Re: Unicode Web pages

From: Misha Wolf (
Date: Wed Feb 05 1997 - 14:33:37 EST

Rob Pike wrote:

>I saw your Unicode web page. It's great, but you should know
>it doesn't work with the version of IE 3.0 we have here,

IE 3.0 doesn't support Unicode. IE 4.0 will, I believe, do so.

>or Netscape 3.0 on a PC.

It works with Netscape Communicator 4.0 on Win 95/NT.

>You're using charset=UTF-8
>in the HEAD of the HTML document. Does any browser you know
>handle this the way you expect?>

Netscape Communicator 4.0 does.

>I believe what you're supposed
>to say is charset=UNICODE-1-1-UTF-8.

Both MS and NS have recently moved to "UTF-8".

>-rob pike


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