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1Core DataAlphabetic InformationCharacters in UseMain Letters[a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z] [一 丁 七 万-与 丑 专 且 世 丘-业 东 丝 丢 两 严 丧 个 中 丰 串 临 丸-主 丽 举 乃 久 么 义 之-乐 乔 乖 乘 乙 九 也-乡 书 买 乱 乾 了 予 争 事 二 于 亏 云 互 五 井 亚 些 亡 交-亨 享 京 亮 亲 人 亿-仁 仅 仇 今 介 仍 从 仔 他 付 仙 代-以 仪 们 仰 仲 件 价 任 份 仿 企 伊 伍 伏-休 众-会 伟 传 伤 伦 伯 估 伴 伸 似 伽 但 位-佑 体 何 余 佛 作 你 佤 佩 佳 使 例 供 依 侠 侦-侨 侬 侯 侵 便 促 俄 俊 俗 保 信 俩 修 俱 俾 倍 倒 候 倚 借 倦 值 倾 假 偌 偏 做 停 健 偶 偷 储 催 傲 傻 像 僧 儒 儿 允 元-兆 先 光 克 免 兑 兔 党 入 全 八-兮 兰 共 关-兹 养-兽 内 冈 册 再 冒 写 军 农 冠 冬 冰 冲 决 况 冷 准 凌 减 凝 几 凡 凤 凭 凯 凰 出 击 函 刀 分 切 刊 刑 划 列-创 初 判 利 别 到 制-券 刺 刻 剂 前 剑 剧 剩 剪 副 割 力 劝-务 劣 动-劫 励-劳 势 勇 勉 勋 勒 勤 勾 勿 包 匆 匈 化 北 匙 匹-医 十 千 升 午 半 华 协 卒 卓 单-南 博 占-卢 卫 卯-危 即 却 卷 厂 厄-历 厉 压-厍 厚 原 去 县 参 又-反 发 叔 取-叙 口-另 只-叭 可 台 史 右 叶-叹 吃 各 合-吊 同-后 吐 向 吓 吗 君 吝 吟 否 吧 含 听 启 吵 吸 吹 吻 吾 呀 呆 呈 告 呐 员 呜 呢 呦 周 味 呵 呼 命 和 咖 咦-咨 咪 咬 咯 咱 哀 品 哇-哉 响 哎 哟 哥 哦 哩 哪 哭 哲 唉 唐 唤 唬 售 唯 唱 唷 商 啊 啡 啥 啦 啪 喀 喂 善 喇 喊 喏 喔 喜 喝 喵 喷 喻 嗒 嗨 嗯 嘉 嘛 嘴 嘻 嘿 器 四 回 因 团 园 困 围 固 国 图 圆 圈 土 圣 在 圭 地 圳 场 圾 址 均 坎 坐 坑 块 坚-坜 坡 坤 坦 坪 垂 垃 型 垒 埃 埋 城 埔 域 培 基 堂 堆 堕 堡 堪 塑 塔 塞 填 境 增 墨 壁 壤 士 壬 壮 声 处 备 复 夏 夕 外 多 夜 够 夥 大 天-夫 央 失 头 夷-夺 奇-奉 奋 奏 契 奔 奖 套 奥 女 奴 奶 她 好 如 妇 妈 妖 妙 妥 妨 妮 妹 妻 姆 姊 始 姐 姑 姓 委 姿 威 娃 娄 娘 娜 娟 娱 婆 婚 媒 嫁 嫌 嫩 子 孔 孕 字-孙 孜 孝 孟 季 孤 学 孩 宁 它 宇-安 宋 完 宏 宗-实 审-室 宪 害 宴 家 容 宽-宿 寂 寄-寇 富 寒 寝-察 寡 寨 寸 对 寻 导 寿 封 射 将 尊 小 少 尔 尖 尘 尚 尝 尤 就 尺 尼-尾 局-层 居 屋 屏 展 属 屠 山 岁 岂 岗 岘 岚 岛 岳 岸 峡 峰 崇 崩 崴 川 州 巡 工-巨 巫 差 己-巴 巷 币-布 帅 师 希 帐 帕 帖 帝 带 席 帮 常 帽 幅 幕 干-年 并 幸 幻-幽 广 庆 床 序 库-底 店 庙 庚 府 庞 废 度 座 庭 康 庸 廉 廖 延 廷 建 开 异-弄 弊 式 引 弗 弘 弟 张 弥 弦 弯 弱 弹 强 归 当 录 彝 形 彩 彬 彭 彰 影 彷 役 彻 彼 往 征 径 待 很 律 後 徐 徒 得 循 微 徵 德 心 必 忆 忌 忍 志-忙 忠 忧 快 念 忽 怀 态 怎 怒 怕 怖 思 怡 急 性 怨 怪 总 恋 恐 恢 恨 恩 恭 息 恰 恶 恼 悄 悉 悔 悟 悠 患 您 悲 情 惑 惜 惠 惧 惨 惯 想 惹 愁 愈 愉 意 愚 感 愧 慈 慎 慕 慢 慧 慰 憾 懂 懒 戈 戊 戌 戏-戒 或 战 截 戴 户 房-扁 扇 手 才 扎 扑 打 托 扣 执 扩 扫-扯 批 找-技 抄 把 抑 抓 投 抗 折 抢 护 报 披 抬 抱 抵 抹 抽 担 拆 拉 拍 拒 拔 拖 拘 招 拜 拟 拥 拦 拨 择 括 拳 拷 拼 拾 拿 持 指 按 挑 挖 挝 挡 挤 挥 挪 振 挺 捉 捐 捕 损 捡 换 据 捷 授 掉 掌 排 探 接 控-措 掸 描 提 插 握 援 搜 搞 搬 搭 摄 摆 摊 摔 摘 摩 摸 撒 撞 播 操 擎 擦 支 收 改 攻 放 政 故 效 敌 敏 救 教 敝 敢 散 敦 敬 数 敲 整 文 斋 斐 斗 料 斜 斥 断 斯 新 方 於 施 旁 旅 旋 族 旗 无 既 日-早 旭 时 旺 昂 昆 昌 明 昏 易 星 映 春 昨 昭 是 显 晃 晋 晒 晓 晚 晨 普 景 晴 晶 智 暂 暑 暖 暗 暮 暴 曰 曲 更 曹 曼 曾-最 月 有 朋 服 朗 望 朝 期 木 未-札 术 朱 朵 机 杀 杂 权 杉 李 材 村 杜 束 条 来 杨 杯 杰 松 板 极 构 析 林 果 枝 枢 枪 枫 架 柏 某 染 柔 查 柬 柯 柳 柴 标 栋 栏 树 校 样-根 格 桃 框 案 桌 桑 档 桥 梁 梅 梦 梯 械 梵 检 棉 棋 棒 棚 森 椅 植 椰 楚 楼 概 榜 模 樱 檀 欠-欣 欧 欲 欺 款 歉 歌 止-武 歪 死 殊 残 段 毅 母 每 毒 比 毕 毛 毫 氏 民 气 氛 水 永 求 汇 汉 汗 汝 江-污 汤 汪 汶 汽 沃 沈 沉 沙 沟 没 沧 河 油 治 沿 泉 泊 法 泛 泡-泣 泥 注 泰 泳 泽 洋 洗 洛 洞 津 洪 洲 活 洽 派 流 浅 测 济 浏 浑 浓 浙 浦 浩 浪 浮 浴 海 涅 消 涉 涛 涨 涯 液 涵 淋 淑 淘 淡 深 混 添 清 渐 渡 渣 温 港 渴 游 湖 湾 源 溜 溪 滋 滑 满 滥 滨 滴 漂 漏 演 漠 漫 潘 潜 潮 澎 澳 激 灌 火 灭 灯 灰 灵 灿 炉 炎 炮 炸 点 烂 烈 烤 烦 烧 热 焦 然 煌 煞 照 煮 熊 熟 燃 燕 爆 爪 爬 爱 爵-爸 爽 片 版 牌 牙 牛 牡 牢 牧 物 牲 牵 特 牺 犯 状 犹 狂 狐 狗 狠 独 狮 狱 狼 猛 猜 猪 献 猴 玄 率 玉 王 玛 玩 玫 环 现 玲 玻 珀 珊 珍 珠 班 球 理 琊 琪 琳 琴 琼 瑙 瑜 瑞 瑟 瑰 瑶 璃 瓜 瓦 瓶 甘 甚 甜 生 用 田-申 电 男 甸 画 畅 界 留 略 番 疆 疏 疑 疗 疯 疲 疼 疾 病 痕 痛 痴 癸 登 白 百 的 皆 皇 皮 盈 益 监 盒 盖 盘 盛 盟 目 直 相 盼 盾 省 眉 看 真 眠 眼 着 睛 睡 督 瞧 矛 矣 知 短 石 矶 码 砂 砍 研 破 础 硕 硬 确 碍 碎 碗 碟 碧 碰 磁 磅 磨 示 礼 社 祖 祚 祝 神 祥 票 祯 祸 禁 禅 福 离 秀 私 秋 种 科 秒 秘 租 秤 秦 秩 积 称 移 稀 程 稍 税 稣 稳 稿 穆 究 穷 穹 空 穿 突 窗 窝 立 站 竞-章 童 端 竹 笑 笔 笛 符 笨 第 等 筋 筑 答 策 筹 签 简 算 管 箭 箱 篇 篮 簿 籍 米 类 粉 粒 粗 粤 粹 精 糊 糕 糖 糟 系 素 索 紧 紫 累 繁 红 约 级 纪 纯 纲 纳 纵 纷 纸 纽 线 练 组 细-终 绍 经 结 绕 绘 给 络 绝 统 继 绩 绪 续 维 绵 综 绿 缅 缓 编 缘 缠 缩 缴 缶 缸 缺 罐 网 罕 罗 罚 罢 罪 置 署 羊 美 羞 群 羯 羽 翁 翅 翔 翘 翠 翰 翻 翼 耀 老 考 者 而 耍 耐 耗 耳 耶 聊 职 联 聘 聚 聪 肉 肖 肚 股 肤 肥 肩 肯 育 胁 胆 背 胎 胖 胜 胞 胡 胶 胸 能 脆 脑 脱 脸 腊 腐 腓 腰 腹 腾 腿 臂 臣 自 臭 至 致 舌 舍 舒 舞 舟 航 般 舰 船 良 色 艺 艾 节 芒 芝 芦 芬 芭 花 芳 苍 苏 苗 若 苦 英 茂 范 茨 茫 茶 草 荐 荒 荣 药 荷 莉 莎 莪 莫 莱 莲 获 菜 菩 菲 萄 萍 萤 营 萧 萨 落 著 葛 葡 蒂 蒋 蒙 蓉 蓝 蓬 蔑 蔡 薄 薪 藉 藏 藤 虎 虑 虫 虹 虽 虾 蚁 蛇 蛋 蛙 蛮 蜂 蜜 蝶 融 蟹 蠢 血 行 街 衡 衣 补 表 袋 被 袭 裁 裂 装 裕 裤 西 要 覆 见 观 规 视 览 觉 角 解 言 誉 誓 警 计 订 认 讨 让 训-记 讲 讷 许 论 设 访 证 评 识 诉 词 译 试 诗 诚 话 诞 询 该 详 语 误 说 请 诸 诺 读 课 谁 调 谅 谈 谊 谋 谓 谜 谢 谨 谱 谷 豆 象 豪 貌 贝-负 贡-败 货-贪 购 贯 贱 贴 贵 贸-贺 贼 贾 资 赋 赌 赏 赐 赔 赖 赚 赛 赞 赠 赢 赤 赫 走 赵 起 趁 超 越 趋 趣 足 跃 跌 跑 距 跟 路 跳 踏 踢 踩 身 躲 车 轨 轩 转 轮-轰 轻 载 较 辅 辆 辈 辉 辑 输 辛 辞 辨 辩 辰 辱 边 达 迁 迅 过 迈 迎 运 近 返 还 这 进-迟 迦 迪 迫 述 迷 追 退-逃 逆 选 逊 透 逐 递 途 通 逛 逝 速 造 逢 逸 逻 逼 遇 遍 道 遗 遭 遮 遵 避 邀 邓 那 邦 邪 邮 邱 邻 郎 郑 部 郭 都 鄂 酉 酋 配 酒 酷 酸 醉 醒 采 释 里-量 金 针 钓 钟 钢 钦 钱 钻 铁 铃 铜 铢 铭 银 铺 链 销 锁 锅 锋 错 锡 锦 键 锺 镇 镜 镭 长 门 闪 闭 问 闰 闲 间 闷 闹 闻 阁 阅 阐 阔 队 阮 防-阶 阻 阿 陀 附-陆 陈 降 限 院 除 险 陪 陵-陷 隆 随 隐 隔 障 难 雄-集 雉 雨 雪 雯 雳 零 雷 雾 需 震 霍 霖 露 霸 霹 青 靖 静 非 靠 面 革 靼 鞋 鞑 韦 韩 音 页 顶 项-须 顽-顿 预 领 颇 频 颗 题 额 风 飘 飙 飞 食 餐 饭 饮 饰 饱 饼 馆 首 香 馨 马 驱 驶 驻 驾 验 骑 骗 骚 骤 骨 高 鬼 魂 魅 魔 鱼 鲁 鲜 鸟 鸡 鸣 鸭 鸿 鹅 鹤 鹰 鹿 麦 麻 黄 黎 黑 默 鼓 鼠 鼻 齐 齿 龄 龙 龟]
2Core DataAlphabetic InformationCharacters in UseOthers: auxiliary[á à ă â å ä ã ā æ ç é è ĕ ê ë ē í ì ĭ î ï ī ñ ó ò ŏ ô ö ø ō œ ú ù ŭ û ü ū ÿ] [乒 乓 仂 仓 伞 侣 傈 傣 僳 冥 凉 刨 匕 卑 卞 厘 厦 厨 吕 呣 唇 啤 啮 喱 嗅 噘 噢 坝 堤 墟 奎 妆 婴 媚 宅 寺 尬 尴 屑 屿 巽 巾 弓 彗 惊 戟 扔 扰 扳 抛 挂 捂 摇 撅 撤 杆 杖 柜 柱 栗 栽 桶 棍 棕 棺 楔 楠 榈 槟 橙 洒 浆 涌 淇 滕 滚 滩 灾 烛 烟 焰 煎 犬 猫 瑚 瓢 甫 皱 盆 盔 盲 眨 眯 瞌 矿 碑 祈 祭 祷 禄 稻 竿 笼 筒 篷 粟 粮 纠 纬 缆 缎 耸 脚 舔 舵 艇 艮 芽 苜 苞 菇 菱 葫 葵 蒸 蓿 蔽 薯 蘑 蚂 蛛 蜗 蜘 蜡 蝎 蝴 螃 裹 谍 谬 豚 账 跤 踪 躬 轴 辐 迹 郁 鄙 酢 钉 钥 钮 钯 铂 铅 铛 锄 锑 锚 锤 镑 闺 阱 隧 雕 霾 靴 靶 鞠 颠 馏 驼 骆 髦 魁 鲤 鲸 鳄 鸽]
3Core DataAlphabetic InformationCharacters in UseOthers: index= [A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z]
4Core DataAlphabetic InformationCharacters in UseOthers: numbers[\- ‑ , . % ‰ + 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9] [\- ‑ , . % ‰ + 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 〇 一 七 三 九 二 五 八 六 四]
5Core DataAlphabetic InformationCharacters in UseOthers: punctuation[\- ‐ ‑ – — , ; \: ! ? . … ' ‘ ’ " “ ” ( ) \[ \] § @ * / \& # † ‡ ′ ″] [﹉﹊﹋﹌ _ _ ﹍﹎﹏ ︳︴ \- - ﹣ ‐ ‑ – — ︱ ― , , ﹐ 、 ﹑ ; ; ﹔ \: : ﹕ ! ! ﹗ ? ? ﹖ . . ﹒ ‥ ︰ … 。 · ' ‘ ’ " " “ ” 〝 〞 ( ( ﹙ ︵ ) ) ﹚ ︶ \[ [ \] ] \{ { ﹛ ︷ \} } ﹜ ︸ 〈 ︿ 〉 ﹀ 《 ︽ 》 ︾ 「 ﹁ 」 ﹂ 『 ﹃ 』 ﹄ 【 ︻ 】 ︼ 〔 ﹝ ︹ 〕 ﹞ ︺ 〖 〗 ‖ § @ @ ﹫ * * ﹡ / / \\ \ ﹨ \& & ﹠ # # ﹟ % % ﹪ ‰ ′ ″ ‵ 〃 ※]
6Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsedate-lenient(-)= [\--/]
7Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsedate-lenient(:)[\:∶︓﹕:] [\:∶]
8Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsegeneral-lenient(.)= [.․。︒﹒.。]
9Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsegeneral-lenient(’)= ['ʼ՚᾽᾿’']
10Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsegeneral-lenient(%)= [%٪﹪%]
11Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsegeneral-lenient(‰)= [؉‰]
12Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsegeneral-lenient($)[\$﹩$] [\$﹩$$]
13Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsegeneral-lenient(£)[£₤£] [£₤]
14Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsegeneral-lenient(¥)= [¥¥]
15Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsegeneral-lenient(₩)= [₩₩]
16Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsegeneral-lenient(₹)= [₨₹{Rp}{Rs}]
17Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsenumber-lenient(-)[\-‐‒–⁻₋−➖﹣-] [\-‒⁻₋−➖﹣-]
18Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsenumber-lenient(,)= [,،٫、︐︑﹐﹑,、]
19Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsenumber-lenient(+)= [+⁺₊➕﬩﹢+]
20Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsenumber-stricter(,)= [,٫︐﹐,]
21Core DataAlphabetic InformationParsenumber-stricter(.)= [.․﹒.。]
22Core DataAlphabetic InformationEllipsisfinal= {0}…
23Core DataAlphabetic InformationEllipsisinitial= …{0}
24Core DataAlphabetic InformationEllipsismedial= {0}…{1}
25Core DataAlphabetic InformationEllipsisword-final{0} … {0}…
26Core DataAlphabetic InformationEllipsisword-initial… {0} …{0}
27Core DataAlphabetic InformationEllipsisword-medial{0} … {1} {0}…{1}
28Core DataAlphabetic InformationQuotation MarksEnd=
29Core DataAlphabetic InformationQuotation MarksStart=
30Core DataAlphabetic InformationQuotation Marksembedded-End=
31Core DataAlphabetic InformationQuotation Marksembedded-Start=
32Core DataAlphabetic InformationSymbolsMore Information?
33Core DataAlphabetic InformationYes and Noposix-nono:n 否定:否
34Core DataAlphabetic InformationYes and Noposix-yesyes:y 确定:是
35Core DataNumbering SystemsNumbering Systemdefault= latn
36Core DataNumbering SystemsNumbering Systemfinancen/a hansfin
37Core DataNumbering SystemsNumbering Systemnativelatn hanidec
38Core DataNumbering SystemsNumbering Systemtraditionaln/a hans
39Locale Display NamesLocale Name PatternsLocale FormattinglocalePattern{0} ({1}) {0}({1})
40Locale Display NamesLocale Name PatternsLocale FormattinglocaleSeparator{0}, {1} {0},{1}
41Locale Display NamesLocale Name PatternsLocale FormattinglocaleKeyTypePattern{0}: {1} {0}:{1}
42Locale Display NamesLocale Name PatternsLocale Field FallbackslanguageLanguage: {0} 语言:{0}
43Locale Display NamesLocale Name PatternsLocale Field FallbacksscriptScript: {0} 文字:{0}
44Locale Display NamesLocale Name PatternsLocale Field FallbacksterritoryRegion: {0} 地区:{0}
45Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAbkhazian ► abAbkhazian 阿布哈西亚语
46Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAchinese ► aceAchinese 亚齐语
47Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAcoli ► achAcoli 阿乔利语
48Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAdangme ► adaAdangme 阿当梅语
49Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAdyghe ► adyAdyghe 阿迪格语
50Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAfar ► aaAfar 阿法尔语
51Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAfrihili ► afhAfrihili 阿弗里希利语
52Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAfrikaans ► afAfrikaans 南非荷兰语
53Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAghem ► agqAghem 亚罕语
54Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAinu ► ainAinu 阿伊努语
55Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAkan ► akAkan 阿肯语
56Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAkkadian ► akkAkkadian 阿卡德语
57Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAkoose ► bssAkoose 阿库色语
58Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAlbanian ► sqAlbanian 阿尔巴尼亚语
59Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAleut ► aleAleut 阿留申语
60Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAmharic ► amAmharic 阿姆哈拉语
61Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAncient Egyptian ► egyAncient Egyptian 古埃及语
62Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAncient Greek ► grcAncient Greek 古希腊语
63Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAngika ► anpAngika 昂加语
64Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AArabic ► arArabic 阿拉伯语
65Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AArabic ► ar_001Modern Standard Arabic 现代标准阿拉伯语
66Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAragonese ► anAragonese 阿拉贡语
67Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAramaic ► arcAramaic 阿拉米语
68Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AArapaho ► arpArapaho 阿拉帕霍语
69Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AArawak ► arwArawak 阿拉瓦克语
70Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AArmenian ► hyArmenian 亚美尼亚语
71Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAromanian ► rupAromanian 阿罗马尼亚语
72Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAssamese ► asAssamese 阿萨姆语
73Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAsturian ► astAsturian 阿斯图里亚斯语
74Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAsu ► asaAsu 帕雷语
75Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAtsam ► cchAtsam 阿灿语
76Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAvaric ► avAvaric 阿瓦尔语
77Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAvestan ► aeAvestan 阿维斯塔语
78Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAwadhi ► awaAwadhi 阿瓦德语
79Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAymara ► ayAymara 艾马拉语
80Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAzerbaijani ► azAzerbaijani 阿塞拜疆语
81Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAzerbaijani ► az_Arabn/a 南阿塞拜疆语
82Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)AAzerbaijani ► az-shortAzeri 阿塞语
83Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBafia ► ksfBafia 巴菲亚语
84Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBafut ► bfdBafut 巴非特语
85Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBalinese ► banBalinese 巴厘语
86Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBaluchi ► balBaluchi 俾路支语
87Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBambara ► bmBambara 班巴拉语
88Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBamun ► baxBamun 巴姆穆语
89Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBangla ► bnBangla 孟加拉语
90Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBasaa ► basBasaa 巴萨语
91Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBashkir ► baBashkir 巴什基尔语
92Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBasque ► euBasque 巴斯克语
93Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBeja ► bejBeja 贝沙语
94Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBelarusian ► beBelarusian 白俄罗斯语
95Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBemba ► bemBemba 本巴语
96Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBena ► bezBena 贝纳语
97Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBhojpuri ► bhoBhojpuri 博杰普尔语
98Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBikol ► bikBikol 比科尔语
99Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBini ► binBini 比尼语
100Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBislama ► biBislama 比斯拉马语
101Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBlin ► bynBlin 比林语
102Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBlissymbols ► zblBlissymbols 布里斯符号
103Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBodo ► brxBodo 博多语
104Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBosnian ► bsBosnian 波斯尼亚语
105Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBraj ► braBraj 布拉杰语
106Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBreton ► brBreton 布列塔尼语
107Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBuginese ► bugBuginese 布吉语
108Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBulgarian ► bgBulgarian 保加利亚语
109Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBulu ► bumBulu 布鲁语
110Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBuriat ► buaBuriat 布里亚特语
111Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)BBurmese ► myBurmese 缅甸语
112Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCaddo ► cadCaddo 卡多语
113Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCajun French ► frcCajun French 卡真法语
114Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCantonese ► yueCantonese 粤语
115Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCantonese ► yue-menuChinese, Cantonese 广东话
116Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCarib ► carCarib 加勒比语
117Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCatalan ► caCatalan 加泰罗尼亚语
118Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCayuga ► cayCayuga 卡尤加语
119Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCebuano ► cebCebuano 宿务语
120Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCentral Atlas Tamazight ► tzmCentral Atlas Tamazight 塔马齐格特语
121Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCentral Kurdish ► ckbCentral Kurdish 中库尔德语
122Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCentral Kurdish ► ckb-menuKurdish, Central 库尔德语(索拉尼)
123Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChadian Arabic ► shuChadian Arabic 乍得阿拉伯语
124Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChagatai ► chgChagatai 察合台语
125Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChakma ► ccpChakma 查克玛语
126Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChamorro ► chChamorro 查莫罗语
127Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChechen ► ceChechen 车臣语
128Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCherokee ► chrCherokee 切罗基语
129Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCheyenne ► chyCheyenne 夏延语
130Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChibcha ► chbChibcha 奇布查语
131Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChiga ► cggChiga 奇加语
132Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChinese ► zhChinese 中文
133Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChinese ► zh_HansSimplified Chinese 简体中文
134Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChinese ► zh_Hans-longSimplified Mandarin Chinese 现代标准汉语
135Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChinese ► zh_HantTraditional Chinese 繁体中文
136Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChinese ► zh_Hant-longTraditional Mandarin Chinese 台湾国语
137Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChinese ► zh-menuChinese, Mandarin 普通话
138Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChinook Jargon ► chnChinook Jargon 奇努克混合语
139Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChipewyan ► chpChipewyan 奇佩维安语
140Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChoctaw ► choChoctaw 乔克托语
141Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChurch Slavic ► cuChurch Slavic 教会斯拉夫语
142Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChuukese ► chkChuukese 楚克语
143Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CChuvash ► cvChuvash 楚瓦什语
144Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CClassical Newari ► nwcClassical Newari 古典尼瓦尔语
145Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CClassical Syriac ► sycClassical Syriac 古典叙利亚语
146Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CColognian ► kshColognian 科隆语
147Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CComorian ► swbComorian 科摩罗语
148Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCoptic ► copCoptic 科普特语
149Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCornish ► kwCornish 康沃尔语
150Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCorsican ► coCorsican 科西嘉语
151Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCree ► crCree 克里族语
152Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCrimean Turkish ► crhCrimean Turkish 克里米亚土耳其语
153Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCroatian ► hrCroatian 克罗地亚语
154Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)CCzech ► csCzech 捷克语
155Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDakota ► dakDakota 达科他语
156Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDanish ► daDanish 丹麦语
157Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDargwa ► darDargwa 达尔格瓦语
158Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDazaga ► dzgDazaga 达扎葛语
159Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDelaware ► delDelaware 特拉华语
160Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDinka ► dinDinka 丁卡语
161Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDivehi ► dvDivehi 迪维希语
162Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDogri ► doiDogri 多格拉语
163Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDogrib ► dgrDogrib 多格里布语
164Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDuala ► duaDuala 都阿拉语
165Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDutch ► nlDutch 荷兰语
166Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDutch ► nl_BEFlemish 弗拉芒语
167Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDyula ► dyuDyula 迪尤拉语
168Locale Display NamesLanguages (A-D)DDzongkha ► dzDzongkha 宗卡语
169Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEastern Frisian ► frsEastern Frisian 东弗里西亚语
170Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEfik ► efiEfik 埃菲克语
171Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEkajuk ► ekaEkajuk 艾卡朱克语
172Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EElamite ► elxElamite 埃兰语
173Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEmbu ► ebuEmbu 恩布语
174Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEnglish ► enEnglish 英语
175Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEnglish ► en_AUAustralian English 澳大利亚英语
176Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEnglish ► en_CACanadian English 加拿大英语
177Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEnglish ► en_GBBritish English 英国英语
178Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEnglish ► en_GB-shortUK English 英式英语
179Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEnglish ► en_USAmerican English 美国英语
180Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEnglish ► en_US-shortUS English 美式英语
181Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EErzya ► myvErzya 厄尔兹亚语
182Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEsperanto ► eoEsperanto 世界语
183Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEstonian ► etEstonian 爱沙尼亚语
184Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEwe ► eeEwe 埃维语
185Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)EEwondo ► ewoEwondo 旺杜语
186Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)FFang ► fanFang 芳格语
187Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)FFanti ► fatFanti 芳蒂语
188Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)FFaroese ► foFaroese 法罗语
189Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)FFijian ► fjFijian 斐济语
190Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)FFilipino ► filFilipino 菲律宾语
191Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)FFinnish ► fiFinnish 芬兰语
192Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)FFon ► fonFon 丰语
193Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)FFrench ► frFrench 法语
194Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)FFrench ► fr_CACanadian French 加拿大法语
195Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)FFrench ► fr_CHSwiss French 瑞士法语
196Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)FFriulian ► furFriulian 弗留利语
197Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)FFulah ► ffFulah 富拉语
198Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGa ► gaaGa 加族语
199Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGagauz ► gagGagauz 加告兹语
200Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGalician ► glGalician 加利西亚语
201Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGan Chinese ► ganGan Chinese 赣语
202Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGanda ► lgGanda 卢干达语
203Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGayo ► gayGayo 迦约语
204Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGbaya ► gbaGbaya 格巴亚语
205Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGeez ► gezGeez 吉兹语
206Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGeorgian ► kaGeorgian 格鲁吉亚语
207Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGerman ► deGerman 德语
208Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGerman ► de_ATAustrian German 奥地利德语
209Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGerman ► de_CHSwiss High German 瑞士高地德语
210Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGhomala ► bbjGhomala 戈马拉语
211Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGilbertese ► gilGilbertese 吉尔伯特语
212Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGondi ► gonGondi 冈德语
213Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGorontalo ► gorGorontalo 哥伦打洛语
214Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGothic ► gotGothic 哥特语
215Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGrebo ► grbGrebo 格列博语
216Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGreek ► elGreek 希腊语
217Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGuarani ► gnGuarani 瓜拉尼语
218Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGujarati ► guGujarati 古吉拉特语
219Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGusii ► guzGusii 古西语
220Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)GGwichʼin ► gwiGwichʼin 哥威迅语
221Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHaida ► haiHaida 海达语
222Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHaitian Creole ► htHaitian Creole 海地克里奥尔语
223Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHakka Chinese ► hakHakka Chinese 客家语
224Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHausa ► haHausa 豪萨语
225Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHawaiian ► hawHawaiian 夏威夷语
226Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHebrew ► heHebrew 希伯来语
227Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHerero ► hzHerero 赫雷罗语
228Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHiligaynon ► hilHiligaynon 希利盖农语
229Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHindi ► hiHindi 印地语
230Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHiri Motu ► hoHiri Motu 希里莫图语
231Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHittite ► hitHittite 赫梯语
232Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHmong ► hmnHmong 苗语
233Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHungarian ► huHungarian 匈牙利语
234Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)HHupa ► hupHupa 胡帕语
235Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IIban ► ibaIban 伊班语
236Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IIbibio ► ibbIbibio 伊比比奥语
237Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IIcelandic ► isIcelandic 冰岛语
238Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IIdo ► ioIdo 伊多语
239Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IIgbo ► igIgbo 伊博语
240Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IIloko ► iloIloko 伊洛卡诺语
241Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IInari Sami ► smnInari Sami 伊纳里萨米语
242Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IIndonesian ► idIndonesian 印度尼西亚语
243Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IIngush ► inhIngush 印古什语
244Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IInterlingua ► iaInterlingua 国际语
245Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IInterlingue ► ieInterlingue 国际文字(E)
246Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IInuktitut ► iuInuktitut 因纽特语
247Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IInupiaq ► ikInupiaq 伊努皮克语
248Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IIrish ► gaIrish 爱尔兰语
249Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)IItalian ► itItalian 意大利语
250Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)JJapanese ► jaJapanese 日语
251Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)JJavanese ► jvJavanese 爪哇语
252Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)JJju ► kajJju 卡捷语
253Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)JJola-Fonyi ► dyoJola-Fonyi 朱拉语
254Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)JJudeo-Arabic ► jrbJudeo-Arabic 犹太阿拉伯语
255Locale Display NamesLanguages (E-J)JJudeo-Persian ► jprJudeo-Persian 犹太波斯语
256Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKabardian ► kbdKabardian 卡巴尔德语
257Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKabuverdianu ► keaKabuverdianu 卡布佛得鲁语
258Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKabyle ► kabKabyle 卡拜尔语
259Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKachin ► kacKachin 克钦语
260Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKako ► kkjKako 卡库语
261Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKalaallisut ► klKalaallisut 格陵兰语
262Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKalenjin ► klnKalenjin 卡伦金语
263Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKalmyk ► xalKalmyk 卡尔梅克语
264Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKamba ► kamKamba 卡姆巴语
265Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKanembu ► kblKanembu 加涅姆布语
266Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKannada ► knKannada 卡纳达语
267Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKanuri ► krKanuri 卡努里语
268Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKara-Kalpak ► kaaKara-Kalpak 卡拉卡尔帕克语
269Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKarachay-Balkar ► krcKarachay-Balkar 卡拉恰伊巴尔卡尔语
270Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKarelian ► krlKarelian 卡累利阿语
271Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKashmiri ► ksKashmiri 克什米尔语
272Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKashubian ► csbKashubian 卡舒比语
273Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKawi ► kawKawi 卡威语
274Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKazakh ► kkKazakh 哈萨克语
275Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKhasi ► khaKhasi 卡西语
276Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKhmer ► kmKhmer 高棉语
277Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKhotanese ► khoKhotanese 和田语
278Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKikuyu ► kiKikuyu 吉库尤语
279Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKimbundu ► kmbKimbundu 金邦杜语
280Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKinyarwanda ► rwKinyarwanda 卢旺达语
281Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKlingon ► tlhKlingon 克林贡语
282Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKom ► bkmKom 科姆语
283Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKomi ► kvKomi 科米语
284Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKomi-Permyak ► koiKomi-Permyak 科米-彼尔米亚克语
285Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKongo ► kgKongo 刚果语
286Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKonkani ► kokKonkani 孔卡尼语
287Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKorean ► koKorean 韩语
288Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKoro ► kfoKoro 克罗语
289Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKosraean ► kosKosraean 科斯拉伊语
290Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKoyra Chiini ► khqKoyra Chiini 西桑海语
291Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKoyraboro Senni ► sesKoyraboro Senni 东桑海语
292Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKpelle ► kpeKpelle 克佩列语
293Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKuanyama ► kjKuanyama 宽亚玛语
294Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKumyk ► kumKumyk 库梅克语
295Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKurdish ► kuKurdish 库尔德语
296Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKurukh ► kruKurukh 库鲁克语
297Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKutenai ► kutKutenai 库特奈语
298Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKwasio ► nmgKwasio 夸西奥语
299Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKyrgyz ► kyKyrgyz 柯尔克孜语
300Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)KKʼicheʼ ► qucKʼicheʼ 基切语
301Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLadino ► ladLadino 拉迪诺语
302Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLahnda ► lahLahnda 印度-雅利安语
303Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLakota ► lktLakota 拉科塔语
304Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLamba ► lamLamba 兰巴语
305Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLangi ► lagLangi 朗吉语
306Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLao ► loLao 老挝语
307Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLatin ► laLatin 拉丁语
308Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLatvian ► lvLatvian 拉脱维亚语
309Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLezghian ► lezLezghian 列兹金语
310Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLimburgish ► liLimburgish 林堡语
311Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLingala ► lnLingala 林加拉语
312Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLithuanian ► ltLithuanian 立陶宛语
313Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLojban ► jboLojban 逻辑语
314Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLouisiana Creole ► louLouisiana Creole 路易斯安那克里奥尔语
315Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLow German ► ndsLow German 低地德语
316Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLow German ► nds_NLLow Saxon 低萨克森语
317Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLower Sorbian ► dsbLower Sorbian 下索布语
318Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLozi ► lozLozi 洛齐语
319Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLuba-Katanga ► luLuba-Katanga 鲁巴加丹加语
320Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLuba-Lulua ► luaLuba-Lulua 卢巴-卢拉语
321Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLuiseno ► luiLuiseno 卢伊塞诺语
322Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLule Sami ► smjLule Sami 吕勒萨米语
323Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLunda ► lunLunda 隆达语
324Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLuo ► luoLuo 卢奥语
325Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLuxembourgish ► lbLuxembourgish 卢森堡语
326Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)LLuyia ► luyLuyia 卢雅语
327Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMaba ► mdeMaba 马坝语
328Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMacedonian ► mkMacedonian 马其顿语
329Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMachame ► jmcMachame 马切姆语
330Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMadurese ► madMadurese 马都拉语
331Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMafa ► mafMafa 马法语
332Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMagahi ► magMagahi 摩揭陀语
333Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMaithili ► maiMaithili 迈蒂利语
334Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMakasar ► makMakasar 望加锡语
335Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMakhuwa-Meetto ► mghMakhuwa-Meetto 马库阿语
336Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMakonde ► kdeMakonde 马孔德语
337Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMalagasy ► mgMalagasy 马拉加斯语
338Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMalay ► msMalay 马来语
339Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMalayalam ► mlMalayalam 马拉雅拉姆语
340Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMaltese ► mtMaltese 马耳他语
341Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MManchu ► mncManchu 满语
342Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMandar ► mdrMandar 曼达尔语
343Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMandingo ► manMandingo 曼丁哥语
344Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MManipuri ► mniManipuri 曼尼普尔语
345Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MManx ► gvManx 马恩语
346Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMaori ► miMaori 毛利语
347Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMapuche ► arnMapuche 马普切语
348Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMarathi ► mrMarathi 马拉地语
349Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMari ► chmMari 马里语
350Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMarshallese ► mhMarshallese 马绍尔语
351Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMarwari ► mwrMarwari 马尔瓦里语
352Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMasai ► masMasai 马赛语
353Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMazanderani ► mznMazanderani 马赞德兰语
354Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMedumba ► byvMedumba 梅敦巴语
355Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMende ► menMende 门德语
356Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMeru ► merMeru 梅鲁语
357Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMetaʼ ► mgoMetaʼ 梅塔语
358Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMi'kmaq ► micMi'kmaq 密克马克语
359Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMiddle Dutch ► dumMiddle Dutch 中古荷兰语
360Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMiddle English ► enmMiddle English 中古英语
361Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMiddle French ► frmMiddle French 中古法语
362Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMiddle High German ► gmhMiddle High German 中古高地德语
363Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMiddle Irish ► mgaMiddle Irish 中古爱尔兰语
364Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMin Nan Chinese ► nanMin Nan Chinese 闽南语
365Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMinangkabau ► minMinangkabau 米南佳保语
366Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMirandese ► mwlMirandese 米兰德斯语
367Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMizo ► lusMizo 米佐语
368Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMohawk ► mohMohawk 摩霍克语
369Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMoksha ► mdfMoksha 莫克沙语
370Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMongo ► lolMongo 蒙戈语
371Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMongolian ► mnMongolian 蒙古语
372Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMorisyen ► mfeMorisyen 毛里求斯克里奥尔语
373Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMossi ► mosMossi 莫西语
374Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMultiple languages ► mulMultiple languages 多语种
375Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMundang ► muaMundang 蒙当语
376Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMuscogee ► musMuscogee 克里克语
377Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)MMyene ► myeMyene 姆耶内语
378Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NN’Ko ► nqoN’Ko 西非书面文字
379Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNajdi Arabic ► arsNajdi Arabic 纳吉迪阿拉伯语
380Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNajdi Arabic ► ars-menuArabic, Najdi 阿拉伯语(纳吉迪)
381Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNama ► naqNama 纳马语
382Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNauru ► naNauru 瑙鲁语
383Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNavajo ► nvNavajo 纳瓦霍语
384Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNdonga ► ngNdonga 恩东加语
385Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNeapolitan ► napNeapolitan 那不勒斯语
386Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNepali ► neNepali 尼泊尔语
387Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNewari ► newNewari 尼瓦尔语
388Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNgambay ► sbaNgambay 甘拜语
389Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNgiemboon ► nnhNgiemboon 恩甘澎语
390Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNgomba ► jgoNgomba 恩艮巴语
391Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNias ► niaNias 尼亚斯语
392Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNigerian Pidgin ► pcmNigerian Pidgin 尼日利亚皮钦语
393Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNiuean ► niuNiuean 纽埃语
394Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNo linguistic content ► zxxNo linguistic content 无语言内容
395Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNogai ► nogNogai 诺盖语
396Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNorth Ndebele ► ndNorth Ndebele 北恩德贝勒语
397Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNorthern Frisian ► frrNorthern Frisian 北弗里西亚语
398Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNorthern Luri ► lrcNorthern Luri 北卢尔语
399Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNorthern Sami ► seNorthern Sami 北方萨米语
400Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNorthern Sotho ► nsoNorthern Sotho 北索托语
401Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNorwegian ► noNorwegian 挪威语
402Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNorwegian Bokmål ► nbNorwegian Bokmål 书面挪威语
403Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNorwegian Nynorsk ► nnNorwegian Nynorsk 挪威尼诺斯克语
404Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNuer ► nusNuer 努埃尔语
405Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNyamwezi ► nymNyamwezi 尼扬韦齐语
406Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNyanja ► nyNyanja 齐切瓦语
407Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNyankole ► nynNyankole 尼昂科勒语
408Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNyasa Tonga ► togNyasa Tonga 尼亚萨汤加语
409Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNyoro ► nyoNyoro 尼奥罗语
410Locale Display NamesLanguages (K-N)NNzima ► nziNzima 恩济马语
411Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOccitan ► ocOccitan 奥克语
412Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOdia ► orOdia 奥里亚语
413Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOjibwa ► ojOjibwa 奥吉布瓦语
414Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOld English ► angOld English 古英语
415Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOld French ► froOld French 古法语
416Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOld High German ► gohOld High German 古高地德语
417Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOld Irish ► sgaOld Irish 古爱尔兰语
418Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOld Norse ► nonOld Norse 古诺尔斯语
419Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOld Persian ► peoOld Persian 古波斯语
420Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOld Provençal ► proOld Provençal 古普罗文斯语
421Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOromo ► omOromo 奥罗莫语
422Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOsage ► osaOsage 奥塞治语
423Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOssetic ► osOssetic 奥塞梯语
424Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)OOttoman Turkish ► otaOttoman Turkish 奥斯曼土耳其语
425Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPahlavi ► palPahlavi 巴拉维语
426Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPalauan ► pauPalauan 帕劳语
427Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPali ► piPali 巴利语
428Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPampanga ► pamPampanga 邦板牙语
429Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPangasinan ► pagPangasinan 邦阿西南语
430Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPapiamento ► papPapiamento 帕皮阿门托语
431Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPashto ► psPashto 普什图语
432Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPersian ► faPersian 波斯语
433Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPersian ► fa_AFDari 达里语
434Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPhoenician ► phnPhoenician 腓尼基语
435Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPohnpeian ► ponPohnpeian 波纳佩语
436Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPolish ► plPolish 波兰语
437Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPortuguese ► ptPortuguese 葡萄牙语
438Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPortuguese ► pt_BRBrazilian Portuguese 巴西葡萄牙语
439Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPortuguese ► pt_PTEuropean Portuguese 欧洲葡萄牙语
440Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPrussian ► prgPrussian 普鲁士语
441Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)PPunjabi ► paPunjabi 旁遮普语
442Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)QQuechua ► quQuechua 克丘亚语
443Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRajasthani ► rajRajasthani 拉贾斯坦语
444Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRapanui ► rapRapanui 拉帕努伊语
445Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRarotongan ► rarRarotongan 拉罗汤加语
446Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRomanian ► roRomanian 罗马尼亚语
447Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRomanian ► ro_MDMoldavian 摩尔多瓦语
448Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRomansh ► rmRomansh 罗曼什语
449Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRomany ► romRomany 吉普赛语
450Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRombo ► rofRombo 兰博语
451Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRoot ► rootRoot 根语言
452Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRundi ► rnRundi 隆迪语
453Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRussian ► ruRussian 俄语
454Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)RRwa ► rwkRwa 罗瓦语
455Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSaho ► ssySaho 萨霍语
456Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSakha ► sahSakha 萨哈语
457Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSamaritan Aramaic ► samSamaritan Aramaic 萨马利亚阿拉姆语
458Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSamburu ► saqSamburu 桑布鲁语
459Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSamoan ► smSamoan 萨摩亚语
460Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSandawe ► sadSandawe 桑达韦语
461Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSango ► sgSango 桑戈语
462Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSangu ► sbpSangu 桑古语
463Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSanskrit ► saSanskrit 梵语
464Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSantali ► satSantali 桑塔利语
465Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSardinian ► scSardinian 萨丁语
466Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSasak ► sasSasak 萨萨克文
467Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SScots ► scoScots 苏格兰语
468Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SScottish Gaelic ► gdScottish Gaelic 苏格兰盖尔语
469Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSelkup ► selSelkup 塞尔库普语
470Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSena ► sehSena 塞纳语
471Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSeneca ► seeSeneca 塞内卡语
472Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSerbian ► srSerbian 塞尔维亚语
473Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSerbo-Croatian ► shSerbo-Croatian 塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语
474Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSerer ► srrSerer 塞雷尔语
475Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSeselwa Creole French ► crsSeselwa Creole French 塞舌尔克里奥尔语
476Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SShambala ► ksbShambala 香巴拉语
477Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SShan ► shnShan 掸语
478Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SShona ► snShona 绍纳语
479Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSichuan Yi ► iiSichuan Yi 四川彝语
480Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSicilian ► scnSicilian 西西里语
481Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSidamo ► sidSidamo 悉达摩语
482Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSiksika ► blaSiksika 西克西卡语
483Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSindhi ► sdSindhi 信德语
484Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSinhala ► siSinhala 僧伽罗语
485Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSkolt Sami ► smsSkolt Sami 斯科特萨米语
486Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSlave ► denSlave 史拉维语
487Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSlovak ► skSlovak 斯洛伐克语
488Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSlovenian ► slSlovenian 斯洛文尼亚语
489Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSoga ► xogSoga 索加语
490Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSogdien ► sogSogdien 粟特语
491Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSomali ► soSomali 索马里语
492Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSoninke ► snkSoninke 索宁克语
493Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSouth Ndebele ► nrSouth Ndebele 南恩德贝勒语
494Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSouthern Altai ► altSouthern Altai 南阿尔泰语
495Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSouthern Kurdish ► sdhSouthern Kurdish 南库尔德语
496Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSouthern Sami ► smaSouthern Sami 南萨米语
497Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSouthern Sotho ► stSouthern Sotho 南索托语
498Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSpanish ► esSpanish 西班牙语
499Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSpanish ► es_419Latin American Spanish 拉丁美洲西班牙语
500Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSpanish ► es_ESEuropean Spanish 欧洲西班牙语
501Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSpanish ► es_MXMexican Spanish 墨西哥西班牙语
502Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSranan Tongo ► srnSranan Tongo 苏里南汤加语
503Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SStandard Moroccan Tamazight ► zghStandard Moroccan Tamazight 标准摩洛哥塔马塞特语
504Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSukuma ► sukSukuma 苏库马语
505Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSumerian ► suxSumerian 苏美尔语
506Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSundanese ► suSundanese 巽他语
507Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSusu ► susSusu 苏苏语
508Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSwahili ► swSwahili 斯瓦希里语
509Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSwahili ► sw_CDCongo Swahili 刚果斯瓦希里语
510Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSwati ► ssSwati 斯瓦蒂语
511Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSwedish ► svSwedish 瑞典语
512Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSwiss German ► gswSwiss German 瑞士德语
513Locale Display NamesLanguages (O-S)SSyriac ► syrSyriac 叙利亚语
514Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTachelhit ► shiTachelhit 希尔哈语
515Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTagalog ► tlTagalog 他加禄语
516Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTahitian ► tyTahitian 塔希提语
517Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTaita ► davTaita 台塔语
518Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTajik ► tgTajik 塔吉克语
519Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTamashek ► tmhTamashek 塔马奇克语
520Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTamil ► taTamil 泰米尔语
521Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTaroko ► trvTaroko 赛德克语
522Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTasawaq ► twqTasawaq 北桑海语
523Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTatar ► ttTatar 鞑靼语
524Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTelugu ► teTelugu 泰卢固语
525Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTereno ► terTereno 特伦诺语
526Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTeso ► teoTeso 特索语
527Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTetum ► tetTetum 德顿语
528Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TThai ► thThai 泰语
529Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTibetan ► boTibetan 藏语
530Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTigre ► tigTigre 提格雷语
531Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTigrinya ► tiTigrinya 提格利尼亚语
532Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTimne ► temTimne 泰姆奈语
533Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTiv ► tivTiv 蒂夫语
534Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTlingit ► tliTlingit 特林吉特语
535Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTok Pisin ► tpiTok Pisin 托克皮辛语
536Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTokelau ► tklTokelau 托克劳语
537Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTongan ► toTongan 汤加语
538Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTsimshian ► tsiTsimshian 钦西安语
539Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTsonga ► tsTsonga 聪加语
540Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTswana ► tnTswana 茨瓦纳语
541Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTumbuka ► tumTumbuka 通布卡语
542Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTurkish ► trTurkish 土耳其语
543Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTurkmen ► tkTurkmen 土库曼语
544Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTuvalu ► tvlTuvalu 图瓦卢语
545Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTuvinian ► tyvTuvinian 图瓦语
546Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTwi ► twTwi 契维语
547Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)TTyap ► kcgTyap 卡塔布语
548Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)UUdmurt ► udmUdmurt 乌德穆尔特语
549Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)UUgaritic ► ugaUgaritic 乌加里特语
550Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)UUkrainian ► ukUkrainian 乌克兰语
551Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)UUmbundu ► umbUmbundu 翁本杜语
552Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)UUnknown language ► undUnknown language 未知语言
553Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)UUpper Sorbian ► hsbUpper Sorbian 上索布语
554Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)UUrdu ► urUrdu 乌尔都语
555Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)UUyghur ► ugUyghur 维吾尔语
556Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)UUzbek ► uzUzbek 乌兹别克语
557Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)VVai ► vaiVai 瓦伊语
558Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)VVenda ► veVenda 文达语
559Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)VVeps ► vepVeps 维普森语
560Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)VVietnamese ► viVietnamese 越南语
561Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)VVolapük ► voVolapük 沃拉普克语
562Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)VVotic ► votVotic 沃提克语
563Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)VVunjo ► vunVunjo 温旧语
564Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWalloon ► waWalloon 瓦隆语
565Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWalser ► waeWalser 瓦尔瑟语
566Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWaray ► warWaray 瓦瑞语
567Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWarlpiri ► wbpWarlpiri 瓦尔皮瑞语
568Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWasho ► wasWasho 瓦绍语
569Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWelsh ► cyWelsh 威尔士语
570Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWestern Balochi ► bgnWestern Balochi 西俾路支语
571Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWestern Frisian ► fyWestern Frisian 西弗里西亚语
572Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWolaytta ► walWolaytta 瓦拉莫语
573Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWolof ► woWolof 沃洛夫语
574Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)WWu Chinese ► wuuWu Chinese 吴语
575Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)XXhosa ► xhXhosa 科萨语
576Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)XXiang Chinese ► hsnXiang Chinese 湘语
577Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)YYangben ► yavYangben 洋卞语
578Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)YYao ► yaoYao 瑶族语
579Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)YYapese ► yapYapese 雅浦语
580Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)YYemba ► ybbYemba 耶姆巴语
581Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)YYiddish ► yiYiddish 意第绪语
582Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)YYoruba ► yoYoruba 约鲁巴语
583Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)ZZapotec ► zapZapotec 萨波蒂克语
584Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)ZZarma ► djeZarma 哲尔马语
585Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)ZZaza ► zzaZaza 扎扎语
586Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)ZZenaga ► zenZenaga 泽纳加语
587Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)ZZhuang ► zaZhuang 壮语
588Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)ZZulu ► zuZulu 祖鲁语
589Locale Display NamesLanguages (T-Z)ZZuni ► zunZuni 祖尼语
590Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseArabArabic 阿拉伯文
591Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseArab-variantPerso-Arabic 波斯阿拉伯文
592Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseArmnArmenian 亚美尼亚文
593Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseBengBangla 孟加拉文
594Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseBopoBopomofo 汉语拼音
595Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseCyrlCyrillic 西里尔文
596Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseDevaDevanagari 天城文
597Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseEthiEthiopic 埃塞俄比亚文
598Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseGeorGeorgian 格鲁吉亚文
599Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseGrekGreek 希腊文
600Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseGujrGujarati 古吉拉特文
601Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseGuruGurmukhi 果鲁穆奇文
602Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseHanbHan with Bopomofo 汉语注音
603Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseHangHangul 谚文
604Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseHaniHan 汉字
605Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseHansSimplified 简体
606Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseHans-stand-aloneSimplified Han 简体中文
607Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseHantTraditional 繁体
608Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseHant-stand-aloneTraditional Han 繁体中文
609Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseHebrHebrew 希伯来文
610Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseHiraHiragana 平假名
611Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseJamoJamo 韩文字母
612Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseJpanJapanese 日文
613Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseKanaKatakana 片假名
614Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseKhmrKhmer 高棉文
615Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseKndaKannada 卡纳达文
616Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseKoreKorean 韩文
617Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseLaooLao 老挝文
618Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseLatnLatin 拉丁文
619Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseMlymMalayalam 马拉雅拉姆文
620Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseMymrMyanmar 缅甸文
621Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseOryaOdia 奥里亚文
622Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseSinhSinhala 僧伽罗文
623Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseTamlTamil 泰米尔文
624Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseTeluTelugu 泰卢固文
625Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseThaaThaana 塔安那文
626Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseThaiThai 泰文
627Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseTibtTibetan 藏文
628Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseZinhInherited 遗传学术语
629Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseZyyyCommon 通用
630Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseAdlmAdlam 阿德拉姆文
631Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseBaliBalinese 巴厘文
632Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseBamuBamum 巴姆穆文
633Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseBatkBatak 巴塔克文
634Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseCakmChakma 查克马文
635Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseCansUnified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics 加拿大土著统一音节
636Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseChamCham 占文
637Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseCherCherokee 切罗基文
638Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseGongGunjala Gondi 贡贾拉贡德文
639Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseHmnpNyiakeng Puachue Hmong 尼亚肯蒲丘苗文
640Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseJavaJavanese 爪哇文
641Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseKaliKayah Li 克耶李文字
642Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseLanaLanna 兰拿文
643Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseLepcLepcha 雷布查文
644Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseLimbLimbu 林布文
645Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseLisuFraser 傈僳文
646Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseMandMandaean 阿拉米文
647Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseMteiMeitei Mayek 曼尼普尔文
648Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseNewaNewa 尼瓦文
649Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseNkooN’Ko 西非书面文字(N’Ko)
650Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseOlckOl Chiki 桑塔利文
651Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseOsgeOsage 欧塞奇文
652Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UsePlrdPollard Phonetic 波拉德音标文字
653Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseRohgHanifi Rohingya 哈乃斐罗兴亚文
654Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseSaurSaurashtra 索拉什特拉文
655Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseSundSundanese 巽他文
656Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseSyloSyloti Nagri 锡尔赫特文
657Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseSyrcSyriac 叙利亚文
658Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseTaleTai Le 泰乐文
659Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseTaluNew Tai Lue 新傣文
660Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseTavtTai Viet 越南傣文
661Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseTfngTifinagh 提非纳文
662Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseVaiiVai 瓦依文
663Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseWchoWancho 万秋文
664Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseYiiiYi 彝文
665Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricAghbCaucasian Albanian 高加索阿尔巴尼亚文
666Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricAhom= Ahom
667Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricArmiImperial Aramaic 皇室亚拉姆文
668Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricAvstAvestan 阿维斯陀文
669Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricBassBassa Vah 巴萨文
670Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricBhksBhaiksuki 拜克舒克文
671Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricBrahBrahmi 婆罗米文字
672Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricBugiBuginese 布吉文
673Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricBuhdBuhid 布希德文
674Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricCariCarian 卡里亚文
675Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricChrsChorasmian 花拉子模文
676Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricCoptCoptic 克普特文
677Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricCprtCypriot 塞浦路斯文
678Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricDiakDives Akuru 迪维西阿库鲁文
679Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricDogrDogra 多格拉文
680Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricDsrtDeseret 德塞莱特文
681Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricDuplDuployan shorthand 杜普洛伊速记
682Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricEgypEgyptian hieroglyphs 古埃及象形文
683Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricElbaElbasan 爱尔巴桑文
684Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricElymElymaic 埃利迈文
685Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricGlagGlagolitic 格拉哥里文
686Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricGonmMasaram Gondi 马萨拉姆冈德文
687Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricGothGothic 哥特文
688Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricGranGrantha 格兰塔文
689Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricHanoHanunoo 汉奴罗文
690Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricHatrHatran 哈特兰文
691Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricHluwAnatolian Hieroglyphs 安那托利亚象形文字
692Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricHmngPahawh Hmong 杨松录苗文
693Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricHungOld Hungarian 古匈牙利文
694Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricItalOld Italic 古意大利文
695Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricKharKharoshthi 卡罗须提文
696Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricKhojKhojki 克吉奇文字
697Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricKitsKhitan small script 契丹小字
698Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricKthiKaithi 凯提文
699Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricLinaLinear A 线形文字(A)
700Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricLinbLinear B 线形文字(B)
701Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricLyciLycian 利西亚文
702Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricLydiLydian 吕底亚文
703Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricMahjMahajani 默哈金文
704Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricMakaMakasar 望加锡文
705Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricManiManichaean 摩尼教文
706Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricMarcMarchen 大玛尔文
707Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricMedfMedefaidrin 梅德法伊德林文
708Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricMendMende 门迪文
709Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricMercMeroitic Cursive 麦罗埃草书
710Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricMeroMeroitic 麦若提克文
711Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricModiModi 莫迪文
712Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricMongMongolian 蒙古文
713Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricMrooMro 谬文
714Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricMultMultani 穆尔坦文
715Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricNandNandinagari 楠迪梵文
716Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricNarbOld North Arabian 古北方阿拉伯文
717Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricNbatNabataean 纳巴泰文
718Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricNshuNüshu 女书
719Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricOgamOgham 欧甘文
720Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricOrkhOrkhon 鄂尔浑文
721Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricOsmaOsmanya 奥斯曼亚文
722Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricPalmPalmyrene 帕尔迈拉文
723Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricPaucPau Cin Hau 包金豪文
724Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricPermOld Permic 古彼尔姆文
725Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricPhagPhags-pa 八思巴文
726Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricPhliInscriptional Pahlavi 巴列维文碑铭体
727Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricPhlpPsalter Pahlavi 巴列维文(圣诗体)
728Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricPhnxPhoenician 腓尼基文
729Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricPrtiInscriptional Parthian 帕提亚文碑铭体
730Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricRjngRejang 拉让文
731Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricRunrRunic 古代北欧文
732Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricSamrSamaritan 撒马利亚文
733Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricSarbOld South Arabian 古南阿拉伯文
734Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricSgnwSignWriting 书写符号
735Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricShawShavian 萧伯纳式文
736Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricShrdSharada 夏拉达文
737Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricSiddSiddham 悉昙
738Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricSindKhudawadi 信德文
739Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricSogdSogdian 粟特文
740Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricSogoOld Sogdian 古粟特文
741Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricSoraSora Sompeng 索朗桑朋文
742Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricSoyoSoyombo 索永布文
743Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricTagbTagbanwa 塔格班瓦文
744Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricTakrTakri 泰克里文
745Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricTangTangut 唐古特文
746Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricTglgTagalog 塔加路文
747Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricTirhTirhuta 迈蒂利文
748Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricUgarUgaritic 乌加里特文
749Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricWaraVarang Kshiti 瓦郎奇蒂文字
750Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricXpeoOld Persian 古波斯文
751Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricXsuxSumero-Akkadian Cuneiform 苏美尔-阿卡德楔形文字
752Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricYeziYezidi 雅兹迪文
753Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricZanbZanabazar Square 札那巴札尔方块文字
754Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherAfakAfaka 阿法卡文
755Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherAranNastaliq 波斯体
756Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherBlisBlissymbols 布列斯符号
757Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherBraiBraille 布莱叶盲文
758Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherCirtCirth 色斯文
759Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherCyrsOld Church Slavonic Cyrillic 西里尔文字(古教会斯拉夫文的变体)
760Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherEgydEgyptian demotic 后期埃及文
761Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherEgyhEgyptian hieratic 古埃及僧侣书写体
762Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherGeokGeorgian Khutsuri 格鲁吉亚文(教堂体)
763Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherHrktJapanese syllabaries 假名表
764Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherIndsIndus 印度河文字
765Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherJurcJurchen 女真文
766Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherKpelKpelle 克佩列文
767Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherLatfFraktur Latin 拉丁文(哥特式字体变体)
768Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherLatgGaelic Latin 拉丁文(盖尔文变体)
769Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherLomaLoma 洛马文
770Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherMayaMayan hieroglyphs 玛雅圣符文
771Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherMoonMoon 韩文语系
772Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherNkgbNaxi Geba 纳西格巴文
773Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherPhlvBook Pahlavi 巴列维文(书体)
774Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQaag= Zawgyi
775Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherRoroRongorongo 朗格朗格文
776Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherSaraSarati 沙拉堤文
777Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherSyreEstrangelo Syriac 福音体叙利亚文
778Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherSyrjWestern Syriac 西叙利亚文
779Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherSyrnEastern Syriac 东叙利亚文
780Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherTengTengwar 腾格瓦文字
781Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherVispVisible Speech 可见语言
782Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherWoleWoleai 沃莱艾文
783Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherZmthMathematical Notation 数学符号
784Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherZsyeEmoji 表情符号
785Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherZsymSymbols 符号
786Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherZxxxUnwritten 非书面文字
787Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherZzzzUnknown Script 未知文字
788Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsWorld001World 世界
789Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsWorld019Americas 美洲
790Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsWorld002Africa 非洲
791Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsWorld150Europe 欧洲
792Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsWorld142Asia 亚洲
793Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsWorld009Oceania 大洋洲
794Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsWorldEUEuropean Union 欧盟
795Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsWorldEZEurozone 欧元区
796Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsWorldUNUnited Nations 联合国
797Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsWorldUN-shortUN 联合国
798Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAmericas003North America 北美洲
799Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAmericas021Northern America 美洲北部
800Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAmericas013Central America 中美洲
801Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAmericas029Caribbean 加勒比地区
802Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAmericas005South America 南美洲
803Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAmericas419Latin America 拉丁美洲
804Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAfrica015Northern Africa 北非
805Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAfrica011Western Africa 西非
806Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAfrica017Middle Africa 中非
807Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAfrica014Eastern Africa 东非
808Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAfrica018Southern Africa 南部非洲
809Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAfrica202Sub-Saharan Africa 撒哈拉以南非洲
810Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsEurope154Northern Europe 北欧
811Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsEurope155Western Europe 西欧
812Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsEurope151Eastern Europe 东欧
813Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsEurope039Southern Europe 南欧
814Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAsia145Western Asia 西亚
815Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAsia143Central Asia 中亚
816Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAsia030Eastern Asia 东亚
817Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAsia034Southern Asia 南亚
818Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsAsia035Southeast Asia 东南亚
819Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsOceania053Australasia 澳大拉西亚
820Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsOceania054Melanesia 美拉尼西亚
821Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsOceania057Micronesian Region 密克罗尼西亚地区
822Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsOceania061Polynesia 玻利尼西亚
823Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsOceaniaQOOutlying Oceania 大洋洲边远群岛
824Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsUnknown RegionXAPseudo-Accents 伪地区
825Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsUnknown RegionXBPseudo-Bidi 伪双向语言地区
826Locale Display NamesGeographic RegionsUnknown RegionZZUnknown Region 未知地区
827Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Northern AmericaBMBermuda 百慕大
828Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Northern AmericaCACanada 加拿大
829Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Northern AmericaGLGreenland 格陵兰
830Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Northern AmericaPMSt. Pierre & Miquelon 圣皮埃尔和密克隆群岛
831Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Northern AmericaUSUnited States 美国
832Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Northern AmericaUS-shortUS 美国
833Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Central AmericaBZBelize 伯利兹
834Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Central AmericaCRCosta Rica 哥斯达黎加
835Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Central AmericaGTGuatemala 危地马拉
836Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Central AmericaHNHonduras 洪都拉斯
837Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Central AmericaMXMexico 墨西哥
838Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Central AmericaNINicaragua 尼加拉瓜
839Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Central AmericaPAPanama 巴拿马
840Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)Central AmericaSVEl Salvador 萨尔瓦多
841Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanAGAntigua & Barbuda 安提瓜和巴布达
842Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanAIAnguilla 安圭拉
843Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanAWAruba 阿鲁巴
844Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanBBBarbados 巴巴多斯
845Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanBLSt. Barthélemy 圣巴泰勒米
846Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanBQCaribbean Netherlands 荷属加勒比区
847Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanBSBahamas 巴哈马
848Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanCUCuba 古巴
849Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanCWCuraçao 库拉索
850Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanDMDominica 多米尼克
851Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanDODominican Republic 多米尼加共和国
852Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanGDGrenada 格林纳达
853Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanGPGuadeloupe 瓜德罗普
854Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanHTHaiti 海地
855Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanJMJamaica 牙买加
856Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanKNSt. Kitts & Nevis 圣基茨和尼维斯
857Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanKYCayman Islands 开曼群岛
858Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanLCSt. Lucia 圣卢西亚
859Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanMFSt. Martin 法属圣马丁
860Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanMQMartinique 马提尼克
861Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanMSMontserrat 蒙特塞拉特
862Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanPRPuerto Rico 波多黎各
863Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanSXSint Maarten 荷属圣马丁
864Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanTCTurks & Caicos Islands 特克斯和凯科斯群岛
865Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanTTTrinidad & Tobago 特立尼达和多巴哥
866Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanVCSt. Vincent & Grenadines 圣文森特和格林纳丁斯
867Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanVGBritish Virgin Islands 英属维尔京群岛
868Locale Display NamesTerritories (North America)CaribbeanVIU.S. Virgin Islands 美属维尔京群岛
869Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaARArgentina 阿根廷
870Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaBOBolivia 玻利维亚
871Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaBRBrazil 巴西
872Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaBVBouvet Island 布韦岛
873Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaCLChile 智利
874Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaCOColombia 哥伦比亚
875Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaECEcuador 厄瓜多尔
876Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaFKFalkland Islands 福克兰群岛
877Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaFK-variantFalkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) 福克兰群岛(马尔维纳斯群岛)
878Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaGFFrench Guiana 法属圭亚那
879Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaGSSouth Georgia & South Sandwich Islands 南乔治亚和南桑威奇群岛
880Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaGYGuyana 圭亚那
881Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaPEPeru 秘鲁
882Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaPYParaguay 巴拉圭
883Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaSRSuriname 苏里南
884Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaUYUruguay 乌拉圭
885Locale Display NamesTerritories (South America)South AmericaVEVenezuela 委内瑞拉
886Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Northern AfricaDZAlgeria 阿尔及利亚
887Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Northern AfricaEGEgypt 埃及
888Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Northern AfricaEHWestern Sahara 西撒哈拉
889Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Northern AfricaLYLibya 利比亚
890Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Northern AfricaMAMorocco 摩洛哥
891Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Northern AfricaSDSudan 苏丹
892Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Northern AfricaTNTunisia 突尼斯
893Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Northern AfricaEACeuta & Melilla 休达及梅利利亚
894Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Northern AfricaICCanary Islands 加纳利群岛
895Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaBFBurkina Faso 布基纳法索
896Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaBJBenin 贝宁
897Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaCICôte d’Ivoire 科特迪瓦
898Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaCI-variantIvory Coast 象牙海岸
899Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaCVCape Verde 佛得角
900Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaGHGhana 加纳
901Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaGMGambia 冈比亚
902Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaGNGuinea 几内亚
903Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaGWGuinea-Bissau 几内亚比绍
904Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaLRLiberia 利比里亚
905Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaMLMali 马里
906Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaMRMauritania 毛里塔尼亚
907Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaNENiger 尼日尔
908Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaNGNigeria 尼日利亚
909Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaSHSt. Helena 圣赫勒拿
910Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaSLSierra Leone 塞拉利昂
911Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaSNSenegal 塞内加尔
912Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Western AfricaTGTogo 多哥
913Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Middle AfricaAOAngola 安哥拉
914Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Middle AfricaCDCongo - Kinshasa 刚果(金)
915Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Middle AfricaCD-variantCongo (DRC) 刚果民主共和国
916Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Middle AfricaCFCentral African Republic 中非共和国
917Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Middle AfricaCGCongo - Brazzaville 刚果(布)
918Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Middle AfricaCG-variantCongo (Republic) 刚果共和国
919Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Middle AfricaCMCameroon 喀麦隆
920Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Middle AfricaGAGabon 加蓬
921Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Middle AfricaGQEquatorial Guinea 赤道几内亚
922Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Middle AfricaSTSão Tomé & Príncipe 圣多美和普林西比
923Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Middle AfricaTDChad 乍得
924Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaBIBurundi 布隆迪
925Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaDJDjibouti 吉布提
926Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaEREritrea 厄立特里亚
927Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaETEthiopia 埃塞俄比亚
928Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaIOBritish Indian Ocean Territory 英属印度洋领地
929Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaKEKenya 肯尼亚
930Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaKMComoros 科摩罗
931Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaMGMadagascar 马达加斯加
932Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaMUMauritius 毛里求斯
933Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaMWMalawi 马拉维
934Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaMZMozambique 莫桑比克
935Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaRERéunion 留尼汪
936Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaRWRwanda 卢旺达
937Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaSCSeychelles 塞舌尔
938Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaSOSomalia 索马里
939Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaSSSouth Sudan 南苏丹
940Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaTFFrench Southern Territories 法属南部领地
941Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaTZTanzania 坦桑尼亚
942Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaUGUganda 乌干达
943Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaYTMayotte 马约特
944Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaZMZambia 赞比亚
945Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Eastern AfricaZWZimbabwe 津巴布韦
946Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Southern AfricaBWBotswana 博茨瓦纳
947Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Southern AfricaLSLesotho 莱索托
948Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Southern AfricaNANamibia 纳米比亚
949Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Southern AfricaSZEswatini 斯威士兰
950Locale Display NamesTerritories (Africa)Southern AfricaZASouth Africa 南非
951Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeGGGuernsey 根西岛
952Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeIMIsle of Man 马恩岛
953Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeJEJersey 泽西岛
954Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeAXÅland Islands 奥兰群岛
955Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeDKDenmark 丹麦
956Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeEEEstonia 爱沙尼亚
957Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeFIFinland 芬兰
958Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeFOFaroe Islands 法罗群岛
959Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeGBUnited Kingdom 英国
960Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeGB-shortUK 英国
961Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern Europe-SubdivisionsgbengEngland 英格兰
962Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern Europe-SubdivisionsgbsctScotland 苏格兰
963Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern Europe-SubdivisionsgbwlsWales 威尔士
964Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeIEIreland 爱尔兰
965Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeISIceland 冰岛
966Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeLTLithuania 立陶宛
967Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeLVLatvia 拉脱维亚
968Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeNONorway 挪威
969Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeSESweden 瑞典
970Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Northern EuropeSJSvalbard & Jan Mayen 斯瓦尔巴和扬马延
971Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Western EuropeATAustria 奥地利
972Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Western EuropeBEBelgium 比利时
973Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Western EuropeCHSwitzerland 瑞士
974Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Western EuropeDEGermany 德国
975Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Western EuropeFRFrance 法国
976Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Western EuropeLILiechtenstein 列支敦士登
977Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Western EuropeLULuxembourg 卢森堡
978Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Western EuropeMCMonaco 摩纳哥
979Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Western EuropeNLNetherlands 荷兰
980Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Eastern EuropeBGBulgaria 保加利亚
981Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Eastern EuropeBYBelarus 白俄罗斯
982Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Eastern EuropeCZCzechia 捷克
983Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Eastern EuropeCZ-variantCzech Republic 捷克共和国
984Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Eastern EuropeHUHungary 匈牙利
985Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Eastern EuropeMDMoldova 摩尔多瓦
986Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Eastern EuropePLPoland 波兰
987Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Eastern EuropeRORomania 罗马尼亚
988Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Eastern EuropeRURussia 俄罗斯
989Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Eastern EuropeSKSlovakia 斯洛伐克
990Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Eastern EuropeUAUkraine 乌克兰
991Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeADAndorra 安道尔
992Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeALAlbania 阿尔巴尼亚
993Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeBABosnia & Herzegovina 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那
994Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeESSpain 西班牙
995Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeGIGibraltar 直布罗陀
996Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeGRGreece 希腊
997Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeHRCroatia 克罗地亚
998Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeITItaly 意大利
999Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeMEMontenegro 黑山
1000Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeMKNorth Macedonia 北马其顿
1001Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeMTMalta 马耳他
1002Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeRSSerbia 塞尔维亚
1003Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropePTPortugal 葡萄牙
1004Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeSISlovenia 斯洛文尼亚
1005Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeSMSan Marino 圣马力诺
1006Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeVAVatican City 梵蒂冈
1007Locale Display NamesTerritories (Europe)Southern EuropeXKKosovo 科索沃
1008Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaAEUnited Arab Emirates 阿拉伯联合酋长国
1009Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaAMArmenia 亚美尼亚
1010Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaAZAzerbaijan 阿塞拜疆
1011Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaBHBahrain 巴林
1012Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaCYCyprus 塞浦路斯
1013Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaGEGeorgia 格鲁吉亚
1014Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaILIsrael 以色列
1015Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaIQIraq 伊拉克
1016Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaJOJordan 约旦
1017Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaKWKuwait 科威特
1018Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaLBLebanon 黎巴嫩
1019Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaOMOman 阿曼
1020Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaPSPalestinian Territories 巴勒斯坦领土
1021Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaPS-shortPalestine 巴勒斯坦
1022Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaQAQatar 卡塔尔
1023Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaSASaudi Arabia 沙特阿拉伯
1024Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaSYSyria 叙利亚
1025Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaTRTurkey 土耳其
1026Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Western AsiaYEYemen 也门
1027Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Central AsiaTMTurkmenistan 土库曼斯坦
1028Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Central AsiaTJTajikistan 塔吉克斯坦
1029Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Central AsiaKGKyrgyzstan 吉尔吉斯斯坦
1030Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Central AsiaKZKazakhstan 哈萨克斯坦
1031Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Central AsiaUZUzbekistan 乌兹别克斯坦
1032Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Eastern AsiaCNChina 中国
1033Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Eastern AsiaHKHong Kong SAR China 中国香港特别行政区
1034Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Eastern AsiaHK-shortHong Kong 香港
1035Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Eastern AsiaJPJapan 日本
1036Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Eastern AsiaKPNorth Korea 朝鲜
1037Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Eastern AsiaKRSouth Korea 韩国
1038Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Eastern AsiaMNMongolia 蒙古
1039Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Eastern AsiaMOMacao SAR China 中国澳门特别行政区
1040Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Eastern AsiaMO-shortMacao 澳门
1041Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Eastern AsiaTWTaiwan 台湾
1042Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southern AsiaAFAfghanistan 阿富汗
1043Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southern AsiaBDBangladesh 孟加拉国
1044Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southern AsiaBTBhutan 不丹
1045Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southern AsiaINIndia 印度
1046Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southern AsiaIRIran 伊朗
1047Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southern AsiaLKSri Lanka 斯里兰卡
1048Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southern AsiaMVMaldives 马尔代夫
1049Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southern AsiaNPNepal 尼泊尔
1050Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southern AsiaPKPakistan 巴基斯坦
1051Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southeast AsiaBNBrunei 文莱
1052Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southeast AsiaIDIndonesia 印度尼西亚
1053Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southeast AsiaKHCambodia 柬埔寨
1054Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southeast AsiaLALaos 老挝
1055Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southeast AsiaMMMyanmar (Burma) 缅甸
1056Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southeast AsiaMYMalaysia 马来西亚
1057Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southeast AsiaPHPhilippines 菲律宾
1058Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southeast AsiaSGSingapore 新加坡
1059Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southeast AsiaTHThailand 泰国
1060Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southeast AsiaTLTimor-Leste 东帝汶
1061Locale Display NamesTerritories (Asia)Southeast AsiaVNVietnam 越南
1062Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)AustralasiaAUAustralia 澳大利亚
1063Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)AustralasiaCCCocos (Keeling) Islands 科科斯(基林)群岛
1064Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)AustralasiaCXChristmas Island 圣诞岛
1065Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)AustralasiaHMHeard & McDonald Islands 赫德岛和麦克唐纳群岛
1066Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)AustralasiaNFNorfolk Island 诺福克岛
1067Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)AustralasiaNZNew Zealand 新西兰
1068Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)MelanesiaFJFiji 斐济
1069Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)MelanesiaNCNew Caledonia 新喀里多尼亚
1070Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)MelanesiaPGPapua New Guinea 巴布亚新几内亚
1071Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)MelanesiaSBSolomon Islands 所罗门群岛
1072Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)MelanesiaVUVanuatu 瓦努阿图
1073Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Micronesian RegionFMMicronesia 密克罗尼西亚
1074Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Micronesian RegionGUGuam 关岛
1075Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Micronesian RegionKIKiribati 基里巴斯
1076Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Micronesian RegionMHMarshall Islands 马绍尔群岛
1077Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Micronesian RegionMPNorthern Mariana Islands 北马里亚纳群岛
1078Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Micronesian RegionNRNauru 瑙鲁
1079Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Micronesian RegionPWPalau 帕劳
1080Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Micronesian RegionUMU.S. Outlying Islands 美国本土外小岛屿
1081Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)PolynesiaASAmerican Samoa 美属萨摩亚
1082Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)PolynesiaCKCook Islands 库克群岛
1083Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)PolynesiaNUNiue 纽埃
1084Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)PolynesiaPFFrench Polynesia 法属波利尼西亚
1085Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)PolynesiaPNPitcairn Islands 皮特凯恩群岛
1086Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)PolynesiaTKTokelau 托克劳
1087Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)PolynesiaTOTonga 汤加
1088Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)PolynesiaTVTuvalu 图瓦卢
1089Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)PolynesiaWFWallis & Futuna 瓦利斯和富图纳
1090Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)PolynesiaWSSamoa 萨摩亚
1091Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Outlying OceaniaAQAntarctica 南极洲
1092Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Outlying OceaniaACAscension Island 阿森松岛
1093Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Outlying OceaniaCPClipperton Island 克利珀顿岛
1094Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Outlying OceaniaDGDiego Garcia 迪戈加西亚岛
1095Locale Display NamesTerritories (Oceania)Outlying OceaniaTATristan da Cunha 特里斯坦-达库尼亚群岛
1096Locale Display NamesLocale Variantsnull1606NICTLate Middle French to 1606 1606 年前中后期法文
1097Locale Display NamesLocale Variantsnull1694ACADEarly Modern French 早期现代法文
1098Locale Display NamesLocale Variantsnull1901Traditional German orthography 传统德文拼字
1099Locale Display NamesLocale Variantsnull1959ACADAcademic 学术
1100Locale Display NamesLocale Variantsnull1994Standardized Resian orthography 标准雷西亚拼字
1101Locale Display NamesLocale Variantsnull1996German orthography of 1996 1996 年德文拼字
1102Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullABL1943Orthographic formulation of 1943 1943年正写法构想
1103Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullAKUAPEMAKUAPEM 阿夸佩姆方言
1104Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullALALC97ALA-LC Romanization, 1997 edition 1997 版 ALA-LC 罗马字
1105Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullALUKUAluku dialect 阿鲁库方言
1106Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullAO1990Portuguese Language Orthographic Agreement of 1990 1990年葡萄牙语正写法协议
1107Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullARANESARANES 阿兰方言
1108Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullAREVELAEastern Armenian 东亚美尼亚文
1109Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullAREVMDAWestern Armenian 西亚美尼亚文
1110Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullASANTEASANTE 阿散蒂方言
1111Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullAUVERNAUVERN 自动钻机
1112Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBAKU1926Unified Turkic Latin Alphabet 统一土耳其拉丁字母
1113Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBALANKABalanka dialect of Anii 阿尼语Balanka方言
1114Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBARLABarlavento dialect group of Kabuverdianu 佛得角语向风方言组
1115Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBASICENGBASICENG 基本英语
1116Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBAUDDHABAUDDHA 佛陀梵文
1117Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBISCAYANBISCAYAN 比斯开方言
1118Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBISKESan Giorgio/Bila dialect 圣乔治/比拉方言
1119Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBOHORICBohorič alphabet 博霍里奇字母
1120Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBOONTBoontling 布恩特林方言
1121Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBORNHOLMBORNHOLM 博恩霍尔姆方言
1122Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullCISAUPCISAUP 西萨普方言
1123Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullCOLB1945Portuguese-Brazilian Orthographic Convention of 1945 1945年葡萄牙-巴西正写法协定
1124Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullCORNUCORNU 科尔尼方言
1125Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullCREISSCREISS 克雷桑方言
1126Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullDAJNKODajnko alphabet 达金科字母
1127Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullEKAVSKSerbian with Ekavian pronunciation 塞尔维亚语伊卡维亚发音
1128Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullEMODENGEarly Modern English 近代英语
1129Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullFONIPAIPA Phonetics 国际音标
1130Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullFONKIRSHFONKIRSH 丰吉什方言
1131Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullFONNAPAFONNAPA 福纳帕方言
1132Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullFONUPAUPA Phonetics UPA 音标
1133Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullFONXSAMPFONXSAMP X-SAMPA 音标
1134Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullGASCONGASCON 加斯科方言
1135Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullGRCLASSGRCLASS 粗粒级
1136Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullGRITALGRITAL 格里陶方言
1137Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullGRMISTRGRMISTR 格米斯特方言
1138Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullHEPBURNHepburn romanization 赫伯恩罗马字
1139Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullHOGNORSKHOGNORSK 高地挪威文
1140Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullHSISTEMOHSISTEMO 赫西斯特莫方言
1141Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullIJEKAVSKSerbian with Ijekavian pronunciation 塞尔维亚语伊吉卡维亚发音
1142Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullITIHASAITIHASA 史诗梵文
1143Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullIVANCHOVIVANCHOV 伊万乔夫方言
1144Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullJAUERJAUER 米施泰尔方言
1145Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullJYUTPINGJYUTPING 粤语拼音
1146Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullKKCORCommon Orthography 常用拼字
1147Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullKOCIEWIEKOCIEWIE 科奇韦方言
1148Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullKSCORStandard Orthography 标准正写法
1149Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullLAUKIKALAUKIKA 传统梵文
1150Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullLEMOSINLEMOSIN 利姆赞方言
1151Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullLENGADOCLENGADOC 隆格多克方言
1152Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullLIPAWThe Lipovaz dialect of Resian 雷西亚 Lipovaz 方言
1153Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullLUNA1918LUNA1918 俄文拼字(1918年起)
1154Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullMETELKOMetelko alphabet 梅特尔科字母
1155Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullMONOTONMonotonic 单音字母
1156Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullNDYUKANdyuka dialect Ndyuka 方言
1157Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullNEDISNatisone dialect Natisone 方言
1158Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullNEWFOUNDNEWFOUND 纽芬兰方言
1159Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullNICARDNICARD 尼斯方言
1160Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullNJIVAGniva/Njiva dialect Gniva/Njiva 方言
1161Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullNULIKModern Volapük 现代沃拉普克语
1162Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullOSOJSOseacco/Osojane dialect Oseacco/Osojane 方言
1163Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullOXENDICTOxford English Dictionary spelling 《牛津英语词典》拼法
1164Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPAHAWH2PAHAWH2 帕哈苗文2代
1165Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPAHAWH3PAHAWH3 帕哈苗文3代
1166Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPAHAWH4PAHAWH4 帕哈苗文4代
1167Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPAMAKAPamaka dialect Pamaka 方言
1168Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPETR1708PETR1708 俄文拼字(1708年)
1169Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPINYINPinyin Romanization 拼音罗马字
1170Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPOLYTONPolytonic 多音字母
1171Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPOSIXComputer 电脑
1172Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPROVENCPROVENC 普罗旺斯方言
1173Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPUTERPUTER 瑞士普特尔方言
1174Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullREVISEDRevised Orthography 修订的拼字
1175Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullRIGIKClassic Volapük 古典沃拉普克语
1176Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullROZAJResian 雷西亚文
1177Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullRUMGRRUMGR 罗曼什文
1178Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSAAHOSaho 萨霍文
1179Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSCOTLANDScottish Standard English 苏格兰标准英文
1180Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSCOUSEScouse 利物浦方言
1181Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSIMPLESIMPLE 简单英语
1182Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSOLBAStolvizza/Solbica dialect Stolvizza/Solbica 方言
1183Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSOTAVSotavento dialect group of Kabuverdianu 佛得角语背风方言组
1184Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSPANGLISSPANGLIS 西班牙式英语
1185Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSURMIRANSURMIRAN 瑞士苏迈拉方言
1186Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSURSILVSURSILV 瑞士苏瑟瓦方言
1187Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSUTSILVSUTSILV 瑞士苏希瓦方言
1188Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullTARASKTaraskievica orthography Taraskievica 拼字
1189Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullUCCORUnified Orthography 统一的拼字
1190Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullUCRCORUnified Revised Orthography 统一和修订的拼字
1191Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullULSTERULSTER 阿尔斯特方言
1192Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullUNIFONUnifon phonetic alphabet Unifon音位字母
1193Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullVAIDIKAVAIDIKA 吠陀梵文
1194Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullVALENCIAValencian 瓦伦西亚文
1195Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullVALLADERVALLADER 瑞士瓦勒德方言
1196Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullVIVARAUPVIVARAUP 维瓦鲁普方言
1197Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullWADEGILEWade-Giles Romanization WG 威氏拼音法
1198Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullXSISTEMOXSISTEMO 西西斯特莫方言
1199Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendarCalendar 日历
1200Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-buddhistBuddhist Calendar 佛历
1201Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-chineseChinese Calendar 农历
1202Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-copticCoptic Calendar 科普特历
1203Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-dangiDangi Calendar 檀纪历
1204Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-ethiopicEthiopic Calendar 埃塞俄比亚历
1205Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-ethiopic-amete-alemEthiopic Amete Alem Calendar 埃塞俄比亚阿米特阿莱姆日历
1206Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-gregorianGregorian Calendar 公历
1207Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-hebrewHebrew Calendar 希伯来历
1208Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-indianIndian National Calendar 印度国定历
1209Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-islamicIslamic Calendar 伊斯兰历
1210Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-islamic-civilIslamic Calendar (tabular, civil epoch) 伊斯兰希吉来日历
1211Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-islamic-rgsaIslamic Calendar (Saudi Arabia, sighting) 沙特阿拉伯伊斯兰历
1212Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-islamic-tblaIslamic Calendar (tabular, astronomical epoch) 伊斯兰天文历
1213Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-islamic-umalquraIslamic Calendar (Umm al-Qura) 伊斯兰历(乌姆库拉)
1214Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-iso8601ISO-8601 Calendar 国际标准历法
1215Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-japaneseJapanese Calendar 和历
1216Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-persianPersian Calendar 波斯历
1217Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-rocMinguo Calendar 民国纪年
1218Locale Display NamesKeyscolAlternatecolAlternateIgnore Symbols Sorting 忽略符号排序
1219Locale Display NamesKeyscolAlternatecolAlternate-non-ignorableSort Symbols 对符号进行排序
1220Locale Display NamesKeyscolAlternatecolAlternate-shiftedSort Ignoring Symbols 忽略符号进行排序
1221Locale Display NamesKeyscolBackwardscolBackwardsReversed Accent Sorting 对重音进行逆向排序
1222Locale Display NamesKeyscolBackwardscolBackwards-noSort Accents Normally 对重音进行正常排序
1223Locale Display NamesKeyscolBackwardscolBackwards-yesSort Accents Reversed 对重音进行逆向排序
1224Locale Display NamesKeyscolCaseFirstcolCaseFirstUppercase/Lowercase Ordering 大写/小写字母排序
1225Locale Display NamesKeyscolCaseFirstcolCaseFirst-lowerSort Lowercase First 先对小写字母进行排序
1226Locale Display NamesKeyscolCaseFirstcolCaseFirst-noSort Normal Case Order 对正常大小写顺序进行排序
1227Locale Display NamesKeyscolCaseFirstcolCaseFirst-upperSort Uppercase First 先对大写字母进行排序
1228Locale Display NamesKeyscolCaseLevelcolCaseLevelCase Sensitive Sorting 区分大小写的排序
1229Locale Display NamesKeyscolCaseLevelcolCaseLevel-noSort Case Insensitive 不区分大小写进行排序
1230Locale Display NamesKeyscolCaseLevelcolCaseLevel-yesSort Case Sensitive 区分大小写进行排序
1231Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollationSort Order 排序
1232Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-big5hanTraditional Chinese Sort Order - Big5 繁体中文排序 - Big5
1233Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-compatPrevious Sort Order, for compatibility 基于兼容性沿用既往排序
1234Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-dictionaryDictionary Sort Order 字典排序
1235Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-ducetDefault Unicode Sort Order 默认 Unicode 排序
1236Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-emojiEmoji Sort Order 表情符号排序
1237Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-eorEuropean Ordering Rules 欧洲排序规则
1238Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-gb2312hanSimplified Chinese Sort Order - GB2312 简体中文排序 - GB2312
1239Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-phonebookPhonebook Sort Order 电话簿排序
1240Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-phoneticPhonetic Sort Order 语音排序
1241Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-pinyinPinyin Sort Order 拼音排序
1242Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-reformedReformed Sort Order 改良排序
1243Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-searchGeneral-Purpose Search 常规搜索
1244Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-searchjlSearch By Hangul Initial Consonant 按韩文字开首辅音来搜索
1245Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-standardStandard Sort Order 标准排序
1246Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-strokeStroke Sort Order 笔画排序
1247Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-traditionalTraditional Sort Order 传统排序
1248Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-unihanRadical-Stroke Sort Order 部首笔画排序
1249Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-zhuyinZhuyin Sort Order 注音排序
1250Locale Display NamesKeyscolNormalizationcolNormalizationNormalized Sorting 规范化排序
1251Locale Display NamesKeyscolNormalizationcolNormalization-noSort Without Normalization 非规范化排序
1252Locale Display NamesKeyscolNormalizationcolNormalization-yesSort Unicode Normalized 对 Unicode 进行规范化排序
1253Locale Display NamesKeyscolNumericcolNumericNumeric Sorting 数字排序
1254Locale Display NamesKeyscolNumericcolNumeric-noSort Digits Individually 对数字进行单独排序
1255Locale Display NamesKeyscolNumericcolNumeric-yesSort Digits Numerically 按数字顺序对数字进行排序
1256Locale Display NamesKeyscolStrengthcolStrengthSorting Strength 排序强度
1257Locale Display NamesKeyscolStrengthcolStrength-identicalSort All 对所有内容进行排序
1258Locale Display NamesKeyscolStrengthcolStrength-primarySort Base Letters Only 只对基本字母进行排序
1259Locale Display NamesKeyscolStrengthcolStrength-quaternarySort Accents/Case/Width/Kana 对重音/大小写/长度/假名进行排序
1260Locale Display NamesKeyscolStrengthcolStrength-secondarySort Accents 对重音进行排序
1261Locale Display NamesKeyscolStrengthcolStrength-tertiarySort Accents/Case/Width 对重音/大小写/长度进行排序
1262Locale Display NamesKeyscurrencycurrencyCurrency 货币
1263Locale Display NamesKeysCurrency FormatcfCurrency Format 货币格式
1264Locale Display NamesKeysCurrency Formatcf-accountAccounting Currency Format 会计货币格式
1265Locale Display NamesKeysCurrency Formatcf-standardStandard Currency Format 标准货币格式
1266Locale Display NamesKeysd0d0-fwidthTo Fullwidth 全角
1267Locale Display NamesKeysd0d0-hwidthTo Halfwidth 半角
1268Locale Display NamesKeysd0d0-npinyinTo Pinyin With Numeric Tones 数字
1269Locale Display NamesKeysHour CyclehcHour Cycle (12 vs 24) 小时制(12或24)
1270Locale Display NamesKeysHour Cyclehc-h1112 Hour System (0–11) 12小时制(0–11)
1271Locale Display NamesKeysHour Cyclehc-h1212 Hour System (1–12) 12小时制(1–12)
1272Locale Display NamesKeysHour Cyclehc-h2324 Hour System (0–23) 24小时制(0–23)
1273Locale Display NamesKeysHour Cyclehc-h2424 Hour System (1–24) 24小时制(1–24)
1274Locale Display NamesKeysLine BreaklbLine Break Style 换行符样式
1275Locale Display NamesKeysLine Breaklb-looseLoose Line Break Style 宽松换行符样式
1276Locale Display NamesKeysLine Breaklb-normalNormal Line Break Style 正常换行符样式
1277Locale Display NamesKeysLine Breaklb-strictStrict Line Break Style 严格换行符样式
1278Locale Display NamesKeysm0m0-bgnUS BGN Transliteration 美国地名委员会 (BGN)
1279Locale Display NamesKeysm0m0-ungegnUN GEGN Transliteration 联合国地名专家组 (UNGEGN)
1280Locale Display NamesKeysMeasurement SystemmsMeasurement System 度量衡制
1281Locale Display NamesKeysMeasurement Systemms-metricMetric System 公制
1282Locale Display NamesKeysMeasurement Systemms-uksystemImperial Measurement System 英制
1283Locale Display NamesKeysMeasurement Systemms-ussystemUS Measurement System 美制
1284Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbersNumbers 数字
1285Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-ahomAhom Digits 阿霍姆数字
1286Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-arabArabic-Indic Digits 阿拉伯-印度数字
1287Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-arabextExtended Arabic-Indic Digits 扩展阿拉伯-印度数字
1288Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-armnArmenian Numerals 亚美尼亚数字
1289Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-armnlowArmenian Lowercase Numerals 亚美尼亚小写数字
1290Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-baliBalinese Digits 巴厘文数字
1291Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-bengBangla Digits 孟加拉数字
1292Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-brahBrahmi Digits 婆罗米数字
1293Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-cakmChakma Digits 查克玛数字
1294Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-chamCham Digits 占文数字
1295Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-cyrlCyrillic Numerals 斯拉夫数字
1296Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-devaDevanagari Digits 梵文数字
1297Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-diakDives Akuru Digits 迪维西阿库鲁数字
1298Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-ethiEthiopic Numerals 埃塞俄比亚数字
1299Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-financeFinancial Numerals 金融数字
1300Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-fullwideFull-Width Digits 全角数字
1301Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-georGeorgian Numerals 格鲁吉亚数字
1302Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-gongGunjala Gondi digits 马萨拉姆冈德数字
1303Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-gonmMasaram Gondi digits 马萨拉姆冈德数字
1304Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-grekGreek Numerals 希腊数字
1305Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-greklowGreek Lowercase Numerals 希腊小写数字
1306Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-gujrGujarati Digits 古吉拉特数字
1307Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-guruGurmukhi Digits 果鲁穆奇数字
1308Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-hanidecChinese Decimal Numerals 中文十进制数字
1309Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-hansSimplified Chinese Numerals 简体中文数字
1310Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-hansfinSimplified Chinese Financial Numerals 简体中文大写数字
1311Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-hantTraditional Chinese Numerals 繁体中文数字
1312Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-hantfinTraditional Chinese Financial Numerals 繁体中文大写数字
1313Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-hebrHebrew Numerals 希伯来数字
1314Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-hmngPahawh Hmong Digits 杨松录苗文数字
1315Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-hmnpNyiakeng Puachue Hmong Digits 尼亚肯蒲丘苗文数字
1316Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-javaJavanese Digits 爪哇文数字
1317Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-jpanJapanese Numerals 日文数字
1318Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-jpanfinJapanese Financial Numerals 日文大写数字
1319Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-kaliKayah Li Digits 克耶字母数字
1320Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-khmrKhmer Digits 高棉数字
1321Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-kndaKannada Digits 卡纳达数字
1322Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-lanaTai Tham Hora Digits 老傣文数字
1323Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-lanathamTai Tham Tham Digits 兰纳文数字
1324Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-laooLao Digits 老挝数字
1325Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-latnWestern Digits 西方数字
1326Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-lepcLepcha Digits 雷布查文数字
1327Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-limbLimbu Digits 林布文数字
1328Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mathboldMathematical Bold Digits 数学粗体数字
1329Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mathdblMathematical Double-Struck Digits 数学空心数字
1330Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mathmonoMathematical Monospace Digits 数学等宽数字
1331Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mathsanbMathematical Sans-Serif Bold Digits 数学无衬线粗体数字
1332Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mathsansMathematical Sans-Serif Digits 数学无衬线数字
1333Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mlymMalayalam Digits 马拉雅拉姆数字
1334Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-modiModi Digits 莫迪数字
1335Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mongMongolian Digits 蒙古文数字
1336Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mrooMro Digits 谬文数字
1337Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mteiMeetei Mayek Digits 曼尼普尔数字
1338Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mymrMyanmar Digits 缅甸数字
1339Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mymrshanMyanmar Shan Digits 缅甸掸文数字
1340Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mymrtlngMyanmar Tai Laing Digits 缅甸泰兰数字
1341Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-nativeNative Digits 当地数字
1342Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-nkooN’Ko Digits 曼德数字
1343Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-olckOl Chiki Digits 桑塔利文数字
1344Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-oryaOdia Digits 奥里亚数字
1345Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-osmaOsmanya Digits 奥斯曼数字
1346Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-rohgHanifi Rohingya digits 哈乃斐罗兴亚数字
1347Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-romanRoman Numerals 罗马数字
1348Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-romanlowRoman Lowercase Numerals 罗马小写数字
1349Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-saurSaurashtra Digits 索拉什特拉文数字
1350Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-shrdSharada Digits 夏拉达数字
1351Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-sindKhudawadi Digits 库达瓦迪数字
1352Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-sinhSinhala Lith Digits 僧伽罗文数字
1353Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-soraSora Sompeng Digits 素拉僧平数字
1354Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-sundSundanese Digits 苏丹文数字
1355Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-takrTakri Digits 泰克里数字
1356Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-taluNew Tai Lue Digits 新傣仂文数字
1357Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-tamlTraditional Tamil Numerals 传统泰米尔数字
1358Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-tamldecTamil Digits 泰米尔数字
1359Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-teluTelugu Digits 泰卢固数字
1360Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-thaiThai Digits 泰文数字
1361Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-tibtTibetan Digits 藏文数字
1362Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-tirhTirhuta Digits 迈蒂利数字
1363Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-traditionalTraditional Numerals 传统数字
1364Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-vaiiVai Digits 瓦伊文数字
1365Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-waraWarang Citi Digits 瓦郎奇蒂数字
1366Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-wchoWancho Digits 万秋数字
1367Locale Display NamesKeystimezonetimezoneTime Zone 时区
1368Locale Display NamesKeysvavaLocale Variant 语言区域别名
1369Locale Display NamesKeysxxPrivate-Use 专用
1370Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldseraera 纪元
1371Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsera-shortera 纪元
1372Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsera-narrowera 纪元
1373Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsyearyear
1374Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsyear-shortyr.
1375Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsyear-narrowyr.
1376Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsquarterquarter 季度
1377Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsquarter-shortqtr.
1378Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsquarter-narrowqtr.
1379Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsmonthmonth
1380Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsmonth-shortmo.
1381Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsmonth-narrowmo.
1382Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsweekweek
1383Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsweek-shortwk.
1384Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsweek-narrowwk.
1385Date & TimeFieldsDate FieldsweekOfMonthweek of month 月中周
1386Date & TimeFieldsDate FieldsweekOfMonth-shortwk. of mo. 月中周
1387Date & TimeFieldsDate FieldsweekOfMonth-narrowwk. of mo. 月中周
1388Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsdayday
1389Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsday-shortday
1390Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsday-narrowday
1391Date & TimeFieldsDate FieldsdayOfYearday of year 年中日
1392Date & TimeFieldsDate FieldsdayOfYear-shortday of yr. 年中日
1393Date & TimeFieldsDate FieldsdayOfYear-narrowday of yr. 年中日
1394Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsweekdayday of the week 工作日
1395Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsweekday-shortday of wk. 工作日
1396Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsweekday-narrowday of wk. 工作日
1397Date & TimeFieldsDate FieldsweekdayOfMonthweekday of the month 月中日
1398Date & TimeFieldsDate FieldsweekdayOfMonth-shortwkday. of mo. 月中日
1399Date & TimeFieldsDate FieldsweekdayOfMonth-narrowwkday. of mo. 月中日
1400Date & TimeFieldsDate FieldsdayperiodAM/PM 上午/下午
1401Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsdayperiod-shortAM/PM 上午/下午
1402Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsdayperiod-narrowAM/PM 上午/下午
1403Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldszonetime zone 时区
1404Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldszone-shortzone 时区
1405Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldszone-narrowzone 时区
1406Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldshourhour 小时
1407Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldshour-shorthr. 小时
1408Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldshour-narrowhr. 小时
1409Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsminuteminute 分钟
1410Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsminute-shortmin.
1411Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldsminute-narrowmin.
1412Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldssecondsecond
1413Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldssecond-shortsec.
1414Date & TimeFieldsDate Fieldssecond-narrowsec.
1415Date & TimeFieldsRelative Year-1last year 去年
1416Date & TimeFieldsRelative Year0this year 今年
1417Date & TimeFieldsRelative Year1next year 明年
1418Date & TimeFieldsRelative Yearfuture-otherin {0} years {0}年后
1419Date & TimeFieldsRelative Yearpast-other{0} years ago {0}年前
1420Date & TimeFieldsRelative Year Short-1last yr. 去年
1421Date & TimeFieldsRelative Year Short0this yr. 今年
1422Date & TimeFieldsRelative Year Short1next yr. 明年
1423Date & TimeFieldsRelative Year Shortfuture-otherin {0} yr. {0}年后
1424Date & TimeFieldsRelative Year Shortpast-other{0} yr. ago {0}年前
1425Date & TimeFieldsRelative Year Narrow-1last yr. 去年
1426Date & TimeFieldsRelative Year Narrow0this yr. 今年
1427Date & TimeFieldsRelative Year Narrow1next yr. 明年
1428Date & TimeFieldsRelative Year Narrowfuture-otherin {0} yr. {0}年后
1429Date & TimeFieldsRelative Year Narrowpast-other{0} yr. ago {0}年前
1430Date & TimeFieldsRelative Quarter-1last quarter 上季度
1431Date & TimeFieldsRelative Quarter0this quarter 本季度
1432Date & TimeFieldsRelative Quarter1next quarter 下季度
1433Date & TimeFieldsRelative Quarterfuture-otherin {0} quarters {0}个季度后
1434Date & TimeFieldsRelative Quarterpast-other{0} quarters ago {0}个季度前
1435Date & TimeFieldsRelative Quarter Short-1last qtr. 上季度
1436Date & TimeFieldsRelative Quarter Short0this qtr. 本季度
1437Date & TimeFieldsRelative Quarter Short1next qtr. 下季度
1438Date & TimeFieldsRelative Quarter Shortfuture-otherin {0} qtrs. {0}个季度后
1439Date & TimeFieldsRelative Quarter Shortpast-other{0} qtrs. ago {0}个季度前
1440Date & TimeFieldsRelative Quarter Narrow-1last qtr. 上季度
1441Date & TimeFieldsRelative Quarter Narrow0this qtr. 本季度
1442Date & TimeFieldsRelative Quarter Narrow1next qtr. 下季度
1443Date & TimeFieldsRelative Quarter Narrowfuture-otherin {0} qtrs. {0}个季度后
1444Date & TimeFieldsRelative Quarter Narrowpast-other{0} qtrs. ago {0}个季度前
1445Date & TimeFieldsRelative Month-1last month 上个月
1446Date & TimeFieldsRelative Month0this month 本月
1447Date & TimeFieldsRelative Month1next month 下个月
1448Date & TimeFieldsRelative Monthfuture-otherin {0} months {0}个月后
1449Date & TimeFieldsRelative Monthpast-other{0} months ago {0}个月前
1450Date & TimeFieldsRelative Month Short-1last mo. 上个月
1451Date & TimeFieldsRelative Month Short0this mo. 本月
1452Date & TimeFieldsRelative Month Short1next mo. 下个月
1453Date & TimeFieldsRelative Month Shortfuture-otherin {0} mo. {0}个月后
1454Date & TimeFieldsRelative Month Shortpast-other{0} mo. ago {0}个月前
1455Date & TimeFieldsRelative Month Narrow-1last mo. 上个月
1456Date & TimeFieldsRelative Month Narrow0this mo. 本月
1457Date & TimeFieldsRelative Month Narrow1next mo. 下个月
1458Date & TimeFieldsRelative Month Narrowfuture-otherin {0} mo. {0}个月后
1459Date & TimeFieldsRelative Month Narrowpast-other{0} mo. ago {0}个月前
1460Date & TimeFieldsRelative Week-1last week 上周
1461Date & TimeFieldsRelative Week0this week 本周
1462Date & TimeFieldsRelative Week1next week 下周
1463Date & TimeFieldsRelative Weekfuture-otherin {0} weeks {0}周后
1464Date & TimeFieldsRelative Weekpast-other{0} weeks ago {0}周前
1465Date & TimeFieldsRelative WeekPeriodthe week of {0} {0}这周
1466Date & TimeFieldsRelative Week Short-1last wk. 上周
1467Date & TimeFieldsRelative Week Short0this wk. 本周
1468Date & TimeFieldsRelative Week Short1next wk. 下周
1469Date & TimeFieldsRelative Week Shortfuture-otherin {0} wk. {0}周后
1470Date & TimeFieldsRelative Week Shortpast-other{0} wk. ago {0}周前
1471Date & TimeFieldsRelative Week ShortPeriodthe week of {0} {0}这周
1472Date & TimeFieldsRelative Week Narrow-1last wk. 上周
1473Date & TimeFieldsRelative Week Narrow0this wk. 本周
1474Date & TimeFieldsRelative Week Narrow1next wk. 下周
1475Date & TimeFieldsRelative Week Narrowfuture-otherin {0} wk. {0}周后
1476Date & TimeFieldsRelative Week Narrowpast-other{0} wk. ago {0}周前
1477Date & TimeFieldsRelative Week NarrowPeriodthe week of {0} {0}这周
1478Date & TimeFieldsRelative Day-2n/a 前天
1479Date & TimeFieldsRelative Day-1yesterday 昨天
1480Date & TimeFieldsRelative Day0today 今天
1481Date & TimeFieldsRelative Day1tomorrow 明天
1482Date & TimeFieldsRelative Day2n/a 后天
1483Date & TimeFieldsRelative Dayfuture-otherin {0} days {0}天后
1484Date & TimeFieldsRelative Daypast-other{0} days ago {0}天前
1485Date & TimeFieldsRelative Day Short-2n/a 前天
1486Date & TimeFieldsRelative Day Short-1yesterday 昨天
1487Date & TimeFieldsRelative Day Short0today 今天
1488Date & TimeFieldsRelative Day Short1tomorrow 明天
1489Date & TimeFieldsRelative Day Short2n/a 后天
1490Date & TimeFieldsRelative Day Shortfuture-otherin {0} days {0}天后
1491Date & TimeFieldsRelative Day Shortpast-other{0} days ago {0}天前
1492Date & TimeFieldsRelative Day Narrow-2n/a 前天
1493Date & TimeFieldsRelative Day Narrow-1yesterday 昨天
1494Date & TimeFieldsRelative Day Narrow0today 今天
1495Date & TimeFieldsRelative Day Narrow1tomorrow 明天
1496Date & TimeFieldsRelative Day Narrow2n/a 后天
1497Date & TimeFieldsRelative Day Narrowfuture-otherin {0} days {0}天后
1498Date & TimeFieldsRelative Day Narrowpast-other{0} days ago {0}天前
1499Date & TimeFieldsRelative Hour0this hour 这一时间 / 此时
1500Date & TimeFieldsRelative Hourfuture-otherin {0} hours {0}小时后
1501Date & TimeFieldsRelative Hourpast-other{0} hours ago {0}小时前
1502Date & TimeFieldsRelative Hour Short0this hour 这一时间 / 此时
1503Date & TimeFieldsRelative Hour Shortfuture-otherin {0} hr. {0}小时后
1504Date & TimeFieldsRelative Hour Shortpast-other{0} hr. ago {0}小时前
1505Date & TimeFieldsRelative Hour Narrow0this hour 这一时间 / 此时
1506Date & TimeFieldsRelative Hour Narrowfuture-otherin {0} hr. {0}小时后
1507Date & TimeFieldsRelative Hour Narrowpast-other{0} hr. ago {0}小时前
1508Date & TimeFieldsRelative Minute0this minute 此刻
1509Date & TimeFieldsRelative Minutefuture-otherin {0} minutes {0}分钟后
1510Date & TimeFieldsRelative Minutepast-other{0} minutes ago {0}分钟前
1511Date & TimeFieldsRelative Minute Short0this minute 此刻
1512Date & TimeFieldsRelative Minute Shortfuture-otherin {0} min. {0}分钟后
1513Date & TimeFieldsRelative Minute Shortpast-other{0} min. ago {0}分钟前
1514Date & TimeFieldsRelative Minute Narrow0this minute 此刻
1515Date & TimeFieldsRelative Minute Narrowfuture-otherin {0} min. {0}分钟后
1516Date & TimeFieldsRelative Minute Narrowpast-other{0} min. ago {0}分钟前
1517Date & TimeFieldsRelative Second0now 现在
1518Date & TimeFieldsRelative Secondfuture-otherin {0} seconds {0}秒钟后 {0}秒后
1519Date & TimeFieldsRelative Secondpast-other{0} seconds ago {0}秒钟前 {0}秒前
1520Date & TimeFieldsRelative Second Short0now 现在
1521Date & TimeFieldsRelative Second Shortfuture-otherin {0} sec. {0}秒后
1522Date & TimeFieldsRelative Second Shortpast-other{0} sec. ago {0}秒前
1523Date & TimeFieldsRelative Second Narrow0now 现在
1524Date & TimeFieldsRelative Second Narrowfuture-otherin {0} sec. {0}秒后
1525Date & TimeFieldsRelative Second Narrowpast-other{0} sec. ago {0}秒前
1526Date & TimeFieldsRelative Sunday-1last Sunday 上周日
1527Date & TimeFieldsRelative Sunday0this Sunday 本周日
1528Date & TimeFieldsRelative Sunday1next Sunday 下周日
1529Date & TimeFieldsRelative Sundayfuture-otherin {0} Sundays {0}个周日后
1530Date & TimeFieldsRelative Sundaypast-other{0} Sundays ago {0}个周日前
1531Date & TimeFieldsRelative Sunday Short-1last Sun. 上周日
1532Date & TimeFieldsRelative Sunday Short0this Sun. 本周日
1533Date & TimeFieldsRelative Sunday Short1next Sun. 下周日
1534Date & TimeFieldsRelative Sunday Shortfuture-otherin {0} Sun. {0}个周日后
1535Date & TimeFieldsRelative Sunday Shortpast-other{0} Sun. ago {0}个周日前
1536Date & TimeFieldsRelative Sunday Narrow-1last Su 上周日
1537Date & TimeFieldsRelative Sunday Narrow0this Su 本周日
1538Date & TimeFieldsRelative Sunday Narrow1next Su 下周日
1539Date & TimeFieldsRelative Sunday Narrowfuture-otherin {0} Su {0}个周日后
1540Date & TimeFieldsRelative Sunday Narrowpast-other{0} Su ago {0}个周日前
1541Date & TimeFieldsRelative Monday-1last Monday 上周一
1542Date & TimeFieldsRelative Monday0this Monday 本周一
1543Date & TimeFieldsRelative Monday1next Monday 下周一
1544Date & TimeFieldsRelative Mondayfuture-otherin {0} Mondays {0}个周一后
1545Date & TimeFieldsRelative Mondaypast-other{0} Mondays ago {0}个周一前
1546Date & TimeFieldsRelative Monday Short-1last Mon. 上周一
1547Date & TimeFieldsRelative Monday Short0this Mon. 本周一
1548Date & TimeFieldsRelative Monday Short1next Mon. 下周一
1549Date & TimeFieldsRelative Monday Shortfuture-otherin {0} Mon. {0}个周一后
1550Date & TimeFieldsRelative Monday Shortpast-other{0} Mon. ago {0}个周一前
1551Date & TimeFieldsRelative Monday Narrow-1last M 上周一
1552Date & TimeFieldsRelative Monday Narrow0this M 本周一
1553Date & TimeFieldsRelative Monday Narrow1next M 下周一
1554Date & TimeFieldsRelative Monday Narrowfuture-otherin {0} M {0}个周一后
1555Date & TimeFieldsRelative Monday Narrowpast-other{0} M ago {0}个周一前
1556Date & TimeFieldsRelative Tuesday-1last Tuesday 上周二
1557Date & TimeFieldsRelative Tuesday0this Tuesday 本周二
1558Date & TimeFieldsRelative Tuesday1next Tuesday 下周二
1559Date & TimeFieldsRelative Tuesdayfuture-otherin {0} Tuesdays {0}个周二后
1560Date & TimeFieldsRelative Tuesdaypast-other{0} Tuesdays ago {0}个周二前
1561Date & TimeFieldsRelative Tuesday Short-1last Tue. 上周二
1562Date & TimeFieldsRelative Tuesday Short0this Tue. 本周二
1563Date & TimeFieldsRelative Tuesday Short1next Tue. 下周二
1564Date & TimeFieldsRelative Tuesday Shortfuture-otherin {0} Tue. {0}个周二后
1565Date & TimeFieldsRelative Tuesday Shortpast-other{0} Tue. ago {0}个周二前
1566Date & TimeFieldsRelative Tuesday Narrow-1last Tu 上周二
1567Date & TimeFieldsRelative Tuesday Narrow0this Tu 本周二
1568Date & TimeFieldsRelative Tuesday Narrow1next Tu 下周二
1569Date & TimeFieldsRelative Tuesday Narrowfuture-otherin {0} Tu {0}个周二后
1570Date & TimeFieldsRelative Tuesday Narrowpast-other{0} Tu ago {0}个周二前
1571Date & TimeFieldsRelative Wednesday-1last Wednesday 上周三
1572Date & TimeFieldsRelative Wednesday0this Wednesday 本周三
1573Date & TimeFieldsRelative Wednesday1next Wednesday 下周三
1574Date & TimeFieldsRelative Wednesdayfuture-otherin {0} Wednesdays {0}个周三后
1575Date & TimeFieldsRelative Wednesdaypast-other{0} Wednesdays ago {0}个周三前
1576Date & TimeFieldsRelative Wednesday Short-1last Wed. 上周三
1577Date & TimeFieldsRelative Wednesday Short0this Wed. 本周三
1578Date & TimeFieldsRelative Wednesday Short1next Wed. 下周三
1579Date & TimeFieldsRelative Wednesday Shortfuture-otherin {0} Wed. {0}个周三后
1580Date & TimeFieldsRelative Wednesday Shortpast-other{0} Wed. ago {0}个周三前
1581Date & TimeFieldsRelative Wednesday Narrow-1last W 上周三
1582Date & TimeFieldsRelative Wednesday Narrow0this W 本周三
1583Date & TimeFieldsRelative Wednesday Narrow1next W 下周三
1584Date & TimeFieldsRelative Wednesday Narrowfuture-otherin {0} W {0}个周三后
1585Date & TimeFieldsRelative Wednesday Narrowpast-other{0} W ago {0}个周三前
1586Date & TimeFieldsRelative Thursday-1last Thursday 上周四
1587Date & TimeFieldsRelative Thursday0this Thursday 本周四
1588Date & TimeFieldsRelative Thursday1next Thursday 下周四
1589Date & TimeFieldsRelative Thursdayfuture-otherin {0} Thursdays {0}个周四后
1590Date & TimeFieldsRelative Thursdaypast-other{0} Thursdays ago {0}个周四前
1591Date & TimeFieldsRelative Thursday Short-1last Thu. 上周四
1592Date & TimeFieldsRelative Thursday Short0this Thu. 本周四
1593Date & TimeFieldsRelative Thursday Short1next Thu. 下周四
1594Date & TimeFieldsRelative Thursday Shortfuture-otherin {0} Thu. {0}个周四后
1595Date & TimeFieldsRelative Thursday Shortpast-other{0} Thu. ago {0}个周四前
1596Date & TimeFieldsRelative Thursday Narrow-1last Th 上周四
1597Date & TimeFieldsRelative Thursday Narrow0this Th 本周四
1598Date & TimeFieldsRelative Thursday Narrow1next Th 下周四
1599Date & TimeFieldsRelative Thursday Narrowfuture-otherin {0} Th {0}个周四后
1600Date & TimeFieldsRelative Thursday Narrowpast-other{0} Th ago {0}个周四前
1601Date & TimeFieldsRelative Friday-1last Friday 上周五
1602Date & TimeFieldsRelative Friday0this Friday 本周五
1603Date & TimeFieldsRelative Friday1next Friday 下周五
1604Date & TimeFieldsRelative Fridayfuture-otherin {0} Fridays {0}个周五后
1605Date & TimeFieldsRelative Fridaypast-other{0} Fridays ago {0}个周五前
1606Date & TimeFieldsRelative Friday Short-1last Fri. 上周五
1607Date & TimeFieldsRelative Friday Short0this Fri. 本周五
1608Date & TimeFieldsRelative Friday Short1next Fri. 下周五
1609Date & TimeFieldsRelative Friday Shortfuture-otherin {0} Fri. {0}个周五后
1610Date & TimeFieldsRelative Friday Shortpast-other{0} Fri. ago {0}个周五前
1611Date & TimeFieldsRelative Friday Narrow-1last F 上周五
1612Date & TimeFieldsRelative Friday Narrow0this F 本周五
1613Date & TimeFieldsRelative Friday Narrow1next F 下周五
1614Date & TimeFieldsRelative Friday Narrowfuture-otherin {0} F {0}个周五后
1615Date & TimeFieldsRelative Friday Narrowpast-other{0} F ago {0}个周五前
1616Date & TimeFieldsRelative Saturday-1last Saturday 上周六
1617Date & TimeFieldsRelative Saturday0this Saturday 本周六
1618Date & TimeFieldsRelative Saturday1next Saturday 下周六
1619Date & TimeFieldsRelative Saturdayfuture-otherin {0} Saturdays {0}个周六后
1620Date & TimeFieldsRelative Saturdaypast-other{0} Saturdays ago {0}个周六前
1621Date & TimeFieldsRelative Saturday Short-1last Sat. 上周六
1622Date & TimeFieldsRelative Saturday Short0this Sat. 本周六
1623Date & TimeFieldsRelative Saturday Short1next Sat. 下周六
1624Date & TimeFieldsRelative Saturday Shortfuture-otherin {0} Sat. {0}个周六后
1625Date & TimeFieldsRelative Saturday Shortpast-other{0} Sat. ago {0}个周六前
1626Date & TimeFieldsRelative Saturday Narrow-1last Sa 上周六
1627Date & TimeFieldsRelative Saturday Narrow0this Sa 本周六
1628Date & TimeFieldsRelative Saturday Narrow1next Sa 下周六
1629Date & TimeFieldsRelative Saturday Narrowfuture-otherin {0} Sa {0}个周六后
1630Date & TimeFieldsRelative Saturday Narrowpast-other{0} Sa ago {0}个周六前
1631Date & TimeGregorianEras - wide0Before Christ 公元前
1632Date & TimeGregorianEras - wide1Anno Domini 公元
1633Date & TimeGregorianEras - abbreviated0BC 公元前
1634Date & TimeGregorianEras - abbreviated1AD 公元
1635Date & TimeGregorianEras - narrow0B 公元前
1636Date & TimeGregorianEras - narrow1A 公元
1637Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - wide - Formatting11st quarter 第一季度
1638Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - wide - Formatting22nd quarter 第二季度
1639Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - wide - Formatting33rd quarter 第三季度
1640Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - wide - Formatting44th quarter 第四季度
1641Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - wide - Standalone11st quarter 第一季度
1642Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - wide - Standalone22nd quarter 第二季度
1643Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - wide - Standalone33rd quarter 第三季度
1644Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - wide - Standalone44th quarter 第四季度
1645Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - abbreviated - Formatting1Q1 1季度
1646Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - abbreviated - Formatting2Q2 2季度
1647Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - abbreviated - Formatting3Q3 3季度
1648Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - abbreviated - Formatting4Q4 4季度
1649Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - abbreviated - Standalone1Q1 1季度
1650Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - abbreviated - Standalone2Q2 2季度
1651Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - abbreviated - Standalone3Q3 3季度
1652Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - abbreviated - Standalone4Q4 4季度
1653Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - narrow - Formatting1= 1
1654Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - narrow - Formatting2= 2
1655Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - narrow - Formatting3= 3
1656Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - narrow - Formatting4= 4
1657Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - narrow - Standalone1= 1
1658Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - narrow - Standalone2= 2
1659Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - narrow - Standalone3= 3
1660Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - narrow - Standalone4= 4
1661Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - FormattingJanJanuary 一月
1662Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - FormattingFebFebruary 二月
1663Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - FormattingMarMarch 三月
1664Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - FormattingAprApril 四月
1665Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - FormattingMayMay 五月
1666Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - FormattingJunJune 六月
1667Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - FormattingJulJuly 七月
1668Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - FormattingAugAugust 八月
1669Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - FormattingSepSeptember 九月
1670Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - FormattingOctOctober 十月
1671Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - FormattingNovNovember 十一月
1672Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - FormattingDecDecember 十二月
1673Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - StandaloneJanJanuary 一月
1674Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - StandaloneFebFebruary 二月
1675Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - StandaloneMarMarch 三月
1676Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - StandaloneAprApril 四月
1677Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - StandaloneMayMay 五月
1678Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - StandaloneJunJune 六月
1679Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - StandaloneJulJuly 七月
1680Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - StandaloneAugAugust 八月
1681Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - StandaloneSepSeptember 九月
1682Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - StandaloneOctOctober 十月
1683Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - StandaloneNovNovember 十一月
1684Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - StandaloneDecDecember 十二月
1685Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJanJan 1月
1686Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingFebFeb 2月
1687Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingMarMar 3月
1688Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingAprApr 4月
1689Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingMayMay 5月
1690Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJunJun 6月
1691Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJulJul 7月
1692Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingAugAug 8月
1693Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingSepSep 9月
1694Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingOctOct 10月
1695Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingNovNov 11月
1696Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingDecDec 12月
1697Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneJanJan 1月
1698Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneFebFeb 2月
1699Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneMarMar 3月
1700Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneAprApr 4月
1701Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneMayMay 5月
1702Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneJunJun 6月
1703Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneJulJul 7月
1704Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneAugAug 8月
1705Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneSepSep 9月
1706Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneOctOct 10月
1707Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneNovNov 11月
1708Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneDecDec 12月
1709Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - FormattingJanJ 1
1710Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - FormattingFebF 2
1711Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - FormattingMarM 3
1712Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - FormattingAprA 4
1713Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - FormattingMayM 5
1714Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - FormattingJunJ 6
1715Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - FormattingJulJ 7
1716Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - FormattingAugA 8
1717Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - FormattingSepS 9
1718Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - FormattingOctO 10
1719Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - FormattingNovN 11
1720Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - FormattingDecD 12
1721Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - StandaloneJanJ 1
1722Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - StandaloneFebF 2
1723Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - StandaloneMarM 3
1724Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - StandaloneAprA 4
1725Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - StandaloneMayM 5
1726Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - StandaloneJunJ 6
1727Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - StandaloneJulJ 7
1728Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - StandaloneAugA 8
1729Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - StandaloneSepS 9
1730Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - StandaloneOctO 10
1731Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - StandaloneNovN 11
1732Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - StandaloneDecD 12
1733Date & TimeGregorianDays - wide - FormattingsunSunday 星期日
1734Date & TimeGregorianDays - wide - FormattingmonMonday 星期一
1735Date & TimeGregorianDays - wide - FormattingtueTuesday 星期二
1736Date & TimeGregorianDays - wide - FormattingwedWednesday 星期三
1737Date & TimeGregorianDays - wide - FormattingthuThursday 星期四
1738Date & TimeGregorianDays - wide - FormattingfriFriday 星期五
1739Date & TimeGregorianDays - wide - FormattingsatSaturday 星期六
1740Date & TimeGregorianDays - wide - StandalonesunSunday 星期日
1741Date & TimeGregorianDays - wide - StandalonemonMonday 星期一
1742Date & TimeGregorianDays - wide - StandalonetueTuesday 星期二
1743Date & TimeGregorianDays - wide - StandalonewedWednesday 星期三
1744Date & TimeGregorianDays - wide - StandalonethuThursday 星期四
1745Date & TimeGregorianDays - wide - StandalonefriFriday 星期五
1746Date & TimeGregorianDays - wide - StandalonesatSaturday 星期六
1747Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - FormattingsunSun 周日
1748Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - FormattingmonMon 周一
1749Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - FormattingtueTue 周二
1750Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - FormattingwedWed 周三
1751Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - FormattingthuThu 周四
1752Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - FormattingfriFri 周五
1753Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - FormattingsatSat 周六
1754Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - StandalonesunSun 周日
1755Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - StandalonemonMon 周一
1756Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - StandalonetueTue 周二
1757Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - StandalonewedWed 周三
1758Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - StandalonethuThu 周四
1759Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - StandalonefriFri 周五
1760Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - StandalonesatSat 周六
1761Date & TimeGregorianDays - short - FormattingsunSu 周日
1762Date & TimeGregorianDays - short - FormattingmonMo 周一
1763Date & TimeGregorianDays - short - FormattingtueTu 周二
1764Date & TimeGregorianDays - short - FormattingwedWe 周三
1765Date & TimeGregorianDays - short - FormattingthuTh 周四
1766Date & TimeGregorianDays - short - FormattingfriFr 周五
1767Date & TimeGregorianDays - short - FormattingsatSa 周六
1768Date & TimeGregorianDays - short - StandalonesunSu 周日
1769Date & TimeGregorianDays - short - StandalonemonMo 周一
1770Date & TimeGregorianDays - short - StandalonetueTu 周二
1771Date & TimeGregorianDays - short - StandalonewedWe 周三
1772Date & TimeGregorianDays - short - StandalonethuTh 周四
1773Date & TimeGregorianDays - short - StandalonefriFr 周五
1774Date & TimeGregorianDays - short - StandalonesatSa 周六
1775Date & TimeGregorianDays - narrow - FormattingsunS
1776Date & TimeGregorianDays - narrow - FormattingmonM
1777Date & TimeGregorianDays - narrow - FormattingtueT
1778Date & TimeGregorianDays - narrow - FormattingwedW
1779Date & TimeGregorianDays - narrow - FormattingthuT
1780Date & TimeGregorianDays - narrow - FormattingfriF
1781Date & TimeGregorianDays - narrow - FormattingsatS
1782Date & TimeGregorianDays - narrow - StandalonesunS
1783Date & TimeGregorianDays - narrow - StandalonemonM
1784Date & TimeGregorianDays - narrow - StandalonetueT
1785Date & TimeGregorianDays - narrow - StandalonewedW
1786Date & TimeGregorianDays - narrow - StandalonethuT
1787Date & TimeGregorianDays - narrow - StandalonefriF
1788Date & TimeGregorianDays - narrow - StandalonesatS
1789Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - wide - FormattingamAM 上午
1790Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - wide - FormattingpmPM 下午
1791Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - wide - Formattingmidnightmidnight 午夜
1792Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - wide - Formattingmorning1in the morning 清晨
1793Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - wide - Formattingmorning2n/a 上午
1794Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - wide - Formattingafternoon1in the afternoon 中午
1795Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - wide - Formattingafternoon2n/a 下午
1796Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - wide - Formattingevening1in the evening 晚上
1797Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - wide - Formattingnight1at night 凌晨
1798Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - wide - StandaloneamAM 上午
1799Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - wide - StandalonepmPM 下午
1800Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - wide - Standalonemidnightmidnight 午夜
1801Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - wide - Standalonemorning1morning 早上
1802Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - wide - Standalonemorning2n/a 上午
1803Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - wide - Standaloneafternoon1afternoon 中午
1804Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - wide - Standaloneafternoon2n/a 下午
1805Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - wide - Standaloneevening1evening 晚上
1806Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - wide - Standalonenight1night 凌晨
1807Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - abbreviated - FormattingamAM 上午
1808Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - abbreviated - FormattingpmPM 下午
1809Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - abbreviated - Formattingmidnightmidnight 午夜
1810Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - abbreviated - Formattingmorning1in the morning 早上
1811Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - abbreviated - Formattingmorning2n/a 上午
1812Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - abbreviated - Formattingafternoon1in the afternoon 中午
1813Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - abbreviated - Formattingafternoon2n/a 下午
1814Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - abbreviated - Formattingevening1in the evening 晚上
1815Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - abbreviated - Formattingnight1at night 凌晨
1816Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - abbreviated - StandaloneamAM 上午
1817Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - abbreviated - StandalonepmPM 下午
1818Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - abbreviated - Standalonemidnightmidnight 午夜
1819Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - abbreviated - Standalonemorning1morning 早上
1820Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - abbreviated - Standalonemorning2n/a 上午
1821Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - abbreviated - Standaloneafternoon1afternoon 中午
1822Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - abbreviated - Standaloneafternoon2n/a 下午
1823Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - abbreviated - Standaloneevening1evening 晚上
1824Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - abbreviated - Standalonenight1night 凌晨
1825Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - narrow - Formattingama 上午
1826Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - narrow - Formattingpmp 下午
1827Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - narrow - Formattingmidnightmi 午夜
1828Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - narrow - Formattingmorning1in the morning 早上
1829Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - narrow - Formattingmorning2n/a 上午
1830Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - narrow - Formattingafternoon1in the afternoon 中午
1831Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - narrow - Formattingafternoon2n/a 下午
1832Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - narrow - Formattingevening1in the evening 晚上
1833Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - narrow - Formattingnight1at night 凌晨
1834Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - narrow - StandaloneamAM 上午
1835Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - narrow - StandalonepmPM 下午
1836Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - narrow - Standalonemidnightmidnight 午夜
1837Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - narrow - Standalonemorning1morning 早上
1838Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - narrow - Standalonemorning2n/a 上午
1839Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - narrow - Standaloneafternoon1afternoon 中午
1840Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - narrow - Standaloneafternoon2n/a 下午
1841Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - narrow - Standaloneevening1evening 晚上
1842Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - narrow - Standalonenight1night 凌晨
1843Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Date FormatsfullEEEE, MMMM d, y y年M月d日EEEE
1844Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Date FormatslongMMMM d, y y年M月d日
1845Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Date FormatsmediumMMM d, y y年M月d日
1846Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Date FormatsshortM/d/yy y/M/d d/M/yy dd/MM/yy
1847Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Time Formatsfullh:mm:ss a zzzz zzzz ah:mm:ss
1848Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Time Formatslongh:mm:ss a z z ah:mm:ss
1849Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Time Formatsmediumh:mm:ss a ah:mm:ss
1850Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Time Formatsshorth:mm a ah:mm
1851Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsfull{1} 'at' {0} {1} {0}
1852Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatslong{1} 'at' {0} {1} {0}
1853Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsmedium{1}, {0} {1} {0}
1854Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsshort{1}, {0} {1} {0}
1855Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMMW-other'week' W 'of' MMMM MMMM第W周
1856Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsyw-other'week' w 'of' Y Y年第w周
1857Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsdd d日
1858Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsE= ccc
1859Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsEdd E d日E
1860Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyy G Gy年
1861Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMMMM y G Gy年M月
1862Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMdMMM d, y G Gy年M月d日
1863Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMEdE, MMM d, y G Gy年M月d日E
1864Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsML M月
1865Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMd= M/d M-d d/M
1866Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMEdE, M/d M/dE E, d/M M-dE
1867Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMddn/a MM/dd MM-dd dd/MM
1868Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMM= LLL M月
1869Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMdMMM d M月d日
1870Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMEdE, MMM d M月d日E
1871Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMMdMMMM d M月d日
1872Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMMddn/a n/a M月d日
1873Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsyy y年
1874Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyMM/y y年M月 M/y
1875Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyMdM/d/y y/M/d d/M/y y年M月d日
1876Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyMEdE, M/d/y y/M/dE d/M/y(E) y年M月d日,E
1877Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyMMn/a y年M月 MM/y
1878Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyMMMMMM y y年M月
1879Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyMMMdMMM d, y y年M月d日
1880Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyMMMEdE, MMM d, y y年M月d日E
1881Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyMMMMMMMM y y年M月
1882Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyQQQQQQ y y年第Q季度
1883Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyQQQQQQQQ y y年第Q季度
1884Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsBhh B Bh时
1885Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsBhmh:mm B Bh:mm
1886Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsBhmsh:mm:ss B Bh:mm:ss
1887Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsEBhmE h:mm B EBh:mm
1888Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsEBhmsE h:mm:ss B EBh:mm:ss
1889Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsEhmE h:mm a Eah:mm
1890Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsEhmsE h:mm:ss a Eah:mm:ss
1891Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatshh a ah时
1892Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatshmh:mm a ah:mm
1893Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatshmsh:mm:ss a ah:mm:ss
1894Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatshmsvh:mm:ss a v v ah:mm:ss
1895Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatshmvh:mm a v v ah:mm
1896Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsEHmE HH:mm EHH:mm
1897Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsEHmsE HH:mm:ss EHH:mm:ss
1898Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsHHH H时
1899Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsHHmmn/a n/a HH:mm
1900Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsHm= HH:mm
1901Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsHms= HH:mm:ss
1902Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsHmsvHH:mm:ss v v HH:mm:ss
1903Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsHmvHH:mm v v HH:mm
1904Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formatsms= mm:ss
1905Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - AppendTimezone{0} {1} {1}{0}
1906Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBh/Bh B – h B Bh时至Bh时
1907Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBh/hh – h B Bh时至h时
1908Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBhm/Bh:mm B – h:mm B Bh:mm至Bh:mm
1909Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBhm/hh:mm – h:mm B Bh:mm至h:mm
1910Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBhm/mh:mm – h:mm B Bh:mm至h:mm
1911Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsd/dd – d d–d日 d日至d日
1912Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGy/Gy G – y G G y – G y
1913Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGy/yy – y G G y–y
1914Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyM/GM/y GGGGG – M/y GGGGG GGGGG y-MM – GGGGG y-MM
1915Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyM/MM/y – M/y GGGGG GGGGG y-MM – y-MM
1916Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyM/yM/y – M/y GGGGG GGGGG y-MM – y-MM
1917Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMd/dM/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG GGGGG y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd
1918Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMd/GM/d/y GGGGG – M/d/y GGGGG GGGGG y-MM-dd – GGGGG y-MM-dd
1919Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMd/MM/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG GGGGG y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd
1920Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMd/yM/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG GGGGG y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd
1921Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMEd/dE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG GGGGG y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E
1922Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMEd/GE, M/d/y GGGGG – E, M/d/y GGGGG GGGGG y-MM-dd, E – GGGGG y-MM-dd, E
1923Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMEd/ME, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG GGGGG y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E
1924Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMEd/yE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG GGGGG y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E
1925Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMM/GMMM y G – MMM y G G y MMM – G y MMM
1926Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMM/MMMM – MMM y G G y MMM–MMM
1927Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMM/yMMM y – MMM y G G y MMM – y MMM
1928Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMd/dMMM d – d, y G G y MMM d–d
1929Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMd/GMMM d, y G – MMM d, y G G y MMM d – G y MMM d
1930Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMd/MMMM d – MMM d, y G G y MMM d – MMM d
1931Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMd/yMMM d, y – MMM d, y G G y MMM d – y MMM d
1932Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMEd/dE, MMM d – E, MMM d, y G G y MMM d, E – MMM d, E
1933Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMEd/GE, MMM d, y G – E, MMM d, y G G y MMM d, E – G y MMM d, E
1934Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMEd/ME, MMM d – E, MMM d, y G G y MMM d, E – MMM d, E
1935Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMEd/yE, MMM d, y – E, MMM d, y G G y MMM d, E – y MMM d, E
1936Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsM/MM – M M–M月
1937Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMd/d= M/d – M/d M-d至M-d
1938Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMd/M= M/d – M/d M-d至M-d
1939Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMEd/dE, M/d – E, M/d M/dE至M/dE M-dE至M-dE
1940Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMEd/ME, M/d – E, M/d M/dE至M/dE M-dE至M-dE
1941Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMM/M= MMM – MMM
1942Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMd/dMMM d – d M月d日至d日
1943Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMd/MMMM d – MMM d M月d日至M月d日
1944Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMEd/dE, MMM d – E, MMM d M月d日E至d日E M月d日E至M月d日E
1945Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMEd/ME, MMM d – E, MMM d M月d日E至M月d日E
1946Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsy/yy – y y–y年
1947Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyM/MM/y – M/y y年M月至M月 y年M月至y年M月
1948Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyM/yM/y – M/y y年M月至y年M月
1949Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/dM/d/y – M/d/y y/M/d – y/M/d d/M/y至d/M/y
1950Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/MM/d/y – M/d/y y/M/d – y/M/d d/M/y至d/M/y
1951Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/yM/d/y – M/d/y y/M/d – y/M/d d/M/y至d/M/y
1952Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/dE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y y/M/dE至y/M/dE d/M/yE至d/M/yE
1953Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/ME, M/d/y – E, M/d/y y/M/dE至y/M/dE d/M/yE至d/M/yE
1954Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/yE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y y/M/dE至y/M/dE d/M/yE至d/M/yE
1955Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMM/MMMM – MMM y y年M月至M月
1956Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMM/yMMM y – MMM y y年M月至y年M月
1957Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/dMMM d – d, y y年M月d日至d日
1958Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/MMMM d – MMM d, y y年M月d日至M月d日
1959Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/yMMM d, y – MMM d, y y年M月d日至y年M月d日
1960Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/dE, MMM d – E, MMM d, y y年M月d日E至d日E y年M月d日E至M月d日E
1961Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/ME, MMM d – E, MMM d, y y年M月d日E至M月d日E
1962Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/yE, MMM d, y – E, MMM d, y y年M月d日E至y年M月d日E
1963Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMM/MMMMM – MMMM y y年M月至M月
1964Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMM/yMMMM y – MMMM y y年M月至y年M月
1965Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formatsh/ah a – h a ah时至ah时
1966Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formatsh/hh – h a ah时至h时 ah至h时
1967Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formatshm/ah:mm a – h:mm a ah:mm至ah:mm
1968Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formatshm/hh:mm – h:mm a ah:mm至h:mm
1969Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formatshm/mh:mm – h:mm a ah:mm至h:mm
1970Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formatshmv/ah:mm a – h:mm a v vah:mm至ah:mm
1971Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formatshmv/hh:mm – h:mm a v vah:mm至h:mm
1972Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formatshmv/mh:mm – h:mm a v vah:mm至h:mm
1973Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formatshv/ah a – h a v vah时至ah时
1974Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formatshv/hh – h a v vah时至h时
1975Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 24 Hour Time FormatsH/HHH – HH HH–HH
1976Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 24 Hour Time FormatsHm/HHH:mm – HH:mm HH:mm–HH:mm
1977Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 24 Hour Time FormatsHm/mHH:mm – HH:mm HH:mm–HH:mm
1978Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 24 Hour Time FormatsHmv/HHH:mm – HH:mm v v HH:mm–HH:mm vHH:mm–HH:mm
1979Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 24 Hour Time FormatsHmv/mHH:mm – HH:mm v v HH:mm–HH:mm vHH:mm–HH:mm
1980Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - 24 Hour Time FormatsHv/HHH – HH v v HH–HH vHH–HH
1981Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - FallbackFallback= {0} – {1} {0}–{1} {0}至{1}
1982Date & TimeGenericFormats - Standard - Date FormatsfullEEEE, MMMM d, y G Gy年M月d日EEEE
1983Date & TimeGenericFormats - Standard - Date FormatslongMMMM d, y G Gy年M月d日
1984Date & TimeGenericFormats - Standard - Date FormatsmediumMMM d, y G Gy年M月d日
1985Date & TimeGenericFormats - Standard - Date FormatsshortM/d/y GGGGG Gy/M/d d/M/yyGGGGG dd/MM/yyGGGGG
1986Date & TimeGenericFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsfull{1} 'at' {0} {1} {0}
1987Date & TimeGenericFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatslong{1} 'at' {0} {1} {0}
1988Date & TimeGenericFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsmedium{1}, {0} {1} {0}
1989Date & TimeGenericFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsshort{1}, {0} {1} {0}
1990Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsdd d日
1991Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsE= ccc
1992Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsEdd E d日E
1993Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyy G Gy年
1994Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMMMM y G Gy年M月
1995Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMdMMM d, y G Gy年M月d日
1996Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMEdE, MMM d, y G Gy年M月d日E
1997Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsM= L
1998Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMd= M/d M-d d/M
1999Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMEdE, M/d M/dE E, d/M M-dE
2000Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMddn/a n/a MM-dd
2001Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMLLL LL M月
2002Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMdMMM d M月d日
2003Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMEdE, MMM d M月d日E
2004Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMMdMMMM d M月d日
2005Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMMddn/a n/a M月d日
2006Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsyy G Gy年
2007Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsyyyyy G Gy年
2008Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMM/y GGGGG Gy年M月 M/yGGGGG
2009Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMdM/d/y GGGGG G y/M/d Gy年M月d日 d/M/yGGGGG
2010Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMEdE, M/d/y GGGGG G y/M/dE E, d/M/yGGGGG Gy年M月d日,E
2011Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMMMM y G Gy年M月
2012Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMdMMM d, y G Gy年M月d日
2013Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMEdE, MMM d, y G Gy年MM月d日E
2014Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMMMMMM y G Gy年M月
2015Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyQQQQQQ y G Gy年第Q季度
2016Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyQQQQQQQQ y G Gy年第Q季度
2017Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsBhh B Bh时
2018Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsBhmh:mm B Bh:mm
2019Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsBhmsh:mm:ss B Bh:mm:ss
2020Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsEBhmE h:mm B EB h:mm
2021Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsEBhmsE h:mm:ss B EB h:mm:ss
2022Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsEhmE h:mm a Ea h:mm
2023Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsEhmsE h:mm:ss a Ea h:mm:ss
2024Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatshh a ah时
2025Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatshmh:mm a ah:mm
2026Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatshmsh:mm:ss a ah:mm:ss
2027Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsEHm= E HH:mm
2028Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsEHms= E HH:mm:ss
2029Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsHHH H时
2030Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsHHmmn/a n/a HH:mm
2031Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsHm= HH:mm
2032Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsHms= HH:mm:ss
2033Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formatsms= mm:ss
2034Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBh/Bh B – h B Bh时至Bh时
2035Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBh/hh – h B Bh时至h时
2036Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBhm/Bh:mm B – h:mm B Bh:mm至Bh:mm
2037Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBhm/hh:mm – h:mm B Bh:mm至h:mm
2038Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBhm/mh:mm – h:mm B Bh:mm至h:mm
2039Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsd/dd – d d至d日
2040Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGy/Gy G – y G G y – G y
2041Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGy/yy – y G G y–y
2042Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyM/GM/y GGGGG – M/y GGGGG GGGGG y-MM – GGGGG y-MM
2043Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyM/MM/y – M/y GGGGG GGGGG y-MM – y-MM
2044Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyM/yM/y – M/y GGGGG GGGGG y-MM – y-MM
2045Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMd/dM/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG GGGGG y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd
2046Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMd/GM/d/y GGGGG – M/d/y GGGGG GGGGG y-MM-dd – GGGGG y-MM-dd
2047Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMd/MM/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG GGGGG y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd
2048Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMd/yM/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG GGGGG y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd
2049Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMEd/dE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG GGGGG y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E
2050Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMEd/GE, M/d/y GGGGG – E, M/d/y GGGGG GGGGG y-MM-dd, E – GGGGG y-MM-dd, E
2051Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMEd/ME, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG GGGGG y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E
2052Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMEd/yE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG GGGGG y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E
2053Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMM/GMMM y G – MMM y G G y MMM – G y MMM
2054Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMM/MMMM – MMM y G G y MMM–MMM
2055Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMM/yMMM y – MMM y G G y MMM – y MMM
2056Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMd/dMMM d – d, y G G y MMM d–d
2057Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMd/GMMM d, y G – MMM d, y G G y MMM d – G y MMM d
2058Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMd/MMMM d – MMM d, y G G y MMM d – MMM d
2059Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMd/yMMM d, y – MMM d, y G G y MMM d – y MMM d
2060Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMEd/dE, MMM d – E, MMM d, y G G y MMM d, E – MMM d, E
2061Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMEd/GE, MMM d, y G – E, MMM d, y G G y MMM d, E – G y MMM d, E
2062Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMEd/ME, MMM d – E, MMM d, y G G y MMM d, E – MMM d, E
2063Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsGyMMMEd/yE, MMM d, y – E, MMM d, y G G y MMM d, E – y MMM d, E
2064Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsh/ah a – h a ah时至ah时
2065Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsh/hh – h a ah时至h时 ah至h时
2066Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsH/HHH – HH HH–HH
2067Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshm/ah:mm a – h:mm a ah:mm至ah:mm
2068Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshm/hh:mm – h:mm a ah:mm至h:mm
2069Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHm/HHH:mm – HH:mm HH:mm–HH:mm
2070Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshm/mh:mm – h:mm a ah:mm至h:mm
2071Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHm/mHH:mm – HH:mm HH:mm–HH:mm
2072Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshmv/ah:mm a – h:mm a v vah:mm至ah:mm
2073Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshmv/hh:mm – h:mm a v vah:mm至h:mm
2074Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHmv/HHH:mm – HH:mm v v HH:mm – HH:mm vHH:mm–HH:mm
2075Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshmv/mh:mm – h:mm a v vah:mm至h:mm
2076Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHmv/mHH:mm – HH:mm v v HH:mm – HH:mm vHH:mm–HH:mm
2077Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshv/ah a – h a v vah时至ah时
2078Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshv/hh – h a v vah时至h时
2079Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHv/HHH – HH v HH–HH v vHH–HH
2080Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsM/MM – M M–M月
2081Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMd/d= M/d – M/d M-d至M-d
2082Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMd/M= M/d – M/d M-d至M-d
2083Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMEd/dE, M/d – E, M/d M/dE至M/dE M-dE至M-dE
2084Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMEd/ME, M/d – E, M/d M/dE至M/dE M-dE至M-dE
2085Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMM/MMMM – MMM M月至M月
2086Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMd/dMMM d – d M月d日至d日
2087Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMd/MMMM d – MMM d M月d日至M月d日
2088Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMEd/dE, MMM d – E, MMM d M月d日E至d日E M月d日E至M月d日E
2089Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMEd/ME, MMM d – E, MMM d M月d日E至M月d日E
2090Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsy/yy – y G Gy–y年
2091Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyM/MM/y – M/y GGGGG Gy年M月至M月 y年M月至y年M月
2092Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyM/yM/y – M/y GGGGG Gy年M月至y年M月
2093Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/dM/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG Gy/M/d – y/M/d d/M/y至d/M/y
2094Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/MM/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG Gy/M/d – y/M/d d/M/y至d/M/y
2095Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/yM/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG Gy/M/d – y/M/d d/M/y至d/M/y
2096Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/dE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG Gy/M/dE至y/M/dE d/M/yE至d/M/yE
2097Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/ME, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG Gy/M/dE至y/M/dE d/M/yE至d/M/yE
2098Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/yE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG Gy/M/dE至y/M/dE d/M/yE至d/M/yE
2099Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMM/MMMM – MMM y G Gy年M月至M月
2100Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMM/yMMM y – MMM y G Gy年M月至y年M月
2101Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/dMMM d – d, y G Gy年M月d日至d日
2102Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/MMMM d – MMM d, y G Gy年M月d日至M月d日
2103Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/yMMM d, y – MMM d, y G Gy年M月d日至y年M月d日
2104Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/dE, MMM d – E, MMM d, y G Gy年M月d日E至d日E y年M月d日E至M月d日E
2105Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/ME, MMM d – E, MMM d, y G Gy年M月d日E至M月d日E
2106Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/yE, MMM d, y – E, MMM d, y G Gy年M月d日E至y年M月d日E
2107Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMM/MMMMM – MMMM y G Gy年M月至M月
2108Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMM/yMMMM y – MMMM y G Gy年M月至y年M月
2109Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - FallbackFallback= {0} – {1} {0}–{1} {0}至{1}
2110Date & TimeBuddhistEras - wide0BE 佛历
2111Date & TimeBuddhistEras - abbreviated0BE 佛历
2112Date & TimeBuddhistEras - narrow0BE 佛历
2113Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Standard - Date FormatsfullEEEE, MMMM d, y G Gy年M月d日EEEE
2114Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Standard - Date FormatslongMMMM d, y G Gy年M月d日
2115Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Standard - Date FormatsmediumMMM d, y G Gy年M月d日
2116Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Standard - Date FormatsshortM/d/y GGGGG Gy-M-d Gd/M/yy
2117Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsdd d日
2118Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsEdd E d日E
2119Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyy G Gy年
2120Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMMMM y G Gy年MM月
2121Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMdMMM d, y G Gy年MM月d日
2122Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMEdE, MMM d, y G Gy年MM月d日E
2123Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsML M月 L
2124Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMdM/d M-d
2125Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMEdE, M/d M-dE M/dE
2126Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMdMMM d M月d日
2127Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMEdE, MMM d M月d日E
2128Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMMdMMMM d M月d日
2129Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsyy G Gy年
2130Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsyyyyy G Gy年
2131Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMM/y GGGGG Gy-M
2132Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMdM/d/y GGGGG Gy-M-d
2133Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMEdE, M/d/y GGGGG Gy-M-d(E)
2134Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMMMM y G Gy年M月
2135Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMdMMM d, y G Gy年M月d日
2136Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMEdE, MMM d, y G Gy年M月d日E
2137Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMMMMMM y G Gy年M月
2138Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyQQQQQQ y G Gy年第Q季度
2139Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyQQQQQQQQ y G Gy年QQQQ
2140Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBh/Bh B – h B Bh时至Bh时
2141Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBh/hh – h B Bh时至h时
2142Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBhm/Bh:mm B – h:mm B Bh:mm至Bh:mm
2143Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBhm/hh:mm – h:mm B Bh:mm至h:mm
2144Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBhm/mh:mm – h:mm B Bh:mm至h:mm
2145Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsd/dd – d d至d日
2146Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsh/ah a – h a ah时至ah时
2147Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsh/hh – h a ah时至h时
2148Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshm/ah:mm a – h:mm a ah:mm至ah:mm
2149Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshm/hh:mm – h:mm a ah:mm至h:mm
2150Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshm/mh:mm – h:mm a ah:mm至h:mm
2151Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshmv/ah:mm a – h:mm a v vah:mm至ah:mm
2152Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshmv/hh:mm – h:mm a v vah:mm至h:mm
2153Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHmv/HHH:mm – HH:mm v v HH:mm – HH:mm
2154Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshmv/mh:mm – h:mm a v vah:mm至h:mm
2155Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHmv/mHH:mm – HH:mm v v HH:mm – HH:mm
2156Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshv/ah a – h a v vah时至ah时
2157Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshv/hh – h a v vah时至h时
2158Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsM/MM – M M–M月
2159Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMd/d= M/d – M/d
2160Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMd/M= M/d – M/d
2161Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMEd/dE, M/d – E, M/d M/dE至M/dE
2162Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMEd/ME, M/d – E, M/d M/dE至M/dE
2163Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMM/M= MMM – MMM
2164Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMd/dMMM d – d M月d日至d日
2165Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMd/MMMM d – MMM d M月d日至M月d日
2166Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMEd/dE, MMM d – E, MMM d M月d日E至d日E
2167Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMEd/ME, MMM d – E, MMM d M月d日E至M月d日E
2168Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsy/yy – y G Gy–y年
2169Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyM/MM/y – M/y GGGGG Gy年M月至M月
2170Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyM/yM/y – M/y GGGGG Gy年M月至y年M月
2171Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/dM/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG Gy/M/d – y/M/d
2172Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/MM/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG Gy/M/d – y/M/d
2173Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/yM/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG Gy/M/d – y/M/d
2174Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/dE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG Gy/M/dE至y/M/dE
2175Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/ME, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG Gy/M/dE至y/M/dE
2176Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/yE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG Gy/M/dE至y/M/dE
2177Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMM/MMMM – MMM y G Gy年M月至M月
2178Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMM/yMMM y – MMM y G Gy年M月至y年M月
2179Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/dMMM d – d, y G Gy年M月d日至d日
2180Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/MMMM d – MMM d, y G Gy年M月d日至M月d日
2181Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/yMMM d, y – MMM d, y G Gy年M月d日至y年M月d日
2182Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/dE, MMM d – E, MMM d, y G Gy年M月d日E至d日E
2183Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/ME, MMM d – E, MMM d, y G Gy年M月d日E至M月d日E
2184Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/yE, MMM d, y – E, MMM d, y G Gy年M月d日E至y年M月d日E
2185Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMM/MMMMM – MMMM y G Gy年M月至M月
2186Date & TimeBuddhistFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMM/yMMMM y – MMMM y G Gy年M月至y年M月
2187Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-1zi
2188Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-2chou
2189Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-3yin
2190Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-4mao
2191Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-5chen
2192Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-6si
2193Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-7wu
2194Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-8wei
2195Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-9shen
2196Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-10you
2197Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-11xu
2198Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-12hai
2199Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-1spring begins 立春
2200Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-2rain water 雨水
2201Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-3insects awaken 惊蛰
2202Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-4spring equinox 春分
2203Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-5bright and clear 清明
2204Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-6grain rain 谷雨
2205Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-7summer begins 立夏
2206Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-8grain full 小满
2207Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-9grain in ear 芒种
2208Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-10summer solstice 夏至
2209Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-11minor heat 小暑
2210Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-12major heat 大暑
2211Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-13autumn begins 立秋
2212Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-14end of heat 处暑
2213Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-15white dew 白露
2214Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-16autumn equinox 秋分
2215Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-17cold dew 寒露
2216Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-18frost descends 霜降
2217Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-19winter begins 立冬
2218Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-20minor snow 小雪
2219Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-21major snow 大雪
2220Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-22winter solstice 冬至
2221Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-23minor cold 小寒
2222Date & TimeChinesesolarTermscyclic-format-abbreviated-24major cold 大寒
2223Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-1jia-zi 甲子
2224Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-2yi-chou 乙丑
2225Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-3bing-yin 丙寅
2226Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-4ding-mao 丁卯
2227Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-5wu-chen 戊辰
2228Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-6ji-si 己巳
2229Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-7geng-wu 庚午
2230Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-8xin-wei 辛未
2231Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-9ren-shen 壬申
2232Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-10gui-you 癸酉
2233Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-11jia-xu 甲戌
2234Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-12yi-hai 乙亥
2235Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-13bing-zi 丙子
2236Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-14ding-chou 丁丑
2237Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-15wu-yin 戊寅
2238Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-16ji-mao 己卯
2239Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-17geng-chen 庚辰
2240Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-18xin-si 辛巳
2241Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-19ren-wu 壬午
2242Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-20gui-wei 癸未
2243Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-21jia-shen 甲申
2244Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-22yi-you 乙酉
2245Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-23bing-xu 丙戌
2246Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-24ding-hai 丁亥
2247Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-25wu-zi 戊子
2248Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-26ji-chou 己丑
2249Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-27geng-yin 庚寅
2250Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-28xin-mao 辛卯
2251Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-29ren-chen 壬辰
2252Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-30gui-si 癸巳
2253Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-31jia-wu 甲午
2254Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-32yi-wei 乙未
2255Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-33bing-shen 丙申
2256Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-34ding-you 丁酉
2257Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-35wu-xu 戊戌
2258Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-36ji-hai 己亥
2259Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-37geng-zi 庚子
2260Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-38xin-chou 辛丑
2261Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-39ren-yin 壬寅
2262Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-40gui-mao 癸卯
2263Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-41jia-chen 甲辰
2264Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-42yi-si 乙巳
2265Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-43bing-wu 丙午
2266Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-44ding-wei 丁未
2267Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-45wu-shen 戊申
2268Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-46ji-you 己酉
2269Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-47geng-xu 庚戌
2270Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-48xin-hai 辛亥
2271Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-49ren-zi 壬子
2272Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-50gui-chou 癸丑
2273Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-51jia-yin 甲寅
2274Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-52yi-mao 乙卯
2275Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-53bing-chen 丙辰
2276Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-54ding-si 丁巳
2277Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-55wu-wu 戊午
2278Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-56ji-wei 己未
2279Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-57geng-shen 庚申
2280Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-58xin-you 辛酉
2281Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-59ren-xu 壬戌
2282Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-60gui-hai 癸亥
2283Date & TimeChinesezodiacscyclic-format-abbreviated-1Rat
2284Date & TimeChinesezodiacscyclic-format-abbreviated-2Ox
2285Date & TimeChinesezodiacscyclic-format-abbreviated-3Tiger
2286Date & TimeChinesezodiacscyclic-format-abbreviated-4Rabbit
2287Date & TimeChinesezodiacscyclic-format-abbreviated-5Dragon
2288Date & TimeChinesezodiacscyclic-format-abbreviated-6Snake
2289Date & TimeChinesezodiacscyclic-format-abbreviated-7Horse
2290Date & TimeChinesezodiacscyclic-format-abbreviated-8Goat
2291Date & TimeChinesezodiacscyclic-format-abbreviated-9Monkey
2292Date & TimeChinesezodiacscyclic-format-abbreviated-10Rooster
2293Date & TimeChinesezodiacscyclic-format-abbreviated-11Dog
2294Date & TimeChinesezodiacscyclic-format-abbreviated-12Pig
2295Date & TimeChinesemonthPatternsmonthPattern-format-wide-leap{0}bis 闰{0}
2296Date & TimeChinesemonthPatternsmonthPattern-numeric-all-leap{0}bis 闰{0}
2297Date & TimeChinesemonthPatternsmonthPattern-stand-alone-narrow-leap{0}b 闰{0}
2298Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - FormattingJanFirst Month 正月
2299Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - FormattingFebSecond Month 二月
2300Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - FormattingMarThird Month 三月
2301Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - FormattingAprFourth Month 四月
2302Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - FormattingMayFifth Month 五月
2303Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - FormattingJunSixth Month 六月
2304Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - FormattingJulSeventh Month 七月
2305Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - FormattingAugEighth Month 八月
2306Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - FormattingSepNinth Month 九月
2307Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - FormattingOctTenth Month 十月
2308Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - FormattingNovEleventh Month 十一月
2309Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - FormattingDecTwelfth Month 腊月
2310Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - StandaloneJanFirst Month 正月
2311Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - StandaloneFebSecond Month 二月
2312Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - StandaloneMarThird Month 三月
2313Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - StandaloneAprFourth Month 四月
2314Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - StandaloneMayFifth Month 五月
2315Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - StandaloneJunSixth Month 六月
2316Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - StandaloneJulSeventh Month 七月
2317Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - StandaloneAugEighth Month 八月
2318Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - StandaloneSepNinth Month 九月
2319Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - StandaloneOctTenth Month 十月
2320Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - StandaloneNovEleventh Month 十一月
2321Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - StandaloneDecTwelfth Month 腊月
2322Date & TimeChineseMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJanMo1 正月
2323Date & TimeChineseMonths - abbreviated - FormattingFebMo2 二月
2324Date & TimeChineseMonths - abbreviated - FormattingMarMo3 三月
2325Date & TimeChineseMonths - abbreviated - FormattingAprMo4 四月
2326Date & TimeChineseMonths - abbreviated - FormattingMayMo5 五月
2327Date & TimeChineseMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJunMo6 六月
2328Date & TimeChineseMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJulMo7 七月
2329Date & TimeChineseMonths - abbreviated - FormattingAugMo8 八月
2330Date & TimeChineseMonths - abbreviated - FormattingSepMo9 九月
2331Date & TimeChineseMonths - abbreviated - FormattingOctMo10 十月
2332Date & TimeChineseMonths - abbreviated - FormattingNovMo11 十一月
2333Date & TimeChineseMonths - abbreviated - FormattingDecMo12 腊月
2334Date & TimeChineseMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneJanMo1 正月
2335Date & TimeChineseMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneFebMo2 二月
2336Date & TimeChineseMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneMarMo3 三月
2337Date & TimeChineseMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneAprMo4 四月
2338Date & TimeChineseMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneMayMo5 五月
2339Date & TimeChineseMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneJunMo6 六月
2340Date & TimeChineseMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneJulMo7 七月
2341Date & TimeChineseMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneAugMo8 八月
2342Date & TimeChineseMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneSepMo9 九月
2343Date & TimeChineseMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneOctMo10 十月
2344Date & TimeChineseMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneNovMo11 十一月
2345Date & TimeChineseMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneDecMo12 腊月
2346Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - FormattingJan1
2347Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - FormattingFeb2
2348Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - FormattingMar3
2349Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - FormattingApr4
2350Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - FormattingMay5
2351Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - FormattingJun6
2352Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - FormattingJul7
2353Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - FormattingAug8
2354Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - FormattingSep9
2355Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - FormattingOct10
2356Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - FormattingNov11 十一
2357Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - FormattingDec12
2358Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - StandaloneJan1
2359Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - StandaloneFeb2
2360Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - StandaloneMar3
2361Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - StandaloneApr4
2362Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - StandaloneMay5
2363Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - StandaloneJun6
2364Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - StandaloneJul7
2365Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - StandaloneAug8
2366Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - StandaloneSep9
2367Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - StandaloneOct10
2368Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - StandaloneNov11
2369Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - StandaloneDec12
2370Date & TimeChineseFormats - Standard - Date FormatsfullEEEE, MMMM d, r(U) rU年MMMdEEEE U年MMMd日EEEE
2371Date & TimeChineseFormats - Standard - Date FormatslongMMMM d, r(U) rU年MMMd U年MMMd日
2372Date & TimeChineseFormats - Standard - Date FormatsmediumMMM d, r r年MMMd U年MMMd日
2373Date & TimeChineseFormats - Standard - Date FormatsshortM/d/r r/M/d
2374Date & TimeChineseFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsfull{1} 'at' {0} {1} {0}
2375Date & TimeChineseFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatslong{1} 'at' {0} {1} {0}
2376Date & TimeChineseFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsmedium{1}, {0} {1} {0}
2377Date & TimeChineseFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsshort{1}, {0} {1} {0}
2378Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsdd d日
2379Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsE= ccc
2380Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsEdd E d日E
2381Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyr(U) rU年
2382Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMMMM r(U) rU年MMM
2383Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMdMMM d, r r年MMMd
2384Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMEdE, MMM d, r(U) rU年MMMdE
2385Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsML MMM
2386Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMdM/d M-d
2387Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMEdE, M/d M-dE
2388Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMM= LLL
2389Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMdMMM d MMMd日
2390Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMEdE, MMM d MMMd日E
2391Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMMdMMMM d MMMMd日
2392Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsUMM/U U年MMM
2393Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsUMdM/d/U U年MMMd
2394Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsUMMMMMM U U年MMM
2395Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsUMMMdMMM d, U U年MMMd
2396Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsyr(U) rU年
2397Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyMdM/d/r r年MMMd
2398Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsyyyyr(U) rU年
2399Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMM/r rU年MMM
2400Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMdM/d/r r年MMMd
2401Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMEdE, M/d/r rU年MMMd,E
2402Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMMMM r(U) rU年MMM
2403Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMdMMM d, r r年MMMd
2404Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMEdE, MMM d, r(U) rU年MMMdE
2405Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMMMMMM r(U) rU年MMMM
2406Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyQQQQQQ r(U) rU年QQQQ
2407Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyQQQQQQQQ r(U) rU年QQQQ
2408Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsBhh B Bh时
2409Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsBhmh:mm B Bh:mm
2410Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsBhmsh:mm:ss B Bh:mm:ss
2411Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsEBhmE h:mm B EB h:mm
2412Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time FormatsEBhmsE h:mm:ss B EB h:mm:ss
2413Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatshh a ah时
2414Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatshmh:mm a ah:mm
2415Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formatshmsh:mm:ss a ah:mm:ss
2416Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsH= HH
2417Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsHm= HH:mm
2418Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time FormatsHms= HH:mm:ss
2419Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formatsms= mm:ss
2420Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBh/Bh B – h B Bh至Bh时
2421Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBh/hh – h B Bh至h时
2422Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBhm/Bh:mm B – h:mm B Bh:mm至Bh:mm
2423Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBhm/hh:mm – h:mm B Bh:mm至h:mm
2424Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBhm/mh:mm – h:mm B Bh:mm至h:mm
2425Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsd/dd – d d日至d日
2426Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsh/ah a – h a ah至ah时
2427Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsh/hh – h a ah至h时
2428Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsH/HHH – HH HH至HH
2429Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshm/ah:mm a – h:mm a ah:mm至ah:mm
2430Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshm/hh:mm – h:mm a ah:mm至h:mm
2431Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHm/HHH:mm – HH:mm HH:mm至HH:mm
2432Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshm/mh:mm – h:mm a ah:mm至h:mm
2433Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHm/mHH:mm – HH:mm HH:mm至HH:mm
2434Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshmv/ah:mm a – h:mm a v vah:mm至ah:mm
2435Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshmv/hh:mm – h:mm a v vah:mm至h:mm
2436Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHmv/HHH:mm – HH:mm v HH:mm至HH:mm v
2437Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshmv/mh:mm – h:mm a v vah:mm至h:mm
2438Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHmv/mHH:mm – HH:mm v HH:mm至HH:mm v
2439Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshv/ah a – h a v vah至ah时
2440Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshv/hh – h a v vah至h时
2441Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHv/HHH – HH v HH–HH v
2442Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsM/MM – M L至L
2443Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMd/dM/d – M/d M-d至M-d
2444Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMd/MM/d – M/d M-d至M-d
2445Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMEd/dE, M/d – E, M/d M-dE至M-dE
2446Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMEd/ME, M/d – E, M/d M-dE至M-dE
2447Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMM/MMMM – MMM LLL至LLL
2448Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMd/dMMM d – d MMMd日至d日
2449Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMd/MMMM d – MMM d MMMd日至MMMd日
2450Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMEd/dE, MMM d – E, MMM d MMMd日E至d日E
2451Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMEd/ME, MMM d – E, MMM d MMMd日E至MMMd日E
2452Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsy/yU – U rU至rU
2453Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyM/MM/y – M/y r-M至r-M
2454Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyM/yM/y – M/y r-M至r-M
2455Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/dM/d/y – M/d/y r-M-d至r-M-d
2456Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/MM/d/y – M/d/y r-M-d至r-M-d
2457Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/yM/d/y – M/d/y r-M-d至r-M-d
2458Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/dE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y r-M-dE至r-M-dE
2459Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/ME, M/d/y – E, M/d/y r-M-dE至r-M-dE
2460Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/yE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y r-M-dE至r-M-dE
2461Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMM/MMMM – MMM U rU年MMM至MMM
2462Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMM/yMMM U – MMM U rU年MMM至rU年MMM
2463Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/dMMM d – d, U r年MMMd至d
2464Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/MMMM d – MMM d, U r年MMMd至MMMd
2465Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/yMMM d, U – MMM d, U r年MMMd至r年MMMd
2466Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/dE, MMM d – E, MMM d, U rU年MMMdE至dE
2467Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/ME, MMM d – E, MMM d, U rU年MMMdE至MMMdE
2468Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/yE, MMM d, U – E, MMM d, U rU年MMMdE至rU年MMMdE
2469Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMM/MMMMM – MMMM U rU年MMMM至MMMM
2470Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMM/yMMMM U – MMMM U rU年MMMM至rU年MMMM
2471Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - FallbackFallback{0} – {1} {0}–{1}
2472Date & TimeCopticEras - wide0ERA0 科普特历前
2473Date & TimeCopticEras - wide1ERA1 科普特历
2474Date & TimeCopticEras - abbreviated0ERA0 科普特历前
2475Date & TimeCopticEras - abbreviated1ERA1 科普特历
2476Date & TimeCopticEras - narrow0ERA0 科普特历前
2477Date & TimeCopticEras - narrow1ERA1 科普特历
2478Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingJanTout 一月
2479Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingFebBaba 二月
2480Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingMarHator 三月
2481Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingAprKiahk 四月
2482Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingMayToba 五月
2483Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingJunAmshir 六月
2484Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingJulBaramhat 七月
2485Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingAugBaramouda 八月
2486Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingSepBashans 九月
2487Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingOctPaona 十月
2488Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingNovEpep 十一月
2489Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingDecMesra 十二月
2490Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - FormattingUndNasie 十三月
2491Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - StandaloneJanTout 一月
2492Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - StandaloneFebBaba 二月
2493Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - StandaloneMarHator 三月
2494Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - StandaloneAprKiahk 四月
2495Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - StandaloneMayToba 五月
2496Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - StandaloneJunAmshir 六月
2497Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - StandaloneJulBaramhat 七月
2498Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - StandaloneAugBaramouda 八月
2499Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - StandaloneSepBashans 九月
2500Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - StandaloneOctPaona 十月
2501Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - StandaloneNovEpep 十一月
2502Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - StandaloneDecMesra 十二月
2503Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - StandaloneUndNasie 十三月
2504Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJanTout 1月
2505Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - FormattingFebBaba 2月
2506Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - FormattingMarHator 3月
2507Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - FormattingAprKiahk 4月
2508Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - FormattingMayToba 5月
2509Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJunAmshir 6月
2510Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJulBaramhat 7月
2511Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - FormattingAugBaramouda 8月
2512Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - FormattingSepBashans 9月
2513Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - FormattingOctPaona 10月
2514Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - FormattingNovEpep 11月
2515Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - FormattingDecMesra 12月
2516Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - FormattingUndNasie 13月
2517Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneJanTout 1月
2518Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneFebBaba 2月
2519Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneMarHator 3月
2520Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneAprKiahk 4月
2521Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneMayToba 5月
2522Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneJunAmshir 6月
2523Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneJulBaramhat 7月
2524Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneAugBaramouda 8月
2525Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneSepBashans 9月
2526Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneOctPaona 10月
2527Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneNovEpep 11月
2528Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneDecMesra 12月
2529Date & TimeCopticMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneUndNasie 13月
2530Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - FormattingJan= 1
2531Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - FormattingFeb= 2
2532Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - FormattingMar= 3
2533Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - FormattingApr= 4
2534Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - FormattingMay= 5
2535Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - FormattingJun= 6
2536Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - FormattingJul= 7
2537Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - FormattingAug= 8
2538Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - FormattingSep= 9
2539Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - FormattingOct= 10
2540Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - FormattingNov= 11
2541Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - FormattingDec= 12
2542Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - FormattingUnd= 13
2543Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneJan= 1
2544Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneFeb= 2
2545Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneMar= 3
2546Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneApr= 4
2547Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneMay= 5
2548Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneJun= 6
2549Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneJul= 7
2550Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneAug= 8
2551Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneSep= 9
2552Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneOct= 10
2553Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneNov= 11
2554Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneDec= 12
2555Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - StandaloneUnd= 13
2556Date & TimeCopticFormats - Standard - Date FormatsfullEEEE, MMMM d, y G Gy年MM月d日EEEE
2557Date & TimeDangidayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-1zi
2558Date & TimeDangidayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-2chou
2559Date & TimeDangidayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-3yin
2560Date & TimeDangidayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-4mao
2561Date & TimeDangidayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-5chen
2562Date & TimeDangidayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-6si
2563Date & TimeDangidayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-7wu
2564Date & TimeDangidayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-8wei
2565Date & TimeDangidayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-9shen
2566Date & TimeDangidayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-10you
2567Date & TimeDangidayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-11xu
2568Date & TimeDangidayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-12hai
2569Date & TimeDangidayPartscyclic-format-narrow-1zi
2570Date & TimeDangidayPartscyclic-format-narrow-2chou
2571Date & TimeDangidayPartscyclic-format-narrow-3yin
2572Date & TimeDangidayPartscyclic-format-narrow-4mao
2573Date & TimeDangidayPartscyclic-format-narrow-5chen
2574Date & TimeDangidayPartscyclic-format-narrow-6si
2575Date & TimeDangidayPartscyclic-format-narrow-7wu
2576Date & TimeDangidayPartscyclic-format-narrow-8wei
2577Date & TimeDangidayPartscyclic-format-narrow-9shen
2578Date & TimeDangidayPartscyclic-format-narrow-10you
2579Date & TimeDangidayPartscyclic-format-narrow-11xu
2580Date & TimeDangidayPartscyclic-format-narrow-12hai
2581Date & TimeDangidayPartscyclic-format-wide-1zi
2582Date & TimeDangidayPartscyclic-format-wide-2chou
2583Date & TimeDangidayPartscyclic-format-wide-3yin
2584Date & TimeDangidayPartscyclic-format-wide-4mao
2585Date & TimeDangidayPartscyclic-format-wide-5chen
2586Date & TimeDangidayPartscyclic-format-wide-6si
2587Date & TimeDangidayPartscyclic-format-wide-7wu
2588Date & TimeDangidayPartscyclic-format-wide-8wei
2589Date & TimeDangidayPartscyclic-format-wide-9shen
2590Date & TimeDangidayPartscyclic-format-wide-10you
2591Date & TimeDangidayPartscyclic-format-wide-11xu
2592Date & TimeDangidayPartscyclic-format-wide-12hai
2593Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-1jia-zi 甲子
2594Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-2yi-chou 乙丑
2595Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-3bing-yin 丙寅
2596Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-4ding-mao 丁卯
2597Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-5wu-chen 戊辰
2598Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-6ji-si 己巳
2599Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-7geng-wu 庚午
2600Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-8xin-wei 辛未
2601Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-9ren-shen 壬申
2602Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-10gui-you 癸酉
2603Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-11jia-xu 甲戌
2604Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-12yi-hai 乙亥
2605Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-13bing-zi 丙子
2606Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-14ding-chou 丁丑
2607Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-15wu-yin 戊寅
2608Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-16ji-mao 己卯
2609Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-17geng-chen 庚辰
2610Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-18xin-si 辛巳
2611Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-19ren-wu 壬午
2612Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-20gui-wei 癸未
2613Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-21jia-shen 甲申
2614Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-22yi-you 乙酉
2615Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-23bing-xu 丙戌
2616Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-24ding-hai 丁亥
2617Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-25wu-zi 戊子
2618Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-26ji-chou 己丑
2619Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-27geng-yin 庚寅
2620Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-28xin-mao 辛卯
2621Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-29ren-chen 壬辰
2622Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-30gui-si 癸巳
2623Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-31jia-wu 甲午
2624Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-32yi-wei 乙未
2625Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-33bing-shen 丙申
2626Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-34ding-you 丁酉
2627Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-35wu-xu 戊戌
2628Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-36ji-hai 己亥
2629Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-37geng-zi 庚子
2630Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-38xin-chou 辛丑
2631Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-39ren-yin 壬寅
2632Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-40gui-mao 癸卯
2633Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-41jia-chen 甲辰
2634Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-42yi-si 乙巳
2635Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-43bing-wu 丙午
2636Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-44ding-wei 丁未
2637Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-45wu-shen 戊申
2638Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-46ji-you 己酉
2639Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-47geng-xu 庚戌
2640Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-48xin-hai 辛亥
2641Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-49ren-zi 壬子
2642Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-50gui-chou 癸丑
2643Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-51jia-yin 甲寅
2644Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-52yi-mao 乙卯
2645Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-53bing-chen 丙辰
2646Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-54ding-si 丁巳
2647Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-55wu-wu 戊午
2648Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-56ji-wei 己未
2649Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-57geng-shen 庚申
2650Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-58xin-you 辛酉
2651Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-59ren-xu 壬戌
2652Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-abbreviated-60gui-hai 癸亥
2653Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-1jia-zi 甲子
2654Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-2yi-chou 乙丑
2655Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-3bing-yin 丙寅
2656Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-4ding-mao 丁卯
2657Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-5wu-chen 戊辰
2658Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-6ji-si 己巳
2659Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-7geng-wu 庚午
2660Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-8xin-wei 辛未
2661Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-9ren-shen 壬申
2662Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-10gui-you 癸酉
2663Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-11jia-xu 甲戌
2664Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-12yi-hai 乙亥
2665Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-13bing-zi 丙子
2666Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-14ding-chou 丁丑
2667Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-15wu-yin 戊寅
2668Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-16ji-mao 己卯
2669Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-17geng-chen 庚辰
2670Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-18xin-si 辛巳
2671Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-19ren-wu 壬午
2672Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-20gui-wei 癸未
2673Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-21jia-shen 甲申
2674Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-22yi-you 乙酉
2675Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-23bing-xu 丙戌
2676Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-24ding-hai 丁亥
2677Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-25wu-zi 戊子
2678Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-26ji-chou 己丑
2679Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-27geng-yin 庚寅
2680Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-28xin-mao 辛卯
2681Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-29ren-chen 壬辰
2682Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-30gui-si 癸巳
2683Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-31jia-wu 甲午
2684Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-32yi-wei 乙未
2685Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-33bing-shen 丙申
2686Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-34ding-you 丁酉
2687Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-35wu-xu 戊戌
2688Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-36ji-hai 己亥
2689Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-37geng-zi 庚子
2690Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-38xin-chou 辛丑
2691Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-39ren-yin 壬寅
2692Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-40gui-mao 癸卯
2693Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-41jia-chen 甲辰
2694Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-42yi-si 乙巳
2695Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-43bing-wu 丙午
2696Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-44ding-wei 丁未
2697Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-45wu-shen 戊申
2698Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-46ji-you 己酉
2699Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-47geng-xu 庚戌
2700Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-48xin-hai 辛亥
2701Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-49ren-zi 壬子
2702Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-50gui-chou 癸丑
2703Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-51jia-yin 甲寅
2704Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-52yi-mao 乙卯
2705Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-53bing-chen 丙辰
2706Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-54ding-si 丁巳
2707Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-55wu-wu 戊午
2708Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-56ji-wei 己未
2709Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-57geng-shen 庚申
2710Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-58xin-you 辛酉
2711Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-59ren-xu 壬戌
2712Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-narrow-60gui-hai 癸亥
2713Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-1jia-zi 甲子
2714Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-2yi-chou 乙丑
2715Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-3bing-yin 丙寅
2716Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-4ding-mao 丁卯
2717Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-5wu-chen 戊辰
2718Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-6ji-si 己巳
2719Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-7geng-wu 庚午
2720Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-8xin-wei 辛未
2721Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-9ren-shen 壬申
2722Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-10gui-you 癸酉
2723Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-11jia-xu 甲戌
2724Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-12yi-hai 乙亥
2725Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-13bing-zi 丙子
2726Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-14ding-chou 丁丑
2727Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-15wu-yin 戊寅
2728Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-16ji-mao 己卯
2729Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-17geng-chen 庚辰
2730Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-18xin-si 辛巳
2731Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-19ren-wu 壬午
2732Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-20gui-wei 癸未
2733Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-21jia-shen 甲申
2734Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-22yi-you 乙酉
2735Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-23bing-xu 丙戌
2736Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-24ding-hai 丁亥
2737Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-25wu-zi 戊子
2738Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-26ji-chou 己丑
2739Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-27geng-yin 庚寅
2740Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-28xin-mao 辛卯
2741Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-29ren-chen 壬辰
2742Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-30gui-si 癸巳
2743Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-31jia-wu 甲午
2744Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-32yi-wei 乙未
2745Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-33bing-shen 丙申
2746Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-34ding-you 丁酉
2747Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-35wu-xu 戊戌
2748Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-36ji-hai 己亥
2749Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-37geng-zi 庚子
2750Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-38xin-chou 辛丑
2751Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-39ren-yin 壬寅
2752Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-40gui-mao 癸卯
2753Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-41jia-chen 甲辰
2754Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-42yi-si 乙巳
2755Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-43bing-wu 丙午
2756Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-44ding-wei 丁未
2757Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-45wu-shen 戊申
2758Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-46ji-you 己酉
2759Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-47geng-xu 庚戌
2760Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-48xin-hai 辛亥
2761Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-49ren-zi 壬子
2762Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-50gui-chou 癸丑
2763Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-51jia-yin 甲寅
2764Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-52yi-mao 乙卯
2765Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-53bing-chen 丙辰
2766Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-54ding-si 丁巳
2767Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-55wu-wu 戊午
2768Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-56ji-wei 己未
2769Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-57geng-shen 庚申
2770Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-58xin-you 辛酉
2771Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-59ren-xu 壬戌
2772Date & TimeDangidayscyclic-format-wide-60gui-hai 癸亥
2773Date & TimeEthiopicEras - wide0ERA0 埃塞俄比亚历前
2774Date & TimeEthiopicEras - wide1ERA1 埃塞俄比亚历
2775Date & TimeEthiopicEras - abbreviated0ERA0 埃历前
2776Date & TimeEthiopicEras - abbreviated1ERA1 埃历
2777Date & TimeEthiopicEras - narrow0ERA0 埃历前
2778Date & TimeEthiopicEras - narrow1ERA1 埃历
2779Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingJanMeskerem 一月
2780Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingFebTekemt 二月
2781Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingMarHedar 三月
2782Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingAprTahsas 四月
2783Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingMayTer 五月
2784Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingJunYekatit 六月
2785Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingJulMegabit 七月
2786Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingAugMiazia 八月
2787Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingSepGenbot 九月
2788Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingOctSene 十月
2789Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingNovHamle 十一月
2790Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingDecNehasse 十二月
2791Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - FormattingUndPagumen 十三月
2792Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - StandaloneJanMeskerem 一月
2793Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - StandaloneFebTekemt 二月
2794Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - StandaloneMarHedar 三月
2795Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - StandaloneAprTahsas 四月
2796Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - StandaloneMayTer 五月
2797Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - StandaloneJunYekatit 六月
2798Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - StandaloneJulMegabit 七月
2799Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - StandaloneAugMiazia 八月
2800Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - StandaloneSepGenbot 九月
2801Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - StandaloneOctSene 十月
2802Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - StandaloneNovHamle 十一月
2803Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - StandaloneDecNehasse 十二月
2804Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - StandaloneUndPagumen 十三月
2805Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJanMeskerem 1月
2806Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingFebTekemt 2月
2807Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingMarHedar 3月
2808Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingAprTahsas 4月
2809Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingMayTer 5月
2810Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJunYekatit 6月
2811Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJulMegabit 7月
2812Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingAugMiazia 8月
2813Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingSepGenbot 9月
2814Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingOctSene 10月
2815Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingNovHamle 11月
2816Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingDecNehasse 12月
2817Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingUndPagumen 13月
2818Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneJanMeskerem 1月
2819Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneFebTekemt 2月
2820Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneMarHedar 3月
2821Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneAprTahsas 4月
2822Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneMayTer 5月
2823Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneJunYekatit 6月
2824Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneJulMegabit 7月
2825Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneAugMiazia 8月
2826Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneSepGenbot 9月
2827Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneOctSene 10月
2828Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneNovHamle 11月
2829Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneDecNehasse 12月
2830Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneUndPagumen 13月
2831Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - FormattingJan= 1
2832Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - FormattingFeb= 2
2833Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - FormattingMar= 3
2834Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - FormattingApr= 4
2835Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - FormattingMay= 5
2836Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - FormattingJun= 6
2837Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - FormattingJul= 7
2838Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - FormattingAug= 8
2839Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - FormattingSep= 9
2840Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - FormattingOct= 10
2841Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - FormattingNov= 11
2842Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - FormattingDec= 12
2843Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - FormattingUnd= 13
2844Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneJan= 1
2845Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneFeb= 2
2846Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneMar= 3
2847Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneApr= 4
2848Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneMay= 5
2849Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneJun= 6
2850Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneJul= 7
2851Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneAug= 8
2852Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneSep= 9
2853Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneOct= 10
2854Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneNov= 11
2855Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneDec= 12
2856Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - StandaloneUnd= 13
2857Date & TimeEthiopicFormats - Standard - Date FormatsfullEEEE, MMMM d, y G Gy年MM月d日EEEE
2858Date & TimeEthiopic-Amete-AlemEras - wide0ERA0 埃塞俄比亚阿米特阿莱姆历
2859Date & TimeEthiopic-Amete-AlemEras - abbreviated0= ERA0
2860Date & TimeHebrewEras - wide0AM 希伯来历
2861Date & TimeHebrewEras - abbreviated0AM 希伯来历
2862Date & TimeHebrewEras - narrow0AM 希伯来历
2863Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingJanTishri 一月
2864Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingFebHeshvan 二月
2865Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingMarKislev 三月
2866Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingAprTevet 四月
2867Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingMayShevat 五月
2868Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingJunAdar I 六月
2869Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingJulAdar 七月
2870Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingJul (leap)Adar II 闰七月
2871Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingAugNisan 八月
2872Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingSepIyar 九月
2873Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingOctSivan 十月
2874Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingNovTamuz 十一月
2875Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingDecAv 十二月
2876Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - FormattingUndElul 十三月
2877Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - StandaloneJanTishri 一月
2878Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - StandaloneFebHeshvan 二月
2879Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - StandaloneMarKislev 三月
2880Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - StandaloneAprTevet 四月
2881Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - StandaloneMayShevat 五月
2882Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - StandaloneJunAdar I 六月
2883Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - StandaloneJulAdar 七月
2884Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - StandaloneJul (leap)Adar II 闰七月
2885Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - StandaloneAugNisan 八月
2886Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - StandaloneSepIyar 九月
2887Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - StandaloneOctSivan 十月
2888Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - StandaloneNovTamuz 十一月
2889Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - StandaloneDecAv 十二月
2890Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - StandaloneUndElul 十三月
2891Date & TimeHebrewMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJanTishri 1月
2892Date & TimeHebrewMonths - abbreviated - FormattingFebHeshvan 2月
2893Date & TimeHebrewMonths - abbreviated - FormattingMarKislev 3月
2894Date & TimeHebrewMonths - abbreviated - FormattingAprTevet 4月
2895Date & TimeHebrewMonths - abbreviated - FormattingMayShevat 5月
2896Date & TimeHebrewMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJunAdar I 6月
2897Date & TimeHebrewMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJulAdar 7月
2898Date & TimeHebrewMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJul (leap)Adar II 闰7月
2899Date & TimeHebrewMonths - abbreviated - FormattingAugNisan 8月
2900Date & TimeHebrewMonths - abbreviated - FormattingSepIyar 9月
2901Date & TimeHebrewMonths - abbreviated - FormattingOctSivan 10月
2902Date & TimeHebrewMonths - abbreviated - FormattingNovTamuz 11月
2903Date & TimeHebrewMonths - abbreviated - FormattingDecAv 12月
2904Date & TimeHebrewMonths - abbreviated - FormattingUndElul 13月
2905Date & TimeHebrewMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneJanTishri 1月
2906Date & TimeHebrewMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneFebHeshvan 2月
2907Date & TimeHebrewMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneMarKislev 3月
2908Date & TimeHebrewMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneAprTevet 4月
2909Date & TimeHebrewMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneMayShevat 5月
2910Date & TimeHebrewMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneJunAdar I 6月
2911Date & TimeHebrewMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneJulAdar 7月
2912Date & TimeHebrewMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneJul (leap)Adar II 闰7月
2913Date & TimeHebrewMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneAugNisan 8月
2914Date & TimeHebrewMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneSepIyar 9月
2915Date & TimeHebrewMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneOctSivan 10月
2916Date & TimeHebrewMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneNovTamuz 11月
2917Date & TimeHebrewMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneDecAv 12月
2918Date & TimeHebrewMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneUndElul 13月
2919Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneJan= 1
2920Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneFeb= 2
2921Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneMar= 3
2922Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneApr= 4
2923Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneMay= 5
2924Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneJun= 6
2925Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneJul= 7
2926Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneJul (leap)= 7
2927Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneAug= 8
2928Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneSep= 9
2929Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneOct= 10
2930Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneNov= 11
2931Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneDec= 12
2932Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - StandaloneUnd= 13
2933Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Standard - Date FormatsfullEEEE, d MMMM y Gy年M月d日EEEE
2934Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Standard - Date Formatslongd MMMM y Gy年M月d日
2935Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Standard - Date Formatsmediumd MMM y Gy年M月d日
2936Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Standard - Date Formatsshortd MMM y Gy-M-d
2937Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsdd d日
2938Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsEdd E d日E
2939Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyy G Gy年
2940Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMMMM y G Gy年MM月
2941Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMdd MMM y G Gy年MM月d日
2942Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMEdE, d MMM y G Gy年MM月d日E
2943Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMdd MMM M/d
2944Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMEdE, d MMM M/dE
2945Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMLLL LL
2946Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMdd MMM M月d日
2947Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMEdE, d MMM M月d日E
2948Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMMdd MMMM M月d日
2949Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsyy Gy年
2950Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsyyyyy G Gy年
2951Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMM/y GGGGG Gy年M月
2952Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMdM/d/y GGGGG G y/M/d
2953Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMEdE, M/d/y GGGGG G y/M/dE
2954Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMMMM y G Gy年MM月
2955Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMdMMM d, y G Gy年MM月d日
2956Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMEdE, MMM d, y G Gy年MM月d日E
2957Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMMMMMM y G Gy年M月
2958Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyQQQQQQ y G Gy年第Q季度
2959Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyQQQQQQQQ y G Gy年第Q季度
2960Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBh/Bh B – h B Bh时至Bh时
2961Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBh/hh – h B Bh时至h时
2962Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBhm/Bh:mm B – h:mm B Bh:mm至Bh:mm
2963Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBhm/hh:mm – h:mm B Bh:mm至h:mm
2964Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBhm/mh:mm – h:mm B Bh:mm至h:mm
2965Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsd/dd – d d至d日
2966Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsh/ah a – h a ah时至ah时
2967Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsh/hh – h a ah时至h时
2968Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshm/ah:mm a – h:mm a ah:mm至ah:mm
2969Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshm/hh:mm – h:mm a ah:mm至h:mm
2970Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshm/mh:mm – h:mm a ah:mm至h:mm
2971Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshmv/ah:mm a – h:mm a v vah:mm至ah:mm
2972Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshmv/hh:mm – h:mm a v vah:mm至h:mm
2973Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHmv/HHH:mm – HH:mm v v HH:mm – HH:mm
2974Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshmv/mh:mm – h:mm a v vah:mm至h:mm
2975Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHmv/mHH:mm – HH:mm v v HH:mm – HH:mm
2976Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshv/ah a – h a v vah时至ah时
2977Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshv/hh – h a v vah时至h时
2978Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsM/MMMM – MMM M–M月
2979Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMd/dd – d MMM M/d – M/d
2980Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMd/Md MMM – d MMM M/d – M/d
2981Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMEd/dE, d MMM – E, d MMM M/dE至M/dE
2982Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMEd/ME, d MMM – E, d MMM M/dE至M/dE
2983Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMM/M= MMM – MMM
2984Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMd/dd – d MMM M月d日至d日
2985Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMd/Md MMM – d MMM M月d日至M月d日
2986Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMEd/dE, d MMM – E, d MMM M月d日E至d日E
2987Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMEd/ME, d MMM – E, d MMM M月d日E至M月d日E
2988Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsy/yy – y G Gy–y年
2989Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyM/MMMM – MMM y Gy年M月至M月
2990Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyM/yMMM y – MMM y Gy年M月至y年M月
2991Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/dd – d MMM y Gy/M/d – y/M/d
2992Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/Md MMM – d MMM y Gy/M/d – y/M/d
2993Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/yd MMM y – d MMM y Gy/M/d – y/M/d
2994Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/dE, d MMM – E, d MMM y Gy/M/dE至y/M/dE
2995Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/ME, d MMM – E, d MMM y Gy/M/dE至y/M/dE
2996Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/yE, d MMM y – E, d MMM y Gy/M/dE至y/M/dE
2997Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMM/MMMM – MMM y Gy年M月至M月
2998Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMM/yMMM y – MMM y Gy年M月至y年M月
2999Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/dd – d MMM y Gy年M月d日至d日
3000Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/Md MMM – d MMM y Gy年M月d日至M月d日
3001Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/yd MMM y – d MMM y Gy年M月d日至y年M月d日
3002Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/dE, d MMM – E, d MMM y Gy年M月d日E至d日E
3003Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/ME, d MMM – E, d MMM y Gy年M月d日E至M月d日E
3004Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/yE, d MMM y – E, d MMM y Gy年M月d日E至y年M月d日E
3005Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMM/MMMMM – MMMM y Gy年M月至M月
3006Date & TimeHebrewFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMM/yMMMM y – MMMM y Gy年M月至y年M月
3007Date & TimeIndianEras - wide0Saka 印度历
3008Date & TimeIndianEras - abbreviated0Saka 印度历
3009Date & TimeIndianEras - narrow0Saka 印度历
3010Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - FormattingJanChaitra 一月
3011Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - FormattingFebVaisakha 二月
3012Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - FormattingMarJyaistha 三月
3013Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - FormattingAprAsadha 四月
3014Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - FormattingMaySravana 五月
3015Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - FormattingJunBhadra 六月
3016Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - FormattingJulAsvina 七月
3017Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - FormattingAugKartika 八月
3018Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - FormattingSepAgrahayana 九月
3019Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - FormattingOctPausa 十月
3020Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - FormattingNovMagha 十一月
3021Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - FormattingDecPhalguna 十二月
3022Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - StandaloneJanChaitra 一月
3023Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - StandaloneFebVaisakha 二月
3024Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - StandaloneMarJyaistha 三月
3025Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - StandaloneAprAsadha 四月
3026Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - StandaloneMaySravana 五月
3027Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - StandaloneJunBhadra 六月
3028Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - StandaloneJulAsvina 七月
3029Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - StandaloneAugKartika 八月
3030Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - StandaloneSepAgrahayana 九月
3031Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - StandaloneOctPausa 十月
3032Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - StandaloneNovMagha 十一月
3033Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - StandaloneDecPhalguna 十二月
3034Date & TimeIndianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJanChaitra 1月
3035Date & TimeIndianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingFebVaisakha 2月
3036Date & TimeIndianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingMarJyaistha 3月
3037Date & TimeIndianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingAprAsadha 4月
3038Date & TimeIndianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingMaySravana 5月
3039Date & TimeIndianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJunBhadra 6月
3040Date & TimeIndianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJulAsvina 7月
3041Date & TimeIndianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingAugKartika 8月
3042Date & TimeIndianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingSepAgrahayana 9月
3043Date & TimeIndianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingOctPausa 10月
3044Date & TimeIndianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingNovMagha 11月
3045Date & TimeIndianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingDecPhalguna 12月
3046Date & TimeIndianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneJanChaitra 1月
3047Date & TimeIndianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneFebVaisakha 2月
3048Date & TimeIndianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneMarJyaistha 3月
3049Date & TimeIndianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneAprAsadha 4月
3050Date & TimeIndianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneMaySravana 5月
3051Date & TimeIndianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneJunBhadra 6月
3052Date & TimeIndianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneJulAsvina 7月
3053Date & TimeIndianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneAugKartika 8月
3054Date & TimeIndianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneSepAgrahayana 9月
3055Date & TimeIndianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneOctPausa 10月
3056Date & TimeIndianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneNovMagha 11月
3057Date & TimeIndianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneDecPhalguna 12月
3058Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - StandaloneJan= 1
3059Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - StandaloneFeb= 2
3060Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - StandaloneMar= 3
3061Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - StandaloneApr= 4
3062Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - StandaloneMay= 5
3063Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - StandaloneJun= 6
3064Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - StandaloneJul= 7
3065Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - StandaloneAug= 8
3066Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - StandaloneSep= 9
3067Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - StandaloneOct= 10
3068Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - StandaloneNov= 11
3069Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - StandaloneDec= 12
3070Date & TimeIndianFormats - Standard - Date FormatsfullEEEE, MMMM d, y G Gy年MM月d日EEEE
3071Date & TimeIndianFormats - Standard - Date FormatslongMMMM d, y G Gy年MM月d日
3072Date & TimeIndianFormats - Standard - Date FormatsmediumMMM d, y G Gy年MM月d日
3073Date & TimeIndianFormats - Standard - Date FormatsshortM/d/y GGGGG Gy/M/d
3074Date & TimeIndianFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsdd d日
3075Date & TimeIndianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsEdd E d日E
3076Date & TimeIndianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyy G Gy年
3077Date & TimeIndianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMMMM y G Gy年MM月
3078Date & TimeIndianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMdMMM d, y G Gy年MM月d日
3079Date & TimeIndianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMEdE, MMM d, y G Gy年MM月d日E
3080Date & TimeIndianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMd= M/d
3081Date & TimeIndianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMEdE, M/d M/dE
3082Date & TimeIndianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMLLL LL
3083Date & TimeIndianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMdMMM d M月d日
3084Date & TimeIndianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMEdE, MMM d M月d日E
3085Date & TimeIndianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMMdMMMM d M月d日
3086Date & TimeIndianFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsyy G Gy年
3087Date & TimeIndianFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsyyyyy G Gy年
3088Date & TimeIndianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMM/y GGGGG Gy年M月
3089Date & TimeIndianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMdM/d/y GGGGG G y/M/d
3090Date & TimeIndianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMEdE, M/d/y GGGGG G y/M/dE
3091Date & TimeIndianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMMMM y G Gy年MM月
3092Date & TimeIndianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMdMMM d, y G Gy年MM月d日
3093Date & TimeIndianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMEdE, MMM d, y G Gy年MM月d日E
3094Date & TimeIndianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMMMMMM y G Gy年M月
3095Date & TimeIndianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyQQQQQQ y G Gy年第Q季度
3096Date & TimeIndianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyQQQQQQQQ y G Gy年第Q季度
3097Date & TimeIndianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBh/Bh B – h B Bh时至Bh时
3098Date & TimeIndianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBh/hh – h B Bh时至h时
3099Date & TimeIndianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBhm/Bh:mm B – h:mm B Bh:mm至Bh:mm
3100Date & TimeIndianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBhm/hh:mm – h:mm B Bh:mm至h:mm
3101Date & TimeIndianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBhm/mh:mm – h:mm B Bh:mm至h:mm
3102Date & TimeIndianFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsd/dd – d d至d日
3103Date & TimeIndianFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsh/ah a – h a ah时至ah时
3104Date & TimeIndianFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsh/hh – h a ah时至h时
3105Date & TimeIndianFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshm/ah:mm a – h:mm a ah:mm至ah:mm
3106Date & TimeIndianFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshm/hh:mm – h:mm a ah:mm至h:mm
3107Date & TimeIndianFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshm/mh:mm – h:mm a ah:mm至h:mm
3108Date & TimeIndianFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshmv/ah:mm a – h:mm a v vah:mm至ah:mm
3109Date & TimeIndianFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshmv/hh:mm – h:mm a v vah:mm至h:mm
3110Date & TimeIndianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHmv/HHH:mm – HH:mm v v HH:mm – HH:mm
3111Date & TimeIndianFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshmv/mh:mm – h:mm a v vah:mm至h:mm
3112Date & TimeIndianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHmv/mHH:mm – HH:mm v v HH:mm – HH:mm
3113Date & TimeIndianFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshv/ah a – h a v vah时至ah时
3114Date & TimeIndianFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshv/hh – h a v vah时至h时
3115Date & TimeIndianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsM/MM – M M–M月
3116Date & TimeIndianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMd/d= M/d – M/d
3117Date & TimeIndianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMd/M= M/d – M/d
3118Date & TimeIndianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMEd/dE, M/d – E, M/d M/dE至M/dE
3119Date & TimeIndianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMEd/ME, M/d – E, M/d M/dE至M/dE
3120Date & TimeIndianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMM/M= MMM – MMM
3121Date & TimeIndianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMd/dMMM d – d M月d日至d日
3122Date & TimeIndianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMd/MMMM d – MMM d M月d日至M月d日
3123Date & TimeIndianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMEd/dE, MMM d – E, MMM d M月d日E至d日E
3124Date & TimeIndianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMEd/ME, MMM d – E, MMM d M月d日E至M月d日E
3125Date & TimeIndianFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsy/yy – y G Gy–y年
3126Date & TimeIndianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyM/MM/y – M/y GGGGG Gy年M月至M月
3127Date & TimeIndianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyM/yM/y – M/y GGGGG Gy年M月至y年M月
3128Date & TimeIndianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/dM/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG Gy/M/d – y/M/d
3129Date & TimeIndianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/MM/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG Gy/M/d – y/M/d
3130Date & TimeIndianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/yM/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG Gy/M/d – y/M/d
3131Date & TimeIndianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/dE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG Gy/M/dE至y/M/dE
3132Date & TimeIndianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/ME, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG Gy/M/dE至y/M/dE
3133Date & TimeIndianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/yE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG Gy/M/dE至y/M/dE
3134Date & TimeIndianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMM/MMMM – MMM y G Gy年M月至M月
3135Date & TimeIndianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMM/yMMM y – MMM y G Gy年M月至y年M月
3136Date & TimeIndianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/dMMM d – d, y G Gy年M月d日至d日
3137Date & TimeIndianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/MMMM d – MMM d, y G Gy年M月d日至M月d日
3138Date & TimeIndianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/yMMM d, y – MMM d, y G Gy年M月d日至y年M月d日
3139Date & TimeIndianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/dE, MMM d – E, MMM d, y G Gy年M月d日E至d日E
3140Date & TimeIndianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/ME, MMM d – E, MMM d, y G Gy年M月d日E至M月d日E
3141Date & TimeIndianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/yE, MMM d, y – E, MMM d, y G Gy年M月d日E至y年M月d日E
3142Date & TimeIndianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMM/MMMMM – MMMM y G Gy年M月至M月
3143Date & TimeIndianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMM/yMMMM y – MMMM y G Gy年M月至y年M月
3144Date & TimeIslamicEras - abbreviated0AH 伊斯兰历
3145Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - FormattingJanMuharram 一月
3146Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - FormattingFebSafar 二月
3147Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - FormattingMarRabiʻ I 三月
3148Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - FormattingAprRabiʻ II 四月
3149Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - FormattingMayJumada I 五月
3150Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - FormattingJunJumada II 六月
3151Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - FormattingJulRajab 七月
3152Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - FormattingAugShaʻban 八月
3153Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - FormattingSepRamadan 九月
3154Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - FormattingOctShawwal 十月
3155Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - FormattingNovDhuʻl-Qiʻdah 十一月
3156Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - FormattingDecDhuʻl-Hijjah 十二月
3157Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - StandaloneJanMuharram 一月
3158Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - StandaloneFebSafar 二月
3159Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - StandaloneMarRabiʻ I 三月
3160Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - StandaloneAprRabiʻ II 四月
3161Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - StandaloneMayJumada I 五月
3162Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - StandaloneJunJumada II 六月
3163Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - StandaloneJulRajab 七月
3164Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - StandaloneAugShaʻban 八月
3165Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - StandaloneSepRamadan 九月
3166Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - StandaloneOctShawwal 十月
3167Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - StandaloneNovDhuʻl-Qiʻdah 十一月
3168Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - StandaloneDecDhuʻl-Hijjah 十二月
3169Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJanMuh. 1月
3170Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingFebSaf. 2月
3171Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingMarRab. I 3月
3172Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingAprRab. II 4月
3173Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingMayJum. I 5月
3174Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJunJum. II 6月
3175Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJulRaj. 7月
3176Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingAugSha. 8月
3177Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingSepRam. 9月
3178Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingOctShaw. 10月
3179Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingNovDhuʻl-Q. 11月
3180Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - FormattingDecDhuʻl-H. 12月
3181Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneJanMuh. 1月
3182Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneFebSaf. 2月
3183Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneMarRab. I 3月
3184Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneAprRab. II 4月
3185Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneMayJum. I 5月
3186Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneJunJum. II 6月
3187Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneJulRaj. 7月
3188Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneAugSha. 8月
3189Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneSepRam. 9月
3190Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneOctShaw. 10月
3191Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneNovDhuʻl-Q. 11月
3192Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneDecDhuʻl-H. 12月
3193Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - FormattingJan= 1
3194Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - FormattingFeb= 2
3195Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - FormattingMar= 3
3196Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - FormattingApr= 4
3197Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - FormattingMay= 5
3198Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - FormattingJun= 6
3199Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - FormattingJul= 7
3200Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - FormattingAug= 8
3201Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - FormattingSep= 9
3202Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - FormattingOct= 10
3203Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - FormattingNov= 11
3204Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - FormattingDec= 12
3205Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - StandaloneJan= 1
3206Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - StandaloneFeb= 2
3207Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - StandaloneMar= 3
3208Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - StandaloneApr= 4
3209Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - StandaloneMay= 5
3210Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - StandaloneJun= 6
3211Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - StandaloneJul= 7
3212Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - StandaloneAug= 8
3213Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - StandaloneSep= 9
3214Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - StandaloneOct= 10
3215Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - StandaloneNov= 11
3216Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - StandaloneDec= 12
3217Date & TimeIslamicFormats - Standard - Date FormatsfullEEEE, MMMM d, y G Gy年M月d日EEEE
3218Date & TimeIslamicFormats - Standard - Date FormatslongMMMM d, y G Gy年M月d日
3219Date & TimeIslamicFormats - Standard - Date FormatsmediumMMM d, y G Gy年M月d日
3220Date & TimeIslamicFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsdd d日
3221Date & TimeIslamicFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsML M月
3222Date & TimeIslamicFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMdM/d M-d
3223Date & TimeIslamicFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMEdE, M/d M-dE
3224Date & TimeIslamicFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMM= LLL
3225Date & TimeIslamicFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMdMMM d M月d日
3226Date & TimeIslamicFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMEdE, MMM d M月d日E
3227Date & TimeIslamicFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMMdMMMM d M月d日
3228Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide0Taika (645–650) 大化 (645–650)
3229Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide1Hakuchi (650–671) 白雉 (650–671)
3230Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide2Hakuhō (672–686) 白凤 (672–686)
3231Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide3Shuchō (686–701) 朱鸟 (686–701)
3232Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide4Taihō (701–704) 大宝 (701–704)
3233Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide5Keiun (704–708) 庆云 (704–708)
3234Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide6Wadō (708–715) 和铜 (708–715)
3235Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide7Reiki (715–717) 灵龟 (715–717)
3236Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide8Yōrō (717–724) 养老 (717–724)
3237Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide9Jinki (724–729) 神龟 (724–729)
3238Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide10Tenpyō (729–749) 天平 (729–749)
3239Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide11Tenpyō-kampō (749–749) 天平感宝 (749–749)
3240Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide12Tenpyō-shōhō (749–757) 天平胜宝 (749–757)
3241Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide13Tenpyō-hōji (757–765) 天平宝字 (757–765)
3242Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide14Tenpyō-jingo (765–767) 天平神护 (765–767)
3243Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide15Jingo-keiun (767–770) 神护景云 (767–770)
3244Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide16Hōki (770–780) 宝龟 (770–780)
3245Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide17Ten-ō (781–782) 天应 (781–782)
3246Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide18Enryaku (782–806) 延历 (782–806)
3247Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide19Daidō (806–810) 大同 (806–810)
3248Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide20Kōnin (810–824) 弘仁 (810–824)
3249Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide21Tenchō (824–834) 天长 (824–834)
3250Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide22Jōwa (834–848) 承和 (834–848)
3251Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide23Kajō (848–851) 嘉祥 (848–851)
3252Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide24Ninju (851–854) 仁寿 (851–854)
3253Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide25Saikō (854–857) 齐衡 (854–857)
3254Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide26Ten-an (857–859) 天安 (857–859)
3255Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide27Jōgan (859–877) 贞观 (859–877)
3256Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide28Gangyō (877–885) 元庆 (877–885)
3257Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide29Ninna (885–889) 仁和 (885–889)
3258Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide30Kanpyō (889–898) 宽平 (889–898)
3259Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide31Shōtai (898–901) 昌泰 (898–901)
3260Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide32Engi (901–923) 延喜 (901–923)
3261Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide33Enchō (923–931) 延长 (923–931)
3262Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide34Jōhei (931–938) 承平 (931–938)
3263Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide35Tengyō (938–947) 天庆 (938–947)
3264Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide36Tenryaku (947–957) 天历 (947–957)
3265Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide37Tentoku (957–961) 天德 (957–961)
3266Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide38Ōwa (961–964) 应和 (961–964)
3267Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide39Kōhō (964–968) 康保 (964–968)
3268Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide40Anna (968–970) 安和 (968–970)
3269Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide41Tenroku (970–973) 天禄 (970–973)
3270Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide42Ten’en (973–976) 天延 (973–976)
3271Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide43Jōgen (976–978) 贞元 (976–978)
3272Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide44Tengen (978–983) 天元 (978–983)
3273Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide45Eikan (983–985) 永观 (983–985)
3274Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide46Kanna (985–987) 宽和 (985–987)
3275Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide47Eien (987–989) 永延 (987–989)
3276Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide48Eiso (989–990) 永祚 (989–990)
3277Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide49Shōryaku (990–995) 正历 (990–995)
3278Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide50Chōtoku (995–999) 长德 (995–999)
3279Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide51Chōhō (999–1004) 长保 (999–1004)
3280Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide52Kankō (1004–1012) 宽弘 (1004–1012)
3281Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide53Chōwa (1012–1017) 长和 (1012–1017)
3282Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide54Kannin (1017–1021) 宽仁 (1017–1021)
3283Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide55Jian (1021–1024) 治安 (1021–1024)
3284Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide56Manju (1024–1028) 万寿 (1024–1028)
3285Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide57Chōgen (1028–1037) 长元 (1028–1037)
3286Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide58Chōryaku (1037–1040) 长历 (1037–1040)
3287Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide59Chōkyū (1040–1044) 长久 (1040–1044)
3288Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide60Kantoku (1044–1046) 宽德 (1044–1046)
3289Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide61Eishō (1046–1053) 永承 (1046–1053)
3290Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide62Tengi (1053–1058) 天喜 (1053–1058)
3291Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide63Kōhei (1058–1065) 康平 (1058–1065)
3292Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide64Jiryaku (1065–1069) 治历 (1065–1069)
3293Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide65Enkyū (1069–1074) 延久 (1069–1074)
3294Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide66Shōho (1074–1077) 承保 (1074–1077)
3295Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide67Shōryaku (1077–1081) 正历 (1077–1081)
3296Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide68Eihō (1081–1084) 永保 (1081–1084)
3297Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide69Ōtoku (1084–1087) 应德 (1084–1087)
3298Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide70Kanji (1087–1094) 宽治 (1087–1094)
3299Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide71Kahō (1094–1096) 嘉保 (1094–1096)
3300Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide72Eichō (1096–1097) 永长 (1096–1097)
3301Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide73Jōtoku (1097–1099) 承德 (1097–1099)
3302Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide74Kōwa (1099–1104) 康和 (1099–1104)
3303Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide75Chōji (1104–1106) 长治 (1104–1106)
3304Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide76Kashō (1106–1108) 嘉承 (1106–1108)
3305Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide77Tennin (1108–1110) 天仁 (1108–1110)
3306Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide78Ten-ei (1110–1113) 天永 (1110–1113)
3307Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide79Eikyū (1113–1118) 永久 (1113–1118)
3308Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide80Gen’ei (1118–1120) 元永 (1118–1120)
3309Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide81Hōan (1120–1124) 保安 (1120–1124)
3310Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide82Tenji (1124–1126) 天治 (1124–1126)
3311Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide83Daiji (1126–1131) 大治 (1126–1131)
3312Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide84Tenshō (1131–1132) 天承 (1131–1132)
3313Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide85Chōshō (1132–1135) 长承 (1132–1135)
3314Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide86Hōen (1135–1141) 保延 (1135–1141)
3315Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide87Eiji (1141–1142) 永治 (1141–1142)
3316Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide88Kōji (1142–1144) 康治 (1142–1144)
3317Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide89Ten’yō (1144–1145) 天养 (1144–1145)
3318Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide90Kyūan (1145–1151) 久安 (1145–1151)
3319Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide91Ninpei (1151–1154) 仁平 (1151–1154)
3320Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide92Kyūju (1154–1156) 久寿 (1154–1156)
3321Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide93Hōgen (1156–1159) 保元 (1156–1159)
3322Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide94Heiji (1159–1160) 平治 (1159–1160)
3323Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide95Eiryaku (1160–1161) 永历 (1160–1161)
3324Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide96Ōho (1161–1163) 应保 (1161–1163)
3325Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide97Chōkan (1163–1165) 长宽 (1163–1165)
3326Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide98Eiman (1165–1166) 永万 (1165–1166)
3327Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide99Nin’an (1166–1169) 仁安 (1166–1169)
3328Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide100Kaō (1169–1171) 嘉应 (1169–1171)
3329Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide101Shōan (1171–1175) 承安 (1171–1175)
3330Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide102Angen (1175–1177) 安元 (1175–1177)
3331Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide103Jishō (1177–1181) 治承 (1177–1181)
3332Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide104Yōwa (1181–1182) 养和 (1181–1182)
3333Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide105Juei (1182–1184) 寿永 (1182–1184)
3334Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide106Genryaku (1184–1185) 元历 (1184–1185)
3335Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide107Bunji (1185–1190) 文治 (1185–1190)
3336Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide108Kenkyū (1190–1199) 建久 (1190–1199)
3337Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide109Shōji (1199–1201) 正治 (1199–1201)
3338Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide110Kennin (1201–1204) 建仁 (1201–1204)
3339Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide111Genkyū (1204–1206) 元久 (1204–1206)
3340Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide112Ken’ei (1206–1207) 建永 (1206–1207)
3341Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide113Jōgen (1207–1211) 承元 (1207–1211)
3342Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide114Kenryaku (1211–1213) 建历 (1211–1213)
3343Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide115Kenpō (1213–1219) 建保 (1213–1219)
3344Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide116Jōkyū (1219–1222) 承久 (1219–1222)
3345Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide117Jōō (1222–1224) 贞应 (1222–1224)
3346Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide118Gennin (1224–1225) 元仁 (1224–1225)
3347Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide119Karoku (1225–1227) 嘉禄 (1225–1227)
3348Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide120Antei (1227–1229) 安贞 (1227–1229)
3349Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide121Kanki (1229–1232) 宽喜 (1229–1232)
3350Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide122Jōei (1232–1233) 贞永 (1232–1233)
3351Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide123Tenpuku (1233–1234) 天福 (1233–1234)
3352Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide124Bunryaku (1234–1235) 文历 (1234–1235)
3353Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide125Katei (1235–1238) 嘉祯 (1235–1238)
3354Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide126Ryakunin (1238–1239) 历仁 (1238–1239)
3355Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide127En’ō (1239–1240) 延应 (1239–1240)
3356Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide128Ninji (1240–1243) 仁治 (1240–1243)
3357Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide129Kangen (1243–1247) 宽元 (1243–1247)
3358Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide130Hōji (1247–1249) 宝治 (1247–1249)
3359Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide131Kenchō (1249–1256) 建长 (1249–1256)
3360Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide132Kōgen (1256–1257) 康元 (1256–1257)
3361Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide133Shōka (1257–1259) 正嘉 (1257–1259)
3362Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide134Shōgen (1259–1260) 正元 (1259–1260)
3363Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide135Bun’ō (1260–1261) 文应 (1260–1261)
3364Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide136Kōchō (1261–1264) 弘长 (1261–1264)
3365Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide137Bun’ei (1264–1275) 文永 (1264–1275)
3366Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide138Kenji (1275–1278) 建治 (1275–1278)
3367Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide139Kōan (1278–1288) 弘安 (1278–1288)
3368Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide140Shōō (1288–1293) 正应 (1288–1293)
3369Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide141Einin (1293–1299) 永仁 (1293–1299)
3370Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide142Shōan (1299–1302) 正安 (1299–1302)
3371Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide143Kengen (1302–1303) 干元 (1302–1303)
3372Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide144Kagen (1303–1306) 嘉元 (1303–1306)
3373Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide145Tokuji (1306–1308) 德治 (1306–1308)
3374Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide146Enkyō (1308–1311) 延庆 (1308–1311)
3375Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide147Ōchō (1311–1312) 应长 (1311–1312)
3376Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide148Shōwa (1312–1317) 正和 (1312–1317)
3377Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide149Bunpō (1317–1319) 文保 (1317–1319)
3378Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide150Genō (1319–1321) 元应 (1319–1321)
3379Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide151Genkō (1321–1324) 元亨 (1321–1324)
3380Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide152Shōchū (1324–1326) 正中 (1324–1326)
3381Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide153Karyaku (1326–1329) 嘉历 (1326–1329)
3382Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide154Gentoku (1329–1331) 元德 (1329–1331)
3383Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide155Genkō (1331–1334) 元弘 (1331–1334)
3384Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide156Kenmu (1334–1336) 建武 (1334–1336)
3385Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide157Engen (1336–1340) 延元 (1336–1340)
3386Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide158Kōkoku (1340–1346) 兴国 (1340–1346)
3387Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide159Shōhei (1346–1370) 正平 (1346–1370)
3388Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide160Kentoku (1370–1372) 建德 (1370–1372)
3389Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide161Bunchū (1372–1375) 文中 (1372–1375)
3390Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide162Tenju (1375–1379) 天授 (1375–1379)
3391Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide163Kōryaku (1379–1381) 康历 (1379–1381)
3392Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide164Kōwa (1381–1384) 弘和 (1381–1384)
3393Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide165Genchū (1384–1392) 元中 (1384–1392)
3394Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide166Meitoku (1384–1387) 至德 (1384–1387)
3395Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide167Kakei (1387–1389) 嘉庆 (1387–1389)
3396Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide168Kōō (1389–1390) 康应 (1389–1390)
3397Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide169Meitoku (1390–1394) 明德 (1390–1394)
3398Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide170Ōei (1394–1428) 应永 (1394–1428)
3399Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide171Shōchō (1428–1429) 正长 (1428–1429)
3400Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide172Eikyō (1429–1441) 永享 (1429–1441)
3401Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide173Kakitsu (1441–1444) 嘉吉 (1441–1444)
3402Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide174Bun’an (1444–1449) 文安 (1444–1449)
3403Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide175Hōtoku (1449–1452) 宝德 (1449–1452)
3404Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide176Kyōtoku (1452–1455) 享德 (1452–1455)
3405Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide177Kōshō (1455–1457) 康正 (1455–1457)
3406Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide178Chōroku (1457–1460) 长禄 (1457–1460)
3407Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide179Kanshō (1460–1466) 宽正 (1460–1466)
3408Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide180Bunshō (1466–1467) 文正 (1466–1467)
3409Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide181Ōnin (1467–1469) 应仁 (1467–1469)
3410Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide182Bunmei (1469–1487) 文明 (1469–1487)
3411Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide183Chōkyō (1487–1489) 长享 (1487–1489)
3412Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide184Entoku (1489–1492) 延德 (1489–1492)
3413Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide185Meiō (1492–1501) 明应 (1492–1501)
3414Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide186Bunki (1501–1504) 文龟 (1501–1504)
3415Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide187Eishō (1504–1521) 永正 (1504–1521)
3416Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide188Taiei (1521–1528) 大永 (1521–1528)
3417Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide189Kyōroku (1528–1532) 享禄 (1528–1532)
3418Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide190Tenbun (1532–1555) 天文 (1532–1555)
3419Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide191Kōji (1555–1558) 弘治 (1555–1558)
3420Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide192Eiroku (1558–1570) 永禄 (1558–1570)
3421Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide193Genki (1570–1573) 元龟 (1570–1573)
3422Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide194Tenshō (1573–1592) 天正 (1573–1592)
3423Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide195Bunroku (1592–1596) 文禄 (1592–1596)
3424Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide196Keichō (1596–1615) 庆长 (1596–1615)
3425Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide197Genna (1615–1624) 元和 (1615–1624)
3426Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide198Kan’ei (1624–1644) 宽永 (1624–1644)
3427Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide199Shōho (1644–1648) 正保 (1644–1648)
3428Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide200Keian (1648–1652) 庆安 (1648–1652)
3429Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide201Jōō (1652–1655) 承应 (1652–1655)
3430Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide202Meireki (1655–1658) 明历 (1655–1658)
3431Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide203Manji (1658–1661) 万治 (1658–1661)
3432Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide204Kanbun (1661–1673) 宽文 (1661–1673)
3433Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide205Enpō (1673–1681) 延宝 (1673–1681)
3434Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide206Tenna (1681–1684) 天和 (1681–1684)
3435Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide207Jōkyō (1684–1688) 贞享 (1684–1688)
3436Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide208Genroku (1688–1704) 元禄 (1688–1704)
3437Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide209Hōei (1704–1711) 宝永 (1704–1711)
3438Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide210Shōtoku (1711–1716) 正德 (1711–1716)
3439Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide211Kyōhō (1716–1736) 享保 (1716–1736)
3440Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide212Genbun (1736–1741) 元文 (1736–1741)
3441Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide213Kanpō (1741–1744) 宽保 (1741–1744)
3442Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide214Enkyō (1744–1748) 延享 (1744–1748)
3443Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide215Kan’en (1748–1751) 宽延 (1748–1751)
3444Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide216Hōreki (1751–1764) 宝历 (1751–1764)
3445Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide217Meiwa (1764–1772) 明和 (1764–1772)
3446Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide218An’ei (1772–1781) 安永 (1772–1781)
3447Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide219Tenmei (1781–1789) 天明 (1781–1789)
3448Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide220Kansei (1789–1801) 宽政 (1789–1801)
3449Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide221Kyōwa (1801–1804) 享和 (1801–1804)
3450Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide222Bunka (1804–1818) 文化 (1804–1818)
3451Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide223Bunsei (1818–1830) 文政 (1818–1830)
3452Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide224Tenpō (1830–1844) 天保 (1830–1844)
3453Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide225Kōka (1844–1848) 弘化 (1844–1848)
3454Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide226Kaei (1848–1854) 嘉永 (1848–1854)
3455Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide227Ansei (1854–1860) 安政 (1854–1860)
3456Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide228Man’en (1860–1861) 万延 (1860–1861)
3457Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide229Bunkyū (1861–1864) 文久 (1861–1864)
3458Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide230Genji (1864–1865) 元治 (1864–1865)
3459Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide231Keiō (1865–1868) 庆应 (1865–1868)
3460Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide232Meiji 明治
3461Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide233Taishō 大正
3462Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide234Shōwa 昭和
3463Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide235Heisei 平成
3464Date & TimeJapaneseEras - wide236Reiwa 令和
3465Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated0Taika (645–650) 大化 (645–650)
3466Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated1Hakuchi (650–671) 白雉 (650–671)
3467Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated2Hakuhō (672–686) 白凤 (672–686)
3468Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated3Shuchō (686–701) 朱鸟 (686–701)
3469Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated4Taihō (701–704) 大宝 (701–704)
3470Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated5Keiun (704–708) 庆云 (704–708)
3471Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated6Wadō (708–715) 和铜 (708–715)
3472Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated7Reiki (715–717) 灵龟 (715–717)
3473Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated8Yōrō (717–724) 养老 (717–724)
3474Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated9Jinki (724–729) 神龟 (724–729)
3475Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated10Tenpyō (729–749) 天平 (729–749)
3476Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated11Tenpyō-kampō (749–749) 天平感宝 (749–749)
3477Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated12Tenpyō-shōhō (749–757) 天平胜宝 (749–757)
3478Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated13Tenpyō-hōji (757–765) 天平宝字 (757–765)
3479Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated14Tenpyō-jingo (765–767) 天平神护 (765–767)
3480Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated15Jingo-keiun (767–770) 神护景云 (767–770)
3481Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated16Hōki (770–780) 宝龟 (770–780)
3482Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated17Ten-ō (781–782) 天应 (781–782)
3483Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated18Enryaku (782–806) 延历 (782–806)
3484Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated19Daidō (806–810) 大同 (806–810)
3485Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated20Kōnin (810–824) 弘仁 (810–824)
3486Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated21Tenchō (824–834) 天长 (824–834)
3487Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated22Jōwa (834–848) 承和 (834–848)
3488Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated23Kajō (848–851) 嘉祥 (848–851)
3489Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated24Ninju (851–854) 仁寿 (851–854)
3490Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated25Saikō (854–857) 齐衡 (854–857)
3491Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated26Ten-an (857–859) 天安 (857–859)
3492Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated27Jōgan (859–877) 贞观 (859–877)
3493Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated28Gangyō (877–885) 元庆 (877–885)
3494Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated29Ninna (885–889) 仁和 (885–889)
3495Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated30Kanpyō (889–898) 宽平 (889–898)
3496Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated31Shōtai (898–901) 昌泰 (898–901)
3497Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated32Engi (901–923) 延喜 (901–923)
3498Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated33Enchō (923–931) 延长 (923–931)
3499Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated34Jōhei (931–938) 承平 (931–938)
3500Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated35Tengyō (938–947) 天庆 (938–947)
3501Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated36Tenryaku (947–957) 天历 (947–957)
3502Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated37Tentoku (957–961) 天德 (957–961)
3503Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated38Ōwa (961–964) 应和 (961–964)
3504Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated39Kōhō (964–968) 康保 (964–968)
3505Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated40Anna (968–970) 安和 (968–970)
3506Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated41Tenroku (970–973) 天禄 (970–973)
3507Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated42Ten’en (973–976) 天延 (973–976)
3508Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated43Jōgen (976–978) 贞元 (976–978)
3509Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated44Tengen (978–983) 天元 (978–983)
3510Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated45Eikan (983–985) 永观 (983–985)
3511Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated46Kanna (985–987) 宽和 (985–987)
3512Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated47Eien (987–989) 永延 (987–989)
3513Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated48Eiso (989–990) 永祚 (989–990)
3514Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated49Shōryaku (990–995) 正历 (990–995)
3515Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated50Chōtoku (995–999) 长德 (995–999)
3516Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated51Chōhō (999–1004) 长保 (999–1004)
3517Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated52Kankō (1004–1012) 宽弘 (1004–1012)
3518Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated53Chōwa (1012–1017) 长和 (1012–1017)
3519Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated54Kannin (1017–1021) 宽仁 (1017–1021)
3520Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated55Jian (1021–1024) 治安 (1021–1024)
3521Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated56Manju (1024–1028) 万寿 (1024–1028)
3522Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated57Chōgen (1028–1037) 长元 (1028–1037)
3523Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated58Chōryaku (1037–1040) 长历 (1037–1040)
3524Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated59Chōkyū (1040–1044) 长久 (1040–1044)
3525Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated60Kantoku (1044–1046) 宽德 (1044–1046)
3526Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated61Eishō (1046–1053) 永承 (1046–1053)
3527Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated62Tengi (1053–1058) 天喜 (1053–1058)
3528Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated63Kōhei (1058–1065) 康平 (1058–1065)
3529Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated64Jiryaku (1065–1069) 治历 (1065–1069)
3530Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated65Enkyū (1069–1074) 延久 (1069–1074)
3531Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated66Shōho (1074–1077) 承保 (1074–1077)
3532Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated67Shōryaku (1077–1081) 正历 (1077–1081)
3533Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated68Eihō (1081–1084) 永保 (1081–1084)
3534Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated69Ōtoku (1084–1087) 应德 (1084–1087)
3535Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated70Kanji (1087–1094) 宽治 (1087–1094)
3536Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated71Kahō (1094–1096) 嘉保 (1094–1096)
3537Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated72Eichō (1096–1097) 永长 (1096–1097)
3538Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated73Jōtoku (1097–1099) 承德 (1097–1099)
3539Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated74Kōwa (1099–1104) 康和 (1099–1104)
3540Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated75Chōji (1104–1106) 长治 (1104–1106)
3541Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated76Kashō (1106–1108) 嘉承 (1106–1108)
3542Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated77Tennin (1108–1110) 天仁 (1108–1110)
3543Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated78Ten-ei (1110–1113) 天永 (1110–1113)
3544Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated79Eikyū (1113–1118) 永久 (1113–1118)
3545Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated80Gen’ei (1118–1120) 元永 (1118–1120)
3546Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated81Hōan (1120–1124) 保安 (1120–1124)
3547Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated82Tenji (1124–1126) 天治 (1124–1126)
3548Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated83Daiji (1126–1131) 大治 (1126–1131)
3549Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated84Tenshō (1131–1132) 天承 (1131–1132)
3550Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated85Chōshō (1132–1135) 长承 (1132–1135)
3551Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated86Hōen (1135–1141) 保延 (1135–1141)
3552Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated87Eiji (1141–1142) 永治 (1141–1142)
3553Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated88Kōji (1142–1144) 康治 (1142–1144)
3554Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated89Ten’yō (1144–1145) 天养 (1144–1145)
3555Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated90Kyūan (1145–1151) 久安 (1145–1151)
3556Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated91Ninpei (1151–1154) 仁平 (1151–1154)
3557Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated92Kyūju (1154–1156) 久寿 (1154–1156)
3558Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated93Hōgen (1156–1159) 保元 (1156–1159)
3559Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated94Heiji (1159–1160) 平治 (1159–1160)
3560Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated95Eiryaku (1160–1161) 永历 (1160–1161)
3561Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated96Ōho (1161–1163) 应保 (1161–1163)
3562Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated97Chōkan (1163–1165) 长宽 (1163–1165)
3563Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated98Eiman (1165–1166) 永万 (1165–1166)
3564Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated99Nin’an (1166–1169) 仁安 (1166–1169)
3565Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated100Kaō (1169–1171) 嘉应 (1169–1171)
3566Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated101Shōan (1171–1175) 承安 (1171–1175)
3567Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated102Angen (1175–1177) 安元 (1175–1177)
3568Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated103Jishō (1177–1181) 治承 (1177–1181)
3569Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated104Yōwa (1181–1182) 养和 (1181–1182)
3570Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated105Juei (1182–1184) 寿永 (1182–1184)
3571Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated106Genryaku (1184–1185) 元历 (1184–1185)
3572Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated107Bunji (1185–1190) 文治 (1185–1190)
3573Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated108Kenkyū (1190–1199) 建久 (1190–1199)
3574Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated109Shōji (1199–1201) 正治 (1199–1201)
3575Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated110Kennin (1201–1204) 建仁 (1201–1204)
3576Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated111Genkyū (1204–1206) 元久 (1204–1206)
3577Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated112Ken’ei (1206–1207) 建永 (1206–1207)
3578Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated113Jōgen (1207–1211) 承元 (1207–1211)
3579Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated114Kenryaku (1211–1213) 建历 (1211–1213)
3580Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated115Kenpō (1213–1219) 建保 (1213–1219)
3581Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated116Jōkyū (1219–1222) 承久 (1219–1222)
3582Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated117Jōō (1222–1224) 贞应 (1222–1224)
3583Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated118Gennin (1224–1225) 元仁 (1224–1225)
3584Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated119Karoku (1225–1227) 嘉禄 (1225–1227)
3585Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated120Antei (1227–1229) 安贞 (1227–1229)
3586Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated121Kanki (1229–1232) 宽喜 (1229–1232)
3587Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated122Jōei (1232–1233) 贞永 (1232–1233)
3588Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated123Tenpuku (1233–1234) 天福 (1233–1234)
3589Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated124Bunryaku (1234–1235) 文历 (1234–1235)
3590Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated125Katei (1235–1238) 嘉祯 (1235–1238)
3591Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated126Ryakunin (1238–1239) 历仁 (1238–1239)
3592Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated127En’ō (1239–1240) 延应 (1239–1240)
3593Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated128Ninji (1240–1243) 仁治 (1240–1243)
3594Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated129Kangen (1243–1247) 宽元 (1243–1247)
3595Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated130Hōji (1247–1249) 宝治 (1247–1249)
3596Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated131Kenchō (1249–1256) 建长 (1249–1256)
3597Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated132Kōgen (1256–1257) 康元 (1256–1257)
3598Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated133Shōka (1257–1259) 正嘉 (1257–1259)
3599Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated134Shōgen (1259–1260) 正元 (1259–1260)
3600Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated135Bun’ō (1260–1261) 文应 (1260–1261)
3601Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated136Kōchō (1261–1264) 弘长 (1261–1264)
3602Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated137Bun’ei (1264–1275) 文永 (1264–1275)
3603Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated138Kenji (1275–1278) 建治 (1275–1278)
3604Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated139Kōan (1278–1288) 弘安 (1278–1288)
3605Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated140Shōō (1288–1293) 正应 (1288–1293)
3606Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated141Einin (1293–1299) 永仁 (1293–1299)
3607Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated142Shōan (1299–1302) 正安 (1299–1302)
3608Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated143Kengen (1302–1303) 干元 (1302–1303)
3609Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated144Kagen (1303–1306) 嘉元 (1303–1306)
3610Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated145Tokuji (1306–1308) 德治 (1306–1308)
3611Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated146Enkyō (1308–1311) 延庆 (1308–1311)
3612Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated147Ōchō (1311–1312) 应长 (1311–1312)
3613Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated148Shōwa (1312–1317) 正和 (1312–1317)
3614Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated149Bunpō (1317–1319) 文保 (1317–1319)
3615Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated150Genō (1319–1321) 元应 (1319–1321)
3616Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated151Genkō (1321–1324) 元亨 (1321–1324)
3617Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated152Shōchū (1324–1326) 正中 (1324–1326)
3618Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated153Karyaku (1326–1329) 嘉历 (1326–1329)
3619Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated154Gentoku (1329–1331) 元德 (1329–1331)
3620Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated155Genkō (1331–1334) 元弘 (1331–1334)
3621Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated156Kenmu (1334–1336) 建武 (1334–1336)
3622Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated157Engen (1336–1340) 延元 (1336–1340)
3623Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated158Kōkoku (1340–1346) 兴国 (1340–1346)
3624Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated159Shōhei (1346–1370) 正平 (1346–1370)
3625Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated160Kentoku (1370–1372) 建德 (1370–1372)
3626Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated161Bunchū (1372–1375) 文中 (1372–1375)
3627Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated162Tenju (1375–1379) 天授 (1375–1379)
3628Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated163Kōryaku (1379–1381) 康历 (1379–1381)
3629Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated164Kōwa (1381–1384) 弘和 (1381–1384)
3630Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated165Genchū (1384–1392) 元中 (1384–1392)
3631Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated166Meitoku (1384–1387) 至德 (1384–1387)
3632Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated167Kakei (1387–1389) 嘉庆 (1387–1389)
3633Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated168Kōō (1389–1390) 康应 (1389–1390)
3634Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated169Meitoku (1390–1394) 明德 (1390–1394)
3635Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated170Ōei (1394–1428) 应永 (1394–1428)
3636Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated171Shōchō (1428–1429) 正长 (1428–1429)
3637Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated172Eikyō (1429–1441) 永享 (1429–1441)
3638Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated173Kakitsu (1441–1444) 嘉吉 (1441–1444)
3639Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated174Bun’an (1444–1449) 文安 (1444–1449)
3640Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated175Hōtoku (1449–1452) 宝德 (1449–1452)
3641Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated176Kyōtoku (1452–1455) 享德 (1452–1455)
3642Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated177Kōshō (1455–1457) 康正 (1455–1457)
3643Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated178Chōroku (1457–1460) 长禄 (1457–1460)
3644Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated179Kanshō (1460–1466) 宽正 (1460–1466)
3645Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated180Bunshō (1466–1467) 文正 (1466–1467)
3646Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated181Ōnin (1467–1469) 应仁 (1467–1469)
3647Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated182Bunmei (1469–1487) 文明 (1469–1487)
3648Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated183Chōkyō (1487–1489) 长享 (1487–1489)
3649Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated184Entoku (1489–1492) 延德 (1489–1492)
3650Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated185Meiō (1492–1501) 明应 (1492–1501)
3651Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated186Bunki (1501–1504) 文龟 (1501–1504)
3652Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated187Eishō (1504–1521) 永正 (1504–1521)
3653Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated188Taiei (1521–1528) 大永 (1521–1528)
3654Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated189Kyōroku (1528–1532) 享禄 (1528–1532)
3655Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated190Tenbun (1532–1555) 天文 (1532–1555)
3656Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated191Kōji (1555–1558) 弘治 (1555–1558)
3657Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated192Eiroku (1558–1570) 永禄 (1558–1570)
3658Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated193Genki (1570–1573) 元龟 (1570–1573)
3659Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated194Tenshō (1573–1592) 天正 (1573–1592)
3660Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated195Bunroku (1592–1596) 文禄 (1592–1596)
3661Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated196Keichō (1596–1615) 庆长 (1596–1615)
3662Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated197Genna (1615–1624) 元和 (1615–1624)
3663Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated198Kan’ei (1624–1644) 宽永 (1624–1644)
3664Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated199Shōho (1644–1648) 正保 (1644–1648)
3665Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated200Keian (1648–1652) 庆安 (1648–1652)
3666Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated201Jōō (1652–1655) 承应 (1652–1655)
3667Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated202Meireki (1655–1658) 明历 (1655–1658)
3668Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated203Manji (1658–1661) 万治 (1658–1661)
3669Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated204Kanbun (1661–1673) 宽文 (1661–1673)
3670Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated205Enpō (1673–1681) 延宝 (1673–1681)
3671Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated206Tenna (1681–1684) 天和 (1681–1684)
3672Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated207Jōkyō (1684–1688) 贞享 (1684–1688)
3673Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated208Genroku (1688–1704) 元禄 (1688–1704)
3674Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated209Hōei (1704–1711) 宝永 (1704–1711)
3675Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated210Shōtoku (1711–1716) 正德 (1711–1716)
3676Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated211Kyōhō (1716–1736) 享保 (1716–1736)
3677Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated212Genbun (1736–1741) 元文 (1736–1741)
3678Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated213Kanpō (1741–1744) 宽保 (1741–1744)
3679Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated214Enkyō (1744–1748) 延享 (1744–1748)
3680Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated215Kan’en (1748–1751) 宽延 (1748–1751)
3681Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated216Hōreki (1751–1764) 宝历 (1751–1764)
3682Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated217Meiwa (1764–1772) 明和 (1764–1772)
3683Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated218An’ei (1772–1781) 安永 (1772–1781)
3684Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated219Tenmei (1781–1789) 天明 (1781–1789)
3685Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated220Kansei (1789–1801) 宽政 (1789–1801)
3686Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated221Kyōwa (1801–1804) 享和 (1801–1804)
3687Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated222Bunka (1804–1818) 文化 (1804–1818)
3688Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated223Bunsei (1818–1830) 文政 (1818–1830)
3689Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated224Tenpō (1830–1844) 天保 (1830–1844)
3690Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated225Kōka (1844–1848) 弘化 (1844–1848)
3691Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated226Kaei (1848–1854) 嘉永 (1848–1854)
3692Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated227Ansei (1854–1860) 安政 (1854–1860)
3693Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated228Man’en (1860–1861) 万延 (1860–1861)
3694Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated229Bunkyū (1861–1864) 文久 (1861–1864)
3695Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated230Genji (1864–1865) 元治 (1864–1865)
3696Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated231Keiō (1865–1868) 庆应 (1865–1868)
3697Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated232Meiji 明治
3698Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated233Taishō 大正
3699Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated234Shōwa 昭和
3700Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated235Heisei 平成
3701Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated236Reiwa 令和
3702Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow0Taika (645–650) 大化(645–650)
3703Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow1Hakuchi (650–671) 白雉(650–671)
3704Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow2Hakuhō (672–686) 白凤(672–686)
3705Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow3Shuchō (686–701) 朱鸟(686–701)
3706Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow4Taihō (701–704) 大宝(701–704)
3707Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow5Keiun (704–708) 庆云(704–708)
3708Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow6Wadō (708–715) 和铜(708–715)
3709Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow7Reiki (715–717) 灵龟(715–717)
3710Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow8Yōrō (717–724) 养老(717–724)
3711Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow9Jinki (724–729) 神龟(724–729)
3712Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow10Tenpyō (729–749) 天平(729–749)
3713Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow11Tenpyō-kampō (749–749) 天平感宝(749–749)
3714Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow12Tenpyō-shōhō (749–757) 天平胜宝(749–757)
3715Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow13Tenpyō-hōji (757–765) 天平宝字(757–765)
3716Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow14Tenpyō-jingo (765–767) 天平神护(765–767)
3717Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow15Jingo-keiun (767–770) 神护景云(767–770)
3718Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow16Hōki (770–780) 宝龟(770–780)
3719Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow17Ten-ō (781–782) 天应(781–782)
3720Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow18Enryaku (782–806) 延历(782–806)
3721Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow19Daidō (806–810) 大同(806–810)
3722Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow20Kōnin (810–824) 弘仁(810–824)
3723Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow21Tenchō (824–834) 天长(824–834)
3724Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow22Jōwa (834–848) 承和(834–848)
3725Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow23Kajō (848–851) 嘉祥(848–851)
3726Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow24Ninju (851–854) 仁寿(851–854)
3727Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow25Saikō (854–857) 齐衡(854–857)
3728Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow26Ten-an (857–859) 天安(857–859)
3729Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow27Jōgan (859–877) 贞观(859–877)
3730Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow28Gangyō (877–885) 元庆(877–885)
3731Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow29Ninna (885–889) 仁和(885–889)
3732Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow30Kanpyō (889–898) 宽平(889–898)
3733Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow31Shōtai (898–901) 昌泰(898–901)
3734Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow32Engi (901–923) 延喜(901–923)
3735Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow33Enchō (923–931) 延长(923–931)
3736Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow34Jōhei (931–938) 承平(931–938)
3737Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow35Tengyō (938–947) 天庆(938–947)
3738Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow36Tenryaku (947–957) 天历(947–957)
3739Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow37Tentoku (957–961) 天德(957–961)
3740Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow38Ōwa (961–964) 应和(961–964)
3741Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow39Kōhō (964–968) 康保(964–968)
3742Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow40Anna (968–970) 安和(968–970)
3743Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow41Tenroku (970–973) 天禄(970–973)
3744Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow42Ten’en (973–976) 天延(973–976)
3745Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow43Jōgen (976–978) 贞元(976–978)
3746Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow44Tengen (978–983) 天元(978–983)
3747Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow45Eikan (983–985) 永观(983–985)
3748Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow46Kanna (985–987) 宽和(985–987)
3749Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow47Eien (987–989) 永延(987–989)
3750Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow48Eiso (989–990) 永祚(989–990)
3751Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow49Shōryaku (990–995) 正历(990–995)
3752Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow50Chōtoku (995–999) 长德(995–999)
3753Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow51Chōhō (999–1004) 长保(999–1004)
3754Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow52Kankō (1004–1012) 宽弘(1004–1012)
3755Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow53Chōwa (1012–1017) 长和(1012–1017)
3756Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow54Kannin (1017–1021) 宽仁(1017–1021)
3757Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow55Jian (1021–1024) 治安(1021–1024)
3758Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow56Manju (1024–1028) 万寿(1024–1028)
3759Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow57Chōgen (1028–1037) 长元(1028–1037)
3760Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow58Chōryaku (1037–1040) 长历(1037–1040)
3761Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow59Chōkyū (1040–1044) 长久(1040–1044)
3762Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow60Kantoku (1044–1046) 宽德(1044–1046)
3763Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow61Eishō (1046–1053) 永承(1046–1053)
3764Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow62Tengi (1053–1058) 天喜(1053–1058)
3765Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow63Kōhei (1058–1065) 康平(1058–1065)
3766Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow64Jiryaku (1065–1069) 治历(1065–1069)
3767Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow65Enkyū (1069–1074) 延久(1069–1074)
3768Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow66Shōho (1074–1077) 承保(1074–1077)
3769Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow67Shōryaku (1077–1081) 承历(1077–1081)
3770Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow68Eihō (1081–1084) 永保(1081–1084)
3771Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow69Ōtoku (1084–1087) 应德(1084–1087)
3772Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow70Kanji (1087–1094) 宽治(1087–1094)
3773Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow71Kahō (1094–1096) 嘉保(1094–1096)
3774Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow72Eichō (1096–1097) 永长(1096–1097)
3775Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow73Jōtoku (1097–1099) 承德(1097–1099)
3776Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow74Kōwa (1099–1104) 康和(1099–1104)
3777Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow75Chōji (1104–1106) 长治(1104–1106)
3778Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow76Kashō (1106–1108) 嘉承(1106–1108)
3779Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow77Tennin (1108–1110) 天仁(1108–1110)
3780Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow78Ten-ei (1110–1113) 天永(1110–1113)
3781Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow79Eikyū (1113–1118) 永久(1113–1118)
3782Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow80Gen’ei (1118–1120) 元永(1118–1120)
3783Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow81Hōan (1120–1124) 保安(1120–1124)
3784Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow82Tenji (1124–1126) 天治(1124–1126)
3785Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow83Daiji (1126–1131) 大治(1126–1131)
3786Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow84Tenshō (1131–1132) 天承(1131–1132)
3787Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow85Chōshō (1132–1135) 长承(1132–1135)
3788Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow86Hōen (1135–1141) 保延(1135–1141)
3789Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow87Eiji (1141–1142) 永治(1141–1142)
3790Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow88Kōji (1142–1144) 康治(1142–1144)
3791Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow89Ten’yō (1144–1145) 天养(1144–1145)
3792Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow90Kyūan (1145–1151) 久安(1145–1151)
3793Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow91Ninpei (1151–1154) 仁平(1151–1154)
3794Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow92Kyūju (1154–1156) 久寿(1154–1156)
3795Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow93Hōgen (1156–1159) 保元(1156–1159)
3796Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow94Heiji (1159–1160) 平治(1159–1160)
3797Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow95Eiryaku (1160–1161) 永历(1160–1161)
3798Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow96Ōho (1161–1163) 应保(1161–1163)
3799Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow97Chōkan (1163–1165) 长宽(1163–1165)
3800Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow98Eiman (1165–1166) 永万(1165–1166)
3801Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow99Nin’an (1166–1169) 仁安(1166–1169)
3802Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow100Kaō (1169–1171) 嘉应(1169–1171)
3803Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow101Shōan (1171–1175) 承安(1171–1175)
3804Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow102Angen (1175–1177) 安元(1175–1177)
3805Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow103Jishō (1177–1181) 治承(1177–1181)
3806Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow104Yōwa (1181–1182) 养和(1181–1182)
3807Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow105Juei (1182–1184) 寿永(1182–1184)
3808Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow106Genryaku (1184–1185) 元历(1184–1185)
3809Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow107Bunji (1185–1190) 文治(1185–1190)
3810Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow108Kenkyū (1190–1199) 建久(1190–1199)
3811Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow109Shōji (1199–1201) 正治(1199–1201)
3812Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow110Kennin (1201–1204) 建仁(1201–1204)
3813Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow111Genkyū (1204–1206) 元久(1204–1206)
3814Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow112Ken’ei (1206–1207) 建永(1206–1207)
3815Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow113Jōgen (1207–1211) 承元(1207–1211)
3816Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow114Kenryaku (1211–1213) 建历(1211–1213)
3817Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow115Kenpō (1213–1219) 建保(1213–1219)
3818Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow116Jōkyū (1219–1222) 承久(1219–1222)
3819Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow117Jōō (1222–1224) 贞应(1222–1224)
3820Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow118Gennin (1224–1225) 元仁(1224–1225)
3821Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow119Karoku (1225–1227) 嘉禄(1225–1227)
3822Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow120Antei (1227–1229) 安贞(1227–1229)
3823Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow121Kanki (1229–1232) 宽喜(1229–1232)
3824Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow122Jōei (1232–1233) 贞永(1232–1233)
3825Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow123Tenpuku (1233–1234) 天福(1233–1234)
3826Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow124Bunryaku (1234–1235) 文历(1234–1235)
3827Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow125Katei (1235–1238) 嘉祯(1235–1238)
3828Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow126Ryakunin (1238–1239) 历仁(1238–1239)
3829Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow127En’ō (1239–1240) 延应(1239–1240)
3830Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow128Ninji (1240–1243) 仁治(1240–1243)
3831Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow129Kangen (1243–1247) 宽元(1243–1247)
3832Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow130Hōji (1247–1249) 宝治(1247–1249)
3833Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow131Kenchō (1249–1256) 建长(1249–1256)
3834Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow132Kōgen (1256–1257) 康元(1256–1257)
3835Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow133Shōka (1257–1259) 正嘉(1257–1259)
3836Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow134Shōgen (1259–1260) 正元(1259–1260)
3837Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow135Bun’ō (1260–1261) 文应(1260–1261)
3838Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow136Kōchō (1261–1264) 弘长(1261–1264)
3839Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow137Bun’ei (1264–1275) 文永(1264–1275)
3840Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow138Kenji (1275–1278) 建治(1275–1278)
3841Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow139Kōan (1278–1288) 弘安(1278–1288)
3842Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow140Shōō (1288–1293) 正应(1288–1293)
3843Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow141Einin (1293–1299) 永仁(1293–1299)
3844Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow142Shōan (1299–1302) 正安(1299–1302)
3845Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow143Kengen (1302–1303) 乾元(1302–1303)
3846Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow144Kagen (1303–1306) 嘉元(1303–1306)
3847Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow145Tokuji (1306–1308) 德治(1306–1308)
3848Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow146Enkyō (1308–1311) 延庆(1308–1311)
3849Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow147Ōchō (1311–1312) 应长(1311–1312)
3850Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow148Shōwa (1312–1317) 正和(1312–1317)
3851Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow149Bunpō (1317–1319) 文保(1317–1319)
3852Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow150Genō (1319–1321) 元应(1319–1321)
3853Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow151Genkō (1321–1324) 元亨(1321–1324)
3854Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow152Shōchū (1324–1326) 正中(1324–1326)
3855Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow153Karyaku (1326–1329) 嘉历(1326–1329)
3856Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow154Gentoku (1329–1331) 元德(1329–1331)
3857Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow155Genkō (1331–1334) 元弘(1331–1334)
3858Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow156Kenmu (1334–1336) 建武(1334–1336)
3859Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow157Engen (1336–1340) 延元(1336–1340)
3860Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow158Kōkoku (1340–1346) 兴国(1340–1346)
3861Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow159Shōhei (1346–1370) 正平(1346–1370)
3862Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow160Kentoku (1370–1372) 建德(1370–1372)
3863Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow161Bunchū (1372–1375) 文中(1372–1375)
3864Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow162Tenju (1375–1379) 天授(1375–1379)
3865Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow163Kōryaku (1379–1381) 康历(1379–1381)
3866Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow164Kōwa (1381–1384) 弘和(1381–1384)
3867Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow165Genchū (1384–1392) 元中(1384–1392)
3868Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow166Meitoku (1384–1387) 明德(1384–1387)
3869Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow167= Kakei (1387–1389)
3870Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow168= Kōō (1389–1390)
3871Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow169= Meitoku (1390–1394)
3872Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow170= Ōei (1394–1428)
3873Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow171= Shōchō (1428–1429)
3874Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow172= Eikyō (1429–1441)
3875Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow173= Kakitsu (1441–1444)
3876Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow174= Bun’an (1444–1449)
3877Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow175= Hōtoku (1449–1452)
3878Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow176= Kyōtoku (1452–1455)
3879Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow177= Kōshō (1455–1457)
3880Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow178= Chōroku (1457–1460)
3881Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow179= Kanshō (1460–1466)
3882Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow180= Bunshō (1466–1467)
3883Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow181= Ōnin (1467–1469)
3884Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow182= Bunmei (1469–1487)
3885Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow183= Chōkyō (1487–1489)
3886Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow184= Entoku (1489–1492)
3887Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow185= Meiō (1492–1501)
3888Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow186= Bunki (1501–1504)
3889Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow187= Eishō (1504–1521)
3890Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow188= Taiei (1521–1528)
3891Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow189= Kyōroku (1528–1532)
3892Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow190= Tenbun (1532–1555)
3893Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow191= Kōji (1555–1558)
3894Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow192= Eiroku (1558–1570)
3895Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow193= Genki (1570–1573)
3896Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow194= Tenshō (1573–1592)
3897Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow195= Bunroku (1592–1596)
3898Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow196= Keichō (1596–1615)
3899Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow197= Genna (1615–1624)
3900Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow198= Kan’ei (1624–1644)
3901Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow199= Shōho (1644–1648)
3902Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow200= Keian (1648–1652)
3903Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow201= Jōō (1652–1655)
3904Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow202= Meireki (1655–1658)
3905Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow203= Manji (1658–1661)
3906Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow204= Kanbun (1661–1673)
3907Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow205= Enpō (1673–1681)
3908Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow206= Tenna (1681–1684)
3909Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow207= Jōkyō (1684–1688)
3910Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow208= Genroku (1688–1704)
3911Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow209= Hōei (1704–1711)
3912Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow210= Shōtoku (1711–1716)
3913Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow211= Kyōhō (1716–1736)
3914Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow212= Genbun (1736–1741)
3915Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow213= Kanpō (1741–1744)
3916Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow214= Enkyō (1744–1748)
3917Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow215= Kan’en (1748–1751)
3918Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow216= Hōreki (1751–1764)
3919Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow217= Meiwa (1764–1772)
3920Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow218= An’ei (1772–1781)
3921Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow219= Tenmei (1781–1789)
3922Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow220= Kansei (1789–1801)
3923Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow221= Kyōwa (1801–1804)
3924Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow222= Bunka (1804–1818)
3925Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow223= Bunsei (1818–1830)
3926Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow224= Tenpō (1830–1844)
3927Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow225= Kōka (1844–1848)
3928Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow226= Kaei (1848–1854)
3929Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow227= Ansei (1854–1860)
3930Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow228= Man’en (1860–1861)
3931Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow229= Bunkyū (1861–1864)
3932Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow230= Genji (1864–1865)
3933Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow231= Keiō (1865–1868)
3934Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow232= M
3935Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow233= T
3936Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow234= S
3937Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow235= H
3938Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow236= R
3939Date & TimeJapaneseFormats - Standard - Date FormatsfullEEEE, MMMM d, y G Gy年M月d日EEEE
3940Date & TimeJapaneseFormats - Standard - Date FormatslongMMMM d, y G Gy年M月d日
3941Date & TimeJapaneseFormats - Standard - Date FormatsmediumMMM d, y G Gy年M月d日
3942Date & TimeJapaneseFormats - Standard - Date FormatsshortM/d/y GGGGG Gyy-MM-dd Gd/M/yy
3943Date & TimeJapaneseFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsfull{1} 'at' {0} {1} {0}
3944Date & TimeJapaneseFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatslong{1} 'at' {0} {1} {0}
3945Date & TimeJapaneseFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsmedium{1}, {0} {1} {0}
3946Date & TimeJapaneseFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsshort{1}, {0} {1} {0}
3947Date & TimeJapaneseFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsdd d日
3948Date & TimeJapaneseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsEdd E d日E
3949Date & TimeJapaneseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyy G Gy年
3950Date & TimeJapaneseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMMMM y G Gy年M月
3951Date & TimeJapaneseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMdMMM d, y G Gy年M月d日
3952Date & TimeJapaneseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMEdE, MMM d, y G Gy年M月d日E
3953Date & TimeJapaneseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsML M月
3954Date & TimeJapaneseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMdM/d M-d M/d
3955Date & TimeJapaneseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMEdE, M/d M-dE M/dE
3956Date & TimeJapaneseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMM= LLL
3957Date & TimeJapaneseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMdMMM d M月d日
3958Date & TimeJapaneseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMEdE, MMM d M月d日E
3959Date & TimeJapaneseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMMdMMMM d M月d日
3960Date & TimeJapaneseFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsyy G Gy年
3961Date & TimeJapaneseFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsyyyyy G Gy年
3962Date & TimeJapaneseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMM/y GGGGG Gy-MM
3963Date & TimeJapaneseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMdM/d/y GGGGG Gy-MM-dd
3964Date & TimeJapaneseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMEdE, M/d/y GGGGG Gy-M-d(E)
3965Date & TimeJapaneseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMMMM y G Gy年M月
3966Date & TimeJapaneseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMdMMM d, y G Gy年M月d日
3967Date & TimeJapaneseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMEdE, MMM d, y G Gy年M月d日E
3968Date & TimeJapaneseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMMMMMM y G Gy年M月
3969Date & TimeJapaneseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyQQQQQQ y G Gy年第Q季度
3970Date & TimeJapaneseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyQQQQQQQQ y G Gy年QQQQ
3971Date & TimePersianEras - wide0AP 波斯历
3972Date & TimePersianEras - abbreviated0AP 波斯历
3973Date & TimePersianEras - narrow0AP 波斯历
3974Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - FormattingJanFarvardin 一月
3975Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - FormattingFebOrdibehesht 二月
3976Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - FormattingMarKhordad 三月
3977Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - FormattingAprTir 四月
3978Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - FormattingMayMordad 五月
3979Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - FormattingJunShahrivar 六月
3980Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - FormattingJulMehr 七月
3981Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - FormattingAugAban 八月
3982Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - FormattingSepAzar 九月
3983Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - FormattingOctDey 十月
3984Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - FormattingNovBahman 十一月
3985Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - FormattingDecEsfand 十二月
3986Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - StandaloneJanFarvardin 一月
3987Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - StandaloneFebOrdibehesht 二月
3988Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - StandaloneMarKhordad 三月
3989Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - StandaloneAprTir 四月
3990Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - StandaloneMayMordad 五月
3991Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - StandaloneJunShahrivar 六月
3992Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - StandaloneJulMehr 七月
3993Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - StandaloneAugAban 八月
3994Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - StandaloneSepAzar 九月
3995Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - StandaloneOctDey 十月
3996Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - StandaloneNovBahman 十一月
3997Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - StandaloneDecEsfand 十二月
3998Date & TimePersianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJanFarvardin 1月
3999Date & TimePersianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingFebOrdibehesht 2月
4000Date & TimePersianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingMarKhordad 3月
4001Date & TimePersianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingAprTir 4月
4002Date & TimePersianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingMayMordad 5月
4003Date & TimePersianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJunShahrivar 6月
4004Date & TimePersianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingJulMehr 7月
4005Date & TimePersianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingAugAban 8月
4006Date & TimePersianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingSepAzar 9月
4007Date & TimePersianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingOctDey 10月
4008Date & TimePersianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingNovBahman 11月
4009Date & TimePersianMonths - abbreviated - FormattingDecEsfand 12月
4010Date & TimePersianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneJanFarvardin 1月
4011Date & TimePersianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneFebOrdibehesht 2月
4012Date & TimePersianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneMarKhordad 3月
4013Date & TimePersianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneAprTir 4月
4014Date & TimePersianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneMayMordad 5月
4015Date & TimePersianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneJunShahrivar 6月
4016Date & TimePersianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneJulMehr 7月
4017Date & TimePersianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneAugAban 8月
4018Date & TimePersianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneSepAzar 9月
4019Date & TimePersianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneOctDey 10月
4020Date & TimePersianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneNovBahman 11月
4021Date & TimePersianMonths - abbreviated - StandaloneDecEsfand 12月
4022Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - FormattingJan= 1
4023Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - FormattingFeb= 2
4024Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - FormattingMar= 3
4025Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - FormattingApr= 4
4026Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - FormattingMay= 5
4027Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - FormattingJun= 6
4028Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - FormattingJul= 7
4029Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - FormattingAug= 8
4030Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - FormattingSep= 9
4031Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - FormattingOct= 10
4032Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - FormattingNov= 11
4033Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - FormattingDec= 12
4034Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - StandaloneJan= 1
4035Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - StandaloneFeb= 2
4036Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - StandaloneMar= 3
4037Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - StandaloneApr= 4
4038Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - StandaloneMay= 5
4039Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - StandaloneJun= 6
4040Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - StandaloneJul= 7
4041Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - StandaloneAug= 8
4042Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - StandaloneSep= 9
4043Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - StandaloneOct= 10
4044Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - StandaloneNov= 11
4045Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - StandaloneDec= 12
4046Date & TimeMinguoEras - wide0Before R.O.C. 民国前
4047Date & TimeMinguoEras - wide1Minguo 民国
4048Date & TimeMinguoEras - abbreviated0Before R.O.C. 民国前
4049Date & TimeMinguoEras - abbreviated1Minguo 民国
4050Date & TimeMinguoEras - narrow0Before R.O.C. 民国前
4051Date & TimeMinguoEras - narrow1Minguo 民国
4052Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Standard - Date FormatsfullEEEE, MMMM d, y G Gy年M月d日EEEE
4053Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Standard - Date FormatslongMMMM d, y G Gy年M月d日
4054Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Standard - Date FormatsmediumMMM d, y G Gy年M月d日
4055Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Standard - Date FormatsshortM/d/y GGGGG Gyy/M/d Gd/M/yy
4056Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsdd d日
4057Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsE= ccc
4058Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsEdd E d日E
4059Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyy G Gy年
4060Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMMMM y G Gy年M月
4061Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMdMMM d, y G Gy年M月d日
4062Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMEdE, MMM d, y G Gy年M月d日E
4063Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsML M月 L
4064Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMd= M/d M-d
4065Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMEdE, M/d M/dE M-dE
4066Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMM= LLL M月
4067Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMdMMM d M月d日
4068Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMEdE, MMM d M月d日E
4069Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMMdMMMM d M月d日
4070Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsyy G Gy年
4071Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsyyyyy G Gy年
4072Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMM/y GGGGG Gy年M月
4073Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMdM/d/y GGGGG Gy/M/d
4074Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMEdE, M/d/y GGGGG Gy/M/dE
4075Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMMMM y G Gy年M月
4076Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMdMMM d, y G Gy年M月d日
4077Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMEdE, MMM d, y G Gy年M月d日E
4078Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMMMMMM y G Gy年M月
4079Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyQQQQQQ y G Gy年第Q季度
4080Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyQQQQQQQQ y G Gy年第Q季度
4081Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBh/Bh B – h B Bh时至Bh时
4082Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBh/hh – h B Bh时至h时
4083Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBhm/Bh:mm B – h:mm B Bh:mm至Bh:mm
4084Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBhm/hh:mm – h:mm B Bh:mm至h:mm
4085Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsBhm/mh:mm – h:mm B Bh:mm至h:mm
4086Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsd/dd – d d至d日
4087Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsh/ah a – h a ah时至ah时
4088Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsh/hh – h a ah时至h时
4089Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshm/ah:mm a – h:mm a ah:mm至ah:mm
4090Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshm/hh:mm – h:mm a ah:mm至h:mm
4091Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshm/mh:mm – h:mm a ah:mm至h:mm
4092Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshmv/ah:mm a – h:mm a v vah:mm至ah:mm
4093Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshmv/hh:mm – h:mm a v vah:mm至h:mm
4094Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHmv/HHH:mm – HH:mm v v HH:mm – HH:mm
4095Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshmv/mh:mm – h:mm a v vah:mm至h:mm
4096Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsHmv/mHH:mm – HH:mm v v HH:mm – HH:mm
4097Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshv/ah a – h a v vah时至ah时
4098Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Intervals - Date Formatshv/hh – h a v vah时至h时
4099Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsM/MM – M M–M月
4100Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMd/d= M/d – M/d
4101Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMd/M= M/d – M/d
4102Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMEd/dE, M/d – E, M/d M/dE至M/dE
4103Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMEd/ME, M/d – E, M/d M/dE至M/dE
4104Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMM/M= MMM – MMM
4105Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMd/dMMM d – d M月d日至d日
4106Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMd/MMMM d – MMM d M月d日至M月d日
4107Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMEd/dE, MMM d – E, MMM d M月d日E至d日E
4108Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMEd/ME, MMM d – E, MMM d M月d日E至M月d日E
4109Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsy/yy – y G Gy–y年
4110Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyM/MM/y – M/y GGGGG Gy年M月至M月
4111Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyM/yM/y – M/y GGGGG Gy年M月至y年M月
4112Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/dM/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG Gy/M/d – y/M/d
4113Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/MM/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG Gy/M/d – y/M/d
4114Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/yM/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG Gy/M/d – y/M/d
4115Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/dE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG Gy/M/dE至y/M/dE
4116Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/ME, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG Gy/M/dE至y/M/dE
4117Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/yE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG Gy/M/dE至y/M/dE
4118Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMM/MMMM – MMM y G Gy年M月至M月
4119Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMM/yMMM y – MMM y G Gy年M月至y年M月
4120Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/dMMM d – d, y G Gy年M月d日至d日
4121Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/MMMM d – MMM d, y G Gy年M月d日至M月d日
4122Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/yMMM d, y – MMM d, y G Gy年M月d日至y年M月d日
4123Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/dE, MMM d – E, MMM d, y G Gy年M月d日E至d日E
4124Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/ME, MMM d – E, MMM d, y G Gy年M月d日E至M月d日E
4125Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/yE, MMM d, y – E, MMM d, y G Gy年M月d日E至y年M月d日E
4126Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMM/MMMMM – MMMM y G Gy年M月至M月
4127Date & TimeMinguoFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMM/yMMMM y – MMMM y G Gy年M月至y年M月
4128TimezonesTimezone Display PatternsnullRegion Format - Generic{0} Time {0}时间
4129TimezonesTimezone Display PatternsnullRegion Format - Standard{0} Standard Time {0}标准时间
4130TimezonesTimezone Display PatternsnullRegion Format - Daylight{0} Daylight Time {0}夏令时间
4131TimezonesTimezone Display PatternsnullGMT Format= GMT{0}
4132TimezonesTimezone Display PatternsnullGMT Hours/Minutes Format= +HH:mm;-HH:mm
4133TimezonesTimezone Display PatternsnullGMT Zero Format= GMT
4134TimezonesTimezone Display PatternsnullLocation Fallback Format{1} ({0}) {1}({0})
4135TimezonesNorth AmericaAlaskageneric-longAlaska Time 阿拉斯加时间
4136TimezonesNorth AmericaAlaskastandard-longAlaska Standard Time 阿拉斯加标准时间
4137TimezonesNorth AmericaAlaskadaylight-longAlaska Daylight Time 阿拉斯加夏令时间
4138TimezonesNorth AmericaAmerica_Centralgeneric-longCentral Time 北美中部时间
4139TimezonesNorth AmericaAmerica_Centralstandard-longCentral Standard Time 北美中部标准时间
4140TimezonesNorth AmericaAmerica_Centraldaylight-longCentral Daylight Time 北美中部夏令时间
4141TimezonesNorth AmericaAmerica_Easterngeneric-longEastern Time 北美东部时间
4142TimezonesNorth AmericaAmerica_Easternstandard-longEastern Standard Time 北美东部标准时间
4143TimezonesNorth AmericaAmerica_Easterndaylight-longEastern Daylight Time 北美东部夏令时间
4144TimezonesNorth AmericaAmerica_Mountaingeneric-longMountain Time 北美山区时间
4145TimezonesNorth AmericaAmerica_Mountainstandard-longMountain Standard Time 北美山区标准时间
4146TimezonesNorth AmericaAmerica_Mountaindaylight-longMountain Daylight Time 北美山区夏令时间
4147TimezonesNorth AmericaAmerica_Pacificgeneric-longPacific Time 北美太平洋时间
4148TimezonesNorth AmericaAmerica_Pacificstandard-longPacific Standard Time 北美太平洋标准时间
4149TimezonesNorth AmericaAmerica_Pacificdaylight-longPacific Daylight Time 北美太平洋夏令时间
4150TimezonesNorth AmericaAtlanticgeneric-longAtlantic Time 大西洋时间
4151TimezonesNorth AmericaAtlanticstandard-longAtlantic Standard Time 大西洋标准时间
4152TimezonesNorth AmericaAtlanticdaylight-longAtlantic Daylight Time 大西洋夏令时间
4153TimezonesNorth AmericaCubageneric-longCuba Time 古巴时间
4154TimezonesNorth AmericaCubastandard-longCuba Standard Time 古巴标准时间
4155TimezonesNorth AmericaCubadaylight-longCuba Daylight Time 古巴夏令时间
4156TimezonesNorth AmericaGreenland_Easterngeneric-longEast Greenland Time 格陵兰岛东部时间
4157TimezonesNorth AmericaGreenland_Easternstandard-longEast Greenland Standard Time 格陵兰岛东部标准时间
4158TimezonesNorth AmericaGreenland_Easterndaylight-longEast Greenland Summer Time 格陵兰岛东部夏令时间
4159TimezonesNorth AmericaGreenland_Westerngeneric-longWest Greenland Time 格陵兰岛西部时间
4160TimezonesNorth AmericaGreenland_Westernstandard-longWest Greenland Standard Time 格陵兰岛西部标准时间
4161TimezonesNorth AmericaGreenland_Westerndaylight-longWest Greenland Summer Time 格陵兰岛西部夏令时间
4162TimezonesNorth AmericaHawaii_Aleutiangeneric-longHawaii-Aleutian Time 夏威夷-阿留申时间
4163TimezonesNorth AmericaHawaii_Aleutianstandard-longHawaii-Aleutian Standard Time 夏威夷-阿留申标准时间
4164TimezonesNorth AmericaHawaii_Aleutiandaylight-longHawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time 夏威夷-阿留申夏令时间
4165TimezonesNorth AmericaMexico_Northwestgeneric-longNorthwest Mexico Time 墨西哥西北部时间
4166TimezonesNorth AmericaMexico_Northweststandard-longNorthwest Mexico Standard Time 墨西哥西北部标准时间
4167TimezonesNorth AmericaMexico_Northwestdaylight-longNorthwest Mexico Daylight Time 墨西哥西北部夏令时间
4168TimezonesNorth AmericaMexico_Pacificgeneric-longMexican Pacific Time 墨西哥太平洋时间
4169TimezonesNorth AmericaMexico_Pacificstandard-longMexican Pacific Standard Time 墨西哥太平洋标准时间
4170TimezonesNorth AmericaMexico_Pacificdaylight-longMexican Pacific Daylight Time 墨西哥太平洋夏令时间
4171TimezonesNorth AmericaNewfoundlandgeneric-longNewfoundland Time 纽芬兰时间
4172TimezonesNorth AmericaNewfoundlandstandard-longNewfoundland Standard Time 纽芬兰标准时间
4173TimezonesNorth AmericaNewfoundlanddaylight-longNewfoundland Daylight Time 纽芬兰夏令时间
4174TimezonesNorth AmericaPierre_Miquelongeneric-longSt. Pierre & Miquelon Time 圣皮埃尔和密克隆群岛时间
4175TimezonesNorth AmericaPierre_Miquelonstandard-longSt. Pierre & Miquelon Standard Time 圣皮埃尔和密克隆群岛标准时间
4176TimezonesNorth AmericaPierre_Miquelondaylight-longSt. Pierre & Miquelon Daylight Time 圣皮埃尔和密克隆群岛夏令时间
4177TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsAdakAdak 埃达克
4178TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsAnchorageAnchorage 安克雷奇
4179TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsAnguillaAnguilla 安圭拉
4180TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsAntiguaAntigua 安提瓜
4181TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsArubaAruba 阿鲁巴
4182TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsBahia_BanderasBahia Banderas 巴伊亚班德拉斯
4183TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsBarbadosBarbados 巴巴多斯
4184TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsBelizeBelize 伯利兹
4185TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsBermudaBermuda 百慕大
4186TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsBlanc-SablonBlanc-Sablon 布兰克萨布隆
4187TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsBoiseBoise 博伊西
4188TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsCambridge_BayCambridge Bay 剑桥湾
4189TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsCancunCancun 坎昆
4190TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsCaymanCayman 开曼
4191TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsChicagoChicago 芝加哥
4192TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsChihuahuaChihuahua 奇瓦瓦
4193TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsCoral_HarbourAtikokan 阿蒂科肯
4194TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsCosta_RicaCosta Rica 哥斯达黎加
4195TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsCrestonCreston 克雷斯顿
4196TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsCuracaoCuraçao 库拉索
4197TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsDanmarkshavnDanmarkshavn 丹马沙文
4198TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsDawsonDawson 道森
4199TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsDawson_CreekDawson Creek 道森克里克
4200TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsDenverDenver 丹佛
4201TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsDetroitDetroit 底特律
4202TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsDominicaDominica 多米尼加
4203TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsEdmontonEdmonton 埃德蒙顿
4204TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsEl_SalvadorEl Salvador 萨尔瓦多
4205TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsFort_NelsonFort Nelson 纳尔逊堡
4206TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsGlace_BayGlace Bay 格莱斯贝
4207TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsGodthabNuuk 努克
4208TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsGoose_BayGoose Bay 古斯湾
4209TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsGrand_TurkGrand Turk 大特克
4210TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsGrenadaGrenada 格林纳达
4211TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsGuadeloupeGuadeloupe 瓜德罗普
4212TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsGuatemalaGuatemala 危地马拉
4213TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsHalifaxHalifax 哈利法克斯
4214TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsHavanaHavana 哈瓦那
4215TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsHermosilloHermosillo 埃莫西约
4216TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsHonolulun/a 檀香山
4217TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsIndiana/KnoxKnox, Indiana 印第安纳州诺克斯
4218TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsIndiana/MarengoMarengo, Indiana 印第安纳州马伦戈
4219TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsIndiana/PetersburgPetersburg, Indiana 印第安纳州彼得斯堡
4220TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsIndiana/Tell_CityTell City, Indiana 印第安纳州特尔城
4221TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsIndiana/VevayVevay, Indiana 印第安纳州维维市
4222TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsIndiana/VincennesVincennes, Indiana 印第安纳州温森斯
4223TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsIndiana/WinamacWinamac, Indiana 印第安纳州威纳马克
4224TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsIndianapolisIndianapolis 印第安纳波利斯
4225TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsInuvikInuvik 伊努维克
4226TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsIqaluitIqaluit 伊魁特
4227TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsJamaicaJamaica 牙买加
4228TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsJuneauJuneau 朱诺
4229TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsKentucky/MonticelloMonticello, Kentucky 肯塔基州蒙蒂塞洛
4230TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsKralendijkKralendijk 克拉伦代克
4231TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsLos_AngelesLos Angeles 洛杉矶
4232TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsLouisvilleLouisville 路易斯维尔
4233TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsLower_PrincesLower Prince’s Quarter 下太子区
4234TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsManaguaManagua 马那瓜
4235TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsMarigotMarigot 马里戈特
4236TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsMartiniqueMartinique 马提尼克
4237TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsMatamorosMatamoros 马塔莫罗斯
4238TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsMazatlanMazatlan 马萨特兰
4239TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsMenomineeMenominee 梅诺米尼
4240TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsMeridaMerida 梅里达
4241TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsMetlakatlaMetlakatla 梅特拉卡特拉
4242TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsMexico_CityMexico City 墨西哥城
4243TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsMiquelonMiquelon 密克隆
4244TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsMonctonMoncton 蒙克顿
4245TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsMonterreyMonterrey 蒙特雷
4246TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsMontserratMontserrat 蒙特塞拉特
4247TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsNassauNassau 拿骚
4248TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsNew_YorkNew York 纽约
4249TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsNipigonNipigon 尼皮贡
4250TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsNomeNome 诺姆
4251TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsNorth_Dakota/BeulahBeulah, North Dakota 北达科他州比尤拉
4252TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsNorth_Dakota/CenterCenter, North Dakota 北达科他州申特
4253TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsNorth_Dakota/New_SalemNew Salem, North Dakota 北达科他州新塞勒姆
4254TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsOjinagaOjinaga 奥希纳加
4255TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsPanamaPanama 巴拿马
4256TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsPangnirtungPangnirtung 旁涅唐
4257TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsPhoenixPhoenix 凤凰城
4258TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsPort_of_SpainPort of Spain 西班牙港
4259TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsPort-au-PrincePort-au-Prince 太子港
4260TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsPuerto_RicoPuerto Rico 波多黎各
4261TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsRainy_RiverRainy River 雷尼河
4262TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsRankin_InletRankin Inlet 兰今湾
4263TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsReginaRegina 里贾纳
4264TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsResoluteResolute 雷索卢特
4265TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsSanta_Isabeln/a 圣伊萨贝尔
4266TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsSanto_DomingoSanto Domingo 圣多明各
4267TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsScoresbysundIttoqqortoormiit 斯科列斯比桑德 斯考斯伯松德
4268TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsSitkaSitka 锡特卡
4269TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsSt_BarthelemySt. Barthélemy 圣巴泰勒米岛
4270TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsSt_JohnsSt. John’s 圣约翰斯
4271TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsSt_KittsSt. Kitts 圣基茨
4272TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsSt_LuciaSt. Lucia 圣卢西亚
4273TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsSt_ThomasSt. Thomas 圣托马斯
4274TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsSt_VincentSt. Vincent 圣文森特
4275TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsSwift_CurrentSwift Current 斯威夫特卡伦特
4276TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsTegucigalpaTegucigalpa 特古西加尔巴
4277TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsThuleThule 图勒
4278TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsThunder_BayThunder Bay 桑德贝
4279TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsTijuanaTijuana 蒂华纳
4280TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsTorontoToronto 多伦多
4281TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsTortolaTortola 托尔托拉
4282TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsVancouverVancouver 温哥华
4283TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsWhitehorseWhitehorse 怀特霍斯
4284TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsWinnipegWinnipeg 温尼伯
4285TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsYakutatYakutat 亚库塔特
4286TimezonesNorth AmericaCities and RegionsYellowknifeYellowknife 耶洛奈夫
4287TimezonesSouth AmericaAcregeneric-longAcre Time 阿克里时间
4288TimezonesSouth AmericaAcrestandard-longAcre Standard Time 阿克里标准时间
4289TimezonesSouth AmericaAcredaylight-longAcre Summer Time 阿克里夏令时间
4290TimezonesSouth AmericaAmazongeneric-longAmazon Time 亚马逊时间
4291TimezonesSouth AmericaAmazonstandard-longAmazon Standard Time 亚马逊标准时间
4292TimezonesSouth AmericaAmazondaylight-longAmazon Summer Time 亚马逊夏令时间
4293TimezonesSouth AmericaArgentinageneric-longArgentina Time 阿根廷时间
4294TimezonesSouth AmericaArgentinastandard-longArgentina Standard Time 阿根廷标准时间
4295TimezonesSouth AmericaArgentinadaylight-longArgentina Summer Time 阿根廷夏令时间
4296TimezonesSouth AmericaArgentina_Westerngeneric-longWestern Argentina Time 阿根廷西部时间
4297TimezonesSouth AmericaArgentina_Westernstandard-longWestern Argentina Standard Time 阿根廷西部标准时间
4298TimezonesSouth AmericaArgentina_Westerndaylight-longWestern Argentina Summer Time 阿根廷西部夏令时间
4299TimezonesSouth AmericaBoliviastandard-longBolivia Time 玻利维亚标准时间
4300TimezonesSouth AmericaBrasiliageneric-longBrasilia Time 巴西利亚时间
4301TimezonesSouth AmericaBrasiliastandard-longBrasilia Standard Time 巴西利亚标准时间
4302TimezonesSouth AmericaBrasiliadaylight-longBrasilia Summer Time 巴西利亚夏令时间
4303TimezonesSouth AmericaChilegeneric-longChile Time 智利时间
4304TimezonesSouth AmericaChilestandard-longChile Standard Time 智利标准时间
4305TimezonesSouth AmericaChiledaylight-longChile Summer Time 智利夏令时间
4306TimezonesSouth AmericaColombiageneric-longColombia Time 哥伦比亚时间
4307TimezonesSouth AmericaColombiastandard-longColombia Standard Time 哥伦比亚标准时间
4308TimezonesSouth AmericaColombiadaylight-longColombia Summer Time 哥伦比亚夏令时间
4309TimezonesSouth AmericaEastergeneric-longEaster Island Time 复活节岛时间
4310TimezonesSouth AmericaEasterstandard-longEaster Island Standard Time 复活节岛标准时间
4311TimezonesSouth AmericaEasterdaylight-longEaster Island Summer Time 复活节岛夏令时间
4312TimezonesSouth AmericaEcuadorstandard-longEcuador Time 厄瓜多尔标准时间
4313TimezonesSouth AmericaFalklandgeneric-longFalkland Islands Time 福克兰群岛时间
4314TimezonesSouth AmericaFalklandstandard-longFalkland Islands Standard Time 福克兰群岛标准时间
4315TimezonesSouth AmericaFalklanddaylight-longFalkland Islands Summer Time 福克兰群岛夏令时间
4316TimezonesSouth AmericaFrench_Guianastandard-longFrench Guiana Time 法属圭亚那标准时间
4317TimezonesSouth AmericaGalapagosstandard-longGalapagos Time 加拉帕戈斯时间
4318TimezonesSouth AmericaGuyanastandard-longGuyana Time 圭亚那时间
4319TimezonesSouth AmericaNoronhageneric-longFernando de Noronha Time 费尔南多-迪诺罗尼亚岛时间
4320TimezonesSouth AmericaNoronhastandard-longFernando de Noronha Standard Time 费尔南多-迪诺罗尼亚岛标准时间
4321TimezonesSouth AmericaNoronhadaylight-longFernando de Noronha Summer Time 费尔南多-迪诺罗尼亚岛夏令时间
4322TimezonesSouth AmericaParaguaygeneric-longParaguay Time 巴拉圭时间
4323TimezonesSouth AmericaParaguaystandard-longParaguay Standard Time 巴拉圭标准时间
4324TimezonesSouth AmericaParaguaydaylight-longParaguay Summer Time 巴拉圭夏令时间
4325TimezonesSouth AmericaPerugeneric-longPeru Time 秘鲁时间
4326TimezonesSouth AmericaPerustandard-longPeru Standard Time 秘鲁标准时间
4327TimezonesSouth AmericaPerudaylight-longPeru Summer Time 秘鲁夏令时间
4328TimezonesSouth AmericaSouth_Georgiastandard-longSouth Georgia Time 南乔治亚岛时间
4329TimezonesSouth AmericaSurinamestandard-longSuriname Time 苏里南时间
4330TimezonesSouth AmericaUruguaygeneric-longUruguay Time 乌拉圭时间
4331TimezonesSouth AmericaUruguaystandard-longUruguay Standard Time 乌拉圭标准时间
4332TimezonesSouth AmericaUruguaydaylight-longUruguay Summer Time 乌拉圭夏令时间
4333TimezonesSouth AmericaVenezuelastandard-longVenezuela Time 委内瑞拉时间
4334TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsAraguainaAraguaina 阿拉瓜伊纳
4335TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsArgentina/La_RiojaLa Rioja 拉里奥哈
4336TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsArgentina/Rio_GallegosRio Gallegos 里奥加耶戈斯
4337TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsArgentina/SaltaSalta 萨尔塔
4338TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsArgentina/San_JuanSan Juan 圣胡安
4339TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsArgentina/San_LuisSan Luis 圣路易斯
4340TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsArgentina/TucumanTucuman 图库曼
4341TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsArgentina/UshuaiaUshuaia 乌斯怀亚
4342TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsAsuncionAsunción 亚松森
4343TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsBahiaBahia 巴伊亚
4344TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsBelemBelem 贝伦
4345TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsBoa_VistaBoa Vista 博阿维斯塔
4346TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsBogotaBogota 波哥大
4347TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsBuenos_AiresBuenos Aires 布宜诺斯艾利斯
4348TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsCampo_GrandeCampo Grande 大坎普
4349TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsCaracasCaracas 加拉加斯
4350TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsCatamarcaCatamarca 卡塔马卡
4351TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsCayenneCayenne 卡宴
4352TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsCordobaCordoba 科尔多瓦
4353TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsCuiabaCuiaba 库亚巴
4354TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsEasterEaster 复活节岛
4355TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsEirunepeEirunepe 依伦尼贝
4356TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsFortalezaFortaleza 福塔雷萨
4357TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsGalapagosGalapagos 加拉帕戈斯
4358TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsGuayaquilGuayaquil 瓜亚基尔
4359TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsGuyanaGuyana 圭亚那
4360TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsJujuyJujuy 胡胡伊
4361TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsLa_PazLa Paz 拉巴斯
4362TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsLimaLima 利马
4363TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsMaceioMaceio 马塞约
4364TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsManausManaus 马瑙斯
4365TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsMendozaMendoza 门多萨
4366TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsMontevideoMontevideo 蒙得维的亚
4367TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsNoronhaNoronha 洛罗尼亚
4368TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsParamariboParamaribo 帕拉马里博
4369TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsPorto_VelhoPorto Velho 波多韦柳
4370TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsPunta_ArenasPunta Arenas 蓬塔阿雷纳斯
4371TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsRecifeRecife 累西腓
4372TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsRio_BrancoRio Branco 里奥布郎库
4373TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsSantaremSantarem 圣塔伦
4374TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsSantiagoSantiago 圣地亚哥
4375TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsSao_PauloSao Paulo 圣保罗
4376TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsSouth_GeorgiaSouth Georgia 南乔治亚
4377TimezonesSouth AmericaCities and RegionsStanleyStanley 斯坦利
4378TimezonesAfricaAfrica_Centralstandard-longCentral Africa Time 中部非洲时间
4379TimezonesAfricaAfrica_Easternstandard-longEast Africa Time 东部非洲时间
4380TimezonesAfricaAfrica_Southernstandard-longSouth Africa Standard Time 南非标准时间
4381TimezonesAfricaAfrica_Westerngeneric-longWest Africa Time 西部非洲时间
4382TimezonesAfricaAfrica_Westernstandard-longWest Africa Standard Time 西部非洲标准时间
4383TimezonesAfricaAfrica_Westerndaylight-longWest Africa Summer Time 西部非洲夏令时间
4384TimezonesAfricaCape_Verdegeneric-longCape Verde Time 佛得角时间
4385TimezonesAfricaCape_Verdestandard-longCape Verde Standard Time 佛得角标准时间
4386TimezonesAfricaCape_Verdedaylight-longCape Verde Summer Time 佛得角夏令时间
4387TimezonesAfricaFrench_Southernstandard-longFrench Southern & Antarctic Time 法属南方和南极领地时间
4388TimezonesAfricaIndian_Oceanstandard-longIndian Ocean Time 印度洋时间
4389TimezonesAfricaMauritiusgeneric-longMauritius Time 毛里求斯时间
4390TimezonesAfricaMauritiusstandard-longMauritius Standard Time 毛里求斯标准时间
4391TimezonesAfricaMauritiusdaylight-longMauritius Summer Time 毛里求斯夏令时间
4392TimezonesAfricaReunionstandard-longRéunion Time 留尼汪时间
4393TimezonesAfricaSeychellesstandard-longSeychelles Time 塞舌尔时间
4394TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsAbidjanAbidjan 阿比让
4395TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsAccraAccra 阿克拉
4396TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsAddis_AbabaAddis Ababa 亚的斯亚贝巴
4397TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsAlgiersAlgiers 阿尔及尔
4398TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsAntananarivoAntananarivo 安塔那那利佛
4399TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsAsmeraAsmara 阿斯马拉
4400TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsBamakoBamako 巴马科
4401TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsBanguiBangui 班吉
4402TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsBanjulBanjul 班珠尔
4403TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsBissauBissau 比绍
4404TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsBlantyreBlantyre 布兰太尔
4405TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsBrazzavilleBrazzaville 布拉柴维尔
4406TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsBujumburaBujumbura 布琼布拉
4407TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsCairoCairo 开罗
4408TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsCape_VerdeCape Verde 佛得角
4409TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsCasablancaCasablanca 卡萨布兰卡
4410TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsChagosChagos 查戈斯
4411TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsComoroComoro 科摩罗
4412TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsConakryConakry 科纳克里
4413TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsDakarDakar 达喀尔
4414TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsDar_es_SalaamDar es Salaam 达累斯萨拉姆
4415TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsDjiboutiDjibouti 吉布提
4416TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsDoualaDouala 杜阿拉
4417TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsEl_AaiunEl Aaiun 阿尤恩
4418TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsFreetownFreetown 弗里敦
4419TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsGaboroneGaborone 哈博罗内
4420TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsHarareHarare 哈拉雷
4421TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsJohannesburgJohannesburg 约翰内斯堡
4422TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsJubaJuba 朱巴
4423TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsKampalaKampala 坎帕拉
4424TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsKerguelenKerguelen 凯尔盖朗
4425TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsKhartoumKhartoum 喀土穆
4426TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsKigaliKigali 基加利
4427TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsKinshasaKinshasa 金沙萨
4428TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsLagosLagos 拉各斯
4429TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsLibrevilleLibreville 利伯维尔
4430TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsLomeLome 洛美
4431TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsLuandaLuanda 罗安达
4432TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsLubumbashiLubumbashi 卢本巴希
4433TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsLusakaLusaka 卢萨卡
4434TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsMaheMahe 马埃岛
4435TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsMalaboMalabo 马拉博
4436TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsMaputoMaputo 马普托
4437TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsMaseruMaseru 马塞卢
4438TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsMauritiusMauritius 毛里求斯
4439TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsMayotteMayotte 马约特
4440TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsMbabaneMbabane 姆巴巴纳
4441TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsMogadishuMogadishu 摩加迪沙
4442TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsMonroviaMonrovia 蒙罗维亚
4443TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsNairobiNairobi 内罗毕
4444TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsNdjamenaNdjamena 恩贾梅纳
4445TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsNiameyNiamey 尼亚美
4446TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsNouakchottNouakchott 努瓦克肖特
4447TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsOuagadougouOuagadougou 瓦加杜古
4448TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsPorto-NovoPorto-Novo 波多诺伏
4449TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsReunionRéunion 留尼汪
4450TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsSao_TomeSão Tomé 圣多美
4451TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsSt_HelenaSt. Helena 圣赫勒拿
4452TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsTripoliTripoli 的黎波里
4453TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsTunisTunis 突尼斯
4454TimezonesAfricaCities and RegionsWindhoekWindhoek 温得和克
4455TimezonesEuropeAzoresgeneric-longAzores Time 亚速尔群岛时间
4456TimezonesEuropeAzoresstandard-longAzores Standard Time 亚速尔群岛标准时间
4457TimezonesEuropeAzoresdaylight-longAzores Summer Time 亚速尔群岛夏令时间
4458TimezonesEuropeEurope_Centralgeneric-longCentral European Time 中欧时间
4459TimezonesEuropeEurope_Centralstandard-longCentral European Standard Time 中欧标准时间
4460TimezonesEuropeEurope_Centraldaylight-longCentral European Summer Time 中欧夏令时间
4461TimezonesEuropeEurope_Easterngeneric-longEastern European Time 东欧时间
4462TimezonesEuropeEurope_Easternstandard-longEastern European Standard Time 东欧标准时间
4463TimezonesEuropeEurope_Easterndaylight-longEastern European Summer Time 东欧夏令时间
4464TimezonesEuropeEurope_Further_Easternstandard-longFurther-eastern European Time 远东标准时间
4465TimezonesEuropeEurope_Westerngeneric-longWestern European Time 西欧时间
4466TimezonesEuropeEurope_Westernstandard-longWestern European Standard Time 西欧标准时间
4467TimezonesEuropeEurope_Westerndaylight-longWestern European Summer Time 西欧夏令时间
4468TimezonesEuropeGMTstandard-longGreenwich Mean Time 格林尼治标准时间
4469TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsAmsterdamAmsterdam 阿姆斯特丹
4470TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsAndorraAndorra 安道尔
4471TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsAthensAthens 雅典
4472TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsAzoresAzores 亚速尔群岛
4473TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsBelgradeBelgrade 贝尔格莱德
4474TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsBerlinBerlin 柏林
4475TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsBratislavaBratislava 布拉迪斯拉发
4476TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsBrusselsBrussels 布鲁塞尔
4477TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsBucharestBucharest 布加勒斯特
4478TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsBudapestBudapest 布达佩斯
4479TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsBusingenBusingen 比辛根
4480TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsCanaryCanary 加那利
4481TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsCeutaCeuta 休达
4482TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsChisinauChisinau 基希讷乌
4483TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsCopenhagenCopenhagen 哥本哈根
4484TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsDublinDublin 都柏林
4485TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsFaeroeFaroe 法罗
4486TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsGibraltarGibraltar 直布罗陀
4487TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsGuernseyGuernsey 根西岛
4488TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsHelsinkiHelsinki 赫尔辛基
4489TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsIsle_of_ManIsle of Man 马恩岛
4490TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsJerseyJersey 泽西岛
4491TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsKievKiev 基辅
4492TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsLisbonLisbon 里斯本
4493TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsLjubljanaLjubljana 卢布尔雅那
4494TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsLondonLondon 伦敦
4495TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsLongyearbyenLongyearbyen 朗伊尔城
4496TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsLuxembourgLuxembourg 卢森堡
4497TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsMadeiraMadeira 马德拉
4498TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsMadridMadrid 马德里
4499TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsMaltaMalta 马耳他
4500TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsMariehamnMariehamn 玛丽港
4501TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsMinskMinsk 明斯克
4502TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsMonacoMonaco 摩纳哥
4503TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsOsloOslo 奥斯陆
4504TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsParisParis 巴黎
4505TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsPodgoricaPodgorica 波德戈里察
4506TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsPraguePrague 布拉格
4507TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsReykjavikReykjavik 雷克雅未克
4508TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsRigaRiga 里加
4509TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsRomeRome 罗马
4510TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsSan_MarinoSan Marino 圣马力诺
4511TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsSarajevoSarajevo 萨拉热窝
4512TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsSimferopolSimferopol 辛菲罗波尔
4513TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsSkopjeSkopje 斯科普里
4514TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsSofiaSofia 索非亚
4515TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsStockholmStockholm 斯德哥尔摩
4516TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsTallinnTallinn 塔林
4517TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsTiraneTirane 地拉那
4518TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsUzhgorodUzhhorod 乌日哥罗德
4519TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsVaduzVaduz 瓦杜兹
4520TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsVaticanVatican 梵蒂冈
4521TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsViennaVienna 维也纳
4522TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsVilniusVilnius 维尔纽斯
4523TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsWarsawWarsaw 华沙
4524TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsZagrebZagreb 萨格勒布
4525TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsZaporozhyeZaporozhye 扎波罗热
4526TimezonesEuropeCities and RegionsZurichZurich 苏黎世
4527TimezonesRussiaAnadyrgeneric-longAnadyr Time 阿纳德尔时间
4528TimezonesRussiaAnadyrstandard-longAnadyr Standard Time 阿纳德尔标准时间
4529TimezonesRussiaAnadyrdaylight-longAnadyr Summer Time 阿纳德尔夏令时间
4530TimezonesRussiaIrkutskgeneric-longIrkutsk Time 伊尔库茨克时间
4531TimezonesRussiaIrkutskstandard-longIrkutsk Standard Time 伊尔库茨克标准时间
4532TimezonesRussiaIrkutskdaylight-longIrkutsk Summer Time 伊尔库茨克夏令时间
4533TimezonesRussiaKamchatkageneric-longPetropavlovsk-Kamchatski Time 彼得罗巴甫洛夫斯克-堪察加时间
4534TimezonesRussiaKamchatkastandard-longPetropavlovsk-Kamchatski Standard Time 彼得罗巴甫洛夫斯克-堪察加标准时间
4535TimezonesRussiaKamchatkadaylight-longPetropavlovsk-Kamchatski Summer Time 彼得罗巴甫洛夫斯克-堪察加夏令时间
4536TimezonesRussiaKrasnoyarskgeneric-longKrasnoyarsk Time 克拉斯诺亚尔斯克时间
4537TimezonesRussiaKrasnoyarskstandard-longKrasnoyarsk Standard Time 克拉斯诺亚尔斯克标准时间
4538TimezonesRussiaKrasnoyarskdaylight-longKrasnoyarsk Summer Time 克拉斯诺亚尔斯克夏令时间
4539TimezonesRussiaMagadangeneric-longMagadan Time 马加丹时间
4540TimezonesRussiaMagadanstandard-longMagadan Standard Time 马加丹标准时间
4541TimezonesRussiaMagadandaylight-longMagadan Summer Time 马加丹夏令时间
4542TimezonesRussiaMoscowgeneric-longMoscow Time 莫斯科时间
4543TimezonesRussiaMoscowstandard-longMoscow Standard Time 莫斯科标准时间
4544TimezonesRussiaMoscowdaylight-longMoscow Summer Time 莫斯科夏令时间
4545TimezonesRussiaNovosibirskgeneric-longNovosibirsk Time 新西伯利亚时间
4546TimezonesRussiaNovosibirskstandard-longNovosibirsk Standard Time 新西伯利亚标准时间
4547TimezonesRussiaNovosibirskdaylight-longNovosibirsk Summer Time 新西伯利亚夏令时间
4548TimezonesRussiaOmskgeneric-longOmsk Time 鄂木斯克时间
4549TimezonesRussiaOmskstandard-longOmsk Standard Time 鄂木斯克标准时间
4550TimezonesRussiaOmskdaylight-longOmsk Summer Time 鄂木斯克夏令时间
4551TimezonesRussiaSakhalingeneric-longSakhalin Time 库页岛时间
4552TimezonesRussiaSakhalinstandard-longSakhalin Standard Time 库页岛标准时间
4553TimezonesRussiaSakhalindaylight-longSakhalin Summer Time 库页岛夏令时间
4554TimezonesRussiaSamarageneric-longSamara Time 萨马拉时间
4555TimezonesRussiaSamarastandard-longSamara Standard Time 萨马拉标准时间
4556TimezonesRussiaSamaradaylight-longSamara Summer Time 萨马拉夏令时间
4557TimezonesRussiaVladivostokgeneric-longVladivostok Time 海参崴时间
4558TimezonesRussiaVladivostokstandard-longVladivostok Standard Time 海参崴标准时间
4559TimezonesRussiaVladivostokdaylight-longVladivostok Summer Time 海参崴夏令时间
4560TimezonesRussiaVolgogradgeneric-longVolgograd Time 伏尔加格勒时间
4561TimezonesRussiaVolgogradstandard-longVolgograd Standard Time 伏尔加格勒标准时间
4562TimezonesRussiaVolgograddaylight-longVolgograd Summer Time 伏尔加格勒夏令时间
4563TimezonesRussiaYakutskgeneric-longYakutsk Time 雅库茨克时间
4564TimezonesRussiaYakutskstandard-longYakutsk Standard Time 雅库茨克标准时间
4565TimezonesRussiaYakutskdaylight-longYakutsk Summer Time 雅库茨克夏令时间
4566TimezonesRussiaYekaterinburggeneric-longYekaterinburg Time 叶卡捷琳堡时间
4567TimezonesRussiaYekaterinburgstandard-longYekaterinburg Standard Time 叶卡捷琳堡标准时间
4568TimezonesRussiaYekaterinburgdaylight-longYekaterinburg Summer Time 叶卡捷琳堡夏令时间
4569TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsAnadyrAnadyr 阿纳德尔
4570TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsAstrakhanAstrakhan 阿斯特拉罕
4571TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsBarnaulBarnaul 巴尔瑙尔
4572TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsChitaChita 赤塔
4573TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsIrkutskIrkutsk 伊尔库茨克
4574TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsKaliningradKaliningrad 加里宁格勒
4575TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsKamchatkaKamchatka 堪察加
4576TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsKhandygaKhandyga 汉德加
4577TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsKirovKirov 基洛夫
4578TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsKrasnoyarskKrasnoyarsk 克拉斯诺亚尔斯克
4579TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsMagadanMagadan 马加丹
4580TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsMoscowMoscow 莫斯科
4581TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsNovokuznetskNovokuznetsk 新库兹涅茨克
4582TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsNovosibirskNovosibirsk 新西伯利亚
4583TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsOmskOmsk 鄂木斯克
4584TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsSakhalinSakhalin 萨哈林
4585TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsSamaraSamara 萨马拉
4586TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsSaratovSaratov 萨拉托夫
4587TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsSrednekolymskSrednekolymsk 中科雷姆斯克
4588TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsTomskTomsk 托木斯克
4589TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsUlyanovskUlyanovsk 乌里扬诺夫斯克
4590TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsUst-NeraUst-Nera 乌斯内拉
4591TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsVladivostokVladivostok 符拉迪沃斯托克
4592TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsVolgogradVolgograd 伏尔加格勒
4593TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsYakutskYakutsk 雅库茨克
4594TimezonesRussiaCities and RegionsYekaterinburgYekaterinburg 叶卡捷琳堡
4595TimezonesWestern AsiaArabiangeneric-longArabian Time 阿拉伯时间
4596TimezonesWestern AsiaArabianstandard-longArabian Standard Time 阿拉伯标准时间
4597TimezonesWestern AsiaArabiandaylight-longArabian Daylight Time 阿拉伯夏令时间
4598TimezonesWestern AsiaArmeniageneric-longArmenia Time 亚美尼亚时间
4599TimezonesWestern AsiaArmeniastandard-longArmenia Standard Time 亚美尼亚标准时间
4600TimezonesWestern AsiaArmeniadaylight-longArmenia Summer Time 亚美尼亚夏令时间
4601TimezonesWestern AsiaAzerbaijangeneric-longAzerbaijan Time 阿塞拜疆时间
4602TimezonesWestern AsiaAzerbaijanstandard-longAzerbaijan Standard Time 阿塞拜疆标准时间
4603TimezonesWestern AsiaAzerbaijandaylight-longAzerbaijan Summer Time 阿塞拜疆夏令时间
4604TimezonesWestern AsiaGeorgiageneric-longGeorgia Time 格鲁吉亚时间
4605TimezonesWestern AsiaGeorgiastandard-longGeorgia Standard Time 格鲁吉亚标准时间
4606TimezonesWestern AsiaGeorgiadaylight-longGeorgia Summer Time 格鲁吉亚夏令时间
4607TimezonesWestern AsiaGulfstandard-longGulf Standard Time 海湾标准时间
4608TimezonesWestern AsiaIsraelgeneric-longIsrael Time 以色列时间
4609TimezonesWestern AsiaIsraelstandard-longIsrael Standard Time 以色列标准时间
4610TimezonesWestern AsiaIsraeldaylight-longIsrael Daylight Time 以色列夏令时间
4611TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsAdenAden 亚丁
4612TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsAmmanAmman 安曼
4613TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsBaghdadBaghdad 巴格达
4614TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsBahrainBahrain 巴林
4615TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsBakuBaku 巴库
4616TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsBeirutBeirut 贝鲁特
4617TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsDamascusDamascus 大马士革
4618TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsDubaiDubai 迪拜
4619TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsFamagustaFamagusta 法马古斯塔
4620TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsGazaGaza 加沙
4621TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsHebronHebron 希伯伦
4622TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsIstanbulIstanbul 伊斯坦布尔
4623TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsJerusalemJerusalem 耶路撒冷
4624TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsKuwaitKuwait 科威特
4625TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsMuscatMuscat 马斯喀特
4626TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsNicosiaNicosia 尼科西亚
4627TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsQatarQatar 卡塔尔
4628TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsRiyadhRiyadh 利雅得
4629TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsTbilisiTbilisi 第比利斯
4630TimezonesWestern AsiaCities and RegionsYerevanYerevan 埃里温
4631TimezonesCentral AsiaAlmatygeneric-longAlmaty Time 阿拉木图时间
4632TimezonesCentral AsiaAlmatystandard-longAlmaty Standard Time 阿拉木图标准时间
4633TimezonesCentral AsiaAlmatydaylight-longAlmaty Summer Time 阿拉木图夏令时间
4634TimezonesCentral AsiaAqtaugeneric-longAqtau Time 阿克套时间
4635TimezonesCentral AsiaAqtaustandard-longAqtau Standard Time 阿克套标准时间
4636TimezonesCentral AsiaAqtaudaylight-longAqtau Summer Time 阿克套夏令时间
4637TimezonesCentral AsiaAqtobegeneric-longAqtobe Time 阿克托别时间
4638TimezonesCentral AsiaAqtobestandard-longAqtobe Standard Time 阿克托别标准时间
4639TimezonesCentral AsiaAqtobedaylight-longAqtobe Summer Time 阿克托别夏令时间
4640TimezonesCentral AsiaKazakhstan_Easternstandard-longEast Kazakhstan Time 哈萨克斯坦东部时间
4641TimezonesCentral AsiaKazakhstan_Westernstandard-longWest Kazakhstan Time 哈萨克斯坦西部时间
4642TimezonesCentral AsiaKyrgystanstandard-longKyrgyzstan Time 吉尔吉斯斯坦时间
4643TimezonesCentral AsiaQyzylordageneric-longQyzylorda Time 克孜洛尔达时间
4644TimezonesCentral AsiaQyzylordastandard-longQyzylorda Standard Time 克孜洛尔达标准时间
4645TimezonesCentral AsiaQyzylordadaylight-longQyzylorda Summer Time 克孜洛尔达夏令时间
4646TimezonesCentral AsiaTajikistanstandard-longTajikistan Time 塔吉克斯坦时间
4647TimezonesCentral AsiaTurkmenistangeneric-longTurkmenistan Time 土库曼斯坦时间
4648TimezonesCentral AsiaTurkmenistanstandard-longTurkmenistan Standard Time 土库曼斯坦标准时间
4649TimezonesCentral AsiaTurkmenistandaylight-longTurkmenistan Summer Time 土库曼斯坦夏令时间
4650TimezonesCentral AsiaUzbekistangeneric-longUzbekistan Time 乌兹别克斯坦时间
4651TimezonesCentral AsiaUzbekistanstandard-longUzbekistan Standard Time 乌兹别克斯坦标准时间
4652TimezonesCentral AsiaUzbekistandaylight-longUzbekistan Summer Time 乌兹别克斯坦夏令时间
4653TimezonesCentral AsiaCities and RegionsAlmatyAlmaty 阿拉木图
4654TimezonesCentral AsiaCities and RegionsAqtauAqtau 阿克套
4655TimezonesCentral AsiaCities and RegionsAqtobeAqtobe 阿克托别
4656TimezonesCentral AsiaCities and RegionsAshgabatAshgabat 阿什哈巴德
4657TimezonesCentral AsiaCities and RegionsAtyrauAtyrau 阿特劳
4658TimezonesCentral AsiaCities and RegionsBishkekBishkek 比什凯克
4659TimezonesCentral AsiaCities and RegionsDushanbeDushanbe 杜尚别
4660TimezonesCentral AsiaCities and RegionsOralOral 乌拉尔
4661TimezonesCentral AsiaCities and RegionsQostanayKostanay 库斯塔奈
4662TimezonesCentral AsiaCities and RegionsQyzylordaQyzylorda 克孜洛尔达
4663TimezonesCentral AsiaCities and RegionsSamarkandSamarkand 撒马尔罕
4664TimezonesCentral AsiaCities and RegionsTashkentTashkent 塔什干
4665TimezonesEastern AsiaChinageneric-longChina Time 中国时间
4666TimezonesEastern AsiaChinastandard-longChina Standard Time 中国标准时间
4667TimezonesEastern AsiaChinadaylight-longChina Daylight Time 中国夏令时间
4668TimezonesEastern AsiaChoibalsangeneric-longChoibalsan Time 乔巴山时间
4669TimezonesEastern AsiaChoibalsanstandard-longChoibalsan Standard Time 乔巴山标准时间
4670TimezonesEastern AsiaChoibalsandaylight-longChoibalsan Summer Time 乔巴山夏令时间
4671TimezonesEastern AsiaHong_Konggeneric-longHong Kong Time 香港时间
4672TimezonesEastern AsiaHong_Kongstandard-longHong Kong Standard Time 香港标准时间
4673TimezonesEastern AsiaHong_Kongdaylight-longHong Kong Summer Time 香港夏令时间
4674TimezonesEastern AsiaHovdgeneric-longHovd Time 科布多时间
4675TimezonesEastern AsiaHovdstandard-longHovd Standard Time 科布多标准时间
4676TimezonesEastern AsiaHovddaylight-longHovd Summer Time 科布多夏令时间
4677TimezonesEastern AsiaJapangeneric-longJapan Time 日本时间
4678TimezonesEastern AsiaJapanstandard-longJapan Standard Time 日本标准时间
4679TimezonesEastern AsiaJapandaylight-longJapan Daylight Time 日本夏令时间
4680TimezonesEastern AsiaKoreageneric-longKorean Time 韩国时间
4681TimezonesEastern AsiaKoreastandard-longKorean Standard Time 韩国标准时间
4682TimezonesEastern AsiaKoreadaylight-longKorean Daylight Time 韩国夏令时间
4683TimezonesEastern AsiaMacaugeneric-longMacao Time 澳门时间
4684TimezonesEastern AsiaMacaustandard-longMacao Standard Time 澳门标准时间
4685TimezonesEastern AsiaMacaudaylight-longMacao Summer Time 澳门夏令时间
4686TimezonesEastern AsiaMongoliageneric-longUlaanbaatar Time 乌兰巴托时间
4687TimezonesEastern AsiaMongoliastandard-longUlaanbaatar Standard Time 乌兰巴托标准时间
4688TimezonesEastern AsiaMongoliadaylight-longUlaanbaatar Summer Time 乌兰巴托夏令时间
4689TimezonesEastern AsiaPyongyangstandard-longPyongyang Time 平壤时间
4690TimezonesEastern AsiaTaipeigeneric-longTaipei Time 台北时间
4691TimezonesEastern AsiaTaipeistandard-longTaipei Standard Time 台北标准时间
4692TimezonesEastern AsiaTaipeidaylight-longTaipei Daylight Time 台北夏令时间
4693TimezonesEastern AsiaCities and RegionsChoibalsanChoibalsan 乔巴山
4694TimezonesEastern AsiaCities and RegionsHong_KongHong Kong 香港
4695TimezonesEastern AsiaCities and RegionsHovdHovd 科布多
4696TimezonesEastern AsiaCities and RegionsMacauMacao 澳门
4697TimezonesEastern AsiaCities and RegionsPyongyangPyongyang 平壤
4698TimezonesEastern AsiaCities and RegionsSeoulSeoul 首尔
4699TimezonesEastern AsiaCities and RegionsShanghaiShanghai 上海
4700TimezonesEastern AsiaCities and RegionsTaipeiTaipei 台北
4701TimezonesEastern AsiaCities and RegionsTokyoTokyo 东京
4702TimezonesEastern AsiaCities and RegionsUlaanbaatarUlaanbaatar 乌兰巴托
4703TimezonesEastern AsiaCities and RegionsUrumqiUrumqi 乌鲁木齐
4704TimezonesSouthern AsiaAfghanistanstandard-longAfghanistan Time 阿富汗时间
4705TimezonesSouthern AsiaBangladeshgeneric-longBangladesh Time 孟加拉时间
4706TimezonesSouthern AsiaBangladeshstandard-longBangladesh Standard Time 孟加拉标准时间
4707TimezonesSouthern AsiaBangladeshdaylight-longBangladesh Summer Time 孟加拉夏令时间
4708TimezonesSouthern AsiaBhutanstandard-longBhutan Time 不丹时间
4709TimezonesSouthern AsiaIndiastandard-longIndia Standard Time 印度时间
4710TimezonesSouthern AsiaIrangeneric-longIran Time 伊朗时间
4711TimezonesSouthern AsiaIranstandard-longIran Standard Time 伊朗标准时间
4712TimezonesSouthern AsiaIrandaylight-longIran Daylight Time 伊朗夏令时间
4713TimezonesSouthern AsiaLankastandard-longLanka Time 兰卡时间
4714TimezonesSouthern AsiaMaldivesstandard-longMaldives Time 马尔代夫时间
4715TimezonesSouthern AsiaNepalstandard-longNepal Time 尼泊尔时间
4716TimezonesSouthern AsiaPakistangeneric-longPakistan Time 巴基斯坦时间
4717TimezonesSouthern AsiaPakistanstandard-longPakistan Standard Time 巴基斯坦标准时间
4718TimezonesSouthern AsiaPakistandaylight-longPakistan Summer Time 巴基斯坦夏令时间
4719TimezonesSouthern AsiaCities and RegionsCalcuttaKolkata 加尔各答
4720TimezonesSouthern AsiaCities and RegionsColomboColombo 科伦坡
4721TimezonesSouthern AsiaCities and RegionsDhakaDhaka 达卡
4722TimezonesSouthern AsiaCities and RegionsKabulKabul 喀布尔
4723TimezonesSouthern AsiaCities and RegionsKarachiKarachi 卡拉奇
4724TimezonesSouthern AsiaCities and RegionsKatmanduKathmandu 加德满都
4725TimezonesSouthern AsiaCities and RegionsMaldivesMaldives 马尔代夫
4726TimezonesSouthern AsiaCities and RegionsTehranTehran 德黑兰
4727TimezonesSouthern AsiaCities and RegionsThimphuThimphu 廷布
4728TimezonesSoutheast AsiaBruneistandard-longBrunei Darussalam Time 文莱达鲁萨兰时间
4729TimezonesSoutheast AsiaEast_Timorstandard-longEast Timor Time 东帝汶时间
4730TimezonesSoutheast AsiaIndochinastandard-longIndochina Time 印度支那时间
4731TimezonesSoutheast AsiaIndonesia_Centralstandard-longCentral Indonesia Time 印度尼西亚中部时间
4732TimezonesSoutheast AsiaIndonesia_Easternstandard-longEastern Indonesia Time 印度尼西亚东部时间
4733TimezonesSoutheast AsiaIndonesia_Westernstandard-longWestern Indonesia Time 印度尼西亚西部时间
4734TimezonesSoutheast AsiaMalaysiastandard-longMalaysia Time 马来西亚时间
4735TimezonesSoutheast AsiaMalaysiastandard-shortn/a n/a MYT
4736TimezonesSoutheast AsiaMyanmarstandard-longMyanmar Time 缅甸时间
4737TimezonesSoutheast AsiaPhilippinesgeneric-longPhilippine Time 菲律宾时间
4738TimezonesSoutheast AsiaPhilippinesstandard-longPhilippine Standard Time 菲律宾标准时间
4739TimezonesSoutheast AsiaPhilippinesdaylight-longPhilippine Summer Time 菲律宾夏令时间
4740TimezonesSoutheast AsiaSingaporestandard-longSingapore Standard Time 新加坡标准时间
4741TimezonesSoutheast AsiaSingaporestandard-shortn/a n/a SGT
4742TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsBangkokBangkok 曼谷
4743TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsBruneiBrunei 文莱
4744TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsDiliDili 帝力
4745TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsJakartaJakarta 雅加达
4746TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsJayapuraJayapura 查亚普拉
4747TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsKuala_LumpurKuala Lumpur 吉隆坡
4748TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsKuchingKuching 古晋
4749TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsMakassarMakassar 望加锡
4750TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsManilaManila 马尼拉
4751TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsPhnom_PenhPhnom Penh 金边
4752TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsPontianakPontianak 坤甸
4753TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsRangoonYangon 仰光
4754TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsSaigonHo Chi Minh City 胡志明市
4755TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsSingaporeSingapore 新加坡
4756TimezonesSoutheast AsiaCities and RegionsVientianeVientiane 万象
4757TimezonesAustralasiaAustralia_Centralgeneric-longCentral Australia Time 澳大利亚中部时间
4758TimezonesAustralasiaAustralia_Centralstandard-longAustralian Central Standard Time 澳大利亚中部标准时间
4759TimezonesAustralasiaAustralia_Centraldaylight-longAustralian Central Daylight Time 澳大利亚中部夏令时间
4760TimezonesAustralasiaAustralia_CentralWesterngeneric-longAustralian Central Western Time 澳大利亚中西部时间
4761TimezonesAustralasiaAustralia_CentralWesternstandard-longAustralian Central Western Standard Time 澳大利亚中西部标准时间
4762TimezonesAustralasiaAustralia_CentralWesterndaylight-longAustralian Central Western Daylight Time 澳大利亚中西部夏令时间
4763TimezonesAustralasiaAustralia_Easterngeneric-longEastern Australia Time 澳大利亚东部时间
4764TimezonesAustralasiaAustralia_Easternstandard-longAustralian Eastern Standard Time 澳大利亚东部标准时间
4765TimezonesAustralasiaAustralia_Easterndaylight-longAustralian Eastern Daylight Time 澳大利亚东部夏令时间
4766TimezonesAustralasiaAustralia_Westerngeneric-longWestern Australia Time 澳大利亚西部时间
4767TimezonesAustralasiaAustralia_Westernstandard-longAustralian Western Standard Time 澳大利亚西部标准时间
4768TimezonesAustralasiaAustralia_Westerndaylight-longAustralian Western Daylight Time 澳大利亚西部夏令时间
4769TimezonesAustralasiaChathamgeneric-longChatham Time 查坦时间
4770TimezonesAustralasiaChathamstandard-longChatham Standard Time 查坦标准时间
4771TimezonesAustralasiaChathamdaylight-longChatham Daylight Time 查坦夏令时间
4772TimezonesAustralasiaChristmasstandard-longChristmas Island Time 圣诞岛时间
4773TimezonesAustralasiaCocosstandard-longCocos Islands Time 科科斯群岛时间
4774TimezonesAustralasiaLord_Howegeneric-longLord Howe Time 豪勋爵岛时间
4775TimezonesAustralasiaLord_Howestandard-longLord Howe Standard Time 豪勋爵岛标准时间
4776TimezonesAustralasiaLord_Howedaylight-longLord Howe Daylight Time 豪勋爵岛夏令时间
4777TimezonesAustralasiaMacquariestandard-longMacquarie Island Time 麦夸里岛时间
4778TimezonesAustralasiaNew_Zealandgeneric-longNew Zealand Time 新西兰时间
4779TimezonesAustralasiaNew_Zealandstandard-longNew Zealand Standard Time 新西兰标准时间
4780TimezonesAustralasiaNew_Zealanddaylight-longNew Zealand Daylight Time 新西兰夏令时间
4781TimezonesAustralasiaNorfolkgeneric-longNorfolk Island Time 诺福克岛时间
4782TimezonesAustralasiaNorfolkstandard-longNorfolk Island Standard Time 诺福克岛标准时间
4783TimezonesAustralasiaNorfolkdaylight-longNorfolk Island Daylight Time 诺福克岛夏令时间
4784TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsAdelaideAdelaide 阿德莱德
4785TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsAucklandAuckland 奥克兰
4786TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsBrisbaneBrisbane 布里斯班
4787TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsBroken_HillBroken Hill 布罗肯希尔
4788TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsChathamChatham 查塔姆
4789TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsChristmasChristmas 圣诞岛
4790TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsCocosCocos 可可斯
4791TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsCurrieCurrie 库利
4792TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsDarwinDarwin 达尔文
4793TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsEuclaEucla 尤克拉
4794TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsHobartHobart 霍巴特
4795TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsLindemanLindeman 林德曼
4796TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsLord_HoweLord Howe 豪勋爵
4797TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsMacquarieMacquarie 麦格理
4798TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsMelbourneMelbourne 墨尔本
4799TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsNorfolkNorfolk 诺福克
4800TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsPerthPerth 珀斯
4801TimezonesAustralasiaCities and RegionsSydneySydney 悉尼
4802TimezonesAntarcticaCaseystandard-longCasey Time 凯西时间
4803TimezonesAntarcticaDavisstandard-longDavis Time 戴维斯时间
4804TimezonesAntarcticaDumontDUrvillestandard-longDumont-d’Urville Time 迪蒙迪尔维尔时间
4805TimezonesAntarcticaMawsonstandard-longMawson Time 莫森时间
4806TimezonesAntarcticaRotherastandard-longRothera Time 罗瑟拉时间
4807TimezonesAntarcticaSyowastandard-longSyowa Time 昭和时间
4808TimezonesAntarcticaVostokstandard-longVostok Time 沃斯托克时间
4809TimezonesAntarcticaCities and RegionsCaseyCasey 卡塞
4810TimezonesAntarcticaCities and RegionsDavisDavis 戴维斯
4811TimezonesAntarcticaCities and RegionsDumontDUrvilleDumont d’Urville 迪蒙迪尔维尔
4812TimezonesAntarcticaCities and RegionsMawsonMawson 莫森
4813TimezonesAntarcticaCities and RegionsMcMurdoMcMurdo 麦克默多
4814TimezonesAntarcticaCities and RegionsPalmerPalmer 帕默尔
4815TimezonesAntarcticaCities and RegionsRotheraRothera 罗瑟拉
4816TimezonesAntarcticaCities and RegionsSyowaSyowa 昭和
4817TimezonesAntarcticaCities and RegionsTrollTroll 特罗尔
4818TimezonesAntarcticaCities and RegionsVostokVostok 沃斯托克
4819TimezonesOceaniaApiageneric-longApia Time 阿皮亚时间
4820TimezonesOceaniaApiastandard-longApia Standard Time 阿皮亚标准时间
4821TimezonesOceaniaApiadaylight-longApia Daylight Time 阿皮亚夏令时间
4822TimezonesOceaniaChamorrostandard-longChamorro Standard Time 查莫罗时间
4823TimezonesOceaniaCookgeneric-longCook Islands Time 库克群岛时间
4824TimezonesOceaniaCookstandard-longCook Islands Standard Time 库克群岛标准时间
4825TimezonesOceaniaCookdaylight-longCook Islands Half Summer Time 库克群岛仲夏时间
4826TimezonesOceaniaFijigeneric-longFiji Time 斐济时间
4827TimezonesOceaniaFijistandard-longFiji Standard Time 斐济标准时间
4828TimezonesOceaniaFijidaylight-longFiji Summer Time 斐济夏令时间
4829TimezonesOceaniaGambierstandard-longGambier Time 甘比尔时间
4830TimezonesOceaniaGilbert_Islandsstandard-longGilbert Islands Time 吉尔伯特群岛时间
4831TimezonesOceaniaGuamstandard-longGuam Standard Time 关岛时间
4832TimezonesOceaniaKosraestandard-longKosrae Time 科斯雷时间
4833TimezonesOceaniaLine_Islandsstandard-longLine Islands Time 莱恩群岛时间
4834TimezonesOceaniaMarquesasstandard-longMarquesas Time 马克萨斯群岛时间
4835TimezonesOceaniaMarshall_Islandsstandard-longMarshall Islands Time 马绍尔群岛时间
4836TimezonesOceaniaNaurustandard-longNauru Time 瑙鲁时间
4837TimezonesOceaniaNew_Caledoniageneric-longNew Caledonia Time 新喀里多尼亚时间
4838TimezonesOceaniaNew_Caledoniastandard-longNew Caledonia Standard Time 新喀里多尼亚标准时间
4839TimezonesOceaniaNew_Caledoniadaylight-longNew Caledonia Summer Time 新喀里多尼亚夏令时间
4840TimezonesOceaniaNiuestandard-longNiue Time 纽埃时间
4841TimezonesOceaniaNorth_Marianastandard-longNorth Mariana Islands Time 北马里亚纳群岛时间
4842TimezonesOceaniaPalaustandard-longPalau Time 帕劳时间
4843TimezonesOceaniaPapua_New_Guineastandard-longPapua New Guinea Time 巴布亚新几内亚时间
4844TimezonesOceaniaPhoenix_Islandsstandard-longPhoenix Islands Time 菲尼克斯群岛时间
4845TimezonesOceaniaPitcairnstandard-longPitcairn Time 皮特凯恩时间
4846TimezonesOceaniaPonapestandard-longPonape Time 波纳佩时间
4847TimezonesOceaniaSamoageneric-longSamoa Time 萨摩亚时间
4848TimezonesOceaniaSamoastandard-longSamoa Standard Time 萨摩亚标准时间
4849TimezonesOceaniaSamoadaylight-longSamoa Daylight Time 萨摩亚夏令时间
4850TimezonesOceaniaSolomonstandard-longSolomon Islands Time 所罗门群岛时间
4851TimezonesOceaniaTahitistandard-longTahiti Time 塔希提岛时间
4852TimezonesOceaniaTokelaustandard-longTokelau Time 托克劳时间
4853TimezonesOceaniaTongageneric-longTonga Time 汤加时间
4854TimezonesOceaniaTongastandard-longTonga Standard Time 汤加标准时间
4855TimezonesOceaniaTongadaylight-longTonga Summer Time 汤加夏令时间
4856TimezonesOceaniaTrukstandard-longChuuk Time 楚克时间
4857TimezonesOceaniaTuvalustandard-longTuvalu Time 图瓦卢时间
4858TimezonesOceaniaVanuatugeneric-longVanuatu Time 瓦努阿图时间
4859TimezonesOceaniaVanuatustandard-longVanuatu Standard Time 瓦努阿图标准时间
4860TimezonesOceaniaVanuatudaylight-longVanuatu Summer Time 瓦努阿图夏令时间
4861TimezonesOceaniaWakestandard-longWake Island Time 威克岛时间
4862TimezonesOceaniaWallisstandard-longWallis & Futuna Time 瓦利斯和富图纳时间
4863TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsApiaApia 阿皮亚
4864TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsBougainvilleBougainville 布干维尔
4865TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsEfateEfate 埃法特
4866TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsEnderburyEnderbury 恩德伯里
4867TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsFakaofoFakaofo 法考福
4868TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsFijiFiji 斐济
4869TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsFunafutiFunafuti 富纳富提
4870TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsGambierGambier 甘比尔
4871TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsGuadalcanalGuadalcanal 瓜达尔卡纳尔
4872TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsGuamGuam 关岛
4873TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsJohnstonJohnston 约翰斯顿
4874TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsKiritimatiKiritimati 基里地马地岛
4875TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsKosraeKosrae 库赛埃
4876TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsKwajaleinKwajalein 夸贾林
4877TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsMajuroMajuro 马朱罗
4878TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsMarquesasMarquesas 马克萨斯
4879TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsMidwayMidway 中途岛
4880TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsNauruNauru 瑙鲁
4881TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsNiueNiue 纽埃
4882TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsNoumeaNoumea 努美阿
4883TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsPago_PagoPago Pago 帕果帕果
4884TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsPalauPalau 帕劳
4885TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsPitcairnPitcairn 皮特凯恩
4886TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsPonapePohnpei 波纳佩岛
4887TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsPort_MoresbyPort Moresby 莫尔兹比港
4888TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsRarotongaRarotonga 拉罗汤加
4889TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsSaipanSaipan 塞班
4890TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsTahitiTahiti 塔希提
4891TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsTarawaTarawa 塔拉瓦
4892TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsTongatapuTongatapu 东加塔布
4893TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsTrukChuuk 特鲁克群岛
4894TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsWakeWake 威克
4895TimezonesOceaniaCities and RegionsWallisWallis 瓦利斯
4896TimezonesUnknown RegionCities and RegionsUnknownUnknown City 未知城市
4897TimezonesOverridesEtc/UTCstandard-longCoordinated Universal Time 协调世界时
4898TimezonesOverridesEtc/UTCstandard-short= UTC
4899TimezonesOverridesEurope/Dublindaylight-longIrish Standard Time 爱尔兰标准时间
4900TimezonesOverridesEurope/Londondaylight-longBritish Summer Time 英国夏令时间
4901NumbersSymbolsGrouping ControlMinimum Grouping Digits= 1
4902NumbersSymbolsTime Symbols Time Separator= :
4903NumbersSymbolsTime Symbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)Time Separator= :
4904NumbersSymbolsTime Symbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)Time Separator= ٫
4905NumbersSymbolsSymbols decimal= .
4906NumbersSymbolsSymbols group= ,
4907NumbersSymbolsSymbols plusSign= +
4908NumbersSymbolsSymbols minusSign= -
4909NumbersSymbolsSymbols percentSign= %
4910NumbersSymbolsSymbols perMille=
4911NumbersSymbolsSymbols exponential= E
4912NumbersSymbolsSymbols superscriptingExponent= ×
4913NumbersSymbolsSymbols infinity=
4914NumbersSymbolsSymbols nan= NaN
4915NumbersSymbolsSymbols list= ;
4916NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)decimal= ٫
4917NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)group= ٬
4918NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)plusSign= ؜+
4919NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)minusSign= ؜-
4920NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)percentSign= ٪؜
4921NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)perMille= ؉
4922NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)exponential= اس
4923NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)superscriptingExponent= ×
4924NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)infinity=
4925NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)nan= NaN
4926NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)list= ؛
4927NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Chinese Decimal Numerals (hanidec)decimal= .
4928NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Chinese Decimal Numerals (hanidec)group= ,
4929NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Chinese Decimal Numerals (hanidec)plusSign= +
4930NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Chinese Decimal Numerals (hanidec)minusSign= -
4931NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Chinese Decimal Numerals (hanidec)percentSign= %
4932NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Chinese Decimal Numerals (hanidec)perMille=
4933NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Chinese Decimal Numerals (hanidec)exponential= E
4934NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Chinese Decimal Numerals (hanidec)superscriptingExponent= ×
4935NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Chinese Decimal Numerals (hanidec)infinity=
4936NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Chinese Decimal Numerals (hanidec)nan= NaN
4937NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)decimal= ٫
4938NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)group= ٬
4939NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)plusSign= ‎+‎
4940NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)minusSign= ‎-‎
4941NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)percentSign= ٪
4942NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)perMille= ؉
4943NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)exponential= ×۱۰^
4944NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)superscriptingExponent= ×
4945NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)infinity=
4946NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)nan= NaN
4947NumbersSymbolsSymbols using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)list= ؛
4948NumbersMinimal PairsOrdinalotherTake the {0}th right. 在第 {0} 个路口右转。
4949NumbersMinimal PairsPluralother{0} days {0} 天
4950NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns standard-decimal= #,##0.###
4951NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns standard-currency= ¤#,##0.00
4952NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns standard-percent= #,##0%
4953NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns standard-scientific= #E0
4954NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns accounting-currency= ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
4955NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)standard-currency#,##0.00 ¤ ¤#,##0.00
4956NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)standard-percent= #,##0%
4957NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)accounting-currency#,##0.00 ¤ ¤#,##0.00
4958NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Balinese Digits (bali)standard-currency= ¤#,##0.00
4959NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Balinese Digits (bali)accounting-currency= ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
4960NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Bangla Digits (beng)standard-currency= ¤#,##0.00
4961NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Bangla Digits (beng)accounting-currency= ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
4962NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Brahmi Digits (brah)standard-currency= ¤#,##0.00
4963NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Brahmi Digits (brah)accounting-currency= ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
4964NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Chakma Digits (cakm)standard-currency= ¤#,##0.00
4965NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Chakma Digits (cakm)accounting-currency= ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
4966NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Cham Digits (cham)standard-currency= ¤#,##0.00
4967NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Cham Digits (cham)accounting-currency= ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
4968NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Chinese Decimal Numerals (hanidec)standard-decimal= #,##0.###
4969NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Chinese Decimal Numerals (hanidec)standard-currency= ¤#,##0.00
4970NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Chinese Decimal Numerals (hanidec)standard-percent= #,##0%
4971NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Chinese Decimal Numerals (hanidec)standard-scientific= #E0
4972NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Chinese Decimal Numerals (hanidec)accounting-currency= ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
4973NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Devanagari Digits (deva)standard-currency= ¤#,##0.00
4974NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Devanagari Digits (deva)accounting-currency= ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
4975NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)standard-currency= ¤#,##0.00
4976NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)accounting-currency= ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
4977NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Full-Width Digits (fullwide)standard-currency= ¤#,##0.00
4978NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Full-Width Digits (fullwide)accounting-currency= ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
4979NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Gujarati Digits (gujr)standard-currency= ¤#,##0.00
4980NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Gujarati Digits (gujr)accounting-currency= ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
4981NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Gurmukhi Digits (guru)standard-currency= ¤#,##0.00
4982NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Gurmukhi Digits (guru)accounting-currency= ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
4983NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Javanese Digits (java)standard-currency= ¤#,##0.00
4984NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Javanese Digits (java)accounting-currency= ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
4985NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Kannada Digits (knda)standard-currency= ¤#,##0.00
4986NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Kannada Digits (knda)accounting-currency= ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
4987NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Kayah Li Digits (kali)standard-currency= ¤#,##0.00
4988NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Kayah Li Digits (kali)accounting-currency= ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
4989NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Khmer Digits (khmr)standard-currency= ¤#,##0.00
4990NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Khmer Digits (khmr)accounting-currency= ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
4991NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Lao Digits (laoo)standard-currency= ¤#,##0.00
4992NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Lao Digits (laoo)accounting-currency= ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
4993NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Lepcha Digits (lepc)standard-currency= ¤#,##0.00
4994NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Lepcha Digits (lepc)accounting-currency= ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
4995NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Limbu Digits (limb)standard-currency= ¤#,##0.00
4996NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Limbu Digits (limb)accounting-currency= ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
4997NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Malayalam Digits (mlym)standard-currency= ¤#,##0.00
4998NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Malayalam Digits (mlym)accounting-currency= ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
4999NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Masaram Gondi digits (gonm)standard-currency= ¤#,##0.00
5000NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Masaram Gondi digits (gonm)accounting-currency= ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
5001NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Meetei Mayek Digits (mtei)standard-currency= ¤#,##0.00
5002NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Meetei Mayek Digits (mtei)accounting-currency= ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
5003NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Mongolian Digits (mong)standard-currency= ¤#,##0.00
5004NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Mongolian Digits (mong)accounting-currency= ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
5005NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Myanmar Digits (mymr)standard-currency= ¤#,##0.00
5006NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Myanmar Digits (mymr)accounting-currency= ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
5007NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Myanmar Shan Digits (mymrshan)standard-currency= ¤#,##0.00
5008NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Myanmar Shan Digits (mymrshan)accounting-currency= ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
5009NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using N’Ko Digits (nkoo)standard-currency= ¤#,##0.00
5010NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using N’Ko Digits (nkoo)accounting-currency= ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
5011NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using New Tai Lue Digits (talu)standard-currency= ¤#,##0.00
5012NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using New Tai Lue Digits (talu)accounting-currency= ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
5013NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Odia Digits (orya)standard-currency= ¤#,##0.00
5014NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Odia Digits (orya)accounting-currency= ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
5015NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Ol Chiki Digits (olck)standard-currency= ¤#,##0.00
5016NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Ol Chiki Digits (olck)accounting-currency= ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
5017NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Osmanya Digits (osma)standard-currency= ¤#,##0.00
5018NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Osmanya Digits (osma)accounting-currency= ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
5019NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Saurashtra Digits (saur)standard-currency= ¤#,##0.00
5020NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Saurashtra Digits (saur)accounting-currency= ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
5021NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Sharada Digits (shrd)standard-currency= ¤#,##0.00
5022NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Sharada Digits (shrd)accounting-currency= ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
5023NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Sora Sompeng Digits (sora)standard-currency= ¤#,##0.00
5024NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Sora Sompeng Digits (sora)accounting-currency= ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
5025NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Sundanese Digits (sund)standard-currency= ¤#,##0.00
5026NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Sundanese Digits (sund)accounting-currency= ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
5027NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Tai Tham Hora Digits (lana)standard-currency= ¤#,##0.00
5028NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Tai Tham Hora Digits (lana)accounting-currency= ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
5029NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Tai Tham Tham Digits (lanatham)standard-currency= ¤#,##0.00
5030NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Tai Tham Tham Digits (lanatham)accounting-currency= ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
5031NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Takri Digits (takr)standard-currency= ¤#,##0.00
5032NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Takri Digits (takr)accounting-currency= ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
5033NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Tamil Digits (tamldec)standard-currency= ¤#,##0.00
5034NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Tamil Digits (tamldec)accounting-currency= ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
5035NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Telugu Digits (telu)standard-currency= ¤#,##0.00
5036NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Telugu Digits (telu)accounting-currency= ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
5037NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Thai Digits (thai)standard-currency= ¤#,##0.00
5038NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Thai Digits (thai)accounting-currency= ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
5039NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Tibetan Digits (tibt)standard-currency= ¤#,##0.00
5040NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Tibetan Digits (tibt)accounting-currency= ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
5041NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Vai Digits (vaii)standard-currency= ¤#,##0.00
5042NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns using Vai Digits (vaii)accounting-currency= ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
5043NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsCurrency Unit Patterns currencies-other{0} {1} {0}{1} {0} {1}
5044NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsCurrency Unit Patterns using Balinese Digits (bali)currencies-other{0} {1} {0}{1}
5045NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsCurrency Unit Patterns using Bangla Digits (beng)currencies-other{0} {1} {0}{1}
5046NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsCurrency Unit Patterns using Brahmi Digits (brah)currencies-other{0} {1} {0}{1}
5047NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsCurrency Unit Patterns using Chakma Digits (cakm)currencies-other{0} {1} {0}{1}
5048NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsCurrency Unit Patterns using Cham Digits (cham)currencies-other{0} {1} {0}{1}
5049NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsCurrency Unit Patterns using Chinese Decimal Numerals (hanidec)currencies-other{0} {1} {0}{1}
5050NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsCurrency Unit Patterns using Devanagari Digits (deva)currencies-other{0} {1} {0}{1}
5051NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsCurrency Unit Patterns using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)currencies-other{0} {1} {0}{1}
5052NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsCurrency Unit Patterns using Full-Width Digits (fullwide)currencies-other{0} {1} {0}{1}
5053NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsCurrency Unit Patterns using Gujarati Digits (gujr)currencies-other{0} {1} {0}{1}
5054NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsCurrency Unit Patterns using Gurmukhi Digits (guru)currencies-other{0} {1} {0}{1}
5055NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsCurrency Unit Patterns using Javanese Digits (java)currencies-other{0} {1} {0}{1}
5056NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsCurrency Unit Patterns using Kannada Digits (knda)currencies-other{0} {1} {0}{1}
5057NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsCurrency Unit Patterns using Kayah Li Digits (kali)currencies-other{0} {1} {0}{1}
5058NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsCurrency Unit Patterns using Khmer Digits (khmr)currencies-other{0} {1} {0}{1}
5059NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsCurrency Unit Patterns using Lao Digits (laoo)currencies-other{0} {1} {0}{1}
5060NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsCurrency Unit Patterns using Lepcha Digits (lepc)currencies-other{0} {1} {0}{1}
5061NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsCurrency Unit Patterns using Limbu Digits (limb)currencies-other{0} {1} {0}{1}
5062NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsCurrency Unit Patterns using Malayalam Digits (mlym)currencies-other{0} {1} {0}{1}
5063NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsCurrency Unit Patterns using Masaram Gondi digits (gonm)currencies-other{0} {1} {0}{1}
5064NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsCurrency Unit Patterns using Meetei Mayek Digits (mtei)currencies-other{0} {1} {0}{1}
5065NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsCurrency Unit Patterns using Mongolian Digits (mong)currencies-other{0} {1} {0}{1}
5066NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsCurrency Unit Patterns using Myanmar Digits (mymr)currencies-other{0} {1} {0}{1}
5067NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsCurrency Unit Patterns using Myanmar Shan Digits (mymrshan)currencies-other{0} {1} {0}{1}
5068NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsCurrency Unit Patterns using N’Ko Digits (nkoo)currencies-other{0} {1} {0}{1}
5069NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsCurrency Unit Patterns using New Tai Lue Digits (talu)currencies-other{0} {1} {0}{1}
5070NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsCurrency Unit Patterns using Odia Digits (orya)currencies-other{0} {1} {0}{1}
5071NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsCurrency Unit Patterns using Ol Chiki Digits (olck)currencies-other{0} {1} {0}{1}
5072NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsCurrency Unit Patterns using Osmanya Digits (osma)currencies-other{0} {1} {0}{1}
5073NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsCurrency Unit Patterns using Saurashtra Digits (saur)currencies-other{0} {1} {0}{1}
5074NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsCurrency Unit Patterns using Sharada Digits (shrd)currencies-other{0} {1} {0}{1}
5075NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsCurrency Unit Patterns using Sora Sompeng Digits (sora)currencies-other{0} {1} {0}{1}
5076NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsCurrency Unit Patterns using Sundanese Digits (sund)currencies-other{0} {1} {0}{1}
5077NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsCurrency Unit Patterns using Tai Tham Hora Digits (lana)currencies-other{0} {1} {0}{1}
5078NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsCurrency Unit Patterns using Tai Tham Tham Digits (lanatham)currencies-other{0} {1} {0}{1}
5079NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsCurrency Unit Patterns using Takri Digits (takr)currencies-other{0} {1} {0}{1}
5080NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsCurrency Unit Patterns using Tamil Digits (tamldec)currencies-other{0} {1} {0}{1}
5081NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsCurrency Unit Patterns using Telugu Digits (telu)currencies-other{0} {1} {0}{1}
5082NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsCurrency Unit Patterns using Thai Digits (thai)currencies-other{0} {1} {0}{1}
5083NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsCurrency Unit Patterns using Tibetan Digits (tibt)currencies-other{0} {1} {0}{1}
5084NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsCurrency Unit Patterns using Vai Digits (vaii)currencies-other{0} {1} {0}{1}
5085NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns approximately= ~{0}
5086NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns atLeast= {0}+
5087NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns atMost= ≤{0}
5088NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns range{0}–{1} {0}-{1}
5089NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)atLeast= {0}+
5090NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)range{0}–{1} {0}-{1}
5091NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Balinese Digits (bali)atLeast= {0}+
5092NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Balinese Digits (bali)range{0}–{1} {0}-{1}
5093NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Bangla Digits (beng)atLeast= {0}+
5094NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Bangla Digits (beng)range{0}–{1} {0}-{1}
5095NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Brahmi Digits (brah)atLeast= {0}+
5096NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Brahmi Digits (brah)range{0}–{1} {0}-{1}
5097NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Chakma Digits (cakm)atLeast= {0}+
5098NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Chakma Digits (cakm)range{0}–{1} {0}-{1}
5099NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Cham Digits (cham)atLeast= {0}+
5100NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Cham Digits (cham)range{0}–{1} {0}-{1}
5101NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Chinese Decimal Numerals (hanidec)atLeast= {0}+
5102NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Chinese Decimal Numerals (hanidec)range{0}–{1} {0}-{1}
5103NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Devanagari Digits (deva)atLeast= {0}+
5104NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Devanagari Digits (deva)range{0}–{1} {0}-{1}
5105NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)atLeast= {0}+
5106NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)range{0}–{1} {0}-{1}
5107NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Full-Width Digits (fullwide)atLeast= {0}+
5108NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Full-Width Digits (fullwide)range{0}–{1} {0}-{1}
5109NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Gujarati Digits (gujr)atLeast= {0}+
5110NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Gujarati Digits (gujr)range{0}–{1} {0}-{1}
5111NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Gurmukhi Digits (guru)atLeast= {0}+
5112NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Gurmukhi Digits (guru)range{0}–{1} {0}-{1}
5113NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Javanese Digits (java)atLeast= {0}+
5114NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Javanese Digits (java)range{0}–{1} {0}-{1}
5115NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Kannada Digits (knda)atLeast= {0}+
5116NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Kannada Digits (knda)range{0}–{1} {0}-{1}
5117NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Kayah Li Digits (kali)atLeast= {0}+
5118NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Kayah Li Digits (kali)range{0}–{1} {0}-{1}
5119NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Khmer Digits (khmr)atLeast= {0}+
5120NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Khmer Digits (khmr)range{0}–{1} {0}-{1}
5121NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Lao Digits (laoo)atLeast= {0}+
5122NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Lao Digits (laoo)range{0}–{1} {0}-{1}
5123NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Lepcha Digits (lepc)atLeast= {0}+
5124NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Lepcha Digits (lepc)range{0}–{1} {0}-{1}
5125NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Limbu Digits (limb)atLeast= {0}+
5126NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Limbu Digits (limb)range{0}–{1} {0}-{1}
5127NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Malayalam Digits (mlym)atLeast= {0}+
5128NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Malayalam Digits (mlym)range{0}–{1} {0}-{1}
5129NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Masaram Gondi digits (gonm)atLeast= {0}+
5130NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Masaram Gondi digits (gonm)range{0}–{1} {0}-{1}
5131NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Meetei Mayek Digits (mtei)atLeast= {0}+
5132NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Meetei Mayek Digits (mtei)range{0}–{1} {0}-{1}
5133NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Mongolian Digits (mong)atLeast= {0}+
5134NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Mongolian Digits (mong)range{0}–{1} {0}-{1}
5135NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Myanmar Digits (mymr)atLeast= {0}+
5136NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Myanmar Digits (mymr)range{0}–{1} {0}-{1}
5137NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Myanmar Shan Digits (mymrshan)atLeast= {0}+
5138NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Myanmar Shan Digits (mymrshan)range{0}–{1} {0}-{1}
5139NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using N’Ko Digits (nkoo)atLeast= {0}+
5140NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using N’Ko Digits (nkoo)range{0}–{1} {0}-{1}
5141NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using New Tai Lue Digits (talu)atLeast= {0}+
5142NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using New Tai Lue Digits (talu)range{0}–{1} {0}-{1}
5143NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Odia Digits (orya)atLeast= {0}+
5144NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Odia Digits (orya)range{0}–{1} {0}-{1}
5145NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Ol Chiki Digits (olck)atLeast= {0}+
5146NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Ol Chiki Digits (olck)range{0}–{1} {0}-{1}
5147NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Osmanya Digits (osma)atLeast= {0}+
5148NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Osmanya Digits (osma)range{0}–{1} {0}-{1}
5149NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Saurashtra Digits (saur)atLeast= {0}+
5150NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Saurashtra Digits (saur)range{0}–{1} {0}-{1}
5151NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Sharada Digits (shrd)atLeast= {0}+
5152NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Sharada Digits (shrd)range{0}–{1} {0}-{1}
5153NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Sora Sompeng Digits (sora)atLeast= {0}+
5154NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Sora Sompeng Digits (sora)range{0}–{1} {0}-{1}
5155NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Sundanese Digits (sund)atLeast= {0}+
5156NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Sundanese Digits (sund)range{0}–{1} {0}-{1}
5157NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Tai Tham Hora Digits (lana)atLeast= {0}+
5158NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Tai Tham Hora Digits (lana)range{0}–{1} {0}-{1}
5159NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Tai Tham Tham Digits (lanatham)atLeast= {0}+
5160NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Tai Tham Tham Digits (lanatham)range{0}–{1} {0}-{1}
5161NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Takri Digits (takr)atLeast= {0}+
5162NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Takri Digits (takr)range{0}–{1} {0}-{1}
5163NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Tamil Digits (tamldec)atLeast= {0}+
5164NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Tamil Digits (tamldec)range{0}–{1} {0}-{1}
5165NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Telugu Digits (telu)atLeast= {0}+
5166NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Telugu Digits (telu)range{0}–{1} {0}-{1}
5167NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Thai Digits (thai)atLeast= {0}+
5168NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Thai Digits (thai)range{0}–{1} {0}-{1}
5169NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Tibetan Digits (tibt)atLeast= {0}+
5170NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Tibetan Digits (tibt)range{0}–{1} {0}-{1}
5171NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Vai Digits (vaii)atLeast= {0}+
5172NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns using Vai Digits (vaii)range{0}–{1} {0}-{1}
5173NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 4-digits-short-other¤0K 0
5174NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 5-digits-short-other¤00K ¤0万
5175NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 6-digits-short-other¤000K ¤00万
5176NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 7-digits-short-other¤0M ¤000万
5177NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 8-digits-short-other¤00M ¤0000万
5178NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 9-digits-short-other¤000M ¤0亿
5179NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 10-digits-short-other¤0B ¤00亿
5180NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 11-digits-short-other¤00B ¤000亿
5181NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 12-digits-short-other¤000B ¤0000亿
5182NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 13-digits-short-other¤0T ¤0万亿
5183NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 14-digits-short-other¤00T ¤00万亿
5184NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Currency 15-digits-short-other¤000T ¤000万亿
5185NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 4-digits-long-other0 thousand 0
5186NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 5-digits-long-other00 thousand 0万
5187NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 6-digits-long-other000 thousand 00万
5188NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 7-digits-long-other0 million 000万
5189NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 8-digits-long-other00 million 0000万
5190NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 9-digits-long-other000 million 0亿
5191NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 10-digits-long-other0 billion 00亿
5192NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 11-digits-long-other00 billion 000亿
5193NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 12-digits-long-other000 billion 0000亿
5194NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 13-digits-long-other0 trillion 0万亿
5195NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 14-digits-long-other00 trillion 00万亿
5196NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingLong Formats 15-digits-long-other000 trillion 000万亿
5197NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 4-digits-short-other0K 0
5198NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 5-digits-short-other00K 0万
5199NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 6-digits-short-other000K 00万
5200NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 7-digits-short-other0M 000万
5201NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 8-digits-short-other00M 0000万
5202NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 9-digits-short-other000M 0亿
5203NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 10-digits-short-other0B 00亿
5204NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 11-digits-short-other00B 000亿
5205NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 12-digits-short-other000B 0000亿
5206NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 13-digits-short-other0T 0万亿
5207NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 14-digits-short-other00T 00万亿
5208NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats 15-digits-short-other000T 000万亿
5209CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: BermudaBMD-nameBermudan Dollar 百慕大元
5210CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: BermudaBMD-name-otherBermudan dollars 百慕大元
5211CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: BermudaBMD-symbol= BMD
5212CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: BermudaBMD-symbol-narrow= $
5213CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: CanadaCAD-nameCanadian Dollar 加拿大元
5214CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: CanadaCAD-name-otherCanadian dollars 加拿大元
5215CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: CanadaCAD-symbol= CA$
5216CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: CanadaCAD-symbol-narrow= $
5217CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United StatesUSD-nameUS Dollar 美元
5218CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United StatesUSD-name-otherUS dollars 美元
5219CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United StatesUSD-symbol$ US$
5220CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United StatesUSD-symbol-narrow= $
5221CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United States: USN (fund)USN-nameUS Dollar (Next day) 美元(次日)
5222CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United States: USN (fund)USN-name-otherUS dollars (next day) 美元(次日)
5223CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United States: USN (fund)USN-symbol= USN
5224CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United States: USS (fund)USS-nameUS Dollar (Same day) 美元(当日)
5225CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United States: USS (fund)USS-name-otherUS dollars (same day) 美元(当日)
5226CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United States: USS (fund)USS-symbol= USS
5227CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: BelizeBZD-nameBelize Dollar 伯利兹元
5228CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: BelizeBZD-name-otherBelize dollars 伯利兹元
5229CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: BelizeBZD-symbol= BZD
5230CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: BelizeBZD-symbol-narrow= $
5231CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Costa RicaCRC-nameCosta Rican Colón 哥斯达黎加科朗
5232CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Costa RicaCRC-name-otherCosta Rican colóns 哥斯达黎加科朗
5233CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Costa RicaCRC-symbol= CRC
5234CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Costa RicaCRC-symbol-narrow=
5235CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: GuatemalaGTQ-nameGuatemalan Quetzal 危地马拉格查尔
5236CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: GuatemalaGTQ-name-otherGuatemalan quetzals 危地马拉格查尔
5237CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: GuatemalaGTQ-symbol= GTQ
5238CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: GuatemalaGTQ-symbol-narrow= Q
5239CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: HondurasHNL-nameHonduran Lempira 洪都拉斯伦皮拉
5240CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: HondurasHNL-name-otherHonduran lempiras 洪都拉斯伦皮拉
5241CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: HondurasHNL-symbol= HNL
5242CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: HondurasHNL-symbol-narrow= L
5243CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: MexicoMXN-nameMexican Peso 墨西哥比索
5244CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: MexicoMXN-name-otherMexican pesos 墨西哥比索
5245CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: MexicoMXN-symbol= MX$
5246CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: MexicoMXN-symbol-narrow= $
5247CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Mexico: MXP (old)MXP-nameMexican Silver Peso (1861–1992) 墨西哥银比索 (1861–1992)
5248CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Mexico: MXP (old)MXP-name-otherMexican silver pesos (1861–1992) 墨西哥银比索 (1861–1992)
5249CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Mexico: MXP (old)MXP-symbol= MXP
5250CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Mexico: MXV (fund)MXV-nameMexican Investment Unit 墨西哥(资金)
5251CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Mexico: MXV (fund)MXV-name-otherMexican investment units 墨西哥(资金)
5252CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Mexico: MXV (fund)MXV-symbol= MXV
5253CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: NicaraguaNIO-nameNicaraguan Córdoba 尼加拉瓜科多巴
5254CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: NicaraguaNIO-name-otherNicaraguan córdobas 尼加拉瓜金科多巴 尼加拉瓜科多巴
5255CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: NicaraguaNIO-symbol= NIO
5256CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: NicaraguaNIO-symbol-narrow= C$
5257CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Nicaragua: NIC (old)NIC-nameNicaraguan Córdoba (1988–1991) 尼加拉瓜科多巴 (1988–1991)
5258CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Nicaragua: NIC (old)NIC-name-otherNicaraguan córdobas (1988–1991) 尼加拉瓜科多巴 (1988–1991)
5259CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Nicaragua: NIC (old)NIC-symbol= NIC
5260CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: PanamaPAB-namePanamanian Balboa 巴拿马巴波亚
5261CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: PanamaPAB-name-otherPanamanian balboas 巴拿马巴波亚
5262CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: PanamaPAB-symbol= PAB
5263CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: El Salvador: SVC (old)SVC-nameSalvadoran Colón 萨尔瓦多科朗
5264CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: El Salvador: SVC (old)SVC-name-otherSalvadoran colones 萨尔瓦多科朗
5265CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: El Salvador: SVC (old)SVC-symbol= SVC
5266CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: ArubaAWG-nameAruban Florin 阿鲁巴弗罗林
5267CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: ArubaAWG-name-otherAruban florin 阿鲁巴弗罗林
5268CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: ArubaAWG-symbol= AWG
5269CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: BarbadosBBD-nameBarbadian Dollar 巴巴多斯元
5270CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: BarbadosBBD-name-otherBarbadian dollars 巴巴多斯元
5271CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: BarbadosBBD-symbol= BBD
5272CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: BarbadosBBD-symbol-narrow= $
5273CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: BahamasBSD-nameBahamian Dollar 巴哈马元
5274CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: BahamasBSD-name-otherBahamian dollars 巴哈马元
5275CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: BahamasBSD-symbol= BSD
5276CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: BahamasBSD-symbol-narrow= $
5277CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CubaCUC-nameCuban Convertible Peso 古巴可兑换比索
5278CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CubaCUP-nameCuban Peso 古巴比索
5279CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CubaCUC-name-otherCuban convertible pesos 古巴可兑换比索
5280CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CubaCUP-name-otherCuban pesos 古巴比索
5281CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CubaCUC-symbol= CUC
5282CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CubaCUP-symbol= CUP
5283CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CubaCUC-symbol-narrow= $
5284CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CubaCUP-symbol-narrow= $
5285CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CuraçaoANG-nameNetherlands Antillean Guilder 荷属安的列斯盾
5286CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CuraçaoANG-name-otherNetherlands Antillean guilders 荷属安的列斯盾 荷兰安的列斯盾
5287CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CuraçaoANG-symbol= ANG
5288CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Dominican RepublicDOP-nameDominican Peso 多米尼加比索
5289CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Dominican RepublicDOP-name-otherDominican pesos 多米尼加比索
5290CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Dominican RepublicDOP-symbol= DOP
5291CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Dominican RepublicDOP-symbol-narrow= $
5292CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: HaitiHTG-nameHaitian Gourde 海地古德
5293CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: HaitiHTG-name-otherHaitian gourdes 海地古德
5294CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: HaitiHTG-symbol= HTG
5295CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: JamaicaJMD-nameJamaican Dollar 牙买加元
5296CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: JamaicaJMD-name-otherJamaican dollars 牙买加元
5297CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: JamaicaJMD-symbol= JMD
5298CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: JamaicaJMD-symbol-narrow= $
5299CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Cayman IslandsKYD-nameCayman Islands Dollar 开曼元 开曼群岛元
5300CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Cayman IslandsKYD-name-otherCayman Islands dollars 开曼元 开曼群岛元
5301CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Cayman IslandsKYD-symbol= KYD
5302CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Cayman IslandsKYD-symbol-narrow= $
5303CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: St. LuciaXCD-nameEast Caribbean Dollar 东加勒比元
5304CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: St. LuciaXCD-name-otherEast Caribbean dollars 东加勒比元
5305CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: St. LuciaXCD-symbol= EC$
5306CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: St. LuciaXCD-symbol-narrow= $
5307CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Trinidad & TobagoTTD-nameTrinidad & Tobago Dollar 特立尼达和多巴哥元
5308CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Trinidad & TobagoTTD-name-otherTrinidad & Tobago dollars 特立尼达和多巴哥元
5309CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Trinidad & TobagoTTD-symbol= TTD
5310CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Trinidad & TobagoTTD-symbol-narrow= $
5311CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ArgentinaARS-nameArgentine Peso 阿根廷比索
5312CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ArgentinaARS-name-otherArgentine pesos 阿根廷比索
5313CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ArgentinaARS-symbol= ARS
5314CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ArgentinaARS-symbol-narrow= $
5315CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARA (old)ARA-nameArgentine Austral 阿根廷奥斯特拉尔
5316CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARA (old)ARA-name-otherArgentine australs 阿根廷奥斯特拉尔
5317CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARA (old)ARA-symbol= ARA
5318CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARL (old)ARL-nameArgentine Peso Ley (1970–1983) 阿根廷法定比索 (1970–1983)
5319CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARL (old)ARL-name-otherArgentine pesos ley (1970–1983) 阿根廷法定比索 (1970–1983)
5320CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARL (old)ARL-symbol= ARL
5321CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARM (old)ARM-nameArgentine Peso (1881–1970) 阿根廷比索 (1881–1970)
5322CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARM (old)ARM-name-otherArgentine pesos (1881–1970) 阿根廷比索 (1881–1970)
5323CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARM (old)ARM-symbol= ARM
5324CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARP (old)ARP-nameArgentine Peso (1983–1985) 阿根廷比索 (1983–1985)
5325CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARP (old)ARP-name-otherArgentine pesos (1983–1985) 阿根廷比索 (1983–1985)
5326CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARP (old)ARP-symbol= ARP
5327CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: BoliviaBOB-nameBolivian Boliviano 玻利维亚诺
5328CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: BoliviaBOB-name-otherBolivian bolivianos 玻利维亚诺
5329CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: BoliviaBOB-symbol= BOB
5330CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: BoliviaBOB-symbol-narrow= Bs
5331CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Bolivia: BOL (old)BOL-nameBolivian Boliviano (1863–1963) 玻利维亚诺 (1863–1963)
5332CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Bolivia: BOL (old)BOL-name-otherBolivian bolivianos (1863–1963) 玻利维亚诺 (1863–1963)
5333CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Bolivia: BOL (old)BOL-symbol= BOL
5334CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Bolivia: BOP (old)BOP-nameBolivian Peso 玻利维亚比索
5335CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Bolivia: BOP (old)BOP-name-otherBolivian pesos 玻利维亚比索
5336CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Bolivia: BOP (old)BOP-symbol= BOP
5337CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Bolivia: BOV (old)BOV-nameBolivian Mvdol 玻利维亚 Mvdol(资金)
5338CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Bolivia: BOV (old)BOV-name-otherBolivian mvdols 玻利维亚 Mvdol(资金)
5339CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Bolivia: BOV (old)BOV-symbol= BOV
5340CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: BrazilBRL-nameBrazilian Real 巴西雷亚尔
5341CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: BrazilBRL-name-otherBrazilian reals 巴西雷亚尔
5342CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: BrazilBRL-symbol= R$
5343CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: BrazilBRL-symbol-narrow= R$
5344CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRB (old)BRB-nameBrazilian New Cruzeiro (1967–1986) 巴西新克鲁赛罗 (1967–1986)
5345CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRB (old)BRB-name-otherBrazilian new cruzeiros (1967–1986) 巴西新克鲁赛罗 (1967–1986)
5346CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRB (old)BRB-symbol= BRB
5347CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRC (old)BRC-nameBrazilian Cruzado (1986–1989) 巴西克鲁扎多 (1986–1989)
5348CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRC (old)BRC-name-otherBrazilian cruzados (1986–1989) 巴西克鲁扎多 (1986–1989)
5349CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRC (old)BRC-symbol= BRC
5350CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRE (old)BRE-nameBrazilian Cruzeiro (1990–1993) 巴西克鲁塞罗 (1990–1993)
5351CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRE (old)BRE-name-otherBrazilian cruzeiros (1990–1993) 巴西克鲁塞罗 (1990–1993)
5352CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRE (old)BRE-symbol= BRE
5353CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRN (old)BRN-nameBrazilian New Cruzado (1989–1990) 巴西新克鲁扎多 (1989–1990)
5354CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRN (old)BRN-name-otherBrazilian new cruzados (1989–1990) 巴西新克鲁扎多 (1989–1990)
5355CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRN (old)BRN-symbol= BRN
5356CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRR (old)BRR-nameBrazilian Cruzeiro (1993–1994) 巴西克鲁塞罗 (1993–1994)
5357CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRR (old)BRR-name-otherBrazilian cruzeiros (1993–1994) 巴西克鲁塞罗 (1993–1994)
5358CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRR (old)BRR-symbol= BRR
5359CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRZ (old)BRZ-nameBrazilian Cruzeiro (1942–1967) 巴西克鲁塞罗 (1942–1967)
5360CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRZ (old)BRZ-name-otherBrazilian cruzeiros (1942–1967) 巴西克鲁塞罗 (1942–1967)
5361CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRZ (old)BRZ-symbol= BRZ
5362CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ChileCLP-nameChilean Peso 智利比索
5363CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ChileCLP-name-otherChilean pesos 智利比索
5364CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ChileCLP-symbol= CLP
5365CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ChileCLP-symbol-narrow= $
5366CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Chile: CLE (old)CLE-nameChilean Escudo 智利埃斯库多
5367CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Chile: CLE (old)CLE-name-otherChilean escudos 智利埃斯库多
5368CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Chile: CLE (old)CLE-symbol= CLE
5369CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Chile: CLF (fund)CLF-nameChilean Unit of Account (UF) 智利(资金)
5370CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Chile: CLF (fund)CLF-name-otherChilean units of account (UF) 智利(资金)
5371CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Chile: CLF (fund)CLF-symbol= CLF
5372CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ColombiaCOP-nameColombian Peso 哥伦比亚比索
5373CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ColombiaCOP-name-otherColombian pesos 哥伦比亚比索
5374CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ColombiaCOP-symbol= COP
5375CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ColombiaCOP-symbol-narrow= $
5376CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Colombia: COU (fund)COU-nameColombian Real Value Unit 哥伦比亚币
5377CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Colombia: COU (fund)COU-name-otherColombian real value units 哥伦比亚币
5378CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Colombia: COU (fund)COU-symbol= COU
5379CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Ecuador: ECS (old)ECS-nameEcuadorian Sucre 厄瓜多尔苏克雷
5380CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Ecuador: ECS (old)ECS-name-otherEcuadorian sucres 厄瓜多尔苏克雷
5381CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Ecuador: ECS (old)ECS-symbol= ECS
5382CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Ecuador: ECV (fund)ECV-nameEcuadorian Unit of Constant Value 厄瓜多尔 (UVC)
5383CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Ecuador: ECV (fund)ECV-name-otherEcuadorian units of constant value 厄瓜多尔 (UVC)
5384CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Ecuador: ECV (fund)ECV-symbol= ECV
5385CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Falkland IslandsFKP-nameFalkland Islands Pound 福克兰群岛镑
5386CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Falkland IslandsFKP-name-otherFalkland Islands pounds 福克兰群岛镑
5387CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Falkland IslandsFKP-symbol= FKP
5388CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Falkland IslandsFKP-symbol-narrow= £
5389CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: GuyanaGYD-nameGuyanaese Dollar 圭亚那元
5390CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: GuyanaGYD-name-otherGuyanaese dollars 圭亚那元
5391CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: GuyanaGYD-symbol= GYD
5392CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: GuyanaGYD-symbol-narrow= $
5393CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: PeruPEN-namePeruvian Sol 秘鲁索尔
5394CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: PeruPEN-name-otherPeruvian soles 秘鲁索尔
5395CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: PeruPEN-symbol= PEN
5396CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Peru: PEI (old)PEI-namePeruvian Inti 秘鲁印第
5397CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Peru: PEI (old)PEI-name-otherPeruvian intis 秘鲁印第
5398CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Peru: PEI (old)PEI-symbol= PEI
5399CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Peru: PES (old)PES-namePeruvian Sol (1863–1965) 秘鲁索尔 (1863–1965)
5400CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Peru: PES (old)PES-name-otherPeruvian soles (1863–1965) 秘鲁索尔 (1863–1965)
5401CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Peru: PES (old)PES-symbol= PES
5402CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ParaguayPYG-nameParaguayan Guarani 巴拉圭瓜拉尼
5403CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ParaguayPYG-name-otherParaguayan guaranis 巴拉圭瓜拉尼
5404CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ParaguayPYG-symbol= PYG
5405CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ParaguayPYG-symbol-narrow=
5406CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: SurinameSRD-nameSurinamese Dollar 苏里南元
5407CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: SurinameSRD-name-otherSurinamese dollars 苏里南元
5408CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: SurinameSRD-symbol= SRD
5409CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: SurinameSRD-symbol-narrow= $
5410CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Suriname: SRG (old)SRG-nameSurinamese Guilder 苏里南盾
5411CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Suriname: SRG (old)SRG-name-otherSurinamese guilders 苏里南盾
5412CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Suriname: SRG (old)SRG-symbol= SRG
5413CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: UruguayUYU-nameUruguayan Peso 乌拉圭比索
5414CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: UruguayUYU-name-otherUruguayan pesos 乌拉圭比索
5415CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: UruguayUYU-symbol= UYU
5416CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: UruguayUYU-symbol-narrow= $
5417CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Uruguay: UYI (fund)UYI-nameUruguayan Peso (Indexed Units) 乌拉圭比索(索引单位)
5418CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Uruguay: UYI (fund)UYI-name-otherUruguayan pesos (indexed units) 乌拉圭比索(索引单位)
5419CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Uruguay: UYI (fund)UYI-symbol= UYI
5420CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Uruguay: UYP (old)UYP-nameUruguayan Peso (1975–1993) 乌拉圭比索 (1975–1993)
5421CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Uruguay: UYP (old)UYP-name-otherUruguayan pesos (1975–1993) 乌拉圭比索 (1975–1993)
5422CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Uruguay: UYP (old)UYP-symbol= UYP
5423CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Uruguay: UYW (old)UYW-nameUruguayan Nominal Wage Index Unit 乌拉圭票面工资指数单位
5424CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Uruguay: UYW (old)UYW-name-otherUruguayan nominal wage index units 乌拉圭票面工资指数单位
5425CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Uruguay: UYW (old)UYW-symbol= UYW
5426CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: VenezuelaVES-nameVenezuelan Bolívar 委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔
5427CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: VenezuelaVES-name-otherVenezuelan bolívars 委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔
5428CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: VenezuelaVES-symbol= VES
5429CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Venezuela: VEB (old)VEB-nameVenezuelan Bolívar (1871–2008) 委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔 (1871–2008)
5430CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Venezuela: VEB (old)VEB-name-otherVenezuelan bolívars (1871–2008) 委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔 (1871–2008)
5431CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Venezuela: VEB (old)VEB-symbol= VEB
5432CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Venezuela: VEF (old)VEF-nameVenezuelan Bolívar (2008–2018) 委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔 (2008–2018)
5433CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Venezuela: VEF (old)VEF-name-otherVenezuelan bolívars (2008–2018) 委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔 (2008–2018)
5434CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Venezuela: VEF (old)VEF-symbol= VEF
5435CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Venezuela: VEF (old)VEF-symbol-narrow= Bs
5436CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: DenmarkDKK-nameDanish Krone 丹麦克朗
5437CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: DenmarkDKK-name-otherDanish kroner 丹麦克朗
5438CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: DenmarkDKK-symbol= DKK
5439CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: DenmarkDKK-symbol-narrow= kr
5440CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Estonia: EEK (old)EEK-nameEstonian Kroon 爱沙尼亚克朗
5441CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Estonia: EEK (old)EEK-name-otherEstonian kroons 爱沙尼亚克朗
5442CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Estonia: EEK (old)EEK-symbol= EEK
5443CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Finland: FIM (old)FIM-nameFinnish Markka 芬兰马克
5444CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Finland: FIM (old)FIM-name-otherFinnish markkas 芬兰马克
5445CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Finland: FIM (old)FIM-symbol= FIM
5446CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: United KingdomGBP-nameBritish Pound 英镑
5447CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: United KingdomGBP-name-otherBritish pounds 英镑
5448CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: United KingdomGBP-symbol= £
5449CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: United KingdomGBP-symbol-narrow= £
5450CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Ireland: IEP (old)IEP-nameIrish Pound 爱尔兰镑
5451CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Ireland: IEP (old)IEP-name-otherIrish pounds 爱尔兰镑
5452CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Ireland: IEP (old)IEP-symbol= IEP
5453CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: IcelandISK-nameIcelandic Króna 冰岛克朗
5454CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: IcelandISK-name-otherIcelandic krónur 冰岛克朗
5455CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: IcelandISK-symbol= ISK
5456CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: IcelandISK-symbol-narrow= kr
5457CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Iceland: ISJ (old)ISJ-nameIcelandic Króna (1918–1981) 冰岛克朗(1918–1981)
5458CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Iceland: ISJ (old)ISJ-name-otherIcelandic krónur (1918–1981) 冰岛克朗(1918–1981)
5459CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Iceland: ISJ (old)ISJ-symbol= ISJ
5460CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Lithuania: LTL (old)LTL-nameLithuanian Litas 立陶宛立特
5461CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Lithuania: LTL (old)LTL-name-otherLithuanian litai 立陶宛立特
5462CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Lithuania: LTL (old)LTL-symbol= LTL
5463CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Lithuania: LTL (old)LTL-symbol-narrow= Lt
5464CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Lithuania: LTT (old)LTT-nameLithuanian Talonas 立陶宛塔咯呐司
5465CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Lithuania: LTT (old)LTT-name-otherLithuanian talonases 立陶宛塔咯呐司
5466CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Lithuania: LTT (old)LTT-symbol= LTT
5467CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Latvia: LVL (old)LVL-nameLatvian Lats 拉脱维亚拉特
5468CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Latvia: LVL (old)LVL-name-otherLatvian lati 拉脱维亚拉特
5469CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Latvia: LVL (old)LVL-symbol= LVL
5470CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Latvia: LVL (old)LVL-symbol-narrow= Ls
5471CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Latvia: LVR (old)LVR-nameLatvian Ruble 拉脱维亚卢布
5472CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Latvia: LVR (old)LVR-name-otherLatvian rubles 拉脱维亚卢布
5473CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: Latvia: LVR (old)LVR-symbol= LVR
5474CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: NorwayNOK-nameNorwegian Krone 挪威克朗
5475CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: NorwayNOK-name-otherNorwegian kroner 挪威克朗
5476CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: NorwayNOK-symbol= NOK
5477CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: NorwayNOK-symbol-narrow= kr
5478CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: SwedenSEK-nameSwedish Krona 瑞典克朗
5479CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: SwedenSEK-name-otherSwedish kronor 瑞典克朗
5480CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: SwedenSEK-symbol= SEK
5481CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeNorthern Europe: SwedenSEK-symbol-narrow= kr
5482CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Austria: ATS (old)ATS-nameAustrian Schilling 奥地利先令
5483CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Austria: ATS (old)ATS-name-otherAustrian schillings 奥地利先令
5484CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Austria: ATS (old)ATS-symbol= ATS
5485CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Belgium: BEC (old)BEC-nameBelgian Franc (convertible) 比利时法郎(可兑换)
5486CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Belgium: BEC (old)BEC-name-otherBelgian francs (convertible) 比利时法郎(可兑换)
5487CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Belgium: BEC (old)BEC-symbol= BEC
5488CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Belgium: BEF (old)BEF-nameBelgian Franc 比利时法郎
5489CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Belgium: BEF (old)BEF-name-otherBelgian francs 比利时法郎
5490CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Belgium: BEF (old)BEF-symbol= BEF
5491CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Belgium: BEL (old)BEL-nameBelgian Franc (financial) 比利时法郎(金融)
5492CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Belgium: BEL (old)BEL-name-otherBelgian francs (financial) 比利时法郎(金融)
5493CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Belgium: BEL (old)BEL-symbol= BEL
5494CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: SwitzerlandCHF-nameSwiss Franc 瑞士法郎
5495CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: SwitzerlandCHF-name-otherSwiss francs 瑞士法郎
5496CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: SwitzerlandCHF-symbol= CHF
5497CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Switzerland: CHE (fund)CHE-nameWIR Euro 欧元 (WIR)
5498CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Switzerland: CHE (fund)CHE-name-otherWIR euros 欧元 (WIR)
5499CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Switzerland: CHE (fund)CHE-symbol= CHE
5500CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Switzerland: CHW (fund)CHW-nameWIR Franc 法郎 (WIR)
5501CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Switzerland: CHW (fund)CHW-name-otherWIR francs 法郎 (WIR)
5502CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Switzerland: CHW (fund)CHW-symbol= CHW
5503CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Germany: DDM (old)DDM-nameEast German Mark 东德奥斯特马克
5504CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Germany: DDM (old)DDM-name-otherEast German marks 东德奥斯特马克
5505CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Germany: DDM (old)DDM-symbol= DDM
5506CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Germany: DEM (old)DEM-nameGerman Mark 德国马克
5507CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Germany: DEM (old)DEM-name-otherGerman marks 德国马克
5508CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Germany: DEM (old)DEM-symbol= DEM
5509CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: France: FRF (old)FRF-nameFrench Franc 法国法郎
5510CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: France: FRF (old)FRF-name-otherFrench francs 法国法郎
5511CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: France: FRF (old)FRF-symbol= FRF
5512CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Luxembourg: LUC (old)LUC-nameLuxembourgian Convertible Franc 卢森堡可兑换法郎
5513CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Luxembourg: LUC (old)LUC-name-otherLuxembourgian convertible francs 卢森堡可兑换法郎
5514CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Luxembourg: LUC (old)LUC-symbol= LUC
5515CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Luxembourg: LUF (old)LUF-nameLuxembourgian Franc 卢森堡法郎
5516CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Luxembourg: LUF (old)LUF-name-otherLuxembourgian francs 卢森堡法郎
5517CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Luxembourg: LUF (old)LUF-symbol= LUF
5518CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Luxembourg: LUL (old)LUL-nameLuxembourg Financial Franc 卢森堡金融法郎
5519CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Luxembourg: LUL (old)LUL-name-otherLuxembourg financial francs 卢森堡金融法郎
5520CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Luxembourg: LUL (old)LUL-symbol= LUL
5521CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Monaco: MCF (old)MCF-nameMonegasque Franc 摩纳哥法郎
5522CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Monaco: MCF (old)MCF-name-otherMonegasque francs 摩纳哥法郎
5523CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Monaco: MCF (old)MCF-symbol= MCF
5524CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Netherlands: NLG (old)NLG-nameDutch Guilder 荷兰盾
5525CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Netherlands: NLG (old)NLG-name-otherDutch guilders 荷兰盾
5526CurrenciesNorthern/Western EuropeWestern Europe: Netherlands: NLG (old)NLG-symbol= NLG
5527CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: BulgariaBGN-nameBulgarian Lev 保加利亚列弗
5528CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: BulgariaBGN-name-otherBulgarian leva 保加利亚新列弗
5529CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: BulgariaBGN-symbol= BGN
5530CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Bulgaria: BGL (old)BGL-nameBulgarian Hard Lev 保加利亚硬列弗
5531CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Bulgaria: BGL (old)BGL-name-otherBulgarian hard leva 保加利亚硬列弗
5532CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Bulgaria: BGL (old)BGL-symbol= BGL
5533CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Bulgaria: BGM (old)BGM-nameBulgarian Socialist Lev 保加利亚社会党列弗
5534CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Bulgaria: BGM (old)BGM-name-otherBulgarian socialist leva 保加利亚社会党列弗
5535CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Bulgaria: BGM (old)BGM-symbol= BGM
5536CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Bulgaria: BGO (old)BGO-nameBulgarian Lev (1879–1952) 保加利亚列弗 (1879–1952)
5537CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Bulgaria: BGO (old)BGO-name-otherBulgarian leva (1879–1952) 保加利亚列弗 (1879–1952)
5538CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Bulgaria: BGO (old)BGO-symbol= BGO
5539CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: BelarusBYN-nameBelarusian Ruble 白俄罗斯卢布
5540CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: BelarusBYN-name-otherBelarusian rubles 白俄罗斯卢布
5541CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: BelarusBYN-symbol= BYN
5542CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: BelarusBYN-symbol-narrow= р.
5543CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Belarus: BYB (old)BYB-nameBelarusian Ruble (1994–1999) 白俄罗斯新卢布 (1994–1999)
5544CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Belarus: BYB (old)BYB-name-otherBelarusian rubles (1994–1999) 白俄罗斯新卢布 (1994–1999)
5545CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Belarus: BYB (old)BYB-symbol= BYB
5546CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Belarus: BYR (old)BYR-nameBelarusian Ruble (2000–2016) 白俄罗斯卢布 (2000–2016)
5547CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Belarus: BYR (old)BYR-name-otherBelarusian rubles (2000–2016) 白俄罗斯卢布 (2000–2016)
5548CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Belarus: BYR (old)BYR-symbol= BYR
5549CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: CzechiaCZK-nameCzech Koruna 捷克克朗
5550CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: CzechiaCZK-name-otherCzech korunas 捷克克朗
5551CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: CzechiaCZK-symbol= CZK
5552CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: CzechiaCZK-symbol-narrow=
5553CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Czechia: CSK (old)CSK-nameCzechoslovak Hard Koruna 捷克硬克朗
5554CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Czechia: CSK (old)CSK-name-otherCzechoslovak hard korunas 捷克硬克朗
5555CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Czechia: CSK (old)CSK-symbol= CSK
5556CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: HungaryHUF-nameHungarian Forint 匈牙利福林
5557CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: HungaryHUF-name-otherHungarian forints 匈牙利福林
5558CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: HungaryHUF-symbol= HUF
5559CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: HungaryHUF-symbol-narrow= Ft
5560CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: MoldovaMDL-nameMoldovan Leu 摩尔多瓦列伊
5561CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: MoldovaMDL-name-otherMoldovan lei 摩尔多瓦列伊
5562CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: MoldovaMDL-symbol= MDL
5563CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Moldova: MDC (old)MDC-nameMoldovan Cupon 摩尔多瓦库邦
5564CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Moldova: MDC (old)MDC-name-otherMoldovan cupon 摩尔多瓦库邦
5565CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Moldova: MDC (old)MDC-symbol= MDC
5566CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: PolandPLN-namePolish Zloty 波兰兹罗提
5567CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: PolandPLN-name-otherPolish zlotys 波兰兹罗提
5568CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: PolandPLN-symbol= PLN
5569CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: PolandPLN-symbol-narrow=
5570CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Poland: PLZ (old)PLZ-namePolish Zloty (1950–1995) 波兰兹罗提 (1950–1995)
5571CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Poland: PLZ (old)PLZ-name-otherPolish zlotys (PLZ) 波兰兹罗提 (1950–1995)
5572CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Poland: PLZ (old)PLZ-symbol= PLZ
5573CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: RomaniaRON-nameRomanian Leu 罗马尼亚列伊
5574CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: RomaniaRON-name-otherRomanian lei 罗马尼亚列伊
5575CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: RomaniaRON-symbol= RON
5576CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: RomaniaRON-symbol-narrow= lei
5577CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Romania: ROL (old)ROL-nameRomanian Leu (1952–2006) 旧罗马尼亚列伊
5578CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Romania: ROL (old)ROL-name-otherRomanian Lei (1952–2006) 旧罗马尼亚列伊
5579CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Romania: ROL (old)ROL-symbol= ROL
5580CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: RussiaRUB-nameRussian Ruble 俄罗斯卢布
5581CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: RussiaRUB-name-otherRussian rubles 俄罗斯卢布
5582CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: RussiaRUB-symbol= RUB
5583CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: RussiaRUB-symbol-narrow=
5584CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Russia: RUR (old)RUR-nameRussian Ruble (1991–1998) 俄国卢布 (1991–1998)
5585CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Russia: RUR (old)RUR-name-otherRussian rubles (1991–1998) 俄国卢布 (1991–1998)
5586CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Russia: RUR (old)RUR-symbol= RUR
5587CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Russia: RUR (old)RUR-symbol-narrow= р.
5588CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Russia: SUR (old)SUR-nameSoviet Rouble 苏联卢布
5589CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Russia: SUR (old)SUR-name-otherSoviet roubles 苏联卢布
5590CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Russia: SUR (old)SUR-symbol= SUR
5591CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Slovakia: SKK (old)SKK-nameSlovak Koruna 斯洛伐克克朗
5592CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Slovakia: SKK (old)SKK-name-otherSlovak korunas 斯洛伐克克朗
5593CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Slovakia: SKK (old)SKK-symbol= SKK
5594CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: UkraineUAH-nameUkrainian Hryvnia 乌克兰格里夫纳
5595CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: UkraineUAH-name-otherUkrainian hryvnias 乌克兰格里夫纳
5596CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: UkraineUAH-symbol= UAH
5597CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: UkraineUAH-symbol-narrow=
5598CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Ukraine: UAK (old)UAK-nameUkrainian Karbovanets 乌克兰币
5599CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Ukraine: UAK (old)UAK-name-otherUkrainian karbovantsiv 乌克兰币
5600CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Ukraine: UAK (old)UAK-symbol= UAK
5601CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Andorra: ADP (old)ADP-nameAndorran Peseta 安道尔比塞塔
5602CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Andorra: ADP (old)ADP-name-otherAndorran pesetas 安道尔比塞塔
5603CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Andorra: ADP (old)ADP-symbol= ADP
5604CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: AlbaniaALL-nameAlbanian Lek 阿尔巴尼亚列克
5605CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: AlbaniaALL-name-otherAlbanian lekë 阿尔巴尼亚列克
5606CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: AlbaniaALL-symbol= ALL
5607CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Albania: ALK (old)ALK-nameAlbanian Lek (1946–1965) 阿尔巴尼亚列克(1946–1965)
5608CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Albania: ALK (old)ALK-name-otherAlbanian lekë (1946–1965) 阿尔巴尼亚列克(1946–1965)
5609CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Albania: ALK (old)ALK-symbol= ALK
5610CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Bosnia & HerzegovinaBAM-nameBosnia-Herzegovina Convertible Mark 波斯尼亚-黑塞哥维那可兑换马克
5611CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Bosnia & HerzegovinaBAM-name-otherBosnia-Herzegovina convertible marks 波斯尼亚-黑塞哥维那可兑换马克
5612CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Bosnia & HerzegovinaBAM-symbol= BAM
5613CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Bosnia & HerzegovinaBAM-symbol-narrow= KM
5614CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Bosnia & Herzegovina: BAD (old)BAD-nameBosnia-Herzegovina Dinar (1992–1994) 波士尼亚-赫塞哥维纳第纳尔 (1992–1994)
5615CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Bosnia & Herzegovina: BAD (old)BAD-name-otherBosnia-Herzegovina dinars (1992–1994) 波士尼亚-赫塞哥维纳第纳尔 (1992–1994)
5616CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Bosnia & Herzegovina: BAD (old)BAD-symbol= BAD
5617CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Bosnia & Herzegovina: BAN (old)BAN-nameBosnia-Herzegovina New Dinar (1994–1997) 波士尼亚-赫塞哥维纳新第纳尔 (1994–1997)
5618CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Bosnia & Herzegovina: BAN (old)BAN-name-otherBosnia-Herzegovina new dinars (1994–1997) 波士尼亚-赫塞哥维纳新第纳尔 (1994–1997)
5619CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Bosnia & Herzegovina: BAN (old)BAN-symbol= BAN
5620CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Spain: ESA (old)ESA-nameSpanish Peseta (A account) 西班牙比塞塔(帐户 A)
5621CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Spain: ESA (old)ESA-name-otherSpanish pesetas (A account) 西班牙比塞塔(帐户 A)
5622CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Spain: ESA (old)ESA-symbol= ESA
5623CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Spain: ESB (old)ESB-nameSpanish Peseta (convertible account) 西班牙比塞塔(兑换帐户)
5624CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Spain: ESB (old)ESB-name-otherSpanish pesetas (convertible account) 西班牙比塞塔(兑换帐户)
5625CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Spain: ESB (old)ESB-symbol= ESB
5626CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Spain: ESP (old)ESP-nameSpanish Peseta 西班牙比塞塔
5627CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Spain: ESP (old)ESP-name-otherSpanish pesetas 西班牙比塞塔
5628CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Spain: ESP (old)ESP-symbol= ESP
5629CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Spain: ESP (old)ESP-symbol-narrow=
5630CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: GibraltarGIP-nameGibraltar Pound 直布罗陀镑
5631CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: GibraltarGIP-name-otherGibraltar pounds 直布罗陀镑
5632CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: GibraltarGIP-symbol= GIP
5633CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: GibraltarGIP-symbol-narrow= £
5634CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Greece: GRD (old)GRD-nameGreek Drachma 希腊德拉克马
5635CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Greece: GRD (old)GRD-name-otherGreek drachmas 希腊德拉克马
5636CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Greece: GRD (old)GRD-symbol= GRD
5637CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: CroatiaHRK-nameCroatian Kuna 克罗地亚库纳
5638CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: CroatiaHRK-name-otherCroatian kunas 克罗地亚库纳
5639CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: CroatiaHRK-symbol= HRK
5640CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: CroatiaHRK-symbol-narrow= kn
5641CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Croatia: HRD (old)HRD-nameCroatian Dinar 克罗地亚第纳尔
5642CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Croatia: HRD (old)HRD-name-otherCroatian dinars 克罗地亚第纳尔
5643CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Croatia: HRD (old)HRD-symbol= HRD
5644CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Italy: ITL (old)ITL-nameItalian Lira 意大利里拉
5645CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Italy: ITL (old)ITL-name-otherItalian liras 意大利里拉
5646CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Italy: ITL (old)ITL-symbol= ITL
5647CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: North MacedoniaMKD-nameMacedonian Denar 马其顿第纳尔
5648CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: North MacedoniaMKD-name-otherMacedonian denari 马其顿第纳尔
5649CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: North MacedoniaMKD-symbol= MKD
5650CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: North Macedonia: MKN (old)MKN-nameMacedonian Denar (1992–1993) 马其顿第纳尔 (1992–1993)
5651CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: North Macedonia: MKN (old)MKN-name-otherMacedonian denari (1992–1993) 马其顿第纳尔 (1992–1993)
5652CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: North Macedonia: MKN (old)MKN-symbol= MKN
5653CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Malta: MTL (old)MTL-nameMaltese Lira 马耳他里拉
5654CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Malta: MTL (old)MTL-name-otherMaltese lira 马耳他里拉
5655CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Malta: MTL (old)MTL-symbol= MTL
5656CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Malta: MTP (old)MTP-nameMaltese Pound 马耳他镑
5657CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Malta: MTP (old)MTP-name-otherMaltese pounds 马耳他镑
5658CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Malta: MTP (old)MTP-symbol= MTP
5659CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: SerbiaRSD-nameSerbian Dinar 塞尔维亚第纳尔
5660CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: SerbiaRSD-name-otherSerbian dinars 塞尔维亚第纳尔
5661CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: SerbiaRSD-symbol= RSD
5662CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: CSD (old)CSD-nameSerbian Dinar (2002–2006) 旧塞尔维亚第纳尔
5663CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: CSD (old)CSD-name-otherSerbian dinars (2002–2006) 旧塞尔维亚第纳尔
5664CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: CSD (old)CSD-symbol= CSD
5665CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: YUD (old)YUD-nameYugoslavian Hard Dinar (1966–1990) 南斯拉夫硬第纳尔 (1966–1990)
5666CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: YUD (old)YUD-name-otherYugoslavian hard dinars (1966–1990) 南斯拉夫硬第纳尔 (1966–1990)
5667CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: YUD (old)YUD-symbol= YUD
5668CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: YUM (old)YUM-nameYugoslavian New Dinar (1994–2002) 南斯拉夫新第纳尔 (1994–2002)
5669CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: YUM (old)YUM-name-otherYugoslavian new dinars (1994–2002) 南斯拉夫新第纳尔 (1994–2002)
5670CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: YUM (old)YUM-symbol= YUM
5671CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: YUN (old)YUN-nameYugoslavian Convertible Dinar (1990–1992) 南斯拉夫可兑换第纳尔 (1990–1992)
5672CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: YUN (old)YUN-name-otherYugoslavian convertible dinars (1990–1992) 南斯拉夫可兑换第纳尔 (1990–1992)
5673CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: YUN (old)YUN-symbol= YUN
5674CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: YUR (old)YUR-nameYugoslavian Reformed Dinar (1992–1993) 南斯拉夫改良第纳尔 (1992–1993)
5675CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: YUR (old)YUR-name-otherYugoslavian reformed dinars (1992–1993) 南斯拉夫改良第纳尔 (1992–1993)
5676CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Serbia: YUR (old)YUR-symbol= YUR
5677CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Portugal: PTE (old)PTE-namePortuguese Escudo 葡萄牙埃斯库多
5678CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Portugal: PTE (old)PTE-name-otherPortuguese escudos 葡萄牙埃斯库多
5679CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Portugal: PTE (old)PTE-symbol= PTE
5680CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Slovenia: SIT (old)SIT-nameSlovenian Tolar 斯洛文尼亚托拉尔
5681CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Slovenia: SIT (old)SIT-name-otherSlovenian tolars 斯洛文尼亚托拉尔
5682CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern EuropeSouthern Europe: Slovenia: SIT (old)SIT-symbol= SIT
5683CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: AlgeriaDZD-nameAlgerian Dinar 阿尔及利亚第纳尔
5684CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: AlgeriaDZD-name-otherAlgerian dinars 阿尔及利亚第纳尔
5685CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: AlgeriaDZD-symbol= DZD
5686CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: EgyptEGP-nameEgyptian Pound 埃及镑
5687CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: EgyptEGP-name-otherEgyptian pounds 埃及镑
5688CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: EgyptEGP-symbol= EGP
5689CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: EgyptEGP-symbol-narrow=
5690CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: LibyaLYD-nameLibyan Dinar 利比亚第纳尔
5691CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: LibyaLYD-name-otherLibyan dinars 利比亚第纳尔
5692CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: LibyaLYD-symbol= LYD
5693CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: MoroccoMAD-nameMoroccan Dirham 摩洛哥迪拉姆
5694CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: MoroccoMAD-name-otherMoroccan dirhams 摩洛哥迪拉姆
5695CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: MoroccoMAD-symbol= MAD
5696CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: Morocco: MAF (old)MAF-nameMoroccan Franc 摩洛哥法郎
5697CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: Morocco: MAF (old)MAF-name-otherMoroccan francs 摩洛哥法郎
5698CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: Morocco: MAF (old)MAF-symbol= MAF
5699CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: SudanSDG-nameSudanese Pound 苏丹镑
5700CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: SudanSDG-name-otherSudanese pounds 苏丹镑
5701CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: SudanSDG-symbol= SDG
5702CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: Sudan: SDD (old)SDD-nameSudanese Dinar (1992–2007) 苏丹第纳尔 (1992–2007)
5703CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: Sudan: SDD (old)SDD-name-otherSudanese dinars (1992–2007) 苏丹第纳尔 (1992–2007)
5704CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: Sudan: SDD (old)SDD-symbol= SDD
5705CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: Sudan: SDP (old)SDP-nameSudanese Pound (1957–1998) 旧苏丹镑
5706CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: Sudan: SDP (old)SDP-name-otherSudanese pounds (1957–1998) 旧苏丹镑
5707CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: Sudan: SDP (old)SDP-symbol= SDP
5708CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: TunisiaTND-nameTunisian Dinar 突尼斯第纳尔
5709CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: TunisiaTND-name-otherTunisian dinars 突尼斯第纳尔
5710CurrenciesNorthern AfricaNorthern Africa: TunisiaTND-symbol= TND
5711CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Côte d’IvoireXOF-nameWest African CFA Franc 西非法郎
5712CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Côte d’IvoireXOF-name-otherWest African CFA francs 西非法郎
5713CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Côte d’IvoireXOF-symbol= CFA
5714CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Cape VerdeCVE-nameCape Verdean Escudo 佛得角埃斯库多
5715CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Cape VerdeCVE-name-otherCape Verdean escudos 佛得角埃斯库多
5716CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Cape VerdeCVE-symbol= CVE
5717CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GhanaGHS-nameGhanaian Cedi 加纳塞地
5718CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GhanaGHS-name-otherGhanaian cedis 加纳塞地
5719CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GhanaGHS-symbol= GHS
5720CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Ghana: GHC (old)GHC-nameGhanaian Cedi (1979–2007) 加纳塞第
5721CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Ghana: GHC (old)GHC-name-otherGhanaian cedis (1979–2007) 加纳塞第
5722CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Ghana: GHC (old)GHC-symbol= GHC
5723CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GambiaGMD-nameGambian Dalasi 冈比亚达拉西
5724CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GambiaGMD-name-otherGambian dalasis 冈比亚达拉西
5725CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GambiaGMD-symbol= GMD
5726CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GuineaGNF-nameGuinean Franc 几内亚法郎
5727CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GuineaGNF-name-otherGuinean francs 几内亚法郎
5728CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GuineaGNF-symbol= GNF
5729CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: GuineaGNF-symbol-narrow= FG
5730CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Guinea: GNS (old)GNS-nameGuinean Syli 几内亚西里
5731CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Guinea: GNS (old)GNS-name-otherGuinean sylis 几内亚西里
5732CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Guinea: GNS (old)GNS-symbol= GNS
5733CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Guinea-Bissau: GWE (old)GWE-namePortuguese Guinea Escudo 葡萄牙几内亚埃斯库多
5734CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Guinea-Bissau: GWE (old)GWE-name-otherPortuguese Guinea escudos 葡萄牙几内亚埃斯库多
5735CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Guinea-Bissau: GWE (old)GWE-symbol= GWE
5736CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Guinea-Bissau: GWP (old)GWP-nameGuinea-Bissau Peso 几内亚比绍比索
5737CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Guinea-Bissau: GWP (old)GWP-name-otherGuinea-Bissau pesos 几内亚比绍比索
5738CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Guinea-Bissau: GWP (old)GWP-symbol= GWP
5739CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: LiberiaLRD-nameLiberian Dollar 利比里亚元
5740CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: LiberiaLRD-name-otherLiberian dollars 利比里亚元
5741CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: LiberiaLRD-symbol= LRD
5742CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: LiberiaLRD-symbol-narrow= $
5743CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Mali: MLF (old)MLF-nameMalian Franc 马里法郎
5744CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Mali: MLF (old)MLF-name-otherMalian francs 马里法郎
5745CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Mali: MLF (old)MLF-symbol= MLF
5746CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: MauritaniaMRU-nameMauritanian Ouguiya 毛里塔尼亚乌吉亚
5747CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: MauritaniaMRU-name-otherMauritanian ouguiyas 毛里塔尼亚乌吉亚
5748CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: MauritaniaMRU-symbol= MRU
5749CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Mauritania: MRO (old)MRO-nameMauritanian Ouguiya (1973–2017) 毛里塔尼亚乌吉亚 (1973–2017)
5750CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Mauritania: MRO (old)MRO-name-otherMauritanian ouguiyas (1973–2017) 毛里塔尼亚乌吉亚 (1973–2017)
5751CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Mauritania: MRO (old)MRO-symbol= MRO
5752CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: NigeriaNGN-nameNigerian Naira 尼日利亚奈拉
5753CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: NigeriaNGN-name-otherNigerian nairas 尼日利亚奈拉
5754CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: NigeriaNGN-symbol= NGN
5755CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: NigeriaNGN-symbol-narrow=
5756CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: St. HelenaSHP-nameSt. Helena Pound 圣赫勒拿群岛磅
5757CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: St. HelenaSHP-name-otherSt. Helena pounds 圣赫勒拿群岛磅
5758CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: St. HelenaSHP-symbol= SHP
5759CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: St. HelenaSHP-symbol-narrow= £
5760CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Sierra LeoneSLL-nameSierra Leonean Leone 塞拉利昂利昂
5761CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Sierra LeoneSLL-name-otherSierra Leonean leones 塞拉利昂利昂
5762CurrenciesWestern AfricaWestern Africa: Sierra LeoneSLL-symbol= SLL
5763CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: AngolaAOA-nameAngolan Kwanza 安哥拉宽扎
5764CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: AngolaAOA-name-otherAngolan kwanzas 安哥拉宽扎
5765CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: AngolaAOA-symbol= AOA
5766CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: AngolaAOA-symbol-narrow= Kz
5767CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Angola: AOK (old)AOK-nameAngolan Kwanza (1977–1991) 安哥拉宽扎 (1977–1990)
5768CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Angola: AOK (old)AOK-name-otherAngolan kwanzas (1977–1991) 安哥拉宽扎 (1977–1990)
5769CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Angola: AOK (old)AOK-symbol= AOK
5770CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Angola: AON (old)AON-nameAngolan New Kwanza (1990–2000) 安哥拉新宽扎 (1990–2000)
5771CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Angola: AON (old)AON-name-otherAngolan new kwanzas (1990–2000) 安哥拉新宽扎 (1990–2000)
5772CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Angola: AON (old)AON-symbol= AON
5773CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Angola: AOR (old)AOR-nameAngolan Readjusted Kwanza (1995–1999) 安哥拉重新调整宽扎 (1995–1999)
5774CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Angola: AOR (old)AOR-name-otherAngolan readjusted kwanzas (1995–1999) 安哥拉重新调整宽扎 (1995–1999)
5775CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Angola: AOR (old)AOR-symbol= AOR
5776CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Congo - KinshasaCDF-nameCongolese Franc 刚果法郎
5777CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Congo - KinshasaCDF-name-otherCongolese francs 刚果法郎
5778CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Congo - KinshasaCDF-symbol= CDF
5779CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Congo - Kinshasa: ZRN (old)ZRN-nameZairean New Zaire (1993–1998) 新扎伊尔 (1993–1998)
5780CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Congo - Kinshasa: ZRN (old)ZRN-name-otherZairean new zaires (1993–1998) 新扎伊尔 (1993–1998)
5781CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Congo - Kinshasa: ZRN (old)ZRN-symbol= ZRN
5782CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Congo - Kinshasa: ZRZ (old)ZRZ-nameZairean Zaire (1971–1993) 扎伊尔 (1971–1993)
5783CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Congo - Kinshasa: ZRZ (old)ZRZ-name-otherZairean zaires (1971–1993) 扎伊尔 (1971–1993)
5784CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Congo - Kinshasa: ZRZ (old)ZRZ-symbol= ZRZ
5785CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: CameroonXAF-nameCentral African CFA Franc 中非法郎
5786CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: CameroonXAF-name-otherCentral African CFA francs 中非法郎
5787CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: CameroonXAF-symbol= FCFA
5788CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Equatorial Guinea: GQE (old)GQE-nameEquatorial Guinean Ekwele 赤道几内亚埃奎勒
5789CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Equatorial Guinea: GQE (old)GQE-name-otherEquatorial Guinean ekwele 赤道几内亚埃奎勒
5790CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: Equatorial Guinea: GQE (old)GQE-symbol= GQE
5791CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: São Tomé & PríncipeSTN-nameSão Tomé & Príncipe Dobra 圣多美和普林西比多布拉
5792CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: São Tomé & PríncipeSTN-name-otherSão Tomé & Príncipe dobras 圣多美和普林西比多布拉
5793CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: São Tomé & PríncipeSTN-symbol= STN
5794CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: São Tomé & PríncipeSTN-symbol-narrow= Db
5795CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: São Tomé & Príncipe: STD (old)STD-nameSão Tomé & Príncipe Dobra (1977–2017) 圣多美和普林西比多布拉 (1977–2017)
5796CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: São Tomé & Príncipe: STD (old)STD-name-otherSão Tomé & Príncipe dobras (1977–2017) 圣多美和普林西比多布拉 (1977–2017)
5797CurrenciesMiddle AfricaMiddle Africa: São Tomé & Príncipe: STD (old)STD-symbol= STD
5798CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: BurundiBIF-nameBurundian Franc 布隆迪法郎
5799CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: BurundiBIF-name-otherBurundian francs 布隆迪法郎
5800CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: BurundiBIF-symbol= BIF
5801CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: DjiboutiDJF-nameDjiboutian Franc 吉布提法郎
5802CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: DjiboutiDJF-name-otherDjiboutian francs 吉布提法郎
5803CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: DjiboutiDJF-symbol= DJF
5804CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: EritreaERN-nameEritrean Nakfa 厄立特里亚纳克法
5805CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: EritreaERN-name-otherEritrean nakfas 厄立特里亚纳克法
5806CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: EritreaERN-symbol= ERN
5807CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: EthiopiaETB-nameEthiopian Birr 埃塞俄比亚比尔
5808CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: EthiopiaETB-name-otherEthiopian birrs 埃塞俄比亚比尔
5809CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: EthiopiaETB-symbol= ETB
5810CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: KenyaKES-nameKenyan Shilling 肯尼亚先令
5811CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: KenyaKES-name-otherKenyan shillings 肯尼亚先令
5812CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: KenyaKES-symbol= KES
5813CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: ComorosKMF-nameComorian Franc 科摩罗法郎
5814CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: ComorosKMF-name-otherComorian francs 科摩罗法郎
5815CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: ComorosKMF-symbol= KMF
5816CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: ComorosKMF-symbol-narrow= CF
5817CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MadagascarMGA-nameMalagasy Ariary 马达加斯加阿里亚里
5818CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MadagascarMGA-name-otherMalagasy ariaries 马达加斯加阿里亚里
5819CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MadagascarMGA-symbol= MGA
5820CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MadagascarMGA-symbol-narrow= Ar
5821CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Madagascar: MGF (old)MGF-nameMalagasy Franc 马达加斯加法郎
5822CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Madagascar: MGF (old)MGF-name-otherMalagasy francs 马达加斯加法郎
5823CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Madagascar: MGF (old)MGF-symbol= MGF
5824CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MauritiusMUR-nameMauritian Rupee 毛里求斯卢比
5825CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MauritiusMUR-name-otherMauritian rupees 毛里求斯卢比
5826CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MauritiusMUR-symbol= MUR
5827CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MauritiusMUR-symbol-narrow= Rs
5828CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MalawiMWK-nameMalawian Kwacha 马拉维克瓦查
5829CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MalawiMWK-name-otherMalawian kwachas 马拉维克瓦查
5830CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MalawiMWK-symbol= MWK
5831CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MozambiqueMZN-nameMozambican Metical 莫桑比克美提卡
5832CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MozambiqueMZN-name-otherMozambican meticals 莫桑比克美提卡
5833CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: MozambiqueMZN-symbol= MZN
5834CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Mozambique: MZE (old)MZE-nameMozambican Escudo 莫桑比克埃斯库多
5835CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Mozambique: MZE (old)MZE-name-otherMozambican escudos 莫桑比克埃斯库多
5836CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Mozambique: MZE (old)MZE-symbol= MZE
5837CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Mozambique: MZM (old)MZM-nameMozambican Metical (1980–2006) 旧莫桑比克美提卡
5838CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Mozambique: MZM (old)MZM-name-otherMozambican meticals (1980–2006) 旧莫桑比克美提卡
5839CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Mozambique: MZM (old)MZM-symbol= MZM
5840CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: RwandaRWF-nameRwandan Franc 卢旺达法郎
5841CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: RwandaRWF-name-otherRwandan francs 卢旺达法郎
5842CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: RwandaRWF-symbol= RWF
5843CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: RwandaRWF-symbol-narrow= RF
5844CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: SeychellesSCR-nameSeychellois Rupee 塞舌尔卢比
5845CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: SeychellesSCR-name-otherSeychellois rupees 塞舌尔卢比
5846CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: SeychellesSCR-symbol= SCR
5847CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: SomaliaSOS-nameSomali Shilling 索马里先令
5848CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: SomaliaSOS-name-otherSomali shillings 索马里先令
5849CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: SomaliaSOS-symbol= SOS
5850CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: South SudanSSP-nameSouth Sudanese Pound 南苏丹镑
5851CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: South SudanSSP-name-otherSouth Sudanese pounds 南苏丹镑
5852CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: South SudanSSP-symbol= SSP
5853CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: South SudanSSP-symbol-narrow= £
5854CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: TanzaniaTZS-nameTanzanian Shilling 坦桑尼亚先令
5855CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: TanzaniaTZS-name-otherTanzanian shillings 坦桑尼亚先令
5856CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: TanzaniaTZS-symbol= TZS
5857CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: UgandaUGX-nameUgandan Shilling 乌干达先令
5858CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: UgandaUGX-name-otherUgandan shillings 乌干达先令
5859CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: UgandaUGX-symbol= UGX
5860CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Uganda: UGS (old)UGS-nameUgandan Shilling (1966–1987) 乌干达先令 (1966–1987)
5861CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Uganda: UGS (old)UGS-name-otherUgandan shillings (1966–1987) 乌干达先令 (1966–1987)
5862CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Uganda: UGS (old)UGS-symbol= UGS
5863CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: ZambiaZMW-nameZambian Kwacha 赞比亚克瓦查
5864CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: ZambiaZMW-name-otherZambian kwachas 赞比亚克瓦查
5865CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: ZambiaZMW-symbol= ZMW
5866CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: ZambiaZMW-symbol-narrow= ZK
5867CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zambia: ZMK (old)ZMK-nameZambian Kwacha (1968–2012) 赞比亚克瓦查 (1968–2012)
5868CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zambia: ZMK (old)ZMK-name-otherZambian kwachas (1968–2012) 赞比亚克瓦查 (1968–2012)
5869CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zambia: ZMK (old)ZMK-symbol= ZMK
5870CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: RHD (old)RHD-nameRhodesian Dollar 罗得西亚元
5871CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: RHD (old)RHD-name-otherRhodesian dollars 罗得西亚元
5872CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: RHD (old)RHD-symbol= RHD
5873CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWD (old)ZWD-nameZimbabwean Dollar (1980–2008) 津巴布韦元 (1980–2008)
5874CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWD (old)ZWD-name-otherZimbabwean dollars (1980–2008) 津巴布韦元 (1980–2008)
5875CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWD (old)ZWD-symbol= ZWD
5876CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWL (old)ZWL-nameZimbabwean Dollar (2009) 津巴布韦元 (2009)
5877CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWL (old)ZWL-name-otherZimbabwean dollars (2009) 津巴布韦元 (2009)
5878CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWL (old)ZWL-symbol= ZWL
5879CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWR (old)ZWR-nameZimbabwean Dollar (2008) 津巴布韦元 (2008)
5880CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWR (old)ZWR-name-otherZimbabwean dollars (2008) 津巴布韦元 (2008)
5881CurrenciesEastern AfricaEastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWR (old)ZWR-symbol= ZWR
5882CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: BotswanaBWP-nameBotswanan Pula 博茨瓦纳普拉
5883CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: BotswanaBWP-name-otherBotswanan pulas 博茨瓦纳普拉
5884CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: BotswanaBWP-symbol= BWP
5885CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: BotswanaBWP-symbol-narrow= P
5886CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: LesothoLSL-nameLesotho Loti 莱索托洛蒂
5887CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: LesothoLSL-name-otherLesotho lotis 莱索托洛蒂
5888CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: LesothoLSL-symbol= LSL
5889CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: NamibiaNAD-nameNamibian Dollar 纳米比亚元
5890CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: NamibiaNAD-name-otherNamibian dollars 纳米比亚元
5891CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: NamibiaNAD-symbol= NAD
5892CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: NamibiaNAD-symbol-narrow= $
5893CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: EswatiniSZL-nameSwazi Lilangeni 斯威士兰里兰吉尼
5894CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: EswatiniSZL-name-otherSwazi emalangeni 斯威士兰里兰吉尼
5895CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: EswatiniSZL-symbol= SZL
5896CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: South AfricaZAR-nameSouth African Rand 南非兰特
5897CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: South AfricaZAR-name-otherSouth African rand 南非兰特
5898CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: South AfricaZAR-symbol= ZAR
5899CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: South AfricaZAR-symbol-narrow= R
5900CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: South Africa: ZAL (fund)ZAL-nameSouth African Rand (financial) 南非兰特 (金融)
5901CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: South Africa: ZAL (fund)ZAL-name-otherSouth African rands (financial) 南非兰特 (金融)
5902CurrenciesSouthern AfricaSouthern Africa: South Africa: ZAL (fund)ZAL-symbol= ZAL
5903CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: United Arab EmiratesAED-nameUnited Arab Emirates Dirham 阿联酋迪拉姆
5904CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: United Arab EmiratesAED-name-otherUAE dirhams 阿联酋迪拉姆
5905CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: United Arab EmiratesAED-symbol= AED
5906CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: ArmeniaAMD-nameArmenian Dram 亚美尼亚德拉姆
5907CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: ArmeniaAMD-name-otherArmenian drams 亚美尼亚德拉姆
5908CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: ArmeniaAMD-symbol= AMD
5909CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: AzerbaijanAZN-nameAzerbaijani Manat 阿塞拜疆马纳特
5910CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: AzerbaijanAZN-name-otherAzerbaijani manats 阿塞拜疆马纳特
5911CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: AzerbaijanAZN-symbol= AZN
5912CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Azerbaijan: AZM (old)AZM-nameAzerbaijani Manat (1993–2006) 阿塞拜疆马纳特 (1993–2006)
5913CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Azerbaijan: AZM (old)AZM-name-otherAzerbaijani manats (1993–2006) 阿塞拜疆马纳特 (1993–2006)
5914CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Azerbaijan: AZM (old)AZM-symbol= AZM
5915CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: BahrainBHD-nameBahraini Dinar 巴林第纳尔
5916CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: BahrainBHD-name-otherBahraini dinars 巴林第纳尔
5917CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: BahrainBHD-symbol= BHD
5918CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Cyprus: CYP (old)CYP-nameCypriot Pound 塞浦路斯镑
5919CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Cyprus: CYP (old)CYP-name-otherCypriot pounds 塞浦路斯镑
5920CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Cyprus: CYP (old)CYP-symbol= CYP
5921CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: GeorgiaGEL-nameGeorgian Lari 格鲁吉亚拉里
5922CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: GeorgiaGEL-name-otherGeorgian laris 格鲁吉亚拉里
5923CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: GeorgiaGEL-symbol= GEL
5924CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: GeorgiaGEL-symbol-variantGEL
5925CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: GeorgiaGEL-symbol-narrow=
5926CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Georgia: GEK (old)GEK-nameGeorgian Kupon Larit 乔治亚库蓬拉瑞特
5927CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Georgia: GEK (old)GEK-name-otherGeorgian kupon larits 乔治亚库蓬拉瑞特
5928CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Georgia: GEK (old)GEK-symbol= GEK
5929CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: IsraelILS-nameIsraeli New Shekel 以色列新谢克尔
5930CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: IsraelILS-name-otherIsraeli new shekels 以色列新谢克尔
5931CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: IsraelILS-symbol=
5932CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: IsraelILS-symbol-narrow=
5933CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Israel: ILP (old)ILP-nameIsraeli Pound 以色列镑
5934CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Israel: ILP (old)ILP-name-otherIsraeli pounds 以色列镑
5935CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Israel: ILP (old)ILP-symbol= ILP
5936CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Israel: ILR (old)ILR-nameIsraeli Shekel (1980–1985) 以色列谢克尔(1980–1985)
5937CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Israel: ILR (old)ILR-name-otherIsraeli shekels (1980–1985) 以色列谢克尔(1980–1985)
5938CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Israel: ILR (old)ILR-symbolILR ILS
5939CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: IraqIQD-nameIraqi Dinar 伊拉克第纳尔
5940CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: IraqIQD-name-otherIraqi dinars 伊拉克第纳尔
5941CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: IraqIQD-symbol= IQD
5942CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: JordanJOD-nameJordanian Dinar 约旦第纳尔
5943CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: JordanJOD-name-otherJordanian dinars 约旦第纳尔
5944CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: JordanJOD-symbol= JOD
5945CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: KuwaitKWD-nameKuwaiti Dinar 科威特第纳尔
5946CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: KuwaitKWD-name-otherKuwaiti dinars 科威特第纳尔
5947CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: KuwaitKWD-symbol= KWD
5948CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: LebanonLBP-nameLebanese Pound 黎巴嫩镑
5949CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: LebanonLBP-name-otherLebanese pounds 黎巴嫩镑
5950CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: LebanonLBP-symbol= LBP
5951CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: LebanonLBP-symbol-narrow=
5952CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: OmanOMR-nameOmani Rial 阿曼里亚尔
5953CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: OmanOMR-name-otherOmani rials 阿曼里亚尔
5954CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: OmanOMR-symbol= OMR
5955CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: QatarQAR-nameQatari Rial 卡塔尔里亚尔
5956CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: QatarQAR-name-otherQatari rials 卡塔尔里亚尔
5957CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: QatarQAR-symbol= QAR
5958CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Saudi ArabiaSAR-nameSaudi Riyal 沙特里亚尔
5959CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Saudi ArabiaSAR-name-otherSaudi riyals 沙特里亚尔
5960CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Saudi ArabiaSAR-symbol= SAR
5961CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: SyriaSYP-nameSyrian Pound 叙利亚镑
5962CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: SyriaSYP-name-otherSyrian pounds 叙利亚镑
5963CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: SyriaSYP-symbol= SYP
5964CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: SyriaSYP-symbol-narrow= £
5965CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: TurkeyTRY-nameTurkish Lira 土耳其里拉
5966CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: TurkeyTRY-name-otherTurkish Lira 土耳其里拉
5967CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: TurkeyTRY-symbol= TRY
5968CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: TurkeyTRY-symbol-variant= TL
5969CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: TurkeyTRY-symbol-narrow=
5970CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Turkey: TRL (old)TRL-nameTurkish Lira (1922–2005) 土耳其里拉 (1922–2005)
5971CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Turkey: TRL (old)TRL-name-otherTurkish Lira (1922–2005) 土耳其里拉 (1922–2005)
5972CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Turkey: TRL (old)TRL-symbol= TRL
5973CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: YemenYER-nameYemeni Rial 也门里亚尔
5974CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: YemenYER-name-otherYemeni rials 也门里亚尔
5975CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: YemenYER-symbol= YER
5976CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Yemen: YDD (old)YDD-nameYemeni Dinar 也门第纳尔
5977CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Yemen: YDD (old)YDD-name-otherYemeni dinars 也门第纳尔
5978CurrenciesWestern Asia (C)Western Asia: Yemen: YDD (old)YDD-symbol= YDD
5979CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: TurkmenistanTMT-nameTurkmenistani Manat 土库曼斯坦马纳特
5980CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: TurkmenistanTMT-name-otherTurkmenistani manat 土库曼斯坦马纳特
5981CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: TurkmenistanTMT-symbol= TMT
5982CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: Turkmenistan: TMM (old)TMM-nameTurkmenistani Manat (1993–2009) 土库曼斯坦马纳特 (1993–2009)
5983CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: Turkmenistan: TMM (old)TMM-name-otherTurkmenistani manat (1993–2009) 土库曼斯坦马纳特 (1993–2009)
5984CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: Turkmenistan: TMM (old)TMM-symbol= TMM
5985CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: TajikistanTJS-nameTajikistani Somoni 塔吉克斯坦索莫尼
5986CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: TajikistanTJS-name-otherTajikistani somonis 塔吉克斯坦索莫尼
5987CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: TajikistanTJS-symbol= TJS
5988CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: Tajikistan: TJR (old)TJR-nameTajikistani Ruble 塔吉克斯坦卢布
5989CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: Tajikistan: TJR (old)TJR-name-otherTajikistani rubles 塔吉克斯坦卢布
5990CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: Tajikistan: TJR (old)TJR-symbol= TJR
5991CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: KyrgyzstanKGS-nameKyrgystani Som 吉尔吉斯斯坦索姆
5992CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: KyrgyzstanKGS-name-otherKyrgystani soms 吉尔吉斯斯坦索姆
5993CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: KyrgyzstanKGS-symbol= KGS
5994CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: KazakhstanKZT-nameKazakhstani Tenge 哈萨克斯坦坚戈
5995CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: KazakhstanKZT-name-otherKazakhstani tenges 哈萨克斯坦坚戈
5996CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: KazakhstanKZT-symbol= KZT
5997CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: KazakhstanKZT-symbol-narrow=
5998CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: UzbekistanUZS-nameUzbekistani Som 乌兹别克斯坦苏姆
5999CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: UzbekistanUZS-name-otherUzbekistani som 乌兹别克斯坦苏姆
6000CurrenciesCentral Asia (C)Central Asia: UzbekistanUZS-symbol= UZS
6001CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: ChinaCNY-nameChinese Yuan 人民币
6002CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: ChinaCNY-name-otherChinese yuan 人民币
6003CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: ChinaCNY-symbolCN¥ ¥ CN¥
6004CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: ChinaCNY-symbol-narrow= ¥
6005CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: China: CNH (offshore)CNH-nameChinese Yuan (offshore) 人民币(离岸)
6006CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: China: CNH (offshore)CNH-name-otherChinese yuan (offshore) 人民币(离岸)
6007CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: China: CNH (offshore)CNH-symbol= CNH
6008CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: China: CNX (old)CNX-nameChinese People’s Bank Dollar 中国人民银行元
6009CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: China: CNX (old)CNX-name-otherChinese People’s Bank dollars 中国人民银行元
6010CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: China: CNX (old)CNX-symbol= CNX
6011CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: Hong Kong SAR ChinaHKD-nameHong Kong Dollar 港元
6012CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: Hong Kong SAR ChinaHKD-name-otherHong Kong dollars 港元
6013CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: Hong Kong SAR ChinaHKD-symbol= HK$
6014CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: Hong Kong SAR ChinaHKD-symbol-narrow= $
6015CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: JapanJPY-nameJapanese Yen 日元
6016CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: JapanJPY-name-otherJapanese yen 日元
6017CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: JapanJPY-symbol¥ JP¥
6018CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: JapanJPY-symbol-narrow= ¥
6019CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: North KoreaKPW-nameNorth Korean Won 朝鲜元
6020CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: North KoreaKPW-name-otherNorth Korean won 朝鲜元
6021CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: North KoreaKPW-symbol= KPW
6022CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: North KoreaKPW-symbol-narrow=
6023CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: South KoreaKRW-nameSouth Korean Won 韩元
6024CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: South KoreaKRW-name-otherSouth Korean won 韩元
6025CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: South KoreaKRW-symbol
6026CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: South KoreaKRW-symbol-narrow=
6027CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: South Korea: KRH (old)KRH-nameSouth Korean Hwan (1953–1962) 韩元 (1953–1962)
6028CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: South Korea: KRH (old)KRH-symbol= KRH
6029CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: South Korea: KRO (old)KRO-nameSouth Korean Won (1945–1953) 韩元 (1945–1953)
6030CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: South Korea: KRO (old)KRO-symbol= KRO
6031CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: MongoliaMNT-nameMongolian Tugrik 蒙古图格里克
6032CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: MongoliaMNT-name-otherMongolian tugriks 蒙古图格里克
6033CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: MongoliaMNT-symbol= MNT
6034CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: MongoliaMNT-symbol-narrow=
6035CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: Macao SAR ChinaMOP-nameMacanese Pataca 澳门币
6036CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: Macao SAR ChinaMOP-name-otherMacanese patacas 澳门元
6037CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: Macao SAR ChinaMOP-symbol= MOP MOP$
6038CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: TaiwanTWD-nameNew Taiwan Dollar 新台币
6039CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: TaiwanTWD-name-otherNew Taiwan dollars 新台币
6040CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: TaiwanTWD-symbol= NT$
6041CurrenciesEastern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: TaiwanTWD-symbol-narrow$ NT$
6042CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: AfghanistanAFN-nameAfghan Afghani 阿富汗尼
6043CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: AfghanistanAFN-name-otherAfghan Afghanis 阿富汗尼
6044CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: AfghanistanAFN-symbol= AFN
6045CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: Afghanistan: AFA (old)AFA-nameAfghan Afghani (1927–2002) 阿富汗尼 (1927–2002)
6046CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: Afghanistan: AFA (old)AFA-symbol= AFA
6047CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: BangladeshBDT-nameBangladeshi Taka 孟加拉塔卡
6048CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: BangladeshBDT-name-otherBangladeshi takas 孟加拉塔卡
6049CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: BangladeshBDT-symbol= BDT
6050CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: BangladeshBDT-symbol-narrow=
6051CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: BhutanBTN-nameBhutanese Ngultrum 不丹努尔特鲁姆
6052CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: BhutanBTN-name-otherBhutanese ngultrums 不丹努尔特鲁姆
6053CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: BhutanBTN-symbol= BTN
6054CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: IndiaINR-nameIndian Rupee 印度卢比
6055CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: IndiaINR-name-otherIndian rupees 印度卢比
6056CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: IndiaINR-symbol=
6057CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: IndiaINR-symbol-narrow=
6058CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: IranIRR-nameIranian Rial 伊朗里亚尔
6059CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: IranIRR-name-otherIranian rials 伊朗里亚尔
6060CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: IranIRR-symbol= IRR
6061CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: Sri LankaLKR-nameSri Lankan Rupee 斯里兰卡卢比
6062CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: Sri LankaLKR-name-otherSri Lankan rupees 斯里兰卡卢比
6063CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: Sri LankaLKR-symbol= LKR
6064CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: Sri LankaLKR-symbol-narrow= Rs
6065CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: MaldivesMVR-nameMaldivian Rufiyaa 马尔代夫卢菲亚
6066CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: MaldivesMVR-name-otherMaldivian rufiyaas 马尔代夫卢菲亚
6067CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: MaldivesMVR-symbol= MVR
6068CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: Maldives: MVP (old)MVP-nameMaldivian Rupee (1947–1981) 马尔代夫卢比(1947–1981)
6069CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: Maldives: MVP (old)MVP-name-otherMaldivian rupees (1947–1981) 马尔代夫卢比(1947–1981)
6070CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: Maldives: MVP (old)MVP-symbol= MVP
6071CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: NepalNPR-nameNepalese Rupee 尼泊尔卢比
6072CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: NepalNPR-name-otherNepalese rupees 尼泊尔卢比
6073CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: NepalNPR-symbol= NPR
6074CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: NepalNPR-symbol-narrow= Rs
6075CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: PakistanPKR-namePakistani Rupee 巴基斯坦卢比
6076CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: PakistanPKR-name-otherPakistani rupees 巴基斯坦卢比
6077CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: PakistanPKR-symbol= PKR
6078CurrenciesSouthern Asia (C)Southern Asia: PakistanPKR-symbol-narrow= Rs
6079CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: BruneiBND-nameBrunei Dollar 文莱元
6080CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: BruneiBND-name-otherBrunei dollars 文莱元
6081CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: BruneiBND-symbol= BND
6082CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: BruneiBND-symbol-narrow= $
6083CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: IndonesiaIDR-nameIndonesian Rupiah 印度尼西亚盾
6084CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: IndonesiaIDR-name-otherIndonesian rupiahs 印度尼西亚盾
6085CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: IndonesiaIDR-symbol= IDR
6086CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: IndonesiaIDR-symbol-narrow= Rp
6087CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: CambodiaKHR-nameCambodian Riel 柬埔寨瑞尔
6088CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: CambodiaKHR-name-otherCambodian riels 柬埔寨瑞尔
6089CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: CambodiaKHR-symbol= KHR
6090CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: CambodiaKHR-symbol-narrow=
6091CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: LaosLAK-nameLaotian Kip 老挝基普
6092CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: LaosLAK-name-otherLaotian kips 老挝基普
6093CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: LaosLAK-symbol= LAK
6094CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: LaosLAK-symbol-narrow=
6095CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: Myanmar (Burma)MMK-nameMyanmar Kyat 缅甸元
6096CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: Myanmar (Burma)MMK-name-otherMyanmar kyats 缅甸元
6097CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: Myanmar (Burma)MMK-symbol= MMK
6098CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: Myanmar (Burma)MMK-symbol-narrow= K
6099CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: Myanmar (Burma): BUK (old)BUK-nameBurmese Kyat 缅元
6100CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: Myanmar (Burma): BUK (old)BUK-symbol= BUK
6101CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: MalaysiaMYR-nameMalaysian Ringgit 马来西亚林吉特
6102CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: MalaysiaMYR-name-otherMalaysian ringgits 马来西亚林吉特
6103CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: MalaysiaMYR-symbol= MYR
6104CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: MalaysiaMYR-symbol-narrow= RM
6105CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: PhilippinesPHP-namePhilippine Piso 菲律宾比索
6106CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: PhilippinesPHP-name-otherPhilippine pisos 菲律宾比索
6107CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: PhilippinesPHP-symbol= PHP
6108CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: PhilippinesPHP-symbol-narrow=
6109CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: SingaporeSGD-nameSingapore Dollar 新加坡元
6110CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: SingaporeSGD-name-otherSingapore dollars 新加坡元
6111CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: SingaporeSGD-symbol= SGD $
6112CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: SingaporeSGD-symbol-narrow= $
6113CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: ThailandTHB-nameThai Baht 泰铢
6114CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: ThailandTHB-name-otherThai baht 泰铢
6115CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: ThailandTHB-symbol= THB
6116CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: ThailandTHB-symbol-narrow= ฿
6117CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: Timor-Leste: TPE (old)TPE-nameTimorese Escudo 帝汶埃斯库多
6118CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: Timor-Leste: TPE (old)TPE-symbol= TPE
6119CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: VietnamVND-nameVietnamese Dong 越南盾
6120CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: VietnamVND-name-otherVietnamese dong 越南盾
6121CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: VietnamVND-symbol=
6122CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: VietnamVND-symbol-narrow=
6123CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: Vietnam: VNN (old)VNN-nameVietnamese Dong (1978–1985) 越南盾 (1978–1985)
6124CurrenciesSoutheast Asia (C)Southeast Asia: Vietnam: VNN (old)VNN-symbol= VNN
6125CurrenciesOceania (C)Australasia: AustraliaAUD-nameAustralian Dollar 澳大利亚元
6126CurrenciesOceania (C)Australasia: AustraliaAUD-name-otherAustralian dollars 澳大利亚元
6127CurrenciesOceania (C)Australasia: AustraliaAUD-symbolA$ AU$
6128CurrenciesOceania (C)Australasia: AustraliaAUD-symbol-narrow= $
6129CurrenciesOceania (C)Australasia: New ZealandNZD-nameNew Zealand Dollar 新西兰元
6130CurrenciesOceania (C)Australasia: New ZealandNZD-name-otherNew Zealand dollars 新西兰元
6131CurrenciesOceania (C)Australasia: New ZealandNZD-symbol= NZ$
6132CurrenciesOceania (C)Australasia: New ZealandNZD-symbol-narrow= $
6133CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: FijiFJD-nameFijian Dollar 斐济元
6134CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: FijiFJD-name-otherFijian dollars 斐济元
6135CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: FijiFJD-symbol= FJD
6136CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: FijiFJD-symbol-narrow= $
6137CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: Papua New GuineaPGK-namePapua New Guinean Kina 巴布亚新几内亚基那
6138CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: Papua New GuineaPGK-name-otherPapua New Guinean kina 巴布亚新几内亚基那
6139CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: Papua New GuineaPGK-symbol= PGK
6140CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: Solomon IslandsSBD-nameSolomon Islands Dollar 所罗门群岛元
6141CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: Solomon IslandsSBD-name-otherSolomon Islands dollars 所罗门群岛元
6142CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: Solomon IslandsSBD-symbol= SBD
6143CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: Solomon IslandsSBD-symbol-narrow= $
6144CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: VanuatuVUV-nameVanuatu Vatu 瓦努阿图瓦图
6145CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: VanuatuVUV-name-otherVanuatu vatus 瓦努阿图瓦图
6146CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: VanuatuVUV-symbol= VUV
6147CurrenciesOceania (C)Polynesia: French PolynesiaXPF-nameCFP Franc 太平洋法郎
6148CurrenciesOceania (C)Polynesia: French PolynesiaXPF-name-otherCFP francs 太平洋法郎
6149CurrenciesOceania (C)Polynesia: French PolynesiaXPF-symbol= CFPF
6150CurrenciesOceania (C)Polynesia: TongaTOP-nameTongan Paʻanga 汤加潘加
6151CurrenciesOceania (C)Polynesia: TongaTOP-name-otherTongan paʻanga 汤加潘加
6152CurrenciesOceania (C)Polynesia: TongaTOP-symbol= TOP
6153CurrenciesOceania (C)Polynesia: TongaTOP-symbol-narrow= T$
6154CurrenciesOceania (C)Polynesia: SamoaWST-nameSamoan Tala 萨摩亚塔拉
6155CurrenciesOceania (C)Polynesia: SamoaWST-name-otherSamoan tala 萨摩亚塔拉
6156CurrenciesOceania (C)Polynesia: SamoaWST-symbol= WST
6157CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: EUREUR-nameEuro 欧元
6158CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: EUREUR-name-othereuros 欧元
6159CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: EUREUR-symbol=
6160CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: EUREUR-symbol-narrow=
6161CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XAGXAG-nameSilver 白银
6162CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XAGXAG-symbol= XAG
6163CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XAUXAU-nameGold 黄金
6164CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XAUXAU-symbol= XAU
6165CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XBAXBA-nameEuropean Composite Unit 欧洲复合单位
6166CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XBAXBA-symbol= XBA
6167CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XBBXBB-nameEuropean Monetary Unit 欧洲货币联盟
6168CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XBBXBB-symbol= XBB
6169CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XBCXBC-nameEuropean Unit of Account (XBC) 欧洲计算单位 (XBC)
6170CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XBCXBC-symbol= XBC
6171CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XBDXBD-nameEuropean Unit of Account (XBD) 欧洲计算单位 (XBD)
6172CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XBDXBD-symbol= XBD
6173CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XDRXDR-nameSpecial Drawing Rights 特别提款权
6174CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XDRXDR-symbol= XDR
6175CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XEUXEU-nameEuropean Currency Unit 欧洲货币单位
6176CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XEUXEU-name-otherEuropean currency units 欧洲货币单位
6177CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XEUXEU-symbol= XEU
6178CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XFOXFO-nameFrench Gold Franc 法国金法郎
6179CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XFOXFO-symbol= XFO
6180CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XFUXFU-nameFrench UIC-Franc 法国法郎 (UIC)
6181CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XFUXFU-symbol= XFU
6182CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XPDXPD-namePalladium
6183CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XPDXPD-symbol= XPD
6184CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XPTXPT-namePlatinum
6185CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XPTXPT-symbol= XPT
6186CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XREXRE-nameRINET Funds RINET 基金
6187CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XREXRE-symbol= XRE
6188CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XSUXSU-nameSucre 苏克雷
6189CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XSUXSU-name-otherSucres 苏克雷
6190CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XSUXSU-symbol= XSU
6191CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XTSXTS-nameTesting Currency Code 测试货币代码
6192CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XTSXTS-symbol= XTS
6193CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XUAXUA-nameADB Unit of Account 非洲开发银行记账单位
6194CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XUAXUA-name-otherADB units of account 非洲开发银行记账单位
6195CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XUAXUA-symbol= XUA
6196CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XXXXXX-nameUnknown Currency 未知货币
6197CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XXXXXX-name-other(unknown currency) (未知货币)
6198CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XXXXXX-symbol¤ XXX
6199UnitsMeasurement SystemsnullmetricMetric 公制
6200UnitsMeasurement SystemsnullUKUK 英制
6201UnitsMeasurement SystemsnullUSUS 美制
6202UnitsDurationdecadelong-displayNamedecades 年代
6203UnitsDurationdecadelong-other{0} decades {0}年代
6204UnitsDurationdecadeshort-displayNamedec 年代
6205UnitsDurationdecadeshort-other{0} dec {0}年代
6206UnitsDurationdecadenarrow-displayNamedec 年代
6207UnitsDurationdecadenarrow-other{0}dec {0}年代
6208UnitsDurationcenturylong-displayNamecenturies 个世纪
6209UnitsDurationcenturylong-other{0} centuries {0}个世纪
6210UnitsDurationcenturyshort-displayNamec 世纪
6211UnitsDurationcenturyshort-other{0} c {0}个世纪
6212UnitsDurationcenturynarrow-displayNamec 世纪
6213UnitsDurationcenturynarrow-other{0}c {0}个世纪
6215UnitsDurationyearlong-other{0} years {0}年
6216UnitsDurationyearlong-per{0} per year 每年{0}
6218UnitsDurationyearshort-other{0} yrs {0}年
6219UnitsDurationyearshort-per{0}/y {0}/年
6221UnitsDurationyearnarrow-other{0}y {0}年
6222UnitsDurationyearnarrow-per{0}/y {0}/年
6223UnitsDurationmonthlong-displayNamemonths 个月
6224UnitsDurationmonthlong-other{0} months {0}个月
6225UnitsDurationmonthlong-per{0} per month 每月{0}
6226UnitsDurationmonthshort-displayNamemonths 个月
6227UnitsDurationmonthshort-other{0} mths {0}个月
6228UnitsDurationmonthshort-per{0}/m {0}/月
6229UnitsDurationmonthnarrow-displayNamemonth 个月
6230UnitsDurationmonthnarrow-other{0}m {0}个月
6231UnitsDurationmonthnarrow-per{0}/m {0}/月
6233UnitsDurationweeklong-other{0} weeks {0}周
6234UnitsDurationweeklong-per{0} per week 每周{0}
6236UnitsDurationweekshort-other{0} wks {0}周
6237UnitsDurationweekshort-per{0}/w {0}/周
6239UnitsDurationweeknarrow-other{0}w {0}周
6240UnitsDurationweeknarrow-per{0}/w {0}/周
6242UnitsDurationdaylong-other{0} days {0}天
6243UnitsDurationdaylong-per{0} per day 每天{0}
6245UnitsDurationdayshort-other{0} days {0}天
6246UnitsDurationdayshort-per{0}/d {0}/天
6248UnitsDurationdaynarrow-other{0}d {0}天
6249UnitsDurationdaynarrow-per{0}/d {0}/天
6250UnitsDurationhourlong-displayNamehours 小时
6251UnitsDurationhourlong-other{0} hours {0}小时
6252UnitsDurationhourlong-per{0} per hour 每小时{0}
6253UnitsDurationhourshort-displayNamehours 小时
6254UnitsDurationhourshort-other{0} hr {0}小时
6255UnitsDurationhourshort-per{0}/h {0}/小时
6256UnitsDurationhournarrow-displayNamehour 小时
6257UnitsDurationhournarrow-other{0}h {0}小时
6258UnitsDurationhournarrow-per{0}/h {0}/小时
6259UnitsDurationminutelong-displayNameminutes 分钟
6260UnitsDurationminutelong-other{0} minutes {0}分钟
6261UnitsDurationminutelong-per{0} per minute 每分钟{0}
6262UnitsDurationminuteshort-displayNamemins 分钟
6263UnitsDurationminuteshort-other{0} min {0}分钟
6264UnitsDurationminuteshort-per{0}/min {0}/分钟
6265UnitsDurationminutenarrow-displayNamemin 分钟
6266UnitsDurationminutenarrow-other{0}m {0}分钟
6267UnitsDurationminutenarrow-per{0}/min {0}/分钟
6268UnitsDurationsecondlong-displayNameseconds 秒钟
6269UnitsDurationsecondlong-other{0} seconds {0}秒钟 {0}秒
6270UnitsDurationsecondlong-per{0} per second {0}/秒
6272UnitsDurationsecondshort-other{0} sec {0}秒
6273UnitsDurationsecondshort-per{0}/s {0}/秒
6275UnitsDurationsecondnarrow-other{0}s {0}秒
6276UnitsDurationsecondnarrow-per{0}/s {0}/秒
6277UnitsDurationmillisecondlong-displayNamemilliseconds 毫秒
6278UnitsDurationmillisecondlong-other{0} milliseconds {0}毫秒
6279UnitsDurationmillisecondshort-displayNamemillisecs 毫秒
6280UnitsDurationmillisecondshort-other{0} ms {0}毫秒
6281UnitsDurationmillisecondnarrow-displayNamemsec 毫秒
6282UnitsDurationmillisecondnarrow-other{0}ms {0}毫秒
6283UnitsDurationmicrosecondlong-displayNamemicroseconds 微秒
6284UnitsDurationmicrosecondlong-other{0} microseconds {0}微秒
6285UnitsDurationmicrosecondshort-displayNameµsecs 微秒
6286UnitsDurationmicrosecondshort-other{0} µs {0}微秒
6287UnitsDurationmicrosecondnarrow-displayNameμsec 微秒
6288UnitsDurationmicrosecondnarrow-other{0}µs {0}微秒
6289UnitsDurationnanosecondlong-displayNamenanoseconds 纳秒
6290UnitsDurationnanosecondlong-other{0} nanoseconds {0}纳秒
6291UnitsDurationnanosecondshort-displayNamenanosecs 纳秒
6292UnitsDurationnanosecondshort-other{0} ns {0}纳秒
6293UnitsDurationnanosecondnarrow-displayNamens 纳秒
6294UnitsDurationnanosecondnarrow-other{0}ns {0}纳秒
6295UnitsDurationDuration Patternshm= h:mm
6296UnitsDurationDuration Patternshms= h:mm:ss
6297UnitsDurationDuration Patternsms= m:ss
6298UnitsGraphicsdot-per-centimeterlong-displayNamedots per centimeter 点每厘米
6299UnitsGraphicsdot-per-centimeterlong-other{0} dots per centimeter {0}点每厘米
6300UnitsGraphicsdot-per-centimetershort-displayName= dpcm
6301UnitsGraphicsdot-per-centimetershort-other= {0} dpcm
6302UnitsGraphicsdot-per-inchlong-displayNamedots per inch 点每英寸
6303UnitsGraphicsdot-per-inchlong-other{0} dots per inch {0}点每英寸
6304UnitsGraphicsdot-per-inchshort-displayName= dpi
6305UnitsGraphicsdot-per-inchshort-other= {0} dpi
6306UnitsGraphicsemlong-displayNametypographic em 版式
6307UnitsGraphicsemlong-other{0} ems {0}版式
6308UnitsGraphicsemshort-displayName= em
6309UnitsGraphicsemshort-other= {0} em
6310UnitsGraphicsmegapixellong-displayNamemegapixels 百万像素
6311UnitsGraphicsmegapixellong-other{0} megapixels {0}百万像素
6312UnitsGraphicsmegapixelshort-displayNamemegapixels MP
6313UnitsGraphicsmegapixelshort-other= {0} MP
6314UnitsGraphicspixellong-displayNamepixels 像素
6315UnitsGraphicspixellong-other{0} pixels {0}像素
6316UnitsGraphicspixelshort-displayNamepixels px
6317UnitsGraphicspixelshort-other= {0} px
6318UnitsGraphicspixel-per-centimeterlong-displayNamepixels per centimeter 像素每厘米
6319UnitsGraphicspixel-per-centimeterlong-other{0} pixels per centimeter {0}像素每厘米
6320UnitsGraphicspixel-per-centimetershort-displayName= ppcm
6321UnitsGraphicspixel-per-centimetershort-other= {0} ppcm
6322UnitsGraphicspixel-per-inchlong-displayNamepixels per inch 像素每英寸
6323UnitsGraphicspixel-per-inchlong-other{0} pixels per inch {0}像素每英寸
6324UnitsGraphicspixel-per-inchshort-displayName= ppi
6325UnitsGraphicspixel-per-inchshort-other= {0} ppi
6326UnitsLengthkilometerlong-displayNamekilometers 公里
6327UnitsLengthkilometerlong-other{0} kilometers {0}公里
6328UnitsLengthkilometerlong-per{0} per kilometer 每公里{0}
6329UnitsLengthkilometershort-displayNamekm 公里
6330UnitsLengthkilometershort-other{0} km {0}公里
6331UnitsLengthkilometershort-per{0}/km {0}/公里
6332UnitsLengthkilometernarrow-displayNamekm 公里
6333UnitsLengthkilometernarrow-other{0}km {0}公里
6334UnitsLengthkilometernarrow-per{0}/km {0}/公里
6336UnitsLengthmeterlong-other{0} meters {0}米
6337UnitsLengthmeterlong-per{0} per meter 每米{0}
6339UnitsLengthmetershort-other{0} m {0}米
6340UnitsLengthmetershort-per{0}/m {0}/米
6342UnitsLengthmeternarrow-other{0}m {0}米
6343UnitsLengthmeternarrow-per{0}/m {0}/米
6344UnitsLengthdecimeterlong-displayNamedecimeters 分米
6345UnitsLengthdecimeterlong-other{0} decimeters {0}分米
6346UnitsLengthdecimetershort-displayNamedm 分米
6347UnitsLengthdecimetershort-other{0} dm {0}分米
6348UnitsLengthdecimeternarrow-displayNamedm 分米
6349UnitsLengthdecimeternarrow-other{0}dm {0}分米
6350UnitsLengthcentimeterlong-displayNamecentimeters 厘米
6351UnitsLengthcentimeterlong-other{0} centimeters {0}厘米
6352UnitsLengthcentimeterlong-per{0} per centimeter 每厘米{0}
6353UnitsLengthcentimetershort-displayNamecm 厘米
6354UnitsLengthcentimetershort-other{0} cm {0}厘米
6355UnitsLengthcentimetershort-per{0}/cm {0}/厘米
6356UnitsLengthcentimeternarrow-displayNamecm 厘米
6357UnitsLengthcentimeternarrow-other{0}cm {0}厘米
6358UnitsLengthcentimeternarrow-per{0}/cm {0}/厘米
6359UnitsLengthmillimeterlong-displayNamemillimeters 毫米
6360UnitsLengthmillimeterlong-other{0} millimeters {0}毫米
6361UnitsLengthmillimetershort-displayNamemm 毫米
6362UnitsLengthmillimetershort-other{0} mm {0}毫米
6363UnitsLengthmillimeternarrow-displayNamemm 毫米
6364UnitsLengthmillimeternarrow-other{0}mm {0}毫米
6365UnitsLengthmicrometerlong-displayNamemicrometers 微米
6366UnitsLengthmicrometerlong-other{0} micrometers {0}微米
6367UnitsLengthmicrometershort-displayNameµmeters 微米
6368UnitsLengthmicrometershort-other{0} µm {0}微米
6369UnitsLengthmicrometernarrow-displayNameµm 微米
6370UnitsLengthmicrometernarrow-other{0}µm {0}微米
6371UnitsLengthnanometerlong-displayNamenanometers 纳米
6372UnitsLengthnanometerlong-other{0} nanometers {0}纳米
6373UnitsLengthnanometershort-displayNamenm 纳米
6374UnitsLengthnanometershort-other{0} nm {0}纳米
6375UnitsLengthnanometernarrow-displayNamenm 纳米
6376UnitsLengthnanometernarrow-other{0}nm {0}纳米
6377UnitsLengthpicometerlong-displayNamepicometers 皮米
6378UnitsLengthpicometerlong-other{0} picometers {0}皮米
6379UnitsLengthpicometershort-displayNamepm 皮米
6380UnitsLengthpicometershort-other{0} pm {0}皮米
6381UnitsLengthpicometernarrow-displayNamepm 皮米
6382UnitsLengthpicometernarrow-other= {0}pm {0}皮米
6383UnitsLengthmilelong-displayNamemiles 英里
6384UnitsLengthmilelong-other{0} miles {0}英里
6385UnitsLengthmileshort-displayNamemiles 英里
6386UnitsLengthmileshort-other{0} mi {0}英里
6387UnitsLengthmilenarrow-displayNamemi 英里
6388UnitsLengthmilenarrow-other= {0}mi {0}英里
6390UnitsLengthyardlong-other{0} yards {0}码
6392UnitsLengthyardshort-other{0} yd {0}码
6394UnitsLengthyardnarrow-other= {0}yd {0}码
6395UnitsLengthfootlong-displayNamefeet 英尺
6396UnitsLengthfootlong-other{0} feet {0}英尺
6397UnitsLengthfootlong-per{0} per foot 每英尺{0}
6398UnitsLengthfootshort-displayNamefeet 英尺
6399UnitsLengthfootshort-other{0} ft {0}英尺
6400UnitsLengthfootshort-per{0}/ft {0}/英尺
6401UnitsLengthfootnarrow-displayNameft 英尺
6402UnitsLengthfootnarrow-other= {0}′ {0}英尺
6403UnitsLengthfootnarrow-per{0}/ft {0}/英尺
6404UnitsLengthinchlong-displayNameinches 英寸
6405UnitsLengthinchlong-other{0} inches {0}英寸
6406UnitsLengthinchlong-per{0} per inch 每英寸{0}
6407UnitsLengthinchshort-displayNameinches 英寸
6408UnitsLengthinchshort-other{0} in {0}英寸
6409UnitsLengthinchshort-per{0}/in {0}/英寸
6410UnitsLengthinchnarrow-displayNamein 英寸
6411UnitsLengthinchnarrow-other= {0}″ {0}英寸
6412UnitsLengthinchnarrow-per{0}/in {0}/英寸
6413UnitsLengthparseclong-displayNameparsecs 秒差距
6414UnitsLengthparseclong-other{0} parsecs {0}秒差距
6415UnitsLengthparsecshort-displayNameparsecs 秒差距
6416UnitsLengthparsecshort-other{0} pc {0}秒差距
6417UnitsLengthparsecnarrow-displayNameparsec 秒差距
6418UnitsLengthparsecnarrow-other{0}pc {0}秒差距
6419UnitsLengthlight-yearlong-displayNamelight years 光年
6420UnitsLengthlight-yearlong-other{0} light years {0}光年
6421UnitsLengthlight-yearshort-displayNamelight yrs 光年
6422UnitsLengthlight-yearshort-other{0} ly {0}光年
6423UnitsLengthlight-yearnarrow-displayNamely 光年
6424UnitsLengthlight-yearnarrow-other= {0}ly {0}光年
6425UnitsLengthastronomical-unitlong-displayNameastronomical units 天文单位
6426UnitsLengthastronomical-unitlong-other{0} astronomical units {0}天文单位
6427UnitsLengthastronomical-unitshort-displayNameau 天文单位
6428UnitsLengthastronomical-unitshort-other{0} au {0}天文单位
6429UnitsLengthastronomical-unitnarrow-displayNameau 天文单位
6430UnitsLengthastronomical-unitnarrow-other{0}au {0}天文单位
6431UnitsLengthfurlonglong-displayNamefurlongs 弗隆
6432UnitsLengthfurlonglong-other{0} furlongs {0}弗隆
6433UnitsLengthfurlongshort-displayNamefurlongs 弗隆
6434UnitsLengthfurlongshort-other{0} fur {0}弗隆
6435UnitsLengthfurlongnarrow-displayNamefurlong 弗隆
6436UnitsLengthfurlongnarrow-other{0}fur {0}弗隆
6437UnitsLengthfathomlong-displayNamefathoms 英寻
6438UnitsLengthfathomlong-other{0} fathoms {0}英寻
6439UnitsLengthfathomshort-displayNamefathoms 英寻
6440UnitsLengthfathomshort-other{0} fth {0}英寻
6441UnitsLengthfathomnarrow-displayNamefathom 英寻
6442UnitsLengthfathomnarrow-other{0}fth {0}英寻
6443UnitsLengthnautical-milelong-displayNamenautical miles 海里
6444UnitsLengthnautical-milelong-other{0} nautical miles {0}海里
6445UnitsLengthnautical-mileshort-displayNamenmi 海里
6446UnitsLengthnautical-mileshort-other{0} nmi {0}海里
6447UnitsLengthnautical-milenarrow-displayNamenmi 海里
6448UnitsLengthnautical-milenarrow-other{0}nmi {0}海里
6449UnitsLengthmile-scandinavianlong-displayNamemile-scandinavian 斯堪的纳维亚英里
6450UnitsLengthmile-scandinavianlong-other{0} miles-scandinavian {0}斯堪的纳维亚英里
6451UnitsLengthmile-scandinavianshort-displayNamesmi 斯堪的纳维亚英里
6452UnitsLengthmile-scandinavianshort-other{0} smi {0}斯堪的纳维亚英里
6453UnitsLengthmile-scandinaviannarrow-displayNamesmi 斯堪的纳维亚英里
6454UnitsLengthmile-scandinaviannarrow-other= {0}smi
6455UnitsLengthpointlong-displayNamepoints pt
6456UnitsLengthpointlong-other{0} points {0} pt
6457UnitsLengthpointshort-displayNamepoints pt
6458UnitsLengthpointshort-other= {0} pt
6459UnitsLengthsolar-radiuslong-displayNamesolar radii 太阳半径
6460UnitsLengthsolar-radiuslong-other{0} solar radii {0}太阳半径
6461UnitsLengthsolar-radiusshort-displayNamesolar radii 太阳半径
6462UnitsLengthsolar-radiusshort-other{0} R☉ {0}太阳半径
6463UnitsAreasquare-kilometerlong-displayNamesquare kilometers 平方公里
6464UnitsAreasquare-kilometerlong-other{0} square kilometers {0}平方公里
6465UnitsAreasquare-kilometerlong-per{0} per square kilometer 每平方公里{0}
6466UnitsAreasquare-kilometershort-displayNamekm² 平方公里
6467UnitsAreasquare-kilometershort-other{0} km² {0}平方公里
6468UnitsAreasquare-kilometershort-per{0}/km² {0}/平方公里
6469UnitsAreasquare-kilometernarrow-displayNamekm² 平方公里
6470UnitsAreasquare-kilometernarrow-other= {0}km²
6471UnitsAreasquare-kilometernarrow-per{0}/km² {0}/平方公里
6472UnitsAreahectarelong-displayNamehectares 公顷
6473UnitsAreahectarelong-other{0} hectares {0}公顷
6474UnitsAreahectareshort-displayNamehectares 公顷
6475UnitsAreahectareshort-other{0} ha {0}公顷
6476UnitsAreahectarenarrow-displayNamehectare 公顷
6477UnitsAreahectarenarrow-other= {0}ha
6478UnitsAreasquare-meterlong-displayNamesquare meters 平方米
6479UnitsAreasquare-meterlong-other{0} square meters {0}平方米
6480UnitsAreasquare-meterlong-per{0} per square meter 每平方米{0}
6481UnitsAreasquare-metershort-displayNamemeters² 平方米
6482UnitsAreasquare-metershort-other{0} m² {0}平方米
6483UnitsAreasquare-metershort-per{0}/m² {0}/平方米
6484UnitsAreasquare-meternarrow-displayNamemeters² 平方米
6485UnitsAreasquare-meternarrow-other= {0}m²
6486UnitsAreasquare-meternarrow-per{0}/m² {0}/平方米
6487UnitsAreasquare-centimeterlong-displayNamesquare centimeters 平方厘米
6488UnitsAreasquare-centimeterlong-other{0} square centimeters {0}平方厘米
6489UnitsAreasquare-centimeterlong-per{0} per square centimeter 每平方厘米{0}
6490UnitsAreasquare-centimetershort-displayNamecm² 平方厘米
6491UnitsAreasquare-centimetershort-other{0} cm² {0}平方厘米
6492UnitsAreasquare-centimetershort-per{0}/cm² {0}/平方厘米
6493UnitsAreasquare-centimeternarrow-displayNamecm² 平方厘米
6494UnitsAreasquare-centimeternarrow-other{0}cm² {0}平方厘米
6495UnitsAreasquare-centimeternarrow-per{0}/cm² {0}/平方厘米
6496UnitsAreasquare-milelong-displayNamesquare miles 平方英里
6497UnitsAreasquare-milelong-other{0} square miles {0}平方英里
6498UnitsAreasquare-milelong-per{0} per square mile 每平方英里{0}
6499UnitsAreasquare-mileshort-displayNamesq miles 平方英里
6500UnitsAreasquare-mileshort-other{0} sq mi {0}平方英里
6501UnitsAreasquare-mileshort-per{0}/mi² {0}/平方英里
6502UnitsAreasquare-milenarrow-displayNamemi² 平方英里
6503UnitsAreasquare-milenarrow-other= {0}mi²
6504UnitsAreasquare-milenarrow-per{0}/mi² {0}/平方英里
6505UnitsAreaacrelong-displayNameacres 英亩
6506UnitsAreaacrelong-other{0} acres {0}英亩
6507UnitsAreaacreshort-displayNameacres 英亩
6508UnitsAreaacreshort-other{0} ac {0}英亩
6509UnitsAreaacrenarrow-displayNameacre 英亩
6510UnitsAreaacrenarrow-other= {0}ac
6511UnitsAreasquare-yardlong-displayNamesquare yards 平方码
6512UnitsAreasquare-yardlong-other{0} square yards {0}平方码
6513UnitsAreasquare-yardshort-displayNameyards² 平方码
6514UnitsAreasquare-yardshort-other{0} yd² {0}平方码
6515UnitsAreasquare-yardnarrow-displayNameyd² 平方码
6516UnitsAreasquare-yardnarrow-other{0}yd² {0}平方码
6517UnitsAreasquare-footlong-displayNamesquare feet 平方英尺
6518UnitsAreasquare-footlong-other{0} square feet {0}平方英尺
6519UnitsAreasquare-footshort-displayNamesq feet 平方英尺
6520UnitsAreasquare-footshort-other{0} sq ft {0}平方英尺
6521UnitsAreasquare-footnarrow-displayNameft² 平方英尺
6522UnitsAreasquare-footnarrow-other= {0}ft²
6523UnitsAreasquare-inchlong-displayNamesquare inches 平方英寸
6524UnitsAreasquare-inchlong-other{0} square inches {0}平方英寸
6525UnitsAreasquare-inchlong-per{0} per square inch 每平方英寸{0}
6526UnitsAreasquare-inchshort-displayNameinches² 平方英寸
6527UnitsAreasquare-inchshort-other{0} in² {0}平方英寸
6528UnitsAreasquare-inchshort-per{0}/in² {0}/平方英寸
6529UnitsAreasquare-inchnarrow-displayNamein² 平方英寸
6530UnitsAreasquare-inchnarrow-other{0}in² {0}平方英寸
6531UnitsAreasquare-inchnarrow-per{0}/in² {0}/平方英寸
6532UnitsAreadunamlong-displayNamedunams 杜纳亩
6533UnitsAreadunamlong-other{0} dunams {0}杜纳亩
6534UnitsAreadunamshort-displayNamedunams 杜纳亩
6535UnitsAreadunamshort-other{0} dunam {0}杜纳亩
6536UnitsVolumecubic-kilometerlong-displayNamecubic kilometers 立方千米
6537UnitsVolumecubic-kilometerlong-other{0} cubic kilometers {0}立方千米
6538UnitsVolumecubic-kilometershort-displayNamekm³ 立方千米
6539UnitsVolumecubic-kilometershort-other{0} km³ {0}立方千米
6540UnitsVolumecubic-kilometernarrow-displayNamekm³ 立方千米
6541UnitsVolumecubic-kilometernarrow-other= {0}km³
6542UnitsVolumecubic-meterlong-displayNamecubic meters 立方米
6543UnitsVolumecubic-meterlong-other{0} cubic meters {0}立方米
6544UnitsVolumecubic-meterlong-per{0} per cubic meter 每立方米{0}
6545UnitsVolumecubic-metershort-displayName 立方米
6546UnitsVolumecubic-metershort-other{0} m³ {0}立方米
6547UnitsVolumecubic-metershort-per{0}/m³ {0}/立方米
6548UnitsVolumecubic-meternarrow-displayName 立方米
6549UnitsVolumecubic-meternarrow-other{0}m³ {0}立方米
6550UnitsVolumecubic-meternarrow-per{0}/m³ {0}/立方米
6551UnitsVolumecubic-centimeterlong-displayNamecubic centimeters 立方厘米
6552UnitsVolumecubic-centimeterlong-other{0} cubic centimeters {0}立方厘米
6553UnitsVolumecubic-centimeterlong-per{0} per cubic centimeter 每立方厘米{0}
6554UnitsVolumecubic-centimetershort-displayNamecm³ 立方厘米
6555UnitsVolumecubic-centimetershort-other{0} cm³ {0}立方厘米
6556UnitsVolumecubic-centimetershort-per{0}/cm³ {0}/立方厘米
6557UnitsVolumecubic-centimeternarrow-displayNamecm³ 立方厘米
6558UnitsVolumecubic-centimeternarrow-other{0}cm³ {0}立方厘米
6559UnitsVolumecubic-centimeternarrow-per{0}/cm³ {0}/立方厘米
6560UnitsVolumecubic-milelong-displayNamecubic miles 立方英里
6561UnitsVolumecubic-milelong-other{0} cubic miles {0}立方英里
6562UnitsVolumecubic-mileshort-displayNamemi³ 立方英里
6563UnitsVolumecubic-mileshort-other{0} mi³ {0}立方英里
6564UnitsVolumecubic-milenarrow-displayNamemi³ 立方英里
6565UnitsVolumecubic-milenarrow-other= {0}mi³
6566UnitsVolumecubic-yardlong-displayNamecubic yards 立方码
6567UnitsVolumecubic-yardlong-other{0} cubic yards {0}立方码
6568UnitsVolumecubic-yardshort-displayNameyards³ 立方码
6569UnitsVolumecubic-yardshort-other{0} yd³ {0}立方码
6570UnitsVolumecubic-yardnarrow-displayNameyd³ 立方码
6571UnitsVolumecubic-yardnarrow-other{0}yd³ {0}立方码
6572UnitsVolumecubic-footlong-displayNamecubic feet 立方英尺
6573UnitsVolumecubic-footlong-other{0} cubic feet {0}立方英尺
6574UnitsVolumecubic-footshort-displayNamefeet³ 立方英尺
6575UnitsVolumecubic-footshort-other{0} ft³ {0}立方英尺
6576UnitsVolumecubic-footnarrow-displayNameft³ 立方英尺
6577UnitsVolumecubic-footnarrow-other{0}ft³ {0}立方英尺
6578UnitsVolumecubic-inchlong-displayNamecubic inches 立方英寸
6579UnitsVolumecubic-inchlong-other{0} cubic inches {0}立方英寸
6580UnitsVolumecubic-inchshort-displayNameinches³ 立方英寸
6581UnitsVolumecubic-inchshort-other{0} in³ {0}立方英寸
6582UnitsVolumecubic-inchnarrow-displayNamein³ 立方英寸
6583UnitsVolumecubic-inchnarrow-other{0}in³ {0}立方英寸
6584UnitsVolumemegaliterlong-displayNamemegaliters 兆升
6585UnitsVolumemegaliterlong-other{0} megaliters {0}兆升
6586UnitsVolumemegalitershort-displayNameML 兆升
6587UnitsVolumemegalitershort-other{0} ML {0}兆升
6588UnitsVolumemegaliternarrow-displayNameML 兆升
6589UnitsVolumemegaliternarrow-other{0}ML {0}兆升
6590UnitsVolumehectoliterlong-displayNamehectoliters 公石
6591UnitsVolumehectoliterlong-other{0} hectoliters {0}公石
6592UnitsVolumehectolitershort-displayNamehL 公石
6593UnitsVolumehectolitershort-other{0} hL {0}公石
6594UnitsVolumehectoliternarrow-displayNamehL 公石
6595UnitsVolumehectoliternarrow-other{0}hL {0}公石
6597UnitsVolumeliterlong-other{0} liters {0}升
6598UnitsVolumeliterlong-per{0} per liter 每升{0}
6600UnitsVolumelitershort-other{0} L {0}升
6601UnitsVolumelitershort-per{0}/L {0}/升
6603UnitsVolumeliternarrow-other{0}L {0}升
6604UnitsVolumeliternarrow-per{0}/L {0}/升
6605UnitsVolumedeciliterlong-displayNamedeciliters 分升
6606UnitsVolumedeciliterlong-other{0} deciliters {0}分升
6607UnitsVolumedecilitershort-displayNamedL 分升
6608UnitsVolumedecilitershort-other{0} dL {0}分升
6609UnitsVolumedeciliternarrow-displayNamedL 分升
6610UnitsVolumedeciliternarrow-other{0}dL {0}分升
6611UnitsVolumecentiliterlong-displayNamecentiliters 厘升
6612UnitsVolumecentiliterlong-other{0} centiliters {0}厘升
6613UnitsVolumecentilitershort-displayNamecL 厘升
6614UnitsVolumecentilitershort-other{0} cL {0}厘升
6615UnitsVolumecentiliternarrow-displayNamecL 厘升
6616UnitsVolumecentiliternarrow-other{0}cL {0}厘升
6617UnitsVolumemilliliterlong-displayNamemilliliters 毫升
6618UnitsVolumemilliliterlong-other{0} milliliters {0}毫升
6619UnitsVolumemillilitershort-displayNamemL 毫升
6620UnitsVolumemillilitershort-other{0} mL {0}毫升
6621UnitsVolumemilliliternarrow-displayNamemL 毫升
6622UnitsVolumemilliliternarrow-other{0}mL {0}毫升
6623UnitsVolumepint-metriclong-displayNamemetric pints 公制品脱
6624UnitsVolumepint-metriclong-other{0} metric pints {0}公制品脱
6625UnitsVolumepint-metricshort-displayNamempt 公制品脱
6626UnitsVolumepint-metricshort-other{0} mpt {0}公制品脱
6627UnitsVolumepint-metricnarrow-displayNamept 公制品脱
6628UnitsVolumepint-metricnarrow-other{0}mpt {0}公制品脱
6629UnitsVolumecup-metriclong-displayNamemetric cups 公制杯
6630UnitsVolumecup-metriclong-other{0} metric cups {0}公制杯
6631UnitsVolumecup-metricshort-displayNamemcup 公制杯
6632UnitsVolumecup-metricshort-other{0} mc {0}公制杯
6633UnitsVolumecup-metricnarrow-displayNamemcup 公制杯
6634UnitsVolumecup-metricnarrow-other{0}mc {0}公制杯
6635UnitsVolumeacre-footlong-displayNameacre-feet 英亩英尺
6636UnitsVolumeacre-footlong-other{0} acre-feet {0}英亩英尺
6637UnitsVolumeacre-footshort-displayNameacre ft 英亩英尺
6638UnitsVolumeacre-footshort-other{0} ac ft {0}英亩英尺
6639UnitsVolumeacre-footnarrow-displayNameacre ft 英亩英尺
6640UnitsVolumeacre-footnarrow-other{0}ac ft {0}英亩英尺
6641UnitsVolumebushellong-displayNamebushels 蒲式耳
6642UnitsVolumebushellong-other{0} bushels {0}蒲式耳
6643UnitsVolumebushelshort-displayNamebushels 蒲式耳
6644UnitsVolumebushelshort-other{0} bu {0}蒲式耳
6645UnitsVolumebushelnarrow-displayNamebushel 蒲式耳
6646UnitsVolumebushelnarrow-other{0}bu {0}蒲式耳
6647UnitsVolumegallonlong-displayNamegallons 加仑
6648UnitsVolumegallonlong-other{0} gallons {0}加仑
6649UnitsVolumegallonlong-per{0} per gallon 每加仑{0}
6650UnitsVolumegallonshort-displayNamegal 加仑
6651UnitsVolumegallonshort-other{0} gal {0}加仑
6652UnitsVolumegallonshort-per{0}/gal US {0}/加仑
6653UnitsVolumegallonnarrow-displayNamegal 加仑
6654UnitsVolumegallonnarrow-other{0}gal {0}加仑
6655UnitsVolumegallonnarrow-per{0}/gal {0}/加仑
6656UnitsVolumegallon-imperiallong-displayNameImp. gallons 英制加仑
6657UnitsVolumegallon-imperiallong-other{0} Imp. gallons {0}英制加仑
6658UnitsVolumegallon-imperiallong-per{0} per Imp. gallon 每英制加仑{0}
6659UnitsVolumegallon-imperialshort-displayNameImp. gal 英制加仑
6660UnitsVolumegallon-imperialshort-other{0} gal Imp. {0}英制加仑
6661UnitsVolumegallon-imperialshort-per{0}/gal Imp. {0}/英制加仑
6662UnitsVolumegallon-imperialnarrow-displayNameImp gal 英制加仑
6663UnitsVolumegallon-imperialnarrow-other{0}galIm {0}英制加仑
6664UnitsVolumegallon-imperialnarrow-per{0}/galIm {0}/英制加仑
6665UnitsVolumequartlong-displayNamequarts 夸脱
6666UnitsVolumequartlong-other{0} quarts {0}夸脱
6667UnitsVolumequartshort-displayNameqts 夸脱
6668UnitsVolumequartshort-other{0} qt {0}夸脱
6669UnitsVolumequartnarrow-displayNameqt 夸脱
6670UnitsVolumequartnarrow-other{0}qt {0}夸脱
6671UnitsVolumepintlong-displayNamepints 品脱
6672UnitsVolumepintlong-other{0} pints {0}品脱
6673UnitsVolumepintshort-displayNamepints 品脱
6674UnitsVolumepintshort-other{0} pt {0}品脱
6675UnitsVolumepintnarrow-displayNamept 品脱
6676UnitsVolumepintnarrow-other{0}pt {0}品脱
6678UnitsVolumecuplong-other{0} cups {0}杯
6680UnitsVolumecupshort-other{0} c {0}杯
6682UnitsVolumecupnarrow-other{0}c {0}杯
6683UnitsVolumefluid-ouncelong-displayNamefluid ounces 液盎司
6684UnitsVolumefluid-ouncelong-other{0} fluid ounces {0}液盎司
6685UnitsVolumefluid-ounceshort-displayNamefl oz 液盎司
6686UnitsVolumefluid-ounceshort-other{0} fl oz {0}液盎司
6687UnitsVolumefluid-ouncenarrow-displayNamefl oz 液盎司
6688UnitsVolumefluid-ouncenarrow-other{0}fl oz {0}液盎司
6689UnitsVolumefluid-ounce-imperiallong-displayNameImp. fluid ounces 英制液盎司
6690UnitsVolumefluid-ounce-imperiallong-other{0} Imp. fluid ounces {0}英制液盎司
6691UnitsVolumefluid-ounce-imperialshort-displayNameImp. fl oz 英制液盎司
6692UnitsVolumefluid-ounce-imperialshort-other{0} fl oz Imp. {0}英制液盎司
6693UnitsVolumetablespoonlong-displayNametablespoons 汤匙
6694UnitsVolumetablespoonlong-other{0} tablespoons {0}汤匙
6695UnitsVolumetablespoonshort-displayNametbsp 汤匙
6696UnitsVolumetablespoonshort-other{0} tbsp {0}汤匙
6697UnitsVolumetablespoonnarrow-displayNametbsp 汤匙
6698UnitsVolumetablespoonnarrow-other{0}tbsp {0}汤匙
6699UnitsVolumeteaspoonlong-displayNameteaspoons 茶匙
6700UnitsVolumeteaspoonlong-other{0} teaspoons {0}茶匙
6701UnitsVolumeteaspoonshort-displayNametsp 茶匙
6702UnitsVolumeteaspoonshort-other{0} tsp {0}茶匙
6703UnitsVolumeteaspoonnarrow-displayNametsp 茶匙
6704UnitsVolumeteaspoonnarrow-other{0}tsp {0}茶匙
6706UnitsVolumebarrellong-other{0} barrels {0}桶
6708UnitsVolumebarrelshort-other{0} bbl {0}桶
6709UnitsSpeed and Accelerationg-forcelong-displayNameg-force G力
6710UnitsSpeed and Accelerationg-forcelong-other{0} g-force {0}G力
6711UnitsSpeed and Accelerationg-forceshort-displayNameg-force G力
6712UnitsSpeed and Accelerationg-forceshort-other{0} G {0}G {0}G力
6713UnitsSpeed and Accelerationg-forcenarrow-displayNameg-force G力
6714UnitsSpeed and Accelerationg-forcenarrow-other{0}Gs {0}G
6715UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-square-secondlong-displayNamemeters per second squared 米/秒²
6716UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-square-secondlong-other{0} meters per second squared 每平方秒{0}米
6717UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-square-secondshort-displayNamemeters/sec² 米/秒²
6718UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-square-secondshort-other{0} m/s² {0}米/秒²
6719UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-square-secondnarrow-displayNamem/s² 米/秒²
6720UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-square-secondnarrow-other{0}m/s² {0}米/秒²
6721UnitsSpeed and Accelerationkilometer-per-hourlong-displayNamekilometers per hour 公里/小时
6722UnitsSpeed and Accelerationkilometer-per-hourlong-other{0} kilometers per hour 每小时{0}公里
6723UnitsSpeed and Accelerationkilometer-per-hourshort-displayNamekm/hour 公里/小时
6724UnitsSpeed and Accelerationkilometer-per-hourshort-other{0} km/h 每小时{0}公里
6725UnitsSpeed and Accelerationkilometer-per-hournarrow-displayNamekm/hr 公里/小时
6726UnitsSpeed and Accelerationkilometer-per-hournarrow-other{0}km/h {0}公里/小时
6727UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-secondlong-displayNamemeters per second 米/秒
6728UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-secondlong-other{0} meters per second 每秒{0}米
6729UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-secondshort-displayNamemeters/sec 米/秒
6730UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-secondshort-other{0} m/s {0}米/秒
6731UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-secondnarrow-displayNamem/s 米/秒
6732UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmeter-per-secondnarrow-other= {0}m/s
6733UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmile-per-hourlong-displayNamemiles per hour 英里/小时
6734UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmile-per-hourlong-other{0} miles per hour 每小时{0}英里
6735UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmile-per-hourshort-displayNamemiles/hour 英里/小时
6736UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmile-per-hourshort-other{0} mph {0}英里/小时
6737UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmile-per-hournarrow-displayNamemi/hr 英里/小时
6738UnitsSpeed and Accelerationmile-per-hournarrow-other{0}mph {0}mi/h
6739UnitsSpeed and Accelerationknotlong-displayNameknots
6740UnitsSpeed and Accelerationknotlong-other{0} knots {0}节
6741UnitsSpeed and Accelerationknotshort-displayNamekn
6742UnitsSpeed and Accelerationknotshort-other{0} kn {0}节
6743UnitsSpeed and Accelerationknotnarrow-displayNamekn
6744UnitsSpeed and Accelerationknotnarrow-other{0}kn {0}节
6745UnitsMass and Weightmetric-tonlong-displayNamemetric tons 公吨
6746UnitsMass and Weightmetric-tonlong-other{0} metric tons {0}公吨
6747UnitsMass and Weightmetric-tonshort-displayNamet 公吨
6748UnitsMass and Weightmetric-tonshort-other{0} t {0}公吨
6749UnitsMass and Weightkilogramlong-displayNamekilograms 千克
6750UnitsMass and Weightkilogramlong-other{0} kilograms {0}千克
6751UnitsMass and Weightkilogramlong-per{0} per kilogram 每千克{0}
6752UnitsMass and Weightkilogramshort-displayNamekg 千克
6753UnitsMass and Weightkilogramshort-other{0} kg {0}千克
6754UnitsMass and Weightkilogramshort-per{0}/kg {0}/千克
6755UnitsMass and Weightkilogramnarrow-displayNamekg 千克
6756UnitsMass and Weightkilogramnarrow-other{0}kg {0}千克
6757UnitsMass and Weightgramlong-displayNamegrams
6758UnitsMass and Weightgramlong-other{0} grams {0}克
6759UnitsMass and Weightgramlong-per{0} per gram 每克{0}
6760UnitsMass and Weightgramshort-displayNamegrams
6761UnitsMass and Weightgramshort-other{0} g {0}克
6762UnitsMass and Weightgramshort-per{0}/g {0}/克
6763UnitsMass and Weightgramnarrow-displayNamegram
6764UnitsMass and Weightgramnarrow-other{0}g {0}克
6765UnitsMass and Weightmilligramlong-displayNamemilligrams 毫克
6766UnitsMass and Weightmilligramlong-other{0} milligrams {0}毫克
6767UnitsMass and Weightmilligramshort-displayNamemg 毫克
6768UnitsMass and Weightmilligramshort-other{0} mg {0}毫克
6769UnitsMass and Weightmicrogramlong-displayNamemicrograms 微克
6770UnitsMass and Weightmicrogramlong-other{0} micrograms {0}微克
6771UnitsMass and Weightmicrogramshort-displayNameµg 微克
6772UnitsMass and Weightmicrogramshort-other{0} µg {0}微克
6773UnitsMass and Weighttonlong-displayNametons
6774UnitsMass and Weighttonlong-other{0} tons {0}吨
6775UnitsMass and Weighttonshort-displayNametons
6776UnitsMass and Weighttonshort-other{0} tn {0}吨
6777UnitsMass and Weightstonelong-displayNamestones 英石
6778UnitsMass and Weightstonelong-other{0} stones {0}英石
6779UnitsMass and Weightstoneshort-displayNamestones 英石
6780UnitsMass and Weightstoneshort-other{0} st {0}英石
6781UnitsMass and Weightstonenarrow-displayNamestone 英石
6782UnitsMass and Weightstonenarrow-other{0}st {0}英石
6783UnitsMass and Weightpoundlong-displayNamepounds
6784UnitsMass and Weightpoundlong-other{0} pounds {0}磅
6785UnitsMass and Weightpoundlong-per{0} per pound 每磅{0}
6786UnitsMass and Weightpoundshort-displayNamepounds
6787UnitsMass and Weightpoundshort-other{0} lb {0}磅
6788UnitsMass and Weightpoundshort-per{0}/lb {0}/磅
6789UnitsMass and Weightpoundnarrow-other{0}# {0}磅
6790UnitsMass and Weightouncelong-displayNameounces 盎司
6791UnitsMass and Weightouncelong-other{0} ounces {0}盎司
6792UnitsMass and Weightouncelong-per{0} per ounce 每盎司{0}
6793UnitsMass and Weightounceshort-displayNameoz 盎司
6794UnitsMass and Weightounceshort-other{0} oz {0}盎司
6795UnitsMass and Weightounceshort-per{0}/oz {0}/盎司
6796UnitsMass and Weightouncenarrow-other{0}oz {0}盎司
6797UnitsMass and Weightounce-troylong-displayNametroy ounces 金衡制盎司
6798UnitsMass and Weightounce-troylong-other{0} troy ounces {0}金衡制盎司
6799UnitsMass and Weightounce-troyshort-displayNameoz troy 金衡盎司
6800UnitsMass and Weightounce-troyshort-other{0} oz t {0}金衡盎司
6801UnitsMass and Weightcaratlong-displayNamecarats 克拉
6802UnitsMass and Weightcaratlong-other{0} carats {0}克拉
6803UnitsMass and Weightcaratshort-displayNamecarats 克拉
6804UnitsMass and Weightcaratshort-other{0} CD {0}克拉
6805UnitsMass and Weightdaltonlong-displayNamedaltons 道尔顿
6806UnitsMass and Weightdaltonlong-other{0} daltons {0}道尔顿
6807UnitsMass and Weightdaltonshort-displayNamedaltons 道尔顿
6808UnitsMass and Weightdaltonshort-other{0} Da {0}道尔顿
6809UnitsMass and Weightearth-masslong-displayNameEarth masses 地球质量
6810UnitsMass and Weightearth-masslong-other{0} Earth masses {0}地球质量
6811UnitsMass and Weightearth-massshort-displayNameEarth masses 地球质量
6812UnitsMass and Weightearth-massshort-other{0} M⊕ {0}地球质量
6813UnitsMass and Weightsolar-masslong-displayNamesolar masses 太阳质量
6814UnitsMass and Weightsolar-masslong-other{0} solar masses {0}太阳质量
6815UnitsMass and Weightsolar-massshort-displayNamesolar masses 太阳质量
6816UnitsMass and Weightsolar-massshort-other{0} M☉ {0}太阳质量
6817UnitsEnergy and Powerkilocalorielong-displayNamekilocalories 千卡
6818UnitsEnergy and Powerkilocalorielong-other{0} kilocalories {0}千卡
6819UnitsEnergy and Powerkilocalorieshort-displayNamekcal 千卡
6820UnitsEnergy and Powerkilocalorieshort-other{0} kcal {0}千卡
6821UnitsEnergy and Powercalorielong-displayNamecalories 卡路里
6822UnitsEnergy and Powercalorielong-other{0} calories {0}卡路里
6823UnitsEnergy and Powercalorieshort-displayNamecal
6824UnitsEnergy and Powercalorieshort-other{0} cal {0}卡
6825UnitsEnergy and Powerfoodcalorielong-displayNameCalories 卡路里
6826UnitsEnergy and Powerfoodcalorielong-other{0} Calories {0}卡路里
6827UnitsEnergy and Powerfoodcalorieshort-displayNameCal
6828UnitsEnergy and Powerfoodcalorieshort-other{0} Cal {0}卡
6829UnitsEnergy and Powerfoodcalorienarrow-displayNameCal
6830UnitsEnergy and Powerfoodcalorienarrow-other{0}Cal {0}卡
6831UnitsEnergy and Powerkilojoulelong-displayNamekilojoules 千焦
6832UnitsEnergy and Powerkilojoulelong-other{0} kilojoules {0}千焦
6833UnitsEnergy and Powerkilojouleshort-displayNamekilojoule 千焦
6834UnitsEnergy and Powerkilojouleshort-other{0} kJ {0}千焦
6835UnitsEnergy and Powerkilojoulenarrow-displayNamekJ 千焦
6836UnitsEnergy and Powerkilojoulenarrow-other{0}kJ {0}千焦
6837UnitsEnergy and Powerjoulelong-displayNamejoules 焦耳
6838UnitsEnergy and Powerjoulelong-other{0} joules {0}焦耳
6839UnitsEnergy and Powerjouleshort-displayNamejoules 焦耳
6840UnitsEnergy and Powerjouleshort-other{0} J {0}焦耳
6841UnitsEnergy and Powerjoulenarrow-displayNamejoule 焦耳
6842UnitsEnergy and Powerjoulenarrow-other{0}J {0}焦耳
6843UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowatt-hourlong-displayNamekilowatt-hours 千瓦时
6844UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowatt-hourlong-other{0} kilowatt-hours {0}千瓦时
6845UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowatt-hourshort-displayNamekW-hour 千瓦时
6846UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowatt-hourshort-other{0} kWh {0}千瓦时
6847UnitsEnergy and Powerelectronvoltlong-displayNameelectronvolts 电子伏特
6848UnitsEnergy and Powerelectronvoltlong-other{0} electronvolts {0}电子伏特
6849UnitsEnergy and Powerelectronvoltshort-displayNameelectronvolt 电子伏
6850UnitsEnergy and Powerelectronvoltshort-other{0} eV {0}电子伏
6851UnitsEnergy and Powerbritish-thermal-unitlong-displayNameBritish thermal units 英热单位
6852UnitsEnergy and Powerbritish-thermal-unitlong-other{0} British thermal units {0}英热单位
6853UnitsEnergy and Powerbritish-thermal-unitshort-displayNameBTU 英热单位
6854UnitsEnergy and Powerbritish-thermal-unitshort-other{0} Btu {0}英热单位
6855UnitsEnergy and Powertherm-uslong-displayNameUS therms 美制克卡
6856UnitsEnergy and Powertherm-uslong-other{0} US therms {0}美制克卡
6857UnitsEnergy and Powertherm-usshort-displayNameUS therm 美制克卡
6858UnitsEnergy and Powertherm-usshort-other{0} US therms {0}美制克卡
6859UnitsEnergy and Powertherm-usnarrow-displayNameUS therm 美制克卡
6860UnitsEnergy and Powertherm-usnarrow-other{0}US therms {0}美制克卡
6861UnitsEnergy and Powergigawattlong-displayNamegigawatts 吉瓦
6862UnitsEnergy and Powergigawattlong-other{0} gigawatts {0}吉瓦
6863UnitsEnergy and Powergigawattshort-displayNameGW 吉瓦
6864UnitsEnergy and Powergigawattshort-other{0} GW {0}吉瓦
6865UnitsEnergy and Powermegawattlong-displayNamemegawatts 兆瓦
6866UnitsEnergy and Powermegawattlong-other{0} megawatts {0}兆瓦
6867UnitsEnergy and Powermegawattshort-displayNameMW 兆瓦
6868UnitsEnergy and Powermegawattshort-other{0} MW {0}兆瓦
6869UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowattlong-displayNamekilowatts 千瓦
6870UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowattlong-other{0} kilowatts {0}千瓦
6871UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowattshort-displayNamekW 千瓦
6872UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowattshort-other{0} kW {0}千瓦
6873UnitsEnergy and Powerkilowattnarrow-other= {0}kW
6874UnitsEnergy and Powerwattlong-displayNamewatts 瓦特
6875UnitsEnergy and Powerwattlong-other{0} watts {0}瓦特
6876UnitsEnergy and Powerwattshort-displayNamewatts 瓦特
6877UnitsEnergy and Powerwattshort-other{0} W {0}瓦
6878UnitsEnergy and Powerwattnarrow-other= {0}W
6879UnitsEnergy and Powermilliwattlong-displayNamemilliwatts 毫瓦
6880UnitsEnergy and Powermilliwattlong-other{0} milliwatts {0}毫瓦
6881UnitsEnergy and Powermilliwattshort-displayNamemW 毫瓦
6882UnitsEnergy and Powermilliwattshort-other{0} mW {0}毫瓦
6883UnitsEnergy and Powerhorsepowerlong-displayNamehorsepower 马力
6884UnitsEnergy and Powerhorsepowerlong-other{0} horsepower {0}马力
6885UnitsEnergy and Powerhorsepowershort-displayNamehp 马力
6886UnitsEnergy and Powerhorsepowershort-other{0} hp {0}马力
6887UnitsEnergy and Powerhorsepowernarrow-other= {0}hp
6888UnitsElectrical and Frequencyamperelong-displayNameamperes 安培
6889UnitsElectrical and Frequencyamperelong-other{0} amperes {0}安培
6890UnitsElectrical and Frequencyampereshort-displayNameamps 安培
6891UnitsElectrical and Frequencyampereshort-other{0} A {0}安
6892UnitsElectrical and Frequencymilliamperelong-displayNamemilliamperes 毫安
6893UnitsElectrical and Frequencymilliamperelong-other{0} milliamperes {0}毫安
6894UnitsElectrical and Frequencymilliampereshort-displayNamemilliamps 毫安
6895UnitsElectrical and Frequencymilliampereshort-other{0} mA {0}毫安
6896UnitsElectrical and Frequencyohmlong-displayNameohms 欧姆
6897UnitsElectrical and Frequencyohmlong-other{0} ohms {0}欧姆
6898UnitsElectrical and Frequencyohmshort-displayNameohms 欧姆
6899UnitsElectrical and Frequencyohmshort-other{0} Ω {0}欧
6900UnitsElectrical and Frequencyvoltlong-displayNamevolts 伏特
6901UnitsElectrical and Frequencyvoltlong-other{0} volts {0}伏特
6902UnitsElectrical and Frequencyvoltshort-displayNamevolts 伏特
6903UnitsElectrical and Frequencyvoltshort-other{0} V {0}伏
6904UnitsElectrical and Frequencygigahertzlong-displayNamegigahertz 吉赫
6905UnitsElectrical and Frequencygigahertzlong-other{0} gigahertz {0}吉赫
6906UnitsElectrical and Frequencygigahertzshort-displayNameGHz 吉赫
6907UnitsElectrical and Frequencygigahertzshort-other{0} GHz {0}吉赫
6908UnitsElectrical and Frequencymegahertzlong-displayNamemegahertz 兆赫
6909UnitsElectrical and Frequencymegahertzlong-other{0} megahertz {0}兆赫
6910UnitsElectrical and Frequencymegahertzshort-displayNameMHz 兆赫
6911UnitsElectrical and Frequencymegahertzshort-other{0} MHz {0}兆赫
6912UnitsElectrical and Frequencykilohertzlong-displayNamekilohertz 千赫
6913UnitsElectrical and Frequencykilohertzlong-other{0} kilohertz {0}千赫
6914UnitsElectrical and Frequencykilohertzshort-displayNamekHz 千赫
6915UnitsElectrical and Frequencykilohertzshort-other{0} kHz {0}千赫
6916UnitsElectrical and Frequencyhertzlong-displayNamehertz 赫兹
6917UnitsElectrical and Frequencyhertzlong-other{0} hertz {0}赫兹
6918UnitsElectrical and Frequencyhertzshort-displayNameHz 赫兹
6919UnitsElectrical and Frequencyhertzshort-other{0} Hz {0}赫
6920UnitsWeathermillimeter-ofhglong-displayNamemillimeters of mercury 毫米汞柱
6921UnitsWeathermillimeter-ofhglong-other{0} millimeters of mercury {0}毫米汞柱
6922UnitsWeathermillimeter-ofhgshort-displayNamemmHg 毫米汞柱
6923UnitsWeathermillimeter-ofhgshort-other{0} mmHg {0}毫米汞柱
6924UnitsWeatherpound-force-per-square-inchlong-displayNamepounds per square inch 磅/平方英寸
6925UnitsWeatherpound-force-per-square-inchlong-other{0} pounds per square inch 每平方英寸{0}磅
6926UnitsWeatherpound-force-per-square-inchshort-displayNamepsi 磅/平方英寸
6927UnitsWeatherpound-force-per-square-inchshort-other{0} psi 每平方英寸{0}磅
6928UnitsWeatherinch-ofhglong-displayNameinches of mercury 英寸汞柱
6929UnitsWeatherinch-ofhglong-other{0} inches of mercury {0}英寸汞柱
6930UnitsWeatherinch-ofhgshort-displayNameinHg 英寸汞柱
6931UnitsWeatherinch-ofhgshort-other{0} inHg {0}英寸汞柱
6932UnitsWeatherinch-ofhgnarrow-other{0}″ Hg {0}" Hg
6934UnitsWeatherbarlong-other{0} bars {0}巴
6936UnitsWeatherbarshort-other{0} bar {0}巴
6937UnitsWeathermillibarlong-displayNamemillibars 毫巴
6938UnitsWeathermillibarlong-other{0} millibars {0}毫巴
6939UnitsWeathermillibarshort-displayNamembar 毫巴
6940UnitsWeathermillibarshort-other{0} mbar {0}毫巴
6941UnitsWeathermillibarnarrow-other= {0}mb
6942UnitsWeatheratmospherelong-displayNameatmospheres 标准大气压
6943UnitsWeatheratmospherelong-other{0} atmospheres {0}个标准大气压
6944UnitsWeatheratmosphereshort-displayNameatm 大气压
6945UnitsWeatheratmosphereshort-other{0} atm {0}个大气压
6946UnitsWeatherpascallong-displayNamepascals 帕斯卡
6947UnitsWeatherpascallong-other{0} pascals {0}帕斯卡
6949UnitsWeatherpascalshort-other{0} Pa {0}帕
6950UnitsWeatherhectopascallong-displayNamehectopascals 百帕斯卡
6951UnitsWeatherhectopascallong-other{0} hectopascals {0}百帕斯卡
6952UnitsWeatherhectopascalshort-displayNamehPa 百帕
6953UnitsWeatherhectopascalshort-other{0} hPa {0}百帕
6954UnitsWeatherhectopascalnarrow-other= {0}hPa
6955UnitsWeatherkilopascallong-displayNamekilopascals 千帕斯卡
6956UnitsWeatherkilopascallong-other{0} kilopascals {0}千帕斯卡
6957UnitsWeatherkilopascalshort-displayNamekPa 千帕
6958UnitsWeatherkilopascalshort-other{0} kPa {0}千帕
6959UnitsWeathermegapascallong-displayNamemegapascals 兆帕斯卡
6960UnitsWeathermegapascallong-other{0} megapascals {0}兆帕斯卡
6961UnitsWeathermegapascalshort-displayNameMPa 兆帕
6962UnitsWeathermegapascalshort-other{0} MPa {0}兆帕
6963UnitsWeathergenericlong-displayName= °
6964UnitsWeathergenericlong-other= {0}°
6965UnitsWeathergenericshort-displayName= °
6966UnitsWeathergenericshort-other= {0}°
6967UnitsWeathercelsiuslong-displayNamedegrees Celsius 摄氏度
6968UnitsWeathercelsiuslong-other{0} degrees Celsius {0}摄氏度
6969UnitsWeathercelsiusshort-displayNamedeg. C 摄氏度
6970UnitsWeathercelsiusshort-other= {0}°C
6971UnitsWeathercelsiusnarrow-displayName= °C
6972UnitsWeathercelsiusnarrow-other= {0}°C
6973UnitsWeatherfahrenheitlong-displayNamedegrees Fahrenheit 华氏度
6974UnitsWeatherfahrenheitlong-other{0} degrees Fahrenheit {0}华氏度
6975UnitsWeatherfahrenheitshort-displayNamedeg. F 华氏度
6976UnitsWeatherfahrenheitshort-other= {0}°F
6977UnitsWeatherfahrenheitnarrow-other{0}° {0}°F
6978UnitsWeatherkelvinlong-displayNamekelvins 开尔文 开氏度
6979UnitsWeatherkelvinlong-other{0} kelvins {0}开尔文 {0}开氏度
6980UnitsWeatherkelvinshort-displayNameK 开氏度
6981UnitsWeatherkelvinshort-other{0} K {0}K {0}°K
6982UnitsDigitalpetabytelong-displayNamepetabytes 拍字节
6983UnitsDigitalpetabytelong-other{0} petabytes {0}拍字节
6984UnitsDigitalpetabyteshort-displayNamePByte PB
6985UnitsDigitalpetabyteshort-other= {0} PB
6986UnitsDigitalterabytelong-displayNameterabytes 太字节
6987UnitsDigitalterabytelong-other{0} terabytes {0}太字节
6988UnitsDigitalterabyteshort-displayNameTByte 太字节
6989UnitsDigitalterabyteshort-other{0} TB {0}太字节
6990UnitsDigitalterabitlong-displayNameterabits 太比特
6991UnitsDigitalterabitlong-other{0} terabits {0}太比特
6992UnitsDigitalterabitshort-displayNameTbit 太比特
6993UnitsDigitalterabitshort-other{0} Tb {0}太比特
6994UnitsDigitalgigabytelong-displayNamegigabytes 吉字节
6995UnitsDigitalgigabytelong-other{0} gigabytes {0}吉字节
6996UnitsDigitalgigabyteshort-displayNameGByte 吉字节
6997UnitsDigitalgigabyteshort-other{0} GB {0}吉字节
6998UnitsDigitalgigabitlong-displayNamegigabits 吉比特
6999UnitsDigitalgigabitlong-other{0} gigabits {0}吉比特
7000UnitsDigitalgigabitshort-displayNameGbit 吉比特
7001UnitsDigitalgigabitshort-other{0} Gb {0}吉比特
7002UnitsDigitalmegabytelong-displayNamemegabytes 兆字节
7003UnitsDigitalmegabytelong-other{0} megabytes {0}兆字节
7004UnitsDigitalmegabyteshort-displayNameMByte 兆字节
7005UnitsDigitalmegabyteshort-other{0} MB {0}兆字节
7006UnitsDigitalmegabitlong-displayNamemegabits 兆比特
7007UnitsDigitalmegabitlong-other{0} megabits {0}兆比特
7008UnitsDigitalmegabitshort-displayNameMbit 兆比特
7009UnitsDigitalmegabitshort-other{0} Mb {0}兆比特
7010UnitsDigitalkilobytelong-displayNamekilobytes 千字节
7011UnitsDigitalkilobytelong-other{0} kilobytes {0}千字节
7012UnitsDigitalkilobyteshort-displayNamekByte 千字节
7013UnitsDigitalkilobyteshort-other{0} kB {0}千字节
7014UnitsDigitalkilobitlong-displayNamekilobits 千比特
7015UnitsDigitalkilobitlong-other{0} kilobits {0}千比特
7016UnitsDigitalkilobitshort-displayNamekbit 千比特
7017UnitsDigitalkilobitshort-other{0} kb {0}千比特
7018UnitsDigitalbytelong-displayNamebytes 字节
7019UnitsDigitalbytelong-other{0} bytes {0}字节
7020UnitsDigitalbyteshort-displayNamebyte 字节
7021UnitsDigitalbyteshort-other{0} byte {0}字节
7022UnitsDigitalbitlong-displayNamebits 比特
7023UnitsDigitalbitlong-other{0} bits {0}比特
7024UnitsDigitalbitshort-displayNamebit 比特
7025UnitsDigitalbitshort-other{0} bit {0}比特
7026UnitsCoordinateseastlong{0} east 东经{0}
7027UnitsCoordinateseastshort{0} E 东经{0}
7028UnitsCoordinateseastnarrow= {0}E
7029UnitsCoordinatesnorthlong{0} north 北纬{0}
7030UnitsCoordinatesnorthshort{0} N 北纬{0}
7031UnitsCoordinatesnorthnarrow= {0}N
7032UnitsCoordinatessouthlong{0} south 南纬{0}
7033UnitsCoordinatessouthshort{0} S 南纬{0}
7034UnitsCoordinatessouthnarrow= {0}S
7035UnitsCoordinateswestlong{0} west 西经{0}
7036UnitsCoordinateswestshort{0} W 西经{0}
7037UnitsCoordinateswestnarrow= {0}W
7038UnitsCoordinatesalllong-displayNamecardinal direction 主方向
7039UnitsCoordinatesallshort-displayNamedirection 方向
7040UnitsCoordinatesallnarrow-displayNamedirection 方向
7041UnitsOther Unitsrevolutionlong-displayNamerevolution
7042UnitsOther Unitsrevolutionlong-other{0} revolutions {0}转
7043UnitsOther Unitsrevolutionshort-displayNamerev
7044UnitsOther Unitsrevolutionshort-other{0} rev {0}转
7045UnitsOther Unitsradianlong-displayNameradians 弧度
7046UnitsOther Unitsradianlong-other{0} radians {0}弧度
7047UnitsOther Unitsradianshort-displayNameradians 弧度
7048UnitsOther Unitsradianshort-other{0} rad {0}弧度
7049UnitsOther Unitsdegreelong-displayNamedegrees
7050UnitsOther Unitsdegreelong-other{0} degrees {0}度
7051UnitsOther Unitsdegreeshort-displayNamedegrees
7052UnitsOther Unitsdegreeshort-other{0} deg {0}°
7053UnitsOther Unitsdegreenarrow-other= {0}°
7054UnitsOther Unitsarc-minutelong-displayNamearcminutes 弧分
7055UnitsOther Unitsarc-minutelong-other{0} arcminutes {0}弧分
7056UnitsOther Unitsarc-minuteshort-displayNamearcmins 弧分
7057UnitsOther Unitsarc-minuteshort-other{0} arcmins {0}弧分
7058UnitsOther Unitsarc-minutenarrow-other= {0}′
7059UnitsOther Unitsarc-secondlong-displayNamearcseconds 弧秒
7060UnitsOther Unitsarc-secondlong-other{0} arcseconds {0}弧秒
7061UnitsOther Unitsarc-secondshort-displayNamearcsecs 弧秒
7062UnitsOther Unitsarc-secondshort-other{0} arcsecs {0}弧秒
7063UnitsOther Unitsarc-secondnarrow-other= {0}″
7064UnitsOther Unitskaratlong-displayNamekarats 克拉
7065UnitsOther Unitskaratlong-other{0} karats {0}克拉 {0}开
7066UnitsOther Unitskaratshort-displayNamekarats 克拉
7067UnitsOther Unitskaratshort-other{0} kt {0}克拉 {0}开
7068UnitsOther Unitsmilligram-per-deciliterlong-displayNamemilligrams per deciliter 毫克/分升
7069UnitsOther Unitsmilligram-per-deciliterlong-other{0} milligrams per deciliter 每分升{0}毫克
7070UnitsOther Unitsmilligram-per-decilitershort-displayNamemg/dL 毫克/分升
7071UnitsOther Unitsmilligram-per-decilitershort-other{0} mg/dL {0}毫克/分升
7072UnitsOther Unitsmillimole-per-literlong-displayNamemillimoles per liter 毫摩尔/升
7073UnitsOther Unitsmillimole-per-literlong-other{0} millimoles per liter 每升{0}毫摩尔
7074UnitsOther Unitsmillimole-per-litershort-displayNamemillimol/liter 毫摩尔/升
7075UnitsOther Unitsmillimole-per-litershort-other{0} mmol/L {0}毫摩尔/升
7076UnitsOther Unitspermillionlong-displayNameparts per million ppm
7077UnitsOther Unitspermillionlong-other{0} parts per million 百万分之{0}
7078UnitsOther Unitspermillionshort-displayNameparts/million ppm
7079UnitsOther Unitspermillionshort-other{0} ppm {0}ppm
7080UnitsOther Unitspercentlong-displayNamepercent %
7081UnitsOther Unitspercentlong-other{0} percent {0}%
7082UnitsOther Unitspercentshort-displayNamepercent %
7083UnitsOther Unitspercentshort-other= {0}%
7084UnitsOther Unitspercentnarrow-displayName= %
7085UnitsOther Unitspercentnarrow-other= {0}%
7086UnitsOther Unitspermillelong-displayNamepermille
7087UnitsOther Unitspermillelong-other{0} permille {0}‰
7088UnitsOther Unitspermilleshort-displayNamepermille
7089UnitsOther Unitspermilleshort-other= {0}‰
7090UnitsOther Unitspermyriadshort-displayNamepermyriad
7091UnitsOther Unitspermyriadshort-other= {0}‱
7092UnitsOther Unitsmolelong-displayNamemoles 摩尔
7093UnitsOther Unitsmolelong-other{0} moles {0}摩尔
7094UnitsOther Unitsmoleshort-displayNamemole 摩尔
7095UnitsOther Unitsmoleshort-other{0} mol {0}摩尔
7096UnitsOther Unitsliter-per-kilometerlong-displayNameliters per kilometer 升/公里
7097UnitsOther Unitsliter-per-kilometerlong-other{0} liters per kilometer 每公里{0}升
7098UnitsOther Unitsliter-per-kilometershort-displayNameliters/km 升/公里
7099UnitsOther Unitsliter-per-kilometershort-other{0} L/km {0}升/公里
7100UnitsOther Unitsliter-per-100-kilometerlong-displayNameliters per 100 kilometers 升/100千米
7101UnitsOther Unitsliter-per-100-kilometerlong-other{0} liters per 100 kilometers {0}升/100千米
7102UnitsOther Unitsliter-per-100-kilometershort-displayNameL/100 km 升/100千米
7103UnitsOther Unitsliter-per-100-kilometershort-other{0} L/100 km {0}升/100千米
7104UnitsOther Unitsliter-per-100-kilometernarrow-displayNameL/100km 升/100千米
7105UnitsOther Unitsliter-per-100-kilometernarrow-other= {0}L/100km
7106UnitsOther Unitsmile-per-gallonlong-displayNamemiles per gallon 英里/加仑
7107UnitsOther Unitsmile-per-gallonlong-other{0} miles per gallon 每加仑{0}英里
7108UnitsOther Unitsmile-per-gallonshort-displayNamemiles/gal 英里/加仑
7109UnitsOther Unitsmile-per-gallonshort-other{0} mpg {0}英里/加仑
7110UnitsOther Unitsmile-per-gallon-imperiallong-displayNamemiles per Imp. gallon 英里/英制加仑
7111UnitsOther Unitsmile-per-gallon-imperiallong-other{0} miles per Imp. gallon 每英制加仑{0}英里
7112UnitsOther Unitsmile-per-gallon-imperialshort-displayNamemiles/gal Imp. 英里/英制加仑
7113UnitsOther Unitsmile-per-gallon-imperialshort-other{0} mpg Imp. {0}英里/英制加仑
7114UnitsOther Unitspound-forcelong-displayNamepounds of force 磅力
7115UnitsOther Unitspound-forcelong-other{0} pounds of force {0}磅力
7116UnitsOther Unitspound-forceshort-displayNamepound-force 磅力
7117UnitsOther Unitspound-forceshort-other{0} lbf {0}磅力
7118UnitsOther Unitsnewtonlong-displayNamenewtons 牛顿
7119UnitsOther Unitsnewtonlong-other{0} newtons {0}牛顿
7120UnitsOther Unitsnewtonshort-displayNamenewton
7121UnitsOther Unitsnewtonshort-other{0} N {0}牛
7122UnitsOther Unitsluxlong-displayNamelux 勒克斯
7123UnitsOther Unitsluxlong-other{0} lux {0}勒克斯
7124UnitsOther Unitsluxshort-displayNamelux 勒克斯
7125UnitsOther Unitsluxshort-other{0} lx {0}勒克斯
7126UnitsOther Unitssolar-luminositylong-displayNamesolar luminosities 太阳光度
7127UnitsOther Unitssolar-luminositylong-other{0} solar luminosities {0}太阳光度
7128UnitsOther Unitssolar-luminosityshort-displayNamesolar luminosities 太阳光度
7129UnitsOther Unitssolar-luminosityshort-other{0} L☉ {0}太阳光度
7130UnitsOther Unitspound-force-footlong-displayNamepound-feet 磅英尺
7131UnitsOther Unitspound-force-footlong-other{0} pound-feet {0}磅英尺
7132UnitsOther Unitspound-force-footshort-displayNamelbf⋅ft 磅英尺
7133UnitsOther Unitspound-force-footshort-other{0} lbf⋅ft {0}磅英尺
7134UnitsOther Unitsnewton-meterlong-displayNamenewton-meters 牛顿米
7135UnitsOther Unitsnewton-meterlong-other{0} newton-meters {0}牛顿米
7136UnitsOther Unitsnewton-metershort-displayNameN⋅m 牛米
7137UnitsOther Unitsnewton-metershort-other{0} N⋅m {0}牛米
7138UnitsCompound Units10p-1longdeci{0} 分{0}
7139UnitsCompound Units10p-1narrow= d{0}
7140UnitsCompound Units10p-1short= d{0}
7141UnitsCompound Units10p-2longcenti{0} 厘{0}
7142UnitsCompound Units10p-2short= c{0}
7143UnitsCompound Units10p-3longmilli{0} 毫{0}
7144UnitsCompound Units10p-3short= m{0}
7145UnitsCompound Units10p-6longmicro{0} 微{0}
7146UnitsCompound Units10p-6short= µ{0}
7147UnitsCompound Units10p-9longnano{0} 纳{0}
7148UnitsCompound Units10p-9short= n{0}
7149UnitsCompound Units10p-12longpico{0} 皮{0}
7150UnitsCompound Units10p-12short= p{0}
7151UnitsCompound Units10p-15longfemto{0} 飞{0}
7152UnitsCompound Units10p-15short= f{0}
7153UnitsCompound Units10p-18longatto{0} 阿{0}
7154UnitsCompound Units10p-18short= a{0}
7155UnitsCompound Units10p-21longzepto{0} 仄{0}
7156UnitsCompound Units10p-21short= z{0}
7157UnitsCompound Units10p-24longyocto{0} 幺{0}
7158UnitsCompound Units10p-24short= y{0}
7159UnitsCompound Units10p1longdeka{0} 十{0}
7160UnitsCompound Units10p1short= da{0}
7161UnitsCompound Units10p2longhecto{0} 百{0}
7162UnitsCompound Units10p2short= h{0}
7163UnitsCompound Units10p3longkilo{0} 千{0}
7164UnitsCompound Units10p3short= k{0}
7165UnitsCompound Units10p6longmega{0} 兆{0}
7166UnitsCompound Units10p6short= M{0}
7167UnitsCompound Units10p9longgiga{0} 吉{0}
7168UnitsCompound Units10p9short= G{0}
7169UnitsCompound Units10p12longtera{0} 太{0}
7170UnitsCompound Units10p12short= T{0}
7171UnitsCompound Units10p15longpeta{0} 拍{0}
7172UnitsCompound Units10p15short= P{0}
7173UnitsCompound Units10p18longexa{0} 艾{0}
7174UnitsCompound Units10p18short= E{0}
7175UnitsCompound Units10p21longzetta{0} 泽{0}
7176UnitsCompound Units10p21short= Z{0}
7177UnitsCompound Units10p24longyotta{0} 尧{0}
7178UnitsCompound Units10p24short= Y{0}
7179UnitsCompound Unitsperlong{0} per {1} 每{1}{0} {0}/{1}
7180UnitsCompound Unitspernarrow= {0}/{1}
7181UnitsCompound Unitspershort= {0}/{1}
7182UnitsCompound Unitspower2short-other= {0}²
7183UnitsCompound Unitspower2longsquare {0} 平方{0}
7184UnitsCompound Unitspower2short= {0}²
7185UnitsCompound Unitspower3short-other= {0}³
7186UnitsCompound Unitspower3longcubic {0} 立方{0}
7187UnitsCompound Unitspower3short= {0}³
7188UnitsCompound Unitstimeslong= {0}⋅{1}
7189UnitsCompound Unitstimesnarrow= {0}⋅{1}
7190UnitsCompound Unitstimesshort= {0}⋅{1}
7191CharactersCategoryPatternstrokes-other{0} strokes {0}笔
7192CharactersCategoryPatternall{0} — all {0} — 全部
7193CharactersCategoryPatterncategory-list= {0}: {1}
7194CharactersCategoryPatterncompatibility{0} — compatibility {0} — 兼容
7195CharactersCategoryPatternenclosed{0} — enclosed {0} — 带圈
7196CharactersCategoryPatternextended{0} — extended {0} — 扩展
7197CharactersCategoryPatternhistoric{0} — historic {0} — 古代
7198CharactersCategoryPatternmiscellaneous{0} — miscellaneous {0} — 杂项
7199CharactersCategoryPatternother{0} — other {0} — 其它
7200CharactersCategoryPatternscriptsscripts — {0} 文字 — {0}
7201CharactersCategoryLabelactivitiesactivity 行为
7202CharactersCategoryLabelafrican_scriptsAfrican script 非洲文字
7203CharactersCategoryLabelamerican_scriptsAmerican script 美洲文字
7204CharactersCategoryLabelanimalanimal 动物
7205CharactersCategoryLabelanimals_natureanimal or nature 动物与自然
7206CharactersCategoryLabelarrowsarrow 箭头
7207CharactersCategoryLabelbodybody 身体
7208CharactersCategoryLabelbox_drawingbox drawing 方框
7209CharactersCategoryLabelbraillebraille 盲文
7210CharactersCategoryLabelbuildingbuilding 建筑
7211CharactersCategoryLabelbullets_starsbullet or star 项目符号/星形
7212CharactersCategoryLabelconsonantal_jamoconsonantal jamo 谚文辅音字母
7213CharactersCategoryLabelcurrency_symbolscurrency symbol 货币符号
7214CharactersCategoryLabeldash_connectordash or connector 破折号/连接号
7215CharactersCategoryLabeldigitsdigit 数字
7216CharactersCategoryLabeldingbatsdingbat 装饰符号
7217CharactersCategoryLabeldivination_symbolsdivination symbol 八卦符号
7218CharactersCategoryLabeldownwards_arrowsdownwards arrow 向下箭头
7219CharactersCategoryLabeldownwards_upwards_arrowsdownwards upwards arrow 上下箭头
7220CharactersCategoryLabeleast_asian_scriptsEast Asian script 东亚文字
7221CharactersCategoryLabelemojiemoji 表情符号
7222CharactersCategoryLabeleuropean_scriptsEuropean script 欧洲文字
7225CharactersCategoryLabelflagsflags 旗帜
7226CharactersCategoryLabelfood_drinkfood & drink 饮食
7227CharactersCategoryLabelformatformat 格式
7228CharactersCategoryLabelformat_whitespaceformat & whitespace 格式与空白
7229CharactersCategoryLabelfull_width_form_variantfull-width variant 全角变体
7230CharactersCategoryLabelgeometric_shapesgeometric shape 几何图形
7231CharactersCategoryLabelhalf_width_form_varianthalf-width variant 半角变体
7232CharactersCategoryLabelhan_charactersHan character 汉字
7233CharactersCategoryLabelhan_radicalsHan radical 汉字部首
7234CharactersCategoryLabelhanjahanja 朝鲜汉字
7235CharactersCategoryLabelhanzi_simplifiedHanzi (simplified) 简体字
7236CharactersCategoryLabelhanzi_traditionalHanzi (traditional) 繁体字
7238CharactersCategoryLabelhistoric_scriptshistoric script 古代文字
7239CharactersCategoryLabelideographic_desc_charactersideographic desc. character 表意文字描述符
7240CharactersCategoryLabeljapanese_kanaJapanese kana 日语假名
7241CharactersCategoryLabelkanbunkanbun 汉文训读
7242CharactersCategoryLabelkanjikanji 日文汉字
7243CharactersCategoryLabelkeycapkeycap 按键
7244CharactersCategoryLabelleftwards_arrowsleftwards arrow 向左箭头
7245CharactersCategoryLabelleftwards_rightwards_arrowsleftwards rightwards arrow 左右箭头
7246CharactersCategoryLabelletterlike_symbolsletterlike symbol 类字母符号
7247CharactersCategoryLabellimited_uselimited-use 限制使用
7249CharactersCategoryLabelmath_symbolsmath symbol 数学符号
7250CharactersCategoryLabelmiddle_eastern_scriptsMiddle Eastern script 中东文字
7251CharactersCategoryLabelmiscellaneousmiscellaneous 杂项
7252CharactersCategoryLabelmodern_scriptsmodern script 现代文字
7253CharactersCategoryLabelmodifiermodifier 修饰符
7254CharactersCategoryLabelmusical_symbolsmusical symbol 音乐符号
7255CharactersCategoryLabelnaturenature 自然
7256CharactersCategoryLabelnonspacingnonspacing 非间距
7257CharactersCategoryLabelnumbersnumbers 数字
7258CharactersCategoryLabelobjectsobject 物体
7259CharactersCategoryLabelotherother 其它
7260CharactersCategoryLabelpairedpaired 成对
7261CharactersCategoryLabelpersonperson 人物
7262CharactersCategoryLabelphonetic_alphabetphonetic alphabet 音标
7263CharactersCategoryLabelpictographspictograph 象形文字
7264CharactersCategoryLabelplaceplace 地点
7265CharactersCategoryLabelplantplant 植物
7266CharactersCategoryLabelpunctuationpunctuation 标点符号
7267CharactersCategoryLabelrightwards_arrowsrightwards arrow 向右箭头
7268CharactersCategoryLabelsign_standard_symbolssign or symbol 标志/标准符号
7269CharactersCategoryLabelsmall_form_variantsmall variants 小型变体形式
7270CharactersCategoryLabelsmileysmiley 笑脸
7271CharactersCategoryLabelsmileys_peoplesmiley or person 笑脸与人
7272CharactersCategoryLabelsouth_asian_scriptsSouth Asian script 南亚文字
7273CharactersCategoryLabelsoutheast_asian_scriptsSoutheast Asian script 东南亚文字
7274CharactersCategoryLabelspacingspacing 间距
7275CharactersCategoryLabelsportsport 运动
7276CharactersCategoryLabelsymbolssymbol 符号
7277CharactersCategoryLabeltechnical_symbolstechnical symbol 技术符号
7278CharactersCategoryLabeltone_markstone mark 声调标记
7279CharactersCategoryLabeltraveltravel 出行
7280CharactersCategoryLabeltravel_placestravel or place 出行与地点
7281CharactersCategoryLabelupwards_arrowsupwards arrows 向上箭头
7282CharactersCategoryLabelvariant_formsvariant 变体形式
7283CharactersCategoryLabelvocalic_jamovocalic jamo 谚文元音符号
7284CharactersCategoryLabelweatherweather 天气
7285CharactersCategoryLabelwestern_asian_scriptsWestern Asian script 西亚文字
7286CharactersCategoryLabelwhitespacewhitespace 空白区
7287CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😀 -namegrinning face 嘿嘿
7288CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😀 –keywordsface | grin | grinning face 嘿嘿 | 笑脸 | 脸
7289CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😃 -namegrinning face with big eyes 哈哈
7290CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😃 –keywordsface | grinning face with big eyes | mouth | open | smile 哈哈 | 开口笑 | 笑脸 | 脸
7291CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😄 -namegrinning face with smiling eyes 大笑
7292CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😄 –keywordseye | face | grinning face with smiling eyes | mouth | open | smile 哈哈 | 大笑 | 开心 | 笑 | 脸 | 高兴
7293CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😁 -namebeaming face with smiling eyes 嘻嘻
7294CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😁 –keywordsbeaming face with smiling eyes | eye | face | grin | smile 嘻嘻 | 笑脸 | 脸
7295CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😆 -namegrinning squinting face 斜眼笑
7296CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😆 –keywordsface | grinning squinting face | laugh | mouth | satisfied | smile 开心 | 斜眼笑 | 眯眼 | 笑 | 脸 | 高兴
7297CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😅 -namegrinning face with sweat 苦笑
7298CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😅 –keywordscold | face | grinning face with sweat | open | smile | sweat 冷汗 | 汗 | 脸 | 苦笑
7299CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling🤣 -namerolling on the floor laughing 笑得满地打滚
7300CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling🤣 –keywordsface | floor | laugh | rolling | rolling on the floor laughing 地板 | 打滚 | 笑 | 笑得满地打滚 | 脸
7301CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😂 -nameface with tears of joy 笑哭了
7302CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😂 –keywordsface | face with tears of joy | joy | laugh | tear 眼泪 | 笑 | 笑哭了 | 脸
7303CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling🙂 -nameslightly smiling face 呵呵
7304CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling🙂 –keywordsface | slightly smiling face | smile 呵呵 | 开心 | 笑 | 脸
7305CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling🙃 -nameupside-down face 倒脸
7306CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling🙃 –keywordsface | upside-down 倒脸 | 脸 | 颠倒 | 颠倒的脸
7307CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😉 -namewinking face 眨眼
7308CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😉 –keywordsface | wink | winking face 媚眼 | 眨眼 | 笑
7309CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😊 -namesmiling face with smiling eyes 羞涩微笑
7310CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😊 –keywordsblush | eye | face | smile | smiling face with smiling eyes 害羞 | 微笑 | 羞涩 | 羞涩微笑 | 脸 | 脸红
7311CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😇 -namesmiling face with halo 微笑天使
7312CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-smiling😇 –keywordsangel | face | fantasy | halo | innocent | smiling face with halo 光环 | 天使 | 天真 | 幻想 | 微笑 | 微笑天使 | 脸
7313CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection🥰 -namesmiling face with hearts 喜笑颜开
7314CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection🥰 –keywordsadore | crush | hearts | in love | smiling face with hearts 喜笑颜开 | 心 | 爱慕 | 迷恋 | 陷入爱河
7315CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection😍 -namesmiling face with heart-eyes 花痴
7316CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection😍 –keywordseye | face | love | smile | smiling face with heart-eyes 爱 | 红心 | 脸 | 花痴
7317CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection🤩 -namestar-struck 好崇拜哦
7318CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection🤩 –keywordseyes | face | grinning | star | star-struck 咧嘴笑 | 好崇拜哦 | 脸 | 露齿笑
7319CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection😘 -nameface blowing a kiss 飞吻
7320CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection😘 –keywordsface | face blowing a kiss | kiss 亲亲 | 眨眼 | 脸 | 飞吻
7321CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection😗 -namekissing face 亲亲
7322CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection😗 –keywordsface | kiss | kissing face 亲亲 | 吻 | 脸
7323CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection☺ -namesmiling face 微笑
7324CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection☺ –keywordsface | outlined | relaxed | smile | smiling face 呵呵 | 开心 | 微笑 | 放松 | 笑 | 脸
7325CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection😚 -namekissing face with closed eyes 羞涩亲亲
7326CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection😚 –keywordsclosed | eye | face | kiss | kissing face with closed eyes 亲亲 | 吻 | 羞涩 | 羞涩亲亲 | 脸 | 闭眼
7327CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection😙 -namekissing face with smiling eyes 微笑亲亲
7328CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection😙 –keywordseye | face | kiss | kissing face with smiling eyes | smile 亲亲 | 吻 | 微笑 | 微笑亲亲 | 脸
7329CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection🥲 -namesmiling face with tear 含泪的笑脸
7330CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-affection🥲 –keywordsgrateful | proud | relieved | smiling | smiling face with tear | tear | touched 含泪的笑脸 | 微笑的 | 感动的 | 感恩的 | 眼泪 | 释怀的 | 骄傲的
7331CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-tongue😋 -nameface savoring food 好吃
7332CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-tongue😋 –keywordsdelicious | face | face savoring food | savouring | smile | yum 好吃 | 津津有味 | 美味 | 脸
7333CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-tongue😛 -nameface with tongue 吐舌
7334CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-tongue😛 –keywordsface | face with tongue | tongue 吐舌 | 脸 | 舌头 | 调皮
7335CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-tongue😜 -namewinking face with tongue 单眼吐舌
7336CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-tongue😜 –keywordseye | face | joke | tongue | wink | winking face with tongue 单眼 | 单眼吐舌 | 吐舌 | 开玩笑 | 脸
7337CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-tongue🤪 -namezany face 滑稽
7338CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-tongue🤪 –keywordseye | goofy | large | small | zany face 大眼 | 小眼 | 滑稽 | 滑稽的脸 | 疯狂的脸 | 脸
7339CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-tongue😝 -namesquinting face with tongue 眯眼吐舌
7340CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-tongue😝 –keywordseye | face | horrible | squinting face with tongue | taste | tongue 可怕 | 吐舌 | 眯眼 | 眯眼吐舌 | 眼睛 | 脸
7341CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-tongue🤑 -namemoney-mouth face 发财
7342CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-tongue🤑 –keywordsface | money | money-mouth face | mouth 发财 | 拜金 | 脸 | 见钱眼开 | 钱
7343CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hand🤗 -namehugging face 抱抱
7344CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hand🤗 –keywordsface | hug | hugging 抱 | 抱抱 | 拥抱 | 笑 | 脸
7345CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hand🤭 -nameface with hand over mouth 不说
7346CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hand🤭 –keywordsface with hand over mouth | whoops 不说 | 哎呀 | 脸
7347CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hand🤫 -nameshushing face 安静的脸
7348CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hand🤫 –keywordsquiet | shush | shushing face 嘘 | 安静 | 安静的脸
7349CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hand🤔 -namethinking face 想一想
7350CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hand🤔 –keywordsface | thinking 思考 | 想 | 想一想 | 脸
7351CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical🤐 -namezipper-mouth face 闭嘴
7352CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical🤐 –keywordsface | mouth | zipper | zipper-mouth face 嘴 | 脸 | 闭嘴
7353CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical🤨 -nameface with raised eyebrow 挑眉
7354CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical🤨 –keywordsdistrust | face with raised eyebrow | skeptic 不信任 | 怀疑 | 挑眉 | 眉毛上挑的脸 | 脸
7355CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😐 -nameneutral face 冷漠
7356CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😐 –keywordsdeadpan | face | meh | neutral 冷漠 | 脸 | 面无表情
7357CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😑 -nameexpressionless face 无语
7358CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😑 –keywordsexpressionless | face | inexpressive | meh | unexpressive 无语 | 脸 | 茫然 | 面无表情
7359CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😶 -nameface without mouth 沉默
7360CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😶 –keywordsface | face without mouth | mouth | quiet | silent 嘴 | 安静 | 沉默 | 脸
7361CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😏 -namesmirking face 得意
7362CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😏 –keywordsface | smirk | smirking face 假笑 | 得意
7363CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😒 -nameunamused face 不高兴
7364CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😒 –keywordsface | unamused | unhappy 不屑 | 不服 | 不高兴 | 脸 | 郁闷 | 鄙视
7365CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical🙄 -nameface with rolling eyes 翻白眼
7366CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical🙄 –keywordseyeroll | eyes | face | face with rolling eyes | rolling 无语 | 白眼 | 翻白眼 | 脸
7367CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😬 -namegrimacing face 龇牙咧嘴
7368CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical😬 –keywordsface | grimace | grimacing face 咬牙切齿 | 脸 | 露齿 | 鬼脸 | 龇牙咧嘴
7369CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical🤥 -namelying face 说谎
7370CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-neutral-skeptical🤥 –keywordsface | lie | lying face | pinocchio 匹诺曹 | 脸 | 说谎 | 长鼻子
7371CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-sleepy😌 -namerelieved face 松了口气
7372CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-sleepy😌 –keywordsface | relieved 如释重负 | 松了口气 | 松口气 | 脸
7373CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-sleepy😔 -namepensive face 沉思
7374CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-sleepy😔 –keywordsdejected | face | pensive 心事重重 | 沉思 | 脸
7375CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-sleepy😪 -namesleepy face
7376CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-sleepy😪 –keywordsface | sleep | sleepy face 困 | 睡觉 | 瞌睡 | 脸
7377CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-sleepy🤤 -namedrooling face 流口水
7378CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-sleepy🤤 –keywordsdrooling | face 口水 | 垂涎三尺 | 流口水 | 脸
7379CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-sleepy😴 -namesleeping face 睡着了
7380CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-sleepy😴 –keywordsface | sleep | sleeping face | zzz 呼噜 | 打呼 | 睡着了 | 脸
7381CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell😷 -nameface with medical mask 感冒
7382CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell😷 –keywordscold | doctor | face | face with medical mask | mask | sick 医生 | 口罩 | 感冒 | 生病 | 脸
7383CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🤒 -nameface with thermometer 发烧
7384CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🤒 –keywordsface | face with thermometer | ill | sick | thermometer 体温计 | 发烧 | 温度计 | 生病 | 脸
7385CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🤕 -nameface with head-bandage 受伤
7386CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🤕 –keywordsbandage | face | face with head-bandage | hurt | injury 受伤 | 打绷带 | 脸
7387CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🤢 -namenauseated face 恶心
7388CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🤢 –keywordsface | nauseated | vomit 吐 | 呕 | 恶心 | 脸
7389CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🤮 -nameface vomiting 呕吐
7390CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🤮 –keywordsface vomiting | sick | vomit 不舒服 | 呕吐 | 脸
7391CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🤧 -namesneezing face 打喷嚏
7392CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🤧 –keywordsface | gesundheit | sneeze | sneezing face 喷嚏 | 打喷嚏 | 脸 | 鼻涕
7393CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🥵 -namehot face 脸发烧
7394CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🥵 –keywordsfeverish | heat stroke | hot | hot face | red-faced | sweating 出汗 | 发烧 | 发热 | 心狂跳 | 脸发烧 | 脸红
7395CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🥶 -namecold face 冷脸
7396CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🥶 –keywordsblue-faced | cold | cold face | freezing | frostbite | icicles 冷 | 冷冰冰 | 冷脸 | 冻僵 | 满面寒霜
7397CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🥴 -namewoozy face 头昏眼花
7398CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🥴 –keywordsdizzy | intoxicated | tipsy | uneven eyes | wavy mouth | woozy face 嘴唇颤抖 | 头昏眼花 | 头晕眼花 | 微醺 | 眼花 | 醉醺醺
7399CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell😵 -namedizzy face 晕头转向
7400CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell😵 –keywordsdizzy | face 头晕 | 头晕眼花 | 晕头 | 晕头转向 | 脸
7401CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🤯 -nameexploding head 爆炸头
7402CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-unwell🤯 –keywordsexploding head | mind blown | shocked 爆炸头 | 震惊
7403CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hat🤠 -namecowboy hat face 牛仔帽脸
7404CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hat🤠 –keywordscowboy | cowgirl | face | hat 帽 | 牛仔 | 牛仔帽脸 | 脸
7405CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hat🥳 -namepartying face 聚会笑脸
7406CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hat🥳 –keywordscelebration | hat | horn | party | partying face 号角 | 帽子 | 庆祝 | 聚会 | 聚会笑脸
7407CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hat🥸 -namedisguised face 伪装的脸
7408CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-hat🥸 –keywordsdisguise | disguised face | face | glasses | incognito | nose 伪装 | 伪装的脸 | 眼镜 | 脸 | 隐瞒身份 | 鼻子
7409CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-glasses😎 -namesmiling face with sunglasses 墨镜笑脸
7410CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-glasses😎 –keywordsbright | cool | face | smiling face with sunglasses | sun | sunglasses 太阳镜 | 眼镜 | 酷 | 墨镜 | 墨镜笑脸
7411CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-glasses🤓 -namenerd face 书呆子脸
7412CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-glasses🤓 –keywordsface | geek | nerd 书呆子脸 | 奇葩 | 脸
7413CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-glasses🧐 -nameface with monocle 带单片眼镜的脸
7414CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-glasses🧐 –keywordsface with monocle | stuffy 古板 | 带单片眼镜的脸
7415CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😕 -nameconfused face 困扰
7416CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😕 –keywordsconfused | face | meh 不懂 | 困惑 | 困扰 | 疑惑 | 脸
7417CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😟 -nameworried face 担心
7418CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😟 –keywordsface | worried 不高兴 | 伤心 | 担心 | 担忧 | 焦虑 | 脸
7419CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned🙁 -nameslightly frowning face 微微不满
7420CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned🙁 –keywordsface | frown | slightly frowning face 不开心 | 不高兴 | 委屈 | 微微不满 | 心情不好 | 脸
7421CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned☹ -namefrowning face 不满
7422CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned☹ –keywordsface | frown | frowning face 不满 | 不爽 | 不高兴 | 皱眉 | 脸
7423CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😮 -nameface with open mouth 吃惊
7424CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😮 –keywordsface | face with open mouth | mouth | open | sympathy 吃惊 | 同情 | 啊 | 脸
7425CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😯 -namehushed face 缄默
7426CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😯 –keywordsface | hushed | stunned | surprised 吃惊 | 缄默 | 脸
7427CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😲 -nameastonished face 震惊
7428CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😲 –keywordsastonished | face | shocked | totally 惊 | 惊讶 | 脸 | 震惊
7429CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😳 -nameflushed face 脸红
7430CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😳 –keywordsdazed | face | flushed 困惑 | 害羞 | 羞涩 | 脸 | 脸红 | 茫然 | 迷茫
7431CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned🥺 -namepleading face 恳求的脸
7432CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned🥺 –keywordsbegging | mercy | pleading face | puppy eyes 可怜兮兮的眼神 | 怜悯 | 恳求的脸 | 祈求
7433CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😦 -namefrowning face with open mouth
7434CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😦 –keywordsface | frown | frowning face with open mouth | mouth | open 啊 | 惊讶 | 目瞪口呆 | 脸
7435CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😧 -nameanguished face 极度痛苦
7436CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😧 –keywordsanguished | face 极度痛苦 | 痛 | 脸 | 难受
7437CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😨 -namefearful face 害怕
7438CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😨 –keywordsface | fear | fearful | scared 害怕 | 怕 | 恐怖 | 恐惧 | 脸
7439CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😰 -nameanxious face with sweat 冷汗
7440CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😰 –keywordsanxious face with sweat | blue | cold | face | rushed | sweat 冷汗 | 无语 | 汗 | 焦虑 | 紧张 | 脸
7441CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😥 -namesad but relieved face 失望但如释重负
7442CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😥 –keywordsdisappointed | face | relieved | sad but relieved face | whew 失望 | 失望但如释重负 | 如释重负 | 脸
7443CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😢 -namecrying face
7444CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😢 –keywordscry | crying face | face | sad | tear 伤心 | 哭 | 泪 | 脸
7445CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😭 -nameloudly crying face 放声大哭
7446CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😭 –keywordscry | face | loudly crying face | sad | sob | tear 哭 | 大哭 | 放声大哭 | 泪 | 痛哭 | 脸
7447CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😱 -nameface screaming in fear 吓死了
7448CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😱 –keywordsface | face screaming in fear | fear | munch | scared | scream 吓死 | 吓死了 | 害怕 | 尖叫 | 恐怖 | 脸
7449CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😖 -nameconfounded face 困惑
7450CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😖 –keywordsconfounded | face 困惑 | 焦头烂额 | 纠结 | 脸
7451CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😣 -namepersevering face 痛苦
7452CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😣 –keywordsface | persevere | persevering face 忍耐 | 痛苦 | 脸 | 难受
7453CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😞 -namedisappointed face 失望
7454CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😞 –keywordsdisappointed | face 不高兴 | 失望 | 脸 | 难过
7455CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😓 -namedowncast face with sweat
7456CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😓 –keywordscold | downcast face with sweat | face | sweat 冷 | 尴尬 | 汗 | 脸
7457CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😩 -nameweary face 累死了
7458CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😩 –keywordsface | tired | weary 疲倦 | 疲劳 | 疲惫 | 累 | 累死了 | 脸
7459CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😫 -nametired face
7460CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned😫 –keywordsface | tired 疲倦 | 疲劳 | 疲惫 | 累 | 脸
7461CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned🥱 -nameyawning face 打呵欠
7462CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-concerned🥱 –keywordsbored | tired | yawn | yawning face 呵欠 | 哈欠 | 困 | 打呵欠 | 无聊 | 累
7463CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative😤 -nameface with steam from nose 傲慢
7464CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative😤 –keywordsface | face with steam from nose | triumph | won 傲慢 | 胜利 | 自负 | 赢 | 趾高气昂
7465CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative😡 -namepouting face 怒火中烧
7466CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative😡 –keywordsangry | face | mad | pouting | rage | red 发火 | 发飙 | 怒 | 怒火中烧 | 生气 | 脸
7467CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative😠 -nameangry face 生气
7468CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative😠 –keywordsangry | face | mad 怒 | 愤怒 | 生气 | 脸
7469CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative🤬 -nameface with symbols on mouth 嘴上有符号的脸
7470CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative🤬 –keywordsface with symbols on mouth | swearing 发誓 | 咒骂 | 嘴上有符号的脸 | 脸
7471CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative😈 -namesmiling face with horns 恶魔微笑
7472CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative😈 –keywordsface | fairy tale | fantasy | horns | smile | smiling face with horns 幻想 | 恶魔微笑 | 犄角 | 神话故事 | 脸
7473CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative👿 -nameangry face with horns 生气的恶魔
7474CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative👿 –keywordsangry face with horns | demon | devil | face | fantasy | imp 幻想 | 生气的恶魔 | 顽童
7475CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative💀 -nameskull 头骨
7476CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative💀 –keywordsdeath | face | fairy tale | monster | skull 头骨 | 妖怪 | 死亡 | 神话故事 | 脸
7477CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative☠ -nameskull and crossbones 骷髅
7478CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-negative☠ –keywordscrossbones | death | face | monster | skull | skull and crossbones 头骨 | 妖怪 | 死亡 | 脸 | 骨头 | 骷髅
7479CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume💩 -namepile of poo 大便
7480CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume💩 –keywordsdung | face | monster | pile of poo | poo | poop 大便 | 屎 | 怪物 | 粑粑 | 脸
7481CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume🤡 -nameclown face 小丑脸
7482CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume🤡 –keywordsclown | face 小丑 | 小丑脸 | 脸
7483CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume👹 -nameogre 食人魔
7484CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume👹 –keywordscreature | face | fairy tale | fantasy | monster | ogre 妖怪 | 幻想 | 神话故事 | 脸 | 食人魔 | 鬼
7485CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume👺 -namegoblin 小妖精
7486CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume👺 –keywordscreature | face | fairy tale | fantasy | goblin | monster 妖怪 | 小妖精 | 幻想 | 神话故事 | 脸
7487CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume👻 -nameghost
7488CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume👻 –keywordscreature | face | fairy tale | fantasy | ghost | monster 妖怪 | 幻想 | 幽灵 | 神话故事 | 脸 | 鬼
7489CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume👽 -namealien 外星人
7490CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume👽 –keywordsalien | creature | extraterrestrial | face | fantasy | ufo ufo | 外星 | 外星人 | 太空 | 幻想 | 星际 | 脸
7491CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume👾 -namealien monster 外星怪物
7492CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume👾 –keywordsalien | creature | extraterrestrial | face | monster | ufo ufo | 外星 | 外星怪物 | 太空 | 怪物 | 星际 | 脸 | 飞碟
7493CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume🤖 -namerobot 机器人
7494CharactersSmileys & Emotionface-costume🤖 –keywordsface | monster | robot 怪物 | 机器人
7495CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😺 -namegrinning cat 大笑的猫
7496CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😺 –keywordscat | face | grinning | mouth | open | smile 哈哈 | 大笑的猫 | 猫脸 | 笑 | 脸
7497CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😸 -namegrinning cat with smiling eyes 微笑的猫
7498CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😸 –keywordscat | eye | face | grin | grinning cat with smiling eyes | smile 呵呵 | 微笑的猫 | 猫脸 | 笑 | 脸
7499CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😹 -namecat with tears of joy 笑出眼泪的猫
7500CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😹 –keywordscat | cat with tears of joy | face | joy | tear 喜极而泣 | 快乐 | 猫脸 | 眼泪 | 笑出眼泪的猫 | 脸
7501CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😻 -namesmiling cat with heart-eyes 花痴的猫
7502CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😻 –keywordscat | eye | face | heart | love | smile | smiling cat with heart-eyes 喜欢 | 心 | 猫脸 | 脸 | 花痴 | 花痴的猫
7503CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😼 -namecat with wry smile 奸笑的猫
7504CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😼 –keywordscat | cat with wry smile | face | ironic | smile | wry 奸笑 | 奸笑的猫 | 猫脸 | 脸 | 讽刺
7505CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😽 -namekissing cat 亲亲猫
7506CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😽 –keywordscat | eye | face | kiss | kissing cat 亲亲 | 亲亲猫 | 吻 | 猫脸 | 脸
7507CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face🙀 -nameweary cat 疲倦的猫
7508CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face🙀 –keywordscat | face | oh | surprised | weary 惊讶 | 猫脸 | 疲倦 | 疲倦的猫 | 累 | 脸
7509CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😿 -namecrying cat 哭泣的猫
7510CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😿 –keywordscat | cry | crying cat | face | sad | tear 哭 | 哭泣的猫 | 猫脸 | 眼泪 | 脸 | 难过
7511CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😾 -namepouting cat 生气的猫
7512CharactersSmileys & Emotioncat-face😾 –keywordscat | face | pouting 猫脸 | 生气 | 生气的猫 | 脸
7513CharactersSmileys & Emotionmonkey-face🙈 -namesee-no-evil monkey 非礼勿视
7514CharactersSmileys & Emotionmonkey-face🙈 –keywordsevil | face | forbidden | monkey | see | see-no-evil monkey 脸 | 蒙住眼睛 | 蒙眼 | 非礼勿视
7515CharactersSmileys & Emotionmonkey-face🙉 -namehear-no-evil monkey 非礼勿听
7516CharactersSmileys & Emotionmonkey-face🙉 –keywordsevil | face | forbidden | hear | hear-no-evil monkey | monkey 堵上耳朵 | 堵耳 | 脸 | 非礼勿听
7517CharactersSmileys & Emotionmonkey-face🙊 -namespeak-no-evil monkey 非礼勿言
7518CharactersSmileys & Emotionmonkey-face🙊 –keywordsevil | face | forbidden | monkey | speak | speak-no-evil monkey 捂上嘴巴 | 捂嘴 | 脸 | 非礼勿言
7519CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💋 -namekiss mark 唇印
7520CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💋 –keywordskiss | kiss mark | lips 吻 | 唇 | 唇印 | 浪漫
7521CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💌 -namelove letter 情书
7522CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💌 –keywordsheart | letter | love | mail 信 | 情书 | 邮件
7523CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💘 -nameheart with arrow 心中箭了
7524CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💘 –keywordsarrow | cupid | heart with arrow 丘比特 | 心中箭了 | 浪漫 | 爱情 | 箭 | 红心
7525CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💝 -nameheart with ribbon 系有缎带的心
7526CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💝 –keywordsheart with ribbon | ribbon | valentine 爱的礼物 | 系有缎带的心 | 送你一颗心
7527CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💖 -namesparkling heart 闪亮的心
7528CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💖 –keywordsexcited | sparkle | sparkling heart 激动 | 红心 | 闪亮 | 闪亮的心
7529CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💗 -namegrowing heart 搏动的心
7530CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💗 –keywordsexcited | growing | growing heart | nervous | pulse 搏动 | 搏动的心 | 激动 | 紧张 | 红心
7531CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💓 -namebeating heart 心跳
7532CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💓 –keywordsbeating | beating heart | heartbeat | pulsating 心动 | 心跳 | 爱
7533CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💞 -namerevolving hearts 舞动的心
7534CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💞 –keywordsrevolving | revolving hearts 旋转 | 涌动 | 舞动的心 | 跃动
7535CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💕 -nametwo hearts 两颗心
7536CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💕 –keywordslove | two hearts 两颗心 | 爱情
7537CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💟 -nameheart decoration 心型装饰
7538CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💟 –keywordsheart | heart decoration 心型装饰 | 装饰
7539CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion❣ -nameheart exclamation 心叹号
7540CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion❣ –keywordsexclamation | heart exclamation | mark | punctuation 叹号 | 心动 | 心叹号
7541CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💔 -namebroken heart 心碎
7542CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💔 –keywordsbreak | broken | broken heart 伤心 | 心碎
7543CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion❤ -namered heart 红心
7544CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion❤ –keywordsheart | red heart 心 | 爱 | 红心
7545CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion🧡 -nameorange heart 橙心
7546CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion🧡 –keywordsorange | orange heart 橙 | 橙心
7547CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💛 -nameyellow heart 黄心
7548CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💛 –keywordsyellow | yellow heart 黄 | 黄心
7549CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💚 -namegreen heart 绿心
7550CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💚 –keywordsgreen | green heart 绿 | 绿心
7551CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💙 -nameblue heart 蓝心
7552CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💙 –keywordsblue | blue heart 蓝 | 蓝心
7553CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💜 -namepurple heart 紫心
7554CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💜 –keywordspurple | purple heart 紫 | 紫心
7555CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion🤎 -namebrown heart 棕心
7556CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion🤎 –keywordsbrown | heart 心 | 心形 | 棕 | 棕心
7557CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion🖤 -nameblack heart 黑心
7558CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion🖤 –keywordsblack | black heart | evil | wicked 心 | 邪恶 | 黑心 | 黑色
7559CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion🤍 -namewhite heart 白心
7560CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion🤍 –keywordsheart | white 心 | 心形 | 白 | 白心
7561CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💯 -namehundred points 一百分
7562CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💯 –keywords100 | full | hundred | hundred points | score 一百分 | 满分 | 考试
7563CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💢 -nameanger symbol
7564CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💢 –keywordsanger symbol | angry | comic | mad 怒 | 火大 | 生气 | 青筋
7565CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💥 -namecollision 爆炸
7566CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💥 –keywordsboom | collision | comic 炸 | 爆 | 爆炸
7567CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💫 -namedizzy 头晕
7568CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💫 –keywordscomic | dizzy | star 头晕 | 头晕目眩
7569CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💦 -namesweat droplets 汗滴
7570CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💦 –keywordscomic | splashing | sweat | sweat droplets 汗 | 汗滴
7571CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💨 -namedashing away 尾气
7572CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💨 –keywordscomic | dash | dashing away | running 尾气 | 疾驰而去 | 飞奔而去
7573CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion🕳 -namehole
7574CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion🕳 –keywordshole 坑 | 洞 | 陷阱
7575CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💣 -namebomb 炸弹
7576CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💣 –keywordsbomb | comic 炸弹 | 爆炸
7577CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💬 -namespeech balloon 话语气泡
7578CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💬 –keywordsballoon | bubble | comic | dialog | speech 发言 | 对话框 | 气泡 | 话语气泡
7579CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion👁‍🗨 -nameeye in speech bubble 眼睛对话框
7580CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion👁‍🗨 –keywordseye | eye in speech bubble | speech bubble | witness 对话框 | 眼睛 | 眼睛对话框
7581CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion🗨 -nameleft speech bubble 朝左的话语气泡
7582CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion🗨 –keywordsdialog | left speech bubble | speech 对话框 | 朝左的话语气泡 | 话语
7583CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion🗯 -nameright anger bubble 愤怒话语气泡
7584CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion🗯 –keywordsangry | balloon | bubble | mad | right anger bubble 对话框 | 愤怒 | 愤怒话语气泡
7585CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💭 -namethought balloon 内心活动气泡
7586CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💭 –keywordsballoon | bubble | comic | thought 内心活动气泡 | 对话框 | 思想活动 | 气泡
7587CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💤 -namezzz 睡着
7588CharactersSmileys & Emotionemotion💤 –keywordscomic | sleep | zzz 呼噜 | 打呼 | 睡着
7589CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open👋 -namewaving hand 挥手
7590CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open👋 –keywordshand | wave | waving 你好 | 再见 | 挥手
7591CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open🤚 -nameraised back of hand 立起的手背
7592CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open🤚 –keywordsbackhand | raised | raised back of hand 手 | 手背 | 立起 | 立起的手背
7593CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open🖐 -namehand with fingers splayed 手掌
7594CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open🖐 –keywordsfinger | hand | hand with fingers splayed | splayed 击掌 | 布 | 手 | 手掌 | 禁止
7595CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open✋ -nameraised hand 举起手
7596CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open✋ –keywordshand | raised hand 举手 | 举起手 | 手
7597CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open🖖 -namevulcan salute 瓦肯举手礼
7598CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-open🖖 –keywordsfinger | hand | spock | vulcan | vulcan salute 手 | 敬礼 | 斯波克 | 星际迷航 | 瓦肯 | 瓦肯举手礼
7599CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial👌 -nameOK hand OK
7600CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial👌 –keywordshand | OK OK | 手
7601CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🤌 -namepinched fingers 捏手指
7602CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🤌 –keywordsfingers | hand gesture | interrogation | pinched | sarcastic 匮乏 | 审讯 | 手势 | 手指 | 挖苦 | 捏手指
7603CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🤏 -namepinching hand 捏合的手势
7604CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🤏 –keywordspinching hand | small amount 一点 | 小 | 少量 | 捏合的手势
7605CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial✌ -namevictory hand 胜利手势
7606CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial✌ –keywordshand | v | victory V | 成功 | 手 | 胜利 | 胜利手势
7607CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🤞 -namecrossed fingers 交叉的手指
7608CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🤞 –keywordscross | crossed fingers | finger | hand | luck 交叉 | 交叉的手指 | 幸运 | 手 | 手指
7609CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🤟 -namelove-you gesture 爱你的手势
7610CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🤟 –keywordshand | ILY | love-you gesture 我爱你 | 手 | 爱你的手势
7611CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🤘 -namesign of the horns 摇滚
7612CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🤘 –keywordsfinger | hand | horns | rock-on | sign of the horns 手 | 摇滚 | 角 | 金属礼
7613CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🤙 -namecall me hand 给我打电话
7614CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-partial🤙 –keywordscall | call me hand | hand 手 | 电话 | 给我打电话
7615CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger👈 -namebackhand index pointing left 反手食指向左指
7616CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger👈 –keywordsbackhand | backhand index pointing left | finger | hand | index | point 反手 | 反手食指向左指 | 向左指 | 手 | 指左 | 食指
7617CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger👉 -namebackhand index pointing right 反手食指向右指
7618CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger👉 –keywordsbackhand | backhand index pointing right | finger | hand | index | point 反手 | 反手食指向右指 | 向右指 | 手 | 指右 | 食指
7619CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger👆 -namebackhand index pointing up 反手食指向上指
7620CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger👆 –keywordsbackhand | backhand index pointing up | finger | hand | point | up 反手 | 反手食指向上指 | 向上指 | 手 | 指上 | 食指
7621CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger🖕 -namemiddle finger 竖中指
7622CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger🖕 –keywordsfinger | hand | middle finger 中指 | 反手 | 手 | 竖中指
7623CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger👇 -namebackhand index pointing down 反手食指向下指
7624CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger👇 –keywordsbackhand | backhand index pointing down | down | finger | hand | point 反手 | 反手食指向下指 | 向下指 | 手 | 指下 | 食指
7625CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger☝ -nameindex pointing up 食指向上指
7626CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-single-finger☝ –keywordsfinger | hand | index | index pointing up | point | up 向上指 | 手 | 指上 | 食指 | 食指向上指
7627CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-closed👍 -namethumbs up 拇指向上
7628CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-closed👍 –keywords+1 | hand | thumb | thumbs up | up 同意 | 手 | 拇指向上 | 真棒 | 赞成 | 顶一下
7629CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-closed👎 -namethumbs down 拇指向下
7630CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-closed👎 –keywords-1 | down | hand | thumb | thumbs down 不赞成 | 反对 | 手 | 拇指向下 | 责备
7631CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-closed✊ -nameraised fist 举起拳头
7632CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-closed✊ –keywordsclenched | fist | hand | punch | raised fist 举起拳头 | 手 | 拳头 | 握拳
7633CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-closed👊 -nameoncoming fist 出拳
7634CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-closed👊 –keywordsclenched | fist | hand | oncoming fist | punch 出拳 | 手 | 打 | 拳
7635CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-closed🤛 -nameleft-facing fist 朝左的拳头
7636CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-closed🤛 –keywordsfist | left-facing fist | leftwards 拳头 | 朝左 | 朝左的拳头
7637CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-closed🤜 -nameright-facing fist 朝右的拳头
7638CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-fingers-closed🤜 –keywordsfist | right-facing fist | rightwards 手 | 拳头 | 朝右 | 朝右的拳头
7639CharactersPeople & Bodyhands👏 -nameclapping hands 鼓掌
7640CharactersPeople & Bodyhands👏 –keywordsclap | clapping hands | hand 拍手 | 鼓掌
7641CharactersPeople & Bodyhands🙌 -nameraising hands 举双手
7642CharactersPeople & Bodyhands🙌 –keywordscelebration | gesture | hand | hooray | raised | raising hands 举双手 | 击掌 | 双手 | 庆祝
7643CharactersPeople & Bodyhands👐 -nameopen hands 张开双手
7644CharactersPeople & Bodyhands👐 –keywordshand | open | open hands 双手 | 张开双手 | 摊手
7645CharactersPeople & Bodyhands🤲 -namepalms up together 掌心向上托起
7646CharactersPeople & Bodyhands🤲 –keywordspalms up together | prayer 掌心向上托起 | 祷告
7647CharactersPeople & Bodyhands🤝 -namehandshake 握手
7648CharactersPeople & Bodyhands🤝 –keywordsagreement | hand | handshake | meeting | shake 会面 | 协议 | 握手
7649CharactersPeople & Bodyhands🙏 -namefolded hands 双手合十
7650CharactersPeople & Bodyhands🙏 –keywordsask | folded hands | hand | please | pray | thanks 双手合十 | 拜托 | 祈求 | 祈祷 | 祝福
7651CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-prop✍ -namewriting hand 写字
7652CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-prop✍ –keywordshand | write | writing hand 写 | 写字 | 笔
7653CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-prop💅 -namenail polish 涂指甲油
7654CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-prop💅 –keywordscare | cosmetics | manicure | nail | polish 指甲油 | 涂指甲油 | 美甲
7655CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-prop🤳 -nameselfie 自拍
7656CharactersPeople & Bodyhand-prop🤳 –keywordscamera | phone | selfie 手机 | 相机 | 自拍
7657CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts💪 -nameflexed biceps 肌肉
7658CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts💪 –keywordsbiceps | comic | flex | flexed biceps | muscle 二头肌 | 强壮 | 肌肉
7659CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦾 -namemechanical arm 机械手臂
7660CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦾 –keywordsaccessibility | mechanical arm | prosthetic 义肢 | 手臂 | 无障碍 | 机械手臂
7661CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦿 -namemechanical leg 机械腿
7662CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦿 –keywordsaccessibility | mechanical leg | prosthetic 义肢 | 无障碍 | 机械腿 | 腿
7663CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦵 -nameleg
7664CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦵 –keywordskick | leg | limb 腿 | 跛行 | 踢
7665CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦶 -namefoot
7666CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦶 –keywordsfoot | kick | stomp 脚 | 踢 | 踩
7667CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts👂 -nameear 耳朵
7668CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts👂 –keywordsbody | ear 听 | 耳 | 耳朵
7669CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦻 -nameear with hearing aid 戴助听器的耳朵
7670CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦻 –keywordsaccessibility | ear with hearing aid | hard of hearing 助听器 | 听力障碍 | 失聪 | 戴助听器的耳朵 | 无障碍 | 聋
7671CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts👃 -namenose 鼻子
7672CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts👃 –keywordsbody | nose 嗅 | 闻 | 鼻 | 鼻子
7673CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🧠 -namebrain
7674CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🧠 –keywordsbrain | intelligent 大脑 | 头脑 | 智慧 | 智能 | 脑
7675CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🫀 -nameanatomical heart 心脏器官
7676CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🫀 –keywordsanatomical | cardiology | heart | organ | pulse 中心 | 器官 | 心率 | 心脏器官 | 心脏病学 | 心跳
7677CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🫁 -namelungs
7678CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🫁 –keywordsbreath | exhalation | inhalation | lungs | organ | respiration 吸气 | 呼吸 | 呼吸作用 | 呼气 | 器官 | 肺
7679CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦷 -nametooth 牙齿
7680CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦷 –keywordsdentist | tooth 牙医 | 牙齿
7681CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦴 -namebone 骨头
7682CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts🦴 –keywordsbone | skeleton 骨头 | 骨骼
7683CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts👀 -nameeyes 双眼
7684CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts👀 –keywordseye | eyes | face 双眼
7685CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts👁 -nameeye 眼睛
7686CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts👁 –keywordsbody | eye 看 | 眼 | 眼睛
7687CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts👅 -nametongue 舌头
7688CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts👅 –keywordsbody | tongue 舌 | 舌头 | 舔
7689CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts👄 -namemouth
7690CharactersPeople & Bodybody-parts👄 –keywordslips | mouth 口 | 唇 | 嘴
7691CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👶 -namebaby 小宝贝
7692CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👶 –keywordsbaby | young 宝宝 | 小宝贝
7693CharactersPeople & Bodyperson🧒 -namechild 儿童
7694CharactersPeople & Bodyperson🧒 –keywordschild | gender-neutral | unspecified gender | young 儿童 | 年轻人 | 性别不明 | 性别中立
7695CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👦 -nameboy 男孩
7696CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👦 –keywordsboy | young 儿童 | 男孩
7697CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👧 -namegirl 女孩
7698CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👧 –keywordsgirl | Virgo | young | zodiac 儿童 | 女孩
7699CharactersPeople & Bodyperson🧑 -nameperson 成人
7700CharactersPeople & Bodyperson🧑 –keywordsadult | gender-neutral | person | unspecified gender 性别中立 | 性格不明 | 成人
7701CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👱 -nameperson: blond hair 金色头发的人
7702CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👱 –keywordsblond | blond-haired person | hair | person: blond hair 金发 | 金色头发的人
7703CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👨 -nameman 男人
7704CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👨 –keywordsadult | man 男 | 男人
7705CharactersPeople & Bodyperson🧔 -nameman: beard 有胡子的人
7706CharactersPeople & Bodyperson🧔 –keywordsbeard | man | man: beard | person 人 | 有胡子的人 | 男 | 络腮胡 | 胡子 | 胡须
7707CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👩 -namewoman 女人
7708CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👩 –keywordsadult | woman 女 | 女人
7709CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👱‍♀ -namewoman: blond hair 金发女
7710CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👱‍♀ –keywordsblond-haired woman | blonde | hair | woman | woman: blond hair 女 | 金发 | 金发女
7711CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👱‍♂ -nameman: blond hair 金发男
7712CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👱‍♂ –keywordsblond | blond-haired man | hair | man | man: blond hair 男 | 金发 | 金发男
7713CharactersPeople & Bodyperson🧓 -nameolder person 老年人
7714CharactersPeople & Bodyperson🧓 –keywordsadult | gender-neutral | old | older person | unspecified gender 性别不明 | 性别中性 | 成人 | 老人 | 老年人
7715CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👴 -nameold man 老爷爷
7716CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👴 –keywordsadult | man | old 老人 | 老头 | 老爷爷
7717CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👵 -nameold woman 老奶奶
7718CharactersPeople & Bodyperson👵 –keywordsadult | old | woman 老人 | 老太 | 老奶奶
7719CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙍 -nameperson frowning 皱眉
7720CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙍 –keywordsfrown | gesture | person frowning 不开心 | 皱眉
7721CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙍‍♂ -nameman frowning 皱眉男
7722CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙍‍♂ –keywordsfrowning | gesture | man 不开心 | 男 | 皱眉 | 皱眉男
7723CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙍‍♀ -namewoman frowning 皱眉女
7724CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙍‍♀ –keywordsfrowning | gesture | woman 不开心 | 女 | 皱眉 | 皱眉女
7725CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙎 -nameperson pouting 撅嘴
7726CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙎 –keywordsgesture | person pouting | pouting 不开心 | 噘嘴 | 撅嘴
7727CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙎‍♂ -nameman pouting 撅嘴男
7728CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙎‍♂ –keywordsgesture | man | pouting 不开心 | 噘嘴 | 撅嘴男 | 男
7729CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙎‍♀ -namewoman pouting 撅嘴女
7730CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙎‍♀ –keywordsgesture | pouting | woman 不开心 | 噘嘴 | 女 | 撅嘴女
7731CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙅 -nameperson gesturing NO 禁止手势
7732CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙅 –keywordsforbidden | gesture | hand | person gesturing NO | prohibited 不行 | 反对 | 禁止 | 禁止手势
7733CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙅‍♂ -nameman gesturing NO 禁止手势男
7734CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙅‍♂ –keywordsforbidden | gesture | hand | man | man gesturing NO | prohibited 不行 | 反对 | 男 | 禁止 | 禁止手势男
7735CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙅‍♀ -namewoman gesturing NO 禁止手势女
7736CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙅‍♀ –keywordsforbidden | gesture | hand | prohibited | woman | woman gesturing NO 不行 | 反对 | 女 | 禁止 | 禁止手势女
7737CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙆 -nameperson gesturing OK OK手势
7738CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙆 –keywordsgesture | hand | OK | person gesturing OK ok | OK手势 | 好的
7739CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙆‍♂ -nameman gesturing OK OK手势男
7740CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙆‍♂ –keywordsgesture | hand | man | man gesturing OK | OK OK | OK手势男 | 可以 | 同意 | 好的 | 男
7741CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙆‍♀ -namewoman gesturing OK OK手势女
7742CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙆‍♀ –keywordsgesture | hand | OK | woman | woman gesturing OK OK | OK手势女 | 可以 | 同意 | 女 | 好的
7743CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture💁 -nameperson tipping hand 前台
7744CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture💁 –keywordshand | help | information | person tipping hand | sassy | tipping 信息 | 前台 | 帮助
7745CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture💁‍♂ -nameman tipping hand 前台男
7746CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture💁‍♂ –keywordsman | man tipping hand | sassy | tipping hand 前台 | 前台男 | 男
7747CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture💁‍♀ -namewoman tipping hand 前台女
7748CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture💁‍♀ –keywordssassy | tipping hand | woman | woman tipping hand 前台 | 前台女 | 女
7749CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙋 -nameperson raising hand 举手
7750CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙋 –keywordsgesture | hand | happy | person raising hand | raised 举手 | 开心
7751CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙋‍♂ -nameman raising hand 男生举手
7752CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙋‍♂ –keywordsgesture | man | man raising hand | raising hand 举手 | 男 | 男生举手
7753CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙋‍♀ -namewoman raising hand 女生举手
7754CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙋‍♀ –keywordsgesture | raising hand | woman | woman raising hand 举手 | 女 | 女生举手
7755CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🧏 -namedeaf person 失聪者
7756CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🧏 –keywordsaccessibility | deaf | deaf person | ear | hear 听力 | 失聪者 | 无障碍 | 耳朵 | 聋
7757CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🧏‍♂ -namedeaf man 失聪的男人
7758CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🧏‍♂ –keywordsdeaf | man 听力障碍 | 失聪的男人 | 男 | 耳朵 | 聋
7759CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🧏‍♀ -namedeaf woman 失聪的女人
7760CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🧏‍♀ –keywordsdeaf | woman 听力障碍 | 失聪的女人 | 女 | 耳朵 | 聋
7761CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙇 -nameperson bowing 鞠躬
7762CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙇 –keywordsapology | bow | gesture | person bowing | sorry 不好意思 | 对不起 | 道歉 | 鞠躬
7763CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙇‍♂ -nameman bowing 男生鞠躬
7764CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙇‍♂ –keywordsapology | bowing | favor | gesture | man | sorry 不好意思 | 对不起 | 男 | 男生鞠躬 | 道歉
7765CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙇‍♀ -namewoman bowing 女生鞠躬
7766CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🙇‍♀ –keywordsapology | bowing | favor | gesture | sorry | woman 不好意思 | 女 | 女生鞠躬 | 对不起 | 道歉
7767CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🤦 -nameperson facepalming 捂脸
7768CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🤦 –keywordsdisbelief | exasperation | face | palm | person facepalming 捂脸 | 无语 | 难以置信
7769CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🤦‍♂ -nameman facepalming 男生捂脸
7770CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🤦‍♂ –keywordsdisbelief | exasperation | facepalm | man | man facepalming 无语 | 男 | 男生捂脸 | 难以置信
7771CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🤦‍♀ -namewoman facepalming 女生捂脸
7772CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🤦‍♀ –keywordsdisbelief | exasperation | facepalm | woman | woman facepalming 女 | 女生捂脸 | 无语 | 难以置信
7773CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🤷 -nameperson shrugging 耸肩
7774CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🤷 –keywordsdoubt | ignorance | indifference | person shrugging | shrug 不关心 | 怀疑 | 无视 | 耸肩
7775CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🤷‍♂ -nameman shrugging 男生耸肩
7776CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🤷‍♂ –keywordsdoubt | ignorance | indifference | man | man shrugging | shrug 不关心 | 怀疑 | 无视 | 男 | 男生耸肩
7777CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🤷‍♀ -namewoman shrugging 女生耸肩
7778CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-gesture🤷‍♀ –keywordsdoubt | ignorance | indifference | shrug | woman | woman shrugging 不关心 | 女 | 女生耸肩 | 怀疑 | 无视
7779CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍⚕ -namehealth worker 卫生工作者
7780CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍⚕ –keywordsdoctor | health worker | healthcare | nurse | therapist 医生 | 卫生工作者 | 护士 | 治疗师
7781CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍⚕ -nameman health worker 男医生
7782CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍⚕ –keywordsdoctor | healthcare | man | man health worker | nurse | therapist 医护人员 | 医生 | 护士 | 治疗师 | 男人 | 男医生
7783CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍⚕ -namewoman health worker 女医生
7784CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍⚕ –keywordsdoctor | healthcare | nurse | therapist | woman | woman health worker 医护人员 | 医生 | 女人 | 女医生 | 护士 | 治疗师
7785CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🎓 -namestudent 学生
7786CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🎓 –keywordsgraduate | student 学生 | 毕业 | 毕业生
7787CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🎓 -nameman student 男学生
7788CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🎓 –keywordsgraduate | man | student 学生 | 毕业 | 男 | 男学生
7789CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🎓 -namewoman student 女学生
7790CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🎓 –keywordsgraduate | student | woman 女 | 女学生 | 学生 | 毕业
7791CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🏫 -nameteacher 老师
7792CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🏫 –keywordsinstructor | professor | teacher 教师 | 教授 | 老师
7793CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🏫 -nameman teacher 男老师
7794CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🏫 –keywordsinstructor | man | professor | teacher 教师 | 教授 | 男 | 男老师 | 老师
7795CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🏫 -namewoman teacher 女老师
7796CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🏫 –keywordsinstructor | professor | teacher | woman 女 | 女老师 | 教师 | 教授 | 老师
7797CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍⚖ -namejudge 法官
7798CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍⚖ –keywordsjudge | scales 法官 | 法律
7799CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍⚖ -nameman judge 男法官
7800CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍⚖ –keywordsjustice | man | man judge | scales 正义 | 法官 | 法律 | 男 | 男法官
7801CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍⚖ -namewoman judge 女法官
7802CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍⚖ –keywordsjudge | scales | woman 女 | 女法官 | 正义 | 法官 | 法律
7803CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🌾 -namefarmer 农民
7804CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🌾 –keywordsfarmer | gardener | rancher 农民 | 园丁
7805CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🌾 -nameman farmer 农夫
7806CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🌾 –keywordsfarmer | gardener | man | rancher 农夫 | 农民 | 园丁 | 男
7807CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🌾 -namewoman farmer 农妇
7808CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🌾 –keywordsfarmer | gardener | rancher | woman 农妇 | 农民 | 园丁 | 女
7809CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🍳 -namecook 厨师
7810CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🍳 –keywordschef | cook 做饭 | 厨师 | 大厨
7811CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🍳 -nameman cook 男厨师
7812CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🍳 –keywordschef | cook | man 做饭 | 厨师 | 大厨 | 男 | 男厨师
7813CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🍳 -namewoman cook 女厨师
7814CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🍳 –keywordschef | cook | woman 做饭 | 厨师 | 大厨 | 女 | 女厨师
7815CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🔧 -namemechanic 技工
7816CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🔧 –keywordselectrician | mechanic | plumber | tradesperson 技工 | 水管工 | 电工
7817CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🔧 -nameman mechanic 男技工
7818CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🔧 –keywordselectrician | man | mechanic | plumber | tradesperson 技工 | 水管工 | 电工 | 男 | 男技工
7819CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🔧 -namewoman mechanic 女技工
7820CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🔧 –keywordselectrician | mechanic | plumber | tradesperson | woman 女 | 女技工 | 技工 | 水管工 | 电工
7821CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🏭 -namefactory worker 工人
7822CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🏭 –keywordsassembly | factory | industrial | worker 工业 | 工人 | 工厂 | 装配
7823CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🏭 -nameman factory worker 男工人
7824CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🏭 –keywordsassembly | factory | industrial | man | worker 工业 | 工厂 | 男工人 | 装配
7825CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🏭 -namewoman factory worker 女工人
7826CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🏭 –keywordsassembly | factory | industrial | woman | worker 女工人 | 工业 | 工厂 | 装配
7827CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍💼 -nameoffice worker 白领
7828CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍💼 –keywordsarchitect | business | manager | office worker | white-collar 商人 | 建筑师 | 白领 | 经理
7829CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍💼 -nameman office worker 男白领
7830CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍💼 –keywordsarchitect | business | man | man office worker | manager | white-collar 商人 | 建筑师 | 男白领 | 经理
7831CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍💼 -namewoman office worker 女白领
7832CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍💼 –keywordsarchitect | business | manager | white-collar | woman | woman office worker 商人 | 女白领 | 建筑师 | 经理
7833CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🔬 -namescientist 科学家
7834CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🔬 –keywordsbiologist | chemist | engineer | physicist | scientist 化学家 | 工程学家 | 物理学家 | 生物学家 | 科学家
7835CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🔬 -nameman scientist 男科学家
7836CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🔬 –keywordsbiologist | chemist | engineer | man | physicist | scientist 化学家 | 工程学家 | 物理学家 | 生物学家 | 男 | 男科学家 | 科学家
7837CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🔬 -namewoman scientist 女科学家
7838CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🔬 –keywordsbiologist | chemist | engineer | physicist | scientist | woman 化学家 | 女 | 女科学家 | 工程学家 | 物理学家 | 生物学家 | 科学家
7839CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍💻 -nametechnologist 程序员
7840CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍💻 –keywordscoder | developer | inventor | software | technologist 发明 | 开发人员 | 码农 | 程序员 | 软件
7841CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍💻 -nameman technologist 男程序员
7842CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍💻 –keywordscoder | developer | inventor | man | software | technologist 发明家 | 开发人员 | 男 | 男程序员 | 码农 | 程序员 | 软件
7843CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍💻 -namewoman technologist 女程序员
7844CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍💻 –keywordscoder | developer | inventor | software | technologist | woman 发明家 | 女 | 女程序员 | 开发人员 | 码农 | 程序员 | 软件
7845CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🎤 -namesinger 歌手
7846CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🎤 –keywordsactor | entertainer | rock | singer | star 摇滚歌手 | 明星 | 歌手 | 演员 | 艺人
7847CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🎤 -nameman singer 男歌手
7848CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🎤 –keywordsactor | entertainer | man | rock | singer | star 摇滚歌手 | 明星 | 男 | 男歌手 | 男演员 | 艺人
7849CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🎤 -namewoman singer 女歌手
7850CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🎤 –keywordsactor | entertainer | rock | singer | star | woman 女 | 女歌手 | 摇滚歌手 | 明星 | 演员 | 艺人
7851CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🎨 -nameartist 艺术家
7852CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🎨 –keywordsartist | palette 画家 | 艺术家
7853CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🎨 -nameman artist 男艺术家
7854CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🎨 –keywordsartist | man | palette 男 | 男艺术家 | 画家
7855CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🎨 -namewoman artist 女艺术家
7856CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🎨 –keywordsartist | palette | woman 女 | 女艺术家 | 画家
7857CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍✈ -namepilot 飞行员
7858CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍✈ –keywordspilot | plane 飞机 | 飞行员
7859CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍✈ -nameman pilot 男飞行员
7860CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍✈ –keywordsman | pilot | plane 男 | 男飞行员 | 飞机
7861CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍✈ -namewoman pilot 女飞行员
7862CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍✈ –keywordspilot | plane | woman 女 | 女飞行员 | 飞机
7863CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🚀 -nameastronaut 宇航员
7864CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🚀 –keywordsastronaut | rocket 宇航员 | 火箭
7865CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🚀 -nameman astronaut 男宇航员
7866CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🚀 –keywordsastronaut | man | rocket 宇航员 | 火箭 | 男 | 男宇航员
7867CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🚀 -namewoman astronaut 女宇航员
7868CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🚀 –keywordsastronaut | rocket | woman 女 | 女宇航员 | 宇航员 | 火箭
7869CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🚒 -namefirefighter 消防员
7870CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🚒 –keywordsfirefighter | firetruck 消防员 | 消防车
7871CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🚒 -nameman firefighter 男消防员
7872CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🚒 –keywordsfirefighter | firetruck | man 消防员 | 消防车 | 男 | 男消防员
7873CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🚒 -namewoman firefighter 女消防员
7874CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🚒 –keywordsfirefighter | firetruck | woman 女 | 女消防员 | 消防员 | 消防车
7875CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👮 -namepolice officer 警察
7876CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👮 –keywordscop | officer | police 警官 | 警察
7877CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👮‍♂ -nameman police officer 男警察
7878CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👮‍♂ –keywordscop | man | officer | police 男 | 男警察 | 警官 | 警察
7879CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👮‍♀ -namewoman police officer 女警察
7880CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👮‍♀ –keywordscop | officer | police | woman 女 | 女警察 | 警官 | 警察
7881CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🕵 -namedetective 侦探
7882CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🕵 –keywordsdetective | sleuth | spy 侦探 | 间谍
7883CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🕵‍♂ -nameman detective 男侦探
7884CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🕵‍♂ –keywordsdetective | man | sleuth | spy 侦探 | 男 | 男侦探 | 间谍
7885CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🕵‍♀ -namewoman detective 女侦探
7886CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🕵‍♀ –keywordsdetective | sleuth | spy | woman 侦探 | 女 | 女侦探 | 间谍
7887CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role💂 -nameguard 卫兵
7888CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role💂 –keywordsguard 卫兵 | 卫士 | 守卫
7889CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role💂‍♂ -nameman guard 男卫兵
7890CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role💂‍♂ –keywordsguard | man 卫兵 | 卫士 | 守卫 | 男 | 男卫兵
7891CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role💂‍♀ -namewoman guard 女卫兵
7892CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role💂‍♀ –keywordsguard | woman 卫兵 | 卫士 | 女 | 女卫兵 | 守卫
7893CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🥷 -nameninja 忍者
7894CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🥷 –keywordsfighter | hidden | ninja | stealth 忍者 | 打斗 | 隐藏 | 隐身
7895CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👷 -nameconstruction worker 建筑工人
7896CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👷 –keywordsconstruction | hat | worker 工人 | 建筑 | 建筑工人
7897CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👷‍♂ -nameman construction worker 男建筑工人
7898CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👷‍♂ –keywordsconstruction | man | worker 工人 | 建筑 | 男 | 男建筑工人
7899CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👷‍♀ -namewoman construction worker 女建筑工人
7900CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👷‍♀ –keywordsconstruction | woman | worker 女 | 女建筑工人 | 工人 | 建筑
7901CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🤴 -nameprince 王子
7902CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🤴 –keywordsprince 王子
7903CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👸 -nameprincess 公主
7904CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👸 –keywordsfairy tale | fantasy | princess 公主 | 皇冠 | 童话
7905CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👳 -nameperson wearing turban 戴头巾的人
7906CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👳 –keywordsperson wearing turban | turban 头巾 | 戴头巾的人
7907CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👳‍♂ -nameman wearing turban 戴头巾的男人
7908CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👳‍♂ –keywordsman | man wearing turban | turban 头巾 | 戴头巾的男人 | 男
7909CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👳‍♀ -namewoman wearing turban 戴头巾的女人
7910CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👳‍♀ –keywordsturban | woman | woman wearing turban 头巾 | 女 | 戴头巾的女人
7911CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👲 -nameperson with skullcap 戴瓜皮帽的人
7912CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👲 –keywordscap | gua pi mao | hat | person | person with skullcap | skullcap 帽子 | 戴瓜皮帽的人 | 瓜皮帽
7913CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧕 -namewoman with headscarf 带头饰的女人
7914CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧕 –keywordsheadscarf | hijab | mantilla | tichel | woman with headscarf 头巾 | 希贾布 | 带头饰的女人
7915CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🤵 -nameperson in tuxedo 穿燕尾服的男人
7916CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🤵 –keywordsgroom | person | person in tuxedo | tuxedo 新郎 | 燕尾服 | 男人 | 穿燕尾服的男人
7917CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🤵‍♂ -nameman in tuxedo 穿礼服的男人
7918CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🤵‍♂ –keywordsman | man in tuxedo | tuxedo 男人 | 礼服 | 穿礼服的男人
7919CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🤵‍♀ -namewoman in tuxedo 穿礼服的女人
7920CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🤵‍♀ –keywordstuxedo | woman | woman in tuxedo 女人 | 礼服 | 穿礼服的女人
7921CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👰 -nameperson with veil 戴头纱的人
7922CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👰 –keywordsbride | person | person with veil | veil | wedding 头纱 | 婚礼 | 戴头纱的人 | 新娘
7923CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👰‍♂ -nameman with veil 戴头纱的男人
7924CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👰‍♂ –keywordsman | man with veil | veil 头纱 | 戴头纱的男人 | 男人
7925CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👰‍♀ -namewoman with veil 戴头纱的女人
7926CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👰‍♀ –keywordsveil | woman | woman with veil 头纱 | 女人 | 戴头纱的女人
7927CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🤰 -namepregnant woman 孕妇
7928CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🤰 –keywordspregnant | woman 女人 | 孕妇 | 怀孕
7929CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🤱 -namebreast-feeding 母乳喂养
7930CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🤱 –keywordsbaby | breast | breast-feeding | nursing 乳房 | 哺乳 | 婴儿 | 母乳喂养
7931CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🍼 -namewoman feeding baby 哺乳的女人
7932CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👩‍🍼 –keywordsbaby | feeding | nursing | woman 哺乳 | 哺乳的女人 | 喂养 | 女人 | 婴儿
7933CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🍼 -nameman feeding baby 哺乳的男人
7934CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role👨‍🍼 –keywordsbaby | feeding | man | nursing 哺乳 | 哺乳的男人 | 喂养 | 婴儿 | 男人
7935CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🍼 -nameperson feeding baby 哺乳的人
7936CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-role🧑‍🍼 –keywordsbaby | feeding | nursing | person 人 | 哺乳 | 哺乳的人 | 喂养 | 婴儿
7937CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy👼 -namebaby angel 小天使
7938CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy👼 –keywordsangel | baby | face | fairy tale | fantasy 儿童 | 天使 | 孩子 | 小天使
7939CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🎅 -nameSanta Claus 圣诞老人
7940CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🎅 –keywordscelebration | Christmas | claus | father | santa | Santa Claus 圣诞 | 圣诞老人 | 节日
7941CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🤶 -nameMrs. Claus 圣诞奶奶
7942CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🤶 –keywordscelebration | Christmas | claus | mother | Mrs. | Mrs. Claus 圣诞 | 圣诞奶奶 | 奶奶 | 老妈
7943CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧑‍🎄 -namemx claus 圣诞人
7944CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧑‍🎄 –keywordsClaus, christmas | mx claus 人 | 圣诞 | 圣诞人
7945CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🦸 -namesuperhero 超级英雄
7946CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🦸 –keywordsgood | hero | heroine | superhero | superpower 女英雄 | 好人 | 英雄 | 超级英雄 | 超能力
7947CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🦸‍♂ -nameman superhero 男超级英雄
7948CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🦸‍♂ –keywordsgood | hero | man | man superhero | superpower 好人 | 男人 | 男超级英雄 | 英雄 | 超能力
7949CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🦸‍♀ -namewoman superhero 女超级英雄
7950CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🦸‍♀ –keywordsgood | hero | heroine | superpower | woman | woman superhero 女人 | 女超级英雄 | 好人 | 英雄 | 超能力
7951CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🦹 -namesupervillain 超级大坏蛋
7952CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🦹 –keywordscriminal | evil | superpower | supervillain | villain 坏蛋 | 恶魔 | 罪犯 | 超级大坏蛋 | 超能力
7953CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🦹‍♂ -nameman supervillain 男超级大坏蛋
7954CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🦹‍♂ –keywordscriminal | evil | man | man supervillain | superpower | villain 坏蛋 | 男人 | 男超级大坏蛋 | 罪犯 | 超能力
7955CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🦹‍♀ -namewoman supervillain 女超级大坏蛋
7956CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🦹‍♀ –keywordscriminal | evil | superpower | villain | woman | woman supervillain 坏蛋 | 女人 | 女超级大坏蛋 | 罪犯 | 超能力
7957CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧙 -namemage 法师
7958CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧙 –keywordsmage | sorcerer | sorceress | witch | wizard 女巫 | 女魔术师 | 法师 | 男巫 | 男魔术师
7959CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧙‍♂ -nameman mage 男法师
7960CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧙‍♂ –keywordsman mage | sorcerer | wizard 男巫 | 男法师 | 男魔术师
7961CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧙‍♀ -namewoman mage 女法师
7962CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧙‍♀ –keywordssorceress | witch | woman mage 女巫 | 女法师 | 女魔术师
7963CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧚 -namefairy 精灵
7964CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧚 –keywordsfairy | Oberon | Puck | Titania 天卫三 | 天卫十五 | 天卫四 | 精灵
7965CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧚‍♂ -nameman fairy 仙人
7966CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧚‍♂ –keywordsman fairy | Oberon | Puck 仙人 | 仙男 | 天卫十五 | 天卫四 | 男精灵
7967CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧚‍♀ -namewoman fairy 仙女
7968CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧚‍♀ –keywordsTitania | woman fairy 仙女 | 女精灵 | 妖精王后
7969CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧛 -namevampire 吸血鬼
7970CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧛 –keywordsDracula | undead | vampire 不死族 | 吸血鬼
7971CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧛‍♂ -nameman vampire 男吸血鬼
7972CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧛‍♂ –keywordsDracula | man vampire | undead 男不死族 | 男吸血鬼
7973CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧛‍♀ -namewoman vampire 女吸血鬼
7974CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧛‍♀ –keywordsundead | woman vampire 女不死族 | 女吸血鬼
7975CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧜 -namemerperson 人鱼
7976CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧜 –keywordsmermaid | merman | merperson | merwoman 人鱼 | 女人鱼 | 男人鱼 | 美人鱼
7977CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧜‍♂ -namemerman 男人鱼
7978CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧜‍♂ –keywordsmerman | Triton 特里同 | 男人鱼
7979CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧜‍♀ -namemermaid 美人鱼
7980CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧜‍♀ –keywordsmermaid | merwoman 女人鱼 | 美人鱼
7981CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧝 -nameelf 小精灵
7982CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧝 –keywordself | magical 小精灵 | 魔术
7983CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧝‍♂ -nameman elf 男小精灵
7984CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧝‍♂ –keywordsmagical | man elf 男小精灵 | 男性魔术
7985CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧝‍♀ -namewoman elf 女小精灵
7986CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧝‍♀ –keywordsmagical | woman elf 女小精灵 | 女性魔术
7987CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧞 -namegenie 妖怪
7988CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧞 –keywordsdjinn | genie 妖怪 | 神灵
7989CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧞‍♂ -nameman genie 男妖怪
7990CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧞‍♂ –keywordsdjinn | man genie 男妖怪 | 男神灵
7991CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧞‍♀ -namewoman genie 女妖怪
7992CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧞‍♀ –keywordsdjinn | woman genie 女妖怪 | 女神灵
7993CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧟 -namezombie 僵尸
7994CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧟 –keywordsundead | walking dead | zombie 不死族 | 僵尸 | 行尸走肉
7995CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧟‍♂ -nameman zombie 男僵尸
7996CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧟‍♂ –keywordsman zombie | undead | walking dead 男僵尸 | 男行尸走肉
7997CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧟‍♀ -namewoman zombie 女僵尸
7998CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-fantasy🧟‍♀ –keywordsundead | walking dead | woman zombie 女僵尸 | 女行尸走肉
7999CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity💆 -nameperson getting massage 按摩
8000CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity💆 –keywordsface | massage | person getting massage | salon 按摩 | 美容
8001CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity💆‍♂ -nameman getting massage 男生按摩
8002CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity💆‍♂ –keywordsface | man | man getting massage | massage 按摩 | 男 | 男生按摩
8003CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity💆‍♀ -namewoman getting massage 女生按摩
8004CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity💆‍♀ –keywordsface | massage | woman | woman getting massage 女 | 女生按摩 | 按摩
8005CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity💇 -nameperson getting haircut 理发
8006CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity💇 –keywordsbarber | beauty | haircut | parlor | person getting haircut 剪头 | 理发
8007CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity💇‍♂ -nameman getting haircut 男生理发
8008CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity💇‍♂ –keywordshaircut | man | man getting haircut 剪头 | 理发 | 男 | 男生理发
8009CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity💇‍♀ -namewoman getting haircut 女生理发
8010CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity💇‍♀ –keywordshaircut | woman | woman getting haircut 剪头 | 女 | 女生理发 | 理发
8011CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🚶 -nameperson walking 行人
8012CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🚶 –keywordshike | person walking | walk | walking 徒步 | 行人 | 走路
8013CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🚶‍♂ -nameman walking 男行人
8014CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🚶‍♂ –keywordshike | man | man walking | walk 徒步 | 男 | 男行人 | 走路
8015CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🚶‍♀ -namewoman walking 女行人
8016CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🚶‍♀ –keywordshike | walk | woman | woman walking 女 | 女行人 | 徒步 | 走路
8017CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧍 -nameperson standing 站立者
8018CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧍 –keywordsperson standing | stand | standing 站着 | 站立 | 站立者
8019CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧍‍♂ -nameman standing 站立的男人
8020CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧍‍♂ –keywordsman | standing 男 | 站着 | 站立 | 站立的男人
8021CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧍‍♀ -namewoman standing 站立的女人
8022CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧍‍♀ –keywordsstanding | woman 女 | 站着 | 站立 | 站立的女人
8023CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧎 -nameperson kneeling 下跪者
8024CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧎 –keywordskneel | kneeling | person kneeling 下跪者 | 跪下 | 跪坐
8025CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧎‍♂ -nameman kneeling 跪下的男人
8026CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧎‍♂ –keywordskneeling | man 下跪 | 男 | 跪下的男人 | 跪坐
8027CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧎‍♀ -namewoman kneeling 跪下的女人
8028CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧎‍♀ –keywordskneeling | woman 下跪 | 女 | 跪下的女人 | 跪坐
8029CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧑‍🦯 -nameperson with white cane 拄盲杖的人
8030CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧑‍🦯 –keywordsaccessibility | blind | person with white cane 失明的 | 实用性 | 拄盲杖的人
8031CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity👨‍🦯 -nameman with white cane 拄盲杖的男人
8032CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity👨‍🦯 –keywordsaccessibility | blind | man | man with white cane 拄盲杖的男人 | 拐杖 | 无障碍 | 男 | 盲
8033CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity👩‍🦯 -namewoman with white cane 拄盲杖的女人
8034CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity👩‍🦯 –keywordsaccessibility | blind | woman | woman with white cane 女 | 拄盲杖的女人 | 拐杖 | 无障碍 | 盲
8035CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧑‍🦼 -nameperson in motorized wheelchair 坐电动轮椅的人
8036CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧑‍🦼 –keywordsaccessibility | person in motorized wheelchair | wheelchair 可访问性 | 坐电动轮椅的人 | 轮椅
8037CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity👨‍🦼 -nameman in motorized wheelchair 坐电动轮椅的男人
8038CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity👨‍🦼 –keywordsaccessibility | man | man in motorized wheelchair | wheelchair 坐电动轮椅的男人 | 无障碍 | 电动 | 男 | 轮椅
8039CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity👩‍🦼 -namewoman in motorized wheelchair 坐电动轮椅的女人
8040CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity👩‍🦼 –keywordsaccessibility | wheelchair | woman | woman in motorized wheelchair 坐电动轮椅的女人 | 女 | 无障碍 | 电动 | 轮椅
8041CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧑‍🦽 -nameperson in manual wheelchair 坐手动轮椅的人
8042CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧑‍🦽 –keywordsaccessibility | person in manual wheelchair | wheelchair 可访问性 | 坐手动轮椅的人 | 轮椅
8043CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity👨‍🦽 -nameman in manual wheelchair 坐手动轮椅的男人
8044CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity👨‍🦽 –keywordsaccessibility | man | man in manual wheelchair | wheelchair 坐手动轮椅的男人 | 手动 | 无障碍 | 男 | 轮椅
8045CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity👩‍🦽 -namewoman in manual wheelchair 坐手动轮椅的女人
8046CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity👩‍🦽 –keywordsaccessibility | wheelchair | woman | woman in manual wheelchair 坐手动轮椅的女人 | 女 | 手动 | 无障碍 | 轮椅
8047CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🏃 -nameperson running 跑步者
8048CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🏃 –keywordsmarathon | person running | running 跑步 | 跑步者 | 马拉松
8049CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🏃‍♂ -nameman running 男生跑步
8050CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🏃‍♂ –keywordsman | marathon | racing | running 男 | 男生跑步 | 跑 | 马拉松
8051CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🏃‍♀ -namewoman running 女生跑步
8052CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🏃‍♀ –keywordsmarathon | racing | running | woman 女 | 女生跑步 | 比赛 | 跑步 | 马拉松
8053CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity💃 -namewoman dancing 跳舞的女人
8054CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity💃 –keywordsdancing | woman 女人 | 跳舞 | 跳舞的女人
8055CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🕺 -nameman dancing 跳舞的男人
8056CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🕺 –keywordsdance | man | man dancing 男人 | 跳舞 | 跳舞的男人
8057CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🕴 -nameperson in suit levitating 西装革履的人
8058CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🕴 –keywordsbusiness | person | person in suit levitating | suit 商务 | 正装 | 西装革履 | 西装革履的人
8059CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity👯 -namepeople with bunny ears 戴兔耳朵的人
8060CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity👯 –keywordsbunny ear | dancer | partying | people with bunny ears 兔耳朵 | 戴兔耳朵的人 | 派对 | 聚会 | 跳舞
8061CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity👯‍♂ -namemen with bunny ears 兔先生
8062CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity👯‍♂ –keywordsbunny ear | dancer | men | men with bunny ears | partying 兔先生 | 兔耳朵 | 派对 | 男生派对 | 聚会 | 跳舞
8063CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity👯‍♀ -namewomen with bunny ears 兔女郎
8064CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity👯‍♀ –keywordsbunny ear | dancer | partying | women | women with bunny ears 兔女郎 | 兔耳朵 | 女生派对 | 派对 | 聚会 | 跳舞
8065CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧖 -nameperson in steamy room 蒸房里的人
8066CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧖 –keywordsperson in steamy room | sauna | steam room 桑拿 | 蒸房 | 蒸房里的人
8067CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧖‍♂ -nameman in steamy room 蒸房里的男人
8068CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧖‍♂ –keywordsman in steamy room | sauna | steam room 桑拿 | 蒸房里的男人 | 男性桑拿
8069CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧖‍♀ -namewoman in steamy room 蒸房里的女人
8070CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧖‍♀ –keywordssauna | steam room | woman in steamy room 女性桑拿 | 桑拿 | 蒸房里的女人
8071CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧗 -nameperson climbing 攀爬的人
8072CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧗 –keywordsclimber | person climbing 攀爬的人 | 登山者
8073CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧗‍♂ -nameman climbing 攀爬的男人
8074CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧗‍♂ –keywordsclimber | man climbing 攀爬的男人 | 登山者
8075CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧗‍♀ -namewoman climbing 攀爬的女人
8076CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-activity🧗‍♀ –keywordsclimber | woman climbing 攀爬的女人 | 登山者
8077CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤺 -nameperson fencing 击剑选手
8078CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤺 –keywordsfencer | fencing | person fencing | sword 人 | 体育 | 击剑 | 击剑选手 | 剑
8079CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏇 -namehorse racing 赛马
8080CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏇 –keywordshorse | jockey | racehorse | racing 赛马 | 马
8081CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport⛷ -nameskier 滑雪的人
8082CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport⛷ –keywordsski | skier | snow 滑雪 | 滑雪的人 | 雪
8083CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏂 -namesnowboarder 滑雪板
8084CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏂 –keywordsski | snow | snowboard | snowboarder 滑雪 | 滑雪板 | 雪
8085CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏌 -nameperson golfing 打高尔夫的人
8086CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏌 –keywordsball | golf | person golfing 打高尔夫的人 | 球 | 高尔夫
8087CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏌‍♂ -nameman golfing 男生打高尔夫
8088CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏌‍♂ –keywordsgolf | man | man golfing 男 | 男生打高尔夫 | 高尔夫
8089CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏌‍♀ -namewoman golfing 女生打高尔夫
8090CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏌‍♀ –keywordsgolf | woman | woman golfing 女 | 女生打高尔夫 | 高尔夫
8091CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏄 -nameperson surfing 冲浪
8092CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏄 –keywordsperson surfing | surfing 冲浪
8093CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏄‍♂ -nameman surfing 男生冲浪
8094CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏄‍♂ –keywordsman | surfing 冲浪 | 男 | 男生冲浪
8095CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏄‍♀ -namewoman surfing 女生冲浪
8096CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏄‍♀ –keywordssurfing | woman 冲浪 | 女 | 女生冲浪
8097CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🚣 -nameperson rowing boat 划艇
8098CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🚣 –keywordsboat | person rowing boat | rowboat 划艇 | 船
8099CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🚣‍♂ -nameman rowing boat 男生划船
8100CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🚣‍♂ –keywordsboat | man | man rowing boat | rowboat 划船 | 划艇 | 男 | 男生划船 | 船
8101CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🚣‍♀ -namewoman rowing boat 女生划船
8102CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🚣‍♀ –keywordsboat | rowboat | woman | woman rowing boat 划船 | 划艇 | 女 | 女生划船 | 船
8103CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏊 -nameperson swimming 游泳
8104CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏊 –keywordsperson swimming | swim 游泳
8105CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏊‍♂ -nameman swimming 男生游泳
8106CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏊‍♂ –keywordsman | man swimming | swim 游泳 | 男 | 男生游泳
8107CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏊‍♀ -namewoman swimming 女生游泳
8108CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏊‍♀ –keywordsswim | woman | woman swimming 女 | 女生游泳 | 游泳
8109CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport⛹ -nameperson bouncing ball 玩球
8110CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport⛹ –keywordsball | person bouncing ball 游戏 | 玩 | 玩球 | 球
8111CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport⛹‍♂ -nameman bouncing ball 男生玩球
8112CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport⛹‍♂ –keywordsball | man | man bouncing ball 球 | 男 | 男生玩球
8113CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport⛹‍♀ -namewoman bouncing ball 女生玩球
8114CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport⛹‍♀ –keywordsball | woman | woman bouncing ball 女 | 女生玩球 | 游戏 | 玩 | 球
8115CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏋 -nameperson lifting weights 举重
8116CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏋 –keywordslifter | person lifting weights | weight 举重
8117CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏋‍♂ -nameman lifting weights 男生举重
8118CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏋‍♂ –keywordsman | man lifting weights | weight lifter 举重 | 男 | 男生举重
8119CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏋‍♀ -namewoman lifting weights 女生举重
8120CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🏋‍♀ –keywordsweight lifter | woman | woman lifting weights 举重 | 女 | 女生举重
8121CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🚴 -nameperson biking 骑自行车
8122CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🚴 –keywordsbicycle | biking | cyclist | person biking 单车 | 自行车 | 骑单车 | 骑自行车
8123CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🚴‍♂ -nameman biking 男生骑自行车
8124CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🚴‍♂ –keywordsbicycle | biking | cyclist | man 单车 | 男 | 男生骑自行车 | 自行车 | 骑车
8125CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🚴‍♀ -namewoman biking 女生骑自行车
8126CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🚴‍♀ –keywordsbicycle | biking | cyclist | woman 单车 | 女 | 女生骑自行车 | 自行车 | 骑车
8127CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🚵 -nameperson mountain biking 骑山地车
8128CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🚵 –keywordsbicycle | bicyclist | bike | cyclist | mountain | person mountain biking 单车 | 山地车 | 自行车 | 骑山地车 | 骑山地车的人
8129CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🚵‍♂ -nameman mountain biking 男生骑山地车
8130CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🚵‍♂ –keywordsbicycle | bike | cyclist | man | man mountain biking | mountain 单车 | 山地车 | 男 | 男生骑山地车 | 自行车 | 骑山地车的人
8131CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🚵‍♀ -namewoman mountain biking 女生骑山地车
8132CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🚵‍♀ –keywordsbicycle | bike | biking | cyclist | mountain | woman 单车 | 女 | 女生骑山地车 | 山地车 | 自行车 | 骑车
8133CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤸 -nameperson cartwheeling 侧手翻
8134CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤸 –keywordscartwheel | gymnastics | person cartwheeling 人 | 体操 | 体育 | 侧手翻 | 翻筋斗
8135CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤸‍♂ -nameman cartwheeling 男生侧手翻
8136CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤸‍♂ –keywordscartwheel | gymnastics | man | man cartwheeling 体操 | 侧手翻 | 男 | 男生侧手翻 | 翻筋斗
8137CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤸‍♀ -namewoman cartwheeling 女生侧手翻
8138CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤸‍♀ –keywordscartwheel | gymnastics | woman | woman cartwheeling 体操 | 侧手翻 | 女 | 女生侧手翻 | 翻筋斗
8139CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤼 -namepeople wrestling 摔跤选手
8140CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤼 –keywordspeople wrestling | wrestle | wrestler 人 | 体育 | 摔跤 | 摔跤选手
8141CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤼‍♂ -namemen wrestling 男生摔跤
8142CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤼‍♂ –keywordsmen | men wrestling | wrestle 打架 | 摔跤 | 男 | 男生摔跤
8143CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤼‍♀ -namewomen wrestling 女生摔跤
8144CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤼‍♀ –keywordswomen | women wrestling | wrestle 女 | 女生摔跤 | 打架 | 摔跤
8145CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤽 -nameperson playing water polo 水球
8146CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤽 –keywordsperson playing water polo | polo | water 人 | 体育 | 水球
8147CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤽‍♂ -nameman playing water polo 男生玩水球
8148CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤽‍♂ –keywordsman | man playing water polo | water polo 水球 | 男 | 男生玩水球
8149CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤽‍♀ -namewoman playing water polo 女生玩水球
8150CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤽‍♀ –keywordswater polo | woman | woman playing water polo 女 | 女生玩水球 | 水球
8151CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤾 -nameperson playing handball 手球
8152CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤾 –keywordsball | handball | person playing handball 人 | 体育 | 手球
8153CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤾‍♂ -nameman playing handball 男生玩手球
8154CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤾‍♂ –keywordshandball | man | man playing handball 手球 | 男 | 男生玩手球
8155CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤾‍♀ -namewoman playing handball 女生玩手球
8156CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤾‍♀ –keywordshandball | woman | woman playing handball 女 | 女生玩手球 | 手球
8157CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤹 -nameperson juggling 抛接杂耍
8158CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤹 –keywordsbalance | juggle | multitask | person juggling | skill 平衡 | 抛接 | 抛接杂耍 | 杂技 | 杂耍
8159CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤹‍♂ -nameman juggling 男生抛接杂耍
8160CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤹‍♂ –keywordsjuggling | man | multitask 杂技 | 杂耍 | 男 | 男生抛接杂耍 | 颠球
8161CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤹‍♀ -namewoman juggling 女生抛接杂耍
8162CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-sport🤹‍♀ –keywordsjuggling | multitask | woman 女 | 女生抛接杂耍 | 杂技 | 杂耍 | 颠球
8163CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-resting🧘 -nameperson in lotus position 盘腿的人
8164CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-resting🧘 –keywordsmeditation | person in lotus position | yoga 冥想 | 瑜伽 | 盘腿的人
8165CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-resting🧘‍♂ -nameman in lotus position 盘腿的男人
8166CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-resting🧘‍♂ –keywordsman in lotus position | meditation | yoga 和尚 | 瑜伽男 | 盘腿的男人
8167CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-resting🧘‍♀ -namewoman in lotus position 盘腿的女人
8168CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-resting🧘‍♀ –keywordsmeditation | woman in lotus position | yoga 尼姑 | 比丘尼 | 瑜伽女 | 盘腿的女人
8169CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-resting🛀 -nameperson taking bath 洗澡的人
8170CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-resting🛀 –keywordsbath | bathtub | person taking bath 洗澡 | 洗澡的人 | 浴缸
8171CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-resting🛌 -nameperson in bed 躺在床上的人
8172CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-resting🛌 –keywordshotel | person in bed | sleep 入睡 | 宾馆 | 躺在床上的人 | 酒店
8173CharactersPeople & Bodyfamily🧑‍🤝‍🧑 -namepeople holding hands 手拉手的两个人
8174CharactersPeople & Bodyfamily🧑‍🤝‍🧑 –keywordscouple | hand | hold | holding hands | people holding hands | person 人 | 情侣 | 手 | 手拉手的两个人 | 拉手 | 握手
8175CharactersPeople & Bodyfamily👭 -namewomen holding hands 手拉手的两个女人
8176CharactersPeople & Bodyfamily👭 –keywordscouple | hand | holding hands | women | women holding hands 两个女人 | 情侣 | 手拉手 | 手拉手的两个女人
8177CharactersPeople & Bodyfamily👫 -namewoman and man holding hands 手拉手的一男一女
8178CharactersPeople & Bodyfamily👫 –keywordscouple | hand | hold | holding hands | man | woman | woman and man holding hands 一男一女 | 情侣 | 手拉手 | 手拉手的一男一女
8179CharactersPeople & Bodyfamily👬 -namemen holding hands 手拉手的两个男人
8180CharactersPeople & Bodyfamily👬 –keywordscouple | Gemini | holding hands | man | men | men holding hands | twins | zodiac 两个男人 | 双子座 | 情侣 | 手拉手 | 手拉手的两个男人 | 黄道十二宫
8181CharactersPeople & Bodyfamily💏 -namekiss 亲吻
8182CharactersPeople & Bodyfamily💏 –keywordscouple | kiss 亲吻 | 情侣 | 接吻 | 浪漫
8183CharactersPeople & Bodyfamily💑 -namecouple with heart 情侣
8184CharactersPeople & Bodyfamily💑 –keywordscouple | couple with heart | love 恋爱 | 情侣 | 浪漫 | 红心
8185CharactersPeople & Bodyfamily👪 -namefamily 家庭
8186CharactersPeople & Bodyfamily👪 –keywordsfamily 家庭
8187CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-symbol🗣 -namespeaking head 说话
8188CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-symbol🗣 –keywordsface | head | silhouette | speak | speaking 剪影 | 头 | 讲话 | 说话
8189CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-symbol👤 -namebust in silhouette 人像
8190CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-symbol👤 –keywordsbust | bust in silhouette | silhouette 人像 | 剪影 | 半身像
8191CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-symbol👥 -namebusts in silhouette 双人像
8192CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-symbol👥 –keywordsbust | busts in silhouette | silhouette 剪影 | 半身像 | 双人像
8193CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-symbol🫂 -namepeople hugging 人的拥抱
8194CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-symbol🫂 –keywordsgoodbye | hello | hug | people hugging | thanks 人的拥抱 | 再见 | 您好 | 感谢 | 拥抱
8195CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-symbol👣 -namefootprints 脚印
8196CharactersPeople & Bodyperson-symbol👣 –keywordsclothing | footprint | footprints | print 脚印 | 足迹
8197CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐵 -namemonkey face 猴头
8198CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐵 –keywordsface | monkey 猴 | 猴头
8199CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐒 -namemonkey 猴子
8200CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐒 –keywordsmonkey 猴 | 猴子
8201CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦍 -namegorilla 大猩猩
8202CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦍 –keywordsgorilla 大猩猩
8203CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦧 -nameorangutan 红毛猩猩
8204CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦧 –keywordsape | orangutan 猩猩 | 猴 | 猿 | 红毛猩猩
8205CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐶 -namedog face 狗脸
8206CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐶 –keywordsdog | face | pet 宠物 | 狗 | 狗脸 | 脸
8207CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐕 -namedog
8208CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐕 –keywordsdog | pet 宠物 | 狗
8209CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦮 -nameguide dog 导盲犬
8210CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦮 –keywordsaccessibility | blind | guide | guide dog 导盲犬 | 指引 | 无障碍 | 盲
8211CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐕‍🦺 -nameservice dog 服务犬
8212CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐕‍🦺 –keywordsaccessibility | assistance | dog | service 工作犬 | 无障碍 | 服务犬 | 犬 | 狗 | 辅助
8213CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐩 -namepoodle 贵宾犬
8214CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐩 –keywordsdog | poodle 卷毛狗 | 狗 | 贵宾犬
8215CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐺 -namewolf
8216CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐺 –keywordsface | wolf 头 | 狼 | 脸
8217CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦊 -namefox 狐狸
8218CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦊 –keywordsface | fox 头 | 狐狸 | 脸
8219CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦝 -nameraccoon 浣熊
8220CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦝 –keywordscurious | raccoon | sly 好奇 | 浣熊 | 淘气
8221CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐱 -namecat face 猫脸
8222CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐱 –keywordscat | face | pet 宠物 | 猫 | 猫脸 | 脸
8223CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐈 -namecat
8224CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐈 –keywordscat | pet 宠物 | 猫
8225CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐈‍⬛ -nameblack cat 黑猫
8226CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐈‍⬛ –keywordsblack | cat | unlucky 不吉利 | 猫 | 黑猫 | 黑色
8227CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦁 -namelion 狮子
8228CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦁 –keywordsface | Leo | lion | zodiac 狮子 | 狮子座 | 脸 | 黄道十二宫
8229CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐯 -nametiger face 老虎头
8230CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐯 –keywordsface | tiger 老虎 | 老虎头 | 脸
8231CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐅 -nametiger 老虎
8232CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐅 –keywordstiger 老虎 | 虎
8233CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐆 -nameleopard 豹子
8234CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐆 –keywordsleopard 猎豹 | 豹 | 豹子
8235CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐴 -namehorse face 马头
8236CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐴 –keywordsface | horse 马 | 马头
8237CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐎 -namehorse
8238CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐎 –keywordsequestrian | horse | racehorse | racing 比赛 | 赛马 | 马 | 骑马
8239CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦄 -nameunicorn 独角兽
8240CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦄 –keywordsface | unicorn 头 | 独角兽 | 脸
8241CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦓 -namezebra 斑马
8242CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦓 –keywordsstripe | zebra 斑马 | 条纹
8243CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦌 -namedeer 鹿
8244CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦌 –keywordsdeer 鹿
8245CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦬 -namebison 大野牛
8246CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦬 –keywordsbison | buffalo | herd | wisent 大野牛 | 欧洲野牛 | 水牛 | 畜群
8247CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐮 -namecow face 奶牛头
8248CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐮 –keywordscow | face 奶牛 | 奶牛头 | 脸
8249CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐂 -nameox 公牛
8250CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐂 –keywordsbull | ox | Taurus | zodiac 公牛 | 牛 | 金牛座 | 黄道十二宫
8251CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐃 -namewater buffalo 水牛
8252CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐃 –keywordsbuffalo | water 水牛
8253CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐄 -namecow 奶牛
8254CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐄 –keywordscow 奶牛 | 牛
8255CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐷 -namepig face 猪头
8256CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐷 –keywordsface | pig 猪 | 猪头 | 脸
8257CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐖 -namepig
8258CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐖 –keywordspig | sow
8259CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐗 -nameboar 野猪
8260CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐗 –keywordsboar | pig 猪 | 野猪
8261CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐽 -namepig nose 猪鼻子
8262CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐽 –keywordsface | nose | pig 猪 | 猪鼻子 | 脸 | 鼻子
8263CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐏 -nameram 公羊
8264CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐏 –keywordsAries | male | ram | sheep | zodiac 公羊 | 白羊座 | 羊 | 雄性 | 黄道十二宫
8265CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐑 -nameewe 母羊
8266CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐑 –keywordsewe | female | sheep 母羊 | 羊 | 雌性
8267CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐐 -namegoat 山羊
8268CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐐 –keywordsCapricorn | goat | zodiac 山羊 | 摩羯座 | 黄道十二宫
8269CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐪 -namecamel 骆驼
8270CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐪 –keywordscamel | dromedary | hump 单峰 | 骆驼
8271CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐫 -nametwo-hump camel 双峰骆驼
8272CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐫 –keywordsbactrian | camel | hump | two-hump camel 双峰 | 双峰骆驼 | 骆驼
8273CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦙 -namellama 美洲鸵
8274CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦙 –keywordsalpaca | guanaco | llama | vicuña | wool 原驼 | 小羊驼 | 羊毛 | 羊驼 | 美洲鸵
8275CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦒 -namegiraffe 长颈鹿
8276CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦒 –keywordsgiraffe | spots 斑点 | 长颈鹿
8277CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐘 -nameelephant 大象
8278CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐘 –keywordselephant 大象 | 象
8279CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦣 -namemammoth 猛犸
8280CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦣 –keywordsextinction | large | mammoth | tusk | woolly 大型 | 有绒毛的 | 灭绝 | 猛犸 | 长牙
8281CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦏 -namerhinoceros 犀牛
8282CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦏 –keywordsrhinoceros 犀牛
8283CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦛 -namehippopotamus 河马
8284CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦛 –keywordshippo | hippopotamus 河马
8285CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐭 -namemouse face 老鼠头
8286CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐭 –keywordsface | mouse 老鼠头 | 鼠
8287CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐁 -namemouse 老鼠
8288CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐁 –keywordsmouse 老鼠 | 耗子 | 鼠
8289CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐀 -namerat 耗子
8290CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐀 –keywordsrat 耗子 | 鼠
8291CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐹 -namehamster 仓鼠
8292CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐹 –keywordsface | hamster | pet 仓鼠 | 啮齿 | 头 | 脸
8293CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐰 -namerabbit face 兔子头
8294CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐰 –keywordsbunny | face | pet | rabbit 兔 | 兔子头
8295CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐇 -namerabbit 兔子
8296CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐇 –keywordsbunny | pet | rabbit 兔 | 兔子
8297CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐿 -namechipmunk 松鼠
8298CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐿 –keywordschipmunk | squirrel 松鼠 | 花栗鼠
8299CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦫 -namebeaver 海狸
8300CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦫 –keywordsbeaver | dam 母畜 | 海狸
8301CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦔 -namehedgehog 刺猬
8302CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦔 –keywordshedgehog | spiny 刺猬
8303CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦇 -namebat 蝙蝠
8304CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦇 –keywordsbat | vampire 吸血鬼 | 蝙蝠
8305CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐻 -namebear
8306CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐻 –keywordsbear | face 头 | 熊 | 脸
8307CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐻‍❄ -namepolar bear 北极熊
8308CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐻‍❄ –keywordsarctic | bear | polar bear | white 北极 | 北极熊 | 熊 | 白色
8309CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐨 -namekoala 考拉
8310CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐨 –keywordsbear | koala 澳大利亚 | 考拉
8311CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐼 -namepanda 熊猫
8312CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐼 –keywordsface | panda 头 | 熊猫 | 胖达 | 脸
8313CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦥 -namesloth 树懒
8314CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦥 –keywordslazy | sloth | slow 慢 | 懒 | 树懒 | 爬树 | 迟缓
8315CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦦 -nameotter 水獭
8316CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦦 –keywordsfishing | otter | playful 动物 | 捕鱼 | 水獭 | 獭 | 鼬
8317CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦨 -nameskunk 臭鼬
8318CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦨 –keywordsskunk | stink 熏 | 臭 | 臭鼬 | 鼬
8319CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦘 -namekangaroo 袋鼠
8320CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦘 –keywordsAustralia | joey | jump | kangaroo | marsupial 小袋鼠 | 有袋类动物 | 澳大利亚 | 袋鼠 | 跳
8321CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦡 -namebadger
8322CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🦡 –keywordsbadger | honey badger | pester 獾 | 纠缠 | 蜜獾
8323CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐾 -namepaw prints 爪印
8324CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-mammal🐾 –keywordsfeet | paw | paw prints | print 爪印 | 爪子 | 足迹
8325CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦃 -nameturkey 火鸡
8326CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦃 –keywordsbird | turkey 火鸡
8327CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐔 -namechicken
8328CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐔 –keywordsbird | chicken
8329CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐓 -namerooster 公鸡
8330CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐓 –keywordsbird | rooster 公鸡 | 鸡
8331CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐣 -namehatching chick 小鸡破壳
8332CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐣 –keywordsbaby | bird | chick | hatching 小鸡 | 小鸡破壳 | 破壳
8333CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐤 -namebaby chick 小鸡
8334CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐤 –keywordsbaby | bird | chick 小鸡 | 鸡
8335CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐥 -namefront-facing baby chick 正面朝向的小鸡
8336CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐥 –keywordsbaby | bird | chick | front-facing baby chick 小鸡 | 正面朝向的小鸡
8337CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐦 -namebird
8338CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐦 –keywordsbird
8339CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐧 -namepenguin 企鹅
8340CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🐧 –keywordsbird | penguin 企鹅
8341CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🕊 -namedove
8342CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🕊 –keywordsbird | dove | fly | peace 和平象征 | 飞翔 | 鸟 | 鸽 | 鸽子
8343CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦅 -nameeagle
8344CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦅 –keywordsbird | eagle 老鹰 | 鸟 | 鹰
8345CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦆 -nameduck 鸭子
8346CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦆 –keywordsbird | duck 鸟 | 鸭 | 鸭子
8347CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦢 -nameswan 天鹅
8348CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦢 –keywordsbird | cygnet | swan | ugly duckling 丑小鸭 | 天鹅 | 小天鹅 | 鸟
8349CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦉 -nameowl 猫头鹰
8350CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦉 –keywordsbird | owl | wise 猫头鹰 | 睿智 | 鸟
8351CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦤 -namedodo 渡渡鸟
8352CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦤 –keywordsdodo | extinction | large | Mauritius 毛里求斯 | 渡渡鸟 | 灭绝
8353CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🪶 -namefeather 羽毛
8354CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🪶 –keywordsbird | feather | flight | light | plumage 羽毛 | 轻 | 飞 | 鸟
8355CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦩 -nameflamingo 火烈鸟
8356CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦩 –keywordsflamboyant | flamingo | tropical 火烈鸟 | 热带 | 艳丽
8357CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦚 -namepeacock 孔雀
8358CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦚 –keywordsbird | ostentatious | peacock | peahen | proud 孔雀 | 招摇 | 雌孔雀 | 骄傲 | 鸟
8359CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦜 -nameparrot 鹦鹉
8360CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bird🦜 –keywordsbird | parrot | pirate | talk 剽窃 | 模仿 | 说话 | 鸟 | 鹦鹉
8361CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-amphibian🐸 -namefrog 青蛙
8362CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-amphibian🐸 –keywordsface | frog 头 | 脸 | 青蛙
8363CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🐊 -namecrocodile 鳄鱼
8364CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🐊 –keywordscrocodile 鳄鱼
8365CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🐢 -nameturtle
8366CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🐢 –keywordsterrapin | tortoise | turtle 乌龟 | 海龟 | 龟
8367CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🦎 -namelizard 蜥蜴
8368CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🦎 –keywordslizard | reptile 爬行动物 | 蜥蜴
8369CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🐍 -namesnake
8370CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🐍 –keywordsbearer | Ophiuchus | serpent | snake | zodiac 持票人 | 狡猾的人 | 蛇 | 蛇夫座 | 黄道十二宫
8371CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🐲 -namedragon face 龙头
8372CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🐲 –keywordsdragon | face | fairy tale 龙 | 龙头
8373CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🐉 -namedragon
8374CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🐉 –keywordsdragon | fairy tale
8375CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🦕 -namesauropod 蜥蜴类
8376CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🦕 –keywordsbrachiosaurus | brontosaurus | diplodocus | sauropod 梁龙 | 腕龙 | 蜥蜴类 | 雷龙
8377CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🦖 -nameT-Rex 霸王龙
8378CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-reptile🦖 –keywordsT-Rex | Tyrannosaurus Rex 暴龙君主 | 霸王龙
8379CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐳 -namespouting whale 喷水的鲸
8380CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐳 –keywordsface | spouting | whale 喷水 | 喷水的鲸 | 鲸
8381CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐋 -namewhale 鲸鱼
8382CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐋 –keywordswhale 鲸鱼
8383CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐬 -namedolphin 海豚
8384CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐬 –keywordsdolphin | flipper 海豚 | 鸭脚板
8385CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🦭 -nameseal 海豹
8386CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🦭 –keywordssea Lion | seal 海狮 | 海豹
8387CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐟 -namefish
8388CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐟 –keywordsfish | Pisces | zodiac 双鱼座 | 鱼 | 黄道十二宫
8389CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐠 -nametropical fish 热带鱼
8390CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐠 –keywordsfish | tropical 热带 | 热带鱼 | 鱼
8391CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐡 -nameblowfish 河豚
8392CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐡 –keywordsblowfish | fish 河豚 | 鱼
8393CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🦈 -nameshark 鲨鱼
8394CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🦈 –keywordsfish | shark 鱼 | 鲨 | 鲨鱼
8395CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐙 -nameoctopus 章鱼
8396CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐙 –keywordsoctopus 八爪 | 章鱼 | 鱼
8397CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐚 -namespiral shell 海螺
8398CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-marine🐚 –keywordsshell | spiral 海螺 | 螺
8399CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🐌 -namesnail 蜗牛
8400CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🐌 –keywordssnail 蜗牛
8401CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🦋 -namebutterfly 蝴蝶
8402CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🦋 –keywordsbutterfly | insect | pretty 昆虫 | 漂亮 | 美丽 | 蝴蝶
8403CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🐛 -namebug 毛毛虫
8404CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🐛 –keywordsbug | insect 毛毛虫 | 毛虫
8405CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🐜 -nameant 蚂蚁
8406CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🐜 –keywordsant | insect 蚂蚁
8407CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🐝 -namehoneybee 蜜蜂
8408CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🐝 –keywordsbee | honeybee | insect 勤劳 | 蜜蜂
8409CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🪲 -namebeetle 甲虫
8410CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🪲 –keywordsbeetle | bug | insect 昆虫 | 甲虫
8411CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🐞 -namelady beetle 瓢虫
8412CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🐞 –keywordsbeetle | insect | lady beetle | ladybird | ladybug 昆虫 | 母 | 瓢虫
8413CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🦗 -namecricket 蟋蟀
8414CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🦗 –keywordscricket | grasshopper 蛐蛐 | 蟋蟀
8415CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🪳 -namecockroach 蟑螂
8416CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🪳 –keywordscockroach | insect | pest | roach 害虫 | 昆虫 | 蟑螂
8417CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🕷 -namespider 蜘蛛
8418CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🕷 –keywordsinsect | spider 蜘蛛
8419CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🕸 -namespider web 蜘蛛网
8420CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🕸 –keywordsspider | web 蛛网 | 蜘蛛网
8421CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🦂 -namescorpion 蝎子
8422CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🦂 –keywordsscorpio | Scorpio | scorpion | zodiac 天蝎宫 | 天蝎座 | 蝎子 | 黄道十二宫
8423CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🦟 -namemosquito 蚊子
8424CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🦟 –keywordsdisease | fever | malaria | mosquito | pest | virus 发热 | 昆虫 | 疟疾 | 疾病 | 病毒 | 蚊子
8425CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🪰 -namefly 苍蝇
8426CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🪰 –keywordsdisease | fly | maggot | pest | rotting 害虫 | 疾病 | 腐烂 | 苍蝇 | 蛆
8427CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🪱 -nameworm 蠕虫
8428CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🪱 –keywordsannelid | earthworm | parasite | worm 寄生虫 | 环节动物 | 蚯蚓 | 蠕虫
8429CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🦠 -namemicrobe 细菌
8430CharactersAnimals & Natureanimal-bug🦠 –keywordsamoeba | bacteria | microbe | virus 变形虫 | 病毒 | 细菌
8431CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower💐 -namebouquet 花束
8432CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower💐 –keywordsbouquet | flower 花束 | 鲜花
8433CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🌸 -namecherry blossom 樱花
8434CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🌸 –keywordsblossom | cherry | flower 樱花 | 花
8435CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower💮 -namewhite flower 白花
8436CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower💮 –keywordsflower | white flower 白花 | 花
8437CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🏵 -namerosette 圆形花饰
8438CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🏵 –keywordsplant | rosette 圆形花饰 | 花
8439CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🌹 -namerose 玫瑰
8440CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🌹 –keywordsflower | rose 玫瑰 | 花
8441CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🥀 -namewilted flower 枯萎的花
8442CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🥀 –keywordsflower | wilted 枯萎的花 | 花
8443CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🌺 -namehibiscus 芙蓉
8444CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🌺 –keywordsflower | hibiscus 木槿 | 芙蓉 | 花
8445CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🌻 -namesunflower 向日葵
8446CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🌻 –keywordsflower | sun | sunflower 向日葵 | 太阳花 | 花
8447CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🌼 -nameblossom 开花
8448CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🌼 –keywordsblossom | flower 开花 | 花
8449CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🌷 -nametulip 郁金香
8450CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-flower🌷 –keywordsflower | tulip 花 | 郁金香
8451CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌱 -nameseedling 幼苗
8452CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌱 –keywordsseedling | young 发芽 | 幼苗 | 芽 | 苗
8453CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🪴 -namepotted plant 盆栽植物
8454CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🪴 –keywordsboring | grow | house | nurturing | plant | potted plant | useless 培育 | 房子 | 枯燥 | 植物 | 生长 | 盆栽植物
8455CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌲 -nameevergreen tree 松树
8456CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌲 –keywordsevergreen tree | tree 常青树 | 松树 | 树
8457CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌳 -namedeciduous tree 落叶树
8458CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌳 –keywordsdeciduous | shedding | tree 树 | 落叶 | 落叶树 | 落叶植物
8459CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌴 -namepalm tree 棕榈树
8460CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌴 –keywordspalm | tree 棕榈树
8461CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌵 -namecactus 仙人掌
8462CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌵 –keywordscactus | plant 仙人掌 | 沙漠
8463CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌾 -namesheaf of rice 稻子
8464CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌾 –keywordsear | grain | rice | sheaf of rice 稻 | 稻子 | 米 | 粮食
8465CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌿 -nameherb 药草
8466CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🌿 –keywordsherb | leaf 草药 | 药草 | 香草
8467CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other☘ -nameshamrock 三叶草
8468CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other☘ –keywordsplant | shamrock 三叶草 | 苜蓿 | 酢浆草
8469CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🍀 -namefour leaf clover 四叶草
8470CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🍀 –keywords4 | clover | four | four-leaf clover | leaf 四叶草 | 幸运
8471CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🍁 -namemaple leaf 枫叶
8472CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🍁 –keywordsfalling | leaf | maple 加拿大 | 枫叶 | 秋
8473CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🍂 -namefallen leaf 落叶
8474CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🍂 –keywordsfallen leaf | falling | leaf 叶 | 秋 | 落叶
8475CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🍃 -nameleaf fluttering in wind 风吹叶落
8476CharactersAnimals & Natureplant-other🍃 –keywordsblow | flutter | leaf | leaf fluttering in wind | wind 叶子 | 树叶 | 随风飘舞 | 风吹叶落
8477CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍇 -namegrapes 葡萄
8478CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍇 –keywordsfruit | grape | grapes 水果 | 葡萄
8479CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍈 -namemelon 甜瓜
8480CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍈 –keywordsfruit | melon 水果 | 甜瓜 | 蜜瓜 | 香瓜
8481CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍉 -namewatermelon 西瓜
8482CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍉 –keywordsfruit | watermelon 水果 | 西瓜
8483CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍊 -nametangerine 橘子
8484CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍊 –keywordsfruit | orange | tangerine 柑桔 | 桔子 | 橘子 | 水果
8485CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍋 -namelemon 柠檬
8486CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍋 –keywordscitrus | fruit | lemon 柠檬 | 水果
8487CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍌 -namebanana 香蕉
8488CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍌 –keywordsbanana | fruit 水果 | 香蕉
8489CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍍 -namepineapple 菠萝
8490CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍍 –keywordsfruit | pineapple 水果 | 菠萝
8491CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🥭 -namemango 芒果
8492CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🥭 –keywordsfruit | mango | tropical 水果 | 热带 | 芒果
8493CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍎 -namered apple 红苹果
8494CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍎 –keywordsapple | fruit | red 水果 | 红 | 红苹果 | 苹果
8495CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍏 -namegreen apple 青苹果
8496CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍏 –keywordsapple | fruit | green 水果 | 苹果 | 青 | 青苹果
8497CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍐 -namepear
8498CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍐 –keywordsfruit | pear 梨 | 水果
8499CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍑 -namepeach
8500CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍑 –keywordsfruit | peach 桃 | 水果
8501CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍒 -namecherries 樱桃
8502CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍒 –keywordsberries | cherries | cherry | fruit | red 樱桃 | 水果
8503CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍓 -namestrawberry 草莓
8504CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍓 –keywordsberry | fruit | strawberry 水果 | 草莓
8505CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🫐 -nameblueberries 蓝莓
8506CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🫐 –keywordsberry | bilberry | blue | blueberries | blueberry 蓝莓 | 越桔
8507CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🥝 -namekiwi fruit 猕猴桃
8508CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🥝 –keywordsfood | fruit | kiwi 奇异果 | 水果 | 猕猴桃 | 食物
8509CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍅 -nametomato 西红柿
8510CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🍅 –keywordsfruit | tomato | vegetable 番茄 | 蔬菜 | 西红柿
8511CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🫒 -nameolive 橄榄
8512CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🫒 –keywordsfood | olive 橄榄 | 食物
8513CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🥥 -namecoconut 椰子
8514CharactersFood & Drinkfood-fruit🥥 –keywordscoconut | palm | piña colada 棕榈 | 椰子
8515CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥑 -nameavocado 鳄梨
8516CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥑 –keywordsavocado | food | fruit 水果 | 牛油果 | 食物 | 鳄梨
8517CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🍆 -nameeggplant 茄子
8518CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🍆 –keywordsaubergine | eggplant | vegetable 茄子 | 蔬菜
8519CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥔 -namepotato 土豆
8520CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥔 –keywordsfood | potato | vegetable 土豆 | 蔬菜 | 食物 | 马铃薯
8521CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥕 -namecarrot 胡萝卜
8522CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥕 –keywordscarrot | food | vegetable 胡萝卜 | 蔬菜 | 食物
8523CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🌽 -nameear of corn 玉米
8524CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🌽 –keywordscorn | ear | ear of corn | maize | maze 玉米 | 苞米
8525CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🌶 -namehot pepper 红辣椒
8526CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🌶 –keywordshot | pepper 红辣椒 | 辣椒
8527CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🫑 -namebell pepper 灯笼椒
8528CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🫑 –keywordsbell pepper | capsicum | pepper | vegetable 灯笼椒 | 蔬菜 | 辣椒
8529CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥒 -namecucumber 黄瓜
8530CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥒 –keywordscucumber | food | pickle | vegetable 泡菜 | 蔬菜 | 食物 | 黄瓜
8531CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥬 -nameleafy green 绿叶蔬菜
8532CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥬 –keywordsbok choy | cabbage | kale | leafy green | lettuce 圆白菜 | 小白菜 | 甘蓝 | 绿叶蔬菜 | 莴苣
8533CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥦 -namebroccoli 西兰花
8534CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥦 –keywordsbroccoli | wild cabbage 甘蓝 | 西兰花
8535CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🧄 -namegarlic
8536CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🧄 –keywordsflavoring | garlic 佐料 | 大蒜 | 蒜 | 蒜头 | 调味
8537CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🧅 -nameonion 洋葱
8538CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🧅 –keywordsflavoring | onion 佐料 | 洋葱 | 调味
8539CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🍄 -namemushroom 蘑菇
8540CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🍄 –keywordsmushroom | toadstool 蘑菇
8541CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥜 -namepeanuts 花生
8542CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🥜 –keywordsfood | nut | peanut | peanuts | vegetable 坚果 | 花生 | 蔬菜 | 食物
8543CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🌰 -namechestnut 栗子
8544CharactersFood & Drinkfood-vegetable🌰 –keywordschestnut | plant 栗子
8545CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍞 -namebread 面包
8546CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍞 –keywordsbread | loaf 面包
8547CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥐 -namecroissant 羊角面包
8548CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥐 –keywordsbread | breakfast | croissant | food | french | roll 新月形面包 | 法式 | 羊角面包 | 面包 | 食物
8549CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥖 -namebaguette bread 法式长棍面包
8550CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥖 –keywordsbaguette | bread | food | french 法式 | 法式长棍面包 | 面包 | 食物
8551CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🫓 -nameflatbread 扁面包
8552CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🫓 –keywordsarepa | flatbread | lavash | naan | pita 圆盘状烤饼 | 扁面包 | 玉米饼 | 皮塔饼 | 薄脆饼
8553CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥨 -namepretzel 椒盐卷饼
8554CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥨 –keywordspretzel | twisted 扭曲食品 | 椒盐卷饼
8555CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥯 -namebagel 面包圈
8556CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥯 –keywordsbagel | bakery | breakfast | schmear 奶酪酱 | 烘烤食品 | 面包圈
8557CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥞 -namepancakes 烙饼
8558CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥞 –keywordsbreakfast | crêpe | food | hotcake | pancake | pancakes 烙饼 | 煎饼 | 食物
8559CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🧇 -namewaffle 华夫饼
8560CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🧇 –keywordsbreakfast | indecisive | iron | waffle 华夫饼 | 格子饼 | 点心 | 烤 | 窝夫饼
8561CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🧀 -namecheese wedge 芝士
8562CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🧀 –keywordscheese | cheese wedge 奶酪 | 芝士 | 起司
8563CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍖 -namemeat on bone 排骨
8564CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍖 –keywordsbone | meat | meat on bone 排骨 | 肉 | 骨
8565CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍗 -namepoultry leg 家禽的腿
8566CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍗 –keywordsbone | chicken | drumstick | leg | poultry 家禽 | 家禽的腿 | 鸡肉 | 鸡腿
8567CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥩 -namecut of meat 肉块
8568CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥩 –keywordschop | cut of meat | lambchop | porkchop | steak 排骨 | 牛排 | 猪排 | 羊排 | 肉块
8569CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥓 -namebacon 培根
8570CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥓 –keywordsbacon | breakfast | food | meat 培根 | 熏肉 | 肉 | 食物
8571CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍔 -namehamburger 汉堡
8572CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍔 –keywordsburger | hamburger 汉堡 | 汉堡包
8573CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍟 -namefrench fries 薯条
8574CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍟 –keywordsfrench | fries 油炸 | 薯条
8575CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍕 -namepizza 披萨
8576CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍕 –keywordscheese | pizza | slice 披萨
8577CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🌭 -namehot dog 热狗
8578CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🌭 –keywordsfrankfurter | hot dog | hotdog | sausage 热狗
8579CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥪 -namesandwich 三明治
8580CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥪 –keywordsbread | sandwich 三明治 | 面包
8581CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🌮 -nametaco 墨西哥卷饼
8582CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🌮 –keywordsmexican | taco 卷饼 | 墨西哥 | 墨西哥卷饼
8583CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🌯 -nameburrito 墨西哥玉米煎饼
8584CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🌯 –keywordsburrito | mexican | wrap 卷饼 | 玉米煎饼 | 墨西哥 | 墨西哥玉米煎饼
8585CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🫔 -nametamale 墨西哥粽子
8586CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🫔 –keywordsmexican | tamale | wrapped 粽子 | 墨西哥 | 墨西哥粽子
8587CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥙 -namestuffed flatbread 夹心饼
8588CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥙 –keywordsfalafel | flatbread | food | gyro | kebab | stuffed 夹心 | 夹心饼 | 沙拉三明治 | 肉夹馍 | 食物
8589CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🧆 -namefalafel 炸豆丸子
8590CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🧆 –keywordschickpea | falafel | meatball 中东蔬菜球 | 油炸鹰嘴豆饼 | 炸豆丸子 | 肉丸 | 鹰嘴豆
8591CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥚 -nameegg
8592CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥚 –keywordsbreakfast | egg | food 蛋 | 食物
8593CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍳 -namecooking 煎蛋
8594CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍳 –keywordsbreakfast | cooking | egg | frying | pan 平底锅 | 煎 | 煎蛋 | 蛋
8595CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥘 -nameshallow pan of food 装有食物的浅底锅
8596CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥘 –keywordscasserole | food | paella | pan | shallow | shallow pan of food 浅底 | 煎锅 | 装有食物的浅底锅 | 食物
8597CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍲 -namepot of food 一锅食物
8598CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍲 –keywordspot | pot of food | stew 一锅食物 | 食物
8599CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🫕 -namefondue 奶酪火锅
8600CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🫕 –keywordscheese | chocolate | fondue | melted | pot | Swiss 奶酪 | 奶酪火锅 | 巧克力 | 瑞士 | 融化 | 锅
8601CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥣 -namebowl with spoon 碗勺
8602CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥣 –keywordsbowl with spoon | breakfast | cereal | congee 早餐 | 碗勺 | 粥 | 谷物
8603CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥗 -namegreen salad 绿色沙拉
8604CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥗 –keywordsfood | green | salad 沙拉 | 绿色沙拉 | 食物
8605CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍿 -namepopcorn 爆米花
8606CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🍿 –keywordspopcorn 爆米花
8607CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🧈 -namebutter 黄油
8608CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🧈 –keywordsbutter | dairy 乳制品 | 牛奶 | 黄油
8609CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🧂 -namesalt
8610CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🧂 –keywordscondiment | salt | shaker 佐料瓶 | 盐 | 调味品
8611CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥫 -namecanned food 罐头食品
8612CharactersFood & Drinkfood-prepared🥫 –keywordscan | canned food 罐头 | 罐头食品
8613CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍱 -namebento box 盒饭
8614CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍱 –keywordsbento | box 便当 | 盒饭
8615CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍘 -namerice cracker 米饼
8616CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍘 –keywordscracker | rice 米果 | 米饼
8617CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍙 -namerice ball 饭团
8618CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍙 –keywordsball | Japanese | rice 日本 | 饭团
8619CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍚 -namecooked rice 米饭
8620CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍚 –keywordscooked | rice 米 | 米饭 | 饭
8621CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍛 -namecurry rice 咖喱饭
8622CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍛 –keywordscurry | rice 咖喱 | 咖喱饭 | 饭
8623CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍜 -namesteaming bowl 面条
8624CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍜 –keywordsbowl | noodle | ramen | steaming 拉面 | 热气腾腾 | 碗 | 面条
8625CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍝 -namespaghetti 意粉
8626CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍝 –keywordspasta | spaghetti 意大利面 | 意粉 | 意面
8627CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍠 -nameroasted sweet potato 烤红薯
8628CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍠 –keywordspotato | roasted | sweet 地瓜 | 烤地瓜 | 烤红薯 | 红薯
8629CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍢 -nameoden 关东煮
8630CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍢 –keywordskebab | oden | seafood | skewer | stick 串 | 关东煮 | 海鲜
8631CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍣 -namesushi 寿司
8632CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍣 –keywordssushi 寿司
8633CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍤 -namefried shrimp 天妇罗
8634CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍤 –keywordsfried | prawn | shrimp | tempura 天妇罗 | 炸虾
8635CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍥 -namefish cake with swirl 鱼板
8636CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍥 –keywordscake | fish | fish cake with swirl | pastry | swirl 鱼板
8637CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🥮 -namemoon cake 月饼
8638CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🥮 –keywordsautumn | festival | moon cake | yuèbǐng 月饼 | 秋天 | 节日
8639CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍡 -namedango 团子
8640CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🍡 –keywordsdango | dessert | Japanese | skewer | stick | sweet 串 | 团子 | 日本 | 甜点
8641CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🥟 -namedumpling 饺子
8642CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🥟 –keywordsdumpling | empanada | gyōza | jiaozi | pierogi | potsticker 水饺 | 煎饺 | 饺子
8643CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🥠 -namefortune cookie 幸运饼干
8644CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🥠 –keywordsfortune cookie | prophecy 幸运饼干 | 预言
8645CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🥡 -nametakeout box 外卖盒
8646CharactersFood & Drinkfood-asian🥡 –keywordsoyster pail | takeout box 外卖包装 | 外卖桶 | 外卖盒 | 牡蛎桶
8647CharactersFood & Drinkfood-marine🦀 -namecrab
8648CharactersFood & Drinkfood-marine🦀 –keywordsCancer | crab | zodiac 巨蟹座 | 螃蟹 | 蟹 | 黄道十二宫
8649CharactersFood & Drinkfood-marine🦞 -namelobster 龙虾
8650CharactersFood & Drinkfood-marine🦞 –keywordsbisque | claws | lobster | seafood 浓汤 | 海鲜 | 钳 | 龙虾
8651CharactersFood & Drinkfood-marine🦐 -nameshrimp
8652CharactersFood & Drinkfood-marine🦐 –keywordsfood | shellfish | shrimp | small 甲壳 | 虾 | 食物
8653CharactersFood & Drinkfood-marine🦑 -namesquid 乌贼
8654CharactersFood & Drinkfood-marine🦑 –keywordsfood | molusc | squid 乌贼 | 软体动物 | 食物 | 鱿鱼 | 墨鱼
8655CharactersFood & Drinkfood-marine🦪 -nameoyster 牡蛎
8656CharactersFood & Drinkfood-marine🦪 –keywordsdiving | oyster | pearl 海鲜 | 牡蛎 | 珍珠 | 生蚝
8657CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍦 -namesoft ice cream 圆筒冰激凌
8658CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍦 –keywordscream | dessert | ice | icecream | soft | sweet 圆筒冰淇淋 | 圆筒冰激凌
8659CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍧 -nameshaved ice 刨冰
8660CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍧 –keywordsdessert | ice | shaved | sweet 冰 | 冰沙 | 刨冰 | 甜点
8661CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍨 -nameice cream 冰淇淋
8662CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍨 –keywordscream | dessert | ice | sweet 冰 | 冰淇淋 | 冰激凌 | 甜点
8663CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍩 -namedoughnut 甜甜圈
8664CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍩 –keywordsbreakfast | dessert | donut | doughnut | sweet 甜点 | 甜甜圈
8665CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍪 -namecookie 饼干
8666CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍪 –keywordscookie | dessert | sweet 曲奇 | 饼干
8667CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🎂 -namebirthday cake 生日蛋糕
8668CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🎂 –keywordsbirthday | cake | celebration | dessert | pastry | sweet 庆祝 | 生日 | 生日蛋糕 | 蛋糕
8669CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍰 -nameshortcake 水果蛋糕
8670CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍰 –keywordscake | dessert | pastry | shortcake | slice | sweet 水果蛋糕 | 甜点 | 蛋糕
8671CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🧁 -namecupcake 纸杯蛋糕
8672CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🧁 –keywordsbakery | cupcake | sweet 烘焙食品 | 甜点 | 纸杯蛋糕
8673CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🥧 -namepie
8674CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🥧 –keywordsfilling | pastry | pie 油酥点心 | 派 | 糕点
8675CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍫 -namechocolate bar 巧克力
8676CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍫 –keywordsbar | chocolate | dessert | sweet 巧克力 | 甜品 | 甜点
8677CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍬 -namecandy
8678CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍬 –keywordscandy | dessert | sweet 糖 | 糖果
8679CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍭 -namelollipop 棒棒糖
8680CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍭 –keywordscandy | dessert | lollipop | sweet 棒棒糖 | 糖
8681CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍮 -namecustard 奶黄
8682CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍮 –keywordscustard | dessert | pudding | sweet 奶黄 | 蛋奶冻 | 蛋奶沙司
8683CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍯 -namehoney pot 蜂蜜
8684CharactersFood & Drinkfood-sweet🍯 –keywordshoney | honeypot | pot | sweet 蜂蜜 | 蜜罐
8685CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍼 -namebaby bottle 奶瓶
8686CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍼 –keywordsbaby | bottle | drink | milk 奶 | 奶瓶 | 婴儿
8687CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🥛 -nameglass of milk 一杯奶
8688CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🥛 –keywordsdrink | glass | glass of milk | milk 一杯奶 | 奶 | 杯
8689CharactersFood & Drinkdrink☕ -namehot beverage 热饮
8690CharactersFood & Drinkdrink☕ –keywordsbeverage | coffee | drink | hot | steaming | tea 咖啡 | 热饮 | 茶 | 饮料
8691CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🫖 -nameteapot 茶壶
8692CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🫖 –keywordsdrink | pot | tea | teapot 壶 | 茶 | 茶壶
8693CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍵 -nameteacup without handle 热茶
8694CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍵 –keywordsbeverage | cup | drink | tea | teacup | teacup without handle 杯 | 没有把手的茶杯 | 热茶 | 茶 | 饮料
8695CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍶 -namesake 清酒
8696CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍶 –keywordsbar | beverage | bottle | cup | drink | sake 清酒 | 瓶 | 酒杯 | 饮料
8697CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍾 -namebottle with popping cork 开香槟
8698CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍾 –keywordsbar | bottle | bottle with popping cork | cork | drink | popping 庆祝 | 开香槟 | 木塞 | 瓶子 | 香槟
8699CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍷 -namewine glass 葡萄酒
8700CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍷 –keywordsbar | beverage | drink | glass | wine 葡萄酒 | 酒 | 酒杯
8701CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍸 -namecocktail glass 鸡尾酒
8702CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍸 –keywordsbar | cocktail | drink | glass 杯 | 酒 | 鸡尾酒
8703CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍹 -nametropical drink 热带水果饮料
8704CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍹 –keywordsbar | drink | tropical 热带水果饮料 | 饮料
8705CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍺 -namebeer mug 啤酒
8706CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍺 –keywordsbar | beer | drink | mug 啤酒 | 杯 | 酒
8707CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍻 -nameclinking beer mugs 干杯
8708CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🍻 –keywordsbar | beer | clink | clinking beer mugs | drink | mug 啤酒 | 干杯 | 碰杯 | 酒
8709CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🥂 -nameclinking glasses 碰杯
8710CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🥂 –keywordscelebrate | clink | clinking glasses | drink | glass 喝 | 庆祝 | 杯 | 碰杯
8711CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🥃 -nametumbler glass 平底杯
8712CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🥃 –keywordsglass | liquor | shot | tumbler | whisky 威士忌 | 平底杯 | 杯 | 酒
8713CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🥤 -namecup with straw 带吸管杯
8714CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🥤 –keywordscup with straw | juice | soda 带吸管杯 | 果汁 | 苏打
8715CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🧋 -namebubble tea 珍珠奶茶
8716CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🧋 –keywordsbubble | milk | pearl | tea 泡泡 | 牛奶 | 珍珠 | 珍珠奶茶 | 茶
8717CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🧃 -namebeverage box 饮料盒
8718CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🧃 –keywordsbeverage | box | juice | straw | sweet 吸管 | 果汁盒 | 盒装 | 饮料盒
8719CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🧉 -namemate 马黛茶
8720CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🧉 –keywordsdrink | mate 茶 | 饮料 | 马黛茶
8721CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🧊 -nameice 冰块
8722CharactersFood & Drinkdrink🧊 –keywordscold | ice | ice cube | iceberg 冰块 | 冰山 | 冷却 | 冷饮
8723CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🥢 -namechopsticks 筷子
8724CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🥢 –keywordschopsticks | hashi 筷子 | 箸
8725CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🍽 -namefork and knife with plate 餐具
8726CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🍽 –keywordscooking | fork | fork and knife with plate | knife | plate 刀 | 叉 | 盘 | 餐具
8727CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🍴 -namefork and knife 刀叉
8728CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🍴 –keywordscooking | cutlery | fork | fork and knife | knife 刀 | 刀叉 | 叉 | 餐具
8729CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🥄 -namespoon
8730CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🥄 –keywordsspoon | tableware 匙 | 匙子 | 汤匙 | 调羹 | 餐具
8731CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🔪 -namekitchen knife 菜刀
8732CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🔪 –keywordscooking | hocho | kitchen knife | knife | tool | weapon 刀 | 武器 | 烹饪 | 菜刀
8733CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🏺 -nameamphora 双耳瓶
8734CharactersFood & Drinkdishware🏺 –keywordsamphora | Aquarius | cooking | drink | jug | zodiac 双耳瓶 | 壶 | 罐
8735CharactersTravel & Placesplace-map🌍 -nameglobe showing Europe-Africa 地球上的欧洲非洲
8736CharactersTravel & Placesplace-map🌍 –keywordsAfrica | earth | Europe | globe | globe showing Europe-Africa | world 世界 | 地球 | 地球上的欧洲非洲 | 欧洲 | 非洲
8737CharactersTravel & Placesplace-map🌎 -nameglobe showing Americas 地球上的美洲
8738CharactersTravel & Placesplace-map🌎 –keywordsAmericas | earth | globe | globe showing Americas | world 世界 | 地球 | 地球上的美洲 | 美洲
8739CharactersTravel & Placesplace-map🌏 -nameglobe showing Asia-Australia 地球上的亚洲澳洲
8740CharactersTravel & Placesplace-map🌏 –keywordsAsia | Australia | earth | globe | globe showing Asia-Australia | world 世界 | 亚洲 | 地球 | 地球上的亚洲澳洲 | 澳洲
8741CharactersTravel & Placesplace-map🌐 -nameglobe with meridians 带经纬线的地球
8742CharactersTravel & Placesplace-map🌐 –keywordsearth | globe | globe with meridians | meridians | world 世界 | 地球 | 子午线 | 带经纬线的地球 | 经纬
8743CharactersTravel & Placesplace-map🗺 -nameworld map 世界地图
8744CharactersTravel & Placesplace-map🗺 –keywordsmap | world 世界 | 世界地图 | 地图
8745CharactersTravel & Placesplace-map🗾 -namemap of Japan 日本地图
8746CharactersTravel & Placesplace-map🗾 –keywordsJapan | map | map of Japan 地图 | 日本 | 日本地图
8747CharactersTravel & Placesplace-map🧭 -namecompass 指南针
8748CharactersTravel & Placesplace-map🧭 –keywordscompass | magnetic | navigation | orienteering 定向 | 导航 | 指南针 | 磁性
8749CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🏔 -namesnow-capped mountain 雪山
8750CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🏔 –keywordscold | mountain | snow | snow-capped mountain 冷 | 山 | 雪 | 雪山
8751CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic⛰ -namemountain
8752CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic⛰ –keywordsmountain
8753CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🌋 -namevolcano 火山
8754CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🌋 –keywordseruption | mountain | volcano 喷发 | 山 | 火山 | 爆发
8755CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🗻 -namemount fuji 富士山
8756CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🗻 –keywordsfuji | mount fuji | mountain 富士山 | 山
8757CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🏕 -namecamping 露营
8758CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🏕 –keywordscamping 帐篷 | 露营
8759CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🏖 -namebeach with umbrella 沙滩伞
8760CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🏖 –keywordsbeach | beach with umbrella | umbrella 伞 | 沙滩 | 沙滩伞
8761CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🏜 -namedesert 沙漠
8762CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🏜 –keywordsdesert 沙漠 | 荒漠
8763CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🏝 -namedesert island 无人荒岛
8764CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🏝 –keywordsdesert | island 无人荒岛 | 荒岛
8765CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🏞 -namenational park 国家公园
8766CharactersTravel & Placesplace-geographic🏞 –keywordsnational park | park 公园 | 国家公园 | 自然 | 风景
8767CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏟 -namestadium 体育馆
8768CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏟 –keywordsstadium 体育馆
8769CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏛 -nameclassical building 古典建筑
8770CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏛 –keywordsclassical | classical building 古典 | 古典建筑 | 古建筑
8771CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏗 -namebuilding construction 施工
8772CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏗 –keywordsbuilding construction | construction 施工
8773CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🧱 -namebrick
8774CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🧱 –keywordsbrick | bricks | clay | mortar | wall 墙 | 砂浆 | 砖 | 黏土
8775CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🪨 -namerock 岩石
8776CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🪨 –keywordsboulder | heavy | rock | solid | stone 固体 | 岩石 | 巨石 | 石头
8777CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🪵 -namewood 木头
8778CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🪵 –keywordslog | lumber | timber | wood 原木 | 木头 | 木材
8779CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🛖 -namehut 小屋
8780CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🛖 –keywordshouse | hut | roundhouse | yurt 圆屋 | 小屋 | 蒙古包
8781CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏘 -namehouses 房屋建筑
8782CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏘 –keywordshouses 住宅 | 房 | 房屋建筑
8783CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏚 -namederelict house 废墟
8784CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏚 –keywordsderelict | house 废墟 | 荒宅 | 荒废 | 鬼屋
8785CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏠 -namehouse 房子
8786CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏠 –keywordshome | house 家 | 房子
8787CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏡 -namehouse with garden 别墅
8788CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏡 –keywordsgarden | home | house | house with garden 别墅 | 家 | 房子 | 花园
8789CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏢 -nameoffice building 办公楼
8790CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏢 –keywordsbuilding | office building 写字楼 | 办公楼
8791CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏣 -nameJapanese post office 日本邮局
8792CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏣 –keywordsJapanese | Japanese post office | post 日本 | 日本邮局 | 邮局
8793CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏤 -namepost office 邮局
8794CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏤 –keywordsEuropean | post | post office 欧洲 | 邮局
8795CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏥 -namehospital 医院
8796CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏥 –keywordsdoctor | hospital | medicine 医生 | 医院 | 看病
8797CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏦 -namebank 银行
8798CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏦 –keywordsbank | building 银行
8799CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏨 -namehotel 酒店
8800CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏨 –keywordsbuilding | hotel 旅馆 | 酒店
8801CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏩 -namelove hotel 情人酒店
8802CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏩 –keywordshotel | love 情人旅馆 | 情人酒店 | 情侣酒店
8803CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏪 -nameconvenience store 便利店
8804CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏪 –keywordsconvenience | store 便利店 | 商店
8805CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏫 -nameschool 学校
8806CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏫 –keywordsbuilding | school 学校 | 教学楼
8807CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏬 -namedepartment store 商场
8808CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏬 –keywordsdepartment | store 商场 | 百货商店
8809CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏭 -namefactory 工厂
8810CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏭 –keywordsbuilding | factory 工厂
8811CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏯 -nameJapanese castle 日本城堡
8812CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏯 –keywordscastle | Japanese 城堡 | 日本 | 日本城堡
8813CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏰 -namecastle 欧洲城堡
8814CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🏰 –keywordscastle | European 城堡 | 欧洲 | 欧洲城堡
8815CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building💒 -namewedding 婚礼
8816CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building💒 –keywordschapel | romance | wedding 婚礼 | 教堂 | 浪漫 | 结婚
8817CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🗼 -nameTokyo tower 东京塔
8818CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🗼 –keywordsTokyo | tower 东京 | 东京塔 | 塔
8819CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🗽 -nameStatue of Liberty 自由女神像
8820CharactersTravel & Placesplace-building🗽 –keywordsliberty | statue | Statue of Liberty 自由 | 自由女神像 | 雕塑
8821CharactersTravel & Placesplace-religious⛪ -namechurch 教堂
8822CharactersTravel & Placesplace-religious⛪ –keywordsChristian | church | cross | religion 基督 | 宗教 | 教堂
8823CharactersTravel & Placesplace-religious🕌 -namemosque 清真寺
8824CharactersTravel & Placesplace-religious🕌 –keywordsislam | mosque | Muslim | religion 伊斯兰 | 宗教 | 清真寺 | 穆斯林
8825CharactersTravel & Placesplace-religious🛕 -namehindu temple 印度寺庙
8826CharactersTravel & Placesplace-religious🛕 –keywordshindu | temple 佛寺 | 佛教 | 印度寺庙 | 寺庙 | 寺院 | 庙宇
8827CharactersTravel & Placesplace-religious🕍 -namesynagogue 犹太教堂
8828CharactersTravel & Placesplace-religious🕍 –keywordsJew | Jewish | religion | synagogue | temple 会堂 | 宗教 | 犹太 | 犹太教堂
8829CharactersTravel & Placesplace-religious⛩ -nameshinto shrine 神社
8830CharactersTravel & Placesplace-religious⛩ –keywordsreligion | shinto | shrine 宗教 | 日本 | 神社 | 神道教
8831CharactersTravel & Placesplace-religious🕋 -namekaaba 克尔白
8832CharactersTravel & Placesplace-religious🕋 –keywordsislam | kaaba | Muslim | religion 伊斯兰 | 克尔白 | 天房 | 宗教 | 穆斯林
8833CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other⛲ -namefountain 喷泉
8834CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other⛲ –keywordsfountain 喷泉
8835CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other⛺ -nametent 帐篷
8836CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other⛺ –keywordscamping | tent 帐篷 | 露营
8837CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌁 -namefoggy 有雾
8838CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌁 –keywordsfog | foggy 有雾 | 雾 | 霾
8839CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌃 -namenight with stars 夜晚
8840CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌃 –keywordsnight | night with stars | star 夜晚 | 星空 | 晚上
8841CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🏙 -namecityscape 城市风光
8842CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🏙 –keywordscity | cityscape 城市风光 | 都市 | 都市景观 | 高楼大厦
8843CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌄 -namesunrise over mountains 山顶日出
8844CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌄 –keywordsmorning | mountain | sun | sunrise | sunrise over mountains 太阳 | 山 | 山顶日出 | 日出 | 清晨
8845CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌅 -namesunrise 日出
8846CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌅 –keywordsmorning | sun | sunrise 太阳 | 日出 | 清晨
8847CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌆 -namecityscape at dusk 城市黄昏
8848CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌆 –keywordscity | cityscape at dusk | dusk | evening | landscape | sunset 城市黄昏 | 夜晚 | 日落 | 都市 | 黄昏
8849CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌇 -namesunset 日落
8850CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌇 –keywordsdusk | sun | sunset 夕阳 | 日落
8851CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌉 -namebridge at night 夜幕下的桥
8852CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🌉 –keywordsbridge | bridge at night | night 夜幕下的桥 | 晚上 | 桥
8853CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other♨ -namehot springs 温泉
8854CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other♨ –keywordshot | hotsprings | springs | steaming 水 | 泉 | 温泉 | 热气腾腾
8855CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🎠 -namecarousel horse 旋转木马
8856CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🎠 –keywordscarousel | horse 旋转木马 | 木马 | 游乐园
8857CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🎡 -nameferris wheel 摩天轮
8858CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🎡 –keywordsamusement park | ferris | wheel 摩天轮 | 游乐园
8859CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🎢 -nameroller coaster 过山车
8860CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🎢 –keywordsamusement park | coaster | roller 游乐园 | 过山车
8861CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other💈 -namebarber pole 理发店
8862CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other💈 –keywordsbarber | haircut | pole 旋转 | 柱 | 理发 | 理发店
8863CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🎪 -namecircus tent 马戏团帐篷
8864CharactersTravel & Placesplace-other🎪 –keywordscircus | tent 帐篷 | 马戏团 | 马戏团帐篷
8865CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚂 -namelocomotive 蒸汽火车
8866CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚂 –keywordsengine | locomotive | railway | steam | train 火车 | 蒸汽 | 蒸汽火车
8867CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚃 -namerailway car 轨道车
8868CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚃 –keywordscar | electric | railway | train | tram | trolleybus 电车 | 轨道车
8869CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚄 -namehigh-speed train 高速列车
8870CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚄 –keywordshigh-speed train | railway | shinkansen | speed | train 动车 | 新干线 | 火车 | 高速列车 | 高铁
8871CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚅 -namebullet train 子弹头高速列车
8872CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚅 –keywordsbullet | railway | shinkansen | speed | train 动车 | 子弹头高速列车 | 新干线 | 火车 | 高速 | 高铁
8873CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚆 -nametrain 火车
8874CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚆 –keywordsrailway | train 火车 | 铁路
8875CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚇 -namemetro 地铁
8876CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚇 –keywordsmetro | subway 地铁
8877CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚈 -namelight rail 轻轨
8878CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚈 –keywordslight rail | railway 火车 | 轻轨
8879CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚉 -namestation 车站
8880CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚉 –keywordsrailway | station | train 火车 | 车站 | 铁路
8881CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚊 -nametram 路面电车
8882CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚊 –keywordstram | trolleybus 电车 | 路面电车
8883CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚝 -namemonorail 单轨
8884CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚝 –keywordsmonorail | vehicle 单轨 | 火车
8885CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚞 -namemountain railway 山区铁路
8886CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚞 –keywordscar | mountain | railway 山区 | 山区铁路 | 火车 | 铁路
8887CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚋 -nametram car 有轨电车
8888CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚋 –keywordscar | tram | trolleybus 有轨电车
8889CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚌 -namebus 公交车
8890CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚌 –keywordsbus | vehicle 公交车 | 公共汽车 | 大巴
8891CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚍 -nameoncoming bus 迎面驶来的公交车
8892CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚍 –keywordsbus | oncoming 公共汽车 | 大巴 | 迎面驶来 | 迎面驶来的公交车
8893CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚎 -nametrolleybus 无轨电车
8894CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚎 –keywordsbus | tram | trolley | trolleybus 无轨电车 | 电车
8895CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚐 -nameminibus 小巴
8896CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚐 –keywordsbus | minibus 公共汽车 | 小巴
8897CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚑 -nameambulance 救护车
8898CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚑 –keywordsambulance | vehicle 急救 | 救护车
8899CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚒 -namefire engine 消防车
8900CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚒 –keywordsengine | fire | truck 救火车 | 消防车
8901CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚓 -namepolice car 警车
8902CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚓 –keywordscar | patrol | police 警察 | 警车 | 巡逻
8903CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚔 -nameoncoming police car 迎面驶来的警车
8904CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚔 –keywordscar | oncoming | police 警察 | 警车 | 迎面驶来的警车
8905CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚕 -nametaxi 出租车
8906CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚕 –keywordstaxi | vehicle 出租车 | 的士
8907CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚖 -nameoncoming taxi 迎面驶来的出租车
8908CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚖 –keywordsoncoming | taxi 出租车 | 的士 | 迎面驶来的出租车
8909CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚗 -nameautomobile 汽车
8910CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚗 –keywordsautomobile | car 汽车 | 轿车
8911CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚘 -nameoncoming automobile 迎面驶来的汽车
8912CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚘 –keywordsautomobile | car | oncoming 轿车 | 迎面驶来的汽车
8913CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚙 -namesport utility vehicle 运动型多用途车
8914CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚙 –keywordsrecreational | sport utility | sport utility vehicle SUV | 休闲车 | 运动型多用途车
8915CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🛻 -namepickup truck 敞蓬小型载货卡车
8916CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🛻 –keywordspick-up | pickup | truck 卡车 | 敞蓬小型载货卡车 | 载货
8917CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚚 -namedelivery truck 货车
8918CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚚 –keywordsdelivery | truck 卡车 | 货车
8919CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚛 -namearticulated lorry 铰接式货车
8920CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚛 –keywordsarticulated lorry | lorry | semi | truck 卡车 | 拖车 | 铰接式货车
8921CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚜 -nametractor 拖拉机
8922CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚜 –keywordstractor | vehicle 拖拉机
8923CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🏎 -nameracing car 赛车
8924CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🏎 –keywordscar | racing 赛车 | 跑车
8925CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🏍 -namemotorcycle 摩托车
8926CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🏍 –keywordsmotorcycle | racing 摩托 | 摩托车
8927CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🛵 -namemotor scooter 小型摩托车
8928CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🛵 –keywordsmotor | scooter 小型摩托车
8929CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🦽 -namemanual wheelchair 手动轮椅
8930CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🦽 –keywordsaccessibility | manual wheelchair 手动轮椅 | 无障碍 | 轮椅
8931CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🦼 -namemotorized wheelchair 电动轮椅
8932CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🦼 –keywordsaccessibility | motorized wheelchair 无障碍 | 电动轮椅 | 轮椅
8933CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🛺 -nameauto rickshaw 三轮摩托车
8934CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🛺 –keywordsauto rickshaw | tuk tuk 三脚鸡 | 三蹦子 | 三轮摩托车 | 嘟嘟车 | 自动人力车
8935CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚲 -namebicycle 自行车
8936CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚲 –keywordsbicycle | bike 单车 | 脚踏车 | 自行车
8937CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🛴 -namekick scooter 滑板车
8938CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🛴 –keywordskick | scooter 滑板车
8939CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🛹 -nameskateboard 滑板
8940CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🛹 –keywordsboard | skateboard 板 | 滑板
8941CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🛼 -nameroller skate 四轮滑冰鞋
8942CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🛼 –keywordsroller | skate 四轮滑冰鞋 | 滑冰 | 轮式
8943CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚏 -namebus stop 公交车站
8944CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚏 –keywordsbus | busstop | stop 公交站 | 公交车站 | 公共汽车站
8945CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🛣 -namemotorway 高速公路
8946CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🛣 –keywordshighway | motorway | road 公路 | 高速公路
8947CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🛤 -namerailway track 铁轨
8948CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🛤 –keywordsrailway | railway track | train 火车 | 铁路 | 铁轨
8949CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🛢 -nameoil drum 石油桶
8950CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🛢 –keywordsdrum | oil 桶 | 石油桶
8951CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground⛽ -namefuel pump 油泵
8952CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground⛽ –keywordsdiesel | fuel | fuelpump | gas | pump | station 加油站 | 柴油 | 油泵 | 燃油
8953CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚨 -namepolice car light 警车灯
8954CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚨 –keywordsbeacon | car | light | police | revolving 灯 | 警报 | 警灯 | 警示 | 警车灯
8955CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚥 -namehorizontal traffic light 横向的红绿灯
8956CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚥 –keywordshorizontal traffic light | light | signal | traffic 交通灯 | 信号灯 | 横向的红绿灯 | 红绿灯
8957CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚦 -namevertical traffic light 纵向的红绿灯
8958CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚦 –keywordslight | signal | traffic | vertical traffic light 交通灯 | 信号灯 | 红绿灯 | 纵向的红绿灯
8959CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🛑 -namestop sign 停止标志
8960CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🛑 –keywordsoctagonal | sign | stop 停止标志 | 八边形 | 标志
8961CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚧 -nameconstruction 路障
8962CharactersTravel & Placestransport-ground🚧 –keywordsbarrier | construction 施工 | 路障
8963CharactersTravel & Placestransport-water⚓ -nameanchor
8964CharactersTravel & Placestransport-water⚓ –keywordsanchor | ship | tool 停泊 | 船 | 锚
8965CharactersTravel & Placestransport-water⛵ -namesailboat 帆船
8966CharactersTravel & Placestransport-water⛵ –keywordsboat | resort | sailboat | sea | yacht 帆船 | 船
8967CharactersTravel & Placestransport-water🛶 -namecanoe 独木舟
8968CharactersTravel & Placestransport-water🛶 –keywordsboat | canoe 独木舟
8969CharactersTravel & Placestransport-water🚤 -namespeedboat 快艇
8970CharactersTravel & Placestransport-water🚤 –keywordsboat | speedboat 快艇 | 船
8971CharactersTravel & Placestransport-water🛳 -namepassenger ship 客轮
8972CharactersTravel & Placestransport-water🛳 –keywordspassenger | ship 客船 | 客轮
8973CharactersTravel & Placestransport-water⛴ -nameferry 渡轮
8974CharactersTravel & Placestransport-water⛴ –keywordsboat | ferry | passenger 渡船 | 渡轮 | 轮船
8975CharactersTravel & Placestransport-water🛥 -namemotor boat 摩托艇
8976CharactersTravel & Placestransport-water🛥 –keywordsboat | motor boat | motorboat 摩托艇 | 船
8977CharactersTravel & Placestransport-water🚢 -nameship
8978CharactersTravel & Placestransport-water🚢 –keywordsboat | passenger | ship
8979CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air✈ -nameairplane 飞机
8980CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air✈ –keywordsaeroplane | airplane 飞机
8981CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air🛩 -namesmall airplane 小型飞机
8982CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air🛩 –keywordsaeroplane | airplane | small airplane 小型飞机 | 飞机
8983CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air🛫 -nameairplane departure 航班起飞
8984CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air🛫 –keywordsaeroplane | airplane | check-in | departure | departures 值机 | 登机 | 航班起飞 | 起飞
8985CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air🛬 -nameairplane arrival 航班降落
8986CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air🛬 –keywordsaeroplane | airplane | airplane arrival | arrivals | arriving | landing 到达 | 航班降落 | 降落
8987CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air🪂 -nameparachute 降落伞
8988CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air🪂 –keywordshang-glide | parachute | parasail | skydive 帆伞 | 悬挂滑翔 | 滑翔 | 滑翔伞 | 跳伞 | 降落伞
8989CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air💺 -nameseat 座位
8990CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air💺 –keywordschair | seat 座位 | 椅子
8991CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air🚁 -namehelicopter 直升机
8992CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air🚁 –keywordshelicopter | vehicle 直升机 | 直升飞机
8993CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air🚟 -namesuspension railway 空轨
8994CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air🚟 –keywordsrailway | suspension 悬挂 | 空中轨道列车 | 空轨
8995CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air🚠 -namemountain cableway 缆车
8996CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air🚠 –keywordscable | gondola | mountain | mountain cableway 空中 | 索道 | 缆车
8997CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air🚡 -nameaerial tramway 索道
8998CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air🚡 –keywordsaerial | cable | car | gondola | tramway 空中 | 索道 | 缆车
8999CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air🛰 -namesatellite 卫星
9000CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air🛰 –keywordssatellite | space 卫星 | 太空
9001CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air🚀 -namerocket 火箭
9002CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air🚀 –keywordsrocket | space 太空 | 火箭
9003CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air🛸 -nameflying saucer 飞碟
9004CharactersTravel & Placestransport-air🛸 –keywordsflying saucer | UFO UFO | 不明飞行物 | 飞碟
9005CharactersTravel & Placeshotel🛎 -namebellhop bell 服务铃
9006CharactersTravel & Placeshotel🛎 –keywordsbell | bellhop | hotel 服务铃 | 酒店 | 铃
9007CharactersTravel & Placeshotel🧳 -nameluggage 行李箱
9008CharactersTravel & Placeshotel🧳 –keywordsluggage | packing | travel 包装 | 旅行 | 行李箱
9009CharactersTravel & Placestime⌛ -namehourglass done 沙漏
9010CharactersTravel & Placestime⌛ –keywordshourglass done | sand | timer 沙漏 | 计时器
9011CharactersTravel & Placestime⏳ -namehourglass not done 沙正往下流的沙漏
9012CharactersTravel & Placestime⏳ –keywordshourglass | hourglass not done | sand | timer 沙正往下流的沙漏 | 计时器
9013CharactersTravel & Placestime⌚ -namewatch 手表
9014CharactersTravel & Placestime⌚ –keywordsclock | watch 手表 | 表
9015CharactersTravel & Placestime⏰ -namealarm clock 闹钟
9016CharactersTravel & Placestime⏰ –keywordsalarm | clock 钟 | 闹钟
9017CharactersTravel & Placestime⏱ -namestopwatch 秒表
9018CharactersTravel & Placestime⏱ –keywordsclock | stopwatch 码表 | 秒表 | 计时器
9019CharactersTravel & Placestime⏲ -nametimer clock 定时器
9020CharactersTravel & Placestime⏲ –keywordsclock | timer 定时器 | 计时器
9021CharactersTravel & Placestime🕰 -namemantelpiece clock 座钟
9022CharactersTravel & Placestime🕰 –keywordsclock | mantelpiece clock 台钟 | 壁炉钟 | 座钟
9023CharactersTravel & Placestime🕛 -nametwelve o’clock 十二点
9024CharactersTravel & Placestime🕛 –keywords00 | 12 | 12:00 | clock | o’clock | twelve 12:00 | 十二点
9025CharactersTravel & Placestime🕧 -nametwelve-thirty 十二点半
9026CharactersTravel & Placestime🕧 –keywords12 | 12:30 | clock | thirty | twelve | twelve-thirty 12:30 | 十二点半
9027CharactersTravel & Placestime🕐 -nameone o’clock 一点
9028CharactersTravel & Placestime🕐 –keywords00 | 1 | 1:00 | clock | o’clock | one 1:00 | 一点
9029CharactersTravel & Placestime🕜 -nameone-thirty 一点半
9030CharactersTravel & Placestime🕜 –keywords1 | 1:30 | clock | one | one-thirty | thirty 1:30 | 一点半
9031CharactersTravel & Placestime🕑 -nametwo o’clock 两点
9032CharactersTravel & Placestime🕑 –keywords00 | 2 | 2:00 | clock | o’clock | two 2:00 | 两点
9033CharactersTravel & Placestime🕝 -nametwo-thirty 两点半
9034CharactersTravel & Placestime🕝 –keywords2 | 2:30 | clock | thirty | two | two-thirty 2:30 | 两点半
9035CharactersTravel & Placestime🕒 -namethree o’clock 三点
9036CharactersTravel & Placestime🕒 –keywords00 | 3 | 3:00 | clock | o’clock | three 3:00 | 三点
9037CharactersTravel & Placestime🕞 -namethree-thirty 三点半
9038CharactersTravel & Placestime🕞 –keywords3 | 3:30 | clock | thirty | three | three-thirty 3:30 | 三点半
9039CharactersTravel & Placestime🕓 -namefour o’clock 四点
9040CharactersTravel & Placestime🕓 –keywords00 | 4 | 4:00 | clock | four | o’clock 4:00 | 四点
9041CharactersTravel & Placestime🕟 -namefour-thirty 四点半
9042CharactersTravel & Placestime🕟 –keywords4 | 4:30 | clock | four | four-thirty | thirty 4:30 | 四点半
9043CharactersTravel & Placestime🕔 -namefive o’clock 五点
9044CharactersTravel & Placestime🕔 –keywords00 | 5 | 5:00 | clock | five | o’clock 5:00 | 五点
9045CharactersTravel & Placestime🕠 -namefive-thirty 五点半
9046CharactersTravel & Placestime🕠 –keywords5 | 5:30 | clock | five | five-thirty | thirty 5:30 | 五点半
9047CharactersTravel & Placestime🕕 -namesix o’clock 六点
9048CharactersTravel & Placestime🕕 –keywords00 | 6 | 6:00 | clock | o’clock | six 6:00 | 六点
9049CharactersTravel & Placestime🕡 -namesix-thirty 六点半
9050CharactersTravel & Placestime🕡 –keywords6 | 6:30 | clock | six | six-thirty | thirty 6:30 | 六点半
9051CharactersTravel & Placestime🕖 -nameseven o’clock 七点
9052CharactersTravel & Placestime🕖 –keywords00 | 7 | 7:00 | clock | o’clock | seven 7:00 | 七点
9053CharactersTravel & Placestime🕢 -nameseven-thirty 七点半
9054CharactersTravel & Placestime🕢 –keywords7 | 7:30 | clock | seven | seven-thirty | thirty 7:30 | 七点半
9055CharactersTravel & Placestime🕗 -nameeight o’clock 八点
9056CharactersTravel & Placestime🕗 –keywords00 | 8 | 8:00 | clock | eight | o’clock 8:00 | 八点
9057CharactersTravel & Placestime🕣 -nameeight-thirty 八点半
9058CharactersTravel & Placestime🕣 –keywords8 | 8:30 | clock | eight | eight-thirty | thirty 8:30 | 八点半
9059CharactersTravel & Placestime🕘 -namenine o’clock 九点
9060CharactersTravel & Placestime🕘 –keywords00 | 9 | 9:00 | clock | nine | o’clock 9:00 | 九点
9061CharactersTravel & Placestime🕤 -namenine-thirty 九点半
9062CharactersTravel & Placestime🕤 –keywords9 | 9:30 | clock | nine | nine-thirty | thirty 9:30 | 九点半
9063CharactersTravel & Placestime🕙 -nameten o’clock 十点
9064CharactersTravel & Placestime🕙 –keywords00 | 10 | 10:00 | clock | o’clock | ten 10:00 | 十点
9065CharactersTravel & Placestime🕥 -nameten-thirty 十点半
9066CharactersTravel & Placestime🕥 –keywords10 | 10:30 | clock | ten | ten-thirty | thirty 10:30 | 十点半
9067CharactersTravel & Placestime🕚 -nameeleven o’clock 十一点
9068CharactersTravel & Placestime🕚 –keywords00 | 11 | 11:00 | clock | eleven | o’clock 11:00 | 十一点
9069CharactersTravel & Placestime🕦 -nameeleven-thirty 十一点半
9070CharactersTravel & Placestime🕦 –keywords11 | 11:30 | clock | eleven | eleven-thirty | thirty 11:30 | 十一点半
9071CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌑 -namenew moon 朔月
9072CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌑 –keywordsdark | moon | new moon 新月 | 月亮 | 朔月
9073CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌒 -namewaxing crescent moon 娥眉月
9074CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌒 –keywordscrescent | moon | waxing 三日月 | 娥眉月 | 弯月 | 月亮 | 眉月
9075CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌓 -namefirst quarter moon 上弦月
9076CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌓 –keywordsfirst quarter moon | moon | quarter 上弦月 | 月亮
9077CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌔 -namewaxing gibbous moon 盈凸月
9078CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌔 –keywordsgibbous | moon | waxing 月亮 | 盈凸月
9079CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌕 -namefull moon 满月
9080CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌕 –keywordsfull | moon 月亮 | 望月 | 满月
9081CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌖 -namewaning gibbous moon 亏凸月
9082CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌖 –keywordsgibbous | moon | waning 亏凸月 | 月亮
9083CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌗 -namelast quarter moon 下弦月
9084CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌗 –keywordslast quarter moon | moon | quarter 下弦月 | 月亮
9085CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌘 -namewaning crescent moon 残月
9086CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌘 –keywordscrescent | moon | waning 亏眉月 | 弯月 | 月亮 | 残月
9087CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌙 -namecrescent moon 弯月
9088CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌙 –keywordscrescent | moon 娥眉月 | 弯月 | 月亮
9089CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌚 -namenew moon face 微笑的朔月
9090CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌚 –keywordsface | moon | new moon face 微笑的朔月 | 月亮 | 朔月
9091CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌛 -namefirst quarter moon face 微笑的上弦月
9092CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌛 –keywordsface | first quarter moon face | moon | quarter 微笑的上弦月 | 月亮 | 蛾眉月
9093CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌜 -namelast quarter moon face 微笑的下弦月
9094CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌜 –keywordsface | last quarter moon face | moon | quarter 微笑的下弦月 | 月亮 | 残月
9095CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌡 -namethermometer 温度计
9096CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌡 –keywordsthermometer | weather 天气 | 气温 | 温度计
9097CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather☀ -namesun 太阳
9098CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather☀ –keywordsbright | rays | sun | sunny 太阳 | 晴 | 晴天
9099CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌝 -namefull moon face 微笑的月亮
9100CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌝 –keywordsbright | face | full | moon 微笑的月亮 | 月亮 | 望月 | 满月
9101CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌞 -namesun with face 微笑的太阳
9102CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌞 –keywordsbright | face | sun | sun with face 太阳 | 微笑的太阳
9103CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🪐 -nameringed planet 有环行星
9104CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🪐 –keywordsringed planet | saturn | saturnine 土星 | 有环行星
9105CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather⭐ -namestar 星星
9106CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather⭐ –keywordsstar 五角星 | 星星
9107CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌟 -nameglowing star 闪亮的星星
9108CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌟 –keywordsglittery | glow | glowing star | shining | sparkle | star 发光 | 星星 | 闪亮的星星
9109CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌠 -nameshooting star 流星
9110CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌠 –keywordsfalling | shooting | star 流星
9111CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌌 -namemilky way 银河
9112CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌌 –keywordsmilky way | space 星空 | 银河
9113CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather☁ -namecloud
9114CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather☁ –keywordscloud | weather 云 | 阴
9115CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather⛅ -namesun behind cloud
9116CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather⛅ –keywordscloud | sun | sun behind cloud 乌云蔽日 | 多云 | 阴
9117CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather⛈ -namecloud with lightning and rain 雷阵雨
9118CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather⛈ –keywordscloud | cloud with lightning and rain | rain | thunder 阵雨 | 雨 | 雷阵雨
9119CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌤 -namesun behind small cloud 晴偶有云
9120CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌤 –keywordscloud | sun | sun behind small cloud 云 | 太阳 | 少云 | 晴偶有云
9121CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌥 -namesun behind large cloud 多云
9122CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌥 –keywordscloud | sun | sun behind large cloud 云 | 多云 | 太阳
9123CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌦 -namesun behind rain cloud 晴转雨
9124CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌦 –keywordscloud | rain | sun | sun behind rain cloud 云 | 太阳 | 晴转雨 | 雨
9125CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌧 -namecloud with rain 下雨
9126CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌧 –keywordscloud | cloud with rain | rain 下雨 | 云 | 雨
9127CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌨 -namecloud with snow 下雪
9128CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌨 –keywordscloud | cloud with snow | cold | snow 下雪 | 云 | 雪
9129CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌩 -namecloud with lightning 打雷
9130CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌩 –keywordscloud | cloud with lightning | lightning 云 | 打雷 | 闪电 | 雷
9131CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌪 -nametornado 龙卷风
9132CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌪 –keywordscloud | tornado | whirlwind 云 | 旋风 | 龙卷风
9133CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌫 -namefog
9134CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌫 –keywordscloud | fog 雾 | 霾
9135CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌬 -namewind face 大风
9136CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌬 –keywordsblow | cloud | face | wind 大风 | 狂风
9137CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌀 -namecyclone 台风
9138CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌀 –keywordscyclone | dizzy | hurricane | twister | typhoon 台风 | 旋风 | 飓风
9139CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌈 -namerainbow 彩虹
9140CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌈 –keywordsrain | rainbow 彩虹
9141CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌂 -nameclosed umbrella 收起的伞
9142CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌂 –keywordsclosed umbrella | clothing | rain | umbrella 伞 | 收起的伞 | 雨 | 雨伞
9143CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather☂ -nameumbrella
9144CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather☂ –keywordsclothing | rain | umbrella 伞 | 雨 | 雨伞
9145CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather☔ -nameumbrella with rain drops 雨伞
9146CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather☔ –keywordsclothing | drop | rain | umbrella | umbrella with rain drops 下雨 | 雨伞 | 雨滴
9147CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather⛱ -nameumbrella on ground 阳伞
9148CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather⛱ –keywordsrain | sun | umbrella | umbrella on ground 伞 | 阳伞
9149CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather⚡ -namehigh voltage 高压
9150CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather⚡ –keywordsdanger | electric | high voltage | lightning | voltage | zap 危险 | 有电 | 闪电 | 高压
9151CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather❄ -namesnowflake 雪花
9152CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather❄ –keywordscold | snow | snowflake 冷 | 雪 | 雪花
9153CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather☃ -namesnowman 雪与雪人
9154CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather☃ –keywordscold | snow | snowman 雪 | 雪与雪人 | 雪人
9155CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather⛄ -namesnowman without snow 雪人
9156CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather⛄ –keywordscold | snow | snowman | snowman without snow 雪人
9157CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather☄ -namecomet 彗星
9158CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather☄ –keywordscomet | space 太空 | 彗星
9159CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🔥 -namefire 火焰
9160CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🔥 –keywordsfire | flame | tool 火 | 火焰
9161CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather💧 -namedroplet 水滴
9162CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather💧 –keywordscold | comic | drop | droplet | sweat 冷 | 水 | 水滴
9163CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌊 -namewater wave 浪花
9164CharactersTravel & Placessky & weather🌊 –keywordsocean | water | wave 波浪 | 浪花 | 海洋
9165CharactersActivitiesevent🎃 -namejack-o-lantern 南瓜灯
9166CharactersActivitiesevent🎃 –keywordscelebration | halloween | jack | jack-o-lantern | lantern 万圣节 | 南瓜灯 | 庆祝 | 灯笼
9167CharactersActivitiesevent🎄 -nameChristmas tree 圣诞树
9168CharactersActivitiesevent🎄 –keywordscelebration | Christmas | tree 圣诞 | 圣诞树 | 庆祝 | 树
9169CharactersActivitiesevent🎆 -namefireworks 焰火
9170CharactersActivitiesevent🎆 –keywordscelebration | fireworks 庆祝 | 烟花 | 焰火
9171CharactersActivitiesevent🎇 -namesparkler 烟花
9172CharactersActivitiesevent🎇 –keywordscelebration | fireworks | sparkle | sparkler 庆祝 | 火花 | 烟火 | 烟花 | 焰火
9173CharactersActivitiesevent🧨 -namefirecracker 爆竹
9174CharactersActivitiesevent🧨 –keywordsdynamite | explosive | firecracker | fireworks 炸药 | 烟花 | 爆炸 | 爆竹
9175CharactersActivitiesevent✨ -namesparkles 闪亮
9176CharactersActivitiesevent✨ –keywords* | sparkle | sparkles | star 星星 | 火花 | 闪亮 | 闪光 | 闪耀
9177CharactersActivitiesevent🎈 -nameballoon 气球
9178CharactersActivitiesevent🎈 –keywordsballoon | celebration 庆祝 | 气球
9179CharactersActivitiesevent🎉 -nameparty popper 拉炮彩带
9180CharactersActivitiesevent🎉 –keywordscelebration | party | popper | tada 庆祝 | 彩带 | 拉炮彩带 | 派对 | 派对礼宾花
9181CharactersActivitiesevent🎊 -nameconfetti ball 五彩纸屑球
9182CharactersActivitiesevent🎊 –keywordsball | celebration | confetti 五彩纸屑球 | 庆祝 | 球
9183CharactersActivitiesevent🎋 -nametanabata tree 七夕树
9184CharactersActivitiesevent🎋 –keywordsbanner | celebration | Japanese | tanabata tree | tree 七夕 | 七夕树 | 庆祝 | 日本 | 树
9185CharactersActivitiesevent🎍 -namepine decoration 门松
9186CharactersActivitiesevent🎍 –keywordsbamboo | celebration | Japanese | pine | pine decoration 庆祝 | 日本 | 松树 | 盆栽 | 竹 | 门松
9187CharactersActivitiesevent🎎 -nameJapanese dolls 日本人形
9188CharactersActivitiesevent🎎 –keywordscelebration | doll | festival | Japanese | Japanese dolls 人偶 | 庆祝 | 日本人形 | 节日
9189CharactersActivitiesevent🎏 -namecarp streamer 鲤鱼旗
9190CharactersActivitiesevent🎏 –keywordscarp | celebration | streamer 庆祝 | 日本 | 男孩节 | 长旗 | 鲤鱼旗
9191CharactersActivitiesevent🎐 -namewind chime 风铃
9192CharactersActivitiesevent🎐 –keywordsbell | celebration | chime | wind 庆祝 | 铃铛 | 风铃
9193CharactersActivitiesevent🎑 -namemoon viewing ceremony 赏月
9194CharactersActivitiesevent🎑 –keywordscelebration | ceremony | moon | moon viewing ceremony 中秋 | 庆祝 | 月亮 | 赏月
9195CharactersActivitiesevent🧧 -namered envelope 红包
9196CharactersActivitiesevent🧧 –keywordsgift | good luck | hóngbāo | lai see | money | red envelope 利是 | 礼物 | 红包 | 运气 | 钱
9197CharactersActivitiesevent🎀 -nameribbon 蝴蝶结
9198CharactersActivitiesevent🎀 –keywordscelebration | ribbon 丝带 | 庆祝 | 缎带 | 蝴蝶结
9199CharactersActivitiesevent🎁 -namewrapped gift 礼物
9200CharactersActivitiesevent🎁 –keywordsbox | celebration | gift | present | wrapped 包装 | 庆祝 | 盒子 | 礼品 | 礼物
9201CharactersActivitiesevent🎗 -namereminder ribbon 提示丝带
9202CharactersActivitiesevent🎗 –keywordscelebration | reminder | ribbon 丝带 | 庆祝 | 提示丝带 | 暗示
9203CharactersActivitiesevent🎟 -nameadmission tickets 入场券
9204CharactersActivitiesevent🎟 –keywordsadmission | admission tickets | ticket 入场券 | 票 | 门票
9205CharactersActivitiesevent🎫 -nameticket
9206CharactersActivitiesevent🎫 –keywordsadmission | ticket 入场券 | 电影票 | 票 | 车票 | 门票
9207CharactersActivitiesaward-medal🎖 -namemilitary medal 军功章
9208CharactersActivitiesaward-medal🎖 –keywordscelebration | medal | military 军功章 | 军队 | 勋章 | 奖章
9209CharactersActivitiesaward-medal🏆 -nametrophy 奖杯
9210CharactersActivitiesaward-medal🏆 –keywordsprize | trophy 奖励 | 奖品 | 奖杯 | 奖赏
9211CharactersActivitiesaward-medal🏅 -namesports medal 奖牌
9212CharactersActivitiesaward-medal🏅 –keywordsmedal | sports medal 奖牌 | 运动会奖牌
9213CharactersActivitiesaward-medal🥇 -name1st place medal 金牌
9214CharactersActivitiesaward-medal🥇 –keywords1st place medal | first | gold | medal 奖牌 | 第一 | 金牌
9215CharactersActivitiesaward-medal🥈 -name2nd place medal 银牌
9216CharactersActivitiesaward-medal🥈 –keywords2nd place medal | medal | second | silver 奖牌 | 第二 | 银牌
9217CharactersActivitiesaward-medal🥉 -name3rd place medal 铜牌
9218CharactersActivitiesaward-medal🥉 –keywords3rd place medal | bronze | medal | third 奖牌 | 第三 | 铜牌
9219CharactersActivitiessport⚽ -namesoccer ball 足球
9220CharactersActivitiessport⚽ –keywordsball | football | soccer 球 | 英式足球 | 足球
9221CharactersActivitiessport⚾ -namebaseball 棒球
9222CharactersActivitiessport⚾ –keywordsball | baseball 棒球 | 球
9223CharactersActivitiessport🥎 -namesoftball 垒球
9224CharactersActivitiessport🥎 –keywordsball | glove | softball | underarm 垒球 | 手套 | 球 | 腋下
9225CharactersActivitiessport🏀 -namebasketball 篮球
9226CharactersActivitiessport🏀 –keywordsball | basketball | hoop 球 | 篮球 | 篮筐
9227CharactersActivitiessport🏐 -namevolleyball 排球
9228CharactersActivitiessport🏐 –keywordsball | game | volleyball 排球 | 球
9229CharactersActivitiessport🏈 -nameamerican football 美式橄榄球
9230CharactersActivitiessport🏈 –keywordsamerican | ball | football 橄榄球 | 球 | 美式橄榄球
9231CharactersActivitiessport🏉 -namerugby football 英式橄榄球
9232CharactersActivitiessport🏉 –keywordsball | football | rugby 橄榄球 | 球 | 英式橄榄球
9233CharactersActivitiessport🎾 -nametennis 网球
9234CharactersActivitiessport🎾 –keywordsball | racquet | tennis 球 | 球拍 | 网球
9235CharactersActivitiessport🥏 -nameflying disc 飞盘
9236CharactersActivitiessport🥏 –keywordsflying disc | ultimate 极限 | 极限运动 | 终极 | 飞盘
9237CharactersActivitiessport🎳 -namebowling 保龄球
9238CharactersActivitiessport🎳 –keywordsball | bowling | game 保龄球 | 球
9239CharactersActivitiessport🏏 -namecricket game 板球
9240CharactersActivitiessport🏏 –keywordsball | bat | cricket game | game 板球 | 球 | 球拍
9241CharactersActivitiessport🏑 -namefield hockey 曲棍球
9242CharactersActivitiessport🏑 –keywordsball | field | game | hockey | stick 曲棍球 | 球 | 球棍
9243CharactersActivitiessport🏒 -nameice hockey 冰球
9244CharactersActivitiessport🏒 –keywordsgame | hockey | ice | puck | stick 冰球 | 球 | 球棍
9245CharactersActivitiessport🥍 -namelacrosse 袋棍球
9246CharactersActivitiessport🥍 –keywordsball | goal | lacrosse | stick 球 | 球棍 | 球门 | 袋棍球
9247CharactersActivitiessport🏓 -nameping pong 乒乓球
9248CharactersActivitiessport🏓 –keywordsball | bat | game | paddle | ping pong | table tennis 乒乓球 | 比赛 | 球 | 球拍
9249CharactersActivitiessport🏸 -namebadminton 羽毛球
9250CharactersActivitiessport🏸 –keywordsbadminton | birdie | game | racquet | shuttlecock 球拍 | 羽毛球
9251CharactersActivitiessport🥊 -nameboxing glove 拳击手套
9252CharactersActivitiessport🥊 –keywordsboxing | glove 手套 | 拳击手套
9253CharactersActivitiessport🥋 -namemartial arts uniform 练武服
9254CharactersActivitiessport🥋 –keywordsjudo | karate | martial arts | martial arts uniform | taekwondo | uniform 制服 | 柔道 | 武术 | 空手道 | 练武服 | 跆拳道
9255CharactersActivitiessport🥅 -namegoal net 球门
9256CharactersActivitiessport🥅 –keywordsgoal | net 球网 | 球门
9257CharactersActivitiessport⛳ -nameflag in hole 高尔夫球洞
9258CharactersActivitiessport⛳ –keywordsflag in hole | golf | hole 高尔夫 | 高尔夫球洞
9259CharactersActivitiessport⛸ -nameice skate 滑冰
9260CharactersActivitiessport⛸ –keywordsice | skate 冰刀 | 溜冰 | 滑冰
9261CharactersActivitiessport🎣 -namefishing pole 钓鱼竿
9262CharactersActivitiessport🎣 –keywordsfish | fishing pole | pole 钓鱼竿 | 鱼杆
9263CharactersActivitiessport🤿 -namediving mask 潜水面罩
9264CharactersActivitiessport🤿 –keywordsdiving | diving mask | scuba | snorkeling 浮潜 | 深潜 | 潜水 | 潜水面罩
9265CharactersActivitiessport🎽 -namerunning shirt 运动背心
9266CharactersActivitiessport🎽 –keywordsathletics | running | sash | shirt 上衣 | 跑步 | 运动背心
9267CharactersActivitiessport🎿 -nameskis 滑雪
9268CharactersActivitiessport🎿 –keywordsski | skis | snow 滑雪 | 雪
9269CharactersActivitiessport🛷 -namesled 雪橇
9270CharactersActivitiessport🛷 –keywordssled | sledge | sleigh 乘雪橇 | 雪橇 | 驾雪橇
9271CharactersActivitiessport🥌 -namecurling stone 冰壶
9272CharactersActivitiessport🥌 –keywordscurling stone | game | rock 冰上溜石 | 冰壶 | 比赛 | 游戏
9273CharactersActivitiesgame🎯 -namedirect hit 正中靶心的飞镖
9274CharactersActivitiesgame🎯 –keywordsbullseye | dart | direct hit | game | hit | target 命中 | 正中靶心的飞镖 | 靶心 | 飞镖
9275CharactersActivitiesgame🪀 -nameyo-yo 悠悠球
9276CharactersActivitiesgame🪀 –keywordsfluctuate | toy | yo-yo 上下起落 | 悠悠球 | 玩具
9277CharactersActivitiesgame🪁 -namekite 风筝
9278CharactersActivitiesgame🪁 –keywordsfly | kite | soar 翱翔 | 风筝 | 飞翔
9279CharactersActivitiesgame🎱 -namepool 8 ball 台球
9280CharactersActivitiesgame🎱 –keywords8 | ball | billiard | eight | game | pool 8 ball 台球 | 桌球
9281CharactersActivitiesgame🔮 -namecrystal ball 水晶球
9282CharactersActivitiesgame🔮 –keywordsball | crystal | fairy tale | fantasy | fortune | tool 命运 | 工具 | 水晶 | 水晶球 | 球 | 财富
9283CharactersActivitiesgame🪄 -namemagic wand 魔棒
9284CharactersActivitiesgame🪄 –keywordsmagic | magic wand | witch | wizard 女巫 | 巫师 | 魔棒 | 魔法
9285CharactersActivitiesgame🧿 -namenazar amulet 纳扎尔护身符
9286CharactersActivitiesgame🧿 –keywordsbead | charm | evil-eye | nazar | nazar amulet | talisman 小装饰品 | 恶魔之眼 | 护身符 | 珠子 | 纳扎尔 | 纳扎尔护身符
9287CharactersActivitiesgame🎮 -namevideo game 游戏手柄
9288CharactersActivitiesgame🎮 –keywordscontroller | game | video game 手柄 | 游戏手柄 | 电子游戏
9289CharactersActivitiesgame🕹 -namejoystick 游戏操控杆
9290CharactersActivitiesgame🕹 –keywordsgame | joystick | video game 操控杆 | 游戏操控杆 | 电子游戏
9291CharactersActivitiesgame🎰 -nameslot machine 老虎机
9292CharactersActivitiesgame🎰 –keywordsgame | slot | slot machine 游戏 | 老虎机 | 角子机 | 赌博
9293CharactersActivitiesgame🎲 -namegame die 骰子
9294CharactersActivitiesgame🎲 –keywordsdice | die | game 色子 | 骰子
9295CharactersActivitiesgame🧩 -namepuzzle piece 拼图
9296CharactersActivitiesgame🧩 –keywordsclue | interlocking | jigsaw | piece | puzzle 图片 | 拼图 | 智力游戏 | 线索 | 联锁
9297CharactersActivitiesgame🧸 -nameteddy bear 泰迪熊
9298CharactersActivitiesgame🧸 –keywordsplaything | plush | stuffed | teddy bear | toy 填充 | 毛绒玩具 | 泰迪熊 | 玩偶 | 玩具
9299CharactersActivitiesgame🪅 -namepiñata 彩罐
9300CharactersActivitiesgame🪅 –keywordscelebration | party | piñata 庆祝 | 彩罐 | 聚会
9301CharactersActivitiesgame🪆 -namenesting dolls 套娃
9302CharactersActivitiesgame🪆 –keywordsdoll | nesting | nesting dolls | russia 俄罗斯套娃 | 套娃 | 娃娃
9303CharactersActivitiesgame♠ -namespade suit 黑桃
9304CharactersActivitiesgame♠ –keywordscard | game | spade suit 扑克 | 牌 | 葵扇 | 黑桃
9305CharactersActivitiesgame♥ -nameheart suit 红桃
9306CharactersActivitiesgame♥ –keywordscard | game | heart suit 扑克 | 牌 | 红心 | 红桃
9307CharactersActivitiesgame♦ -namediamond suit 方片
9308CharactersActivitiesgame♦ –keywordscard | diamond suit | game 扑克 | 方块 | 方片 | 牌
9309CharactersActivitiesgame♣ -nameclub suit 梅花
9310CharactersActivitiesgame♣ –keywordscard | club suit | game 扑克 | 梅花 | 牌 | 草花
9311CharactersActivitiesgame♟ -namechess pawn
9312CharactersActivitiesgame♟ –keywordschess | chess pawn | dupe | expendable 兵 | 受骗者 | 国际象棋 | 牺牲品
9313CharactersActivitiesgame🃏 -namejoker 大小王
9314CharactersActivitiesgame🃏 –keywordscard | game | joker | wildcard 大小王 | 大王 | 小王 | 扑克 | 牌 | 鬼牌
9315CharactersActivitiesgame🀄 -namemahjong red dragon 红中
9316CharactersActivitiesgame🀄 –keywordsgame | mahjong | mahjong red dragon | red 红中 | 麻将
9317CharactersActivitiesgame🎴 -nameflower playing cards 花札
9318CharactersActivitiesgame🎴 –keywordscard | flower | flower playing cards | game | Japanese | playing 花斗 | 花札 | 花牌
9319CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🎭 -nameperforming arts 面具
9320CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🎭 –keywordsart | mask | performing | performing arts | theater | theatre 剧院 | 戏剧 | 艺术 | 表演 | 面具
9321CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🖼 -nameframed picture 带框的画
9322CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🖼 –keywordsart | frame | framed picture | museum | painting | picture 博物馆 | 带框的画 | 框 | 画 | 艺术
9323CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🎨 -nameartist palette 调色盘
9324CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🎨 –keywordsart | artist palette | museum | painting | palette 博物馆 | 画画 | 艺术 | 调色板 | 调色盘
9325CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🧵 -namethread 线
9326CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🧵 –keywordsneedle | sewing | spool | string | thread 线 | 线轴 | 绳子 | 缝纫 | 针
9327CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🪡 -namesewing needle 缝合针
9328CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🪡 –keywordsembroidery | needle | sewing | stitches | sutures | tailoring 绣花针 | 缝合 | 缝合针 | 缝纫 | 缝线 | 裁剪
9329CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🧶 -nameyarn 毛线
9330CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🧶 –keywordsball | crochet | knit | yarn 毛线 | 毛线球 | 编织 | 钩针编织物
9331CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🪢 -nameknot
9332CharactersActivitiesarts & crafts🪢 –keywordsknot | rope | tangled | tie | twine | twist
9333CharactersObjectsclothing👓 -nameglasses 眼镜
9334CharactersObjectsclothing👓 –keywordsclothing | eye | eyeglasses | eyewear | glasses 眼镜
9335CharactersObjectsclothing🕶 -namesunglasses 墨镜
9336CharactersObjectsclothing🕶 –keywordsdark | eye | eyewear | glasses | sunglasses 太阳镜 | 墨镜
9337CharactersObjectsclothing🥽 -namegoggles 护目镜
9338CharactersObjectsclothing🥽 –keywordseye protection | goggles | swimming | welding 护目镜 | 护眼 | 游泳 | 焊接
9339CharactersObjectsclothing🥼 -namelab coat 白大褂
9340CharactersObjectsclothing🥼 –keywordsdoctor | experiment | lab coat | scientist 医生 | 实验人员 | 白大褂 | 科学家
9341CharactersObjectsclothing🦺 -namesafety vest 救生衣
9342CharactersObjectsclothing🦺 –keywordsemergency | safety | vest 安全 | 救生衣 | 紧急 | 背心 | 逃生
9343CharactersObjectsclothing👔 -namenecktie 领带
9344CharactersObjectsclothing👔 –keywordsclothing | necktie | tie 衬衫领带 | 领带
9345CharactersObjectsclothing👕 -namet-shirt T恤
9346CharactersObjectsclothing👕 –keywordsclothing | shirt | t-shirt | tshirt T恤 | 恤衫
9347CharactersObjectsclothing👖 -namejeans 牛仔裤
9348CharactersObjectsclothing👖 –keywordsclothing | jeans | pants | trousers 牛仔裤 | 裤子
9349CharactersObjectsclothing🧣 -namescarf 围巾
9350CharactersObjectsclothing🧣 –keywordsneck | scarf 围巾
9351CharactersObjectsclothing🧤 -namegloves 手套
9352CharactersObjectsclothing🧤 –keywordsgloves | hand 手套
9353CharactersObjectsclothing🧥 -namecoat 外套
9354CharactersObjectsclothing🧥 –keywordscoat | jacket 外套 | 夹克
9355CharactersObjectsclothing🧦 -namesocks 袜子
9356CharactersObjectsclothing🧦 –keywordssocks | stocking 短袜 | 袜子 | 长袜
9357CharactersObjectsclothing👗 -namedress 连衣裙
9358CharactersObjectsclothing👗 –keywordsclothing | dress 衣服 | 连衣裙
9359CharactersObjectsclothing👘 -namekimono 和服
9360CharactersObjectsclothing👘 –keywordsclothing | kimono 和服 | 日本
9361CharactersObjectsclothing🥻 -namesari 纱丽
9362CharactersObjectsclothing🥻 –keywordsclothing | dress | sari 印度 | 披肩 | 纱丽 | 衣服
9363CharactersObjectsclothing🩱 -nameone-piece swimsuit 连体泳衣
9364CharactersObjectsclothing🩱 –keywordsbathing suit | one-piece swimsuit 一片式 | 泳衣 | 泳装 | 游泳 | 连体泳衣
9365CharactersObjectsclothing🩲 -namebriefs 三角裤
9366CharactersObjectsclothing🩲 –keywordsbathing suit | briefs | one-piece | swimsuit | underwear 一片式 | 三角裤 | 内裤 | 泳衣 | 泳装 | 短裤
9367CharactersObjectsclothing🩳 -nameshorts 短裤
9368CharactersObjectsclothing🩳 –keywordsbathing suit | pants | shorts | underwear 内裤 | 四角裤 | 泳衣 | 泳装 | 短裤 | 裤子
9369CharactersObjectsclothing👙 -namebikini 比基尼
9370CharactersObjectsclothing👙 –keywordsbikini | clothing | swim 三点式 | 比基尼 | 泳装
9371CharactersObjectsclothing👚 -namewoman’s clothes 女装
9372CharactersObjectsclothing👚 –keywordsclothing | woman | woman’s clothes 女 | 女装 | 衣服
9373CharactersObjectsclothing👛 -namepurse 钱包
9374CharactersObjectsclothing👛 –keywordsclothing | coin | purse 钱包
9375CharactersObjectsclothing👜 -namehandbag 手提包
9376CharactersObjectsclothing👜 –keywordsbag | clothing | handbag | purse 手提包 | 挎包
9377CharactersObjectsclothing👝 -nameclutch bag 手袋
9378CharactersObjectsclothing👝 –keywordsbag | clothing | clutch bag | pouch 包 | 手拿包 | 手袋
9379CharactersObjectsclothing🛍 -nameshopping bags 购物袋
9380CharactersObjectsclothing🛍 –keywordsbag | hotel | shopping | shopping bags 包 | 袋 | 购物袋 | 逛街
9381CharactersObjectsclothing🎒 -namebackpack 书包
9382CharactersObjectsclothing🎒 –keywordsbackpack | bag | rucksack | satchel | school 书包 | 包
9383CharactersObjectsclothing🩴 -namethong sandal 夹趾凉鞋
9384CharactersObjectsclothing🩴 –keywordsbeach sandals | sandals | thong sandal | thong sandals | thongs | zōri 凉鞋 | 夹趾凉鞋 | 沙滩凉鞋 | 草屡
9385CharactersObjectsclothing👞 -nameman’s shoe 男鞋
9386CharactersObjectsclothing👞 –keywordsclothing | man | man’s shoe | shoe 男鞋 | 鞋
9387CharactersObjectsclothing👟 -namerunning shoe 跑鞋
9388CharactersObjectsclothing👟 –keywordsathletic | clothing | running shoe | shoe | sneaker 跑鞋 | 运动鞋 | 鞋
9389CharactersObjectsclothing🥾 -namehiking boot 登山鞋
9390CharactersObjectsclothing🥾 –keywordsbackpacking | boot | camping | hiking 徒步 | 登山 | 登山鞋 | 远足野营 | 露营
9391CharactersObjectsclothing🥿 -nameflat shoe 平底鞋
9392CharactersObjectsclothing🥿 –keywordsballet flat | flat shoe | slip-on | slipper 一脚蹬 | 便鞋 | 平底芭蕾舞鞋 | 平底鞋
9393CharactersObjectsclothing👠 -namehigh-heeled shoe 高跟鞋
9394CharactersObjectsclothing👠 –keywordsclothing | heel | high-heeled shoe | shoe | woman 女 | 鞋 | 高跟鞋
9395CharactersObjectsclothing👡 -namewoman’s sandal 女式凉鞋
9396CharactersObjectsclothing👡 –keywordsclothing | sandal | shoe | woman | woman’s sandal 凉鞋 | 女 | 女式凉鞋
9397CharactersObjectsclothing🩰 -nameballet shoes 芭蕾舞鞋
9398CharactersObjectsclothing🩰 –keywordsballet | ballet shoes | dance 舞蹈 | 舞鞋 | 芭蕾舞鞋 | 足尖鞋 | 跳舞
9399CharactersObjectsclothing👢 -namewoman’s boot 女靴
9400CharactersObjectsclothing👢 –keywordsboot | clothing | shoe | woman | woman’s boot 女 | 女靴 | 靴子
9401CharactersObjectsclothing👑 -namecrown 皇冠
9402CharactersObjectsclothing👑 –keywordsclothing | crown | king | queen 王冠 | 皇冠
9403CharactersObjectsclothing👒 -namewoman’s hat 女帽
9404CharactersObjectsclothing👒 –keywordsclothing | hat | woman | woman’s hat 女 | 女帽 | 帽子
9405CharactersObjectsclothing🎩 -nametop hat 礼帽
9406CharactersObjectsclothing🎩 –keywordsclothing | hat | top | tophat 帽子 | 礼帽 | 高帽
9407CharactersObjectsclothing🎓 -namegraduation cap 毕业帽
9408CharactersObjectsclothing🎓 –keywordscap | celebration | clothing | graduation | hat 四方帽 | 毕业帽
9409CharactersObjectsclothing🧢 -namebilled cap 鸭舌帽
9410CharactersObjectsclothing🧢 –keywordsbaseball cap | billed cap 棒球帽 | 鸭舌帽
9411CharactersObjectsclothing🪖 -namemilitary helmet 军用头盔
9412CharactersObjectsclothing🪖 –keywordsarmy | helmet | military | soldier | warrior 军用 | 军用头盔 | 军队 | 士兵 | 头盔 | 战士
9413CharactersObjectsclothing⛑ -namerescue worker’s helmet 白十字头盔
9414CharactersObjectsclothing⛑ –keywordsaid | cross | face | hat | helmet | rescue worker’s helmet 十字 | 头盔 | 安全帽 | 白十字头盔
9415CharactersObjectsclothing📿 -nameprayer beads 念珠
9416CharactersObjectsclothing📿 –keywordsbeads | clothing | necklace | prayer | religion 宗教 | 念珠 | 珠子 | 祈祷 | 项链
9417CharactersObjectsclothing💄 -namelipstick 唇膏
9418CharactersObjectsclothing💄 –keywordscosmetics | lipstick | makeup 化妆品 | 口红 | 唇膏
9419CharactersObjectsclothing💍 -namering 戒指
9420CharactersObjectsclothing💍 –keywordsdiamond | ring 戒指 | 钻戒
9421CharactersObjectsclothing💎 -namegem stone 宝石
9422CharactersObjectsclothing💎 –keywordsdiamond | gem | gem stone | jewel 宝石 | 钻石
9423CharactersObjectssound🔇 -namemuted speaker 已静音的扬声器
9424CharactersObjectssound🔇 –keywordsmute | muted speaker | quiet | silent | speaker 安静 | 已静音的扬声器 | 扬声器 | 扬声器关闭 | 无声 | 静音
9425CharactersObjectssound🔈 -namespeaker low volume 低音量的扬声器
9426CharactersObjectssound🔈 –keywordssoft | speaker low volume 低音量的扬声器 | 小声 | 小音量 | 扬声器 | 轻声
9427CharactersObjectssound🔉 -namespeaker medium volume 中等音量的扬声器
9428CharactersObjectssound🔉 –keywordsmedium | speaker medium volume 中等 | 中等音量 | 中等音量的扬声器 | 扬声器
9429CharactersObjectssound🔊 -namespeaker high volume 高音量的扬声器
9430CharactersObjectssound🔊 –keywordsloud | speaker high volume 大声 | 大音量 | 扬声器 | 高音量的扬声器
9431CharactersObjectssound📢 -nameloudspeaker 喇叭
9432CharactersObjectssound📢 –keywordsloud | loudspeaker | public address 公共广播 | 喇叭 | 大声 | 广播 | 通知
9433CharactersObjectssound📣 -namemegaphone 扩音器
9434CharactersObjectssound📣 –keywordscheering | megaphone 呼喊 | 喇叭筒 | 大声 | 扩音器 | 通知
9435CharactersObjectssound📯 -namepostal horn 邮号
9436CharactersObjectssound📯 –keywordshorn | post | postal 号 | 号角 | 喇叭 | 邮号 | 邮政
9437CharactersObjectssound🔔 -namebell 铃铛
9438CharactersObjectssound🔔 –keywordsbell 叮当 | 响铃 | 铃铛
9439CharactersObjectssound🔕 -namebell with slash 禁止响铃
9440CharactersObjectssound🔕 –keywordsbell | bell with slash | forbidden | mute | quiet | silent 响铃关闭 | 安静 | 无声 | 禁止响铃 | 静音
9441CharactersObjectsmusic🎼 -namemusical score 乐谱
9442CharactersObjectsmusic🎼 –keywordsmusic | musical score | score 乐谱 | 五线谱 | 音乐 | 音符
9443CharactersObjectsmusic🎵 -namemusical note 音符
9444CharactersObjectsmusic🎵 –keywordsmusic | musical note | note 乐谱 | 五线谱 | 八分音符 | 音乐 | 音符
9445CharactersObjectsmusic🎶 -namemusical notes 多个音符
9446CharactersObjectsmusic🎶 –keywordsmusic | musical notes | note | notes 乐谱 | 五线谱 | 八分音符 | 多个音符 | 音乐 | 音符
9447CharactersObjectsmusic🎙 -namestudio microphone 录音室麦克风
9448CharactersObjectsmusic🎙 –keywordsmic | microphone | music | studio 录音室 | 录音室麦克风 | 音乐 | 麦 | 麦克 | 麦克风
9449CharactersObjectsmusic🎚 -namelevel slider 电平滑块
9450CharactersObjectsmusic🎚 –keywordslevel | music | slider 滑块 | 电平 | 电平滑块 | 调节 | 音乐
9451CharactersObjectsmusic🎛 -namecontrol knobs 控制旋钮
9452CharactersObjectsmusic🎛 –keywordscontrol | knobs | music 控制 | 控制旋钮 | 旋钮 | 调节 | 音乐
9453CharactersObjectsmusic🎤 -namemicrophone 麦克风
9454CharactersObjectsmusic🎤 –keywordskaraoke | mic | microphone 卡拉OK | 唱K | 唱歌 | 麦 | 麦克 | 麦克风
9455CharactersObjectsmusic🎧 -nameheadphone 耳机
9456CharactersObjectsmusic🎧 –keywordsearbud | headphone 头戴式耳机 | 耳机
9457CharactersObjectsmusic📻 -nameradio 收音机
9458CharactersObjectsmusic📻 –keywordsradio | video 广播 | 广播电台 | 收音机 | 无线电 | 电台
9459CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🎷 -namesaxophone 萨克斯管
9460CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🎷 –keywordsinstrument | music | sax | saxophone 乐器 | 吹奏 | 演奏 | 萨克斯管 | 音乐
9461CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🪗 -nameaccordion 手风琴
9462CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🪗 –keywordsaccordian | accordion | concertina | squeeze box 六角形风琴 | 手风琴 | 风琴
9463CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🎸 -nameguitar 吉他
9464CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🎸 –keywordsguitar | instrument | music 乐器 | 吉他 | 弹奏 | 演奏 | 音乐
9465CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🎹 -namemusical keyboard 音乐键盘
9466CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🎹 –keywordsinstrument | keyboard | music | musical keyboard | piano 乐器 | 弹奏 | 演奏 | 钢琴 | 音乐 | 音乐键盘
9467CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🎺 -nametrumpet 小号
9468CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🎺 –keywordsinstrument | music | trumpet 乐器 | 吹奏 | 喇叭 | 小号 | 音乐
9469CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🎻 -nameviolin 小提琴
9470CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🎻 –keywordsinstrument | music | violin 乐器 | 小提琴 | 提琴 | 演奏 | 音乐
9471CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🪕 -namebanjo 班卓琴
9472CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🪕 –keywordsbanjo | music | stringed 弦乐器 | 弹奏 | 班卓琴 | 音乐
9473CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🥁 -namedrum
9474CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🥁 –keywordsdrum | drumsticks | music 音乐 | 鼓 | 鼓声 | 鼓槌
9475CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🪘 -namelong drum 长鼓
9476CharactersObjectsmusical-instrument🪘 –keywordsbeat | conga | drum | long drum | rhythm 康加鼓 | 敲 | 节奏 | 长鼓 | 鼓
9477CharactersObjectsphone📱 -namemobile phone 手机
9478CharactersObjectsphone📱 –keywordscell | mobile | phone | telephone 手提电话 | 手机 | 智能手机 | 电话 | 移动
9479CharactersObjectsphone📲 -namemobile phone with arrow 带有箭头的手机
9480CharactersObjectsphone📲 –keywordsarrow | cell | mobile | mobile phone with arrow | phone | receive 带有箭头的手机 | 手机 | 接收 | 智能手机 | 来电
9481CharactersObjectsphone☎ -nametelephone 电话
9482CharactersObjectsphone☎ –keywordsphone | telephone 固定电话 | 固话 | 座机 | 电话
9483CharactersObjectsphone📞 -nametelephone receiver 电话听筒
9484CharactersObjectsphone📞 –keywordsphone | receiver | telephone 固定电话 | 固话 | 座机 | 电话 | 电话听筒
9485CharactersObjectsphone📟 -namepager 寻呼机
9486CharactersObjectsphone📟 –keywordspager BB 机 | 传呼机 | 呼机 | 寻呼机
9487CharactersObjectsphone📠 -namefax machine 传真机
9488CharactersObjectsphone📠 –keywordsfax | fax machine 传真 | 传真号 | 传真机 | 发传真
9489CharactersObjectscomputer🔋 -namebattery 电池
9490CharactersObjectscomputer🔋 –keywordsbattery 正极 | 电极 | 电池 | 电源 | 蓄电池 | 负极
9491CharactersObjectscomputer🔌 -nameelectric plug 电源插头
9492CharactersObjectscomputer🔌 –keywordselectric | electricity | plug 插头 | 电插头 | 电源 | 电源插头 | 电线
9493CharactersObjectscomputer💻 -namelaptop 笔记本电脑
9494CharactersObjectscomputer💻 –keywordscomputer | laptop | pc | personal PC | 个人电脑 | 手提电脑 | 电脑 | 笔记本电脑
9495CharactersObjectscomputer🖥 -namedesktop computer 台式电脑
9496CharactersObjectscomputer🖥 –keywordscomputer | desktop PC | 个人电脑 | 台式电脑 | 显示器 | 显示屏 | 计算机
9497CharactersObjectscomputer🖨 -nameprinter 打印机
9498CharactersObjectscomputer🖨 –keywordscomputer | printer 印刷机 | 喷墨打印 | 复印 | 打印机 | 扫描 | 激光打印
9499CharactersObjectscomputer⌨ -namekeyboard 键盘
9500CharactersObjectscomputer⌨ –keywordscomputer | keyboard 打字 | 按键 | 电脑 | 输入 | 键盘
9501CharactersObjectscomputer🖱 -namecomputer mouse 电脑鼠标
9502CharactersObjectscomputer🖱 –keywordscomputer | computer mouse 有线鼠标 | 激光鼠标 | 点击 | 点按 | 电脑 | 电脑鼠标
9503CharactersObjectscomputer🖲 -nametrackball 轨迹球
9504CharactersObjectscomputer🖲 –keywordscomputer | trackball 有线鼠标 | 电脑 | 轨迹球 | 追踪球 | 鼠标
9505CharactersObjectscomputer💽 -namecomputer disk 电脑光盘
9506CharactersObjectscomputer💽 –keywordscomputer | disk | minidisk | optical minidisk | mini光盘 | 光盘 | 电脑光盘 | 迷你光碟 | 迷你唱片
9507CharactersObjectscomputer💾 -namefloppy disk 软盘
9508CharactersObjectscomputer💾 –keywordscomputer | disk | floppy 3.5英寸 | 便携 | 存储 | 磁盘 | 软盘
9509CharactersObjectscomputer💿 -nameoptical disk 光盘
9510CharactersObjectscomputer💿 –keywordscd | computer | disk | optical cd | 专辑 | 光盘 | 存储 | 影片 | 音乐
9511CharactersObjectscomputer📀 -namedvd DVD
9512CharactersObjectscomputer📀 –keywordsblu-ray | computer | disk | dvd | optical dvd | DVD | 光盘 | 光碟 | 影片 | 音乐
9513CharactersObjectscomputer🧮 -nameabacus 算盘
9514CharactersObjectscomputer🧮 –keywordsabacus | calculation 算盘 | 计算
9515CharactersObjectslight & video🎥 -namemovie camera 电影摄影机
9516CharactersObjectslight & video🎥 –keywordscamera | cinema | movie 摄像机 | 摄录机 | 摄影 | 摄影机 | 电影 | 电影摄影机
9517CharactersObjectslight & video🎞 -namefilm frames 影片帧
9518CharactersObjectslight & video🎞 –keywordscinema | film | frames | movie 帧 | 影片帧 | 电影 | 电影胶片 | 胶卷 | 胶片
9519CharactersObjectslight & video📽 -namefilm projector 电影放映机
9520CharactersObjectslight & video📽 –keywordscinema | film | movie | projector | video 影片 | 投影仪 | 放映机 | 电影 | 电影放映机 | 视频
9521CharactersObjectslight & video🎬 -nameclapper board 场记板
9522CharactersObjectslight & video🎬 –keywordsclapper | clapper board | movie 场记 | 场记板 | 打板 | 拍电影
9523CharactersObjectslight & video📺 -nametelevision 电视机
9524CharactersObjectslight & video📺 –keywordstelevision | tv | video 电视 | 电视机 | 看电视 | 视频 | 节目
9525CharactersObjectslight & video📷 -namecamera 相机
9526CharactersObjectslight & video📷 –keywordscamera | video 卡片相机 | 拍照 | 摄影 | 照片 | 照相机 | 相机
9527CharactersObjectslight & video📸 -namecamera with flash 开闪光灯的相机
9528CharactersObjectslight & video📸 –keywordscamera | camera with flash | flash | video 开闪光灯的相机 | 拍照 | 相机 | 闪光灯 | 闪光灯打开
9529CharactersObjectslight & video📹 -namevideo camera 摄像机
9530CharactersObjectslight & video📹 –keywordscamera | video 录像 | 录影 | 拍摄 | 摄像机 | 摄影机 | 视频
9531CharactersObjectslight & video📼 -namevideocassette 录像带
9532CharactersObjectslight & video📼 –keywordstape | vhs | video | videocassette VHS | 录像带 | 录影带 | 磁带
9533CharactersObjectslight & video🔍 -namemagnifying glass tilted left 左斜的放大镜
9534CharactersObjectslight & video🔍 –keywordsglass | magnifying | magnifying glass tilted left | search | tool 工具 | 左斜的放大镜 | 搜索 | 放大 | 放大镜 | 查找
9535CharactersObjectslight & video🔎 -namemagnifying glass tilted right 右斜的放大镜
9536CharactersObjectslight & video🔎 –keywordsglass | magnifying | magnifying glass tilted right | search | tool 右斜的放大镜 | 工具 | 搜索 | 放大 | 放大镜 | 查找
9537CharactersObjectslight & video🕯 -namecandle 蜡烛
9538CharactersObjectslight & video🕯 –keywordscandle | light 光 | 烛光 | 烛火 | 照明 | 燃烧 | 蜡烛
9539CharactersObjectslight & video💡 -namelight bulb 灯泡
9540CharactersObjectslight & video💡 –keywordsbulb | comic | electric | idea | light 主意 | 想法 | 灯泡 | 电灯泡 | 白炽灯
9541CharactersObjectslight & video🔦 -nameflashlight 手电筒
9542CharactersObjectslight & video🔦 –keywordselectric | flashlight | light | tool | torch 光 | 工具 | 手电 | 手电筒 | 照明 | 电筒
9543CharactersObjectslight & video🏮 -namered paper lantern 红灯笼
9544CharactersObjectslight & video🏮 –keywordsbar | lantern | light | red | red paper lantern 光 | 喜庆 | 灯笼 | 红灯笼 | 节日
9545CharactersObjectslight & video🪔 -namediya lamp 印度油灯
9546CharactersObjectslight & video🪔 –keywordsdiya | lamp | oil 印度油灯 | 排灯节 | 油 | 灯 | 迪亚
9547CharactersObjectsbook-paper📔 -namenotebook with decorative cover 精装笔记本
9548CharactersObjectsbook-paper📔 –keywordsbook | cover | decorated | notebook | notebook with decorative cover 封面 | 本子 | 笔记 | 笔记本 | 精装笔记本 | 记录
9549CharactersObjectsbook-paper📕 -nameclosed book 合上的书本
9550CharactersObjectsbook-paper📕 –keywordsbook | closed 书 | 书本 | 合上 | 合上的书本
9551CharactersObjectsbook-paper📖 -nameopen book 打开的书本
9552CharactersObjectsbook-paper📖 –keywordsbook | open 书 | 书本 | 打开 | 打开的书本 | 读书 | 阅读
9553CharactersObjectsbook-paper📗 -namegreen book 绿色书本
9554CharactersObjectsbook-paper📗 –keywordsbook | green 书 | 书本 | 绿 | 绿色 | 绿色书本
9555CharactersObjectsbook-paper📘 -nameblue book 蓝色书本
9556CharactersObjectsbook-paper📘 –keywordsblue | book 书 | 书本 | 篮 | 蓝色 | 蓝色书本
9557CharactersObjectsbook-paper📙 -nameorange book 橙色书本
9558CharactersObjectsbook-paper📙 –keywordsbook | orange 书 | 书本 | 橙色 | 橙色书本
9559CharactersObjectsbook-paper📚 -namebooks
9560CharactersObjectsbook-paper📚 –keywordsbook | books 书 | 书本 | 书籍 | 图书 | 学习
9561CharactersObjectsbook-paper📓 -namenotebook 笔记本
9562CharactersObjectsbook-paper📓 –keywordsnotebook 日记本 | 本子 | 笔记 | 笔记本 | 记事本 | 记录
9563CharactersObjectsbook-paper📒 -nameledger 账本
9564CharactersObjectsbook-paper📒 –keywordsledger | notebook 笔记本 | 记事本 | 记账 | 账本 | 账簿
9565CharactersObjectsbook-paper📃 -namepage with curl 带卷边的页面
9566CharactersObjectsbook-paper📃 –keywordscurl | document | page | page with curl 卷边 | 带卷边的页面 | 文书 | 文件 | 文档
9567CharactersObjectsbook-paper📜 -namescroll 卷轴
9568CharactersObjectsbook-paper📜 –keywordspaper | scroll 卷轴 | 画卷 | 纸 | 纸卷 | 羊皮纸
9569CharactersObjectsbook-paper📄 -namepage facing up 文件
9570CharactersObjectsbook-paper📄 –keywordsdocument | page | page facing up 文书 | 文件 | 文档
9571CharactersObjectsbook-paper📰 -namenewspaper 报纸
9572CharactersObjectsbook-paper📰 –keywordsnews | newspaper | paper 报纸 | 报道 | 新闻 | 看报 | 读报
9573CharactersObjectsbook-paper🗞 -namerolled-up newspaper 报纸卷
9574CharactersObjectsbook-paper🗞 –keywordsnews | newspaper | paper | rolled | rolled-up newspaper 卷起 | 卷起的报纸 | 报纸 | 报纸卷 | 新闻 | 纸
9575CharactersObjectsbook-paper📑 -namebookmark tabs 标签页
9576CharactersObjectsbook-paper📑 –keywordsbookmark | mark | marker | tabs 书签 | 有书签的页面 | 标签页
9577CharactersObjectsbook-paper🔖 -namebookmark 书签
9578CharactersObjectsbook-paper🔖 –keywordsbookmark | mark 书签 | 标签 | 读书 | 阅读
9579CharactersObjectsbook-paper🏷 -namelabel 标签
9580CharactersObjectsbook-paper🏷 –keywordslabel 吊牌 | 标签 | 标记 | 行李牌
9581CharactersObjectsmoney💰 -namemoney bag 钱袋
9582CharactersObjectsmoney💰 –keywordsbag | dollar | money | moneybag 美元 | 钱 | 钱包 | 钱袋
9583CharactersObjectsmoney🪙 -namecoin 硬币
9584CharactersObjectsmoney🪙 –keywordscoin | gold | metal | money | silver | treasure 硬币 | 财富 | 金 | 金属 | 钱 | 银
9585CharactersObjectsmoney💴 -nameyen banknote 日元
9586CharactersObjectsmoney💴 –keywordsbanknote | bill | currency | money | note | yen 日元 | 现金 | 货币 | 钞票 | 钱
9587CharactersObjectsmoney💵 -namedollar banknote 美元
9588CharactersObjectsmoney💵 –keywordsbanknote | bill | currency | dollar | money | note 现金 | 纸币 | 美元 | 货币 | 钱
9589CharactersObjectsmoney💶 -nameeuro banknote 欧元
9590CharactersObjectsmoney💶 –keywordsbanknote | bill | currency | euro | money | note 欧元 | 现金 | 货币 | 钞票 | 钱
9591CharactersObjectsmoney💷 -namepound banknote 英镑
9592CharactersObjectsmoney💷 –keywordsbanknote | bill | currency | money | note | pound 现金 | 英镑 | 货币 | 钞票 | 钱
9593CharactersObjectsmoney💸 -namemoney with wings 长翅膀的钱
9594CharactersObjectsmoney💸 –keywordsbanknote | bill | fly | money | money with wings | wings 纸币 | 翅膀 | 花钱 | 钱 | 长翅膀的钱
9595CharactersObjectsmoney💳 -namecredit card 信用卡
9596CharactersObjectsmoney💳 –keywordscard | credit | money 信用卡 | 借记卡 | 刷卡 | 卡 | 贷记卡 | 银行卡
9597CharactersObjectsmoney🧾 -namereceipt 收据
9598CharactersObjectsmoney🧾 –keywordsaccounting | bookkeeping | evidence | proof | receipt 凭据 | 发票 | 收据 | 记账 | 证明 | 账单
9599CharactersObjectsmoney💹 -namechart increasing with yen 趋势向上且带有日元符号的图表
9600CharactersObjectsmoney💹 –keywordschart | chart increasing with yen | graph | growth | money | yen 上扬 | 上涨 | 日元汇率 | 货币升值图表 | 走势 | 趋势向上且带有日元符号的图表
9601CharactersObjectsmail✉ -nameenvelope 信封
9602CharactersObjectsmail✉ –keywordsemail | envelope | letter 信件 | 信封 | 信息 | 来信 | 邮件
9603CharactersObjectsmail📧 -namee-mail 电子邮件
9604CharactersObjectsmail📧 –keywordse-mail | email | letter | mail 信封 | 电子邮件 | 邮件
9605CharactersObjectsmail📨 -nameincoming envelope 来信
9606CharactersObjectsmail📨 –keywordse-mail | email | envelope | incoming | letter | receive 接收 | 收信 | 收到来信 | 收到邮件 | 来信 | 电子邮件
9607CharactersObjectsmail📩 -nameenvelope with arrow 收邮件
9608CharactersObjectsmail📩 –keywordsarrow | e-mail | email | envelope | envelope with arrow | outgoing 信件 | 信封 | 发信 | 发出 | 发送 | 发邮件 | 收邮件 | 邮件
9609CharactersObjectsmail📤 -nameoutbox tray 发件箱
9610CharactersObjectsmail📤 –keywordsbox | letter | mail | outbox | sent | tray 信件 | 发件箱 | 发信 | 发送 | 发邮件 | 邮件
9611CharactersObjectsmail📥 -nameinbox tray 收件箱
9612CharactersObjectsmail📥 –keywordsbox | inbox | letter | mail | receive | tray 信件 | 接收 | 收件箱 | 收信 | 收到邮件 | 邮件
9613CharactersObjectsmail📦 -namepackage 包裹
9614CharactersObjectsmail📦 –keywordsbox | package | parcel 包裹 | 快递 | 盒子 | 箱子 | 装货 | 运送
9615CharactersObjectsmail📫 -nameclosed mailbox with raised flag 有待收信件
9616CharactersObjectsmail📫 –keywordsclosed | closed mailbox with raised flag | mail | mailbox | postbox 信箱 | 旗标 | 有待收信件 | 有新信件
9617CharactersObjectsmail📪 -nameclosed mailbox with lowered flag 无待收信件
9618CharactersObjectsmail📪 –keywordsclosed | closed mailbox with lowered flag | lowered | mail | mailbox | postbox 信箱 | 旗标 | 无待收信件 | 无新信件
9619CharactersObjectsmail📬 -nameopen mailbox with raised flag 有新信件
9620CharactersObjectsmail📬 –keywordsmail | mailbox | open | open mailbox with raised flag | postbox 信箱 | 打开 | 旗标 | 有待收信件 | 有新信件
9621CharactersObjectsmail📭 -nameopen mailbox with lowered flag 无新信件
9622CharactersObjectsmail📭 –keywordslowered | mail | mailbox | open | open mailbox with lowered flag | postbox 信箱 | 旗标 | 无待收信件 | 无新信件
9623CharactersObjectsmail📮 -namepostbox 邮筒
9624CharactersObjectsmail📮 –keywordsmail | mailbox | postbox 信 | 寄信 | 邮筒 | 邮箱
9625CharactersObjectsmail🗳 -nameballot box with ballot 投票箱
9626CharactersObjectsmail🗳 –keywordsballot | ballot box with ballot | box 投票 | 投票箱 | 选举 | 选票
9627CharactersObjectswriting✏ -namepencil 铅笔
9628CharactersObjectswriting✏ –keywordspencil 橡皮 | 橡皮擦 | 画画 | 画笔 | 笔 | 绘画 | 铅笔
9629CharactersObjectswriting✒ -nameblack nib 钢笔尖
9630CharactersObjectswriting✒ –keywordsblack nib | nib | pen 写字 | 硬笔 | 笔尖 | 钢笔 | 钢笔尖
9631CharactersObjectswriting🖋 -namefountain pen 钢笔
9632CharactersObjectswriting🖋 –keywordsfountain | pen 写字 | 硬笔 | 笔 | 钢笔
9633CharactersObjectswriting🖊 -namepen
9634CharactersObjectswriting🖊 –keywordsballpoint | pen 原子笔 | 圆珠笔 | 油笔 | 笔
9635CharactersObjectswriting🖌 -namepaintbrush 画笔
9636CharactersObjectswriting🖌 –keywordspaintbrush | painting 刷 | 毛笔 | 画刷 | 画笔 | 笔刷
9637CharactersObjectswriting🖍 -namecrayon 蜡笔
9638CharactersObjectswriting🖍 –keywordscrayon 油画棒 | 画棒 | 蜡笔
9639CharactersObjectswriting📝 -namememo 备忘录
9640CharactersObjectswriting📝 –keywordsmemo | pencil 便条 | 便条簿 | 便笺 | 备忘录
9641CharactersObjectsoffice💼 -namebriefcase 公文包
9642CharactersObjectsoffice💼 –keywordsbriefcase 公事包 | 公文包 | 包 | 手提包
9643CharactersObjectsoffice📁 -namefile folder 文件夹
9644CharactersObjectsoffice📁 –keywordsfile | folder 办公 | 文件 | 文件夹 | 文具 | 硬纸夹
9645CharactersObjectsoffice📂 -nameopen file folder 打开的文件夹
9646CharactersObjectsoffice📂 –keywordsfile | folder | open 办公 | 打开 | 打开的文件夹 | 文件 | 文具
9647CharactersObjectsoffice🗂 -namecard index dividers 索引分隔文件夹
9648CharactersObjectsoffice🗂 –keywordscard | dividers | index 分隔 | 文件夹 | 索引 | 索引分隔文件夹
9649CharactersObjectsoffice📅 -namecalendar 日历
9650CharactersObjectsoffice📅 –keywordscalendar | date 日历 | 日期
9651CharactersObjectsoffice📆 -nametear-off calendar 手撕日历
9652CharactersObjectsoffice📆 –keywordscalendar | tear-off calendar 手撕日历 | 日历 | 日期
9653CharactersObjectsoffice🗒 -namespiral notepad 线圈本
9654CharactersObjectsoffice🗒 –keywordsnote | pad | spiral | spiral notepad 文具 | 笔记本 | 线圈本 | 记事本
9655CharactersObjectsoffice🗓 -namespiral calendar 线圈日历
9656CharactersObjectsoffice🗓 –keywordscalendar | pad | spiral 日历 | 日期 | 线圈 | 线圈日历
9657CharactersObjectsoffice📇 -namecard index 卡片索引
9658CharactersObjectsoffice📇 –keywordscard | index | rolodex 卡片 | 卡片索引 | 卡牌索引 | 目录 | 索引
9659CharactersObjectsoffice📈 -namechart increasing 趋势向上的图表
9660CharactersObjectsoffice📈 –keywordschart | chart increasing | graph | growth | trend | upward 上升 | 上涨 | 上涨图表 | 向上 | 图表 | 趋势向上的图表
9661CharactersObjectsoffice📉 -namechart decreasing 趋势向下的图表
9662CharactersObjectsoffice📉 –keywordschart | chart decreasing | down | graph | trend 下跌 | 下跌图表 | 下降 | 向下 | 图表 | 趋势向下的图表
9663CharactersObjectsoffice📊 -namebar chart 条形图
9664CharactersObjectsoffice📊 –keywordsbar | chart | graph 图表 | 条形图 | 柱形图 | 直方图
9665CharactersObjectsoffice📋 -nameclipboard 剪贴板
9666CharactersObjectsoffice📋 –keywordsclipboard 写字板 | 剪贴板 | 剪贴簿 | 夹子 | 纸张
9667CharactersObjectsoffice📌 -namepushpin 图钉
9668CharactersObjectsoffice📌 –keywordspin | pushpin 固定 | 图钉 | 按钉
9669CharactersObjectsoffice📍 -nameround pushpin 圆图钉
9670CharactersObjectsoffice📍 –keywordspin | pushpin | round pushpin 固定 | 图钉 | 圆图钉
9671CharactersObjectsoffice📎 -namepaperclip 回形针
9672CharactersObjectsoffice📎 –keywordspaperclip 万字夹 | 回形针 | 回纹针 | 曲别针 | 纸夹
9673CharactersObjectsoffice🖇 -namelinked paperclips 连起来的两个回形针
9674CharactersObjectsoffice🖇 –keywordslink | linked paperclips | paperclip 万字夹 | 回形针 | 回纹针 | 曲别针 | 纸夹 | 连起来的两个回形针
9675CharactersObjectsoffice📏 -namestraight ruler 直尺
9676CharactersObjectsoffice📏 –keywordsruler | straight edge | straight ruler 尺 | 尺子 | 文具 | 测量 | 直尺 | 长度
9677CharactersObjectsoffice📐 -nametriangular ruler 三角尺
9678CharactersObjectsoffice📐 –keywordsruler | set | triangle | triangular ruler 三角 | 三角尺 | 尺 | 文具 | 测量 | 角度
9679CharactersObjectsoffice✂ -namescissors 剪刀
9680CharactersObjectsoffice✂ –keywordscutting | scissors | tool 修剪 | 剪 | 剪刀 | 剪子 | 剪裁 | 工具
9681CharactersObjectsoffice🗃 -namecard file box 卡片盒
9682CharactersObjectsoffice🗃 –keywordsbox | card | file 卡片盒 | 存档 | 标签 | 档案 | 箱 | 索引
9683CharactersObjectsoffice🗄 -namefile cabinet 文件柜
9684CharactersObjectsoffice🗄 –keywordscabinet | file | filing 存档 | 归档 | 收纳 | 文件柜 | 柜 | 档案
9685CharactersObjectsoffice🗑 -namewastebasket 垃圾桶
9686CharactersObjectsoffice🗑 –keywordswastebasket 垃圾 | 垃圾桶 | 垃圾篓 | 废纸篓
9687CharactersObjectslock🔒 -namelocked 合上的锁
9688CharactersObjectslock🔒 –keywordsclosed | locked 上锁 | 合上的锁 | 锁 | 锁住 | 锁定
9689CharactersObjectslock🔓 -nameunlocked 打开的锁
9690CharactersObjectslock🔓 –keywordslock | open | unlock | unlocked 取消锁定 | 开锁 | 打开的锁 | 解锁 | 锁
9691CharactersObjectslock🔏 -namelocked with pen 墨水笔和锁
9692CharactersObjectslock🔏 –keywordsink | lock | locked with pen | nib | pen | privacy 笔 | 笔尖 | 钢笔 | 锁 | 隐私 | 墨水笔和锁
9693CharactersObjectslock🔐 -namelocked with key 钥匙和锁
9694CharactersObjectslock🔐 –keywordsclosed | key | lock | locked with key | secure 安全 | 钥匙 | 钥匙和锁 | 锁 | 锁上
9695CharactersObjectslock🔑 -namekey 钥匙
9696CharactersObjectslock🔑 –keywordskey | lock | password 密码 | 密钥 | 开锁 | 解锁 | 钥匙
9697CharactersObjectslock🗝 -nameold key 老式钥匙
9698CharactersObjectslock🗝 –keywordsclue | key | lock | old 古老的钥匙 | 旧钥匙 | 老式钥匙 | 钥匙
9699CharactersObjectstool🔨 -namehammer 锤子
9700CharactersObjectstool🔨 –keywordshammer | tool 工具 | 敲 | 施工 | 砸 | 铁锤 | 锤子
9701CharactersObjectstool🪓 -nameaxe 斧头
9702CharactersObjectstool🪓 –keywordsaxe | chop | hatchet | split | wood 切 | 劈 | 斧头 | 木头 | 砍
9703CharactersObjectstool⛏ -namepick 铁镐
9704CharactersObjectstool⛏ –keywordsmining | pick | tool 工具 | 挖掘 | 采矿 | 铁镐 | 锄头 | 鹤嘴锄
9705CharactersObjectstool⚒ -namehammer and pick 锤子与镐
9706CharactersObjectstool⚒ –keywordshammer | hammer and pick | pick | tool 工具 | 铁锤 | 铁镐 | 锤子 | 锤子与镐 | 镐子
9707CharactersObjectstool🛠 -namehammer and wrench 锤子与扳手
9708CharactersObjectstool🛠 –keywordshammer | hammer and wrench | spanner | tool | wrench 工具 | 扳手 | 铁锤 | 锤子 | 锤子与扳手
9709CharactersObjectstool🗡 -namedagger 匕首
9710CharactersObjectstool🗡 –keywordsdagger | knife | weapon 匕首 | 武器 | 短刀
9711CharactersObjectstool⚔ -namecrossed swords 交叉放置的剑
9712CharactersObjectstool⚔ –keywordscrossed | swords | weapon 交叉 | 交叉放置的剑 | 剑 | 双剑
9713CharactersObjectstool🔫 -namepistol 手枪
9714CharactersObjectstool🔫 –keywordsgun | handgun | pistol | revolver | tool | weapon 工具 | 左轮 | 手枪 | 枪 | 武器
9715CharactersObjectstool🪃 -nameboomerang 回旋镖
9716CharactersObjectstool🪃 –keywordsaustralia | boomerang | rebound | repercussion 反弹 | 回弹 | 回旋镖 | 澳大利亚
9717CharactersObjectstool🏹 -namebow and arrow 弓和箭
9718CharactersObjectstool🏹 –keywordsarcher | arrow | bow | bow and arrow | Sagittarius | zodiac 射手 | 射箭 | 弓 | 弓和箭 | 箭
9719CharactersObjectstool🛡 -nameshield 盾牌
9720CharactersObjectstool🛡 –keywordsshield | weapon 武器 | 盾 | 盾牌 | 防御
9721CharactersObjectstool🪚 -namecarpentry saw 木工锯
9722CharactersObjectstool🪚 –keywordscarpenter | carpentry saw | lumber | saw | tool 工具 | 木匠 | 木工锯 | 木材 | 锯
9723CharactersObjectstool🔧 -namewrench 扳手
9724CharactersObjectstool🔧 –keywordsspanner | tool | wrench 工具 | 扳手 | 螺丝扳手
9725CharactersObjectstool🪛 -namescrewdriver 螺丝刀
9726CharactersObjectstool🪛 –keywordsscrew | screwdriver | tool 工具 | 螺丝 | 螺丝刀
9727CharactersObjectstool🔩 -namenut and bolt 螺母与螺栓
9728CharactersObjectstool🔩 –keywordsbolt | nut | nut and bolt | tool 工具 | 螺丝 | 螺帽 | 螺栓 | 螺母 | 螺母与螺栓
9729CharactersObjectstool⚙ -namegear 齿轮
9730CharactersObjectstool⚙ –keywordscog | cogwheel | gear | tool 传动 | 工具 | 机械 | 零件 | 齿轮
9731CharactersObjectstool🗜 -nameclamp 夹钳
9732CharactersObjectstool🗜 –keywordsclamp | compress | tool | vice 夹具 | 夹钳 | 工具 | 机械 | 紧固
9733CharactersObjectstool⚖ -namebalance scale 天平
9734CharactersObjectstool⚖ –keywordsbalance | justice | Libra | scale | zodiac 公平 | 公正 | 天平 | 正义 | 法律
9735CharactersObjectstool🦯 -namewhite cane 盲杖
9736CharactersObjectstool🦯 –keywordsaccessibility | blind | white cane 拐杖 | 无障碍 | 盲 | 盲杖
9737CharactersObjectstool🔗 -namelink 链接
9738CharactersObjectstool🔗 –keywordslink 网址 | 链接 | 链条 | 锁链
9739CharactersObjectstool⛓ -namechains 链条
9740CharactersObjectstool⛓ –keywordschain | chains 铁链 | 链 | 链条 | 锁链
9741CharactersObjectstool🪝 -namehook 挂钩
9742CharactersObjectstool🪝 –keywordscatch | crook | curve | ensnare | hook | selling point 卖点 | 抓 | 挂钩 | 曲线 | 钩状物
9743CharactersObjectstool🧰 -nametoolbox 工具箱
9744CharactersObjectstool🧰 –keywordschest | mechanic | tool | toolbox 工具 | 工具箱 | 机修 | 箱子
9745CharactersObjectstool🧲 -namemagnet 磁铁
9746CharactersObjectstool🧲 –keywordsattraction | horseshoe | magnet | magnetic 吸引力 | 磁性 | 磁铁 | 马蹄铁
9747CharactersObjectstool🪜 -nameladder 梯子
9748CharactersObjectstool🪜 –keywordsclimb | ladder | rung | step 台阶 | 梯子 | 梯级 | 横档 | 爬
9749CharactersObjectsscience⚗ -namealembic 蒸馏器
9750CharactersObjectsscience⚗ –keywordsalembic | chemistry | tool 净化 | 化学 | 实验 | 工具 | 蒸馏器
9751CharactersObjectsscience🧪 -nametest tube 试管
9752CharactersObjectsscience🧪 –keywordschemist | chemistry | experiment | lab | science | test tube 化学 | 化学家 | 实验 | 实验室 | 科学 | 试管
9753CharactersObjectsscience🧫 -namepetri dish 培养皿
9754CharactersObjectsscience🧫 –keywordsbacteria | biologist | biology | culture | lab | petri dish 培养 | 培养皿 | 实验室 | 生物学 | 生物学家 | 细菌
9755CharactersObjectsscience🧬 -namedna DNA
9756CharactersObjectsscience🧬 –keywordsbiologist | dna | evolution | gene | genetics | life DNA | 基因 | 生命 | 生物学家 | 进化 | 遗传学
9757CharactersObjectsscience🔬 -namemicroscope 显微镜
9758CharactersObjectsscience🔬 –keywordsmicroscope | science | tool 实验 | 工具 | 显微镜 | 生物 | 科学 | 细胞
9759CharactersObjectsscience🔭 -nametelescope 望远镜
9760CharactersObjectsscience🔭 –keywordsscience | telescope | tool 天体 | 天文 | 天文学 | 工具 | 望远镜 | 观星
9761CharactersObjectsscience📡 -namesatellite antenna 卫星天线
9762CharactersObjectsscience📡 –keywordsantenna | dish | satellite 信号接收 | 卫星 | 卫星天线 | 卫星接收天线 | 卫星碟形天线 | 天线
9763CharactersObjectsmedical💉 -namesyringe 注射器
9764CharactersObjectsmedical💉 –keywordsmedicine | needle | shot | sick | syringe 医学 | 打针 | 治疗 | 注射器 | 针头 | 针筒
9765CharactersObjectsmedical🩸 -namedrop of blood 血滴
9766CharactersObjectsmedical🩸 –keywordsbleed | blood donation | drop of blood | injury | medicine | menstruation 医疗 | 月经 | 献血 | 经血 | 血滴 | 输血
9767CharactersObjectsmedical💊 -namepill 药丸
9768CharactersObjectsmedical💊 –keywordsdoctor | medicine | pill | sick 吃药 | 治疗 | 药 | 药丸 | 药物
9769CharactersObjectsmedical🩹 -nameadhesive bandage 创可贴
9770CharactersObjectsmedical🩹 –keywordsadhesive bandage | bandage OK绷 | 伤口 | 创可贴 | 绷带 | 胶布
9771CharactersObjectsmedical🩺 -namestethoscope 听诊器
9772CharactersObjectsmedical🩺 –keywordsdoctor | heart | medicine | stethoscope 医生 | 医疗 | 听诊器 | 心脏 | 心跳 | 诊断
9773CharactersObjectshousehold🚪 -namedoor
9774CharactersObjectshousehold🚪 –keywordsdoor 出入口 | 大门 | 屋门 | 房门 | 房间 | 门
9775CharactersObjectshousehold🛗 -nameelevator 电梯
9776CharactersObjectshousehold🛗 –keywordsaccessibility | elevator | hoist | lift 升降机 | 可达性 | 电梯
9777CharactersObjectshousehold🪞 -namemirror 镜子
9778CharactersObjectshousehold🪞 –keywordsmirror | reflection | reflector | speculum 反射 | 反射镜 | 窥镜 | 镜子
9779CharactersObjectshousehold🪟 -namewindow 窗户
9780CharactersObjectshousehold🪟 –keywordsframe | fresh air | opening | transparent | view | window 开窗 | 新鲜空气 | 景色 | 窗户 | 窗框 | 透明
9781CharactersObjectshousehold🛏 -namebed
9782CharactersObjectshousehold🛏 –keywordsbed | hotel | sleep 宾馆 | 床 | 床垫 | 床铺 | 睡眠 | 睡觉
9783CharactersObjectshousehold🛋 -namecouch and lamp 沙发和灯
9784CharactersObjectshousehold🛋 –keywordscouch | couch and lamp | hotel | lamp 家 | 沙发 | 沙发和灯 | 灯 | 阅读
9785CharactersObjectshousehold🪑 -namechair 椅子
9786CharactersObjectshousehold🪑 –keywordschair | seat | sit 坐 | 座位 | 椅子 | 椅背
9787CharactersObjectshousehold🚽 -nametoilet 马桶
9788CharactersObjectshousehold🚽 –keywordstoilet WC | 卫生间 | 厕所 | 洗手间 | 马桶
9789CharactersObjectshousehold🪠 -nameplunger 活塞
9790CharactersObjectshousehold🪠 –keywordsforce cup | plumber | plunger | suction | toilet 吸力 | 水管工 | 活塞 | 马桶
9791CharactersObjectshousehold🚿 -nameshower 淋浴
9792CharactersObjectshousehold🚿 –keywordsshower | water 喷头 | 喷水 | 水 | 洗澡 花洒 | 淋浴
9793CharactersObjectshousehold🛁 -namebathtub 浴缸
9794CharactersObjectshousehold🛁 –keywordsbath | bathtub 沐浴 | 泡沫浴 | 泡澡 | 洗澡 | 浴缸 | 澡盆
9795CharactersObjectshousehold🪤 -namemouse trap 捕鼠器
9796CharactersObjectshousehold🪤 –keywordsbait | mouse trap | mousetrap | snare | trap 捕鼠器 | 诱饵 | 陷进
9797CharactersObjectshousehold🪒 -namerazor 剃须刀
9798CharactersObjectshousehold🪒 –keywordsrazor | sharp | shave 刀 | 刮 | 剃须刀 | 毛 | 胡子 | 锋利
9799CharactersObjectshousehold🧴 -namelotion bottle 乳液瓶
9800CharactersObjectshousehold🧴 –keywordslotion | lotion bottle | moisturizer | shampoo | sunscreen 乳液 | 乳液瓶 | 护肤霜 | 洗发水 | 防晒霜
9801CharactersObjectshousehold🧷 -namesafety pin 安全别针
9802CharactersObjectshousehold🧷 –keywordsdiaper | punk rock | safety pin 别针 | 安全别针 | 扣针
9803CharactersObjectshousehold🧹 -namebroom 扫帚
9804CharactersObjectshousehold🧹 –keywordsbroom | cleaning | sweeping | witch 女巫 | 打扫 | 扫地 | 扫帚
9805CharactersObjectshousehold🧺 -namebasket
9806CharactersObjectshousehold🧺 –keywordsbasket | farming | laundry | picnic 农作 | 筐 | 脏衣篮 | 野餐
9807CharactersObjectshousehold🧻 -nameroll of paper 卷纸
9808CharactersObjectshousehold🧻 –keywordspaper towels | roll of paper | toilet paper 卫生纸 | 卷纸 | 纸巾
9809CharactersObjectshousehold🪣 -namebucket
9810CharactersObjectshousehold🪣 –keywordsbucket | cask | pail | vat 大桶 | 木桶 | 桶 | 水桶 | 缸
9811CharactersObjectshousehold🧼 -namesoap
9812CharactersObjectshousehold🧼 –keywordsbar | bathing | cleaning | lather | soap | soapdish 杀菌 | 洗手 | 清洁 | 皂 | 肥皂泡 | 肥皂盒
9813CharactersObjectshousehold🪥 -nametoothbrush 牙刷
9814CharactersObjectshousehold🪥 –keywordsbathroom | brush | clean | dental | hygiene | teeth | toothbrush 刷 | 卫生 | 情节 | 浴室 | 牙刷 | 牙科 | 牙齿
9815CharactersObjectshousehold🧽 -namesponge 海绵
9816CharactersObjectshousehold🧽 –keywordsabsorbing | cleaning | porous | sponge 吸水 | 海绵 | 清洁 | 渗透
9817CharactersObjectshousehold🧯 -namefire extinguisher 灭火器
9818CharactersObjectshousehold🧯 –keywordsextinguish | fire | fire extinguisher | quench 火灾 | 灭火 | 灭火器
9819CharactersObjectshousehold🛒 -nameshopping cart 购物车
9820CharactersObjectshousehold🛒 –keywordscart | shopping | trolley 手推车 | 购物车 | 采购
9821CharactersObjectsother-object🚬 -namecigarette 香烟
9822CharactersObjectsother-object🚬 –keywordscigarette | smoking 卷烟 | 吸烟 | 抽烟 | 烟 | 烟草 | 香烟
9823CharactersObjectsother-object⚰ -namecoffin 棺材
9824CharactersObjectsother-object⚰ –keywordscoffin | death 埋葬 | 棺材 | 死亡 | 灵柩 | 葬礼 | 陵墓
9825CharactersObjectsother-object🪦 -nameheadstone 墓碑
9826CharactersObjectsother-object🪦 –keywordscemetery | grave | graveyard | headstone | tombstone 公墓 | 墓园 | 墓地 | 墓碑
9827CharactersObjectsother-object⚱ -namefuneral urn 骨灰缸
9828CharactersObjectsother-object⚱ –keywordsashes | death | funeral | urn 瓮 | 缸 | 葬礼 | 骨灰缸
9829CharactersObjectsother-object🗿 -namemoai 摩埃
9830CharactersObjectsother-object🗿 –keywordsface | moai | moyai | statue 复活岛 | 复活节岛 | 复活节岛石像 | 摩埃 | 摩艾 | 摩艾石像 | 毛埃
9831CharactersObjectsother-object🪧 -nameplacard 标语牌
9832CharactersObjectsother-object🪧 –keywordsdemonstration | picket | placard | protest | sign 布告 | 标志 | 标语牌 | 海报 | 示威 | 纠察队标语牌 | 警戒哨
9833CharactersSymbols2transport-sign🏧 -nameATM sign 取款机
9834CharactersSymbols2transport-sign🏧 –keywordsatm | ATM sign | automated | bank | teller 取款机 | 柜员机 | 标识 | 银行
9835CharactersSymbols2transport-sign🚮 -namelitter in bin sign 倒垃圾
9836CharactersSymbols2transport-sign🚮 –keywordslitter | litter bin | litter in bin sign 倒垃圾 | 垃圾丢弃处 | 垃圾入篓
9837CharactersSymbols2transport-sign🚰 -namepotable water 饮用水
9838CharactersSymbols2transport-sign🚰 –keywordsdrinking | potable | water 喝水 | 接水 | 水 | 水龙头 | 饮用水
9839CharactersSymbols2transport-sign♿ -namewheelchair symbol 轮椅标识
9840CharactersSymbols2transport-sign♿ –keywordsaccess | wheelchair symbol 无障碍 | 残疾 | 残障 | 轮椅 | 轮椅标识 | 轮椅符号
9841CharactersSymbols2transport-sign🚹 -namemen’s room 男厕
9842CharactersSymbols2transport-sign🚹 –keywordslavatory | man | men’s room | restroom | wc 卫生间 | 厕所 | 洗手间 | 男厕 | 男士
9843CharactersSymbols2transport-sign🚺 -namewomen’s room 女厕
9844CharactersSymbols2transport-sign🚺 –keywordslavatory | restroom | wc | woman | women’s room 卫生间 | 厕所 | 女厕 | 女士 | 洗手间
9845CharactersSymbols2transport-sign🚻 -namerestroom 卫生间
9846CharactersSymbols2transport-sign🚻 –keywordslavatory | restroom | WC 卫生间 | 厕所 | 洗手间
9847CharactersSymbols2transport-sign🚼 -namebaby symbol 宝宝
9848CharactersSymbols2transport-sign🚼 –keywordsbaby | baby symbol | changing 婴儿 | 宝宝 | 母婴室
9849CharactersSymbols2transport-sign🚾 -namewater closet 厕所
9850CharactersSymbols2transport-sign🚾 –keywordscloset | lavatory | restroom | water | wc 卫生间 | 厕所 | 洗手间 | 盥洗室
9851CharactersSymbols2transport-sign🛂 -namepassport control 护照检查
9852CharactersSymbols2transport-sign🛂 –keywordscontrol | passport 安检 | 护照检查 | 检查 | 通行证
9853CharactersSymbols2transport-sign🛃 -namecustoms 海关
9854CharactersSymbols2transport-sign🛃 –keywordscustoms 海关
9855CharactersSymbols2transport-sign🛄 -namebaggage claim 提取行李
9856CharactersSymbols2transport-sign🛄 –keywordsbaggage | claim 提取 | 提取行李 | 行李
9857CharactersSymbols2transport-sign🛅 -nameleft luggage 寄存行李
9858CharactersSymbols2transport-sign🛅 –keywordsbaggage | left luggage | locker | luggage 寄存 | 寄存行李 | 行李
9859CharactersSymbols2warning⚠ -namewarning 警告
9860CharactersSymbols2warning⚠ –keywordswarning 警告
9861CharactersSymbols2warning🚸 -namechildren crossing 儿童过街
9862CharactersSymbols2warning🚸 –keywordschild | children crossing | crossing | pedestrian | traffic 交通 | 儿童过街 | 安全 | 指示牌 | 行人
9863CharactersSymbols2warning⛔ -nameno entry 禁止通行
9864CharactersSymbols2warning⛔ –keywordsentry | forbidden | no | not | prohibited | traffic 交通 | 禁止通行 | 请勿入内 | 请勿驶入
9865CharactersSymbols2warning🚫 -nameprohibited 禁止
9866CharactersSymbols2warning🚫 –keywordsentry | forbidden | no | not | prohibited 不准 | 不许 | 严禁 | 禁止 | 阻止
9867CharactersSymbols2warning🚳 -nameno bicycles 禁止自行车
9868CharactersSymbols2warning🚳 –keywordsbicycle | bike | forbidden | no | no bicycles | prohibited 严禁 | 交通 | 禁止自行车 | 非机动车
9869CharactersSymbols2warning🚭 -nameno smoking 禁止吸烟
9870CharactersSymbols2warning🚭 –keywordsforbidden | no | not | prohibited | smoking 严禁 | 抽烟 | 禁止吸烟
9871CharactersSymbols2warning🚯 -nameno littering 禁止乱扔垃圾
9872CharactersSymbols2warning🚯 –keywordsforbidden | litter | no | no littering | not | prohibited 严禁 | 垃圾 | 禁止乱扔垃圾
9873CharactersSymbols2warning🚱 -namenon-potable water 非饮用水
9874CharactersSymbols2warning🚱 –keywordsnon-drinking | non-potable | water 水 | 非直饮水 | 非饮用水
9875CharactersSymbols2warning🚷 -nameno pedestrians 禁止行人通行
9876CharactersSymbols2warning🚷 –keywordsforbidden | no | no pedestrians | not | pedestrian | prohibited 严禁 | 禁止行人通行 | 行人
9877CharactersSymbols2warning📵 -nameno mobile phones 禁止使用手机
9878CharactersSymbols2warning📵 –keywordscell | forbidden | mobile | no | no mobile phones | phone 严禁 | 电话 | 禁止使用手机
9879CharactersSymbols2warning🔞 -nameno one under eighteen 18禁
9880CharactersSymbols2warning🔞 –keywords18 | age restriction | eighteen | no one under eighteen | prohibited | underage 18禁 | 未成年人不宜 | 禁止
9881CharactersSymbols2warning☢ -nameradioactive 辐射
9882CharactersSymbols2warning☢ –keywordsradioactive | sign 放射性 | 标识 | 辐射
9883CharactersSymbols2warning☣ -namebiohazard 生物危害
9884CharactersSymbols2warning☣ –keywordsbiohazard | sign 动物 | 当心感染 | 生物危害
9885CharactersSymbols2arrow⬆ -nameup arrow 向上箭头
9886CharactersSymbols2arrow⬆ –keywordsarrow | cardinal | direction | north | up arrow 北 | 向上箭头 | 方向 | 标识
9887CharactersSymbols2arrow↗ -nameup-right arrow 右上箭头
9888CharactersSymbols2arrow↗ –keywordsarrow | direction | intercardinal | northeast | up-right arrow 东北 | 右上箭头 | 方向 | 标识
9889CharactersSymbols2arrow➡ -nameright arrow 向右箭头
9890CharactersSymbols2arrow➡ –keywordsarrow | cardinal | direction | east | right arrow 东 | 向右箭头 | 方向 | 标识
9891CharactersSymbols2arrow↘ -namedown-right arrow 右下箭头
9892CharactersSymbols2arrow↘ –keywordsarrow | direction | down-right arrow | intercardinal | southeast 东南 | 右下箭头 | 方向 | 标识
9893CharactersSymbols2arrow⬇ -namedown arrow 向下箭头
9894CharactersSymbols2arrow⬇ –keywordsarrow | cardinal | direction | down | south 向下 | 向下箭头 | 基本 | 方位 | 正南 | 箭头
9895CharactersSymbols2arrow↙ -namedown-left arrow 左下箭头
9896CharactersSymbols2arrow↙ –keywordsarrow | direction | down-left arrow | intercardinal | southwest 左下箭头 | 方向 | 标识 | 西南
9897CharactersSymbols2arrow⬅ -nameleft arrow 向左箭头
9898CharactersSymbols2arrow⬅ –keywordsarrow | cardinal | direction | left arrow | west 向左箭头 | 方向 | 标识 | 西
9899CharactersSymbols2arrow↖ -nameup-left arrow 左上箭头
9900CharactersSymbols2arrow↖ –keywordsarrow | direction | intercardinal | northwest | up-left arrow 左上箭头 | 方向 | 标识 | 西北
9901CharactersSymbols2arrow↕ -nameup-down arrow 上下箭头
9902CharactersSymbols2arrow↕ –keywordsarrow | up-down arrow 上下 | 上下箭头 | 箭头
9903CharactersSymbols2arrow↔ -nameleft-right arrow 左右箭头
9904CharactersSymbols2arrow↔ –keywordsarrow | left-right arrow 左右 | 左右箭头 | 箭头
9905CharactersSymbols2arrow↩ -nameright arrow curving left 右转弯箭头
9906CharactersSymbols2arrow↩ –keywordsarrow | right arrow curving left 右转弯 | 右转弯箭头 | 向左弯曲的右箭头 | 箭头
9907CharactersSymbols2arrow↪ -nameleft arrow curving right 左转弯箭头
9908CharactersSymbols2arrow↪ –keywordsarrow | left arrow curving right 向右弯曲的左箭头 | 左转弯 | 左转弯箭头 | 箭头
9909CharactersSymbols2arrow⤴ -nameright arrow curving up 右上弯箭头
9910CharactersSymbols2arrow⤴ –keywordsarrow | right arrow curving up 右上弯 | 右上弯箭头 | 向上弯曲的右箭头 | 箭头
9911CharactersSymbols2arrow⤵ -nameright arrow curving down 右下弯箭头
9912CharactersSymbols2arrow⤵ –keywordsarrow | down | right arrow curving down 右下弯 | 右下弯箭头 | 向下弯曲的右箭头 | 箭头
9913CharactersSymbols2arrow🔃 -nameclockwise vertical arrows 顺时针垂直箭头
9914CharactersSymbols2arrow🔃 –keywordsarrow | clockwise | clockwise vertical arrows | reload 方向 | 标识 | 重新载入 | 顺时针垂直箭头
9915CharactersSymbols2arrow🔄 -namecounterclockwise arrows button 逆时针箭头按钮
9916CharactersSymbols2arrow🔄 –keywordsanticlockwise | arrow | counterclockwise | counterclockwise arrows button | withershins 箭头 | 逆时针 | 逆时针箭头 | 逆时针箭头按钮
9917CharactersSymbols2arrow🔙 -nameBACK arrow 返回箭头
9918CharactersSymbols2arrow🔙 –keywordsarrow | back | BACK arrow 回退 | 箭头 | 返回 | 返回箭头
9919CharactersSymbols2arrow🔚 -nameEND arrow 结束箭头
9920CharactersSymbols2arrow🔚 –keywordsarrow | end | END arrow 箭头 | 结束 | 结束箭头
9921CharactersSymbols2arrow🔛 -nameON! arrow ON! 箭头
9922CharactersSymbols2arrow🔛 –keywordsarrow | mark | on | ON! arrow ON | ON! 箭头 | 开始 | 标识 | 箭头
9923CharactersSymbols2arrow🔜 -nameSOON arrow SOON 箭头
9924CharactersSymbols2arrow🔜 –keywordsarrow | soon | SOON arrow SOON 箭头 | 箭头 | 马上
9925CharactersSymbols2arrow🔝 -nameTOP arrow 置顶
9926CharactersSymbols2arrow🔝 –keywordsarrow | top | TOP arrow | up 向上 | 标识 | 置顶
9927CharactersSymbols2arrow→ -nameright-pointing arrow 向右的箭头
9928CharactersSymbols2arrow→ –keywordsarrow | right | right-pointing arrow 右 | 向右的箭头 | 箭头
9929CharactersSymbols2arrow↓ -namedown-pointing arrow 向下的箭头
9930CharactersSymbols2arrow↓ –keywordsarrow | down | down-pointing arrow 下 | 向下的箭头 | 箭头
9931CharactersSymbols2arrow↑ -nameup-pointing arrow 向上的箭头
9932CharactersSymbols2arrow↑ –keywordsarrow | up | up-pointing arrow 上 | 向上的箭头 | 箭头
9933CharactersSymbols2arrow← -nameleft-pointing arrow 向左的箭头
9934CharactersSymbols2arrow← –keywordsarrow | left | left-pointing arrow 向左的箭头 | 左 | 箭头
9935CharactersSymbols2arrow⇆ -nameleft-pointing over right-pointing arrows 上左下右两个箭头
9936CharactersSymbols2arrow⇆ –keywordsarrow | left | left-pointing over right-pointing arrows | right 上左下右两个箭头 | 右 | 左 | 箭头
9937CharactersSymbols2arrow⇅ -nameup-pointing and down-pointing arrows 左上右下两个箭头
9938CharactersSymbols2arrow⇅ –keywordsarrow | down | up | up-pointing and down-pointing arrows 上 | 下 | 左上右下两个箭头 | 箭头
9939CharactersSymbols2religion🛐 -nameplace of worship 宗教场所
9940CharactersSymbols2religion🛐 –keywordsplace of worship | religion | worship 地点 | 宗教场所 | 礼拜 | 祈祷
9941CharactersSymbols2religion⚛ -nameatom symbol 原子符号
9942CharactersSymbols2religion⚛ –keywordsatheist | atom | atom symbol 原子符号 | 无神论 | 物质
9943CharactersSymbols2religion🕉 -nameom 奥姆
9944CharactersSymbols2religion🕉 –keywordsHindu | om | religion 印度 | 奥姆 | 宗教
9945CharactersSymbols2religion✡ -namestar of David 六芒星
9946CharactersSymbols2religion✡ –keywordsDavid | Jew | Jewish | religion | star | star of David 六芒星 | 大卫之星 | 宗教 | 犹太
9947CharactersSymbols2religion☸ -namewheel of dharma 法轮
9948CharactersSymbols2religion☸ –keywordsBuddhist | dharma | religion | wheel | wheel of dharma 佛 | 宗教 | 法轮 | 达摩
9949CharactersSymbols2religion☯ -nameyin yang 阴阳
9950CharactersSymbols2religion☯ –keywordsreligion | tao | taoist | yang | yin 太极 | 宗教 | 道 | 道教 | 阳 | 阴 | 阴阳
9951CharactersSymbols2religion✝ -namelatin cross 十字架
9952CharactersSymbols2religion✝ –keywordsChristian | cross | latin cross | religion 十字架 | 基督 | 天主教 | 宗教
9953CharactersSymbols2religion☦ -nameorthodox cross 东正教十字架
9954CharactersSymbols2religion☦ –keywordsChristian | cross | orthodox cross | religion 东正教 | 东正教十字架 | 十字架 | 基督 | 宗教
9955CharactersSymbols2religion☪ -namestar and crescent 星月
9956CharactersSymbols2religion☪ –keywordsislam | Muslim | religion | star and crescent 伊斯兰 | 宗教 | 星月 | 穆斯林
9957CharactersSymbols2religion☮ -namepeace symbol 和平符号
9958CharactersSymbols2religion☮ –keywordspeace | peace symbol 和平 | 和平符号
9959CharactersSymbols2religion🕎 -namemenorah 烛台
9960CharactersSymbols2religion🕎 –keywordscandelabrum | candlestick | menorah | religion 光明节 | 宗教 | 灯台 | 烛台
9961CharactersSymbols2religion🔯 -namedotted six-pointed star 带中间点的六芒星
9962CharactersSymbols2religion🔯 –keywordsdotted six-pointed star | fortune | star 六角星 | 命运 | 带中间点的六芒星
9963CharactersSymbols2zodiac♈ -nameAries 白羊座
9964CharactersSymbols2zodiac♈ –keywordsAries | ram | zodiac 公羊 | 星座 | 白羊座
9965CharactersSymbols2zodiac♉ -nameTaurus 金牛座
9966CharactersSymbols2zodiac♉ –keywordsbull | ox | Taurus | zodiac 公牛 | 星座 | 金牛座
9967CharactersSymbols2zodiac♊ -nameGemini 双子座
9968CharactersSymbols2zodiac♊ –keywordsGemini | twins | zodiac 双子座 | 孪生子 | 星座
9969CharactersSymbols2zodiac♋ -nameCancer 巨蟹座
9970CharactersSymbols2zodiac♋ –keywordsCancer | crab | zodiac 巨蟹座 | 星座 | 螃蟹
9971CharactersSymbols2zodiac♌ -nameLeo 狮子座
9972CharactersSymbols2zodiac♌ –keywordsLeo | lion | zodiac 星座 | 狮子座 | 雄狮
9973CharactersSymbols2zodiac♍ -nameVirgo 处女座
9974CharactersSymbols2zodiac♍ –keywordsVirgo | zodiac 处女座 | 星座 | 黄道十二宫
9975CharactersSymbols2zodiac♎ -nameLibra 天秤座
9976CharactersSymbols2zodiac♎ –keywordsbalance | justice | Libra | scales | zodiac 天秤座 | 平衡 | 星座 | 正义
9977CharactersSymbols2zodiac♏ -nameScorpio 天蝎座
9978CharactersSymbols2zodiac♏ –keywordsScorpio | scorpion | scorpius | zodiac 天蝎座 | 星座 | 蝎子
9979CharactersSymbols2zodiac♐ -nameSagittarius 射手座
9980CharactersSymbols2zodiac♐ –keywordsarcher | Sagittarius | zodiac 射手座 | 弓箭手 | 星座
9981CharactersSymbols2zodiac♑ -nameCapricorn 摩羯座
9982CharactersSymbols2zodiac♑ –keywordsCapricorn | goat | zodiac 山羊 | 摩羯座 | 星座
9983CharactersSymbols2zodiac♒ -nameAquarius 水瓶座
9984CharactersSymbols2zodiac♒ –keywordsAquarius | bearer | water | zodiac 星座 | 水 | 水瓶座
9985CharactersSymbols2zodiac♓ -namePisces 双鱼座
9986CharactersSymbols2zodiac♓ –keywordsfish | Pisces | zodiac 双鱼座 | 星座 | 鱼
9987CharactersSymbols2zodiac⛎ -nameOphiuchus 蛇夫座
9988CharactersSymbols2zodiac⛎ –keywordsbearer | Ophiuchus | serpent | snake | zodiac 星座 | 蛇 | 蛇夫座
9989CharactersSymbols2av-symbol🔀 -nameshuffle tracks button 随机播放音轨按钮
9990CharactersSymbols2av-symbol🔀 –keywordsarrow | crossed | shuffle tracks button 交叉 | 打乱 | 随机 | 随机播放音轨按钮
9991CharactersSymbols2av-symbol🔁 -namerepeat button 重复按钮
9992CharactersSymbols2av-symbol🔁 –keywordsarrow | clockwise | repeat | repeat button 循环播放 | 箭头 | 重复按钮 | 顺时针
9993CharactersSymbols2av-symbol🔂 -namerepeat single button 重复一次按钮
9994CharactersSymbols2av-symbol🔂 –keywordsarrow | clockwise | once | repeat single button 单曲循环 | 循环 | 箭头 | 重复一次按钮 | 顺时针
9995CharactersSymbols2av-symbol▶ -nameplay button 播放按钮
9996CharactersSymbols2av-symbol▶ –keywordsarrow | play | play button | right | triangle 三角 | 向右 | 播放按钮 | 箭头
9997CharactersSymbols2av-symbol⏩ -namefast-forward button 快进按钮
9998CharactersSymbols2av-symbol⏩ –keywordsarrow | double | fast | fast-forward button | forward 双箭头 | 向前 | 快进按钮 | 快速
9999CharactersSymbols2av-symbol⏭ -namenext track button 下一个音轨按钮
10000CharactersSymbols2av-symbol⏭ –keywordsarrow | next scene | next track | next track button | triangle 三角 | 下一个音轨按钮 | 往后 | 箭头
10001CharactersSymbols2av-symbol⏯ -nameplay or pause button 播放或暂停按钮
10002CharactersSymbols2av-symbol⏯ –keywordsarrow | pause | play | play or pause button | right | triangle 三角 | 向右 | 播放或暂停按钮
10003CharactersSymbols2av-symbol◀ -namereverse button 倒退按钮
10004CharactersSymbols2av-symbol◀ –keywordsarrow | left | reverse | reverse button | triangle 三角 | 倒退按钮 | 后退 | 向左
10005CharactersSymbols2av-symbol⏪ -namefast reverse button 快退按钮
10006CharactersSymbols2av-symbol⏪ –keywordsarrow | double | fast reverse button | rewind 倒回 | 双箭头 | 快退按钮
10007CharactersSymbols2av-symbol⏮ -namelast track button 上一个音轨按钮
10008CharactersSymbols2av-symbol⏮ –keywordsarrow | last track button | previous scene | previous track | triangle 三角 | 上一个音轨按钮 | 箭头
10009CharactersSymbols2av-symbol🔼 -nameupwards button 向上三角形按钮
10010CharactersSymbols2av-symbol🔼 –keywordsarrow | button | red | upwards button 向上三角形按钮 | 往上 | 箭头
10011CharactersSymbols2av-symbol⏫ -namefast up button 快速上升按钮
10012CharactersSymbols2av-symbol⏫ –keywordsarrow | double | fast up button 双箭头 | 向上 | 快速上升按钮
10013CharactersSymbols2av-symbol🔽 -namedownwards button 向下三角形按钮
10014CharactersSymbols2av-symbol🔽 –keywordsarrow | button | down | downwards button | red 向下三角形按钮 | 往下 | 箭头
10015CharactersSymbols2av-symbol⏬ -namefast down button 快速下降按钮
10016CharactersSymbols2av-symbol⏬ –keywordsarrow | double | down | fast down button 双箭头 | 向下 | 快速下降按钮
10017CharactersSymbols2av-symbol⏸ -namepause button 暂停按钮
10018CharactersSymbols2av-symbol⏸ –keywordsbar | double | pause | pause button | vertical 停止 | 双条形 | 暂停按钮
10019CharactersSymbols2av-symbol⏹ -namestop button 停止按钮
10020CharactersSymbols2av-symbol⏹ –keywordssquare | stop | stop button 停止按钮 | 方形 | 终止
10021CharactersSymbols2av-symbol⏺ -namerecord button 录制按钮
10022CharactersSymbols2av-symbol⏺ –keywordscircle | record | record button 制作 | 圆 | 录制按钮
10023CharactersSymbols2av-symbol⏏ -nameeject button 推出按钮
10024CharactersSymbols2av-symbol⏏ –keywordseject | eject button 向上三角 | 弹出 | 推出按钮
10025CharactersSymbols2av-symbol🎦 -namecinema 电影院
10026CharactersSymbols2av-symbol🎦 –keywordscamera | cinema | film | movie 场所 | 影片 | 电影院
10027CharactersSymbols2av-symbol🔅 -namedim button 低亮度按钮
10028CharactersSymbols2av-symbol🔅 –keywordsbrightness | dim | dim button | low 亮度 | 低 | 低亮度按钮 | 昏暗
10029CharactersSymbols2av-symbol🔆 -namebright button 高亮度按钮
10030CharactersSymbols2av-symbol🔆 –keywordsbright | bright button | brightness 亮度 | 太阳 | 明亮 | 高亮度按钮
10031CharactersSymbols2av-symbol📶 -nameantenna bars 信号强度条
10032CharactersSymbols2av-symbol📶 –keywordsantenna | antenna bars | bar | cell | mobile | phone 信号强度条 | 天线 | 手机 | 条
10033CharactersSymbols2av-symbol📳 -namevibration mode 振动模式
10034CharactersSymbols2av-symbol📳 –keywordscell | mobile | mode | phone | telephone | vibration 手机 | 振动模式 | 震动
10035CharactersSymbols2av-symbol📴 -namemobile phone off 手机关机
10036CharactersSymbols2av-symbol📴 –keywordscell | mobile | off | phone | telephone 关闭 | 手机 | 手机关机
10037CharactersSymbols2gender♀ -namefemale sign 女性符号
10038CharactersSymbols2gender♀ –keywordsfemale sign | woman 女性符号 | 符号 | 雌性
10039CharactersSymbols2gender♂ -namemale sign 男性符号
10040CharactersSymbols2gender♂ –keywordsmale sign | man 男性符号 | 符号 | 雄性
10041CharactersSymbols2gender⚧ -nametransgender symbol 跨性别符号
10042CharactersSymbols2gender⚧ –keywordstransgender | transgender symbol 跨性别 | 跨性别符号
10043CharactersSymbols2math✖ -namemultiply
10044CharactersSymbols2math✖ –keywords× | cancel | multiplication | multiply | sign | x 乘 | 乘号 | 取消 | 相乘 | 符号
10045CharactersSymbols2math➕ -nameplus 加号
10046CharactersSymbols2math➕ –keywords+ | math | plus | sign 加号 | 十字 | 数学 | 相加 | 符号
10047CharactersSymbols2math➖ -nameminus 减号
10048CharactersSymbols2math➖ –keywords- | − | math | minus | sign 减号 | 数学 | 横线 | 符号
10049CharactersSymbols2math➗ -namedivide
10050CharactersSymbols2math➗ –keywords÷ | divide | division | math | sign 数学 | 相除 | 符号 | 除 | 除号
10051CharactersSymbols2math♾ -nameinfinity 无限
10052CharactersSymbols2math♾ –keywordsforever | infinity | unbounded | universal 宇宙 | 无限 | 永恒
10053CharactersSymbols2math× -namemultiplication sign 乘号
10054CharactersSymbols2math× –keywordsmultiplication | multiplication sign | multiply | times 乘以 | 乘号 | 乘法 | 乘积 | 积数
10055CharactersSymbols2math÷ -namedivision sign 除号
10056CharactersSymbols2math÷ –keywordsdivide | division | division sign | obelus 商数 | 除以 | 除号 | 除商 | 除法
10057CharactersSymbols2math√ -namesquare root 平方根
10058CharactersSymbols2math√ –keywordsradical | radix | root | square | surd 不尽根 | 平方根 | 开平方 | 开根 | 根号
10059CharactersSymbols2math∞ -nameinfinity sign 无穷大符号
10060CharactersSymbols2math∞ –keywordsinfinity | infinity sign 无穷大 | 无穷大符号
10061CharactersSymbols2math∆ -nameincrement 增量
10062CharactersSymbols2math∆ –keywordsincrement | triangle 三角 | 增量
10063CharactersSymbols2math∇ -namenabla 向量微分
10064CharactersSymbols2math∇ –keywordsnabla | triangle 倒三角 | 向量微分
10065CharactersSymbols2math⁻ -namesuperscript minus 上标减号
10066CharactersSymbols2math⁻ –keywordsminus | superscript 上标 | 上标减号 | 减号
10067CharactersSymbols2math¹ -namesuperscript one 上标1
10068CharactersSymbols2math¹ –keywordsone | superscript 1 | 上标 | 上标1
10069CharactersSymbols2math² -namesuperscript two 上标2
10070CharactersSymbols2math² –keywordssquared | superscript | two 2 | 上标 | 上标2 | 平方
10071CharactersSymbols2math³ -namesuperscript three 上标3
10072CharactersSymbols2math³ –keywordscubed | superscript | three 3 | 上标 | 上标3 | 立方
10073CharactersSymbols2math≡ -nameidentical to 等同于
10074CharactersSymbols2math≡ –keywordsexact | identical | identical to | triple 三线 | 相同 | 等于 | 等同 | 等同于
10075CharactersSymbols2math∈ -nameelement of 是...的元素
10076CharactersSymbols2math∈ –keywordscontains | element | element of | membership | set 元素 | 包含 | 成员 | 是...的元素 | 集合
10077CharactersSymbols2math⊂ -namesubset of 是...的子集
10078CharactersSymbols2math⊂ –keywordsset | subset | subset of 子集 | 是...的子集 | 集合
10079CharactersSymbols2math∩ -nameintersection 交集
10080CharactersSymbols2math∩ –keywordsintersection | set 交集 | 集 | 集合
10081CharactersSymbols2math∪ -nameunion 并集
10082CharactersSymbols2math∪ –keywordscollection | set | union 并集 | 集 | 集合
10083CharactersSymbols2math° -namedegree
10084CharactersSymbols2math° –keywordsdegree | hour | proof 度 | 度数 | 时角 | 标准酒精度
10085CharactersSymbols2punctuation‼ -namedouble exclamation mark 双感叹号
10086CharactersSymbols2punctuation‼ –keywords! | !! | bangbang | double exclamation mark | exclamation | mark ! | !! | 两个 | 双感叹号 | 吃惊 | 标点符号
10087CharactersSymbols2punctuation⁉ -nameexclamation question mark 感叹疑问号
10088CharactersSymbols2punctuation⁉ –keywords! | !? | ? | exclamation | interrobang | mark | punctuation | question ! | !? | ? | 吃惊 | 感叹疑问号 | 标点符号 | 问号
10089CharactersSymbols2punctuation❓ -namequestion mark 问号
10090CharactersSymbols2punctuation❓ –keywords? | mark | punctuation | question 为什么 | 标点符号 | 问号
10091CharactersSymbols2punctuation❔ -namewhite question mark 白色问号
10092CharactersSymbols2punctuation❔ –keywords? | mark | outlined | punctuation | question | white question mark ? | 为什么 | 标点符号 | 白色问号 | 空心
10093CharactersSymbols2punctuation❕ -namewhite exclamation mark 白色感叹号
10094CharactersSymbols2punctuation❕ –keywords! | exclamation | mark | outlined | punctuation | white exclamation mark ! | 吃惊 | 标点符号 | 白色感叹号 | 空心
10095CharactersSymbols2punctuation❗ -nameexclamation mark 感叹号
10096CharactersSymbols2punctuation❗ –keywords! | exclamation | mark | punctuation ! | 吃惊 | 感叹号 | 标点符号
10097CharactersSymbols2punctuation〰 -namewavy dash 波浪型破折号
10098CharactersSymbols2punctuation〰 –keywordsdash | punctuation | wavy 标点符号 | 波浪型破折号 | 浪花
10099CharactersSymbols2punctuation– -nameen dash 连接号
10100CharactersSymbols2punctuation– –keywordsdash | en 横线 | 短划线 | 连接号
10101CharactersSymbols2punctuation— -nameem dash 破折号
10102CharactersSymbols2punctuation— –keywordsdash | em 横线 | 破折号 | 长划线
10103CharactersSymbols2punctuation» -nameright guillemet 右燕尾号
10104CharactersSymbols2punctuation» –keywordsangle | brackets | carets | chevron | quote | right | right guillemet 右 | 右燕尾号 | 尾巴 | 引用 | 方框 | 燕子 | 角
10105CharactersSymbols2punctuation« -nameleft guillemet 左燕尾号
10106CharactersSymbols2punctuation« –keywordsangle | brackets | carets | chevron | left | left guillemet | quote 尾巴 | 左 | 左燕尾号 | 引用 | 方框 | 燕子 | 角
10107CharactersSymbols2punctuation• -namebullet 项目符号
10108CharactersSymbols2punctuation• –keywordsbullet | dot 圆点 | 项目符号
10109CharactersSymbols2punctuation· -namemiddle dot 间隔号
10110CharactersSymbols2punctuation· –keywordsdot | interpunct | middle | middot 中点 | 中间 | 中间名 | 点 | 间隔号
10111CharactersSymbols2punctuation§ -namesection 章节符号
10112CharactersSymbols2punctuation§ –keywordsparagraph | part | section | silcrow 双S | 段落 | 部分 | 章节 | 章节符号
10113CharactersSymbols2punctuation† -namedagger sign 剑号
10114CharactersSymbols2punctuation† –keywordsdagger | dagger sign | obelisk | obelus 剑 | 剑号 | 十字架
10115CharactersSymbols2punctuation‡ -namedouble dagger sign 双剑号
10116CharactersSymbols2punctuation‡ –keywordsdagger | double | double dagger sign | obelisk | obelus 剑 | 剑号 | 双 | 双剑号 | 篱笆
10117CharactersSymbols2currency💱 -namecurrency exchange 货币兑换
10118CharactersSymbols2currency💱 –keywordsbank | currency | exchange | money 兑换 | 外汇 | 换汇 | 汇率 | 流通 | 货币兑换
10119CharactersSymbols2currency💲 -nameheavy dollar sign 美元符号
10120CharactersSymbols2currency💲 –keywordscurrency | dollar | heavy dollar sign | money 美元 | 美元符号 | 货币
10121CharactersSymbols2currency€ -nameeuro 欧元符号
10122CharactersSymbols2currency€ –keywordscurrency | EUR | euro 欧元 | 欧元区 | 欧元符号 | 欧洲 | 货币
10123CharactersSymbols2currency£ -namepound 英镑符号
10124CharactersSymbols2currency£ –keywordscurrency | EGP | GBP | pound 英镑 | 英镑符号 | 货币 | 镑
10125CharactersSymbols2currency¥ -nameyen 元符号
10126CharactersSymbols2currency¥ –keywordsCNY | currency | JPY | yen | yuan 中国 | 人民币 | 元 | 元符号 | 日元 | 日本 | 货币
10127CharactersSymbols2currency₹ -nameindian rupee 印度卢比符号
10128CharactersSymbols2currency₹ –keywordscurrency | indian rupee | rupee 卢比 | 印度卢比 | 印度卢比符号 | 货币
10129CharactersSymbols2currency₽ -nameruble 卢布符号
10130CharactersSymbols2currency₽ –keywordscurrency | ruble 俄罗斯 | 俄罗斯卢布 | 卢布 | 卢布符号 | 货币
10131CharactersSymbols2other-symbol⚕ -namemedical symbol 医疗标志
10132CharactersSymbols2other-symbol⚕ –keywordsaesculapius | medical symbol | medicine | staff 医疗标志 | 蛇杖 | 阿斯克勒庇俄斯
10133CharactersSymbols2other-symbol♻ -namerecycling symbol 回收标志
10134CharactersSymbols2other-symbol♻ –keywordsrecycle | recycling symbol 再利用 | 回收标志 | 循环
10135CharactersSymbols2other-symbol⚜ -namefleur-de-lis 百合花饰
10136CharactersSymbols2other-symbol⚜ –keywordsfleur-de-lis 百合花饰 | 鸢尾花
10137CharactersSymbols2other-symbol🔱 -nametrident emblem 三叉戟徽章
10138CharactersSymbols2other-symbol🔱 –keywordsanchor | emblem | ship | tool | trident 三叉戟徽章 | 工具 | 船 | 锚
10139CharactersSymbols2other-symbol📛 -namename badge 姓名牌
10140CharactersSymbols2other-symbol📛 –keywordsbadge | name 姓名牌 | 胸牌 | 证章
10141CharactersSymbols2other-symbol🔰 -nameJapanese symbol for beginner 日本新手驾驶标志
10142CharactersSymbols2other-symbol🔰 –keywordsbeginner | chevron | Japanese | Japanese symbol for beginner | leaf V形图案 | 叶状 | 实习 | 日本新手驾驶标志 | 箭尾
10143CharactersSymbols2other-symbol⭕ -namehollow red circle 红色空心圆圈
10144CharactersSymbols2other-symbol⭕ –keywordscircle | hollow red circle | large | o | red O形 | 圆圈 | 大 | 红 | 红色空心圆圈
10145CharactersSymbols2other-symbol✅ -namecheck mark button 勾号按钮
10146CharactersSymbols2other-symbol✅ –keywords✓ | button | check | mark 勾 | 勾号 | 勾号按钮 | 打勾 | 按钮
10147CharactersSymbols2other-symbol☑ -namecheck box with check 勾选框
10148CharactersSymbols2other-symbol☑ –keywords✓ | box | check | check box with check 勾号 | 勾选框 | 复选框 | 带勾方格 | 打勾
10149CharactersSymbols2other-symbol✔ -namecheck mark 勾号
10150CharactersSymbols2other-symbol✔ –keywords✓ | check | mark 勾号 | 对勾 | 打勾 | 正确 | 符号
10151CharactersSymbols2other-symbol❌ -namecross mark 叉号
10152CharactersSymbols2other-symbol❌ –keywords× | cancel | cross | mark | multiplication | multiply | x 交叉 | 叉号 | 取消 | 相乘 | 符号
10153CharactersSymbols2other-symbol❎ -namecross mark button 叉号按钮
10154CharactersSymbols2other-symbol❎ –keywords× | cross mark button | mark | square | x 叉号按钮 | 取消 | 方形
10155CharactersSymbols2other-symbol➰ -namecurly loop 卷曲环
10156CharactersSymbols2other-symbol➰ –keywordscurl | curly loop | loop 单环 | 卷曲环 | 标志
10157CharactersSymbols2other-symbol➿ -namedouble curly loop 双卷曲环
10158CharactersSymbols2other-symbol➿ –keywordscurl | double | double curly loop | loop 双卷曲环 | 双环 | 标志
10159CharactersSymbols2other-symbol〽 -namepart alternation mark 庵点
10160CharactersSymbols2other-symbol〽 –keywordsmark | part | part alternation mark 庵点 | 开始歌唱 | 符号
10161CharactersSymbols2other-symbol✳ -nameeight-spoked asterisk 八轮辐星号
10162CharactersSymbols2other-symbol✳ –keywords* | asterisk | eight-spoked asterisk 八轮辐星号 | 星号
10163CharactersSymbols2other-symbol✴ -nameeight-pointed star 八角星
10164CharactersSymbols2other-symbol✴ –keywords* | eight-pointed star | star 八角星 | 星 | 符号
10165CharactersSymbols2other-symbol❇ -namesparkle 火花
10166CharactersSymbols2other-symbol❇ –keywords* | sparkle 火花 | 烟火 | 闪耀
10167CharactersSymbols2other-symbol© -namecopyright 版权
10168CharactersSymbols2other-symbol© –keywordsc | copyright 版权
10169CharactersSymbols2other-symbol® -nameregistered 注册
10170CharactersSymbols2other-symbol® –keywordsr | registered 注册 | 注册标记
10171CharactersSymbols2other-symbol™ -nametrade mark 商标
10172CharactersSymbols2other-symbol™ –keywordsmark | tm | trade mark | trademark 产品 | 商标 | 标志
10173CharactersSymbols2alphanum🔠 -nameinput latin uppercase 输入大写拉丁字母
10174CharactersSymbols2alphanum🔠 –keywordsABCD | input | latin | letters | uppercase ABCD | 打字 | 拉丁文 | 输入大写拉丁字母 | 输入法
10175CharactersSymbols2alphanum🔡 -nameinput latin lowercase 输入小写拉丁字母
10176CharactersSymbols2alphanum🔡 –keywordsabcd | input | latin | letters | lowercase abcd | 打字 | 拉丁文 | 输入小写拉丁字母 | 输入法
10177CharactersSymbols2alphanum🔢 -nameinput numbers 输入数字
10178CharactersSymbols2alphanum🔢 –keywords1234 | input | numbers 1234 | 打字 | 输入数字
10179CharactersSymbols2alphanum🔣 -nameinput symbols 输入符号
10180CharactersSymbols2alphanum🔣 –keywords〒♪&% | input | input symbols 字符 | 打字 | 输入符号
10181CharactersSymbols2alphanum🔤 -nameinput latin letters 输入拉丁字母
10182CharactersSymbols2alphanum🔤 –keywordsabc | alphabet | input | latin | letters abc | 字母 | 打字 | 拉丁文 | 输入拉丁字母
10183CharactersSymbols2alphanum🅰 -nameA button (blood type) A 型血
10184CharactersSymbols2alphanum🅰 –keywordsa | A button (blood type) | blood type a | A 型血 | 按钮 | 血液
10185CharactersSymbols2alphanum🆎 -nameAB button (blood type) AB 型血
10186CharactersSymbols2alphanum🆎 –keywordsab | AB button (blood type) | blood type ab | AB 型血 | 按钮 | 血液
10187CharactersSymbols2alphanum🅱 -nameB button (blood type) B 型血
10188CharactersSymbols2alphanum🅱 –keywordsb | B button (blood type) | blood type b | B 型血 | 按钮 | 血液
10189CharactersSymbols2alphanum🆑 -nameCL button CL按钮
10190CharactersSymbols2alphanum🆑 –keywordscl | CL button cl | CL按钮 | 手机 | 清理
10191CharactersSymbols2alphanum🆒 -nameCOOL button cool按钮
10192CharactersSymbols2alphanum🆒 –keywordscool | COOL button cool按钮 | 按键 | 酷
10193CharactersSymbols2alphanum🆓 -nameFREE button 免费按钮
10194CharactersSymbols2alphanum🆓 –keywordsfree | FREE button 不收费 | 免费按钮 | 按钮
10195CharactersSymbols2alphanumℹ -nameinformation 信息
10196CharactersSymbols2alphanumℹ –keywordsi | information 信息 | 查询 | 资料
10197CharactersSymbols2alphanum🆔 -nameID button ID按钮
10198CharactersSymbols2alphanum🆔 –keywordsid | ID button | identity ID按钮 | 按键 | 识别 | 身份
10199CharactersSymbols2alphanumⓂ -namecircled M 圆圈包围的M
10200CharactersSymbols2alphanumⓂ –keywordscircle | circled M | m 圆圈包围的M | 圈 | 字母 | 米
10201CharactersSymbols2alphanum🆕 -nameNEW button new按钮
10202CharactersSymbols2alphanum🆕 –keywordsnew | NEW button new按钮 | 按键 | 新的
10203CharactersSymbols2alphanum🆖 -nameNG button NG按钮
10204CharactersSymbols2alphanum🆖 –keywordsng | NG button NG按钮 | 按键 | 花絮
10205CharactersSymbols2alphanum🅾 -nameO button (blood type) O 型血
10206CharactersSymbols2alphanum🅾 –keywordsblood type | o | O button (blood type) o | O 型血 | 按钮 | 血液
10207CharactersSymbols2alphanum🆗 -nameOK button OK按钮
10208CharactersSymbols2alphanum🆗 –keywordsOK | OK button OK按钮 | 同意 | 按键
10209CharactersSymbols2alphanum🅿 -nameP button 停车按钮
10210CharactersSymbols2alphanum🅿 –keywordsP button | parking 停车按钮 | 按键 | 泊车
10211CharactersSymbols2alphanum🆘 -nameSOS button SOS按钮
10212CharactersSymbols2alphanum🆘 –keywordshelp | sos | SOS button SOS按钮 | 按键 | 求救
10213CharactersSymbols2alphanum🆙 -nameUP! button up按钮
10214CharactersSymbols2alphanum🆙 –keywordsmark | up | UP! button up按钮 | 向上 | 按键
10215CharactersSymbols2alphanum🆚 -nameVS button VS按钮
10216CharactersSymbols2alphanum🆚 –keywordsversus | vs | VS button VS按钮 | 对决 | 按键
10217CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈁 -nameJapanese “here” button 日文的“这里”按钮
10218CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈁 –keywords“here” | Japanese | Japanese “here” button | katakana | ココ 按键 | 日文 | 日文的“这里”按钮 | 此处
10219CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈂 -nameJapanese “service charge” button 日文的“服务费”按钮
10220CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈂 –keywords“service charge” | Japanese | Japanese “service charge” button | katakana | サ 按键 | 收费 | 日文 | 日文的“服务费”按钮 | 服务
10221CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈷 -nameJapanese “monthly amount” button 日文的“月总量”按钮
10222CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈷 –keywords“monthly amount” | ideograph | Japanese | Japanese “monthly amount” button | 月 按键 | 日文 | 日文的“月总量”按钮 | 月度 | 统计
10223CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈶 -nameJapanese “not free of charge” button 日文的“收费”按钮
10224CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈶 –keywords“not free of charge” | ideograph | Japanese | Japanese “not free of charge” button | 有 按键 | 日文 | 日文的“收费”按钮 | 费用
10225CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈯 -nameJapanese “reserved” button 日文的“预留”按钮
10226CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈯 –keywords“reserved” | ideograph | Japanese | Japanese “reserved” button | 指 按键 | 日文 | 日文的“预留”按钮 | 预订
10227CharactersSymbols2alphanum🉐 -nameJapanese “bargain” button 日文的“议价”按钮
10228CharactersSymbols2alphanum🉐 –keywords“bargain” | ideograph | Japanese | Japanese “bargain” button | 得 按键 | 日文 | 日文的“议价”按钮 | 讨价还价
10229CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈹 -nameJapanese “discount” button 日文的“打折”按钮
10230CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈹 –keywords“discount” | ideograph | Japanese | Japanese “discount” button | 割 折扣 | 按键 | 日文 | 日文的“打折”按钮
10231CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈚 -nameJapanese “free of charge” button 日文的“免费”按钮
10232CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈚 –keywords“free of charge” | ideograph | Japanese | Japanese “free of charge” button | 無 免费 | 按键 | 日文 | 日文的“免费”按钮
10233CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈲 -nameJapanese “prohibited” button 日文的“禁止”按钮
10234CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈲 –keywords“prohibited” | ideograph | Japanese | Japanese “prohibited” button | 禁 严禁 | 按键 | 日文 | 日文的“禁止”按钮
10235CharactersSymbols2alphanum🉑 -nameJapanese “acceptable” button 日文的“可接受”按钮
10236CharactersSymbols2alphanum🉑 –keywords“acceptable” | ideograph | Japanese | Japanese “acceptable” button | 可 按键 | 日文 | 日文的“可接受”按钮 | 许可
10237CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈸 -nameJapanese “application” button 日文的“申请”按钮
10238CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈸 –keywords“application” | ideograph | Japanese | Japanese “application” button | 申 日文 | 日文的“申请”按钮 | 日语 | 申 | 申请 | 申请书 | 申请表
10239CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈴 -nameJapanese “passing grade” button 日文的“合格”按钮
10240CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈴 –keywords“passing grade” | ideograph | Japanese | Japanese “passing grade” button | 合 按键 | 日文 | 日文的“合格”按钮 | 通过
10241CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈳 -nameJapanese “vacancy” button 日文的“有空位”按钮
10242CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈳 –keywords“vacancy” | ideograph | Japanese | Japanese “vacancy” button | 空 日文 | 日文的“有空位”按钮 | 日语 | 有空位 | 空 | 空位 | 空闲
10243CharactersSymbols2alphanum㊗ -nameJapanese “congratulations” button 日文的“祝贺”按钮
10244CharactersSymbols2alphanum㊗ –keywords“congratulations” | ideograph | Japanese | Japanese “congratulations” button | 祝 庆贺 | 按键 | 日文 | 日文的“祝贺”按钮
10245CharactersSymbols2alphanum㊙ -nameJapanese “secret” button 日文的“秘密”按钮
10246CharactersSymbols2alphanum㊙ –keywords“secret” | ideograph | Japanese | Japanese “secret” button | 秘 保密 | 按键 | 日文 | 日文的“秘密”按钮
10247CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈺 -nameJapanese “open for business” button 日文的“开始营业”按钮
10248CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈺 –keywords“open for business” | ideograph | Japanese | Japanese “open for business” button | 営 开门 | 按键 | 日文 | 日文的“开始营业”按钮
10249CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈵 -nameJapanese “no vacancy” button 日文的“没有空位”按钮
10250CharactersSymbols2alphanum🈵 –keywords“no vacancy” | ideograph | Japanese | Japanese “no vacancy” button | 満 座位 | 按键 | 日文 | 日文的“没有空位”按钮 | 满
10251CharactersSymbols2alphanum℗ -namesound recording copyright 录音版权
10252CharactersSymbols2alphanum℗ –keywordscopyright | recording | sound 录音 | 录音版权 | 版权 | 音频
10253CharactersSymbols2alphanumµ -namemicro sign 微符号
10254CharactersSymbols2alphanumµ –keywordsmeasure | micro sign 度量 | 微符号
10255CharactersSymbols2geometric🔴 -namered circle 红色圆
10256CharactersSymbols2geometric🔴 –keywordscircle | geometric | red 圆 | 圈 | 红 | 红色 | 红色圆
10257CharactersSymbols2geometric🟠 -nameorange circle 橙色圆
10258CharactersSymbols2geometric🟠 –keywordscircle | orange 圆 | 圈 | 橙 | 橙色圆
10259CharactersSymbols2geometric🟡 -nameyellow circle 黄色圆
10260CharactersSymbols2geometric🟡 –keywordscircle | yellow 圆 | 圈 | 黄 | 黄色圆
10261CharactersSymbols2geometric🟢 -namegreen circle 绿色圆
10262CharactersSymbols2geometric🟢 –keywordscircle | green 圆 | 圈 | 绿 | 绿色圆
10263CharactersSymbols2geometric🔵 -nameblue circle 蓝色圆
10264CharactersSymbols2geometric🔵 –keywordsblue | circle | geometric 圈 | 蓝 | 蓝色圆
10265CharactersSymbols2geometric🟣 -namepurple circle 紫色圆
10266CharactersSymbols2geometric🟣 –keywordscircle | purple 圆 | 圈 | 紫 | 紫色圆
10267CharactersSymbols2geometric🟤 -namebrown circle 棕色圆
10268CharactersSymbols2geometric🟤 –keywordsbrown | circle 圆 | 圈 | 棕 | 棕色圆
10269CharactersSymbols2geometric⚫ -nameblack circle 黑色圆
10270CharactersSymbols2geometric⚫ –keywordsblack circle | circle | geometric 圈 | 黑 | 黑色圆
10271CharactersSymbols2geometric⚪ -namewhite circle 白色圆
10272CharactersSymbols2geometric⚪ –keywordscircle | geometric | white circle 圈 | 白 | 白色圆
10273CharactersSymbols2geometric🟥 -namered square 红色方块
10274CharactersSymbols2geometric🟥 –keywordsred | square 方块 | 方框 | 正方形 | 红 | 红色方块
10275CharactersSymbols2geometric🟧 -nameorange square 橙色方块
10276CharactersSymbols2geometric🟧 –keywordsorange | square 方块 | 方框 | 橙 | 橙色方块 | 正方形
10277CharactersSymbols2geometric🟨 -nameyellow square 黄色方块
10278CharactersSymbols2geometric🟨 –keywordssquare | yellow 方块 | 方框 | 正方形 | 黄 | 黄色方块
10279CharactersSymbols2geometric🟩 -namegreen square 绿色方块
10280CharactersSymbols2geometric🟩 –keywordsgreen | square 方块 | 方框 | 正方形 | 绿 | 绿色方块
10281CharactersSymbols2geometric🟦 -nameblue square 蓝色方块
10282CharactersSymbols2geometric🟦 –keywordsblue | square 方块 | 方框 | 正方形 | 蓝 | 蓝色方块
10283CharactersSymbols2geometric🟪 -namepurple square 紫色方块
10284CharactersSymbols2geometric🟪 –keywordspurple | square 方块 | 方框 | 正方形 | 紫 | 紫色方块
10285CharactersSymbols2geometric🟫 -namebrown square 棕色方块
10286CharactersSymbols2geometric🟫 –keywordsbrown | square 方块 | 方框 | 棕 | 棕色方块 | 正方形
10287CharactersSymbols2geometric⬛ -nameblack large square 黑线大方框
10288CharactersSymbols2geometric⬛ –keywordsblack large square | geometric | square 大 | 正方形 | 黑线大方框 | 黑色
10289CharactersSymbols2geometric⬜ -namewhite large square 白线大方框
10290CharactersSymbols2geometric⬜ –keywordsgeometric | square | white large square 大 | 正方形 | 白线大方框 | 白色
10291CharactersSymbols2geometric◼ -nameblack medium square 黑色中方块
10292CharactersSymbols2geometric◼ –keywordsblack medium square | geometric | square 中等 | 正方形 | 黑色 | 黑色中方块
10293CharactersSymbols2geometric◻ -namewhite medium square 白色中方块
10294CharactersSymbols2geometric◻ –keywordsgeometric | square | white medium square 中等 | 正方形 | 白色 | 白色中方块
10295CharactersSymbols2geometric◾ -nameblack medium-small square 黑色中小方块
10296CharactersSymbols2geometric◾ –keywordsblack medium-small square | geometric | square 中小 | 正方形 | 黑色 | 黑色中小方块
10297CharactersSymbols2geometric◽ -namewhite medium-small square 白色中小方块
10298CharactersSymbols2geometric◽ –keywordsgeometric | square | white medium-small square 中小 正方形 | 白色 | 白色中小方块
10299CharactersSymbols2geometric▪ -nameblack small square 黑色小方块
10300CharactersSymbols2geometric▪ –keywordsblack small square | geometric | square 小 | 正方形 | 黑色 | 黑色小方块
10301CharactersSymbols2geometric▫ -namewhite small square 白色小方块
10302CharactersSymbols2geometric▫ –keywordsgeometric | square | white small square 小 | 正方形 | 白色 | 白色小方块
10303CharactersSymbols2geometric🔶 -namelarge orange diamond 橙色大菱形
10304CharactersSymbols2geometric🔶 –keywordsdiamond | geometric | large orange diamond | orange 大 | 方片 | 橘黄色 | 橙色大菱形
10305CharactersSymbols2geometric🔷 -namelarge blue diamond 蓝色大菱形
10306CharactersSymbols2geometric🔷 –keywordsblue | diamond | geometric | large blue diamond 大 | 方片 | 蓝色 | 蓝色大菱形
10307CharactersSymbols2geometric🔸 -namesmall orange diamond 橙色小菱形
10308CharactersSymbols2geometric🔸 –keywordsdiamond | geometric | orange | small orange diamond 小 | 方片 | 橘黄色 | 橙色小菱形
10309CharactersSymbols2geometric🔹 -namesmall blue diamond 蓝色小菱形
10310CharactersSymbols2geometric🔹 –keywordsblue | diamond | geometric | small blue diamond 小 | 方片 | 蓝色 | 蓝色小菱形
10311CharactersSymbols2geometric🔺 -namered triangle pointed up 红色正三角
10312CharactersSymbols2geometric🔺 –keywordsgeometric | red | red triangle pointed up 三角形 | 向上 | 正三角 | 红色 | 红色正三角
10313CharactersSymbols2geometric🔻 -namered triangle pointed down 红色倒三角
10314CharactersSymbols2geometric🔻 –keywordsdown | geometric | red | red triangle pointed down 三角形 | 倒三角 | 向下 | 红色 | 红色倒三角
10315CharactersSymbols2geometric💠 -namediamond with a dot 带圆点的菱形
10316CharactersSymbols2geometric💠 –keywordscomic | diamond | diamond with a dot | geometric | inside 中心 | 内部 | 圆 | 带圆点的菱形 | 梅花形
10317CharactersSymbols2geometric🔘 -nameradio button 单选按钮
10318CharactersSymbols2geometric🔘 –keywordsbutton | geometric | radio 单独 | 单选按钮 | 圆心 | 按键 | 选中
10319CharactersSymbols2geometric🔳 -namewhite square button 白色方形按钮
10320CharactersSymbols2geometric🔳 –keywordsbutton | geometric | outlined | square | white square button 按钮 | 白线方形按钮 | 白线正方形按钮 | 白色方形按钮 | 白色正方形按钮 | 白边线方形按钮 | 白边线正方形按钮
10321CharactersSymbols2geometric🔲 -nameblack square button 黑色方形按钮
10322CharactersSymbols2geometric🔲 –keywordsblack square button | button | geometric | square 按钮 | 黑线方形按钮 | 黑线正方形按钮 | 黑色方形按钮 | 黑色正方形按钮 | 黑边线方形按钮 | 黑边线正方形按钮
10323CharactersSymbols2geometric▼ -namefilled down-pointing triangle 实心向下三角
10324CharactersSymbols2geometric▼ –keywordsarrow | down | filled | filled down-pointing triangle | triangle 三角 | 下 | 填充 | 实心 | 实心向下三角 | 实心向下箭头 | 箭头
10325CharactersSymbols2geometric▲ -namefilled up-pointing triangle 实心向上三角
10326CharactersSymbols2geometric▲ –keywordsarrow | filled | filled up-pointing triangle | triangle | up 三角 | 上 | 填充 | 实心 | 实心向上三角 | 实心向上箭头 | 箭头
10327CharactersSymbols2geometric● -namefilled circle 实心圆
10328CharactersSymbols2geometric● –keywordscircle | filled circle 圆 | 实心圆
10329CharactersSymbols2geometric○ -namehollow circle 空心圆
10330CharactersSymbols2geometric○ –keywordscircle | hollow circle | ring 圆 | 环形 | 空心圆
10331CharactersSymbols2geometric◯ -namelarge hollow circle 大空心圆
10332CharactersSymbols2geometric◯ –keywordscircle | large hollow circle | ring 圆 | 大空心圆 | 环形
10333CharactersSymbols2geometric◊ -namelozenge 菱形
10334CharactersSymbols2geometric◊ –keywordsdiamond | lozenge | rhombus 扑克 | 方块 | 菱形 | 钻石
10335CharactersFlagsflag🏁 -namechequered flag 终点旗
10336CharactersFlagsflag🏁 –keywordscheckered | chequered | chequered flag | racing 格子旗 | 终点旗
10337CharactersFlagsflag🚩 -nametriangular flag 三角旗
10338CharactersFlagsflag🚩 –keywordspost | triangular flag 三角旗 | 升旗 | 旗 | 旗杆上的三角旗 | 旗杆上的旗帜 | 红色旗帜
10339CharactersFlagsflag🎌 -namecrossed flags 交叉旗
10340CharactersFlagsflag🎌 –keywordscelebration | cross | crossed | crossed flags | Japanese 交叉旗 | 对叉 | 旗帜 | 日本
10341CharactersFlagsflag🏴 -nameblack flag 举黑旗
10342CharactersFlagsflag🏴 –keywordsblack flag | waving 举黑旗 | 黑旗 | 黑色旗 | 黑色旗子 | 黑色旗帜
10343CharactersFlagsflag🏳 -namewhite flag 举白旗
10344CharactersFlagsflag🏳 –keywordswaving | white flag 举白旗 | 白旗 | 白色旗子 | 白色旗帜
10345CharactersFlagsflag🏳‍🌈 -namerainbow flag 彩虹旗
10346CharactersFlagsflag🏳‍🌈 –keywordspride | rainbow | rainbow flag 同性 | 多色 | 彩虹旗 | 旗帜
10347CharactersFlagsflag🏳‍⚧ -nametransgender flag 跨性别旗
10348CharactersFlagsflag🏳‍⚧ –keywordsflag | light blue | pink | transgender | white 旗帜 | 跨性别 | 跨性别旗
10349CharactersFlagsflag🏴‍☠ -namepirate flag 海盗旗
10350CharactersFlagsflag🏴‍☠ –keywordsJolly Roger | pirate | pirate flag | plunder | treasure 掠夺 | 海上 | 海盗旗 | 财宝 | 骷髅
10351CharactersComponentskin-tone🏻 -namelight skin tone 较浅肤色
10352CharactersComponentskin-tone🏻 –keywordslight skin tone | skin tone | type 1–2 肤色 | 较浅肤色
10353CharactersComponentskin-tone🏼 -namemedium-light skin tone 中等-浅肤色
10354CharactersComponentskin-tone🏼 –keywordsmedium-light skin tone | skin tone | type 3 中等-浅肤色 | 肤色
10355CharactersComponentskin-tone🏽 -namemedium skin tone 中等肤色
10356CharactersComponentskin-tone🏽 –keywordsmedium skin tone | skin tone | type 4 中等肤色 | 肤色
10357CharactersComponentskin-tone🏾 -namemedium-dark skin tone 中等-深肤色
10358CharactersComponentskin-tone🏾 –keywordsmedium-dark skin tone | skin tone | type 5 中等-深肤色 | 肤色
10359CharactersComponentskin-tone🏿 -namedark skin tone 较深肤色
10360CharactersComponentskin-tone🏿 –keywordsdark skin tone | skin tone | type 6 肤色 | 较深肤色
10361CharactersComponenthair-style🦰 -namered hair 红发
10362CharactersComponenthair-style🦰 –keywordsginger | red hair | redhead 姜黄色 | 红发
10363CharactersComponenthair-style🦱 -namecurly hair 卷发
10364CharactersComponenthair-style🦱 –keywordsafro | curly | curly hair | ringlets 卷发 | 蓬松发 | 鬈发
10365CharactersComponenthair-style🦳 -namewhite hair 白发
10366CharactersComponenthair-style🦳 –keywordsgray | hair | old | white 头发 | 年老 | 灰色 | 白发 | 白色
10367CharactersComponenthair-style🦲 -namebald 秃顶
10368CharactersComponenthair-style🦲 –keywordsbald | chemotherapy | hairless | no hair | shaven 光头 | 化疗 | 秃顶
10369CharactersTypographyAxisitalitalic 斜体
10370CharactersTypographyAxisopszoptical size 视觉大小
10371CharactersTypographyAxisslntslant 倾斜度
10372CharactersTypographyAxiswdthwidth 宽度
10373CharactersTypographyAxiswghtweight 直线宽度
10374CharactersTypographyStyleital-1cursive 草体
10375CharactersTypographyStyleopsz-8caption 图片说明
10376CharactersTypographyStyleopsz-12text 文本
10377CharactersTypographyStyleopsz-18titling 标题
10378CharactersTypographyStyleopsz-72display 展示体
10379CharactersTypographyStyleopsz-144poster 海报体
10380CharactersTypographyStyleslnt--12backslanted 反斜体
10381CharactersTypographyStyleslnt-0upright 笔直体
10382CharactersTypographyStyleslnt-12slanted 斜体
10383CharactersTypographyStyleslnt-24extra-slanted 特斜体
10384CharactersTypographyStylewdth-50ultracondensed 极窄体
10385CharactersTypographyStylewdth-50-compressedultracompressed 极密体
10386CharactersTypographyStylewdth-50-narrowultranarrow 极窄
10387CharactersTypographyStylewdth-62.5extra-condensed 特窄体
10388CharactersTypographyStylewdth-62.5-compressedextra-compressed 特密体
10389CharactersTypographyStylewdth-62.5-narrowextra-narrow 特窄
10390CharactersTypographyStylewdth-75condensed 紧缩体
10391CharactersTypographyStylewdth-75-compressedcompressed 压缩体
10393CharactersTypographyStylewdth-75-shortcondensed 窄体
10394CharactersTypographyStylewdth-87.5semicondensed 半窄体
10395CharactersTypographyStylewdth-87.5-compressedsemicompressed 半压缩
10396CharactersTypographyStylewdth-87.5-narrowseminarrow 半窄
10397CharactersTypographyStylewdth-100normal 正常
10398CharactersTypographyStylewdth-112.5semiexpanded 半阔体
10399CharactersTypographyStylewdth-112.5-extendedsemiextended 半宽体
10400CharactersTypographyStylewdth-112.5-widesemiwide 半宽
10401CharactersTypographyStylewdth-125expanded 阔体
10402CharactersTypographyStylewdth-125-extendedextended 扩展
10404CharactersTypographyStylewdth-150extra-expanded 特阔体
10405CharactersTypographyStylewdth-150-extendedextra-extended 特宽体
10406CharactersTypographyStylewdth-150-wideextra-wide 特宽体
10407CharactersTypographyStylewdth-200ultraexpanded 极阔体
10408CharactersTypographyStylewdth-200-extendedultraextended 极宽体
10409CharactersTypographyStylewdth-200-wideultrawide 极宽
10410CharactersTypographyStylewght-100thin 较细体
10411CharactersTypographyStylewght-200extra-light 特细体
10412CharactersTypographyStylewght-200-ultraultralight 超细体
10413CharactersTypographyStylewght-300light 细体
10414CharactersTypographyStylewght-350semilight 半细体
10415CharactersTypographyStylewght-380book 图书
10416CharactersTypographyStylewght-400regular 常规体
10417CharactersTypographyStylewght-500medium 中等
10418CharactersTypographyStylewght-600semibold 半粗体
10419CharactersTypographyStylewght-600-demidemibold 半粗
10420CharactersTypographyStylewght-700bold 粗体
10421CharactersTypographyStylewght-800extra-bold 特粗体
10422CharactersTypographyStylewght-800-ultraextra-bold 极粗体
10423CharactersTypographyStylewght-900black 黑色
10424CharactersTypographyStylewght-900-heavyheavy 特黑体
10425CharactersTypographyStylewght-950extra-black 加黑体
10426CharactersTypographyStylewght-950-ultrablackultrablack 极黑体
10427CharactersTypographyStylewght-950-ultraheavyultraheavy 极特黑体
10428CharactersTypographyFeatureafrcvertical fractions 竖排分数
10429CharactersTypographyFeaturecpspcapital spacing 大写字母间距
10430CharactersTypographyFeaturedligoptional ligatures 可选连字
10431CharactersTypographyFeaturefracdiagonal fractions 对角线分数
10432CharactersTypographyFeaturelnumlining numbers 行内编号
10433CharactersTypographyFeatureonumold-style figures 旧式数字体
10434CharactersTypographyFeatureordnordinals 序数
10435CharactersTypographyFeaturepnumproportional numbers 成比例的数字
10436CharactersTypographyFeaturesmcpsmall capitals 小型大写
10437CharactersTypographyFeaturesmcp-shortsmall capitals 小型大写字母
10438CharactersTypographyFeaturetnumtabular numbers 表格编号
10439CharactersTypographyFeaturezeroslashed zero 带斜杠的零
10440MiscellaneousDisplaying Lists“And” List2{0} and {1} {0}和{1}
10441MiscellaneousDisplaying Lists“And” Liststart{0}, {1} {0}、{1}
10442MiscellaneousDisplaying Lists“And” Listmiddle{0}, {1} {0}、{1}
10443MiscellaneousDisplaying Lists“And” Listend{0}, and {1} {0}和{1}
10444MiscellaneousDisplaying ListsShort “and” List2{0} & {1} {0}和{1}
10445MiscellaneousDisplaying ListsShort “and” Liststart{0}, {1} {0}、{1}
10446MiscellaneousDisplaying ListsShort “and” Listmiddle{0}, {1} {0}、{1}
10447MiscellaneousDisplaying ListsShort “and” Listend{0}, & {1} {0}和{1}
10448MiscellaneousDisplaying Lists“Or” List2{0} or {1} {0}或{1}
10449MiscellaneousDisplaying Lists“Or” Liststart{0}, {1} {0}、{1}
10450MiscellaneousDisplaying Lists“Or” Listmiddle{0}, {1} {0}、{1}
10451MiscellaneousDisplaying Lists“Or” Listend{0}, or {1} {0}或{1}
10452MiscellaneousDisplaying ListsUnit List2{0}, {1} {0}{1}
10453MiscellaneousDisplaying ListsUnit Liststart{0}, {1} {0}{1}
10454MiscellaneousDisplaying ListsUnit Listmiddle{0}, {1} {0}{1}
10455MiscellaneousDisplaying ListsUnit Listend{0}, {1} {0}{1}
10456MiscellaneousDisplaying ListsShort Unit List2{0}, {1} {0}{1}
10457MiscellaneousDisplaying ListsShort Unit Liststart{0}, {1} {0}{1}
10458MiscellaneousDisplaying ListsShort Unit Listmiddle{0}, {1} {0}{1}
10459MiscellaneousDisplaying ListsShort Unit Listend{0}, {1} {0}{1}
10460MiscellaneousDisplaying ListsNarrow Unit List2{0} {1} {0}{1}
10461MiscellaneousDisplaying ListsNarrow Unit Liststart{0} {1} {0}{1}
10462MiscellaneousDisplaying ListsNarrow Unit Listmiddle{0} {1} {0}{1}
10463MiscellaneousDisplaying ListsNarrow Unit Listend{0} {1} {0}{1}

Aliased items: 4452
Inherited items:203
Omitted items:957