Re: LastResort BDF font updated

From: jenkins (
Date: Tue Jun 24 1997 - 11:09:36 EDT

On 6/24/97 3:15 AM Unicode Discussion ( wrote:

>Ar 19:02 -0700 1997-06-23, scríobh Glen Perkins:
>>It seems to me that that it might be useful to have a second set of
>>glyphs for LastResort purposes that didn't use a character from the
>>script as the mnemonic so it would be easier to remember what they stood
>>for and so it would be easier for the average unicode user to
>>distinguish one from another.
>If the TTF for the Last Resort font is made available (I only saw refs. to
>BDFs) I could make a similar one using two-letter script codes from
>http://www.indigo.i/egt/standards/scripts/scripts-enfr.html .

I'm working on it, I'm working on it....

John H. Jenkins

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