On Mon, 21 Jul 1997 10646er@sesame.demon.co.uk wrote:
> In message <9707081917.AA24087@unicode.org> kenw@sybase.com (Kenneth Whistler) writes:
> > Markus asked:
> >
> > > Can anyone recommend me a good article or Web
> > > page about EBCDIC, its history, its design decisions, its technical
> > > properties, and what versions of EBCDIC exist?
> >
> > John Clews can, no doubt, provide some sources for general background
> > on EBCDIC in the context of all the other character sets.
> In my book Language automation worldwide: the development of character set
> standards (Harrogate: SESAME Computer Projects, 1998; GBP35), there is a
> description of EBCDIC developments, amongst many other descriptions
> of character set standards and scripts.
Just a slight correction to the above: The publication date should be
1988. (And the ISBN for this item is 1-870095-01-4).
Also, the Mackenzie book (_Coded character sets, history and
development), mentioned earlier on this thread, does indeed give details
on the EBCDIC/Hollerith Card Code mismatches, in case that is the point of
the original question.
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