Re: Mailing list musings (was: RSVP...)

Date: Thu Jul 24 1997 - 05:10:30 EDT

In message <> writes:
> Pete> Let's hear it for that Reply-To line. :-( Obviously these should
> Pete> have gone to the sender and *not* to the list. But the list is
> Pete> trying to be helpful. Silly list. Getting rid of the From field
> Pete> pointing to the list is great. Leaving the Reply-To pointing to the
> Pete> list is unnecessary; I can use the Reply-All command if I want to
> Pete> talk to the list.

Mark Leisher replied:

> I have to disagree. The vast majority of the time (like this one), I want to
> reply to the list. I have never understood why people subscribe to a public
> forum and then want to maintain personal communication as the default.

I agree entirely. As one of the moderators of the
list on transliteration, where we tried both ways on this list, we
found that defaulting to the list is what kept it alive. Otherwise
discussion - and getting an idea of consensus on specific issues - is
reduced as peoplle only post to the original authors.

Best wishes

John Clews

John Clews (Chair of ISO/TC46/SC2: Conversion of Written Languages)

SESAME Computer Projects, 8 Avenue Road, Harrogate, HG2 7PG, England Email:; tel: +44 (0) 1423 888 432

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