That misses the point. Unicameral is a useful term for something that is
wordier if otherwise expressed. If you try to replace unicameral by an
expression using only 10646 terms you get:
Old sentence: "We support all unicameral scripts except for Greek"
New sentence: "We support all scripts having no pairs of letters whose
10646 names are the same except that one has CAPITAL where the other has
SMALL, except for Greek."
unicode@Unicode.ORG wrote:
> At 06:56 -0800 1997-02-01, Marion Gunn wrote:
> >
> >I rather like the expression 'unicameral', indicating one room or one box,
> >because it reflects the origins of the expressions 'upper-' & 'lower-case',
> >meaning the two separate boxes used in the days of cast lead typing.
> I think we should use the terms in the standard: CAPITAL and SMALL.
> Mxedruli Georgian has only small letters. I have numerous photocopies of
> books from Georgia dealing with the Xucuri script in which Xucuri capitals
> are used with Mxedruli smalls throughout the text in the normal way
> capitals are used, namely at the beginnings of sentences and proper names.
> The coding conventions of Georgian in our standard are completely and
> entirely correct.
> --
> Michael Everson, Everson Gunn Teoranta
> 15 Port Chaeimhghein Mochtarach; Baile Atha Cliath 2; Iire (Ireland)
> Guthain: +353 1 478-2597, +353 1 283-9396
> 27 Pairc an Fhiithlinn; Baile an Bhsthair; Co. Atha Cliath; Iire
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