On 8/1/97 2:02 AM, Marc Wilhelm Kuester
>While implementing Syrian language support in a previewer for the TUSTEP
>typesetting system and developping suitable, Unicode-based fonts, the
>problem has occurred whether Syrian characters are regarded only as glyph
>variants of other scripts (Arabic?) or if there are plans to add a relevant
>section to the Unicode standard.
> Under `Syrian' I understand the alphabeth which Faulmann in "Das Buch
>der Schrift" lists as `Estrangelo' (cf. p. 85).
> The Unicode Consortium does not list Syrian amongst the Proposed Unicode
The proposed characters page just lists the characters for which formal
proposals currently under consideration exist. There are none for
Syrian. Syrian, however, is targeted for inclusion in Unicode at some
point. It's basically a matter of somebody writing up a proposal; if
they did so, we could start work on it as early as the December UTC
John H. Jenkins
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