On Feb 3, 19:21, unicode@Unicode.ORG wrote:
> I should have included a test line as to the size of wchar_t.
> This line should do the trick:
> printf("This compiler has wchar_t as %d bytes (%sUnicode ready)\n",
> sizeof(wchar_t), (sizeof(wchar_t)>1)?"","*NOT* " );
The 2nd comma in the line above should be replaced with a colon.
Still, the output of the program, as compiled with gcc under IRIX64 6.2,
This compiler has wchar_t as 8 bytes (Unicode ready)
-- and nothing more.
Note that the original program has the definition
wchar_t *foo = L"\x4e00 = jit7 in Hakka";
So, the L is present.
Best wishes,
Otto Stolz
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