iceberg |
冷たい | 氷 | 氷山 | 角氷 |
7175 | Characters | Food & Drink | dishware | 🥢 -name | chopsticks |
はし |
7176 | Characters | Food & Drink | dishware | 🥢 –keywords | chopsticks | hashi | jeotgarak | kuaizi |
おはし | はし | 箸 |
7177 | Characters | Food & Drink | dishware | 🍽 -name | fork and knife with plate |
ナイフとフォークと皿 |
7178 | Characters | Food & Drink | dishware | 🍽 –keywords | cooking | dinner | eat | fork | knife | plate |
お皿 | ディナー | ナイフ | ナイフとフォークと皿 | フォーク | 皿 | 食器 |
7179 | Characters | Food & Drink | dishware | 🍴 -name | fork and knife |
ナイフとフォーク |
7180 | Characters | Food & Drink | dishware | 🍴 –keywords | breakfast | breaky | cooking | cutlery | delicious | dinner | eat | feed | food | fork | hungry | knife | lunch | restaurant | yum | yummy |
カトラリー | ごちそう | ディナー | ナイフ | ナイフとフォーク | フォーク | レストラン | 朝食 | 食事 | 食器 |
7181 | Characters | Food & Drink | dishware | 🥄 -name | spoon |
スプーン |
7182 | Characters | Food & Drink | dishware | 🥄 –keywords | eat | spoon | tableware |
カトラリー | スプーン | 食器 |
7183 | Characters | Food & Drink | dishware | 🔪 -name | kitchen knife |
包丁 |
7184 | Characters | Food & Drink | dishware | 🔪 –keywords | chef | cooking | hocho | kitchen | knife | tool | weapon |
ナイフ | 凶器 | 包丁 | 料理 | 調理器具 |
7185 | Characters | Food & Drink | dishware | 🫙 -name | jar |
瓶 |
7186 | Characters | Food & Drink | dishware | 🫙 –keywords | condiment | container | empty | jar | nothing | sauce | store |
ジャー | びん | 保存 | 容器 | 瓶 | 空 | 空き瓶 | 調味料 |
7187 | Characters | Food & Drink | dishware | 🏺 -name | amphora |
壺 |
7188 | Characters | Food & Drink | dishware | 🏺 –keywords | amphora | Aquarius | cooking | drink | jug | tool | weapon | zodiac |
かめ | 壺 | 星座 | 水瓶 |
7189 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-map | 🌍 -name | globe showing Europe-Africa |
地球(ヨーロッパとアフリカ) |
7190 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-map | 🌍 –keywords | Africa | earth | Europe | Europe-Africa | globe | showing | world |
アフリカ | ヨーロッパ | 世界 | 地球 | 地球(ヨーロッパとアフリカ) |
7191 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-map | 🌎 -name | globe showing Americas |
地球(アメリカ大陸) |
7192 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-map | 🌎 –keywords | Americas | earth | globe | showing | world |
アメリカ | アメリカ大陸 | 世界 | 地球 | 地球(アメリカ大陸) |
7193 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-map | 🌏 -name | globe showing Asia-Australia |
地球(アジアとオーストラリア) |
7194 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-map | 🌏 –keywords | Asia | Asia-Australia | Australia | earth | globe | showing | world |
アジア | オーストラリア | 世界 | 地球 | 地球(アジアとオーストラリア) |
7195 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-map | 🌐 -name | globe with meridians |
子午線のある地球 |
7196 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-map | 🌐 –keywords | earth | globe | internet | meridians | web | world | worldwide |
インターネット | 地球 | 子午線 | 子午線のある地球 |
7197 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-map | 🗺 -name | world map |
世界地図 |
7198 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-map | 🗺 –keywords | map | world |
マップ | 世界 | 世界地図 | 地図 |
7199 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-map | 🗾 -name | map of Japan |
日本地図 |
7200 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-map | 🗾 –keywords | Japan | map |
地図 | 日本 | 日本地図 |
7201 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-map | 🧭 -name | compass |
コンパス |
7202 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-map | 🧭 –keywords | compass | direction | magnetic | navigation | orienteering |
オリエンテーリング | コンパス | 方位磁針 | 方角 | 磁石 | 航海 | 航空 |
7203 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-geographic | 🏔 -name | snow-capped mountain |
雪山 |
7204 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-geographic | 🏔 –keywords | cold | mountain | snow | snow-capped |
冠雪 | 山 | 雪 | 雪山 |
7205 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-geographic | ⛰ -name | mountain |
山 |
7206 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-geographic | ⛰ –keywords | mountain |
山 | 山岳 |
7207 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-geographic | 🌋 -name | volcano |
火山 |
7208 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-geographic | 🌋 –keywords | eruption | mountain | nature | volcano |
噴火 | 山 | 溶岩 | 火山 |
7209 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-geographic | 🗻 -name | mount fuji |
富士山 |
7210 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-geographic | 🗻 –keywords | fuji | mount | mountain | nature |
富士山 | 山 |
7211 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-geographic | 🏕 -name | camping |
キャンプ |
7212 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-geographic | 🏕 –keywords | camping |
キャンプ | テント | 山 |
7213 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-geographic | 🏖 -name | beach with umbrella |
ビーチパラソル |
7214 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-geographic | 🏖 –keywords | beach | umbrella |
パラソル | ビーチ | ビーチパラソル | 砂浜 |
7215 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-geographic | 🏜 -name | desert |
砂漠 |
7216 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-geographic | 🏜 –keywords | desert |
サボテン | サボテンのある砂漠 | 砂漠 |
7217 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-geographic | 🏝 -name | desert island |
無人島 |
7218 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-geographic | 🏝 –keywords | desert | island |
ヤシ | ヤシの木のある島 | 島 | 無人島 |
7219 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-geographic | 🏞 -name | national park |
国立公園 |
7220 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-geographic | 🏞 –keywords | national | park |
公園 | 国立公園 | 自然 |
7221 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏟 -name | stadium |
競技場 |
7222 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏟 –keywords | stadium |
スタジアム | 競技場 | 野球場 |
7223 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏛 -name | classical building |
歴史的な建物 |
7224 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏛 –keywords | building | classical |
古代 | 史跡 | 歴史 | 歴史的な建物 | 歴史的建造物 |
7225 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏗 -name | building construction |
建設中 |
7226 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏗 –keywords | building | construction | crane |
クレーン | 工事 | 建築 | 建設 | 建設中 |
7227 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🧱 -name | brick |
れんが |
7228 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🧱 –keywords | brick | bricks | clay | mortar | wall |
しっくい | ブロック | モルタル | れんが | 壁 | 煉瓦 | 粘土 |
7229 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🪨 -name | rock |
岩石 |
7230 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🪨 –keywords | boulder | heavy | rock | solid | stone | tough |
岩 | 岩石 | 巨岩 | 石 | 石材 | 硬い | 重たい |
7231 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🪵 -name | wood |
丸太 |
7232 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🪵 –keywords | log | lumber | timber | wood |
ログ | 丸太 | 切り株 | 木 | 木材 | 材木 | 樹木 |
7233 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🛖 -name | hut |
わらぶき小屋 |
7234 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🛖 –keywords | home | house | hut | roundhouse | shelter | yurt |
バンガロー | ユルト | わらぶき小屋 | 家 | 小屋 |
7235 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏘 -name | houses |
住宅街 |
7236 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏘 –keywords | house | houses |
住宅街 | 家 | 街 | 複数の家 |
7237 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏚 -name | derelict house |
廃屋 |
7238 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏚 –keywords | derelict | home | house |
家 | 廃屋 | 建物 | 空き家 |
7239 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏠 -name | house |
家 |
7240 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏠 –keywords | building | country | heart | home | house | ranch | settle | simple | suburban | suburbia | where |
マイホーム | 一戸建て | 家 | 建物 | 郊外 |
7241 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏡 -name | house with garden |
庭付きの家 |
7242 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏡 –keywords | building | country | garden | heart | home | house | ranch | settle | simple | suburban | suburbia | where |
マイホーム | 一戸建て | 家 | 庭 | 庭付きの家 | 建物 | 郊外 |
7243 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏢 -name | office building |
オフィスビル |
7244 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏢 –keywords | building | city | cubical | job | office |
オフィスビル | 会社 | 建物 | 社屋 | 都会 |
7245 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏣 -name | Japanese post office |
郵便局 |
7246 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏣 –keywords | building | Japanese | office | post |
建物 | 郵便 | 郵便局 |
7247 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏤 -name | post office |
西洋の郵便局 |
7248 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏤 –keywords | building | European | office | post |
建物 | 西洋の郵便局 | 郵便 |
7249 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏥 -name | hospital |
病院 |
7250 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏥 –keywords | building | doctor | hospital | medicine |
医者 | 建物 | 病院 | 薬 |
7251 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏦 -name | bank |
銀行 |
7252 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏦 –keywords | bank | building |
建物 | 銀行 |
7253 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏨 -name | hotel |
ホテル |
7254 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏨 –keywords | building | hotel |
ホテル | 建物 |
7255 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏩 -name | love hotel |
ラブホテル |
7256 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏩 –keywords | building | hotel | love |
ホテル | ラブホ | ラブホテル | 建物 |
7257 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏪 -name | convenience store |
コンビニ |
7258 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏪 –keywords | 24 | building | convenience | hours | store |
24時間営業 | コンビニ | コンビニエンスストア | 店 | 建物 |
7259 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏫 -name | school |
学校 |
7260 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏫 –keywords | building | school |
学校 | 建物 | 校舎 |
7261 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏬 -name | department store |
デパート |
7262 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏬 –keywords | building | department | store |
デパート | ビル | 店舗 | 建物 | 百貨店 |
7263 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏭 -name | factory |
工場 |
7264 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏭 –keywords | building | factory |
ファクトリー | 工場 | 建物 | 煙突 |
7265 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏯 -name | Japanese castle |
城 |
7266 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏯 –keywords | building | castle | Japanese |
城 | 建物 | 日本 | 日本の城 |
7267 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏰 -name | castle |
西洋の城 |
7268 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🏰 –keywords | building | castle | European |
キャッスル | 城 | 建物 | 西洋の城 |
7269 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 💒 -name | wedding |
結婚式 |
7270 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 💒 –keywords | chapel | hitched | nuptials | romance | wedding |
チャペル | ロマンス | 建物 | 式場 | 教会 | 礼拝堂 | 結婚 | 結婚式 |
7271 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🗼 -name | Tokyo tower |
東京タワー |
7272 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🗼 –keywords | Tokyo | tower |
タワー | 塔 | 東京 | 東京タワー |
7273 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🗽 -name | Statue of Liberty |
自由の女神 |
7274 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-building | 🗽 –keywords | liberty | Liberty | new | ny | nyc | statue | Statue | york |
アメリカ | ニューヨーク | 彫像 | 自由の女神 |
7275 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-religious | ⛪ -name | church |
教会 |
7276 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-religious | ⛪ –keywords | bless | chapel | Christian | church | cross | religion |
キリスト教 | チャペル | 十字架 | 宗教 | 建物 | 教会 | 礼拝堂 |
7277 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-religious | 🕌 -name | mosque |
モスク |
7278 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-religious | 🕌 –keywords | islam | masjid | mosque | Muslim | religion |
イスラム教 | モスク | 宗教 | 建物 |
7279 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-religious | 🛕 -name | hindu temple |
ヒンドゥー教の寺院 |
7280 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-religious | 🛕 –keywords | hindu | temple |
ヒンズー教 | ヒンドゥー教の寺院 | 宗教 | 寺 | 建物 |
7281 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-religious | 🕍 -name | synagogue |
シナゴーグ |
7282 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-religious | 🕍 –keywords | Jew | Jewish | judaism | religion | synagogue | temple |
シナゴーグ | ユダヤ教 | 宗教 | 建物 |
7283 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-religious | ⛩ -name | shinto shrine |
鳥居 |
7284 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-religious | ⛩ –keywords | religion | shinto | shrine |
宗教 | 建物 | 神社 | 神道 | 鳥居 |
7285 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-religious | 🕋 -name | kaaba |
カーバ |
7286 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-religious | 🕋 –keywords | hajj | islam | kaaba | Muslim | religion | umrah |
イスラム教 | カーバ | メッカ | 宗教 | 建物 | 聖地 | 巡礼 |
7287 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | ⛲ -name | fountain |
噴水 |
7288 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | ⛲ –keywords | fountain |
噴水 |
7289 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | ⛺ -name | tent |
テント |
7290 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | ⛺ –keywords | camping | tent |
キャンプ | テント |
7291 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🌁 -name | foggy |
霧の都会 |
7292 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🌁 –keywords | fog | foggy |
もや | 都会 | 霧 | 霧の都会 |
7293 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🌃 -name | night with stars |
夜の都会 |
7294 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🌃 –keywords | night | star | stars |
夜 | 夜の都会 | 夜景 | 星 | 星空 |
7295 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🏙 -name | cityscape |
高層ビル |
7296 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🏙 –keywords | city | cityscape |
ビル群 | 都会 | 都市 | 高層ビル |
7297 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🌄 -name | sunrise over mountains |
山から日の出 |
7298 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🌄 –keywords | morning | mountains | over | sun | sunrise |
ご来光 | 太陽 | 山から日の出 | 日の出 | 朝 | 朝日 |
7299 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🌅 -name | sunrise |
日の出 |
7300 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🌅 –keywords | morning | nature | sun | sunrise |
太陽 | 日の出 | 日光 | 朝 | 朝日 |
7301 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🌆 -name | cityscape at dusk |
夕暮れの都会 |
7302 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🌆 –keywords | at | building | city | cityscape | dusk | evening | landscape | sun | sunset |
ビル | 夕方 | 夕日 | 夕暮れ | 夕暮れの都会 | 都会 | 都市 |
7303 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🌇 -name | sunset |
夕日 |
7304 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🌇 –keywords | building | dusk | sun | sunset |
ビル | 夕方 | 夕日 | 夕暮れ | 太陽 | 日暮れ | 日没 |
7305 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🌉 -name | bridge at night |
夜の橋 |
7306 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🌉 –keywords | at | bridge | night |
夜 | 夜の橋 | 夜景 | 橋 |
7307 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | ♨ -name | hot springs |
温泉マーク |
7308 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | ♨ –keywords | hot | hotsprings | springs | steaming |
温泉 | 温泉マーク | 湯気 |
7309 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🎠 -name | carousel horse |
メリーゴーランド |
7310 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🎠 –keywords | carousel | entertainment | horse |
メリーゴーラウンド | メリーゴーランド | 回転木馬 | 遊園地 | 馬 |
7311 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🛝 -name | playground slide |
すべり台 |
7312 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🛝 –keywords | amusement | park | play | playground | playing | slide | sliding | theme |
すべり台 | 公園 | 遊具 |
7313 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🎡 -name | ferris wheel |
観覧車 |
7314 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🎡 –keywords | amusement | ferris | park | theme | wheel |
アミューズメントパーク | 観覧車 | 遊園地 |
7315 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🎢 -name | roller coaster |
ジェットコースター |
7316 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🎢 –keywords | amusement | coaster | park | roller | theme |
アミューズメントパーク | ジェットコースター | 遊園地 |
7317 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 💈 -name | barber pole |
床屋 |
7318 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 💈 –keywords | barber | cut | fresh | haircut | pole | shave |
バーバー | ヘアサロン | 床屋 | 理容室 | 理容院 | 理髪店 | 美容室 | 美容院 |
7319 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🎪 -name | circus tent |
サーカス |
7320 | Characters | Travel & Places | place-other | 🎪 –keywords | circus | tent |
サーカス | サーカス小屋 | テント |
7321 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚂 -name | locomotive |
蒸気機関車 |
7322 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚂 –keywords | caboose | engine | locomotive | railway | steam | train | trains | travel |
SL | 乗り物 | 列車 | 機関車 | 汽車 | 蒸気機関車 | 鉄道 |
7323 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚃 -name | railway car |
電車 |
7324 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚃 –keywords | car | electric | railway | train | tram | travel | trolleybus |
トロリーバス | 乗り物 | 列車 | 鉄道 | 電車 |
7325 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚄 -name | high-speed train |
新幹線 |
7326 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚄 –keywords | high-speed | railway | shinkansen | speed | train |
乗り物 | 新幹線 | 鉄道 | 電車 | 高速列車 |
7327 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚅 -name | bullet train |
0系新幹線 |
7328 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚅 –keywords | bullet | high-speed | nose | railway | shinkansen | speed | train | travel |
0系 | 0系新幹線 | 丸い新幹線 | 乗り物 | 新幹線 | 鉄道 | 電車 | 高速列車 |
7329 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚆 -name | train |
電車正面 |
7330 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚆 –keywords | arrived | choo | railway | train |
乗り物 | 列車 | 電車 | 電車正面 |
7331 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚇 -name | metro |
地下鉄 |
7332 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚇 –keywords | metro | subway | travel |
メトロ | 乗り物 | 地下鉄 | 電車 |
7333 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚈 -name | light rail |
ライトレール |
7334 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚈 –keywords | arrived | light | monorail | rail | railway |
モノレール | ライトレール | 乗り物 | 鉄道 | 電車 |
7335 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚉 -name | station |
駅 |
7336 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚉 –keywords | railway | station | train |
ステーション | 乗り物 | 列車 | 電車 | 駅 |
7337 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚊 -name | tram |
路面電車正面 |
7338 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚊 –keywords | tram | trolleybus |
乗り物 | 路面電車 | 路面電車正面 | 電車 |
7339 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚝 -name | monorail |
モノレール |
7340 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚝 –keywords | monorail | vehicle |
モノレール | 乗り物 | 電車 |
7341 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚞 -name | mountain railway |
登山鉄道 |
7342 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚞 –keywords | car | mountain | railway | trip |
乗り物 | 登山鉄道 | 登山電車 | 電車 |
7343 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚋 -name | tram car |
路面電車 |
7344 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚋 –keywords | bus | car | tram | trolley | trolleybus |
トロリーバス | 乗り物 | 路面電車 | 電車 |
7345 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚌 -name | bus |
バス |
7346 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚌 –keywords | bus | school | vehicle |
スクールバス | バス | 乗り物 | 車 |
7347 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚍 -name | oncoming bus |
バス正面 |
7348 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚍 –keywords | bus | cars | oncoming |
バス | バス正面 | 乗り物 | 車 |
7349 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚎 -name | trolleybus |
トロリーバス |
7350 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚎 –keywords | bus | tram | trolley | trolleybus |
トロリーバス | バス | 乗り物 | 路面電車 |
7351 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚐 -name | minibus |
マイクロバス |
7352 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚐 –keywords | bus | drive | minibus | van | vehicle |
バス | マイクロバス | ミニバス | 乗り物 | 小型バス | 車 |
7353 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚑 -name | ambulance |
救急車 |
7354 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚑 –keywords | ambulance | emergency | vehicle |
乗り物 | 救急車 | 車 |
7355 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚒 -name | fire engine |
消防車 |
7356 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚒 –keywords | engine | fire | truck |
乗り物 | 消防車 | 車 |
7357 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚓 -name | police car |
パトカー |
7358 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚓 –keywords | 5–0 | car | cops | patrol | police |
パトカー | パトロール | 乗り物 | 警察 |
7359 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚔 -name | oncoming police car |
パトカー正面 |
7360 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚔 –keywords | car | oncoming | police |
パトカー | パトカー正面 | 乗り物 | 警察 |
7361 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚕 -name | taxi |
タクシー |
7362 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚕 –keywords | cab | cabbie | car | drive | taxi | vehicle | yellow |
イエローキャブ | タクシー | 乗り物 | 車 |
7363 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚖 -name | oncoming taxi |
タクシー正面 |
7364 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚖 –keywords | cab | cabbie | cars | drove | hail | oncoming | taxi | yellow |
イエローキャブ | タクシー | タクシー正面 | 乗り物 | 車 |
7365 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚗 -name | automobile |
自動車 |
7366 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚗 –keywords | automobile | car | driving | vehicle |
ドライブ | 乗り物 | 乗用車 | 自動車 | 車 |
7367 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚘 -name | oncoming automobile |
自動車正面 |
7368 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚘 –keywords | automobile | car | cars | drove | oncoming | vehicle |
ドライブ | 乗り物 | 乗用車 | 自動車 | 自動車正面 | 車 |
7369 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚙 -name | sport utility vehicle |
アールブイ車 |
7370 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚙 –keywords | car | drive | recreational | sport | sportutility | utility | vehicle |
RV車 | SUV車 | アールブイ車 | 乗り物 | 乗用車 | 自動車 | 車 |
7371 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🛻 -name | pickup truck |
軽トラック |
7372 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🛻 –keywords | automobile | car | flatbed | pick-up | pickup | transportation | truck |
トラック | ピックアップトラック | 乗り物 | 自動車 | 車 | 軽トラック | 配達 |
7373 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚚 -name | delivery truck |
トラック |
7374 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚚 –keywords | car | delivery | drive | truck | vehicle |
トラック | 乗り物 | 車 | 配送 | 配達 |
7375 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚛 -name | articulated lorry |
トレーラー |
7376 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚛 –keywords | articulated | car | drive | lorry | move | semi | truck | vehicle |
トラック | トレーラー | 乗り物 | 車 |
7377 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚜 -name | tractor |
トラクター |
7378 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚜 –keywords | tractor | vehicle |
トラクター | 乗り物 | 車 |
7379 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🏎 -name | racing car |
レーシングカー |
7380 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🏎 –keywords | car | racing | zoom |
F1 | カーレース | スポーツ | モータースポーツ | レーシングカー | レース | 乗り物 | 車 |
7381 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🏍 -name | motorcycle |
オートバイ |
7382 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🏍 –keywords | motorcycle | racing |
オートバイ | オートレース | スポーツ | バイク | モータースポーツ | 乗り物 |
7383 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🛵 -name | motor scooter |
スクーター |
7384 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🛵 –keywords | motor | scooter |
オートバイ | スクーター | バイク | 原付 |
7385 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🦽 -name | manual wheelchair |
手動式車椅子 |
7386 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🦽 –keywords | accessibility | manual | wheelchair |
アクセシビリティ | 手動式車椅子 | 椅子 | 車椅子 |
7387 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🦼 -name | motorized wheelchair |
電動車椅子 |
7388 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🦼 –keywords | accessibility | motorized | wheelchair |
アクセシビリティ | 椅子 | 車椅子 | 電動車椅子 |
7389 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🛺 -name | auto rickshaw |
三輪タクシー |
7390 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🛺 –keywords | auto | rickshaw | tuk |
オートリクシャー | タクシー | トゥクトゥク | リクシャー | 三輪タクシー |
7391 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚲 -name | bicycle |
自転車 |
7392 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚲 –keywords | bicycle | bike | class | cycle | cycling | cyclist | gang | ride | spin | spinning |
サイクリング | 乗り物 | 自転車 |
7393 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🛴 -name | kick scooter |
キックボード |
7394 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🛴 –keywords | kick | scooter |
キックスクーター | キックスケーター | キックボード |
7395 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🛹 -name | skateboard |
スケートボード |
7396 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🛹 –keywords | board | skate | skateboard | skater | wheels |
スケートボード | スケボー | ボード |
7397 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🛼 -name | roller skate |
ローラースケート |
7398 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🛼 –keywords | blades | roller | skate | skates | sport |
スケート | スポーツ | ローラースケート |
7399 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚏 -name | bus stop |
バス停 |
7400 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚏 –keywords | bus | busstop | stop |
バス乗り場 | バス停 | 乗り物 | 停留所 |
7401 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🛣 -name | motorway |
高速道路 |
7402 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🛣 –keywords | highway | motorway | road |
ハイウェイ | 道路 | 高速 | 高速道路 |
7403 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🛤 -name | railway track |
線路 |
7404 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🛤 –keywords | railway | track | train |
線路 | 軌道 | 鉄道 |
7405 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🛢 -name | oil drum |
ドラム缶 |
7406 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🛢 –keywords | drum | oil |
オイル | ドラム缶 | 石油 |
7407 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | ⛽ -name | fuel pump |
ガソリンスタンド |
7408 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | ⛽ –keywords | diesel | fuel | fuelpump | gas | gasoline | pump | station |
ガソリン | ガソリンスタンド | ガソリンノズル | 給油 |
7409 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🛞 -name | wheel |
ホイール |
7410 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🛞 –keywords | car | circle | tire | turn | vehicle | wheel |
スポーク | タイヤ | ホイール | 自動車 | 車 | 車輪 |
7411 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚨 -name | police car light |
パトランプ |
7412 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚨 –keywords | alarm | alert | beacon | car | emergency | light | police | revolving | siren |
サイレン | パトカー | パトランプ | 緊急 | 警察 | 赤色灯 |
7413 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚥 -name | horizontal traffic light |
信号横 |
7414 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚥 –keywords | horizontal | intersection | light | signal | stop | stoplight | traffic |
交差点 | 交通 | 信号 | 信号横 | 信号機 |
7415 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚦 -name | vertical traffic light |
信号縦 |
7416 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚦 –keywords | drove | intersection | light | signal | stop | stoplight | traffic | vertical |
交差点 | 交通 | 信号 | 信号機 | 信号縦 |
7417 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🛑 -name | stop sign |
止まれの標識 |
7418 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🛑 –keywords | octagonal | sign | stop |
ストップ | 八角形 | 標識 | 止まれ | 止まれの標識 |
7419 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚧 -name | construction |
工事中 |
7420 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-ground | 🚧 –keywords | barrier | construction |
サイン | 工事中 | 通行止め |
7421 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-water | ⚓ -name | anchor |
錨 |
7422 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-water | ⚓ –keywords | anchor | ship | tool |
いかり | 碇 | 船 | 錨 |
7423 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-water | 🛟 -name | ring buoy |
救命浮環 |
7424 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-water | 🛟 –keywords | buoy | float | life | lifesaver | preserver | rescue | ring | safety | save | saver | swim |
ブイ | ライフセーバー | レスキュー | 安全 | 救助 | 救命具 | 救命浮環 | 浮き輪 |
7425 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-water | ⛵ -name | sailboat |
ヨット |
7426 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-water | ⛵ –keywords | boat | resort | sailboat | sailing | sea | yacht |
セーリング | ヨット | 乗り物 | 帆船 | 船 |
7427 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-water | 🛶 -name | canoe |
カヌー |
7428 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-water | 🛶 –keywords | boat | canoe |
カヌー | カヤック | ボート | 乗り物 | 船 |
7429 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-water | 🚤 -name | speedboat |
スピードボート |
7430 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-water | 🚤 –keywords | billionaire | boat | lake | luxury | millionaire | speedboat | summer | travel |
スピードボート | ボート | モーターボート | 乗り物 | 快速艇 | 船 |
7431 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-water | 🛳 -name | passenger ship |
客船 |
7432 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-water | 🛳 –keywords | passenger | ship |
乗り物 | 客船 | 旅客船 | 船 |
7433 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-water | ⛴ -name | ferry |
フェリー |
7434 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-water | ⛴ –keywords | boat | ferry | passenger |
フェリー | 乗り物 | 客船 | 船 |
7435 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-water | 🛥 -name | motor boat |
モーターボート |
7436 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-water | 🛥 –keywords | boat | motor | motorboat |
ボート | モーターボート | 乗り物 | 船 |
7437 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-water | 🚢 -name | ship |
船 |
7438 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-water | 🚢 –keywords | boat | passenger | ship | travel |
タイタニック号 | 乗り物 | 客船 | 船 |
7439 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | ✈ -name | airplane |
飛行機 |
7440 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | ✈ –keywords | aeroplane | airplane | fly | flying | jet | plane | travel |
ジェット機 | 乗り物 | 旅行 | 航空機 | 飛行機 |
7441 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | 🛩 -name | small airplane |
小型飛行機 |
7442 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | 🛩 –keywords | aeroplane | airplane | plane | small |
乗り物 | 小型機 | 小型飛行機 | 航空機 | 飛行機 |
7443 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | 🛫 -name | airplane departure |
飛行機離陸 |
7444 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | 🛫 –keywords | aeroplane | airplane | check-in | departure | departures | plane |
乗り物 | 航空機 | 離陸 | 飛行機 | 飛行機離陸 |
7445 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | 🛬 -name | airplane arrival |
飛行機着陸 |
7446 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | 🛬 –keywords | aeroplane | airplane | arrival | arrivals | arriving | landing | plane |
乗り物 | 着陸 | 航空機 | 飛行機 | 飛行機着陸 |
7447 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | 🪂 -name | parachute |
パラシュート |
7448 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | 🪂 –keywords | hang-glide | parachute | parasail | skydive |
スカイダイビング | パラグライダー | パラシュート | パラセーリング | ハンググライダー |
7449 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | 💺 -name | seat |
座席 |
7450 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | 💺 –keywords | chair | seat |
シート | 席 | 座席 | 椅子 |
7451 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | 🚁 -name | helicopter |
ヘリコプター |
7452 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | 🚁 –keywords | copter | helicopter | roflcopter | travel | vehicle |
ヘリ | ヘリコプター | 乗り物 |
7453 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | 🚟 -name | suspension railway |
懸垂式モノレール |
7454 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | 🚟 –keywords | railway | suspension |
モノレール | 乗り物 | 懸垂式モノレール | 電車 |
7455 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | 🚠 -name | mountain cableway |
ケーブルカー |
7456 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | 🚠 –keywords | cable | cableway | gondola | lift | mountain | ski |
ケーブルカー | ゴンドラ | リフト | 乗り物 |
7457 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | 🚡 -name | aerial tramway |
ロープウェイ |
7458 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | 🚡 –keywords | aerial | cable | car | gondola | ropeway | tramway |
ゴンドラ | ロープウェイ | 乗り物 |
7459 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | 🛰 -name | satellite |
人工衛星 |
7460 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | 🛰 –keywords | satellite | space |
人工衛星 | 宇宙 |
7461 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | 🚀 -name | rocket |
ロケット |
7462 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | 🚀 –keywords | launch | rocket | rockets | space | travel |
ロケット | 乗り物 | 宇宙 | 宇宙旅行 | 発射 |
7463 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | 🛸 -name | flying saucer |
空飛ぶ円盤 |
7464 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | transport-air | 🛸 –keywords | aliens | extra | flying | saucer | terrestrial | UFO |
UFO | 乗り物 | 宇宙 | 宇宙人 | 未確認飛行物体 | 空飛ぶ円盤 |
7465 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | hotel | 🛎 -name | bellhop bell |
ベルボーイベル |
7466 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | hotel | 🛎 –keywords | bell | bellhop | hotel |
ベル | ベルボーイベル | ホテル |
7467 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | hotel | 🧳 -name | luggage |
スーツケース |
7468 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | hotel | 🧳 –keywords | bag | luggage | packing | roller | suitcase | travel |
キャリーケース | スーツケース | パッキング | 旅行 | 旅行かばん |
7469 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | ⌛ -name | hourglass done |
砂時計 |
7470 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | ⌛ –keywords | done | hourglass | sand | time | timer |
タイマー | 時計 | 砂 | 砂時計 |
7471 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | ⏳ -name | hourglass not done |
砂が落ちている砂時計 |
7472 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | ⏳ –keywords | done | flowing | hourglass | hours | not | sand | timer | waiting | yolo |
タイマー | 時計 | 時間 | 砂 | 砂が落ちている砂時計 | 砂時計 |
7473 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | ⌚ -name | watch |
腕時計 |
7474 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | ⌚ –keywords | clock | time | watch |
ウォッチ | 時計 | 時間 | 腕時計 |
7475 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | ⏰ -name | alarm clock |
目覚まし時計 |
7476 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | ⏰ –keywords | alarm | clock | hours | hrs | late | time | waiting |
アラーム | 時計 | 時間 | 目覚まし | 目覚まし時計 |
7477 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | ⏱ -name | stopwatch |
ストップウォッチ |
7478 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | ⏱ –keywords | clock | stopwatch | time |
ストップウォッチ | タイム | 時計 |
7479 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | ⏲ -name | timer clock |
タイマー |
7480 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | ⏲ –keywords | clock | timer |
タイマー | 時計 |
7481 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕰 -name | mantelpiece clock |
置時計 |
7482 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕰 –keywords | clock | mantelpiece | time |
マンテルクロック | 時計 | 時間 | 置き時計 | 置時計 |
7483 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕛 -name | twelve o’clock |
12時 |
7484 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕛 –keywords | 12 | 12:00 | clock | o’clock | time | twelve |
12:00 | 12時 | 時計 | 正午 | 零時 |
7485 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕧 -name | twelve-thirty |
12時半 |
7486 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕧 –keywords | 12 | 12:30 | 30 | clock | thirty | time | twelve | twelve-thirty |
12:30 | 12時30分 | 12時半 | 時計 |
7487 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕐 -name | one o’clock |
1時 |
7488 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕐 –keywords | 1 | 1:00 | clock | o’clock | one | time |
1:00 | 1時 | 時計 |
7489 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕜 -name | one-thirty |
1時半 |
7490 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕜 –keywords | 1 | 1:30 | 30 | clock | one | one-thirty | thirty | time |
1:30 | 1時30分 | 1時半 | 時計 |
7491 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕑 -name | two o’clock |
2時 |
7492 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕑 –keywords | 2 | 2:00 | clock | o’clock | time | two |
2:00 | 2時 | 時計 |
7493 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕝 -name | two-thirty |
2時半 |
7494 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕝 –keywords | 2 | 2:30 | 30 | clock | thirty | time | two | two-thirty |
2:30 | 2時30分 | 2時半 | 時計 |
7495 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕒 -name | three o’clock |
3時 |
7496 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕒 –keywords | 3 | 3:00 | clock | o’clock | three | time |
3:00 | 3時 | 時計 |
7497 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕞 -name | three-thirty |
3時半 |
7498 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕞 –keywords | 3 | 3:30 | 30 | clock | thirty | three | three-thirty | time |
3:30 | 3時30分 | 3時半 | 時計 |
7499 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕓 -name | four o’clock |
4時 |
7500 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕓 –keywords | 4 | 4:00 | clock | four | o’clock | time |
4:00 | 4時 | 時計 |
7501 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕟 -name | four-thirty |
4時半 |
7502 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕟 –keywords | 30 | 4 | 4:30 | clock | four | four-thirty | thirty | time |
4:30 | 4時30分 | 4時半 | 時計 |
7503 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕔 -name | five o’clock |
5時 |
7504 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕔 –keywords | 5 | 5:00 | clock | five | o’clock | time |
5:00 | 5時 | 時計 |
7505 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕠 -name | five-thirty |
5時半 |
7506 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕠 –keywords | 30 | 5 | 5:30 | clock | five | five-thirty | thirty | time |
5:30 | 5時30分 | 5時半 | 時計 |
7507 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕕 -name | six o’clock |
6時 |
7508 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕕 –keywords | 6 | 6:00 | clock | o’clock | six | time |
6:00 | 6時 | 時計 |
7509 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕡 -name | six-thirty |
6時半 |
7510 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕡 –keywords | 30 | 6 | 6:30 | clock | six | six-thirty | thirty |
6:30 | 6時30分 | 6時半 | 時計 |
7511 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕖 -name | seven o’clock |
7時 |
7512 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕖 –keywords | 0 | 7 | 7:00 | clock | o’clock | seven |
7:00 | 7時 | 時計 |
7513 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕢 -name | seven-thirty |
7時半 |
7514 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕢 –keywords | 30 | 7 | 7:30 | clock | seven | seven-thirty | thirty |
7:30 | 7時30分 | 7時半 | 時計 |
7515 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕗 -name | eight o’clock |
8時 |
7516 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕗 –keywords | 8 | 8:00 | clock | eight | o’clock | time |
8:00 | 8時 | 8時30分 | 時計 |
7517 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕣 -name | eight-thirty |
8時半 |
7518 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕣 –keywords | 30 | 8 | 8:30 | clock | eight | eight-thirty | thirty | time |
8:30 | 8時30分 | 8時半 | 時計 |
7519 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕘 -name | nine o’clock |
9時 |
7520 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕘 –keywords | 9 | 9:00 | clock | nine | o’clock | time |
9:00 | 9時 | 時計 |
7521 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕤 -name | nine-thirty |
9時半 |
7522 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕤 –keywords | 30 | 9 | 9:30 | clock | nine | nine-thirty | thirty | time |
9:30 | 9時30分 | 9時半 | 時計 |
7523 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕙 -name | ten o’clock |
10時 |
7524 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕙 –keywords | 0 | 10 | 10:00 | clock | o’clock | ten |
10:00 | 10時 | 時計 |
7525 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕥 -name | ten-thirty |
10時半 |
7526 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕥 –keywords | 10 | 10:30 | 30 | clock | ten | ten-thirty | thirty | time |
10:30 | 10時30分 | 10時半 | 時計 |
7527 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕚 -name | eleven o’clock |
11時 |
7528 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕚 –keywords | 11 | 11:00 | clock | eleven | o’clock | time |
11:00 | 11時 | 時計 |
7529 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕦 -name | eleven-thirty |
11時半 |
7530 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | time | 🕦 –keywords | 11 | 11:30 | 30 | clock | eleven | eleven-thirty | thirty | time |
11:30 | 11時30分 | 11時半 | 時計 |
7531 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌑 -name | new moon |
新月 |
7532 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌑 –keywords | dark | moon | new | space |
宇宙 | 新月 | 月 | 闇 |
7533 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌒 -name | waxing crescent moon |
初月 |
7534 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌒 –keywords | crescent | dreams | moon | space | waxing |
三日月 | 初月 | 宇宙 | 月 |
7535 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌓 -name | first quarter moon |
上弦の月 |
7536 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌓 –keywords | first | moon | quarter | space |
上弦 | 上弦の月 | 半月 | 宇宙 | 月 |
7537 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌔 -name | waxing gibbous moon |
十三夜月 |
7538 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌔 –keywords | gibbous | moon | space | waxing |
十三夜月 | 十日夜の月 | 宇宙 | 月 |
7539 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌕 -name | full moon |
満月 |
7540 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌕 –keywords | full | moon | space |
宇宙 | 月 | 満月 |
7541 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌖 -name | waning gibbous moon |
寝待月 |
7542 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌖 –keywords | gibbous | moon | space | waning |
宇宙 | 寝待月 | 居待月 | 月 |
7543 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌗 -name | last quarter moon |
下弦の月 |
7544 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌗 –keywords | last | moon | quarter | space |
下弦 | 下弦の月 | 半月 | 宇宙 | 月 |
7545 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌘 -name | waning crescent moon |
有明月 |
7546 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌘 –keywords | crescent | moon | space | waning |
三日月 | 宇宙 | 月 | 有明月 |
7547 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌙 -name | crescent moon |
三日月 |
7548 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌙 –keywords | crescent | moon | ramadan | space |
三日月 | 宇宙 | 月 |
7549 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌚 -name | new moon face |
顔のある新月 |
7550 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌚 –keywords | face | moon | new | space |
新月 | 月 | 顔 | 顔のある新月 |
7551 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌛 -name | first quarter moon face |
顔のある上弦の月 |
7552 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌛 –keywords | face | first | moon | quarter | space |
上弦の月 | 半月 | 月 | 顔 | 顔のある上弦の月 |
7553 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌜 -name | last quarter moon face |
顔のある下弦の月 |
7554 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌜 –keywords | dreams | face | last | moon | quarter |
下弦の月 | 半月 | 月 | 顔 | 顔のある下弦の月 |
7555 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌡 -name | thermometer |
温度計 |
7556 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌡 –keywords | thermometer | weather |
天気 | 寒暖計 | 気温 | 温度 | 温度計 |
7557 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ☀ -name | sun |
太陽 |
7558 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ☀ –keywords | bright | rays | space | sun | sunny | weather |
天気 | 太陽 | 日光 | 晴れ |
7559 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌝 -name | full moon face |
顔のある満月 |
7560 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌝 –keywords | bright | face | full | moon |
月 | 満月 | 顔 | 顔のある満月 |
7561 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌞 -name | sun with face |
顔のある太陽 |
7562 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌞 –keywords | beach | bright | day | face | heat | shine | sun | sunny | sunshine | weather |
太陽 | 顔 | 顔のある太陽 |
7563 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🪐 -name | ringed planet |
環のある惑星 |
7564 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🪐 –keywords | planet | ringed | saturn | saturnine |
リング | 土星 | 天体 | 惑星 | 星 | 環のある惑星 |
7565 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ⭐ -name | star |
スター |
7566 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ⭐ –keywords | astronomy | medium | star | stars | white |
スター | 天文学 | 星 |
7567 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌟 -name | glowing star |
きらきら星 |
7568 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌟 –keywords | glittery | glow | glowing | night | shining | sparkle | star | win |
きらきら | キラキラ | きらきら星 | スター | 星 | 輝き |
7569 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌠 -name | shooting star |
流れ星 |
7570 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌠 –keywords | falling | night | shooting | space | star |
スター | 夜 | 宇宙 | 星 | 流れ星 |
7571 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌌 -name | milky way |
天の川 |
7572 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌌 –keywords | milky | space | way |
ミルキーウェイ | 夜空 | 天の川 | 宇宙 | 星空 | 銀河 |
7573 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ☁ -name | cloud |
雲 |
7574 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ☁ –keywords | cloud | weather |
天気 | 曇り | 雲 |
7575 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ⛅ -name | sun behind cloud |
曇り時々晴れ |
7576 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ⛅ –keywords | behind | cloud | cloudy | sun | weather |
天気 | 太陽 | 曇り | 曇り時々晴れ | 雲 |
7577 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ⛈ -name | cloud with lightning and rain |
雷雨 |
7578 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ⛈ –keywords | cloud | lightning | rain | thunder | thunderstorm |
天気 | 稲妻 | 雨 | 雲 | 雷 | 雷雨 | 雷雲 |
7579 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌤 -name | sun behind small cloud |
晴れ時々曇り |
7580 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌤 –keywords | behind | cloud | sun | weather |
天気 | 太陽 | 晴れ | 晴れ時々曇り | 雲 |
7581 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌥 -name | sun behind large cloud |
曇り一時晴れ |
7582 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌥 –keywords | behind | cloud | sun | weather |
天気 | 太陽 | 曇り | 曇り一時晴れ | 雲 |
7583 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌦 -name | sun behind rain cloud |
雨時々晴れ |
7584 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌦 –keywords | behind | cloud | rain | sun | weather |
天気 | 天気雨 | 太陽 | 曇り | 雨時々晴れ | 雲 |
7585 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌧 -name | cloud with rain |
雨雲 |
7586 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌧 –keywords | cloud | rain | weather |
天気 | 雨 | 雨雲 | 雲 |
7587 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌨 -name | cloud with snow |
雪雲 |
7588 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌨 –keywords | cloud | cold | snow | weather |
天気 | 雪 | 雪雲 | 雲 |
7589 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌩 -name | cloud with lightning |
雷雲 |
7590 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌩 –keywords | cloud | lightning | weather |
天気 | 稲妻 | 雲 | 雷 | 雷雲 |
7591 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌪 -name | tornado |
竜巻 |
7592 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌪 –keywords | cloud | tornado | weather | whirlwind |
トルネード | 天気 | 突風 | 竜巻 |
7593 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌫 -name | fog |
霧 |
7594 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌫 –keywords | cloud | fog | weather |
天気 | 曇り | 雲 | 霧 |
7595 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌬 -name | wind face |
顔のある風 |
7596 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌬 –keywords | blow | cloud | face | wind |
雲 | 顔 | 顔のある風 | 風 |
7597 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌀 -name | cyclone |
渦巻き |
7598 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌀 –keywords | cyclone | dizzy | hurricane | twister | typhoon | weather |
サイクロン | ハリケーン | めまい | もやもや | 台風 | 天気 | 渦巻き |
7599 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌈 -name | rainbow |
虹 |
7600 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌈 –keywords | gay | genderqueer | glbt | glbtq | lesbian | lgbt | lgbtq | lgbtqia | nature | pride | queer | rain | rainbow | trans | transgender | weather |
GLBT | GLBTQ | LGBT | LGBTQ | ゲイ | トランスジェンダー | バイセクシュアル | レインボー | レズビアン | 天気 |
7601 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌂 -name | closed umbrella |
閉じた傘 |
7602 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌂 –keywords | closed | clothing | rain | umbrella |
傘 | 天気 | 持ち物 | 閉じた傘 | 雨 |
7603 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ☂ -name | umbrella |
傘 |
7604 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ☂ –keywords | clothing | rain | umbrella |
傘 | 天気 | 持ち物 | 雨 |
7605 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ☔ -name | umbrella with rain drops |
傘と雨 |
7606 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ☔ –keywords | clothing | drop | drops | rain | umbrella | weather |
傘 | 傘と雨 | 天気 | 持ち物 | 雨 | 雨粒 |
7607 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ⛱ -name | umbrella on ground |
パラソル |
7608 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ⛱ –keywords | ground | rain | sun | umbrella |
パラソル | ビーチ | 傘 | 日傘 | 砂浜 | 雨 |
7609 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ⚡ -name | high voltage |
高電圧 |
7610 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ⚡ –keywords | danger | electric | electricity | high | lightning | nature | thunder | thunderbolt | voltage | zap |
危険 | 稲妻 | 雷 | 電気 | 高電圧 |
7611 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ❄ -name | snowflake |
雪の結晶 |
7612 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ❄ –keywords | cold | snow | snowflake | weather |
天気 | 結晶 | 雪 | 雪の結晶 |
7613 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ☃ -name | snowman |
雪だるまと雪 |
7614 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ☃ –keywords | cold | man | snow | snowman |
雪 | 雪だるま | 雪だるまと雪 |
7615 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ⛄ -name | snowman without snow |
雪だるま |
7616 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ⛄ –keywords | cold | man | snow | snowman |
雪 | 雪だるま |
7617 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ☄ -name | comet |
彗星 |
7618 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | ☄ –keywords | comet | space |
すい星 | 宇宙 | 彗星 |
7619 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🔥 -name | fire |
火 |
7620 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🔥 –keywords | af | burn | fire | flame | hot | lit | litaf | tool |
ファイアー | ファイヤー | 火 | 炎 | 熱い | 燃える |
7621 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 💧 -name | droplet |
水滴 |
7622 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 💧 –keywords | cold | comic | drop | droplet | nature | sad | sweat | tear | water | weather |
しずく | たらーっ | 水 | 水滴 | 汗 | 涙 |
7623 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌊 -name | water wave |
波 |
7624 | Characters | Travel & Places 2 | sky & weather | 🌊 –keywords | nature | ocean | surf | surfer | surfing | water | wave |
天気 | 波 | 波浪 | 海 | 自然 |
7625 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎃 -name | jack-o-lantern |
ハロウィンかぼちゃ |
7626 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎃 –keywords | celebration | halloween | jack | jack-o-lantern | lantern | pumpkin |
かぼちゃ | ハロウィーン | ハロウィン | ハロウィンかぼちゃ |
7627 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎄 -name | Christmas tree |
クリスマスツリー |
7628 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎄 –keywords | celebration | Christmas | tree |
クリスマス | クリスマスイブ | クリスマスツリー | ツリー |
7629 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎆 -name | fireworks |
打ち上げ花火 |
7630 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎆 –keywords | boom | celebration | entertainment | fireworks | yolo |
お祭り | どーん | 打ち上げ花火 | 花火 | 花火大会 |
7631 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎇 -name | sparkler |
線香花火 |
7632 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎇 –keywords | boom | celebration | fireworks | sparkle | sparkler |
お祭り | 火花 | 線香花火 | 花火 |
7633 | Characters | Activities | event | 🧨 -name | firecracker |
爆竹 |
7634 | Characters | Activities | event | 🧨 –keywords | dynamite | explosive | fire | firecracker | fireworks | light | pop | popping | spark |
ダイナマイト | 火花 | 火薬 | 爆発 | 爆発物 | 爆竹 | 爆薬 | 花火 |
7635 | Characters | Activities | event | ✨ -name | sparkles |
きらきら |
7636 | Characters | Activities | event | ✨ –keywords | * | magic | sparkle | sparkles | star |
きらきら | キラキラ | スター | ぴかぴか | 星 |
7637 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎈 -name | balloon |
風船 |
7638 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎈 –keywords | balloon | birthday | celebrate | celebration |
バルーン | 風船 |
7639 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎉 -name | party popper |
クラッカー |
7640 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎉 –keywords | awesome | birthday | celebrate | celebration | excited | hooray | party | popper | tada | woohoo |
お祝い | クラッカー | パーティー | パーティークラッカー | 誕生日 |
7641 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎊 -name | confetti ball |
くす玉 |
7642 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎊 –keywords | ball | celebrate | celebration | confetti | party | woohoo |
お祝い | くす玉 | パーティー | 紙吹雪 |
7643 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎋 -name | tanabata tree |
七夕 |
7644 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎋 –keywords | banner | celebration | Japanese | tanabata | tree |
七夕 | 和 | 日本 | 短冊 | 笹飾り |
7645 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎍 -name | pine decoration |
門松 |
7646 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎍 –keywords | bamboo | celebration | decoration | Japanese | pine | plant |
お祝い | 和 | 日本 | 正月 | 竹 | 門松 |
7647 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎎 -name | Japanese dolls |
ひな祭り |
7648 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎎 –keywords | celebration | doll | dolls | festival | Japanese |
おだいり様 | おひな様 | お祝い | ひな人形 | ひな祭り | 人形 | 和 | 日本 |
7649 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎏 -name | carp streamer |
こいのぼり |
7650 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎏 –keywords | carp | celebration | streamer |
お祝い | こいのぼり | 子供の日 |
7651 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎐 -name | wind chime |
風鈴 |
7652 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎐 –keywords | bell | celebration | chime | wind |
夏 | 鈴 | 風 | 風鈴 |
7653 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎑 -name | moon viewing ceremony |
月見 |
7654 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎑 –keywords | celebration | ceremony | moon | viewing |
ススキ | 十五夜 | 団子 | 月 | 月見 |
7655 | Characters | Activities | event | 🧧 -name | red envelope |
赤い封筒 |
7656 | Characters | Activities | event | 🧧 –keywords | envelope | gift | good | hóngbāo | lai | luck | money | red | see |
お年玉 | お金 | ご祝儀 | 幸運 | 紅包 | 赤い封筒 |
7657 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎀 -name | ribbon |
リボン |
7658 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎀 –keywords | celebration | ribbon |
お祝い | リボン |
7659 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎁 -name | wrapped gift |
プレゼント |
7660 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎁 –keywords | birthday | bow | box | celebration | christmas | gift | present | surprise | wrapped |
お祝い | ギフト | プレゼント | リボン | 箱 |
7661 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎗 -name | reminder ribbon |
リマインダーリボン |
7662 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎗 –keywords | celebration | reminder | ribbon |
お祝い | リボン | リマインダー | リマインダーリボン |
7663 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎟 -name | admission tickets |
入場券 |
7664 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎟 –keywords | admission | ticket | tickets |
チケット | 入場パス | 入場券 | 半券 |
7665 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎫 -name | ticket |
チケット |
7666 | Characters | Activities | event | 🎫 –keywords | admission | stub | ticket |
チケット | 入場券 | 切符 | 半券 |
7667 | Characters | Activities | award-medal | 🎖 -name | military medal |
勲章 |
7668 | Characters | Activities | award-medal | 🎖 –keywords | award | celebration | medal | military |
お祝い | メダル | 勲章 | 表彰 |
7669 | Characters | Activities | award-medal | 🏆 -name | trophy |
トロフィー |
7670 | Characters | Activities | award-medal | 🏆 –keywords | champion | champs | prize | slay | sport | trophy | victory | win | winning |
チャンピオン | トロフィー | 優勝 | 優勝カップ | 表彰 | 賞杯 |
7671 | Characters | Activities | award-medal | 🏅 -name | sports medal |
メダル |
7672 | Characters | Activities | award-medal | 🏅 –keywords | award | gold | medal | sports | winner |
スポーツ | メダル | 優勝 | 表彰 | 金 | 金メダル |
7673 | Characters | Activities | award-medal | 🥇 -name | 1st place medal |
金メダル |
7674 | Characters | Activities | award-medal | 🥇 –keywords | 1st | first | gold | medal | place |
1位 | ゴールド | メダル | 優勝 | 金 | 金メダル |
7675 | Characters | Activities | award-medal | 🥈 -name | 2nd place medal |
銀メダル |
7676 | Characters | Activities | award-medal | 🥈 –keywords | 2nd | medal | place | second | silver |
2位 | シルバー | メダル | 銀 | 銀メダル |
7677 | Characters | Activities | award-medal | 🥉 -name | 3rd place medal |
銅メダル |
7678 | Characters | Activities | award-medal | 🥉 –keywords | 3rd | bronze | medal | place | third |
3位 | ブロンズ | メダル | 銅 | 銅メダル |
7679 | Characters | Activities | sport | ⚽ -name | soccer ball |
サッカー |
7680 | Characters | Activities | sport | ⚽ –keywords | ball | football | futbol | soccer | sport |
サッカー | サッカーボール | スポーツ | ボール |
7681 | Characters | Activities | sport | ⚾ -name | baseball |
野球 |
7682 | Characters | Activities | sport | ⚾ –keywords | ball | baseball | sport |
スポーツ | ボール | 野球 |
7683 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🥎 -name | softball |
ソフトボール |
7684 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🥎 –keywords | ball | glove | softball | sports | underarm |
スポーツ | ソフトボール | ボール | 下手投げ |
7685 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🏀 -name | basketball |
バスケットボール |
7686 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🏀 –keywords | ball | basketball | hoop | sport |
スポーツ | バスケ | バスケットボール | ボール |
7687 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🏐 -name | volleyball |
バレーボール |
7688 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🏐 –keywords | ball | game | volleyball |
スポーツ | バレー | バレーボール | ボール |
7689 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🏈 -name | american football |
アメフト |
7690 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🏈 –keywords | american | ball | bowl | football | sport | super |
アメフト | アメリカンフットボール | スポーツ | フットボール | ボール |
7691 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🏉 -name | rugby football |
ラグビー |
7692 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🏉 –keywords | ball | football | rugby | sport |
スポーツ | ボール | ラグビー | ラグビーボール |
7693 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🎾 -name | tennis |
テニス |
7694 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🎾 –keywords | ball | racquet | sport | tennis |
スポーツ | テニス | テニスボール | ボール | ラケット |
7695 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🥏 -name | flying disc |
フリスビー |
7696 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🥏 –keywords | disc | flying | ultimate |
アルティメット | フライングディスク | フリスビー | 円盤 |
7697 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🎳 -name | bowling |
ボウリング |
7698 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🎳 –keywords | ball | bowling | game | sport | strike |
ストライク | スポーツ | ボール | ボウリング | 球 |
7699 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🏏 -name | cricket game |
クリケット |
7700 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🏏 –keywords | ball | bat | cricket | game |
クリケット | スポーツ | バット | ボール |
7701 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🏑 -name | field hockey |
ホッケー |
7702 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🏑 –keywords | ball | field | game | hockey | stick |
スティック | スポーツ | フィールドホッケー | ボール | ホッケー |
7703 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🏒 -name | ice hockey |
アイスホッケー |
7704 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🏒 –keywords | game | hockey | ice | puck | stick |
アイスホッケー | スティック | スポーツ | パック | ホッケー |
7705 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🥍 -name | lacrosse |
ラクロス |
7706 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🥍 –keywords | ball | goal | lacrosse | sports | stick |
ゴール | スティック | スポーツ | ボール | ラクロス |
7707 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🏓 -name | ping pong |
卓球 |
7708 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🏓 –keywords | ball | bat | game | paddle | ping | pingpong | pong | table | tennis |
スポーツ | ピンポン | ボール | ラケット | 卓球 |
7709 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🏸 -name | badminton |
バドミントン |
7710 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🏸 –keywords | badminton | birdie | game | racquet | shuttlecock |
シャトル | スポーツ | バドミントン | ラケット |
7711 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🥊 -name | boxing glove |
ボクシング |
7712 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🥊 –keywords | boxing | glove |
グローブ | スポーツ | ボクシング | ボクシンググローブ |
7713 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🥋 -name | martial arts uniform |
武道 |
7714 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🥋 –keywords | arts | judo | karate | martial | taekwondo | uniform |
スポーツ | テコンドー | 柔道 | 格闘技 | 武道 | 空手 | 道着 |
7715 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🥅 -name | goal net |
ゴールネット |
7716 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🥅 –keywords | goal | net |
ゴール | ゴールネット | スポーツ | ネット |
7717 | Characters | Activities | sport | ⛳ -name | flag in hole |
ゴルフ |
7718 | Characters | Activities | sport | ⛳ –keywords | flag | golf | hole | sport |
ゴルフ | スポーツ | フラグ | フラッグ | ホール | 旗 |
7719 | Characters | Activities | sport | ⛸ -name | ice skate |
アイススケート |
7720 | Characters | Activities | sport | ⛸ –keywords | ice | skate | skating |
アイススケート | スケート | スポーツ | フィギュアスケート |
7721 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🎣 -name | fishing pole |
釣り |
7722 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🎣 –keywords | entertainment | fish | fishing | pole | sport |
スポーツ | フィッシング | 釣り | 釣り竿 | 魚 |
7723 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🤿 -name | diving mask |
ダイビング マスク |
7724 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🤿 –keywords | diving | mask | scuba | snorkeling |
シュノーケリング | スキューバ | スポーツ | ダイビング | マスク |
7725 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🎽 -name | running shirt |
長距離走 |
7726 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🎽 –keywords | athletics | running | sash | shirt |
スポーツ | たすき | ランニング | ランニングシャツ | 長距離走 | 駅伝 |
7727 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🎿 -name | skis |
スキー |
7728 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🎿 –keywords | ski | skis | snow | sport |
スキー | ストック | スポーツ | 板 | 雪 |
7729 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🛷 -name | sled |
そり競技 |
7730 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🛷 –keywords | luge | sled | sledge | sleigh | snow | toboggan |
スケルトン | スポーツ | そり | そり競技 | トボガン | ボブスレー | リュージュ |
7731 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🥌 -name | curling stone |
カーリング |
7732 | Characters | Activities | sport | 🥌 –keywords | curling | game | rock | stone |
カーリング | ゲーム | ストーン | スポーツ | 試合 |
7733 | Characters | Activities | game | 🎯 -name | bullseye |
的 |
7734 | Characters | Activities | game | 🎯 –keywords | bull | bullseye | dart | direct | entertainment | game | hit | target |
スポーツ | ダーツ | ブルズアイ | 当たり | 的 | 的中 |
7735 | Characters | Activities | game | 🪀 -name | yo-yo |
ヨーヨー |
7736 | Characters | Activities | game | 🪀 –keywords | fluctuate | toy | yo-yo |
おもちゃ | ヨーヨー | 上下 | 回転 | 玩具 |
7737 | Characters | Activities | game | 🪁 -name | kite |
たこ |
7738 | Characters | Activities | game | 🪁 –keywords | fly | kite | soar |
おもちゃ | カイト | たこ | 凧揚げ | 玩具 |
7739 | Characters | Activities | game | 🔫 -name | water pistol |
水鉄砲 |
7740 | Characters | Activities | game | 🔫 –keywords | gun | handgun | pistol | revolver | tool | water | weapon |
ピストル | リボルバー | 拳銃 | 武器 | 水鉄砲 | 銃 |
7741 | Characters | Activities | game | 🎱 -name | pool 8 ball |
ビリヤード |
7742 | Characters | Activities | game | 🎱 –keywords | 8 | 8ball | ball | billiard | eight | game | pool |
エイトボール | スポーツ | ビリヤード | ボール | 玉突き |
7743 | Characters | Activities | game | 🔮 -name | crystal ball |
水晶玉 |
7744 | Characters | Activities | game | 🔮 –keywords | ball | crystal | fairy | fairytale | fantasy | fortune | future | magic | tale | tool |
クリスタル | 占い | 水晶 | 水晶玉 | 水晶球 | 玉 | 運命 | 魔法 |
7745 | Characters | Activities | game | 🪄 -name | magic wand |
魔法の杖 |
7746 | Characters | Activities | game | 🪄 –keywords | magic | magician | wand | witch | wizard |
つえ | マジック | 手品 | 杖 | 魔法 | 魔法の杖 | 魔術 | 魔術師 |
7747 | Characters | Activities | game | 🎮 -name | video game |
テレビゲーム |
7748 | Characters | Activities | game | 🎮 –keywords | controller | entertainment | game | video |
ゲーム | コントローラ | テレビゲーム | ビデオゲーム |
7749 | Characters | Activities | game | 🕹 -name | joystick |
ジョイスティック |
7750 | Characters | Activities | game | 🕹 –keywords | game | joystick | video | videogame |
ゲーム | コントローラ | ジョイスティック | スティック | テレビゲーム | ビデオゲーム |
7751 | Characters | Activities | game | 🎰 -name | slot machine |
スロットマシン |
7752 | Characters | Activities | game | 🎰 –keywords | casino | gamble | gambling | game | machine | slot | slots |
カジノ | ギャンブル | ゲーム | スリーセブン | スロット | スロットマシン |
7753 | Characters | Activities | game | 🎲 -name | game die |
サイコロ |
7754 | Characters | Activities | game | 🎲 –keywords | dice | die | entertainment | game |
ゲーム | サイコロ | ダイス |
7755 | Characters | Activities | game | 🧩 -name | puzzle piece |
ジグソーパズル |
7756 | Characters | Activities | game | 🧩 –keywords | clue | interlocking | jigsaw | piece | puzzle |
ジグソーパズル | パズル | ピース | 組み合わせ | 鍵 |
7757 | Characters | Activities | game | 🧸 -name | teddy bear |
テディベア |
7758 | Characters | Activities | game | 🧸 –keywords | bear | plaything | plush | stuffed | teddy | toy |
おもちゃ | くま | テディベア | ぬいぐるみ | 玩具 |
7759 | Characters | Activities | game | 🪅 -name | piñata |
ピニャータ |
7760 | Characters | Activities | game | 🪅 –keywords | candy | celebrate | celebration | cinco | de | festive | mayo | party | pinada | pinata | piñata |
お祝い | パーティー | ピニャータ | メキシコ | 人形 | 誕生日 |
7761 | Characters | Activities | game | 🪩 -name | mirror ball |
ミラーボール |
7762 | Characters | Activities | game | 🪩 –keywords | ball | dance | disco | glitter | mirror | party |
キラキラ | ダンス | ディスコ | パーティー | ミラーボール |
7763 | Characters | Activities | game | 🪆 -name | nesting dolls |
マトリョーシカ |
7764 | Characters | Activities | game | 🪆 –keywords | babooshka | baboushka | babushka | doll | dolls | matryoshka | nesting | russia |
マトリョーシカ | ロシア | 人形 | 入れ子 |
7765 | Characters | Activities | game | ♠ -name | spade suit |
スペード |
7766 | Characters | Activities | game | ♠ –keywords | card | game | spade | suit |
カード | スペード | トランプ |
7767 | Characters | Activities | game | ♥ -name | heart suit |
ハート |
7768 | Characters | Activities | game | ♥ –keywords | card | emotion | game | heart | hearts | suit |
カード | トランプ | ハート |
7769 | Characters | Activities | game | ♦ -name | diamond suit |
ダイヤ |
7770 | Characters | Activities | game | ♦ –keywords | card | diamond | game | suit |
カード | ダイア | ダイヤ | トランプ |
7771 | Characters | Activities | game | ♣ -name | club suit |
クラブ |
7772 | Characters | Activities | game | ♣ –keywords | card | club | clubs | game | suit |
カード | クラブ | クローバー | トランプ |
7773 | Characters | Activities | game | ♟ -name | chess pawn |
チェスの駒 |
7774 | Characters | Activities | game | ♟ –keywords | chess | dupe | expendable | pawn |
チェス | チェスの駒 | 捨て駒 | 駒 |
7775 | Characters | Activities | game | 🃏 -name | joker |
ジョーカー |
7776 | Characters | Activities | game | 🃏 –keywords | card | game | joker | wildcard |
カード | ジジ | ジョーカー | トランプ | ババ |
7777 | Characters | Activities | game | 🀄 -name | mahjong red dragon |
麻雀 |
7778 | Characters | Activities | game | 🀄 –keywords | dragon | game | mahjong | red |
ゲーム | 中 | 牌 | 麻雀 | 麻雀牌 |
7779 | Characters | Activities | game | 🎴 -name | flower playing cards |
花札 |
7780 | Characters | Activities | game | 🎴 –keywords | card | cards | flower | game | Japanese | playing |
カード | ゲーム | 花札 |
7781 | Characters | Activities | arts & crafts | 🎭 -name | performing arts |
舞台芸術 |
7782 | Characters | Activities | arts & crafts | 🎭 –keywords | actor | actress | art | arts | entertainment | mask | performing | theater | theatre | thespian |
仮面 | 俳優 | 劇場 | 女優 | 役者 | 演劇 | 演芸 | 舞台芸術 | 芸術 |
7783 | Characters | Activities | arts & crafts | 🖼 -name | framed picture |
絵画 |
7784 | Characters | Activities | arts & crafts | 🖼 –keywords | art | frame | framed | museum | painting | picture |
アート | 絵 | 絵画 | 美術館 | 芸術 | 額 |
7785 | Characters | Activities | arts & crafts | 🎨 -name | artist palette |
絵の具パレット |
7786 | Characters | Activities | arts & crafts | 🎨 –keywords | art | artist | artsy | arty | colorful | creative | entertainment | museum | painter | painting | palette |
パレット | 画家 | 絵 | 絵の具パレット | 絵画 | 美術館 | 芸術 |
7787 | Characters | Activities | arts & crafts | 🧵 -name | thread |
糸 |
7788 | Characters | Activities | arts & crafts | 🧵 –keywords | needle | sewing | spool | string | thread |
ソーイング | ひも | 糸 | 糸巻き | 縫い針 | 裁縫 |
7789 | Characters | Activities | arts & crafts | 🪡 -name | sewing needle |
縫い針 |
7790 | Characters | Activities | arts & crafts | 🪡 –keywords | embroidery | needle | sew | sewing | stitches | sutures | tailoring | thread |
ステッチ | 刺繍 | 糸 | 縫い針 | 縫う | 裁縫 | 針 |
7791 | Characters | Activities | arts & crafts | 🧶 -name | yarn |
毛糸 |
7792 | Characters | Activities | arts & crafts | 🧶 –keywords | ball | crochet | knit | yarn |
かぎ針 | ニット | 毛糸 | 毛糸玉 | 編み物 |
7793 | Characters | Activities | arts & crafts | 🪢 -name | knot |
結び目 |
7794 | Characters | Activities | arts & crafts | 🪢 –keywords | cord | knot | rope | tangled | tie | twine | twist |
ねじれ | ノット | ひも | ロープ | 結び目 | 綱 |
7795 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👓 -name | glasses |
メガネ |
7796 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👓 –keywords | clothing | eye | eyeglasses | eyewear | glasses |
メガネ | 眼鏡 |
7797 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🕶 -name | sunglasses |
サングラス |
7798 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🕶 –keywords | dark | eye | eyewear | glasses | sunglasses |
サングラス | メガネ | 眼鏡 |
7799 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🥽 -name | goggles |
ゴーグル |
7800 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🥽 –keywords | dive | eye | goggles | protection | scuba | swimming | welding |
ゴーグル | スキューバ | ダイビング | 保護メガネ | 水泳 | 溶接 |
7801 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🥼 -name | lab coat |
白衣 |
7802 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🥼 –keywords | clothes | coat | doctor | dr | experiment | jacket | lab | scientist | white |
上着 | 医者 | 実験 | 服 | 白衣 | 科学者 |
7803 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🦺 -name | safety vest |
安全ベスト |
7804 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🦺 –keywords | emergency | safety | vest |
チョッキ | ベスト | 反射 | 安全 | 安全ベスト | 工事 | 緊急 |
7805 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👔 -name | necktie |
ネクタイ |
7806 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👔 –keywords | clothing | employed | necktie | serious | shirt | tie |
シャツ | ネクタイ | ワイシャツ | 会社員 | 服 |
7807 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👕 -name | t-shirt |
Tシャツ |
7808 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👕 –keywords | blue | casual | clothes | clothing | collar | dressed | shirt | shopping | t-shirt | tshirt | weekend |
Tシャツ | シャツ | 服 |
7809 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👖 -name | jeans |
ジーンズ |
7810 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👖 –keywords | blue | casual | clothes | clothing | denim | dressed | jeans | pants | shopping | trousers | weekend |
カジュアル | ジーンズ | ズボン | デニム | パンツ | ブルージーンズ | 服 |
7811 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🧣 -name | scarf |
マフラー |
7812 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🧣 –keywords | bundle | cold | neck | scarf | up |
スカーフ | マフラー | 厚着 | 寒い | 襟巻き | 首巻き |
7813 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🧤 -name | gloves |
手袋 |
7814 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🧤 –keywords | gloves | hand |
手 | 手袋 |
7815 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🧥 -name | coat |
コート |
7816 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🧥 –keywords | brr | bundle | coat | cold | jacket | up |
アウター | オーバー | コート | ジャケット | 厚着 | 寒い | 服 |
7817 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🧦 -name | socks |
ソックス |
7818 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🧦 –keywords | socks | stocking |
ソックス | 靴下 |
7819 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👗 -name | dress |
ワンピース |
7820 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👗 –keywords | clothes | clothing | dress | dressed | fancy | shopping |
ドレス | ワンピース | 服 |
7821 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👘 -name | kimono |
着物 |
7822 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👘 –keywords | clothing | comfortable | kimono |
和服 | 服 | 着物 |
7823 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🥻 -name | sari |
サリー |
7824 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🥻 –keywords | clothing | dress | sari |
サリー | ドレス | 服 | 民族衣装 |
7825 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🩱 -name | one-piece swimsuit |
ワンピースの水着 |
7826 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🩱 –keywords | bathing | one-piece | suit | swimsuit |
スイムウェア | ワンピースの水着 | 水着 |
7827 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🩲 -name | briefs |
ブリーフ |
7828 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🩲 –keywords | bathing | briefs | one-piece | suit | swimsuit | underwear |
スイムウェア | パンツ | ブリーフ | 下着 | 水着 |
7829 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🩳 -name | shorts |
ショーツ |
7830 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🩳 –keywords | bathing | pants | shorts | suit | swimsuit | underwear |
ショーツ | スイムウェア | パンツ | 下着 | 水着 |
7831 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👙 -name | bikini |
ビキニ |
7832 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👙 –keywords | bathing | beach | bikini | clothing | pool | suit | swim |
ビーチ | ビキニ | プール | 水着 |
7833 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👚 -name | woman’s clothes |
婦人服 |
7834 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👚 –keywords | blouse | clothes | clothing | collar | dress | dressed | lady | shirt | shopping | woman | woman’s |
シャツ | ブラウス | 婦人服 | 服 |
7835 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🪭 -name | folding hand fan |
扇子 |
7836 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🪭 –keywords | clack | clap | cool | cooling | dance | fan | flirt | flutter | folding | hand | hot | shy |
あおぐ | パタパタ | 団扇 | 夏 | 扇 | 扇子 | 涼む | 風 |
7837 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👛 -name | purse |
がま口 |
7838 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👛 –keywords | clothes | clothing | coin | dress | fancy | handbag | purse | shopping |
がま口 | 小銭入れ | 財布 |
7839 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👜 -name | handbag |
ハンドバッグ |
7840 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👜 –keywords | bag | clothes | clothing | dress | handbag | lady | purse | shopping |
かばん | ショッピング | バッグ | ハンドバッグ |
7841 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👝 -name | clutch bag |
ポーチ |
7842 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👝 –keywords | bag | clothes | clothing | clutch | dress | handbag | pouch | purse |
クラッチバッグ | バッグ | ハンドバッグ | ポーチ |
7843 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🛍 -name | shopping bags |
紙袋 |
7844 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🛍 –keywords | bag | bags | hotel | shopping |
ショッピングバッグ | バッグ | 紙手提げ | 紙袋 |
7845 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🎒 -name | backpack |
バックパック |
7846 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🎒 –keywords | backpack | backpacking | bag | bookbag | education | rucksack | satchel | school |
バックパック | ランドセル | リュックサック | 学校 | 小学校 | 小学生 |
7847 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🩴 -name | thong sandal |
ビーチサンダル |
7848 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🩴 –keywords | beach | flip | flop | sandal | sandals | shoe | thong | thongs | zōri |
ゴムぞうり | サンダル | トングサンダル | ビーサン | ビーチサンダル | 靴 |
7849 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👞 -name | man’s shoe |
紳士靴 |
7850 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👞 –keywords | brown | clothes | clothing | feet | foot | kick | man | man’s | shoe | shoes | shopping |
ローファー | 紳士靴 | 革靴 | 靴 |
7851 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👟 -name | running shoe |
スニーカー |
7852 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👟 –keywords | athletic | clothes | clothing | fast | kick | running | shoe | shoes | shopping | sneaker | tennis |
ジョギングシューズ | スニーカー | テニスシューズ | 靴 |
7853 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🥾 -name | hiking boot |
ハイキングシューズ |
7854 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🥾 –keywords | backpacking | boot | brown | camping | hiking | outdoors | shoe |
アウトドア | キャンプ | ハイキング | ハイキングシューズ | ブーツ | 登山靴 | 茶色い靴 | 靴 |
7855 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🥿 -name | flat shoe |
フラットシューズ |
7856 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🥿 –keywords | ballet | comfy | flat | flats | shoe | slip-on | slipper |
スリッポン | バレエシューズ | フラットシューズ | ぺたんこ靴 |
7857 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👠 -name | high-heeled shoe |
ハイヒール |
7858 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👠 –keywords | clothes | clothing | dress | fashion | heel | heels | high-heeled | shoe | shoes | shopping | stiletto | woman |
ハイヒール | ピンヒール | 婦人靴 | 靴 |
7859 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👡 -name | woman’s sandal |
サンダル |
7860 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👡 –keywords | clothing | sandal | shoe | woman | woman’s |
サンダル | 婦人靴 | 靴 |
7861 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🩰 -name | ballet shoes |
トウシューズ |
7862 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🩰 –keywords | ballet | dance | shoes |
シューズ | ダンス | トウシューズ | バレエ | バレエシューズ | 靴 |
7863 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👢 -name | woman’s boot |
ブーツ |
7864 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👢 –keywords | boot | clothes | clothing | dress | shoe | shoes | shopping | woman | woman’s |
ブーツ | ロングブーツ | 婦人靴 | 靴 |
7865 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🪮 -name | hair pick |
アフロコーム |
7866 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🪮 –keywords | Afro | comb | groom | hair | pick |
アフロ | アフロコーム | くし | コーム | 髪 |
7867 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👑 -name | crown |
王冠 |
7868 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👑 –keywords | clothing | crown | family | king | medieval | queen | royal | royalty | win |
クラウン | 冠 | 王冠 | 王族 |
7869 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👒 -name | woman’s hat |
婦人帽子 |
7870 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 👒 –keywords | clothes | clothing | garden | hat | hats | party | woman | woman’s |
婦人帽子 | 帽子 | 麦わら | 麦わら帽子 |
7871 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🎩 -name | top hat |
シルクハット |
7872 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🎩 –keywords | clothes | clothing | fancy | formal | hat | magic | top | tophat |
シルクハット | 山高帽 | 帽子 |
7873 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🎓 -name | graduation cap |
角帽 |
7874 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🎓 –keywords | cap | celebration | clothing | education | graduation | hat | scholar |
卒業 | 学者 | 帽子 | 角帽 |
7875 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🧢 -name | billed cap |
キャップ |
7876 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🧢 –keywords | baseball | bent | billed | cap | dad | hat |
キャップ | 帽子 | 野球帽 |
7877 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🪖 -name | military helmet |
軍用ヘルメット |
7878 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 🪖 –keywords | army | helmet | military | soldier | war | warrior |
ヘルメット | ミリタリー | 兵士 | 戦闘 | 軍用ヘルメット | 軍隊 |
7879 | Characters | Objects | clothing | ⛑ -name | rescue worker’s helmet |
白十字ヘルメット |
7880 | Characters | Objects | clothing | ⛑ –keywords | aid | cross | face | hat | helmet | rescue | worker’s |
ヘルメット | 帽子 | 救助隊 | 救急 | 白十字 | 白十字ヘルメット |
7881 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 📿 -name | prayer beads |
数珠 |
7882 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 📿 –keywords | beads | clothing | necklace | prayer | religion |
ネックレス | ロザリオ | 宗教 | 念珠 | 数珠 | 祈る |
7883 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 💄 -name | lipstick |
口紅 |
7884 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 💄 –keywords | cosmetics | date | lipstick | makeup |
コスメ | メーク | リップ | リップスティック | 化粧 | 化粧品 | 口紅 |
7885 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 💍 -name | ring |
指輪 |
7886 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 💍 –keywords | diamond | engaged | engagement | married | ring | romance | shiny | sparkling | wedding |
ジュエリー | ダイア | ダイヤ | ダイヤモンド | リング | 婚約指輪 | 指輪 |
7887 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 💎 -name | gem stone |
宝石 |
7888 | Characters | Objects | clothing | 💎 –keywords | diamond | engagement | gem | jewel | money | romance | stone | wedding |
ジュエリー | ダイア | ダイヤ | ダイヤモンド | 宝石 |
7889 | Characters | Objects | sound | 🔇 -name | muted speaker |
スピーカー消音 |
7890 | Characters | Objects | sound | 🔇 –keywords | mute | muted | quiet | silent | sound | speaker |
スピーカー | スピーカー消音 | ミュート | 消音 | 無音 | 音無し |
7891 | Characters | Objects | sound | 🔈 -name | speaker low volume |
スピーカー |
7892 | Characters | Objects | sound | 🔈 –keywords | low | soft | sound | speaker | volume |
スピーカー | ボリューム | 音量 |
7893 | Characters | Objects | sound | 🔉 -name | speaker medium volume |
スピーカー音量小 |
7894 | Characters | Objects | sound | 🔉 –keywords | medium | sound | speaker | volume |
スピーカー | スピーカー音量小 | ボリューム | 音量 | 音量小 |
7895 | Characters | Objects | sound | 🔊 -name | speaker high volume |
スピーカー音量大 |
7896 | Characters | Objects | sound | 🔊 –keywords | high | loud | music | sound | speaker | volume |
スピーカー | スピーカー音量大 | ボリューム | 大音量 | 音量 | 音量大 |
7897 | Characters | Objects | sound | 📢 -name | loudspeaker |
拡声器 |
7898 | Characters | Objects | sound | 📢 –keywords | address | communication | loud | loudspeaker | public | sound |
スピーカー | メガホン | 拡声器 | 放送 |
7899 | Characters | Objects | sound | 📣 -name | megaphone |
メガホン |
7900 | Characters | Objects | sound | 📣 –keywords | cheering | megaphone | sound |
スピーカー | メガホン | 応援 | 拡声器 |
7901 | Characters | Objects | sound | 📯 -name | postal horn |
郵便ラッパ |
7902 | Characters | Objects | sound | 📯 –keywords | horn | post | postal |
ラッパ | 郵便 | 郵便ラッパ |
7903 | Characters | Objects | sound | 🔔 -name | bell |
ベル |
7904 | Characters | Objects | sound | 🔔 –keywords | bell | break | church | sound |
ベル | 教会 | 鈴 | 鐘 |
7905 | Characters | Objects | sound | 🔕 -name | bell with slash |
ベル消音 |
7906 | Characters | Objects | sound | 🔕 –keywords | bell | forbidden | mute | no | not | prohibited | quiet | silent | slash | sound |
ベル消音 | ミュート | 消音 | 鈴 | 鐘 | 音無し |
7907 | Characters | Objects | music | 🎼 -name | musical score |
楽譜 |
7908 | Characters | Objects | music | 🎼 –keywords | music | musical | note | score |
スコア | ト音記号 | 五線譜 | 楽譜 | 音楽 |
7909 | Characters | Objects | music | 🎵 -name | musical note |
音符 |
7910 | Characters | Objects | music | 🎵 –keywords | music | musical | note | sound |
8分音符 | 連符 | 音楽 | 音符 |
7911 | Characters | Objects | music | 🎶 -name | musical notes |
複数の音符 |
7912 | Characters | Objects | music | 🎶 –keywords | music | musical | note | notes | sound |
8分音符 | 複数の音符 | 音楽 | 音符 |
7913 | Characters | Objects | music | 🎙 -name | studio microphone |
スタジオマイク |
7914 | Characters | Objects | music | 🎙 –keywords | mic | microphone | music | studio |
スタジオマイク | マイク | 音楽 |
7915 | Characters | Objects | music | 🎚 -name | level slider |
レベルスライダー |
7916 | Characters | Objects | music | 🎚 –keywords | level | music | slider |
スライダー | レベル | レベルスライダー | 音楽 |
7917 | Characters | Objects | music | 🎛 -name | control knobs |
コントロールつまみ |
7918 | Characters | Objects | music | 🎛 –keywords | control | knobs | music |
コントロール | コントロールつまみ | つまみ | ノブ | 調整 | 音楽 |
7919 | Characters | Objects | music | 🎤 -name | microphone |
マイク |
7920 | Characters | Objects | music | 🎤 –keywords | karaoke | mic | microphone | music | sing | sound |
カラオケ | マイク | 歌 | 音楽 |
7921 | Characters | Objects | music | 🎧 -name | headphone |
ヘッドホン |
7922 | Characters | Objects | music | 🎧 –keywords | earbud | headphone | sound |
イヤホン | ヘッドフォン | ヘッドホン | 音楽 |
7923 | Characters | Objects | music | 📻 -name | radio |
ラジオ |
7924 | Characters | Objects | music | 📻 –keywords | entertainment | radio | tbt | video |
ラジオ | 受信機 | 放送 | 音楽 |
7925 | Characters | Objects | musical-instrument | 🎷 -name | saxophone |
サックス |
7926 | Characters | Objects | musical-instrument | 🎷 –keywords | instrument | music | sax | saxophone |
サキソフォン | サクソフォン | サックス | 楽器 | 音楽 |
7927 | Characters | Objects | musical-instrument | 🪗 -name | accordion |
アコーディオン |
7928 | Characters | Objects | musical-instrument | 🪗 –keywords | accordion | box | concertina | instrument | music | squeeze | squeezebox |
アコーディオン | じゃばら | 楽器 | 音楽 |
7929 | Characters | Objects | musical-instrument | 🎸 -name | guitar |
ギター |
7930 | Characters | Objects | musical-instrument | 🎸 –keywords | guitar | instrument | music | strat |
エレキギター | ギター | 楽器 | 音楽 |
7931 | Characters | Objects | musical-instrument | 🎹 -name | musical keyboard |
鍵盤 |
7932 | Characters | Objects | musical-instrument | 🎹 –keywords | instrument | keyboard | music | musical | piano |
キーボード | ピアノ | 楽器 | 鍵盤 | 音楽 |
7933 | Characters | Objects | musical-instrument | 🎺 -name | trumpet |
トランペット |
7934 | Characters | Objects | musical-instrument | 🎺 –keywords | instrument | music | trumpet |
トランペット | ラッパ | 楽器 | 音楽 |
7935 | Characters | Objects | musical-instrument | 🎻 -name | violin |
バイオリン |
7936 | Characters | Objects | musical-instrument | 🎻 –keywords | instrument | music | violin |
ヴィオラ | ストラディバリウス | バイオリン | 楽器 | 音楽 |
7937 | Characters | Objects | musical-instrument | 🪕 -name | banjo |
バンジョー |
7938 | Characters | Objects | musical-instrument | 🪕 –keywords | banjo | music | stringed |
バンジョー | 弦楽器 | 楽器 | 音楽 |
7939 | Characters | Objects | musical-instrument | 🥁 -name | drum |
ドラム |
7940 | Characters | Objects | musical-instrument | 🥁 –keywords | drum | drumsticks | music |
ドラム | ドラムスティック | 太鼓 | 楽器 | 音楽 |
7941 | Characters | Objects | musical-instrument | 🪘 -name | long drum |
コンガ |
7942 | Characters | Objects | musical-instrument | 🪘 –keywords | beat | conga | drum | instrument | long | rhythm |
コンガ | ドラム | ビート | リズム | 太鼓 | 楽器 | 音楽 |
7943 | Characters | Objects | musical-instrument | 🪇 -name | maracas |
マラカス |
7944 | Characters | Objects | musical-instrument | 🪇 –keywords | cha | dance | instrument | maracas | music | party | percussion | rattle | shake | shaker |
シェイカー | ダンス | パーティー | マラカス | ラトル | リズム | 打楽器 | 振る | 楽器 | 音楽 |
7945 | Characters | Objects | musical-instrument | 🪈 -name | flute |
笛 |
7946 | Characters | Objects | musical-instrument | 🪈 –keywords | band | fife | flautist | flute | instrument | marching | music | orchestra | piccolo | pipe | recorder | woodwind |
オーケストラ | バンド | ピッコロ | フルート | フルート奏者 | リコーダー | 楽器 | 横笛 | 管楽器 | 音楽 |
7947 | Characters | Objects | musical-instrument | -name | harp |
ハープ |
7948 | Characters | Objects | musical-instrument | –keywords | cupid | harp | instrument | love | music | orchestra |
オーケストラ | キューピッド | ハープ | 弦楽器 | 愛 | 楽器 | 音楽 |
7949 | Characters | Objects | phone | 📱 -name | mobile phone |
携帯電話 |
7950 | Characters | Objects | phone | 📱 –keywords | cell | communication | mobile | phone | telephone |
スマートフォン | スマホ | モバイル | 携帯 | 携帯電話 |
7951 | Characters | Objects | phone | 📲 -name | mobile phone with arrow |
着信中 |
7952 | Characters | Objects | phone | 📲 –keywords | arrow | build | call | cell | communication | mobile | phone | receive | telephone |
スマートフォン | スマホ | モバイル | 受信 | 携帯受信 | 携帯電話 | 着信中 | 電話 |
7953 | Characters | Objects | phone | ☎ -name | telephone |
固定電話 |
7954 | Characters | Objects | phone | ☎ –keywords | phone | telephone |
ボタン式電話 | 固定電話 | 親機 | 電話 | 黒電話 |
7955 | Characters | Objects | phone | 📞 -name | telephone receiver |
受話器 |
7956 | Characters | Objects | phone | 📞 –keywords | communication | phone | receiver | telephone | voip |
受話器 | 子機 | 電話 |
7957 | Characters | Objects | phone | 📟 -name | pager |
ポケベル |
7958 | Characters | Objects | phone | 📟 –keywords | communication | pager |
ページャー | ポケットベル | ポケベル |
7959 | Characters | Objects | phone | 📠 -name | fax machine |
ファックス |
7960 | Characters | Objects | phone | 📠 –keywords | communication | fax | machine |
FAX | ファックス | 複合機 | 電話 |
7961 | Characters | Objects | computer | 🔋 -name | battery |
電池 |
7962 | Characters | Objects | computer | 🔋 –keywords | battery |
バッテリー | 乾電池 | 電池 |
7963 | Characters | Objects | computer | 🪫 -name | low battery |
バッテリー残量低下 |
7964 | Characters | Objects | computer | 🪫 –keywords | battery | drained | electronic | energy | low | power |
バッテリー | バッテリー残量低下 | 充電不足 | 電池切れ寸前 | 電池残量低下 |
7965 | Characters | Objects | computer | 🔌 -name | electric plug |
コンセント |
7966 | Characters | Objects | computer | 🔌 –keywords | electric | electricity | plug |
コンセント | プラグ | 電気 | 電源 |
7967 | Characters | Objects | computer | 💻 -name | laptop |
ノートパソコン |
7968 | Characters | Objects | computer | 💻 –keywords | computer | laptop | office | pc | personal |
PC | コンピューター | ノートパソコン | パソコン | ラップトップ |
7969 | Characters | Objects | computer | 🖥 -name | desktop computer |
デスクトップパソコン |
7970 | Characters | Objects | computer | 🖥 –keywords | computer | desktop | monitor |
PC | コンピューター | デスクトップ | デスクトップパソコン | パソコン | モニター |
7971 | Characters | Objects | computer | 🖨 -name | printer |
プリンタ |
7972 | Characters | Objects | computer | 🖨 –keywords | computer | printer |
コピー機 | コンピューター | プリンタ | プリンター | 印刷機 | 複合機 |
7973 | Characters | Objects | computer | ⌨ -name | keyboard |
キーボード |
7974 | Characters | Objects | computer | ⌨ –keywords | computer | keyboard |
PC | キーボード | コンピューター | パソコン |
7975 | Characters | Objects | computer | 🖱 -name | computer mouse |
マウス |
7976 | Characters | Objects | computer | 🖱 –keywords | computer | mouse |
PC | コンピューター | パソコン | マウス |
7977 | Characters | Objects | computer | 🖲 -name | trackball |
トラックボール |
7978 | Characters | Objects | computer | 🖲 –keywords | computer | trackball |
PC | コンピューター | トラックボール | パソコン |
7979 | Characters | Objects | computer | 💽 -name | computer disk |
MD |
7980 | Characters | Objects | computer | 💽 –keywords | computer | disk | minidisk | optical |
MD | MO | コンピューター | ミニディスク |
7981 | Characters | Objects | computer | 💾 -name | floppy disk |
フロッピー |
7982 | Characters | Objects | computer | 💾 –keywords | computer | disk | floppy |
FD | コンピューター | ディスク | フロッピー | フロッピーディスク |
7983 | Characters | Objects | computer | 💿 -name | optical disk |
CD |
7984 | Characters | Objects | computer | 💿 –keywords | blu-ray | CD | computer | disk | dvd | optical |
Blu-ray | CD | DVD | コンピューター | ディスク | ブルーレイ | 光ディスク |
7985 | Characters | Objects | computer | 📀 -name | dvd |
7986 | Characters | Objects | computer | 📀 –keywords | Blu-ray | cd | computer | disk | DVD | optical |
Blu-ray | CD | DVD | ディスク | ブルーレイ |
7987 | Characters | Objects | computer | 🧮 -name | abacus |
そろばん |
7988 | Characters | Objects | computer | 🧮 –keywords | abacus | calculation | calculator |
アバカス | そろばん | 算盤 | 計算 |
7989 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 🎥 -name | movie camera |
映画カメラ |
7990 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 🎥 –keywords | bollywood | camera | cinema | film | hollywood | movie | record |
カメラ | シネマ | ハリウッド | フィルム | ムービー | 撮影 | 映画 | 映画カメラ |
7991 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 🎞 -name | film frames |
映画フィルム |
7992 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 🎞 –keywords | cinema | film | frames | movie |
シネマ | フィルム | フレーム | ムービー | 映画 | 映画フィルム |
7993 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 📽 -name | film projector |
映写機 |
7994 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 📽 –keywords | cinema | film | movie | projector | video |
ビデオ | フィルム | プロジェクター | ムービー | 映写機 | 映画 |
7995 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 🎬 -name | clapper board |
カチンコ |
7996 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 🎬 –keywords | action | board | clapper | movie |
カチンコ | 映画 |
7997 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 📺 -name | television |
テレビ |
7998 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 📺 –keywords | television | tv | video |
TV | テレビ | ビデオ |
7999 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 📷 -name | camera |
カメラ |
8000 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 📷 –keywords | camera | photo | selfie | snap | tbt | trip | video |
カメラ | 写真 |
8001 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 📸 -name | camera with flash |
フラッシュを焚いているカメラ |
8002 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 📸 –keywords | camera | flash | video |
カメラ | カメラフラッシュ | フラッシュ | フラッシュを焚いているカメラ | 写真 |
8003 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 📹 -name | video camera |
ビデオカメラ |
8004 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 📹 –keywords | camcorder | camera | tbt | video |
カメラ | ビデオ | ビデオカメラ | ムービー | 動画 | 録画 |
8005 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 📼 -name | videocassette |
ビデオテープ |
8006 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 📼 –keywords | old | school | tape | vcr | vhs | video | videocassette |
VHS | テープ | ビデオ | ビデオカセット | ビデオテープ | 動画 |
8007 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 🔍 -name | magnifying glass tilted left |
虫眼鏡左 |
8008 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 🔍 –keywords | glass | lab | left | left-pointing | magnifying | science | search | tilted | tool |
ルーペ | 拡大鏡 | 検索 | 科学 | 虫めがね | 虫眼鏡左 |
8009 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 🔎 -name | magnifying glass tilted right |
虫眼鏡右 |
8010 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 🔎 –keywords | contact | glass | lab | magnifying | right | right-pointing | science | search | tilted | tool |
ルーペ | 拡大鏡 | 検索 | 科学 | 虫めがね | 虫眼鏡右 |
8011 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 🕯 -name | candle |
ろうそく |
8012 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 🕯 –keywords | candle | light |
キャンドル | ろうそく | ロウソク | 明かり |
8013 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 💡 -name | light bulb |
電球 |
8014 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 💡 –keywords | bulb | comic | electric | idea | light |
ぴこーん | ひらめき | マンガ | 明かり | 電球 |
8015 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 🔦 -name | flashlight |
懐中電灯 |
8016 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 🔦 –keywords | electric | flashlight | light | tool | torch |
ライト | 懐中電灯 | 明かり |
8017 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 🏮 -name | red paper lantern |
赤ちょうちん |
8018 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 🏮 –keywords | bar | lantern | light | paper | red | restaurant |
ちょうちん | 居酒屋 | 赤ちょうちん | 飲み屋 |
8019 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 🪔 -name | diya lamp |
ディヤランプ |
8020 | Characters | Objects | light & video | 🪔 –keywords | diya | lamp | light | oil |
オイル | ディヤランプ | ランプ | 明かり |
8021 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📔 -name | notebook with decorative cover |
表紙付きノート |
8022 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📔 –keywords | book | cover | decorated | decorative | education | notebook | school | writing |
ノート | 学校 | 文具 | 文房具 | 本 | 表紙付きノート |
8023 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📕 -name | closed book |
閉じた本 |
8024 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📕 –keywords | book | closed | education |
書籍 | 本 | 赤い本 | 閉じた本 |
8025 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📖 -name | open book |
開いた本 |
8026 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📖 –keywords | book | education | fantasy | knowledge | library | novels | open | reading |
図書館 | 小説 | 書籍 | 本 | 知識 | 読書 | 開いた本 |
8027 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📗 -name | green book |
緑の本 |
8028 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📗 –keywords | book | education | fantasy | green | library | reading |
図書館 | 書籍 | 本 | 緑の本 | 読書 |
8029 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📘 -name | blue book |
青の本 |
8030 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📘 –keywords | blue | book | education | fantasy | library | reading |
図書館 | 書籍 | 本 | 読書 | 青い本 | 青の本 |
8031 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📙 -name | orange book |
オレンジの本 |
8032 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📙 –keywords | book | education | fantasy | library | orange | reading |
オレンジの本 | 図書館 | 書籍 | 本 | 読書 |
8033 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📚 -name | books |
本の山 |
8034 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📚 –keywords | book | books | education | fantasy | knowledge | library | novels | reading | school | study |
勉強 | 学校 | 小説 | 書籍 | 本 | 本の山 | 読書 |
8035 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📓 -name | notebook |
ノート |
8036 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📓 –keywords | notebook |
ノート | 手帳 | 文具 | 文房具 |
8037 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📒 -name | ledger |
リングノート |
8038 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📒 –keywords | ledger | notebook |
ノート | リングノート | 台帳 | 文具 | 文房具 |
8039 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📃 -name | page with curl |
巻きページ |
8040 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📃 –keywords | curl | document | page | paper |
カール | ドキュメント | 巻きページ | 文書 | 書類 |
8041 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📜 -name | scroll |
巻き物 |
8042 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📜 –keywords | paper | scroll |
巻き物 | 文書 | 書類 | 紙 |
8043 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📄 -name | page facing up |
ページ |
8044 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📄 –keywords | document | facing | page | paper | up |
ドキュメント | ページ | 文書 | 書類 |
8045 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📰 -name | newspaper |
新聞 |
8046 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📰 –keywords | communication | news | newspaper | paper |
ニュース | 新聞 | 新聞紙 |
8047 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 🗞 -name | rolled-up newspaper |
丸めた新聞 |
8048 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 🗞 –keywords | news | newspaper | paper | rolled | rolled-up |
ニュース | 丸めた新聞 | 新聞 | 新聞紙 |
8049 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📑 -name | bookmark tabs |
ページに付箋 |
8050 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 📑 –keywords | bookmark | mark | marker | tabs |
ふせん | ページに付箋 | 付箋 | 文具 | 文房具 |
8051 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 🔖 -name | bookmark |
しおり |
8052 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 🔖 –keywords | bookmark | mark |
しおり | タグ | ブックマーク | 付箋 |
8053 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 🏷 -name | label |
荷札 |
8054 | Characters | Objects | book-paper | 🏷 –keywords | label | tag |
タグ | ラベル | 荷札 |
8055 | Characters | Objects2 | money | 💰 -name | money bag |
ドル袋 |
8056 | Characters | Objects2 | money | 💰 –keywords | bag | bank | bet | billion | cash | cost | dollar | gold | million | money | moneybag | paid | paying | pot | rich | win |
お金 | キャッシュ | ドル | ドル袋 | 現金 | 賞金 | 賭け金 | 金持ち | 金袋 | 銀行 |
8057 | Characters | Objects2 | money | 🪙 -name | coin |
コイン |
8058 | Characters | Objects2 | money | 🪙 –keywords | coin | dollar | euro | gold | metal | money | rich | silver | treasure |
お金 | コイン | 小銭 | 硬貨 | 金貨 | 銀貨 |
8059 | Characters | Objects2 | money | 💴 -name | yen banknote |
円札 |
8060 | Characters | Objects2 | money | 💴 –keywords | bank | banknote | bill | currency | money | note | yen |
お札 | お金 | 円 | 円札 | 札束 | 紙幣 | 通貨 |
8061 | Characters | Objects2 | money | 💵 -name | dollar banknote |
ドル札 |
8062 | Characters | Objects2 | money | 💵 –keywords | bank | banknote | bill | currency | dollar | money | note |
お札 | お金 | ドル | ドル札 | 札束 | 紙幣 | 通貨 |
8063 | Characters | Objects2 | money | 💶 -name | euro banknote |
ユーロ札 |
8064 | Characters | Objects2 | money | 💶 –keywords | 100 | bank | banknote | bill | currency | euro | money | note | rich |
お札 | お金 | ユーロ | ユーロ札 | 札束 | 紙幣 | 通貨 |
8065 | Characters | Objects2 | money | 💷 -name | pound banknote |
ポンド札 |
8066 | Characters | Objects2 | money | 💷 –keywords | bank | banknote | bill | billion | cash | currency | money | note | pound | pounds |
お札 | お金 | ポンド | ポンド札 | 札束 | 現金 | 紙幣 | 通貨 |
8067 | Characters | Objects2 | money | 💸 -name | money with wings |
羽が生えたお金 |
8068 | Characters | Objects2 | money | 💸 –keywords | bank | banknote | bill | billion | cash | dollar | fly | million | money | note | pay | wings |
お札 | お金 | ドル | 支払い | 札束 | 紙幣 | 羽が生えたお金 |
8069 | Characters | Objects2 | money | 💳 -name | credit card |
クレジットカード |
8070 | Characters | Objects2 | money | 💳 –keywords | bank | card | cash | charge | credit | money | pay |
お金 | カード | キャッシュカード | クレジットカード | 支払い | 銀行 |
8071 | Characters | Objects2 | money | 🧾 -name | receipt |
レシート |
8072 | Characters | Objects2 | money | 🧾 –keywords | accounting | bookkeeping | evidence | invoice | proof | receipt |
レシート | 会計 | 簿記 | 請求書 | 領収書 |
8073 | Characters | Objects2 | money | 💹 -name | chart increasing with yen |
為替 |
8074 | Characters | Objects2 | money | 💹 –keywords | bank | chart | currency | graph | growth | increasing | market | money | rise | trend | upward | yen |
グラフ | チャート | 円 | 円高 | 市場 | 株 | 株価 | 為替 |
8075 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | ✉ -name | envelope |
封筒 |
8076 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | ✉ –keywords | e-mail | email | envelope | letter |
Eメール | メール | 封筒 | 手紙 | 郵便 | 電子メール |
8077 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | 📧 -name | e-mail |
Eメール |
8078 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | 📧 –keywords | e-mail | email | letter | mail |
Eメール | メール | 封筒 | 手紙 | 郵便 | 電子メール |
8079 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | 📨 -name | incoming envelope |
メール受信中 |
8080 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | 📨 –keywords | delivering | e-mail | email | envelope | incoming | letter | mail | receive | sent |
Eメール | メール受信中 | 受信中 | 受信箱 | 封筒 | 手紙 | 電子メール |
8081 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | 📩 -name | envelope with arrow |
メール受信 |
8082 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | 📩 –keywords | arrow | communication | down | e-mail | email | envelope | letter | mail | outgoing | send | sent |
Eメール | メール受信 | メール送信 | 受信 | 封筒と矢印 | 送信 | 電子メール |
8083 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | 📤 -name | outbox tray |
送信トレイ |
8084 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | 📤 –keywords | box | email | letter | mail | outbox | sent | tray |
Eメール | トレイ | 箱 | 送信 | 送信トレイ | 送信箱 | 電子メール |
8085 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | 📥 -name | inbox tray |
受信トレイ |
8086 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | 📥 –keywords | box | email | inbox | letter | mail | receive | tray | zero |
Eメール | トレイ | 受信 | 受信トレイ | 受信なし | 受信箱 | 箱 | 電子メール |
8087 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | 📦 -name | package |
荷物 |
8088 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | 📦 –keywords | box | communication | delivery | package | parcel | shipping |
宅急便 | 宅配便 | 小包 | 段ボール | 箱 | 荷物 | 配送 | 配達 |
8089 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | 📫 -name | closed mailbox with raised flag |
閉じた郵便受け(手紙あり) |
8090 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | 📫 –keywords | closed | communication | flag | mail | mailbox | postbox | raised |
ポスト | 手紙あり | 郵便受け | 郵便箱 | 閉じた | 閉じた郵便受け(手紙あり) |
8091 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | 📪 -name | closed mailbox with lowered flag |
閉じた郵便受け(手紙なし) |
8092 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | 📪 –keywords | closed | flag | lowered | mail | mailbox | postbox |
ポスト | 手紙なし | 郵便受け | 郵便箱 | 閉じた | 閉じた郵便受け(手紙なし) |
8093 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | 📬 -name | open mailbox with raised flag |
開いた郵便受け(手紙あり) |
8094 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | 📬 –keywords | flag | mail | mailbox | open | postbox | raised |
ポスト | 手紙あり | 郵便受け | 郵便箱 | 開いた | 開いた郵便受け(手紙あり) |
8095 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | 📭 -name | open mailbox with lowered flag |
開いた郵便受け(手紙なし) |
8096 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | 📭 –keywords | flag | lowered | mail | mailbox | open | postbox |
ポスト | 手紙なし | 郵便受け | 郵便箱 | 開いた | 開いた郵便受け(手紙なし) |
8097 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | 📮 -name | postbox |
郵便ポスト |
8098 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | 📮 –keywords | mail | mailbox | postbox |
ポスト | 手紙 | 郵便 | 郵便ポスト | 郵便箱 |
8099 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | 🗳 -name | ballot box with ballot |
投票箱 |
8100 | Characters | Objects2 | mail | 🗳 –keywords | ballot | box |
投票 | 投票箱 | 選挙 |
8101 | Characters | Objects2 | writing | ✏ -name | pencil |
鉛筆 |
8102 | Characters | Objects2 | writing | ✏ –keywords | pencil |
文具 | 文房具 | 鉛筆 |
8103 | Characters | Objects2 | writing | ✒ -name | black nib |
ペン先 |
8104 | Characters | Objects2 | writing | ✒ –keywords | black | nib | pen |
ペン先 | 万年筆 | 文具 | 文房具 |
8105 | Characters | Objects2 | writing | 🖋 -name | fountain pen |
万年筆 |
8106 | Characters | Objects2 | writing | 🖋 –keywords | fountain | pen |
ペン | 万年筆 | 文具 | 文房具 |
8107 | Characters | Objects2 | writing | 🖊 -name | pen |
ペン |
8108 | Characters | Objects2 | writing | 🖊 –keywords | ballpoint | pen |
ペン | ボールペン | 文具 | 文房具 |
8109 | Characters | Objects2 | writing | 🖌 -name | paintbrush |
絵筆 |
8110 | Characters | Objects2 | writing | 🖌 –keywords | paintbrush | painting |
文具 | 文房具 | 絵の具 | 絵筆 |
8111 | Characters | Objects2 | writing | 🖍 -name | crayon |
クレヨン |
8112 | Characters | Objects2 | writing | 🖍 –keywords | crayon |
クレヨン | 文具 | 文房具 |
8113 | Characters | Objects2 | writing | 📝 -name | memo |
鉛筆とメモ |
8114 | Characters | Objects2 | writing | 📝 –keywords | communication | media | memo | notes | pencil |
メモ | 文具 | 文房具 | 紙と鉛筆 | 鉛筆 | 鉛筆とメモ |
8115 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 💼 -name | briefcase |
ブリーフケース |
8116 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 💼 –keywords | briefcase | office |
かばん | ブリーフケース | 鞄 |
8117 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📁 -name | file folder |
フォルダー |
8118 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📁 –keywords | file | folder |
ファイル | フォルダー | 文具 | 文房具 |
8119 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📂 -name | open file folder |
開いたフォルダー |
8120 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📂 –keywords | file | folder | open |
ファイル | フォルダー | 文具 | 文房具 | 開いたフォルダー | 開く |
8121 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 🗂 -name | card index dividers |
カードフォルダー |
8122 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 🗂 –keywords | card | dividers | index |
インデックス | カードフォルダー | フォルダー | 文具 | 文房具 |
8123 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📅 -name | calendar |
カレンダー |
8124 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📅 –keywords | calendar | date |
カレンダー | スケジュール | 予定 | 日付 |
8125 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📆 -name | tear-off calendar |
日めくりカレンダー |
8126 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📆 –keywords | calendar | tear-off |
カレンダー | スケジュール | 予定 | 日めくりカレンダー | 日付 |
8127 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 🗒 -name | spiral notepad |
メモ帳 |
8128 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 🗒 –keywords | note | notepad | pad | spiral |
ノート | メモ帳 | リングメモ | 文具 | 文房具 |
8129 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 🗓 -name | spiral calendar |
月めくりカレンダー |
8130 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 🗓 –keywords | calendar | pad | spiral |
カレンダー | スケジュール | 予定 | 日付 | 月めくりカレンダー |
8131 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📇 -name | card index |
カードインデックス |
8132 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📇 –keywords | card | index | old | rolodex | school |
カードインデックス | 名刺ホルダー | 文具 | 文房具 |
8133 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📈 -name | chart increasing |
グラフ上向き |
8134 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📈 –keywords | chart | data | graph | growth | increasing | right | trend | up | upward |
グラフ | グラフ上向き | チャート | データ | 上向き | 上昇 | 右肩上がり | 成長 | 折れ線グラフ |
8135 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📉 -name | chart decreasing |
グラフ下向き |
8136 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📉 –keywords | chart | data | decreasing | down | downward | graph | negative | trend |
グラフ下向き | チャート | データ | 下向き | 下降 | 右肩下がり | 折れ線グラフ |
8137 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📊 -name | bar chart |
棒グラフ |
8138 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📊 –keywords | bar | chart | data | graph |
グラフ | チャート | データ | 棒グラフ |
8139 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📋 -name | clipboard |
クリップボード |
8140 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📋 –keywords | clipboard | do | list | notes |
クリップ | クリップボード | メモ | 文具 | 文房具 |
8141 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📌 -name | pushpin |
押しピン |
8142 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📌 –keywords | collage | pin | pushpin |
押しピン | 文具 | 文房具 | 画鋲 |
8143 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📍 -name | round pushpin |
丸い押しピン |
8144 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📍 –keywords | location | map | pin | pushpin | round |
ピン | プッシュピン | 丸い押しピン | 地図 | 押しピン | 文具 | 文房具 | 画びょう |
8145 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📎 -name | paperclip |
クリップ |
8146 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📎 –keywords | paperclip |
クリップ | ゼムクリップ | ペーパークリップ | 文具 | 文房具 | 紙クリップ |
8147 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 🖇 -name | linked paperclips |
つながったクリップ |
8148 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 🖇 –keywords | link | linked | paperclip | paperclips |
クリップ | つながったクリップ | ペーパークリップ | 文具 | 文房具 | 紙クリップ |
8149 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📏 -name | straight ruler |
定規 |
8150 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📏 –keywords | angle | edge | math | ruler | straight | straightedge |
ものさし | 定規 | 文具 | 文房具 | 直定規 |
8151 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📐 -name | triangular ruler |
三角定規 |
8152 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 📐 –keywords | angle | math | rule | ruler | set | slide | triangle | triangular |
三角定規 | 定規 | 文具 | 文房具 |
8153 | Characters | Objects2 | office | ✂ -name | scissors |
はさみ |
8154 | Characters | Objects2 | office | ✂ –keywords | cut | cutting | paper | scissors | tool |
カット | はさみ | ハサミ | 切る | 文具 | 文房具 |
8155 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 🗃 -name | card file box |
カードファイルボックス |
8156 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 🗃 –keywords | box | card | file |
カード | カードファイルボックス | ファイル | ボックス | 文具 | 文房具 | 箱 |
8157 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 🗄 -name | file cabinet |
ファイルキャビネット |
8158 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 🗄 –keywords | cabinet | file | filing | paper |
キャビネット | ファイル | ファイルキャビネット | 引き出し |
8159 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 🗑 -name | wastebasket |
ごみ箱 |
8160 | Characters | Objects2 | office | 🗑 –keywords | can | garbage | trash | waste | wastebasket |
くずかご | ごみかご | ごみ箱 | ゴミ箱 |
8161 | Characters | Objects2 | lock | 🔒 -name | locked |
閉じた錠 |
8162 | Characters | Objects2 | lock | 🔒 –keywords | closed | lock | locked | private |
ロック | 南京錠 | 施錠 | 錠 | 鍵 | 閉じた錠 |
8163 | Characters | Objects2 | lock | 🔓 -name | unlocked |
開いた錠 |
8164 | Characters | Objects2 | lock | 🔓 –keywords | cracked | lock | open | unlock | unlocked |
ロック | 南京錠 | 解錠 | 錠 | 鍵 | 開いた錠 |
8165 | Characters | Objects2 | lock | 🔏 -name | locked with pen |
閉じた錠とペン |
8166 | Characters | Objects2 | lock | 🔏 –keywords | ink | lock | locked | nib | pen | privacy |
プライバシー | ロック | 南京錠 | 鍵 | 閉じた錠とペン |
8167 | Characters | Objects2 | lock | 🔐 -name | locked with key |
閉じた錠と鍵 |
8168 | Characters | Objects2 | lock | 🔐 –keywords | bike | closed | key | lock | locked | secure |
キー | セキュリティ | ロック | 南京錠 | 安全 | 錠 | 鍵 | 閉じた錠と鍵 |
8169 | Characters | Objects2 | lock | 🔑 -name | key |
鍵 |
8170 | Characters | Objects2 | lock | 🔑 –keywords | key | keys | lock | major | password | unlock |
キー | パスワード | 鍵 | 開錠 |
8171 | Characters | Objects2 | lock | 🗝 -name | old key |
古い鍵 |
8172 | Characters | Objects2 | lock | 🗝 –keywords | clue | key | lock | old |
キー | パスワード | 古い鍵 | 手がかり | 鍵 |
8173 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🔨 -name | hammer |
ハンマー |
8174 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🔨 –keywords | hammer | home | improvement | repairs | tool |
かなづち | とんかち | ハンマー | 工具 |
8175 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🪓 -name | axe |
斧 |
8176 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🪓 –keywords | ax | axe | chop | hatchet | split | wood |
おの | ハチェット | 工具 | 斧 | 木 | 薪割り |
8177 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | ⛏ -name | pick |
つるはし |
8178 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | ⛏ –keywords | hammer | mining | pick | tool |
つるはし | 工具 | 採掘 |
8179 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | ⚒ -name | hammer and pick |
ハンマーとつるはし |
8180 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | ⚒ –keywords | hammer | pick | tool |
かなづち | つるはし | とんかち | ハンマー | ハンマーとつるはし | 工具 |
8181 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🛠 -name | hammer and wrench |
ハンマーとレンチ |
8182 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🛠 –keywords | hammer | spanner | tool | wrench |
かなづち | スパナ | とんかち | ハンマーとレンチ | レンチ | 工具 |
8183 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🗡 -name | dagger |
短刀 |
8184 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🗡 –keywords | dagger | knife | weapon |
ダガー | ナイフ | 武器 | 短刀 | 短剣 |
8185 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | ⚔ -name | crossed swords |
クロスした剣 |
8186 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | ⚔ –keywords | crossed | swords | weapon |
クロスした剣 | つるぎ | 刀 | 剣 | 武器 |
8187 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 💣 -name | bomb |
爆弾 |
8188 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 💣 –keywords | bomb | boom | comic | dangerous | explosion | hot |
危険 | 爆弾 | 爆発 |
8189 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🪃 -name | boomerang |
ブーメラン |
8190 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🪃 –keywords | boomerang | rebound | repercussion | weapon |
オーストラリア | ブーメラン | 武器 | 玩具 | 跳ね返り | 返って来る |
8191 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🏹 -name | bow and arrow |
弓矢 |
8192 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🏹 –keywords | archer | archery | arrow | bow | Sagittarius | tool | weapon | zodiac |
射手 | 射手座 | 弓 | 弓矢 | 星座 | 武器 | 矢 |
8193 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🛡 -name | shield |
盾 |
8194 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🛡 –keywords | shield | weapon |
シールド | 盾 | 防具 |
8195 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🪚 -name | carpentry saw |
のこぎり |
8196 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🪚 –keywords | carpenter | carpentry | cut | lumber | saw | tool | trim |
ノコ | のこぎり | 刃 | 切る | 大工 | 工具 | 木工 |
8197 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🔧 -name | wrench |
レンチ |
8198 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🔧 –keywords | home | improvement | spanner | tool | wrench |
スパナ | レンチ | 工具 |
8199 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🪛 -name | screwdriver |
ねじ回し |
8200 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🪛 –keywords | flathead | handy | screw | screwdriver | tool |
スクリュードライバー | ドライバー | ねじ回し | マイナスドライバー | 工具 |
8201 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🔩 -name | nut and bolt |
ボルトとナット |
8202 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🔩 –keywords | bolt | home | improvement | nut | tool |
ナット | ボルト | ボルトとナット | 工具 |
8203 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | ⚙ -name | gear |
歯車 |
8204 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | ⚙ –keywords | cog | cogwheel | gear | tool |
ギア | 工具 | 歯車 |
8205 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🗜 -name | clamp |
万力 |
8206 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🗜 –keywords | clamp | compress | tool | vice |
クランプ | バイス | 万力 | 工具 |
8207 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | ⚖ -name | balance scale |
天秤 |
8208 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | ⚖ –keywords | balance | justice | Libra | scale | scales | tool | weight | zodiac |
はかり | バランス | 化学 | 天秤 | 天秤座 | 実験 | 星座 |
8209 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🦯 -name | white cane |
白杖 |
8210 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🦯 –keywords | accessibility | blind | cane | probing | white |
アクセシビリティ | つえ | 白杖 | 視覚 | 障がい |
8211 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🔗 -name | link |
リンクシンボル |
8212 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🔗 –keywords | link | links |
リンク | リンクシンボル | 環 |
8213 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | ⛓💥 -name | broken chain |
壊れた鎖 |
8214 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | ⛓💥 –keywords | break | breaking | broken | chain | cuffs | freedom |
くさり | チェーン | 壊れた | 壊れた鎖 |
8215 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | ⛓ -name | chains |
鎖 |
8216 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | ⛓ –keywords | chain | chains |
くさり | チェーン | 鎖 |
8217 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🪝 -name | hook |
フック |
8218 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🪝 –keywords | catch | crook | curve | ensnare | hook | point | selling |
フック | 引っかけ | 引っ掛け | 掛け金 | 留め金 | 鉤 |
8219 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🧰 -name | toolbox |
工具箱 |
8220 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🧰 –keywords | box | chest | mechanic | red | tool | toolbox |
ツールボックス | メカニック | 工具箱 | 整備士 | 機械工 | 箱 | 赤い箱 |
8221 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🧲 -name | magnet |
U字型磁石 |
8222 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🧲 –keywords | attraction | horseshoe | magnet | magnetic | negative | positive | shape | u |
U字型磁石 | マグネット | 引き付ける | 正負 | 磁石 | 蹄鉄 |
8223 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🪜 -name | ladder |
はしご |
8224 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | 🪜 –keywords | climb | ladder | rung | step |
ステッパー | はしご | 梯子 | 登る | 高所作業 |
8225 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | -name | shovel |
シャベル |
8226 | Characters | Objects2 | tool | –keywords | bury | dig | garden | hole | plant | scoop | shovel | snow | spade |
シャベル | ショベル | スコップ | 掘る | 穴 | 鋤 |
8227 | Characters | Objects2 | science | ⚗ -name | alembic |
蒸留器 |
8228 | Characters | Objects2 | science | ⚗ –keywords | alembic | chemistry | tool |
化学 | 実験 | 蒸留器 |
8229 | Characters | Objects2 | science | 🧪 -name | test tube |
試験管 |
8230 | Characters | Objects2 | science | 🧪 –keywords | chemist | chemistry | experiment | lab | science | test | tube |
ラボ | 化学 | 化学者 | 実験 | 科学 | 試験管 |
8231 | Characters | Objects2 | science | 🧫 -name | petri dish |
ペトリ皿 |
8232 | Characters | Objects2 | science | 🧫 –keywords | bacteria | biologist | biology | culture | dish | lab | petri |
バクテリア | ペトリ皿 | 培養 | 実験 | 生物学 | 生物学者 |
8233 | Characters | Objects2 | science | 🧬 -name | dna |
8234 | Characters | Objects2 | science | 🧬 –keywords | biologist | dna | evolution | gene | genetics | life |
DNA | 生命 | 生物学 | 生物学者 | 進化 | 遺伝子 |
8235 | Characters | Objects2 | science | 🔬 -name | microscope |
顕微鏡 |
8236 | Characters | Objects2 | science | 🔬 –keywords | experiment | lab | microscope | science | tool |
サイエンス | 実験 | 研究 | 科学 | 顕微鏡 |
8237 | Characters | Objects2 | science | 🔭 -name | telescope |
望遠鏡 |
8238 | Characters | Objects2 | science | 🔭 –keywords | contact | extraterrestrial | science | telescope | tool |
サイエンス | 天体観測 | 望遠鏡 | 科学 | 観測 |
8239 | Characters | Objects2 | science | 📡 -name | satellite antenna |
パラボラアンテナ |
8240 | Characters | Objects2 | science | 📡 –keywords | aliens | antenna | contact | dish | satellite | science |
アンテナ | パラボラ | パラボラアンテナ | 科学 | 衛星アンテナ | 電波 |
8241 | Characters | Objects2 | medical | 💉 -name | syringe |
注射器 |
8242 | Characters | Objects2 | medical | 💉 –keywords | doctor | flu | medicine | needle | shot | sick | syringe | tool | vaccination |
予防接種 | 医療器具 | 医者 | 注射 | 注射器 | 病気 | 薬 | 針 |
8243 | Characters | Objects2 | medical | 🩸 -name | drop of blood |
血液 |
8244 | Characters | Objects2 | medical | 🩸 –keywords | bleed | blood | donation | drop | injury | medicine | menstruation |
けが | 出血 | 医療 | 医者 | 献血 | 生理 | 血液 |
8245 | Characters | Objects2 | medical | 💊 -name | pill |
薬 |
8246 | Characters | Objects2 | medical | 💊 –keywords | doctor | drugs | medicated | medicine | pill | pills | sick | vitamin |
カプセル | ビタミン剤 | 医者 | 病気 | 薬 |
8247 | Characters | Objects2 | medical | 🩹 -name | adhesive bandage |
絆創膏 |
8248 | Characters | Objects2 | medical | 🩹 –keywords | adhesive | bandage |
けが | ばんそうこう | 傷 | 手当て | 絆創膏 | 薬 |
8249 | Characters | Objects2 | medical | 🩼 -name | crutch |
松葉杖 |
8250 | Characters | Objects2 | medical | 🩼 –keywords | aid | cane | crutch | disability | help | hurt | injured | mobility | stick |
ステッキ | 怪我 | 杖 | 松葉杖 | 歩行補助 | 障がい |
8251 | Characters | Objects2 | medical | 🩺 -name | stethoscope |
聴診器 |
8252 | Characters | Objects2 | medical | 🩺 –keywords | doctor | heart | medicine | stethoscope |
医療 | 医者 | 心臓 | 病気 | 聴診器 |
8253 | Characters | Objects2 | medical | 🩻 -name | x-ray |
X線 |
8254 | Characters | Objects2 | medical | 🩻 –keywords | bones | doctor | medical | skeleton | skull | x-ray | xray |
X線 | レントゲン | 医者 | 骨 | 骨格 |
8255 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🚪 -name | door |
ドア |
8256 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🚪 –keywords | back | closet | door | front |
ドア | 戸 | 扉 | 玄関 |
8257 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🛗 -name | elevator |
エレベーター |
8258 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🛗 –keywords | accessibility | elevator | hoist | lift |
アクセシビリティ | エレベーター | バリアフリー | リフト | 昇降機 |
8259 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🪞 -name | mirror |
鏡 |
8260 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🪞 –keywords | makeup | mirror | reflection | reflector | speculum |
ミラー | メーク | 反射 | 姿見 | 身だしなみ | 鏡 |
8261 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🪟 -name | window |
窓 |
8262 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🪟 –keywords | air | frame | fresh | opening | transparent | view | window |
ウィンドウ | フレーム | 換気 | 眺め | 窓 | 開ける |
8263 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🛏 -name | bed |
ベッド |
8264 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🛏 –keywords | bed | hotel | sleep |
ベッド | ホテル | 寝る | 睡眠 |
8265 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🛋 -name | couch and lamp |
ソファとランプ |
8266 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🛋 –keywords | couch | hotel | lamp |
ソファ | ソファとランプ | ホテル | ランプ | 長椅子 |
8267 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🪑 -name | chair |
椅子 |
8268 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🪑 –keywords | chair | seat | sit |
シート | チェア | 家具 | 椅子 | 腰掛け |
8269 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🚽 -name | toilet |
便器 |
8270 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🚽 –keywords | bathroom | toilet |
お手洗い | トイレ | 便器 | 便座 |
8271 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🪠 -name | plunger |
ラバーカップ |
8272 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🪠 –keywords | cup | force | plumber | plunger | poop | suction | toilet |
すっぽん | トイレ | プランジャー | ラバーカップ | 吸引カップ | 通水カップ |
8273 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🚿 -name | shower |
シャワー |
8274 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🚿 –keywords | shower | water |
シャワー | 風呂 |
8275 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🛁 -name | bathtub |
バスタブ |
8276 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🛁 –keywords | bath | bathtub |
バスタブ | 泡風呂 | 浴槽 | 風呂 |
8277 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🪤 -name | mouse trap |
ねずみ捕り |
8278 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🪤 –keywords | bait | cheese | lure | mouse | mousetrap | snare | trap |
おびき寄せる | チーズ | ねずみ捕り | ばね | マウストラップ | わな | 仕掛け |
8279 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🪒 -name | razor |
剃刀 |
8280 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🪒 –keywords | razor | sharp | shave |
かみそり | ひげそり | レーザー | レザー | 刃 | 刃物 | 剃刀 | 鋭い |
8281 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🧴 -name | lotion bottle |
ローション |
8282 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🧴 –keywords | bottle | lotion | moisturizer | shampoo | sunscreen |
シャンプー | ローション | ローションボトル | 化粧水 | 日焼け止め |
8283 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🧷 -name | safety pin |
安全ピン |
8284 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🧷 –keywords | diaper | pin | punk | rock | safety |
安全ピン | 止めピン |
8285 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🧹 -name | broom |
ほうき |
8286 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🧹 –keywords | broom | cleaning | sweeping | witch |
ほうき | 掃く | 掃除 | 魔女 |
8287 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🧺 -name | basket |
かご |
8288 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🧺 –keywords | basket | farming | laundry | picnic |
かご | ピクニック | 収穫 | 洗濯 |
8289 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🧻 -name | roll of paper |
トイレットペーパー |
8290 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🧻 –keywords | paper | roll | toilet | towels |
キッチンペーパー | トイレットペーパー | ペーパータオル | ロールペーパー |
8291 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🪣 -name | bucket |
バケツ |
8292 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🪣 –keywords | bucket | cask | pail | vat |
おけ | ばけつ | バケツ | ポリバケツ | 容器 |
8293 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🧼 -name | soap |
石けん |
8294 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🧼 –keywords | bar | bathing | clean | cleaning | lather | soap | soapdish |
ソープ | 泡 | 清潔 | 石けん | 風呂 |
8295 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🫧 -name | bubbles |
泡 |
8296 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🫧 –keywords | bubble | bubbles | burp | clean | floating | pearl | soap | underwater |
あぶく | シャボン玉 | バブル | 水中 | 泡 | 石けん |
8297 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🪥 -name | toothbrush |
歯ブラシ |
8298 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🪥 –keywords | bathroom | brush | clean | dental | hygiene | teeth | toiletry | toothbrush |
お手入れ | ブラシ | 歯ブラシ | 歯磨き | 洗面所 | 虫歯 | 衛生 |
8299 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🧽 -name | sponge |
スポンジ |
8300 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🧽 –keywords | absorbing | cleaning | porous | soak | sponge |
スポンジ | 吸収 | 掃除 | 海綿 |
8301 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🧯 -name | fire extinguisher |
消火器 |
8302 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🧯 –keywords | extinguish | extinguisher | fire | quench |
消火 | 消火器 | 消火器具 | 消防 | 火事 |
8303 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🛒 -name | shopping cart |
ショッピングカート |
8304 | Characters | Objects2 | household | 🛒 –keywords | cart | shopping | trolley |
カート | ショッピング | ショッピングカート | スーパー | 買い物 |
8305 | Characters | Objects2 | other-object | 🚬 -name | cigarette |
煙草 |
8306 | Characters | Objects2 | other-object | 🚬 –keywords | cigarette | smoking |
たばこ | タバコ | 喫煙 | 煙草 |
8307 | Characters | Objects2 | other-object | ⚰ -name | coffin |
棺桶 |
8308 | Characters | Objects2 | other-object | ⚰ –keywords | coffin | dead | death | vampire |
吸血鬼 | 埋葬 | 棺 | 棺桶 | 死 | 死者 |
8309 | Characters | Objects2 | other-object | 🪦 -name | headstone |
墓石 |
8310 | Characters | Objects2 | other-object | 🪦 –keywords | cemetery | dead | grave | graveyard | headstone | memorial | rip | tomb | tombstone |
お墓 | 埋葬 | 墓地 | 墓場 | 墓石 | 石碑 | 追悼 |
8311 | Characters | Objects2 | other-object | ⚱ -name | funeral urn |
骨壺 |
8312 | Characters | Objects2 | other-object | ⚱ –keywords | ashes | death | funeral | urn |
埋葬 | 死 | 葬儀 | 遺灰 | 骨壺 |
8313 | Characters | Objects2 | other-object | 🧿 -name | nazar amulet |
ナザール・ボンジュウ |
8314 | Characters | Objects2 | other-object | 🧿 –keywords | amulet | bead | blue | charm | evil-eye | nazar | talisman |
お守り | ナザール | ナザール・ボンジュウ | ビーズ | 邪視 | 青 | 魔除け |
8315 | Characters | Objects2 | other-object | 🪬 -name | hamsa |
ハムサ |
8316 | Characters | Objects2 | other-object | 🪬 –keywords | amulet | Fatima | fortune | guide | hamsa | hand | Mary | Miriam | palm | protect | protection |
お守り | ハムサ | ファーティマ | ミリアム | 手 | 目 | 護符 |
8317 | Characters | Objects2 | other-object | 🗿 -name | moai |
モアイ |
8318 | Characters | Objects2 | other-object | 🗿 –keywords | face | moai | moyai | statue | stoneface | travel |
モアイ | モヤイ | 像 | 石像 | 顔 |
8319 | Characters | Objects2 | other-object | 🪧 -name | placard |
プラカード |
8320 | Characters | Objects2 | other-object | 🪧 –keywords | card | demonstration | notice | picket | placard | plaque | protest | sign |
デモ | プラカード | 主張 | 抗議 | 異議 | 看板 |
8321 | Characters | Objects2 | other-object | 🪪 -name | identification card |
身分証 |
8322 | Characters | Objects2 | other-object | 🪪 –keywords | card | credentials | document | ID | identification | license | security |
ID | セキュリティ | 免許証 | 身分証 | 身分証明書 | 運転免許証 |
8323 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | 🏧 -name | ATM sign |
8324 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | 🏧 –keywords | ATM | automated | bank | cash | money | sign | teller |
ATM | 現金自動預け払い機 | 銀行 |
8325 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | 🚮 -name | litter in bin sign |
ゴミ箱 |
8326 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | 🚮 –keywords | bin | litter | litterbin | sign |
くずかご | ゴミ捨て | ごみ箱 | ゴミ箱 |
8327 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | 🚰 -name | potable water |
飲料水 |
8328 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | 🚰 –keywords | drinking | potable | water |
水 | 水道 | 飲み水 | 飲料水 |
8329 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | ♿ -name | wheelchair symbol |
車椅子 |
8330 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | ♿ –keywords | access | handicap | symbol | wheelchair |
バリアフリー | バリヤフリー | 車椅子 |
8331 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | 🚹 -name | men’s room |
男子トイレ |
8332 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | 🚹 –keywords | bathroom | lavatory | man | men’s | restroom | room | toilet | WC |
WC | お手洗い | トイレ | 化粧室 | 男子トイレ | 男性 |
8333 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | 🚺 -name | women’s room |
女子トイレ |
8334 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | 🚺 –keywords | bathroom | lavatory | restroom | room | toilet | WC | woman | women’s |
WC | お手洗い | トイレ | 化粧室 | 女子トイレ | 女性 |
8335 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | 🚻 -name | restroom |
トイレ |
8336 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | 🚻 –keywords | bathroom | lavatory | restroom | toilet | WC |
WC | お手洗い | トイレ | 化粧室 |
8337 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | 🚼 -name | baby symbol |
ベビーマーク |
8338 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | 🚼 –keywords | baby | changing | symbol |
ベビー | ベビーシート | 赤ちゃん | 赤ん坊 |
8339 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | 🚾 -name | water closet |
WC |
8340 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | 🚾 –keywords | bathroom | closet | lavatory | restroom | toilet | water | WC |
WC | お手洗い | トイレ | 化粧室 |
8341 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | 🛂 -name | passport control |
出入国審査 |
8342 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | 🛂 –keywords | control | passport |
パスポートコントロール | 入出国 | 出入国 | 出入国審査 |
8343 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | 🛃 -name | customs |
税関 |
8344 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | 🛃 –keywords | customs | packing |
税関 | 通関 |
8345 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | 🛄 -name | baggage claim |
手荷物受取 |
8346 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | 🛄 –keywords | arrived | baggage | bags | case | checked | claim | journey | packing | plane | ready | travel | trip |
スーツケース | バゲッジクレーム | 手荷物 | 手荷物受取 | 預け入れ荷物 |
8347 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | 🛅 -name | left luggage |
手荷物預かり |
8348 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | transport-sign | 🛅 –keywords | baggage | case | left | locker | luggage |
コインロッカー | スーツケース | ロッカー | 手荷物 | 手荷物預かり |
8349 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | ⚠ -name | warning |
警告 |
8350 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | ⚠ –keywords | caution | warning |
標識 | 注意 | 警告 |
8351 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | 🚸 -name | children crossing |
児童横断 |
8352 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | 🚸 –keywords | child | children | crossing | pedestrian | traffic |
児童横断 | 子供 | 学校、幼稚園、保育所等あり | 標識 | 通学路 |
8353 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | ⛔ -name | no entry |
車両進入禁止 |
8354 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | ⛔ –keywords | do | entry | fail | forbidden | no | not | pass | prohibited | traffic |
標識 | 禁止 | 規制 | 車両進入禁止 | 進入禁止 | 道路 |
8355 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | 🚫 -name | prohibited |
車両通行止め |
8356 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | 🚫 –keywords | entry | forbidden | no | not | prohibited | smoke |
標識 | 禁止 | 規制 | 車両通行止め | 通行止め | 道路 |
8357 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | 🚳 -name | no bicycles |
自転車禁止 |
8358 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | 🚳 –keywords | bicycle | bicycles | bike | forbidden | no | not | prohibited |
標識 | 禁止 | 自転車 | 自転車禁止 | 規制 | 道路 |
8359 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | 🚭 -name | no smoking |
禁煙 |
8360 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | 🚭 –keywords | forbidden | no | not | prohibited | smoke | smoking |
タバコ | 煙草 | 禁止 | 禁煙 |
8361 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | 🚯 -name | no littering |
ポイ捨て禁止 |
8362 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | 🚯 –keywords | forbidden | litter | littering | no | not | prohibited |
ごみ | ゴミ | ゴミ捨て禁止 | ポイ捨て禁止 | 禁止 |
8363 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | 🚱 -name | non-potable water |
飲用不可 |
8364 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | 🚱 –keywords | dry | non-drinking | non-potable | prohibited | water |
禁止 | 飲めない水 | 飲用不可 | 飲用禁止 |
8365 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | 🚷 -name | no pedestrians |
歩行者立入禁止 |
8366 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | 🚷 –keywords | forbidden | no | not | pedestrian | pedestrians | prohibited |
標識 | 歩行者立入禁止 | 禁止 | 規制 | 道路 |
8367 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | 📵 -name | no mobile phones |
携帯電話禁止 |
8368 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | 📵 –keywords | cell | forbidden | mobile | no | not | phone | phones | prohibited | telephone |
スマートフォン禁止 | スマホ禁止 | 携帯禁止 | 携帯電話禁止 |
8369 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | 🔞 -name | no one under eighteen |
18歳未満禁止 |
8370 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | 🔞 –keywords | 18 | age | eighteen | forbidden | no | not | one | prohibited | restriction | underage |
18歳未満禁止 | 18禁 | 年齢制限 | 未成年 | 禁止 |
8371 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | ☢ -name | radioactive |
放射能 |
8372 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | ☢ –keywords | radioactive | sign |
危険 | 放射性 | 放射線 | 放射能 |
8373 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | ☣ -name | biohazard |
バイオハザード |
8374 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | warning | ☣ –keywords | biohazard | sign |
バイオハザード | 危険 | 有害物質 |
8375 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ⬆ -name | up arrow |
上矢印 |
8376 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ⬆ –keywords | arrow | cardinal | direction | north | up |
上 | 上矢印 | 北 | 矢印 |
8377 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ↗ -name | up-right arrow |
右上矢印 |
8378 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ↗ –keywords | arrow | direction | intercardinal | northeast | up-right |
北東 | 右上 | 右上矢印 | 矢印 |
8379 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ➡ -name | right arrow |
右矢印 |
8380 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ➡ –keywords | arrow | cardinal | direction | east | right |
右 | 右矢印 | 東 | 矢印 |
8381 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ↘ -name | down-right arrow |
右下矢印 |
8382 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ↘ –keywords | arrow | direction | down-right | intercardinal | southeast |
南東 | 右下 | 右下矢印 | 矢印 |
8383 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ⬇ -name | down arrow |
下矢印 |
8384 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ⬇ –keywords | arrow | cardinal | direction | down | south |
下 | 下矢印 | 南 | 矢印 |
8385 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ↙ -name | down-left arrow |
左下矢印 |
8386 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ↙ –keywords | arrow | direction | down-left | intercardinal | southwest |
南西 | 左下 | 左下矢印 | 矢印 |
8387 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ⬅ -name | left arrow |
左矢印 |
8388 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ⬅ –keywords | arrow | cardinal | direction | left | west |
左 | 左矢印 | 矢印 | 西 |
8389 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ↖ -name | up-left arrow |
左上矢印 |
8390 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ↖ –keywords | arrow | direction | intercardinal | northwest | up-left |
北西 | 左上 | 左上矢印 | 矢印 |
8391 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ↕ -name | up-down arrow |
上下矢印 |
8392 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ↕ –keywords | arrow | up-down |
上下 | 上下矢印 | 矢印 |
8393 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ↔ -name | left-right arrow |
左右矢印 |
8394 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ↔ –keywords | arrow | left-right |
左右 | 左右矢印 | 矢印 |
8395 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ↩ -name | right arrow curving left |
右カーブ矢印 |
8396 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ↩ –keywords | arrow | curving | left | right |
カーブ | 右カーブ矢印 | 左 | 曲線 | 矢印 |
8397 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ↪ -name | left arrow curving right |
左カーブ矢印 |
8398 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ↪ –keywords | arrow | curving | left | right |
カーブ | 右 | 左カーブ矢印 | 曲線 | 矢印 |
8399 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ⤴ -name | right arrow curving up |
上カーブ矢印 |
8400 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ⤴ –keywords | arrow | curving | right | up |
カーブ | 上 | 上カーブ矢印 | 曲線 | 矢印 |
8401 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ⤵ -name | right arrow curving down |
下カーブ矢印 |
8402 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | ⤵ –keywords | arrow | curving | down | right |
カーブ | 下 | 下カーブ矢印 | 曲線 | 矢印 |
8403 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | 🔃 -name | clockwise vertical arrows |
右回り縦矢印 |
8404 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | 🔃 –keywords | arrow | arrows | clockwise | refresh | reload | vertical |
リロード | 再読み込み | 右回り | 右回り縦矢印 | 時計回り | 矢印 |
8405 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | 🔄 -name | counterclockwise arrows button |
左回り矢印 |
8406 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | 🔄 –keywords | again | anticlockwise | arrow | arrows | button | counterclockwise | deja | refresh | rewindershins | vu |
リピート | 反時計回り | 左回り矢印 | 更新 | 矢印 | 繰り返し | 逆回り |
8407 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | 🔙 -name | BACK arrow |
BACK矢印 |
8408 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | 🔙 –keywords | arrow | BACK |
BACK | BACK矢印 | バック | 戻る | 矢印 |
8409 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | 🔚 -name | END arrow |
END矢印 |
8410 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | 🔚 –keywords | arrow | END |
END | END矢印 | エンド | 矢印 | 終わり |
8411 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | 🔛 -name | ON! arrow |
ON矢印 |
8412 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | 🔛 –keywords | arrow | mark | ON! |
ON | ON矢印 | オン | 矢印 |
8413 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | 🔜 -name | SOON arrow |
SOON矢印 |
8414 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | 🔜 –keywords | arrow | brb | omw | SOON |
SOON | SOON矢印 | すぐ | 矢印 |
8415 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | 🔝 -name | TOP arrow |
TOP矢印 |
8416 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | arrow | 🔝 –keywords | arrow | homie | TOP | up |
TOP | TOP矢印 | トップ | 上 | 矢印 |
8417 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | 🛐 -name | place of worship |
礼拝所 |
8418 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | 🛐 –keywords | place | pray | religion | worship |
宗教 | 礼拝 | 礼拝所 | 祈り |
8419 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | ⚛ -name | atom symbol |
原子のシンボル |
8420 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | ⚛ –keywords | atheist | atom | symbol |
元素 | 分子 | 原子 | 原子のシンボル | 無神論 |
8421 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | 🕉 -name | om |
オーム |
8422 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | 🕉 –keywords | Hindu | om | religion |
オーム | ヒンズー教 | ヒンドゥー教 | 宗教 |
8423 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | ✡ -name | star of David |
ダビデの星 |
8424 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | ✡ –keywords | David | Jew | Jewish | judaism | religion | star |
ダビデの星 | ユダヤ教 | 六芒星 | 宗教 | 星 |
8425 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | ☸ -name | wheel of dharma |
法輪 |
8426 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | ☸ –keywords | Buddhist | dharma | religion | wheel |
仏教 | 宗教 | 法輪 | 転法輪 |
8427 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | ☯ -name | yin yang |
陰陽 |
8428 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | ☯ –keywords | difficult | lives | religion | tao | taoist | total | yang | yin | yinyang |
インヤン | 宗教 | 道教 | 陰陽 |
8429 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | ✝ -name | latin cross |
十字架 |
8430 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | ✝ –keywords | christ | Christian | cross | latin | religion |
キリスト教 | クロス | ラテン十字 | 十字架 | 宗教 |
8431 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | ☦ -name | orthodox cross |
八端十字架 |
8432 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | ☦ –keywords | Christian | cross | orthodox | religion |
キリスト教 | 八端十字架 | 十字架 | 宗教 |
8433 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | ☪ -name | star and crescent |
星と三日月 |
8434 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | ☪ –keywords | crescent | islam | Muslim | ramadan | religion | star |
イスラム教 | ムスリム | 三日月 | 宗教 | 星 | 星と三日月 |
8435 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | ☮ -name | peace symbol |
ピースマーク |
8436 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | ☮ –keywords | healing | peace | peaceful | symbol |
ピースマーク | 平和 | 平和のシンボル |
8437 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | 🕎 -name | menorah |
メノーラー |
8438 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | 🕎 –keywords | candelabrum | candlestick | hanukkah | jewish | judaism | menorah | religion |
ハヌカー | メノーラー | メノラー | ユダヤ教 | 宗教 | 燭台 |
8439 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | 🔯 -name | dotted six-pointed star |
六芒星 |
8440 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | 🔯 –keywords | dotted | fortune | jewish | judaism | six-pointed | star |
ダビデ | ユダヤ教 | 六芒星 | 六角星 | 占い | 星 |
8441 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | 🪯 -name | khanda |
カンダ |
8442 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | religion | 🪯 –keywords | Deg | Fateh | Khalsa | Khanda | religion | Sikh | Sikhism | Tegh |
カルサ | カンダ | シーク教 | シーク教徒 | シク教 | 信仰 | 剣 | 宗教 |
8443 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ♈ -name | Aries |
おひつじ座 |
8444 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ♈ –keywords | Aries | horoscope | ram | zodiac |
おひつじ座 | 星座 | 牡羊座 |
8445 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ♉ -name | Taurus |
おうし座 |
8446 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ♉ –keywords | bull | horoscope | ox | Taurus | zodiac |
おうし座 | 星座 | 牡牛座 |
8447 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ♊ -name | Gemini |
ふたご座 |
8448 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ♊ –keywords | Gemini | horoscope | twins | zodiac |
ふたご座 | 双子座 | 星座 |
8449 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ♋ -name | Cancer |
かに座 |
8450 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ♋ –keywords | Cancer | crab | horoscope | zodiac |
かに座 | 星座 | 蟹座 |
8451 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ♌ -name | Leo |
しし座 |
8452 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ♌ –keywords | horoscope | Leo | lion | zodiac |
しし座 | 星座 | 獅子座 |
8453 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ♍ -name | Virgo |
おとめ座 |
8454 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ♍ –keywords | horoscope | Virgo | zodiac |
おとめ座 | 乙女座 | 星座 |
8455 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ♎ -name | Libra |
てんびん座 |
8456 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ♎ –keywords | balance | horoscope | justice | Libra | scales | zodiac |
てんびん座 | 天秤座 | 星座 |
8457 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ♏ -name | Scorpio |
さそり座 |
8458 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ♏ –keywords | horoscope | Scorpio | scorpion | Scorpius | zodiac |
さそり座 | 星座 | 蠍座 |
8459 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ♐ -name | Sagittarius |
いて座 |
8460 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ♐ –keywords | archer | horoscope | Sagittarius | zodiac |
いて座 | 射手座 | 星座 |
8461 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ♑ -name | Capricorn |
やぎ座 |
8462 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ♑ –keywords | Capricorn | goat | horoscope | zodiac |
やぎ座 | 山羊座 | 星座 |
8463 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ♒ -name | Aquarius |
みずがめ座 |
8464 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ♒ –keywords | Aquarius | bearer | horoscope | water | zodiac |
みずがめ座 | 星座 | 水瓶座 |
8465 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ♓ -name | Pisces |
うお座 |
8466 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ♓ –keywords | fish | horoscope | Pisces | zodiac |
うお座 | 星座 | 魚座 |
8467 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ⛎ -name | Ophiuchus |
へびつかい座 |
8468 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | zodiac | ⛎ –keywords | bearer | Ophiuchus | serpent | snake | zodiac |
へびつかい座 | 星座 | 蛇遣座 |
8469 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | 🔀 -name | shuffle tracks button |
シャッフルボタン |
8470 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | 🔀 –keywords | arrow | button | crossed | shuffle | tracks |
シャッフル | シャッフルボタン | ボタン | 交差 | 矢印 |
8471 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | 🔁 -name | repeat button |
リピートボタン |
8472 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | 🔁 –keywords | arrow | button | clockwise | repeat |
ボタン | リピート | リピートボタン | 全曲 | 時計回り | 矢印 | 繰り返し |
8473 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | 🔂 -name | repeat single button |
1曲リピートボタン |
8474 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | 🔂 –keywords | arrow | button | clockwise | once | repeat | single |
1曲リピートボタン | ボタン | リピート | 時計回り | 矢印 | 繰り返し |
8475 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ▶ -name | play button |
再生ボタン |
8476 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ▶ –keywords | arrow | button | play | right | triangle |
プレイ | ボタン | 再生 | 再生ボタン | 矢印 |
8477 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ⏩ -name | fast-forward button |
早送りボタン |
8478 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ⏩ –keywords | arrow | button | double | fast | fast-forward | forward |
ボタン | 倍速 | 早送り | 早送りボタン | 矢印 |
8479 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ⏭ -name | next track button |
次の曲ボタン |
8480 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ⏭ –keywords | arrow | button | next | scene | track | triangle |
ボタン | 次のシーン | 次のトラック | 次の曲ボタン | 矢印 |
8481 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ⏯ -name | play or pause button |
再生/一時停止ボタン |
8482 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ⏯ –keywords | arrow | button | pause | play | right | triangle |
ボタン | 一時停止 | 再生 | 再生/一時停止ボタン | 矢印 |
8483 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ◀ -name | reverse button |
逆再生ボタン |
8484 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ◀ –keywords | arrow | button | left | reverse | triangle |
ボタン | 巻き戻し | 矢印 | 逆再生 | 逆再生ボタン |
8485 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ⏪ -name | fast reverse button |
早戻しボタン |
8486 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ⏪ –keywords | arrow | button | double | fast | reverse | rewind |
倍速 | 巻き戻し | 戻る | 早戻し | 早戻しボタン | 矢印 |
8487 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ⏮ -name | last track button |
前の曲ボタン |
8488 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ⏮ –keywords | arrow | button | last | previous | scene | track | triangle |
ボタン | 前のシーン | 前のトラック | 前の曲ボタン | 矢印 |
8489 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | 🔼 -name | upwards button |
上ボタン |
8490 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | 🔼 –keywords | arrow | button | red | up | upwards |
ボタン | 上 | 上ボタン | 矢印 |
8491 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ⏫ -name | fast up button |
高速上ボタン |
8492 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ⏫ –keywords | arrow | button | double | fast | up |
ボタン | 上 | 二重 | 矢印 | 高速上ボタン |
8493 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | 🔽 -name | downwards button |
下ボタン |
8494 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | 🔽 –keywords | arrow | button | down | downwards | red |
ボタン | 下 | 下ボタン | 矢印 |
8495 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ⏬ -name | fast down button |
高速下ボタン |
8496 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ⏬ –keywords | arrow | button | double | down | fast |
ボタン | 下 | 二重 | 矢印 | 高速下ボタン |
8497 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ⏸ -name | pause button |
一時停止ボタン |
8498 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ⏸ –keywords | bar | button | double | pause | vertical |
ポーズ | ボタン | 一時停止 | 一時停止ボタン |
8499 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ⏹ -name | stop button |
停止ボタン |
8500 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ⏹ –keywords | button | square | stop |
ストップ | ボタン | 停止 | 停止ボタン | 四角 |
8501 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ⏺ -name | record button |
録音録画ボタン |
8502 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ⏺ –keywords | button | circle | record |
ボタン | 丸 | 録画 | 録音 | 録音録画ボタン |
8503 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ⏏ -name | eject button |
取り出しボタン |
8504 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | ⏏ –keywords | button | eject |
イジェクト | ボタン | 取り出し | 取り出しボタン |
8505 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | 🎦 -name | cinema |
映画 |
8506 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | 🎦 –keywords | camera | cinema | film | movie |
カメラ | 動画 | 映画 | 映画館 |
8507 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | 🔅 -name | dim button |
低輝度 |
8508 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | 🔅 –keywords | brightness | button | dim | low |
ブライトネス | 低輝度 | 明るさ | 暗い | 輝度 |
8509 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | 🔆 -name | bright button |
高輝度 |
8510 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | 🔆 –keywords | bright | brightness | button | light |
ブライトネス | 明るい | 明るさ | 輝度 | 高輝度 |
8511 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | 📶 -name | antenna bars |
アンテナマーク |
8512 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | 📶 –keywords | antenna | bar | bars | cell | communication | mobile | phone | signal | telephone |
アンテナマーク | スマートフォン | スマホ | 圏内 | 携帯電話 | 電波 |
8513 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | 🛜 -name | wireless |
Wi-Fi |
8514 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | 🛜 –keywords | broadband | computer | connectivity | hotspot | internet | network | router | smartphone | wi-fi | wifi | wireless | wlan |
Wi-Fi | インターネット | スマホ | ネットワーク | ブロードバンド | ホットスポット | 接続 | 無線 | 無線LAN | 電波 |
8515 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | 📳 -name | vibration mode |
マナーモード |
8516 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | 📳 –keywords | cell | communication | mobile | mode | phone | telephone | vibration |
スマートフォン | スマホ | マナーモード | 携帯 | 携帯電話 |
8517 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | 📴 -name | mobile phone off |
携帯電話電源オフ |
8518 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | av-symbol | 📴 –keywords | cell | mobile | off | phone | telephone |
オフ | スマートフォン | スマホ | 携帯電話 | 携帯電話電源オフ | 電源オフ |
8519 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | gender | ♀ -name | female sign |
女性のマーク |
8520 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | gender | ♀ –keywords | female | sign | woman |
シンボル | 女 | 女性 | 女性のマーク |
8521 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | gender | ♂ -name | male sign |
男性のマーク |
8522 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | gender | ♂ –keywords | male | man | sign |
シンボル | 男 | 男性 | 男性のマーク |
8523 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | gender | ⚧ -name | transgender symbol |
トランスジェンダーのマーク |
8524 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | gender | ⚧ –keywords | symbol | transgender |
LGBT | TG | シンボル | トランスジェンダーのマーク | 性別 |
8525 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | math | ✖ -name | multiply |
掛け算 |
8526 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | math | ✖ –keywords | × | cancel | multiplication | multiply | sign | x |
キャンセル | バツ | ペケ | 乗算 | 掛け算 | 記号 |
8527 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | math | ➕ -name | plus |
プラス |
8528 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | math | ➕ –keywords | + | plus |
+ | プラス | 加算 | 記号 | 足し算 | 足す |
8529 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | math | ➖ -name | minus |
マイナス |
8530 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | math | ➖ –keywords | - | − | heavy | math | minus | sign |
- | マイナス | 引き算 | 引く | 減算 | 計算 | 記号 |
8531 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | math | ➗ -name | divide |
割り算 |
8532 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | math | ➗ –keywords | ÷ | divide | division | heavy | math | sign |
/ | 割り算 | 割る | 記号 | 除算 |
8533 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | math | 🟰 -name | heavy equals sign |
太字の等号 |
8534 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | math | 🟰 –keywords | answer | equal | equality | equals | heavy | math | sign |
イコール | 太字の等号 | 数学 | 等しい | 等号 |
8535 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | math | ♾ -name | infinity |
無限大 |
8536 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | math | ♾ –keywords | forever | infinity | unbounded | universal |
万物 | 永遠 | 無限 | 無限大 |
8537 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | punctuation | ‼ -name | double exclamation mark |
二重感嘆符 |
8538 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | punctuation | ‼ –keywords | ! | !! | bangbang | double | exclamation | mark | punctuation |
! | エクスクラメーションマーク | びっくりマーク | 二重感嘆符 | 感嘆符 | 約物 | 記号 |
8539 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | punctuation | ⁉ -name | exclamation question mark |
感嘆符疑問符 |
8540 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | punctuation | ⁉ –keywords | ! | !? | ? | exclamation | interrobang | mark | punctuation | question |
! | !? | ? | はてなマーク | びっくりマーク | 感嘆符疑問符 | 記号 |
8541 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | punctuation | ❓ -name | red question mark |
赤い疑問符 |
8542 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | punctuation | ❓ –keywords | ? | mark | punctuation | question | red |
? | クエスチョンマーク | はてなマーク | 疑問符 | 約物 | 記号 | 赤い疑問符 |
8543 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | punctuation | ❔ -name | white question mark |
白い疑問符 |
8544 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | punctuation | ❔ –keywords | ? | mark | outlined | punctuation | question | white |
? | クエスチョンマーク | はてなマーク | 疑問符 | 白い疑問符 | 約物 | 記号 |
8545 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | punctuation | ❕ -name | white exclamation mark |
白い感嘆符 |
8546 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | punctuation | ❕ –keywords | ! | exclamation | mark | outlined | punctuation | white |
! | エクスクラメーションマーク | びっくりマーク | 疑問符 | 白い感嘆符 | 約物 | 記号 |
8547 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | punctuation | ❗ -name | red exclamation mark |
赤い感嘆符 |
8548 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | punctuation | ❗ –keywords | ! | exclamation | mark | punctuation | red |
! | エクスクラメーションマーク | びっくりマーク | 感嘆符 | 約物 | 記号 | 赤い感嘆符 |
8549 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | punctuation | 〰 -name | wavy dash |
波線 |
8550 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | punctuation | 〰 –keywords | dash | punctuation | wavy |
波 | 波線 | 約物 | 記号 |
8551 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | currency | 💱 -name | currency exchange |
外貨両替 |
8552 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | currency | 💱 –keywords | bank | currency | exchange | money |
お金 | ドル | ドル円 | 両替 | 円 | 円ドル | 外貨両替 | 通貨 |
8553 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | currency | 💲 -name | heavy dollar sign |
ドル記号 |
8554 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | currency | 💲 –keywords | billion | cash | charge | currency | dollar | heavy | million | money | pay | sign |
お金 | ドル | ドル記号 | 通貨 |
8555 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ⚕ -name | medical symbol |
医療のシンボル |
8556 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ⚕ –keywords | aesculapius | medical | medicine | staff | symbol |
アスクレピオスの杖 | 医療 | 医療のシンボル | 医者 | 治療 |
8557 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ♻ -name | recycling symbol |
リサイクルマーク |
8558 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ♻ –keywords | recycle | recycling | symbol |
リサイクル | リサイクルマーク | 再利用 | 再生 |
8559 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ⚜ -name | fleur-de-lis |
フルール・ド・リス |
8560 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ⚜ –keywords | fleur-de-lis | knights |
エンブレム | フランス王家 | フルール・ド・リス | ユリ | 紋章 |
8561 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | 🔱 -name | trident emblem |
トライデント |
8562 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | 🔱 –keywords | anchor | emblem | poseidon | ship | tool | trident |
エンブレム | トライデント | 三つ又 | 海 |
8563 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | 📛 -name | name badge |
名札 |
8564 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | 📛 –keywords | badge | name |
バッジ | 保育園 | 保育所 | 名札 | 幼稚園 |
8565 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | 🔰 -name | Japanese symbol for beginner |
初心者マーク |
8566 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | 🔰 –keywords | beginner | chevron | green | Japanese | leaf | symbol | tool | yellow |
初心者 | 初心者マーク | 若葉マーク |
8567 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ⭕ -name | hollow red circle |
太い丸 |
8568 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ⭕ –keywords | circle | heavy | hollow | large | o | red |
円 | 太い丸 | 記号 | 赤い丸 | 輪 |
8569 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ✅ -name | check mark button |
白抜きのチェック |
8570 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ✅ –keywords | ✓ | button | check | checked | checkmark | complete | completed | done | fixed | mark | tick |
チェック | チェックマーク | 済 | 白抜きのチェック | 記号 |
8571 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ☑ -name | check box with check |
チェックボックス |
8572 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ☑ –keywords | ✓ | ballot | box | check | checked | done | off | tick |
チェック | チェックボックス | チェックマーク | 済 | 記号 |
8573 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ✔ -name | check mark |
太字のチェック |
8574 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ✔ –keywords | ✓ | check | checked | checkmark | done | heavy | mark | tick |
チェック | チェックマーク | 太字のチェック | 済 | 記号 |
8575 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ❌ -name | cross mark |
バツ |
8576 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ❌ –keywords | × | cancel | cross | mark | multiplication | multiply | x |
キャンセル | バツ | ペケ | 乗算 | 掛け算 | 記号 |
8577 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ❎ -name | cross mark button |
白抜きのバツ |
8578 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ❎ –keywords | × | button | cross | mark | multiplication | multiply | square | x |
キャンセル | バツ | ペケ | 乗算 | 掛け算 | 白抜きのバツ | 記号 |
8579 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ➰ -name | curly loop |
ループ |
8580 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ➰ –keywords | curl | curly | loop |
ループ | 記号 | 輪っか | 長音 |
8581 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ➿ -name | double curly loop |
ダブルループ |
8582 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ➿ –keywords | curl | curly | double | loop |
ダブルループ | フリーダイヤル | ループ | 記号 | 輪っか |
8583 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | 〽 -name | part alternation mark |
いおりてん |
8584 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | 〽 –keywords | alternation | mark | part |
いおりてん | 庵点 | 歌記号 | 約物 | 記号 |
8585 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ✳ -name | eight-spoked asterisk |
八角アスタリスク |
8586 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ✳ –keywords | * | asterisk | eight-spoked |
アスタリスク | 八角アスタリスク | 約物 | 記号 |
8587 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ✴ -name | eight-pointed star |
八角星 |
8588 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ✴ –keywords | * | eight-pointed | star |
八角星 | 星 | 約物 | 記号 |
8589 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ❇ -name | sparkle |
スパークル |
8590 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ❇ –keywords | * | sparkle |
アスタリスク | キラキラ | スパークル | 約物 | 記号 |
8591 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | © -name | copyright |
著作権マーク |
8592 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | © –keywords | C | copyright |
Cマーク | コピーライト | 著作権 | 著作権マーク | 記号 |
8593 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ® -name | registered |
登録商標マーク |
8594 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ® –keywords | R | registered |
Rマーク | 登録商標 | 登録商標マーク | 記号 |
8595 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ™ -name | trade mark |
商標マーク |
8596 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | ™ –keywords | mark | TM | trade | trademark |
TMマーク | トレードマーク | 商標 | 商標マーク | 記号 |
8597 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | -name | splatter |
飛び散ったペンキ |
8598 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | other-symbol | –keywords | drip | holi | ink | liquid | mess | paint | spill | splatter | stain |
しぶき|ペンキ|飛沫|飛び散り|スプラッシュ |
8599 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🔠 -name | input latin uppercase |
英大文字の入力 |
8600 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🔠 –keywords | ABCD | input | latin | letters | uppercase |
ABCD | アルファベット | ローマ字 | 入力 | 大文字 | 英大文字の入力 | 英字 |
8601 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🔡 -name | input latin lowercase |
英小文字の入力 |
8602 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🔡 –keywords | abcd | input | latin | letters | lowercase |
abcd | アルファベット | ローマ字 | 入力 | 小文字 | 英字 | 英小文字の入力 |
8603 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🔢 -name | input numbers |
数字の入力 |
8604 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🔢 –keywords | 1234 | input | numbers |
1234 | 入力 | 数字 | 数字の入力 |
8605 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🔣 -name | input symbols |
記号の入力 |
8606 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🔣 –keywords | & | % | ♪ | 〒 | input | symbols |
〒♪&% | 入力 | 記号 | 記号の入力 |
8607 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🔤 -name | input latin letters |
英字の入力 |
8608 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🔤 –keywords | abc | alphabet | input | latin | letters |
abc | アルファベット | ローマ字 | 入力 | 英字 | 英字の入力 |
8609 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🅰 -name | A button (blood type) |
血液型A型 |
8610 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🅰 –keywords | blood | button | type |
A型 | 血液型 | 血液型A型 |
8611 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🆎 -name | AB button (blood type) |
血液型AB型 |
8612 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🆎 –keywords | AB | blood | button | type |
AB型 | 血液型 | 血液型AB型 |
8613 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🅱 -name | B button (blood type) |
血液型B型 |
8614 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🅱 –keywords | B | blood | button | type |
B型 | 血液型 | 血液型B型 |
8615 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🆑 -name | CL button |
CLマーク |
8616 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🆑 –keywords | button | CL |
CL | CLマーク | クリア |
8617 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🆒 -name | COOL button |
COOLマーク |
8618 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🆒 –keywords | button | COOL |
COOL | COOLマーク | クール |
8619 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🆓 -name | FREE button |
FREEマーク |
8620 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🆓 –keywords | button | FREE |
FREEマーク | タダ | フリー | 無料 |
8621 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | ℹ -name | information |
iマーク |
8622 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | ℹ –keywords | I | information |
i | iマーク | インフォメーション | 情報 | 案内所 |
8623 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🆔 -name | ID button |
IDマーク |
8624 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🆔 –keywords | button | ID | identity |
ID | IDマーク | アイディー |
8625 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | Ⓜ -name | circled M |
丸いMマーク |
8626 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | Ⓜ –keywords | circle | circled | M |
M | 丸 | 丸いMマーク |
8627 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🆕 -name | NEW button |
NEWマーク |
8628 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🆕 –keywords | button | NEW |
NEW | NEWマーク | 新 | 新しい |
8629 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🆖 -name | NG button |
NGマーク |
8630 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🆖 –keywords | button | NG |
NG | NGマーク | エヌジー | ボツ |
8631 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🅾 -name | O button (blood type) |
血液型O型 |
8632 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🅾 –keywords | blood | button | O | type |
O型 | 血液型 | 血液型O型 |
8633 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🆗 -name | OK button |
OKマーク |
8634 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🆗 –keywords | button | OK | okay |
OK | OKマーク | オーケー | オッケー |
8635 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🅿 -name | P button |
Pマーク |
8636 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🅿 –keywords | button | P | parking |
P | Pマーク | パーキング | 駐車場 |
8637 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🆘 -name | SOS button |
SOSマーク |
8638 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🆘 –keywords | button | help | SOS |
SOS | SOSマーク | エスオーエス | 助けて |
8639 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🆙 -name | UP! button |
UPマーク |
8640 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🆙 –keywords | button | mark | UP | UP! |
UP | UPマーク | アップ | 更新 |
8641 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🆚 -name | VS button |
VSマーク |
8642 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🆚 –keywords | button | versus | VS |
VSマーク | ヴァーサス | ヴィエス | バーサス | ブイエス | 対 |
8643 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈁 -name | Japanese “here” button |
ココのマーク |
8644 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈁 –keywords | button | here | Japanese | katakana |
ここ | ココ | ココのマーク |
8645 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈂 -name | Japanese “service charge” button |
サのマーク |
8646 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈂 –keywords | button | charge | Japanese | katakana | service |
サ | サービス料 | サのマーク |
8647 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈷 -name | Japanese “monthly amount” button |
月マーク |
8648 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈷 –keywords | amount | button | ideograph | Japanese | monthly |
月 | 月マーク | 月極 | 月額 |
8649 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈶 -name | Japanese “not free of charge” button |
有マーク |
8650 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈶 –keywords | button | charge | free | ideograph | Japanese | not |
有 | 有マーク | 有料 | 有限 |
8651 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈯 -name | Japanese “reserved” button |
指マーク |
8652 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈯 –keywords | button | ideograph | Japanese | reserved |
指 | 指マーク | 指定席 |
8653 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🉐 -name | Japanese “bargain” button |
マル得 |
8654 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🉐 –keywords | bargain | button | ideograph | Japanese |
お得 | バーゲン | マル得 | 得 |
8655 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈹 -name | Japanese “discount” button |
割マーク |
8656 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈹 –keywords | button | discount | ideograph | Japanese |
ディスカウント | 割 | 割マーク | 割引 |
8657 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈚 -name | Japanese “free of charge” button |
無マーク |
8658 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈚 –keywords | button | charge | free | ideograph | Japanese |
タダ | 無 | 無マーク | 無料 |
8659 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈲 -name | Japanese “prohibited” button |
禁マーク |
8660 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈲 –keywords | button | ideograph | Japanese | prohibited |
厳禁 | 禁 | 禁マーク | 禁止 |
8661 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🉑 -name | Japanese “acceptable” button |
可マーク |
8662 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🉑 –keywords | acceptable | button | ideograph | Japanese |
可 | 可マーク | 可能 | 許可 |
8663 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈸 -name | Japanese “application” button |
申マーク |
8664 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈸 –keywords | application | button | ideograph | Japanese |
申 | 申し込み | 申マーク | 申請 |
8665 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈴 -name | Japanese “passing grade” button |
合マーク |
8666 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈴 –keywords | button | grade | ideograph | Japanese | passing |
合 | 合マーク | 合格 |
8667 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈳 -name | Japanese “vacancy” button |
空マーク |
8668 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈳 –keywords | button | ideograph | Japanese | vacancy |
空 | 空き | 空マーク | 空室 | 空席 |
8669 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | ㊗ -name | Japanese “congratulations” button |
祝マーク |
8670 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | ㊗ –keywords | button | congratulations | ideograph | Japanese |
おめでとう | お祝い | 祝 | 祝マーク |
8671 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | ㊙ -name | Japanese “secret” button |
マル秘 |
8672 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | ㊙ –keywords | button | ideograph | Japanese | secret |
マル秘 | 極秘 | 社外秘 | 秘 | 秘密 |
8673 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈺 -name | Japanese “open for business” button |
営マーク |
8674 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈺 –keywords | business | button | ideograph | Japanese | open |
営 | 営マーク | 営業中 | 営業日 |
8675 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈵 -name | Japanese “no vacancy” button |
満マーク |
8676 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | alphanum | 🈵 –keywords | button | ideograph | Japanese | no | vacancy |
満マーク | 満員 | 満室 | 満席 | 満車 |
8677 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🔴 -name | red circle |
赤い丸 |
8678 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🔴 –keywords | circle | geometric | red |
丸 | 丸いボタン | 赤 | 赤い丸 |
8679 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🟠 -name | orange circle |
オレンジの丸 |
8680 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🟠 –keywords | circle | orange |
オレンジ | オレンジの丸 | 丸 | 丸いボタン |
8681 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🟡 -name | yellow circle |
黄色い丸 |
8682 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🟡 –keywords | circle | yellow |
丸 | 丸いボタン | 黄色 | 黄色い丸 |
8683 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🟢 -name | green circle |
緑の丸 |
8684 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🟢 –keywords | circle | green |
丸 | 丸いボタン | 緑 | 緑の丸 |
8685 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🔵 -name | blue circle |
青い丸 |
8686 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🔵 –keywords | blue | circle | geometric |
丸 | 丸いボタン | 青 | 青い丸 |
8687 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🟣 -name | purple circle |
紫の丸 |
8688 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🟣 –keywords | circle | purple |
丸 | 丸いボタン | 紫 | 紫の丸 |
8689 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🟤 -name | brown circle |
茶色の丸 |
8690 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🟤 –keywords | brown | circle |
丸 | 丸いボタン | 茶色 | 茶色の丸 |
8691 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | ⚫ -name | black circle |
黒い丸 |
8692 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | ⚫ –keywords | black | circle | geometric |
丸 | 丸いボタン | 黒 | 黒い丸 | 黒丸 |
8693 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | ⚪ -name | white circle |
白い丸 |
8694 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | ⚪ –keywords | circle | geometric | white |
丸 | 丸いボタン | 白 | 白い丸 |
8695 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🟥 -name | red square |
赤い四角 |
8696 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🟥 –keywords | card | penalty | red | square |
四角 | 正方形 | 赤 | 赤い四角 |
8697 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🟧 -name | orange square |
オレンジの四角 |
8698 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🟧 –keywords | orange | square |
オレンジ | オレンジの四角 | 四角 | 正方形 |
8699 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🟨 -name | yellow square |
黄色い四角 |
8700 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🟨 –keywords | card | penalty | square | yellow |
四角 | 正方形 | 黄色 | 黄色い四角 |
8701 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🟩 -name | green square |
緑の四角 |
8702 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🟩 –keywords | green | square |
四角 | 正方形 | 緑 | 緑の四角 |
8703 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🟦 -name | blue square |
青い四角 |
8704 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🟦 –keywords | blue | square |
四角 | 正方形 | 青 | 青い四角 |
8705 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🟪 -name | purple square |
紫の四角 |
8706 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🟪 –keywords | purple | square |
四角 | 正方形 | 紫 | 紫の四角 |
8707 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🟫 -name | brown square |
茶色い四角 |
8708 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🟫 –keywords | brown | square |
四角 | 正方形 | 茶色 | 茶色い四角 |
8709 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | ⬛ -name | black large square |
黒四角特大 |
8710 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | ⬛ –keywords | black | geometric | large | square |
四角 | 正方形 | 黒 | 黒四角特大 |
8711 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | ⬜ -name | white large square |
白四角特大 |
8712 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | ⬜ –keywords | geometric | large | square | white |
四角 | 正方形 | 白 | 白四角特大 |
8713 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | ◼ -name | black medium square |
黒四角大 |
8714 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | ◼ –keywords | black | geometric | medium | square |
四角 | 正方形 | 黒 | 黒四角大 |
8715 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | ◻ -name | white medium square |
白四角大 |
8716 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | ◻ –keywords | geometric | medium | square | white |
四角 | 正方形 | 白 | 白四角大 |
8717 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | ◾ -name | black medium-small square |
黒四角中 |
8718 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | ◾ –keywords | black | geometric | medium-small | square |
四角 | 正方形 | 黒 | 黒四角中 |
8719 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | ◽ -name | white medium-small square |
白四角中 |
8720 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | ◽ –keywords | geometric | medium-small | square | white |
四角 | 正方形 | 白 | 白四角中 |
8721 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | ▪ -name | black small square |
黒四角小 |
8722 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | ▪ –keywords | black | geometric | small | square |
四角 | 正方形 | 黒 | 黒四角小 |
8723 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | ▫ -name | white small square |
白四角小 |
8724 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | ▫ –keywords | geometric | small | square | white |
四角 | 正方形 | 白 | 白四角小 |
8725 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🔶 -name | large orange diamond |
大きいオレンジのひし形 |
8726 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🔶 –keywords | diamond | geometric | large | orange |
オレンジ | ダイア | ダイヤ | ひし形 | 四角 | 大きいオレンジのひし形 |
8727 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🔷 -name | large blue diamond |
大きい青のひし形 |
8728 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🔷 –keywords | blue | diamond | geometric | large |
ダイア | ダイヤ | ひし形 | 四角 | 大きい青のひし形 | 青 |
8729 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🔸 -name | small orange diamond |
小さいオレンジのひし形 |
8730 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🔸 –keywords | diamond | geometric | orange | small |
オレンジ | ダイア | ダイヤ | ひし形 | 四角 | 小さいオレンジのひし形 |
8731 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🔹 -name | small blue diamond |
小さい青のひし形 |
8732 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🔹 –keywords | blue | diamond | geometric | small |
ダイア | ダイヤ | ひし形 | 四角 | 小さい青のひし形 | 青 |
8733 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🔺 -name | red triangle pointed up |
赤い上三角 |
8734 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🔺 –keywords | geometric | pointed | red | triangle | up |
三角 | 上 | 赤 | 赤い上三角 |
8735 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🔻 -name | red triangle pointed down |
赤い下三角 |
8736 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🔻 –keywords | down | geometric | pointed | red | triangle |
三角 | 下 | 赤 | 赤い下三角 |
8737 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 💠 -name | diamond with a dot |
ドット付きひし形 |
8738 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 💠 –keywords | comic | diamond | dot | geometric |
ダイア | ダイヤ | ドット付きひし形 | ひし形 |
8739 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🔘 -name | radio button |
ラジオボタン |
8740 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🔘 –keywords | button | geometric | radio |
ボタン | ラジオボタン | 二重丸 |
8741 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🔳 -name | white square button |
白枠四角 |
8742 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🔳 –keywords | button | geometric | outlined | square | white |
ボタン | 四角ボタン | 正方形 | 白枠四角 |
8743 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🔲 -name | black square button |
黒枠四角 |
8744 | Characters | Emoji Symbols | geometric | 🔲 –keywords | black | button | geometric | square |
ボタン | 四角ボタン | 正方形 | 黒枠四角 |
8745 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | § -name | section |
節記号 |
8746 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | § –keywords | paragraph | part | section | silcrow |
セクション | 段落 | 節 | 節記号 | 項 |
8747 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | † -name | dagger sign |
短剣符 |
8748 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | † –keywords | dagger | obelisk | obelus | sign |
オベリスク | ダガー | 剣標 | 短剣符 |
8749 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ‡ -name | double dagger sign |
二重短剣符 |
8750 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ‡ –keywords | dagger | double | obelisk | obelus | sign |
オベリスク | ダガー | ダブルダガー | 二重剣標 | 二重短剣符 |
8751 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | , -name | comma |
カンマ |
8752 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | , –keywords | comma |
カンマ | コンマ | 記号 |
8753 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 、 -name | ideographic comma |
読点 |
8754 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 、 –keywords | comma | ideographic |
カンマ | コンマ | 点 | 記号 | 読点 |
8755 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ، -name | arabic comma |
アラビック カンマ |
8756 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ، –keywords | arabic | comma |
アラビック カンマ | カンマ | コンマ | 記号 |
8757 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ; -name | semicolon |
セミコロン |
8758 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ; –keywords | semi-colon | semicolon |
コロン | セミコロン | 記号 |
8759 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | : -name | colon |
コロン |
8760 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | : –keywords | colon |
コロン | 記号 |
8761 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ؛ -name | arabic semicolon |
アラビック セミコロン |
8762 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ؛ –keywords | arabic | semi-colon | semicolon |
アラビック セミコロン | セミコロン | 記号 |
8763 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ! -name | exclamation mark |
感嘆符 |
8764 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ! –keywords | bang | exclamation | mark | point |
! | エクスクラメーションマーク | びっくりマーク | 感嘆符 | 約物 | 記号 |
8765 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ¡ -name | inverted exclamation mark |
逆感嘆符 |
8766 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ¡ –keywords | bang | exclamation | inverted | mark | point |
エクスクラメーションマーク | びっくりマーク | 感嘆符 | 約物 | 記号 | 逆感嘆符 |
8767 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ? -name | question mark |
疑問符 |
8768 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ? –keywords | mark | question |
? | クエスチョンマーク | はてなマーク | 疑問符 | 約物 | 記号 |
8769 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ¿ -name | inverted question mark |
逆疑問符 |
8770 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ¿ –keywords | inverted | mark | question |
クエスチョンマーク | はてなマーク | 疑問符 | 約物 | 記号 | 逆疑問符 |
8771 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ؟ -name | arabic question mark |
左右反転の疑問符 |
8772 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ؟ –keywords | arabic | mark | question |
クエスチョンマーク | はてなマーク | 左右反転の疑問符 | 疑問符 | 約物 | 記号 |
8773 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ¶ -name | paragraph mark |
段落記号 |
8774 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ¶ –keywords | alinea | mark | paragraph | paraph | pilcrow |
パラグラフ | ピルクロウ | 段落記号 | 記号 |
8775 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ※ -name | reference mark |
米印 |
8776 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ※ –keywords | mark | reference |
※ | コメント | 注釈 | 米印 | 記号 |
8777 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | / -name | slash |
スラッシュ |
8778 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | / –keywords | oblique | slash | solidus | stroke | virgule | whack |
ストローク | スラッシュ | 斜線 | 記号 |
8779 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | \ -name | backslash |
バックスラッシュ |
8780 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | \ –keywords | backslash | reverse | solidus | whack |
バックスラッシュ | 斜線 | 記号 |
8781 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | & -name | ampersand |
アンパサンド |
8782 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | & –keywords | ampersand | and | et |
アンド | アンパサンド | 記号 |
8783 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | # -name | hash sign |
ハッシュマーク |
8784 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | # –keywords | hash | hashtag | lb | number | pound | sign |
シャープ | ナンバーサイン | ハッシュマーク | 番号 | 記号 |
8785 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | % -name | percent |
パーセント |
8786 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | % –keywords | cent | per | per-cent | percent |
パーセント | 割合 | 百分率 | 記号 |
8787 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ‰ -name | per mille |
パーミル |
8788 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ‰ –keywords | mil | mille | per | permil | permille |
パーミル | 割合 | 千分率 | 記号 |
8789 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ′ -name | prime |
プライム |
8790 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ′ –keywords | prime |
ダッシュ | プライム | 記号 |
8791 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ″ -name | double prime |
ダブルプライム |
8792 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ″ –keywords | double | prime |
ダブルプライム | プライム | 記号 |
8793 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ‴ -name | triple prime |
トリプルプライム |
8794 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ‴ –keywords | prime | triple |
トリプルプライム | プライム | 記号 |
8795 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | @ -name | at-sign |
アットマーク |
8796 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | @ –keywords | ampersat | arobase | arroba | at | at-sign | commercial | mark | sign | strudel |
アットマーク | 単価記号 | 記号 |
8797 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | * -name | asterisk |
アスタリスク |
8798 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | * –keywords | asterisk | star | wildcard |
アスタリスク | スター | ワイルドカード | 星印 | 記号 |
8799 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ‐ -name | hyphen |
ハイフン |
8800 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ‐ –keywords | dash | hyphen |
ダッシュ | ハイフン | 記号 |
8801 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ― -name | horizontal bar |
ホリゾンタルバー |
8802 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ― –keywords | bar | dash | horizontal | line |
ダッシュ | ホリゾンタルバー | 横棒 | 記号 |
8803 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | _ -name | low line |
アンダースコア |
8804 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | _ –keywords | dash | line | low | underdash | underline |
アンダースコア | アンダーライン | 下線 | 記号 |
8805 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | - -name | hyphen-minus |
ハイフンマイナス |
8806 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | - –keywords | dash | hyphen | hyphen-minus | minus |
ダッシュ | ハイフンマイナス | マイナス | 記号 |
8807 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | – -name | en dash |
enダッシュ |
8808 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | – –keywords | dash | en |
enダッシュ | エヌダッシュ | ダッシュ |
8809 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | — -name | em dash |
emダッシュ |
8810 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | — –keywords | dash | em |
emダッシュ | エムダッシュ | ダッシュ |
8811 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | • -name | bullet |
ビュレット |
8812 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | • –keywords | bullet | dot |
ビュレット | 点 | 箇条書き |
8813 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | · -name | middle dot |
半角中点 |
8814 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | · –keywords | dot | interpunct | middle | middot |
中点 | 中黒 | 半角中点 | 点 | 黒丸 |
8815 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | . -name | period |
ピリオド |
8816 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | . –keywords | dot | full | period | stop |
ドット | ピリオド | フルストップ | 終止符 |
8817 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | … -name | ellipsis |
省略記号 |
8818 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | … –keywords | dots | ellipsis | omission |
三点リーダー | 点々 | 省略 | 省略記号 |
8819 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 。 -name | ideographic period |
句点 |
8820 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 。 –keywords | full | ideographic | period | stop |
フルストップ | 丸 | 句点 | 約物 | 終止符 |
8821 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ‧ -name | hyphenation point |
分綴点 |
8822 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ‧ –keywords | dash | hyphen | hyphenation | point |
ハイフネーション | 分綴 | 分綴点 | 点 |
8823 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ・ -name | katakana middle dot |
中点 |
8824 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ・ –keywords | dot | dots | interpunct | katakana | middle | middot |
カタカナ | 中点 | 中黒 | 点 |
8825 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ‘ -name | left apostrophe |
左アポストロフィ |
8826 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ‘ –keywords | apostrophe | left | quote | single | smart |
アポストロフィ | スマートクォート | 一重引用符 | 左アポストロフィ | 引用符 |
8827 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ’ -name | right apostrophe |
右アポストロフィ |
8828 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ’ –keywords | apostrophe | quote | right | single | smart |
アポストロフィ | スマートクォート | 一重引用符 | 右アポストロフィ | 引用符 |
8829 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ‚ -name | low right apostrophe |
下付き右アポストロフィ |
8830 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ‚ –keywords | apostrophe | low | quote | right |
アポストロフィ | 下付き右アポストロフィ | 下付き引用符 | 引用符 |
8831 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ' -name | typewriter apostrophe |
ストレートアポストロフィ |
8832 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ' –keywords | apostrophe | quote | single | typewriter |
アポストロフィ | ストレートアポストロフィ | 一重引用符 | 引用符 |
8833 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | “ -name | left quotation mark |
左二重引用符 |
8834 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | “ –keywords | double | left | mark | quotation | quote | smart |
クオーテーションマーク | スマートクォート | 二重引用符 | 左二重引用符 | 引用符 |
8835 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ” -name | right quotation mark |
右二重引用符 |
8836 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ” –keywords | double | mark | quotation | quote | right | smart |
クオーテーションマーク | スマートクォート | 二重引用符 | 右二重引用符 | 引用符 |
8837 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | „ -name | low right quotation mark |
下付き右二重引用符 |
8838 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | „ –keywords | double | low | mark | quotation | quote | right | smart |
クオーテーションマーク | スマートクォート | 下付き右二重引用符 | 下付き引用符 | 二重引用符 | 引用符 |
8839 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | » -name | right guillemet |
右山括弧 |
8840 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | » –keywords | angle | brackets | carets | chevron | guillemet | quote | right |
カッコ | 二重ギュメ | 右ギュメ | 右山括弧 | 山パーレン | 引用符 |
8841 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | « -name | left guillemet |
左山括弧 |
8842 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | « –keywords | angle | brackets | carets | chevron | guillemet | left | quote |
カッコ | 二重ギュメ | 山パーレン | 左ギュメ | 左山括弧 | 引用符 |
8843 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ) -name | close parenthesis |
閉じ括弧 |
8844 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ) –keywords | bracket | close | paren | parens | parenthesis | round |
カッコ | パーレン | 丸括弧 | 小括弧 | 括弧閉じ | 終わり括弧 | 閉じ括弧 |
8845 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | [ -name | open square bracket |
開き角括弧 |
8846 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | [ –keywords | bracket | crotchet | open | square |
カッコ | ブラケット | 大括弧 | 角括弧 | 開き角括弧 |
8847 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ] -name | close square bracket |
閉じ角括弧 |
8848 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | ] –keywords | bracket | close | crotchet | square |
カッコ | ブラケット | 大括弧 | 角括弧 | 閉じ角括弧 |
8849 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | { -name | open curly bracket |
開き波括弧 |
8850 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | { –keywords | brace | bracket | curly | gullwing | open |
カッコ | ブレース | 中括弧 | 波括弧 | 開き波括弧 |
8851 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | } -name | close curly bracket |
閉じ波括弧 |
8852 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | } –keywords | brace | bracket | close | curly | gullwing |
カッコ | ブレース | 中括弧 | 波括弧 | 閉じ波括弧 |
8853 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 〔 -name | open tortoise shell bracket |
開き亀甲括弧 |
8854 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 〔 –keywords | bracket | open | shell | tortoise |
カッコ | 亀の子括弧 | 亀甲パーレン | 亀甲括弧 | 開き亀甲括弧 |
8855 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 〕 -name | close tortoise shell bracket |
閉じ亀甲括弧 |
8856 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 〕 –keywords | bracket | close | shell | tortoise |
カッコ | 亀の子括弧 | 亀甲パーレン | 亀甲括弧 | 閉じ亀甲括弧 |
8857 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 〈 -name | open angle bracket |
開き山括弧 |
8858 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 〈 –keywords | angle | bracket | brackets | chevron | diamond | open | pointy | tuple |
カッコ | ギュメ | 山パーレン | 山括弧 | 山鉤 | 開き山括弧 |
8859 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 〉 -name | close angle bracket |
閉じ山括弧 |
8860 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 〉 –keywords | angle | bracket | brackets | chevron | close | diamond | pointy | tuple |
カッコ | ギュメ | 山パーレン | 山括弧 | 山鉤 | 閉じ山括弧 |
8861 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 《 -name | open double angle bracket |
開き二重山括弧 |
8862 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 《 –keywords | angle | bracket | double | open |
カッコ | 二重ギュメ | 二重山括弧 | 開き二重山括弧 |
8863 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 》 -name | close double angle bracket |
閉じ二重山括弧 |
8864 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 》 –keywords | angle | bracket | close | double |
カッコ | 二重ギュメ | 二重山括弧 | 閉じ二重山括弧 |
8865 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 「 -name | open corner bracket |
開き鉤括弧 |
8866 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 「 –keywords | bracket | corner | open |
カッコ | 鉤括弧 | 開き鉤括弧 |
8867 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 」 -name | close corner bracket |
閉じ鉤括弧 |
8868 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 」 –keywords | bracket | close | corner |
カッコ | 鉤括弧 | 閉じ鉤括弧 |
8869 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 『 -name | open hollow corner bracket |
開き二重鉤括弧 |
8870 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 『 –keywords | bracket | corner | hollow | open |
カッコ | 二重鉤括弧 | 開き二重鉤括弧 |
8871 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 』 -name | close hollow corner bracket |
閉じ二重鉤括弧 |
8872 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 』 –keywords | bracket | close | corner | hollow |
カッコ | 二重鉤括弧 | 閉じ二重鉤括弧 |
8873 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 〖 -name | open hollow lens bracket |
開き白抜き隅付き括弧 |
8874 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 〖 –keywords | bracket | hollow | lens | lenticular | open |
カッコ | 白抜き | 開き白抜き隅付き括弧 | 隅付き括弧 | 墨付き括弧 |
8875 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 〗 -name | close hollow lens bracket |
閉じ白抜き隅付き括弧 |
8876 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 〗 –keywords | bracket | close | hollow | lens | lenticular |
カッコ | 白抜き | 閉じ白抜き隅付き括弧 | 隅付き括弧 | 墨付き括弧 |
8877 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 【 -name | open black lens bracket |
開き隅付き括弧 |
8878 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 【 –keywords | black | bracket | lens | lenticular | open |
カッコ | 開き隅付き括弧 | 隅付き括弧 | 墨付き括弧 |
8879 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 】 -name | close black lens bracket |
閉じ隅付き括弧 |
8880 | Characters | Punctuation | punctuation | 】 –keywords | black | bracket | close | lens | lenticular |
カッコ | 閉じ隅付き括弧 | 隅付き括弧 | 墨付き括弧 |
8881 | Characters | Punctuation | other-symbol | ‾ -name | overline |
オーバーライン |
8882 | Characters | Punctuation | other-symbol | ‾ –keywords | overline | overstrike | vinculum |
オーバースコア | オーバーライン | 上線 |
8883 | Characters | Punctuation | other-symbol | ‽ -name | interrobang |
インテロバング |
8884 | Characters | Punctuation | other-symbol | ‽ –keywords | interabang | interrobang |
インテロバング |
8885 | Characters | Punctuation | other-symbol | ‸ -name | caret |
キャレット |
8886 | Characters | Punctuation | other-symbol | ‸ –keywords | caret |
キャレット |
8887 | Characters | Punctuation | other-symbol | ⁂ -name | asterism |
アステリズム |
8888 | Characters | Punctuation | other-symbol | ⁂ –keywords | asterism | dinkus | stars |
アスタリズム | アステリズム | 三ツ星印 |
8889 | Characters | Math Symbols | arrow | → -name | right-pointing arrow |
右向矢印 |
8890 | Characters | Math Symbols | arrow | → –keywords | arrow | right | right-pointing |
右 | 右向矢印 | 右矢印 | 矢印 |
8891 | Characters | Math Symbols | arrow | ↓ -name | down-pointing arrow |
下向矢印 |
8892 | Characters | Math Symbols | arrow | ↓ –keywords | arrow | down | down-pointing |
下 | 下向矢印 | 下矢印 | 矢印 |
8893 | Characters | Math Symbols | arrow | ↑ -name | up-pointing arrow |
上向矢印 |
8894 | Characters | Math Symbols | arrow | ↑ –keywords | arrow | up | up-pointing |
上 | 上向矢印 | 上矢印 | 矢印 |
8895 | Characters | Math Symbols | arrow | ← -name | left-pointing arrow |
左向矢印 |
8896 | Characters | Math Symbols | arrow | ← –keywords | arrow | left | left-pointing |
左 | 左向矢印 | 左矢印 | 矢印 |
8897 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | × -name | multiplication sign |
乗算記号 |
8898 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | × –keywords | multiplication | multiply | sign | times |
乗算記号 | 倍 | 掛ける | 掛け算 | 掛け算記号 |
8899 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ÷ -name | division sign |
除算記号 |
8900 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ÷ –keywords | divide | division | obelus | sign |
割り算 | 割り算記号 | 割る | 除算記号 |
8901 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | √ -name | square root |
平方根 |
8902 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | √ –keywords | radical | radix | root | square | surd |
ルート | 二乗根 | 平方根 | 根号 |
8903 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ∞ -name | infinity sign |
無限大記号 |
8904 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ∞ –keywords | infinity | sign |
インフィニティ | メビウスの輪 | 無限大記号 |
8905 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ∆ -name | increment |
増分 |
8906 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ∆ –keywords | increment | triangle |
デルタ | 三角 | 増分 |
8907 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ∇ -name | nabla |
ナブラ |
8908 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ∇ –keywords | nabla | triangle |
ナブラ | 三角 | 逆三角 |
8909 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ⁻ -name | superscript minus |
上付きマイナス |
8910 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ⁻ –keywords | minus | superscript |
マイナス | 上付きマイナス | 添え字 |
8911 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ≡ -name | identical to |
常に等しい |
8912 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ≡ –keywords | exact | identical | to | triple |
3本線 | 合同 | 合同記号 | 常に等しい | 恒等式 |
8913 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ∈ -name | element of |
属する |
8914 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ∈ –keywords | contains | element | membership | of | set |
元 | 包含 | 属する | 要素 | 集合 |
8915 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ⊂ -name | subset of |
真部分集合 |
8916 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ⊂ –keywords | of | set | subset |
真部分集合 | 部分集合 | 集合 |
8917 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ∩ -name | intersection |
積集合 |
8918 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ∩ –keywords | intersection | set |
共通部分 | 積集合 | 集合 |
8919 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ∪ -name | union |
和集合 |
8920 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ∪ –keywords | collection | set | union |
合併集合 | 和集合 | 集合 |
8921 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | + -name | plus sign |
プラス記号 |
8922 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | + –keywords | add | plus | sign |
プラス記号 | 加算 | 正符号 | 足す |
8923 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ± -name | plus-minus |
プラスマイナス |
8924 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ± –keywords | plus-minus |
プラスマイナス | 複号 |
8925 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | − -name | minus sign |
マイナス記号 |
8926 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | − –keywords | minus | sign | subtract |
マイナス記号 | 引く | 減算 | 負符号 |
8927 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | = -name | equal |
等号 |
8928 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | = –keywords | equal | equals |
イコール | 等しい | 等号 |
8929 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ≈ -name | almost equal |
ほぼ等しい |
8930 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ≈ –keywords | almost | approximate | approximation | equal |
おおよそ等しい | ほぼ等しい | 約 | 近似 |
8931 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ≠ -name | not equal |
等号否定 |
8932 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ≠ –keywords | equal | inequality | inequation | not |
ノットイコール | 等しくない | 等号否定 |
8933 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | > -name | greater-than |
大なり |
8934 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | > –keywords | close | greater | greater-than | tag | than |
より大きい | 不等号 | 大なり | 閉じタグ |
8935 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | < -name | less-than |
小なり |
8936 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | < –keywords | less | less-than | open | tag | than |
より小さい | 不等号 | 小なり | 開始タグ |
8937 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ≤ -name | less-than or equal |
小なりイコール |
8938 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ≤ –keywords | equal | equals | inequality | less-than | or |
より小さいか等しい | 不等号 | 以下 | 小なりイコール | 等号付き |
8939 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ≥ -name | greater-than or equal |
大なりイコール |
8940 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ≥ –keywords | equal | equals | greater-than | inequality | or |
より大きいか等しい | 不等号 | 以上 | 大なりイコール | 等号付き |
8941 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ¬ -name | negation |
否定 |
8942 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ¬ –keywords | negation | not |
でない | 否定 | 否定記号 |
8943 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | | -name | vertical line |
縦棒 |
8944 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | | –keywords | bar | line | pike | pipe | sheffer | stick | stroke | vbar | vertical |
バーティカルバー | パイプ | 否定論理積 | 棒 | 縦棒 | 縦線 |
8945 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ~ -name | tilde |
チルダ |
8946 | Characters | Math Symbols | math | ~ –keywords | tilde |
チルダ | にょろ | 波線 |
8947 | Characters | Math Symbols | punctuation | ♯ -name | sharp |
シャープ |
8948 | Characters | Math Symbols | punctuation | ♯ –keywords | dièse | diesis | music | note | sharp |
シャープ | 記号 | 音楽 | 音符 |
8949 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ↚ -name | leftwards arrow stroke |
斜線付き左向き矢印 |
8950 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ↚ –keywords | arrow | leftwards | stroke |
斜線付き左向き矢印 |
8951 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ↛ -name | rightwards arrow stroke |
斜線付き右向き矢印 |
8952 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ↛ –keywords | arrow | rightwards | stroke |
斜線付き右向き矢印 |
8953 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ↮ -name | left right arrow stroke |
斜線付き左右矢印 |
8954 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ↮ –keywords | arrow | left | right | stroke |
斜線付き左右矢印 |
8955 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ↠ -name | rightwards two headed arrow |
右向き二重鏃矢印 |
8956 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ↠ –keywords | arrow | headed | rightwards | two |
右向き二重鏃矢印 |
8957 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ↣ -name | rightwards arrow tail |
尾付き右向き矢印 |
8958 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ↣ –keywords | arrow | rightwards | tail |
尾付き右向き矢印 |
8959 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ↦ -name | rightwards arrow from bar |
棒からの右向き矢印 |
8960 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ↦ –keywords | arrow | bar | from | rightwards |
棒からの右向き矢印 |
8961 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⇒ -name | rightwards double arrow |
右向き二重矢印 |
8962 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⇒ –keywords | arrow | double | rightwards |
右向き二重矢印 |
8963 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⇏ -name | rightwards double arrow stroke |
斜線付き右向き二重矢印 |
8964 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⇏ –keywords | arrow | double | rightwards | stroke |
斜線付き右向き二重矢印 |
8965 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⇔ -name | left right double arrow |
二重両矢印 |
8966 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⇔ –keywords | arrow | double | left | right |
二重両矢印 |
8967 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⇎ -name | left right double arrow stroke |
斜線付き二重両矢印 |
8968 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⇎ –keywords | arrow | double | left | right | stroke |
斜線付き二重両矢印 |
8969 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⇵ -name | downwards arrow leftwards upwards arrow |
下矢印上矢印 |
8970 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⇵ –keywords | arrow | downwards | leftwards | upwards |
下矢印上矢印 |
8971 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∀ -name | for all |
全称記号 |
8972 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∀ –keywords | all | any | for | given | universal |
すべての | すべてのための | 任意の | 全称記号 |
8973 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∂ -name | partial differential |
偏微分 |
8974 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∂ –keywords | differential | partial |
偏微分 |
8975 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∃ -name | there exists |
存在記号 |
8976 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∃ –keywords | exists | there |
存在記号 |
8977 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∅ -name | empty set |
空集合 |
8978 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∅ –keywords | empty | mathematics | operator | set |
数学 | 空集合 | 集合演算子 |
8979 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∉ -name | not an element |
要素の否定 |
8980 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∉ –keywords | an | element | not |
の要素ではない | 要素の否定 |
8981 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∋ -name | contains as member |
元として含む |
8982 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∋ –keywords | as | contains | element | member |
元として含む |
8983 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∎ -name | end proof |
墓石記号 |
8984 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∎ –keywords | end | halmos | proof | q.e.d. | qed | tombstone |
Q.E.D. | ハルモス | 墓石記号 | 証明の終わり | 証明終了 |
8985 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∏ -name | n-ary product |
総乗 |
8986 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∏ –keywords | logic | n-ary | product |
総乗 | 総積 | 論理 |
8987 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∑ -name | n-ary summation |
総和 |
8988 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∑ –keywords | mathematics | n-ary | summation |
和 | 数学記号 | 総和 |
8989 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≮ -name | not less-than |
より小さくはない |
8990 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≮ –keywords | inequality | less-than | mathematics | not |
よりは小さくない | より小さくはない | 不等号 | 数学記号 |
8991 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≯ -name | not greater-than |
より大きくはない |
8992 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≯ –keywords | greater-than | inequality | mathematics | not |
よりは大きくない | より大きくはない | 不等号 | 数学記号 |
8993 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∓ -name | minus-or-plus |
マイナスプラス記号 |
8994 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∓ –keywords | minus-or-plus | plus-minus |
プラスマイナス | マイナスプラス記号 |
8995 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∕ -name | division slash |
除算スラッシュ |
8996 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∕ –keywords | division | slash | stroke | virgule |
ストローク | スラッシュ | 斜線 | 除算スラッシュ |
8997 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⁄ -name | fraction slash |
分数スラッシュ |
8998 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⁄ –keywords | fraction | slash | stroke | virgule |
ストローク | スラッシュ | 分数スラッシュ | 斜線 |
8999 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∗ -name | asterisk operator |
アスタリスク演算子 |
9000 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∗ –keywords | asterisk | operator | star |
アスタリスク演算子 | 星印 |
9001 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∘ -name | ring operator |
合成写像の記号 |
9002 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∘ –keywords | composition | operator | ring |
円記号 | 合成 | 合成写像の記号 | 演算子 |
9003 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∙ -name | bullet operator |
ビュレット演算子 |
9004 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∙ –keywords | bullet | operator |
ビュレット演算子 |
9005 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∝ -name | proportional |
比例 |
9006 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∝ –keywords | proportional | proportionality |
比例 |
9007 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∟ -name | right angle |
直角 |
9008 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∟ –keywords | angle | mathematics | right |
数学記号 | 直角 |
9009 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∠ -name | angle |
角 |
9010 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∠ –keywords | acute | angle |
角 | 角度 |
9011 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∣ -name | divides |
約数 |
9012 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∣ –keywords | divides | divisor |
約数 |
9013 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∥ -name | parallel |
平行 |
9014 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∥ –keywords | parallel |
平行 |
9015 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∧ -name | logical and |
論理積 |
9016 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∧ –keywords | ac | and | atque | logical | wedge |
論理積 |
9017 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∫ -name | integral |
積分 |
9018 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∫ –keywords | calculus | integral |
微積分学 | 積分 |
9019 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∬ -name | double integral |
二重積分 |
9020 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∬ –keywords | calculus | double | integral |
二重積分 | 微積分学 |
9021 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∮ -name | contour integral |
線積分 |
9022 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∮ –keywords | contour | integral |
線積分 |
9023 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∴ -name | therefore |
ゆえに |
9024 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∴ –keywords | logic | therefore |
ゆえに | 論理 |
9025 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∵ -name | because |
なぜならば |
9026 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∵ –keywords | because | logic |
なぜならば | 論理 |
9027 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∶ -name | ratio |
比 |
9028 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∶ –keywords | ratio |
比 |
9029 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∷ -name | proportion |
比率 |
9030 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∷ –keywords | proportion | proportionality |
比率 |
9031 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∼ -name | tilde operator |
チルダ演算子 |
9032 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∼ –keywords | operator | tilde |
チルダ演算子 | 演算子 |
9033 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∽ -name | reversed tilde |
相似 |
9034 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∽ –keywords | reversed | tilde |
相似 |
9035 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∾ -name | inverted lazy s |
逆の横向きS |
9036 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ∾ –keywords | inverted | lazy | s |
逆の横向きS |
9037 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≃ -name | asymptotically equal |
漸進的に等しい |
9038 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≃ –keywords | asymptote | asymptotically | equal | mathematics |
数学記号 | 漸近線 | 漸進的に等しい |
9039 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≅ -name | approximately equal |
およそ等しい |
9040 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≅ –keywords | approximately | congruence | equal | equality | isomorphism | mathematics |
およそ等しい | 合同 | 同型写像 | 数学記号 | 等価 |
9041 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≌ -name | all equal |
すべて等しい |
9042 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≌ –keywords | all | equal | equality | mathematics |
すべて等しい | 数学記号 | 等価 |
9043 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≒ -name | approximately equal the image |
ほとんど等しい |
9044 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≒ –keywords | approximately | equal | image | the |
ほとんど等しい |
9045 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≖ -name | ring in equal |
等号の中に丸 |
9046 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≖ –keywords | equal | equality | in | mathematics | ring |
数学記号 | 等価 | 等号の中に丸 |
9047 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≣ -name | strictly equivalent |
完全に同等 |
9048 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≣ –keywords | equality | equivalent | mathematics | strictly |
完全に同等 | 数学記号 | 等価 |
9049 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≦ -name | less-than over equal |
より小さいか又は等しい |
9050 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≦ –keywords | equal | inequality | less-than | mathematics | over |
より小さいか又は等しい | 不等号 | 数学記号 |
9051 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≧ -name | greater-than over equal |
より大きいか又は等しい |
9052 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≧ –keywords | equal | greater-than | inequality | mathematics | over |
より大きいか又は等しい | 不等号 | 数学記号 |
9053 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≪ -name | much less-than |
非常に小さい |
9054 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≪ –keywords | inequality | less-than | mathematics | much |
不等号 | 数学記号 | 非常に小さい |
9055 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≫ -name | much greater-than |
非常に大きい |
9056 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≫ –keywords | greater-than | inequality | mathematics | much |
不等号 | 数学記号 | 非常に大きい |
9057 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≬ -name | between |
次の間に |
9058 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≬ –keywords | between |
次の間に |
9059 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≳ -name | greater-than equivalent |
大きいかほぼ等しい |
9060 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≳ –keywords | equivalent | greater-than | inequality | mathematics |
不等号 | 大きいかほぼ等しい | 数学記号 |
9061 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≺ -name | precedes |
前にある |
9062 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≺ –keywords | mathematics | operator | precedes | set |
前にある | 数学記号 | 集合演算子 |
9063 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≻ -name | succeeds |
後にある |
9064 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ≻ –keywords | mathematics | operator | set | succeeds |
後にある | 数学記号 | 集合演算子 |
9065 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊁ -name | does not succeed |
後にはない |
9066 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊁ –keywords | does | mathematics | not | operator | set | succeed |
後にはない | 数学記号 | 集合演算子 |
9067 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊃ -name | superset |
上位集合 |
9068 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊃ –keywords | mathematics | operator | set | superset |
上位集合 | 数学記号 | 集合演算子 |
9069 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊆ -name | subset equal |
部分集合 |
9070 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊆ –keywords | equal | subset |
部分集合 |
9071 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊇ -name | superset equal |
部分集合(逆方向) |
9072 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊇ –keywords | equal | equality | mathematics | superset |
数学記号 | 部分集合(逆方向) | 集合演算子 |
9073 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊕ -name | circled plus |
直和 |
9074 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊕ –keywords | circled | plus |
直和 |
9075 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊖ -name | circled minus |
対称差 |
9076 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊖ –keywords | circled | difference | erosion | minus | symmetric |
対称差 |
9077 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊗ -name | circled times |
直積 |
9078 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊗ –keywords | circled | product | tensor | times |
テンソル積 | 直積 |
9079 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊘ -name | circled division slash |
丸囲みスラッシュ |
9080 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊘ –keywords | circled | division | division-like | mathematics | slash |
丸囲みスラッシュ | 数学記号 |
9081 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊙ -name | circled dot operator |
丸囲みドット |
9082 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊙ –keywords | circled | dot | operator | XNOR |
XNOR | 丸囲みドット | 演算子 |
9083 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊚ -name | circled ring operator |
丸囲みリング |
9084 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊚ –keywords | circled | operator | ring |
丸囲みリング |
9085 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊛ -name | circled asterisk operator |
丸囲みアスタリスク |
9086 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊛ –keywords | asterisk | circled | operator |
アスタリスク | 丸囲みアスタリスク | 演算子 |
9087 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊞ -name | squared plus |
四角囲みプラス |
9088 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊞ –keywords | addition-like | mathematics | plus | squared |
四角囲みプラス | 数学記号 |
9089 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊟ -name | squared minus |
四角囲みマイナス |
9090 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊟ –keywords | mathematics | minus | squared | subtraction-like |
四角囲みマイナス |
9091 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊥ -name | up tack |
垂直記号 |
9092 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊥ –keywords | eet | falsum | tack | up |
垂直記号 |
9093 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊮ -name | does not force |
強制しない |
9094 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊮ –keywords | does | force | not |
強制しない |
9095 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊰ -name | precedes under relation |
前置関係 |
9096 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊰ –keywords | mathematics | operator | precedes | relation | set | under |
前置関係 | 数学記号 | 集合演算子 |
9097 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊱ -name | succeeds under relation |
後置関係 |
9098 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊱ –keywords | mathematics | operator | relation | set | succeeds | under |
後置関係 | 数学記号 | 集合演算子 |
9099 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋭ -name | does not contain as normal subgroup equal |
正規部分群(逆方向)又は等しいの否定 |
9100 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋭ –keywords | as | contain | does | equal | group | mathematics | normal | not | subgroup | theory |
数学記号 | 正規部分群(逆方向)又は等しいの否定 | 群論 |
9101 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊶ -name | original |
オリジナル |
9102 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊶ –keywords | original |
オリジナル |
9103 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊹ -name | hermitian conjugate matrix |
エルミート共役行列 |
9104 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊹ –keywords | conjugate | hermitian | mathematics | matrix | self-adjoint | square |
エルミート共役行列 | 正方行列 | 自己随伴行列 |
9105 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊿ -name | right triangle |
直角三角形 |
9106 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⊿ –keywords | mathematics | right | right-angled | triangle |
数学記号 | 直角三角形 |
9107 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋁ -name | n-ary logical or |
n項論理和 |
9108 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋁ –keywords | disjunction | logic | logical | n-ary | or |
n項論理和 | 論理 | 選言命題 |
9109 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋂ -name | n-ary intersection |
n項共通部分 |
9110 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋂ –keywords | intersection | mathematics | n-ary | operator | set |
n項共通部分 | 共通部分 | 数学記号 | 集合演算子 |
9111 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋃ -name | n-ary union |
n項和集合 |
9112 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋃ –keywords | mathematics | n-ary | operator | set | union |
n項和集合 | 和集合 | 数学記号 | 集合演算子 |
9113 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋅ -name | dot operator |
ドット演算子 |
9114 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋅ –keywords | dot | operator |
ドット演算子 |
9115 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋆ -name | star operator |
スター演算子 |
9116 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋆ –keywords | operator | star |
スター演算子 |
9117 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋈ -name | natural join |
自然結合 |
9118 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋈ –keywords | binary | bowtie | join | natural | operator |
バイナリ演算子 | 自然結合 |
9119 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋒ -name | double intersection |
二重共通部分 |
9120 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋒ –keywords | double | intersection | mathematics | operator | set |
二重共通部分 | 共通部分 | 数学記号 | 集合演算子 |
9121 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋘ -name | very much less-than |
極度に小さい |
9122 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋘ –keywords | inequality | less-than | mathematics | much | very |
不等号 | 数学記号 | 極度に小さい |
9123 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋙ -name | very much greater-than |
極度に大きい |
9124 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋙ –keywords | greater-than | inequality | mathematics | much | very |
不等号 | 数学記号 | 極度に大きい |
9125 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋮ -name | vertical ellipsis |
縦三点リーダー |
9126 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋮ –keywords | ellipsis | mathematics | vertical |
三点リーダー | 数学記号 | 縦三点リーダー |
9127 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋯ -name | midline horizontal ellipsis |
中央揃いの横三点リーダー |
9128 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋯ –keywords | ellipsis | horizontal | midline |
中央揃いの横三点リーダー |
9129 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋰ -name | up right diagonal ellipsis |
右上がり斜め三点リーダー |
9130 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋰ –keywords | diagonal | ellipsis | mathematics | right | up |
右上がり斜め三点リーダー |
9131 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋱ -name | down right diagonal ellipsis |
右下がり斜め三点リーダー |
9132 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⋱ –keywords | diagonal | down | ellipsis | mathematics | right |
右下がり斜め三点リーダー |
9133 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ▷ -name | hollow right-pointing triangle |
右向き白三角 |
9134 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ▷ –keywords | hollow | right-pointing | triangle |
右向き白三角 |
9135 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ◁ -name | hollow left-pointing triangle |
左向き白三角 |
9136 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ◁ –keywords | hollow | left-pointing | triangle |
左向き白三角 |
9137 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ◿ -name | lower right triangle |
右下三角 |
9138 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ◿ –keywords | lower | right | triangle |
右下三角 |
9139 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⨧ -name | plus subscript two |
2下付きプラス |
9140 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⨧ –keywords | plus | subscript | two |
2下付きプラス |
9141 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⨯ -name | vector cross product |
ベクトルクロス積 |
9142 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⨯ –keywords | cross | product | vector |
ベクトルクロス積 |
9143 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⨼ -name | interior product |
内部積 |
9144 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⨼ –keywords | interior | product |
内部積 |
9145 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⩣ -name | logical or double underbar |
二重下線付き論理和 |
9146 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⩣ –keywords | double | logical | or | underbar |
二重下線付き論理和 |
9147 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⩽ -name | less-than slanted equal |
より小さいか又は等しい(斜め) |
9148 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⩽ –keywords | equal | less-than | slanted |
より小さいか又は等しい(斜め) |
9149 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⪍ -name | less-than above similar equal |
より小さいか又はほぼ等しい |
9150 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⪍ –keywords | above | equal | less-than | similar |
より小さいか又はほぼ等しい |
9151 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⪚ -name | double-line equal greater-than |
より大きいか又は等しい(上2本線) |
9152 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⪚ –keywords | double-line | equal | greater-than | inequality | mathematics |
より大きいか又は等しい(上2本線) | 不等号 | 数学記号 |
9153 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⪺ -name | succeeds above not almost equal |
後にあるか又はほぼ等しい |
9154 | Characters | Math Symbols | other-symbol | ⪺ –keywords | above | almost | equal | not | succeeds |
後にあるか又はほぼ等しい |
9155 | Characters | Other Symbols | arrow | ⇆ -name | left-pointing over right-pointing arrows |
左向矢印右向矢印 |
9156 | Characters | Other Symbols | arrow | ⇆ –keywords | arrow | arrows | left | left-pointing | over | right | right-pointing |
左右矢印 | 左向矢印右向矢印 | 往復 | 矢印 |
9157 | Characters | Other Symbols | arrow | ⇅ -name | up-pointing and down-pointing arrows |
上向矢印下向矢印 |
9158 | Characters | Other Symbols | arrow | ⇅ –keywords | and | arrow | arrows | down | down-pointing | up | up-pointing |
アップダウン | 上下矢印 | 上向矢印下向矢印 | 矢印 |
9159 | Characters | Other Symbols | math | ¹ -name | superscript one |
上付き1 |
9160 | Characters | Other Symbols | math | ¹ –keywords | one | superscript |
1 | 上付き1 | 添え字 |
9161 | Characters | Other Symbols | math | ² -name | superscript two |
上付き2 |
9162 | Characters | Other Symbols | math | ² –keywords | squared | superscript | two |
2 | 2乗 | 上付き2 | 添え字 |
9163 | Characters | Other Symbols | math | ³ -name | superscript three |
上付き3 |
9164 | Characters | Other Symbols | math | ³ –keywords | cubed | superscript | three |
3 | 3乗 | 上付き3 | 添え字 |
9165 | Characters | Other Symbols | math | ° -name | degree |
度 |
9166 | Characters | Other Symbols | math | ° –keywords | degree | hour | proof |
度 | 時間 | 温度 | 角度 |
9167 | Characters | Other Symbols | punctuation | ♪ -name | eighth note |
八分音符 |
9168 | Characters | Other Symbols | punctuation | ♪ –keywords | eighth | music | note |
八分音符 | 記号 | 音楽 | 音符 |
9169 | Characters | Other Symbols | punctuation | ♭ -name | flat |
フラット |
9170 | Characters | Other Symbols | punctuation | ♭ –keywords | bemolle | flat | music | note |
フラット | 記号 | 音楽 | 音符 |
9171 | Characters | Other Symbols | punctuation | ` -name | grave accent |
グレイヴ アクセント |
9172 | Characters | Other Symbols | punctuation | ` –keywords | accent | grave | tone |
アクサングラーブ | アクセント | グレイヴ アクセント | 発音区別符号 | 記号 |
9173 | Characters | Other Symbols | punctuation | ´ -name | acute accent |
アキュート アクセント |
9174 | Characters | Other Symbols | punctuation | ´ –keywords | accent | acute | tone |
アキュート アクセント | アクサンテギュ | アクセント | 発音区別符号 | 記号 |
9175 | Characters | Other Symbols | punctuation | ^ -name | circumflex accent |
サーカムフレックス |
9176 | Characters | Other Symbols | punctuation | ^ –keywords | accent | caret | chevron | circumflex | control | hat | pointer | power | sign | wedge | xor |
アクセント | キャレット | サーカムフレックス | 発音区別符号 | 記号 |
9177 | Characters | Other Symbols | punctuation | ¨ -name | diaeresis |
ダイエリシス |
9178 | Characters | Other Symbols | punctuation | ¨ –keywords | diaeresis | tréma | umlaut |
アクセント | ウムラウト | ダイエリシス | トレマ | 発音区別符号 | 記号 |
9179 | Characters | Other Symbols | currency | € -name | euro |
ユーロ |
9180 | Characters | Other Symbols | currency | € –keywords | currency | EUR | euro |
EUR | ユーロ | 通貨 |
9181 | Characters | Other Symbols | currency | £ -name | pound |
ポンド |
9182 | Characters | Other Symbols | currency | £ –keywords | currency | EGP | GBP | pound |
EGP | GBP | エジプトポンド | ポンド | 英ポンド | 通貨 |
9183 | Characters | Other Symbols | currency | ¥ -name | yen |
円 |
9184 | Characters | Other Symbols | currency | ¥ –keywords | CNY | currency | JPY | yen | yuan |
CNY | JPY | 中国元 | 円 | 日本円 | 通貨 |
9185 | Characters | Other Symbols | currency | ₹ -name | indian rupee |
インドルピー |
9186 | Characters | Other Symbols | currency | ₹ –keywords | currency | indian | rupee |
インドルピー | ルピー | 通貨 |
9187 | Characters | Other Symbols | currency | ₽ -name | ruble |
ルーブル |
9188 | Characters | Other Symbols | currency | ₽ –keywords | currency | ruble |
ルーブル | ロシアルーブル | 通貨 |
9189 | Characters | Other Symbols | currency | $ -name | dollar |
ドル |
9190 | Characters | Other Symbols | currency | $ –keywords | dollar | money | peso | USD |
USD | アメリカドル | ドル | 合衆国ドル | 米ドル | 通貨 |
9191 | Characters | Other Symbols | currency | ¢ -name | cent |
セント |
9192 | Characters | Other Symbols | currency | ¢ –keywords | cent |
クォーター | セント | ダイム | ニッケル | ペニー | 硬貨 |
9193 | Characters | Other Symbols | currency | ₱ -name | peso |
ペソ |
9194 | Characters | Other Symbols | currency | ₱ –keywords | peso |
フィリピンペソ | ペソ | メキシコペソ | 通貨 |
9195 | Characters | Other Symbols | currency | ₩ -name | won |
ウォン |
9196 | Characters | Other Symbols | currency | ₩ –keywords | KPW | KRW | won |
KPW | KRW | ウォン | 北朝鮮ウォン | 通貨 | 韓国ウォン |
9197 | Characters | Other Symbols | currency | ₥ -name | mill |
ミル |
9198 | Characters | Other Symbols | currency | ₥ –keywords | mil | mill |
ミル | 通貨 |
9199 | Characters | Other Symbols | currency | ₿ -name | bitcoin |
ビットコイン |
9200 | Characters | Other Symbols | currency | ₿ –keywords | bitcoin | BTC |
BTC | ビットコイン | 仮想通貨 | 通貨 |
9201 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↜ -name | leftwards wave arrow |
左向き波線矢印 |
9202 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↜ –keywords | arrow | leftwards | wave |
左向き波線矢印 |
9203 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↝ -name | rightwards wave arrow |
右向き波線矢印 |
9204 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↝ –keywords | arrow | rightwards | wave |
右向き波線矢印 |
9205 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↞ -name | leftwards two headed arrow |
左向き二重鏃矢印 |
9206 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↞ –keywords | arrow | headed | leftwards | two |
左向き二重鏃矢印 |
9207 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↟ -name | upwards two headed arrow |
上向き二重鏃矢印 |
9208 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↟ –keywords | arrow | headed | two | upwards |
上向き二重鏃矢印 |
9209 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↡ -name | downwards two headed arrow |
下向き二重鏃矢印 |
9210 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↡ –keywords | arrow | downwards | headed | two |
下向き二重鏃矢印 |
9211 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↢ -name | leftwards arrow tail |
尾付き左向き矢印 |
9212 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↢ –keywords | arrow | leftwards | tail |
尾付き左向き矢印 |
9213 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↤ -name | leftwards arrow from bar |
棒からの左向き矢印 |
9214 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↤ –keywords | arrow | bar | from | leftwards |
棒からの左向き矢印 |
9215 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↥ -name | upwards arrow from bar |
棒からの上向き矢印 |
9216 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↥ –keywords | arrow | bar | from | upwards |
棒からの上向き矢印 |
9217 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↧ -name | downwards arrow from bar |
棒からの下向き矢印 |
9218 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↧ –keywords | arrow | bar | downwards | from |
棒からの下向き矢印 |
9219 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↨ -name | up down arrow with base |
下線付き上下矢印 |
9220 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↨ –keywords | arrow | base | down | up | with |
下線付き上下矢印 |
9221 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↫ -name | leftwards arrow loop |
ループ付き左向き矢印 |
9222 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↫ –keywords | arrow | leftwards | loop |
ループ付き左向き矢印 |
9223 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↬ -name | rightwards arrow loop |
ループ付き右向き矢印 |
9224 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↬ –keywords | arrow | loop | rightwards |
ループ付き右向き矢印 |
9225 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↭ -name | left right wave arrow |
左右波線矢印 |
9226 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↭ –keywords | arrow | left | right | wave |
左右波線矢印 |
9227 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↯ -name | downwards zigzag arrow |
下向きジグザグ矢印 |
9228 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↯ –keywords | arrow | downwards | zigzag |
下向きジグザグ矢印 |
9229 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↰ -name | upwards arrow tip leftwards |
上向き左折矢印 |
9230 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↰ –keywords | arrow | leftwards | tip | upwards |
上向き左折矢印 |
9231 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↱ -name | upwards arrow tip rightwards |
上向き右折矢印 |
9232 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↱ –keywords | arrow | rightwards | tip | upwards |
上向き右折矢印 |
9233 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↲ -name | downwards arrow tip leftwards |
下向き左折矢印 |
9234 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↲ –keywords | arrow | downwards | leftwards | tip |
下向き左折矢印 |
9235 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↳ -name | downwards arrow tip rightwards |
下向き右折矢印 |
9236 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↳ –keywords | arrow | downwards | rightwards | tip |
下向き右折矢印 |
9237 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↴ -name | rightwards arrow corner downwards |
右向き下曲がり矢印 |
9238 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↴ –keywords | arrow | corner | downwards | rightwards |
右向き下曲がり矢印 |
9239 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↵ -name | downwards arrow corner leftwards |
下向き左曲がり矢印 |
9240 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↵ –keywords | arrow | corner | downwards | leftwards |
下向き左曲がり矢印 |
9241 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↶ -name | anticlockwise top semicircle arrow |
反時計回りの上半円矢印 |
9242 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↶ –keywords | anticlockwise | arrow | semicircle | top |
反時計回りの上半円矢印 |
9243 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↷ -name | clockwise top semicircle arrow |
時計回りの上半円矢印 |
9244 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↷ –keywords | arrow | clockwise | semicircle | top |
時計回りの上半円矢印 |
9245 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↸ -name | north west arrow long bar |
上線付き北西矢印 |
9246 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↸ –keywords | arrow | bar | long | north | west |
上線付き北西矢印 |
9247 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↹ -name | leftwards over rightwards arrow bars |
右縦棒付き右矢印の上に左縦棒付き左矢印 |
9248 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↹ –keywords | arrow | bar | bars | leftwards | over | rightwards |
右縦棒付き右矢印の上に左縦棒付き左矢印 |
9249 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↺ -name | anticlockwise open circle arrow |
反時計回りの開いた円矢印 |
9250 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↺ –keywords | anticlockwise | arrow | circle | open |
反時計回りの開いた円矢印 |
9251 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↻ -name | clockwise open circle arrow |
時計回りの開いた円矢印 |
9252 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↻ –keywords | arrow | circle | clockwise | open |
時計回りの開いた円矢印 |
9253 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↼ -name | leftwards harpoon barb upwards |
とげが上向きの左向き銛型矢印 |
9254 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↼ –keywords | barb | harpoon | leftwards | upwards |
とげが上向きの左向き銛型矢印 |
9255 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↽ -name | leftwards harpoon barb downwards |
とげが下向きの左向き銛型矢印 |
9256 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↽ –keywords | barb | downwards | harpoon | leftwards |
とげが下向きの左向き銛型矢印 |
9257 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↾ -name | upwards harpoon barb rightwards |
とげが右向きの上向き銛型矢印 |
9258 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↾ –keywords | barb | harpoon | rightwards | upwards |
とげが右向きの上向き銛型矢印 |
9259 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↿ -name | upwards harpoon barb leftwards |
とげが左向きの上向き銛型矢印 |
9260 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ↿ –keywords | barb | harpoon | leftwards | upwards |
とげが左向きの上向き銛型矢印 |
9261 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇀ -name | rightwards harpoon barb upwards |
とげが上向きの右向き銛型矢印 |
9262 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇀ –keywords | barb | harpoon | rightwards | upwards |
とげが上向きの右向き銛型矢印 |
9263 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇁ -name | rightwards harpoon barb downwards |
とげが下向きの右向き銛型矢印 |
9264 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇁ –keywords | barb | downwards | harpoon | rightwards |
とげが下向きの右向き銛型矢印 |
9265 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇂ -name | downwards harpoon barb rightwards |
とげが右向きの下向き銛型矢印 |
9266 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇂ –keywords | barb | downwards | harpoon | rightwards |
とげが右向きの下向き銛型矢印 |
9267 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇃ -name | downwards harpoon barb leftwards |
とげが左向きの下向き銛型矢印 |
9268 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇃ –keywords | barb | downwards | harpoon | leftwards |
とげが左向きの下向き銛型矢印 |
9269 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇄ -name | rightwards arrow over leftwards arrow |
右矢印左矢印 |
9270 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇄ –keywords | arrow | leftwards | over | rightwards |
右矢印左矢印 |
9271 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇇ -name | leftwards paired arrows |
左向きペア矢印 |
9272 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇇ –keywords | arrows | leftwards | paired |
左向きペア矢印 |
9273 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇈ -name | upwards paired arrows |
上向きペア矢印 |
9274 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇈ –keywords | arrows | paired | upwards |
上向きペア矢印 |
9275 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇉ -name | rightwards paired arrows |
右向きペア矢印 |
9276 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇉ –keywords | arrows | paired | rightwards |
右向きペア矢印 |
9277 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇊ -name | downwards paired arrows |
下向きペア矢印 |
9278 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇊ –keywords | arrows | downwards | paired |
下向きペア矢印 |
9279 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇋ -name | leftwards harpoon over rightwards harpoon |
左向き銛型矢印右向き銛型矢印 |
9280 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇋ –keywords | harpoon | leftwards | over | rightwards |
左向き銛型矢印右向き銛型矢印 |
9281 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇌ -name | rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon |
右向き銛型矢印左向き銛型矢印 |
9282 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇌ –keywords | harpoon | leftwards | over | rightwards |
右向き銛型矢印左向き銛型矢印 |
9283 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇐ -name | leftwards double arrow |
左向き二重矢印 |
9284 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇐ –keywords | arrow | double | leftwards |
左向き二重矢印 |
9285 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇍ -name | leftwards double arrow stroke |
斜線付き左向き二重矢印 |
9286 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇍ –keywords | arrow | double | leftwards | stroke |
斜線付き左向き二重矢印 |
9287 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇑ -name | upwards double arrow |
上向き二重矢印 |
9288 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇑ –keywords | arrow | double | upwards |
上向き二重矢印 |
9289 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇓ -name | downwards double arrow |
下向き二重矢印 |
9290 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇓ –keywords | arrow | double | downwards |
下向き二重矢印 |
9291 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇖ -name | north west double arrow |
北西二重矢印 |
9292 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇖ –keywords | arrow | double | north | west |
北西二重矢印 |
9293 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇗ -name | north east double arrow |
北東二重矢印 |
9294 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇗ –keywords | arrow | double | east | north |
北東二重矢印 |
9295 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇘ -name | south east double arrow |
南東二重矢印 |
9296 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇘ –keywords | arrow | double | east | south |
南東二重矢印 |
9297 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇙ -name | south west double arrow |
南西二重矢印 |
9298 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇙ –keywords | arrow | double | south | west |
南西二重矢印 |
9299 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇚ -name | leftwards triple arrow |
左向き三重矢印 |
9300 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇚ –keywords | arrow | leftwards | triple |
左向き三重矢印 |
9301 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇛ -name | rightwards triple arrow |
右向き三重矢印 |
9302 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇛ –keywords | arrow | rightwards | triple |
右向き三重矢印 |
9303 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇜ -name | leftwards squiggle arrow |
左向きよじれ矢印 |
9304 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇜ –keywords | arrow | leftwards | squiggle |
左向きよじれ矢印 |
9305 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇝ -name | rightwards squiggle arrow |
右向きよじれ矢印 |
9306 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇝ –keywords | arrow | rightwards | squiggle |
右向きよじれ矢印 |
9307 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇞ -name | upwards arrow double stroke |
二重線付き上向き矢印 |
9308 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇞ –keywords | arrow | double | stroke | upwards |
二重線付き上向き矢印 |
9309 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇟ -name | downwards arrow double stroke |
二重線付き下向き矢印 |
9310 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇟ –keywords | arrow | double | downwards | stroke |
二重線付き下向き矢印 |
9311 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇠ -name | leftwards dashed arrow |
左向き破線矢印 |
9312 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇠ –keywords | arrow | dashed | leftwards |
左向き破線矢印 |
9313 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇡ -name | upwards dashed arrow |
上向き破線矢印 |
9314 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇡ –keywords | arrow | dashed | upwards |
上向き破線矢印 |
9315 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇢ -name | rightwards dashed arrow |
右向き破線矢印 |
9316 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇢ –keywords | arrow | dashed | rightwards |
右向き破線矢印 |
9317 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇣ -name | downwards dashed arrow |
下向き破線矢印 |
9318 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇣ –keywords | arrow | dashed | downwards |
下向き破線矢印 |
9319 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇤ -name | leftwards arrow bar |
左縦棒付き左矢印 |
9320 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇤ –keywords | arrow | bar | leftwards |
左縦棒付き左矢印 |
9321 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇥ -name | rightwards arrow bar |
右縦棒付き右矢印 |
9322 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇥ –keywords | arrow | bar | rightwards |
右縦棒付き右矢印 |
9323 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇦ -name | leftwards hollow arrow |
左向き白矢印 |
9324 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇦ –keywords | arrow | hollow | leftwards |
左向き白矢印 |
9325 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇧ -name | upwards hollow arrow |
上向き白矢印 |
9326 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇧ –keywords | arrow | hollow | upwards |
上向き白矢印 |
9327 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇨ -name | rightwards hollow arrow |
右向き白矢印 |
9328 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇨ –keywords | arrow | hollow | rightwards |
右向き白矢印 |
9329 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇩ -name | downwards hollow arrow |
下向き白矢印 |
9330 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇩ –keywords | arrow | downwards | hollow |
下向き白矢印 |
9331 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇪ -name | upwards hollow arrow from bar |
棒付き上向き白矢印 |
9332 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ⇪ –keywords | arrow | bar | from | hollow | upwards |
棒付き上向き白矢印 |
9333 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ■ -name | filled square |
黒四角 |
9334 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ■ –keywords | filled | square |
黒四角 |
9335 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | □ -name | hollow square |
白四角 |
9336 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | □ –keywords | hollow | square |
白四角 |
9337 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▢ -name | hollow square with rounded corners |
角丸白四角 |
9338 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▢ –keywords | corners | hollow | rounded | square | with |
角丸白四角 |
9339 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▣ -name | hollow square containing filled square |
白四角の中に黒四角 |
9340 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▣ –keywords | containing | filled | hollow | square |
白四角の中に黒四角 |
9341 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▤ -name | square with horizontal fill |
横縞線入りの四角 |
9342 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▤ –keywords | fill | horizontal | square | with |
横縞線入りの四角 |
9343 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▥ -name | square with vertical fill |
縦縞線入りの四角 |
9344 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▥ –keywords | fill | square | vertical | with |
縦縞線入りの四角 |
9345 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▦ -name | square orthogonal crosshatch fill |
格子線入りの四角 |
9346 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▦ –keywords | crosshatch | fill | orthogonal | square |
格子線入りの四角 |
9347 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▧ -name | square upper left lower right fill |
左上右下斜め縞線入りの四角 |
9348 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▧ –keywords | fill | left | lower | right | square | upper |
左上右下斜め縞線入りの四角 |
9349 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▨ -name | square upper right lower left fill |
右上左下斜め縞線入りの四角 |
9350 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▨ –keywords | fill | left | lower | right | square | upper |
右上左下斜め縞線入りの四角 |
9351 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▩ -name | square diagonal crosshatch fill |
斜め格子線入りの四角 |
9352 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▩ –keywords | crosshatch | diagonal | fill | square |
斜め格子線入りの四角 |
9353 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▬ -name | filled rectangle |
黒い長方形 |
9354 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▬ –keywords | filled | rectangle |
黒い長方形 |
9355 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▭ -name | hollow rectangle |
白い長方形 |
9356 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▭ –keywords | hollow | rectangle |
白い長方形 |
9357 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▮ -name | filled vertical rectangle |
縦長の黒い長方形 |
9358 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▮ –keywords | filled | rectangle | vertical |
縦長の黒い長方形 |
9359 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▰ -name | filled parallelogram |
黒い平行四辺形 |
9360 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▰ –keywords | filled | parallelogram |
黒い平行四辺形 |
9361 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | △ -name | hollow up-pointing triangle |
上向き白三角 |
9362 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | △ –keywords | hollow | triangle | up-pointing |
上向き白三角 |
9363 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▴ -name | filled up-pointing small triangle |
上向き黒三角小 |
9364 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▴ –keywords | filled | small | triangle | up-pointing |
上向き黒三角小 |
9365 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▵ -name | hollow up-pointing small triangle |
上向き白三角小 |
9366 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▵ –keywords | hollow | small | triangle | up-pointing |
上向き白三角小 |
9367 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▸ -name | filled right-pointing small triangle |
右向き黒三角小 |
9368 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▸ –keywords | filled | right-pointing | small | triangle |
右向き黒三角小 |
9369 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▹ -name | hollow right-pointing small triangle |
右向き白三角小 |
9370 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▹ –keywords | hollow | right-pointing | small | triangle |
右向き白三角小 |
9371 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ► -name | filled right-pointing pointer |
右向きの黒い二等辺三角形 |
9372 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ► –keywords | filled | pointer | right-pointing |
右向きの黒い二等辺三角形 |
9373 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▻ -name | hollow right-pointing pointer |
右向きの白い二等辺三角形 |
9374 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▻ –keywords | hollow | pointer | right-pointing |
右向きの白い二等辺三角形 |
9375 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▽ -name | hollow down-pointing triangle |
下向き白三角 |
9376 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▽ –keywords | down-pointing | hollow | triangle |
下向き白三角 |
9377 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▾ -name | filled down-pointing small triangle |
下向き黒三角小 |
9378 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▾ –keywords | down-pointing | filled | small | triangle |
下向き黒三角小 |
9379 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▿ -name | hollow down-pointing small triangle |
下向き白三角小 |
9380 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ▿ –keywords | down-pointing | hollow | small | triangle |
下向き白三角小 |
9381 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◂ -name | filled left-pointing small triangle |
左向き黒三角小 |
9382 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◂ –keywords | filled | left-pointing | small | triangle |
左向き黒三角小 |
9383 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◃ -name | hollow left-pointing small triangle |
左向き白三角小 |
9384 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◃ –keywords | hollow | left-pointing | small | triangle |
左向き白三角小 |
9385 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◄ -name | filled left-pointing pointer |
左向きの黒い二等辺三角形 |
9386 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◄ –keywords | filled | left-pointing | pointer |
左向きの黒い二等辺三角形 |
9387 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◅ -name | hollow left-pointing pointer |
左向きの白い二等辺三角形 |
9388 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◅ –keywords | hollow | left-pointing | pointer |
左向きの白い二等辺三角形 |
9389 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◆ -name | filled diamond |
黒ひし形 |
9390 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◆ –keywords | diamond | filled |
黒ひし形 |
9391 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◇ -name | hollow diamond |
白ひし形 |
9392 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◇ –keywords | diamond | hollow |
白ひし形 |
9393 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◈ -name | hollow diamond containing filled diamond |
白ひし形の中に黒ひし形 |
9394 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◈ –keywords | containing | diamond | filled | hollow |
白ひし形の中に黒ひし形 |
9395 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◉ -name | hollow circle containing filled circle |
白丸の中に黒丸 |
9396 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◉ –keywords | cicles | circle | circled | concentric | containing | dot | filled | fisheye | hollow | ward |
丸で囲まれたドット | 塗りつぶしの同心円 | 白丸の中に黒丸 | 魚眼 |
9397 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◌ -name | dotted circle |
点線の丸 |
9398 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◌ –keywords | circle | dotted |
点線の丸 |
9399 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◍ -name | circle with vertical fill |
縦線入りの丸 |
9400 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◍ –keywords | circle | fill | vertical | with |
縦線入りの丸 |
9401 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◎ -name | concentric circles |
二重丸 |
9402 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◎ –keywords | circle | circles | concentric | double | target |
二重丸 | 同心円 | 標的 |
9403 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◐ -name | circle left half filled |
左半黒丸 |
9404 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◐ –keywords | circle | filled | half | left |
左半黒丸 |
9405 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◑ -name | circle right half filled |
右半黒丸 |
9406 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◑ –keywords | circle | filled | half | right |
右半黒丸 |
9407 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◒ -name | circle lower half filled |
下半黒丸 |
9408 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◒ –keywords | circle | filled | half | lower |
下半黒丸 |
9409 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◓ -name | circle upper half filled |
上半黒丸 |
9410 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◓ –keywords | circle | filled | half | upper |
上半黒丸 |
9411 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◔ -name | circle upper right quadrant filled |
右上に黒い四分円がある白丸 |
9412 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◔ –keywords | circle | filled | quadrant | right | upper |
右上に黒い四分円がある白丸 |
9413 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◕ -name | circle all but upper left quadrant filled |
左上に白い四分円のある黒丸 |
9414 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◕ –keywords | all | but | circle | filled | left | quadrant | upper |
左上に白い四分円のある黒丸 |
9415 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◖ -name | left half filled circle |
黒い左半円 |
9416 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◖ –keywords | circle | filled | half | left |
黒い左半円 |
9417 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◗ -name | right half filled circle |
黒い右半円 |
9418 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◗ –keywords | circle | filled | half | right |
黒い右半円 |
9419 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◘ -name | inverse bullet |
反転ビュレット |
9420 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◘ –keywords | bullet | inverse |
反転ビュレット |
9421 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◙ -name | filled square containing hollow circle |
黒四角の中に白丸 |
9422 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◙ –keywords | circle | containing | filled | hollow | inverse | square |
黒四角の中に白丸 |
9423 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◜ -name | upper left quadrant circular arc |
左上四分円弧 |
9424 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◜ –keywords | arc | circular | left | quadrant | upper |
左上四分円弧 |
9425 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◝ -name | upper right quadrant circular arc |
右上四分円弧 |
9426 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◝ –keywords | arc | circular | quadrant | right | upper |
右上四分円弧 |
9427 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◞ -name | lower right quadrant circular arc |
右下四分円弧 |
9428 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◞ –keywords | arc | circular | lower | quadrant | right |
右下四分円弧 |
9429 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◟ -name | lower left quadrant circular arc |
左下四分円弧 |
9430 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◟ –keywords | arc | circular | left | lower | quadrant |
左下四分円弧 |
9431 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◠ -name | upper half circle |
上半円弧 |
9432 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◠ –keywords | circle | half | upper |
上半円弧 |
9433 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◡ -name | lower half circle |
下半円弧 |
9434 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◡ –keywords | circle | half | lower |
下半円弧 |
9435 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◢ -name | filled lower right triangle |
黒い右下三角 |
9436 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◢ –keywords | filled | lower | right | triangle |
黒い右下三角 |
9437 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◣ -name | filled lower left triangle |
黒い左下三角 |
9438 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◣ –keywords | filled | left | lower | triangle |
黒い左下三角 |
9439 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◤ -name | filled upper left triangle |
黒い左上三角 |
9440 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◤ –keywords | filled | left | triangle | upper |
黒い左上三角 |
9441 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◥ -name | filled upper right triangle |
黒い右上三角 |
9442 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◥ –keywords | filled | right | triangle | upper |
黒い右上三角 |
9443 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◦ -name | hollow bullet |
白ビュレット |
9444 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◦ –keywords | bullet | hollow |
白ビュレット |
9445 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◳ -name | hollow square upper right quadrant |
右上に四角のある白四角 |
9446 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◳ –keywords | hollow | quadrant | right | square | upper |
右上に四角のある白四角 |
9447 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◷ -name | hollow circle with upper right quadrant |
右上に四分円のある白丸 |
9448 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ◷ –keywords | circle | hollow | quadrant | right | upper | with |
右上に四分円のある白丸 |
9449 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ₢ -name | cruzeiro |
クルゼイロ |
9450 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ₢ –keywords | BRB | cruzeiro | currency |
BRB | クルゼイロ | 通貨 |
9451 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ₣ -name | french franc |
フランスフラン |
9452 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ₣ –keywords | currency | franc | french |
フラン | フランスフラン | 通貨 |
9453 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ₤ -name | lira |
リラ |
9454 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ₤ –keywords | currency | lira |
リラ | 通貨 |
9455 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ₰ -name | german penny |
ドイツマルク |
9456 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ₰ –keywords | currency | german | penny | pfennig |
ドイツマルク | ペニヒ | 通貨 |
9457 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ₳ -name | austral |
アウストラル |
9458 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ₳ –keywords | ARA | austral | currency |
ARA | アウストラル | 通貨 |
9459 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ₶ -name | livre tournois |
トゥールリーブル |
9460 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ₶ –keywords | currency | livre | tournois |
トゥールリーブル | 通貨 |
9461 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ₷ -name | spesmilo |
スペスミーロ |
9462 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ₷ –keywords | currency | spesmilo |
スペスミーロ | 通貨 |
9463 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ₨ -name | rupee |
ルピー |
9464 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ₨ –keywords | currency | rupee |
ルピー | 通貨 |
9465 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ﷼ -name | rial |
リヤル |
9466 | Characters | Other Symbols | other-symbol | ﷼ –keywords | currency | rial |
リヤル | 通貨 |
9467 | Characters | Other Symbols | alphanum | ℗ -name | sound recording copyright |
原盤権マーク |
9468 | Characters | Other Symbols | alphanum | ℗ –keywords | copyright | recording | sound |
レコード | 原盤権 | 原盤権マーク | 著作権 |
9469 | Characters | Other Symbols | alphanum | µ -name | micro sign |
マイクロ記号 |
9470 | Characters | Other Symbols | alphanum | µ –keywords | measure | micro | sign |
マイクロ記号 | ミクロ | 単位 |
9471 | Characters | Other Symbols | geometric | ▼ -name | filled down-pointing triangle |
下向黒三角 |
9472 | Characters | Other Symbols | geometric | ▼ –keywords | arrow | down | down-pointing | filled | triangle |
三角 | 下 | 下向黒三角 | 塗りつぶし | 矢印 | 黒三角 |
9473 | Characters | Other Symbols | geometric | ▲ -name | filled up-pointing triangle |
上向黒三角 |
9474 | Characters | Other Symbols | geometric | ▲ –keywords | arrow | filled | triangle | up | up-pointing |
三角 | 上 | 上向黒三角 | 塗りつぶし | 矢印 | 黒三角 |
9475 | Characters | Other Symbols | geometric | ● -name | filled circle |
黒丸 |
9476 | Characters | Other Symbols | geometric | ● –keywords | circle | filled |
丸 | 塗りつぶし | 黒丸 |
9477 | Characters | Other Symbols | geometric | ○ -name | hollow circle |
白丸 |
9478 | Characters | Other Symbols | geometric | ○ –keywords | circle | hollow | ring |
中抜き | 丸 | 白丸 | 輪 |
9479 | Characters | Other Symbols | geometric | ◯ -name | large hollow circle |
白丸大 |
9480 | Characters | Other Symbols | geometric | ◯ –keywords | circle | hollow | large | ring |
中抜き | 丸 | 大きな白丸 | 白丸大 | 輪 |
9481 | Characters | Other Symbols | geometric | ◊ -name | lozenge |
ひし形 |
9482 | Characters | Other Symbols | geometric | ◊ –keywords | diamond | lozenge | rhombus |
ダイア | ダイヤ | ひし形 | 四角 |
9483 | Characters | Flags | flag | 🏁 -name | chequered flag |
チェッカーフラッグ |
9484 | Characters | Flags | flag | 🏁 –keywords | checkered | chequered | finish | flag | flags | game | race | racing | sport | win |
スポーツ | チェッカーフラッグ | フラグ | フラッグ | レーシング | レース | 勝利 | 旗 |
9485 | Characters | Flags | flag | 🚩 -name | triangular flag |
三角の旗 |
9486 | Characters | Flags | flag | 🚩 –keywords | construction | flag | golf | post | triangular |
ゴルフ | スポーツ | フラグ | フラッグ | 三角の旗 | 建築 | 旗 |
9487 | Characters | Flags | flag | 🎌 -name | crossed flags |
祝日の旗 |
9488 | Characters | Flags | flag | 🎌 –keywords | celebration | cross | crossed | flags | Japanese |
フラグ | フラッグ | 交差した旗 | 旗 | 日の丸 | 日本 | 祝日 | 祝日の旗 |
9489 | Characters | Flags | flag | 🏴 -name | black flag |
黒旗 |
9490 | Characters | Flags | flag | 🏴 –keywords | black | flag | waving |
フラグ | フラッグ | 旗 | 黒 | 黒旗 |
9491 | Characters | Flags | flag | 🏳 -name | white flag |
白旗 |
9492 | Characters | Flags | flag | 🏳 –keywords | flag | waving | white |
フラグ | フラッグ | 旗 | 白 | 白旗 |
9493 | Characters | Flags | flag | 🏳🌈 -name | rainbow flag |
レインボーフラッグ |
9494 | Characters | Flags | flag | 🏳🌈 –keywords | bisexual | flag | gay | genderqueer | glbt | glbtq | lesbian | lgbt | lgbtq | lgbtqia | pride | queer | rainbow | trans | transgender |
GLBT | LGBT | LGBTQ | LGBTQIA | ゲイ | トランスジェンダー | バイセクシュアル | プライド | フラグ | レズビアン | 虹色の旗 |
9495 | Characters | Flags | flag | 🏳⚧ -name | transgender flag |
トランスジェンダーフラッグ |
9496 | Characters | Flags | flag | 🏳⚧ –keywords | blue | flag | light | pink | transgender | white |
LGBT | TG | トランスジェンダー | トランスジェンダーフラッグ | フラグ | フラッグ | 旗 |
9497 | Characters | Flags | flag | 🏴☠ -name | pirate flag |
海賊旗 |
9498 | Characters | Flags | flag | 🏴☠ –keywords | flag | Jolly | pirate | plunder | Roger | treasure |
ジョリー・ロジャー | 宝物 | 海賊 | 海賊旗 | 略奪 |
9499 | Characters | Component | skin-tone | 🏻 -name | light skin tone |
薄い肌色 |
9500 | Characters | Component | skin-tone | 🏻 –keywords | 1–2 | light | skin | tone | type |
肌の色 | 肌色1–2 | 薄い肌色 |
9501 | Characters | Component | skin-tone | 🏼 -name | medium-light skin tone |
やや薄い肌色 |
9502 | Characters | Component | skin-tone | 🏼 –keywords | 3 | medium-light | skin | tone | type |
やや薄い肌色 | 肌の色 | 肌色3 | 薄い~中間の肌色 |
9503 | Characters | Component | skin-tone | 🏽 -name | medium skin tone |
中間の肌色 |
9504 | Characters | Component | skin-tone | 🏽 –keywords | 4 | medium | skin | tone | type |
中間の肌色 | 肌の色 | 肌色4 |
9505 | Characters | Component | skin-tone | 🏾 -name | medium-dark skin tone |
やや濃い肌色 |
9506 | Characters | Component | skin-tone | 🏾 –keywords | 5 | medium-dark | skin | tone | type |
やや濃い肌色 | 中間~濃い肌色 | 肌の色 | 肌色5 |
9507 | Characters | Component | skin-tone | 🏿 -name | dark skin tone |
濃い肌色 |
9508 | Characters | Component | skin-tone | 🏿 –keywords | 6 | dark | skin | tone | type |
濃い肌色 | 肌の色 | 肌色6 |
9509 | Characters | Component | hair-style | 🦰 -name | red hair |
赤毛 |
9510 | Characters | Component | hair-style | 🦰 –keywords | ginger | hair | red | redhead |
赤毛 | 赤毛の人 | 赤茶 |
9511 | Characters | Component | hair-style | 🦱 -name | curly hair |
巻き毛 |
9512 | Characters | Component | hair-style | 🦱 –keywords | afro | curly | hair | ringlets |
アフロ | カール | くせ毛 | パンチパーマ | 巻き毛 |
9513 | Characters | Component | hair-style | 🦳 -name | white hair |
白髪 |
9514 | Characters | Component | hair-style | 🦳 –keywords | gray | hair | old | white |
グレー | 年配 | 白髪 | 老人 | 高齢者 |
9515 | Characters | Component | hair-style | 🦲 -name | bald |
はげ頭 |
9516 | Characters | Component | hair-style | 🦲 –keywords | bald | chemotherapy | hair | hairless | no | shaven |
スキンヘッド | はげ頭 | 化学療法 | 坊主 | 毛がない |
9517 | Characters | Typography | Axis | ital | italic |
イタリック |
9518 | Characters | Typography | Axis | opsz | optical size |
オプティカルサイズ |
9519 | Characters | Typography | Axis | slnt | slant |
スラント |
9520 | Characters | Typography | Axis | wdth | width |
字幅 |
9521 | Characters | Typography | Axis | wght | weight |
太さ |
9522 | Characters | Typography | Style | ital-1 | cursive |
カーシブ |
9523 | Characters | Typography | Style | opsz-8 | caption |
キャプション |
9524 | Characters | Typography | Style | opsz-12 | text |
テキスト |
9525 | Characters | Typography | Style | opsz-18 | titling |
タイトル |
9526 | Characters | Typography | Style | opsz-72 | display |
ディスプレイ |
9527 | Characters | Typography | Style | opsz-144 | poster |
ポスター |
9528 | Characters | Typography | Style | slnt--12 | backslanted |
バック・スラント |
9529 | Characters | Typography | Style | slnt-0 | upright |
アップライト |
9530 | Characters | Typography | Style | slnt-12 | slanted |
スラント |
9531 | Characters | Typography | Style | slnt-24 | extra-slanted |
エクストラ・スラント |
9532 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-50 | ultracondensed |
ウルトラ・コンデンス |
9533 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-50-compressed | ultracompressed |
ウルトラ・コンプレス |
9534 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-50-narrow | ultranarrow |
ウルトラ・ナロー |
9535 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-62.5 | extra-condensed |
エクストラ・コンデンス |
9536 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-62.5-compressed | extra-compressed |
エクストラ・コンプレス |
9537 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-62.5-narrow | extra-narrow |
エクストラ・ナロー |
9538 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-75 | condensed |
コンデンス |
9539 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-75-compressed | compressed |
コンプレス |
9540 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-75-narrow | compressed |
ナロー |
9541 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-87.5 | semicondensed |
セミ・コンデンス |
9542 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-87.5-compressed | semicompressed |
セミ・コンプレス |
9543 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-87.5-narrow | seminarrow |
セミ・ナロー |
9544 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-100 | normal |
ノーマル |
9545 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-112.5 | semiexpanded |
セミ・エクスパンド |
9546 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-112.5-extended | semiextended |
セミ・エクステンド |
9547 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-112.5-wide | semiwide |
セミ・ワイド |
9548 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-125 | expanded |
エクスパンド |
9549 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-125-extended | extended |
エクステンド |
9550 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-125-wide | wide |
ワイド |
9551 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-150 | extra-expanded |
エクストラ・エクスパンド |
9552 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-150-extended | extra-extended |
エクストラ・エクステンド |
9553 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-150-wide | extra-wide |
エクストラ・ワイド |
9554 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-200 | ultraexpanded |
ウルトラ・エクスパンド |
9555 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-200-extended | ultraextended |
ウルトラ・エクステンド |
9556 | Characters | Typography | Style | wdth-200-wide | ultrawide |
ウルトラ・ワイド |
9557 | Characters | Typography | Style | wght-100 | thin |
シン |
9558 | Characters | Typography | Style | wght-200 | extra-light |
エクストラ・ライト |
9559 | Characters | Typography | Style | wght-200-ultra | ultralight |
ウルトラ・ライト |
9560 | Characters | Typography | Style | wght-300 | light |
ライト |
9561 | Characters | Typography | Style | wght-350 | semilight |
セミ・ライト |
9562 | Characters | Typography | Style | wght-380 | book |
ブック |
9563 | Characters | Typography | Style | wght-400 | regular |
レギュラー |
9564 | Characters | Typography | Style | wght-500 | medium |
ミディアム |
9565 | Characters | Typography | Style | wght-600 | semibold |
セミ・ボールド |
9566 | Characters | Typography | Style | wght-600-demi | demibold |
デミ・ボールド |
9567 | Characters | Typography | Style | wght-700 | bold |
ボールド |
9568 | Characters | Typography | Style | wght-800 | extra-bold |
エクストラ・ボールド |
9569 | Characters | Typography | Style | wght-800-ultra | extra-bold |
ウルトラ・ボールド |
9570 | Characters | Typography | Style | wght-900 | black |
ブラック |
9571 | Characters | Typography | Style | wght-900-heavy | heavy |
ヘビー |
9572 | Characters | Typography | Style | wght-950 | extra-black |
エクストラ・ブラック |
9573 | Characters | Typography | Style | wght-950-ultrablack | ultrablack |
ウルトラ・ブラック |
9574 | Characters | Typography | Style | wght-950-ultraheavy | ultraheavy |
ウルトラ・ヘビー |
9575 | Characters | Typography | Feature | afrc | vertical fractions |
縦書きの分数 |
9576 | Characters | Typography | Feature | cpsp | capital spacing |
大文字の間隔 |
9577 | Characters | Typography | Feature | dlig | optional ligatures |
オプションのリガチャ |
9578 | Characters | Typography | Feature | frac | diagonal fractions |
斜め書きの分数 |
9579 | Characters | Typography | Feature | lnum | lining numbers |
ライニング数字 |
9580 | Characters | Typography | Feature | onum | old-style figures |
古いスタイルの数字 |
9581 | Characters | Typography | Feature | ordn | ordinals |
序数 |
9582 | Characters | Typography | Feature | pnum | proportional numbers |
プロポーショナル数字 |
9583 | Characters | Typography | Feature | smcp | small capitals |
小さな大文字 |
9584 | Characters | Typography | Feature | tnum | tabular numbers |
表形式数字 |
9585 | Characters | Typography | Feature | zero | slashed zero |
スラッシュゼロ |
9586 | Miscellaneous | Displaying Lists | “And” List | 2 | {0} and {1} |
{0}、{1} |
9587 | Miscellaneous | Displaying Lists | “And” List | start | {0}, {1} |
{0}、{1} |
9588 | Miscellaneous | Displaying Lists | “And” List | middle | {0}, {1} |
{0}、{1} |
9589 | Miscellaneous | Displaying Lists | “And” List | end | {0}, and {1} |
{0}、{1} |
9590 | Miscellaneous | Displaying Lists | “Or” List | 2 | {0} or {1} |
{0}または{1} |
9591 | Miscellaneous | Displaying Lists | “Or” List | start | {0}, {1} |
{0}、{1} |
9592 | Miscellaneous | Displaying Lists | “Or” List | middle | {0}, {1} |
{0}、{1} |
9593 | Miscellaneous | Displaying Lists | “Or” List | end | {0}, or {1} |
{0}、または{1} |
9594 | Miscellaneous | Displaying Lists | Short Unit List | 2 | {0}, {1} |
{0} {1} |
9595 | Miscellaneous | Displaying Lists | Short Unit List | start | {0}, {1} |
{0} {1} |
9596 | Miscellaneous | Displaying Lists | Short Unit List | middle | {0}, {1} |
{0} {1} |
9597 | Miscellaneous | Displaying Lists | Short Unit List | end | {0}, {1} |
{0} {1} |
9598 | Miscellaneous | Displaying Lists | Narrow Unit List | 2 | {0} {1} |
{0}{1} |
9599 | Miscellaneous | Displaying Lists | Narrow Unit List | start | {0} {1} |
{0}{1} |
9600 | Miscellaneous | Displaying Lists | Narrow Unit List | middle | {0} {1} |
{0}{1} |
9601 | Miscellaneous | Displaying Lists | Narrow Unit List | end | {0} {1} |
{0}{1} |
9602 | Miscellaneous | Minimal Pairs | Ordinal | other | Take the {0}th right. |
{0} 番目の角を右折します。 |
9603 | Miscellaneous | Minimal Pairs | Plural | other | {0} days |
{0}日 |
9604 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | NameOrder for Locales | givenFirst | und en |
und |
9605 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | NameOrder for Locales | surnameFirst | ja ko vi yue zh |
hu ja km ko mn vi yue zh |
9606 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | Default Parameters | formality | informal |
formal |
9607 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | Default Parameters | length | = |
medium |
9608 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | AuxiliaryItems | foreignSpaceReplacement | |
・ |
9609 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | AuxiliaryItems | nativeSpaceReplacement | |
9610 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | AuxiliaryItems | pattern-initial | = |
{0}. |
9611 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | AuxiliaryItems | pattern-initialSequence | {0}{1} |
{0} {1} |
9612 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: nativeG | given | Zendaya |
慎太郎 |
9613 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: nativeGS | given | Irene |
一郎 |
9614 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: nativeGS | surname | Adler |
安藤 |
9615 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: nativeGGS | given | Mary Sue |
太郎 |
9616 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: nativeGGS | given2 | Hamish |
トーマス |
9617 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: nativeGGS | surname | Watson |
山田 |
9618 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: nativeFull | credentials | MP |
国会議員 |
9619 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: nativeFull | generation | Jr |
ジュニア |
9620 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: nativeFull | title | Mr. |
さん |
9621 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: nativeFull | given | Bertram Wilberforce |
恵子 |
9622 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: nativeFull | given-informal | Bertie |
けいこ |
9623 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: nativeFull | given2 | Henry Robert |
グレース |
9624 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: nativeFull | surname-prefix | = |
∅∅∅ |
9625 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: nativeFull | surname-core | Wooster |
佐藤 |
9626 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: nativeFull | surname2 | = |
∅∅∅ |
9627 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: foreignG | given | Sinbad |
マイケル |
9628 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: foreignGS | given | Käthe |
アルベルト |
9629 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: foreignGS | surname | Müller |
アインシュタイン |
9630 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: foreignGGS | given | Zäzilia |
セシリア |
9631 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: foreignGGS | given2 | Hamish |
ローズ |
9632 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: foreignGGS | surname | Stöber |
ブラウン |
9633 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: foreignFull | credentials | MD DDS |
医学博士 |
9634 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: foreignFull | generation | Jr |
ジュニア |
9635 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: foreignFull | title | Prof. Dr. |
博士 |
9636 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: foreignFull | given | Ada Cornelia |
ジェニファー |
9637 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: foreignFull | given-informal | Neele |
ジェニー |
9638 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: foreignFull | given2 | César Martín |
ソフィア |
9639 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: foreignFull | surname-prefix | von |
フォン |
9640 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: foreignFull | surname-core | Brühl |
スミス |
9641 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | SampleName Fields for Item: foreignFull | surname2 | González Domingo |
∅∅∅ |
9642 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Main Patterns for Order: givenFirst | long-referring-formal | {title} {given} {given2} {surname} {generation}, {credentials} |
{given} {given2} {surname} {generation}{title} |
9643 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Main Patterns for Order: givenFirst | long-referring-informal | {given-informal} {surname} |
{given-informal} {surname}{title} |
9644 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Main Patterns for Order: givenFirst | long-addressing-informal | {given-informal} |
{given-informal} {surname}{title} |
9645 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Main Patterns for Order: givenFirst | medium-addressing-formal | {title} {surname} |
{given} {surname}{title} |
9646 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Main Patterns for Order: givenFirst | medium-referring-informal | {given-informal} {surname} |
{given-informal} {surname}{title} |
9647 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Main Patterns for Order: givenFirst | medium-addressing-informal | {given-informal} |
{given-informal} {surname}{title} |
9648 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Main Patterns for Order: givenFirst | short-referring-formal | {given-initial}{given2-initial} {surname} |
{given} {surname}{title} |
9649 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Main Patterns for Order: givenFirst | short-addressing-formal | {title} {surname} |
{surname}{title} |
9650 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Main Patterns for Order: givenFirst | short-referring-informal | {given-informal} {surname-initial} |
{given-informal} {surname}{title} |
9651 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Main Patterns for Order: givenFirst | short-addressing-informal | {given-informal} |
{given-informal}{title} |
9652 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Main Patterns for Order: surnameFirst | long-referring-formal | {surname} {title} {given} {given2} {generation}, {credentials} |
{surname} {given2} {given}{title} |
9653 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Main Patterns for Order: surnameFirst | long-addressing-formal | {title} {surname} |
{surname} {given}{title} |
9654 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Main Patterns for Order: surnameFirst | long-referring-informal | {surname} {given-informal} |
{surname} {given-informal}{title} |
9655 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Main Patterns for Order: surnameFirst | long-addressing-informal | {given-informal} |
{surname} {given-informal}{title} |
9656 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Main Patterns for Order: surnameFirst | medium-referring-formal | {surname} {given} {given2-initial} {generation}, {credentials} |
{surname} {given}{title} |
9657 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Main Patterns for Order: surnameFirst | medium-addressing-formal | {title} {surname} |
{surname} {given}{title} |
9658 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Main Patterns for Order: surnameFirst | medium-referring-informal | {surname} {given-informal} |
{surname} {given-informal}{title} |
9659 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Main Patterns for Order: surnameFirst | medium-addressing-informal | {given-informal} |
{surname} {given-informal}{title} |
9660 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Main Patterns for Order: surnameFirst | short-referring-formal | {surname} {given-initial}{given2-initial} |
{surname} {given}{title} |
9661 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Main Patterns for Order: surnameFirst | short-addressing-formal | {title} {surname} |
{surname}{title} |
9662 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Main Patterns for Order: surnameFirst | short-referring-informal | {surname} {given-initial} |
{surname} {given-informal}{title} |
9663 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Main Patterns for Order: surnameFirst | short-addressing-informal | {given-informal} |
{given-informal}{title} |
9664 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Sorting Patterns (Usage: referring) | long-formal | {surname-core}, {given} {given2} {surname-prefix} |
{surname} {given2} {given} |
9665 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Sorting Patterns (Usage: referring) | long-informal | {surname}, {given-informal} |
{surname} {given-informal} |
9666 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Sorting Patterns (Usage: referring) | medium-informal | {surname}, {given-informal} |
{surname} {given-informal} |
9667 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Sorting Patterns (Usage: referring) | short-formal | {surname-core}, {given-initial}{given2-initial} {surname-prefix} |
{surname} {given} |
9668 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Sorting Patterns (Usage: referring) | short-informal | {surname}, {given-informal} |
{surname} {given-informal} |
9669 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Monogram Patterns for Order: givenFirst | long-formal | {given-monogram-allCaps}{given2-monogram-allCaps}{surname-monogram-allCaps} |
{given-monogram-allCaps} |
9670 | Miscellaneous | Person Name Formats | PersonName Monogram Patterns for Order: surnameFirst | long-formal | {surname-monogram-allCaps}{given-monogram-allCaps}{given2-monogram-allCaps} |
{given-monogram-allCaps} |