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Locale Data Summary for Romanian [ro]


Root [root] > Romanian [ro]

> Moldova [ro_MD]

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1Core DataAlphabetic InformationCharacters in UseMain Letters[a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z] [a ă â b c d e f g h i î j k l m n o p r s ș t ț u v w x y z]
2Core DataAlphabetic InformationCharacters in UseOthers: auxiliary[á à ă â å ä ã ā æ ç é è ĕ ê ë ē í ì ĭ î ï ī ñ ó ò ŏ ô ö ø ō œ ú ù ŭ û ü ū ÿ] [á à å ä ç é è ê ë ñ ö q ş ţ ü]
3Core DataAlphabetic InformationCharacters in UseOthers: index[A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z] [A Ă Â B C D E F G H I Î J K L M N O P Q R S Ș T Ț U V W X Y Z]
4Core DataAlphabetic InformationCharacters in UseOthers: numbers= [\- ‑ , . % ‰ + 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
5Core DataAlphabetic InformationCharacters in UseOthers: punctuation[\- ‐ ‑ – — , ; \: ! ? . … ' ‘ ’ " “ ” ( ) \[ \] § @ * / \& # † ‡ ′ ″] [\- ‐ ‑ – — , ; \: ! ? . … ' ‘ " “ ” „ « » ( ) \[ \] @ * /]
6Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsedate-lenient(-)= [\--/]
7Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsedate-lenient(:)[\:∶︓﹕:] [\:∶]
8Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsegeneral-lenient(.)= [.․。︒﹒.。]
9Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsegeneral-lenient(’)= ['ʼ՚᾽᾿’']
10Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsegeneral-lenient(%)= [%٪﹪%]
11Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsegeneral-lenient(‰)= [؉‰]
12Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsegeneral-lenient($)[\$﹩$] [\$﹩$$]
13Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsegeneral-lenient(£)[£₤£] [£₤]
14Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsegeneral-lenient(¥)= [¥¥]
15Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsegeneral-lenient(₩)= [₩₩]
16Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsegeneral-lenient(₹)= [₨₹{Rp}{Rs}]
17Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsenumber-lenient(-)[\-‐‒–⁻₋−➖﹣-] [\-‒⁻₋−➖﹣-]
18Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsenumber-lenient(,)= [,،٫、︐︑﹐﹑,、]
19Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsenumber-lenient(+)= [+⁺₊➕﬩﹢+]
20Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsenumber-stricter(,)= [,٫︐﹐,]
21Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsenumber-stricter(.)= [.․﹒.。]
22Core DataAlphabetic InformationEllipsisfinal= {0}…
23Core DataAlphabetic InformationEllipsisinitial= …{0}
24Core DataAlphabetic InformationEllipsismedial= {0}…{1}
25Core DataAlphabetic InformationEllipsisword-final{0} … {0}…
26Core DataAlphabetic InformationEllipsisword-initial… {0} …{0}
27Core DataAlphabetic InformationEllipsisword-medial= {0} … {1}
28Core DataAlphabetic InformationQuotation MarksEnd=
29Core DataAlphabetic InformationQuotation MarksStart
30Core DataAlphabetic InformationQuotation Marksembedded-End »
31Core DataAlphabetic InformationQuotation Marksembedded-Start «
32Core DataAlphabetic InformationSymbolsMore Information? ...
33Core DataAlphabetic InformationYes and Noposix-nono:n nu:n
34Core DataAlphabetic InformationYes and Noposix-yesyes:y da:d
35Core DataNumbering SystemsNumbering Systemdefault= latn
36Core DataNumbering SystemsNumbering Systemnative= latn
37Locale Display NamesLocale Name PatternsLocale FormattinglocalePattern= {0} ({1})
38Locale Display NamesLocale Name PatternsLocale FormattinglocaleSeparator= {0}, {1}
39Locale Display NamesLocale Name PatternsLocale FormattinglocaleKeyTypePattern= {0}: {1}
40Locale Display NamesLocale Name PatternsLocale Field FallbackslanguageLanguage: {0} Limbă: {0}
41Locale Display NamesLocale Name PatternsLocale Field FallbacksscriptScript: {0} Scriere: {0}
42Locale Display NamesLocale Name PatternsLocale Field FallbacksterritoryRegion: {0} Regiune: {0}
43Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAbkhazian ► abAbkhazian abhază
44Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAchinese ► aceAchinese aceh
45Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAcoli ► achAcoli acoli
46Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAdangme ► adaAdangme adangme
47Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAdyghe ► adyAdyghe adyghe
48Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAfar ► aaAfar afar
49Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAfrihili ► afhAfrihili afrihili
50Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAfrikaans ► afAfrikaans afrikaans
51Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAghem ► agqAghem aghem
52Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAinu ► ainAinu ainu
53Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAkan ► akAkan akan
54Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAkkadian ► akkAkkadian akkadiană
55Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAkoose ► bssAkoose akoose
56Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAlbanian ► sqAlbanian albaneză
57Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAleut ► aleAleut aleută
58Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAmharic ► amAmharic amharică
59Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAncient Egyptian ► egyAncient Egyptian egipteană veche
60Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAncient Greek ► grcAncient Greek greacă veche
61Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAngika ► anpAngika angika
62Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AArabic ► arArabic arabă
63Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AArabic ► ar_001Modern Standard Arabic arabă standard modernă
64Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAragonese ► anAragonese aragoneză
65Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAramaic ► arcAramaic aramaică
66Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AArapaho ► arpArapaho arapaho
67Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AArawak ► arwArawak arawak
68Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AArmenian ► hyArmenian armeană
69Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAromanian ► rupAromanian aromână
70Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAssamese ► asAssamese asameză
71Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAsturian ► astAsturian asturiană
72Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAsu ► asaAsu asu
73Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAtsam ► cchAtsam atsam
74Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAvaric ► avAvaric avară
75Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAvestan ► aeAvestan avestană
76Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAwadhi ► awaAwadhi awadhi
77Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAymara ► ayAymara aymara
78Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAzerbaijani ► azAzerbaijani azeră
79Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAzerbaijani ► az-shortAzeri azeră
80Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBafia ► ksfBafia bafia
81Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBafut ► bfdBafut bafut
82Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBalinese ► banBalinese balineză
83Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBaluchi ► balBaluchi baluchi
84Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBambara ► bmBambara bambara
85Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBamun ► baxBamun bamun
86Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBangla ► bnBangla bengaleză
87Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBasaa ► basBasaa basaa
88Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBashkir ► baBashkir bașkiră
89Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBasque ► euBasque bască
90Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBeja ► bejBeja beja
91Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBelarusian ► beBelarusian belarusă
92Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBemba ► bemBemba bemba
93Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBena ► bezBena bena
94Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBhojpuri ► bhoBhojpuri bhojpuri
95Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBikol ► bikBikol bikol
96Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBini ► binBini bini
97Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBislama ► biBislama bislama
98Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBlin ► bynBlin blin
99Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBlissymbols ► zblBlissymbols simboluri Bilss
100Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBodo ► brxBodo bodo
101Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBosnian ► bsBosnian bosniacă
102Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBraj ► braBraj braj
103Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBreton ► brBreton bretonă
104Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBuginese ► bugBuginese bugineză
105Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBulgarian ► bgBulgarian bulgară
106Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBulu ► bumBulu bulu
107Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBuriat ► buaBuriat buriat
108Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBurmese ► myBurmese birmană
109Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCaddo ► cadCaddo caddo
110Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCajun French ► frcCajun French franceză cajun
111Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCantonese ► yueCantonese cantoneză
112Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCantonese ► yue-menuChinese, Cantonese chineză, cantoneză
113Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCarib ► carCarib carib
114Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCatalan ► caCatalan catalană
115Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCayuga ► cayCayuga cayuga
116Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCebuano ► cebCebuano cebuană
117Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCentral Atlas Tamazight ► tzmCentral Atlas Tamazight tamazight din Altasul Central
118Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCentral Kurdish ► ckbCentral Kurdish kurdă centrală
119Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCentral Kurdish ► ckb-variantKurdish, Sorani kurdă sorani
120Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChadian Arabic ► shuChadian Arabic arabă ciadiană
121Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChagatai ► chgChagatai chagatai
122Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChakma ► ccpChakma chakma
123Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChamorro ► chChamorro chamorro
124Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChechen ► ceChechen cecenă
125Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCherokee ► chrCherokee cherokee
126Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCheyenne ► chyCheyenne cheyenne
127Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChibcha ► chbChibcha chibcha
128Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChiga ► cggChiga chiga
129Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChinese ► zhChinese chineză
130Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChinese ► zh_HansSimplified Chinese chineză simplificată
131Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChinese ► zh_Hans-longSimplified Mandarin Chinese chineză mandarină simplificată
132Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChinese ► zh_HantTraditional Chinese chineză tradițională
133Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChinese ► zh_Hant-longTraditional Mandarin Chinese chineză mandarină tradițională
134Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChinese ► zh-menuChinese, Mandarin chineză, mandarină
135Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChinook Jargon ► chnChinook Jargon jargon chinook
136Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChipewyan ► chpChipewyan chipewyan
137Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChoctaw ► choChoctaw choctaw
138Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChurch Slavic ► cuChurch Slavic slavonă
139Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChuukese ► chkChuukese chuukese
140Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChuvash ► cvChuvash ciuvașă
141Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CClassical Newari ► nwcClassical Newari newari clasică
142Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CClassical Syriac ► sycClassical Syriac siriacă clasică
143Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CColognian ► kshColognian kölsch
144Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CComorian ► swbComorian comoreză
145Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCoptic ► copCoptic coptă
146Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCornish ► kwCornish cornică
147Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCorsican ► coCorsican corsicană
148Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCree ► crCree cree
149Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCrimean Turkish ► crhCrimean Turkish turcă crimeeană
150Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCroatian ► hrCroatian croată
151Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCzech ► csCzech cehă
152Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDakota ► dakDakota dakota
153Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDanish ► daDanish daneză
154Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDargwa ► darDargwa dargwa
155Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDazaga ► dzgDazaga dazaga
156Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDelaware ► delDelaware delaware
157Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDinka ► dinDinka dinka
158Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDivehi ► dvDivehi divehi
159Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDogri ► doiDogri dogri
160Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDogrib ► dgrDogrib dogrib
161Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDuala ► duaDuala duala
162Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDutch ► nlDutch neerlandeză
163Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDutch ► nl_BEFlemish flamandă
164Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDyula ► dyuDyula dyula
165Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDzongkha ► dzDzongkha dzongkha
166Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEastern Frisian ► frsEastern Frisian frizonă orientală
167Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEfik ► efiEfik efik
168Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEkajuk ► ekaEkajuk ekajuk
169Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EElamite ► elxElamite elamită
170Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEmbu ► ebuEmbu embu
171Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEnglish ► enEnglish engleză
172Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEnglish ► en_AUAustralian English en_AU
173Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEnglish ► en_CACanadian English en_CA
174Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEnglish ► en_GBBritish English en_GB
175Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEnglish ► en_USAmerican English en_US
176Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEnglish ► en_US-shortUS English engleză (S.U.A)
177Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EErzya ► myvErzya erzya
178Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEsperanto ► eoEsperanto esperanto
179Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEstonian ► etEstonian estonă
180Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEwe ► eeEwe ewe
181Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEwondo ► ewoEwondo ewondo
182Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)FFang ► fanFang fang
183Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)FFanti ► fatFanti fanti
184Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)FFaroese ► foFaroese faroeză
185Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)FFijian ► fjFijian fijiană
186Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)FFilipino ► filFilipino filipineză
187Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)FFinnish ► fiFinnish finlandeză
188Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)FFon ► fonFon fon
189Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)FFrench ► frFrench franceză
190Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)FFrench ► fr_CACanadian French fr_CA
191Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)FFrench ► fr_CHSwiss French fr_CH
192Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)FFriulian ► furFriulian friulană
193Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)FFulah ► ffFulah fulah
194Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGa ► gaaGa ga
195Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGagauz ► gagGagauz găgăuză
196Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGalician ► glGalician galiciană
197Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGan Chinese ► ganGan Chinese chineză gan
198Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGanda ► lgGanda ganda
199Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGayo ► gayGayo gayo
200Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGbaya ► gbaGbaya gbaya
201Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGeez ► gezGeez geez
202Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGeorgian ► kaGeorgian georgiană
203Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGerman ► deGerman germană
204Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGerman ► de_ATAustrian German de_AT
205Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGerman ► de_CHSwiss High German germană standard (Elveția)
206Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGhomala ► bbjGhomala ghomala
207Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGilbertese ► gilGilbertese gilbertină
208Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGondi ► gonGondi gondi
209Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGorontalo ► gorGorontalo gorontalo
210Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGothic ► gotGothic gotică
211Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGrebo ► grbGrebo grebo
212Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGreek ► elGreek greacă
213Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGuarani ► gnGuarani guarani
214Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGujarati ► guGujarati gujarati
215Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGusii ► guzGusii gusii
216Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGwichʼin ► gwiGwichʼin gwichʼin
217Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHaida ► haiHaida haida
218Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHaitian Creole ► htHaitian Creole haitiană
219Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHakka Chinese ► hakHakka Chinese chineză hakka
220Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHausa ► haHausa hausa
221Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHawaiian ► hawHawaiian hawaiiană
222Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHebrew ► heHebrew ebraică
223Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHerero ► hzHerero herero
224Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHiligaynon ► hilHiligaynon hiligaynon
225Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHindi ► hiHindi hindi
226Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHiri Motu ► hoHiri Motu hiri motu
227Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHittite ► hitHittite hitită
228Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHmong ► hmnHmong hmong
229Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHungarian ► huHungarian maghiară
230Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHupa ► hupHupa hupa
231Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IIban ► ibaIban iban
232Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IIbibio ► ibbIbibio ibibio
233Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IIcelandic ► isIcelandic islandeză
234Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IIdo ► ioIdo ido
235Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IIgbo ► igIgbo igbo
236Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IIloko ► iloIloko iloko
237Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IInari Sami ► smnInari Sami sami inari
238Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IIndonesian ► idIndonesian indoneziană
239Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IIngush ► inhIngush ingușă
240Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IInterlingua ► iaInterlingua interlingua
241Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IInterlingue ► ieInterlingue interlingue
242Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IInuktitut ► iuInuktitut inuktitut
243Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IInupiaq ► ikInupiaq inupiak
244Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IIrish ► gaIrish irlandeză
245Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IItalian ► itItalian italiană
246Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)JJapanese ► jaJapanese japoneză
247Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)JJavanese ► jvJavanese javaneză
248Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)JJju ► kajJju jju
249Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)JJola-Fonyi ► dyoJola-Fonyi jola-fonyi
250Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)JJudeo-Arabic ► jrbJudeo-Arabic iudeo-arabă
251Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)JJudeo-Persian ► jprJudeo-Persian iudeo-persană
252Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKabardian ► kbdKabardian kabardian
253Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKabuverdianu ► keaKabuverdianu kabuverdianu
254Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKabyle ► kabKabyle kabyle
255Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKachin ► kacKachin kachin
256Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKako ► kkjKako kako
257Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKalaallisut ► klKalaallisut kalaallisut
258Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKalenjin ► klnKalenjin kalenjin
259Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKalmyk ► xalKalmyk calmucă
260Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKamba ► kamKamba kamba
261Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKanembu ► kblKanembu kanembu
262Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKannada ► knKannada kannada
263Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKanuri ► krKanuri kanuri
264Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKara-Kalpak ► kaaKara-Kalpak karakalpak
265Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKarachay-Balkar ► krcKarachay-Balkar karaceai-balkar
266Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKarelian ► krlKarelian kareliană
267Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKashmiri ► ksKashmiri cașmiră
268Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKashubian ► csbKashubian cașubiană
269Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKawi ► kawKawi kawi
270Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKazakh ► kkKazakh kazahă
271Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKhasi ► khaKhasi khasi
272Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKhmer ► kmKhmer khmeră
273Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKhotanese ► khoKhotanese khotaneză
274Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKikuyu ► kiKikuyu kikuyu
275Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKimbundu ► kmbKimbundu kimbundu
276Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKinyarwanda ► rwKinyarwanda kinyarwanda
277Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKlingon ► tlhKlingon klingoniană
278Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKom ► bkmKom kom
279Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKomi ► kvKomi komi
280Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKomi-Permyak ► koiKomi-Permyak komi-permiak
281Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKongo ► kgKongo congoleză
282Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKonkani ► kokKonkani konkani
283Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKorean ► koKorean coreeană
284Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKoro ► kfoKoro koro
285Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKosraean ► kosKosraean kosrae
286Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKoyra Chiini ► khqKoyra Chiini koyra chiini
287Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKoyraboro Senni ► sesKoyraboro Senni koyraboro Senni
288Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKpelle ► kpeKpelle kpelle
289Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKuanyama ► kjKuanyama kuanyama
290Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKumyk ► kumKumyk kumyk
291Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKurdish ► kuKurdish kurdă
292Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKurukh ► kruKurukh kurukh
293Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKutenai ► kutKutenai kutenai
294Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKwasio ► nmgKwasio kwasio
295Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKyrgyz ► kyKyrgyz kârgâză
296Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKʼicheʼ ► qucKʼicheʼ quiché
297Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLadino ► ladLadino ladino
298Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLahnda ► lahLahnda lahnda
299Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLakota ► lktLakota lakota
300Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLamba ► lamLamba lamba
301Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLangi ► lagLangi langi
302Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLao ► loLao laoțiană
303Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLatin ► laLatin latină
304Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLatvian ► lvLatvian letonă
305Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLezghian ► lezLezghian lezghian
306Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLimburgish ► liLimburgish limburgheză
307Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLingala ► lnLingala lingala
308Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLithuanian ► ltLithuanian lituaniană
309Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLojban ► jboLojban lojban
310Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLouisiana Creole ► louLouisiana Creole creolă (Louisiana)
311Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLow German ► ndsLow German germana de jos
312Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLow German ► nds_NLLow Saxon saxona de jos
313Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLower Sorbian ► dsbLower Sorbian sorabă de jos
314Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLozi ► lozLozi lozi
315Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLuba-Katanga ► luLuba-Katanga luba-katanga
316Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLuba-Lulua ► luaLuba-Lulua luba-lulua
317Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLuiseno ► luiLuiseno luiseno
318Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLule Sami ► smjLule Sami sami lule
319Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLunda ► lunLunda lunda
320Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLuo ► luoLuo luo
321Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLuxembourgish ► lbLuxembourgish luxemburgheză
322Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLuyia ► luyLuyia luyia
323Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMaba ► mdeMaba maba
324Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMacedonian ► mkMacedonian macedoneană
325Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMachame ► jmcMachame machame
326Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMadurese ► madMadurese madureză
327Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMafa ► mafMafa mafa
328Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMagahi ► magMagahi magahi
329Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMaithili ► maiMaithili maithili
330Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMakasar ► makMakasar makasar
331Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMakhuwa-Meetto ► mghMakhuwa-Meetto makhuwa-meetto
332Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMakonde ► kdeMakonde makonde
333Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMalagasy ► mgMalagasy malgașă
334Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMalay ► msMalay malaeză
335Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMalayalam ► mlMalayalam malayalam
336Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMaltese ► mtMaltese malteză
337Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MManchu ► mncManchu manciuriană
338Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMandar ► mdrMandar mandar
339Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMandingo ► manMandingo mandingo
340Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MManipuri ► mniManipuri manipuri
341Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MManx ► gvManx manx
342Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMaori ► miMaori maori
343Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMapuche ► arnMapuche mapuche
344Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMarathi ► mrMarathi marathi
345Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMari ► chmMari mari
346Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMarshallese ► mhMarshallese marshalleză
347Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMarwari ► mwrMarwari marwari
348Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMasai ► masMasai masai
349Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMazanderani ► mznMazanderani mazanderani
350Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMedumba ► byvMedumba medumba
351Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMende ► menMende mende
352Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMeru ► merMeru meru
353Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMetaʼ ► mgoMetaʼ meta’
354Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMi'kmaq ► micMi'kmaq micmac
355Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMiddle Dutch ► dumMiddle Dutch neerlandeză medie
356Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMiddle English ► enmMiddle English engleză medie
357Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMiddle French ► frmMiddle French franceză medie
358Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMiddle High German ► gmhMiddle High German germană înaltă medie
359Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMiddle Irish ► mgaMiddle Irish irlandeză medie
360Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMin Nan Chinese ► nanMin Nan Chinese chineză min nan
361Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMinangkabau ► minMinangkabau minangkabau
362Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMirandese ► mwlMirandese mirandeză
363Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMizo ► lusMizo mizo
364Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMohawk ► mohMohawk mohawk
365Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMoksha ► mdfMoksha moksha
366Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMongo ► lolMongo mongo
367Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMongolian ► mnMongolian mongolă
368Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMorisyen ► mfeMorisyen morisyen
369Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMossi ► mosMossi mossi
370Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMultiple languages ► mulMultiple languages mai multe limbi
371Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMundang ► muaMundang mundang
372Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMuscogee ► musMuscogee creek
373Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMyene ► myeMyene myene
374Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NN’Ko ► nqoN’Ko n’ko
375Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNajdi Arabic ► arsNajdi Arabic arabă najdi
376Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNama ► naqNama nama
377Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNauru ► naNauru nauru
378Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNavajo ► nvNavajo navajo
379Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNdonga ► ngNdonga ndonga
380Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNeapolitan ► napNeapolitan napolitană
381Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNepali ► neNepali nepaleză
382Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNewari ► newNewari newari
383Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNgambay ► sbaNgambay ngambay
384Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNgiemboon ► nnhNgiemboon ngiemboon
385Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNgomba ► jgoNgomba ngomba
386Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNias ► niaNias nias
387Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNigerian Pidgin ► pcmNigerian Pidgin pidgin nigerian
388Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNiuean ► niuNiuean niueană
389Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNo linguistic content ► zxxNo linguistic content fară conținut lingvistic
390Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNogai ► nogNogai nogai
391Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNorth Ndebele ► ndNorth Ndebele ndebele de nord
392Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNorthern Frisian ► frrNorthern Frisian frizonă nordică
393Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNorthern Luri ► lrcNorthern Luri luri de nord
394Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNorthern Sami ► seNorthern Sami sami de nord
395Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNorthern Sotho ► nsoNorthern Sotho sotho de nord
396Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNorwegian ► noNorwegian norvegiană
397Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNorwegian Bokmål ► nbNorwegian Bokmål norvegiană bokmål
398Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNorwegian Nynorsk ► nnNorwegian Nynorsk norvegiană nynorsk
399Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNuer ► nusNuer nuer
400Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNyamwezi ► nymNyamwezi nyamwezi
401Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNyanja ► nyNyanja nyanja
402Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNyankole ► nynNyankole nyankole
403Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNyasa Tonga ► togNyasa Tonga nyasa tonga
404Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNyoro ► nyoNyoro nyoro
405Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNzima ► nziNzima nzima
406Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOccitan ► ocOccitan occitană
407Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOdia ► orOdia odia
408Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOjibwa ► ojOjibwa ojibwa
409Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOld English ► angOld English engleză veche
410Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOld French ► froOld French franceză veche
411Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOld High German ► gohOld High German germană înaltă veche
412Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOld Irish ► sgaOld Irish irlandeză veche
413Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOld Norse ► nonOld Norse nordică veche
414Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOld Persian ► peoOld Persian persană veche
415Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOld Provençal ► proOld Provençal provensală veche
416Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOromo ► omOromo oromo
417Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOsage ► osaOsage osage
418Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOssetic ► osOssetic osetă
419Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOttoman Turkish ► otaOttoman Turkish turcă otomană
420Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPahlavi ► palPahlavi pahlavi
421Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPalauan ► pauPalauan palauană
422Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPali ► piPali pali
423Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPampanga ► pamPampanga pampanga
424Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPangasinan ► pagPangasinan pangasinan
425Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPapiamento ► papPapiamento papiamento
426Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPashto ► psPashto paștună
427Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPashto ► ps-variantPushto pushto
428Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPersian ► faPersian persană
429Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPersian ► fa_AFDari dari
430Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPhoenician ► phnPhoenician feniciană
431Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPohnpeian ► ponPohnpeian pohnpeiană
432Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPolish ► plPolish poloneză
433Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPortuguese ► ptPortuguese portugheză
434Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPortuguese ► pt_BRBrazilian Portuguese pt_BR
435Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPortuguese ► pt_PTEuropean Portuguese portugheză (Europa)
436Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPrussian ► prgPrussian prusacă
437Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPunjabi ► paPunjabi punjabi
438Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)QQuechua ► quQuechua quechua
439Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRajasthani ► rajRajasthani rajasthani
440Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRapanui ► rapRapanui rapanui
441Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRarotongan ► rarRarotongan rarotongan
442Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRomanian ► roRomanian română
443Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRomanian ► ro_MDMoldavian ro_MD
444Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRomansh ► rmRomansh romanșă
445Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRomany ► romRomany romani
446Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRombo ► rofRombo rombo
447Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRoot ► rootRoot rădăcină
448Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRundi ► rnRundi kirundi
449Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRussian ► ruRussian rusă
450Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRwa ► rwkRwa rwa
451Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSaho ► ssySaho saho
452Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSakha ► sahSakha sakha
453Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSamaritan Aramaic ► samSamaritan Aramaic aramaică samariteană
454Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSamburu ► saqSamburu samburu
455Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSamoan ► smSamoan samoană
456Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSandawe ► sadSandawe sandawe
457Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSango ► sgSango sango
458Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSangu ► sbpSangu sangu
459Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSanskrit ► saSanskrit sanscrită
460Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSantali ► satSantali santali
461Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSardinian ► scSardinian sardiniană
462Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSasak ► sasSasak sasak
463Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SScots ► scoScots scots
464Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SScottish Gaelic ► gdScottish Gaelic gaelică scoțiană
465Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSelkup ► selSelkup selkup
466Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSena ► sehSena sena
467Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSeneca ► seeSeneca seneca
468Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSerbian ► srSerbian sârbă
469Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSerbo-Croatian ► shSerbo-Croatian sârbo-croată
470Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSerer ► srrSerer serer
471Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSeselwa Creole French ► crsSeselwa Creole French creolă franceză seselwa
472Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SShambala ► ksbShambala shambala
473Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SShan ► shnShan shan
474Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SShona ► snShona shona
475Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSichuan Yi ► iiSichuan Yi yi din Sichuan
476Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSicilian ► scnSicilian siciliană
477Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSidamo ► sidSidamo sidamo
478Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSiksika ► blaSiksika siksika
479Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSindhi ► sdSindhi sindhi
480Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSinhala ► siSinhala singhaleză
481Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSkolt Sami ► smsSkolt Sami sami skolt
482Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSlave ► denSlave slave
483Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSlovak ► skSlovak slovacă
484Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSlovenian ► slSlovenian slovenă
485Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSoga ► xogSoga soga
486Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSogdien ► sogSogdien sogdien
487Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSomali ► soSomali somaleză
488Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSoninke ► snkSoninke soninke
489Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSouth Ndebele ► nrSouth Ndebele ndebele de sud
490Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSouthern Altai ► altSouthern Altai altaică meridională
491Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSouthern Kurdish ► sdhSouthern Kurdish kurdă de sud
492Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSouthern Sami ► smaSouthern Sami sami de sud
493Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSouthern Sotho ► stSouthern Sotho sesotho
494Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSpanish ► esSpanish spaniolă
495Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSpanish ► es_419Latin American Spanish es_419
496Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSpanish ► es_ESEuropean Spanish spaniolă (Europa)
497Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSpanish ► es_MXMexican Spanish es_MX
498Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSranan Tongo ► srnSranan Tongo sranan tongo
499Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SStandard Moroccan Tamazight ► zghStandard Moroccan Tamazight tamazight standard marocană
500Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSukuma ► sukSukuma sukuma
501Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSumerian ► suxSumerian sumeriană
502Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSundanese ► suSundanese sundaneză
503Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSusu ► susSusu susu
504Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSwahili ► swSwahili swahili
505Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSwahili ► sw_CDCongo Swahili swahili (R.D. Congo) swahili (R. D. Congo)
506Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSwati ► ssSwati swati
507Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSwedish ► svSwedish suedeză
508Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSwiss German ► gswSwiss German germană (Elveția)
509Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSyriac ► syrSyriac siriacă
510Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTachelhit ► shiTachelhit tachelhit
511Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTagalog ► tlTagalog tagalog
512Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTahitian ► tyTahitian tahitiană
513Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTaita ► davTaita taita
514Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTajik ► tgTajik tadjică
515Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTamashek ► tmhTamashek tamashek
516Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTamil ► taTamil tamilă
517Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTaroko ► trvTaroko taroko
518Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTasawaq ► twqTasawaq tasawaq
519Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTatar ► ttTatar tătară
520Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTelugu ► teTelugu telugu
521Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTereno ► terTereno tereno
522Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTeso ► teoTeso teso
523Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTetum ► tetTetum tetum
524Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TThai ► thThai thailandeză
525Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTibetan ► boTibetan tibetană
526Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTigre ► tigTigre tigre
527Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTigrinya ► tiTigrinya tigrină
528Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTimne ► temTimne timne
529Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTiv ► tivTiv tiv
530Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTlingit ► tliTlingit tlingit
531Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTok Pisin ► tpiTok Pisin tok pisin
532Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTokelau ► tklTokelau tokelau
533Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTongan ► toTongan tongană
534Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTsimshian ► tsiTsimshian tsimshian
535Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTsonga ► tsTsonga tsonga
536Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTswana ► tnTswana setswana
537Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTumbuka ► tumTumbuka tumbuka
538Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTurkish ► trTurkish turcă
539Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTurkmen ► tkTurkmen turkmenă
540Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTuvalu ► tvlTuvalu tuvalu
541Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTuvinian ► tyvTuvinian tuvană
542Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTwi ► twTwi twi
543Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTyap ► kcgTyap tyap
544Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)UUdmurt ► udmUdmurt udmurt
545Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)UUgaritic ► ugaUgaritic ugaritică
546Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)UUkrainian ► ukUkrainian ucraineană
547Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)UUmbundu ► umbUmbundu umbundu
548Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)UUnknown language ► undUnknown language limbă necunoscută
549Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)UUpper Sorbian ► hsbUpper Sorbian sorabă de sus
550Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)UUrdu ► urUrdu urdu
551Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)UUyghur ► ugUyghur uigură
552Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)UUzbek ► uzUzbek uzbecă
553Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)VVai ► vaiVai vai
554Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)VVenda ► veVenda venda
555Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)VVietnamese ► viVietnamese vietnameză
556Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)VVolapük ► voVolapük volapuk
557Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)VVotic ► votVotic votică
558Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)VVunjo ► vunVunjo vunjo
559Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWalloon ► waWalloon valonă
560Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWalser ► waeWalser walser
561Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWaray ► warWaray waray
562Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWarlpiri ► wbpWarlpiri warlpiri
563Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWasho ► wasWasho washo
564Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWelsh ► cyWelsh galeză
565Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWestern Balochi ► bgnWestern Balochi baluchi occidentală
566Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWestern Frisian ► fyWestern Frisian frizonă occidentală
567Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWolaytta ► walWolaytta wolaita wolaytta
568Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWolof ► woWolof wolof
569Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWu Chinese ► wuuWu Chinese chineză wu
570Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)XXhosa ► xhXhosa xhosa
571Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)XXiang Chinese ► hsnXiang Chinese chineză xiang
572Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)YYangben ► yavYangben yangben
573Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)YYao ► yaoYao yao
574Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)YYapese ► yapYapese yapeză
575Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)YYemba ► ybbYemba yemba
576Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)YYiddish ► yiYiddish idiș
577Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)YYoruba ► yoYoruba yoruba
578Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)ZZapotec ► zapZapotec zapotecă
579Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)ZZarma ► djeZarma zarma
580Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)ZZaza ► zzaZaza zaza
581Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)ZZenaga ► zenZenaga zenaga
582Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)ZZhuang ► zaZhuang zhuang
583Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)ZZulu ► zuZulu zulu
584Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)ZZuni ► zunZuni zuni
585Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseArabArabic arabă
586Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseArab-variantPerso-Arabic persano-arabă
587Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseArmnArmenian armeană
588Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseBengBangla bengaleză
589Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseBopoBopomofo bopomofo
590Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseCyrlCyrillic chirilică
591Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseDevaDevanagari devanagari
592Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseEthiEthiopic etiopiană
593Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseGeorGeorgian georgiană
594Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseGrekGreek greacă
595Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseGujrGujarati gujarati
596Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseGuruGurmukhi gurmukhi
597Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseHanbHan with Bopomofo hanb
598Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseHangHangul hangul
599Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseHaniHan han
600Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseHansSimplified simplificată
601Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseHans-stand-aloneSimplified Han han simplificată
602Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseHantTraditional tradițională
603Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseHant-stand-aloneTraditional Han han tradițională
604Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseHebrHebrew ebraică
605Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseHiraHiragana hiragana
606Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseJamoJamo jamo
607Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseJpanJapanese japoneză
608Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseKanaKatakana katakana
609Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseKhmrKhmer khmeră
610Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseKndaKannada kannada
611Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseKoreKorean coreeană
612Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseLaooLao laoțiană
613Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseLatnLatin latină
614Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseMlymMalayalam malayalam
615Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseMymrMyanmar birmană
616Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseOryaOdia oriya
617Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseSinhSinhala singaleză
618Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseTamlTamil tamilă
619Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseTeluTelugu telugu
620Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseThaaThaana thaana
621Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseThaiThai thailandeză
622Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseTibtTibetan tibetană
623Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseZinhInherited moștenită
624Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseZyyyCommon comună
625Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseAdlmAdlam Adlm
626Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseBaliBalinese balineză
627Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseBamuBamum Bamu
628Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseBatkBatak Batk
629Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseCakmChakma Cakm
630Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseCansUnified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics silabică aborigenă canadiană unificată
631Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseCham= Cham
632Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseCherCherokee Cher
633Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseGongGunjala Gondi Gong
634Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseHmnpNyiakeng Puachue Hmong Hmnp
635Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseJavaJavanese javaneză
636Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseKaliKayah Li Kali
637Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseLanaLanna Lana
638Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseLepcLepcha Lepc
639Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseLimbLimbu Limb
640Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseLisuFraser Lisu
641Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseMandMandaean Mand
642Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseMteiMeitei Mayek meitei mayek
643Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseNewa= Newa
644Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseNkooN’Ko Nkoo
645Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseOlckOl Chiki ol chiki
646Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseOsgeOsage Osge
647Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UsePlrdPollard Phonetic Plrd
648Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseRohgHanifi Rohingya Rohg
649Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseSaurSaurashtra Saur
650Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseSundSundanese Sund
651Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseSyloSyloti Nagri Sylo
652Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseSyrcSyriac siriacă
653Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseTaleTai Le Tale
654Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseTaluNew Tai Lue Talu
655Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseTavtTai Viet Tavt
656Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseTfngTifinagh berberă
657Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseVaiiVai Vaii
658Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseWchoWancho Wcho
659Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseYiiiYi Yiii
660Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricAghbCaucasian Albanian Aghb
661Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricAhom= Ahom
662Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricArmiImperial Aramaic Armi
663Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricAvstAvestan Avst
664Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricBassBassa Vah Bass
665Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricBhksBhaiksuki Bhks
666Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricBrahBrahmi Brah
667Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricBugiBuginese Bugi
668Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricBuhdBuhid Buhd
669Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricCariCarian Cari
670Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricChrsChorasmian Chrs
671Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricCoptCoptic coptă
672Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricCprtCypriot cipriotă
673Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricDiakDives Akuru Diak
674Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricDogrDogra Dogr
675Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricDsrtDeseret mormonă
676Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricDuplDuployan shorthand Dupl
677Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricEgypEgyptian hieroglyphs hieroglife egiptene
678Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricElbaElbasan Elba
679Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricElymElymaic Elym
680Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricGlagGlagolitic glagolitică
681Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricGonmMasaram Gondi Gonm
682Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricGothGothic gotică
683Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricGranGrantha Gran
684Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricHanoHanunoo Hano
685Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricHatrHatran Hatr
686Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricHluwAnatolian Hieroglyphs Hluw
687Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricHmngPahawh Hmong Hmng
688Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricHungOld Hungarian maghiară veche
689Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricItalOld Italic italică veche
690Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricKharKharoshthi Khar
691Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricKhojKhojki Khoj
692Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricKitsKhitan small script Kits
693Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricKthiKaithi Kthi
694Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricLinaLinear A lineară A
695Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricLinbLinear B lineară B
696Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricLyciLycian Lyci
697Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricLydiLydian lidiană
698Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricMahjMahajani Mahj
699Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricMakaMakasar Maka
700Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricManiManichaean Mani
701Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricMarcMarchen Marc
702Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricMedfMedefaidrin Medf
703Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricMendMende Mend
704Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricMercMeroitic Cursive Merc
705Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricMeroMeroitic Mero
706Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricModi= Modi
707Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricMongMongolian mongolă
708Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricMrooMro Mroo
709Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricMultMultani Mult
710Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricNandNandinagari Nand
711Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricNarbOld North Arabian Narb
712Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricNbatNabataean Nbat
713Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricNshuNüshu Nshu
714Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricOgamOgham Ogam
715Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricOrkhOrkhon Orkh
716Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricOsmaOsmanya Osma
717Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricPalmPalmyrene Palm
718Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricPaucPau Cin Hau Pauc
719Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricPermOld Permic Perm
720Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricPhagPhags-pa Phag
721Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricPhliInscriptional Pahlavi Phli
722Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricPhlpPsalter Pahlavi Phlp
723Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricPhnxPhoenician feniciană
724Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricPrtiInscriptional Parthian Prti
725Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricRjngRejang Rjng
726Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricRunrRunic runică
727Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricSamrSamaritan Samr
728Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricSarbOld South Arabian Sarb
729Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricSgnwSignWriting Sgnw
730Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricShawShavian Shaw
731Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricShrdSharada Shrd
732Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricSiddSiddham Sidd
733Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricSindKhudawadi Sind
734Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricSogdSogdian Sogd
735Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricSogoOld Sogdian Sogo
736Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricSoraSora Sompeng Sora
737Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricSoyoSoyombo Soyo
738Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricTagbTagbanwa Tagb
739Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricTakrTakri Takr
740Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricTangTangut Tang
741Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricTglgTagalog Tglg
742Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricTirhTirhuta Tirh
743Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricUgarUgaritic Ugar
744Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricWaraVarang Kshiti Wara
745Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricXpeoOld Persian persană veche
746Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricXsuxSumero-Akkadian Cuneiform cuneiformă sumero-akkadiană
747Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricYeziYezidi Yezi
748Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricZanbZanabazar Square Zanb
749Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherAranNastaliq nastaaliq
750Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherBraiBraille braille
751Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherCyrsOld Church Slavonic Cyrillic chirilică slavonă bisericească veche
752Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherEgydEgyptian demotic demotică egipteană
753Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherEgyhEgyptian hieratic hieratică egipteană
754Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherGeokGeorgian Khutsuri georgiană bisericească
755Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherHrktJapanese syllabaries silabică japoneză
756Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherIndsIndus indus
757Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherLatfFraktur Latin latină Fraktur
758Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherLatgGaelic Latin latină gaelică
759Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherMayaMayan hieroglyphs hieroglife maya
760Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQaagZawgyi zawgyi
761Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherSyrjWestern Syriac siriacă occidentală
762Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherSyrnEastern Syriac siriacă orientală
763Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherZmthMathematical Notation notație matematică
764Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherZsyeEmoji emoji
765Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherZsymSymbols simboluri
766Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherZxxxUnwritten nescrisă
767Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherZzzzUnknown Script scriere necunoscută
768Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsWorld001World Lume
769Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsWorld019Americas Americi
770Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsWorld002= Africa
771Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsWorld150Europe Europa
772Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsWorld142= Asia
773Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsWorld009= Oceania
774Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsWorldEUEuropean Union Uniunea Europeană
775Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsWorldEZEurozone Zona euro
776Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsWorldUNUnited Nations Națiunile Unite
777Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsWorldUN-shortUN ONU
778Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAmericas003North America America de Nord
779Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAmericas021Northern America America Septentrională
780Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAmericas013Central America America Centrală
781Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAmericas029Caribbean Caraibe
782Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAmericas005South America America de Sud
783Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAmericas419Latin America America Latină
784Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAfrica015Northern Africa Africa Septentrională
785Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAfrica011Western Africa Africa Occidentală
786Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAfrica017Middle Africa Africa Centrală
787Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAfrica014Eastern Africa Africa Orientală
788Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAfrica018Southern Africa Africa Meridională
789Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAfrica202Sub-Saharan Africa Africa Subsahariană
790Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsEurope154Northern Europe Europa Septentrională
791Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsEurope155Western Europe Europa Occidentală
792Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsEurope151Eastern Europe Europa Orientală
793Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsEurope039Southern Europe Europa Meridională
794Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAsia145Western Asia Asia Occidentală
795Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAsia143Central Asia Asia Centrală
796Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAsia030Eastern Asia Asia Orientală
797Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAsia034Southern Asia Asia Meridională
798Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAsia035Southeast Asia Asia de Sud-Est
799Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsOceania053= Australasia
800Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsOceania054Melanesia Melanezia
801Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsOceania057Micronesian Region Regiunea Micronezia
802Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsOceania061Polynesia Polinezia
803Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsOceaniaQOOutlying Oceania Oceania Periferică
804Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsUnknown RegionXAPseudo-Accents Pseudo-accente
805Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsUnknown RegionXB= Pseudo-Bidi
806Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsUnknown RegionZZUnknown Region Regiune necunoscută
807Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Northern AmericaBM= Bermuda
808Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Northern AmericaCA= Canada
809Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Northern AmericaGLGreenland Groenlanda
810Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Northern AmericaPMSt. Pierre & Miquelon Saint-Pierre și Miquelon
811Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Northern AmericaUSUnited States Statele Unite ale Americii
812Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Northern AmericaUS-shortUS S.U.A.
813Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Central AmericaBZ= Belize
814Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Central AmericaCR= Costa Rica
815Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Central AmericaGT= Guatemala
816Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Central AmericaHN= Honduras
817Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Central AmericaMXMexico Mexic
818Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Central AmericaNI= Nicaragua
819Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Central AmericaPA= Panama
820Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Central AmericaSV= El Salvador
821Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanAGAntigua & Barbuda Antigua și Barbuda
822Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanAI= Anguilla
823Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanAW= Aruba
824Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanBB= Barbados
825Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanBLSt. Barthélemy Saint-Barthélemy
826Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanBQCaribbean Netherlands Insulele Caraibe Olandeze
827Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanBS= Bahamas
828Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanCU= Cuba
829Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanCW= Curaçao
830Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanDM= Dominica
831Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanDODominican Republic Republica Dominicană
832Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanGD= Grenada
833Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanGPGuadeloupe Guadelupa
834Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanHT= Haiti
835Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanJM= Jamaica
836Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanKNSt. Kitts & Nevis Saint Kitts și Nevis
837Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanKYCayman Islands Insulele Cayman
838Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanLCSt. Lucia Sfânta Lucia
839Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanMFSt. Martin Sfântul Martin
840Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanMQMartinique Martinica
841Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanMS= Montserrat
842Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanPR= Puerto Rico
843Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanSXSint Maarten Sint-Maarten
844Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanTCTurks & Caicos Islands Insulele Turks și Caicos
845Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanTTTrinidad & Tobago Trinidad și Tobago
846Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanVCSt. Vincent & Grenadines Saint Vincent și Grenadinele
847Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanVGBritish Virgin Islands Insulele Virgine Britanice
848Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanVIU.S. Virgin Islands Insulele Virgine Americane
849Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaAR= Argentina
850Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaBO= Bolivia
851Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaBRBrazil Brazilia
852Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaBVBouvet Island Insula Bouvet
853Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaCL= Chile
854Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaCOColombia Columbia
855Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaEC= Ecuador
856Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaFKFalkland Islands Insulele Falkland
857Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaFK-variantFalkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) Insulele Falkland (Insulele Malvine)
858Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaGFFrench Guiana Guyana Franceză
859Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaGSSouth Georgia & South Sandwich Islands Georgia de Sud și Insulele Sandwich de Sud
860Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaGY= Guyana
861Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaPE= Peru
862Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaPY= Paraguay
863Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaSR= Suriname
864Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaUY= Uruguay
865Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaVE= Venezuela
866Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Northern AfricaDZ= Algeria
867Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Northern AfricaEGEgypt Egipt
868Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Northern AfricaEHWestern Sahara Sahara Occidentală
869Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Northern AfricaLYLibya Libia
870Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Northern AfricaMAMorocco Maroc
871Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Northern AfricaSD= Sudan
872Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Northern AfricaTN= Tunisia
873Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Northern AfricaEACeuta & Melilla Ceuta și Melilla
874Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Northern AfricaICCanary Islands Insulele Canare
875Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaBF= Burkina Faso
876Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaBJ= Benin
877Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaCI= Côte d’Ivoire
878Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaCI-variantIvory Coast Coasta de Fildeș
879Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaCVCape Verde Capul Verde
880Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaGH= Ghana
881Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaGM= Gambia
882Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaGNGuinea Guineea
883Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaGWGuinea-Bissau Guineea-Bissau
884Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaLR= Liberia
885Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaML= Mali
886Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaMR= Mauritania
887Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaNE= Niger
888Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaNG= Nigeria
889Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaSHSt. Helena Sfânta Elena
890Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaSL= Sierra Leone
891Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaSN= Senegal
892Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaTG= Togo
893Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Middle AfricaAO= Angola
894Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Middle AfricaCD= Congo - Kinshasa
895Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Middle AfricaCD-variantCongo (DRC) Congo (Republica Democrată Congo)
896Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Middle AfricaCFCentral African Republic Republica Centrafricană
897Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Middle AfricaCG= Congo - Brazzaville
898Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Middle AfricaCG-variantCongo (Republic) Congo (Republica)
899Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Middle AfricaCMCameroon Camerun
900Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Middle AfricaGA= Gabon
901Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Middle AfricaGQEquatorial Guinea Guineea Ecuatorială
902Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Middle AfricaSTSão Tomé & Príncipe São Tomé și Príncipe
903Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Middle AfricaTDChad Ciad
904Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaBI= Burundi
905Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaDJ= Djibouti
906Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaEREritrea Eritreea
907Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaETEthiopia Etiopia
908Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaIOBritish Indian Ocean Territory Teritoriul Britanic din Oceanul Indian
909Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaKE= Kenya
910Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaKMComoros Comore
911Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaMG= Madagascar
912Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaMU= Mauritius
913Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaMW= Malawi
914Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaMZMozambique Mozambic
915Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaRE= Réunion
916Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaRW= Rwanda
917Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaSC= Seychelles
918Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaSO= Somalia
919Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaSSSouth Sudan Sudanul de Sud
920Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaTFFrench Southern Territories Teritoriile Australe și Antarctice Franceze
921Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaTZ= Tanzania
922Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaUG= Uganda
923Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaYT= Mayotte
924Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaZM= Zambia
925Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaZW= Zimbabwe
926Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Southern AfricaBW= Botswana
927Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Southern AfricaLS= Lesotho
928Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Southern AfricaNA= Namibia
929Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Southern AfricaSZEswatini eSwatini
930Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Southern AfricaSZ-variant= Swaziland
931Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Southern AfricaZASouth Africa Africa de Sud
932Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeGG= Guernsey
933Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeIMIsle of Man Insula Man
934Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeJE= Jersey
935Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeAXÅland Islands Insulele Åland
936Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeDKDenmark Danemarca
937Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeEE= Estonia
938Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeFIFinland Finlanda
939Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeFOFaroe Islands Insulele Feroe
940Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeGBUnited Kingdom Regatul Unit
941Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeGB-shortUK Regatul Unit
942Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern Europe-SubdivisionsgbengEngland Anglia
943Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern Europe-SubdivisionsgbsctScotland Scoția
944Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern Europe-SubdivisionsgbwlsWales Țara Galilor
945Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeIEIreland Irlanda
946Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeISIceland Islanda
947Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeLTLithuania Lituania
948Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeLVLatvia Letonia
949Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeNONorway Norvegia
950Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeSESweden Suedia
951Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeSJSvalbard & Jan Mayen Svalbard și Jan Mayen
952Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Western EuropeAT= Austria
953Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Western EuropeBEBelgium Belgia
954Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Western EuropeCHSwitzerland Elveția
955Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Western EuropeDEGermany Germania
956Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Western EuropeFRFrance Franța
957Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Western EuropeLI= Liechtenstein
958Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Western EuropeLULuxembourg Luxemburg
959Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Western EuropeMC= Monaco
960Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Western EuropeNLNetherlands Țările de Jos
961Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Eastern EuropeBG= Bulgaria
962Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Eastern EuropeBY= Belarus
963Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Eastern EuropeCZCzechia Cehia
964Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Eastern EuropeCZ-variantCzech Republic Republica Cehă
965Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Eastern EuropeHUHungary Ungaria
966Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Eastern EuropeMDMoldova Republica Moldova
967Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Eastern EuropePLPoland Polonia
968Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Eastern EuropeRORomania România
969Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Eastern EuropeRURussia Rusia
970Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Eastern EuropeSKSlovakia Slovacia
971Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Eastern EuropeUAUkraine Ucraina
972Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeAD= Andorra
973Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeAL= Albania
974Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeBABosnia & Herzegovina Bosnia și Herțegovina
975Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeESSpain Spania
976Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeGI= Gibraltar
977Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeGRGreece Grecia
978Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeHRCroatia Croația
979Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeITItaly Italia
980Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeMEMontenegro Muntenegru
981Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeMKNorth Macedonia Macedonia de Nord
982Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeMT= Malta
983Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeRS= Serbia
984Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropePTPortugal Portugalia
985Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeSI= Slovenia
986Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeSM= San Marino
987Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeVAVatican City Statul Cetății Vaticanului
988Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeXK= Kosovo
989Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaAEUnited Arab Emirates Emiratele Arabe Unite
990Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaAM= Armenia
991Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaAZAzerbaijan Azerbaidjan
992Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaBH= Bahrain
993Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaCYCyprus Cipru
994Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaGE= Georgia
995Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaIL= Israel
996Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaIQIraq Irak
997Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaJOJordan Iordania
998Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaKWKuwait Kuweit
999Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaLBLebanon Liban
1000Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaOM= Oman
1001Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaPSPalestinian Territories Teritoriile Palestiniene
1002Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaPS-shortPalestine Palestina
1003Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaQA= Qatar
1004Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaSASaudi Arabia Arabia Saudită
1005Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaSYSyria Siria
1006Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaTRTurkey Turcia
1007Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaYE= Yemen
1008Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Central AsiaTM= Turkmenistan
1009Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Central AsiaTJTajikistan Tadjikistan
1010Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Central AsiaKGKyrgyzstan Kârgâzstan
1011Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Central AsiaKZKazakhstan Kazahstan
1012Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Central AsiaUZ= Uzbekistan
1013Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Eastern AsiaCN= China
1014Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Eastern AsiaHKHong Kong SAR China R.A.S. Hong Kong a Chinei
1015Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Eastern AsiaHK-short= Hong Kong
1016Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Eastern AsiaJPJapan Japonia
1017Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Eastern AsiaKPNorth Korea Coreea de Nord
1018Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Eastern AsiaKRSouth Korea Coreea de Sud
1019Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Eastern AsiaMN= Mongolia
1020Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Eastern AsiaMOMacao SAR China R.A.S. Macao, China
1021Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Eastern AsiaMO-short= Macao
1022Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Eastern AsiaTW= Taiwan
1023Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southern AsiaAFAfghanistan Afganistan
1024Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southern AsiaBD= Bangladesh
1025Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southern AsiaBT= Bhutan
1026Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southern AsiaIN= India
1027Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southern AsiaIR= Iran
1028Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southern AsiaLK= Sri Lanka
1029Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southern AsiaMVMaldives Maldive
1030Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southern AsiaNP= Nepal
1031Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southern AsiaPK= Pakistan
1032Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southeast AsiaBN= Brunei
1033Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southeast AsiaIDIndonesia Indonezia
1034Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southeast AsiaKHCambodia Cambodgia
1035Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southeast AsiaLA= Laos
1036Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southeast AsiaMMMyanmar (Burma) Myanmar (Birmania) Myanmar
1037Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southeast AsiaMY= Malaysia
1038Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southeast AsiaPHPhilippines Filipine
1039Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southeast AsiaSG= Singapore
1040Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southeast AsiaTHThailand Thailanda
1041Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southeast AsiaTL= Timor-Leste
1042Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southeast AsiaTL-variantEast Timor Timorul de Est
1043Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southeast AsiaVN= Vietnam
1044Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)AustralasiaAU= Australia
1045Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)AustralasiaCCCocos (Keeling) Islands Insulele Cocos (Keeling)
1046Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)AustralasiaCXChristmas Island Insula Christmas
1047Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)AustralasiaHMHeard & McDonald Islands Insula Heard și Insulele McDonald
1048Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)AustralasiaNFNorfolk Island Insula Norfolk
1049Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)AustralasiaNZNew Zealand Noua Zeelandă
1050Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)MelanesiaFJ= Fiji
1051Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)MelanesiaNCNew Caledonia Noua Caledonie
1052Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)MelanesiaPGPapua New Guinea Papua-Noua Guinee
1053Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)MelanesiaSBSolomon Islands Insulele Solomon
1054Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)MelanesiaVU= Vanuatu
1055Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Micronesian RegionFMMicronesia Micronezia
1056Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Micronesian RegionGU= Guam
1057Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Micronesian RegionKI= Kiribati
1058Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Micronesian RegionMHMarshall Islands Insulele Marshall
1059Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Micronesian RegionMPNorthern Mariana Islands Insulele Mariane de Nord
1060Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Micronesian RegionNR= Nauru
1061Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Micronesian RegionPW= Palau
1062Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Micronesian RegionUMU.S. Outlying Islands Insulele Îndepărtate ale S.U.A.
1063Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)PolynesiaASAmerican Samoa Samoa Americană
1064Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)PolynesiaCKCook Islands Insulele Cook
1065Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)PolynesiaNU= Niue
1066Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)PolynesiaPFFrench Polynesia Polinezia Franceză
1067Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)PolynesiaPNPitcairn Islands Insulele Pitcairn
1068Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)PolynesiaTK= Tokelau
1069Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)PolynesiaTO= Tonga
1070Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)PolynesiaTV= Tuvalu
1071Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)PolynesiaWFWallis & Futuna Wallis și Futuna
1072Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)PolynesiaWS= Samoa
1073Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Outlying OceaniaAQ= Antarctica
1074Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Outlying OceaniaACAscension Island Insula Ascension
1075Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Outlying OceaniaCPClipperton Island Insula Clipperton
1076Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Outlying OceaniaDG= Diego Garcia
1077Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Outlying OceaniaTA= Tristan da Cunha
1078Locale Display NamesLocale Variantsnull1606NICTLate Middle French to 1606 franceză medievală târzie până la 1606
1079Locale Display NamesLocale Variantsnull1694ACADEarly Modern French franceză modernă veche
1080Locale Display NamesLocale Variantsnull1901Traditional German orthography ortografie germană tradițională
1081Locale Display NamesLocale Variantsnull1959ACADAcademic belarusă academică
1082Locale Display NamesLocale Variantsnull1994Standardized Resian orthography ortografie resiană standardizată
1083Locale Display NamesLocale Variantsnull1996German orthography of 1996 ortografie germană de la 1996
1084Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullABL1943Orthographic formulation of 1943 ABL1943
1085Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullAKUAPEM= AKUAPEM
1086Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullALALC97ALA-LC Romanization, 1997 edition ALALC97
1087Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullALUKUAluku dialect ALUKU
1088Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullAO1990Portuguese Language Orthographic Agreement of 1990 AO1990
1089Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullARANES= ARANES
1090Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullAREVELAEastern Armenian armeană orientală
1091Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullAREVMDAWestern Armenian armeană occidentală
1092Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullASANTE= ASANTE
1093Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullAUVERN= AUVERN
1094Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBAKU1926Unified Turkic Latin Alphabet alfabet latin altaic unificat
1095Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBALANKABalanka dialect of Anii BALANKA
1096Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBARLABarlavento dialect group of Kabuverdianu BARLA
1097Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBASICENG= BASICENG
1098Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBAUDDHA= BAUDDHA
1099Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBISCAYAN= BISCAYAN
1100Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBISKESan Giorgio/Bila dialect dialect San Giorgio/Bila
1101Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBOHORICBohorič alphabet BOHORIC
1102Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBOONTBoontling boontling
1103Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBORNHOLM= BORNHOLM
1104Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullCISAUP= CISAUP
1105Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullCOLB1945Portuguese-Brazilian Orthographic Convention of 1945 COLB1945
1106Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullCORNU= CORNU
1107Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullCREISS= CREISS
1108Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullDAJNKODajnko alphabet DAJNKO
1109Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullEKAVSKSerbian with Ekavian pronunciation EKAVSK
1110Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullEMODENGEarly Modern English EMODENG
1111Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullFONIPAIPA Phonetics alfabet fonetic internațional
1112Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullFONKIRSH= FONKIRSH
1113Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullFONNAPA= FONNAPA
1114Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullFONUPAUPA Phonetics alfabet fonetic uralic
1115Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullFONXSAMP= FONXSAMP
1116Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullGASCON= GASCON
1117Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullGRCLASS= GRCLASS
1118Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullGRITAL= GRITAL
1119Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullGRMISTR= GRMISTR
1120Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullHEPBURNHepburn romanization HEPBURN
1121Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullHOGNORSK= HOGNORSK
1122Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullHSISTEMO= HSISTEMO
1123Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullIJEKAVSKSerbian with Ijekavian pronunciation IJEKAVSK
1124Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullITIHASA= ITIHASA
1125Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullIVANCHOV= IVANCHOV
1126Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullJAUER= JAUER
1127Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullJYUTPING= JYUTPING
1128Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullKKCORCommon Orthography ortografie comuna cornish
1129Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullKOCIEWIE= KOCIEWIE
1130Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullKSCORStandard Orthography KSCOR
1131Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullLAUKIKA= LAUKIKA
1132Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullLEMOSIN= LEMOSIN
1133Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullLENGADOC= LENGADOC
1134Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullLIPAWThe Lipovaz dialect of Resian dialect lipovaz din resiană
1135Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullLUNA1918= LUNA1918
1136Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullMETELKOMetelko alphabet METELKO
1137Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullMONOTONMonotonic monotonică
1138Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullNDYUKANdyuka dialect NDYUKA
1139Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullNEDISNatisone dialect dialect Natisone
1140Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullNEWFOUND= NEWFOUND
1141Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullNICARD= NICARD
1142Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullNJIVAGniva/Njiva dialect dialect Gniva/Njiva
1143Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullNULIKModern Volapük NULIK
1144Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullOSOJSOseacco/Osojane dialect dialect Oseacco/Osojane
1145Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullOXENDICTOxford English Dictionary spelling OXENDICT
1146Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPAHAWH2= PAHAWH2
1147Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPAHAWH3= PAHAWH3
1148Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPAHAWH4= PAHAWH4
1149Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPAMAKAPamaka dialect PAMAKA
1150Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPETR1708= PETR1708
1151Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPINYINPinyin Romanization pinyin
1152Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPOLYTONPolytonic politonică
1153Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPOSIXComputer informantică
1154Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPROVENC= PROVENC
1155Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPUTER= PUTER
1156Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullREVISEDRevised Orthography ortografie revizuită
1157Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullRIGIKClassic Volapük RIGIK
1158Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullROZAJResian dialect resian
1159Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullRUMGR= RUMGR
1160Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSAAHOSaho dialect saho
1161Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSCOTLANDScottish Standard English engleză standard scoțiană
1162Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSCOUSEScouse dialect scouse
1163Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSIMPLE= SIMPLE
1164Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSOLBAStolvizza/Solbica dialect dialet Stolvizza/Solbica
1165Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSOTAVSotavento dialect group of Kabuverdianu SOTAV
1166Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSPANGLIS= SPANGLIS
1167Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSURMIRAN= SURMIRAN
1168Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSURSILV= SURSILV
1169Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSUTSILV= SUTSILV
1170Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullTARASKTaraskievica orthography ortografie taraskievica
1171Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullUCCORUnified Orthography ortografie unificată cornish
1172Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullUCRCORUnified Revised Orthography ortografie revizuită unificată cornish
1173Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullULSTER= ULSTER
1174Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullUNIFONUnifon phonetic alphabet UNIFON
1175Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullVAIDIKA= VAIDIKA
1176Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullVALENCIAValencian valenciană
1177Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullVALLADER= VALLADER
1178Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullVIVARAUP= VIVARAUP
1179Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullWADEGILEWade-Giles Romanization Wade-Giles
1180Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullXSISTEMO= XSISTEMO
1181Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendarCalendar calendar
1182Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-buddhistBuddhist Calendar calendar budist
1183Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-chineseChinese Calendar calendar chinezesc
1184Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-copticCoptic Calendar calendar copt
1185Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-dangiDangi Calendar calendar dangi
1186Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-ethiopicEthiopic Calendar calendar etiopian
1187Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-ethiopic-amete-alemEthiopic Amete Alem Calendar Calendarul etiopian amete alem
1188Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-gregorianGregorian Calendar calendar gregorian
1189Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-hebrewHebrew Calendar calendar ebraic
1190Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-indianIndian National Calendar calendar național indian
1191Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-islamicIslamic Calendar calendar islamic
1192Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-islamic-civilIslamic Calendar (tabular, civil epoch) calendar islamic civil
1193Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-islamic-rgsaIslamic Calendar (Saudi Arabia, sighting) islamic-rgsa
1194Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-islamic-tblaIslamic Calendar (tabular, astronomical epoch) islamic-tbla
1195Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-islamic-umalquraIslamic Calendar (Umm al-Qura) calendar islamic (Umm al-Qura)
1196Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-iso8601ISO-8601 Calendar calendar ISO-8601
1197Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-japaneseJapanese Calendar calendar japonez
1198Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-persianPersian Calendar calendar persan
1199Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-rocMinguo Calendar calendarul Republicii Chineze
1200Locale Display NamesKeyscolAlternatecolAlternateIgnore Symbols Sorting sortare cu ignorarea simbolurilo
1201Locale Display NamesKeyscolAlternatecolAlternate-non-ignorableSort Symbols Ordonați simbolurile
1202Locale Display NamesKeyscolAlternatecolAlternate-shiftedSort Ignoring Symbols Ordonați ignorând simbolurile
1203Locale Display NamesKeyscolBackwardscolBackwardsReversed Accent Sorting sortare inversă după accent
1204Locale Display NamesKeyscolBackwardscolBackwards-noSort Accents Normally Ordonați accentele în mod normal
1205Locale Display NamesKeyscolBackwardscolBackwards-yesSort Accents Reversed Ordonați după accente în ordine inversă
1206Locale Display NamesKeyscolCaseFirstcolCaseFirstUppercase/Lowercase Ordering sortare după majuscule/minuscule
1207Locale Display NamesKeyscolCaseFirstcolCaseFirst-lowerSort Lowercase First Ordonați întâi minusculele
1208Locale Display NamesKeyscolCaseFirstcolCaseFirst-noSort Normal Case Order Ordonați după dimensiunea normală a literei
1209Locale Display NamesKeyscolCaseFirstcolCaseFirst-upperSort Uppercase First Ordonați mai întâi majusculele
1210Locale Display NamesKeyscolCaseLevelcolCaseLevelCase Sensitive Sorting sortare care ține seama de majuscule/minuscule
1211Locale Display NamesKeyscolCaseLevelcolCaseLevel-noSort Case Insensitive Ordonați neținând seama de diferența dintre majuscule/minuscule
1212Locale Display NamesKeyscolCaseLevelcolCaseLevel-yesSort Case Sensitive Ordonați ținând seama de diferența dintre majuscule/minuscule
1213Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollationSort Order ordine de sortare
1214Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-big5hanTraditional Chinese Sort Order - Big5 sortare pentru chineza tradițională - Big5
1215Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-compatPrevious Sort Order, for compatibility ordine de sortare anterioară, pentru compatibilitate
1216Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-dictionaryDictionary Sort Order Ordine de sortare a dicționarului
1217Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-ducetDefault Unicode Sort Order ordine de sortare Unicode implicită
1218Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-emojiEmoji Sort Order emoji
1219Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-eorEuropean Ordering Rules regulile europene de sortare
1220Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-gb2312hanSimplified Chinese Sort Order - GB2312 sortare pentru chineza simplificată - GB2312
1221Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-phonebookPhonebook Sort Order sortare după cartea de telefon
1222Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-phoneticPhonetic Sort Order Tip de ordonare fonetică
1223Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-pinyinPinyin Sort Order sortare pinyin
1224Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-reformedReformed Sort Order Ordine de sortare reformată
1225Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-searchGeneral-Purpose Search căutare cu scop general
1226Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-searchjlSearch By Hangul Initial Consonant Căutați în funcție de consoana inițială hangul
1227Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-standardStandard Sort Order ordine de sortare standard
1228Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-strokeStroke Sort Order ordine de sortare după trasare
1229Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-traditionalTraditional Sort Order sortare tradițională
1230Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-unihanRadical-Stroke Sort Order Ordine de sortare a liniilor ideogramelor
1231Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-zhuyinZhuyin Sort Order zhuyin
1232Locale Display NamesKeyscolNormalizationcolNormalizationNormalized Sorting sortare normalizată
1233Locale Display NamesKeyscolNormalizationcolNormalization-noSort Without Normalization Ordonați fără normalizare
1234Locale Display NamesKeyscolNormalizationcolNormalization-yesSort Unicode Normalized Ordonați caracterele unicode normalizat
1235Locale Display NamesKeyscolNumericcolNumericNumeric Sorting sortare numerică
1236Locale Display NamesKeyscolNumericcolNumeric-noSort Digits Individually Ordonați cifrele individual
1237Locale Display NamesKeyscolNumericcolNumeric-yesSort Digits Numerically Ordonați cifrele în ordine numerică
1238Locale Display NamesKeyscolStrengthcolStrengthSorting Strength puterea sortării
1239Locale Display NamesKeyscolStrengthcolStrength-identicalSort All Ordonați-le pe toate
1240Locale Display NamesKeyscolStrengthcolStrength-primarySort Base Letters Only Ordonați numai literele de bază
1241Locale Display NamesKeyscolStrengthcolStrength-quaternarySort Accents/Case/Width/Kana Ordonați după accente/dimensiunea literei/lățime/kana
1242Locale Display NamesKeyscolStrengthcolStrength-secondarySort Accents Ordonați după accent
1243Locale Display NamesKeyscolStrengthcolStrength-tertiarySort Accents/Case/Width Ordonați după accente/dimensiunea literei/lățime
1244Locale Display NamesKeyscurrencycurrencyCurrency monedă
1245Locale Display NamesKeysCurrency FormatcfCurrency Format Format monedă
1246Locale Display NamesKeysCurrency Formatcf-accountAccounting Currency Format Format monedă contabilitate
1247Locale Display NamesKeysCurrency Formatcf-standardStandard Currency Format Format monedă standard
1248Locale Display NamesKeysd0d0-fwidthTo Fullwidth Cu lățime întreagă
1249Locale Display NamesKeysd0d0-hwidthTo Halfwidth Cu jumătate de lățime
1250Locale Display NamesKeysd0d0-npinyinTo Pinyin With Numeric Tones Numeric
1251Locale Display NamesKeysHour CyclehcHour Cycle (12 vs 24) ciclu orar (12 sau 24)
1252Locale Display NamesKeysHour Cyclehc-h1112 Hour System (0–11) sistem cu 12 ore (0–11)
1253Locale Display NamesKeysHour Cyclehc-h1212 Hour System (1–12) sistem cu 12 ore (1–12)
1254Locale Display NamesKeysHour Cyclehc-h2324 Hour System (0–23) sistem cu 24 de ore (0–23)
1255Locale Display NamesKeysHour Cyclehc-h2424 Hour System (1–24) sistem cu 24 de ore (1–24)
1256Locale Display NamesKeysLine BreaklbLine Break Style stil de întrerupere a liniei
1257Locale Display NamesKeysLine Breaklb-looseLoose Line Break Style stil liber de întrerupere a liniei
1258Locale Display NamesKeysLine Breaklb-normalNormal Line Break Style stil normal de întrerupere a liniei
1259Locale Display NamesKeysLine Breaklb-strictStrict Line Break Style stil strict de întrerupere a liniei
1260Locale Display NamesKeysm0m0-bgnUS BGN Transliteration transliterare BGN SUA
1261Locale Display NamesKeysm0m0-ungegnUN GEGN Transliteration transliterare GEGN ONU
1262Locale Display NamesKeysMeasurement SystemmsMeasurement System sistem de unități de măsură
1263Locale Display NamesKeysMeasurement Systemms-metricMetric System sistemul metric
1264Locale Display NamesKeysMeasurement Systemms-uksystemImperial Measurement System sistemul imperial de unități de măsură
1265Locale Display NamesKeysMeasurement Systemms-ussystemUS Measurement System sistemul american de unități de măsură
1266Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbersNumbers numere
1267Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-ahomAhom Digits ahom
1268Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-arabArabic-Indic Digits cifre indo-arabe
1269Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-arabextExtended Arabic-Indic Digits cifre indo-arabe extinse
1270Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-armnArmenian Numerals numerale armenești
1271Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-armnlowArmenian Lowercase Numerals numerale armenești cu minuscule
1272Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-baliBalinese Digits bali
1273Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-bengBangla Digits cifre bengaleze
1274Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-brahBrahmi Digits brah
1275Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-cakmChakma Digits cakm
1276Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-chamCham Digits cham
1277Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-cyrlCyrillic Numerals cyrl
1278Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-devaDevanagari Digits cifre devanagari
1279Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-diakDives Akuru Digits diak
1280Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-ethiEthiopic Numerals numerale etiopiene
1281Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-financeFinancial Numerals Sistemul numeric financiar
1282Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-fullwideFull-Width Digits cifre cu lățimea întreagă
1283Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-georGeorgian Numerals numerale georgiene
1284Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-gongGunjala Gondi digits gong
1285Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-gonmMasaram Gondi digits gonm
1286Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-grekGreek Numerals numerale grecești
1287Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-greklowGreek Lowercase Numerals numerale grecești cu minuscule
1288Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-gujrGujarati Digits cifre gujarati
1289Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-guruGurmukhi Digits cifre gurmukhi
1290Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-hanidecChinese Decimal Numerals numerale zecimale chinezești
1291Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-hansSimplified Chinese Numerals numerale chinezești simplificate
1292Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-hansfinSimplified Chinese Financial Numerals numerale financiare chinezești simplificate
1293Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-hantTraditional Chinese Numerals numerale chinezești tradiționale
1294Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-hantfinTraditional Chinese Financial Numerals numerale financiare chinezești tradiționale
1295Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-hebrHebrew Numerals numerale ebraice
1296Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-hmngPahawh Hmong Digits hmng
1297Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-hmnpNyiakeng Puachue Hmong Digits hmnp
1298Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-javaJavanese Digits java
1299Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-jpanJapanese Numerals numerale japoneze
1300Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-jpanfinJapanese Financial Numerals numerale financiare japoneze
1301Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-kaliKayah Li Digits kali
1302Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-khmrKhmer Digits cifre khmere
1303Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-kndaKannada Digits cifre kannada
1304Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-lanaTai Tham Hora Digits lana
1305Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-lanathamTai Tham Tham Digits lanatham
1306Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-laooLao Digits cifre laoțiene
1307Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-latnWestern Digits cifre occidentale
1308Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-lepcLepcha Digits lepc
1309Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-limbLimbu Digits limb
1310Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mathboldMathematical Bold Digits mathbold
1311Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mathdblMathematical Double-Struck Digits mathdbl
1312Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mathmonoMathematical Monospace Digits mathmono
1313Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mathsanbMathematical Sans-Serif Bold Digits mathsanb
1314Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mathsansMathematical Sans-Serif Digits mathsans
1315Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mlymMalayalam Digits cifre malayalam
1316Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-modiModi Digits modi
1317Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mongMongolian Digits Cifre mongole
1318Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mrooMro Digits mroo
1319Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mteiMeetei Mayek Digits mtei
1320Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mymrMyanmar Digits cifre birmaneze
1321Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mymrshanMyanmar Shan Digits mymrshan
1322Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mymrtlngMyanmar Tai Laing Digits mymrtlng
1323Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-nativeNative Digits Cifre native
1324Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-nkooN’Ko Digits nkoo
1325Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-olckOl Chiki Digits olck
1326Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-oryaOdia Digits cifre oriya
1327Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-osmaOsmanya Digits osma
1328Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-rohgHanifi Rohingya digits rohg
1329Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-romanRoman Numerals numerale romane
1330Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-romanlowRoman Lowercase Numerals numerale romane cu minuscule
1331Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-saurSaurashtra Digits saur
1332Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-shrdSharada Digits shrd
1333Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-sindKhudawadi Digits sind
1334Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-sinhSinhala Lith Digits sinh
1335Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-soraSora Sompeng Digits sora
1336Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-sundSundanese Digits sund
1337Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-takrTakri Digits takr
1338Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-taluNew Tai Lue Digits talu
1339Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-tamlTraditional Tamil Numerals numerale tradiționale tamile
1340Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-tamldecTamil Digits cifre tamile
1341Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-teluTelugu Digits cifre telugu
1342Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-thaiThai Digits cifre thailandeze
1343Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-tibtTibetan Digits cifre tibetane
1344Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-tirhTirhuta Digits tirh
1345Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-traditionalTraditional Numerals Numere tradiționale
1346Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-vaiiVai Digits Cifre Vai
1347Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-waraWarang Citi Digits wara
1348Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-wchoWancho Digits wcho
1349Locale Display NamesKeystimezonetimezoneTime Zone fus orar
1350Locale Display NamesKeysvavaLocale Variant variantă locală
1351Locale Display NamesKeysxxPrivate-Use utilizare privată
1352Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldseraera eră
1353Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsera-shortera eră
1354Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsera-narrowera eră
1355Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsyearyear an
1356Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsyear-shortyr. an
1357Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsyear-narrowyr. an
1358Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsquarterquarter trimestru
1359Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsquarter-shortqtr. trim.
1360Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsquarter-narrowqtr. trim.
1361Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsmonthmonth lună
1362Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsmonth-shortmo. lună
1363Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsmonth-narrowmo. lună
1364Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsweekweek săptămână
1365Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsweek-shortwk. săpt.
1366Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsweek-narrowwk. săpt.
1367Date & TimeFieldsDate FieldsweekOfMonthweek of month săptămâna din lună
1368Date & TimeFieldsDate FieldsweekOfMonth-shortwk. of mo. săpt. din lună
1369Date & TimeFieldsDate FieldsweekOfMonth-narrowwk. of mo. săpt. din lună
1370Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsdayday zi
1371Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsday-shortday zi
1372Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsday-narrowday zi
1373Date & TimeFieldsDate FieldsdayOfYearday of year ziua din an
1374Date & TimeFieldsDate FieldsdayOfYear-shortday of yr. ziua din an
1375Date & TimeFieldsDate FieldsdayOfYear-narrowday of yr. ziua din an
1376Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsweekdayday of the week ziua din săptămână
1377Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsweekday-shortday of wk. ziua din săpt.
1378Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsweekday-narrowday of wk. ziua din săpt.
1379Date & TimeFieldsDate FieldsweekdayOfMonthweekday of the month ziua săptămânii din lună
1380Date & TimeFieldsDate FieldsweekdayOfMonth-shortwkday. of mo. ziua săpt. din lună
1381Date & TimeFieldsDate FieldsweekdayOfMonth-narrowwkday. of mo. ziua săpt. din lună
1382Date & TimeFieldsDate FieldsdayperiodAM/PM a.m/p.m.
1383Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsdayperiod-shortAM/PM a.m/p.m.
1384Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsdayperiod-narrowAM/PM a.m/p.m.
1385Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldszonetime zone fus orar
1386Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldszone-shortzone fus
1387Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldszone-narrowzone fus
1388Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldshourhour oră
1389Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldshour-shorthr. h
1390Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldshour-narrowhr. h
1391Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsminuteminute minut
1392Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsminute-short= min.
1393Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsminute-narrowmin. m
1394Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldssecondsecond secundă
1395Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldssecond-short= sec.
1396Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldssecond-narrowsec. s
1397Date & TimeFieldsRelative Year-1last year anul trecut
1398Date & TimeFieldsRelative Year0this year anul acesta
1399Date & TimeFieldsRelative Year1next year anul viitor
1400Date & TimeFieldsRelative Yearfuture-onein {0} year peste {0} an
1401Date & TimeFieldsRelative Yearfuture-fewin {0} years peste {0} ani
1402Date & TimeFieldsRelative Yearfuture-otherin {0} years peste {0} de ani
1403Date & TimeFieldsRelative Yearpast-one{0} year ago acum {0} an
1404Date & TimeFieldsRelative Yearpast-few{0} years ago acum {0} ani
1405Date & TimeFieldsRelative Yearpast-other{0} years ago acum {0} de ani
1406Date & TimeFieldsRelative Year Short-1last yr. anul trecut
1407Date & TimeFieldsRelative Year Short0this yr. anul acesta
1408Date & TimeFieldsRelative Year Short1next yr. anul viitor
1409Date & TimeFieldsRelative Year Shortfuture-onein {0} yr. peste {0} an
1410Date & TimeFieldsRelative Year Shortfuture-fewin {0} years peste {0} ani
1411Date & TimeFieldsRelative Year Shortfuture-otherin {0} yr. peste {0} de ani
1412Date & TimeFieldsRelative Year Shortpast-one{0} yr. ago acum {0} an
1413Date & TimeFieldsRelative Year Shortpast-few{0} years ago acum {0} ani
1414Date & TimeFieldsRelative Year Shortpast-other{0} yr. ago acum {0} de ani
1415Date & TimeFieldsRelative Year Narrow-1last yr. anul trecut
1416Date & TimeFieldsRelative Year Narrow0this yr. anul acesta
1417Date & TimeFieldsRelative Year Narrow1next yr. anul viitor
1418Date & TimeFieldsRelative Year Narrowfuture-onein {0} yr. +{0} an
1419Date & TimeFieldsRelative Year Narrowfuture-fewin {0} years +{0} ani
1420Date & TimeFieldsRelative Year Narrowfuture-otherin {0} yr. +{0} ani
1421Date & TimeFieldsRelative Year Narrowpast-one{0} yr. ago -{0} an
1422Date & TimeFieldsRelative Year Narrowpast-few{0} years ago -{0} ani
1423Date & TimeFieldsRelative Year Narrowpast-other{0} yr. ago -{0} ani
1424Date & TimeFieldsRelative Quarter-1last quarter trimestrul trecut
1425Date & TimeFieldsRelative Quarter0this quarter trimestrul acesta
1426Date & TimeFieldsRelative Quarter1next quarter trimestrul viitor
1427Date & TimeFieldsRelative Quarterfuture-onein {0} quarter peste {0} trimestru
1428Date & TimeFieldsRelative Quarterfuture-fewin {0} quarters peste {0} trimestre
1429Date & TimeFieldsRelative Quarterfuture-otherin {0} quarters peste {0} de trimestre
1430Date & TimeFieldsRelative Quarterpast-one{0} quarter ago acum {0} trimestru
1431Date & TimeFieldsRelative Quarterpast-few{0} quarters ago acum {0} trimestre
1432Date & TimeFieldsRelative Quarterpast-other{0} quarters ago acum {0} de trimestre
1433Date & TimeFieldsRelative Quarter Short-1last qtr. trim. trecut
1434Date & TimeFieldsRelative Quarter Short0this qtr. trim. acesta
1435Date & TimeFieldsRelative Quarter Short1next qtr. trim. viitor
1436Date & TimeFieldsRelative Quarter Shortfuture-onein {0} qtr. peste {0} trim.
1437Date & TimeFieldsRelative Quarter Shortfuture-fewin {0} quarters peste {0} trim.
1438Date & TimeFieldsRelative Quarter Shortfuture-otherin {0} qtrs. peste {0} trim.
1439Date & TimeFieldsRelative Quarter Shortpast-one{0} qtr. ago acum {0} trim.
1440Date & TimeFieldsRelative Quarter Shortpast-few{0} quarters ago acum {0} trim.
1441Date & TimeFieldsRelative Quarter Shortpast-other{0} qtrs. ago acum {0} trim.
1442Date & TimeFieldsRelative Quarter Narrow-1last qtr. trim. trecut
1443Date & TimeFieldsRelative Quarter Narrow0this qtr. trim. acesta
1444Date & TimeFieldsRelative Quarter Narrow1next qtr. trim. viitor
1445Date & TimeFieldsRelative Quarter Narrowfuture-onein {0} qtr. +{0} trim.
1446Date & TimeFieldsRelative Quarter Narrowfuture-fewin {0} quarters +{0} trim.
1447Date & TimeFieldsRelative Quarter Narrowfuture-otherin {0} qtrs. +{0} trim.
1448Date & TimeFieldsRelative Quarter Narrowpast-one{0} qtr. ago -{0} trim.
1449Date & TimeFieldsRelative Quarter Narrowpast-few{0} quarters ago -{0} trim.
1450Date & TimeFieldsRelative Quarter Narrowpast-other{0} qtrs. ago -{0} trim.
1451Date & TimeFieldsRelative Month-1last month luna trecută
1452Date & TimeFieldsRelative Month0this month luna aceasta
1453Date & TimeFieldsRelative Month1next month luna viitoare
1454Date & TimeFieldsRelative Monthfuture-onein {0} month peste {0} lună
1455Date & TimeFieldsRelative Monthfuture-fewin {0} months peste {0} luni
1456Date & TimeFieldsRelative Monthfuture-otherin {0} months peste {0} de luni
1457Date & TimeFieldsRelative Monthpast-one{0} month ago acum {0} lună
1458Date & TimeFieldsRelative Monthpast-few{0} months ago acum {0} luni
1459Date & TimeFieldsRelative Monthpast-other{0} months ago acum {0} de luni
1460Date & TimeFieldsRelative Month Short-1last mo. luna trecută
1461Date & TimeFieldsRelative Month Short0this mo. luna aceasta
1462Date & TimeFieldsRelative Month Short1next mo. luna viitoare
1463Date & TimeFieldsRelative Month Shortfuture-onein {0} mo. peste {0} lună
1464Date & TimeFieldsRelative Month Shortfuture-fewin {0} months peste {0} luni
1465Date & TimeFieldsRelative Month Shortfuture-otherin {0} mo. peste {0} luni
1466Date & TimeFieldsRelative Month Shortpast-one{0} mo. ago acum {0} lună
1467Date & TimeFieldsRelative Month Shortpast-few{0} months ago acum {0} luni
1468Date & TimeFieldsRelative Month Shortpast-other{0} mo. ago acum {0} luni
1469Date & TimeFieldsRelative Month Narrow-1last mo. luna trecută
1470Date & TimeFieldsRelative Month Narrow0this mo. luna aceasta
1471Date & TimeFieldsRelative Month Narrow1next mo. luna viitoare
1472Date & TimeFieldsRelative Month Narrowfuture-onein {0} mo. +{0} lună
1473Date & TimeFieldsRelative Month Narrowfuture-fewin {0} months +{0} luni
1474Date & TimeFieldsRelative Month Narrowfuture-otherin {0} mo. +{0} luni
1475Date & TimeFieldsRelative Month Narrowpast-one{0} mo. ago -{0} lună
1476Date & TimeFieldsRelative Month Narrowpast-few{0} months ago -{0} luni
1477Date & TimeFieldsRelative Month Narrowpast-other{0} mo. ago -{0} luni
1478Date & TimeFieldsRelative Week-1last week săptămâna trecută
1479Date & TimeFieldsRelative Week0this week săptămâna aceasta
1480Date & TimeFieldsRelative Week1next week săptămâna viitoare
1481Date & TimeFieldsRelative Weekfuture-onein {0} week peste {0} săptămână
1482Date & TimeFieldsRelative Weekfuture-fewin {0} weeks peste {0} săptămâni
1483Date & TimeFieldsRelative Weekfuture-otherin {0} weeks peste {0} de săptămâni
1484Date & TimeFieldsRelative Weekpast-one{0} week ago acum {0} săptămână
1485Date & TimeFieldsRelative Weekpast-few{0} weeks ago acum {0} săptămâni
1486Date & TimeFieldsRelative Weekpast-other{0} weeks ago acum {0} de săptămâni
1487Date & TimeFieldsRelative WeekPeriodthe week of {0} săptămâna cu {0}
1488Date & TimeFieldsRelative Week Short-1last wk. săpt. trecută
1489Date & TimeFieldsRelative Week Short0this wk. săpt. aceasta
1490Date & TimeFieldsRelative Week Short1next wk. săpt. viitoare
1491Date & TimeFieldsRelative Week Shortfuture-onein {0} wk. peste {0} săpt.
1492Date & TimeFieldsRelative Week Shortfuture-fewin {0} weeks peste {0} săpt.
1493Date & TimeFieldsRelative Week Shortfuture-otherin {0} wk. peste {0} săpt.
1494Date & TimeFieldsRelative Week Shortpast-one{0} wk. ago acum {0} săpt.
1495Date & TimeFieldsRelative Week Shortpast-few{0} weeks ago acum {0} săpt.
1496Date & TimeFieldsRelative Week Shortpast-other{0} wk. ago acum {0} săpt.
1497Date & TimeFieldsRelative Week ShortPeriodthe week of {0} săpt. cu {0}
1498Date & TimeFieldsRelative Week Narrow-1last wk. săpt. trecută
1499Date & TimeFieldsRelative Week Narrow1next wk. săpt. viitoare
1500Date & TimeFieldsRelative Week Narrowfuture-onein {0} wk. +{0} săpt.
1501Date & TimeFieldsRelative Week Narrowfuture-fewin {0} weeks +{0} săpt.
1502Date & TimeFieldsRelative Week Narrowfuture-otherin {0} wk. +{0} săpt.
1503Date & TimeFieldsRelative Week Narrowpast-one{0} wk. ago -{0} săpt.
1504Date & TimeFieldsRelative Week Narrowpast-few{0} weeks ago -{0} săpt.
1505Date & TimeFieldsRelative Week Narrowpast-other{0} wk. ago -{0} săpt.
1506Date & TimeFieldsRelative Week NarrowPeriodthe week of {0} săpt. cu {0}
1507Date & TimeFieldsRelative Day-2n/a alaltăieri
1508Date & TimeFieldsRelative Day-1yesterday ieri
1509Date & TimeFieldsRelative Day0today azi
1510Date & TimeFieldsRelative Day1tomorrow mâine
1511Date & TimeFieldsRelative Day2n/a poimâine
1512Date & TimeFieldsRelative Dayfuture-onein {0} day peste {0} zi
1513Date & TimeFieldsRelative Dayfuture-fewin {0} days peste {0} zile
1514Date & TimeFieldsRelative Dayfuture-otherin {0} days peste {0} de zile
1515Date & TimeFieldsRelative Daypast-one{0} day ago acum {0} zi
1516Date & TimeFieldsRelative Daypast-few{0} days ago acum {0} zile
1517Date & TimeFieldsRelative Daypast-other{0} days ago acum {0} de zile
1518Date & TimeFieldsRelative Day Short-2n/a alaltăieri
1519Date & TimeFieldsRelative Day Short-1yesterday ieri
1520Date & TimeFieldsRelative Day Short0today azi
1521Date & TimeFieldsRelative Day Short1tomorrow mâine
1522Date & TimeFieldsRelative Day Short2n/a poimâine
1523Date & TimeFieldsRelative Day Shortfuture-onein {0} day peste {0} zi
1524Date & TimeFieldsRelative Day Shortfuture-fewin {0} days peste {0} zile
1525Date & TimeFieldsRelative Day Shortfuture-otherin {0} days peste {0} de zile
1526Date & TimeFieldsRelative Day Shortpast-one{0} day ago acum {0} zi
1527Date & TimeFieldsRelative Day Shortpast-few{0} days ago acum {0} zile
1528Date & TimeFieldsRelative Day Shortpast-other{0} days ago acum {0} de zile
1529Date & TimeFieldsRelative Day Narrow-2n/a alaltăieri
1530Date & TimeFieldsRelative Day Narrow-1yesterday ieri
1531Date & TimeFieldsRelative Day Narrow0today azi
1532Date & TimeFieldsRelative Day Narrow1tomorrow mâine
1533Date & TimeFieldsRelative Day Narrow2n/a poimâine
1534Date & TimeFieldsRelative Day Narrowfuture-onein {0} day +{0} zi
1535Date & TimeFieldsRelative Day Narrowfuture-fewin {0} days +{0} zile
1536Date & TimeFieldsRelative Day Narrowfuture-otherin {0} days +{0} zile
1537Date & TimeFieldsRelative Day Narrowpast-one{0} day ago -{0} zi
1538Date & TimeFieldsRelative Day Narrowpast-few{0} days ago -{0} zile
1539Date & TimeFieldsRelative Day Narrowpast-other{0} days ago -{0} zile
1540Date & TimeFieldsRelative Hour0this hour ora aceasta
1541Date & TimeFieldsRelative Hourfuture-onein {0} hour peste {0} oră
1542Date & TimeFieldsRelative Hourfuture-fewin {0} hours peste {0} ore
1543Date & TimeFieldsRelative Hourfuture-otherin {0} hours peste {0} de ore
1544Date & TimeFieldsRelative Hourpast-one{0} hour ago acum {0} oră
1545Date & TimeFieldsRelative Hourpast-few{0} hours ago acum {0} ore
1546Date & TimeFieldsRelative Hourpast-other{0} hours ago acum {0} de ore
1547Date & TimeFieldsRelative Hour Short0this hour ora aceasta
1548Date & TimeFieldsRelative Hour Shortfuture-onein {0} hr. peste {0} h
1549Date & TimeFieldsRelative Hour Shortfuture-fewin {0} hours peste {0} h
1550Date & TimeFieldsRelative Hour Shortfuture-otherin {0} hr. peste {0} h
1551Date & TimeFieldsRelative Hour Shortpast-one{0} hr. ago acum {0} h
1552Date & TimeFieldsRelative Hour Shortpast-few{0} hours ago acum {0} h
1553Date & TimeFieldsRelative Hour Shortpast-other{0} hr. ago acum {0} h
1554Date & TimeFieldsRelative Hour Narrow0this hour ora aceasta
1555Date & TimeFieldsRelative Hour Narrowfuture-onein {0} hr. +{0} h
1556Date & TimeFieldsRelative Hour Narrowfuture-fewin {0} hours +{0} h
1557Date & TimeFieldsRelative Hour Narrowfuture-otherin {0} hr. +{0} h
1558Date & TimeFieldsRelative Hour Narrowpast-one{0} hr. ago -{0} h
1559Date & TimeFieldsRelative Hour Narrowpast-few{0} hours ago -{0} h
1560Date & TimeFieldsRelative Hour Narrowpast-other{0} hr. ago -{0} h
1561Date & TimeFieldsRelative Minute0this minute minutul acesta
1562Date & TimeFieldsRelative Minutefuture-onein {0} minute peste {0} minut
1563Date & TimeFieldsRelative Minutefuture-fewin {0} minutes peste {0} minute
1564Date & TimeFieldsRelative Minutefuture-otherin {0} minutes peste {0} de minute
1565Date & TimeFieldsRelative Minutepast-one{0} minute ago acum {0} minut
1566Date & TimeFieldsRelative Minutepast-few{0} minutes ago acum {0} minute
1567Date & TimeFieldsRelative Minutepast-other{0} minutes ago acum {0} de minute
1568Date & TimeFieldsRelative Minute Short0this minute minutul acesta
1569Date & TimeFieldsRelative Minute Shortfuture-onein {0} min. peste {0} min.
1570Date & TimeFieldsRelative Minute Shortfuture-fewin {0} minutes peste {0} min.
1571Date & TimeFieldsRelative Minute Shortfuture-otherin {0} min. peste {0} min.
1572Date & TimeFieldsRelative Minute Shortpast-one{0} min. ago acum {0} min.
1573Date & TimeFieldsRelative Minute Shortpast-few{0} minutes ago acum {0} min.
1574Date & TimeFieldsRelative Minute Shortpast-other{0} min. ago acum {0} min.
1575Date & TimeFieldsRelative Minute Narrow0this minute minutul acesta
1576Date & TimeFieldsRelative Minute Narrowfuture-onein {0} min. +{0} m
1577Date & TimeFieldsRelative Minute Narrowfuture-fewin {0} minutes +{0} m
1578Date & TimeFieldsRelative Minute Narrowfuture-otherin {0} min. +{0} m
1579Date & TimeFieldsRelative Minute Narrowpast-one{0} min. ago -{0} m
1580Date & TimeFieldsRelative Minute Narrowpast-few{0} minutes ago -{0} m
1581Date & TimeFieldsRelative Minute Narrowpast-other{0} min. ago -{0} m
1582Date & TimeFieldsRelative Second0now acum
1583Date & TimeFieldsRelative Secondfuture-onein {0} second peste {0} secundă
1584Date & TimeFieldsRelative Secondfuture-fewin {0} seconds peste {0} secunde
1585Date & TimeFieldsRelative Secondfuture-otherin {0} seconds peste {0} de secunde
1586Date & TimeFieldsRelative Secondpast-one{0} second ago acum {0} secundă
1587Date & TimeFieldsRelative Secondpast-few{0} seconds ago acum {0} secunde
1588Date & TimeFieldsRelative Secondpast-other{0} seconds ago acum {0} de secunde
1589Date & TimeFieldsRelative Second Short0now acum
1590Date & TimeFieldsRelative Second Shortfuture-onein {0} sec. peste {0} sec.
1591Date & TimeFieldsRelative Second Shortfuture-fewin {0} seconds peste {0} sec.
1592Date & TimeFieldsRelative Second Shortfuture-otherin {0} sec. peste {0} sec.
1593Date & TimeFieldsRelative Second Shortpast-one{0} sec. ago acum {0} sec.
1594Date & TimeFieldsRelative Second Shortpast-few{0} seconds ago acum {0} sec.
1595Date & TimeFieldsRelative Second Shortpast-other{0} sec. ago acum {0} sec.
1596Date & TimeFieldsRelative Second Narrow0now acum
1597Date & TimeFieldsRelative Second Narrowfuture-onein {0} sec. +{0} s
1598Date & TimeFieldsRelative Second Narrowfuture-fewin {0} seconds +{0} s
1599Date & TimeFieldsRelative Second Narrowfuture-otherin {0} sec. +{0} s
1600Date & TimeFieldsRelative Second Narrowpast-one{0} sec. ago -{0} s
1601Date & TimeFieldsRelative Second Narrowpast-few{0} seconds ago -{0} s
1602Date & TimeFieldsRelative Second Narrowpast-other{0} sec. ago -{0} s
1603Date & TimeFieldsRelative Sunday-1last Sunday duminica trecută
1604Date & TimeFieldsRelative Sunday0this Sunday duminica aceasta
1605Date & TimeFieldsRelative Sunday1next Sunday duminica viitoare
1606Date & TimeFieldsRelative Sundayfuture-onein {0} Sunday duminică, peste {0} săptămână
1607Date & TimeFieldsRelative Sundayfuture-fewin {0} Sundays duminică, peste {0} săptămâni
1608Date & TimeFieldsRelative Sundayfuture-otherin {0} Sundays duminică, peste {0} de săptămâni
1609Date & TimeFieldsRelative Sundaypast-one{0} Sunday ago duminică, acum {0} săptămână
1610Date & TimeFieldsRelative Sundaypast-few{0} Sundays ago duminică, acum {0} săptămâni
1611Date & TimeFieldsRelative Sundaypast-other{0} Sundays ago duminică, acum {0} de săptămâni
1612Date & TimeFieldsRelative Sunday Short-1last Sun. dum. trecută
1613Date & TimeFieldsRelative Sunday Short0this Sun. dum. aceasta
1614Date & TimeFieldsRelative Sunday Short1next Sun. dum. viitoare
1615Date & TimeFieldsRelative Sunday Shortfuture-onein {0} Sun. duminică, peste {0} săpt.
1616Date & TimeFieldsRelative Sunday Shortfuture-fewin {0} Sundays duminică, peste {0} săpt.
1617Date & TimeFieldsRelative Sunday Shortfuture-otherin {0} Sun. duminică, peste {0} săpt.
1618Date & TimeFieldsRelative Sunday Shortpast-one{0} Sun. ago duminică, acum {0} săpt.
1619Date & TimeFieldsRelative Sunday Shortpast-few{0} Sundays ago duminică, acum {0} săpt.
1620Date & TimeFieldsRelative Sunday Shortpast-other{0} Sun. ago duminică, acum {0} săpt.
1621Date & TimeFieldsRelative Sunday Narrow-1last Su du. trecută
1622Date & TimeFieldsRelative Sunday Narrow0this Su du. aceasta
1623Date & TimeFieldsRelative Sunday Narrow1next Su du. viitoare
1624Date & TimeFieldsRelative Sunday Narrowfuture-onein {0} Su du. +{0} săpt.
1625Date & TimeFieldsRelative Sunday Narrowfuture-fewin {0} Sundays du. +{0} săpt.
1626Date & TimeFieldsRelative Sunday Narrowfuture-otherin {0} Su du. +{0} săpt.
1627Date & TimeFieldsRelative Sunday Narrowpast-one{0} Su ago du. -{0} săpt.
1628Date & TimeFieldsRelative Sunday Narrowpast-few{0} Sundays ago du. -{0} săpt.
1629Date & TimeFieldsRelative Sunday Narrowpast-other{0} Su ago du. -{0} săpt.
1630Date & TimeFieldsRelative Monday-1last Monday lunea trecută
1631Date & TimeFieldsRelative Monday0this Monday lunea aceasta
1632Date & TimeFieldsRelative Monday1next Monday lunea viitoare
1633Date & TimeFieldsRelative Mondayfuture-onein {0} Monday luni, peste {0} săptămână
1634Date & TimeFieldsRelative Mondayfuture-fewin {0} Mondays luni, peste {0} săptămâni
1635Date & TimeFieldsRelative Mondayfuture-otherin {0} Mondays luni, peste {0} de săptămâni
1636Date & TimeFieldsRelative Mondaypast-one{0} Monday ago luni, acum {0} săptămână
1637Date & TimeFieldsRelative Mondaypast-few{0} Mondays ago luni, acum {0} săptămâni
1638Date & TimeFieldsRelative Mondaypast-other{0} Mondays ago luni, acum {0} de săptămâni
1639Date & TimeFieldsRelative Monday Short-1last Mon. lun. trecută
1640Date & TimeFieldsRelative Monday Short0this Mon. lun. aceasta
1641Date & TimeFieldsRelative Monday Short1next Mon. lun. viitoare
1642Date & TimeFieldsRelative Monday Shortfuture-onein {0} Mon. luni, peste {0} săpt.
1643Date & TimeFieldsRelative Monday Shortfuture-fewin {0} Mondays luni, peste {0} săpt.
1644Date & TimeFieldsRelative Monday Shortfuture-otherin {0} Mon. luni, peste {0} săpt.
1645Date & TimeFieldsRelative Monday Shortpast-one{0} Mon. ago luni, acum {0} săpt.
1646Date & TimeFieldsRelative Monday Shortpast-few{0} Mondays ago luni, acum {0} săpt.
1647Date & TimeFieldsRelative Monday Shortpast-other{0} Mon. ago luni, acum {0} săpt.
1648Date & TimeFieldsRelative Monday Narrow-1last M lu. trecută
1649Date & TimeFieldsRelative Monday Narrow0this M lu. aceasta
1650Date & TimeFieldsRelative Monday Narrow1next M lu. viitoare
1651Date & TimeFieldsRelative Monday Narrowfuture-onein {0} M lu. +{0} săpt.
1652Date & TimeFieldsRelative Monday Narrowfuture-fewin {0} Mondays lu. +{0} săpt.
1653Date & TimeFieldsRelative Monday Narrowfuture-otherin {0} M lu. +{0} săpt.
1654Date & TimeFieldsRelative Monday Narrowpast-one{0} M ago lu. -{0} săpt.
1655Date & TimeFieldsRelative Monday Narrowpast-few{0} Mondays ago lu. -{0} săpt.
1656Date & TimeFieldsRelative Monday Narrowpast-other{0} M ago lu. -{0} săpt.
1657Date & TimeFieldsRelative Tuesday-1last Tuesday marțea trecută
1658Date & TimeFieldsRelative Tuesday0this Tuesday marțea aceasta
1659Date & TimeFieldsRelative Tuesday1next Tuesday marțea viitoare
1660Date & TimeFieldsRelative Tuesdayfuture-onein {0} Tuesday marți, peste {0} săptămână
1661Date & TimeFieldsRelative Tuesdayfuture-fewin {0} Tuesdays marți, peste {0} săptămâni
1662Date & TimeFieldsRelative Tuesdayfuture-otherin {0} Tuesdays marți, peste {0} de săptămâni
1663Date & TimeFieldsRelative Tuesdaypast-one{0} Tuesday ago marți, acum {0} săptămână
1664Date & TimeFieldsRelative Tuesdaypast-few{0} Tuesdays ago marți, acum {0} săptămâni
1665Date & TimeFieldsRelative Tuesdaypast-other{0} Tuesdays ago marți, acum {0} de săptămâni
1666Date & TimeFieldsRelative Tuesday Short-1last Tue. mar. trecută
1667Date & TimeFieldsRelative Tuesday Short0this Tue. mar. aceasta
1668Date & TimeFieldsRelative Tuesday Short1next Tue. mar. viitoare
1669Date & TimeFieldsRelative Tuesday Shortfuture-onein {0} Tue. marți, peste {0} săpt.
1670Date & TimeFieldsRelative Tuesday Shortfuture-fewin {0} Tuesdays marți, peste {0} săpt.
1671Date & TimeFieldsRelative Tuesday Shortfuture-otherin {0} Tue. marți, peste {0} săpt.
1672Date & TimeFieldsRelative Tuesday Shortpast-one{0} Tue. ago marți, acum {0} săpt.
1673Date & TimeFieldsRelative Tuesday Shortpast-few{0} Tuesdays ago marți, acum {0} săpt.
1674Date & TimeFieldsRelative Tuesday Shortpast-other{0} Tue. ago marți, acum {0} săpt.
1675Date & TimeFieldsRelative Tuesday Narrow-1last Tu ma. trecută
1676Date & TimeFieldsRelative Tuesday Narrow0this Tu ma. aceasta
1677Date & TimeFieldsRelative Tuesday Narrow1next Tu ma. viitoare
1678Date & TimeFieldsRelative Tuesday Narrowfuture-onein {0} Tu ma. +{0} săpt.
1679Date & TimeFieldsRelative Tuesday Narrowfuture-fewin {0} Tuesdays ma. +{0} săpt.
1680Date & TimeFieldsRelative Tuesday Narrowfuture-otherin {0} Tu ma. +{0} săpt.
1681Date & TimeFieldsRelative Tuesday Narrowpast-one{0} Tu ago ma. -{0} săpt.
1682Date & TimeFieldsRelative Tuesday Narrowpast-few{0} Tuesdays ago ma. -{0} săpt.
1683Date & TimeFieldsRelative Tuesday Narrowpast-other{0} Tu ago ma. -{0} săpt.
1684Date & TimeFieldsRelative Wednesday-1last Wednesday miercurea trecută
1685Date & TimeFieldsRelative Wednesday0this Wednesday miercurea aceasta
1686Date & TimeFieldsRelative Wednesday1next Wednesday miercurea viitoare
1687Date & TimeFieldsRelative Wednesdayfuture-onein {0} Wednesday miercuri, peste {0} săptămână
1688Date & TimeFieldsRelative Wednesdayfuture-fewin {0} Wednesdays miercuri, peste {0} săptămâni
1689Date & TimeFieldsRelative Wednesdayfuture-otherin {0} Wednesdays miercuri, peste {0} de săptămâni
1690Date & TimeFieldsRelative Wednesdaypast-one{0} Wednesday ago miercuri, acum {0} săptămână
1691Date & TimeFieldsRelative Wednesdaypast-few{0} Wednesdays ago miercuri, acum {0} săptămâni
1692Date & TimeFieldsRelative Wednesdaypast-other{0} Wednesdays ago miercuri, acum {0} de săptămâni
1693Date & TimeFieldsRelative Wednesday Short-1last Wed. mie. trecută
1694Date & TimeFieldsRelative Wednesday Short0this Wed. mie. aceasta
1695Date & TimeFieldsRelative Wednesday Short1next Wed. mie. viitoare
1696Date & TimeFieldsRelative Wednesday Shortfuture-onein {0} Wed. miercuri, peste {0} săpt.
1697Date & TimeFieldsRelative Wednesday Shortfuture-fewin {0} Wednesdays miercuri, peste {0} săpt.
1698Date & TimeFieldsRelative Wednesday Shortfuture-otherin {0} Wed. miercuri, peste {0} săpt.
1699Date & TimeFieldsRelative Wednesday Shortpast-one{0} Wed. ago miercuri, acum {0} săpt.
1700Date & TimeFieldsRelative Wednesday Shortpast-few{0} Wednesdays ago miercuri, acum {0} săpt.
1701Date & TimeFieldsRelative Wednesday Shortpast-other{0} Wed. ago miercuri, acum {0} săpt.
1702Date & TimeFieldsRelative Wednesday Narrow-1last W mi. trecută
1703Date & TimeFieldsRelative Wednesday Narrow0this W mi. aceasta
1704Date & TimeFieldsRelative Wednesday Narrow1next W mi. viitoare
1705Date & TimeFieldsRelative Wednesday Narrowfuture-onein {0} W mi. +{0} săpt.
1706Date & TimeFieldsRelative Wednesday Narrowfuture-fewin {0} Wednesdays mi. +{0} săpt.
1707Date & TimeFieldsRelative Wednesday Narrowfuture-otherin {0} W mi. +{0} săpt.
1708Date & TimeFieldsRelative Wednesday Narrowpast-one{0} W ago mi. -{0} săpt.
1709Date & TimeFieldsRelative Wednesday Narrowpast-few{0} Wednesdays ago mi. -{0} săpt.
1710Date & TimeFieldsRelative Wednesday Narrowpast-other{0} W ago mi. -{0} săpt.
1711Date & TimeFieldsRelative Thursday-1last Thursday joia trecută
1712Date & TimeFieldsRelative Thursday0this Thursday joia aceasta
1713Date & TimeFieldsRelative Thursday1next Thursday joia viitoare
1714Date & TimeFieldsRelative Thursdayfuture-onein {0} Thursday joi, peste {0} săptămână
1715Date & TimeFieldsRelative Thursdayfuture-fewin {0} Thursdays joi, peste {0} săptămâni
1716Date & TimeFieldsRelative Thursdayfuture-otherin {0} Thursdays joi, peste {0} de săptămâni
1717Date & TimeFieldsRelative Thursdaypast-one{0} Thursday ago joi, acum {0} săptămână
1718Date & TimeFieldsRelative Thursdaypast-few{0} Thursdays ago joi, acum {0} săptămâni
1719Date & TimeFieldsRelative Thursdaypast-other{0} Thursdays ago joi, acum {0} de săptămâni
1720Date & TimeFieldsRelative Thursday Short-1last Thu. joia trecută
1721Date & TimeFieldsRelative Thursday Short0this Thu. joia aceasta
1722Date & TimeFieldsRelative Thursday Short1next Thu. joia viitoare
1723Date & TimeFieldsRelative Thursday Shortfuture-onein {0} Thu. joi, peste {0} săpt.
1724Date & TimeFieldsRelative Thursday Shortfuture-fewin {0} Thursdays joi, peste {0} săpt.
1725Date & TimeFieldsRelative Thursday Shortfuture-otherin {0} Thu. joi, peste {0} săpt.
1726Date & TimeFieldsRelative Thursday Shortpast-one{0} Thu. ago joi, acum {0} săpt.
1727Date & TimeFieldsRelative Thursday Shortpast-few{0} Thursdays ago joi, acum {0} săpt.
1728Date & TimeFieldsRelative Thursday Shortpast-other{0} Thu. ago joi, acum {0} săpt.
1729Date & TimeFieldsRelative Thursday Narrow-1last Th jo. trecută
1730Date & TimeFieldsRelative Thursday Narrow0this Th jo. aceasta
1731Date & TimeFieldsRelative Thursday Narrow1next Th jo. viitoare
1732Date & TimeFieldsRelative Thursday Narrowfuture-onein {0} Th jo. +{0} săpt.
1733Date & TimeFieldsRelative Thursday Narrowfuture-fewin {0} Thursdays jo. +{0} săpt.
1734Date & TimeFieldsRelative Thursday Narrowfuture-otherin {0} Th jo. +{0} săpt.
1735Date & TimeFieldsRelative Thursday Narrowpast-one{0} Th ago jo. -{0} săpt.
1736Date & TimeFieldsRelative Thursday Narrowpast-few{0} Thursdays ago jo. -{0} săpt.
1737Date & TimeFieldsRelative Thursday Narrowpast-other{0} Th ago jo. -{0} săpt.
1738Date & TimeFieldsRelative Friday-1last Friday vinerea trecută
1739Date & TimeFieldsRelative Friday0this Friday vinerea aceasta
1740Date & TimeFieldsRelative Friday1next Friday vinerea viitoare
1741Date & TimeFieldsRelative Fridayfuture-onein {0} Friday vineri, peste {0} săptămână
1742Date & TimeFieldsRelative Fridayfuture-fewin {0} Fridays vineri, peste {0} săptămâni
1743Date & TimeFieldsRelative Fridayfuture-otherin {0} Fridays vineri, peste {0} de săptămâni
1744Date & TimeFieldsRelative Fridaypast-one{0} Friday ago vineri, acum {0} săptămână
1745Date & TimeFieldsRelative Fridaypast-few{0} Fridays ago vineri, acum {0} săptămâni
1746Date & TimeFieldsRelative Fridaypast-other{0} Fridays ago vineri, acum {0} de săptămâni
1747Date & TimeFieldsRelative Friday Short-1last Fri. vin. trecută
1748Date & TimeFieldsRelative Friday Short0this Fri. vin. aceasta
1749Date & TimeFieldsRelative Friday Short1next Fri. vin. viitoare
1750Date & TimeFieldsRelative Friday Shortfuture-onein {0} Fri. vineri, peste {0} săpt.
1751Date & TimeFieldsRelative Friday Shortfuture-fewin {0} Fridays vineri, peste {0} săpt.
1752Date & TimeFieldsRelative Friday Shortfuture-otherin {0} Fri. vineri, peste {0} săpt.
1753Date & TimeFieldsRelative Friday Shortpast-one{0} Fri. ago vineri, acum {0} săpt.
1754Date & TimeFieldsRelative Friday Shortpast-few{0} Fridays ago vineri, acum {0} săpt.
1755Date & TimeFieldsRelative Friday Shortpast-other{0} Fri. ago vineri, acum {0} săpt.
1756Date & TimeFieldsRelative Friday Narrow-1last F vi. trecută
1757Date & TimeFieldsRelative Friday Narrow0this F vi. aceasta
1758Date & TimeFieldsRelative Friday Narrow1next F vi. viitoare
1759Date & TimeFieldsRelative Friday Narrowfuture-onein {0} F vi. +{0} săpt.
1760Date & TimeFieldsRelative Friday Narrowfuture-fewin {0} Fridays vi. +{0} săpt.
1761Date & TimeFieldsRelative Friday Narrowfuture-otherin {0} F vi. +{0} săpt.
1762Date & TimeFieldsRelative Friday Narrowpast-one{0} F ago vi. -{0} săpt.
1763Date & TimeFieldsRelative Friday Narrowpast-few{0} Fridays ago vi. -{0} săpt.
1764Date & TimeFieldsRelative Friday Narrowpast-other{0} F ago vi. -{0} săpt.
1765Date & TimeFieldsRelative Saturday-1last Saturday sâmbăta trecută
1766Date & TimeFieldsRelative Saturday0this Saturday sâmbăta aceasta
1767Date & TimeFieldsRelative Saturday1next Saturday sâmbăta viitoare
1768Date & TimeFieldsRelative Saturdayfuture-onein {0} Saturday sâmbătă, peste {0} săptămână
1769Date & TimeFieldsRelative Saturdayfuture-fewin {0} Saturdays sâmbătă, peste {0} săptămâni
1770Date & TimeFieldsRelative Saturdayfuture-otherin {0} Saturdays sâmbătă, peste {0} de săptămâni
1771Date & TimeFieldsRelative Saturdaypast-one{0} Saturday ago sâmbătă, acum {0} săptămână
1772Date & TimeFieldsRelative Saturdaypast-few{0} Saturdays ago sâmbătă, acum {0} săptămâni
1773Date & TimeFieldsRelative Saturdaypast-other{0} Saturdays ago sâmbătă, acum {0} de săptămâni
1774Date & TimeFieldsRelative Saturday Short-1last Sat. sâm. trecută
1775Date & TimeFieldsRelative Saturday Short0this Sat. sâm. aceasta
1776Date & TimeFieldsRelative Saturday Short1next Sat. sâm. viitoare
1777Date & TimeFieldsRelative Saturday Shortfuture-onein {0} Sat. sâmbătă, peste {0} săpt.
1778Date & TimeFieldsRelative Saturday Shortfuture-fewin {0} Saturdays sâmbătă, peste {0} săpt.
1779Date & TimeFieldsRelative Saturday Shortfuture-otherin {0} Sat. sâmbătă, peste {0} săpt.
1780Date & TimeFieldsRelative Saturday Shortpast-one{0} Sat. ago sâmbătă, acum {0} săpt.
1781Date & TimeFieldsRelative Saturday Shortpast-few{0} Saturdays ago sâmbătă, acum {0} săpt.
1782Date & TimeFieldsRelative Saturday Shortpast-other{0} Sat. ago sâmbătă, acum {0} săpt.
1783Date & TimeFieldsRelative Saturday Narrow-1last Sa sâ. trecută
1784Date & TimeFieldsRelative Saturday Narrow0this Sa sâ. aceasta
1785Date & TimeFieldsRelative Saturday Narrow1next Sa sâ. viitoare
1786Date & TimeFieldsRelative Saturday Narrowfuture-onein {0} Sa sâ. +{0} săpt.
1787Date & TimeFieldsRelative Saturday Narrowfuture-fewin {0} Saturdays sâ. +{0} săpt.
1788Date & TimeFieldsRelative Saturday Narrowfuture-otherin {0} Sa sâ. +{0} săpt.
1789Date & TimeFieldsRelative Saturday Narrowpast-one{0} Sa ago sâ. -{0} săpt.
1790Date & TimeFieldsRelative Saturday Narrowpast-few{0} Saturdays ago sâ. -{0} săpt.
1791Date & TimeFieldsRelative Saturday Narrowpast-other{0} Sa ago sâ. -{0} săpt.
1792Date & TimeGregorianEras - wide0Before Christ înainte de Hristos
1793Date & TimeGregorianEras - wide0-variantBefore Common Era înaintea erei noastre
1794Date & TimeGregorianEras - wide1Anno Domini după Hristos
1795Date & TimeGregorianEras - wide1-variantCommon Era era noastră
1796Date & TimeGregorianEras - abbreviated0BC î.Hr.
1797Date & TimeGregorianEras - abbreviated0-variantBCE î.e.n î.e.n.
1798Date & TimeGregorianEras - abbreviated1AD d.Hr.
1799Date & TimeGregorianEras - abbreviated1-variantCE e.n.
1800Date & TimeGregorianEras - narrow0B î.Hr.
1801Date & TimeGregorianEras - narrow0-variantBCE î.e.n
1802Date & TimeGregorianEras - narrow1A d.Hr.
1803Date & TimeGregorianEras - narrow1-variantCE e.n.
1804Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - wide - Formatting11st quarter trimestrul I trimestrul 1
1805Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - wide - Formatting22nd quarter trimestrul al II-lea trimestrul 2
1806Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - wide - Formatting33rd quarter trimestrul al III-lea trimestrul 3
1807Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - wide - Formatting44th quarter trimestrul al IV-lea trimestrul 4
1808Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - wide - Standalone11st quarter trimestrul I Trimestrul 1
1809Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - wide - Standalone22nd quarter trimestrul al II-lea Trimestrul 2
1810Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - wide - Standalone33rd quarter trimestrul al III-lea Trimestrul 3
1811Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - wide - Standalone44th quarter trimestrul al IV-lea Trimestrul 4
1812Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - abbreviated - Formatting1Q1 trim. I trim. 1
1813Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - abbreviated - Formatting2Q2 trim. II trim. 2
1814Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - abbreviated - Formatting3Q3 trim. III trim. 3
1815Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - abbreviated - Formatting4Q4 trim. IV trim. 4
1816Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - abbreviated - Standalone1Q1 trim. I Trim. 1
1817Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - abbreviated - Standalone2Q2 trim. II Trim. 2
1818Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - abbreviated - Standalone3Q3 trim. III Trim. 3
1819Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - abbreviated - Standalone4Q4 trim. IV Trim. 4
1820Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - narrow - Formatting11 I
1821Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - narrow - Formatting22 II
1822Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - narrow - Formatting33 III
1823Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - narrow - Formatting44 IV
1824Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - narrow - Standalone11 I
1825Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - narrow - Standalone22 II
1826Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - narrow - Standalone33 III
1827Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - narrow - Standalone44 IV
1828Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - FormattingJanJanuary ianuarie
1829Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - FormattingFebFebruary februarie
1830Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - FormattingMarMarch martie
1831Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - FormattingAprApril aprilie
1832Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - FormattingMayMay mai
1833Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - FormattingJunJune iunie
1834Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - FormattingJulJuly iulie
1835Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - FormattingAugAugust august
1836Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - FormattingSepSeptember septembrie
1837Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - FormattingOctOctober octombrie
1838Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - FormattingNovNovember noiembrie
1839Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - FormattingDecDecember decembrie
1840Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - StandaloneJanJanuary ianuarie
1841Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - StandaloneFebFebruary februarie
1842Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - StandaloneMarMarch martie
1843Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - StandaloneAprApril aprilie
1844Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - StandaloneMayMay mai
1845Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - StandaloneJunJune iunie
1846Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - StandaloneJulJuly iulie
1847Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - StandaloneAugAugust august
1848Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - StandaloneSepSeptember septembrie
1849Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - StandaloneOctOctober octombrie
1850Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - StandaloneNovNovember noiembrie
1851Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - StandaloneDecDecember decembrie
1852Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJanJan ian.
1853Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingFebFeb feb.
1854Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingMarMar mar.
1855Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingAprApr apr.
1856Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingMayMay mai
1857Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJunJun iun.
1858Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJulJul iul.
1859Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingAugAug aug.
1860Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingSepSep sept.
1861Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingOctOct oct.
1862Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingNovNov nov.
1863Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingDecDec dec.
1864Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneJanJan ian.
1865Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneFebFeb feb.
1866Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneMarMar mar.
1867Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneAprApr apr.
1868Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneMayMay mai
1869Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneJunJun iun.
1870Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneJulJul iul.
1871Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneAugAug aug.
1872Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneSepSep sept.
1873Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneOctOct oct.
1874Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneNovNov nov.
1875Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneDecDec dec.
1876Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - FormattingJanJ I
1877Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - FormattingFeb= F
1878Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - FormattingMar= M
1879Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - FormattingApr= A
1880Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - FormattingMay= M
1881Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - FormattingJunJ I
1882Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - FormattingJulJ I
1883Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - FormattingAug= A
1884Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - FormattingSep= S
1885Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - FormattingOct= O
1886Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - FormattingNov= N
1887Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - FormattingDec= D
1888Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - StandaloneJanJ I
1889Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - StandaloneFeb= F
1890Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - StandaloneMar= M
1891Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - StandaloneApr= A
1892Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - StandaloneMay= M
1893Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - StandaloneJunJ I
1894Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - StandaloneJulJ I
1895Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - StandaloneAug= A
1896Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - StandaloneSep= S
1897Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - StandaloneOct= O
1898Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - StandaloneNov= N
1899Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - StandaloneDec= D
1900Date & TimeGregorianDays - wide - FormattingsunSunday duminică
1901Date & TimeGregorianDays - wide - FormattingmonMonday luni
1902Date & TimeGregorianDays - wide - FormattingtueTuesday marți
1903Date & TimeGregorianDays - wide - FormattingwedWednesday miercuri
1904Date & TimeGregorianDays - wide - FormattingthuThursday joi
1905Date & TimeGregorianDays - wide - FormattingfriFriday vineri
1906Date & TimeGregorianDays - wide - FormattingsatSaturday sâmbătă
1907Date & TimeGregorianDays - wide - StandalonesunSunday duminică
1908Date & TimeGregorianDays - wide - StandalonemonMonday luni
1909Date & TimeGregorianDays - wide - StandalonetueTuesday marți
1910Date & TimeGregorianDays - wide - StandalonewedWednesday miercuri
1911Date & TimeGregorianDays - wide - StandalonethuThursday joi
1912Date & TimeGregorianDays - wide - StandalonefriFriday vineri
1913Date & TimeGregorianDays - wide - StandalonesatSaturday sâmbătă
1914Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - FormattingsunSun dum. Dum
1915Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - FormattingmonMon lun. Lun
1916Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - FormattingtueTue mar. Mar
1917Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - FormattingwedWed mie. Mie
1918Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - FormattingthuThu joi Joi
1919Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - FormattingfriFri vin. Vin
1920Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - FormattingsatSat sâm. Sâm
1921Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - StandalonesunSun dum. Dum
1922Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - StandalonemonMon lun. Lun
1923Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - StandalonetueTue mar. Mar
1924Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - StandalonewedWed mie. Mie
1925Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - StandalonethuThu joi Joi
1926Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - StandalonefriFri vin. Vin
1927Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - StandalonesatSat sâm. Sâm
1928Date & TimeGregorianDays - short - FormattingsunSu du. Du
1929Date & TimeGregorianDays - short - FormattingmonMo lu. Lu
1930Date & TimeGregorianDays - short - FormattingtueTu ma. Ma
1931Date & TimeGregorianDays - short - FormattingwedWe mi. Mi
1932Date & TimeGregorianDays - short - FormattingthuTh joi Jo
1933Date & TimeGregorianDays - short - FormattingfriFr vi. Vi
1934Date & TimeGregorianDays - short - FormattingsatSa sâ.
1935Date & TimeGregorianDays - short - StandalonesunSu du. Du
1936Date & TimeGregorianDays - short - StandalonemonMo lu. Lu
1937Date & TimeGregorianDays - short - StandalonetueTu ma. Ma
1938Date & TimeGregorianDays - short - StandalonewedWe mi. Mi
1939Date & TimeGregorianDays - short - StandalonethuTh joi Jo
1940Date & TimeGregorianDays - short - StandalonefriFr vi. Vi
1941Date & TimeGregorianDays - short - StandalonesatSa sâ.
1942Date & TimeGregorianDays - narrow - FormattingsunS D
1943Date & TimeGregorianDays - narrow - FormattingmonM L
1944Date & TimeGregorianDays - narrow - FormattingtueT M Ma
1945Date & TimeGregorianDays - narrow - FormattingwedW M Mi
1946Date & TimeGregorianDays - narrow - FormattingthuT J
1947Date & TimeGregorianDays - narrow - FormattingfriF V
1948Date & TimeGregorianDays - narrow - StandalonesunS D
1949Date & TimeGregorianDays - narrow - StandalonemonM L
1950Date & TimeGregorianDays - narrow - StandalonetueT M Ma
1951Date & TimeGregorianDays - narrow - StandalonewedW M Mi
1952Date & TimeGregorianDays - narrow - StandalonethuT J
1953Date & TimeGregorianDays - narrow - StandalonefriF V
1954Date & TimeGregorianDays - narrow - Standalonesat= S
1955Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - wide - FormattingamAM a.m.
1956Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - wide - FormattingpmPM p.m.
1957Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - wide - Formattingmidnightmidnight la miezul nopții miezul nopții
1958Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - wide - Formattingnoonnoon la amiază amiază
1959Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - wide - Formattingmorning1in the morning dimineața
1960Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - wide - Formattingafternoon1in the afternoon după-amiaza
1961Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - wide - Formattingevening1in the evening seara
1962Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - wide - Formattingnight1at night noaptea
1963Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - wide - StandaloneamAM a.m.
1964Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - wide - StandalonepmPM p.m.
1965Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - wide - Standalonemidnightmidnight la miezul nopții miezul nopții
1966Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - wide - Standalonenoonnoon la amiază amiază
1967Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - wide - Standalonemorning1morning dimineața
1968Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - wide - Standaloneafternoon1afternoon după-amiaza
1969Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - wide - Standaloneevening1evening seara
1970Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - wide - Standalonenight1night noaptea
1971Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - abbreviated - FormattingamAM a.m.
1972Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - abbreviated - FormattingpmPM p.m.
1973Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - abbreviated - Formattingmidnightmidnight miezul nopții
1974Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - abbreviated - Formattingnoonnoon amiază
1975Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - abbreviated - Formattingmorning1in the morning dimineața
1976Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - abbreviated - Formattingafternoon1in the afternoon după-amiaza
1977Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - abbreviated - Formattingevening1in the evening seara
1978Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - abbreviated - Formattingnight1at night noaptea
1979Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - abbreviated - StandaloneamAM a.m.
1980Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - abbreviated - StandalonepmPM p.m.
1981Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - abbreviated - Standalonemidnightmidnight miezul nopții
1982Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - abbreviated - Standalonenoonnoon amiază
1983Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - abbreviated - Standalonemorning1morning dimineața
1984Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - abbreviated - Standaloneafternoon1afternoon după-amiaza
1985Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - abbreviated - Standaloneevening1evening seara
1986Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - abbreviated - Standalonenight1night noaptea
1987Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - narrow - Formattingama a.m.
1988Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - narrow - Formattingpmp p.m.
1989Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - narrow - Formattingmidnightmi miezul nopții
1990Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - narrow - Formattingnoonn la amiază amiază
1991Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - narrow - Formattingmorning1in the morning dimineața dimineață
1992Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - narrow - Formattingafternoon1in the afternoon după-amiaza după-amiază
1993Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - narrow - Formattingevening1in the evening seara seară
1994Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - narrow - Formattingnight1at night noaptea noapte
1995Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - narrow - StandaloneamAM a.m.
1996Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - narrow - StandalonepmPM p.m.
1997Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - narrow - Standalonemidnightmidnight miezul nopții
1998Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - narrow - Standalonenoonnoon amiază
1999Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - narrow - Standalonemorning1morning dimineața dimineață
2000Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - narrow - Standaloneafternoon1afternoon după-amiaza după-amiază
2001Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - narrow - Standaloneevening1evening seara seară
2002Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - narrow - Standalonenight1night noaptea noapte
2003Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Date FormatsfullEEEE, MMMM d, y EEEE, d MMMM y
2004Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Date FormatslongMMMM d, y d MMMM y
2005Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Date FormatsmediumMMM d, y d MMM y
2006Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Date FormatsshortM/d/yy dd.MM.y
2007Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Time Formatsfullh:mm:ss a zzzz HH:mm:ss zzzz
2008Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Time Formatslongh:mm:ss a z HH:mm:ss z
2009Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Time Formatsmediumh:mm:ss a HH:mm:ss
2010Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Time Formatsshorth:mm a HH:mm
2011Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsfull{1} 'at' {0} {1}, {0}
2012Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatslong{1} 'at' {0} {1}, {0}
2013Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsmedium= {1}, {0}
2014Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsshort= {1}, {0}
2015Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMMW-few'week' W 'of' MMMM 'săptămâna' W 'din' MMMM
2016Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMMW-one'week' W 'of' MMMM 'săptămâna' W 'din' MMMM
2017Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMMW-other'week' W 'of' MMMM 'săptămâna' W 'din' MMMM
2018Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsyw-few'week' w 'of' Y 'săptămâna' w 'din' Y
2019Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsyw-one'week' w 'of' Y 'săptămâna' w 'din' Y
2020Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsyw-other'week' w 'of' Y 'săptămâna' w 'din' Y
2021Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsd= d
2022Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsE= ccc
2023Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsEdd E E d
2024Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGy= y G
2025Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMM= MMM y G
2026Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMdMMM d, y G d MMM y G
2027Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMEdE, MMM d, y G E, d MMM y G
2028Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsM= L
2029Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMdM/d dd.MM
2030Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMEdE, M/d E, dd.MM
2031Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMddn/a dd.MM
2032Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMM= LLL
2033Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMdMMM d d MMM
2034Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMEdE, MMM d E, d MMM
2035Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMMdMMMM d d MMMM
2036Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMMEdn/a E, d MMMM
2037Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsy= y
2038Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyMM/y MM.y
2039Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyMdM/d/y dd.MM.y
2040Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyMEdE, M/d/y E, dd.MM.y
2041Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyMMn/a MM.y
2042Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyMMM= MMM y
2043Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyMMMdMMM d, y d MMM y
2044Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyMMMEdE, MMM d, y E, d MMM y
2045Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyMMMM= MMMM y
2046Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyQQQ= QQQ y
2047Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyQQQQ= QQQQ y
2048Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsBh= h B
2049Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsBhm= h:mm B
2050Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsBhms= h:mm:ss B
2051Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsEBhm= E h:mm B
2052Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsEBhms= E h:mm:ss B
2053Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsEhm= E h:mm a
2054Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsEhms= E h:mm:ss a
2055Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatsh= h a
2056Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatshm= h:mm a
2057Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatshms= h:mm:ss a
2058Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatshmsv= h:mm:ss a v
2059Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatshmv= h:mm a v
2060Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsEHm= E HH:mm
2061Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsEHms= E HH:mm:ss
2062Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsH= HH
2063Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsHm= HH:mm
2064Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsHms= HH:mm:ss
2065Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsHmsv= HH:mm:ss v
2066Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsHmv= HH:mm v
2067Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formatsms= mm:ss
2068Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - AppendTimezone= {0} {1}
2069Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBh/B= h B – h B
2070Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBh/hh – h B h–h B
2071Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBhm/B= h:mm B – h:mm B
2072Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBhm/hh:mm – h:mm B h:mm–h:mm B
2073Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBhm/mh:mm – h:mm B h:mm–h:mm B
2074Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsd/dd – d d–d
2075Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGy/G= y G – y G
2076Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGy/y= y – y G
2077Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyM/GM/y GGGGG – M/y GGGGG MM.y GGGGG – MM.y GGGGG
2078Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyM/MM/y – M/y GGGGG MM.y – MM.y GGGGG
2079Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyM/yM/y – M/y GGGGG MM.y – MM.y GGGGG
2080Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMd/dM/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG dd.MM.y – dd.MM.y GGGGG
2081Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMd/GM/d/y GGGGG – M/d/y GGGGG dd.MM.y GGGGG – dd.MM.y GGGGG
2082Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMd/MM/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG dd.MM.y – dd.MM.y GGGGG
2083Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMd/yM/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG dd.MM.y – dd.MM.y GGGGG
2084Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMEd/dE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG E, dd.MM.y – E, dd.MM.y GGGGG
2085Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMEd/GE, M/d/y GGGGG – E, M/d/y GGGGG E, dd.MM.y GGGGG – E, dd.MM.y GGGGG
2086Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMEd/ME, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG E, dd.MM.y – E, dd.MM.y GGGGG
2087Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMEd/yE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG E, dd.MM.y – E, dd.MM.y GGGGG
2088Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMM/G= MMM y G – MMM y G
2089Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMM/M= MMM – MMM y G
2090Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMM/y= MMM y – MMM y G
2091Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMd/dMMM d – d, y G d – d MMM y G
2092Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMd/GMMM d, y G – MMM d, y G d MMM y G – d MMM y G
2093Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMd/MMMM d – MMM d, y G d MMM – d MMM y G
2094Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMd/yMMM d, y – MMM d, y G d MMM y – d MMM y G
2095Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMEd/dE, MMM d – E, MMM d, y G E, d MMM – E, d MMM y G
2096Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMEd/GE, MMM d, y G – E, MMM d, y G E, d MMM y G – E, d MMM y G
2097Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMEd/ME, MMM d – E, MMM d, y G E, d MMM – E, d MMM y G
2098Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMEd/yE, MMM d, y – E, MMM d, y G E, d MMM y – E, d MMM y G
2099Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsM/MM – M M–M
2100Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMd/dM/d – M/d dd.MM – dd.MM
2101Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMd/MM/d – M/d dd.MM – dd.MM
2102Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMEd/dE, M/d – E, M/d E, dd.MM – E, dd.MM
2103Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMEd/ME, M/d – E, M/d E, dd.MM – E, dd.MM
2104Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMM/MMMM – MMM MMM–MMM
2105Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMd/dMMM d – d d–d MMM
2106Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMd/MMMM d – MMM d d MMM – d MMM
2107Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMEd/dE, MMM d – E, MMM d E, d MMM – E, d MMM
2108Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMEd/ME, MMM d – E, MMM d E, d MMM – E, d MMM
2109Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsy/yy – y y–y
2110Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyM/MM/y – M/y MM.y – MM.y
2111Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyM/yM/y – M/y MM.y – MM.y
2112Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/dM/d/y – M/d/y dd.MM.y – dd.MM.y
2113Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/MM/d/y – M/d/y dd.MM.y – dd.MM.y
2114Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/yM/d/y – M/d/y dd.MM.y – dd.MM.y
2115Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/dE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y E, dd.MM.y – E, dd.MM.y
2116Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/ME, M/d/y – E, M/d/y E, dd.MM.y – E, dd.MM.y
2117Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/yE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y E, dd.MM.y – E, dd.MM.y
2118Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMM/MMMM – MMM y MMM–MMM y
2119Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMM/y= MMM y – MMM y
2120Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/dMMM d – d, y d–d MMM y
2121Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/MMMM d – MMM d, y d MMM – d MMM y
2122Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/yMMM d, y – MMM d, y d MMM y – d MMM y
2123Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/dE, MMM d – E, MMM d, y E, d MMM – E, d MMM y
2124Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/ME, MMM d – E, MMM d, y E, d MMM – E, d MMM y
2125Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/yE, MMM d, y – E, MMM d, y E, d MMM y – E, d MMM y
2126Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMM/M= MMMM – MMMM y
2127Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMM/y= MMMM y – MMMM y
2128Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formatsh/a= h a – h a
2129Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formatsh/hh – h a h–h a
2130Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formatshm/a= h:mm a – h:mm a
2131Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formatshm/hh:mm – h:mm a h:mm–h:mm a
2132Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formatshm/mh:mm – h:mm a h:mm–h:mm a
2133Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formatshmv/a= h:mm a – h:mm a v
2134Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formatshmv/hh:mm – h:mm a v h:mm–h:mm a v
2135Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formatshmv/mh:mm – h:mm a v h:mm–h:mm a v
2136Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formatshv/a= h a – h a v
2137Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formatshv/hh – h a v h–h a v
2138Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 24 Hour Time FormatsH/HHH – HH HH–HH
2139Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 24 Hour Time FormatsHm/HHH:mm – HH:mm HH:mm–HH:mm
2140Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 24 Hour Time FormatsHm/mHH:mm – HH:mm HH:mm–HH:mm
2141Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 24 Hour Time FormatsHmv/HHH:mm – HH:mm v HH:mm–HH:mm v
2142Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 24 Hour Time FormatsHmv/mHH:mm – HH:mm v HH:mm–HH:mm v
2143Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 24 Hour Time FormatsHv/HHH – HH v HH–HH v
2144Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - FallbackFallback= {0} – {1}
2145Date & TimeGenericFormats - Standard - Date FormatsfullEEEE, MMMM d, y G EEEE, d MMMM y G
2146Date & TimeGenericFormats - Standard - Date FormatslongMMMM d, y G d MMMM y G
2147Date & TimeGenericFormats - Standard - Date FormatsmediumMMM d, y G dd.MM.y G
2148Date & TimeGenericFormats - Standard - Date FormatsshortM/d/y GGGGG dd.MM.y GGGGG
2149Date & TimeGenericFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsfull{1} 'at' {0} {1} 'la' {0}
2150Date & TimeGenericFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatslong{1} 'at' {0} {1} 'la' {0}
2151Date & TimeGenericFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsmedium= {1}, {0}
2152Date & TimeGenericFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsshort= {1}, {0}
2153Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsd= d
2154Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsE= ccc
2155Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsEdd E E d
2156Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGy= y G
2157Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMM= MMM y G
2158Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMdMMM d, y G d MMM y G
2159Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMEdE, MMM d, y G E, d MMM y G
2160Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsM= L
2161Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMdM/d dd.MM
2162Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMEdE, M/d E, dd.MM
2163Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMM= LLL
2164Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMdMMM d d MMM
2165Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMEdE, MMM d E, d MMM
2166Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMMdMMMM d d MMMM
2167Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMMEdn/a E, d MMMM
2168Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsyy G y
2169Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsyyyy= y G
2170Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMM/y GGGGG MM.y G
2171Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMdM/d/y GGGGG dd.MM.y G
2172Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMEdE, M/d/y GGGGG E, dd.MM.y G
2173Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMM= MMM y G
2174Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMdMMM d, y G d MMM y G
2175Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMEdE, MMM d, y G E, d MMM y G
2176Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMM= MMMM y G
2177Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyQQQ= QQQ y G
2178Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyQQQQ= QQQQ y G
2179Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsBh= h B
2180Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsBhm= h:mm B
2181Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsBhms= h:mm:ss B
2182Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsEBhm= E h:mm B
2183Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsEBhms= E h:mm:ss B
2184Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsEhm= E h:mm a
2185Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsEhms= E h:mm:ss a
2186Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatsh= h a
2187Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatshm= h:mm a
2188Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatshms= h:mm:ss a
2189Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsEHm= E HH:mm
2190Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsEHms= E HH:mm:ss
2191Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsH= HH
2192Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsHm= HH:mm
2193Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsHms= HH:mm:ss
2194Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formatsms= mm:ss
2195Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBh/B= h B – h B
2196Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBh/hh – h B h–h B
2197Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBhm/B= h:mm B – h:mm B
2198Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBhm/hh:mm – h:mm B h:mm–h:mm B
2199Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBhm/mh:mm – h:mm B h:mm–h:mm B
2200Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsd/dd – d d–d
2201Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGy/G= y G – y G
2202Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGy/y= y – y G
2203Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyM/GM/y GGGGG – M/y GGGGG MM.y GGGGG – MM.y GGGGG
2204Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyM/MM/y – M/y GGGGG MM.y – MM.y GGGGG
2205Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyM/yM/y – M/y GGGGG MM.y – MM.y GGGGG
2206Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMd/dM/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG dd.MM.y – dd.MM.y GGGGG
2207Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMd/GM/d/y GGGGG – M/d/y GGGGG dd.MM.y GGGGG – dd.MM.y GGGGG
2208Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMd/MM/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG dd.MM.y – dd.MM.y GGGGG
2209Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMd/yM/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG dd.MM.y – dd.MM.y GGGGG
2210Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMEd/dE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG E, dd.MM.y – E, dd.MM.y GGGGG
2211Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMEd/GE, M/d/y GGGGG – E, M/d/y GGGGG E, dd.MM.y GGGGG – E, dd.MM.y GGGGG
2212Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMEd/ME, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG E, dd.MM.y – E, dd.MM.y GGGGG
2213Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMEd/yE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG E, dd.MM.y – E, dd.MM.y GGGGG
2214Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMM/G= MMM y G – MMM y G
2215Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMM/M= MMM – MMM y G
2216Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMM/y= MMM y – MMM y G
2217Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMd/dMMM d – d, y G d – d MMM y G
2218Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMd/GMMM d, y G – MMM d, y G d MMM y G – d MMM y G
2219Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMd/MMMM d – MMM d, y G d MMM – d MMM y G
2220Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMd/yMMM d, y – MMM d, y G d MMM y – d MMM y G
2221Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMEd/dE, MMM d – E, MMM d, y G E, d MMM – E, d MMM y G
2222Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMEd/GE, MMM d, y G – E, MMM d, y G E, d MMM y G – E, d MMM y G
2223Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMEd/ME, MMM d – E, MMM d, y G E, d MMM – E, d MMM y G
2224Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMEd/yE, MMM d, y – E, MMM d, y G E, d MMM y – E, d MMM y G
2225Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsh/a= h a – h a
2226Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsh/hh – h a h–h a
2227Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsH/HHH – HH HH–HH
2228Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshm/a= h:mm a – h:mm a
2229Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshm/hh:mm – h:mm a h:mm–h:mm a
2230Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHm/HHH:mm – HH:mm HH:mm–HH:mm
2231Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshm/mh:mm – h:mm a h:mm–h:mm a
2232Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHm/mHH:mm – HH:mm HH:mm–HH:mm
2233Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshmv/a= h:mm a – h:mm a v
2234Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshmv/hh:mm – h:mm a v h:mm–h:mm a v
2235Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHmv/HHH:mm – HH:mm v HH:mm–HH:mm v
2236Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshmv/mh:mm – h:mm a v h:mm–h:mm a v
2237Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHmv/mHH:mm – HH:mm v HH:mm–HH:mm v
2238Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshv/a= h a – h a v
2239Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshv/hh – h a v h–h a v
2240Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHv/HHH – HH v HH–HH v
2241Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsM/MM – M M–M
2242Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMd/dM/d – M/d dd.MM – dd.MM
2243Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMd/MM/d – M/d dd.MM – dd.MM
2244Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMEd/dE, M/d – E, M/d E, dd.MM – E, dd.MM
2245Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMEd/ME, M/d – E, M/d E, dd.MM – E, dd.MM
2246Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMM/MMMM – MMM MMM–MMM
2247Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMd/dMMM d – d d–d MMM
2248Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMd/MMMM d – MMM d d MMM – d MMM
2249Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMEd/dE, MMM d – E, MMM d E, d MMM – E, d MMM
2250Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMEd/ME, MMM d – E, MMM d E, d MMM – E, d MMM
2251Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsy/yy – y G y–y G
2252Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyM/MM/y – M/y GGGGG MM.y – MM.y G
2253Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyM/yM/y – M/y GGGGG MM.y – MM.y G
2254Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/dM/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG dd.MM.y – dd.MM.y G
2255Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/MM/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG dd.MM.y – dd.MM.y G
2256Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/yM/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG dd.MM.y – dd.MM.y G
2257Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/dE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG E, dd.MM.y – E, dd.MM.y G
2258Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/ME, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG E, dd.MM.y – E, dd.MM.y G
2259Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/yE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG E, dd.MM.y – E, dd.MM.y G
2260Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMM/MMMM – MMM y G MMM–MMM y G
2261Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMM/y= MMM y – MMM y G
2262Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/dMMM d – d, y G d–d MMM y G
2263Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/MMMM d – MMM d, y G d MMM – d MMM y G
2264Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/yMMM d, y – MMM d, y G d MMM y – d MMM y G
2265Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/dE, MMM d – E, MMM d, y G E, d MMM – E, d MMM y G
2266Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/ME, MMM d – E, MMM d, y G E, d MMM – E, d MMM y G
2267Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/yE, MMM d, y – E, MMM d, y G E, d MMM y – E, d MMM y G
2268Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMM/MMMMM – MMMM y G MMMM–MMMM y G
2269Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMM/y= MMMM y – MMMM y G
2270Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - FallbackFallback= {0} – {1}
2271Date & TimeBuddhistEras - wide0BE era budistă
2272Date & TimeBuddhistEras - abbreviated0BE e.b.
2273Date & TimeBuddhistEras - narrow0BE e.b.
2274Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Standard - Date FormatsfullEEEE, MMMM d, y G EEEE, d MMMM y G
2275Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Standard - Date FormatslongMMMM d, y G d MMMM y G
2276Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Standard - Date FormatsmediumMMM d, y G dd.MM.y G
2277Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Standard - Date FormatsshortM/d/y GGGGG dd.MM.y GGGGG
2278Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsfull{1} 'at' {0} {1} 'la' {0}
2279Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatslong{1} 'at' {0} {1} 'la' {0}
2280Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsmedium= {1}, {0}
2281Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsshort= {1}, {0}
2282Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsd= d
2283Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsE= ccc
2284Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsEdd E E d
2285Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGy= y G
2286Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMM= MMM y G
2287Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMdMMM d, y G d MMM y G
2288Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMEdE, MMM d, y G E, d MMM y G
2289Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsM= L
2290Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMdM/d dd.MM
2291Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMEdE, M/d E, dd.MM
2292Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMM= LLL
2293Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMdMMM d d MMM
2294Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMEdE, MMM d E, d MMM
2295Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMMdMMMM d d MMMM
2296Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMMEdn/a E, d MMMM
2297Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsyy G y
2298Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsyyyy= y G
2299Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMM/y GGGGG MM.y G
2300Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMdM/d/y GGGGG dd.MM.y G
2301Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMEdE, M/d/y GGGGG E, dd.MM.y G
2302Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMM= MMM y G
2303Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMdMMM d, y G d MMM y G
2304Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMEdE, MMM d, y G E, d MMM y G
2305Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMM= MMMM y G
2306Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyQQQ= QQQ y G
2307Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyQQQQ= QQQQ y G
2308Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsd/dd – d d–d
2309Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsh/a= h a – h a
2310Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsh/hh – h a h–h a
2311Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsH/HHH – HH HH–HH
2312Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshm/a= h:mm a – h:mm a
2313Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshm/hh:mm – h:mm a h:mm–h:mm a
2314Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHm/HHH:mm – HH:mm HH:mm–HH:mm
2315Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshm/mh:mm – h:mm a h:mm–h:mm a
2316Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHm/mHH:mm – HH:mm HH:mm–HH:mm
2317Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshmv/a= h:mm a – h:mm a v
2318Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshmv/hh:mm – h:mm a v h:mm–h:mm a v
2319Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHmv/HHH:mm – HH:mm v HH:mm–HH:mm v
2320Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshmv/mh:mm – h:mm a v h:mm–h:mm a v
2321Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHmv/mHH:mm – HH:mm v HH:mm–HH:mm v
2322Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshv/a= h a – h a v
2323Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshv/hh – h a v h–h a v
2324Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHv/HHH – HH v HH–HH v
2325Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsM/MM – M M–M
2326Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMd/dM/d – M/d dd.MM – dd.MM
2327Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMd/MM/d – M/d dd.MM – dd.MM
2328Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMEd/dE, M/d – E, M/d E, dd.MM – E, dd.MM
2329Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMEd/ME, M/d – E, M/d E, dd.MM – E, dd.MM
2330Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMM/MMMM – MMM MMM–MMM
2331Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMd/dMMM d – d d–d MMM
2332Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMd/MMMM d – MMM d d MMM – d MMM
2333Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMEd/dE, MMM d – E, MMM d E, d MMM – E, d MMM
2334Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMEd/ME, MMM d – E, MMM d E, d MMM – E, d MMM
2335Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsy/yy – y G y–y G
2336Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyM/MM/y – M/y GGGGG MM.y – MM.y G
2337Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyM/yM/y – M/y GGGGG MM.y – MM.y G
2338Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/dM/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG dd.MM.y – dd.MM.y G
2339Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/MM/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG dd.MM.y – dd.MM.y G
2340Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/yM/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG dd.MM.y – dd.MM.y G
2341Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/dE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG E, dd.MM.y – E, dd.MM.y G
2342Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/ME, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG E, dd.MM.y – E, dd.MM.y G
2343Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/yE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG E, dd.MM.y – E, dd.MM.y G
2344Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMM/MMMM – MMM y G MMM–MMM y G
2345Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMM/y= MMM y – MMM y G
2346Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/dMMM d – d, y G d–d MMM y G
2347Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/MMMM d – MMM d, y G d MMM – d MMM y G
2348Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/yMMM d, y – MMM d, y G d MMM y – d MMM y G
2349Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/dE, MMM d – E, MMM d, y G E, d MMM – E, d MMM y G
2350Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/ME, MMM d – E, MMM d, y G E, d MMM – E, d MMM y G
2351Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/yE, MMM d, y – E, MMM d, y G E, d MMM y – E, d MMM y G
2352Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMM/MMMMM – MMMM y G MMMM–MMMM y G
2353Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMM/y= MMMM y – MMMM y G
2354Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - FallbackFallback= {0} – {1}
2355Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-1= zi
2356Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-2= chou
2357Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-3= yin
2358Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-4= mao
2359Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-5= chen
2360Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-6= si
2361Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-7= wu
2362Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-8= wei
2363Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-9= shen
2364Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-10= you
2365Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-11= xu
2366Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-12= hai
2367Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-1= spring begins
2368Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-2= rain water
2369Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-3= insects awaken
2370Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-4= spring equinox
2371Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-5= bright and clear
2372Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-6= grain rain
2373Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-7= summer begins
2374Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-8= grain full
2375Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-9= grain in ear
2376Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-10= summer solstice
2377Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-11= minor heat
2378Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-12= major heat
2379Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-13= autumn begins
2380Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-14= end of heat
2381Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-15= white dew
2382Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-16= autumn equinox
2383Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-17= cold dew
2384Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-18= frost descends
2385Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-19= winter begins
2386Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-20= minor snow
2387Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-21= major snow
2388Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-22= winter solstice
2389Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-23= minor cold
2390Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-24= major cold
2391Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-1= jia-zi
2392Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-2= yi-chou
2393Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-3= bing-yin
2394Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-4= ding-mao
2395Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-5= wu-chen
2396Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-6= ji-si
2397Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-7= geng-wu
2398Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-8= xin-wei
2399Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-9= ren-shen
2400Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-10= gui-you
2401Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-11= jia-xu
2402Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-12= yi-hai
2403Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-13= bing-zi
2404Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-14= ding-chou
2405Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-15= wu-yin
2406Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-16= ji-mao
2407Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-17= geng-chen
2408Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-18= xin-si
2409Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-19= ren-wu
2410Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-20= gui-wei
2411Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-21= jia-shen
2412Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-22= yi-you
2413Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-23= bing-xu
2414Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-24= ding-hai
2415Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-25= wu-zi
2416Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-26= ji-chou
2417Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-27= geng-yin
2418Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-28= xin-mao
2419Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-29= ren-chen
2420Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-30= gui-si
2421Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-31= jia-wu
2422Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-32= yi-wei
2423Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-33= bing-shen
2424Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-34= ding-you
2425Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-35= wu-xu
2426Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-36= ji-hai
2427Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-37= geng-zi
2428Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-38= xin-chou
2429Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-39= ren-yin
2430Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-40= gui-mao
2431Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-41= jia-chen
2432Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-42= yi-si
2433Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-43= bing-wu
2434Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-44= ding-wei
2435Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-45= wu-shen
2436Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-46= ji-you
2437Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-47= geng-xu
2438Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-48= xin-hai
2439Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-49= ren-zi
2440Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-50= gui-chou
2441Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-51= jia-yin
2442Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-52= yi-mao
2443Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-53= bing-chen
2444Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-54= ding-si
2445Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-55= wu-wu
2446Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-56= ji-wei
2447Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-57= geng-shen
2448Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-58= xin-you
2449Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-59= ren-xu
2450Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-60= gui-hai
2451Date & TimeChinesemonthPatternsmonthPattern-format-wide-leap= {0}bis
2452Date & TimeChinesemonthPatternsmonthPattern-numeric-all-leap= {0}bis
2453Date & TimeChinesemonthPatternsmonthPattern-stand-alone-narrow-leap= {0}b
2454Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - FormattingJanFirst Month M01
2455Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - FormattingFebSecond Month M02
2456Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - FormattingMarThird Month M03
2457Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - FormattingAprFourth Month M04
2458Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - FormattingMayFifth Month M05
2459Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - FormattingJunSixth Month M06
2460Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - FormattingJulSeventh Month M07
2461Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - FormattingAugEighth Month M08
2462Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - FormattingSepNinth Month M09
2463Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - FormattingOctTenth Month M10
2464Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - FormattingNovEleventh Month M11
2465Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - FormattingDecTwelfth Month M12
2466Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - StandaloneJanFirst Month 1
2467Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - StandaloneFebSecond Month 2
2468Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - StandaloneMarThird Month 3
2469Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - StandaloneAprFourth Month 4
2470Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - StandaloneMayFifth Month 5
2471Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - StandaloneJunSixth Month 6
2472Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - StandaloneJulSeventh Month 7
2473Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - StandaloneAugEighth Month 8
2474Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - StandaloneSepNinth Month 9
2475Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - StandaloneOctTenth Month 10
2476Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - StandaloneNovEleventh Month 11
2477Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - StandaloneDecTwelfth Month 12
2478Date & TimeChineseMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJanMo1 1
2479Date & TimeChineseMonths - abbreviated - FormattingFebMo2 2
2480Date & TimeChineseMonths - abbreviated - FormattingMarMo3 3
2481Date & TimeChineseMonths - abbreviated - FormattingAprMo4 4
2482Date & TimeChineseMonths - abbreviated - FormattingMayMo5 5
2483Date & TimeChineseMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJunMo6 6
2484Date & TimeChineseMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJulMo7 7
2485Date & TimeChineseMonths - abbreviated - FormattingAugMo8 8
2486Date & TimeChineseMonths - abbreviated - FormattingSepMo9 9
2487Date & TimeChineseMonths - abbreviated - FormattingOctMo10 10
2488Date & TimeChineseMonths - abbreviated - FormattingNovMo11 11
2489Date & TimeChineseMonths - abbreviated - FormattingDecMo12 12
2490Date & TimeChineseMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneJanMo1 1
2491Date & TimeChineseMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneFebMo2 2
2492Date & TimeChineseMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneMarMo3 3
2493Date & TimeChineseMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneAprMo4 4
2494Date & TimeChineseMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneMayMo5 5
2495Date & TimeChineseMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneJunMo6 6
2496Date & TimeChineseMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneJulMo7 7
2497Date & TimeChineseMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneAugMo8 8
2498Date & TimeChineseMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneSepMo9 9
2499Date & TimeChineseMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneOctMo10 10
2500Date & TimeChineseMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneNovMo11 11
2501Date & TimeChineseMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneDecMo12 12
2502Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - FormattingJan= 1
2503Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - FormattingFeb= 2
2504Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - FormattingMar= 3
2505Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - FormattingApr= 4
2506Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - FormattingMay= 5
2507Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - FormattingJun= 6
2508Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - FormattingJul= 7
2509Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - FormattingAug= 8
2510Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - FormattingSep= 9
2511Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - FormattingOct= 10
2512Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - FormattingNov= 11
2513Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - FormattingDec= 12
2514Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - StandaloneJan= 1
2515Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - StandaloneFeb= 2
2516Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - StandaloneMar= 3
2517Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - StandaloneApr= 4
2518Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - StandaloneMay= 5
2519Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - StandaloneJun= 6
2520Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - StandaloneJul= 7
2521Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - StandaloneAug= 8
2522Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - StandaloneSep= 9
2523Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - StandaloneOct= 10
2524Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - StandaloneNov= 11
2525Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - StandaloneDec= 12
2526Date & TimeChineseFormats - Standard - Date FormatsfullEEEE, MMMM d, r(U) r(U) MMMM d, EEEE
2527Date & TimeChineseFormats - Standard - Date FormatslongMMMM d, r(U) r(U) MMMM d
2528Date & TimeChineseFormats - Standard - Date FormatsmediumMMM d, r r MMM d
2529Date & TimeChineseFormats - Standard - Date FormatsshortM/d/r r-MM-dd
2530Date & TimeChineseFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsfull{1} 'at' {0} {1} {0}
2531Date & TimeChineseFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatslong{1} 'at' {0} {1} {0}
2532Date & TimeChineseFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsmedium{1}, {0} {1} {0}
2533Date & TimeChineseFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsshort{1}, {0} {1} {0}
2534Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsd= d
2535Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsE= ccc
2536Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsEdd E d, E
2537Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyr(U) r U
2538Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMMMM r(U) r(U) MMM
2539Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMdMMM d, r r MMM d
2540Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMEdE, MMM d, r(U) r(U) MMM d, E
2541Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsM= L
2542Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMdM/d MM-dd
2543Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMEdE, M/d MM-dd, E
2544Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMM= LLL
2545Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMd= MMM d
2546Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMEdE, MMM d MMM d, E
2547Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMMd= MMMM d
2548Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsUMM/U U MM
2549Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsUMdM/d/U U MM-d
2550Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsUMMMMMM U U MMM
2551Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsUMMMdMMM d, U U MMM d
2552Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsy= r(U)
2553Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyMdM/d/r r-MM-dd
2554Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsyyyy= r(U)
2555Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMM/r r-MM
2556Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMdM/d/r r-MM-dd
2557Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMEdE, M/d/r r-MM-dd, E
2558Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMMMM r(U) r(U) MMM
2559Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMdMMM d, r r MMM d
2560Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMEdE, MMM d, r(U) r(U) MMM d, E
2561Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMMMMMM r(U) r(U) MMMM
2562Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyQQQQQQ r(U) r(U) QQQ
2563Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyQQQQQQQQ r(U) r(U) QQQQ
2564Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsBh= h B
2565Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsBhm= h:mm B
2566Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsBhms= h:mm:ss B
2567Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsEBhm= E h:mm B
2568Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsEBhms= E h:mm:ss B
2569Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatsh= h a
2570Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatshm= h:mm a
2571Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatshms= h:mm:ss a
2572Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsH= HH
2573Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsHm= HH:mm
2574Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsHms= HH:mm:ss
2575Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formatsms= mm:ss
2576Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBh/B= h B – h B
2577Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBh/hh – h B h–h B
2578Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBhm/B= h:mm B – h:mm B
2579Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBhm/hh:mm – h:mm B h:mm–h:mm B
2580Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBhm/mh:mm – h:mm B h:mm–h:mm B
2581Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsd/dd – d d–d
2582Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsh/a= h a – h a
2583Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsh/hh – h a h–h a
2584Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsH/HHH – HH HH–HH
2585Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshm/a= h:mm a – h:mm a
2586Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshm/hh:mm – h:mm a h:mm–h:mm a
2587Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHm/HHH:mm – HH:mm HH:mm–HH:mm
2588Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshm/mh:mm – h:mm a h:mm–h:mm a
2589Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHm/mHH:mm – HH:mm HH:mm–HH:mm
2590Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshmv/a= h:mm a – h:mm a v
2591Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshmv/hh:mm – h:mm a v h:mm–h:mm a v
2592Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHmv/HHH:mm – HH:mm v HH:mm–HH:mm v
2593Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshmv/mh:mm – h:mm a v h:mm–h:mm a v
2594Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHmv/mHH:mm – HH:mm v HH:mm–HH:mm v
2595Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshv/a= h a – h a v
2596Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshv/hh – h a v h–h a v
2597Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHv/HHH – HH v HH–HH v
2598Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsM/MM – M MM–MM
2599Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMd/dM/d – M/d MM-dd – MM-dd
2600Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMd/MM/d – M/d MM-dd – MM-dd
2601Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMEd/dE, M/d – E, M/d MM-dd, E – MM-dd, E
2602Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMEd/ME, M/d – E, M/d MM-dd, E – MM-dd, E
2603Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMM/MMMM – MMM LLL–LLL
2604Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMd/dMMM d – d MMM d–d
2605Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMd/M= MMM d – MMM d
2606Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMEd/dE, MMM d – E, MMM d MMM d, E – MMM d, E
2607Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMEd/ME, MMM d – E, MMM d MMM d, E – MMM d, E
2608Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsy/yU – U U–U
2609Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyM/MM/y – M/y y-MM – y-MM
2610Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyM/yM/y – M/y y-MM – y-MM
2611Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/dM/d/y – M/d/y y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd
2612Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/MM/d/y – M/d/y y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd
2613Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/yM/d/y – M/d/y y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd
2614Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/dE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E
2615Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/ME, M/d/y – E, M/d/y y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E
2616Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/yE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E
2617Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMM/MMMM – MMM U U MMM–MMM
2618Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMM/yMMM U – MMM U U MMM – U MMM
2619Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/dMMM d – d, U U MMM d–d
2620Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/MMMM d – MMM d, U U MMM d – MMM d
2621Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/yMMM d, U – MMM d, U U MMM d – U MMM d
2622Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/dE, MMM d – E, MMM d, U U MMM d, E – MMM d, E
2623Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/ME, MMM d – E, MMM d, U U MMM d, E – MMM d, E
2624Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/yE, MMM d, U – E, MMM d, U U MMM d, E – U MMM d, E
2625Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMM/MMMMM – MMMM U U MMMM–MMMM
2626Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMM/yMMMM U – MMMM U U MMMM – U MMMM
2627Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - FallbackFallback= {0} – {1}
2628Date & TimeCopticEras - wide0ERA0 înainte de Anno Martyrum
2629Date & TimeCopticEras - wide1ERA1 după Anno Martyrum
2630Date & TimeCopticEras - abbreviated0ERA0 î.A.M.
2631Date & TimeCopticEras - abbreviated1ERA1 A.M.
2632Date & TimeCopticEras - narrow0ERA0 î.A.M.
2633Date & TimeCopticEras - narrow1ERA1 A.M.
2634Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingJanTout Thout
2635Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingFebBaba Paopi
2636Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingMarHator Hathor
2637Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingAprKiahk Koiak
2638Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingMayToba Tobi
2639Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingJunAmshir Meshir
2640Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingJulBaramhat Paremhat
2641Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingAugBaramouda Paremoude
2642Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingSepBashans Pashons
2643Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingOctPaona Paoni
2644Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingNovEpep Epip
2645Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingDecMesra Mesori
2646Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingUndNasie Pi Kogi Enavot
2647Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - StandaloneJanTout Thout
2648Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - StandaloneFebBaba Paopi
2649Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - StandaloneMarHator Hathor
2650Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - StandaloneAprKiahk Koiak
2651Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - StandaloneMayToba Tobi
2652Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - StandaloneJunAmshir Meshir
2653Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - StandaloneJulBaramhat Paremhat
2654Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - StandaloneAugBaramouda Paremoude
2655Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - StandaloneSepBashans Pashons
2656Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - StandaloneOctPaona Paoni
2657Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - StandaloneNovEpep Epip
2658Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - StandaloneDecMesra Mesori
2659Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - StandaloneUndNasie Pi Kogi Enavot
2660Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJanTout Thout
2661Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - FormattingFebBaba Paopi
2662Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - FormattingMarHator Hathor
2663Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - FormattingAprKiahk Koiak
2664Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - FormattingMayToba Tobi
2665Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJunAmshir Meshir
2666Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJulBaramhat Paremhat
2667Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - FormattingAugBaramouda Paremoude
2668Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - FormattingSepBashans Pashons
2669Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - FormattingOctPaona Paoni
2670Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - FormattingNovEpep Epip
2671Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - FormattingDecMesra Mesori
2672Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - FormattingUndNasie Pi Kogi Enavot
2673Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneJanTout Thout
2674Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneFebBaba Paopi
2675Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneMarHator Hathor
2676Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneAprKiahk Koiak
2677Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneMayToba Tobi
2678Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneJunAmshir Meshir
2679Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneJulBaramhat Paremhat
2680Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneAugBaramouda Paremoude
2681Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneSepBashans Pashons
2682Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneOctPaona Paoni
2683Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneNovEpep Epip
2684Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneDecMesra Mesori
2685Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneUndNasie Pi Kogi Enavot
2686Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - FormattingJan= 1
2687Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - FormattingFeb= 2
2688Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - FormattingMar= 3
2689Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - FormattingApr= 4
2690Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - FormattingMay= 5
2691Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - FormattingJun= 6
2692Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - FormattingJul= 7
2693Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - FormattingAug= 8
2694Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - FormattingSep= 9
2695Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - FormattingOct= 10
2696Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - FormattingNov= 11
2697Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - FormattingDec= 12
2698Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - FormattingUnd= 13
2699Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneJan= 1
2700Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneFeb= 2
2701Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneMar= 3
2702Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneApr= 4
2703Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneMay= 5
2704Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneJun= 6
2705Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneJul= 7
2706Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneAug= 8
2707Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneSep= 9
2708Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneOct= 10
2709Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneNov= 11
2710Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneDec= 12
2711Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneUnd= 13
2712Date & TimeEthiopicEras - wide0ERA0 înainte de Întrupare
2713Date & TimeEthiopicEras - wide1ERA1 după Întrupare
2714Date & TimeEthiopicEras - abbreviated0ERA0 î.Într.
2715Date & TimeEthiopicEras - abbreviated1ERA1 d.Într.
2716Date & TimeEthiopicEras - narrow0ERA0 î.Într.
2717Date & TimeEthiopicEras - narrow1ERA1 d.Într.
2718Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingJanMeskerem meskerem
2719Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingFebTekemt taqemt
2720Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingMarHedar hedar
2721Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingAprTahsas tahsas
2722Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingMayTer ter
2723Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingJunYekatit yekatit
2724Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingJulMegabit megabit
2725Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingAugMiazia miazia
2726Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingSepGenbot genbot
2727Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingOctSene sene
2728Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingNovHamle hamle
2729Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingDecNehasse nehase
2730Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingUndPagumen pagumen
2731Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - StandaloneJanMeskerem meskerem
2732Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - StandaloneFebTekemt taqemt
2733Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - StandaloneMarHedar hedar
2734Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - StandaloneAprTahsas tahsas
2735Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - StandaloneMayTer ter
2736Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - StandaloneJunYekatit yekatit
2737Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - StandaloneJulMegabit megabit
2738Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - StandaloneAugMiazia miazia
2739Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - StandaloneSepGenbot genbot
2740Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - StandaloneOctSene sene
2741Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - StandaloneNovHamle hamle
2742Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - StandaloneDecNehasse nehase
2743Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - StandaloneUndPagumen pagumen
2744Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJanMeskerem meskerem
2745Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingFebTekemt taqemt
2746Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingMarHedar hedar
2747Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingAprTahsas tahsas
2748Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingMayTer ter
2749Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJunYekatit yekatit
2750Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJulMegabit megabit
2751Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingAugMiazia miazia
2752Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingSepGenbot genbot
2753Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingOctSene sene
2754Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingNovHamle hamle
2755Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingDecNehasse nehase
2756Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingUndPagumen pagumen
2757Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneJanMeskerem meskerem
2758Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneFebTekemt taqemt
2759Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneMarHedar hedar
2760Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneAprTahsas tahsas
2761Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneMayTer ter
2762Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneJunYekatit yekatit
2763Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneJulMegabit megabit
2764Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneAugMiazia miazia
2765Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneSepGenbot genbot
2766Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneOctSene sene
2767Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneNovHamle hamle
2768Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneDecNehasse nehase
2769Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneUndPagumen pagumen
2770Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - FormattingJan= 1
2771Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - FormattingFeb= 2
2772Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - FormattingMar= 3
2773Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - FormattingApr= 4
2774Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - FormattingMay= 5
2775Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - FormattingJun= 6
2776Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - FormattingJul= 7
2777Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - FormattingAug= 8
2778Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - FormattingSep= 9
2779Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - FormattingOct= 10
2780Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - FormattingNov= 11
2781Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - FormattingDec= 12
2782Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - FormattingUnd= 13
2783Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneJan= 1
2784Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneFeb= 2
2785Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneMar= 3
2786Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneApr= 4
2787Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneMay= 5
2788Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneJun= 6
2789Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneJul= 7
2790Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneAug= 8
2791Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneSep= 9
2792Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneOct= 10
2793Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneNov= 11
2794Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneDec= 12
2795Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneUnd= 13
2796Date & TimeEthiopic-Amete-AlemEras - abbreviated0= ERA0
2797Date & TimeHebrewEras - wide0AM A.M.
2798Date & TimeHebrewEras - abbreviated0AM A.M.
2799Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingJanTishri Tișrei
2800Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingFebHeshvan Heșvan
2801Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingMar= Kislev
2802Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingApr= Tevet
2803Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingMayShevat Șevat
2804Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingJun= Adar I
2805Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingJul= Adar
2806Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingJul (leap)= Adar II
2807Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingAug= Nisan
2808Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingSep= Iyar
2809Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingOct= Sivan
2810Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingNovTamuz Tammuz
2811Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingDec= Av
2812Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingUnd= Elul
2813Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - StandaloneJanTishri Tișrei
2814Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - StandaloneFebHeshvan Heșvan
2815Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - StandaloneMayShevat Șevat
2816Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - StandaloneNovTamuz Tammuz
2817Date & TimeHebrewMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJanTishri Tișrei
2818Date & TimeHebrewMonths - abbreviated - FormattingFebHeshvan Heșvan
2819Date & TimeHebrewMonths - abbreviated - FormattingMayShevat Șevat
2820Date & TimeHebrewMonths - abbreviated - FormattingNovTamuz Tammuz
2821Date & TimeHebrewMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneJanTishri Tișrei
2822Date & TimeHebrewMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneFebHeshvan Heșvan
2823Date & TimeHebrewMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneMayShevat Șevat
2824Date & TimeHebrewMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneNovTamuz Tammuz
2825Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - FormattingJan= 1
2826Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - FormattingFeb= 2
2827Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - FormattingMar= 3
2828Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - FormattingApr= 4
2829Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - FormattingMay= 5
2830Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - FormattingJun= 6
2831Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - FormattingJul= 7
2832Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - FormattingJul (leap)= 7
2833Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - FormattingAug= 8
2834Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - FormattingSep= 9
2835Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - FormattingOct= 10
2836Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - FormattingNov= 11
2837Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - FormattingDec= 12
2838Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - FormattingUnd= 13
2839Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneJan= 1
2840Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneFeb= 2
2841Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneMar= 3
2842Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneApr= 4
2843Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneMay= 5
2844Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneJun= 6
2845Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneJul= 7
2846Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneJul (leap)= 7
2847Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneAug= 8
2848Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneSep= 9
2849Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneOct= 10
2850Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneNov= 11
2851Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneDec= 12
2852Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneUnd= 13
2853Date & TimeIndianEras - wide0= Saka
2854Date & TimeIndianEras - abbreviated0= Saka
2855Date & TimeIndianEras - narrow0= Saka
2856Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - FormattingJan= Chaitra
2857Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - FormattingFeb= Vaisakha
2858Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - FormattingMarJyaistha Jyeshta
2859Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - FormattingAprAsadha Aashaadha
2860Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - FormattingMaySravana Shraavana
2861Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - FormattingJunBhadra Bhadrapada
2862Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - FormattingJulAsvina Ashwin
2863Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - FormattingAugKartika Kartik
2864Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - FormattingSepAgrahayana Margashirsha
2865Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - FormattingOctPausa Pausha
2866Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - FormattingNovMagha Magh
2867Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - FormattingDec= Phalguna
2868Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - StandaloneJan= Chaitra
2869Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - StandaloneFeb= Vaisakha
2870Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - StandaloneMarJyaistha Jyeshta
2871Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - StandaloneAprAsadha Aashaadha
2872Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - StandaloneMaySravana Shraavana
2873Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - StandaloneJunBhadra Bhadrapada
2874Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - StandaloneJulAsvina Ashwin
2875Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - StandaloneAugKartika Kartik
2876Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - StandaloneSepAgrahayana Margashirsha
2877Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - StandaloneOctPausa Pausha
2878Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - StandaloneNovMagha Magh
2879Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - StandaloneDec= Phalguna
2880Date & TimeIndianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJan= Chaitra
2881Date & TimeIndianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingFeb= Vaisakha
2882Date & TimeIndianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingMarJyaistha Jyeshta
2883Date & TimeIndianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingAprAsadha Aashaadha
2884Date & TimeIndianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingMaySravana Shraavana
2885Date & TimeIndianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJunBhadra Bhadrapada
2886Date & TimeIndianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJulAsvina Ashwin
2887Date & TimeIndianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingAugKartika Kartik
2888Date & TimeIndianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingSepAgrahayana Margashirsha
2889Date & TimeIndianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingOctPausa Pausha
2890Date & TimeIndianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingNovMagha Magh
2891Date & TimeIndianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingDec= Phalguna
2892Date & TimeIndianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneJan= Chaitra
2893Date & TimeIndianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneFeb= Vaisakha
2894Date & TimeIndianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneMarJyaistha Jyeshta
2895Date & TimeIndianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneAprAsadha Aashaadha
2896Date & TimeIndianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneMaySravana Shraavana
2897Date & TimeIndianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneJunBhadra Bhadrapada
2898Date & TimeIndianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneJulAsvina Ashwin
2899Date & TimeIndianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneAugKartika Kartik
2900Date & TimeIndianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneSepAgrahayana Margashirsha
2901Date & TimeIndianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneOctPausa Pausha
2902Date & TimeIndianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneNovMagha Magh
2903Date & TimeIndianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneDec= Phalguna
2904Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - FormattingJan= 1
2905Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - FormattingFeb= 2
2906Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - FormattingMar= 3
2907Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - FormattingApr= 4
2908Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - FormattingMay= 5
2909Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - FormattingJun= 6
2910Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - FormattingJul= 7
2911Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - FormattingAug= 8
2912Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - FormattingSep= 9
2913Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - FormattingOct= 10
2914Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - FormattingNov= 11
2915Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - FormattingDec= 12
2916Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - StandaloneJan= 1
2917Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - StandaloneFeb= 2
2918Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - StandaloneMar= 3
2919Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - StandaloneApr= 4
2920Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - StandaloneMay= 5
2921Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - StandaloneJun= 6
2922Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - StandaloneJul= 7
2923Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - StandaloneAug= 8
2924Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - StandaloneSep= 9
2925Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - StandaloneOct= 10
2926Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - StandaloneNov= 11
2927Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - StandaloneDec= 12
2928Date & TimeIslamicEras - wide0AH A.H.
2929Date & TimeIslamicEras - abbreviated0= AH
2930Date & TimeIslamicEras - narrow0= AH
2931Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - FormattingJan= Muharram
2932Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - FormattingFeb= Safar
2933Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - FormattingMar= Rabiʻ I
2934Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - FormattingApr= Rabiʻ II
2935Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - FormattingMay= Jumada I
2936Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - FormattingJun= Jumada II
2937Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - FormattingJul= Rajab
2938Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - FormattingAug= Shaʻban
2939Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - FormattingSep= Ramadan
2940Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - FormattingOct= Shawwal
2941Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - FormattingNov= Dhuʻl-Qiʻdah
2942Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - FormattingDec= Dhuʻl-Hijjah
2943Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - StandaloneJan= Muharram
2944Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - StandaloneFeb= Safar
2945Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - StandaloneMar= Rabiʻ I
2946Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - StandaloneApr= Rabiʻ II
2947Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - StandaloneMay= Jumada I
2948Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - StandaloneJun= Jumada II
2949Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - StandaloneJul= Rajab
2950Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - StandaloneAug= Shaʻban
2951Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - StandaloneSep= Ramadan
2952Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - StandaloneOct= Shawwal
2953Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - StandaloneNov= Dhuʻl-Qiʻdah
2954Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - StandaloneDec= Dhuʻl-Hijjah
2955Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJan= Muh.
2956Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingFeb= Saf.
2957Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingMar= Rab. I
2958Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingApr= Rab. II
2959Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingMay= Jum. I
2960Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJun= Jum. II
2961Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJul= Raj.
2962Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingAug= Sha.
2963Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingSep= Ram.
2964Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingOct= Shaw.
2965Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingNov= Dhuʻl-Q.
2966Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingDec= Dhuʻl-H.
2967Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneJan= Muh.
2968Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneFeb= Saf.
2969Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneMar= Rab. I
2970Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneApr= Rab. II
2971Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneMay= Jum. I
2972Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneJun= Jum. II
2973Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneJul= Raj.
2974Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneAug= Sha.
2975Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneSep= Ram.
2976Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneOct= Shaw.
2977Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneNov= Dhuʻl-Q.
2978Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneDec= Dhuʻl-H.
2979Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - FormattingJan= 1
2980Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - FormattingFeb= 2
2981Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - FormattingMar= 3
2982Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - FormattingApr= 4
2983Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - FormattingMay= 5
2984Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - FormattingJun= 6
2985Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - FormattingJul= 7
2986Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - FormattingAug= 8
2987Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - FormattingSep= 9
2988Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - FormattingOct= 10
2989Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - FormattingNov= 11
2990Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - FormattingDec= 12
2991Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - StandaloneJan= 1
2992Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - StandaloneFeb= 2
2993Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - StandaloneMar= 3
2994Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - StandaloneApr= 4
2995Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - StandaloneMay= 5
2996Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - StandaloneJun= 6
2997Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - StandaloneJul= 7
2998Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - StandaloneAug= 8
2999Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - StandaloneSep= 9
3000Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - StandaloneOct= 10
3001Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - StandaloneNov= 11
3002Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - StandaloneDec= 12
3003Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated0= Taika (645–650)
3004Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated1= Hakuchi (650–671)
3005Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated2= Hakuhō (672–686)
3006Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated3= Shuchō (686–701)
3007Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated4= Taihō (701–704)
3008Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated5= Keiun (704–708)
3009Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated6= Wadō (708–715)
3010Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated7= Reiki (715–717)
3011Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated8= Yōrō (717–724)
3012Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated9= Jinki (724–729)
3013Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated10= Tenpyō (729–749)
3014Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated11= Tenpyō-kampō (749–749)
3015Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated12= Tenpyō-shōhō (749–757)
3016Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated13= Tenpyō-hōji (757–765)
3017Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated14= Tenpyō-jingo (765–767)
3018Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated15= Jingo-keiun (767–770)
3019Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated16= Hōki (770–780)
3020Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated17= Ten-ō (781–782)
3021Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated18= Enryaku (782–806)
3022Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated19= Daidō (806–810)
3023Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated20= Kōnin (810–824)
3024Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated21= Tenchō (824–834)
3025Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated22= Jōwa (834–848)
3026Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated23= Kajō (848–851)
3027Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated24= Ninju (851–854)
3028Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated25= Saikō (854–857)
3029Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated26= Ten-an (857–859)
3030Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated27= Jōgan (859–877)
3031Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated28= Gangyō (877–885)
3032Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated29= Ninna (885–889)
3033Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated30= Kanpyō (889–898)
3034Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated31= Shōtai (898–901)
3035Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated32= Engi (901–923)
3036Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated33= Enchō (923–931)
3037Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated34= Jōhei (931–938)
3038Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated35= Tengyō (938–947)
3039Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated36= Tenryaku (947–957)
3040Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated37= Tentoku (957–961)
3041Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated38= Ōwa (961–964)
3042Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated39= Kōhō (964–968)
3043Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated40= Anna (968–970)
3044Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated41= Tenroku (970–973)
3045Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated42= Ten’en (973–976)
3046Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated43= Jōgen (976–978)
3047Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated44= Tengen (978–983)
3048Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated45= Eikan (983–985)
3049Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated46= Kanna (985–987)
3050Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated47= Eien (987–989)
3051Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated48= Eiso (989–990)
3052Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated49= Shōryaku (990–995)
3053Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated50= Chōtoku (995–999)
3054Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated51= Chōhō (999–1004)
3055Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated52= Kankō (1004–1012)
3056Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated53= Chōwa (1012–1017)
3057Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated54= Kannin (1017–1021)
3058Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated55= Jian (1021–1024)
3059Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated56= Manju (1024–1028)
3060Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated57= Chōgen (1028–1037)
3061Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated58= Chōryaku (1037–1040)
3062Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated59= Chōkyū (1040–1044)
3063Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated60= Kantoku (1044–1046)
3064Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated61= Eishō (1046–1053)
3065Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated62= Tengi (1053–1058)
3066Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated63= Kōhei (1058–1065)
3067Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated64= Jiryaku (1065–1069)
3068Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated65= Enkyū (1069–1074)
3069Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated66= Shōho (1074–1077)
3070Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated67= Shōryaku (1077–1081)
3071Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated68= Eihō (1081–1084)
3072Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated69= Ōtoku (1084–1087)
3073Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated70= Kanji (1087–1094)
3074Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated71= Kahō (1094–1096)
3075Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated72= Eichō (1096–1097)
3076Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated73= Jōtoku (1097–1099)
3077Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated74= Kōwa (1099–1104)
3078Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated75= Chōji (1104–1106)
3079Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated76= Kashō (1106–1108)
3080Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated77= Tennin (1108–1110)
3081Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated78= Ten-ei (1110–1113)
3082Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated79= Eikyū (1113–1118)
3083Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated80= Gen’ei (1118–1120)
3084Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated81= Hōan (1120–1124)
3085Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated82= Tenji (1124–1126)
3086Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated83= Daiji (1126–1131)
3087Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated84= Tenshō (1131–1132)
3088Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated85= Chōshō (1132–1135)
3089Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated86= Hōen (1135–1141)
3090Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated87= Eiji (1141–1142)
3091Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated88= Kōji (1142–1144)
3092Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated89= Ten’yō (1144–1145)
3093Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated90= Kyūan (1145–1151)
3094Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated91= Ninpei (1151–1154)
3095Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated92= Kyūju (1154–1156)
3096Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated93= Hōgen (1156–1159)
3097Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated94= Heiji (1159–1160)
3098Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated95= Eiryaku (1160–1161)
3099Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated96= Ōho (1161–1163)
3100Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated97= Chōkan (1163–1165)
3101Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated98= Eiman (1165–1166)
3102Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated99= Nin’an (1166–1169)
3103Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated100= Kaō (1169–1171)
3104Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated101= Shōan (1171–1175)
3105Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated102= Angen (1175–1177)
3106Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated103= Jishō (1177–1181)
3107Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated104= Yōwa (1181–1182)
3108Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated105= Juei (1182–1184)
3109Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated106= Genryaku (1184–1185)
3110Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated107= Bunji (1185–1190)
3111Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated108= Kenkyū (1190–1199)
3112Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated109= Shōji (1199–1201)
3113Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated110= Kennin (1201–1204)
3114Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated111= Genkyū (1204–1206)
3115Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated112= Ken’ei (1206–1207)
3116Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated113= Jōgen (1207–1211)
3117Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated114= Kenryaku (1211–1213)
3118Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated115= Kenpō (1213–1219)
3119Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated116= Jōkyū (1219–1222)
3120Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated117= Jōō (1222–1224)
3121Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated118= Gennin (1224–1225)
3122Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated119= Karoku (1225–1227)
3123Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated120= Antei (1227–1229)
3124Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated121= Kanki (1229–1232)
3125Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated122= Jōei (1232–1233)
3126Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated123= Tenpuku (1233–1234)
3127Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated124= Bunryaku (1234–1235)
3128Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated125= Katei (1235–1238)
3129Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated126= Ryakunin (1238–1239)
3130Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated127= En’ō (1239–1240)
3131Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated128= Ninji (1240–1243)
3132Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated129= Kangen (1243–1247)
3133Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated130= Hōji (1247–1249)
3134Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated131= Kenchō (1249–1256)
3135Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated132= Kōgen (1256–1257)
3136Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated133= Shōka (1257–1259)
3137Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated134= Shōgen (1259–1260)
3138Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated135= Bun’ō (1260–1261)
3139Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated136= Kōchō (1261–1264)
3140Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated137= Bun’ei (1264–1275)
3141Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated138= Kenji (1275–1278)
3142Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated139= Kōan (1278–1288)
3143Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated140= Shōō (1288–1293)
3144Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated141= Einin (1293–1299)
3145Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated142= Shōan (1299–1302)
3146Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated143= Kengen (1302–1303)
3147Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated144= Kagen (1303–1306)
3148Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated145= Tokuji (1306–1308)
3149Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated146= Enkyō (1308–1311)
3150Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated147= Ōchō (1311–1312)
3151Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated148= Shōwa (1312–1317)
3152Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated149= Bunpō (1317–1319)
3153Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated150= Genō (1319–1321)
3154Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated151= Genkō (1321–1324)
3155Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated152= Shōchū (1324–1326)
3156Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated153= Karyaku (1326–1329)
3157Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated154= Gentoku (1329–1331)
3158Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated155= Genkō (1331–1334)
3159Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated156= Kenmu (1334–1336)
3160Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated157= Engen (1336–1340)
3161Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated158= Kōkoku (1340–1346)
3162Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated159= Shōhei (1346–1370)
3163Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated160= Kentoku (1370–1372)
3164Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated161= Bunchū (1372–1375)
3165Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated162= Tenju (1375–1379)
3166Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated163= Kōryaku (1379–1381)
3167Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated164= Kōwa (1381–1384)
3168Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated165= Genchū (1384–1392)
3169Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated166= Meitoku (1384–1387)
3170Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated167= Kakei (1387–1389)
3171Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated168= Kōō (1389–1390)
3172Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated169= Meitoku (1390–1394)
3173Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated170= Ōei (1394–1428)
3174Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated171= Shōchō (1428–1429)
3175Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated172= Eikyō (1429–1441)
3176Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated173= Kakitsu (1441–1444)
3177Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated174= Bun’an (1444–1449)
3178Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated175= Hōtoku (1449–1452)
3179Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated176= Kyōtoku (1452–1455)
3180Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated177= Kōshō (1455–1457)
3181Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated178= Chōroku (1457–1460)
3182Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated179= Kanshō (1460–1466)
3183Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated180= Bunshō (1466–1467)
3184Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated181= Ōnin (1467–1469)
3185Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated182= Bunmei (1469–1487)
3186Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated183= Chōkyō (1487–1489)
3187Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated184= Entoku (1489–1492)
3188Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated185= Meiō (1492–1501)
3189Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated186= Bunki (1501–1504)
3190Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated187= Eishō (1504–1521)
3191Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated188= Taiei (1521–1528)
3192Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated189= Kyōroku (1528–1532)
3193Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated190= Tenbun (1532–1555)
3194Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated191= Kōji (1555–1558)
3195Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated192= Eiroku (1558–1570)
3196Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated193= Genki (1570–1573)
3197Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated194= Tenshō (1573–1592)
3198Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated195= Bunroku (1592–1596)
3199Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated196= Keichō (1596–1615)
3200Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated197= Genna (1615–1624)
3201Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated198= Kan’ei (1624–1644)
3202Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated199= Shōho (1644–1648)
3203Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated200= Keian (1648–1652)
3204Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated201= Jōō (1652–1655)
3205Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated202= Meireki (1655–1658)
3206Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated203= Manji (1658–1661)
3207Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated204= Kanbun (1661–1673)
3208Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated205= Enpō (1673–1681)
3209Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated206= Tenna (1681–1684)
3210Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated207= Jōkyō (1684–1688)
3211Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated208= Genroku (1688–1704)
3212Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated209= Hōei (1704–1711)
3213Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated210= Shōtoku (1711–1716)
3214Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated211= Kyōhō (1716–1736)
3215Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated212= Genbun (1736–1741)
3216Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated213= Kanpō (1741–1744)
3217Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated214= Enkyō (1744–1748)
3218Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated215= Kan’en (1748–1751)
3219Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated216= Hōreki (1751–1764)
3220Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated217= Meiwa (1764–1772)
3221Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated218= An’ei (1772–1781)
3222Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated219= Tenmei (1781–1789)
3223Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated220= Kansei (1789–1801)
3224Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated221= Kyōwa (1801–1804)
3225Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated222= Bunka (1804–1818)
3226Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated223= Bunsei (1818–1830)
3227Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated224= Tenpō (1830–1844)
3228Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated225= Kōka (1844–1848)
3229Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated226= Kaei (1848–1854)
3230Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated227= Ansei (1854–1860)
3231Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated228= Man’en (1860–1861)
3232Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated229= Bunkyū (1861–1864)
3233Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated230= Genji (1864–1865)
3234Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated231= Keiō (1865–1868)
3235Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated232= Meiji
3236Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated233= Taishō
3237Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated234= Shōwa
3238Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated235= Heisei
3239Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated236= Reiwa
3240Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow0= Taika (645–650)
3241Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow1= Hakuchi (650–671)
3242Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow2= Hakuhō (672–686)
3243Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow3= Shuchō (686–701)
3244Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow4= Taihō (701–704)
3245Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow5= Keiun (704–708)
3246Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow6= Wadō (708–715)
3247Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow7= Reiki (715–717)
3248Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow8= Yōrō (717–724)
3249Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow9= Jinki (724–729)
3250Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow10= Tenpyō (729–749)
3251Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow11= Tenpyō-kampō (749–749)
3252Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow12= Tenpyō-shōhō (749–757)
3253Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow13= Tenpyō-hōji (757–765)
3254Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow14= Tenpyō-jingo (765–767)
3255Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow15= Jingo-keiun (767–770)
3256Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow16= Hōki (770–780)
3257Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow17= Ten-ō (781–782)
3258Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow18= Enryaku (782–806)
3259Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow19= Daidō (806–810)
3260Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow20= Kōnin (810–824)
3261Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow21= Tenchō (824–834)
3262Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow22= Jōwa (834–848)
3263Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow23= Kajō (848–851)
3264Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow24= Ninju (851–854)
3265Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow25= Saikō (854–857)
3266Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow26= Ten-an (857–859)
3267Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow27= Jōgan (859–877)
3268Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow28= Gangyō (877–885)
3269Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow29= Ninna (885–889)
3270Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow30= Kanpyō (889–898)
3271Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow31= Shōtai (898–901)
3272Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow32= Engi (901–923)
3273Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow33= Enchō (923–931)
3274Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow34= Jōhei (931–938)
3275Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow35= Tengyō (938–947)
3276Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow36= Tenryaku (947–957)
3277Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow37= Tentoku (957–961)
3278Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow38= Ōwa (961–964)
3279Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow39= Kōhō (964–968)
3280Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow40= Anna (968–970)
3281Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow41= Tenroku (970–973)
3282Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow42= Ten’en (973–976)
3283Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow43= Jōgen (976–978)
3284Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow44= Tengen (978–983)
3285Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow45= Eikan (983–985)
3286Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow46= Kanna (985–987)
3287Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow47= Eien (987–989)
3288Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow48= Eiso (989–990)
3289Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow49= Shōryaku (990–995)
3290Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow50= Chōtoku (995–999)
3291Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow51= Chōhō (999–1004)
3292Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow52= Kankō (1004–1012)
3293Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow53= Chōwa (1012–1017)
3294Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow54= Kannin (1017–1021)
3295Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow55= Jian (1021–1024)
3296Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow56= Manju (1024–1028)
3297Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow57= Chōgen (1028–1037)
3298Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow58= Chōryaku (1037–1040)
3299Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow59= Chōkyū (1040–1044)
3300Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow60= Kantoku (1044–1046)
3301Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow61= Eishō (1046–1053)
3302Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow62= Tengi (1053–1058)
3303Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow63= Kōhei (1058–1065)
3304Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow64= Jiryaku (1065–1069)
3305Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow65= Enkyū (1069–1074)
3306Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow66= Shōho (1074–1077)
3307Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow67= Shōryaku (1077–1081)
3308Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow68= Eihō (1081–1084)
3309Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow69= Ōtoku (1084–1087)
3310Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow70= Kanji (1087–1094)
3311Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow71= Kahō (1094–1096)
3312Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow72= Eichō (1096–1097)
3313Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow73= Jōtoku (1097–1099)
3314Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow74= Kōwa (1099–1104)
3315Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow75= Chōji (1104–1106)
3316Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow76= Kashō (1106–1108)
3317Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow77= Tennin (1108–1110)
3318Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow78= Ten-ei (1110–1113)
3319Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow79= Eikyū (1113–1118)
3320Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow80= Gen’ei (1118–1120)
3321Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow81= Hōan (1120–1124)
3322Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow82= Tenji (1124–1126)
3323Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow83= Daiji (1126–1131)
3324Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow84= Tenshō (1131–1132)
3325Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow85= Chōshō (1132–1135)
3326Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow86= Hōen (1135–1141)
3327Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow87= Eiji (1141–1142)
3328Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow88= Kōji (1142–1144)
3329Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow89= Ten’yō (1144–1145)
3330Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow90= Kyūan (1145–1151)
3331Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow91= Ninpei (1151–1154)
3332Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow92= Kyūju (1154–1156)
3333Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow93= Hōgen (1156–1159)
3334Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow94= Heiji (1159–1160)
3335Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow95= Eiryaku (1160–1161)
3336Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow96= Ōho (1161–1163)
3337Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow97= Chōkan (1163–1165)
3338Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow98= Eiman (1165–1166)
3339Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow99= Nin’an (1166–1169)
3340Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow100= Kaō (1169–1171)
3341Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow101= Shōan (1171–1175)
3342Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow102= Angen (1175–1177)
3343Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow103= Jishō (1177–1181)
3344Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow104= Yōwa (1181–1182)
3345Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow105= Juei (1182–1184)
3346Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow106= Genryaku (1184–1185)
3347Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow107= Bunji (1185–1190)
3348Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow108= Kenkyū (1190–1199)
3349Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow109= Shōji (1199–1201)
3350Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow110= Kennin (1201–1204)
3351Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow111= Genkyū (1204–1206)
3352Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow112= Ken’ei (1206–1207)
3353Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow113= Jōgen (1207–1211)
3354Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow114= Kenryaku (1211–1213)
3355Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow115= Kenpō (1213–1219)
3356Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow116= Jōkyū (1219–1222)
3357Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow117= Jōō (1222–1224)
3358Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow118= Gennin (1224–1225)
3359Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow119= Karoku (1225–1227)
3360Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow120= Antei (1227–1229)
3361Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow121= Kanki (1229–1232)
3362Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow122= Jōei (1232–1233)
3363Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow123= Tenpuku (1233–1234)
3364Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow124= Bunryaku (1234–1235)
3365Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow125= Katei (1235–1238)
3366Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow126= Ryakunin (1238–1239)
3367Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow127= En’ō (1239–1240)
3368Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow128= Ninji (1240–1243)
3369Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow129= Kangen (1243–1247)
3370Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow130= Hōji (1247–1249)
3371Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow131= Kenchō (1249–1256)
3372Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow132= Kōgen (1256–1257)
3373Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow133= Shōka (1257–1259)
3374Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow134= Shōgen (1259–1260)
3375Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow135= Bun’ō (1260–1261)
3376Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow136= Kōchō (1261–1264)
3377Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow137= Bun’ei (1264–1275)
3378Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow138= Kenji (1275–1278)
3379Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow139= Kōan (1278–1288)
3380Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow140= Shōō (1288–1293)
3381Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow141= Einin (1293–1299)
3382Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow142= Shōan (1299–1302)
3383Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow143= Kengen (1302–1303)
3384Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow144= Kagen (1303–1306)
3385Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow145= Tokuji (1306–1308)
3386Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow146= Enkyō (1308–1311)
3387Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow147= Ōchō (1311–1312)
3388Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow148= Shōwa (1312–1317)
3389Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow149= Bunpō (1317–1319)
3390Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow150= Genō (1319–1321)
3391Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow151= Genkō (1321–1324)
3392Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow152= Shōchū (1324–1326)
3393Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow153= Karyaku (1326–1329)
3394Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow154= Gentoku (1329–1331)
3395Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow155= Genkō (1331–1334)
3396Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow156= Kenmu (1334–1336)
3397Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow157= Engen (1336–1340)
3398Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow158= Kōkoku (1340–1346)
3399Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow159= Shōhei (1346–1370)
3400Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow160= Kentoku (1370–1372)
3401Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow161= Bunchū (1372–1375)
3402Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow162= Tenju (1375–1379)
3403Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow163= Kōryaku (1379–1381)
3404Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow164= Kōwa (1381–1384)
3405Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow165= Genchū (1384–1392)
3406Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow166= Meitoku (1384–1387)
3407Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow167= Kakei (1387–1389)
3408Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow168= Kōō (1389–1390)
3409Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow169= Meitoku (1390–1394)
3410Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow170= Ōei (1394–1428)
3411Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow171= Shōchō (1428–1429)
3412Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow172= Eikyō (1429–1441)
3413Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow173= Kakitsu (1441–1444)
3414Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow174= Bun’an (1444–1449)
3415Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow175= Hōtoku (1449–1452)
3416Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow176= Kyōtoku (1452–1455)
3417Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow177= Kōshō (1455–1457)
3418Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow178= Chōroku (1457–1460)
3419Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow179= Kanshō (1460–1466)
3420Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow180= Bunshō (1466–1467)
3421Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow181= Ōnin (1467–1469)
3422Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow182= Bunmei (1469–1487)
3423Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow183= Chōkyō (1487–1489)
3424Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow184= Entoku (1489–1492)
3425Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow185= Meiō (1492–1501)
3426Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow186= Bunki (1501–1504)
3427Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow187= Eishō (1504–1521)
3428Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow188= Taiei (1521–1528)
3429Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow189= Kyōroku (1528–1532)
3430Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow190= Tenbun (1532–1555)
3431Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow191= Kōji (1555–1558)
3432Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow192= Eiroku (1558–1570)
3433Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow193= Genki (1570–1573)
3434Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow194= Tenshō (1573–1592)
3435Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow195= Bunroku (1592–1596)
3436Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow196= Keichō (1596–1615)
3437Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow197= Genna (1615–1624)
3438Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow198= Kan’ei (1624–1644)
3439Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow199= Shōho (1644–1648)
3440Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow200= Keian (1648–1652)
3441Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow201= Jōō (1652–1655)
3442Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow202= Meireki (1655–1658)
3443Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow203= Manji (1658–1661)
3444Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow204= Kanbun (1661–1673)
3445Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow205= Enpō (1673–1681)
3446Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow206= Tenna (1681–1684)
3447Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow207= Jōkyō (1684–1688)
3448Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow208= Genroku (1688–1704)
3449Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow209= Hōei (1704–1711)
3450Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow210= Shōtoku (1711–1716)
3451Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow211= Kyōhō (1716–1736)
3452Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow212= Genbun (1736–1741)
3453Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow213= Kanpō (1741–1744)
3454Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow214= Enkyō (1744–1748)
3455Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow215= Kan’en (1748–1751)
3456Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow216= Hōreki (1751–1764)
3457Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow217= Meiwa (1764–1772)
3458Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow218= An’ei (1772–1781)
3459Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow219= Tenmei (1781–1789)
3460Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow220= Kansei (1789–1801)
3461Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow221= Kyōwa (1801–1804)
3462Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow222= Bunka (1804–1818)
3463Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow223= Bunsei (1818–1830)
3464Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow224= Tenpō (1830–1844)
3465Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow225= Kōka (1844–1848)
3466Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow226= Kaei (1848–1854)
3467Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow227= Ansei (1854–1860)
3468Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow228= Man’en (1860–1861)
3469Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow229= Bunkyū (1861–1864)
3470Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow230= Genji (1864–1865)
3471Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow231= Keiō (1865–1868)
3472Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow232= M
3473Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow233= T
3474Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow234= S
3475Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow235= H
3476Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow236= R
3477Date & TimePersianEras - wide0AP Anno Persico
3478Date & TimePersianEras - abbreviated0AP A.P.
3479Date & TimePersianEras - narrow0AP A.P.
3480Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - FormattingJan= Farvardin
3481Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - FormattingFeb= Ordibehesht
3482Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - FormattingMar= Khordad
3483Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - FormattingApr= Tir
3484Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - FormattingMayMordad A-Mordad
3485Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - FormattingJun= Shahrivar
3486Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - FormattingJul= Mehr
3487Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - FormattingAug= Aban
3488Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - FormattingSep= Azar
3489Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - FormattingOct= Dey
3490Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - FormattingNov= Bahman
3491Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - FormattingDec= Esfand
3492Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - StandaloneJan= Farvardin
3493Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - StandaloneFeb= Ordibehesht
3494Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - StandaloneMar= Khordad
3495Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - StandaloneApr= Tir
3496Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - StandaloneMayMordad A-Mordad
3497Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - StandaloneJun= Shahrivar
3498Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - StandaloneJul= Mehr
3499Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - StandaloneAug= Aban
3500Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - StandaloneSep= Azar
3501Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - StandaloneOct= Dey
3502Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - StandaloneNov= Bahman
3503Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - StandaloneDec= Esfand
3504Date & TimePersianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJan= Farvardin
3505Date & TimePersianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingFeb= Ordibehesht
3506Date & TimePersianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingMar= Khordad
3507Date & TimePersianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingApr= Tir
3508Date & TimePersianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingMayMordad A-Mordad
3509Date & TimePersianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJun= Shahrivar
3510Date & TimePersianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJul= Mehr
3511Date & TimePersianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingAug= Aban
3512Date & TimePersianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingSep= Azar
3513Date & TimePersianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingOct= Dey
3514Date & TimePersianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingNov= Bahman
3515Date & TimePersianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingDec= Esfand
3516Date & TimePersianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneJan= Farvardin
3517Date & TimePersianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneFeb= Ordibehesht
3518Date & TimePersianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneMar= Khordad
3519Date & TimePersianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneApr= Tir
3520Date & TimePersianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneMayMordad A-Mordad
3521Date & TimePersianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneJun= Shahrivar
3522Date & TimePersianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneJul= Mehr
3523Date & TimePersianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneAug= Aban
3524Date & TimePersianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneSep= Azar
3525Date & TimePersianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneOct= Dey
3526Date & TimePersianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneNov= Bahman
3527Date & TimePersianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneDec= Esfand
3528Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - FormattingJan= 1
3529Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - FormattingFeb= 2
3530Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - FormattingMar= 3
3531Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - FormattingApr= 4
3532Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - FormattingMay= 5
3533Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - FormattingJun= 6
3534Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - FormattingJul= 7
3535Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - FormattingAug= 8
3536Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - FormattingSep= 9
3537Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - FormattingOct= 10
3538Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - FormattingNov= 11
3539Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - FormattingDec= 12
3540Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - StandaloneJan= 1
3541Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - StandaloneFeb= 2
3542Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - StandaloneMar= 3
3543Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - StandaloneApr= 4
3544Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - StandaloneMay= 5
3545Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - StandaloneJun= 6
3546Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - StandaloneJul= 7
3547Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - StandaloneAug= 8
3548Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - StandaloneSep= 9
3549Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - StandaloneOct= 10
3550Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - StandaloneNov= 11
3551Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - StandaloneDec= 12
3552Date & TimeMinguoEras - wide0Before R.O.C. înainte de Republica China
3553Date & TimeMinguoEras - wide1Minguo Republica China
3554Date & TimeMinguoEras - abbreviated0Before R.O.C. î.R.C.
3555Date & TimeMinguoEras - abbreviated1Minguo R.C.
3556Date & TimeMinguoEras - narrow0Before R.O.C. î.R.C.
3557Date & TimeMinguoEras - narrow1Minguo R.C.
3558TimezonesTimezone Display PatternsnullRegion Format - Generic{0} Time Ora din {0}
3559TimezonesTimezone Display PatternsnullRegion Format - Standard{0} Standard Time Ora standard din {0}
3560TimezonesTimezone Display PatternsnullRegion Format - Daylight{0} Daylight Time Ora de vară din {0}
3561TimezonesTimezone Display PatternsnullGMT Format= GMT{0}
3562TimezonesTimezone Display PatternsnullGMT Hours/Minutes Format= +HH:mm;-HH:mm
3563TimezonesTimezone Display PatternsnullGMT Zero Format= GMT
3564TimezonesTimezone Display PatternsnullLocation Fallback Format= {1} ({0})
3565TimezonesNorth AmericaAlaskageneric-longAlaska Time Ora din Alaska
3566TimezonesNorth AmericaAlaskastandard-longAlaska Standard Time Ora standard din Alaska
3567TimezonesNorth AmericaAlaskadaylight-longAlaska Daylight Time Ora de vară din Alaska
3568TimezonesNorth AmericaAmerica_Centralgeneric-longCentral Time Ora centrală nord-americană
3569TimezonesNorth AmericaAmerica_Centralstandard-longCentral Standard Time Ora standard centrală nord-americană
3570TimezonesNorth AmericaAmerica_Centraldaylight-longCentral Daylight Time Ora de vară centrală nord-americană
3571TimezonesNorth AmericaAmerica_Easterngeneric-longEastern Time Ora orientală nord-americană
3572TimezonesNorth AmericaAmerica_Easternstandard-longEastern Standard Time Ora standard orientală nord-americană
3573TimezonesNorth AmericaAmerica_Easterndaylight-longEastern Daylight Time Ora de vară orientală nord-americană
3574TimezonesNorth AmericaAmerica_Mountaingeneric-longMountain Time Ora zonei montane nord-americane
3575TimezonesNorth AmericaAmerica_Mountainstandard-longMountain Standard Time Ora standard în zona montană nord-americană
3576TimezonesNorth AmericaAmerica_Mountaindaylight-longMountain Daylight Time Ora de vară în zona montană nord-americană
3577TimezonesNorth AmericaAmerica_Pacificgeneric-longPacific Time Ora zonei Pacific nord-americane
3578TimezonesNorth AmericaAmerica_Pacificstandard-longPacific Standard Time Ora standard în zona Pacific nord-americană
3579TimezonesNorth AmericaAmerica_Pacificdaylight-longPacific Daylight Time Ora de vară în zona Pacific nord-americană
3580TimezonesNorth AmericaAtlanticgeneric-longAtlantic Time Ora zonei Atlantic nord-americane
3581TimezonesNorth AmericaAtlanticstandard-longAtlantic Standard Time Ora standard în zona Atlantic nord-americană
3582TimezonesNorth AmericaAtlanticdaylight-longAtlantic Daylight Time Ora de vară în zona Atlantic nord-americană
3583TimezonesNorth AmericaCubageneric-longCuba Time Ora Cubei
3584TimezonesNorth AmericaCubastandard-longCuba Standard Time Ora standard a Cubei
3585TimezonesNorth AmericaCubadaylight-longCuba Daylight Time Ora de vară a Cubei
3586TimezonesNorth AmericaGreenland_Easterngeneric-longEast Greenland Time Ora Groenlandei orientale
3587TimezonesNorth AmericaGreenland_Easternstandard-longEast Greenland Standard Time Ora standard a Groenlandei orientale
3588TimezonesNorth AmericaGreenland_Easterndaylight-longEast Greenland Summer Time Ora de vară a Groenlandei orientale
3589TimezonesNorth AmericaGreenland_Westerngeneric-longWest Greenland Time Ora Groenlandei occidentale
3590TimezonesNorth AmericaGreenland_Westernstandard-longWest Greenland Standard Time Ora standard a Groenlandei occidentale
3591TimezonesNorth AmericaGreenland_Westerndaylight-longWest Greenland Summer Time Ora de vară a Groenlandei occidentale
3592TimezonesNorth AmericaHawaii_Aleutiangeneric-longHawaii-Aleutian Time Ora din Hawaii-Aleutine
3593TimezonesNorth AmericaHawaii_Aleutianstandard-longHawaii-Aleutian Standard Time Ora standard din Hawaii-Aleutine
3594TimezonesNorth AmericaHawaii_Aleutiandaylight-longHawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time Ora de vară din Hawaii-Aleutine
3595TimezonesNorth AmericaMexico_Northwestgeneric-longNorthwest Mexico Time Ora Mexicului de nord-vest
3596TimezonesNorth AmericaMexico_Northweststandard-longNorthwest Mexico Standard Time Ora standard a Mexicului de nord-vest
3597TimezonesNorth AmericaMexico_Northwestdaylight-longNorthwest Mexico Daylight Time Ora de vară a Mexicului de nord-vest
3598TimezonesNorth AmericaMexico_Pacificgeneric-longMexican Pacific Time Ora zonei Pacific mexicane
3599TimezonesNorth AmericaMexico_Pacificstandard-longMexican Pacific Standard Time Ora standard a zonei Pacific mexicane
3600TimezonesNorth AmericaMexico_Pacificdaylight-longMexican Pacific Daylight Time Ora de vară a zonei Pacific mexicane
3601TimezonesNorth AmericaNewfoundlandgeneric-longNewfoundland Time Ora din Newfoundland
3602TimezonesNorth AmericaNewfoundlandstandard-longNewfoundland Standard Time Ora standard din Newfoundland
3603TimezonesNorth AmericaNewfoundlanddaylight-longNewfoundland Daylight Time Ora de vară din Newfoundland
3604TimezonesNorth AmericaPierre_Miquelongeneric-longSt. Pierre & Miquelon Time Ora din Saint-Pierre și Miquelon
3605TimezonesNorth AmericaPierre_Miquelonstandard-longSt. Pierre & Miquelon Standard Time Ora standard din Saint-Pierre și Miquelon
3606TimezonesNorth AmericaPierre_Miquelondaylight-longSt. Pierre & Miquelon Daylight Time Ora de vară din Saint-Pierre și Miquelon
3607TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsAdak= Adak
3608TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsAnchorage= Anchorage
3609TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsAnguilla= Anguilla
3610TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsAntigua= Antigua
3611TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsAruba= Aruba
3612TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsBahia_Banderas= Bahia Banderas
3613TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsBarbados= Barbados
3614TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsBelize= Belize
3615TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsBermuda= Bermuda
3616TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsBlanc-Sablon= Blanc-Sablon
3617TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsBoise= Boise
3618TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsCambridge_Bay= Cambridge Bay
3619TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsCancun= Cancun
3620TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsCayman= Cayman
3621TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsChicago= Chicago
3622TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsChihuahua= Chihuahua
3623TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsCoral_Harbour= Atikokan
3624TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsCosta_Rica= Costa Rica
3625TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsCreston= Creston
3626TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsCuracao= Curaçao
3627TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsDanmarkshavn= Danmarkshavn
3628TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsDawson= Dawson
3629TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsDawson_Creek= Dawson Creek
3630TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsDenver= Denver
3631TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsDetroit= Detroit
3632TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsDominica= Dominica
3633TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsEdmonton= Edmonton
3634TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsEl_Salvador= El Salvador
3635TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsFort_Nelson= Fort Nelson
3636TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsGlace_Bay= Glace Bay
3637TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsGodthab= Nuuk
3638TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsGoose_Bay= Goose Bay
3639TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsGrand_Turk= Grand Turk
3640TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsGrenada= Grenada
3641TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsGuadeloupeGuadeloupe Guadelupa
3642TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsGuatemala= Guatemala
3643TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsHalifax= Halifax
3644TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsHavana= Havana
3645TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsHermosillo= Hermosillo
3646TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsHonolulun/a Honolulu
3647TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsIndiana/Knox= Knox, Indiana
3648TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsIndiana/Marengo= Marengo, Indiana
3649TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsIndiana/Petersburg= Petersburg, Indiana
3650TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsIndiana/Tell_City= Tell City, Indiana
3651TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsIndiana/Vevay= Vevay, Indiana
3652TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsIndiana/Vincennes= Vincennes, Indiana
3653TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsIndiana/Winamac= Winamac, Indiana
3654TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsIndianapolis= Indianapolis
3655TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsInuvik= Inuvik
3656TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsIqaluit= Iqaluit
3657TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsJamaica= Jamaica
3658TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsJuneau= Juneau
3659TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsKentucky/Monticello= Monticello, Kentucky
3660TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsKralendijk= Kralendijk
3661TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsLos_Angeles= Los Angeles
3662TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsLouisville= Louisville
3663TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsLower_Princes= Lower Prince’s Quarter
3664TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsManagua= Managua
3665TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsMarigot= Marigot
3666TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsMartiniqueMartinique Martinica
3667TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsMatamoros= Matamoros
3668TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsMazatlan= Mazatlan
3669TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsMenominee= Menominee
3670TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsMerida= Merida
3671TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsMetlakatla= Metlakatla
3672TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsMexico_CityMexico City Ciudad de Mexico
3673TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsMiquelon= Miquelon
3674TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsMoncton= Moncton
3675TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsMonterrey= Monterrey
3676TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsMontserrat= Montserrat
3677TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsNassau= Nassau
3678TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsNew_York= New York
3679TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsNipigon= Nipigon
3680TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsNome= Nome
3681TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsNorth_Dakota/BeulahBeulah, North Dakota Beulah, Dakota de Nord
3682TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsNorth_Dakota/CenterCenter, North Dakota Center, Dakota de Nord
3683TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsNorth_Dakota/New_SalemNew Salem, North Dakota New Salem, Dakota de Nord
3684TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsOjinaga= Ojinaga
3685TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsPanama= Panama
3686TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsPangnirtung= Pangnirtung
3687TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsPhoenix= Phoenix
3688TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsPort_of_Spain= Port of Spain
3689TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsPort-au-Prince= Port-au-Prince
3690TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsPuerto_Rico= Puerto Rico
3691TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsRainy_River= Rainy River
3692TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsRankin_Inlet= Rankin Inlet
3693TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsRegina= Regina
3694TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsResolute= Resolute
3695TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsSanta_Isabeln/a Santa Isabel
3696TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsSanto_Domingo= Santo Domingo
3697TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsScoresbysund= Ittoqqortoormiit
3698TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsSitka= Sitka
3699TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsSt_BarthelemySt. Barthélemy Saint Barthélemy
3700TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsSt_Johns= St. John’s
3701TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsSt_Kitts= St. Kitts
3702TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsSt_Lucia= St. Lucia
3703TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsSt_Thomas= St. Thomas
3704TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsSt_Vincent= St. Vincent
3705TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsSwift_Current= Swift Current
3706TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsTegucigalpa= Tegucigalpa
3707TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsThule= Thule
3708TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsThunder_Bay= Thunder Bay
3709TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsTijuana= Tijuana
3710TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsToronto= Toronto
3711TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsTortola= Tortola
3712TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsVancouver= Vancouver
3713TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsWhitehorse= Whitehorse
3714TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsWinnipeg= Winnipeg
3715TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsYakutat= Yakutat
3716TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsYellowknife= Yellowknife
3717TimezonesSouth AmericaAcregeneric-longAcre Time Ora Acre
3718TimezonesSouth AmericaAcrestandard-longAcre Standard Time Ora standard Acre
3719TimezonesSouth AmericaAcredaylight-longAcre Summer Time Ora de vară Acre
3720TimezonesSouth AmericaAmazongeneric-longAmazon Time Ora Amazonului
3721TimezonesSouth AmericaAmazonstandard-longAmazon Standard Time Ora standard a Amazonului
3722TimezonesSouth AmericaAmazondaylight-longAmazon Summer Time Ora de vară a Amazonului
3723TimezonesSouth AmericaArgentinageneric-longArgentina Time Ora Argentinei
3724TimezonesSouth AmericaArgentinastandard-longArgentina Standard Time Ora standard a Argentinei
3725TimezonesSouth AmericaArgentinadaylight-longArgentina Summer Time Ora de vară a Argentinei
3726TimezonesSouth AmericaArgentina_Westerngeneric-longWestern Argentina Time Ora Argentinei Occidentale
3727TimezonesSouth AmericaArgentina_Westernstandard-longWestern Argentina Standard Time Ora standard a Argentinei Occidentale
3728TimezonesSouth AmericaArgentina_Westerndaylight-longWestern Argentina Summer Time Ora de vară a Argentinei Occidentale
3729TimezonesSouth AmericaBoliviastandard-longBolivia Time Ora Boliviei
3730TimezonesSouth AmericaBrasiliageneric-longBrasilia Time Ora Brasiliei
3731TimezonesSouth AmericaBrasiliastandard-longBrasilia Standard Time Ora standard a Brasiliei
3732TimezonesSouth AmericaBrasiliadaylight-longBrasilia Summer Time Ora de vară a Brasiliei
3733TimezonesSouth AmericaChilegeneric-longChile Time Ora din Chile
3734TimezonesSouth AmericaChilestandard-longChile Standard Time Ora standard din Chile
3735TimezonesSouth AmericaChiledaylight-longChile Summer Time Ora de vară din Chile
3736TimezonesSouth AmericaColombiageneric-longColombia Time Ora Columbiei
3737TimezonesSouth AmericaColombiastandard-longColombia Standard Time Ora standard a Columbiei
3738TimezonesSouth AmericaColombiadaylight-longColombia Summer Time Ora de vară a Columbiei
3739TimezonesSouth AmericaEastergeneric-longEaster Island Time Ora din Insula Paștelui
3740TimezonesSouth AmericaEasterstandard-longEaster Island Standard Time Ora standard din Insula Paștelui
3741TimezonesSouth AmericaEasterdaylight-longEaster Island Summer Time Ora de vară din Insula Paștelui
3742TimezonesSouth AmericaEcuadorstandard-longEcuador Time Ora Ecuadorului
3743TimezonesSouth AmericaFalklandgeneric-longFalkland Islands Time Ora din Insulele Falkland
3744TimezonesSouth AmericaFalklandstandard-longFalkland Islands Standard Time Ora standard din Insulele Falkland
3745TimezonesSouth AmericaFalklanddaylight-longFalkland Islands Summer Time Ora de vară din Insulele Falkland
3746TimezonesSouth AmericaFrench_Guianastandard-longFrench Guiana Time Ora din Guyana Franceză
3747TimezonesSouth AmericaGalapagosstandard-longGalapagos Time Ora din Galapagos
3748TimezonesSouth AmericaGuyanastandard-longGuyana Time Ora din Guyana
3749TimezonesSouth AmericaNoronhageneric-longFernando de Noronha Time Ora din Fernando de Noronha
3750TimezonesSouth AmericaNoronhastandard-longFernando de Noronha Standard Time Ora standard din Fernando de Noronha
3751TimezonesSouth AmericaNoronhadaylight-longFernando de Noronha Summer Time Ora de vară din Fernando de Noronha
3752TimezonesSouth AmericaParaguaygeneric-longParaguay Time Ora din Paraguay
3753TimezonesSouth AmericaParaguaystandard-longParaguay Standard Time Ora standard din Paraguay
3754TimezonesSouth AmericaParaguaydaylight-longParaguay Summer Time Ora de vară din Paraguay
3755TimezonesSouth AmericaPerugeneric-longPeru Time Ora din Peru
3756TimezonesSouth AmericaPerustandard-longPeru Standard Time Ora standard din Peru
3757TimezonesSouth AmericaPerudaylight-longPeru Summer Time Ora de vară din Peru
3758TimezonesSouth AmericaSouth_Georgiastandard-longSouth Georgia Time Ora Georgiei de Sud
3759TimezonesSouth AmericaSurinamestandard-longSuriname Time Ora Surinamului
3760TimezonesSouth AmericaUruguaygeneric-longUruguay Time Ora Uruguayului
3761TimezonesSouth AmericaUruguaystandard-longUruguay Standard Time Ora standard a Uruguayului
3762TimezonesSouth AmericaUruguaydaylight-longUruguay Summer Time Ora de vară a Uruguayului
3763TimezonesSouth AmericaVenezuelastandard-longVenezuela Time Ora Venezuelei
3764TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsAraguaina= Araguaina
3765TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsArgentina/La_Rioja= La Rioja
3766TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsArgentina/Rio_Gallegos= Rio Gallegos
3767TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsArgentina/Salta= Salta
3768TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsArgentina/San_Juan= San Juan
3769TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsArgentina/San_Luis= San Luis
3770TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsArgentina/Tucuman= Tucuman
3771TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsArgentina/Ushuaia= Ushuaia
3772TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsAsuncion= Asunción
3773TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsBahia= Bahia
3774TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsBelem= Belem
3775TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsBoa_Vista= Boa Vista
3776TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsBogota= Bogota
3777TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsBuenos_Aires= Buenos Aires
3778TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsCampo_Grande= Campo Grande
3779TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsCaracas= Caracas
3780TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsCatamarca= Catamarca
3781TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsCayenne= Cayenne
3782TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsCordoba= Cordoba
3783TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsCuiaba= Cuiaba
3784TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsEasterEaster Insula Paștelui
3785TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsEirunepe= Eirunepe
3786TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsFortaleza= Fortaleza
3787TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsGalapagos= Galapagos
3788TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsGuayaquil= Guayaquil
3789TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsGuyana= Guyana
3790TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsJujuy= Jujuy
3791TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsLa_Paz= La Paz
3792TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsLima= Lima
3793TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsMaceio= Maceio
3794TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsManaus= Manaus
3795TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsMendoza= Mendoza
3796TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsMontevideo= Montevideo
3797TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsNoronha= Noronha
3798TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsParamaribo= Paramaribo
3799TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsPorto_Velho= Porto Velho
3800TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsPunta_Arenas= Punta Arenas
3801TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsRecife= Recife
3802TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsRio_Branco= Rio Branco
3803TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsSantarem= Santarem
3804TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsSantiago= Santiago
3805TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsSao_Paulo= Sao Paulo
3806TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsSouth_GeorgiaSouth Georgia Georgia de Sud
3807TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsStanley= Stanley
3808TimezonesAfricaAfrica_Centralstandard-longCentral Africa Time Ora Africii Centrale
3809TimezonesAfricaAfrica_Easternstandard-longEast Africa Time Ora Africii Orientale
3810TimezonesAfricaAfrica_Southernstandard-longSouth Africa Standard Time Ora Africii Meridionale
3811TimezonesAfricaAfrica_Westerngeneric-longWest Africa Time Ora Africii Occidentale
3812TimezonesAfricaAfrica_Westernstandard-longWest Africa Standard Time Ora standard a Africii Occidentale
3813TimezonesAfricaAfrica_Westerndaylight-longWest Africa Summer Time Ora de vară a Africii Occidentale
3814TimezonesAfricaCape_Verdegeneric-longCape Verde Time Ora din Capul Verde
3815TimezonesAfricaCape_Verdestandard-longCape Verde Standard Time Ora standard din Capul Verde
3816TimezonesAfricaCape_Verdedaylight-longCape Verde Summer Time Ora de vară din Capul Verde
3817TimezonesAfricaFrench_Southernstandard-longFrench Southern & Antarctic Time Ora din Teritoriile Australe și Antarctice Franceze
3818TimezonesAfricaIndian_Oceanstandard-longIndian Ocean Time Ora Oceanului Indian
3819TimezonesAfricaMauritiusgeneric-longMauritius Time Ora din Mauritius
3820TimezonesAfricaMauritiusstandard-longMauritius Standard Time Ora standard din Mauritius
3821TimezonesAfricaMauritiusdaylight-longMauritius Summer Time Ora de vară din Mauritius
3822TimezonesAfricaReunionstandard-longRéunion Time Ora din Reunion
3823TimezonesAfricaSeychellesstandard-longSeychelles Time Ora din Seychelles
3824TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsAbidjan= Abidjan
3825TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsAccra= Accra
3826TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsAddis_AbabaAddis Ababa Addis Abeba
3827TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsAlgiersAlgiers Alger
3828TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsAntananarivo= Antananarivo
3829TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsAsmera= Asmara
3830TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsBamako= Bamako
3831TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsBangui= Bangui
3832TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsBanjul= Banjul
3833TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsBissau= Bissau
3834TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsBlantyre= Blantyre
3835TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsBrazzaville= Brazzaville
3836TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsBujumbura= Bujumbura
3837TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsCairo= Cairo
3838TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsCape_VerdeCape Verde Capul Verde
3839TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsCasablanca= Casablanca
3840TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsChagos= Chagos
3841TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsComoroComoro Comore
3842TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsConakry= Conakry
3843TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsDakar= Dakar
3844TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsDar_es_Salaam= Dar es Salaam
3845TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsDjibouti= Djibouti
3846TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsDouala= Douala
3847TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsEl_Aaiun= El Aaiun
3848TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsFreetown= Freetown
3849TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsGaborone= Gaborone
3850TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsHarare= Harare
3851TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsJohannesburg= Johannesburg
3852TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsJuba= Juba
3853TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsKampala= Kampala
3854TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsKerguelen= Kerguelen
3855TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsKhartoum= Khartoum
3856TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsKigali= Kigali
3857TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsKinshasa= Kinshasa
3858TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsLagos= Lagos
3859TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsLibreville= Libreville
3860TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsLome= Lome
3861TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsLuanda= Luanda
3862TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsLubumbashi= Lubumbashi
3863TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsLusaka= Lusaka
3864TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsMahe= Mahe
3865TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsMalabo= Malabo
3866TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsMaputo= Maputo
3867TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsMaseru= Maseru
3868TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsMauritius= Mauritius
3869TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsMayotte= Mayotte
3870TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsMbabane= Mbabane
3871TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsMogadishuMogadishu Mogadiscio
3872TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsMonrovia= Monrovia
3873TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsNairobi= Nairobi
3874TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsNdjamenaNdjamena N’Djamena
3875TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsNiamey= Niamey
3876TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsNouakchott= Nouakchott
3877TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsOuagadougou= Ouagadougou
3878TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsPorto-Novo= Porto-Novo
3879TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsReunion= Réunion
3880TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsSao_TomeSão Tomé Sao Tomé
3881TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsSt_HelenaSt. Helena Sf. Elena
3882TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsTripoli= Tripoli
3883TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsTunis= Tunis
3884TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsWindhoek= Windhoek
3885TimezonesEuropeAzoresgeneric-longAzores Time Ora din Azore
3886TimezonesEuropeAzoresstandard-longAzores Standard Time Ora standard din Azore
3887TimezonesEuropeAzoresdaylight-longAzores Summer Time Ora de vară din Azore
3888TimezonesEuropeEurope_Centralgeneric-longCentral European Time Ora Europei Centrale
3889TimezonesEuropeEurope_Centralgeneric-shortn/a CET
3890TimezonesEuropeEurope_Centralstandard-longCentral European Standard Time Ora standard a Europei Centrale
3891TimezonesEuropeEurope_Centralstandard-shortn/a CET
3892TimezonesEuropeEurope_Centraldaylight-longCentral European Summer Time Ora de vară a Europei Centrale
3893TimezonesEuropeEurope_Centraldaylight-shortn/a CEST
3894TimezonesEuropeEurope_Easterngeneric-longEastern European Time Ora Europei de Est
3895TimezonesEuropeEurope_Easterngeneric-shortn/a EET
3896TimezonesEuropeEurope_Easternstandard-longEastern European Standard Time Ora standard a Europei de Est
3897TimezonesEuropeEurope_Easternstandard-shortn/a EET
3898TimezonesEuropeEurope_Easterndaylight-longEastern European Summer Time Ora de vară a Europei de Est
3899TimezonesEuropeEurope_Easterndaylight-shortn/a EEST
3900TimezonesEuropeEurope_Further_Easternstandard-longFurther-eastern European Time Ora Europei de Est îndepărtate
3901TimezonesEuropeEurope_Westerngeneric-longWestern European Time Ora Europei de Vest
3902TimezonesEuropeEurope_Westerngeneric-shortn/a WET
3903TimezonesEuropeEurope_Westernstandard-longWestern European Standard Time Ora standard a Europei de Vest
3904TimezonesEuropeEurope_Westernstandard-shortn/a WET
3905TimezonesEuropeEurope_Westerndaylight-longWestern European Summer Time Ora de vară a Europei de Vest
3906TimezonesEuropeEurope_Westerndaylight-shortn/a WEST
3907TimezonesEuropeGMTstandard-longGreenwich Mean Time Ora de Greenwhich
3908TimezonesEuropeGMTstandard-short= GMT
3909TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsAmsterdam= Amsterdam
3910TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsAndorra= Andorra
3911TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsAthensAthens Atena
3912TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsAzoresAzores Azore
3913TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsBelgradeBelgrade Belgrad
3914TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsBerlin= Berlin
3915TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsBratislava= Bratislava
3916TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsBrusselsBrussels Bruxelles
3917TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsBucharestBucharest București
3918TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsBudapestBudapest Budapesta
3919TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsBusingen= Busingen
3920TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsCanaryCanary Canare
3921TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsCeuta= Ceuta
3922TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsChisinauChisinau Chișinău
3923TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsCopenhagenCopenhagen Copenhaga
3924TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsDublin= Dublin
3925TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsFaeroe= Faroe
3926TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsGibraltar= Gibraltar
3927TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsGuernsey= Guernsey
3928TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsHelsinki= Helsinki
3929TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsIsle_of_ManIsle of Man Insula Man
3930TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsJersey= Jersey
3931TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsKiev= Kiev
3932TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsLisbonLisbon Lisabona
3933TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsLjubljana= Ljubljana
3934TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsLondonLondon Londra
3935TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsLongyearbyen= Longyearbyen
3936TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsLuxembourgLuxembourg Luxemburg
3937TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsMadeira= Madeira
3938TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsMadrid= Madrid
3939TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsMalta= Malta
3940TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsMariehamn= Mariehamn
3941TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsMinsk= Minsk
3942TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsMonaco= Monaco
3943TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsOslo= Oslo
3944TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsParis= Paris
3945TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsPodgorica= Podgorica
3946TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsPraguePrague Praga
3947TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsReykjavik= Reykjavik
3948TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsRiga= Riga
3949TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsRomeRome Roma
3950TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsSan_Marino= San Marino
3951TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsSarajevo= Sarajevo
3952TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsSimferopol= Simferopol
3953TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsSkopje= Skopje
3954TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsSofia= Sofia
3955TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsStockholm= Stockholm
3956TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsTallinn= Tallinn
3957TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsTiraneTirane Tirana
3958TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsUzhgorodUzhhorod Ujhorod
3959TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsVaduz= Vaduz
3960TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsVatican= Vatican
3961TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsViennaVienna Viena
3962TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsVilnius= Vilnius
3963TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsWarsawWarsaw Varșovia
3964TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsZagreb= Zagreb
3965TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsZaporozhyeZaporozhye Zaporoje
3966TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsZurichZurich Zürich
3967TimezonesRussiaAnadyrgeneric-longAnadyr Time Ora din Anadyr
3968TimezonesRussiaAnadyrstandard-longAnadyr Standard Time Ora standard din Anadyr
3969TimezonesRussiaAnadyrdaylight-longAnadyr Summer Time Ora de vară din Anadyr
3970TimezonesRussiaIrkutskgeneric-longIrkutsk Time Ora din Irkuțk
3971TimezonesRussiaIrkutskstandard-longIrkutsk Standard Time Ora standard din Irkuțk
3972TimezonesRussiaIrkutskdaylight-longIrkutsk Summer Time Ora de vară din Irkuțk
3973TimezonesRussiaKamchatkageneric-longPetropavlovsk-Kamchatski Time Ora din Petropavlovsk-Kamciațki
3974TimezonesRussiaKamchatkastandard-longPetropavlovsk-Kamchatski Standard Time Ora standard din Petropavlovsk-Kamciațki
3975TimezonesRussiaKamchatkadaylight-longPetropavlovsk-Kamchatski Summer Time Ora de vară din Petropavlovsk-Kamciațki
3976TimezonesRussiaKrasnoyarskgeneric-longKrasnoyarsk Time Ora din Krasnoiarsk
3977TimezonesRussiaKrasnoyarskstandard-longKrasnoyarsk Standard Time Ora standard din Krasnoiarsk
3978TimezonesRussiaKrasnoyarskdaylight-longKrasnoyarsk Summer Time Ora de vară din Krasnoiarsk
3979TimezonesRussiaMagadangeneric-longMagadan Time Ora din Magadan
3980TimezonesRussiaMagadanstandard-longMagadan Standard Time Ora standard din Magadan
3981TimezonesRussiaMagadandaylight-longMagadan Summer Time Ora de vară din Magadan
3982TimezonesRussiaMoscowgeneric-longMoscow Time Ora Moscovei
3983TimezonesRussiaMoscowstandard-longMoscow Standard Time Ora standard a Moscovei
3984TimezonesRussiaMoscowdaylight-longMoscow Summer Time Ora de vară a Moscovei
3985TimezonesRussiaNovosibirskgeneric-longNovosibirsk Time Ora din Novosibirsk
3986TimezonesRussiaNovosibirskstandard-longNovosibirsk Standard Time Ora standard din Novosibirsk
3987TimezonesRussiaNovosibirskdaylight-longNovosibirsk Summer Time Ora de vară din Novosibirsk
3988TimezonesRussiaOmskgeneric-longOmsk Time Ora din Omsk
3989TimezonesRussiaOmskstandard-longOmsk Standard Time Ora standard din Omsk
3990TimezonesRussiaOmskdaylight-longOmsk Summer Time Ora de vară din Omsk
3991TimezonesRussiaSakhalingeneric-longSakhalin Time Ora din Sahalin
3992TimezonesRussiaSakhalinstandard-longSakhalin Standard Time Ora standard din Sahalin
3993TimezonesRussiaSakhalindaylight-longSakhalin Summer Time Ora de vară din Sahalin
3994TimezonesRussiaSamarageneric-longSamara Time Ora din Samara
3995TimezonesRussiaSamarastandard-longSamara Standard Time Ora standard din Samara
3996TimezonesRussiaSamaradaylight-longSamara Summer Time Ora de vară din Samara
3997TimezonesRussiaVladivostokgeneric-longVladivostok Time Ora din Vladivostok
3998TimezonesRussiaVladivostokstandard-longVladivostok Standard Time Ora standard din Vladivostok
3999TimezonesRussiaVladivostokdaylight-longVladivostok Summer Time Ora de vară din Vladivostok
4000TimezonesRussiaVolgogradgeneric-longVolgograd Time Ora din Volgograd
4001TimezonesRussiaVolgogradstandard-longVolgograd Standard Time Ora standard din Volgograd
4002TimezonesRussiaVolgograddaylight-longVolgograd Summer Time Ora de vară din Volgograd
4003TimezonesRussiaYakutskgeneric-longYakutsk Time Ora din Iakuțk
4004TimezonesRussiaYakutskstandard-longYakutsk Standard Time Ora standard din Iakuțk
4005TimezonesRussiaYakutskdaylight-longYakutsk Summer Time Ora de vară din Iakuțk
4006TimezonesRussiaYekaterinburggeneric-longYekaterinburg Time Ora din Ekaterinburg
4007TimezonesRussiaYekaterinburgstandard-longYekaterinburg Standard Time Ora standard din Ekaterinburg
4008TimezonesRussiaYekaterinburgdaylight-longYekaterinburg Summer Time Ora de vară din Ekaterinburg
4009TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsAnadyrAnadyr Anadir
4010TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsAstrakhanAstrakhan Astrahan
4011TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsBarnaul= Barnaul
4012TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsChitaChita Cita
4013TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsIrkutskIrkutsk Irkuțk
4014TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsKaliningrad= Kaliningrad
4015TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsKamchatkaKamchatka Kamciatka
4016TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsKhandyga= Khandyga
4017TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsKirov= Kirov
4018TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsKrasnoyarskKrasnoyarsk Krasnoiarsk
4019TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsMagadan= Magadan
4020TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsMoscowMoscow Moscova
4021TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsNovokuznetskNovokuznetsk Novokuznețk
4022TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsNovosibirsk= Novosibirsk
4023TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsOmsk= Omsk
4024TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsSakhalinSakhalin Sahalin
4025TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsSamara= Samara
4026TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsSaratov= Saratov
4027TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsSrednekolymskSrednekolymsk Srednekolimsk
4028TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsTomsk= Tomsk
4029TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsUlyanovskUlyanovsk Ulianovsk
4030TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsUst-Nera= Ust-Nera
4031TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsVladivostok= Vladivostok
4032TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsVolgograd= Volgograd
4033TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsYakutskYakutsk Iakuțk
4034TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsYekaterinburgYekaterinburg Ekaterinburg
4035TimezonesWestern AsiaArabiangeneric-longArabian Time Ora arabă
4036TimezonesWestern AsiaArabianstandard-longArabian Standard Time Ora standard arabă
4037TimezonesWestern AsiaArabiandaylight-longArabian Daylight Time Ora de vară arabă
4038TimezonesWestern AsiaArmeniageneric-longArmenia Time Ora Armeniei
4039TimezonesWestern AsiaArmeniastandard-longArmenia Standard Time Ora standard a Armeniei
4040TimezonesWestern AsiaArmeniadaylight-longArmenia Summer Time Ora de vară a Armeniei
4041TimezonesWestern AsiaAzerbaijangeneric-longAzerbaijan Time Ora Azerbaidjanului
4042TimezonesWestern AsiaAzerbaijanstandard-longAzerbaijan Standard Time Ora standard a Azerbaidjanului
4043TimezonesWestern AsiaAzerbaijandaylight-longAzerbaijan Summer Time Ora de vară a Azerbaidjanului
4044TimezonesWestern AsiaGeorgiageneric-longGeorgia Time Ora Georgiei
4045TimezonesWestern AsiaGeorgiastandard-longGeorgia Standard Time Ora standard a Georgiei
4046TimezonesWestern AsiaGeorgiadaylight-longGeorgia Summer Time Ora de vară a Georgiei
4047TimezonesWestern AsiaGulfstandard-longGulf Standard Time Ora standard a Golfului
4048TimezonesWestern AsiaIsraelgeneric-longIsrael Time Ora Israelului
4049TimezonesWestern AsiaIsraelstandard-longIsrael Standard Time Ora standard a Israelului
4050TimezonesWestern AsiaIsraeldaylight-longIsrael Daylight Time Ora de vară a Israelului
4051TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsAden= Aden
4052TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsAmman= Amman
4053TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsBaghdadBaghdad Bagdad
4054TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsBahrain= Bahrain
4055TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsBaku= Baku
4056TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsBeirut= Beirut
4057TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsDamascusDamascus Damasc
4058TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsDubai= Dubai
4059TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsFamagusta= Famagusta
4060TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsGaza= Gaza
4061TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsHebron= Hebron
4062TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsIstanbul= Istanbul
4063TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsJerusalemJerusalem Ierusalim
4064TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsKuwaitKuwait Kuweit
4065TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsMuscat= Muscat
4066TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsNicosia= Nicosia
4067TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsQatar= Qatar
4068TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsRiyadhRiyadh Riad
4069TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsTbilisi= Tbilisi
4070TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsYerevanYerevan Erevan
4071TimezonesCentral AsiaAlmatygeneric-longAlmaty Time Ora Almaty
4072TimezonesCentral AsiaAlmatystandard-longAlmaty Standard Time Ora standard Almaty
4073TimezonesCentral AsiaAlmatydaylight-longAlmaty Summer Time Ora de vară Almaty
4074TimezonesCentral AsiaAqtaugeneric-longAqtau Time Ora Aqtau
4075TimezonesCentral AsiaAqtaustandard-longAqtau Standard Time Ora standard Aqtau
4076TimezonesCentral AsiaAqtaudaylight-longAqtau Summer Time Ora de vară a zonei Aqtau
4077TimezonesCentral AsiaAqtobegeneric-longAqtobe Time Ora Aqtobe
4078TimezonesCentral AsiaAqtobestandard-longAqtobe Standard Time Ora standard Aqtobe
4079TimezonesCentral AsiaAqtobedaylight-longAqtobe Summer Time Ora de vară a zonei Aqtobe
4080TimezonesCentral AsiaKazakhstan_Easternstandard-longEast Kazakhstan Time Ora din Kazahstanul de Est
4081TimezonesCentral AsiaKazakhstan_Westernstandard-longWest Kazakhstan Time Ora din Kazahstanul de Vest
4082TimezonesCentral AsiaKyrgystanstandard-longKyrgyzstan Time Ora din Kârgâzstan
4083TimezonesCentral AsiaTajikistanstandard-longTajikistan Time Ora din Tadjikistan
4084TimezonesCentral AsiaTurkmenistangeneric-longTurkmenistan Time Ora din Turkmenistan
4085TimezonesCentral AsiaTurkmenistanstandard-longTurkmenistan Standard Time Ora standard din Turkmenistan
4086TimezonesCentral AsiaTurkmenistandaylight-longTurkmenistan Summer Time Ora de vară din Turkmenistan
4087TimezonesCentral AsiaUzbekistangeneric-longUzbekistan Time Ora din Uzbekistan
4088TimezonesCentral AsiaUzbekistanstandard-longUzbekistan Standard Time Ora standard din Uzbekistan
4089TimezonesCentral AsiaUzbekistandaylight-longUzbekistan Summer Time Ora de vară din Uzbekistan
4090TimezonesCentral AsiaCities and RegionsAlmatyAlmaty Almatî
4091TimezonesCentral AsiaCities and RegionsAqtauAqtau Aktau
4092TimezonesCentral AsiaCities and RegionsAqtobeAqtobe Aktobe
4093TimezonesCentral AsiaCities and RegionsAshgabatAshgabat Așgabat
4094TimezonesCentral AsiaCities and RegionsAtyrauAtyrau Atîrau
4095TimezonesCentral AsiaCities and RegionsBishkekBishkek Bișkek
4096TimezonesCentral AsiaCities and RegionsDushanbeDushanbe Dușanbe
4097TimezonesCentral AsiaCities and RegionsOralOral Uralsk
4098TimezonesCentral AsiaCities and RegionsQostanay= Kostanay
4099TimezonesCentral AsiaCities and RegionsQyzylordaQyzylorda Kyzylorda
4100TimezonesCentral AsiaCities and RegionsSamarkand= Samarkand
4101TimezonesCentral AsiaCities and RegionsTashkentTashkent Tașkent
4102TimezonesEastern AsiaChinageneric-longChina Time Ora Chinei
4103TimezonesEastern AsiaChinastandard-longChina Standard Time Ora standard a Chinei
4104TimezonesEastern AsiaChinadaylight-longChina Daylight Time Ora de vară a Chinei
4105TimezonesEastern AsiaChoibalsangeneric-longChoibalsan Time Ora din Choibalsan
4106TimezonesEastern AsiaChoibalsanstandard-longChoibalsan Standard Time Ora standard din Choibalsan
4107TimezonesEastern AsiaChoibalsandaylight-longChoibalsan Summer Time Ora de vară din Choibalsan
4108TimezonesEastern AsiaHong_Konggeneric-longHong Kong Time Ora din Hong Kong
4109TimezonesEastern AsiaHong_Kongstandard-longHong Kong Standard Time Ora standard din Hong Kong
4110TimezonesEastern AsiaHong_Kongdaylight-longHong Kong Summer Time Ora de vară din Hong Kong
4111TimezonesEastern AsiaHovdgeneric-longHovd Time Ora din Hovd
4112TimezonesEastern AsiaHovdstandard-longHovd Standard Time Ora standard din Hovd
4113TimezonesEastern AsiaHovddaylight-longHovd Summer Time Ora de vară din Hovd
4114TimezonesEastern AsiaJapangeneric-longJapan Time Ora Japoniei
4115TimezonesEastern AsiaJapanstandard-longJapan Standard Time Ora standard a Japoniei
4116TimezonesEastern AsiaJapandaylight-longJapan Daylight Time Ora de vară a Japoniei
4117TimezonesEastern AsiaKoreageneric-longKorean Time Ora Coreei
4118TimezonesEastern AsiaKoreastandard-longKorean Standard Time Ora standard a Coreei
4119TimezonesEastern AsiaKoreadaylight-longKorean Daylight Time Ora de vară a Coreei
4120TimezonesEastern AsiaMongoliageneric-longUlaanbaatar Time Ora din Ulan Bator
4121TimezonesEastern AsiaMongoliastandard-longUlaanbaatar Standard Time Ora standard din Ulan Bator
4122TimezonesEastern AsiaMongoliadaylight-longUlaanbaatar Summer Time Ora de vară din Ulan Bator
4123TimezonesEastern AsiaPyongyangstandard-longPyongyang Time Ora din Pyongyang
4124TimezonesEastern AsiaTaipeigeneric-longTaipei Time Ora din Taipei
4125TimezonesEastern AsiaTaipeistandard-longTaipei Standard Time Ora standard din Taipei
4126TimezonesEastern AsiaTaipeidaylight-longTaipei Daylight Time Ora de vară din Taipei
4127TimezonesEastern AsiaCities and RegionsChoibalsan= Choibalsan
4128TimezonesEastern AsiaCities and RegionsHong_Kong= Hong Kong
4129TimezonesEastern AsiaCities and RegionsHovd= Hovd
4130TimezonesEastern AsiaCities and RegionsMacau= Macao
4131TimezonesEastern AsiaCities and RegionsPyongyangPyongyang Phenian
4132TimezonesEastern AsiaCities and RegionsSeoul= Seoul
4133TimezonesEastern AsiaCities and RegionsShanghai= Shanghai
4134TimezonesEastern AsiaCities and RegionsTaipei= Taipei
4135TimezonesEastern AsiaCities and RegionsTokyo= Tokyo
4136TimezonesEastern AsiaCities and RegionsUlaanbaatarUlaanbaatar Ulan Bator
4137TimezonesEastern AsiaCities and RegionsUrumqi= Urumqi
4138TimezonesSouthern AsiaAfghanistanstandard-longAfghanistan Time Ora Afganistanului
4139TimezonesSouthern AsiaBangladeshgeneric-longBangladesh Time Ora din Bangladesh
4140TimezonesSouthern AsiaBangladeshstandard-longBangladesh Standard Time Ora standard din Bangladesh
4141TimezonesSouthern AsiaBangladeshdaylight-longBangladesh Summer Time Ora de vară din Bangladesh
4142TimezonesSouthern AsiaBhutanstandard-longBhutan Time Ora Bhutanului
4143TimezonesSouthern AsiaIndiastandard-longIndia Standard Time Ora Indiei
4144TimezonesSouthern AsiaIrangeneric-longIran Time Ora Iranului
4145TimezonesSouthern AsiaIranstandard-longIran Standard Time Ora standard a Iranului
4146TimezonesSouthern AsiaIrandaylight-longIran Daylight Time Ora de vară a Iranului
4147TimezonesSouthern AsiaMaldivesstandard-longMaldives Time Ora din Maldive
4148TimezonesSouthern AsiaNepalstandard-longNepal Time Ora Nepalului
4149TimezonesSouthern AsiaPakistangeneric-longPakistan Time Ora Pakistanului
4150TimezonesSouthern AsiaPakistanstandard-longPakistan Standard Time Ora standard a Pakistanului
4151TimezonesSouthern AsiaPakistandaylight-longPakistan Summer Time Ora de vară a Pakistanului
4152TimezonesSouthern AsiaCities and RegionsCalcuttaKolkata Calcutta
4153TimezonesSouthern AsiaCities and RegionsColombo= Colombo
4154TimezonesSouthern AsiaCities and RegionsDhakaDhaka Dacca
4155TimezonesSouthern AsiaCities and RegionsKabul= Kabul
4156TimezonesSouthern AsiaCities and RegionsKarachi= Karachi
4157TimezonesSouthern AsiaCities and RegionsKatmandu= Kathmandu
4158TimezonesSouthern AsiaCities and RegionsMaldivesMaldives Maldive
4159TimezonesSouthern AsiaCities and RegionsTehranTehran Teheran
4160TimezonesSouthern AsiaCities and RegionsThimphu= Thimphu
4161TimezonesSoutheast AsiaBruneistandard-longBrunei Darussalam Time Ora din Brunei Darussalam
4162TimezonesSoutheast AsiaEast_Timorstandard-longEast Timor Time Ora Timorului de Est
4163TimezonesSoutheast AsiaIndochinastandard-longIndochina Time Ora Indochinei
4164TimezonesSoutheast AsiaIndonesia_Centralstandard-longCentral Indonesia Time Ora Indoneziei Centrale
4165TimezonesSoutheast AsiaIndonesia_Easternstandard-longEastern Indonesia Time Ora Indoneziei de Est
4166TimezonesSoutheast AsiaIndonesia_Westernstandard-longWestern Indonesia Time Ora Indoneziei de Vest
4167TimezonesSoutheast AsiaMalaysiastandard-longMalaysia Time Ora din Malaysia
4168TimezonesSoutheast AsiaMyanmarstandard-longMyanmar Time Ora Myanmarului
4169TimezonesSoutheast AsiaPhilippinesgeneric-longPhilippine Time Ora din Filipine
4170TimezonesSoutheast AsiaPhilippinesstandard-longPhilippine Standard Time Ora standard din Filipine
4171TimezonesSoutheast AsiaPhilippinesdaylight-longPhilippine Summer Time Ora de vară din Filipine
4172TimezonesSoutheast AsiaSingaporestandard-longSingapore Standard Time Ora din Singapore
4173TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsBangkok= Bangkok
4174TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsBrunei= Brunei
4175TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsDili= Dili
4176TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsJakarta= Jakarta
4177TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsJayapura= Jayapura
4178TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsKuala_Lumpur= Kuala Lumpur
4179TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsKuching= Kuching
4180TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsMakassar= Makassar
4181TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsManila= Manila
4182TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsPhnom_Penh= Phnom Penh
4183TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsPontianak= Pontianak
4184TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsRangoon= Yangon
4185TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsSaigonHo Chi Minh City Ho Și Min
4186TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsSingapore= Singapore
4187TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsVientiane= Vientiane
4188TimezonesAustralasiaAustralia_Centralgeneric-longCentral Australia Time Ora Australiei Centrale
4189TimezonesAustralasiaAustralia_Centralstandard-longAustralian Central Standard Time Ora standard a Australiei Centrale
4190TimezonesAustralasiaAustralia_Centraldaylight-longAustralian Central Daylight Time Ora de vară a Australiei Centrale
4191TimezonesAustralasiaAustralia_CentralWesterngeneric-longAustralian Central Western Time Ora Australiei Central Occidentale
4192TimezonesAustralasiaAustralia_CentralWesternstandard-longAustralian Central Western Standard Time Ora standard a Australiei Central Occidentale
4193TimezonesAustralasiaAustralia_CentralWesterndaylight-longAustralian Central Western Daylight Time Ora de vară a Australiei Central Occidentale
4194TimezonesAustralasiaAustralia_Easterngeneric-longEastern Australia Time Ora Australiei Orientale
4195TimezonesAustralasiaAustralia_Easternstandard-longAustralian Eastern Standard Time Ora standard a Australiei Orientale
4196TimezonesAustralasiaAustralia_Easterndaylight-longAustralian Eastern Daylight Time Ora de vară a Australiei Orientale
4197TimezonesAustralasiaAustralia_Westerngeneric-longWestern Australia Time Ora Australiei Occidentale
4198TimezonesAustralasiaAustralia_Westernstandard-longAustralian Western Standard Time Ora standard a Australiei Occidentale
4199TimezonesAustralasiaAustralia_Westerndaylight-longAustralian Western Daylight Time Ora de vară a Australiei Occidentale
4200TimezonesAustralasiaChathamgeneric-longChatham Time Ora din Chatham
4201TimezonesAustralasiaChathamstandard-longChatham Standard Time Ora standard din Chatham
4202TimezonesAustralasiaChathamdaylight-longChatham Daylight Time Ora de vară din Chatham
4203TimezonesAustralasiaChristmasstandard-longChristmas Island Time Ora din Insula Christmas
4204TimezonesAustralasiaCocosstandard-longCocos Islands Time Ora Insulelor Cocos
4205TimezonesAustralasiaLord_Howegeneric-longLord Howe Time Ora din Lord Howe
4206TimezonesAustralasiaLord_Howestandard-longLord Howe Standard Time Ora standard din Lord Howe
4207TimezonesAustralasiaLord_Howedaylight-longLord Howe Daylight Time Ora de vară din Lord Howe
4208TimezonesAustralasiaMacquariestandard-longMacquarie Island Time Ora din Macquarie
4209TimezonesAustralasiaNew_Zealandgeneric-longNew Zealand Time Ora Noii Zeelande
4210TimezonesAustralasiaNew_Zealandstandard-longNew Zealand Standard Time Ora standard a Noii Zeelande
4211TimezonesAustralasiaNew_Zealanddaylight-longNew Zealand Daylight Time Ora de vară a Noii Zeelande
4212TimezonesAustralasiaNorfolkgeneric-longNorfolk Island Time Ora Insulelor Norfolk
4213TimezonesAustralasiaNorfolkstandard-longNorfolk Island Standard Time Ora standard Insulelor Norfolk
4214TimezonesAustralasiaNorfolkdaylight-longNorfolk Island Daylight Time Ora de vară Insulelor Norfolk
4215TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsAdelaide= Adelaide
4216TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsAuckland= Auckland
4217TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsBrisbane= Brisbane
4218TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsBroken_Hill= Broken Hill
4219TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsChatham= Chatham
4220TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsChristmas= Christmas
4221TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsCocos= Cocos
4222TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsCurrie= Currie
4223TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsDarwin= Darwin
4224TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsEucla= Eucla
4225TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsHobart= Hobart
4226TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsLindeman= Lindeman
4227TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsLord_Howe= Lord Howe
4228TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsMacquarie= Macquarie
4229TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsMelbourne= Melbourne
4230TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsNorfolk= Norfolk
4231TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsPerth= Perth
4232TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsSydney= Sydney
4233TimezonesAntarcticaDavisstandard-longDavis Time Ora din Davis
4234TimezonesAntarcticaDumontDUrvillestandard-longDumont-d’Urville Time Ora din Dumont-d’Urville
4235TimezonesAntarcticaMawsonstandard-longMawson Time Ora din Mawson
4236TimezonesAntarcticaRotherastandard-longRothera Time Ora din Rothera
4237TimezonesAntarcticaSyowastandard-longSyowa Time Ora din Syowa
4238TimezonesAntarcticaVostokstandard-longVostok Time Ora din Vostok
4239TimezonesAntarcticaCities and RegionsCasey= Casey
4240TimezonesAntarcticaCities and RegionsDavis= Davis
4241TimezonesAntarcticaCities and RegionsDumontDUrville= Dumont d’Urville
4242TimezonesAntarcticaCities and RegionsMawson= Mawson
4243TimezonesAntarcticaCities and RegionsMcMurdo= McMurdo
4244TimezonesAntarcticaCities and RegionsPalmer= Palmer
4245TimezonesAntarcticaCities and RegionsRothera= Rothera
4246TimezonesAntarcticaCities and RegionsSyowaSyowa Showa
4247TimezonesAntarcticaCities and RegionsTroll= Troll
4248TimezonesAntarcticaCities and RegionsVostok= Vostok
4249TimezonesOceaniaApiageneric-longApia Time Ora din Apia
4250TimezonesOceaniaApiastandard-longApia Standard Time Ora standard din Apia
4251TimezonesOceaniaApiadaylight-longApia Daylight Time Ora de vară din Apia
4252TimezonesOceaniaChamorrostandard-longChamorro Standard Time Ora din Chamorro
4253TimezonesOceaniaCookgeneric-longCook Islands Time Ora Insulelor Cook
4254TimezonesOceaniaCookstandard-longCook Islands Standard Time Ora standard a Insulelor Cook
4255TimezonesOceaniaCookdaylight-longCook Islands Half Summer Time Ora de vară a Insulelor Cook
4256TimezonesOceaniaFijigeneric-longFiji Time Ora din Fiji
4257TimezonesOceaniaFijistandard-longFiji Standard Time Ora standard din Fiji
4258TimezonesOceaniaFijidaylight-longFiji Summer Time Ora de vară din Fiji
4259TimezonesOceaniaGambierstandard-longGambier Time Ora din Gambier
4260TimezonesOceaniaGilbert_Islandsstandard-longGilbert Islands Time Ora Insulelor Gilbert
4261TimezonesOceaniaKosraestandard-longKosrae Time Ora din Kosrae
4262TimezonesOceaniaLine_Islandsstandard-longLine Islands Time Ora din Insulele Line
4263TimezonesOceaniaMarquesasstandard-longMarquesas Time Ora Insulelor Marchize
4264TimezonesOceaniaMarshall_Islandsstandard-longMarshall Islands Time Ora Insulelor Marshall
4265TimezonesOceaniaNaurustandard-longNauru Time Ora din Nauru
4266TimezonesOceaniaNew_Caledoniageneric-longNew Caledonia Time Ora Noii Caledonii
4267TimezonesOceaniaNew_Caledoniastandard-longNew Caledonia Standard Time Ora standard a Noii Caledonii
4268TimezonesOceaniaNew_Caledoniadaylight-longNew Caledonia Summer Time Ora de vară a Noii Caledonii
4269TimezonesOceaniaNiuestandard-longNiue Time Ora din Niue
4270TimezonesOceaniaPalaustandard-longPalau Time Ora din Palau
4271TimezonesOceaniaPapua_New_Guineastandard-longPapua New Guinea Time Ora din Papua Noua Guinee
4272TimezonesOceaniaPhoenix_Islandsstandard-longPhoenix Islands Time Ora Insulelor Phoenix
4273TimezonesOceaniaPitcairnstandard-longPitcairn Time Ora din Pitcairn
4274TimezonesOceaniaPonapestandard-longPonape Time Ora din Ponape
4275TimezonesOceaniaSamoageneric-longSamoa Time Ora din Samoa
4276TimezonesOceaniaSamoastandard-longSamoa Standard Time Ora standard din Samoa
4277TimezonesOceaniaSamoadaylight-longSamoa Daylight Time Ora de vară din Samoa
4278TimezonesOceaniaSolomonstandard-longSolomon Islands Time Ora Insulelor Solomon
4279TimezonesOceaniaTahitistandard-longTahiti Time Ora din Tahiti
4280TimezonesOceaniaTokelaustandard-longTokelau Time Ora din Tokelau
4281TimezonesOceaniaTongageneric-longTonga Time Ora din Tonga
4282TimezonesOceaniaTongastandard-longTonga Standard Time Ora standard din Tonga
4283TimezonesOceaniaTongadaylight-longTonga Summer Time Ora de vară din Tonga
4284TimezonesOceaniaTrukstandard-longChuuk Time Ora din Chuuk
4285TimezonesOceaniaTuvalustandard-longTuvalu Time Ora din Tuvalu
4286TimezonesOceaniaVanuatugeneric-longVanuatu Time Ora din Vanuatu
4287TimezonesOceaniaVanuatustandard-longVanuatu Standard Time Ora standard din Vanuatu
4288TimezonesOceaniaVanuatudaylight-longVanuatu Summer Time Ora de vară din Vanuatu
4289TimezonesOceaniaWakestandard-longWake Island Time Ora Insulei Wake
4290TimezonesOceaniaWallisstandard-longWallis & Futuna Time Ora din Wallis și Futuna
4291TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsApia= Apia
4292TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsBougainville= Bougainville
4293TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsEfate= Efate
4294TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsEnderbury= Enderbury
4295TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsFakaofo= Fakaofo
4296TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsFiji= Fiji
4297TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsFunafuti= Funafuti
4298TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsGambier= Gambier
4299TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsGuadalcanal= Guadalcanal
4300TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsGuam= Guam
4301TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsJohnston= Johnston
4302TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsKiritimati= Kiritimati
4303TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsKosrae= Kosrae
4304TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsKwajalein= Kwajalein
4305TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsMajuro= Majuro
4306TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsMarquesasMarquesas Marchize
4307TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsMidway= Midway
4308TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsNauru= Nauru
4309TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsNiue= Niue
4310TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsNoumea= Noumea
4311TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsPago_Pago= Pago Pago
4312TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsPalau= Palau
4313TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsPitcairnPitcairn Insula Pitcairn
4314TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsPonape= Pohnpei
4315TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsPort_Moresby= Port Moresby
4316TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsRarotonga= Rarotonga
4317TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsSaipan= Saipan
4318TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsTahiti= Tahiti
4319TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsTarawa= Tarawa
4320TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsTongatapu= Tongatapu
4321TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsTruk= Chuuk
4322TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsWake= Wake
4323TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsWallis= Wallis
4324TimezonesUnknown RegionCities and RegionsUnknownUnknown City Oraș necunoscut
4325TimezonesOverridesEtc/UTCstandard-longCoordinated Universal Time Timpul universal coordonat
4326TimezonesOverridesEtc/UTCstandard-short= UTC
4327TimezonesOverridesEurope/Dublindaylight-longIrish Standard Time Ora de vară a Irlandei
4328TimezonesOverridesEurope/Londondaylight-longBritish Summer Time Ora de vară britanică
4329NumbersSymbolsGrouping ControlMinimum Grouping Digits= 1
4330NumbersSymbolsTime Symbols Time Separator= :
4331NumbersSymbolsTime Symbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)Time Separator= :
4332NumbersSymbolsTime Symbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)Time Separator= ٫
4333NumbersSymbolsSymbols decimal. ,
4334NumbersSymbolsSymbols group, .
4335NumbersSymbolsSymbols plusSign= +
4336NumbersSymbolsSymbols minusSign= -
4337NumbersSymbolsSymbols percentSign= %
4338NumbersSymbolsSymbols perMille=
4339NumbersSymbolsSymbols exponential= E
4340NumbersSymbolsSymbols superscriptingExponent= ×
4341NumbersSymbolsSymbols infinity=
4342NumbersSymbolsSymbols nan= NaN
4343NumbersSymbolsSymbols list= ;
4344NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)decimal= ٫
4345NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)group= ٬
4346NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)plusSign= ؜+
4347NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)minusSign= ؜-
4348NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)percentSign= ٪؜
4349NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)perMille= ؉
4350NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)exponential= اس
4351NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)superscriptingExponent= ×
4352NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)infinity=
4353NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)nan= NaN
4354NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)list= ؛
4355NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)decimal= ٫
4356NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)group= ٬
4357NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)plusSign= ‎+‎
4358NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)minusSign= ‎-‎
4359NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)percentSign= ٪
4360NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)perMille= ؉
4361NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)exponential= ×۱۰^
4362NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)superscriptingExponent= ×
4363NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)infinity=
4364NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)nan= NaN
4365NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)list= ؛
4366NumbersMinimal PairsOrdinaloneTake the {0}st right. Faceți virajul nr. {0} la dreapta.
4367NumbersMinimal PairsOrdinalotherTake the {0}th right. Faceți virajul al {0}-lea la dreapta.
4368NumbersMinimal PairsPluralfew{0} days {0} zile
4369NumbersMinimal PairsPluralone{0} day {0} zi
4370NumbersMinimal PairsPluralother{0} days {0} de zile
4371NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns standard-decimal= #,##0.###
4372NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns standard-currency¤#,##0.00 #,##0.00 ¤
4373NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns standard-percent#,##0% #,##0 %
4374NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns standard-scientific= #E0
4375NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns accounting-currency¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00) #,##0.00 ¤;(#,##0.00 ¤)
4376NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)standard-currency= #,##0.00 ¤
4377NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)standard-percent= #,##0%
4378NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsCurrency Unit Patterns currencies-one= {0} {1}
4379NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsCurrency Unit Patterns currencies-few= {0} {1}
4380NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsCurrency Unit Patterns currencies-other{0} {1} {0} de {1}
4381NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns approximately= ~{0}
4382NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns atLeast{0}+ ≥{0}
4383NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns atMost= ≤{0}
4384NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns range{0}–{1} {0} - {1}
4385NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 4-digits-short-one¤0K 0 mie ¤
4386NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 4-digits-short-few¤0K 0 mii ¤
4387NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 4-digits-short-other¤0K 0 mii ¤
4388NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 5-digits-short-one¤00K 00 mii ¤
4389NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 5-digits-short-few¤00K 00 mii ¤
4390NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 5-digits-short-other¤00K 00 mii ¤
4391NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 6-digits-short-one¤000K 000 mii ¤
4392NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 6-digits-short-few¤000K 000 mii ¤
4393NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 6-digits-short-other¤000K 000 mii ¤
4394NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 7-digits-short-one¤0M 0 mil'.' ¤
4395NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 7-digits-short-few¤0M 0 mil'.' ¤
4396NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 7-digits-short-other¤0M 0 mil'.' ¤
4397NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 8-digits-short-one¤00M 00 mil'.' ¤
4398NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 8-digits-short-few¤00M 00 mil'.' ¤
4399NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 8-digits-short-other¤00M 00 mil'.' ¤
4400NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 9-digits-short-one¤000M 000 mil'.' ¤
4401NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 9-digits-short-few¤000M 000 mil'.' ¤
4402NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 9-digits-short-other¤000M 000 mil'.' ¤
4403NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 10-digits-short-one¤0B 0 mld'.' ¤
4404NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 10-digits-short-few¤0B 0 mld'.' ¤
4405NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 10-digits-short-other¤0B 0 mld'.' ¤
4406NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 11-digits-short-one¤00B 00 mld'.' ¤
4407NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 11-digits-short-few¤00B 00 mld'.' ¤
4408NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 11-digits-short-other¤00B 00 mld'.' ¤
4409NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 12-digits-short-one¤000B 000 mld'.' ¤
4410NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 12-digits-short-few¤000B 000 mld'.' ¤
4411NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 12-digits-short-other¤000B 000 mld'.' ¤
4412NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 13-digits-short-one¤0T 0 tril'.' ¤
4413NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 13-digits-short-few¤0T 0 tril'.' ¤
4414NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 13-digits-short-other¤0T 0 tril'.' ¤
4415NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 14-digits-short-one¤00T 00 tril'.' ¤
4416NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 14-digits-short-few¤00T 00 tril'.' ¤
4417NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 14-digits-short-other¤00T 00 tril'.' ¤
4418NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 15-digits-short-one¤000T 000 tril'.' ¤
4419NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 15-digits-short-few¤000T 000 tril'.' ¤
4420NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 15-digits-short-other¤000T 000 tril'.' ¤
4421NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 4-digits-long-one0 thousand 0 mie
4422NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 4-digits-long-few0K 0 mii
4423NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 4-digits-long-other0 thousand 0 de mii
4424NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 5-digits-long-one00 thousand 00 mie
4425NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 5-digits-long-few00K 00 mii
4426NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 5-digits-long-other00 thousand 00 de mii
4427NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 6-digits-long-one000 thousand 000 mie
4428NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 6-digits-long-few000K 000 mii
4429NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 6-digits-long-other000 thousand 000 de mii
4430NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 7-digits-long-one0 million 0 milion
4431NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 7-digits-long-few0M 0 milioane
4432NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 7-digits-long-other0 million 0 de milioane
4433NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 8-digits-long-one00 million 00 milion
4434NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 8-digits-long-few00M 00 milioane
4435NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 8-digits-long-other00 million 00 de milioane
4436NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 9-digits-long-one000 million 000 milion
4437NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 9-digits-long-few000M 000 milioane
4438NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 9-digits-long-other000 million 000 de milioane
4439NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 10-digits-long-one0 billion 0 miliard
4440NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 10-digits-long-few0B 0 miliarde
4441NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 10-digits-long-other0 billion 0 de miliarde
4442NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 11-digits-long-one00 billion 00 miliard
4443NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 11-digits-long-few00B 00 miliarde
4444NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 11-digits-long-other00 billion 00 de miliarde
4445NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 12-digits-long-one000 billion 000 miliard
4446NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 12-digits-long-few000B 000 miliarde
4447NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 12-digits-long-other000 billion 000 de miliarde
4448NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 13-digits-long-one0 trillion 0 trilion
4449NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 13-digits-long-few0T 0 trilioane
4450NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 13-digits-long-other0 trillion 0 de trilioane
4451NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 14-digits-long-one00 trillion 00 trilion
4452NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 14-digits-long-few00T 00 trilioane
4453NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 14-digits-long-other00 trillion 00 de trilioane
4454NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 15-digits-long-one000 trillion 000 trilion
4455NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 15-digits-long-few000T 000 trilioane
4456NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 15-digits-long-other000 trillion 000 de trilioane
4457NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 4-digits-short-one0K 0 K
4458NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 4-digits-short-few0K 0 K
4459NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 4-digits-short-other0K 0 K
4460NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 5-digits-short-one00K 00 K
4461NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 5-digits-short-few00K 00 K
4462NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 5-digits-short-other00K 00 K
4463NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 6-digits-short-one000K 000 K
4464NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 6-digits-short-few000K 000 K
4465NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 6-digits-short-other000K 000 K
4466NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 7-digits-short-one0M 0 mil'.'
4467NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 7-digits-short-few0M 0 mil'.'
4468NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 7-digits-short-other0M 0 mil'.'
4469NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 8-digits-short-one00M 00 mil'.'
4470NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 8-digits-short-few00M 00 mil'.'
4471NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 8-digits-short-other00M 00 mil'.'
4472NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 9-digits-short-one000M 000 mil'.'
4473NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 9-digits-short-few000M 000 mil'.'
4474NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 9-digits-short-other000M 000 mil'.'
4475NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 10-digits-short-one0B 0 mld'.'
4476NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 10-digits-short-few0B 0 mld'.'
4477NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 10-digits-short-other0B 0 mld'.'
4478NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 11-digits-short-one00B 00 mld'.'
4479NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 11-digits-short-few00B 00 mld'.'
4480NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 11-digits-short-other00B 00 mld'.'
4481NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 12-digits-short-one000B 000 mld'.'
4482NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 12-digits-short-few000B 000 mld'.'
4483NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 12-digits-short-other000B 000 mld'.'
4484NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 13-digits-short-one0T 0 tril'.'
4485NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 13-digits-short-few0T 0 tril'.'
4486NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 13-digits-short-other0T 0 tril'.'
4487NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 14-digits-short-one00T 00 tril'.'
4488NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 14-digits-short-few00T 00 tril'.'
4489NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 14-digits-short-other00T 00 tril'.'
4490NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 15-digits-short-one000T 000 tril'.'
4491NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 15-digits-short-few000T 000 tril'.'
4492NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 15-digits-short-other000T 000 tril'.'
4493CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: BermudaBMD-nameBermudan Dollar dolar din Bermuda
4494CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: BermudaBMD-name-oneBermudan dollar dolar din Bermuda
4495CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: BermudaBMD-name-fewBermudan dollars dolari din Bermuda
4496CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: BermudaBMD-name-otherBermudan dollars dolari din Bermuda
4497CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: BermudaBMD-symbol= BMD
4498CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: BermudaBMD-symbol-narrow= $
4499CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: CanadaCAD-nameCanadian Dollar dolar canadian
4500CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: CanadaCAD-name-oneCanadian dollar dolar canadian
4501CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: CanadaCAD-name-fewCanadian dollars dolari canadieni
4502CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: CanadaCAD-name-otherCanadian dollars dolari canadieni
4503CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: CanadaCAD-symbolCA$ CAD
4504CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: CanadaCAD-symbol-narrow= $
4505CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United StatesUSD-nameUS Dollar dolar american
4506CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United StatesUSD-name-oneUS dollar dolar american
4507CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United StatesUSD-name-fewUS dollars dolari americani
4508CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United StatesUSD-name-otherUS dollars dolari americani
4509CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United StatesUSD-symbol$ USD
4510CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United StatesUSD-symbol-narrow= $
4511CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United States: USN (fund)USN-nameUS Dollar (Next day) dolar american (ziua următoare)
4512CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United States: USN (fund)USN-name-oneUS dollar (next day) dolar american (ziua următoare)
4513CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United States: USN (fund)USN-name-fewUS dollars (next day) dolari americani (ziua următoare)
4514CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United States: USN (fund)USN-name-otherUS dollars (next day) dolari americani (ziua următoare)
4515CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United States: USN (fund)USN-symbol= USN
4516CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United States: USS (fund)USS-nameUS Dollar (Same day) dolar american (aceeași zi)
4517CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United States: USS (fund)USS-name-oneUS dollar (same day) dolar american (aceeași zi)
4518CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United States: USS (fund)USS-name-fewUS dollars (same day) dolari americani (aceeași zi)
4519CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United States: USS (fund)USS-name-otherUS dollars (same day) dolari americani (aceeași zi)
4520CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United States: USS (fund)USS-symbol= USS
4521CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: BelizeBZD-nameBelize Dollar dolar din Belize
4522CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: BelizeBZD-name-oneBelize dollar dolar din Belize
4523CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: BelizeBZD-name-fewBelize dollars dolari din Belize
4524CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: BelizeBZD-name-otherBelize dollars dolari din Belize
4525CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: BelizeBZD-symbol= BZD
4526CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: BelizeBZD-symbol-narrow= $
4527CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Costa RicaCRC-nameCosta Rican Colón colon costarican
4528CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Costa RicaCRC-name-oneCosta Rican colón colon costarican
4529CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Costa RicaCRC-name-fewCosta Rican colóns coloni costaricani
4530CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Costa RicaCRC-name-otherCosta Rican colóns coloni costaricani
4531CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Costa RicaCRC-symbol= CRC
4532CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Costa RicaCRC-symbol-narrow=
4533CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: GuatemalaGTQ-nameGuatemalan Quetzal quetzal guatemalez
4534CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: GuatemalaGTQ-name-oneGuatemalan quetzal quetzal guatemalez
4535CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: GuatemalaGTQ-name-fewGuatemalan quetzals quetzali guatemalezi
4536CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: GuatemalaGTQ-name-otherGuatemalan quetzals quetzali guatemalezi
4537CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: GuatemalaGTQ-symbol= GTQ
4538CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: GuatemalaGTQ-symbol-narrow= Q
4539CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: HondurasHNL-nameHonduran Lempira lempira honduriană
4540CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: HondurasHNL-name-oneHonduran lempira lempiră honduriană
4541CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: HondurasHNL-name-fewHonduran lempiras lempire honduriene
4542CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: HondurasHNL-name-otherHonduran lempiras lempire honduriene
4543CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: HondurasHNL-symbol= HNL
4544CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: HondurasHNL-symbol-narrow= L
4545CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: MexicoMXN-nameMexican Peso peso mexican
4546CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: MexicoMXN-name-oneMexican peso peso mexican
4547CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: MexicoMXN-name-fewMexican pesos pesos mexicani
4548CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: MexicoMXN-name-otherMexican pesos pesos mexicani
4549CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: MexicoMXN-symbolMX$ MXN
4550CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: MexicoMXN-symbol-narrow= $
4551CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Mexico: MXP (old)MXP-nameMexican Silver Peso (1861–1992) peso mexican de argint (1861–1992)
4552CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Mexico: MXP (old)MXP-name-oneMexican silver peso (1861–1992) peso mexican de argint (1861–1992)
4553CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Mexico: MXP (old)MXP-name-fewMexican silver pesos (1861–1992) pesos mexicani de argint (1861–1992
4554CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Mexico: MXP (old)MXP-name-otherMexican silver pesos (1861–1992) pesos mexicani de argint (1861–1992)
4555CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Mexico: MXP (old)MXP-symbol= MXP
4556CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Mexico: MXV (fund)MXV-nameMexican Investment Unit MXV
4557CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Mexico: MXV (fund)MXV-symbol= MXV
4558CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: NicaraguaNIO-nameNicaraguan Córdoba cordoba nicaraguană
4559CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: NicaraguaNIO-name-oneNicaraguan córdoba cordoba nicaraguană
4560CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: NicaraguaNIO-name-fewNicaraguan córdobas cordobe nicaraguane
4561CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: NicaraguaNIO-name-otherNicaraguan córdobas cordobe nicaraguane
4562CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: NicaraguaNIO-symbol= NIO
4563CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: NicaraguaNIO-symbol-narrow= C$
4564CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Nicaragua: NIC (old)NIC-nameNicaraguan Córdoba (1988–1991) cordoba nicaraguană (1988–1991)
4565CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Nicaragua: NIC (old)NIC-symbol= NIC
4566CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: PanamaPAB-namePanamanian Balboa balboa panameză
4567CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: PanamaPAB-name-onePanamanian balboa balboa panameză
4568CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: PanamaPAB-name-fewPanamanian balboas balboa panameze
4569CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: PanamaPAB-name-otherPanamanian balboas balboa panameze
4570CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: PanamaPAB-symbol= PAB
4571CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: El Salvador: SVC (old)SVC-nameSalvadoran Colón colon El Salvador
4572CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: El Salvador: SVC (old)SVC-name-oneSalvadoran colón colon El Salvador
4573CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: El Salvador: SVC (old)SVC-name-fewSalvadoran colones coloni El Salvador
4574CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: El Salvador: SVC (old)SVC-name-otherSalvadoran colones coloni El Salvador
4575CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: El Salvador: SVC (old)SVC-symbol= SVC
4576CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: ArubaAWG-nameAruban Florin florin aruban
4577CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: ArubaAWG-name-oneAruban florin florin aruban
4578CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: ArubaAWG-name-fewAruban florin florini arubani
4579CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: ArubaAWG-name-otherAruban florin florini arubani
4580CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: ArubaAWG-symbol= AWG
4581CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: BarbadosBBD-nameBarbadian Dollar dolar din Barbados
4582CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: BarbadosBBD-name-oneBarbadian dollar dolar din Barbados
4583CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: BarbadosBBD-name-fewBarbadian dollars dolari din Barbados
4584CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: BarbadosBBD-name-otherBarbadian dollars dolari din Barbados
4585CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: BarbadosBBD-symbol= BBD
4586CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: BarbadosBBD-symbol-narrow= $
4587CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: BahamasBSD-nameBahamian Dollar dolar din Bahamas
4588CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: BahamasBSD-name-oneBahamian dollar dolar din Bahamas
4589CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: BahamasBSD-name-fewBahamian dollars dolari din Bahamas
4590CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: BahamasBSD-name-otherBahamian dollars dolari din Bahamas
4591CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: BahamasBSD-symbol= BSD
4592CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: BahamasBSD-symbol-narrow= $
4593CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CubaCUC-nameCuban Convertible Peso peso cubanez convertibil
4594CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CubaCUP-nameCuban Peso peso cubanez
4595CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CubaCUC-name-oneCuban convertible peso peso cubanez convertibil
4596CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CubaCUC-name-fewCuban convertible pesos pesos cubanezi convertibili
4597CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CubaCUC-name-otherCuban convertible pesos pesos cubanezi convertibili
4598CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CubaCUP-name-oneCuban peso peso cubanez
4599CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CubaCUP-name-fewCuban pesos pesos cubanezi
4600CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CubaCUP-name-otherCuban pesos pesos cubanezi
4601CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CubaCUC-symbol= CUC
4602CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CubaCUP-symbol= CUP
4603CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CubaCUC-symbol-narrow= $
4604CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CubaCUP-symbol-narrow= $
4605CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CuraçaoANG-nameNetherlands Antillean Guilder gulden din Antilele Olandeze
4606CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CuraçaoANG-name-oneNetherlands Antillean guilder gulden din Antilele Olandeze
4607CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CuraçaoANG-name-fewNetherlands Antillean guilders guldeni din Antilele Olandeze
4608CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CuraçaoANG-name-otherNetherlands Antillean guilders guldeni din Antilele Olandeze
4609CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CuraçaoANG-symbol= ANG
4610CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Dominican RepublicDOP-nameDominican Peso peso dominican
4611CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Dominican RepublicDOP-name-oneDominican peso peso dominican
4612CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Dominican RepublicDOP-name-fewDominican pesos pesos dominicani
4613CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Dominican RepublicDOP-name-otherDominican pesos pesos dominicani
4614CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Dominican RepublicDOP-symbol= DOP
4615CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Dominican RepublicDOP-symbol-narrow= $
4616CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: HaitiHTG-nameHaitian Gourde gourde din Haiti
4617CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: HaitiHTG-name-oneHaitian gourde gourde din Haiti
4618CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: HaitiHTG-name-fewHaitian gourdes gourde din Haiti
4619CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: HaitiHTG-name-otherHaitian gourdes gourde din Haiti
4620CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: HaitiHTG-symbol= HTG
4621CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: JamaicaJMD-nameJamaican Dollar dolar jamaican
4622CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: JamaicaJMD-name-oneJamaican dollar dolar jamaican
4623CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: JamaicaJMD-name-fewJamaican dollars dolari jamaicani
4624CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: JamaicaJMD-name-otherJamaican dollars dolari jamaicani
4625CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: JamaicaJMD-symbol= JMD
4626CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: JamaicaJMD-symbol-narrow= $
4627CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Cayman IslandsKYD-nameCayman Islands Dollar dolar din Insulele Cayman
4628CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Cayman IslandsKYD-name-oneCayman Islands dollar dolar din Insulele Cayman
4629CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Cayman IslandsKYD-name-fewCayman Islands dollars dolari din Insulele Cayman
4630CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Cayman IslandsKYD-name-otherCayman Islands dollars dolari din Insulele Cayman
4631CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Cayman IslandsKYD-symbol= KYD
4632CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Cayman IslandsKYD-symbol-narrow= $
4633CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: St. LuciaXCD-nameEast Caribbean Dollar dolar din Caraibele de Est
4634CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: St. LuciaXCD-name-oneEast Caribbean dollar dolar din Caraibele de Est
4635CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: St. LuciaXCD-name-fewEast Caribbean dollars dolari din Caraibele de Est
4636CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: St. LuciaXCD-name-otherEast Caribbean dollars dolari din Caraibele de Est
4637CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: St. LuciaXCD-symbolEC$ XCD
4638CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: St. LuciaXCD-symbol-narrow= $
4639CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Trinidad & TobagoTTD-nameTrinidad & Tobago Dollar dolar din Trinidad-Tobago
4640CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Trinidad & TobagoTTD-name-oneTrinidad & Tobago dollar dolar din Trinidad-Tobago
4641CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Trinidad & TobagoTTD-name-fewTrinidad & Tobago dollars dolari din Trinidad-Tobago
4642CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Trinidad & TobagoTTD-name-otherTrinidad & Tobago dollars dolari din Trinidad-Tobago
4643CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Trinidad & TobagoTTD-symbol= TTD
4644CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Trinidad & TobagoTTD-symbol-narrow= $
4645CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ArgentinaARS-nameArgentine Peso peso argentinian
4646CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ArgentinaARS-name-oneArgentine peso peso argentinian
4647CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ArgentinaARS-name-fewArgentine pesos pesos argentinieni
4648CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ArgentinaARS-name-otherArgentine pesos pesos argentinieni
4649CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ArgentinaARS-symbol= ARS
4650CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ArgentinaARS-symbol-narrow= $
4651CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARA (old)ARA-nameArgentine Austral ARA
4652CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARA (old)ARA-symbol= ARA
4653CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARL (old)ARL-nameArgentine Peso Ley (1970–1983) ARL
4654CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARL (old)ARL-symbol= ARL
4655CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARM (old)ARM-nameArgentine Peso (1881–1970) ARM
4656CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARM (old)ARM-symbol= ARM
4657CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARP (old)ARP-nameArgentine Peso (1983–1985) peso argentinian (1983–1985)
4658CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARP (old)ARP-name-oneArgentine peso (1983–1985) peso argentinian (1983–1985)
4659CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARP (old)ARP-name-fewArgentine pesos (1983–1985) pesos argentinieni (1983–1985)
4660CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARP (old)ARP-name-otherArgentine pesos (1983–1985) pesos argentinieni (1983–1985)
4661CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARP (old)ARP-symbol= ARP
4662CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: BoliviaBOB-nameBolivian Boliviano boliviano bolivian
4663CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: BoliviaBOB-name-oneBolivian boliviano boliviano bolivian
4664CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: BoliviaBOB-name-fewBolivian bolivianos boliviano bolivieni
4665CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: BoliviaBOB-name-otherBolivian bolivianos boliviano bolivieni
4666CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: BoliviaBOB-symbol= BOB
4667CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: BoliviaBOB-symbol-narrow= Bs
4668CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Bolivia: BOL (old)BOL-nameBolivian Boliviano (1863–1963) BOL
4669CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Bolivia: BOL (old)BOL-symbol= BOL
4670CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Bolivia: BOP (old)BOP-nameBolivian Peso peso bolivian
4671CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Bolivia: BOP (old)BOP-name-oneBolivian peso peso bolivian
4672CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Bolivia: BOP (old)BOP-name-fewBolivian pesos pesos bolivieni
4673CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Bolivia: BOP (old)BOP-name-otherBolivian pesos pesos bolivieni
4674CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Bolivia: BOP (old)BOP-symbol= BOP
4675CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Bolivia: BOV (old)BOV-nameBolivian Mvdol mvdol bolivian
4676CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Bolivia: BOV (old)BOV-symbol= BOV
4677CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: BrazilBRL-nameBrazilian Real real brazilian
4678CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: BrazilBRL-name-oneBrazilian real real brazilian
4679CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: BrazilBRL-name-fewBrazilian reals reali brazilieni
4680CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: BrazilBRL-name-otherBrazilian reals reali brazilieni
4681CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: BrazilBRL-symbolR$ BRL
4682CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: BrazilBRL-symbol-narrow= R$
4683CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRB (old)BRB-nameBrazilian New Cruzeiro (1967–1986) BRB
4684CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRB (old)BRB-symbol= BRB
4685CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRC (old)BRC-nameBrazilian Cruzado (1986–1989) BRC
4686CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRC (old)BRC-symbol= BRC
4687CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRE (old)BRE-nameBrazilian Cruzeiro (1990–1993) cruzeiro brazilian (1990–1993)
4688CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRE (old)BRE-symbol= BRE
4689CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRN (old)BRN-nameBrazilian New Cruzado (1989–1990) BRN
4690CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRN (old)BRN-symbol= BRN
4691CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRR (old)BRR-nameBrazilian Cruzeiro (1993–1994) cruzeiro brazilian (1993–1994)
4692CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRR (old)BRR-symbol= BRR
4693CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRZ (old)BRZ-nameBrazilian Cruzeiro (1942–1967) BRZ
4694CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRZ (old)BRZ-symbol= BRZ
4695CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ChileCLP-nameChilean Peso peso chilian
4696CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ChileCLP-name-oneChilean peso peso chilian
4697CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ChileCLP-name-fewChilean pesos pesos chilieni
4698CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ChileCLP-name-otherChilean pesos pesos chilieni
4699CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ChileCLP-symbol= CLP
4700CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ChileCLP-symbol-narrow= $
4701CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Chile: CLE (old)CLE-nameChilean Escudo CLE
4702CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Chile: CLE (old)CLE-symbol= CLE
4703CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Chile: CLF (fund)CLF-nameChilean Unit of Account (UF) CLF
4704CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Chile: CLF (fund)CLF-symbol= CLF
4705CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ColombiaCOP-nameColombian Peso peso columbian
4706CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ColombiaCOP-name-oneColombian peso peso columbian
4707CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ColombiaCOP-name-fewColombian pesos pesos columbieni
4708CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ColombiaCOP-name-otherColombian pesos pesos columbieni
4709CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ColombiaCOP-symbol= COP
4710CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ColombiaCOP-symbol-narrow= $
4711CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Colombia: COU (fund)COU-nameColombian Real Value Unit COU
4712CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Colombia: COU (fund)COU-symbol= COU
4713CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Ecuador: ECS (old)ECS-nameEcuadorian Sucre sucre Ecuador
4714CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Ecuador: ECS (old)ECS-symbol= ECS
4715CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Ecuador: ECV (fund)ECV-nameEcuadorian Unit of Constant Value ECV
4716CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Ecuador: ECV (fund)ECV-symbol= ECV
4717CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Falkland IslandsFKP-nameFalkland Islands Pound liră din Insulele Falkland
4718CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Falkland IslandsFKP-name-oneFalkland Islands pound liră din Insulele Falkland
4719CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Falkland IslandsFKP-name-fewFalkland Islands pounds lire din Insulele Falkland
4720CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Falkland IslandsFKP-name-otherFalkland Islands pounds lire din Insulele Falkland
4721CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Falkland IslandsFKP-symbol= FKP
4722CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Falkland IslandsFKP-symbol-narrow= £
4723CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: GuyanaGYD-nameGuyanaese Dollar dolar guyanez
4724CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: GuyanaGYD-name-oneGuyanaese dollar dolar guyanez
4725CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: GuyanaGYD-name-fewGuyanaese dollars dolari guyanezi
4726CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: GuyanaGYD-name-otherGuyanaese dollars dolari guyanezi
4727CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: GuyanaGYD-symbol= GYD
4728CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: GuyanaGYD-symbol-narrow= $
4729CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: PeruPEN-namePeruvian Sol sol peruvian
4730CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: PeruPEN-name-onePeruvian sol sol peruvian
4731CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: PeruPEN-name-fewPeruvian soles soli peruvieni
4732CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: PeruPEN-name-otherPeruvian soles soli peruvieni
4733CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: PeruPEN-symbol= PEN
4734CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Peru: PEI (old)PEI-namePeruvian Inti inti peruvian
4735CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Peru: PEI (old)PEI-symbol= PEI
4736CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Peru: PES (old)PES-namePeruvian Sol (1863–1965) sol peruvian (1863–1965)
4737CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Peru: PES (old)PES-name-onePeruvian sol (1863–1965) sol peruvian (1863–1965)
4738CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Peru: PES (old)PES-name-fewPeruvian soles (1863–1965) soli peruvieni (1863–1965)
4739CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Peru: PES (old)PES-name-otherPeruvian soles (1863–1965) soli peruvieni (1863–1965)
4740CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Peru: PES (old)PES-symbol= PES
4741CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ParaguayPYG-nameParaguayan Guarani guarani paraguayan
4742CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ParaguayPYG-name-oneParaguayan guarani guarani paraguayan
4743CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ParaguayPYG-name-fewParaguayan guaranis guarani paraguayeni
4744CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ParaguayPYG-name-otherParaguayan guaranis guarani paraguayeni
4745CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ParaguayPYG-symbol= PYG
4746CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ParaguayPYG-symbol-narrow=
4747CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: SurinameSRD-nameSurinamese Dollar dolar surinamez
4748CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: SurinameSRD-name-oneSurinamese dollar dolar surinamez
4749CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: SurinameSRD-name-fewSurinamese dollars dolari surinamezi
4750CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: SurinameSRD-name-otherSurinamese dollars dolari surinamezi
4751CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: SurinameSRD-symbol= SRD
4752CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: SurinameSRD-symbol-narrow= $
4753CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Suriname: SRG (old)SRG-nameSurinamese Guilder gulden Surinam
4754CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Suriname: SRG (old)SRG-name-oneSurinamese guilder gulden Surinam
4755CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Suriname: SRG (old)SRG-name-fewSurinamese guilders guldeni Surinam
4756CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Suriname: SRG (old)SRG-name-otherSurinamese guilders guldeni Surinam
4757CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Suriname: SRG (old)SRG-symbol= SRG
4758CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: UruguayUYU-nameUruguayan Peso peso uruguayan
4759CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: UruguayUYU-name-oneUruguayan peso peso uruguayan
4760CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: UruguayUYU-name-fewUruguayan pesos pesos uruguayeni
4761CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: UruguayUYU-name-otherUruguayan pesos pesos uruguayeni
4762CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: UruguayUYU-symbol= UYU
4763CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: UruguayUYU-symbol-narrow= $
4764CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Uruguay: UYI (fund)UYI-nameUruguayan Peso (Indexed Units) UYI
4765CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Uruguay: UYI (fund)UYI-symbol= UYI
4766CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Uruguay: UYP (old)UYP-nameUruguayan Peso (1975–1993) peso Uruguay (1975–1993)
4767CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Uruguay: UYP (old)UYP-name-oneUruguayan peso (1975–1993) peso Uruguay (1975–1993)
4768CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Uruguay: UYP (old)UYP-name-fewUruguayan pesos (1975–1993) pesos Uruguay (1975–1993)
4769CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Uruguay: UYP (old)UYP-name-otherUruguayan pesos (1975–1993) pesos Uruguay (1975–1993)
4770CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Uruguay: UYP (old)UYP-symbol= UYP
4771CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Uruguay: UYW (old)UYW-nameUruguayan Nominal Wage Index Unit UYW
4772CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Uruguay: UYW (old)UYW-symbol= UYW
4773CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: VenezuelaVES-nameVenezuelan Bolívar bolivar venezuelean
4774CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: VenezuelaVES-name-oneVenezuelan bolívar bolivar venezuelean
4775CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: VenezuelaVES-name-fewVenezuelan bolívars bolivari venezueleni
4776CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: VenezuelaVES-name-otherVenezuelan bolívars bolivari venezueleni
4777CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: VenezuelaVES-symbol= VES
4778CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Venezuela: VEB (old)VEB-nameVenezuelan Bolívar (1871–2008) bolivar Venezuela (1871–2008)
4779CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Venezuela: VEB (old)VEB-name-oneVenezuelan bolívar (1871–2008) bolivar Venezuela (1871–2008)
4780CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Venezuela: VEB (old)VEB-name-fewVenezuelan bolívars (1871–2008) bolivari Venezuela (1871–2008)
4781CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Venezuela: VEB (old)VEB-name-otherVenezuelan bolívars (1871–2008) bolivari Venezuela (1871–2008)
4782CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Venezuela: VEB (old)VEB-symbol= VEB
4783CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Venezuela: VEF (old)VEF-nameVenezuelan Bolívar (2008–2018) bolivar venezuelean (2008–2018)
4784CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Venezuela: VEF (old)VEF-name-oneVenezuelan bolívar (2008–2018) bolivar venezuelean (2008–2018)
4785CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Venezuela: VEF (old)VEF-name-fewVenezuelan bolívars (2008–2018) bolivari venezueleni (2008–2018)
4786CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Venezuela: VEF (old)VEF-name-otherVenezuelan bolívars (2008–2018) bolivari venezueleni (2008–2018)
4787CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Venezuela: VEF (old)VEF-symbol= VEF
4788CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Venezuela: VEF (old)VEF-symbol-narrow= Bs
4789CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: DenmarkDKK-nameDanish Krone coroană daneză
4790CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: DenmarkDKK-name-oneDanish krone coroană daneză
4791CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: DenmarkDKK-name-fewDanish kroner coroane daneze
4792CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: DenmarkDKK-name-otherDanish kroner coroane daneze
4793CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: DenmarkDKK-symbol= DKK
4794CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: DenmarkDKK-symbol-narrow= kr
4795CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Estonia: EEK (old)EEK-nameEstonian Kroon coroană estoniană
4796CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Estonia: EEK (old)EEK-name-oneEstonian kroon coroană estoniană
4797CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Estonia: EEK (old)EEK-name-fewEstonian kroons coroane estoniene
4798CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Estonia: EEK (old)EEK-name-otherEstonian kroons coroane estoniene
4799CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Estonia: EEK (old)EEK-symbol= EEK
4800CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Finland: FIM (old)FIM-nameFinnish Markka marcă finlandeză
4801CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Finland: FIM (old)FIM-name-oneFinnish markka mărci finlandeze
4802CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Finland: FIM (old)FIM-name-fewFinnish markkas mărci finlandeze
4803CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Finland: FIM (old)FIM-name-otherFinnish markkas mărci finlandeze
4804CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Finland: FIM (old)FIM-symbol= FIM
4805CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: United KingdomGBP-nameBritish Pound liră sterlină
4806CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: United KingdomGBP-name-oneBritish pound liră sterlină
4807CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: United KingdomGBP-name-fewBritish pounds lire sterline
4808CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: United KingdomGBP-name-otherBritish pounds lire sterline
4809CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: United KingdomGBP-symbol£ GBP
4810CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: United KingdomGBP-symbol-narrow= £
4811CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Ireland: IEP (old)IEP-nameIrish Pound liră irlandeză
4812CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Ireland: IEP (old)IEP-name-oneIrish pound liră irlandeză
4813CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Ireland: IEP (old)IEP-name-fewIrish pounds lire irlandeze
4814CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Ireland: IEP (old)IEP-name-otherIrish pounds lire irlandeze
4815CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Ireland: IEP (old)IEP-symbol= IEP
4816CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: IcelandISK-nameIcelandic Króna coroană islandeză
4817CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: IcelandISK-name-oneIcelandic króna coroană islandeză
4818CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: IcelandISK-name-fewIcelandic krónur coroane islandeze
4819CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: IcelandISK-name-otherIcelandic krónur coroane islandeze
4820CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: IcelandISK-symbol= ISK
4821CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: IcelandISK-symbol-narrow= kr
4822CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Iceland: ISJ (old)ISJ-nameIcelandic Króna (1918–1981) ISJ
4823CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Iceland: ISJ (old)ISJ-symbol= ISJ
4824CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Lithuania: LTL (old)LTL-nameLithuanian Litas litu lituanian
4825CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Lithuania: LTL (old)LTL-name-oneLithuanian litas litu lituanian
4826CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Lithuania: LTL (old)LTL-name-fewLithuanian litai lite lituaniene
4827CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Lithuania: LTL (old)LTL-name-otherLithuanian litai lite lituaniene
4828CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Lithuania: LTL (old)LTL-symbol= LTL
4829CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Lithuania: LTL (old)LTL-symbol-narrow= Lt
4830CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Lithuania: LTT (old)LTT-nameLithuanian Talonas LTT
4831CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Lithuania: LTT (old)LTT-symbol= LTT
4832CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Latvia: LVL (old)LVL-nameLatvian Lats lats letonian
4833CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Latvia: LVL (old)LVL-name-oneLatvian lats lats letonian
4834CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Latvia: LVL (old)LVL-name-fewLatvian lati lats letonieni
4835CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Latvia: LVL (old)LVL-name-otherLatvian lati lats letonieni
4836CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Latvia: LVL (old)LVL-symbol= LVL
4837CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Latvia: LVL (old)LVL-symbol-narrow= Ls
4838CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Latvia: LVR (old)LVR-nameLatvian Ruble rublă Letonia
4839CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Latvia: LVR (old)LVR-name-oneLatvian ruble rublă Letonia
4840CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Latvia: LVR (old)LVR-name-fewLatvian rubles ruble Letonia
4841CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Latvia: LVR (old)LVR-name-otherLatvian rubles ruble Letonia
4842CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Latvia: LVR (old)LVR-symbol= LVR
4843CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: NorwayNOK-nameNorwegian Krone coroană norvegiană
4844CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: NorwayNOK-name-oneNorwegian krone coroană norvegiană
4845CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: NorwayNOK-name-fewNorwegian kroner coroane norvegiene
4846CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: NorwayNOK-name-otherNorwegian kroner coroane norvegiene
4847CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: NorwayNOK-symbol= NOK
4848CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: NorwayNOK-symbol-narrow= kr
4849CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: SwedenSEK-nameSwedish Krona coroană suedeză
4850CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: SwedenSEK-name-oneSwedish krona coroană suedeză
4851CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: SwedenSEK-name-fewSwedish kronor coroane suedeze
4852CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: SwedenSEK-name-otherSwedish kronor coroane suedeze
4853CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: SwedenSEK-symbol= SEK
4854CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: SwedenSEK-symbol-narrow= kr
4855CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Austria: ATS (old)ATS-nameAustrian Schilling șiling austriac
4856CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Austria: ATS (old)ATS-name-oneAustrian schilling șiling austriac
4857CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Austria: ATS (old)ATS-name-fewAustrian schillings șilingi austrieci
4858CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Austria: ATS (old)ATS-name-otherAustrian schillings șilingi austrieci
4859CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Austria: ATS (old)ATS-symbol= ATS
4860CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Belgium: BEC (old)BEC-nameBelgian Franc (convertible) franc belgian (convertibil)
4861CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Belgium: BEC (old)BEC-name-oneBelgian franc (convertible) franc belgian (convertibil)
4862CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Belgium: BEC (old)BEC-name-fewBelgian francs (convertible) franci belgieni (convertibili)
4863CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Belgium: BEC (old)BEC-name-otherBelgian francs (convertible) franci belgieni (convertibili)
4864CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Belgium: BEC (old)BEC-symbol= BEC
4865CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Belgium: BEF (old)BEF-nameBelgian Franc franc belgian
4866CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Belgium: BEF (old)BEF-name-oneBelgian franc franc belgian
4867CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Belgium: BEF (old)BEF-name-fewBelgian francs franci belgieni
4868CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Belgium: BEF (old)BEF-name-otherBelgian francs franci belgieni
4869CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Belgium: BEF (old)BEF-symbol= BEF
4870CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Belgium: BEL (old)BEL-nameBelgian Franc (financial) franc belgian (financiar)
4871CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Belgium: BEL (old)BEL-name-oneBelgian franc (financial) franc belgian (financiar)
4872CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Belgium: BEL (old)BEL-name-fewBelgian francs (financial) franci belgieni (financiari)
4873CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Belgium: BEL (old)BEL-name-otherBelgian francs (financial) franci belgieni (financiari)
4874CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Belgium: BEL (old)BEL-symbol= BEL
4875CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: SwitzerlandCHF-nameSwiss Franc franc elvețian
4876CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: SwitzerlandCHF-name-oneSwiss franc franc elvețian
4877CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: SwitzerlandCHF-name-fewSwiss francs franci elvețieni
4878CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: SwitzerlandCHF-name-otherSwiss francs franci elvețieni
4879CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: SwitzerlandCHF-symbol= CHF
4880CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Switzerland: CHE (fund)CHE-nameWIR Euro CHE
4881CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Switzerland: CHE (fund)CHE-symbol= CHE
4882CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Switzerland: CHW (fund)CHW-nameWIR Franc CHW
4883CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Switzerland: CHW (fund)CHW-symbol= CHW
4884CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Germany: DDM (old)DDM-nameEast German Mark marcă est-germană
4885CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Germany: DDM (old)DDM-name-oneEast German mark marcă est-germană
4886CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Germany: DDM (old)DDM-name-fewEast German marks mărci est-germane
4887CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Germany: DDM (old)DDM-name-otherEast German marks mărci est-germane
4888CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Germany: DDM (old)DDM-symbol= DDM
4889CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Germany: DEM (old)DEM-nameGerman Mark marcă germană
4890CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Germany: DEM (old)DEM-name-oneGerman mark marcă germană
4891CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Germany: DEM (old)DEM-name-fewGerman marks mărci germane
4892CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Germany: DEM (old)DEM-name-otherGerman marks mărci germane
4893CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Germany: DEM (old)DEM-symbol= DEM
4894CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: France: FRF (old)FRF-nameFrench Franc franc francez
4895CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: France: FRF (old)FRF-name-oneFrench franc franc francez
4896CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: France: FRF (old)FRF-name-fewFrench francs franci francezi
4897CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: France: FRF (old)FRF-name-otherFrench francs franci francezi
4898CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: France: FRF (old)FRF-symbol= FRF
4899CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Luxembourg: LUC (old)LUC-nameLuxembourgian Convertible Franc franc convertibil luxemburghez
4900CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Luxembourg: LUC (old)LUC-name-oneLuxembourgian convertible franc franc convertibil luxemburghez
4901CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Luxembourg: LUC (old)LUC-name-fewLuxembourgian convertible francs franci convertibili luxemburghezi
4902CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Luxembourg: LUC (old)LUC-name-otherLuxembourgian convertible francs franci convertibili luxemburghezi
4903CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Luxembourg: LUC (old)LUC-symbol= LUC
4904CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Luxembourg: LUF (old)LUF-nameLuxembourgian Franc franc luxemburghez
4905CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Luxembourg: LUF (old)LUF-name-oneLuxembourgian franc franc luxemburghez
4906CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Luxembourg: LUF (old)LUF-name-fewLuxembourgian francs franci luxemburghezi
4907CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Luxembourg: LUF (old)LUF-name-otherLuxembourgian francs franci luxemburghezi
4908CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Luxembourg: LUF (old)LUF-symbol= LUF
4909CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Luxembourg: LUL (old)LUL-nameLuxembourg Financial Franc franc financiar luxemburghez
4910CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Luxembourg: LUL (old)LUL-name-oneLuxembourg financial franc franc financiar luxemburghez
4911CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Luxembourg: LUL (old)LUL-name-fewLuxembourg financial francs franci financiari luxemburghezi
4912CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Luxembourg: LUL (old)LUL-name-otherLuxembourg financial francs franci financiari luxemburghezi
4913CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Luxembourg: LUL (old)LUL-symbol= LUL
4914CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Monaco: MCF (old)MCF-nameMonegasque Franc MCF
4915CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Monaco: MCF (old)MCF-symbol= MCF
4916CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Netherlands: NLG (old)NLG-nameDutch Guilder gulden olandez
4917CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Netherlands: NLG (old)NLG-name-oneDutch guilder gulden olandez
4918CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Netherlands: NLG (old)NLG-name-fewDutch guilders guldeni olandezi
4919CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Netherlands: NLG (old)NLG-name-otherDutch guilders guldeni olandezi
4920CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Netherlands: NLG (old)NLG-symbol= NLG
4921CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: BulgariaBGN-nameBulgarian Lev leva bulgărească
4922CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: BulgariaBGN-name-oneBulgarian lev leva bulgărească
4923CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: BulgariaBGN-name-fewBulgarian leva leva bulgărești
4924CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: BulgariaBGN-name-otherBulgarian leva leva bulgărești
4925CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: BulgariaBGN-symbol= BGN
4926CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Bulgaria: BGL (old)BGL-nameBulgarian Hard Lev BGL
4927CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Bulgaria: BGL (old)BGL-symbol= BGL
4928CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Bulgaria: BGM (old)BGM-nameBulgarian Socialist Lev BGM
4929CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Bulgaria: BGM (old)BGM-symbol= BGM
4930CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Bulgaria: BGO (old)BGO-nameBulgarian Lev (1879–1952) BGO
4931CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Bulgaria: BGO (old)BGO-symbol= BGO
4932CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: BelarusBYN-nameBelarusian Ruble rublă belarusă
4933CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: BelarusBYN-name-oneBelarusian ruble rublă belarusă
4934CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: BelarusBYN-name-fewBelarusian rubles ruble belaruse
4935CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: BelarusBYN-name-otherBelarusian rubles ruble belaruse
4936CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: BelarusBYN-symbol= BYN
4937CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: BelarusBYN-symbol-narrow= р.
4938CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Belarus: BYB (old)BYB-nameBelarusian Ruble (1994–1999) BYB
4939CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Belarus: BYB (old)BYB-symbol= BYB
4940CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Belarus: BYR (old)BYR-nameBelarusian Ruble (2000–2016) rublă belarusă (2000–2016)
4941CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Belarus: BYR (old)BYR-name-oneBelarusian ruble (2000–2016) rublă belarusă (2000–2016)
4942CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Belarus: BYR (old)BYR-name-fewBelarusian rubles (2000–2016) ruble belaruse (2000–2016)
4943CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Belarus: BYR (old)BYR-name-otherBelarusian rubles (2000–2016) ruble belaruse (2000–2016)
4944CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Belarus: BYR (old)BYR-symbol= BYR
4945CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: CzechiaCZK-nameCzech Koruna coroană cehă
4946CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: CzechiaCZK-name-oneCzech koruna coroană cehă
4947CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: CzechiaCZK-name-fewCzech korunas coroane cehe
4948CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: CzechiaCZK-name-otherCzech korunas coroane cehe
4949CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: CzechiaCZK-symbol= CZK
4950CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: CzechiaCZK-symbol-narrow=
4951CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Czechia: CSK (old)CSK-nameCzechoslovak Hard Koruna CSK
4952CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Czechia: CSK (old)CSK-symbol= CSK
4953CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: HungaryHUF-nameHungarian Forint forint maghiar
4954CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: HungaryHUF-name-oneHungarian forint forint maghiar
4955CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: HungaryHUF-name-fewHungarian forints forinți maghiari
4956CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: HungaryHUF-name-otherHungarian forints forinți maghiari
4957CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: HungaryHUF-symbol= HUF
4958CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: HungaryHUF-symbol-narrow= Ft
4959CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: MoldovaMDL-nameMoldovan Leu leu moldovenesc
4960CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: MoldovaMDL-name-oneMoldovan leu leu moldovenesc
4961CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: MoldovaMDL-name-fewMoldovan lei lei moldovenești
4962CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: MoldovaMDL-name-otherMoldovan lei lei moldovenești
4963CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: MoldovaMDL-symbol= MDL L
4964CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Moldova: MDC (old)MDC-nameMoldovan Cupon MDC
4965CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Moldova: MDC (old)MDC-symbol= MDC
4966CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: PolandPLN-namePolish Zloty zlot polonez
4967CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: PolandPLN-name-onePolish zloty zlot polonez
4968CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: PolandPLN-name-fewPolish zlotys zloți polonezi
4969CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: PolandPLN-name-otherPolish zlotys zloți polonezi
4970CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: PolandPLN-symbol= PLN
4971CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: PolandPLN-symbol-narrow=
4972CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Poland: PLZ (old)PLZ-namePolish Zloty (1950–1995) zlot polonez (1950–1995)
4973CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Poland: PLZ (old)PLZ-name-onePolish zloty (PLZ) zlot polonez (1950–1995)
4974CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Poland: PLZ (old)PLZ-name-fewPolish zlotys (PLZ) zloți polonezi (1950–1995)
4975CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Poland: PLZ (old)PLZ-name-otherPolish zlotys (PLZ) zloți polonezi (1950–1995)
4976CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Poland: PLZ (old)PLZ-symbol= PLZ
4977CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: RomaniaRON-nameRomanian Leu leu românesc
4978CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: RomaniaRON-name-oneRomanian leu leu românesc
4979CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: RomaniaRON-name-fewRomanian lei lei românești
4980CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: RomaniaRON-name-otherRomanian lei lei românești
4981CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: RomaniaRON-symbol= RON
4982CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: RomaniaRON-symbol-narrow= lei
4983CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Romania: ROL (old)ROL-nameRomanian Leu (1952–2006) leu românesc (1952–2006)
4984CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Romania: ROL (old)ROL-name-oneRomanian leu (1952–2006) leu românesc (1952–2006)
4985CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Romania: ROL (old)ROL-name-fewRomanian Lei (1952–2006) lei românești (1952–2006)
4986CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Romania: ROL (old)ROL-name-otherRomanian Lei (1952–2006) lei românești (1952–2006)
4987CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Romania: ROL (old)ROL-symbol= ROL
4988CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: RussiaRUB-nameRussian Ruble rublă rusească
4989CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: RussiaRUB-name-oneRussian ruble rublă rusească
4990CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: RussiaRUB-name-fewRussian rubles ruble rusești
4991CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: RussiaRUB-name-otherRussian rubles ruble rusești
4992CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: RussiaRUB-symbol= RUB
4993CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: RussiaRUB-symbol-narrow=
4994CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Russia: RUR (old)RUR-nameRussian Ruble (1991–1998) RUR
4995CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Russia: RUR (old)RUR-symbol= RUR
4996CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Russia: RUR (old)RUR-symbol-narrow= р.
4997CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Russia: SUR (old)SUR-nameSoviet Rouble rublă sovietică
4998CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Russia: SUR (old)SUR-name-oneSoviet rouble rublă sovietică
4999CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Russia: SUR (old)SUR-name-fewSoviet roubles ruble sovietice
5000CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Russia: SUR (old)SUR-name-otherSoviet roubles ruble sovietice
5001CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Russia: SUR (old)SUR-symbol= SUR
5002CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Slovakia: SKK (old)SKK-nameSlovak Koruna coroană slovacă
5003CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Slovakia: SKK (old)SKK-name-oneSlovak koruna coroană slovacă
5004CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Slovakia: SKK (old)SKK-name-fewSlovak korunas coroane slovace
5005CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Slovakia: SKK (old)SKK-name-otherSlovak korunas coroane slovace
5006CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Slovakia: SKK (old)SKK-symbol= SKK
5007CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: UkraineUAH-nameUkrainian Hryvnia hryvna ucraineană
5008CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: UkraineUAH-name-oneUkrainian hryvnia hryvna ucrainiană
5009CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: UkraineUAH-name-fewUkrainian hryvnias hryvna ucrainiene
5010CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: UkraineUAH-name-otherUkrainian hryvnias hryvna ucrainiene
5011CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: UkraineUAH-symbol= UAH
5012CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: UkraineUAH-symbol-narrow=
5013CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Ukraine: UAK (old)UAK-nameUkrainian Karbovanets carboavă ucraineană
5014CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Ukraine: UAK (old)UAK-name-oneUkrainian karbovanets carboavă ucraineană
5015CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Ukraine: UAK (old)UAK-name-fewUkrainian karbovantsiv carboave ucrainiene
5016CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Ukraine: UAK (old)UAK-name-otherUkrainian karbovantsiv carboave ucrainiene
5017CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Ukraine: UAK (old)UAK-symbol= UAK
5018CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Andorra: ADP (old)ADP-nameAndorran Peseta pesetă andorrană
5019CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Andorra: ADP (old)ADP-name-oneAndorran peseta pesetă andorrană
5020CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Andorra: ADP (old)ADP-name-fewAndorran pesetas pesete andorrane
5021CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Andorra: ADP (old)ADP-name-otherAndorran pesetas pesete andorrane
5022CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Andorra: ADP (old)ADP-symbol= ADP
5023CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: AlbaniaALL-nameAlbanian Lek leka albaneză
5024CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: AlbaniaALL-name-oneAlbanian lek leka albaneză
5025CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: AlbaniaALL-name-fewAlbanian lekë leka albaneze
5026CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: AlbaniaALL-name-otherAlbanian lekë leka albaneze
5027CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: AlbaniaALL-symbol= ALL
5028CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Albania: ALK (old)ALK-nameAlbanian Lek (1946–1965) ALK
5029CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Albania: ALK (old)ALK-symbol= ALK
5030CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Bosnia & HerzegovinaBAM-nameBosnia-Herzegovina Convertible Mark marcă convertibilă din Bosnia și Herțegovina
5031CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Bosnia & HerzegovinaBAM-name-oneBosnia-Herzegovina convertible mark marcă convertibilă din Bosnia și Herțegovina
5032CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Bosnia & HerzegovinaBAM-name-fewBosnia-Herzegovina convertible marks mărci convertibile din Bosnia și Herțegovina
5033CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Bosnia & HerzegovinaBAM-name-otherBosnia-Herzegovina convertible marks mărci convertibile din Bosnia și Herțegovina
5034CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Bosnia & HerzegovinaBAM-symbol= BAM
5035CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Bosnia & HerzegovinaBAM-symbol-narrow= KM
5036CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Bosnia & Herzegovina: BAD (old)BAD-nameBosnia-Herzegovina Dinar (1992–1994) dinar Bosnia-Herțegovina (1992–1994)
5037CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Bosnia & Herzegovina: BAD (old)BAD-name-oneBosnia-Herzegovina dinar (1992–1994) dinar Bosnia-Herțegovina (1992–1994)
5038CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Bosnia & Herzegovina: BAD (old)BAD-name-fewBosnia-Herzegovina dinars (1992–1994) dinari Bosnia-Herțegovina
5039CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Bosnia & Herzegovina: BAD (old)BAD-name-otherBosnia-Herzegovina dinars (1992–1994) dinari Bosnia-Herțegovina (1992–1994)
5040CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Bosnia & Herzegovina: BAD (old)BAD-symbol= BAD
5041CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Bosnia & Herzegovina: BAN (old)BAN-nameBosnia-Herzegovina New Dinar (1994–1997) BAN
5042CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Bosnia & Herzegovina: BAN (old)BAN-symbol= BAN
5043CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Spain: ESA (old)ESA-nameSpanish Peseta (A account) peseta spaniolă (cont A)
5044CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Spain: ESA (old)ESA-symbol= ESA
5045CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Spain: ESB (old)ESB-nameSpanish Peseta (convertible account) peseta spaniolă (cont convertibil)
5046CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Spain: ESB (old)ESB-symbol= ESB
5047CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Spain: ESP (old)ESP-nameSpanish Peseta pesetă spaniolă
5048CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Spain: ESP (old)ESP-name-oneSpanish peseta pesetă spaniolă
5049CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Spain: ESP (old)ESP-name-fewSpanish pesetas pesete spaniole
5050CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Spain: ESP (old)ESP-name-otherSpanish pesetas pesete spaniole
5051CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Spain: ESP (old)ESP-symbol= ESP
5052CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Spain: ESP (old)ESP-symbol-narrow=
5053CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: GibraltarGIP-nameGibraltar Pound liră din Gibraltar
5054CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: GibraltarGIP-name-oneGibraltar pound liră din Gibraltar
5055CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: GibraltarGIP-name-fewGibraltar pounds lire din Gibraltar
5056CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: GibraltarGIP-name-otherGibraltar pounds lire Gibraltar
5057CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: GibraltarGIP-symbol= GIP
5058CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: GibraltarGIP-symbol-narrow= £
5059CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Greece: GRD (old)GRD-nameGreek Drachma drahmă grecească
5060CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Greece: GRD (old)GRD-name-oneGreek drachma drahmă grecească
5061CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Greece: GRD (old)GRD-name-fewGreek drachmas drahme grecești
5062CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Greece: GRD (old)GRD-name-otherGreek drachmas drahme grecești
5063CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Greece: GRD (old)GRD-symbol= GRD
5064CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: CroatiaHRK-nameCroatian Kuna kuna croată
5065CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: CroatiaHRK-name-oneCroatian kuna kuna croată
5066CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: CroatiaHRK-name-fewCroatian kunas kune croate
5067CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: CroatiaHRK-name-otherCroatian kunas kune croate
5068CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: CroatiaHRK-symbol= HRK
5069CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: CroatiaHRK-symbol-narrow= kn
5070CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Croatia: HRD (old)HRD-nameCroatian Dinar dinar croat
5071CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Croatia: HRD (old)HRD-name-oneCroatian dinar dinar croat
5072CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Croatia: HRD (old)HRD-name-fewCroatian dinars dinari croați
5073CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Croatia: HRD (old)HRD-name-otherCroatian dinars dinari croați
5074CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Croatia: HRD (old)HRD-symbol= HRD
5075CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Italy: ITL (old)ITL-nameItalian Lira liră italiană
5076CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Italy: ITL (old)ITL-name-oneItalian lira liră italiană
5077CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Italy: ITL (old)ITL-name-fewItalian liras lire italiene
5078CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Italy: ITL (old)ITL-name-otherItalian liras lire italiene
5079CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Italy: ITL (old)ITL-symbol= ITL
5080CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: North MacedoniaMKD-nameMacedonian Denar dinar macedonean
5081CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: North MacedoniaMKD-name-oneMacedonian denar dinar macedonean
5082CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: North MacedoniaMKD-name-fewMacedonian denari dinari macedoneni
5083CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: North MacedoniaMKD-name-otherMacedonian denari dinari macedoneni
5084CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: North MacedoniaMKD-symbol= MKD
5085CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: North Macedonia: MKN (old)MKN-nameMacedonian Denar (1992–1993) MKN
5086CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: North Macedonia: MKN (old)MKN-symbol= MKN
5087CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Malta: MTL (old)MTL-nameMaltese Lira liră malteză
5088CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Malta: MTL (old)MTL-name-oneMaltese lira liră malteză
5089CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Malta: MTL (old)MTL-name-fewMaltese lira lire malteze
5090CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Malta: MTL (old)MTL-name-otherMaltese lira lire malteze
5091CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Malta: MTL (old)MTL-symbol= MTL
5092CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Malta: MTP (old)MTP-nameMaltese Pound MTP
5093CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Malta: MTP (old)MTP-symbol= MTP
5094CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: SerbiaRSD-nameSerbian Dinar dinar sârbesc
5095CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: SerbiaRSD-name-oneSerbian dinar dinar sârbesc
5096CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: SerbiaRSD-name-fewSerbian dinars dinari sârbești
5097CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: SerbiaRSD-name-otherSerbian dinars dinari sârbești
5098CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: SerbiaRSD-symbol= RSD
5099CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: CSD (old)CSD-nameSerbian Dinar (2002–2006) dinar Serbia și Muntenegru (2002–2006)
5100CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: CSD (old)CSD-name-oneSerbian dinar (2002–2006) dinar Serbia și Muntenegru (2002–2006)
5101CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: CSD (old)CSD-name-fewSerbian dinars (2002–2006) dinari Serbia și Muntenegru (2002–2006)
5102CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: CSD (old)CSD-name-otherSerbian dinars (2002–2006) dinari Serbia și Muntenegru (2002–2006)
5103CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: CSD (old)CSD-symbol= CSD
5104CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: YUD (old)YUD-nameYugoslavian Hard Dinar (1966–1990) dinar iugoslav greu
5105CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: YUD (old)YUD-name-oneYugoslavian hard dinar (1966–1990) dinar iugoslav greu
5106CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: YUD (old)YUD-name-fewYugoslavian hard dinars (1966–1990) dinari iugoslavi grei
5107CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: YUD (old)YUD-name-otherYugoslavian hard dinars (1966–1990) dinari iugoslavi grei
5108CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: YUD (old)YUD-symbol= YUD
5109CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: YUM (old)YUM-nameYugoslavian New Dinar (1994–2002) dinar iugoslav nou
5110CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: YUM (old)YUM-name-oneYugoslavian new dinar (1994–2002) dinar iugoslav nou
5111CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: YUM (old)YUM-name-fewYugoslavian new dinars (1994–2002) dinari iugoslavi noi
5112CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: YUM (old)YUM-name-otherYugoslavian new dinars (1994–2002) dinari iugoslavi noi
5113CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: YUM (old)YUM-symbol= YUM
5114CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: YUN (old)YUN-nameYugoslavian Convertible Dinar (1990–1992) dinar iugoslav convertibil
5115CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: YUN (old)YUN-name-oneYugoslavian convertible dinar (1990–1992) dinar iugoslav convertibil
5116CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: YUN (old)YUN-name-fewYugoslavian convertible dinars (1990–1992) dinari iugoslavi convertibili
5117CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: YUN (old)YUN-name-otherYugoslavian convertible dinars (1990–1992) dinari iugoslavi convertibili
5118CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: YUN (old)YUN-symbol= YUN
5119CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: YUR (old)YUR-nameYugoslavian Reformed Dinar (1992–1993) YUR
5120CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: YUR (old)YUR-symbol= YUR
5121CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Portugal: PTE (old)PTE-namePortuguese Escudo PTE
5122CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Portugal: PTE (old)PTE-symbol= PTE
5123CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Slovenia: SIT (old)SIT-nameSlovenian Tolar tolar sloven
5124CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Slovenia: SIT (old)SIT-name-oneSlovenian tolar tolar sloven
5125CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Slovenia: SIT (old)SIT-name-fewSlovenian tolars tolari sloveni
5126CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Slovenia: SIT (old)SIT-name-otherSlovenian tolars tolari sloveni
5127CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Slovenia: SIT (old)SIT-symbol= SIT
5128CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: AlgeriaDZD-nameAlgerian Dinar dinar algerian
5129CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: AlgeriaDZD-name-oneAlgerian dinar dinar algerian
5130CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: AlgeriaDZD-name-fewAlgerian dinars dinari algerieni
5131CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: AlgeriaDZD-name-otherAlgerian dinars dinari algerieni
5132CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: AlgeriaDZD-symbol= DZD
5133CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: EgyptEGP-nameEgyptian Pound liră egipteană
5134CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: EgyptEGP-name-oneEgyptian pound liră egipteană
5135CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: EgyptEGP-name-fewEgyptian pounds lire egiptene
5136CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: EgyptEGP-name-otherEgyptian pounds lire egiptene
5137CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: EgyptEGP-symbol= EGP
5138CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: EgyptEGP-symbol-narrow=
5139CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: LibyaLYD-nameLibyan Dinar dinar libian
5140CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: LibyaLYD-name-oneLibyan dinar dinar libian
5141CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: LibyaLYD-name-fewLibyan dinars dinari libieni
5142CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: LibyaLYD-name-otherLibyan dinars dinari libieni
5143CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: LibyaLYD-symbol= LYD
5144CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: MoroccoMAD-nameMoroccan Dirham dirham marocan
5145CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: MoroccoMAD-name-oneMoroccan dirham dirham marocan
5146CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: MoroccoMAD-name-fewMoroccan dirhams dirhami marocani
5147CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: MoroccoMAD-name-otherMoroccan dirhams dirhami marocani
5148CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: MoroccoMAD-symbol= MAD
5149CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: Morocco: MAF (old)MAF-nameMoroccan Franc franc marocan
5150CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: Morocco: MAF (old)MAF-name-oneMoroccan franc franc marocan
5151CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: Morocco: MAF (old)MAF-name-fewMoroccan francs franci marocani
5152CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: Morocco: MAF (old)MAF-name-otherMoroccan francs franci marocani
5153CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: Morocco: MAF (old)MAF-symbol= MAF
5154CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: SudanSDG-nameSudanese Pound liră sudaneză
5155CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: SudanSDG-name-oneSudanese pound liră sudaneză
5156CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: SudanSDG-name-fewSudanese pounds lire sudaneze
5157CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: SudanSDG-name-otherSudanese pounds lire sudaneze
5158CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: SudanSDG-symbol= SDG
5159CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: Sudan: SDD (old)SDD-nameSudanese Dinar (1992–2007) dinar sudanez
5160CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: Sudan: SDD (old)SDD-name-oneSudanese dinar (1992–2007) dinar sudanez
5161CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: Sudan: SDD (old)SDD-name-fewSudanese dinars (1992–2007) dinari sudanezi
5162CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: Sudan: SDD (old)SDD-name-otherSudanese dinars (1992–2007) dinari sudanezi
5163CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: Sudan: SDD (old)SDD-symbol= SDD
5164CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: Sudan: SDP (old)SDP-nameSudanese Pound (1957–1998) liră sudaneză (1957–1998)
5165CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: Sudan: SDP (old)SDP-name-oneSudanese pound (1957–1998) liră sudaneză (1957–1998)
5166CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: Sudan: SDP (old)SDP-name-fewSudanese pounds (1957–1998) lire sudaneze (1957–1998)
5167CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: Sudan: SDP (old)SDP-name-otherSudanese pounds (1957–1998) lire sudaneze (1957–1998)
5168CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: Sudan: SDP (old)SDP-symbol= SDP
5169CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: TunisiaTND-nameTunisian Dinar dinar tunisian
5170CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: TunisiaTND-name-oneTunisian dinar dinar tunisian
5171CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: TunisiaTND-name-fewTunisian dinars dinari tunisieni
5172CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: TunisiaTND-name-otherTunisian dinars dinari tunisieni
5173CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: TunisiaTND-symbol= TND
5174CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Côte d’IvoireXOF-nameWest African CFA Franc franc CFA BCEAO
5175CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Côte d’IvoireXOF-name-oneWest African CFA franc franc CFA BCEAO
5176CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Côte d’IvoireXOF-name-fewWest African CFA francs franci CFA BCEAO
5177CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Côte d’IvoireXOF-name-otherWest African CFA francs franci CFA BCEAO
5178CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Côte d’IvoireXOF-symbol= CFA
5179CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Cape VerdeCVE-nameCape Verdean Escudo escudo din Capul Verde
5180CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Cape VerdeCVE-name-oneCape Verdean escudo escudo din Capul Verde
5181CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Cape VerdeCVE-name-fewCape Verdean escudos escudo din Capul Verde
5182CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Cape VerdeCVE-name-otherCape Verdean escudos escudo din Capul Verde
5183CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Cape VerdeCVE-symbol= CVE
5184CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GhanaGHS-nameGhanaian Cedi cedi ghanez
5185CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GhanaGHS-name-oneGhanaian cedi cedi ghanez
5186CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GhanaGHS-name-fewGhanaian cedis cedi ghanezi
5187CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GhanaGHS-name-otherGhanaian cedis cedi ghanezi
5188CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GhanaGHS-symbol= GHS
5189CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Ghana: GHC (old)GHC-nameGhanaian Cedi (1979–2007) cedi Ghana (1979–2007)
5190CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Ghana: GHC (old)GHC-symbol= GHC
5191CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GambiaGMD-nameGambian Dalasi dalasi din Gambia
5192CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GambiaGMD-name-oneGambian dalasi dalasi din Gambia
5193CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GambiaGMD-name-fewGambian dalasis dalasi din Gambia
5194CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GambiaGMD-name-otherGambian dalasis dalasi din Gambia
5195CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GambiaGMD-symbol= GMD
5196CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GuineaGNF-nameGuinean Franc franc guineean
5197CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GuineaGNF-name-oneGuinean franc franc guineean
5198CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GuineaGNF-name-fewGuinean francs franci guineeni
5199CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GuineaGNF-name-otherGuinean francs franci guineeni
5200CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GuineaGNF-symbol= GNF
5201CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GuineaGNF-symbol-narrow= FG
5202CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Guinea: GNS (old)GNS-nameGuinean Syli GNS
5203CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Guinea: GNS (old)GNS-symbol= GNS
5204CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Guinea-Bissau: GWE (old)GWE-namePortuguese Guinea Escudo GWE
5205CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Guinea-Bissau: GWE (old)GWE-symbol= GWE
5206CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Guinea-Bissau: GWP (old)GWP-nameGuinea-Bissau Peso peso Guineea-Bissau
5207CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Guinea-Bissau: GWP (old)GWP-name-oneGuinea-Bissau peso peso Guineea-Bissau
5208CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Guinea-Bissau: GWP (old)GWP-name-fewGuinea-Bissau pesos pesos Guineea-Bissau
5209CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Guinea-Bissau: GWP (old)GWP-name-otherGuinea-Bissau pesos pesos Guineea-Bissau
5210CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Guinea-Bissau: GWP (old)GWP-symbol= GWP
5211CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: LiberiaLRD-nameLiberian Dollar dolar liberian
5212CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: LiberiaLRD-name-oneLiberian dollar dolar liberian
5213CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: LiberiaLRD-name-fewLiberian dollars dolari liberieni
5214CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: LiberiaLRD-name-otherLiberian dollars dolari liberieni
5215CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: LiberiaLRD-symbol= LRD
5216CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: LiberiaLRD-symbol-narrow= $
5217CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Mali: MLF (old)MLF-nameMalian Franc franc Mali
5218CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Mali: MLF (old)MLF-name-oneMalian franc franc Mali
5219CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Mali: MLF (old)MLF-name-fewMalian francs franci Mali
5220CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Mali: MLF (old)MLF-name-otherMalian francs franci Mali
5221CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Mali: MLF (old)MLF-symbol= MLF
5222CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: MauritaniaMRU-nameMauritanian Ouguiya ouguiya mauritană
5223CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: MauritaniaMRU-name-oneMauritanian ouguiya ouguiya mauritană
5224CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: MauritaniaMRU-name-fewMauritanian ouguiyas ouguiya mauritane
5225CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: MauritaniaMRU-name-otherMauritanian ouguiyas ouguiya mauritane
5226CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: MauritaniaMRU-symbol= MRU
5227CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Mauritania: MRO (old)MRO-nameMauritanian Ouguiya (1973–2017) ouguiya mauritană (1973–2017)
5228CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Mauritania: MRO (old)MRO-name-oneMauritanian ouguiya (1973–2017) ouguiya mauritană (1973–2017)
5229CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Mauritania: MRO (old)MRO-name-fewMauritanian ouguiyas (1973–2017) ouguiya mauritane (1973–2017)
5230CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Mauritania: MRO (old)MRO-name-otherMauritanian ouguiyas (1973–2017) ouguiya mauritane (1973–2017)
5231CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Mauritania: MRO (old)MRO-symbol= MRO
5232CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: NigeriaNGN-nameNigerian Naira naira nigeriană
5233CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: NigeriaNGN-name-oneNigerian naira naira nigeriană
5234CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: NigeriaNGN-name-fewNigerian nairas naire nigeriene
5235CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: NigeriaNGN-name-otherNigerian nairas naire nigeriene
5236CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: NigeriaNGN-symbol= NGN
5237CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: NigeriaNGN-symbol-narrow=
5238CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: St. HelenaSHP-nameSt. Helena Pound liră Insula Sf. Elena
5239CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: St. HelenaSHP-name-oneSt. Helena pound liră Insula Sf. Elena
5240CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: St. HelenaSHP-name-fewSt. Helena pounds lire Insula Sf. Elena
5241CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: St. HelenaSHP-name-otherSt. Helena pounds lire Insula Sf. Elena
5242CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: St. HelenaSHP-symbol= SHP
5243CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: St. HelenaSHP-symbol-narrow= £
5244CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Sierra LeoneSLL-nameSierra Leonean Leone leone din Sierra Leone
5245CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Sierra LeoneSLL-name-oneSierra Leonean leone leone din Sierra Leone
5246CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Sierra LeoneSLL-name-fewSierra Leonean leones leoni din Sierra Leone
5247CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Sierra LeoneSLL-name-otherSierra Leonean leones leoni din Sierra Leone
5248CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Sierra LeoneSLL-symbol= SLL
5249CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: AngolaAOA-nameAngolan Kwanza kwanza angoleză
5250CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: AngolaAOA-name-oneAngolan kwanza kwanza angoleză
5251CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: AngolaAOA-name-fewAngolan kwanzas kwanze angoleze
5252CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: AngolaAOA-name-otherAngolan kwanzas kwanze angoleze
5253CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: AngolaAOA-symbol= AOA
5254CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: AngolaAOA-symbol-narrow= Kz
5255CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Angola: AOK (old)AOK-nameAngolan Kwanza (1977–1991) AOK
5256CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Angola: AOK (old)AOK-symbol= AOK
5257CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Angola: AON (old)AON-nameAngolan New Kwanza (1990–2000) AON
5258CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Angola: AON (old)AON-symbol= AON
5259CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Angola: AOR (old)AOR-nameAngolan Readjusted Kwanza (1995–1999) AOR
5260CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Angola: AOR (old)AOR-symbol= AOR
5261CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Congo - KinshasaCDF-nameCongolese Franc franc congolez
5262CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Congo - KinshasaCDF-name-oneCongolese franc franc congolez
5263CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Congo - KinshasaCDF-name-fewCongolese francs franci congolezi
5264CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Congo - KinshasaCDF-name-otherCongolese francs franci congolezi
5265CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Congo - KinshasaCDF-symbol= CDF
5266CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Congo - Kinshasa: ZRN (old)ZRN-nameZairean New Zaire (1993–1998) zair nou
5267CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Congo - Kinshasa: ZRN (old)ZRN-name-oneZairean new zaire (1993–1998) zair nou
5268CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Congo - Kinshasa: ZRN (old)ZRN-name-fewZairean new zaires (1993–1998) zairi noi
5269CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Congo - Kinshasa: ZRN (old)ZRN-name-otherZairean new zaires (1993–1998) zairi noi
5270CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Congo - Kinshasa: ZRN (old)ZRN-symbol= ZRN
5271CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Congo - Kinshasa: ZRZ (old)ZRZ-nameZairean Zaire (1971–1993) ZRZ
5272CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Congo - Kinshasa: ZRZ (old)ZRZ-symbol= ZRZ
5273CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: CameroonXAF-nameCentral African CFA Franc franc CFA BEAC
5274CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: CameroonXAF-name-oneCentral African CFA franc franc CFA BEAC
5275CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: CameroonXAF-name-fewCentral African CFA francs franci CFA BEAC
5276CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: CameroonXAF-name-otherCentral African CFA francs franci CFA central-africani
5277CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: CameroonXAF-symbol= FCFA
5278CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Equatorial Guinea: GQE (old)GQE-nameEquatorial Guinean Ekwele GQE
5279CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Equatorial Guinea: GQE (old)GQE-symbol= GQE
5280CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: São Tomé & PríncipeSTN-nameSão Tomé & Príncipe Dobra dobra Sao Tome și Principe
5281CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: São Tomé & PríncipeSTN-name-oneSão Tomé & Príncipe dobra dobra Sao Tome și Principe
5282CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: São Tomé & PríncipeSTN-name-fewSão Tomé & Príncipe dobras dobre Sao Tome și Principe
5283CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: São Tomé & PríncipeSTN-name-otherSão Tomé & Príncipe dobras dobre Sao Tome și Principe
5284CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: São Tomé & PríncipeSTN-symbol= STN
5285CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: São Tomé & PríncipeSTN-symbol-narrow= Db
5286CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: São Tomé & Príncipe: STD (old)STD-nameSão Tomé & Príncipe Dobra (1977–2017) dobra Sao Tome și Principe (1977–2017)
5287CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: São Tomé & Príncipe: STD (old)STD-name-oneSão Tomé & Príncipe dobra (1977–2017) dobra Sao Tome și Principe (1977–2017)
5288CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: São Tomé & Príncipe: STD (old)STD-name-fewSão Tomé & Príncipe dobras (1977–2017) dobre Sao Tome și Principe (1977–2017)
5289CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: São Tomé & Príncipe: STD (old)STD-name-otherSão Tomé & Príncipe dobras (1977–2017) dobre Sao Tome și Principe (1977–2017)
5290CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: São Tomé & Príncipe: STD (old)STD-symbol= STD
5291CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: BurundiBIF-nameBurundian Franc franc burundez
5292CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: BurundiBIF-name-oneBurundian franc franc burundez
5293CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: BurundiBIF-name-fewBurundian francs franci burundezi
5294CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: BurundiBIF-name-otherBurundian francs franci burundezi
5295CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: BurundiBIF-symbol= BIF
5296CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: DjiboutiDJF-nameDjiboutian Franc franc djiboutian
5297CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: DjiboutiDJF-name-oneDjiboutian franc franc djiboutian
5298CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: DjiboutiDJF-name-fewDjiboutian francs franci djiboutieni
5299CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: DjiboutiDJF-name-otherDjiboutian francs franci djiboutieni
5300CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: DjiboutiDJF-symbol= DJF
5301CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: EritreaERN-nameEritrean Nakfa nakfa eritreeană
5302CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: EritreaERN-name-oneEritrean nakfa nakfa eritreeană
5303CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: EritreaERN-name-fewEritrean nakfas nakfa eritreene
5304CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: EritreaERN-name-otherEritrean nakfas nakfa eritreene
5305CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: EritreaERN-symbol= ERN
5306CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: EthiopiaETB-nameEthiopian Birr birr etiopian
5307CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: EthiopiaETB-name-oneEthiopian birr birr etiopian
5308CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: EthiopiaETB-name-fewEthiopian birrs birri etiopieni
5309CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: EthiopiaETB-name-otherEthiopian birrs birri etiopieni
5310CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: EthiopiaETB-symbol= ETB
5311CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: KenyaKES-nameKenyan Shilling șiling kenyan
5312CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: KenyaKES-name-oneKenyan shilling șiling kenyan
5313CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: KenyaKES-name-fewKenyan shillings șilingi kenyeni
5314CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: KenyaKES-name-otherKenyan shillings șilingi kenyeni
5315CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: KenyaKES-symbol= KES
5316CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: ComorosKMF-nameComorian Franc franc comorian
5317CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: ComorosKMF-name-oneComorian franc franc comorian
5318CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: ComorosKMF-name-fewComorian francs franci comorieni
5319CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: ComorosKMF-name-otherComorian francs franci comorieni
5320CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: ComorosKMF-symbol= KMF
5321CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: ComorosKMF-symbol-narrow= CF
5322CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MadagascarMGA-nameMalagasy Ariary ariary malgaș
5323CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MadagascarMGA-name-oneMalagasy ariary ariary malgaș
5324CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MadagascarMGA-name-fewMalagasy ariaries ariary malgași
5325CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MadagascarMGA-name-otherMalagasy ariaries ariary malgași
5326CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MadagascarMGA-symbol= MGA
5327CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MadagascarMGA-symbol-narrow= Ar
5328CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Madagascar: MGF (old)MGF-nameMalagasy Franc franc Madagascar
5329CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Madagascar: MGF (old)MGF-name-oneMalagasy franc franc Madagascar
5330CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Madagascar: MGF (old)MGF-name-fewMalagasy francs franci Madagascar
5331CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Madagascar: MGF (old)MGF-name-otherMalagasy francs franci Madagascar
5332CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Madagascar: MGF (old)MGF-symbol= MGF
5333CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MauritiusMUR-nameMauritian Rupee rupie mauritiană
5334CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MauritiusMUR-name-oneMauritian rupee rupie mauritiană
5335CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MauritiusMUR-name-fewMauritian rupees rupii mauritiene
5336CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MauritiusMUR-name-otherMauritian rupees rupii mauritiene
5337CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MauritiusMUR-symbol= MUR
5338CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MauritiusMUR-symbol-narrow= Rs
5339CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MalawiMWK-nameMalawian Kwacha kwacha malawiană
5340CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MalawiMWK-name-oneMalawian kwacha kwacha malawiană
5341CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MalawiMWK-name-fewMalawian kwachas kwache malawiene
5342CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MalawiMWK-name-otherMalawian kwachas kwache malawiene
5343CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MalawiMWK-symbol= MWK
5344CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MozambiqueMZN-nameMozambican Metical metical mozambican
5345CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MozambiqueMZN-name-oneMozambican metical metical mozambican
5346CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MozambiqueMZN-name-fewMozambican meticals metical mozambicani
5347CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MozambiqueMZN-name-otherMozambican meticals metical mozambicani
5348CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MozambiqueMZN-symbol= MZN
5349CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Mozambique: MZE (old)MZE-nameMozambican Escudo escudo Mozambic
5350CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Mozambique: MZE (old)MZE-symbol= MZE
5351CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Mozambique: MZM (old)MZM-nameMozambican Metical (1980–2006) metical Mozambic vechi
5352CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Mozambique: MZM (old)MZM-symbol= MZM
5353CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: RwandaRWF-nameRwandan Franc franc rwandez
5354CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: RwandaRWF-name-oneRwandan franc franc rwandez
5355CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: RwandaRWF-name-fewRwandan francs franci rwandezi
5356CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: RwandaRWF-name-otherRwandan francs franci rwandezi
5357CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: RwandaRWF-symbol= RWF
5358CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: RwandaRWF-symbol-narrow= RF
5359CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: SeychellesSCR-nameSeychellois Rupee rupie din Seychelles
5360CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: SeychellesSCR-name-oneSeychellois rupee rupie din Seychelles
5361CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: SeychellesSCR-name-fewSeychellois rupees rupii din Seychelles
5362CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: SeychellesSCR-name-otherSeychellois rupees rupii din Seychelles
5363CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: SeychellesSCR-symbol= SCR
5364CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: SomaliaSOS-nameSomali Shilling șiling somalez
5365CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: SomaliaSOS-name-oneSomali shilling șiling somalez
5366CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: SomaliaSOS-name-fewSomali shillings șilingi somalezi
5367CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: SomaliaSOS-name-otherSomali shillings șilingi somalezi
5368CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: SomaliaSOS-symbol= SOS
5369CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: South SudanSSP-nameSouth Sudanese Pound liră din Sudanul de Sud
5370CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: South SudanSSP-name-oneSouth Sudanese pound liră din Sudanul de Sud
5371CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: South SudanSSP-name-fewSouth Sudanese pounds lire din Sudanul de Sud
5372CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: South SudanSSP-name-otherSouth Sudanese pounds lire din Sudanul de Sud
5373CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: South SudanSSP-symbol= SSP
5374CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: South SudanSSP-symbol-narrow= £
5375CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: TanzaniaTZS-nameTanzanian Shilling șiling tanzanian
5376CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: TanzaniaTZS-name-oneTanzanian shilling șiling tanzanian
5377CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: TanzaniaTZS-name-fewTanzanian shillings șilingi tanzanieni
5378CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: TanzaniaTZS-name-otherTanzanian shillings șilingi tanzanieni
5379CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: TanzaniaTZS-symbol= TZS
5380CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: UgandaUGX-nameUgandan Shilling șiling ugandez
5381CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: UgandaUGX-name-oneUgandan shilling șiling ugandez
5382CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: UgandaUGX-name-fewUgandan shillings șilingi ugandezi
5383CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: UgandaUGX-name-otherUgandan shillings șilingi ugandezi
5384CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: UgandaUGX-symbol= UGX
5385CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Uganda: UGS (old)UGS-nameUgandan Shilling (1966–1987) șiling ugandez (1966–1987)
5386CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Uganda: UGS (old)UGS-name-oneUgandan shilling (1966–1987) șiling ugandez (1966–1987)
5387CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Uganda: UGS (old)UGS-name-fewUgandan shillings (1966–1987) șilingi ugandezi (1966–1987)
5388CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Uganda: UGS (old)UGS-name-otherUgandan shillings (1966–1987) șilingi ugandezi (1966–1987)
5389CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Uganda: UGS (old)UGS-symbol= UGS
5390CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: ZambiaZMW-nameZambian Kwacha kwacha zambian
5391CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: ZambiaZMW-name-oneZambian kwacha kwacha zambian
5392CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: ZambiaZMW-name-fewZambian kwachas kwache zambiene
5393CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: ZambiaZMW-name-otherZambian kwachas kwache zambiene
5394CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: ZambiaZMW-symbol= ZMW
5395CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: ZambiaZMW-symbol-narrow= ZK
5396CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zambia: ZMK (old)ZMK-nameZambian Kwacha (1968–2012) kwacha zambian (1968–2012)
5397CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zambia: ZMK (old)ZMK-name-oneZambian kwacha (1968–2012) kwacha zambiană (1968–2012)
5398CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zambia: ZMK (old)ZMK-name-fewZambian kwachas (1968–2012) kwache zambiene (1968–2012)
5399CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zambia: ZMK (old)ZMK-name-otherZambian kwachas (1968–2012) kwache zambiene (1968–2012)
5400CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zambia: ZMK (old)ZMK-symbol= ZMK
5401CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: RHD (old)RHD-nameRhodesian Dollar dolar rhodesian
5402CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: RHD (old)RHD-name-oneRhodesian dollar dolar rhodesian
5403CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: RHD (old)RHD-name-fewRhodesian dollars dolari rhodesieni
5404CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: RHD (old)RHD-name-otherRhodesian dollars dolari rhodesieni
5405CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: RHD (old)RHD-symbol= RHD
5406CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWD (old)ZWD-nameZimbabwean Dollar (1980–2008) dolar Zimbabwe (1980–2008)
5407CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWD (old)ZWD-name-oneZimbabwean dollar (1980–2008) dolar Zimbabwe (1980–2008)
5408CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWD (old)ZWD-name-fewZimbabwean dollars (1980–2008) dolari Zimbabwe (1980–2008)
5409CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWD (old)ZWD-name-otherZimbabwean dollars (1980–2008) dolari Zimbabwe (1980–2008)
5410CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWD (old)ZWD-symbol= ZWD
5411CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWL (old)ZWL-nameZimbabwean Dollar (2009) dolar Zimbabwe (2009)
5412CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWL (old)ZWL-symbol= ZWL
5413CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWR (old)ZWR-nameZimbabwean Dollar (2008) dolar Zimbabwe (2008)
5414CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWR (old)ZWR-symbol= ZWR
5415CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: BotswanaBWP-nameBotswanan Pula pula Botswana
5416CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: BotswanaBWP-name-oneBotswanan pula pula Botswana
5417CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: BotswanaBWP-name-fewBotswanan pulas pula Botswana
5418CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: BotswanaBWP-name-otherBotswanan pulas pula Botswana
5419CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: BotswanaBWP-symbol= BWP
5420CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: BotswanaBWP-symbol-narrow= P
5421CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: LesothoLSL-nameLesotho Loti loti lesothian
5422CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: LesothoLSL-symbol= LSL
5423CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: NamibiaNAD-nameNamibian Dollar dolar namibian
5424CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: NamibiaNAD-name-oneNamibian dollar dolar namibian
5425CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: NamibiaNAD-name-fewNamibian dollars dolari namibieni
5426CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: NamibiaNAD-name-otherNamibian dollars dolari namibieni
5427CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: NamibiaNAD-symbol= NAD
5428CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: NamibiaNAD-symbol-narrow= $
5429CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: EswatiniSZL-nameSwazi Lilangeni lilangeni din Swaziland
5430CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: EswatiniSZL-name-oneSwazi lilangeni lilangeni din Swaziland
5431CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: EswatiniSZL-name-fewSwazi emalangeni emalangeni din Swaziland
5432CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: EswatiniSZL-name-otherSwazi emalangeni emalangeni din Swaziland
5433CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: EswatiniSZL-symbol= SZL
5434CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: South AfricaZAR-nameSouth African Rand rand sud-african
5435CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: South AfricaZAR-name-oneSouth African rand rand sud-african
5436CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: South AfricaZAR-name-fewSouth African rand ranzi sud-africani
5437CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: South AfricaZAR-name-otherSouth African rand ranzi sud-africani
5438CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: South AfricaZAR-symbol= ZAR
5439CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: South AfricaZAR-symbol-narrow= R
5440CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: South Africa: ZAL (fund)ZAL-nameSouth African Rand (financial) rand sud-african (financiar)
5441CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: South Africa: ZAL (fund)ZAL-symbol= ZAL
5442CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: United Arab EmiratesAED-nameUnited Arab Emirates Dirham dirham din Emiratele Arabe Unite
5443CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: United Arab EmiratesAED-name-oneUAE dirham dirham din Emiratele Arabe Unite
5444CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: United Arab EmiratesAED-name-fewUAE dirhams dirhami din Emiratele Arabe Unite
5445CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: United Arab EmiratesAED-name-otherUAE dirhams dirhami din Emiratele Arabe Unite
5446CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: United Arab EmiratesAED-symbol= AED
5447CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: ArmeniaAMD-nameArmenian Dram dram armenesc
5448CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: ArmeniaAMD-name-oneArmenian dram dram armenesc
5449CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: ArmeniaAMD-name-fewArmenian drams drami armenești
5450CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: ArmeniaAMD-name-otherArmenian drams drami armenești
5451CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: ArmeniaAMD-symbol= AMD
5452CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: AzerbaijanAZN-nameAzerbaijani Manat manat azer
5453CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: AzerbaijanAZN-name-oneAzerbaijani manat manat azer
5454CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: AzerbaijanAZN-name-fewAzerbaijani manats manați azeri
5455CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: AzerbaijanAZN-name-otherAzerbaijani manats manați azeri
5456CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: AzerbaijanAZN-symbol= AZN
5457CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Azerbaijan: AZM (old)AZM-nameAzerbaijani Manat (1993–2006) manat azer (1993–2006)
5458CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Azerbaijan: AZM (old)AZM-symbol= AZM
5459CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: BahrainBHD-nameBahraini Dinar dinar din Bahrain
5460CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: BahrainBHD-name-oneBahraini dinar dinar din Bahrain
5461CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: BahrainBHD-name-fewBahraini dinars dinari din Bahrain
5462CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: BahrainBHD-name-otherBahraini dinars dinari din Bahrain
5463CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: BahrainBHD-symbol= BHD
5464CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Cyprus: CYP (old)CYP-nameCypriot Pound liră cipriotă
5465CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Cyprus: CYP (old)CYP-name-oneCypriot pound liră cipriotă
5466CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Cyprus: CYP (old)CYP-name-fewCypriot pounds lire cipriote
5467CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Cyprus: CYP (old)CYP-name-otherCypriot pounds lire cipriote
5468CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Cyprus: CYP (old)CYP-symbol= CYP
5469CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: GeorgiaGEL-nameGeorgian Lari lari georgian
5470CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: GeorgiaGEL-name-oneGeorgian lari lari georgian
5471CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: GeorgiaGEL-name-fewGeorgian laris lari georgieni
5472CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: GeorgiaGEL-name-otherGeorgian laris lari georgieni
5473CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: GeorgiaGEL-symbol= GEL
5474CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: GeorgiaGEL-symbol-variantGEL
5475CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: GeorgiaGEL-symbol-narrow=
5476CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Georgia: GEK (old)GEK-nameGeorgian Kupon Larit GEK
5477CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Georgia: GEK (old)GEK-symbol= GEK
5478CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: IsraelILS-nameIsraeli New Shekel șechel israelian nou
5479CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: IsraelILS-name-oneIsraeli new shekel șechel israelian nou
5480CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: IsraelILS-name-fewIsraeli new shekels șecheli israelieni noi
5481CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: IsraelILS-name-otherIsraeli new shekels șecheli israelieni noi
5482CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: IsraelILS-symbol ILS
5483CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: IsraelILS-symbol-narrow=
5484CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Israel: ILP (old)ILP-nameIsraeli Pound liră israeliană
5485CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Israel: ILP (old)ILP-name-oneIsraeli pound liră israeliană
5486CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Israel: ILP (old)ILP-name-fewIsraeli pounds lire israeliene
5487CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Israel: ILP (old)ILP-name-otherIsraeli pounds lire israeliene
5488CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Israel: ILP (old)ILP-symbol= ILP
5489CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Israel: ILR (old)ILR-nameIsraeli Shekel (1980–1985) ILR
5490CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Israel: ILR (old)ILR-symbol= ILR
5491CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: IraqIQD-nameIraqi Dinar dinar irakian
5492CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: IraqIQD-name-oneIraqi dinar dinar irakian
5493CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: IraqIQD-name-fewIraqi dinars dinari irakieni
5494CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: IraqIQD-name-otherIraqi dinars dinari irakieni
5495CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: IraqIQD-symbol= IQD
5496CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: JordanJOD-nameJordanian Dinar dinar iordanian
5497CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: JordanJOD-name-oneJordanian dinar dinar iordanian
5498CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: JordanJOD-name-fewJordanian dinars dinari iordanieni
5499CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: JordanJOD-name-otherJordanian dinars dinari iordanieni
5500CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: JordanJOD-symbol= JOD
5501CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: KuwaitKWD-nameKuwaiti Dinar dinar kuweitian
5502CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: KuwaitKWD-name-oneKuwaiti dinar dinar kuweitian
5503CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: KuwaitKWD-name-fewKuwaiti dinars dinari kuweitieni
5504CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: KuwaitKWD-name-otherKuwaiti dinars dinari kuweitieni
5505CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: KuwaitKWD-symbol= KWD
5506CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: LebanonLBP-nameLebanese Pound liră libaneză
5507CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: LebanonLBP-name-oneLebanese pound liră libaneză
5508CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: LebanonLBP-name-fewLebanese pounds lire libaneze
5509CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: LebanonLBP-name-otherLebanese pounds lire libaneze
5510CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: LebanonLBP-symbol= LBP
5511CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: LebanonLBP-symbol-narrow=
5512CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: OmanOMR-nameOmani Rial rial omanez
5513CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: OmanOMR-name-oneOmani rial rial omanez
5514CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: OmanOMR-name-fewOmani rials riali omanezi
5515CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: OmanOMR-name-otherOmani rials riali omanezi
5516CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: OmanOMR-symbol= OMR
5517CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: QatarQAR-nameQatari Rial rial qatarian
5518CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: QatarQAR-name-oneQatari rial rial qatarian
5519CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: QatarQAR-name-fewQatari rials riali qatarieni
5520CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: QatarQAR-name-otherQatari rials riali qatarieni
5521CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: QatarQAR-symbol= QAR
5522CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Saudi ArabiaSAR-nameSaudi Riyal rial saudit
5523CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Saudi ArabiaSAR-name-oneSaudi riyal rial saudit
5524CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Saudi ArabiaSAR-name-fewSaudi riyals riali saudiți
5525CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Saudi ArabiaSAR-name-otherSaudi riyals riali saudiți
5526CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Saudi ArabiaSAR-symbol= SAR
5527CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: SyriaSYP-nameSyrian Pound liră siriană
5528CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: SyriaSYP-name-oneSyrian pound liră siriană
5529CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: SyriaSYP-name-fewSyrian pounds lire siriene
5530CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: SyriaSYP-name-otherSyrian pounds lire siriene
5531CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: SyriaSYP-symbol= SYP
5532CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: SyriaSYP-symbol-narrow= £
5533CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: TurkeyTRY-nameTurkish Lira liră turcească
5534CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: TurkeyTRY-name-oneTurkish lira liră turcească
5535CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: TurkeyTRY-name-fewTurkish Lira lire turcești
5536CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: TurkeyTRY-name-otherTurkish Lira lire turcești
5537CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: TurkeyTRY-symbol= TRY
5538CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: TurkeyTRY-symbol-variant= TL
5539CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: TurkeyTRY-symbol-narrow=
5540CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Turkey: TRL (old)TRL-nameTurkish Lira (1922–2005) liră turcească (1922–2005)
5541CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Turkey: TRL (old)TRL-name-oneTurkish lira (1922–2005) liră turcească (1922–2005)
5542CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Turkey: TRL (old)TRL-name-fewTurkish Lira (1922–2005) liră turcească (1922–2005)
5543CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Turkey: TRL (old)TRL-name-otherTurkish Lira (1922–2005) lire turcești (1922–2005)
5544CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Turkey: TRL (old)TRL-symbol= TRL
5545CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: YemenYER-nameYemeni Rial rial yemenit
5546CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: YemenYER-name-oneYemeni rial rial yemenit
5547CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: YemenYER-name-fewYemeni rials riali yemeniți
5548CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: YemenYER-name-otherYemeni rials riali yemeniți
5549CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: YemenYER-symbol= YER
5550CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Yemen: YDD (old)YDD-nameYemeni Dinar dinar Yemen
5551CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Yemen: YDD (old)YDD-name-oneYemeni dinar dinar Yemen
5552CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Yemen: YDD (old)YDD-name-fewYemeni dinars dinari Yemen
5553CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Yemen: YDD (old)YDD-name-otherYemeni dinars dinari Yemen
5554CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Yemen: YDD (old)YDD-symbol= YDD
5555CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: TurkmenistanTMT-nameTurkmenistani Manat manat turkmen
5556CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: TurkmenistanTMT-name-oneTurkmenistani manat manat turkmen
5557CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: TurkmenistanTMT-name-fewTurkmenistani manat manat turkmeni
5558CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: TurkmenistanTMT-name-otherTurkmenistani manat manat turkmeni
5559CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: TurkmenistanTMT-symbol= TMT
5560CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: Turkmenistan: TMM (old)TMM-nameTurkmenistani Manat (1993–2009) manat turkmen (1993–2009)
5561CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: Turkmenistan: TMM (old)TMM-name-oneTurkmenistani manat (1993–2009) manat turkmen (1993–2009)
5562CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: Turkmenistan: TMM (old)TMM-name-fewTurkmenistani manat (1993–2009) manat turkmeni (1993–2009)
5563CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: Turkmenistan: TMM (old)TMM-name-otherTurkmenistani manat (1993–2009) manat turkmeni (1993–2009)
5564CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: Turkmenistan: TMM (old)TMM-symbol= TMM
5565CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: TajikistanTJS-nameTajikistani Somoni somoni tadjic
5566CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: TajikistanTJS-name-oneTajikistani somoni somoni tajdic
5567CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: TajikistanTJS-name-fewTajikistani somonis somoni tadjici
5568CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: TajikistanTJS-name-otherTajikistani somonis somoni tadjici
5569CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: TajikistanTJS-symbol= TJS
5570CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: Tajikistan: TJR (old)TJR-nameTajikistani Ruble rublă Tadjikistan
5571CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: Tajikistan: TJR (old)TJR-name-oneTajikistani ruble rublă Tadjikistan
5572CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: Tajikistan: TJR (old)TJR-name-fewTajikistani rubles ruble Tadjikistan
5573CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: Tajikistan: TJR (old)TJR-name-otherTajikistani rubles ruble Tadjikistan
5574CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: Tajikistan: TJR (old)TJR-symbol= TJR
5575CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: KyrgyzstanKGS-nameKyrgystani Som som kârgâz
5576CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: KyrgyzstanKGS-name-oneKyrgystani som som kârgâz
5577CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: KyrgyzstanKGS-name-fewKyrgystani soms somi kârgâzi
5578CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: KyrgyzstanKGS-name-otherKyrgystani soms somi kârgâzi
5579CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: KyrgyzstanKGS-symbol= KGS
5580CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: KazakhstanKZT-nameKazakhstani Tenge tenge kazahă
5581CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: KazakhstanKZT-name-oneKazakhstani tenge tenge kazahă
5582CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: KazakhstanKZT-name-fewKazakhstani tenges tenge kazahe
5583CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: KazakhstanKZT-name-otherKazakhstani tenges tenge kazahe
5584CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: KazakhstanKZT-symbol= KZT
5585CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: KazakhstanKZT-symbol-narrow=
5586CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: UzbekistanUZS-nameUzbekistani Som sum Uzbekistan
5587CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: UzbekistanUZS-name-oneUzbekistani som sum Uzbekistan
5588CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: UzbekistanUZS-name-fewUzbekistani som sum Uzbekistan
5589CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: UzbekistanUZS-name-otherUzbekistani som sum Uzbekistan
5590CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: UzbekistanUZS-symbol= UZS
5591CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: ChinaCNY-nameChinese Yuan yuan chinezesc
5592CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: ChinaCNY-name-oneChinese yuan yuan chinezesc
5593CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: ChinaCNY-name-fewChinese yuan yuani chinezești
5594CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: ChinaCNY-name-otherChinese yuan yuani chinezești
5595CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: ChinaCNY-symbolCN¥ CNY
5596CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: ChinaCNY-symbol-narrow= ¥
5597CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: China: CNH (offshore)CNH-nameChinese Yuan (offshore) yuan chinezesc (offshore)
5598CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: China: CNH (offshore)CNH-name-oneChinese yuan (offshore) yuan chinezesc (offshore)
5599CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: China: CNH (offshore)CNH-name-fewChinese yuan (offshore) yuani chinezești (offshore)
5600CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: China: CNH (offshore)CNH-name-otherChinese yuan (offshore) yuani chinezești (offshore)
5601CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: China: CNH (offshore)CNH-symbol= CNH
5602CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: China: CNX (old)CNX-nameChinese People’s Bank Dollar CNX
5603CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: China: CNX (old)CNX-symbol= CNX
5604CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: Hong Kong SAR ChinaHKD-nameHong Kong Dollar dolar din Hong Kong
5605CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: Hong Kong SAR ChinaHKD-name-oneHong Kong dollar dolar din Hong Kong
5606CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: Hong Kong SAR ChinaHKD-name-fewHong Kong dollars dolari din Hong Kong
5607CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: Hong Kong SAR ChinaHKD-name-otherHong Kong dollars dolari din Hong Kong
5608CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: Hong Kong SAR ChinaHKD-symbolHK$ HKD
5609CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: Hong Kong SAR ChinaHKD-symbol-narrow= $
5610CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: JapanJPY-nameJapanese Yen yen japonez
5611CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: JapanJPY-name-oneJapanese yen yen japonez
5612CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: JapanJPY-name-fewJapanese yen yeni japonezi
5613CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: JapanJPY-name-otherJapanese yen yeni japonezi
5614CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: JapanJPY-symbol¥ JPY
5615CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: JapanJPY-symbol-narrow= ¥
5616CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: North KoreaKPW-nameNorth Korean Won won nord-coreean
5617CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: North KoreaKPW-name-oneNorth Korean won won nord-coreean
5618CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: North KoreaKPW-name-fewNorth Korean won woni nord-coreeni
5619CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: North KoreaKPW-name-otherNorth Korean won woni nord-coreeni
5620CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: North KoreaKPW-symbol= KPW
5621CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: North KoreaKPW-symbol-narrow=
5622CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: South KoreaKRW-nameSouth Korean Won won sud-coreean
5623CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: South KoreaKRW-name-oneSouth Korean won won sud-coreean
5624CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: South KoreaKRW-name-fewSouth Korean won woni sud-coreeni
5625CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: South KoreaKRW-name-otherSouth Korean won woni sud-coreeni
5626CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: South KoreaKRW-symbol KRW
5627CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: South KoreaKRW-symbol-narrow=
5628CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: South Korea: KRH (old)KRH-nameSouth Korean Hwan (1953–1962) KRH
5629CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: South Korea: KRH (old)KRH-symbol= KRH
5630CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: South Korea: KRO (old)KRO-nameSouth Korean Won (1945–1953) KRO
5631CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: South Korea: KRO (old)KRO-symbol= KRO
5632CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: MongoliaMNT-nameMongolian Tugrik tugrik mongol
5633CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: MongoliaMNT-name-oneMongolian tugrik tugrik mongol
5634CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: MongoliaMNT-name-fewMongolian tugriks tugrici mongoli
5635CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: MongoliaMNT-name-otherMongolian tugriks tugrici mongoli
5636CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: MongoliaMNT-symbol= MNT
5637CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: MongoliaMNT-symbol-narrow=
5638CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: Macao SAR ChinaMOP-nameMacanese Pataca pataca din Macao
5639CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: Macao SAR ChinaMOP-name-oneMacanese pataca pataca din Macao
5640CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: Macao SAR ChinaMOP-name-fewMacanese patacas pataca din Macao
5641CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: Macao SAR ChinaMOP-name-otherMacanese patacas pataca din Macao
5642CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: Macao SAR ChinaMOP-symbol= MOP
5643CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: TaiwanTWD-nameNew Taiwan Dollar dolar nou din Taiwan
5644CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: TaiwanTWD-name-oneNew Taiwan dollar dolar nou din Taiwan
5645CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: TaiwanTWD-name-fewNew Taiwan dollars dolari noi din Taiwan
5646CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: TaiwanTWD-name-otherNew Taiwan dollars dolari noi Taiwan
5647CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: TaiwanTWD-symbolNT$ TWD
5648CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: TaiwanTWD-symbol-narrow$ NT$
5649CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: AfghanistanAFN-nameAfghan Afghani afgani afgan
5650CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: AfghanistanAFN-name-oneAfghan Afghani afgani afgan
5651CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: AfghanistanAFN-name-fewAfghan Afghanis afgani afgani
5652CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: AfghanistanAFN-name-otherAfghan Afghanis afgani afgani
5653CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: AfghanistanAFN-symbol= AFN
5654CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: Afghanistan: AFA (old)AFA-nameAfghan Afghani (1927–2002) AFA
5655CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: Afghanistan: AFA (old)AFA-symbol= AFA
5656CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: BangladeshBDT-nameBangladeshi Taka taka din Bangladesh
5657CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: BangladeshBDT-name-oneBangladeshi taka taka din Bangladesh
5658CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: BangladeshBDT-name-fewBangladeshi takas taka din Bangladesh
5659CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: BangladeshBDT-name-otherBangladeshi takas taka din Bangladesh
5660CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: BangladeshBDT-symbol= BDT
5661CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: BangladeshBDT-symbol-narrow=
5662CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: BhutanBTN-nameBhutanese Ngultrum ngultrum din Bhutan
5663CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: BhutanBTN-name-oneBhutanese ngultrum ngultrum din Bhutan
5664CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: BhutanBTN-name-fewBhutanese ngultrums ngultrum din Bhutan
5665CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: BhutanBTN-name-otherBhutanese ngultrums ngultrum din Bhutan
5666CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: BhutanBTN-symbol= BTN
5667CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: IndiaINR-nameIndian Rupee rupie indiană
5668CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: IndiaINR-name-oneIndian rupee rupie indiană
5669CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: IndiaINR-name-fewIndian rupees rupii indiene
5670CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: IndiaINR-name-otherIndian rupees rupii indiene
5671CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: IndiaINR-symbol INR
5672CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: IndiaINR-symbol-narrow=
5673CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: IranIRR-nameIranian Rial rial iranian
5674CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: IranIRR-name-oneIranian rial rial iranian
5675CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: IranIRR-name-fewIranian rials riali iranieni
5676CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: IranIRR-name-otherIranian rials riali iranieni
5677CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: IranIRR-symbol= IRR
5678CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: Sri LankaLKR-nameSri Lankan Rupee rupie srilankeză
5679CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: Sri LankaLKR-name-oneSri Lankan rupee rupie srilankeză
5680CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: Sri LankaLKR-name-fewSri Lankan rupees rupii srilankeze
5681CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: Sri LankaLKR-name-otherSri Lankan rupees rupii srilankeze
5682CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: Sri LankaLKR-symbol= LKR
5683CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: Sri LankaLKR-symbol-narrow= Rs
5684CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: MaldivesMVR-nameMaldivian Rufiyaa rufiyaa maldiviană
5685CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: MaldivesMVR-name-oneMaldivian rufiyaa rufiyaa maldiviană
5686CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: MaldivesMVR-name-fewMaldivian rufiyaas rufiyaa maldiviene
5687CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: MaldivesMVR-name-otherMaldivian rufiyaas rufiyaa maldiviene
5688CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: MaldivesMVR-symbol= MVR
5689CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: Maldives: MVP (old)MVP-nameMaldivian Rupee (1947–1981) MVP
5690CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: Maldives: MVP (old)MVP-symbol= MVP
5691CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: NepalNPR-nameNepalese Rupee rupie nepaleză
5692CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: NepalNPR-name-oneNepalese rupee rupie nepaleză
5693CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: NepalNPR-name-fewNepalese rupees rupii nepaleze
5694CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: NepalNPR-name-otherNepalese rupees rupii nepaleze
5695CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: NepalNPR-symbol= NPR
5696CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: NepalNPR-symbol-narrow= Rs
5697CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: PakistanPKR-namePakistani Rupee rupie pakistaneză
5698CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: PakistanPKR-name-onePakistani rupee rupie pakistaneză
5699CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: PakistanPKR-name-fewPakistani rupees rupii pakistaneze
5700CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: PakistanPKR-name-otherPakistani rupees rupii pakistaneze
5701CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: PakistanPKR-symbol= PKR
5702CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: PakistanPKR-symbol-narrow= Rs
5703CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: BruneiBND-nameBrunei Dollar dolar din Brunei
5704CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: BruneiBND-name-oneBrunei dollar dolar din Brunei
5705CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: BruneiBND-name-fewBrunei dollars dolari din Brunei
5706CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: BruneiBND-name-otherBrunei dollars dolari Brunei
5707CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: BruneiBND-symbol= BND
5708CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: BruneiBND-symbol-narrow= $
5709CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: IndonesiaIDR-nameIndonesian Rupiah rupie indoneziană
5710CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: IndonesiaIDR-name-oneIndonesian rupiah rupie indoneziană
5711CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: IndonesiaIDR-name-fewIndonesian rupiahs rupii indoneziene
5712CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: IndonesiaIDR-name-otherIndonesian rupiahs rupii indoneziene
5713CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: IndonesiaIDR-symbol= IDR
5714CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: IndonesiaIDR-symbol-narrow= Rp
5715CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: CambodiaKHR-nameCambodian Riel riel cambodgian
5716CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: CambodiaKHR-name-oneCambodian riel riel cambodgian
5717CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: CambodiaKHR-name-fewCambodian riels rieli cambodgieni
5718CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: CambodiaKHR-name-otherCambodian riels rieli cambodgieni
5719CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: CambodiaKHR-symbol= KHR
5720CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: CambodiaKHR-symbol-narrow=
5721CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: LaosLAK-nameLaotian Kip kip laoțian
5722CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: LaosLAK-name-oneLaotian kip kip laoțian
5723CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: LaosLAK-name-fewLaotian kips kipi laoțieni
5724CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: LaosLAK-name-otherLaotian kips kipi laoțieni
5725CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: LaosLAK-symbol= LAK
5726CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: LaosLAK-symbol-narrow=
5727CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: Myanmar (Burma)MMK-nameMyanmar Kyat kyat din Myanmar
5728CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: Myanmar (Burma)MMK-name-oneMyanmar kyat kyat din Myanmar
5729CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: Myanmar (Burma)MMK-name-fewMyanmar kyats kyați din Myanmar
5730CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: Myanmar (Burma)MMK-name-otherMyanmar kyats kyați din Myanmar
5731CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: Myanmar (Burma)MMK-symbol= MMK
5732CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: Myanmar (Burma)MMK-symbol-narrow= K
5733CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: Myanmar (Burma): BUK (old)BUK-nameBurmese Kyat kyat birman
5734CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: Myanmar (Burma): BUK (old)BUK-symbol= BUK
5735CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: MalaysiaMYR-nameMalaysian Ringgit ringgit malaiezian
5736CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: MalaysiaMYR-name-oneMalaysian ringgit ringgit malaiezian
5737CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: MalaysiaMYR-name-fewMalaysian ringgits ringgit malaiezieni
5738CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: MalaysiaMYR-name-otherMalaysian ringgits ringgit malaiezieni
5739CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: MalaysiaMYR-symbol= MYR
5740CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: MalaysiaMYR-symbol-narrow= RM
5741CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: PhilippinesPHP-namePhilippine Piso peso filipinez
5742CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: PhilippinesPHP-name-onePhilippine piso peso filipinez
5743CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: PhilippinesPHP-name-fewPhilippine pisos pesos filipinezi
5744CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: PhilippinesPHP-name-otherPhilippine pisos pesos filipinezi
5745CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: PhilippinesPHP-symbol= PHP
5746CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: PhilippinesPHP-symbol-narrow=
5747CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: SingaporeSGD-nameSingapore Dollar dolar singaporez
5748CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: SingaporeSGD-name-oneSingapore dollar dolar singaporez
5749CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: SingaporeSGD-name-fewSingapore dollars dolari singaporezi
5750CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: SingaporeSGD-name-otherSingapore dollars dolari singaporezi
5751CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: SingaporeSGD-symbol= SGD
5752CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: SingaporeSGD-symbol-narrow= $
5753CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: ThailandTHB-nameThai Baht baht thailandez
5754CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: ThailandTHB-name-oneThai baht baht thailandez
5755CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: ThailandTHB-name-fewThai baht bahți thailandezi
5756CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: ThailandTHB-name-otherThai baht bahți thailandezi
5757CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: ThailandTHB-symbol= THB
5758CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: ThailandTHB-symbol-narrow= ฿
5759CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: Timor-Leste: TPE (old)TPE-nameTimorese Escudo TPE
5760CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: Timor-Leste: TPE (old)TPE-symbol= TPE
5761CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: VietnamVND-nameVietnamese Dong dong vietnamez
5762CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: VietnamVND-name-oneVietnamese dong dong vietnamez
5763CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: VietnamVND-name-fewVietnamese dong dongi vietnamezi
5764CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: VietnamVND-name-otherVietnamese dong dongi vietnamezi
5765CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: VietnamVND-symbol VND
5766CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: VietnamVND-symbol-narrow=
5767CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: Vietnam: VNN (old)VNN-nameVietnamese Dong (1978–1985) VNN
5768CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: Vietnam: VNN (old)VNN-symbol= VNN
5769CurrenciesOceania (C)Australasia: AustraliaAUD-nameAustralian Dollar dolar australian
5770CurrenciesOceania (C)Australasia: AustraliaAUD-name-oneAustralian dollar dolar australian
5771CurrenciesOceania (C)Australasia: AustraliaAUD-name-fewAustralian dollars dolari australieni
5772CurrenciesOceania (C)Australasia: AustraliaAUD-name-otherAustralian dollars dolari australieni
5773CurrenciesOceania (C)Australasia: AustraliaAUD-symbolA$ AUD
5774CurrenciesOceania (C)Australasia: AustraliaAUD-symbol-narrow= $
5775CurrenciesOceania (C)Australasia: New ZealandNZD-nameNew Zealand Dollar dolar neozeelandez
5776CurrenciesOceania (C)Australasia: New ZealandNZD-name-oneNew Zealand dollar dolar neozeelandez
5777CurrenciesOceania (C)Australasia: New ZealandNZD-name-fewNew Zealand dollars dolari neozeelandezi
5778CurrenciesOceania (C)Australasia: New ZealandNZD-name-otherNew Zealand dollars dolari neozeelandezi
5779CurrenciesOceania (C)Australasia: New ZealandNZD-symbolNZ$ NZD
5780CurrenciesOceania (C)Australasia: New ZealandNZD-symbol-narrow= $
5781CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: FijiFJD-nameFijian Dollar dolar fijian
5782CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: FijiFJD-name-oneFijian dollar dolar fijian
5783CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: FijiFJD-name-fewFijian dollars dolari fijieni
5784CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: FijiFJD-name-otherFijian dollars dolari fijieni
5785CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: FijiFJD-symbol= FJD
5786CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: FijiFJD-symbol-narrow= $
5787CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: Papua New GuineaPGK-namePapua New Guinean Kina kina din Papua-Noua Guinee
5788CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: Papua New GuineaPGK-name-onePapua New Guinean kina kina din Papua-Noua Guinee
5789CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: Papua New GuineaPGK-name-fewPapua New Guinean kina kina din Papua-Noua Guinee
5790CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: Papua New GuineaPGK-name-otherPapua New Guinean kina kina din Papua-Noua Guinee
5791CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: Papua New GuineaPGK-symbol= PGK
5792CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: Solomon IslandsSBD-nameSolomon Islands Dollar dolar din Insulele Solomon
5793CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: Solomon IslandsSBD-name-oneSolomon Islands dollar dolar din Insulele Solomon
5794CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: Solomon IslandsSBD-name-fewSolomon Islands dollars dolari din Insulele Solomon
5795CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: Solomon IslandsSBD-name-otherSolomon Islands dollars dolari din Insulele Solomon
5796CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: Solomon IslandsSBD-symbol= SBD
5797CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: Solomon IslandsSBD-symbol-narrow= $
5798CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: VanuatuVUV-nameVanuatu Vatu vatu din Vanuatu
5799CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: VanuatuVUV-name-oneVanuatu vatu vatu din Vanuatu
5800CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: VanuatuVUV-name-fewVanuatu vatus vatu din Vanuatu
5801CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: VanuatuVUV-name-otherVanuatu vatus vatu din Vanuatu
5802CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: VanuatuVUV-symbol= VUV
5803CurrenciesOceania (C)Polynesia: French PolynesiaXPF-nameCFP Franc franc CFP
5804CurrenciesOceania (C)Polynesia: French PolynesiaXPF-name-oneCFP franc franc CFP
5805CurrenciesOceania (C)Polynesia: French PolynesiaXPF-name-fewCFP francs franci CFP
5806CurrenciesOceania (C)Polynesia: French PolynesiaXPF-name-otherCFP francs franci CFP
5807CurrenciesOceania (C)Polynesia: French PolynesiaXPF-symbol= CFPF
5808CurrenciesOceania (C)Polynesia: TongaTOP-nameTongan Paʻanga pa’anga tongană
5809CurrenciesOceania (C)Polynesia: TongaTOP-name-oneTongan paʻanga pa’anga tongană
5810CurrenciesOceania (C)Polynesia: TongaTOP-name-fewTongan paʻanga pa’anga tongane
5811CurrenciesOceania (C)Polynesia: TongaTOP-name-otherTongan paʻanga pa’anga tongane
5812CurrenciesOceania (C)Polynesia: TongaTOP-symbol= TOP
5813CurrenciesOceania (C)Polynesia: TongaTOP-symbol-narrow= T$
5814CurrenciesOceania (C)Polynesia: SamoaWST-nameSamoan Tala tala samoană
5815CurrenciesOceania (C)Polynesia: SamoaWST-name-oneSamoan tala tala samoană
5816CurrenciesOceania (C)Polynesia: SamoaWST-name-fewSamoan tala tala samoane
5817CurrenciesOceania (C)Polynesia: SamoaWST-name-otherSamoan tala tala samoană
5818CurrenciesOceania (C)Polynesia: SamoaWST-symbol= WST
5819CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: EUREUR-nameEuro euro
5820CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: EUREUR-name-one= euro
5821CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: EUREUR-name-feweuros euro
5822CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: EUREUR-name-othereuros euro
5823CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: EUREUR-symbol EUR
5824CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: EUREUR-symbol-narrow=
5825CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XAGXAG-nameSilver argint
5826CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XAGXAG-symbol= XAG
5827CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XAUXAU-nameGold aur
5828CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XAUXAU-symbol= XAU
5829CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XBAXBA-nameEuropean Composite Unit unitate compusă europeană
5830CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XBAXBA-symbol= XBA
5831CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XBBXBB-nameEuropean Monetary Unit unitate monetară europeană
5832CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XBBXBB-symbol= XBB
5833CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XBCXBC-nameEuropean Unit of Account (XBC) unitate de cont europeană (XBC)
5834CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XBCXBC-symbol= XBC
5835CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XBDXBD-nameEuropean Unit of Account (XBD) unitate de cont europeană (XBD)
5836CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XBDXBD-symbol= XBD
5837CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XDRXDR-nameSpecial Drawing Rights drepturi speciale de tragere
5838CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XDRXDR-symbol= XDR
5839CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XEUXEU-nameEuropean Currency Unit unitate de monedă europeană
5840CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XEUXEU-symbol= XEU
5841CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XFOXFO-nameFrench Gold Franc franc francez de aur
5842CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XFOXFO-name-oneFrench gold franc franc francez de aur
5843CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XFOXFO-name-fewFrench gold francs franci francezi de aur
5844CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XFOXFO-name-otherFrench gold francs franci francezi de aur
5845CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XFOXFO-symbol= XFO
5846CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XFUXFU-nameFrench UIC-Franc franc UIC francez
5847CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XFUXFU-symbol= XFU
5848CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XPDXPD-namePalladium paladiu
5849CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XPDXPD-symbol= XPD
5850CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XPTXPT-namePlatinum platină
5851CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XPTXPT-symbol= XPT
5852CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XREXRE-nameRINET Funds XRE
5853CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XREXRE-symbol= XRE
5854CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XSUXSU-nameSucre XSU
5855CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XSUXSU-symbol= XSU
5856CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XTSXTS-nameTesting Currency Code cod monetar de test
5857CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XTSXTS-symbol= XTS
5858CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XUAXUA-nameADB Unit of Account XUA
5859CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XUAXUA-symbol= XUA
5860CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XXXXXX-nameUnknown Currency monedă necunoscută
5861CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XXXXXX-name-one(unknown unit of currency) (unitate monetară necunoscută)
5862CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XXXXXX-name-few(unknown currency) (monedă necunoscută)
5863CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XXXXXX-name-other(unknown currency) (monedă necunoscută)
5864CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XXXXXX-symbol= ¤
5865UnitsMeasurement SystemsnullmetricMetric metric
5866UnitsMeasurement SystemsnullUKUK britanic
5867UnitsMeasurement SystemsnullUSUS american
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5871UnitsDurationdecadelong-other{0} decades {0} de decenii
5872UnitsDurationdecadeshort-displayNamedec dec.
5873UnitsDurationdecadeshort-one{0} dec {0} dec.
5874UnitsDurationdecadeshort-few{0} dec {0} dec.
5875UnitsDurationdecadeshort-other{0} dec {0} dec.
5876UnitsDurationcenturylong-displayNamecenturies secole
5877UnitsDurationcenturylong-one{0} century {0} secol
5878UnitsDurationcenturylong-few{0} c {0} secole
5879UnitsDurationcenturylong-other{0} centuries {0} de secole
5880UnitsDurationcenturyshort-displayNamec sec.
5881UnitsDurationcenturyshort-one{0} c {0} sec.
5882UnitsDurationcenturyshort-few{0} c {0} sec.
5883UnitsDurationcenturyshort-other{0} c {0} sec.
5884UnitsDurationcenturynarrow-displayNamec sec.
5885UnitsDurationcenturynarrow-one{0}c {0} sec.
5886UnitsDurationcenturynarrow-few{0} c {0} sec.
5887UnitsDurationcenturynarrow-other{0}c {0} sec.
5888UnitsDurationyearlong-displayNameyears ani
5889UnitsDurationyearlong-one{0} year {0} an
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5891UnitsDurationyearlong-other{0} years {0} de ani
5892UnitsDurationyearlong-per{0} per year {0} pe an
5893UnitsDurationyearshort-displayNameyears ani
5894UnitsDurationyearshort-one{0} yr {0} an
5895UnitsDurationyearshort-few{0} yrs {0} ani
5896UnitsDurationyearshort-other{0} yrs {0} ani
5897UnitsDurationyearshort-per{0}/y {0}/an
5898UnitsDurationyearnarrow-displayNameyr a
5899UnitsDurationyearnarrow-one{0}y {0} a {0} an
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5901UnitsDurationyearnarrow-other{0}y {0} a {0} ani
5902UnitsDurationyearnarrow-per{0}/y {0}/an
5903UnitsDurationmonthlong-displayNamemonths luni
5904UnitsDurationmonthlong-one{0} month {0} lună
5905UnitsDurationmonthlong-few{0} mths {0} luni
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5907UnitsDurationmonthlong-per{0} per month {0} pe lună
5908UnitsDurationmonthshort-displayNamemonths luni
5909UnitsDurationmonthshort-one{0} mth {0} lună
5910UnitsDurationmonthshort-few{0} mths {0} luni
5911UnitsDurationmonthshort-other{0} mths {0} luni
5912UnitsDurationmonthshort-per{0}/m {0}/lună
5913UnitsDurationmonthnarrow-displayNamemonth l lună
5914UnitsDurationmonthnarrow-one{0}m {0} l {0} lună
5915UnitsDurationmonthnarrow-few{0} mths {0} l {0} luni
5916UnitsDurationmonthnarrow-other{0}m {0} l {0} luni
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5918UnitsDurationweeklong-displayNameweeks săptămâni
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5922UnitsDurationweeklong-per{0} per week {0} pe săptămână
5923UnitsDurationweekshort-displayNameweeks săptămâni
5924UnitsDurationweekshort-one{0} wk {0} săpt.
5925UnitsDurationweekshort-few{0} wks {0} săpt.
5926UnitsDurationweekshort-other{0} wks {0} săpt.
5927UnitsDurationweekshort-per{0}/w {0}/săpt.
5928UnitsDurationweeknarrow-displayNamewk săpt.
5929UnitsDurationweeknarrow-one{0}w {0} săpt.
5930UnitsDurationweeknarrow-few{0} wks {0} săpt.
5931UnitsDurationweeknarrow-other{0}w {0} săpt.
5932UnitsDurationweeknarrow-per{0}/w {0}/săpt.
5933UnitsDurationdaylong-displayNamedays zile
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5935UnitsDurationdaylong-few{0} days {0} zile
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5937UnitsDurationdaylong-per{0} per day {0} pe zi
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5940UnitsDurationdayshort-few{0} days {0} zile
5941UnitsDurationdayshort-other{0} days {0} zile
5942UnitsDurationdayshort-per{0}/d {0}/zi
5943UnitsDurationdaynarrow-displayNameday zi
5944UnitsDurationdaynarrow-one{0}d {0} z {0} zi
5945UnitsDurationdaynarrow-few{0} days {0} z {0} zile
5946UnitsDurationdaynarrow-other{0}d {0} z {0} zile
5947UnitsDurationdaynarrow-per{0}/d {0}/zi
5948UnitsDurationhourlong-displayNamehours ore
5949UnitsDurationhourlong-one{0} hour {0} oră
5950UnitsDurationhourlong-few{0} hr {0} ore
5951UnitsDurationhourlong-other{0} hours {0} de ore
5952UnitsDurationhourlong-per{0} per hour {0} pe oră
5953UnitsDurationhourshort-displayNamehours ore
5954UnitsDurationhourshort-one{0} hr {0} oră
5955UnitsDurationhourshort-few{0} hr {0} ore
5956UnitsDurationhourshort-other{0} hr {0} ore
5957UnitsDurationhourshort-per= {0}/h
5958UnitsDurationhournarrow-displayNamehour oră
5959UnitsDurationhournarrow-one{0}h {0} h
5960UnitsDurationhournarrow-few{0} hr {0} h
5961UnitsDurationhournarrow-other{0}h {0} h
5962UnitsDurationhournarrow-per= {0}/h
5963UnitsDurationminutelong-displayNameminutes minute
5964UnitsDurationminutelong-one{0} minute {0} minut
5965UnitsDurationminutelong-few{0} min {0} minute
5966UnitsDurationminutelong-other{0} minutes {0} de minute
5967UnitsDurationminutelong-per{0} per minute {0} pe minut
5968UnitsDurationminuteshort-displayNamemins min.
5969UnitsDurationminuteshort-one{0} min {0} min.
5970UnitsDurationminuteshort-few{0} min {0} min.
5971UnitsDurationminuteshort-other{0} min {0} min.
5972UnitsDurationminuteshort-per{0}/min {0}/min.
5973UnitsDurationminutenarrow-displayNamemin m min
5974UnitsDurationminutenarrow-one{0}m {0} m {0} min.
5975UnitsDurationminutenarrow-few{0} min {0} m {0} min.
5976UnitsDurationminutenarrow-other{0}m {0} m {0} min.
5977UnitsDurationminutenarrow-per{0}/min {0}/min.
5978UnitsDurationsecondlong-displayNameseconds secunde
5979UnitsDurationsecondlong-one{0} second {0} secundă
5980UnitsDurationsecondlong-few{0} sec {0} secunde
5981UnitsDurationsecondlong-other{0} seconds {0} de secunde
5982UnitsDurationsecondlong-per{0} per second {0} pe secundă
5983UnitsDurationsecondshort-displayNamesecs s
5984UnitsDurationsecondshort-one{0} sec {0} s
5985UnitsDurationsecondshort-few{0} sec {0} s
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5987UnitsDurationsecondshort-per= {0}/s
5988UnitsDurationsecondnarrow-displayNamesec s
5989UnitsDurationsecondnarrow-one{0}s {0} s
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5992UnitsDurationsecondnarrow-per= {0}/s
5993UnitsDurationmillisecondlong-displayNamemilliseconds milisecunde
5994UnitsDurationmillisecondlong-one{0} millisecond {0} milisecundă
5995UnitsDurationmillisecondlong-few{0} ms {0} milisecunde
5996UnitsDurationmillisecondlong-other{0} milliseconds {0} de milisecunde
5997UnitsDurationmillisecondshort-displayNamemillisecs ms milisec.
5998UnitsDurationmillisecondshort-one= {0} ms
5999UnitsDurationmillisecondshort-few= {0} ms
6000UnitsDurationmillisecondshort-other= {0} ms
6001UnitsDurationmillisecondnarrow-displayNamemsec ms msec
6002UnitsDurationmillisecondnarrow-one{0}ms {0} ms
6003UnitsDurationmillisecondnarrow-few= {0} ms
6004UnitsDurationmillisecondnarrow-other{0}ms {0} ms
6005UnitsDurationmicrosecondlong-displayNamemicroseconds microsecunde
6006UnitsDurationmicrosecondlong-one{0} microsecond {0} microsecundă
6007UnitsDurationmicrosecondlong-few{0} µs {0} microsecunde
6008UnitsDurationmicrosecondlong-other{0} microseconds {0} de microsecunde
6009UnitsDurationmicrosecondshort-displayNameµsecs μs
6010UnitsDurationmicrosecondshort-one{0} µs {0} μs
6011UnitsDurationmicrosecondshort-few{0} µs {0} μs
6012UnitsDurationmicrosecondshort-other{0} µs {0} μs
6013UnitsDurationmicrosecondnarrow-displayNameμsec μs
6014UnitsDurationmicrosecondnarrow-one{0}µs {0} μs
6015UnitsDurationmicrosecondnarrow-few{0} µs {0} μs
6016UnitsDurationmicrosecondnarrow-other{0}µs {0} μs
6017UnitsDurationnanosecondlong-displayNamenanoseconds nanosecunde
6018UnitsDurationnanosecondlong-one{0} nanosecond {0} nanosecundă
6019UnitsDurationnanosecondlong-few{0} ns {0} nanosecunde
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6029UnitsDurationDuration Patternshm= h:mm
6030UnitsDurationDuration Patternshms= h:mm:ss
6031UnitsDurationDuration Patternsms= m:ss
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6035UnitsGraphicsdot-per-centimeterlong-other{0} dots per centimeter {0} de puncte pe centimetru
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6038UnitsGraphicsdot-per-centimetershort-few{0} dpcm {0} dpc
6039UnitsGraphicsdot-per-centimetershort-other{0} dpcm {0} dpc
6040UnitsGraphicsdot-per-inchlong-displayNamedots per inch puncte pe inch
6041UnitsGraphicsdot-per-inchlong-one{0} dot per inch {0} punct pe inch
6042UnitsGraphicsdot-per-inchlong-few{0} dpi {0} puncte pe inch
6043UnitsGraphicsdot-per-inchlong-other{0} dots per inch {0} de puncte pe inch
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6045UnitsGraphicsdot-per-inchshort-other= {0} dpi
6046UnitsGraphicsemlong-displayNametypographic em em tipografic
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6052UnitsGraphicsmegapixellong-other{0} megapixels {0} de megapixel
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6062UnitsGraphicspixel-per-centimeterlong-one{0} pixel per centimeter {0} pixel pe centimetru
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6064UnitsGraphicspixel-per-centimeterlong-other{0} pixels per centimeter {0} de pixeli pe centimetru
6065UnitsGraphicspixel-per-centimetershort-displayNameppcm ppc
6066UnitsGraphicspixel-per-centimetershort-one{0} ppcm {0} ppc
6067UnitsGraphicspixel-per-centimetershort-few{0} ppcm {0} ppc
6068UnitsGraphicspixel-per-centimetershort-other{0} ppcm {0} ppc
6069UnitsGraphicspixel-per-inchlong-displayNamepixels per inch pixeli pe inch
6070UnitsGraphicspixel-per-inchlong-one{0} pixel per inch {0} pixel pe inch
6071UnitsGraphicspixel-per-inchlong-few{0} ppi {0} pixeli pe inch
6072UnitsGraphicspixel-per-inchlong-other{0} pixels per inch {0} de pixeli pe inch
6073UnitsGraphicspixel-per-inchshort-displayName= ppi
6074UnitsGraphicspixel-per-inchshort-other= {0} ppi
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6078UnitsLengthkilometerlong-other{0} kilometers {0} de kilometri
6079UnitsLengthkilometerlong-per{0} per kilometer {0} pe kilometru
6080UnitsLengthkilometershort-displayName= km
6081UnitsLengthkilometershort-one= {0} km
6082UnitsLengthkilometershort-few= {0} km
6083UnitsLengthkilometershort-other= {0} km
6084UnitsLengthkilometershort-per= {0}/km
6085UnitsLengthkilometernarrow-displayName= km
6086UnitsLengthkilometernarrow-one{0}km {0} km
6087UnitsLengthkilometernarrow-few= {0} km
6088UnitsLengthkilometernarrow-other{0}km {0} km
6089UnitsLengthkilometernarrow-per= {0}/km
6090UnitsLengthmeterlong-displayNamemeters metri
6091UnitsLengthmeterlong-one{0} meter {0} metru
6092UnitsLengthmeterlong-few{0} m {0} metri
6093UnitsLengthmeterlong-other{0} meters {0} de metri
6094UnitsLengthmeterlong-per{0} per meter {0} pe metru
6095UnitsLengthmetershort-displayNamem metri
6096UnitsLengthmetershort-one= {0} m
6097UnitsLengthmetershort-few= {0} m
6098UnitsLengthmetershort-other= {0} m
6099UnitsLengthmetershort-per= {0}/m
6100UnitsLengthmeternarrow-displayName= m
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6103UnitsLengthmeternarrow-other{0}m {0} m
6104UnitsLengthmeternarrow-per= {0}/m
6105UnitsLengthdecimeterlong-displayNamedecimeters decimetri
6106UnitsLengthdecimeterlong-one{0} decimeter {0} decimetru
6107UnitsLengthdecimeterlong-few{0} dm {0} decimetri
6108UnitsLengthdecimeterlong-other{0} decimeters {0} de decimetri
6109UnitsLengthdecimetershort-displayName= dm
6110UnitsLengthdecimetershort-one= {0} dm
6111UnitsLengthdecimetershort-few= {0} dm
6112UnitsLengthdecimetershort-other= {0} dm
6113UnitsLengthdecimeternarrow-displayName= dm
6114UnitsLengthdecimeternarrow-one{0}dm {0} dm
6115UnitsLengthdecimeternarrow-few= {0} dm
6116UnitsLengthdecimeternarrow-other{0}dm {0} dm
6117UnitsLengthcentimeterlong-displayNamecentimeters centimetri
6118UnitsLengthcentimeterlong-one{0} centimeter {0} centimetru
6119UnitsLengthcentimeterlong-few{0} cm {0} centimetri
6120UnitsLengthcentimeterlong-other{0} centimeters {0} de centimetri
6121UnitsLengthcentimeterlong-per{0} per centimeter {0} pe centimetru
6122UnitsLengthcentimetershort-displayName= cm
6123UnitsLengthcentimetershort-one= {0} cm
6124UnitsLengthcentimetershort-few= {0} cm
6125UnitsLengthcentimetershort-other= {0} cm
6126UnitsLengthcentimetershort-per= {0}/cm
6127UnitsLengthcentimeternarrow-displayName= cm
6128UnitsLengthcentimeternarrow-one{0}cm {0} cm
6129UnitsLengthcentimeternarrow-few= {0} cm
6130UnitsLengthcentimeternarrow-other{0}cm {0} cm
6131UnitsLengthcentimeternarrow-per= {0}/cm
6132UnitsLengthmillimeterlong-displayNamemillimeters milimetri
6133UnitsLengthmillimeterlong-one{0} millimeter {0} milimetru
6134UnitsLengthmillimeterlong-few{0} mm {0} milimetri
6135UnitsLengthmillimeterlong-other{0} millimeters {0} de milimetri
6136UnitsLengthmillimetershort-displayName= mm
6137UnitsLengthmillimetershort-one= {0} mm
6138UnitsLengthmillimetershort-few= {0} mm
6139UnitsLengthmillimetershort-other= {0} mm
6140UnitsLengthmillimeternarrow-displayName= mm
6141UnitsLengthmillimeternarrow-one{0}mm {0} mm
6142UnitsLengthmillimeternarrow-few= {0} mm
6143UnitsLengthmillimeternarrow-other{0}mm {0} mm
6144UnitsLengthmicrometerlong-displayNamemicrometers micrometri
6145UnitsLengthmicrometerlong-one{0} micrometer {0} micrometru
6146UnitsLengthmicrometerlong-few{0} µm {0} micrometri
6147UnitsLengthmicrometerlong-other{0} micrometers {0} de micrometri
6148UnitsLengthmicrometershort-displayNameµmeters µm
6149UnitsLengthmicrometershort-one= {0} µm
6150UnitsLengthmicrometershort-few= {0} µm
6151UnitsLengthmicrometershort-other= {0} µm
6152UnitsLengthmicrometernarrow-displayName= µm
6153UnitsLengthmicrometernarrow-one{0}µm {0} µm
6154UnitsLengthmicrometernarrow-few= {0} µm
6155UnitsLengthmicrometernarrow-other{0}µm {0} µm
6156UnitsLengthnanometerlong-displayNamenanometers nanometri
6157UnitsLengthnanometerlong-one{0} nanometer {0} nanometru
6158UnitsLengthnanometerlong-few{0} nm {0} nanometri
6159UnitsLengthnanometerlong-other{0} nanometers {0} de nanometri
6160UnitsLengthnanometershort-displayName= nm
6161UnitsLengthnanometershort-one= {0} nm
6162UnitsLengthnanometershort-few= {0} nm
6163UnitsLengthnanometershort-other= {0} nm
6164UnitsLengthnanometernarrow-displayName= nm
6165UnitsLengthnanometernarrow-one{0}nm {0} nm
6166UnitsLengthnanometernarrow-few= {0} nm
6167UnitsLengthnanometernarrow-other{0}nm {0} nm
6168UnitsLengthpicometerlong-displayNamepicometers picometri
6169UnitsLengthpicometerlong-one{0} picometer {0} picometru
6170UnitsLengthpicometerlong-few{0} pm {0} picometri
6171UnitsLengthpicometerlong-other{0} picometers {0} de picometri
6172UnitsLengthpicometershort-displayName= pm
6173UnitsLengthpicometershort-one= {0} pm
6174UnitsLengthpicometershort-few= {0} pm
6175UnitsLengthpicometershort-other= {0} pm
6176UnitsLengthpicometernarrow-displayName= pm
6177UnitsLengthpicometernarrow-one{0}pm {0} pm
6178UnitsLengthpicometernarrow-few= {0} pm
6179UnitsLengthpicometernarrow-other{0}pm {0} pm
6180UnitsLengthmilelong-displayNamemiles mile
6181UnitsLengthmilelong-one{0} mile {0} milă
6182UnitsLengthmilelong-few{0} mi {0} mile
6183UnitsLengthmilelong-other{0} miles {0} de mile
6184UnitsLengthmileshort-displayNamemiles mi
6185UnitsLengthmileshort-one= {0} mi
6186UnitsLengthmileshort-few= {0} mi
6187UnitsLengthmileshort-other= {0} mi
6188UnitsLengthmilenarrow-displayName= mi
6189UnitsLengthmilenarrow-one{0}mi {0} mi
6190UnitsLengthmilenarrow-few= {0} mi
6191UnitsLengthmilenarrow-other{0}mi {0} mi
6192UnitsLengthyardlong-displayNameyards iarzi
6193UnitsLengthyardlong-one{0} yard {0} iard
6194UnitsLengthyardlong-few{0} yd {0} iarzi
6195UnitsLengthyardlong-other{0} yards {0} de iarzi
6196UnitsLengthyardshort-displayNameyards yd
6197UnitsLengthyardshort-one= {0} yd
6198UnitsLengthyardshort-few= {0} yd
6199UnitsLengthyardshort-other= {0} yd
6200UnitsLengthyardnarrow-displayName= yd
6201UnitsLengthyardnarrow-one{0}yd {0} yd
6202UnitsLengthyardnarrow-few= {0} yd
6203UnitsLengthyardnarrow-other{0}yd {0} yd
6204UnitsLengthfootlong-displayNamefeet picioare
6205UnitsLengthfootlong-one{0} foot {0} picior
6206UnitsLengthfootlong-few{0} ft {0} picioare
6207UnitsLengthfootlong-other{0} feet {0} de picioare
6208UnitsLengthfootlong-per{0} per foot {0} pe picior
6209UnitsLengthfootshort-displayNamefeet ft
6210UnitsLengthfootshort-one= {0} ft
6211UnitsLengthfootshort-few= {0} ft
6212UnitsLengthfootshort-other= {0} ft
6213UnitsLengthfootshort-per= {0}/ft
6214UnitsLengthfootnarrow-displayName= ft
6215UnitsLengthfootnarrow-one{0}′ {0} ft
6216UnitsLengthfootnarrow-few= {0} ft
6217UnitsLengthfootnarrow-other{0}′ {0} ft
6218UnitsLengthfootnarrow-per= {0}/ft
6219UnitsLengthinchlong-displayNameinches inchi
6220UnitsLengthinchlong-one= {0} inch
6221UnitsLengthinchlong-few{0} in {0} inchi
6222UnitsLengthinchlong-other{0} inches {0} de inchi
6223UnitsLengthinchlong-per{0} per inch {0} pe inch
6224UnitsLengthinchshort-displayNameinches in
6225UnitsLengthinchshort-one= {0} in
6226UnitsLengthinchshort-few= {0} in
6227UnitsLengthinchshort-other= {0} in
6228UnitsLengthinchshort-per= {0}/in
6229UnitsLengthinchnarrow-displayName= in
6230UnitsLengthinchnarrow-one{0}″ {0} in
6231UnitsLengthinchnarrow-few= {0} in
6232UnitsLengthinchnarrow-other{0}″ {0} in
6233UnitsLengthinchnarrow-per= {0}/in
6234UnitsLengthparseclong-displayNameparsecs parseci
6235UnitsLengthparseclong-one= {0} parsec
6236UnitsLengthparseclong-few{0} pc {0} parseci
6237UnitsLengthparseclong-other{0} parsecs {0} de parseci
6238UnitsLengthparsecshort-displayNameparsecs pc
6239UnitsLengthparsecshort-one= {0} pc
6240UnitsLengthparsecshort-few= {0} pc
6241UnitsLengthparsecshort-other= {0} pc
6242UnitsLengthparsecnarrow-displayNameparsec pc
6243UnitsLengthparsecnarrow-one{0}pc {0} pc
6244UnitsLengthparsecnarrow-few= {0} pc
6245UnitsLengthparsecnarrow-other{0}pc {0} pc
6246UnitsLengthlight-yearlong-displayNamelight years ani lumină
6247UnitsLengthlight-yearlong-one{0} light year {0} an lumină
6248UnitsLengthlight-yearlong-few{0} ly {0} ani lumină
6249UnitsLengthlight-yearlong-other{0} light years {0} de ani lumină
6250UnitsLengthlight-yearshort-displayNamelight yrs a.l.
6251UnitsLengthlight-yearshort-one{0} ly {0} a.l.
6252UnitsLengthlight-yearshort-few{0} ly {0} a.l.
6253UnitsLengthlight-yearshort-other{0} ly {0} a.l.
6254UnitsLengthlight-yearnarrow-displayNamely a.l.
6255UnitsLengthlight-yearnarrow-one{0}ly {0} a.l.
6256UnitsLengthlight-yearnarrow-few{0} ly {0} a.l.
6257UnitsLengthlight-yearnarrow-other{0}ly {0} a.l.
6258UnitsLengthastronomical-unitlong-displayNameastronomical units unități astronomice
6259UnitsLengthastronomical-unitlong-one{0} astronomical unit {0} unitate astronomică
6260UnitsLengthastronomical-unitlong-few{0} au {0} unități astronomice
6261UnitsLengthastronomical-unitlong-other{0} astronomical units {0} de unități astronomice
6262UnitsLengthastronomical-unitshort-displayNameau ua
6263UnitsLengthastronomical-unitshort-one{0} au {0} ua
6264UnitsLengthastronomical-unitshort-few{0} au {0} ua
6265UnitsLengthastronomical-unitshort-other{0} au {0} ua
6266UnitsLengthastronomical-unitnarrow-displayNameau ua
6267UnitsLengthastronomical-unitnarrow-one{0}au {0} ua
6268UnitsLengthastronomical-unitnarrow-few{0} au {0} ua
6269UnitsLengthastronomical-unitnarrow-other{0}au {0} ua
6270UnitsLengthfurlongshort-displayNamefurlongs fur
6271UnitsLengthfurlongshort-other= {0} fur
6272UnitsLengthfathomshort-displayNamefathoms fm
6273UnitsLengthfathomshort-other= {0} fth
6274UnitsLengthnautical-milelong-displayNamenautical miles mile nautice
6275UnitsLengthnautical-milelong-one{0} nautical mile {0} milă nautică
6276UnitsLengthnautical-milelong-few{0} nmi {0} mile nautice
6277UnitsLengthnautical-milelong-other{0} nautical miles {0} de mile nautice
6278UnitsLengthnautical-mileshort-displayNamenmi mn
6279UnitsLengthnautical-mileshort-one{0} nmi {0} mn
6280UnitsLengthnautical-mileshort-few{0} nmi {0} mn
6281UnitsLengthnautical-mileshort-other{0} nmi {0} mn
6282UnitsLengthnautical-milenarrow-displayNamenmi mn
6283UnitsLengthnautical-milenarrow-one{0}nmi {0} mn
6284UnitsLengthnautical-milenarrow-few{0} nmi {0} mn
6285UnitsLengthnautical-milenarrow-other{0}nmi {0} mn
6286UnitsLengthmile-scandinavianlong-displayNamemile-scandinavian milă scandinavă
6287UnitsLengthmile-scandinavianlong-one{0} mile-scandinavian {0} milă scandinavă
6288UnitsLengthmile-scandinavianlong-few{0} smi {0} mile scandinave
6289UnitsLengthmile-scandinavianlong-other{0} miles-scandinavian {0} de mile scandinave
6290UnitsLengthmile-scandinavianshort-displayName= smi
6291UnitsLengthmile-scandinavianshort-one= {0} smi
6292UnitsLengthmile-scandinavianshort-few= {0} smi
6293UnitsLengthmile-scandinavianshort-other= {0} smi
6294UnitsLengthmile-scandinaviannarrow-displayName= smi
6295UnitsLengthmile-scandinaviannarrow-one{0}smi {0} smi
6296UnitsLengthmile-scandinaviannarrow-few= {0} smi
6297UnitsLengthmile-scandinaviannarrow-other{0}smi {0} smi
6298UnitsLengthpointlong-displayNamepoints puncte
6299UnitsLengthpointlong-one{0} point {0} punct
6300UnitsLengthpointlong-few{0} pt {0} puncte
6301UnitsLengthpointlong-other{0} points {0} de puncte
6302UnitsLengthpointshort-displayNamepoints pt
6303UnitsLengthpointshort-one= {0} pt
6304UnitsLengthpointshort-few= {0} pt
6305UnitsLengthpointshort-other= {0} pt
6306UnitsLengthpointnarrow-displayNamepts pt
6307UnitsLengthpointnarrow-one{0}pt {0} pt
6308UnitsLengthpointnarrow-few= {0} pt
6309UnitsLengthpointnarrow-other{0}pt {0} pt
6310UnitsLengthsolar-radiuslong-displayNamesolar radii raze solare
6311UnitsLengthsolar-radiuslong-one{0} solar radius {0} rază solară
6312UnitsLengthsolar-radiuslong-few{0} R☉ {0} raze solare
6313UnitsLengthsolar-radiuslong-other{0} solar radii {0} de raze solare
6314UnitsLengthsolar-radiusshort-displayNamesolar radii R☉
6315UnitsLengthsolar-radiusshort-other= {0} R☉
6316UnitsAreasquare-kilometerlong-displayNamesquare kilometers kilometri pătrați
6317UnitsAreasquare-kilometerlong-one{0} square kilometer {0} kilometru pătrat
6318UnitsAreasquare-kilometerlong-few{0} km² {0} kilometri pătrați
6319UnitsAreasquare-kilometerlong-other{0} square kilometers {0} de kilometri pătrați
6320UnitsAreasquare-kilometerlong-per{0} per square kilometer {0} pe kilometru pătrat
6321UnitsAreasquare-kilometershort-displayName= km²
6322UnitsAreasquare-kilometershort-one= {0} km²
6323UnitsAreasquare-kilometershort-few= {0} km²
6324UnitsAreasquare-kilometershort-other= {0} km²
6325UnitsAreasquare-kilometershort-per= {0}/km²
6326UnitsAreasquare-kilometernarrow-one{0}km² {0} km²
6327UnitsAreasquare-kilometernarrow-few= {0} km²
6328UnitsAreasquare-kilometernarrow-other{0}km² {0} km²
6329UnitsAreahectarelong-displayNamehectares hectare
6330UnitsAreahectarelong-one{0} hectare {0} hectar
6331UnitsAreahectarelong-few{0} ha {0} hectare
6332UnitsAreahectarelong-other{0} hectares {0} de hectare
6333UnitsAreahectareshort-displayNamehectares ha
6334UnitsAreahectareshort-one= {0} ha
6335UnitsAreahectareshort-few= {0} ha
6336UnitsAreahectareshort-other= {0} ha
6337UnitsAreahectarenarrow-one{0}ha {0} ha
6338UnitsAreahectarenarrow-few= {0} ha
6339UnitsAreahectarenarrow-other{0}ha {0} ha
6340UnitsAreasquare-meterlong-displayNamesquare meters metri pătrați
6341UnitsAreasquare-meterlong-one{0} square meter {0} metru pătrat
6342UnitsAreasquare-meterlong-few{0} m² {0} metri pătrați
6343UnitsAreasquare-meterlong-other{0} square meters {0} de metri pătrați
6344UnitsAreasquare-meterlong-per{0} per square meter {0} pe metru pătrat
6346UnitsAreasquare-metershort-one= {0} m²
6347UnitsAreasquare-metershort-few= {0} m²
6348UnitsAreasquare-metershort-other= {0} m²
6349UnitsAreasquare-metershort-per{0}/m² {0} pe m²
6350UnitsAreasquare-meternarrow-one{0}m² {0} m²
6351UnitsAreasquare-meternarrow-few= {0} m²
6352UnitsAreasquare-meternarrow-other{0}m² {0} m²
6353UnitsAreasquare-centimeterlong-displayNamesquare centimeters centimetri pătrați
6354UnitsAreasquare-centimeterlong-one{0} square centimeter {0} centimetru pătrat
6355UnitsAreasquare-centimeterlong-few{0} cm² {0} centimetri pătrați
6356UnitsAreasquare-centimeterlong-other{0} square centimeters {0} de centimetri pătrați
6357UnitsAreasquare-centimeterlong-per{0} per square centimeter {0} pe centimetru pătrat
6358UnitsAreasquare-centimetershort-displayName= cm²
6359UnitsAreasquare-centimetershort-one= {0} cm²
6360UnitsAreasquare-centimetershort-few= {0} cm²
6361UnitsAreasquare-centimetershort-other= {0} cm²
6362UnitsAreasquare-centimetershort-per{0}/cm² {0} pe cm²
6363UnitsAreasquare-milelong-displayNamesquare miles mile pătrate
6364UnitsAreasquare-milelong-one{0} square mile {0} milă pătrată
6365UnitsAreasquare-milelong-few{0} sq mi {0} mile pătrate
6366UnitsAreasquare-milelong-other{0} square miles {0} de mile pătrate
6367UnitsAreasquare-milelong-per{0} per square mile {0} pe milă pătrată
6368UnitsAreasquare-mileshort-displayNamesq miles mi²
6369UnitsAreasquare-mileshort-one{0} sq mi {0} mi²
6370UnitsAreasquare-mileshort-few{0} sq mi {0} mi²
6371UnitsAreasquare-mileshort-other{0} sq mi {0} mi²
6372UnitsAreasquare-mileshort-per= {0}/mi²
6373UnitsAreasquare-milenarrow-one{0}mi² {0} mi²
6374UnitsAreasquare-milenarrow-few{0} sq mi {0} mi²
6375UnitsAreasquare-milenarrow-other{0}mi² {0} mi²
6376UnitsAreaacrelong-displayNameacres acri
6377UnitsAreaacrelong-one{0} acre {0} acru
6378UnitsAreaacrelong-few{0} ac {0} acri
6379UnitsAreaacrelong-other{0} acres {0} de acri
6380UnitsAreaacreshort-displayNameacres acri
6381UnitsAreaacreshort-one{0} ac {0} ac.
6382UnitsAreaacreshort-few{0} ac {0} ac.
6383UnitsAreaacreshort-other{0} ac {0} ac.
6384UnitsAreaacrenarrow-one{0}ac {0} ac.
6385UnitsAreaacrenarrow-few{0} ac {0} ac.
6386UnitsAreaacrenarrow-other{0}ac {0} ac.
6387UnitsAreasquare-yardlong-displayNamesquare yards iarzi pătrați
6388UnitsAreasquare-yardlong-one{0} square yard {0} iard pătrat
6389UnitsAreasquare-yardlong-few{0} yd² {0} iarzi pătrați
6390UnitsAreasquare-yardlong-other{0} square yards {0} de iarzi pătrați
6391UnitsAreasquare-yardshort-displayNameyards² yd²
6392UnitsAreasquare-yardshort-one= {0} yd²
6393UnitsAreasquare-yardshort-few= {0} yd²
6394UnitsAreasquare-yardshort-other= {0} yd²
6395UnitsAreasquare-footlong-displayNamesquare feet picioare pătrate
6396UnitsAreasquare-footlong-one{0} square foot {0} picior pătrat
6397UnitsAreasquare-footlong-few{0} sq ft {0} picioare pătrate
6398UnitsAreasquare-footlong-other{0} square feet {0} de picioare pătrate
6399UnitsAreasquare-footshort-displayNamesq feet ft²
6400UnitsAreasquare-footshort-one{0} sq ft {0} ft²
6401UnitsAreasquare-footshort-few{0} sq ft {0} ft²
6402UnitsAreasquare-footshort-other{0} sq ft {0} ft²
6403UnitsAreasquare-footnarrow-one{0}ft² {0} ft²
6404UnitsAreasquare-footnarrow-few{0} sq ft {0} ft²
6405UnitsAreasquare-footnarrow-other{0}ft² {0} ft²
6406UnitsAreasquare-inchlong-displayNamesquare inches inchi pătrați
6407UnitsAreasquare-inchlong-one{0} square inch {0} inch pătrat
6408UnitsAreasquare-inchlong-few{0} in² {0} inchi pătrați
6409UnitsAreasquare-inchlong-other{0} square inches {0} de inchi pătrați
6410UnitsAreasquare-inchlong-per{0} per square inch {0} pe inchi pătrat
6411UnitsAreasquare-inchshort-displayNameinches² in²
6412UnitsAreasquare-inchshort-one= {0} in²
6413UnitsAreasquare-inchshort-few= {0} in²
6414UnitsAreasquare-inchshort-other= {0} in²
6415UnitsAreasquare-inchshort-per= {0}/in²
6416UnitsAreadunamlong-displayNamedunams dunami
6417UnitsAreadunamlong-few{0} dunam {0} dunami
6418UnitsAreadunamlong-other{0} dunams {0} de dunami
6419UnitsAreadunamshort-displayNamedunams dunami
6420UnitsAreadunamshort-one= {0} dunam
6421UnitsAreadunamshort-few{0} dunam {0} dunami
6422UnitsAreadunamshort-other{0} dunam {0} dunami
6423UnitsVolumecubic-kilometerlong-displayNamecubic kilometers kilometri cubi
6424UnitsVolumecubic-kilometerlong-one{0} cubic kilometer {0} kilometru cub
6425UnitsVolumecubic-kilometerlong-few{0} km³ {0} kilometri cubi
6426UnitsVolumecubic-kilometerlong-other{0} cubic kilometers {0} de kilometri cubi
6427UnitsVolumecubic-kilometershort-displayName= km³
6428UnitsVolumecubic-kilometershort-one= {0} km³
6429UnitsVolumecubic-kilometershort-few= {0} km³
6430UnitsVolumecubic-kilometershort-other= {0} km³
6431UnitsVolumecubic-kilometernarrow-one{0}km³ {0} km³
6432UnitsVolumecubic-kilometernarrow-few= {0} km³
6433UnitsVolumecubic-kilometernarrow-other{0}km³ {0} km³
6434UnitsVolumecubic-meterlong-displayNamecubic meters metri cubi
6435UnitsVolumecubic-meterlong-one{0} cubic meter {0} metru cub
6436UnitsVolumecubic-meterlong-few{0} m³ {0} metri cubi
6437UnitsVolumecubic-meterlong-other{0} cubic meters {0} de metri cubi
6438UnitsVolumecubic-meterlong-per{0} per cubic meter {0} pe metru cub
6440UnitsVolumecubic-metershort-one= {0} m³
6441UnitsVolumecubic-metershort-few= {0} m³
6442UnitsVolumecubic-metershort-other= {0} m³
6443UnitsVolumecubic-metershort-per= {0}/m³
6444UnitsVolumecubic-centimeterlong-displayNamecubic centimeters centimetri cubi
6445UnitsVolumecubic-centimeterlong-one{0} cubic centimeter {0} centimetru cub
6446UnitsVolumecubic-centimeterlong-few{0} cm³ {0} centimetri cubi
6447UnitsVolumecubic-centimeterlong-other{0} cubic centimeters {0} de centimetri cubi
6448UnitsVolumecubic-centimeterlong-per{0} per cubic centimeter {0} pe centimetru cub
6449UnitsVolumecubic-centimetershort-displayName= cm³
6450UnitsVolumecubic-centimetershort-one= {0} cm³
6451UnitsVolumecubic-centimetershort-few= {0} cm³
6452UnitsVolumecubic-centimetershort-other= {0} cm³
6453UnitsVolumecubic-centimetershort-per= {0}/cm³
6454UnitsVolumecubic-milelong-displayNamecubic miles mile cubice
6455UnitsVolumecubic-milelong-one{0} cubic mile {0} milă cubică
6456UnitsVolumecubic-milelong-few{0} mi³ {0} mile cubice
6457UnitsVolumecubic-milelong-other{0} cubic miles {0} de mile cubice
6458UnitsVolumecubic-mileshort-displayName= mi³
6459UnitsVolumecubic-mileshort-one= {0} mi³
6460UnitsVolumecubic-mileshort-few= {0} mi³
6461UnitsVolumecubic-mileshort-other= {0} mi³
6462UnitsVolumecubic-milenarrow-one{0}mi³ {0} mi³
6463UnitsVolumecubic-milenarrow-few= {0} mi³
6464UnitsVolumecubic-milenarrow-other{0}mi³ {0} mi³
6465UnitsVolumecubic-yardlong-displayNamecubic yards iarzi cubici
6466UnitsVolumecubic-yardlong-one{0} cubic yard {0} iard cubic
6467UnitsVolumecubic-yardlong-few{0} yd³ {0} iarzi cubici
6468UnitsVolumecubic-yardlong-other{0} cubic yards {0} de iarzi cubici
6469UnitsVolumecubic-yardshort-displayNameyards³ yd³
6470UnitsVolumecubic-yardshort-one= {0} yd³
6471UnitsVolumecubic-yardshort-few= {0} yd³
6472UnitsVolumecubic-yardshort-other= {0} yd³
6473UnitsVolumecubic-footlong-displayNamecubic feet picioare cubice
6474UnitsVolumecubic-footlong-one{0} cubic foot {0} picior cubic
6475UnitsVolumecubic-footlong-few{0} ft³ {0} picioare cubice
6476UnitsVolumecubic-footlong-other{0} cubic feet {0} de picioare cubice
6477UnitsVolumecubic-footshort-displayNamefeet³ ft³
6478UnitsVolumecubic-footshort-one= {0} ft³
6479UnitsVolumecubic-footshort-few= {0} ft³
6480UnitsVolumecubic-footshort-other= {0} ft³
6481UnitsVolumecubic-inchlong-displayNamecubic inches inchi cubici
6482UnitsVolumecubic-inchlong-one{0} cubic inch {0} inch cubic
6483UnitsVolumecubic-inchlong-few{0} in³ {0} inchi cubici
6484UnitsVolumecubic-inchlong-other{0} cubic inches {0} de inchi cubici
6485UnitsVolumecubic-inchshort-displayNameinches³ in³
6486UnitsVolumecubic-inchshort-one= {0} in³
6487UnitsVolumecubic-inchshort-few= {0} in³
6488UnitsVolumecubic-inchshort-other= {0} in³
6489UnitsVolumemegaliterlong-displayNamemegaliters megalitri
6490UnitsVolumemegaliterlong-one{0} megaliter {0} megalitru
6491UnitsVolumemegaliterlong-few{0} ML {0} megalitri
6492UnitsVolumemegaliterlong-other{0} megaliters {0} megalitri
6493UnitsVolumemegalitershort-displayNameML Ml
6494UnitsVolumemegalitershort-one{0} ML {0} Ml
6495UnitsVolumemegalitershort-few{0} ML {0} Ml
6496UnitsVolumemegalitershort-other{0} ML {0} Ml
6497UnitsVolumehectoliterlong-displayNamehectoliters hectolitri
6498UnitsVolumehectoliterlong-one{0} hectoliter {0} hectolitru
6499UnitsVolumehectoliterlong-few{0} hL {0} hectolitri
6500UnitsVolumehectoliterlong-other{0} hectoliters {0} de hectolitri
6501UnitsVolumehectolitershort-displayNamehL hl
6502UnitsVolumehectolitershort-one{0} hL {0} hl
6503UnitsVolumehectolitershort-few{0} hL {0} hl
6504UnitsVolumehectolitershort-other{0} hL {0} hl
6505UnitsVolumeliterlong-displayNameliters litri
6506UnitsVolumeliterlong-one{0} liter {0} litru
6507UnitsVolumeliterlong-few{0} L {0} litri
6508UnitsVolumeliterlong-other{0} liters {0} de litri
6509UnitsVolumeliterlong-per{0} per liter {0} pe litru
6510UnitsVolumelitershort-displayNameliters litri
6511UnitsVolumelitershort-one{0} L {0} l
6512UnitsVolumelitershort-few{0} L {0} l
6513UnitsVolumelitershort-other{0} L {0} l
6514UnitsVolumelitershort-per{0}/L {0}/l
6515UnitsVolumeliternarrow-displayNameliter l
6516UnitsVolumeliternarrow-one{0}L {0} l
6517UnitsVolumeliternarrow-few{0} L {0} l
6518UnitsVolumeliternarrow-other{0}L {0} l
6519UnitsVolumedeciliterlong-displayNamedeciliters decilitri
6520UnitsVolumedeciliterlong-one{0} deciliter {0} decilitru
6521UnitsVolumedeciliterlong-few{0} dL {0} decilitri
6522UnitsVolumedeciliterlong-other{0} deciliters {0} de decilitri
6523UnitsVolumedecilitershort-displayNamedL dl
6524UnitsVolumedecilitershort-one{0} dL {0} dl
6525UnitsVolumedecilitershort-few{0} dL {0} dl
6526UnitsVolumedecilitershort-other{0} dL {0} dl
6527UnitsVolumecentiliterlong-displayNamecentiliters centilitri
6528UnitsVolumecentiliterlong-one{0} centiliter {0} centilitru
6529UnitsVolumecentiliterlong-few{0} cL {0} centilitri
6530UnitsVolumecentiliterlong-other{0} centiliters {0} de centilitri
6531UnitsVolumecentilitershort-displayNamecL cl
6532UnitsVolumecentilitershort-one{0} cL {0} cl
6533UnitsVolumecentilitershort-few{0} cL {0} cl
6534UnitsVolumecentilitershort-other{0} cL {0} cl
6535UnitsVolumemilliliterlong-displayNamemilliliters mililitri
6536UnitsVolumemilliliterlong-one{0} milliliter {0} mililitru
6537UnitsVolumemilliliterlong-few{0} mL {0} mililitri
6538UnitsVolumemilliliterlong-other{0} milliliters {0} de mililitri
6539UnitsVolumemillilitershort-displayNamemL ml
6540UnitsVolumemillilitershort-one{0} mL {0} ml
6541UnitsVolumemillilitershort-few{0} mL {0} ml
6542UnitsVolumemillilitershort-other{0} mL {0} ml
6543UnitsVolumepint-metriclong-displayNamemetric pints pinte metrice
6544UnitsVolumepint-metriclong-one{0} metric pint {0} pintă metrică
6545UnitsVolumepint-metriclong-few{0} mpt {0} pinte metrice
6546UnitsVolumepint-metriclong-other{0} metric pints {0} de pinte metrice
6547UnitsVolumepint-metricshort-displayName= mpt
6548UnitsVolumepint-metricshort-one= {0} mpt
6549UnitsVolumepint-metricshort-few= {0} mpt
6550UnitsVolumepint-metricshort-other= {0} mpt
6551UnitsVolumecup-metriclong-displayNamemetric cups căni metrice
6552UnitsVolumecup-metriclong-one{0} metric cup {0} cană metrică
6553UnitsVolumecup-metriclong-few{0} mc {0} căni metrice
6554UnitsVolumecup-metriclong-other{0} metric cups {0} de căni metrice
6555UnitsVolumecup-metricshort-displayName= mcup
6556UnitsVolumecup-metricshort-one= {0} mc
6557UnitsVolumecup-metricshort-few= {0} mc
6558UnitsVolumecup-metricshort-other= {0} mc
6559UnitsVolumeacre-footlong-displayNameacre-feet acru-picioare
6560UnitsVolumeacre-footlong-one{0} acre-foot {0} acru-picior
6561UnitsVolumeacre-footlong-few{0} ac ft {0} acru-picioare
6562UnitsVolumeacre-footlong-other{0} acre-feet {0} de acru-picioare
6563UnitsVolumeacre-footshort-displayNameacre ft ac ft
6564UnitsVolumeacre-footshort-one= {0} ac ft
6565UnitsVolumeacre-footshort-few= {0} ac ft
6566UnitsVolumeacre-footshort-other= {0} ac ft
6567UnitsVolumebushelshort-displayNamebushels bu
6568UnitsVolumebushelshort-other= {0} bu
6569UnitsVolumegallonlong-displayNamegallons galoane
6570UnitsVolumegallonlong-one{0} gallon {0} galon
6571UnitsVolumegallonlong-few{0} gal {0} galoane
6572UnitsVolumegallonlong-other{0} gallons {0} de galoane
6573UnitsVolumegallonlong-per{0} per gallon {0} per galon
6574UnitsVolumegallonshort-displayName= gal
6575UnitsVolumegallonshort-one= {0} gal
6576UnitsVolumegallonshort-few= {0} gal
6577UnitsVolumegallonshort-other= {0} gal
6578UnitsVolumegallonshort-per{0}/gal US {0}/gal
6579UnitsVolumegallon-imperiallong-displayNameImp. gallons galoane imperiale
6580UnitsVolumegallon-imperiallong-one{0} Imp. gallon {0} galon imperial
6581UnitsVolumegallon-imperiallong-few{0} gal Imp. {0} galoane imperiale
6582UnitsVolumegallon-imperiallong-other{0} Imp. gallons {0} de galoane imperiale
6583UnitsVolumegallon-imperiallong-per{0} per Imp. gallon {0} pe galon imperial
6584UnitsVolumegallon-imperialshort-displayNameImp. gal gal imp.
6585UnitsVolumegallon-imperialshort-one{0} gal Imp. {0} gal imp.
6586UnitsVolumegallon-imperialshort-few{0} gal Imp. {0} gal imp.
6587UnitsVolumegallon-imperialshort-other{0} gal Imp. {0} gal imp.
6588UnitsVolumegallon-imperialshort-per{0}/gal Imp. {0} gal imp.
6589UnitsVolumequartlong-displayNamequarts quarte
6590UnitsVolumequartlong-one= {0} quart
6591UnitsVolumequartlong-few{0} qt {0} quarte
6592UnitsVolumequartlong-other{0} quarts {0} de quarte
6593UnitsVolumequartshort-displayNameqts qt
6594UnitsVolumequartshort-one= {0} qt
6595UnitsVolumequartshort-few= {0} qt
6596UnitsVolumequartshort-other= {0} qt
6597UnitsVolumepintlong-displayNamepints pinte
6598UnitsVolumepintlong-one{0} pint {0} pintă
6599UnitsVolumepintlong-few{0} pt {0} pinte
6600UnitsVolumepintlong-other{0} pints {0} de pinte
6601UnitsVolumepintshort-displayNamepints pinte
6602UnitsVolumepintshort-one= {0} pt
6603UnitsVolumepintshort-few= {0} pt
6604UnitsVolumepintshort-other= {0} pt
6605UnitsVolumecuplong-displayNamecups căni
6606UnitsVolumecuplong-one{0} cup {0} cană
6607UnitsVolumecuplong-few{0} c {0} căni
6608UnitsVolumecuplong-other{0} cups {0} de căni
6609UnitsVolumecupshort-displayNamecups căni
6610UnitsVolumecupshort-one= {0} c
6611UnitsVolumecupshort-few= {0} c
6612UnitsVolumecupshort-other= {0} c
6613UnitsVolumefluid-ouncelong-displayNamefluid ounces uncii lichide
6614UnitsVolumefluid-ouncelong-one{0} fluid ounce {0} uncie lichidă
6615UnitsVolumefluid-ouncelong-few{0} fl oz {0} uncii lichide
6616UnitsVolumefluid-ouncelong-other{0} fluid ounces {0} de uncii lichide
6617UnitsVolumefluid-ounceshort-displayName= fl oz
6618UnitsVolumefluid-ounceshort-one= {0} fl oz
6619UnitsVolumefluid-ounceshort-few= {0} fl oz
6620UnitsVolumefluid-ounceshort-other= {0} fl oz
6621UnitsVolumefluid-ounce-imperiallong-displayNameImp. fluid ounces uncii lichide imperiale
6622UnitsVolumefluid-ounce-imperiallong-one{0} Imp. fluid ounce {0} uncie lichidă imperială
6623UnitsVolumefluid-ounce-imperiallong-few{0} fl oz Imp. {0} uncii lichide imperiale
6624UnitsVolumefluid-ounce-imperiallong-other{0} Imp. fluid ounces {0} de uncii lichide imperiale
6625UnitsVolumefluid-ounce-imperialshort-displayNameImp. fl oz fl oz imp.
6626UnitsVolumefluid-ounce-imperialshort-one{0} fl oz Imp. {0} fl oz imp.
6627UnitsVolumefluid-ounce-imperialshort-few{0} fl oz Imp. {0} fl oz imp.
6628UnitsVolumefluid-ounce-imperialshort-other{0} fl oz Imp. {0} fl oz imp.
6629UnitsVolumetablespoonlong-displayNametablespoons linguri
6630UnitsVolumetablespoonlong-one{0} tablespoon {0} lingură
6631UnitsVolumetablespoonlong-few{0} tbsp {0} linguri
6632UnitsVolumetablespoonlong-other{0} tablespoons {0} de linguri
6633UnitsVolumetablespoonshort-displayName= tbsp
6634UnitsVolumetablespoonshort-one= {0} tbsp
6635UnitsVolumetablespoonshort-few= {0} tbsp
6636UnitsVolumetablespoonshort-other= {0} tbsp
6637UnitsVolumeteaspoonlong-displayNameteaspoons lingurițe
6638UnitsVolumeteaspoonlong-one{0} teaspoon {0} linguriță
6639UnitsVolumeteaspoonlong-few{0} tsp {0} lingurițe
6640UnitsVolumeteaspoonlong-other{0} teaspoons {0} de lingurițe
6641UnitsVolumeteaspoonshort-displayName= tsp
6642UnitsVolumeteaspoonshort-one= {0} tsp
6643UnitsVolumeteaspoonshort-few= {0} tsp
6644UnitsVolumeteaspoonshort-other= {0} tsp
6645UnitsVolumebarrellong-displayNamebarrels barili
6646UnitsVolumebarrellong-one{0} barrel {0} baril
6647UnitsVolumebarrellong-few{0} bbl {0} barili
6648UnitsVolumebarrellong-other{0} barrels {0} de barili
6649UnitsVolumebarrelshort-displayNamebarrel baril
6650UnitsVolumebarrelshort-other= {0} bbl
6651UnitsSpeed and Accelerationg-forcelong-displayNameg-force forță g
6652UnitsSpeed and Accelerationg-forcelong-one{0} g-force {0} forță g
6653UnitsSpeed and Accelerationg-forcelong-few{0} G {0} forță g
6654UnitsSpeed and Accelerationg-forcelong-other{0} g-force {0} forță g
6655UnitsSpeed and Accelerationg-forceshort-displayNameg-force forță g
6656UnitsSpeed and Accelerationg-forceshort-one= {0} G
6657UnitsSpeed and Accelerationg-forceshort-few= {0} G
6658UnitsSpeed and Accelerationg-forceshort-other= {0} G
6659UnitsSpeed and Accelerationg-forcenarrow-one{0}G {0} G
6660UnitsSpeed and Accelerationg-forcenarrow-few= {0} G
6661UnitsSpeed and Accelerationg-forcenarrow-other{0}Gs {0} G
6662UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-square-secondlong-displayNamemeters per second squared metri pe secundă la pătrat
6663UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-square-secondlong-one{0} meter per second squared {0} metru pe secundă la pătrat
6664UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-square-secondlong-few{0} m/s² {0} metri pe secundă la pătrat
6665UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-square-secondlong-other{0} meters per second squared {0} de metri pe secundă la pătrat
6666UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-square-secondshort-displayNamemeters/sec² m/s²
6667UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-square-secondshort-one= {0} m/s²
6668UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-square-secondshort-few= {0} m/s²
6669UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-square-secondshort-other= {0} m/s²
6670UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-square-secondnarrow-displayName= m/s²
6671UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-square-secondnarrow-one{0}m/s² {0} m/s²
6672UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-square-secondnarrow-few= {0} m/s²
6673UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-square-secondnarrow-other{0}m/s² {0} m/s²
6674UnitsSpeed and Accelerationkilometer-per-hourlong-displayNamekilometers per hour kilometri pe oră
6675UnitsSpeed and Accelerationkilometer-per-hourlong-one{0} kilometer per hour {0} kilometru pe oră
6676UnitsSpeed and Accelerationkilometer-per-hourlong-few{0} km/h {0} kilometri pe oră
6677UnitsSpeed and Accelerationkilometer-per-hourlong-other{0} kilometers per hour {0} de kilometri pe oră
6678UnitsSpeed and Accelerationkilometer-per-hourshort-displayNamekm/hour km/h
6679UnitsSpeed and Accelerationkilometer-per-hourshort-one= {0} km/h
6680UnitsSpeed and Accelerationkilometer-per-hourshort-few= {0} km/h
6681UnitsSpeed and Accelerationkilometer-per-hourshort-other= {0} km/h
6682UnitsSpeed and Accelerationkilometer-per-hournarrow-displayNamekm/hr km/h
6683UnitsSpeed and Accelerationkilometer-per-hournarrow-one{0}km/h {0} km/h
6684UnitsSpeed and Accelerationkilometer-per-hournarrow-few= {0} km/h
6685UnitsSpeed and Accelerationkilometer-per-hournarrow-other{0}km/h {0} km/h
6686UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-secondlong-displayNamemeters per second metri pe secundă
6687UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-secondlong-one{0} meter per second {0} metru pe secundă
6688UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-secondlong-few{0} m/s {0} metri pe secundă
6689UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-secondlong-other{0} meters per second {0} de metri pe secundă
6690UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-secondshort-displayNamemeters/sec m/s
6691UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-secondshort-one= {0} m/s
6692UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-secondshort-few= {0} m/s
6693UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-secondshort-other= {0} m/s
6694UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-secondnarrow-displayName= m/s
6695UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-secondnarrow-one{0}m/s {0} m/s
6696UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-secondnarrow-few= {0} m/s
6697UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-secondnarrow-other{0}m/s {0} m/s
6698UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmile-per-hourlong-displayNamemiles per hour mile pe oră
6699UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmile-per-hourlong-one{0} mile per hour {0} milă pe oră
6700UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmile-per-hourlong-few{0} mph {0} mile pe oră
6701UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmile-per-hourlong-other{0} miles per hour {0} de mile pe oră
6702UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmile-per-hourshort-displayNamemiles/hour mi/h
6703UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmile-per-hourshort-one{0} mph {0} mi/h
6704UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmile-per-hourshort-few{0} mph {0} mi/h
6705UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmile-per-hourshort-other{0} mph {0} mi/h
6706UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmile-per-hournarrow-displayNamemi/hr mi/h
6707UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmile-per-hournarrow-one{0}mph {0} mi/h
6708UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmile-per-hournarrow-few{0} mph {0} mi/h
6709UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmile-per-hournarrow-other{0}mph {0} mi/h
6710UnitsSpeed and Accelerationknotlong-displayNameknots nod
6711UnitsSpeed and Accelerationknotlong-one{0} knot {0} nod
6712UnitsSpeed and Accelerationknotlong-few{0} kn {0} noduri
6713UnitsSpeed and Accelerationknotlong-other{0} knots {0} de noduri
6714UnitsSpeed and Accelerationknotshort-displayName= kn
6715UnitsSpeed and Accelerationknotshort-one= {0} kn
6716UnitsSpeed and Accelerationknotshort-few= {0} kn
6717UnitsSpeed and Accelerationknotshort-other= {0} kn
6718UnitsSpeed and Accelerationknotnarrow-displayName= kn
6719UnitsSpeed and Accelerationknotnarrow-one{0}kn {0} kn
6720UnitsSpeed and Accelerationknotnarrow-few= {0} kn
6721UnitsSpeed and Accelerationknotnarrow-other{0}kn {0} kn
6722UnitsMass and Weightmetric-tonlong-displayNamemetric tons tone
6723UnitsMass and Weightmetric-tonlong-one{0} metric ton {0} tonă
6724UnitsMass and Weightmetric-tonlong-few{0} t {0} tone
6725UnitsMass and Weightmetric-tonlong-other{0} metric tons {0} de tone
6726UnitsMass and Weightmetric-tonshort-displayName= t
6727UnitsMass and Weightmetric-tonshort-one= {0} t
6728UnitsMass and Weightmetric-tonshort-few= {0} t
6729UnitsMass and Weightmetric-tonshort-other= {0} t
6730UnitsMass and Weightmetric-tonnarrow-displayName= t
6731UnitsMass and Weightmetric-tonnarrow-one{0}t {0} t
6732UnitsMass and Weightmetric-tonnarrow-few= {0} t
6733UnitsMass and Weightmetric-tonnarrow-other{0}t {0} t
6734UnitsMass and Weightkilogramlong-displayNamekilograms kilograme
6735UnitsMass and Weightkilogramlong-one= {0} kilogram
6736UnitsMass and Weightkilogramlong-few{0} kg {0} kilograme
6737UnitsMass and Weightkilogramlong-other{0} kilograms {0} de kilograme
6738UnitsMass and Weightkilogramlong-per= {0} per kilogram
6739UnitsMass and Weightkilogramshort-displayName= kg
6740UnitsMass and Weightkilogramshort-one= {0} kg
6741UnitsMass and Weightkilogramshort-few= {0} kg
6742UnitsMass and Weightkilogramshort-other= {0} kg
6743UnitsMass and Weightkilogramshort-per= {0}/kg
6744UnitsMass and Weightkilogramnarrow-displayName= kg
6745UnitsMass and Weightkilogramnarrow-one{0}kg {0} kg
6746UnitsMass and Weightkilogramnarrow-few= {0} kg
6747UnitsMass and Weightkilogramnarrow-other{0}kg {0} kg
6748UnitsMass and Weightkilogramnarrow-per= {0}/kg
6749UnitsMass and Weightgramlong-displayNamegrams grame
6750UnitsMass and Weightgramlong-one= {0} gram
6751UnitsMass and Weightgramlong-few{0} g {0} grame
6752UnitsMass and Weightgramlong-other{0} grams {0} de grame
6753UnitsMass and Weightgramlong-per= {0} per gram
6754UnitsMass and Weightgramshort-displayNamegrams grame
6755UnitsMass and Weightgramshort-one= {0} g
6756UnitsMass and Weightgramshort-few= {0} g
6757UnitsMass and Weightgramshort-other= {0} g
6758UnitsMass and Weightgramshort-per= {0}/g
6759UnitsMass and Weightgramnarrow-displayNamegram g
6760UnitsMass and Weightgramnarrow-one{0}g {0} g
6761UnitsMass and Weightgramnarrow-few= {0} g
6762UnitsMass and Weightgramnarrow-other{0}g {0} g
6763UnitsMass and Weightgramnarrow-per= {0}/g
6764UnitsMass and Weightmilligramlong-displayNamemilligrams miligrame
6765UnitsMass and Weightmilligramlong-one{0} milligram {0} miligram
6766UnitsMass and Weightmilligramlong-few{0} mg {0} miligrame
6767UnitsMass and Weightmilligramlong-other{0} milligrams {0} de miligrame
6768UnitsMass and Weightmilligramshort-displayName= mg
6769UnitsMass and Weightmilligramshort-one= {0} mg
6770UnitsMass and Weightmilligramshort-few= {0} mg
6771UnitsMass and Weightmilligramshort-other= {0} mg
6772UnitsMass and Weightmilligramnarrow-displayName= mg
6773UnitsMass and Weightmilligramnarrow-one{0}mg {0} mg
6774UnitsMass and Weightmilligramnarrow-few= {0} mg
6775UnitsMass and Weightmilligramnarrow-other{0}mg {0} mg
6776UnitsMass and Weightmicrogramlong-displayNamemicrograms micrograme
6777UnitsMass and Weightmicrogramlong-one= {0} microgram
6778UnitsMass and Weightmicrogramlong-few{0} µg {0} micrograme
6779UnitsMass and Weightmicrogramlong-other{0} micrograms {0} de micrograme
6780UnitsMass and Weightmicrogramshort-displayName= µg
6781UnitsMass and Weightmicrogramshort-one= {0} µg
6782UnitsMass and Weightmicrogramshort-few= {0} µg
6783UnitsMass and Weightmicrogramshort-other= {0} µg
6784UnitsMass and Weightmicrogramnarrow-displayName= µg
6785UnitsMass and Weightmicrogramnarrow-one{0}µg {0} µg
6786UnitsMass and Weightmicrogramnarrow-few= {0} µg
6787UnitsMass and Weightmicrogramnarrow-other{0}µg {0} µg
6788UnitsMass and Weighttonlong-displayNametons tone scurte
6789UnitsMass and Weighttonlong-one{0} ton {0} tonă scurtă
6790UnitsMass and Weighttonlong-few{0} tn {0} tone scurte
6791UnitsMass and Weighttonlong-other{0} tons {0} de tone scurte
6792UnitsMass and Weighttonshort-displayNametons t.s.
6793UnitsMass and Weighttonshort-one{0} tn {0} t.s.
6794UnitsMass and Weighttonshort-few{0} tn {0} t.s.
6795UnitsMass and Weighttonshort-other{0} tn {0} t.s.
6796UnitsMass and Weighttonnarrow-displayNameton t.s.
6797UnitsMass and Weighttonnarrow-one{0}tn {0} t.s.
6798UnitsMass and Weighttonnarrow-few{0} tn {0} t.s.
6799UnitsMass and Weighttonnarrow-other{0}tn {0} t.s.
6800UnitsMass and Weightstoneshort-displayNamestones st
6801UnitsMass and Weightstoneshort-other= {0} st
6802UnitsMass and Weightstonenarrow-displayNamestone st
6803UnitsMass and Weightstonenarrow-one{0}st {0} st
6804UnitsMass and Weightstonenarrow-few= {0} st
6805UnitsMass and Weightstonenarrow-other{0}st {0} st
6806UnitsMass and Weightpoundlong-displayNamepounds livre
6807UnitsMass and Weightpoundlong-one{0} pound {0} livră
6808UnitsMass and Weightpoundlong-few{0} lb {0} livre
6809UnitsMass and Weightpoundlong-other{0} pounds {0} de livre
6810UnitsMass and Weightpoundlong-per{0} per pound {0} per livră
6811UnitsMass and Weightpoundshort-displayNamepounds lb
6812UnitsMass and Weightpoundshort-one= {0} lb
6813UnitsMass and Weightpoundshort-few= {0} lb
6814UnitsMass and Weightpoundshort-other= {0} lb
6815UnitsMass and Weightpoundshort-per= {0}/lb
6816UnitsMass and Weightpoundnarrow-displayName= lb
6817UnitsMass and Weightpoundnarrow-one{0}# {0} lb
6818UnitsMass and Weightpoundnarrow-few= {0} lb
6819UnitsMass and Weightpoundnarrow-other{0}# {0} lb
6820UnitsMass and Weightpoundnarrow-per= {0}/lb
6821UnitsMass and Weightouncelong-displayNameounces uncii
6822UnitsMass and Weightouncelong-one{0} ounce {0} uncie
6823UnitsMass and Weightouncelong-few{0} oz {0} uncii
6824UnitsMass and Weightouncelong-other{0} ounces {0} de uncii
6825UnitsMass and Weightouncelong-per{0} per ounce {0} per uncie
6826UnitsMass and Weightounceshort-displayName= oz
6827UnitsMass and Weightounceshort-one= {0} oz
6828UnitsMass and Weightounceshort-few= {0} oz
6829UnitsMass and Weightounceshort-other= {0} oz
6830UnitsMass and Weightounceshort-per= {0}/oz
6831UnitsMass and Weightouncenarrow-displayName= oz
6832UnitsMass and Weightouncenarrow-one{0}oz {0} oz
6833UnitsMass and Weightouncenarrow-few= {0} oz
6834UnitsMass and Weightouncenarrow-other{0}oz {0} oz
6835UnitsMass and Weightouncenarrow-per= {0}/oz
6836UnitsMass and Weightounce-troylong-displayNametroy ounces uncii monetare
6837UnitsMass and Weightounce-troylong-one{0} troy ounce {0} uncie monetară
6838UnitsMass and Weightounce-troylong-few{0} oz t {0} uncii monetare
6839UnitsMass and Weightounce-troylong-other{0} troy ounces {0} de uncii monetare
6840UnitsMass and Weightounce-troyshort-displayNameoz troy oz t
6841UnitsMass and Weightounce-troyshort-one= {0} oz t
6842UnitsMass and Weightounce-troyshort-few= {0} oz t
6843UnitsMass and Weightounce-troyshort-other= {0} oz t
6844UnitsMass and Weightounce-troynarrow-displayName= oz t
6845UnitsMass and Weightounce-troynarrow-one{0}oz t {0} oz t
6846UnitsMass and Weightounce-troynarrow-few= {0} oz t
6847UnitsMass and Weightounce-troynarrow-other{0}oz t {0} oz t
6848UnitsMass and Weightcaratlong-displayNamecarats carate
6849UnitsMass and Weightcaratlong-one= {0} carat
6850UnitsMass and Weightcaratlong-few{0} CD {0} carate
6851UnitsMass and Weightcaratlong-other{0} carats {0} de carate
6852UnitsMass and Weightcaratshort-displayNamecarats carate
6853UnitsMass and Weightcaratshort-one{0} CD {0} ct
6854UnitsMass and Weightcaratshort-few{0} CD {0} ct
6855UnitsMass and Weightcaratshort-other{0} CD {0} ct
6856UnitsMass and Weightcaratnarrow-displayNamecarat carate
6857UnitsMass and Weightcaratnarrow-one{0}CD {0} ct
6858UnitsMass and Weightcaratnarrow-few{0} CD {0} ct
6859UnitsMass and Weightcaratnarrow-other{0}CD {0} ct
6860UnitsMass and Weightdaltonlong-displayNamedaltons daltoni
6861UnitsMass and Weightdaltonlong-one= {0} dalton
6862UnitsMass and Weightdaltonlong-few{0} Da {0} daltoni
6863UnitsMass and Weightdaltonlong-other{0} daltons {0} de daltoni
6864UnitsMass and Weightdaltonshort-displayNamedaltons Da
6865UnitsMass and Weightdaltonshort-one= {0} Da
6866UnitsMass and Weightdaltonshort-few= {0} Da
6867UnitsMass and Weightdaltonshort-other= {0} Da
6868UnitsMass and Weightearth-masslong-displayNameEarth masses mase terestre
6869UnitsMass and Weightearth-masslong-one{0} Earth mass {0} masă terestră
6870UnitsMass and Weightearth-masslong-few{0} M⊕ {0} mase terestre
6871UnitsMass and Weightearth-masslong-other{0} Earth masses {0} de mase terestre
6872UnitsMass and Weightearth-massshort-displayNameEarth masses M⊕
6873UnitsMass and Weightearth-massshort-one= {0} M⊕
6874UnitsMass and Weightearth-massshort-few= {0} M⊕
6875UnitsMass and Weightearth-massshort-other= {0} M⊕
6876UnitsMass and Weightsolar-masslong-displayNamesolar masses mase solare
6877UnitsMass and Weightsolar-masslong-one{0} solar mass {0} masă solară
6878UnitsMass and Weightsolar-masslong-few{0} M☉ {0} mase solare
6879UnitsMass and Weightsolar-masslong-other{0} solar masses {0} de mase solare
6880UnitsMass and Weightsolar-massshort-displayNamesolar masses M☉
6881UnitsMass and Weightsolar-massshort-one= {0} M☉
6882UnitsMass and Weightsolar-massshort-few= {0} M☉
6883UnitsMass and Weightsolar-massshort-other= {0} M☉
6884UnitsEnergy and Powerkilocalorielong-displayNamekilocalories kilocalorii
6885UnitsEnergy and Powerkilocalorielong-one= {0} kilocalorie
6886UnitsEnergy and Powerkilocalorielong-few{0} kcal {0} kilocalorii
6887UnitsEnergy and Powerkilocalorielong-other{0} kilocalories {0} de kilocalorii
6888UnitsEnergy and Powerkilocalorieshort-displayName= kcal
6889UnitsEnergy and Powerkilocalorieshort-one= {0} kcal
6890UnitsEnergy and Powerkilocalorieshort-few= {0} kcal
6891UnitsEnergy and Powerkilocalorieshort-other= {0} kcal
6892UnitsEnergy and Powercalorielong-displayNamecalories calorii
6893UnitsEnergy and Powercalorielong-one= {0} calorie
6894UnitsEnergy and Powercalorielong-few{0} cal {0} calorii
6895UnitsEnergy and Powercalorielong-other{0} calories {0} de calorii
6896UnitsEnergy and Powercalorieshort-displayName= cal
6897UnitsEnergy and Powercalorieshort-one= {0} cal
6898UnitsEnergy and Powercalorieshort-few= {0} cal
6899UnitsEnergy and Powercalorieshort-other= {0} cal
6900UnitsEnergy and Powerfoodcalorielong-displayNameCalories kilocalorii
6901UnitsEnergy and Powerfoodcalorielong-one{0} Calorie {0} kilocalorie
6902UnitsEnergy and Powerfoodcalorielong-few{0} Cal {0} kilocalorii
6903UnitsEnergy and Powerfoodcalorielong-other{0} Calories {0} de kilocalorii
6904UnitsEnergy and Powerfoodcalorieshort-displayNameCal kcal
6905UnitsEnergy and Powerfoodcalorieshort-one{0} Cal {0} kcal
6906UnitsEnergy and Powerfoodcalorieshort-few{0} Cal {0} kcal
6907UnitsEnergy and Powerfoodcalorieshort-other{0} Cal {0} kcal
6908UnitsEnergy and Powerkilojoulelong-displayNamekilojoules kilojouli
6909UnitsEnergy and Powerkilojoulelong-one= {0} kilojoule
6910UnitsEnergy and Powerkilojoulelong-few{0} kJ {0} kilojouli
6911UnitsEnergy and Powerkilojoulelong-other{0} kilojoules {0} de kilojouli
6912UnitsEnergy and Powerkilojouleshort-displayNamekilojoule kJ
6913UnitsEnergy and Powerkilojouleshort-one= {0} kJ
6914UnitsEnergy and Powerkilojouleshort-few= {0} kJ
6915UnitsEnergy and Powerkilojouleshort-other= {0} kJ
6916UnitsEnergy and Powerjoulelong-displayNamejoules jouli
6917UnitsEnergy and Powerjoulelong-one= {0} joule
6918UnitsEnergy and Powerjoulelong-few{0} J {0} jouli
6919UnitsEnergy and Powerjoulelong-other{0} joules {0} de jouli
6920UnitsEnergy and Powerjouleshort-displayNamejoules J
6921UnitsEnergy and Powerjouleshort-one= {0} J
6922UnitsEnergy and Powerjouleshort-few= {0} J
6923UnitsEnergy and Powerjouleshort-other= {0} J
6924UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowatt-hourlong-displayNamekilowatt-hours kilowați-oră
6925UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowatt-hourlong-one{0} kilowatt hour kilowatt-oră
6926UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowatt-hourlong-few{0} kWh {0} kilowați-oră
6927UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowatt-hourlong-other{0} kilowatt-hours {0} de kilowați-oră
6928UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowatt-hourshort-displayNamekW-hour kWh
6929UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowatt-hourshort-one= {0} kWh
6930UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowatt-hourshort-few= {0} kWh
6931UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowatt-hourshort-other= {0} kWh
6932UnitsEnergy and Powerelectronvoltlong-displayNameelectronvolts electronvolți
6933UnitsEnergy and Powerelectronvoltlong-one= {0} electronvolt
6934UnitsEnergy and Powerelectronvoltlong-few{0} eV {0} electronvolți
6935UnitsEnergy and Powerelectronvoltlong-other{0} electronvolts {0} de electronvolți
6936UnitsEnergy and Powerelectronvoltshort-displayNameelectronvolt eV
6937UnitsEnergy and Powerelectronvoltshort-one= {0} eV
6938UnitsEnergy and Powerelectronvoltshort-few= {0} eV
6939UnitsEnergy and Powerelectronvoltshort-other= {0} eV
6940UnitsEnergy and Powerbritish-thermal-unitlong-displayNameBritish thermal units unități termice britanice
6941UnitsEnergy and Powerbritish-thermal-unitlong-one{0} British thermal unit {0} unitate termică britanică
6942UnitsEnergy and Powerbritish-thermal-unitlong-few{0} Btu {0} unități termice britanice
6943UnitsEnergy and Powerbritish-thermal-unitlong-other{0} British thermal units {0} de unități termice britanice
6944UnitsEnergy and Powerbritish-thermal-unitshort-displayName= BTU
6945UnitsEnergy and Powerbritish-thermal-unitshort-one{0} Btu {0} BTU
6946UnitsEnergy and Powerbritish-thermal-unitshort-few{0} Btu {0} BTU
6947UnitsEnergy and Powerbritish-thermal-unitshort-other{0} Btu {0} BTU
6948UnitsEnergy and Powertherm-uslong-displayNameUS therms thermi S.U.A.
6949UnitsEnergy and Powertherm-uslong-one{0} US therm {0} therm S.U.A.
6950UnitsEnergy and Powertherm-uslong-few{0} US therms {0} thermi S.U.A.
6951UnitsEnergy and Powertherm-uslong-other{0} US therms {0} de thermi S.U.A.
6952UnitsEnergy and Powertherm-usshort-displayNameUS therm thm
6953UnitsEnergy and Powertherm-usshort-one{0} US therm {0} thm
6954UnitsEnergy and Powertherm-usshort-few{0} US therms {0} thm
6955UnitsEnergy and Powertherm-usshort-other{0} US therms {0} thm
6956UnitsEnergy and Powergigawattlong-displayNamegigawatts gigawați
6957UnitsEnergy and Powergigawattlong-one= {0} gigawatt
6958UnitsEnergy and Powergigawattlong-few{0} GW {0} gigawați
6959UnitsEnergy and Powergigawattlong-other{0} gigawatts {0} de gigawați
6960UnitsEnergy and Powergigawattshort-displayName= GW
6961UnitsEnergy and Powergigawattshort-one= {0} GW
6962UnitsEnergy and Powergigawattshort-few= {0} GW
6963UnitsEnergy and Powergigawattshort-other= {0} GW
6964UnitsEnergy and Powermegawattlong-displayNamemegawatts megawați
6965UnitsEnergy and Powermegawattlong-one= {0} megawatt
6966UnitsEnergy and Powermegawattlong-few{0} MW {0} megawați
6967UnitsEnergy and Powermegawattlong-other{0} megawatts {0} de megawați
6968UnitsEnergy and Powermegawattshort-displayName= MW
6969UnitsEnergy and Powermegawattshort-one= {0} MW
6970UnitsEnergy and Powermegawattshort-few= {0} MW
6971UnitsEnergy and Powermegawattshort-other= {0} MW
6972UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowattlong-displayNamekilowatts kilowați
6973UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowattlong-one= {0} kilowatt
6974UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowattlong-few{0} kW {0} kilowați
6975UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowattlong-other{0} kilowatts {0} de kilowați
6976UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowattshort-displayName= kW
6977UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowattshort-one= {0} kW
6978UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowattshort-few= {0} kW
6979UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowattshort-other= {0} kW
6980UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowattnarrow-one{0}kW {0} kW
6981UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowattnarrow-few= {0} kW
6982UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowattnarrow-other{0}kW {0} kW
6983UnitsEnergy and Powerwattlong-displayNamewatts wați
6984UnitsEnergy and Powerwattlong-one= {0} watt
6985UnitsEnergy and Powerwattlong-few{0} W {0} wați
6986UnitsEnergy and Powerwattlong-other{0} watts {0} de wați
6987UnitsEnergy and Powerwattshort-displayNamewatts W
6988UnitsEnergy and Powerwattshort-one= {0} W
6989UnitsEnergy and Powerwattshort-few= {0} W
6990UnitsEnergy and Powerwattshort-other= {0} W
6991UnitsEnergy and Powerwattnarrow-one{0}W {0} W
6992UnitsEnergy and Powerwattnarrow-few= {0} W
6993UnitsEnergy and Powerwattnarrow-other{0}W {0} W
6994UnitsEnergy and Powermilliwattlong-displayNamemilliwatts miliwați
6995UnitsEnergy and Powermilliwattlong-one{0} milliwatt {0} miliwatt
6996UnitsEnergy and Powermilliwattlong-few{0} mW {0} miliwați
6997UnitsEnergy and Powermilliwattlong-other{0} milliwatts {0} de miliwați
6998UnitsEnergy and Powermilliwattshort-displayName= mW
6999UnitsEnergy and Powermilliwattshort-one= {0} mW
7000UnitsEnergy and Powermilliwattshort-few= {0} mW
7001UnitsEnergy and Powermilliwattshort-other= {0} mW
7002UnitsEnergy and Powerhorsepowerlong-displayNamehorsepower cai putere
7003UnitsEnergy and Powerhorsepowerlong-one{0} horsepower {0} cal putere
7004UnitsEnergy and Powerhorsepowerlong-few{0} hp {0} cai putere
7005UnitsEnergy and Powerhorsepowerlong-other{0} horsepower {0} de cai putere
7006UnitsEnergy and Powerhorsepowershort-displayNamehp CP
7007UnitsEnergy and Powerhorsepowershort-one{0} hp {0} CP
7008UnitsEnergy and Powerhorsepowershort-few{0} hp {0} CP
7009UnitsEnergy and Powerhorsepowershort-other{0} hp {0} CP
7010UnitsEnergy and Powerhorsepowernarrow-one{0}hp {0} CP
7011UnitsEnergy and Powerhorsepowernarrow-few{0} hp {0} CP
7012UnitsEnergy and Powerhorsepowernarrow-other{0}hp {0} CP
7013UnitsElectrical and Frequencyamperelong-displayNameamperes amperi
7014UnitsElectrical and Frequencyamperelong-one{0} ampere {0} amper
7015UnitsElectrical and Frequencyamperelong-few{0} A {0} amperi
7016UnitsElectrical and Frequencyamperelong-other{0} amperes {0} de amperi
7017UnitsElectrical and Frequencyampereshort-displayNameamps A
7018UnitsElectrical and Frequencyampereshort-one= {0} A
7019UnitsElectrical and Frequencyampereshort-few= {0} A
7020UnitsElectrical and Frequencyampereshort-other= {0} A
7021UnitsElectrical and Frequencymilliamperelong-displayNamemilliamperes miliamperi
7022UnitsElectrical and Frequencymilliamperelong-one{0} milliampere {0} miliamper
7023UnitsElectrical and Frequencymilliamperelong-few{0} mA {0} miliamperi
7024UnitsElectrical and Frequencymilliamperelong-other{0} milliamperes {0} de miliamperi
7025UnitsElectrical and Frequencymilliampereshort-displayNamemilliamps mA
7026UnitsElectrical and Frequencymilliampereshort-one= {0} mA
7027UnitsElectrical and Frequencymilliampereshort-few= {0} mA
7028UnitsElectrical and Frequencymilliampereshort-other= {0} mA
7029UnitsElectrical and Frequencyohmlong-displayNameohms ohmi
7030UnitsElectrical and Frequencyohmlong-one= {0} ohm
7031UnitsElectrical and Frequencyohmlong-few{0} Ω {0} ohmi
7032UnitsElectrical and Frequencyohmlong-other{0} ohms {0} de ohmi
7033UnitsElectrical and Frequencyohmshort-displayNameohms Ω
7034UnitsElectrical and Frequencyohmshort-one= {0} Ω
7035UnitsElectrical and Frequencyohmshort-few= {0} Ω
7036UnitsElectrical and Frequencyohmshort-other= {0} Ω
7037UnitsElectrical and Frequencyvoltlong-displayNamevolts volți
7038UnitsElectrical and Frequencyvoltlong-one= {0} volt
7039UnitsElectrical and Frequencyvoltlong-few{0} V {0} volți
7040UnitsElectrical and Frequencyvoltlong-other{0} volts {0} de volți
7041UnitsElectrical and Frequencyvoltshort-displayNamevolts V
7042UnitsElectrical and Frequencyvoltshort-one= {0} V
7043UnitsElectrical and Frequencyvoltshort-few= {0} V
7044UnitsElectrical and Frequencyvoltshort-other= {0} V
7045UnitsElectrical and Frequencygigahertzlong-displayName= gigahertz
7046UnitsElectrical and Frequencygigahertzlong-one= {0} gigahertz
7047UnitsElectrical and Frequencygigahertzlong-few{0} GHz {0} gigahertzi
7048UnitsElectrical and Frequencygigahertzlong-other{0} gigahertz {0} de gigahertzi
7049UnitsElectrical and Frequencygigahertzshort-displayName= GHz
7050UnitsElectrical and Frequencygigahertzshort-one= {0} GHz
7051UnitsElectrical and Frequencygigahertzshort-few= {0} GHz
7052UnitsElectrical and Frequencygigahertzshort-other= {0} GHz
7053UnitsElectrical and Frequencymegahertzlong-displayName= megahertz
7054UnitsElectrical and Frequencymegahertzlong-one= {0} megahertz
7055UnitsElectrical and Frequencymegahertzlong-few{0} MHz {0} megahertzi
7056UnitsElectrical and Frequencymegahertzlong-other{0} megahertz {0} de megahertzi
7057UnitsElectrical and Frequencymegahertzshort-displayName= MHz
7058UnitsElectrical and Frequencymegahertzshort-one= {0} MHz
7059UnitsElectrical and Frequencymegahertzshort-few= {0} MHz
7060UnitsElectrical and Frequencymegahertzshort-other= {0} MHz
7061UnitsElectrical and Frequencykilohertzlong-displayName= kilohertz
7062UnitsElectrical and Frequencykilohertzlong-one= {0} kilohertz
7063UnitsElectrical and Frequencykilohertzlong-few{0} kHz {0} kilohertzi
7064UnitsElectrical and Frequencykilohertzlong-other{0} kilohertz {0} de kilohertzi
7065UnitsElectrical and Frequencykilohertzshort-displayName= kHz
7066UnitsElectrical and Frequencykilohertzshort-one= {0} kHz
7067UnitsElectrical and Frequencykilohertzshort-few= {0} kHz
7068UnitsElectrical and Frequencykilohertzshort-other= {0} kHz
7069UnitsElectrical and Frequencyhertzlong-displayName= hertz
7070UnitsElectrical and Frequencyhertzlong-one= {0} hertz
7071UnitsElectrical and Frequencyhertzlong-few{0} Hz {0} hertzi
7072UnitsElectrical and Frequencyhertzlong-other{0} hertz {0} de hertzi
7073UnitsElectrical and Frequencyhertzshort-displayName= Hz
7074UnitsElectrical and Frequencyhertzshort-one= {0} Hz
7075UnitsElectrical and Frequencyhertzshort-few= {0} Hz
7076UnitsElectrical and Frequencyhertzshort-other= {0} Hz
7077UnitsWeathermillimeter-ofhglong-displayNamemillimeters of mercury milimetri coloană de mercur
7078UnitsWeathermillimeter-ofhglong-one{0} millimeter of mercury {0} milimetru coloană de mercur
7079UnitsWeathermillimeter-ofhglong-few{0} mmHg {0} milimetri coloană de mercur
7080UnitsWeathermillimeter-ofhglong-other{0} millimeters of mercury {0} de milimetri coloană de mercur
7081UnitsWeathermillimeter-ofhgshort-displayNamemmHg mm Hg
7082UnitsWeathermillimeter-ofhgshort-one{0} mmHg {0} mm Hg
7083UnitsWeathermillimeter-ofhgshort-few{0} mmHg {0} mm Hg
7084UnitsWeathermillimeter-ofhgshort-other{0} mmHg {0} mm Hg
7085UnitsWeathermillimeter-ofhgnarrow-displayNamemmHg mm Hg
7086UnitsWeathermillimeter-ofhgnarrow-one{0}mmHg {0} mm Hg
7087UnitsWeathermillimeter-ofhgnarrow-few{0} mmHg {0} mm Hg
7088UnitsWeathermillimeter-ofhgnarrow-other{0}mmHg {0} mm Hg
7089UnitsWeatherpound-force-per-square-inchlong-displayNamepounds per square inch livre pe inch pătrat
7090UnitsWeatherpound-force-per-square-inchlong-one{0} pound per square inch {0} livră pe inch pătrat
7091UnitsWeatherpound-force-per-square-inchlong-few{0} psi {0} livre pe inch pătrat
7092UnitsWeatherpound-force-per-square-inchlong-other{0} pounds per square inch {0} de livre pe inch pătrat
7093UnitsWeatherpound-force-per-square-inchshort-displayName= psi
7094UnitsWeatherpound-force-per-square-inchshort-one= {0} psi
7095UnitsWeatherpound-force-per-square-inchshort-few= {0} psi
7096UnitsWeatherpound-force-per-square-inchshort-other= {0} psi
7097UnitsWeatherpound-force-per-square-inchnarrow-displayName= psi
7098UnitsWeatherpound-force-per-square-inchnarrow-one{0}psi {0} psi
7099UnitsWeatherpound-force-per-square-inchnarrow-few= {0} psi
7100UnitsWeatherpound-force-per-square-inchnarrow-other{0}psi {0} psi
7101UnitsWeatherinch-ofhglong-displayNameinches of mercury inchi coloană de mercur
7102UnitsWeatherinch-ofhglong-one{0} inch of mercury {0} inch coloană de mercur
7103UnitsWeatherinch-ofhglong-few{0} inHg {0} inchi coloană de mercur
7104UnitsWeatherinch-ofhglong-other{0} inches of mercury {0} de inchi coloană de mercur
7105UnitsWeatherinch-ofhgshort-displayNameinHg in Hg
7106UnitsWeatherinch-ofhgshort-one{0} inHg {0} in Hg
7107UnitsWeatherinch-ofhgshort-few{0} inHg {0} in Hg
7108UnitsWeatherinch-ofhgshort-other{0} inHg {0} in Hg
7109UnitsWeatherinch-ofhgnarrow-displayName″ Hg in Hg
7110UnitsWeatherbarlong-displayNamebars bari
7111UnitsWeatherbarlong-one= {0} bar
7112UnitsWeatherbarlong-few{0} bar {0} bari
7113UnitsWeatherbarlong-other{0} bars {0} de bari
7114UnitsWeatherbarshort-displayName= bar
7115UnitsWeatherbarshort-other= {0} bar
7116UnitsWeathermillibarlong-displayNamemillibars milibari
7117UnitsWeathermillibarlong-one{0} millibar {0} milibar
7118UnitsWeathermillibarlong-few{0} mbar {0} milibari
7119UnitsWeathermillibarlong-other{0} millibars {0} de milibari
7120UnitsWeathermillibarshort-displayName= mbar
7121UnitsWeathermillibarshort-one= {0} mbar
7122UnitsWeathermillibarshort-few= {0} mbar
7123UnitsWeathermillibarshort-other= {0} mbar
7124UnitsWeathermillibarnarrow-displayName= mbar
7125UnitsWeathermillibarnarrow-one{0}mb {0} mb
7126UnitsWeathermillibarnarrow-few{0} mbar {0} mb
7127UnitsWeathermillibarnarrow-other{0}mb {0} mb
7128UnitsWeatheratmospherelong-displayNameatmospheres atmosfere
7129UnitsWeatheratmospherelong-one{0} atmosphere {0} atmosferă
7130UnitsWeatheratmospherelong-few{0} atm {0} atmosfere
7131UnitsWeatheratmospherelong-other{0} atmospheres {0} de atmosfere
7132UnitsWeatheratmosphereshort-displayName= atm
7133UnitsWeatheratmosphereshort-one= {0} atm
7134UnitsWeatheratmosphereshort-few= {0} atm
7135UnitsWeatheratmosphereshort-other= {0} atm
7136UnitsWeatherpascallong-displayNamepascals pascali
7137UnitsWeatherpascallong-one= {0} pascal
7138UnitsWeatherpascallong-few{0} Pa {0} pascali
7139UnitsWeatherpascallong-other{0} pascals {0} de pascali
7140UnitsWeatherpascalshort-displayName= Pa
7141UnitsWeatherpascalshort-other= {0} Pa
7142UnitsWeatherhectopascallong-displayNamehectopascals hectopascali
7143UnitsWeatherhectopascallong-one= {0} hectopascal
7144UnitsWeatherhectopascallong-few{0} hPa {0} hectopascali
7145UnitsWeatherhectopascallong-other{0} hectopascals {0} de hectopascali
7146UnitsWeatherhectopascalshort-displayName= hPa
7147UnitsWeatherhectopascalshort-one= {0} hPa
7148UnitsWeatherhectopascalshort-few= {0} hPa
7149UnitsWeatherhectopascalshort-other= {0} hPa
7150UnitsWeatherhectopascalnarrow-displayName= hPa
7151UnitsWeatherhectopascalnarrow-one{0}hPa {0} hPa
7152UnitsWeatherhectopascalnarrow-few= {0} hPa
7153UnitsWeatherhectopascalnarrow-other{0}hPa {0} hPa
7154UnitsWeatherkilopascallong-displayNamekilopascals kilopascali
7155UnitsWeatherkilopascallong-one= {0} kilopascal
7156UnitsWeatherkilopascallong-few{0} kPa {0} kilopascali
7157UnitsWeatherkilopascallong-other{0} kilopascals {0} de kilopascali
7158UnitsWeatherkilopascalshort-displayName= kPa
7159UnitsWeatherkilopascalshort-one= {0} kPa
7160UnitsWeatherkilopascalshort-few= {0} kPa
7161UnitsWeatherkilopascalshort-other= {0} kPa
7162UnitsWeathermegapascallong-displayNamemegapascals megapascali
7163UnitsWeathermegapascallong-one= {0} megapascal
7164UnitsWeathermegapascallong-few{0} MPa {0} megapascali
7165UnitsWeathermegapascallong-other{0} megapascals {0} de megapascali
7166UnitsWeathermegapascalshort-displayName= MPa
7167UnitsWeathermegapascalshort-one= {0} MPa
7168UnitsWeathermegapascalshort-few= {0} MPa
7169UnitsWeathermegapascalshort-other= {0} MPa
7170UnitsWeathergenericlong-displayName= °
7171UnitsWeathergenericlong-one= {0}°
7172UnitsWeathergenericlong-few= {0}°
7173UnitsWeathergenericlong-other= {0}°
7174UnitsWeathergenericshort-displayName= °
7175UnitsWeathergenericshort-one= {0}°
7176UnitsWeathergenericshort-few= {0}°
7177UnitsWeathergenericshort-other= {0}°
7178UnitsWeathergenericnarrow-displayName= °
7179UnitsWeathergenericnarrow-one= {0}°
7180UnitsWeathergenericnarrow-few= {0}°
7181UnitsWeathergenericnarrow-other= {0}°
7182UnitsWeathercelsiuslong-displayNamedegrees Celsius grade Celsius
7183UnitsWeathercelsiuslong-one{0} degree Celsius {0} grad Celsius
7184UnitsWeathercelsiuslong-few{0}°C {0} grade Celsius
7185UnitsWeathercelsiuslong-other{0} degrees Celsius {0} de grade Celsius
7186UnitsWeathercelsiusshort-displayNamedeg. C °C
7187UnitsWeathercelsiusshort-one{0}°C {0} °C
7188UnitsWeathercelsiusshort-few{0}°C {0} °C
7189UnitsWeathercelsiusshort-other{0}°C {0} °C
7190UnitsWeathercelsiusnarrow-displayName= °C
7191UnitsWeathercelsiusnarrow-one{0}°C {0} °C
7192UnitsWeathercelsiusnarrow-few{0}°C {0} °C
7193UnitsWeathercelsiusnarrow-other{0}°C {0} °C
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7195UnitsWeatherfahrenheitlong-one{0} degree Fahrenheit {0} grad Fahrenheit
7196UnitsWeatherfahrenheitlong-few{0}°F {0} grade Fahrenheit
7197UnitsWeatherfahrenheitlong-other{0} degrees Fahrenheit {0} de grade Fahrenheit
7198UnitsWeatherfahrenheitshort-displayNamedeg. F °F
7199UnitsWeatherfahrenheitshort-one{0}°F {0} °F
7200UnitsWeatherfahrenheitshort-few{0}°F {0} °F
7201UnitsWeatherfahrenheitshort-other{0}°F {0} °F
7202UnitsWeatherfahrenheitnarrow-displayName= °F
7203UnitsWeatherkelvinlong-displayNamekelvins kelvini
7204UnitsWeatherkelvinlong-one= {0} kelvin
7205UnitsWeatherkelvinlong-few{0} K {0} kelvini
7206UnitsWeatherkelvinlong-other{0} kelvins {0} de kelvini
7207UnitsWeatherkelvinshort-displayName= K
7208UnitsWeatherkelvinshort-one= {0} K
7209UnitsWeatherkelvinshort-few= {0} K
7210UnitsWeatherkelvinshort-other= {0} K
7211UnitsWeatherkelvinnarrow-displayName= K
7212UnitsWeatherkelvinnarrow-one{0}K {0} K
7213UnitsWeatherkelvinnarrow-few= {0} K
7214UnitsWeatherkelvinnarrow-other{0}K {0} K
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7216UnitsDigitalpetabytelong-one= {0} petabyte
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7218UnitsDigitalpetabytelong-other{0} petabytes {0} de petabyți
7219UnitsDigitalpetabyteshort-displayNamePByte PB
7220UnitsDigitalpetabyteshort-one= {0} PB
7221UnitsDigitalpetabyteshort-few= {0} PB
7222UnitsDigitalpetabyteshort-other= {0} PB
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7224UnitsDigitalterabytelong-one= {0} terabyte
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7226UnitsDigitalterabytelong-other{0} terabytes {0} de terabyți
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7228UnitsDigitalterabyteshort-one= {0} TB
7229UnitsDigitalterabyteshort-few= {0} TB
7230UnitsDigitalterabyteshort-other= {0} TB
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7234UnitsDigitalterabitlong-other{0} terabits {0} de terabiți
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7236UnitsDigitalterabitshort-one= {0} Tb
7237UnitsDigitalterabitshort-few= {0} Tb
7238UnitsDigitalterabitshort-other= {0} Tb
7239UnitsDigitalgigabytelong-displayNamegigabytes gigabyți
7240UnitsDigitalgigabytelong-one= {0} gigabyte
7241UnitsDigitalgigabytelong-few{0} GB {0} gigabyți
7242UnitsDigitalgigabytelong-other{0} gigabytes {0} de gigabyți
7243UnitsDigitalgigabyteshort-displayNameGByte GB
7244UnitsDigitalgigabyteshort-one= {0} GB
7245UnitsDigitalgigabyteshort-few= {0} GB
7246UnitsDigitalgigabyteshort-other= {0} GB
7247UnitsDigitalgigabitlong-displayNamegigabits gigabiți
7248UnitsDigitalgigabitlong-one= {0} gigabit
7249UnitsDigitalgigabitlong-few{0} Gb {0} gigabiți
7250UnitsDigitalgigabitlong-other{0} gigabits {0} de gigabiți
7251UnitsDigitalgigabitshort-displayNameGbit Gb
7252UnitsDigitalgigabitshort-one= {0} Gb
7253UnitsDigitalgigabitshort-few= {0} Gb
7254UnitsDigitalgigabitshort-other= {0} Gb
7255UnitsDigitalmegabytelong-displayNamemegabytes megabyți
7256UnitsDigitalmegabytelong-one= {0} megabyte
7257UnitsDigitalmegabytelong-few{0} MB {0} megabyți
7258UnitsDigitalmegabytelong-other{0} megabytes {0} de megabyți
7259UnitsDigitalmegabyteshort-displayNameMByte MB
7260UnitsDigitalmegabyteshort-one= {0} MB
7261UnitsDigitalmegabyteshort-few= {0} MB
7262UnitsDigitalmegabyteshort-other= {0} MB
7263UnitsDigitalmegabitlong-displayNamemegabits megabiți
7264UnitsDigitalmegabitlong-one= {0} megabit
7265UnitsDigitalmegabitlong-few{0} Mb {0} megabiți
7266UnitsDigitalmegabitlong-other{0} megabits {0} de megabiți
7267UnitsDigitalmegabitshort-displayNameMbit Mb
7268UnitsDigitalmegabitshort-one= {0} Mb
7269UnitsDigitalmegabitshort-few= {0} Mb
7270UnitsDigitalmegabitshort-other= {0} Mb
7271UnitsDigitalkilobytelong-displayNamekilobytes kilobyți
7272UnitsDigitalkilobytelong-one= {0} kilobyte
7273UnitsDigitalkilobytelong-few{0} kB {0} kilobyți
7274UnitsDigitalkilobytelong-other{0} kilobytes {0} de kilobyți
7275UnitsDigitalkilobyteshort-displayNamekByte kB
7276UnitsDigitalkilobyteshort-one= {0} kB
7277UnitsDigitalkilobyteshort-few= {0} kB
7278UnitsDigitalkilobyteshort-other= {0} kB
7279UnitsDigitalkilobitlong-displayNamekilobits kilobiți
7280UnitsDigitalkilobitlong-one= {0} kilobit
7281UnitsDigitalkilobitlong-few{0} kb {0} kilobiți
7282UnitsDigitalkilobitlong-other{0} kilobits {0} de kilobiți
7283UnitsDigitalkilobitshort-displayNamekbit kb
7284UnitsDigitalkilobitshort-one= {0} kb
7285UnitsDigitalkilobitshort-few= {0} kb
7286UnitsDigitalkilobitshort-other= {0} kb
7287UnitsDigitalbytelong-displayNamebytes byți
7288UnitsDigitalbytelong-one= {0} byte
7289UnitsDigitalbytelong-few{0} byte {0} byți
7290UnitsDigitalbytelong-other{0} bytes {0} de byți
7291UnitsDigitalbyteshort-displayNamebyte B
7292UnitsDigitalbyteshort-one{0} byte {0} B
7293UnitsDigitalbyteshort-few{0} byte {0} B
7294UnitsDigitalbyteshort-other{0} byte {0} B
7295UnitsDigitalbitlong-displayNamebits biți
7296UnitsDigitalbitlong-one= {0} bit
7297UnitsDigitalbitlong-few{0} bit {0} biți
7298UnitsDigitalbitlong-other{0} bits {0} de biți
7299UnitsDigitalbitshort-displayNamebit b
7300UnitsDigitalbitshort-one{0} bit {0} b
7301UnitsDigitalbitshort-few{0} bit {0} b
7302UnitsDigitalbitshort-other{0} bit {0} b
7303UnitsCoordinateseastlong{0} east {0} E
7304UnitsCoordinateseastshort{0} E {0}E
7305UnitsCoordinateseastnarrow= {0}E
7306UnitsCoordinatesnorthlong{0} north {0} N
7307UnitsCoordinatesnorthshort{0} N {0}N
7308UnitsCoordinatesnorthnarrow= {0}N
7309UnitsCoordinatessouthlong{0} south {0} S
7310UnitsCoordinatessouthshort{0} S {0}S
7311UnitsCoordinatessouthnarrow= {0}S
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7313UnitsCoordinateswestshort{0} W {0}V
7314UnitsCoordinateswestnarrow{0}W {0}V
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7316UnitsCoordinatesallshort-displayNamedirection direcție
7317UnitsCoordinatesallnarrow-displayNamedirection direcție
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7319UnitsOther Unitsrevolutionlong-one{0} revolution {0} revoluție
7320UnitsOther Unitsrevolutionlong-few{0} rev {0} revoluții
7321UnitsOther Unitsrevolutionlong-other{0} revolutions {0} de revoluții
7322UnitsOther Unitsrevolutionshort-displayNamerev rev.
7323UnitsOther Unitsrevolutionshort-one{0} rev {0} rev.
7324UnitsOther Unitsrevolutionshort-few{0} rev {0} rev.
7325UnitsOther Unitsrevolutionshort-other{0} rev {0} rev.
7326UnitsOther Unitsradianlong-displayNameradians radiani
7327UnitsOther Unitsradianlong-one= {0} radian
7328UnitsOther Unitsradianlong-few{0} rad {0} radiani
7329UnitsOther Unitsradianlong-other{0} radians {0} de radiani
7330UnitsOther Unitsradianshort-displayNameradians rad
7331UnitsOther Unitsradianshort-one= {0} rad
7332UnitsOther Unitsradianshort-few= {0} rad
7333UnitsOther Unitsradianshort-other= {0} rad
7334UnitsOther Unitsdegreelong-displayNamedegrees grade
7335UnitsOther Unitsdegreelong-one{0} degree {0} grad
7336UnitsOther Unitsdegreelong-few{0} deg {0} grade
7337UnitsOther Unitsdegreelong-other{0} degrees {0} de grade
7338UnitsOther Unitsdegreeshort-displayNamedegrees grade
7339UnitsOther Unitsdegreeshort-one{0} deg {0}°
7340UnitsOther Unitsdegreeshort-few{0} deg {0}°
7341UnitsOther Unitsdegreeshort-other{0} deg {0}°
7342UnitsOther Unitsdegreenarrow-one= {0}°
7343UnitsOther Unitsdegreenarrow-few{0} deg {0}°
7344UnitsOther Unitsdegreenarrow-other= {0}°
7345UnitsOther Unitsarc-minutelong-displayNamearcminutes minute de arc
7346UnitsOther Unitsarc-minutelong-one{0} arcminute {0} minut de arc
7347UnitsOther Unitsarc-minutelong-few{0} arcmins {0} minute de arc
7348UnitsOther Unitsarc-minutelong-other{0} arcminutes {0} de minute de arc
7349UnitsOther Unitsarc-minuteshort-displayNamearcmins arcmin
7350UnitsOther Unitsarc-minuteshort-one= {0} arcmin
7351UnitsOther Unitsarc-minuteshort-few{0} arcmins {0} arcmin
7352UnitsOther Unitsarc-minuteshort-other{0} arcmins {0} arcmin
7353UnitsOther Unitsarc-minutenarrow-one= {0}′
7354UnitsOther Unitsarc-minutenarrow-few{0} arcmins {0}′
7355UnitsOther Unitsarc-minutenarrow-other= {0}′
7356UnitsOther Unitsarc-secondlong-displayNamearcseconds secunde de arc
7357UnitsOther Unitsarc-secondlong-one{0} arcsecond {0} secundă de arc
7358UnitsOther Unitsarc-secondlong-few{0} arcsecs {0} secunde de arc
7359UnitsOther Unitsarc-secondlong-other{0} arcseconds {0} de secunde de arc
7360UnitsOther Unitsarc-secondshort-displayNamearcsecs arcsec
7361UnitsOther Unitsarc-secondshort-one= {0} arcsec
7362UnitsOther Unitsarc-secondshort-few{0} arcsecs {0} arcsec
7363UnitsOther Unitsarc-secondshort-other{0} arcsecs {0} arcsec
7364UnitsOther Unitsarc-secondnarrow-one= {0}″
7365UnitsOther Unitsarc-secondnarrow-few{0} arcsecs {0}″
7366UnitsOther Unitsarc-secondnarrow-other= {0}″
7367UnitsOther Unitskaratlong-displayNamekarats karate
7368UnitsOther Unitskaratlong-one{0} karat {0} karată
7369UnitsOther Unitskaratlong-few{0} kt {0} karate
7370UnitsOther Unitskaratlong-other{0} karats {0} de karate
7371UnitsOther Unitskaratshort-displayNamekarats kt
7372UnitsOther Unitskaratshort-one= {0} kt
7373UnitsOther Unitskaratshort-few= {0} kt
7374UnitsOther Unitskaratshort-other= {0} kt
7375UnitsOther Unitsmilligram-per-deciliterlong-displayNamemilligrams per deciliter miligrame pe decilitru
7376UnitsOther Unitsmilligram-per-deciliterlong-one{0} milligram per deciliter {0} miligram pe decilitru
7377UnitsOther Unitsmilligram-per-deciliterlong-few{0} mg/dL {0} miligrame pe decilitru
7378UnitsOther Unitsmilligram-per-deciliterlong-other{0} milligrams per deciliter {0} de miligrame pe decilitru
7379UnitsOther Unitsmilligram-per-decilitershort-displayNamemg/dL mg/dl
7380UnitsOther Unitsmilligram-per-decilitershort-one{0} mg/dL {0} mg/dl
7381UnitsOther Unitsmilligram-per-decilitershort-few{0} mg/dL {0} mg/dl
7382UnitsOther Unitsmilligram-per-decilitershort-other{0} mg/dL {0} mg/dl
7383UnitsOther Unitsmillimole-per-literlong-displayNamemillimoles per liter milimoli pe litru
7384UnitsOther Unitsmillimole-per-literlong-one{0} millimole per liter {0} milimol pe litru
7385UnitsOther Unitsmillimole-per-literlong-few{0} mmol/L {0} milimoli pe litru
7386UnitsOther Unitsmillimole-per-literlong-other{0} millimoles per liter {0} de milimoli pe litru
7387UnitsOther Unitsmillimole-per-litershort-displayNamemillimol/liter mmol/l
7388UnitsOther Unitsmillimole-per-litershort-one{0} mmol/L {0} mmol/l
7389UnitsOther Unitsmillimole-per-litershort-few{0} mmol/L {0} mmol/l
7390UnitsOther Unitsmillimole-per-litershort-other{0} mmol/L {0} mmol/l
7391UnitsOther Unitspermillionlong-displayNameparts per million părți pe milion
7392UnitsOther Unitspermillionlong-one{0} part per million {0} parte pe milion
7393UnitsOther Unitspermillionlong-few{0} ppm {0} părți pe milion
7394UnitsOther Unitspermillionlong-other{0} parts per million {0} de părți pe milion
7395UnitsOther Unitspermillionshort-displayNameparts/million ppm
7396UnitsOther Unitspermillionshort-one= {0} ppm
7397UnitsOther Unitspermillionshort-few= {0} ppm
7398UnitsOther Unitspermillionshort-other= {0} ppm
7399UnitsOther Unitspercentlong-displayNamepercent procent
7400UnitsOther Unitspercentlong-one{0} percent {0} procent
7401UnitsOther Unitspercentlong-few{0}% {0} procente
7402UnitsOther Unitspercentlong-other{0} percent {0} de procente
7403UnitsOther Unitspercentshort-displayNamepercent %
7404UnitsOther Unitspercentshort-one= {0}%
7405UnitsOther Unitspercentshort-few= {0}%
7406UnitsOther Unitspercentshort-other= {0}%
7407UnitsOther Unitspercentnarrow-displayName= %
7408UnitsOther Unitspercentnarrow-one= {0}%
7409UnitsOther Unitspercentnarrow-few= {0}%
7410UnitsOther Unitspercentnarrow-other= {0}%
7411UnitsOther Unitspermillelong-displayNamepermille
7412UnitsOther Unitspermillelong-one{0} permille la mie
7413UnitsOther Unitspermillelong-few{0}‰ {0} la mie
7414UnitsOther Unitspermillelong-other{0} permille {0} la mie
7415UnitsOther Unitspermilleshort-displayNamepermille
7416UnitsOther Unitspermilleshort-one= {0}‰
7417UnitsOther Unitspermilleshort-few= {0}‰
7418UnitsOther Unitspermilleshort-other= {0}‰
7419UnitsOther Unitspermyriadlong-one{0} permyriad {0} la zece mii
7420UnitsOther Unitspermyriadlong-few{0}‱ {0} la zece mii
7421UnitsOther Unitspermyriadlong-other{0} permyriad {0} la zece mii
7422UnitsOther Unitspermyriadshort-displayNamepermyriad
7423UnitsOther Unitspermyriadshort-other= {0}‱
7424UnitsOther Unitsmolelong-displayNamemoles moli
7425UnitsOther Unitsmolelong-few{0} mol {0} moli
7426UnitsOther Unitsmolelong-other{0} moles {0} de moli
7427UnitsOther Unitsmoleshort-displayNamemole mol
7428UnitsOther Unitsmoleshort-one= {0} mol
7429UnitsOther Unitsmoleshort-few{0} mol {0} moli
7430UnitsOther Unitsmoleshort-other{0} mol {0} moli
7431UnitsOther Unitsliter-per-kilometerlong-displayNameliters per kilometer litri pe kilometru
7432UnitsOther Unitsliter-per-kilometerlong-one{0} liter per kilometer {0} litru pe kilometru
7433UnitsOther Unitsliter-per-kilometerlong-few{0} L/km {0} litri pe kilometru
7434UnitsOther Unitsliter-per-kilometerlong-other{0} liters per kilometer {0} de litri pe kilometru
7435UnitsOther Unitsliter-per-kilometershort-displayNameliters/km l/km
7436UnitsOther Unitsliter-per-kilometershort-one{0} L/km {0} l/km
7437UnitsOther Unitsliter-per-kilometershort-few{0} L/km {0} l/km
7438UnitsOther Unitsliter-per-kilometershort-other{0} L/km {0} l/km
7439UnitsOther Unitsliter-per-100-kilometerlong-displayNameliters per 100 kilometers litri la suta de kilometri
7440UnitsOther Unitsliter-per-100-kilometerlong-one{0} liter per 100 kilometers {0} litru la suta de kilometri
7441UnitsOther Unitsliter-per-100-kilometerlong-few{0} L/100 km {0} litri la suta de kilometri
7442UnitsOther Unitsliter-per-100-kilometerlong-other{0} liters per 100 kilometers {0} de litri la suta de kilometri
7443UnitsOther Unitsliter-per-100-kilometershort-displayNameL/100 km l/100 km
7444UnitsOther Unitsliter-per-100-kilometershort-one{0} L/100 km {0} l/100 km
7445UnitsOther Unitsliter-per-100-kilometershort-few{0} L/100 km {0} l/100 km
7446UnitsOther Unitsliter-per-100-kilometershort-other{0} L/100 km {0} l/100 km
7447UnitsOther Unitsliter-per-100-kilometernarrow-displayNameL/100km l/100 km
7448UnitsOther Unitsliter-per-100-kilometernarrow-one{0}L/100km {0} l/100 km
7449UnitsOther Unitsliter-per-100-kilometernarrow-few{0} L/100 km {0} l/100 km
7450UnitsOther Unitsliter-per-100-kilometernarrow-other{0}L/100km {0} l/100 km
7451UnitsOther Unitsmile-per-gallonlong-displayNamemiles per gallon mile pe galon
7452UnitsOther Unitsmile-per-gallonlong-one{0} mile per gallon {0} milă pe galon
7453UnitsOther Unitsmile-per-gallonlong-few{0} mpg {0} mile pe galon
7454UnitsOther Unitsmile-per-gallonlong-other{0} miles per gallon {0} de mile pe galon
7455UnitsOther Unitsmile-per-gallonshort-displayNamemiles/gal mile/gal.
7456UnitsOther Unitsmile-per-gallonshort-one{0} mpg {0} milă/gal.
7457UnitsOther Unitsmile-per-gallonshort-few{0} mpg {0} mile/gal.
7458UnitsOther Unitsmile-per-gallonshort-other{0} mpg {0} mile/gal.
7459UnitsOther Unitsmile-per-gallon-imperiallong-displayNamemiles per Imp. gallon mile pe galon imperial
7460UnitsOther Unitsmile-per-gallon-imperiallong-one{0} mile per Imp. gallon {0} milă pe galon imperial
7461UnitsOther Unitsmile-per-gallon-imperiallong-few{0} mpg Imp. {0} mile pe galon imperial
7462UnitsOther Unitsmile-per-gallon-imperiallong-other{0} miles per Imp. gallon {0} de mile pe galon imperial
7463UnitsOther Unitsmile-per-gallon-imperialshort-displayNamemiles/gal Imp. mi/gal imp.
7464UnitsOther Unitsmile-per-gallon-imperialshort-one{0} mpg Imp. {0} mi/gal imp.
7465UnitsOther Unitsmile-per-gallon-imperialshort-few{0} mpg Imp. {0} mi/gal imp.
7466UnitsOther Unitsmile-per-gallon-imperialshort-other{0} mpg Imp. {0} mi/gal imp.
7467UnitsOther Unitspound-forcelong-displayNamepounds of force livre-forță
7468UnitsOther Unitspound-forcelong-one{0} pound of force {0} livră-forță
7469UnitsOther Unitspound-forcelong-few{0} lbf {0} livre-forță
7470UnitsOther Unitspound-forcelong-other{0} pounds of force {0} de livre-forță
7471UnitsOther Unitspound-forceshort-displayNamepound-force livră-forță
7472UnitsOther Unitspound-forceshort-other= {0} lbf
7473UnitsOther Unitsnewtonlong-displayNamenewtons newtoni
7474UnitsOther Unitsnewtonlong-one= {0} newton
7475UnitsOther Unitsnewtonlong-few{0} N {0} newtoni
7476UnitsOther Unitsnewtonlong-other{0} newtons {0} de newtoni
7477UnitsOther Unitsnewtonshort-displayNamenewton N
7478UnitsOther Unitsnewtonshort-one= {0} N
7479UnitsOther Unitsnewtonshort-few= {0} N
7480UnitsOther Unitsnewtonshort-other= {0} N
7481UnitsOther Unitsluxlong-displayNamelux lucși
7482UnitsOther Unitsluxlong-one= {0} lux
7483UnitsOther Unitsluxlong-few{0} lx {0} lucși
7484UnitsOther Unitsluxlong-other{0} lux {0} de lucși
7485UnitsOther Unitsluxshort-displayNamelux lx
7486UnitsOther Unitsluxshort-one= {0} lx
7487UnitsOther Unitsluxshort-few= {0} lx
7488UnitsOther Unitsluxshort-other= {0} lx
7489UnitsOther Unitssolar-luminositylong-displayNamesolar luminosities luminozități solare
7490UnitsOther Unitssolar-luminositylong-one{0} solar luminosity {0} luminozitate solară
7491UnitsOther Unitssolar-luminositylong-few{0} L☉ {0} luminozități solare
7492UnitsOther Unitssolar-luminositylong-other{0} solar luminosities {0} de luminozități solare
7493UnitsOther Unitssolar-luminosityshort-displayNamesolar luminosities L☉
7494UnitsOther Unitssolar-luminosityshort-one= {0} L☉
7495UnitsOther Unitssolar-luminosityshort-few= {0} L☉
7496UnitsOther Unitssolar-luminosityshort-other= {0} L☉
7497UnitsOther Unitspound-force-footlong-displayNamepound-feet livră-forță picioare
7498UnitsOther Unitspound-force-footlong-one{0} pound-force-foot {0} livră-forță picior
7499UnitsOther Unitspound-force-footlong-few{0} lbf⋅ft {0} livră-forță picioare
7500UnitsOther Unitspound-force-footlong-other{0} pound-feet {0} de livră-forță picioare
7501UnitsOther Unitspound-force-footshort-displayNamelbf⋅ft livră-forță picior
7502UnitsOther Unitspound-force-footshort-other= {0} lbf⋅ft
7503UnitsOther Unitsnewton-meterlong-displayNamenewton-meters newton-metri
7504UnitsOther Unitsnewton-meterlong-one{0} newton-meter {0} newton metru
7505UnitsOther Unitsnewton-meterlong-few{0} N⋅m {0} newton metri
7506UnitsOther Unitsnewton-meterlong-other{0} newton-meters {0} de newton metri
7507UnitsOther Unitsnewton-metershort-displayName= N⋅m
7508UnitsOther Unitsnewton-metershort-one= {0} N⋅m
7509UnitsOther Unitsnewton-metershort-few= {0} N⋅m
7510UnitsOther Unitsnewton-metershort-other= {0} N⋅m
7511UnitsCompound Units10p-1long= deci{0}
7512UnitsCompound Units10p-1narrow= d{0}
7513UnitsCompound Units10p-1short= d{0}
7514UnitsCompound Units10p-2long= centi{0}
7515UnitsCompound Units10p-2narrow= c{0}
7516UnitsCompound Units10p-2short= c{0}
7517UnitsCompound Units10p-3longmilli{0} mili{0}
7518UnitsCompound Units10p-3narrow= m{0}
7519UnitsCompound Units10p-3short= m{0}
7520UnitsCompound Units10p-6long= micro{0}
7521UnitsCompound Units10p-6narrow= µ{0}
7522UnitsCompound Units10p-6short= µ{0}
7523UnitsCompound Units10p-9long= nano{0}
7524UnitsCompound Units10p-9narrow= n{0}
7525UnitsCompound Units10p-9short= n{0}
7526UnitsCompound Units10p-12long= pico{0}
7527UnitsCompound Units10p-12narrow= p{0}
7528UnitsCompound Units10p-12short= p{0}
7529UnitsCompound Units10p-15long= femto{0}
7530UnitsCompound Units10p-15narrow= f{0}
7531UnitsCompound Units10p-15short= f{0}
7532UnitsCompound Units10p-18long= atto{0}
7533UnitsCompound Units10p-18narrow= a{0}
7534UnitsCompound Units10p-18short= a{0}
7535UnitsCompound Units10p-21long= zepto{0}
7536UnitsCompound Units10p-21narrow= z{0}
7537UnitsCompound Units10p-21short= z{0}
7538UnitsCompound Units10p-24long= yocto{0}
7539UnitsCompound Units10p-24narrow= y{0}
7540UnitsCompound Units10p-24short= y{0}
7541UnitsCompound Units10p1longdeka{0} deca{0}
7542UnitsCompound Units10p1narrow= da{0}
7543UnitsCompound Units10p1short= da{0}
7544UnitsCompound Units10p2long= hecto{0}
7545UnitsCompound Units10p2narrow= h{0}
7546UnitsCompound Units10p2short= h{0}
7547UnitsCompound Units10p3long= kilo{0}
7548UnitsCompound Units10p3narrow= k{0}
7549UnitsCompound Units10p3short= k{0}
7550UnitsCompound Units10p6long= mega{0}
7551UnitsCompound Units10p6narrow= M{0}
7552UnitsCompound Units10p6short= M{0}
7553UnitsCompound Units10p9long= giga{0}
7554UnitsCompound Units10p9narrow= G{0}
7555UnitsCompound Units10p9short= G{0}
7556UnitsCompound Units10p12long= tera{0}
7557UnitsCompound Units10p12narrow= T{0}
7558UnitsCompound Units10p12short= T{0}
7559UnitsCompound Units10p15long= peta{0}
7560UnitsCompound Units10p15narrow= P{0}
7561UnitsCompound Units10p15short= P{0}
7562UnitsCompound Units10p18long= exa{0}
7563UnitsCompound Units10p18narrow= E{0}
7564UnitsCompound Units10p18short= E{0}
7565UnitsCompound Units10p21long= zetta{0}
7566UnitsCompound Units10p21narrow= Z{0}
7567UnitsCompound Units10p21short= Z{0}
7568UnitsCompound Units10p24long= yotta{0}
7569UnitsCompound Units10p24narrow= Y{0}
7570UnitsCompound Units10p24short= Y{0}
7571UnitsCompound Unitsperlong{0} per {1} {0} pe {1}
7572UnitsCompound Unitspernarrow= {0}/{1}
7573UnitsCompound Unitspershort= {0}/{1}
7574UnitsCompound Unitspower2short-other= {0}²
7575UnitsCompound Unitspower2longsquare {0} {0}²
7576UnitsCompound Unitspower2narrow= {0}²
7577UnitsCompound Unitspower2short= {0}²
7578UnitsCompound Unitspower3short-other= {0}³
7579UnitsCompound Unitspower3longcubic {0} {0}³
7580UnitsCompound Unitspower3narrow= {0}³
7581UnitsCompound Unitspower3short= {0}³
7582UnitsCompound Unitstimeslong{0}⋅{1} {0}-{1}
7583UnitsCompound Unitstimesnarrow{0}⋅{1} {0}{1}
7584UnitsCompound Unitstimesshort{0}⋅{1} {0}{1}
7585CharactersCategoryPatternstrokes-few{0} strokes {0} trasări
7586CharactersCategoryPatternstrokes-one{0} stroke {0} trasare
7587CharactersCategoryPatternstrokes-other{0} strokes {0} de trasări
7588CharactersCategoryPatternall{0} — all {0} – toate
7589CharactersCategoryPatterncategory-list= {0}: {1}
7590CharactersCategoryPatterncompatibility{0} — compatibility {0} – compatibilitate
7591CharactersCategoryPatternenclosed{0} — enclosed {0} – încadrate
7592CharactersCategoryPatternextended{0} — extended {0} – set extins
7593CharactersCategoryPatternhistoric{0} — historic {0} – istorice
7594CharactersCategoryPatternmiscellaneous{0} — miscellaneous {0} – diverse
7595CharactersCategoryPatternother{0} — other {0} – altele
7596CharactersCategoryPatternscriptsscripts — {0} scrieri – {0}
7597CharactersCategoryLabelactivitiesactivity activitate
7598CharactersCategoryLabelafrican_scriptsAfrican script scriere africană
7599CharactersCategoryLabelamerican_scriptsAmerican script scriere americană
7600CharactersCategoryLabelanimal= animal
7601CharactersCategoryLabelanimals_natureanimal or nature animal sau natură
7602CharactersCategoryLabelarrowsarrow săgeată
7603CharactersCategoryLabelbodybody corp
7604CharactersCategoryLabelbox_drawingbox drawing desen casetă
7605CharactersCategoryLabelbraillebraille scriere Braille
7606CharactersCategoryLabelbuildingbuilding construcție
7607CharactersCategoryLabelbullets_starsbullet or star marcator sau steluță
7608CharactersCategoryLabelconsonantal_jamoconsonantal jamo jamo consonantic
7609CharactersCategoryLabelcurrency_symbolscurrency symbol simbol monetar
7610CharactersCategoryLabeldash_connectordash or connector liniuță sau conector
7611CharactersCategoryLabeldigitsdigit cifră
7612CharactersCategoryLabeldingbatsdingbat ornament
7613CharactersCategoryLabeldivination_symbolsdivination symbol simbol divinație
7614CharactersCategoryLabeldownwards_arrowsdownwards arrow săgeată în jos
7615CharactersCategoryLabeldownwards_upwards_arrowsdownwards upwards arrow săgeată în sus și în jos
7616CharactersCategoryLabeleast_asian_scriptsEast Asian script scriere est-asiatică
7617CharactersCategoryLabelemoji= emoji
7618CharactersCategoryLabeleuropean_scriptsEuropean script scriere europeană
7619CharactersCategoryLabelfemalefemale femeie
7620CharactersCategoryLabelflagflag steag
7621CharactersCategoryLabelflagsflags steaguri
7622CharactersCategoryLabelfood_drinkfood & drink mâncare și băutură
7623CharactersCategoryLabelformatformat formatare
7624CharactersCategoryLabelformat_whitespaceformat & whitespace formatare și spații albe
7625CharactersCategoryLabelfull_width_form_variantfull-width variant variantă cu lățime completă
7626CharactersCategoryLabelgeometric_shapesgeometric shape formă geometrică
7627CharactersCategoryLabelhalf_width_form_varianthalf-width variant variante cu semilățime
7628CharactersCategoryLabelhan_charactersHan character caracter han
7629CharactersCategoryLabelhan_radicalsHan radical radical han
7630CharactersCategoryLabelhanja= hanja
7631CharactersCategoryLabelhanzi_simplifiedHanzi (simplified) hanzi (simplificată)
7632CharactersCategoryLabelhanzi_traditionalHanzi (traditional) hanzi (tradițională)
7633CharactersCategoryLabelheartheart inimă
7634CharactersCategoryLabelhistoric_scriptshistoric script scriere istorică
7635CharactersCategoryLabelideographic_desc_charactersideographic desc. character caracter desc. ideografic
7636CharactersCategoryLabeljapanese_kanaJapanese kana kana japoneză
7637CharactersCategoryLabelkanbun= kanbun
7638CharactersCategoryLabelkanji= kanji
7639CharactersCategoryLabelkeycapkeycap tastă
7640CharactersCategoryLabelleftwards_arrowsleftwards arrow săgeată spre stânga
7641CharactersCategoryLabelleftwards_rightwards_arrowsleftwards rightwards arrow săgeată spre stânga și spre dreapta
7642CharactersCategoryLabelletterlike_symbolsletterlike symbol simbol bazat pe o literă
7643CharactersCategoryLabellimited_uselimited-use utilizare limitată
7644CharactersCategoryLabelmalemale bărbat
7645CharactersCategoryLabelmath_symbolsmath symbol simbol matematic
7646CharactersCategoryLabelmiddle_eastern_scriptsMiddle Eastern script scriere din Orientul Mijlociu
7647CharactersCategoryLabelmiscellaneousmiscellaneous diverse
7648CharactersCategoryLabelmodern_scriptsmodern script scriere modernă
7649CharactersCategoryLabelmodifiermodifier modificator
7650CharactersCategoryLabelmusical_symbolsmusical symbol simbol muzical
7651CharactersCategoryLabelnaturenature natură
7652CharactersCategoryLabelnonspacingnonspacing fără spațiere
7653CharactersCategoryLabelnumbersnumbers numere
7654CharactersCategoryLabelobjectsobject obiect
7655CharactersCategoryLabelotherother altele
7656CharactersCategoryLabelpairedpaired perechi
7657CharactersCategoryLabelpersonperson persoană
7658CharactersCategoryLabelphonetic_alphabetphonetic alphabet alfabet fonetic
7659CharactersCategoryLabelpictographspictograph pictografă
7660CharactersCategoryLabelplaceplace loc
7661CharactersCategoryLabelplantplant plantă
7662CharactersCategoryLabelpunctuationpunctuation punctuație
7663CharactersCategoryLabelrightwards_arrowsrightwards arrow săgeată spre dreapta
7664CharactersCategoryLabelsign_standard_symbolssign or symbol semn sau simbol
7665CharactersCategoryLabelsmall_form_variantsmall variants variante mici
7666CharactersCategoryLabelsmileysmiley emoticon
7667CharactersCategoryLabelsmileys_peoplesmiley or person emoticon sau persoană
7668CharactersCategoryLabelsouth_asian_scriptsSouth Asian script scriere sud-asiatică
7669CharactersCategoryLabelsoutheast_asian_scriptsSoutheast Asian script scriere sud-est asiatică
7670CharactersCategoryLabelspacingspacing spațiere
7671CharactersCategoryLabelsport= sport
7672CharactersCategoryLabelsymbolssymbol simbol
7673CharactersCategoryLabeltechnical_symbolstechnical symbol simbol tehnic
7674CharactersCategoryLabeltone_markstone mark marcaj de ton
7675CharactersCategoryLabeltraveltravel călătorie
7676CharactersCategoryLabeltravel_placestravel or place călătorie sau loc
7677CharactersCategoryLabelupwards_arrowsupwards arrows săgeți în sus
7678CharactersCategoryLabelvariant_formsvariant variantă
7679CharactersCategoryLabelvocalic_jamovocalic jamo jamo vocalic
7680CharactersCategoryLabelweatherweather vreme
7681CharactersCategoryLabelwestern_asian_scriptsWestern Asian script scriere vest-asiatică
7682CharactersCategoryLabelwhitespacewhitespace spațiu alb
7683CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😀 -namegrinning face față încântată
7684CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😀 –keywordsface | grin | grinning face față | față încântată | încântare
7685CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😃 -namegrinning face with big eyes față încântată cu ochii mari
7686CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😃 –keywordsface | grinning face with big eyes | mouth | open | smile deschisă | față | față încântată cu ochii mari | gură | zâmbet
7687CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😄 -namegrinning face with smiling eyes față încântată cu ochi zâmbitori
7688CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😄 –keywordseye | face | grinning face with smiling eyes | mouth | open | smile deschisă | față | față încântată cu ochi zâmbitori | gură | ochi | zâmbet
7689CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😁 -namebeaming face with smiling eyes față radioasă cu ochi zâmbitori
7690CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😁 –keywordsbeaming face with smiling eyes | eye | face | grin | smile față | față radioasă cu ochi zâmbitori | încântare | ochi | zâmbet
7691CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😆 -namegrinning squinting face față încântată cu ochii întredeschiși
7692CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😆 –keywordsface | grinning squinting face | laugh | mouth | satisfied | smile deschisă | față | față încântată cu ochii întredeschiși | gură | râset | satisfacție | zâmbet
7693CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😅 -namegrinning face with sweat față încântată cu sudoare rece
7694CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😅 –keywordscold | face | grinning face with sweat | open | smile | sweat față | față încântată cu sudoare rece | rece | sudoare | zâmbet
7695CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling🤣 -namerolling on the floor laughing tăvălindu-se pe jos de râs
7696CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling🤣 –keywordsface | floor | laugh | rolling | rolling on the floor laughing față | jos | râs | tăvăli | tăvălindu-se pe jos de râs
7697CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😂 -nameface with tears of joy față cu lacrimi de bucurie
7698CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😂 –keywordsface | face with tears of joy | joy | laugh | tear bucurie | față | față cu lacrimi de bucurie | lacrimi | râset
7699CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling🙂 -nameslightly smiling face față ușor zâmbitoare
7700CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling🙂 –keywordsface | slightly smiling face | smile față | față ușor zâmbitoare | zâmbet
7701CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling🙃 -nameupside-down face față cu susul în jos
7702CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling🙃 –keywordsface | upside-down față | față cu susul în jos | întors | răsturnat
7703CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😉 -namewinking face față care face cu ochiul
7704CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😉 –keywordsface | wink | winking face față | față care face cu ochiul | semn cu ochiul
7705CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😊 -namesmiling face with smiling eyes față zâmbitoare cu ochi zâmbitori
7706CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😊 –keywordsblush | eye | face | smile | smiling face with smiling eyes față zâmbitoare cu ochi zâmbitori | îmbujorare | ochi | privire | zâmbet
7707CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😇 -namesmiling face with halo față zâmbitoare cu aură
7708CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😇 –keywordsangel | face | fantasy | halo | innocent | smiling face with halo aură | fantezie | față zâmbitoare cu aură | halou | înger | inocent
7709CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection🥰 -namesmiling face with hearts față zâmbitoare cu inimioare
7710CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection🥰 –keywordsadore | crush | hearts | in love | smiling face with hearts adorație | față zâmbitoare cu inimioare | îndrăgostit | îndrăgostită | pasiune
7711CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection😍 -namesmiling face with heart-eyes față zâmbitoare cu inimioare la ochi
7712CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection😍 –keywordseye | face | love | smile | smiling face with heart-eyes dragoste | față | față zâmbitoare cu inimioare la ochi | inimioare | iubire | ochi
7713CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection🤩 -namestar-struck față cu steluțe la ochi
7714CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection🤩 –keywordseyes | face | grinning | star | star-struck față | față cu steluțe la ochi | încântare | ochi | stea
7715CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection😘 -nameface blowing a kiss față care trimite un pupic
7716CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection😘 –keywordsface | face blowing a kiss | kiss față | față care trimite un pupic | sărut
7717CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection😗 -namekissing face față pupăcioasă
7718CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection😗 –keywordsface | kiss | kissing face față | față pupăcioasă | sărut
7719CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection☺ -namesmiling face față zâmbitoare
7720CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection☺ –keywordsface | outlined | relaxed | smile | smiling face contur | față | față zâmbitoare | relaxare | zâmbet
7721CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection😚 -namekissing face with closed eyes față pupăcioasă cu ochi închiși
7722CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection😚 –keywordsclosed | eye | face | kiss | kissing face with closed eyes față | față pupăcioasă cu ochi închiși | ochi închiși | pupic
7723CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection😙 -namekissing face with smiling eyes față pupăcioasă cu ochi zâmbitori
7724CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection😙 –keywordseye | face | kiss | kissing face with smiling eyes | smile față | față pupăcioasă cu ochi zâmbitori | ochi | pupic | zâmbet
7725CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection🥲 -namesmiling face with tear față zâmbind cu lacrimă
7726CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection🥲 –keywordsgrateful | proud | relieved | smiling | smiling face with tear | tear | touched atins | față zâmbind cu lacrimă | lacrimă | mândru | recunoscător | ușurat | zâmbind ușor
7727CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-tongue😋 -nameface savoring food față savurând mâncare delicioasă
7728CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-tongue😋 –keywordsdelicious | face | face savoring food | savouring | smile | yum delicios | față | față savurând mâncare delicioasă | savurând | zâmbet
7729CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-tongue😛 -nameface with tongue față cu limba scoasă
7730CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-tongue😛 –keywordsface | face with tongue | tongue față | față cu limba scoasă | limbă
7731CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-tongue😜 -namewinking face with tongue față cu limba scoasă, făcând cu ochiul
7732CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-tongue😜 –keywordseye | face | joke | tongue | wink | winking face with tongue față | față cu limba scoasă, făcând cu ochiul | glumă | limbă | ochi | semn cu ochiul
7733CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-tongue🤪 -namezany face față nebună
7734CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-tongue🤪 –keywordseye | goofy | large | small | zany face față nebună | ochi mare | ochi mic
7735CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-tongue😝 -namesquinting face with tongue față cu limba scoasă și ochii întredeschiși
7736CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-tongue😝 –keywordseye | face | horrible | squinting face with tongue | taste | tongue față | față cu limba scoasă și ochii întredeschiși | gust | limbă | ochi | oribil
7737CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-tongue🤑 -namemoney-mouth face față încântată de bani
7738CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-tongue🤑 –keywordsface | money | money-mouth face | mouth bani | față | față încântată de bani | gură
7739CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hand🤗 -namehugging face față cu gest de îmbrățișare
7740CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hand🤗 –keywordsface | hug | hugging față | față cu gest de îmbrățișare | îmbrățișare
7741CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hand🤭 -nameface with hand over mouth față cu mâna peste gură
7742CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hand🤭 –keywordsface with hand over mouth | whoops față cu mâna peste gură | ups
7743CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hand🤫 -nameshushing face față care șâșâie
7744CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hand🤫 –keywordsquiet | shush | shushing face față care șâșâie | liniște | șșșt
7745CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hand🤔 -namethinking face față gânditoare
7746CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hand🤔 –keywordsface | thinking față | față gânditoare | gândire | reflecție
7747CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical🤐 -namezipper-mouth face față cu fermoar la buze
7748CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical🤐 –keywordsface | mouth | zipper | zipper-mouth face buze | față | față cu fermoar la buze | fermoar | tăcere
7749CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical🤨 -nameface with raised eyebrow față cu sprânceană ridicată
7750CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical🤨 –keywordsdistrust | face with raised eyebrow | skeptic față cu sprânceană ridicată | neîncredere | sceptic
7751CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😐 -nameneutral face față neutră
7752CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😐 –keywordsdeadpan | face | meh | neutral expresie goală | față | față neutră | neutru
7753CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😑 -nameexpressionless face față fără expresie
7754CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😑 –keywordsexpressionless | face | inexpressive | meh | unexpressive fără expresie | față | față fără expresie | inexpresiv
7755CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😶 -nameface without mouth față fără gură
7756CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😶 –keywordsface | face without mouth | mouth | quiet | silent față | față fără gură | gură | liniște | tăcut
7757CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😏 -namesmirking face față cu zâmbet superior
7758CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😏 –keywordsface | smirk | smirking face afectare | față | față cu zâmbet superior | superioritate | zâmbet
7759CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😒 -nameunamused face față morocănoasă
7760CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😒 –keywordsface | unamused | unhappy față | față morocănoasă | nemulțumire | neplăcere
7761CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical🙄 -nameface with rolling eyes față care dă ochii peste cap
7762CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical🙄 –keywordseyeroll | eyes | face | face with rolling eyes | rolling față | față care dă ochii peste cap | ochi | peste cap
7763CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😬 -namegrimacing face față cu grimasă
7764CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😬 –keywordsface | grimace | grimacing face față | față cu grimasă | grimasă
7765CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical🤥 -namelying face fața mincinoasă
7766CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical🤥 –keywordsface | lie | lying face | pinocchio față | fața mincinoasă | minciună | pinocchio
7767CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-sleepy😌 -namerelieved face față ușurată
7768CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-sleepy😌 –keywordsface | relieved față | față ușurată | relaxare | ușurare
7769CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-sleepy😔 -namepensive face față îngândurată
7770CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-sleepy😔 –keywordsdejected | face | pensive demoralizat | față | față îngândurată | îngândurat | melancolic
7771CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-sleepy😪 -namesleepy face față somnoroasă
7772CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-sleepy😪 –keywordsface | sleep | sleepy face față | față somnoroasă | somn
7773CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-sleepy🤤 -namedrooling face față care salivează
7774CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-sleepy🤤 –keywordsdrooling | face față | față care salivează | salivă | salivare
7775CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-sleepy😴 -namesleeping face față adormită
7776CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-sleepy😴 –keywordsface | sleep | sleeping face | zzz față | față adormită | sforăit | somn
7777CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell😷 -nameface with medical mask față cu mască medicală
7778CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell😷 –keywordscold | doctor | face | face with medical mask | mask | sick bolnav | doctor | față | față cu mască medicală | mască | răceală
7779CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🤒 -nameface with thermometer față cu termometru
7780CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🤒 –keywordsface | face with thermometer | ill | sick | thermometer boală | față | față cu termometru | gură | termometru
7781CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🤕 -nameface with head-bandage față cu capul bandajat
7782CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🤕 –keywordsbandage | face | face with head-bandage | hurt | injury bandaj | durere | față | față cu capul bandajat | rană
7783CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🤢 -namenauseated face față îngrețoșată
7784CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🤢 –keywordsface | nauseated | vomit față | față îngrețoșată | greață | vomă
7785CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🤮 -nameface vomiting față vomitând
7786CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🤮 –keywordsface vomiting | sick | vomit față vomitând | greață | vomă
7787CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🤧 -namesneezing face față care strănută
7788CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🤧 –keywordsface | gesundheit | sneeze | sneezing face față | față care strănută | noroc | strănut
7789CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🥵 -namehot face față fierbinte
7790CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🥵 –keywordsfeverish | heat stroke | hot | hot face | red-faced | sweating căldură | față fierbinte | față roșie | febril | fierbinte | transpirație
7791CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🥶 -namecold face față înghețată
7792CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🥶 –keywordsblue-faced | cold | cold face | freezing | frostbite | icicles degerat | față albastră | față înghețată | frig | ger | rece
7793CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🥴 -namewoozy face față cherchelită
7794CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🥴 –keywordsdizzy | intoxicated | tipsy | uneven eyes | wavy mouth | woozy face afumat | amețit | beat | ebrietate | față cherchelită
7795CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell😵 -namedizzy face față amețită
7796CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell😵 –keywordsdizzy | face amețeală | față | față amețită | ochi
7797CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🤯 -nameexploding head cap care explodează
7798CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🤯 –keywordsexploding head | mind blown | shocked cap care explodează | șocat
7799CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hat🤠 -namecowboy hat face față cu pălărie de cowboy
7800CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hat🤠 –keywordscowboy | cowgirl | face | hat cowboy | cowgirl | față | față cu pălărie de cowboy | pălărie
7801CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hat🥳 -namepartying face față de petrecere
7802CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hat🥳 –keywordscelebration | hat | horn | party | partying face coif | față de petrecere | petrecere | sărbătorire | trompetă
7803CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hat🥸 -namedisguised face față deghizată
7804CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hat🥸 –keywordsdisguise | disguised face | face | glasses | incognito | nose deghizare | față | față deghizată | incognito | nas | ochelari
7805CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-glasses😎 -namesmiling face with sunglasses față zâmbitoare cu ochelari de soare
7806CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-glasses😎 –keywordsbright | cool | face | smiling face with sunglasses | sun | sunglasses față | față zâmbitoare cu ochelari de soare | ochelari de soare | relaxare | soare | strălucitor
7807CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-glasses🤓 -namenerd face față de tocilar
7808CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-glasses🤓 –keywordsface | geek | nerd față | față de tocilar | tocilar
7809CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-glasses🧐 -nameface with monocle față cu monoclu
7810CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-glasses🧐 –keywordsface with monocle | stuffy față cu monoclu | înțepat
7811CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😕 -nameconfused face față confuză
7812CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😕 –keywordsconfused | face | meh confuzie | față | față confuză | neînțelegere
7813CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😟 -nameworried face față îngrijorată
7814CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😟 –keywordsface | worried față | față îngrijorată | îngrijorare
7815CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned🙁 -nameslightly frowning face față ușor tristă
7816CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned🙁 –keywordsface | frown | slightly frowning face față | față ușor încruntată | față ușor tristă | încruntare | tristețe
7817CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned☹ -namefrowning face față tristă
7818CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned☹ –keywordsface | frown | frowning face față | față încruntată | față tristă | încruntare | tristețe
7819CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😮 -nameface with open mouth față cu gura deschisă
7820CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😮 –keywordsface | face with open mouth | mouth | open | sympathy față | față cu gura deschisă | gură deschisă | surpriză | uimire
7821CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😯 -namehushed face față amuțită
7822CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😯 –keywordsface | hushed | stunned | surprised amuțit | față | față amuțită | surprins | uimit
7823CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😲 -nameastonished face față uimită
7824CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😲 –keywordsastonished | face | shocked | totally față | față uimită | șoc | uimire | uluire
7825CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😳 -nameflushed face față îmbujorată
7826CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😳 –keywordsdazed | face | flushed față | față îmbujorată | îmbujorat | zăpăcit
7827CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned🥺 -namepleading face față rugătoare
7828CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned🥺 –keywordsbegging | mercy | pleading face | puppy eyes față rugătoare | implora | milă | ochi de cățeluș | ruga
7829CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😦 -namefrowning face with open mouth față tristă cu gura deschisă
7830CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😦 –keywordsface | frown | frowning face with open mouth | mouth | open față | față tristă cu gura deschisă | gură deschisă | întristare
7831CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😧 -nameanguished face față angoasată
7832CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😧 –keywordsanguished | face angoasă | față | față angoasată | stres
7833CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😨 -namefearful face față înfricoșată
7834CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😨 –keywordsface | fear | fearful | scared față | față înfricoșată | frică | înspăimântat | spaimă
7835CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😰 -nameanxious face with sweat față neliniștită cu sudoare rece
7836CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😰 –keywordsanxious face with sweat | blue | cold | face | rushed | sweat față | față neliniștită cu sudoare rece | gură deschisă | stres | sudoare rece
7837CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😥 -namesad but relieved face față dezamăgită, dar ușurată
7838CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😥 –keywordsdisappointed | face | relieved | sad but relieved face | whew dezamăgire | față | față dezamăgită, dar ușurată | relaxare | ușurare
7839CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😢 -namecrying face față plângând
7840CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😢 –keywordscry | crying face | face | sad | tear față | față plângând | lacrimi | plânset | tristețe
7841CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😭 -nameloudly crying face față plângând zgomotos
7842CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😭 –keywordscry | face | loudly crying face | sad | sob | tear față | față plângând zgomotos | lacrimi | plâns | suspin
7843CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😱 -nameface screaming in fear față țipând de frică
7844CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😱 –keywordsface | face screaming in fear | fear | munch | scared | scream disperare | față | față țipând de frică | țipăt
7845CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😖 -nameconfounded face față derutată
7846CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😖 –keywordsconfounded | face derută | față | față derutată | zăpăceală
7847CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😣 -namepersevering face față neajutorată
7848CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😣 –keywordsface | persevere | persevering face față | față neajutorată | neajutorare | neputință
7849CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😞 -namedisappointed face față dezamăgită
7850CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😞 –keywordsdisappointed | face dezamăgire | față | față dezamăgită
7851CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😓 -namedowncast face with sweat față abătută cu sudoare rece
7852CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😓 –keywordscold | downcast face with sweat | face | sweat față | față abătută cu sudoare rece | sudoare rece
7853CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😩 -nameweary face față extenuată
7854CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😩 –keywordsface | tired | weary epuizată | față | față extenuată | oboseală
7855CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😫 -nametired face față obosită
7856CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😫 –keywordsface | tired extenuare | față | față obosită | oboseală
7857CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned🥱 -nameyawning face față care cască
7858CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned🥱 –keywordsbored | tired | yawn | yawning face căscat | față care cască | oboseală | plictis
7859CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative😤 -nameface with steam from nose față care scoate fum pe nări
7860CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative😤 –keywordsface | face with steam from nose | triumph | won față | față care scoate fum pe nări | triumf | victorie
7861CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative😡 -namepouting face față îmbufnată
7862CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative😡 –keywordsangry | face | mad | pouting | rage | red enervare | față | față îmbufnată | furie | roșu
7863CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative😠 -nameangry face față furioasă
7864CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative😠 –keywordsangry | face | mad enervare | față | față furioasă | furie
7865CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative🤬 -nameface with symbols on mouth față cu simboluri la gură
7866CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative🤬 –keywordsface with symbols on mouth | swearing față cu simboluri la gură | înjurătură
7867CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative😈 -namesmiling face with horns față zâmbitoare încornorată
7868CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative😈 –keywordsface | fairy tale | fantasy | horns | smile | smiling face with horns basm | coarne | fantezie | față | față zâmbitoare încornorată
7869CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative👿 -nameangry face with horns față mânioasă încornorată
7870CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative👿 –keywordsangry face with horns | demon | devil | face | fantasy | imp basm | demon | diavol | drac | drăcușor | fantezie | față mânioasă încornorată
7871CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative💀 -nameskull craniu
7872CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative💀 –keywordsdeath | face | fairy tale | monster | skull basm | craniu | față | moarte | monstru
7873CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative☠ -nameskull and crossbones craniu cu oase încrucișate
7874CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative☠ –keywordscrossbones | death | face | monster | skull | skull and crossbones craniu | craniu cu oase încrucișate | față | moarte | monstru | oase încrucișate
7875CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume💩 -namepile of poo răhățel
7876CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume💩 –keywordsdung | face | monster | pile of poo | poo | poop caca | comic | față | monstru | răhățel
7877CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume🤡 -nameclown face față de clovn
7878CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume🤡 –keywordsclown | face arlechin | clovn | față | față de clovn
7879CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume👹 -nameogre căpcăun
7880CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume👹 –keywordscreature | face | fairy tale | fantasy | monster | ogre basm | căpcăun | creatură | monstru | poveste
7881CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume👺 -namegoblin spiriduș
7882CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume👺 –keywordscreature | face | fairy tale | fantasy | goblin | monster basm | creatură | monstru | poveste | spiriduș
7883CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume👻 -nameghost fantomă
7884CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume👻 –keywordscreature | face | fairy tale | fantasy | ghost | monster basm | creatură | fantezie | fantomă | față | monstru | stafie
7885CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume👽 -namealien extraterestru
7886CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume👽 –keywordsalien | creature | extraterrestrial | face | fantasy | ufo creatură | extraterestru | fantezie | față | marțian | ozn
7887CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume👾 -namealien monster monstru extraterestru
7888CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume👾 –keywordsalien | creature | extraterrestrial | face | monster | ufo creatură | extraterestru | fantezie | față | monstru | ozn
7889CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume🤖 -name= robot
7890CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume🤖 –keywordsface | monster | robot față | monstru | robot
7891CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😺 -namegrinning cat pisică încântată
7892CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😺 –keywordscat | face | grinning | mouth | open | smile deschisă | față | gură | pisică | pisică încântată | zâmbet
7893CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😸 -namegrinning cat with smiling eyes pisică încântată cu ochi zâmbitori
7894CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😸 –keywordscat | eye | face | grin | grinning cat with smiling eyes | smile față | încântare | ochi | pisică | pisică încântată cu ochi zâmbitori | zâmbet
7895CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😹 -namecat with tears of joy pisică cu lacrimi de bucurie
7896CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😹 –keywordscat | cat with tears of joy | face | joy | tear bucurie | față | lacrimi | pisică | pisică cu lacrimi de bucurie
7897CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😻 -namesmiling cat with heart-eyes pisică zâmbitoare cu inimioare la ochi
7898CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😻 –keywordscat | eye | face | heart | love | smile | smiling cat with heart-eyes dragoste | față | inimioare | ochi | pisică | pisică zâmbitoare cu inimioare la ochi | zâmbet
7899CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😼 -namecat with wry smile pisică cu zâmbet ironic
7900CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😼 –keywordscat | cat with wry smile | face | ironic | smile | wry față | ironie | pisică | pisică cu zâmbet ironic | șiretenie | zâmbet
7901CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😽 -namekissing cat pisică pupăcioasă
7902CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😽 –keywordscat | eye | face | kiss | kissing cat față | ochi | pisică | pisică pupăcioasă | sărut
7903CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face🙀 -nameweary cat pisică surprinsă
7904CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face🙀 –keywordscat | face | oh | surprised | weary față | oh | pisică | pisică surprinsă | sperietură | surpriză | uimire
7905CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😿 -namecrying cat pisică plângând
7906CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😿 –keywordscat | cry | crying cat | face | sad | tear față | lacrimă | pisică | pisică plângând | plâns
7907CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😾 -namepouting cat pisică îmbufnată
7908CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😾 –keywordscat | face | pouting bosumflare | față | îmbufnare | pisică | pisică îmbufnată
7909CharactersSmileys & Emotionmonkey-face🙈 -namesee-no-evil monkey nu văd nimic rău
7910CharactersSmileys & Emotionmonkey-face🙈 –keywordsevil | face | forbidden | monkey | see | see-no-evil monkey față | interzis | maimuță | nu văd nimic rău | ochi acoperiți | rău | văz
7911CharactersSmileys & Emotionmonkey-face🙉 -namehear-no-evil monkey nu aud nimic rău
7912CharactersSmileys & Emotionmonkey-face🙉 –keywordsevil | face | forbidden | hear | hear-no-evil monkey | monkey auz | față | interzis | maimuță | nu aud nimic rău | rău | urechi acoperite
7913CharactersSmileys & Emotionmonkey-face🙊 -namespeak-no-evil monkey nu spun nimic rău
7914CharactersSmileys & Emotionmonkey-face🙊 –keywordsevil | face | forbidden | monkey | speak | speak-no-evil monkey față | gură acoperită | interzis | maimuță | nu spun nimic rău | rău | vorbit
7915CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💋 -namekiss mark urme de buze
7916CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💋 –keywordskiss | kiss mark | lips buze | roșu | sărut | urme de buze
7917CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💌 -namelove letter scrisoare de dragoste
7918CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💌 –keywordsheart | letter | love | mail dragoste | inimă | iubire | plic | scrisoare | scrisoare de dragoste
7919CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💘 -nameheart with arrow inimă săgetată
7920CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💘 –keywordsarrow | cupid | heart with arrow cupidon | inimă | inimă săgetată | săgeată
7921CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💝 -nameheart with ribbon inimă cu fundiță
7922CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💝 –keywordsheart with ribbon | ribbon | valentine cadou | inimă | inimă cu fundiță | panglică
7923CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💖 -namesparkling heart inimă strălucitoare
7924CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💖 –keywordsexcited | sparkle | sparkling heart entuziasm | fericire | inimă | inimă strălucitoare | strălucire
7925CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💗 -namegrowing heart inimă care crește
7926CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💗 –keywordsexcited | growing | growing heart | nervous | pulse emoție | entuziasm | inimă | inimă care crește | neliniște
7927CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💓 -namebeating heart inimă palpitând
7928CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💓 –keywordsbeating | beating heart | heartbeat | pulsating emoție | inimă | inimă palpitând | viață
7929CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💞 -namerevolving hearts inimi învârtindu-se în cerc
7930CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💞 –keywordsrevolving | revolving hearts cerc | inimă | inimi învârtindu-se în cerc | învârtire
7931CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💕 -nametwo hearts două inimioare
7932CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💕 –keywordslove | two hearts afecțiune | amor | două inimioare | dragoste | iubire
7933CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💟 -nameheart decoration decorațiune inimă
7934CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💟 –keywordsheart | heart decoration decor | decorațiune inimă | inimă
7935CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion❣ -nameheart exclamation semnul exclamării cu inimioară
7936CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion❣ –keywordsexclamation | heart exclamation | mark | punctuation punctuație | semnul exclamării | semnul exclamării cu inimioară
7937CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💔 -namebroken heart inimă zdrobită
7938CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💔 –keywordsbreak | broken | broken heart durere | inimă | inimă zdrobită
7939CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion❤ -namered heart inimă roșie
7940CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion❤ –keywordsheart | red heart inimă | inimă roșie
7941CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion🧡 -nameorange heart inimă portocalie
7942CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion🧡 –keywordsorange | orange heart inimă | inimă portocalie | portocaliu
7943CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💛 -nameyellow heart inimă galbenă
7944CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💛 –keywordsyellow | yellow heart galben | inimă | inimă galbenă
7945CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💚 -namegreen heart inimă verde
7946CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💚 –keywordsgreen | green heart inimă | verde
7947CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💙 -nameblue heart inimă albastră
7948CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💙 –keywordsblue | blue heart albastru | inimă | inimă albastră
7949CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💜 -namepurple heart inimă mov
7950CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💜 –keywordspurple | purple heart inimă | mov
7951CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion🤎 -namebrown heart inimă maro
7952CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion🤎 –keywordsbrown | heart inimă | maro
7953CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion🖤 -nameblack heart inimă neagră
7954CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion🖤 –keywordsblack | black heart | evil | wicked inimă | inimă neagră | malefic | negru | rău
7955CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion🤍 -namewhite heart inimă albă
7956CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion🤍 –keywordsheart | white alb | albă | inimă
7957CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💯 -namehundred points o sută de puncte
7958CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💯 –keywords100 | full | hundred | hundred points | score 100 | maxim | o sută de puncte | scor
7959CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💢 -nameanger symbol simbol mânie
7960CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💢 –keywordsanger symbol | angry | comic | mad bandă desenată | furie | simbol mânie | supărare
7961CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💥 -namecollision coliziune
7962CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💥 –keywordsboom | collision | comic bandă desenată | ciocnire | coliziune | explozie | impact
7963CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💫 -namedizzy amețit
7964CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💫 –keywordscomic | dizzy | star amețeală | amețit | bandă desenată | steluțe
7965CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💦 -namesweat droplets picături de transpirație
7966CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💦 –keywordscomic | splashing | sweat | sweat droplets bandă desenată | efort | picături | picături de transpirație | sudoare
7967CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💨 -namedashing away ștergând-o rapid
7968CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💨 –keywordscomic | dash | dashing away | running alergare | bandă desenată | fugă | grabă | nor de praf | ștergând-o rapid | viteză
7969CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion🕳 -namehole gaură
7970CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion🕳 –keywordshole gaură
7971CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💣 -namebomb bombă
7972CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💣 –keywordsbomb | comic bandă desenată | bombă | fitil
7973CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💬 -namespeech balloon balon de dialog
7974CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💬 –keywordsballoon | bubble | comic | dialog | speech balon | balon de dialog | bandă desenată | dialog
7975CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion👁‍🗨 -nameeye in speech bubble ochi în balon de dialog
7976CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion👁‍🗨 –keywordseye | eye in speech bubble | speech bubble | witness balon de dialog | martor | ochi | ochi în balon de dialog
7977CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion🗨 -nameleft speech bubble balon de dialog la stânga
7978CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion🗨 –keywordsdialog | left speech bubble | speech balon | balon de dialog la stânga | desen | dialog | stânga
7979CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion🗯 -nameright anger bubble balon de dialog furios la dreapta
7980CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion🗯 –keywordsangry | balloon | bubble | mad | right anger bubble balon | balon de dialog furios la dreapta | furie | supărare
7981CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💭 -namethought balloon balon de gândire
7982CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💭 –keywordsballoon | bubble | comic | thought balon | balon de gândire | bandă desenată | gând
7983CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💤 -namezzz sfor
7984CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💤 –keywordscomic | sleep | zzz bandă desenată | sfor | sforăit
7985CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open👋 -namewaving hand mână fluturată
7986CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open👋 –keywordshand | wave | waving despărțire | mână | mână fluturată | semn
7987CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open🤚 -nameraised back of hand dosul palmei ridicat
7988CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open🤚 –keywordsbackhand | raised | raised back of hand dosul palmei | dosul palmei ridicat | ridicat
7989CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open🖐 -namehand with fingers splayed mână ridicată cu degetele depărtate
7990CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open🖐 –keywordsfinger | hand | hand with fingers splayed | splayed deget | deschis | mână | mână ridicată cu degetele depărtate
7991CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open✋ -nameraised hand mână ridicată
7992CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open✋ –keywordshand | raised hand mână | mână ridicată | sus
7993CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open🖖 -namevulcan salute salut vulcanian
7994CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open🖖 –keywordsfinger | hand | spock | vulcan | vulcan salute deget | salut | salut vulcanian | spock | vulcan
7995CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial👌 -nameOK hand semnul ok
7996CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial👌 –keywordshand | OK gest | mână | ok | semnul ok
7997CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🤌 -namepinched fingers degete strânse
7998CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🤌 –keywordsfingers | hand gesture | interrogation | pinched | sarcastic degete | degete strânse | gest cu mâna | interogație | sarcastic
7999CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🤏 -namepinching hand mână cu două degete apropiate
8000CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🤏 –keywordspinching hand | small amount cantitate mică | mână cu două degete apropiate | valoare mică
8001CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial✌ -namevictory hand semnul victoriei
8002CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial✌ –keywordshand | v | victory degete | mână | semnul victoriei | v | victorie
8003CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🤞 -namecrossed fingers degete încrucișate
8004CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🤞 –keywordscross | crossed fingers | finger | hand | luck degete | degete încrucișate | încrucișare | mână | noroc
8005CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🤟 -namelove-you gesture gest cu semnificația te iubesc
8006CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🤟 –keywordshand | ILY | love-you gesture gest cu semnificația te iubesc | mână | te iubesc
8007CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🤘 -namesign of the horns semnul cu coarne
8008CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🤘 –keywordsfinger | hand | horns | rock-on | sign of the horns coarne | deget | mână | rock | semnul cu coarne
8009CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🤙 -namecall me hand semnul sună-mă
8010CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🤙 –keywordscall | call me hand | hand apela | mână | semnul sună-mă | suna
8011CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger👈 -namebackhand index pointing left dos de mână cu arătătorul spre stânga
8012CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger👈 –keywordsbackhand | backhand index pointing left | finger | hand | index | point arătător | deget | dos de mână cu arătătorul spre stânga | dosul palmei | mână | stânga
8013CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger👉 -namebackhand index pointing right dos de mână cu arătătorul spre dreapta
8014CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger👉 –keywordsbackhand | backhand index pointing right | finger | hand | index | point arătător | deget | dos de mână cu arătătorul spre dreapta | dosul palmei | dreapta | mână
8015CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger👆 -namebackhand index pointing up dos de mână cu arătătorul în sus
8016CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger👆 –keywordsbackhand | backhand index pointing up | finger | hand | point | up arătător | deget | dos de mână cu arătătorul în sus | dos de mână cu degetul arătător îndreptat în sus | dosul palmei | indica | sus
8017CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger🖕 -namemiddle finger degetul mijlociu
8018CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger🖕 –keywordsfinger | hand | middle finger deget | degetul mijlociu | gest | insultă | mijlociu
8019CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger👇 -namebackhand index pointing down dos de mână cu arătătorul în jos
8020CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger👇 –keywordsbackhand | backhand index pointing down | down | finger | hand | point arătător | deget | dos de mână cu arătătorul în jos | dos de mână cu degetul arătător îndreptat în jos | dosul palmei | indica | jos
8021CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger☝ -nameindex pointing up deget arătător îndreptat în sus
8022CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger☝ –keywordsfinger | hand | index | index pointing up | point | up deget | deget arătător îndreptat în sus | indicator | sus
8023CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-closed👍 -namethumbs up semn de aprobare
8024CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-closed👍 –keywords+1 | hand | thumb | thumbs up | up +1 | aprobare | da | mână | pozitiv | semn de aprobare
8025CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-closed👎 -namethumbs down semn de dezaprobare
8026CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-closed👎 –keywords-1 | down | hand | thumb | thumbs down -1 | dezaprobare | mână | negativ | nu | semn de dezaprobare
8027CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-closed✊ -nameraised fist pumn ridicat
8028CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-closed✊ –keywordsclenched | fist | hand | punch | raised fist încleștat | lovitură | mână | pumn | pumn ridicat | strâns
8029CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-closed👊 -nameoncoming fist lovitură de pumn
8030CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-closed👊 –keywordsclenched | fist | hand | oncoming fist | punch încleștat | lovitură | lovitură de pumn | mână | pumn | strâns
8031CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-closed🤛 -nameleft-facing fist pumn spre stânga
8032CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-closed🤛 –keywordsfist | left-facing fist | leftwards pumn | pumn spre stânga | spre stânga
8033CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-closed🤜 -nameright-facing fist pumn spre dreapta
8034CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-closed🤜 –keywordsfist | right-facing fist | rightwards pumn | pumn spre dreapta | spre dreapta
8035CharactersPeople & Bodyhands👏 -nameclapping hands mâini care aplaudă
8036CharactersPeople & Bodyhands👏 –keywordsclap | clapping hands | hand aplauze | mâini | mâini care aplaudă
8037CharactersPeople & Bodyhands🙌 -nameraising hands mâini ridicate
8038CharactersPeople & Bodyhands🙌 –keywordscelebration | gesture | hand | hooray | raised | raising hands mâini | mâini ridicate | ridicat | sărbătoare | ura
8039CharactersPeople & Bodyhands👐 -nameopen hands palme deschise
8040CharactersPeople & Bodyhands👐 –keywordshand | open | open hands deschise | mână | palme
8041CharactersPeople & Bodyhands🤲 -namepalms up together palme ridicate împreună
8042CharactersPeople & Bodyhands🤲 –keywordspalms up together | prayer palme ridicate împreună | rugăciune
8043CharactersPeople & Bodyhands🤝 -namehandshake strângere de mână
8044CharactersPeople & Bodyhands🤝 –keywordsagreement | hand | handshake | meeting | shake acord | întâlnire | înțelegere | mână | noroc | strângere de mână
8045CharactersPeople & Bodyhands🙏 -namefolded hands mâini unite
8046CharactersPeople & Bodyhands🙏 –keywordsask | folded hands | hand | please | pray | thanks mâini | mâini unite | mulțumiri | rugăciune | te rog
8047CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-prop✍ -namewriting hand mână scriind
8048CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-prop✍ –keywordshand | write | writing hand mână | mână scriind | scris
8049CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-prop💅 -namenail polish ojă pe unghii
8050CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-prop💅 –keywordscare | cosmetics | manicure | nail | polish lac de unghii | manichiură | ojă | ojă pe unghii | unghie
8051CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-prop🤳 -name= selfie
8052CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-prop🤳 –keywordscamera | phone | selfie aparat de fotografiat | selfie | telefon
8053CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts💪 -nameflexed biceps biceps flexat
8054CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts💪 –keywordsbiceps | comic | flex | flexed biceps | muscle amuzant | biceps flexat | corp | forță | mușchi
8055CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦾 -namemechanical arm braț mecanic
8056CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦾 –keywordsaccessibility | mechanical arm | prosthetic accesibilitate | braț mecanic | protetic | proteză
8057CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦿 -namemechanical leg picior mecanic
8058CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦿 –keywordsaccessibility | mechanical leg | prosthetic accesibilitate | picior mecanic | protetic | proteză
8059CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦵 -nameleg picior
8060CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦵 –keywordskick | leg | limb membru | picior | șut
8061CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦶 -namefoot laba piciorului
8062CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦶 –keywordsfoot | kick | stomp călcat | laba piciorului | șut
8063CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts👂 -nameear ureche
8064CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts👂 –keywordsbody | ear corp | ureche
8065CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦻 -nameear with hearing aid ureche cu proteză auditivă
8066CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦻 –keywordsaccessibility | ear with hearing aid | hard of hearing accesibilitate | deficiențe auditive | hipoacuzie | ureche cu proteză auditivă
8067CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts👃 -namenose nas
8068CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts👃 –keywordsbody | nose corp | nas
8069CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🧠 -namebrain creier
8070CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🧠 –keywordsbrain | intelligent creier | inteligent
8071CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🫀 -nameanatomical heart inimă
8072CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🫀 –keywordsanatomical | cardiology | heart | organ | pulse bătăile inimii | cord | inimă | organ | puls
8073CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🫁 -namelungs plămâni
8074CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🫁 –keywordsbreath | exhalation | inhalation | lungs | organ | respiration expirare | inhalare | inspirare | organ | plămâni | respirare | respirație
8075CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦷 -nametooth dinte
8076CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦷 –keywordsdentist | tooth dentist | dinte | stomatolog
8077CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦴 -namebone os
8078CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦴 –keywordsbone | skeleton os | schelet
8079CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts👀 -nameeyes doi ochi
8080CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts👀 –keywordseye | eyes | face doi | față | ochi
8081CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts👁 -nameeye un ochi
8082CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts👁 –keywordsbody | eye corp | un ochi
8083CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts👅 -nametongue limbă
8084CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts👅 –keywordsbody | tongue corp | limbă
8085CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts👄 -namemouth gură
8086CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts👄 –keywordslips | mouth buze | gură
8087CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👶 -namebaby bebeluș
8088CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👶 –keywordsbaby | young bebe | bebeluș | copilaș | tânăr
8089CharactersPeople & Bodyperson🧒 -namechild copil
8090CharactersPeople & Bodyperson🧒 –keywordschild | gender-neutral | unspecified gender | young copil | neutru | tânăr
8091CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👦 -nameboy băiat
8092CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👦 –keywordsboy | young băiat | copil | tânăr
8093CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👧 -namegirl fată
8094CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👧 –keywordsgirl | Virgo | young | zodiac copil | fată | Fecioară | tânără | zodiac
8095CharactersPeople & Bodyperson🧑 -nameperson adult
8096CharactersPeople & Bodyperson🧑 –keywordsadult | gender-neutral | person | unspecified gender adult | neutru | persoană
8097CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👱 -nameperson: blond hair persoană blondă
8098CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👱 –keywordsblond | blond-haired person | hair | person: blond hair blond | om | păr | persoană blondă | persoană cu păr blond
8099CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👨 -nameman bărbat
8100CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👨 –keywordsadult | man adult | bărbat
8101CharactersPeople & Bodyperson🧔 -nameman: beard bărbat cu barbă
8102CharactersPeople & Bodyperson🧔 –keywordsbeard | man | man: beard | person barbă | bărbat | bărbat cu barbă | persoană
8103CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👩 -namewoman femeie
8104CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👩 –keywordsadult | woman adultă | femeie
8105CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👱‍♀ -namewoman: blond hair femeie blondă
8106CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👱‍♀ –keywordsblond-haired woman | blonde | hair | woman | woman: blond hair blondă | femeie | femeie cu păr blond | păr
8107CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👱‍♂ -nameman: blond hair bărbat blond
8108CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👱‍♂ –keywordsblond | blond-haired man | hair | man | man: blond hair bărbat | bărbat cu păr blond | blond | păr
8109CharactersPeople & Bodyperson🧓 -nameolder person persoană în vârstă
8110CharactersPeople & Bodyperson🧓 –keywordsadult | gender-neutral | old | older person | unspecified gender adult | bătrân | neutru | persoană în vârstă | vârstnic
8111CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👴 -nameold man bătrân
8112CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👴 –keywordsadult | man | old adult | bărbat | bătrân
8113CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👵 -nameold woman bătrână
8114CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👵 –keywordsadult | old | woman adultă | bătrână | femeie
8115CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙍 -nameperson frowning persoană întristată
8116CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙍 –keywordsfrown | gesture | person frowning gest | întristare | persoană întristată | supărare
8117CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙍‍♂ -nameman frowning bărbat întristat
8118CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙍‍♂ –keywordsfrowning | gesture | man bărbat întristat | gest | întristare | supărare
8119CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙍‍♀ -namewoman frowning femeie întristată
8120CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙍‍♀ –keywordsfrowning | gesture | woman femeie întristată | gest | întristare | supărare
8121CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙎 -nameperson pouting persoană bosumflată
8122CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙎 –keywordsgesture | person pouting | pouting expresie facială | îmbufnare | persoană bosumflată
8123CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙎‍♂ -nameman pouting bărbat bosumflat
8124CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙎‍♂ –keywordsgesture | man | pouting bărbat | bărbat bosumflat | bosumflare | gest | îmbufnare
8125CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙎‍♀ -namewoman pouting femeie bosumflată
8126CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙎‍♀ –keywordsgesture | pouting | woman bosumflare | femeie | femeie bosumflată | gest | îmbufnare
8127CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙅 -nameperson gesturing NO persoană făcând un gest de negație
8128CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙅 –keywordsforbidden | gesture | hand | person gesturing NO | prohibited gest | interzis | mâini | nu | persoană făcând un gest de negație
8129CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙅‍♂ -nameman gesturing NO bărbat făcând un gest de negație
8130CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙅‍♂ –keywordsforbidden | gesture | hand | man | man gesturing NO | prohibited bărbat | bărbat făcând un gest de negație | gest | interzis | mâini | nu
8131CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙅‍♀ -namewoman gesturing NO femeie făcând un gest de negație
8132CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙅‍♀ –keywordsforbidden | gesture | hand | prohibited | woman | woman gesturing NO femeie | femeie făcând un gest de negație | gest | interzis | mâini | nu
8133CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙆 -nameperson gesturing OK persoană făcând un gest de OK
8134CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙆 –keywordsgesture | hand | OK | person gesturing OK acord | gest | ok | persoană făcând un gest de OK
8135CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙆‍♂ -nameman gesturing OK bărbat făcând un gest de OK
8136CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙆‍♂ –keywordsgesture | hand | man | man gesturing OK | OK bărbat făcând un gest de OK | gest | mâini | ok
8137CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙆‍♀ -namewoman gesturing OK femeie făcând un gest de OK
8138CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙆‍♀ –keywordsgesture | hand | OK | woman | woman gesturing OK femeie făcând un gest de OK | gest | mâini | ok
8139CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture💁 -nameperson tipping hand persoană care explică
8140CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture💁 –keywordshand | help | information | person tipping hand | sassy | tipping ajutor | asistență | informații | persoană care explică
8141CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture💁‍♂ -nameman tipping hand bărbat care explică
8142CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture💁‍♂ –keywordsman | man tipping hand | sassy | tipping hand asistență | bărbat | bărbat care explică | informații
8143CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture💁‍♀ -namewoman tipping hand femeie care explică
8144CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture💁‍♀ –keywordssassy | tipping hand | woman | woman tipping hand asistență | femeie | femeie care explică | informații
8145CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙋 -nameperson raising hand persoană care ridică mâna
8146CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙋 –keywordsgesture | hand | happy | person raising hand | raised gest | mână | persoană care ridică mâna | ridicat | veselie
8147CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙋‍♂ -nameman raising hand bărbat care ridică mâna
8148CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙋‍♂ –keywordsgesture | man | man raising hand | raising hand bărbat | bărbat care ridică mâna | gest | mână ridicată
8149CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙋‍♀ -namewoman raising hand femeie care ridică mâna
8150CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙋‍♀ –keywordsgesture | raising hand | woman | woman raising hand femeie | femeie care ridică mâna | gest | mână ridicată
8151CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🧏 -namedeaf person persoană surdă
8152CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🧏 –keywordsaccessibility | deaf | deaf person | ear | hear accesibilitate | auz | persoană surdă | surditate | surzenie | ureche
8153CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🧏‍♂ -namedeaf man bărbat surd
8154CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🧏‍♂ –keywordsdeaf | man bărbat | surd
8155CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🧏‍♀ -namedeaf woman femeie surdă
8156CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🧏‍♀ –keywordsdeaf | woman femeie | surdă
8157CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙇 -nameperson bowing persoană care se înclină
8158CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙇 –keywordsapology | bow | gesture | person bowing | sorry înclinare | persoană care se înclină | respect | scuză
8159CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙇‍♂ -nameman bowing bărbat care se înclină
8160CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙇‍♂ –keywordsapology | bowing | favor | gesture | man | sorry bărbat | bărbat care se înclină | favoare | gest | iertare | înclinare | scuză
8161CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙇‍♀ -namewoman bowing femeie care se înclină
8162CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙇‍♀ –keywordsapology | bowing | favor | gesture | sorry | woman favoare | femeie | femeie care se înclină | gest | iertare | înclinare | scuză
8163CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🤦 -nameperson facepalming persoană care își acoperă fața cu o palmă
8164CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🤦 –keywordsdisbelief | exasperation | face | palm | person facepalming exasperare | față | incredibil | palmă | persoană care își acoperă fața cu o palmă
8165CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🤦‍♂ -nameman facepalming bărbat care își acoperă fața cu o palmă
8166CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🤦‍♂ –keywordsdisbelief | exasperation | facepalm | man | man facepalming bărbat | bărbat care își acoperă fața cu o palmă | exasperare | incredibil | palmă peste față
8167CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🤦‍♀ -namewoman facepalming femeie care își acoperă fața cu o palmă
8168CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🤦‍♀ –keywordsdisbelief | exasperation | facepalm | woman | woman facepalming exasperare | femeie | femeie care își acoperă fața cu o palmă | incredibil | palmă peste față
8169CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🤷 -nameperson shrugging persoană care ridică din umeri
8170CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🤷 –keywordsdoubt | ignorance | indifference | person shrugging | shrug ignoranță | indiferență | îndoială | persoană care ridică din umeri | ridicare din umeri
8171CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🤷‍♂ -nameman shrugging bărbat care ridică din umeri
8172CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🤷‍♂ –keywordsdoubt | ignorance | indifference | man | man shrugging | shrug bărbat | bărbat care ridică din umeri | ignoranță | indiferență | îndoială | ridicare din umeri
8173CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🤷‍♀ -namewoman shrugging femeie care ridică din umeri
8174CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🤷‍♀ –keywordsdoubt | ignorance | indifference | shrug | woman | woman shrugging femeie | femeie care ridică din umeri | ignoranță | indiferență | îndoială | ridicare din umeri
8175CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍⚕ -namehealth worker persoană lucrătoare în domeniul sănătății
8176CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍⚕ –keywordsdoctor | health worker | healthcare | nurse | therapist asistent | asistentă | doctor | doctoriță | persoană lucrătoare în domeniul sănătății | servicii medicale | terapeut | terapeută
8177CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍⚕ -nameman health worker lucrător în domeniul sănătății
8178CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍⚕ –keywordsdoctor | healthcare | man | man health worker | nurse | therapist bărbat | doctor | infirmier | lucrător în domeniul sănătății | servicii medicale | terapeut
8179CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍⚕ -namewoman health worker lucrătoare în domeniul sănătății
8180CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍⚕ –keywordsdoctor | healthcare | nurse | therapist | woman | woman health worker asistentă | doctoriță | femeie | infirmieră | lucrătoare în domeniul sănătății | servicii medicale | soră medicală | terapeută
8181CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🎓 -namestudent student sau studentă
8182CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🎓 –keywordsgraduate | student absolvent | absolventă | student | student sau studentă | studentă
8183CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🎓 -nameman student student
8184CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🎓 –keywordsgraduate | man | student absolvent | student
8185CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🎓 -namewoman student studentă
8186CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🎓 –keywordsgraduate | student | woman absolventă | studentă
8187CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🏫 -nameteacher profesor sau profesoară
8188CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🏫 –keywordsinstructor | professor | teacher instructor | învățător | profesor | profesor sau profesoară
8189CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🏫 -nameman teacher profesor
8190CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🏫 –keywordsinstructor | man | professor | teacher instructor | învățător | profesor
8191CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🏫 -namewoman teacher profesoară
8192CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🏫 –keywordsinstructor | professor | teacher | woman instructoare | învățătoare | profesoară
8193CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍⚖ -namejudge judecător sau judecătoare
8194CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍⚖ –keywordsjudge | scales balanță | judecător | judecător sau judecătoare
8195CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍⚖ -nameman judge judecător
8196CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍⚖ –keywordsjustice | man | man judge | scales balanță | judecător | justiție
8197CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍⚖ -namewoman judge judecătoare
8198CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍⚖ –keywordsjudge | scales | woman balanță | judecătoare | justiție
8199CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🌾 -namefarmer fermier sau fermieră
8200CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🌾 –keywordsfarmer | gardener | rancher crescător de vite | fermier | fermier sau fermieră | grădinar
8201CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🌾 -nameman farmer fermier
8202CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🌾 –keywordsfarmer | gardener | man | rancher agricultor | fermier | grădinar | țăran
8203CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🌾 -namewoman farmer fermieră
8204CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🌾 –keywordsfarmer | gardener | rancher | woman agricultoare | femeie grădinar | fermieră | țărancă
8205CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🍳 -namecook bucătar sau bucătăreasă
8206CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🍳 –keywordschef | cook bucătar | bucătar sau bucătăreasă | chef
8207CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🍳 -nameman cook bucătar
8208CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🍳 –keywordschef | cook | man bucătar | bucătărie
8209CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🍳 -namewoman cook bucătăreasă
8210CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🍳 –keywordschef | cook | woman bucătăreasă | bucătărie
8211CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🔧 -namemechanic mecanic
8212CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🔧 –keywordselectrician | mechanic | plumber | tradesperson electrician | instalator | mecanic | meseriaș
8213CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🔧 -nameman mechanic mecanic bărbat
8214CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🔧 –keywordselectrician | man | mechanic | plumber | tradesperson electrician | instalator | mecanic | mecanic bărbat | meșter
8215CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🔧 -namewoman mechanic mecanic femeie
8216CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🔧 –keywordselectrician | mechanic | plumber | tradesperson | woman electriciană | femeie mecanic | instalatoare | mecanic femeie
8217CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🏭 -namefactory worker muncitor sau muncitoare în fabrică
8218CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🏭 –keywordsassembly | factory | industrial | worker colectiv | fabrică | industrial | muncitor | muncitor sau muncitoare în fabrică
8219CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🏭 -nameman factory worker muncitor în fabrică
8220CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🏭 –keywordsassembly | factory | industrial | man | worker asamblare | fabrică | industrial | muncitor | muncitor în fabrică | uzină
8221CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🏭 -namewoman factory worker muncitoare în fabrică
8222CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🏭 –keywordsassembly | factory | industrial | woman | worker asamblare | fabrică | industrial | muncitoare | muncitoare în fabrică | uzină
8223CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍💼 -nameoffice worker funcționar sau funcționară
8224CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍💼 –keywordsarchitect | business | manager | office worker | white-collar arhitect | director | funcționar sau funcționară | guler alb | manager
8225CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍💼 -nameman office worker funcționar
8226CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍💼 –keywordsarchitect | business | man | man office worker | manager | white-collar administrație | arhitect | birou | business | funcționar | manager
8227CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍💼 -namewoman office worker funcționară
8228CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍💼 –keywordsarchitect | business | manager | white-collar | woman | woman office worker administrație | arhitectă | birou | business | femeie manager | funcționară
8229CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🔬 -namescientist om de știință
8230CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🔬 –keywordsbiologist | chemist | engineer | physicist | scientist biolog | chimist | fizician | inginer | om de știință
8231CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🔬 -nameman scientist om de știință bărbat
8232CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🔬 –keywordsbiologist | chemist | engineer | man | physicist | scientist biolog | chimist | fizician | matematician | om de știință | om de știință bărbat
8233CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🔬 -namewoman scientist om de știință femeie
8234CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🔬 –keywordsbiologist | chemist | engineer | physicist | scientist | woman biologă | chimistă | femeie om de știință | fiziciană | matematiciană | om de știință femeie
8235CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍💻 -nametechnologist specialist sau specialistă IT
8236CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍💻 –keywordscoder | developer | inventor | software | technologist dezvoltator | inventator | programator | software | specialist sau specialistă IT | tehnic | tehnolog
8237CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍💻 -nameman technologist specialist IT
8238CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍💻 –keywordscoder | developer | inventor | man | software | technologist dezvoltator | informatician | programator | software | specialist IT
8239CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍💻 -namewoman technologist specialistă IT
8240CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍💻 –keywordscoder | developer | inventor | software | technologist | woman dezvoltatoare | informaticiană | programatoare | software | specialistă IT
8241CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🎤 -namesinger cântăreț sau cântăreață
8242CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🎤 –keywordsactor | entertainer | rock | singer | star actor | cântăreț | cântăreț sau cântăreață | comediant | rock | solist | vedetă
8243CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🎤 -nameman singer cântăreț
8244CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🎤 –keywordsactor | entertainer | man | rock | singer | star actor | cântăreț | comediant | rock | star | vedetă
8245CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🎤 -namewoman singer cântăreață
8246CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🎤 –keywordsactor | entertainer | rock | singer | star | woman actriță | cântăreață | comediantă | rock | star | vedetă
8247CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🎨 -nameartist artist sau artistă
8248CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🎨 –keywordsartist | palette artist | artist sau artistă | paletă
8249CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🎨 -nameman artist artist
8250CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🎨 –keywordsartist | man | palette artist | paletă | pictor
8251CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🎨 -namewoman artist artistă
8252CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🎨 –keywordsartist | palette | woman artistă | paletă | pictoriță
8253CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍✈ -name= pilot
8254CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍✈ –keywordspilot | plane avion | pilot
8255CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍✈ -nameman pilot pilot bărbat
8256CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍✈ –keywordsman | pilot | plane avion | pilot | pilot bărbat
8257CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍✈ -namewoman pilot pilot femeie
8258CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍✈ –keywordspilot | plane | woman avion | femeie pilot | pilot femeie
8259CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🚀 -nameastronaut astronaut sau astronaută
8260CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🚀 –keywordsastronaut | rocket astronaut | astronaut sau astronaută | rachetă
8261CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🚀 -nameman astronaut astronaut
8262CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🚀 –keywordsastronaut | man | rocket astronaut | cosmonaut | rachetă | spațiu
8263CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🚀 -namewoman astronaut astronaută
8264CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🚀 –keywordsastronaut | rocket | woman astronaută | cosmonaută | rachetă | spațiu
8265CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🚒 -namefirefighter pompier
8266CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🚒 –keywordsfirefighter | firetruck mașină de pompieri | pompier
8267CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🚒 -nameman firefighter pompier bărbat
8268CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🚒 –keywordsfirefighter | firetruck | man mașină de pompieri | pompier | pompier bărbat
8269CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🚒 -namewoman firefighter pompier femeie
8270CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🚒 –keywordsfirefighter | firetruck | woman femeie pompier | mașină de pompieri | pompier femeie
8271CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👮 -namepolice officer polițist sau polițistă
8272CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👮 –keywordscop | officer | police ofițer | polițist | polițist sau polițistă
8273CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👮‍♂ -nameman police officer polițist
8274CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👮‍♂ –keywordscop | man | officer | police ofițer | poliție | polițist | polițist bărbat
8275CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👮‍♀ -namewoman police officer polițistă
8276CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👮‍♀ –keywordscop | officer | police | woman poliție | polițistă
8277CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🕵 -namedetective detectiv
8278CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🕵 –keywordsdetective | sleuth | spy agent secret | detectiv | spion
8279CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🕵‍♂ -nameman detective detectiv bărbat
8280CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🕵‍♂ –keywordsdetective | man | sleuth | spy agent secret | detectiv | detectiv bărbat | spion
8281CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🕵‍♀ -namewoman detective detectiv femeie
8282CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🕵‍♀ –keywordsdetective | sleuth | spy | woman agentă secretă | detectiv femeie | detectivă | femeie detectiv | spioană
8283CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role💂 -nameguard gardian
8284CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role💂 –keywordsguard gardă | gardian | pază | protecție
8285CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role💂‍♂ -nameman guard gardian bărbat
8286CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role💂‍♂ –keywordsguard | man bărbat | gardă | gardian | pază | protecție
8287CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role💂‍♀ -namewoman guard gardian femeie
8288CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role💂‍♀ –keywordsguard | woman femeie | gardă | gardian | pază | protecție
8289CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🥷 -name= ninja
8290CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🥷 –keywordsfighter | hidden | ninja | stealth ascuns | invizibil | luptător | ninja
8291CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👷 -nameconstruction worker constructor
8292CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👷 –keywordsconstruction | hat | worker cască de protecție | construcții | constructor | muncă
8293CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👷‍♂ -nameman construction worker muncitor în construcții
8294CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👷‍♂ –keywordsconstruction | man | worker construcții | muncitor | muncitor în construcții
8295CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👷‍♀ -namewoman construction worker muncitoare în construcții
8296CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👷‍♀ –keywordsconstruction | woman | worker construcții | muncitoare | muncitoare în construcții
8297CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🤴 -nameprince prinț
8298CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🤴 –keywordsprince principe | prinț
8299CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👸 -nameprincess prințesă
8300CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👸 –keywordsfairy tale | fantasy | princess basm | fantezie | poveste | prințesă
8301CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👳 -nameperson wearing turban persoană cu turban
8302CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👳 –keywordsperson wearing turban | turban persoană cu turban | turban
8303CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👳‍♂ -nameman wearing turban bărbat cu turban
8304CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👳‍♂ –keywordsman | man wearing turban | turban bărbat | bărbat cu turban | turban
8305CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👳‍♀ -namewoman wearing turban femeie cu turban
8306CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👳‍♀ –keywordsturban | woman | woman wearing turban femeie | femeie cu turban | turban
8307CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👲 -nameperson with skullcap bărbat cu bonetă chinezească
8308CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👲 –keywordscap | gua pi mao | hat | person | person with skullcap | skullcap bărbat | bărbat cu bonetă chinezească | bonetă | gua pi mao
8309CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧕 -namewoman with headscarf femeie cu năframă
8310CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧕 –keywordsheadscarf | hijab | mantilla | tichel | woman with headscarf broboadă | femeie cu năframă | hijab | năframă | tichel
8311CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🤵 -nameperson in tuxedo persoană în smoching
8312CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🤵 –keywordsgroom | person | person in tuxedo | tuxedo mire | persoană | persoană în smoching | smoching
8313CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🤵‍♂ -nameman in tuxedo bărbat în smoching
8314CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🤵‍♂ –keywordsman | man in tuxedo | tuxedo bărbat | bărbat în smoching | smoching
8315CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🤵‍♀ -namewoman in tuxedo femeie în smoching
8316CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🤵‍♀ –keywordstuxedo | woman | woman in tuxedo femeie | femeie în smoching | smoching
8317CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👰 -nameperson with veil persoană cu voal
8318CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👰 –keywordsbride | person | person with veil | veil | wedding mireasă | nuntă | persoană | persoană cu voal | voal
8319CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👰‍♂ -nameman with veil bărbat cu voal
8320CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👰‍♂ –keywordsman | man with veil | veil bărbat | bărbat cu voal | voal
8321CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👰‍♀ -namewoman with veil femeie cu voal
8322CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👰‍♀ –keywordsveil | woman | woman with veil femeie | femeie cu voal | voal
8323CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🤰 -namepregnant woman femeie însărcinată
8324CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🤰 –keywordspregnant | woman femeie | femeie însărcinată | gravidă
8325CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🤱 -namebreast-feeding alăptare la sân
8326CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🤱 –keywordsbaby | breast | breast-feeding | nursing alăptare | alăptare la sân | bebeluș | piept | sân
8327CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🍼 -namewoman feeding baby femeie hrănind un bebeluș
8328CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🍼 –keywordsbaby | feeding | nursing | woman alăptare | bebeluș | femeie | femeie hrănind un bebeluș | hrănire
8329CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🍼 -nameman feeding baby bărbat hrănind un bebeluș
8330CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🍼 –keywordsbaby | feeding | man | nursing bărbat | bărbat hrănind un bebeluș | bebeluș | hrănire
8331CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🍼 -nameperson feeding baby persoană hrănind un bebeluș
8332CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🍼 –keywordsbaby | feeding | nursing | person alăptare | bebeluș | hrănire | persoană | persoană hrănind un bebeluș
8333CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy👼 -namebaby angel bebeluș îngeraș
8334CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy👼 –keywordsangel | baby | face | fairy tale | fantasy basm | bebeluș | bebeluș îngeraș | fantezie | față | înger
8335CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🎅 -nameSanta Claus Moș Crăciun
8336CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🎅 –keywordscelebration | Christmas | claus | father | santa | Santa Claus Crăciun | moș | Moș Crăciun | sărbătoare
8337CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🤶 -nameMrs. Claus Doamna Crăciun
8338CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🤶 –keywordscelebration | Christmas | claus | mother | Mrs. | Mrs. Claus Crăciun | doamna | Doamna Crăciun | sărbătoare
8339CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧑‍🎄 -namemx claus Crăciun
8340CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧑‍🎄 –keywordsClaus, christmas | mx claus Crăciun
8341CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🦸 -namesuperhero supererou
8342CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🦸 –keywordsgood | hero | heroine | superhero | superpower bun | eroină | erou | supererou | superputere | superputeri
8343CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🦸‍♂ -nameman superhero supererou bărbat
8344CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🦸‍♂ –keywordsgood | hero | man | man superhero | superpower bărbat | bun | erou | supererou bărbat | superputere
8345CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🦸‍♀ -namewoman superhero supererou femeie
8346CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🦸‍♀ –keywordsgood | hero | heroine | superpower | woman | woman superhero bună | eroină | erou | femeie | supererou femeie | superputere
8347CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🦹 -namesupervillain super-ticălos
8348CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🦹 –keywordscriminal | evil | superpower | supervillain | villain criminal | malefic | super-ticălos | superputere | ticălos
8349CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🦹‍♂ -nameman supervillain super-ticălos bărbat
8350CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🦹‍♂ –keywordscriminal | evil | man | man supervillain | superpower | villain bărbat | criminal | malefic | super-ticălos bărbat | superputere | ticălos
8351CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🦹‍♀ -namewoman supervillain super-ticălos femeie
8352CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🦹‍♀ –keywordscriminal | evil | superpower | villain | woman | woman supervillain criminală | femeie | malefică | super-ticălos femeie | superputere | ticăloasă
8353CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧙 -namemage mag
8354CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧙 –keywordsmage | sorcerer | sorceress | witch | wizard mag | magician | vraci | vrăjitor
8355CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧙‍♂ -nameman mage bărbat mag
8356CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧙‍♂ –keywordsman mage | sorcerer | wizard bărbat mag | magician | vraci | vrăjitor
8357CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧙‍♀ -namewoman mage femeie mag
8358CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧙‍♀ –keywordssorceress | witch | woman mage femeie mag | magiciană | vrăjitoare
8359CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧚 -namefairy zână
8360CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧚 –keywordsfairy | Oberon | Puck | Titania Oberon | Puck | Titania | zână
8361CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧚‍♂ -nameman fairy bărbat zână
8362CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧚‍♂ –keywordsman fairy | Oberon | Puck bărbat zână | Oberon | Puck
8363CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧚‍♀ -namewoman fairy femeie zână
8364CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧚‍♀ –keywordsTitania | woman fairy femeie zână | Titania
8365CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧛 -namevampire vampir
8366CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧛 –keywordsDracula | undead | vampire Dracula | strigoi | vampir
8367CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧛‍♂ -nameman vampire bărbat vampir
8368CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧛‍♂ –keywordsDracula | man vampire | undead bărbat vampir | Dracula | strigoi
8369CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧛‍♀ -namewoman vampire femeie vampir
8370CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧛‍♀ –keywordsundead | woman vampire femeie vampir | strigoaie
8371CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧜 -namemerperson persoană sirenă
8372CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧜 –keywordsmermaid | merman | merperson | merwoman persoană sirenă | sirenă | sirene
8373CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧜‍♂ -namemerman bărbat sirenă
8374CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧜‍♂ –keywordsmerman | Triton bărbat sirenă | Triton
8375CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧜‍♀ -namemermaid sirenă
8376CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧜‍♀ –keywordsmermaid | merwoman sirenă
8377CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧝 -name= elf
8378CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧝 –keywordself | magical elf | magie
8379CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧝‍♂ -nameman elf bărbat elf
8380CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧝‍♂ –keywordsmagical | man elf bărbat elf | magie
8381CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧝‍♀ -namewoman elf femeie elf
8382CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧝‍♀ –keywordsmagical | woman elf elfă | femeie elf | magie
8383CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧞 -namegenie duh
8384CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧞 –keywordsdjinn | genie djinn | duh
8385CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧞‍♂ -nameman genie bărbat duh
8386CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧞‍♂ –keywordsdjinn | man genie bărbat duh | djinn
8387CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧞‍♀ -namewoman genie femeie duh
8388CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧞‍♀ –keywordsdjinn | woman genie djinn | femeie duh
8389CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧟 -namezombie zombi
8390CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧟 –keywordsundead | walking dead | zombie morți vii | strigoi | zombi
8391CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧟‍♂ -nameman zombie bărbat zombi
8392CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧟‍♂ –keywordsman zombie | undead | walking dead bărbat zombi | morți vii | strigoi
8393CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧟‍♀ -namewoman zombie femeie zombi
8394CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧟‍♀ –keywordsundead | walking dead | woman zombie femeie zombi | morți vii | strigoi
8395CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity💆 -nameperson getting massage persoană care primește un masaj facial
8396CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity💆 –keywordsface | massage | person getting massage | salon față | masaj | persoană care primește un masaj | persoană care primește un masaj facial | salon
8397CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity💆‍♂ -nameman getting massage bărbat care primește un masaj facial
8398CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity💆‍♂ –keywordsface | man | man getting massage | massage bărbat | bărbat care primește un masaj facial | față | masaj facial
8399CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity💆‍♀ -namewoman getting massage femeie care primește un masaj facial
8400CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity💆‍♀ –keywordsface | massage | woman | woman getting massage față | femeie | femeie care primește un masaj facial | masaj facial
8401CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity💇 -nameperson getting haircut persoană care de tunde
8402CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity💇 –keywordsbarber | beauty | haircut | parlor | person getting haircut coafor | frizerie | frumusețe | oafat | persoană care de tunde | persoană care se tunde | salon | tuns | tunsoare
8403CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity💇‍♂ -nameman getting haircut bărbat care se tunde
8404CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity💇‍♂ –keywordshaircut | man | man getting haircut bărbat | bărbat care se tunde | frizerie | tunsoare
8405CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity💇‍♀ -namewoman getting haircut femeie care se tunde
8406CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity💇‍♀ –keywordshaircut | woman | woman getting haircut coafor | femeie | femeie care se tunde | tunsoare
8407CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🚶 -nameperson walking persoană care merge
8408CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🚶 –keywordshike | person walking | walk | walking deplasare | drumeție | merge | mers | persoană care merge | pieton | plimbare
8409CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🚶‍♂ -nameman walking bărbat care merge
8410CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🚶‍♂ –keywordshike | man | man walking | walk bărbat | bărbat care merge | mers | plimbare
8411CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🚶‍♀ -namewoman walking femeie care merge
8412CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🚶‍♀ –keywordshike | walk | woman | woman walking femeie | femeie care merge | mers | plimbare
8413CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧍 -nameperson standing persoană în picioare
8414CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧍 –keywordsperson standing | stand | standing a sta în picioare | în picioare | persoană în picioare | ridicat
8415CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧍‍♂ -nameman standing bărbat în picioare
8416CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧍‍♂ –keywordsman | standing bărbat | bărbat în picioare | în picioare | ridicat
8417CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧍‍♀ -namewoman standing femeie în picioare
8418CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧍‍♀ –keywordsstanding | woman femeie | femeie în picioare | în picioare | ridicată
8419CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧎 -nameperson kneeling persoană în genunchi
8420CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧎 –keywordskneel | kneeling | person kneeling a îngenunchea | genunchi | îngenunchere | persoană în genunchi
8421CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧎‍♂ -nameman kneeling bărbat în genunchi
8422CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧎‍♂ –keywordskneeling | man bărbat | bărbat în genunchi | în genunchi | îngenuncheat | îngenunchind
8423CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧎‍♀ -namewoman kneeling femeie în genunchi
8424CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧎‍♀ –keywordskneeling | woman femeie | femeie în genunchi | în genunchi | îngenuncheată | îngenunchind
8425CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧑‍🦯 -nameperson with white cane persoană cu baston pentru nevăzători
8426CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧑‍🦯 –keywordsaccessibility | blind | person with white cane accesibilitate | nevăzător | orb | persoană cu baston pentru nevăzători
8427CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity👨‍🦯 -nameman with white cane bărbat cu baston pentru nevăzători
8428CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity👨‍🦯 –keywordsaccessibility | blind | man | man with white cane accesibilitate | bărbat | bărbat cu baston pentru nevăzători | nevăzător | orb
8429CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity👩‍🦯 -namewoman with white cane femeie cu baston pentru nevăzători
8430CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity👩‍🦯 –keywordsaccessibility | blind | woman | woman with white cane accesibilitate | femeie | femeie cu baston pentru nevăzători | nevăzătoare | oarbă
8431CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧑‍🦼 -nameperson in motorized wheelchair persoană în scaun cu rotile motorizat
8432CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧑‍🦼 –keywordsaccessibility | person in motorized wheelchair | wheelchair accesibilitate | persoană în scaun cu rotile motorizat | scaun cu rotile
8433CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity👨‍🦼 -nameman in motorized wheelchair bărbat în scaun cu rotile motorizat
8434CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity👨‍🦼 –keywordsaccessibility | man | man in motorized wheelchair | wheelchair accesibilitate | bărbat | bărbat în scaun cu rotile motorizat | scaun cu rotile
8435CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity👩‍🦼 -namewoman in motorized wheelchair femeie în scaun cu rotile motorizat
8436CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity👩‍🦼 –keywordsaccessibility | wheelchair | woman | woman in motorized wheelchair accesibilitate | femeie | femeie în scaun cu rotile motorizat | scaun cu rotile
8437CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧑‍🦽 -nameperson in manual wheelchair persoană în scaun cu rotile manual
8438CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧑‍🦽 –keywordsaccessibility | person in manual wheelchair | wheelchair accesibilitate | persoană în scaun cu rotile manual | scaun cu rotile
8439CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity👨‍🦽 -nameman in manual wheelchair bărbat în scaun cu rotile manual
8440CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity👨‍🦽 –keywordsaccessibility | man | man in manual wheelchair | wheelchair accesibilitate | bărbat | bărbat în scaun cu rotile manual | scaun cu rotile
8441CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity👩‍🦽 -namewoman in manual wheelchair femeie în scaun cu rotile manual
8442CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity👩‍🦽 –keywordsaccessibility | wheelchair | woman | woman in manual wheelchair accesibilitate | femeie | femeie în scaun cu rotile manual | scaun cu rotile
8443CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🏃 -nameperson running persoană care aleargă
8444CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🏃 –keywordsmarathon | person running | running alergare | fugă | maraton | persoană care aleargă
8445CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🏃‍♂ -nameman running bărbat care aleargă
8446CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🏃‍♂ –keywordsman | marathon | racing | running alergare | bărbat | bărbat care aleargă | fugă | maraton
8447CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🏃‍♀ -namewoman running femeie care aleargă
8448CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🏃‍♀ –keywordsmarathon | racing | running | woman alergare | femeie | femeie care aleargă | fugă | maraton
8449CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity💃 -namewoman dancing dansatoare
8450CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity💃 –keywordsdancing | woman dans | dansatoare | femeie
8451CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🕺 -nameman dancing dansator
8452CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🕺 –keywordsdance | man | man dancing bărbat | dans | dansator
8453CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🕴 -nameperson in suit levitating bărbat la costum, levitând
8454CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🕴 –keywordsbusiness | person | person in suit levitating | suit afaceri | bărbat | bărbat la costum, levitând | costum | plutire
8455CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity👯 -namepeople with bunny ears persoane care poartă urechi de iepuraș
8456CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity👯 –keywordsbunny ear | dancer | partying | people with bunny ears dans | distracție | persoane care poartă urechi de iepuraș | petrecere | urechi de iepuraș
8457CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity👯‍♂ -namemen with bunny ears bărbați care poartă urechi de iepuraș
8458CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity👯‍♂ –keywordsbunny ear | dancer | men | men with bunny ears | partying bărbați | bărbați care poartă urechi de iepuraș | dans | distracție | petrecere | urechi de iepuraș
8459CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity👯‍♀ -namewomen with bunny ears femei care poartă urechi de iepuraș
8460CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity👯‍♀ –keywordsbunny ear | dancer | partying | women | women with bunny ears dans | distracție | femei | femei care poartă urechi de iepuraș | petrecere | urechi de iepuraș
8461CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧖 -nameperson in steamy room persoană în saună
8462CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧖 –keywordsperson in steamy room | sauna | steam room baie de aburi | persoană în saună | saună
8463CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧖‍♂ -nameman in steamy room bărbat în saună
8464CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧖‍♂ –keywordsman in steamy room | sauna | steam room baie de aburi | bărbat în saună | saună
8465CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧖‍♀ -namewoman in steamy room femeie în saună
8466CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧖‍♀ –keywordssauna | steam room | woman in steamy room baie de aburi | femeie în saună | saună
8467CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧗 -nameperson climbing persoană care se cațără
8468CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧗 –keywordsclimber | person climbing cățărare | persoană care se cațără
8469CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧗‍♂ -nameman climbing bărbat care se cațără
8470CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧗‍♂ –keywordsclimber | man climbing bărbat care se cațără | cățărare | cățărătoare
8471CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧗‍♀ -namewoman climbing femeie care se cațără
8472CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧗‍♀ –keywordsclimber | woman climbing cățărare | cățărător | femeie care se cațără
8473CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤺 -nameperson fencing persoană care practică scrima
8474CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤺 –keywordsfencer | fencing | person fencing | sword persoană care practică scrima | sabie | scrimă | scrimer | scrimeră
8475CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏇 -namehorse racing curse de cai
8476CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏇 –keywordshorse | jockey | racehorse | racing cal | concurs | cursă | curse de cai | jocheu
8477CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport⛷ -nameskier persoană care schiază
8478CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport⛷ –keywordsski | skier | snow persoană care schiază | schi | schior | zăpadă
8479CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏂 -namesnowboarder persoană care practică snow-board
8480CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏂 –keywordsski | snow | snowboard | snowboarder persoană care practică snow-board | placă | practicant de snow-board | zăpadă
8481CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏌 -nameperson golfing persoană care joacă golf
8482CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏌 –keywordsball | golf | person golfing golf | minge | persoană care joacă golf
8483CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏌‍♂ -nameman golfing bărbat care joacă golf
8484CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏌‍♂ –keywordsgolf | man | man golfing bărbat | bărbat care joacă golf | golf
8485CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏌‍♀ -namewoman golfing femeie care joacă golf
8486CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏌‍♀ –keywordsgolf | woman | woman golfing femeie | femeie care joacă golf | golf
8487CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏄 -nameperson surfing persoană care practică surfing
8488CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏄 –keywordsperson surfing | surfing persoană care practică surfing | surfing
8489CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏄‍♂ -nameman surfing bărbat care practică surfing
8490CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏄‍♂ –keywordsman | surfing bărbat | bărbat care practică surfing | surfing
8491CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏄‍♀ -namewoman surfing femeie care practică surfing
8492CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏄‍♀ –keywordssurfing | woman femeie | femeie care practică surfing | surfing
8493CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🚣 -nameperson rowing boat persoană care vâslește în barcă
8494CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🚣 –keywordsboat | person rowing boat | rowboat barcă | persoană care vâslește în barcă | vâsle
8495CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🚣‍♂ -nameman rowing boat bărbat care vâslește în barcă
8496CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🚣‍♂ –keywordsboat | man | man rowing boat | rowboat bărbat | bărbat care vâslește în barcă | barcă | vâsle
8497CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🚣‍♀ -namewoman rowing boat femeie care vâslește în barcă
8498CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🚣‍♀ –keywordsboat | rowboat | woman | woman rowing boat barcă | femeie | femeie care vâslește în barcă | vâsle
8499CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏊 -nameperson swimming persoană care înoată
8500CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏊 –keywordsperson swimming | swim înot | natație | persoană care înoată
8501CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏊‍♂ -nameman swimming bărbat care înoată
8502CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏊‍♂ –keywordsman | man swimming | swim bărbat | bărbat care înoată | înot | natație
8503CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏊‍♀ -namewoman swimming femeie care înoată
8504CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏊‍♀ –keywordsswim | woman | woman swimming femeie | femeie care înoată | înot | natație
8505CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport⛹ -nameperson bouncing ball persoană care bate mingea
8506CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport⛹ –keywordsball | person bouncing ball minge | om | persoană care bate mingea
8507CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport⛹‍♂ -nameman bouncing ball bărbat care bate mingea
8508CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport⛹‍♂ –keywordsball | man | man bouncing ball bărbat | bărbat care bate mingea | minge
8509CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport⛹‍♀ -namewoman bouncing ball femeie care bate mingea
8510CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport⛹‍♀ –keywordsball | woman | woman bouncing ball femeie | femeie care bate mingea | minge
8511CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏋 -nameperson lifting weights persoană care ridică greutăți
8512CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏋 –keywordslifter | person lifting weights | weight greutăți | halterofil | persoană care ridică greutăți
8513CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏋‍♂ -nameman lifting weights bărbat care ridică greutăți
8514CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏋‍♂ –keywordsman | man lifting weights | weight lifter bărbat | bărbat care ridică greutăți | bărbat care ridică haltere | greutăți | haltere | halterofil
8515CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏋‍♀ -namewoman lifting weights femeie care ridică greutăți
8516CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏋‍♀ –keywordsweight lifter | woman | woman lifting weights femeie | femeie care ridică greutăți | femeie care ridică haltere | greutăți | haltere | halterofilă
8517CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🚴 -nameperson biking persoană pe bicicletă
8518CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🚴 –keywordsbicycle | biking | cyclist | person biking bibicletă | ciclism | ciclist | persoană pe bicicletă
8519CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🚴‍♂ -nameman biking bărbat pe bicicletă
8520CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🚴‍♂ –keywordsbicycle | biking | cyclist | man bărbat | bărbat pe bicicletă | bicicletă | biciclist | ciclism | ciclist
8521CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🚴‍♀ -namewoman biking femeie pe bicicletă
8522CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🚴‍♀ –keywordsbicycle | biking | cyclist | woman bicicletă | biciclistă | ciclism | ciclistă | femeie | femeie pe bicicletă
8523CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🚵 -nameperson mountain biking persoană pe bicicletă montană
8524CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🚵 –keywordsbicycle | bicyclist | bike | cyclist | mountain | person mountain biking bicicletă | biciclist | ciclism | ciclist | montan | persoană pe bicicletă montană
8525CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🚵‍♂ -nameman mountain biking bărbat pe bicicletă montană
8526CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🚵‍♂ –keywordsbicycle | bike | cyclist | man | man mountain biking | mountain bărbat | bărbat pe bicicletă montană | bicicletă | biciclist | ciclist | montan
8527CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🚵‍♀ -namewoman mountain biking femeie pe bicicletă montană
8528CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🚵‍♀ –keywordsbicycle | bike | biking | cyclist | mountain | woman bicicletă | biciclistă | ciclistă | femeie | femeie pe bicicletă montană | montan
8529CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤸 -nameperson cartwheeling persoană care face roata
8530CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤸 –keywordscartwheel | gymnastics | person cartwheeling face roata | gimnastică | om | persoană care face roata | sport
8531CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤸‍♂ -nameman cartwheeling bărbat care face roata
8532CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤸‍♂ –keywordscartwheel | gymnastics | man | man cartwheeling bărbat | bărbat care face roata | face roata | gimnastică | sport
8533CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤸‍♀ -namewoman cartwheeling femeie care face roata
8534CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤸‍♀ –keywordscartwheel | gymnastics | woman | woman cartwheeling face roata | femeie | femeie care face roata | gimnastică | sport
8535CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤼 -namepeople wrestling persoane care practică wrestling
8536CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤼 –keywordspeople wrestling | wrestle | wrestler luptă | luptător | om | persoane care practică wrestling | sport
8537CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤼‍♂ -namemen wrestling bărbat care practică wrestling
8538CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤼‍♂ –keywordsmen | men wrestling | wrestle bărbat care practică wrestling | bărbați | lupte | sport | wrestling
8539CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤼‍♀ -namewomen wrestling femeie care practică wrestling
8540CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤼‍♀ –keywordswomen | women wrestling | wrestle femei | femeie care practică wrestling | lupte | sport | wrestling
8541CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤽 -nameperson playing water polo persoană care joacă polo pe apă
8542CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤽 –keywordsperson playing water polo | polo | water apă | om | persoană care joacă polo pe apă | polo | sport
8543CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤽‍♂ -nameman playing water polo bărbat care joacă polo pe apă
8544CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤽‍♂ –keywordsman | man playing water polo | water polo bărbat | bărbat care joacă polo pe apă | polo pe apă | sport
8545CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤽‍♀ -namewoman playing water polo femeie care joacă polo pe apă
8546CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤽‍♀ –keywordswater polo | woman | woman playing water polo femeie | femeie care joacă polo pe apă | polo pe apă | sport
8547CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤾 -nameperson playing handball persoană care joacă handbal
8548CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤾 –keywordsball | handball | person playing handball handbal | minge | om | persoană care joacă handbal | sport
8549CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤾‍♂ -nameman playing handball bărbat care joacă handbal
8550CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤾‍♂ –keywordshandball | man | man playing handball bărbat | bărbat care joacă handbal | handbal | handbalist | sport
8551CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤾‍♀ -namewoman playing handball femeie care joacă handbal
8552CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤾‍♀ –keywordshandball | woman | woman playing handball femeie | femeie care joacă handbal | handbal | handbalistă | sport
8553CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤹 -nameperson juggling persoană care jonglează
8554CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤹 –keywordsbalance | juggle | multitask | person juggling | skill abilitate | echilibru | jongla | jongler | jonglerie | multitasking | persoană care jonglează
8555CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤹‍♂ -nameman juggling bărbat care jongleză
8556CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤹‍♂ –keywordsjuggling | man | multitask bărbat | bărbat care jongleză | jongla | jonglerie | multitasking
8557CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤹‍♀ -namewoman juggling femeie care jonglează
8558CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤹‍♀ –keywordsjuggling | multitask | woman femeie | femeie care jonglează | jongla | jonglerie | multitasking
8559CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-resting🧘 -nameperson in lotus position persoană în poziția lotus
8560CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-resting🧘 –keywordsmeditation | person in lotus position | yoga mediație | persoană în poziția lotus | yoga
8561CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-resting🧘‍♂ -nameman in lotus position bărbat în poziția lotus
8562CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-resting🧘‍♂ –keywordsman in lotus position | meditation | yoga bărbat în poziția lotus | mediație | yoga
8563CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-resting🧘‍♀ -namewoman in lotus position femeie în poziția lotus
8564CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-resting🧘‍♀ –keywordsmeditation | woman in lotus position | yoga femeie în poziția lotus | mediație | yoga
8565CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-resting🛀 -nameperson taking bath persoană care face baie
8566CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-resting🛀 –keywordsbath | bathtub | person taking bath cadă | om | persoană care face baie
8567CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-resting🛌 -nameperson in bed persoană în pat
8568CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-resting🛌 –keywordshotel | person in bed | sleep hotel | om | pat | persoană în pat | somn
8569CharactersPeople & Bodyfamily🧑‍🤝‍🧑 -namepeople holding hands persoane ținându-se de mână
8570CharactersPeople & Bodyfamily🧑‍🤝‍🧑 –keywordscouple | hand | hold | holding hands | people holding hands | person cuplu | mână | persoană | persoane ținându-se de mână | ținându-se de mână | ține
8571CharactersPeople & Bodyfamily👭 -namewomen holding hands femei ținându-se de mână
8572CharactersPeople & Bodyfamily👭 –keywordscouple | hand | holding hands | women | women holding hands cuplu | femei | femei ținându-se de mână | mână | ținându-se de mână | ține
8573CharactersPeople & Bodyfamily👫 -namewoman and man holding hands bărbat și femeie ținându-se de mână
8574CharactersPeople & Bodyfamily👫 –keywordscouple | hand | hold | holding hands | man | woman | woman and man holding hands bărbat | bărbat și femeie ținându-se de mână | cuplu | femeie | mână | ținându-se de mână | ține
8575CharactersPeople & Bodyfamily👬 -namemen holding hands bărbați ținându-se de mână
8576CharactersPeople & Bodyfamily👬 –keywordscouple | Gemini | holding hands | man | men | men holding hands | twins | zodiac bărbat | bărbați | bărbați ținându-se de mână | cuplu | doi bărbați ținându-se de mână | Gemeni | zodiac
8577CharactersPeople & Bodyfamily💏 -namekiss sărut
8578CharactersPeople & Bodyfamily💏 –keywordscouple | kiss cuplu | iubire | sărut
8579CharactersPeople & Bodyfamily💑 -namecouple with heart cuplu cu inimă
8580CharactersPeople & Bodyfamily💑 –keywordscouple | couple with heart | love cuplu | cuplu cu inimă | dragoste | iubire
8581CharactersPeople & Bodyfamily👪 -namefamily familie
8582CharactersPeople & Bodyfamily👪 –keywordsfamily familie
8583CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-symbol🗣 -namespeaking head cap vorbitor
8584CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-symbol🗣 –keywordsface | head | silhouette | speak | speaking cap | față | profil | siluetă | vorbi | vorbire | vorbitor
8585CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-symbol👤 -namebust in silhouette siluetă bust
8586CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-symbol👤 –keywordsbust | bust in silhouette | silhouette bust | siluetă
8587CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-symbol👥 -namebusts in silhouette siluete busturi
8588CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-symbol👥 –keywordsbust | busts in silhouette | silhouette bust | siluetă | siluete busturi
8589CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-symbol🫂 -namepeople hugging persoane îmbrățișate
8590CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-symbol🫂 –keywordsgoodbye | hello | hug | people hugging | thanks adio | îmbrățișare | la revedere | mulțumesc | persoane îmbrățișate | salut
8591CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-symbol👣 -namefootprints urme de pași
8592CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-symbol👣 –keywordsclothing | footprint | footprints | print talpă | urmă | urme de pași
8593CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐵 -namemonkey face față de maimuță
8594CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐵 –keywordsface | monkey față | față de maimuță | maimuță
8595CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐒 -namemonkey maimuță
8596CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐒 –keywordsmonkey maimuță
8597CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦍 -namegorilla gorilă
8598CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦍 –keywordsgorilla animal sălbatic | gorilă
8599CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦧 -nameorangutan urangutan
8600CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦧 –keywordsape | orangutan primat | primate | urangutan
8601CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐶 -namedog face față de câine
8602CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐶 –keywordsdog | face | pet animal de companie | animal domestic | câine | față | față de câine
8603CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐕 -namedog câine
8604CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐕 –keywordsdog | pet animal de companie | animal domestic | câine
8605CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦮 -nameguide dog câine ghid
8606CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦮 –keywordsaccessibility | blind | guide | guide dog accesibilitate | câine ghid | ghid | nevăzător | orb
8607CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐕‍🦺 -nameservice dog câine de asistență
8608CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐕‍🦺 –keywordsaccessibility | assistance | dog | service accesibilitate | asistență | câine | câine de asistență | servicii
8609CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐩 -namepoodle pudel
8610CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐩 –keywordsdog | poodle câine | pudel | rasă
8611CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐺 -namewolf lup
8612CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐺 –keywordsface | wolf față | lup
8613CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦊 -namefox vulpe
8614CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦊 –keywordsface | fox față | vulpe
8615CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦝 -nameraccoon raton
8616CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦝 –keywordscurious | raccoon | sly curios | raton | șmecher | ursuleț spălător
8617CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐱 -namecat face față de pisică
8618CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐱 –keywordscat | face | pet animal de companie | animal domestic | față | față de pisică | pisică
8619CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐈 -namecat pisică
8620CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐈 –keywordscat | pet animal de companie | animal domestic | pisică
8621CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐈‍⬛ -nameblack cat pisică neagră
8622CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐈‍⬛ –keywordsblack | cat | unlucky ghinion | neagră | pisică
8623CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦁 -namelion leu
8624CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦁 –keywordsface | Leo | lion | zodiac față | leu | zodiac
8625CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐯 -nametiger face față de tigru
8626CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐯 –keywordsface | tiger față | față de tigru | tigru
8627CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐅 -nametiger tigru
8628CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐅 –keywordstiger animal sălbatic | felină | tigru
8629CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐆 -name= leopard
8630CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐆 –keywordsleopard animal sălbatic | felină | leopard
8631CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐴 -namehorse face față de cal
8632CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐴 –keywordsface | horse animal domestic | cal | față | față de cal
8633CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐎 -namehorse cal
8634CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐎 –keywordsequestrian | horse | racehorse | racing cal | cal de curse | echitație
8635CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦄 -name= unicorn
8636CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦄 –keywordsface | unicorn față | unicorn
8637CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦓 -namezebra zebră
8638CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦓 –keywordsstripe | zebra animal sălbatic | dungi | zebră
8639CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦌 -namedeer cerb
8640CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦌 –keywordsdeer animal sălbatic | cerb
8641CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦬 -namebison bizon
8642CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦬 –keywordsbison | buffalo | herd | wisent bizon | bour | bufal | cireadă | zimbru
8643CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐮 -namecow face cap de vacă
8644CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐮 –keywordscow | face animal domestic | cap de vacă | față | vacă
8645CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐂 -nameox bou
8646CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐂 –keywordsbull | ox | Taurus | zodiac animal domestic | bou | taur | zodiac
8647CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐃 -namewater buffalo bivol
8648CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐃 –keywordsbuffalo | water animal domestic | bivol
8649CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐄 -namecow vacă
8650CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐄 –keywordscow animal domestic | vacă
8651CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐷 -namepig face cap de porc
8652CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐷 –keywordsface | pig animal domestic | cap de porc | față | porc
8653CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐖 -namepig porc
8654CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐖 –keywordspig | sow animal domestic | porc | scroafă
8655CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐗 -nameboar mistreț
8656CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐗 –keywordsboar | pig animal sălbatic | mistreț | porc
8657CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐽 -namepig nose rât
8658CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐽 –keywordsface | nose | pig față | nas | porc | rât
8659CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐏 -nameram berbec
8660CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐏 –keywordsAries | male | ram | sheep | zodiac animal domestic | berbec | zodiac
8661CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐑 -nameewe oaie
8662CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐑 –keywordsewe | female | sheep animal domestic | mioară | oaie
8663CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐐 -namegoat capră
8664CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐐 –keywordsCapricorn | goat | zodiac animal domestic | capră | Capricorn | zodiac
8665CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐪 -namecamel dromader
8666CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐪 –keywordscamel | dromedary | hump cocoașă | deșert | dromader
8667CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐫 -nametwo-hump camel cămilă
8668CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐫 –keywordsbactrian | camel | hump | two-hump camel cămilă | cocoașe | deșert
8669CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦙 -namellama lamă
8670CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦙 –keywordsalpaca | guanaco | llama | vicuña | wool alpaca | lamă | lână
8671CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦒 -namegiraffe girafă
8672CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦒 –keywordsgiraffe | spots girafă | pete
8673CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐘 -nameelephant elefant
8674CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐘 –keywordselephant animal sălbatic | elefant
8675CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦣 -namemammoth mamut
8676CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦣 –keywordsextinction | large | mammoth | tusk | woolly colți | dispariție | extincție | lânos | mamut | mare
8677CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦏 -namerhinoceros rinocer
8678CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦏 –keywordsrhinoceros animal sălbatic | rinocer
8679CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦛 -namehippopotamus hipopotam
8680CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦛 –keywordshippo | hippopotamus hipo | hipopotam
8681CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐭 -namemouse face față de șoarece
8682CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐭 –keywordsface | mouse față | față de șoarece | șoarece
8683CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐁 -namemouse șoarece
8684CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐁 –keywordsmouse rozător | șoarece | șoricel
8685CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐀 -namerat șobolan
8686CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐀 –keywordsrat șobolan
8687CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐹 -name= hamster
8688CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐹 –keywordsface | hamster | pet animal de companie | față | hamster
8689CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐰 -namerabbit face față de iepure
8690CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐰 –keywordsbunny | face | pet | rabbit animal de companie | față | față de iepure | iepuraș | iepure
8691CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐇 -namerabbit iepure
8692CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐇 –keywordsbunny | pet | rabbit animal de companie | iepuraș | iepure | rozător
8693CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐿 -namechipmunk veveriță
8694CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐿 –keywordschipmunk | squirrel rozător | veveriță
8695CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦫 -namebeaver castor
8696CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦫 –keywordsbeaver | dam baraj | castor
8697CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦔 -namehedgehog arici
8698CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦔 –keywordshedgehog | spiny arici | țepos
8699CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦇 -namebat liliac
8700CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦇 –keywordsbat | vampire liliac | vampir
8701CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐻 -namebear urs
8702CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐻 –keywordsbear | face față | urs
8703CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐻‍❄ -namepolar bear urs polar
8704CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐻‍❄ –keywordsarctic | bear | polar bear | white alb | arctic | urs | urs polar
8705CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐨 -name= koala
8706CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐨 –keywordsbear | koala koala | ursuleț
8707CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐼 -name= panda
8708CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐼 –keywordsface | panda față | panda
8709CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦥 -namesloth leneș
8710CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦥 –keywordslazy | sloth | slow leneș | lent | trândav
8711CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦦 -nameotter vidră
8712CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦦 –keywordsfishing | otter | playful alunecos | jucăuș | vidră
8713CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦨 -nameskunk sconcs
8714CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦨 –keywordsskunk | stink mirositor | puți | sconcs
8715CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦘 -namekangaroo cangur
8716CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦘 –keywordsAustralia | joey | jump | kangaroo | marsupial Australia | cangur | marsupial | salt | țopăit
8717CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦡 -namebadger bursuc
8718CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦡 –keywordsbadger | honey badger | pester bursuc | viezure
8719CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐾 -namepaw prints urme de lăbuțe
8720CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐾 –keywordsfeet | paw | paw prints | print labe | picioare | urme | urme de lăbuțe
8721CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦃 -nameturkey curcan
8722CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦃 –keywordsbird | turkey curcan | pasăre
8723CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐔 -namechicken găină
8724CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐔 –keywordsbird | chicken găină | pasăre
8725CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐓 -namerooster cocoș
8726CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐓 –keywordsbird | rooster cocoș | pasăre
8727CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐣 -namehatching chick pui în găoace
8728CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐣 –keywordsbaby | bird | chick | hatching eclozare | ou | pui | pui în găoace | puișor
8729CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐤 -namebaby chick pui de găină
8730CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐤 –keywordsbaby | bird | chick pasăre | pui | pui de găină
8731CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐥 -namefront-facing baby chick pui de găină din față
8732CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐥 –keywordsbaby | bird | chick | front-facing baby chick pasăre | pui | pui de găină din față
8733CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐦 -namebird pasăre
8734CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐦 –keywordsbird pasăre
8735CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐧 -namepenguin pinguin
8736CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐧 –keywordsbird | penguin frig | gheață | pasăre | pinguin
8737CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🕊 -namedove porumbiță
8738CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🕊 –keywordsbird | dove | fly | peace pace | pasăre | porumbel | porumbiță | zbor
8739CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦅 -nameeagle vultur
8740CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦅 –keywordsbird | eagle pasăre | vultur
8741CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦆 -nameduck rață
8742CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦆 –keywordsbird | duck pasăre | rață
8743CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦢 -nameswan lebădă
8744CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦢 –keywordsbird | cygnet | swan | ugly duckling lebădă | pasăre | rățușca cea urâtă
8745CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦉 -nameowl bufniță
8746CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦉 –keywordsbird | owl | wise bufniță | de noapte | înțelept | pasăre
8747CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦤 -name= dodo
8748CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦤 –keywordsdodo | extinction | large | Mauritius dispariție | dodo | extincție | mare | Mauritius
8749CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🪶 -namefeather pană
8750CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🪶 –keywordsbird | feather | flight | light | plumage pană | pasăre | penaj | ușor | zbor
8751CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦩 -name= flamingo
8752CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦩 –keywordsflamboyant | flamingo | tropical flamboaiant | flamingo | tropical
8753CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦚 -namepeacock păun
8754CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦚 –keywordsbird | ostentatious | peacock | peahen | proud mândrie | orgoliu | ostentație | pasăre | păun
8755CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦜 -nameparrot papagal mare
8756CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦜 –keywordsbird | parrot | pirate | talk papagal mare | pasăre | pirat | vorbit
8757CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-amphibian🐸 -namefrog broască
8758CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-amphibian🐸 –keywordsface | frog broască | față | față de broască
8759CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🐊 -namecrocodile crocodil
8760CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🐊 –keywordscrocodile crocodil | reptilă
8761CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🐢 -nameturtle broască țestoasă
8762CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🐢 –keywordsterrapin | tortoise | turtle broască țestoasă | carapace | țestoasă
8763CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🦎 -namelizard șopârlă
8764CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🦎 –keywordslizard | reptile reptilă | șopârlă | târâtoare
8765CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🐍 -namesnake șarpe
8766CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🐍 –keywordsbearer | Ophiuchus | serpent | snake | zodiac ofiucus | reptilă | șarpe | zodiac
8767CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🐲 -namedragon face față de dragon
8768CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🐲 –keywordsdragon | face | fairy tale balaur | basm | fantastic | față | față de dragon | poveste
8769CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🐉 -name= dragon
8770CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🐉 –keywordsdragon | fairy tale balaur | dragon | poveste
8771CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🦕 -name= sauropod
8772CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🦕 –keywordsbrachiosaurus | brontosaurus | diplodocus | sauropod brahiozaur | brontozaur | diplodocus | sauropod
8773CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🦖 -name= T-Rex
8774CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🦖 –keywords= T-Rex | Tyrannosaurus Rex
8775CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐳 -namespouting whale balenă împroșcând apă
8776CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐳 –keywordsface | spouting | whale apă | balenă | balenă împroșcând apă | jet
8777CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐋 -namewhale balenă
8778CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐋 –keywordswhale balenă | mamifer acvatic | uriaș
8779CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐬 -namedolphin delfin
8780CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐬 –keywordsdolphin | flipper delfin | inteligent | mamifer acvatic
8781CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🦭 -nameseal focă
8782CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🦭 –keywordssea Lion | seal focă | leu de mare
8783CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐟 -namefish pește
8784CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐟 –keywordsfish | Pisces | zodiac pește | pești | zodiac
8785CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐠 -nametropical fish pește tropical
8786CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐠 –keywordsfish | tropical exotic | pește tropical | pești | tropical
8787CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐡 -nameblowfish pește balon
8788CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐡 –keywordsblowfish | fish pește | pește balon | pește țepos
8789CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🦈 -nameshark rechin
8790CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🦈 –keywordsfish | shark pește | rechin
8791CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐙 -nameoctopus caracatiță
8792CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐙 –keywordsoctopus caracatiță | tentacule
8793CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐚 -namespiral shell cochilie spiralată
8794CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐚 –keywordsshell | spiral cochilie | cochilie spiralată | spirală
8795CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🐌 -namesnail melc
8796CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🐌 –keywordssnail melc
8797CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🦋 -namebutterfly fluture
8798CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🦋 –keywordsbutterfly | insect | pretty fluture | frumos | insectă
8799CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🐛 -namebug gândac
8800CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🐛 –keywordsbug | insect gândac | insectă
8801CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🐜 -nameant furnică
8802CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🐜 –keywordsant | insect colonie | furnică | hărnicie | insectă
8803CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🐝 -namehoneybee albină
8804CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🐝 –keywordsbee | honeybee | insect albină | aripi | insectă | miere
8805CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🪲 -namebeetle cărăbuș
8806CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🪲 –keywordsbeetle | bug | insect cărăbuș | gândac | insectă
8807CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🐞 -namelady beetle buburuză
8808CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🐞 –keywordsbeetle | insect | lady beetle | ladybird | ladybug buburuză | buline | insectă | roșu
8809CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🦗 -namecricket greier
8810CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🦗 –keywordscricket | grasshopper greier | lăcustă
8811CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🪳 -namecockroach gândac de bucătărie
8812CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🪳 –keywordscockroach | insect | pest | roach gândac de bucătărie | insectă | parazit
8813CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🕷 -namespider păianjen
8814CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🕷 –keywordsinsect | spider arahnidă | insectă | păianjen | pânză
8815CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🕸 -namespider web pânză de păianjen
8816CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🕸 –keywordsspider | web capcană | păianjen | pânză | pânză de păianjen
8817CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🦂 -name= scorpion
8818CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🦂 –keywordsscorpio | Scorpio | scorpion | zodiac insectă | scorpion | venin | zodiac
8819CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🦟 -namemosquito țânțar
8820CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🦟 –keywordsdisease | fever | malaria | mosquito | pest | virus boală | febră | insectă | înțepătură | malarie | țânțar
8821CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🪰 -namefly muscă
8822CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🪰 –keywordsdisease | fly | maggot | pest | rotting boală | dăunător | descompunere | muscă | putrezire
8823CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🪱 -nameworm vierme
8824CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🪱 –keywordsannelid | earthworm | parasite | worm anelid | parazit | râmă | vierme
8825CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🦠 -namemicrobe microb
8826CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🦠 –keywordsamoeba | bacteria | microbe | virus amibă | bacterie | microb | virus
8827CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower💐 -namebouquet buchet de flori
8828CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower💐 –keywordsbouquet | flower buchet de flori | cadou | flori
8829CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🌸 -namecherry blossom floare de cireș
8830CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🌸 –keywordsblossom | cherry | flower cireș | floare | floare de cireș | parfum | pom
8831CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower💮 -namewhite flower floare albă
8832CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower💮 –keywordsflower | white flower floare | floare albă | puritate
8833CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🏵 -namerosette rozetă
8834CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🏵 –keywordsplant | rosette plantă | rozetă
8835CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🌹 -namerose trandafir
8836CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🌹 –keywordsflower | rose floare | trandafir
8837CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🥀 -namewilted flower floare ofilită
8838CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🥀 –keywordsflower | wilted floare | floare ofilită | ofilire
8839CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🌺 -name= hibiscus
8840CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🌺 –keywordsflower | hibiscus floare | hibiscus
8841CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🌻 -namesunflower floarea soarelui
8842CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🌻 –keywordsflower | sun | sunflower floare | floarea soarelui | galben | plantă | soare
8843CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🌼 -nameblossom boboc
8844CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🌼 –keywordsblossom | flower boboc | eforescență | floare | înflorire
8845CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🌷 -nametulip lalea
8846CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🌷 –keywordsflower | tulip floare | lalea | plantă | primăvară
8847CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌱 -nameseedling răsad
8848CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌱 –keywordsseedling | young plantă | răsad | tânără
8849CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🪴 -namepotted plant plantă în ghiveci
8850CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🪴 –keywordsboring | grow | house | nurturing | plant | potted plant | useless casă | crește | cultiva | ghiveci | plantă | plantă în ghiveci
8851CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌲 -nameevergreen tree arbore conifer
8852CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌲 –keywordsevergreen tree | tree arbore conifer | brad | conifer | copac
8853CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌳 -namedeciduous tree arbore foios
8854CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌳 –keywordsdeciduous | shedding | tree arbore foios | copac | frunze căzătoare
8855CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌴 -namepalm tree palmier
8856CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌴 –keywordspalm | tree copac | palmier
8857CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌵 -name= cactus
8858CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌵 –keywordscactus | plant cactus | plantă
8859CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌾 -namesheaf of rice snop de orez
8860CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌾 –keywordsear | grain | rice | sheaf of rice cereală | snop | snop de orez | spic
8861CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌿 -nameherb plantă aromatică
8862CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌿 –keywordsherb | leaf plantă | plantă aromatică
8863CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other☘ -nameshamrock trifoi
8864CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other☘ –keywordsplant | shamrock plantă | trifoi
8865CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🍀 -namefour leaf clover trifoi cu patru foi
8866CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🍀 –keywords4 | clover | four | four-leaf clover | leaf frunze | patru | trifoi | trifoi cu patru foi
8867CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🍁 -namemaple leaf frunză de arțar
8868CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🍁 –keywordsfalling | leaf | maple arțar | frunză | frunză de arțar | frunză în cădere
8869CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🍂 -namefallen leaf frunză în cădere
8870CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🍂 –keywordsfallen leaf | falling | leaf cădere | frunză | frunză în cădere
8871CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🍃 -nameleaf fluttering in wind frunză plutind în aer
8872CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🍃 –keywordsblow | flutter | leaf | leaf fluttering in wind | wind frunză | frunză plutind în aer | plutire | vânt
8873CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍇 -namegrapes struguri
8874CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍇 –keywordsfruit | grape | grapes boabe | fruct | struguri | viță de vie
8875CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍈 -namemelon pepene galben
8876CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍈 –keywordsfruit | melon fruct | pepene | pepene galben
8877CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍉 -namewatermelon pepene verde
8878CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍉 –keywordsfruit | watermelon fruct | pepene | pepene verde
8879CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍊 -nametangerine mandarină
8880CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍊 –keywordsfruit | orange | tangerine citrice | fruct | mandarină
8881CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍋 -namelemon lămâie
8882CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍋 –keywordscitrus | fruit | lemon citrice | fruct | lămâie
8883CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍌 -namebanana banană
8884CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍌 –keywordsbanana | fruit banană | fruct
8885CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍍 -namepineapple ananas
8886CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍍 –keywordsfruit | pineapple ananas | fruct
8887CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🥭 -name= mango
8888CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🥭 –keywordsfruit | mango | tropical fruct | mango | tropical
8889CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍎 -namered apple măr roșu
8890CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍎 –keywordsapple | fruit | red fruct | măr | roșu
8891CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍏 -namegreen apple măr verde
8892CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍏 –keywordsapple | fruit | green fruct | măr | verde
8893CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍐 -namepear pară
8894CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍐 –keywordsfruit | pear fruct | pară
8895CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍑 -namepeach piersică
8896CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍑 –keywordsfruit | peach fruct | piersică
8897CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍒 -namecherries cireșe
8898CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍒 –keywordsberries | cherries | cherry | fruit | red cireașă | cireșe | fruct | roșu
8899CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍓 -namestrawberry căpșună
8900CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍓 –keywordsberry | fruit | strawberry bacă | căpșună | fruct
8901CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🫐 -nameblueberries afine
8902CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🫐 –keywordsberry | bilberry | blue | blueberries | blueberry afine
8903CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🥝 -namekiwi fruit kiwi
8904CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🥝 –keywordsfood | fruit | kiwi fructe | kiwi | mâncare
8905CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍅 -nametomato roșie
8906CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍅 –keywordsfruit | tomato | vegetable fruct | legumă | roșie | tomată
8907CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🫒 -nameolive măslină
8908CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🫒 –keywordsfood | olive mâncare | măslină
8909CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🥥 -namecoconut nucă de cocos
8910CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🥥 –keywordscoconut | palm | piña colada cocotier | nucă de cocos | palmier
8911CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥑 -name= avocado
8912CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥑 –keywordsavocado | food | fruit avocado | fruct | mâncare
8913CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🍆 -nameeggplant vânătă
8914CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🍆 –keywordsaubergine | eggplant | vegetable legumă | vânătă
8915CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥔 -namepotato cartof
8916CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥔 –keywordsfood | potato | vegetable cartof | cartofi | legume | mâncare
8917CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥕 -namecarrot morcov
8918CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥕 –keywordscarrot | food | vegetable legume | mâncare | morcov
8919CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🌽 -nameear of corn știulete de porumb
8920CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🌽 –keywordscorn | ear | ear of corn | maize | maze cereală | porumb | știulete | știulete de porumb
8921CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🌶 -namehot pepper ardei iute
8922CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🌶 –keywordshot | pepper ardei | iute | legumă
8923CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🫑 -namebell pepper ardei gras
8924CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🫑 –keywordsbell pepper | capsicum | pepper | vegetable ardei gras
8925CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥒 -namecucumber castravete
8926CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥒 –keywordscucumber | food | pickle | vegetable castravete | legume | mâncare | murătură
8927CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥬 -nameleafy green verdețuri
8928CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥬 –keywordsbok choy | cabbage | kale | leafy green | lettuce lăptucă | salată | varză | varză chinezească | varză kale | verdețuri
8929CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥦 -name= broccoli
8930CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥦 –keywordsbroccoli | wild cabbage broccoli | conopidă
8931CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🧄 -namegarlic usturoi
8932CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🧄 –keywordsflavoring | garlic aromă | condiment | usturoi
8933CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🧅 -nameonion ceapă
8934CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🧅 –keywordsflavoring | onion aromă | ceapă | condiment
8935CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🍄 -namemushroom ciupercă
8936CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🍄 –keywordsmushroom | toadstool ciupercă | ciupercă otrăvitoare
8937CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥜 -namepeanuts arahide
8938CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥜 –keywordsfood | nut | peanut | peanuts | vegetable alune | arahide | legumă | mâncare
8939CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🌰 -namechestnut castană
8940CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🌰 –keywordschestnut | plant castană | plantă
8941CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍞 -namebread pâine
8942CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍞 –keywordsbread | loaf aliment | franzelă | pâine
8943CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥐 -namecroissant croasant
8944CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥐 –keywordsbread | breakfast | croissant | food | french | roll corn | croasant | croissant | mâncare | pâine
8945CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥖 -namebaguette bread baghetă de pâine
8946CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥖 –keywordsbaguette | bread | food | french baghetă | baghetă de pâine | franțuzească | mâncare | pâine
8947CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🫓 -nameflatbread pită
8948CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🫓 –keywordsarepa | flatbread | lavash | naan | pita pită
8949CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥨 -namepretzel covrig
8950CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥨 –keywordspretzel | twisted covrig | covrigei | covrigel | covrigi
8951CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥯 -name= bagel
8952CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥯 –keywordsbagel | bakery | breakfast | schmear bagel | covrig moale | patiserie
8953CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥞 -namepancakes clătite
8954CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥞 –keywordsbreakfast | crêpe | food | hotcake | pancake | pancakes clătită | clătite | crepe | mâncare
8955CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🧇 -namewaffle gofră
8956CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🧇 –keywordsbreakfast | indecisive | iron | waffle fier de călcat | gofră | nehotărât
8957CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🧀 -namecheese wedge bucată de brânză
8958CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🧀 –keywordscheese | cheese wedge brânză | bucată de brânză | cașcaval
8959CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍖 -namemeat on bone os cu carne
8960CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍖 –keywordsbone | meat | meat on bone carne | os | os cu carne
8961CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍗 -namepoultry leg pulpă de pasăre
8962CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍗 –keywordsbone | chicken | drumstick | leg | poultry ciocănel | pasăre | pulpă | pulpă de pasăre
8963CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥩 -namecut of meat bucată de carne
8964CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥩 –keywordschop | cut of meat | lambchop | porkchop | steak antricot | bucată de carne | cotlet | friptură
8965CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥓 -name= bacon
8966CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥓 –keywordsbacon | breakfast | food | meat bacon | carne | jambon | mâncare | șuncă
8967CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍔 -name= hamburger
8968CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍔 –keywordsburger | hamburger burger | carne | fast food | hamburger
8969CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍟 -namefrench fries cartofi prăjiți
8970CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍟 –keywordsfrench | fries cartofi | cartofi prăjiți | fast food
8971CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍕 -name= pizza
8972CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍕 –keywordscheese | pizza | slice fast food | felie | pizza
8973CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🌭 -name= hot dog
8974CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🌭 –keywordsfrankfurter | hot dog | hotdog | sausage cârnat | fast food | hot dog | muștar
8975CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥪 -namesandwich sandvici
8976CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥪 –keywordsbread | sandwich fast food | sandvici | sandviș
8977CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🌮 -name= taco
8978CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🌮 –keywordsmexican | taco fast food | lipie | mexican | taco
8979CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🌯 -name= burrito
8980CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🌯 –keywordsburrito | mexican | wrap burrito | lipie | mexican | sandvici rulat | sandviș rulat
8981CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🫔 -name= tamale
8982CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🫔 –keywordsmexican | tamale | wrapped tamale
8983CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥙 -namestuffed flatbread lipie umplută
8984CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥙 –keywordsfalafel | flatbread | food | gyro | kebab | stuffed falafel | giros | kebab | lipie | lipie umplută | mâncare | șaorma
8985CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🧆 -name= falafel
8986CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🧆 –keywordschickpea | falafel | meatball chifteluță | falafel | năut
8987CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥚 -nameegg ou
8988CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥚 –keywordsbreakfast | egg | food mâncare | ou
8989CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍳 -namecooking gătit
8990CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍳 –keywordsbreakfast | cooking | egg | frying | pan gătit | tigaie
8991CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥘 -nameshallow pan of food cratiță cu mâncare
8992CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥘 –keywordscasserole | food | paella | pan | shallow | shallow pan of food cratiță | cratiță cu mâncare | mâncare | paella | tigaie | tigaie cu mâncare
8993CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍲 -namepot of food oală cu mâncare
8994CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍲 –keywordspot | pot of food | stew oală | oală cu mâncare | tocană
8995CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🫕 -name= fondue
8996CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🫕 –keywordscheese | chocolate | fondue | melted | pot | Swiss fondue
8997CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥣 -namebowl with spoon castron cu lingură
8998CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥣 –keywordsbowl with spoon | breakfast | cereal | congee castron cu lingură | cereale | mic dejun | terci
8999CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥗 -namegreen salad salată verde
9000CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥗 –keywordsfood | green | salad mâncare | salată | verde
9001CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍿 -namepopcorn floricele de porumb
9002CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍿 –keywordspopcorn floricele | floricele de porumb | pop-corn | popcorn | porumb
9003CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🧈 -namebutter unt
9004CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🧈 –keywordsbutter | dairy lactate | unt
9005CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🧂 -namesalt sare
9006CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🧂 –keywordscondiment | salt | shaker condiment | sare | solniță
9007CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥫 -namecanned food mâncare la conservă
9008CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥫 –keywordscan | canned food conservă | mâncare la conservă
9009CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍱 -namebento box mâncare japoneză la pachet
9010CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍱 –keywordsbento | box bento | japonia | mâncare | mâncare japoneză la pachet | pachet
9011CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍘 -namerice cracker biscuit de orez
9012CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍘 –keywordscracker | rice biscuit | biscuit de orez | orez
9013CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍙 -namerice ball chifteluțe de orez
9014CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍙 –keywordsball | Japanese | rice chifteluțe | chifteluțe de orez | Japonia | orez | perișoare
9015CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍚 -namecooked rice orez gătit
9016CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍚 –keywordscooked | rice orez | orez gătit | preparare
9017CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍛 -namecurry rice orez cu curry
9018CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍛 –keywordscurry | rice condiment | curry | orez | orez cu curry
9019CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍜 -namesteaming bowl castron aburind
9020CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍜 –keywordsbowl | noodle | ramen | steaming castron | castron aburind | fierbinte | tăiței
9021CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍝 -namespaghetti spaghete
9022CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍝 –keywordspasta | spaghetti paste | spaghete
9023CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍠 -nameroasted sweet potato cartof dulce copt
9024CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍠 –keywordspotato | roasted | sweet cartof | copt | dulce
9025CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍢 -nameoden frigăruie japoneză
9026CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍢 –keywordskebab | oden | seafood | skewer | stick băț | frigăruie japoneză | fructe de mare | oden
9027CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍣 -name= sushi
9028CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍣 –keywords= sushi
9029CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍤 -namefried shrimp crevete prăjit
9030CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍤 –keywordsfried | prawn | shrimp | tempura crevete | crevete prăjit | prăjire | tempura
9031CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍥 -namefish cake with swirl ruladă japoneză cu pește
9032CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍥 –keywordscake | fish | fish cake with swirl | pastry | swirl paste | pește | ruladă | ruladă japoneză cu pește
9033CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🥮 -namemoon cake prăjitura lunii
9034CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🥮 –keywordsautumn | festival | moon cake | yuèbǐng festival | prăjitură chinezească | prăjitura lunii | toamnă
9035CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍡 -namedango găluște japoneze pe băț
9036CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍡 –keywordsdango | dessert | Japanese | skewer | stick | sweet băț | desert | dulce | găluște japoneze pe băț | Japonia
9037CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🥟 -namedumpling găluște chinezești
9038CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🥟 –keywordsdumpling | empanada | gyōza | jiaozi | pierogi | potsticker empanada | găluște chinezești | jiaozi | pierogi | potsticker
9039CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🥠 -namefortune cookie prăjiturele cu răvaș
9040CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🥠 –keywordsfortune cookie | prophecy prăjiturele cu răvaș | profeție
9041CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🥡 -nametakeout box mâncare la pachet
9042CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🥡 –keywordsoyster pail | takeout box mâncare chinezească la pachet | mâncare la pachet
9043CharactersFood & Drinkfood-marine🦀 -namecrab rac
9044CharactersFood & Drinkfood-marine🦀 –keywordsCancer | crab | zodiac rac | zodiac
9045CharactersFood & Drinkfood-marine🦞 -namelobster homar
9046CharactersFood & Drinkfood-marine🦞 –keywordsbisque | claws | lobster | seafood clești | fructe de mare | homar
9047CharactersFood & Drinkfood-marine🦐 -nameshrimp crevete
9048CharactersFood & Drinkfood-marine🦐 –keywordsfood | shellfish | shrimp | small crevete | fructe de mare | mâncare | mic
9049CharactersFood & Drinkfood-marine🦑 -namesquid calmar
9050CharactersFood & Drinkfood-marine🦑 –keywordsfood | molusc | squid calamar | calmar | mâncare | moluscă
9051CharactersFood & Drinkfood-marine🦪 -nameoyster stridie
9052CharactersFood & Drinkfood-marine🦪 –keywordsdiving | oyster | pearl perlă | scufundare | stridie
9053CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍦 -namesoft ice cream înghețată cremă
9054CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍦 –keywordscream | dessert | ice | icecream | soft | sweet cornet | desert | înghețată | înghețată cremă
9055CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍧 -nameshaved ice desert din fulgi de gheață
9056CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍧 –keywordsdessert | ice | shaved | sweet desert | desert din fulgi de gheață | dulce | gheață | înghețată
9057CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍨 -nameice cream înghețată
9058CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍨 –keywordscream | dessert | ice | sweet cremă | desert | dulce | înghețată
9059CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍩 -namedoughnut gogoașă americană
9060CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍩 –keywordsbreakfast | dessert | donut | doughnut | sweet desert | dulce | glazură | gogoașă | gogoașă americană
9061CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍪 -namecookie fursec
9062CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍪 –keywordscookie | dessert | sweet desert | dulce | fursec
9063CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🎂 -namebirthday cake tort aniversar
9064CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🎂 –keywordsbirthday | cake | celebration | dessert | pastry | sweet aluat | aniversare | desert | dulce | sărbătoare | tort | tort aniversar
9065CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍰 -nameshortcake tartă
9066CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍰 –keywordscake | dessert | pastry | shortcake | slice | sweet aluat | desert | dulce | felie | tartă
9067CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🧁 -namecupcake brioșă
9068CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🧁 –keywordsbakery | cupcake | sweet brioșă | dulce | patiserie
9069CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🥧 -namepie plăcintă
9070CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🥧 –keywordsfilling | pastry | pie aluat | plăcintă | umplutură
9071CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍫 -namechocolate bar baton de ciocolată
9072CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍫 –keywordsbar | chocolate | dessert | sweet baton | baton de ciocolată | ciocolată | desert | dulce
9073CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍬 -namecandy bomboană
9074CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍬 –keywordscandy | dessert | sweet bomboană | desert | dulce
9075CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍭 -namelollipop acadea
9076CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍭 –keywordscandy | dessert | lollipop | sweet acadea | băț | bomboană | desert | dulce
9077CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍮 -namecustard șarlotă
9078CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍮 –keywordscustard | dessert | pudding | sweet budincă | desert | dulce | șarlotă
9079CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍯 -namehoney pot borcan cu miere
9080CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍯 –keywordshoney | honeypot | pot | sweet borcan | borcan cu miere | dulce | miere
9081CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍼 -namebaby bottle biberon
9082CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍼 –keywordsbaby | bottle | drink | milk bebeluș | biberon | lapte | sticlă | suzetă
9083CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🥛 -nameglass of milk pahar cu lapte
9084CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🥛 –keywordsdrink | glass | glass of milk | milk băutură | lapte | pahar | pahar cu lapte
9085CharactersFood & Drinkdrink☕ -namehot beverage băutură fierbinte
9086CharactersFood & Drinkdrink☕ –keywordsbeverage | coffee | drink | hot | steaming | tea băutură | cafea | ceai | ceașcă | fierbinte
9087CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🫖 -nameteapot ceainic
9088CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🫖 –keywordsdrink | pot | tea | teapot băutură | ceai | ceainic
9089CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍵 -nameteacup without handle ceașcă fără mâner
9090CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍵 –keywordsbeverage | cup | drink | tea | teacup | teacup without handle băutură | ceai | ceașcă | ceașcă fără mâner
9091CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍶 -name= sake
9092CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍶 –keywordsbar | beverage | bottle | cup | drink | sake bar | băutură | ceașcă | sake | sticlă
9093CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍾 -namebottle with popping cork sticlă căreia îi sare dopul
9094CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍾 –keywordsbar | bottle | bottle with popping cork | cork | drink | popping bar | băutură | dop | sărbătoare | sticlă | sticlă căreia îi sare dopul
9095CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍷 -namewine glass pahar de vin
9096CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍷 –keywordsbar | beverage | drink | glass | wine bar | băutură | pahar | pahar de vin | vin
9097CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍸 -namecocktail glass pahar de cocktail
9098CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍸 –keywordsbar | cocktail | drink | glass bar | băutură | cocktail | pahar | pahar de cocktail
9099CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍹 -nametropical drink băutură tropicală
9100CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍹 –keywordsbar | drink | tropical bar | băutură | băutură tropicală | exotic | tropical
9101CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍺 -namebeer mug halbă de bere
9102CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍺 –keywordsbar | beer | drink | mug bar | băutură | bere | halbă | halbă de bere
9103CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍻 -nameclinking beer mugs halbe de bere ciocnite
9104CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍻 –keywordsbar | beer | clink | clinking beer mugs | drink | mug bar | băutură | bere | ciocnit | halbă | halbe | halbe de bere ciocnite
9105CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🥂 -nameclinking glasses pahare ciocnite
9106CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🥂 –keywordscelebrate | clink | clinking glasses | drink | glass băutură | ciocnit | ciocnit de pahare | pahar | pahare ciocnite | sărbătorire
9107CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🥃 -nametumbler glass pahar de whisky
9108CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🥃 –keywordsglass | liquor | shot | tumbler | whisky lichior | pahar | pahar de whisky | shot | whisky
9109CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🥤 -namecup with straw pahar cu pai
9110CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🥤 –keywordscup with straw | juice | soda pahar cu pai | sifon | suc
9111CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🧋 -namebubble tea ceai cu perle
9112CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🧋 –keywordsbubble | milk | pearl | tea ceai | ceai cu perle | lapte | perle
9113CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🧃 -namebeverage box cutie de băutură
9114CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🧃 –keywordsbeverage | box | juice | straw | sweet cutie de băutură | cutie de suc
9115CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🧉 -name= mate
9116CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🧉 –keywordsdrink | mate băutură | mate
9117CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🧊 -nameice cub de gheață
9118CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🧊 –keywordscold | ice | ice cube | iceberg aisberg | cub de gheață | gheață | rece
9119CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🥢 -namechopsticks bețișoare japoneze
9120CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🥢 –keywordschopsticks | hashi bețișoare de mâncat | bețișoare japoneze
9121CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🍽 -namefork and knife with plate furculiță și cuțit cu farfurie
9122CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🍽 –keywordscooking | fork | fork and knife with plate | knife | plate cuțit | farfurie | furculiță și cuțit cu farfurie | gătit | tacâmuri
9123CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🍴 -namefork and knife furculiță și cuțit
9124CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🍴 –keywordscooking | cutlery | fork | fork and knife | knife cuțit | furculiță | furculiță și cuțit | gătit
9125CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🥄 -namespoon lingură
9126CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🥄 –keywordsspoon | tableware lingură | tacâmuri
9127CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🔪 -namekitchen knife cuțit de bucătărie
9128CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🔪 –keywordscooking | hocho | kitchen knife | knife | tool | weapon armă | cuțit | cuțit de bucătărie | gătit | instrument
9129CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🏺 -nameamphora amforă
9130CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🏺 –keywordsamphora | Aquarius | cooking | drink | jug | zodiac amforă | băut | gătit | ulcior | Vărsător | zodiac
9131CharactersTravel & Placesplace-map🌍 -nameglobe showing Europe-Africa Europa și Africa pe glob
9132CharactersTravel & Placesplace-map🌍 –keywordsAfrica | earth | Europe | globe | globe showing Europe-Africa | world Africa | Europa | Europa și Africa pe glob | glob | lume | Pământ
9133CharactersTravel & Placesplace-map🌎 -nameglobe showing Americas Americile pe glob
9134CharactersTravel & Placesplace-map🌎 –keywordsAmericas | earth | globe | globe showing Americas | world Americi | Americile pe glob | glob | lume | Pământ
9135CharactersTravel & Placesplace-map🌏 -nameglobe showing Asia-Australia Asia și Australia pe glob
9136CharactersTravel & Placesplace-map🌏 –keywordsAsia | Australia | earth | globe | globe showing Asia-Australia | world Asia | Asia și Australia pe glob | Australia | glob | lume
9137CharactersTravel & Placesplace-map🌐 -nameglobe with meridians glob cu meridiane
9138CharactersTravel & Placesplace-map🌐 –keywordsearth | globe | globe with meridians | meridians | world glob | glob cu meridiane | lume | meridiane | Pământ
9139CharactersTravel & Placesplace-map🗺 -nameworld map harta lumii
9140CharactersTravel & Placesplace-map🗺 –keywordsmap | world hartă | harta lumii | lume
9141CharactersTravel & Placesplace-map🗾 -namemap of Japan harta Japoniei
9142CharactersTravel & Placesplace-map🗾 –keywordsJapan | map | map of Japan hartă | harta Japoniei | Japonia
9143CharactersTravel & Placesplace-map🧭 -namecompass busolă
9144CharactersTravel & Placesplace-map🧭 –keywordscompass | magnetic | navigation | orienteering busolă | magnetic | navigație | orientare
9145CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🏔 -namesnow-capped mountain vârf de munte înzăpezit
9146CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🏔 –keywordscold | mountain | snow | snow-capped mountain frig | munte | vârf | vârf de munte înzăpezit | zăpadă
9147CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic⛰ -namemountain munte
9148CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic⛰ –keywordsmountain masiv | munte | stâncă
9149CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🌋 -namevolcano vulcan
9150CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🌋 –keywordseruption | mountain | volcano erupție | lavă | munte | vulcan
9151CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🗻 -namemount fuji muntele Fuji
9152CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🗻 –keywordsfuji | mount fuji | mountain Fuji | munte | muntele Fuji
9153CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🏕 -name= camping
9154CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🏕 –keywordscamping camping | cort
9155CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🏖 -namebeach with umbrella umbrelă pe plajă
9156CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🏖 –keywordsbeach | beach with umbrella | umbrella plajă | umbrelă | umbrelă pe plajă
9157CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🏜 -namedesert deșert
9158CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🏜 –keywordsdesert deșert | nisip
9159CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🏝 -namedesert island insulă pustie
9160CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🏝 –keywordsdesert | island insulă | insulă pustie | pustiu
9161CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🏞 -namenational park parc național
9162CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🏞 –keywordsnational park | park național | parc național | park
9163CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏟 -namestadium stadion
9164CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏟 –keywordsstadium public | sport | stadion
9165CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏛 -nameclassical building clădire clasică
9166CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏛 –keywordsclassical | classical building clădire | clădire clasică | clasic | stil
9167CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏗 -namebuilding construction clădire în construcție
9168CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏗 –keywordsbuilding construction | construction clădire | clădire în construcție | construcție
9169CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🧱 -namebrick cărămidă
9170CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🧱 –keywordsbrick | bricks | clay | mortar | wall argilă | cărămidă | cărămizi | mortar | zid
9171CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🪨 -namerock piatră
9172CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🪨 –keywordsboulder | heavy | rock | solid | stone piatră
9173CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🪵 -namewood lemn
9174CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🪵 –keywordslog | lumber | timber | wood lemn
9175CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🛖 -namehut colibă
9176CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🛖 –keywordshouse | hut | roundhouse | yurt colibă
9177CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏘 -namehouses case
9178CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏘 –keywordshouses case | construcție
9179CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏚 -namederelict house casă părăsită
9180CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏚 –keywordsderelict | house abandonată | casă | casă părăsită
9181CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏠 -namehouse casă
9182CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏠 –keywordshome | house casă | locuință
9183CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏡 -namehouse with garden casă cu grădină
9184CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏡 –keywordsgarden | home | house | house with garden casă | casă cu grădină | grădină | locuință | verdeață
9185CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏢 -nameoffice building clădire de birouri
9186CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏢 –keywordsbuilding | office building birouri | clădire | clădire de birouri
9187CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏣 -nameJapanese post office oficiu poștal japonez
9188CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏣 –keywordsJapanese | Japanese post office | post Japonia | oficiu poștal japonez | poștă
9189CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏤 -namepost office oficiu poștal
9190CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏤 –keywordsEuropean | post | post office Europa | oficiu poștal | poștă
9191CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏥 -namehospital spital
9192CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏥 –keywordsdoctor | hospital | medicine doctor | medicină | sănătate | spital
9193CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏦 -namebank bancă
9194CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏦 –keywordsbank | building bancă | clădire
9195CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏨 -name= hotel
9196CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏨 –keywordsbuilding | hotel cazare | clădire | hotel
9197CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏩 -namelove hotel hotel de dragoste
9198CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏩 –keywordshotel | love cazare | clădire | hotel de dragoste | iubire
9199CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏪 -nameconvenience store magazin non-stop
9200CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏪 –keywordsconvenience | store magazin | mic magazin de cartier | mixt | non-stop
9201CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏫 -nameschool școală
9202CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏫 –keywordsbuilding | school clădire | învățământ | școală
9203CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏬 -namedepartment store magazin universal
9204CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏬 –keywordsdepartment | store magazin | mare | raioane | universal
9205CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏭 -namefactory fabrică
9206CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏭 –keywordsbuilding | factory clădire | fabrică | producție
9207CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏯 -nameJapanese castle castel japonez
9208CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏯 –keywordscastle | Japanese castel | castel japonez | clădire | Japonia
9209CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏰 -namecastle castel
9210CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏰 –keywordscastle | European castel | clădire | Japonia
9211CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building💒 -namewedding nuntă
9212CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building💒 –keywordschapel | romance | wedding capelă | inimă | nuntă
9213CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🗼 -nameTokyo tower turnul Tokio
9214CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🗼 –keywordsTokyo | tower Tokio | turn | turnul Tokio
9215CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🗽 -nameStatue of Liberty Statuia Libertății
9216CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🗽 –keywordsliberty | statue | Statue of Liberty libertate | Statuia Libertății | statuie
9217CharactersTravel & Placesplace-religious⛪ -namechurch biserică
9218CharactersTravel & Placesplace-religious⛪ –keywordsChristian | church | cross | religion biserică | clădire | creștin | creștinism | cruce | rugăciune
9219CharactersTravel & Placesplace-religious🕌 -namemosque moschee
9220CharactersTravel & Placesplace-religious🕌 –keywordsislam | mosque | Muslim | religion cult | islam | moschee | musulman | religie
9221CharactersTravel & Placesplace-religious🛕 -namehindu temple templu hindus
9222CharactersTravel & Placesplace-religious🛕 –keywordshindu | temple hindus | templu
9223CharactersTravel & Placesplace-religious🕍 -namesynagogue sinagogă
9224CharactersTravel & Placesplace-religious🕍 –keywordsJew | Jewish | religion | synagogue | temple cult | evreiesc | religie | sinagogă | templu
9225CharactersTravel & Placesplace-religious⛩ -nameshinto shrine altar shinto
9226CharactersTravel & Placesplace-religious⛩ –keywordsreligion | shinto | shrine altar | cult | religie | sanctuar | shinto | templu
9227CharactersTravel & Placesplace-religious🕋 -namekaaba lăcaș de cult islamic kaaba
9228CharactersTravel & Placesplace-religious🕋 –keywordsislam | kaaba | Muslim | religion cult | islam | kaaba | lăcaș de cult islamic kaaba | religie
9229CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other⛲ -namefountain fântână arteziană
9230CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other⛲ –keywordsfountain apă | fântână | fântână arteziană
9231CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other⛺ -nametent cort
9232CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other⛺ –keywordscamping | tent camping | cort
9233CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌁 -namefoggy încețoșat
9234CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌁 –keywordsfog | foggy ceață | încețoșat | vreme
9235CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌃 -namenight with stars noapte înstelată
9236CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌃 –keywordsnight | night with stars | star noapte | noapte înstelată | stele
9237CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🏙 -namecityscape peisaj urban
9238CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🏙 –keywordscity | cityscape oraș | orizont citadin | peisaj urban | zgârie-nori
9239CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌄 -namesunrise over mountains răsărit după munți
9240CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌄 –keywordsmorning | mountain | sun | sunrise | sunrise over mountains dimineață | munți | răsărit | răsărit după munți | soare
9241CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌅 -namesunrise răsărit
9242CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌅 –keywordsmorning | sun | sunrise dimineață | răsărit | soare
9243CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌆 -namecityscape at dusk peisaj urban la apus
9244CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌆 –keywordscity | cityscape at dusk | dusk | evening | landscape | sunset apus | oraș | peisaj urban la apus | seară | soare | zgârie-nori
9245CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌇 -namesunset apus
9246CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌇 –keywordsdusk | sun | sunset amurg | apus | crepuscul | soare
9247CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌉 -namebridge at night pod luminat noaptea
9248CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌉 –keywordsbridge | bridge at night | night lumină | noapte | pod | pod luminat noaptea
9249CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other♨ -namehot springs izvoare termale
9250CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other♨ –keywordshot | hotsprings | springs | steaming aburi | apă | căldură | izvoare termale | izvor
9251CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🎠 -namecarousel horse căluț de carusel
9252CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🎠 –keywordscarousel | horse cal | căluț de carusel | carousel
9253CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🎡 -nameferris wheel roata mare
9254CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🎡 –keywordsamusement park | ferris | wheel bâlci | carnaval | distracție | parc de distracție | roata mare
9255CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🎢 -nameroller coaster montagne russe
9256CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🎢 –keywordsamusement park | coaster | roller adrenalină | montagne russe | parc de distracție
9257CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other💈 -namebarber pole stâlp de bărbier
9258CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other💈 –keywordsbarber | haircut | pole bărbier | indicator | stâlp de bărbier | tuns
9259CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🎪 -namecircus tent cort de circ
9260CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🎪 –keywordscircus | tent circ | cort | cort de circ
9261CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚂 -namelocomotive locomotivă
9262CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚂 –keywordsengine | locomotive | railway | steam | train aburi | cale ferată | locomotivă | motor | transport | tren
9263CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚃 -namerailway car vagon feroviar
9264CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚃 –keywordscar | electric | railway | train | tram | trolleybus electric | șină | tramvai | transport | troleibuz | vagon | vagon feroviar
9265CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚄 -namehigh-speed train tren de mare viteză
9266CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚄 –keywordshigh-speed train | railway | shinkansen | speed | train cale ferată | tren | tren de mare viteză | viteză
9267CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚅 -namebullet train tren de mare viteză cu vârf aerodinamic
9268CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚅 –keywordsbullet | railway | shinkansen | speed | train aerodinamic | cale ferată | tren | tren de mare viteză cu vârf aerodinamic | viteză
9269CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚆 -nametrain tren
9270CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚆 –keywordsrailway | train cale ferată | șine | tren
9271CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚇 -namemetro metrou
9272CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚇 –keywordsmetro | subway metrou | tren | tunel
9273CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚈 -namelight rail tren ușor
9274CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚈 –keywordslight rail | railway cale ferată | șine | tren ușor
9275CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚉 -namestation gară
9276CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚉 –keywordsrailway | station | train cale ferată | gară | haltă | stație | tren
9277CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚊 -nametram tramvai
9278CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚊 –keywordstram | trolleybus tramvai | troleibuz
9279CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚝 -namemonorail monorai
9280CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚝 –keywordsmonorail | vehicle monorai | monoșină
9281CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚞 -namemountain railway cale ferată montană
9282CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚞 –keywordscar | mountain | railway cale ferată | cale ferată montană | munte
9283CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚋 -nametram car vagon de tramvai
9284CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚋 –keywordscar | tram | trolleybus tramvai | troleibuz | vagon | vagon de tramvai
9285CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚌 -namebus autobuz
9286CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚌 –keywordsbus | vehicle autobuz | vehicul
9287CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚍 -nameoncoming bus autobuz care se apropie
9288CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚍 –keywordsbus | oncoming autobuz | autobuz care se apropie | sosire
9289CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚎 -nametrolleybus troleibuz
9290CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚎 –keywordsbus | tram | trolley | trolleybus autobuz | tramvai | troleibuz | troleu
9291CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚐 -nameminibus microbuz
9292CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚐 –keywordsbus | minibus autobuz | microbuz
9293CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚑 -nameambulance ambulanță
9294CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚑 –keywordsambulance | vehicle ambulanță | asistență | medicală | vehicul
9295CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚒 -namefire engine mașină de pompieri
9296CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚒 –keywordsengine | fire | truck incendiu | mașină de pompieri | salvare | vehicul
9297CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚓 -namepolice car mașină de poliție
9298CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚓 –keywordscar | patrol | police autovehicul | mașină de poliție | patrula | poliție
9299CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚔 -nameoncoming police car mașină de poliție care se apropie
9300CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚔 –keywordscar | oncoming | police autovehicul | mașină de poliție care se apropie | poliție
9301CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚕 -name= taxi
9302CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚕 –keywordstaxi | vehicle autovehicul | taxi | taximetrie
9303CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚖 -nameoncoming taxi taxi care se apropie
9304CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚖 –keywordsoncoming | taxi apropiere | autovehicul | taxi care se apropie | taximetrie
9305CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚗 -nameautomobile automobil
9306CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚗 –keywordsautomobile | car automobil | mașină
9307CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚘 -nameoncoming automobile automobil care se apropie
9308CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚘 –keywordsautomobile | car | oncoming automobil care se apropie | mașină | sosire
9309CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚙 -namesport utility vehicle vehicul recreațional
9310CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚙 –keywordsrecreational | sport utility | sport utility vehicle călătorii | jeep | SUV | vacanță | vehicul | vehicul recreațional
9311CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🛻 -namepickup truck camionetă
9312CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🛻 –keywordspick-up | pickup | truck camionetă
9313CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚚 -namedelivery truck camion de marfă
9314CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚚 –keywordsdelivery | truck camion | camion de marfă | livrare | marfă
9315CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚛 -namearticulated lorry camion articulat
9316CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚛 –keywordsarticulated lorry | lorry | semi | truck articulat | camion
9317CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚜 -name= tractor
9318CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚜 –keywordstractor | vehicle tractor | vehicul
9319CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🏎 -nameracing car mașină de curse
9320CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🏎 –keywordscar | racing curse | mașină | mașină de curse
9321CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🏍 -namemotorcycle motocicletă
9322CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🏍 –keywordsmotorcycle | racing curse | motocicletă
9323CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🛵 -namemotor scooter scuter
9324CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🛵 –keywordsmotor | scooter motor | motoscuter | scuter
9325CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🦽 -namemanual wheelchair scaun cu rotile manual
9326CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🦽 –keywordsaccessibility | manual wheelchair accesibilitate | scaun cu rotile manual
9327CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🦼 -namemotorized wheelchair scaun cu rotile motorizat
9328CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🦼 –keywordsaccessibility | motorized wheelchair accesibilitate | scaun cu rotile motorizat
9329CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🛺 -nameauto rickshaw autoricșă
9330CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🛺 –keywordsauto rickshaw | tuk tuk autoricșă | tuk tuk
9331CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚲 -namebicycle bicicletă
9332CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚲 –keywordsbicycle | bike bicicletă | ciclism
9333CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🛴 -namekick scooter trotinetă
9334CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🛴 –keywordskick | scooter scuter | trotinetă
9335CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🛹 -name= skateboard
9336CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🛹 –keywordsboard | skateboard placă | skateboard
9337CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🛼 -nameroller skate patină cu rotile
9338CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🛼 –keywordsroller | skate patină cu rotile
9339CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚏 -namebus stop stație de autobuz
9340CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚏 –keywordsbus | busstop | stop autobuz | oprire | stație de autobuz
9341CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🛣 -namemotorway autostradă
9342CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🛣 –keywordshighway | motorway | road autostradă | autovehicule | drum
9343CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🛤 -namerailway track cale ferată
9344CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🛤 –keywordsrailway | railway track | train cale ferată | șină | șine | tren
9345CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🛢 -nameoil drum butoi de combustibil
9346CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🛢 –keywordsdrum | oil butoi | butoi de combustibil | tablă
9347CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground⛽ -namefuel pump pompă de combustibil
9348CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground⛽ –keywordsdiesel | fuel | fuelpump | gas | pump | station alimentare | benzină | benzinărie | combustibil | diesel | pompă | pompă de combustibil
9349CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚨 -namepolice car light girofar de poliție
9350CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚨 –keywordsbeacon | car | light | police | revolving girofar | girofar de poliție | lumină | poliție | semnal luminos
9351CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚥 -namehorizontal traffic light semafor orizontal
9352CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚥 –keywordshorizontal traffic light | light | signal | traffic semafor | semafor orizontal | semnal | trafic
9353CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚦 -namevertical traffic light semafor vertical
9354CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚦 –keywordslight | signal | traffic | vertical traffic light semafor | semafor vertical | semnal | trafic
9355CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🛑 -namestop sign semnul stop
9356CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🛑 –keywordsoctagonal | sign | stop indicator | octogon | semn | semnul stop | stop
9357CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚧 -nameconstruction șantier
9358CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚧 –keywordsbarrier | construction barieră | construcție | indicator | șantier
9359CharactersTravel & Placestransport-water⚓ -nameanchor ancoră
9360CharactersTravel & Placestransport-water⚓ –keywordsanchor | ship | tool ancoră | ancorare | instrument | navă | vas
9361CharactersTravel & Placestransport-water⛵ -namesailboat barcă cu pânze
9362CharactersTravel & Placestransport-water⛵ –keywordsboat | resort | sailboat | sea | yacht barcă | barcă cu pânze | iaht | navigație | pânze
9363CharactersTravel & Placestransport-water🛶 -name= canoe
9364CharactersTravel & Placestransport-water🛶 –keywordsboat | canoe barcă | canoe
9365CharactersTravel & Placestransport-water🚤 -namespeedboat barcă de viteză
9366CharactersTravel & Placestransport-water🚤 –keywordsboat | speedboat barcă | barcă de viteză | motor | șalupă | viteză
9367CharactersTravel & Placestransport-water🛳 -namepassenger ship vas de pasageri
9368CharactersTravel & Placestransport-water🛳 –keywordspassenger | ship croazieră | navă | pasageri | vas de pasageri
9369CharactersTravel & Placestransport-water⛴ -nameferry feribot
9370CharactersTravel & Placestransport-water⛴ –keywordsboat | ferry | passenger feribot | navă | pasageri | transport
9371CharactersTravel & Placestransport-water🛥 -namemotor boat barcă cu motor
9372CharactersTravel & Placestransport-water🛥 –keywordsboat | motor boat | motorboat barcă | barcă cu motor | motonavă | motor | șalupă
9373CharactersTravel & Placestransport-water🚢 -nameship vapor
9374CharactersTravel & Placestransport-water🚢 –keywordsboat | passenger | ship maritim | navă | navigație | pasageri | vapor | vas
9375CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air✈ -nameairplane avion
9376CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air✈ –keywordsaeroplane | airplane aeronavă | avion | zbor
9377CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air🛩 -namesmall airplane aeronavă mică
9378CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air🛩 –keywordsaeroplane | airplane | small airplane aeronavă mică | avion | ușor
9379CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air🛫 -nameairplane departure plecare avion
9380CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air🛫 –keywordsaeroplane | airplane | check-in | departure | departures aeronavă | avion | check-in | plecare | plecări
9381CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air🛬 -nameairplane arrival sosire avion
9382CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air🛬 –keywordsaeroplane | airplane | airplane arrival | arrivals | arriving | landing aeronavă | aterizare | avion | sosire | sosiri
9383CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air🪂 -nameparachute parașută
9384CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air🪂 –keywordshang-glide | parachute | parasail | skydive deltaplanorism | parasailing | parașută | parașutism
9385CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air💺 -nameseat loc în mijloc de transport
9386CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air💺 –keywordschair | seat loc în mijloc de transport | scaun | transport
9387CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air🚁 -namehelicopter elicopter
9388CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air🚁 –keywordshelicopter | vehicle elice | elicopter | vehicul | zbor
9389CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air🚟 -namesuspension railway cale ferată suspendată
9390CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air🚟 –keywordsrailway | suspension cabluri | cale ferată | cale ferată suspendată
9391CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air🚠 -namemountain cableway telecabină montană
9392CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air🚠 –keywordscable | gondola | mountain | mountain cableway cablu | gondolă | munte | telecabină montană | transport
9393CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air🚡 -nameaerial tramway tramvai aerian
9394CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air🚡 –keywordsaerial | cable | car | gondola | tramway cablu | gondolă | tramvai aerian | transport
9395CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air🛰 -namesatellite satelit
9396CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air🛰 –keywordssatellite | space cosmos | satelit | spațiu
9397CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air🚀 -namerocket rachetă
9398CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air🚀 –keywordsrocket | space cosmos | rachetă | spațiu
9399CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air🛸 -nameflying saucer farfurie zburătoare
9400CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air🛸 –keywordsflying saucer | UFO farfurie zburătoare | OZN
9401CharactersTravel & Placeshotel🛎 -namebellhop bell sonerie de recepție
9402CharactersTravel & Placeshotel🛎 –keywordsbell | bellhop | hotel clopoțel | hotel | recepție | sonerie | sonerie de recepție
9403CharactersTravel & Placeshotel🧳 -nameluggage bagaj
9404CharactersTravel & Placeshotel🧳 –keywordsluggage | packing | travel bagaj | călătorie | împachetare | valiză | voiaj
9405CharactersTravel & Placestime⌛ -namehourglass done clepsidră cu nisipul scurs
9406CharactersTravel & Placestime⌛ –keywordshourglass done | sand | timer clepsidră | clepsidră cu nisipul scurs | nisip | temporizator | timp
9407CharactersTravel & Placestime⏳ -namehourglass not done clepsidră cu nisip care se scurge
9408CharactersTravel & Placestime⏳ –keywordshourglass | hourglass not done | sand | timer clepsidră | clepsidră cu nisip care se scurge | curgere | nisip | temporizator | timp
9409CharactersTravel & Placestime⌚ -namewatch ceas de mână
9410CharactersTravel & Placestime⌚ –keywordsclock | watch ceas | ceas de mână
9411CharactersTravel & Placestime⏰ -namealarm clock ceas deșteptător
9412CharactersTravel & Placestime⏰ –keywordsalarm | clock alarmă | ceas | ceas deșteptător
9413CharactersTravel & Placestime⏱ -namestopwatch cronometru
9414CharactersTravel & Placestime⏱ –keywordsclock | stopwatch ceas | cronometru
9415CharactersTravel & Placestime⏲ -nametimer clock temporizator
9416CharactersTravel & Placestime⏲ –keywordsclock | timer ceas | temporizator
9417CharactersTravel & Placestime🕰 -namemantelpiece clock ceas pentru etajeră
9418CharactersTravel & Placestime🕰 –keywordsclock | mantelpiece clock ceas | ceas pentru etajeră
9419CharactersTravel & Placestime🕛 -nametwelve o’clock ora douăsprezece fix
9420CharactersTravel & Placestime🕛 –keywords00 | 12 | 12:00 | clock | o’clock | twelve 00:00 | 12:00 | ceas | doisprezece fix | ora douăsprezece | ora douăsprezece fix
9421CharactersTravel & Placestime🕧 -nametwelve-thirty ora douăsprezece și jumătate
9422CharactersTravel & Placestime🕧 –keywords12 | 12:30 | clock | thirty | twelve | twelve-thirty 12:30 | ceas | doisprezece treizeci | ora douăsprezece și jumătate
9423CharactersTravel & Placestime🕐 -nameone o’clock ora unu fix
9424CharactersTravel & Placestime🕐 –keywords00 | 1 | 1:00 | clock | o’clock | one 1:00 | 13:00 | ceas | ora unu | ora unu fix | unu | unu fix
9425CharactersTravel & Placestime🕜 -nameone-thirty ora unu și jumătate
9426CharactersTravel & Placestime🕜 –keywords1 | 1:30 | clock | one | one-thirty | thirty 1:30 | 13:30 | ceas | ora unu și jumătate | unu treizeci
9427CharactersTravel & Placestime🕑 -nametwo o’clock ora două fix
9428CharactersTravel & Placestime🕑 –keywords00 | 2 | 2:00 | clock | o’clock | two 14:00 | 2:00 | ceas | două | două fix | ora două | ora două fix
9429CharactersTravel & Placestime🕝 -nametwo-thirty ora două și jumătate
9430CharactersTravel & Placestime🕝 –keywords2 | 2:30 | clock | thirty | two | two-thirty 14:30 | 2:30 | ceas | două | două treizeci | ora două și jumătate
9431CharactersTravel & Placestime🕒 -namethree o’clock ora trei fix
9432CharactersTravel & Placestime🕒 –keywords00 | 3 | 3:00 | clock | o’clock | three 15:00 | 3:00 | ceas | ora trei | ora trei fix | trei | trei fix
9433CharactersTravel & Placestime🕞 -namethree-thirty ora trei și jumătate
9434CharactersTravel & Placestime🕞 –keywords3 | 3:30 | clock | thirty | three | three-thirty 15:30 | 3:30 | ceas | ora trei și jumătate | trei treizeci
9435CharactersTravel & Placestime🕓 -namefour o’clock ora patru fix
9436CharactersTravel & Placestime🕓 –keywords00 | 4 | 4:00 | clock | four | o’clock 16:00 | 4:00 | ceas | ora patru | ora patru fix | patru | patru fix
9437CharactersTravel & Placestime🕟 -namefour-thirty ora patru și jumătate
9438CharactersTravel & Placestime🕟 –keywords4 | 4:30 | clock | four | four-thirty | thirty 16:30 | 4:30 | ceas | ora patru și jumătate | patru treizeci
9439CharactersTravel & Placestime🕔 -namefive o’clock ora cinci fix
9440CharactersTravel & Placestime🕔 –keywords00 | 5 | 5:00 | clock | five | o’clock 17:00 | 5:00 | ceas | cinci | cinci fix | ora cinci | ora cinci fix
9441CharactersTravel & Placestime🕠 -namefive-thirty ora cinci și jumătate
9442CharactersTravel & Placestime🕠 –keywords5 | 5:30 | clock | five | five-thirty | thirty 17:30 | 5:30 | ceas | cinci treizeci | ora cinci și jumătate
9443CharactersTravel & Placestime🕕 -namesix o’clock ora șase fix
9444CharactersTravel & Placestime🕕 –keywords00 | 6 | 6:00 | clock | o’clock | six 18:00 | 6:00 | ceas | ora șase | ora șase fix | șase | șase fix
9445CharactersTravel & Placestime🕡 -namesix-thirty ora șase și jumătate
9446CharactersTravel & Placestime🕡 –keywords6 | 6:30 | clock | six | six-thirty | thirty 18:30 | 6:30 | ceas | ora șase și jumătate | șase treizeci
9447CharactersTravel & Placestime🕖 -nameseven o’clock ora șapte fix
9448CharactersTravel & Placestime🕖 –keywords00 | 7 | 7:00 | clock | o’clock | seven 19:00 | 7:00 | ceas | ora șapte | ora șapte fix | șapte | șapte fix
9449CharactersTravel & Placestime🕢 -nameseven-thirty ora șapte și jumătate
9450CharactersTravel & Placestime🕢 –keywords7 | 7:30 | clock | seven | seven-thirty | thirty 19:30 | 7:30 | ceas | ora șapte și jumătate | șapte treizeci
9451CharactersTravel & Placestime🕗 -nameeight o’clock ora opt fix
9452CharactersTravel & Placestime🕗 –keywords00 | 8 | 8:00 | clock | eight | o’clock 20:00 | 8:00 | ceas | opt | opt fix | ora opt | ora opt fix
9453CharactersTravel & Placestime🕣 -nameeight-thirty ora opt și jumătate
9454CharactersTravel & Placestime🕣 –keywords8 | 8:30 | clock | eight | eight-thirty | thirty 20:30 | 8:30 | ceas | opt treizeci | ora opt și jumătate
9455CharactersTravel & Placestime🕘 -namenine o’clock ora nouă fix
9456CharactersTravel & Placestime🕘 –keywords00 | 9 | 9:00 | clock | nine | o’clock 21:00 | 9:00 | ceas | nouă | nouă fix | ora nouă | ora nouă fix
9457CharactersTravel & Placestime🕤 -namenine-thirty ora nouă și jumătate
9458CharactersTravel & Placestime🕤 –keywords9 | 9:30 | clock | nine | nine-thirty | thirty 21:30 | 9:30 | ceas | nouă treizeci | ora nouă și jumătate
9459CharactersTravel & Placestime🕙 -nameten o’clock ora zece fix
9460CharactersTravel & Placestime🕙 –keywords00 | 10 | 10:00 | clock | o’clock | ten 10:00 | 22:00 | ceas | ora zece | ora zece fix | zece | zece fix
9461CharactersTravel & Placestime🕥 -nameten-thirty ora zece și jumătate
9462CharactersTravel & Placestime🕥 –keywords10 | 10:30 | clock | ten | ten-thirty | thirty 10:30 | 22:30 | ceas | ora zece și jumătate | zece treizeci
9463CharactersTravel & Placestime🕚 -nameeleven o’clock ora unsprezece fix
9464CharactersTravel & Placestime🕚 –keywords00 | 11 | 11:00 | clock | eleven | o’clock 11:00 | 23:00 | ceas | ora unsprezece | ora unsprezece fix | unsprezece | unsprezece fix
9465CharactersTravel & Placestime🕦 -nameeleven-thirty ora unsprezece și jumătate
9466CharactersTravel & Placestime🕦 –keywords11 | 11:30 | clock | eleven | eleven-thirty | thirty 11:30 | 23:30 | ceas | ora unsprezece și jumătate | unsprezece treizeci
9467CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌑 -namenew moon lună nouă
9468CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌑 –keywordsdark | moon | new moon întuneric | lună | lună nouă
9469CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌒 -namewaxing crescent moon lună concavă în creștere
9470CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌒 –keywordscrescent | moon | waxing concavă | creștere | lună | lună concavă în creștere | semilună
9471CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌓 -namefirst quarter moon lună în primul pătrar
9472CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌓 –keywordsfirst quarter moon | moon | quarter lună | lună în primul pătrar | pătrar | unu
9473CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌔 -namewaxing gibbous moon lună convexă în creștere
9474CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌔 –keywordsgibbous | moon | waxing convexă | creștere | lună | lună convexă în creștere | semilună
9475CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌕 -namefull moon lună plină
9476CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌕 –keywordsfull | moon lumină | lună | lună plină | rotund
9477CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌖 -namewaning gibbous moon lună convexă în descreștere
9478CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌖 –keywordsgibbous | moon | waning convexă | descreștere | lună | lună convexă în descreștere | semilună
9479CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌗 -namelast quarter moon lună în ultimul pătrar
9480CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌗 –keywordslast quarter moon | moon | quarter lună | lună în ultimul pătrar | pătrar | patru
9481CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌘 -namewaning crescent moon lună concavă în descreștere
9482CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌘 –keywordscrescent | moon | waning concavă | descreștere | lună | lună concavă în descreștere | semilună
9483CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌙 -namecrescent moon semilună
9484CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌙 –keywordscrescent | moon creștere | lună | semilună
9485CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌚 -namenew moon face lună nouă cu față
9486CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌚 –keywordsface | moon | new moon face față | întuneric | lună | lună nouă cu față | rotundă
9487CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌛 -namefirst quarter moon face lună cu față în primul pătrar
9488CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌛 –keywordsface | first quarter moon face | moon | quarter față | lună | lună cu față în primul pătrar | pătrar | unu
9489CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌜 -namelast quarter moon face lună în ultimul pătrar cu față
9490CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌜 –keywordsface | last quarter moon face | moon | quarter față | lună | lună în ultimul pătrar cu față | pătrar | patru
9491CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌡 -namethermometer termometru
9492CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌡 –keywordsthermometer | weather temperatură | termometru | vreme
9493CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather☀ -namesun soare
9494CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather☀ –keywordsbright | rays | sun | sunny însorit | lumină | raze | soare | strălucitor
9495CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌝 -namefull moon face lună plină cu față
9496CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌝 –keywordsbright | face | full | moon față | lună plină | lună plină cu față
9497CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌞 -namesun with face soare cu față
9498CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌞 –keywordsbright | face | sun | sun with face față | raze | soare | soare cu față
9499CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🪐 -nameringed planet planetă cu inele
9500CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🪐 –keywordsringed planet | saturn | saturnine planetă cu inele | saturn | saturnian
9501CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather⭐ -namestar stea
9502CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather⭐ –keywordsstar stea
9503CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌟 -nameglowing star stea strălucitoare
9504CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌟 –keywordsglittery | glow | glowing star | shining | sparkle | star stea | stea strălucitoare | strălucire
9505CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌠 -nameshooting star stea căzătoare
9506CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌠 –keywordsfalling | shooting | star cădere | cometă | meteor | stea | stea căzătoare
9507CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌌 -namemilky way Calea Lactee
9508CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌌 –keywordsmilky way | space Calea Lactee | constelație | stele
9509CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather☁ -namecloud nor
9510CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather☁ –keywordscloud | weather înnorat | meteo | nor | vreme
9511CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather⛅ -namesun behind cloud soare în nori
9512CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather⛅ –keywordscloud | sun | sun behind cloud nor | soare | soare în nori | vreme
9513CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather⛈ -namecloud with lightning and rain nor cu fulger și ploaie
9514CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather⛈ –keywordscloud | cloud with lightning and rain | rain | thunder fulger | nor | nor cu fulger și ploaie | ploaie | tunet | vreme
9515CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌤 -namesun behind small cloud soare după un nor mic
9516CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌤 –keywordscloud | sun | sun behind small cloud nor | soare | soare după un nor mic | vreme
9517CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌥 -namesun behind large cloud soare după un nor mare
9518CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌥 –keywordscloud | sun | sun behind large cloud nor | soare | soare după un nor mare | vreme
9519CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌦 -namesun behind rain cloud soare după nor cu ploaie
9520CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌦 –keywordscloud | rain | sun | sun behind rain cloud nor | ploaie | soare | soare după nor cu ploaie
9521CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌧 -namecloud with rain nor cu ploaie
9522CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌧 –keywordscloud | cloud with rain | rain nor | nor cu ploaie | ploaie | vreme
9523CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌨 -namecloud with snow nor de ninsoare
9524CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌨 –keywordscloud | cloud with snow | cold | snow fulgi | ninsoare | nor | nor de ninsoare
9525CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌩 -namecloud with lightning nor cu fulger
9526CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌩 –keywordscloud | cloud with lightning | lightning fulger | nor | nor cu fulger
9527CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌪 -nametornado tornadă
9528CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌪 –keywordscloud | tornado | whirlwind nor | tornadă | vârtej
9529CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌫 -namefog ceață
9530CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌫 –keywordscloud | fog ceață | nor | vreme
9531CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌬 -namewind face față suflând vânt
9532CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌬 –keywordsblow | cloud | face | wind față | față suflând vânt | suflare | vânt
9533CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌀 -namecyclone ciclon
9534CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌀 –keywordscyclone | dizzy | hurricane | twister | typhoon ciclon | taifun | uragan | vârtej
9535CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌈 -namerainbow curcubeu
9536CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌈 –keywordsrain | rainbow cer | culori | curcubeu
9537CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌂 -nameclosed umbrella umbrelă închisă
9538CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌂 –keywordsclosed umbrella | clothing | rain | umbrella accesoriu | ploaie | umbrelă | umbrelă închisă
9539CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather☂ -nameumbrella umbrelă
9540CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather☂ –keywordsclothing | rain | umbrella accesoriu | ploaie | umbrelă
9541CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather☔ -nameumbrella with rain drops umbrelă cu picături de ploaie
9542CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather☔ –keywordsclothing | drop | rain | umbrella | umbrella with rain drops picături | ploaie | umbrelă | umbrelă cu picături de ploaie
9543CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather⛱ -nameumbrella on ground umbrelă pe sol
9544CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather⛱ –keywordsrain | sun | umbrella | umbrella on ground ploaie | soare | umbrelă | umbrelă pe sol
9545CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather⚡ -namehigh voltage înaltă tensiune
9546CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather⚡ –keywordsdanger | electric | high voltage | lightning | voltage | zap electricitate | fulger | înaltă tensiune | pericol | voltaj
9547CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather❄ -namesnowflake fulg de nea
9548CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather❄ –keywordscold | snow | snowflake frig | fulg de nea | zăpadă
9549CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather☃ -namesnowman om de zăpadă
9550CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather☃ –keywordscold | snow | snowman frig | om | om de zăpadă | zăpadă
9551CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather⛄ -namesnowman without snow om de zăpadă fără zăpadă
9552CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather⛄ –keywordscold | snow | snowman | snowman without snow frig | om | om de zăpadă fără zăpadă | zăpadă
9553CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather☄ -namecomet cometă
9554CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather☄ –keywordscomet | space cometă | spațiu
9555CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🔥 -namefire foc
9556CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🔥 –keywordsfire | flame | tool căldură | flacără | flamă | foc | lumină
9557CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather💧 -namedroplet picătură
9558CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather💧 –keywordscold | comic | drop | droplet | sweat bandă desenată | lichid | picătură | transpirație
9559CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌊 -namewater wave val
9560CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌊 –keywordsocean | water | wave mare | ocean | val
9561CharactersActivitiesevent🎃 -namejack-o-lantern dovleac cu felinar
9562CharactersActivitiesevent🎃 –keywordscelebration | halloween | jack | jack-o-lantern | lantern dovleac cu felinar | Halloween | jack-o-lantern | lumânare | sărbătoare
9563CharactersActivitiesevent🎄 -nameChristmas tree brad de Crăciun
9564CharactersActivitiesevent🎄 –keywordscelebration | Christmas | tree brad | brad de Crăciun | Crăciun | sărbătoare
9565CharactersActivitiesevent🎆 -namefireworks artificii
9566CharactersActivitiesevent🎆 –keywordscelebration | fireworks artificii | sărbătoare
9567CharactersActivitiesevent🎇 -namesparkler foc bengal
9568CharactersActivitiesevent🎇 –keywordscelebration | fireworks | sparkle | sparkler artificii | foc bengal | sărbătoare | scântei
9569CharactersActivitiesevent🧨 -namefirecracker petardă
9570CharactersActivitiesevent🧨 –keywordsdynamite | explosive | firecracker | fireworks artificii | dinamită | explozibil | petardă
9571CharactersActivitiesevent✨ -namesparkles steluțe
9572CharactersActivitiesevent✨ –keywords* | sparkle | sparkles | star * | luminițe | stea | steluță | steluțe
9573CharactersActivitiesevent🎈 -nameballoon balon
9574CharactersActivitiesevent🎈 –keywordsballoon | celebration balon | sărbătoare
9575CharactersActivitiesevent🎉 -nameparty popper tun cu confetti
9576CharactersActivitiesevent🎉 –keywordscelebration | party | popper | tada con | confeti | petrecere | tun cu confetti
9577CharactersActivitiesevent🎊 -nameconfetti ball minge cu confetti
9578CharactersActivitiesevent🎊 –keywordsball | celebration | confetti confeti | minge cu confetti | petrecere | sărbătoare
9579CharactersActivitiesevent🎋 -nametanabata tree copac tanabata
9580CharactersActivitiesevent🎋 –keywordsbanner | celebration | Japanese | tanabata tree | tree copac | copac tanabata | Japonia | sărbătoare
9581CharactersActivitiesevent🎍 -namepine decoration decorațiune japoneză de pin
9582CharactersActivitiesevent🎍 –keywordsbamboo | celebration | Japanese | pine | pine decoration decor | decorațiune japoneză de pin | pin | sărbătoare
9583CharactersActivitiesevent🎎 -nameJapanese dolls păpuși japoneze
9584CharactersActivitiesevent🎎 –keywordscelebration | doll | festival | Japanese | Japanese dolls festival | Japonia | păpușă | păpuși japoneze | sărbătoare
9585CharactersActivitiesevent🎏 -namecarp streamer crap decorativ în vânt
9586CharactersActivitiesevent🎏 –keywordscarp | celebration | streamer crap | crap decorativ în vânt | sărbătoare | vânt
9587CharactersActivitiesevent🎐 -namewind chime clopoței de vânt
9588CharactersActivitiesevent🎐 –keywordsbell | celebration | chime | wind clopoței de vânt | clopoțel | vânt
9589CharactersActivitiesevent🎑 -namemoon viewing ceremony ceremonia lunii
9590CharactersActivitiesevent🎑 –keywordscelebration | ceremony | moon | moon viewing ceremony ceremonia lunii | ceremonie | lună | sărbătoare
9591CharactersActivitiesevent🧧 -namered envelope plic roșu
9592CharactersActivitiesevent🧧 –keywordsgift | good luck | hóngbāo | lai see | money | red envelope bani | cadou | noroc | plic roșu
9593CharactersActivitiesevent🎀 -nameribbon fundă
9594CharactersActivitiesevent🎀 –keywordscelebration | ribbon festiv | fundă | panglică | sărbătoare
9595CharactersActivitiesevent🎁 -namewrapped gift cadou împachetat
9596CharactersActivitiesevent🎁 –keywordsbox | celebration | gift | present | wrapped cadou | cadou împachetat | cutie | fundă
9597CharactersActivitiesevent🎗 -namereminder ribbon panglică „in memoriam”
9598CharactersActivitiesevent🎗 –keywordscelebration | reminder | ribbon comemorare | panglică | panglică „in memoriam” | susținere
9599CharactersActivitiesevent🎟 -nameadmission tickets bilete de intrare
9600CharactersActivitiesevent🎟 –keywordsadmission | admission tickets | ticket acces | bilet | bilete de intrare | intrare
9601CharactersActivitiesevent🎫 -nameticket bilet
9602CharactersActivitiesevent🎫 –keywordsadmission | ticket bilet | intrare
9603CharactersActivitiesaward-medal🎖 -namemilitary medal medalie militară
9604CharactersActivitiesaward-medal🎖 –keywordscelebration | medal | military medalie | militară | onoare
9605CharactersActivitiesaward-medal🏆 -nametrophy trofeu
9606CharactersActivitiesaward-medal🏆 –keywordsprize | trophy cupă | premiu | trofeu
9607CharactersActivitiesaward-medal🏅 -namesports medal medalie sportivă
9608CharactersActivitiesaward-medal🏅 –keywordsmedal | sports medal medalie | medalie sportivă | performanță | sport
9609CharactersActivitiesaward-medal🥇 -name1st place medal medalie locul I
9610CharactersActivitiesaward-medal🥇 –keywords1st place medal | first | gold | medal aur | medalie | medalie locul I | primul
9611CharactersActivitiesaward-medal🥈 -name2nd place medal medalie locul II
9612CharactersActivitiesaward-medal🥈 –keywords2nd place medal | medal | second | silver al doilea | argint | medalie | medalie locul II
9613CharactersActivitiesaward-medal🥉 -name3rd place medal medalie locul III
9614CharactersActivitiesaward-medal🥉 –keywords3rd place medal | bronze | medal | third al treilea | bronz | medalie | medalie locul III
9615CharactersActivitiessport⚽ -namesoccer ball minge de fotbal
9616CharactersActivitiessport⚽ –keywordsball | football | soccer fotbal | minge | minge de fotbal | sport
9617CharactersActivitiessport⚾ -name= baseball
9618CharactersActivitiessport⚾ –keywordsball | baseball baseball | minge | sport
9619CharactersActivitiessport🥎 -name= softball
9620CharactersActivitiessport🥎 –keywordsball | glove | softball | underarm mănușă | minge | softball | subraț
9621CharactersActivitiessport🏀 -namebasketball baschet
9622CharactersActivitiessport🏀 –keywordsball | basketball | hoop baschet | coș | minge | sport
9623CharactersActivitiessport🏐 -namevolleyball volei
9624CharactersActivitiessport🏐 –keywordsball | game | volleyball mână | minge | sport | volei
9625CharactersActivitiessport🏈 -nameamerican football fotbal american
9626CharactersActivitiessport🏈 –keywordsamerican | ball | football american | balon oval | fotbal | minge
9627CharactersActivitiessport🏉 -namerugby football rugby
9628CharactersActivitiessport🏉 –keywordsball | football | rugby balon oval | minge | rugby | sport
9629CharactersActivitiessport🎾 -nametennis tenis
9630CharactersActivitiessport🎾 –keywordsball | racquet | tennis minge | rachetă | sport | tenis
9631CharactersActivitiessport🥏 -nameflying disc disc zburător
9632CharactersActivitiessport🥏 –keywordsflying disc | ultimate disc zburător | frisbee
9633CharactersActivitiessport🎳 -name= bowling
9634CharactersActivitiessport🎳 –keywordsball | bowling | game bilă | bowling | joc | popice
9635CharactersActivitiessport🏏 -namecricket game crichet
9636CharactersActivitiessport🏏 –keywordsball | bat | cricket game | game bâtă | crichet | minge | sport
9637CharactersActivitiessport🏑 -namefield hockey hochei de câmp
9638CharactersActivitiessport🏑 –keywordsball | field | game | hockey | stick câmp | crosă | gazon | hochei | hochei de câmp | minge
9639CharactersActivitiessport🏒 -nameice hockey hochei pe gheață
9640CharactersActivitiessport🏒 –keywordsgame | hockey | ice | puck | stick crosă | gheață | hochei pe gheață | puc | sport
9641CharactersActivitiessport🥍 -name= lacrosse
9642CharactersActivitiessport🥍 –keywordsball | goal | lacrosse | stick crosă | lacrosse | minge | poartă
9643CharactersActivitiessport🏓 -name= ping pong
9644CharactersActivitiessport🏓 –keywordsball | bat | game | paddle | ping pong | table tennis minge | paletă | ping pong | sport | tenis de masă
9645CharactersActivitiessport🏸 -name= badminton
9646CharactersActivitiessport🏸 –keywordsbadminton | birdie | game | racquet | shuttlecock badminton | fluturaș | rachetă | sport
9647CharactersActivitiessport🥊 -nameboxing glove mănușă de box
9648CharactersActivitiessport🥊 –keywordsboxing | glove box | mănușă de box | mănuși | sport
9649CharactersActivitiessport🥋 -namemartial arts uniform costum arte marțiale
9650CharactersActivitiessport🥋 –keywordsjudo | karate | martial arts | martial arts uniform | taekwondo | uniform arte marțiale | costum | costum arte marțiale | judo | karate | taekwondo
9651CharactersActivitiessport🥅 -namegoal net plasa porții
9652CharactersActivitiessport🥅 –keywordsgoal | net gol | plasă | plasa porții | poartă
9653CharactersActivitiessport⛳ -nameflag in hole steag în gaură la golf
9654CharactersActivitiessport⛳ –keywordsflag in hole | golf | hole gaură | golf | steag | steag în gaură la golf
9655CharactersActivitiessport⛸ -nameice skate patină de gheață
9656CharactersActivitiessport⛸ –keywordsice | skate gheață | patină | patină de gheață
9657CharactersActivitiessport🎣 -namefishing pole undiță
9658CharactersActivitiessport🎣 –keywordsfish | fishing pole | pole pescuit | pește | undiță
9659CharactersActivitiessport🤿 -namediving mask mască de scufundări
9660CharactersActivitiessport🤿 –keywordsdiving | diving mask | scuba | snorkeling mască de scufundări | scuba | scufundare cu tub de respirat | scufundări | snorkeling
9661CharactersActivitiessport🎽 -namerunning shirt tricou de alegare
9662CharactersActivitiessport🎽 –keywordsathletics | running | sash | shirt atletism | sport | tricou | tricou de alegare
9663CharactersActivitiessport🎿 -nameskis schiuri
9664CharactersActivitiessport🎿 –keywordsski | skis | snow pârtie | schiuri | zăpadă
9665CharactersActivitiessport🛷 -namesled sanie
9666CharactersActivitiessport🛷 –keywordssled | sledge | sleigh pârtie | sanie | săniuș | zăpadă
9667CharactersActivitiessport🥌 -namecurling stone piatră de curling
9668CharactersActivitiessport🥌 –keywordscurling stone | game | rock joc | piatră | piatră de curling
9669CharactersActivitiesgame🎯 -namedirect hit fix la țintă
9670CharactersActivitiesgame🎯 –keywordsbullseye | dart | direct hit | game | hit | target centru | darts | fix la țintă | reușită | țintă
9671CharactersActivitiesgame🪀 -name= yo-yo
9672CharactersActivitiesgame🪀 –keywordsfluctuate | toy | yo-yo fluctua | jucărie | yo-yo
9673CharactersActivitiesgame🪁 -namekite zmeu
9674CharactersActivitiesgame🪁 –keywordsfly | kite | soar plana | pluti | zbura | zmeu
9675CharactersActivitiesgame🎱 -namepool 8 ball biliard
9676CharactersActivitiesgame🎱 –keywords8 | ball | billiard | eight | game | pool 8 ball bilă | biliard | gaură | joc | opt
9677CharactersActivitiesgame🔮 -namecrystal ball glob de cristal
9678CharactersActivitiesgame🔮 –keywordsball | crystal | fairy tale | fantasy | fortune | tool basm | cristal | fantezie | glob | glob de cristal | noroc
9679CharactersActivitiesgame🪄 -namemagic wand baghetă magică
9680CharactersActivitiesgame🪄 –keywordsmagic | magic wand | witch | wizard baghetă magică | magie | vrajă | vrăjitoare | vrăjitor | vrăjitorie
9681CharactersActivitiesgame🧿 -namenazar amulet amuletă nazar
9682CharactersActivitiesgame🧿 –keywordsbead | charm | evil-eye | nazar | nazar amulet | talisman amuletă | amuletă nazar | ochiul magic | ochiul răului | talisman
9683CharactersActivitiesgame🎮 -namevideo game joc video
9684CharactersActivitiesgame🎮 –keywordscontroller | game | video game controller | joc | video
9685CharactersActivitiesgame🕹 -name= joystick
9686CharactersActivitiesgame🕹 –keywordsgame | joystick | video game joc | joystick | manetă | video
9687CharactersActivitiesgame🎰 -nameslot machine jocuri mecanice
9688CharactersActivitiesgame🎰 –keywordsgame | slot | slot machine joc | jocuri mecanice | manetă | noroc
9689CharactersActivitiesgame🎲 -namegame die zar
9690CharactersActivitiesgame🎲 –keywordsdice | die | game joc | noroc | zar
9691CharactersActivitiesgame🧩 -namepuzzle piece piesă de puzzle
9692CharactersActivitiesgame🧩 –keywordsclue | interlocking | jigsaw | piece | puzzle indiciu | joc de puzzle | mozaic | piesă | piesă de puzzle | puzzle
9693CharactersActivitiesgame🧸 -nameteddy bear ursuleț de pluș
9694CharactersActivitiesgame🧸 –keywordsplaything | plush | stuffed | teddy bear | toy jucărie | pluș | ursuleț | ursuleț de pluș
9695CharactersActivitiesgame🪅 -name= piñata
9696CharactersActivitiesgame🪅 –keywordscelebration | party | piñata piñata
9697CharactersActivitiesgame🪆 -namenesting dolls matrioșka
9698CharactersActivitiesgame🪆 –keywordsdoll | nesting | nesting dolls | russia matrioșka
9699CharactersActivitiesgame♠ -namespade suit pică
9700CharactersActivitiesgame♠ –keywordscard | game | spade suit cărți | inimă neagră | joc | pică
9701CharactersActivitiesgame♥ -nameheart suit cupă
9702CharactersActivitiesgame♥ –keywordscard | game | heart suit cărți | cupă | inimă roșie | joc
9703CharactersActivitiesgame♦ -namediamond suit caro
9704CharactersActivitiesgame♦ –keywordscard | diamond suit | game caro | cărți | joc | romb
9705CharactersActivitiesgame♣ -nameclub suit treflă
9706CharactersActivitiesgame♣ –keywordscard | club suit | game cărți | joc | treflă
9707CharactersActivitiesgame♟ -namechess pawn pion de șah
9708CharactersActivitiesgame♟ –keywordschess | chess pawn | dupe | expendable consumabil | de sacrificiu | pion de șah | șah
9709CharactersActivitiesgame🃏 -name= joker
9710CharactersActivitiesgame🃏 –keywordscard | game | joker | wildcard cărți | joc | joker | păcălici
9711CharactersActivitiesgame🀄 -namemahjong red dragon dragon roșu la mahjong
9712CharactersActivitiesgame🀄 –keywordsgame | mahjong | mahjong red dragon | red dragon roșu la mahjong | joc | mahjong | roșu
9713CharactersActivitiesgame🎴 -nameflower playing cards cărți de joc cu flori
9714CharactersActivitiesgame🎴 –keywordscard | flower | flower playing cards | game | Japanese | playing carte | cărți de joc cu flori | floare | Japonia | joc
9715CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🎭 -nameperforming arts arte interpretative
9716CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🎭 –keywordsart | mask | performing | performing arts | theater | theatre artă | arte interpretative | măști | spectacol | teatru
9717CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🖼 -nameframed picture tablou înrămat
9718CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🖼 –keywordsart | frame | framed picture | museum | painting | picture artă | înrămat | muzeu | pictură | ramă | tablou
9719CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🎨 -nameartist palette paletă de pictor
9720CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🎨 –keywordsart | artist palette | museum | painting | palette artă | artist | muzeu | paletă | paletă de pictor | pictură
9721CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🧵 -namethread ață
9722CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🧵 –keywordsneedle | sewing | spool | string | thread ac | ață | croitorie | cusut | mosor
9723CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🪡 -namesewing needle ac de cusut
9724CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🪡 –keywordsembroidery | needle | sewing | stitches | sutures | tailoring ac | ac de cusut | broderie | croitorie | cusut
9725CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🧶 -nameyarn fir textil
9726CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🧶 –keywordsball | crochet | knit | yarn croșeta | fir textil | ghem | tricota
9727CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🪢 -nameknot nod
9728CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🪢 –keywordsknot | rope | tangled | tie | twine | twist frânghie | încurcătură | lega | nod | sfoară
9729CharactersObjectsclothing👓 -nameglasses ochelari
9730CharactersObjectsclothing👓 –keywordsclothing | eye | eyeglasses | eyewear | glasses ochelari | ochi | vedere
9731CharactersObjectsclothing🕶 -namesunglasses ochelari de soare
9732CharactersObjectsclothing🕶 –keywordsdark | eye | eyewear | glasses | sunglasses ochelari | ochelari de soare | protecție | soare
9733CharactersObjectsclothing🥽 -namegoggles ochelari de protecție
9734CharactersObjectsclothing🥽 –keywordseye protection | goggles | swimming | welding înot | ochelari de protecție | protecția vederii | sudură
9735CharactersObjectsclothing🥼 -namelab coat halat de laborator
9736CharactersObjectsclothing🥼 –keywordsdoctor | experiment | lab coat | scientist doctor | experiment | halat de laborator | om de știință
9737CharactersObjectsclothing🦺 -namesafety vest vestă de siguranță
9738CharactersObjectsclothing🦺 –keywordsemergency | safety | vest siguranță | urgență | vestă | vestă de siguranță
9739CharactersObjectsclothing👔 -namenecktie cravată
9740CharactersObjectsclothing👔 –keywordsclothing | necktie | tie cravată | îmbrăcăminte
9741CharactersObjectsclothing👕 -namet-shirt tricou
9742CharactersObjectsclothing👕 –keywordsclothing | shirt | t-shirt | tshirt îmbrăcăminte | tricou
9743CharactersObjectsclothing👖 -namejeans blugi
9744CharactersObjectsclothing👖 –keywordsclothing | jeans | pants | trousers blugi | îmbrăcăminte | jeans | pantalon
9745CharactersObjectsclothing🧣 -namescarf eșarfă
9746CharactersObjectsclothing🧣 –keywordsneck | scarf eșarfă | gât
9747CharactersObjectsclothing🧤 -namegloves mănuși
9748CharactersObjectsclothing🧤 –keywordsgloves | hand mână | mănuși
9749CharactersObjectsclothing🧥 -namecoat palton
9750CharactersObjectsclothing🧥 –keywordscoat | jacket haină | jachetă | palton | pardesiu
9751CharactersObjectsclothing🧦 -namesocks șosete
9752CharactersObjectsclothing🧦 –keywordssocks | stocking ciorapi | șosete
9753CharactersObjectsclothing👗 -namedress rochie
9754CharactersObjectsclothing👗 –keywordsclothing | dress îmbrăcăminte | rochie
9755CharactersObjectsclothing👘 -namekimono chimono
9756CharactersObjectsclothing👘 –keywordsclothing | kimono chimono | îmbrăcăminte | kimono
9757CharactersObjectsclothing🥻 -name= sari
9758CharactersObjectsclothing🥻 –keywordsclothing | dress | sari îmbrăcăminte | rochie | sari
9759CharactersObjectsclothing🩱 -nameone-piece swimsuit costum de înot întreg
9760CharactersObjectsclothing🩱 –keywordsbathing suit | one-piece swimsuit costum de baie | costum de înot întreg
9761CharactersObjectsclothing🩲 -namebriefs slip
9762CharactersObjectsclothing🩲 –keywordsbathing suit | briefs | one-piece | swimsuit | underwear chilot | costum de baie | lenjerie | slip
9763CharactersObjectsclothing🩳 -nameshorts șort
9764CharactersObjectsclothing🩳 –keywordsbathing suit | pants | shorts | underwear boxeri | costum de baie | lenjerie | șort
9765CharactersObjectsclothing👙 -namebikini costum de baie
9766CharactersObjectsclothing👙 –keywordsbikini | clothing | swim bikini | costum de baie | feminin | înot
9767CharactersObjectsclothing👚 -namewoman’s clothes haine de damă
9768CharactersObjectsclothing👚 –keywordsclothing | woman | woman’s clothes femeie | feminin | haine | haine de damă
9769CharactersObjectsclothing👛 -namepurse poșetă
9770CharactersObjectsclothing👛 –keywordsclothing | coin | purse accesoriu | feminin | poșetă
9771CharactersObjectsclothing👜 -namehandbag geantă de mână
9772CharactersObjectsclothing👜 –keywordsbag | clothing | handbag | purse accesoriu | feminin | geantă de mână | poșetă
9773CharactersObjectsclothing👝 -nameclutch bag gentuță
9774CharactersObjectsclothing👝 –keywordsbag | clothing | clutch bag | pouch accesoriu | geantă | gentuță
9775CharactersObjectsclothing🛍 -nameshopping bags sacoșe de cumpărături
9776CharactersObjectsclothing🛍 –keywordsbag | hotel | shopping | shopping bags cumpărături | sacoșe de cumpărături | transport
9777CharactersObjectsclothing🎒 -namebackpack rucsac
9778CharactersObjectsclothing🎒 –keywordsbackpack | bag | rucksack | satchel | school ghiozdan | rechizite | rucsac | școală
9779CharactersObjectsclothing🩴 -namethong sandal șlap
9780CharactersObjectsclothing🩴 –keywordsbeach sandals | sandals | thong sandal | thong sandals | thongs | zōri șlap
9781CharactersObjectsclothing👞 -nameman’s shoe pantof bărbătesc
9782CharactersObjectsclothing👞 –keywordsclothing | man | man’s shoe | shoe bărbat | încălțăminte | masculin | pantof bărbătesc
9783CharactersObjectsclothing👟 -namerunning shoe pantof sport
9784CharactersObjectsclothing👟 –keywordsathletic | clothing | running shoe | shoe | sneaker alergare | atletism | încălțăminte | pantof sport | sport
9785CharactersObjectsclothing🥾 -namehiking boot bocanc
9786CharactersObjectsclothing🥾 –keywordsbackpacking | boot | camping | hiking bocanc | camping | drumeție | gheată
9787CharactersObjectsclothing🥿 -nameflat shoe pantof fără toc
9788CharactersObjectsclothing🥿 –keywordsballet flat | flat shoe | slip-on | slipper balerin | mocasin | pantof fără toc
9789CharactersObjectsclothing👠 -namehigh-heeled shoe pantof cu toc
9790CharactersObjectsclothing👠 –keywordsclothing | heel | high-heeled shoe | shoe | woman femeie | feminin | încălțăminte | pantof cu toc | toc înalt
9791CharactersObjectsclothing👡 -namewoman’s sandal sanda de damă
9792CharactersObjectsclothing👡 –keywordsclothing | sandal | shoe | woman | woman’s sandal femeie | feminin | încălțăminte | pantof | sanda de damă
9793CharactersObjectsclothing🩰 -nameballet shoes pantofi de balet
9794CharactersObjectsclothing🩰 –keywordsballet | ballet shoes | dance balet | dans | pantofi de balet
9795CharactersObjectsclothing👢 -namewoman’s boot cizmă de damă
9796CharactersObjectsclothing👢 –keywordsboot | clothing | shoe | woman | woman’s boot cizmă de damă | femeie | feminin | încălțăminte | pantof
9797CharactersObjectsclothing👑 -namecrown coroană
9798CharactersObjectsclothing👑 –keywordsclothing | crown | king | queen coroană | încoronat | putere | regalitate | rege | regină
9799CharactersObjectsclothing👒 -namewoman’s hat pălărie de damă
9800CharactersObjectsclothing👒 –keywordsclothing | hat | woman | woman’s hat femeie | feminin | îmbrăcăminte | pălărie | pălărie de damă
9801CharactersObjectsclothing🎩 -nametop hat joben
9802CharactersObjectsclothing🎩 –keywordsclothing | hat | top | tophat îmbrăcăminte | joben | pălărie
9803CharactersObjectsclothing🎓 -namegraduation cap tichie de absolvent
9804CharactersObjectsclothing🎓 –keywordscap | celebration | clothing | graduation | hat absolvire | festiv | pălărie | sărbătorire | tichie de absolvent
9805CharactersObjectsclothing🧢 -namebilled cap șapcă
9806CharactersObjectsclothing🧢 –keywordsbaseball cap | billed cap șapcă | șapcă cu cozoroc | șapcă de baseball
9807CharactersObjectsclothing🪖 -namemilitary helmet cască militară
9808CharactersObjectsclothing🪖 –keywordsarmy | helmet | military | soldier | warrior cască militară
9809CharactersObjectsclothing⛑ -namerescue worker’s helmet cască de pompier salvator
9810CharactersObjectsclothing⛑ –keywordsaid | cross | face | hat | helmet | rescue worker’s helmet ajutor | alb | cască | cască de pompier salvator | cruce | roșu
9811CharactersObjectsclothing📿 -nameprayer beads mătănii
9812CharactersObjectsclothing📿 –keywordsbeads | clothing | necklace | prayer | religion mărgele | mătănii | meditație | religie | rugăciune
9813CharactersObjectsclothing💄 -namelipstick ruj
9814CharactersObjectsclothing💄 –keywordscosmetics | lipstick | makeup cosmetice | machiaj | ruj | ruj de buze
9815CharactersObjectsclothing💍 -namering inel
9816CharactersObjectsclothing💍 –keywordsdiamond | ring diamant | inel | logodnă
9817CharactersObjectsclothing💎 -namegem stone piatră prețioasă
9818CharactersObjectsclothing💎 –keywordsdiamond | gem | gem stone | jewel bijuterie | diamant | nestemată | piatră prețioasă
9819CharactersObjectssound🔇 -namemuted speaker difuzor fără sunet
9820CharactersObjectssound🔇 –keywordsmute | muted speaker | quiet | silent | speaker difuzor fără sunet | fără sunet | liniște | sonor tăiat
9821CharactersObjectssound🔈 -namespeaker low volume volum scăzut al difuzorului
9822CharactersObjectssound🔈 –keywordssoft | speaker low volume sunet încet | sunet slab | volum scăzut al difuzorului
9823CharactersObjectssound🔉 -namespeaker medium volume volum mediu al difuzorului
9824CharactersObjectssound🔉 –keywordsmedium | speaker medium volume sunet mediu | volum mediu al difuzorului
9825CharactersObjectssound🔊 -namespeaker high volume volum ridicat al difuzorului
9826CharactersObjectssound🔊 –keywordsloud | speaker high volume gălăgie | sunet puternic | volum ridicat al difuzorului
9827CharactersObjectssound📢 -nameloudspeaker portavoce
9828CharactersObjectssound📢 –keywordsloud | loudspeaker | public address difuzare | mesaj public | portavoce
9829CharactersObjectssound📣 -namemegaphone megafon
9830CharactersObjectssound📣 –keywordscheering | megaphone difuzare | megafon | sunet
9831CharactersObjectssound📯 -namepostal horn corn poștal
9832CharactersObjectssound📯 –keywordshorn | post | postal corn | corn poștal | poștă
9833CharactersObjectssound🔔 -namebell clopoțel
9834CharactersObjectssound🔔 –keywordsbell clopoțel | sonerie
9835CharactersObjectssound🔕 -namebell with slash clopoțel tăiat
9836CharactersObjectssound🔕 –keywordsbell | bell with slash | forbidden | mute | quiet | silent clopoțel | clopoțel tăiat | interzis | liniște | silențios
9837CharactersObjectsmusic🎼 -namemusical score partitură
9838CharactersObjectsmusic🎼 –keywordsmusic | musical score | score cheia sol | muzică | partitură | portativ
9839CharactersObjectsmusic🎵 -namemusical note notă muzicală
9840CharactersObjectsmusic🎵 –keywordsmusic | musical note | note muzică | notă | notă muzicală
9841CharactersObjectsmusic🎶 -namemusical notes note muzicale
9842CharactersObjectsmusic🎶 –keywordsmusic | musical notes | note | notes muzică | note | note muzicale
9843CharactersObjectsmusic🎙 -namestudio microphone microfon de studio
9844CharactersObjectsmusic🎙 –keywordsmic | microphone | music | studio microfon | microfon de studio | muzică | studio
9845CharactersObjectsmusic🎚 -namelevel slider glisor de nivel
9846CharactersObjectsmusic🎚 –keywordslevel | music | slider glisor | glisor de nivel | muzică | nivel
9847CharactersObjectsmusic🎛 -namecontrol knobs butoane de control
9848CharactersObjectsmusic🎛 –keywordscontrol | knobs | music butoane | butoane de control | muzică | reglaj | reglare
9849CharactersObjectsmusic🎤 -namemicrophone microfon
9850CharactersObjectsmusic🎤 –keywordskaraoke | mic | microphone karaoke | microfon | muzică
9851CharactersObjectsmusic🎧 -nameheadphone cască audio
9852CharactersObjectsmusic🎧 –keywordsearbud | headphone cască audio | cască extraauriculară | cască intraauriculară
9853CharactersObjectsmusic📻 -name= radio
9854CharactersObjectsmusic📻 –keywords= radio | video
9855CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🎷 -namesaxophone saxofon
9856CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🎷 –keywordsinstrument | music | sax | saxophone instrument | muzică | saxofon
9857CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🪗 -nameaccordion acordeon
9858CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🪗 –keywordsaccordian | accordion | concertina | squeeze box acordeon
9859CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🎸 -nameguitar chitară
9860CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🎸 –keywordsguitar | instrument | music chitară | instrument | muzică
9861CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🎹 -namemusical keyboard claviatură muzicală
9862CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🎹 –keywordsinstrument | keyboard | music | musical keyboard | piano clape | claviatură muzicală | instrument | muzică | pian
9863CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🎺 -nametrumpet trompetă
9864CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🎺 –keywordsinstrument | music | trumpet instrument | muzică | trompetă
9865CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🎻 -nameviolin vioară
9866CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🎻 –keywordsinstrument | music | violin instrument | muzică | vioară
9867CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🪕 -name= banjo
9868CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🪕 –keywordsbanjo | music | stringed banjo | coarde | muzică
9869CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🥁 -namedrum tobă
9870CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🥁 –keywordsdrum | drumsticks | music bețe de tobă | muzică | tobă
9871CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🪘 -namelong drum tobă înaltă
9872CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🪘 –keywordsbeat | conga | drum | long drum | rhythm tobă înaltă
9873CharactersObjectsphone📱 -namemobile phone telefon mobil
9874CharactersObjectsphone📱 –keywordscell | mobile | phone | telephone celular | mobil | telefon
9875CharactersObjectsphone📲 -namemobile phone with arrow telefon mobil cu săgeată
9876CharactersObjectsphone📲 –keywordsarrow | cell | mobile | mobile phone with arrow | phone | receive celular | mobil | recepție | săgeată | telefon | telefon mobil cu săgeată
9877CharactersObjectsphone☎ -nametelephone telefon
9878CharactersObjectsphone☎ –keywordsphone | telephone fix | telefon
9879CharactersObjectsphone📞 -nametelephone receiver receptor de telefon
9880CharactersObjectsphone📞 –keywordsphone | receiver | telephone receptor | receptor de telefon | telefon
9881CharactersObjectsphone📟 -name= pager
9882CharactersObjectsphone📟 –keywordspager comunicare | dispozitiv | pager
9883CharactersObjectsphone📠 -namefax machine echipament fax
9884CharactersObjectsphone📠 –keywordsfax | fax machine comunicare | dispozitiv | echipament fax | fax
9885CharactersObjectscomputer🔋 -namebattery baterie
9886CharactersObjectscomputer🔋 –keywordsbattery baterie | energie
9887CharactersObjectscomputer🔌 -nameelectric plug fișă electrică
9888CharactersObjectscomputer🔌 –keywordselectric | electricity | plug electric | electricitate | fișă electrică | priză | ștecher
9889CharactersObjectscomputer💻 -namelaptop computer laptop
9890CharactersObjectscomputer💻 –keywordscomputer | laptop | pc | personal computer laptop | computer personal | laptop | notebook | PC | portabil
9891CharactersObjectscomputer🖥 -namedesktop computer computer desktop
9892CharactersObjectscomputer🖥 –keywordscomputer | desktop birou | computer | computer de birou | computer desktop
9893CharactersObjectscomputer🖨 -nameprinter imprimantă
9894CharactersObjectscomputer🖨 –keywordscomputer | printer computer | imprimantă | imprimare | tipărire
9895CharactersObjectscomputer⌨ -namekeyboard tastatură
9896CharactersObjectscomputer⌨ –keywordscomputer | keyboard computer | tastatură | taste
9897CharactersObjectscomputer🖱 -namecomputer mouse maus
9898CharactersObjectscomputer🖱 –keywordscomputer | computer mouse computer | maus | periferic
9899CharactersObjectscomputer🖲 -name= trackball
9900CharactersObjectscomputer🖲 –keywordscomputer | trackball computer | periferic | trackball
9901CharactersObjectscomputer💽 -namecomputer disk disc de computer
9902CharactersObjectscomputer💽 –keywordscomputer | disk | minidisk | optical computer | disc | disc de computer | minidisc | unitate optică
9903CharactersObjectscomputer💾 -namefloppy disk dischetă
9904CharactersObjectscomputer💾 –keywordscomputer | disk | floppy computer | dischetă | floppy | stocare
9905CharactersObjectscomputer💿 -nameoptical disk cd
9906CharactersObjectscomputer💿 –keywordscd | computer | disk | optical cd | computer | disc | unitate optică
9907CharactersObjectscomputer📀 -name= dvd
9908CharactersObjectscomputer📀 –keywordsblu-ray | computer | disk | dvd | optical blu-ray | computer | disc | dvd | optic
9909CharactersObjectscomputer🧮 -nameabacus abac
9910CharactersObjectscomputer🧮 –keywordsabacus | calculation abac | calcul | calcule | numărătoare
9911CharactersObjectslight & video🎥 -namemovie camera aparat de filmat
9912CharactersObjectslight & video🎥 –keywordscamera | cinema | movie aparat de filmat | cinema | film | filmare
9913CharactersObjectslight & video🎞 -namefilm frames peliculă de film
9914CharactersObjectslight & video🎞 –keywordscinema | film | frames | movie cadre | cinema | film | peliculă | peliculă de film
9915CharactersObjectslight & video📽 -namefilm projector proiector de film
9916CharactersObjectslight & video📽 –keywordscinema | film | movie | projector | video cinema | film | proiector | proiector de film | video
9917CharactersObjectslight & video🎬 -nameclapper board clachetă
9918CharactersObjectslight & video🎬 –keywordsclapper | clapper board | movie clachetă | film | filmare
9919CharactersObjectslight & video📺 -nametelevision televizor
9920CharactersObjectslight & video📺 –keywordstelevision | tv | video televizor | tv | video
9921CharactersObjectslight & video📷 -namecamera cameră foto
9922CharactersObjectslight & video📷 –keywordscamera | video aparat de fotografiat | cameră foto | fotografie | video
9923CharactersObjectslight & video📸 -namecamera with flash cameră foto cu bliț
9924CharactersObjectslight & video📸 –keywordscamera | camera with flash | flash | video aparat de fotografiat | bliț | cameră foto cu bliț | fotografie | video
9925CharactersObjectslight & video📹 -namevideo camera cameră video
9926CharactersObjectslight & video📹 –keywordscamera | video cameră | filmare | video
9927CharactersObjectslight & video📼 -namevideocassette casetă video
9928CharactersObjectslight & video📼 –keywordstape | vhs | video | videocassette casetă | VHS | video
9929CharactersObjectslight & video🔍 -namemagnifying glass tilted left lupă înclinată spre stânga
9930CharactersObjectslight & video🔍 –keywordsglass | magnifying | magnifying glass tilted left | search | tool căutare | instrument | lupă | lupă înclinată spre stânga | mărire
9931CharactersObjectslight & video🔎 -namemagnifying glass tilted right lupă înclinată spre dreapta
9932CharactersObjectslight & video🔎 –keywordsglass | magnifying | magnifying glass tilted right | search | tool căutare | instrument | lupă | lupă înclinată spre dreapta | mărire
9933CharactersObjectslight & video🕯 -namecandle lumânare
9934CharactersObjectslight & video🕯 –keywordscandle | light flacără | lumânare | lumină
9935CharactersObjectslight & video💡 -namelight bulb bec
9936CharactersObjectslight & video💡 –keywordsbulb | comic | electric | idea | light bandă desenată | bec | electricitate | idee | lumină
9937CharactersObjectslight & video🔦 -nameflashlight lanternă
9938CharactersObjectslight & video🔦 –keywordselectric | flashlight | light | tool | torch baterie | electric | instrument | lanternă | lumină
9939CharactersObjectslight & video🏮 -namered paper lantern felinar din hârtie roșie
9940CharactersObjectslight & video🏮 –keywordsbar | lantern | light | red | red paper lantern felinar | felinar din hârtie roșie | hârtie | Japonia | lumină | roșu
9941CharactersObjectslight & video🪔 -namediya lamp lampă diya
9942CharactersObjectslight & video🪔 –keywordsdiya | lamp | oil diya | lampă | ulei
9943CharactersObjectsbook-paper📔 -namenotebook with decorative cover caiet cu copertă decorativă
9944CharactersObjectsbook-paper📔 –keywordsbook | cover | decorated | notebook | notebook with decorative cover caiet | caiet cu copertă decorativă | carnet | copertă | decorațiune
9945CharactersObjectsbook-paper📕 -nameclosed book carte închisă
9946CharactersObjectsbook-paper📕 –keywordsbook | closed carte | carte închisă | închis
9947CharactersObjectsbook-paper📖 -nameopen book carte deschisă
9948CharactersObjectsbook-paper📖 –keywordsbook | open carte | carte deschisă | deschis
9949CharactersObjectsbook-paper📗 -namegreen book carte verde
9950CharactersObjectsbook-paper📗 –keywordsbook | green carte | verde
9951CharactersObjectsbook-paper📘 -nameblue book carte albastră
9952CharactersObjectsbook-paper📘 –keywordsblue | book albastră | carte
9953CharactersObjectsbook-paper📙 -nameorange book carte portocalie
9954CharactersObjectsbook-paper📙 –keywordsbook | orange carte | carte portocalie | portocaliu
9955CharactersObjectsbook-paper📚 -namebooks cărți
9956CharactersObjectsbook-paper📚 –keywordsbook | books carte | cărți
9957CharactersObjectsbook-paper📓 -namenotebook carnet
9958CharactersObjectsbook-paper📓 –keywordsnotebook carnet
9959CharactersObjectsbook-paper📒 -nameledger registru
9960CharactersObjectsbook-paper📒 –keywordsledger | notebook carnet | registru
9961CharactersObjectsbook-paper📃 -namepage with curl pagină rulată
9962CharactersObjectsbook-paper📃 –keywordscurl | document | page | page with curl document | pagină | pagină rulată | rulare
9963CharactersObjectsbook-paper📜 -namescroll pergament
9964CharactersObjectsbook-paper📜 –keywordspaper | scroll hârtie | pergament | rulou | sul
9965CharactersObjectsbook-paper📄 -namepage facing up pagină cu fața în sus
9966CharactersObjectsbook-paper📄 –keywordsdocument | page | page facing up document | pagină | pagină cu fața în sus
9967CharactersObjectsbook-paper📰 -namenewspaper ziar
9968CharactersObjectsbook-paper📰 –keywordsnews | newspaper | paper hârtie | publicație | știri | ziar
9969CharactersObjectsbook-paper🗞 -namerolled-up newspaper ziar rulat
9970CharactersObjectsbook-paper🗞 –keywordsnews | newspaper | paper | rolled | rolled-up newspaper hârtie | publicație | rulat | știri | ziar rulat
9971CharactersObjectsbook-paper📑 -namebookmark tabs marcatoare de pagini
9972CharactersObjectsbook-paper📑 –keywordsbookmark | mark | marker | tabs marcatoare de pagini | marcator | semn | semn de carte
9973CharactersObjectsbook-paper🔖 -namebookmark semn de carte
9974CharactersObjectsbook-paper🔖 –keywordsbookmark | mark marcator | semn | semn de carte
9975CharactersObjectsbook-paper🏷 -namelabel etichetă
9976CharactersObjectsbook-paper🏷 –keywordslabel etichetă
9977CharactersObjectsmoney💰 -namemoney bag sac cu bani
9978CharactersObjectsmoney💰 –keywordsbag | dollar | money | moneybag bani | dolar | pungă cu bani | sac cu bani
9979CharactersObjectsmoney🪙 -namecoin monedă
9980CharactersObjectsmoney🪙 –keywordscoin | gold | metal | money | silver | treasure argint | aur | bani | comoară | metal | monedă
9981CharactersObjectsmoney💴 -nameyen banknote bancnotă yen
9982CharactersObjectsmoney💴 –keywordsbanknote | bill | currency | money | note | yen bancnotă | bani | monedă | valută | yen
9983CharactersObjectsmoney💵 -namedollar banknote bancnotă dolar
9984CharactersObjectsmoney💵 –keywordsbanknote | bill | currency | dollar | money | note bancnotă | bani | dolar | monedă | valută
9985CharactersObjectsmoney💶 -nameeuro banknote bancnotă euro
9986CharactersObjectsmoney💶 –keywordsbanknote | bill | currency | euro | money | note bancnotă | bani | euro | monedă | valută
9987CharactersObjectsmoney💷 -namepound banknote bancnotă liră sterlină
9988CharactersObjectsmoney💷 –keywordsbanknote | bill | currency | money | note | pound bancnotă | bancnotă liră sterlină | bani | liră sterlină | monedă | valută
9989CharactersObjectsmoney💸 -namemoney with wings bani înaripați
9990CharactersObjectsmoney💸 –keywordsbanknote | bill | fly | money | money with wings | wings aripi | bancnotă | bani | bani înaripați | zbor
9991CharactersObjectsmoney💳 -namecredit card card de credit
9992CharactersObjectsmoney💳 –keywordscard | credit | money bani | card | card de credit | credit | plată
9993CharactersObjectsmoney🧾 -namereceipt chitanță
9994CharactersObjectsmoney🧾 –keywordsaccounting | bookkeeping | evidence | proof | receipt chitanță | contabilitate | evidențe | recipisă
9995CharactersObjectsmoney💹 -namechart increasing with yen grafic ascendent cu yen
9996CharactersObjectsmoney💹 –keywordschart | chart increasing with yen | graph | growth | money | yen creștere | grafic | grafic ascendent cu yen | valută | yen
9997CharactersObjectsmail✉ -nameenvelope plic
9998CharactersObjectsmail✉ –keywordsemail | envelope | letter e-mail | plic | scrisoare
9999CharactersObjectsmail📧 -name= e-mail
10000CharactersObjectsmail📧 –keywordse-mail | email | letter | mail corespondență | e-mail | mesaj | scrisoare
10001CharactersObjectsmail📨 -nameincoming envelope sosire plic
10002CharactersObjectsmail📨 –keywordse-mail | email | envelope | incoming | letter | receive e-mail | mesaj | plic | primit | recepționat | sosire
10003CharactersObjectsmail📩 -nameenvelope with arrow plic cu săgeată
10004CharactersObjectsmail📩 –keywordsarrow | e-mail | email | envelope | envelope with arrow | outgoing e-mail | expediat | mesaj | plecare | plic | plic cu săgeată | trimis
10005CharactersObjectsmail📤 -nameoutbox tray tăviță de ieșire
10006CharactersObjectsmail📤 –keywordsbox | letter | mail | outbox | sent | tray corespondență | cutie poștală | expediere | scrisoare | tăviță de ieșire | trimitere
10007CharactersObjectsmail📥 -nameinbox tray tăviță de intrare
10008CharactersObjectsmail📥 –keywordsbox | inbox | letter | mail | receive | tray corespondență | cutie poștală | primire | recepționare | scrisoare | tăviță de intrare
10009CharactersObjectsmail📦 -namepackage pachet
10010CharactersObjectsmail📦 –keywordsbox | package | parcel colet | cutie | pachet
10011CharactersObjectsmail📫 -nameclosed mailbox with raised flag cutie poștală închisă cu steagul sus
10012CharactersObjectsmail📫 –keywordsclosed | closed mailbox with raised flag | mail | mailbox | postbox corespondență | cutie | cutie poștală închisă cu steagul sus | închis | poștă
10013CharactersObjectsmail📪 -nameclosed mailbox with lowered flag cutie poștală închisă cu steagul jos
10014CharactersObjectsmail📪 –keywordsclosed | closed mailbox with lowered flag | lowered | mail | mailbox | postbox corespondență | cutie poștală | cutie poștală închisă cu steagul jos | închis
10015CharactersObjectsmail📬 -nameopen mailbox with raised flag cutie poștală deschisă cu steagul sus
10016CharactersObjectsmail📬 –keywordsmail | mailbox | open | open mailbox with raised flag | postbox corespondență | cutie poștală | cutie poștală deschisă cu steagul sus | deschis
10017CharactersObjectsmail📭 -nameopen mailbox with lowered flag cutie poștală deschisă cu steagul jos
10018CharactersObjectsmail📭 –keywordslowered | mail | mailbox | open | open mailbox with lowered flag | postbox corespondență | cutie poștală | cutie poștală deschisă cu steagul jos | deschis
10019CharactersObjectsmail📮 -namepostbox cutie poștală
10020CharactersObjectsmail📮 –keywordsmail | mailbox | postbox corespondență | cutie poștală | poștă
10021CharactersObjectsmail🗳 -nameballot box with ballot urnă de votare cu vot
10022CharactersObjectsmail🗳 –keywordsballot | ballot box with ballot | box cutie | urnă de votare cu vot | vot
10023CharactersObjectswriting✏ -namepencil creion
10024CharactersObjectswriting✏ –keywordspencil creion
10025CharactersObjectswriting✒ -nameblack nib peniță neagră
10026CharactersObjectswriting✒ –keywordsblack nib | nib | pen peniță | peniță neagră | stilou
10027CharactersObjectswriting🖋 -namefountain pen stilou
10028CharactersObjectswriting🖋 –keywordsfountain | pen cerneală | rezervor | stilou
10029CharactersObjectswriting🖊 -namepen pix
10030CharactersObjectswriting🖊 –keywordsballpoint | pen mină | pastă | pix
10031CharactersObjectswriting🖌 -namepaintbrush pensulă
10032CharactersObjectswriting🖌 –keywordspaintbrush | painting pensulă | pictură
10033CharactersObjectswriting🖍 -namecrayon creion colorat
10034CharactersObjectswriting🖍 –keywordscrayon creion colorat
10035CharactersObjectswriting📝 -namememo notă
10036CharactersObjectswriting📝 –keywordsmemo | pencil creion | informații | memo | notă | notiță
10037CharactersObjectsoffice💼 -namebriefcase servietă
10038CharactersObjectsoffice💼 –keywordsbriefcase servietă
10039CharactersObjectsoffice📁 -namefile folder dosar de arhivare
10040CharactersObjectsoffice📁 –keywordsfile | folder dosar | dosar de arhivare | fișier
10041CharactersObjectsoffice📂 -nameopen file folder dosar de arhivare deschis
10042CharactersObjectsoffice📂 –keywordsfile | folder | open deschis | dosar | dosar de arhivare deschis | fișier
10043CharactersObjectsoffice🗂 -namecard index dividers separatoare de dosare
10044CharactersObjectsoffice🗂 –keywordscard | dividers | index index | separatoare | separatoare de dosare
10045CharactersObjectsoffice📅 -name= calendar
10046CharactersObjectsoffice📅 –keywordscalendar | date calendar | dată | zi
10047CharactersObjectsoffice📆 -nametear-off calendar calendar cu file detașabile
10048CharactersObjectsoffice📆 –keywordscalendar | tear-off calendar calendar | calendar cu file detașabile
10049CharactersObjectsoffice🗒 -namespiral notepad blocnotes cu spirală
10050CharactersObjectsoffice🗒 –keywordsnote | pad | spiral | spiral notepad blocnotes cu spirală | carnet | spirală
10051CharactersObjectsoffice🗓 -namespiral calendar calendar cu spirală
10052CharactersObjectsoffice🗓 –keywordscalendar | pad | spiral calendar | calendar cu spirală | spirală
10053CharactersObjectsoffice📇 -namecard index repertoriu
10054CharactersObjectsoffice📇 –keywordscard | index | rolodex cărți de vizită | fișier rotativ | index | index de carduri | repertoriu | rolodex
10055CharactersObjectsoffice📈 -namechart increasing grafic ascendent
10056CharactersObjectsoffice📈 –keywordschart | chart increasing | graph | growth | trend | upward creștere | diagramă | grafic ascendent | tendință
10057CharactersObjectsoffice📉 -namechart decreasing grafic descendent
10058CharactersObjectsoffice📉 –keywordschart | chart decreasing | down | graph | trend diagramă | grafic descendent | scădere | tendință
10059CharactersObjectsoffice📊 -namebar chart diagramă cu bare
10060CharactersObjectsoffice📊 –keywordsbar | chart | graph coloane | diagramă | diagramă cu bare
10061CharactersObjectsoffice📋 -nameclipboard planșetă
10062CharactersObjectsoffice📋 –keywordsclipboard planșetă
10063CharactersObjectsoffice📌 -namepushpin piuneză
10064CharactersObjectsoffice📌 –keywordspin | pushpin ac | fixare | pioneză | piuneză
10065CharactersObjectsoffice📍 -nameround pushpin ac cu gămălie
10066CharactersObjectsoffice📍 –keywordspin | pushpin | round pushpin ac cu gămălie | ac cu gămălie rotundă | bold | piuneză
10067CharactersObjectsoffice📎 -namepaperclip agrafă de hârtie
10068CharactersObjectsoffice📎 –keywordspaperclip agrafă | agrafă de hârtie | hârtie
10069CharactersObjectsoffice🖇 -namelinked paperclips agrafe de hârtie înlănțuite
10070CharactersObjectsoffice🖇 –keywordslink | linked paperclips | paperclip agrafe | agrafe de hârtie înlănțuite | înlănțuire | unire
10071CharactersObjectsoffice📏 -namestraight ruler riglă
10072CharactersObjectsoffice📏 –keywordsruler | straight edge | straight ruler linie | margine dreaptă | măsurare | riglă
10073CharactersObjectsoffice📐 -nametriangular ruler echer
10074CharactersObjectsoffice📐 –keywordsruler | set | triangle | triangular ruler echer | linie | măsurare | triunghi
10075CharactersObjectsoffice✂ -namescissors foarfece
10076CharactersObjectsoffice✂ –keywordscutting | scissors | tool croitorie | foarfece | instrument | tăiere
10077CharactersObjectsoffice🗃 -namecard file box cutie de îndosariere
10078CharactersObjectsoffice🗃 –keywordsbox | card | file cutie | cutie de îndosariere | îndosariere
10079CharactersObjectsoffice🗄 -namefile cabinet fișet
10080CharactersObjectsoffice🗄 –keywordscabinet | file | filing birou | dulap | fișet
10081CharactersObjectsoffice🗑 -namewastebasket coș de gunoi
10082CharactersObjectsoffice🗑 –keywordswastebasket coș | coș de gunoi
10083CharactersObjectslock🔒 -namelocked lacăt închis
10084CharactersObjectslock🔒 –keywordsclosed | locked blocat | închis | lacăt închis
10085CharactersObjectslock🔓 -nameunlocked lacăt deschis
10086CharactersObjectslock🔓 –keywordslock | open | unlock | unlocked deblocat | deschis | lacăt
10087CharactersObjectslock🔏 -namelocked with pen lacăt cu stilou
10088CharactersObjectslock🔏 –keywordsink | lock | locked with pen | nib | pen | privacy confidențialitate | lacăt | lacăt cu stilou | peniță | stilou
10089CharactersObjectslock🔐 -namelocked with key lacăt închis cu cheie
10090CharactersObjectslock🔐 –keywordsclosed | key | lock | locked with key | secure cheie | lacăt | lacăt închis cu cheie | securizat | siguranță
10091CharactersObjectslock🔑 -namekey cheie
10092CharactersObjectslock🔑 –keywordskey | lock | password cheie | lacăt | parolă
10093CharactersObjectslock🗝 -nameold key cheie veche
10094CharactersObjectslock🗝 –keywordsclue | key | lock | old cheie | cheie veche | indiciu | vechime
10095CharactersObjectstool🔨 -namehammer ciocan
10096CharactersObjectstool🔨 –keywordshammer | tool ciocan | instrument
10097CharactersObjectstool🪓 -nameaxe topor
10098CharactersObjectstool🪓 –keywordsaxe | chop | hatchet | split | wood despica | lemn | reteza | secure | topor | toporișcă
10099CharactersObjectstool⛏ -namepick târnăcop
10100CharactersObjectstool⛏ –keywordsmining | pick | tool instrument | minerit | pământ | târnăcop
10101CharactersObjectstool⚒ -namehammer and pick ciocan și daltă
10102CharactersObjectstool⚒ –keywordshammer | hammer and pick | pick | tool cheie | ciocan și daltă | instrument | târnăcop
10103CharactersObjectstool🛠 -namehammer and wrench ciocan și cheie fixă
10104CharactersObjectstool🛠 –keywordshammer | hammer and wrench | spanner | tool | wrench cheie de piulițe | cheie fixă | ciocan | ciocan și cheie fixă | instrument
10105CharactersObjectstool🗡 -namedagger pumnal
10106CharactersObjectstool🗡 –keywordsdagger | knife | weapon armă | cuțit | pumnal
10107CharactersObjectstool⚔ -namecrossed swords săbii încrucișate
10108CharactersObjectstool⚔ –keywordscrossed | swords | weapon arme | încrucișare | săbii încrucișate | spade
10109CharactersObjectstool🔫 -name= pistol
10110CharactersObjectstool🔫 –keywordsgun | handgun | pistol | revolver | tool | weapon armă | armă de foc | pistol | revolver
10111CharactersObjectstool🪃 -nameboomerang bumerang
10112CharactersObjectstool🪃 –keywordsaustralia | boomerang | rebound | repercussion bumerang
10113CharactersObjectstool🏹 -namebow and arrow arc și săgeată
10114CharactersObjectstool🏹 –keywordsarcher | arrow | bow | bow and arrow | Sagittarius | zodiac arc | arc și săgeată | arcaș | armă | săgeată | Săgetător | zodiac
10115CharactersObjectstool🛡 -nameshield scut
10116CharactersObjectstool🛡 –keywordsshield | weapon armă | scut
10117CharactersObjectstool🪚 -namecarpentry saw fierăstrău pentru tămplărie
10118CharactersObjectstool🪚 –keywordscarpenter | carpentry saw | lumber | saw | tool fierăstrău pentru tămplărie
10119CharactersObjectstool🔧 -namewrench cheie fixă
10120CharactersObjectstool🔧 –keywordsspanner | tool | wrench cheie de piulițe | cheie fixă | instrument
10121CharactersObjectstool🪛 -namescrewdriver șurubelniță
10122CharactersObjectstool🪛 –keywordsscrew | screwdriver | tool instrument | sculă | șurub | șurubelniță | unealtă
10123CharactersObjectstool🔩 -namenut and bolt șurub și piuliță
10124CharactersObjectstool🔩 –keywordsbolt | nut | nut and bolt | tool instrument | piuliță | șurub | șurub și piuliță
10125CharactersObjectstool⚙ -namegear rotiță zimțată
10126CharactersObjectstool⚙ –keywordscog | cogwheel | gear | tool instrument | roată dințată | roată zimțată | rotiță dințată | rotiță zimțată
10127CharactersObjectstool🗜 -nameclamp menghină
10128CharactersObjectstool🗜 –keywordsclamp | compress | tool | vice comprimare | instrument | menghină
10129CharactersObjectstool⚖ -namebalance scale balanță
10130CharactersObjectstool⚖ –keywordsbalance | justice | Libra | scale | zodiac balanță | cântar | egalitate | instrument | justiție | zodiac
10131CharactersObjectstool🦯 -namewhite cane baston pentru nevăzători
10132CharactersObjectstool🦯 –keywordsaccessibility | blind | white cane accesibilitate | baston pentru nevăzători | nevăzător | orb
10133CharactersObjectstool🔗 -namelink za
10134CharactersObjectstool🔗 –keywordslink conexiune | legătură | link | verigă | za
10135CharactersObjectstool⛓ -namechains lanț
10136CharactersObjectstool⛓ –keywordschain | chains lanț | lanțuri | zale
10137CharactersObjectstool🪝 -namehook cârlig
10138CharactersObjectstool🪝 –keywordscatch | crook | curve | ensnare | hook | selling point argument de vânzare | captură | cârlig | escroc | momeală
10139CharactersObjectstool🧰 -nametoolbox trusă de scule
10140CharactersObjectstool🧰 –keywordschest | mechanic | tool | toolbox cutie | instrument | mecanic | trusă de scule | unealtă
10141CharactersObjectstool🧲 -name= magnet
10142CharactersObjectstool🧲 –keywordsattraction | horseshoe | magnet | magnetic atracție | magnet | magnetic | potcoavă
10143CharactersObjectstool🪜 -nameladder scară
10144CharactersObjectstool🪜 –keywordsclimb | ladder | rung | step scară | treaptă | urca
10145CharactersObjectsscience⚗ -namealembic alambic
10146CharactersObjectsscience⚗ –keywordsalembic | chemistry | tool alambic | chimie | instrument
10147CharactersObjectsscience🧪 -nametest tube eprubetă
10148CharactersObjectsscience🧪 –keywordschemist | chemistry | experiment | lab | science | test tube chimie | chimist | eprubetă | experiment | laborator
10149CharactersObjectsscience🧫 -namepetri dish vas Petri
10150CharactersObjectsscience🧫 –keywordsbacteria | biologist | biology | culture | lab | petri dish bacterii | bilogie | biolog | cultură | laborator | vas Petri
10151CharactersObjectsscience🧬 -namedna ADN
10152CharactersObjectsscience🧬 –keywordsbiologist | dna | evolution | gene | genetics | life ADN | biolog | evoluție | genă | genetică | viață
10153CharactersObjectsscience🔬 -namemicroscope microscop
10154CharactersObjectsscience🔬 –keywordsmicroscope | science | tool cercetare | instrument | microscop | știință
10155CharactersObjectsscience🔭 -nametelescope telescop
10156CharactersObjectsscience🔭 –keywordsscience | telescope | tool cercetare | instrument | știință | telescop
10157CharactersObjectsscience📡 -namesatellite antenna antenă satelit
10158CharactersObjectsscience📡 –keywordsantenna | dish | satellite antenă | comunicare | satelit
10159CharactersObjectsmedical💉 -namesyringe seringă
10160CharactersObjectsmedical💉 –keywordsmedicine | needle | shot | sick | syringe ac | doctor | injecție | seringă | siringă | tratament
10161CharactersObjectsmedical🩸 -namedrop of blood picătură de sânge
10162CharactersObjectsmedical🩸 –keywordsbleed | blood donation | drop of blood | injury | medicine | menstruation donare de sânge | medicină | menstruație | picătură de sânge | rană | sânge
10163CharactersObjectsmedical💊 -namepill pastilă
10164CharactersObjectsmedical💊 –keywordsdoctor | medicine | pill | sick doctor | medicament | pastilă | pilulă | tratament
10165CharactersObjectsmedical🩹 -nameadhesive bandage leucoplast
10166CharactersObjectsmedical🩹 –keywordsadhesive bandage | bandage bandaj adeziv | leucoplast
10167CharactersObjectsmedical🩺 -namestethoscope stetoscop
10168CharactersObjectsmedical🩺 –keywordsdoctor | heart | medicine | stethoscope doctor | inimă | medicină | stetoscop
10169CharactersObjectshousehold🚪 -namedoor ușă
10170CharactersObjectshousehold🚪 –keywordsdoor ușă
10171CharactersObjectshousehold🛗 -nameelevator lift
10172CharactersObjectshousehold🛗 –keywordsaccessibility | elevator | hoist | lift accesibilitate | ascensor | elevator | lift
10173CharactersObjectshousehold🪞 -namemirror oglindă
10174CharactersObjectshousehold🪞 –keywordsmirror | reflection | reflector | speculum oglindă | reflexie
10175CharactersObjectshousehold🪟 -namewindow fereastră
10176CharactersObjectshousehold🪟 –keywordsframe | fresh air | opening | transparent | view | window aer proaspăt | deschidere | fereastră | geam | ramă | transparent | vedere
10177CharactersObjectshousehold🛏 -namebed pat
10178CharactersObjectshousehold🛏 –keywordsbed | hotel | sleep cazare | hotel | pat | somn
10179CharactersObjectshousehold🛋 -namecouch and lamp canapea și lampă
10180CharactersObjectshousehold🛋 –keywordscouch | couch and lamp | hotel | lamp canapea | canapea și lampă | hotel | lampă | lumină
10181CharactersObjectshousehold🪑 -namechair scaun
10182CharactersObjectshousehold🪑 –keywordschair | seat | sit loc | scaun
10183CharactersObjectshousehold🚽 -nametoilet toaletă
10184CharactersObjectshousehold🚽 –keywordstoilet toaletă
10185CharactersObjectshousehold🪠 -nameplunger pompă de aspirare
10186CharactersObjectshousehold🪠 –keywordsforce cup | plumber | plunger | suction | toilet pompă de aspirare
10187CharactersObjectshousehold🚿 -nameshower duș
10188CharactersObjectshousehold🚿 –keywordsshower | water apă | duș
10189CharactersObjectshousehold🛁 -namebathtub cadă
10190CharactersObjectshousehold🛁 –keywordsbath | bathtub baie | cadă
10191CharactersObjectshousehold🪤 -namemouse trap cursă de șoareci
10192CharactersObjectshousehold🪤 –keywordsbait | mouse trap | mousetrap | snare | trap ademeni | capcană de șoareci | cursă de șoareci | momeală
10193CharactersObjectshousehold🪒 -namerazor brici
10194CharactersObjectshousehold🪒 –keywordsrazor | sharp | shave ascuțit | bărbierit | brici | ras
10195CharactersObjectshousehold🧴 -namelotion bottle flacon de loțiune
10196CharactersObjectshousehold🧴 –keywordslotion | lotion bottle | moisturizer | shampoo | sunscreen cremă | flacon de loțiune | loțiune | protecție solară | șampon
10197CharactersObjectshousehold🧷 -namesafety pin ac de siguranță
10198CharactersObjectshousehold🧷 –keywordsdiaper | punk rock | safety pin ac de siguranță | scutec
10199CharactersObjectshousehold🧹 -namebroom mătură
10200CharactersObjectshousehold🧹 –keywordsbroom | cleaning | sweeping | witch curățenie | mătură | măturat | vrăjitoare
10201CharactersObjectshousehold🧺 -namebasket coș
10202CharactersObjectshousehold🧺 –keywordsbasket | farming | laundry | picnic agricultură | coș | picnic | rufe
10203CharactersObjectshousehold🧻 -nameroll of paper sul de hârtie
10204CharactersObjectshousehold🧻 –keywordspaper towels | roll of paper | toilet paper hârtie de toaletă | hârtie igienică | sul de hârtie
10205CharactersObjectshousehold🪣 -namebucket găleată
10206CharactersObjectshousehold🪣 –keywordsbucket | cask | pail | vat găleată
10207CharactersObjectshousehold🧼 -namesoap săpun
10208CharactersObjectshousehold🧼 –keywordsbar | bathing | cleaning | lather | soap | soapdish clăbuc | curățenie | îmbăiere | săpun
10209CharactersObjectshousehold🪥 -nametoothbrush periuță de dinți
10210CharactersObjectshousehold🪥 –keywordsbathroom | brush | clean | dental | hygiene | teeth | toothbrush baie | curățare | dantură | dentară | dinte | igienă | periaj | periere | periuță de dinți
10211CharactersObjectshousehold🧽 -namesponge burete
10212CharactersObjectshousehold🧽 –keywordsabsorbing | cleaning | porous | sponge absorbant | burete | curățenie | poros
10213CharactersObjectshousehold🧯 -namefire extinguisher stingător de incendiu
10214CharactersObjectshousehold🧯 –keywordsextinguish | fire | fire extinguisher | quench foc | înăbușire | stingător de incendiu | stingere
10215CharactersObjectshousehold🛒 -nameshopping cart cărucior de cumpărături
10216CharactersObjectshousehold🛒 –keywordscart | shopping | trolley cărucior | cărucior de cumpărături | coș | cumpărături
10217CharactersObjectsother-object🚬 -namecigarette țigară
10218CharactersObjectsother-object🚬 –keywordscigarette | smoking fum | fumat | scrum | țigară
10219CharactersObjectsother-object⚰ -namecoffin coșciug
10220CharactersObjectsother-object⚰ –keywordscoffin | death coșciug | înmormântare | moarte
10221CharactersObjectsother-object🪦 -nameheadstone piatră funerară
10222CharactersObjectsother-object🪦 –keywordscemetery | grave | graveyard | headstone | tombstone piatră funerară
10223CharactersObjectsother-object⚱ -namefuneral urn urnă funerară
10224CharactersObjectsother-object⚱ –keywordsashes | death | funeral | urn cenușă | moarte | urnă | urnă funerară
10225CharactersObjectsother-object🗿 -namemoai statuie moai
10226CharactersObjectsother-object🗿 –keywordsface | moai | moyai | statue insula paștelui | statuie | statuie moai
10227CharactersObjectsother-object🪧 -nameplacard plancardă
10228CharactersObjectsother-object🪧 –keywordsdemonstration | picket | placard | protest | sign plancardă
10229CharactersSymbols2transport-sign🏧 -nameATM sign simbol pentru bancomat
10230CharactersSymbols2transport-sign🏧 –keywordsatm | ATM sign | automated | bank | teller atm | automat bancar | bancomat | simbol pentru bancomat
10231CharactersSymbols2transport-sign🚮 -namelitter in bin sign simbol pentru folosiți coșul de gunoi
10232CharactersSymbols2transport-sign🚮 –keywordslitter | litter bin | litter in bin sign coș de gunoi | folosiți coșul de gunoi | gunoi | simbol pentru folosirea coșului de gunoi | simbol pentru folosiți coșul de gunoi
10233CharactersSymbols2transport-sign🚰 -namepotable water apă potabilă
10234CharactersSymbols2transport-sign🚰 –keywordsdrinking | potable | water apă | hidratare | potabilă
10235CharactersSymbols2transport-sign♿ -namewheelchair symbol simbol pentru scaun cu rotile
10236CharactersSymbols2transport-sign♿ –keywordsaccess | wheelchair symbol accesibilitate | simbol pentru cărucior cu rotile | simbol pentru scaun cu rotile
10237CharactersSymbols2transport-sign🚹 -namemen’s room toaletă bărbați
10238CharactersSymbols2transport-sign🚹 –keywordslavatory | man | men’s room | restroom | wc bărbați | closet | toaletă | wc
10239CharactersSymbols2transport-sign🚺 -namewomen’s room toaletă femei
10240CharactersSymbols2transport-sign🚺 –keywordslavatory | restroom | wc | woman | women’s room closet | femei | toaletă | wc
10241CharactersSymbols2transport-sign🚻 -namerestroom toaletă mixtă
10242CharactersSymbols2transport-sign🚻 –keywordslavatory | restroom | WC baie | closet | toaletă | toaletă mixtă | wc
10243CharactersSymbols2transport-sign🚼 -namebaby symbol simbol bebeluș
10244CharactersSymbols2transport-sign🚼 –keywordsbaby | baby symbol | changing bebeluș | scutece | simbol bebeluș
10245CharactersSymbols2transport-sign🚾 -namewater closet wc
10246CharactersSymbols2transport-sign🚾 –keywordscloset | lavatory | restroom | water | wc bărbați | closet | toaletă | wc
10247CharactersSymbols2transport-sign🛂 -namepassport control control pașapoarte
10248CharactersSymbols2transport-sign🛂 –keywordscontrol | passport control | control pașapoarte | pașaport
10249CharactersSymbols2transport-sign🛃 -namecustoms vamă
10250CharactersSymbols2transport-sign🛃 –keywordscustoms punct vamal | vamă
10251CharactersSymbols2transport-sign🛄 -namebaggage claim recuperare bagaje
10252CharactersSymbols2transport-sign🛄 –keywordsbaggage | claim bagaje | recuperare
10253CharactersSymbols2transport-sign🛅 -nameleft luggage depozitare bagaje
10254CharactersSymbols2transport-sign🛅 –keywordsbaggage | left luggage | locker | luggage bagaje | depozitare bagaje | dulap | valize
10255CharactersSymbols2warning⚠ -namewarning avertisment
10256CharactersSymbols2warning⚠ –keywordswarning avertisment | avertizare
10257CharactersSymbols2warning🚸 -namechildren crossing trecere copii
10258CharactersSymbols2warning🚸 –keywordschild | children crossing | crossing | pedestrian | traffic copii | pietonal | trafic | traversare | trecere
10259CharactersSymbols2warning⛔ -nameno entry acces interzis
10260CharactersSymbols2warning⛔ –keywordsentry | forbidden | no | not | prohibited | traffic acces | acces interzis | interdicție | nu | trafic
10261CharactersSymbols2warning🚫 -nameprohibited interzis
10262CharactersSymbols2warning🚫 –keywordsentry | forbidden | no | not | prohibited interdicție | interzis | intrare | nu
10263CharactersSymbols2warning🚳 -nameno bicycles interzis accesul cu bicicleta
10264CharactersSymbols2warning🚳 –keywordsbicycle | bike | forbidden | no | no bicycles | prohibited bicicletă | fără biciclete | interdicție | interzis | interzis accesul cu bicicleta
10265CharactersSymbols2warning🚭 -nameno smoking fumatul interzis
10266CharactersSymbols2warning🚭 –keywordsforbidden | no | not | prohibited | smoking fumat | fumatul interzis | interdicție | nu
10267CharactersSymbols2warning🚯 -nameno littering nu aruncați gunoi pe jos
10268CharactersSymbols2warning🚯 –keywordsforbidden | litter | no | no littering | not | prohibited gunoi | interdicție | nu | nu aruncați gunoi pe jos
10269CharactersSymbols2warning🚱 -namenon-potable water apă nepotabilă
10270CharactersSymbols2warning🚱 –keywordsnon-drinking | non-potable | water apă | nepotabilă
10271CharactersSymbols2warning🚷 -nameno pedestrians interzis accesul pietonilor
10272CharactersSymbols2warning🚷 –keywordsforbidden | no | no pedestrians | not | pedestrian | prohibited interdicție | interzis | interzis accesul pietonilor | nu | pietoni
10273CharactersSymbols2warning📵 -nameno mobile phones telefoanele mobile sunt interzise
10274CharactersSymbols2warning📵 –keywordscell | forbidden | mobile | no | no mobile phones | phone interdicție | interzis | mobil | nu | telefoanele mobile sunt interzise | telefon
10275CharactersSymbols2warning🔞 -nameno one under eighteen interzis sub 18 ani
10276CharactersSymbols2warning🔞 –keywords18 | age restriction | eighteen | no one under eighteen | prohibited | underage 18 | interdicție | interzis | interzis sub 18 ani | minori | nu | restricție vârstă
10277CharactersSymbols2warning☢ -nameradioactive radioactiv
10278CharactersSymbols2warning☢ –keywordsradioactive | sign radioactiv | radioactivitate | simbol
10279CharactersSymbols2warning☣ -namebiohazard risc biologic
10280CharactersSymbols2warning☣ –keywordsbiohazard | sign biologic | pericol | risc | simbol
10281CharactersSymbols2arrow⬆ -nameup arrow săgeată orientată în sus
10282CharactersSymbols2arrow⬆ –keywordsarrow | cardinal | direction | north | up arrow cardinal | direcție | nord | săgeată | săgeată orientată în sus
10283CharactersSymbols2arrow↗ -nameup-right arrow săgeată orientată în dreapta-sus
10284CharactersSymbols2arrow↗ –keywordsarrow | direction | intercardinal | northeast | up-right arrow direcție | intercardinal | nord-est | săgeată | săgeată orientată în dreapta-sus
10285CharactersSymbols2arrow➡ -nameright arrow săgeată orientată în dreapta
10286CharactersSymbols2arrow➡ –keywordsarrow | cardinal | direction | east | right arrow cardinal | direcție | est | săgeată | săgeată orientată în dreapta
10287CharactersSymbols2arrow↘ -namedown-right arrow săgeată orientată în dreapta-jos
10288CharactersSymbols2arrow↘ –keywordsarrow | direction | down-right arrow | intercardinal | southeast direcție | intercardinal | săgeată | săgeată orientată în dreapta-jos | sud-est
10289CharactersSymbols2arrow⬇ -namedown arrow săgeată orientată în jos
10290CharactersSymbols2arrow⬇ –keywordsarrow | cardinal | direction | down | south cardinal | direcție | jos | săgeată | săgeată orientată în jos | sud
10291CharactersSymbols2arrow↙ -namedown-left arrow săgeată orientată în stânga jos
10292CharactersSymbols2arrow↙ –keywordsarrow | direction | down-left arrow | intercardinal | southwest direcție | intercardinal | săgeată | săgeată orientată în stânga jos | sud-vest
10293CharactersSymbols2arrow⬅ -nameleft arrow săgeată orientată în stânga
10294CharactersSymbols2arrow⬅ –keywordsarrow | cardinal | direction | left arrow | west cardinal | direcție | săgeată | săgeată orientată în stânga | vest
10295CharactersSymbols2arrow↖ -nameup-left arrow săgeată orientată în stânga-sus
10296CharactersSymbols2arrow↖ –keywordsarrow | direction | intercardinal | northwest | up-left arrow direcție | intercardinal | nord-vest | săgeată | săgeată orientată în stânga-sus
10297CharactersSymbols2arrow↕ -nameup-down arrow săgeată sus-jos
10298CharactersSymbols2arrow↕ –keywordsarrow | up-down arrow săgeată | săgeată sus-jos
10299CharactersSymbols2arrow↔ -nameleft-right arrow săgeată dreapta-stânga
10300CharactersSymbols2arrow↔ –keywordsarrow | left-right arrow săgeată | săgeată dreapta-stânga
10301CharactersSymbols2arrow↩ -nameright arrow curving left săgeată dreapta curbată spre stânga
10302CharactersSymbols2arrow↩ –keywordsarrow | right arrow curving left săgeată | săgeată dreapta curbată spre stânga
10303CharactersSymbols2arrow↪ -nameleft arrow curving right săgeată stânga curbată spre dreapta
10304CharactersSymbols2arrow↪ –keywordsarrow | left arrow curving right săgeată | săgeată stânga curbată spre dreapta
10305CharactersSymbols2arrow⤴ -nameright arrow curving up săgeată dreapta curbată în sus
10306CharactersSymbols2arrow⤴ –keywordsarrow | right arrow curving up săgeată | săgeată dreapta curbată în sus
10307CharactersSymbols2arrow⤵ -nameright arrow curving down săgeată dreapta curbată în jos
10308CharactersSymbols2arrow⤵ –keywordsarrow | down | right arrow curving down jos | săgeată | săgeată dreapta curbată în jos
10309CharactersSymbols2arrow🔃 -nameclockwise vertical arrows săgeți verticale în sens orar
10310CharactersSymbols2arrow🔃 –keywordsarrow | clockwise | clockwise vertical arrows | reload reîncărcare | săgeți | săgeți verticale în sens orar | sensul acelor de ceasornic
10311CharactersSymbols2arrow🔄 -namecounterclockwise arrows button buton cu săgeți în sens antiorar
10312CharactersSymbols2arrow🔄 –keywordsanticlockwise | arrow | counterclockwise | counterclockwise arrows button | withershins antiorar | buton cu săgeți în sens antiorar | invers | sens invers acelor de ceasornic
10313CharactersSymbols2arrow🔙 -nameBACK arrow săgeată cu textul BACK
10314CharactersSymbols2arrow🔙 –keywordsarrow | back | BACK arrow înapoi | săgeată | săgeată cu textul BACK
10315CharactersSymbols2arrow🔚 -nameEND arrow săgeată cu textul END
10316CharactersSymbols2arrow🔚 –keywordsarrow | end | END arrow final | săgeată | săgeată cu textul END
10317CharactersSymbols2arrow🔛 -nameON! arrow săgeată cu textul ON!
10318CharactersSymbols2arrow🔛 –keywordsarrow | mark | on | ON! arrow marcaj | săgeată | săgeată cu textul ON!
10319CharactersSymbols2arrow🔜 -nameSOON arrow săgeată cu textul SOON
10320CharactersSymbols2arrow🔜 –keywordsarrow | soon | SOON arrow curând | săgeată | săgeată cu textul SOON
10321CharactersSymbols2arrow🔝 -nameTOP arrow săgeată cu textul TOP
10322CharactersSymbols2arrow🔝 –keywordsarrow | top | TOP arrow | up săgeată | săgeată cu textul TOP | sus
10323CharactersSymbols2arrow→ -nameright-pointing arrow săgeată spre dreapta
10324CharactersSymbols2arrow→ –keywordsarrow | right | right-pointing arrow dreapta | săgeată | săgeată spre dreapta
10325CharactersSymbols2arrow↓ -namedown-pointing arrow săgeată în jos
10326CharactersSymbols2arrow↓ –keywordsarrow | down | down-pointing arrow jos | săgeată | săgeată în jos
10327CharactersSymbols2arrow↑ -nameup-pointing arrow săgeată în sus
10328CharactersSymbols2arrow↑ –keywordsarrow | up | up-pointing arrow săgeată | săgeată în sus | sus
10329CharactersSymbols2arrow← -nameleft-pointing arrow săgeată spre stânga
10330CharactersSymbols2arrow← –keywordsarrow | left | left-pointing arrow săgeată | săgeată spre stânga | stânga
10331CharactersSymbols2arrow⇆ -nameleft-pointing over right-pointing arrows săgeată la stânga pe săgeată la dreapta
10332CharactersSymbols2arrow⇆ –keywordsarrow | left | left-pointing over right-pointing arrows | right dreapta | săgeată | săgeată la stânga pe săgeată la dreapta | săgeată spre stânga peste săgeata spre dreapta | stânga
10333CharactersSymbols2arrow⇅ -nameup-pointing and down-pointing arrows săgeată în sus și săgeată în jos
10334CharactersSymbols2arrow⇅ –keywordsarrow | down | up | up-pointing and down-pointing arrows jos | săgeată | săgeată în sus și săgeată în jos | sus
10335CharactersSymbols2religion🛐 -nameplace of worship lăcaș de cult
10336CharactersSymbols2religion🛐 –keywordsplace of worship | religion | worship cult | lăcaș | lăcaș de cult | religie
10337CharactersSymbols2religion⚛ -nameatom symbol simbol pentru atom
10338CharactersSymbols2religion⚛ –keywordsatheist | atom | atom symbol ateu | atom | simbol de atom | simbol pentru atom
10339CharactersSymbols2religion🕉 -nameom simbol hindus om
10340CharactersSymbols2religion🕉 –keywordsHindu | om | religion hindusă | religie | simbol hindus om
10341CharactersSymbols2religion✡ -namestar of David steaua lui David
10342CharactersSymbols2religion✡ –keywordsDavid | Jew | Jewish | religion | star | star of David David | evreu | iudaism | stea | steaua lui David
10343CharactersSymbols2religion☸ -namewheel of dharma roata dharmei
10344CharactersSymbols2religion☸ –keywordsBuddhist | dharma | religion | wheel | wheel of dharma budism | dharma | religie | roată | roata dharma | roata dharmei
10345CharactersSymbols2religion☯ -name= yin yang
10346CharactersSymbols2religion☯ –keywordsreligion | tao | taoist | yang | yin religie | taoism | yang | yin
10347CharactersSymbols2religion✝ -namelatin cross cruce latină
10348CharactersSymbols2religion✝ –keywordsChristian | cross | latin cross | religion creștinism | cruce | cruce latină | religie
10349CharactersSymbols2religion☦ -nameorthodox cross cruce ortodoxă
10350CharactersSymbols2religion☦ –keywordsChristian | cross | orthodox cross | religion creștinism | cruce | cruce ortodoxă | ortodoxie | religie
10351CharactersSymbols2religion☪ -namestar and crescent stea și semilună
10352CharactersSymbols2religion☪ –keywordsislam | Muslim | religion | star and crescent islamism | musulman | musulmană | religie | stea și semilună
10353CharactersSymbols2religion☮ -namepeace symbol semnul păcii
10354CharactersSymbols2religion☮ –keywordspeace | peace symbol pace | semnul păcii
10355CharactersSymbols2religion🕎 -name= menorah
10356CharactersSymbols2religion🕎 –keywordscandelabrum | candlestick | menorah | religion menorah | religie | sfeșnic
10357CharactersSymbols2religion🔯 -namedotted six-pointed star stea cu șase colțuri și punct în centru
10358CharactersSymbols2religion🔯 –keywordsdotted six-pointed star | fortune | star noroc | stea | stea cu șase colțuri și punct în centru
10359CharactersSymbols2zodiac♈ -nameAries zodia Berbec
10360CharactersSymbols2zodiac♈ –keywordsAries | ram | zodiac berbec | zodia Berbec | zodiac | zodie
10361CharactersSymbols2zodiac♉ -nameTaurus zodia Taur
10362CharactersSymbols2zodiac♉ –keywordsbull | ox | Taurus | zodiac taur | zodia Taur | zodiac | zodie
10363CharactersSymbols2zodiac♊ -nameGemini zodia Gemeni
10364CharactersSymbols2zodiac♊ –keywordsGemini | twins | zodiac gemeni | zodia Gemeni | zodiac | zodie
10365CharactersSymbols2zodiac♋ -nameCancer zodia Rac
10366CharactersSymbols2zodiac♋ –keywordsCancer | crab | zodiac rac | zodia Rac | zodiac | zodie
10367CharactersSymbols2zodiac♌ -nameLeo zodia Leu
10368CharactersSymbols2zodiac♌ –keywordsLeo | lion | zodiac leu | zodia Leu | zodiac | zodie
10369CharactersSymbols2zodiac♍ -nameVirgo zodia Fecioară
10370CharactersSymbols2zodiac♍ –keywordsVirgo | zodiac fecioară | zodia Fecioară | zodiac | zodie
10371CharactersSymbols2zodiac♎ -nameLibra zodia Balanță
10372CharactersSymbols2zodiac♎ –keywordsbalance | justice | Libra | scales | zodiac balanță | justiție | zodia Balanță | zodiac | zodie
10373CharactersSymbols2zodiac♏ -nameScorpio zodia Scorpion
10374CharactersSymbols2zodiac♏ –keywordsScorpio | scorpion | scorpius | zodiac scorpion | zodia Scorpion | zodiac | zodie
10375CharactersSymbols2zodiac♐ -nameSagittarius zodia Săgetător
10376CharactersSymbols2zodiac♐ –keywordsarcher | Sagittarius | zodiac arcaș | săgetător | zodia Săgetător | zodiac | zodie
10377CharactersSymbols2zodiac♑ -nameCapricorn zodia Capricorn
10378CharactersSymbols2zodiac♑ –keywordsCapricorn | goat | zodiac capricorn | zodia Capricorn | zodiac | zodie
10379CharactersSymbols2zodiac♒ -nameAquarius zodia Vărsător
10380CharactersSymbols2zodiac♒ –keywordsAquarius | bearer | water | zodiac vărsător | zodia Vărsător | zodiac | zodie
10381CharactersSymbols2zodiac♓ -namePisces zodia Pești
10382CharactersSymbols2zodiac♓ –keywordsfish | Pisces | zodiac pești | zodia Pești | zodiac | zodie
10383CharactersSymbols2zodiac⛎ -nameOphiuchus zodia Ofiucus
10384CharactersSymbols2zodiac⛎ –keywordsbearer | Ophiuchus | serpent | snake | zodiac ofiucus | șarpe | zodia Ofiucus | zodiac | zodie
10385CharactersSymbols2av-symbol🔀 -nameshuffle tracks button buton de redare aleatorie
10386CharactersSymbols2av-symbol🔀 –keywordsarrow | crossed | shuffle tracks button amestecare | buton de redare aleatorie | încrucișare | săgeți
10387CharactersSymbols2av-symbol🔁 -namerepeat button buton de repetare
10388CharactersSymbols2av-symbol🔁 –keywordsarrow | clockwise | repeat | repeat button buton de repetare | repetare | săgeți | sens orar
10389CharactersSymbols2av-symbol🔂 -namerepeat single button buton de repetare unică
10390CharactersSymbols2av-symbol🔂 –keywordsarrow | clockwise | once | repeat single button buton de repetare unică | o dată | repetare | sens orar | unic
10391CharactersSymbols2av-symbol▶ -nameplay button buton de redare
10392CharactersSymbols2av-symbol▶ –keywordsarrow | play | play button | right | triangle buton de redare | dreapta | redare | săgeată | triunghi
10393CharactersSymbols2av-symbol⏩ -namefast-forward button buton de derulare rapidă înainte
10394CharactersSymbols2av-symbol⏩ –keywordsarrow | double | fast | fast-forward button | forward buton de derulare rapidă înainte | dublu | înainte | repede înainte | săgeată
10395CharactersSymbols2av-symbol⏭ -namenext track button buton pentru melodia următoare
10396CharactersSymbols2av-symbol⏭ –keywordsarrow | next scene | next track | next track button | triangle buton pentru melodia următoare | melodia următoare | săgeată | scena următoare | triunghi
10397CharactersSymbols2av-symbol⏯ -nameplay or pause button buton de redare sau suspendare
10398CharactersSymbols2av-symbol⏯ –keywordsarrow | pause | play | play or pause button | right | triangle buton de redare sau suspendare | dreapta | săgeată | triunghi
10399CharactersSymbols2av-symbol◀ -namereverse button buton de inversare
10400CharactersSymbols2av-symbol◀ –keywordsarrow | left | reverse | reverse button | triangle buton de inversare | inversare | săgeată | stânga | triunghi
10401CharactersSymbols2av-symbol⏪ -namefast reverse button buton de derulare rapidă înapoi
10402CharactersSymbols2av-symbol⏪ –keywordsarrow | double | fast reverse button | rewind buton de derulare rapidă înapoi | dublu | înapoi | săgeată | triunghi
10403CharactersSymbols2av-symbol⏮ -namelast track button buton pentru melodia anterioară
10404CharactersSymbols2av-symbol⏮ –keywordsarrow | last track button | previous scene | previous track | triangle buton pentru melodia anterioară | înapoi | melodia anterioară | săgeată | scena anterioară | triunghi
10405CharactersSymbols2av-symbol🔼 -nameupwards button buton pentru sus
10406CharactersSymbols2av-symbol🔼 –keywordsarrow | button | red | upwards button buton pentru sus | săgeată | sus | triunghi
10407CharactersSymbols2av-symbol⏫ -namefast up button buton pentru repede sus
10408CharactersSymbols2av-symbol⏫ –keywordsarrow | double | fast up button buton pentru repede sus | dublu | repede | săgeată | sus | triunghi
10409CharactersSymbols2av-symbol🔽 -namedownwards button buton pentru jos
10410CharactersSymbols2av-symbol🔽 –keywordsarrow | button | down | downwards button | red buton pentru jos | jos | săgeată | triunghi
10411CharactersSymbols2av-symbol⏬ -namefast down button buton pentru repede jos
10412CharactersSymbols2av-symbol⏬ –keywordsarrow | double | down | fast down button buton pentru repede jos | dublu | jos | repede | săgeată | triunghi
10413CharactersSymbols2av-symbol⏸ -namepause button buton de suspendare
10414CharactersSymbols2av-symbol⏸ –keywordsbar | double | pause | pause button | vertical buton de suspendare | două bare | întrerupere | pauză | vertical
10415CharactersSymbols2av-symbol⏹ -namestop button buton de oprire
10416CharactersSymbols2av-symbol⏹ –keywordssquare | stop | stop button buton de oprire | pătrat | stop
10417CharactersSymbols2av-symbol⏺ -namerecord button buton de înregistrare
10418CharactersSymbols2av-symbol⏺ –keywordscircle | record | record button buton | buton de înregistrare | cerc
10419CharactersSymbols2av-symbol⏏ -nameeject button buton de ejectare
10420CharactersSymbols2av-symbol⏏ –keywordseject | eject button buton | buton de ejectare | ejectare
10421CharactersSymbols2av-symbol🎦 -name= cinema
10422CharactersSymbols2av-symbol🎦 –keywordscamera | cinema | film | movie cameră | cinema | film | filmare | peliculă
10423CharactersSymbols2av-symbol🔅 -namedim button buton de scădere a luminozității
10424CharactersSymbols2av-symbol🔅 –keywordsbrightness | dim | dim button | low buton de scădere a luminozității | luminozitate | scădere
10425CharactersSymbols2av-symbol🔆 -namebright button buton de creștere a luminozității
10426CharactersSymbols2av-symbol🔆 –keywordsbright | bright button | brightness buton de creștere a luminozității | creștere | luminozitate
10427CharactersSymbols2av-symbol📶 -nameantenna bars bare de semnal
10428CharactersSymbols2av-symbol📶 –keywordsantenna | antenna bars | bar | cell | mobile | phone bare | bare de semnal | rețea | semnal | telefon mobil
10429CharactersSymbols2av-symbol📳 -namevibration mode modul vibrare
10430CharactersSymbols2av-symbol📳 –keywordscell | mobile | mode | phone | telephone | vibration celular | mobil | modul vibrare | telefon | vibrare | vibrație
10431CharactersSymbols2av-symbol📴 -namemobile phone off închidere telefoane mobile
10432CharactersSymbols2av-symbol📴 –keywordscell | mobile | off | phone | telephone dezactivare | închidere telefoane mobile | mobil | telefon
10433CharactersSymbols2gender♀ -namefemale sign semn feminin
10434CharactersSymbols2gender♀ –keywordsfemale sign | woman femeie | feminin | semn feminin
10435CharactersSymbols2gender♂ -namemale sign semn masculin
10436CharactersSymbols2gender♂ –keywordsmale sign | man bărbat | masculin | semn masculin
10437CharactersSymbols2gender⚧ -nametransgender symbol transgender
10438CharactersSymbols2gender⚧ –keywordstransgender | transgender symbol transgender
10439CharactersSymbols2math✖ -namemultiply înmulțire
10440CharactersSymbols2math✖ –keywords× | cancel | multiplication | multiply | sign | x anulare | înmulțire | semn | x
10441CharactersSymbols2math➕ -name= plus
10442CharactersSymbols2math➕ –keywords+ | math | plus | sign + | adunare | matematică | plus | semn
10443CharactersSymbols2math➖ -name= minus
10444CharactersSymbols2math➖ –keywords- | − | math | minus | sign - | – | matematică | minus | scădere | semn minus
10445CharactersSymbols2math➗ -namedivide împărțire
10446CharactersSymbols2math➗ –keywords÷ | divide | division | math | sign ÷ | împărțire | matematică | semn
10447CharactersSymbols2math♾ -nameinfinity infinit
10448CharactersSymbols2math♾ –keywordsforever | infinity | unbounded | universal etern | infinit | nelimitat | universal
10449CharactersSymbols2math× -namemultiplication sign semnul înmulțirii
10450CharactersSymbols2math× –keywordsmultiplication | multiplication sign | multiply | times înmulți | înmulțire | ori | semnul înmulțirii
10451CharactersSymbols2math÷ -namedivision sign semnul împărțirii
10452CharactersSymbols2math÷ –keywordsdivide | division | division sign | obelus împărți | împărțire | semnul împărțirii
10453CharactersSymbols2math√ -namesquare root rădăcină pătrată
10454CharactersSymbols2math√ –keywordsradical | radix | root | square | surd număr irațional | pătrat | rădăcină | rădăcină pătrată | radical
10455CharactersSymbols2math∞ -nameinfinity sign semnul infinit
10456CharactersSymbols2math∞ –keywordsinfinity | infinity sign infinit | semnul infinit
10457CharactersSymbols2math∆ -nameincrement creștere
10458CharactersSymbols2math∆ –keywordsincrement | triangle creștere | increment | triunghi
10459CharactersSymbols2math∇ -name= nabla
10460CharactersSymbols2math∇ –keywordsnabla | triangle nabla | triunghi
10461CharactersSymbols2math⁻ -namesuperscript minus exponent minus
10462CharactersSymbols2math⁻ –keywordsminus | superscript exponent | minus
10463CharactersSymbols2math¹ -namesuperscript one exponent unu
10464CharactersSymbols2math¹ –keywordsone | superscript exponent | unu
10465CharactersSymbols2math² -namesuperscript two exponent doi
10466CharactersSymbols2math² –keywordssquared | superscript | two doi | exponent | la pătrat
10467CharactersSymbols2math³ -namesuperscript three exponent trei
10468CharactersSymbols2math³ –keywordscubed | superscript | three exponent | la cub | trei
10469CharactersSymbols2math≡ -nameidentical to identic cu
10470CharactersSymbols2math≡ –keywordsexact | identical | identical to | triple congruent | exact | identic | identic cu | triplu
10471CharactersSymbols2math∈ -nameelement of element al
10472CharactersSymbols2math∈ –keywordscontains | element | element of | membership | set apartenență | aparține | conține | element | element al | mulțime
10473CharactersSymbols2math⊂ -namesubset of submulțime a
10474CharactersSymbols2math⊂ –keywordsset | subset | subset of mulțime | submulțime | submulțime a
10475CharactersSymbols2math∩ -nameintersection intersecție
10476CharactersSymbols2math∩ –keywordsintersection | set intersecție | mulțime
10477CharactersSymbols2math∪ -nameunion reuniune
10478CharactersSymbols2math∪ –keywordscollection | set | union colecție | mulțime | reuniune
10479CharactersSymbols2math° -namedegree grad
10480CharactersSymbols2math° –keywordsdegree | hour | proof grad | oră
10481CharactersSymbols2punctuation‼ -namedouble exclamation mark semn dublu de exclamare
10482CharactersSymbols2punctuation‼ –keywords! | !! | bangbang | double exclamation mark | exclamation | mark ! | exclamație | punctuație | semn | semn dublu de exclamare
10483CharactersSymbols2punctuation⁉ -nameexclamation question mark semn de exclamare și întrebare
10484CharactersSymbols2punctuation⁉ –keywords! | !? | ? | exclamation | interrobang | mark | punctuation | question ! | !? | ? | exclamație | întrebare | punctuație | semn de exclamare și întrebare
10485CharactersSymbols2punctuation❓ -namequestion mark semnul întrebării
10486CharactersSymbols2punctuation❓ –keywords? | mark | punctuation | question întrebare | punctuație | semn | semnul întrebării
10487CharactersSymbols2punctuation❔ -namewhite question mark semnul întrebării alb
10488CharactersSymbols2punctuation❔ –keywords? | mark | outlined | punctuation | question | white question mark contur | întrebare | punctuație | semn | semnul întrebării alb
10489CharactersSymbols2punctuation❕ -namewhite exclamation mark semnul exclamării alb
10490CharactersSymbols2punctuation❕ –keywords! | exclamation | mark | outlined | punctuation | white exclamation mark contur | exclamație | punctuație | semn | semnul exclamării alb
10491CharactersSymbols2punctuation❗ -nameexclamation mark semnul exclamării
10492CharactersSymbols2punctuation❗ –keywords! | exclamation | mark | punctuation ! | exclamație | mirare | punctuație | semn | semnul exclamării
10493CharactersSymbols2punctuation〰 -namewavy dash liniuță ondulată
10494CharactersSymbols2punctuation〰 –keywordsdash | punctuation | wavy liniuță | liniuță ondulată | ondulat
10495CharactersSymbols2punctuation– -nameen dash linie de pauză
10496CharactersSymbols2punctuation– –keywordsdash | en linie | linie de pauză | pauză
10497CharactersSymbols2punctuation— -nameem dash linie de dialog
10498CharactersSymbols2punctuation— –keywordsdash | em dialog | linie | linie de dialog
10499CharactersSymbols2punctuation» -nameright guillemet ghilimele ascuțite dreapta
10500CharactersSymbols2punctuation» –keywordsangle | brackets | carets | chevron | quote | right | right guillemet accente circumflexe | ascuțite | dreapta | ghilimele ascuțite dreapta | ghilimele unghiulare | paranteze | semnele citării
10501CharactersSymbols2punctuation« -nameleft guillemet ghilimele ascuțite stânga
10502CharactersSymbols2punctuation« –keywordsangle | brackets | carets | chevron | left | left guillemet | quote accente circumflexe | ascuțite | ghilimele ascuțite stânga | ghilimele unghiulare | paranteze | semnele citării | stânga
10503CharactersSymbols2punctuation• -namebullet marcator
10504CharactersSymbols2punctuation• –keywordsbullet | dot marcator | punct
10505CharactersSymbols2punctuation· -namemiddle dot punct la mijloc
10506CharactersSymbols2punctuation· –keywordsdot | interpunct | middle | middot interpunct | mijloc | punct | punct de mijloc | punct la mijloc | punct median
10507CharactersSymbols2punctuation§ -namesection secțiune
10508CharactersSymbols2punctuation§ –keywordsparagraph | part | section | silcrow paragraf | parte | secțiune | semnul secțiune
10509CharactersSymbols2punctuation† -namedagger sign semn cruciuliță
10510CharactersSymbols2punctuation† –keywordsdagger | dagger sign | obelisk | obelus cruciuliță | obelisc | semn cruciuliță
10511CharactersSymbols2punctuation‡ -namedouble dagger sign semn cruciuliță dublă
10512CharactersSymbols2punctuation‡ –keywordsdagger | double | double dagger sign | obelisk | obelus cruciuliță | dublă | obelisc | semn cruciuliță dublă
10513CharactersSymbols2currency💱 -namecurrency exchange schimb valutar
10514CharactersSymbols2currency💱 –keywordsbank | currency | exchange | money bani | schimb | schimb valutar | valută
10515CharactersSymbols2currency💲 -nameheavy dollar sign semnul dolar îngroșat
10516CharactersSymbols2currency💲 –keywordscurrency | dollar | heavy dollar sign | money bani | dolar | semnul dolar îngroșat
10517CharactersSymbols2currency€ -name= euro
10518CharactersSymbols2currency€ –keywordscurrency | EUR | euro EUR | euro | monedă
10519CharactersSymbols2currency£ -namepound liră
10520CharactersSymbols2currency£ –keywordscurrency | EGP | GBP | pound EGP | GBP | liră | monedă
10521CharactersSymbols2currency¥ -name= yen
10522CharactersSymbols2currency¥ –keywordsCNY | currency | JPY | yen | yuan CNY | JPY | monedă | yen | yuan
10523CharactersSymbols2currency₹ -nameindian rupee rupie indiană
10524CharactersSymbols2currency₹ –keywordscurrency | indian rupee | rupee monedă | rupie | rupie indiană
10525CharactersSymbols2currency₽ -nameruble rublă
10526CharactersSymbols2currency₽ –keywordscurrency | ruble monedă | rublă
10527CharactersSymbols2other-symbol⚕ -namemedical symbol simbol medical
10528CharactersSymbols2other-symbol⚕ –keywordsaesculapius | medical symbol | medicine | staff Esculap | medicamente | personal | simbol medical
10529CharactersSymbols2other-symbol♻ -namerecycling symbol simbolul pentru reciclare
10530CharactersSymbols2other-symbol♻ –keywordsrecycle | recycling symbol reciclare | simbolul pentru reciclare
10531CharactersSymbols2other-symbol⚜ -namefleur-de-lis floare de crin stilizată
10532CharactersSymbols2other-symbol⚜ –keywordsfleur-de-lis crin | fleur de lis | floare de crin stilizată | Franța | regalitate
10533CharactersSymbols2other-symbol🔱 -nametrident emblem emblemă trident
10534CharactersSymbols2other-symbol🔱 –keywordsanchor | emblem | ship | tool | trident corabie | emblemă trident | furcă | instrument | maritim
10535CharactersSymbols2other-symbol📛 -namename badge ecuson cu nume
10536CharactersSymbols2other-symbol📛 –keywordsbadge | name ecuson | ecuson cu nume | legitimație | nume
10537CharactersSymbols2other-symbol🔰 -nameJapanese symbol for beginner simbol japonez pentru începător
10538CharactersSymbols2other-symbol🔰 –keywordsbeginner | chevron | Japanese | Japanese symbol for beginner | leaf începător | japonez | Japonia | simbol japonez pentru începător
10539CharactersSymbols2other-symbol⭕ -namehollow red circle cerc roșu gol
10540CharactersSymbols2other-symbol⭕ –keywordscircle | hollow red circle | large | o | red cerc | cerc roșu gol | mare | o | roșu
10541CharactersSymbols2other-symbol✅ -namecheck mark button buton de bifă
10542CharactersSymbols2other-symbol✅ –keywords✓ | button | check | mark ✓ | bifă | buton | buton de bifă
10543CharactersSymbols2other-symbol☑ -namecheck box with check casetă de votare bifată
10544CharactersSymbols2other-symbol☑ –keywords✓ | box | check | check box with check bifă | casetă | casetă de votare bifată | vot
10545CharactersSymbols2other-symbol✔ -namecheck mark bifă îngroșată
10546CharactersSymbols2other-symbol✔ –keywords✓ | check | mark bifă | bifă îngroșată
10547CharactersSymbols2other-symbol❌ -namecross mark semnul x
10548CharactersSymbols2other-symbol❌ –keywords× | cancel | cross | mark | multiplication | multiply | x × | anulare | închidere | înmulțire | semnul x | x
10549CharactersSymbols2other-symbol❎ -namecross mark button buton x
10550CharactersSymbols2other-symbol❎ –keywords× | cross mark button | mark | square | x × | buton | pătrat | x
10551CharactersSymbols2other-symbol➰ -namecurly loop buclă ondulată
10552CharactersSymbols2other-symbol➰ –keywordscurl | curly loop | loop buclă | buclă ondulată | cârlionț | onduleu
10553CharactersSymbols2other-symbol➿ -namedouble curly loop buclă ondulată dublă
10554CharactersSymbols2other-symbol➿ –keywordscurl | double | double curly loop | loop buclă | buclă dublă | buclă ondulată dublă | dublu | onduleu
10555CharactersSymbols2other-symbol〽 -namepart alternation mark alternare cântăreț
10556CharactersSymbols2other-symbol〽 –keywordsmark | part | part alternation mark alternare cântăreț | cântăreț | marcaj | schimbare | semn
10557CharactersSymbols2other-symbol✳ -nameeight-spoked asterisk asterisc cu opt colțuri
10558CharactersSymbols2other-symbol✳ –keywords* | asterisk | eight-spoked asterisk asterisc | asterisc cu opt colțuri
10559CharactersSymbols2other-symbol✴ -nameeight-pointed star stea cu opt colțuri
10560CharactersSymbols2other-symbol✴ –keywords* | eight-pointed star | star stea | stea cu opt colțuri
10561CharactersSymbols2other-symbol❇ -namesparkle strălucire
10562CharactersSymbols2other-symbol❇ –keywords* | sparkle * | lumină | strălucire
10563CharactersSymbols2other-symbol© -namecopyright drepturi de autor
10564CharactersSymbols2other-symbol© –keywordsc | copyright c | copyright | drepturi de autor
10565CharactersSymbols2other-symbol® -nameregistered marcă înregistrată
10566CharactersSymbols2other-symbol® –keywordsr | registered înregistrat | marcă înregistrată | r
10567CharactersSymbols2other-symbol™ -nametrade mark marcă comercială
10568CharactersSymbols2other-symbol™ –keywordsmark | tm | trade mark | trademark comercială | marcă
10569CharactersSymbols2alphanum🔠 -nameinput latin uppercase introducere majuscule latine
10570CharactersSymbols2alphanum🔠 –keywordsABCD | input | latin | letters | uppercase ABCD | introducere | latine | litere | majuscule
10571CharactersSymbols2alphanum🔡 -nameinput latin lowercase introducere minuscule latine
10572CharactersSymbols2alphanum🔡 –keywordsabcd | input | latin | letters | lowercase abcd | introducere | latine | litere | minuscule
10573CharactersSymbols2alphanum🔢 -nameinput numbers introducere numere
10574CharactersSymbols2alphanum🔢 –keywords1234 | input | numbers 123 | cifre | introducere | numere
10575CharactersSymbols2alphanum🔣 -nameinput symbols introducere simboluri
10576CharactersSymbols2alphanum🔣 –keywords〒♪&% | input | input symbols 〒♪&% | introducere | simboluri
10577CharactersSymbols2alphanum🔤 -nameinput latin letters introducere litere latine
10578CharactersSymbols2alphanum🔤 –keywordsabc | alphabet | input | latin | letters abc | alfabet | introducere | latine | litere
10579CharactersSymbols2alphanum🅰 -nameA button (blood type) buton A (grupă sanguină)
10580CharactersSymbols2alphanum🅰 –keywordsa | A button (blood type) | blood type a | buton A (grupă sanguină) | grupă sanguină
10581CharactersSymbols2alphanum🆎 -nameAB button (blood type) buton AB (grupă sanguină)
10582CharactersSymbols2alphanum🆎 –keywordsab | AB button (blood type) | blood type ab | buton AB (grupă sanguină) | grupă sanguină
10583CharactersSymbols2alphanum🅱 -nameB button (blood type) buton B (grupă sanguină)
10584CharactersSymbols2alphanum🅱 –keywordsb | B button (blood type) | blood type b | buton B (grupă sanguină) | grupă sanguină
10585CharactersSymbols2alphanum🆑 -nameCL button buton CL
10586CharactersSymbols2alphanum🆑 –keywordscl | CL button buton CL | cl
10587CharactersSymbols2alphanum🆒 -nameCOOL button buton cu textul COOL
10588CharactersSymbols2alphanum🆒 –keywordscool | COOL button buton cu textul COOL | cool
10589CharactersSymbols2alphanum🆓 -nameFREE button buton cu textul FREE
10590CharactersSymbols2alphanum🆓 –keywordsfree | FREE button buton cu textul FREE | gratis
10591CharactersSymbols2alphanumℹ -nameinformation informații
10592CharactersSymbols2alphanumℹ –keywordsi | information i | informații
10593CharactersSymbols2alphanum🆔 -nameID button buton ID
10594CharactersSymbols2alphanum🆔 –keywordsid | ID button | identity buton ID | id | identitate
10595CharactersSymbols2alphanumⓂ -namecircled M litera M într-un cerc
10596CharactersSymbols2alphanumⓂ –keywordscircle | circled M | m cerc | litera M într-un cerc | m
10597CharactersSymbols2alphanum🆕 -nameNEW button buton cu textul NEW
10598CharactersSymbols2alphanum🆕 –keywordsnew | NEW button buton cu textul NEW | nou
10599CharactersSymbols2alphanum🆖 -nameNG button buton NG
10600CharactersSymbols2alphanum🆖 –keywordsng | NG button buton NG | ng
10601CharactersSymbols2alphanum🅾 -nameO button (blood type) buton 0 (grupă sanguină)
10602CharactersSymbols2alphanum🅾 –keywordsblood type | o | O button (blood type) 0 | buton 0 (grupă sanguină) | grupă sanguină
10603CharactersSymbols2alphanum🆗 -nameOK button buton cu textul OK
10604CharactersSymbols2alphanum🆗 –keywordsOK | OK button buton cu textul OK | OK
10605CharactersSymbols2alphanum🅿 -nameP button buton P
10606CharactersSymbols2alphanum🅿 –keywordsP button | parking buton P | parcare
10607CharactersSymbols2alphanum🆘 -nameSOS button buton S.O.S.
10608CharactersSymbols2alphanum🆘 –keywordshelp | sos | SOS button ajutor | buton S.O.S. | S.O.S.
10609CharactersSymbols2alphanum🆙 -nameUP! button buton cu textul UP!
10610CharactersSymbols2alphanum🆙 –keywordsmark | up | UP! button buton | buton cu textul UP! | exclamare | sus
10611CharactersSymbols2alphanum🆚 -nameVS button buton cu textul VS
10612CharactersSymbols2alphanum🆚 –keywordsversus | vs | VS button buton cu textul VS | versus | vs.
10613CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈁 -nameJapanese “here” button buton cu semnificația „aici” în japoneză
10614CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈁 –keywords“here” | Japanese | Japanese “here” button | katakana | ココ „aici” | buton cu semnificația „aici” în japoneză | japozeză | katakana
10615CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈂 -nameJapanese “service charge” button buton cu semnificația „taxă pentru serviciu” în japoneză
10616CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈂 –keywords“service charge” | Japanese | Japanese “service charge” button | katakana | サ „taxă pentru serviciu” | buton cu semnificația „taxă pentru serviciu” în japoneză | japozeză | katakana
10617CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈷 -nameJapanese “monthly amount” button buton cu semnificația „valoare lunară” în japoneză
10618CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈷 –keywords“monthly amount” | ideograph | Japanese | Japanese “monthly amount” button | 月 „valoare lunară” | buton cu semnificația „valoare lunară” în japoneză | ideogramă | japoneză
10619CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈶 -nameJapanese “not free of charge” button buton cu semnificația „contra cost” japoneză
10620CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈶 –keywords“not free of charge” | ideograph | Japanese | Japanese “not free of charge” button | 有 „contra cost” | buton cu semnificația „contra cost” în japoneză | buton cu semnificația „contra cost” japoneză | ideogramă | japoneză
10621CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈯 -nameJapanese “reserved” button buton cu semnificația „rezervat” în japoneză
10622CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈯 –keywords“reserved” | ideograph | Japanese | Japanese “reserved” button | 指 „rezervat” | buton cu semnificația „rezervat” în japoneză | ideogramă | japoneză
10623CharactersSymbols2alphanum🉐 -nameJapanese “bargain” button buton cu semnificația „ocazie” în japoneză
10624CharactersSymbols2alphanum🉐 –keywords“bargain” | ideograph | Japanese | Japanese “bargain” button | 得 „ocazie” | buton cu semnificația „ocazie” în japoneză | ideogramă | japoneză
10625CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈹 -nameJapanese “discount” button buton cu semnificația „reducere” în japoneză
10626CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈹 –keywords“discount” | ideograph | Japanese | Japanese “discount” button | 割 „reducere” | buton cu semnificația „reducere” în japoneză | ideogramă | japoneză
10627CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈚 -nameJapanese “free of charge” button buton cu semnificația „gratis” în japoneză
10628CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈚 –keywords“free of charge” | ideograph | Japanese | Japanese “free of charge” button | 無 „gratis” | buton cu semnificația „gratis” în japoneză | ideogramă | japoneză
10629CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈲 -nameJapanese “prohibited” button buton cu semnificația „interzis” în japoneză
10630CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈲 –keywords“prohibited” | ideograph | Japanese | Japanese “prohibited” button | 禁 „interzis” | buton cu semnificația „interzis” în japoneză | ideogramă | japoneză
10631CharactersSymbols2alphanum🉑 -nameJapanese “acceptable” button buton cu semnificația „acceptabil” în japoneză
10632CharactersSymbols2alphanum🉑 –keywords“acceptable” | ideograph | Japanese | Japanese “acceptable” button | 可 „acceptabil” | buton cu semnificația „acceptabil” în japoneză | ideogramă | japoneză
10633CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈸 -nameJapanese “application” button buton cu semnificația „aplicare” în japoneză
10634CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈸 –keywords“application” | ideograph | Japanese | Japanese “application” button | 申 „aplicare” | buton cu semnificația „aplicare” în japoneză | ideogramă | japoneză
10635CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈴 -nameJapanese “passing grade” button buton cu semnificația „notă de trecere” în japoneză
10636CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈴 –keywords“passing grade” | ideograph | Japanese | Japanese “passing grade” button | 合 „notă de trecere” | buton cu semnificația „notă de trecere” în japoneză | ideogramă | japoneză
10637CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈳 -nameJapanese “vacancy” button buton cu semnificația „locuri libere” în japoneză
10638CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈳 –keywords“vacancy” | ideograph | Japanese | Japanese “vacancy” button | 空 „locuri libere” | buton cu semnificația „locuri libere” în japoneză | ideogramă | japoneză
10639CharactersSymbols2alphanum㊗ -nameJapanese “congratulations” button buton cu semnificația „felicitări” în japoneză
10640CharactersSymbols2alphanum㊗ –keywords“congratulations” | ideograph | Japanese | Japanese “congratulations” button | 祝 „felicitări” | buton cu semnificația „felicitări” în japoneză | ideogramă | japoneză
10641CharactersSymbols2alphanum㊙ -nameJapanese “secret” button buton cu semnificația „secret” în japoneză
10642CharactersSymbols2alphanum㊙ –keywords“secret” | ideograph | Japanese | Japanese “secret” button | 秘 „secret” | buton cu semnificația „secret” în japoneză | ideogramă | japoneză
10643CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈺 -nameJapanese “open for business” button buton cu semnificația „deschis pentru afaceri” în japoneză
10644CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈺 –keywords“open for business” | ideograph | Japanese | Japanese “open for business” button | 営 „deschis pentru afaceri” | buton cu semnificația „deschis pentru afaceri” în japoneză | ideogramă | japoneză
10645CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈵 -nameJapanese “no vacancy” button buton cu semnificația „fără locuri libere” în japoneză
10646CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈵 –keywords“no vacancy” | ideograph | Japanese | Japanese “no vacancy” button | 満 „fără locuri libere” | buton cu semnificația „fără locuri libere” în japoneză | ideogramă | japoneză
10647CharactersSymbols2alphanum℗ -namesound recording copyright drepturi de autor pentru înregistrare audio
10648CharactersSymbols2alphanum℗ –keywordscopyright | recording | sound audio | copyright | drepturi de autor | drepturi de autor pentru înregistrare audio | înregistrare
10649CharactersSymbols2alphanumµ -namemicro sign semnul micro
10650CharactersSymbols2alphanumµ –keywordsmeasure | micro sign măsură | semnul micro
10651CharactersSymbols2geometric🔴 -namered circle cerc roșu
10652CharactersSymbols2geometric🔴 –keywordscircle | geometric | red cerc | geometric | roșu
10653CharactersSymbols2geometric🟠 -nameorange circle cerc portocaliu
10654CharactersSymbols2geometric🟠 –keywordscircle | orange cerc | portocaliu
10655CharactersSymbols2geometric🟡 -nameyellow circle cerc galben
10656CharactersSymbols2geometric🟡 –keywordscircle | yellow cerc | galben
10657CharactersSymbols2geometric🟢 -namegreen circle cerc verde
10658CharactersSymbols2geometric🟢 –keywordscircle | green cerc | verde
10659CharactersSymbols2geometric🔵 -nameblue circle cerc albastru
10660CharactersSymbols2geometric🔵 –keywordsblue | circle | geometric albastru | cerc | geometric
10661CharactersSymbols2geometric🟣 -namepurple circle cerc violet
10662CharactersSymbols2geometric🟣 –keywordscircle | purple cerc | violet
10663CharactersSymbols2geometric🟤 -namebrown circle cerc maro
10664CharactersSymbols2geometric🟤 –keywordsbrown | circle cerc | maro
10665CharactersSymbols2geometric⚫ -nameblack circle cerc negru
10666CharactersSymbols2geometric⚫ –keywordsblack circle | circle | geometric cerc | geometric | negru
10667CharactersSymbols2geometric⚪ -namewhite circle cerc alb
10668CharactersSymbols2geometric⚪ –keywordscircle | geometric | white circle alb | cerc | geometric
10669CharactersSymbols2geometric🟥 -namered square pătrat roșu
10670CharactersSymbols2geometric🟥 –keywordsred | square pătrat | roșu
10671CharactersSymbols2geometric🟧 -nameorange square pătrat portocaliu
10672CharactersSymbols2geometric🟧 –keywordsorange | square pătrat | portocaliu
10673CharactersSymbols2geometric🟨 -nameyellow square pătrat galben
10674CharactersSymbols2geometric🟨 –keywordssquare | yellow galben | pătrat
10675CharactersSymbols2geometric🟩 -namegreen square pătrat verde
10676CharactersSymbols2geometric🟩 –keywordsgreen | square pătrat | verde
10677CharactersSymbols2geometric🟦 -nameblue square pătrat albastru
10678CharactersSymbols2geometric🟦 –keywordsblue | square albastru | pătrat
10679CharactersSymbols2geometric🟪 -namepurple square pătrat violet
10680CharactersSymbols2geometric🟪 –keywordspurple | square pătrat | violet
10681CharactersSymbols2geometric🟫 -namebrown square pătrat maro
10682CharactersSymbols2geometric🟫 –keywordsbrown | square maro | pătrat
10683CharactersSymbols2geometric⬛ -nameblack large square pătrat negru mare
10684CharactersSymbols2geometric⬛ –keywordsblack large square | geometric | square geometric | negru | pătrat | pătrat negru mare
10685CharactersSymbols2geometric⬜ -namewhite large square pătrat alb mare
10686CharactersSymbols2geometric⬜ –keywordsgeometric | square | white large square alb | geometric | pătrat | pătrat alb mare
10687CharactersSymbols2geometric◼ -nameblack medium square pătrat negru mediu
10688CharactersSymbols2geometric◼ –keywordsblack medium square | geometric | square geometric | negru | pătrat | pătrat negru mediu
10689CharactersSymbols2geometric◻ -namewhite medium square pătrat alb mediu
10690CharactersSymbols2geometric◻ –keywordsgeometric | square | white medium square alb | geometric | pătrat | pătrat alb mediu
10691CharactersSymbols2geometric◾ -nameblack medium-small square pătrat negru mediu spre mic
10692CharactersSymbols2geometric◾ –keywordsblack medium-small square | geometric | square geometric | negru | pătrat | pătrat negru mediu spre mic
10693CharactersSymbols2geometric◽ -namewhite medium-small square pătrat alb mediu spre mic
10694CharactersSymbols2geometric◽ –keywordsgeometric | square | white medium-small square alb | geometric | pătrat | pătrat alb mediu spre mic
10695CharactersSymbols2geometric▪ -nameblack small square pătrat negru mic
10696CharactersSymbols2geometric▪ –keywordsblack small square | geometric | square geometric | negru | pătrat | pătrat negru mic
10697CharactersSymbols2geometric▫ -namewhite small square pătrat alb mic
10698CharactersSymbols2geometric▫ –keywordsgeometric | square | white small square alb | geometric | pătrat | pătrat alb mic
10699CharactersSymbols2geometric🔶 -namelarge orange diamond romb portocaliu mare
10700CharactersSymbols2geometric🔶 –keywordsdiamond | geometric | large orange diamond | orange geometric | portocaliu | romb | romb portocaliu mare
10701CharactersSymbols2geometric🔷 -namelarge blue diamond romb albastru mare
10702CharactersSymbols2geometric🔷 –keywordsblue | diamond | geometric | large blue diamond albastru | geometric | romb | romb albastru mare
10703CharactersSymbols2geometric🔸 -namesmall orange diamond romb portocaliu mic
10704CharactersSymbols2geometric🔸 –keywordsdiamond | geometric | orange | small orange diamond geometric | portocaliu | romb | romb portocaliu mic
10705CharactersSymbols2geometric🔹 -namesmall blue diamond romb albastru mic
10706CharactersSymbols2geometric🔹 –keywordsblue | diamond | geometric | small blue diamond albastru | geometric | romb | romb albastru mic
10707CharactersSymbols2geometric🔺 -namered triangle pointed up triunghi roșu cu vârful în sus
10708CharactersSymbols2geometric🔺 –keywordsgeometric | red | red triangle pointed up geometric | roșu | triunghi | triunghi roșu cu vârful în sus
10709CharactersSymbols2geometric🔻 -namered triangle pointed down triunghi roșu cu vârful în jos
10710CharactersSymbols2geometric🔻 –keywordsdown | geometric | red | red triangle pointed down geometric | jos | roșu | triunghi | triunghi roșu cu vârful în jos
10711CharactersSymbols2geometric💠 -namediamond with a dot romb cu punct în centru
10712CharactersSymbols2geometric💠 –keywordscomic | diamond | diamond with a dot | geometric | inside bandă desenată | geometric | interior | romb | romb cu punct în centru
10713CharactersSymbols2geometric🔘 -nameradio button buton radio
10714CharactersSymbols2geometric🔘 –keywordsbutton | geometric | radio buton | geometric | radio
10715CharactersSymbols2geometric🔳 -namewhite square button buton pătrat alb
10716CharactersSymbols2geometric🔳 –keywordsbutton | geometric | outlined | square | white square button buton pătrat alb | contur | geometric | pătrat
10717CharactersSymbols2geometric🔲 -nameblack square button buton pătrat negru
10718CharactersSymbols2geometric🔲 –keywordsblack square button | button | geometric | square buton pătrat negru | geometric | negru | pătrat
10719CharactersSymbols2geometric▼ -namefilled down-pointing triangle triunghi plin cu vârful în jos
10720CharactersSymbols2geometric▼ –keywordsarrow | down | filled | filled down-pointing triangle | triangle jos | plin | săgeată | triunghi | triunghi plin cu vârful în jos
10721CharactersSymbols2geometric▲ -namefilled up-pointing triangle triunghi plin cu vârful în sus
10722CharactersSymbols2geometric▲ –keywordsarrow | filled | filled up-pointing triangle | triangle | up plină | săgeată | sus | triunghi | triunghi cu vârful în sus | triunghi plin cu vârful în sus
10723CharactersSymbols2geometric● -namefilled circle cerc plin
10724CharactersSymbols2geometric● –keywordscircle | filled circle cerc | cerc plin
10725CharactersSymbols2geometric○ -namehollow circle cerc gol
10726CharactersSymbols2geometric○ –keywordscircle | hollow circle | ring cerc | cerc gol | inel
10727CharactersSymbols2geometric◯ -namelarge hollow circle cerc gol mare
10728CharactersSymbols2geometric◯ –keywordscircle | large hollow circle | ring cerc | cerc gol mare | inel
10729CharactersSymbols2geometric◊ -namelozenge romb
10730CharactersSymbols2geometric◊ –keywordsdiamond | lozenge | rhombus caro | romb
10731CharactersFlagsflag🏁 -namechequered flag steag cu pătrățele
10732CharactersFlagsflag🏁 –keywordscheckered | chequered | chequered flag | racing curse | steag | steag cu pătrățele | steag în carouri
10733CharactersFlagsflag🚩 -nametriangular flag steag triunghiular
10734CharactersFlagsflag🚩 –keywordspost | triangular flag roșu | steag | steag triunghiular | triunghi
10735CharactersFlagsflag🎌 -namecrossed flags steaguri încrucișate
10736CharactersFlagsflag🎌 –keywordscelebration | cross | crossed | crossed flags | Japanese încrucișare | Japonia | sărbătorire | steaguri încrucișate
10737CharactersFlagsflag🏴 -nameblack flag steag negru
10738CharactersFlagsflag🏴 –keywordsblack flag | waving fluturând | steag negru
10739CharactersFlagsflag🏳 -namewhite flag steag alb
10740CharactersFlagsflag🏳 –keywordswaving | white flag fluturând | steag alb
10741CharactersFlagsflag🏳‍🌈 -namerainbow flag steag curcubeu
10742CharactersFlagsflag🏳‍🌈 –keywordspride | rainbow | rainbow flag curcubeu | steag curcubeu
10743CharactersFlagsflag🏳‍⚧ -nametransgender flag steag transgender
10744CharactersFlagsflag🏳‍⚧ –keywordsflag | light blue | pink | transgender | white alb | albastru deschis | roz | steag | transgender
10745CharactersFlagsflag🏴‍☠ -namepirate flag steagul piraților
10746CharactersFlagsflag🏴‍☠ –keywordsJolly Roger | pirate | pirate flag | plunder | treasure comoară | pirați | pradă | steag cu cap de mort | steagul piraților
10747CharactersComponentskin-tone🏻 -namelight skin tone ton deschis al pielii
10748CharactersComponentskin-tone🏻 –keywordslight skin tone | skin tone | type 1–2 nuanță | piele | tipul 1–2 | ton deschis al pielii
10749CharactersComponentskin-tone🏼 -namemedium-light skin tone ton semi‑deschis al pielii
10750CharactersComponentskin-tone🏼 –keywordsmedium-light skin tone | skin tone | type 3 nuanță | piele | tipul 3 | ton semi‑deschis al pielii
10751CharactersComponentskin-tone🏽 -namemedium skin tone ton mediu al pielii
10752CharactersComponentskin-tone🏽 –keywordsmedium skin tone | skin tone | type 4 nuanță | piele | tipul 4 | ton mediu al pielii
10753CharactersComponentskin-tone🏾 -namemedium-dark skin tone ton semi‑închis al pielii
10754CharactersComponentskin-tone🏾 –keywordsmedium-dark skin tone | skin tone | type 5 nuanță | piele | tipul 5 | ton semi‑închis al pielii
10755CharactersComponentskin-tone🏿 -namedark skin tone ton închis al pielii
10756CharactersComponentskin-tone🏿 –keywordsdark skin tone | skin tone | type 6 nuanță | piele | tipul 6 | ton închis al pielii
10757CharactersComponenthair-style🦰 -namered hair păr roșcat
10758CharactersComponenthair-style🦰 –keywordsginger | red hair | redhead păr roșcat | roșcat | roșcată
10759CharactersComponenthair-style🦱 -namecurly hair păr creț
10760CharactersComponenthair-style🦱 –keywordsafro | curly | curly hair | ringlets afro | bucle | cârlionți | creț | păr creț
10761CharactersComponenthair-style🦳 -namewhite hair păr alb
10762CharactersComponenthair-style🦳 –keywordsgray | hair | old | white alb | bătrân | grizonat | păr
10763CharactersComponenthair-style🦲 -namebald chelie
10764CharactersComponenthair-style🦲 –keywordsbald | chemotherapy | hairless | no hair | shaven chelie | chimioterapie | fără păr | ras
10765CharactersTypographyAxisitalitalic cursiv
10766CharactersTypographyAxisopszoptical size dimensiune optică
10767CharactersTypographyAxisslntslant înclinare
10768CharactersTypographyAxiswdthwidth lățime
10769CharactersTypographyAxiswghtweight grosime
10770CharactersTypographyStyleital-1cursive cursiv
10771CharactersTypographyStyleopsz-8caption explicație
10772CharactersTypographyStyleopsz-12= text
10773CharactersTypographyStyleopsz-18titling titluri
10774CharactersTypographyStyleopsz-72display afișare
10775CharactersTypographyStyleopsz-144= poster
10776CharactersTypographyStyleslnt--12backslanted înclinat invers
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10778CharactersTypographyStyleslnt-12slanted înclinat
10779CharactersTypographyStyleslnt-24extra-slanted extraînclinat
10780CharactersTypographyStylewdth-50ultracondensed ultracondensat
10781CharactersTypographyStylewdth-50-compressedultracompressed ultracomprimat
10782CharactersTypographyStylewdth-50-narrowultranarrow ultraîngust
10783CharactersTypographyStylewdth-62.5extra-condensed extracondensat
10784CharactersTypographyStylewdth-62.5-compressedextra-compressed extracomprimat
10785CharactersTypographyStylewdth-62.5-narrowextra-narrow extraîngust
10786CharactersTypographyStylewdth-75condensed condensat
10787CharactersTypographyStylewdth-75-compressedcompressed comprimat
10788CharactersTypographyStylewdth-75-narrowcompressed îngust
10789CharactersTypographyStylewdth-87.5semicondensed semicondensat
10790CharactersTypographyStylewdth-87.5-compressedsemicompressed semicomprimat
10791CharactersTypographyStylewdth-87.5-narrowseminarrow semiîngust
10792CharactersTypographyStylewdth-100= normal
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10796CharactersTypographyStylewdth-125expanded dilatat
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10799CharactersTypographyStylewdth-150extra-expanded extradilatat
10800CharactersTypographyStylewdth-150-extendedextra-extended extraextins
10801CharactersTypographyStylewdth-150-wideextra-wide extralarg
10802CharactersTypographyStylewdth-200ultraexpanded ultradilatat
10803CharactersTypographyStylewdth-200-extendedultraextended ultraextins
10804CharactersTypographyStylewdth-200-wideultrawide ultralarg
10805CharactersTypographyStylewght-100thin subțire
10806CharactersTypographyStylewght-200extra-light extraușor
10807CharactersTypographyStylewght-200-ultraultralight ultraușor
10808CharactersTypographyStylewght-300light ușor
10809CharactersTypographyStylewght-350semilight semiușor
10810CharactersTypographyStylewght-380book carte
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10814CharactersTypographyStylewght-600-demidemibold demialdin
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10816CharactersTypographyStylewght-800extra-bold extraaldin
10817CharactersTypographyStylewght-800-ultraextra-bold ultraaldin
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10819CharactersTypographyStylewght-900-heavyheavy greu
10820CharactersTypographyStylewght-950extra-black extranegru
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10834CharactersTypographyFeaturezeroslashed zero zero barat
10835MiscellaneousDisplaying Lists“And” List2{0} and {1} {0} și {1}
10836MiscellaneousDisplaying Lists“And” Liststart= {0}, {1}
10837MiscellaneousDisplaying Lists“And” Listmiddle= {0}, {1}
10838MiscellaneousDisplaying Lists“And” Listend{0}, and {1} {0} și {1}
10839MiscellaneousDisplaying ListsShort “and” List2{0} & {1} {0} și {1}
10840MiscellaneousDisplaying ListsShort “and” Liststart= {0}, {1}
10841MiscellaneousDisplaying ListsShort “and” Listmiddle= {0}, {1}
10842MiscellaneousDisplaying ListsShort “and” Listend{0}, & {1} {0} și {1}
10843MiscellaneousDisplaying ListsNarrow “and” List2= {0}, {1}
10844MiscellaneousDisplaying ListsNarrow “and” Listend= {0}, {1}
10845MiscellaneousDisplaying Lists“Or” List2{0} or {1} {0} sau {1}
10846MiscellaneousDisplaying Lists“Or” Liststart= {0}, {1}
10847MiscellaneousDisplaying Lists“Or” Listmiddle= {0}, {1}
10848MiscellaneousDisplaying Lists“Or” Listend{0}, or {1} {0} sau {1}
10849MiscellaneousDisplaying ListsUnit List2{0}, {1} {0} și {1}
10850MiscellaneousDisplaying ListsUnit Liststart= {0}, {1}
10851MiscellaneousDisplaying ListsUnit Listmiddle= {0}, {1}
10852MiscellaneousDisplaying ListsUnit Listend= {0}, {1}
10853MiscellaneousDisplaying ListsShort Unit List2= {0}, {1}
10854MiscellaneousDisplaying ListsShort Unit Liststart= {0}, {1}
10855MiscellaneousDisplaying ListsShort Unit Listmiddle= {0}, {1}
10856MiscellaneousDisplaying ListsShort Unit Listend= {0}, {1}
10857MiscellaneousDisplaying ListsNarrow Unit List2{0} {1} {0}, {1}
10858MiscellaneousDisplaying ListsNarrow Unit Liststart{0} {1} {0}, {1}
10859MiscellaneousDisplaying ListsNarrow Unit Listmiddle{0} {1} {0}, {1}
10860MiscellaneousDisplaying ListsNarrow Unit Listend{0} {1} {0}, {1}

Aliased items: 8975
Inherited items:1211
Omitted items:954