FTP access to Unicode site

From: Sarasvati (root)
Date: Fri Jul 25 1997 - 19:08:18 EDT

Dear Friends of Unicode:

Recently there have been many reports of difficulty
accessing the Unicode FTP side ("ftp.unicode.org").

Reported problems range from complete inability to get
to the site, to random disconnections, and inability to
get the directory contents or download files.

We haven't been able to guage how widespread the problem
is, but we believe we have begun to fix the situation,
and your help would be appreciated.

If you have a few minutes and the inclination to try
using the ftp.unicode.org site and poking around a bit,
it would be very helpful to us here at Unicode Central to
hear about your experiences.

Please let us know, by e-mail to "root@unicode.org", if
you have any difficulties accessing the site or any files
on the site. (In other words, please go ahead and "bang
on it hard" and then vent your understandable frustrations
by mailing me a nice flame. I love heat...)

Thanks very much for your kind attention,

        -- Sarasvati

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