Unicode Mail List Archive
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Starting: Fri May 16 1997 - 11:49:05 EDT
Ending: Mon Jul 14 1997 - 14:01:45 EDT
- "acute" in Polish
- "cwm" etc.
- "final" proposal for Latin-0
- (no subject)
- ?: double-byte font editor for Mac
- About Canada
- ACAP Charter [was: ... draft-ietf-acap-mlsf-00.txt]
- Add to mailing list; need information
- Additions to code page 1252
- address of SHARE Inc.
- An abstract characterization of an AbstractCharacter class
- Aust Aboriginal languages
- Aust Aboriginal languages (fwd)
- availability of "ASCII and EBCDIC Character Set and Code Issues i n SAA"
- bidi in Taiwanese Mandarin (was: bidi support)
- bidi support
- Bill Gates on Unicode
- Byte-order markers question
- CJK Extension A (U+3400..4DFF)
- CJK Parsing Techniques
- CJK tags - Fish or cut bait
- CJK tags - Fish or cut bait]
- CJK tags - Prepare for the future (was: Fish or cut bait)
- CJK tags)
- Code Page 928
- Comments ...)
- Comments on <draft-ietf-acap-mlsf-00.txt>
- Comments on <draft-ietf-acap-mlsf-00.txt>?
- Comments on <draft...)
- Compression rates of text data
- Confused subjects
- Cwm fjord bank glyphs vex't quiz.
- Decimal separator and triad separator
- Definition of Unicode
- E-Mail is now 8-bit transparent!
- EBCDIC reference
- Eleventh International Unicode Conference
- EURO SIGN in Unicode
- Extension of the Han Character Encoding, ...
- Feel, not sell!
- Final Recommendation for Latin 0 Ballot
- From Australia with love : more than 75 reasons to learn French
- ftp.unicode.org unavailable
- FUD = ?
- Fwd: RFC 2152 on UTF-7
- Generic Tagging: A Modest Proposal
- Han-Nom NSCII
- Help: Pashto CodePage for Arabic Win3x Win95
- HTML question
- I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-acap-mlsf-00.txt
- Ignorant computer science professors
- Inconsistency in ISO 8859-1/8 tables
- Increased Support for Latin 0
- isLetter on Katakana marks
- ISO 8859 xx/yy notation
- IUC 10 papers on the Web (MATHEMA Software GmbH)
- Java and UTF
- Java and UTF-8
- Java UTF-8 String
- Klingon (was: RFC 1766 language tags
- L of C stats on accented letters
- Language Tagging Query
- Language tags in LDAP
- Last Resort and CJK Compatibility glyph
- LastResort
- LastResort BDF font updated
- Latin 0 Implementation considerations
- Latin00
- Line Separator Character
- Line Separator character (resent)
- Line Separator Character)
- Line Separators (resend)
- MACRON in ISO 8859-1
- Mailing list configuration
- MES as an ISO standard
- MES as an ISO standard?
- MES as an ISO standard? (A library perspective)
- MES as an ISO standard?)
- MES instead of ISO 8859-nn
- MES instead of ISO 8859-nni
- Microsoft's Unicode Support and DDE
- MIME Charsets for Unicode
- MITI seeks to develop an Asian standard for char. encoding
- Mongolian
- Multi-Lingual Project Gutenberg (was: Unicode plain text)
- Multi-Lingual Project Gutenberg (was: Unicode plain text))
- Multi-Lingual Project Gutenberg)
- Multiscript sorting and language tags
- Nature or politics, and Romanian letters
- Netscape 4.01 & UTF-8 mail
- New Draft ISO 8859-0
- New Draft ISO 8859-0 (pound or number?)
- New Internet-Draft draft-ietf-acap-langtag-00.txt
- New scripts/characters endorsed by UTC
- Nice bibliography
- NSCII Han-Nom
- On holiday from June 9th thru June 13
- origin of FUD
- Paper on Java International
- Plane 14 codes for language tagging?
- Please fix the list! (Was: RFC 1766 language tags)
- Q: Decompositions
- Quick Tutorial: Unsubscribing Mailing Lists
- Rare Writ. Dir. + http://world.std.com/~rscook/
- Rare Writing Directions
- RCSU implementation sought
- Re; Those customs stickers on cars (fwd) -Antwort
- Register for the 11th International Unicode Conference
- Results of Irish National Enquiry on Ogham
- Reuters Compression Scheme for Unicode (RCSU)
- Reuters Compression Scheme for Unicode (RCSU) [vs. UTF-8 vs. other compression schemes]
- RFC 1766 language tags
- Romanian characters Erare umanum est, perseverare diabolicum
- Romanian terminology
- SHARE Inc.
- Sinhala encoding
- Sorting and Filing in bib. records in UNICODE
- Sorting tags
- Terminal Archaeology (was: MES)
- The future of RFC 2070 (resent)
- The nice bibliography's correct URL
- The Relation between CJK Characters & GBK Code.
- Those customs stickers on cars
- tlhIngan Hol
- TrueType to BDF converter available
- Undelivered COCOS Message: one or more recipient addresses
- Unicode 2.0 based bar codes
- Unicode 2.0 Unihan standard
- Unicode 24x24 LastResort BDF font ready
- Unicode Bidi Algorithm
- Unicode Logo
- Unicode machine will be moving
- Unicode plain text
- Unicode plain text (Was: Line Separator Character)
- Unicode plain-text file
- UNICODE values
- Unicode/ISO 10646 BOF in Munich
- Unified CJK characters in Unicode
- unreined content types
- Unstable foundations and wavering faith
- Unsubscibe
- urgent
- Usage of CP1252 characters
- Usage of CP1252 characters on www.msnbc.com
- Usage of CP1252 characters)
- UTF-7
- UTF-7,5
- UTF-7,5 (was: bidi in Taiwanese Mandarin)
- UTF-8 as character set (was: Java and UTF)
- UTF-8 in Netscape
- UTF-8 in SNMPv3
- Wai-man Long is on vacation
- We want to add our country code.
- What is ku/ten
- Which FTP server?
- White Space in Text Files
- Yet another Unihan Q
Last message date: Mon Jul 14 1997 - 14:01:45 EDT
Archived on: Tue Jul 10 2001 - 17:20:35 EDT
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: Tue Jul 10 2001 - 17:20:35 EDT