Chris Pratley at Microsoft has responded to the query re Word97 and UTF-8,
as follows:
>Select this URL below
>File/Open (in Word97)
>Paste into the filename box
>It opens just fine. Only issue is that the page does not specify fonts, so
>Word will use the default font for some text (such as Chinese), which does
>not have the right glyphs to display all the characters. To read, apply a
>Simplified Chinese font to the text.
>To display the Asian text portions, make sure you have the JPNSUPP.EXE,
>CHTSUPP.EXE, CHSSUPP.EXE, and KORSUPP.EXE language packs installed (in the
>valupack on the CDROM).
>The page opened just fine in Japanese Word97 when I tried just now.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Misha Wolf []
>Sent: 3 tebp`k 1997 c. 12:28
>To: Lori Brownell; Joe Becker
>Cc: Charles Wicksteed; Unicode
>Subject: Re: Translated IUC10 Web pages released
>You wrote (I've slightly tweaked your URL):
>>Hello, I wonder if you might offhand have the content of
>>in UTF-16/UCS-2 form? If so, in an accessible ftp site?
>>I just got Office '97 running, and I'd like to load the text into Word
>'97, but
>>at the moment I don't have a UTF-8 => UTF-16/UCS-2 conversion tool (but I
>>have one from UTF-16/UCS-2 to the MicrosoFFFE Abnormal Form used by NT &
>Charles can easily create this for you tomorrow, when he comes in, but are
>sure that Word 97 doesn't read UTF-8? I know that FrontPage 97 does.
>Lori - Any comments?
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